#one the best medic nin in the world
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New team jutsu
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enchantingpeachfury · 2 years
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Sakura over the years.
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Reasons for submission under the cut
relatable as an adult
he is just an overworked guy who was told to watch some kids w LOTS of issues
needs therapy
good presence and guidance in Narutos life
cares about and is dedicated to his students very much
he is just cool
he is trying his best despite what he has been through in the past
is up for having fun but still knows when to be serious
was a narcissistic shit but grew out of it
has good intentions
wonderfully complex and well developed character
incredibly resilient and supportive
a sad and deeply broken man
always willing to give his life to protect them and his other precious people
just wanted everything to be ok for once in his life
hated Danzo
his friendship with Gai is adorable
the way he teases Tenzo is fun
he’s known as cool and aloof but in reality he’s a huge dork
Gai would want him to win
was the best hokage
the regulation she created to include medics on every team saved so many lives
she's funny and a complex and interesting character
is a bad bitch
probably THE most competently written female character in the entire series
she has a very rich history that plays into her character's actions and motivations
wanting to be the best medic-nin possible in order to save more lives because she lost her love Dan, and also change the way ninja squads operated to always have a medic to save more lives did so much for the better during the war to reduce casualties
after being broken down by so many people she cares about dying, she dips and leaves behind ninja society, which has taken everything from her (including wiping out her clan)
because Tsunade is also one of the most legendary/strongest ninja alive, no one could really stop her or chain her down. It takes the conviction of a child who wants her to save the village and heal his friends to get her back to Konoha, despite the all the trauma she's endured
she's a medic with a fear of blood that overcomes that to fight her own teammate and beat his ass so Orochimaru stops killing and maiming people
she steps up to be a leader because it's what the new generation need and someone has to fix all the stuff broken by her selfish teammates and old teacher
the strongest female character both in physical strength and the strength of her writing. It's like she was written first as a character versus most of the other female characters being written first as Girl and Love Interest
Tsunade is vain and a chronic gambler and drunk, she is really brash and abrasive, she is traumatized. But she's also deeply caring, an incredibly accomplished woman, one of the smartest people/medics in the world, and a great leader
she's multi-layered. She is a woman, but her entire character isn't just Woman
finally finished the job on Jiraiya on previous poll
strong arms
she is strong and smart and quick as a whip but still soft and caring when it comes to her loved ones. Characters with rough exteriors who are mushy inside are very good
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team7-headquarter · 10 months
Shout out to the medic nins in the Naruto world who keep trying to piece things back together in a world made of violence and destruction.
Shout out to Lady Chiyo, who created a jutsu to give her life force to bring a puppet to life because she knew Sasori missed his parents. Later, Chiyo used that technique to save a girl who took a sword to a vital point to protect her and told her to use the last of the antidote for poison. Later, Chiyo used it to save Gaara after he was long gone, hoping it'd make the world a better place. It was her love that defeated Sasori, what brought him down in the end.
Shout out to Tsunade, who saw the corpse of her little brother after an ambush. She fought so that every team could have a healer having their back and fell in love with the man that supported her. The same man who died with Tsunade's hands covered in his blood, the other man she couldn't save. Shout out for her for saving so many nins, for overcoming her trauma, for becoming hokage and draining herself again and again and again to save others. Shout out to the woman who got cut in half and fought her way back and kept healing and lived to see the world she promised Nawaki and Dan, the world they'd have wanted to create.
Shout to Karin, who was used and abused and who got treated like trash, whose mom died of giving things she didn't want to give, who got bitten in far too private places since she was nothing but a kid. And yet she used her skills to save others. And yet she fought.
Shout out to Shizune, who never left Tsunade's side, who followed the step of her uncle and the woman that should had been his wife. Tsunade, who lost too much in one war and then led the medic corps on the next, the woman who stepped as counselor and assistant for both Tsunade and Kakashi, who cared for the wellbeing of the village more than in just the physical aspect.
Shout out to Kabuto, found his way back from the darkness and devoted his life to atone and heal and do as much good as he could.
Shout out to Rin, who saw one of her teammates get crushed by a rock and had to perform field surgery to remove his eye and give it to her other teammate. The girl who fought and loved and who preferred to die by a friend's hand than to be used as a weapon against the people she loved.
Shout out to Sakura, who saw two of the most realities develop in her teammates lives, so she promised she would become the absolute best and find a way to be strong enough to deal with the aftermath. The girl who used herself as a human shield to protect older people and kids and teammates and enemies. She healed Karin, she offered to be Chiyo's puppet and she held her in death and she led Konoha's hospital and saw it get totally destroyed by Pain, fallen to her knees. She was beaten and mocked and insulted and pushed aside, never enough, but when the medic nins couldn't reach the battlefield, she unlocked in record time and ability only the best medic nin possessed to heal them, so she could fight. In a world of powers and gods, she kept Naruto's heart beating with her hand, breathing for him.
