#hashtag networking pays off
pikslasrce · 7 months
im going to do it for real this time (drop out and get a job)
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#SavetheWinchesters pt.2
Summary - This is the long-time-coming sequel to my fic #SavetheWinchesters. After months of campaigning, they finally find out the network’s verdict.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x reader
Masterlist | Part 1
A/N - We now all know the unfortunate fate that The Winchesters met with. So, thanks to a little reminder from @ozwriterchick (which was now ages ago…I’m so sorry this took so long!) of the original fic I wrote I’ve decided to finally follow it up. Sorry for the lengthy hiatus, life’s been hectic, plus I am working on something big that I’m hoping will be ready to share with you soon. Thank you for your patience and continued support, and welcome to anyone new! I love you all!!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You, Jensen and the rest of the cast of The Winchesters have been campaigning hard for weeks and now it’s finally time to find out the verdict. You have a video call scheduled with the executives later today. The anxiety for their decision and your husband’s reaction has had you tossing and turning all night. With the sun finally pouring through the windows you roll over and kiss his cheek as you wrap an arm over his chest and snuggle close. You feel him stir and wrap his arm around you as well. You hear a toilet flush down the hall, signaling that at least one of your kids is already awake. 
“That’s my sign to get up…” you sigh. 
“Or you could stay here a little longer. They won’t starve.”
“No, but I have to get them ready for school, otherwise they’ll be late because they’ll just watch TV or play with their toys instead of getting ready.”
“So responsible…”
“Someone has to keep this house running. You may pay the bills, but this place would be chaos without me.”
He leans over and kisses your lips softly, still half asleep. “And I hope you know how grateful I am for everything you do. There’s no way I could manage all this on my own, yet you make it seem so simple.”
“We do it together. Now come on, help me wrangle this lot and don’t forget you promised them you’d drive them to school. Plus, you’ve got that meeting later.”
You try to sit up but he wraps his arm tighter around you and holds you down to kiss you again. When he pulls away he asks, “About that…Will you do it with me? We are partners on this project after all.”
“Just on this project?” you tease playfully before pecking his lips. “Of course, I’ll do the meeting with you. We’re partners in every sense.” You peck his lips again and then get up. You throw on your robe, go downstairs to check on the kids and start getting them ready. You find them just as you expected, sitting in front of the TV watching the morning cartoons. “Alright, kiddos, who’s had breakfast?” As expected you don’t get a single response, they’re too engrossed in the Great Dane on the TV. You pour out a bowl of cereal for each of them and then let them eat in front of the TV. If nothing else, it provides a good distraction while you brush and style their hair neatly. 
Jensen finally comes downstairs, after showering and getting dressed for the day, and makes you both a coffee and toast while you make sandwiches and pack snacks for the kids’ lunches. You work together in perfect harmony. After years of not having him around often for these mundane mornings, you’re surprised at how well you fall into sync when he is. 
While he drives the kids to school you tidy up, get dressed, set a load of washing, and then set Jensen’s laptop on the kitchen counter for the meeting. Then, while you wait you scroll through your social media, checking on the status of the hashtag and retweeting some of your favourite posts despite knowing that the decision is already made, one way or the other. Still, you can hope. Also, it doesn’t hurt to boost the support for the show in case you have to start searching for a new home for it. 
You smile as you hear the alarm system beep off and on in time with the front door opening and closing. “How was traffic?” you call out as you listen to your husband’s footsteps getting closer.
“Busy…But I do enjoy that time with the kids. I missed it for so long” he says as he rattles the keys in the bowl.
“I know, but you’re home with us now. And even when you go again, we know you’ll always come back.”
Jensen sits on the couch beside you, wrapping one arm over your shoulders and kissing your temple. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He looks over at your phone. “I hope they say yes, today. I hope we convinced them…It’s such a good cast and crew and I have so many ideas.”
“I know. I hope so too…But even if they don’t, it was an amazing wild ride. They’ll all go far regardless. You know what the industry is like.”
“I know…Never get your hopes up. Everything is a blessing. Don’t put your fist through the drywall…blah blah blah…I just…”
You can feel him tensing up. You place a hand on his cheek softly, forcing him to look at you. You kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose and then his lips. You whisper against his lips, “I know. I love your passion and love for these people, but you need to calm down.” You feel him relax slightly as he kisses you back deeper.
“Thank you…”
When the alarm alerts you that it’s 10 minutes to your meeting with the network executives, you both get up and set yourselves up in front of the laptop. Your hand rests reassuringly on Jensen’s knee while his hand rests on yours. You wait in the video call lobby for them to join. Once they finally do, it’s a whirlwind; a rush of words that you can hardly process as you feel your husband tensing up and gripping your hand tightly to ground himself and likely stop his Dean from showing. Once you finally catch up, you try to save the meeting.
“Thank you for taking the time to consider us. We really appreciate this opportunity.”
Jensen gives them a polite nod before slamming the laptop shut and pacing around the kitchen. You give him a few minutes to walk off his frustration and calm down before you stand up and wrap your arms around him.
“I really thought we would’ve changed their mind. Did they not see? All the posts? All the support? How hard the actors worked?”
“I know…” You try to comfort him but he pulls away.
“I’m gonna go workout,” he says before storming down the hall towards your at-home gym. 
Your heartbreaks for him, you know how much he put into creating the story and world and how passionate he is about the up-and-coming actors. You text the main cast: Meg, Drake, Jojo and Nida to invite them to a video call in a couple of hours. You figure it’s best to give Jensen some time to work the frustration out of his system before talking to them. 
To keep yourself busy, you hang out the washing and start preparing dinner. When Jensen finally returns, he’s freshly showered and changed into a fresh outfit. He wraps his arms around you from behind and places his hands on yours to stop you from chopping the vegetables briefly. “I’m sorry…” He kisses the top of your head.
You turn around in his arms and wrap your arms around his neck, careful not to touch him with your dirty hands. “Did you apologise to the punching bag too?” you jest which causes a small smile to pull at the corner of his mouth. “It’s fine, Jens, really. I understand. I’m sorry about the show.”
“Me too. I guess I should call the others…let them know before they find out the hard way…”
“I’ve arranged a call in about…” You glance over at the clock. “Ten minutes now.”
He pulls you in for a soft kiss. “You’re so perfect.”
You do the call together, just like the disappointing one earlier, Jensen holds you tight for support. Once everyone comes online you and Jensen gently give them the bad news. You try to soften the blow by emphasising how well they did and that the cancellation is in no way their fault, but a disappointing result of budget cuts and the difficult times with the threats of industry strikes on the horizon. You both encourage them to keep auditioning and expanding their careers and skills. Then you finally finish by thanking them for their time and passion in helping bring your and Jensen’s vision to life and help with the campaign, even if it didn’t go the way you all hoped. 
