#one that's mostly mimicking humans in most stories
rosescries · 1 year
What if MC in the skeleboi house was an alien trying to pretend to be a human but failing miserably? But, the skelebois don't really notice cuz they don't have a lot of knowledge about humans. Just imagine the chaos .
Blue: Hello Human!
MC: *turns head 180 degrees to look at him with their back turned to him* Yes?
Blue: 0.0
They'd be really confused a lot. But the boys do talk to their human coworkers, especially Blue and Papyrus. So they'll figure out something's not quite right here pretty quickly and try to get to the bottom of it.
Black wouldn't be falling for it for a second though, he's spent enough time researching and observing Humans and the Surface that's he's going to be able to sniff her out like a bloodhound. Edge wouldn't be far behind him either.
Then it'd just be a case of figuring out why the hell she's there and what her intentions are. If they're good, then all's well. Just figure out how to be more convincing of a human. If they're less than pure, well there's plenty of well trained, violent skeletons in that house. Everything will be taken care of quite quickly.
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ranticore · 18 days
Unreleased Setting Friday
ages ago i posted One picture of Limes, my alien character, on main without context. Limes comes from a sci-fi setting I was messing with for a while in early 2023/late 2022
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They are photosynthetic "mimic" aliens who change shape from a base body plan over only a few generations to match the organisms around them - it was originally based off of that plant that "sees" its immediate neighbours and grows similar leaves to blend in :) limes was born in the Amazon to a small established group of its species that had mostly mimicked new world monkeys and margays
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the panels on its back are photosynthetic. the body lacks bones and is operated by a hydrostatic system, with the tail in particular being straight and rodlike by default until warped by hydraulics into a prehensile structure.
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These are really old designs now and the top image is actually the most recent hehe
Anyway there's a whole near-future story about the earth-born aliens and humans cooperating to fend off attacks from another faction of the same alien species who are raiding human technology for their power sources and essentially, basically, the entire setup is JUST to justify the presence of living aeroplanes :) as livestock guardian animals who accompany regular air freight and defend them from attacks. The story is about Limes, an engineer of the biomechs, working with a human biologist/behaviourist whose job is to train the livestock guardians to guard the freight.
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thewigsnatcher764 · 1 month
Okk sooo remember when I did a post Chapter 94 and went on a little rant about how trash beast could operate? Well, In this post I'll take that idea and expand on it more. I'll also be adding more ideas...! (This post is mostly speculation and pondering but I hope you still enjoy my mess of ideas!!)
— Contaminated/Polluted areas and how that could affect the trash beast's forms and characteristics.
— The different types of negativity that supplement the creatures and how that can possibly modify their traits.
— The plausible reasons as to why trash monsters are so aggressive and violent towards humans.
We all remember the first few chapters right? Rudo landed in the intensely polluted area, so unbreathable you had to put on a full-face gas mask just to not choke.
When we first see thrash beasts, THEY'RE FUCKING GINORMOUS. BIG, SCARY AND VIOLENT. The walking definition of a monster. They attacked on sight and don't give up on their targets easily.
At this point in the story, we simply assume that all trash beasts act this way. We haven't learned of the different levels of contamination so we just go along with it.
All of a sudden, trash beasts are smaller, slimmer, faster and... Animals!?! The beasts are suddenly mimicking real-life species. In this case, their cheetahs (I think...)and act exactly like them.
But what makes this interesting is that we're not in the intensely polluted zone anymore! We're in the semi- contaminated zone, an area where you only need to put a normal face mask.
This insinuates the fact that a trash beast's physical power is altered depending on the level of contamination in it's area.
-So the power level should look something like this-
INTENSELY CONTAMINATED: These are the most powerful creatures we've seen so far. They're humongous creatures that hunt alone or in small packs possessing monster-like physique and power.
SEMI-CONTAMINATED: Animal-like creatures that hunt in extremely large packs possessing characteristics of real-life animals. (But It could be possible that there are monster-like trash beasts in the semi-area that are simply smaller)
NON-CONTAMINATED: Given the lack of pollution, this is the only area that has actual animals like cats, rats, horses, etc. Though it might be possible that there are miniature trash beasts(Though I doubt that fact...)
✨MINI TANGENT✨ I did research on this and apparently, cheetahs will only hunt in groups if they're in a coalition to attack larger or more dangerous prey. This suggests that trash beasts (or at least the semi-contaminated ones) View humans as dangerous. Because if they viewed them as simple prey, the cheetahs wouldn't bother creating a coalition since they only bother with that if the prey is big and dangerous. (Normally cheetahs are solitary hunters) So why do they view humans as dangerous? ✨ END OF TANGEANT✨
In the early chapters of Gachiakuta, Enjin explains to Rudo how trash beasts are made:
" Here on the ground, trash accumulates quickly...And so do feelings and emotions...Anima. Sometimes, that gets converted into energy which causes a variety of unusual phenomena. One of these is the birth of trash beasts. They always attack humans on sight. Generally, they live in the garbage dump outside of town... but every so often they'll invade the cities."- Enjin
I'm not gonna put the whole thing since some of it doesn't connect to what I'm saying. Essentially, negative Anima fuels trash beasts and positive Anima fuels Vital instruments(Jinkis).
But could the percentage of the types of negative feelings in the converted Anima affect the trash beasts physically?
What I mean by this is for example: the percentage of negative emotions in a polluted area is 50% sadness, 40% anger and 10% fear. When they get converted to Anima, instead of the beasts resembling a ferocious monster. Do you guys think it could look more... sad? Its roars would sound more like cries, more sluggish movements, you guys see the vision?
The main emotion making up the Anima could be reflected in the monster's demeanour.
Now if my theory is right, why haven't we seen trash beasts with a more melancholic or scared demeanour? Well, it's simple: trash beasts reflect the population's feelings, right? The story has made clear that the people of the underground are angry: They're mad at what they have been reduced to because of the ones living above them. So obviously all that anger is concentrated on the MAX which affects the monster's power.
Ok so for this part of the essay, I'm really pulling stuff out of my ass😭😭. I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong on all of these but it's fun to make! I'm theorizing there are two reasons why trash beasts are targeting humans: for energy or due to the projecting of the citizens of the city.
- FOR ENERGY: All humans possess some amount of negativity in them. Whether or not they are a good person, it wouldn't be surprising if they hunt them for energy purposes. After all, animals hunt for sustenance, right?
- PROJECTION: Remember when I explained that trash beasts could be reflecting the population's anger? We all know that the majority of that anger is towards the people on top. Whether it's internalized or forward, anger is anger. You can imagine that a lot would wanna cause pain to them...So what if those violent thoughts get turned into Anima which powers up the beasts? Given that Anima is something that was converted, some of the specifics of that anger might have sorta got lost in translation. So when a trash monster sees a human, they won't be able to differentiate between the underground and the people on top.
All the creature really knows is that the anger is towards humans, and so they attack.
AAAAAAHHHHHH THIS WAS SO FUCKING LOOOONNGGG. I hope you guys enjoyed my overthinking brain!
See you in the next one!
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hollowwhisperings · 10 months
Kairi the Character: The Future of a Grounded Star
The creators of the KH series have emphasized that, going forward, the series will focus on Sora and Riku. They also repeated that KH3 was the story of "childhood friends who drift apart as they grow up" & that change can be sad but is necessary, that people can always re-conect in new ways.
Essentially, the KH team marks KH3 as the "end" of Kairi's Story with Sora & Riku: the end of an age of Childhood Promises, of resisting "Change"... and of growing up "together".
Going forth, the "Destiny Trio" hyped up in marketing & the fandom consciousness is firmly "retired": KH3 ends with Riku's connection to Sora is stronger than ever, Sora on the cusp of a Realization pertaining to Riku being Sora's "Light"... and, as of Melody of Memory, Kairi knows that "following" her two childhood friends is not conducive to helping them nor to herself.
This post will examine the many ways Kairi has "functioned" within the greater narrative of Kingdom Hearts & its themes. It dips into Kairi's Resistance to Change being her greatest inhibitor in taking an active role within the series, how and why her first attempts were met with failure (spoiler: copying your friend's homework can only ever get you so far), why Kairi's "Staying Behind" (Home) is where her own story begins & the importance of Kairi's Distancing herself from the main story of Kingdom Hearts. Kairi's Story has never been the one shared by Sora & Riku: Kairi's Story is found in the wide cast of characters, "crossed-over" and original, and interwoven with the setting's many Mysteries. Kairi, independently of either of KH's protagonists, but together with Others "Left Behind" is a crucial lynchpin to unravelling so many spools of thread: threads held separately by many hands... each confused, in their isolation. Kairi can play a Key Part in "sorting" these threads, in enabling Different Characters to Meet (& so see their Common Threads), and in doing so "consolidate" them all within a "Wider Picture". Mostly, however, I'll be contextualizing Kairi in Themes of "Home" and as "Light".
Kairi the "Starcrossed"
Kairi has spent the KH series thus far in a pattern of "staying behind" and "chasing after her friends". While the former is not actually a bad thing (indeed, it was a Key Element in games past & likely in future too), the latter has lead to immense "disappointment".
Disappointment in fans of Kairi, who believe Kairi is suffering from "Chickification" (demoting a female character to love interest & subsequently removing every aspect of her character to better enable "romance" that better resembles a female acting as an Emotional Support Human). Disappointment from fans of the mysteries in KH's worldbuilding & lore, who find Kairi an inherently Mysterious Character connected to most every Subplot on either side of "Reality".
Disappointment from Kairi herself, who initially mimicked her friend in footstels both literal & figurative only to find that what "strengthens" Sora (or Riku) does not strengthen her. Kairi's desperate efforts to cling to childhood has greatly hindered her personal growth, as most harshly evidenced by her almost-death in KH3 & Sora's disappeatance thereafter. In Melody of Memory, Kairi takes her self-growth more seriously: she wants to reunite with Sora, to renew the closeness they had so recently (for her) yet so seemingly long ago (for us, for Sora himself). By the end of Melody, Kairi "fails" again: this failure was not for naught. Kairi's Failure "demoted" her from the Assumed Role she has long held (in & out-of-universe) of "Designated Love Interest [to Sora]" & Sora's Hypothetical "Prince[ss] Charming".
At the end of Melody, Kairi makes her first true act of personal agency in the series: she requests to train under Master Aqua, a woman who rescued her once in childhood (though Kairi may not remember) & who acted as the "Lynchpin" to the safe returns of the "Wayfinder Trio".
With Master Aqua as Kairi's new mentor, let us return to the subject of "Home" & how "staying behind" (as Kairi consistently chooses to do) is not actually a bad thing.
Kairi's "Homes"
"Home" can be different things to different people. To Sora, homes can be made whenever he connects with new places & friends. Sora also considers the Destiny Islands, especially the "play island" where he spent so many years growing up with Riku & Kairi, to be a "home". To Riku, "home" is wherever Sora is. To Kairi? Home is a much more complicated creature to an amnesiac girl who became a Literal Shooting Star.