Shout out to every medic nin who got targeted and killed and who risked their lives to save the lives of others. Shout out to the strength it takes to never break, even when death is something you face every day, not only in the battlefield. Shout out to their saviour complexes and the ones who become martyrs and the ones who forget to take care of themselves because they are as valuable.
Medic mins will forever be one of my favorite parts of the Naruto universe.
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secret-engima · 1 year
Kumo Thoughts
So this will hopefully be quick but the most common take I see for Kumo in the Naruto fandom is that it's a overly militaristic hellhole (pardon the language) that kidnaps and forcibly breeds any bloodline it can get its hands on and like.
I get it?
the Naruto ninja world is absolutely messed up enough to accommodate a village like that. Especially with- *waves at Kiri*, *waves at ROOT*, *waves at Ame*, *wa-*. But I feel like personally I think that's. The shallowest take? Like if that's how you wanna world build it! You can! Lots of angst and interesting subterfuge down that way.
But we seen in canon that shinobi who live in Really horrible villages do tend to go missing-nin en masse; Kiri is the poster child for this, but Iwa and Suna both have some ... pretty noticeable defections. On the flip side the only REAL Kumo missing-nin we see, iirc, are the Kinkaku brothers.
From The First Shinobi War.
Like- what are things we know about Kumo *really* from the show/s?
and the one everyone harps on in worldbuilding- they tried to kidnap Hinata and Kushina.
HOWEVER. The rest of the things we know about them are:
2. Their Raikage is allergic to doors. He refuses to acknowledge doors. He can and will smash through any wall, window, or other non-door entity in order to exit or enter a room when at all possible. This is not the behavior of a Strict Rigid Militaristic Man this is the behavior of a feral gorilla someone stuffed in an office and expected to do paperwork. Which, granted, A is fully capable of doing his paperwork, by all accounts he's actually really good at running his village. But again. This man is allergic to doors or manners and anyone who is willing to arm wrestle Senju Tsunade to get medical assistance for his own men can't be all bad let's be real.
3. Killer B exists. I feel like he alone is enough evidence against the "military breeding program hellhole" fanon but to break it down. This "brother" of A is not actually his brother. In canon, B is literally just- *some kid*, AT BEST a cousin of the previous Jinchuuriki but that is not confirmed iirc, that was among several other kids that were all lined up and told "we need a new Jinchuuriki and A needs a fighting buddy, run at this training dummy and see if you can help him decapitate it" and when B was the one who succeeded they went "congrats you're his brother now, here's your complimentary octopus monster". And like everyone just accepts this? Not a SINGLE person calls B as a fake brother or points out that he and A are not actually related. Not to mention B has the strongest and most stable relationship with his Biju until Naruto and Kurama work out their bromance, and B was rocking that friendship with his biju *years* before Naruto even knew Kurama was a Thing That Existed.
4. B is also beloved by his village. BELOVED. The people adore him and his weird rapping nonsense. And yeah there's flashbacks in the anime to that not being the case when he was first introduced but B was actually able to work on changing their minds. You really think "small feral child rapping at civilians to make them warm up to him" would have flown in Kiri? In Iwa who canonically keep abusing their jinchuuriki to the point of running off? Nope. No sir. B is also allowed to have a team of his own, and seems to not only be an accepted member of the village but also a much trusted and beloved one who is even allowed his own team? Even Konoha doesn't have that good a track record lbr. It took Naruto face punching the guy who just committed genocide on the entire village for Konoha to go "you know what? We like you now".
5. One of the only other jinchuuriki we see that has fully mastered their Biju state and is on good terms with their Biju while also not being a missing-nin (or brainwashed and then immediately dead) is ALSO a Kumo ninja. Namely the holder of the Two Tails. Now on the wiki it says that she was put through a "detestable" training program but we all know how inconsistent Kishi is with... everything worldbuilding ever. And if we go off behavior alone from the brief scenes with her, Yugito Nii is?? Really stable??? And solid with her Biju??? She gave her pawprint for an Uchiha child's book of cat paw prints for crying out loud.
6. throughout the entire show, Jinchuuriki are consistently treated as the lowest class citizens. In basically every village. Naruto in Konoha, Kushina cried when she realized Minato was going to make Naruto a Jinchuuriki and put him through what she went through growing up as one so you know she didn't have a great time either, GAARA is his own entire dissertation on Jinchuuriki treatment and stability, Fuu was raised by the village leader of her village but had zero friends and was canonically super lonely and isolated, Han and Roku straight up ran away from Iwa because of whatever they were put through, a maneuver only repeated in another village by Utakata from Kiri. But in Kumo we find two jinchuuriki who have mastered their biju, are well respected by their peers and fellow citizens, and are basically treated like any other really weirdo ninja from the village barring needing to be monitored with bodyguards in B's case, which is mostly because he keeps running away to go train under rap artists so you can understand why A is ready to go frothing at the mouth feral at his brother sometimes.
