#one time i skinned off basically my entire knee after i tripped while running and skidded into one of those shitty concrete brick walls
erisolkat · 4 months
haha ow fuck
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helnjk · 4 years
Defending Her Honor - D.M.
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Draco Malfoy x ravenclaw!reader 
Requested: yes
hii! could i request prompts 31 and 48 from list #1 with draco x ravenclaw!reader, please? maybe some slytherins are bothering her while she's studying on the great hall and draco sees them approach her table. she gets ups and walks to the hall but they follow her and make fun so he stands up for her and it's angry-as-hell!draco but also completely soft-for-her!draco. just extremely protective boyfriend mode and fluff overload with lots of kisses pleeease. thanksss, xx✨
“oi! that’s my girlfriend” “fuck what everyone else thinks!” 
Warnings: swearing, brief mentions of food & eating, bullying (? kinda)
Word count: 1.2k 
A/N: I tweaked it a bit, if that’s okay, she’s the one that follows him out of the Hall but you know,, the idea is there HAHA! & also, angry-as-hell!draco & completely soft-for-her!draco tho 🥺 that shit huRTED
Prompts are in bold
Everyone knew that OWL and NEWT season for the 5th and 7th years was basically hell on earth. There was not one corner of the whole castle that one couldn’t find a student trying to cram as much information into their head as possible. Some could say that Ravenclaws had it a little better since their common room was basically a second library and they already had the disposition for learning and knowledge, but they were wrong. 
(Y/N) was sick of studying in the common room and the library, and of studying in general. Ravenclaws might be known for their cleverness, wit, and wisdom, but damn even they couldn’t go on studying 24/7 like this. She needed a break and it was almost lunch time anyway. 
She gathered up the books spread across her desk in the dorm and unceremoniously dumped them into her school bag. With a huff she blinked away the tears of frustration pooling in her eyes. Being a 7th year just on the brink of the rest of her life was daunting and scary, and frankly, she could not be arsed. She was only just 17 after all, why did she need her whole life mapped out already? 
With one final sweep of the room, she marched out of her dorm and out of Ravenclaw tower to make her way to the Great Hall. On the way there, she noticed a few Slytherins in her year giving her looks and whispering when she walked past. She shrugged it off, not being in the right headspace to wonder why in the world they were paying attention to her. 
Then, all of a sudden she felt herself get hit with a tripping jinx. The books she was carrying in her arms and the bag on her shoulder flew as her legs magically stuck together. She hit the stone floor with a thud and could hear the snickers of the Slytherins who rushed past her. 
“Fuck,” She hissed, feeling the skin of her palms and knees aching as they were what padded her fall. 
For the nth time that day, she felt tears pool in her eyes out of frustration. She didn’t acknowledge them, however, she had no time to. She had to get to the Great Hall and have some lunch before going back to revising for her NEWTs. 
Thankfully, no one else was in the hallways leading there. (Y/N) got to the Ravenclaw table relatively unscathed after the incident with the Slytherins. Speaking of, she spared a glance at their table to see her boyfriend, Draco, already looking at her.
He quirked an eyebrow at her as if to say are you alright? and she gave a brief nod and sent a small smile his way before turning to the food in front of her. 
Draco, however, could tell that something was wrong. (Y/N) tried to be as reassuring as possible with her facial expression and body language, but he could see the slight redness in her eyes and the discomfort in her hands. 
He was proven right when he heard a few chuckles and snickers from down the table. 
“Did you see her face when she fell?” One of his fellow housemates, Quimby, snorted,  “(Y/L/N) is too easy to mess around with. I hope it hurt when she hit the floor.” 
Another Slytherin, a girl who so clearly wanted to impress him, laughed a little too loudly in response and said, “You should try a stinging jinx next or maybe the bat-bogey hex.” 
“I like the way you think,” He agreed, shovelling food into his mouth unceremoniously, “I bet I can make her cry by the end of the day.” 
Draco had had enough. His blood was boiling and he had to clench his fists to make sure he wouldn’t do anything rash like hex the living daylights of this prick. It was getting harder and harder to restrain himself, though. 
“Oi! That’s my girlfriend you’re talking about, you prat,” He said, turning to face them, “And I don’t like how you’re talking about her. If I hear you say one more thing about hurting her in any way–”
“You’ll what, run along to your Daddy?” Quimby sneered, rolling his eyes and not taking the threat seriously. 
Forgetting that he had a wand, Draco stood up quickly and punched him directly in the face. 
Yells of shock burst from several Slytherins who watched the entire thing go down, and soon the rest of the Great Hall had their eyes on the 2 boys. Quimby attempted to reach for his wand, but was stopped as soon as the professors got involved. 
“Detention Mr. Malfoy,” Professor McGonagall, who was the first to come out of shock, said. 
Draco merely nodded and grabbed his school bag before rushing out of the Hall. (Y/N), still in shock, quickly gathered her things (and her thoughts) to follow him out. She had to quicken her pace slightly, knowing that he was significantly taller than her and had a pretty good head start. Thankfully, she caught up to him at the end of a hallway. 
“Hey,” She breathed once she reached him, “What was that all about?” 
He said nothing, instead, choosing to grip her hand in his and pull her along until they reached the castle grounds. The fresh air and warmth of the sun did some good in calming Draco down, and the pair was able to make their way silently to a large shady tree. (Y/N), however, couldn’t hide her obvious discomfort as his hand gripped a part of hers that was still sore and cut from her fall.
Of course, Draco noticed. 
He released his grip and gently cradled her injured hand in both of his. As they sat down under the shade of the tree, he pulled out his wand and murmured a quiet episkey. 
“Thanks,” (Y/N) smiled softly at her boyfriend and her newly healed hand, “Now are you going to tell me what happened back there?” 
“Just some idiot running his mouth and pissing me off,” He shrugged, “Nothing to worry about.” 
“Draco,” She warned, “C’mon tell me, so I know what to say in your defense when people start to talk.” 
“Fuck what everyone else thinks! I wasn’t about to let some prick badmouth you and talk about making you cry. Not when I know you’ve had a rough couple of days and when I can get it into his thick skull that I’ll always be around to protect you.” 
He had gotten so worked up that he threw his arms up and ran a hand through his hair, not noticing that her eyes widened and for the first time that day, the tears escaped her eyes. 
“Oh Draco,” (Y/N) breathed, sending him a wobbly and wet smile. 
“Oh no you’re crying,” He mumbled, pulling her into his arms, “Don’t cry. I won’t punch him again if that’s what you want. Or I could punch him some more for you, the prick deserves it” 
A soft laugh escaped from her lips as she snuggled closer to him, basking in his warmth, “No, I just can’t believe you were defending my honor. Who knew the Draco Malfoy was such a softie underneath it all.” 
He just shook his head and tightened his grip on her. He would do anything if it meant being able to have (Y/N) in his arms, safe and happy. 
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fromiftowhen · 3 years
fic: in my own simple way (an Upstead one-shot in the YHBOTHL universe)
Hi friends! There are approximately six other things I should have spent time writing today, but this little outtake/future scene from your heartbeat on the high line (once in twenty lifetimes) wouldn’t leave me alone. 
It’s set about a week after the story ends and might be more feelingsy if you’ve recently read chapter 18, but it’s not necessary. 
Rated T | 1590 words | Title from Last First Kiss by Ron Pope
When he wakes up, the room is dim, the first hints of sunrise just peeking in through the curtains. The other side of Hailey’s bed is empty and cool to the touch as he runs his arm over the sheets.
“Hailey?” His voice sounds rough, half-asleep to his own ears, and he clears his throat and leans upon his elbow as footsteps fall into the room, her eyes finding him immediately.
“Sorry,” she whispers, heading over to put a few things in her top dresser drawer. She leaves a bag on the dresser as she turns back to him. “Couldn’t sleep, figured I’d finish the mountain of laundry I brought back.”
He nods, watching her bare legs make their way over to the bed until he can just reach his fingers out to trail over the hem of his button-down brushing her thighs. “Y’know, really trying not to take it personally that you’re basically never here when I wake up.”
“I’ve been home like a week, Jay,” she grins, sliding a knee on the mattress next to him. “And if I remember correctly, I woke you up in this very bed yesterday morning.”
“And don’t think I’ll ever forget that,” he says, raising an eyebrow suggestively. “Just saying, pretty sure I saw you in bed more on FaceTime than I have in person.” He lets his fingers drag up her thigh slowly, watching her bite her lip as his nails trail across her skin.
“We spent all day yesterday in bed, and all last weekend, and every night in between… so I’m pretty sure your math is wrong,” she whispers, pressing her other knee onto the bed next to him.
“Maybe,” he whispers, grinning at her as her eyes trail down his bare chest. His palms slide up her thighs to pull her closer. “But just to be safe, you should come back over here.”
The noise she makes as he drags her into his lap almost feels worth the weeks they were apart. And the quiet moan she lets out against his lips is still new, exciting, but feels familiar all at once.
Her lips meet his and he swallows the noise, kissing her slowly as their legs tangle and his hands slide up her body. In the time she’s been home, they’ve done very little but work and this, learning each other in a new way. And if he’d gotten to know her in a new way while she was in New York, if she’d felt like home to him even while she was 800 miles away, it’s nothing to how she feels now.
She’s home, and laughter, and early mornings in bed, silent words whispered against cool skin and the way his heart keeps pace with hers as their bodies find each other easily in the dim light.
“So, if your laundry’s done, your suitcase is totally empty now, right?” He asks, his lips barely leaving hers.
Her laughter is warm against his skin, eyes bright as she nods her head. “Yeah…”
“Okay,” he mumbles. “Don’t worry if you can’t find it in a few days. You won’t need it anytime soon.”
She laughs again and smiles against him as he runs a hand over her body to slip between the buttons of her shirt. He lets his fingers trail down her back, a tiny bite to his touch as she arches against him.
He’s felt her body heal a little more every night he’s spent in her bed. He’s run his fingers over every inch of her skin, learned her tells and the timbre of her voice in the dark. He’s pressed his lips to disappearing bruises, sucked tiny, hidden marks of his own into her skin in desperate, frenzied moments.
Every little way he learns her is their first, his last, and he tries to spell it out against her skin everytime -- the way he knows she’s his last first everything, the way he’s going to savor it all. The way she’s his girl, the way she’s home for him -- the way he wants to always be home for her.
The way he knows he’s loved her in different ways for so long; from inches away, across miles apart. Quietly, his fingers tapping out text messages for weeks, his hands against her skin now. Loudly, his voice rising in disagreements over their years as just partners, his lips against her ear now as they find an easy rhythm.
“Hey,” he whispers, drawing back slightly, shifting to brush her hair back behind her ear. He lets his thumb stroke her cheek as she opens her eyes slowly. “I’ve told you how I’m kinda happy you’re home, right?”
“Maybe a few times, a few different ways.”
“Mmm, good.” He nods, biting at her lower lip as she leans back in. “Just so we’re on the same page.”
And he knows they are.
That could be it, the end of their coherent words for long minutes as they greet the morning together. Her lips slide down his jaw, over stubble that leaves her pale skin red, and he could be good just like this. There are words he wants to say, but he knows they have time. There will be a million more mornings like this, mornings that were all he wanted over FaceTime calls for weeks on end.
But she pulls back and bites at her lip a little, and he knows this tell best of all. There’s something else.
She glances back to her dresser, and he sees the edge of the bag she’d left there before she’d climbed back in bed with him.
“There was one thing left in my suitcase. I brought you a souvenir.”
He could be cheesy. He could tell her he knows she did, that she’s here, with him. That she’s all he needs to remember the trip, their time apart.
But he just raises an eyebrow. “I like gifts.”
She rolls her eyes and shifts off his body. He draws a hand down her back as she grimaces ever so slightly, tiny remnants of pain showing themselves when she makes quick movements.
She’s at her dresser before he can make a move to go with her. She turns around as he sits up, her lower lip between her teeth still, and he just watches her. She’s nervous, and maybe that should be his first clue. “I was gonna wait, save this,” she says, slowly, and then shakes her head. “But I don’t want to anymore.”
He just nods, watching her turn back toward her dresser again, plastic rustling beneath her fingers for a moment as she pulls something out of the bag.
“This is for you,” she says, quietly. He watches her move, and it’s not until she’s slipping his button-down off her shoulders, her skin bare beneath, that he realizes the item she pulled out of the bag is fabric. He’s distracted, immediately, by the ever-rising sun throwing shadows across her skin. But something about the way her voice trips over her next words draws his attention immediately.
“This is for you,” she says again, just as quiet. “But it’s kinda for me, too.” He watches her pull the white t-shirt over her head, her hair falling down her back as she pulls it free again. He can see her fingers smooth over the fabric in the seconds before she turns around, and then she’s all he can see.
Someone I love went to NYC and all I got was this stupid t-shirt.
It comes back in a rush -- the tacky souvenir shop, her teasing, his easy, automatic words. Almost a confession, one he hadn’t known was coming. One they hadn’t talked about since.
The room is quiet, but he’s pretty sure he can hear his own heart racing. She’s still worrying her bottom lip, and he can tell just by looking that his heart is matching hers beat for beat.
“Hailey…” he starts, but she shakes her head.
“It’s cheesy, I know,” she says, stepping back toward the edge of the bed. “And you don’t have to say anything.”
It’s his turn to shake his head. He reaches out for her, his fingers tugging at the hem of the shirt, pulling her back into his orbit. “If the shirt is for me, why are you wearing it? Can’t even give me the shirt before stealing it?”
She grins slowly, settling back onto his lap easily. “I said the shirt was for me, too.” Her voice is quiet, but steady, warm against his skin and not tinny over a phone line. “Someone I love went to New York CIty. I know, because I invited him there.”
He nods quietly, running his fingers across the words on the shirt. She closes her eyes as his fingers trace the love printed right over her chest.
He’s smiling as she opens her eyes and continues. “The shirt is for you too, you know. You get to take it off.”
He nods again, dragging his fingers down the words to the hem, his fingers twisting in the fabric. He inches the shirt up her body, watching her face the entire time.
“Someone I love went to New York City too,” he whispers, pulling the shirt up and off her body slowly. “But I got way more than a stupid shirt.”
She smiles as the fabric falls to the bed beside them, and he guides her to him with a hand in her hair.
When their lips meet, it feels familiar, like coming home, for good, forever.
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innaminitus · 4 years
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Request: so Geralt saved y/n’s father many years ago and he called the law of surprise?? The surpsise being of course y/n and Geralt comes for her may years later when she is an adult and a sexy woman? and smut? or somethign like that THANKS! (from anon)
Warnings: smut 
Word count: 2221
A/N: toss a coin to your witcher is my new jam also i am very proud of poland finally having a decent witcher series (ale żebrowski na zawsze w naszych sercach) 
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You were kneeling on the ground and just staring at him. That was basically your favourite thing to do since he called the law of surprise and took you from your home on your 23rd birthday two weeks ago. Just in time, as it turned out, since a day later the entire town you’ve lived in was slaughtered.
You just liked to look at him, that’s all. He was very handsome, after all. It was the only selfishness you could allow yourself for.
“Why are you staring at me?” He asked, his eyes still closed.
Your body didn’t even bother to blush. You weren’t intimidated by him.
“Because I can.”
A ghost of a smile showed on his face, but he still didn’t open his eyes.
“See anything interesting?”
Lots of things.
“A bug in your hair.” You reached to his silver, tangled hair and picked up a beetle that lost its way from the grass. The bug run away to the bushes. “I’ll go pick up some berries.”
You stood up and fixed your dirty dress.
“I’ll go with you,” he sighed and began to stand up, but you stopped him.
“I’m an adult, I can take care of myself,” you said, already turning away and walking to the berry bushes.
“Hmm. I doubt that…”
It wasn’t a long walk, barely five minutes away from the clearing you stopped on for the night. Last evening you’ve seen them almost bursting with juice and couldn’t stop thinking about them since.
Once you’ve reached them you kneeled and started to pick them up, carefully, not to squash them with your fingers. One after another they landed in your basket, which was soon full. You stood up, stretching your back, hurting from bending too long.
“Are you done?”
You didn’t hear him walk, so, naturally, you got scared from the sudden voice behind you. You jumped, and, naturally, tripped, falling with your face right in the bushes full of berries. And, naturally, throwing your basket at the man.
With a squeak you turned, trying to sit up, and when you managed to do so, you took the hand Geralt offered.
“I’m sorry, you scared me–“
A short laugh escaped your lips when you saw him; his hair tinted purple from the berries that you threw on him, with parts of the fruits on his face and clothes.
He wasn’t having as much fun as you, even though you were whole in berries and for sure had twigs in your hair.
“We need to go,” he just said, his jaw clenched as he wiped his face with a hand.
“I need a bath.” You wrinkled your nose. “And you, too.”
“We’ll stop at some lake or something, but now we need to go. I don’t want to spend another night here.”
The lake wasn’t very far, but it was far enough for the both of you to start stinking like fermented fruits and sweat. It was hot, not a single cloud on the sky, and even the protection the trees gave you wasn’t enough. Roach was barely walking in the heat, so you haven’t had the heart to ride on her.
You almost smelled the water with your senses, and run to the direction of the small lake as soon as you saw it, kicking off your shoes on the way.
The water was clear and inviting, and you forced yourself not to jump in it fully clothed. You tugged on the ribbons of your dress, but couldn’t manage to untie the corset-like back. It must’ve tangled at night.
“Geralt, can you help me with this?” You looked behind at the man guiding the horse to the water.
He silently walked to you and began to work with the ribbons. The feeling of his breath on your neck made you shiver. It seemed as if the day became even hotter.
You were trying to seduce him ever since you saw him, but he seemed not to notice it. You just weren’t sure if you were that bad at it, or if he just wasn’t interested in you. You very much hoped for the first one.
“Done,” he murmured, freeing you from the last ribbon and you didn’t hesitate to grab the material of the dress and throw it over your head, leaving you as naked as the gods have made you.
Your long hair almost touched your bottom, still leaving a nice view at it while you walked to the lake. You haven’t heard him move and the thought that he was watching you made the hotness between your legs more noticeable.
Cool water soothed your sunburnt skin, and you dived into it whole, sighing with relief, watching the berry stains melt into nothingness. The lake was shallow, in the deepest spot the water reached only your shoulders. You turned in the water to Geralt.
“Are you coming or what?” You asked, flicking your wet hair from your face.
“I’m fine.”
“You stink and have berries in your hair.”
“And I wonder whose fault is that….” he sighed and rolled his eyes, but eventually started to undress.
One layer after another the leathery parts of his clothes were abandoned on the ground, and when he took off the shirt you could shamelessly admire his muscly chest and arms. Gods he was so handsome… How could every part of him be so perfect?
“Turn around.”
It took you a second to realize he was talking to you. You blinked and your sight fell on his hand, untying the leather trousers.
“Did you turn around when I was naked?” You raised one eyebrow and immerged almost whole into water, leaving only your eyes and nose above the panel.
A smirk was all you got as an answer, but it was enough to tell you that he did not turn his gaze away.
“Y/N…” His voice was warning, but the smirk was still on his face.
“Fine.” You turned away, waving your hands in the water. “But that’s not fair.”
You heard him walk into the water and excitement overtook your body. That was probably your biggest achievement in the art of seducing; to have him naked not so far away from you.
“Can I turn now?”
He was much closer than you expected him to be, but still what felt like miles away. You rinsed your hair, frustrated, doubting there was any way to actually be closer to him.
“You have leaves in your hair…” He smiled, watching you try to wash them out. “I’ll help you.”
He swam closer, and you hoped he didn’t see your blush. The clear water was transparent, and you could swear you saw him stare at your breasts for at least a second.
His fingers were more delicate than you would expect them to be when he took out the twigs and leaves, but it was the closeness of his warm chest that made you shiver. You wanted to kiss every bit of his skin, lick every scar and pain.
Your fantasies took too long. He already moved away.
You immerged into water completely, hiding your frustration away. It was never going to happen, you had to face the truth. He wasn’t interested.
Unless he was.
You stood straight and swam a little further from him.
“Toss a coin to your Witcher,” you started to sing a song he hated so much. “Oh Valley of Plenty…”
He turned to you with anger.
“Stop it.”
“Oh Valley of Plenty, oooh.” You were swimming further and further.
“Y/N, I’m warning you, stop singing this cursed song.”
“Make me.” You smiled cockily and turned to swim. “Toss a coin to your–“ You squeaked as he swam to you incredibly fast and grabbed your waist from behind, his fingers on your lips silencing you.
You could feel his scars on your stomach as he was holding you this tight. One step you could blame on clumsiness was enough to have your back fully pressed on his wide chest and his chin in your hair. You froze like this, afraid that any movement would cause him to let you go.
You were blissfully aware of every inch on your bodies touching; from the hand on your lips, his face in your hair, the hand on your belly, your back against his chest to the hard length pressed to the small of your back.
Hardlengthhardlengthhardlenght. Keep calm, Y/N.
His breathing was heavy, as if he was fighting with himself. You wanted him to lose the fight.
He twitched and quickly let you go. Only you didn’t plan on giving up.
You turned, put your hands on his shoulders and lifted yourself up, to press your lips onto his. Then again. And everything would be perfect if he only gave you the kisses back.
“Stop it,” he said, but didn’t push you away.
“Why?” Your faces were still so close your lips were touching when you talked.
“This is wrong.” He moved slightly, but you moved with him. “I am your guardian.”
“I don’t need a guardian. I can take care of myself.”
“Say you don’t want me and I’ll never touch you again,” you said, backing just a millimetre to be able to look him in the eyes. He just watched you, his jaw clenched, muscles working. “You can’t.” You smiled for a second.
“I can’t,” he admitted in a husky voice.
Your insides twirled.
Dear gods…
“Then why fight it?”
His lips captured yours, surprising you. You had to throw your hands around his neck not to fall deeper into the water when he almost sunk into you, arching your back with his strong arms around you. You sucked his bottom lip and received a groan before he pushed his tongue into your lips, and you didn’t bother to fight for dominance; this fight was already lost.
His hands slid down to your thighs and he lifted you up as if you weighed less than a feather, and walked out of the water, your lips still joined. He laid you on the grass, his lips travelled lower, to your jaw and neck, leaving wet trails to the valley of your breasts.
The ground felt as the finest of beds when he kissed you this way and flicked his tongue over your nipple just to caress another with his skilled fingers. A sigh escaped your lips when you pulled his white hair and forced him to kiss you again. His lips were so perfect on yours…
He positioned himself between your legs, lifting one of if by the crook of your knee and straightened slightly. He was eating you with his sight, every inch of you. Without taking his eyes from yours he kissed your leg just above the knee and with the other hand firmly held your hip to drag you closer. Your pussy was throbbing, you needed him to fill you or else you would probably gone mad. Thankfully he wasn’t going to keep you waiting any longer. He leaned to kiss you as he thrusted in you hard, causing you to gasp. He smiled cockily, biting your lower lip.
His member was dug deep inside of you, stretching your walls to the point where it hurt, but it was the most delicious pain of your life. He pulled off and thrusted back in, hand on your hip still pressing you onto the hard ground, but you didn’t mind, you almost didn’t feel it; the only thing you were able to feel was his cock reaching so marvellously deep and his lips on yours.
Your fingers got lost in his hair as he pounded wildly, fucking moans out of you. You kissed a silent curse from his mouth when he pressed on your leg, forcing it to spread even wider. Your muscles clenched at the new angle, you weren’t able to hold back his name as pleasure started to spread hot spots all over your body. Butterflies overtook your mind, you couldn’t think, you couldn’t speak, all you were able to do was to move your hips to his pace, to clench your muscles and shake when orgasm hit you like a wave and a loud moan woke probably every bird in the forest.
He wasn’t long behind; your movements brought him to the edge, he thrusted hard and gasped into your mouth, spilling himself deep inside of you.
Only when he let you go you could feel how indelicate he was with your body; and how much you’ve liked it. He collapsed next to you, panting.
“If I knew this damned song was enough for you to give up already, I would sing it days ago.”
“What?” He turned to you, resting on his elbow.
“Did you really not notice a thing?” You sat up and squirmed at the pain of sore muscles.
“Believe me, I noticed,” he snorted. “Only I never thought that was what you meant… It took my whole strength not to claim you.”
You lied down, laughing.
“Men truly are clueless…”
He lifted himself on his elbow and leaned over you.