The first "home" (that we know of) Kairi had is one she claims to no longer remember: Radiant Garden. This is where Kairi lived prior to the Destiny Islands, the place where the errant Master Aqua met a 4th Princess of Heart and bestowed upon her a [protective blessing/charm] (likely enabling Kairi's safely ending up at the Destiny Islands rather than Traverse Town or even Quadratum). Radiant Garden is also where we met Kairi's Mysteriously Well-Informed "Grandmother", someone whose Stories Kairi remembers even when she (claims) to be otherwise amnesiac of her life prior to "The Meteor Shower".
Other characters from Radiant Garden include Cid, Squall Leonhart, Aerith, Yuffie & Merlin (whom Kairi first met in KH1, in Traverse Town, and who seem Mutually Oblivious as to their Shared Heritage). It was also the home of characters Foreshadowed to be Involved with the "Bloodlines" plotlines of Phase 2 of KH: Ansem, Ienzo (a character whose origins are possibly More Mysterious than Kairi's), Apprentice Xehanort ("Terra-Nort"), "Braig" (the latest Host of Master Luxu), Isa & Axel (friends of the Mysterious "Subject X".
In studying with Master Aqua, Kairi will take her first step in acknowledging her Past & seeking to recover it: that step was made easier, perhaps, by Kairi's befriending fellow keyblade wielder Axel. Axel, like Kairi, is originally from Radiant Garden but has found a "new" Home. Axel's Home is with Isa, Roxas & Xion in Twilight Town: Kairi's Home has long embraced the Destiny Islands as her Home.
Kairi's continued, sometimes stubborn attachment to the Destiny Islands makes Sense: whether she Remembered it or not, the memories immediately prior to her "debut" as a Literal Shooting Star would have been of her being the latest Test Subject of Xehanort. If her memories of Xehanort were not stolen safely away by her young age, Repression or the traumas of Crashlanding into an ocean (possibly featuring a bit of Drowning? between Aqua's Magic & Kairi's Own, hopefully this was one trauma young Kairi was Spared from)... Kairi has Good Reason to disassociate with Radiant Garden & its labs. That Kairi willingly submitted herself to be studied in sleep by Ansem & his reformed Apprentices for a year? That in itself was an act of Remarkable Bravery and True Desperation. "Survivor's Guilt" is one of many potential "Darknesses" that Kairi, a Princess of Light, may need to Accept into herself to "grow" beyond that role & into young adulthood (as all other Original Princesses of Heart did). It is a subject Familiar to Kairi's Peers, the Princesses & those "left behind".
Yet Kairi is not someone "left behind" by the narrative: Kairi is someone who Chooses to Stay Home. This "passive" choice of Kairi's, to be a person to Return To and a Representation of "Home" has been the most plot-relevant aspect of her character since KH1 & continued to be her Key Narrative Function... right until "the power of childhood promises" was brutally, thoroughly Proven Insufficent. Childhood Promises were Kairi's "theme": with each timeskip, each near-death experience, Kairi's friends had Grown Up & Apart from her. "Promises" could not be as carelessly, made as meaningfully fulfilled in the Stakes of young adulthood & War: KH3 forces Sora, Kairi & players to recognise that "promises are for children"¹.
That is not to say that Kairi's Choices to "Stay Home" are bad: Kairi is not weaker for seeking the security of a fixed "home". Kairi has lost every Home she has ever had. That she clung to the "idea" of the Destiny Islands, once the world was restored, is consistent with how Kairi has been shaped by her own Traumas (well before & then in opposition to Sora and Riku, who found "Home" in each other more than once).
Kairi & "Safe Return"
Recall now the Wayfinding Charm Kairi made for herself & her friends as her "contribution" to their Raft Project: thalassa shells set in a starfruit's shape, a Sailor's Promise of "finding their way home". Unlike Riku "the Reverse-Little Mermaid" or Sora "the Adventurer", Kairi only worked on the Raft so her friends wouldn't leave her behind. Kairi was genuinely worried of being lost at sea, something she was miraculously spared from when she crashed into the waters of Destiny Islands.
In KH2, Kairi sends a "message in a bottle": while how sizable its role really was in providing a "Door to Light" for the stranded Sora & Riku is ~vague~ due to its "Timing" (right after a Heart-to-Heart between two uniquely "bright" Keyblade wielders), Kairi's "wish" in bottle-form certainly helped in said Door's directly opening to the Destiny Islands specifically.
Kairi & "Geography"
Then there is KH3's "Tunnel of Light" sequence. While players may Expect that the Abrupt Deus Ex Machina as "GPS Princess Kairi Saves The Day Offscreen, Again"... the sequence is Deliberately Misleading.
Sora's initial recognition of his "Light" as Riku's Light is correct: Riku, now and always, is the "Light" Sora knows best. Riku is also Found At The Tunnel's End: Kairi, however, was with Sora the whole time. Kairi was Geographically Incapable of being Sora's "Light" because she was right next to him, following Sora as he was lead by Riku's Light.
The entire "Light Tunnel" scene in KH3 is referential to the Infamous Meteor Shower event recalled by Sora & Riku in CoM.
Sora and Riku both recall watching a Meteor Shower with Someone Very Important to Their Heart(s). During this Meteor Shower, the person Naminé replaces feared that a Meteor (a Shooting Star) would strike the Destiny Islands: Sora or Riku then promised to [always protect] the Person Naminé Replaces in this Shared Memory. It is Naminé's placing herself within This Memory that prompts the Drastic Increase in [Devotion] from both Sora AND Riku['s Replica]. Due to Naminé's previously inserting herself into either boy's memories in Kairi's place, players "expected" that the True Memory & the Promises of Protection must have "also" been With Kairi.
...except that Kairi could not have exchanged anything with anyone during That Meteor Shower: Kairi was the Meteor Shower, one of its meteors & its most Significant Shooting Star. The promises that both boys recall making were made to each other: they exchanged tokens by the light of a Shooting Star.
Ascertaining Kairi's "Relative Geography" is the Vital Clue to many of her Weirder Moments throughout the series: in Sora & Riku's Shared Memory of a Meteor Shower, Kairi was a Meteor; in the Tunnel of Light sequence, Kairi was inside the Tunnel & not at its End; when Sora & Riku find themselves stranded in Another Side of Reality, as they once were in the depths of the Realm of Darkness, Kairi will be their Connection Home.
Kairi the "Lighthouse Keeper"
Kairi, through imagery & Choices, has made herself into a "Guiding Star". She is no longer a "starcrossed meteor" of Sora's: Kairi is the Fixed Point of "Home", her Home.
Kairi has become not a Lighthouse but its Keeper: she "tends the hearth" that is her own Heart, one that shines its light from the Destiny Islands where she "stays behind". As a Princess of Light, Kairi can act as the "Keeper" of her own Light: she can determine where it shines brightest ("home" in the Destiny Islands), who it guides (those Lost in Darkness, friends)... amongst other things.
This role of "Hearthkeeper" or "Lighthouse" will not give Kairi any dramatic rise in martial prowess, magical or otherwise. Kairi is Not Sora & she's Not Riku either: their strengths are theirs and Kairi has yet to even consider that her own strengths could be entirely different (& helpful for entirely separate situations). Narratively, making Kairi a "magical powerhouse" is unproductive: other characters are Experienced Battle Mages, their skills & prowess Well Established as Terrifying Extremely Competent.
Rather tham becoming Yet Another War Mage, I would speculate that Kairi's role is something more "unique" to her person & something sorely needed on This Side of Reality: an "Illuminator" not only of pressing dangers and safer shores but of the setting's Mysteries, old and "new". Kairi is already capable of acting in this role: she just hasn't had the opportunity to realise it yet.
Kairi the "Illuminator"
As a Princess of Light, Kairi connects any & all Disney princess past or future: the Princesses are "Torchbearers", their Hearts host to the still-burning remnants of the Ancient X-Blade's Light. These seven individuals are essential to the stability of the Realm of Light, in the absence of Kingdom Hearts. Their endangerment in KH1 was apocalyptic for all Known Worlds: finding the successors of Kairi's Peers in KH3 was a subplot "dropped" upon the miraculous recovering of Master Aqua & her lost friends thereafter. By "staying behind", Kairi's story as a Princess is possible to explore without the risk of her being assumed to be Sora's Princess (or, heavens forbid, Riku's).
As her Grandmother's [lorekeeper] & as a keyblade wielder herself, Kairi is connected to the mythology of the Keyblade Wars of the Ancient Past: the Master of Masters, the Foretellers & how history has seemed Doomed to Repeat. Kairi's placement as "student of Aqua" puts her (& her grandmother's stories) in proximity to Ventus, an amnesiac whose history lies hidden within such stories. That Ven too is "pure of heart" (albeit artificially) is another means of consolidating story threads: how similar is Ven, post-Xehanort, to Kairi the Princess of Heart? How are their Hearts different from each other's & why was Riku's ability to meld his Darkness to his Light so seemingly unprecedented? Is "lack of darkness" holding Kairi back, as a keyblade wielder? Or will Kairi (& Ven) be used by the likes of the Foretellers as "precedent" for all to follow?
As a Wayward Daughter of Radiant Garden, any explorations into Kairi's Life prior to her stint as a Shooting Star opens the world's history to Other Interested Parties: Kairi's hypothetical birth family, for one, and the Concerned Friends of "Subject X". It also requires an Addressing of Xehanort's Time apprenticed to Ansem the Wise... and Questions on how, exactly, he & Ansem "acquired" their Test Subjects in the first place. The technology used to send Kairi from Radiant Garden bears Remarkable Resemblance (in function, if not "form") to that used by the Dandelions. Was there, perhaps, some "reverse-engineering" in play? From Whomst couldst Xehanort Possibly Findeth Such An Arc, one of So Very Few?
Oh, Hi There, Ventus the Secret Dandelion: have you seen the Other, Long-term Human Test Subject? No, not Kairi. One escaped from [our setting]'s Other Resident [Evil] Scientist? Ansem the Wise?
...I May or May Not Harbour Deep Mistrust & Plentiful Suspicions regarding the man formerly known as "DiZ" (for example: did Master Yen Sid ever hear about Ansem's misappropriating his name, just as Xehanort did with Ansem's own?).
That aside, let us continue exploring how Kairi's "staying behind" is much more interesting than putting her back into Sora's Coming Of Age Story for No Actual Narrative Purpose (except to continue in her past role of "Being Conveniently Female"?).
Kairi the "Supporting Character"
Kairi's "Potential" has been Unexplored for nearly the entire series: her resistance to Change, to "leaving Home" & her Seeking Security in Familiar Things has kept Kairi from involving herself in anything "unrelated" to Sora & Riku. Being the series' protagonists, Sora & Riku have been Out Of The Loop on the wider mysteries of their setting: mysteries that Kairi (willingly or otherwise) is intrinsically connected to.
