#one time in order to watch a movie on yt I think I stopped counting at the 20th ad mark before giving up counting
a-very-fond-farewell · 6 months
me: *tries to watch a 8min video while eating*
the video: *plays 6 whole ads during its runtime*
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purplew · 2 years
modern mdzs hcs that have no substance whatsoever
wwx is a major conspiracy theoriest, like my man will question everything given the oportunity, and like everyone is just tired of his bs already except lwj (obv) and then at some point they start theorizing together and just imagine like one lan family dinner where lwj explains the flat earth theory to lqr with his dead pan face and lqr is just regretting ever letting his nephew out of the house
jyl buys jc and wwx like rlly cute and ugly socks that they cherish with everything they have, and just wear them all the time, she also got them pride ones
lwj unironically wearing crocs
jc knits when he's stressed. it started out w him wanting to do some cute baby clothes for jl and then he just started doing ugly sweaters for wwx and rlly intricate scarfs for jyl, and when jl grows up he also teaches him and they make little clothes for fairy and just quality time™
jyl and lwj cooking together pls
I feel like wwx definitely had a major hair dye phase in college, just the cheapest dye and a new color every month, his hair is low-key ruined now but lwj always conditions it and gives him oils and stuff
wangxian watch true crime documentaries together and then try to solve the murders, they do it monthly and they have one living room wall that's always full w police reports, maps, suspects idk
when wangxian started dating lwj got a pocket sized coloring book for wwx to use when he's anxious, sometimes he'll sit in the buss stop and do a monochrome flower other times he's in a cafe and just takes a small pencil pouch and goes off
jc and wwx went to a drag show drunk one time and rlly enjoyed it so they start doing it for halloween then for game nights and idk if there are any open mic drag shows but i feel like they'd deff go, and they're audience faves, rlly funny together just chaotic dumbass level off the charts, that's where they met mxy and wwx made him his protegé
lwj taught lsz how to play guitar and got him an electric one which wwx painted
lwj w gauges, he started stretching them when he was a senior in hs
when nhs comes over he braids wwx's hair, a different style everytime and they just talk shit while drinking mimosas
wn and lwj have a gaming rivalry, like one time wn was over and was playing mario kart w wwx and lwj comes in and he starts idk trying to help wwx and wwx is like why don't u try, and he does and wins and somewhere along the line he plays random games w wn and they both enjoy it but are competitive asf so they start counting wins
wwx has a massive record collection and his friends always get home like super rare ones when they travel and he just,,, his babies, also they're like every genre possible, i think he'd be a music snob but won't just settle for one type of music to obsess over
jc a kpop multi, nhs showed him some songs when they were in hs and it's been like his 'guilty pleasure' even tho everyone knows ab it, deff just does random kpop refrences on the daily, like one day he just tells lwj 'mAyBe iF yOU sTaNnEd LoOnA'
wangxian watch rlly bad horror movies and bet in which order the characters will die
wwx enjoys russian lit, has read all of dostoyevsky's works and most writers from that specific period of time
jgy has a pocket knife that he carries everywhere
lxc has a film camera collection and he bonds w wwx ab film photography and obscure photographers from the 90s
lwj hates modern art museums
wq tattooes wwx and he always passes out 5 minutes after they start
nhs and wwx learned french so they can bitch together in peace, jyl also knows it
lwj had a major latin phase in middle school and a mythology one, sometimes him and wwx just sit in bed and he tells him random myths or poems
junior quartet have a yt channel on which they used to post embarassing videos in middle school
jc and wwx were vine legends, like just imagine wwx playing the flute w his nose or some shit and jc just screaming tHIS IS WHY MOM DOESNT LOVE YOU, or tbh them on any kind of platform just bullying eo and middle schoolers, maybe they'd randomly find junior quartet's yt channel and react to it idk
nhs made like kinda ugly clay bracelets for wwx and jc when they were kids and they both still have them, wwx put it on his bag and jc has it as a key chain
jl tried to read self help books in hs but just got mad when the affirmations and stuff didn't work out
lsz and wwx bake together complicated deserts on saturdays and listen to european 00's pop
wwx does like a smudged eyeliner and that's it but lwj will have a 15 step skin care routine and like 3 types of highlighter
jzx always wears pretty silk scarfs and those big obnoxious designer sunglasses
wwx was a theater kid, and he'll just Shakespeare quote randomly
lwj and lxc love musicals and brodway, they see some live w nhs
nmj and his never ending metalhead phase
lsz enjoys foreign indie films, like french, norwegian, italian all the jazz
speaking of jazz, lwj,,, big mf fan
i think at some point yunmeng bros deff had a garage band, and they were actually pretty good and got quite famous, but couldn't pick a genre so that's why they 'split'
jyl and wwx watch Tim Burton movies as comfort
wn and lwj closet harry potter nerds
wq hates wearing jewlery but she has a thread bracelet lsz made her in kindergarten
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Cookies | Peter Parker
Pairing: college aged!Peter Parker x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: your best friend brings freshly-baked cookies and tells you a secret.
