#holy trinity of dorks
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Eric: 🤓 
Bela: 🥰
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swirlwalker · 10 months
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Fer Monster Prom (these QUEERS and their PROMS istg /lh) I need a plot point to be that Something Important broke down ohhh nooooo like a generator powering the school or even the portal needs an extra blast of life spark to stabilize it and as everyone’s running around tryna power the Important Thing up Cleo pulls up, takes one look of the situation, says, “More power? Stand back, ghouls and boos, your most benevolent mummy representative’s got this”, cups Frankie’s confused face (who still hunches down nevertheless fer Cleo like the confused yet willing puppy they are), gently kisses them smack on the cheek, and then-
Whamo bamo the world is saved all thanks to Cleo’s great sacrifice of frizzled hair and lowkey charred bandages. Girlypop was standing RIGHT in the danger zone of lovestruck lightning; she knew the price which had to be paid and did NOT hesitate even though she had spent hours before picking out the perfect prom dress and all that. After recovering from Sheer Gay Shutdown™️, Frankie panics and holds Cleo’s slightly smoking body close as monsters rush around behind the pair.
“Cleo?! Are you okay?!”
“Oh my Ra, precious, that was… spooktacular…”
Cleo is so outta it from her super noble act of altruism. The most selfless of all monsters, truly.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Hehehehe after several months I have finally done it! I've collected the Batman Animated Series resin busts of the Dork Squad 💚🧡💙 it definitely came together quicker than I expected (one of them was way harder and more expensive to get than others...) but Scarecrow finally came today and alas the dorks are all together...the holy rogue trinity
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fipindustries · 7 months
my personal version of the trinity
im talking about the dc super heroes, batman superman and wonder woman, not the son the father and the holy spirit.
i've always had my own version of these characters is my head and i would like to put it here for you guys to see. im sure a lot of this is going to overlap what a lot of what's already been done, that is inevitable give these characters longevity.
in a general sense, before we get into specifics, the way i think of these three, and of dc heroes in general, is that wherever they are they are the adults in the room. they are the conception that a kid has of an adult. professional, mature, always in control, always knows what to do in any situation, nearly omnipotent capacity to make all problems go away.
for these three i think of them as first responders, as firemen or paramedics. they are the people who come into a diaster, assess the situation and have a plan and a script to tackle it in the appropiate manner.
they know how to evacuate civilians, how to administer first aid, what is the order of priorities, etc. when they come in to save the day they are doing a job and they are good at it, they are the best at it, they are the people you want handling whatever it is that is happening.
all of this implies a certain level of maturity and professionalism that i expect from them. im not a fan of whenever these heroes are shown as super emotional, wether it be driven by rage or brooding, we have marvel for that. like yes, things can obviously get to them and enemies can deploy psychological attacks but generally they are emotionally mature enough to handle most things thrown their way.
i also like to think of them as mainly problem solvers rather than fighters or combatants (with the exception perhaps of wonder woman, more on that later). them simply going with raw fists to punch problems away is an absolute last resort if there is no other way to solve the problem. otherwise they toolset is wide enough that they can find clever, efficient, practical ways to deal with threats. im sure there are few threats superman cant solve without making judicious and calculated use of his super speed and his laser. double and triple goes for batman.
also, if i were to have absolute dictatorial control over DC i would make it so that they are not necessarily fighting a monster of the week style threat but rather that they have overarching goals and every mission is a step closer to that goal. and once their respective cities are stable enough they are free to establish the justice league to protect the world of overzised threats like alien invasions or pandimentional attacks.
without further ado here we go
honestly not much new, the guy has been done flawlessly plenty of times. i am particularly fond of the superman from My adventures with superman. perhaps i would write him a lot less childish but otherwise it seems there are plenty of writers that get the guy. he is a decent, truly kind man from kansas, who was well raised by a loving family and who grew up in a stable enviroment surrounded by friends. probably one of the healthiest persons out there, also one of the most resilient, in more ways than one. a guy who is willing to lend his surplus of strength, both physical and personal for the sake of others since he understands not everyone can handle things all on their own and so he is happy to help wherever he can.