“I can show you how I am everything but clueless.” A smile ghosted on his face as you kissed him.
And this time you didn’t have to sing.
tag list:
💞: @taylorswiftloverforever13 @thomasfoockinshelby​ @kaylig02 @daddyloki @it-jinxed-us @themusingsofmany @randomlea @annakohanasworld @theunofficialduke @prismroot-starlight0 @deathofmissjackson @tricksterwinchester @villanellevi @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @forgoshsake-watchyourlanguage @grace-barnes-13 @starofthedawn
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anaiswriterr · 4 years
Tonight you belong to me
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Rating: T
Warning: Not much just a basic horror story
Synopsis: Two lovers walking in a forest at night.. but one comes out.
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- tonight, your belong to me - screamtober part six -
“Why couldn’t we just go over to your house tonight?” You whine, jumping at every snapping branch and the crunching leaves beneath you, trailing behind Shoto closely as your eyes dart all over the dark forest. Only using your phone’s flashlights to light the trail ahead, you shudder at the cool breeze that blew by you. 
The wind howled in every direction.
“Because my fathers there, besides, I just want to spend the night without having to worry about him.” Shoto says, shrugging his shoulders as he continues to lead you the way down the path. His gaze hardens in concentration, silence falls between the two of you. Goosebumps arise on your skin, you quietly curse to yourself for not bringing a jacket with you. 
“Can you at least tell me where we’re going? This place looks... sketchy.” You rub your arms in comfort, “It’s a surprise.” 
He grows quiet again, but it’s not new to you. Though he was your boyfriend he was still very shy, you decided not to press him anymore. Allowing him to drag you to the middle of nowhere on a cool Halloween night. You frown, tonight you were planning on baking cookies and watching different Halloween specials from different shows. But atlas, that plan was long forgotten. Your jacket left on the floor of his room, you wonder if he’s planning to murder you like those clique horror films. 
You brush the thought off, he could never. 
He turns around to take your hand, a small smile paints his lips, “Close your eyes..” 
Arching a brow you open your mouth to protest but his small smile nearly shatters your heart - how could you say no to him. Hesitantly you shut your eyes tight, feeling his own hand come up to cover yours, checking to make sure there were no cracks or any sign of you cheating. You huff as the wind blew harder against your bare skin. 
Shivering beneath his cool touch, he slips his jacket over your shoulders, and a slight tug on your hands leading you to the surprise ahead of you. Careful to make sure you don’t trip, Shoto keeps a protective hand around you waist and uncovers your eyes. “Look.” 
You stare in awe at the most beautiful sight, the moon perfectly reflecting off the lake, the sky is littered with stars while the running stream gliding across rocks fills the background. “Shoto.. It’s beautiful..” You gasp, taking his hand into yours giving a gentle squeeze. “We can finally be alone now,” 
You nod in agreement, watching your reflections in the lake, “We can..”
Your hands are tangled between his red and white locks, tugging at the roots as his lips trail down your neck. You let out a soft sigh against his cheek, his body presses you down into the grass beneath you, his hands travel up and down your hips. He drowns in your sweet scented perfume as he nibbles on the soft skin of your collarbone.
Your ears perk up, and the haze you were in diminishes. 
“Shoto? Did you here that?” You give his shoulders a slight push, carefully listening out for the sound once more, instead your are met with silence. “It’s the wind,” He mumbles into your neck, continuing his attack. 
It quiet, and soon you settle on the fact that it may have been the wind. Your haze comes back, and his hands are underneath your shirt. Unbuttoning your blouse buttons. 
“Okay, Shoto, that wasn’t the fucking wind! Somebody is here..” You whisper yell, pushing his body away and re buttoning your blouse. He looks at you in worry, placing a hand on your knee, “I’ve been here since I was a kid, there’s nothing here.” He says in attempts to comfort you, you shake your head. 
“Babe, there’s somebody here!” You insist. 
Shoto sighs pushing himself off the ground and placing a small peck on your forehead, “I’ll go check, if that makes you feel better.” 
You tug on his sleeves, “Don’t leave me here!” You exclaim, pulling him in closer. “Lets just go home, please.” You pleaded. It was just barley pushing passed ten o’clock, and all you wanted to do was stay home somewhere less scary, you blamed it on the paranoia. Instead of enjoying a romantic night, you felt a pair of eyes blazing into you - though you had no idea where it was coming from. 
“Nothing bad is going to happen to you,” 
“No, Shoto please..” 
His figure disappears into the trees, using his phone as a flashlight. Leaving you huffing in the grass, alone shivering in his jacket. The chirping of bugs surround you, and you legs grow itchy from mosquito bites that coated your skin. It’s been ten minutes.
“Shoto?” You call out into the darkness. 
You push yourself up from the ground, clutching onto Shoto’s jacket closely as you approached the trees. 
Your shoes crunched along with the dead leaves and branches as you use your flashlight to find the way of the trail, your heart hammers against your chest. You feel the cool breeze cause the hairs on the back of your neck to rise. “Shoto.. I think we should go home.” You call out.
You trip over something heavy, tumbling onto your side. 
You seethe in pain, rubbing your possibly fractured elbow. You feel the tears roll into your eyes, you must of tripped over a tree root. You reach out for your phone to check the root but instead you’re met with blood. Your eyes widen, and your hand shoots up to your mouth, muffling your screams. “Shoto..” You cry. 
‘it’s your turn, Y/N’
You turn towards the direction of the lake, staring at you’re reflection after checking for his pulse, sobbing into your palms.
‘look what you did..’
Your cheeks are stained with blood.. 
A crooked smile paints your lips, you’re singing in the dark.. 
“I know.. you belong to somebody new..” 
You laugh, a dagger sits in your hand and Shoto lies at you feet limp. A pool of blood soaks into the ground beneath him, you laugh at the memory of plunging it into his chest. He won’t break up with me now..
Who knew.. you’d be the killer the entire time.
“But tonight you belong.. to me.” 
She pats his cold cheek, “With love, Todoroki.” 
TAGLIST:   @pavlovs-titties​​​ @explosivefireworks​​​ @utopiamiroh​​​ @hikaru-mikazuki​​​ @strangethingsatthecirclek​​​ @myheroesaretired​​​ @clever-username96​​  dumbthingsuwusblog
Author’s note: OMG, you were the killer the whole time... for clarification: All of this is in your head. Actually Shoto was planning to break up with you but you didn’t like that so instead you took him to a nearby forest to “talk” and out of denial and hysteria you created a whole new reality of where you genuinely believed it was a romantic night and there was a killer set loose. But in reality, you were the killer all along because.. he belongs to you.
Next: Deku x Reader - Smoke and Mirrors 
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wellsjahasghost · 4 years
the monster in my head
A/N: VILLAIN BELLAMY, TASTY. sooo this bellarke ficlet was born because i thought, what if bellamy went all void stiles on us in the final season after being captured?? like obviously, not gonna happen but it’s such a juicy concept. 
disclaimer: my knowledge of season 5-7 is so sparse it is laughable. i just wanted to write a mind-wiped!bellamy drabble basically, so please excuse my lack of detail in literally every other aspect of this. also all the typos, i wrote this really fast lol.
Clarke wakes up tied to a chair and her first thought is, I can’t believe he tricked me.
Except he’d gotten her guard down. One second she’d been walking away from the others, looking for something to eat on this godforsaken planet they’d landed on, and the next-- he’d appeared.
Right in front of her. The sight of him disarmed her so much, she’d only been halfway through saying his name when he hit her, and she’d been knocked out.
Now here he is again.
Bellamy, sitting in a chair opposite to her-- but he’s not the Bellamy she knows.
Except he is, she realizes with a start. He’s the Bellamy of before Praimfaya, his hair curly and unruly over his forehead, his jaw clean-shaven. His familiar, handsome face would settle her if it weren’t for the cold look in his eye. 
“Bellamy?” she says slowly, drowsily. Am I talking to Bellamy?
“Clarke,” he says pleasantly, and she realizing he’s twiddling a pocket knife in his fingers. Even the way he says her name is cold, and she didn’t realize how warmly he used to say it until just right now. 
The way he tilts his head to consider her is entirely foreign. Not in the way of people who were controlled by ALIE, where their movements were robotic, un-humanlike. No, this comes entirely from him, just... a different version of him. He’s wearing different clothes, too. All black. Black jacket too. His clothes and his skin and his hair are all clean, and pristine, like he’s been well cared for while he was gone.
Clarke, at this point, has grown used to the impossible happening. She just accepts in this moment that this Bellamy is not her Bellamy, and focuses on other things, like getting out of here and living another day to find out what happened to him.
They’re in a tiny, one-room cabin. Tools all over the place. Her hands are tied behind her. She stretches her wrists experimentally. No slack at all.
“What are you doing?” she asks Bellamy, who’s just been watching her take in her surroundings.
“We’ve been looking for you,” he says, still fiddling with his knife.
“Who’s been looking for me?” No answer. “Bellamy, what-- what’s going on? I haven’t seen you in--”
“Don’t you ever get tired of talking?” Bellamy says, bored. He tilts his head suddenly and stands. “Time to go. They’re waiting for us.”
“What do you mean it’s time to--” she cuts herself off as he strides towards her. She stays entirely still as he pulls the gun from his thigh holster and presses it to her temple.
“You try anything, and we see what your brain looks like decorating the wall.”
His voice is casual. Her heart beats faster.
“That’s a lie,” she guesses. “You’re bringing me to someone, and they want me alive. They wouldn’t be happy if you killed me.”
He laughs, lowly. "You willing to bet your life on that?”
He leans over her and cuts her free from the chair.
“Walk to the door,” he says against her ear, and she obediently stands.
“Do you remember me?” she asks, as he nudges her forward with the gun to her temple. He’s still got that knife in his other hand. It would be perfect to cut through the ropes around her wrists. “Do you know who I am?”
“I know who you are, Clarke. I just don’t care.” He presses the gun against her temple harder. 
“Someone’s controlling you,” she guesses. From his silence, she guesses she’s right. “Are you still Bellamy?” 
“That’s right.”
“Bellamy would never do this. He wouldn’t threaten to blow my brains out.”
“Well, I just did,” Bellamy replies. “So I guess you don’t know me very well.”
They keep walking forward. Towards the open door, revealing a grassy clearing beyond. “That’s okay,” Clarke replies. “I know it’s not you I’m talking to right now. I forgive you, Bellamy. If you need forgiveness, I’ll give that to you.”
He falters. That’s when Clarke makes her move.
She ducks from under his gun. He fires-- he fires!-- into the empty space where her head was. She tackles him around the middle, making them both tumble into the ground. 
Bellamy’s caught off guard-- his movements slow, clumsy for a second, and she presses her advantage. She’s on top of him. He’s still got a tight grip on his knife, and she wraps her wrists around it, tearing through the rope binding her hands together with one strong pull.
He seems to wake up from whatever confusion he was in when she scrambles off him, his knife in her hand. She’s only made it two steps before he grabs her ankle and tries to yank her down again. Before she can fall, she grabs onto the chair he’d been sitting on for leverage. It crashes down with them.
Bellamy tries to pull her towards him. She grabs the chair leg and swings it over-- the chair is surprisingly light--bashing whatever part of his body she can reach behind him.
He grunts and releases her. She staggers up and sprints out of the cabin.
She’s in the middle of a clearing, in a forest she doesn’t recognize, with a sky up above that she doesn’t recognize either. She has no fucking clue where she is.
Right down to what planet she is on.
“Not so fast, Clarke...”
His voice is a sing-song from behind her. She whips her head around, and there he is, wiping blood from his face, but not looking angry at all. He’s walking towards her leisurely, and tucking the gun back into his thigh holster. He actually looks on the verge of a smile. Like he’s enjoying this.
“What now, princess? Where you gonna go?” he says softly, and the words are familiar and horrible in their new context. A chill races up her spine. She turns back around and sprints into the forest.
She’s running blindly for a few seconds, completely terrified out of her mind. She trips over a root, and then she’s tumbling down a steep bank, sand spraying around her as she falls. Pain explodes through her shoulder, and then the back of her head, and her back, and she just keeps falling and falling, and she doesn’t know which way is up or down, just that everything hurts.
She finally gets to the bottom of the hill, rolling into freezing cold water. She’s fallen into a stream. It takes her several moments to gather herself, and in that time she distantly hears footsteps coming down the bank. No. No. 
Gasping, she rolls off her back, onto her hands and knees. Looks up only to see a hand coming down at her.
Bellamy yanks at her hair. Hard. She cries out, and he kneels beside her, prying the knife from her hands and tossing it far down the stream.
“You tried to shoot me in the head,” she gasps, unable to grasp that concept. It just makes no sense. The people he’s bringing her to must want her alive. “The people in control of you-- they wouldn’t have wanted me dead-- so why--”
He dunks her head underwater. She fights, struggles against him, throws her elbows, but he’s firm. He pulls her out after just a second. She’s gasping for air, wet hair stuck to her cheeks, the cold drenching her shirt and making her shiver. He leans in close, his nose brushing against the shell of her ear.
“The thing the people in control of me don’t know,” he says softly, “is that they don’t have very good control of me at all.”
She turns her head to stare at him, the dark eyes she can see her own terrified reflection in, his freckled cheekbones she knows so well, the curls hanging over his eyes. If it weren’t for the things he was doing, the things he was saying, she would say he looks in this moment exactly like the Bellamy who stood beside her and ordered her to write her name down on a list.
Except right now there is a monster lurking under his skin, and she’s starting to think the people who unleashed it didn’t know what they were doing.
“What did they do to you, Bellamy?” she asks, her voice tender, and his grip on her hair loosens slightly. “What did they do to make you like this?”
But then he gets a better grip, and dunks her back in the water again.
He keeps her there for so long her lungs scream for air. She makes herself go limp, but right when she does, he pulls her out again, and easily blocks her attempts to hit him. Backhands her instead, stunning her with pain.
He knows her game. He knows her too damn well for playing dead to work.
Clarke gulps breath into her lungs. She can’t understand what happened to him to make him like this. She only knows it must have been horrible, worse than Mount Weather, worse than anything she could imagine. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop them from hurting you,” she says, again as soft as butter, and his eyes narrow. He dunks her back in.
When he pulls her back out, she manages to gasp, “I will kill the people who did this to you,” and he dunks her back in again. This time he holds her under for so long she actually blacks out for a second.
She comes to a moment later, leaning against his shoulder. He’s looking down at her with a storm in his eyes. She gazes up at him. He seems to be waiting for her to say something.
She says, “I’m going to do everything I can to bring you back--”
“Stop,” he says, and his voice sounds pained. “Just shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”
He lets go of her, and his hands sink into his own hair, his expression hard and enraged and emotions flickering over his face a mile a minute. Clarke manages to clamber back on her hands and knees, shakily. She reaches to touch him.
“Don’t touch me,” he snaps, shoving her away, and she lets him, but then she puts her hands back on his face, gently. She traces her fingers over his jaw, brushes her thumb against the corner of his lip.
She’s sure she doesn’t imagine when he leans into it.
Suddenly Bellamy laughs, and the sound is bitter and disbelieving.
“I am trying to kill you,” he informs her. His voice is hoarse, as if he’s the one who’s been held underwater.
She smiles, gently again. “I know.”
Because she gets it, suddenly. His motivation to end her life is not because he actually wants her dead. The monster inside him is trying to kill whatever’s left of Bellamy, by killing her.
But he still can’t do it, and that’s how she knows there’s hope. That’s how she knows Bellamy is somewhere in there, fighting, maybe even at this very moment.
Bellamy reaches for her throat then, as if he might strangle her, but then it comes up and he brushes her wet hair out of her eyes, tucks the strand behind her ear. Like he can’t help himself. Then his hand tightens on the back of her neck again. His eyes harden, expression becoming blank. The monster has taken over completely again.
She leans in and kisses him.
He freezes. Her mouth is numb from the freezing water, but his is warm, and soft, and for half a second, he kisses her back.
She doesn’t know if she’s kissing the monster, or Bellamy, or the monstrous part of Bellamy. She doesn’t give herself time to find out.
She reaches behind her for the biggest rock she can get her hands on in the stream, then swings it at his temple.
The thunking sound is horrible. He topples over on his side. The splash his body makes as he falls over in the stream is small, nearly inaudible over the loud rush of water.
She staggers to her feet, gets her hands under his arms and drags him out of the water. She deposits him in the mud and stares down at him. His head lolls to the side. His eyes are closed, his expression open and innocent. He might be sleeping, if it weren’t for the gash on his head, half-obscured by dark curls, where she hit him with the rock. He’s bleeding. She’ll have to clean it.
She runs her hand over her mouth, still breathing raggedly. 
Bellamy. Bellamy. Bellamy.
She hefts him up from under his arms again and starts to drag him back up the bank, her heels slipping in the wet ground. But she’s determined. They’re not far from that cabin. She’ll tie him up in the same chair he had her in.
And then? She has no clue. There’s only one thing she knows.
She pauses to catch her breath, and leans in close to his ear to make a vow to him, a vow she has always made to him ever since they landed on Earth. 
“I am not giving up on you.”
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justsomefluff · 4 years
OMG, I love all your works, it's so fluffy xD, can you do a ateez reaction where their SO walks down the aisle??
sorry I kept you waiting so long!!! thank you sm for being patient, I hope you like it!
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While he’s waiting for you, he’s so nervous and wringing his hands and everything
Kinda sweaty but whatever he’ll blame the tux
When the doors open he isn’t even smiling bc he low-key feels nauseous
And it’s not that he isn’t excited
Its that he’s TOO excited
Like those dogs that pee whenever they’re happy
But anyway, I digress
He’s gulping after every member of the procession passes him
And when he finally sees you?
Straight up almost passes out
But now he’s smiling
It’s almost creepy that his mouth can stretch that wide
His eyes might water a little bit, but he’s not gonna let any tears fall
And when you get to him he wants to hug you so bad but he knows that he should probably just…
Let the officiant do their thing so you can finally be married
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Now, he will cry okay
Big, fat tears that obscure his vision
He’s so cute like he’ll even get hiccups
And he’ll rub his eyes to make sure he can see every bit of you
Wants to internalize this moment and just keep it forever
You have to grab his hands to stop him from rubbing his skin raw
And he’ll kinda smile sheepishly at you
You two literally don’t even notice that the ceremony has officially begun
Too lost in each other
The officiant will deadass have to tap you guys on the shoulder like “…hello?”
And all the witnesses will laugh good-naturedly at the two absolute love-struck idiots in front of them
You guys have the kind of ceremony that all the little kids in attendance will remember and want for themselves
And the way Seonghwa looks at you totally brings comments from your friends afterwards like
“If my fiance doesn’t look at me like that, we’re divorcing”
Overall the sweetest wedding you could’ve imagined
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Tall boy that totally bangs his head on the gazebo lmao sorry
Happy puppy that bounces on his toes so much that he puts a crease in his perfect shoes
He will smile and wave to each of the couples that come before you in the bridal procession 
Will even stoop to give the flower girl a kiss on the cheek which draws a chorus of drawn out “aws” from the audience
When you finally enter and step gingerly up the steps to the gazebo he’s almost clapping
He’s like “this. is. Art!!”
Staring at you with the biggest eyes
Whispers “hi” when you’re comfortably in front of him
When I say his eyes are sparkling? I’m being literal
His energy is so contagious 
Stealing glances at your shared friends as if to ask if this was real
They giggle at him and wave their hands to redirect his attention to you
So adorable though and he will definitely ask you to pinch him at some point because he’s cheesy
Also rubs your hands gently as he’s holding them to reassure you throughout the entire ceremony (but also to calm himself down a little)
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So serious and stony faced at first
Like people are almost worried about him
But when those doors open, he’s grinning ear-to-ear
Doesn’t even see you yet, but the anticipation is killing him
He’s been waiting for this so long and it’s finally happening? He can hardly contain himself
He doesn’t even watch the entire procession because he’s too busy trying to weave his head around the other people to see if he can catch a glimpse of you
Has zero patience 
You finally appear and that nearly takes him to his knees, I swear
He’s getting a lil wobbly
Highkey wants to run and meet you mid-aisle and just drag you the rest of the way
Wants the actual ceremony to be over with so you can be officially married
He’s been saying you're married this whole time but he wants it in writing
When you reach him, he takes your hands and you can tell he’s nervous because his hands are sweating
He recoils really quick to wipe his hands on the pants of his suit before grabbing you again
This prompts laughter from the entire audience
It amazed everyone that you two could still fluster each other, even on your wedding day
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Ever since he woke up he’s been on and off crying
Happy tears, of course
He’s just so thrilled that it’s finally happening and he barely slept
Doesn’t even care about the ceremony anymore
Just wants to be married to you
Ready to live as a family and everything
Even if its just you two and Shiber for a while
When he first sees you, he chokes on his tears and starts coughing and he’s waving and making the “okay” symbol to the audience
You get to him and rub his arm to soothe him
Halfway through, its time for vows
Remember how I said he didn’t sleep?
He yawns right in the middle of his vows and you almost fall over you’re laughing so hard
Even the officiant, who has tried so hard to be serious up until this point, is trying to hold back a giggle or two
And San is totally worried that he’s made a mess of everything but when he sees your smile?
He knows that this wedding couldn’t have possibly gone any better
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He’s gonna trip going up the stairs to meet the officiant
He’s so nervous about messing things up he almost seriously injures himself like fifty times getting ready
Like almost impales himself with the boutonniere, trips, almost slips in the shower, gets shampoo in his eyes, etc.
But everything is okay once he sees you
Couldn’t care less about anything else that had happened or gone wrong that day
Honestly wouldnt even care if the venue burned down, as long as he got to marry you
The boys are totally gonna tell you every detail and mishap from the morning later though
But for now? Peace
He’s smiling that crooked grin of his and his eyes are all twinkly with love
Gives you a big hug when you get close enough and holds you for a solid 20 seconds before the officiant is like “…can we get this going now?”
Awkwardly and reluctantly pulls away from you, kind of pouting but whatever lol
Just happy to be doing this with you and so excited for the future
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Giggly and loud
Damn near screams when he first sees you
But it comes out as a quiet “oh wow”
Makes the officiant smile because they were the only one who could hear him say it
When you’re standing in front of him he’ll just kind of gasp
And then a single tear rolls down his cheek before he even knows he’s crying
When you wipe it away the witnesses are all cooing at you two
And he chuckles awkwardly and he’ll whisper that he’s not crying his eyes are just sweating
Whatever you say, kiddo
Once the ceremony starts, he never takes his eyes off of you
He doesn’t even know what the officiant looks like lmao
So laser focused on you and he just cant break away
You’re so hypnotizing
And he gets choked up reading his vows, but takes a few breaths and finishes with ease
And when the ceremony is finally over he’s practically racing you down the aisle, excited to get the party on with his new spouse
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Strong boy not feeling so strong
He feels small while he’s alone and just waiting for you in front of all these people
The boys are whispering encouraging words next to him 
But that doesn’t stop the violent shaking of his hands
When he sees you though? That’s when he stops shaking
He feels strong again
He draws all his strength from you, and that sounds cheesy until you remember you are literally the person he is dedicating his entire life to
Smiling that beautiful gummy smile of his
Holds your hands so gently throughout the entire ceremony and winks at you a couple times to make you blush
Basically, all his nerves dissipated when he saw you walking towards him
Mouths “I love you” to you a million times during the ceremony
When you ask him how many times he thinks he must have said it, he just tells you he lost track
“The officiant was boring me, I just wanted to be married to you. Finally!!”
Scoops you up at the end and carries you out that door
Maintains the strong image until you’re alone when he can bask in the softness of your long awaited marriage
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shutupanakin · 3 years
Wasting Your Time Ch. 4
“Wh— what?” Tommy choked out, his voice hoarse from the lack of use all day.
The man rolled his eyes, as if he didn’t just ask a completely impolite question. “I said, do you have any booze?”
Tommy sat still. He reached into his jacket pocket, his hand finding only a plastic pen. Could he stab this man with a plastic pen?
Tommy pulled said piece of plastic out, visibly holding it up. “I have a pen.” Something about the bemused look on the man's face made Tommy click it, and again, repeatedly.
click click click click click click click click—
or; Tommy planned on dying. He meets Wilbur instead.
first chapter here and crossposted on ao3 here
Tommy had tripped on his way here.
