#only went on one tour though so i’d like to go back
royasuka · 1 year
something i’ve noticed is that whenever a writer wants to make a tenement (historical apartment with poor conditions, overcrowding) look bad, they always take a photo of the back of the building. this has become even more obvious to me now that i live somewhere with a lot of old-ish (late 19th century to early 20th century) apartment buildings
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this is building is definitely falling apart, but if you fixed up the roof, the foundation, and cleaned up and paved the road, it would look like any alley in chicago
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this one is especially funny because it was labeled as “a tenement block in the low income area of South Side” but honestly, it looks pretty good to me? it’s not the prettiest side of the building (again, this is the alley) but i see apartments like this every day. i live in one that resembles it.
i get that a lot of tenements had terrible conditions, but i feel like they get unfairly judged as a whole? if the building is well maintained and follows habitable guidelines, what’s the problem?
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Also just checking but like….. I am justified in no-call no-showing to a job interview I was 1) given ONE working day of notice for, 2) have already expressed my disinterest in, and 3) don’t need to go to since I already have a job, right?
#like i definitely already messaged these people on indeed to be like ‘ty for the opportunity but i already have a job’#and i’d definitely ignored multiple emails and a phone call from them prior to that#the only thing they’ve heard from me is ‘no i don’t want to interview with you. thanks though’#also. they let me know friday afternoon for an interview that is today. do you people even work on weekends?#when exactly was i supposed to confirm attendance#it is an online interview but i still think it’s a little wild to expect me to move my stuff around that fast. you don’t know if that’s#a work email. i might not even see it until monday anyway#also! it’s a group interview which i have a personal issue with anyway#like i’ve attended ‘group interviews’ where it was just like everyone goes through the tour together and maybe does some sort of induction#activity together (like e.g. i went to a TA interview and like three of us got put in the class with the kids to interact with them)#that was fine. but if the actual sit down panel interview is a group interview? i am spitting in your face and leaving#you’re hiring ME as one entity. not me and greg#i can’t imagine they’re going to get many candidates if this is how they conduct themselves. like who DOES this#the only other time i’ve been offered an interview with such short notice WAS ALSO a shitshow i.e. i never heard back from them#it was fucked up. i spent hours working on a presentation for them and they didn’t even have the audacity to send me an email saying#‘no we don’t want you’ like what a colossal waste of everybody’s time that was#tl;dr hiring managers are toxic waste. i feel so blessed to have a job and not have to deal with them until at least september#personal
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draconic-desire · 7 months
A Dance With the Dragon II — Mates
Yandere Neuvillette x Reader
[Part I] [Part II — You are here] [Part III] [Part IV]
Neuvillette brings you to your new “home”, which also comes with new challenges.
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, forced imprisonment, Neuvillette accidentally goes a little feral here, brief non-con at the end
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One of the first things Neuvillette did was move you from the apartment at the Palais Mermonia (your prison for the past four centuries) to his personal residence. Securing his palms to your waist, he teleported you directly into the foyer of the massive home.
The interior was splashed with blues and whites that matched the Chief Justice’s own color palette. The upper walls were decorated with friezes depicting various marine creatures, from floating otters (how ironic) to bobbing seahorses. A grand spiral staircase led to the upper floor, while a set of double French doors connected the foyer to a massive living room adorned with plush love seats and armchairs, tasteful artwork of Fontainian landscapes, and enormous windows that overlooked the sea. It appeared the house was set into a cliffside, with the waves battering the rocks far beneath you.
You paced into the living room, running your hand along the blue silk couch cushions. To your left, a door led out to what appeared to be an inclosed courtyard with a miniature fountain. To the right was a closed door, a familiar dragon carved into its exterior. Your arm burned in resonance.
Though you were loathe to admit it, the place was beautiful.
“Do you like it?”
Shifting your gaze to him, it was clear that Neuvillette was desperate for your approval. Ever since he let you outside to discover the true length of your imprisonment, you had rarely spoken a word to him. Clearly, your silence had done a number on him, as the normally composed man was fidgeting nervously.
When you kept quiet, Neuvillette cleared his throat. “I admit, part of why things took so long was due to my insistence that everything be perfect for your arrival. I rearranged our bedroom perhaps a dozen times, and I couldn’t for the life of me decide what your personal room should entail.” When you glanced out towards the fountain, he coughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ah, that was a…sentimental addition. It makes me think of how we met.”
You’d never forget that Archons-damned fountain. If only you hadn’t been so naive. Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, go away.
Neuvillette extended his palm towards you in what appeared to be both a peace offering and an order. “Shall I give you a tour?”
Suddenly your feet appeared very interesting. What were you supposed to say? This technically was your home now, like it or not. You’d become painstakingly familiar with it with time. Although you weren’t imprisoned within the Palais as before, your new life still promised shackles nonetheless.
“Could you just show me my personal room?” You sighed. “I’d prefer to just rest after that.”
Neuvillette smiled softly, relishing the sound of your voice. “Of course.”
Twisting his fingers through your own, he led you towards the dragon door. Once again, your hidden tattoo pulsed with energy. It felt like a pull forward, a welcoming embrace. You realized then that there must be some sort of warding spell on this room, likely meaning only you and your captor could enter.
Pushing the door open, Neuvillette swept his arm gracefully through the entrance. “After you, my love.”
You stepped in and immediately went still.
For in every direction around you was rows upon shelves upon stories of books.
Neuvillette had build you your own personal library.
And not just that. You noticed that entire sections pertained to your personal interests—marine biology, photography, even your personal favorite genres of novels. A separate door labeled Dark Room promised an avenue for you to pick up photography again. Similar couches and chairs as the living room were arranged around a huge coffee table, and a cracking hearth added to the cozy atmosphere.
Your throat bobbed. You had always dreamed of owning a room like this, a place where all your passions converged. But to have it under these circumstances…you didn’t know how to react, torn between frustration and a grateful little voice in the back of your head that you buried at once. No, I didn’t earn this. I don’t want this. It was forced on me.
All you could choke out was, “This is…mine?”
“Down to the last book.” You could hear the pride in his voice. “I spent the most time on this room. Over a century to get it right.”
You startled. A century? Your heart stumbled, but your hands fisted by your sides. So much given, yet what had it cost you?
Shaking your head, you simply said, “I’d like to be alone.” Connecting your eyes with his, you could see his hurt, the expectation of a grand reaction on your part that you refused to indulge.
However, the look was quickly wiped from his face, for he must have seen something broken in your facade. A muscle in his jaw feathered as he approached you, a gloved hand stroking your cheek. “I understand you must be overwhelmed. I’ll leave you to explore,” Neuvillette said, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading for the exit.
Said man turned back towards you, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Why me?” You grabbed your arm where the shadow of your draconic tattoo hid. “Why…all this?”
His gaze immediately softened. “My dear, we have centuries for me to show you.”
It was times when Neuvillette was vulnerable that it was hardest to hate him.
He had returned home after a long day at court to find you sitting in the courtyard on the edge of the fountain, peering up at the night sky as if the stars held some answers. Moonlight bathed you in an ethereal glow, and if he didn’t already think you a goddess, he would have pledged himself to you then and there.
You hadn’t noticed him yet, too involved in your own thoughts. True to his word, Neuvillette had given you time and space to enjoy your new (cage) home. You had to admit, it was a major upgrade from the Palais, and you knew the Iudex would continue to let you explore Fontaine, if you tolerated his presence beside you. However, you knew this dance wouldn’t last—it was only a matter of time before Neuvillette expected something in return. It was abundantly clear that he desired your affections, but how far would he go in order to sway you? To fully make you his?
A sea breeze whipped around you, eliciting an involuntary shiver to rip up your spine.
A sudden warmth enveloping your form brought you back to reality. Blinking in surprise, you peered up to see the Chief Justice smiling softly at you, his purple irises sparking with longing and care. His elaborate attire was gone, leaving only his pale undershirt.
He’d given you this coat.
“I…thank you,” you mumbled, averting your eyes from the man.
“Do my ears deceive me? Did my dear (Y/n) actually acknowledge me?”
Your grip on his robes tightened. “Don’t mistake my words for kindness. I haven’t forgotten what you are.”
A sigh. “Despite what you may believe, I’m not a monster.”
You deadpanned. “You’re quite literally the Hydro dragon.”
“Archons above,” Neuvillette whispered, glancing up at the sky as if it held the key to winning your heart. “I was referring to a monster in the definition you humans use.”
“What? You mean like a man who would kidnap and imprison an innocent person—”
“Considering you are not in the Fortress of Meropide, I’d hardly consider this imprisonment.”
“What, have I offended you?” A scoff left escaped you. “If you want to play house, at least own up to your actions. Don’t pretend you’re some sort of gentleman.”
Neuvillette was silent for a beat, his mouth a thin line. Unexpectedly, his muscles relaxed as he released his tension. He lowered his large frame, taking a seat next to you. “You’re right.”
You sketched a brow in surprise.
Neuvillette trained his eyes on his palms, facing upwards in his lap. “I understand neither what it means to be human, nor what it means to be a god. I was given this duty to protect and uphold the laws of Fontaine, and yet I cannot save those who need it most.” His fingers formed fists, and his lids closed solemnly. “Carole, Vautrin…all of the others I have failed…”
You worried your lower lip. Although he had already informed you of his friends’ fate in your absence, it was still a raw wound for the both of you. Yet the anguish in Neuvillette’s eyes twisted your heart. How could a man be so duplicitous, so capable of both justice and blind obsession?
As if sensing your conflict, Neuvillette gently took your face in his hands, tilting your chin so that your eyes locked once again. His eyes danced with silver sparks of emotion, like cracks of lighting across a dark sea. A thumb brushed away a tear you hadn’t even realized had fallen.
“So if I can protect but one thing, one person, I will do it.”
You often noticed that Neuvillette’s horns got stuck in his robes.
Honestly, it was kind of humorous. In the beginning, watching him struggle gave you a sick sense of satisfaction. You’d take any circumstance that inconvenienced him, however petty that might be.
But today, seeing the Chief Justice pouring over a case regarding the protection of Fontaine’s sea life at an ungodly hour, head propped on a fist to keep him awake, you couldn’t help but feel sympathetic when he emitted a low hiss as his horns tangled into the ornamentation of his attire once again. “Damned human attire,” he cursed.
Neuvillette wasn’t an inherently bad man. In fact, your own case aside, he had invoked significant and positive change in Fontaine’s legal system. He judged cases fairly and prudently, working himself ragged each day to ensure the nation’s safety. It would have been admirable to you in any other circumstance.
You didn’t know what possessed you when you stepped behind him and carefully untangled his twin blue horns.
At your touch, Neuvillette immediately froze. His heart rate skyrocketed and his mind went blank because you were touching him.
And not just anywhere, but his horns. Unbeknownst to you, a dragon’s horns were the most sensitive part of its body, only to be handled by itself or its mate. One brush was akin to a lovers embrace, the whisper of a kiss, the hot breath shared between partners in the thralls of passion. Not only was the touch intensely intimate, it was also an acknowledgement—an acceptance of the male’s advances onto his partner.
Oh, if only you knew how many times he had fantasized about this, your acknowledgement of him and his love for you. Although his rational, human side knew your touch as unintentional, the dragon within Neuvillette reared and roared against his skin, demanding to be set free upon its mate.
“Your horns were caught,” was all you said as you settled back into the sofa, flipping to the marked page of your novel.
If you had looked up, you would have witnessed the Iudex gently touching his horns in awe. He swore he could still feel the brush of your palm against him, shivering delightfully at the mere memory of your touch.
Little did you know that your simple act of kindness would unleash the storm.
The one unfortunate deviation of your current accommodations from the Palais Mermonia was Neuvillette’s unyielding insistence on sharing a bed.
You had foolishly thought escaping him, even if just within the confines of your shared home, would be simple. You believed the library, what he even referred to as your room, would be your bedroom as well. Despite the lack of an actual bed, the plush couches and ever-lit fire provided more than enough comfort to lull you to sleep.
But when you had opened your eyes, you were mere inches away from Neuvillette’s shirtless, sleeping form.
You had assumed it was due to the draconic symbol guarding the room; perhaps it linked you to him more than you had thought. So, the next night, you decided to sleep in the parlor instead.
Only for your hopes to be shattered the next morning when you awoke not only in bed with your captor, but with your limbs entwined.
Anger, shame, and a touch of something you couldn’t quite place—something not entirely unpleasant—flooded you as you tore yourself out of his embrace. How was he doing this? Was it magic, or would he physically carry you to bed each night?
This pattern repeated itself. You would pick various places around the huge house to retire for the night. However, you would wake up in bed next to Neuvillette each morning without fail.
You had even reverted to your previous stubbornness and slept on the ground a few nights, but to no avail. It seemed you were bound to his bed.
Tonight, you decided to face the issue head-on. You stormed up the stairway and into the spacious bedroom, ignoring the pain in your lower back due to all the errant surfaces you had tried to sleep on. The downy pillows and lush, cream comforter practically begged you to surrender to the king-sized bed and its occupant.
Instead, you halted at the foot of the bed and crossed your arms. “You have to stop this.”
Neuvillette immediately looked up from the tome in his lap, his reading glasses slipping down his nose. He hadn’t yet changed out of his white dress shirt, and the buttons revealed a hint of his toned chest as he set the book down. “And what exactly are you demanding I stop?”
You huffed a laugh. “I wish I could say all of this,” you waved your hands around, as if that would convey the entirety of the situation, “but I mean putting me in your bed each morning.”
“Our bed,” he corrected, as if that were the issue.
“No, your bed. Are you really telling me that with all this space, you can’t just let me sleep alone?”
He removed his glasses with a sigh, setting them on the nightstand. “I could, but I don’t want to.”
You seethed. “Well, I do.”
Neuvillette’s violet gaze pinned you with something like hurt. “Have I truly done something to upset you? It seemed as if you were settling into our new home quite nicely. Our conversation and touches were…” His throat bobbed. “Pleasant.”
You narrowed your eyes and bit out, “Don’t take any of that as complacency. You’re still a monster.”
Neuvillette flinched in response and, for just a moment, you felt a piece your heart falter. That is, until he whispered, “Mates don’t sleep apart.”
The room went utterly still.
Your voice came out as a breath of air, but the words were clear: “I am not your mate.”
It was then that you noticed the claws emerging from his fingertips, piercing into the sheets under his form. His eyes flashed silver, dangerous as knives. You could have sworn you saw a pair of elongated canines as he grit his teeth. “You have no idea how difficult it has been,” he breathed, voice tight, desperate.
On instinct, you took a pace back. You suddenly felt like a cornered animal, unable to avert your gaze from those claws that looked ready to tear into you. Clearly you had misjudged the situation—the Hydro Dragon was a starved, deadly predator, and you were practically served on a silver platter as its next meal.
Icy panic raced through your veins. You’ve never seen him like this, so out of control and inhuman. Trying to mediate the situation, you put your hands up in surrender. “Neuvillette, listen to me. Just calm down.”
You had hoped that saying his name would do just that, but it seemed to only rile him up further. The Chief Justice of Fontaine actually growled in response. You couldn’t tell if it was a warning or a plea. “You deny your mate, and now you’re telling me to simply calm down?”
Another step back. Just put out the fire and deal with the consequences later. “I apologize for being confrontational. I think it’s best if I just go—”
Before you could react, Neuvillette pounced forward and grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you onto the bed. You released a cry and tried to scramble away, but he spun you around and pinned your back against the mattress with his muscular frame. He loomed above you on all fours, his hands gripping your arms and applying just enough pressure to hold you still without hurting you. The glint in his eyes, however, promised pain that was yet to come. You were the prey about to get its throat torn out.
“Wh-what are you doing?” You struggled, heart skyrocketing at the feel of his arousal pressing against your core.
"Something I’ve needed to do for four hundred years," he growled huskily, his breath fanning your lips moments before they slammed against yours.
The kiss was hungry, predatory. Obsessive. You could feel the release of each year, each century, as his mouth devoured yours. You arched your back in an attempt to get away, but Neuvillette was quicker. He lifted your form easily and slammed your back against the bed once again. At your gasp of shock, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You fumbled around for something, anything that you could take purchase of. Your arms were pinned, but you were just barely able to grab onto the first thing and tug: his horns.
Neuvillette moaned, a deep, throaty sound that sent heat flooding through you.
It was in that moment you realized your mistake. You recalled how some marine animals with horns had millions of nerves within them, making these appendages a source of sensory stimulation. When you had started adjusting his horns after they were getting stuck, it must have been like touching his—
Oh, fuck.
Neuvillette released you arms, grinding against your thigh. “Do that again,” he begged, though it came out as more of a growled order.
“Neuvillette, stop—” An involuntary whine escaped your lips.
Your lewd noises only instigated him. His movements became more erratic as he slid a clawed hand up your leg and to your core, which was protected by only a nightgown. You jerked as his finger pinched your clit, eliciting another whine.
Neuvillette’s eyes sparked with heat, dual purple flames that devoured your form. “That’s it, my dear. Let me take care of you.” He bit down on your neck, causing you to cry out. He was marking you before he took you fully.
“Tonight, you become more than my wife. You become my mate.”
You laid there limply in Neuvillette’s arms. He peppered you with kisses and whispered words of protecting you and lofty dreams of your future together, but it fell on deaf ears. None of it made you forget about the bites along your neck or your throbbing core.
You couldn’t believe you had let his kindness fool you for even a second.
You had to escape this prison.
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Am I Good Enough
Summary: You were on a solo trip to Italy taking a tour of an old castle when everything changes, but will this random guy accept you for who’s and what you are?
Pairing: Alec Volturi x human f!reader
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Taking a trip to Italy was a last minute decision, firstly needing a break from my boring life and for some reason Italy always just called to me, like there was something waiting there for me
After a long tire some flight I finally landed in Italy, stepping out into the hot heat, waving down a taxi before anyone else could cut infront of me, only traveling with my backpack for easy travel, I told the driver to take me to Volterra, only an hour drive from the airport, seeing pictures of it on a guide and thought it would be a beautiful start to my trip
Finally we arrived in volterra, I paid and now standing infront of this beautiful castle, the town was fully stone built, it was beautiful unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, as I was walking down the street I got stopped by a woman, her hair luscious, he skin was flawless, her eyes so beautiful even though they must be contacts since they were such a rich red, her smile enticing
“Hi there you seem like a girl who’d love a good tour and I just so happen to be showing the castle right now for free! Does that interest you at all?” Her voice was so melodic like she was a siren I was pulled in nodding immediately watching as her smile grew, I followed her to the castle like a puppy meeting up with a group of other tourists
She led us through the castle not stopping to tell us about anything interesting we passed, finally we got to a set of big wooden door that looked like they weighed a ton but she pushed them open with ease, there beyond the doors was a huge room, marble and tile covered every inch, three thrones sat on the pedestal further back in the room, where three men sat seemingly looming over us all, others stood around the room watching us like they were ready to pounce, the doors behind us slammed soon hearing the first scream of many, it was a blood bath as the people dressed in black went from person to person until I was the only one standing
“It seems we missed one brothers and sisters”
“I’ve got her” a tall man said as he started right for me before he was stopped by the older man that sat on the throne
“WAIT” his voice boomed through the chamber, everyone stopping to look at him
He got up off the throne seemingly weak as he glided over to me
“Dear child it seems someone here has been waiting for you for a long long time” he smiled as he turned to a guy who was the most ethereal beautiful person I’ve ever seen, everything about him lured me in, he eyed me the same way and in an instant he was infront of me
“My Lord are you sure about this, she is my mate?”