Request: do you listen to asmr boyfriend roleplay (on yt)? Some of them would be great as fics.
Warnings: the littlest angst, nosy people, awkwardness, a hint of low self-esteem, fluff, making out, language?
A/N: anon didn’t clarify which Peter Parker she meant so picture Andrew, Tom, 616!Peter, Peter B. Parker, Pine!Peter PS4!Peter or whoever you want.
Based off this YouTube video
“Hi, beautiful.”
You made a face, cringing as the greeting left Peter’s lips.
His shoulders dropped. “Why do you always make that face when I call you beautiful? You know I’m joking.”
That was exactly the reason why it bothered you so much, he was just joking. He made a move to step into the household which prompted you to tease him in order to lighten the mood. “Why should I let you in?”
“I brought cookies! And your jacket.” His comment made you observe he was holding a container in his hand while your jacket hung from his left shoulder.
You let him in, following him toward the kitchen where he was placing the cookies on the counter. Peter always made himself comfortable in your house, he moved freely, probably because he had frequented it since he was a child. May and your mom were great friends, that meant Peter and you had practically been raised together.
“You’re home alone?” he inquired, taking in the unusual silence around the house.
You hummed, leaning against the wall. “I think I’ve been home alone since the early morning.”
“You think?”
“I was tired last night and went to sleep early—“
“And for the looks of it, you just woke up, huh?”
You looked down, realizing his eyes were on your body. You were still on your pajamas. Unconsciously, you straightened your back and nodded.
“I get it,” he assured. “I’ve been really busy, haven’t slept well in weeks.”
“How is everything going? We haven’t really talked in ages.”
One of the disadvantages of having Peter as a best friend was that with the constant teasing from your mom and May, you couldn’t have privacy. You had lost count of the instances in which your mom had burst into your room just to see if you weren’t finally making out with him. May wasn’t any better, constantly dropping hints that Peter and you would make an amazing couple.
Many times you had wondered if your mom’s attitude wasn’t just to make you feel less insecure, but if that was her intention her execution had the opposite effect.
Peter sighed a lament, “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just everyone around us says we should date and... w—well,” he stuttered, focusing on the wall behind you, “between you and me, w—would you ever...” his voice lowered to a mumble, “date me?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, frowning upon seeing his shocked expression. “You don’t believe me?”
“I thought that a—all the pressure everyone puts on us to date was a turnoff,” Peter explained, playing with the strings of his zippered hoodie.
“Not really.”
“But think about it, we wouldn’t have a single moment to ourselves! Everyone would always have their attention on us and our friends would tease us and—“ he stopped himself, analyzing your face. “You’re sure,” he asserted, you nodded in confirmation.
Peter hadn’t thought it through when he decided to confess. Should he ask you out? Tell you to forget about it? One would make him happy and the other would save him from a big embarrassment. But it was you, everything had to be okay — it was you, yes.
“Would you like to maybe catch a movie next weekend? Would that be okay for a date? I don’t know what you like in that way...”