Sam had gone to bed late. Tommy couldn’t hate him for it, because he had stayed up to try to talk to Tommy— he was trying. But Tommy had a place to be. He relied on Sam’s strict sleeping schedule for this. And god, did Tommy feel guilty for brushing him off, and saying he was tired and pretending to be asleep when he was really mapping out ways he could climb out of his fourth story window.
When he had heard the soft shut of Sam’s door, Tommy ran. He practically fell over himself trying to get out of the building.
Tommy booked it to the station. He practically bounced while getting his ticket. He was regretting not doing any sports while in school, because by the time Tommy had descended the stairs into the underground he was heaving for air. Tommy was on the last two steps when his foot caught on his untied shoelaces and he was sent face-first into the cement of the platform.
Luckily, Tommy didn’t fuck up his face, because he caught himself with his arms. Tommy bit back the pain and sprinted into the already immobile train, making it before the doors had closed on him.
Tommy fucking hated his luck, because when he entered, there was a man, sitting at the back of the train.
Not in his spot, three seats ahead of his and Wilburs row, but he was still… there… which made sense! Alright! It was public transport. Tommy knew he would have to run into this issue eventually. But this was just the fucking cherry on top of his fucked up sundae.
Tommy gave him a harsh glare— and deep down he felt bad, because the man hadn’t done anything wrong technically— before grabbing his seat, three rows behind. Hopefully, he’ll get off soon. The train was already moving again by the time Tommy settled in.
Tommy observed the damage he did to himself, finally being able to catch his breath. His jacket saved him from completely messing up his elbows, although the fabric had gotten marked up. His palms however were completely scraped. Tommy turned his eyebrows down, gnawing at the inside of his cheek. Tommy pulled the end of his sleeves over his palms. He’d wash them when he got home.
Tommy reached over, tying up his sneakers. He was in such a rush to get out of the flat that he had forgotten the simplest task. Tommy was practically still putting on his shoes when he left the apartment. He had run this entire way with no issue, of course the tube station stairs ended up being the thing that fucked him up. A guilty part of his brain wanted to blame Sam for this. He was the reason why Tommy was almost late. He was the reason why Tommy didn’t tie his shoes, and why his hands are now scraped up and why his knee is aching. Sam is the reason why Tommy sitting in a cold lecture room every week studying shit he doesn’t like and why Tommy was in a phone call with Tubbo Friday night not breathing because he had received a heavy email from his professor about a test he had failed—
Tommy shook his head. He wiped the tears that were forming away with his sleeve. He was alright. He was okay. That happened Friday. Tommy didn’t have class tomorrow. He could tuck that away for now and not have to think about it. He could ask his professor about extra credit. He could save this. For Sam, he could save this. For Sam.
Tommy didn’t want to be a fucking mess when Wilbur showed up. This was the best part of Tommy’s week. He couldn’t ruin it by having a breakdown, not right fucking now. Tommy leaned on the seat in front of him, placing his forehead against the plastic. Tommy pulled at his hair; he was alright. He can deal with this. He could ride this out and he would be alright.
“You look like shit,”
Tommy’s head shot up, turning at a quick speed to look to his left. Wilbur was standing there. Stupid hair. Stupid glasses. Stupid Reagan & Bush jumper covered up by his stupid brown coat. Tommy hadn’t realized they stopped. He peeked his head over the seat. The man didn’t leave. He would just have to deal with Tommy’s voice then.
Tommy laughed hollowly. “Hey, big man,” Tommy said, rubbing at his eyes. Wilbur sat down next to him. Not across, like the last three times. “I tripped.” He held up his palms, showing Wilbur the scraped-up skin. “My knee is also fucked.”
“Ouch,” Wilbur grimaced. “Are you okay?”
That was a simple question. Are you okay? It was three words. A common courtesy to ask someone who was injured. Tommy shouldn’t be breaking down the way he is over it.
Tommy hit his forehead against the back of the plastic seat. “No,” Tommy answered.
“Bad week?” Tommy nodded. “So that is why you look like shit.”
Tommy groaned. “You’re kicking a man while he’s down, Wilbur,” Tommy complained. “I had to run here. Sam went to bed late.”
“Your brother right?”
“Yeah,” Tommy grumbled. “He wanted to talk.”
“Talking to your family is healthy, Tommy.”
“He has bad timing,” Tommy scowled. “I needed to get here.”
“You blew him off for a stranger at a tube station?”
“You’re not a stranger,” Tommy dejected. “And… I didn’t blow him off. He was asking me about school— how I was enjoying my classes and shit.”
They stopped. The man three seats in front of him moved up, not before giving Tommy a nasty look. Tommy wasn’t in the mood to react.
“And you are not enjoying them,” Wilbur concluded. Right, as always.
“You read me like a fucking book don’t you?” Tommy snapped. “I hate them, man.”
“What are you studying?” Wilbur inquired.
“Architecture is cool.”
“No, it’s fucking not.” It was not, Tommy was starting to despise it. Everything was going in one ear and out the other.
“Then why are you studying it?”
“Because of Sam,” Tommy answered. “It’s what he did— is doing. He’s finishing his degree right now.”
Sam was supposed to finish it last year, in the states. But he had stopped his year to come back to England after the crash. Tommy was about to turn sixteen. He was in his last year of secondary school and Sam was still away. It was too early in the states to call him.
“Why are you doing what your brother wants you to do?”
“It makes him happy?” Tommy answered. “He loves that shit. I’ll put up with it if he thinks I love it too. Which sucks because I can’t tell him. I can’t talk to him about it because I—I… I’m going to flunk out!” Tommy cried. “I failed a test that was supposed to save my grade. I’m so fucking screwed, Wilbur.” Tommy put his head in his hands, pinching his nose. He was absolutely fucked and he couldn’t tell Sam because he would be so disappointed. Tommy couldn’t deal with that, he couldn’t. The disappointed frown he would give him, when he realized Tommy was bad at Sam’s life passion.
They stopped. The man left, being replaced by a younger one.
“It is not your job to make him happy,” Wilbur said softly. “Besides, I am sure he would be happier knowing you were enjoying what you are doing.”
“It is my job,” Tommy hissed. “I’m the reason he came back. He came back from the states because of me. Making it easier for him is the least I can do!”
And maybe Sam would, maybe Sam would be happier knowing Tommy was succeeding at what he loved instead of failing what he hated. But that was hypothetical.
“And what is making it easier for him, Tommy?” Wilbur pushed. “Flunking out of college? Do you think that is what he wants?”
“No!” Tommy snapped. “It’s—“
Well, it was dying.
That was his cop-out. That was always going to be his cop-out.
Because it made Sams life easier. Sam wouldn’t have to worry about supporting him anymore, Sam wouldn’t have to worry. He could go back to the states. Sam wouldn’t have Tommy anchoring him down. Sam wouldn’t have to worry about Tommy.
“Tommy,” Wilbur breathed. “I do not think Sam would be happy with you dying,”
Tommy didn’t understand how Wilbur read him so easily, was Tommy really that much of an open book?
If so, why couldn’t Sam read him like that?
“It would be easier for him,” Tommy mumbled. “He would grieve, alright? He’d be sad as shit. I expect that. But he could do so much more, he could have his life back!”
“What about your life, Tommy?” Wilbur snapped. “Are you willing to throw your life away on a maybe? On what you think he wants? On what other people want? What do you want, Tommy?”
“I don’t know!” Tommy expressed.
Tommy could punch him. Wilbur was right next to him. Tommy could push him over and leave at the next stop. Tommy would run, Wilbur would call for him, maybe, and Tommy wouldn’t listen.
They stopped.
Tommy didn’t get up.
“I don’t know what I want,” Tommy repeated. “I haven’t thought about that in a while.”
That was the truth, Tommy hadn’t. Since Sam came back, he’s tried to be easy. He tried not to argue, if Sam told him to do something Tommy did it.
“I—I’m not afraid of Sam, or anything,” Tommy continued. “He would never hurt me. He has never hurt me.” He assured. Wilbur was quiet, letting Tommy speak. “That’s not what I’m afraid of. I… I basically ruined his life, ya know? He came back here for me.”
“Has he told you that?”
“No!” Tommy defended.
“Then how can you possibly know he thinks that?”
Tommy didn’t respond. Because Tommy didn’t have an answer. He had just assumed. Tommy always guessed he was right when it came to Sam.
When they stopped again, Wilbur stood up, letting Tommy out. Tommy winced, putting weight on the leg with the not fucked up knee.
Wilbur, unfortunately, took notice of it as they exited the train. “That still hurts?”
“Yeah dickhead,” Tommy hissed through his teeth. “It still fucking hurts.”
Tommy rubbed at it. He could hide his scraped up hands from Sam, he could just shove them in his pockets. That was easy. Hopefully, his knee felt better by tomorrow, Tommy didn’t know how well he could hide a limp. If Sam were to even notice it.
“Want to go see Manifold again?” Wilbur asked. Tommy was grateful for the subject change.
“Always,” Tommy grumbled. “Who else am I supposed to buy tacky pins from?”
“Well, there is a convenience store in the opposite direction if you want to—“
“No, no!” Tommy cut him off. “I’m loyal now to Mr. Manifold— I cannot betray him like that.”
“So you do not think he is overpriced anymore?”
Tommy scoffed. “Nah. His prices still suck. But it’s called being a loyal customer, Wilbur.” Tommy emphasized.
When they came to the flickering neon sign, they unceremoniously stopped.
“Any requests this time?” Tommy asked, Wilbur shook his head.
“If there are no orcas it is a solid no from me.” Wilbur expressed. Tommy huffed, pushing open the door, the familiar sound of the bell ringing over his head.
Jack was slumped over on the counter, head in a book. He glanced up tiredly at Tommy approaching.
Jack yawned. “Hey Tommy,”
Tommy looked through the pin bowl. “Ow do?” Tommy greeted.
“Fucking tired, mate,” Jack yawned again.
“You should close earlier, man,” Tommy suggested, dropping a white sheep-shaped pin on the glass counter.
“Was gonna,” Jack grumbled, taking the pounds. “was waiting for you, actually.”
Tommy stiffened, furrowing his eyebrows. Jack was waiting for him?
“Oh,” Tommy managed out. “Sorry.” He said shortly.
Jack waved him off. “Ah, don’t worry about it. See you next week.”
Tommy secured the pin in his jacket. “See ya next week.” Tommy mirrored. “Try to get some sleep Jack!” He called.
Wilbur, of course, was waiting for him. “No orca?”
Tommy stifled a laugh. “No, sorry Will,” He pointed at the new sheep pin.
Wilbur scrunched up his nose, making a noise of disgust. “Sheep smell,”
“You smell!” Tommy retorted.
“I smell like nothing, thank you,” Wilbur said.
“I bet animals hate you.” Tommy chastised , Wilbur nodding in agreement.
“They do! I freak them out.”
“You freak me out.”
“Fuck off, fucking gremlin.” Wilbur poked.
Tommy used to have two dogs— when he had to move in with Sam, the building keeper already had a no animal policy, so of course, they refused to let them bring the two large canines into the two-bedroom flat with them.
Tommy remembered begging Sam to find a different place, to look at different flats. Sam’s hands were tied and Tommy didn’t get his way.
Tommy hoped they were happy in their new homes. Because Tommy wasn’t.
When Tommy and Wilbur boarded the tube, there was no one in the back this time, thank god, Tommy thought. Tommy had nearly lost it at the man that kept giving him nasty looks last time.
There was a teenager, maybe a little older than Tommy, at the front. They didn’t spare Tommy a glance.
Wilbur sat down next to him, adjusting his glasses. “Are you going to talk to your brother?”
No, Tommy was not circling back to this. “About what?”
Wilbur sighed in exasperation. “Tommy.”
“No, I’m not talking about this again.” Tommy refused. “Next subject. Next topic. Talk about something else, Wilbur.”
“I am pretty keen on talking about this, actually,”
“No,” Tommy asserted. “I’m not.”
“What would you like to study, Tommy?” Wilbur pushed. Tommy didn’t have the energy to push back.
“Editing,” Tommy sighed. “Like, film and stuff.”
“That is definitely better than architecture,”
“I know.” Tommy expressed. “I know that, Will! And I would be doing it if I could, but I can’t—“
“Because of Sam.” Wilbur finished, Tommy clapped his hands together.
“Yep! There you go, you got it!” Tommy patronized.
They stopped. The teenager left, but an older woman boarded in their place.
“I think you should switch studies,” Wilbur suggested. Tommy slapped his forehead, he wasn’t going to drop this.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not what Sam wants.”
Wilbur sighed. “You do not have to care about what other people want all the time, Tommy.”
“I don’t give a shit about what other people want! Just Sam!” Tommy defended.
“Really?” Wilbur taunted. “It seems that is the only thing you care about, each time you talk to me. Like Tubbo and Ranboo! You think about how just you living affects others, and it makes you want to stop!”
“What’s the point then?!” Tommy cried.
“Making everyone happy all the time is an impossible task,” Wilbur said. “Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that you can not just please everyone all the time.”
“Then what can I do?” Tommy groaned— Wilbur wasn’t giving him any answers.
“Make yourself happy. Do what you wanna do. Put your foot down to him, Tommy. Hell, grow a spine.”
The train slowed. No on or off.
“And what do I do if I lose Sam because of it?” Tommy asked.
“Sam is not going to hate you for pursuing what you enjoy, Tommy.”
“He might.”
“That is purely hypothetical. I did not hate my brother for doing fencing instead of music with me.”
“I’m not your brother.”
That sounded a lot harsher than Tommy meant it to. Tommy was just stating a fact. Something that they both knew was true. A fact. They couldn’t change that. Tommy couldn’t look at Wilbur’s expression. He picked at the thread to stop himself from digging his nails into his arm.
The I wish I was, went unsaid.
Maybe in another lifetime, they could’ve been. There, Tommy would’ve followed Wilbur to the end of the world. Perhaps Wilbur would sing him the songs he talked about writing.
This was unfortunately not that timeline.
Tommy had Sam, and he loved Sam, and it was unfair to treat him otherwise.
“I— I’m sorry,” Tommy stumbled, rubbing his face. “That was mean. I… I just don’t want to disappoint him, ya know?
They stopped, again. The older woman left. Two men and a woman boarded, laughing with each other. Tommy assumed they were drunk.
“It is okay,” Wilbur assured. There was no pain in his voice. “and yeah, I know. But you are miserable, Toms.” He said. “I do not think your brother wants you to be miserable either.”
“Well,” Tommy hesitated. “I mean. There is an alternative—“
“Not that.”
“Ugh, okay.”
“Tell your brother you do not enjoy architecture, okay? Then you can tell him that you are also failing it.”
“I don’t want to do that.” Tommy groaned.
“Would you rather he find out when you are kicked out of school?” Wilbur chided.
Tommy crossed his arms, leaning back into the hard plastic. “Good point,” Tommy murmured. “If you are wrong— I’m going to rub it in your face.”
“I am never wrong,” Wilbur remarked, confidently.
“You better fucking hope. If Sam grounds me and I’m still studying architecture by next week I am going to push you into the tracks, asshole.”
“You can try,” Wilbur jokes. “I do not think you will be very effective.”
“I’ll drag you with me,”
Wilburs stop was coming. Another night was closing.
He scooted out of the seat. “Let me know how it goes,” Wilbur hummed.
“If I don’t show up I’m either dead or grounded,” Wilbur chuckled; like it was a joke. It was not.
“See you next week Tommy.”
Tommy mumbled a good-bye, watching Will leave.
Tommy opened his palms. The stinging pain had subsided, the scrapes were still visible though. Tommy checked his sneakers, making sure the laces were still tied.
His palms weren’t the issue, though. His knee was. Maybe he could avoid Sam in the morning. Tommy didn’t have any classes tomorrow— he could tag in his room until Sam left. Tommy can do that. Then, Tommy could tell him that he had fallen down the stairs when he had gone outside for a walk. That was a lie that Tommy could spin.
On some level, Tommy felt guilty lying to him. Tommy just couldn’t tell him. He wasn’t necessarily lying, just narrowly avoiding the truth. He was just not telling.
When Tommy’s stop came, the drunken group at the front was calling for him. Tommy ignored them, he did however speed walk out the doors once they were open. Tommy rushed up the stairs, he didn’t see anyone follow him, but Tommy wanted to put distance between him and them. Tommy was not getting mugged. Nope. Fourth time doing this and he hasn’t gotten jumped. Tommy was not breaking that—
Tommy’s foot slipped, missing the step by an inch. By an inch! Tommy caught himself on the railing, not before hitting his sore knee on the cement stairs.
“Mother FUCKER—“
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honeypirate · 3 years
The Middle of the Mission pt 3 of wysne
Kakashi x reader 
The moment the door closes to the Kage’s office you let out a long breath, “that.. Wasn’t what I thought it would be” he says after you exit the building and you chuckle “me either honestly, I assumed there  would be less babysitting.. At least we both have training with that too” you elbow him and he chuckles a little with you, it’s been a running joke between you for a while that sometimes teaching feels more like babysitting. You head back to the inn, the whole walk you felt unsure about the fact that you would probably be able to get two rooms now, your heart pleading for him to ask you to stay in the same room, but almost positive he won’t. When you get to the inn, you grab the door but stop when you see that he’s not beside you anymore, you turn back, you quirk your eyebrow and smile at him, “something wrong?” he clears his throat and his eyebrows furrow as he reaches out, taking your hand and pulling you with him down the street. 
“Are you just hungry or maybe you wanted to talk?” you say after ordering, the dark corner booth of the nearly empty ramen shop providing you with a good amount of privacy. You look up into his eye, your (e/c) eyes unwavering as he stares back, you clasp and rest your hands on the table in front of you as you wait for him to speak. 
“I wanted to ask you about sleeping arrangements” he says and you nod, you knew that was part of it, but the way you had been acting towards him has you thinking if he’d ask you what your problem was on the trip here.
You started this trip, afraid he didn’t care about you as much as you cared about him, and here you are in the middle of it, not caring if he didn’t care about you back, unwilling to stop caring about him even if he didn’t share your feelings. 
“I don’t mind if we have to share a room again. But if we don’t and you want your own then that’s fine too. Your choice ‘Kashi” you say and smile as the waitress comes and sets down your ramen. 
He nods slowly, you can tell there is a lot on his mind but you assume that he doesn’t want to talk about it during the mission. You quickly eat your ramen as he waits, when you finish you push your bowl away softly and then sigh happily and look back to his eyes, his eye that haven’t looked away from you this whole time. “I’m going to go get a room and you can decide if you want to stay with me again or not” he gives a small nod, his hands raising to move his mask as you stand, as you pass him you place your hand on his shoulder “I know there’s more we need to talk about Kakashi, after we finish this mission, I’ll buy you dinner and we can talk” 
You go to the inn again, the girl gives you a look when you walk in the door and you laugh “turns out we’re here for another night” she laughs “do you need another futon as well?” You shrug “I hope so, so let’s say yes just in case”  she laughs and nods, a look of absolute understanding in her eyes. 
When you exit the inn you gasp as you almost hit someone with the door, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you!” You say and then laugh when you see it’s Kakashi. “No worries y/n” you smile sweetly with your eyes closed. 
He clears his throat and you look back to him, “uhh. Room number?” His voice sounds a little nervous and you can’t help the way you beam at him, taking your hand and placing the key in his palm, your fingers brushing across his sent electricity up his arm “room 4. It has a better view of the east so the sunrise should be better tomorrow, hopefully we can enjoy it together again” you say and then release his hand, your cheeks starting to blush. “I would like that” his voice was so quiet you almost missed it but you didn’t, and your heartbeat raced like it wanted to leap into his hands. 
You left as he went inside since you were unsure about his plans for the day and he didn't ask you to wait. You walked around the town, taking in the buildings, most were made differently here than they were in the leaf and you always had a small interest in architecture. When you were satisfied with what you’ve learned about this town you went to find the highest point in this village, since it was built into the side of a small mountain you ended up climbing one of the trees above one of the biggest of the clans houses, sitting cross legged as you watched the sunset, taking advantage of the peaceful moments of easy missions that didn’t involve fighting. You didn’t know what the trek home would be like but you could control your moment now and that’s what you did, but as lovely as this was you felt something was missing. 
You felt his chakra presence but you couldn’t see him, a smile finding its way to your lips as you realize he dropped his guard just a small amount because he knew where you would be but didn’t want to search every tree. you dropped your guard just a little bit so he could sense your chakra and less than a second later he was sitting by your side, back against the trunk of the tree and hands on his knees, his thigh pressed into yours and your knees touching. 
You lay your head against his shoulder since it was at the perfect height for you and ask “Am I getting predictable?” He laughs, the sound making your smile grow, “not at all, I just know you” you chuckle and nod “And I’m glad you do”  this was what was missing, you realized, spending this moment with someone you cared for. You didn’t talk again after that, you just sat together watching the sunset, your head on his shoulder and after a few moments he set his hand on your knee instead of his own, making your heart leap and your cheeks flush. 
Your stomach growls when the sun is almost all the way gone, earning a chuckle from him. “Let’s get dinner” he says and squeezes your knee gently before standing and offering you his hand. 
Dinner with him was nice, you got some food and brought it back to your room so you could have it just be you guys. It was like you could feel you were at the beginning of something sweet, all the laughs together and the way he let you eat with him with his mask off, it was another domestic moment you would cherish forever. If anyone could see you guys now they would probably think you’ve been together for years. 
“I’m thinkingggg….” he cuts you off “the hot springs for the last time until we get home” you nod with a grin “exactly” the smile on his lips that you can see, you were so taken aback that you could actually see his emotions on his face, that he was so easy to read, and you were so blown away by his beauty, your cheeks were flushed the entire time. 
The heat from the water made your body feel so relaxed, he sat a good ways away from you but you didn’t push him, the bath was empty and you had half a mind to think that he bribed the workers to keep it empty while you were in here together, but that would mean he cared about you and you weren’t really sure if he did yet. You open your eyes and raise your head when you hear him coming over to you, the way you felt his eyes on you this whole time you knew it would be soon. 
You meet his eye and you see a little uneasiness, you smile warmly at him “could you..?” His hand touched his shoulder and you remembered the night “of course ‘Kashi. Come here” you moved so you were turned in the seat as he sits by you, his back towards you. You take your wash cloth and drag it across his shoulders slowly to wet his drying skin above the water, your smile grows as he lets out a relaxed sigh.
You place the cloth to the side and then work your fingers into his shoulder muscles, this time gently lifting up his arm a little until he rests it against his side so you could massage his biceps as well. You watch as goosebumps erupt over the back of his neck and shoulders, the only skin above the hot water, and you feel pleased. You work your fingers down his spine and he hums in approval, your fingers work across his ribs on either side before you keep them softly pressed to his abs just under his pecs and you rest your cheek against his warm shoulder on his back. “If you’re comfortable, I could massage your chest too, up to you” your voice is quiet and you sit like that with him for a few moments before his hands come to rest on top of yours “I’m afraid it might lead somewhere and we don’t have much time” you chuckle and your chest brushes up against his back and you feel him tense under your touch, his hands tightening against yours and you smirk “are you saying you wouldn’t like a chest massage?” you whisper and he groans “no, I’m saying I would like it too much for a hot spring” you laugh then, your stomach filling with butterflies at his miniscule confession, and then kiss the back of his neck as you gently pull your hands back. “I’ll meet you back at the inn” you say and he nods, keeping his eyes on the water in front of him as he listens to you leave, sure he’s caught glimpses of your body but this was a bathhouse for crying out loud and he was respectful, he didn't want to look at you unless you wanted him to. 
