#online startup
theambitiouswoman · 11 months
Tools That Will Help You Start Your Business For Free
Stan Store
Google Fonts
Google Trends
Answer The Public
Google Analytics
Google Docs
Product Hunt
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rafijaman · 6 months
The Basics of Digital Marketing For Beginners
Tips for Beginners
As a digital marketing beginner, you don’t have to feel intimidated or lost. Here are some tips to make digital marketing for beginners easier to grasp and get going.
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Know everything you can about brand awareness
Building brand awareness is an essential element to your marketing strategy and your success. Start out by knowing everything you can about it and its benefits.
Essentially, brand awareness is the recognition and familiarization by others of your brand, product, or service. To boost such awareness, you will need to help consumers learn more about your business, the products or services you offer, and what makes you stand out from your competitors.
There are several ways to build brand awareness. Consistency in how you present your brand across channels and platforms will be key. Consumers will be able to look at a blog or social media post and instantly know it’s yours if you do it right.
SEO is everywhere
Search engine optimization (SEO) is everywhere today! Once you acknowledge this, it’s time to get in the game by understanding how SEO works and ways to use it to your advantage.
Sure, it can be a little intimidating at first, so start slow and easy. Identify keywords and phrases that your target audience uses to conduct searches. Incorporate these into all your content so your audience can find you more easily. From here, you’ll want to consider a link-building strategy to boost your SEO even more.
If you start feeling anxious, remember to take action one step at a time and keep learning all you can about SEO techniques and available tools. Soon you’ll be using it to increase website traffic, gain higher-quality leads, and more.
Discover the online potential of your brand
One of the most empowering moments that can occur as a digital marketer is to discover the online potential of your brand. Digital marketing is the perfect avenue for generating high-quality leads that result in more interaction with your brand and, ultimately, higher sales.
You may discover opportunities to offer webinars to customers, create courses, sponsor events, or become a thought leader in your field. The online potential of your brand is vast, and cashing in on that is possible with targeted marketing and planning.
Get to Really Know Your Customers
While you may already know everything about your product or service, it is essential to step away from that and get to really know your customers. By doing so, you can build a better marketing strategy that appeals to them and other potential customers.
Conduct your own market research by sending out surveys to existing customers and by asking for feedback. Closely study customer reviews and comments to gain a sense of what they want most. Learn all you can about who they are, what they want or need, and the type of interests they have.
Once you collect this information and start to understand your customers, develop your buyer personas. You will use these to plan your marketing strategy and the type of content to share.
Build a significant presence on social media
Consumers today spend tons of time on social media platforms. Since that is where they are, it is where you should be also. The goal is to build a significant presence on one or more platforms.
Create your social profile to match your brand and how you present yourself on your website. Now it’s time to start publishing content. Consider mixing it up a bit at times, providing informative, educational, or entertaining content to show your brand’s confidence and personality. Don’t just focus only on your products or services, but add posts that speak to your target audience’s interests and desires.
Online consumers are highly visual these days, so be sure to always include the highest quality videos and images with your posts. As you gain more followers, increase your interaction with them by responding to comments. You can even use interactive content to draw them in further.
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imperical-shop · 6 months
Welcome to my blog for the shop I recently opened - ImpeRiCal. Now, you’re surely wondering, “Wtf are you doing marketing the shop on Tumblr out of all the social media platforms today?” Well, first off, I still love Tumblr (despite everything). Second, what I will do with this tiny shop (well, what I want to do) is perfect for Tumblr. What is that? Well…
ImpeRiCal is an e-shop where I create designs and through print-on-demand platforms sell them on different products. I primarily make them for phone cases, but (as you will read on the shop’s site) if you like some design on a different product, that can be done by contacting me and discussing the possibility. The designs are structured into 3 categories:
• Abstract: These are simple designs, nothing too complicated about them. Hence, they won’t have a story.
• Dreamland: These are more detailed and interesting designs that are connected to a story.
• Intermix: Sometimes I end up with designs that are not abstract but I can’t quite put them in a story. They don’t always make good phone cases but can be interesting on something else, even as a phone background.
And now you must be wondering what are these stories I keep mentioning. This is where Tumblr comes into play. Each Dreamland design will be connected to a fanfic or a personal story. Basically, they will be more like scenes and elements of the made-up story my brain decides to share that day. All of these short fics/stories will be posted here, with relevant hashtags so you know what you’re reading and getting. Basically, this Tumblr will be the shop’s personal storyteller ✨
Well, that’s all I have for now. With time I will create more posts and videos (probably uploaded on the shop’s Insta) about how it all came to be and what every little corner of my store (can I say it has corners?) means.
