#one step closer to Critical Role Land being real
toadtusks · 5 months
I missed all of today’s news because I was buried at work but wow, so much!!
I can’t wait to dig into the extra Beacon content, loving what I’ve seen so far.
And BH live show too! 👀 With Brennan!
So much to look forward to.
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phantompearlsalt · 4 years
Sour Cherry, Chapter 17
Preview AND the real deal in one day? I’m on a roll 😎 But in all seriousness: super happy I could share this (more or less) on time with everyone! I’ve started working on a side project I’ll share more about tomorrow so I’m still figuring out my writing schedule. Also promise I’ll respond to all asks this week as well! As always, feel free to check out this chapter on AO3 and know that I adore all kudos, comments, asks, etc. You all make this journey such a gift ❤️
These days, things somehow felt slow and exciting at the same time — it was odd. There was so much at stake and all of it lay within the borders of Republic City. In a few weeks time, Kuvira’s spirit cannon would reach completion and the army would be on its way to claim all that remained to consecrate the Empire.
Although you still find yourself caught up the more bureaucratic aspects of the work — paperwork, meetings, more paperwork — it feels like you can almost touch the weight of anticipation that hangs in the air. Nothing else slows down but everyone appears to hold a collective breath as Baatar works on the final touches of the machine.
Today in particular, you decide to take a trip to engineering. Kuvira is nowhere to be found so you assume she’s off in some pressing meeting with her sergeants. Perhaps strategizing for the City’s response and especially the Avatar’s. Given the scope of the army’s proposed attack, you can’t possibly imagine anyone, not even Korra, withstanding such magnitude of force.
You feel a slight twinge in your chest at the thought of what lies ahead. You think of Bolin, Varrick, and Zhu Li. You wonder whether Raiko will willingly submit to Kuvira and spare the damages that will transpire if he doesn’t.
But at this point, you know better than that. If the United Republic had wanted to end things peacefully, Kuvira would have already reached an accord with them. It was clear no one was willing to budge so you could only hope that the damages would be as minimal as possible.
You stroll into the warehouse, following the sharp sounds of electricity and metal clanking together. A number of privates salute you as you walk past and you offer them reassuring smiles. “At ease, privates,” you chuckle. Despite how much time has passed, you’ll never grow accustomed to the way people interact with you for being both Kuvira’s significant other and a critical role in her Inner Circle.
Baatar recognizes your voice and he looks down from the platform several feet above you. He calls your name excitedly and you can’t help but grin. Admittedly you’ve never been too fond of the man (even back in Zaofu) but you would be wrong to deny all of the incredible work he’s put into bringing the army this far along. Plus, he’s done his best to get on your good side once it became clear his chances with Kuvira were effectively eliminated.
“How’re things going up there?” you call out.
“They’re going,” Baatar responds, somewhat disillusioned. Your brow furrows together and you cross your arms.
“What’s the matter? You don’t sound too pleased,” you remark.
“I can’t seem to make the connection between the cannon and the suit’s body...each piece functions properly on its own but the wiring simply won’t synthesize everything together,” he explains.
“Hm...I’m not sure how much help I could be but could I come check it out at least? If anything it’ll be a good way for me to admire all your handiwork,” you say.
Baatar smiles halfheartedly and sighs. “I suppose. Perhaps there’s something you might notice that I haven’t been able to. Five straight hours can do that to someone,” he admits, leaning over to press the yellow button that unfolds a metal staircase.
Once it lands on the floor with a soft clink, you leap onto it and head up until you’re within an arm’s length from Baatar. Being much closer to him you can see the lines of exhaustion etched below his eyes. His hair is gelled down neatly, though some strands of it fall along his temples where it sticks to a thin film of perspiration.
“Baatar...have you seriously been working on this for five hours straight?” you ask.
He appears confused by the question and purses his lips. “Of course I have. What else would I be working on?” he replies.
“I understand but...you should take a break soon. At least a half hour or something,” you recommend. He vehemently shakes his head in protest.
“Absolutely not. Kuvira wouldn’t allow it and with good reason. Every moment wasted on anything other than this machine is more time lost to take Republic City for the Empire. I will not be the reason everything we’ve worked for is lost,” he states.
You stay quiet, watching him worriedly before you release a soft sigh. You always knew Baatar to be...a deeply passionate man since joining Kuvira. From what you had pieced together during your conversations with her, you learned that he grew up in his father’s shadow. He was always praised as the mirror image of the older Baatar, with an aptitude for design and engineering.
When he joined Kuvira, it was probably the first time in his life that something was entirely his own. Not an addition to his father’s work, not a continuation of everything so many people expected of him. What he created was novel, powerful, and completely his own.
Understandably, he had grown so invested in this final display of his autonomy and innovation that any potential threat to it was unfathomable.
“It’s alright, I understand,” you reassure him, stepping forward and tentatively resting your hand on his forearm. You feel him tense beneath you and you wish he hadn’t because now it feels even more awkward. You’ve never felt the urge to offer him any sort of comfort until now but then he relaxes and you can slide your hand away without feeling too uncomfortable.
“So!” you exclaim, hoping to break the odd tension. “You said you were having trouble connecting the cannon to the rest of the suit?”
“Indeed,” Baatar sighs. He peers into gaping machinery, sifting through thick cords of wiring and metal. “I’ve checked for any and all missing pieces and there isn’t a single thing out of place. I wonder if you’d be able to see anything I might be missing.”
You chew on your lower lip, growing nervous at the prospect of going anywhere near the obviously complicated technology. The chances of you damaging anything are close to none...though they aren’t quite zero.
Nevertheless, you lean forward just an inch to gaze upon the convoluted maze coiled within the massive platinum encasements. None of it makes sense to you and you feel foolish even bothering to check.
Even so, you angle your hand forward and throw Bataar a questioning look. He nods and you start carefully pushing aside the cords in hopes of seeing, well, something.
At the exact moment you feel an indentation in one of the metal fibers, you hear the echo of footsteps below and the sound of Kuvira’s voice. You mean to pull away in excitement but the hem of your sleeve gets caught.
Grumbling, you manage to pull it away but not before feeling a sensation pulse through your body that’s lightning hot and stinging all the same. The pain concentrates in your arm for a split second and your eyes are forced closed.
The only thing you’re aware of is the muffled sound of shouting around you beneath your own screaming before your head crashes against something cold and hard and your vision fades into complete darkness.
“This could have been so much worse, Baatar. Do you have any idea how much worse this could have been?”
The voice sounds distant, almost warped, as if it were coming from another room. Wait...are you in a room? It feels still and quiet so you assume you are.
Your eyes are sealed shut and it feels like your brain is trying to push out of your skull. When you try to twitch your fingers, a searing pain shoots up your left arm and a pained sound gets caught in your throat.
Okay. So no moving yet.
You inhale slowly and wince at the sharp ache in your ribs and your chest. Other than that, nothing hurts too bad if you stay relatively still so you focus on maintaining a careful breath.
As you start to grow accustomed to the aches and pains, you let your eyelids flutter open. Well, flutter almost seems too glamorous to describe the heavy feeling when you peel them apart. It feels like you’ve had them shut for weeks.
You try not to move your head around too much as you scan your surroundings, realizing you’re back in the tent you share with Kuvira. The lanterns have been blown out so you assume it’s nighttime until you hear the voices again.
“Kuvira, I apologize profusely for my lapse in judgement. I should have known better than to—”
“You’re right. You should have known better and you didn’t. Baatar, I expect nothing but the utmost professionalism from you and now is not the time to make such potentially fatal errors.”
Though you can’t see anything, you clearly envision what poor Baatar’s face must look like: crumpled in defeat and tight with regret. You want to get up and reassure him you’re okay, though you aren’t really sure what happened in the first place.
Instead, you clear your throat and before you can even open your mouth, Kuvira’s voice whispers something rushedly before she bends the door open and steps inside. You expect to see Baatar join her but she enters alone, sliding it shut and preventing anyone else from entering.
“You’re awake,” Kuvira sighs, rushing over to you and kneeling at your side. Her hands hover over your arm, unsure, and it catches you off guard. Kuvira’s self-assurance rarely falters — when it does, it’s a cause for concern.
“I am,” you affirm, attempting a soft grin before you try to push yourself up. As your left arm protests in agony, you realize it’s been bandaged with multiple layers of thick gauze. Kuvira notices your confused expression and her face grows grim.
“What happened?” you ask. Kuvira stares at your arm for a few moments in thick silence, almost as if her capacity to speak had been plucked from her throat the instant you broached the subject.
“There was a damaged piece of armored cable,” she eventually says. “Between the wiring and what little spirit energy was being transmitted from the suit’s core, it was exposed enough to deliver a shock that knocked you out for hours.”
Ah. So that explained the bandaged arm and why everything else seared in a dull, muted ache.
“Hours? That’s better than what I thought,” you joked. “I could’ve sworn I was out for weeks!” You attempt to laugh but Kuvira finally looks up at you and her expression is so grave it effectively shuts down whatever attempt you make to lighten the situation.
“You could have been,” she hisses. “Had you gotten any closer to that damaged material who knows what could have—I don’t know what I—”
“Kuvira,” you interrupt. Her eyes slide shut and she grips the bedsheet tight, closing her fist over the material with a force that would break anything else if it were more solid. You manage to lift yourself up with your good arm and once you’re upright, you press your palm against her cheek.
“I’m okay, really I am,” you reassure her. “It’s probably just some bruising here and there. Plus my arm will be good in no time, you’ll see.”
“I know that, it’s just…” Kuvira’s voice trails off for a few moments before she can continue. She swallows hard and exhales shakily. “I walked in exactly as it happened and...it looked like you were gone. I heard you scream and when you went quiet, your body hit the ground and I could’ve sworn you...you weren’t there anymore.”
“I’m here now, Kuvira,” you murmur, dragging your thumb over her cheekbone in that way she loves but has never actually verbalized. You maintain a slow pace until you feel Kuvira melt into your touch, her features softening.
“I’m right here with you, alright?” you tell her. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. I’m going to be okay and I promise I’ll be more careful. Now why don’t we go on a walk and maybe grab some tea?”
“No,” Kuvira responds quickly. “You stay here and I’ll bring you whatever you need. Besides, it’s late and you should be resting anyway. We’ll spend the night in the tent and see how you’re feeling tomorrow. Just...wait here.”
She leans forward to press her lips against your temple, staying there for a moment, confirming to herself that you’re really alive, and then breaks away with a reluctant stride. You sigh but smile inwardly, leaning back and hoping you get better soon so Kuvira will feel more at ease.
True to form, you recover within the span of a few days from the worst of it all. You take it easy in the days immediately succeeding the accident, even finding some spare time to meet with Baatar and assure him there’s no bad blood. He can’t find it in himself to accept forgiveness, though frankly you don’t blame any of it on him. You make it a point to eat the occasional meal with him when time permits...something you never envisioned doing mere months ago.
Character development indeed.
Though your arm takes longer to heal, you get back to work within three days time, albeit with slightly less mobility. Nevertheless, you approach your assignments with the same level of attention and detail as you would any other time.
However, the one thing that remains the same is Kuvira’s unwillingness to stay away from you for longer than thirty minute intervals.
Ever since the accident, she stays by your side almost nonstop except when she’s called away for business that doesn’t involve you. A hand on your waist when you lift yourself off a chair, her arms circling you as you get out of bed, her fingers guiding you towards an exit when there are too many people nearby.
Today, you’re filing away the last of the latest shipment updates from Yi. You sigh and Kuvira looks up from across the room. “Are you alright? Are you in pain?” she asks worriedly.
You bite your lip with hopes that it’ll stop you from rolling your eyes as you shake your head. “I’m fine, Kuvira,” you respond. “Head’s just feeling loaded from all these files. I think I’m going to close out for the day.”
“Of course. Let me take you to our quarters,” Kuvira replies, shoving away whatever she was working on and making her way towards you. She offers you her hand which you take, not without some exasperation.
“I can get there on my own, you know,” you remind her, hoping you don’t come off as too abrasive. Luckily it seems to go over her head because Kuvira is too preoccupied with making sure your knee doesn’t smash against the desk or that the wall doesn’t touch any other part of your body.
“Of course I know that but I won’t let you,” Kuvira says simply. And with that, she guides you back to the tent with one arm wrapped around your waist, her hand digging softly into your side. The guards look on with a mix of sympathetic glances and the occasional teasing grin. You grimace in response and do your best to ignore them, affronted that they’ve become so bold.
You reach the tent and you aren’t sure what look Kuvira gives the guards because they quickly scramble away (or as good as one can scramble in a bulky mech suit) so she can bend the door open. She steps in first, letting you lean on her arm to lift you up the two steps.
“Here, let’s get you into bed,” she murmurs, leading you towards the mattress and releasing your hand as you sit down.
“Kuvira…” You start to say but something in her face makes you stop. You’re tempted to tell her to ease up, that you’re fine and she’s worrying over nothing but you remind yourself what you would’ve felt in her place. You’ve seen Kuvira come close to death too many times and the thought nearly destroyed you.
So you keep quiet because you know she’s not actually being domineering. You hold her hand between both of yours and bring it to your lips, sliding the glove off so you can press your mouth against her bare skin.
“Don’t leave, Kuvira,” you murmur. “Can you...can you stay with me?”
“Of course,” Kuvira whispers, her face losing some of its tension as she sits to your side. She watches you intently and you can’t tell what she’s looking for. Perhaps some indication of pain? Discomfort?
The tent is quiet for some time and when Kuvira breaks the silence her voice is unusually hesitant. “I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable lately,” she sighs. You look at her and her expression is unreadable.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“I’m afraid I’ve been rather...overbearing for the past few days. I know you’d never say it outright but I imagine it’s been difficult for you to deal with,” she explains. “I hope you understand why I’ve done it though.”
She adds that last sentence almost as if to reassure herself that her behavior is warranted which, frankly, it absolutely is and it pains you to think she doesn’t believe that.
You press closer to her until your thighs touch, lifting your hand to tilt her face towards yours and cupping your fingers around her jaw.
“Of course I understand, Kuvira. It’s absolutely fine. I can’t expect you to recover from something so frightening in such a short amount of time. I’m sorry if I gave the impression that you had to,” you apologize.
Kuvira exhales sharply and her lips curl into a faint smile. “Never. If anything you’ve been extremely patient for someone who’s had their partner doting on them for almost every waking hour,” she chuckles.
You grin and lean forward until the tip of your nose brushes against Kuvira’s. “Well I can’t say it hasn’t been kind of sweet having the Great Uniter at my beck and call,” you respond slyly.
“But don’t you always?” Kuvira asks, closing the gap between your faces just enough for her lips to nearly graze over your own.
“I suppose you’d think so,” you giggle. “Clearly you’ve been more...zealous as of late, haven’t you?”
Kuvira hums while she slides the other glove off her hand, lifting her fingers until they wrap around the back of your neck. The caress of warm skin produces a thrill that courses all the way down your spine. “May I kiss you?” she whispers and her breath tickles the skin below your ear.
“Please,” you respond, bridging the space that separates you and finally bringing her supple mouth against yours. The kiss is tentative and chaste, so similar to the ones you would share in the early days of your relationship. Kuvira’s hand stays still on your skin, mirroring the carefulness of her mouth, so evidently displaying her anxiety of moving too abruptly for fear of harming you in some way.
So you decide to encourage her further, parting your lips and letting the tip of your tongue playfully brush against hers. Kuvira gasps and jerks backward, her face already tinted a lovely shade of red. It’s an unusual look for her but one that you relish for its rarity.
“What’s the matter? Too much?” you ask. The inquiry comes out sounding much more playful than you’d intended.
“I, um. I guess I didn’t expect that. I thought you would want to take things slow for now,” she elaborates. Kuvira is normally so composed, hyper-aware of every sound and movement she makes especially when she’s being closely observed, which is why you’re pleasantly surprised to see the way her throat clenches as she swallows.
“I’ll take things slow if that’s what you want. Is that what you want, Kuvira?” you ask innocently, lifting your eyebrows and removing your hands from her body. “Do you just want me to kiss you nice and slow...not deeper and harder until you feel your heart pounding against your chest? Not until you start kissing my neck and moving your hand lower and lower...just enough to feel how wet—”
Much to your delight, you’re swiftly cut off when Kuvira seals her mouth over yours again, the force of it strong enough to push you back an inch. You make a pleased sound in your throat and finally throw your arms around her neck, readjusting until you can swing your legs over her thighs and rest upon her lap.
Kuvira’s hands drift mindlessly over your sides, not quite touching but not too far off either. You grow exasperated so you tug on them and wrap them around your hips, grinding downwards so she can feel the growing heat between your legs. How desperately you’ve wanted this for days now.
She moans softly against your mouth and her patience wears thin within moments. Between the havoc you wreak on her lips and the canting motion of your body against her thighs, she eventually cradles you against her arm before placing you onto the mattress on your back.
You gasp in pleasant surprise once she hovers over you. She carries her weight with even greater caution, overly cognizant of potentially pressing down too hard and hurting you.
“What happened to taking it slow?” you tease breathlessly, hovering your fingers over the metal plates on her shoulder. She notices right away and knocks them off with quick work of her hands. They’re tossed onto the ground with a resounding clash.
“I think you should be asking yourself that question,” she responds, leaning down until her lips dance across your neck. “What was that you were mentioning earlier?” she whispers against you, dragging her tongue along the skin that isn’t covered by your uniform.
Your body instantly arches upward, feeling Kuvira’s breasts press against your chest. Between the accident and how busy everything already was before that, it had been weeks since you’ve been with her like this.
Therefore it’s no surprise that your body responds accordingly.
“Now don’t tell me you’ve gone all soft on me,” Kuvira says, pushing away the collar of your uniform and carefully sinking her teeth into the flesh at the base of your neck. You’re at a total loss for words, the sounds and syllables dissipating with each brush of Kuvira’s mouth on your body.
“Because that would be such a shame. I do love it when you make me work for it,” she sighs. Her hands, firm yet careful nonetheless, drift downwards until one rests over your hip. Even through the layers of fabric, her touch produces a sensation like fire that spreads from the point of contact all the way to each bit of muscle and nerve.
“But you also love it when I’m completely at your mercy, don’t you?” you shoot back, rather proud that your voice isn’t as weak as you expected it to be. Kuvira cocks an eyebrow and removes her mouth from your neck. You mourn the loss momentarily but keep going.
“You can’t deny it, Kuvira,” you continue, your eyes widening with glee. “I’ve seen the look in your eyes when you have me all tied up, completely and utterly at your disposal for whatever you desire. Haven’t you missed that? The way I’m completely helpless when you bind me up and all I can do is wait to see what you’ll do next.”
“It sounds like you’ve been thinking about this for some time,” Kuvira exhales, already short of breath.
“Oh I certainly have. And given how you can barely get through an entire sentence without gasping for air, I’d say you’re quite a fan of the prospect yourself,” you murmur.
“Are you sure? You’re not in any pain at all? I don’t want to hurt you,” Kuvira says quietly, the lustful look on her face morphing into one of concern.
You nod assuredly and shyly press your lips to hers again. “Yes, I’m absolutely sure. We’ve got our word, remember? I’ll let you know if I need you to stop.”
Kuvira nods against your touch and moves her hand to the back of your neck once more, this time undoing the buttons that hold the article together and lifting your arms to pull it away. The fabric bunches up around your bandaged forearm and though the gauze isn’t as thick anymore, it’s enough to make you both pause.
You bite back the laughter flooding your mouth and Kuvira looks vaguely irritated. Nevertheless, she approaches the minor hiccup with her usual, unhurried maneuvers until it slides away and you’re only covered by a soft undershirt.
The scars beneath the gauze start throbbing a bit but you manage to keep the worst at bay. It’s nothing too bad — nothing worth paying much attention to.
Kuvira spends the next few moments showering kisses, bites, and caresses over every inch of skin she can reach with her mouth. She takes you apart with slow and intentional movements until all you can do is lay frenzied with desire beneath her ministrations and attempt to hold back the pathetically desperate sounds that fall from your lips.
She begins to lift up the undershirt until it glides over and off your head and falls to the ground, along with the growing heap of Kuvira’s clothes mixed with your own. She keeps your arms high above your head, sliding her fingers over your skin and pauses. When she stops, you realize your eyes have been shut so you snap them open and look down at her impatiently.
“Don’t you worry...I’ve got exactly what you’ve been waiting for,” she murmurs. Kuvira lifts her hands and starts to coil her fingers. You hear the sharp sound of metal sliding against metal and then you see two silver strips emerging from her abandoned uniform. They float menacingly above your bodies, gradually curling into crescent shapes that hover over your wrists.
“I think it’s about time,” Kuvira whispers. Not a moment is wasted between the time she utters those words and the sensation of frigid metal clasping around your wrists, pulling your arms together and holding you down tight.
You’re met with an immediate burst of exhilaration and you ride it for about five seconds before it’s overridden with a growing feeling of discomfort that spreads under your bandages. You do your best to ignore it and instead focus on Kuvira moving downwards until she reaches the hem of your trousers.
“Now let’s see just how much you’ve wanted this,” she purrs against your hip, clipping her teeth over the edge of the fabric and using it to guide her hands as they slide it off. She’s soon met with the throbbing heat nestled between your thighs and you sigh in shameless pleasure.
As delicious as it feels, the pain in your arm only intensifies with each passing moment. You attempt to zero in on Kuvira’s mouth brushing against your bare hip, your thigh, the feeling of her lips hovering over the wet fabric of your underwear. It becomes overwhelming — the tension of wanting more but feeling your arm quiver with increasing pain.
“May I?” Kuvira asks, hooking her finger over the thin fabric and hinting at tearing it off. You murmur a quivering “yes” and hope she can’t sense the discomfort in your voice. She promptly removes them, dragging them down your legs and pressing her face against the crease where your hip meets your thigh.
It’s such an unbearable union of tender and carnal that it makes your body jerk hard against the restraints. The material digs into your injury just enough to make you cry out in distress.
“Silver, Kuvira! Silver,” you grunt through gritted teeth. Kuvira immediately breaks away and bends the metal strips off from your arms. They land on the floor with a harsh sound that makes you flinch.
“What do you need? What should I do?” she asks calmly. It would almost startle you how quickly she manages to shift tonalities but right now, it brings you a comfort you didn’t realize you needed.
“My arm...it-it stings,” you mumble, carrying it down until it rests on your abdomen. “I just need a second. Maybe that healing salve?”
“Of course. Stay still, alright? I’ve kept it in my desk,” Kuvira reassures, leaning down to press a kiss against your forehead and leaping off the bed. She throws a spare bed sheet over her body as she strides across the room, shuffling through a drawer until she finds the salve and a sealed green pouch.