All I'm saying is that if even the village's "monsters" are treated that way, why does everyone stick with the fanon that they're a breeding, bloodline stealing hellhole?
Imo it would be WAY more fun to world build Kumo as the feral mountain ninja-mandalorians of the Elemental Nations, who have a reputation for bloodline theft because they keep finding Actual Strays, Refugees from other villages, and Illegitimate bloodline children and going: YO ANYONE GONNA ADOPT THIS? and not waiting for an answer. Your a missing ninja from Kiri and you're fed up with both them and missing-nin life and want to come work for us? Great. Oh you also have a valuable kekkei genkai that can be inherited? Awesome have you heard of our red light district and child support program or better yet our tax deductible program for marrying one of our lovely civilians and raising a family here where no bloodline purges will ever happen ever. Oh you're a stray Uzumaki on the run from bloodline hunters? Well we may have been involved in destroying Uzushio (depends on your fan interpretation since canonically we do not know which villages did that other than Not Konoha) but we also have hot food, good housing, high ninja standards of living, and free weekly entertainment in betting when our Raikage is going to launch his desk at his brother like a high speed missile because B's rapping got too cringy.
Let Hinata's and Kushina's kidnapping either be the exception to their usual playbook of how they acquire bloodlines (hey it's not their fault if the other villages can't keep it in their pants/can't inspire loyalty) OR have it be seen, culturally in Kumo, as something more akin to a rescue mission. Yes these two girls are useful and have useful bloodlines, that's tactically wise, but also have you SEEN how Konoha treats their jinchuuriki? They have seal master princess and are treating her like a dog on a leash! And literally everyone knows what the Hyuuga do to their own kids if they aren't main branch, and we can't rescue any of those kids without their eyeballs exploding and them dying but hey we can snag the heiress and then any kids she has won't have to be branded so-.
Like I feel that would be so much more INTERESTING? Instead of having Konoha be the only "nice" village and make this weird tonal dissonance for how the "nice" village has the most incompetent leadership (Sarutobi) and underground atrocities (Danzo and Orochimaru) while every other village is Horrible All The Time For Everyone why not have Kumo be actually Really Functional and treat their shinobi and Jinchuuriki well and their horrible reputation is *mostly* (not entirely, because. Ninja.) be cultural clashes between the feral mountain ninja and Everyone Else and propaganda from the other villages who would like their shinobi to STOP DEFECTING TO KUMO PLEASE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY HAVE DENTAL.
Seriously I feel like there is so much more you could do with that angle than just "yet another shinobi village that is Bad and Awful and Needs The Power of Friendship yet somehow has this really stupid goofy jinchuuriki man who loves his brother and his village shut up don't think about it".
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notsorryiml8 · 3 months
Woke up sick (srsly who does that in the summer?!) and watching Naruto with the niece and nephew - their random choice for the day and not sure if they’re going to stick with it - but we have all summer. I will finish my rewatch one day, have been on the war arc for months, but for now am restarting with the OG for them. They’re on the bell test and I love the wonder and awe of it all and their excitement. Watching it with them and knowing what I know now, and watching them first meet the characters with fresh eyes and their first impressions vs how those same characters evolve over five years (using my niece and nephew’s descriptors in quotes), it puts things in perspective:
That “loud, ‘stupid,’ dead last blonde kid who yells all the time” becomes the strongest shinobi to ever exist.
That “moody and nasty rude emo kid who’s just extra” becomes the 2nd most powerful,or as powerful, and a force to be reckoned with after almost destroying his life and atoning.
That “pink haired annoying little girl” becomes the strongest kunoichi and best medical nin to ever exist aside from her mentor.
That “ewww he’s a mean butthole jerkface teacher” becomes a world leader.
In just five years. Don’t know why when I sit and think about it, I’m like wow, that’s pretty amazing. I think watching it unfold as it happens is one thing, as it’s gradual, but rewatching where they start and knowing the results, is another because you can make the comparison. There are lessons to be learned somewhere in there but too sick and tired to say anything profound, lol. I just think it’s cool.
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rosellerivers19 · 4 months
Little headcanon about Sakura from Naruto
I have a love hate relationship with Sakura I hate the show/manga version of her till this day but I Love the idea of her what she could’ve become in a different Narrative.
I have exams rn so I’m probably gonna draw a comic based on this after those are over.
but I dont love the nicknames Sakura is given. Not the negative ones like Useless or anything but I’m talking about the positive ones which I feel don’t fit her.
