#it’s not that I’m immune. I hate that shit
a-very-fond-farewell · 6 months
me: *tries to watch a 8min video while eating*
the video: *plays 6 whole ads during its runtime*
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noonvoid · 7 months
ai art is art. i don’t like ai. but it’s still art. lots of things are art. the real issue is how ai is being used maliciously by people.
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leahcee · 1 year
having major anxiety bc I feel guilty asking for coverage despite the fact that I am Very Sick but still pushed through and went to work today but called off yesterday 😁👍🏽
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can-of-w0rmz · 2 years
It has been FIVE DAYS of having gone from “constant mild cold symptoms” to “I’m-struggling-to-get-out-of-bed-and-haven’t-updated-my-journal-in-days” sickness and I’ve decided denial is the best way to go so from this moment forward I’m deluding myself into thinking I’ll be completely better tomorrow and hoping I don’t Victor-Frankenstein-ify my ass and pass out in the middle of my English classroom because I was too stubborn to just wait until I was actually better
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dashiellqvverty · 2 months
obviously the best way to become a better writer is to read real books but there’s so many things that annoy me in fic that i feel like should be able to be addressed by simply READING MORE FANFICTION. i’m going to be mean here but so often i will see things like the way people use commas (or more accurately, don’t use them), or calling characters “the blond” “the younger man” etc, or idk those are the main examples on my mind at the moment but other shit like that. and i’m like surely even if you don’t read books you read other fanfic right??? do you not think it sounds bad when other fic reads like this???
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seventh-district · 1 year
don’tcha just love it when someone says some bullshit that immediately has u regretting every single nice thing you ever said abt them
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nxthero · 2 years
been quiet today bc I accidentally took a kind of cold/flu otc medicine that gives me really wack anxiety and palpitations and shit so yeah that’s been fun to deal with today 🙃
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men w/ a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt2
characters: fem!reader x sanemi
warnings: blood, injuries, language, angst
pt. 1 w rengoku and giyuu HERE
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this poor man can just never be happy huh
now i find it very hard to believe that sanemi would be with a regular civilian
he’s gotta know that his SO is able to take care of themself
ur a slayer and you guys are paired up on a mission together
there were reports of several low ranking demons being sighted in a town
so Sanemi decides to split up and to meet back up when the sun begins to rise
when you don’t show up at the meeting place he knows something is very very wrong
tears through the town looking for you
and he finds you alright
laying in a pool of your own blood
haori torn to shreds
sword broken
he doesn’t even walk toward you
he’s frozen
his blood has literally gone cold
stands there staring at your broken body until the kakushi arrive
when they do they quickly realize that you are alive and sanemi snatches your limp body from them and SPRINTS to the butterfly mansion
he hands you off to Shinobu who gets to work immediately
he waits there for her to give him an update
and boy does she
you? a demon?
his sweet loving girlfriend is a demon?
it can’t be true. you were laying in the sun.