“Yes child she is your other half”
“But she is human, this can’t be”
“It was meant to be, don’t over think this, it’s the best gift the universe could give you”
“Come we must talk” he said as he led me back out through the doors, silently walking through the vast halls until we finally made it to a huge room decorated in black and ruby red, books covering the walls
“Sit” he demanded as he gestured to the bed
“You haven’t said a word this whole time you must be in shock” he said sitting opposite of me on the bed
“No……surprisingly I’m the calmest I’ve ever been, but I still don’t know what’s going on”
“I must admit you are cute, most beautiful human I’ve ever seen” his words made the blood rush to my cheeks making him smile
“I’d say the same for you but I don’t quite think you’re human….right?”
“You’d be right my rose, we are vampires some much older than others but we rule over the vampiric world, we enforce the laws so the humans don’t become suspicious about our kind”
“Then why are you telling me, why didn’t you just kill me like everyone else in the room”
“Some of us vampires have special powers, the one that talked to you was Marcus one of our lords, he can sense the bond of those who are mated to each other, he could sense that we are meant to be with one another” my heart was racing fast, I was sure he could hear it
“Mates? That’s…..are you sure I mean I’m just a human am I good enough for you?” His eyes softened for the first time
“We will figure this out this isn’t the first time a vampire has been mated to a human, I just got lucky enough to get such a diamond”
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It’s been a month now and it’s been well……amazing I didn’t get a lot of alone time with Alec seeing he had a lot of guard duty but when he’d wake me at night so I could curl up to him as he held me, sometimes he’d leave cute notes in the books I’d be reading that always got my heart beating, sometimes leaving red roses on the table for me whenever he had to work late, he made me feel like a goddess, giving me a love I’ve never thought I’d feel before…….well until today
Walking into the library to grab another book hoping to find something more intriguing than the books Alec had collected over the years
Looking on the second balcony I stopped when I heard voices on the main level, Alec always warned me of some other vampires, newer to the Volturi that may not have a reign on their blood thirst as the older vamps, as their voices got louder I recognized them as Jane and Demetri
“You seem more cruel than usual Jane, something the matter?” Demetri asked, I stood completely still as I listened to the conversation
“Alec won’t stop going on and on about that….that rat, complete filth of a human, I mean what fates put them together, she’s just a lowly human, I could kill her in a second and her life would mean nothing”
“Jane don’t be so harsh have you even spoken to her, she’s quite the girl, she’s perfect for Alec”
“No human is good enough for Alec” she scoffed before she stormed out, the doors slamming behind her, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding
My heart felt like a ton of bricks, maybe I wasn’t enough for Alec I mean it’s been a month and we haven’t moved past just holding each other in bed, or a little pec on the check, maybe I’m over thinking everything but there still that nagging at the back of my mind that Jane might be right I mean she’s his twin she knows him best
I ditched my journey to get a new book and headed back to Alec’s and I’s room hoping to just clear my head and try and forget about this gut wrenching feeling
I threw myself down on the bed when a voice shocked me out of my fleeting moment of peace
“What seems to trouble you amore?” I shot up in the bed looking across the room to where the voice came from seeing Alec sat on the couch looking beautiful as ever
“Oh umm it’s nothing just tired” in a flash he was kneeled infront of me at the side of the bed, his hands holding mine
“Amore you know you can’t lie to me, I hear your lovely heart race everytime, now tell me”
“I just…..I don’t know, I feel sometimes that I’m not everything you need we haven’t even kissed yet and i know the others think this too”
“My love, you are everything I have waited for, you calm me down when I feel my anger rise, you thaw my cold dead heart, and for the other I haven’t kissed you yet because I wanted to take this slow for you, I’m quite into courting if you haven’t noticed, this is special so I’m enjoying my time with every little moment” he smiled running his thumb over my hand soothingly
“I….I love you Alec, and I know I can have my doubts sometimes but I really do, you’ve made me feel more loved than I ever have before” I said placing my hand on his cold cheek
“I love you to my angel, and I want you to never worry about my I devoted love for you, nothing with ever change than no matter if your human or a vampire, I’m yours till the end of time”
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More alec oneshots are on their way
Story inspired by @kimi240302 Alec story go check it out!!
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inuyashaluver · 10 months
Can you make an alexia Putellas one please x
friendly affection? - alexia putellas
alexia putellas x reader
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description: in which your childhood friend is extremely affectionate with you, you can’t help but wonder, is it friendly, or does it have a double meaning?
warnings: mutual pining, just idiots in love, spanish is in bold italics - i’m not butchering languages, i refuse!
a/n: hiiii, hope you enjoy, thank you for the request! xx also the photo of her - died
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you have been best friends with alexia ever since the spanish youth teams. meeting when she was 12 and you 11. you and alexia had gone through everything together, the both of you best friends through thick and thin.
everything had always been strictly platonic, though you did feel some sort of romantic feelings towards her, only strengthening as you got older and closer. if only you knew alexia had feelings for you since the first time she saw you. both of you would do anything for her and her, you. you knew each other like the back of your hands, how did you not realise the both of you liked each other?
as you both got older, for the first time ever, you separated. her going to levante when you went to barcelona, you both kept in contact and visited each other frequently, the time separated making you both realise just how much you cared about each other and just how much you needed the other.
both of you had established quite a reputation, alexia in the midfield and you as a winger. both of you were so proud of each other. alexia called you one day, saying that she had exciting news.
“amor (love), i’m coming to barca” you went silent on the line. “amor? (love)” she kept calling your name until she heard little sounds of crying through the other side of the phone. “osito (little bear)” she coos, you cry more at the nickname, something that stuck from your childhood when you tackled a girl for hurting alexia, alexia claimed you were like a bear.
“i’m so happy, ale” you sniff, alexia choking up herself, both of you were so excited to finally play together again.
“me too, osito (little bear), i’ve signed the contract already, i’m just looking for a house right now” she could tell you were fidgeting through the phone,
“hey, ale?”
“yes, amor?”
“why don’t you move in with me? i have a spare bedroom” she giggles,
“i’d love nothing more” you could tell she was smiling through her words, you both continued the call just catching up and planning the upcoming arrival of your best friend.
and so, a month later, you were at the airport waiting for her, flowers in hand and a bright smile on your face. finally, a short while later, you spot the blonde looking at you with a bright smile. you both slowly walk towards each other and meet in the middle with a tight embrace. she holds onto your waist and lifts you in the air for a second before placing you back down. she pulls away from you, keeping her arms around you but distancing you at arm's length.
“mi amor (my love), look at you!” she smiles brightly, looking at you up and down, “so beautiful” you go bright red, avoiding eye contact with her. “you’re beautiful ale, here muñeca (doll)” you hold the flowers out to her and she grins brightly, ruffling your hair lightly, she links her arms with yours and tells you she’s ready to go home - your new shared home.
you give her a general tour, showing her all the rooms before coming to hers, already furnished and directly across from yours. you let her settle in, going to sit on the couch and watching a random movie while scrolling on your phone. about an hour later, alexia strolls in the room, now in comfortable clothes. “stand up please” she instructs sternly, you look up at her confused but oblige, moving to stand up while looking at her mischievous expression.
she walks up to you, lightly squeezing your bicep as she moves past you, lying flat on the couch and smiling up at you. she outstretches her hand and with the other pats her chest, gesturing for you to lie on top of her. you giggle at her actions, grabbing her hand and gently slotting yourself into her embrace. as soon as you lay on top of her, she runs her hand through your hair and the other rests on your back.
you place your chin on her chest, looking up at her and humming at the intimacy. you frequently embraced each other like this, always thinking of it platonically but yearning for any underlying romance, both of you were truly so clueless.
she looks down at you and smiles, “i really missed you osito (little bear)” you smile back, placing your hand on the side of her waist, she slightly shivers when your finger grazes the exposed skin of her stomach where her top had ridden up.
“i’ve missed you so much”, both of you end up falling asleep, completely enjoying each other’s presence.
a week later, it was alexia’s first day at barca, you drive (she’s not happy about this) to the training facility, as soon as you gather all your stuff and get out of the car, alexia holds your hand, something you both frequently did while walking in crowded areas or when you were nervous. (hopeless the pair of you!)
you introduced her to everyone, she knew the majority of everyone, from the youth teams as well as through you when she came to visit. everyone was so excited to have la reina (the queen) in barca. you were having a team talk before training began, she moved to stand behind you, wrapping her arms around your middle and bringing you to her chest, resting her head on the side of yours, lightly swaying you both. a few of the girls gave you curious looks, many of them whispering to each other about whether you two were dating or not.
the entire time during training, you and alexia were glued to each other, pairing up for drills, stretching, running and things just got worse during the gym. alexia asked if you could spot her on the bench press and you agreed instantly, she didn’t even need you to spot, fully able to support the weight on her own, she wanted to give you a show. her arms and shoulders flexing as she lifted the weight up, you went slightly pink watching her, she smirked up at you. she knew what she was doing, and this is how alexia realised that maybe her best friend had the same intentions.
as time goes on, both of you are the same. ‘platonic’. however, the more time you spent with alexia, the more you fell for her, unaware that she felt exactly the same. you were both infatuated with each other but scared of ruining the relationship and potentially losing each other. so both of you chose to suffer.
alexia and your reputation on the pitch only got higher and higher. alexia scored goals left, right and centre. you giving her so many assists and scoring your own occasionally. you were known for creating opportunities for everyone in the team, but you just knew alexia so well, you couldn’t help but try to make her proud and get her a goal. no matter if you gave her the assist, she would come and find you first, always hoisting you up on her waist and squeezing your thighs while you cup her face and say “congratulations” and kiss her forehead.
when she looks into your eyes, she’ll always say “my girl” and each time, you can’t help but squeeze her waist with your thighs to show your appreciation. whenever you get a goal however, she’ll run over to you and pull you into a tight hug, placing tiny pecks on whatever exposed skin available. (how were you both so clueless)
one day, you were half asleep in your bed until you hear a melodious knock on the other side of your door, “amor? (love) can i come in?” she whisper shouts, like the knock wouldn’t have woken you up if you were asleep.
“ale, come in” she smiles seeing you bundled up in one of your (her) hoodies, you were peering at her from the top of the covers, only your eyes visible to her. she lets out an exhale from her nose and walks over to you, sitting on the end of your bed and looking straight at you while she grabs your leg over your thick blankets.
“do you mind if i sleep with you tonight? i’m cold” she smiles sheepishly at you, you instantly nod and tap the space next to you but she shakes her head, you quirk your eyebrow at her.
“bebé (baby) that’s my side” she nudges her head towards where you were and you let out a groan of frustration. rolling your body over to the other side of the bed and wincing, “ale” you stretch out, “this side is cold!” you whine, she laughs at you and quickly gets under the covers, immediately grabbing your waist and pulling you close to her, facing each other with shy smiles.
you had shared a bed before but never cuddled. this was new, and both of you loved it.
you place a hand on her back, resting it there to keep her close to you, her warmth permeating through your body. she looks down at you, slotting a hand through your hair and finally resting it on your cheek, rubbing the skin there. she looked at you with so much adoration, you couldn’t handle it anymore. you slightly sit up, balancing on one of your elbows and looking down at her, her hand dropping in the process to rest on your upper arm.
she looks at you confused, thinking you were about to kick her out until you lean down and place a short, sweet kiss on her lips. you pull away quickly, she didn’t kiss you back. you rip yourself out of her embrace and separate yourself from her, still close but distant.
“ale- i’m so sorry” you shake your head at her, hands covering your face. she grabs your hands from your face, both of you completely red.
“you’re so mean to me” you look at her with wide eyes, “i wanted to kiss you first, why would you do that to me?” she whines, smile still evident on her face.
“that was my plan, i was literally about to kiss you and you did it first!” she argues, you couldn’t believe this,
“how was i supposed to know?” you exclaim,
“don’t you see how i look at you, i also touch you all the time”
“i thought you were being friendly!” she laughs loudly at this and your eyes widen
“bebé (baby), do you see me touching anyone else like that?” suddenly you’re thinking about how alexia interacts with everyone, finding yourself stupid for not realising it sooner.
“i feel so stupid-” she stops you immediately, “stop it, first of all, you’re not stupid, bebé (baby), i should have said something sooner” you shake your head to argue but she holds her finger up to her lips, silencing you.
“sorry, i can’t have this, mi amor (my love), no, come here” she sits against the headboard of your bed, tapping her lap and looking at you eagerly. you hesitantly move from your place, moving to straddle her thighs but not putting any of your weight on your legs. she frowns at you and puts her hands on your hips, pressing you into the upper part of her thighs and smiling at you.
“much better bebé (baby)” she mocks, “now, let me kiss you and pretend i did it first” she looks into your eyes for any reluctance but your grin gives her the green light. she leans forward and places her mouth on yours, at first the kiss is slow. your lips moving together harmoniously as she cups your face in one hand and the other on your waist, you keep your hands resting on her neck.
the kiss was perfect, both of you pouring out years of pent up deprivation and affection. without breaking the kiss, she drops her hand from your face and places both hands on your hips, pulling you closer and pressing you into her slightly. she gently grazes her teeth on your bottom lip and you gasp, she takes this as an entry and includes her tongue in the kiss, you reciprocating quickly, grabbing the back of her neck to deepen it. you put both of your hands on her shoulder, struggling to breathe, you reluctantly pull away. you pant while looking at her, resting your forehead on hers. she runs her hands up and down the sides of your waist while you both catch your breath, letting out small giggles in the process - not believing this was actually happening.
you take your forehead off hers and look at her, placing a gentle kiss on her lips again, placing two more on her cheeks, one on her nose and finally one on her forehead, your favourite place to kiss her, well…now demoted to second.
she smiles brightly when you pull away, “now who kissed first, hermosa (beautiful)?”
“me, amor (love)” you reply cheekily and yelp as she playfully pinches the side of your waist, moving to squish both of your cheeks together to form a pout, placing a small kiss there. she shakes her head at you, “try again” she smirks and places her hands on your thighs, running her hands up and down them , “alexia putellas kissed me first” she gives you a quick peck again, “my smart girl”.
you don’t move from your position, she kept pulling you close to her and claiming she was cold, knowing both of you were completely warm now. you cup her face with one of your hands,
“what are we ale?”
“i don’t know about you but you’ve been my girl since 12” she boops your nose with her finger, smiling as you lightly scrunch it up,
“i’ve always been yours, ale”
“i’ve always been yours, mi amor (my love)”
you both sleep well that night, cuddling and mutually having the best sleep of your lives. everyone at training was confused by you this time, not alexia. you couldn’t keep your hands off her, always needing to be touching her in some way. you two were shamelessly flirting with each other and touching each other. alexia was loving all the affection you were giving her. learning just how much of an effect you had on her.
for instance, if you wanted something from her, all you needed to do was run your hand up and down her arm, looking up at her with a smile and calling her ‘capitana (captain)’. she was done for. and with you…well, all she needed to do was be herself and you would do anything for her. maybe a little more when she would lean down to your ear to speak sweet nothings when you were grumpy.
everyone’s dating suspicious were proven when you assist alexia in a goal, as usual, hoisting you up on her waist and looking up at you, “my girl” this time, however, you place a sweet kiss on her lips, everyone cheering loudly for their favourite dynamic duo. “my girl” you say back, hugging her tightly before continuing the game.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
just pretend it’s you, mwah! ily jenni
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liked by ona.batlle and 44,232 others
alexiaputellas: 7 years of you pissing me off, still love you @/yourname
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yourname: hmm i still kissed you first, i love you
↳ alexiaputellas: see this is you pissing me off, can’t believe i proposed to you
↳ yourname: you’re stuck with me mami
↳ alexiaputellas: oh?
claudiaapina: parents!
marialeonn16: you guys are cute but ingrid and me are cuter
↳ alexiaputellas: whatever helps you sleep at night!
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dangerkittenclaws · 9 months
Are your requests still open? I’d love a fic where the (AFAB) reader is in a situation where she’s forced to share a bed with Vessel (maybe she’s a musician who’s touring with ST and the hotel is short on rooms? lol I know it’s super cliche) and in the middle of the night he wakes her up by initiating sex? 🥰
This was so fun to write, thank you!! And thank you for being my first request/ask, I'll never forget it! Sorry it took me a hot second to finish. To be honest, I feel I got a tad carried away but I hope I did our lean bean of a man justice! <3
vessel x f!band!reader
warnings: smut MDNI +18
You were waiting in the lobby of the hotel your tour agent had booked, spinning your luggage case lazily by its extended handle. The staff had been frantic as your large group entered the building.
 IV was at the counter talking to the man who was clicking desperately at his computer. Something clearly was wrong with the reservation, but you were so tired that you really didn't care, you just wanted to slide into a cozy bed and sleep like the dead. It had been a long day, not including the show tonight and piling into a van afterwards. 
Two of your best friends and bandmates, Alexis and Maggie were sitting on one of the lobby couches quietly showing memes to II. Vessel, III, and Liv, your bassist, were sitting on the bench right next to them. You all had gotten to know each other fairly well considering you inhabited a bus for numerous hours, watched each other practice, and went out to eat together. 
You had noticed Vessel staring at times the past few weeks. You didn’t particularly mind the man was checking you out, it felt good to be wanted in a genuine way. You were not opposed to something new. You had become aware of him giving you glances that were a few seconds too long, a hand grazing just a little slower, him waiting for you so he could walk with you to wherever you were going. 
And the teasing and bickering, god, it never ended. You didn't expect any different, being in close quarters with four boys and your three raunchy best friends, it was a constant war. You didn't quite know how to navigate these waters with Vessel though, it had been quite a while since your last boyfriend.
Your attention was brought back by IV walking back over to where you stood, a grimace on his face.
“Something happened to their booking system, they’re overbooked and we're going to have to share rooms until tomorrow.” 
Some sort of seniority took over his voice, “Maggie, Alexis, Liv you can share the two-queen room, II, III, and I will share the other. That leaves you and Ves with the last king room”, he said pointing between you and Vessel. 
Your eyes could’ve popped out of your head at that moment, but you schooled your expression hopefully before anyone noticed. You looked over to your bandmates and saw how Liv wanted to protest, but closed her mouth before she could say anything, knowing it was futile and everyone was too exhausted to care. It was nearing 3am and you were only spending two nights here before traveling again. 
Vessel's eyes instantly shot towards yours, a small smirk forming on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest. Those lips. 
“I guess it's you and me, then, love.” He gets up, standing to his full height before grabbing his duffel bag from beside him. The rest of the group rises and gathers their things, IV giving out key cards in silence. 
You look at your girls, bidding them goodnight with a small wave and suddenly your hands are empty. Vessel had taken it upon himself to steal your suitcase and start walking towards the elevators. 
Startled, Maggie giggles behind you at your expression. Breath leaves your mouth in a sort of sigh and laugh, and your tired legs begin to move in his direction. He is already in the elevator, keeping the door open for you. 
“Damn your long legs.” 
He turns to you once the doors shut, “I hope you have a little bit of energy left in you,” 
You look at him confused, “What do you mean?” You know what kind of tone he has, a playful, flirtatious one that makes you blush. 