You were looking up at the dark night sky, smiling at the stars as you made your way back to the inn, “didn’t wanna walk with me eh? I see how it is, feel me up and then leave. I get it” you laugh and look over to him, standing against the fence a little ways off, “if my memory serves me I asked to touch you more but someone told me they didn’t want me to” he falls in step with as you pass him, his soft chuckles making you smile wider. “Hey now, I never said I didn't want you to. Just that it wasn't a good idea given the circumstances” you shrug and stop, looking up at him as he stops in front of you “same thing basically” you lean in close and place your hand on his chest, “we’re always taking risks ‘Kashi what's one more?” you give him a cheeky grin and you can see how flustered he is reflecting back at you in his eye, he clears his throat, so flustered he didn’t know how to respond. You chuckle then drop your hand from his chest, instead taking his hand, and continuing your walk down the street “Come on, it’s still a little early and I want to read before we go to sleep” 
You were watching him as he read his icha icha book, the slope of his nose, the shape of his lips and his Cupid’s bow, you were entranced. You felt like you shared a secret with him now and it made you even more special than just getting to see what he looks like under his mask, the fact that he is comfortable enough around you to not wear it with you all the time, it’s an indescribable sweet feeling in your heart. “The words are on the page, not on my face” he says, the corner of his mouth turning up in a small smirk and you blush, you could read him as easily as he reads his icha icha when he didnt wear a mask. “it’s not every day that I get the opportunity to look at such exquisite art” he laughs and his eyes flick up to you as he closes his book, his finger staying inside the pages to keep his place as he gives you his full attention “is this” he gestures to his face with his book “going to be too big of a distraction?” you chuckle “oh yes, it makes sense why you want to cover up, you’re so gorgeous it’s too big of a distraction, there would be absolute chaos every day if everyone knew” you watched as his smile widened just a bit and his cheeks grew light pink.
 Your heart hammered against your ribs as you both sit looking at one another, drinking in each other’s presence, your smile matching his as you scoot forward on the bed to sit across from him, he raises his eyebrows at you, suddenly feeling nervous. “Can I ?” you whisper and raise your hand towards him, he nods and you hum softly as you cup his cheek, your other hand goes to rest over your heart, as if the action could somehow stop it from beating so hard, somehow quell the urge to capture his lips with your own, “absolute chaos” you whisper and slide your thumb across his cheekbone. If only you knew just how chaotic this next month would be, maybe it would have convinced you to lean the last few inches and kiss him, but instead, your hand drops and the moment ends.
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kingreywrites · 3 years
Kiss It Better?
Tumblr media
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 3426
Prompt: “Kiss it better” kiss
Summary: "Kiss it better"... Rapunzel liked that idea, she decided. It might not be magic, not like her hair had been, but giving love and affection to comfort someone who was hurting was definitely its own form of healing.
Note: I haven’t posted anything in a while oops fdsghg Thank you Bex for the prompt!! I hope you’ll like this!! This is half fluff half hurt/comfort so everyone should be happy :’) 
Read on ao3
"Ouch," Eugene said quietly, startling Rapunzel out of her concentration as he sucked in a breath. 
They were in the library, their favourite place since they had been welcomed in the castle less than one month ago. They had a common passion for reading, though their tastes widely differed, and they both loved to spend quiet afternoons in each other's company, reading whatever story interested them that day. Today, Rapunzel had been learning a lot about the history of medicine, reading passionately an immense volume detailing the progress humanity made in this field - at least, until Eugene broke the silence. When she raised her head to look at him, she saw him pouting in the direction of one of his hands, more precisely towards his raised pinky. 
"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, putting her book down and scooching over to be closer to him. 
"Yeah, I just got a papercut," Eugene grumbled. "These are the worst, such a tiny cut shouldn't have the right to sting that much." 
Gently, Rapunzel took his hand to inspect the wound. It really was nothing more than a little line on the tip of his finger. She never had to deal too much with papercuts; even if she did hurt herself during the day, she had always known that by the evening, she would sing to Gothel, and would heal every of her own ailments at the same occasion. But that wasn't an option anymore, of course. 
"You okay Sunshine?" Eugene said, interrupting her thoughts. She must have looked a little too intense - thinking about Gothel always did that to her. "You can always kiss it better if it's worrying you so much," he grinned. 
She frowned at him, his hand still in hers. "I'm pretty sure a kiss won't make it better. Actually, I don't recommend getting your wounds kissed at all, do you know the-" 
"Oh no, that's not- It's more of a… belief thing, I guess? I don't think a kiss can literally heal wounds, don't worry," Eugene explained awkwardly, and Rapunzel felt her cheeks darken at this. Of course Eugene wasn't seriously suggesting something like that. She should have known she was missing something - there was so much she still didn't know, so much she hadn't lived through, and she didn't feel like she would be able to catch up any time soon. Every place, every sentence seemed to hold a new concept she had never heard of before.
"Ah," she tried to chuckle, "of course." 
"Hey, it's okay," he smiled softly, his free hand gently pushing her short hair behind her ear. "It's something you do with kids mostly, to distract them from little hurts they might have. You're right though, you shouldn't kiss the wounds directly." 
She nodded emphatically, but kept herself from reciting all the exciting stuff she had learnt on medicine and bacterias today. She wanted Eugene to finish his explanation first. 
"Basically, a lot of kids cry after getting hurt because they got scared, not because they're still in pain. Applying a "magical" kiss distracts them, and that makes them stop crying most of the time. Well, if the kid isn't stubborn," Eugene muttered. He was definitely speaking from experience here. 
"It's not really magic then but it's... comfort?"
"Yeah exactly. It's both a distraction and a way to show a hurt kid affection, to make them feel better. I said it mostly as a joke," Eugene added.
Rapunzel hummed, mulling it over. This was… This was really nice, she decided. It might not be magic, not like her hair had been, but giving love and affection to comfort someone who was hurting was definitely its own form of healing.
Eugene's hand was still in hers, though she had lowered it on her lap during their little discussion. Slowly, she raised his hand again, smiling at the way he let her do it, and guided it to her lips. She put a soft kiss on the arch of his knuckles, eyes closed, thinking about all the love she felt for him. When she lowered his hand and opened her eyes, she saw the way Eugene looked at her, his cheeks bright red and his mouth half open.
"Have I done something wrong?" she asked worriedly. "Oh, maybe the kiss should be closer to the wound-"
"N- no, no," he stuttered out, "it was perfect, I..."
The red on his cheeks intensified and, with some amusement, Rapunzel understood that he was more moved than embarrassed.
"Are you feeling better?" she asked cheekily.
"Yep," he squeaked, "definitely."
"Good," she smiled, before taking the opportunity his distraction was offering to press her lips against his, drawing a soft noise from him. Her hands sneaked around his neck, and his own ended around her waist, any thought of papercuts - or reading, for that matter - forgotten.
Though Rapunzel knew the trip to the Dark Kingdom was dangerous, and that the future of her kingdom was at stake, she couldn’t help but think that life on the road was really exciting. She discovered so many new things each day! And, even if it always made Cass grumpy, stopping to explore was one of Rapunzel's favourite things to do. 
That was also why she treasured her dates with Eugene so much - not only did she love spending time with him without anyone else, but he also always made sure Rapunzel would be able to explore the most interesting places around. She sometimes worried he would grow bored of seeing her run everywhere, but he kept assuring her it wasn't the case - and going by the smile he always had when looking at her, she tended to trust him on this. 
Today was one of those great days. They were currently making their way into a really cool cave Rapunzel had spotted, and they had both gotten a little wet because it had been hidden away by a small waterfall - they sneaked behind it thanks to a narrow path leading to it. Eugene had grumbled about his hair, but he was cute when he did that, and he still followed her in despite the splashing water. 
"Uh, Sunshine," he called when she rushed inside. "Careful, it's probably slippe-" 
The last part of his warning was left unheard as Rapunzel slipped on the wet floor with a yelp, and fell heavily on her hands and knees. It stung. 
"I'm okay!" she exclaimed, grimacing as she got up again. Eugene was already next to her, and he gently took her arm to help her straighten up. "Ouch," she muttered when her knees contested said straightening up. 
"Come on, it's drier back there," Eugene noted, before guiding her further into the cave. 
She felt like she was walking like a penguin, trying to not bend her knees too much to avoid making it hurt more. The cave wasn't even that fun, or mysterious, she thought with a pout. Finally, Eugene helped her sit on a bigger rock, and kneeled before her extended legs. 
His eyes flickered up. "Can I...?" he asked, gesturing to her now dirty and slightly wet dress. 
"Of course," Rapunzel smiled - Eugene had seen way more of her body than just her knees, but she loved that he always made sure she was okay with whatever he was doing. 
Gently, Eugene rolled up the bottom of her skirt. He had to tug a little when he got to her knees, because it had stuck to her skin. Her skin probably broke in the fall, Rapunzel understood. 
"So? What's your pronostic, doc?" she joked as he inspected the wounds. 
"Your odds aren't good," Eugene declared dramatically, searching through his satchel, "but I think we can still save your legs." 
"Oh thank god," Rapunzel laughed, leaning forwards to see the scratches on her skin. One was a little deeper than the other, but it was nearly nothing. Eugene showed her the bandages he had packed triumphantly, and she laughed again. "Do you always carry that on you?" 
"Hey, I know my public! Although, it's not often that you're the one falling Sunshine." 
He took his cantine too, and poured water on the wounds, probably to get rid of the dirt and the pebbles. Rapunzel hummed quietly as he worked, mulling over what he said - he was right, she might be a little clumsy, but with her hair, rare were the occasions when she couldn't catch herself. 
There were worse situations to be in, though. The sunlight was filtered by the waterfall, illuminating the cave with a soft, dark blue colour. It was as if night had fallen in the middle of the day, and there were only the two of them in the entire universe. Eugene's slightly wet hair seemed even darker here, but his tongue popping out as he concentrated on her also made him look adorable. Rapunzel had come to explore this cave in search of adventure and mystery, but to have Eugene on his knees before her, taking care of her, loving her - that was perhaps the greatest treasure this cave could have ever possessed. 
"It's all good," he grinned, proud of himself. 
"Not exactly," she smiled. 
"Kiss it better?"
Eugene raised his head to observe for a few seconds. Without taking his eyes off her, he placed a soft and quick kiss on the top of her right knee, then on her left one, his skin warm against hers.
"And now?" he asked, putting his hands on the rock around her legs to get up and be closer to her. "Is it better?"
"I may need another kiss," she breathed, voice drowned by the rushing water and the feel of his lips against hers.
Rapunzel was thinking about these moments, right now. About the soft and careful kisses in the library, when their relationship was still so new, and they didn't quite know how to say I love you yet. About Eugene's tongue and his hands and his hips, all pressing against her during one of their rare moments of privacy on the road, cold drops of water falling on their heated skin. 
She was also thinking about the way Eugene's eyes smiled when he was happy; about the blush on his cheeks she knew exactly how to provoke, the laugh in his chest she could feel if he was close enough. She was thinking about it, because right now, Eugene didn't look happy at all, and she didn't like it when he wasn't. 
"Hey hey hey Rapunzel," he called her from above, sounding more scared than she had ever heard him, "stay with me please okay? Just- Just breathe, it's gonna be fine, I swear." 
Eugene always babbled a lot when he was freaking out. She found it adorable, really, but here, he seemed terrified, and she wanted to know what was wrong. Why was he- Why was he above her? No, wait, why was she laying on the ground? 
She tried to say… anything, really, but she felt something press harshly against her shoulder, and the intense pain that erupted from it took her breath away. For a second, she couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything beyond the fast beating of her heart, before the world slammed back into focus, too bright, too loud, too painful. The sun was shining right into her eyes, it felt, and everything was nauseatingly hot - especially her shoulder, pulsing with a pain she didn't understand. There were voices all around her, and she heard Eugene snap at someone to back off, and she- the weight came back on her shoulder, and she gasped, feeling too tired to do anything else. 
"I'm sorry Sunshine, I'm so sorry," Eugene said quickly, something breaking in his voice. "You're gonna be fine but I need to do this, okay? I'm sorry, I know it hurts." 
"S'okay," Rapunzel croaked with difficulty, her throat dry. Eugene looked about to cry, and she tried to move her other hand to cup his cheek, but only her fingers twitched. Huh. 
Eugene's eyes left her to look at something she couldn't see without moving and, to be honest, she didn't intend to move at all if no one forced her. She was so tired. She could feel her eyelids flickering, her vision starting to blur, but she didn't want to make Eugene even sadder by falling asleep on him. His frown was only cute when she knew he was playing it up. 
Her head hurt. She could feel a slick warmth spreading under her shoulder, and she wondered what happened to the trip in town she was sure to have planned for today. She loved talking with the Coronans directly, and Eugene always managed to accompany her as a "security detail", so she would never miss it for anything. She was exhausted, though. Maybe it could wait for tomorrow... 
"No no no no, Sunshine, Rapunzel, hey." Her right shoulder -the one that didn't hurt- was shaken roughly, and she had to blink open the eyes she hadn't even realised she had closed. "Yes, look at me, you need to keep your eyes open until the doctor arrives, can you do that for me Sweetheart?" 
She tried to hum, but she wasn't sure he heard her. All around them, other people were moving, talking too loudly and too quickly for her to follow. She was... She was lying in the street? Eugene gently pushed aside her hair, but his usually white Captain glove had specks of red on it. Did he- no, she was the one who got hurt, she was pretty sure of that. Her shoulder hurt. But she couldn't- she didn't remember what happened.
"Eugene-" she gasped, feeling like she couldn't breathe right.
"I'm here, I'm right here Sunshine." He plastered the most unconvincing smile on his face, but she could see tears building up in his eyes. "I'm not leaving you I promise."
"I…" she tried, brain scrambling to find anything that could make Eugene look happier. 
She hated it when he was sad. She hated it when she was the reason for his sadness, because if there was one person she never wanted to upset, it was Eugene. But as long as she was hurt, she also knew he wouldn't be able to cheer up. 
"May- Maybe kiss it better?" she whispered hoarsely, blinking against the stars in her vision.
Eugene laughed tearfully. Her mission was somewhat accomplished, she thought with a small smile.
For a brief moment, she thought he wouldn't do it; then he leant over her gently, the sun illuminating his hair as his lips found hers with a tentative softness. Comfort. She remembered that this was the goal, to offer love and affection, to help overcome the pain. And, although this pain was still there, Rapunzel wanted to believe it was working, because she felt infinitely better when he kissed her. The kiss tasted salty. Eugene was crying, or maybe it was her, she wasn't sure. All too quickly, he ended it, leaving a piece of his heart with her.
She smiled, or at least tried to. "All better now," she intended to say, but her own words were lost to her when her vision tunnelled. Eugene cried out for her, and she wished so badly she could answer him, but her consciousness was playing a dirty fight, and she didn't even remember losing it.
Rapunzel woke up to whispers. The world was far less confusing, in this instant; there was no bright light, no burning pain, no loud voices - nothing but the quiet of the night… and these whispers. At first, she thought they were prayers, low and intense requests to be listened to. However, as she concentrated, through the mist covering her mind - as she listened, she understood that they were apologies. 
She understood that it was Eugene, holding her right hand in both of his, softly asking for her forgiveness, voice so quiet it felt like he didn't want to be heard. 
Despite the exhaustion, Rapunzel opened her eyes, feeling how heavy they still were. She breathed in deeply, and her shoulder twinged, but the pain was dull compared to earlier. She glanced to her right, and saw Eugene hunched over, looking at her hands as he muttered strings of apologies. He wasn't in his Captain uniform - just his regular clothes, and he looked... He looked small. Tired, too, even though she couldn't see his face. 
"This shouldn't have happened," he breathed, squeezing her hand tighter. "I should- I should have protected you better. I'm sorry," he repeated again. 
There were a lot of things she wanted to say. She wanted to tell him that no one could predict these kinds of things, and that no matter the protection, someone who wanted her dead could always find a way to harm her. She wanted to tell him that she loved how he trusted her, she loved that he never tried to coddle her like other people in her life did, and she knew that, despite how scared he was right now, he would never do anything to impair her freedom. She wanted to tell him that this was a good thing. She wanted to tell him that she loved him. 
"Hey," she said instead, her voice so hoarse she sounded like a grandma. Eh, she did her best. 
Eugene's head snapped up, and his eyes widened visibly when they met hers. A myriad of emotions played on his face, the guilt and the joy and the fear all mixing together for an instant, until a bright and disbelieving smile broke on his face. 
"Rapunzel," he breathed out, biting his lips as he held her hand tighter and leant to be closer to her. "I- Hi," he laughed, though it looked like a sob. "You're okay." 
She grinned as best as she could, revelling in the way he immediately cupped her cheek, like he always did. 
"Love you," she murmured, and it was all it took for his emotions to get the better of Eugene. His face contorted as he fought it, but it was too late; he lowered his face on her bed when the first tear fell, shaking slightly. 
"I thought- I- I'm so sorry, Sunshine," he said, chest heaving as he looked at her again. His face was a mess. There were dark circles under his eyes, a flow of tears staining his cheeks, and, most of all, he still seemed terrified that she might close her eyes again, not wake up this time. 
Eugene wasn't supposed to look like this. Eugene should be smiling, because she never wanted him to suffer from anything. But he was hurting right now, and if she couldn't make everything right again, she could at least make it better. 
She could bring him comfort. 
Rapunzel breathed, and used all her energy to raise herself slightly on her right arm. She didn't go far, but Eugene immediately came to support her, and before he could try to put her back on the bed, she raised the arm that was supporting her quickly, and latched it around his neck. 
He didn't let her fall. She had known he wouldn't. 
But now that she was close enough, she crossed the remaining space between them, and gently kissed the top of his cheek, feeling the salty taste of his tears on her lips. His eyes fluttered closed, and she felt his arms hug her tenderly, as if he was afraid she would disappear. 
"Are you kissing my tears better?" he asked quietly, holding her tightly. 
"Is it... Is it working?" she said, feeling now tired as she rested her head on his shoulder, feeling safe and sound in his arms. 
"Yes." His breath tickled the skin of her neck. Gently, he helped her lie down again, and she was too exhausted to say anything. "It's definitely working," he whispered. 
His hand was playing with strands of her hair, soothing her as she was already half-asleep. She smiled, because she could already see that this was true, that he was feeling better now just from her kiss. And she would kiss him over and over and over again if he wanted, because she loved being able to sooth his hurts just by being there for him, just like he could sooth hers by being there for her. 
She would do it after sleeping, though. For that night, she rested, because she knew she'd have the opportunity to love him tomorrow too, and that she'd do it for as long as it was possible.
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quillvine · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
A/N: This is based off an ask I left @agenthotchner about the BAU on a yacht. Honestly I thought I would have this out two weeks ago but apparently I cannot proof read to save my life.
You didn’t think you had that many clothes in your closet. After looking through your clothes for what feels like hours, they’re all starting to blur into one big blob of color and you still have no idea what to wear.
You sigh as you paw through your closet, “What even counts as preppy clothes?” you ask Aaron.
“I don’t know honey, just wear whatever, you look good in anything,” he tells you.
Rossi had invited the team out for a trip on his new yacht for a day off. As soon as everyone heard the word ‘yacht’ (and ‘day off’) they were immediately on board. Especially Penelope who took the word yacht and ran with it, demanding that everyone wear preppy clothes, because “it’s a yacht you guys, preppy clothes are mandatory.”
It sounded like a fun idea at the time, but what the hell do preppy clothes look like?
“Baby, what do you think?” Aaron asks as he holds up two shirts, “Navy or red?”
“Uhh the Navy one, it goes nicely with those khakis I like.” You tell him as you go through your clothes.
“Oh, these khakis?” He says pulling out the pair from the dresser.
You look up to meet his eyes. The amusement in them matches the shit-eating smile on his face and your wolfish grin. He knows exactly what you’re thinking.
“Yeah those, they highlight your assets nicely.” You say nonchalantly as you pull some pieces out of your closet, “what do you think, complement or match?”
“Nuh-uh, we are not done here,” Aaron says as he walks towards you.
You slowly back up, falling onto the mattress when the back of your knees hit the bed frame. He leans over you pushing your hands over your head. Slowly his lips move to meet yours, he kisses you leisurely and gently. But the way Aaron’s hand grips your wrist tells you that he’s hungry.
You gently push against his hold, he lets you go, instead choosing to frame your face with his forearms. He lovingly goes to pepper kisses down the column of your neck making you giggle. You turn your head and bring your shoulders up to your ears in an effort to get Aaron to stop. 
“Come on we’re going to be late.” You say pushing him away, “Dave said that they’d leave without us if we’re late”
“Don’t worry about that. Dave wouldn’t dare.” He tells you as he tries to go in for a kiss on the lips.
You hold a finger against his lips to stop him from coming closer. He stops his attack on your lips to kiss, instead choosing to press a kiss to your index finger. His antics make you roll your eyes but with the way he gazes at you with complete adoration in his eyes, you can’t stay mad at him for long. 
You give him a silly grin before saying, “But he would make a joke about how a quickie is supposed to be quick and you know Emily and Mor- oh!”
Aaron cuts you off by burying his face into your shoulder and laughing. The vibrations tickle your sensitive skin effectively silencing you. His lips forge a path up your neck to your neck, his nose bumping against the sweet spot behind your ear. Your fingers find their way to his hair, curling around his dark locks.
At this point, you don’t even care if you guys are going to be late because the way Aaron is nibbling on your neck trumps any worry about jokes from the rest of the team. You knew from the moment he pulled out that navy shirt you would have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself, but you didn’t think that it would happen so soon.
Throughout all of this Aaron has managed to push you up the bed so you’re leaning against the headboard. His hands are on your hips and he sits on top of you straddling your waist. His warm hands make their way up to your waist, his thumbs brushing against your rib cage.
Suddenly he pulls away from you and you groan in frustration. He better have not gotten you all worked up just to deny you.
Instead, he trails a finger up from your stomach, over your chest, and to your now marked up neck. He hums thoughtfully biting his lower lip as he admires your form on the bed.
“I think match, it’ll highlight your bruises.”
As it turns out Rossi did in fact almost leave you behind. The smirks the team gave you when you came running down the dock were only rivaled by the ones they gave you when they saw the badly covered up marks on your neck. Not that you minded, you’ve always liked to show off.
You’re sitting with Penelope under the awning of the yacht, it seems that you two are the only ones who care about not getting skin cancer. The rest of the crew is out enjoying some vitamin D. Aaron and Rossi are sharing a drink, while Morgan, Emily, JJ, and Reid are playing a rowdy game of poker.
Damn you wish you were rich. Then maybe all of your weekends would be like this. Jack would certainly enjoy yacht time. Not to mention that you could see Aaron on nice fitting slacks and preppy country club outfits all the time. What a sight would that be, even if it’s not his normal style Aaron looks good in basically everything.
You lean back in your lounge chair as you chat with Penelope, or rather as you listen to Penelope talk. You love her to bits but she has the tendency to steamroll over a conversation.
You’re not really listening though, you’re too busy looking at Aaron’s ass in those slacks. Man, you really should try to get him to wear them to work more often. Or at least try and get him to forgo the blazer in the office.
He catches you staring and gives you a small smirk. Busted. Unfortunately, Dave sees Aaron’s little smile and turns around to give you a smirk of his own. Double busted.
It’s not really your fault though, how can you not keep your eyes off of your very very sexy husband? He has his sleeves are rolled up showing off his forearms and you can see his muscles flex as he crosses his arms.
Aaron catches your gaze again, this time giving you a look that makes you squirm in your seat and wonder if it would be entirely appropriate to drag him into one of the guest rooms and take him right then and there. 
Surely Dave wouldn’t mind, he’s been eyeing the poker game for a while now and Penny can totally join too, she'd definitely have fun. It’s not like you have anything to lose, sure you’ll probably get teased by the team later but it’s not even that big of a deal if you get to see Aaron out of those khakis.
You’re pulled from your thoughts by a smack on your arm. You glance over to see Penelope gaping in disbelief, “You are so not listening to me! I’m trying to tell you a story so good it’ll blow your mind and you’re making bedroom eyes with Hotch.”
“Pen, I’m sorry, but can you blame me?” You ask her.
“No I can’t you know how I feel about my Chocolate Adonis,” she says, “But I am telling you the story of how I managed to get Reid to wear that magnificent nautical-themed striped sweater, so you better listen up.”
You sneak one last look at Aaron, before turning your attention back to Penelope. She’s talking animatedly, waving her hands around to emphasize her point. You smile and nod along at all the right points but your mind is still on Aaron and how delicious he looks today.
Later. You tell yourself. You’ll get into his pants later. After all, what’s the point if there’s no chase?
It seems that the later it gets the more out of control the team gets. The sun is just setting and drinks have been flowing ever since you guys got on the yacht so you know you’re in for a wild night.
All of you have joined the poker game now and are losing handily to Reid and his Vegas/MIT magic. Sometimes you can’t tell if he’s really that good or just stacking the deck. The team hates it, Morgan especially he always loses big.