She kneels on the bed and slides her arm around your bare back to help lift you up with little pressure. Once you’re upright, she gingerly takes your injured arm between her hands and begins to unfold the gauze.
The skin that emerges is marred with a thin layer of scarred flesh, much less angry than how it appeared just last week. Kuvira uncovers the glass jar and scoops a portion of the salve onto two fingers that she presses against the wound.
It feels awful at first, almost exacerbating the pain, but it gradually melts into a refreshing coolness that numbs the discomfort. You hiss a bit at the beginning and Kuvira lifts her hand away.
“Is it too much?” she murmurs. “I’m not pressing down too hard, am I?”
You shake your head adamantly. “No, not at all,” you respond. “You’re totally fine. Just stung at first. It feels good now, I promise.”
Kuvira nods in understanding, rubbing the last of the substance onto your skin and pulling open the small pouch. She pulls out a long strip of gauze that she untangles and starts folding over your arm, sealing the salve’s properties against the scars.
She moves smoothly, indicative of one who has done this many times before. You wonder how often she had tended to others’ wounds as a guard in Zaofu.
“You’re all set,” she affirms once she ties it all together. She rests her hand over her handiwork, stroking her thumb over the material and looking up at you concernedly. “What else do you need?”
“I hate to say it but I think you were right,” you chuckle. “I think...I just want to sleep now. Do you, uh...do you mind, er—holding me?”
Kuvira’s face brightens even in the darkness of the tent and she nods, guiding your bodies back down to the bed so she can curl her body around yours, mindful of where your injured arm rests. Your legs tangle with hers as Kuvira tugs a thick blanket over your shoulders, bringing you closer to her chest until your forehead touches her collarbone.
The silence is comfortable, soothing. Exactly what you need. But you can’t shake the slight degree of embarrassment that clings to your thoughts.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything,” Kuvira murmurs. “I know you want to...and I understand. I won’t scold you for it but just know you don’t have to. I’m glad you told me. That’s what we do, right? Honesty.”
You nod against her and swallow. “You’re right...I appreciate it,” you respond. And though you don’t exchange any more words for what remains of the evening before you fall asleep, you lose yourself in the calming silence that follows. Kuvira’s hands float up and down your back and your shoulders, guiding you into a dreamless sleep that welcomes you with warmth and safety.
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Hi! ¿Could I order a one shot yandere from Azul with Ariel? (Or you can put s / n hehe. The one that is most comfortable foto You ewe) I always wondered how Azul would be with her Childhood love (Ariel protected him from teasing but she doesn't know him very much) when he found out that she fell in love with a human (Eric). Sorry I like ti see the world burn 7v7. Greetings! :D and sorry for My horrible english TwT
“She doesn’t know him very much” Yup, I definitely fucked this request up, didn’t I? I was just writing and I realized I was straying away from the original request Σ੧(❛□❛✿) But I was too lazy to start over so, sorry about this Anon~! (´;Д;`)
Damn, this was a very interesting request! I had fun writing this!
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 Azul’s Darling had always been there for him since they were children! Protecting him from bullies when he could not and encouraging him in his darkest times. Azul could not ask for better blessing such as his Darling! However, Darling was a mermaid who had always been fascinated by the land. But this time, she got a bit too curious and had fallen so blindly in love with a mere human! It seems that Azul has to teach her the hard way of what it means to face one’s consequences.
Azul heard the annoying voice of one merchild cried out. He and other merchildren all gathered around his pot again, having nothing else but to take pleasure in teasing and insulting him. Azul looked up with teary eyes, proof that he had been holding back his tears all this time. The merchild rubbed his head, trying to ease the pain coming from it. Azul looked down and saw a seashell, someone seemed to have thrown this at him, though forgive Azul for not feeling a single bit of sympathy for the merchild.
“Who was that!? That really hurts, you know!”
Everyone looked around trying to find the culprit, Azul did too, curious of the events unfolding. However, instead of showing themselves, many more seashells have come raining down upon them. Azul hid down his pot, as he did not want to get hit, leaving the group of merchildren panicking on how they’re going to defend against the attack. Though, peeking from the pot, Azul’s once teary eyes sparkled in amusement as the bullies he hated so much was now pathetically squirming in front of him. It made him want to laugh but he managed to restrain himself.
“Let’s get out of here! Azul must have done something using one of his disgusting tentacles!”
Azul narrowed his eyebrows, irritated at the fact that these merchildren even has the nerve to pick the blame on him. Well, even if he was at fault, they should’ve seen it coming. And so, they swam away with their long tails, retreating cowardly for a mere rain of seashells. Serves them right for being such bullies, Azul sincerely hopes they get at least a little bit injured. Morbid thought for a child, but who can blame him?
Azul looked around, his place that was once so empty and clean was now covered in seashells. He sighed, though the culprit had driven his bullies away, they certainly created quite a mess. He was thankful that the shells were somehow beautiful to look at, or else, he would’ve been the one to get seriously in trouble for littering. Speaking of the culprit, he never actually saw anyone that could’ve done the deed. Just in time with his line of thoughts, Azul heard a mischievous giggle from behind him.
“Hehe! My plan worked!”
Azul blinked, taking the time to study this particular merchild who was clearly unfamiliar to him. Her tail shone a beautiful shade of color as the sway back in forth in the water, she wore intriguing accessories from her wrist and fingers, her hair was flowing gracefully from every slight movements, and her skin looked very smooth and youthful. Most importantly, Azul couldn’t help but gaze on her face as she laughed, thinking of how adorable her smile was. He didn’t say anything to her though, and just waited until she calmed her laughter, silently admiring her figure not too far from himself. Once she regained her normal breathing, she instantly freezes up when she noticed that Azul was looking at her.
She flushed red in embarrassment and scratched the back of her neck, feeling silly. “Ah, I guess someone still saw me…My bad!” She said, nonchalantly and began to swim towards him. Azul quickly tensed up and backed away, his guard was up in an instant. “Hey, are you okay? I heard those kids saying some pretty mean things to you so, I thought of stepping in.”
“Well, I ended up not showing myself anyway…” She laughed, her voice was sweet and somehow enchanting to hear.
But Azul still kept his guard up on her, he wasn’t going to risk a way for this mermaid to be all friendly with him. For all he knows, she could be as crude as her species. Azul followed her with his eyes as she swam to grab one beautiful seashell. “My plan was just to scare them; these seashells don’t hurt much anyway...” She said and looked at him with an apologetic look. “I realized that I might’ve included you in my prank. Were you hit? I’m sorry.”
Azul sink deeper into his pot as if he wanted to disappear from her presence, or at least wanted her to just leave him be. However, being the curious child she is, she went closer to him about to ask more questions until she got a good look at him. “Hm? Huh?” She blinked, looking down at one squishy limb of his. “Tentacles...?”
She soon realized what she was looking at and widened her eyes, letting out a loud and dramatic gasp. “Ah! You’re a Cecaelia!” Azul flinched at her voice as he grits his teeth in irritation. It was a reaction that he expected from people who doesn’t know him. If she end up following the same pattern, he knew that this mermaid would end up joining his bullies for the fun of it, ultimately leaving him all alone when they get bored.
However, this strange mermaid curiously swam all around him, trying to take a closer look in his anatomy. “Wow~! Amazing! You’re a real cecaelia! Like the Benevolent Sea Witch from the Great Seven! It’s my first time seeing one!” She cheered, her eyes sparkling, her observation was making Azul feel self-consious even more. Then, she faces him, looking directly at his eyes. “Hey, can you move all tentacles at once? Can I touch one of them? What’s your name?”
Azul’s face flushed as he felt overwhelmed by her presence and never-ending questions that he resorted into pushing her away. “W-What do you want!?” He yelled, backing away as far as possible. The mermaid stumbled a little before noticing his scared, teary eyes. “Why did you come here for!? Tell me so you can go away already!”
The mermaid tilted her head to the side, blinking in confusion. “...What do you mean?” She said.
“You drove those bullies away because you expected to be rewarded, right? Just tell me what you want and leave me alone!” Azul yelled, aggressively as his reasoning only made the mermaid raised her eyebrow in confusion.
“Eeh? Rewarded? I’m not really...” She trailed off, putting a hand on her mouth, thinking of what she’s going to say next. She then snapped her fingers as an idea came lighting itself on her head. She swam close to him again but this time, she made sure to keep a safe distance as to not bother his personal space again. “Reward, huh? Then...”
“Be my friend!”
Azul blinked, his mind processing what the eccentric mermaid has said. “...Excuse me?” Azul muttered, tilting his head to the side. Was that all she wants? To be a mere acquaintance of his? A simple form of friendship and nothing else? No, there must be some kind of trick to this!
“A friend! I want to be your friend! And if you’re asking for what kind of reward I want, then I want you to become my friend! It’s as simple as that!” You cheerfully explained, Azul’s over critical mindset was contrasting with your idealistic point of view.
“T-That’s it? If I were you, I would’ve taken advantage of this, you know.” Azul warned her, his face not understanding her intentions at all. “You’re not going to ask me to do your homework for you? Make a certain type of potion? A spell? Anything else?”
The mermaid looked at him as if he was crazy. “Wha-!? No, of course not! What kind of life we’re you living up until now...” She said, sweat dropping, feeling kind of bad for the state of Azul’s mind. Then, she went closer to him, thankfully, the cecaelia didn’t move away like before. She then gently took Azul’s squishy hands onto hers, the boy taking note of how soft it felt around his. “Let’s start again, what’s your name, Cecaelia-kun?”
Azul stayed silent for a while, at first, he never had any intention of saying his name to a stranger but looking deep into her eyes, she was mesmerizing. She holds great kindness and patience in those eyes, it was very compelling. “...A-Azul.” He muttered but loud enough for the mermaid to hear. “Azul Ashengrotto.”
This made the mermaid smile, an adorable, happy smile. Azul could feel his heart beat faster than normal as his face flushed red. He wondered if he was about catch a cold soon. “Nice to meet you, Azul-kun~! I’m (Y/N).” She introduced herself, hands still in hers. “Let’s be friends!”
This was how this particular day had set a personal space on Azul’s heart, mind, and soul. A special day that he recognizes soon in his life. The first time he properly interacted with a genuinely kind and beautiful mermaid. The first time someone so warm held his hand and not being disgusted on how cold it was. Yes, this was truly the day the was more important to Azul than any other holiday in his life.
It was the day he met you.
Ever since that fateful day, Azul was automatically attracted to you. He found your request to be ridiculous, all because he couldn’t understand why, and he wasn’t planning to take it seriously. However, he soon found himself taking on that exact role. Your personality was probably what interested him to bear with you, so cheerful yet so graceful. Before he knew it, he was having fun bonding with you and learning all sorts of stuff about you.
On that same day you met him, you had recently moved to Coral Sea, thus the reason why Azul has not seen you before. He found out that you grew up in a strict, yet loving family, that alone was enough to explain to him the practiced elegance in your form. You were the youngest out of your sisters whose names he didn’t bother to remember, you were the most interesting out of the siblings anyway. However, there was one little quirk about you that Azul did find strange. Something that he usually wouldn’t expect a resident in the bottom of the sea to have.
It was your extreme fascination above the sea, in the land, where humans reside.
When such topic starts, Azul has to live through that dreamy look on your face, fantasizing what it’s like to be on the land. You could talk for hours on end about the humans’ inventions, despite the fact that Azul thought that the deep ocean already has their own versions of that said item. However, he did dismiss your fascination as a simple, child-like addiction you have, nothing to really worry about. Instead, on times like these, Azul would pretend to listen but in truth, he was just quietly listening to your enchanting voice, not your actual words. Though, he wishes that you could talk just as much about him rather than worshipping some creature who could walk on two legs.
As time pass, the two of you grew closer and closer, your bonds deepen with every interaction. Little did you know that not only does your friendship grows, but also Azul’s undying and desperate love for you, slowly twisting into that of an obsession. Even when the Leech Brothers came in, he could not think of them more than mere acquaintances, you still remained to be the most important in his heart. Azul strived to be better just for you, who have done a lot for him, helping him gain back the confidence he once lost. He worked hard in sports, erasing his overweight self and mastered the art of studying and making high quality potions like the infamous Sea Witch.
Azul strived to become the better version of himself just for you.
Of course, Azul became insanely overprotective of you as time goes on. Once he developed his unique magic, he targeted any mermen who dares to make a move on you and trap them into one of his contracts, with knowledge of their weakness in mind. You would wonder why that one merman in your school had suddenly traded their long and fast tail just for a silky flock of blonde hair. Azul would only shrug whenever you would ask why they would make such a deal with him, saying it’s a confidential thing. You would never suspect him at playing quite unfairly with his deals at all, he was just doing his job with Floyd and Jade chuckling mischievously in background.
You did not have to know. After all, everything he had done has been for you.
Not too long later, Azul and the Leech Brothers had received their invitation to the prestigious school, Night Raven College. They were to be sent out by the ebony carriage anytime soon and Azul would not forget how cute and salty your face looked.
“How nice~! I’m so jealous!” You puffed your cheek as Azul merely raised an amused eyebrow at her behavior. “Night Raven College...You, Floyd, and Jade get to go on land and have legs!”
“Azul~! Take me with you~!”
Azul chuckled at her and pat her head, easing her pouting self. “You know I can’t do that. Night Raven College is an all-boys school and only chosen students with a high affiliation with magic gets to attend such school.” He explained, calmly but your disappointed pout would not leave your face. Azul thought it was adorable, if only he has a camera that could treasure that look on your face. “How about this? I’ll come visit during spring break and I’ll make sure to bring you some land items that will surely intrigue you.”
With those simple words, your eyes sparkled and your mood changes almost immediately. Azul really knows how to bring you back up. “Really!? You’ll do that for me!?” You exclaimed, excitedly.
“Of course, anything for you, my dear.” Azul smiled at you, watching as you cheered, going back to your usual self. You then wrapped your arms around his waist as a sign of appreciation. Azul had to physically resist himself not to just stuff you in his luggage to bring you wherever he goes.
“Thank you, Azul! I’ll be waiting for you always!” You said, looking up at him with shining eyes. “I’ll miss you.”
Azul leaned down on you and gently kissed you on the forehead, a daring move but you weren’t one to misunderstood such gesture. You thought it was normal move for best friends as close as the two of you are. Unknown to you however, Azul wished desperately that it was your lips that he could smooch on and not just restrain himself on your forehead.
“I’ll miss you too, (Y/N). Take care of yourself.”
Azul had always looked forward to spring break just to see you again rather than his family. He wished he could come home during winter break too, but just as Floyd states, it is a very troublesome task to do so. His first time going home during spring break last year, he was blessed from seeing you so happy and swimming around him. He gave you his promised items, watching on how you curiously examine each one of them. He wanted to laugh as they were just simple, everyday items from the land but he made sure to never give you any low-quality ones. Heavens, he would never dare give you anything low of worth, you deserved the best of everything after all.
This year too, Azul was very eager to come home, he made sure to finish all his homework before going out. He wanted to spend the whole spring break with you after all, he didn’t want something as bothersome as homework get in between that time. Azul may look calm as he stood in front of the dark mirror that would take him back to Coral Sea but the Leech Brothers behind him only chuckled as they know exactly how utterly excited he was on the inside. He gripped his luggage tighter, full of the land items he promised to bring you. He couldn’t wait to see how happy you would look this time.
Arriving at Coral Sea along with the twins, his predictions had been on point once again as he was the first person he saw. “Azul! Floyd! Jade!” You exclaimed with a smile on your face as you swam towards them. Floyd and Jade gave their own way of greeting her, Jade being polite while Floyd is the complete opposite. Finally, you turned to him and Azul had already prepared for the usual hug you would give him every time he would come home.
But there was none this time.
Azul blinked, a smile still remained on his face to mask his confusion as you merely swam towards him, waving and smiling. “Welcome back, Azul! How’s the dorm head life so far?” You greeted. “I heard you opened up a restaurant? As expected of Azul!”
It delayed Azul half a second to answer before giving her the proper response, save for the little stutter he made at the first word. He was a bit disappointed that she didn’t tackle him into an embrace like last time, it even feels like her excitement had really gone down. This made Azul suspicious for sure, was she not happy to see him or...?
There was definitely something wrong.
If Azul hadn’t been suspicious before, the fact that you only smiled at the land items he got you was surely something that can raised someone’s attention. He wasn’t the only one too, Floyd and Jade felt the same but they chose not to speak about it. “Ah...I’ve heard one of these! I never thought I’ll ever see one...” You said with less excitement in your voice, causing Azul an even greater worry. What happened while he was away, he wonders. Does he have any business he has to take care of for you?
It was only after three days that Azul began to notice your actions were not corresponding with your past self. You seemed to be almost in a daze when you’re on your own and in some days that you were not, it feels like you were hesitating to talk to him. Azul wanted to ask you personally on what was bothering you but he didn’t want to pry too much. He wanted to wait for you to talk to him yourself, was there anything he could do for you? Azul had always been patient with you and this time as well, he shall wait for you to speak up.
Then, the time finally happened.
“A-Azul...” You called, Azul instantly knew that you were finally going to confess what you have in your mind this past few days. Azul looked at you with a smile, a smile that he made so innocent just for you. The Leech Twins were in the same room as well, but you seem to not mind having them listening. Perhaps it was the fact that you’ve known them along with Azul and that they don’t care much for any secret you might have.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He asked, delighted that you were finally speaking up to him.
Azul noticed how you gulped as a final evidence of hesitation. You looked up at him. “You...Can do anything, right?” You said, your eyes now looking serious like you just finally accepted your fate.
Azul raised an eyebrow. “Well...I wouldn’t say anything unfortunately...Just things possible to do by my hands so I prefer the term, mostly anything.” He corrected, observing as how your mood changes depending on what he says. “Why? Is there anything you want?”
You fidgeted for a while before finally opening your mouth, Azul noticed your tail swinging a bit too much today. “...Legs. A pair of legs to take me up the surface!” You said with a determined look on your face. “I want to make a deal with you, Azul!”
Now that caught Azul’s attention, even the Leech brothers were quite shock at your sudden request. Was this the day Azul had been looking forward to? The deal that bounds you forever with him if you happen to fail? However, his darling (Y/N) wanted to go to the land, isn’t that a bit dangerous for a mermaid who had been swimming on the bottom of the ocean for all her life? Azul narrowed his look at her, showing his distaste for her plan as he cleared his throat.
“I know you’ve been fascinated by the land ever since we were children but...I didn’t think you would go as far as change a part of you for such thing.” Azul said, his voice was laced with disappointment that it made you flinch. “But do tell me (Y/N), why now? Out of all the times you could’ve done before?”
To his surprise, your cheeks flushed and a heartwarming smile appeared in your face. “...Because I found him.” You timidly whispered as you put on a dreamy expression. “A guy that I love!”
Azul froze, his hands almost dropped what they were holding as in that moment, he felt something in him broke. He slowly looked up at her with a dangerous look on his dilated pupils that unfortunately went unnoticed as you were sucked in on your own dream world. “Pardon...?” He quietly muttered, his voice trying to calm themselves upon hearing the words that he thought his darling would never say. Floyd and Jade immediately recognized the change of atmosphere in the room but not you. “What...did you say?”
“A guy, Azul! A human! He visited Coral Sea just a few weeks ago with a use of a water-breathing potion!” You enthusiastically told him, it was as if you were holding these words back all this time, thus the reason why your energy felt overwhelming. This was the (Y/N) that Azul knew, eccentric and happy, but the cause of this is definitely not what he wants. “He got lost so I helped him and we ended up hanging out! I can’t believe how good-looking and nice he was! Just like a prince from a fairytale!”
With every compliment this unknown guy gets from you, Azul could feel himself so close to snapping. Good-looking? Nice? You have horrible taste, not to mention the possibility of those traits being a mere facade! It disgusts him to no end that this guy was even coming out of your own mouth. “He taught me a lot of things about the land, some of which I’ve never known about!” You continued and Azul had to seriously restrain himself from slamming his hand on your mouth to stop you from talking. “This must be fate, Azul! Like what the little mermaid must’ve felt when she met the human prince!”
“That’s why, I want to have a pair of legs and go to the land! I want to meet him again!” You went closer to Azul, your eyes begging him to answer her plea. “Please, Azul! I know I’m being selfish but I swear this is a one-time thing! I’m never going to ask for anything like this anymore!”
“Make me a part of that world, Azul!”
Azul looked down at you as you gripped his sleeves with a desperate look on your eyes. How frustrating, if only you were this desperate for him like he was to you, maybe things would’ve gone a lot more smoothly. His eyes glared at your expression behind those glasses of his before sighing. “...Three days.” He said, holding up three fingers in front of your face. You blinked up at him, wondering what he meant. “I’ll give you legs and even take you to the land. I’ll even go as far as let you live in my dorm during all of that.”
Before you can cheer in victory, Azul continued, not giving you a chance to even let out a single word. “If you truly believe that you and that guy are destined together, then I’ll use that as your condition.” Azul said, his eyes cold and dark. “After you sign my contract, I will give you three days to make this human fall in love with you and seal it a kiss.”
“Only then will I give you the ability to change from a mermaid and a human anytime you want.”
“T-Three days...!?” You widened your eyes at the outrageous condition. “T-That’s...!”
“Impossible? But (Y/N), don’t you remember?” Azul smirked as he gave you a close-eyed smile but it looks so sinister from your sight. “The little mermaid was in the same position as you are and the benevolent sea witch was gracious enough to give her the same condition. In the end, she did succeed on achieving the life she wanted, correct?”
You pursed your lips together, thinking about what he just said. “If this was truly fate like you said then I do believe that you can do what the little mermaid had done.” Azul said, his voice cunning and manipulative. “After hearing all of that, do you still think three days are impossible?”
You looked down and slowly shook your head. “...No.” You said and looked up at him, this time with a determined smile. “I can do it!”
“Such determination, a trait that I personally liked about you.” Azul praised, keeping his eyes close as to not show how much evil he was plotting inside his head.
“I’ll have you know that just because you are a precious friend of mine, you are not going to special treatment from me.” He said, his lips smiling so cruelly. “Favoritism is not good for business, after all. You’ll have to pay the usual fee.”
“It’s fine! I’ll pay! Whatever it is, I’ll give it to you! Anything!” You desperately nodded your head, ready to take any risk. Azul smirk got wider.
“Then, I’ll take your voice.” He said. “I’ll have to take your voice as compensation for your request.”
You widened your eyes and wondered on why Azul would’ve wanted such a specific request. Your voice was not the most beautiful in the ocean, so why? Sure, it would’ve be harder for you to clear the task without a voice, but sometimes love needs no words, right? You decided to not get swayed by any form of hesitation in your mind this time and nodded. “I’ll accept that.” You said, brimming with confidence.