After saying your goodbyes and shutting off the camera, Jensen kisses the top of your head and stands up. Then without a word, he slinks off down the hall. You shoot a sad smile at his back. Despite knowing the industry is rough, it’s been a long time since things haven’t gone his way. After 15 years of a guaranteed job and so much say in the character and direction, he’s not used to the pushback and being shut down. You know he’ll accept it and come back to his bubbly self in time, but it will take just that. So, in the meantime, you continue to do what you can; finish the laundry and dinner and pick up the kids from school to allow him some time alone to process everything.
When you get back home, the kids run outside to play. You cut up some fruits, put them on a plate with a few cookies and then wander out to the deck. You go to call the kids over to get some snacks but stop when you hear your husband’s soft voice and the perfect melody from his guitar. You smile and sit in the chair beside him enjoying the unexpected, accidental serenade. 
“She keeps on loving me
Loves me the way I am
She's not just along for the ride
She's my biggest fan
Lord, it's a little old piece of heaven
When we lay down at night
She keeps on loving me
And I keep on wondering why”
As he finishes the song he winks at you and you smile. “I stumbled on this song a while ago…it’s perfect for us…”
“Everything is gonna work out. It’ll be hard for a bit, sure. But there is an upside…” You look over at the kids playing on their swing set and then back at Jensen. “Until your next project, we can just enjoy a little time as a family without the looming thought of you having to leave for weeks or months at a time. I know they’ll be happy about that.”
“Yeah…That actually sounds really nice. Just us as a family, no looming deadlines or projects. We’ve never had that before.”
“New, unchartered territory. But I’m game if you are?”
He smiles at you and nods before calling out, “I’m gonna eat all these cookies!” He picks one up, opens his mouth wide and holds the cookie close to his lips teasingly. The kids sprint over and pout until he places it back on the plate. Once they sit down to eat, Jensen decides to share the news. “So, how would you guys feel about me being around a little more permanently for a while?”
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uselessheretic · 1 year
maybe a silly question, but what does the term “izzy canyon” mean? it conjures up a mental image of “the metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into” but I dunno if it’s a hashtag or a group chat or a state of mind or why it’s a canyon specifically (I guess con sounds like can?) the mastodon con makes it seem pretty organized!
not a dumb question at all!
"metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into" might actually be the most succinct and on the nose description i've heard of it lmao
it is really mostly just a way to refer to izzy hands fans who tend to interact in the same corner of fandom.
the idea started sometime last year when an izzy fan got doxxed after receiving hate mail for a few months. a burner account posted the person's city and possible locations for the chain they worked at, along with a list of other users they said they would target next (seemed to just loosely be people in the same circle as them? weirdly enough my handle was on there too despite not knowing each other)
nothing further developed from that situation and the person was okay, but understandably it kicked off a wave of izzy fans blocking anyone who had a habit of harassing izzy fans, along with running blockchains on the most vocal ones who'd start dogpiles. around the same time, someone made an "izzy haters" twitter and izzy haters group chat which just intensified "okay just block all of them because that is a huge red flag for incoming networked harassment"
tldr izzy fans grew a reputation for being very heavy blockers. it became an in joke within the community that izzy fans didn't ever know what was going on when the general fandom had new memes, or more likely, new discourse because of the huge block wall between the groups.
almost as if they were at the bottom of a canyon, doing their own thing, and not paying attention to whatever was going on outside. hence the izzy canyon. i think it's also at least 30% a joke about izzy's genitals as well.
so yeah, just generally people who like the same character and hang out in the same social circles. i think because it's the part of fandom most vocally anti harassment, it also has a funny habit of absorbing in fans who don't necessarily like izzy, but had been targeted as part of a harassment campaign or in general just tired from fandom in general.
it pretty much functions like its own mini fandom within fandom? and as a group is very enthusiastic and also freakishly well organized so they end up more likely to do things like make regular fanweeks, set up a blog for doing fandom research and polls, organize a boat tour for a convention, or laying out detail instructions for test running mastodon for week to see how viable it is as a platform.
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whitecanarrow · 24 days
As I’m sure many of you know, GH has decided to fire Kelly Monaco (Sam McCall)! She is reportedly blindsided by the decision, which comes on the heels of being asked to take a pay cut (which she agreed to!!) and was then fired anyways.
Her character is slated to be killed off in the fall, which means we have just a few short weeks to act!
It should be noted that GH is currently promoting the return of a legacy character fan favorite (Jonathan Jackson as Lucky) and has just announced the hiring of three(!) new cast members to bring in for his storyline.
It should ALSO be noted that reportedly several of the female cast members have been asked to take pay cuts, and journalists are predicting more cut announcements are to come.
After 21 years, Kelly Monaco deserves more than a rushed exit storyline where her character is killed off. Please sign the petition and help us keep her! Efforts like this have worked before to keep Genie Francis and Rebecca Herbst on the show… and may need to work again in the near future!
What else can GH fans do?
- Join us on Twitter/X! We are tagging #IStandWithKelly, #KellyMonaco, #NoKellyNoGH & #KellyIsSam especially during the show’s air time in your local time zone.
- We will also be starting daily prompts to use our hashtags & talk about all things Kelly & Sam over at Twitter/X account @IStandWithKelly starting tomorrow morning EST, 8/29
- Call, write, or email! In particular, some of us are banding together to create a Phoenix-themed campaign and send either red feathers or small phoenix figurines with our letters to the studio!
- Focus all your feedback on being disappointed but positive about Kelly & Sam! We are not looking to bash other cast members or even the execs/network (as mad as we are) so we can have a better chance of them taking us seriously.
- Share this post or info! Let’s spread the word to other GH fans!
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abunchoftf2stuff · 4 months
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The game Team Fortress 2, or "TF2", has been plagued by cheating bots for 5 years. These bots instantly kill any player that enters their sights, rendering the game unplayable for everyone there. These bots are run by malicious hackers who use their bots to spout constant slurs and hate speech.
Valve, the multimillion dollar company who owns the game, has done almost nothing to stop these cheaters, and what they have done has made little difference. Valve profits off of TF2, and yet will not put forth the effort to make their game playable. Sure, they tweeted that they'd do something, but they have not taken down the networks running the bots, nor have they taken action against the cheaters who will dox and SWAT players willing to take action against them.