Some people call her Byakugo princess which I think is just copying off of Byakugan Princess but eh whatever suits you. Also the Best medical nin title even though I have a slight bias because I honestly think Tsunade was still the best medical nin in the world during the war arc. However another thing I feel like Sakura is again just copying off Tsunade. I mean if Sarada became great at Medical ninjutsu she would be the 3rd person to be given the title. I definitely think Sakura is the best medical nin in Konoha though.
Hinata is given the title Byakugan princess because A. It is stated in the show and B. That’s like one of her main talents her Byakugan. And just calling Sakura the Best Medical nin is plain.
Sakura’s name should be spread far and wide with a memorable title.
And I propose 1 or 2
The Flower of Healing
The Medicinal Flower
I wanted to incorporate the flower part since her name is a literal flower and it’s something Unique about her.
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dangooverflowers · 1 year
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“Good things come in threes. This is true of dango, the number seven, wise monkeys, and last but certainly not least, Konoha’s living legends: the Sannin.”
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“Students of the Professor, our Lord Third, Sarutobi Hiruzen, they rose to prominence during the Second Shinobi World War, where they earned their acclaimed title from their esteemed adversary Hanzo of the Salamander of Amegakure. It has been said that when they fight, it’s as if their strength has increased three-fold, speaking of their incredible teamwork . . .but just who are the individuals that make up this awe-inspiring trio? Let’s take a look!”
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“Master Jiraiya, the Toad Sage. It’s been said that he can summon toads as tall as mountains and has mastered a multitude of elements. He has trained many an apprentice, including our very own Lord Fourth, Namikaze Minato! He’s also on his way of becoming a successful author. I wonder what kind of tales he’ll share with the world! Could they be based on his extraordinary life as a shinobi? I can’t wait to find out!!”
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“Next we have Lady Tsunade. A kunoichi of renowned healing abilities, Lady Tsunade is a major source of inspiration for med-nin all across Konoha. Does your four-man cell have an active medical ninja on-board? You can thank this kunoichi for that. Stories say that she can hear your heart-rate. But don’t think twice that just because she’s a healer that she can’t hold her own on the battlefield. She can blast craters into the earth with a single punch alone! I wouldn’t want to be the one to make her angry, that’s for sure!”
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“Finally! The best for last, if I do say so myself! My teacher and role-model, Lord Orochimaru! Shinobi either fear him or want to be him! Orochimaru-sensei’s life goal is to create and learn all the techniques the world has to offer, and he’s off to an excellent start. He wields snakes as casually as knives and fights with the fluidity of a cobra. I wish you all could see him in action like I do. It’s an honor to be his pupil.”
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bennydwight · 1 year
TGAMM Observations, Theories, Headcanons Pre Season 2
Long post!
1.      Scratch never tells Molly his name in episode one (there’s a theory on this that his name was divulged to her as part of the curse, since it also gave her the ability to summon him with his name)
2.      In ‘The (Un)natural’, Bartholomew can be seen writing in a cutaway scene, a diary entry saying “Dear diary, I had the strangest dream last night”
3.      In the same cutaway scene, we can see the McGees moved into the house June 2
4.      Other entries in Scratch’s scare report read:
·        06/01 Pizza Steve (I get him every time!)
·        06/08 Kid with Umbrella (Transformed into umbrella. Classic Rainy Day scare)
·        06/15 Wilderscouts (Used Howlin’ Harriet story to scare campers)
5.      In the beginning of Howlin’ Harriet, there’s a brief moment where Scratch puts his hand to his chin, deep in thought. Geoff notices and, a beat later, copies the position
6.      Weird amount of Canada references. Cousin Carl from Canada, Cousin Milly from Canada, in The Lucky Penny there’s a crashed car with a Canadian sticker on the window. When Molly is looking up a Bat Mitzvah there’s a recommended video about ghost hauntings in Toronto (it has four views and was posted eight years ago). The very last moving box in Out of House And Home has a shipping sticker that says Toronto. I’d be tempted to say that’s the last place the McGees moved from if not for Molly knowing nothing of Canada. The syrup bottle in Citizen McGee has a maple leaf on it. I’d be offended at the stereotypes if I weren’t so jazzed for the representation
7.      Despite claiming to be touch adverse, Scratch can be seen instigating physical contact even as soon as First Day Frights, where he puts his arm around Molly and pokes her nose. The touching gets more affectionate as the season goes on, but even at the end of Friend-Off (where he’s arguably ‘known’ Libby less than two days and has been fighting with her for most of that time) he initiates and seems comfortable with friendly contact
8.      Scratch first admits he may be ‘McGee adjacent’ in The Greatest Concert Ever, but (as far as I know) there isn’t a solid moment where he embraces the McGee name fully. It just kinda pops up later on
9.      Scratch is already calling Nin ‘Grandma Nin’ by the end of The Curse (which isn’t groundbreaking, I just think it’s a cute detail that he already calls her grandma)
10.   In The Best Of Nin-tentions he also calls Sharon ‘mom’, but I’m not sure whether that’s because he just does now, or because he was using Molly’s words
11.   The gravestones in Andrea’s film set in Hooray for Mollywood read ‘Howlin’ Harriet’, ‘Howlin’ Harriet’s Toes’, and ‘SK’. I wonder if the last one might be Scratch’s, but that’s just a theory seeing as how we don’t know his surname
12.   Scratch was alive sometime before the invention of the internet (a safe assumption) and after the invention of colour tv. Possibly died in the 70s-80s era?