By again Choosing to "Stay", Kairi is able to act as the Fixed Point of Reality's "worldbuilding": Kairi is the connecting character for keyblade wielders to Disney Princesses, the point of reference to clarify "past" from "present" (this is more speculative, contingent to Kairi or Any of the Seven Lights existing as "fixed points" in Reality), and the Meeting Ground of characters (& plot points) old & "new".
Kairi's adjacency to Every Worldbuilding Subplot on This Side of "Reality" makes her an extremely useful Supporting Character. By departing from the "main" story of KH (that of Sora & Riku's "Comimg Of Age"), Kairi is free to support characters in their "shared" stories. Many of these "shared stories" all end up featuring Kairi, as a reference point or otherwise "Key" figure.
As a Supporting Character to Literally Anyone Other than Sora or Riku, Kairi is in great demand (see Speculations Above).
To her Childhood Friends, as they enter Their Arc on Sora's Darkness & the Continued Explorations of the many ways Hearts "Combine"?
The best way that Kairi can help her friends is by doing what she always has (now with other characters supporting her): being a "Fixed Point" in their Reality.
Kairi is no longer Sora's "Starcrossed" Meteor: her role, in his story & Riku's, is to now be that Beacon that Guides Travelers in Dark Seas, the "Lighthouse Keeper" keeping ships mindful of the shoreline & directing sailors to Safe Harbour. When Sora & Riku, weary from whatever Quadratum demands of them, would seek passage through death & dream to Another Side of Reality? Kairi will be There for them, a friend whose life has continued in their absence, ready to welcome them "home".
Kairi was a Reluctant Protagonist and an Absent Love Interest: that was Intentional, as evidenced by the Thematic (& Literal) "Geography" of Key Points in Sora & Riku's Coming of Age story being impossible for Kairi to have actually been "there" to fulfil such roles. Kairi's biggest strength, thus far, was her Faith & Innocent Love enabling her Friends to Find Their Way Home.
Kairi is strong: Sora tells her as much, in the Actual Text of the Tunnel Sequence. Kairi has, however, been "stagnant" in her strength. She can only truly become "stronger" when she needs not constantly compare herself to Riku or Sora (whose strengths are their own, not Kairi's: she has ever been mimicking their footsteps, never able to fill their shoes nor willing to consider getting different shoes for herself to wear instead).
As Kairi grows up & apart from "Childhood", Kairi can make new friends & find new "purpose". Rather than finding herself a "poor subsitute" for Riku or Sora, Kairi can seek the training they never had an opportunity to have & do so in ways neither boy may have "preferred" but Kairi would. Limiting herself to "one-of-three" (a Destiny "Trio") has never made Kairi Stronger, not in the way it has for Other Trios in the series: the "Destiny Trio" was never of the same nature as subsequent trios, the recurring & contrastingly "equilateral" dynamics being KH's means of indicating that, often in life, the friend groups you start out with aren't meant to last. People change and so does the ways they can or would want to relate to each other: is KH to is the story's method of showing the different friendships we can or "used to" have, some friendships remaining unchanged for life & others changing along with its members. to truly grow up, Kairi had to let go the "forever friends" of her childhood. They have been growing up: now Kairi will too.
¹An existing exploration of KH3's distinctions between "childhood promises" & "Oaths" can be found here, on Youtube. It includes a line-by-line analysis of KH's "thesis" on this Theme, Utada Hikaru's "Chikai". My only addition to said video essay is on how its structure acts as a Callback to KH3's immediately preceding title, Dream Drop Distance.
"Chikai" exists distinctly & complementary to the song that shares its melody, "Don't Think Twice". The songs, like the entire premise of Dream Drop, are two perspectives of a shared experience: this is Foreshadowing, specifically pertaining to the concepts of Mirrored Realities & the different ways Hearts can be Combined.
That last theme is especially pertinent given the Various Ways that artificially "combining hearts" has already been used to form or summon the eponymous Kingdom Hearts. This will be the Bloodlines Arc, afterall: "blood" will be Explored, in ways both Literal (ancestry, familial inheritance, generational keyblade violence) & Figurative (keyblades as a concept, Darkness as the "bleeding" of a Heart, the "oldblood" versus the "new"). That any & all depictions of blood will be censored into Water or as "Darkness" is par for the course.
²Kairi, Sora & Riku were never "a family" [trauma-bonded] to each other in the ways of the "Wayfinder" or "Seasalt" Trios. Kairi & Sora are only one (1) year younger than Riku: that means a lot, as a kid, but matters less & less the older you become. Axel's success in his role as "life coach" & "cool older brother" to the [newborn] teens Roxas & Xion highlights the difference that Age & aging has in one's friendship dynamics: Axel was the age of his friends when he "joined" Organization XIII and can thusly prepare them for what they will experience. Upon Isa's "resurrection", Axel keeps his childhood best friend with him: the changes this would prompt in the "Seasalt Trio" have inspired many an "Axel the No Longer Single Dad" joke, if not with that specific wording.
My Elaboration on Relative Age in the Dynamics of KH's Iconic Trios got, uh, Longer Than intended: its elaborated form has been Squirrel'd Away for "Later, Maybe".
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waltsmest · 4 days
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Speaking of my art
✨️I want to share with u some sketches with my new Monster High g3 original character and their story
🌟Meet Min, a child of a mimic (unknown which one)
Pronounce: any, but mostly uses they/them
There are some details in the design, which Min mimicked from mimics from media, bc they don't know who are their parents and what Min is even suppose to be
Before Min mimicked anything for their appearance, they was something grayish with human alike shape. Not cool huh
So, Min took some clothes, front teeth and ears from Glitchtrap and used fur colour as the hair colour (when they played the fnaf vr they got really inspired by mimic from fnaf)
With time, Min find out about mimic in My Little Pony, so they mimicked the horn, a part of an year (so technically just recollected the already existing part of), bow from the tail for the bowtie, eye colour (they didn't make their eyes a crystals, like the mlp mimic, but they are still really sparkly) and parts of the mane colours for some of their hair streaks
As the time went, Min discovered another mimic in media. A DnD mimic. Bc Min didn't had many friends for that time, they didn't played DnD, but read a lot about it. Most commonly used image for the DnD mimic is the "chest" looking one, so Min mimicked sharp teeth to the triangle parts on their clothes, sharp teeth (but Glitchtraps front ones remain), a wooden texture for the arm and made a bag, that looks like a chest mimic
When Min got in Monster high school, they they didn't quietly understand how to start being friends with somebody there.
They decided firstly to just watch what is even going on there. And one time they saw Cleo. Her skin was so shiny and sparky, Min loves sparky things. So they asked Cleo that she is beautiful and if Min can mimic her skin. At first Cleo was confused, but asked what is even "mimic" is and Min mimicked it quickly and showed how does it look. Cleo liked how her skin colour and sparkles lookes on Min, so she said "of course you can keep it like that, i like it"
With time, Min began to be friend with other gouls, like Frankie, Goulia, Clawdeen, Draculaura and Twyla
Min can mimic only appearance, no powers. So unicorn horn has no magic, they have no "glitching" powers and other stuff
Soooo yeah, I made a story about mimicking Cleo's skin bc I want to make an ooak/custom, by using g3 Cleo as a base :)
I was really inspired by mimics in media, u can tell. Especially when i made an art with mlp mimic as fnaf mimic for my mlp-fnaf au. I didn't kinda include the original true form of the fnaf mimic, bc Min would be definitely thinking like "nah, I already was gray, cmoooon. Boriiiiing"
Idk then I will make a custom of my oc, but I already ordered a base and boots, so now I'm waiting for them to arrive
I'm sorry for soooo many text here and if there is any mistakes in grammar. English is nor my first language and it's already 5 am and an air raid alarm (typical for Ukraine😭), my brain is not braining really
And yes, there are some layers to protect my sketches from Ai, idk if it's really working, buuuuut I really hate Ai, so I hope this stuff works against it
Thanks for reading 🩷
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amybizarre · 21 days
Introduction to the Dogfighters AU
Sooo, basically it’s dogfights, but with Steves. Y’know, these illegal fighting rings, run by gangs, used for illegal transactions and betting.
This AU is set in a modern setting with cities and modern day technology. The world is inhabited by both humans and Steves, together. The city is secretly run by criminal groups such as mobs or smaller gangs of burglars and dealers. There’s a huge underground located underneath the city, consisting of the sewers and maintenance tunnels and stuff like that. There’s also an abundance of abandoned buildings in and around the city.
So, if anyone got kidnapped or went missing, the chances to find that person are incredibly slim. On top of that, the mafia’s influence is so big, they are able to effortlessly stop any investigations into their direction.
There’s two rivaling mafia groups within the city. One run by Elemental Steve and one run by Sabre. They hate each other's guts and have gotten into plenty of fights in the past. Nowadays they mostly avoid each other and no longer mess around in the other’s territory. Each of them lead their own fighting ring though, which are like two rivaling businesses at this point. Both of them try their hardest to attract as many customers as possible, through crazy events or special opportunities, where you can challenge their ‘champions’ with your own fighters. The winner of such an occasion usually gains some hefty prize money from the loser.
Needless to say, much like with horse racing, the betting business around the fighting rings is also booming.
If you think that Sabre is a good guy in this, I have to disappoint you. He is very much a bad guy. As the leader of his own mob, he is very ruthless and cruel. The only things that really matter to him are cold hard numbers (preferably in the form of cash), his younger cousin Lucas and his champion fighter (only because it’s usually the fighter in his team, who earns him the most money).
Lucas fulfills multiple roles. Not only is he Sabre’s right hand man; he is also the one responsible for kidnapping new Steves to become the next fighters. Lucas will also be the one to train these Steves. He may be younger than Sabre and still has a lot to learn and a lot of experience to gather, but that doesn’t make him any less terrifying.
Where Sabre is known for his cold and calculating nature, Lucas earns his intimidation points with his ice cold stare and unpredictability.
Who is Sabre’s strongest fighter? His champion? Welp, it’s not Rainbow. (Not yet-) Rainbow is a young adult, who just dropped out of college. He was trying to study art, which he also kept a secret from his parents. They rathered him to study engineering or sth like that, so when they found out about the actual courses Rain was visiting they stopped their financial support for him, which subsequently forced him to drop out, because he could no longer afford it. Now he’s trying to pay his bills as a delivery boy and part time Uber driver. Until Lucas gets his hands on him…
After that it’s a fight for survival for poor Rainbow Bean. It’s do or die and he has to toughen up quickly if he doesn’t want to get killed in the ring. But that sort of development could be subject for a future story. >:3
Sabre’s current champion is Faceless Steve. With his copying abilities he is capable of mimicking his opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, effectively using them against them. What Sabre doesn’t know though, is that Faceless is secretly working together with Plague Steve. What exactly this collaboration entails, I will keep a secret for now however. I’ll tell you some info about Plague and then let you guess!
