#onho month
smtown-tourist · 6 months
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The first time we’ve heard from Jinki in MONTHS and this boy has the AUDACITY to say “Waited long?” 🤦‍♀️😅🐰💎
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0nho · 2 years
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Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
also things I wish I could create for real 😩
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 10 months
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Happy Onho/Dokbaem Month !!
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suuho · 2 months
sorry its the onkey n onho anon, what did key do during the hiatus, i didn't know that something bad had happened with them 😭😭
well, it is mostly about kibum's behavior in recent months (and by hiatus i mean jinki's hiatus, specifically). i answered this before, here.
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mvpnoona · 5 years
Todays theme
The Holy Trinity of Dorks
aka Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest
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shatingstaredits · 5 years
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like if you save and don’t respost.
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jinkisbelly · 5 years
The fictober au:
Where Jinkis the King's hand, his personal bounty hunter and assassin. Minho is the only child of one of the King's most senior advisers. They met when Jinki was leaving his assignment meeting with the King. The story starts with him sitting in a ransacked house, clutching a note that says. "You took from me. I've only returned the Favor. If you want your lover returned, you'll do as I ask ~ E."
And its basically him fighting to get him back, with flashbacks of their lives :3
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shawol9196 · 5 years
Poly AU: Ch 8.3/Prelude? / ? (read on AFF)
But Jinki doesn’t have to share that part of the story. Nor the part later in the night when he finds out that it’s Minho’s first kiss.
Jinki agrees to meet with Minhyuk on a Wednesday for lunch. Minho’s in class and Kibum has a new project to work on, so he figures it’ll be something good to do. They meet at a diner close to the apartment; Minhyuk’s there waiting for him when he gets there.
“Hey! Glad you could make it. Was traffic bad?” MInhyuk asks as Jinki slides into the booth.
“I just walked since the weather was nice. Have you been waiting long?”
“Oh no, maybe five minutes or so.”
“That’s a relief.”
He sits down and orders a drink when the waiter passes by.
“I hope I’m not impeding on any prior plans of yours, Jinki.”
“Oh, not at all.”
“I just wanted to give you some details about the wedding and ask you a few questions that I’ve been wondering but just never get the chance to ask when we all meet up like normal.”
Jinki nods. He waits for him to continue, but they’re interrupted by the return of the waiter.
“So, I guess I’ll ask my wonderings first, that way if we need to make any plan modifications we’ll only have to talk about it once?”
“Works for me.”
“So, the thing I guess I’m most curious about is how you and Minho ended up getting together? I know you’ve said that he’s been understandably quiet about family, but did he know who you were, in terms of family, or-”
Minhyuk’s cut off by a phone ringing. He reaches for his phone, slumping a bit as he answers. With a sigh he starts getting out of the booth.
“I’m so sorry, I have to take this. I’ll be back momentarily.”
Jinki nods in understanding, watching Minhyuk walk outside.  He chuckles to himself a little: it was rather uncommon for people to ask specifically about his and Minho’s relationship. Normally all anyone wanted to know about was how a relationship of three works.
It was almost the end of the semester. Their big project wasn’t quite due yet, but it was definitely getting to crunch time. Seemingly against his own will, he found himself becoming fond of his projectmates. He was at a party, he didn’t even know who’s, when he ran into a familiar face.
“Jinki! Is that you, Jinki?”
“Minho! Hey dude.”
Minho beamed at the confirmation that it was in fact Jinki. By the rosy tint to his cheeks and the red solo cup in his hand, Jinki can tell that whether or not he’s old enough, Minho’s had more than a little bit to drink. Minho reaches out for his arm, and though it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, there’s something different about it today. Whether it’s because of Minho’s confession of feelings for him or because of the lost, lonely look on Minho’s face, Jinki feels concerned.
“Who are you here with?” Jinki asks, shouting over the music.
“I came with my roommate and his friend because their friend’s friend is the one who’s throwing this party but I can’t find them now.”
“Have you tried calling them?”
Minho shakes his head. It’s exaggerated, almost cute in a way. “I don’t know their numbers and my phone is dead.”
“Just stay with me for awhile, we’ll do a round around the place and see if we can find them ok?”
Minho nods and they start making their way through people. It’s a proper house they’re in and it’s rather packed, so Jinki lets Minho link their arms together. They finish searching the bottom floor to no avail before making their way to the second floor. When they still don’t see them, they make their way outside, to the backyard. The fresh air does Jinki good. He doesn’t know why he even came. Beside him, Minho’s starting to panic.