“I guess you'll just have to find out, won't you?” the doors open to the new floor and he darts out, immediately walking in long strides and searching for the correct door. You try to keep up, watching him try the key card on the fifth door down the hall and entering. You walk into the blackness of the room knowing he's just in front of you. He nearly giggles as he turns on the bedside lamp and watches your face scrunch up at the sudden light. 
“You could at least warn a girl,” you yawn. Just as described, there is one large plushy looking king bed in the center of the room, a tv mounted to the wall, a little breakfast counter, and a door ajar on the other side, the bathroom. 
Vessel drops both of your bags at the end of the bed, “Okay, me first, I need a shower.” he announces. You scoff and nod anyway, both of you taking out your pajamas and toiletries you'll need to set them aside. 
Vessel puts his hand on your hip from behind you, the boldest move he’s made yet, “I’ll be quick” is all he whispers near your ear. The warmth of his hand lingers on you even though you hear the door shut. You finally breathe again, you had stood frozen for too long. Is this really happening? 
You finally search out the TV remote, finding some mind-numbing home renovation show. You watch a few minutes, zoning out entirely, before the knob of the door twists and you turn your head. Your eyebrows raise at the sight before you. 
He is a little damp, clothes in hand, the last few water droplets running down his lean torso, hair scruffy from the towel dry he did before wrapping it lowly around his waist. You almost drool before looking back up to his eyes. 
“My eyes are up here, darlin,” he smirks. You feel your entire being light up red hot before you want to implode for getting caught staring at the very… enticing area that he is putting on display. It's not like he wears those pants for no reason at shows, it leaves little to your imagination and he knows it. 
You jump up with your head down, grabbing your things and dipping into the bathroom without another word. You shower hot, needing an excuse to be as pink as you were with that fine man that you had been roomed with. Your pajamas were just an oversized Sleep Token shirt and a short pair of plaid shorts. 
After scrubbing the day off of you, you change into your pajamas before your hand hesitates at the knob. You breathe out. We are just sleeping. We aren’t even anything yet. Why am I being so dramatic about this? 
You summon all of your courage to open the door and look out to see Vessel in bed, scrolling his phone, the room only illuminated by the TV. You put your leftover toiletries and laundry on top of your bag before plugging in your phone and pulling back the covers on the other side.
Vessel looks over to you, “Come here, love”, opening his arms to you. You snuggle into his side and onto his chest, as his hand rubs up and down your back. You involuntarily let out a little sigh of relief, finally you can rest. You fall asleep like that, him holding you close and warm. 
You wake up a few hours later, having turned to your side in your sleep, one of his still around your middle and the other under your neck. 
You move slightly and become aware of something pressed against your ass. You immediately hold your breath.
You slowly breathe out, and try to inch yourself away. His arm tightens around you. Oh shit, he’s awake. 
Like he reads your nervousness, he starts to kiss along the back of your neck to the side, underneath your ear. You shiver at his warm breath. 
“Hmm, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it with your ass backed up to me darling.” You smile and blush at his words, knowing the effect you have on him. He grinds a bit into you as his hand slowly moves towards the waistband of your shorts. 
You realize your shirt had bunched up just below your tits just as his other hand reaches up and runs through your hair, long fingers pulling just enough for your head to move back. You turn to your back when he easily grazes over your clit and you clench your thighs together. Vessel gives you a little growl in your ear and your thighs cave open as quick as your resolve. 
“I've wanted you for so long, sweet thing, and I've got you all to myself now.” His fingers move in slow, small circles over your clit and your hands go to his bicep, grabbing at him for more. You let out a small moan as you lose yourself in the feeling of warmth of both of his hands touching your body and the building starry sensation in your belly. 
You reach down towards his stomach, caressing down, trying to burn the feeling of his skin into your mind before coming into contact with the curls of his hair. You hesitate slightly and he quickly attacks your lips, like he's reading your mind again. 
You continue on to wrap your hands around his long, hard dick and begin tugging on it. He smiles against your neck and brings his other hand up under your shirt to massage your tit before pulling your nipple taut and thumbing over the hard bud forming. He does the same with the other while his fingers work their way into your wet cunt, one slender finger at a time. 
You are getting impatient now, kissing his lips and neck, sucking his soft skin into your mouth to leave your mark. He lets out a whimper before seemingly regaining control of himself. Noted for future reference. 
He slides down your body in a quick moment before licking up your slick cunt, making you nearly cry out. He tongues your entrance before making his way up to your clit and practically latches on. You claw at the bed sheets beneath you eventually finding his grown out hair to pull. You don't know if you want him to stop or if you want more, this is so much better than your own fingers. You buck up into his mouth and he locks his arm around your thighs to keep you from squirming away. That feeling in your stomach is burning. 
He makes a few deliberate swipes of his tongue in succession over your clit and he watches that you come undone beneath him. Your eyes roll back, your hips tighten, and you gasp out his name. He keeps his tongue flat against you, tasting your cum before coming up to kiss you. 
The moment you taste yourself on him is the moment you feel him press against your swollen pussy. You moan into the kiss, wanting more of him. He grabs himself to properly press his dick into you. He does it slowly, making sure you savor every inch. 
“Please, please, Vessel, please”, you beg him. 
“Please what, kitten?”, that slow devilish smirk comes back with a vengeance on his wet lips. 
“Please fuck me, I need you to fuck me.” You mumble out, embarrassed but full of anticipation. 
He thrusts into you fully, making both of you moan out curses. Ves sets a pretty quick pace but makes sure to hit the one spot inside you that makes your pussy tighten around him on every pass. He bottoms out, touching the beginning of your cervix and you see his eyes roll back. 
“God, you are better than I ever imagined.'' He reaches his hand down between the both of you to play with your clit again. This time though, your orgasm is quick to approach with him inside of you. His fingers move swiftly as you grind yourself down onto his cock to meet his every thrust. 
You are scratching down his back trying to find purchase with how full he makes you feel. Soon enough, the pool of white hot in your belly is overflowing again and he changes the angle just slightly, fucking you through your orgasm. You moan out knowing your pussy is clenching around his dick in a vice grip. Just as you cum around him, he settles deep within you and his fingers dig into your hips. His thick ropes of cum spill into you and he pulls out to leave your cunt messy. 
You open your eyes half-lidded after a moment, trying to catch your breath, “Jesus, did you… did you plan that all along?!” 
He smiles wide at you, “Which part, the room sharing or the me-getting-you-to-myself?” 
“The rooms being short just happened to play into my favor, but I was plotting to get you alone this weekend, my sweet kitten.” He pecks your lips before moving to the bathroom to get a warm towel for you both. 
You sigh out as you watch him, “I didn’t know what I was missing out on, really.” 
You hear his sweet laugh as he comes back in, gently running the towel over your pussy, cleaning you up. You squirm a bit but are easily distracted by the kisses he leaves on your inner thigh. You let out a small yelp when you feel teeth graze and a quick nip before he pulls away. 
He slides in next to you again, pulling you close, “If I have it my way, you’ll be mine forever.” 
“I’d really like that,” you murmured against his chest. You feel him press his lips to the top of your head before you fall back into a satisfied dreamless sleep.
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Jealousy Jealousy
Nanami x Sorcerer!Reader
Based on this post. This’ll be a long one. Nanami is slightly OOC.
When a new face arrives at Jujutsu Tech in the wake of the Tokyo v Kyoto affair, Nanami cannot help but to feel wary of him. And why do you seem so close to him? Just who is this guy?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。✫・。.・゜ ✭・.
Jujutsu Tech has never had a dull day. Especially not with Gojo around. He was back from his long standing mission and Nanami couldn’t believe how amazing 8 days go by. Honestly, Nanami enjoyed every second of it. But Gojo had to come back eventually and Nanami was once again, considering if this was really the life he wanted to stick with. He took the initiative to come in a bit earlier than usual and yet, You and Gojo insist on speaking loudly, and extensively, about whatever escapades Gojo got up to while he was gone.
Right in front of Nanami’s coffee.
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. Not while Itadori needed him. Not while there were lives to save. You two however, always found a way to push him towards the edge though. Gojo was something he had come to be acquainted with, but you, Grade 1 Sorcerer (Y/N) (L/N), found a very special way to get to him.
“If I would marry anyone, it would probably be Nanami-San!”
That was the last thing you said to him before graduating all those years ago and even now you’ve stuck to it. Nanami cannot remember a single conversation in which you haven’t flirted with him or expressed the desire to marry him. And everytime he shuts you down and everytime you smile and say, “I’ll wait as long as you need me to!”
That’s not to say speaking to you was a chore. Once you get over the obligatory flirty comment, you are quite easy to have a conversation with. You aren’t pushy or handsy with him. You didn’t make any sexual or inappropriate jokes. If he asked you to not bother him, you wouldn’t. Still he couldn’t shake that annoying feeling he got when coming near you. He thought, maybe your proximity to Gojo is what makes you annoyed. That had to be it. Nanami didn’t have time to think about that, it was 8am and he was officially on the clock.
“Good morning Nanami, you look as handsome as ever.” You smiled as you poured a cup of coffee. The twinge of annoyance subsided as Nanami put the newspaper down on the table.
“Good morning (L/N).” In quick and precise movements, Nanami stood and walked towards the door.
“Why does he treat you nicer than me?” Gojo's whining voice became distant as Nanami disappeared down the hall.
Nanami didn’t actually have anywhere to be, Yuuji wasn’t due for their training until noon but it was so much better than hearing about whatever You and Gojo were talking about. 3 years had passed since you returned to Tokyo and you fell back into his life so seamlessly. You two weren’t close but you were one of his nicer upperclassmen. Nanami didn’t even notice how much you consumed his thoughts until he was stopped by Yaga.
“Oh good, Nanami-san.” Behind Yaga stood a tall man, a little shorter than Nanami, with shaggy hair and dark eyes. Yaga turned towards him, implying him to step forward. The man let out an awkward chuckle and stuck his hand out.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Hasegawa Ryosuke.”
Nanami shook the man’s hand and introduced himself. Yaga spoke again, “Would you mind giving Hasegawa a tour of the school? I’d like to have him familiar before the students start class.”
“Sorry about this, I went to the Kyoto school and only recently came back to Japan.” Hasegawa chuckled.
As Nanami agreed, Yaga excused himself. Hasegawa assured Nanami he wouldn’t need an in depth tour, anything quick would do just fine. “To tell you the truth, I never lived in Tokyo so I got a little confused and was late.”
He was a sort of awkward man. He dresses casually and ends every sentence in a nervous laugh. Nanami could tell that he was powerful though, probably a Grade 1. He followed quietly, sparingly asking questions or inquiring about the school. By the time they finished in the courtyard the students were already arriving for their morning classes. Yuuji excitedly called out to Nanami, who greeted him, Fushiguro and Nobara as well.
“Who’s this?” Yuuji asked.
“I’m just a guest, I’m Hasegawa.” He said suddenly a bit calmer. Almost calculated. Nanami didn’t think too much of it. Many sorcerers were still iffy surrounding Yuuji and his circumstance. The sudden edge wasn’t lost on any of them as Hasegawa’s demeanor shifted back to the one he had before. “I went to Kyoto, Tokyo is always so busy.”
“Yeah it is,” Yuuji replied. Nanami cleared his throat, they both noticed that Nobara and Fushiguro also seemed to passively turn towards Hasegawa. As if they were guarding Yuuji.
“Itadori, you shouldn’t be late for class.” Nanami stated.
“We won’t be,” Yuuji called back as Nobara started to pull him and Fushiguro along. Before they could leave the courtyard a loud shriek broke out from the school.
“RYOSUKE!” (Y/N) suddenly came running out. They jumped into Hasegawa’s arms and he spun them around. “What are you doing here?!”
“I came to visit.” He laughed, still holding them up.
“And you didn’t tell me!” (Y/N) playfully hit his shoulders. They once again pull him close for a hug before Hasegawa sets them down. “Do you hate me now Ryo?”
“Hate you? The light of my life? Never.” Hasegawa grinned.
“And yet, you never call me? How am I supposed to trust you Ryo?”
“We could go get ice cream?”
“Ice Cream? Are we teenagers again?”
“I always feel so young with you (Y/N).”
“And here you go, trying to flatter me again. I’m not that easy.” You laughed as a deep blush crept across your face. Nanami felt a sudden pressure build up, like he was entirely separate from whatever world you and Hasegawa were existing in. Awkwardly standing less than three feet away from you both yet it felt like miles. The distance between you two has never been this noticeable to him before. You always felt close. Like he could look over his shoulder and you’d always be there. How could it change so suddenly?
You finally noticed Nanami standing there, stoic as always. You idly turned your body towards him, “I see you've met Ryosuke.”
“Yes, I was showing him around.” Nanami replied plainly.
“Yeah, with everything going on recently, I thought it’d be best if I familiarize myself with the place.” He replied. And the mood shifted again. That same feeling he felt when Itadori was around. You didn’t seem to notice.
“So you're in Tokyo for some time then?” (Y/N) smiled, “Gojo and I go drinking sometimes, you should come.”
“We haven’t even planned our ice cream date and you're already trying to get me drunk? You move too fast for me (Y/N).” He smirked.
You lightly hit his shoulder and turned back to Nanami, “Ignore him, he’s always like this. Would you like to come to Nanami?”
In a surprising act Nanami accepted the invitation. This caught him and You off guard. You always invited him as a formality but never thought he would agree. He was just as shocked. Something however was pulling him towards the idea. Something about Hasegawa was too alarming to let You be alone with him. Especially if he would be hanging around Jujutsu Tech. This is not the kind of person Nanami would allow himself to be careless around.
You cheered, “Great! Gojo will text you the place, we’ll go around 7!” That familiar blush deepened and somehow soothed Nanami slightly. Your presence did have that effect however. Not just to him but to those around you. It made you a good fit for being around the students so much. No wonder they favored you over Gojo (though that wasn’t a high bar to reach).
“I’ll let you know if anything comes up.” Nanami replied and excused himself.
“Thanks for showing me around!” Hasegawa called out as Nanami stepped into the building. The weight of his decision suddenly hit him as he crossed the classroom and heard Gojo’s voice. Just what did he get himself into?
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metallicaislife · 10 months
The Photographer and the Guitarist
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Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ smut, fluff with smut minors dni
Word Count: 1,515
Warnings: oral(f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex
The Photographer and the Guitarist pt 2
When I landed the gig of Metallica’s concert photographer I was over the moon. Not only would I get to see them perform, I got to travel with them too. 
I was pleasantly surprised with how welcoming they were. Having been in the industry long enough, I lowered my expectations so as to not be let down when someone who’s music I admire ends up being a total asshole. 
“How did you even get into concert photography?” Kirk asked, we were at a restaurant with the whole crew. I was surprised when he sat next to me. I’d had a few conversations in passing with him as I got to know all of the members of Metallica better. 
“I grew up going to concerts, music has always been a central part of who I am. As I got older I fell in love with photography and have been immensely lucky to have been able to combine the two.” I responded. 
“That is so cool. I don’t think it’s luck though, I’ve seen your photographs in the magazines. You’re talented and you’ve worked extremely hard to get to where you’re at.” Kirk said and munched on his food. 
“That is very kind of you to say, thank you.” I smiled. Kirk smiled back at me. 
It was really easy talking to Kirk. We got to know each other pretty well. 
That was just the beginning though. I found myself talking to Kirk pretty much all the time. In between soundchecks, on the road, whenever he had a spare moment. 
They had a show tonight, I was wandering backstage before it started. That’s when my eyes landed on Kirk, who had his shirt off. I didn’t mean to ogle, but I couldn’t help it. Distracted, my foot caught a wire and I nearly ate shit, the only thing stopping was an hand that came out of nowhere grabbing my elbow. Kirk looked up, and I looked back to see Cliff. 
“Thank you.” I said, feeling embarrassed. 
“Are you okay?” Kirk asked, I looked back over to him, my cheeks heating up. 
“Yeah, I’m good.” I replied. Cliff released my elbow as Kirk went back to getting dressed. 
“I think you already know, you need to be careful backstage. Even when there is a guitarist to fawn over.” Cliff said quietly. My eyes widened.
“Not a word to anyone.” I hissed. Cliff chuckled as he walked away. 
The rest of the night went without incident. Which I was grateful for.
We were halfway finished with the tour now, I was exhausted but at the same time wished this tour would never end. 
We got to the hotel to rest for the night. I was minding my own business as the tour manager dealt with the room situation. 
“Does it look like they’re plotting something?” A voice whispered to me, making me jump. I turned to see Kirk. “Sorry.” He chuckled. 
“Who looks like they’re what now?” I asked, feeling a little flustered at the closeness. Kirk didn’t say anything, he just pointed in a direction. I looked to see James, Lars and Cliff in a mini circle around the tour manager. They looked up to see Kirk and I staring at them, then turned, continuing their hushed huddle. 
“You’re a part of the band, why don’t you go find out.” I suggested. 
“Nah, they’ll say something soon enough.” Kirk said and rested his chin on my shoulder. 
This wasn’t the first time, but for some reason the butterflies in my tummy were flapping away. 
“Okay, room assignments.” The tour manager announced to the crew. He started listing off two people and giving them a room key. I listened intently, I would probably be with one of the roadies like normal.
“Kirk, and Y/N.” He said. 
My eyes were the size of the moon. I was frozen in place. Kirk went and grabbed our key. 
“Are you okay sharing a room with me?” He asked. 
“Yeah, but like that must be a mistake, you always share with one of the guys, the rest of the crew share amongst each other. Are you okay sharing a room with me?” I couldn’t stop the word vomit. Kirk chuckled. 
“I am completely fine sharing a room. It’ll be fun.” He gave a small wink, “Come on let's go.” He said and grabbed his luggage. I grabbed mine and followed him.
I accepted the fact I would be sharing a room with Kirk. I could live with that, we’d be on separate beds so it would be fine. When we entered the room my eyes widened seeing only one queen sized bed. You’ve gotta be kidding me. My heart was hammering quite hard. 
“You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch.” I offered, setting my stuff by the couch. 
“Why?” Kirk asked, setting his things down as well. 
“Because you’re a rockstar and I’m the photographer.” I answered with a shrug. 
“What kind of logic is that?” Kirk asked with a laugh. 
“You need a good restful sleep. Your body needs a nice comfy bed. I don’t.” I replied. 
“I don’t know, I've seen you in some precarious positions in your line of work.” He said, folding his arms. 
“Anything for the perfect shot.” I grinned. 
“We can share the bed, I promise I won't bite.” He said, “unless you want me to then I definitely can.” He added with a wink. My cheeks flared. 
“Okay, we can share.” I replied and began rummaging through my things. 
Kirk laid on the bed while I found my things to take a shower. There was tension in the room. The same one that had been growing throughout this tour. 
“Do you need to use the restroom? I’m gonna shower.” I asked Kirk. He looked up from his comic. 
“Nah. Might join you though.” He added with a wink. 
“You’re welcome to.” The words fell from my lips before I could process what I had said. Kirk’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
“Erm or not, up to you.” I practically squealed as I entered the bathroom and shut it. My heart hammered in my chest. Shaking it off I stripped and got into the shower turning it on steaming hot. I stood under the stream reflecting on what I had said. I probably crossed a line. I should see if I can switch rooms with someone so Kirk doesn’t feel uncomfortable. 
My thoughts were interrupted as the bathroom door opened and shut softly. I could hear the rustle of clothes as Kirk stripped. He parted the shower curtain stepping in behind me. 