The e-shop will launch in a few days so stay tuned! (Unless you’re reading this after it launched, in which case, hi!) 🤗
Ps. Find the online store and everything else here: https://linkpop.com/imperical
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pikslasrce · 3 months
im going to do it for real this time (drop out and get a job)
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hardcore-income · 29 days
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"Where are the SUCCESSFUL people? Over on the optimistic side. Join them."
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scalingtomillions · 2 years
When it comes to shipping products for your business; you don’t have to do your own shipping. This becomes time consuming and you need to invest as much of your time in growing your business.
Instead of doing your own fulfillment you can:
You can dropship products- this is when the supplier ships the product for you when the sale comes in. You never have to see or touch the product.
You can rent your own warehouse and hire your own staff- this is obviously very costly and should be done when you have a medium to larger business.
You can also use a 3PL. This stands for third party logistics and they are companies that will handle your fulfillment for you when a sale comes in. Your product goes from your supplier to the fulfillment company and when a sale comes in, they ship it for you. You don’t have to see or touch the product.
Same goes with customer service. As soon as your business can afford to hire out, hire someone to handle your customer service. This not only frees up your time, but gives you so much peace of mind because dealing with customer service can be very draining.
Remember that your job is to work ON your business not FOR your business.
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krazy4money · 24 days
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New GraphiNova 3.0 Technology App
Transforms Words into Breathtaking
Images, Arts, Product Photos & Engaging Visuals In
3 Seconds With AI
Learn More Here
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writersvalley · 29 days
7 Habits of People with Low Self-Esteem
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robinsonchar · 9 months
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ching900 · 2 months
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diksha-yoso · 2 months
Personal Branding : Finding Yourself Without Getting Lost
You know how in treasure hunts, people search for hidden treasures like gold or jewels? Well, finding yourself in the world of personal branding is a bit like that. But instead of searching for shiny treasures, you're on a quest to discover what makes you special among all the other people out there, especially on platforms like LinkedIn where everyone's showing off their skills and achievements.
So, imagine you're Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective. You're on a mission to uncover the unique qualities and strengths that make you who you are. It's like digging deep into your own story to find those hidden gems that set you apart from the crowd. Get ready to explore and embrace what makes you uniquely you!
Take, for instance, the story of an Indian entrepreneur like Ritesh Agarwal, the founder of OYO Rooms. As a young entrepreneur, Agarwal’s vision was to revolutionize the budget hotel industry in India. His core value was to provide affordable yet quality accommodation, a concept that wasn't widespread in India at the time. Agarwal’s USP was his understanding of the digital landscape and his ability to leverage technology to transform traditional business models. This, coupled with his youthful energy and innovative approach, became the cornerstone of his personal brand, distinguishing him in the entrepreneurial world. Agarwal's journey exemplifies how clarity in one's values and strengths can lay a robust foundation for a powerful and resonant personal brand.
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Creative whale logo ☆☆☆
Beautiful geometry behing a great logo
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rafijaman · 6 months
5 key tips for Facebook Marketing
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Engaging Content: Create compelling and relevant content to capture audience attention.
Consistent Posting: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to stay visible in users' feeds.
Audience Targeting: Use Facebook's targeting tools to reach the right audience for your product or service.
Visual Appeal: Utilize high-quality images and videos to make your posts visually appealing.
Interactive Campaigns: Run contests, polls, or live sessions to encourage audience interaction and boost engagement.
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daniellal · 2 months
Wanna win extra gift?When the post gets 100 shares, you all are going to receive a fantastic prize!
Here's an extra gift - https://bountyblis.blogspot.com
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hardcore-income · 29 days
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"Traders, investors, builders... they all have different approaches, but they're all chasing the same thing: FREEDOM.
The freedom to call their own shots, to design their own lives.
Which path will you choose?
No matter what you pick, here's the most important thing: GET STARTED.
Take action today. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to reach your goals."
"Growing a tribe of hustlers. You in? Hit follow!" 💪 👊
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scalingtomillions · 2 years
Dropshipping pro tip:
Install the kopy app & copy the link to your competitors page and paste it on the app. It will copy/paste their whole product page on to yours in seconds.
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