he tells shinobu this and she says that she’ll have to do some more testing when you wake up
it’s 3 days later when you finally do wake up
and when you do you’re greeted with 2 low ranking slayers pointing their swords at your neck
of course they had to keep you guarded in case you woke up and needed a snack
the human kind
screaming for shinobu she rushes into the room
she sends the slayers out and quickly explains what has happened to you
you ask for sanemi
and your heart breaks when she tells you that he hasn’t visited
not once since she told him what you had become
a few more days pass with shinobu running a bunch of tests
she concludes that you’re somehow immune to the sun and that you don’t have an appetite for humans
and still no sign of sanemi
he hasn’t responded to any of your letters either
when shinobu releases you from her care you head to sanemi’s estate
when you knock on his door he opens, looks at you
and then slams it right back in your face
so you leave
as the weeks pass you throw urself into training with Nezuko who you’ve become friends with
but other than to train you don’t leave your estate
you have locked yourself away from the world
believing that sanemi hates you because of what you are
a monster
it’s not until Genya visits you and sees how pitiful you look that something is done
Genya storms to his brothers home
the ground practically shaking under his steps
Genya literally slaps some sense into Sanemi
like actually slaps the shit outta him
Genya is the only person that could get away with something like that other than you lol
not 10 minutes after genya left your home you get a very hesitant knock on your door
you don’t answer
so Sanemi takes it upon himself to walk in
and he finds you sitting on the floor staring at the wall with a blank look on your face
he sets a gentle hand on your shoulder and you don’t react
you don’t move a muscle
you don’t even blink
it’s as if you’re in a trance
he takes in the dark circles under your eyes
and the frown that looks like it’s permanently stretched across your face
and the guilt hits him full force
kneeling next to you and pulling you into his lap
he buries his face into your hair
and he cries
“i’m so fucking sorry”
“if i didn’t decide to split up this wouldn’t have happened”
“it’s my fucking fault”
and then he feels you pull away from him
his eyes are still closed with tears slipping down his face
and then a small cold hand is wiping the tears from his face
“you left me” you say
and his eyes shoot open
to see you with tears in your eyes
he looks away
“i can’t look at you knowing that this is my fault” he says in between cries
“why are you here now?” you ask
he pulls you back into his chest and say
“Genya told me how you’ve been acting and I can’t stand knowing that you’re unhappy”
you push yourself closer to him and say
“if you want me to be happy, then stay”
he takes a deep breath
“i’ll stay”
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Happy Disability Pride Month!!!
Remember Folks:
- Use your spoons sparingly! Here’s some spoons to go: 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄
- Clean your mobility aids! (Seriously dude when was the last time you wiped that shit down with an antibacterial?)
- Accommodate yourself, as others will follow.
- Make goals within your reach and abilities
- Remember to stay hydrated and take your meds!
- For my fellow heat sensitive homies, stay cool this summer! A cold rag draped behind your neck, airy clothing, a small portable hand fan, keeping ice packs ready, cold water and expecially cold electrolyte drinks, all do wonders!
- For my fellow autistic folks, don’t be afraid wear earmuffs, stim, use chew charms, whatever it is that helps you regulate. You don’t have to mask if it’s something that isn’t benefitting to your life.
- POTS havin mofos like me, salt the ever loving fuck out of your food. Try different foods with salt, such as fruits and vegetables! I’m currently eating a salty tomato. Drink lots of water, I’ve been aiding gateraid packets to my water and it’s made a HUGE difference, especially as someone who hates drinking water.
- Those with PTSD for whatever reason, I wish you safety and support as you learn to cope and hopefully heal.
- I don’t know exactly what to say to others with H-EDS, as I’m still understanding this disorder other then BE CAREFUL WITH YOURSELF THIS PRIDE MONTH. I swear to god we are the most accident prone mother fuckers lmfao-
- If your immune system is all fucky like mine, keep clean and be sanitary, communicate with others that if they’re sick you can’t be around them, and wear a mask if you feel like that’s the right option for you. In my hometown I’ve gotten yelled at more than once for wearing a mask post-covid, however you can’t let someone else’s ignorance result in your own suffering.
- Don’t forget to move around and stretch! A little movement can do a lot for your body.
- Check in with your disabled friends! Try and see if there’s any way you can help one another, see where both of your strengths and weaknesses lie, and swap some spoons!!
- Be aware of what triggers your disorders. Whether if it’s caffeine triggering bipolar episodes, the weather causing fibro flares, big changes causing meltdowns, overexerting your hypermobility, whatever it is, it matters. Listen to your body and mind.
- Don’t be afraid to call out that doctor who isn’t listening, dismissing your symptoms and medically gaslighting you.
- While it may not seem like a big difference for some, trust me when I say your appetite is so important! Remember if it comes down to it, that it’s better to eat something, ANYTHING, than nothing at all. 
- To that person who might be hesitant, ashamed or might be questioning wether or not they should use a mobility aid, if it’s the difference between you being stuck at home vs going out and living some life… USE THAT MOBILITY AID!!! Same goes for braces and any other tool that may help you live a better quality of life.
- Be accepting towards those with disabilities different then your own- remember this month isn’t a competition about who’s struggling the most, rather to understand that people of physical, psychological, sensory, neurodivergence, and even undiagnosed disabilities all share one thing in common.. WHICH IS BEING DISABLED!