The TF2 community is making noise on Twitter with the hashtag #FixTF2, reviewbombing the game, and major publications are covering the rampant cheating problem. We're also running a petition (currently at 235,468 signatures) to show Valve how badly we want these cheaters gone. It's getting a rise out of the cheaters, who've already DDos'ed the page and filed an illegal DMCA takedown.
Please consider signing our petition. This isn't about TF2 getting updated again. This isn't about if you play TF2 or not. This isn't about if you even like TF2. This is about getting these malicious cheaters out of our servers and protecting players.
Sign our petition. Push Valve to take action.
Make those cheaters pay.
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
What are your thoughts of the Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik debate over Jeopardy? Incase you have not been paying attention, many people have mixed feelings of Mayim Bialik leaving the host of Jeopardy to support the WGA while Ken Jennings has not. As much as I support the writers, I can see why Ken Jennings did not leave too, he is not an actor and is probably bounded by contract.
I do watch Jeopardy most nights of the week when I’m able to but I wasn’t aware of the full details of Mayim walking off stage actually. Good for her! As for Ken Jennings, you’re probably right that it’s just because he’s not as much of an actor. Mayim had other projects she was working on (ex: Call Me Kat, a scripted cable network sitcom) and if production was halted on those projects or if she was striking with those writers rooms as well then it makes sense for her to leave Jeopardy to sort of wipe out her whole roster, making it an all or nothing situation to avoid any potential confusion or allegations of crossing the picket line. It’s very important for people who have their toes dipped in a lot of different projects to be all in when they strike!
All Ken Jennings has, on the other hand, is Jeopardy. He’s got a contract, no other projects on the way, and less experience in the industry. And Jeopardy is ultimately a small fish to fry compared to some of the other shows and networks being impacted by the strikes. So yeah, I’ll admit it’s not a good look on him, but you won’t see me starting any #cancelkenjennings hashtags over here. At least not for now.
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tessavillaverde · 2 years
VTuber Re-Starter Kit (2023)
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Who knows wtf Twitter is gonna look like by the end of the year? Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Tumblr, and all the other cesspits? I’ve got it all covered! Social media is changing and we must change with it. I’m so tired god please weh
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Twitter is in free fall. Panic ensues. Valid. Many of us need that hellsite. Badly. It’s imperfect trash, but its *our* trash, understand? Fuck these “alternatives”. They are all noise right now. Cohost doesn’t allow commercial activity in its TOS, Mastodon has low engagement right now. Twitter Blue is here to stay. As VTubers, we all benefit from having it, actually. For $8/mo, you will be prioritized and boosted with mentions and replies. This means that threads and replies to you bump you up on the TL. Even if you pay for it, Lists and Twitter Circles are still a good idea. Heck, rotate people out of Twitter Circles to make sure you’re able to talk to more people. Continue to use Twitter to network by providing value to others and help others in their journey. Be chill and don’t use people for clout--it’s disingenuous. Treat people like people.
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I can’t guarantee that things will be the same here on Twitter and neither can anyone else. The current data sets I see from clients and others may show that not much is changing, but this site is changing every day. We need to play it day by day and not worry too much about it.
Twitter has shops, utilize tf out of the business features. Given how much of a mess the site is with its daily tweaks and the loss of valuable engineers at Twitter, things could be topsy-turvy. Who knows? Be active!
This being said, you shouldn’t rely on Twitter alone. It’s not good for your business nor is it good for growing your brand recognition. So I’ll list where to go and the use cases. Don’t use this list to go to literally every place. There’s just not enough time in a day to maintain it all.
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Don’t make Insta your mainstay. Please, for the love of God don’t. Everything wrong with FB is still wrong with Insta with the added bonus of it being Diet Tik Tok. That being said, it still is a good networking tool and can help your sales with its shop features (for businesses/brands/media that don’t want to use Twitter). So what to do with Insta? Repost your Tik Toks and hit it n quit it. Post your schedule (3:2 format, crop down with 1:1 squares and schedule out posts to upload your schedule). Update your stories with important things (they’re pinned tweets basically). Have a link in your profile and reply to people when you can. Use relevant hashtags and hashtags that aren’t super saturated. GL;HF
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Tik Tok
Hit it n Quit it
Post in prime times
Turn brain off
Be unhinged with your originals
Remix and hf with trends
Repost best shorts elsewhere
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It’s 2012 again and we have no character limits and post gif memes
Relax, hf, life moves slower with an older audience
Not a Twitter replacement
SEO can be a benefit (technical jargon I’ll save you from), but you must remain authentic. What works on Twitter doesn’t fly on Tumblr. You will not get traction from doing what you do here.
Pay attention to etiquette. You can have assholes, but many are willing to joke as if nothing had happened. Be consistent by liking and reblogging things. Turn off your brain and follow blogs and tags that are up your alley and QUEUE up things to keep posting throughout the day. Tumblr humor is ironic, but not irony-poisoned. It’s punny and quirky and you must kill the chains that bind your inner cringe. Truly be yourself, share your personal thoughts more (it's a blogging site ffs), share your fandom of things, and things’ll be okay.
Also important on the ettiquite as a first tip: dont act like you do on Twitter. Its a different audience and the normal ways of crossposting wont work here. This is not Twitter. Tumblr is a blogging site where blogs share each other and it is fandom-heavy (meaning sharing who your favorite oshii is for example and hyping up others). It comes naturally. Be yourself and focus on building up a presence on your blog to give people a good idea of who tf you are. Nobody is really a celebrity here and you can't act like you are here. USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGSUSE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TAGS USE TA--
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I made another mega thread for this, read it later. YouTube should be one of your mainstays as a VTUBER. It’s more work, yes, but they also have Community Posting for everyone now. Scaling up your brand and having better brand recognition is crucial here. As you post more videos, ALWAYS improve your pacing, thumbnails, and titles.
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We know it. We love it. Consistency is key. Start with Rule of 3s: 3 days/week, 3 hours/day, 3 social media outlets. This is a general rule for a reason, but it's a good minimum to start with because I’ve seen too many clients in deep need. If you need to start half an hour later to catch your regular audience, then do so. Starting out, you need consistent numbers, engagement, and retention. I’ll explain later, but you want to do what you can to increase production value and give more interactables for chat to use.
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Advice for partners, you need to continue to carry the momentum to scale. By this point, you likely know what it is you need to do, but perhaps there’s a discrepancy with engagement or retention, or god knows what that holds your audience back. Collabs help, but not as much as you’d like. This comes with raids being a nice networking tool funnily enough. Raid people with similar content and vibe as you to continue to network with people. Switching audiences and using adjacent categories to find that audience may be what you need.