“I don’t have a ride home now I don’t know how to get back to the dorm I didn’t pay attention to the way we came what am I gonna do?”
Jinki can see where his car is parked and guides Minho towards it. He leans on the hood and gestures for him to do the same.
“Well, first we’re going to sit here until you calm down. There’s no need to panic. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Minho nods and takes a deep breath; Jinki lets him continue holding onto his arm.
“I’m sorry you’re stuck with me, I know you’d rather be in there than dealing with me.”
“Actually I was thinking about leaving when you found me.”
“Yeah. I came with a friend but he’s much more life of the party than I am. I usually don’t go to parties. I guess it’s lucky for you I did though.”
Minho hums.
“How much have you had to drink, Minho?”
They both look at the now empty cup in Minho’s hand.
“Like....two of these? I think? But I don’t know what was in them, my roommate got them for me.”
“Have you ever drank before?”
“How old are you?”
There’s hesitation and Jinki laughs. “I promise I’m not a cop, Minho. If you’re of age, I was going to offer to drive you back to campus for you to try and find your way home.”
“I’m twenty.”
“Alright, so that’s out.”
“No need to be sorry, bud. I’ve done it too. It’s all part of the experience.”
They sit in silence for a few minutes. Jinki feels his phone going off in his pocket and unlocks it to five variations of “you left already?”
“Minho, did you feel ok at my apartment when you and Kibum came over to work on the project?” He tilts his head, tries to take a sip from his empty cup. “Yeah, I felt okay there. Why?”
“If you want to, you can come crash at my place.”
“Here’s some clothes so you don’t have to put those back on after you shower or like sleep in them or anything. The underwear are new out of the package so you don’t have to worry about catching anything from me.”
Minho takes the clothes and pauses before shutting the door.
“Thank you for letting me stay, Jinki.”
Jinki sits on the couch and relaxes when he hears the water start running. He thinks back to Minho’s confession the week before. With projects and other homework due, he hasn’t had time to consider his own feelings. It’s been a while since he dated, been a while since he’s felt affection for anyone. Kibum had made a comment or two about Minho recently, concerning both his good looks and sweet personality. As he waits, Jinki weighs out the good and the bad points of Minho. Sure he could be a little dramatic and seemed to have more than a few issues on his plate, but even putting his looks aside, Jinki couldn’t help but feel fondness for Minho’s sweet and bright personality. He doesn’t realize that the shower’s done until he feels a dip in the couch and turns to see Minho sitting down next to him. He seems a bit more sober, though his cheeks are still pink.
“What are you watching?” Minho asks, pointing at the tv.
Jinki hadn’t even realized he turned it on.
“I just turned it on for noise, you can change it if you want.”
“Oh no, it’s fine.”
“What kind of phone do you have? I might have a charger you can use?”
“It needs a mic...micro...”
“Yeah! Sorry, technology isn’t my strong suit...” “It’s alright, bud. There should be a charger in one of the outlets in the kitchen if you want to try it.”
Minho gets up and scurries away. Jinki looks at the tv, trying to determine what exactly he’s watching: the scene isn’t well-lit, but he can mostly make out what seems to be a couple kissing. He doesn’t recognize the name and checks the synopsis. Of course he would pick a period drama full of romance.
“Oh I love this story!”
“You recognize it? I can barely see it.”
Minho plops down and begins rattling off details about the story that Jinki truthfully couldn’t care less about. But the enraptured glee in Minho’s face? Jinki is very interested in that so he leaves the movie on and tries his best to focus on what Minho’s saying and not just the way he chews his lip as he thinks. It takes all his effort not to reach out for Minho, not to kiss him until he’s quiet; and yet for all his efforts that’s exactly what he finds himself doing.
But Jinki doesn’t have to share that part of the story. Nor the part later in the night when he finds out that it’s Minho’s first kiss. And especially not the fact that Minho spent the whole weekend. And the weekend after, and the weekend after, and the...
“Sorry, business stops for no man.”
Jinki’s mind snaps back to the present at Minhyuk’s words.
“Oh, no worries. I understand.”
Minhyuk smiles cautiously. “It is nice to know that at least one of you do.”
There’s a lull and the waiter comes back to take their orders.
“So, you and Minho. What’s the story? I know you two met in that class, but when did you two call it official?”
“Well, our first date as a couple was to this performance of a Christmas Carol at a historic home.”