“If you want me to leave, say so.” Kirk whispered huskily. 
“I want you to say.” I whispered, releasing the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Kirk’s hands came to rest on my shoulder and began trailing down my body. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder, then bit down. I moaned as his hands found their way to the front of my body bringing me flush against him. He squeezed a breast in one as he found my clit with the other. He pulled away and turned me around, he kissed me hard. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him. He leaned me against the wall then pulled away. He trailed sloppy kisses down my body until he knelt before me. 
“Spread your legs, baby.” He said tapping my legs. I spread them. He kissed my pussy before he started eating me like it was his last meal. I gasped and fisted his hair. 
“Oh god. Kirk.” I moaned, “Feels s’good.” He hummed against me before sliding two fingers inside of me. I came with a cry, it felt so damn good. He turned the shower off and helped me out. He took a towel and dried me off a little before drying himself off. He led me to the bed and laid me down. He pinned me to the bed as he kissed me deeply. I let my hands wander until I found his cock giving it a firm squeeze.
“Oh fuck.” Kirk groaned against my lips. He spread my legs and entered me. “What a perfect pussy, squeezing me so tight.” He groaned as he pushed in until bottomed out. He slowly pulled his hips back and began fucking me hard. I screamed as I clung to him. My nails are digging into his back. He bit down on my shoulder, then licked the imprints his teeth had left. He used one of his hands to rub my clit.
“Are you gonna come for me again?” He asked as he continued to rut into me mercilessly. 
“Yes, oh, fuck, Kirk. Yes!” I screamed, coming soon after. 
“Good girl.” He praised me. He pulled out and came on my stomach. He laid next to me as we caught our breaths. 
“Let’s shower, this time we’ll actually wash up.” Kirk said with a goofy smile. 
“Sounds good to me.” I smiled back. 
I’m grateful the other’s conspired to get Kirk and I together.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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chaotic-orphan · 4 months
hello, could you please continue the heroic betrayal story? i really want to see supervillain and what theyre all about and if hero joins their side or flynn lets them go!!!!
Heroic betrayal (7)
Part one here
Continued from here
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Continued here
Orphanage roll-call: (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @xenlust @books-are-everything @micechomper @shywhumpauthor @aarika-merrill @xxgalgurlxx @0eggdealer @watermelonrandom @tippytappytyping @silentpotat0 @swift-perseides @gloriousqueen101 @ladygwennn @books-are-everything @isnortkoolaidpowderteehee @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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blessedwithabadomen · 7 months
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in love with the mess - day three
summary : Aubrey is going on tour and, for once, she's decided to focus on having as much fun as possible. Oli can be a little shit but he does nothing short of adore Audrey and... well, maybe Noah a little, too. Noah likes the flirting, as long as no one gets too close, emotionally. But what will happen when the three of them take it too far?
content : fluff, flirting, the slightest hint of something more smutty
length : 3.9k
tags (let me know if you want to be tagged!) : @veronicaphoenix @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @jilliemiw86 @bngurngheart @lacktoesandtoddlerants @narcissisticbehavior81 @flowery-mess @shilohrosechicken @justeli6 @starvingarsyn @floatinglikeaswan @somebodyels3
a/n : hope you'll have fun with this one!! I promise, it'll get into real slutty territory soon enough hehe 💗
day three
With no personal social media to his name anymore (at least none I knew about just yet), Noah had seemingly decided to use my number as an unspoken permission to spam me with photos of his day. It started with a picture of his very sleepy yet very attractive face and a caption cursing out the early bus call. I could only agree, snapping a picture of my own head still half hidden under the covers and sending it back.
Load-in was a tedious task that I only peripherally participated in. Noah seemed to think similarly as a picture of the outside of their bus, cluttered with baggage, followed as well as a “Think they'll notice if I slip into my bunk instead of helping?”. I told him if he did slip away, I'd do the same. Unfortunately it wouldn’t involve the same bus.
“No sleep allowed around here” was next along with a picture of the rest of his band engrossed in a PlayStation game and quite obviously shouting at both the screen and each other. This time I went straight to texting him.
Aubrey No sleep last night either? Jet lag kicking your arse? Noah Jet lag and you Aubrey Excuse me How am I to blame here Noah You really kiss me and then have the audacity to ask that
My cheeks were burning. Quickly looking around the lounge area on the bus, I was glad to see that it was mostly deserted, only the tour photographer was sat across from me, but he seemed busy enough editing that he didn't pay me any attention. My eyes were glued to my phone again the second another message came in.
Noah Still thinking about your mouth
It wasn't just a blush now, it was a familiar tingle between my legs on top of it. Because I'd been thinking about it too. Thinking and remembering and imagining. If I closed my eyes, I could still feel his hands on me, his strong grip, the way I wanted to get his fingers everywhere on my body, his mouth, his tongue, all of it.
Aubrey And that kept you up so much you didn't get enough sleep? Interesting Anything else you did instead then Noah You don't know how tempted I was, darling But I didn't need to subject Nick to that
Right. I forgot not everyone was privileged enough to have Oli Sykes fight to get them their own room without having to share. And having been put up with a roommate several times on tours the last couple of years… It wasn't fun for anyone if someone decided to get off while the other was in the room.
Aubrey Well, you could go be alone in your bunk right now There's another two hours until Birmingham, pretty boy I'm sure your mind will occupy you just fine Maybe let you imagine my mouth a couple or other places
I didn't expect what came next. In fact, his next message took so long I wondered, once again, if I'd taken it a little too far. But once again, I was proven wrong.
The picture was dark, so much that I turned up the light on my phone to even get a hint of what I was looking up and when I saw, I almost threw it across the room. Instead though, I opted for putting it in my lap, face down, making sure that I was still alone with the photographer who was still distracted and no one else could possibly see what I was looking at.
Then I turned it back around and studied what was in front of me. It was unmistakable, really. The inside of a bunk, dark, with the curtain shut. A pair of legs in dark sweatpants, bland and impersonal, without any way to trace it back to Noah. And a bulge in the middle of it, so big and obvious and on show, it was almost obscene.
I didn't know how long I stared at his clothed dick, salivating and getting wetter, but I didn't move eyes away until I was certain I was going to go crazy if I spent one more moment trying to imagine what he would look like underneath the fabric without taking a breath.
Aubrey And you have the audacity to suggest I'm the bad one here
Safe to say, I was in a mood. Noah ceased texting back and I was almost glad because I was sure I'd actually end up brain-dead if he continued like that while I was a whole bus away and without any chance to touch him. The thoughts whirling in my head, though, didn't quiet down at all. Not when we arrived at the hotel and I desperately (and unsuccessfully) tried to get at least a peek at Noah, not when we checked into our rooms, not when Oli texted me that he'd be waiting downstairs and calling us an uber for the shopping trip. I made quick work of changing my underwear, terrified of possibly sporting a wet spot when I was supposed to be trying on clothes, and jumped into the car that seemed to arrive at the same time as I did.
“No fake moustache?” I questioned as I slid into the backseat next to Oli. “I'm devastated.”
“Listen, I tried a filter and, well, ya know,” Oli explained, quickly pulling up the picture on his phone and angling it toward me. I choked down a laugh. He looked absolutely ridiculous, a black comic-esque moustache on his upper lip. It didn't help that the filter had somehow also given him a monocle and an old-fashioned top hat.
“Yeah, that definitely would have drawn more attention,” I giggled. “Pulling the hood of your jacket a bit into your face will probably work better.”
He immediately tried, pulling it down so far he could barely see, and I gave him an approving nod.
“Keep your tattoos covered and you'll be fine.”
It wasn't usually much of a problem, really, going out with Oli. Even if there was one or two people recognising him, everyone usually stayed respectful, got their photo or a quick chat, and moved on. But now Bring Me were playing arena shows and the cities were basically buzzing with fans. We didn't need to cause any sort of problem.
“So why the shopping trip then, eh? Far as I can see you got a whole suitcase full of clothes.”
I hesitated for a moment. Then I figured there was simply no use in not being honest with him. After all, looking down at myself revealed nothing but a plain shirt under a jacket and a dark pair of jeans that could be fitting much better.
“Got sick of looking like this,” I explained, motioning to my outfit. Oli had known me for years - surely he had noticed the change too, the lack of styling, the lack of care in my appearance. I was pretty sure I was wearing hot pants that barely covered my bum and fishnets that had more holes than anticipated by the manufacturer when we first met on one of his tours.
“Why, I think your face ain't half bad,” he deadpanned. I had no witty comeback to this blatant disrespect and defaulted to my standard response of delivering a good smack, but this time I was either too slow or had given Oli too much insight into the way I dealt with things because his hand shot up and caught my wrist the second I lifted it. He gave me a look and then gently put my hand back into my own lap. But he didn't let go of my wrist.
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of being chosen as your shopping partner for this adventure?” The posh accent he put on almost tempted me to try hitting him again, but his fingers were still tightly wrapped around my skin and I wasn't ready to lose his touch just yet.
“Well, it did seem like a good choice, you know. With the stage fits and your own clothing line and all that.”
Oli hummed in contemplation. “Or maybe you enjoy the idea of me dressing you up a little. Like my personal doll. Wouldn't you like that?”
The way my body heated up and my fingers were getting slightly sweaty told him enough. The smirk that appeared on his face was confirmation. 
“Thought so, doll.”
The uber driver announcing the arrival at our destination saved me from struggling to form a reply.
Shopping with Oli was as chaotic as it was confusing. He constantly pulled pieces from the shelves and rails, holding them out to me or pressing them against my body, pretending to judge what they would look like if I wore them, and I was fighting to see the difference between the ones he thought would actually suit me and those he picked for comic relief. It was a fine line that he was treading expertly.
Still, I ended up with an arm full of clothes. If Oli hadn't sweet talked the employee - which, mind, worked quite well in an alternative store as soon as they recognised who they were dealing with - I definitely wouldn't have been allowed to drag all of them into the changing room with me. Being friends with a bit of a rockstar definitely had its perks, even if they were rather boring sometimes.
I was sorting out the pieces, trying to figure out what to start with and what I needed to take off concerning my own clothes, when a message came in.
Noah I'm at interview 528 of 1244 of the day and I am painfully bored Please tell me you're off doing something more interesting
I shot a quick picture of the mountain of clothes I'd heaved onto the little stool and sent it to him as an answer.
Noah How desperate do I sound if I ask for update pictures on what you're trying Aubrey Just the right amount
Putting on a pair of tight jeans and a slightly cropped shirt, nothing too risky, not yet, I took and sent him another picture before putting the phone away to throw the curtain back and present the result to Oli. Unfortunately, the screen decided to light up with Noah's answer right within Oli's field of views. And he had no sense of privacy.
“Are you texting Noah? Wait, are you sending Noah pictures? We need a fucking group chat.”
Who was to deny Oli Sykes. So, just like that, my shopping trip turned into a fashion show and a photo shoot all at once. It started out with the best intentions, really, Oli continuously throwing new stuff at me, tweaking the outfits, talking about accessories to accompany the looks. But as the pile of “definitely buy"-clothes grew, so did his taste for mischief.
It started with a shirt, black velvet, quite modest really, if it hadn't been for the heart-shaped cut-out on my chest. The pointy end displayed the beginning of my cleavage, not too much, but enough to be a promise. As soon as I let Oli see, a cat-like smile graced his face, obviously happy with this choice. Without any words, he immediately got out his phone again and took a picture, angling it just the way so that my tits looked a little more inviting than they did anyway. 
“Noah's gonna love this,” he cackled to himself. He wasn't wrong - what followed in the group chat was nothing more than a line of hieroglyphs (in the form of emojis) that vaguely suggests he was enjoying the picture very much. The top wandered to the clothes I was definitely going to purchase. No question about it.
The next shorts-and-top combo that Oli prepared for me featured a massive amount of skin on show, I realised, as I turned the top over in my hands only to see its back consisted of not much more than a handful of thick, flat strings that would be spanning over my skin, almost suggesting a little bit of bondage. Oli immediately ordered me to turn around when I stepped out of the changing room, arranging them just perfectly. His fingers kept tracing over my tattoo, once again, and it was just as exhilarating as it had been the first time. I barely noticed him taking another picture. This time I also got a message back privately, outside of the newly-founded group chat.
Noah That the tattoo you've mentioned? Aubrey One of them
I was dying to show him the others. Anything that would cause me to be in fewer clothes around him.
Noah Stunning
I wasn't sure if he was reacting to the tattoo or the news that I had more to show him.
“Here, try this,” Oli's voice came through, followed by his tattooed hand pushing a skirt into my direction without disturbing the curtain too much. I quickly grabbed it and changed once again. It was only when it was actually sitting on my hips that I realised how awfully short it was. Only, it wasn't all that awful. The red tartan pattern was bright enough that it wouldn’t be missed even in dim light. The hem ended just underneath my arse - as long as I was standing upright. It would only take the slightest movement to enter dangerous territory.
Oli’s eyes immediately trailed over my legs as I pulled the curtain back. It was safe to say, he was very pleased with his choice. I did a little twirl for him, aware of the way the fabric was lifting up, exposing the slightest bit of my lace panties.
Oli groaned, deeply. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna work. Not with all the bending down you have to do at your job, right?”
I could see the twinkle in his eyes - but I was sure he could also see the one in mine.
“Oh, no,” I sighed, rather overdramatically. “I guess that might be a problem. Like this?”
Turning around, I quickly checked through the mirror that he was still watching me, and then bend down, pushing my butt in his direction as I felt the fabric lift up so high, it was almost around my hips exclusively. The next few things happened insanely fast - Oli taking a step forward, the curtain being shut again, his hands on my hips, his body pressing into mine. I almost stumbled, quickly placing my hands on the little stool that was still covered in a few pieces of clothing, holding on for dear life as he took the liberty to roughly push his crotch against my ass.
“You’re playing a dangerous fucking game, doll,” he said, his voice lower than I’d ever heard it. I relished in the way the pet name had me squirming. One of his hands moved to my upper back, holding me down, making sure that I knew who was in charge. The other gripped my side so tightly, it gave me an insight to how much self-control he was currently exhibiting in not doing more. “What happened to you, hm? Used to be such a good girl. So well behaved around me. Now you’re just begging for trouble.”
“You did,” I moaned. “You happened.”
It was true. I’d never been prude or shy, really, but we had never been like this. I had certainly never had him push his dick against my arse through a few layers of clothes. I had been crushing on him, yes, but I hadn’t made any moves. Now, everything had changed. The moment I’d seen him again, seen his smile, his physique, the way he behaved around me, something had changed in my brain, fundamentally. It had only gotten worse with every minute I was around him. I wanted and needed him in ways that hadn’t been present before. An overwhelming desire that was begging me to do more, be more assertive, let him know, get satisfied. And he wasn’t refusing me.
“Is that what it is?” Oli teased, the hand that was on my upper back moving again until his fingers reached my hair, grabbing some of it into his fist like a makeshift ponytail and pulling my head up so I’d look at him through the mirror. He seemed terribly pleased at the gasp that left my mouth. “Am I turning you into this? And you love it?”
“Yes,” I replied immediately.
He let go of my hair again and my head almost slumped forward. I watched as he fumbled with the pocket of his trousers, pulling you his phone. He leaned backward slightly, without quite letting go of me, pushing the fabric even higher so everything was on show, his cock still lightly pressed against my almost-bare butt, and snapped a quick picture.
“Can’t leave Noah out of this now, can we?”
Then he was off me and I almost cried out at the loss of his touch. I slowly raised my upper body, just in time for him to open the curtain again and stepping outside.
“Get dressed. We’re buying it all.”
Under immense protest from myself,  Oli did, indeed, buy me basically everything under the guise of “work expenses”. I knew there was no use arguing after he’d already handed over his credit card, the stubborn son of a bitch would definitely not allow me to pay him back in any way, so I wordlessly took the bags from the cashier and followed him to where he called us another uber back to the hotel.
It was dark by the time we arrived, January taking no prisoners as the sun went down. All I wanted was to get up to my room, cuddle up in the massive double bed I’d been given, maybe put on a movie, and enjoy the fact that tomorrow wasn’t an early start since we were already in Birmingham for the show. The hotel lobby was buzzing with people getting ready to go out, but one person seemed a little out of place. Oli and I noticed him immediately.
Noah was sat on an armchair in the farthest corner from the door looking, well, a little rough to be honest. We didn’t even discuss it as we walked over to him, me sitting down on the chair opposite, Oli hovering between us, dumping the shopping bags on the floor.
“Sitting here all alone, handsome?” I greeted him. He gave me a smile, but it was obvious that he was feeling pretty beat. Apparently, a day full of interviews and photos and whatever else had made its way into his calender didn’t work well with the last remaining bits of jet lag lingering in his system.
“I was gonna have dinner with the rest of the guys here at the hotel but then they wanted to go out and I realised I’m just much too exhausted for that,” he explained.
Oli moved behind him, placing his hands on Noah’s shoulders and starting to massage them. Noah briefly tensed up at the physical contact, before relaxing and leaning into it with a satisfied groan.
“So you got stuck in the lobby?”
“Kinda,” he said, eyes closed, already drifting into another dimension from Oli’s touch. I couldn’t blame him at all.
“I hope you weren’t sitting here when I sent you those pictures of Aubrey,” Oli remarked. Noah’s eyes immediately flew open again at the memory.
“I was supposed to be doing a very serious interview, actually.”
“How did that work out?”
Noah gulped. “Not that well.”
I felt a blush creeping up on my face. I hadn’t seen the pictures yet, even though they were readily available in the group chat, but I could only imagine what they must have looked like taken from Oli’s perspective. The idea of Noah looking at them when he very much shouldn’t be, maybe getting a little horny in the process, desperately trying to hide it but still checking his phone for more, was delicious. It was tempting to tease him a little further, but he looked so genuinely tired and when his stomach gave an audible growl, it didn’t feel like the right approach.
“So, we’re all in the lobby, we’re all getting sleepy and we’re all hungry. How does a movie night with room service at mine sound?”
Apparently, it sounded great. With renewed energy, Noah grabbed half of my bags, Oli the other, both of them almost at the elevator before I’d even gotten up from my seat.
What followed was a mad scramble to my room, a fight over which movie to watch (we ended up with Jurassic Park playing, somehow) and a lot of confused talking down the phone to reception, ordering just about everything on the menu. I mostly sat and watched, the way Oli and Noah interacted, the way both of them made sure to keep including me, the way they moved around in my room as if it was their own, confident and self-assured.
I looked back and forth between them, currently discussing the blanket and pillow situation, and found that my heart beat the same. I wanted Oli. And I wanted Noah. In the same way and so differently still. This was quickly moving away from “silly crush” territory and into something much more serious. I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it yet, but when Noah gave me a dazzling smile, I decided now wasn’t the time to make up my mind.
An hour later, I was close to entering a food coma, watching Laura Dern be dazzlingly fantastic on screen, and trying not to think about the fact that I was squeezed between Oli and Noah on my bed. My thighs were touching theirs - it was simply impossible for them not to - but I suddenly felt self-concious about taking up any more space than that.
Not on Oli’s watch. “The fuck are you fidgeting for?”
I stilled immediately, feeling awkward at being called out. I genuinely hadn’t realised it had even been noticeable. Uttering a quick sorry I slid down a little further on the bed. It wasn’t any more comfortable.
“Jesus christ, just come here.”
