#only doodles and pixel art from now on
sopuu · 7 months
Imma be real for a second and say I love the way Jesse has scars on your art??? Love it when someone gives a character who's been through a lot of physical (and mental) trauma some kind of scar. It just emphasizes to me that they went through that. And the effects of that stay with them.
Sorry I'm rambling
Tldr mmm scar art prettyyyy
exactly!! jesse’s gone through so much that i’d be surprised if he didn’t have any scars. and i like to think he’s confident enough to show them off not as injuries to his body but as a part of who he is, like a collection of experiences and battles he’s overcome. hence why i have his sleeves rolled up most of the time (and also rolled sleeves…so gender…)
he’s got a bunch of other scars i never get to show off so here’s some scar headcanons as a treat! i wanted to give each major one a backstory so it’s not just there for aesthetics. the others are normal battle scars tho
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ramblings about the f-bomb scar and the face scar under the cut bc there’s a lot oops. ty for the ask!
can we talk about the damage the f-bomb did to him in game. or the lack of damage even. because there’s no way this man got out of a close explosion from the strongest bomb with ONLY ringing ears for a few seconds?? not that im complaining i’m glad he’s okay bfjkfh
either the order’s armour is made of impressively strong cloth and metal or minecraft block people are very tolerant to damage. although the logical explanation would probably be the damage can’t be shown realistically within the limitations of a minecraft game (not just on the pg side of things but also they are. made of a few pixels) idk it’s something interesting to think about lore/game development wise
if it weren’t for canon depictions i’d probably have the scar cover half of his body,, but i like keeping designs close to canon depictions so a big shoulder scar it is! i had it cover more of his back since he turns when being fished down to try and shield himself
as for the face scar! i’ve debated for a long time whether to have that as the origin bc i thought it was too cruel but it stayed in the end- it’s probably the hardest one he’s had to overcome despite it being the smallest major scar. every time he looks in the mirror he’s reminded of how he failed reuben. how can it be that he only gets a small scrape while his best friend loses his life? all because of jesse’s mistakes?
some OLD art incoming so shield your eyes but these are a few doodles exploring that! i was also testing the f-bomb scar on the face for funsies
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eventually though, as he learns to accept his many scars he comes to see this one as a mark of the turning point of his life, both the good and the bad, and how much reuben and jesse meant to each other that they faced the world’s end together, knowing full well of the consequences. in a sense he carries reuben’s memory through that scar :]
anyways this is so long i’ll shut up now LOL
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months
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Name: The Flying Rooster
Debut: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Well, what cock-a-doodle-DO you Magnetic Know? This post has literally nothing to do with Magnetic Joe. I'm done with that bit now. I hope you liked it.
This is The Flying Rooster! Chickens are rather prominent as a funny thing in the Zelda series and I am glad about that. I know they are called Cuccos here but look. Look at me. Look at them. They are chickens. This one is even called a rooster! The wiki even considers his species to be "rooster". It's chaos out there in the Chicken Nicknaming Fandom! I'm going to keep calling them chickens and if you have a problem with it well then you can kill me!
The Flying Rooster is not like most of the chickens. Do you know why?
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He's dead.
Yeah, he died before the events of the game. Sorry. But he was so beloved! His old hometown has a grave for him! Everyone loved this rooster. He may be gone, but never forgotten, and that's okay. That's good!
But I never got to meet him! I want to meet the Flying Rooster. Me! Is that so selfish? To defy the nature of death itself in order to meet a funny chicken? No, it's fine. This is a video games! He's pixels! And if you learn the right song from a frog, and play it next to his bones...
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The Flying Rooster is back in business, baby! This would be a fantastic fowl regardless of backstory, but he is almost infinitely enhanced by the fact that he is UNDEAD. A zombie. A product of necromancy. An inhuman THING that should not be alive. But here he is! And he's just a funny chicken again :] no doubt saying bukbukbuk. buKAW! He doesn't care about brains, he would much rather snack upon some grains!
If you can guess what The Flying Rooster does in-game, you get a prize. The prize is a high five! You can give it to yourself by clapping your hands. You can give yourself a high five- or is it two high fives?- anytime you want with this strategy! Well, The Flying Rooster lets whoever holds him fly briefly. A real chicken cannot do that! They can fly, though, contrary to popular belief! Don't underestimate them!