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thisisjustforfunval · 6 years
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A year later I decided Onew Elmo needed a friend, so allow me to introduce Minho Cookie Monster.
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onho8991 · 6 years
Minho turns around, surprised by Jinki's noise. He finds a red ball gag being pushed between Jinki's teeth and strapped around the older man’s head.
Watching the two, in this sort of act, Minho is again glad he took up the offer to witness what it really is all about. It's different, Jinki is different, here in these acts, than the person Jinki is intimately with Minho. It was only natural Minho's first thoughts finding the affair were Jinki with someone else showing that same soft intimacy that is supposed to be only between them with someone else. He thought it would be too painful to gaze upon, these acts between Jinki and Taemin.
Watching, Jinki seems disconnected from the person he is outside of these plays, almost like a stranger enters forbidden desires and then shuts and locks the lid of that tempting box the moment he leaves the walls of this type of room. The reassuring part, the realization is, that precious intimacy shared between him and Jinki is still guarded. Minho doesn't want Taemin to take that from them. Minho doesn't want Taemin to take Jinki away.
“Your underwear too,” Taemin cuts through Minho's thoughts, sounding soft and not the nature of what Minho used to consider a dominant male. His eyes have been opened.
Minho removes and folds the last of his clothing into a pin beside Jinki's clothes, asking “Will he really be okay?”
Jinki nods vigorously before Taemin can answer. “There you go,” Taemin grins.
Not sure what to do in a room as this, and feeling a bit exposed completely bare skinned, Minho steps forward “What do I do?”
“Stand there in front of him.”
Taemin’s tone has lowered. The youngest man removes his coat next to the bench holding bends of clothing. Beneath is a thin, loose-fitted tank top and thigh-hugging, squeaky spandex pants that carry a zipper from the front to the back between skinny legs. A dangling earring finishes the look for a very thin, youthful young man. It's not an unusual look for Taemin; he actually makes it look good, like he should be a magazine model instead of indulging people in their fetishes.
From a hook on the wall, Taemin takes a neatly stored hanging bundle of red ropes. With it, he stands in front of Minho, explaining. “This rope’s softness is specifically for these types of play. I am going to tie you in it, in the technique of shibari.”
Minho isn't sure what that all means, but he nods nonetheless. Taemin begins, stringing the red rope around his body, beginning around the back of his neck, taking much more time and precision than expected; as if a peice of art rather than just tying arms up.
Looking down, Minho finds the rope like triangles knotted down his middle and secured horizontally in two layers around his flat chest, forcing a plumper look to it. As the lightweight rope laces between his legs, Minho jumps. Jinki in front of him though, his gaze up and down, darkening with arousal at the sight before him, leaves Minho sure he can endure the soft rope squeezing him a bit.
“You should have a safe word,” Taemin says, standing upright and shorter behind Minho, still lacing the ropes.
“Uh..” Minho remembers that rule now, explained to him before but never seen a time Jinki used his own. There are so many rules to this it seems--like a game. Minho tries to think of it like sports, a favorite activity in his free time. It helps, a bit. A lot of trust is needed and earned. Minho still isn't sure where he ultimately stands in that regard, as he's been rebuilding his trust with Jinki again.
Taemin gives a short laugh, head shaking. “Stop is all part of the fun. Think of something else, something unrelated to this room.”
Minho’s arms are secured, folded behind his back with red rope. “Goalie..”
Taemin peeks around Minho's narrow shoulders, looking at Jinki with a familiar smile. “You have a type don't you..”.
Minho blinks, confused. Jinki turns away.
“Hyung," Taemin addresses Minho, "..how does it feel?”
“Tight.. a little strange..”
“Does it hurt anywhere?” Taemin asks, stepping back to inspect his work.
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eorumverba · 7 years
love letter
@taeminuet​ youre the reason im still here @jonghyyn​ your very presence brings me joy @orgel-ontae​ i dont regret a thing
Jonghyun falls in love quickly.
there are people who are rays of sunshine, cherry blossoms, vanilla candles and the colors of dusk.
Jonghyun falls in love quickly.
They’d fallen for Tae, confessed and started dating them within a week of them meeting, and even though it’s been barely two months, Jonghyun doesn’t think they’ve ever been happier. Jinki kind of agrees, always teasing Jonghyun about how soft they are for Tae or telling Tae how whiny Jonghyun had been about liking them before they’d started dating.