Oli’s voice was harsh, but his hands were soft as he pulled me into him. It took a little bit of wiggling around, figuring out limbs and hair, until I ended up with my head on his solid chest, his arm around my shoulders, mine slung over his stomach. My ear was right over his heart. His heart, which was doing double time, in tune with my own.
“Do you need me to leave?” Noah sounded playful, but even without looking at him from my position, I was pretty certain there was a hint of honest insecurity in his question.
“Mate, we need you to join in.”
And just like that, without needing any more reassurance or invitation, Noah plastered himself against my back, moulding his body to mine, carefully placing an arm over me.
I didn’t miss the way Oli’s hand reached for his.
I didn't know how I'd quite gotten myself in this situation, cuddled up between two men who had me blushing, had my heart hammering, had me craving them. Two men who didn't seem to know what they were to each other just yet. None of us having any idea where this was going. What we were trying to get out of this. But right then and there I decided I already loved the mess we were getting ourselves into.
106 notes · View notes
mingtinysworld · 6 months
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Pairing; song mingi x f!reader x jeong Yunho
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Your boyfriends are performing on stage, when an unexpected scene comes up. You feel an unquenchable thirst for them, and are left up to their judgement. Will they give you what you desire?
Content/warnings: idol Mingi, idol Yunho, established relationship, pretty suggestive but no actual smut,
A/n: I freaking loved this request. I actually daydream of Yungi way more than I’d like to admit. And that part of wonderland?? Like yes please, just let me be squished in between. Anyways, hope you enjoy!! Like, comment and reblog😘😘 - J
A Request by @bethelighthalazia
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“Stop hogging her!” Mingi whines with a pout on his lips.
You chuckle from your position on the couch, back cushioned against Yunho’s firm chest. You can feel a rumble go through him as he lets out a hearty laugh. He continues with his sloppy kisses across your neck, making mischievous eye contact with Mingi.
You let out a content sigh, relaxing your whole body, all the tension disappearing. You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of his warm lips on you, nestling further into him. Mingi looks on with a childlike envy, wishing it was him who was holding you in his arms.
His pout finally pierces your heart and you motion for him to come closer. You pat the space in between your legs, and he happily scoots across the couch. He settles sideways with his head resting on your chest. He lets out a breath he was holding and can finally relax. You give an endearing chuckle, feeling the love and clinginess emanating from Mingi.
You run your hands through his soft hair, Yunho also doing the same to you. You stay like that for the next 10 minutes, basking in the enjoyable silence. The first sounds of someone talking slightly startles you since you were so gone into a hazy headspace.
“We have to leave in 5 minutes.” Yunho reminds Mingi.
Your heart sinks. You knew it had to happen eventually. You couldn’t stay cuddled up for eternity, even if you wished so. Mingi and Yunho had to leave for rehearsals and their first show of their brand new tour. You know how hard they’ve been working, staying up for so many days on end, and only eating when you bring them food yourself.
Mingi groans in complaint, not wanting to leave your warmth. You cup his face and give him a promising peck on the lips.
“I’ll be watching you perform and I’ll see you after baby. It’s only a couple hours.” You reassure him.
He pouts once again, looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes. “I knoww, I just hate being apart from you. I want to hold you all day.”
“Me too baby, but I know you can do it. I’ll be cheering you on from backstage.” You give him a tight hug, trying to convey all your love in the action. Yunho kisses the top of your head as he starts getting up. He pulls Mingi up, even though he went completely limp to try to pull Yunho down with him. Yunho succeeds in hoisting him up and they both look at you with very different eyes.
Yunho looks at you with loving and kind eyes, while Mingi shows you wide and glassy eyes. You fondly shake your head at your big pouty baby and pull them in for another tight hug. Your voice is muffled against them as you speak next.
“Good luck with everything, I know the show is gonna be so amazing, as always. I love you both.”
They say their goodbyes and go to the managers car waiting for them. As the car starts to drive off they open their windows and wave at you like two elementary school kids. You laugh at their cuteness and go back inside to start getting your day ready.
You get picked up by one of the staff at 6pm, so you have plenty of time ahead of you. First, you get food ready of course. Lots and lots of snacks for all the boys, as you know they get ravenous after performing so intensely. You also prepare the cartons of water and banana milk. Sometimes you feel like a mother, feeding your children. But you know you love it.
Your next step is your hair, makeup and outfit. You choose to be on the more casual side, since you you’ll only be backstage. You pick an emerald green sweater with black, ripped jeans. You know Yunho goes crazy for the green, so you feel cheeky in a way.
A few more hours go by and it’s finally time to leave. You get a text from the staff, and leave to get in the car. Your whole body is buzzing from excitement. The entire group has been insanely secretive about everything they’ve been preparing. You honestly have no idea what to expect, no clue what the set list even is.
As you go backstage, you can hear the muted sounds of the crowd. There’s a certain energy in the air, that can only be associated with Ateez. You heart swoops with a thrill every once in a while as the anticipation grows.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the show begins. The group goes on stage as the crowd roars. You watch on the big tv screen, all eight boys being illuminated by the bright lights. You cheer them on, sending all your love and good vibes to them telepathically.
As they go through the songs you can’t help but stare in awe. No one performs like them, they truly are one of a kind. Next up is Wonderland, which is one of your favorites. You dance along with them, having memorized it by watching them practice for so long. It comes to the bridge and dance break and you sit down to catch your breath to watch more attentively.
You wait for Wooyoung and Mingi’s part, but it never comes. Instead, there stands Yunho, in all his glory, clenching Mingi’s shirt with all his might. Their foreheads touch as they stare daggers into the other, the tension palpable. You hold your breath while they swing on their feet slowly. They look like they’re ready to devour each other right on stage, and you unconsciously clench your thighs together at the thought.
They finally let go of each other, and push one another in the opposite direction. You exhale a breath you weren’t aware of holding and slump down in a daze. The rest of the show goes by in a blur, your only train of thought focused on being in between your two boyfriends.
You only come to when you hear the deafening cheers. You abruptly stand up and clap robotically, having paid zero attention to the rest of the concert. You go out to the hallway connecting with the stage and see the boys filing in one by one, sweat and adrenaline dripping off of them.
Mingi and Yunho approach you, with a knowing look on their faces. You wait expectantly, for what exactly you’re not sure. Mingi speaks first.
“How did you like it babe?”
Your mouth opens yet nothing comes out. They laugh at your lack of speech and at the quick reddening of your cheeks.
Yunho cocks an eyebrow. “Did you see something you liked?”
Your heart thumps wildly and you feel slightly lightheaded. “I-I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Your slight stutter and nervous laughter doesn’t go dismissed.
Yunho steps closer, bringing you in by your hip. He looks down at you, swiftly glancing at your parted lips. “I don’t know sweetheart, it seems like something has got you worked up.” He turns to Mingi. “Perhaps I’m imagining it?” Mingi catches on to the hint and plays along.
“Yunho I don’t think anything’s going on. The sweet girl is probably so tired from all this waiting, we should get her to bed.” This time, his pout is definitely a fake one. One you want to swipe away with your tongue, intruding his awaiting mouth. The way they talk about you as if you’re not there works you up even more.
You try to protest. “I’m not tired! Not at all.” They smirk knowingly, and look at one another.
“What do you think Mingi? Should we let her have us tonight?” His eyes glow with a sadistic glint.
Mingi smiles big and looks you straight in the eye. “I don’t think we should Yun.” At that you struggle out of Yunho’s hold. Trying to stand tall, you huff out in annoyance.
“You know I’m right here right? Stop being annoying and just kiss me already!”
They both raise eyebrows at your outburst. Yunho’s eyes darken while Mingi’s grow in hunger.
“I’m gonna have her first.” Yunho states.
Mingi growls slightly, pushing Yunho away from you.
“Like hell you are.”
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gardenschedule · 5 months
Perceptions of Paul as calculating & John's paranoia
“McCartney’s mistake, which he now admits, was to seem invulnerable. […] And yet, he says, the contrast between himself and Lennon, so assiduously cultivated by journalists, was a fabrication. “I wasn’t brilliant at school. I was trouble, just like John. I got caned practically every day, and the only exam I ever passed was Spanish. John and I weren’t black and white, although people took John, for all his aggression, to be the good guy, because he showed his warts. I’ve only just realized, after all this time, that people like to see warts. It makes them sympathetic. I’d always though that, in order to be liked, you had to be unwarty.””
Living with The Beatles’ legacy, the smears that Lennon left behind… and the battle to win my babies back, The Times Newspaper, Monday January 4, 1982.
Paul was the easiest to talk to. He had such energy and such keenness and, unlike John, enjoyed being liked, at least most of the time. I don't see this as a criticism; John himself could be very cruel about Paul's puppy dog eagerness to please. The irony was, and still is, that John's awfulness to people, his rudeness and cruelty, made people like him more, whereas Paul's genuine niceness made many people suspicious, accusing him of being calculating. Paul does look ahead, seeing what might happen, working out the effect of certain actions, but he often ends up tying himself in knots, not necessarily getting what he thought he wanted. I think there is some insecurity in Paul's nature, which makes him try so hard, work so hard. It also means he can be easily hurt by criticism, which was something that just washed over John.
Hunter Davies, Western Mail: The Beatles. (April 9th, 2004)
Even Paul’s immaculate manners could not thaw her. ‘Oh, yes, he was well-mannered–too well-mannered. He was what we call in Liverpool “talking posh” and I thought he was taking the mickey out of me. I thought “He’s a snake-charmer all right,” John’s little friend, Mr Charming. I wasn’t falling for it. After he’d gone, I said to John, “What are you doing with him? He’s younger than you… and he’s from Speke!”’ After that, when Paul appeared, she would always tell John sarcastically that his ‘little friend’ was here. ‘I used to tease John by saying “chalk and cheese”, meaning how different they were,’ she remembered, ‘and John would start hurling himself around the room like a wild dervish shouting “Chalkandcheese! Chalkandcheese!” with this stupid grin on his face.’
Philip Norman, Paul McCartney: The Life. (2016)
“He always suspected me. He accused me of scheming to buy over Northern Songs without telling him. I was thinking of something to invest in, and Peter Brown said what about Northern Songs, invest in yourself, so I bought a few shares, about 1,000 I think. John went mad, suspecting some plot. Then he bought some himself. He was always thinking I was cunning and devious. That’s my reputation, someone who’s charming, but a clever lad. “It happened the other day at Ringo’s wedding. I was saying to Cilia [Black] that I liked Bobby [her husband]. That’s all I said. Bobby’s a nice bloke. Ah, but what do you REALLY think Paul? You don’t mean that, do you, you’re getting at something? I was being absolutely straight. But she couldn’t believe it. No one ever does. They think I’m calculating all the time.
Paul and Hunter Davies, 1981
In the wake of his death you didn’t tour for most of the ‘80s. People suggested that you were scared to go on the road. Was that true? No. People speculate about anything. They always credit me with motives I haven’t even dreamed of. It’s interesting, the way they sort of perceive my life and analyse it for me. In that case, I never thought about touring much. People used to say, “Oh, it’s 10 years since you’ve toured.” I’d go, “Is it? Y’know, I’m not counting.” That’s all that was, really. I don’t know why. Maybe I didn’t fancy it.
The Q Interview, 2007
Astrid in Germany was always a bit suspicious of Paul at first, though his relationship with Stu was also bound up in this. 'It used to frighten me that someone could be so nice all the time. Which is silly. It's ridiculous to feel at home with nasty people, just because you feel that at least you know where you are with them. It's silly to be wary of nice people.'
The Beatles (Updated Edition) (Hunter Davies)
Paul is the easiest to get to know for an outsider, but in the end he is the hardest to get to know. There is a feeling that he is holding things back, that he is one jump ahead, aware of the impression he is giving. He is self-conscious, which the others are not. John doesn't care, either way, what people think. Ringo is too adult to think about such things, and George in many ways isn't conscious. He is above it all.
The Beatles (Updated Edition) (Hunter Davies)
Paul today is still the public Beatle, giving interviews at fairly regular intervals, being open and honest about himself and his past, his worries and his pleasures. Naturally, as ever, there are people who suspect his motives, putting him down for being too charming. Paul may be a bit of an actor, acting the part of Paul McCartney, the charming superstar, still loved by every mum, which can make him sound rather prissy at times, but I believe he does tell the truth about himself.
The Beatles (Updated Edition) (Hunter Davies)
“My problem is to me, I come over as this very together guy, always got his finger on top of everything: the man with no problems. School – a doddle, got all the exams. This is the sort of image of me. Actually, I had murder getting through exams, like I was saying about being on tour during my GCEs. I was like the kid who was getting the cane. Just like John was, but he [Phillip Norman] makes me the very shrewd, always-going-to-succeed guy, and John is the kind of cute, working-class hero. In actual fact though, John was just as shrewd and ambitious as I was. What does me in is he adds to this image I’ve got; I resent that, because I know I’m not that, and I know I’ve never been that.
Paul McCartney’s thoughts from 1983 on Phillip Norman’s ‘Shout!’
The funny thing is, when Apple [started], everything was laid out on the table, it’s like a Monopoly game. We saw who had what. I suddenly had more Northern Song shares than anybody, and it was like, oops, sorry. John was like, “You bastard, you’ve been buying behind my back.” John saw everything like a Harold Robbins movie, you know, which it was. He’s not incorrect. I couldn’t get over the fact that we were really involved in all this. I think to this day, he’ll not understand. I don’t think he would accept right now, my naïveté in it. I think he still suspects me of trying to take over Apple. He still suspects that when I offered the Eastmans as [managers] instead of Allen Klein, he naturally assumed that I would be taken care of better than the others, and that the Eastmans could never be moral enough to be equal in their judgment and do the Beatles’ thing rather than Paul’s thing. I think they still suspect to this day.
The point I was trying to illustrate is that it wasn’t so much John being a bastard as it was his being suspicious towards me, always being suspicious towards me. There was Northern Song shares. And I swear on any holy book you want, I know he won’t believe it, but I know for sure that I didn’t buy them with the view to— If I was really trying to do it, I could have bought an awful lot more. So it does hurt a little bit that there’s someone who still thinks, like, I’m out to get them, or that I always was. That’s one of the nice things about it— It’s a pity [I never said to John, “Fuck off, I’m not trying to do it”—and never was]. But he knows I was kind of— We were behind the scenes, and we did a few little [things] that we had to do, and our ambitions, and it was never a kind of terrifying skeletons in the closet. It was always just normal—but, uh, they …
All You Need Is Love – Peter Brown & Steven Gaines
SG: Were the other Beatles anti-Linda? PMcC: Uh, yeah. I should think so. Like we were anti-Yoko. But you know John and Yoko, you can see it now, the way to get their friendship is to do everything the way they require it. To do anything else is how to not get their friendship. This is still how it is with John and Yoko. I know that if I absolutely lie down on the ground and just do everything like they say and laugh at all their jokes and don’t expect my jokes to ever get laughed at, and don’t expect any of my opinions ever to carry any weight whatsoever, if I’m willing to do all that, then we can be friends. But if I have an opinion that differs from theirs, then I’m a sort of an enemy. And naturally, paint myself a villain with a big mustache on, because to the ends of the earth, that’s how they both see me. They’re very suspicious people [John and Yoko], and one of the things that hurt me out of the whole affair, was that we’d come all that way together, and out of either a fault in my character, or out of lack of understanding in their character, I’d still never managed to impress upon them that I wasn’t trying to screw them. I don’t think that I have to this day.
All You Need Is Love – Peter Brown & Steven Gaines
I was never out to screw him, never. He could be a maneuvering swine, which no one ever realized. Now since the death he’s became Martin Luther Lennon. But that really wasn’t him either. He wasn’t some sort of holy saint. He was still really a debunker. “For ten years together he took my songs apart. He was paranoiac about my songs. We have great screaming sessions about them.
Paul and Hunter Davies, 1981
SALEWICZ: Oh, he was presumably very paranoid. PAUL: I think so. I mean, he warned me off Yoko once. You know, “Look, this is my chick!” ’Cause he knew my reputation. I mean, we knew each other rather well. And um, I felt… I just said, “Yeah, no problem.” But I did sort of feel he ought to have known I wouldn’t, but. You know, he was going through “I’m just a jealous guy”. He was a paranoid guy. And he was into drugs. Heavy.
September, 1986 (MPL Communications, London)
Miles says, “I think Jane was always a bit irritated by John. Because he was so acerbic and difficult to get on with. And paranoid. He didn’t make life easy. I suppose it’s a sort of rapier wit, but it was usually just plain ordinary rudeness. There was nothing special about it.”
Paul McCartney profile for FAME Magazine (March 1990)
“They [Lennon & McCartney] saw each other again in 1977. The Lennons and McCartneys ate dinner together at Le Cirque, Paul’s favourite French restaurant in New York. John regretted going; it was a loathsome night. Paul and Linda blathered on and on about how perfect their lives were, how they had everything they’d ever wanted, and how they were as happy as they’d ever been. Something very paranoid suddenly occurred to John. Maybe Lorraine Boyle was spying on him for the McCartneys! He woke up the next morning still feeling disturbed; he consulted the Oracle. Swan assured him that Paul and Linda were frustrated and unsatisfied. Their marriage was in trouble, he said, predicting it would break up within the year. Lately Swan’s visions had been astonishingly accurate. Relieved, John began composing a song—a little ditty, really, that would never be released—in praise of the Oracle’s powers. But he still couldn’t understand why Paul and Linda had been together for as long as they had. There appeared to be a psychic connection between John and Paul. Every time McCartney was in town, John would hear Paul’s music in his head.”
Robert Rosen, Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon, (2000)
JOHN: […..] And he’s (Jagger) goin’ on about “he never calls. Do you think he ever calls? He never calls me. And he keeps changing his phone number all the time… And he’s hiding behind the kid.” I was hurt by it! You know… The fact that… A, I never call anybody. It’s not pride, it’s just that I never, ever have. REPORTER: Why? JOHN: I never call the other Beatles, I never call anybody. They always call me. REPORTER: Why? JOHN: Cos I’m self-involved! I’m paranoid, too. I don’t like phones… There’s nobody on this earth ever got a call from me that isn’t related, probably. Or a very old friend…
Sept 1980 – John
“Yoko was an extremist and was even more intense than John taking any idea or comment of his to the limit. If, for example, he complained about any of his fellow Beatles she would hint that that Beatle had always been an enemy implying that John should never deal with that person again. Her extreme positions fascinated John and help him take his mind off himself but when she became self-involved and paranoid herself -her paranoia usually dealt with her career, her fame and the fact that even though she had always been famous everyone conspired to keep her from getting even more famous- he had no place to turn. His insecurity about his solo career, his childhood, his relationships with the other Beatles, the way the public perceived Yoko overwhelmed him and he became more and more involved with drugs.”
May Pang, Loving John (1984)
John was lucky. He got all his hurt out. I’m a different sort of a personality. There’s still a lot inside me that’s trying to work it out. And that’s why it’s good to see that wedding-funeral bit, because I started to think, ‘Wait a minute, this is someone who’s going over the top. This is paranoia manifesting itself.’ And so my feeling is just like it was at the time, which is like, He’s my buddy, I don’t really want to do anything to hurt him, or his memory, or anything. I don’t want to hurt Yoko. But, at the same time, it doesn’t mean that I understand what went down.