The Flying Rooster is only necessary to get one important item, and it is really so wonderful that they made the process so special like this. I think that's what games should be all about. After he helps you get that thing, he goes off on his own. How would an esteemed undead rooster choose to spend its retirement? The same way any of us hope we can spend ours, of course!
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He goes to live with a Luigi! Wowie zowie!
This is The Flying Rooster's official art from the original game. Hee hee
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frankiesmileshow · 2 months
Hi! I'm a new fan of your work and I'm interested in starting pixel art. I would love your advice! Could you recommend some tips for a beginner like me? Tks!
Advice for getting into pixel art:
1- Use a program meant for pixel art like Aseprite (the one I use now, about 30 USD$) or Graphicsgale (the one I used before, its free) , not a general-use image editor or a digital painting program.
You dont need a tablet to do pixel art, I only draw with a 10$ optical mouse, but if youre already used to drawing with a tablet, then go ahead; many people draw pixel art with those.
2- Start small. Think NES and the like, where there aren't many pixels or colors to work with.
Take screenshots or sprite sheets from NES games or Sega Genesis games (find these on https://www.spriters-resource.com/ ) , and edit them, or try adding things to them using the same colors already in the image.
I used to run a little weekly activity on my live stream where we took screenshots from old NES games and modified them for fun. The appeal is that it gives you a limited set of colors and a bunch of examples of how to use them, so it helps you learn to make color choices.
3- If you don't already draw by hand or digitally, start drawing. Get into the habit of sketching and drawing.
Try to do it every day if you can, even if its not a lot of time, and even if youre not very good. Maybe get a drawing pad and carry it around with you if you can, so you can doodle in it whenever you have time.
The skill you will develop drawing on paper will help you grow much faster as a pixel artist.
This is because sketching on paper is very fast, you can sketch ten different things in a few minutes with a pencil. But pixel art, when you are starting out, is very slow. This also makes it slow to learn, unfortunately. So getting into pencil drawing or digital painting will help speed things up.
I got a drawing pad in college and used to draw in the bus, two 30 minute rides every day for a few years really helped me improve.
4- Join a community of pixel artists, that can be motivating to get into art, they might have events and things that could give you prompts to draw and feedback.
5- Be careful about posture when drawing, you can mess up your arm and your back after a few years of furious clicking while leaning forward or slouching. Learn to move your whole arm from the elbow instead of moving just your wrist.
Good luck!
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primrosebow · 7 months
I saw the artwork you did of Adam and it was very amazing. Made me vibrate with happiness. Do you happens to have another blog you post more art on, or is this your only one? I knows you’re probably a very busy person. I’d just like to consume more of your art for sustenance. I am a starving, starving anon ;-;
Thank u 🙏🙏
Your name is starving anon from now on and you are my newest child.
This is not only my only blog, but also my first! I am so glad it is actually working out well. I have a lot more unrelated silly doodles that I can also post, since I now know that someone in the entire planet actually wants to see it other than my fav moot(^^;
Here's some of it
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Btw, the fairy at the start is an oc of mine haha(^-^; I will talk about my oc series relating to her if even slightly prompted
I am also making my first attempts at pixel art which are uumm...
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Going about as well as you'd expect.... this is really just a "retelling" of sorts of a medieval era painting which I'm going to use as a pfp in another app, gotta give credit where credit is due. I however unfortunatelly cannot find it's name, if anyone knows it please tell me!
About being busy: YES! Nun work stacking with being a chemist stacking with becoming a doctor has been QUITE THE STRUGGLE! And I also decided to pick up sign language. I truly do not have any pity for my future self when picking out projects to complete(・・;) However, i finally found my completly licit drugs and am back in town for making art ANNNDDD writing! Theres a certain request in my askbox which I have been working on for a little while.
Thanks for sending an ask, anon!
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chalkeater · 2 years
ur art is crunchy /pos !!! how do you have the confidence to use stuff that isnt pencil and cant rlly be erased if mistakes are made?
