#musical round
blue-kyber · 2 years
I wrote a children's round (A song sung in two or three parts that harmonize) and put it in the book.
It has actual music. (I wrote the lyrics months ago, but just now created a melody for it tonight.)
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Yune says it's a mikran children's round bout a mythical bird that shines brighter than the stars and sings when it's happy. Seeing and hearing the kunabee's song will bring you good luck.
He's mostly right about the meaning.
it was created over a thousand years ago by the altaran-humans and adopted by the mik. The masakans later adopted it. It's now a very well known round akin to 'Row Row Row Your Boat." The altarans pushed for this so the song - part of their culture - wouldn't be forgotten like they were.
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KUNABEE. A silly name for a beautiful creature of myth. A kunabee is an invisible (to all but those who can see the Source Field), diaphanous, large stellar-avian bearing a slight resemblance to a manta ray with a long glowing tail as though on fire, resembling the trail of a shooting star. A kunabee's coloquial name is "living star," or "starburn." It's made of blue light (source energy) exuding from a semi-transparent body with the viscosity of jelly, and moves with a graceful fluidity. It has small eyes, but can only see through the Field. It's song resembles the floating music of whale song. It can only be heard in an atmosphere, under water, or in space - and only by someone who's living source is in tune with the Field.
Kunabee exist in the blueshift frequency - the wavelength upon which the Source Field (the life of the galaxy), Will and Terra's power, and the living source of altaran-humans lives; their energy, or souls.
Kunabee are ancient - possibly immortal (they came about when the galaxy was formed, so it's like a living part of the Source Field itself - the life of the galaxy). They love to have fun. They're rare, but can be spotted anywhere from the atmosphere, to open space, to beneath the oceans, to the upper atmospheres of gas giants, and hyperspace.
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Usually someone will only see one, but they live in flocks. Encountering a flock is rare. Again, only someone who can use their source can see them. Thus, to 98% of the galaxy, they're a myth.
THE SONG.... The kunabee is considered the freest, most carefree, joyful entity in the galaxy, and thus envied by the altarans. Seeing one or hearing one gives you an instant feeling of euphoria. Kunabee are associated with everything good about the galaxy. Nothing holds a kunabee down. It is the epitome of unbridled freedom.
The song "Kunabee" has a happy-go-lucky, bouncy, interweaving melody mimicking the being itself.
The song is akin to songs sung by enslaved people containing secret code messages, meanings, and desires within the lyrics only they would understand. ((I've been a singer all my life. When I learned of this historical fact in grade school when we performed "Pick a Bail 'a Cotton" (I was about 12), the concept fascinated me. I found them inventive, but the stories behind them broke my heart.))
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SEEING a kunabee is an omen that you'll be blessed with good fortune. HEARING the song of a kunabee in conjunction with seeing it means it has sensed you, sensed your heart to be good, and gave you its song. To hear its melodious voice means you will have good luck for the rest of your life. Even if the event seems like bad luck, the outcome will be very beneficial to you.
And since altaran-humans can live for hundreds of years, that's a very, very long time.
THE KUNABEE... It isn't a myth. It's real. Yune's seen it twice, and heard its song both times - once when he was 10 through the clouds of a retreating thunderstorm, and once when he was 20 flying a single seat ship through the upper atmosphere of Mikra. He quickly scanned it once he snapped out of the awestruck daze of seeing it, but the sensors didn't pick up anything. Of course no one believed him both times. No one else could see it. And sensors can't detect the Source Field.
Will and Terra saw and heard one while looking up through the dome of the lab they weren't allowed to leave. None of the scientists believed them, let alone could tell them what they saw. Yune, Will, Terra, and Selka (thanks to some help) encountered a flock in space.
Yune sings this to help Will overcome his fear. (excerpt below.)
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He noticed Will kept a vice grip on the light, “Ease up, Sparky, before you break it.”
Will loosened his death grip and tried not to be afraid. A light in the dark kept the monsters away. That was one reason out of many that he hated the lab; it was always bright. The monsters lived in it.
The darkness needled through Will’s resolve to fight his fear. He stopped. His feet stuck to the cave floor.
Yune turned around, “Sparky?”
"I'm fine," he squeaked. He clutched the light close, “M-me and the dark don’t get along.”
“Well, keep that light on and you’ll be ok,” he said, “We just gotta keep walking.”
Will nodded, “Right. I’m - I’m not scared,” yet he stayed rooted in place. 