13.   If the Ghost World doesn’t get anything until after it’s dead, how come they have mochas? Or clubs? Also Scratch is shown with a smartphone at least once in Scarin’ is Carin’
14.   Scratch may also have some variation of size-manipulation power, seeing as there’s a functional pizza box with a to-scale pizza laying around his dollhouse. Maybe it’s just a way he creatively uses curses idk
15.   The. The medical bill in Out Of House And Home guys. It’s just. Look at it. Friggin. Z Ray (x2). Minus $0.49 for insurance. The epitome of America’s medical system. Would be funny if it weren’t so true
16.   Also, hard to see the date on there, but I think it’s 05/14/21 if you’re looking for a timeline. Seeing as we’ve had a Christmas episode, this would probably mean the McGees moved in June 2, 2020
17.   Historically, the larger Scratch gets, the less stable his form is. Might just be for scary effect, but might also be a mass-displacement or concentration thing
18.   But he has no trouble maintaining consistency when he shrinks, so maybe all ghosts just have a maximum comfortable size
19.   Some aspects of transformation appear to be instinctive and subconscious, linked to a ghost’s moods, instead of all shape changes being intentional (most clearly seen in The (Un)natural)
20.   The repossession notice in Out Of House And Home is in Sharon’s name, and I admittedly don’t know a lot about mortgages, but does that mean the house is in her name? Isn’t Pete the primary breadwinner in the beginning of the show?
21.   The McGees have a ricecooker in their kitchen! I thought that was a cool detail
22.   The home purchase agreement is a little hard to read in Home is Where the Haunt Is, but it says “I, [blank], agree to buy the property at [address, I can’t read it] even if it is [a tiny bit haunted]. This contract is legally binding and Candace Green cannot be liable for anything”. Candace absolutely knew about Scratch before he revealed himself
23.   Molly has type A blood, but whether it’s negative or positive isn’t specified (hello, blood poisoning). Also, flyers in the background promote Debate club, which implies she’d donating at school. As USA blood donation requires most donors to be a minimum of 16 years old (with parental consent) or 110 lbs, we can conclude that the school is illegally harvesting blood from the student body
24.   Why do they… why do they draw Scratch’s butt like that
25.   Libby’s left handed!
26.   The cart stunt at the beginning of No Good Deed is referenced in Darryl’s file as ‘Incident 314’
27.   Scratch doesn’t cast a shadow
28.   I don’t know why, but there’s a red sticker that shows up in the school a lot, especially around the lockers, and it just says ‘Souffle’
29.   Apparently Scratch has shared custody of Molly’s phone
30.   Who did the subtitles on DisneyPlus I just wanna talk
Feel free to add on/expand/debate if you feel the desire! I’m mostly just putting these here so they’ll stop swimming around in my head
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sea-owl · 1 year
what do u think of sakura and tsunades bond??? I love them so much istg
They are adorable! I really do love their teacher and student bond. I also appreciate seeing Sakura have a teacher who was able to focus solely on her and what she needed to be properly trained.
Now, this isn't to shit on Kakashi, but with circumstances what they were, she was likely never going to get that from him. Sadly, Sakura was put on a team filled with traumatized orphans whose needs and ninja career were prioritized over her own. A leading example of this is Kakashi using Sakura's success at tree walking to motivate the boys. And then not doing the next steps to help her, which would have been water walking, something that would have been very useful in a place called the Land of Waves.
But back to Sakura and Tsunade. Another thing I appreciate is that Sakura asked Tsunade to train her. It's an instance we get to see Sakura prioritize herself and her future. She's taking the reins for herself and forcing someone's spotlight on her. Do you know how much balls that takes? Sakura probably has the biggest ones on team 7 because not only is she asking to be trained by the leader of the village but by the best in the medical ninja in the world. Now mind you Tsunade had said earlier that medic nins were the hardest ninjas to train due to their specialized skills that our girls just so happened to excel in. Sakura said let me scooch in where I thrive and she ran that shit.