- Doesn’t matter who you are, how young or old, black or white, thick or thin - the disabled minority is one you can end up becoming a part of at any time, and likely will if you live long enough. Disability doesn’t discriminate, so EVERYONE should be advocating for disabled people’s rights.
- And of course, have pride in being disabled. This shit is fucking hard, but if you’re reading this, you’re doing it. Just being here today and doing what you can handle or manage, is doing your best, and that’s enough. You don’t have to push yourselves to impossible lengths to be proud of yourself.
Here, have the disability pride flag:
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sniperct · 2 months
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Biden previewed the shift in a Zoom call Saturday with the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out — I don’t want to prematurely announce it — but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court … I’ve been working with constitutional scholars for the last three months, and I need some help,” Biden said, according to a transcript of the call obtained by The Washington Post
Four days after that debate, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump was immune from prosecution for official acts during his first term in office. Less than an hour later, Biden called Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard Law School, to discuss the ruling and the arguments for and against reforming the court.
Biden continually works with really smart people in the background, quietly, until he's ready to do or announce something. He uses these tactics in negotiations with other countries as well. He's not bombastic nor does he make the media happy because he's boring, but he's effective.
Whether you like him or hate him, he's actually good at this job and he gets shit done and often times it's actually good shit.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 7 months
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You were ambling back to your shitty little apartment, dripping with mud, and sweat, and gore from the Commonwealth's version of "community service." When you looked up toward your building, you were surprised to see Daryl standing there waiting, his crossed arms highlighting his broad shoulders. You sighed, wondering if you were about to get a scolding.
He seemed to just look you up and down for a long moment, taking in the splatters of walker blood all over you. "Heard ya got assigned clean-up duty," he drawled. "What the hell happened?"
You scoffed. "You mean what did I do?" He nodded. "I—I may have punched Sebastian in the face after he made a disgusting and offensive comment..." You sank down on one of the concrete steps and waited for his reaction.
"That spoiled little shit?" Daryl asked. You nodded. He sighed and sat down next to you. "'M sure he deserved it. How many hours did they give you?"
"Thirty," you said.
"You're lucky they didn't banish you. Kid is like fuckin' royalty or some shit."
You tilted your head. "Kind of. Except I think his mother is equally as disgusted with his behavior most of the time..." Daryl hummed his agreement. You glanced over at him. "Can I tell you something?'
He nodded. "'Course."
"I kind of fucking hate it here."
A wry laugh left Daryl and he nodded. "Ya don't say..."
"Something about this place feels... off. Something's wrong. Or rotten. I don't know..." you trailed off, looking across the street at the dilapidated apartment buildings where they shoved the lowest class of people. "I know I should probably feel more grateful. There are walls and more reliable food and... but I just—I kind of wish I was back on the outside. It was... freedom. Sometimes terrifying and frequently hard and awful, but freedom." You glanced over at Daryl again and he had a queer expression on his face. "You think I'm nuts?" you laughed.
He shook his head. "Nah. Hell no. Ya just said everythin' I've been feelin' too. Somethin' is rotten in here. Ya ain't wrong."
"Are we trapped?" you asked in a low voice, a shot of anxiety causing your heart to beat erratically for a brief moment.
"Us?" Daryl repeated. "Fuck no. We ain't ever gonna be trapped. Everythin' we've already been through? They've got another damn thing comin' from us if shit goes south." He climbed to his feet and held out a hand to pull you to yours. "Listen, if that little prick comes sniffin' around ya again, ya lemme know. I'll take care of it. Try and keep yerself out of trouble."
You smiled at him and shrugged. "Being one of those Stormtroopers give you some kind of immunity?"
He shrugged. "I doubt it. But I'll deal with that asshole so you dun gotta. I'd love the excuse..."
"Alright," you laughed. "Deal."
He nodded and gave you a tight smile. "Try and get some sleep," he said.
"Yeah... you too."
Prompt: "Can I tell you something?"
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thesuperiorrobin · 10 months
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~
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Type: straight up headcanon. Based off when my parents let me decide if I want a tongue piercing or a nose piercing. Spoiler it was not a tongue piercing :/. I’m too much of a wuss to let anything near my mouth. I actually do know how long it takes for them to heal but my mom told me it takes about 2 weeks cause she got one when she was 14.