They don’t know everything about each other, not yet, but that’s okay. Jonghyun knows that Tae loves them, that they love Tae back, and that they’ll be happy together for a long time yet. And that’s more than enough for them.
So when Tae tells Jonghyun that they kind of really like fae pronouns, Jonghyun looks up what that means, tries their best to remember and not slip up. There are other things Tae tells them, things that they don’t quite understand but that make their heart weak and soft because Tae trusts them this much.
Sometimes, Jonghyun will wake up to texts that have clearly been written out by sleepy fingers - sometimes it’s Tae telling them about the dreams that have shaken fae awake or the memories that have just as suddenly come to fae, but other times, it’s just a simple declaration of love. Tae isn’t as openly affectionate as Jonghyun is, faer shyness easily mistaken for something more unfriendly, something stiff and cold.
But Tae isn’t like that, not really. Fae’re strong in faer softness, and Jonghyun loves doing little things for fae - telling fae how much they love fae, how sweet and kind and lovely fae are, how glad they are to have met fae. And even though Tae always blushes or whines or shakes faer head, fae’re always hiding a smile behind faer hand or muffling giggles with faer sweater sleeve.
Fae don’t always say those three little words back, but that’s okay, because Jonghyun knows fae love them too.
And also because Tae’s love is there in the way fae reach out for them, in the way fae collapse into bed and curl around them, soft breaths puffing into their neck. It’s there in the way Tae smiles at the sight of Jonghyun after a long day and the way fae remembered their favorite coffee order after just one date.
There are times though, where Jonghyun can’t help forgetting that though, their anxiety blowing normal things out of proportion and making them wonder if Tae ever even loved them in the first place. Because there are times, times where Tae doesn’t say I love you back, times where fae forget to text them back and times where fae flinch away from Jonghyun’s affectionate touches.
Jonghyun knows, rationally, that Tae loves them to death, that fae would never do anything to hurt them, but there are some times where Jonghyun just wants to ask, do you even love me?
It’s been almost three months, and they haven’t even kissed. Which is honestly okay, but for the way Jonghyun wants. And they can’t help blurting it out while Tae is half asleep, head in Jonghyun’s lap as Jonghyun tries to watch tv.
“Why haven’t we kissed yet?”
Tae doesn’t answer for a long few moments, and Jonghyun almost gives up, sure that fae’re asleep, but then fae open faer mouth to say, “I don’t know.”
And it’s such a Tae answer that Jonghyun can’t help laughing even though they can feel tears stinging in their eyes. “Okay,” they say, and maybe it’s something in the tone of their voice, or maybe Tae just knows them well enough by now, because fae open faer eyes and look up at them, frowning a little.
“Jonghyunnie, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing. I’m fine, really.”
“Jonghyunnie,” Tae says after a minute, “do you want me to kiss you?”
And the words are on Jonghyun’s tongue (yes, please, kiss me like you need me) but they can’t say that, because they don’t want to make Tae upset, and they don’t want fae to hate them, or be a burden on them-
“Jonghyunnie,” Tae says again, and it’s like fae can tell what they’re thinking, because fae reach out to squeeze both of Jonghyun’s hands with faers. “Can I kiss you, Jonghyunnie? It’s okay if you say no.”
But Jonghyun doesn’t, because how could they, when this is all they’ve been wanting for so long? “Please,” is all Jonghyun manages to get out, and Tae just laughs a little, turning to face them fully. Fae look absolutely enamoured, and Jonghyun can’t help flushing pink when Tae says, “Baby.” like Jonghyun is the most precious thing in the world. And maybe, they are, to fae.
“I’m going to kiss you now, Jonghyunnie. Okay?” And Tae is close now, close enough that fae blur in Jonghyun’s vision, or maybe that’s just the tears that are welling up again.
“Okay,” Jonghyun breathes, and even before the word has finished falling from their lips, Tae’s lips are against theirs, soft and chaste and slightly chapped.
It’s definitely not the best kiss in the world, but it’s a nice one, and it’s quickly followed by a second, third, fourth - and Jonghyun starts to lose count after that, so they think it’s safe to think that Tae feels the same.
there are people who are marble floors, roman temples, black ink and the smell of the earth after rain.
Jonghyun meets Minho in a flurry of motion - a quick breath caught and lost, a harsh collision, the cold seeping into their bones even as the warmth of a foreign body blankets their own. It’s cliche, it’s so incredibly, stupidly cliche, but their heart is already melting as they blink up at the stranger that is staring down at them with something like worry and amusement plain on their face.