“That sounds good, yeah.”
He licked his lips, “May is gonna kill me for this...” Peter got closer to you, eyes on your lips, “can I kiss you?”
You nodded. You only had kissed him once, you both were drunk and had dumbly made out — you didn’t think he remembered it and to be fair you only remembered parts.
Peter leaned in, slowly closing his eyes the second your lips made contact. The kiss was too short for your liking, but his lips were softer than anyone who was familiar with his habits would’ve ever assumed.
“W—was that okay? ‘Cause I would understand if you didn’t want to date me because of my kissing ski—“
You interrupted him with your mouth on his, cupping his cheeks while kissing him as intensely as you felt comfortable with while in the middle of the kitchen.
“I would date you if you were a bad kisser, though,” you whispered on his lips.
“Why on earth would you do that?”
“Because I like you, and it would be fun to teach you.”
“God, this is so embarrassing,” he laughed, shaking his head. “It’s not cool telling the person you like you like them, it’s supposed to just happen!”
“It literally just happened, Pete,”
“Yeah, but we’re both extremely busy! You have all those projects and I have school and then the other thing...”
“It’s okay if you don’t want this,” you told him, hoping you didn’t sound as disappointed as you felt.
“I do!” Peter wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted. He had liked you for such a long time, the pressure from everyone around the two of you made it all difficult and confusing but he couldn’t remember a moment in which he hadn’t thought you were absolutely perfect.
As much as his responsibilities didn’t align with yours, you always had time for him and he always orbited around you. You made him a better person, he wanted to impress you all the time and make you laugh and make you proud — he looked up to you, you kept him in check.
“I don’t wanna lose you in this,” he confessed, “I don’t want their pressure to ruin everything, I don’t want Spider-Man to get between us...”
“As long as you’re careful, there won’t be no problem.” You admired him too much, both as a person and as a superhero to have a problem with it.
Peter pulled you closer, his nose brushing yours as he spoke, “I’ll put it like this: do you wanna go out with me? Not like just going on dates but like being an actual thing. We don’t have to tell anything to anyone if you don’t want to, we won’t listen to them.”
You placed your hands on the back of his neck, “what if I want to tell them?”
You didn’t feel comfortable with being his secret. It would only be detrimental for your mental health and self-esteem, enough you had with the societal expectations placed upon you.
“Do you want them to know you’re dating a loser like me?” he half-joked, eyes boring into yours.
“I’d proudly say I’m dating a loser like you.”
Peter kissed you again, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Do you mind if I stick around for a bit? We could watch a movie or something.”
You shook your head, leaning in to peck his lips. He laughed into the kiss, lifting you off the floor over how excited he was. Instead of putting you down, Peter tightened his grip around you and carried you properly.
You giggled his name, squealing when he shifted you against his hips to fit you against his side. Out of reflex your legs wrapped around him, arms snaked over his neck. “Don’t drop me or I’ll cry.”
“Living room or your bedroom?”
“Bedroom, I have to take advantage of you being strong enough to carry me.”
He burst out laughing, walking toward the stairs and trotting up them. “I’ll carry you everywhere, baby.”
Pete didn’t put you down once you were in your bedroom, your now-boyfriend laid on your bed with you on top, enjoying the sight in more ways than one. With his hands on your wide waist, he leaned up to kiss you, too excited to hide it was one of the many things he had fantasized about.
Soon he was panting underneath you, the bulge in his jeans pressing against the thin material of your cotton pajamas making you shudder. His hands were strongly gripping the sides of your thighs as he bit into your bottom lip, the sound that he caused to come out of you the hottest thing he had ever heard. You kissed him heavily, trying to shut both of you up in case your family was back.
It didn’t matter if you made noise or not, a squeak from behind you made the both of you pull away. Turning around, you saw your mom frozen in the doorway. You sheepishly smiled at her, trying not to giggle when you saw Peter cover his boner with a pillow from your peripheral vision.
He blurted, nervously, “May sent some cookies.”