Warning: mentions of make outs, OOC Damian, horny Damian.
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^doesn’t know. You wanted to keep a a surprise.
^ you only told him when he had came back from a three week long mission, when he had snuck into your room at night and tried to kiss you but you dived it for obvious reason.
^he was butt hurt when you did it and when he tried again you dogged it one more time with a smile as he glares down at you.
“What’s up with you? Are you mad at me?”
“No I just can’t kiss you”
“Are you sick? Cause may I remind you I have a very strong immune system”
^you laugh at him while he stands there confused and after a minute of trying to calm down you show him why. You open your mouth to show him why.
^He’s confused until his green eyes land on the silver ball that’s right above the tip of your tongue. He grabs ahold of your chin just to get a better look. Eyes lingering for a second until he glances right back at you.
“Is that Real?”
*you hum and he lets go.
“Yep. So no kissing until it’s healed”
^ there’s a shit eating grin on your face.
“How long will that take?”
“It should take about a week or so but no tongue action for at least 2 weeks”
“2 weeks? Why do you do this to me?”
^he dreads the healing process. He can kiss no one the lips, cause he knows if he did he won’t have any self control. So he’s best bet for the weeks was giving you kisses everywhere but your lips.
^and hates how you tease him. How you kiss him at the edge of his mouth. It’s so close but so far. He doesn’t like it.
^sometimes he likes to look at it. When you’re talking he’s only focus on the silver ball and probably nothing more. other times he grabs ahold of your chin and you open your mouth knowing what he wants.
^those 2 weeks feel like years to him.
^but he’s been counting those days and you know it. It’s like new year’s countdowns. He’s waiting until the ball drops so he can latch on to you and kiss you.
^and when those two week are up he’s sneaking into your window. As you great him with a hello, he doesn’t get a word in when he jumps you and drags you to bed. Lips attaching to one another harshly.
^the new feeling of the metal against his tongue drives him insane as he plays with your tongue with his. It sends a spark between the two of you as you let out groans and moans. As always you’re the first to lean away.
^you two are breathing heavily and you manage to let out a breathy laugh.
“If I knew you would have been this turned on I would have pierced my tongue sooner”
^he doesn’t answer you back instead his diving right back in, mouth latched back on to yours and tongues fighting for dominance.
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I’m taking a small break from my one shots. I’ve been really burned out lately from school and work. But I’ll work on headcanons for a bit.
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totheblood · 2 years
hii love can you write hcs of ellie williams in protective gf mode
a/n: of course! thank u for the request <;3 p.s little bonus ai audio at the end (ellie yelling at u lol, ellie telling u to drink up, ellie asking u whats wrong)
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protective gf ellie
it’s no secret that ellie is extremely protective of the people around her, but when it came to you it was a whole other story
she’s protective of you out in the world, if you’re on patrol together she will always enter new areas before you, scoping it out before giving you the okay to come in
“it’s safe to come in, babe.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
“and you’re still alive, so where’s my thank you?”
she would definitely try not to baby you since she’s positive you can hold your own (it’s very hot to her how badass you are on patrol) but sometimes she just can’t control it
she knows she’s immune so she would much rather take her chances than have you be bit, but you don't know that so you get into little quips about why she doesn’t let you fight infected
“i don’t see why i can’t clear out the area with you ellie, i feel like i’m not pulling my weight.”
“it’s not safe, you could get bit.”
“but i won’t.”
she will always check the sturdiness of the floor before telling you to follow her (she’s fallen through too many floors to take her chances with you)
when you do end up getting hurt on patrol she gets mad
like unreasonably angry at you… she’s working on it
“what the fuck were you thinking?! going in there gun’s blazing, you didn’t know how many of them there were!” she would scold you while tending to your wounds, it was honestly very confusing
“i’m sorry, i jus-“
“don’t do it again.” she would say it in her sternest voice before kissing the gauze where she patched you up
when it comes to protecting you from other people in jackson ellie was known for being ruthless
a guy hitting on you at the diner? she would slide into the booth next to you and wrap her arm around your waist with an exaggerated, “hey baby.”
someone who won’t leave you alone when you’re obviously uncomfortable? she would immediately step in between the two of you with her finger pointed in the guys face, “hey back the fuck up!”
if she ever saw you crying, all hell would break loose
inside her rage would be boiling, but on the outside she was running up to you, putting your face in her hands, scanning your body for any injuries, and asking you with the most tender voice, “what’s wrong, baby?”
