#one two seven three down to Rockefeller Street
feluxution · 1 year
uwu going to take funny acid und owo E heheheheheehh ^~^ >.< I'm soooo sillyyyy :3
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abba-enthusiast · 2 years
i forgot that i have an essay due tomorrow and now i have to listen to my essay speed run playlist and it's just so. bad sldkfj 😭
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20cm · 1 year
one two seven three down on rockefeller street everything is more than surreal
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mortarsynth · 2 years
becasue tonight it is showtime. .. in the middle of the street life ... all we celebrate are good times ... because tonight it is showtime. .. come and walk with me one two sven three down to rockefeller street life is marchin on do u feel that one two seven three down to rockefeller street everything is more than surreal
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bloodigutz · 3 months
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zlotyeater · 8 months
one two seven three down to rockefeller street
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objectshowsdaily · 2 years
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day 92; one two seven three down the rockefeller street
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onlineviolence · 3 years
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scary-grace · 3 years
me, to my brain: can i please just finish this chapter i have 5 sentences left and work at nine am
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yugirimistwalker · 3 years
one two seven three down the rockefeller street
there was a cat that really was gone
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
Me, unable to sleep: Hm,,,, maybe if I try counting it will help me get sleepy,,,,, One-
My piece of shit brain immediately: ONE TWO SEVEN THREE DOWN THE ROCKEFELLER STREET-
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indiaalphawhiskey · 5 years
SD Drabble #1
Note: Another prompt I thought of long ago, that I’m still so in love with. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the time to write it, but here it is anyway. Posting under the tag “Sugar Daddy AU”. Please excuse my self-indulgence. xx ---
“Have you got that?” the woman asked. The tone of her voice, coupled with the patronizing pinch of her newly ‘refreshed’ lips, screamed condescension.
Harry offered her a soft, subdued smile. “I have, ma’am,” he said, calmly.
She sniffed and her nose, already two and a half inches in the air to begin with, titled higher in doubt. “Repeat it, then.”
Harry let out a slow exhale through his teeth.
“Of course.” His smile never left his face as he ran through the list in his head. “For the table’s appetizers, the Rockefeller oyster platter, baked garlic lemon butter scallops, lemon butter sauce separated into individual sauce dishes, garlic to the side, and a Caesar salad, with no dressing, no bacon, no chicken, and no croutons, to be served twenty minutes before the main dishes. For his entree,” Harry said, turning to offer the gentleman – who had been scanning him from head-to-toe with a rather lascivious smirk – a quick nod. “Sir will have the cherry-glazed rack of lamb, with marble potatoes instead of garlic rice pilaf, potatoes pre-cut into quarters, and a whiskey double.” He turned back to the woman, a challenge in his tone. “Madam will have the Chilean sea bass and braised asparagus, asparagus to the side and blanched instead of braised, with the pesto and lemon sauce on a separate dish, and a glass of Semillon. Dessert will be two pieces of the dairy and gluten-free chocolate truffle cake, and two glasses of our best sherry.”
The woman’s gaze remained unimpressed.
“Fine,” she breathed. She flicked her fingers away once, the sheen of her opulent diamond ring reflected on the white tablecloth – a dismissal.
Harry bowed politely, face impeccably calm as he gathered the menus from the table and began to walk away.
Oyster platter and scallops baked in nothing, he recited in his head as he weaved his way around the tables. Plain lettuce masquerading as Caesar salad. Lamb with an entirely different side dish than the one on the menu – Chef will be pleased as fuck, by the way––
Snap! Harry startled at the sound. What the f–– Snap! Snap! Snap!
He leaned back reflexively to avoid the hand aggressively snapping right in front of his nose, before turning to find it was attached to a portly man in his mid-fifties. His face was tinged red with impatience, his breath laboured as he heaved himself back onto his chair now that he had Harry’s attention.
Harry took a deep breath before facing the table.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Sir,” he began politely. “But my colleague will be with you in just a mo –”
“Oh, you’ll do, sweetheart,” the man crooned, licking his lips as he surveyed Harry. “You’ll do just fine.”
His impatience had faded completely, Harry noticed, though Harry much preferred irritation to… whatever this new expression was. Having only had this job for three days, it took all of Harry’s willpower to swallow the cutting remark that was already resting on his tongue. He managed, but unfortunately, the way his skin was crawling with discomfort was not as easily dealt with.
He exhaled slowly, reminding himself why he needed this job. Unbidden, the events of the last week flashed before his eyes.
