Fanfic Masterlist
Hi! I realized I never made one of these and that I really should cause it would be helpful if someone decided to click on my blog~ Here is a master list of my fanfictions up on A03 with links and descriptions. Also, to be extra safe, all M rated fics will be listed under “NSFW” regardless of if they contain sexual content or not! I will try to keep this updated as I continue to make stuff! :) 
Legend of Zelda
An Ode To Yesterday [complete] 
Rated T (suggestive themes), zelink oneshot, Hurt/Comfort, gift fic, Post Calamity
Zelda, enthralled at learning one of her favorite traditions is still alive after a hundred years, helps Link learn to accept the love and happiness he desperately yearns for.
Advice for Aryll [complete]
Rated T, zelink oneshot, “make Fate cry competition” (2021), Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Post Calamity
Link struggles with recovering memories of his sister while living with Zelda in their Hateno home. Distraught that he forgot her and having to digest her subsequent fate disrupts their lives and leads Link to take drastic measures when something strange happens to Zelda’s slate.
I Need You At Night [complete]
Rated T, zelink, oneshot, Post Calamity, Hurt/Comfort, very soft
Her smile rivaled the sun. Lying amongst the wheat she was one with the earth. With Hylia. She was the soil and the grain as much as she was the wind and the sky, happiness and hope, expectation and reality. She was all. All but one thing.
It tunneled its way through the garden. Followed the song of unbridled joy until it loomed above her like predator on prey.
"There's a flower hidden near. Might you find it?"
Stress- Zelink Oneshot Collection [ongoing]
Rated (varies per entry but set to M just in case), zelink, oneshots
Oneshot collection (mostly Zelink) to help encourage myself to write more. Each entry is a different story, so feel free to skip around chapters since they do not have any bearing on what gets uploaded next. Themes and writing styles will vary from prompt to prompt. This could be rated T but I'd like to play it safe and keep it rated M based on more mature themes.
The Woman in Hateno [Complete]
Rated M (language, alcohol, graphic depiction), zelink, multi-chapter, MCD, alcoholism, post Botw, canon divergence, SAD
Zelda struggles to come to grips with her current reality despite having successfully vanquishing Calamity Ganon. Spending her days mostly in a drunken haze, it takes a lot of convincing from those who care about her to find her bearings to reach catharsis.
Rated M for language, alcohol use, and a graphic description (in Ch.5)
OnlyFandom [ongoing]
Rated E (suggestive themes, sexual content), zelink, long fic, slow-burn, modern au, college au
Not much thought had ever been put into thinking about the body in non-platonic circumstances. Between a heavily structured home life and strong personal aspirations, this whole format was completely out of her comfort zone. It wasn’t so much of an infatuation as much as it was a thirst for knowledge. More of a curiosity that had the scientist in her screaming to observe and to learn. But to learn WHAT? Urbosa probably had an answer for that… but messaging her was out of the question. Not after waking up to a conspicuous text containing nothing but a winky face.
Control [complete]
Rated E (sexual content), zelink oneshot, zelinktines 2022 (prompt “smut”), modern au
When Zelda's friends can't take their eyes off of Link all morning, she makes it a point to prove just how valuable her companionship can be.
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heizerux · 3 years
Since tumblrplus is rolling out guys, quick!
Subscribe to my OnlyFandoms!!!
Here you will see me laugh, cry, AND talk about things I care and hold deeply.
Only for a singular chicken nugget UwU
It’s a steal guys
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boethiah · 3 years
yall complaining about tumblr+ just count yourselves lucky they didn’t call it something corny like onlyfandoms
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ankhlesbian · 3 years
My onlyfandom is the eating dinner fandom now sorry guys
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yeopblog · 4 years
【 さよ 】⠀⌇ olá, antes de tudo apenas faço
icons de Kidols, não sou onlyfandom então
faço icons de qualquer grupo até mesmo de
de solistas, bom deixarei algumas receitas
para vocês escolher.
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lnc2 · 4 years
I read Onlyfandom since you recommended it and omg I love it but also the angst. My heart can only take so much
shh no i haven’t read the latest update don’t do this to me
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@onlyfandoms-always @gucccibee @poopsiclethings
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a site where you pay people to talk about the weird shit their fandom has done
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hi! i don't have an ao3 account so i'm popping in here to tell you that i just read OnlyFandom and OMG i loved it so far!! it's funny, it's hot, it's absolutely heart-wrenching. i love how you wrote the characters and the interactions between them. hehe i hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi!!! Omg thanks Anon!! You are so sweet, thank you so much! 🥺💕 You just made my entire day ❤️ I hope you have a wonderful day as well!!