“Royal flush,” Spencer says smugly as he lays his cards on the table.
“No, no,” Derek says, “Nuh-uh you cheated.”
“I did not!” Spencer argues, “poker is inherently mathematical, I can easily calculate the among of hand combination at any given time you simply have to-”
“Nuh-uh, if it would get you banned in Vegas it's cheating,” Derek tells him.
“I’ll have you know that I have done this multiple times and have not been banned, so tell me Derek Morgan are you calling me a cheater?”
Spencer is practically fuming, he curls his fingers into a fist accidentally bending the cards in his hands. His jaw is set and he stares down Morgan definitely with a raised eyebrow.
“Ya know what? Yeah, yeah I am, Spencer Reid you are a cheater.” Derek says as he slams his hand on the table.
You all hold your breath as you watch the scene unfold in front of you. Neither of them is actually going to full-on fight each other but that doesn’t stop the team from trying to provoke them.
“Fight, fight, fight” Emily cries, jumping to her feet.
You follow suit, clapping your hands together, “yeah come on Reid don’t just sit there and take it.”
You feel Aaron’s warm arms grab you around the wait and bring back to sitting. He plants you down firmly back on your chair giving you a squeeze. It’s tight enough for you to know that a play fight between Reid and Morgan is the last thing that he wants, but not tight enough to actually hurt.
You turn around to give him a guilty smile but the damage is already done. Morgan has already started taking wide swings at Reid with Emily and JJ are both goading them on.
Spencer steps back to avoid Morgan’s hands, his feet dangerously close to the edge.
“Derek if you step any closer you’re gonna push Reid into the water,” Hotch warns.
Neither of them listens to Aaron’s warning. Instead, Morgan makes another playful jab at Reid who just barely manages to dodge it.
You guys cheer as Reid begins to fight back, making small jabs of his own. He’s terribly uncoordinated though, nearly tripping over himself as he lunges towards Morgan.
Derek shakes his head in amusement “You're gonna have to do better than that Pretty Boy.”
He shifts on his feet reading himself to take another swing at Spencer. Reid copies Morgan’s stance pressing his feet against the deck of the yacht. The two of them standoff, circling each other. They’ve managed to move away from the edge of the yacht, you notice. Hopefully, no one will fall ov-
It seems you spoke too soon.
Somehow Morgan had misjudged the distance between him and Spencer and his forward momentum from when lunged at Spence carried him overboard.
You all peer over the edge of the yacht wondering you should get the life preserver ring out. But Morgan surfaces, sitting water out from his mouth.
“Hotch did you see that?” Morgan yells clinging to the side of the boat, “he totally pushed me.”
Aaron sighs and rests his head against your shoulder in dismay.
“I did not! You fell over on your own.” Spencer exclaims as he throws his hands up in frustration.
“No, you totally pushed him,” Emily argues.
Reid throws his hands up in frustration “JJ, back me up here,” he says gesturing to her.
JJ backs away shaking her head, “Don’t bring me into this.”
“Don’t bring you into this?” Morgan says indignantly, as he hauls himself out of the water, “as if you weren’t just goading us on a moment ago. Plus the only side you are going to be taking is mine ‘cause Pretty Boy definitely pushed me in.”
The four of them break into a full-on argument while the rest of you watch on in amusement. Or well, while you, Dave, and Penelope watch on in asumsent. If the anxious tapping of your Aaron’s fingers on your waist is any indication, he is not too pleased with the arguing. 
As the argument crescendos, you feel Aaron’s arm leave your waist as he stands up from his chair abruptly.
“All of you, grounded.” He says 
Rossi gets up and heads into the interior of the yacht, “And I think that our cue to turn the boat around.”
The rest of the team follows Dave inside but Aaron still lingers on the outside deck. 
The sun has fully set and the stars are shining overhead. The rising moon is giving Aaron’s hair a soft silver glow as he gazes out towards the water. The lights of the yacht reflect off the sea smoothing his features out and making him look younger.
He really does look good today and you can’t help to wonder now is the perfect time to drag him off to one of the yacht’s bedrooms.
Sneaking up behind him you wrap your arms around him, pinning his arms to his body. You rest your chin against his body and squeeze as he turns to give you a soft smile.
“What’s on your mind handsome?” You ask as you give his bicep a small kiss.
“Nothing.” He tells you, giving you a gentle kiss.
It’s only gentle in the fact that his lips are soft as they move against yours. You know that the pleasure and desire that flows through your veins is matched in his. 
He breaks free from your grasp and moves his hands to cup your face. With his slow but deliberate movements, it's like he’s trying to brand you in the most time-consuming way possible.
Breathless you break away and move to bump your nose against his “Are you sure Hotchner?” you mumble as you cradle his face in your hands.
“Well you know I hate it when the team gets like this.” He murmurs as he leans in for another kiss.
You hum in disbelief, “Nuh-uh I don’t buy it, they couldn’t have gotten you that worked up.”
You move to wrap your arms around his waist. Aaron brings his hands to rest on your hips laughing as you tuck your hands in the back pockets of his slacks.
“Can’t get anything past you can I?” He asks, his voice rife with mirth, “I saw you eyeing me up earlier, got me a little worked up.”
You bite your lip and give him a teasing smile as you lean up to brush your lips against the shell of his ear.
“Well, we’ve got a little bit until we get back to shore…” you say as you bring your hips flush to his, “why don’t we make good uses of one of the guest rooms?”
The hungry look in his eyes tells you all you need to know.
Tags (lmk if you want to be added!): @winterscaptain @yes-sir-hotchner @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @crying-river @genevievedarcygranger @ange-must-die @ogmilkis @saintd0lce @agenthotchner @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @toasteddragoness @misskirkstark @rousethemouse @good-heavens-chris-evans @arganfics 
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You’re Gonna Be the Death of Me, I Swear
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Words: 9.7k
Warning: A decent amount of language throughout with the majority in the last scene, kissing (starts out fairly innocent but gets raunchier as the fic progresses), teacher/student roleplay if you squint, Changbin calls Hyunjin pup/puppy, grinding but barely, brief mentions of jacking off, just a hint of angst, crying and apologies, marking/love bites, praise (they both clearly have praise kinks but it’s never explicitly mentioned), brief nipple play/licking/biting, blowjob, frottage (Changbin jerks them off at the same time), lots of dirty talk, Hyunjin has a filthy mouth but is also a whiny baby, cum play/eating, spanking, ass eating, fingering, very brief degradation, barebacking (practice safe sex y’all), cumming inside, and brief innuendos.
A/N: hey, I’m back with another member x member fic! this one is a lot dirtier than the last one oops 🤭 Changjin has been living in my mind rent free this entire comeback so I just had to write something and ‘Kissing Practice’ is one of my favorite tropes and so this filth was born! so yeah, my brain has actually been coming up with ideas lately, which is basically a miracle considering the wasteland it was for 6+ months straight. as always, I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you think! it really motivates me to write more and I appreciate every single one of you that takes time out of their day to read what I write, thank you so so much! oki enjoy hehe ❤
“Forget it. It’s stupid, I know. Forget I even asked.”
“No, wait!” Changbin called after Hyunjin, who had stood up from his spot on the couch to head off to his room. Hyunjin sighed tiredly and turned back around to face his older groupmate. “Why me?”
Eyebrows knit together, Hyunjin returned to his space next to Changbin. “Why not you?”
Bin let out a broken noise, trying to formulate his words properly, “No, I mean why not Chan or Minho? Why was I the hyung you came to?” When Hyunjin’s expression morphed into that of an abandoned puppy, Changbin held up his hands, “Not that I don’t want to help you! You know I’ll always help you when you ask-- and, and I’m not trying to get out of it or anything. Just, why me? Wouldn’t Chan be better at this sort of thing? I don’t know, seniority or something.”
Hyunjin chuckled at Bin’s babbling, shaking his head as he looked down at his own lap. “First of all, I’m scared of Minho.” Changbin couldn’t hold back his laughter and Hyunjin shrugged but laughed along with him. “Second, everyone but Felix knows Chan’s been pining after Felix for years and I don’t want to feel like a homewrecker even though feelings aren’t attached, you know?”
“Good point. Chan needs to grow a pair, honestly. Like what’s the worst that could happen? Felix giggles at him?” Bin let a rush of air out of his nose at the image that popped into his head before turning back to a grinning Hyunjin who was nodding in agreement.
“Yeah,” the younger continued, “So as you can see, that leaves me with one hyung. You.”
Changbin gave him an unamused look, “So I’m a last resort.”
Hyunjin shook his head again, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. “No, you’re really not. You’re the one that likes my lips so much. I figured you’d be the one who wouldn’t feel completely tortured if you went along with my proposal. Maybe you wouldn’t mind it. I was probably wrong in assuming that. I’m sorry.”
“You aren’t wrong,” Bin denied adamantly. Realizing how eager he sounded, he quickly calmed himself down and cleared his throat. “Everyone thinks you have nice lips, not just me.”
Leaning a bit closer, Hyunjin lowered his voice, “I think you like them more than the others do, though.”
Changbin gulped but tried to look casual, “Maybe I do.”
“Then, what do you say?” Hyunjin tilted his head and stared at the elder with interest, wide-eyed and waiting.
Bin couldn’t make eye contact. He stared at an empty soda can sitting on the coffee table as thoughts whirled around in his head like a tornado. Should he say ‘yes’? Would he be risking everything he had worked so hard to conceal? Was this bound to end in disaster if he went along with it?
He bit the bullet.
The thing is, Hyunjin’s ‘proposal’ wasn’t exactly expected, to say the least. Essentially, Hyunjin had sought out Changbin in order to ask him to be the one to teach the younger how to kiss. He claimed that he had no experience and didn’t know how; he didn’t want to be a total fuck up when the time came around where he needed this particular skill. So, he decided to ask one of his hyungs for help, to teach him, and to help him practice.
Changbin was, quite honestly, flabbergasted. The prettiest human being he had ever had the privilege of observing was telling him that they had no experience and was asking him for lessons in the form of basically making out. There was a teeny tiny red flag that shot up in the back of Changbin’s mind as he processed Hyunjin’s ‘proposal’, but apparently it wasn’t enough of a deterrent to keep his emotions from controlling his decision-making because he agreed to it without much persuasion. Changbin was determined that, in the end, Hyunjin would not be a total fuck up when it came to kissing, even if that meant he had to put himself through hell trying to keep his feelings out of the equation.
Hyunjin admittedly felt a little guilty when he plopped down on Changbin’s bed a couple days later and asked, “So, is it time for my first lesson yet?”
He had been wanting to kiss Changbin pretty much since the moment they met. Lying about not having experience and needing help was the strategy he had finally brainstormed to get his way. He had the smallest hint of feeling like he would regret this idea but he blamed Changbin and his doll lips for ultimately giving into temptation.
The older swiveled around in his desk chair to face Hyunjin. “I suppose. But are you sure you want me to be your first kiss?”
Hyunjin coughed and tripped over his own words, “It-it’s just p-practice! It doesn’t really c-count as the-the-as the real thing!”
Changbin gently smiled at him but Hyunjin couldn’t tell if the flash in his eyes was of pain or pity. He decided to ignore it since neither would make him feel any better. Changbin was about to push himself out of his chair but Hyunjin stopped him, “Um, I’ll-I’ll come over there.”
The sudden raise of his eyebrows gave away the fact that Changbin was somewhat startled by Hyunjin’s statement but he nodded curtly as permission, “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He relaxed back into his chair as Hyunjin shyly made his way over. The younger stopped about a foot away from Changbin’s knees and gulped, genuinely nervous as hell.
“So, should I just…” Hyunjin didn’t know if he was supposed to wait for instruction or if he was meant to just dive in. Changbin raised a brow, challenging this time, and waited to see if Hyunjin really would make the first move. Sure enough, he stepped slightly closer, let out a quick breath, and leaned forward, placing a hand on each armrest before quickly pecking Changbin’s lips. “There. How was that?”
Changbin’s brain took a moment to process the question, eventually coming to the conclusion that teasing would prompt the most favorable outcome a.k.a. Hyunjin pouting in frustration. “How was what?”
Bingo. Hyunjin huffed angrily, brows knitted together and lips pushed out in the anticipated pout. He balled his fists at his sides and slowly unclenched them. Leaning back in, he placed a slightly longer peck on Changbin’s lips but retreated just as fast as the first time. He gestured sharply, “That.”
“That?” Changbin asked, pointing at his own lips. Hyunjin inclined his head and his expression could only read ‘duh’. “That wasn’t a kiss.”
A fire lit behind Hyunjin’s eyes and he snarled, “Then what, Seonsaengnim, is?”
Changbin smirked daringly and patted his thigh, “Take a seat, haksaeng.”
Hyunjin matched the older’s smirk and, licking his lips seductively, he eased himself into Changbin’s lap, one thick thigh on either side. It was a little awkward in the desk chair but something about squeezing in so close together made it all the more thrilling. Changbin’s hands immediately found the younger’s hips, earning a shiver when he gripped at them roughly.
The elder was completely calm, steely gaze wandering Hyunjin’s features while Hyunjin felt just as inexperienced as he was pretending to be, panting already. Bin slid his hand up Hyunjin’s side to rest his pointer finger under his chin. The pad of his thumb pressed into the younger’s plush lower lip as he gently guided him forward. Hyunjin obediently let himself be pulled closer, eyes slipping closed at the delicate touch.
When Changbin slotted their lips together, he felt Hyunjin instantly melt into him and he resisted the urge to grin at his silent victory. He pulled back with a soft smacking noise before pressing his lips to Hyunjin’s again. After a few careful, sweet kisses to start off, the older drew back and looked at the boy in his lap who was chasing his lips with his eyes still closed. Changbin let out a quiet chuckle, “Eager puppy.”
Hyunjin whined and pouted again, eyes finally opening to look at Changbin. “Feels nice,” he mumbled under his breath as he glanced off to the side, somewhat embarrassed to make too much eye contact.
Bin hummed, “That’s nothing. Wanted to start you off easy though. Didn’t want to rush you at the very start.” He caressed the side of his face, thumb running over the soft skin of Hyunjin’s cheekbone before something in his brain alerted him that he was letting his feelings bleed in and he jerked his hand back suddenly.
Hyunjin tilted his head, expression rather confused, but Changbin covered up the awkwardness by forcing a smile. “Your turn.” The younger looked even more confused and Bin chuckled, “It’s pop quiz time. Show me what you’ve learned so far.”
“Already?” Hyunjin asked, dumbfounded. A light blush began to tint his cheeks. “Kinda lost focus,” he admitted. “I don’t really remember what to do.”
Bin smiled genuinely, “Just do your best, pup.”
Hyunjin’s blush deepened at the nickname and he took a deep breath before hesitantly reaching up to rest his fingertips against Changbin’s jawline and leaned in. He fit their lips together just like Bin had done earlier, dragging away and pressing in again and again.
When he withdrew, Changbin was a little flushed and Hyunjin felt a jolt of happiness rush through him because that was from him. He grinned, “How was that?”
Bin scoffed jokingly, “‘Don’t really remember’, my ass!”
The younger blushed again and his gaze fell to his hands in his lap where he was picking at loose skin around his fingernail.
“It was much better, Jinnie. You did well.” Hyunjin glanced up at Changbin’s praise and smiled gratefully. “But I think that’s enough learning for today.”
Hyujin shook his head adamantly and pouted again, “Just one more lesson. Please, Binnie hyung?”
Changbin’s laugh was bright and teasing, “You like kissing that much already?”
The younger bit at his lip and glanced away before looking back at Bin and nodded shyly. He really, really, really liked it, especially if it was with Changbin; he wasn’t going to admit that out loud.
Changbin sighed, feigning reluctance, but he couldn’t help but grin, “Alright. You know I can’t say no to those puppy dog eyes of yours.”
Hyunjin lit up and bounced slightly in Bin’s lap, wrapping his arms around his neck as he settled comfortably. Changbin’s hands were back on his hips and he nodded at the younger, “C’mere.”
Giggling, Hyunjin leaned in once again and voluntarily initiated the kiss, letting Bin take the lead after he had left a few sweet pecks on his lips. Changbin fluidly moved their lips together and, without noticing in order to stop himself, Hyunjin ‘caught on’ rather quickly. He lost himself in Changbin’s pretty doll lips, his warmth, the scent of his skin, in Changbin. Hyunjin’s fingers found the hair at Bin’s nape and he tangled them in the soft strands while the older’s arms wound around his waist, drawing him in even closer.
Changbin didn’t let the kiss get too dirty or passionate but he knew it felt right, Hyunjin in his lap holding onto him for dear life, tugging at his hair, squeezing in as close as possible. The older pulled away begrudgingly and Hyunjin chased his lips again, causing Bin to chuckle at him despite his own labored breathing. “That’s enough, pup.” Hyunjin pouted once more and slouched in disappointment. “You’re a fast learner, aren’t you, Jinnie?”
The younger hummed appreciatively, “I’m learning from the best.”
Bin rolled his eyes and let out a huff of air in his amusement. “How do you know I’m the best, Mr. I Have No Experience?”
“Shh,” Hyunjin hushed him with a long, slender finger faintly resting against Changbin’s rose tinted lips. “I just know.” A glint of mischief flashed in his eyes and he bit at his bottom lip before giggling again. He tried as gracefully as he could to stand up but his legs were admittedly a little wobbly. Hyunjin just laughed at himself and shrugged, “Well, I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing before I bothered you.”
Changbin furrowed his brow. “You didn’t bother me, Hyunjin. I’m, uhh,” he cleared his throat, “I’m happy to help.”
Hyunjin smiled warmly and leaned down to press another kiss to his hyung’s lips. “Thank you, Binnie hyung,” he whispered against them before pulling away and leaving Changbin’s bedroom, softly shutting the door behind himself.
Bin sat staring after him for who knows how many minutes, lost in thought and missing the warmth of Hyunjin in his lap. He sighed deeply. He simply wanted what he just couldn’t have and he had to convince himself to bury those feelings. He was going to regret this, he could feel it in his bones.
The younger leaned his back against the door and stared off into space wondering why he even started this whole thing, why he didn’t just tell Changbin the truth and admit his feelings from the start. Guilt swam in his stomach like churning waves and he felt tears prick at his eyes. Hyunjin gulped and blinked them away, taking a deep breath before heading off to distract himself somehow.
“Is this ok?” Hyunjin asked tentatively as he eased down onto Changbin’s lap.
Bin chuckled, “This seems to be your favorite spot lately.” When the younger blushed and shied away, Changbin smiled warmly and rested his hands on Hyunjin’s hips, “As long as you're comfortable, I’m fine.”
Biting his lip, Hyunjin glanced at the couch cushion next to them and cleared his throat. “So what’s lesson three, or whatever number we’re on?”
The elder smirked, “I know you’ve been keeping track, pup. You can’t fool me.” Changbin swore he saw Hyunjin’s eye twitch and a flash of agony wash over his face and leave as quickly as it came, but he chose to ignore it and ghosted his hands up and down the sides of the boy in his lap. “Why don’t I just show you, hmm?”
“Should I expect a pop quiz after?” Hyunjin looked up through his lashes, teasing smile curving his pretty, plush lips.
Changbin scoffed jokingly, “It wouldn’t be a pop quiz if I warned you it was happening, Jinnie.”
The younger squinted suspiciously and shrugged his shoulders. “I thought I’d be able to read you. But I guess I’ll just have to pay really close attention and impress you if you do decide to test me.”
Nervousness peeked through Changbin’s calm facade and he gulped apprehensively before composing himself and grunting a noise of acknowledgement. He reached up to grab the back of Hyunjin’s neck and tugged him forward, slotting their lips together forcefully. Hyunjin’s breath hitched and the desire to ruin him clouded Changbin’s mind as he moved his lips against Hyunjin’s, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth before nipping at it aggressively. The younger let out a surprised but pleased sigh and Changbin felt him shiver in his hold.
He kissed back just as sharply, pulling back slightly with Changbin’s lower lip trapped in his teeth, tugging at the flesh before letting it bounce back. He opened his eyes to admire Bin’s features and when the olders eyes fluttered open, Hyunjin smirked at how dark and lustful his gaze had become. Without warning, Hyunjin dove back in and Changbin found himself panting into the others mouth, caught off guard and losing himself in the kiss.
Hyunjin kissed eagerly and feverishly, mouth moving forcibly against Changbin’s but somehow it wasn’t too much. In fact, Bin was craving more and he had to force himself not to take more than was acceptable at the time. He reluctantly withdrew, head falling back against the couch as he tried to catch his breath, eyes still closed.
“Fuck,” Changbin laughed airily, “I don’t think I have to test you after that.”
Bin let out another huff of air, “Yeah. It was almost too good.”
Hyunjin sucked his lips into his mouth and bit down, frowning skittishly and glad Changbin still had his eyes shut. “Sorry.”
“No!” Bin’s head shot up and he looked at the younger, perplexed. “Why are you apologizing, Jinnie?” He shook his head and chuckled gently, “I honestly didn’t want to stop.”
Lips shaped like a perfect ‘O’, Hyunjin gazed back at him, expression a little surprised as his cheeks reddened, “Oh.”
Changbin smiled at him fondly but embarrassment at his own admission started to creep up and he looked away shyly. “Don’t look at me like that! I can’t help it, I enjoyed it!”
Hyunjin giggled and leaned forward to whisper in Bin’s ear, “I liked it, too. Really, really liked it.” When he sat back, Changbin’s eyes had darkened again, pupils blown and faintly swollen lips parted.
“In that case,” the younger fidgeted in his lap as he took a deep, calming breath before continuing. “Move on to the next lesson?”
Eyes widening minutely, Hyunjin nodded slowly, glancing down at Changbin’s lips before flicking back up to hold his steady gaze. “Please,” he pleaded almost soundlessly.
“I think I’m gonna regret teaching you how to use tongue because you’ll pick it up really fast and you’re gonna be the death of me, I swear,” Changbin mumbled unintelligibly under his breath. Hyunjin managed to make out the last part of his sentence.
You’re gonna be the death of me, I swear.
Those words swam around in his foggy head as he stared into Changbin’s eyes, almost in a daze and Changbin thought he looked far too fucked out from just a kiss but he wasn’t complaining about the beauty sitting in his lap. The older lured Hyunjin again easily, moulding their lips together the second he was close enough. Hyunjin felt like he was floating and he was suddenly brought back to earth by a burning in the pit of his stomach when Changbin slid his tongue over his bottom lip. He gasped against the older’s mouth, granting him access and tightening his grip around his neck, chests pressed against each other.
Changbin cautiously licked around the outline of Hyunjin’s open mouth, urging a stunned moan to escape from the younger boy. Smiling into the kiss, Bin sucked at his lower lip before moving their lips together again. Hyunjin hesitantly poked his tongue out and Changbin took the opportunity to suck on it, earning a whimper as Hyunjin fisted the front of the elders shirt. Changbin kissed him deeply and, just as he expected, the younger caught on quickly, tongues gracefully dancing together amidst sloppy, open-mouthed kisses.
Pulling away for desperately needed oxygen, they rested their foreheads together as Changbin panted through a smile and Hyunjin stared at him, a hazy look in his eyes. Seconds later, Hyunjin pressed his lips to his hyung’s with new fervor, hands still tightly clutching at the material of Changbin’s shirt. He moaned wantonly when the elder squeezed at his waist.
Hyunjin felt the need to prove what he had learned despite not being asked this time around. He gave up trying to act like all this was new to him and just gave into kissing Changbin. Using his tongue like a hook, Hyunjin dragged Bin’s upper lip into his mouth and nipped at the flesh. The older groaned deeply and his hips canted upwards unintentionally. Pleased with himself, Hyunjin took to exploring Changbin’s mouth, earning moans and whimpers alike. When he finally pulled back, Changbin was the one dazed; kiss-bitten, swollen lips a deep, cherry red and eyes black and lecherous.
“Fuck,” he breathed, throwing his head back again. “Fuck! Why are you such a fast learner?”
The younger smirked, a sudden urge to kiss down Changbin’s exposed throat flashed in his mind but he quickly rid his brain of the thought, sure that that would be too far. At least for the moment.
Changbin laughed at the ceiling. It was almost lethargic. “I think the student has surpassed the teacher, fucking hell!”
Hyunjin couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up in his chest and he covered his mouth, eyes forming crescent moons above his hand.
