#only problem with this ask is that now i’m thinking about pallas again and want to do something violent
cream-and-tea · 3 years
hello hello hello may i hear about Pallas' weird fucked up brand of immortality???? i love all forms of that and would love to know more
*me, realizing i’m going to have to talk about pallas at length in any way shape or form* oh god here we go.
so! the “pallas can’t die” thing! it’s a pretty Big plot point in Lay Me Down, so Big that exactly how they did it and the reasons behind that features heavily in the final-act-holy-shit-what-the-actual-fuck-pallas-reveal/plot twist(tm) that i’m legally bound not to talk about and thus cannot share here. the main thing you need to know about it before i get into specifics is that it is very much something they did TO themselves after [REDACTED] in possibly one of the stupidest decision’s ever in Ghost Story Canon (think getting a really awful impulse tattoo except instead of a tattoo it’s making yourself Immune To Death) (also this got pretty long so i put the rest under a cut) (enjoy)
But with that dealt with, the rules of how their specific brand of immortality works are actually pretty simple: they just. can’t die (except for under very VERY specific circumstances but thats more spoilers). it doesn’t matter how badly they get injured or how oppressive a situation is, they are simply incapable of having it kill them. the caveat there is that even though they can’t die they can be HURT, and very very badly at that. because surprise! this specific brand of girl-help-i-can’t-die comes completely without ANY sort of healing factor!! so pallas can technically live through practically anything under the sun, but they will NOT come out of it unscathed or even in one piece (yes this is exactly as horrifying as it sounds). this is obviously not a good combination when it comes to the kind of person pallas is, and more specifically the kind of self-destruction they engage in where they view any pain or harm caused to themself as meaningless as long as they Are Useful and Have A Purpose (thanks a lot magic library indoctrination).
annnnnnd before i get depressed about this character again have some Funky Fresh Pallas Immortality Based Facts that i have accumulated over the course of my planning/drafting!!!:
for spoiler reasons not dying also comes with Body Horror upgrades which include: spitting up teeth that are not yours! Extra Organs! pale-ass vampire skin! the occasional blood-vomiting fit!
a less gross thing is that they get Cool Spooky Eyes that have no pupils and are constantly shifting between straight-up-shrimp-colours that agnes’s eyes interpret as different shades of gray
the not-being-able-to-die thing is established in possibly one of my favourite scenes i’ve ever written wherein pallas barges into agnes’s room bleeding from at least 17 different life-threatening injuries, heals said injuries incredibly slowly and painfully in front of her, passes out dead on the floor getting blood all over her carpet, and THEN responds to her panicking over how they could have died and how she was terrified with essentially “oh i don’t do that ❤️“ and straight-up REFUSES to explain any further. bastard behaviour at its finest.
seriously though thank you SO much for this question, i could ramble about these characters and plot for days so it’s nice to get the chance to share some stuff about them!! literally buzzing with happiness rn lol
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lamen-trash · 3 years
19 for Damen/Laurent? 💙💙
19. Forehead kisses (Prompt from this list)
Laurent did not know when he first started noticing it.
Maybe it was a few months after his frequent visits to Damen’s apartment began, or maybe earlier. He couldn’t be sure.
All Laurent knew was that somehow, in the midst of making dinner, watching a movie together, and the inevitable drooping of his eyelids as the night wore on, he magically ended up in a bed every night. Granted, it was the guest bedroom, but Laurent never had any recollection of saying goodnight to Damen or walking to bed. None of that seemed to matter, though, when Laurent was greeted with the sight of Damen cooking breakfast in the morning light, curls askew and smile lethal as ever.
It never bothered him before. That is, until one night, when both men had consumed one too many glasses of wine and made more than a few jokes at the other’s expense.
“Oh, come on, you’re the one who can’t even stay up until midnight and falls asleep on my couch all the time,” Damen laughed, his finger flung out accusingly and his eyes full of glittering mirth. The alcohol brought a sweet flush to his cheeks that made Laurent feel like he was melting on the inside.
His words, however, brought Laurent to a halt. He could only stare as Damen started to laugh harder at the stunned expression painted across his pale features.
“Don’t look so surprised,” Damen teased. “You always complain about being too tired to drive home and your words get all slurred and I have to carry you to bed.”
“I– What?” Laurent could feel a fiery blush start to overtake his features. “You definitely do not.”
“Wow, so you really don’t remember, huh?” Damen’s laughter had died down, but the soft, amused gaze he directed at Laurent stayed on his face.
Laurent had to change the topic. To something. Anything. “Kind of like you don’t remember spilling all those people’s drinks at The Abbey?”
That seemed to do the trick, as drunk indignation twisted Damen’s features. “Hey, I have no recollection of ever–”
And, bingo. Oaf distracted, crisis averted. “Of course you don’t remember – you were hammered!” Laurent laughed. “All of those women kept giving you dirty looks for the rest of the night.”
As Damen tilted his head back for a hearty laugh, Laurent stalwartly ignored the strong column of his throat and the dip of his Adam’s Apple. They had been friends for years, and Damen had never made a move. Laurent needed to get over himself.
Later that night, as their energy faded and the conversation dwindled, Laurent was determined to stay alert. But there was something about the soft leather of Damen’s couch, the warm lighting of the apartment, and the soothing sound of Damen mumbling an old story that had Laurent’s vision fading.
When the feeling of arms folding around his body permeated the haze in Laurent’s mind, he had the wherewithal to mumble “M'awake,” and try to squirm out of Damen’s arms.
It was to no avail, as Damen only tightened his grip before leaving the living room. “Let’s get you to bed,” Damen whispered close to his ear. Laurent could only let out a little noise of acknowledgement in response.
Everything was still hazy when Laurent felt covers being pulled up over him, and then, a pause, like the entire world was waiting for something. Maybe Laurent was waiting, too.
And suddenly: the gentlest feeling of lips against his forehead, like a butterfly wing fluttering against his skin.
Laurent would’ve stopped to think about it more if his mind wasn’t already slipping into unconsciousness the moment the feeling faded. That night, Laurent slept a sound, dreamless sleep.
Waking up the next morning was like emerging from the cold ocean after a long swim. It was as if liquid warmth was bleeding into every one of Laurent’s limbs, making him snuggle down further into the soft bedding.
And yet, when he opened his eyes and remembered the previous night in a sudden rush, all Laurent could feel was panic.
What had Damen meant by that? Was he supposed to remember the kiss? Did Damen kiss him in a platonic way or in a we’ve-been-friends-for-years-but-I-secretly-want-you-like-you-want-me way?
Laurent couldn’t help but bury his face into a pillow and let out a silent scream. Leave it to Damen to do something so innocent yet so loaded, and not think twice about it. It was cruel, really – Damen wasn’t the one with severe mental health issues prone to overthinking and thought loops.
The more Laurent thought about it, the more he could feel himself getting fired up. How dare Damen play with his heart like this? Especially after everything Laurent had told him about his past, how much he had trusted him with…
However, all thoughts of chewing out a too-large Akielon verbally that morning dissipated when Laurent peeked out of the guest room to see a fully-prepared breakfast with pancakes, berries and homemade whip cream.
Fuck, Laurent thought, and his heart instantly swelled in size. Damen knew the key to his heart all too well – sweets. Damn him.
While Laurent filled himself with sugar and carbs and coffee, no mention of last night arose, and Damen continued on like everything was normal. He took Laurent’s prickly morning attitude in stride and even ruffled his blonde hair before going to get dressed.
If you want to play oblivious, two can play at that game, Laurent thought to himself, and chewed thoughtfully.
From that point on, every time Laurent went over to Damen’s house, he made an effort to hold onto the last shreds of consciousness before everything slipped away. Like clockwork, around midnight, Damen would gently pick Laurent up and carry him to bed before tucking him in and kissing his forehead. The feeling was always fleeting, but treasured in Laurent’s bruised heart.
Sometimes, if they had laughed particularly hard together one night, Damen would spend a few extra seconds stroking Laurent’s cheek or hair, before pulling away as if burned.
It was maddening. Not that Damen was treating him tenderly for seemingly no reason – that, Laurent particularly enjoyed – it was that Damen seemed to want to touch him more, yet never did.
“We’ve been friends for years, and nothing until now,” Laurent exclaimed, waving his hands around as if that would solve his problems. “Why doesn’t he just make a move already?”
Aimeric only raised his eyebrow over his freshly-brewed coffee as he took a long sip.
“You’re judging me. Why are you judging me? You know I hate it when you look at me like that,” Laurent deadpanned.
Aimeric let out a little chuckle before shaking his head fondly. “You,” he began, pointing a perfectly-manicured nail in Laurent’s direction. “Have a problem. And Damen does, too. There’s something wrong with you guys.”
“If you could skip out on the insulting me part and move on to the advice segment of this coffee date, I would really appreciate it.”
Laurent couldn’t hold in his begrudging smile when Aimeric wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and raised his voice an octave. “Ooh, we’re on a date right now? Should I delete my dating apps and tell all my boy toys that I’m taken?”
After a firm smack to Aimeric’s arm and a classic over-the-top reaction from the brunette, he sighed. “Listen, I’m only going to say this once. Do with it what you will.”
Laurent nodded, gravely serious.
“Damen’s in love with you,” Aimeric said, and then took a sip of coffee as if those words hadn’t just flipped Laurent’s entire world upside down.
“And before you wipe that stupid look off your face and deny it, you should hear that you’re definitely in love with him, too.”
“Don’t make me say it again, and don’t deny the truth.”
Laurent’s mouth snapped shut. He chose his next words carefully. “Yes, it is true that after many years of friendship I do feel a certain… fondness for Damen, but that’s not–”
“Oh, for crying out loud,” Aimeric exclaimed, and slapped his hand down onto the table. “You guys have been in love with each other for years and we’ve all been waiting for one of you to make a goddamn move. I’m sick of this back and forth ‘Will they, won’t they’ and ‘Oh they’re pining for each other and it’s romantic’ bullshit.”
“Wait–” Laurent felt like his eyes were about to pop out of his head.
“I’m being dead serious when I say you need to make a move as soon as possible or else I will spontaneously combust from lack of attention. All our friends ever want to talk about when you’re not there is how much you and Damen want to bone each other but act like you’re just friends. I told Pallas about a new guy I’m dating the other day and his response was to ask me if I want him as much as Damen clearly wants you. How is one man supposed to live like this?”
“Aimeric, stop–”
“It’s always Damen this, Laurent that. ‘They’re meant for each other,’ blah blah blah. What about my fairytale slowburn friends-to-lovers romance? What about any of us? It can’t be about the It couple all the time.”
“We’re not even a couple!”
“Exactly. That is my point. Get your shit together before we all excommunicate you two from the friend group for being dumbasses.” Laurent could see in Aimeric’s pointed look that his friend was serious.
While Laurent sat in stunned silence, Aimeric regained some of his usual amused nonchalance. “I’m late for my 2:00 meeting.”
With that, Aimeric was up out of his chair and patting Laurent’s shoulder in farewell before breezing out of the coffeeshop door.
Laurent could only finish his coffee quietly, sitting in dazed contemplation of what he was about to do.
That night, Laurent knew he had to bring out the big guns.
“Wow, wine and vodka tonight?” Damen asked upon opening his door, eyeing the alcohol in Laurent’s hands.
“Let’s play a drinking game,” Laurent said in response, a smirk playing around his lips. He didn’t miss the way Damen’s eyes strayed to his mouth.
Hours later, when Damen was thoroughly drunk and laughing way too loudly at Laurent’s insults, Laurent decided to make his move.
“Damen,” Laurent began, waiting until his friend looked up at him with glazed eyes. They were both sitting on the ground in front of the couch, a few candles lit around them. “How long have we been friends?”
“Is this still part of truth or dare?” Damen asked.
“No, it’s just truth now. We each ask a question, and the other person has to answer truthfully. If the other person refuses to answer, they have to take a shot.”
Damen let out an overdramatic whine and let his head fall back against the couch. “No more shots.”
“Then answer truthfully, and we won’t have a problem.” Laurent’s smile was sharp. Too sharp, and he could feel it. Even with the drunkenness running through his veins, Laurent’s nerves were on fire.
“Okay,” Damen said.
“Yes, I said yes!” Damen laughed, and turned to face Laurent more fully. “You go first.”
Laurent made a show of thinking before starting again: “How long have we been friends?”
Damen’s smile turned dopey. “Hmm. Five years? No, six. Was that just a test?”
“Maybe,” Laurent couldn’t help but be charmed by Damen’s drunken earnestness. “Your turn.”
“How do you get your hair to be so soft?” Damen asked in wonder, reaching out a finger to twirl a golden loc around.
Laurent laughed. “Conditioner.”
“Never tried that,” Damen said thoughtfully, which made Laurent laugh again. Damen, being Damen, joined in, until both men were giggling uncontrollably on the floor for no apparent reason.
It was when their laughter started to die down that Laurent decided to rip the Band-Aid off.
“Are you in love with me?”
Damen’s laughter abruptly cut off. Laurent couldn’t bring himself to meet Damen’s gaze, so he opted to stare down at his crossed legs and fidgeting hands.
Wordlessly, Damen poured himself a shot and downed it in one go. Laurent risked a glance up and was met with Damen’s solemn face, uncharacteristically stoic.
“My turn.” Damen said in a rush. “How long have you been awake when I kiss your forehead at night?”
“A couple months now.” Damen wasn’t meeting his eyes, so Laurent pushed on. “Do you want me?”
Another shot, downed hastily by an increasingly-drunk Damen who still refused to make eye contact.
A shred of irritation slithered into Laurent’s heart. Why wouldn’t Damen just talk to him?
“Do you ever think about it? Us together?” Damen went to pour another shot, but before he could say anything else, Laurent shot to his feet.
“Oh, so you’re just not going to answer me, then? You’re not going to answer any of my questions? How about this: Have you ever thought about fucking me? About me naked underneath you? About us kissing and holding hands and going on dates in public together?”
Damen raised the shot glass to his lips, but Laurent knocked it out of his hand before it reached his mouth. Finally, Damen met Laurent’s gaze, and the panic that had been seizing Laurent’s heart for months seemed to be reflected in his dark irises.
“Stand up and talk to me, idiot, before I leave this apartment and never come back,” Laurent hissed.
Slowly, Damen rose to his feet. “I love you,” Laurent managed to get out, despite his throat closing up with emotion. “And if you don’t love me back, I’m not going to wait around and–”
Between one second and the next, Damen had a strong arm wrapped around Laurent’s waist and was pulling him in, closer and closer until their mouths met.
Laurent could only freeze, everything in his body coming to a halt, as he registered what was happening. Damen was kissing him. He had refused to answer all of his questions, and yet–
“You’re the idiot,” Damen whispered into the scant space in between their lips when he pulled away. “I’ve been in love with you the whole time.”
“But– I– you–” Laurent tried and failed to get a coherent sentence out.
“I thought you were asking all of those questions because you were mad I was carrying you to bed and kissing you goodnight,” Damen laughed. “Granted, I am quite drunk and not thinking straight, but that’s not the point.”
“The point is–” Damen began, but interrupted himself to steal another quick kiss. “I want you more than anything in the world. I’m happy with your friendship if that’s all you’re willing to give, but you need to know I’ve been in love with you for years.”
The room seemed to come into sharper focus, as if every detail in Damen’s apartment had been hiding from Laurent previously.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Laurent could hear the shrill tone in his voice, his incredulity overcoming all reason.
“Laurent,” Damen deadpanned. “I’ve barely dated anyone else the entire time we’ve been friends and I make you food all the time. You’re my emergency contact for everything. Hell, you’re the only one of our friends who has a key to my apartment. Was I not making myself clear enough?”
After a moment of contemplation, Laurent could only laugh.
“What?” Damen asked defensively, as Laurent leaned forward to rest his head against Damen’s shoulder, stifling his giggles in the fabric of Damen’s sweater.
“I just… this whole time?”
When Laurent pulled back, he was met with the softest look he’d ever seen on Damen’s face. It was almost unbearable. And yet, he could bear it. For Damen, he would.
Laurent leaned in for another kiss. “Six years, huh?”
“Mm-hm,” Damen murmured against his lips.
“I guess we have lots of lost time to make up for,” Laurent smirked, and grabbed Damen’s hand.
“We are both way too drunk to have coordinated sex right now,” Damen warned, and Laurent laughed.
“Not sex,” Laurent said, and took back his spot in front of the couch. “We’re playing the questions game again, and this time you don’t get to evade. I need some answers, starting with a detailed explanation of when exactly you started to like me as more than a friend.”
The wicked yet playful look on Laurent’s face made Damen groan.
This was going to be a long night. Somehow, Damen couldn’t find it within himself to care.
Read this on AO3.
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The Little Mermaid AU! - Sam x fem!reader part 2
Haha, nothing like procrastinating
Here’s part 1 as a refresher to whatever the hell I’m doing. 
(Y/N) slowly peaked her head out of the water, searching for treasures left behind. She had found a few things, including her new prized possession. It reminded her or her father's trident but had four of the pointy things instead of three.
To her right, a fish rubbed up against her side.
"Flounder, there you are." She smiled, running her fingers softly over his scales. She produced the fork from her sack she wore, "Look at this? Isn't it cool? I've seen the humans use these to brush their head hair. Or... It looked like that's what they were using. I'm gonna call it a dingle hopper."
Her fish friend look at her, then back toward deeper water, "Uhh, (Y/N)..."
"What is it?" She thought, trying to remember if she had anything to do today, "Oh no. Oh No!" She started swimming back towards her home, Flounder hot on her heels, "The ceremony!"
(Y/N) swam through the curtain to the throne room where her father at in his throne, flanked by her sisters.
"Well, look who the catfish dragged in." Pallas spat.
Ignoring her sister, (Y/N) bowed her head, "Father, I'm so sorry. I forgot-"
"Young lady, as a result of your behavior-" Father began.
"Reckless behavior!" The royal advisor crab, Sebastian piped in.
"The whole ceremony-"
"Was a disaster! I was the laughing stock of the reef!" Sebastian clicked.
"I had a courtship planned with the prince of the Arabian see but I dropped it all for you!" Triteia shouted.
"No wonder we were mother's favorites!" Pallas sneered.
"Enough!" Triton struck his trident on the ground, silencing the chatter. He moved him thrown to where she was, head still bowed. He lifted it up gently.
"My sweet child, you have such an amazing gift."
"I know," She sighed, meeting his eyes, "I have mother's voice."
"Then please, for her memory's sake."
"Alright, father. I promise." She smiled softly.
"It wasn't her fault really." Flouder bubbled up, "She couldn't have heard the call horns from shore-" He quickly shut his mouth, realizing what he had said.
"The shore?!" Triton bellowed.
"Nothing happened." (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers.
"How many times must I tell you?” Triton boomed, “You could have been seen by those barbaric humans!” 
“Father, they’re not barbaric!” 
“They are dangerous. I will be long gone in the muck before I see my youngest daughter snared by some fisher-eater’s hook.” Triton crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I am not a child!” She called back. 
“Don’t you use that tone with me, young lady. As long as you live in this ocean, you’ll obey my rules.” He turned to go back to the throne. 
“But, if you would just listen-” 
“Not another word - and I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the surface again. Is that clear?” He didn’t even look at her, just tossing a glance over his shoulder. Tears pooled up in her eyes, she swam out of the throne room. Flounder came up behind her.  They both swam all the way to her secret cave where she had started collecting her human treasures. 
‘Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Flounder asked. 
She shook her head, “If only I could make him understand.” She sniffled, “I just don’t see things the way he does. I don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.” She swam to one of her shelves, motioning to the various items. 
“I mean, look at this stuff. Isn’t it neat?” She swept her arms out, “Look at this trove, treasures untold. How many wonders can this cavern hold? Looking around here you’re probably think that I have everything that I would need. I’ve got gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatzits. And thingamabobs, I must have twenty of those. But, I want more.” She grabbed a flimsy thin thing that had colored art of people near the beach. 
“I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see them dancing. Walking around on those...feet. Feet. Flipping my fins, I won’t get too far.” She motioned to her tail, “Legs are required for jumping, dancing, walking along down the...what was it? Ah, the street. Up where they walk, run, stay all day in the sun. Wandering free, I wish I could be part of that world.”
She sighed, “What I would give if I could live out of these waters. What I would pay to spend a day warm on the sand. And I betcha on land they understand, bet they don’t reprimand their daughters. Bright young women, sick of swimming and ready to stand.” Flounder only watched her rant, following her around the cave. 
“I’m ready to know what the people know. Ask them my questions and get some answers. Like what’s a fire and why does it...does...burn. I just wish I could be part of the human world.” She sighed, resting on a large rock. 
Suddenly a large crashing brought both of their attention to Sebastian who was scuttling around the cave. 
“Sebastian!?” They both shouted. 
“(Y/N), have you gone mad? How-what-what is all this?” He clicked. 
“It’s my collection. Of things.” She said.
“Ah your collection. Hmm.” He thought a moment, “IF YOUR FATHER KNEW ABOUT THIS HE’D-”
“You’re not gonna tell him are you?” Flounder swam up to Sebastian. 
“Oh please, Sebastian. He would never understand.” She pleaded. 
“Your highness. You are under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, I’ll take you home and get you something to help you feel better.” As he said this, the cave went black, meaning a ship was passing overhead. With an excited giggle, she started her way up towards the surface, Flounder followed while Sebastian called after her. She swam up until she was looking across the floor of the ship. It seemed the humans were having a little party. They were laughing and music was playing. One of these men was the most handsome creature she had ever seen. He was tall, his hair was longer and a brown color. He had the kindest looking smile. 
A short man with shorter came up to the tall man. 
“Congrats, First mate.” He chuckled, patting his back, Here, I wanted to show you this.” 
The tall man took the picture, “The woman and white case. First picture of our first hunt together. Thanks.” 
“No problem. Bitch.” 
“Jerk.” He chuckled. That must be his name. Bitch. It sounded cool.
From up above, the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled in the sky. 
“SEA STORM! STAND FAST! SECURE THE RIGGING!” One of the man shouted. (Y/N) and Flounder swam a ways from the ship, the violent thrashing of the waves was too dangerous to be around.
 A large wave crashed into the ship, causing the Dean to loose his footing, falling and sliding across the deck, holding onto the bars of the ship top. 
“Dean! Hang on!” The Sam shouted over the wind. 
“WE’RE GOIN DOWN, LADS! GET TO THE BOATS!” The sailors made their way to the boats. Sam went to follow, but his life line to the mast was tangle around his feet. 
“I’m stuck!” He called, but the rest of the sailors had gotten to the life boats. 
“SAM!” Dean called. He was about to call back his brother’s name but the tallest wave he had ever seen crashed down on the ship, plunging him down into the depths. 
(Y/N) watched the ship go down, “Oh no!” She dived down, Flounder calling to her. 
“It’s too dangerous!” He bubbles fell on deaf ears as she swam down into the wreck, seeing the tall man. His eyes were closed and little bubbles came from his lips. She grabbed the sharp silver stick from his belt cutting the rope, grabbing him under his arms and pulling him towards the surface. When they broke the surface, she pulled him all the way into shore, laying him on the beach. The storm had gone as quickly as it came. 
(Y/N) looked over him, brushing wet hair from his face. He looked so peaceful. He suddenly turned his head to the side, coughing up water loudly, taking deep gulping breathes. She pulled away, then came back when he was back on his back, he eyes still closed. 
“Oh what I would give to live where you are. What would I pay to stay here besides you. What do I do to see you smile? Just you and me and I could be part of your world.” She spoke softly, tracing his face.  
Sam slowly opened his eyes a bit, the bright sun making it too hard to see. He could see the outline of someone above him. He could hear a soft, sweet voice humming, the same song that he had heard earlier that day. 
“Sam!” He heard a voice in the distance, the person above him looked in the direction and quickly moving away, followed by a splash in the water. He heard footsteps approaching, Dean kneeling down next to him. 
“Sam! Sam, can you hear me?!” Sam opened his eyes a little more. 
“Yeah, I can hear you. Loud and clear.” 
“You almost gave a heart attack, you know that?” It had been a while since Dean scolded him. 
“There was a girl. She rescued me.” Sam panted, happy to feel the air in his lungs, “She was singing.” 
“Did you drink too much sea water?” Dean raised an eyebrow at him, “Come on, up you go big guy.” Dean helped Sam to his feet, helping him back towards the others while medical helped arrived. 
(Y/N) watched them from behind a stone, Flounder and Sebastian at her sides.
“We just gotta forget this whole thing ever happened. The sea king will never know. You won’t tell him, I won’t tell him. I stay in one piece.” He clicked, snapping his claws nervously. 
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how.” She clutched the photo of the two humans to her chest, “But I know something’s starting right now. Watch and you’ll see. Someday I’ll be part of your world.” She said to herself, following after the crustacean. What she didn’t see, however, were the two eels that had been following and watching them. 
I definitely didn’t only now just make the sequel for this AU it’s fine. I think I’m afraid that these will never be as good as Beauty and the Beast AU
Likes, Comments, and Reblogs are appreciated! 
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mythologyfolklore · 3 years
Ares and Athena through the years - Ch. 23
Chapter twenty-three: A lesson for Athena
Athena's mind was reeling with questions.
Why was her father sending her to Ares' office of all places?
So many possibilities went through her head, one more absurd than the other.
When she arrived at her destination and looked inside, the office was – apart from the stacks of paperwork – minimalistic and surprisingly clean and tidy.
Ares was working through piles of papers (probably letters), signing some and stamping others.
Athena knocked at the door frame and he looked up.
“Oh hey, Daddy's Owl”, he greeted her, then returned his attention to his paper work.
For a few seconds she was agitated both at the nickname and at being ignored, but then he looked up again and frowned. “Whatcha waitin' for? Sit down. Or ya wanna stand there all day?”
Athena sighed (mostly at his way of talking) and sat opposite him.
“Why am I here?”, she asked.
Ares stamped another paper (because Athena could read upside down, she could tell, that it was a “DENIED”-stamp) and finally focussed on her.