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This is all hard to determine for partners so plainly on social media without analyzing data, audience, content, branding/design, and personality. There’s a lot that goes into your churn (how many folks you lose in your audience on average). Fixing that can either require optimization and turning your personality up to 11 more consistently and differently, but also can mean taking a leap into faith with a “big risk, big reward mentality”. One thing I know works would be the optimization tweaks here and there by looking at data (or not looking at all and just gathering feedback from your audience and friends and staying objective and factual), and diversification on different platforms so more can know who you are.
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Try tools like Streambee to simplify the VOD review process Streamloots to increase engagement and have better monetization TITS, VRChat, and curation to invite viewers with “planned exclusivity” rather than total exclusivity (how you do this is up to you).
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Discord Not really a social media site
Great for talking and engaging your community and breeding loyalty. VTubers need fewer “groups”, fewer individual servers, and more community servers where you can pool your resources and hype each other up. Effectively make use of what Stream Teams are good for and raise each other up.
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Use Kofi for tips, a shop, comms
Use Gumroad for another shop that has more discoverability
Use Patreon for memberships to slowly phase out Twitch subs. Be creative and have fun with Patreon rewards
Use Streamloots and have fun with it
There’s more I want to discuss, but for now, you can follow me on Twitter and here on Tumblr for this data-backed advice, the nitty gritty nerdy jargon for social media with data and whatnot, and my personal thoughts with my positive experiences managing and consulting folks.
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If you yourself are terrified still even with all of this, I have restructured my business with Build-Your-Own Bundle type of consultations and management. Services are 50% off. 69% off after your first purchase (nice)
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navdurga32 · 14 days
What are great ways to promote an iOS app?
In today's competitive app market, promoting an iOS app effectively can make all the difference between success and failure. With millions of apps available on the App Store, developers must adopt strategic marketing techniques to ensure their app gets the visibility it deserves. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways to promote an iOS app, and why CPIDroid stands out as one of the best platforms to facilitate these promotional efforts.
1. App Store Optimization (ASO)
App Store Optimization (ASO) is one of the most important steps in promoting an iOS app. Much like search engine optimization (SEO) for websites, ASO helps improve the app’s ranking on the App Store by optimizing various on-page elements. The primary goal of ASO is to increase app visibility, which can lead to more downloads.
Key ASO Strategies:
Keyword Research: Select keywords that are relevant to your app's category and frequently searched by users.
App Title & Subtitle: Include important keywords in your app’s title and subtitle to improve discoverability.
App Description: Ensure your app description is clear, concise, and highlights key features. Utilize important keywords naturally.
High-Quality Screenshots and Video: Show off the app’s interface with high-resolution images and a demo video that highlights the best features.
Regular Updates: Keeping your app updated not only improves performance but also signals to users and the App Store algorithm that your app is active.
ASO is an ongoing process, and regularly reviewing your app’s performance and tweaking these elements can help you stay ahead of the competition.
2. Leverage Social Media Marketing
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and TikTok have become powerful tools for app promotion. By leveraging social media marketing, you can directly engage with your target audience, showcase your app’s value, and create viral content that spreads your app’s name.
Key Social Media Strategies:
Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers relevant to your app’s niche to give it a wider reach. Influencers can review or demonstrate how your app works to their audience.
Social Ads: Utilize Facebook and Instagram ads targeting specific demographics or interests to drive app installs.
Content Creation: Regularly post engaging content related to your app on social media channels. Use visuals, GIFs, and short videos to showcase app features.
Hashtags & Trends: Use relevant hashtags to increase your app’s reach on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Participate in trending topics that align with your app’s purpose.
3. Utilize Paid Advertising Networks
Paid advertising remains one of the quickest ways to drive traffic and installs for your iOS app. There are various advertising platforms that specialize in mobile app promotion, allowing you to run pay-per-click (PPC) or pay-per-install (PPI) campaigns.
Key Paid Advertising Options:
Apple Search Ads: This is Apple's advertising platform that allows developers to promote their apps in the App Store search results. It’s an effective way to capture users with intent, as your ad is displayed when users search for relevant keywords.
Facebook Ads: Facebook’s ad platform lets you target specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, and behavior.
Google Ads (Universal App Campaigns): Google’s UAC promotes your app across Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, and other partner sites. It’s an all-in-one approach for driving app downloads.
4. Influencer and Affiliate Marketing
Influencer marketing is a powerful way to get the word out about your iOS app. Partnering with content creators or influencers who have a following in your app’s niche can introduce your app to a larger and more targeted audience. For example, a fitness app could collaborate with popular fitness influencers on Instagram or YouTube to showcase the app’s features.
Affiliate marketing is another promotional strategy, wherein affiliates (partners) promote your app in exchange for a commission based on app installs or in-app purchases.
5. Content Marketing and Blogging
Creating content around your app can establish it as a solution to problems faced by your target audience. Blogging or guest posting on relevant websites can introduce your app to potential users. Writing detailed guides, how-to articles, or even posting use-case scenarios about how your app solves a particular problem will help drive organic traffic to your app page.
Key Content Strategies:
Blogging: Write detailed posts about how your app can benefit users, its key features, and its advantages over competitors.
Guest Posts: Publish content on other reputable platforms in your app’s niche. For example, a finance app could contribute articles to finance blogs or websites.
Video Content: Create video tutorials or demonstrations of how to use the app. Videos can be shared on platforms like YouTube, which has a wide user base.
6. Promotional Campaigns and App Giveaways
Running promotional campaigns or app giveaways can generate buzz and increase downloads for your iOS app. For example, offering a limited-time discount on in-app purchases or running a contest where participants can win free premium features can incentivize users to download your app. Offering exclusive benefits, such as early access to new features or special promotions, can also create a sense of urgency among potential users.
Steps to Run an Effective Promotion:
Set clear objectives (e.g., increasing downloads, generating app awareness).
Collaborate with influencers or bloggers to promote the giveaway.
Use social media and email marketing to spread the word.
Track campaign performance to measure its success.
7. App Reviews and Ratings
Positive app reviews and high ratings are essential for building credibility and trust with potential users. Request feedback from your existing users and encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on the App Store. Higher ratings and positive feedback will not only influence future downloads but also improve your app’s ranking in the store.
Why CPIDroid is One of the Best Platforms to Promote an iOS App
Now that we’ve covered various methods for promoting an iOS app, it’s time to explore why CPIDroid is one of the best platforms to help you execute these strategies effectively.
1. Tailored App Install Campaigns
CPIDroid offers specialized app install campaigns that are tailored for iOS apps. Whether you’re looking to target a global audience or specific markets, CPIDroid can help you generate quality installs from real users. Their Pay-Per-Install (PPI) model ensures you only pay for tangible results, making it cost-effective and transparent.