Azul looked delighted by your choice as always before opening his eyes, ready to kill your short-lived happiness. “Finally, one last thing.” He said. “You do know what will happen should you fail this contract, yes?”
You froze as you almost forgot about that part, but you mentally prepared yourself. This is where Azul took a deep breath and chuckled, everything was going rather smoothly for such a deal with an overwhelming amount of risks. “You’ve been my close friend for a long time now, haven’t you?” He said as he leaned close to your face, just inches away. You gulped as a chill went up your spine, somehow this was akin to that of making a deal with a devil rather than a sea witch. “I’m sure you’ve already known by now what kind of consequence I tell of my clients once they fail.”
You backed away from him, a wary look on your face. “...Being bounded to you forever...Right?” You said but shook your head, recklessly dismissing it. “...I’ll take it! I can definitely make my prince fall in love with me within three days and without my voice! If not, I can be your slave or whatever!”
Azul chuckled, patting your head like he usually does back then. “Then, I’ll look forward working with you, (Y/N).” He said as Floyd and Jade smirked in background, the two of them were already intelligent enough to know what their dorm head was planning. “Make sure that you won’t have to regret this deal, yes?”
It’s time for you to know the true nature of a sea witch.
Continue with the spice~?
I feel like I’m going to jinx myself again once I set another deadline for myself but I was born to suffer so the estimated date of release of the next request is on June 23
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Ten Pounds
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Pairings: Tom Holland x Deaf/HoH!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Tom learns sign language so he can communicate more easily with you.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am Hearing. I studied ASL for two years and had quite a few Deaf/ HoH friends but I moved across the country and unfortunately have regressed in my knowledge of the language because I’ve had a hard time getting reacquainted. I had a difficult time writing this because I know that the Deaf/ HoH community has such a large range of ability to hear, speak, write, and/or lip read. I tried really hard to assume as little about the reader as possible but for the sake of this fic, I did not include any verbalization on the reader’s end or details on perception of sound. I also had a difficult time trying to figure out how to describe what was being signed, as I wasn’t sure whether or not to write it in English or gloss because I didn’t want to perpetuate the idea that ASL is just English signed word for word but I wasn’t sure if it would be more confusing written in gloss. ALSO I’m aware that this would most likely be taking place in the UK and I described American Sign Language but that’s simply because I don’t know any British Sign Language. Anyways, please let me know if this was alright or accurate or inaccurate and please inform me on how to write better fics like this! I’m open to criticism and to learning more about this but please don’t be rude about it. 
Tom arrived at Haz’s new apartment way before anyone else had to help set up for his housewarming party. It wasn’t a huge affair, only about fifteen or so of his closer friends, but he still wanted everything to look presentable. 
People began to show up around seven-thirty that night and soon it was all snacks and drinks and hanging out with everyone. For the most part, Tom found himself at least acquainted with most of the people there, since he and Haz were practically inseparable so it was a fairly comfortable party. 
“You are never allowed to drink that much beer again, Harry, I swear.” Tom spoke, reminiscing about the night before with a bit of a cringe tainted laugh. 
Harry looked offended, “I was not that bad!” 
“You were dancing on the table and waving your fucking shirt in the air!” Haz continued the story between sips of his beer, “I swear, I let you come over to my new place and you nearly wreck the place.” 
Sam chimed in, “Honestly, I’m embarrassed to be your twin sometimes.” 
Harry’s hands flew up in defense, “Okay, okay, don’t you blokes go acting like you weren’t all drinking either! I was not the only one who had a little too much!” 
The group of men laughed and joked, remembering Harry dancing like a stripper with his shirt off on the table. He did have a point: None of them were exactly sober the night before. 
Just as Haz was about to say something, Tom saw him look at the door over his shoulder, “Oh, wait. Someone just got here. Let me say hi real quick.” 
Tom let his gaze follow Haz as he walked over to the door, which had opened to reveal you standing there with a bottle of wine, looking like the most beautiful girl at the event, at least to Tom. He watched your face light up with a smile as you waved at Haz. He leaned down to hug you tightly and-
“Wow, Tom, stare a little harder, why don’t you.” Harry laughed. 
Tom whipped his attention back to his brothers, “What? I wasn’t staring.” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest with a feigned attempt to look nonchalant. 
He was staring. 
Sam gestured behind Tom with his cup, “Well, you better stop being weird cause she’s coming over here now.” 
“What?” Tom asked, eyes wide as he turned to check but by that time, Haz had already brought you and another blonde girl over to meet the group. 
“Tom, Harry, Sam, this is Y/N and Katy. I think you’ve met Katy before, though. Right, Tom?” Haz introduced you and your best friend Katy to the three other men. 
Tom nodded, “Yeah, I think we’ve met but hi again anyways.” He laughed as he shook Katy’s hand again just to complete the interaction. He got to you and shook your hand. “Hi, I’m Tom.” 
You took his hand with a smile but when he was finished speaking, he watched in momentary confusion that quickly turned to curiosity when you pointed to yourself and then (with a pointed finger moved from your ear to your chin/ moved two fingers from right to left). 
“Sign language? Oh shoot, I don’t- I can’t-” Tom stuttered, not really knowing what to say. 
You gently waved a single hand in front as if to say, Don’t worry about it. Tom watched as you tapped your thumb against your chest with an open five palm. Then you held up one finger. Wait a second. You dove down to grab your phone and quickly began tapping. 
“She says it’s fine, just wait a sec.” Katy translated for Tom, just in case he didn’t understand the very obvious signs like Hearing people often didn’t. 
Tom looked at her, “You know sign language too?” He asked in surprise and amazement. 
Katy nodded, “I’m an interpreter. Me and Y/N actually met at an event that I was interpreting for and we’ve been friends ever since.” 
“Oh, so do you interpret for her?” He asked, watching in amazement as her hands moved as she spoke, signing along with what both she and Tom were saying. He glanced over to see you waiting with your phone in hand, watching as she signed. 
She shook her head, “No, we’re just friends. I mean I help out in times like right now where there’s a conversation between Hearing people so she’s included but she’s capable of communicating herself.” 
You took that as your cue to hand him your phone: 
Hi! I’m Y/N but I think Haz already said that. Yes, I am (Deaf/ Hard of Hearing) but if you want to talk we can write :) 
Tom read the message quickly and looked up to see you waiting patiently for him with a kind smile. 
Hi :) I’m Tom. I’d love to keep chatting. Sorry I can’t sign :( 
You took the phone back and giggled: It’s fine. Most people can’t. I can show you your name if you want? 
Tom read the message and nodded excitedly, “Yeah that would be cool!” He voiced, cringing when he did. He wasn’t used to communicating like this. 
You laughed at his flusteredness. On a bad night, maybe the communication barrier would have annoyed you. Of course it got annoying having to baby step every single person who didn’t sign through this process. But there was something about Tom that you found cute. 
Slowly, you walked him through the signs. Your… name… T-O-M. 
He followed, trying his hardest not to mess up. He was even doing pretty well with the exception of mixing up his “T” and “M” with “N.” But he persisted, nonetheless, and got it pretty quickly. 
The way he looked so proud of himself made you giggle and you twisted both hands in the air, celebratorily. You texted back to him: Good job! 
That was probably terrible but thank you, he responded with a laughing emoji. 
The rest of that night had been filled with you and Tom talking quite a bit over a few glasses of wine. The conversation became natural quickly, even over text, which was an adjustment for Tom but he felt that you made it easy. You were nice and easy to talk to. Even after the night ended, Tom found himself wanting to see you again. 
“So how did you and Y/N meet? I mean, I didn’t think you knew sign language?” Tom asked Haz the next morning, helping him clean up from the night before. 
Haz shook his head, “I didn’t. I still don’t know much, honestly. But I was friends with Katy and I met Y/N at one of her parties and, I don’t know, we just sorta became friends. Katy’s been helping me learn sign but we still mostly just text to each other cause my signing is terrible.” He laughed. 
“Do you think you could teach me what you know? I want to be able to actually talk to her, y’know? Make it easier for her.” Tom asked, placing the chip bowls from last night in the dishwasher. 
Haz stopped sweeping the dining room long enough to make an immature face at Tom, “You like her! I freaking knew it!” 
“So what if I do? She was really nice!” Tom wasn’t having any of Haz’s teasing, especially when it was all true anyways. Why deny it? 
Haz nodded, smiling at the way his best friend looked just thinking about you, “Yeah, she is pretty nice, isn’t she? Don’t worry, mate. I’ll teach you what I know.” 
You and Tom had gone almost a month without seeing each other again. It wasn’t until you and Katy had just happened to run into him and Haz at a bar that your paths crossed. 
Tom and Haz sat in a booth in the back of the bar, celebrating a new role Tom had landed with a few drinks. “Hey! Look who’s here!” Haz drew Tom’s attention to the bar where you and Katy had just sat, “Katy!” He yelled just slightly above the noise. 
Katy looked over her shoulder around the bar until she saw the person calling her name. Her face lit up and she waved before tapping you on the shoulder. You glanced over your shoulder to see where she was pointing, waving at Tom and Haz when you saw them. The two men waved you over, inviting the two of you to sit with them. Once the bartender slid your drinks across the bar to you, you and your best friend joined them. 
Tom’s heart sped up a little when you slid into the booth beside him while Katy sat on the other side beside Haz. Before anyone could really say anything, Tom caught your attention, thinking for just a moment before signing, “Nice to see you again.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “You learned sign?” You asked, shocked. Tom looked like a deer in headlights when you signed back and he tapped his fingertips against the palm of his other hand. Again? Slower this time, you signed, “You learned sign? Understand?” 
Tom looked adorably proud of himself when he understood, moving his fist up and down, “Yes. A little.” 
You began to blush a little and your face sparkled, as if to say no way! “Thank you! That’s so cool!” 
Tom loved how expressive you were, how even with a language barrier between you two, he could still understand at least part of what you were saying. 
You and Tom found yourselves caught up in each other again for the rest of the night, him trying his hardest to communicate in your language, even if it was still a little messy and imperfect. Nevertheless, you couldn’t believe he’d actually taken the time and effort to learn sign language for you! It was definitely flattering to say the least. 
Seeing their best friends so enamored with each other, Haz and Katy watched the two of you. “I haven’t seen her like this with a boy in forever. She’s been talking about him non-stop since your party.” Katy ratted you out, not really even having to whisper since you and Tom were so concerned with your own conversation that neither of you would have noticed they were speaking anyways. 
Haz nodded, “Same with him. He’s been practicing almost every day so he could talk to her.” 
“I think we just accidentally played matchmaker.” Katy laughed, “Ten pounds says they’ll be dating by the end of the month.” 
The blonde man scoffed, “Ten pounds says they’ll be dating by the end of the week.” 
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grimmseye · 4 years
A Bird in the Hand: Chapter Twelve
Read on Ao3 here!
Rating: M
Fandom: Critical Role
Relationships: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss, Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (eventual),
Chapter Characters: Mollymauk Tealeaf, Essek Thelyss
Chapter Tags/Warnings: Molly Rez, Amnesiac Mollymauk, Oh My God They Were Roommates, Violence, The best kind of romantic relationships are when you fight big monsters together
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Seeing this side of the world reminded Essek why they were envious of the Empire.
The Ashkeeper peaks, at their southernmost edge, were bright with life. Even in the nighttime, the lands buzzed with a steady drone of noise, small and mundane creatures that would bear them little harm so far from the wastes of Xhorhas.
They didn’t have these luxuries of rich growth and predators that thought you too big to be their next meal. The Dynasty’s lands were long blighted, and what stood today came from centuries of building from scrap.
Essek was not much of a patriot, but he still had some love for his home, and still wanted to see it flourish. Beholding the verdant jungles that spilled out far below, he could not tamp down the resentment for what they’d been denied.
One ear flicked back at the sound of approaching steps. Essek turned as Mollymauk caught up with him, his coat draped between his arms to carry several handfuls of small, round fruit. The smile on his face beamed joy and contentment as he shuffled up to Essek and held out his coat in offering. “Blueberry?”
“Another fruit named after its color,” Essek observed, but reached for a few.
“Make sure to take the firmer ones. A mushy berry will ruin your day,” Molly advised, and Essek rolled back a few that had been soft between his fingers.
They were little blooms of sweetness on his tongue, and he couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face. Xhorhas struggled to maintain their farms, druids and bards and clerics filtering out to the fields to bless the lands and enrichen the soil. While it let them till the land, magic had a way of leeching the flavor from anything that grew there. It left much to be desired beyond the edible fungi that naturally grew in the wastes.
“Good?” Molly prompted, smiling. “Hey, hey, hand over your bag, will you? I can’t carry these forever.” He reached for Essek’s pack without waiting for real permission, tugging a small pocket open to start shoveling berries inside. “Just let me know when you want some more!”
When the berries were safely offloaded and the pocket closed, they fell into step back along the deer path they’d been following. An arc of one finger sent orbs of light bobbing through the air around him to illuminate their road once again.
They had only been traveling a few hours, his teleportation spell landing them further than he might have liked. Mollymauk took to the mountains with glee, his hooves allowing him to hop up steeper slopes with ease while Essek simply let graviturgy boost him up the hills. It made him feel warm to see Molly scamper up to the crest of another slope and then spin around, absolute delight on his face as he drank in the world below them.
“Mollymauk,” he called, and watched him twitch to attention. “More berries, please.”
“Get your ass up here first,” Molly shouted down. It was a blessing that he didn’t start his usual jeering.
Once Essek had joined him, Molly dutifully opened the pouch, delivering another handful of berries. Several steps down the path, he got a tug on his arm, and the tiefling’s mouth opened wide in expectation.
“You could have gotten your own,” Essek pointed out, but fed him a berry. Teeth closed around his pointer finger, scraping as Essek pulled away.
Molly waggled his eyebrows. Essek turned to walk away.
“Gods’ sake, Essek,” Molly groaned. He caught Essek around the shoulders to pull him down, lips meeting. The hand that didn’t cradle blueberries found Mollymauk’s arm instead, squeezing in expectation for the filthy sort of kisses Molly liked to spring on him these days. Instead he found himself smiling as Molly pressed one, two, three, small pecks to his lips, and then another to his nose, and again to his lips, this time to mumble, “You’re such a hardass.”
“You’ve done nothing to discourage me,” Essek pointed out, and Molly barked out a laugh.
It made travel impossibly slow, but Essek had never enjoyed himself more on this road. Earlier in his career, he had traveled with bands of Kryn soldiers, escorting him under the night, moving quick and quiet with the constant dread of being found out beyond their borders. As he developed his skills and reputation, he’d started coming alone, trusting his own resilience to make a quick escape if needed.
Neither had been enjoyable. Being alone had been an improvement, allowing him the peace to enjoy the change in scenery, but in recent months he’d recognized something that colored all memories of his past: a loneliness that ached to his core.
Now he had Mollymauk.
The Ashkeeper peaks were home to drakes. They weren’t true dragons, lacking their power and intelligence, but hunting one down would fetch a good price in any shaded market. Essek wasn’t here for poaching, though — all he needed were the shed scales that lined their nests.
They reached the peaks a few hours before dawn. The moons had slid out of view, leaving a bright field of stars overhead. He dismissed the lights around them, and they both took a moment to let their eyes adjust to the new darkness.
Mollymauk stuck close from that point forward. His visual range was significantly reduced compared to Essek’s, and he followed close behind. When Essek’s hands drifted to his component pouches, Molly’s swords hissed from their sheathes.
He had been to this drake’s lair a few dozen times already, and knew its patterns. A male, it always left the nest at night to hunt. It dwelled in a cave at the very peak of the Ashkeepers, where snow lined its crest well into summer.
Mollymauk’s steps were near-silent in the frost. Essek cast Message, whispering “Don’t stray from me,” before he set a hand on Molly’s shoulder and cast invisibility on them both.
His grip tightened as Mollymauk’s image slid away. He kept pace, Molly’s tail weighed against his side as the tiefling eased towards the mouth of the cavern. The temperature only dropped further as they passed under its roof. The inside of the cave nearly crystalline with ice. Even invisible, the fog of their path mingled with that which circulated inside.
Essek would give Mollymauk nudges to direct him through the tunnels, the two of them slipping around frozen bends, a veritable maze carved into the mountain. At its end was another cavern, this one with walls and burrows to form an uneven landscape. Essek knew that at the farthest point, the drake’s nest would be tucked away, filled with soft snow and plant matter and any shiny thing the creature could get off the ground.
A low, rumbling sound made both of them freeze. It rolled through the cavern, bouncing off the frozen walls. They held their breaths, counting the seconds of silence before it was chased by a hissing, sucking sound.
Snoring. That was the sound of snoring. The drake was still in its nest.
Molly’s hand replaced his tail, a weight at Essek’s side. He dragged it up, to his arm, his shoulder, skimming fingers along the length of his neck and over his jaw, until he’d found Essek’s ear and held it in place. Heat burned his cheeks as he leaned down and Molly pressed close.
The tiefling’s lips were practically on top of his ear as he whispered, “Still good to go?”
His hand dipped to cup Essek’s cheek, so Molly felt it when he nodded. There was a squeeze to his jaw, and a moment later, Molly slipped away.
The absence terrified him. Essek pulled a piece of iron from his pouch and clutched it in his hand. Even prepared, he was still too far away to cast. He watched Molly’s path through the mist, eyes fixated on every uneven swirl of fog until it grew too dense to parse.
Then his eyes were focused on the drake’s nest, which hovered at the very edge of his vision. He held his breath, blood pumping in his ears.
The edges of the nest were lined with glinting shapes — silver scales. It was the sudden loss of one’s light that alerted him to Molly’s position, watching as a shape lifted, and vanished. Then, seconds later, another. Then a third. All the while, the drake in the nest snored peacefully away.
One by one, Molly plucked the scales from the nest and tucked them safely away. Essek had almost let himself breathe again — and then a scraping sound came from above.
Essek froze. He prayed Molly had done the same, ears straining for the noise. It was the echo of scrabbling talons growing steadily louder, and closer. His eyes widened as he stared at the roof of the cavern, where one of those burrows tunneled up through the mountain to open air, where another silver snout was poking through.
The drake had apparently found itself a mate. Now the new one crawled onto the ceiling, something bloody clutched in its mouth. Its wings spread, bringing it gliding down to the cavern floor, Essek’s heart leaping in his chest as it landed on the edge of the nest. It was not, apparently, on top of Mollymauk, for the drake only siddled back onto the ice and began to scrape at it with its claws.
Mollymauk was invisible. He only needed to stay still and wait for the creature to settle down. Essek repeated this in his head as he watched the chunk of meat — a torn-off deer’s haunch, he was sure — get tucked down in the ice and then blasted with a stream of pure frost from the creature’s throat. It nudged the heap left over, muzzle coming away coated in snow, and for just an instant it looked like it was going to curl up peacefully in its next.
Then its nostrils flared. The pupils dilated, a snarl echoing through the cavern, this time the breath exhaled was more than just snow — it was a cone of jagged ice, to cut and freeze and kill. Essek felt the thread of his spell snap, Mollymauk flickering into view as a silhouette ducking away from the blizzard.
Essek’s feet hit the ground. He moved faster this way, darting forward across ragged ice. The other drake was waking now, as an arc of flaming orbs formed a halo above Essek’s head and then blared jets of fire into its mate.
Molly tried to retreat, scrabbling back. The awoken drake caught sight of him and then shrieked and lunged, the first snap of its jaws missing but talons catching his thigh. Molly snarled. His sword flashed down, Essek threw out a hand. The velocity of his swing doubled just before he struck, driving the blade deep into the meat of the creature’s back.
The second, the male drake, jumped from behind Mollymauk. Essek rushed forward, squeezing the chunk of iron tight enough that it cut into his palm and willing the beast to freeze in place. His magic curled around it for only a moment before it broke free of his grasp. It snapped at Mollymauk with a vengeance, clothes shredding around its teeth and jaws slicked with blood..
Molly couldn’t escape, barred in by two of the beasts. Essek snarled to himself, shifting to an angle where he could line up their thrashing bodies. “Mollymauk,” he called. The tiefling caught his gaze, saw the electricity as it pulled into Essek’s grip, and dove for the female’s tail.
He swung forward. The air pressure dropped, and dark purple lightning burst across the floor. It caught the female in the skull, its mate springing away with a hiss. Molly took the distraction, swinging viciously into the already bloodied drake as it staggered and wailed.
Essek hesitated for only a moment before getting even closer. He could get them out, he just needed to get to Mollymauk first.
And then the female turned, frost billowing between its teeth, and both of them were surrounded by pure cold. Essek shuddered, his legs giving way, knees hitting the ground. Snowflakes clung to his eyelashes, blurring his vision, skin stinging where needles of ice pricked through his flash.
He panted, gulping in a breath before he pushed himself upright. Mollymauk was still on his feet, defending himself against both of the beasts with blood dripping down his chin.
One step forward. Fresh blood drooled from Molly’s eyes, but the tail still caught him in the legs, made him stagger.
Another step. Molly dug one sword into the ice, the other glowing with radiant light. He lunged, dragging a crimson line into metallic scales.
Another step. The drakes both snarled, jaws parting in near unison, two mouths full of ice to expel.
Essek’s hand clamped onto Mollymauk’s shoulder, and he pulled.
They landed outside the cave, several hundred feet down the mountain. The shift in pressure made his ears pop as they collapsed in the grass.
For a moment, they both just caught their breath, adrenaline making his hands shake and his head swim. He listened as Mollymauk regained his bearings, shoving himself onto his knees.
“Can we run one gods- damned errand,” Mollymauk snarled, wrestling Essek’s pack away, “without something getting its teeth into me.”
There was the clink of glass. Essek rolled over, pushing himself to sit up. Mollymauk had pulled out a pair of potions, and was holding both of them out to him.
Essek frowned. “You take one,” he said, lifting a single bottle from his grip. He braced himself and downed it, the grimace from its taste giving way to relief as warmth flushed over his skin again.
Molly shrugged, pinched his nose, and did the same. Essek had to chuckle as Molly gagged and dove for the blueberry pouch.
He watched as Molly crammed a handful past his lips, then threw himself onto the ground. The grunt and groan that followed suggested the potion hadn’t patched everything up just yet.
He chuckled, and then settled his chin in one hand, elbow propped on a knee. “That was unfortunate,” Essek sighed. “I’ll have to go back to making this trip in a group if there’s a pair of them, now.” He was glad they hadn’t actually managed to kill one. If the drakes abandoned that nest, he’d be out of good components. “At least information means the trip wasn’t an utter waste.”