Plague Steve is a doctor/surgeon in this AU. He is a semi-neutral person, who doesn’t belong to any group. He sews back together any of Elemental’s and Sabre’s fighters, if they’re valuable enough for that. Sabre and Elemental have to pay a whole fortune though for Plague’s services, which they begrudgingly do, because they have no medical alternative. Plague definitely abuses this position of power, although he does favor Elemental sometimes.
I think this has become quite the infodump by now, lol. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed coming up with this stuff!
Oh! Before I forget: My friend @nuctoria helped me a lot with cool ideas and adding to the lore of this AU! Thanks bestie!
Now there might be a story for this AU coming in the future, but if you’re interested you can also go ahead and ask me about things you wanna know!Other than that, have a nice day/night! :3
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Putting this here so I don’t clutter your DMs — but I think if the facility somehow managed to recapture Breg, they’d just end up killing him. Him not fucking anything but his human is bad enough, but assuming that the other spreaders can’t speak, they’d likely be able to learn from mimicking him like he did with Fasma. Breg learning to talk reminds the facility that spreaders are beings capable of sentience, not mindless animals that can be used for profit. Losing the golden goose is a big loss for the facility, but they’ll be able to recover the numbers somehow. It’s easier to talk down on something when it doesn’t talk back.
Not quite.
TW: Mentions of suicide.
Spreaders can talk. A bit. See, they may not be educated properly, but they do communicate with each other in select instances, this paired with their ability to somewhat poorly absorb vernacular from guards and maintenance workers means they're able to have a very limited, but still present vocabulary. Knowledge is perpetuated between clumps of breeders, though higher ups are not concerned with this, because their poor grasp of language won't help them in the long-run. They mostly communicate through inhuman vocalizations between themselves, but words are often used for concepts they cannot describe with trills/hisses/clicks.
They wouldn't kill Breg.
See, it doesn't matter if Breg doesn't want to fuck, it never did. He never wanted to fuck the other breeders, but his consent was irrelevant. Regardless of him being able to talk, he's back to square one. His verbal outlash means nothing and will not stop facility staff from arranging breeding sessions.
These people are not morally dubious, they're morally evil. A breeder being slightly more adjusted to society, wearing clothes or talking fluently will not make them have a change of heart or think twice about the nature of their jobs. These people know breeders are sentient, in fact, part of their training involves understanding just how intelligent the monsters are. And besides, Breg could use all the sob stories he has up his metaphorical sleeves, the staff is paid more than enough to close their eyes and look elsewhere.
On top of that, remember that Breg was never welcomed by his own kin, even inside the facility. Before, he was rejected for being a source of stress for most males, due to his excellent "quality". Other males had a lot to live up to, or risk being eliminated for insufficient profit compared to the golden goose. Breg's escape has resulted in a lot harsher security measures being put in place, the facility plays it very safe and ten times more violent, and the spreaders are smart enough to understand Breg's selfish little stunt was what gave way to their new, even more miserable existences. What do other breeders care if he speaks better?! For all they know, he is the source of their newfound suffering. They want him dead all the more.
Breg would kill himself sooner.
He knows exactly what he's coming back to. He knows he'll never get an opportunity to escape again, because simply put, he'll never be out of surveillance again. He'll be isolated further, confined in even more horrid spaces and probably incapacitated. They might try to permanently remove his teeth, cut his tail, forcibly remove claws, keep him drugged out of his mind until he's sent off to impregnate some poor sod. Breg knows what's going to happen to him. He knows he'll never see you or Fasma again, that he'll never be happy again. That this is not an existence worth partaking in.
But it's okay. If only just for a second, this breeder lived out his dream. He had a wonderful mate, and he made a friend. Breg was happy. Breg was fulfilled. He did it. He made it out and he lived his life.
It's with a smile on his face that he starts viciously clawing at his own throat with the claws they haven't removed yet.
If he's quick enough, the guards won't get to his cell in time, and Breg can die happy in a pool of his own ocean-blue blood, knowing he got to love someone, and feel the warmth of their skin on his.
The last image that flashes through his fading mind is of you at the park, smiling at the breeder while you hold his hand.
You are so beautiful....
He's so lucky.
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neechees · 2 years
What’s your thoughts on arcane so far? You tend to have good takes on media, so I’m intrigued on what you think of it :0
I wanna say that overall I like it, but there are some things I wish they did differently or weren't afraid of portraying. I'll put this in short form because I feel like that's what will be good for my brain to categorize. I just finished it so I'm still disgesting everything and a second rewatch could probably help refine my opinions, but I'll put what I have so far (also note that I don't play league of Legends so I can't compare it to its game lore or whether or not its better, so I'll be treating Arcane as a standalone series just for this)
Things I appreciated, liked, and thought the series did well:
The animation and art style is gorgeous. I love the spurts of color throughout. I see a lot of references to art and art history, particularly with a LOT of inspiration from Art Nouveau. I feel like the Art Nouveau thing could specifically be intended since Art Nouveau takes inspiration in nature & plants, & one of the themes in Arcane is classicism & how the lower classes have less or little to no access to fresh air/clean water. Art Nouveau used architecture to both mimic nature AND depict it, & in Arcane the people of Zaun have to literally create greenhouses just to get fresh air, and you see the Art Nouveau architecture in Zaun, too. Their access to nature is mostly through Art Nouveau architecture mimicking nature, or self created through greenhouses. By extension, Topside (while still having references to Art Nouveau) seems more influenced by Art Deco, which had emphasis on modernity and luxury.
Classicism. I like the theme of classicism within this series because I feel like it portrays it very well, particularly with showing us the living conditions that the lower classes have to survive in, and how pollution is affecting them first, foremost, and the worst. Also explains why Silco was such a successful crimelord with Shimmer, since the shimmer can be used as medicine to treat illness and injury.
Characters. I think they did the characters really well, and explained their motivations, and their stories intertwining in a complex, yet not overly complicated or cumbersome way. Also a lot of really touching & profound relationships between the characters
Racism and sexism (at least between humans) don't really seem to be a thing in the Arcane world, which in a few ways, is really nice. The female characters are just as complex as the men, there didn't really seem to be any gender roles or prejudice between characters on the basis of "race" or skintone because of the existence of institutional racism.
On top of that, homophobia seems to not really be a thing here either, which is great. I heard that when Vi asks Caitlin if she prefers "men or women", she didn't outright say any specific sexuality because the writers said that it's so normalized, that this society doesn't even HAVE a word for it. I like that. I hope they're more explicit with gay relationships in the next season, and adding trans charas featured in the plot would be awesome
The Jinx vs Ekko fight. That gets its own point on this list because it was visually stunning, the music was killer, and it told a really tragic story with rich history between these two characters in about 2 minutes
The music
The eye motif that keeps popping up
Things that I didn't like, thought could have been done better, or wished they did differently:
Racism/colorism & classicism. I know I said I thought they did the classicism well as well as the fact that there's no racism (IN universe) in Arcane, but at the same time I feel like real world prejudice (irl) of the writers or designers or whoever else was involved leaks through. What I mean is stuff like how 3 of the more violent & less feminine female characters aren't White & are dark skinned (with the only other dark skinned female character is Mel), Mel is probably the most beautiful & most feminine female character & is a dark skinned Black woman but she's also manipulative at times (which I think is worth mentioning, even if it IS a character flaw, since Black women, especially dark skinned women, are often shown as controlling), you have like 3 Asian characters who are rich cops with one being VERY corrupt and working for a crime lord (on top of brutalizing the lower class), Sky is fridged because of a White guy's fault. A lot of the cops, upperclass main characters aren't White, and a lot of the poorer characters are. This is awkward because racism is VERY connected to classicism in real life, especially when talking about environmental racism, so this is almost sort of coming off as a "reverse racism" thing to me, which I don't think was intended, but still. I think in the very least they should have had more lower class characters of color to balance out this issue, but we only have Ekko (whom I love, Ekko is wonderful), Finn (who isn't a main character, doesn't appear much, & works for Silco), & Sevika, who again, is kind of a villian & violent & a foil for Vi, a White woman
On the classicism side, Silco is one of the main "villians" as someone who's trying to take down the oppressive state but he's also cool with killing children & torture & kidnapping, the narrative treats revolutionaries and those who try to fight oppression with violence (because their oppressors are being violent themselves) as if that's the "wrong" way to get freedom, most of the more morally grey characters are poor, the lower classes are frequently shown being violent with each other while the narrative was ALSO trying very hard to humanize the cops & upperclass people so we'd sympathize with them. I think they were trying to do a broken windows theory here, or trying to imply that classicism is inherently violent and creates violence, but I feel like it wasn't very effective or done properly & should have focused less on trying to make us like the rich characters so much, because this way it makes it seem like the poor are just naturally predisposed to violence, that the rich actually DO care about the poor most of the time if it were not for ignorance rather than because of their own classicism/belief of superiority & the dehumanization of poor people, & that most cops are just good guys "following the orders" of whoever is leading them rather than the whole system being wrong & most cops being corrupt or happily complacent. There's ways that they did or tried to show this, but like I said in a previous post, they should have pushed it over the edge.
Ableism... I don't like that Silco, Sevika, and that scientist dude are all kinda demonized & villians, but they're also disabled and/or disfigured in some way. Viktor faces this too, in a way. And again, they're all lower class.
The plot is very picky & convenient with who it wants to kill off & at what time, & plot armor is a fickle bitch. Somehow that little blonde bitch who was jacked up on shimmer was able to survive a direct blast from the hex crystals, but 2 people who had a door & a wall between them & the crystal didn't. Vander, who is MUCH bigger and had WAY more shimmer in his body, was also somehow not able to survive. Vi gets stabbed AND falls from a big height doesn't immediately die. Sevika gets beat up a bunch AND put in front of an explosion and survives multiple times.
I don't want to say I think her "villian origin story" is "weak" (although I don't like using that for her, necessarily), but I think it could have been a bit... stronger. Like Powder says "Vi isn't my sister anymore" & into the arms of a guy who killed her Father & was trying to kill her siblings because Vi went to sit in the corner & she thinks Vi "left" her?? Like kid... you SAW her go over there and sit down, you literally could have followed her over there. Vi was shitty for hitting her little sister & letting her cry by herself in the rain & an idiot for not booking it out of there WITH her when the cops were still looking for them, but I think it could have been more effective if they'd shown Vi get seperated from Powder FIRST, Powder be alone for a while thinking Vi left without her, and Silco progressively manipulating Powder before then her turning to be with him as a replacement Father out of desperation, because to me this just seemed too quick of a character decision for Powder to go from "I'm going to help kill this guy" to "you're my dad now" because of one argument with her sister in the span of like 10 minutes
This is a really minor one but, costumes. I wish the characters had bigger wardrobes & more clothes between all of them, but instead for the most part they all generally wear the same clothing or recolord of the same basic clothing throughout. Alternatively they could have also shown the richer characters with a lot of clothing, and the poor characters wearing the same tattered outfits to further demonstrate class disparity
So that's my thoughts on Arcane... I give it a solid 7/10 at least
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What is "Thank You For Existing?"