he is perhaps a little corny, a little too straight laced, almost to the point of coming off as naive. if you didnt know him well you'd think he is just a boring goodie two shoes boy scout, but once you get to know him you realize he is just disarmingly earnest and sincere in all he does. he is such a dad, too. he makes bad jokes and gets overly excited for big sales and wears shorts with socks and sandals and he insist that you get horrible matching sweaters on christmas. his clak kent persona is not a mask, he is genuenly a dork. also he is a true journalist, he actually cares a lot about his job at the daily planet and takes super seriously whenever he has to do investigative journalism or an interview of a high profile figure.
i dont think he hates lex luthor, he is just really frustrated that a man that brilliant would waste his gift in such petty sillyness. his biggest flaw is that he can be overcome by self doubts, maybe its is wrong that he shoud be having all this power, maybe he is becoming too authoritarian by trying to fix all the worlds problems, how does he know what the most responsible way to use his powers is? is it his right to interfere in affairs of humanity when he is technically an alien? oh god maybe luthor has a point, maybe he shouldnt be here, he doesnt know what he is doing! he is just a farmer from kansas!
his ultimate mission, his overall, overarching goal, would be to take lex luthor down, the main source of most villainy and evil happening in metropolis. but he insists on doing it the right way, getting proper evidence, writing actual news articles, showing through all legitimate channels that lex is a crook and a criminal, which is the reason it takes so long. of course he could capture luthor in ten seconds flat but then he would have to deal with attacking a private citizen, with the criminal system, with the trials and with the terrible hit that it would signify for superman's reputation.
he thinks bruce needs to relax a little, and honestly the whole bat thing is a little silly. but also he deeply profoundly respects the fact that bruce is doing all of it on his own, no kriptonian powers gifted from on high, and he genuenly thinks of him as a true friend. he sometimes even feels a little inadecuate next to bruce because bruce is obviously the smarter of the two and the guy who always seems to be most in control of the situation and who always has a plan, making clark feel like he is just making it up as he goes along and he is just wasting his time picking cats from trees and stopping petty theft.
as for diana he is downright intimidated by her and he is a bit put off by the fact that she is clearly way more comfortable with violence than the other two guys. but again, he can sense she has a kind heart and is also a true hero.
clark secretly feels like the lamest of the three because he is just a guy trying to help around and the other two are like parangons of righteousness and borderline demigods, he doesnt realize the other two basically idolize him.
he is a really intense dude.
again, im not interested in a batman that is too tortured. the batman from the 70's-80's hit a pretty good balance in my mind. he is still a person. a very obsessive, intense, dedicated and disciplined person but a person at the end of the day, none of that "there is only batman" nonesense here, at least not early on. yes he is a guy haunted by his demons and carrying a terrible turmoil on the inside, but he is generally good at keeping in check. this does manifest in issues on the long term though, on a macro level. on the way he keeps cycling robins, the way that as the years go by he never seems to be able to move on to something better and specially in the way that he ends up by the end of it all. batman of the future did this perfectly, a bitter lonely old man who pushed most people away.
but on a day to day basis, on a mission to mission rythm, he is well adjusted. he is a team player, he doesnt push his sidekicks or collaborators too far (but he does go out of his way to carry most of the weight of the mission, which makes many of his robins think he underestimates them or doesnt take them seriously, when in reality he is just trying to protect them) he knows how to dial down the whole dark knight persona when dealing with civilians, he keeps his strength firmly in check so as to never unnecesarily brutalize the criminals he fights against. he puts way more priority in stealth and trickery than face to face confrontations.
he is stoic and he is overtly serious and formal, but when its just him and clark and diana he does allow himself to make more casual commentary or maybe ever crack and incredibly wry, dry as pavement joke. whilst around most civilians he comes off as intense and brooding clark and diana can tell he is just a little awkward (and possibly autistic?) and his rigid behavior is just a shield he uses.