“Okay”, he said, “So I petitioned Zeus and grandaunt Thémis to be allowed to show ya some of my work. To make sure, that bullshit like with the Romans won't happen again.”
“Why is it just some of your work?”, Athena asked. She couldn't help but be curious about this kind of work, which was so different from what she knew about Ares, and this didn't seem to suit him at all.
“Right, I'll explain.”
“This sounds really wrong”, she muttered, making him snicker.
“Eh, don't worry, Daddy's Owl. You'll live. So this is my paperwork for the day. It's sorted into several piles.”
He pointed at the stacks and elaborated: “The one in front of me is the work I still gotta do. The rest is stuff I've already finished or which isn't my responsibility. The three piles on the right are my business. On the left is stuff for the other gods that somehow ended up with me, but isn't my responsibility. I'll sort it into folders and later Hermes will come to pick 'em up and distribute them. Though when you an' I are done here, you can take yer own folder with ya.”
“And what is in that wooden box?”, Athena asked curiously and pointed at a red box, which was also on Ares' right side.
“That's where I put the confidential and/or really important stuff. Anyway, I'll start by showin' ya, where everything is. Follow my lead.”
“This feels even more wrong than 'I'll explain'.”
Ares cackled.
“Awww, it's nothin', Daddy's Owl!”, he teased and ruffed her head (Athena resisted the urge to break his hand). “Once you've got it all, I'm sure it won't last! Anyway …”
He opened a side door and gestured for her to go inside: “Ladies first.”
Athena smiled lopsidedly and entered the other room.
It was dark, but when Ares turned the lights on, there were shelves filled with files and crystals.
“The newest stuff is here in the front”, Ares started and knocked at the shelf to his left. “The latest prayers to Zeus. This is stuff that ain't top priority, but too important not to pass on to him. I always do that in the mornin', so these here are pretty new. Unless they're really urgent, I keep them here till next day. Or if I can, I answer them myself.”
Athena frowned. “You're allowed to do that?”
Ares shrugged: “Sure. As long as it ain't too major, Zeus doesn't mind. Actually, he likes havin' as little paperwork as possible.”
Athena rolled her eyes, recalling how eager Zeus had been to delegate his paperwork onto her, when Ares had gone for his world journey.
The red-eyed war god went on: “Anyway, the shelves on the right hold the mail actually directed to me. Except for the five in the back, they hold the stuff directed to grandaunt Thémis. But she always gets her mail directly, so this is work she's already taken care of. Obviously only the stuff important enough to be kept. Once a month she, Zeus and I sit together and sort out the spam. Stuff that isn't relevant and worth keeping anymore gets shredded. Otherwise everything will get cramped and cluttered and we don't need that.”
Athena nodded in acknowledgement. That was sensible so far.
Ares sighed: “Yeah, that's all in here you had to see. Back into my office.”
“Wait, what about that one over there?”
She pointed at a closet at the back of the room that was covered in locks and chains.
Whatever was in it was probably top secret, but maybe her half-brother would at least give her a hint as to what it concealed …
“You know my answer, Daddy's Owl. Now don't look so disappointed”, Ares added at seeing his half-sister's expression. “Did you seriously expect me to tell ya what's inside a locked closet? Anyway, let's go back. We got a few more things to talk about, you an' me.”
They returned to Ares' office.
In the meantime the unfinished stack on his desk had been doubled and he groaned at the sight.
“I was almost done for the morning!”, he lamented, while Athena snickered.
Her half-brother gave her a killer stare, before opening one of the drawers and picking out a few papyrus scrolls.
“These will interest ya”, he remarked and unrolled them.
Athena bent over the papyri, read them and frowned. “But … these are my letters to the Roman gods.”
“Copies of them”, Ares corrected. “They wouldn't give me the actual letters. But I didconvince them to give me these copies.”
“How and why?”
“How – ya don't wanna know. Why – because I wanted to see what exactly pissed them off about your letters. And now that I've read them, it's high time we discuss that out of character diplomatic blunder of yours.”
Athena clenched her teeth.
Why, why did Ares have to bring that up! That cursed incident that still haunted her mind and drove her to the brink of madness, whenever she thought about it too hard. The utter humiliation of making a grievous mistake and it getting fixed by … him.Not Hermes, not Apollon or Zeus, or even Poseidon, no, of all the gods dwelling on Olympos, it just had had to be-
“… Uh, Athena? Hey! Hellooo! Earth to Pallas Athena! Oi, Daddy's Owl! Snap out of it!”
She jumped, when Ares snapped his fingers in front of her face.
The god of terrible war was folding his arms and looking at her, like she had a mental problem.
“See? This is why we gotta talk about it. Because you've been butthurt about this for twenty Olympian Years and it's getting freaky! Aren't you supposed to be more wise and rational than this? Then again, a bit more than five mortal centuries ago you and my mother decided that a perfectly fine city had to fall, because one random prince didn't pick ya to be beauty queen.”
“Shut. Up.”
Thankfully, he got the hint and stopped talking.
Ares observed each tiny shift in Athena's facial expressions, as he waited for her to calm down.
This situation was even worse than he had thought.
Of course he had sensed the anger boiling inside her, the sombre frown that always indicated when she was thinking about that day. He was the god of rage, after all.
But he hadn't expected it to still be that hard for her!
For a moment he considered telling her to talk it out with Psykhe, but he didn't feel like getting disembowelled.
Only when he was sure, that it was safe, did he unroll one papyrus and sigh: “Alright, Athena. We're gonna do this your way. Namely, go over the whole thing, analyse it and figure out what went wrong. Whatcha say?”
Athena stared. “Alright, who the Tartaros are you and what have you done to my half-brother Ares?”
At that he couldn't help but cackle: “Sorry, Daddy's Owl, it's still me! Your big brother Ares, Destroyer of Men, Bearer of the Bronze Shield, Stormer of Cities, insatiable in war- why are you laughing?!”
(He was still proud of himself for breaking the ice.)
By the time they were done, Athena felt like a huge weight was off her shoulders.
For such a long time she had felt burdened by the trouble she herself had caused for her entire family, just because of a social ineptitude she hadn't been aware of.
Now she was able to laugh at herself for how silly that had been.
And also at the Roman gods for being offended by irrelevant things like the question of how different their culture was to that of the Etruscan gods, or the Hellenic cultures.
But Athena had learned her lesson: next time Ares wasn't there and Zeus was too lazy, she would just let him delegate the foreign correspondence to Hermes and observe the god of diplomacy at work. He was more familiar with those foreigners anyway.
As she left her half-brother's office with her own paperwork, she considered: Maybe I'll travel around the world one day too. Clearly it did Ares a world of good, so why shouldn't it to me? Of course, that'll have to wait, until there isn't much to do for me around here-
Her process of thought was interrupted, when Ares dashed past her and right towards their father's office.
She just had time to wonder what had happened, before the commanding voice of Zeus rang through the halls:
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Jewel Of The North Part 3
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Aaah, we’re getting closer. Also this is fantasy, let’s pretend pallas cats are thunder cats and that they can be tamed. Also Scottish wild cats are a thing too. They can be thunder cats too. 
Again major thanks to @monstersandmaw​ for sharing ice orcs with me. 
Jewel of the North 
Part 3
You found yourself getting up at 4:30 and quickly got a shower and got ready as the sun was coming up and by 5 am, you were itching to leave and decided to just go and practically speed walked to Noah’s house in the misty dawn, only to find Sakura and Noah sitting on the front porch, wrapped in blankets as Noah looked particularly tired as he downed his coffee as two snow dogs laid on the porch, trying to get some sleep before they heard your approach and sat up and stared at you before they got up and slowly wagged their tails but didn’t make a sound. 
“Paradise!” Sakura squealed when she saw you as she instantly got up and ran to you as you laughed at the name as you caught her and picked her up and kissed her cheek as the dogs came running over to you too. 
“Well good morning to you too Munchkin!” You greeted happily before you carried her back to the house and cooed to the dogs who seemed happy and excited to see you too and sniffed at you eagerly and barked and ‘greeted’ you too in their own way. 
“What are you doing up so early?” You asked her. 
“I didn’t want to miss you coming!” She insisted. 
“Aw,” you cooed. “How long have you been up?” You asked her. 
“Since 4:30- she woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed.” Noah answered as he slowly got up out of his deck chair and grabbed his daughter’s blanket she left behind in her chair before he put it over her and you. 
“Oh that’s better, it’s chilly this morning.” You insisted as you curled into the warmth of the blanket as you followed him into the house, grateful he held the door open for you. Thankfully he had already made breakfast which you happily started eating with them as the dogs instantly put their heads in your lap, wanting pets, acting like they never got pets or any kind of attention ever. Typical. 
“So are you going to teach me how to be an heiress today?” Sakura asked eagerly and Noah nearly choked on his coffee. 
“Probably not because I wanted to talk to your dad about that first .” You put to her before you turned to Noah. 
“First I wanted to reassure you that whatever she tells me or whatever you tell me, I will keep in strict confidence and won’t be repeated to anyone unless I have your express and freely given consent to do so. Because honestly- the only people I would ever want to be telling anything to would be professionals, mostly very experienced lawyers and I will not do so unless I had your express permission to do it and I will not discuss anything of a private or sensitive nature unless it was in your presence as well. Second, I understand how I’m the outsider and honestly and realistically- you don’t know me from anyone and I completely understand if you’re uncomfortable with this and I’m not offended if you don’t want to involve me in anything sensitive, private or especially financial. If all you are comfortable with me doing is being here and watching her and being a babysitter, that’s fine with me, if you just want me to be a friend, I’ll just be a friend, if you want me to be an advisor, I’ll be an advisor. But only if you want me to be. You need to have your own boundaries for me and I’ll do my best to respect any and all boundaries given as long as those boundaries are clearly and expressly stated so there’s no confusion and no gray areas. I can not read your mind so if I cross a line, or if I have already crossed a line, please tell me as quickly as possible.” You insisted. 
“Oh, no you haven’t crossed any lines at all, you’re good.” Noah readily assured you. 
“Ok, good, I want us to stay on good terms and clear communication is the best way to achieve that.” You offered which earned a nod of agreement from Noah. 
“So moving forward- if you do end up wanting my advice, I can be as specific or as generic as you want me to be. But I will not give unwanted advice and I will not involve myself without your permission and I would want to make sure that my involvement is welcome by especially Neena’s parents and perhaps your own since it’s obvious they all still play an active role in her life because moving forward, if you’re going to continue to rely on them for support, it’s best to have everyone on the same page and even though you are her sole parent and guardian and the responsibility for her rests solely on your shoulders- I know I appreciated having more than my own eyes and mind on a problem- the whole- two heads are better than one principle, but at the same time we don’t want to involve anyone who doesn’t need to be involved because of the other principal of having too many cooks in the kitchen as we need to find a balance between the two.” You suggested. 
“I completely agree.” Noah nodded again in agreement with a fond smile. 
“Well, speaking from experience, I have had unwanted advice crammed down my throat more times than I can count and I hated it and I’m not going to do that to you guys. And if you do want my advice, please know that I will be honest and transparent about it and the only thing I want to gain from any of it- is the assurance and reassurance that you and Sakura are going to be ok and taken care of and if I can pass on the lessons I learned so that you don’t have to go through what I went through to learn them- I’ll be content.” You explained as Noah’s eyebrows knitted closer together for a moment at your choice of words. 
“Do you mind if I ask how you became an heiress?” Noah asked carefully. 
“I don’t mind at all, so what happened was I befriended about a dozen older couples when I went to massage school a decade ago and at the time they were all retirement age and they never had any kids, or the ones who did, their kids had passed before they did and they didn’t have any other natural heirs, no kids or grandkids or anything like that and they all practically adopted me because I took care of them the way I would take care of my own grandparents and I just tend to adopt grandparents in general and kids obviously.” You gestured to Sakura who was sitting next to you at the kitchen table. 
“Anyway, about two to three years before Andy died, most of them lost their partners and, again, none of them had kids to take care of them so I felt it was my responsibility as their friend to care for them because if I didn’t, no one else would and none of them were bad enough that they needed to go into a nursing home and I did all I could to keep them as independent as possible which is what they needed and what was best for them in those circumstances. So when Andy did die, the remaining ones were there for me to help me cope with his loss and how to protect myself and how to protect my kids and how to use what Andy left me in life insurance policies best and I took their advice and used it and benefited and then when they passed a few months later, and they all passed within the span of a week which was unreal - so it was just all one big funeral for me and I found out that all of them individually- left everything to me and none of them used the same lawyers or anything so there was no way for me or any of them to know that the others were doing the same thing since going into that ordeal I had only known that one of them were going to leave me anything and what they were leaving me was very modest in all respects. But within the span of another week after that in settling their final affiars which is when I found out I became inheriter to 15 different estates , it was really weird and I was investigated because the sheer coincidence of it seemed odd to everyone, most of all- me, and because there wasn’t any other parties coming forward trying to claim anything and because the only role I had in their passing was that I helped relieve pain and suffering and didn’t actually murder anyone, I got to keep it all and for a whole week after the deaths, I literally just kept going from each house and just cleaning out the fridges and freezers because I had already taken all their pets home with me, so now I have a freaking menagerie at home because I love and adore all of the pets and didn’t have the heart to take them to a shelter because most of them were old anyways and they should live out the rest of their lives in comfort and peace like their owners, and it’s obvious that your precious babies have picked up on that.” You explained as you turned your adoring attentions back to his dogs who were soaking up your attentions happily.  
“So what about the wolves and vultures?” Sakura asked. 
“Oh boy, well, that’s figurative, I’ve had to deal with figurative wolves and vultures in that people have tried to take advantage of me and think that because I was a woman who didn’t have any experience with managing estates and money and property that they could come in and take it from me the way a vulture will try to take a carcass from another or how they’ll prey on an injured animal and wait for it to die or how wolves will surround their target and overpower it, the same thing happened to me and it’s awful.” You answered. 
“How?” Sakura asked curiously. 
“Well, while the rest of my adopted grandparents were dying and I was inheriting all those estates, the company Andy had worked for- sued the manufacturer of the crystal grower that malfunctioned and killed him at work and because I was- and I quote- “the prettiest of the widows” his company paid me a ridiculous sum of money and other benefits to be the public face of the lawsuit even though there were five widows and widowers involved but it was my face that was crying in a courtroom that sold the story in the news and got the jury to sympathize and his company used my sob story, leaving out the fact that I was also an heiress for all these other estates- for their benefit and won the case in court- but because of my adopted grandparents who had amazing lawyers, who then became my lawyers, they made sure I got the lion’s share of the settlement because it was my face and my life that was put in the public eye for a hot minute and because of my own exposure, suddenly I had dozens of organizations and charities contact me too but because the settlement was so big, my biggest priority was making sure the other widows and widowers got a fair share and that they and their families were also taken care of because they didn’t have good lawyers like I did. So I used what little power and control I had in that situation to benefit them too because corportate greed is second to none.” You revealed. 
“Oh good grief.” Noah huffed. 
“Yeah, it wasn’t fun. The absolute worst part about it were just the figurative vultures and wolves. All these men came out of the woodwork after the court win because it was in the news- all of them thinking I was this ‘poor, inexperienced, stupid widow’ who practically won the lottery because the settlement was the same size as a small lottery and thought that I had gotten all of the settlement which wasn’t true or thought that I didn’t have any sense or propriety and thought that because I was young and inexperienced, they could take advantage of me which backfired on them spectacularly. Especially since I have clients on the local police force, fire department and other first responders who had been friends of mine before all this went down and who saw me through all of it and the moment any guy crossed that line of getting too close to me or especially my kids, who before any of this happened, I was already an overprotective Mama Bear anyway and through this whole ordeal, I just grew bigger claws and fangs and one hell of a bite and swing,” You gestured, making your hand clawed and swiping at the air which got Noah to grin appreciatively. 
“Anyway so if they got too close, they got the boot and a restraining order, I currently have over two dozen restraining orders against creepy vulture slash wolf tipes and I have gotten really good at spotting them from a mile away. I was already good at reading people and getting a sense of them because I’m an empath, it’s what I naturally do best, but now it’s basically a super power.” You chuckled before you continued to eat your breakfast. 
“And despite all that, you’re still... just a normal, down to earth mom.” Noah praised which made your smile bloom even brighter. 
“I try really hard not to let my past experiences change who I am too much because at the end of the day, what you just said is all I want to be. I used to be an easily trusting, very carefree, easy going and down to earth kind of person and I always reserved my judgement of people until I saw by their words and most importantly their actions- what kind of person they were and reacted accordingly I’ve always done my best to be a kind, generous and hospitable and caring person and I don’t want what has happened to me to change those parts of me that I like the most and that I’ve worked hard to cultivate despite how vicious and cold the rest of the world can be and just because I have suffered, doesn’t mean I should add to anyone else’s suffering and I don’t want greed or the love of money to corrupt me, I want to use it as the tool it is to build up instead of a precious finite resource that should be hoarded whenever encountered. A good person is a good person no matter how much money they have, and there’s a saying in the south about ‘acting too big for your britches’ that my parents and my inlaws are really good at calling me out on and at the time, I didn’t like it but after I thought about it, I realized they were right and I’m still humble enough to accept their council and we all need someone in our lives to bring us to our senses and remind us to keep it real.” You revealed as Noah smiled and nodded his approval to those sentiments. 
“Which is why I, for better or worse tried dating again, and why the few dates have been really casual. Two of them had no idea about my past with the inheritances or the court case or anything like that. All they knew about me was that I was a widow, a single mom of two, that I own my own massage business that I run out of my house and that’s it and that’s all they needed to know about me. I had two dates at a trampoline park that I take my kids to a lot and we met, sat in side by side massage chairs and chatted while our kids played. That’s literally all that happened and in talking to them, while they were nice and friendly, I just didn’t connect with them. And because of my past, my walls are already pretty high and thick and most guys just assume it’s because my late husband was abusive, which- he wasn’t, but they just assume I’m more trouble than I’m worth and leave me alone in peace which is all I can ask for from them.” You explained. 
“Although. There was a third guy that I’m pretty sure he found out about my financial past mid date because we were out to dinner, everything was going ok, the kids are getting along and him and I are having the ‘expectations’ talk about what we’re looking for a in a partner, what we’re not looking for, what our turn offs are and the more I talk I can see it in his eyes that he’s losing interest because he walked into the date thinking he can just move right on in, instant perfect family, his partner would have “a little hobby side business”,” You waived off dismissively, scrunching your nose as your tone grew sarcastically condescending which got Sakura to giggle and Noah to chuckle. “Which I get a lot, people who undervalue or underestimate it and it’s not my job to prove its validity, I let the work speak for itself, anyway- so he thought all he would have to do is go to work and provide and to hear that- that’s not exactly how things were going to work with me- he’s clearly not interested anymore and he withdraws which is fine because the more he talked, the more I didn’t like him either because if he can’t respect me and my profession, I don’t have to respect him in turn but I have manners so I stay pleasant, especially since kids are present and there’s never a reason to be rude or mean to a child. So he gets up to go to the bathroom, and he’s gone for like 30 minutes, like long enough that I start to worry he just dropped his kids off on me and ran and I’m talking to the kids trying to figure out if I need to be calling their mother to come pick them up or cramming them all into my car or what and then he comes back and it’s instantly a whole new version of him that I’m having dinner with- he comes swaggering back to the table with a bottle of the most expensive wine the Olive Gardens had and the difference in attitude, opinions and outlooks were night and day- like he had schizophrenia and I just had dinner with a different version of him and he’s all smiles and charm and talking about how all the ways he can support me in “my calling” and how ‘all he’s wanted is to be a stay at home dad and how “honorable” staying home and taking care of kids really is and taking extra care in raising and educating kids and taking care of animals is his life’s ambition’ when half an hour ago- he admitted that he never even once changed a poopy diaper and all domestic activities were what he got married for so he didn’t have to do them and that he never let his kids have indoor pets because they shed and make a mess and are more trouble than they're worth and at this point all of his kids are looking at him like he’s grown a second and third head and I put two and two together pretty quick that he got wind of my financials and he absolutely insisted he pay for everyone’s dinner when before we had agreed that we’d be paying separately and for the next week he was calling me at least three times a day trying to get another date which I always ignored his calls so he left the most ridiculous voicemails ‘how our kids really “clicked”,’ and ‘how beautiful I was’ and ‘what an amazing and accomplished woman I was’ and how he ‘needed me in his life’ and how ‘we need to hang out and go do stuff’ and even offered to take me and my family to Cedar Points for a whole weekend getaway and get a suite and so with some courage, I finally called him back and I just had to be very honest with him and tell him under no uncertain terms that none of those things were going to happen and to lose my number because I was not interested and I called him out on his behavior and point blank demanded why he had such a sudden change of heart and demanded to know why he was calling me so much and he tried to play it off but when I didn’t buy it and tried to tell him to go take a hike- he pushed back saying I owed him money for him buying me and my ‘ungrateful brats’ dinner that’s when I involved my friends with law enforcement because he got real nasty real quick and after that I took a break and that was a month and a half ago and I’ve just been doing my best to be patient and wait for the right guy with the right circumstances and the right personality and the right morals and values to come along and just...give me kindness, and sympathy, empathy and understanding and just..love me for me for me, with all my flaws and shortcomings without thinking that my bank account makes up for any of them or who won’t look at my bank account and think he’s expected to match it. Honestly I’m more scared that the right guy will take one look at my bank account and get scared off or think he’s not good enough because he’s humble or he came from a humble background like I did or think that all rich people are bad selfish people because that’s not true.” You confessed and realized that Noah wasn’t really talking but he was giving you the most interesting look. Like he was thinking very deeply about what you were saying before his phone started to ring. 
“Oh, sorry, you should get going to work, sorry if I kept you.” You apologized but he waived you off as he listened to who was on the other end of the phone and got up from the table. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you in a bit.” He bid them before he stopped and kissed Sakura goodbye before he, out of habit- kissed the crown of your head as he passed you before he had to pause after the fact and stood up straight as a board as Sakura giggled gleefully as your cheeks were bright kashmir sapphire blue along with your ears as you couldn’t help but giggle yourself because that was the most precious thing he could have done in that moment. 
“Uhh, sorry?” He apologized as his own cheeks were a deep midnight along with the tips of his ears. 
“Don’t apologize, it’s ok, I take it you used to do that a lot with Neena, old habits die hard, I don’t mind one bit, if anything I’m very flattered and honored, you’re good, we’re good.” You reassured him with a bright happy smile. 
“Thanks,” Noah ducked his head sheepishly before he continued on his way and ran his hand down his face. 
“Fuck.” He breathed once he got in his truck and started it and drove away. 
“Actually Zara, I wasn’t thinking of Neena at all when I kissed you, I just did it because it felt like the most normal, natural thing to do with you looking like an absolute vision sitting at my table at 5 in the morning eating pancakes with my daughter and I- and the way you are with her is all I could have ever wanted and dreamed of and I’ve also been praying to the gods for patience while I wait for the right woman with the right heart condition and the right values and morals to come along and love her and me and you’re exactly what I’ve been praying for and I’m scared shitless because you are so much more than I could have ever dreamed of and you just radiate warmth and love and Sakura already loves you and I’m hopelessly head over heels, over the moon- crazy about you and I haven’t been sleeping well because every time I close my eyes, I see your face and because of that,  I’m just constantly horny with you on my mind and I haven’t had sex with a woman since Neena and burying myself to the hilt in you is now my number 1 fantasy since I met you two days ago and I just want to kiss you every time I see you because I’m attracted to you and I can’t do that because you don’t know me even though it feels like I’ve known you for forever and this is crazy and I don’t know how this is going to work at all and I’m ready to just up and sell everything I own and follow you home like a lost puppy but I don’t know if you’ll let me and I’m stuck and the more you talk, the more I find out about you, the more I find to like and love about you and I’m in way over my head and I’m praying to the gods, every day to reveal to me the best path to take with you but I don’t know where to start.” Noah ranted to himself as he drove down to the airfield. 
Meanwhile back at Noah’s house. 
“Did your dad used to kiss your mama a lot before he left for work?” You asked Sakura. 
“Yup, and every time he left for work, she would pray to all the gods for fair winds and for him to have safe flights and return home to us.” She informed you proudly. 
“Could we do that? I feel like we should do the same, it’s a tradition we need to keep going.” You proposed as she eagerly got up and took your hand and brought you to the wall in the living room where a few stone symbols- symbolizing the gods they worshiped- hung on the wall-- you also had the same at your own house, a couple of them you recognized but you didn’t know the others. Then she got her prayer rug out from under the couch and got her mom’s old one and got it out and put in down for you to kneel on too which you did, copying her movements. 
“We always prayed in Intuck though.” She sighed. 
“Well, I don’t know any Intuck- but if you say the words first, I will do my best to repeat them, could you help me learn? Because the best way to learn something is to teach someone else and I know Intuck is a big part of your heritage and we should honor that and use it as much as we can.” You asked her as she nodded eagerly before she carefully and slowly and deliberately said the words as you did your best to repeat them exactly or as closely as you could and kept looking at her to make sure you were saying these words right. 
“You did really good! Not one mistake!” She cheered. 
“Thank you, I tried really hard. So what did we just pray for? Can you tell me in Anglo?” You asked her hopefully. 
“Yup, we prayed for Daddy to have good flights in good weather, we prayed for generous customers, we prayed for his plane to fly well and we prayed for him to come home safe.” She told you even though she purposefully left off the last thing. The last thing she had you pray for was for her daddy to come home with more love than he left with and for him to come home to find more love than he left knowing was there, it was an extra prayer her mom prayed for when her mama and her dad had disagreements that they needed to reconcile over but Sakura knew when she hugged you the first time that your hugs and her mom’s hugs were the same. She could feel how much you loved her already just from that one hug was enough to convince her that you were her mom and that her wait for one was over and with you already showing respect to her mama and her mama’s memory and her mother’s native language and culture told her that you were a respectful person who wouldn’t try to change her and her culture, that you would be embracing it with her and she knew that the gods sent you all the way from the Great Lakes, just to be with her. She didn’t know if she would be moving in with you or if you and your family would be moving in with her, but she was going to love having siblings. She felt like looking at you was the same as looking at a new story book, one she didn’t know the story in it yet, but could tell from the pictures that it would be her new favorite and that it would be a happy story and one with the best ending where everyone lived happily ever after. 