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WiP ask game: OnlyFandom. Give me something on the next chapter, please.
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THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!!!! And for that cat gif oh my goodness that cat is adorable I can't- <3
I've taken way too long to get yall an update on this fic and I was floundering super hard on what segment to give so I decided to just hand you the entire first third of the chapter. I'm so sorry if it feels stale: I feel like I was writing myself in circles trying to get some of the moments to feel right and not cringe but I think letting you all see this much will help disarm the mental block :) I promise the chapter gets more dynamic as it goes on!!
⚠🔞 This fic is rated E:. There IS a content warning in the segment below:. It is marked with dashes for those who wish to skip it. Just scroll until you see "End of CW" and you're in the clear :) 🔞⚠
Ch. 18 Urbosa’s Assistant
  When Urbosa said to come over early she had half expected the poor girl to arrive at her door a timid mess, incapable of breaching the topic without prompting and encouragement. If the persistent redness of Zelda’s face was anything to go off of, then it made perfect sense to prepare for a talk akin to pulling teeth. But Zelda wasn’t one to align herself to others’ expectations. Far from it.  
  What Urbosa got, instead, was a freight train barreling through her foyer a good five hours earlier than anticipated tossing around books on the “art of living well” and a whole dissertation on the theory of “erotic orientation development” while asking questions a mile a minute. It had the Gerudo’s head spinning. Had her utterly stunned and incapable of stopping the rampaging bear of a Hylian storming around her living room where the shoot equipment was prepped.
  “-which I already know proper communication is important, but THIS book has an entire section on positions and I just can’t figure out what necessarily denotes difficulty? Is it perhaps a psychological thing or are there variations to accommodate flexibility? OH but there was a passage in here that mentions power relations with a heavy insinuation on wealth and THAT just sounds counterintuitive-”
  “ZELDA!!” Her voice cut through the air like a knife.
  Wide green orbs parsed Urbosa in mild confusion. Lips pulling back into a long, thin line, it was clear she was oblivious to the extent of her own ramblings.
  “Holy Hylia, Zel are you quantifying sex? What is this?” Snatching one of the books from the coffee table, she scrutinized both covers before exhaling deeply. “Dinraal give me strength. Okay… Honey, screw this. We’re going to start slow. These books aren’t gunna help you right now.” Dropping the brick of a volume back onto the table, she opened her palms out to her friend and swept the air clear like a white board. “First I want to teach you some knots.”
  The small Hylian gazed back unmoving. “…Knots?”
  “Yes. Exactly. One sec,” Urbosa held up a finger and retreated into the other room. It wasn’t long before she came back with two ropes each the diameter of her pinky finger. “Here… You take one and follow along with me.”
  “But what does this-”
  “It will all make sense as we go,” the Gerudo interjected, “I swear.”
  Zelda bit her lip and sighed. She couldn’t deny being a bit put out at being shut down by one of her best friends, but the butterflies in her stomach refused to let up and she’d be damned if she caused a scuffle now. “I’m just so nervous,” she fussed the moment the rope landed in her hand. Twisting it anxiously between her fingers, she continued, “My brain wouldn’t shut off last night and I just… I just don’t want to screw this up.”
  Urbosa side-eyed her with mild concern. “Little bird, you’re just an assistant for today. Nothing you do needs to be perfect as long as you heed my instructions. Besides~!” A teasing smirk smeared across her face. “I think you’ll find this overall experience rather… enlightening.”
  A cold shiver shimmied down Zelda’s spine. If the plethora of fantasies playing out in her head last night were anything to go off of then yes… today would be telling. However, that didn’t make this any less unnerving.
  Sensing the Hylian’s unease, she gave her friend’s shoulder a firm squeeze. “Alright, I’m going to show you how to tie and untie a few different types of knots and then as you practice them relentlessly I’ll drill you about safety.” Her eyes crinkled in amusement as the look on Zelda’s face went from unenthused to calculating to determined.
  It’s now or never. “Alright!” She puffed up her chest like a small bird and nodded with more vigor than necessary. “I’m ready.”
  They spent the better half of an hour twisting and yanking their rope strands with various techniques. Zelda listened with rapt attention and, unsurprisingly, was quick to catch on. It wasn’t long before Urbosa brought out an old dress form for Zelda to continue practicing on as she ran through an extensive summary of safety guidelines and warnings.
  “I know I’ve said this at least six times by now but do not forget: Consent and communication are vital. If at any point someone wants to stop, you do so immediately.”