Molly, mouth stained with blueberry juice, suddenly perked up. He gave a wet, food-muffled noise that made Essek grimace before digging into the pockets of his coat. When he pulled his hands free, it was with a bundle of silver scales each.
Essek’s face lit up. He took the scales, even those streaked with blueberry juice, to examine them for a moment and slip them into his component pouch. Excitement thrummed in his chest. That would restore an entire batch of potions and leave him some leftover material for experimentation — he could kiss Mollymauk for that.
He could. That was the truth. Essek peeked back at Molly, to find the tiefling sitting up again with a squinty-eyed grin.
It took a moment to steel his courage before he cupped Molly’s face and pressed a kiss to his lips. The shock and then delight that shone in his eyes after had some odd pride flaring in Essek’s chest.
He’d almost grown comfortable with the arrangement. Mollymauk almost always initiated, pulling him down for kisses or burrowing into his space, clinging in bed when the night was cold. Sometimes he’d push Essek down in that bed and leave marks on his neck that the mantle would hide. Sometimes Essek came home carrying tension in every muscle and Molly would nudge him against the wall and sink to his knees, or lay out across the bed on his belly, tail curling, voice goading.
Turning the tables was fun. Seeing the warmth in Molly’s eyes made his heart do something strange but not quite unpleasant.
“Let’s get a little further out before resting,” Essek suggested, before pulling Molly another five hundred feet down the mountain.
He cast a spell, then, one that Molly had seemed delighted by when he first heard of it. Magnificent Mansion was a requirement for travel. The doorway shimmered into being, and the two of them vanished inside. There were a few plants Essek will need to gather under sunlight come morning, but for now, they could lay in a bed and rest.
And they did. They sank onto a mattress, injuries still too sore to do anything but curl around each other and bask in shared heat after being doused in the mountain’s chill. Meditation was easy to slip into, the deepening of Molly’s breaths becoming the metronome to carry him somewhere beyond conscious thought.
These were moments that made him feel like even in the worst of times, things could still be okay. The yawning pit of his future had given way to a flicker of light.
He was woken by the feeling of a spell shredding through the threads of his magic.
Essek’s heart skipped the moment before he was shunted into another space. He hit the ground in a heap, gasping in one breath before the air became flame.
A scream ripped from his throat. He thought for a moment it was echoing, until he realized Mollymauk was shrieking as well. In the span of seconds, every inch of his flesh was sent crawling with agony, blood pulsing heavy under his skin and leaving him stunned when the inferno fell away.
Arrows had embedded in his body almost without him noticing. He reached for his component pouch, grabbing hold of Mollymauk as they staggered upright. He’d burned too much magic to bring them home, but maybe he could put enough distance, could hide —
The spell crumbled to ash. Essek’s gaze focused on the caster, horror twisting in his gut. Mollymauk met his eyes, then shoved him, barking, “Just run!”
So he ran, dragging Mollymauk behind him. His hand lifted to try again, just one successful cast to save them.
A series of snaps pierced his ears before the bolts drove under his skin. He pitched forward, registering only pain the second before the world turned to black.
Elsewhere, it was raining.
They stood on a hillside, the clouds opened up to a frigid downpour. It wasn’t a storm, yet, but the force of the wind was a warning.
Two pairs of hands dug through slick mud, finding the earth below loose and pliant, the grave they had dug so long ago now revealing itself as empty.
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fyeahwildfire · 5 years
Spirit Bound
Chapter 3
Summary: You stand among the other Mortal Kombat contestants and witness two matches against the one and only Johnny Cage, the struggling Hollywood action movie star who wants his fame back.
Pairing: Mortal Kombat x reader; Bucky x reader (later)
Warning: Swearing, 
Character Powers: Telepathy and telekinesis
A/N: Gifs used down below. I love this outfit from League of Legends-Akali, so I used it for Reader’s kombat outfit. 
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Moments later…
You, Lui Kang, and Raiden stood together amongst the other participants. Shang Tsung walks out with Jade and Kitana following behind.
“Kombatants. I am Shang Tsung. In the coming days each of you will fight. Some are here of their own volition. Others were brought here by chance.” He extended his arms.
You look among the other participants and notice the three Lin Kuei members. You remember your mother once telling you, you had two half-brother’s in the Lin Kuei. The one noticeably dressed in blue caught you staring, his eyes scan over you. You turn away as your attention is brought back to Shang Tsung.
“You participate in the most important mortal kombat in history. This tournament, the tenth after nine Outworld victories will determine Earthrealms fate. If you defeat all of your opponents, you will face one final challenge. Me.”
You can hear Johnny Cage mock Shang Tsung, “That old geezer is the final challenge. They might as well give me the belt right now. They do have belts right.”
Shang Tsung clears his throat and Johnny is surprised to see him standing beside him.
“What? How did you…”
“Appearances can be deceiving.” Shang Tsung floats back to his stage. “Our first Kombatant will be Mr. Cage.”
“Yeah.” Johnny steps onto the floor, he’s fully ready to take on anyone. He wants to prove to skeptical movie critics and the public that he is not a fake. “That’s right. That’s right. Who’s it gonna be?”
“Reptile.” Shang Tsung calls for Johnny’s opponent.
From atop the roof, a green hideous humanoid reptilian creature appears and jumps onto the floor. The monks clap as he does so.
“Nice stunt.” Johnny speaks with awe.
“Begin.” Shang Tsung orders.
Both Johnny and Reptile battle each other for a good 15 minutes. You’re impressed that Johnny is able to hold his own. Johnny lands one last blow and knocks Reptile down on his back.
“He got caged.” Johnny stands over Reptile and smiles. “That’s it. Oh yeah. I’m so pretty.” Johnny walks up to the other competitors and with confidence he says, “I’m taking you down. I’m taking you down. I’m taking you out. I’m taking you out and I’m taking you out…for dinner.”
Sonya scoffs with disgust and looks away. You can’t help but find it a bit humorous. After all, he was her soulmate.
You chance another glance at Sub-Zero and find one of his companions whispering into his ear. He nods but his eyes don’t move from you.
“Now, for your second challenge Mr. Cage.” Shang Tsung speaks from his spot. “Baraka!”
You look up to see a fucking ugly monster with razor-sharp teeth that no doubt could do some major damage. Baraka lets out a monstrous roar and jumps onto the floor.
Johnny nods his head, “Hmm okay, nice makeup but is it really necessary.”
Baraka unsheathes his retractable metal blades from his forearm.
“Woah.” Johnny leans forward to get a better glimpse at the blades.
“They will taste your flesh.” Baraka threatens.
While the two battle each other, you lean over to Lui Kang and whisper, “What the fuck is that thing?”
“Baraka is a Tarkatan. He and his people are mutant crossbreeds of Netherrealm demons and Outworlders. They are notorious cannibals and are feared for their barbarous nature.” Lui Kang whispers back, he immediately notices Sub-zero’s eyes on you. He becomes a bit defensive and stands closer to you. He narrows his eyes almost threatening.
“Oh, okay so best to steer clear of that one then.”
“Yes, in fact it’s best to steer clear of most of these competitors. Some are known to be very dangerous.”
You smirk and tilt your head to look into his eyes, “You talking about the blue Lin Kuei over there?”
He nods, “Yes, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you. I’m just concerned.”
“Oh, I know he hasn’t. His name is Bi-Han and he is my half-brother.”
Lui Kang is shocked, “He is?”
You nod while you look back to the fight between Baraka and Johnny. “Lord Raiden knows. Don’t you?”
“Yes. Your mother was once married to sub-zero’s father, together they had two children. Bi-Han and his younger brother Kuai Liang.” Raiden’s eyes remained locked on the fight.
“What happened?” Lui Kang asked curiously.
“He took her sons away and had them join the Lin Kuei.” You reply with resentment.
Before Lui Kang could ask more questions, the fight between Johnny and Baraka finished with Johnny taking the win.
“Man I love those blades.” Johnny speaks with awe, he bends over to look at Baraka. “My producer has got to meet you. We’re doing Tommy scissor fists…”
“Congratulations, Mr. Cage. Now finish him.” Shang Tsung interrupts and orders Johnny to kill Baraka.
“Finish him? Yeah right.”
“Kill him!” Shang Tsung orders.
Johnny looks among the other competitors and find that they don’t have a problem with killing. In fact, they are just waiting for him to get it done with.
“Woah. Woah. Wait a second. I’m not gonna kill anyone.”
You and Lui Kang smile, then look over at Raiden, who also holds a smile on his face as it wasn’t known to spare your enemies during Mortal Kombat tournament. Despite being an egotistical asshole, Johnny wasn’t that bad.
“Very well, the tournament will resume at dawn.” Shang Tsung announces and turns to leave.
The monks rise from their positions and turn to leave as well.
“What that’s it? Really?” Johnny shrugs and turns around to find Sonya. “Now, where did that hottie go?”
The three of you approach Johnny, before he can take off to find Sonya and flirt some more with her. She’ll probably kick his ass in the process.
You look around to find where Bi-Han went. Since you were a child you had always been curious to know what your other half-brothers were like. You didn’t exactly search for them in the future, but since he was there you just found yourself curious. If things went smoothly here, then maybe when you get back you can seek out your two brother’s.
“You fought well.” Raiden tells Johnny.
“Thanks, nice hat and...” Johnny lowers his sunglasses to get a glimpse of you. He practically ogles upon seeing you dress in your green outfit. It fit you in all the right places and showed off your nice toned legs. “…nice outfit babe.”
“You should be more respectful of Lord Raiden and Lady Y/N. Raiden is Earthrealms protector and God of Thunder…”
“Look, I don’t know what kind of role playing you guys are into, but count me out.” Johnny interrupts Lui Kang as his eyes search for the blonde.
“This tournament is more than a chance at personal glory, we are fighting for the very survival of Earthrealm.”
“What are you talking about?” Johnny looks over Lui Kang’s shoulder and sees you slowly walking off. He sees the way your hips sway and he has to stop himself from looking. He had his eyes on Sonya, but there was no denying that you were hot.
“You’re last opponent was Tarkatan, he was born with those blades.” Raiden tries to explain.
“Yeah, those things are real.” Johnny looks over his shoulder to see an unconscious Baraka being hauled away.
“He represents Outworld, had you lost the emperor Shao Kahn would have come one step closer to physically absorbing our world into his.”
“Outworld, right.” Johnny shakes his head not believing either of them.
“The elder gods created the Mortal Kombat tournament, to give Earthrealm a chance to defend itself. But if we lose this time Shao Kahn will conqueror all.”
“Dun Dun Dun. Look guys I’m an actor. I save the world for the cameras. If this emperor is really a threat call the military. Me. I’ve got a date with a blonde.” Johnny walks off to go in search for his soulmate Sonya.
“What do you see in him?” Lui Kang asks Raiden as he looks behind to see you were gone.
“He is a hero, Lui Kang. Though he may not know it.”
“She’s gone! Where do you think she ran off too?” Lui Kang searched among the people trying to find you. He hadn’t heard you leave. How long had you been gone? With a bunch of murderers and assassins he feared for your safety.
“She may be after Sub-Zero.”
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As soon as you part from Lui Kang and Raiden, you immediately sensed someone thoughts. The person was hidden away, you could sense he was injured. Instead of searching for Bi-Han you decide to help this person. You follow his thoughts leading to a secret part of the island, the dungeon. You carefully walk inside and find a man leaning against the cell. Slowly, you move closer towards his cell.
“Hello, Jax.” You whispered, placing you hand on the cell bar.
He looked up, “How? How do you know my name?”
“I’m telepathic. I’m here to help.” You examine the cell trying to assess its weak points.
“Run, girl, run…save yourself.” He grunted in pain, his head leaning against the bars.
“Yeah, I don’t run.” You whirl around the moment you hear Sonya’s voice coming from across the dungeon. She was not at all being quite. You could hear the sound of her boots scrapping against the ground.
“Jax! Jax! You in here?” Sonya looked around the creepy dungeon and found you standing next to Jax. “Oh my god. What did they do to you?”
You sensed Shang Tsung coming with two other bodyguards. “Shit, he’s coming.”
“Who’s coming?” Sonya was confused.
“Run, Sonya. Take the girl with you. Run.”
“Miss Blade! You do not disappoint! I have been expecting you.” Shang Tsung continues to walk closer and notices you standing there as well. His eyes widen slightly as he takes you in. His eyes travel to your eyes and all the way down to your green outfit. It’s in that moment where he decides he wanted you for himself. “Who might you be?”
Sonya stands in front of you to protect you. “Let him go! We’re not part of your tournament!”
“On the contrary. You are very much a contestant. You will face Sub-Zero, of the Lin Kuei clan of assassins.” Shang Tsung smiles proudly and puts his hands behind his back.
You see glaciers forming into a man, ice shards break to reveal Sub-Zero. He quickly gets into his fighting stance. Sonya moves forward and takes her stance as well.
“Now you will feel death’s cold embrace.” Sub-Zero’s attention is diverted when he sees you standing beside Jax’s cell. For a moment you sense his uncertainty, but it quickly disappears.
With Sonya fighting against Sub-Zero, you take the time to telepathically call Raiden for help seeing as Sonya and Jax were going to need his help. After nearly 30 minutes, Sonya finally manages to defeat Sub-Zero.
“Done! We’re leaving!” Sonya notices Raiden appearing out of lightning, though she pays him no attention as Shang Tsung steps closer. “Stand in my way and I’ll kick you’re…”
“A challenge?” Shang Tsung smiles.
From right where you are standing you can see Raiden having a vision. You take a peek and see Lui Kang defeating Shang Tsung.  “No. You will not be the one to challenge Shang Tsung.” Raiden holds his hand out to prevent Sonya from attacking.
“You want some too? Fine by me.” Sonya attacks Raiden.
Sonya is an impressive fighter but you could clearly see Raiden was holding back, he had no intention on hurting Sonya.
“Give us some cover, Raiden. I’ll help Sonya free Jax.”  You telepathically told him.
Sonya kicks Raiden and sends him to the ground, she stalks him and is about to punch him when he speaks, “Shield your eyes.”
“Shield your eyes.” Raiden’s eyes spark and soon the entire room is lit with a bright light.
“Jax get back.” With everyone covering their eyes, you take the opportunity to use your telekinesis to pry open the bars.
Sonya walks back over to you and Jax, she puts his arm over her shoulders. “Jax, come on! We’re outta here!”
“Bout time…Nice job kid.” You follow behind them to make sure they get out safely.
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Outside the dungeon, Jax struggles to move as his wounds are to grave. You decide to put his other arm around your shoulders. A big guy like him, well he was too heavy for Sonya to carry all alone.
“Come on, Jax! Move it! That’s an order.”
“Oh…so you’re in charge now?” Jax breathes heavily.
Sonya talks into her wrist com, “Special Forces Command, this is Sonya Blade! Where’s that evac?”
“Blade, they are en route…coming to you.”
You and Sonya set Jax down gently on the ground. You look around seeing a shrine and a fountain in the background.
“Affirmative! Almost home, soldier.” Sonya looks up to you. “You’re coming back with us kid. It’s not safe, here.”
You hated being called a kid. You were 20 for crying out loud. You sigh, “I can’t.”
“Why?” Jax winced as he looked at you.
“Because I was sent by the Elder Gods to help Raiden and Earthrealm warriors.”
“By order of Shang Tsung, no one leaves this island.” Kitana comes out from the shadows with Jade following beside her.
“I don’t have time for this. Outta my way.” Sonya groans and rises to her feet to face them.
You join her side and get into a fighting stance to face off against Jade. Jade wastes no time in heading towards you. She makes the mistake in underestimating you. You jump up and place both your hands on her shoulder. You flip over her shoulders and come down to a crouch, where you swipe your leg underneath hers. Jade falls on her back.
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She looks up in disbelief. You just laid her on her back and you really hadn’t done anything. She pulls out her bo staff and whirls it around with expertise. From the corner of her eyes, she sees Kitana struggling to hold her own against Sonya. She tries to swipe at you, only for you to dodge by performing a sideways flip.
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Jade looks at you completely angry that you’re taunting her. You aren’t even fighting back. She sends a flurry of punch and kicks towards you. You attempt to dodge every single one. But when she lands a punch to your face. You grit your teeth and look her in the eye. You were pissed. You were no longer going to hold back.
You throw a series of punches, uppercuts, lowercuts, and hooks. You even incorporate some kicks. Jade tries to dodge every single one of your hits but when you jump into the air and hit her with a flying punch. She is sent stumbling backwards. She looks up to see you illuminate yourself with a green telekinetic energy.
“Oh Shit.” She thought to herself.
You green energy comes out like streams as it wraps around Jade. Making her unable to move. She looks into your eyes and sees your irises are green. You perform a roundhouse kick that has been amplified by your telekinetic energy. Jade is sent backwards flying straight into Kitana.
“We sure don’t need any more surprises like them.” Sonya walked past you to get to Jax. “How you holding up?” Sonya kneels.
“I’m fine.”
“Liar. After I get you to base. I’m coming back. Kano’s still here somewhere.”
“Your obsession with him is gonna get you killed, Sonya.” Jax tilts his head, he wants his best friend to see reason. He doesn’t want her to get hurt.
“I trusted him.”
“Yeah, we all did.”
“But I was the one he used.” Her voice is filled with guilt and regret.
“I think your ride is here.” You look over your shoulder and smile.
Sonya smiles and waves her hands as she rises onto her feet. You sense something wrong. You hear Shang Tsung’s evil mind. He wants to destroy the helicopter to prevent them from leaving. But before you could use your telekinesis to shield the helicopter, Shang Tsung had used his magic to throw a fireball. The helicopter crashes down.
“No. Damn you.” Sonya looks over to see Shang Tsung smiling wickedly.
“You have a challenger. Kano.”
Kano puffs his chest out and walks towards Sonya. “Pretty boy isn’t gonna save you this time.”
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You move over to stand protectively in front of Jax, while Sonya dealt with Kano. Your hands glow with telekinetic energy. You need to be ready in case if Sonya was defeated. You weren’t going to let anything happen to this man. He had been through enough.
The fight between Sonya and Kano lasts for about 15 minutes with Sonya being victorious. She looms over his unconscious body, “You’re coming with me.” She takes a step towards Kano only to be stopped by fire.
“Kano is not your prisoner.” Shang Tsung diffused the flames in his hands.
“At least help Jax. He needs a medic!”
Shang Tsung laughs wickedly, he sidesteps her and walks away. Kano, Kitana, and Jade follow after him.
“There they are!” Johnny approaches with Raiden and Lui Kang. “Sonya! You all right? Hey, looks like you found him. S’up, Sarge?”
“He’s a ma… Hey, what are you doing?” Sonya notices Raiden walking towards you and Jax.
You move to the side to allow him to heal Jax. “It’s alright, Sonya. Raiden won’t hurt Jax. He merely seeks to help.”
Raiden uses powers to heal all of Jax’s wounds. Sonya is still finding it hard to believe as she tries to interfere. However, Johnny holds her by the arm and tells her Raiden is an ally.
Jax smiles, he feels like a new man. “That’s amazing.”
“Told ya! Turn out he’s a god!”
You extend your hand out to help Jax back onto his feet. Afterwards, you move to Lui Kang’s side, where you see him shake his head.
“You left without telling us… you could have been hurt.”
You raise your brow. Did he really think that low of you? That you couldn’t fend for yourself. That you were a damsel in distress, who needed saving. You narrow your eyes and fold your arms across your chest. Turning away from him, you see Sonya thank Raiden.
“I can take care of myself, thank you.” Before you can leave, Lui Kang grabs you’re arm.
Lui Kang didn’t mean to offend you. He just sort of clung to you, he couldn’t help that he was worried for your well-being. After all, this place wasn’t safe for anyone. Also, no woman had ever made him feel the way you did and the mere thought of you being hurt by assassins and criminals. No he couldn’t bear that thought.
“Forgive me, Lady Y/N.” He spoke softly. “I did not mean to offend you.”
“The Elder Gods sent me here to help. They wouldn’t have sent me if I didn’t know how to fend for myself. You get that right.” It was the only logical explanation you could give.
Lui Kang nodded his head, “Yes, I do. I am truly sorry. Please, forgive me.”
For a few seconds you remain silent, but then you smile. “I forgive you, but you must do one thing.”
“Anything. Just ask.” Lui Kang smiled, happy that you were no longer mad at him.
“Do not call me Lady Y/n. It sounds weird. Just call me Y/n.”
“Very well, Y/N.”
Right after, you and Lui Kang walk over to the others, who have gather around Raiden.
“I have foreseen event’s, like memories of my future. They lead me to believe that you are all connected to Earthrealm’s fate.”  
“What have you foreseen?” Lui Kang asks curiously.
“In my visions, Shao Kahn becomes invincible. He destroys all life in Earthrealm. We will all die.” Raiden looks over to see you looking down. “The Elder Gods have provided us with a second chance, they have sent Lady Y/N to help guide us.”
Johnny looks over, “No offense, but how can she help?”
You look up and narrow your eyes. Lui Kang takes a step back. He had made the same mistake before and immediately regretted it. Sonya’s hand go to her hips and the look on her face, says she wants to hit Johnny for offending you.
“Well, for starters she can kick your ass.” Sonya glares at Johnny.
“Yeah, like she did with those two girls back there.” Jax folded his arms, to keep himself from hitting the actor. “Say kid, what was that green glow? Never seen anything like that before.”
You smirk, “That green glow is telekinetic energy. I was born with the abilities of telepathy and telekinesis.”
Oh shit! She can read minds, fuck. Johnny thought.
You smirk, Oh I can do more than read minds. I can control and manipulate minds. I can perform neuropsychic surgery to heal or damage a mind. My telepathic ability is far too advance for a simple minded actor like yourself.
Johnny swallows and stutters, “So…uh…these visions of yours…”
“I believe these flashes are a guide to defeating Shao Kahn. But disrupting the flow of time can have serious consequences.”
You shake your head, “Or your visions could be a warning. Perhaps, the events you see have already transpired.”
 “Hmm, that may be possible.” Raiden thought this over. If that was the case then he couldn’t rely on his visions, but there was also a possibility you could be wrong.
“Then what now?” Johnny asked.
“The Elder Gods showed me the fate of the fallen Earthrealm warriors. At the end, Raiden is the last to defend Earthrealm, but he is defeated by Shao Kahn. They believe I can help change your fate and save the future of our people. But I don’t know how. All I know is we have to choose wisely.”
Lui Kang places his hand on your shoulder, he doesn’t need telepathy to see you were doubting yourself. The fate of humanity lied on your shoulders. Just like him you were burden with a glorious purpose. All will be well. The Elder Gods chose you wisely. You will help us succeed in defeating Shao Kahn.