“Will I offend you or the gods if I continued to pray my own prayers but in Anglo?” You asked respectfully.
“Nope, the gods listen to all those who genuinely and honestly pray to them, no matter their language.” She insisted. 
“I was taught the same. Ok, do you mind if I pray out loud or should I keep my prayers to myself?” You asked her as she got back on her little prayer mat before you sat down cross legged on yours since your lower legs were killing you sitting on them and you always prayed sitting down cross legged.
“Please pray out loud, I want to hear how you pray.” She answered excitedly. 
“Come here Honey,” You invited her before she happily got into your lap and sat in it and settled against you as you wrapped your arms around her and placed your palms together but upturned.
“Why do you have your hands turned up?” She asked. 
“So that the gods can take all my troubles and anxieties, all my hurt, all my sorrow and pain and give me instead- happiness, peace, serenity, calm and answers to the problems or they can provide the answers themselves and if I’m lost, they can take my hands and lead me to where I need to go and place me where I need to be. So that I can enjoy the day and every moment in the day without my joy and happiness stolen by worry and anxiety or anger. To love and appreciate the people around me and that friends and family who will love me and care for me as much as I love and care for them.” You answered before she did the same, her little hands upturned between your own as you watched as she closed her eyes with a serene smile on her face which brought a bright, appreciative smile to your own before you closed your eyes and took a cleansing breath and addressed not just your own gods but the ones who you had just been introduced to as well. 
“Please oh gods of the heavens above, in the earth with me and in the depths of the sea-, hear my prayer. Please help me to help Sakura and her father Noatak with their troubles, no matter the kind. Help me guide them to the best and most successful path. Help me keep in mind what is best for both Sakura and Noatak and help all my words to be used with grace, kindness, gentleness, wisdom and respect. Please let there be no mistaking my words and intentions. Help me ease their pain and discomfort so that they can embrace the present and enjoy their future while not abandoning the past, but to honor it and those in it. Please grant Sakura, Noatak and my family and myself peace and serenity to accept the things we can not change and should not change, but courage to change the things we can and that need to be changed and to face what we need to face with bravery, perseverance and patience and the wisdom to distinguish between what we can not change and what we can. But to walk with our eyes towards all of you, please direct my steps so that I continue to walk the path you’ve set before me and help me guide others on their paths so that we all can have happiness, peace, meaning, purpose and fulfillment and if at all possible, success. Amen.” You prayed. 
“Amen.” Sakura mirrored emphatically as you noticed the dogs were laying down around you as you curled your hands around hers and squeezed them as she squeezed back and smiled adoringly up at you. 
“That was a really good prayer. I liked it.” Sakura praised. 
“Thank you.” You grinned. 
“So, your Daddy told me that you guys have horses,” you began. 
“We do! We should go feed them breakfast, Daddy forgot to do that before he left!” Sakura realized before you got up and got your jacket on and got Sakura bundled up before she led you to the back where a barn was and horses were sleeping in their stalls but awoke once you opened the barn door as the dogs came trotting into the barn with you before Sakura walked you through what Noah usually did when he cared for them as you happily followed her instructions and even took extra care to brush them, clean out their feet and check them over the way you did with your own horses before you walked them out to the pasture so you could muck out their stalls and tidy things up a bit before your phone rang. 
“Well hello, I take it you’re up in the air.” You mused since you could hear the plane running in the background. 
“Yeah, I was just calling to check in.” Noah said, feeling like an idiot, you were a mom, he knew he could trust you to take care of his child but he was more anxious to know how you were faring, if Sakura was behaving for you and he was desperate for reassurance that everything was ok because he couldn’t ignore the urge to call. 
“We’re doing great. Here, it’s your Daddy,” you offered the phone to Sakura as you continued to muck out the stalls. 
“Daddy! Paradise and I prayed for you in Intuck just like Mama and I used to and the way Nana and I still do and Paradise did so good! She got all the words right and she’s having me teach her Intuck because she says the best way for me to learn and remember it is to teach someone else and it’s true! Then she showed me how she prayed and I got to sit in her lap and pray with her and it was just as nice and now we’re taking care of the horses because you forgot to before you left and she says she has horses too and she’s mucking out their stalls and even cleaned out their feet and brushed them even though it was kind of hard because all they wanted to do was hug her the way they used to hug mom and the dogs are being really good too.” Sakura babbled excitedly as she sat on a bale of hay and talked with her Dad on your phone. 
Meanwhile Noah was scrunching his face because he knew he had forgotten something this morning. 
“Well tell her I said thank you very much for helping me with the horses, I really appreciate it.” He urged her. 
“My Daddy says ‘thank you for helping him and he appreciates it’,” Sakura repeated. 
“Tell him it’s no problem at all, I’m happy to do it but tell him that the blue roan will need a trim soon.” You answered. 
“She said Kabluey needs a trim.” Sakura repeated as you busted out laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” Sakura asked. 
“Kabluey is the name of a variety of blueberries. I grow kablueys at home. I think Kabluey is an amazing name for a blue roan.” You explained.  
“Well hopefully I’ll be able to do it when I get home.” Noah answered. 
“He said he’ll do it when he gets home.” Sakura said. 
“I didn’t realize your Daddy was also a ferrier.” You appraised appreciatively as you imagined what Noah would look like on your farm in a tight pair of jeans bent over trimming your own horses feet, preferably with his shirt off and maybe a shimmering sheen of sweat on him that you could help him shower off. 
Focus Zara. Horse stall. 
“So can Paradise and I go riding later? Please?”  She asked hopefully. 
“If he trusts me to take you on a ride, then I’ll happily do so but if he’s not comfortable with that, then don’t beg him and try to push him when he’s not ready.” You insisted as Noah just smiled wide into the phone as any stress he was feeling melted away. 
“Sweetie, give the phone to Paradise.” He urged her. 
“Yes?” you answered. 
“You have my permission to do whatever you want to do. I trust you completely.” Noah insisted. 
“You sure?” You questioned. 
“Absolutely. You girls have fun today, do whatever you want to do.”  Noah urged you and you both heard and felt his genuineness and earnestness in that. 
“Ok.” You agreed. “Is there anything in particular you want us to do today? Laundry, dishes? Not burn the house down?” You asked and Noah barked an amused laugh. 
“Yeah, just that last one.” Noah.
“Dinner?” You asked hopefully.
“Only if you want to, this is your vacation after all.” Noah tried to dissuade you but his tone was incredibly weak because honestly food from you would be food from the gods at this point. 
“Oh I definitely want to.” You firmly resolved. Oh you were going to woo him with food damn it. 
“Well honestly there’s some grocery shopping I need to do, there should be a list on the fridge, if you go, keep your receipts and I’ll pay you back for whatever.” Noah revealed. 
“Is there a budget you want me to try to keep?” You asked thoughtfully. 
“Well that’s the thing, grocery shopping is really expensive up here, it’s gonna be about a hundred dollars.” He warned you. 
“Yeah that’s not going to be a problem.” You reassured him. Oh you were going to hook him up. 
“Any food allergies I should be aware of? Nuts? Dairy?” You asked. 
“Nope. Although if you can find a way to make vegetables slightly more appealing to Sakura I’ll be forever grateful.” Noah hinted. 
“Awesome, and between what times should we expect you home? Like between 6-7 or 7-8?” You asked.
“Honestly I don’t know at this point, right now it looks like I’ll be home by 5-5:30 but that could change several times between now and then, but I shouldn’t be home any later than 8.” He mused. 
“Ok, do you have any preferences or any foods that you’re not allergic to but you’d rather eat cardboard than eat it? Like mushrooms? Peppers? Broccoli?” You began to list off. 
“Ok, I’ll level with you, Sakura isn’t the only one who doesn’t like her vegetables, and I feel like the reason for that is because I’m not particularly good at making them.” He confessed which got  you to laugh. 
“I appreciate your honesty. None of us are perfect. Are we usually meat and potatoes kind of people?” You gently teased. 
“Yup.” Noah nodded. 
“Ok, I’ll see what I can do, keep me posted Babe.” You offered before you slapped your hand over your mouth as Sakura cackled with glee. Her prayers were working already! And the sound of Noah laughing told you that he was at least amused. 
“Habit?” He asked. 
“Yup.” You lied because that was easier than fessing up that you were falling helplessly, hopelessly head over heels for him. You were fucked. 
“It’s ok, we’re ok, you’re good.” Noah reassured you. 
“Thank you, see you at home later. Fly safe.” You urged him. 
“Will do, see you later, bye.” Noah bid you and felt twice as high as he was. You called him a pet name. He didn’t care if it was on accident, that was heavenly. Today was going to be a great day. 
Once you were done in the barn you had Sakura come back into the house so you could clean up from breakfast and get a look at that grocery list before there was a scratch at the window and you saw a massive thunder cat at the kitchen window before it meowed at you as it looked expectantly at you. 
“Is..this cat yours?” You asked before Sakura eagerly rushed to the back porch where a trio of cats were from having gotten out of the house when Noah and Sakura had initially been in the porch waiting for you this morning. One of them was clearly a thunder cat, the others, were two of the biggest tom cats you’ve ever seen in your life and all three eagerly came into the house and rubbed against Sakura before all three came over to check you out before the thunder cat outright climbed you like a tree. 
“Claws,” you whimpered as you braced against the counter before it happily got to your shoulder to look you over and sniff you before it started rubbing it’s face on your face. 
“Well hello to you too.” You greeted happily before it outright laid down over your shoulders. 
“Comfy there?” You gently teased as you scratched his ears as it started to purr very loudly in your ears before you continued to have Sakura go through the cupboards and showed you and told you what they had food wise as you made your own grocery list as you went through the freezer and fridge to see what he had and what he needed as recipes started popping like fireworks in your head of what you wanted to cook as you made notes of what dishes he had and what you wanted in each dish. You wanted to go all out. Not just the classics and tried and true but take a leap of faith on something else as you suddenly realized- your second trunk. YES. 
Whenever you traveled you packed one set in one thing and another set in something else. Just in case either the airline, the cruise ship or whatever lost a piece of luggage, you weren’t screwed. You had packed two sets of spices and other staple ingredients. And both cases made it. In fact, not a piece of luggage had gone missing. You were going to try to sneak it in with the clan’s gift of seeds. Now- you were going give it to Noah and you couldn’t imagine a more deserving recipient or a more appreciative one. Then you went though the rest of the house, hunting to see if he needed laundry supplies or other cleaning supplies and jot those down. 
Passing by Noah’s bedroom, you practically stopped in your tracks as your nose led you to turn your head as you sniffed in a deep lungful. His scent was so strong and so alluring there and it made your mouth water. You noticed some laundry and got a basket and gathered it before you picked up a pair of socks by the bed and upon picking up both socks- they squished in your hand and you did your best to stifle your laughter and one sniff confirmed your suspicion. It felt really “fresh”, maybe from last night or early this morning and really big loads in both socks. Your ego hoped that it was thanks to you. And even if it wasn’t, maybe tonight it might be. 
Normally such a thought would annoy you or even disgust you. But with Noah? Nope. Quite the opposite. Part of you wanted to turn him on and light his fire so to speak and the thought of running him dry was a brand new fantasy for you and felt more like a mission than anything. You weren’t ashamed to admit it. You wanted him. And in this moment, badly. 
You had your work cut out for you.
You did your best to tidy as you went through the house. Not that it was terribly dirty or unkempt. Just a little cluttered here and there, some dusting was in order though. You could tell that he was in the middle of his busy season, you knew that sometimes things got forgotten or not done perhaps as often as they should when you were at your busiest. You were going to help him catch up and you had all day to do it. 
You noticed he really only had the bare essentials as far as cleaning supplies and you wondered if that was because that was all he could afford. 
Honestly, it was because of his patience and good will that you were able to make as much money as you did the day you met him and at this point, it was extra money you had not anticipated making or having in your budget for this trip and you had the very strong urge to pamper and spoil Noah and Sakura with it. All you needed was Taylor and her van. Besides she seemed keen on the match herself and you were sure she would help you and you were making your to do lists and shopping lists by the time she got there at 9. 
“Good morning.” You greeted her cheerfully. 
“Good morning,” She greeted you back sleepily. 
“So, I need the biggest of favors.” You began and your eager eyes and mischievous smile had her mirroring your expression. 
“What do you need and why?” She asked as she sidled up next to you. 
“Ok so Noah needs a few things from the store and a little bit of housework here and there and he said I could make him dinner for when he gets home tonight.” You began. 
“And?” She prodded as her grin grew into a full blown smile. 
“Want to get a breath of fresh air?” You hinted as the kids were playing in the living room with the cats and the dogs before you and her stepped out of the sliding glass door in the back so you could keep an eye on the kids but keep some level privacy. 
“Ok, so uh, stop me if I sound completely insane, but I really like Noah and Sakura and I don’t know what it is about them but I’m drawn to both of them. Like holding Sakura is like holding my own daughter and it’s like I’ve known them my whole life and we’re just the best and oldest of friends and I have the overwhelming urge to just...take care of them.” You confessed and Taylor was practically vibrating with joy. This was a great start. Things could grow and flourish from here. She just needed to give you the right encouragement. 
“You are not crazy or insane for feeling that way, especially about Noah and Sakura. No one is more worthy or deserving of whatever help you can give them. And I know Noah will appreciate even the smallest or simplest of things you can give or even do for him.” Taylor nodded her agreement. 
“Well Noah did tell me that he trusted me completely and that I can do whatever I wanted with Sakura today. So, that being said. I need to go back to your house to get my second trunk. Because that first one had all the spices and seeds in it? I had two just in case one didn’t make it. And I wasn’t sure what to do with the second and coming here and seeing how bare Noah’s kitchen really is…” You began. 
“Oh definitely. Up here there’s a belief of The Gods’ Will. Sometimes we’re moved to do or say things that may not make a ton of sense to us in the moment. But end up fulfilling the prayers of others. I know Noah and Sakura have been praying for help for a year and a half. And last year Noah and Sakura were ok because Neena’s death was still fresh in everyone’s minds and everyone helped them out but this year- it’s like most of them forgot all about them and poor Noah is grappling with how to fulfill both roles by himself and he’s just plain overwhelmed and this year he’s picking up every job he can just trying to make ends meet and some of his customers that he used to really depend on are trying to cut corners by hiring newer pilots who are less experienced with smaller planes that are cheaper to run and so far the weather has been really good so the other pilots have been able to do his job better and instead of doing several jobs at once, these places can afford to send out five individual pilots with single loads to a single destination quicker, like truckers and these other pilots can afford to all share an apartment together because they’re all single guys with no dependants and can pool resources while Noah is all by himself and has not just his own mouth to feed but Sakura and his animals in addition to his own aging parents and Neena’s aging parents because Neena’s other siblings haven’t moved back to help out Neena’s parents too but he can’t afford to lower his prices to try to compete or else he would actually lose money instead of make it and some of his customers are becoming difficult to deal with and he’s left between a rock and a hard place and in the meantime Sakura needs to go to school this year and that’s a challenge in itself.” Taylor explained. 
“Has Noah tried to move on romantically since he lost Neena?” You asked thoughtfully. 
“No. Neena was practically a saint and most women around here feel they can’t measure up to her which isn’t fair to anyone. She wasn’t perfect but she was a really wonderful person. But I know he’s really lonely and he’s been praying for the right woman with the right heart condition who will recognize his situation and treat him and Sakura with love and kindness. And I’m thinking if you instantly feel like helping them upon meeting them even if you don’t know them very well and especially if you have the means and the drive to- that you’re most likely the answer to their prayers.” Taylor revealed. 
“And if I just to happen to uh, coincidentally, find Noah incredibly, irresistably attractive and want to woo him by making him a feast and getting his house in perfect running order? And maybe even run him dry or at least raw?” You asked with a wince but a bright bashful smile none the less. 
“Yyeeaass!” Taylor practically screamed in a bright cheer before she accidentally spilled some of her coffee. “Oh shit, can’t spill the coffee, it’s precious coffee.” Taylor murmured before she eagerly sipped more of it before she put it down and hugged you and practically jumped up and down on the porch with you. 
“Ok, tell me how I can help.” She beamed. 
You had her take you and Sakura back to her house where you grabbed not only your other crate but also a few other things and then once unloaded those things into Noah’s house and you took your lists and she drove you to the best big box club store in the area that would have everything you wanted even if it was a two hour drive away. You got two flatbed carts and Sakura, Jamie and Matt all sat one one that Taylor pushed around as Katie happily helped you with yours as you happily started to strategically loaded up what you wanted and needed, not caring in the least what it would cost because you had a budget of a few grand and it made you so happy and gave you so much satisfaction to be doing this for Noah and Sakura and with some sweet talking to the head butcher, he gave you one hell of a deal on a ton of meat as you also got some junk food for the kids to keep them happy and had lunch there at the place, having got two rotisserie chickens and by a miracle, you managed to squeeze it all back into the van as the kids were happily holding their new junk food in exchange to being a little cramped with other stuff packed in around them before they quickly fell asleep and took a nap on the way back as you spent the whole two hours back working out a schedule of what to do when so that right about 6- the house could be clean and a feast would be ready and once back at the house you put the plan into action and with Taylor keeping the kids busy with a movie, she helped you as much as she could as she also wrote down your recipes as you cooked them since you knew them by heart and showed her what you were doing as you did it so she could replicate it and right at 4:30, she took her kids home to make dinner for her own family since she was going to be using the same recipes you were since all the food you would be making was already in motion which left you to portion out the remainder of the meat. 
By 5 you got the call that Noah would be another hour away from coming home and you knew it was then to start cooking the steaks and start the risotto since risotto was a very labor intensive process which would take the remainder of your attention as you and Sakura danced in the kitchen to music on your little portable speaker as you taught her how you danced and you were so caught up in dancing and grooving in the kitchen- you didn’t hear Noah come in the door as his nose practically went nuts. He had never smelled food like this before and it smelled better than anything he had ever smelled before. It made his stomach growl loudly which finally alerted you and Sakura to his presence. 
“Daddy!” Sakura cheered as she ran over and leaped into his arms. 
“Hey Kiddo, how was your day?” He asked her as he picked her up and carried her over to the kitchen. 
“It was awesome! We had so much fun!” Sakura fawned. 
“Did you go riding?” He asked. 
“We didn’t have time, we went shopping and we did something called “being domestic” which was really just chores but she made it into a game, she bought these really cool cloths that pick up all kinds of dust and she had me dust everything I could reach with my stool so that I can help you keep our castle clean.” Sakura beamed as she showed him the dusting cloth. 
“Castle?” Noah repeated, with amusement. 
“Castle law- every man’s home is his castle.” You supplied as Noah ‘oh’ed’ in understanding. 
“And she agrees that our castle is very grand in it’s own way. It may not be as big as others but it’s ours and we need to take care of it so it can protect us.” Sakura beamed. 
“I agree.” Noah nodded. “So...how far over budget did we go?” Noah asked with a bit of a nervous laugh. 
“I didn’t go over my budget, don’t worry about it, just sit down and eat. That’s all I want from you right now.” You urged as you took out the steaks from the oven and Noah made a whimpering keen when he saw them. 
“Oh I’m in trouble, so much trouble.” Noah murmured in awe as he shook his head as he just watched in awed wonder as you seamed to pull a feast out of his kitchen, he didn’t think his kitchen was big enough for half of this. He was not worthy. 
“Trouble of what?” You asked curiously. 
‘Of falling in hopelessly in love with you’. Noah’s mind was begging his mouth to say. 
“I...I’m in over my head. I have no idea how I’m...gonna pay you back for any of this.” Noah admitted. 
“Hey, Noah, look at me.” You reached out and framed his face in your hands and you had the overwhelming urge to kiss him but you knew it would probably be inappropriate and he may not appreciate that, yet anyway. 
“Do not cheapen my gifts by trying to put a monetary value to them or feel that you have to repay anything. Everything I’ve done and given was given freely and and with immense pride and joy. Do we owe the gods for when they answer our prayers and bless us? Do you think they keep a tally? No. So don’t start a tally with me, I give to you because I know you’ll be appreciative and you’re more than deserving and worthy. Please do me the honor of accepting these gifts with grace and happiness, that’s all that I ask and all that I want.” You insisted before he just lifted his own hands to hold your own face before he kissed your forehead and hugged you which you happily returned as his words of muffled thanks were music to your ears and this big hug from his was all you could fantasize about as his affection was practically making you love drunk and so unbelievably happy as you once again had that overwhelming sensation that you were at home in his arms. A new home, this one filled with so much more love than your last and it wasn’t until the dogs tried to nose their way between you that you finally let go of each other. 
“Now let’s eat before it gets cold.” You urged before you handed him the largest plate as you quickly got Sakura her own plate. 
“So what do we have?” Noah asked eagerly. 
“Ok, so what we have is bacon sauteed brussel sprouts with maple syrup and goat cheese. We have broccolini with cheddar cheese those are my two- “healthy” vegetable dishes. From there we have loaded twice baked potatoes, liquor yams, but all the alcohol should have baked off so it’s safe for Sakura to eat them, she won’t get drunk or anything. Then we have death by cheese mac and cheese, mushroom risotto with extra sauteed mushrooms to go over your steaks and dinner rolls. The only rule I have is you are not allowed to put ketchup on my steaks. I bought steak sauce and brought homemade hot sauce.” You revealed as you pointed everything out and the only thing Noah wanted to devour more than the food was you but he didn’t have the nerve or the courage just yet as he just stood there and stared at the feast as his eyes just got a little watery. 
“Could you um, like pinch me because I am not sure if I’m dreaming or halucinating. Because this is bordering on too good to be true.” He teased you. 
“It’s very much real, but if you insist on a pinch...” You playfully reached over and pinched his butt as he recoiled only slightly but started laughing as his sleep deprived brain was about to short circuit because he was on the edge of being overstimulated. Like a pet diving into a pool of new toys, wanting to play with all of them at the same time and can’t decide which one to go for first. 
“Eat, eat!” You urged him. 
“You slaved for the meal, you go first, women and children first right?” He urged you. 
“How chivalrous,” you flattered before you got yourself a good portion and sat down at the table before you opened your little jar of hot sauce for your steak. 
“Hot sauce?” You offered as you sucked on the tip of your thumb as Noah seemed to fixate on your mouth before he swallowed hard before he tore his eyes away from your mouth to take the jar and found a tiny spot on his already heaping plate for it. 
“It’s best on the mac and cheese though, like buffalo chicken dip but without the chicken.” You hinted. 
“Prayer Daddy.” Sakura urged him before he could eat before you happily reached out and took Sakura’s hand and offered your hand to Noah who happily took it and held it as he tried not to let the touch completely blank his mind as he noticed your eyes were closed and the most beautiful, serene smile was on your lips as you held his hand and you were even more of a vision now than you were this morning. He closed his eyes and addressed all of his gods. In his prayer he thanked the gods for the pleasure of your presence and prayed that whatever blessings you gave and whatever you spent to make those blessings happen, returned to you a hundred fold and that whatever you did or would ever do would find success and you did your best to wipe away your tears as quickly as you could once he said amen. Andy had never prayed about you like that and it meant the world to you. 
Noah tried his best not to moan, or cry. He tried, and he failed. 
“So, I have to say, this is the best food I have ever put in my mouth. It’s like...the gods either prepared this food or this food was prepared for them, and I don’t know if I’m worthy as a mortal to eat it.” Noah teasingly praised and you beamed happily. 
“Thank you. Welcome to Zara’s greatest hits food wise.” You gestured to the food. “For all the holidays, it’s always my dad, my brother in law Jake and myself who are in charge of the food. My dad is in charge of the smoker, so he smokes all the wings, the salmon, all the ribs and brisket and pulled pork and stuff. Obviously these are my specialties. Although my turkeys usually make my sisters cry. Jake, believe it or not is the king of casseroles and one pan and one dish dinners, like paella and all things seafood. While Anya and Tasha are on drink duty because Anya’s a professional bartender. And when it’s not holidays it’s superbowl, or it’s championships. Any excuse to get together and eat.” You explained. 
“So what did your family think of Andy?” Noah asked. 
“They got along really well, Andy was really quiet and shy at first and he was incredibly introverted. But he was also a really big guy, not quite as big as you but close and solid and he had resting…” You paused as you tried to think of the appropriate substitute. 
“Jerk face?” Noah supplied. 
“Yeah, jerk face. He couldn’t help it, that was just his face. But once he warmed up to you- oh man, you had to have a sharp wit to keep up with him and he could just deliver line after line and he could verbally roast anyone. Which at first is very entertaining and fun and my brother and my dad thought it was awesome because Andy was very much just one of the guys. But being married to that, it’s exhausting and hurtful and he had a really hard time turning the sarcasm off and he forgot to filter himself most of the time and when I would inevitably get my feelings hurt his mother would chastise me for being too thin skinned and that if ‘a Kingsley wasn’t making fun of you- they didn’t like you’ and Andy only ever had brothers. No sisters. But because he was so big and so mean looking, I could go anywhere I wanted with him and no one messed with me because they took one look at Mr. Big Scary Giant and thought twice about trying to spit game and Andy was incredibly strong and he only ever got into one fight when he was a kid and he put the guy into the hospital but Andy used that to his advantage he was a very intimidating person and one lip curl or a crack of his neck and knuckles and low growl and it was enough to unnerve anyone. Otherwise he was a great earner and provider financial and materially, he just had to be reminded often to be kind and nice.” 
“But the price of all that was you were married to a sarcastic jerk.” Noah realized in disgust as you nodded. 