“You can’t just look all cute after you did...that,” Bin mumbled when he glanced at the laughing boy in his lap. Suddenly reminded of the whole ‘canting of his hips’ thing and the very evident bulge in his pants underneath Hyunjin’s ass, Changbin flushed, mortified. Hyunjin took that exact moment to squirm in the olders lap and Bin groaned sheepishly. “That’s probably completely unwarranted since we were just kissing but uhh...fuck it! It’s your fault for being too good at kissing so thanks for that!”
Joy mixed with pride bloomed in Hyunjin and he bit his lip, giggling even more, before leaning in to whisper in Changbin’s ear once more. “It was my pleasure,” he taunted, taking Bin’s earring between his teeth and tugged at it gently; the older shivered under him. Then he was out of Changbin’s lap in a flash. As he made his way out of the living room, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll leave you to take care of that.”
“You little shit!” Changbin shouted after him, prompting Hyunjin to wiggle his fingers in a wave before rounding a corner. Bin dropped his head back on the couch, fancying a good old, frustrated scream, but he stayed quiet. He finally got off the couch and headed off to take care of his problem.
And if he imagined Hyunjin taking him apart bit by bit while he simultaneously took Hyunjin apart when he wrapped his hand around his aching, positively dripping cock, that was no one’s business.
He did.
He also chanted Hyunjin’s name in a whisper as he spurted white all over himself and his hand.
But again, no one’s business.
And if Hyunjin got off to the sounds his hyung was making in the other room while he imagined how good Changbin would look covered in his cum, just to reiterate, that was no one’s business.
He did.
He was also overcome with an overwhelming wave of guilt moments after he came to the thought of Changbin.
No one’s business.
It became a normal thing, secret kisses and immediate guilt and burying of feelings. Hyunjin was sick to his stomach quite often, to the point that Chan got concerned with how often he was saying he was sick and going to lay down. Changbin worried that it was his fault. Maybe the younger was sick of him. Maybe he hated kissing Bin and just kept going along with it so as not to make him feel bad. If only he hadn’t said yes, if only they didn’t keep this up, if only, if, if. Changbin worried himself sick but he didn’t let Chan notice because Chan definitely didn’t need anything else to worry about.
“I’m going to go check on him,” Changbin volunteered a few minutes after Hyunjin mentioned he was feeling off and went to lay down for the nth time that week. Chan gave him an appreciative look and nodded approvingly.
Bin headed for the kitchen to make some ginger tea to soothe Hyunjin’s upset stomach. Once it was brewed, he took the steaming mug and knocked lightly on Hyunjin’s bedroom door before quietly opening it and peeking his head in. “Jinnie, it’s me. I brought you some ginger tea. It might help your stomach.”
Hyunjin grunted and laid still, facing the wall as Changbin padded in and set the mug down on the bedside table. The older hesitated before sitting on the bed in the curve Hyunjin’s legs formed and rested a gentle hand on his arm. “Jinnie,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
Changbin heard a sniffle and his heart immediately clenched in pain at the thought of Hyunjin crying. “Oh, Jinnie, baby. Don’t cry,” he pleaded selfishly, knowing just how much it hurt to see him cry.
Hyunjin let out a sob. “Why did you say you’re sorry? What for? I’m the one that’s sorry. I’m so sorry,” he babbled, voice cracking every other word. “I’m so sorry, hyung.”
“Jinnie,” Bin hesitated, on the brink of tears himself and he was sure they would spill when he saw the younger’s face but he asked anyway. “Can you look at me, please?” Hyunjin hiccuped and turned to face the older, unable to look him in the eye. “What are you apologizing for, baby? You have nothing to be sorry for!”
Throwing his hands up in the air, Hyunjin scoffed exasperatedly. “You couldn’t be more wrong, hyung!” He let his hands fall back to his sides and laughed sardonically through his tears.
Changbin couldn’t help the hurt expression that morphed his features. “I can’t know unless you tell me,” he tried, reaching for the younger’s hand to squeeze reassuringly. “You can tell me anything, Jinnie.” He could practically see the gears turning in Hyunjin’s head as he debated on whether or not to tell his hyung the truth. “I’m not sure if you think this or not, but I’m not mad at you. And I won’t be, no matter what you tell me. I just want to know what’s wrong because I’m worried sick about you and I want to fix whatever’s wrong if I can.”
Hyunjin’s bottom lip trembled as fresh tears spilled over his cheeks. He shot up and wrapped his arms around Changbin, weeping into his shoulder as the older took him into his arms and soothed a hand up and down his back. “Jinnie,” he whispered, burying his face in Hyunjin’s neck. But that’s all he said. He waited patiently for the younger to speak his mind.
“I lied to you,” Hyunjin mumbled into his t-shirt. “I lied about,” his body shook with the deep breath he took, “I lied about not having experience.” Hyunjin pulled away and sat hunched over, staring into his own lap and fiddled with a loose string on his pant leg. “I made it all up. All of it. The whole kissing practice thing was just an excuse. And I kept the lie going and I feel awful about it. I feel so sick over it because I never intended to hurt you or force you into it or anything like that. I feel sick over it because I’ve had feelings for you this whole time and I’ve been ignoring them so much when I’m with you that when I’m not with you, they all come crashing down on me and I feel like I’m going to throw up because I’m so overwhelmed with guilt. I can’t lie to you anymore, hyung. I never wanted to in the first place. But my stupid brain couldn’t figure out another way to make you see that I’m in love with you. So instead, I just hurt the both of us. Like an idiot. And I know I hurt you because you wouldn’t have apologized if I didn’t. You’re too sweet, saying you’re sorry for something that isn’t even remotely your fault and you know it. You’re too sweet and I love you for it. So much. And I’m so, so sorry.”
Changbin’s brain couldn’t process the entirety of the sudden influx of information that had just poured out of Hyunjin’s mouth. All he could process was three things, and he told Hyunjin so. “All I heard was ‘I lied’, ‘I’m sorry’, and ‘I’m in love with you’.” Hyunjin looked somewhat fearful, combined with embarrassment and regret. The older shook his head and took Hyunjin’s hands into his own. “And I’m telling you the exact same thing. I lied in the sense that I never told you I had feelings for you when I’ve had them since we first met. I’m sorry that I kept this thing going without telling you everything--I’m the hyung here, that’s on me. And I’m in love with you, too.”
“Y-you don’t hate me?” Hyunjin’s brows were scrunched together and he stared at the older in disbelief.
Reaching up to wipe away the new tears from the younger’s cheeks, Changbin shook his head adamantly. “Baby, no! I could never hate you! I mean, I can’t say I like the fact that you lied to me but I don’t blame you because I lied to you, too. We both didn’t know how to just come right out with our feelings. And besides, it got us this far, didn’t it?”
Hyunjin chuckled sadly, “I guess so. I’m still really sorry, hyung.”
“I know, Jinnie. Me too,” Changbin gently tugged him forward into another hug which Hyunjin gladly melted into. “I love you.”
Another sob slipped past Hyunjin’s lips and he laughed at himself, “Sorry, I didn’t know I would react like that hearing you say that for the first time.”
Changbin hummed and nuzzled into his neck, arms squeezing Hyunjin’s waist. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, hyung.”
“You said you don’t hate me but you’re spending awfully long amounts of time in your studio here lately.” Hyunjin’s teasing voice startled a very focused Changbin who was absorbed in whatever he was working on. He quickly spun around in his chair and his gaze found the younger standing in the doorway, his hip leant against the door frame and arms crossed over his chest, eyebrow raised, feigning suspicion.
Changbin whined, “You know I miss you like crazy. I’ve just had so much work to get done.”
Smirk curving his lips, Hyunjin sauntered into the room, closing the door behind him and turned the lock. “Why don’t you show me how much you miss me?” He taunted as he dropped onto the sofa in Changbin’s studio, clearly expecting the older to come to him.
Bin scoffed lightly before turning back around to fiddle with something while defeat and embarrassment crept up in Hyunjin; he genuinely thought Changbin was just ignoring him and finishing his work like the younger wasn’t even there. But soon, a sultry melody with heavy bass flooded through the speakers in the studio [Electric (R3hab Remix) (feat. Khalid) - Alina Baraz] and Changbin turned back around to face Hyunjin, smirking himself when he saw the expression on Hyunjin’s face. Pushing out of his chair, Bin stalked over to the couch, slipping his t-shirt over his head and tossed it behind himself carelessly as he watched Hyunjin rake his carnal gaze over the newly exposed skin, dark eyes hooded and full lips parted.
When he finally stood in front of the younger, he snickered wickedly and leaned in to ghost his lips over Hyunjin’s before gently guiding him to lay down on the sofa, body rolling fluidly as he climbed on top of him. “That was way too smooth,” Hyunjin whispered, impressed, causing Changbin’s smirk to widen if that was even possible.
“Kinda surprised myself there, honestly.” His smirk transformed into a genuine smile as he chuckled at himself and Hyunjin thought he looked positively beautiful in that moment. The feeling was mutual. Changbin stared at the boy below him -- long blond hair splayed out around his head, flush high on his cheeks, an enthralled fascination swirled deep in his inky eyes alongside pure admiration and want. “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he rasped, mesmerized.
“Kiss me,” Hyunjin breathed. Changbin didn’t need to be told twice. He bent down and brushed their noses together ever so gently before capturing Hyunjin’s lips. Moving gracefully, Bin kissed him deeply, wanting to convey as much emotion as he possibly could, needing Hyunjin to know how much he loved him. He couldn’t help but say it, though.
“I love you, Jinnie.”
Hyunjin hummed against his mouth, “Mmm, love you, too, hyung. So much.” He threw his arms around Changbin, pulling him in even closer and arched into him when the older teased their tongues together.
“Want you,” Hyunjin gasped after moments of kissing the life out of each other. “Want you so bad.”
Changbin growled, kissing along Hyunjin’s jawline and down his neck as the younger boy bared his throat for him. Desperately wanting to leave marks, he knew he couldn’t leave anything in visible areas so he softly mouthed, kissed, and licked at the column of Hyunjin’s neck, earning constant whimpers and whines because of the sensitivity of the area. When Bin reached his clavicle, the urge won over and he sucked a deep plum-colored mark where he thought would be the perfect place. Sitting up to marvel at Hyunjin, Changbin let out a pleased hum at how divine the younger looked with his claim on him. The stylist noonas probably wouldn’t be too happy but Hyunjin looked plenty sexy when he was more covered up so Changbin didn’t think it would be too much of a problem. He didn’t care anyway. Hyunjin was his.
“Mine,” he murmured as he bent down again briefly to kiss at the pretty bruise. When he sat back up, he smiled in awe. “Always wanted to know what you’d look like underneath me like this.”
Hyunjin huffed out a chuckle, “And how do I look?”
“Impossibly perfect. Better than I ever dreamed,” Bin praised, eyes sparkling when he noticed Hyunjin’s cheeks redden. He shook his head and laughed breathily, “And I haven’t even ruined you yet!”
“Binnie hyung,” Hyunjin whined, pouting just how Changbin liked so much.
Bin smirked, “I know, baby,” he leaned down to kiss him again, “I’ve got you.” Hands trailing up Hyunjin’s sides and lifting his shirt in the process, Changbin sucked at his plush lips, fingertips delicately dancing over the other boy’s skin. Goosebumps rose under his touch and the younger arched into him again, moaning sweetly, so receptive and sensitive. “Off,” Changbin murmured against Hyunjin’s mouth.
Sitting up to lift his shirt over his head and toss it to the side, Hyunjin promptly fell back against the cushion, hair flooding out around him again. The dim, hazy light that filled the room lit up his blond strands and looked suspiciously like a halo to Changbin. But he knew better. This was no angel beneath him. This was a devil with a halo. Hyunjin had been shy and pliant but when he noticed how Changbin was staring at him, he couldn’t help but smirk as a wicked naughtiness shone behind his eyes and Changbin swore this boy would be the end of him.
Without warning, Bin leaned down to mouth at one of Hyunjin’s pert nipples and he grinned against his skin when the younger boy whimpered and canted his hips, the brief flash of power behind his eyes vanishing as quickly as it appeared. The older tugged gently with his teeth, earning a gasp and a roll of Hyunjin’s hips. Changbin hummed, “Bet I could make you cum from just your nipples, hmm? Would you like that, pup?”
Hyunjin shook his head fervently, “No! Want you, hyung!”
Chuckling, Changbin nodded as he pressed kisses over to Hyunjin’s other side. “Alright. Patience, baby. I told you I’d ruin you and I’m going to take my time. Understood?”
Sucking in a breath past his teeth, Hyunjin melted further into the sofa, “Yes, hyung.”
Changbin took his time toying with Hyunjin’s nipples before mouthing over the entirety of his chest, leaving burgundy flowers blooming in his wake, littering his skin with possessive marks. Whimpering and biting at his lips, Hyunjin craved more and Changbin could feel just how badly he needed him. He tugged at the waistband of the younger boy’s jeans, “I’m gonna take these off now. Is that ok?”
“Please,” Hyunjin begged simply. So Bin unfastened them slowly and slipped the material down his legs and threw it behind himself blindly before kneeling between his legs and bending down to mouth at his clothed cock. “Oh!” Hyunjin gasped, hands immediately flying to Changbin’s hair and tugging at the strands at the nape of his neck. The older smiled against him and hooked his fingers under the band, looking up for permission. When Hyunjin nodded, hooded eyes fluttering and lips bitten red, looking absolutely breathtaking, Bin removed them, wasting no time in mouthing at his leaking cock. The younger squirmed beneath him, mewling as he sucked at his balls. “Hyung, I-” A strangled moan cut off his words when Changbin wrapped his pretty doll lips around the head of his dick.
“Hmm?” Bin questioned wordlessly, suckling tenderly. But Hyunjin didn’t answer; he threw his head back and cursed under his breath when Changbin moved further down. Hollowing his cheeks, he bobbed his head, gradually taking more and more of Hyunjin. The younger writhed, wanton moans spilling from his lips.
Hyunjin had quite a bit of length but Changbin knew he could take it so he relaxed his throat and slid all the way down. “Hyung! Mouth- so good- I- Oh my god!” Hyunjin slurred, tightening his grasp on the hair in his fists. Bin’s chest warmed, proud of himself, knowing he was giving Hyunjin so much pleasure he could barely speak. The head of Hyunjin’s cock repeatedly hit the back of his throat before he stilled, swallowing around him, urging a weak scream from the boy under him.
Changbin loved how vocal Hyunjin was but in that moment, he was eternally grateful for the soundproof walls surrounding them. He lifted off Hyunjin’s cock, having decided it was sufficiently wet, and if not, the pre-cum would make the slide easier. Bin sat up on his knees and untucked himself, not even bothering to take off his sweats, just shoving them out of the way enough before leaning forward to hover over Hyunjin. Avoiding his hair, Changbin rested on his forearm against the cushion and slotted their hips together, hard, leaking cocks brushing each other as he watched the younger’s face morph in euphoria.
Spitting in his hand, just in case, Bin reached down between them and took both cocks in his hand, instantly dropping his head to Hyunjin’s neck and rolling his hips into his grasp. Hyunjin groaned and wrapped his arms around Changbin’s torso. “Yes,” he whispered in his ear, “You feel so good, hyung. Touch me just like that.”
Controlling nature fading in and out, Hyunjin vacilated between flustered, slurred words and heated, dirty talk like it was the easiest thing in the world and Changbin couldn’t help but be amused despite the tingle that shot up his spine at Hyunjin’s words. He smiled against Hyunjin’s fiery skin, placing small kisses on the junction where his neck met his shoulder.
Changbin continued to tug at their cocks until Hyunjin was whining in his ear and digging his nails into his back. “I’m so close, hyung. Please make me cum. Please,” he panted as he thrusted into Bin’s fist.
The older groaned in response, rhythm speeding up slightly and he stopped every once in a while to squeeze at the heads. “‘m close too, pup. Gonna make a mess of you. Gonna cum all over your pretty tummy. Bet you look gorgeous covered in my cum.”
Hyunjin suddenly stopped breathing, seizing up and arching into the older, chests pressing together as he spilled himself over Changbin’s hand and his own stomach. Bin leaned up just in time to see the ecstasy freeze up his beautiful features, hypnotized by the boy beneath him. “Wow,” he breathed, helping Hyunjin ride out his orgasm. Air returned to the younger boy’s lungs and he turned to lazily smile at Changbin.
He stopped stroking them together, letting Hyunjin’s cock fall into the mess on his stomach as he sat up and grasped his own length. Using the cum his hand was covered in to ease the slide even more, Bin fisted himself eagerly and seconds later, he streaked Hyunjin’s stomach with his own release. Changbin slouched as the energy evaporated from him.
Through heavy-lidded eyes, he watched Hyunjin trail his fingertips through the cum on his abdomen, swirling it around sloppily, mixing their releases before scooping up a decent amount. Changbin’s eyes widened and his dick twitched in renewed interest as Hyunjin brought his fingers to his mouth and wrapped his pillowy, kiss-bitten lips around them. Their eyes met as the younger boy cleaned his fingers of their cum, blown pupils swimming with desire and mischief.
“Fuck,” Changbin huffed, hovering over Hyunjin once more. “What a dirty baby!” Hyunjin smirked as he pulled his fingers from his mouth, a single strand of saliva connecting them. Bin broke it with the tip of his tongue before capturing the younger boy’s lips and dipping his tongue in to taste their cum on Hyunjin’s tongue.
He moaned at the older’s boldness and kissed him deeper. He teasingly mumbled against Changbin’s lips, “You’re dirty, too, hyung, aren’t you?” Bin just smiled and kissed him again.
After losing track of the time they spent kissing and giving himself enough of a refractory time period, Changbin pulled away and met Hyunjin’s eyes. “How about you flip over so I can taste you some more, hmm?” Hyunjin nodded quickly and reached for a t-shirt on the floor to rid his stomach of the rest of the mess. He was pretty sure it was his own shirt and in the back of his mind, he briefly hoped Bin had a spare or at least a hoodie so he wouldn’t have to return to the dorms suspiciously shirtless.
He cleaned himself off and turned over as requested and Changbin’s hands immediately gripped at his ass, kneading the flesh and spreading his cheeks. “Fuck, Jinnie! You’re too pretty, god!” Hyunjin looked over his shoulder at the older and scrunched his nose in a teasing manner while shaking his ass as best he could in Changbin’s grasp. Bin landed a slap against his right cheek, punishment for his playful taunting, and Hyunjin groaned deeply, dropping his head to the couch cushion and lifting his hips slightly, seemingly silently begging for more.
Changbin willingly obliged his unspoken request, his expression a nasty sneer as he smacked Hyunjin’s left cheek. “Wanna look in the mirror and see my handprints on your ass? My marks all over your pretty chest and thighs? Feel my lingering touch on your heated skin? Know you’re mine?” He demanded, spellbound by the way Hyunjin’s ass jiggled every time he laid a hard slap on the soft flesh.
Hyunjin wailed loudly at a particularly harsh spank and pushed his ass back towards Changbin. “Fuck, yes! More! Please, more! Make me yours, hyung!”
Bin growled unrestrainedly and ceased his attack on Hyunjin’s reddened skin, instead moving to lick a long stripe up his puckered hole. The younger boy let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a squeak and Changbin smiled against his skin at how oddly cute it was. He continued to lick and suck at his rim, urging the sweetest melodies to flow from his lover. When he poked his tongue inside, Hyunjin laughed deliriously, drunk with pleasure. Changbin thrusted his tongue in and out of Hyunjin’s pretty hole while the younger urged him on with frantic praise, “Oh, Binnie-hyung! Your filthy mouth feels so fucking good on me! You eat my ass so well! Fuck, just like that! Eat my ass just like that, yes! Yes!”
He pushed back again and Bin gripped at his ass and thighs, leaving prints and crescent-shaped indents as he massaged the flesh and buried his tongue in further, sucking at his rim. Adding a single finger, Changbin pushed the digit in alongside his tongue only to discover that it went in far too easily. He hummed suspiciously and sat up on his heels, sliding two fingers in place of one and Hyunjin whined at the feeling. “Tell me, pup,” he prompted, wiping the spit from his chin with the back of his hand and pumped his fingers slowly. “What have you been doing that’s got your slutty hole so loose, hmm?”
Hyunjin whimpered, burying his face further into his folded arms. Changbin slapped his ass again, “Answer me, pup.”
“F-fingered my-myself in the s-shower before I got here,” he admitted shamefully, stuttering as he dared to look back at the elder with his eyes wide and pleading. “Th-thought of you the wh-whole time, h-hyung.”
How the younger went from filthy, dirty talk to bashful stuttering in two seconds flat continued to bewilder Changbin but he was thoroughly enjoying the rollercoaster that was Hyunjin. He grunted in approval, “Good boy.”
Hyunjin’s eyes practically rolled to the back of his head and he couldn’t help but rut against the couch at the blatant praise. Changbin snickered at him, plunging his fingers in even further but still avoided his prostate. “You gonna cum from my fingers, baby?” He questioned, adding a third digit and urging a shaky groan from the boy beneath him.
“No!” Hyunjin shook his head adamantly as he rocked back onto Changbin’s fingers. “Wanna cum- I wanna cum on your cock. Please, hyung. Fuck me, please!”
Changbin hummed, “But, pup. I haven’t got any lube. Your hole may be loose from fingering yourself but I don’t want to hurt you stuffing my cock in your ass without lube. I don’t have a condom either.” His tone was disparaging, laced with overly-dramatic dissatisfaction even though he was genuinely dissapointed; he really did want to fuck Hyunjin but the last thing he wanted was to really hurt him.
Hyunjin shook his head again and gestured off towards another part of the room. “Back pocket,” he huffed. “Jeans back pocket. Brought lube.” He swallowed, still panting as Changbin spread his fingers wide inside him. “Don’t need a condom. Wanna feel you, hyung, please.”
Changbin stilled, “Are you sure, baby?”
“We’re clean. Don’t need it,” the younger boy mumbled, “Want you.”
Pressing kisses against the base of Hyunjin’s spine, Bin slowly pulled out his fingers, “Alright, baby. I’ll be right back.”
He rose from the couch to search for Hyunjin’s jeans that he had tossed god knows where, shucking off his own pants in the process -- why he hadn’t taken them off up until then, he had no clue, but he was glad to be rid of them. After coming up empty handed fishing through one pocket, he found a small bottle of lube tucked away in the opposite side and cheered internally before returning to the sofa where Hyunjin was rutting desperately against the cushion in his impatience. Bin was suddenly thankful that the material was easy to clean as he was sure Hyunjin was making a mess of it and they both would make even more of a mess not using a condom. He shrugged off his worries and resumed his place between Hyunjin’s thighs, uncapping the lube and squeezing a generous amount onto his fingers.
Warming it, Changbin hovered his hand over Hyunjin’s twitching hole, “I’m going to open you up a little more, OK, pup?”
“Hurry, please,” the younger boy begged, “Want you.”
Pressing in, Bin reminded him, “Patience, baby,” even though he was becoming desperate himself. He scissored his fingers around, searching for that spot that would make Hyunjin see stars and beg even more for Changbin’s cock.
He knew he found it when Hyunjin jolted forward and let out a choked, gurgled sounding moan and he couldn’t help but chuckle when the younger boy whipped his head over his shoulder and glared at him. Dropping the honorifics, it was Hyunjin’s turn to growl, “Now, Changbin! Fuck me now!”
Bin retracted his hand and lifted both up in surrender, still smiling, “As you wish.”
Lubing up his neglected cock, Changbin hissed in sensitivity as he gave himself a few good tugs. He lightly smacked Hyunjin’s hip, “Up.” The younger boy immediately lifted his hips, rising to his knees while still leaning his forearms and the side of his face into the sofa cushion. “Good boy,” Bin praised, lining himself up and teasing Hyunjin’s fluttering hole with the head of his cock. He carefully pressed in, Hyunjin’s breath hitching with the initial stretch, going slow so the younger had time to adjust. When he was about halfway in, Changbin rubbed a comforting hand over Hyunjin’s lower back, “You OK, baby?”
“Ngh, more, more, please more,” he wailed, pushing back against the elder.
Changbin chuckled fondly and slid in the rest of the way, hips pressed snugly against Hyunjin’s ass. “There,” he breathed, barely above a whisper.