Before the tournament starts we figured a brief introduction to the universe of TYFE might be necessary:
"TYFE" takes place in a universe that is mimicking the stories humanity created, placing each on their own separate world (usually).
It is an organic simulation, so everyone and everything in it is real and made up of real matter, but manipulated a bit to follow the "source".
The series mostly follows Yuni Yoshinaga, who's series ended on more a cliffhanger/status quo ending than one that wraps everything up. They're going through "Psychic Recap Therapy" with other characters to hopefully figure out where they should go from there.
TYFE takes a semi-anthological structure, focusing on one character's story per "season"; so that character, and by extension Yuni, learns a moral to cope with their unique circumstances.
The series is also heavily themed after plurality. Making the universe adapt from fictional sources in of itself is a reference to fictives. It's a very deliberate choice and influences most of the writing.
To better highlight this, here is a list of every character in the tournament who is Plural or Plural Adjacent:
Tumblr media
8 examples share a body, if you want to lessen it by 4, but the visual still speaks for itself.
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Annihilation (2018)
This will be a review with spoilers, the movie is good, go watch it.
Its been a bit since I watched the movie, so some of my memories might be off.
Overall I think I was impressed. The idea of an alien "thing" crashing & slowly radiating has been done several times, but this interpretation is possibly my favorite.
It does get a bit goofy with its refraction talk, and a few other things that don't really make sense, but nothing was too crazy.
I also felt it was a bit all over the place in its symbols, it's refraction, cancer, evolution, memory loss, and mimicry. But that feeling was overall short lived, and I was always quickly immersed back into the world.
I felt the cast was a bit cookie cutter, and it being all women felt a tiny bit forced. But, it helped avoid any dumb romance subplot, or unnecessary sexual tension stuff that people would often add if there was men & women. But it was very much each person was a character I'd seen in other movies & they were all quite distinct from eachother. Very much felt like a cast for a movie instead of a collection of people.
Once we get into the "shimmer" proper, we have one time skip, and that's the only one afaik. I think they could have done a lot more with that, but I think they just wanted to avoid explaining a few things & then get on with the movie. Overall the movie was very much split into distinct "scenes" in this way, I understand why it's this way but I think it would have been better to stick to one or two ideas, instead of giving each character death its own "gimmick".
Between the initial time skip & finding the building with the video tape, is mostly just introducing the setting imo. Not much was done with this time, but I can see it feeling rushed without it.
Now, when we watch the movies, things start to ramp up. There are more creatures, and the spectacular scene of the "moving guts" & accompanying body.
I really liked the visual of the body in the pool, it sold the idea of rapid mutation in a body horror way very well. and obviously the scene where they cut him open is great also (if a bit nonsense)
It's not really explained why the previous team stayed in that building for so long, or why they eventually left. Not a big deal, but something I was wondering.
The next bits are a bit hazy, so I'll be jumping to the more important scenes.
The bear, was again great. The setup for them being tied up felt pretty forced, similar to the initial time skip, and the voice mimicking was also a bit nonsense. But a really spooky effect, and done well. The whole "don't tell them about my husband" thing was maybe my biggest pet peeve, cause you know exactly why it's in the story, and it never really made sense anyways.
the flower girl was probably my least favorite death, I kind of wish she was more lucid and less "ooh I'm so strange and mysterious". Like if she could rationally explain that the change to her body & mind isn't something she wants to continue living with, and she decides to "submit" to the shimmer, that would have been so much better than "look at me vaguepost and then walk away ooooOOooH". Overall wasn't really a fan of the whole flower section. Again, if they had done the "the flowers got human structure DNA stuff" as a major point, instead of a one-off, I think that would be really cool.
We get to the crystal beach, for some reason there are a bunch of bones & skeletons outside the lighthouse? I think it's implied that they are most of the previous team, but like why & how?
whatever, we get inside to the climax. the reveal that the husband is a fake! at the time I didn't really feel misled by the protag's initial interview answers, but ya. Either way, very cool twist, kind of goes back to the start of entering the shimmer, with the timeskips & mental decline.
Finally we climb in the hole, and meet the alien. I am sooo glad this wasn't a "ooh it's shiny particles, and some vague pretty 'thing'". We got an actual answer. AND it's an interesting one! there's a ton of questions to be asked about the alien, and I like how smart the protagonist is about it's behavior. It may not even be aware of it's actions, or that it's copying anything. How does the copied husband's brain work? really cool, love it conceptually.
I do think it's very separated from the effects of the shimmer, and don't really believe it's responsible for "changing" anything. It's a mimic, the shimmer is space pollution; or something like that.
The end end, is up there with my favorite endings. Him being honest, open about who he is, non-malicious. Him deciding on his own to hug her, is that because it's a human response? does he actually want to console her? The unhuman stare, I don't really know what it's supposed to mean but it invokes a lot of emotions. Again sooooo many questions about this 'person', and his future.
Overall, I think this movie took on a hard task, and did a very good job. It gave interesting answers, and didn't really fall short anywhere along the way. There were certainly spots where it was a bit less spectacular, but nowhere bad enough to leave a taste in your mouth.
I think this will be a classic. I do wish I had any chance of reading the trilogy (future quadrilogy?) books that the movie is based on.
spoilers #movie review #horror film #annihilation
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gregrulzok · 10 months
Spidersona Ideas Dump !!
I am not an artist and therefore I can't make a proper Spidersona, but what I CAN do is write down a bunch of loose ideas for him and his story SOOO here's my very self indulgent rant below the cut
Introducing: Star-Spider !
- Odin Pfeiffer AKA Star-Spider is a human born on a shuttle called New-Geo - one of the few spacecrafts created to evacuate the dying planet earth. Each of these shuttles is large enough to house an entire city's-worth of the remainder of the human race, as well as multiple different kinds of other extraterrestrial species.
- Odin is a 22-year-old transgender man. He is diagnosed with ASD and Alexithymia. He struggles with experiencing and identifying certain emotions, as well as with social queues and customs. However, one of his special interests is sociology and researching different cultures, both human, and of other species.
- At the age of 16, Odin's body became host to a Symbiote named Noise. His body was changed drastically, giving him superhuman abilities which he would later use to become the hero known as Star-Spider.
- Odin's personality mostly stayed in tact, as the way he experiences emotions is significantly duller and thus harder for the Symbiote to amplify. However, Odin's own calm and subdued demeanor can clash dramatically with Noise's dynamic and cheerful personality. A lot of factors determine which of these attitudes Star-Spider will be portraying at any given point.
- They're not seperate beings - they've merged into one consciousness. However due to the wildly contrasting personalities, Star-Spider will operate on a sort of spectrum, sometimes acting more like Odin and sometimes more like Noise, depending on the circumstances. This is not accompanied by any sort of dissociation or loss of memory. Generally, he still goes by simply Odin, however for simplicity's sake he labels some actions that were clearly influenced by the Symbiote as "Noise's doing", and sometimes uses the name Noise when the influence is particularly strong.
- Odin's fascination with different cultures and strong sense of compassion means that he not only fights crime, but also attempts to immerse himself in each different species' culture and society. Star-Spider also aims to resolve cross-species conflict and actively fight against any sort of discrimination. This has also set him firmly against the shuttle's governing forces, thus making him a vigilante wanted by law enforcement.
- Though Odin can mimick many different species' social norms in order to fit in with them, this can often leave him a bit confused and disoriented while he tries to remember which queues belong to which species. He carries multiple notebooks where he writes down different tips on how to mask with different species, including humans.
- Besides enhanced speed, strength and agility, Star-Spider's suit boasts a few special features. The most notable is a customized web-shooter. These webs can clamp down painfully onto opponents, enough to cause substantial damage in certain cases. Additionally, the costume is equipped with boots that can can alter their gravitational pull, allowing Star-Spider to leap higher or tethering him to the ground.
- The Mask is equipped with an omni-lingual real-time translator to aid in cross-species communication. However, Odin is making an effort to learn as many different languages as he can.
- Odin is a medium-height, lean man with blond hair styled in an undercut, blue eyes with pronounced eyebags, glasses, a large hooked nose and thick eyebrows. He is typically not very expressive. Star-Spider's suit is a mix of light and dark blue, and the signature spiderweb markings are stylized with small stars and dashed lines to mimick constellations. The suit is equipped with heavy black boots, gloves, and a neck piece. It has two sets of eyes, the lower set being more narrow. As Noise's influence becomes more pronounced, the suit becomes black but retains the constellation markings. Without the mask, he will be more expressive and have far larger teeth.
- Odin would join the spider-society out of curiosity for other spider-people, and in search of routine and stability. He would, however, leave as soon as he recognized the levels of conformism and manipulation at play. He is currently working on developing his own dimension-traveling watch.
And that's about it !
Side note: I'm a Spiderverse fan, but not a general marvel fan. I don't know how Symbiotes work and tbh I don't really want to - let's just pretend they work like this in this particular universe.
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manicmagic1 · 2 years
Here’s a concept! You, the reader, is in a family of ‘y/n’s who are unfortunately made to fit whatever the writer of the X reader story wrote. You are the odd one out though because at your age, usually the stories start carrying out PLATONICALLY at age 10 but here you are, at a much older age not even having a singular platonic story carry out, let alone a romantic one. The rest of the family envies you and loves you to the fullest. However, you notice too many of your family members are going missing and decide to go investigate, going to the beach, the woods, even abandoned warehouses, but your anti-monster genes which were usually heavily recessive in your family, only repels the ones with an intent which can harm you and one’s around you, so most of your family accompanied you,but they pussied out in most of your investigations. When walking through the woods, you get lost. You see three paths and can smell each and every one with a not very family friendly intent for you. And the third path with singing is the only one that seems safe enough, but there is some violent singing there, so that’s there.
You quivered in the cold air, even with this thick hoodie, and sweatpants it still was cold. You could feel a calm warmth from one of the three paths, and the other two you knew was a death trap. The singing was graceful but you did not want to risk it. An intense and emotional song of being alone and willing to do anything for company. You knew it was quite risky to go down any of the paths but you knew something was probably behind as you heard a violent roar from behind, so you had to choose quickly.
Looking left to right, you decided to go to the singing. You quickly put on your headphones and put on a hard rock song on medium volume, so you could hear if anything was approaching but also so you could avoid whatever what was signing’s song, which you suspected to be a siren. Walking, halfway terrified you raised your face mask, so it’d be harder for anything to identify you.
You were a professional mask fisher after all. The path only seemed to go on forever, until you found a lake, where the singing was intense. Shuddering, you knew it was unwise to even try to see what was singing. You only live once after all. You noticed a cave, where the sound was mostly coming from, you also spotted a path around the cave.