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make more mistakes
ACTUAL ANSWER BELOW because it got too long. oops lol
anyway. i wrote “DO IT ON PURPOSE” because when it comes to doing a whole drawing with ONLY a pen- you gotta force your brain get creative- at least practice. in other words- work with what you have. it’s basically like solving a problem every few seconds-
because sometimes my hand eye coordination glitches for a split second. or maybe my hand shook or maybe the line is actually shit looking. but instead of scrapping the thing entirely i gotta to try and make it work. ok so if my line looks like crap here maybe i can make it a Part of the drawing by making everything look messier. OR maybe i can even just. hide it!! by coloring a thicker line along it too!!
you can actually HIDE a LOT of mistakes with a pen without erasing anything. and sometimes the mistakes are part of the art- like when i see the most beautiful art online and i see an uncolored pixel. what matters is your final output not the things you cant change now or mean nothing in the big picture
honestly going from sketch to lines and rendering with a pen is about weight control (like with a pencil- sketching yk) and not beating yourself up. in order to gain the “confidence” you gotta absolutely ANNIHILATE the need for 200% perfection. because theres beauty in a mess.
anyway so. when you get the basic stuff down like “in order to to make less mistakes with pen stuff- make sure youre used to what youre drawing already!!!” or “draw/doodle stupid shit with your pen and make it (pen) a PART of you and not some scary beast (pen)
i think it all stems down to forgiving yourself and just having fun. having fun is always my motto. if you ever go “oh no i made a mistake!!!” imagine me yelling “WHO CAAARRESSS!!!!!!!! (#love #positive)” in your EAR
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beepbeeplettuce613 · 4 months
More drawings! I’ve been getting into pixel art and practising for the past few months and I’m very proud of how they all turn out :3
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First, Aubrey! Nothing much to say here, just a pixel version of her portrait during battles lolol. I’m proud of it though! (I used pinks in her hair for the highlights on purpose to reference the real Aubrey :3)
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Next, a new oc of mine, mr static! He’s supposed to be a tv head of the tv you see in static void in blackspace (from Omori.) I was bored and wanted to make a silly tv head design hehe (Also because I was low-key fixating on mr puzzles from smg4 at the time XD). The second photo is a stupid meme I thought would be funny with mr static and another oc of mine, the doctor!
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Thirdly, some more goopboy doodles! I enjoy drawing this creepy silly creature a lot as you can tell XD though I haven’t drawn him in a bit, so I’ll have to do that XD (He eats frozen food with the bag as one does)
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Now for more sv au doodles! Even after a year I still LOVE the sv au! Especially sv spacebunny hehe :3 they have my heart! (Oh btw Avery is just my oc they’re not canon in the au… sniffle… I wanna yap to other sv au fans about Avery and Spaceboy so badly it’s crazy GRGRBRHRHG). Anyways, Avery will only look that scared if they see a crab or lobster. They’re scared to death of those things. The second one is just Avery flustering Spaceboy as they usually do! :D (Please omori fans go look at the sv au. I know, it hasn’t updated in months but I swear it’s fantastic 😭 @omori-sv-au this is the blog! :D)
And that’s all for now! I’m in a bit of an art block right now sadly, these are all from weeks/months ago XD but I’ll be posting new doodles when I draw enough!
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foxyd101 · 1 year
I'm also looking for recommendations for where to draw. So tell me, where do you draw?
Hiya, I'm glad/flattered that you find my art cool.
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Now to answer your ask/question:
I tend to draw on my phone and laptop, so either devices can work (or even a tablet).
Now, if you are asking about what application/apps I use to draw with, I primarily use medibang paint (which is a raster based/ aka pixals when zoomed in. Note: this app can be used on both pc and mobile devices and probably apple devices) and some Adobe fresco(which is both raster and vector/no pixels when you zoom in. Note: only for pc/apple devices), but of course, Ibis is another good drawing app that I could recommend (its raster base. Note: can be used on mobile and apple devices). These three are free, but they do have other features that come from a subscription (which you don't have to get unless you really wish to).
Other places that I draw on occasionally are on websites like whiteboard and Magma. (Which is when I draw with friends or when fellow artists host one for everyone).
(Sidenote: If you're wondering why the small Wally doodle is so pixelated, it is because I doodled him very tiny. Like this is what he looks like in my canvas XD)
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Smol boi :3
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kira-moonrabbit · 6 months
took a bit but that one post that i said "ten notes and i share my funy godgame cards" got the required notes. ideally i'd be reblogging said post and adding this under it but the boopometer is doing strange things to my dashboard right now.
To preserve everyone's dashboards because cards is big: READMORE! This dish contains a lot of spicy rambles of autistic machismo!
To get it all out of the way: none of these cards will enter the steam workshop. They're just funny cards for get togethers with the pals.
you will also find that i am super inconsistent with wordings and also forget important clarifications. but! that just makes the cards more fun. or less fun. it depends on how often the readers of the cards bicker, which in my case is never often. (i've only played with 2 friends thus far, but I have faith even still.)
i also cannot explain the mechanics of godgame. because.... there's a lot of mechanics. ...I mean, I can, but it's a lot of effort, especially when I don't physically have the board in front of me.
anyways here's our first card... one of my lobcorp OCs in fact!