“these guys would not stop making fun of me on my way home.” you would explain in between sniffles “just got so overwhelmed, but i’m okay.”
“who? what did they look like? what were they saying?”
“ellie, don’t do anything.”
“i won’t, just tell me. wanna make sure those assholes shovel horse shit for a month.”
after you would tell her she’d press a kiss on your forehead and stay with you until you fell asleep
after she would go out and find the guys who made you cry and beat them up (violence isn’t the answer but this is ellie and she’s a sucker for revenge)
ellie’s actually not above punching anyone for you, she just would never let you see that side of her
a part of her also wants to protect you from herself and what she’s capable of
so whenever she’s not doing mentally well she would seperate herself from you so she doesn’t lash out at you
she hates the look on your face when anyone yells at you and she knows she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was on the receiving end
she also always walks you home, she likes when you call her a gentleman and kiss her goodnight
she’s also protective of you when you’re not feeling well, absolutely ignoring her own health to make sure you’re eating, sleeping, and getting enough water
“c’mon baby, drink up.” she would coo as she gently sat you up in your bed, her protective hand resting on the small of you back while you drank
she would stroke your hair as you slept, constantly checking your body temperature as she waited for your fever to break
on the flipside, whenever she was sick she wouldn’t let you around her
you would be banging on her door with homemade soup being like “ellie, open this goddamn door!”
and her sick ass would say “no! don't wanna get you sick!” through her stuffy nose
“fine, but i’m leaving the soup outside your door, please make sure you eat it and drink water!”
“thank you.”
“okay, bye, i love you!”
“i love you more”
she’s always doting on you, making sure your happy and satisfied
if you’re eating together she would make sure you are full before she finishes her plate just in case you want more
at community events her eyes would always return to you even when she’s in conversation with someone else
“she’s fine y’know? just the spring dance.” jesse would say after her looking over at you for the tenth time in their 15 minute conversation
“i know. i just like looking at her.” it wasn’t a lie, but she was still just making sure you were okay
ai audios:
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cieloclercs · 1 year
Eternal life
Oscar piastri x russian figure skater
the ice queen — oscar piastri
pairing. oscar piastri x russian figure skater!reader
face claim. alina zagitova
warnings. swearing, google translate russian (im sorry), look guys i know the winter olympics were last year but for the sake of this they’re this year ok ?? 🙏 i used pictures from oscar’s sprint podium in spa for singaore (which obviously isn’t accurate plz overlook it hehe)
author’s note. hello anon! i hope you enjoy this, sorry it took so long ❤️
requests are still open for my 1k event! send something in if you’d like <3
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liked by oscarpiastri and 76,264 others
yourusername swipe for a fail 🥴
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yourfriend1 pleased to announce i got said fail on video ☺️
yourusername if you ever show that to anyone i’ll smother you in your sleep.
yourfriend1 wow 😃
yourfriend2 i feel like one of those aesthetic skater pinterest girls in the second picture
yourusername we definitely pulled off the pinterest girlie vibes 👍👍
yourcoach очень продуктивная сессия! 👍 / very productive session !