Paul McCartney: An Innocent Man? (October, 1986)
Some three year later, during the making of Abbey Road, Lennon installed a twin bed in the studio so that Yoko, recuperating from a car crash, could survey proceedings and pass comment though a mike he had suspended over her. The other Beatles positioned themselves around the room as best they could. Yoko would later tell Paul that if, for any reason, he’d seemed to be standing too close to her, all hell would break loose when John got her home. Lennon, she said, was ‘very paranoid’ like that.
McCartney by Chris Sandford
But we were actually quite supportive. Not supportive enough, you know; it would have been nice to have been really supportive because then we could look back and say, “Weren’t we really terrific?” But looking back on it, I think we were okay. We were never really that mean to them. But I think a lot of the time John suspected meanness where it wasn’t really there.
Paul McCartney, interview w/ Chris Salewicz for Musician: Tug of war – Paul McCartney wants to lay his demons to rest. (October, 1986)
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patchworkorphan · 4 months
Heroic betrayal: part seven
“You must let me show you where you’ll be staying, Hero,” said Supervillain, releasing the chains on Hero’s cuffs and stepping back away from them. Hero narrowed their eyes into a glare, keeping their hands close to their chest as they blinked at Supervillain.
“What do you mean, where I’ll be staying?” They snapped. Supervillain tilted his head as he regarded Hero, a small smile on his lips.
He shrugged. A gesture that should have conveyed a casual thing, but Hero saw right through it. “You can stay in the cellar if you like, though I’d say a bed would be far more comfortable.”
“I’d rather you let me go, or keep our contact to a minimum,” Hero told him. What the hell was he talking about, keeping Hero here? Forcing them to stay? They couldn’t… their brain wouldn’t let them comprehend exactly what this meant. The words just kept repeating in their mind drowning out all sense and reason:
Where you’ll be staying…
Supervillain had planned this, every detail, and Hero didn’t notice. They didn’t know, they didn’t see. Supervillain didn’t let a hint slip about this! Taking Hero captive and not letting them go, and it – though Hero would never admit it – it terrified them.
What if they weren’t as good as a detective as they thought they were? What if… Hero’s eyes studied Supervillain’s face. What if they had only seen what Supervillain wanted them to see?
Supervillain hummed thoughtfully, hands going behind his back. “I’ll show you the room anyways. Give you the tour while we’re at it. We’ll see if you have a change of heart.”
Hero’s nostrils flared as Supervillain turned his back and opened the door Hero initially came through. Supervillain’s knowing smirk remained on his face as he glanced back at Hero. “Come along now, I’m not a patient man.”
“I’d rather stay right here,” Hero told him, voice low. A pathetic attempt at stubbornness. Supervillain inclined his head.
“You can walk out the door, Hero, or be dragged out. Either way, you won’t be staying here. Would you like to keep your dignity intact?” He asked, his tone light and charismatic, his words anything but. Hero hated the way he spoke as if everything was certain. As if he could control everything and it would all work out his way.
Though what Hero hated more was the fact that they knew it was better to comply than to rile him up, so they stood and walked through the door Supervillain held open. They turned their head, looking down the long hallway to their right, where Flynn and Villain were. The door at the end of the hall must be where the kitchen is, but beyond that Hero didn’t know.
Maybe it would be better to know the layout of the house, Hero mused, they could plan their escape more effectively if Supervillain was stupid enough to offer a tour.  Supervillain, instead of turning towards the kitchen, went left, back the way Hero and Flynn came, back towards the cellar.
Hero followed Supervillain cautiously, one eye tracking his figure, the other careful to take note of the layout and the route back to the kitchen if they needed to flee on short notice.
Flee to who? To Flynn? A nasty voice mocked in their head.
At least I know what to expect with Flynn, Hero argued back.
Oh yeah… like how you knew he was a lying, backstabbing villain all this time right?
Hero bit the inside of their cheek instead of fighting with their smug, know-it-all side of their brain. At least when they tasted blood in their mouth, they could justify the pain. They could take their mind off of Flynn and the ache in their chest that they fought so hard to ignore.
Hero’s eyes zeroed in on the door to the basement as they stepped into another hallway. They were half expecting Supervillain to open it and shove them down the stairs before laughing like a cartoon villain and slamming the cellar door closed.
Instead, Supervillain walked past it, and Hero followed mutely, swallowing as they passed the cellar door. Now that it was so close, Hero really didn’t feel like going back there. Back to the cold and defenceless cot in a cell where any of them could come down and gloat.
Where Villain could come back and hurt them again and nobody would stop them.
Maybe a room would be better. At least Hero could barricade the door and break the window or something. They could have a better defensive position. Not be subject to their hosts moods when it takes them. Their nose throbbed at the thought of Villain coming down to their cell again and they shuddered.
Supervillain continued down the hall to another heavy door that looked solid and stiff. There was something strange about it, something Hero only noticed after Supervillain stopped in front of it and raised his hand to a keypad on the wall.
Hero stopped in their tracks. They didn’t want to swap one cell for another, and this one didn’t look as escapable as the cell in the basement. At least there Hero could see out all around them, except for the back wall, but a heavy metal door with an electronic lock would prove far more difficult.
There was a small beep ahead and Supervillain glanced back at Hero over his shoulder. A sly smirk graced his face when he noticed that Hero had stopped following altogether, probably standing six feet back.
“Oh Hero, that’s adorable. Are you frightened?”
“No,” Hero said a little too quickly. A denial. They both knew it. While Supervillain chuckled lightly, Hero wanted to punch themselves. “Where are we going?”
Supervillain’s smile was friendly and carnivorous all at once. “I told you; I’m giving you the tour of the house. Here,” Supervillain said, holding the door open for Hero and gesturing for Hero to walk in first. Hero’s throat went impossibly dry, as if Hero inhaled a pound of sawdust. They swallowed to try and restore some moisture in their mouth because what else could they do?
If they refused to comply, Supervillain would just drag them along anyway and there was no way they could fight back with their powers dampened and their hands cuffed in front of them. The weight of their blades on their back felt heavy in a way they never were before. They were right there… if only they could reach them.
Hero jutted their chin up, steeling their expression as they stormed forward and passed Supervillain, vowing that the moment they got free they would commission thigh braces for their daggers instead. That way they could never be in a humiliating situation like this again.
The room coming into focus drowned out Hero’s plans for new sheaths. Once inside the keypad locked room they stopped short and just stared. It was like the meeting room in the Hero headquarters, except, well… bigger. It was shaped like a hexagon with a domed ceiling that came to a point to let in some light through three skylight windows. The wall in front of Hero had two screens imbedded into it. One played the news on mute that was reporting some local event.
The two walls beside the back one had doors that led off to God knows where, but Hero’s gaze skimmed over them, and went instead to the corkboard on the wall to the left. Pictures of all the top ranked Heroes faces were pinned to the board; Superhero’s, Other Hero’s, and Hero’s were pinned to it. Tears pricked the back of Hero’s eyes when they saw Sidekick’s photo pinned to the wall too, a big red X painted over their face. Hero’s hands shook slightly at the sight… they should have never left Sidekick’s side. They should be at the hospital right now.
Instead, they were knee deep in enemy territory, on a tour of Supervillain’s house. Hero had to pull their gaze away from Sidekick’s face, to study the rest of the room, screwing their lips up tight to try and stop them from trembling.
Hero’s gaze dropped to a desk below the corkboard, where a hero scanner and comms sat, both of them were switched off for now. One Flynn must have stolen… been given. Hero’s hands tightened into fists at the sight. All this time… all this time Flynn was betraying them, betraying the Heroes and he had the nerve to be upset that Hero hated him?
Hero’s gaze flicked back up to Sidekick’s face again and they quickly turned away, looking instead to the giant circular table that dominated the middle of the room. A map of the city was printed on top of it. Hero recognised some of the marks that divided some of the city up. Territories that were occupied or controlled by different groups. Some good, some bad.
Hero stepped closer to the map table, noticing the chess pieces that were spread across it. There was a cluster of white on Hero HQ; the King, two knights, a bishop, a rook, but some other white pieces were dotted throughout the map. There were no black pieces, something Supervillain removed no doubt before Hero walked in. They couldn’t give away all their secrets.
Hero searched the table, making note of the pieces, trying to figure out who they were. A pawn was placed on top of central hospital which made Hero feel sick. They felt Supervillain step up beside them, but Hero didn’t bother to look at him.
“Should I take your silence as a good thing?”
“You can take my silence however you want,” Hero replied. Supervillain hummed beside them. He reached forward and plucked the pawn from the hospital and ran it between his fingers.
“Mmmm, does it have something to do with this?” Hero looked away from the map, lifting their head to stare at the news instead. Supervillain continued undeterred. “It is unfortunate what happened to Sidekick.”
“Don’t talk about them,” Hero snapped.
“What had to happen to them. They were interfering. Hot on Flynn’s scent, we had to dispose of—”
“Shut up,” Hero snarled, whipping their head to Supervillain, and stepping back away from him. “Stop fucking explaining everything you’re doing, or have done, to me like I want to hear your excuses!”
Supervillain cocked a brow at Hero’s outburst. He put the pawn back on top of the hospital, not taking his eyes off of Hero as he did. Hero searched Supervillain’s face, reading it for what he was thinking, and they didn’t like what they found. Realising their mistake too late they took a step back, trying to put some more space between them. Once they could put their weight on their back foot they could kick at Supervillain if he came at them.
Instead, Supervillain clasped his hands behind his back, chewing on words, looking for the best ones before he spoke. Everything was so measured. So controlled. It put Hero off, as if Supervillain was more machine than human.
His gaze wandered to the map, eyes running over everything with a critical eye. “Did you notice anything about the map?”
Hero frowned at the question, their attention turning back to the map as Supervillain walked around the table, stopping directly opposite Hero. They did a quick scan of it, their eyebrows knitting together. Did they miss something? No, they didn’t. The heroes know about the different territories. Maybe Supervillain giving away what heroes they thought were important with the chess pieces but other than that…
Hero’s eyes were drawn to the chess pieces, to the Hero HQ. King, two knights, a bishop, a rook. They saw the other rook and bishop somewhere else, but when they scanned the map again Hero realised what Supervillain was alluding to.
Hero hardened their gaze. “There’s no queen.”
“Very good,” Supervillain praised, and it felt like cockroaches crawled down the back of Hero’s neck. “The queen was far too meddlesome for my liking. Your perfect Sidekick you’ll note is still on the board, that was intentional.”
Hero raised their eyebrows at Supervillain in silent question and froze at his expression. There was no hint of anything human left in him, it was as Hero had imagined Supervillain to look like. Devoid of emotion and yet alive with a vibrant authority that made Hero want to hide away, to cower from — as if Hero was looking directly into the sun, eyes burning but they couldn’t look away.
“An incentive for you, Hero,” he said, his lips twitching up into a cold mockery of a smile. “A gift while you’re here, to make sure you follow the rules.”
Hero recoiled back a step, horror painting their features, as if Supervillain had killed a puppy in front of them and punched them at the same time instead of spoke.
“As long as you behave, well,” Supervillain continued, sea-green eyes drifting down to the pawn over central hospital. Hero’s heart thrummed in their chest and seemed to stop at Supervillain’s next words. “Let’s just say, Sidekick can remain on the board.”
Hero let out a shaky breath that was trapped in their chest, shaking their head. The chain between their cuffs rattled as their hands shook, tears pricking the back of their eyes as their gaze turned accusing and filled with a helpless-fuelled hatred.
“You— you’re threatening Sidekick’s life if I don’t do as you say?!” Hero demanded, voice teetering on the edge of hysterical.
Supervillain tilted his head, as if trying to understand Hero’s emotional response.
“I told you, Hero,” Supervillain began, walking around the table back towards Hero who was too focused on the pawn over the hospital. “We can be civil, this can be a beneficial relationship for us both. I can have you far away from the city, where I know you can’t interfere in the next stage of my plans, and you can rest easy knowing you’re saving Sidekick’s life.”
It was as if the world crumbled underneath Hero’s feet. They wanted nothing more than to collapse there and then, their body flooding with adrenaline as the weight of Supervillain’s words hit them.
It was all too much.
It all felt like too much.
Hero wanted to scream and cry, and punch something— no they wanted to punch Supervillain and Flynn because…
Hero flinched as a comforting hand came down on their shoulder, eyes widening slightly because when did Supervillain get that close.
“It’s a win-win, Hero.” Hero shrugged his hand off their shoulder and stepped back. Wet eyes filled with unshed tears met Supervillain’s sea-green eyes with a helpless kind of hatred. He smiled politely. “You’ll see,” he promised, “in time.”
Hero half expected Supervillain to gloat further, or press Hero on why they were nearly crying, maybe even be cruel and make fun of them. Supervillain walked passed Hero to the door that opened with a beep. Hero followed him with their eyes, biting the inside of their cheek and re-opening the wound.
“Let’s continue the tour, now that we have the unpleasantries out of the way.”
Hero stared at Supervillain, blinked and took a breath and started walking out the door without being prompted this time. They could feel Supervillain’s hungry gaze following them as they submitted compliantly, but what else was there to do? Now that he had threatened Sidekick, who was already in critical condition.
They wanted to be sick. After everything, Sidekick was only in hospital because Supervillain wanted to get to them. They wanted Flynn and Villain to capture Hero and bring them back here, where they— Hero swallowed the sob that threatened to climb their throat — where they would be… staying. Until Supervillain says otherwise.
It all felt so final, so formal, so decided when Hero didn’t make a decision. Supervillain was in control, that’s why he wanted to give Hero the “tour.” Not to show Hero around and let them see all the exits and escape routes, no. He wanted Hero to know that even if Hero knew the way out, even if they knew what doors would be locked and where the keys were, even if escape was within their reach — it didn’t matter.
They couldn’t leave.
If they left, Sidekick would be killed and it would be all their fault.
“Ah, Flynn,” Supervillain said behind Hero. Hero pulled themselves from their thoughts, raising their eyes to see Flynn standing at the corner between the cellar hall and hall that led to the dining room. He looked worried, his eyes not leaving Hero, who couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Perhaps you’d like to show Hero to their room?”
Hero felt Flynn’s eyes on them, searching their face, imploring them to look at Flynn but they couldn’t. Their stomach was flopping like a fish out of water, threatening to throw their dinner up any moment.
“Uh, yes. I will, thanks.”
“No problem,” Supervillain replied, mirthful as he strode past Hero and down the hall towards Flynn. He clapped a hand on Flynn’s shoulder as he passed and shot one last look over his shoulder at Hero. Hero met his gaze once, fleetingly, then turned their head away again.
Flynn was the first to move, walking closer to Hero who stood like a kicked puppy in the middle of the hall. When Supervillain turned the corner he smiled a satisfied smile to himself.
It was so easy to get Hero’s defence to crumble, and now that Hero wasn’t a threat to his plans, well… the city was about to change.
Whether it wanted to or not.
Orphanage roll-call: @princess-bubble-blossom @morning-star-whump @revrevrew-personal @altvaggie
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blushweddinggowns · 7 months
“I am sorry,” Eddie said for probably the millionth time, cringing at the glare Chrissy was sending his way. She wasn’t nuclear pissed but she was pissed, “Don’t look at me like that! You know I’d just be miserable if I went.”
Chrissy sighed, but she didn’t sound very surprised, “I just can’t believe after all that talk, you’re ditching me again.” 
Eddie shrugged, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. But his mind was already made up,  “I’ll owe you twice. But for now I’m staying right here.”
“Yeah, yeah. Cute boy trumps over me, I get it, ” Chrissy joked as she peered over at Steve, “Y’know, you could come with us. It’s only for a few months. And uh, you could bring a friend. Or two.”
It was actually kind of impressive, how fast Steve was able to move to cover Robin’s mouth. The yes was written all over her face, but Steve was ready to be the voice of reason, “Unfortunately, no. Nancy has the BAR exam in a few weeks and Robin has already been enlisted to help her through it.”
“Shame,” Chrissy sighed, laughing when Robin shook Steve’s hand away from her with a glare. But the lack of response made it clear she had no counterpoint. Chrissy went on, her eyes going back to Steve, “But that didn’t explain why you couldn’t go.”
Eddie watched, a little nervous about what he would say. Because while yes, it would be fun to drag Steve around the world on tour with his best friend, Eddie was kind of hoping to keep him to himself awhile longer. 
Steve blushed at the invitation, “That’s uh, quite the offer but-”
“But you should pay him if he goes,” Robin said bluntly, nodding Eddie’s way, “Especially if he quits his job for you. Honestly, I think you should reimburse him for the sick days he had to take because of your lying ass-”
Steve slapped her on the arm, his face on fire, “Robin!”
Chrissy just laughed as she watched them, “See? Stuff like this is exactly why I like you!”
Robin flushed at the compliment, but shrugged , “What? I’m just adding some realism to the whirlwind romance in case he fucks you over again.”
Huh. That was kind of a good point. Eddie hadn’t even thought of that. He didn’t know how it looked to literally add his boyfriend on to the payroll but…
“We could do a trust fund kind of thing?” Eddie offered instead, “That might be easier. No strings attached.”
“Irrevocable?” Robin asked, ignoring Steve trying and failing to shut her up again. 
“That would be the no strings attached part, yes.”
“Ooh, I like that-”
“He’s not going to pay me to be his boyfriend!” Steve interrupted with a huff, looking between them like they were the ones being unreasonable, “You can’t be serious about this.”
Eddie frowned, “Baby, it wouldn’t be paying you to be my boyfriend. You would get it if you dumped me or not. It would be more like…”
“A thank you for being his boyfriend!” Robin finished for him, “Honestly Steve, it’s the least he can do.”
Eddie nodded with her, “It really is.”
Steve stared at him, eyes wide, “Holy shit, you are literally insane. You are a crazy person.”
“Get used to that,” Chrissy sighed as she picked up her bag, “Now I gotta go. Hug me.”
Eddie did just that, sweeping her up into a big hug, one that took her clear off the ground. She laughed as he squeezed her, giving Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye. She did the same to Steve, though both of them politely looked away when she took things a little further with Robin. Even Eddie was a little surprised. He knew Chirssy could move fast but this seemed a little too… loving. Even for her. 
“I’ll call you when I get back. Just text me when Nancy gets off work,” She said quietly after she stepped back from her, a light flush to her cheeks, “I hope I can see you both again. It was fun.”
“I-yeah. Definitely,” Robin stuttered out, “Will do that. Yes.”
They all waved goodbye, watching her disappear into the airport before turning back for the car. 
“So,” Robin said as she got back into the backseat, “Trust fund. How do we make that happen?”
Steve groaned, covering his eyes with his hand, “Please stop trying to make me into an escort, Robin.”
“Oh my god, has love made you stupid?” Robin asked as she rolled her eyes, “He’s a millionaire who fucked you over. Why shouldn’t you get any money?”
“Babe, for the love of god shut the fuck up. He’s right here.”
“I don’t mind,” Eddie chimed in as he started the engine, “Besides, I think she’s right. It is the least I can do. I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable-
“That isn’t the insane part!” Steve interrupted, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a deep breath, “Both of you… just stop talking.”
Eddie sighed but listened, glancing in the rearview for Robin’s reaction. She didn’t look pleased either, but when she caught his eye she perked up.
Text me about it, Robin mouthed at him through the mirror.
I will, Eddie mouthed back, snapping his mouth back closed when Steve glanced at him. 