I also appreciate that Tsunade went above and beyond and said, hold on, my little student, let me teach how to heal and kill. Both their hands were rated E for evey single person that pissed them off. They'll break all the bones in your body and heal you back up so they can do it again.
I do wish Sakura got her own slug summon, though. Kishimoto stilling doing my girl dirty by not giving her her own spring themed slug.
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sonderwrit · 6 months
C122: Protracted battle
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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Guess who the redhead is~ (sparkling eyes)
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Wu Zhen: Qin Xian, today you—no, for the past two years you’ve been a little strange.
WZ: I feel like you’re thinking about the issue in simplistic terms.
WZ: Demonic* and human cultivators have never had dealings [with each other], so research on stripping bloodlines has been a closely-guarded secret for thousands of years.
(*he’s using 妖魔 yaomo here which implies both demons and yao, or more supernatural creatures like Wang Yi’s snake demon bloodline)
WZ: After all, it requires experimenting on mixed-bloods, something that only demonic cultivators or crazy rogue medical cultivators are interested in. You understand that, right?
Qin Xian: Mhn. In other words, there have been people who stepped into that field?
WZ: Urk…
WZ: This humble daoist means to say, demons are demons*, so don’t waste your efforts.
(*he’s using 妖魔 again)
WZ: You had the best talent of us disciples who followed the Ancestral Patriarch Qingche back then. You’re also the eldest with the highest cultivation level in Yunshe Sect today, with hopes of beating the other sects to reaching Immortal Ascension first. (Qin Xian is already a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator)
(*also using formal “your” 您 nin instead of informal/casual “you” 你 ni here, both of them are very formal/respectful with each other)
WZ: There’s no need to waste your time on these unnecessary unsolved mysteries.
QX: ……
QX: How much longer before you can tell me the dwellings of that cultivator who made progress [on this kind of research]?
WZ: Were you even listening to me…
QX: Mm. That’s why I’m asking.
QX: I believe I will achieve cultivation breakthrough into Immortal Ascension within a year.
QX: Just how long before you tell me—what I want to know?
WZ: ?!
WZ: (Within one year…?)
[Specification: In the cultivation world the levels are: Qi-Refining > Foundation Building > Golden Core > Nascent Soul > Immortal Ascension > Overcoming tribulation and becoming a god]
WZ: ….hah.
WZ: You’re being serious?
Wang Yi: WHAT?!
WY: You used my mission points to drug Qin Xian?! And it’s even something to make him “stupid?”
WY: (No wonder he was acting so erratically…)
S-0: Ehe, oopsie.
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[The screen shows the description of the drug S-0 fed QX]
S-0: It was also to help you both.
WY: Then how can we cure him? I remember there was an antidote… [someone very familiar with the System]
S-0: Meow…
S-0: Um um, Host has done well collected mission points without really buying anything,
[SCREEN: System Points: 2, 3—-]
S-0: So it shouldn’t be a big prob—
S-0: EH?!
S-0: I didn’t use that much.
WY: Cough…I spent it.
WY: So that the protagonist shou’s soul could reincarnate normally.
S-0: Oh… (Reincarnation bottle, ah.)
S-0: Host…is so gentle.
WY: …are you provoking me?
WY: Anyways, it was on impulse. I won’t do it again, but I don’t regret it either.
WY: My goal has always been to purchase the [Time Reversal Clock] and bring my classmates back.
WY: That hasn’t changed.
WY: It’s just, there’s one more thing I want to buy nowadays.
S-0: Oh?
S-0: What else does Host want? None of the props in the shop are cheap.
WY: I’ll tell you when it’s time, it’s still early.
WY: Most importantly, our point budget is tight now, so I can’t spend recklessly anymore.
WY: Moreover, thanks to the protagonist shou bugging out, the plot’s gone astray. If I can’t return to the sect within a year, there’ll be no way to earn more points, creating a vicious cycle.
S-0: Right, Host. What’s your plan? Although I can give you directions to the sword sect, appearing randomly will probably cause him trouble. (The differences in cultivation levels are too big.)
WY: …mm.
WY: Then let’s cultivate until—
WY: I’m at a level where I won’t cause trouble.
WY: If what you say is true, Qin Xian can easily recover his memories, but whether he’s immersed in his role or thinking of other things that prevent him from remembering (such as worrying about “It” coming back or something)
WY: —the future will be a “protracted battle.”
WY: Let’s go, Sao Ling.
WY: Let me have a look at all the plot events in the original novel.
WY: There’s still a year away before the events of the Yunshe Sect disciple selection ceremony in the main plot. *jumps*
WY: For the sake of becoming the sword sect’s foremost senior brother again, a bit of technique is needed.