2. Boost App Rankings with Keyword Installs
App Store ranking is heavily influenced by keyword-based searches. CPIDroid provides targeted keyword installs, which helps to boost your app’s ranking for specific keywords. By focusing on keywords that are relevant to your app’s niche, CPIDroid ensures that your app climbs the search results ladder, increasing its visibility organically.
3. Comprehensive Mobile Marketing Solutions
CPIDroid is more than just an app install platform; it offers comprehensive mobile marketing services. Whether you’re looking to improve your App Store Optimization (ASO), run paid ads, or leverage social media, CPIDroid provides a one-stop solution. With advanced analytics and reporting, you can easily monitor the performance of your campaigns in real-time and make data-driven decisions.
4. High Retention Rates and Quality Users
One of the common issues with app promotion is the quality of users. CPIDroid ensures that the installs you receive are from users who are genuinely interested in your app, leading to higher retention rates and increased engagement. This contrasts with platforms that may offer bulk installs but with low user interaction. CPIDroid’s approach focuses on delivering installs from users who are more likely to engage with the app, helping to increase lifetime value.
5. Cost-Effective Solutions
For developers and businesses on a budget, CPIDroid provides flexible pricing models. Their PPI and CPI (Cost-Per-Install) campaigns are competitively priced, ensuring you get the best ROI on your promotional efforts. Additionally, their ability to drive targeted installs means that every dollar spent is going towards quality user acquisition.
6. Customizable Campaigns
Every app is unique, and so are its promotional needs. CPIDroid allows for highly customizable campaigns. Whether you’re focusing on increasing app installs, boosting your app’s ranking for specific keywords, or improving user retention, you can tailor your campaigns to meet your specific goals.
Promoting an iOS app requires a multifaceted approach, from optimizing app store elements to leveraging social media, paid advertising, and content marketing. Each method plays a crucial role in driving downloads and increasing app visibility. CPIDroid stands out as a leading platform to help developers and businesses execute these strategies with precision. With its robust features, tailored campaigns, high-quality users, and cost-effective solutions, CPIDroid is the perfect partner for your iOS app promotion efforts. By integrating CPIDroid into your marketing strategy, you can maximize your app’s potential and ensure its success on the App Store.
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digimark6 · 2 months
How a Social Media Course Can Help Grow Your Business in Jabalpur
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Social networking is a useful tool for businesses nowadays. It enhances customer engagement, expands your brand, and reaches a larger audience. But to use it effectively, you need more than just basic knowledge. A social media course can teach you how to do it right. Here's how it can help your business grow.
Learn the Basics
A social media course starts with the basics. You'll learn how to create and optimize profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You'll understand how to make posts that catch people's attention and use hashtags to reach more people.
Create a Strategy
One of the most important parts of a social media course is learning how to create a strategy. This means setting clear goals, knowing who your target audience is, and choosing the right platforms for your business. A good plan helps you focus your efforts and achieve your business goals.
Make Great Content
Creating interesting and engaging content is key to social media success. This course will teach you how to make high-quality posts, videos, and images that your audience will love. You'll also learn to find and share content from other sources to keep your audience engaged.
Use Analytics
Analytics are important for measuring how well your social media efforts are working. A social media course will show you how to read and understand data from your posts. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, so you can improve your strategy and get better results.
Engage with Your Audience
Social media is all about interaction. A course will teach you how to respond to comments and messages, and how to build a community around your brand. Engaging with your audience can lead to stronger relationships, more loyal customers, and positive word-of-mouth.
Stay Updated with Trends
Social media is always changing. New trends, features, and updates come out all the time. A social media course will help you stay up-to-date with these changes. This way, you can keep your strategies fresh and take advantage of new opportunities.
Boost Your ROI
Investing in a social media course can pay off big time. With the knowledge and skills you gain, you can create better campaigns, reach more people, and achieve your business goals more efficiently. This means more visibility for your brand, higher engagement rates, and increased sales.
A social media marketing course in Jabalpur gives you the tools you need to succeed in the digital world. From learning the basics to creating a strategy, making great content, using analytics, engaging with your audience, and staying updated with trends, the benefits are huge. By taking a social media course, you can grow your business, connect with customers, and reach your goals.
Start learning today and see how social media marketing training in Jabalpur can take your business to the next level!
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onenettvchannel · 2 months
American Cable Channel 'Cartoon Network' yet potentially shutting down by 2025
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ATLANTA, GEORGIA -- Social media abuzzed with a new latest hashtag trend "#RIPCartoonNetwork" on the X Network (formerly Twitter, owned by X Corporation) after a community page called Animation Workers Ignited (AWI) posted and claimed that the Warner Brothers merger-owned cable TV kids network was dead. Following after Cartoon Network Studios' building shutting down last year in 2023, the state of animation and challenges animators face in getting enough work to pay their bills, leaving the animation industry is under attack or forcing go permanently off-air, implementing for a potential and upcoming final broadcast.
Discovery Communications and Warner Brothers, now known as Warner Bros.-Discovery (WBD) after the merger, several Cartoon Network projects were reportedly canceled. To name a few, the remaining and final CNS originals such as Craig of the Creek's new pre-school cartoon spin-off "Jessica William's Big Little World", "Iyanu: Child of Wonder" and "Adventure Time: Side Quests". While the acquired series from Canada and France goes to "Total Drama Island" and "Totally Spies!" are both securing new seasons today. All these are up to 2025 onwards.
WBD owns the network and its Chief Executive Officer named Mr. David Zaslav, has been delisting shows across their catalogues to cut costs, despite the company's substantial revenue. However, multiple sources indicate that Cartoon Network in America and regional cable TV kids stations in every single countries of the world will remain available, and there are still projects ahead. For timeshifter channel like Adult Swim in the adult demographic (shortly after signing-off for the afternoon or evening, along the Toonami programming block, will not be affected.
Animation workers, like creators in other professions at CNS are struggling to make ends meet as executives prioritize revenue for themselves and shareholders. The future of animation remains uncertain, but the cable kids network isn't shutting down entirely.
Big memories before the upcoming final broadcast of CN within a few to several years time, as the main animation studio is officially done, and yet, literally bankrupt as a whole. The trend of "#RIPCartoonNetwork" is a big misleading point and turned out false. From "Adventure Time" to "Steven Universe" to "Craig of the Creek", the cable kids channel will soon be the last time, if considered legit to see whether if you're new or current childhood grew up on national american television.