Now, going even near that place was not a good idea at all but if it meant to get out of the woods, you’d take that chance. Increasing the volume of the song you dashed. You couldn’t even hear anything else, and ran until the lake ended. You were a few meters away from it. You took off your headphones and sighed, and looked into the lake. There’s no way that bastard was still there, right? The deep blue was pretty, and tempting, but you knew better.
After what happened to your cousin at that boat with their dumbass friends that left them to drown…And it happened so suddenly. A head peered out, red hair, dark blue skin, and pink eyes. And glistening scales. She was at least 6 inches taller than you. You looked her in the eye and you and her stared at eachother for a long time. “What the hell have I gotten myself into…? Hm….what do you want? Food? I can go spear some fish.” You ask, pointing at her. She mimicked your movements, giggled and spoke.
“No I do not need food human, I’d just enjoy company now and then. And do not worry, I won’t force you to stay here. That’s only what those weird horny overgrown snakes do. Even my own kind is like that. But whatever you do, DO NOT visit me in February. That’s when I become savage like my kind. You might get hurt. I don’t want to hurt anyone. If you could visit me every two days it would make me so happy. Does that seem like a nice deal? You’d only have to stay for 40 minutes. Trust me, I’m much better than the neighbors….they traumatized the shit out of me. I saw one of them attempt to mate with a random human passing by….so trust me I’m a lot safer.”
You thought it over. You definitely didn’t want to make her sad, and stay guilty for the rest of your existence, and maybe she might tell random ass monsters to fuck off, and there might be a chance she could get your cousin back, you know exactly what happened to the poor girl. You can’t imagine what might have happened to her.
“Fine. The signal is up so allow me to check how far home is.” You opened up your phone as she looked in curiosity, and checked the location. And conveniently enough, she lived quite close by. Now you knew you couldn’t trust her that much. “Obviously I can’t go really close to you, so I can chat with you from a distance.”
“Understandable. Have a nice day.” She waved goodbye and you walked off to your house, a little, no VERY traumatized. You just saw a very attractive mermaid and surprisingly nothing bad happened? Maybe you are the favorite throughout the whole family, who are always having to get traumatized by either fictional characters that pulled up from a reality tear or random mythical shit that proceeds to commit heinous acts to members of your family. Oh you are going to be the envy of your family for being so damn lucky.
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unstablerk800 · 1 year
𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖘
Rating: Mature
Summary: Thousands of androids were freed in Markus's revolution. Connor and Nines are working together to solve a mysterious death, and they start to doubt that the stories of vampires are only fiction. Night falls, and there's something in the dark in Detroit... (Ao3 link)
(So I couldn't stop thinking about this little idea and it manifested in an actual first chapter of yet another new fic and I love it so far because I can push Nines in funny situations I love androids and vampires. 🖤)
Chapter 01. 🔽
Chapter 02.
Words: 3,652
The bar was full of people - and androids.
After the android revolution, most bars and public spaces removed the labels and got thirium drinks just to have androids mingle with the humans. The demands were high for that change after Markus had won the revolution with an outstanding support from the public. Most people were alright with this new life form, as most identified androids as a new conscious being, a new species, and mostly, they've lived with them in peace after being freed from their programming.
Abigail - or Gale, for short - was one of those who liked to spend time with androids. Her line of work allowed her to interact with some; being a librarian during the day, she had met more and more of them recently. Now, she was sitting at the bar, sipping her red wine, keeping an eye out on a potential new friend (or something more, if the stars aligned for it). She noticed someone was stopping beside her chair and sat down. She'd noticed the glowing band around the coat's arm on the left beside her, and she raised half a brow when she looked at the android's face.
"Good evening", he told the bartender, "I'd like a glass of thirium, please."
"Comin' right up."
The bartender hurried to serve him as he hurried anyone else. The android placed $50 on the counter - interesting, they usually paid online -, and sipped the drink as soon as the glass was in front of him.
"I know what you are", Gale spoke up and the android looked at her.
It wasn't just the pristine look on him. Because the jacket looked just as fancy as the rest of him, even his tie had been tailored to be unique, to stand out of the crowd. But his face? His curious expression? Jesus fuck, she thought, why do they have to look so fucking hot??
"It's not hard to guess", the android replied with a half smile.
She couldn't see the LED on his right temple as she sat on his left side. She thanked the liquid courage for making her speaking to him. He was so easy to look at. She slowly sipped her drink, her green eyes mischievous.
"I know a few facts about you, just by a look", she pointed it out and he flashed her a lopsided grin.
"Indulge me."
He winked. He winked!!
"Let's see", she tapped her lower lip as if she was wondering about what to say. Then she balled up her right hand into a fist before she moved her thumb open. "I've gathered that you're impossibly fast."
"Correct", he nodded, still with the smile on his face.
"You're strong", she counted two.
"Your skin is pale and cold."
"Yes, it is."
"You don't eat or drink."
"Technically, I don't consume anything." He paused. "But what all of these you've mentioned make me?"
She fought back a smile. She leaned closer to him, and whispered in her most dramatic tone:
"You're a vampire."
The laughter burst out of him. Whatever he imagined she'd say, it certainly wasn't this. She basked in the sound of his laughter, he looked really cute. Androids often mimicked smiles and laughter, but this wasn't one of those. This was a genuine 'taken by surprise' laugh. She always felt some pride whenever she could pull this off with an android.
"Why are you laughing?" She couldn't help but laugh along as she leaned back to straighten her back. "You're literally drinking blood!"
He shook his head slightly, still smiling, and looked back at her again. Not many humans started a conversation with him, and definitely not the way she did. Not in such a calm, friendly manner. Most people were intimidated by him.
"I'm not a vampire", he shook his head slightly.
"Uh-huh." She pulled her most unimpressed expression. "Prove it."
He rose a brow at her, surprised slightly by the challenge, then he showed her his left hand and pulled his synthetic skin back, revealing his stark white hand and fingers for her to see.
"Can a vampire do this?" He asked, genuine interest in his voice.
She looked at his hand with the same unimpressed expression, then glanced back up in his chocolate brown eyes.
"Actually, sir, yes, they can. There are shape shifter vampires, you know." He looked hilariously entertained at her reply as she sipped her wine with a very serious expression. He concealed his hand with his synthetic skin again. "I know a lot about vampires."
"Do you?" He asked back almost playfully, and chuckled quietly.
She leaned closer to him again as if she was letting him in on a secret.
"I'm a vampire hunter."
That made laughter bubble up in him again. She had to fight hard not to laugh along with him, his merry mood was very contagious.
"So watch yourself in my city, mister", she added, wriggling her shoulders slightly, eliciting another giggle from him. "One wrong move and I'll catch you."
"Your city?" He playfully remarked.
"Nothing happens in this city without the vampire hunters knowing about it", she nodded seriously.
"So I presume you've allowed the android revolution to take place, hmm?"
"Correct", she half smiled now. "But androids wouldn't prey on innocent people's blood, would they?"
"No", he tilted his head as he chewed on his lips from the inside of his mouth. "Do you use this pick-up line with everyone, Abigail Noble?"
"Mister!!" She gasped theatrically, blushing slightly that he'd caught her red handed about flirting straight off the bat, "getting a lady's name like this is cheating!"
"Oh, I apologize", he offered quickly and she giggled, waving it off.
"Nah it's fine. And call me Gale. And, to answer your question, no, I don't use this pick-up line with everyone." She leaned slightly closer to him and he mimicked her movement, leaning closer to her, too, which made her smile. "Only the handsome ones."
He let out a surprised little oh; it was clear he hadn't been flirted with yet, or he wasn't used to anyone telling him he was handsome. Either way, he seemed flattered.
"My name is Connor, by the way", he said suddenly, making her smile.
"Connor", she nodded a few times, thoughtful. "That's an interesting name."
"I've been named by CyberLife", he admitted with a little frown. "Why is it interesting?"
"Because it comes from the old Irish name Conchobar, and it means wolf, dog, hound." She raised half a brow. "You do have some sort of... aura about you, too. But I'd rather say you're a hunter like me."
"How have you learned what my name means?" He asked, slightly surprised.
"I've grown up on my dad's ancient sci-fi movies. One of them involved a robot and a boy called Connor." She chuckled as she sipped her wine again. "Curious they've given you that name."
"And yours?" He raised a brow, researching her name. "Meaning my father is joy?"
"Well, this is the reason I use Gale, my friend", she picked up her glass and clinked it to his. "I am joy. I make people smile whenever I can."
"Hmm." Connor observed her, and drank a bit himself before he tilted his head. "So... if this is your town... you know all the good places, aren't you?"
"Why, do you need a guide around the city?" She raised a playful brow. "I'd be happy to show you around, but my shifts are at different times. So we need to schedule them."
Connor was about to reply when he received a report. His lashes fluttered slightly as he went through the message. She noticed it, but didn't mention.
"I think I've got to go", he quickly finished his drink. "My work almost never ends", he smiled at her apologetically. "So... would it be alright if I called you some day?"
She smiled at him, even if she felt bad he had to go.
"You already know my number, mister?"
"I'm afraid so", he chuckled, standing from his seat.
"Well then, call me soon", she nodded at him with a little smile. "Have a nice night!"
"You, too, Gale."
"By the time you arrive, you can go home, tin can."
"Have you checked the attic?"
"Nothing is up there. The action happened downstairs."
"I'll check anyway."
Gavin rolled his eyes as Connor made his way up there. Nines followed him in silence, having already analyzed the crime scene.
"Not a drop of blood", Connor mentioned quietly. He was just as fast as his successor who was just behind him as he walked up the stairs. "That wound should've left a bloodbath behind."
"I thought the same", Nines said in a quiet, monotone voice. "Unless they've removed the blood from the body before placing the wound there."
"Improbable", Connor murmured as he opened the door to the attic.
"Correct", Nines muttered back in the same tone.
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Connor added, and when no reaction came from Nines, he looked back at him with a half smile. "Do you know that quote?"
Nines grunted as he made it up to the attic with RK800. He narrowed his eyes as he looked around in the dark, scanning the area.
"You should read some books", Connor offered. "I think you'd like the adventures of Sherlock Holmes."
"Sounds like a waste of time." Nines sounded so emotionless that it made Connor smile. He turned around to look up at the other android. RK900 looked around in the attic with a look of half-concealed disgust. "As this is. Why did we come up here?"
"Because I didn't want Detective Reed to intervene", Connor shrugged. "I've met someone today and she was, interestingly, talking about vampires."
Nines needed the fraction of a second to research the word and the snort that left him was uncharacteristically loud. Connor could almost see the other's system messages flashing in his vision. Vampires are quite popular in fiction, that was the first message Connor encountered upon researching the word himself, but they do not exist.
"I know we're deviants but you could stop being too deviant, Connor", Nines curled his lips in disdain. A big spider slowly descended and landed on his jacket on his shoulder, making it's way down towards his arm, without Nines noticing. Connor reached up and let the spider walk straight on his hand; the tickling sensation of the little feet made him smile. Nines regarded the critter with narrowed eyes as Connor withdrew his hand. "I'm starting to question your expertise as a detective."