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Denny.... she's one of the originals. She's not as funky as everyone else so she doesnt see much sun nowadays but! I can count on her to be easy to make a card for at least. As the blurb says, she's not ALL hating birds. She, like, has a boyfriend. It's just very funny to play it up for the bit. (She also is easy to rile up.)
Side Note Number One... I have formats and shit. However I dont know and dont want to learn how to work photoshop. so it's all a bunch of pngs that i layer on top of one another individually rather than some sort of photoshop type thing.
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this is about what it looks like. dont worry about what "overlay jewel office" means. i am not at liberty to explain jewel office because i didnt create it; i just invent the cards...
OK, card number 2!
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sootpy. i drew Soot (another lobcorp OC) as peepy once. i was looking in my doodles folder for an image of another guy ive got in here and i found him. I fudged this card up in about 10 seconds not counting time spend actually putting the card together.
Actual Soot might function entirely differently from sootpy. i dont think the peanut part is capable of functioning.
Okie, next caaaaard...!
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Memory Maggot! memory maggot's from my original universe type thing i call elsewhere; hence the unique background. It's a champion card, but since i'm biased and like making card backgrounds, cards from elsewhere get their own backgrounds.
originally this card had different (albeit not by much) art, but then I made my silly memory maggot pixel art and liked it better. memory maggot's a lot more than just memories, but i thought that idea for a card would be funny. and speaking of elsewhere champions...
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this is the Everywhen. he also lives in elsewhere. i designed him, but at the same time i don't hold full custody over him so to speak. he's goofy levels of busted, yes, but I think Champions are allowed to be just a little bit like that. For fun.
I don't only make cards of my own OCs, though!
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Example: these are the 01-kun, they're from yume 2kki. They don't actually have any of these abilities ingame, but I think I'm allowed to fudge things up a little bit when it comes to these sorts of things. Plus... it makes for a funny archetype.
Yes. The status icon for gay is dr pepper gay icon. I made that myself, actually. In the past I made a whole bunch of just. Dr pepper pride logos for some reason when I made drinking the stuff by the gallon my whole personality... I still have them, and I figured "why let them go to waste?"
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This is Pupula-toru, also from Yume 2kki. This one actually has some basis in how the little guy appears ingame. Even if it is a little complicated for a basic card...
See, in yume 2kki, there's this thing called Variable 44. One of the easiest ways to check the status of this variable is to visit Pupula-Toru, as they're not too far in the dreamworlds. They'll be in one of 4 different poses depending on the variable, and two of them are asleep. Variable 44 is what changes other different forms of per-dream RNG, so knowing it is pretty useful for looking for certain things. Therefore, checking on Pupula-toru has a slight rng-manipulation association in my head, hence how it works.
...Well, errors are popping up when I try to post more images, so now I think I'll just make a reblog chain, or more posts and I'll add them to this one later. There's way more cards I wanna show off..........
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its-a-me-mango · 8 months
What brushes do you use?
Oh, you mean my one and only Bencil brush?
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I borrowed the settings from someone else years ago but I haven't stopped using it since I got it, It's such an all around brush and it's the perfect Paint Tool SAI brush for me! I use it for sketching and lining and basically and anything in between, it's really helped speed up my whole art process just because of how easy yet effective it is to use, it's great for quick silly sketches and such!
I do have an actual lineart pen that i've had for over a decade now, I haven't used it as much in recent years but it's still a good pen, especially for crisp smooth lineart. It's not so great for quick doodles or sketches but again, very good lineart brush!
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I should also mention I have my stabilisers set to 15 at all times, my hands are kinda wonky so having stabilisers helps out a lot, I only really set it to 0 for handwriting, I'm so used to having them on at this point that doing digital art without one feels like hell.
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But yea that's about it for brushes, I use the default airbrush and blend tool for some things but they're nothing important, colouring I use the magic wand tool or the fill bucket set to all image so again not that impressive. All my pixel work I actually cheat at which I might explain how to do another time but it's not that hard to replicate.
I'm not sure how well SAI brushes translate over to other programs but anyones welcome to use the same settings as me! Especially the Bencil brush pleeeease give it a go.