SPECIAL THANKS to NET25 Manila for sending in a news tip!
SOURCE: *https://www.mensjournal.com/streaming/rip-cartoon-network-trend-explained [Referenced News Article via Men's Journal] *https://www.comingsoon.net/guides/features/1794469-is-cartoon-network-closing-down-ripcartoonnetwork-trend-explained [Refereced News Article via Coming Soon News Bureau] *https://uproxx.com/tv/did-cartoon-network-shut-down-ripcartoonnetwork-explained/ [Referenced News Article via Uproxx] *https://www.animationmagazine.net/2023/07/warner-bros-discovery-closing-cartoon-network-studios-hq-in-burbank/ [Referenced News Article via Animation Magazine] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH9G5nEkgt0 [Referenced YT VIDEO via DZEC-TV's NET25 Manila] *https://x.com/cartoonnetwork/status/1581019585478037504 [Referenced X Network Tweet Post via CartoonNetwork] and *https://verafiles.org/articles/fact-check-cartoon-network-not-shutting-down
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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harishblogger · 2 months
Insider Tips for Navigating Travel Exhibitions
Travel exhibitions, such as the esteemed India International Travel Mart (IITM), offer an exciting array of opportunities for travelers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts alike. These events serve as vibrant hubs where destinations, travel services, and cultural showcases converge to inspire and inform. Navigating through such expansive gatherings can be a thrilling yet daunting experience without a strategic approach. Here, we delve into essential insider tips to help you make the most of your visit to travel exhibitions like IITM.
1. Pre-Planning Pays Off
Before stepping into the bustling halls of a travel exhibition, invest time in pre-planning. Review the exhibition's layout and identify key exhibitors and pavilions you wish to visit. Websites and event apps often provide floor plans and exhibitor lists, enabling you to chart a course that aligns with your interests, whether it's adventure travel, cultural tourism, or eco-friendly initiatives. Prioritize booths of interest to maximize your time and ensure you don't miss out on must-see exhibits.
2. Engage with Exhibitors
Travel exhibitions are prime opportunities to engage directly with tourism boards, travel agencies, and hospitality providers. Approach exhibitors with curiosity and specific questions about their offerings. Whether you seek insider tips on off-the-beaten-path destinations or desire to learn about exclusive travel packages, exhibitors are eager to share their expertise and may offer special discounts or packages exclusive to exhibition attendees.
3. Attend Informative Sessions
Many travel exhibitions, including IITM, host seminars, workshops, and panel discussions featuring industry experts and thought leaders. These sessions delve into diverse topics such as sustainable travel practices, emerging travel trends, and cultural immersion. Attending these sessions not only enriches your knowledge but also provides valuable insights that can enhance your travel experiences. Check the event schedule in advance and prioritize sessions aligned with your interests.
4. Embrace Cultural Experiences
One of the highlights of travel exhibitions like IITM is the opportunity to experience diverse cultures through performances, culinary demonstrations, and artisan showcases. Immerse yourself in cultural displays that celebrate traditions from around the globe. From traditional dance performances to culinary delights, these experiences offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of global heritage and can inspire your future travel plans.
5. Leverage Technology
In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the exhibition experience. Utilize event apps to navigate the venue, bookmark favorite exhibitors, and receive real-time updates on events and promotions. Some exhibitions also incorporate virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences that transport visitors to distant destinations or simulate adventurous activities, providing a taste of what awaits in the world of travel.
6. Network with Fellow Enthusiasts
Travel exhibitions attract a diverse crowd of travel enthusiasts, industry professionals, and influencers. Take advantage of networking opportunities to exchange travel stories, tips, and recommendations with like-minded individuals. Whether you're seeking travel companions for your next adventure or connecting with professionals in the travel industry, networking at exhibitions can open doors to new friendships and collaborations.
7. Capture Memories
Document your journey through the exhibition by capturing photos and videos of memorable exhibits, cultural performances, and interactions with exhibitors. Share your experiences on social media using event hashtags to connect with fellow attendees and extend your network beyond the exhibition halls. Don't forget to ask for permission before photographing exhibits or performances, respecting cultural sensitivities and exhibitor guidelines.
8. Stay Flexible and Adventurous
While planning is essential, remain flexible to serendipitous discoveries and spontaneous experiences. Wander through lesser-known pavilions, strike up conversations with exhibitors you encounter along the way, and be open to exploring unexpected travel opportunities. Travel exhibitions like IITM are dynamic environments where surprises await around every corner, enriching your travel aspirations and broadening your perspective on global destinations.
Navigating travel exhibitions such as the India International Travel Mart (IITM) is a rewarding experience that blends exploration, education, and cultural immersion. By approaching these events with careful pre-planning, curiosity, and an open mind, you can maximize your visit and unearth valuable insights and opportunities that enhance your travel adventures. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your next getaway, incorporating these insider tips ensures a fulfilling and memorable experience at travel exhibitions.
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eartharoundsun · 4 months
Feminist – The Master of Social Media Presentation: Twitter – “Be Strong and Straightforward”, Facebook – “Everything must be in Moderation”, and Tumblr – “Just be Yourself”!
“You’d better manage yourself online!”
“Be careful with what you say on social media!”
“Your careless online image will destroy you! Pay attention to what you post!”