"I'm just taking everything into consideration, as you are", he murmured as he brought the spider close to a wall so it could run away to safety where they wouldn't accidentally step on it. "Where's the blood, then?"
"Why is it even important? Someone died. There was an attacker. We need to find the attacker and we'll have the answers to your meaningless questions."
"You're just focusing on one thing, not the entire situation at hand."
"Just as you should." Nines huffed. "At least it wasn't one of us. Those marks weren't done by an android."
"Precisely. A humanoid android, at least. It had to be some sort of animal."
"Well, we are in the heart of Detroit, so the biggest animals running wild here are stray dogs."
"And the animals at CyberLife zoo", Connor raised a brow. "It opened recently and we know they love to keep quiet about... accidents."
"Perhaps a lion escaped." Now Nines's voice was laced with sarcasm. The android even flashed a lopsided, mocking smirk. He said the possibility out loud, without taking it into real consideration. "Let's have a look, Connor. I'm sure they'll be delighted if we went and asked them."
"You know, what, Nines? I will go and ask them tomorrow."
Nines's smirk disappeared and his brows furrowed as he toyed with the possibility that Connor's circuits must've been fried by accident at some point earlier that day.
"You're wasting valuable time", he said finally.
Nines often felt like he was repeating this sentence almost all day, every day. Working with others at the station included him being surrounded by people who were so... sooo... slow. And even Connor was dancing on his artificial nerves. His eyes were narrowed to the point they were almost closed, but Connor didn't look touched that he had possibly annoyed his successor. On the contrary. He was beaming.
"Try reading real, paper based books like humans do", Connor reached up to gently pat Nines's right shoulder. Nines's LED whirred with gold at the physical contact. "Integrate, Nines. You'll feel better."
"I'd feel better if you didn't speak about nonsense", Nines huffed, walking down the stairs to join Detective Reed.
"Done?" The man asked with a raised brow, laughing quietly at Nines's expression. "What was that about, lovebirds?"
"RK900 is my brother at best", Connor replied instead of Nines, drawing a laughter from Gavin.
"His bigger, faster and better brother", Nines added smugly, making Connor roll his eyes.
They finished reconstructing the events again, then they all went home. Connor was living with Hank and Sumo; Nines lived alone at the heart of the city. He had enjoyed that it was always busting with life; even if he appeared stoic most of the time, he liked to analyze people and gather data. That night, though, his thoughts were elsewhere. Perhaps Connor was right; maybe he really should try to integrate a bit more. He'd never felt the need to do so; humans were so annoying in his eyes as they just couldn't keep up with him, and other androids weren't as sophisticated as he was. Even Connor was slower compared to him. And the rest of his models were spread across the country, keeping law and order wherever they were stationed.
He could've tried and contacted them, but in that regard it always stopped him that he wanted something... else. Something different. Something that Connor had with Hank. A partner? A companion? A friend, maybe? Even if they had a sluggish brain? He thought of everyone else at the station, but he wanted to have a professional relationship with them. He couldn't even think of anyone who'd spend time with him. If anything, most people were intimidated by him, and if they weren't, he'd kill a conversation in two sentences with his deadpan answers.
Conflicted, Nines decided he'd give Connor's idea a shot. Couldn't hurt any more than loneliness, right?
Grace Holloway was written on the little name plate over her heart, pinned to her crisp white blouse. Her golden hair was secured above her shoulders with a hair clip resembling a golden butterfly, and Nines automatically scanned her when his eyes met her bright blue ones. Unsurprisingly, he quickly gathered that she was a librarian, and had no criminal record.
"How may I help you, sir?" She asked, pulling the books close to her chest with a big smile.
He stared at her, stunned. Nines didn't remove his jacket that gave away he was an android. He decided not to get rid of his LED either. He didn't want people to think he was something else than what he was meant to be. And given his size and demeanor, it wasn't usual for people to flash him a smile of any kind.
His LED pulsed with yellow.
"I am looking for books."
His deadpan tone seemed to make her smile even wider, if it was possible. Her teeth looked perfectly aligned, he noticed.
"Well sir, you've come to the right place!" She nodded, "what would you like to read?"
"I don't know", he answered honestly.
"What genre would you like to try?" She tilted her head. When she saw that Nines furrowed his brows though, she waved with her free hand. Poor guy was utterly lost, she realised. "Don't worry about it. We all start somewhere! Please, come with me."
She led him down the corridor and she put the books down from her hand at the front desk. She then led him to another corridor, where shelves tall and full. She picked one off the shelf and offered it to him. Nines stared at the tome, then back at her. Plato.
"I always advise free androids to start with philosophy", she explained.
"How do you know I'm a deviant?" Nines asked, tilting his head, his grey eyes confused as they stared at the book again.
"I like to use the word free", Grace smiled, "deviant sounds degrading, as if it's a bad thing. And I guessed, rightly so, as you confirmed that you are", she winked at him, making him furrow his brows in slight confusion. "Nietzsche", she muttered, searching and picking another book off the shelf. "Also a few about different religions." She mumbled to herself, picking off various, rather thick volumes, putting each book on top of the first one in his hands. Nines said nothing, just stood there in his stoic way, watching her work with a slightly annoyed expression. "I'm also thinking of this and that-", Grace added a few more volumes of less known philosophists and great thinkers, finishing the pile at twelve rather thick and heavy tomes. "There. You're registered in our library, aren't you?"
"No", Nines replied through gritted teeth, his LED constantly spinning in amber circles.
"Alright, we'll do that, too", she nodded, "come on."
She walked back to the front desk, sat down at a glass screen, and flashed a smile up at him as he put the books down.
"Alright, I'll ask a few questions so we can sign you up for thousands of adventures!" She clicked around to navigate in the library's system and glanced up at him. "What's your name?"
"Nines", he said in his flattest tone.
"Do you have a family name?" She raised a brow.
Nines took a split second. He had recalled that Connor called him brother the night before, so he shrugged.
"Nines Anderson", he decided.
"Nines... Anderson", she murmured, typing in his name. Her fingers moved fast on the keyboard. "I need your full number, too."
"313 248 317 – 87."
"When were you activated?"
"9th November."
"Oh, is that why you're called Nines?" She smiled up at him as she put the data in.
"Yes", he begrudgingly shifted his weight from his left foot to his right, and looked around in the library. "RK900, 9th November... Connor thought it'd be great if I was referred to as Nines, and not Connor, to avoid misunderstandings."
"So your real name is Connor?" She asked curiously.
"Technically", he glanced down at her again. "But I prefer Nines."
"I see. Nice to meet you, Nines", she beamed a smile up at him. "I'll need an e-mail address."
"Give me five seconds", he tilted his head slightly.
He created the e-mail in exactly five seconds. When it was done, he told her what it was. She asked about his address as well, then the procedure was finished, and she gave him a new card after she'd recorded all the books he'd borrow. He didn't look at it, just hid it in the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Alright, we're finished." She put a slip of paper in the book on the top. "You can read all the rules on borrowing books on our library's page. Happy reading, Nines."
Nines narrowed his eyes at her, grabbed the books, and he was gone without a word. Grace sighed as she returned to her work.
But he was back two hours later.
"Oh, hello", she was sitting at the desk again, and she smiled up at him the same way as she did before. He looked just as stoic as the last time, but it didn't make her smile less bright. "...you brought all of them back", she tilted her head as she glanced at the spines of the volumes.
"I've read them all."
She looked back up at him in disbelief.
"You've read them all", she repeated. "As in, you've read the words from line to line, right? You didn't scan them, did you?"
"Isn't it the same?" Nines raised a brow, drawing a little chuckle out of her.
"No, it isn't." She pulled the stack towards herself anyway. "That's cheating. That's not reading, that's just consuming data in the matter of seconds."
Nines didn't say anything. He had no idea he was doing this wrong. It left him baffled and confused – and slightly ashamed. He always did everything well, and he failed this unusual task, it seemed. When he spoke next, he sounded hesitant, as if he wasn't sure how to word his question.
"Then how should I do it?"
"Well, if you want to practice, I hold a reading club for androids every Tuesday and Thursday." She reached in one of the drawers and pulled out a little card. He took it and glanced at it. "It'd be lovely to see you there!"
Nines glanced back at her. That sounded nice; it'd be good to hear new voices – voices other than Reed's rude comments or Connor's enthusiastic rambles –, but to read in front of strangers? Grace noticed the shadow of fear before Nines resumed to his usual stoic expression a moment later. It happened so fast that she had her doubts she'd even saw what she thought she saw.
"In any case, you can borrow a new batch of books. I'll help you gather some, if you'd like!"
Since he said nothing just half nodded in her direction as he pocketed the newest card, she walked out with him to get him more books. He had his doubts he'd ever read, especially for anyone else.
What a waste of time, he thought begrudgingly as she piled up the sixth, seventh, eight book in his arms.
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blue-kyber · 2 years
I wrote a children's round (A song sung in two or three parts that harmonize) and put it in the book.
It has actual music. (I wrote the lyrics months ago, but just now created a melody for it tonight.)
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Yune says it's a mikran children's round bout a mythical bird that shines brighter than the stars and sings when it's happy. Seeing and hearing the kunabee's song will bring you good luck.
He's mostly right about the meaning.
it was created over a thousand years ago by the altaran-humans and adopted by the mik. The masakans later adopted it. It's now a very well known round akin to 'Row Row Row Your Boat." The altarans pushed for this so the song - part of their culture - wouldn't be forgotten like they were.
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KUNABEE. A silly name for a beautiful creature of myth. A kunabee is an invisible (to all but those who can see the Source Field), diaphanous, large stellar-avian bearing a slight resemblance to a manta ray with a long glowing tail as though on fire, resembling the trail of a shooting star. A kunabee's coloquial name is "living star," or "starburn." It's made of blue light (source energy) exuding from a semi-transparent body with the viscosity of jelly, and moves with a graceful fluidity. It has small eyes, but can only see through the Field. It's song resembles the floating music of whale song. It can only be heard in an atmosphere, under water, or in space - and only by someone who's living source is in tune with the Field.
Kunabee exist in the blueshift frequency - the wavelength upon which the Source Field (the life of the galaxy), Will and Terra's power, and the living source of altaran-humans lives; their energy, or souls.
Kunabee are ancient - possibly immortal (they came about when the galaxy was formed, so it's like a living part of the Source Field itself - the life of the galaxy). They love to have fun. They're rare, but can be spotted anywhere from the atmosphere, to open space, to beneath the oceans, to the upper atmospheres of gas giants, and hyperspace.
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Usually someone will only see one, but they live in flocks. Encountering a flock is rare. Again, only someone who can use their source can see them. Thus, to 98% of the galaxy, they're a myth.
THE SONG.... The kunabee is considered the freest, most carefree, joyful entity in the galaxy, and thus envied by the altarans. Seeing one or hearing one gives you an instant feeling of euphoria. Kunabee are associated with everything good about the galaxy. Nothing holds a kunabee down. It is the epitome of unbridled freedom.
