#one sided chilshi
neo--queen--serenity · 5 months
Utterly tragic that Chilchuck canonically sees Senshi as a paragon of sex appeal and Senshi canonically sees Chilchuck as a small baby child in need of a parent
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yardsards · 5 months
chilshi is such an inherently funny ship at the point the anime is currently at bc it would be EXTREMELY one-sided rn
chilchuck like "oh my god this is the sexiest man i have ever seen and i can't even fuck him cuz he's my coworker and that goes against my self imposed workplace professionalism standards. but good god. would."
and senshi just out here completely oblivious like "what a nice young lad :)"
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 months
wait I'm trying to gauge something
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Which Old Man Yaoi is the best
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A weak selection for this one. Not enough ships labeled as old man yaoi on this blog
Propaganda under the cut!
FrUk (France/England)
Canonically the main reason they live is to fight with each other, but also France tried to marry England, they team up together if anyone else tries to join their fights - FrUK was old man yaoi before it was cool. These assholes know each other WAY too well and have SO MUCH weird history between them (both in terms of like... actual historical ties between the French and the English and centuries of personal interactions from the manga/anime) and they still keep hanging around each other no matter how many times one or both of them claims to have had enough of the other's bullshit. They're terrible people with no idea how to be normal about each other and thus could not be more perfectly matched.
ChilShi (Chilchuck/Senshi)
none submitted
BillFord (Ford Pines/Bill Cipher)
monsterfucking… old man yaoi… worship… divorce… hatred… tragedy… angst… and, above all, Mathematics. Their dynamic is so fucked up and poisonous and i am drinking it up with a silly straw. Always thinking about them. It’s one-sided attraction that switches sides too late. It haunts the plot of the whole show. It is so messed up in a somehow realistic way, and yet so fantastical. Do you think Icarus was in love with the sun. What if you gave everything to someone only to find you were nothing to them, could a god love a mere tool, a plaything. What is left when a worshipper’s devotion is broken by hatred. Realizing that you needed someone only after the relationship is shattered beyond repair because of your own actions. Do you understand what I am saying.
KenUri (Kenny Ackerman/Uri Reiss)
none submitted
RObby (Rufus Turner/Bobby Singer)
they have old married couple energy
ValVert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
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sleepymoha · 3 months
Chilshi death headcannons? Mainly with Senshi’s reaction and coping mechanisms after?
Hmm death headcanons…
Well for starters, we all know by now that Chilchuck is terrible when it comes to expressing and communicating his emotions, but he does exchange letters with Flertom from time to time. I don’t really think this aspect of his character would change after getting together with Senshi, and I think it would be nice of him to ask Marcille to give some of his pre-written letters to Senshi every few years or so.
And well… I honestly don’t really think Senshi would cope particularly well with Chilchuck’s passing, at least in the first few years. He is no stranger to tragedy, but Chilchuck being all old and sickly could remind him of his parents in a way, bedridden and weak and all. But, just like when he was a child, he has a fairly decent sized support group by his side, ready to step in and help out a grieving friend in need.
I think he’d be a honorary member of the small half-foot community on the Island, and an active one at that, especially after Chilchuck’s passing. Having learned and getting first-hand experience of what a half-foot can go through in life thanks to Chilchuck, he’d probably find closure and comfort in trying to make other half-foots’ lives easier.
Lots of ups and downs, good days being washed away by bad ones, seeing Chilchuck’s favorite mug making him smile one day, then pushing him into a deep depression the next. Still, once being offered to move into the castle, or just away from their shared home, he’d adamantly say no. That home is the proof of their love, their past, a life they built together, how could he disrespect it by rejecting it.
I don’t think he’d regret their love, he’d never do that, he’d just mourn the fact they were only given such a short while to spend together.
Despite Chilchuck only being part of his life for such a short while, I think he’d try to live life to the fullest, living for the both of them in a way. Going on adventures to see beautiful places, places they never got to see together because Chilchuck was too busy at his locksmith shop, spending more time with their loved ones - especially after getting reminded once again just how quickly short-lived races’ lives can fly past. He would go on long hikes, discover dungeons when life becomes too mundane to his taste, but he’d never stay away from their home for too long.
I honestly don’t really think he would visit Chilchuck’s grave all too often, but he would probably carry something of Chilchuck’s with him, the way he does with Grillin’s helmet. Maybe Chilchuck’s lockpick tools? They’re small, compact, and full of memories, and despite being in fairly decent shape - he tries to maintain them regularly, even though it isn’t his strongest suit - he’d never dare to use them, in fear of breaking them.
I don’t think his grieving process could turn violent, he respects the order of life too much to do something he might regret later. He has accepted this outcome of Chilchuck dying and him staying for a bit longer when they started their relationship, but it doesn’t mean he was ready to actually experience being alone so soon. Still, living a life full of regrets isn’t a tale worth telling once they reunite, so he aims to live life to the fullest.