bruce wayne is just him masking, we all know his playboy millionaire persona and im not going to go too deep into that. he can be "normal", he can relax when he is at the manor with alphred and dick or todd or tim or damian. he is generally a quiet guy, very introspective. very ocassionally he will let out his more impish side (there is still inside of him a child who never got a chance to be a child) he is an adult who chose to dress up as a bat and build himself a bat cave and a batmobil. he is a little whimsical, and he will pull little pranks on robin or alphred or whatever. but when the cowl is on he is back to strictly bussiness
he doesnt hate the joker, honestly he has bigger problems in his plate, but he does find him incredibly annoying and aggravating, that someone would cause so much evil for basically no reason. his biggest flaw is that he can be a bit too cold and calculating and he has a tendency to be self destructive in how he insists carrying all the problems of the world and push himself too far
his overall cause would be to try and fix the fundamental rot in gotham that is making it so that it keeps producing nothing but corrupt politicians, brutal cops and deranged lunatics, where any attempt at reform or to inject money into the system to fix things keeps getting absorbed and redirected into the city's criminal underbelly. batman is there as a shock to the system, trying to surgically unclog and fix a broken machine so that the actual proper channels and institutions start doing their goddamn job and set the city on a better path. honestly the colorful supervillains are almost a distraction of his day to day work, they are just the symptoms of a deeper problem and not the disease he is desperatly trying to cure.
he doesnt for even a second think that clark is lame or naive or silly. bruce almost idolizes clark because he sees in him a shining resplandescent example of a healthy, kind, pure good man, something bruce is convinced he could never be due to his "inner darkness" (this is just bruce being silly). to bruce superman is what a hero should be and batman is what he has no option but to become since he is only a man. in time he will come to see clark as a person rather than an idol in a pedestal and finally as the one friend he can truly trust on and even be vulnerable around.
diana he also deeply respects because he sees in her a disciplined warrior ready to do whatever needs to be done in the name of justice. and again, his more whimsical side cant help but find it a bit cool that she is a true mythological figure who came from a mystical lost island. whever he is on a mission he feels she is the only person who speaks his language, except when they butt heads over her wanting to confront a problem head on and him trying to do more sneaky meanuvers.
wonder woman.
she is a woman of the world.
in my head she would be the most cosmopolitan of the trio, also she can be a bit of and outsider given that bruce and clark are ultimatly americans and she is a foreigner from a wildly different culture. but she finds enough things in common with the other two that she can make it work out.
in my head she is primarily a warrior from a warrior culture. she is a paladin, righteous, devoted, and perhaps a little single minded. but she is not just a fighter, she comes from themyschira as a diplomat, she is after all a princess, she is adroit at politics, at diplomacy, at negotiation, although she does tend to prefer to negotiate mainly by projecting strength. she is above all things honorable. she makes oaths and she will give her life for those oaths.
she is also incredibly kind and warm. of the three she is the one that loves humanity and all of its children with the most warmth. whereas superman can come off as too nice and batman too correct she is the one that can be genuenly comforting when she needs to. she loves to learn and interact with new cultures, after all there is a whole world out there to explore. she speaks like 30 languages, is very well verse in world history and she is familiar with world politics. she has shaken the hand of multiple kings, queens and presidents. of the three she is the easiest to talk to, even if she does come off as a bit old fashioned at times.
but once again, she is a warrior. of the three she is the fastest to go to the sword and the one who has the least issues with killing if necessary. superman absolutely never does it unless its like a kaiju or an eldritch abomination or an army of robots. batman doesnt do it *directly* but he is not going to go too out of his way to stop a villain from getting hoisted by his own petard. diana will just do it, with her own hands if she has to. she doesnt take glee on it and she doesnt rush to do it but she wont hesitate either.
she can be a little brusque and a little strongheaded. once she makes a desition is incredibly hard to make her change her mind or slow down. batman has learn to work with it and try his best to make plans that accomodate that. clark will protest a little and then throw his arm in the air and follow her in whatever she decided has to be done.