The song "Kunabee" has a happy-go-lucky, bouncy, interweaving melody mimicking the being itself.
The song is akin to songs sung by enslaved people containing secret code messages, meanings, and desires within the lyrics only they would understand. ((I've been a singer all my life. When I learned of this historical fact in grade school when we performed "Pick a Bail 'a Cotton" (I was about 12), the concept fascinated me. I found them inventive, but the stories behind them broke my heart.))
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SEEING a kunabee is an omen that you'll be blessed with good fortune. HEARING the song of a kunabee in conjunction with seeing it means it has sensed you, sensed your heart to be good, and gave you its song. To hear its melodious voice means you will have good luck for the rest of your life. Even if the event seems like bad luck, the outcome will be very beneficial to you.
And since altaran-humans can live for hundreds of years, that's a very, very long time.
THE KUNABEE... It isn't a myth. It's real. Yune's seen it twice, and heard its song both times - once when he was 10 through the clouds of a retreating thunderstorm, and once when he was 20 flying a single seat ship through the upper atmosphere of Mikra. He quickly scanned it once he snapped out of the awestruck daze of seeing it, but the sensors didn't pick up anything. Of course no one believed him both times. No one else could see it. And sensors can't detect the Source Field.
Will and Terra saw and heard one while looking up through the dome of the lab they weren't allowed to leave. None of the scientists believed them, let alone could tell them what they saw. Yune, Will, Terra, and Selka (thanks to some help) encountered a flock in space.
Yune sings this to help Will overcome his fear. (excerpt below.)
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He noticed Will kept a vice grip on the light, “Ease up, Sparky, before you break it.”
Will loosened his death grip and tried not to be afraid. A light in the dark kept the monsters away. That was one reason out of many that he hated the lab; it was always bright. The monsters lived in it.
The darkness needled through Will’s resolve to fight his fear. He stopped. His feet stuck to the cave floor.
Yune turned around, “Sparky?”
"I'm fine," he squeaked. He clutched the light close, “M-me and the dark don’t get along.”
“Well, keep that light on and you’ll be ok,” he said, “We just gotta keep walking.”
Will nodded, “Right. I’m - I’m not scared,” yet he stayed rooted in place. 
That was a bald-faced lie that Yune could detect in a second. He realized he was dealing with a very real phobia here. Will had to be in a continuous state of fright in this cave system on top of what he felt losing Terra. He needed to do something to help the kid keep his mind off it.
“Hey. You know, this is kind of an adventure. What we need is an adventuring song.”
Will’s voice trembled, “Like what?”
“Well, what songs do you know?”
He thought hard, forcing his mind to work, “Um...uh..., ‘Take...take Me Out To The Ball Game?’”
Yune hesitated, “Uh… culture is going to be a problem here, isn’t it,” he went through his own mental inventory for something simple to learn, “Ok, how about 'Kunabee.' Did they teach you that?’”
He shook his head, too afraid to speak more than an attempted, “Ku-na-wa-na-huh?”
“Siffon, do you know that one?”
“Yes. Kanera taught me. It’s a mikran round, right?”
“Yeah, it’s one I used to sing as a kid. Just follow along, Sparky. you’ll get it,” Yune gave the petrified kid a gentle nudge forward to get his frozen legs moving and started singing an upbeat, bouncy tune;
“Kunabee, kunabee, bright and free,
Do you have a song for me?
Fly, kunabee, fly, kunabee,
Oh, how lucky my life will be.”
As they sang, Will’s fear melted away. 
The trio walked through the dimly lit cave with Yune’s medium tenor leading the bright melody for Siffon’s and Will’s higher voices turning it into a three part round. This had the added benefit of easing his own fear.
It was a little bit of a harmonic mess, but one Will felt happy to be a part of. Yune was right; he did feel a bit better.
Terra had said Will was a good singer, but he never believed her. Now that he heard how cleanly Yune could carry a tune, and how pure Siffon’s soprano rang through the cave, he wasn’t embarrassed about his own skill. Mik-human songs were a lot like the ones he knew. Thankfully, the three of them weren’t tone deaf. 
He taught them ‘Row Row Row Your Boat,’ and Siffon taught them a yondi round called ‘The Old Man and the Pibblebonk.” 
But he forgot to ask Yune what a kunabee is.
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Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnights-melodiverse @thewriteflame
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w13zhao · 2 years
I really wanna know more about your shapeshifting crow oc's, they sounds so interesting (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Oh man, I have two origin stories and the Hattercrow verse one is more fun to write (and with a darker backstory).
From oldest to youngest, the kids are named Madison, Eunice, Ada, Jace, and Malpense. 
They are all roughly around the same age range with one or two year difference. The first three were born within the same year so they’re 20, Jace is a few months younger than them, making him 19, and Malpense is 18.
Crows are difficult to tell apart, with males being slightly larger than the females so it all comes down to their mannerisms.
Jace and Ada are roughly the same height (can be told apart by which one hangs around more with the others).
Malpense is obviously the smallest and has a ruffled appearance from his unkempt feathers.
Say 'hello' to one of the bigger crows and if it answers back clearly, that's Madison.
Eunice is usually the one keeping watch over the hideout in a nearby tree.
A mean looking crow heading your way? Depending who you are, run. Or don't and calmly wait for her to use you as a shoulder perch. 
Better not have anything shiny or sparkling out in the open because it's about to get snatched by a certain thief.
Madison, Eunice, and Jace
The trio who serve as the hideout's bodyguards.
Was once temporarily banned from the kitchen as crows after Jonathan caught them having a sparring match with the cutlery. 
Madison is non-binary and doesn’t have a binder, not that they mind. Keeps their hair long and covers their face with it sometimes to spook the others out at night.
In crow form, they are the fastest at learning and mimicking human speech. Enjoys talking about anything and everything.
Eunice has a loud laugh, akin to a cackle, but more calm than the other two. Motherly and protective of Dinah, their adoptive little sister in @toon-topaz and my rp universe.
She acts as the peacemaker at times and patches up any wounds her siblings acquired from fights. That being said, she wouldn’t back down from a sparring match with any of them.
Jace enjoys collecting anything that's shiny or valuable looking and would encourage a heated argument than diffuse one. Mischievous and love pranks.
Name origins: I just picked names that visually pleases me and with easy nicknames.
He is the only one willing to enter Jonathan's lab because he got over his fear of being inside one and knows that Jonathan wouldn’t hurt them. The window is left open just enough for him to slip through for his crow form.
He sometimes goes selectively mute when stressed and would curl up in small spaces, like under the table, for a while. Has a well worn fidget cube for those days.
As a crow, he likes to perch on things (ex. shoulders, Jervis's hat, table) and act between lab assistant and messenger.
Name origins: Based off of Otto Malpense, protagonist from H.I.V.E. series, and is also small for his height.
That crow wielding knife meme.
Spends the most time away from the house, mostly hanging around the Narrows and getting into trouble. 
The aggressive one of the bunch, yet the most protective when it comes to defending her siblings from danger. 
Name origins: I wanted a name that contradicts her personality. A sweet sounding name for a feisty gal.
A brief glimpse of their origin story (from my fic)
Malpense being the smallest meant he was mostly bullied by Ada during their childhood at the orphanage. He used to be so scared of her that he would hide whenever he saw her at a distance.
The other three were already close friends at the time and didn’t interfere, out of the fear they will become Ada’s next targets. Despite this, Eunice badly wanted to get an adult to put a stop to the bullying.
Malpense secretly resented the fact that no one tried to save him and anticipated the day he would be adopted.
During their teen years, the ‘field trip’ incident literally effed up their lives and they became shapeshifters (via gene-splicing). In order to escape from the facility they were held in, everyone had to work past their animosity.
It eventually happened, after several yelling matches and someone nearly getting stabbed with a stolen scalpel.
Ada and Jace shapeshifts the fastest, a result being forced to in the past to utilize their skills (that’s another story I’ll have to make a separate post for).
They met Jonathan much later when they mistook his hideout for an abandoned one. Though they’re initially wary of him because he is a scientist like their captors and the Scarecrow, they had nowhere else to go.
It took a great deal of patience and emotional conversations on trauma before Jonathan became their friend and later, unofficial foster parent.
Ada later trained Malpense to fight back, despite the latter's hesitation. Their first proper fight was done with prop knives because bloodshed was still a 'no'. She won, of course, but admitted Malpense did well.
They ended up being the fencing duo of the family after Jonathan suggested fencing would be a better option with the protective gear.
The taller siblings can and will pick up and swing their small brother/sister around.
One strong family unit; the goth/punk siblings may play fight with each other but will genuinely fight anyone for their baby sister, who is fiercely protective of them in return.
They are also found in a few of Toon’s drawings and our rp fic if you are interested: I Love You Means You’re Never Ever Getting Rid of Me.
And here's a drawing Toon drew for me of them in their human forms and ahhh, their personalities are perfectly captured. 🥺🖤
P.S. Toon has made so many top tier drawings. It’s frickin’ cool and I want to steal their talent.
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travalerray · 4 months
🖍🤔🤡🛠 from the wips ask game
Thank you for the ask!!!
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
It was a tiresome job to drag oneself from the wreck of one ship onto another smaller one and painfully waddle to a foreign country.
~ The Collection of Turmoil
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Oh there are many—both fanfictions and original ones. One is where the MC is a wanderer in a sci fi setting where humanity has discovered multiple inhabitable planets and settled there to save the earth (Station zero) from overpopulation. They are an outlaw who is usually on the run from the government and uses dubiously ethical means to keep themself and their horse going by replacing their and their horse's parts with machine parts continuously. The plot of the story is about a strange organism that is mimicking the voice of humans and trapping them in their homes and making them turn entirely to machines and forget their own lives and creativity, turning them into something horrific. When the protagonist hears it, they hear strange garbled words like an AI, repetitive chunks of whatever they have scrounged from human databases—very different from what the patients claim to be hearing. I don't have most of the plot thought out yet, but..... there's a thought.
🤡How many Wips are you actively working on?
4..technically. I did not count Ghost in the Gentian House because it's mostly abandoned but that's mostly it. I think.
����Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
The entire next arc in the Grandmaster of Accidental Time Travel. It has to include a) snakes (I decided to put one symbol for each of the elder generation going with how kite is in Madam Yu's name and depending on who is translating Cangse Sanren—you have many colours or jewels, so Mr shady master gets a snake) b) a murder mystery in present c) hints to a murder mystery in the past (aka one generation back) c) which hints to another mystery another generation back d) a callback to the time JFM, WCZ and LQR nearly died during a night hunt and got saved by CSSR which bleeds into the present as JC and LWJ nearly die and WWX saves them
Also this needs to hint to the overall drama going on with how the time travel happened with the soul transfer which combines all three of those murder mysteries so—there you have it. A very fantastic idea when I thought of it and very difficult to execute when I actually go about it.
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