yourusername я знаю точно 😃 / i know right
username yourcoach i’m sensing some sarcasm 🤔
username no shit sherlock 🙄
username girllll are you competing at the winter olympics ?? i won’t take no for an answer btw you better be there. 🔪
yourusername in that case yes !!! 😀
username olympic champion 🔜
yourusername 😉
username hold up what’s oscar doing here? 🤨
username who tf is oscar
username oscar piastri, he’s a formula 1 driver for mclaren
username and he’s lurking in MY WIFE’S likes?? get tf out of here he drives cars in circles for a living 😭😭
username can you blame him tho y/n’s this total badass skating GODDESS and he’s just a silly little aussie like ofc he’s infatuated with her 😒😒😒
username guys all he did was like her post no need to create an entire backstory out of it 😭 they’re both highly successful sportspeople so they probably just mix in the same circles from time to time 🤷‍♀️
username boo you’re ruining my fun 🙄
username word on the street is oscar’s liking this girlie’s post 🤔🤔 now i just have to figure out who she is 😃
username girl u can’t be serious 😭
username how do u not know who y/n is are you living under a rock
username no?? should i know who she is?? 😭
username erm YES
username i simultaneously love and hate how this oscar dude has liked ONE y/n post and suddenly all the f1 fangirls have appeared 😭 go find a hobby plz i beg you x
username jokes on you, stalking potentially new f1 wags IS our hobby
username that’s quite possibly the saddest thing i’ve ever read
username babe what are they gonna do 😭 she’s y/n y/l/n she has like universal immunity from haters lol
username you’re clearly not an f1 fan and it SHOWS 😭😭
username sweetie i’ve watched the f1 girlies single handedly DESTROY relationships do not underestimate them
username ^^ does anyone know if they’re being dramatic or not??
username long-time f1 fan here !! trust me, they’re not.
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liked by yourusername and 23,815 others
oscarpiastri Ready to shine in Singapore 🇸🇬🤩
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username podium loading…
username i’ve got £50 riding on you getting a podium don’t let me down 💪💪
username so this is oscar piastri… 🤨
username uh oh the skater girls have arrived 😨
username *y/n girls
username no one gets into y/n’s inner circle without our approval first 🤭
username and you called US sad 😭
username how the fuck is this guy expecting to be able to pull a queen like y/n 😭😭
username seriously he looks so silly 🥴
username guys he only liked her post they probably don’t even know each other 🙄 stop making drama out of nothing jeez
username yikes someone sounds jealous…
username he looks goofy, next please 😒
yourfriend1 literally what i said smh
username girl 😭
username i hate to break it to you oscar, the y/n girls are never going to accept you x
username yeah sorry babe, you’re just not worthy of our ice queen 😘
username the way y/n’s literally a thousand leagues above him 😔😔 the pain of being a badass bitch 🥲
username y’all are crazy what 😭
username imagine thinking THIS GUY stands a chance with the hottest woman alive and future olympic champion 😭😭 i’d be so embarrassed 😭
username he looks like a capybara tf
username lmao if y/n and oscar ever do end up dating he’s not going to live this down 😭
landonorris oscarpiastri since when did you become enemy number 1 to the ice skating community
oscarpiastri 🤷‍♀️
username LANDO OH MY GOD 😭
username poor oscar getting dragged by the most intense fandom on earth 😭
yourusername 🧡
oscarpiastri 😊👑
username no.
username this can’t be happening
username oscarpiastri LEAVE MY WIFE ALONE BITCH 🤺🤺
username y/n you’ve just made everything so much worse 😭
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oscarpiastri cute cap, where’d you get it?
↳ yourusername this weird australian guy gave it to me. idk i would have preferred a number 4 🤷‍♀️
↳ oscarpiastri you sure? i heard number 81’s the favourite for a podium this week 😏
↳ yourusername we’ll see 🙃
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liked by yourusername and 50,367 others
oscarpiastri First ever F1 podium 🧡 Let’s keep them coming 😉
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username my driver 🧡🫶
username LEGEND 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
landonorris congrats mate! the extra motivation did you some good 😉
oscarpiastri it sure did :)
username excuse me? 🤨
username lando. what do u know.