“Yup, which is why I look at his life insurance policy money as money earned for being married to him so long, I know that sounds incredibly horrible and shallow but it’s the truth. Which is why when and if I get married again- how much money they make means very little to me and I don’t care about what they do as long as they like what they do because life is too short to slave away in a job you hate with people you despise. Personality is everything to me now. I got enough financially so that I’m set for the rest of my life. Now I just want to share my life with someone who makes me happy mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and of course the other kind that shouldn’t be talked about in polite company.” You specified with a mischievous grin which made Noah smile wide as he nodded and forced his mouth shut because he was about to volunteer himself, even though he was sleep deprived and exhausted, he felt he could push himself to really love you right. At least give his tongue a good work out. Because if you have the cooking skills of a goddess, by the gods, he was going to worship you like one.
Then you looked over at Sakura who was shoveling food in her mouth. 
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down, the food’s not gonna disappear when you close your eyes, if you eat too much too fast you’ll get a stomach ache, do you want to throw everything up?” You asked her which made her pause. 
“I’m not taking any of this food home with me, it’s all staying here. I made enough that you should have two dinners and a couple of lunches. And it all keeps in the fridge and microwaves pretty good.” You reassured her before she finally slowed down. 
“It’s hard for me not to inhale it all too Baby,” Noah reassured his daughter with an understanding smile. 
Once dinner was eaten, Noah happily helped you put the left overs away and got started on washing the bigger pots and pans that wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher and he was never sexier to you. Just to see this fine specimen of a man standing in front of a sink scrubbing pots. You were ready to suck him dry in the kitchen as you tried to stomp that down because he probably wouldn’t appreciate that or would be keen on letting you around his daughter again. He was a sensible, reasonable man and he may not be ready for that yet and he may not be interested romantically in you either and while you knew you were meant to be here to help. You didn’t feel you were meant to come and stay forever. You wanted him to be sure but you didn’t know how moving forward this could possibly work. You didn’t want to do him the injustice of a one night stand. You wanted more with him than just a night or two of casual sex. So in order for you to hopefully enjoy more in the future, you could deal with enjoying less in the moment. You wanted to build more. You still had a week up here, you had a little bit of time. 
“So how long will you need to get your own appointments done?” Noah asked. 
“Give me a day, I can get them all done tomorrow then I can be all yours the day after, I take it you’ll need more help with the bigger loads?” You guessed as Noah nodded. 
“Honestly more of my most difficult customers.” Noah confessed. 
“How are they difficult?” You asked thoughtfully as you helped him dry the dishes and put them away. 
“Well only because I have a bigger plane and there’s some things that won’t fit in a normal bush plane. Otherwise they’ve used the newer pilots who are less expensive and don’t have the overhead or dependants I do that can do it cheaper than I can. In fact there’s a few of them who all room together on the other side of town. But I can’t lower my own prices any lower because if I do, I’ll lose money instead of making it.” Noah explained. Normally he wouldn’t be comfortable breathing anything this personal or private to anyone. But he felt comfortable confiding in you. 
“How old are the other pilots?” You asked. 
“Psh, barely adults, they’re like walking disasters, I’ve seen them try to do flips in the air with cargo on board and they don’t show any respect for anything. They think it’s all fun and games.” Noah griped and you felt rage lick up your spine. 
“Well it does make business sense to try to undercut what you can and take chances on the less reliable if it saves your bottom line in the moment. But when you do that- you risk the quick easy fix costing you quite a bit in the future. Especially when the new easy fix isn’t reliable and catastrophic failure is always a thing you have to contend with- with anything. When I have new clients as they look at how much my own fees are and the numbers give them pause. My usual go-to is to remind them that they get what they pay for and it’s my experience and my specialities that recommend me. When we go to the hospital, do we want an inexperienced surgeon operating on us? Who’s trying to get their start in their career by slashing prices to get new clients? No. Hell no. We want the older more experienced surgeon with thousands of operations under their belt, who has kept up with their continuing education and has prided themselves on staying on the cutting edge because it’s our lives on the line. That’s why I used your services at first was because you had the most experience and you were the greatest professional that could be recommended and that’s why you’re worth your fees. Because it’s not just your own livelihood on the line, it’s your family’s and it’s your clients livelihoods too. You’re a serious and respectful professional. They aren’t. I think it’s only a matter of time before your clients get burned by using young and stupid. Because honestly, if they fail, it’s no big deal, they don’t have families that will go hungry, you do. Are these other pilot’s- locals, natives or outlanders?” You asked. 
“They’re all outlanders,” Noah answered. 
“And your clients?” You inquired as you tilted your head. 
“Locals and natives.” Noah answered. 
“Can you do me a favor?” You asked. 
“Anything.” Noah answered. 
“Write down the names of your difficult clients for me. Whenever I have issues especially with clients, especially tight fisted, cheapskate ones or ones that have problems out of my control that they’re somehow making me responsible for, I pray for them to come to their senses or simply have sense and reason. And if you could write down the names of the other pilots, I would also like to pray for them too.” 
“You’re not going to curse them are you?” Noah teased as he did as you asked of him after he dried off his hands after finishing the dishes. 
“No, I pray for my own competitors, because honestly there are some clients that are more trouble to keep than they’re worth and so I send them to my own competitors to deal with and I pray that those clients stay with them instead of coming back to me when they find out that I’m better than they are. Some clients are always about getting as much out of you as they can for as cheap as they can and I put as much distance between me and them as I can so that I will have the free space for the clients who will appreciate my quality and feel that I’m worth the investment. Instead of a “stupid splurge” that others think I am. So maybe these other clients that you’ve lost, you’re better off without them and now you’re free to take on new clients, clients who will appreciate you and not undercut you but build you up and hopefully pay better than the ones you lost ever paid you. Besides, if push comes to shove and your business goes belly up, I mean heaven forbid and knock on wood...” You quickly knocked on the countertops as he did too. “I have all kinds of connections with the air force base that’s half an hour away from me and there’s a local international airport that’s forty minutes away and there’s air fields all over, I’m sure there’s still all kinds of opportunities for you as a pilot anywhere you go, you could even be a private jet pilot if you really wanted to.” You mused as Noah considered those options. 
“But that’s neither here nor there and that’s puting like...7, 8, maybe even 9 carriages before our horses so don’t worry about it. Sometimes all we can do is pray and leave things in the god’s hands and trust that it’ll be ok.” You reassured him. “And I have a feeling everything will be just fine.” You added with a serene smile before you just enveloped him in a hug which he happily returned and he could have died happily right there in his kitchen and holding you, he felt the rest of his stress and anxiety completely leave him and if you were a goddess in the kitchen, you were an ethereal deity in his arms. Your touch was grounding yet uplifting all the same and you smelled amazing and he just wanted to lose himself in you. 
“Paradise? Could you give me a bath please?” Sakura asked which reluctantly pulled you out of Noah’s arms. 
“Sure thing Kiddo.” You agreed as you went to her and took her hand and together you went upstairs to where a large clawfoot tub was as you got her a bath, letting her use one of the bath bombs you had packed. You had again packed two sets of bath bombs and with one set with Taylor’s kids, the other set would be here for Sakura and Sakura picked one of your absolute favorites as you both watched as it dissolved, turning the water a kaleidoscope of colors as you used your special body wash to gently clean her skin as you sat on the floor next to the tub so that you could wash and rinse her hair as well as she played with her toys in the tub and once her hair was done, you got some leave in hair conditioner and detangler for her hair as you lovingly and patiently combed it all out. Sakura had such long and delicate fine white hair, like strands of silk by the time you were done with it and didn’t even notice how Noah was watching from the doorway. 
He had taken the moment of peace to finish up his paperwork for the day and just watching you be the mother you were with his daughter was practically bringing him to tears again. It was such a beautiful, heartwarming sight and if he had thought he was head over heels in love with you this morning, he was a goner for sure now. He felt incredibly whole and full after feeling so broken and hollow for so long. Something he thought impossible three days ago. But he was not about to question it. He was just grateful for it. 
Once she was cleaned up and the water was turning cold, you drained the tub and wrapped her up in a towel and helped her get ready for bed before she had you read her a story as Noah got a shower himself after rinsing out the tub of the remains of the bath bomb and since Sakura’s room was right across the hall, you got the glorious gift of seeing Noah in nothing but a towel around his waist as he walked from the bathroom to his room and seeing that big strong muscled back dripping with water, oh gods, you nearly fainted and the words out of your mouth trailed off as you realized Noah had one the best deriers you had probably ever seen in your life. He had curves that would put a back road to shame and once his door was shut that pulled you from admiring him back to Sakura’s story book but thankfully once you looked back to see if Sakura had noticed, she was thankfully out like a light. 
You closed the book and kneeled next to the bed and prayed to all the gods that she would sleep well and sleep in tomorrow to give Noah a chance to recover and you prayed for guidance in helping her and Noah and for the way to help to become evident to you and for you to recognize the opportunities and to have courage to take them when they presented themselves. 
When you were done you got up just to see Noah coming out of his room, dressed in pajamas and while you would love nothing more than to peel them off, the thought of bed and sleep did sound amazing and you were so tired, you had worked a miracle today, in cleaning the house and making a feast fit for a king and cleaning up after it too, although the cleaning up part was easy thanks to Noah’s help. 
“Well, today was awesome, thank you for welcoming me into your home, it’s beautiful.” You praised as you leaned against the wall after closing the door behind you and leaning against it. 
“It’s small and falling apart.” He admitted as he leaned against the wall across from you. Just taking in the vision of you in his hallway. 
“But it has a thousand times the love inside it than there is any mansion. A house is just a house until you put people in it, then it’s a home. And because of who is in this home means this is one of the finest ones I’ve ever been in.” You praised as you bashfully ducked your head as Noah looked like he was about to eat you alive in a very carnal way as he pushed off the wall and took a step forward before your phone rang and it was Taylor. 
“Hey, could you come get me? I’m ready to go and I’m so tired, I could fall over, please don’t make me walk back to your house.” You whined sarcastically as you couldn’t help but giggle a little and Noah reluctantly took a step back and knew that the door for him to prove to you just how much love was in his home, let alone himself, the door had closed as quickly as it opened and he missed his opportunity to prove it. All he could do is hope that it would open again the day after tomorrow. Maybe it was for the best, it would give him time to rest up and be fully energized. But he was determined. He was going to make you his one way or another before you left, if it was the last thing he would do and so begrudgingly he watched you leave as once again, the emptiness and hollow feeling crept back into him and he felt like warm light left the house once you did. 
Hell he would find a way to build you whatever kind of house you wanted, with his own two hands if he had to. 
“Why the fuck did you have me come get you when Noah is looking at you like a damn feast and he’s starving, I thought you wanted to raw him? What the fuck? Your opportunity to do that is behind you.” Taylor chastised you once you got in her minivan. 
“It’s not the right time. Noah deserves better than a one night stand or even a two nighter.” You argued. 
“Uh by my calculations it could have been a seven nighter if you got started tonight.” Taylor argued. 
“And then what? Have the best week of my life and then just...what? Walk away? No. I’m too invested emotionally with Sakura to do anything like that. I feel like if I rush the intimacy with Noah, I’ll lose the prize of having Sakura in the long run and they both deserve more attention and effort and time. And Noah and especially Sakura are a prize worth waiting for, worth fighting for worth doing whatever I can to help them and worth doing right. I don’t want to hit it and quit it.” You explained. 
“Look, I get it and that makes sense but I am telling you now, Noah looks like he’s about to hump that beam he’s leaning against and if you gave him half a chance I’m pretty sure he would have rocked the northern lights into your eyes tonight and every night from here on out, I know him, he’s not a hit and quit it person either and he’s as loyal as the summer days are long up here and when he does anything, he goes whole hog and he’s in it till the end, he’s a ride or die kind of guy. You said you were flexible and could go anywhere.” Taylor reminded you.
“...true. But again, I’ve only known him two days, would you drop everything and sell everything you own to move in with a stranger you’ve only known for two days?” You posed to her. “That’s putting a few carts ahead of the horse don’t you think?” You posed back to her. 
“Well ok, get to know him a tiny bit more and then bang his lights out and we can figure the rest out later.” Taylor compromised. 
“Ok, that’s a little more fair.” You laughed as she drove you back to her house where you promptly crashed. 
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valkyriesryde · 5 years
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Athena!Reader
Summary: PART TWO OF CALM She won’t commit to him. He doesn’t understand why. But he doesn’t know who she is.
Word Count: 2,130
Warnings: maybe some angst, maybe some fluff, some hinting towards NSFW content but its not explicit. And swearing
A/N: this is a part two but I think it can be read by itself maybe. Its also @mybesttobobcratchit Bex’s 500 Writing challenge! Thank you so much for letting me take part hun! love you <3
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Midgard. That’s what Thor always called it. In the years since the blip and moving forward Thor had come back to earth a handful of times. He’d met Bucky, reconnected with his old friends, those that were still around at least. 
On one of his more recent visits, when Bucky found Thor alone in the common room of their offices he couldn’t help but think of her. Thor was a god and so was she. Thor had power and nobility just like she did. She was still as much a mystery to Bucky has she had ever been and he thought, perhaps Thor had some answers.
“Humans believe in many kinds of gods, do you think it’s possible they’re all out there like you were?” Bucky picks his words carefully, he and Thor don’t exactly know each other well and he doesn’t want to give her away just yet.
“Of course it’s possible, myths always start as facts. Why do you ask? Have you met one? Who is it?” Thor fires questions at Bucky and a smirk spreads over him when Bucky falters at them. “You HAVE!” Thor’s voice booms with laughter as Bucky tries to hush him and looks over his shoulder.
“Maybe! Just be quiet. They can’t know!” His heart beats quickly as he looks towards the door but there’s no sound of someone coming and Bucky can relax. He wonders if she knows he’s told someone about her? If maybe speaking her name would bring her here. 
“But why not? This is fantastic? Who are they? Have I met them?” Thor whispers into the air and the words settle around Bucky for a minute. 
“I don’t know.” He doesn’t know. He has his theories, he’s got the clues. But he doesn’t want to make any assumptions. “She’s like a guardian angel, my guardian angel.” He feels almost breathless talking about her. He’s confused though, he doesn’t know, he’s not 100% sure of anything. She’s cryptic when she talks to him, refuses to tell him anything about herself that digs any deeper than what’s on the surface. 
“She? Do you have her name?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Thor shrugs his shoulders, he sips his coffee and peers over the mug at Bucky. Bucky who slumps in his seat and is lost in his thoughts until his phone rings and he’s out the door.
She comes and goes. Like the sun, she passes by and without realizing how long it’s been the sun sets and she has to leave again. She tried explaining it once, “if I’m here for too long people get suspicious James,” she said when he asked her to stay a little longer. “I’ve duties elsewhere you know that. I’ll always come back.” come back those were the words that hurt him. She had come back so far but what if she didn’t? 
The sun was setting again. Bucky watched her tidy her small apartment, the one she kept for whenever she was here. Five months this time he’d had her. It was the longest he’d had her in the same world as him, the longest she had stayed in New York. 
“Do you know when you’ll be coming back?” he picked at the thread of his jumper not wanting to look at the way her face dropped at his comment.
“When the time is right,” she muttered into the room, her focus on the cups she was putting away instead of the frowning man on her couch.
“And when will that be?” 
“James…” she moved to sit next to him, she hated these moments; the goodbye. When he asked her to stay with him for a bit longer and she had to fight herself and tell him no, she couldn’t. 
“How hard is it to give even an estimate? You never tell me, I don’t know if you just don’t know when you’ll be back or if you don’t want to tell me but either way it’s incredibly hard on me just waiting for you to return?” Bucky was angry. Everything came bubbling over at once, he couldn’t stop himself from feeling frustrated and annoyed with her. He thought they were happy, he thought he was enough but why does she keep leaving him. 
“I always come back,” her voice was calm and that just fueled his anger. She shouldn’t be calm at a moment like this, she should be feeling some sort of emotion, at least give him something!
“But I want you to stay! You never do. There’s so much you don’t do. So much you don’t tell me. Do you even care about me? You tell me you favor me, that you love me but do you really?” That angered her. Finally, that was the thing that pushed her over the edge. How dare he question her love for him. 
“Are you really going to look me in the eye and tell me you think I don’t love you?” She stood from her seat and looked down at him with grey eyes that made him feel as though he was in the eye of the storm but Bucky’s emotions got the better of him. 
“You won’t even kiss me. What am I supposed to think?” Bucky’s voice was quiet, he was hurt, every time he would go to kiss her she turned away. She wouldn’t tell him why just that the time wasn’t right. There was never enough time, never the right time. 
“Love isn’t just shown through physical affections, James.” Her voice low as anger fueled it. 
“Sometimes I feel like I barely know anything about you! You just talk about me and everything else but yourself. I want to know who you are!”  
“Who I am?” She held her hands in fists by her side, her jaw tightened. 
“Yes.” He hit back. She straightens her posture in front of him and Bucky sits up.
“I was born when my father developed an unbearable headache. His skull was split open and out I came ready for battle. I had no childhood. I’m always on the winning side of the war. They named a city after me you know? A whole city.” She shakes her head and lets out a small laugh. The simple jeans and t-shirt she wore morphed and a toga, white as snow, formed over her. A familiar golden shield appeared in her hand. The face of a woman with snakes for hair, he knew that story, was on its front, she held a spear in her other as she stood over him. “Gods get forgotten, the new gods are merely the old with different names. That doesn’t change our history. I’m not remembered, I’m no longer worshipped but that does not change who I am. I don’t kiss you because I took an oath. If I kiss you I don’t know if I’d be able to stop myself. It’s bad enough that I favor you and I spend my time in the mortal realm but if I broke that oath? I would be disowned, I would be punished worse than you can ever imagine.”
Bucky stood from the couch and her shield and spear disappeared from her side. He wasn’t quite sure what he was feeling. In awe, enamored, slightly terrified, a little honored. 
“You want to know who I am? I am wisdom. I am the helper of heroes, Odysseus and his son, Heracles, Perseus, Jason...you. I am the protector of the city, Pallas, grey eyes. Minerva. Athena.”
“Y/N.” Her breath caught in her throat when he spoke her name. The only one she’d chosen for herself. Bucky reached up and traced his fingers over her jaw, her chest heaved as he held her in his hands as if she were made of glass. 
“I love you.” He brushed away her tears, she hadn’t even realized she was crying until she felt his fingers brush across her cheeks, “you have to know that.” Bucky nods his head, he feels the salt from his own tears when he licks his lips. Her fingers grip his shirt as he presses his forehead to hers and he lets out a shaky breath.
“I love you,” Bucky breathed out and his lips brushed against hers.
“Bucky-“ his lips pressed against hers and her knees went weak, his arms circling her waist and holding her close.
It was hesitant, gentle and filled with love. But when her fingers tangled in the ends of his hair and he pulled her flush against him it changed. Hesitant turned to confident, gentle turned to rough and the love evolved into passion. Hands pulled and gripped at clothes until they were piles on the floor. Hair was pulled, moans and whimpers filled the room and moved through the hall, they pressed against the wall, were tangled in the sheets, deep sighs and murmurs of love and adoration only reserved for one another floated around them. Somewhere in the distance lightning cracked and thunder boomed, rain poured outside but it only added to the ambiance of it all.
“You can’t love him.” They stood at the mouth of the cave, her bag slung over her shoulder as he leaned against the stone.
“That’s a bit hypocritical of you to say isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes at the god of thunder. How did he know, how did he always know when she was up to no good.
“If anything my warning should be the one you do listen to. Nothing but pain can come from loving a mortal.” They were good friends, had been for a long time. It’s what happens when you're around for so long, your lives tend to cross every now and then. 
“He’s not just a mortal though. He doesn’t age like them, he doesn’t heal like them. He’s not just a mortal.” She kept telling her it was okay. Everything would be okay. He wasn’t a normal mortal. He loved her. She loved him.
“He’s not immortal either, he’s not like either of us.” Thor always ruined her fun. She can love him for now though can’t she? Does she not deserve this, she’d lived a thousand lives, she deserved to choose one for herself.
“Thor I thought you would understand,” Y/N rolled her eyes at her old friend, she mirrored his stance and crossed her arms as if to challenge him.
“I do. That’s the problem grey eyes, I understand too well. I do not want you to get hurt.” Thor looked at her with sympathy, he knew the hurt, he carried it with him. The pain that came with rejection. Thor loved midgardians but he knew how dangerous they were when it came to their feelings. He didn’t wish heartbreak to anyone, especially someone he cared about.
“You’re not my father,” her father, god of the sky, king of the gods. She wasn’t afraid of him, not as afraid as she should be as she prepares to go home.
“You are lucky it’s me and not him you’re talking to.”
“By now he already knows, if anything being here with you is just me procrastinating the inevitable.” She shrugged her shoulders at Thor who couldn’t help but roll his eyes in return.
“You can’t run away from this, you took an oath.”
“And what does that oath say about love? I’ve kept that oath for thousands of years. I’m sick of it.”
“And what if it’s not love, what if this blows up in your face?” Thor’s warnings came from his own experience and his own fears. He’d been left behind, he’d lost his family and all of those that were closest to him. She was an enigma, she didn’t see the risk of it all, the risk that came with loving someone who could be taken from you so easily.
“I’ve never wanted to break it before him, Thor. If that isn’t love...if wanting to go against what I’ve promised and what I’ve been told to believe because of him isn’t love...then I do not care for it.”
“He loves you.” It’s a fact that Thor states without even thinking about it. He saw the look in Bucky’s eyes when they talked to each other earlier in the week. He saw the way his body completely changed, his posture straightened, his shoulders relaxed, his eyes lit up. Bucky was in love. 
“He sees me, Thor, he always saw me. He was never supposed to see me but he always did...does.” She smiles softly and looks deep into the cave, Thor can see it clear as day, so was she. 
Permanent Taglist (open): @witch-of-letters @tonystankschild @morsmordrethings @buckysdumbmetalarm @marvelsangels @momobaby227 @weirdlyokaywithit @disgustangg @bucky-blogs @sebbbystaaan @geeksareunique @stuckonjbbarnes @ellieslifefails @mushyjellybeans @lovesmesomehiddles @nat-alia-novna
Bucky Taglist (open): @bxrnsfeyson​ @brilliantbellesoares @supraveng @chubby-dumplin @meganlikesfandoms @mood-pancakes
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mfingenius · 5 years
Can we please get a modern au where laurent and damen are dating and a sex tape is leaked??? Bonus points if auguste is in it ❤❤❤
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Laurent is whiter than a sheet. He was already pale, but now he’s fucking transparent. Damen doesn’t know what to do. His own cheeks are burning, and somehow his mind is ultimately, entirely blank. He can’t think.
When it finally stops - Pallas is entirely red in the face, and he looks terribly close to fainting - no one says anything. He was supposed to be giving a presentation for class, and Lazar - his boyfriend and part of his group for the project - was airdropping the presentation. What had popped up had not been the presentation.
“What the fuck was that?” And fuck, of all classes, it had to be this one, didn’t it? Damen’s already awkward during dinners at Laurent’s home - Professor Auguste being Laurent’s brother and only legal guardian makes a lot of things odd - but this is going to wreck everything.
No one says anything.
“I think I’m going to vomit.” It’s said too lowly for anyone to really hear Laurent, but Damen does. They always sit next to each other - at Damen’s insistence, and though Laurent rolls his eyes every time Damen drops beside him, it always brings a pleased flush on his face - and their hands had been clasped together. They still are.
Because of shock, Damen’s grip has slackened, however, and Laurent has no problem wringing his hand free and then standing up.
“Laurent, wait-” Damen says uselessly. He doesn’t know what he’d say, anyways. His head is spinning.
Laurent leaves the classroom.
Damen has never seen Professor Auguste look angry - he has an easy going, laid back personality - but right then, he looks murderous.
“I didn’t airdrop that.” Lazar says immediately. 
Damen is inclined to believe him. He’s lewd and crass a lot of the time, but he’s Damen’s friend. He wouldn’t do that. The video begins to play again, and Pallas gives a muffled yelp and shuts his laptop quickly.
“I-” he says. “I don’t - that’s not-”
Who sent the video isn’t Damen’s biggest concern, if he’s quite honest. His biggest concern is who the fuck recorded it. It had only played for a few seconds before Pallas had desperately paused it, but it had been enough for Damen to recognize his room at the Frat House. He’d been too shocked to notice much other than himself and Laurent on the bed, Laurent’s legs wrapped tight around his waist, Damen rocking between them.
He’d almost not believed it, but he’d recognize Laurent’s quiet moans anywhere.
“What the fuck?” He says, nearly on reflex. He turns to look at his classmates - everyone is looking at him, but when he meets their eyes, they all look away, embarrassed. “Which one of you fucking bastards-”
“Damen,” Nikandros, behind him, says. “Look.”
And he shows Damen his phone, where the video is playing again. It’s from an unknown number. When he looks up, people are looking down at their phones, and it doesn’t take much for Damen to realize that everyone got it. Fuck, even he got it. 
Laurent probably got it.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Class dismissed.” Auguste says icily. If Auguste got it, Damen’s going to die. “Damianos, a word.”
Everyone ushers out quickly, the sound of their talking deafening; Damen only catches bits and pieces, but he doesn’t need to, to know what they’re talking about.
“If you filmed my brother without his knowledge,” Auguste begins, voice deadly. “Or if he agreed and then you sent it to someone-”
“No!” Damen says, quickly. Fuck no, neither of those, ever. “No, I would never do that! I don’t - I - I never would’ve-”
He doesn’t know what else to say. The knot in his stomach is tightening, and he thinks he, too, might vomit at the idea. 
Auguste looks at him critically for a moment, but seems to believe him. He drops onto his chair.
“Fuck,” he breathes. Damen has never seen him look like this - troubled, anxious, and furious - and it’d be more surprising if Damen’s brain were working. “Fuck.”
Damen agrees. “I - I need to go find Laurent.”
“What are you doing here?” Damen is never in the mood for Nicaise, but now less than ever, especially if he’s blocking the bathroom door behind which Laurent is.