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amaranthine-wrath · 1 month
˗ˏˋ ❌ INTRO POST ❌ ´ˎ˗
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The name's April (she/her). Welcome to my sideblog. I'm an alter in the Apartment System and this is my personal space for whatever I want. Gaming, music, miscellaneous thoughts, pixel art, and more will be shared here. I'm also conceptkin and will probably post about that now and again which is why I've used the tag.
Be warned: This blog may contain sensitive content (like mental health talk and occasional horror themes) but everything will be tagged to the best of my ability. Minors do not interact, you WILL be blocked on sight.
Read on for my basic info and other fun stuff. Kinda long but whatever, feel free to skim or skip around.
(Last updated: 9/2/24)
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˗ˏˋ WHO AM I? ´ˎ˗
As stated above, my name is April, I use she/her pronouns, and I'm an alter. Physically 25 and Black-Latino. Since this is a sideblog, I like and follow from the host's main blog (found here).
I identify as conceptkin. Specifically, I am rage personified. The special kind of rage that comes from intense hurt and grief. From wounds that may never heal. This doesn't give me any fancy form, though. I'm just some girl. I've felt this way since I first came to be over a decade ago and since it hasn't changed in all this time I feel comfortable saying this is a solid part of my identity.
I don't mind talking to people so go ahead and send asks but I've gotta warn that sometimes I can be a little flat through text. I'm not mad, I just don't feel like using a million emojis and exclamation points. I won't really answer messages though because holding 1-on-1 conversations with strangers is hard.
˗ˏˋ INTERESTS? ´ˎ˗
Art is a growing interest of mine. I love pixel art and doodling and someday I'll get into Blender/3D modeling and animation. I'm starting to get into code (HTML and CSS). The Sims 4 and Minecraft are my current games but once I've got an actual PC I'll be playing a lot more. I also enjoy poetry, alternative subcultures, and word games like Scrabble and Boggle.
I listen to a decent mix of music (metal, rock, breakcore, techno, etc). Here's my playlist if you wanna get to know a chunk of my music taste. I also update the playlist fairly regularly these days and I love recommendations. Some things are only on YouTube so they didn't get included but it's whatever.
˗ˏˋ DNI? ´ˎ˗
Minors, bigots/TERFs, "endos", ableists, etc. I'm not putting a big ass list. Make me uncomfortable or annoy me and I'll block you. Feel free to block me, too. Curate your own spaces and all that jazz. Involve me in discourse of any kind and I blow you up with my mind for real.
˗ˏˋ EXTRAS! ´ˎ˗
@devotional-devouring - Plague's Blog (Host/the main blog) @doll-disjointed - Mason's Blog (another alter sideblog)
#April's Chatting - Tag for text posts
More to come later. Here's some cool images.
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Thanks for reading. Have a good day.
(Icon Credit)
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good-gremlin · 1 year
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im a bit lazy and dont have too much time to spare to whip up a commission menu real quick, but
IM OPENING ART COMMISSIONS AGAIN, i could use some $$ right now!!
im opening detailed busts for $40 (usually on 6x8 in canvas)
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and pixel-ish colored doodle busts for $20 (500x500px canvas)
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but if you see anything you like from the examples i posted please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions about how you’d like your commission! i might want to draw your idea
please dm me on tumblr if youre interested or have any questions, i accept paypal only at this time
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goleb · 3 months
i literally admire the way you always seem to be drawing, and the infinite inspiration you have. I aspire to be like you someday
Thank you... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I'm no good at giving advice, but these are things that work for me.
Don't let creation become a chore for you. Make things because you enjoy it, not because you feel like you have to. Try new things! Even if it's just a new brush or a pen, it can really help keep your art feel fresh in your mind. Pick up a different medium if you're feeling adventurous lol. I like pixel art, sewing and knitting so I got into cross stitch, and I like digital painting and sculpting so I got into 3d models. Experiment. Have fun!
Give yourself small goals, whatever you feel works for you, but don't beat yourself up if you don't manage it perfectly either. Remember it's okay to not give every piece your absolute all. Sometimes it's better to make a couple small doodles for a week straight than try to force yourself to finish some big piece and burn yourself out. I started out daily drawing with a week-long challenge and escalated from there over time and now it's just something I do. I still haven't managed my goal of drawing daily for a whole year but who knows, maybe 2024's the year, y'know? Really, all that matters is that you keep going.