username i bet this has something to do with y/n
username girl bffr 🙄
username LANDO I JUST WANNA TALK (tell me what u know rn.) 🔫🔫
mclaren Doing us proud 🥹🧡
*oscarpiastri liked this comment
username best rookie since hamilton button >>>
*liked by yourusername and 5,217 others
carlitosalcarazz Congratulations, amigo! 😁
oscarpiastri Thanks mate! 😊😊
username the y/n girlies have been real quiet so far 🤨
username they’re finally realising oscar isn’t just some nobody 😭
username he might not be a nobody but one podium still doesn’t make him good enough 🥰
username y’all are psycho i swear 😭
yourfriend1 ok maybeee he’s not that bad 🙄🙄
*yourusername liked this comment
username omg the y/f/n seal of approval ??? ITS HAPPENING
username calm down nothing’s happened yet 😭 as far as we know they’re not even friends lmao let alone dating
username girl did you even see y/n’s story she was literally in the mclaren garage repping oscar’s merch 😭😭
yourusername incredible 🧡
oscarpiastri Thank you for your support today 🧡 Hope you liked the cap 😊
username wait hold on a second OSCAR GAVE HER THAT CAP???
username oh they DEFINITELY into each other 😏
username oscar’s such a simp oh my god she turns up to one race and he’s giving her his merch 😭😭 what a dork
username i mean it’s y/n y/l/n can you blame him 🤷‍♀️
username i fear we’ve lost her y/n nation 😔
username as much as it pains me to say it i think you might be right 🥲
username i just can’t believe we’ve lost her to a guy who drives in circles for a living 🙄
username doesn’t y/n skate in circles? the shade works both ways honey 😚
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liked by oscarpiastri and 90,712 others
yourusername thank you for having me mclaren 🥰 and congratulations to oscarpiastri on your first f1 podium !! i had a blast 🧡🧡
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mclaren Glad to have you on board, champ 🧡 See you again soon 😉
*yourusername liked this comment
landonorris you do know oscar’s not the only mclaren driver right 😃
yourusername the only mclaren driver with a podium this week though 🙃
oscarpiastri Thank you Y/N 😊🧡
yourusername 🫶
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months later…
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landonorris ice queen? 🤨
↳ oscarpiastri of course
↳ landonorris simp.
oscarpiastri ouch ☹️
↳ yourusername just telling you what you need to hear, babe ☺️
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liked by oscarpiastri and 112,678 others
yourusername олимпийский чемпион! после стольких лет упорной работы я не могу поверить, что эта мечта наконец-то осуществилась 🥹 я хочу поблагодарить многих людей, которые помогли мне достичь этого: моего тренера, моих товарищей по команде, мою семью. я бы не справилась без каждого из вас! 🤍
olympic champion! after all the years of hard work, i can’t believe this dream has finally come true 🥹 there are so many people i want to thank for helping me get to this point: my coach, my teammates, my family. i couldn’t have done this without any of you! 🤍
i also want to thank my boyfriend and number one supporter oscarpiastri for putting up with me these last few months of prep 😭 i don’t know what i would have done without you 🥹 love you baby ❤️
oscarpiastri congratulations, my love 🩷 i’m so proud of you 😘
yourusername 💗💗
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heatherm00ch-dh00 · 28 days
TW: Adam Rosner … if you don’t feel comfortable about the topic, scroll past. But I think something does need to be said…
I found out that Adam Rosner has created a new Tumblr account. Using his full name, I’m not tagging him here. Why? I can only make assumptions. Maybe because he’s trying to rebrand his Search Engine Optimization. Maybe he’s trying to clean up his social media presence (he’s posting about diets and gardening, etc). He knows he’s already been written out of the Slenderverse history books, for good reason too.
Yes, he’s an optometrist. Adam Rosner is a doctor in optometry. I haven’t the slightest idea who the fuck would hire him. Especially in the New York City area. If you live in New York City, I would highly suggest to NOT go to his practice. Especially if you have children.
The reason I’m posting this is because I want to recommend to everyone NOT to interact with Adam Rosner. If you don’t already know, Adam is probably the most disgusting piece of shit I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. He is dangerous, malicious, evil, predatory, fucked up, and a narcissist. I would not put it past him to take advantage of you. I’m begging of you, don’t think you’re immune to him.
If you don’t know, I’m sure there’s a master list of the sexual abuse accusations against Adam Rosner on Reddit or Tumblr somewhere. He has “allegedly” abused, manipulated, r@ped, and groomed multiple fans and ‘friends’ alike, adults and minors. I’m using the word “allegations” because that spoiled crybaby bitch’s rich daddy probably has legal retainer for their fuckup of a son. I’m not intentionally trying to be vague, it’s just very exhausting discussing one of the worst things that has happened to me.