WY: Because saying I’ll be pursuing him—
WY: —isn’t just lip service.
#The original “secret realm” in the novel Defying the Gods#
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(Wang Yi and S-0 explore the secret realm, get chased by monsters)
#The original treasures in the novel Defying the Gods#
(Wang Yi and S-0 come across a chest full of treasures)
[They can’t take away the item the protagonist will get later, but they can claim things the novel didn’t mention in the text]
#The spiritual fruit mentioned in the novel Defying the Gods#
(Wang Yi and S-0 enjoying fruit on a tree)
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WY: Can you still see the sigil?
S-0: It’s completely covered!
WY: This is the demonic border? They’ll have a lot of mixed-bloods like me here?
S-0: Mhm! Rogue cultivators like to practice their spells and collect demonic ingredients in the vicinity too.
[Wang Yi saving someone from a bear monster with his ice crystals]
WY: *slash*
Victim: Yahhh!
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[Various scenes of Wang Yi’s adventures in the frontier region]
Many years later—
WY: Ah.
[Wang Yi: 18 years old, Golden Core realm]
WY: Time to find Master.
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eddiemoonson · 2 years
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For @kisames-corner Kisame's Birthday Bash 2023. Thank you for hosting this event! 🤗
Day one - prompt: blue lips, blue veins.
WC: 517 / Warnings: none / Pairing: Kisame x Itachi.
Kisame watches as water drips down Itachi's back. His fingers itch, almost ache to follow the lines all the way down to the slim waist and  even lower, the parts of him that the water in the natural pool are hiding.
He knows he shouldn't look. Not like this, with a hunger that he's sure Itachi could feel even if he wasn't a shinobi. He was supposed to be standing guard while Itachi bathed in the small lake, paying attention to their surroundings, ready to defend him against potential enemies. It was unnecessary because Itachi could very well defend himself against pretty much anyone, but Kisame still worries. Itachi is sick and he won't do anything about it and won't let Kisame do anything either.
He offered to search for a medic, to research available medicine. He would have offered to quit Akatsuki completely and make a deal with the Leaf Kage, Tsunade Senju, rumored to be the best medic-nin in the world if he knew for sure she would be able to heal Itachi (and as a second thought, kidnapping the Hokage did cross his mind, but he didn't have enough manpower to contain and force a sannin to do his bidding, so he tossed the idea as quickly as it came).
But he held his tongue because he knew Itachi would dismiss his efforts. He was on a track to die by his brother's hand and probably thought being sick was a divine punishment. It also worked to Sasuke's advantage. Kisame didn't know what level of power Sasuke had, but Itachi was labeled a genius and it wasn't for nothing. He was extremely powerful and skilled. Maybe Sasuke was on his level or close to it, but Kisame doubted. He didn't like to think about him anyway. Sasuke meant Itachi's death. It was enough to make Kisame actively block the younger Uchiha from mind.
No, he prefers to think of Itachi bathing, enjoying the cool water running down his body. He prefers to think of the hint of smile that decorates his face when he has some dango and the relaxation in his posture when he drinks his favorite tea.
He looks at him again and is shocked to see Itachi looking back. More than that, he's facing Kisame, his pale skin wet and glistening in the soft light. Kisame couldn't avert his eyes even under torture. Itachi looks almost ethereal, unreal, almost like a siren designed specifically to tempt him. 
He watches as Itachi raises his hand and beckons him closer. Kisame is powerless to resist. He watches, incredulous, his own hand touch Itachi's skin, sees his fingers against his palm, admires as goosebumps run up Itachi's arm as the tip of his fingers touch the soft skin on his wrist. 
Kisame can see his veins, blue-green under the pale skin. The sight is irresistible, for some reason. He pulls Itachi closer, pulls his arm up and kisses the soft skin lightly. He hears the smaller man gasp and kisses Itachi's wrist again. In the soft light of dawn, blue lips meet blue veins. 