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starwolf53 · 4 months
so heres my two cents on chilshi (I am relatively anime-only although dont care about manga spoilers so bear with me here):
I think chilchuck is a RAGING bisexual and is barely keeping it in his pants at any given point in time
BUT senshi never really gets past the fact that he still thinks chilchuck looks like a teenager
So its ENTIRELY one-sided but that just makes it tastier imo
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idkwhatimdoing1981 · 6 months
There is so much room for angst with one-sided chilshi. Chilchuck has a secret crush on him but will never confess; he just thinks it's best to leave Senshi alone because he would never be into him. 
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the-maggot-muncher · 1 month
Dunmeshi study: chilshi
chilchuck youre not even trying to hide it
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local lesbian turns homophobic because of old man yaoi
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why are they BOTH staring at him like that
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You know laois enough to know that hes most dangerous on his own, you just wanted to spend time with senshi
sadly it feels very one sided from what ive seen so far, i only watch the anime 😔
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 3 months
Random dialogue scene that popped in my head.
"We really shouldn't do this."
"No really. Last time didn't work out so well for me."
Brain keeps flipping from it being flirty to being funny like two people are lactose intolerant but sharing a milkshake or competing to see who can eat the most ice cream.
How does your brain read it? Do you have any ships you think it would work for?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Okay, so I went an entirely different direction with this. 🤣 And thought maybe some semi-angsty Chilshi with a happy ending?
Senshi paused as he looked over at his smaller companion. Chilchuck was shifting on his feet, refusing to make eye contact. Senshi huffed pulling Chilchuck closer so he could plant a kiss on the half-foot's forehead.
"You were the one who asked. I would never push you to do something you didn't want to do."
It did little to appease the other man as he pushed himself away.
"I know I did! Fine! Alright, we'll get married."
Senshi watched Chilchuck stomp off to the castle, shaking his head. He didn't quite know what Chilchuck was trying to prove here, but he would go along with him if it was what he wanted.
They were immediately shown to the throne room where Laios sat, looking quite regal, if it weren't for the way he hung his head as Kabru and Marcille stood nearby, stacks of papers in their hands. However, upon seeing his friends, Laios jumped out of his seat racing towards them.
"Chilchuck! Senshi! I'm so glad to see you."
"We want to get married, and you need to officiate it!" Chilchuck demanded.
Laios blinked in surprise as Marcille's mouth dropped.
"I can do that?" He asked.
"What? Really?" Marcille gasped at the same time.
Chilchuck seemed even more aggravated by their questions as he formed fists at his side.
"You're the king!" Chilchuck accused. "Of course, you can officiate a marriage. So go on! Do it!"
"You guys are wanting to get married right now?" Marcille squealed.
"Possibly." Senshi answered softly.
Chilchuck spun around on him. "I said I would, didn't I?"
"But do you want to?" Senshi asked him.
Chilchuck stood there trembling before spinning around to Laios again.
"Are you going to marry us or not?"
Kabru decided to step in at this point, an apologetic smile on his face.
"Guys, King Laios is very busy at the moment. Maybe we can set a time that might work better for all of us..."
"I'll do it." Laios declared interrupting Kabru.
Everyone turned to the king, but he merely repeated himself. His face set with determination. Senshi couldn't help but sigh. He guessed they were doing this. Laios stood before his throne, Senshi and Chilchuck before him, facing each other, while Marcille and Kabru hovered uncertainly in the background. Laios began, repeating the words Kabru fed him. Something about being in the presence of true love before asking Chilchuck and Senshi to make their vows to each other.
Chilchuck went first, shifting from foot to foot, before delivering his lines in a monotone voice.
"Senshi, I vow to love you to the end of my days. I vow to be a good husband, in sickness and in health. I vow to always put your needs before my ambitions."
Senshi felt himself wilt, hearing the one he loved in such pain.
"Chilchuck..." He started before taking his hand with a gentle smile. "I don't need to marry you for you to be mine."
Chilchuck suddenly looked up, a sharp look in his eyes.
"I know you worry about what you can offer me. How short our time together will be, but whether we're married or not, physically together or not, everyone will know how much I loved you. I will never take another after you, and I will make the years we are together the happiest you have ever known. With plenty of good food and a warm home for you to come back to every night. But above all, I will remind you every minute of our lives that yours is a worthy one."
Senshi heard a sniff behind him from Marcille, and Kabru urging Laios into the next part.
"By the power invested in me as King of..."
"Wait!" Chilchuck interrupted. "I would like to go again. Please."
Laios looked over at Kabru who merely shrugged.
"Yeah, okay, go ahead Chilchuck."
"I am happy with you." Chilchuck admitted. "So happy it scares me. I know I come with a lot of baggage, but you've never made me feel lesser for it. I may not be the best at showing it, I'll try to do better, but I really do want to marry you. I want to be able to look back on a life with no regrets, and I think I would regret not taking this chance more than anything. I want to be able to look back on the memories of my life fondly, but mostly with you. And when such a time comes that I have to leave this world, I want to leave you with enough memories to comfort you on the loneliest of nights."