“Are you okay?” the stranger asks, and Jonghyun contemplates saying no for just a moment, just to see if they’d get helped to the benches or maybe even, impossibly, a phone number.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Fine, good, amazing, perfect, because the stranger has climbed off of them, gotten to their feet and offered their hand. They pull Jonghyun up with ease and Jonghyun doesn’t even have to pretend to wobble, squeezing their hand tight and reaching out to balance themself.
The stranger laughs a little, barely even faltering even though Jonghyun is now leaning full into them. “Are you sure? What’s your name?”
“Jonghyun,” they mumble, clutching tighter as the stranger begins to push off on the ice, gliding slow and careful, close to the wall.
“I’m Minho. Jonghyunnie, it’s easier if you’re not looking down. Just look ahead and lean on me, okay? I won’t let you fall.”
Jonghyun’s heart stutters and they nod, even if they can’t help squeaking when Minho tugs them forwards. And maybe it’s the romantic in them, but this is so nice, because Minho is tall and warm and sturdy, and they’re cute. Jonghyun almost wishes that Jinki were here to see them like this, on the arm of a person as cute as Minho.
“It might be easier like this,” Minho says then, taking one of Jonghyun’s hands in theirs and then easily, effortlessly spinning around to face them. They’re skating backwards now, careful and slow, and they’re holding both of Jonghyun’s hands in theirs, and Jonghyun can’t help giggling, because god. If Minho is flirting with them, they’re doing an excellent job of it, and even if they’re not, this will be something to brag to Jinki about for weeks.
“Thanks, Minhoie.”
“Yeah! Since I’m Jonghyunnie, you’re Minhoie.” Minho doesn’t say anything to that, but they do smile warm and bright at them, and the gentleness in it really does make Jonghyun feel like they’re melting from the inside out. They just keep tugging Jonghyun along, slow and steady and careful, looking over their shoulder occasionally to make sure they won’t bump into anyone. They look natural on the ice, and though their cheeks are red and their hands are cold, they don’t appear to feel the cold - or maybe they’re just used to it.
“Aren’t you cold?” They’re not even wearing a jacket.
“No, I’ve taken skating lessons since I was little, so I’m used to it. Are you?” And before Jonghyun can say anything, Minho starts skating towards the entrance of the rink, holding both of Jonghyun’s hands tight. “Come on, we’ll get something warm to eat. Don’t want you cold, Jonghyunnie.”
Jonghyun absolutely can’t bite back the giggle now, because yeah, this is probably, definitely a date. (Minho sitting them down and going to order and pay for everything basically confirms that. So does the soft cheek kiss and the phone number Jonghyun gets just before Minho has to go.)
there are people who are star-gazing, holding your breath, little smiles, subtle touches and soft fabric.
They meet because of an astrology class that Jonghyun hadn't even wanted to take. It'd been either astrology or some physics class, and Jonghyun chose astrology in a heartbeat. And it's actually not that bad of a class - or, it wouldn't be if the teacher wasn't so boring. Their only solace is that she does the lectures with the lights off, that they sits way up in the back so she won't notice them, that they’re able to write out little lyrics and poems and occasionally scribble down notes. Jonghyun's other solace is the boy that sits next to them, always more than half asleep or trying to open some snack without disturbing the teacher. It's cute, it's enamoring, and Jonghyun finds themself writing a lot of love songs.
They’re all songs that the boy - Jinki - won’t ever hear, and that’s okay. The words are for Jonghyun alone, which is probably why Jonghyun nearly faints when Jinki leans over one day and plucks Jonghyun’s notebook from their desk. “What’s this?” Jinki asks, and it’s only because of how cute he is that Jonghyun doesn’t immediately snatch it back.
“It’s - just things I’ve been writing.”
Of course though, Jinki manages to flip to the end, where the songs are very obviously about him. “Who are these about?”
“You’d laugh if you knew, so I’m not telling you.”
“I want you to tell me though.”
Something about the way Jinki’s said it makes Jonghyun’s breath catch, and Jinki smiles a little before leaning back so it looks like he’s paying attention to the teacher. Jonghyun does end up telling him though, and even though Jinki laughs, it doesn’t seem like he’s laughing at them, because of how fond he looks. It’s kind of nice.