Thank you. You’re words are comforting. You smiled.
“Alright, Raiden. We are with you and Y/N.”  
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floatingpetals · 5 years
One Last Call || Maybe Not
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Angst, language, eventual fluff
Word Count: 2400+
Summary: A mission had gone horribly wrong. She knew things were grim, and she had something she desperately needed to get off her chest. All she needed was one last call.
A/N: HA YA’LL THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LEAVE IT LIKE THAT?! HAAAAAA!! APRIL FOOLLSS!!! But seriously, I couldn’t leave that story off the way it did. It just hurt too much. I’m not gonna give much more away, so I hope you enjoyy!! 
Gifs not mine, credit to the creator!
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Natasha was there the second the phone slipped from Steve’s fingers. She knew how important Y/N was in his life, how quickly he had grown to care for the woman. It was heartbreaking to watch; he was just forced to listen to her dying breath and there was nothing he could do about it.
Tony let out a heavy sigh, biting back his own set of tears. His gaze swept around the rest of the team, seeing similar reactions on the rest of the team. They fought back their own tears, the air was thick and somber. With heavy steps, he walked over to the discarded phone on the floor and picked it up. He paused when he heard shouting from the other end. The line must not have dropped. Raising the phone to his ear, he winced after a loud shout and snapped back.
“Hey-What’s going on?”
The officer on the other end let out a string of words in Ukrainian before letting out a sigh of relief.
“Добре. Ти все ще там.”
“Yup. Gotta speak English.” Tony said flatly. He figured they’d need to discuss where to pick up Y/N’s body, no doubt they’d have to take her to a corner before they could get her back to them. To bring her home one last time. The words the officer spoke next made Tony’s heart burst with hope.
“She’s still breathing.”
Sinking back into his seat, Tony let out the breath he was holding. Voice shaking he asked the man to repeat himself.
“The woman. We were able to get her breathing.” The officer said. He could hear the sirens pulling away in the distance, the officer closing his car door. “She’s in critical condition, but she is alive. For now.”
“Oh-That’s-“ Tony was at a loss for words, fresh tears now streaming down his face. Only this time they weren’t for sorrow. “What hospital are you taking her to?”
“A local hospital. They need to do surgery. There’s still a bullet in her side-.”
“Yes. Get her in and get it out. Do not let her code on us again.” Tony said firmly, spinning around in his seat to go at the controls. He kicked the jet into overdrive, pushing it to its limits.
Behind him, the rest of the team listened in shock. Steve’s sobs had stopped, his eyes wide as Tony explained that they were a few hours away. He glanced at Bucky, whose eyes were just as bloodshot as his. Was this a joke, or was Y/N still alive?
“I’ll send you the coordinates to our landing site. We’ll need transportation to the hospital. You can? Great.” Tony flipped off his tears and switched into the leading role. Y/N meant a lot to him as well, but someone needed to step in until Steve could recollect his emotions. Tony understood, he was the same and is the same when it comes to Pepper. “What’s your number? I’ll text you from my phone when we’re close and you can keep us updated.”
Natasha passed Steve a tissue, a happy smile spreading on her face. This was good. Y/N was still alive. Barely, but she was alive.
“Talk to you later.” Tony hung up the phone and spun around to address everyone. “We have great news and bad news. Good news, Y/N might have coded before they arrived but by some miracle, they were able to bring her back. Bad news; she’s hanging by a thread, needs surgery and we’re still five hours out.  Petro, the cop who answered her phone, says she’s got a bullet they need to get out and is suffering from significant blood loss and definitely has internal damage. She’s probably going to just get out of surgery by the time we get there if the damage is as extensive as they thought.”
“But she’s alive?” Natasha asked, resting a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Tony smiled, although grimly, and nodded.
“She’s a fighter apparently.”
Steve stared down at his hands on his lap and gave a watery chuckle.
“That’s my girl.”
True to Tony’s word, six hours later the jet landed in a field just outside of the village Y/N was sent to. Right where he said he would be, was Office Petro and four squad cars. He shook hands with Tony and directed them to pile in the cars. Steve joined Tony with Petro, eager to learn about Y/N’s status.
“She just got of surgery,” The bigger man said in his heavy accent. His voice was rough but gentle. He understood their concern for the woman he thought too was dead. She would have been another unfortunate statistic to the death of drug crimes around the area. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was she in the area we found her. You say she is an agent?”
“Yes,” Steve replied. “She was supposed to be tailing some of the drug dealers around this area. They’re small, but the demands for the drugs they supply is quickly growing. It’s a mix of molly and Adderall that a lot of younger teens seem to prefer.”  
“Ah, yes. They have quickly become a problem around here. But how would they know they were being watched by anyone, let alone a single woman?”
That caused Steve and Tony to pause. Petro was right. How else would they have known about Y/N? The gang wasn’t known for its use of guns and violence as of yet. They both shared a look, fury starting to build in their chests. Someone tipped them off.
“Anyways. The last thing they told me was she’s in ICU. She coded once on the table, but they were able to bring back once more.” Petro sounded impressed. “I don’t know what you give her to eat, but she wasn’t ready to leave just yet.”
Tony grimaced a part of him proud of Y/N but worried she wasn’t going to make it through the night.
“She’s a stubborn one, that’s for sure.” He clapped a hand on Petro’s shoulder. Petro pulled up to the front entrance of the hospital, throwing the car in park. Steve was out of the car before it stopped, desperate to see Y/N, to make sure she was still breathing.  
The nurse at the front desk had seen a lot of things in her days. Bullet wounds, people with limbs handing on by a thread, even people with screwdrivers embedded in their thighs. Looking up to see The Captain America, Ironman and party rush up to the desk looking like they were ready to tear the walls down was a different level of terror she experienced that day.
“There’s a woman, Y/N Y/L/N. She was brought in a few hours ago for a bullet wound and just came out of surgery.” Steve demanded, leaning over the desk. The nurses’ mouth fell open, her wide eyes darting frantically between the Avengers that loomed over her desk. She shook her head, unable to understand English. Petro tutted and pushed the overbearing Captain aside.
“She doesn’t speak English.” He explained and then turned to the woman. He explained quickly, asking for the room number Y/N was in. Relief washed over the woman, nodding quickly and leaned over the desk to point down the hall as she spoke. Petro turned to the Avengers. “She’s on the third floor, room 308. I’ll come so you don’t scare the other nurses.”
Steve bit back a snarl but nodded. He needed to get to Y/N, not get thrown out for terrorizing the natives. He followed a step behind Petro anxiously. The ride up was excruciating, and the walk to her room was terrifying. Petro stopped him at the door, waving to a sink.
“They want you to wash before you go in and only one at a time.”
“You go ahead.” Tony patted Steve on the shoulder. Steve stay rooted to the spot, staring blankly at the door in front of him. “Go on Cap. The team and I have things we have to take care of. Go see your girl.”
As he walked over to the sink, the reality of what happened and what he was about to step in to hit him. His stomach felt like someone filled it with lead, and his legs struggled to hold up his weight. He was terrified. He already thought he lost her once, just seconds after admitting how much she meant to him. She was nowhere near out of the clear. The second he’d open that door, it meant this was all real. It wasn’t some twisted nightmare he was forced to live through.
Nothing in his line of work could have ever compared to slowly opening the door and seeing Y/N hooked up to all machines. The door shut softly behind him, the click releasing the silent tears he held back. She looked so frail, her skin a sickly shade lighter than her usual tone. His heat shattered in his chest. He moved to stand beside her, afraid if he took her hand in his he’d hurt her further.
Letting out a heavy breath, Steve pulled the chair closer to her beside and delicately reached out to take her hand in his. Her skin was clammy and cold, but he could feel her faint heartbeat. It was enough to soothe his fears for now, even though he knew she still had a long recovery ahead of her. Pressing a kiss against the balk of her hand, he settled in beside her for the long wait for her to wake.
The door popped open, startling Steve awake. He blinked, blearily looking for the newcomer. Bucky walked in with a fast food bag in one hand, and a giant drink in the other.
“Hey.” He greeted, passing the food over to his friend and sat in one of the large armchairs. Steve mumbled thanks and turned his eyes back to Y/N. They had taken her out of ICU three days ago, her body healed enough that she didn’t need to be on constant care. She, however, had yet to wake up. The doctors assured the team it wasn’t a bad thing, she went through extensive trauma and her body would wake on its own. Now in a new room, Tony made sure she got the best treatment he could get her. After two weeks sitting on the painful plastic chairs, Steve was grateful for the soft chairs in the nicer room.
“How’s she doin’?” Bucky asked, his eyes growing sad looking over her prone body.
“Same as yesterday,” Steve replied solemnly. Bucky grunted and reached in his pocket, pulling out a phone. He passed it over to Steve.
“Tony fixed it for you. Also wanted to let you know we found the assholes who did this. Natasha made sure the rest that went into hiding wouldn’t ever come back.” Bucky said with a hint of pride. Steve felt the corners of his lips turn up in a smirk. “Doesn’t mean they’ll stay there long. Natasha and Wanda both took this to a whole other level.”
“Good,” Steve stated, digging the food out from the bag. Bucky smirked.
“Tony threw a fit when he couldn’t get us the suite in the only hotel here in town. So, they set us up in the honeymoon suite.” Bucky muffled a groan and rolled his head to look at Steve. “It’s been an interesting few weeks. You ever gonna come up to the room?”
Steve shook his head, chewing on a bite from the burger. The room had a shower, and he had Natasha bring him a change of clothes and deodorant. The only time he left was when he went to get coffee or food from the cafeteria. The nurses and doctors stopped trying to push him out after visiting hours, instead opting to just ask him to stay in the room with Y/N. Not that he ever had plans on leaving her side for too long.
“Come on man.” Bucky started up. “You can’t stay here the whole time. You need to sleep. In a bed. And not curled up on a half stuff ottoman in a hospital.”
“I hear what you're saying, but no Buck. I can’t leave her.” Steve said firmly. “I wasn’t there for her when she needed me, but I’m going to be here for her when she wakes up.”
Bucky fell quiet, observing Steve for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.
“Alright. But when she wakes up and bitches you out for not taking care of yourself, give me a heads up. I want to get a seat and popcorn for that show.”
“You’re hilarious,” Steve stated dryly. Bucky flashed him a toothy grin and swung a leg over the arm of his chair.
“That’s why you keep me around.”
“Hey now. That's rude.”
The two froze, their eyes going wide at the scratchy feminine voice that entered the fray. Their heads snapped towards the bed, both their eyes growing wide in shock. Steve moved first, vaulting off the chair to rush to Y/N’s side. He grabbed her hand while Bucky shot off outside to grab a nurse, giving the two a moment before the doctors would come rushing in.
“Shit, sweetheart.” Steve croaked, the tears starting all over again. “I’m so glad to see you’re awake! How are you feeling? What hurts?”
“Slow down, Stevie.” Y/N giggled, wincing at the flash of pain that shot up her side. “Clearly, I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“Jesus, you gave me a heart attack. I thought I lost you.” Steve stated his voice cracking. “I heard you die. I just-.”
“Hey.” Y/N interrupted. She reached her free hand up, and cupped his cheek, brushing her thumb along his lips. “I’m so sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t though. I’m here. That’s all that matters.”
Steve couldn’t say a word, his voice caught up in his throat. Instead, he did what he’d wanted to since the day he realized he started to fall for her. He closed the distance between them and pressed a searing kiss against her lips. Y/N melted under his touch, tugging him closer. They didn’t pull back until the door swung open, the doctors filtering in.
Stepping back, Steve’s eyes never left Y/N as the doctors went through the motions. A smile spread on his face, his eyes shining with fresh unshed tears. He wasn’t going to mess this up. He was tired of being careful. He had a second chance, and he wasn’t going to ruin it.
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lawyergear10-blog · 4 years
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Is Devops Challenging? Please Note
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Yes, of course, you can learn Selenium without knowing Java. Selenium IDE is a GUI based tool but it works only in Mozilla Firefox. However, if you want to create test cases using Selenium WebDriver, you should know one programming language out of - Java, C#, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP.
A subreddit for those with concerns about operating in the tech market or in a computer-science-related job. I feel that in Workflow as well as QA you can easily 'burn-out' because of the lengthy hrs and repetitive job. For me development tends to be one of the most 'fun' and also therefore lowers the stress degrees. I don't recognize how difficult QA job is as I've never done it.
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and also new ones are still being produced, one should note that roughly 90% of the concepts one learns in a specific language are likewise suitable to totally different languages. When opleiding java testers knows with the core essentials, establishing comparable skills with another language just boils down to understanding the syntactical nuances. creating or coding automation script, I am expanding a lot more burnt out. # 13) Find out more books, short articles, attend testing meetup and also seminars.
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How can I be good tester?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Advances in software and AI world have paved the way for Robotic Process Automation (RPA). It is the most recent technology which has the capability to re-invent the business process management landscape. To know more about RPA's role in the software testing industry.
It is important in this regard to look for some advice and real-world assistance from gamers who have some experience in the field, as well as whose insights can aid you when making that critical pre-development decision. to script code, over time, differences will certainly emerge in between the languages. Consequently, activities that operate well in a specific language could be counter and repetitive user-friendly in a various one.
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Interface Designer.
Growth can be rather difficult during crunch time when you're required to make style concessions as well as provided no time to clean up your work. But it can be a lot of enjoyable, also, which is in fact more frequently the situation for me. It's a GREAT DEAL easier to handle the job anxiety when you recognize the work and also your coworkers. Much easier to reduce, yes, equally as simple to outsource as development is however. QA is only demanding in that you have much less job safety and security than a dev.
I will collaborate with various other devs on my group if I'm unsure concerning a specific means of doing something, or the pros and cons of 2 things that, to me, appear similarly good/bad. I angle speak for QA given that my experience is in dev however from my interactions with them, it definitely does not appear like a cinch. As soon as you begin surrounding deadlines, everybody in the process feels the warm. I've done both, and also I've been burnt out by numerous aspects of each of them.
When your goals as a tester straighten with the goals of the app, you will certainly have the ability to provide significant outcomes. A tester's mindset can indicate the distinction in between discovering the most important insect in the app and finding absolutely nothing. You simply need to choose which response makes the a lot of sense once you comprehend what the inquiry is. You are provided an application, and also you should decide what must be evaluated, what the result should be, and apply a testing technique. You raise the possibility of somebody on your team falling short to carry out a job when you include more actions to an examination situation.
Discuss what they are doing, what they have actually developed, what situations they have taken into consideration, is there anything you can contribute to help them recognize the product much better. # 7) Collaborate with the QA groups from various other projects also.
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Consistency provided by the WebDriver API across languages, simplifies the procedure of porting examination expertise of one language to one more. Examination engineers come to be better assets to their organizations as they can be transferred to any kind of internet project, created in any programs language, and also still have the ability to produce tests for it instantaneously.
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loquaciousquark · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E1-46 (Jan 8, 2019)
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Happy New Year! Welcome to Talks for tonight, a looooong time coming. @eponymous-rose is off doing very cool science, so I’m stepping in tonight. Also Brian’s wearing a guitar-string bracelet that was once upon a time played by Meatloaf.
Announcements: Tuesday, Jan 15 at 4pm PST is the debut of Mame Drop, their new show ft. the Mame Cabinet. Wednesday, Jan 23 at 5pm PST, they’ll be doing Pub Drop, ft. art lessons with Babb Star; the next season of Between the Sheets airs Jan 28 at 7pm PST. Ashley will definitely be in Season 2.
CR Stats: “9,″ or “nein,“ has been said at least 733 times so far. Matt has facepalmed 80 times in 46 episodes. By this point in C1, he’d facepalmed 77 times. Beau has cast the highest level spell so far (conjuring the elemental). Caduceus has prevented 38 damage from critical hits with Sentinel at Death’s Door. Caleb’s smell has been commented on 49 times. Fjord -- and BWF segues to discuss Travis in Liam’s oneshot, which was a whooooole ‘nother thing, and you should definitely check it out if you haven’t seen it yet! We never come back to his fact, sadly. Jester has performed 35 pranks so far. Molly has been gone for 85 days in game. “Long may he reign,” says the cast, and they all toast him. Nott has cast Message 50 times. Sam: “Wow, I got a lot to say!”
The biggest challenge for them so far in terms of the culture shift between C1 and C2 has been the war. They do think about it a lot while they’re “chasing magic ocean orbs,” but they know the clock is still running while they’re doing other things. Nott would care if her homeland was gone, but she wouldn’t mind overmuch if the goblins were killed but the land was okay.
Jester is perfectly content with Nott’s motherly advice, even though it’s vastly different from what her mother suggested. Laura: “It’s weird that I can look at Matt and go, ‘Mom,’ and it feels...” Matt: “It’s okay, don’t worry,” but in the Ruby’s voice, and we’re all delighted.
Matt has had to reconsider some aspects of his preparation now that he has two PCs that can see everything and/or remember everything. He doesn’t believe in artificially upping the difficulty of his worldbuilding/checks just because people took certain feats, he just has to be prepared to answer their questions more than before.
Sam feels the alcoholism has added a bit of randomness to Nott’s character. It’s actually weirdly led Nott to be able to do more, since Sam had envisioned her as a very skittish, nervous character, but the alcoholism allows her to be brave in a way she is not otherwise.
Travis wanted to explore Fjord’s origins, but didn’t have any specific plans. “Growth? Yes. I think he’s taken a dive into a lot of things that he’d never experienced before, and had outcomes that he didn’t anticipate. I also think that he’s reeling from all these choices--it’s just one coin flip after the next, and that’s put him where he is now.” Both BWF and Matt express interest in the twists neither of them anticipated. Marisha, plaintively: “Please don’t kill us all.”
Caleb doesn’t think there was a specific turning point that made him trust the Nein as well as Nott; it was a series of small steps. The first time he shared his backstory with Beau was a screw loose. Liam enjoys the conflict between the group goals and Caleb’s goals.
Everyone has missed being their characters over the break.
Travis agrees with Liam that there’s a new possible viewpoint every 30 minutes--he has no ulterior motives, just is always trying to do what feels right in the moment. He’s seen some things online suggesting he has a bigger plan, but he doesn’t think that far ahead.
Beau was the first one to say “I love you” out of the M9. Marisha was most surprised by Beau’s opening up. Beau was a “deliberate asshole” to Molly, Fjord, and Caleb at certain points because she knew they’d leave her eventually; this way, she controlled the relationship and was the one doing the pushing away.
Taliesin had no plan for Cad’s future during the breakdown on the boat. He was dealing with the realities of Cad’s creation and trying to find an anchor for his “track,” and the two conversations with Nott and Jester were crucial for helping him find his path, and Tal’s plan for his future arcs.
Did Molly’s death affect how the cast relate to their characters? Sam: “I’ve been thinking of backup characters way more than last campaign.” It doesn’t affect how he plays Nott, though. Travis feels very guilty that we’re spending so much time in his backstory and still know hardly anything about so many others--he’d feel terrible if someone else died and we still knew nothing about them. Laura feels like if she makes a backup character it’s bad luck. Liam has a vague idea, but he’d rather use it for a future campaign. Laura and Travis have no backups planned.
Caleb has no regrets avoiding the legionnaire contracts back in Zadash. Molly (says Tal) would have also been happy they avoided it.
The Fjord/Nott prickliness started off as a goof, but Sam thinks it might be a touch of a real thing. Travis is all, “naaaaaaah, not a thing.” Fjord likes poking her. Fjord actually loves Nott--he’s messing with Sam more than anything, especially with the buttons, but everything has a shelf life. Sam suggests Fjord fundamentally does not understand Nott’s nature--is she a person? A thing? It has a touch of genuine suggestion by Sam, but Travis waves it away. He truly does love Nott, he says.
Fanart of the Week: @quortknee with a stunning portrait of Yasha surrounded by flowers.
Dani mentions to Matt that Jamedi was the first NPC in either campaign that was a critical part of a path--journeying through the woods as a guide--but did not participate in combat at all. Matt says he’s essentially a scout, amazing at tracking, but would never jump into combat with a hydra. Matt created the character’s personality first, then explored that in his actions later.
Tal’s super interested in more about Jamedi. Laura loves how cool he was. 
Travis compares Fjord’s journey to a kid getting dropped into a high school party: “There’s going to be beer and alcohol and you’re going to be tempted--no I’m not! I love Dr Pepper!” Travis laughs: “Fjord is the kid at the high school party” who suddenly succumbs to every temptation despite being sure he’d resist wholesale.
Laura teases Caleb for being a Debbie Downer. Liam, deadpan: “Life expectancy in Wildemount is not that great.”
Matt and Laura both are super excited to see how the relationship with the Traveler develops. Laura initially envisioned a very much big-brother relationship, but she’s found that she genuinely is struck with awe and a bit of fear every time the Traveler shows up. “I thought they were going to be way more familiar!”
Liam talks about how the idea of meeting Astrid and the rest makes his palms sweat every time.
Caleb was originally an Evocation Wizard--still level 2 or 3--in his backstory, but all the years of doing nothing meant he had to start over later.
Beau has latched onto the first mate position because she’s always wanted to prove herself, both to her parents and herself. BWF: “Flex. I gotchu.”
Nott does consider herself the mother of the group. She’s not great at it, but she does view herself as surrounded by a bunch of people who aren’t fully mature in any way, and she’s trying to “get ‘em to college.”
Everyone agrees Beau has changed the most out of everyone throughout the campaign. Caleb has begin to make small different choices in his behavior. Laura: “Fjord has changed a lot. Now he’s going to kill us all.” Matt’s enjoyed his shift from “I don’t know what’s happening” to “I want to know what’s happening.” Everyone comments on Fjord’s wild-westiness over the last few episodes.
Everyone misses Ashley and talks about her bravery in exposing Yasha’s heart in the last episode. Matt points out Ashley always reviews the VODs for this campaign and explores Yasha’s emotional journey offscreen, so that this episode was basically her check-in, showing how Yasha’s journeyed and grown over the last dozens of episodes.
BWF struggles mightily parsing “palenewmoon” as a username, and it’s hilarious.
Caduceus is not scared of his current situation; it’s a thing that happens and it’s gone, his moment of fear now behind him. He does feel far from home--not a wanderer. “A bit of a hobbit vibe.” Fjord doesn’t scare him at all. Travis: “He shouldn’t.” Travis says Cad is the one he’s the most interested in exploring right now.
Matt found Laura & Travis’s baby arrival one of the most unexpected events in terms of having to scramble for a plan. The docks of Nicodranas are a close second, especially since he was dangling all these other hints about the Menagerie Coast and the war only for the M9 to completely ignore them. Liam: “War sounds hard.”