I still think it’s important that the community knows about why he is cast out, because I don’t want any new fans that may have found the Slenderverse post-COVID to fall into his trap. I think it’s pretty well known, but there are a lot of minors in this fandom. And we’ve learned that hasn’t stopped him in the past. If he lied to me about it, he’s lying to everyone else in his life (professionally, especially).
Soooo…the point is…..This is not me advocating for you all to go and comment & reblog his posts letting people know about what he’s done. That would be irresponsible…we wouldn’t want to have people who don’t know him well enough to read the replies & reblogs and find out what he has done…that would be so terrible! Right? We wouldn’t want an “alleged” predator to feel uncomfortable in a safe space he doesn’t belong in. Right? We wouldn’t want to lock down the Slenderverse, that would be ridiculous, right?
Fuck Adam Rosner. I know you’re reading this right now you fucking scumbag. I know you’ll never apologize because you don’t have a shred of dignity or humanity in that empty cavern others call their soul. You’ll never know what it’s like to be loved and respected. You’re pathetic and I hate you more than anyone in this world. Others should too.
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rewrittenreality · 8 months
Sweet Cherry Pie
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 621
Warnings: A little cursing but not much at all
Summary: You are taking care of your sick boyfriend
A/n: Hi! Hello! It has definitely been a while! Life has been so incredibly busy. I wrote this while I was sick because it kept me happy and busy. I have a little something planned for Valentine's day this year! Love you all!
Dean never got sick, his immune system was steel. You, however, got sick more than him. He was used to being there to baby you when you got sick and he enjoyed it. Now, here Dean was, sick and confined to the bunker while you and Sam went about your daily routines. You stayed home with Dean in case he needed anything while Sam was out getting food for the 3 of you. 
 Things had been fairly slow hunt wise so you knew you could be there for Dean. He was laying on the couch letting out frequent coughs as he watched the Tv. When he went into a coughing fit, you stood up from where you were in the other room and made your way to your sick boyfriend.
“You need to sit up, Dean. Laying down makes your coughing worse.” You tell him, helping him sit up as he coughed.
“I hate being sick, it sucks! I feel like I’m gonna die! AGAIN!” Dean whined as you rubbed his back to soothe his coughing fit.
One thing about Dean on the off chance that he did get sick, he was a whiner. He acted like the world was going to end and you found that funny. You, on the other hand, somewhat enjoyed it because it meant that you could baby him for a change. 
“You’re not gonna die. You have a cold.” You stated, trying to hold in a giggle. 
Dean glared at you, huffing in annoyance at the truth of your words. You ignored his glare as you got up to get him a blanket and some medicine. You covered him in the blanket when you came back and tried to give him the medicine.
“I’m not taking that.” Dean huffed, turning his head away from you. 
“Why not?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Because it tastes gross.” Dean said, still keeping his head turned away from you.
You grabbed his chin and pulled his head to turn back towards you. Dean glared at you again, acting like such a drama queen. His cheeks were flushed and his nose was red because of his cold. It was cute to you in a way. 
“I want the cherry stuff. It tastes better.” Dean whined, trying to push your hand away.
“You want me to go all the way to the store to get different flavored cough syrup?” You asked, your eyebrow still raised in a questioning manner.
“It tastes like that sweet cherry pie you make for me! It’s better than that grape shit!” Dean argued, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
“Are you saying my pie tastes like cold medicine?” You questioned, putting your hands on your hips while giving him a look.
“No!” He tried to sit up, but started coughing. You sighed and lightly pushed him back, so he is laying down again. “I promise your pie doesn’t taste like cough syrup.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”You sighed, not even trying to hide the smile on your lips. 
You laughed softly as he gave you those eyes you simply couldn’t say no to. He really did act like a big baby when he was sick. You sighed with a small smile, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead as you thought about it. You just couldn’t say no to him, not when you had the chance to take care of him for a change. Dean smiled all big at your words, proud of himself for immediately convincing you. He wouldn’t admit it, but he secretly loved when you took care of him like this. He knew that he could ask for just about anything and you’d say yes to it. 
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