And so is the way Jinki asks them out months later, even if it is on Valentine’s day. Which had been unintentional, apparently, but it’s just cute. Jinki’s cute, and Jonghyun feels cute whenever they sit with him at lunch, because they hold hands under the table so Kibum won’t tease them, and everything about their new relationship is just so cute. Jinki’s cute when Jonghyun steals that first quick kiss, and Jonghyun is sure they’re cute when they open their locker to find that Jinki’s stuffed it full of flowers.
And Jinki’s especially cute when he picks Jonghyun up close to 8pm, blushing and stuttering like he hasn’t already met Jonghyun’s family before. He’s wearing a thick sweater and tight fitting pants (the one that Jonghyun always says makes his thighs look nice), and he blushes even harder when Jonghyun kisses him, ignoring their sister’s cooing and their mom’s smile.
“You two have fun now,” she says, and Jonghyun pushes Jinki out the door so he doesn’t have to listen to whatever comment Sodam will make. Jinki does press a quick kiss to Jonghyun’s cheek once they’re safe in his car, and he lets them have the aux cord even though he knows they’ve been listening to the same album for weeks now.
“So where are we going?”
“Guess, Jonghyunnie.”
And Jinki is as weak for Jonghyun as they are for him, because Jinki just laughs a little and squeezes their hand before saying, “We’re going stargazing, Jonghyunnie.”
It’s a cute first date, but it’s also so cliche, which makes it that much better. Jinki doesn’t look like it, but he’s kind of a huge romantic, and even just the idea of them stargazing together has Jonghyun giggling.
It’s nice though - they stop for smoothies before heading up to the big sledding hill and spreading out a blanket for them to lay on. They’re the only ones there (which, of course, because it’s only barely April, and still chilly) so Jonghyun curls up close to Jinki, closing their eyes as Jinki’s hand runs soft down the length of their side.
“You know, you’re supposed to have your eyes open to look at the stars, Jonghyunnie.” Jinki’s voice is quiet, but Jonghyun can hear the fondness run through, and they - like always - can’t help pouting.
“You wouldn’t know my eyes were closed if you weren’t looking at me!”
“I am looking at the stars, Jonghyunnie.”
And oh my god, because Jinki would. “Shut up!” They’re laughing as they say it, and Jinki’s laughing too, breathy little chuckles as he leans down to kiss the top of Jonghyun’s head.
“You’re cute, Jonghyunnie.”
Jonghyun knows, but they let Jinki tell them that in between quick kisses and soft touches as they pout and whine for more praise.
Not much stargazing is done that night, but that’s okay - it’s the perfect first date in Jonghyun’s opinion.
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shineemoon · 7 years
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1/∞ gifs of 5HINee
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Afro-Futurist Reading List Vol 2.
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 1:
Afro Futurism Reading List Vol 2:
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Black Speculative Fiction Breakdown by Genre
African Fantasy (early myths and fables from the continent): Forest Of A Thousand Deamons: A Hunter's Saga by Daniel O. Fagunwa The Palm Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola Simbi and the Satyr of the Dark Jungle by Amos Tutuola The Brave African Huntress by Amos Tutuola Feather Woman of the Jungle by Amos Tutuola Ajaiyi and his Inherited Poverty by Amos Tutuola The Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town by Amos Tutuola
Utopia (alternate histories written during the jim crow & antebellum eras): Blake Or The Huts Of Africa by Martin Delany Imperium In Imperio by Sutton E Griggs Light Ahead For The Negro Edward A Johnson One One Blood by Pauline Hopkins Black No More by George Shuyler Lord Of The Sea by MP Sheil
Space Opera (far future sci fi worlds of interplanetary travel): Nova by Samuel R Delany Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand by Samuel R. Delany Binti Trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor An Unkindness Of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson Rayla 2122 Series by Ytasha Womack Trouble On Triton by Samuel R. Delany Babel 17 by Samuel R Delany Empire Star by Samuel R Delany The Galaxy Game by Karen Lord The Best Of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord Ancient Ancient by Klini Iburu Salaam Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden Ascension: Tangled Axon by Jacqueline Koyanagi Teleportality by T Cisco Nadine's Bible Seris by T Lindsey-Billingsley Nigerians In Space Series by Deji Bryce Olukotun