Eddie didn’t think much of it after that. He dropped Robin and Steve off, texted her about the idea on and off throughout the day, checked in on Chrissy when she made it home, then picked Steve up from work. He made him dinner, listened as he talked about his shift, and then pulled him into his lap for some bad reality television. 
It was an incredibly normal night, one that Eddie still couldn’t believe he got to keep. But fuck, was he grateful. 
“Hey, baby?” Steve said around a half-hour in, his voice sleepy and adorable. 
Eddie couldn’t help but kiss his forehead, smiling down at him, “Yeah?”
“Can I see your phone?” Steve sweetly asked.
“Sure,” Eddie said, handing it right off to him. He had nothing to hide, not anymore. He was even back to the convenience of having one phone, his stupid extra donated to charity the day after he got Steve back. Besides, it made sense for Steve to have the code anyway, it was his birthday after all. He didn’t even think about it as Steve unlocked it.
He probably should have thought about it. 
“I fucking knew it,” Steve groaned before shoving the phone right back into his face, “What’s this?”
Eddie blinked at him, biting his lip as he was confronted with a pretty indepth trust plan with Robin. Eddie shrugged at him, guilty as charged when he answered, “You just told us to stop talking then. You never said we couldn’t bring it up later.”
from the next chapter of this fic
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electric-cross · 1 month
I Saw Your Blog
Pairing: Chris Motionless x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk
Chris and the reader are close friends. Chris sees the readers blog and feels bold enough to make a move. Romance and smut ensue.
Tumblr media
It was almost midnight. You had been texting your friend, Chris, for hours. This went on nearly every day. No matter what the two of you were doing, you always found time to text. Sometimes, you’d even talk on the phone or facetime with one another. He’d become one of your closest friends, and if you were being completely honest with yourself, you’d developed a pretty serious crush on him, as well.
Chris was almost home from a two month tour. You hadn’t seen him in person since before it began, and you were already making plans to hang out once he was home.
“So, I’ll be home on Friday, and we should be able to hang out this weekend,” the text read.
“Okay, awesome. Do you want me to come to your house, or do you wanna come to mine?”
A short silence, then your phone buzzed, once again, “Can we hang out at my place? I’ve just been away for so long, I always look forward to spending time at home.”
“Of course we can. What time do you want me to come over?” you responded.
“Does seven work? We can order in some dinner, if you want.”
“Sounds good to me. What are you in the mood for?”
“Not sure. We can decide on Friday. So what are you up to? Still scrolling through Tumblr? Lol.”
You laughed, “Yeah, you know me. Are you ever gonna use yours again?”
“Not sure. I haven’t used it in like, a decade or something, but you never know. I do like stealthily checking your blog, though. You always have interesting things to say in your tags, lol.”
“Lol, yeah, I can get carried away sometimes, but isn’t that what Tumblr is for?” you answered.
“Haha, yeah, I guess it is. That may be why I left it behind. Some people are a little unhinged.”
You typed, “Yeah, that’s very true, but I’m one of those people, so I have no room to judge, lol.”
“I don’t know if you’re as wild as some people on there, but I’ve seen you allude to some pretty intense things before,” Chris replied.
“What intense things?” you asked.
“Well, sometimes you seem to be yearning in the tags of romantic and sexual posts, so I definitely think I’ve learned some things about you, lol.”
You tensed a bit. You knew that Chris could see those posts, but you were unsure if he knew that it was always him that you were talking about. A part of you wished that he did, so maybe he would make a move on you, but at the same time, you were afraid he’d figure it out and be disgusted by it. You weren’t sure how Chris felt about you, and you were too shy and nervous to ask.
“Oh yeah, well, we all crave it, right? I guess I’m no different than anyone else.” you tried to respond casually.
“That’s very true. If I had a private Tumblr, I’d probably post the same kinds of things that you do,” he texted back.
Feeling a bit brave, you decided to probe further, “Oh? Got your eye on someone that you wanna pine for in the tags? Lol.”
“Lol, definitely.”
Your heart sank. For some reason, your first instinct was to assume that he was talking about someone else and now you were getting confirmation of that. Your crush would go nowhere. You’d been relegated to friend and friend only. However, after that brief moment of sadness, a voice in your head said, “Well, what if it’s me? Could it be? I want to find out, but what if I make a move and then he actually was talking about someone else? Shit. Gotta tread lightly.”
“Oh, wow. I had no idea. Who is she?” you replied cavalierly.
“Well, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you. ;)”
“Haha, well, I think I can fend for myself, so spill! Unless you just don’t want to. It’s really none of my business, but I am curious.”
Suddenly your phone lit up. Chris was calling you. You felt your heart skip a beat, once again. You pushed the buttons and put the phone up to your ear.
“Hey,” you greeted him, “Did you get tired of texting or something?”
He laughed, “No, it’s just that I thought that this conversation would go better if we were actually talking. Plus, I’m finally alone now, so I don’t have any distractions or eavesdroppers.”
“Oh, okay. That makes sense. So what’s up?”
“Well, it’s about the conversation we were just having,” he answered.
“I kinda figured,” you laughed, “What did you want to tell me?”
For a moment, there was silence on the other end, “Chris?”
“Yeah, I’m still here. I’m just trying to think of how to put this.”
“Well, I’m sure any way you put it will be fine, so you may as well just be straight forward.”
“Okay…” he began, sounding nervous, “Well, I do like somebody. It’s just that, I don’t know how this girl feels about me, especially when I know for a fact that she’s already interested in someone.”
You paused, “Oh, well, um, I guess you should just tell her. Maybe she’d be interested. If not, I guess the worst she can say is no, right?”
“Yeah, but I’m really good friends with this girl, and I’d hate to make things weird between us. I guess I’m just debating whether or not it’s worth it to go for it,” he said.
You scoured your brain trying to think of all the single women that you knew Chris was close with. You thought of a couple that you weren’t sure about, but your mind still wasn’t willing to entertain the idea that you could be the girl that he was talking about.
You gathered some courage and spoke into the phone, “Chris, you should just tell her. You never know if it’ll make things weird, or if you can still be friends, and plus, you could end up with a girlfriend. You never know.”
“Yeah, I know. You’re right. It’s just hard, you know?”
“Trust me, I know. That’s why I pine on Tumblr, instead of going on dates,” you laughed.
He laughed in return, “So you get where I’m coming from.”
“Totally. So who is it? Maybe I can help.”
There was another moment of silence over the phone before he finally answered, “Fuck it. Might as well just go for it… It’s you.”
You felt your heart freeze, once again, rendering you speechless. After a few moments of silence, you heard Chris say your name, wondering if you were still on the line.
“Yeah?” you replied sheepishly.
“Did you hear what I said?” he asked.
“Yeah… I did. I’m just making sure that I heard you correctly.”
“So what do you think?” he asked, “Is it gonna make things weird between us, or is there any possible chance that you might feel the same way?”
You paused again, “Chris, who do you think I was talking about in all those tags on my blog?”
“Was it me?” he asked.
You smiled, “Yes, it was you.”
“Seriously?” you could hear the joy in his voice, “You’re into me?”
You laughed, “Yes, I am. I have been for awhile now. I was just too chicken to say anything.”
He sighed, “I know what you mean. I’ve been wanting to tell you how I felt for awhile, too. I just had myself convinced that you were talking about someone else and that I’d only be wasting my time and making a fool of myself if I were to tell you.”
“I get that. I never had any inclination that you liked me, so I kept my mouth shut for pretty much the same reasons.”
There was another pause before Chris spoke, “So, what does this mean? Do you wanna go out sometime?”
“Yeah, I do. What about Friday? Can that be our first official date?”
“Yeah, I’d love that. Do you wanna go out somewhere, or did you still want to just hang out at my house?”
“We can hang out at your house. It’s cozier. Maybe if it goes well, we can have a second date at a restaurant or something.”
“Okay, good. I can’t wait to see you.”
You smiled again, “I can’t wait to see you, either. Just two days, though. I think we can make it until then.”
He laughed, “Yeah, we can make it, but don’t think I won’t still be texting you non stop until then.”
You laughed with him, “Oh, I expected that. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
“Okay, good, and I’ll be checking your blog too to see what else you have to say about me until then.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll see plenty. I’ll try to keep it PG though.”
“I’d rather you didn’t. I like the more salacious things you post.”
“Oh, really? Well, then I guess I’ll have to post as many things about you as I can.”
“I’d love that. I’ll check in on it tomorrow, but for now, I really need to get some sleep. The bus heads out really early tomorrow so I gotta try to get a few hours in, but I hope you post some things about me tonight that I can read tomorrow.”
“Absolutely,” you began, “Get some sleep, and I’ll make sure you have plenty of things to read tomorrow. I’ll talk to you soon, Chris. Good night.”
“Alright, talk to you tomorrow. Good night,” he responded before you both hung up.
You sat in your bed, grinning from ear to ear. You couldn’t believe it. This was actually happening. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep for hours, so you decided to kill time the way you knew Chris would appreciate. You opened the Tumblr app, and began blogging away, posting things in the tags that you knew only Chris would know was for him.
After an hour or so of carefully curating posts for your new romantic partner, you decided to flip off the lights and try to get some sleep. As you had predicted, it was proving to be most difficult. Your mind wouldn’t stop racing. It was on a constant loop of replaying the conversation in your head, along with daydreaming about what was to come on Friday. Eventually, slumber took over, and you managed to get a few hours of rest.
The next morning, you awoke to find a missed text from Chris, “Hey, so I’m on the bus, and I’ve been killing the last couple of hours just scrolling through your blog and picking up on all the things that were about me. I gotta say, I’m extremely flattered, and it makes me desperate to see you. Especially after last night. ;) I hope you slept well, and I’ll talk to you soon.”
You grinned at your phone, wasting no time in replying, “I just woke up. I gotta get ready for work, but I just wanted to let you know that I got your text and I’m glad you’ve been having fun with my blog, lol. I’ll talk to you later today, alright? I hope you have a good day. :)”
“Okay, baby, text me when you get off work. I hope you have a good day too. <3”
Your heart fluttered. He called you baby. You couldn’t believe that this was all happening so fast. Not that you were complaining, however. Your body went into auto pilot as you prepared yourself for the day. You knew your mind would be preoccupied all day. You weren’t sure exactly how much work was going to be accomplished, but you weren’t too concerned. 
After what felt like an eternity, the work day was finally over. You made your way home, got yourself a drink, and made yourself comfortable on the couch, turning the TV on for background noise as you excitedly picked up your phone and texted Chris.
“Hey, work is finally over. Can you talk now?”
You waited a few minutes before getting a reply, “Hey. Sorry, kind of busy getting ready for the show tonight. Can I call you when we’re done?”
“Of course. I’ll be around.”
“Okay, great. Sorry sweetheart, it’s gonna be a few hours, but I can’t wait to talk to you again.”
  You smiled, “Take your time. I’ll be just as excited to talk to you later.”
You sat your phone down and watched the news, scrolling through Tumblr, adding a few more posts for Chris’ benefit. Eventually, you made, ate, and cleaned up dinner. Then, spent the rest of the evening watching interviews of Chris on youtube. You loved the way he spoke. He was such an eloquent and articulate speaker. You could watch videos of him all night, which you had on more than one occasion.
Finally, your phone lit up. Chris was calling you.
“Hey,” you greeted him, “How was the show?”
“It was awesome. I think we did pretty well for our last show of this run. What are you up to?”
“Oh, just hanging out at home, watching youtube, nothing too exciting.”
“Oh, yeah? I wish I was there with you, but hey, at least I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Your heart started racing, “I know. I’m so excited to see you. It feels like it’s been forever.”
“It really does. Especially after the conversation we had last night. It feels like time is moving at a snail’s pace.”
You chuckled, “Tell me about it. Less than twenty four hours until I see you, and it still feels like it’s taking a lifetime.”
Chris laughed with you, “I know, but at least I get to talk to you now.”
“Well, I can’t talk too long, I do have work in the morning, you know.”
“That’s true. I won’t keep you too long. I just really wanted to talk to you.”
“I really wanted to talk to you, too. Especially after you called me baby in that text you sent me this morning.”
He laughed again, “Oh, yeah. Is that okay? Or is it too soon for that?”
“I don’t mind at all. It made me pretty happy. I know we haven’t even had our first date yet, but I have a feeling this is heading to the point that you’d be calling me baby anyway.”
“Yeah? You think so?” he asked.
“Yeah, I do. Do I get to start calling you baby now, too?”
“Sweetheart, you can call me whatever you want.”
You grinned, “Good to know. Now tell me about the show.”
You spent the next hour or so asking Chris about the concert and making plans for what to eat and what to do the following night. Eventually, you couldn’t hide your yawns any longer.
“Getting sleepy, baby?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m surprised you’re not too. You’ve been up longer than I have and you put on a show. Aren’t you exhausted?”
“Eh, I’m a little tired, but nothing too bad. I think I’m still running on adrenaline from the show and from talking to you. I’ll probably crash soon, though.”
“Well, make it sooner rather than later, I want you well rested for tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah? Am I gonna need a lot of energy?” you could hear the playfulness in his tone.
You laughed, once again, “Well, I don’t know about that, but you never know. Either way, I don’t want you half asleep on our date.”
“You make a good point. Maybe we should both get some sleep then.”
“Sounds good. I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay?”
“Okay. Night, baby,” he said sweetly.
“Good night, baby,” you responded in a similar tone.
You hung up the phone, turned off the TV and headed for bed.
The next morning, you awoke and immediately picked up your phone. You didn’t have any missed texts. Chris must have still been asleep. So, you thought you’d beat him to the punch this time.
“Good morning, sweetheart. I hope you slept well. Have a safe trip home, and I’ll see you tonight! <3”
You sat your phone down and got ready for the last day of the work week. A couple of hours into work, your phone buzzed in your purse. It was Chris.
“Hey baby, I slept great. I hope you did too. I can’t wait to see you tonight. Have a good day at work! <3”
You smiled, placing your phone back into your purse and getting back to the task at hand. A few more hours passed and you received another text from Chris letting you know that he had made it home. You replied with a quick acknowledgement and got back to work. The day dragged on at an excruciatingly slow pace, however. You thought you’d never be off, when finally, the clock struck five. It was finally time to leave.
You rushed out to your car and drove home. You ran through the house to your bedroom and picked up the outfit that you had set aside for the occasion. You freshened up and did your hair and makeup, pleased with the result, especially in combination with the outfit you had changed into. You sprayed on some perfume and took one last look in the mirror. This was the best you’d looked in awhile, and you were pretty pleased with the outcome.
You glanced at the time, and realized it was time to be heading out. It wasn’t a particularly long drive to Chris’, you did live in the same town, after all, but you still didn’t want to be late. You stuffed your phone into your purse and grabbed the keys hanging on a hook near the front door and made your way out to your car. You decided to listen to some Motionless during your drive, just to amp yourself up even more.
After about fifteen minutes, you were finally pulling up to Chris’ house. You felt your heart skipping and you had a lump in your throat. To say you were nervous was an understatement, but that didn’t deter you one bit. You made your way to the front door and rang the bell, waiting for him to answer. After a few moments, the door swung open and you were greeted by the man you were expecting to see.
“Hey!” he said before pulling you into a hug, “You’re right on time.”
You pulled back, “Yep. We said seven so I made sure to be ready.”
“Well come on in,” he said, stepping to the side to allow you entrance.
You entered the residence that you had been in many times before, taking your shoes off by the door. You made your way into the living room and took a seat on the couch, Chris following close behind.
“So I already ordered the food, but can I get you something to drink?” he asked.
“Sure, I’ll take some water.”
“Be right back,” he replied.
You looked around the living room, taking in the unique touches that Chris had decorated his home with. Drawing in a deep breath, you steadied yourself for what was to come this evening. Before you knew it, Chris had returned with two bottles of water and took a seat next to you, handing you your drink.
“Thanks,” you said, taking a sip.
“No problem. So how was work?”
“Ugh, boring. I was too focused on coming here tonight.”
Chris laughed, “Yeah, I was practically counting the minutes all day. I’m so glad you’re here.”
You smiled at him, “So am I.”
The two of you sat, smiling sheepishly at one another.
“So, this is our first date…” he said, breaking the silence.
“It is. I hope it’s not our last one,” you responded.
“Oh, I’m sure it won’t be.”
“Good,” you said, smiling again.
The two of you sat in close proximity, gazing at one another. You could feel the electricity in the air as the two of you began to close the gap. Your face was mere inches away from his, when suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“Oh, the food’s here. Damn, that was fast,” Chris said, getting up to answer the door.
You took the moment to collect yourself. You had been so close to finally kissing him. You could almost curse the delivery person at the door. After a moment, Chris returned carrying bags of food.
“Ready to eat?” he asked.
“Actually yeah, I had to skip lunch today so I could definitely eat.”
He took his seat next to you once more and began assembling the contents on the coffee table, “Why’d you have to skip lunch?”
“Oh, just too busy with work stuff. It happens sometimes.”
“Gotcha. Well, I hope you like what I ordered. It’s the same thing we got the last time you were here.”
“Awesome,” you replied while gathering up your food.
The two of you ate and chatted about Chris’ tour and your work and just life in general. Nothing too serious. Even still, you were enjoying yourself immensely.
After you finished eating, Chris cleaned up the remnants and handed you the remote, “Here, pick a movie.”
“What do you feel like watching?” you asked.
“Whatever you want. Maybe something horror?”
“Sounds good to me.”
You scrolled through the endless streaming services as Chris finished cleaning up dinner. You finally landed on Trick ‘R Treat, a movie you knew Chris loved.
He came back into the living room taking his seat next to you, “Trick ‘R Treat, huh? Can’t say I’ve ever seen this one.”
You laughed, “Oh yeah, that’s why I picked it. I wanted you to see something new.”
He laughed with you, “It’s a good choice. We don’t have to watch it just because you know that I like it, though.”
“Hey, I like it too. Plus, it would probably be advantageous to pick something we’ve already seen so we can still talk and not miss anything.”
“You make a good point,” he said, wrapping an arm around you and settling in for the movie.
You nuzzled into his side and focused your attention on the movie beginning in front of you. The movie played for at least half an hour without a word from either of you. You were desperate to try and kiss him again. You contemplated making the first move for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, you worked up the nerve to slide away just enough so that you could face him. His head turned and he caught your gaze.
You were exceedingly nervous, so you simply smiled shyly at him. He returned your grin and before you knew it, he was placing a hand softly on the side of your face. You felt as though you could melt beneath his touch. Your brain had no time to register what was happening as Chris leaned down slowly into you, caressing your lips with his in your very first kiss.
You pressed your lips into his, savoring the softness of his lips. Your mouths worked in unison, dancing with one another. You could have kissed him all night. After a few minutes of light kissing, you felt Chris’ tongue sweep across your bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. You gladly parted your mouth and met his tongue with yours. Your tongues lapping against one another as the kiss grew in intensity. It wasn’t long before Chris had his hands tangled in your hair.
Feeling bold, you placed a hand on his thigh as you continued kissing. Chris gently nipped and sucked your bottom lip giving you all the encouragement you needed to slide your hand up his thigh until you were lightly gripping his cock over his pants. He moaned softly into your mouth as one of his hands left your hair to press your hand even more firmly into his crotch. He moved your hand so that you were rubbing his cock through the material. You could feel him growing hard beneath you.