“Get the fuck out of my way,” He snaps. “I want to talk to him.”
“He doesn’t want to talk to you,” Nicaise drawls calmly.
Nicaise is Laurent’s only friend - why Damen can’t fathom - and they’re both two years below Damen in Uni. Damen’s in year four, and Laurent and Nicaise are both in year two. The only reason Laurent is in Auguste’s class is because he’s taking various advanced classes.
“I don’t believe you,” Damen says. He doesn’t want to; if Laurent thinks the same as Auguste, if he thinks that Damen did this, he’ll never speak to Damen again; Damen can’t have that.
“He’s puking his guts out, you animal.” Nicaise rolls his eyes. “He doesn’t want to talk to anyone.”
If Laurent’s vomiting it means he’s probably having an anxiety attack, which is the last thing Damen wants; he knows how hard they are for Laurent to deal with alone, and they have a system in place for when it happens. If he could just get to him-
“Are you deaf?” Nicaise snaps, when Damen steps closer. “I’m not letting you through.”
It’s comforting to know that Nicaise is at least loyal to Laurent. Damen could appreciate it more if it weren’t inconvenient for him right now.
There’s a loud retching sound from inside, and Damen winces. He presses his ear against the door.
“Sweetheart?” He asks gently. Nicaise gags, but he lets Damen talk uninterrupted. “I - will you let me in?” There’s no response, and Damen sighs. “Alright, I - I just - fuck, I’m so sorry Laurent. I never - fuck. Can we - talk, please? I know right now is not the best time, but I’d like to talk, whenever you can.”
Again, no response. Damen sighs and leans back.
“Told you,” There’s no smugness in Nicaise’s voice, for once. He looks - concerned. 
Damen doesn’t know what to do.
He watches the video obsessively, and spends the afternoon figuring out where the fuck it was recorded from, and when it was taken.
It’s dark and everyone’s gone to bed by the time Damen finally finds the small video camera; it was in his bookshelf, behind his football trophies, pointing directly at the bed. 
He steps on it.
He gets a lot of pats in the back and dirty smirks from his teammates; most people seem to believe that he’s somehow enjoying this, that he meant for it to happen, and he doesn’t know which is more sickening. That they think him capable, or that they don’t see anything wrong with that.
Laurent won’t talk to him - to be fair, he won’t talk to anyone - and he’s stopped showing up to Auguste’s class, along with avoiding Damen in every possible way.
“I’m sorry, dude.” Nikandros says. 
“You never liked Laurent.” Damen tells him bitterly. 
“No,” Nikandros agrees. “But I don’t like this, either. You look like shit.”
Damen flips him off.
“Have you gotten rid of the camera?”
Damen scrambles off his bed quickly. “Laurent.”
Laurent is standing in his doorway, attempting to look unaffected; instead, with his arms wrapped around himself hesitantly and the look he’s giving Damen’s room, he looks terrified.
“I didn’t do it,” Damen tells him immediately, because he needs Laurent to know. “I never would’ve - I don’t - I never would’ve done anything like that to anyone, least of all you, I love you so much sweetheart-”
“I know,” Laurent says quietly. “I love you, too.”
The words seem to finally ease the ball of anxiety that has become Damen’s chest.
“You know?” Damen asks.
Laurent nods and takes a step closer cautiously, uncertainly, as though Damen might be angry at him.
“I - thought it was you, at first,” He admits lightly, mouth twisting. “I thought that maybe - that that was the whole point of it.” He smirks a little. “Nicaise told me to pull my head out of my ass and see how stupidly in love you with me you were.”
Damen likes Nicaise now. He most definitely likes Nicaise now.
“So I - I watched it again.” Laurent looks slightly nauseated. “I recognized - the clothes I was wearing, at the beginning. It was from Friday’s party, so it could’ve been literally anyone who put the camera in your room. “Nicaise helped me narrow it down.”
“You know who it was, then?” Damen asks, fists already clenching. He wants to hug Laurent so badly, but, since they started dating, he’s learned that that might spook Laurent more than calm him if Damen does it too unexpectedly, so he doesn’t.
“Govart,” Laurent says.
“Fuck,” Damen breathes. Of course. Who else? “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
“No need,” Laurent says. “I got him expelled.”
“You did?” Damen asks. “Fuck, you’re amazing. I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, too.” Laurent smiles lightly. He shifts uncertainly, and then speaks again. “Can you - hold me? I just - I want to-”
He trails off.
“Of course,” Damen says. He wouldn’t rather do anything else. “Here?”
Laurent nods lightly, and so Damen sits on the bed with his legs spread, letting Laurent settle between them. Laurent curls into his chest, and Damen wraps one hand around his waist posessively and the other one around knees, so that he’s wrapped around him. He feels Laurent breathe out, relieved, and knows that this is who he wants for the rest of his life, whatever else happens.
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luciapallas · 4 years
the interrogation,
“Please state your name slowly and clearly for the record.”
Lucía was choking back silent sobs. Any amount of precinct tissues would never be enough to truly comfort her, wrapped in a starchy shock blanket, which only put her more on edge as the rough fabric abrased her soft skin. She’d yet to speak a single word to anyone once she heard Orion was missing--like missing missing. In fact, she was having even more trouble than usual translating the English words in her head. ‘Name’ she knew, though, and wanting to do whatever she could to help find Orion she said slowly: “Lucía Pallas. Lucía-Roci Pallas i Sabat.”
“How long have you lived in the area?”
Lucía opened her mouth to answer, but an exasperated sigh was all that could come out. “No.. English..” she stammered, “Necessito un traductor, si us plau.” She didn’t have time to think that an English/Catalan translator would probably be hard to come about. That’s what Orion was for, with his proficiency and patience. “Traductor. No English.” 
It took a moment for the detectives to figure out what she needed, scrambling to find a translator, they brought in a hispanic woman with kind eyes. Lucía felt reassured just with her soft, empathetic smile, until she spoke. “Hola, Senorita Pallas, Soy la traductora.”
“No!” The young girl screamed, having been pushed further than she’d ever been in her sheltered life. “No castellà. Parlo català.” She was met with shocked expressions, but she could tell they didn’t know a single word she was saying past ‘no’.
“Catalan.” Lucía said shortly, taking a deep breath and trying to force the years of English to come to her brain now when she needed it most. “No Spanish.”
The professionals spoke between themselves in frenzied English, they spoke hushed, as not to bother Lucía further, not that she would’ve been able to comprehend it. Whereas she used to have a fine understanding of spoken English, despite her moderate ability to produce it, she felt like the English language had completely slipped out from her brain, like it had been washed away with her tears.
Phone in hand, the Spanish translator spoke in broken Catalan, whatever google translate could produce mixed with her own fluency of the sister language. Again they asked, this time in Spanish/Catalan hybrid: “How long have you lived in the area?”
“Des d’agost.” she answered, with the conjunction similar enough to ‘desde agosto’ that the translator understood.
“Do you know the missing subject personally? How do you know him?”
Lucía wanted to scream. Clearly they were inadequate of solving this if they’re asking someone with the same last name as Orion if she’d ever known him personally. 
“He’s my cousin, my father’s brother’s son,” she explained in Catalan, slowly so that the translator could catch up and so that she could emotionally recover between thought.
“Did you see or hear anything unusual during the annual scavenger hunt that caught your attention?”
The scavenger hunt seemed like ages ago to Lucía. She could care less about it then, and certainly didn’t think highly of it now. 
“Would you have seen the missing person if he was in the area?”
“Cosí,” she sighed, “He is my cousin. He is one of my closest friends. My heart smiles every time I’m near him. Of course I would know.”
“What were you doing at the approximate time that the subject went missing?”
“I was cooking,” she recalled, “All day long, really. In Catalonia, Easter is a major celebration. It is my first Easter away from home and I was hosting our whole family for dinner. I wanted to make all the traditional Catalan Easter dishes.”
“How long have you known the missing subject? What was his behavior like the last time that you saw him? Did he display any signs of psychotic behavior or say anything that worried you?”
“My whole life, I’m the youngest cousin of the family. We didn’t grow up together, but that didn’t matter. The few visits we had were enough. Blood is a bond.” Upon the next questions, Lucía grew fidgety. She knew the Pallas side of her family line had struggled with deeper issues in the past, but the Sabat side was very much ‘that’s none of our business’ people. Lucía had been blessed with the affluence of her mother’s family and had wanted for nothing. Psychotic behavior was not common to their picture perfect life, and it uneased her to think of the very real possibility that it was very much the opposite in her cousins. “I don’t know. I know he’s struggled in the past, but that’s not my business. I never asked. He seemed happy to me.”
“Would you term your relationship with the missing subject as positive or negative? Have you recently had an altercation with the missing subject that could have led to his disappearance?”
“Of course not,” Lucía said, disbelief that they would consider such from the freshly 21-year-old. “He’s my cousin, more like a brother now that I’m in Primm. Our bond is gold.”
“Does the missing subject have any habits or routines that you know of that his immediate family may not be aware of?”
“I am his immediate family,” she insisted. Perhaps she wasn’t by strictly literal terms, and she knew that wasn’t the main goal of the question, but she took offense at how she was being treated. She could’ve stopped to consider it was a problem of being translated from English to Spanish to broken Catalan, but tensions were high for the young girl.
“Do you have any reason to believe anyone would want to bring harm to the missing subject? Be clear and concise with your response.”
“No, cosí is a saint,” she said sternly. She was certain this had to be an untargeted act, and in a way it made her feel better to think he had chosen to hide away himself than any other alternative.
“Is there anything we should know that would help us locate the missing subject?”
She was ready to give up, to go home and cry in a ball of much softer blankets, but a thought nagged at the back of her mind and she knew she could not leave any stone unturned. Quietly, she mumbled, “I don’t know much about it, but I know his father is a bad man. My father does not like his brother, but he doesn’t talk about the extent of it.”
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nikanndros · 6 years
The Arranged Marriage AU Part 13 [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12]
Laurent is typically a heavy sleeper, but for some reason that morning he wakes up with the sun. Slivers of light break through the gaps in the curtains, and kiss the skin of his lovers. He feels very warm. Damen is sleeping on his stomach, one arm thrown across Laurent’s waist. He is exceedingly beautiful like this, dark eyelashes prominent on sharp cheekbones.
Nik is on Laurent’s other side, but Laurent doesn’t have the opportunity to admire him, as his husband’s face is pressed into the crook of Laurent’s neck. It is a surprise that he can breathe at all like that.
Clingy, Laurent thinks, and then he smiles privately to himself.
It doesn’t take long before Nik, a consistently early riser, starts to stir. He picks up his head, obscured by his mess of dark, wavy hair, and blinks blearily at Laurent.
“Good morning,” Laurent says, quietly so as not to wake Damen.
The corners of Nik’s lips tilt up. “Hello.”
“Did you sleep well?” Laurent asks him, gently tucking his hair behind one ear.
Nik makes a noise of assent. “It is late,” he says. Only Nik can see the barely risen sun as a sign of overindulgence. “I should train.”
“Yes,” Laurent replies. “I won’t love you anymore if you lose all of those ridiculous muscles.”
Nik laughs, quietly.
When he makes an attempt to get up though, Laurent stops him with a hand on his shoulder. “Stay,” Laurent says.
Nik lies back down, and presses a kiss to the side of Laurent’s face.
It doesn’t take Damen long to wake up after that, and when he opens his eyes, he smiles at them automatically. Laurent smiles back.
“Don’t you have training to rush off to, Nik?” he asks, voice rough.
“Laurent is being sweet this morning,” Nikandros replies. “It must be savoured.”
Laurent frowns. “I’m always sweet.”
“You kicked me out of bed once because you wanted to steal my pillow.”
Damen laughs. He looks so happy and comfortable in their bed that Laurent feels a little light headed. He wonders what it would take to trap him here forever.
It’s an odd relationship in the way that Laurent and Nikandros are exclusively sleeping with each other and Damianos; while Damianos is… well, Laurent doesn’t ask. Obviously Damen needs to have a wife eventually, and while he seems to like them both very much, Laurent can’t imagine that changing.
Nikandros isn’t a stranger to this. “That’s just who he is,” Nik says one evening, smiling. They’re watching Damianos flirt with a Kyros’ daughter across the hall. “He loves all of his subjects.”
“Yes,” Laurent agrees. “But you’re different, aren’t you?”
“How so?”
“You’ve been together for years. He talks to you like a lover.”
“Hmm,” Nikandros takes a peach from the table and bites into it. “Not really.”
“What do you talk about then?”
“Sports, duty, hunting,” he brushes a strand of hair back from Laurent’s face. “How lovely you are.”
“So nothing of substance then? Even when you were younger you never spoke of being - I don’t know - his primary lover? Or something?”
“You mean like Lady Hypermenestra to King Theomedes?”
“No,” Nikandros says. He looks away. “I’m more useful to the kingdom as a Kyros than a mistress.”
He puts his loyalty to Akielos before his own personal happiness. Laurent suddenly realises what a mistake his father has made, marrying Laurent off to someone with such good morals. He is glad he tore that letter, he thinks. He will see Auguste and his mother again one day but, not on his father’s call. His own loyalties have to be different now.
“What are you talking about?” Damianos says, seating himself next to Nikandros. He takes Nik’s own chalice of wine and sips from it.
“We were taking bets on whether you’d actually remember the name of the girl you were flirting with,” Nikandros says.
Damianos laughs, then looks over at the girl and back to them. “Kyra?”
“Are you asking me?”
“Kassandra,” Nikandros says.
“I was close!” Damianos declares, somehow not at all embarrassed.
“I’m not sure Kassandra would have felt the same way when you said the wrong name at your climax.” Here, Nikandros gives Laurent a look.
Laurent kicks his ankle under the table, while Damen laughs, oblivious.
“No,” he says. “I was only speaking to her because her father kept dropping hints that she’s of a marriageable age. Did you know she has four older brothers? Apparently that means she’s likely to give me a strong son.” There’s a hint of annoyance in Damen’s voice. His mother died during childbirth - people must remind him of that a lot when trying to sell their daughters to him.
“A strong son,” Nikandros repeats in a light voice. “Perhaps you should marry a Vaskian then, if that’s your goal.”
Damen is smiling again at that. “Oh, didn’t you hear? Apparently the Empress has asked to marry Kastor to her eldest daughter. Apparently his diplomatic efforts in Vask have been impressive.”
“Is King Theomedes going to allow that?” Laurent asks.
Damen shrugs. “I think if Kastor wants it, father will let him.”
“Maybe a leopard will eat him,” Nikandros considers.
Damen playfully punches Nik in the shoulder. “Stop.”
“Why don’t you like him?” Laurent asks.
“I’ll tell you later,” Nikandros says with a frown.
Damianos laughs. “He once cut off Nik’s ponytail when he wasn’t looking. We were children.”
“We were children. Kastor was old enough to know better.”
“Even I was tempted to cut that thing off. You barely combed it.”
“This isn’t about me.” Nik frowns.
“You’ve seriously held a grudge for, what, upwards of ten years?” Laurent says. “What if I cut your hair while you slept?”
“I’d sell you back to the highest bidder.’
“Who would be me,” Damen cuts in, grinning triumphantly. “You should do it, Laurent.”
“It was a mistake letting you two spend time together,” Nik says.
“So you don’t want an invitation to my quarters tonight?” Damen asks.
Nikandros looks to Laurent. Laurent smiles.
“Come to our room tonight,” he says.
Damianos smiles, bright and beautiful. “Until tonight then,” he replies. And then he kisses them both on the head and goes back to talking to his people.
Two weeks later, and Damen is spending more nights in their bed than not. Laurent starts to learn new things about him. Like that he is an early riser like Nik, but much easier to convince to stay in bed for longer. He’s also clingy in his sleep, which Laurent finds he quite likes.
One day, Laurent is watching Nik and Pallas have a practice duel in the courtyard, when a group of visitors arrive. Nik approaches Laurent, while the newcomers get off their horses and out of their carriages.
“That’s a small Lord from Aegina, Bemus,” Nikandros murmurs, because he has apparently made it his business to know everyone in Akielos that is even slightly noteworthy. “He’s a friend of the Kyros. He must have business with the King.”
Bemus dismounts from his horse and then waits for the carriage to be opened up by a servant. Out steps a beautiful woman, tall and honey blonde, her skin is almost as pale as Laurent’s. She must avoid the hot Akielon sun religiously.
“Ah,” Nik says, upon sight of her. He gestures Laurent closer. “Damen tends to get distracted a lot by people like her. Don’t take it to heart when it happens; he’ll come back to us.”
Laurent frowns.
It turns out not to be a problem, as when the woman - Jokaste - is introduced to Damianos before dinner, he greets her politely, and then spots Laurent and Nik at the table and excuses himself to approach them.
“I have missed you both,” he says brightly, confidently pushing his way in to sit between them. “I wanted us to go riding today, but father is planning a hunt for next week and he wanted my opinion on it.”
“Did that really just happen?” Nikandros asks, sounding shocked.
“What’s wrong?” Damen asks.
“That,” Nik says, gesturing in the direction of where Damen came from. “The woman, Jokaste, she is exactly your type.”
Damen looks confused for a moment and then he looks to where Nikandros had gestured. “Oh. Yes. She’s beautiful.” He turns to Laurent. “I heard that there’s a merchant in the marketplace selling books from all different kingdoms. Would you like to come pay him a visit tomorrow?”
“I’d love to,” Laurent says, smiling.
“Wonderful,” Damen says, signalling a servant for some wine.
Laurent looks at Damen’s comfort sitting between him, and then to Nik’s still shocked face. “I am rather tired tonight,” Laurent says. “Nikandros made me duel him and he wouldn’t even let me cheat.”
“That’s because you keep throwing dirt in my face,” Nik comments, dryly.
“Your actual enemies will fight dirty too, it’s better if you’re prepared for it,” Laurent comments. “But that’s beside the point. I am tired tonight, but if you would like to come to our chambers, Damen, to sleep, you are more than welcome.” Damen only sleeps in their bed on the nights that they all have sex. Laurent wonders whether he’s ever just slept with someone companionably.
“Oh.” Damen smiles. “Yes, alright.”
Laurent takes in his and Nik’s pleasantly surprised expressions and grins at them. After that, Laurent is almost certain that Damianos isn’t fucking anyone else but them because he is in their bed every night.
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freakin-edikan · 6 years
More Unpopular Smash Onions
I have a lot of Smash Onions and here are most of them in one post. Be warned it’s long and stupid
Bayonetta Should Not Have Been in Smash Ever
The whole point of Bayonetta is that she whips out these crazy combos and super strong witch tricks to defeat her opponents. The only problem is...barely anyone else can do that because they’re not supposed to because it’s Smash Bros and not Street Fighter. There was no way to nerf Bayonetta without ruining her, and there was no way to keep the Bayonetta feel and style without her dominating the game.
Cloud Should Not Have Been in Smash Ever
He was too fast, he was too strong, he had a projectile. Sakurai specifically said he knew Ike had exactly these stats when Ike was added to Brawl in 2008. He intentionally left them out so as to not let Ike become too strong. But years later, Cloud strutted into Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS with these same attributes anyway. He’s a lot more tame now, but how many Peaches had to die?
The Zelda Characters Got the Short End of the Stick
A game with 30 years of history does not deserve to be represented by three Links, two Zeldas, and one Ganondorf. It’s clear that the development team was banking on the games sticking to its Ocarina formula, which is why they tried so hard to keep all the designs from one game and didn’t introduce anyone who wasn’t a Triforce bearer. By the time they finally stumbled on the idea of giving characters designs from different games, they had run out of space for any newcomers specific to particular games in the series, and the potential for new characters had run out.
I’m aware that Zelda isn’t as popular in Japan as it is in the United States; however, seeing how big Super Smash Bros. and its audience is, I think its representation could be a little better than that.
Zelda Got the Short End of the Stick
You mean to tell me it took 17 years for someone to look at that trainwreck of a moveset and finally do something about it? Y’all ugly.
There Doesn’t Need to be 15,897 Marths
If the devs over at Sora Ltd. played their cards right, our Fire Emblem lineup could have consisted of a balance of characters and assist trophies that could show off the most prominent aspects of the series. My idea is this:
Assist Trophies
A Manakete (from any game)
A Pegasus Knight + Triangle Attack (any game but preferably the ones who made it famous—so Palla, Catria, and Est.)
A main villain (person, any game)
A main villain (monster, any game)
...and some cute lil spirits/stickers/trophies with some lore or references or something. If you ask me, we got the characters we got because of poor planning. I might not know the ins and outs of the process, but that’s what it looks like to me.
I Am Singling Out Corrin Specifically
This pick feels like an impulse because of the fact that FE14 was new, but besides that, I (a salty Peach main and Bandana Dee fan) first thought the character was busted. Never before had we a character with such ridiculous range—I thought Shulk’s energy sword Sunday was pushing it. It looks like Corrin set a precedent, though, because tall, adult characters who can reach across the entire stage seem to be the norm nowadays.
The Mario Characters are Out of Character
I think it’s telling when you can’t convey the character of Mario properly. Mario in Smash rather quickly moved away from his friendly everyman balancedness to a very aggressive, very angery Man who apparently just beats the living daylights out of people as the Smash Ultimate music blares in the background. Mario in his games is so much more friendly, eccentric, comical, fun. Smash Mario is way too serious; he doesn’t even smile in his renders anymore. I know, it’s a fighting game; you have to be serious to some extent. I just find this a little odd considering, um...
Peach was pretty similar when she first came to Melee. But when Brawl came around, her headbutt was replaced with hearts, her explosions with hearts, her diplomatic walk with a ditzy skip—it’s all incredibly suspicious. I talked about this before, but I think Smash makes Peach look dumb. I feel like it tries too hard to appeal to the girl who couldn’t pick any of the boy characters because they were icky so she picked the prettiest, girliest girl and that’s Peach. Her character feels like it’s making a mockery of her. (I mean, who remembers the tea time? I remember the tea time.) Nearly all of the nuance in Peach’s character is gone; I like the Toads and it feels like she’s commanding an army, but she herself with the rainbows and the hearts...I don’t know. It makes me. Uncomfortable. Peach has displayed far more competence before; she’s a very intelligent individual, but in Smash it’s not showing.
If I thought Peach was bad, imagine how I feel about Daisy! They barely changed a couple of animations and visuals but no attributes. It feels cheap and lazy and even though she’s an echo fighter, other “clones” had at least a little more thought put into them. And no “Hi, I’m Daisy”??? Preposterous. I think it goes to show that you really can’t make a clone of Peach because her moveset is too unique, and tinkering with it makes it fall apart. I think this was a bad call.
Bowser Jr. seems fine. He’s just a kid with some toys and it shows. Bowser...can at least walk straight, nowadays. But...
Luigi Baby I’m So Sorry That a Ugly Ass Bitch Would Even Do That
So when Smash 64 came out in 1999, Luigi had had his own voice for 3 years. Smash had decided to take Mario’s voice clips and pitch them up instead. This didn’t change until Brawl.
Luigi is Mario’s taller, slippery-er, eccentric younger brother, and Smash played the eccentric up to 11. (I mean, who remembers the Negative Zone? I remember the Negative Zone.) The hip bumps? And the weird dances? And the being able to fall over and be so round that he can just roll back up? I’ve never seen him do that anywhere but Smash. I don’t know who that is with the green hat in Smash. But it’s not Luigi.
The great thing is that he plays like Luigi! But he sure doesn’t act like it. And neither does Mario. And Mario and Luigi don’t play off each other at all, either. They’re so awkward to put together in this game; it’s like an attack on the sibling family unit.
We Don’t Stan Rosalina
We don’t stan her
“We Made Up Lore About EarthBound Hoping No One Would Notice Also We Really Like Pollyanna and the First Eight Melodies and We Exclusively Reference Mother 1 But We Still Won’t Put Ninten in This Game”
Ness is supposed to have defensive and support PSI because he has the highest physical offensive stats—and the lowest IQ—in EarthBound. He can’t use PK Starstorm, or PK Fire, or PK Thunder. He can use PSI Shield and Brainshock and Paralysis and um, PSI Rockin, and though I don’t mind using Ness and Lucas as they are now, I still can’t help but notice how inaccuracy-laden all the EarthBound references were, and that a moveset focused around trapping an opponent to go in for the beat down intrigues me.
Listen, no one else in this game has made-up lore about how their friends taught them certain moves after the end of their game, and how they channeled their big finisher into smaller bursts of energy while taking on the friend’s (much weaker!) signature move as their Final Smash. You could probably explain the magic Zelda uses as they come in crystals anyone could theoretically use, but the framing that they use for Ness and Lucas? It’s pretty silly.
Okay, about Ninten...he doesn’t have to be in Smash. But what’s the point of saying “Mother (Series)” and then making this weird conglomerate of ideas that doesn’t actually get the point across? All three games communicate very different ideas, but hardly any of what’s in Smash portrays any of it very well.
Where’s Bandana Dee
Where is he
Realistic Guns
Joker is about to enter this game with a literal fucking glock and I’m not okay
Final Smashes is the Same
It’s either a Mega Laser, a Giant Stage Hazard, a I’m Gonna Just Ram Into You Like Nobody’s Business, or a Barage of Attacks With One Final Hit. For all the crap I give Peach’s Final Smash, at least it’s different. Oh, there’s a new kind now: the We Stole Snake’s After We Thought He Was Never Coming Back And Oh God He’s Here. Oh No He’s Back. He’s Angry Oh N-
Kirby and Jigglypuff
They haven’t been great for years! I want them back to being good again.
Okay so Jigglypuff was OD’ing in Melee. But insta-death shield break just doesn’t tell me you care about them!
Speaking of Caring About Kirby
I see y’all only putting Kirby’s Adventure and Kirby Super Star content in your game. Look, whoever made Kirby 64 and friends disappeared the same year Sakurai left HAL Laboratory. The new Kirby games acknowledge all of Kirby’s history, and they take many cues from Smash. Smash is a big game, but the least it could do was reciprocate some of that.