Aliens (alien encounters): Lilith's Brood Trilogy by Octavia Butler Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor Rosewater Trilogy by Tade Thompson The Lesson by Cadwell Turnbell The Wave by Walter Mosley
Dystopia (oppressive futures and realities): Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjie Brenyah Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi War Girls Series by Tochi Onyebuchi Sunshine Patriots by Bill Campbell Gunmen's Peace by Milton J Davis Dragon Variation by T Cisco
Experimental (literary tricksters): The Ravicka Series by Renee Gladman The Freedom Artist by Ben Okri The Structure Of Dante's Hells by LeRoi Jones The House Of Hunger by Dumbudzo Marachera Black Sunlight By Dumbudzo Marachera Yellow Back Radio Broke Down by Ishmaeel Reed The Last Days Of Louisiana Red by Ishmaeel Reed The Sellout by Paul Beatty Koontown Killing Kaper by Bill Campbell The African Origin Of UFOs by Anthony Joseph Quantum Black Futurism(Theory & Practice Volume 1) by Rasheeda Philips by Rasheeda Philips Spacetime Collapse: From The Congo to Carolinas Spacetime Collapse II: Community Futurisms by Rasheeda Philips consent not to be a single being trilogy by Fred Mot
Post-Apocalyptic (worlds falling apart): The Purple Cloud by MP Shiel Dhalgren by Samuel R Delany The Parable Series by Octavia Butler Brown Girl In The Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
Dying Earth (far future post-apocalyptic worlds + magic):
The Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin The Einstien Intersection by Samuel R. Delany The Jewels Of Aptor by Samuel R. Delany The Fall Of The Towers Trilogy by Samuel R. Delany Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorofor The Book Of Phoenix by Nnededi Okorofor The Prey Of Gods by Nicky Drayden
Alternate History (alternate timelines and what-ifs): Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed Everfair by Nisi Shawl The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates The Insh'Allah Series by Steven Barnes Ring Shout by P Djelia Clark A Dead Djinn In Cairo by P Djelia Clark The Black God's Drum by P Djelia Clark Washington Black by Esi Edugyan Pimp My Airship: A Naptown By Airship Story by Maurice Beaudice The Dream Of Perpetual Motion by Dexter Palmer Pym by Matt Johnson, Dread Nation Series by Justina Ireland From Here to Timbuktu by Milton J Davis
High Fantasy (magical kindoms and high adventures): The Neveryorn Series by Samuel R. Delany Black Leapard Red Wolf by Marlon James The Deep by Rivers Solomon & Clipping Imaro Series by Charles R. Saunders The Children Of Blood & Bone by Tomi Adeyemi The Children Of Virtue & Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi The Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps by Kai Ashai Washington A Taste Of Honey by Kai Ashai Washington Beasts Made Of Night Series by Tochi Onyebuchi A Place Of Nights: War & Ressurection by Oloye Karade, Woman Of The Woods: A Sword & Soul Epic by Milton J Davis Temper by Nicky Drayden They Fly At Ciron by Samuel R. Delany Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman The House Of Discarded Dreams by Etakterina Sedia
Magic Realism (literary naturalism with surreal, dreamlike, and mythic imagery): The Echo Tree & Other Stories by Henry Dumas The Kingdom Of This World by Alejo Carpentier General Sun My Brother by Jacques Stephen Alexis The Famished Road Series by Ben Okri The New Moon's Arms by Nalo Hopkinson The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson Montaro Caine by Sydney Portier Mama Day by Gloria Naylor Redemption In Indigo by Karen Lord Mem by Bethany C Morrow
Urban Fantasy (modern citybound fantasy): The City We Became by NK Jemisin  Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead Blue Light By Walter Mosley Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright
Time Travel (stories unstuck in time): Kindred by Octavia Butler Version Control by Dexter Palmer Recurrence Plot by Rasheedah Phillips
Horror (nightmare, terrors, and hauntings): Beloved by Toni Morisson African Immortals by Tananarivue Due Fledgling by Octavia Butler The Gilda Stories by Jewelle Gomez Lakewood by Meggan Giddings The Ballad Of Black Tom by Victor Lavalle Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff The Changeling by Victor Lavealle Zone One by Colson Whitehead The Between by Tananarive Due The Good House by Tananarive Due Ghost Summers: Stories by Tananarive Due Unhollowed Graves by Nunzo Onho Catfish Lullaby by AC Wise
Young Adult (books for young adults): Akata Witch Series by Nnedi Okorofor Zarah The Windseeker & The Shadow Speaker by Nnedi Okorofor Long Juju Man by Nnedi Okorofor Ikenga by Nnedi Okorofor Tristan Strong Series by Kwame Mbalia A Song Below Water by Bethany C Morrow Daughters Of Nri by Reni K. Amayo A River Of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy 47 by Walter Mosley