Hurt… but it sounds so familiar, right? Too often, we – under the female gender – always being criticized as irresponsible social media users and are required to control our online image better (Dobson & Ringrose 2016). But is that the reality? Think again! Girls are truly the social media game controller! Understanding the unique “vibe and behavior” of each platform, females know how to pick up different identities that work best for them on specific digital media. By analyzing “digital characteristics” on three platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, are you ready to be surprised by how “tricky” a girl could be to use social media in multiple ways to participate in feminist activism? Okay, let’s dive in…
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Twitter – “Be Strong and Straightforward”
Has anyone ever imagined a platform that is open for hot debates, controversial discussions, and well, curse words of course? Twitter gets your back! This is a micro-blogging platform that allows users to create brief bursts of text (known as “tweets”) of under 280 characters and is commonly organized around themed “hashtags” to facilitate communication between users (Keller 2019, p.5). Knowing the Twitter nature of prioritizing fast-moving content (both original and retweet), girls frequently develop hashtags to widely raise awareness of feminist issues like sexual abuse, racism, etc. on this platform (Keller et al. 2018, Loza 2014, Thrift 2014). #Metoo was one of the greatest feminist movements on Twitter since this hashtag has been used over 19 million times. On average, more than 55,000 tweets sharing personal stories and statements using the #Metoo hashtag were shared daily (Anderson & Toor 2020). Downright and straightforward are what women show off through this platform
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Facebook – “Everything must be in Moderation”
Because of the “authentic identity” requirements and “imagined audience” concerns, honestly, this social media is far from an ideal platform for girls to fight for themselves!  With large profits coming from selling user databases to advertisers (Bivens 2015), individuals are required to create a “real self” by filling in first and last names when creating a Facebook profile. However, this could be triggering the spread of feminist activities, especially among teenage girls due to the fear of becoming the haters’ “targeted goal” in real life if they know too much about their personal information and identity. Moreover, Facebook's “friend circle” is also a huge concern. Since most of the “friends” users have are real ones – parents, siblings, etc., so of course, no one wants to freak out their grandma by reporting personal statements of being sexually racist! “Plus point”, because Facebook prohibits controversial debate about sexism, girls instead need to replace with “repost” less debatable content like comic feminist memes or sexist advertisements (Keller 2019, p.7). Moderation, conservative, and careful will be what I will describe feminist activities on Facebook
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Tumblr – “Just be Yourself”
Is it too much to dream about a vibrant “individual-centered” long-post blogging platform where everyone is supported to be themselves, freely sharing whatever they want, build their own kingdom, and simply, just be as crazy and creative as they want without the pressure of being judged and criticized? Not anymore! Tumblr is here! With no personal profiles or “friend network” requirements, anonymity is Tumblr's biggest strength making girls insanely jump into this “heaven” to practice feminism (Keller 2019, p.7). With the nature of “nobody knows who anybody is” and “keep going without knowing what you are going to find”, Tumblr is like a perfect “black hole” where females can comfortably express their true feelings and personal issues (Keller 2019, p.8). Deep and authentic are what women normally show on Tumblr
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Okay, let's just sum up a bit what our girls are doing online!
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Even though we still need to face the sad reality that a “risk-free” digital platform will never have existed and feminist teenage girls and women – particularly those of queer, poor, color, or disabled – are now facing a higher risk of being social media targeted “hate speech (Keller 2019, p.9), just don’t be afraid! The period when women patiently tolerated defamation is over and feminism is growing stronger than ever before!
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In the final words, I just wanna send a big heart to every female in this world and a quick reminder that you guys are smarter and stronger than you think! Together, let’s create a better place!
Anderson, M., & Toor, S 2020, ‘How social media users have discussed sexual harassment since #MeToo went viral’, Swinburne Library, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/10/11/how-social-media-users-have-discussed-sexual-harassment-since-metoo-went-viral/
Dobson, A. S., & Ringrose, J 2016, ‘Sex education: Pedagogies of sex, gender, and shame in the schoolyards of tagged and exposed’, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 16, 8–21
Jessalynn, K 2019, “Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms, Social Media + Society, Volume 5 issue:3, p.5-9
Keller, J., Mendes, K., & Ringrose, J 2018, ‘Speaking “Unspeakable” things: Documenting digital responses to rape culture’, Journal of Gender Studies, 27(1), 22–36
Loza, S 2014, ‘Hashtag feminism, #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen, and the other #FemFuture’, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media and Technology, 5, https://adanewme- dia.org/2014/07/issue5-loza/
Thrift, S 2014, ‘YesAllWomen as feminist meme event’, Feminist Media Studies, 14, 1090–1092
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zorbasmedia · 9 months
Breaking the Noise: How to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing on X/Twitter
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X is the new (well, not that new) name of the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. It’s not just for sharing your thoughts and content — you can also make money through affiliate marketing. However, affiliate marketers usually don’t pay much attention to X — to most, it seems like a waste of time due to the noise, especially if you’re not a big brand. 
But in reality, X has above 237 million monetizable daily active users. So, let’s put our biases aside and consider it from a business perspective.
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Affiliate marketing on X/Twitter
Affiliate marketing on X/Twitter is when you tell your followers about products or services through free or paid tweets (or xeets?). If they end up buying, you can earn a cut of the sales as a commission. It’s the same as affiliate marketing on other platforms, just on X you’re reaching out to your followers instead of website visitors. 
It lets you create and share different types of content like text, images, videos, audio, and live streams. You can also chat with your followers and other users through comments, messages, and groups. 
X affiliate requirements
To be an X affiliate, you need to meet certain requirements:
Have an active and verified X account;
A good rep and engagement on X;
Follow the rules and policies of X and the affiliate program you’re promoting;
Find your niche
When it comes to X, you have to narrow down your focus to make it big. For example, instead of talking generally about “plants” stuff, go all in on growing rare houseplants. That’s how you get a solid following, not by pushing a different affiliate deal every day. 
Another way to pick your affiliate marketing direction is to see what’s trending on the platform. You can also browse through some affiliate marketing networks to find a program that pays off. Or, if you’re a big fan, promote your favorite brand’s affiliate program. 
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Now, about affiliate links on Twitter… everything is OK with them as long as you’re not bombarding people. But watch out, some links get tagged as “Unsafe”. Guess you can figure out which ones. 
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Get more followers and engage with them
If you don’t know much about X/Twitter, it’s a social media site where you can share short messages. You only get 280 characters per tweet, so it’s important to focus on getting people interested. Starting by creating a great profile is key. Show off your personality and use a real photo, so people trust you. When it’s time to promote products, having an engaging profile will help you stand out.
Let’s talk about a really essential Twitter tip that a lot of affiliate marketers overlook: Don’t Buy Followers. It might make you feel good, but it’s just a waste of time and money. Paid followers usually don’t interact with your tweets because they’re often bots. Plus, you’ll lose credibility and that will affect your affiliate marketing success. 
Get people interested
So, how can you get people interested in what you’re sharing? Start by following and sharing content from popular X influencers in related niches. Tweet quotes work way better for affiliate marketing than just retweeting. Join in on the conversations, and soon some of their followers will become your fans too. Don’t know where to start? Look at what’s trending and find a discussion related to your niche. 
Don’t waste your time
But remember, as an affiliate marketer, time is money, so don’t waste it on meaningless conversations. Also, avoid getting involved in social media drama. It’s not worth your time to argue with angry people. 
Tweet a lot
Tweet a lot if you want to get noticed on X. You have to be ready to post at least 6 times a day to grab people’s attention and get clicks on your affiliate marketing links. Yeah, a single good tweet might blow up, but it’s rare. That’s why all the big influencers post content multiple times a day.
The trick with hashtags is to keep them on point. Don’t stuff your Tweets with hashtags for no reason. Less is more, stick to like 2–3 per tweet. 
So, how do you figure out which hashtags will help you get more followers? Well, you can check out what’s trending, or you can snoop on competitors to see what non-branded hashtags are getting attention. 