The Music Selection is Underwhelming Me So Far
And it’s not the sheer number; I think that’s incredible. My problem is many of the songs are remixes with multiple versions. There are multiple versions of Light Plane from Pilotwings, multiple versions of Magicant, multiple Ballads of the Goddess, a billion Mario Main Themes. There are so many different musicians arranging for these games; are they all sitting there thinking “I’ll do you one better!!” making the same songs again? Some series have one song being remixed over and over while the rest of the soundtrack is just ripped from the original and chucked into the game. Other songs are just weak, which I expect, but they’re just so...mild.
The original music in Smash Ultimate I think is also pretty weak. It’s the same problem Brawl ran into and the only difference is the Ultimate themes are better orchestrated. The arrangement became stale to me and I think it’s because the game is so big that it couldn’t tie itself together as neatly as Smash 64 could (although only one, maybe two people worked on Smash 64’s music).
Stage Hazards
I don’t remember if it’s possible to turn them off but I am tired of the goddamn Flying Man.
So I think that’s about it. Thanks for reading and on the off chance that someone responds to it, you don’t have to go through the entire thing just to pick it apart bit by bit, I don’t want anyone to have to slog through that unless they want to, I guess. Happy New Year!
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philtaton · 7 years
Into You - A Captive Prince fanfiction
This is my gift for number 4, for the @capri-secretsanta​ event! My pairing of choice was my lovely princes and my prompt was the Ariana Grande song that I’m so happy I got introduced to. I wish you happy holidays!
You can also read the story on [Ao3]
Summary:  Damen is a bodyguard. His assignment: Torveld and his fiance Laurent. What's supposed to be a routine job breaks Damen's heart. The question is who will pick up the pieces.
"I have eyes on the hallway. The way to the elevator is free. Waiting for the all clear."
Damen squints his eyes, his arm stretched out to keep his clients from entering the hallway until the static sound of his communication line is interrupted by the rustling answers of his team members.
"Lobby and reception area. All clear." Makedon.
"Elevator One. All clear." Pallas.
"Elevator Two. All clear." Erasmus.
"I'm waiting in front of the building. I have eyes on the car. All clear." Nikandros.
Damen lowers his arm and glances back at his clients one last time. "Just like we discussed. Don't stall. Let's move."
It was a small group that sets into motion. Damen in the front, his focus on every movement. Behind him Laurent and Torveld with Aimeric and Lazar and, at the end of the line, Kastor to have their backs. Damen trusts his team with his life and that of his clients'. Why the hell Laurent insisted on having his own two bodyguards with him as well is beyond Damen but so far it hasn't been a problem. Only now they fall back for just a few seconds to check the very hallway Damen himself gave the all clear for.
"No stalling," Damen growls through gritted teeth and Aimeric gives him smug smile for it.
Then everything happens very fast.
Kastor himself pulls his gun, aiming at Laurent, Aimeric does the same, but with his gun held to Torveld's head. Both Lazar and Damen move into action, caught by surprise but not enough to forget their duty. The shot from Kastor's gun rings out the moment Damen pushes against his hand, the bullet hits the wall behind Laurent whose eyes widen and meet Damen's. For a moment there is genuine confusion and maybe even fear, then suddenly it's replaced by cold anger.
The second shot rings out, this one meant for Torveld who manages to twist from Aimeric's grasp. Damen screams no, but Laurent already throws himself at Aimeric, who shoots again, this time missing Laurent only by inches.
"We've been compromised," Damen yells into his earpiece, barely aware of the curses and commands Nikandros yells in response. He's too busy trying to disarm his brother who fights like a lion until Daman manages to slam his fist clean against his jaw and knock him out.
Damen doesn't hesitate. He leaves his brother moaning and barely conscious on the floor and kicks against Aimeric's hand to disarm him before he pulls Laurent up. Torveld's fiancé keeps trying to get to Aimeric and punch his lights out, but Damen holds him in a tight grasp while Torveld himself is dragged to his feet by Lazar who looks at Damen and awaits commands.
"Let's get them out of here."
They run. Torveld is too shocked and just follows Lazar quietly while Damen has to restrain Laurent every step until he's had enough and pins him against the wall.
Once more their eyes meet and Damen wants to pull back from the cold hatred. It only takes a moment though before he gets himself together and growls. "I will not risk your life for revenge, okay?"
"Fuck you," Laurent spits back. "They betrayed us!"
"I know!" Damen shouts and then deflates, even when his grip on Laurent doesn't ease up. Only his voice sounds softer – weaker – when he repeats it. "I know. But we have to get you two out of here. Just let me do my job… You two are too valuable."
Laurent scoffs and Damen can't even be mad at him for that. There is no doubt who's considered to be of value to this world. Torveld is the one who ended the war in his country, the one who is about to become President and sign treaties with both neighbor states, the one who can lead the whole continent into a stable future. Laurent? Laurent is just the brother of a King. He's a trophy. He knows it himself. The whole world knows it. And Damen knows it too.
"You don't even believe it yourself," Laurent says quietly and the fight drains out of him. "Let's go."
Damen steps back and almost wants to say something but Nik's voice asks for their status and reality hits him. He blinks slowly and motions towards the staircase as he pushes the button of his com. "We're coming."
Ten weeks. Ten weeks of asking himself why it all happened and what he could have done to prevent it. Maybe it would be different if Kastor hadn't gotten away. Like this, Damen can't ask his brother and find any answers. He only has the questions. Days of being tense and wondering if there is another betrayal right around the corner. Nights of startling awake, wondering if he missed anything.
Nothing about the situation is easy. But the remaining team stands united and somehow that gives Damen the strength to not just throw it all away and drink himself into blissful ignorance.
Rolling his shoulders, Damen slips into his suit jacket and nods at Torveld. "Ready for the evening, Sir?"
Torveld offers a smile that somehow manages to make him look desperate. "It's a celebration, right?A reason to be happy."
Damen frowns. "You're not?"
"I am… In a way," Torveld says with a shrug. "The treaty was important and now that it's signed we can finally start on the real work. But first… Champagne and handshakes. All evening. Let the fun begin."
It makes Damen chuckle and it might be the first time Torveld looks a bit more human. "Nik is waiting for you right outside. I will wait for your fiancé, Sir."
Torveld glances at the bathroom, the sound of the shower the only sound in the room. Laurent has a reputation for being fashionable late, even if it could potentially lead to a diplomatic disaster. Damen tries not to feel bad Torveld when he sighs and thanks Damen. "Don't tell him to hurry when he gets out of there. It will make him take his time."
Damen nods and watches Torveld leave, relaxing only when Nik's voice confirms that they safely made it into the ball room. Security is tight there and it's not just his own company but the intelligence service and the police as well. Damen can focus on Laurent who opens the bathroom door right that moment.
The dark towel around his hips makes his skin look even more pale and his hair is still damp. He looks bored when he plugs the hairdryer in. "Torveld couldn't wait for me, I suppose?"
Damen tries not to be annoyed. "This isn't just a party tonight. It's a symbol."
"Yes, sure," Laurent says and frowns before he picks up a small tin of lotion to tab it into the skin under his eyes. "World peace and a golden future… It all depends on brainless small talk and petite beauties laughing at jokes their husbands make. Well, petite beauties and me of course."
"You're beautiful as well," Damen says and then realizes what he just said. "I mean… You know…"
Laurent is unfazed but at least turns around to look at Damen. It's a very brief moment of attention and it makes Damen want to ask, What is it? What do you see?
But as quickly as it came, it's gone and the familiar boredom glazes Laurent's eyes over. "You can wait outside. I'll be right there."
When Laurent closes the door behind him, he looks stunning. The dark blue suit is classic, without anything special on first glance. But it fits perfectly, the cut showing off everything that is right with the young Prince and Damen can't help but think that maybe he was born and lived his life just so he could see Laurent in this suit. He stares for a moment longer than he should, then clears his throat. "Ready?"
"To drop some jaws?" Laurent says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Lead the way."
The guests start to mumble when Laurent enters the ballroom and they don't recognize how shallow his smile is as he makes his way across the room to Torveld to gently touch his shoulder and accept his glass of champagne. Damen keeps his eyes on both of them and he has to say that Laurent plays his part well. He is stunning, a revelation of elegance of beauty and everyone in the room, men and women alike, must think the same – nobody can touch this man.
But one can, and one does. Torveld is as smitten as the rest, his hand always roaming, from Laurent's arm to the small of his back, to his shoulder. He hangs on Laurent's lips whenever he talks and sometimes they share a look that shows how well they know each other. There is a certain intimacy there, but also a certain sadness. Maybe nobody else can see it, but Damen does. It's written into the way Torveld smiles as well as into the way Laurent keeps his shoulders straight.
Aside from this particular tension, the evening is easy. Security is high, but the people in the room are relaxed and the evening gets to the point where people get tipsy. Not drunk. They hardly ever get drunk on nights like this. But enough so people get bold. They flirt, with both Torveld and Laurent. Damen is more relieved than ever that he doesn't have to play this game when suddenly, Laurent excuses himself. And faster than Damen can look, he's gone.
Damen quickly goes after him and when he lost sight, he starts to run. Out of the room, down the heavy-carpeted hallway of the summer palace. He wants to call for backup when he spots the open glass door that leads out to the small balcony.
"You can't just run off like that," Damen says quietly as he approaches quietly. "You know that."
"I knew you'd follow anyways," Laurent replies somberly. "And like this at least I had a few seconds to myself."
The Prince seems… weary. Damen closes the balcony door behind him after he stepped outside. "Are you all right?"
"I want to go away," Laurent whispers. For a long moment he just stares out into the night, then he straightens up and looks at Damen before he lets out a laugh. "I don't even know why I told you that."
Damen shrugs. "I'm used to it. Bodyguards are like priests. The things I've heard…"
That makes Laurent squint and he cocks his head. "And you've never sold out anyone?"
"Why would I?" Damen asks honestly. "I'm proud of what I do, so I won't betray that for gossip."
"A noble hero." Laurent manages to make it sound not quite bitter. But it comes close. It frustrates Damen and he doesn't know what to reply. The silence takes over, but the tension dissolves and then it's just the quiet of the night mixed with the faraway sounds of the ballroom.
"I could take you away, you know?" It's an outrageous suggestion. Damen has no idea why he makes it. "We could say there was something alarming. Maybe a shady guy following you out on the balcony. And I had to get you out."
"And where would you take me? Out into the desert? To a shady motel where we drink cheap beer and watch awful TV?" There is amusement now. And a smile on Laurent's lips. A real smile.
Damen shrugs. "Why not? Except for the awful TV. We'd play cards."
Now Laurent laughs. And Damen grins. He wants to make that happen again. "Cards?"
"Well, yeah. I'm awesome at cards."
Laurent bites his lips, they look at each other. "How would you take me?"
"My motor cycle is at the back door. For a quick getaway."
A heartbeat or two. No more. And then Laurent nods. "Take me out of here."
--- It shouldn't be happening. It's crazy and wrong and it could ruin him. Who is Damen even kidding? It will ruin him. But it's also too late to turn back.
Laurent is clinging to him, Damen's leather jacket way too big on him and occasionally he will cry out, probably thinking Damen can't hear him because of the wind and the motor and the helmets. But Laurent is screaming his lungs out and Damen's heart beats faster because of it. Like watching a caged bird fly.
They really do aim for the desert. Seemingly endless roads and starlight like crystals woven into the pitch black night sky. They drive for an hour or two until Damen stops at a motel that looks like its best days have been behind it since the late 80s.
Laurent takes off his helmet and walks a few steps towards the shabby building. Damen expects a protest. Instead Laurent turns around and nods. "Perfect."
"Why did you want to leave?"
Such a simple question. And yet, it wipes Laurent's smile from his face. Damen has been trying to make it show on Laurent's face for such a long time and now it's simply gone.
"I'm not a person when I'm at those gala parties." Laurent takes another sip from his drink. It's not cheap beer, but cheap sparkling wine and Laurent has abandoned his red cup to drink straight from the bottle. "I feel like a pet."
"You're not a pet," Damen says quietly and there is this strand of hair that falls into Laurent's face. Damen tucks it behind his ear. Laurent freezes but lets it happen. "You're a person and if they treat you like that, they're all assholes."
The smile is back. Laurent drinks from the bottle again. He was right from the start, Damen thinks. It is perfect.
They return the next morning and Nikandros is fuming. Of course he is. And Torveld? Out of his mind from worry. Damen wants to explain, but Laurent steps forward.
"I panicked," he simply says. "The ordeal with the security breach… It suddenly all came up and I asked Damianos to take me out of the city. It suddenly felt like the only safe place."
Torveld sighs and he pulls Laurent into his arms. He's buying it. Nikandros doesn't.
It happens again. The next time it's a museum opening a week later and as always Laurent looks impeccable and makes sure to keep all of Torveld's acquaintances in good mood. This time he doesn't run, though. He excuses himself because of a headache. Everyone looks heartbroken, even Laurent, until Damen leads him out of the room and is about to get them a driver.
"No cars," Laurent says before Damen can get the message out. "Where's your bike? I want to rent a room again."
Sometimes rituals are born without anyone noticing it. Just because you keep doing something over and over again.
Sometimes love is the same. Just because someone makes you smile.
The first time they decide to sleep there instead of driving back, Damen doesn't like it. But he doesn't really like much about these trips. Except Laurent and the way he looks when he gets off the bike. Happy and carefree, smiling more often than not.
"They will be worried," Damen says for the tenth time. "Everyone. Torveld, my team… They'll be pissed."
"You're tired," Laurent says. "We're staying."
And so the decision is made. Damen tries not to feel grateful when he falls into bed. It's been one of those nights. One nightmare after the other. Even now the thought drives him crazy and makes him feel hot. He shakes off his jacket and closes his eyes. Then he feels a weight next to him on the bed.
When Damen looks up again, Laurent is staring at him. "Do your tattoos mean anything?"
He hesitates but then carefully starts to trace the tribal pattern that covers Damen's upper arm with his fingertips. Damen lets him.
"Some of them do," Damen says and tries not to think about his brother's name inked across his heart right next to his father's and mother's. "Most of them I just wanted because I thought they look cool."
Laurent nods. "They do. I want one too."
"Yeah?" Damen grins and props himself up on his elbows. "What do you want?"
Laurent thinks or a moment. "A kelpie."
"A kelpie?" Damen raises his eyebrows. "Seriously?"
Laurent shrugs. "Looks like a nice horse. Would probably eat you. I like that."
Damen starts to laugh and Laurent joins in. After a while, they forget why they're even laughing, they just do, until they're breathless and their stomachs hurt.
And then Laurent catches Damen by surprise.
"Thank you," he says with the kind of honesty that can't be taken for granted. "For taking me out of there sometimes. For letting me be a person for a while."
What Damen wants to say is, You're welcome.
Instead he says, "I want you to be."
They look at each other. Damen opens his mouth to say something. He doesn't. He just keeps his eyes locked with Laurent. He doesn't even breath. Not until Laurent leans in and their lips touch. It's soft and feather light.
They don't talk about it afterwards. Laurent just puts his head on Damen's chest and they both stare at the ceiling until they fall asleep.
After that, they don't just try to get away after parties, but on random days as well. Nikandros suspects something, but is smart enough not to say anything. Torveld might suspect something, but he just keeps smiling sadly. Laurent wouldn't stop anyways. That's clear to Damen at this point. He would either run with him or without him.
They always take the same room. They listen to music, create weird Spotify playlists and dance to them. They do play a lot of cards.
And they kiss. Sometimes that's all they do. And yet, they never talk about it. Not about what it means or what it could do to Laurent's life or Damen's career.
Weeks pass. Months.
Damen thinks that maybe he's falling in love.
"What do you mean, you've never been to an amusement park?"
Laurent runs his hands through Damen's hair as he straddles him on the worn down carpet of their room. "It means that it's very unprincely to do. So I never went."
"But… What?" Damen is shocked. It gets easier when Laurent kisses him. Still, as soon as their lips don't touch anymore, the shock is back. "You've never been on a roller coaster? Or on a Ferris wheel?"
"I've always wanted to be on one of those!" Laurent exclaims and his cheeks flush. "They look so amazing."
Damen wraps his arms around Laurent and their foreheads touch before he stretches his neck and pecks the corner of Laurent's lips. "I'm gonna take you some day."
"You mean when we move past this motel and just… drive into the sunset and never come back?"
Laurent is mocking him. Damen tries hard not to take it personal. There is something beyond the bitterness. Maybe sadness. Maybe longing.
"Would that be so bad?" Damen asks.
Something shifts. Laurent's shoulders slump and then he pushes himself up. "Can you take me back?"
"Laurent…" Damen is on his feet quickly and he reaches out, but Laurent looks up and suddenly he's that man from the gala party again. The one nobody can touch. Not even Damen.
"Please take me back."
After that, it's over.
There are glances, of course. And conversations. Damen is still Laurent's bodyguard after all and they work together closely. But Laurent doesn't ask for a way out anymore and Damen doesn't push.
Sometimes he thinks about it. About a love letter or a bunch of roses. Some romantic gesture that might win Laurent's heart.
But the truth is that this is a prince and Damen is a bodyguard. And what they had was a moment, nothing more. A spark.
Hope is a hard thing to kill, though. So Damen waits, patiently. He wonders if maybe some day Laurent will try to escape again, out on the balcony, then into the desert. But it never happens.
"Are you ready, love?"
Laurent turns towards the door. Torveld is on the other side, waiting for an answer. Two more months and they will be married. If nothing happens. Laurent closes his eyes. "I'll be right there in a few moments."
It's their dance by now. Torveld leaves with Nikandros, Laurent gets ready and follows with Damen. Nothing has changed in the past months. Only everything has changed the day before. Laurent can still hear the buzzing and he can still feel the pain. His shoulder is aching.
And he is nervous. Because in a way, this is how it started. With a towel wrapped around his hips and Torveld closing the door behind him.
Stepping out of the bathroom, Laurent finds Damen waiting. More often than not these days, his bodyguard has his eyes on the floor. Laurent needs him to look up now. He moves past him, to the drawer, and waits.
It doesn't take long until Damen lifts his eyes. Laurent catches him in the mirror. The frown, the confusion. "You got a tattoo?"
Laurent turns around, swallows hard. "Do you like it?"
Damen crosses the room and stares into the mirror where Laurent knows he can see the fresh ink. "It's a Ferris Wheel."
They're standing so close. "You said you'd take me some day."
Damen's frown deepens and he looks into Laurent's eyes, searching for answers. When he understands, his eyes widen. "Yes… I did."
"So…" Laurent pushes up on his toes and kisses Damen's jaw.  "Where is your bike?"
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aion-rsa · 5 years
As the Shadow Rises: Cover Reveal & Excerpt (Exclusive)
We have a first look at As the Shadow Rises, the much-anticipated follow-up to Katy Rose Pool's YA fantasy There Will Come a Darkness.
Katy Rose Pool's There Will Come a Darkness was one of the most critically-acclaimed young adult fantasies of 2019. The epic story of a prince, a killer, a leader, a gambler, and a dying girl in a world prophesied to die drew comparisons to Throne of Glass, Children of Blood and Bone, and An Ember in the Ashes, but proved to be a story all its own.
The second book in the Age of Darkness series, As the Shadow Rises, is set to hit bookshelves September 1st of this year, and we have an exclusive first look at the cover as well as an excerpt featuring characters Anton and Jude. Before you dive in, here's the official synopsis for the book:
The Last Prophet has been found, yet he sees destruction ahead.
In this sequel to the critically-acclaimed There Will Come a Darkness, kingdoms have begun to fall to a doomsday cult, the magical Graced are being persecuted, and an ancient power threatens to break free. But with the world hurtling toward its prophesized end, Anton’s haunting vision reveals the dangerous beginnings of a plan to stop the Age of Darkness.
As Jude, Keeper of the Order of the Last Light, returns home in disgrace, his quest to aid the Prophet is complicated by his growing feelings for Anton. Meanwhile, the assassin known as the Pale Hand will stop at nothing to find her undead sister before she dies for good, even if it means letting the world burn. And in Nazirah, Hassan, the kingdom-less Prince, forms a risky pact to try to regain his throne. When the forces of light and darkness collide in the City of Mercy, old wounds are reopened, new alliances are tested, and the end of the world begins.
read more: Top New Young Adult Books in February 2020
Here is the gorgeous cover...
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And here is our exclusive excerpt...
Anton sat up, gasping in the darkness. His sheets had been pushed off the bed, his neck and forehead damp with cold sweat. He raised a shaking hand to his face to wipe at a stray tear.
            The images from his dream swam behind his eyes. The Nameless Woman, his grandmother…and the Hierophant. It had felt so real, like he’d really been in that room, watching the Witnesses torture that prisoner, his screams ringing around them.
            Could it be real? Or had it been conjured from Anton’s own terror? He had never dreamed of the Hierophant in such visceral detail. Anton knew that was who the masked man was, though he’d never actually seen him before.
            But it was impossible. It was a dream, nothing more. Just his mind churning through its worst fears.
            He gazed out through his window at the black sky, cold dread pitting his stomach as he thought of what awaited him in the morning. More nightmares. More of the same. The thought of facing it again made him suddenly, impossibly weary, a kind of exhaustion that sleep could not soothe.
            What was he even doing in Kerameikos? Subjecting himself to some test devised by people who didn’t care about him, only the visions in his head, the way his grandmother had, the way his brother had, the way the Hierophant had. It didn’t matter to them what Anton wanted, and it never would. And if their digging and prodding turned him mad, they wouldn’t care, either.
            The thought came to him, sudden and inevitable—he could leave.
            It would mean at least a week’s hike in either direction—Anton wasn’t sure exactly where in the Gallian Mountains they were, but he knew if he followed the river long enough, he’d hit a coast eventually. From there, he would figure the rest out. He always did. He would be alone, but he’d been alone his whole life. Why should now be any different?
            It was supposed to be, a voice in the back of his mind whispered. This time, you were supposed to have someone to protect you.
            He shoved the thought away viciously, climbing out of bed and throwing a few changes of clothes into one of the sheets, tying it up like a sack. He slipped outside, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could, and crept across the darkened courtyard toward the barrack’s storeroom. In the absence of the fort’s usual noise, the rush of the river sounded twice as loud.
            The storeroom was unlocked, the door slightly ajar. Anton supposed that as isolated as they were here, they didn’t need to worry about petty thieves.
            Once inside, Anton tapped on the incandescent light until it illuminated the cavernous storeroom. Starting down the first row of shelves, Anton began gathering his provisions, fingers skimming the shelves and plucking out whatever looked serviceable—a few root vegetables, a skin of water, a sack of grain. He turned the corner to the next row of shelves and peered at a row of unlabeled jars. He grabbed one at random, opening the lid to sniff at it carefully.
            “Why is it,” a voice spoke from the darkness, “that whenever I can’t sleep, there you are.”
            Anton jumped, fumbling and knocking a stack of crates into the nearby shelf. The jar broke open at his feet, spilling salt grains all over the floor.
            Anton didn’t move to pick it up. Instead, he stared ahead, eyes adjusting to the dimness until he could see Jude half leaning against the shelf that ran along the storeroom’s back wall. His posture was crooked and slumped, like he was hurt.
            “You dreaming about me, Jude?” Anton asked. This was, he realized, the first time they had been face-to-face since arriving at Kerameikos. Since the Tribunal had barred them from seeing each other.
            Jude’s head lolled to the side, his gaze focused on Anton. “First the Hidden Spring,” he went on, as if he hadn’t heard him. “Then on the ship. Now here.”
            An uncharacteristic bitterness suffused Jude’s words, and there was something else about his voice that sounded wrong. As Jude lifted a jug to his lips and took a long gulp, the whole image of him came together. The heavy slump of his shoulders. The unfocused gaze. The slur of his words.
            Jude wasn’t hurt. He was drunk.
            The impossibility of this simple fact rendered Anton speechless for a long moment. He recalled the disdain with which Jude had refused even the smallest cup of wine by the crew of the Black Cormorant in Pallas Athos. Before arriving in Kerameikos, Anton had assumed all the Paladin abstained—but it was just Jude. Until now, anyway.
            In the silence that stretched between them, Jude raised the jug of wine, taking a long drink from it.
            “All right,” Anton said, kneeling at Jude’s side and gently tugging the jug away from him. “I think that’s enough.”
            Dealing with overindulgent patrons was something Anton had gotten a lot of practice at when he’d worked as a server at Thalassa Gardens. This wasn’t any different, really.
            Jude let Anton drag the jug away from him, his eyes unfocused and bleary.
            Anton set the jug down behind him. “Why don’t we get off the floor?”
            Jude wiped at the corner of his mouth with his palm. “I am exactly where I belong.”
            Anton swallowed and pushed himself to his feet. He stood there, considering Jude for a moment.
            “What are you doing in here?” Jude asked, as if the question had just occurred to him.
            “Nothing, Jude,” Anton said, hitching the sack up on his shoulder. “Go back to your room and go to sleep. You look terrible.”
            Jude’s gaze caught on Anton’s sack of stolen goods and he lurched to his feet abruptly. He stood over Anton, his cheeks flushed from the wine and his eyes burning in the dim light. “You’re leaving! You—You can’t do that. You’re the Prophet.”
            Anton set his jaw. “So?”
            “This is where you belong,” Jude said sharply. He wasn’t slurring anymore.
            “Says who?” Anton retorted, turning to leave.
            Jude spun and took a wavering step toward him. His brows drew into a taut line. “Says…me. I say. I won’t let you do this.”
            A sudden stroke of anger flared inside Anton, a spark of the resentment that had been kindling inside him since they reached Kerameikos. “Really? The drunk swordsman who can barely stand up straight is going to stop me?”
            Jude flinched and then went rigid, steeling himself.
            “You are the Prophet,” he said, raising his voice. “You are destined to fulfill the final prophecy and stop the Age of Darkness. I have spent my whole life praying for you, waiting for the day when the world would find its savior. Yet you turned out to be nothing but a coward.”