Finding unrecognizable lingerie under his pillow. Being told by his fiance that he was being left for a nineteen-year-old pilates instructor slash aspiring male model. Discovering three months’ worth of unpaid rent bills hidden in their (now his, he supposed) bread box, and a discarded bill for a ‘12-carat gold-plated necklace with ‘MY BABY’ engraving, cursive’ (Gross.) in his trash (already paid, thank God for small favours). Combing coffee shop bulletin boards for part-time jobs that fit his tedious grad school schedule. Chicken-flavored ramen for the three straight dinners.
He tried not to sigh.
Relax, he told himself. Be professional, get your check, and get out of here.
“How may I help you, Sir?” Harry said, miraculously polite.
“Well, handsome,” Lecherous Restaurant Patron purred, drawing out the pregnant pause as Harry quelled a rising gag.
“Come off it, George,” his companion cut in. He tacked on a chuckle at the end like an afterthought, though it couldn’t mask the slight edge embedded in the words. It made Harry think of the way a cheeky thief smiles as he runs his finger back and forth against a switchblade – just a hint of a threat. “Just order, mate. The kid’s busy.”
It was hardly a white knight stepping in to defend his honour, but after the week Harry had, it was close. He had barely glanced in his saviour’s direcion before George spoke again.
“I own the place, Tomlinson. He can spare a couple more minutes, can’t you, darling?” He punctuated the question with two hefty slaps to Harry’s arse cheek. The first made Harry freeze in shock. The second made his vision go red.
‘He’s… amazing, Harry. I love him.’
‘MY BABY’ engraving, cursive.
Wanted: Part-time Wait Staff.
‘Repeat it, then.’
Slap! Slap!
The punch flew out of Harry, the crisp sound of knuckles against cheekbone ringing satisfyingly in his ears, loud and clear over the scuffle, over the yelling, over the firing. It was all Harry could hear until the harsh slam of the restaurant’s back door, and the biting whip of the winter wind.
Cheated on, left, in debt, harassed, fired, tossed out on my arse, Harry thought to himself, raising his fist in a sarcastic cheer. B-I-N-G-fucking-O. What he wouldn’t do for a joint right now.
He let out a deep, bone-tired sigh, winter’s icy fingers creeping around his open coat and up his too-thin undershirt (they had taken his uniform straight off his back, the bastards), before making his way out of the tiny back alley. He hunched his shoulders automatically, the wind somehow stronger out on the dimly lit main street, and began his long trudge to the tube stop, large hands stuffed awkwardly into his coat’s faux pockets because he had also lost his favorite gloves to bloody Neverwhere this morning.
“Mind the gap, indeed,” he mumbled to himself sadly, taking a little solace in the fact that he had remembered to bring his earphones with him today. He was convinced the morose opening chords of Landslide would manage soothe his broken heart, if he played it enough times. (Hey, if Stevie made it through, so could Harry.)
Lost in thought (and in the gargantuan task of untangling the aforementioned earphones), the barely audible crunch of gravel next to him didn’t register at all.
“ – genuinely feel like you’re ignoring me on purpose now but, once more, with feeling – Do. You. Need. A. Ride?”
Harry jumped, clutching at his heart and dropping his earphones in surprise. “What the bloody –”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” the man said. He offered Harry a sheepish smile, his elbow resting on the window of his cheesily predictable top down. “But I’d been here for like seven minutes –”
“You’ve been stalking me for seven minutes,” Harry deadpanned, so done with these absolute shits. “Yeah, not a great line to lead with.”
“Not stalking,” he tried to chuckle confidently, but the tone came out slightly uncertain. “But like, offering you a ride. You know, to make up for…” He tipped his head backward, motioning to the restaurant. “My partner. Business partner,” he clarified seriously, and ––
Oh, Harry thought. The other guy. Tomlinson, he remembered. No wonder his voice was familiar.
“No, thank you,” Harry said curtly as he began to walk again, his face resolutely blank, eyes trained stubbornly on his destination.
A huff of disbelief weaved itself between the sound of slow-rolling wheels.
“C’mon, kid,” Tomlinson tried. “It’s cold as shit.”
“Then maybe get a car with a roof,” Harry said, quietly.
Tomlinson chuckled in answer, wheels still painfully in time with Harry’s steps.
“Fair point. C’mon,” he repeated. “You’ve had a shit night. You’re cold and tired. Let me give you a ride.” When Harry stayed silent, he continued. “You’ll be home quicker. Home, and clean,” he needled. “And warm.”
At that, Harry let himself steal a glance, and was greeted with Tomlinson’s smirking profile, his eyes on the road. High cheekbones, a sharp jaw, the lovely peak of a small nose – everything was slim and pointed. Pixie-like, Harry caught himself thinking, though the delicate quality of his face was offset by just a hint of handsome stubble. A healthy amount of silver decorated his temples, but the hair on his head was still a touch more pepper than salt. Not quite a silver fox just yet.