Hyunjin gripped at the edge of the cushion, “Fuck, you’re big!” Usually, Changbin would absolutely preen at that kind of glorifying but for some reason, he just blushed and let out the tiniest of squeaks.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, dropping his head forward onto Hyunjin’s back, barely changing the angle but it was enough for the younger boy to feel it.
“Oh!” Hyunjin shivered, breathing heavy as he reached back with one hand to grip at Changbin. His hand landed somewhere between his thigh and ass; he couldn’t tell where but he wasn’t complaining and immediately squeezed a handful of his thick body. Bin grunted and the younger laughed breathily, “Don’t apologize! You’re perfect! Just let me- don’t move for a minute. I gotta-”
Changbin tenderly covered the boy with his own body and whispered in his ear to calm him, “Thank you, Jinnie. You’re perfect, too.” He pressed gentle kisses along Hyunjin’s shoulder, smiling into his skin as he spoke. “Just relax, baby. Take your time. You let me know if it’s too much, OK? We’ll stop!”
“No, I want this! I want you! I just- you’re so-” Hyunjin’s words trailed off into a moan as he rolled his own hips. “Big! Feels so good! You feel so good, hyung!”
The elder squeezed his eyes shut, willing the urge to just pound into him to go away, and took a shaky breath, “Does it hurt?”
Hyunjin shook his head. “Uh-uh,” he slurred, “‘s just a lot.” After another minute or two, the younger boy nodded, “‘s OK, hyung. You can move.”
Changbin kept his position, mouthing at Hyunjin’s neck and shoulder to distract him somewhat, but he started to roll his hips experimentally. Little grunts and whimpers passed Hyunjin’s plush lips and Bin pressed sweet kisses to the side of his face, whispering praises in his ear, “My baby. So good for me. Love you, Jinnie. You feel amazing. You’re so beautiful, my pretty baby.”
Tears streaked Hyunjin’s cheeks and Changbin kissed them away, “Love you, hyung.” He squeezed the flesh in his grip, “Harder, please.”
Bin drew back his hips a little further each time he thrusted, mild but still powerful. Hyunjin’s grasp on his side fell away and instead, he reached up behind himself to thread his fingers through Changbin’s hair, keeping him close as the elder peppered his skin with kisses. Changbin nuzzled into him, whispering ‘I love you’s.
Hyunjin loved the pure bliss that he felt in Changbin’s arms, being smothered in love and praises. But he wanted to cum again. And he wanted to get fucked. Hard. So he begged for it like a good boy. “Please, more. I need more. Please fuck me harder, hyung! I need it! Please, hyung!”
Changbin straightened up with a low growl, “Such a good boy for me, begging so sweetly. I’ll give you what you want, baby.” His hands found Hyunjin’s hips, his hold tight and sure to leave prints, and he drew back, leaving just the tip of his cock in the younger’s tight hole before plunging in.
Hyunjin let out a shaky groan, wiggling his ass against Changbin’s hips. The elder held him tighter and repeated his deep thrust, reveling in the wanton moan it punched out of the boy under him. “You’re still so tight, baby. Feel so good around me, sucking me back in every time I pull out. So good for me!” He was transfixed as he watched his cock slide past Hyunjin’s tight ring of muscles.
Wailing and grunting and meeting Changbin’s thrusts, Hyunjin pleaded again, “Please, hyung! Fuck me! Pound my tight ass! Fuck me harder, please!”
Growling again, Changbin quickened his pace before lifting one leg, changing the angle and abruptly causing the most beautiful sounds to pass Hyunjin’s pillowy lips. He reduced him to sobs and whines, mewling instead of forming complete words and clawing at the couch cushions. Bin smirked through his exertion, laughing lightly at how much he had succeeded in ruining the boy.
He was nearing his climax and breathed out one last question he hoped the younger could somehow form a coherent answer to. “I’m close, pup. Where do you want my cum?”
“Ngh, in me. In me, inside, please cum in me, hyung. I need your cum, need you to cum inside, please, need you to fill me up,” Hyunjin cried, plenty coherently, thighs trembling as he felt heat pool in his own belly.
Changbin leaned over Hyunjin once more, one hand steady on his hip while the other reached around to fist at his dripping cock. “Gonna cum, pup? Gonna cum for me like a good boy?” The elder mumbled in his ear, tone almost taunting, “Gonna make a filthy mess of yourself again?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Hyunjin sobbed, “Please can I cum, hyung?”
Burying his nose into the younger boy’s neck, he smirked against his skin and gave him permission. “Of course, baby! Go ahead, cum on my cock.”
Whispering ‘thank you’s over and over again, Hyunjin’s body began to shake from how close he was. Changbin straightened up once again, effortlessly lifting Hyunjin’s knees off the sofa and he tugged just right and thrusted against the perfect spot and Hyunjin was done. Legs spasming, still clawing at the cushion he could reach, Hyunjin cried out, “Changbin! God, fuck!”
Ribbons of white sprayed over the sofa cushion and the younger boy’s walls tightened around Bin, tipping him over the edge. He stroked Hyunjin through his orgasm while he pumped him full of his cum. Changbin collapsed back on his heels, Hyunjin awkwardly falling into his lap, still connected to each other.
Using the microscopic amount of energy he had left, Hyunjin leaned back into Changbin and turned to place a lazy kiss against his jawline, melting into him as he let his battery recharge enough to make it back to the dorms.
Speaking of making it back to the dorms, Hyunjin looked down at himself and the mess of the couch in front of him and groaned. “We gotta clean up.”
“Good thing this is a pleather couch or else that stain would be a real bitch to get out,” Changbin chuckled, glancing around the room at the strewn about clothes in search of something to wipe up the mess with. His eyes landed on the roll of paper towels he kept on his desk for the frequent times he ate in his studio and subsequently spilled multiple things.
Bin’s mind whirled with various things as he silently stared at the paper towels on the other side of the room -- Hyunjin needs a shirt of some kind since he wiped up cum with his. I should have a spare hoodie in that bag over there. Chan’s probably still up even if no one else is. How are we gonna get past him without looking incredibly suspicious? Oh god, I just came in Hyunjin’s ass! That’s gonna leak out before we can get in the shower at home! Fuck! “Really wish I had a butt plug right now.”
Hyunjin snorted and turned to look at him, “Excuse me?”
“What? I- oh. I said that out loud,” Changbin grinned sheepishly. “It’s just- OK I’m not saying this to be kinky or anything but a butt plug would be convenient right now since I just came in your ass and we have to somehow make it back to the dorms, you know?”
Throwing his head back, Hyunjin laughed warmly, “I think I’ve got that handled, thanks. I’ll be fine.” Changbin nodded, still trying to come up with solutions to his other dilemmas. “Do you have an extra shirt? Mine’s kinda…” Hyunjin trailed off, gesturing at it on the floor next to the couch.
It was Bin’s turn to laugh. “Yeah. Hoodie in the bag over there,” he pointed in its direction before inclining his head towards his desk. “We can use the paper towels to clean up what we can. I’m gonna go grab them so I have to pull out now, OK?”
Hyunjin braced himself and nodded, both boys wincing in oversensitivity as Changbin moved Hyunjin off his lap, soft dick falling to his hip. When Bin returned to the sofa with the paper towels, he couldn’t help but laugh at Hyunjin who was desperately trying not to kneel or put a hand in the mess. “Sorry, sorry!” He rushed to help when the younger boy glared at him.
Once the couch was no longer a disaster and the two were as clean as they could be given the circumstances, they pulled their clothes on and Changbin gathered up his stuff before they headed for the dorms.
“How much you wanna bet Chan ‘knows’ we did something?” Hyunjin joked as they were walking down a stairwell.
Changbin let out a playful, pained noise, “Let’s just hope he’s preoccupied since we both know he won’t be sleeping.” Hyunjin nodded in agreement. “And if he’s not, don’t act suspicious!”
“Easy for you to say!”
Bin spoke up again a few moments later. “Was,” he hesitated, “Was that OK? I mean, was it good for you? Umm…”
Hyunjin took one look at Changbin’s clearly stressed expression and burst out laughing, “Yes, hyung. 10/10 would fuck again.”
The elder tried to hold back his own laugh but ultimately failed, “Oh, uhh, yeah, same.” Hyunjin knocked his hip, still giggling as he hooked their arms together.
When they arrived back at the dorms, much to their chagrin, Chan was waiting in the living room like a dad that was pissed with his teenage children for coming home way past curfew. “I had a feeling you two were up to something,” he squinted at them skeptically. “What did you do?”
“Fuck!” Changbin breathed in annoyance but Hyunjin took it the wrong way.
“Hyung, I thought you said we weren’t going to tell him what we did!”
Changbin felt like he was dying inside.
Chan just stared at the floor, entirely unwilling to make eye contact with either boy.
Hyunjin just giggled, “Oops?”
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
Sleepy and cuddly O'Knutzy headcanons to warm my heart?:) Please and thanks🥺❤️
ANON WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME i am craving cuddles so bad now and i got none :( hnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggghhhhhh okay let’s go *cracks knuckles*
am going for the cliche here so tiny 5’9 logan likes to sleep in between his two big boys. he doesn’t really sleep with his head on the pillow (“it hurts my neck” “pillows are meant to protect your neck, lo” “i doN’T KNOW IT JUST HURTS”), instead he scoots down a little so he can bury his face in leo’s chest, and most of the time only the top of his mop of brown curls peeks out of the duvet. he snuggles in close to leo and throws his leg over his, latching onto him like a koala. he breathes in leo’s scent, a mixture of their shared soap and laundry detergent, and he loves that they all smell vaguely the same because it signifies their relationship and the bond they share. he misses living with dumo and his family, he really does, but he loves that the three of them are now living together and it’s all so domestic he can cry.
finn spoons logan, his chest to logan’s back, and arms wrapped around his waist. because he actually does sleep with his head on the pillow (“like a normal person” “shut up”), logan’s head is practically tucked under finn’s chin and his face is inches away from leo’s so when he wakes up the first thing he sees is leo’s peaceful, unguarded face, one side of his face mushed into the pillow, his long eyelashes fluttering lightly as he periodically frowns and mumbles incoherently in his sleep. his ankles are entangled with leo’s, bringing them close and basically sandwiching logan in between them. he loves being the first one to wake up because he gets to savour the few quiet moments where he can just appreciate his two boys, especially because they’ve practically become his family and he’s not so alone anymore like he was when he first joined the lions, scared shitless and always guarded.
leo, with his long arms, wraps around the two boys easily. his hand rests on finn’s waist and that means his arm is draped over logan’s shoulder, and he loves that he can hold them both in his sleep; it grounds him and reminds him of a time where he would wish for himself to someday find a love so genuine and unapologetic. he falls asleep and wakes up intertwined with the two people who have given him everything, who have shown him what love is, and who have taken care of him like nobody else (besides his family) would. he loves that, and he loves them.
when finn’s inevitably the first one to wake up in the morning, he spends a good fifteen minutes just playing with his sleeping boys’ hair, trailing his fingers up and down leo’s cheek, tracing patterns on his freckles, and burying his face in logan’s hair, wrapping his arms even more tightly around him. 
leo’s the heaviest sleeper on the planet so he doesn’t stir at all, just continues snoring softly, but logan makes a small noise or two and brings his free hand to rest atop of finn’s before falling back into a light slumber.
eventually, finn decides to get out of bed, wanting to use the bathroom and brush his teeth, but when he pulls away from logan he hears a soft whine and his heart just swells tenfold and he almost doesn’t want to get up. but he really has to pee so he kisses logan’s cheek and whispers i’ll be back before slipping out of the covers. 
although logan is practically a walking heater, he instantly feels the cold air on his skin when finn gets up, and he blinks a few times to wake himself up, one hand still flat against leo’s chest and his leg now resting on top of his calf. he turns around slowly, stretching his lower back as he does, and he wraps leo’s arm around himself as he presses his back to leo’s front, feeling his hardness digging into his back. he smiles sleepily as finn comes back, and lifts the covers, holding his hands out.
finn breaks into a soft smile and climbs back into bed, feeling logan’s arms circling around his waist and pulling him flush against his own body. he presses himself closer and finn lets out a soft moan as their hips grind against each other. logan starts nipping at finn’s chest, licking and kissing his way up to his neck, and finn just buries his fingers in logan’s hair, massaging his scalp gently and making him hum in contentment. 
logan starts running his hands up and down finn’s back, feeling the muscles rippling underneath his touch. his skin is one of logan’s favourite things about him; it’s smooth and always warm and he loves to run his index finger over the freckles splashed all over his body. he thinks freckles are the sexiest thing ever. at one point, his fingers slip below the waistband of finn’s boxers and he starts to knead the firm flesh of his arse, drawing out long, breathy moans from the redhead, who hauls him further up the bed to kiss him with an intensity that was entirely too inappropriate for… five forty-eight in the morning. logan’s not complaining though.
suddenly, he feels a warm mouth pressed on the back of his neck and a large hand coming round to palm him slowly, thumb rubbing over the tip of his now fully hard length. he gasps loudly into finn’s mouth and then whimpers when he feels leo’s equally hard erection pressed up against his arse. he can’t decide whether to thrust forward into leo’s hand which by now has found its way into his shorts, gripping onto and stroking his throbbing shaft, or to grind down onto leo’s heavily leaking cock which is sliding up and down between logan’s arse cheeks in sync with his hand.
finn helps logan to make that choice; he shuffles down the bed, red curls disappearing under the duvet, and yanking his shorts down, he closes his lips around logan’s cock and starts sucking him devotedly. leo hauls logan up onto his hands and knees, making finn shift so he’s lying underneath logan, cock still buried in his mouth. leo moves to straddle finn’s hips, grinding down on him as he leans forward and licks teasing circles around logan’s entrance at the same time, and both finn and logan let out positively indecent sounds that just make leo even harder.
finn’s hand finds its way to the waistband of his sweats and pulls them down enough such that his leaking cock springs free and he starts pumping him with his fist, smearing the precome all over the swollen tip and driving leo absolutely insane.
logan’s barely coherent but he chokes out a plea for leo to just eat him out now, please, stop teasing him, he can’t wait any longer, and leo happily obliges, driving his tongue into logan, who bucks his hips into finn’s mouth, making him gag.
they build up a steady rhythm and it frankly doesn’t take long for the three of them to climax, one after another, their limbs trembling violently as they ride out their orgasms. logan barely manages to roll off to the side before he collapses onto the mattress, fully kicking the duvet off of them. leo has fallen forward onto finn’s chest, still breathing hard and clutching at the redhead’s biceps as he tries to steady his breathing. finn just looks like he’s in complete bliss, running his hand up and down leo’s sweaty back soothingly and pressing his face into the crook of his neck. 
at one point, logan reaches over to the nightstand, picks up his phone and suddenly jumps up, exclaiming in alarm as he practically drags the other two up by their hands. we’re going to be late for training, he rushes out as he nearly trips on the way to the bathroom.
finn gets confused for a moment. isn’t today sunday? he asks, frowning at logan who’s frantically brushing his teeth. logan’s eyes widen and he spits the toothpaste out, rinsing his mouth and splashing water on his face before straightening up again. part of his hair is dripping wet and falling over his forehead in rivulets and water is dripping off his chin, and finn’s suddenly turned on again. he presses his hand down on his half hard cock, trying to control himself as logan checks his phone again.
fuck, he breathes out, his shoulders slumping. yeah, it’s sunday. leo’s rolling his eyes amusedly while leaning against the doorframe and he holds out a hand, pulling them back to the bed. he’s already yawning again, the adrenaline from earlier having worn off and he’s back to being a sleepy baby giant.
finn and logan look at him curled up on the bed and smile at each other, eyes full of love, and they join him back under the covers for a couple more hours of sleep.
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
365 Days: Part 2 (Feysand)
I feel like this should be beyond obvious at this point, but black lives matter. As a white person, I understand that I’ll never fully comprehend the struggle black individuals face on a daily basis. I stand with them, protesters, and activists as a lifetime ally. “Don’t be mad they’re rioting, be happy you don’t have to.” -- If you are not a supporter of the BLM movement, go ahead an unfollow me. I couldn’t care less. 
OKAY. Sorry this is a day late! This part kind of has it all (humor, fluff, some slightly kinky smut) so I don’t know how to describe it. I also hate it, but whatever. Part 3 (last part) out Friday!
Part 1
Day 1, 7:13 AM
Something warm laid across her cheek, and Feyre peeked an eye open, only to groan at who she saw staring down at her. “If you make a habit of waking me up at the ass crack of dawn, I can already tell you you won’t live through our year of marriage, Rhysand.”
He smiled. “You have to get up. We're taking wedding pictures.”
She didn’t see the point. They’d signed the marriage license last night. How he’d procured one in less than an hour, she didn’t even want to know.
“Why the hell would we do that?”
“Because I’m a public figure, and the newspaper asked for a quote on our marriage.” She groaned. “Now get your cute ass downstairs.”
She glanced at him speculatively but stayed firmly planted in the bed. “What’s downstairs?”
“Someone to help get you ready. Not that I don’t appreciate the bed head. Up.”
Feyre shook her head. “Ask me again in two hours.” She glanced at the clock. “Make it three.”
Her husband pinched the bridge of his nose, but stood back up. She closed her eyes, happy she’d won their first argument. 
Only to be proven wrong a moment later as the demon spawn flung back her blankets, grabbed her waist, and threw her over a shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
“Put me down,” she shrieked, beating the back of his toned legs with a fist.
Rhysand, calm as always, smoothly responded, “If I put you down, you’ll just get back in the bed.”
“No, I won’t,” she lied.
Even though she couldn’t see his face, she’d bet anything he rolled his eyes. He walked out his/her/their bedroom door and down the stairs, his casual gait suggesting nothing out of the order.
“Good morning,” he said pleasantly to whoever was waiting.
Feyre peeked around his ass to see four complete strangers, varying levels of amusement on their faces. “Um, hi.”
She was placed on a salon-like chair. 
Which was odd, considering they were in the middle of the living room. 
Rhysand pointed at two hulking figures sitting on the couch. “These are my friends Cassian and Azriel. You’ve met.”
The smugness in his voice, combined with the shit-eating grins of the men he was referring to, had her snapping back, “Oh yes, my kidnappers. Sorry I didn’t immediately recognize you. I had a sack over my head last time we met.”
“I’m Cassian.” The larger of the two smiled. “I’m the one you tried to gut with a butter knife.”
“I’ll have to practice my aim.”
Cassian looked at the man standing next to her and winked. “I like her.”
The other man on the couch, Azriel, sighed and shook his head, resigned. 
Rhys just rolled his eyes and continued his introductions. “The two normal people here,” he gestured to a very brightly-dressed pair, “are here to do your hair and makeup and whatever else.”
He gave her a light kiss on the forehead, then spoke to his fellow criminals. “We have shit to do. Come on.”
“Are you off to do illegal activities, my dear husband?” 
“Don’t worry, Feyre darling. You won’t be without eye candy for too long.”
He laughed at the look on her face, then wisely jogged out the door before she could throw something at him.
She turned to the people left staring at her with wide eyes and repressed a groan. “Let’s get this over with.”
Two hours after he’d left, Rhys came back to the house, showered, and changed into a tux. Then he went to his backyard where the photographer had set up. 
“Where’s Feyre?” he asked the man as he messed around with lighting balloons.
The photographer gave him a knowing smile. “I want to get a picture of your reaction when you first see her.”
He was about to respond when the backdoor of the house opened and she walked out.
She was wearing a classic gown with long sleeves and a deep neckline, but that wasn’t what drew his attention. Her hair was up, and she had a veil trailing behind her. The sunlight made the white of her dress almost glow.
If she’d been beautiful before, now she was...
There were no words for how she looked.
Fucking radiant was a start.
She walked across the lawn to him and smiled, and he couldn’t keep the matching grin off his face if he tried.
Rhysand heard the faint snap snap snap of the camera and finally understood what the photographer had meant. 
He’d wanted to capture the moment the city’s Son of Satan was practically brought to his knees by a single woman. 
And Rhys didn’t even care.
Feyre finally drew close enough that he could see the details of her face. Even though he had a million more romantic things running through his brain, he murmured, “Who’s the eye candy now?”
“You are,” she said, as if it were obvious. “You look like sex on a spoon.”
His mouth dropped open, but before he could respond, the photographer butted into their moment. “Okay, I want you two to act like I’m not even here. We’re aiming for three or four really good shots, so just be natural, and I’ll let you know if anything has to change.”
They both nodded absently, still staring at each other. Rhys reached down to grab her hand, finger flicking the ring on her finger.
“I can’t believe our marriage is making the paper, and I didn’t even get a real proposal,” she teased. 
It was true. 
He’d put the ring on her bedside table the night before, too much of a simpering coward to give her the ring in person, too nervous about what’d she say. It had been his mother’s, and he’d once sworn to never let another soul have it. 
“I didn’t want to risk your wrath and wake you up.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled.
Almost on its own accord, one of his hands reached out to cup her cheek. He didn’t know if Feyre was acting or something else, but she leaned into his touch, a hand coming to rest against his chest.
“Beautiful, just beautiful,” the photographer cooed.
“You are,” he told his wife. “You’re beautiful.”
She smiled.
“Annoying as hell, but beautiful.”
She shoved his shoulder and turned away, but he grabbed her wrist to spin her back, and decided to risk his life.
He kissed her.
Hands locked around her waist, lips crashing into hers, Rhysand kissed her like he’d been dying to since he’d seen her asleep in his shirt.
And she really, really kissed him back.
Feyre’s hands wound around his neck, and he lifted her up a little to get a better angle. Her lips opened to let his tongue in, and he had no other thoughts in his head besides the woman in his arms.
The photographer coughed pointedly. 
They ignored him.
Until Rhys finally relented and set her back on the ground, both of them panting for air.
“Sorry,” she told the blushing man, but he waved her off and insisted it happened all the time.
The thing was, it didn’t. 
Rhysand had kissed plenty of women in his lifetime, but none of them had made his entire body start simmering like that. 
Her blue eyes watched him speculatively as he slipped the ring off her finger, dropped down to one knee, and smiled. “Feyre darling, will you marry me?”
Despite already being legally married, she bent over and kissed him, then stole the ring back. “I’ll take it into consideration.”
Day 9, 8:04 PM
Feyre had to admit that while the house outside the city had a charm and wholesome quality she’d come to admire, being trapped here had started to drive her slightly insane. 
Especially since Rhysand had been been on a business trip the entire week, so she’d been here by herself. 
After a tense phone call with her sisters--where Nesta had cackled and called her Satan’s nephew--and getting ahead in her textbooks, she was out of things to do. So she spent most of her time being a nosy little snob and going through her husband’s stuff.
Apparently, the Son of Satan had a very serious addiction to wine, if the cellar in the basement was any indication. 
But other than that--and a mysterious letter from a woman named Amren--he had no trinkets, pictures of family, or any other worthwhile gossip. 
The word “boredom” hardly covered it.
Once upon a time, Feyre wouldn’t have minded a couple days like this. When law school was in session, she didn’t have a spare moment and enjoyed when she got to do nothing. 
She didn’t bother lying to herself about why it was driving her insane now.
She missed Rhysand. 
After only a couple days of marriage, he’d wormed his way into her heart and made her start to rely on teasing him, seeing that devilish smirk, making him laugh. The nightly texts he sent her weren’t enough to satisfy her insane need to talk to him. He’d told her he was coming back later tonight, and she was practically coming out of her skin with excitement. 
She was an idiot, basically. 
This marriage wasn’t supposed to involve actual feelings. It was a publicity save. And despite giving her a hotter-than-hell kiss during their photo shoot, he hadn’t so much as touched her since. 
Feyre had the distinct feeling he was waiting for her to make the first move. 
Which, again, she normally wouldn’t mind. But something about Rhysand... she knew once she started down that path, she wouldn’t be able to stop.
So she slept in his bed, wore his t-shirts, and avoided thinking about how his mouth had felt against hers. 
And how he’d tasted like chocolate and watermelon and-
Cutting that thought off, she resolved herself to be cool and calm and collected when he came back. She needed to nip the feelings she’d started to develop for him in the bud. 
But then the front door banged open, and Feyre instantly disregarded every promise she’d made to herself and raced down the stairs, yelling like a banshee. 