her overall mission is of a larger scope than the other two. again, she is a woman of themischyra but more than that she is a woman of the world. the threats she faces, gods, demigods and other mythological beings, tend to operate on a world stage and so she is flying to multiple countries trying to contain the capricious whims of the gods and protect mortals from their dangerous games.
she barely sees her enemies as people. to be fair most of her enemies are manticores, minotaurs, plagues, or gods. but also when she comes across people like max lord she just sees evil that has to be vanquished and that is the end of it. her biggest flaw is that she has a tendency towards black and white thinking.
she is the tallest of the three, by like a full head. also the bulkiest. batman is musuclar but lean, fibrous, he puts emphasis on stealth and cleverness than raw strength. superman is muscular but in a very sculptural way. his big muscles are more a battery of the power he absorbs from our sun. his strength doesnt come from how big his muscles actually are. diana is a tank, she has a big frame and is built like a lumberjack. she is not perfectly cut and shredded, she has body fat, she is beefy.
she sees clack as basically a god since is the primary frame of reference that she has for someone whit the kinds of powers he has. she doesnt have the highest opinion of gods given her greek upbringing, so she sees clark a bit as "one of the good ones". she finds his boy scout routine adorable and his refusal to kill a little childish, and sometimes she is a little patronizing with him, but ultimatly she loves him like a brother. she's so proud of him.
she sort of doesnt know what to make of bruce. he is obviously a formidable warrior, and for a mortal man, the things he can do are truly impressive, also he lives by a code of honor and has a higher calling, and she respects that a lot, but sometimes she doesnt get why he wastes so much time sneaking around and playing with his little toys. that is not the way a warrior is supposed to fight. but, well, he does get results, so ultimatly she trusts him
at the end of the day, they are friends. maybe coworkers at first but after a few years of putting their lives on the line for each other they have true loyalty. driven closer for their work but also for the fact that they are truly at the top of the hero game and it can be pretty lonely at the top and sometimes all they have is each other.
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huhjxn · 1 year
if you weren't my best friend 🙄🙄🙄 MOVE Y/N I WILL DATE JEON HEEJIN
but it's so cool when yn hang out with her holy jins-trinity
if she will meet another jin... will we see dramatic reaction from yunjin? 👀
actually this dork is my wife 🤨
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dramatic reaction... yeah, i guess you could call it that 🤭
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iturmom · 2 years
the holy trinity of 90s nerd rock:
cake: nerd rock for chill and typically pretty normal people who are also rather nerdy
soul coughing: nerd rock for nerds who are also drug addicts and certainly partake in other degenerate activities as well
neutral milk hotel: nerd rock for hipsters who are nerdy. and sad. (wait that's redundant) who is going to help this poor tortured dork
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mvpnoona · 5 years
Todays theme
The Holy Trinity of Dorks
aka Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest
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radxianixe · 3 years
don't ask me why this was compiled, but i now present to you all "OH! THIS IS THE SHITTY SHOW"s from shitty broadway
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including all those "OH"s at the end...
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and of course... "*mumbling* --WANNA GO"
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sunnylemonss · 4 years
names the holy trinity has called me:
-orange juice
-ouija board/luigi board
names the holy trinity has not called me:
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merelybeing · 5 years
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emichelle · 4 years
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@ao719 @cocomaxley Yes we are all ridiculous and yes I am always it. 🙄😂
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abbeyroadie · 6 years
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This trio tho ❤️❤️❤️
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biaswreckmepls · 6 years
Bubblegum Bitch
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11147544/chapters/24871737
Author: snowmoney
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung
Status: Completed
Chapters: 3/3 (33948 words)
Tags: Fake Boyfriend AU
Jungkook is but a simple delivery boy; the last thing he needs is a high maintenance fake boyfriend.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11147544/chapters/24871737
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jimbury · 7 years
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Some of you asked me to explain Miha’s relationship between Fred and Nastya, so there you go! All that you need to know about this love triangle.
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Parks and Recreation // Ghosted
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