Track your progress
You have to know where you started to see how far you’ve come, right? That’s why having some analytics is crucial. The cool thing is, every X account has built-in analytics. It’s not as fancy as Google Analytics, but it should do the job for most affiliate marketers.
Final thoughts
Should You Try Affiliate Marketing on X? This is a tough question. There are legitimate affiliate marketers making money on the platform with their own products or products they promote. X should be a part of your affiliate marketing strategy, but, maybe, not your main focus. Use it to drive traffic to your website, for example, and make money that way. And remember: before completely diving in, test the waters first!
Interesting headings:
Affiliate marketing case studies
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xhibitur · 1 year
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🌟 Showcasing Creativity: Attracting an Audience on Content-Sharing Sites 🌟
Hey Tumblr fam! 🌈 Are you an artist, writer, photographer, or creative soul eager to share your talent with the world? Content-sharing websites can be your stage! Here's a quick guide on how to showcase your creativity and attract a potential audience:
📌 Choose the Right Platform: Start by picking a content-sharing platform that suits your style. Tumblr, WordPress, Medium, and more are all great options.
🔍 Define Your Niche: Find your creative niche, whether it's fashion, poetry, travel, or tech. Focusing on what you're passionate about will help you stand out.
🖋️ Create Outstanding Content: Your content is king! Craft it meticulously—whether it's blog posts, art, or photography, quality matters. Consistency keeps your audience coming back for more.
📖 Tell Engaging Stories: Master the art of storytelling. Whether you're writing or sharing visuals, stories capture hearts and minds.
🔍 Optimize for Visibility: Use relevant keywords in your content to make it discoverable. SEO is your friend for attracting organic traffic.
🤝 Engage with Your Audience: Build a community by responding to comments and engaging with your readers/viewers. Feedback helps you grow.
🚀 Promote on Social Media: Leverage social media platforms to expand your reach. Share your content, use hashtags, and connect with fellow creators.
🤝 Collaborate and Network: Collaborate with like-minded creators. Cross-promotions and partnerships can introduce your work to new audiences.
📊 Analyze and Adapt: Keep an eye on your content's performance. Analytics help you understand what resonates with your audience, allowing you to adapt and grow.
🌟 Be Patient and Persistent: Success doesn't happen overnight. Stay patient and persistent in your creative journey. Dedication pays off!
Remember, showcasing your creativity on content-sharing websites is an exciting adventure. It's about sharing your passion with the world and connecting with others who appreciate your talent. So, start today, and let your creativity shine! 🌟✨
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mylawcitrus · 1 year
Poems and porn
I gotta talk more with my "sad bitch PhD" friend. It wasn't me, I basically decided Twitter was my thing until they bought it off, they have all the data from camgirls and I'm tempted to interact. I might consider making an account to follow the girls I like. But a Twitter to post horny thoughts? While people are discussing fucking business models and political systems? The economy? No, thanks. So I don't get on there. If Tumblr was still porn-friendly, we'd all be fine. We'd have our space. And I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been trying to make this easier and doable, achievable.
Since they banned Wink on Google Play, and since Boo was elected the best online meetup platform in a worldwide basis, I've been very disappointed. Boo has camera verification, and they hacked my camera. I don't even trust my bank. But besides that, you can only message like 4 people daily. They're crazy. They haven't seen what girls are doing on Snap. And while Snap is a total disappoitment -- from every angle -- Instagram manages to be a platform where you have even porn networks like Nubiles Porn advertise with the Instagram logo on their Pornhub channel and be active on there, you have every adult star, and in the meantime they make up new "hashtag snap" trends to randomize as they please the process of finding people, and the filters are absolutely ridiculous. I'm not trying to find a 9 year old, I'm not trying to pimp a girl either. So I don't pay, but I know basically every internet user is fucking looking. So these people need to get their head out of their asses.
They separated dating apps from social media, but all dating apps are shitty. And then when people wanted to meet someone from a different country they were all like "oh but this is aa question of national security". What, your daughter's pussy? Fuck off, grandpa.
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digimart01 · 1 year
"Unlocking Blog Traffic: Strategies Without Keyword Research
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Getting traffic to your blog is the ultimate goal for any content creator. While keyword research can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, it's not the only way to attract readers to your blog posts. In this article, we'll explore various strategies to help you boost your blog's traffic without relying on keyword research.
Create Exceptional Content
The foundation of any successful blog is high-quality content. Regardless of keywords, if your content is valuable, informative, and engaging, it will naturally attract readers. Focus on addressing your target audience's needs and interests, and aim to provide solutions, insights, or entertainment. Quality content often gets shared and recommended, leading to organic traffic growth.
Harness the Power of Social Media
Social media platforms are excellent channels for promoting your blog posts. Share your content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, depending on your niche and target audience. Craft compelling captions and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Engage with your followers and encourage them to share your content, which can extend its reach.
Leverage Email Marketing
If you have an email list, utilize it to notify your subscribers about your latest blog posts. Email marketing allows you to reach a dedicated audience interested in your content. Craft enticing email subject lines and provide a brief teaser or summary of your blog post to encourage clicks.
Network and Collaborate
Networking within your niche can open doors to collaboration opportunities. Partnering with other bloggers or influencers can introduce your content to their audiences. Consider guest posting on reputable blogs or inviting guest authors to contribute to your blog. These collaborations can help you tap into established communities and gain new readers.
Participate in Online Communities
Engage with online forums, discussion boards, and social media groups related to your blog's niche. Contribute valuable insights, answer questions, and establish yourself as an authority in your field. When appropriate, share links to your blog posts as resources to help others, but be mindful of community guidelines.
Utilize Content Distribution Platforms
Publish your content on platforms like Medium, LinkedIn Articles, or industry-specific forums. These platforms have built-in audiences that can discover your content. Ensure your blog post includes a call-to-action or links back to your main blog to drive traffic to your site.
Monitor Analytics and Adapt
Even without keyword research, it's essential to monitor your blog's performance. Analyze which blog posts are resonating with your audience and where your traffic is coming from. Adjust your content strategy based on what works best. Over time, you'll gain insights into your readers' preferences and behaviors.
While keyword research can be a valuable tool for optimizing your blog's content, it's not the only route to increased traffic. By focusing on creating exceptional content, utilizing social media, leveraging email marketing, networking, participating in online communities, utilizing content distribution platforms, and monitoring analytics, you can drive traffic to your blog and build a dedicated readership. Remember, the key is to consistently provide value and engage with your audience. Over time, your efforts will pay off in the form of organic traffic growth.
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