Comics (graphic storytelling) George Herriman Library: Krazy & Ignatz (1919-1921) by George Herriman The Boondocks Complete Collection by Aaron Mcgruder Birth Of A Nation by Aaron Mcgrudger, Reginald Hudlin, & Kyle Baker Prince Of Cats by Ronald Wimberly Concrete Park by Erika Alexander & Tony Puryear Incognegro Series by Matt Johnson Your Black Friend & Other Stories by Ben Passmore Bttm Fdrs Ezra Clayton Daniels & Ben Passmore Sports Is Hell is Ben Passmore LaGuardia by Nnedi Okorofor & Tana Ford Bread & Wine: An Erotic Tale Of New York by Samuel R Delany & Mia Wolff Empire by Samuel R Delany & Howard Chaykin Excellence by Brandon Thomas Bitteroot by David F Walker, Chuck Brown & Sanford Greene Black by Kwanza Osajyefo Niobe: She Is Life by Amandla Stenberg & Sebastian A Jones Black Panther by Christopher Priest Black Panther by Reginald Hudlin Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates Shuri by Nnedi Okorofor World Of Wakanda by Roxane Gay Truth: Red, White, & Black by Kyle Baker House Of Whispers by Nalo Hopkinson & Neil Gaiman Naomi by David F Walker, Brian Micheal Bendis, & Jamal Campbell Far Sector by NK Jemison & Jamal Campbell
Short Stories (collections by single authors): Driftglass by Samuel R Delany, Distant Stars by Samuel R Delany Bloodchild & Other Stories by Octavia Butler Unexpected Stories by Octavia Butler Falling In Love With Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson Skin Folk by Nalo Hopkinson, Kabu Kabu by Nnedi Okorofor, How Long Til Black Future Month? by NK Jemisin Nine Bar Blues by Sheree Reneee Thomas
Anthologies (collections from multiple authors) Dark Matter edited by Sheree Renee Thomas So Long Been Dreaming edited by Nalo Hopkinson Conjure Stories edited by Nalo Hopkinso Whispers From The Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction edited by Nalo Hopkinson Afro SF: Science Fiction by African Writers edited by Wor. W. Hartmaan Stories For Chip: A Tribute To Samuel R Delany edited by Nisi Shawl Octavia's Brood: Science Fiction Stories From Social Justice Movement edited by Adrienne Marie Brown & Walidah Imarisha Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism and Beyond edited by Bill Campbell The City: Cyberfunk Antholoy edited by Milton J Davis Steamfunk edited by Milton J Davis Dieselfunk edited by Milton J Davis Griots: A Sword & Soul Anthology by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders Griots: Sisters Of The Spear by Milton J Davis & Charles R Saunders
Non-Fiction (histories, essays, and arguments) Afrofuturism And The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture by Ytasha Womack Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise Of Astral Blackness edited by Reynaldo Anderson & Charles E Jones The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, The Future, and The Speculative by Sandra Jackson & Julie E Woody-Freeman Afro-Futures & Astral Black Travel by Juice Aleem The Sound Of Culture: Diaspora & Black Technopoetics by Louis Cude Soke Black Utopia: The History Of An Idea From Black Nationalism To Afrofuturism by Alex Zamalin Afrouturism Rising: The Literary Pre-History Of A Movement by Isiah Lavendar III A Pure Solar World: Sun Ra & The Birth Of Afrofuturism by Paul Youngquist Where No Black Woman Has Gone Before: Subversive Poryrals In Speculative Film & TV by Diana Adesola Mafe Black Kirby: In Search Of The Motherbox Connection by John Jennings & Stacey Robinson Super Black: American Pop Culture & Black Super-Heroes by Adilifu Nama Black Space: Imagining Race In Science Fiction Film by Adilifu Nama Black Super-Heroes, Milestone Comics, And Their Fans by Jeffery A Brown Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changin Worlds by Adrienne Marie Brown
*cover image from Ytasha Womack’s “Afrofuturism: The World Of Black Sci-Fi & Fantasy Culture”
(please post anything I might have left out in the comments) 
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0525s · 3 years
happy onho month!!
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mvpnoona · 5 years
Todays theme
Comforting Jongyu
aka 💕 Sweetest Hyungs 💕
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231 notes · View notes
0nho · 3 years
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first page of a wip onho comic I’ve working back and forth on for months. I still don’t even know how posting it to tumblr will look so let’s see if it trashes the whole quality too. not promising from this end of the tablet.....ugh
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