For inspiration, well, that depends what you're looking for. Watch a show or read or look at other people's art, listen to music, try redrawing your old art (my personal bias but I love doing that, really shows how much you've improved over time and that can be incredibly motivating) or a screenshot or a meme, or study something you're not so good at like anatomy or shading or backgrounds. Art challenges are always fun and the best part is you can make your own to suit your preferences, which is why every one I ever did was about drawing Roy lol, I live to draw Roy, he's my muse. I owe at least half of my art skills right now to him and my drawing him so much, haha.
Just, remember to start small and grow from there. Going full on in first thing you do may work for some but is also an easy trip to burn out town or giving up because it's not exactly like how you imagined it and you end up feeling discouraged from trying. Truth is very few things match the standards of our own imagination, but until someone invents a way to print out art directly from your mind (which I hope someone does, I have so many pictures I need out of there and only so much time, haha), the best way to get there is to keep doing it anyway and one day you'll wake up and realise how much progress you've made since you first started, and best part is that this is not a one-time experience, and I think that's something to look forward to. So just keep going, you'll get there.
Also feel the need to mention my go-to motivational post, because I saw it once as a young artist and it stuck in my mind to this day.
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You got this!
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resande · 1 year
Hey. I'm a mutual of yours, we've been for a few months now. I'm here not only to tell you that your steddie fanarts are out of this world (that they are), or how much I like your art (that I do), or how talented you are (that you are).
I'm here to tell you that I appreciate every minute of effort behind your hard, hard work. Yes, you're talented, no doubt of that, but behind every talented person there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of hours, self teaching, experimenting, discarded wips, study hours, mental struggle to do art, to see the flaws on our pieces, to not being ever fully satisfied with what we do, and yet to sit again and keep doing art and sharing it despite everything I mentioned before.
That's hard work, that's passion, and strength, and stubborness, and that's more important than talent, and I think I'm telling you this because I, as an artist myself, would love to hear it sometimes. I flush and fluster whenever someone calls me 'talented' (who doesn't like praise?) but I would tear up if someone sees what I do and tell me "god, this piece must have taken you hours, and being able to do this, must have taken you decades."
So I am here to appreciate that, to note and congratulate you on every single minute that you spent working to become the amazing artist that you are.
I hope you have the greatest week, and that with this, your Monday is a little bit less Monday-ish.
Love, V
I'm having a hard time, with life at the moment.. i have to do so much stuff and work a lot when i should've been resting after a stressful uni year. And the only thing that i consider resting now is art. The art that i couldn't pursue full time in the country that i live in. Or for the art that so many told me that i'll stop eventually doing because way down the line i won't be able to anymore because of the future job that i've chosen for myself and such. But since highschool i'll say this for as long as i'm breathing: i can't live without art and it will forever course through my veins.
As dramatic as that may sound, it's true. Before steddie i thought i was going to quit art just because no matter on each platform i'd try, i was getting like 100 to 300 notes/likes on a 44 h piece. Not exagerating one bit. And it went like that for like a year. But the only problem was that i had the wrong audience. This steddie fandom brought out the best of me and i improved so much as an artist thanks to you, fellow artist friend and so many more amazing artists/writers/people i've met down the line.
The fact that you took the time to tell me you appreciate all my sleepless nights, all my frustrations, small victories, learning from my mistakes. It really feels like soothing balm against wound. Hence i cried when i read your message. I thank you whole heartedly for your kindness, it made my week so much brighter. And i want to give the same warmth to you, in return. No matter the fact that i don't know how your art looks like. I'm congratulating you too, for coming so far, for all the progress that you've made. For the days you let your heart out to sing on paper or through pixels. For struggling to get the structures right the 100th time. For trying again and again until it felt right. For not giving up. And for sharing a piece of your heart with us. Even later in life when you'll be able to only doodle on napkins or painting on large canvases, never let that fire within you die. Because you're special and we're so lucky we get to see another version of life through different eyes and experiences.
And for whoever may read this. I'm congratulating you too and all the above. No matter what you're doing and what you're pursuing. I'm so proud of you too.
This went for way too long and i rambled a whole lot, i know. But in the end, i wish you an amazing week ahead of you, and all the best.
With love,
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God of War Art and Fic Masterlist
Request Rules
*My old GOW posts were on a side blog before I moved here so that's why some links lead to a different blog*
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Long Fics
Fated to Fall (x GN Reader)
Summary: The hand of fate was a cruel thing. It followed everyone who traveled through the realms, from tragic beginnings to horrific ends. Some people sought to embrace it, while others tried to flee from it, but its permanence was undeniable.