            “At least I’m not hiding down here and drowning my problems in a bottle of wine,” Anton replied evenly. “You’re the one who’s so obsessed with your duty, Jude. You know none of that means anything to me, so why should I pretend that it does?”
            Jude’s mouth twisted. “If the Prophets were still here, they would be laughing at us for ever pinning our hope on you.”
            Anger grew bright in Anton’s chest and behind his teeth as he met Jude’s blazing eyes.
            "Then find someone else,” he bit out. “Let me go, and find someone else to be a savior or whatever it is you think I am, because I never wanted any of this.”
            “There is no one else!” Jude roared, backing Anton into the shelf. The scent of sweet wine hit his nose as Jude loomed over him. “You were the one who was meant to do this! From the moment you were born, from the moment the skies lit up for you, it was always going to be you. Don’t you get that?”
            Jude’s eyes blazed like a storm. His hands gripped the front of Anton’s tunic, pinning him in place. Silence crackled between them.
            “It’s hard, isn’t it?” Anton said, working to keep his voice from trembling, willing himself not to look away from the tempest in Jude’s eyes.
            Jude swallowed thickly. “What is?”
            “To believe in something so much, only to have it disappoint you.”
            Jude made a low noise like he’d been struck. His hand fell away from Anton and he stepped back, stricken.
            A wave of guilt swelled inside Anton. He forced it down, adjusting the strap on his shoulder and turning toward the door.
            Jude’s voice sounded behind him, quiet and small. “They’re going to exile me.”
            Anton froze. He felt suddenly cold, as if a draft had whisked into the storeroom. Exile?
            In the hold of the ship Illya had imprisoned them on, Jude had been utterly defeated and without hope. That was how he looked now. Crushed. Back then, it was because Jude had thought he failed the Prophet. Failed Anton.
            “How can they do that?” he asked. “After everything you did? After everything you sacrificed?”
            “The oath of the Paladin is sacred,” Jude replied. “And I tarnished it.”
            “But you found the Prophet,” Anton argued. “They can’t just deny—” He stopped. They could deny it. Because Anton hadn’t proven himself. And without that proof, Jude’s sacrifice meant nothing. Without that proof, he had failed in their eyes.
            “The Tribunal will deliberate tomorrow, but my heart already knows what the outcome will be,” Jude said, bowing his head. “I will accept the punishment for my mistakes.”
            Mistakes. Those mistakes had put Jude in Anton’s path. Those mistakes had led to Nazirah. To the top of the tower, to the bottom of the sea. To Anton finally facing the vision that had haunted him almost his entire life.
            And now they meant Jude would lose the one thing that meant anything to him.
            “Come with me,” Anton said suddenly, the words tumbling from his mouth before he could consider them. He took a step toward him, suddenly overcome with this foolish, reckless possibility. “Jude—come with me. Leave before they can make you.”
            But when Jude raised his eyes, Anton saw the hollow resignation in them.
            Keeper or not, Jude would stay. He would accept whatever the Order decided because nothing was more important to him than his duty.
            Not even the Last Prophet.
As the Shadow Rises is now available for pre-order. It is slated to be released on September 1st, 2020.
Kayti Burt is a staff editor covering books, TV, movies, and fan culture at Den of Geek. Read more of her work here or follow her on Twitter @kaytiburt.
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Feature Kayti Burt
Feb 21, 2020
Young Adult
Fantasy Books
from Books https://ift.tt/32dT8Vm
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rudra-writes · 5 years
Pallas and Telurin - Human mafia AU (Part 4)
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An alternate universe scenario written with Telurin’s player. Telurin Lenkov, avtoritet and bodyguard in the Russian mafia, protects a young barista named Pallas LeCherie, and his mother and sisters, from a predatory loan shark.
Pallas bikes home that night as fast as he is able, pedaling frantically in the hope of reaching his residence before Telurin's men did. He reaches his address, leaps off of his bike and runs up the steps, pulling open the door in haste.
His mother and sisters are watching television while a chicken roasts in the oven. She takes one look at Pallas's face and frowns. "Pallas, what is the matter?"
Pallas steps into the room, looking around as if he expected strange men to emerge out of the shadows. "Has anyone come by this evening?"
Lyra eyes him critically. "Why, is your Russian boyfriend coming over?"
"What--No!" Pallas makes an exasperated gesture. "No, he is not coming over."
Just at that point, there’s a knock at the door. On the other side are two men, each similarly dressed to Telurin in all black suits. Standing side by side as they are, they could be brothers, they move so similarly. Despite being clearly muscle for the Bratva, neither of them look particularly hardened, and they both look fairly open and friendly as they wait for someone to answer the door.  
Pallas's breath catches in his throat at the abrupt knock. He, his mother, and his two older sisters all exchange glances with one another.
It's Lyra who breaks the silence first, her eyes sliding towards Pallas. "...So who is that?"
"I'll answer it," Pallas replies decisively, nodding to his mother. Even though he's so willowy, he feels the urge to protect his family the best he can. His mother looks baffled, but doesn't try to restrain him from moving back out towards the entryway.
Pallas squints through the peep-hole, and his stomach immediately does a flip when he sees two men that must have been sent by Tel. Should he let them in? If he pretended they weren't home, surely they would have to leave?
Pallas stands with his hand resting on the doorknob, breathing deeply with his face turned downward. He's completely lost in his thoughts for several seconds, before slowly turning the knob, opening the door a small ways.
His large blue eyes seek out the faces of the two men. "...Hello?"
The slightly older, more sincere one answers first, while the younger and prettier one just lets his eyes rake across Pallas’s body and offers the same sort of wolfish smile Telurin gives when he looks at Pallas.
The older one elbows him sharply in the ribs and says something in Russian too quick to be understood by anyone but Sioraan, who rubs his side.
“Ah! Good evening, you must be Pallas.” says the first, with a sincere smile and an outstretched hand. “I am Metuu Kozlov, and this rapscallion is Sioraan Vasiliev. The Avtoritet sent us. Telurin? Mind if we take a look around right quick? Ask a few questions? Then we’ll be out of your hair, till you or one of your family wants to go out.  Avtoritet’s taking care of your guy as we speak, but he wants to be sure that you and your family are safe for a few days, so we’ll be your bykis for a day or so.”
Metuu's professional manner helps set Pallas slightly more at ease. He eyes Sioraan uncertainly, then turns back to Metuu, accepting the other man's hand and shaking it with as much bravery as he can muster. Metuu’s grip is firm but not crushing, considerate of Pallas’s smaller stature.
"Yes, I know Telurin. He told me to expect you." Pallas can feel his knees trembling in spite of himself.
He turns to his mother, who has joined him at the door and is looking quizzically at her son. Lyra, meanwhile, seems to think this is awesome. "Whoa, Pallas, what kind of people are you meeting at the Blue Rose?"
Sioraan’s eyes flick from Pallas, to the older woman at his side who must be his mother, to the girl who spoke. He drops his wolfish smile for a pleased, self satisfied smirk as he meets Lyra’s eyes. “The useful kind.” He says with a lilt.
"He's going to help us," Pallas tries to explain. "Telurin. He..." He looks apologetically at his mother, and sighs. "I know you didn't tell me about the people who were following you, but... I was worried." His expression turns sheepish.
His mother sighs. "Pallas..." She looks up at Metuu and Sioraan waiting on the doorstep, and waves them briskly inside. "Come in, come in! Will you gentlemen be staying for dinner?"
Metuu watches the exchange with amusement, sitting back on his heels once he’s past the door. Sioraan following him and gestures to Pallas with a jerk of his head for him to shut the door. “What I think your son is trying to say is that the Avtoritet’s the sort to see things through. Sio and I are just here to get a layout of the house, ma’am, and to introduce ourselves so that you aren’t concerned if you see us about in the next few days. We wouldn’t want to impose on your time with your family.”
Lyra looks up at Sioraan. "Have you killed people before?"
"Lyra!" her mother scolds.
“Ahw, that’s alright Mrs. LeCherie, she’s just curious.” Sioraan says with a wink to Pallas’s mother before offering a grin to Lyra. “But it’s not the sort of conversation one has when first meeting, yes? If I say no, well, maybe you don’t believe me to be a good byki, and if I say yes… perhaps I am too good a byki, eh?”
"We have popsicles." Stephanie helpfully offers from further inside.
“You do?” Metuu says, going over to the littlest one and crouching down to be on her level. “Did you know popsicles are my favorite? I like the orange ones the best.”
Sioraan just rolls his eyes, and looks between Pallas and his mother. “The real reason I’m here - Met, job first, then you can see about being their ‘sitter.” He claps the other man on the shoulder as he passes, prowling through the apartment with a predatory efficiency, noting window placements and furniture layouts.
Metuu sighs and looks at Stephanie apologetically. “He’s right you know. No popsicles on the job, but thank you for offering.” He says politely before getting up and following Sioraan through the rooms.
Pallas's mother seems to be taking having two strange men comb through their home far better than Pallas himself. She puts her hands on her hips and sighs as Metuu politely declines dinner. "Well if you must, but I have an entire chicken in the oven, it's the least we can do to repay you." She seems more exasperated with the idea that they wouldn't accept an offer of hospitality than the fact that they dropped by unannounced.
“Maybe another time Ma’am.” Metuu says, giving her an apologetic look. “We’re only here to match the rooms with the windows, you see.”
Pallas watches Sio prowl around their humble apartment with a sense of dread.
Lyra follows a few steps behind Metuu. "Since when does the mafia care about our problems? Hey that's my room, that's off limits." She frowns at the prospect of either of them going inside. "Go check out Pallas's room, I'm sure it's really important to see his."
Metuu turns toward Lyra as Sioraan grins and ducks into Pallas’s room. “Lyra, is it?” He says, addressing the girl directly. He tries his best not to scare her, and look friendly as he continues. “I don’t need to go into your room, but I do need to know where the window is in relation to the bed. How about I just look from here, and you open the door, ok?”
"Hey!" Pallas looks vaguely affronted as his room is also scoped out. His possessions include books, a small personal computer, a desk loaded with art supplies, band posters on the walls, and a guitar. The middle daughter meanwhile is keeping the youngest occupied and out of the way, the noise of their playing audible in the background.
Lyra looks suspiciously at Pallas. "You have some explaining to do."
"What do I have to explain?" Pallas exclaims. "All I did was serve him, er, Telurin, coffee and breakfast, it's my job to do that."
Sioraan snorts as he exits Pallas’s room. “Yeah? Well, there’s gotta be some reason Telurin’s sticking his neck out for ya, besides that pretty face of yours.”
“Sio!” Metuu warns sharply. “You may be with the Pakhan, but that does not mean I won’t report you to Telurin if you don’t cut it out.”
Sio just waves him off. “Yeah, yeah. We done?”
“Yeah.” Metuu says, his jaw set. His tone softens once again as he turns to address Mrs. LeCherie. “We’ll be out of your way now, ma’am, though don’t worry if you see either of us around the next couple of days, alright?”
Pallas is somewhat taken aback by Sioraan's words. Some reason Telurin is sticking his neck out besides his 'pretty face'? What kind of reason could that be?
Pallas's mother politely escorts the two men to the door, bidding them farewell, then hustles into the kitchen before something burns.
"So tell me more about this Telurin. Is he a friend of yours?" She questions Pallas as the five of them have dinner.
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years
Ares and Athena through the years - Ch. 22
Chapter twenty-two: Apollon's birthday
It was rare, that Ares and Apollon actually got along.
But their roles in the Trojan War four hundred mortal years earlier had given them a thing or two to bond upon.
Today was Apollon's birthday.
The god of light, music, healing and plagues made surprisingly little fuss about it, considering how often he insisted on being in the centre of attention, like the pretentious prick he often was. Yet, when it came to celebrating the anniversary of the day he was born, he asked for it to be treated like any other day. He never threw a party or allowed the others to throw him one, though he did accept birthday gifts and wishes. He didn't even remind people, that it was his birthday. Which was why it happened sometimes, that one god or the other completely forgot about it.
Ares wasn't one of those gods – he always remembered his siblings' and half-siblings' birthdays, every single one. That was his subtle way of showing, that he cared.
And that was why today he was himself to sit with his half-brother and endure his fancy and pretentious music, even though he hated it. Ares liked the sound of war flutes and Spartan war drums, but apart from that, music wasn't his thing at all.
The Mousai weren't present (they were busy spreading inspiration on earth), so the two so opposite half-brothers were alone – except for all the animals, who had heard Apollon's music and had gathered to listen. The god just had that inviting and calm vibe, that drew animals in, especially when he sang and played his lyre. Ares on the other hand had a farouche and cold aura, which kept most at a distance.
When an old she-wolf placed her head onto Apollon's lap, he paused his music for a moment.
“Hello there, old girl”, he chuckled and fondly stroked her head.
Ares couldn't help but sigh in relief, because he had been close to falling asleep from the lulling music.
Apollon looked up. “Ares, you don't have to sit here and listen to me. I know you don't like my kind of music.”
“Meh, it's fine”, Ares assured him. “Just thought I might as well relax a little.”
The younger god smiled: “If it's relaxing enough for you to fall asleep, I do not mind. Besides, you look like you could use a nap. And a make-over.”
The war god blinked. “Huh? Do I have bags under my eyes again?”
“And dark rims. Also a few frowning wrinkles here and there. You look like an overworked middle-aged mortal.” The blond handed him a mirror.
Ares beheld his own reflection and laughed: “Oh fuck, you're right! I look like shit!”
He concentrated on his reflection, his face freshened up and he looked as youthful as gods were supposed to (though he still looked older than the other second generation Olympians).
“Better”, the war god nodded in satisfaction. “An' don't worry, Sunny. I'm fine. I just didn't get any sleep last night, no thanks to Zeus an' Hera.”
“If you say so”, the god of healing said doubtfully.
“Trust me on that”, Ares assured the younger man, despite both of them knowing, that he was lying – the fact, that he was referring to his own parents by their names gave it away. But the god of truth had the tact to accept the lie without back talk.
“I still think you should treat yourself to a day off for self-care, though.”
“Ya know I take care of myself as best as I can. I treat my body like a temple.”
“That's true”, the other admitted. “You have your physique to show for it.”
“Damn right.” Ares grinned and elbowed him playfully. “Admit it, ya like my looks. I've seen ya checkin' me out.”
“I wouldn't deny it, even if I could”, Apollon admitted candidly. “You are quite a handsome man – but also really unlikeable. So do me a favour and don't think I'm into you, just because my eyes have been wandering.”
“Rest assured, I don't”, the older god replied. “I wouldn't want ya to be anyway. Ya know how I feel about gettin' involved in that stuff. Speakin' o' which …”
“When are ya gonna tell Hermes?”
The blond blushed bright scarlet and began to stutter helplessly, until Ares finally took pity. “Never mind, just take yer time. There's no such thing as bein' too prepared, after all.”
Apollon arched an eyebrow. “That's coming from the war god, who rushes into battle and immediately starts slaughtering people left and right, without so much as an actual plan?”
“We're not talkin' about my main job here”, Ares retorted. “I separate my work from my private life. My work is wreakin' havoc among mankind an' bringin' war, as well as performin' the duties of a crown prince – ya know, representation, paper work, all that jazz.”
Awkwardly, Apollon rubbed the back of his neck and admitted sheepishly: “I always forget that you're the crown prince and how dutiful you really are – how much father trusts you with.”
Ares shrugged: “It's okay. Besides, the fewer people know, how much I know, the better. I don't need them pesterin' me with questions about stuff I've sworn to be silent about.”
The blond smiled wryly. “Pretty ironic, how much we know and how little of it we're allowed to tell, isn't it?”
“It is”, Ares agreed. “An' you've seen how Daddy's Owl of all gods failed miserably to handle my princely duties; how she got us into trouble with the Romans.”
Apollon shook his head. “I can't believe she failed at that. Of Pallas Athena, one would expect that she's careful and tactful.”
“Don't blame her”, Ares told him. “She's got the brains for it alright. What she lacks is experience. An' she never got the chance to get it, 'cause I'm not allowed to talk to anyone about it, let alone tell 'em how that stuff works. That stuff is confidential, it's between Zeus, grandaunt Thémis an' me, just like the works of fate are between him and you. There was no way she could've known, especially with how introverted she is.”
“I suppose you're right”, the younger god relented. “But still … you saw them back then. They were so … it was as if they were just waiting for an excuse to come at us.”
“Oh trust me, they were!”, Ares grumbled. “I've been dealing' with them for many centuries. The empire they're dreamin' of is yet to come, yet they're already itching to subjugate the entire Mediterranean, like the hubristic and power-hungry fucks they are (especially Mars – ugh, I hate that arsehole!). Even though as to date Roma is just a small city in Italy, they already act like they own the world- hey, Apollon, are you okay? Shit, what's wrong, you're shaking!”
“Ares … did you hear, what Mars said, before you interrupted?”
“I came right in as he was getting into my mother's face and started to brag about their so-called glorious future.”
“And he said, that he and his pantheon could always fix their problem of not having a god like me … Ares, you should have seen his face!”
“Oh, I did!”, the older god snarled. “And I swear on my immortality, if the situation hadn't been so dire, I would've run a spear through him right then and there!”
“I've seen the future”, Apollon choked out – he was obviously on the verge of tears. “I've seen what is going to happen. The Roman gods and their mortals are going to … they're going to … oh Khaos, I'm frightened!”
“Hey! Hey!”
Before the light god could have a full-on panic attack, Ares grabbed his shoulders.
“Stop!”, he ordered, calmly but sternly. “Look at me. Deep and slow breaths, do you hear me? Deep an' slow.”
Wanting to help a little more, he allowed Apollon to lean into him. Ares hated body contact, but his younger half-brother needed the physical proximity right now. So he sucked it up and gently rubbed the other's back, as the blond sobbed into his shoulder.
“Shhhh …”, he murmured, “Yes, that's right … just breathe. Listen, okay? Whatever scares you, it's yet to come. It's far ahead. Focus on the now. You're safe. You're with family. No one can hurt you now. Everyone and everything's alright. Shhhh …”
Somewhere along the line, the animals that were still here drew nearer and nuzzled the blond, sensing his distress in the way that only animals really could.
Ares couldn't help but chuckle at the display. “Animals really love ya, huh?”
“So what?”, Apollon grumbled defensively. “Not everyone can be the unapproachable, stoic guy you are!”
“You flatter me, but I wasn't making fun of you. Here …” The black-and-red-haired god charmed a box of tissues into his hand and offered it to the other. “Want some?”
The Archer accepted the tissues and dabbed his face. “Thanks. Crap, that was pathetic …”
“Don't say that. It's not pathetic to be scared of the future – especially, if you know how shitty it's gonna be. But if you let it distract you from the present, it'll hurt you and ruin your life. So let's not talk about the future anymore, hm? After all, today's your birthday.”
He felt the younger god sigh into the crook of his neck.
“You're right. Thank you, Ares. For being so understanding.”
The war god chuckled: “Hey, we may not get along most of the time, but you're still my brother.”
“Half-brother”, Apollon corrected. “Do you remember, how you used to remind me of that all the time? How you always called me 'bastard', 'whoreson' and other charming things like that, and used the epithets 'Letoides' and 'Latôios'¹ in the most derogative manner you could?”
Ares laughed sheepishly: “Oh yeah. I did that, didn't I? Sorry for that.”
He could hear the smile in Apollon's voice, as he accepted the apology.
Eventually the light god backed away. “I think I'm better now. Thanks again. I really needed that, I guess.”
“Yeah, I could tell. An' you're welcome.” Then he had an idea and smirked lopsidedly: “So, Sunny. Wanna hear somethin' crazy?”
The younger god shrugged: “Sure, what is it?”
“Has anyone ever told you I can actually sing?”
Apollon chortled: “Yeah, right! I'll believe it when I hear it!”
The older god's grin widened: “Play one of those cheerful dancin' songs you always perform at Dionysos' parties. And I'll sing to it.”
Apollon grinned back and picked up his cithara. “Alright, Andreiphontês². Show me what you've got!”
Athena was making pottery again.
Apparently Zeus and Hera had had another vicious domestic and a lot of earthenware had got shattered. So they needed new vases and pots.
With a sigh she molded the rim of the pot.
Really, when would her father and his wife finally get to their senses and get marriage counselling or something like th-
Athena yelped in surprise, as Hermes bust through the door, and accidentally squashed the still soft clay pot, rendering her work for nothing.
“Thanks a lot, Hermes! Now my work is ruined and I have to start all over!”, Athena snapped, scrapped the clay and angrily threw it into a bucket of water.
“I'm sorry”, he mumbled in the smallest voice she had ever heard him speak with.
That made her sit up more straightly.
“What do you want, Hermes?”, she sighed. “Please make it quick, because Zeus and Hera are going through earthenware like papyrus and I have a lot of work still ahead of me.”
The goddess's bright blue eyes narrowed. “You better not walk away like 'it wasn't important after all', after you made me ruin my own work! You busted in here and yelled at me to help you, so whatever it is, spit it out!”
“I … I just … want advice for a present.”
Athena blinked and tilted her head. “Present?”
“Yes … present. Because today is Apollon's birthday.”
Forgotten was the ruined pot.
It had almost slipped her mind (just almost, but still), that there was a birthday today (because for some incomprehensible reason Apollon insisted, that the mortals should celebrate his birthday, but not his fellow gods). He didn't even bother to remind others, when it was his birthday, even though it clearly hurt him, when they forgot.
“You want my advice on what you should gift him?”, Athena queried, as she washed her hands. “Listen, I may be the goddess of good counsel, but you know Apollon much better than I d- oh no, Hermes, no! Don't give me that look! Stop it! Stop giving me those puppy eyes! Anything but those damn puppy eyes!”
“Pweeeeaase”, Hermes whined and the puppy eyes intensified.
She sighed and dried her hands off. “Alright, fine. Well, I think you should give him something useful. Something he could use in everyday life. Hmm … he already has a lot of tunics and brooches and so on … oh, how about a hairband? With his impossibly long hair, he could always use one. Wait, I think I have a few pretty ones …”
She went over to her cupboard, got a wooden box from it and put it onto the table. “Here you go. You can pick two out of these – only two”, she added warningly, when Hermes eyed the hairbands with a scheming expression.
The god of thieves huffed, but began to search through the bands for two he deemed good enough.
But he seemed to have trouble deciding. “I don't know, they're all so pretty …”
“Pick something that fits his hair and eye colour”, Athena advised.
Hermes muttered under his breath, as he rummaged through the box.
Eventually he gasped and picked out two hairbands – both ruby red with golden embroidery.
“Ohhh, these are perfect!”, he squealed in delight. “They'd look so beautiful in his hair! Thank you so much, Athena! You're the best big sister! Oh boy, I hope he likes his birthday present! Bye!”
Then he made off with the new hairbands.
The goddess of wisdom sighed and inspected the box, if more than two hairbands were missing. And sure enough, that little bastard had stolen three: a dark green one, a bright blue one and one coloured like bronze.
The black-haired woman shook her head with a fond sigh.
That silly, little kleptomaniac …
Hermes hurried across Olympos, eager to deliver his own present.
It took a while to find the person it was intended for.
To his great surprise, he found Apollon sitting with Ares on the sill of a large window.
To his even bigger surprise, Apollon was playing his lyre and Ares was singing to it.
That sight was absurd in a lot of ways, last but not least because of the fact, that those two almost never got along and had absolutely nothing in common, save their father and their terrifying anger.
Hermes hid behind a pillar and spied on the two from behind it.
The two so different half-brothers seemed to be having fun.
Something about this bothered Hermes. A lot.
Why are these two sitting so close together, why are they genuinely laughing with each other, why are they smiling like that, since when do these two make music together, Ares doesn't even like music, this makes no sense whatsoever, since when does Ares even like spending time with Apollon, hey you big bully, get away from my beautiful sunshine, wait, when the fuck did I start thinking like that, what the fuck is even going on here-
Luckily, before the brunet could rile himself up he remembered, that Ares was very much straight and Apollon wasn't into people with Ares' demeanour.
Hermes giggled. Silly him! He'd been jealous, just because those two were getting along for a change!
Apparently the two men had heard his giggling, because they abruptly stopped their music and looked around in alarm.
“Did ya hear that?”, Ares noted.
“Yes, and I do hope that was just Hermes”, Apollon remarked.
“SURPRISE!”, Hermes shouted, jumping out of his hiding place.
The other two men screamed and Apollon dropped his lyre in shock. The animals that had been chilling with them, hurried to escape the perceived danger.
“Yes, for shame!”, Apollon gasped out. “That was uncalled for, Hermes!”
“Are you kidding?”, Hermes cackled, “That was a riot! You should have seen your faces-” But his laughter died instantly, when he saw Ares' dark expression.
“No, squirt, seriously! That wasn't funny! Sunny Boy had a mental breakdown earlier! His nerves are still raw as fuck and the last thing he needs is to have the crap scared out of him!”
The Messenger blanched, tackled hugged the blond god and grabbed his face.
“What happened?! Please tell me!”, he pleaded.
“Hermes, let go, I'm okay now-”
“No, you're not!”, Hermes cut him off. “Look at you, you're still so pale! Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that!”
“It's nothing, I'm better now, really”, the older god tried to reassure him. “Would you please let go of my face?”
“Oh. Sorry”, the brunet muttered and complied. “Can you tell me what happened now? And how you two of all gods could … uh …”
“Sit together an' actually have some fun?”, Ares supplied.
The Messenger nodded: “Yeah. That.”
“Eh, we just bonded over confidential business – and no, I won't tell ya what it was”, Ares added pointedly, when the other opened his mouth. “I just said it was confidential. And everybody knows that you can't keep a secret for shit, unless we make ya swear the Stygian Oath. So, sorry. Not tellin'.”
Hermes frowned.
He hated when others had secrets from him, especially Apollon.
The god of sunlight, truth and prophecy was actually incapable of lying, so his only other option was to either speak in riddles, or fall silent altogether. It didn't matter what option Apollon chose, because being unable to be open always took a great toll on him.