Soon, you were taking the lead and rubbing him with no assistance. Chris’ hand now on your waist, working its way under the hem of your shirt. He kissed you with fervor as his hand slid upward to caress your breast over your bra. You barely had a chance to take in the sensation before Chris was pulling his hand and lips away from you.
“Come on,” he said standing up and pulling you with him until you were cradled in his arms, “I want the first time I fuck you to be in my bed.”
You felt the blood rush through your system. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You’d dreamt about it. You’d blogged discreetly about it, and you knew he knew that you had been waiting for this.
Chris carried you into his room and laid you down on his bed, the softness of his pillow catching your head. He wasted no time towering over you and kissing you vigorously. His hands roamed up and down your body as his mouth moved with yours. You pulled at his shirt until he sat back on his knees and removed the article of clothing. You stared at his heavily tattooed body, feeling lust begin to wash over you. You couldn’t get your clothes off fast enough.
Chris tore your shirt off and made haste with your jeans. You didn’t give him a chance to start with your underwear as you were too busy undoing his pants and pulling them down, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. He could see the hungry look in your eye, and placed his thumbs under the waistband or his underwear and pulled them down his legs, freeing his cock. Your eyes grew wide as you watched him bounce out of the material. You couldn’t stop staring. You couldn’t even hide it, and you didn’t care. 
Chris didn’t seem to mind either, as he gave a slight chuckle and asked, “Like what you see?”
Your eyes still didn’t leave his cock, “Love it,” you replied absently.
He laughed again, “Okay, well, now it’s my turn to see you.”
With that, he was pulling your panties off, leaving you in just your bra, which didn’t stay on much longer, either. Chris pulled you forward and busied his hands with unclasping the material at your back and then pulling the garment off of you, leaving you both completely naked.
“Fuck…” he said, his eyes roaming your body.
You thought he was in some sort of trance momentarily and you began to move toward him, finally feeling bold enough to make the next move. However, your plans were thwarted when Chris wrapped a hand around your throat and pushed you onto your back.
“I’ve seen the things you post about, baby. I know what you want me to do to you.”
Your cheeks flushed hot, and you almost felt embarrassed. You bit your lip and broke eye contact.
“No, don’t get shy on me now. I know what kind of girl you really are, what you want from me. Now take it,” he said, applying more pressure around your throat.
You felt your pussy clench at his words. You couldn’t remember the last time you wanted someone this badly. You subconsciously spread your legs.
Chris noticed your motions, “See? That’s my good girl. Spread your legs nice and wide for me.”
You fought back a small moan as Chris towered over you once again, his body pressed against yours as he kissed you roughly, his hand tightening even more around your throat. You could feel his hard cock pressing against your thigh. You wanted it. Wanted him.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as if begging him to fuck you. He took the hint and pulled away from you. You took in a deep breath as his hand left your throat to open the drawer of the bedside table. He pulled out a condom and immediately tore the package open. You watched hungrily as he slid the condom onto his cock.
He adjusted himself on top of you once more, “Normally, I’d take my time with you baby, and I promise I will next time, but I need you too fucking badly right now.”
You merely nodded in response as you felt him lining himself up with your entrance. Chris took one last look in your eyes, pressing his forehead against yours before he slowly slid himself inside. You let out a small gasp as you felt his entire girth stretching you open. Your eyelids fluttered as you composed yourself.
Chris seemed to need a second to adjust, as well. After a moment, he began to rock back and forth inside of you before kissing you again as he continued. You kissed back feverishly, and wrapped your legs around him once more. He wrapped one arm beneath the small of your back and pulled you slightly upward into him. The two of you moaned into each other’s mouths at the new angle. He was still moving slowly, but he was hitting that sweet spot inside of you that made your toes curl.
It wasn’t long after that he pulled himself from your lips and wrapped his free hand around your throat again, cutting off slight circulation. He stared intently into your eyes, watching for any slight change. He began bucking his hips more forcefully, filling the room with slapping sounds. You could hear how wet your pussy was getting. You let out a slightly louder moan.
“Is this what you wanted, baby?” he asked, still fucking you.
“Mmm, yes.”
“Yeah? You wanted me to fuck you, pretty girl?”
You arched your back as you felt Chris’ grip on your throat tighten, “Yes. Wanted you to fuck me so bad…”
Chris moaned and quickened his pace, “I know, baby. I know exactly what you want from me.”
You moaned louder as Chris grabbed at your hip and throat and practically slammed you into him. He was so much bigger than you. You thought he might break you, and you didn’t care in the slightest.
“Mmm. Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
“Fuck yes…” you responded wantonly.
“Tell me,” he demanded.
“You feel so fucking good, Chris. Fuck…”
Chris moaned louder, “That’s my good girl. That’s my good fucking girl…”
His grip on your throat tightened until you were sure he would leave marks. Good. You wanted the reminder that you were now his. The thought spurred your lust even more until you were writhing and moaning beneath him, arching your back into him and trying to soak up as much of him as you could.
“Oh, fuck. You feel so fucking good, baby. I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long…” he moaned.
He picked up the pace and gripped you harder. You could feel yourself getting close.
“Oh my god, Chris. Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” you whined.
“Yeah? Is my good girl gonna cum for me? You wanna fucking cum, sweetheart?”
You closed your eyes, “Oh, fuck, yes!”
You felt Chris’ lips crash onto yours, kissing you hungrily, swallowing your moans. He never stopped fucking you. Your pussy felt like it was on fire in the best possible way. You felt your cunt clamp down on his cock as he bit your lip before trailing over to whisper in your ear.
“Cum for me, baby. Let me hear you.”
“Oh! Fuck! Mmm…” you began cumming.
Chris moaned into your ear, causing you to cum even harder, “Oh fuck, that’s my girl. That’s my good fucking girl…”
You were just starting to come down from your orgasm as you heard Chris hit his, “Fuck! Ohhh… Shit.”
Your legs were trembling around his waist and your hands had fallen to your sides. Your whole body felt like jello and you weren’t sure if you were even able to move at this point. You felt Chris slow to a stop and you could hear his shallow, jagged breath by your ear. After a moment, he let go of your neck and placed a kiss where the bruises were beginning to form.
Eventually, Chris pulled himself out of you and removed the condom, tying it up and throwing it away in a trash can he had near the bedside table. He moved next to you and laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling, collecting himself and steadying his breathing.
“Fuck. That was well worth the wait,” he said, breaking the silence.
You smiled at him, “I think so too.”
Chris smiled back, “So, does this mean you're my girlfriend now, or do you want a few more dates first?”
“Do you want me to be your girlfriend now?” you inquired.
“Yes. Very much so,” he laughed.
You giggled, “Okay, then I’m your girlfriend.”
Chris smiled widely, “Good.”
Before you could respond, his mouth was on yours, once more. A lighter, sweeter kiss this time, but passionate, just the same. You kissed for a few moments more before Chris pulled back, turning to lay on his side, and pulled you flush against him, spooning you.
You lay in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company and processing all that had just transpired when Chris said, “I’m so glad I stalked your blog.”
You laughed, “Give you some ideas, did it?”
“Definitely. Oh, and don’t worry. I know there was a lot that I didn’t get to this time, but I promise I’ll cross everything off your list very, very soon.”
You laughed once more, “Okay, good. I promise to learn yours too and do them for you as well.”
He returned your laugh, “Maybe I should start using my blog again so you can learn about my kinks too.”
“No way,” you began, still laughing, “If you’re gonna copy me, at least make a private blog that only I know about. We don’t need your fans knowing about the slutty things we do.”
“Okay, I promise it’ll be private, but it’s gonna be filthy.”
“I think I can handle it,” you replied.
“Oh, I’m sure you can if yours is any indication of how nasty you are, sweetheart.”
You giggled again, “What can I say, I know what I want.”
“Yeah, so do I, and I plan on showing you,” he said as he rubbed his hand up and down your hip.
You ground your ass against his cock, daring him to get hard again, “Can’t wait, baby.”
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hadesforpreswrites · 6 months
dirty laundry, pt. 4
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a/n: here's part 4! guess who's back, back again, ash is back, tell a friend. i'm so sorry for how long this took, i kept hitting a wall every time i opened the document. but here we are now! as always i hope you enjoy! please like, comment, reblog!
pairing: noah sebastian x reader
genre: idiots-to-lovers
warnings: slight angst (if you squint, no like it's really minimal); oral (f. receiving)
word count: 2,508
summary: it's birthday time! noah's been on a mini tour, will he make it back in time for y/n's birthday dinner?
part one part two part three part five
as promised he stayed the rest of the week with her. it mostly consisted of them staying in and learning more about each other, in a different, more romantic way than they had previously.
then he had to go for a few weeks to perform various shows. he desperately wanted her to go with them but she just smiled and said that she needed to focus on her schoolwork and she wouldn’t do that if she was around everyone. he worried he wouldn’t be back in time for her birthday dinner that scarlett planned every year. 
every year their group of friends get dressed up in their best and go out to dinner. a lot of times after dinner they’d end up at a bowling alley that was half bowling, half arcade. 
it was something that she looked forward to every year and he was worried a majority of the group wouldn’t be able to make it due to commitments they had. 
“noah, it’s honestly okay,” she said over the phone one night after a show. he could tell she was trying her best to sound nonchalant but that she was sad about it. “if it was a dumb reason i’d be upset but this is far from dumb in my book. besides, we can always just push it to another date. doesn’t have to be on my exact birthdate.”
“yes it does!” he heard scarlett’s voice shout, causing him to chuckle. 
“she’s right. it’s tradition,” he said. “we’re gonna try our best to be there, doll. it mostly depends on how travel goes.”
“i know. maybe i should’ve come with you like you wanted. so you wouldn’t stress as much about it,” she said, quietly.
“doll, even though i desperately want you here with me, i’d still stress about it.”
“it’s not so important that you should stress this much though.”
“i’m going to pretend i didn’t just hear you say that the day my girlfriend was born isn’t important.”
“how very dare she!” jolly’s voice shouted from the other side of the couch on the bus.
“hear that? you’ve upset the swede.”
she was silent. 
“doll, regardless stress is going to happen because i love you and the guys love you and we want to continue our tradition.”
“you’re awfully quiet over there. what’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”
he heard sniffles from the other side of the phone and immediately wished he was there. “i just don’t know what i did to deserve this kind of niceness.” 
“you exist as you are and we like the way you are. so there,” he explained.
she laughed. 
“there she is.”
“i love you,” she said.
“i love you,” he replied with a smile. 
“and as much as i love you and talking to you, i should probably try to sleep.”
“yes, you should.”
“wish you were here,” she said quietly. he could hear her getting under her comforter and settling in for the night on the other side of the phone. 
“soon. then you’ll get sick of me, promise,” he joked.
“doubt it. night, noah.”
“good night, doll.”
“good night!!” the rest of the crew on the bus yelled into the phone, causing him to hear her giggle before she hung up.
“is she doing okay?” nicholas asked, plopping down between noah and jolly.
“i think so. just had a moment of doubt is all.”
“what happened when you went to stay with her?” nick asked.
“i don’t think that’s something i can tell you. she barely wanted to tell me.”
“well, whatever it was, even though it was obviously bad, i’m glad it happened. if only to finally get you two together,” jolly said. “not because i want her hurting, obviously. silver lining in the clouds.”
noah nodded. he’d been feeling similarly. he didn’t know when he’d finally have broken his silence on loving her if that night didn’t happen. that, of course, didn’t mean that he was happy her past had come back to haunt her in such an intense way.
“so what’d you get her for her birthday?” bryan asked, slightly changing the subject.
noah’s eyes widened. “shit.”
“she’s not gonna want anything from anyone,” nick tried to cover for noah.
“right. but it’s definitely his obligation as boyfriend to get her something anyway.”
“what if you just get a hotel room or airbnb for a weekend getaway? she’d like that since you’ve been gone,” nicholas offered.
“that’s actually a great idea,” jolly said, gaining looks from everyone on the bus. “we’re practically soulmates, i know what she’d like.”
“soulmates?” noah leveled a playful glare at the guitarist.
“oh, chill. i mean it in a totally platonic way.”
“i think you’d have to fight scarlett for that title,” nicholas laughed. 
“i’m not convinced she’s not holding out hope for y/n to be gay,” jolly said.
“she’s bi. i think if they were to happen, they’d have happened already,” noah explained. he earned some questioning looks. “she literally went to pride and bought a bi flag. it’s not difficult to put two and two together to make four. you guys just don’t pay attention.”
“so much for being her soulmate, joakim,” nick laughed, causing everyone else to laugh.
while laying in his bunk on the bus later that night, noah began to look up hotel in the area they lived, looking for one that gave off just the right vibe.
a couple days had passed and the band and crew were making their way home as fast as they could in order to make it for dinner. noah was on edge and kept to himself most of the trip. 
in the end, they had made it back to town with a couple of hours to spare.
as much as noah wanted to tell her they’d made it, it kind of wanted it to be a surprise, so he just text scarlett and told her to keep her mouth shut. 
he showered and dressed quickly. then he packed a bag for the weekend. as much as he loved his band, he couldn’t wait to have some alone time with his girl after a few weeks with them. 
he drove alone to the restaurant because of his later plans, but waited for the rest of them to arrive before exiting his vehicle. they walked into the building as a group, y/n and scarlett already at a table. the hostess seemed shocked to see the group but led them to the table which was in the back of the restaurant.
y/n and scarlett weren’t paying attention, immersed in a conversation together, so he walked quietly behind y/n and placed his hands over her eyes, careful not to smudge her glasses.
“oh my god, you made it!” she said, excitedly.
he chuckled, taking the seat on her other side. “how’d you know it was me?”
“cologne. and also who else would dare?”
“i dunno, jolly said something about being your soulmate, so he might dare.”
“okay, he might. but he wears a different cologne. did you know that smell is the sense most linked to memory?”
“i missed you, smartypants,” he said, kissing the side of her head. 
“missed you more,” she said, smiling.
“be gross after dinner,” scarlett said, not a hint of seriousness in her voice. 
“you ladies both look very nice tonight,” jolly complimented.
“thank you. it took so long for us to find something perfect for the night. still has to look good with bowling shoes, ya know,” scarlett answered.
the rest of the table carried on in conversation while noah placed a hand on y/n’s thigh, pulling her attention to him.
“i didn’t get an actual present for you this time and for that i’m so sorry. but i did get us a hotel room for the weekend so we can spend some much needed time together without these yahoos.”
“you don’t need to beat yourself up about not getting anything because all i wanted was you here. i think a hotel room is a great idea.”
he kissed the side of her head again as the waiter walked up to the table to take their orders. 
dinner was filled with laughter and good conversation, as it always is when they all get together. noah’s hand rarely left its place on y/n’s thigh. it was a subtle touch but after being gone from her for as long as he had been, though not as long as a normal tour, it was all he could do to not beg her to skip the bowling and go straight to the hotel.
when she stood up at the end of dinner and he saw her outfit in full, he had to stifle a groan that threatened to erupt. she looked so good and was wearing heels that made her legs look even better than normal. 
he shook himself as he noticed her stretching her hand out to him with a smile. “c’mon, we have pins lanes to dominate.”
he stood, his hand in hers, and followed their group out to their vehicles. 
“who’re you riding with, love?” scarlett asked.
noah was already opening the passenger door of his car for her when y/n shot scarlett a glance, causing them to laugh.
y/n carefully slid into the passenger seat of noah’s car before he shut the door and slid into his own seat. “you look so fucking good, doll.”
“thank you,” she blushed. “i wanted to try something a little different from the last couple of years.”
“i liked those to but there’s something about this that makes me a little feral.”
“good to know.”
“you sure you want to go bowling?”
she laughed. “yes, of course i want to go bowling.”
“yeah, right, of course,” he choked out.
“noah, we have all weekend.”
“trust me, i’m aware.”
“but i did tell scar that we’d be late because i want to pick up clothes for our weekend.”
“good idea.”
“i’ve been known to have a few.”
noah drove the familiar route to her and scarlett’s house, walked around the car to help her out, and held her hand as they walked to the front door.
once they were inside, he pulled her to him and pushed his lips to hers. her arms wound around his neck as she returned his kiss with the same urgency. he walked them until her back hit the closest wall and let his hands roam down her body to the backs of her thighs. he pulled, indicating to her that he wanted them around his waist, she obliged. he broke from her lips and she put her forehead against his as he walked them back to her room. 
“i missed you so fucking much,” he said, his voice husky.
“i missed you,” she breathed out.
“i know you want to go bowling with our friends but just give me a little more time.”
“okay, i can do that.”
he pushed open her bedroom door and kicked it shut again as they entered. he laid her on the bed, pecking her lips before sliding down her body and kneeling on the carpet in front of her.
“baby, can i please?” he almost whined out. “and then we can pack you a bag and go. promise.”
she leaned up on her elbows and looked at him. both of their eyes were blown with lust and hair was mused. “okay,” she said quietly.
“okay,” he said, placing a kiss on her thigh.
he slid his hands up under the skirt of her outfit and found the elastic band of her underwear and pulled them down her legs. he didn’t fight the groan that left his throat at the sight of the black lace underwear his fingers were pulling down. 
“my shoes,” she said, breathlessly.
“they’re fine,” he said simply as he hooked her knees on his shoulders. 
he kissed up the inside of one of her thighs to the apex of her legs. he used his tongue to lap up the juices that were already flowing out of her. he pushed a finger into her as he licked. he moaned into her, the vibration making her moan loudly as she snaked her fingers through his hair. he nibbled on her clit as lightly as he could and soothed it with his tongue. he inserted another finger and began working them faster as her breathing sped up.
“noah,” she breathed out, spurring him on.
he reached his free hand up toward her, and she released the grip of one of her hands on his hair to grip his hand instead. 
“c’mon, baby, i know you can do it. you’re so close,” he said as he felt her squeezing his fingers before continuing his ministrations with his tongue. he coaxed it out of her. she fought to keep her thighs open as she came, he continued until she was spent and breathing heavily above him.
he sat back on his heels and licked his fingers clean, her slick glistening on his chin. “fuck,” they said together, causing them to laugh.
“hang on, doll. let me clean you up before you start moving around,” he walked into the adjoining bathroom, grabbed a clean washcloth, and wet it before walking back to her, wiping his face as he did. he cleaned the inside of her thighs and any drippage from her core before placing her feet in the leg holes of her underwear and helping her pull them back on.
she raised her arms and he pulled her up. he chuckled as he saw her look in her phone screen with a look of horror. “now i have to fix my make up and hair,” she whined. 
“i dunno, i think you still look great,” he kissed her forehead.
“you would.” she said, attempting to stand. “you know, in these shoes i’m almost your height.”
“i noticed. my neck thanks them for their service.” 
she laughed again as he helped her stand, he laughed as her knees wobbled.
“stop that. and help me with these things,” she said, plopping back on her bed and bending to unbuckle her shoes.
he saluted her and kneeled once more to help her remove the high heels. 
she breathed a sigh of relief as she stood on bare feet and walked to her closet for a bag and her converse. he was at her dresser pulling out yoga pants, shorts, and a couple of t-shirts. she pulled out clean underwear and a different bra and some socks and stuffed everything into her bag. before they left she went to the bathroom and cleaned up her makeup and hair, motioning for him to sit so she could straighten up his hair as well.
he grabbed her bag as she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the front door, locking it behind them, and to the car once more.
once they were situated in the vehicle, she shouted enthusiastically, “to the bowling alley!”
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