That was a bald-faced lie that Yune could detect in a second. He realized he was dealing with a very real phobia here. Will had to be in a continuous state of fright in this cave system on top of what he felt losing Terra. He needed to do something to help the kid keep his mind off it.
“Hey. You know, this is kind of an adventure. What we need is an adventuring song.”
Will’s voice trembled, “Like what?”
“Well, what songs do you know?”
He thought hard, forcing his mind to work, “Um...uh..., ‘Take...take Me Out To The Ball Game?’”
Yune hesitated, “Uh… culture is going to be a problem here, isn’t it,” he went through his own mental inventory for something simple to learn, “Ok, how about 'Kunabee.' Did they teach you that?’”
He shook his head, too afraid to speak more than an attempted, “Ku-na-wa-na-huh?”
“Siffon, do you know that one?”
“Yes. Kanera taught me. It’s a mikran round, right?”
“Yeah, it’s one I used to sing as a kid. Just follow along, Sparky. you’ll get it,” Yune gave the petrified kid a gentle nudge forward to get his frozen legs moving and started singing an upbeat, bouncy tune;
“Kunabee, kunabee, bright and free,
Do you have a song for me?
Fly, kunabee, fly, kunabee,
Oh, how lucky my life will be.”
As they sang, Will’s fear melted away. 
The trio walked through the dimly lit cave with Yune’s medium tenor leading the bright melody for Siffon’s and Will’s higher voices turning it into a three part round. This had the added benefit of easing his own fear.
It was a little bit of a harmonic mess, but one Will felt happy to be a part of. Yune was right; he did feel a bit better.
Terra had said Will was a good singer, but he never believed her. Now that he heard how cleanly Yune could carry a tune, and how pure Siffon’s soprano rang through the cave, he wasn’t embarrassed about his own skill. Mik-human songs were a lot like the ones he knew. Thankfully, the three of them weren’t tone deaf. 
He taught them ‘Row Row Row Your Boat,’ and Siffon taught them a yondi round called ‘The Old Man and the Pibblebonk.” 
But he forgot to ask Yune what a kunabee is.
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Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnights-melodiverse @thewriteflame
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60s-music-tourney · 4 months
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gazpachoandbooks · 22 days
Currently imagining Arthur + Gwen + the knights asking someone (maybe druids?) who this famous "Emrys" is and they proceed to do a version of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" while Arthur, Gwen and the knights grow increasingly more distressed with each line and Merlin hyperventilates in the background
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
Tiresias: the person who makes it home...will not be you...
Odysseus: WHAT??
Odysseus, one song later: I am going to become a monster
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sofiaruelle · 1 year
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applestruda · 1 year
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Local wizard does some magic
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Peter Lorre (The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca)—no propaganda submitted
Frank Sinatra (On the Town, Anchors Aweigh, Tender Trap)—no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
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its-to-the-death · 5 months
Villain Song Showdown Bracket B Round 1
The Mob Song (Beauty and the Beast) - Villains: Gaston and the townspeople
Biggering (cut from The Lorax) - Villain: The Onceler
Mod comment: Being in a production of Beauty and the Beast made me realize The Mob Song actually slaps
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The 90s Song Ever - Finals
The people have spoken. Over seven rounds we've eliminated 254 songs to leave just two standing. Are they the ones we expected? Probably not. Are they the best 90s songs? Who knows - music is subjective, after all. But the only thing that's for sure is that amongst all the chaos, these are the two songs that have managed to survive. Now we must watch them fight for the ultimate title. Votes of support, votes of revenge, votes of indifference and votes of clicking the wrong button - every vote counts. Cast yours, and spread the word!
Listen to both songs before voting, and remember: define "better" in any way you like!
Previous Rounds: 7, 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 playlist with all the songs // join ColosseumCord! past tournaments: #most attractive 90s musician // #90s album battle royale
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blue-kyber · 2 years
An excerpt from Chapter 29 of “Out There: The 1K. Part 2″
[Yune] noticed Will kept a vice grip on the light, “Ease up, Sparky, before you break it.”
Will loosened his death grip and tried not to be afraid. A light in the dark kept the monsters away. That was one reason out of many that he hated the lab; it was always bright. The monsters lived in it.
The darkness needled through Will’s resolve to fight his fear. He stopped. His feet refused to move any further.
Yune turned around, “Sparky?”
He clutched the light close, “Me and the dark don’t get along.”
“Well, keep that light on and you’ll be fine,” he said, “We just gotta keep walking.”
