#one piece Kaya
j0ss-4rt · 9 months
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feels good to be a koby enjoyer and usokaya truther
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mobbertx · 4 months
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Omg a redraw of a meme wow
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serenfloras · 7 months
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happy november everyone! we as a society should give her highness princess nefertari vivi of alabasta a gun she deserves it
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montyrose · 5 months
The Usopp x Kaya kiss in the anime version… I guess.
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I can’t draw kisses well lol😭
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alicentshair · 5 months
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ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION (2023) Set Design ↳ Exterior of Kaya's Mansion
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beetles4brains · 2 months
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princessgiggles333 · 5 months
sanuso but sanji feels like a home wrecker because he knows usopp has a girl back at home. except kaya is all like “as long as you share” bc she knows usopp is just too cute and amazing and funny and wonderful that it’s impossible to not romance him
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lamina-tsrif · 2 years
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“…when I fought a giant goldfish living in the southern sea! Yeah! It was so big, not even a fish tank the size of this mansion could’ve held it!”
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doodleplus · 4 months
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Finally got that light in your eyes
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j0ss-4rt · 7 months
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op ghost au!! ft vampire nami
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lmaowh-at · 8 months
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Usopp! A great warrior of the sea!
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one-idea · 6 months
Maybe consuming media where parallel dimensions exist has rotten my brain. (The spider verse, years of comic book, au fanfics) but worlds were little changes change the whole world are just fascinating to me.
I’ve seen stories were Luffy is the one that dies at Marineford. Where Luffy is the older sibling. Where Shanks or someone else arrives in time to save Ace. I’ve seen Kuina lived and takes Zoro’s place on the straw hats. But what I haven’t seen is a reverse straw hat crew.
Let me explain myself.
Shanks isn’t the only Yonko vacationing in the east blue, Whitebeard takes a break there as well. Meeting a young Ace. This Whitebeard knows his time is limited but sees a future for Ace. He can’t take the boy with him but they promise to meet again one day when Ace is a great pirate, a pirate great enough to take Whitebeard place in the world. The rest of the back story (meeting Luffy, Sabo, everything) stays intact and Ace sets out at age 17. (I was going to have him meet Shanks instead of Luffy but Luffy and Shanks’ relationship is important to me and will play a role later)
Where he meets 17 year old Kuina. (She is 1 year older then Zoro, and he was one year younger then Ace so they would be the same age) in this world Zoro is the one who died. He was the only one who believed that she could be the strongest swordsman, he didn’t care about her gender. They promised that one of them would be the strongest swordsman in the world and then he died. Now at 17 she is on a journey to be the world’s best swordswoman.
The two start traveling together where they meet Nojiko, a thief, she’s an okay navigator but not as good as her sister. She speaks fondly of her sister but doesn’t mention her village (or the pirates there) Ace instantly likes her, no it’s not because he gets to trade stories with her about how great Luffy is vs how great Nami is. Kuina enjoyed their stories but her heart hurts a bit at the fact she doesn’t have the same number of stories of her ‘dumb little sibling.’ But strangely Nojiko only tells stories about young Nami.
They keep going and meet a sickly girl named Kaya. She was visiting the shipyard while they were looking to get a new ship. Kuina recognizes Kaya’s brand new butler as Kuro and none of the crew are going to let him take advantage of Kaya. (Ace and Nojiko are over protective siblings and Kaya is the same age/a year younger than their siblings. And Kuina has to much honor plus she just really likes to fight) they save Kaya but the girl realizes that there is no life for her in Syrup village. There are just to many traumatic memories for her there so she joins the crew. Bring with her a brand new ship and a boat load of beri. (She leaves behind most of her fortune to Usopp and Merry, knowing they will take care of it until Usopp is ready to sail.
The crew travels on to a floating restaurant where they meet red leg Zeff and his apprentice Reiju. Her backstory is the same and Sanji, her and Zeff trapped in an island. It isn’t until much later that the crew finds out about her connections to Germa 66 and what happened to her beloved little brother Sanji.
The Baratie arc goes about the same with Kuina getting defeated by Mihawk, and Nojiko stealing the boat and the money.