The Darktow escapades also surprised him, since he’d imagined it would be more of a race with Avantika to the next orb. “You stayed one night and got kicked the fuck out. I had planned the next few days; there was a whole thing with Allison that could have gone on... All the pirates are distinctly like, ‘Don’t do shit to other pirates or we’ll kill you,’ and you were like, ‘Hey guys, let’s do shit to other pirates!’” Sam: “We’re terrible at this game!”
Travis didn’t anticipate the visions, especially the dream of water that destroyed the fleet of ships. Fjord wants to get as close to the goal line of releasing Uk’otoa without crossing the line. That sounds dangerous, kiddo.
Caleb thinks Nott is a much better being than he is since she has a good heart. He also feels like he’s letting his guard down around the Nein and allowing himself to have a circle of friends. However, the last couple of episodes have made him want to withdraw back to the Nott-and-Caleb against the world vibe. Sam thinks they’ve drawn closer together--they know they have each other’s backs, so now they can explore other relationships.
Most impactful moments so far: Molly for everyone, for sure. Fjord: hooking up with Avantica. Cad: staying on the boat. (Matt likes that this showed good commitment to both story and each other’s characters to have Jester check in on him.) Caleb: telling Beau and Nott everything, like letting off a steam valve. Beau: the plan with the Plank King, validating her strengths. (Everyone oohs and aahs over the “I...wait.” moment again.) Jester: the dragon fight, staring down death and wondering if Mom had been right after all.
Talks Machina: After Dog
In discussion of chicken noises made to amuse Ronin, Tal reveals he keeps feral chickens. Somehow I’m not surprised. 
Favorite activities over the break: Matt slept. BWF suggests karaoke, and Laura realizes everyone went to kigerumi karaoke without them because they had family in town. Laura & Travis and BWF (and Ashley?) went to Sam’s Christmas party.
Tal thinks the Gentleman will be dead by the time they all get back to him. Matt reminds them of the sequence that led to Port Dimali--just the name of a contact. Nicodranas is the only hanging thread at the moment, suggests Matt.
Funniest thing so far? BWF suggests Ashly Burch’s face while Molly was dying, because of the terror that was originally character terror becoming meta terror. Ashly told BWF later that she wanted to bawl her eyes out. Tal: “I’ve never felt so alive.” Other contenders: fluffernutter failing, the bug carrying the piece of bread. Laura says she had nothing in her brain at the moment and that was the first thing that came out. Sam loved seeing Travis being asked a simple boat question and realizing that his whole backstory was predicated on knowledge that he does not have. “I don’t know the answer to this test. I didn’t study!” Liam loved Travis’s face journey during the live show when Matt started his backstory. Somehow, the transcription of Liam’s statement got picked up by Travis’s Apple watch and sent to Postmates. It’s totally hilarious.
M9 character you’d never want to play as? Travis: Caleb, because he’s a wizard and squishy. BWF: Jester, because of the accent. Tal: Nott, because he’s not funny enough to pull her off. “You have a portal in your heart and I don’t know where it goes.” Sam: Orly, because of the accent.
BWF feels this campaign will go to 169 episodes. If he’s right, Sam offers to 69 him. “Denim on face.”
Everyone comments on Matt’s li’l scruffy beard. Liam’s the only beardless one now. Matt laments the next time they want facial capture they’ll make him shave his beard; Laura insists technology has advanced beyond it. Oh, voice actors.
BWF doesn’t know if he’ll be married by 2020. “It depends on if coughcancelBlindspotcough happens.” Sam looks forward to all the cool new shows on the Critical Role channel. Marisha’s excited to learn how to draw. Taliesin’s excited about things he can’t talk about. Liam’s excited for the live show and art gallery next week. Some of the fanartists will even be able to make it.
Travis very convincingly knows who he will be playing in the oneshot next week. Laura, in stark realization: “Oh, no.” Marisha points out that this oneshot will take place 24 hours after Vax’s death, and everyone’s a little nervous. Tal suggests scrapping the whole thing and having a shopping episode.
And that’s all for the night. We fade out on Laura being indignant about karaoke, which is probably the best way to start the year. Is it Thursday yet?
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Fictober Day Eight
Prompt number: # 8 and 14
Fandom (AU if applicable): Critical Role C2
Rating: G 
Warnings/Tags: Kind of angsty, Major Character death mention, Spoilers. Yasha and Molly
How long now? Days? Weeks? I had lost track. The pain was too much. To lose another so close to my heart, It was devastating. The friendship we had, The vulnerability I could have with him, I could never get that back. It was lost forever, Just like Zuala. Molly. Zuala. Gone.
I led the storms. I stayed five steps ahead of the Stormlord wandering. Trying to find anything to quell this ache in my chest. I lost track of miles and time so easily like this. Nothing mattered. Just Existence. An empty shell wandering the land in search for something they aren’t sure about.
Finally my body caught up with me. At sunset I had to make camp. A small flat spot under a tree on top of a hill overlooking a dead field. Everything was dry and dead around here. They could use the rain he would bring. In the distance, almost like a rumble in my own mind, I could hear the storm lord slowly making his way towards my camp. I just made sure to lash together some branches in case he came while I slept. I hated waking up to soaking wet hair. I leaned against the tree staring out ahead fiddling with a piece of dead grass between my fingers as my eyes slowly closed.
The birds are what woke me. Sparrows chirping above my head. Warm light touching my skin. I opened my eyes slowly and just stopped. The once dead field was thriving with life. Tall grasses and little rabbits hopped around. Flowers bloomed everywhere, lavender colored with a sunburst in the middle with different types in blues and darker purples. They were everywhere. I got up from my resting spot and walked further out gazing around. I could see the tent, The one the carnival used setting up below near a small creek. What was this? Had it all been a bad dream?
“Mind if I join ya?” I turned quickly reaching for my sword before freezing.
Lavender skin, Red eyes, That insane multicolored coat, that smile. There was no way. He walked closer with his tail flicking out behind him as he stood next to me looking out.
“Big crowd tonight Yasha. It’ll be a show for the books for sure!”
“Yeah. Yeah I guess it will be.” I couldn’t hide my shock. I wanted to touch him but I was so scared. I didn’t want this to be a dream.
“You going to help out tonight? You know I could always use you to make it more fantastic. You are the charm after all.” A subtle wink got a chuckle out of me as he sat down close by. I sank down into the grass near him. He had picked one of the flowers and was rolling the stem between his fingers watching the pattern swirl.
“Too bad you can’t stay huh…?”
“What do you mean?” He smiled then and suddenly the soft grass became dry and coarse. It was all dead again. Then a snap and it was back. I looked around confused and honestly scared. What was going on?
“Molly.. Where the hell are we?”
“The Inbetween. A place for people like me to talk to people like you. Your side can only reach it in their sleep….” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cards before shuffling them and drew the top one. Instead of the tarot being there, It was almost like a memory. Jester curled up by the fire with her sketchbook open showing off what they had done that day. He pulled another and it was Fjord. He was dreaming as well. A fearless captain on a ship using his magic to keep the seas safe. Caleb was after him, Curled up with Frumpkin and a book open on his chest dead asleep. Nott curled up by his side holding her flask like a stuffed animal. I laughed seeing it before he drew the last one. Beau. She was still awake. Playing with a deck of Tarot cards looking confused and worried. It was the very same deck he had there.
“I’ve been keeping an eye on you all… And asked a favor. You’ve been worrying me Yasha.” He flipped another card and it showed me. I was asleep against the tree but Tears were streaming down my face. I felt then and it was real. Even now my face was wet with tears. Molly smiled then.
“You really do miss me don’t you?” I nodded then before moving closer and reaching out. Molly came into my arms and hugged me as I stopped holding it in. I cried for him. I cried for the loss of my only friend. I cried for the loss of my wife all those years ago. All the pain I had been carrying came out and I couldn’t stop it. Molly didn’t move. Only to lay back and hold me closer, Petting my messed up hair, just being there for me like before. Before all of the death and the trouble and the mess. Just back when it used to be us and the Carnival. He had always been there for me.
Time moved slowly. I didn’t know how long I had been there laying on his chest just holding on. I didn’t want to let go. We just watched the clouds and listened to the wind. Slowly tho, Sunset came and with it, Desmond on his violin. Even all the way up here, We could hear him. Molly sighed then as I got up. He laid there for a second longer.
“It’s gonna be a good Night Yasha…”
“I hope so… Um…” He looked over then and smiled.
“I know better.”
“I didn’t even ask.”
“You don’t have to.” He sat up and sighed.
“I can’t come back… As molly or Lucien.” I nodded then looking down. I felt him get my chin then and make me look up.
“Hey…. Don’t look so down, you silly girl. I never said I wasn’t going to still be around. I can't stay with you physically is all.” He smiled then before kissing my forehead. I laughed then as he knelt down and picked one of the flowers. Same colors as him. He slid it behind my ear then.
“Keep it close and I’ll always be there with you Yasha.”
“Swear. On my pretty little horns.” I gave him that look before we both ended up laughing. I got up then before hugging him close.
“We loved you Molly… Don’t ever forget that.”
“I won’t. Trust me. Take care of yourself.”
“I’ll try.”
“And try to find the others too… Beau loves you Yasha so don’t let that skip by you.” I nodded then smiling.
“I like her too… So I’ll do my best.”
“Atta girl!” He let me go then with a huge smile before a whistle pierces the air. We looked down and a small black figure was down there.
“Molly!! Come on!”
“I’m coming!” He sighed then and relaxed.
“Vax is new with us. He’s damn good in the air. Makes my sword show a lot more fun and daring. Even better when he adds in his daggers.” I just smiled then before letting him go. I watched as he slowly walked down the hill whistling an old tune before I felt myself getting really tired. I closed my eyes falling back into the grass then not able to stop the smile.
I woke up to a roll of thunder above me. I jerked awake and looked around. It was close to noon but the Storm had made its way to me. The first few drops sizzled and dried as they hit this barren field before it started slowly coming down raising a fog of sorts from the hot ground meeting the cold rain. I sighed a bit just listening before I felt something shift. I reached up into my hair and pulled away something surprising. The flower molly left there. I looked up then before smiling and getting on my feet.
“Thank you…” The loudest peel of thunder hit my ears then as I shifted my sword.
“Forgive me… But I’m ready to serve you again… if you’ll let me.” I stepped out into the Rain then and it wasn’t cold. It was warm. Almost like a hand saying it was ok. I found my little book then and found a safe location for the one molly gave me. I slid it back into my armor over my heart then as I headed off to find where he wanted me to go next. After all, I wasn’t as alone anymore.
The next morning, with no one there to see their wonder, The once dead field has new life. Small and green, still breaking through the softened ground, tiny flowers in all shades of purples and blues with sunbursts in the center bloom across the field. A field of Purple Reins grown in memory of a god who shall forever reign.
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quietya · 5 years
YA Books You May Have Missed: April-June Edition
I did this for January-March releases (which you can see here) and I’m doing it again! I’m rounding up some YA releases that have come out between April and June. These are all books that are on my personal radar, so it’s not a fully filled out list of ALL the books, but it’s a lot of them. And as usual, I’m avoiding bestsellers and really buzzy books as much as possible.
We Rule the Night by Claire Eliza Bartlett Release: April 2
Seventeen-year-old Revna is a factory worker, manufacturing war machines for the Union of the North. When she’s caught using illegal magic, she fears being branded a traitor and imprisoned. Meanwhile, on the front lines, Linné defied her father, a Union general, and disguised herself as a boy to join the army. They’re both offered a reprieve from punishment if they use their magic in a special women’s military flight unit and undertake terrifying, deadly missions under cover of darkness. Revna and Linné can hardly stand to be in the same cockpit, but if they can’t fly together, and if they can’t find a way to fly well, the enemy’s superior firepower will destroy them–if they don’t destroy each other first.
You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn Release: April 2
Annie Mathers is America’s sweetheart and heir to a country music legacy full of all the things her Gran warned her about. Superstar Clay Coolidge is most definitely going to end up one of those things. But unfortunately for Clay, if he can’t convince Annie to join his summer tour, his music label is going to drop him. That’s what happens when your bad boy image turns into bad boy reality. Annie has been avoiding the spotlight after her parents’ tragic death, except on her skyrocketing YouTube channel. Clay’s label wants to land Annie, and Clay has to make it happen. Swayed by Clay’s undeniable charm and good looks, Annie and her band agree to join the tour. From the start fans want them to be more than just tour mates, and Annie and Clay can’t help but wonder if the fans are right. But if there’s one part of fame Annie wants nothing to do with, it’s a high-profile relationship.
Descendant of the Crane by Joan He Release: April 2
Princess Hesina of Yan has always been eager to shirk the responsibilities of the crown, but when her beloved father is murdered, she’s thrust into power, suddenly the queen of an unstable kingdom. Determined to find her father’s killer, Hesina does something desperate: she engages the aid of a soothsayer—a treasonous act, punishable by death... because in Yan, magic was outlawed centuries ago. Using the information illicitly provided by the sooth, and uncertain if she can trust even her family, Hesina turns to Akira—a brilliant investigator who’s also a convicted criminal with secrets of his own. With the future of her kingdom at stake, can Hesina find justice for her father? Or will the cost be too high?
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman Release: April 2
Uprooted from the city, Violet Saunders doesn’t have much hope of fitting in at her new school in Four Paths, a town almost buried in the woodlands of rural New York. The fact that she’s descended from one of the town’s founders doesn’t help much, either—her new neighbors treat her with distant respect, and something very like fear. When she meets Justin, May, Isaac, and Harper, all children of founder families, and sees the otherworldly destruction they can wreak, she starts to wonder if the townsfolk are right to be afraid. When bodies start to appear in the woods, the locals become downright hostile. Can the teenagers solve the mystery of Four Paths, and their own part in it, before another calamity strikes?
The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston Release: April 2
Imogen Lovelace is an ordinary fangirl on an impossible mission: save her favorite character, Princess Amara, from being killed off from her favorite franchise, Starfield. The problem is, Jessica Stone—the actress who plays Princess Amara—wants nothing more than to leave the intense scrutiny of the fandom behind. If this year's ExcelsiCon isn't her last, she'll consider her career derailed. When a case of mistaken identity throws look-a-likes Imogen and Jess together, they quickly become enemies. But when the script for the Starfield sequel leaks, and all signs point to Jess, she and Imogen must trade places to find the person responsible. That's easier said than done when the girls step into each other's shoes and discover new romantic possibilities, as well as the other side of intense fandom.
White Rose by Kip Wilson Release: April 2
Disillusioned by the propaganda of Nazi Germany, Sophie Scholl, her brother, and his fellow soldiers formed the White Rose, a group that wrote and distributed anonymous letters criticizing the Nazi regime and calling for action from their fellow German citizens. The following year, Sophie and her brother were arrested for treason and interrogated for information about their collaborators.
In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton Release: April 9
After her father’s death, Ruth Robb and her family transplant themselves in the summer of 1958 from New York City to Atlanta—the land of debutantes, sweet tea, and the Ku Klux Klan. In her new hometown, Ruth quickly figures out she can be Jewish or she can be popular, but she can’t be both. Eager to fit in with the blond girls in the “pastel posse,” Ruth decides to hide her religion. Before she knows it, she is falling for the handsome and charming Davis and sipping Cokes with him and his friends at the all-white, all-Christian Club. But at temple Ruth meets Max, who is serious and intense about the fight for social justice, and now she is caught between two worlds, two religions, and two boys. But when a violent hate crime brings the different parts of Ruth’s life into sharp conflict, she will have to choose between all she’s come to love about her new life and standing up for what she believes.
In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natasha Deen Release: April 9
Nira Ghani has always dreamed of becoming a musician. Her Guyanese parents, however, have big plans for her to become a scientist or doctor. Nira's grandmother and her best friend, Emily, are the only people who seem to truly understand her desire to establish an identity outside of the one imposed on Nira by her parents. When auditions for jazz band are announced, Nira realizes it's now or never to convince her parents that she deserves a chance to pursue her passion. As if fighting with her parents weren't bad enough, Nira finds herself navigating a new friendship dynamic when her crush, Noah, and notorious mean-girl, McKenzie "Mac," take a sudden interest in her and Emily, inserting themselves into the fold. So, too, does Nira's much cooler (and very competitive) cousin Farah. As Farah and Noah grow closer and Emily begins to pull away, Nira's trusted trumpet "George" remains her constant, offering her an escape from family and school drama. But it isn't until Nira takes a step back that she realizes she's not the only one struggling to find her place in the world.
Last Girl Lied To by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn Release: April 16
Fiona claims she doesn’t remember anything about the night her best friend left a party early and walked into the ocean. But the truth is, she wishes she could forget. Trixie’s disappearance is ruled a suicide, but Fiona starts to believe that Trixie isn’t really dead. Piecing together the trail of a girl who doesn't want to be found leads her to Jasper, Trixie’s former friend with benefits, and Beau—the boy who turned Fiona down, who loved someone else, who might be happy Trixie is gone. The closer Fiona gets to finding out what happened, and the closer she gets to Jasper and Beau, the more she realizes that the girl she knew better than anyone may have been a carefully constructed lie—and she might have been waiting to disappear the entire time.
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala Release: April 23
Esha is a legend, but no one knows. It’s only in the shadows that she moonlights as the Viper, the rebels’ highly skilled assassin. She’s devoted her life to avenging what she lost in the royal coup, and now she’s been tasked with her most important mission to date: taking down the ruthless General Hotha. Kunal has been a soldier since childhood, training morning and night to uphold the power of King Vardaan. His uncle, the general, has ensured that Kunal never strays from the path—even as a part of Kunal longs to join the outside world, which has been growing only more volatile. Then Esha’s and Kunal’s paths cross—and an unimaginable chain of events unfolds. Both the Viper and the soldier think they’re calling the shots, but they’re not the only players moving the pieces. As the bonds that hold their land in order break down and the sins of the past meet the promise of a new future, both rebel and soldier must make unforgivable choices.
Love From A to Z by S.K. Ali Release: April 30
Zayneb, the only Muslim in class, isn’t bad. She’s angry. When she gets suspended for confronting her teacher, and he begins investigating her activist friends, Zayneb heads to her aunt’s house in Doha, Qatar, for an early start to spring break. Fueled by the guilt of getting her friends in trouble, she resolves to try out a newer, “nicer” version of herself in a place where no one knows her. Then her path crosses with Adam’s. Since he got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in November, Adam’s stopped going to classes, intent, instead, on perfecting the making of things. Intent on keeping the memory of his mom alive for his little sister. Adam’s also intent on keeping his diagnosis a secret from his grieving father. Alone, Adam and Zayneb are playing roles for others, keeping their real thoughts locked away in their journals. Until a marvel and an oddity occurs…
Belly Up by Eva Darrows Release: April 30
I’d planned to spend senior year with my bestie-slash-wifey, Devi Abrams, graduating at the top of my class and getting into an Ivy League college. Instead, Mom and I are moving in with my battle-ax of a grandmother and I’m about to start a new school and a whole new life. Know what’s more fun than being the new girl for your senior year? Being the pregnant new girl. It isn’t awesome. There is one upside, though—a boy named Leaf Leon. He’s cute, an amazing cook and he’s flirting me up, hard-core. Too bad I’m knocked up with a stranger’s baby. I should probably mention that to him at some point.
The Lovely and the Lost by Jennifer Lynn Barnes Release: May 7
Kira Bennett’s earliest memories are of living alone and wild in the woods. She remembers the moment that Cady Bennett and one of her search-and-rescue dogs found her perfectly. Adopted into the Bennett family, Kira still struggles with human interaction years later, but she excels at the family business: search-and-rescue. Along with Cady’s son, Jude, and their neighbor, Free, Kira works to train the world’s most elite search-and-rescue dogs. Someday, all three teenagers hope to put their skills to use, finding the lost and bringing them home. But when Cady’s estranged father, the enigmatic Bales Bennett, tracks his daughter down and asks for her help in locating a missing child—one of several visitors who has disappeared in the Sierra Glades National Park in the past twelve months—the teens find themselves on the frontlines sooner than they could have ever expected. As the search through 750,000 acres of unbridled wilderness intensifies, Kira becomes obsessed with finding the missing child. She knows all too well what it’s like to be lost in the wilderness, fighting for survival, alone. But this case isn’t simple. There is more afoot than a single, missing girl, and Kira’s memories threaten to overwhelm her at every turn. As the danger mounts and long-held family secrets come to light, Kira is forced to question everything she thought she knew about her adopted family, her true nature, and her past.
Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen Release: May 7
Teriana is the second mate of the Quincense and heir to the Maarin Triumvirate. Her people are born of the seas and the keepers of its secrets, but when her closest friend is forced into an unwanted betrothal, Teriana breaks her people’s mandate so her friend might escape—a choice with devastating consequences. Marcus is the commander of the Thirty-Seventh, the notorious legion that has led the Celendor Empire to conquer the entire East. The legion is his family, but even they don’t know the truth he’s been hiding since childhood. It’s a secret he’ll do anything to protect, no matter how much it costs him – and the world. When an Empire senator discovers the existence of the Dark Shores, he captures Teriana’s crew and threatens to reveal Marcus’s secret unless they sail in pursuit of conquest, forcing the two into an unlikely—and unwilling—alliance. They unite for the sake of their families, but both must decide how far they are willing to go, and how much they are willing to sacrifice.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne Release: May 7
To Finn Voy, magic is two things: a knife to hold under the chin of anyone who crosses her…and a disguise she shrugs on as easily as others pull on cloaks. As a talented faceshifter, it’s been years since Finn has seen her own face, and that’s exactly how she likes it. But when Finn gets caught by a powerful mobster, she’s forced into an impossible mission: steal a legendary treasure from Castallan’s royal palace or be stripped of her magic forever. After the murder of his older brother, Prince Alfehr is first in line for the Castallan throne. But Alfie can’t help but feel that he will never live up to his brother’s legacy. Riddled with grief, Alfie is obsessed with finding a way to bring his brother back, even if it means dabbling in forbidden magic. But when Finn and Alfie’s fates collide, they accidentally unlock a terrible, ancient power—which, if not contained, will devour the world. And with Castallan’s fate in their hands, Alfie and Finn must race to vanquish what they have unleashed, even if it means facing the deepest darkness in their pasts.