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Reasons for submission under the cut
he overcame his incredible loneliness and childhood trauma with a lot of grace
he acknowledged the people he may have hurt (rock Lee) and did everything in his power to build up from there
he was always very caring (like when he brought the girl he accidentally hurt an apology gift when he was a child)
he was someone who understood Sasuke and shed tears for him
he motivated an entire army of shinobi that were fighting amongst each other, and he did it purely with love for Naruto, showing how powerful his kindness is
serial killer turned babushka. Quite possibly the sweetest and funniest character transformation [submitter]'s ever seen
he enjoys succulent and cactus gardening, based as always
his gardening outfit is the cutest shit ever seen
he has cat eyes which are very cute
nothing but respect for my goth teenaged president 🫡
he's so polite,,
his character development is amazing, he went from being a crazy murderer, to gaining the trust of his whole village and becoming the Kazekage
despite how drastic his character development was, it still feels understandable due to how badly he was treated as a child, and how deep down he always wanted to love but was simply punished for it
eeeing him recover from his trauma thanks to Naruto is really heartwarming
one of the best redeemed villain characters ever imo
very cool character design
storyline that made [submitter] cry like a baby three different times
he's so full of love
has a cool transformation
enjoyable demeanor once he got the help he needs
nice to see a quiet but social introvert succeed in life, overcome his trauma, and learn his self worth
he was an edgy 12 year old who talked like shadow from shadow the hedgehog (2005) how can u not like that
he's funny
he's pretty cool when he's older, a good leader
his arc is [submitters] favorite in the series
lovely to see how far he came and how hard he worked to overcome his demons
was the best hokage
the regulation she created to include medics on every team saved so many lives
she's funny and a complex and interesting character
is a bad bitch
probably THE most competently written female character in the entire series
she has a very rich history that plays into her character's actions and motivations
wanting to be the best medic-nin possible in order to save more lives because she lost her love Dan, and also change the way ninja squads operated to always have a medic to save more lives did so much for the better during the war to reduce casualties
after being broken down by so many people she cares about dying, she dips and leaves behind ninja society, which has taken everything from her (including wiping out her clan)
because Tsunade is also one of the most legendary/strongest ninja alive, no one could really stop her or chain her down. It takes the conviction of a child who wants her to save the village and heal his friends to get her back to Konoha, despite the all the trauma she's endured
she's a medic with a fear of blood that overcomes that to fight her own teammate and beat his ass so Orochimaru stops killing and maiming people
she steps up to be a leader because it's what the new generation need and someone has to fix all the stuff broken by her selfish teammates and old teacher
the strongest female character both in physical strength and the strength of her writing. It's like she was written first as a character versus most of the other female characters being written first as Girl and Love Interest
Tsunade is vain and a chronic gambler and drunk, she is really brash and abrasive, she is traumatized. But she's also deeply caring, an incredibly accomplished woman, one of the smartest people/medics in the world, and a great leader
she's multi-layered. She is a woman, but her entire character isn't just Woman
finally finished the job on Jiraiya on previous poll
strong arms
she is strong and smart and quick as a whip but still soft and caring when it comes to her loved ones. Characters with rough exteriors who are mushy inside are very good
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team7-headquarter · 9 months
Naruto and Sakura are so babies to me BECAUSE they are fucked up off-putting little menaces.
They're the same and it's so funny how they can't recognize it. There's literally no reason for it, there is no connection between them except that they are both protagonists so the story went "Listen, I'm gonna make a pair that is sooooo ridiculously enjoyable to watch because they are sooo weird."
They listen to voices in their head?? Canonically? Both of them were bullied as kids for not being like the rest?? Naruto has freaking whiskers and Sakura pink hair!!! They are so bright and colored it's like a joke to know they want to be ninjas!!!!!!!! They are impossibly loud and bitchy, always up to beat anyone including kids and old people, don't hold back when it's time for mean comments or rejecting people they find ugly or weird, share a total of zero braincells between them sometimes, refuse to see themselves as being less than other people—
I genuinely laugh so hard with them. Remember that time after Kaguya got sealed when Naruto and Sakura panicked over how they'd go back to the real world? They had just saved the world and somehow still had time for their silly antics.
Their summons are (let me check ...) MULTIPLE frogs and a giant snail that can divide into many little versions of herself. They got those summons from their mentors, who happened to be an old man perverted to no one famously known for his erotica writing and a woman known by all for her alcoholic tendencies and being a giant loser that refuses to stop gambling.
You need more convincing? Okay.
Naruto and Sakura are a little perverted as teens and spend 70% of the manga crying. They are so lame in some of their speeches, epic losers from the very beginning because they were the dead last shinobi and kunoichi of their class. When they face a problem, their solution is "I'll beat it up with my own hands". Them in Naruto classic? For sure the stupidest duo around.
Half (or more) of their plans are the worst plans ever and the rest miraculously work so well you have to admit they were cool. They are obsessive and short tempered and even when they are the strongest shinobi and kunoichi duo around, you can't trust they will complete the mission without making it worse first.
... I correct it, they will make it worse first.
On the other hand, you have to win their respect, because they sure as hell won't give it to you out of the goodness of their hearts. They are the best representation of the Will of Fire of the younger generation. No one ever thought Naruto would befriend Kurama like he did, no one ever counted on Sakura becoming a world renowned medic nin, no one thought they would reach that far. They're naive to a fault and they don't fit the shinobi life at all and if they weren't the protagonists, they'd be the first to die or something, but they are the mcs and they are absurd as they come.
I love them sooooo much for all they are and all they are not.
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