By contrast, Ares was a natural; he dodged, lied, cheated, countered any attempt at prying and feigned ignorance, like it was second nature to him (which Hermes was sure it was). What he refused to reveal, people would never know.
But this time, much to Hermes' relief, Apollon told Ares, that it was fine.
Ares shot him a doubtful look, but told Hermes: “He's seen the future and it fucks him up, because the future sucks and the Roman gods do too. That's all I can say.”
The Messenger nodded, knowing he would have to make with that answer. “Alright. Whelp, I'm sorry for my crappy timing. Should I come back later?”
Apollon smiled: “No, no. Stay here. Let's talk about more pleasant things. What did you come here for?”
“Oh, right!”, Hermes cried and flashed the blond a mischievous grin.
The blond's golden eyes narrowed. “What are you plotting, you little cattle thief?”
The brunet laughed: “Just hold still and close your eyes!”
Apollon arched an eyebrow, but complied.
The younger god giggled and lost no time in tying up the other's long hair with the new red ribbons. They really did go perfectly with those golden curls.
“What are you doing?”, the older god demanded to know.
“Just you wait … there! All done!”
Apollon opened his eyes and blinked in confusion, as Hermes held a mirror in front of him and one behind his head.
“Look! I got you new hair ties! Aren't they pretty?”
The brunet didn't fail to notice, how the cutest blush ever spread over the older god's pale face.
“Yes … yes, they are”, Apollon said and turned his head to smile at his younger half-brother. “Thank you, Hermes. I love them.”
“Happy birthday, Sunshine!”, the Messenger laughed happily and gave the other a warm hug.
Suddenly there was a click – reminding both, that Ares was still here. And currently smirking at them from behind his camera.
“You two are hopeless!”, the black-and-red-haired god snickered and put his camera back into the bag he always carried about.
Apollon began to stutter in embarrassment, while Hermes just stuck his tongue at his oldest half-brother.
“Oh shut up, you mystery-monger!”, the brunet retorted. “You hate music and I still caught you sing with him earlier! Speaking of which …”, he smirked, “… I didn't know you can sing! You sure have an amazing singing voice for someone, who despises musical activities! What a hidden talent you are!”
“If you tell anyone, that you heard me sing, I'll rip out your tongue!”, the war god snarled.
Hermes put his arms up. “Alright, damn! Relax! I was joking! Seriously, I don't see what your problem is!”
“To be honest, neither do I”, Apollon agreed.
Ares huffed: “Ya mean, apart from the fact, that I'm the god of terrible war an' singin' pretty songs doesn't fit into my reputation? It annoys me, when people ask me to sing for them. I know I can sing, but it's not really a hobby of mine. My hobbies are … ya know …”
“Blood and thunder!”, Hermes groaned. “Yes, we all know it!”
The war god grinned from ear to ear. Then he stood up. “Anyway, gotta go. Bye!”
Apollon jumped up. “Wait! You can't leave me here alone with him!”
The red-eyed god cackled: “Oh, I can and I will!”
“You're pure evil!”
“I'm necessary evil! Happy birthday, Sunny Boy!”
“Why, you old-!”
“Now, now! Let's not stoop to the level of petty insults! Have fun, ya love birdies!”, Ares sang. Then that belligerent arsehole flew up and away, leaving behind two furiously blushing Olympians.
But once they recovered, Apollon turned to the Messenger and grumbled: “I'm telling you, Hermes, he's pure evil!”
“A first class jerk!”, Hermes agreed. “Still, did he give you anything for your birthday?”
Apollon's expression softened instantly and he nodded, smiling.
In that moment the brunet understood.
To spend some time with the blond and let him talk about his cares: that had been Ares' birthday present.
1) Letoides/Latôios: Son of Leto (one of Apollon's epithets) 2) Andreiphontês: Men-Destroyer (one of Ares' epithets)
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hereticaloracles · 8 years
Full Moon in Virgo- Redeemed
“Redemption is not perfection.  The redeemed must realize their imperfections.” – John Piper
Effective Date- March 12th 2017
Helios’ Astrological Angle on the Full Moon in Virgo– I know, I know; I’m not ready for another one of these either. The astro doesn’t wait for us to be ready though, it’s our job to keep up with it. These past eclipses were brutal, both in very different ways. The Leo eclipse we soared so high and then came crashing down hard; during the Pisces eclipse we drowned under our emotions and were crushed by the pressure we were putting on ourselves. The eclipses made us new again, even if it feels like they just left us for dead right now. So where do we go from here?
Artemis’ Tarot Take on the Full Moon in Virgo–  Where the hell is all this drama coming from?  Seriously, try as hard as you might, it keeps popping up at every friggin’ corner.  You attempt and do the right thing and suddenly you are being cursed, or try and help a friend who is desperately in need and screw over the both of you in the process.  It’s like everyone wants to be of help but we’re all building sandcastles at high tide.  We have been spit out of a vortex after these full moons; lost, bombarded, beaten, branded and hung up to dry with a crown of thorns.  But here is our redemption, Heretics.  Although Pisces season has been a fucking mess, we were put here so that we may receive vision (like watching a film you can’t participate in).  And now that we have seen what it is that we needed to see, this is our chance to take control; in the most precise and surgical manner.
The Sun & Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto– This is some powerful astro. It is unforgiving and clinical, like a surgeon removing a tumor from her patient. This astro has a job to do, and it is damn sure going to do it, come hell or high water. The main goal of this Moon is to strip away the old layers of you that you have outgrown, so that you can grow into who you have become. Make no mistake, this will be painful. You will want to fight this process, but doing so will only prolong your suffering. You have to embrace the change, you cannot be a rock standing in the sea being battered by the waves forever; Eventually something has to give, and it is never the waves of change that quits in the end. Your commitment to your path will be questioned, but you will also be reinvigorated. Use this second wind to the fullest, and get to work.
This eclipse will bring up all sorts of fun issues, thanks to Chiron. There’s a method to his sadism though- Your old wounds need to be opened up and the infection excised before you can heal. You need this, and you need it now. Your pain right now shows what you are outgrowing, you are experiencing resistance that must be broken through. Stay aware through the process, and choose to be kind to yourself while you go through this. It will take fortitude, and you will suffer. Don’t add to your suffering by choosing to judge yourself for situations beyond your control. You are not all-powerful, and therefore you should not try to take all the problems of the world onto your shoulders. Let go of the urge to solve every problem on your own. By the way, this is not the end for you- You have a greater role to play yet, but to get there you have to go through some hard times and face rough truths about yourself. Allow me to let you in on one for free- Your urge to sacrifice yourself for some greater purpose is both cowardly and selfish, and comes from a place of self-loathing where you don’t even see yourself as worthy of the gift of life. This must be overcome, and overcome quickly. Treasure your life, your experiences, and the stories you have yet to live. (Minor Planets used: Chiron, Pallas Athene, Vesta, Eris, Asclepius, Kassandra, Siva, Heracles, Thereus, Iris, Icarus, Deucalion, Cyllarus, Nemesis)
The Sun (Strength) & Moon (7 of Swords), Jupiter (9 of Wands), Uranus (4 of Swords), and Pluto (The Moon)–  Well here is the good news you have been desperately searching for, Heretics, but it comes in the form of medicine that is also hard to swallow.  You will be able to heal during this moon, but you have to heal thyself.  Everyone is suffering quite considerably at this time, but we are in Venus + Jupiter retrograde territory, and all of your nurturing must be turned inward.  When you are all at the point of collapse, you cannot take another task over your shoulders, Atlas.  You must start dismantling your issues one by one, piece by piece, through a very structured plan of attack.  All of your issues cannot be wiped out all at the same goddamn time.  Virgo knows this more than anyone.  There is a process and this will require patience and it will require you actually giving a shit about yourself.
They have systematically broken us down.  They have given us monsters to fight that seem unfamiliar to our DNA.  We are use to seeing the whites of our enemies eyes, but now we fight puppets and ghosts and machines; so we assume there really are no enemies present.  But why do we constantly feel in danger?  We are being struck from all sides to remain complacent and to destroy our healthy egos – fuck no – you must be a warrior for yourself.  You cannot add yourself to the list of your enemies!  You have been told you are your debt, your diplomas, your “accomplishments” in this world devoid of real meaning.  But these are all figments, Heretics.  These are all distractions from the true work of the present and our real reason for being in this reality.  These are charges that have been put up against us so that we can remain in a cyclical imprisonment with the demi-gods of our world.  This moon is offering us the opportunity of “radical self healing,” but the tricky part is you have to be your own surgeon.  And that is going to require some fucking concentration like you’ve never mustered before.  You run the risk of bringing yourself or others under if you do not allow for this self healing.  This applies for your loved ones as well.  They must learn how to stand on their own two feet or they will constantly need others in order to survive.
During this time there will be ghosts from the past.  These will come in the form of wounds that still need to be healed and transformed in order for you to regain your personal power.  It could be your mother finally messaging you after 2 years of both of you not speaking, or an old lover coming back to ask for closure.  The form will be a physical manifestation of  your psychic wound, and it is being handed to you so that you can finally mend.  This full moon / sun combo will be on the north and south nodes.  So just like the last new moon, we will be dealing with a lot of past karma here.  Your task is to not run and hide, but meet these issues head on and perform your radical self healing.  You will gain a hard won “tradition/adaptation” from this (9 of Wands as Jupiter).  Your suffering hasn’t been for naught, Heretics.  Your suffering has been a sort of boot camp getting you ready to receive a new super power – so to speak.  Are you ready to pull the sword out of the stone and take responsibility?  Or will you keep running from your fate and karma?
Mercury and Saturn– This is an excellent time to plan, and plan big. This configuration is great for finally pulling your head out of your ass and getting your shit together, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. You want big things, the best that life has to offer, but it is not going to just fall into your lap; You need to work for it, and work hard (as it says in the gospel of the great prophet Britney, chapter 12 verse 27 “You betta work bitch”. Praise the Holy Spearit). Your greatest resistance to your goals comes from within you, and the feeling that deep down you do not deserve what you are striving for. You have to claim your mantle for yourself, and let go of these feelings of inadequacy and inauthenticity. You are the real deal, now start acting like it! (Minor Planets used: Sedna, Varuna, Hebe, Klotho, Rhiphonos, Rhadamanthus, Hidalgo, Osiris)
Mercury (2 of Pentacles) and Saturn (8 of Wands)–  So Virgo is usually associated with the angels.  Most people think Angels are nice.  They aren’t.  They are dicks, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take their advice.  In the end, they have the “divine purpose” in mind, and they are doing what they need to do because it is necessary not because it is kind.  It takes a cold, rigid blade to cut out a tumor, and love comes in a solid form as well.  This moon is going to require some brutal honesty or you wont be able to heal and move on to Aries season with the ability to utilize the fire energy.  Saturn demands that you take action (8 of Wands), and as you work you will finally receive that “eureka!” moment you have been desperately searching for through the mud of Pisces.  Mercury conjuncting the Sun during this full moon is extremely shamanic.  You will receive some fucking strange but potent dreams that will leave breadcrumbs for where you need to go, but you will also run into some fucking wackjobs spouting nonsense.  Some people cannot handle this “channeling” energy.  And instead of becoming like a vessel for the energy, they crumble under it’s pressure.  You must become a conduit and you must create, Heretics, and that creation must be in the physical world with physical materials.  This means doing the work out, eating right, filling out your paper work, going through with the phone calls, and making a list and checking it twice.  You are being forced to balance your physical world and find the flow of your physical world, find meditation, and channel those things you see into something real that you can touch; something real that you can build on and rely on and find confidence in your fucking self.  Enough dreaming, Heretics, it’s time to put yourself out there – no matter how shy or hesitant you may be.  You don’t get many chances.  Don’t beat yourself up over losing this one as well.
Venus and Neptune– As if we didn’t have enough love nonsense and buffoonery happening now! Apparently we have to add Neptune into the mix, so that on top of all the rest of it we have to see it through hazy rose-colored glasses and spend our time stumbling in an opium-fueled haze. Wonderful. Expect a lot of confusion in terms of romance under these skies, no one really knows what is happening but we all act like we have the secret even though we end up home alone binging six year old TV shows on Netflix and crying into your Ben & Jerry’s… again. Right now your primary goal needs to be taking care of yourself before you can bring anyone else into the mix. You are dealing with a lot of complicated emotions right now, and it is okay not to know what to do with them. Try not to turn them on yourself, you have enough to contend with in the outside world without bringing it into you. These two are actually great if you let Neptune lead instead of Venus- Seek peace and cultivate tranquility inside yourself. I know that sounds like your basic lightworker gobbeldygook but it really is crucial when dealing with Pisces energy. It is hard to do in the face of such overwhelming opposition and overload, but it needs to be a priority. Also you will be confronted again with past mistakes that you have made in love- Don’t repeat them, show the cosmos that you know better now. (Minor Planets used: Ceres, Juno, Eros, Psyche, Pandora, Teharonhiawako, Niobe, Asbolus, Amycus, Okyrhoe)
Venus (Death) and Neptune (10 of Coins)–   Well that is some interesting advice.  Venus is asking us to let shit die.  I’ll give you the short version, but if you want to read the long version please check out our Venus Retrograde article.  This Virgo full moon coupled with a hell on heels Venus in Rx in Aries is demanding you break up with that individual you really see no future with but keep around because you feel lonely and desperate.  You need to sever that now – let it die so you can be reborn and open space for someone who truly belongs in your life.  Neptune is telling us that she wants to be our solid foundation right now (LOL).  But hey, this article is about redemption, and who better to bring redemption than Neptune?  Redemption is not revenge.  Let’s get this right.  Redemption is a sort of surrendering.  Surrendering to the fact that you are a flawed human being that must constantly work on those flaws, and if you believe in some ridiculous notion of perfection you will feel drained at every turn.  Perfection doesn’t exist, so seeking it will always turn up fruitless and only cause you massive amounts of anxiety.  If you see yourself as a constant work in progress, as legitimate in any state that you are, as a work of art no matter what you add or subtract, life will be much easier.  You are malleable.  You are the primordial chaos of the world; the creative power that can constantly change.  You will find your meaning, your place in this world only if you look toward Neptune; toward divine purpose, higher purpose, purpose that involves the whole goddamn world.  In order to help, in order to be of any fucking use to your community and the world, you must first learn to forgive yourself and heal.  You must learn how to take control of your life before you can help others heal properly.  That means you must put to death the “love” relationships that are keeping you from growing.  Severe, Heretics, this is your chance.  You have so much to do and so many places to go, don’t allow yourself to become food for some parasite that can’t fully relate to your inner being.
Mars– During the last eclipse you were treated to a revelation about yourself, your place in the world and where you are going. You channeled the heavens and now it is time to put what you learned into action. It’s not enough to simply know what you know, you have to actually DO something with it; you have to make it worth something. You don’t have to fully understand what you learned just yet, but you do have to make it part of you. Find a way to marry it to your goals, and watch the magic happen. You will need to avoid the trap of thinking that this makes you somehow different or special, above others in some way- that will get you thrown in jail, shot, or at the very least not invited to any of the fun parties anymore. Look forward, not back, because you have a long way to go before you get to where you want to be. You have what you need right now to reach your goals, all you have to do is put the pieces together. Keep your connection to the other side open, but do not shirk your duties here on terra firma. Sure, its great to pursue the mysteries of the ether, but the dishes still need doing and the trash needs taking out. Life will not wait for you to find what you need, so everything you do now must be done with intention; Make every breath you take a spiritual act, and you will find peace in yourself. (Minor Planets used: Nodes, Black Moon Lilith, Sappho, Pelion, Typhon, Panacea, Narcissus)
Mars (The Devil)–  There is a lot of dysfunction in your life, and Mars is demanding that you take charge of that dysfunction now.  You have your addictions – be it to substances or tv shows or anything that numbs you from actually being present and taking action.  Mars in Aries is the guy that goes all in, that is ready to play the game at all times, and wakes up with a fervor to do his work.  This is a hard energy to channel if you have things that are shackled to you that are holding you down – drowning you.  The Devil indicates co-dependent relationships and addictions (even to people) that must be cut out in order for you to move on.  The doors of hell read, “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”  You may be in this place energetically, huddled up on your couch watching the same television show for 6 hours straight; feeling a great desire to do the work but no energy coming in to do so.  The problem is that you have given up hope and you have given large chunks of your energy to energetic vampires.  Venus in Rx is attempting to help you remove these suckers from your life, so LET HER.  This Mars asks you, “Do you want to get rid of your suffering or do you want to be eaten alive?”  You must regain hope – you must regain a confidence in yourself and declare, “I can do this,” and just set out in motion no matter how hard it is.  You must light a fire under your own ass, and this can be extremely difficult.  The thing is, once you start your small acts of self healing – knowing that like a wound your life must take time to mend – and if you keep a ritual of these habits, you will be able to dig yourself out of this hole.   It’s time to get out the sciossors and start cutting all that doesn’t serve you, Heretics, including the disease that has started to manifest around your wounds.  Leave the people, the job, the circumstances you need to leave, and start giving a fuck about yourself.
Full Moon in Virgo- Redeemed was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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nikanndros · 7 years
The Post-Canon Time Travel AU
[Prologue] [Act I: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5] [Act II: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5] [Act III: Part 1, Part 2]
Act III, Part 3.
While Auguste and Damen are having their morning meeting that Laurent apparently isn’t invited to, he thinks about how to handle the situation. Of course, Auguste is going to have a bias against Akielons, Laurent realises now that he should have started working on that earlier.
Maybe he can stage some kind of situation that shows Damen in a good light? No, that’s probably unnecessary. Damen won’t like that kind of deceit, and also he tends to just naturally show himself as a wonderful, good hearted person. Laurent sighs and lies back against his chaise and eats grapes.
He feels lazy and indulgent like this, locked out of the meeting, with nothing better to do than languish about and think about his lover. Maybe he’ll insist he be let into the meeting after lunch. He does have actual politics to discuss with Damen. And Damen will be lovely and accommodating and want what’s best for both countries, and Auguste will see that they’re a good match.
Or he could just let Damen carry out his foolish courting fantasy and let their love look as if it’s growing organically. Surely Auguste won’t deny Laurent a true love match just based on centuries old prejudice? Or maybe he will. It’s hard to predict movements when he doesn’t know Auguste well enough in this lifetime.
Laurent waits until the meeting is let out for lunch, everyone retreating to their own chambers to think about what has passed, and then he goes to Damen’s rooms.
Pallas is guarding the door, and he lets Laurent in without comment, so Damen must have informed him to.
“Ah,” Damen says, smiling. “There you are. My morning was entirely too tedious without you. Please tell me you’ll be joining us after lunch.”
“Yes,” Laurent says. And then, “I think Auguste is going to be a problem.”
Damen is immediately concerned, and Laurent knows it is because Damen has never heard him refer to Auguste as anything less than wonderful. Laurent sighs and sits on the lounge next to Damen. “What’s happened?” Damen asked. “He seemed fine this morning.”
“He noticed your joy in seeing me, and has instructed me to reject your attentions.”
Damen frowns. “Why?”
“There are dozens of possible reasons,” Laurent lies his head back against the edge of the couch. He is tired. All he longs for is a period in his life when things can be simple. Maybe he’ll try to find the cave again and wish they were merchants. “It seems to be prejudice, at the point. Our countries have been enemies for a very long time until recently.”
Damen nods slowly. “Alright. I’ll talk to him later and tell him my intentions with you then.”
“That...won’t actually solve anything. As much as I appreciate your ill-timed desires to proclaim your love for me.”
Damen laughs, and leans against Laurent so that their sides are pressing together. He takes his hands. “I mean that I’ll do things properly. I’ll ask his permission to court you and make it clear that I’ll stop if you wish it. He’ll relax when he realises I have pure intentions.”
“You spent a majority of last night fucking me, your intentions are hardly pure.”
Damen laughs harder this time and kisses Laurent while he’s still smiling. “Okay,” he amends. “Mostly pure. We’ll do things right and he’ll come around eventually. I can be very charming.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Laurent replies. “I’m going to sneak into your rooms after dinner again tonight. I still need to tell about all that’s happened.”
“Don’t worry about sneaking past my guards,” Damen replies. “I told them to let you in and not to gossip about it.”
Laurent smiles. “I wish controlling Veretians was that easy.”
The meeting that afternoon lasts less than an hour after everyone realises that the proposal that Laurent has put forth is essentially identical to the one Damen has. The rest of the council room holds an aura of shock that both sides managed to come to a genuinely fair, mutual agreement.
“It’s good,” Auguste says, when everyone but he and Laurent have cleared the room.
“It’ll benefit both countries greatly,” Laurent agrees.
Auguste puts the papers down and sighs. “At least this means they can leave sooner. I’m tired of seeing so much skin on display.”
Laurent laughs. “I don’t know, I’m rather enjoying the view.”
Auguste blinks. “Whenever you say dreadful things like that, I can feel myself age.”
“Yes, I can see the crows feet appearing.”
Auguste grabs Laurent and ruffles his hair. “Take that back!” he cries, and then they’re both laughing together.
When Laurent comes into Damen’s rooms that night, Damen greets him by pushing him up against the wall and kissing him deeply.
“Hello,” Laurent says.
“I have bad news,” Damen replies, against his mouth.
“Is the kissing to soften the blow?”
“No. I just missed you.”
Laurent lets the next round of kissing go on for quite a while until the curiosity overwhelms him enough to pull back. “The bad news?” he prompts.
“Oh,” Damen says. He looks nervous.
Laurent dramatically lets his head fall back against the door. “You’re leaving me for Nikandros after all!” he declaims.
“No,” Damen says. Laurent’s attempt to lighten things up clearly didn’t work. He reminds himself that the situation with Nikandros is still a touchy subject with Damen. He should probably deal with that before they start being publicly involved.
“Damianos,” Laurent says. “Just tell me.”
“Your brother told me not to court you.”
Laurent looks at him. “That’s not...ideal, but he doesn’t know you yet. We just have to-
“He has no interest in knowing me, he made that clear. He said-” Damen cuts himself off here, and turns away, clearly frustrated.
“Damen,” Laurent prompts.
“He said,” Damen tells him, “that while he is willing to have a treaty between us for the good of our people, I am the last person alive that he would wish upon you. He doesn’t trust me, and he asked how I could possibly have pure intentions when I’ve brought my murderous lover here.”
“Okay,” Laurent says, slowly. He has to think about the situation more. “We can work with this. It just might take some time.”
“Maybe we should just tell him the truth,” Damen suggests.
Laurent raises a skeptical eyebrow.
“Or not,” Damen says. He makes his way into the bedroom and sits on the bed. “Come here,” he says, “and we can at least be comfortable while we talk.”
Laurent never needs much convincing to get into a bed with Damen. They lie down together, and Laurent pillows his head on Damen’s chest and starts to talk. “So it turns out,” Laurent says, “in this world Auguste and I were enemies.”
“I had heard something of the sort,” Damen says.
Laurent sighs. “Make sure you’re comfortable,” he says. This story is going to take awhile.
“Good morning, Lazar,” Laurent says, stretching as he steps out of his own rooms the next morning. “You’re looking particularly uncomfortable today.”
“You have changed in the past month,” Lazar says.
“I’ve been trying to, yes,” Laurent agrees. After telling Damen everything about his past self’s planned coup last night, Laurent still feels raw and touchy. He is not in the mood for a conversation. He starts walking, Lazar follows. “You know, when I asked you to come with me yesterday, I didn’t mean for you to continue as my shadow.”
“The King has asked me to guard you, given that you’ve told all your actual guards to fuck off.”
“You must be overjoyed.”
“I want to speak my mind,” Lazar says. “Will you send me to the dungeons again if I bring it up?”
“Bring what up?” Laurent says.
Lazar nods, like that’s an answer. “We’re still pretending, then.”
Laurent checks that the hallway is empty, stops, turns to Lazar. “No,” he says. “Say what you want to say. As long as it’s not treason, I won’t punish you.”
This shocks him. “I am concerned,” Lazar says immediately, as if worried Laurent will suddenly change his mind, “that just as you’re starting to not be so much of a cunt, you’re going to get yourself hurt.”
“How so?” Laurent asks.
“King Damianos is very well known for his proclivities.”
“Fucking and fleeing.”
“Ah,” Laurent says, not displeased. “You’re worried he’s going to break my heart.” Trust Lazar to be the one to immediately pick up on the fact that Laurent and Damen are having sex. He has a sixth sense for sexual gossip, it seems. Or he just remembers Laurent with leaves in his hair and made an educated guess.
“Laurent,” Lazar says, unusually serious. “You said I could speak, so I’m just going to say it: I’m worried you’re replacing one powerful man with another. Men like that don’t love you, no matter how much they say otherwise. You know this. Damianos can’t whisk you away to his kingdom, just as your uncle never intended to live with you at Ravenel.”
Laurent realises he’s reached a hand out, steadying himself against a wall. He knows the colour has left his face. He isn’t ready to find out that this is common knowledge.
“I know you blame me,” Lazar is continuing, “for getting your brother when- when I was guarding your uncle’s door. But I stand by that decision. You may not think it, it may have changed the way you think, but,” he doesn’t seem to know what he’s saying now, “I thought you were finally starting to heal and this dalliance could knock back all that progress.”
Laurent can’t quite find it in him to look at Lazar. “Okay,” he says. He’s not sure what to say.
“Your brother swore me to secrecy, you know this,” Lazar says. “We are the only three in the world who know about what happened that night. But if you-”
“Four,” Laurent says.
Lazar looks at him.
“Four,” he repeats. “Damen knows. He isn’t- he still.” Laurent takes a breath. “You were right, we shouldn’t speak of this.”
“Yes,” Lazar agrees.
“But before we stop speaking of it,” this is when Laurent looks to him. He puts a hand firmly on Lazar’s shoulder. “Thank you,” Laurent says. Then he turns and walks back in the direction of his rooms. This time, Lazar doesn’t follow.
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