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad Release: May 14
Fatima lives in the city of Noor, a thriving stop along the Silk Road. There the music of myriad languages fills the air, and people of all faiths weave their lives together. However, the city bears scars of its recent past, when the chaotic tribe of Shayateen djinn slaughtered its entire population -- except for Fatima and two other humans. Now ruled by a new maharajah, Noor is protected from the Shayateen by the Ifrit, djinn of order and reason, and by their commander, Zulfikar. But when one of the most potent of the Ifrit dies, Fatima is changed in ways she cannot fathom, ways that scare even those who love her. Oud in hand, Fatima is drawn into the intrigues of the maharajah and his sister, the affairs of Zulfikar and the djinn, and the dangers of a magical battlefield.
The Lost Coast by Amy Rose Capetta Release: May 14
Danny didn't know what she was looking for when she and her mother spread out a map of the United States and Danny put her finger down on Tempest, California. What she finds are the Grays: a group of friends who throw around terms like queer and witch like they're ordinary and everyday, though they feel like an earthquake to Danny. But Danny didn't just find the Grays. They cast a spell that calls her halfway across the country, because she has something they need: she can bring back Imogen, the most powerful of the Grays, missing since the summer night she wandered into the woods alone. But before Danny can find Imogen, she finds a dead boy with a redwood branch through his heart. Something is very wrong amid the trees and fog of the Lost Coast, and whatever it is, it can kill.
The Things She’s Seen by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina Release: May 14
Nothing's been the same for Beth Teller since the day she died. Her dad is drowning in grief. He's also the only one who has been able to see and hear her since the accident. But now she's got a mystery to solve, a mystery that will hopefully remind her detective father that he is still alive, that there is a life after Beth that is still worth living. Who is Isobel Catching, and why is she able to see Beth, too? What is her connection to the crime Beth's father has been sent to investigate--a gruesome fire at a home for troubled youth that left an unidentifiable body behind? What happened to the people who haven't been seen since the fire? As Beth and her father unravel the mystery, they find a shocking and heartbreaking story lurking beneath the surface of a small town, and a friendship that lasts beyond one life and into another...
Don’t Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno Release: May 14
Rosa Santos is cursed by the sea-at least, that's what they say. Dating her is bad news, especially if you're a boy with a boat. But Rosa feels more caught than cursed. Caught between cultures and choices. Between her abuela, a beloved healer and pillar of their community, and her mother, an artist who crashes in and out of her life like a hurricane. Between Port Coral, the quirky South Florida town they call home, and Cuba, the island her abuela refuses to talk about. As her college decision looms, Rosa collides - literally - with Alex Aquino, the mysterious boy with tattoos of the ocean whose family owns the marina. With her heart, her family, and her future on the line, can Rosa break a curse and find her place beyond the horizon?
Birthday by Meredith Russo Release: May 21
Two kids, Morgan and Eric, are bonded for life after being born on the same day at the same time. We meet them once a year on their shared birthday as they grow and change: as Eric figures out who he is and how he fits into the world, and as Morgan makes the difficult choice to live as her true self. Over the years, they will drift apart, come together, fight, make up, and break up—and ultimately, realize how inextricably they are a part of each other. 
I Love You So Mochi by Sarah Kuhn Release: May 28
Kimi Nakamura loves a good fashion statement. She's obsessed with transforming everyday ephemera into Kimi Originals: bold outfits that make her and her friends feel like the Ultimate versions of themselves. But her mother disapproves, and when they get into an explosive fight, Kimi's entire future seems on the verge of falling apart. So when a surprise letter comes in the mail from Kimi's estranged grandparents, inviting her to Kyoto for spring break, she seizes the opportunity to get away from the disaster of her life. When she arrives in Japan, she's met with a culture both familiar and completely foreign to her. She loses herself in the city's outdoor markets, art installations, and cherry blossom festival -- and meets Akira, a cute aspiring med student who moonlights as a costumed mochi mascot. And what begins as a trip to escape her problems quickly becomes a way for Kimi to learn more about the mother she left behind, and to figure out where her own heart lies.
The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos Release: May 28
Ruby Chernyavsky has been told the stories since she was a child: The women in her family, once possessed of great magical abilities to remake lives and stave off death itself, were forced to flee their Russian home for America in order to escape the fearful men who sought to destroy them. Today, these stories seem no more real to Ruby than folktales, except for the smallest bit of power left in their blood: when each of them comes of age, she will have a vision of who she will be when she dies—a destiny as inescapable as it is inevitable. Ruby is no exception, and neither is her mother, although she ran from her fate years ago, abandoning Ruby and her sisters. It’s a fool’s errand, because they all know the truth: there is no escaping one’s Time. Until Ruby’s great-aunt Polina passes away, and, for the first time, a Chernyavsky’s death does not match her vision. Suddenly, things Ruby never thought she’d be allowed to hope for—life, love, time—seem possible. But as she and her cousin Cece begin to dig into the family’s history to find out whether they, too, can change their fates, they learn that nothing comes without a cost. Especially not hope.
The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg Release: May 28
Glimmering like a jewel behind its gateway, The Kingdom is an immersive fantasy theme park where guests soar on virtual dragons, castles loom like giants, and bioengineered species--formerly extinct--roam free. Ana is one of seven Fantasists, beautiful "princesses" engineered to make dreams come true. When she meets park employee Owen, Ana begins to experience emotions beyond her programming including, for the first time... love. But the fairytale becomes a nightmare when Ana is accused of murdering Owen, igniting the trial of the century. Through courtroom testimony, interviews, and Ana's memories of Owen, emerges a tale of love, lies, and cruelty--and what it truly means to be human.
These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling Release: May 28
Hannah's a witch, but not the kind you're thinking of. She's the real deal, an Elemental with the power to control fire, earth, water, and air. But even though she lives in Salem, Massachusetts, her magic is a secret she has to keep to herself. If she's ever caught using it in front of a Reg, she could lose it. For good. So, Hannah spends most of her time avoiding her ex-girlfriend (and fellow Elemental Witch) Veronica, hanging out with her best friend, and working at the Fly by Night Cauldron selling candles and crystals to tourists, goths, and local Wiccans. But dealing with her ex is the least of Hannah's concerns when a terrifying blood ritual interrupts the end-of-school-year bonfire. Evidence of dark magic begins to appear all over Salem, and Hannah's sure it's the work of a deadly Blood Witch. The issue is, her coven is less than convinced, forcing Hannah to team up with the last person she wants to see: Veronica. While the pair attempt to smoke out the Blood Witch at a house party, Hannah meets Morgan, a cute new ballerina in town. But trying to date amid a supernatural crisis is easier said than done, and Hannah will have to test the limits of her power if she's going to save her coven and get the girl, especially when the attacks on Salem's witches become deadlier by the day.
The Beholder by Anna Bright Release: June 4
Selah has waited her whole life for a happily ever after. As the only daughter of the leader of Potomac, she knows her duty is to find the perfect match, a partner who will help secure the future of her people. Now that day has finally come. But after an excruciatingly public rejection from her closest childhood friend, Selah’s stepmother suggests an unthinkable solution: Selah must set sail across the Atlantic, where a series of potential suitors awaits—and if she doesn’t come home engaged, she shouldn’t come home at all.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal Release: June 4
If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends. And if they want to catch the killer, they'll have to step into the shadows to see what's lurking there—murderer, or monster?
If It Makes You Happy by Claire Kann Release: June 4
High school finally behind her, Winnie is all set to attend college in the fall. But first she's spending her summer days working at her granny’s diner and begins spending her midnights with Dallas—the boy she loves to hate and hates that she likes. Winnie lives in Misty Haven, a small town where secrets are impossible to keep—like when Winnie allegedly snaps on Dr. Skinner, which results in everyone feeling compelled to give her weight loss advice for her own good. Because they care that’s she’s “too fat.” Winnie dreams of someday inheriting the diner—but it'll go away if they can't make money, and fast. Winnie has a solution—win a televised cooking competition and make bank. But Granny doesn't want her to enter—so Winnie has to find a way around her formidable grandmother. Can she come out on top?
Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian Release: June 4
It's 1989 in New York City, and for three teens, the world is changing. Reza is an Iranian boy who has just moved to the city with his mother to live with his stepfather and stepbrother. He's terrified that someone will guess the truth he can barely acknowledge about himself. Reza knows he's gay, but all he knows of gay life are the media's images of men dying of AIDS. Judy is an aspiring fashion designer who worships her uncle Stephen, a gay man with AIDS who devotes his time to activism as a member of ACT UP. Judy has never imagined finding romance...until she falls for Reza and they start dating. Art is Judy's best friend, their school's only out and proud teen. He'll never be who his conservative parents want him to be, so he rebels by documenting the AIDS crisis through his photographs. As Reza and Art grow closer, Reza struggles to find a way out of his deception that won't break Judy's heart--and destroy the most meaningful friendship he's ever known.
When the Ground is Hard by Malla Nunn Release: June 4
Adele Joubert loves being one of the popular girls at Keziah Christian Academy. She knows the upcoming semester at school is going to be great with her best friend Delia at her side. Then Delia dumps her for a new girl with more money, and Adele is forced to share a room with Lottie, the school pariah, who doesn't pray and defies teachers' orders. But as they share a copy of Jane Eyre, Lottie's gruff exterior and honesty grow on Adele, and Lottie learns to be a little sweeter. Together, they take on bullies and protect each other from the vindictive and prejudiced teachers. Then a boy goes missing on campus and Adele and Lottie must rely on each other to solve the mystery and maybe learn the true meaning of friendship.
Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan Release: June 11
When a powerful viceroy arrives with a fleet of mechanical dragons and stops an attack on Anlei’s village, the villagers see him as a godsend. They agree to give him their sacred, enchanted River Pearl in exchange for permanent protection—if he’ll marry one of the village girls to solidify the alliance. Anlei is appalled when the viceroy selects her as a bride, but with the fate of her people at stake, she sees no choice but to consent. Anlei’s noble plans are sent into a tailspin, however, when a young thief steals the River Pearl for himself. Knowing the viceroy won’t protect her village without the jewel, she takes matters into her own hands. But once she catches the thief, she discovers he needs the pearl just as much as she does. The two embark on an epic quest across the land and into the Courts of Hell, taking Anlei on a journey that reveals more is at stake than she could have ever imagined.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante Release: June 11
Seventeen-year-old Marisol has always dreamed of being American, learning what Americans and the US are like from television and Mrs. Rosen, an elderly expat who had employed Marisol's mother as a maid. She never pictured fleeing her home in El Salvador under threat of death and stealing across the US border as "an illegal", but after her brother is murdered and her younger sister, Gabi's, life is also placed in equal jeopardy, she has no choice, especially because she knows everything is her fault. If she had never fallen for the charms of a beautiful girl named Liliana, Pablo might still be alive, her mother wouldn't be in hiding and she and Gabi wouldn't have been caught crossing the border. But they have been caught and their asylum request will most certainly be denied. With truly no options remaining, Marisol jumps at an unusual opportunity to stay in the United States. She's asked to become a grief keeper, taking the grief of another into her own body to save a life. It's a risky, experimental study, but if it means Marisol can keep her sister safe, she will risk anything. She just never imagined one of the risks would be falling in love, a love that may even be powerful enough to finally help her face her own crushing grief.
All of Us with Wings by Michelle Ruiz Kiel Release: June 18
Seventeen-year-old Xochi is alone in San Francisco, running from her painful past: the mother who abandoned her, the man who betrayed her. Then one day, she meets Pallas, a precocious twelve-year-old who lives with her rockstar family in one of the city’s storybook Victorians. Xochi accepts a position as Pallas’s live-in governess and quickly finds her place in their household, which is relaxed and happy despite the band's larger-than-life fame. But on the night of the Vernal Equinox, as a concert afterparty rages in the house below, Xochi and Pallas accidentally summon a pair of ancient creatures devoted to avenging the wrongs of Xochi’s adolescence. She would do anything to preserve her new life, but with the creatures determined to exact vengeance on those who’ve hurt her, no one is safe—not the family she’s chosen, nor the one she left behind.
Patron Saint of Nobody by Randy Ribay Release: June 18
Jay Reguero plans to spend the last semester of his senior year playing video games before heading to the University of Michigan in the fall. But when he discovers that his Filipino cousin Jun was murdered as part of President Duterte's war on drugs, and no one in the family wants to talk about what happened, Jay travels to the Philippines to find out the real story. Hoping to uncover more about Jun and the events that led to his death, Jay is forced to reckon with the many sides of his cousin before he can face the whole horrible truth -- and the part he played in it.
Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi Release: June 18
Sana Khan is a cheerleader and a straight A student. She's the classic (somewhat obnoxious) overachiever determined to win. Rachel Recht is a wannabe director who's obsesssed with movies and ready to make her own masterpiece. As she's casting her senior film project, she knows she's found the perfect lead - Sana. There's only one problem. Rachel hates Sana. Rachel was the first girl Sana ever asked out, but Rachel thought it was a cruel prank and has detested Sana ever since.
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho Release: June 25
Eighteen-year-old Gu Miyoung has a secret--she's a gumiho, a nine-tailed fox who must devour the energy of men in order to survive. Because so few believe in the old tales anymore, and with so many evil men no one will miss, the modern city of Seoul is the perfect place to hide and hunt. But after feeding one full moon, Miyoung crosses paths with Jihoon, a human boy, being attacked by a goblin deep in the forest. Against her better judgment, she violates the rules of survival to rescue the boy, losing her fox bead--her gumiho soul--in the process. Jihoon knows Miyoung is more than just a beautiful girl--he saw her nine tails the night she saved his life. His grandmother used to tell him stories of the gumiho, of their power and the danger they pose to humans. He's drawn to her anyway. With murderous forces lurking in the background, Miyoung and Jihoon develop a tenuous friendship that blossoms into something more. But when a young shaman tries to reunite Miyoung with her bead, the consequences are disastrous . . . forcing Miyoung to choose between her immortal life and Jihoon's.
Technically, You Started It by Lana Wood Johnson Release: June 25
When a guy named Martin Nathaniel Munroe II texts you, it should be obvious who you're talking to. Except there's two of them (it's a long story), and Haley thinks she's talking to the one she doesn't hate. A question about a class project rapidly evolves into an all-consuming conversation. Haley finds that Martin is actually willing to listen to her weird facts and unusual obsessions, and Martin feels like Haley is the first person to really see who he is. Haley and Martin might be too awkward to hang out in real life, but over text, they're becoming addicted to each other. There's just one problem: Haley doesn't know who Martin is. And Martin doesn't know that Haley doesn't know. But they better figure it out fast before their meet-cute becomes an epic meet-disaster . . .
The Virtue of Sin by Shannon Schuren Release: June 25
Miriam lives in New Jerusalem, a haven in the desert far away from the sins and depravity of the outside world. Within the gates of New Jerusalem, and under the eye of its founder and leader, Daniel, Miriam knows she is safe. Cared for. Even if she’s forced, as a girl, to quiet her tongue when she has thoughts she wants to share, Miriam knows that New Jerusalem is a far better life than any alternative. So when God calls for a Matrimony, she’s thrilled; she knows that Caleb, the boy she loves, will choose her to be his wife and they can finally start their life together.  But when the ceremony goes wrong and Miriam winds up with someone else, she can no longer keep quiet. For the first time, Miriam begins to question not only the rules that Daniel has set in place, but also what it is she believes in, and where she truly belongs.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Emmy!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character HONORA LYNCH with the faceclaim of Krysten Ritter! We think Honora will bring a lot of interesting dynamics into the roleplay, particularly since she’s fairly against what the Order are doing, but is forced to be semi-involved with them to get her real agenda met. It’ll be so much fun seeing the strife Honora causes and we’re thrilled to have another wolf-based character!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Emmy
AGE: Old
ACTIVITY LEVEL:  Active enough for here
NAME: Honora Lynch
AGE: 34  
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Fem, She/Her, Glass-of-scotch-and-a-hard-fuck-sexual
BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood, Half-Breed
Life for Honora has been predicated on a series of ‘Us vs. Them’ scenarios, and her embracing of that is central to her personality and dictates how she reacts to things. There is always someone she is fighting against, whether is be the British, Anti-werewolf wix, or the damned bastard from a thousand years ago who thought spelling an amulet to make you think spiders were crawling from your eyeballs was a good idea. Her methods of defense are offensive, making her come off as callous, blunt and abrasive given that she is constantly on defense. Behind those defenses, that blunt abrasiveness doesn’t really fade, but there is more warmth and jovility to it. Her methods of showing she cares are to offer to fight for those who need it. Rough-hewn but gregarious, she smiles too much and laughs too loud for most culture standards, especially for a woman. Despite what might come with the perception of someone who is ‘just angry’, Honora is a skilled critical thinker. Being a curse breaker requires those kinds of problem solving abilities. Of course, she isn’t afraid to resort to problem solving with violence. Her typical methodology might pithily be summed up as “Try something, try something else, try another thing, punch it, try different approach.” Just keep in mind that on plenty of subjects she is already perpetually at the third try and completely ready to spill over to punching.
Tristain Lynch | Father,  61 Bridget Lynch | Mother, deceased Aidan Lynch | Cousin, 15 Once golden boy of a prominent pureblood Irish family, it took one night for Tristain Lynch to crash into depths he’d never fathomed. A moonlit treck across the grounds of the family estate, coming back from a pickup match of Quidditch with his mates, walking the same path he had a thousand times, went wrong when an oversized wolf (a wolf? In Ireland? The first sign that something was dreadfully wrong) took him down. A desperate fight and some quick flying tricks saw him escape, but the damange was done. It took less than a month before Tristain retreated from society, a mysterious ‘illness’ laying him low, as the family said. A small cottage in the Aran Islands, with a cellar carved into the stone foundation, became Tristain’s home; originally it was meant to only be a once-a-month haven, but almost a year after the attack, he’d come to live in the cottage full time, nearly completely withdrawn from his family, with almost as little contact with the other inhabitants of the island. An exception was Bridget, who delivered groceries to the isolated cottage. A young Muggle  widow who had lost her husband in the war, she faced her own fair share of shame and ostracization over her husband having deserted the Irish Army to join the British Army. At first the connection was only physical; it took longer for them to admit their shared loneliness was what had bound them together. Still, it was early and accidental that Bridget became pregnant—before any revelations from Tristain. A bumpy road saw them through a series of confessions, and the pair ultimately married five months before their daughter was born. Things didn’t get any smoother after that, but at least it was a happy bumpy ride.  
Freelance Curse-Breaker
Honora travels the world in her capacity as a freelance curse-breaker, sometimes hired by clients to pick apart the nasty bit of spellwork they’ve triggered, other times seeking out bits of half-forgotten magic and history on her own. It has exposed her to many kinds and shades of magic, and throughout her travels she’s paid special attention to international varients of the curse that intrigues her most: lycanthropy and other therianthropy legends.
Honora learned of the Order through the werewolves. While she appreciates that they are attempting to help, she wonders if they at all have a clue that they’re callous, thoughtless assholes about it. 
What started as her hanging about the werewolves at the farm, making sure they were okay (or okay as they can be) has started to morph into her getting involved with their idiotic crusade. There was only so many odd-hour, eccentric drop ins that could happen before Nora caught on that something more than ill intentioned Werewolf Railroad-ing was going on, especially given that none of the werewolves were going anywhere fast. She still lingers on the fringe, not fully in, but very aware. In her mind, it’s a choice between two groups that both don’t really care about her people except as a tool to use against the other. Is that a fight she really wants to get involved in? And yet, with the Dark Lord starting to weaponize those werewolves he has seduced to his side (something she can’t honestly blame them for; between two abusive suppresors, why not chose the one that at least gives you the illusion of being able to do something about it?), it’s becoming clear to her that she has to do something to help protect the rest. Especially since no one else apparently has a clue
Honora is a Known Entitity. To everyone she is either already Pinned to the Corkboard and thus irrelevant or a potential Assest. That give her a certain amount of immunity from every side of this conflict. And in truth, she has very little skin in this game. Her muggle Mother is gone, her father is still a pureblood, and she’s thoroughly magical herself. If it weren’t for the Werewolf Thing, which plants her firmly between two waring factions, the whole thing could blow over her head without her noticing or caring. That happens when every side is a dick.
The driving relationship that connects Honora to the Order is with the werewolves— and a full readiness to be offended, angry, and  prepared to fight on their behalf. It was through the interconnected network of contacts that she tracked the ‘disappearing’ werewolves to the Farm, and they’re why she sticks around. Honora’s father, a pureblood werewolf, has been approached by Voldemort’s followers looking to leverage him to pull more werewolves to their side, but his declining has yet to bring any repercussions. Perhaps because his Irishness and Purebloodedness, in combination with his reclusive isolation in the Aran Isles, offers him protections by being too bothersome to deal with. He was Honora’s first step on the path to finding the Order, speaking of werewolf acquaintances he knew who had gone into hiding in the rising atmosphere of war. There is one thing Honora is certain of— if Tristain ever faces a threat to the leve of needing to run, he won’t be ending up at the Farm. She’ll make sure of that. Remus Lupin | She Knows. One can’t be as plugged in to the dispora community of werewolves without knowing when an outsider appears. And Remus Lupin, whatever he might say, is an outsider among werewolves. For her piece, Honora thinks she’s closer to Werewolf Concerns than his privledged ass is. Maybe she’s only a filthy half-breed instead of a full Were, but at least people know what she is. She’s not hiding like he is. And maybe some part of her resents him for that that ability to hide. Cora Chittock | Honora is highly skeptical of this self-percieved Half Breed Warrior. A veela, really? Would they really know discimitation like other Beast-Beings experience if it bit them on their perfectly sculpted nose? Probably not. Oh, sure, the girl means well, but good intentions mis-aimed can do just as much damage as bad. Marlene McKinnon | What a lot of bullshit lipservice this bitch is feeding people. ‘McKinnon Farm is a safe haven’—yeah, if you meant a standard of social acceptability that doesn’t include hairy snounts. Otherwise, enjoy tents and latrines. Honora might have more sympathy to extend to the woman if she’d ever see her once stand up to her family’s decrees, but alas, she’s still waiting. And Nora’s all out of patience.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Honestly, open for whatever happens
A victim of prejudice and biases, it would be easy to say that Honora is openminded and aware of how harmful holding such things can be and thus she doesn’t participate in such things— it would also be total bullshit. With a instinct to punch back against such things, she developes biases in reverse. In general she doesn’t care much for British and European Wix with their rigid ideas of magic and wixhood. She has a particulair venemous spot for the English, having been raised Irish Catholic with all the generations of bloody history soaked into the very land that comes with that. She judges fast and harsh and is hard to move from a position once she’s taken it up. And yet, remove her from being at home, and that falls on the backburner. When it comes to other cultures and peoples, ones she hasn’t be raised in the midst of, she can keep an open and accepting mindset. That ability to shut down fast and hard is still there, but there is more leeway as she isn’t already on the ofensive-defense. For all that she has had to share in the taint of association with werewolves, Honora is privledged in that she doesn’t have to face the legal restrictions as they do. She doesn’t take much advantage of that and is more likely to spit on the offerings on grounds of principles though. The exception is her immense freedom to travel, which she does frequently. Another large privledge that she is keenly aware of is her fiscal stability. While her mother experienced straightened circumstances during the war and in its aftermath, cut off from the pension she should have gotten after her husband’s death, when there were hard times in Honora’s childhood, they weren’t tied to money. There was always that background support of the Lynch family that might not run to extravagence of the likes of so many British pureblood families but was more enough for a comfortable to well off existence. Wide travel around the world has brought to bear on Honora how lucky she is for that simple fact.