Your mom nodded, blinking rapidly. It was like she couldn’t believe what she had just seen and you didn’t know how to interpret it.
“Are the two of you a thing now?” She asked out of the blue, as if things had sunk when her eye caught Peter’s disheveled hair.
“Yes,” both you and Peter said at the same time.
Your mom clapped her hands together, “finally!”
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queen-scribbles · 5 years
Get To Know Me
Tagged by @honekitteh
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better!(not gonna tag anyone, but feel free to steal and say I tagged you if you wanna)
1. Dogs or Cats?
I love both, only own dogs, buuut do have a slight preference for cats.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
I... don’t care? I guess normal since I don’t really know/follow any yt celebs.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
Probably Texas? I have friends who live in San Antonio I’ve visited a few times and it’s so pretty. Also, I hate snow, and they don’t get a lot there most of the time. :P Alternately, somewhere in a better timezone for watching CR; I’m three hours behind so almost never get to watch live.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Another don’t really care. The movie quality is more important than who put it out. If it’s a well written, acted, and told story, I’m probably not even going to pay attention to the company responsible.
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
WISHBONE. Also, Zoom, Reading Rainbow, and Magic School Bus, but Wishbone will always be /cough top dog. OH WAIT THE REDWALL SHOW I FORGOT THAT. Hmm. Redwall and Wishbone are tied.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
That new Miss Fisher one; Crypt of Tears. Tbh, I haven’t even been following what comes out in 2020?
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
It was a whole bunch of rereading old favorites, I didn’t read anything new, so any answer is gonna feel like cheating, but I’ll say Dark Force Rising bc I never get tired of reading Leia be a BAMF diplomat.
8. Marvel or DC?
Marvel, I guess. (I’ve only dipped a toe into the comic/cartoons and mostly know the movies)
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Nightcrawler or Storm. I’m more a Captain America or Hawkeye girl than X-Men, but I’ve always thought those two(and Rogue and Gambit) were cool.
10. Night or Day?
11. Favorite Pokemon?
I never got into pokemon so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know nothing Jon Snow
12. Top 5 bands/artists: (not in preference order)
Kelly Clarkson
Relient K
Walk the Moon
13. Top 10 books(these are not in order, and I’m counting series as a single entry, fight me)
The Lord of the Rings
Quadrail series(Zahn)
Redwall books
Northanger Abbey
Rogue Squadron books(at least the Stackpole ones, haven’t read further)
River of Time series(Lisa Bergren) (the back half of the last one doesn’t exist it DOESN’T THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER THE END)
Hope Was Here(Joan Bauer)
Shadows(Robin McKinley)
Hand of Thrawn Trilogy(Zahn)
14. Top 4 movies
Beauty and the Beast
Lord of the Rings(whole thing)
Captain America: the Winter Soldier
15. America or Europe?
America, I guess? I’ve never been to Europe so I feel like I can’t accurately judge? But a lot of my friends live in various countries there, so I’d love to visit someday. :D
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr. Better posting medium for pictures and fanfiction/stories.  I’ve always preferred a blog format.  Twitter is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, which some days I think we might be better without.(I”m keeping this bc SAME)
17. Favorite vacation destination?
Colonial Williamsburg or the beach. Williamsburg--aside from feeding my inner history nerd--has lots of fond memories from family trips when I was a kid(my grandparents had a timeshare they’d let us use).
18. Favorite YouTuber?
Uh.... probably some Let’s Player like Schaly or ChristopherOdd, maybe Toegoff?(look, Schaly played the ME trilogy as a vanguard femShep who romanced Kaidan and made *brows* “debriefing” jokes while cackling about being a human grenade in ME3, how can I not love her?)
19. Favorite author?
JRR Tolkien and Timothy Zahn
20. Tea or Coffee?
21. OTP?
That’s... too hard to answer. :P I have too many from various media. Tip-top of the heap is probably either Harvey/Trinne or Perc’ahlia, I guess.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing?
I don’t anymore. I used to play piano but stopped when I was about twelve.
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