She saw Rhysand standing in the doorway in his usual Johnny Cash uniform and didn’t hesitate before yelling, “You’re home!”
And throwing herself on him.
He dropped whatever he was holding and laughed as she wrapped herself around him like a koala. 
“Are you alright, love?”
She nodded against his neck. “I’m fine. Ignore me. I’ve just been so bored. This place is way too fucking quiet when you’re not here. I think I’m going insane.”
“I believe you.” 
He laughed, then did as she’d said and ignored her presence, crossing the living room to the kitchen. 
Rhys bent to look through the fridge, and she tightened her hold on him. 
“We have no food, also,” she told him helpfully. 
“I see that. If you put some pants on, we can go into the city for dinner.”
She laughed. Along with wearing his shirts, she’d taken to stealing a pair of boxers to sleep in. 
Feyre dropped to the floor, and he smirked down at her. “I was gone for five days, and that’s the greeting I got. Next time I’m staying away for six.”
She swung a hand and punched his shoulder, which probably hurt her more than him, and told him, “You’re so very funny, Rhysand. Please feed me.”
Her husband gave her a shooing motion. “You might want to put on something besides my boxers, then.”
She took his advice.
About an hour later, she sat in front of him, watching as he adamantly tried to avoid looking at her.
She’d chosen a dark green dress--unremarkable except for the low neckline and short skirt--black heels, and simple makeup.
“Are you alright, Rhysand? You look like you’re having a stroke.”
Those violet eyes slid to hers. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. I like that dress.”
“I can tell.”
He looked at the ceiling. “When we get home, I’m going to replace your entire wardrobe with burlap sacks.”
Feyre shrugged, then decided to take a chance. “You’d still stare at me.”
His eyes met hers, and when he spoke, it was practically a purr. “Am I supposed to deny, Feyre darling, how attractive I find you?” 
The waiter arrived before she had to respond. She made a mental note to leave him a huge tip.
As they ate their meal, she was overly aware of how many people stared at them. The whispers that surrounded them.
She was about to ask how he dealt with it when a chair was slid up next to her, a heavy-set man settling in. “Hello, Rhysand. I need to talk to you.”
The man was dressed in dark clothes, covered in tattoos, and had the promise of violence written across his every movement. He practically had the words drug dealer floating above his over-sized head. 
“Dante.” The warm look she’d come to recognize in her husband’s eyes was nowhere to be found. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Leave.”
“I promise you, it can’t,” the man said boldly, continuing to ignore her presence entirely. “A shipment’s gone missing.”
Feyre watched, stomach twisting, as Rhysand leaned forward and smiled cruelly. “Would you like to join it? I don’t discuss business in front of my wife.”
My wife. 
Despite the more than tense surroundings, Feyre felt a spark run through her at the words. 
“Then the bitch can leave. I need to talk to you.”
There was a slight pause, then everything changed so quickly she didn’t have time to process it. One minute she was watching the man’s face twist with impatience, the next there was a gun pressed against his ruddy forehead. 
A gun that practically looked like an extension of Rhysand’s arm.
Her husband was standing, entire body stiff with anger. The look on his face was inhuman. And promised a slow, slow death as he looked towards the man on the recieving end. 
“Refer to her as Feyre Asterra, or lose your fucking tongue.” 
The restaurant was dead quiet, everyone holding their breath and waiting to see what happened. No one dared move a muscle. 
Except Dante, who nodded stiffly. 
“Now apologize.”
The way he said it, the command in his voice... a thrill sparked through Feyre, and she bit her lip to keep the gasp in. 
What was wrong with her? Where fear should’ve taken root, there was raw, untapped excitement whirling inside her. Rhysand’s entire body was lined with power and dominance and rage, and it made her breath come quicker as she watched.
Dante looked at her, the hatred clear. “I’m sorry,” he spat, then looked back at Rhys.
Rhysand tilted his head, a king holding court. Another cruel smile. “Beg me.”
Something inside Feyre twisted at his words. 
Beg me.
The man’s jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth, but he still said. “Please, Rhysand. I’ve worked for you for five years. I’m sorry.”
There was a pause, and she wouldn’t be surprised if someone passed out in anticipation. Then Rhys made a soft tsk sound. 
“You no longer work for me. You’re no longer welcome in this city. If I see you after tonight, I won’t be as forgiving.” 
The man opened his mouth to oppose, thought better of it, and sulked to the restaurant of the exit.
In that moment, Feyre knew why people called him the Son of Satan. Knew because, as calm as ever, he turned to their waiter and said, “Check, please.”
~ nsfw warning ~
Rhysand stood in front of the fireplace in their room, silent as the dead. 
He hadn’t said a single word on the way home, and she could tell whatever had happened at dinner had been the tip of the iceberg. Something had gone wrong. 
She replayed the meal over and over in her head, trying to figure it out, but only seemed to be able to remember one thing.
Beg me. 
Something had snapped inside her tonight, and she couldn’t keep herself still. Seeing him like that, seeing the power he had over people...
Slipping off the bed, Feyre walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
Her hands were spread on his taut stomach, but he gripped her wrists and took them off. When he spoke, his voice was rough and low. “I can’t do this right now. I’m not... I’m trying to keep my promise to you.”
Stay good with me. It felt like she’d said that a lifetime ago. 
Rhys turned around, drank whatever was in his glass, and looked down at her. There was violence and anger and animalistic rage in his gaze. 
It did little to calm the roar in her veins.
“Break your promise.”
A muscle in his jaw flickered, but he kept his hands to himself.
She wanted him so bad she could hardly stand. Her hands found their way to his chest, needing to touch him. “Please.”
Suddenly, she was pressed against the mantle near the fire, heat scorching up her leg. His glass fell to the floor as his hands pressed against her shoulders. 
He’d barely touched her, and she was breathing like she’d run a mile. 
A hand came to trace her bottom lip, then he was kissing her, and she finally let out a sigh.
The day of their wedding pictures, his kiss had been decadent and exploring. But that was when he was happy. 
When Rhys was pissed off, he kissed her in a raw, aggressive sort of way that made her lose her mind. A hand pulled her hair, making her tilt her head back, and he deepened the kiss. 
She’d just started to unbutton his shirt when he lifted her by the back of the thighs, then dropped them both to the floor and pinned her underneath him. 
Rhys braced himself over her trapping her arms above her head. She thought about the first time they’d been like this, and the look in his eye said he was doing the exact same thing. 
“I wanted you so bad that night,” he told her, voice rough.
She arched her back, chest pressed against his, and he gave her a wolf’s smile. 
“Did you want me, too?” he asked, lips and teeth on her collarbone. 
Feyre nodded. 
His mouth drifted down to her chest, and his teeth scraped her nipple through her dress. Rhys looked up at her, more monster than man in his eyes, and asked, “Were you wet for me, Feyre?”
Okay. Maybe it had been a mistake to encourage being together right now. 
Only one way to find out.
She nodded again, and his eyes went dark.
A hand remained pinning her wrists, the other drifting up her thigh. His fingers grazed the lace of her panties, then slipped inside. 
He ran a finger up her core, and she shifted beneath him. 
“Stay still,” he ordered, the command in his voice making her freeze. 
His finger slipped inside her, and he nudged the neck of her dress down to take a breast in his mouth. He made a humming sound in appreciation as he moved, then added another finger.
Feyre moaned, pushing uselessly against the grip on her hands. It was too much. He was too much. She wouldn’t survive this.
But she couldn’t force herself to stop. 
She’d been right. Now that she’d started, a shower of bullets wouldn’t make her leave this room.
His stubble scraped the valley between her breasts, and then they were kissing, a deep, wet slide of tongues and lips and teeth. He kissed her in time to the movement of his hand, and Feyre groaned into his mouth.
“I need more,” she panted onto his skin.
Rhysand’s teeth closed softly on her shoulder, and then he was looking down at her. His eyes were so dark they were like the nighttime sky, and then he said the words she didn’t know she’d been craving. 
“Beg me.”
She whimpered underneath him, shifting restlessly. 
A small, knowing smile was on his face, and she would’ve punched it off if she hadn’t been so attracted to it. 
“Please. Please.”
His hand was on her jaw, and he pressed a wet kiss to her lips. “Good girl.”
Lord help me.
He made quick work pulling her clothes off, then leaned back on his knees, surveying her head to toe. 
She repaid the favor. 
She didn’t know when his shirt had fallen open, but she sure as shit wasn’t complaining. 
His chest was covered in tattoos, the dark swirls running across his pecs and shoulders, all the way to his fingertips. The tattoos, the dangerous look in his eyes... Feyre lost a bit of her sanity as she leaned up to drag her mouth up his stomach.
Flicking open his belt, Rhys pushed her back down. Then his pants were pulled down, and he was spreading her thighs and settling in between them before she got a proper look. 
“Again.” He looked half crazed with anger and lust. 
She nipped at his bottom lip. “Please.”
He was pushed inside her, deep and slow and steady. He groaned in her ear, and the sound threatened what remained of her.
Then he gripped her hips, lifted slightly, and began to move. 
Holy gods.
Feyre didn’t know what language she was speaking in, but it wasn’t English. She was murmuring incoherent somethings, not able to string together proper thoughts.
She moved in rhythm with him as he picked up speed, and even though they were spread out on the ground, Feyre felt like a freaking queen. 
He was taking his time, listening and learning what she liked, and she could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge.
Soon she was so loud it was a miracle they didn’t have close neighbors. 
But as soon as she felt release start to come, he paused his movements. 
The sound that came out of Feyre’s mouth was close to a snarl. 
Rhysand smiled, gripping her chin. “Do you want to come, Feyre darling?”
If she wasn’t practically immobile, she’d strangle him. “You’re such an insufferable bastard, Rhysand Asterra. Yes.”
“And what do people say when they want something?”
She bit his lip in frustration, but said, “Please, you pri-”
His hips slammed into hers, a moan cutting her off as release crashed into her. Muscles twitching, face pinched in concentration, he followed her lead, collapsing on top of her. 
They laid there together, both breathing heavily, until she started losing air. He rolled off her and looked over her with male satisfaction.
There was still a little tension from earlier, but his usual brightness and light was back. It was impossible not to smile at the happiness coursing through her veins. 
Then he opened that smart mouth. “Let’s take a moment to remember when you said you could go two years without sleeping with me.”
“In my defense,” she panted back, “I hadn’t seen you in action before.”
He looked adorably shocked. “So threatening to shoot people is hot to you?”
“When it’s because of me, yeah.” She flicked his bicep, unable to help it. “I almost jumped you right then and there.”
He started kissing her neck, grinning against her skin. “I might have to hunt him down, then.”
She laughed, hands playing in his thick hair. Feyre pulled him back on top of her, a deliciously heavy dead weight. “I think I might have to update my pros and cons list.”
Rhysand laughed, and Feyre doubted a year of looking at that smile would be enough. 
Hell, a lifetime might not be enough. 
She didn’t let the thought linger. 
“Do you think there’s some innocent people around for you to threaten?”
A kiss to her temple. “I’ll hire someone if I have to.”
Part 3
@a-bit-of-a-cactus @bamchickawowow @aesthetics-11 @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @rapunzel1523 @negativenesta @burritowithfeels @exciting @sis-it-dont-add-up @mockingjayusa @aelin-is-my-heart @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @awesomelena555 @thekeytohappiness-is-you @keshavomit
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saeyoungchoivibes · 4 years
Hello~ Not sure if you've already done one, but may I request a day at the beach with the RFA? ^^
This is very cute!  I’m not sure if you meant all together with them at the beach or individual relationship headcanons with each of them, so in the spirit of what I usually do on this blog, i’ll do the latter!  These all take place post game, ofc
Before either of you even step foot on sand, he’ll make sure you’re both lathered head to toe in sunscreen ( “Early prevention is key to avoiding wrinkles!” he’ll exclaim, and you’ll laugh at how that’s his motivation for sunblock as opposed to trying to avoid burning or even skin cancer.)
He goes to the beach in style: umbrellas, chairs, cooler packed with healthy snacks and beer.  He’d also definitely set an alarm every fifteen minutes reminding him to flip himself as he tans, sans sunglasses
You’ll try and drag him to come swim with you, but he won’t go into water deeper than his ankles
“Salt water is so drying!  It’s bad for my skin!”
That said, he would never turn down the perfect photoshoot opportunity that the beach presents (for you and him).  He’s sure to get all the best angles and even splash some of that terribly drying ocean water on himself to really glisten in the sun (Edward Cullen is that you?)
He puts his rat tail up into a bun as well.  He can’t run the risk of salt water getting into his hair and damaging it even the slightest.  He’s also definitely wearing some sort of large sunhat for maximum protection.
Basically, a beach day with Zen is pretty high maintenance, and if he gets recognized on the beach, in a swimsuit, then it becomes everything short of a fiasco
BUT on a more relaxed trip to a far less populated beach, he’s definitely going to stroll with you down the shore, hand in hand, until you watch the sun set together.  Because that’s another great photo opportunity!
You’re the one who has to make him put the sunscreen on.  He hates the feeling of it and would honestly rather burn
Beach outings with Yoosung are few and far in between. He’s a student (meaning his only downtime is spent with you or playing LOLOL and not taking trips or vacations anywhere), and if he does get the time to spend with you, he’d rather spend it cuddling on your couch watching a movie together or making you dinner.  That means the times that you do go, you both try to make it as fun as possible.
He packs a cooler of food that he made for the two of you.  It’s usually just sandwiches and salads, but everything tastes so much better when it’s made by him (and you like giving him an excuse to eat more than cup ramen, mostly out of concern for his health)
If the water is cold, he’s not touching it, but even if it’s warm, he won’t dare go farther in than his knees.  He says it’s because he doesn’t like the way salt water makes his skin feel, but you’re convinced he’s afraid of the ocean.
Instead of doing much swimming, your beach days consist of sandcastle building competitions, burying each other in the sand, or seeing who can dig the deepest hole
Yoosung would also definitely try to find as many crabs as he could to add to his sandcastle (”They’re guarding the gate!”)
By the end of the day, both of you are tinted pink and exhausted, but it’s always worth the extra effort and the trip
She plans a whole itinerary for your day for “maximum enjoyment” out of the trip.  Of course, since she’s not one to ever take a vacation day, going to the beach takes weeks of asking and prodding.  She decides that if she’s going to take the day off, she’s going to do it right.
You manage to convince her to get rid of the itinerary because it’s meant to be a day of relaxation.  You’re her conscience when it comes to enjoying herself and letting her hair down; sometimes, you just have to remind her to go with the flow.
One thing she will not let go of, however, is reapplying sunscreen every two hours (every 90 minutes if either of you go into the water!)
You set up your area, covering the ground with towels and throwing up two umbrellas.  She makes sure to hide any valuables such as your phones and car keys.
The first thing you both do is hit the water (you’re at the beach after all) and you race to see who can reach the sandbar first (hint: it’s her every single time)
You both like to spend some time out there; it’s a little quieter than the main portion of the beach and less populated with children
When you decide you’ve had enough of the water and the sun, you both settle in and read in the shade of your umbrellas.  Almost always, Jaehee will end up dozing off in the warmth, and as the sun shifts, you make sure to adjust her umbrella so that she’s never in direct sunlight
At the end of the day, you can tell she’s more relaxed and rejuvenated, and though she puts up a fuss every single time you ask her to take a day off, she always lets you know how much she appreciates spending that time with you
You want to go to the beach? He’s hesitant at first of taking a day off, but the idea of spending a day lounging in the sun with you in a tiny bathing suit has him calling his connections to secure a private beach at a resort for the two of you to use
He scoffs at the idea of putting sunblock on because he thinks he’s above getting sunburned.  The following week of rubbing aloe onto his entire body quickly makes him change his tune.
He will not touch the ocean water (”It’s nature’s bathroom, MC.  That water is disgusting.”) but will happily watch you swim around from the shore.  You look amazing while doing so, after all, in the bathing suit that he picked out for you.
Has a security guard or two watching from the resort beach bar or pool as insurance; you appreciate that they’re not so close that they’re suffocating your day with Jumin.
A day at the beach with Jumin involves a lot of lounging underneath the umbrellas drinking fancy cocktails (for you, at least.  Jumin is much more inclined to sip a glass of expensive rosé) from the resort bar
He has someone bring out lunch for the two of you to enjoy on the beach, but makes a reservation at the resort restaurant for your dinner.  He brought a lovely cover up for you to wear.
The beach is far from Jumin’s favorite place to be; it’s hot, it’s sticky, and he’ll be finding sand in his belongings for days to come.  But he notices how you light up in the warmth of the sun and how much fun you have swimming in the waves and he can’t help but think about the next time you’ll both come back.
He LOVES the beach and everything about it, so when you suggest a beach holiday, he’s more than happy to indulge
Surprisingly good about putting sunscreen on before you get to the beach, but will refuse to get out of the water or stop what he’s doing just to “reapply” (which he claims is a practice he doesn’t believe in.  You know he’s joking, but… what?)
Nothing will stop him from diving into the water, even if you’re slowly wading in because of the freezing temperatures.  More often than not, he’ll swim up to you underneath the surface and drag you right in with him.
He forgot to bring your lunch (”But I brought Honey Buddha Chips, so it’s basically the same thing!”) but of course he could never forget the giant bag of sandcastle building supplies/snorkeling gear!
He’ll definitely request that you bury him under the sand, mermaid style, but then he overhears a few kids claiming that they’re going to make the “best and biggest sand castle in the world!” and he immediately has to prove them wrong.
“Saeyoung, they’re, like, eight-years-old!” “The world isn’t fair, and they need to know it.  I’m going to make the best an biggest sand castle in the world.”
Saeyoung’s good at a lot of things, but sandcastle building is definitely not one of them.  You can’t tell whether it’s Ironic or not, but this man truly cannot build a structurally sound sandcastle to save his life. When you tease him about it, he digs a huge hole instead and sulks in it.
He gets burned extremely quickly, and while he refuses to let you reapply, he’s more than happy to be massaged with aloe and lotion on the beach and for the following week.
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filthfichunter · 3 years
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Decided to upload one of the scenes/ideas not originally included. You can read the whole thing on AO3 here
Coda to Peace and Quiet
Chapter Warnings for: Object insertion, belly bulge (see tags and previous chapter warnings) my writing style is best described as flinging words at a wall and seeing what sticks. Not beta read sorry!
This could stand alone, the basic scenario from chapter one: Geralt using a drugged unconscious Jaskier.
Part of the reason Geralt had started on the whole enterprise was to get some rest for himself. While fucking the unconscious bard as often as he wanted had started out invigorating, it had become  almost obligatory. 
Geralt didn't want to fuck his bard every night, but after his initial reticence was burned away it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity.
The potion ingredients weren't cheap.
Undressing Jaskier, propping his lax body up in some accommodating pose and fucking untill he was ready for sleep himself had become stale. 
Geralt wasnt uncreative. There had been variety in the way he tupped his friend. Including inventiveness that came about from afternoons on the Path blocking out the worst of Jaskier's chatter with fantasies about fucking. And contemplation about the logistics involved in carrying them out.
Some didn't require much extra in way of material. A log the right heigh and sturdiness. Rope enough to get Jaskier strung upsidedown from an overhanging tree limb. A treat to bribe Roach into taking two passangers on a trotting midnight path round and round the campsite, Jaskier jolting up and down impaled on Geralt's cock.
As a Witcher he had many tools at his disposal.
Some required additional clean up time to consider. It had taken half the morning after to clean, and repolish the length of silver chain he kept for securing shapeshifters.
It had been worth the bother. 
On that night he hadn't been interesting in fucking Jaskier. Instead he had decided to see how many links of the enchanted silver chain he could feed past the rim of Jaskier's puffy (no longer virginal looking) asshole. 
Each link was as thick as two of Geralt's fingers held together and as long as an egg stood on its end, not a challenge when compared to the other things Geralt had successfully stuffed into the bard already.
And all that before you took into account the size of Geralt cock, which the bard was taking regularly with minimal preperation required at that point.
The challenge came in the sheer number of links available. The chain measured nearly fifteen feet and was heavy enough (and valuable enough) that it normally lived in a special enchanted pack attached to Roach's saddle.
The special pack was also treated on the inside so that the silver chain was less likely to tarnish, a slick film covering the surface.
Jaskier's ass was spread open and pointed up to the sky, his head and upper back touching the ground while his knees rested bent near his ears shoulder width apart. Geralt had heard the pose called a plough, and had put name and form to function using it on numerous occasions for fucking.
It gave the best vantage point for seeing what could be stuffed into that much beloved body.
The bright cold silver almost sparkled in the moonlight as Geralt pressed link after link down into Jaskier's depths. He had an upclose view as the weight of the chain drew the length deeper and deeper.
The first few had been easy. The puffy wrinkled rim opened over the widest part of the chain link before reflexively clenching tight from the chill of the metal.
Jaskier's rim fluttered open-close open-close with each new addition. Between the weight of the links and the contractions of over worked muscle each new silver link seemed to almost be pulled down one after the next.
A little past a quarter of the way there was a wave of muscular spams that rolled through Jaskier's usually pliant body. Geralt had to stop and massage the lightly haired belly. His little toy was likely cramping from the weight and unusual pressure being placed against his insides.
If he pressed down hard enough into the soft vulnerable flesh of Jaskier's body he could almost feel where the hard metal chain was starting to bunch up. He could hear the faint rubbing of silver against silver with his Witcher hearing. The dull rasping metallic sound audible even through the layers of flesh, muscle and skin.
At the midway point Geralt had to start adding more pressure behind each new insertion. Each new link pushed the last link deeper, but there was only so much space to start with.
The constant hard pressure of the metal links moving across and up against his prostate had Jaskier's cock leaking a near steady burble of clear seminal fluid. The bard's cock was only halfway to hard, more flacid than not, but from that point on Geralt made it a point to include it in the deep massaging rub. The belly was noticeably more pooched out than when he'd started.
He developed a routine. He would push a link in, run his fingers around the sweetly swollen rim of Jaskier's asshole (bisected by the chain still remaining), and then make a circuit with his hands over the rest of his favorite parts on display.
He would roll his knuckles, deeply pushing hard along the seam of perineum, cup and squeeze Jaskier's not unsurprisingly large testicles, ring his fingers around the full blown erection for a few pumps before turning his attention to palpating under his friends belly button, up over abdominals and back down to his asshole. He'd push in the next link and repeat.
Over and over untill with a good 18 or 20 inches still left Geralt decided it would probably be safer to stop.
The last link was only half way inside, the widest part of it kept pushing out and back into Jaskier along with his breathing. He was overful, burdened by the odd position and the heft of feet of silver resting inside his body.
Insertion done with Geralt sat back onto his knees and prepared the main part of the evening. Sure to wear his friend out so that the next days peace was guaranteed. A sore tired bard would welcome a chance to doze on the back of Roach and wouldn't sing, or compose verse, he would just be docile and thankful to Geralt for the kindness.
His favorite variety of Buttercup.
He quickly rolled the bard over onto his back. In that position the swell in his belly was obvious. The taut stretched skin appeared almost embossed by the chain visibly straining against it's over full container.
Geralt took the very last link in the silver chain and staked a long 'U' shaped stake through it and into the hard sod covered ground. Jaskier wouldn't be going anywhere.
The thing about enchanted silver is that it reacted much like his medallion, vibrating in the presence of specific spells.
Geralt cast Quent, erecting a protective circle around his friend. Immediately the entire length of the chain began to writh and vibrate. Jaskier's confused over stimulated, and overwhelmed body tripped over into a climax, cum spurting out on to a belly vibrating from within.
Three or four links had been forced out of Jaskier's ass by the contractions of his channel. He'd likely push more out with each following orgasm too.
The slick seed of Jaskier's release danced rapidly up and down, it looked like a rain puddle disturbed by the passage of a herd of trampling horses, or left over wine dancing within a goblet, disturbed by the loud noise of a banquet hall.
Geralt added his own cum to the oscillating mess.
The spell should last untill dawn. Meanwhile he could rest and still have time to retrieve the chain, clean it, pack it, and then quietly meditate before the potion wore off and Jaskier regained consciousness.
I have one or two other outlines for the other cut scenes, let me know if there is interest! 1) spectral black dog with ectoplasm jizz, 2) hair removal, Geralt shaving 🪒/magic-ing Jaskier hairless, 3) shoot me a prompt and I'll see what inspires
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