Marcille was full on sobbing at this point, but Senshi hardly paid her any mind. There was the man who asked him, cuddled in his arms before the fire, to marry him. There was the man Senshi wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Senshi gave Chilchuck's hand a squeezed which made him give him a shy little grin. His eyes shining in his sincerity.
"I pronounce you married. You may now kiss to seal the vows of your love."
Senshi began to lean in only to laugh when he found himself with an armful of Chilchuck. Chilchuck grabbed his cheeks between his hands and proceeded to kiss the life out of him. Regardless of the journey it took to get here, Senshi felt he could look back at it with no regrets as well.
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danganphobia · 4 months
laishuro college au masterlist
this is to find everything related to it easier because things might get lost in the tumblr tagging system. this is all in chronological order. so far, there are 9 parts in this series (im working on the 10th! might also be the final one, who knows).
high society - main fic. pre-relationship. laios meets toshiro for the first time. their story together begins. other ships involve: farcille, kabumisu, kikimari, chilshi.
hatsukoi - prequel/backstory about delinquent/yanki toshiro. his life with hien, benichidori, inutade, izutsumi, and maizuru in okinawa. can be read before or after the main fic. this is not laishuro-centric and mainly focuses on toshiro's tragic past, trauma, gender identity, etc.
girls (with a boy like that it's serious) - drabble request, canon-divergence within fic's canon. this is the only one that can be read as a standalone. laios is an indie novel writer and toshiro is secretly a fan of his work (based off lokh's college au idea).
take me home please - drabble request, laios and toshiro's first carnival date. set after the events of the main fic.
baby can i hold you tonight - drabble request. laishuro's first argument established relationship, breakup, and makeup.
kiss one more time - mini fic. second aquarium date. established relationship. first time (nsfw).
masseduction - oneshot. established relationship. nsfw. only difference is that they hit home run here if you get what i mean.
thriller night - drabble request. halloween special. this involves all of the side pairings aforementioned.
now i'm drinking love potion when i lay next to you - drabble request. established relationship. morning after. implied nsfw.
laishuro college au tag. - you can find all the written drabbles and answered asks about it here, lore about the au (unofficial, some of these were before the main fic was written), and fanart!
playlist - spotify playlist. still occasionally adding to it. mix of genres.
pinterest board - moodboard for the au.
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 4 months
the thing about chilshi is that i see it as super one-sided on chilchuck's part and that's some shit he's bringing to the grave with him
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#if (somehow) senshi became aware i think he'd be flattered#in like an 'aw thanks man' way#this goes for marcille too btw but in like reverse#i could see marcille having a fledgling crush on chilchuck after he reveals his age#but before she fully internalizes he's An Adult. like an adult adult#like how she infantilizes falin? like that#and like she's honestly chilchuck's type yknow? being blonde and all#but i don't think he would date someone who views him like that#he might tolerate it from senshi for like 4.5 seconds in his fleeting daydreams#but in reality? noooo thank you#this is why i ship laios and chilchuck tbh. he's the party member who chilchuck thinks knows him the best#and he trusts him the most to lead!!!#also because i think it'd be funny if laios (26) started dating izutsumi's (17) surrogate father figure#also because i really like that comic where chilchuck's children judge him for dating someone so YOUNG. cradlerobber#this is quickly devolving into me providing my Opinion on dungeon meshi ships#might as well get into kabru and laios#i don't see it? it might be because i've only read the manga and im bad at fully comprehending those the first time through#but like. first of all kabru is a VERY minor character in my eyes#he mostly becomes relevant during the latter half which is my least favorite part#and ive seen people tote the 'i want to be your friend!!!' panel as like. fodder for the ship?#and honestly when i read that part i read it as kabru desperately grasping at straws to keep laios from going to marcille#his brain to mouth line fully shut down and he was just spouting gibberish#laios even calls him out on it#i see kabru and shuro as being in the same boat? seeing laios as insufferable but it's not his fault#marcille and falin are in lesbians with each other. gay as hell to revive someone with forbidden magicks#they are LESS gay than i was expecting though. which is a hell of a thing to say about two women who bathe together
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simcardiac-arrested · 5 months
What's your favourite dun meshi ship? Do explain in long detail
HONESTLY i’m not super big on shipping when it comes to dunmeshi … so my fav is just like farcille because it’s basically canon and god knows i’m a yuri soldier. i really like whatever utter devotion shit they have going on☝️ and i just love marcille and falin separately so it’s a huuuge win. But even then i mostly think about them in a queerbait sense where it probably takes them 5 million years to get together because they both suck…. That’s pretty much it i odnt knowwwwwww 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ i think chilshi is funny but i’m not super invested in it and i just dont really see it. kabru and laios have a great dynamic but i dont see the potential romance unless it’s one sided or soemthing. Them just being insane friends is funny enough to me . so yeah here’s my top 3 ships list except i only really like farcille
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