They track Nojiko down and find out what Arlong did to her village. How he killed her sister to send a message to the village and imprisoned her mother. Using Bell-meré’s Marine knowledge to expand his territory and threatening Nojiko and the villages lives to keep her cooperating. So much about Nojiko makes sense. How she only tells stories about young Nami, why she cared so much about Kaya’s money. As they learn about her trying to buy her village back.
Arlong obviously breaks their deal. How can he keep Bell-meré in line without her daughter and village as leverage.
Needless to say Ace, Kuina, and Reiju burn the place to the ground (Kaya helps as she can but she’s still getting used to fighting)
They sail on with Bell-meré’s blessing.
When they get to the grand line they meet two fools named Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday. But it’s not what you think. Mr. Nine is Koza. Vivi told him about the danger their country was in and he went in her stead. (At this time he is 17 and she is 13, but when he left he would have been 15 and she 11)
The crew agrees to help him, (Ace is thrilled to have another dude on the team) when they meet a mysterious women with white hair called Miss All Sunday. The encounter is very similar to Robin’s introduction.
They sail on to little Garden. Kaya has a great time meeting the giants (thrilled to tell Usopp about them one day) but also starts to really work on mastering a weapon.
They leave with a slowly sickening Nojiko. They stop at Drum Island to get her help where they meet and eccentric Doctor who helps them. His name? Dr. Hiriluk. He tells them about how he was deathly ill when his son cured him by accidentally giving him a Devil fruit. A Zoan type fruit. Specifically the, reindeer model. Unfortunately his son was killed by Drum’s island king for being a ‘monster’
Needless to say Wapol gets his butt handed to him. Dr. Hitiluk, seeing his country free and his dream fulfilled decided to join up with the crew to live out Chopper’s dream of curing all diseases.
They continue on, freeing Arabasta. With Koza staying behind to help rebuild his country, but he might rejoin 👀. As their sailing away someone makes themselves know. The mysterious white hair woman is on their ship and joining their crew, her name? Nico Olivia.
I’ll cover more of this later. I have so many ideas. But all of this to say. Imagine this crew meeting the straw hat crew. Something crosses their Dimensions into one another and Luffy gets to see Ace, Zoro gets to see and adult Kuina. Nami gets to see Nojiko and hear about their mother’s blessing their life of piracy. Usopp and Kaya meeting when both of them are competent warriors of the sea. Reiju reuniting with Her brother Sanji (I haven’t even told you what happened to Sanji in this world!) Chopper and Hiriluk. Robin and Olivia.
(I did this for Ace and Luffy and Zoro and Kuina but I think Sanji, Robin and Chopper will rip my heart out more)
Let me know what you think.
Master post
Part 1/2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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wanted to make an usopp post because it's his birthday and he's one of my two favorite characters!!
bonus usopp (and kaya) doodles
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i actually have a lot more but for some reason my brain refuses to work on making posts
feel free to guide me and demand art lol
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alicentshair · 5 months
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ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION (2023) Set Design ↳ Interior of Kaya's Mansion
"There was a great location story here because we shot all of the Kaya stuff inside a mansion that had been built but abandoned, and there was nothing inside. It was all just sort of a concrete shell, so it was kind of a playground." — Richard Bridgland, Production Designer
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ohnoitstbskyen · 10 months
One Piece's most forgotten villain, and why he matters
One Piece has become, in my opinion, a genuine great work of literature of the 21st century - not in the sense that I want to hold it up against Nobel Prize winners and rank them, but in the sense that literature can contain both Very Serious Real Literature™ and adventure stories for the young at heart and those things can be great without interfering with each other.
That said, One Piece has had over 25 years to get rolling, and those 25 years have not been without roadbumps. Plenty of them, in fact.
One of the very early story arcs, Syrup Village, has at times rather scuffed art, poorly paced exposition and storytelling, and a villain so forgettable that not even a manga author who is notorious for bringing back every seemingly inconsequential side-character for a big payoff has bothered to remember him.
But in that story arc, when you read it through the context of everything that's come after, you can find the seeds being sown of all of One Piece's most important themes and ideas: the use and abuse of power on both the personal and systematic level, warnings against the dangers of trusting those who cloak themselves in Respectability, and the conflict between manufactured history that serves the powerful and true history that empowers the weak.
Also, there's genuinely fantastic use of character design as a storytelling feature. Let's discuss.
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