Will nodded, “Yeah. Right. I’m - I’m not scared,” but stayed rooted in place. 
When the kid didn’t move, Yune realized he was dealing with a very real phobia. Will had to be in a continuous state of fright in this cave system on top of what he felt losing Terra. He had to do something to help the kid keep his mind off it.
“Hey. You know, this is kind of an adventure. What we need is an adventuring song.”
Will’s voice trembled, “Like what?”
“Well, what songs do you know?”
He thought hard, forcing his mind to work, “Um, ‘Take Me Out To The Ball Game?’”
Yune hesitated, “Uh… culture is going to be a problem here, isn’t it,” he went through his own mental inventory for something easy to learn, “Did they teach you ‘Koonibee?’”
He shook his head.
“Siffon, do you know that one?”
“Yes. Kanera taught me.”
“It’s one I used to sing as a kid. It’s easy to pick up. Just follow along, Sparky.” Yune gave Will a gentle nudge forward to get the kid moving and started singing;
“Koonibee sitting in a cloudy sky,
Koonibee watching all the world go by.
La da dee, la da dee, la da dee dee dai
Oh, to be a koonibee in the sky.”
As they sang, Will’s fear melted away. 
The trio walked through the dimly lit cave with Yune’s low tenor leading the bright melody for Siffon’s and Will’s higher voices turning it into a three part round. 
Terra had said he was a good singer, but he never believed her. Now that he heard how cleanly Yune could carry a tune, and how pure Siffon’s soprano rang through the cave, he wasn’t embarrassed about his own skill. Mik-human songs were a lot like the ones he knew. Thankfully, the three of them weren’t tone deaf. 
He taught Yune and Siffon ‘Row Row Row Your Boat,’ and Siffon taught them a yondi round called ‘The Old Man and the Pibblebonk” but he forgot to ask Yune what a koonibee is.
((I have to keep reminding myself through this story that Will and Terra are 10 (12 terran years, but they didn't age after the experiments). They're intelligent, there's a lot they can do, they're capable, wise, caring, and have skills, and they're relatively fearless, but they ARE just 10 year old kids.))
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comfymoth · 1 year
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the fool in her wedding gown herself, cquackity
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60s-music-tourney · 18 days
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atomic-chronoscaph · 6 months
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Broadway Divas Tournament: FINAL
So. It's all come down to this. Were any of us truly surprised? Are any of us really prepared?
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Six-time Tony winner Audra McDonald (1970) holds the record for most Tony acting awards a person has ever won. She is one of five actors to be nominated across all four respective acting categories and the only person to win every one (and the only actress out of the three who is still living...). Her stage work includes: Ragtime (1998), Porgy and Bess (2012), and Lady Day at Emmerson's Bar and Grill (2014). Internationally acclaimed concert tours, Tony host, crown jewel of the American Stage. Grammy winner, Tony winner, Emmy winner. Get this woman an Oscar, stat. This is a BROADWAY Diva tournament, and Audra Ann McDonald is BROADWAY.
Seven-time Tony nominee, two-time winner Bernadette Peters (1948) has a sixty-plus year stage career of monumental proportions. Considered the foremost Sondheim interpreter, their collaborative works include Sunday in the Park with George (1984), Into the Woods (1987), Gypsy (2003), and Follies (2011). She has a thriving concert career, and was a co-founder of the beloved Broadway Barks event each year in Shubert Alley. She has an honorary third Tony (Isabelle Stevenson Award) for her outstanding advocacy and philanthropy. This is a Broadway DIVA tournament, and I mean come on, look at her. That is the quintessential DIVA right there.
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"I don't know what to tell you if you're somehow on the fence here. Audra Ann McDonald is Broadway's most beloved darling, and that's a quantifiable fact. Look at her award shelf. Her voice could resurrect the dead. She is an Oscar away from EGOT status. She has overcome almost insurmountable racism on the Great White Way. She is everything to me. A triple threat of acting, singing, and dancing where not one takes a backseat and she looks and sounds amazing at all times. "
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"I have been besotted by Bernadette Peters (and her bosom) for more than two decades. Her name is synonymous with Broadway. She is THE Broadway Baby. She started in showbusiness as a child and has not left in seven decades. Her voice is emblematic of a time when we let people with unique, fascinating, wildly different voices star in shows rather than have everyone bow to the BA-ification of Broadway where everyone sounds the same and no one is distinctive."
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ponysongbracket · 8 months
Videos under the cut
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