Yet as you stood reflecting on a previous life that now seemed so far and a future that appeared all but definite, you couldn't help but wonder why fate had brought you here. In a home that was no longer home and in a place you found no more joy. Was this to be the end of your story?
Or had it only just begun
Consequences of the Past (x GN Reader)
Summary: Sindri spends days making you the perfect gift. Upon finally delivering it he finds a horrible event has occurred.
Sindri Headshot [Pencil & Digital]
I Gave You Everything [Digital]
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Breaking of Sindri (Analysis)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Your Company (x GN Reader)
Summary: Brok shows his care through smithing. You wouldn't know that though, and he wasn't about to admit it.
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Huldra Brothers fuck (Cannon Game Lore)
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Kratos Practice (Pencil & Pens)
Doodles (Digital)
The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
I Am What The Gods Have Made Me (Pencil/Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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The Culmination of Love is Grief (Pixel Art)
Atreus Practice (Pencil and Pen)
Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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My Oath to You (x GN Reader)
Summary: Týr has returned to you after more than a century of absence. Completely overwhelmed by this sudden appearance you can't bring yourself to believe that your long lost lover has finally come home.
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Are You? A Calm and Reasonable Person?
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
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Little Pixel Dudes (Pixel Art)
The Babygirl/Sexyman/Little Meow Meow Alignment Chart
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Personal project masterpost
Alright so I have realized all my stuff is too much for the pinned post but I can make this masterpost and update it periodically. This will include: links to intro posts/refs, links to doodles/additional official art, and the given hashtags for each individual thing. Fan art/asks with art and most text posts will not be linked here, but you can search my blog/tumblr by the official tags in order to find stuff. Note: for additional small things such as fun facts about characters not on their official refs, check out the “#oc factoids and asks” tag and search with the tag of the given character/project. Yeah sorry you have to do some digging yourself, I can’t update this post every single time I make something new. Anyway let’s just jump into it. Last updated: 8/6/24 (d/m/y)
Omega Lab (#omega lab au, #omega lab)
Ref sheets for all mainline characters (Test’s tags: #test!sans, #test omega lab | Glow’s tags: #glowstick!sans, #glowstick omega lab | Tizzy’s tags: #tizzy!sans, #tizzy omega lab | Bio’s tags: #biohazard!sans, #biohazard omega lab)
Tizzy and Biohazard doodle
Glowstick and Test doodle
promotional piece
dynamic elaboration drawings
Sanses in alt subcultures (#alt sanses my beloveds) [casually known as Altverse but that is NOT its official name, do not tag it as such.]
Also the official tag is what you can use to browse MY blog. It’s not a title either. Just tag your art with the characters included.
Pastel goth!Dream (#pastel goth!dream sans)
additional Dream drawing
Alt!Killer (#alt!killer sans)
Classic 2000’s emo!Nightmare (#emo!nightmare sans)
NM pixel doodles
Scene!Ink (#scene!ink sans)
scene!Ink pixel doodle
Scene!Ink’s small psa
scene!Ink featured in my 2023 Inktobertale
Scenemo!Cross (#scenemo!cross sans)
Because things are often misinterpreted with this AU, it has its own clarifications tag. “#alt utmv clarifications” is the tag, if you’re ever wondering something about it then check there. If one of those posts doesn’t have an answer, just feel free to ask me yourself.
Robo-Ink aka Oil (#robo ink, #oil!ink sans, #robot!ink sans)
Based entirely on the simple (initially joke) proposition: “alternate multiverse where everything is the same except Ink is a robot”. Oil hails from a whole separate multiverse just like the usual one, accept for him being the way he is. Slightly different in personality, but you only really realize it when putting the two characters in the same interaction. Either way, he is my pride and joy and a great project so far.
No ref sheet currently exists for this character
initial conceptualization sketches
full-body further conceptualization sketch dump
more anatomy elaboration
Faeverse (#faeverse, #faeverse au) [please read info]
Ok so Faeverse isn’t actually entirely my creation, it’s a shared project with me and @dinosaurzzz. I’m just the lead character designer and artist, I don’t own it. Faeverse is a retelling of Underverse with a twist of Xvials and fae folklore from various cultures. Some things are critically changed in this au, so I’m begging you, if you’re going to make fan content, to read ALL OF THE INFO we have about it, including the masterpost about a core character Dino made which is linked in the below ref sheet.