Fifty, Harry guessed. Fifty-five at most.
“Is this your M.O., or something?” Harry asked, trying to keep the raking irritation from bleeding into his voice. The calmer he was, the less Tomlinson would think he was getting somewhere. “Is that how this works? You go to a restaurant, find a target, get your wingman to act like an arsehole, and then swoop in for the kill?”
A startled laugh broke through the hush of the street.
“Just a wee bit paranoid, aren’t you?” Tomlinson teased.
“Evasive, aren’t you?” Harry shot back.
“Okay, calm down, Sherlock.” Harry could still hear the amusement in his voice. “I do have killer flirting skills, but not serial killer flirting skills.”
Harry sighed then, so, so exhausted. “Right. Well again, no thank you on the ride. In case my little demonstration at the restaurant was somehow unclear, I don’t date men who are old enough to be my father.”
He tipped his chin up higher, because while Harry may not have any money (or a job, or a fiance), he still had his dignity.
Or at least part of it, he corrected, pushing away the curdle of humiliation as he remembered finding those awful panties.
“So you only date cheap men,” Tomlinson said, decisively.
“God,” Harry whispered under his breath, his annoyance now too hard to ignore. Louder he said, “Fuck off.”
“Cheap,” he continued confidently over Harry’s insult. “Young, handsome bastards who get one big paycheck and think that makes them Drake or whoever the fuck –” The cool-dad rap reference, plus the well-timed dig at his stupid, necklace-engraving ex, made Harry’s lip twitch upward against his will. “ – and then fuck off with some barely-legal twit who sucks dick like a champ but can’t name a single city outside of London.”
Harry snorted.
“Know him, or something?” he asked sarcastically, eyes trained on the tiny Underground sign that was still about three blocks away.
“Know him? Oh love,” The way he said it – ‘Luhv’ – made Harry finally turn to him. It was a mistake. His eyes were sharp – a searing blue even in the orange cast of the street lamps – and his smile devastating. “I am him,” he admitted freely, the skin around his eyes crinkling as his smirk widened. “Only, you know,” he shrugged. “With a few more checks, and slightly higher standards. I mean,” he blinked, almost sweetly. “You can name at least three cities outside London... can’t you?”
Harry could feel a gentle heat settle at the tops of his cheeks, the insinuation about his blowjob skills decidedly not lost on him. He felt his stomach do a sudden somersault. He pushed it away, convincing himself it was just the rush of attention, the electricity of an unexpected ego boost and that quick, first moment of feeling pretty again after getting horribly, horribly dumped.
His brief silence must’ve signaled a chink in his armour, because Tomlinson then took it as an opportunity to say, “I’m Louis.”
“I didn’t ask,” Harry said, tongue fast, though the fact that he hadn’t yet ducked into a not-suitable-for-sports-cars-sized alleyway probably softened the blow.
Louis only nodded, still smiling. “Right, okay. As much fun as this has been, I really doubt the lovely heated seating of my car will dull our banter. Or...” he dragged out the ‘r’, eyes mischievous.  “Are you really going to let a…” he assessed Harry. “Twenty? Twenty year gap be the reason you get hypothermia? Is that really the hill you want to freeze on, Mr. Principled?”
“Closer to twenty-six,” Harry corrected stubbornly. “Which is an entire fully grown adult between us. You could have kids as old – nay, older – than our age gap.” Did he just say ‘nay?’
“Did you just say ‘nay’, Shakespeare?” Louis teased. “So definitely at least three cities outside London, then.” Harry didn’t smile but it was a close thing. “And I promise you,” Louis continued. “I haven’t put myself in the position to bear children since you were – nay, before you were born. Been in a lot of other positions since then, though.”
He had the audacity to punctuate it with a wink. It was annoyingly charming, and Harry had never been angrier at himself.
“Besides,” Louis said, with the kind of smile that knew victory was close. “It’s just a ride, love, no strings attached. Unless of course, getting tied up is what you’re into,” he added, so incredibly pleased with himself. Harry wanted to smack him. But he could also feel the blessedly comfortable heat radiating from the car’s vents.
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official-darkforest · 5 years
one two seven three
down the rockefeller street
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morethanmeetstheass · 5 years
I think you could just say a word and both Bee and Random could quote a vine. They'd test each other kinda like in Jenna Marbles vine video
optimus, readying his team for an attack: “on three… one… two…”
blitzwing and bumblebee, chucking whatever they’re holding into the distance: “–SEVEN THREE DOWN ON ROCKEFELLER STREET”
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aurasessence · 6 years
Ratchet: okay smokescreen I have to stick you with this needle, im going to count to three.
Ratchet: one
Ratchet: two
Ratchet: why do I even bother
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