PLOT DROP IDEAS (OPTIONAL): Werewolf uprising! Burn McKinnon farm to the GROUND!    
At thirteen, Honora was expelled from the small Irish magical school she attended on the grounds of having attacked a fellow student. That’s what they said, at least. What they whispered is that her father was a werewolf. It was a devestating exposure of the carefully guarded Lynch family secret, and the ostrazation and abandonment that followed stuck with Honora. And stuck too her—who could know what the daughter of a werewolf would do, how she would turn out. Was anyone really sure she wasn’t a werewolf herself?
Time has proven the skeptics wrong; those who care about such things theorize it is her mother’s Muggle blood that somehow saved her from the curse. The stigma lingers, even if Honora is more welcomed in polite society than any full werewolf could hope to be. What time hasn’t done is softened Honor’s anger and outrage that it was okay to let good people be treated so poorly. That empathy for those she viewed as her people has found her tied closely to the secretive, half-hidden communities of werewolves in the islands. When they started to disappear, of course she was curious. Following the trail, the whispers, the breadcumbs of stories brought her to some sort of safe haven. Except she’s realized it doesn’t seem very safe or much of a haven for the werewolves. And just like when she was thirteen, she isn’t going to stand by and let people get away with disparaging her people. Whose dumb idea was this, anyway?
FC CHOICES: Krysten Ritter, Eliza Dushku, Jade Tailor
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embercrested · 5 years
"I think we’re very broken people. But, I think together we’re much greater than the sum of our parts." (for paladin Samara)
When they reached the ferry that would bring them to the capital, there was a sense of sickness and dread that Lucille couldn’t shake or ignore anymore. It had been looming, like yellow eyes in the thicket, just waiting to make a pounce when she wasn’t careful, digging its claw deep into her mind and tearing it. Lucille had been very careful over the past weeks, but when there wasn’t anything to do, like directing people, brooding over maps, discussing with the mayors of towns in shambles, it had a nasty way to get into her thoughts. There was no direct distraction she could throw herself into on the road, and it came ever closer; the reality of being Lady Waycrest now, the reality that she had accepted with directing the relief efforts and fighting the witches, but it didn’t become real unless one was to put a name on it. And with it, every time someone called her Lady Waycrest, she thought of her mother, buried deep under the manor with no funeral, still debating whether she was worthy of one or be left to rot.
( Mourning was difficult when everyone was observing how she mourned. Better not to mourn at all and forget this shame. )
She was nevertheless thankful for the paladin’s presence, not just to occupy her mind and keep it from sliding back into the abyss of the threshold beneath her house, but because it was almost soothing, in a way. Lucy wasn’t, despite her name, member of the Church of the Holy Light but like most Kul Tirans venerating the Tidemother, but it didn’t need faith for this. Faith was a fickle thing either way. It turned quickly against oneself as soon as times were better, and Lucy wasn’t to make false promises. Neither to herself, neither to a god or higher power, or to the people that trusted. They trusted her to lead and represent them. That was what she was born to do. What she should have had more time for. Lucy wiped her face, burying it in her hands for one moment, with the deep dark tresses coiling around her fingers. 
“I just don’t know how to do this. I don’t know what to do.”
It felt weird saying it, considering everything she had done and was doing up until this very moment, but stepping into the ferry felt like a sudden punch to the gut, like a sudden bout of seasickness despite being a sailor for years and loving the ocean like one would their own parents. With her back turned to her land, the weight came crashing down now, and the cracks she carefully had mended together couldn’t hold out against this. It came flooding like the tide, now not only when she tried to sleep at night, drowning her. 
Her pale, tired face only looked up when she felt the paladin’s hand on her shoulder, heavy and warm, pulling her back from the endless shore, and Lucy was confused for a moment, so deeply lost in her own misery that it seemed unreal that someone was there, and suffering.
Tides, she hadn’t even considered. 
“You are right, I’m... I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I am glad to have you by my side, Lady Samara.”
source: CRITICAL ROLE | @ingenixre
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osmw1 · 5 years
Dimension Wave   Chapter 30 — A Springboard unto Death
“I bite my thumb at thee, Miss Kizuna!” Yamikage shouted out from the deck.
We’re back at sea, as we usually are. The only thing different was that water surrounded us in every direction. There was no land at all to be seen.
“Oh, picking a fight, huh?” “I can take no more squid!” “I understand, but Sheryl, you too must give due respect to our bounty.” “… I’m not wasting food. Just repurposing it.”
The first glance of yet squid again had Yamikage shrieking, while Shouko chastises Sheryl for loading our lunch into the ballista. But there were two others.
“Ahaha, you guys are hilarious!” “Ugh… why did I sign up for this…?”
Tsugumi had a good laugh, but Alto was far less impressed. How did the six of us sailors end up like this? you may ask. Well, let’s go back to about a week ago, to the day after we beat Dimension Wave.
    We decided we needed a day off. Actually, it’d probably be more accurate to say that we needed a day to walk to the Second City to research the newly implemented items. By chance, we bumped into Romina and with the warm support from everyone, I had her make me a new weapon out of the parts I got from gutting Cerberus. Romina eyed me with suspicion when I handed the items to her, but she said nothing of it and forged me some proper equipment. I mean, it was only natural that I stood out just a little when I’m the only one with a huge inventory of Cerberus’ parts.
In any case, what she came up with was the Cerberus Slaughterer—an unadorned blade that like nothing but an oddly matte black kitchen knife. A weapon forged from the mats of a boss monster that powerful, it should be accordingly lethal. Well, should… … but I wouldn’t know. I didn’t even have the Energy to equip it. So, away it went into my inventory, biding time until I can wield its potential.
Then, we went shopping to check out the updated weapon types, Stones of Mediations, and other new stuff in the game. Along with a newly purchased reel, I had a beaming smile plastered on my face as Shouko, Yamikage, Sheryl, and I made our way to the Second City. Then, I saw it.
—The lure.
It was glimmering—no, rather, it was glowing. We came across a merchant selling a lure that would glow in the dark. Or better yet, a lure for night fishing. 10,000 serin was its price. As soon as I showed any intent on purchasing it, Shouko immediately tried to stop me. You absolutely cannot buy this, Kizuna. Do not be swindled, she pleaded, but alas, it was to no avail—my wallet would soon be 10,000 serin lighter.
“You are being completely cheated by the merchant! Please, just listen to us!”
I had no regrets. I still have no regrets because, though it unbeknownst to any of us at the time, I definitely did not make a bad decision. At the end of the day, I went to bed and slept soundly, pleased with a peaceful and successful shopping trip.
The next day. After deciding that I should regain my lost Energy, we set off back to our floating home base of a sailing ship. Things were still fine at this point.
“We may not risk thee taking damage, Miss Kizuna. Thou art best to rest in the cabin.”
Maybe I was still tired from all the shopping I did the previous day, I left the deck to the rest of them and went to a nap as suggested. There are two bedrooms in the cabin. But for some reason, I felt a little embarrassed to be the only one sleeping and so, I locked the door before the Sandman visited me.
“Gah! Help!”
A few hours later, I was awoken by the racket outside. I stepped up and out to the deck and immediately understood the situation.
… my fellow party members were engaged in some sort of act of piracy.
To sum up the bizarre turn of events unfolding in front of my very eyes, my sister, Tsugumi†Exceed, was about to be thrown overboard. In the water waiting for their meal were three Blue Sharks. Honestly, it seemed like a slapstick routine more than anything.
“What the hell are you guys doing?!”
I snapped to my senses and shouted at them. Shouko was the first to respond.
“Executing a stowaway!”
All of my attention was on them. Something must’ve happened while I was asleep, but frankly, I really didn’t want to know. I just didn’t have much of a choice but to talk things over with them.
“Come on! Tsumugi’s my sister! What the hell happened?” “Judgement upon stowaways on our vessel!” “You stay quiet!” “… stowaways are shark food.” “I don’t have a clue what you mean.” “Seajacking shall bring demise unto us!” “I told you to stay quiet, Dark Shadow!”
Our arguing brought me nowhere closer to understanding what was going on, but at least I saved Tsugumi for now. I had to coax them out of their frenzy before I could get a good grasp of the situation. Apparently, while I was sleeping, a group of four that were stowed away in the bilge tried to hijack our ship. Our party members engaged the hijackers at the bow and easily rounded them up, as the hijackers didn’t have any naval combat–related skills. —And then.
“Are you for real?!”
That still didn’t explain anything. Then, they told me they were discussing what to do with the hijackers when one of them called out to Shouko.
“Remember how we were allies?”
He tried to fish for sympathy. It seemed like they were the people Shouko used to run with before coming to us. After seeing how well we did in the Dimension Wave, there were snide remarks about how “the likes of us Spirits” must have played dirty. It made Shouko’s blood boil, and so now, the hijackers were being dangled above the water.
“I’ll make sure to spread rumors.”
His last words were befitting of a heroin in a dating sim game. With one down, it leaves three.
“Goodbye to you two, too.” “We’ll kill you in the next Dimension Wave.” “Wh—aaagh!”
They sure can talk a lot of trash. It was a slog to get through what Shouko and the others had to say too, but I had little choice but to listen. Anyway, it turns out that the hijackers found Tsugumi hiding in a barrel, hoping to pop out and startle me.
“What a bunch of tools!” “Yes, they were quite the characters.” “Don’t pretend like you didn’t go crazy either, Shouko.” “Sorry…”
I never woulda thought that she would flipped out like this. Tsugumi then began to explain why she was here.
“I snuck here because you and your party seemed to be having so much fun, big bro…” “What, did you have enough of your permadeath run?” “I muttered that under my breath! You weren’t supposed to hear that!”
Unfortunately for you, I’m not hard of hearing It’d be weirder if I couldn’t hear you since I’m standing right next to you. And it’s not like I have super good hearing either. … not that I know of, at least.
“What’s a permadeath run anyway?” “… it’s a roleplaying thing in VRMMOs.” “Hmm, don’t think I’ve heard of it.”
According to Sheryl, it’s common in virtual worlds where you can’t voluntarily logout, making it kind of like a “if you die in the game, you die in real life” kind of roleplay. The rest of the party would kick you and cut off communication if you die, I assume.
“Wait, I didn’t know they were doing that!”
Well, I’m not about to criticize anyone how they play the game, but I can’t say I’m enamored with the idea. Maybe the frontliners are more dedicated to their role because they play on permadeath rules. Who knows.
“If everybody’s okay with it, maybe we can let Tsugumi into our party.” “But of course.” “We are indebted to your sister for bequeathing us her aid during the Dimension Wave.” “‘kay.” “But I mean, y’all just tried to feed her to the sharks…”
None of them could look me in the eyes. Did you think I’d forget about this? Tsugumi joined our party without an apology from any of them.
True to their words, the hijackers had been spreading false rumors about us back in the cities. Alto caught wind of it, explained the truth, and seemed to have turned the tables back on them. Glad that someone’s got our back.
And those were the events that led to Alto joining us.
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heryellowcup · 6 years
Prompt, whereeee Beca and Chloe both land parts in a acting role where they’re in a relationship but when Beca can’t continue because she’s catching real feelings and it’s affecting her acting :)
dude, thanks for the prompt! really enjoyed writing this!
Beca’s breathing was shallow, her heart beating fast in her chest as she made her way across the room to where Chloe was waiting for her on the bed. She was nervous for seemingly no reason and yet the smile on her lips was confident, the longing in her eyes real as she slowly approached the other woman. She knew, of course, that she would have been a lot more timid, her lips curved into a smile much more gentle if it hadn’t been for the script that was telling her just how sure she was in approaching the redhead sprawled out on the bed in front of her.
And when she looked at said woman, really looked at her for the first time in that particular scene, Beca swore she would have forgotten her lines, if she had any. But she wasn’t supposed to speak, was supposed to love Chloe with only her body, with subtle touches, a teasing smile and her eyes deliberately studying every single one of Chloe’s flaws that just caused Beca to admire her even more. And it was painfully easy, doing all of this, loving her. Beca almost chuckled, almost scoffed when she suddenly remembered her drama teacher telling her how important it was, as an actor, to be able to lose yourself in a role. And Beca agreed, had successfully done just that many, many times before. But right in that moment, she wasn’t losing herself in a role, in a character. She was losing herself in Chloe, was drowning in her own feelings. Had been for a while now.
It was hard not to fall for her, everyone did. Everyone admired the other woman, admired how upbeat and happy and incredibly charismatic she was. And she was, of course, incredibly gorgeous, too, as she lay there, sheets barely covering her delicate body. The only light source being a little lamp in the far right corner of the spacious room, shadows were now playing with her soft features, her curly red hair framing them beautifully. Everything felt so comfortable and warm, and Beca wanted to cry.
Wanted to cry, to yell at Chloe, at herself, punish them both for fitting so well together, in a setting that didn’t allow such things, that didn’t allow these kind of feelings. Beca was hard and cold, perhaps a bit too guarded at times. She was professional and she did not, under no circumstances, fall for one of her co-stars, someone she was supposed to love on screen and forget once it was over.
She wanted to deny it, had tried many times, but the way Chloe smiled at her just then made it impossible. Said smile managed to pull her out of her thoughts as well, made her move forward again until she was right in front of her.
Chloe reached out for her then and before Beca knew it, their lips had met in a gentle, somewhat needy and desperate kiss. It wasn’t the first time, not the second or third time either, but it felt different now. It felt soul crushing and way too perfect for her to pull back again like she should have, way too perfect for her to recognize the familiar sound that was seemingly there just to break her heart, to remind her that none of this was real.
It was Chloe who first pulled back and when Beca opened her eyes again, she was looking into blue ones, she was looking at freckles, a scrunched up nose and beautiful red lips curved into a genuine smile.
She panicked, then, when the director started criticizing that their encounter had seemed too intimate, too gentle for two people who had just started to fall for each other. Beca’s only thought was that it had felt way too real.
“I need a break,” she simply mumbled as she suddenly left the room, hand running through her hair as she quickly made her way down the stairs and into the cold night air. Filming at night always felt surreal, but the cool wind seemed to calm her down.
She was halfway through her first cigarette, leaning against the wall, when she heard a familiar voice cut through the silence. She wasn’t surprised that Stacie, her manager, assistant and best friend had followed her. After all, she usually didn’t pull stunts like this. She was, again, very professional, something that just leaving without an explanation definitely wasn’t. It was so unlike her, but so was falling in love, catching feelings for someone unattainable, someone she shouldn’t be looking at like that.
“Are you okay?” Stacie asked and Beca knew she was trying her hardest to stay calm, probably wanted to yell at her and ask what the hell she was doing instead.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
The leggy brunette snorted, snatching the cigarette out of Beca’s hand and throwing it on the ground, stepping on it a few times for good measure. Beca didn’t even complain, just sighed and leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes.
“You just fucking left in the middle of a scene! To what, smoke? Just because you got the hots for Chloe? That’s not-”
“I don’t have the hots for Chloe.” The words sounded ridiculous coming out of her mouth, just like lying to her best friend felt. Stacie, quite frankly, knew exactly how Beca was feeling, and yet denying it still felt easier.
“Yeah, right. My bad. You don’t have the hots for her. You’re absolutely in love with her, better?” Beca couldn’t help but chuckle upon seeing the teasing grin on her friends face, though the other woman still seemed somewhat agitated.
“It’s not like that.”
“It’s not? I’ve seen you two grow closer and closer over the past few weeks a-”
“It’s not like that,” Beca repeated, more determined this time. Stacie was right, they had indeed grown really close over the course of filming this movie, before that even. It had been Chloe’s idea, going out and having fun so they could become friends. It was supposed to make it easier for them, to make them feel more comfortable with each other. But the plan had backfired, Beca now feeling entirely too comfortable with her co-star. “We’re not, we’re not a thing. Just friends.”
“Friends my ass!” Stacie scoffed, shaking her hand. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Hell, everyone can see it! And I’m sure no one’s gonna say anything if you two-”
“Stace.” Her name was a warning on Beca’s lips and it successfully managed to shut the other woman up. There was an uncertain silence between them for a while, before Beca finally took a deep breath and opened her mouth again. “I like her.”
“And she likes y-”
“She doesn’t. We’re friends and co-stars and we’re supposed to be professional. I’m supposed to be professional. This is against all of my rules and fuck, I can’t do this anymore.”
Stacie seemed to understand when Beca’s voice broke and she immediately pulled the smaller woman into a tight hug, holding her protectively like she was always prone to do. She hated seeing her friend like this, especially knowing how much it took to get her this emotional.
“It hurts, Stace.” The words were barely audible, a quiet whisper at most, but Stacie could hear the pain in them nonetheless.
“Have you talked to her?” she asked gently, the only response being a shake of Beca’s head. “Come on, I’m sure you guys can work something out. This doesn’t have to destroy all of th-”
Stacie never finished her sentence, a quiet chuckle interrupting her. It took both of them a while to realize that it had escaped neither of their lips and, turning around, they could now see Chloe standing a few feet away from them. Beca wasn’t sure, perhaps just imagined the tears rolling down the redhead’s cheeks, but it wasn’t like she could look there anyways, or breathe, or do anything without getting dizzy as her heart hammered in her chest.
“We’re idiots.” Chloe’s voice was light, laced with an uncertainty that Beca wasn’t used to hear, not while talking to the redhead.
She almost didn’t dare look up, but when she did, the other woman was smiling at her. Said smile calming Beca down more than just a little, she managed to build up some more courage. “Why?”
“Would you believe me if I told you that I had this exact conversation with my manager approximately fifty times those past few weeks? I can’t believe it took us this long to realize.”
When Beca didn’t say anything, Chloe simply held her hand out for the brunette to take whenever she was ready, a mischievous smile spread across her lips. “Come on, let’s go make out a little more.”
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stephsmith321 · 4 years
Woman Entrepreneur Changing the face of Cannabis Real Estate Industry
Most people may think that selling weed is a cash cow. However, more and more people-though the market is still not saturated-are going into cannabis real estate, which is the most important part of the cannabis business.  Things have changed, and women are venturing into the originally dominated male cannabis industry. Today, some of the most successful companies in the cannabis industry are women-led or founded by women.
One such woman is Stephanie Smith, also known as Steph Smith. Steph Smith is the founder of Industrial Partner Group, a Real Estate company that purchases and develops custom-built industrial and commercial real estate in Southern California. Although it is challenging to be successful in the heavily regulated legal marijuana industry, the industry remains an area that can be highly accessible and profitable to savvy entrepreneurs. This is especially true in California.
The marijuana industry has a diverse set of business owners, including a significant contingent of women. During an interview, Stephanie pointed out that the real estate industry in general lacks women in power. According to her, holding power rather than holding a license defines the real estate industry. Although there are women who hold realtor's license, very few are in industrial development, commercial sales, or investment management. Stephanie Smith is the only woman who does group up industrial development in California.  Defining the real estate industry by who has the power reveals that the industry is male-dominated.
As a commercial real estate entrepreneur, Steph's job involves a lot of traveling and networking. The story of how Step Smith started her cannabis real estate business would definitely raise eyebrows to what several people perceive to be a male-dominated field. Smith caused a bidding war after she posted a renovated laundromat on Craigslist. A potential client reached out to her and offered her double the rent if she would allow him to use the property to grow marijuana. A few minutes later, more and more people placed their bids on the property. At this point, Steph realized that cannabis cultivators could be better tenants and are willing to pay more. That is how Steph rented her first property to a cannabis grower. Today, Steph manages Industrial Partner Group that owns over 2 million square of real estate and over 20,000 acres of land in Southern California.
As a realtor in Southern California, Steph Smith is among the women population making things happen in California's Real Estate.  Stephanie has blazed a trail in the industry and has shown other women what is possible and that they can achieve everything even after an initial career change. Stephanie never imagined she would one day be in the real estate business.  While growing up, she dreamt of becoming an artist. However, she later studied marketing and liberal arts. The feeling of pursuing something new made her train to become a professional golfer. Although she was good at golf, she changed her mind and attended business school at UCLA, California. For her part, Stephanie has always stated a gender imbalance in almost every area in the US. However, women can make the achievements they desire. When asked about her backstory and what brought her to the real estate industry, she said, "At one point, I was food insecure, homeless, and living in my car. I couldn't have told you what the real estate developer event meant, and owning real estate was way beyond my shoot for the moon dream … The housing crisis and home unaffordability is an important issue… and the investment class, I included, needs to be part of the solution."
Stephanie Smith uses her passion for issues that touch women and children to make waves to diversity and equality. Through her company, Stephanie Smith is helping to slowly change the real estate industry's image as being one that puts profit ahead of people. For instance, while selecting her tenants, Smith goes for a tenant who will make good use of her property rather than selecting based on the rent that the tenant offers. Smith's company, Industrial Partner Group, aims to increase house supply and create energy-efficient and environmentally friendly homes that people can afford without straining their pockets.  She says, "the public sector needs to build more affordable housing, and the private sector needs more housing so that housing becomes more affordable." Once again, Stephanie Smith is a woman inspiring a magnitude of change in the traditional approach realtors and projecting a better industry image.
So, how is the industry changing?
On a closer look at the real estate industry, more and more women are venturing into the sector. Stephanie Smith is just one of these women.
However, apart from the industry's gender-make-up where potential buyers and renters are likely to deal with a female realtor, women are stirring how the industry conducts itself. The real estate industry is slowly becoming more inclusive as minorities come in to play a critical role. Besides, women are shaping the way people view properties, and the service customers expect to receive.
Why do women venture into the real estate business?
According to Stephanie Smith, things have changed. Women have moved from traditional homemakers to balance their central role in home life with a career. Women have the knowledge, professionalism, empathy, personality, and expertise to become successful in the real estate industry. It doesn't matter whether she is an agent or a property owner.  Stephanie ventured into the real estate business because she had an idea she can make a difference. As a parting shot, she said, "We (women) need to change the rules of the game radically, and by doing so, we make a better, healthier world. I'm up for the challenge."
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