Fae!Ink ref sheet (#fae!ink sans, #leánnan sídhe!ink sans)
Very pretty Fae!Ink doodle sheet
Omega!Cross (#omega!cross) [on hiatus]
Omega!Cross is a half-wolf version of Cross who was inspired by the works of some of the other creators in my general orbit, for posts featuring him interacting with the other 6 wolf!Cross’s, check out #wolf!cross gang shenanigans!
this project is currently on standby due to the stress I get when creating it. There may be the occasional thing here and there but for now don’t expect any big additions to Omega’s story. It’s a mess right now.
Omega!Cross ref sheet
just some expressive doodles
his canonical identities!
Design clarification text post
design clarification doodle
full doodle sheet 1
Canon height diagram
lore teaser
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (#r34l17y d3c4y, #reality decay)
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (pronounced “reality decay”), or R_D for short, is an Undertale alternate multiverse where all outcodes, multiversal beings, or beings that have been separated from their original universes gain weirdcore designs and qualities. I started it over on my Reddit but am moving it here.
Explanation/lore post
Fresh’s ref (#reality decay!fresh)
Wink’s ref [Ink] (#wink reality decay, #wink r34l17y d3c4y, #wink!ink sans, #rd!ink sans, #reality decay!ink sans, #wink rd)
Spinner’s ref [Error] (#spinner reality decay, #spinner rd, #spinner r34l17y d3c4y, #spinner!error sans, #rd!error sans)
Blossom’s ref [Dream] (#blossom reality decay, #reality decay!dream sans, #blossom!dream sans, #rd!dream sans, #blossom rd)
Annulus (#annulus sans, #annulus!sans)
silly one-off OC of mine
ref sheet/info post
Miscellaneous utmv ship kids
Dagger Striper [Killer x Ink] (#dagger striper)
Brightspex [Ink x Dream x Cross] (#brightspex)
Homestuck fantrolls
Gradient blood trolls concept post/initial art of my primary fantrolls (#gradientblooded trolls)
Primary three fantrolls sprite post (Spiral’s tag: #spiral circus | Orbovo’s tag: #orbovo weaver | Rodiea’s tag: #rodiea lassos)
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lazyboxart · 1 year
Fan Comic updates
So far I've written the script for the first chapter and am doing the thumbnails for the first few pages.
This comic will update kind of slow because I don't have the energy to draw YP characters over and over again.
It will update in chunks so two or more pages per update.
It will be in a pixel style to match the original game (still in a different style altogether though).
The plot will be the main events of the game with extra stories and moments that drift away from the original plot
I already posted this earlier but here's the digital thumbnails for the first page
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I just started liking PtP like seven days ago but I'm already planning a comic because the characters are so fun to draw. I'm making the script right now so I'm still open to suggestions but here's some
(that I'm still thinking about)
The comic will be mimicking the style of the manga (which I'm planning to buy, r.i.p my chore funds) with some panels being in a different style. (You can read the manga without buying it by looking up "Manga popee the performer" on Wattpad)
The story will be family friendly other than gore, so no swearing. There will be the general weirdness of the show like swords going up people's asses and Popee looking like he puts up the middle finger when he points at stuff, as well as things like papi dancing with milk bottles. (I still have no idea what happened in that episode)
There will be no spoken words, but there will be sound effects and grunting/yelling/laughing from characters.
The chapter will be short so it will update quicker than the YP comic
I don't have any art of the comic so far since I haven't written the script yet, but I have some conceptual doodles so here's that
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So I have a third comic that I've talked about before but never went into details about. I still won't go into details about it but I will reveal that it is a MasterChef comic and a crossover with a videogame. I'm still designing the characters so I haven't written the script yet but I have a general idea of what I want. That's all I'm sharing about this for now
Q&A SECTION (even though no one asked)
Why do you only do weird or obscure fandoms to make comics of? I hyperfixate on really specific things.
How do you make comics? I'll explain this in my next post.
Do you have your own original comics? I'm working on two original comics right now.
Will there be shipping in your fan comics? I might do cute character interactions that could imply shipping in the Yuppie Psycho comic, but won't actually ship the characters because I would make a seperate comic short to do shipping. I won't ship anyone in the Popee the Performer comic because none of those characters should be shipped.
When will your comics come out? I'm planning to release the YP comic and the PtP comic in the upcoming next couple months, but the MasterChef comic might take a while, and my original comics might take longer than the summer to be finished.
That's all and uh follow me for more comic stuff if you want to, bye
(Sorry for any spelling errors)
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