  “I understand,” Zelda nodded, eyes fixed on the half-hatch she was tying above the dress form’s tailbone. She gave the rope a firm yank and froze when a sudden thought crossed her mind. “Um, Urbosa?”
  “Yes, Little Bird?” she asked, the edge in her voice replaced with something more motherly.
  “Link doesn’t really… talk,” she began, absently picking at the fraying threads as she pieces her thoughts together. “And if his hands are restrained… how do you uphold proper communication?” Her gaze abandons her project to look to her friend and is surprised to be met with a smile as broad as the Great Plateau.  
  “Good question,” Urbosa coos before getting up from her seat and adjusting the knot on the mannequin to be more symmetrical. “We’ve been working together for long enough to have our own visual language but we also have a safe word. That way he only needs to mutter a few syllables at me to get the point across and if I feel like he is in a state which compromises his ability to do so, we stop immediately.”
  “Our safe word,” Urbosa continues, fingers pinched on the rope, “is Hinox.” Punctuating the word with a tug, the knot unravels quickly. “It’s short and easy to spit out, simple enough to remember, and not something that would easily come up in conversation.” She takes a step back and gestures for Zelda to redo it.
  “That’s…” she pauses and weaves the rope with growing ease, “…quite clever, actually.”
  “Clever and necessary. Much like you, Little Bird,” Urbosa chuckles as her eyes scan the work before her. “In just a few hours you’ve improved dramatically. You’ll get better the more you practice, but for now I think you’ve earned a treat.”
  Green eyes light up at the insinuation. “Oh?” Hands twitching towards her books on the coffee table, she can’t stop the excited jitter that flutters through her innards. Just as her fingers grace the cover, however, Urbosa swats her hand away.
  “Honey, no.” Her face is deadpan. “Follow me.”
  She leads Zelda into a familiar room full of boxes and plastic storage bins. Shuffling a few around, the Gerudo hunts down a black bin with a tape label reading “XXX” and slides it onto a nearby table. “This might be a little presumptuous but nothing about you is meek and I’ll be damned if you miss out on an opportunity you might like.”
  “I uh… wait,” Zelda mumbles, shifting her weight from side to side trying to puzzle out her friend’s words. “What?”
  A heavy sigh puffs from Urbosa’s chest. “I don’t need or necessarily want to know what you two do privately, but you should know there’s more to intimacy than penetrative sex.” She hastily tosses the lid off the bin and rummages around for a few items.
  - - - - - - - - - - Educational CW - - - - - - - - - -
  Oh Goddess Hylia… Cold sweat cascades down Zelda’s brow. An obscene urge to lung towards the bin like a starved animal itches within the layers of her skin. With what little self-control she has she stays rooted to the ground, keeping her rabid energy at bay until two large, phallic objects are brought before her. She almost chokes on her own tongue. It’s too much. Embarrassing and enthralling from the tips of her ears down to her toes, her emotions run wild while her eyes begin to bulge.
  “Th-These are…” Zelda croaks. A small, nagging voice in the back of her mind barks to know more… to see more… to do more as the onslaught of fantasies fill her brain. She breathes in a stuttering breath. Reaching out towards one of the toys, her veins thrum with a feeling she has long since craved.
  Power and control over her own body, her own pleasure, her own desires… Like a woman possessed, she curls her fingers around the pink instrument and gasps.
  “These are just props for shoots but you can get one to use alone or with someone,” Urbosa explains a little too nonchalantly. She watches the blush spread across her friend’s face but is pleased to see her analyzing the item more like a scientist than a squeamish schoolgirl. “The one you’re holding is a personal favorite. It’s called a “rabbit’s foot,” hence the extension on it.”
  Zelda nods blankly, still admiring the weight of the small device. It’s comfortable. Almost inviting with its tangible intricacies and velvet surface. She lifts a thin finger to give the extra bulb a light flick and watches it bob playfully in the air. Turning the device around in her hands, she observes its gentle ark and shivers.
  “Nayru forbid,” Zelda almost sputters at the realization. “This is for… extra stimulation?!” Her friend gives her an unashamed nod that sets her inner furnace ablaze. “Goddesses…” She holds it like an artifact from an archeological dig. Stroking the material gently, she gives the toy’s texture more consideration. It’s just so smooth. Something between skin and velveteen. I bet it feels amazing.
  Eyes closed, the image of her low-lit dorm room morphs into view. Zelda gulps against the lump in her throat as she imagines bringing the instrument to her core. A rosined bow to taunt strings erupting into a concerto of bliss- it reverberates through her veins like molten gold and before long her solo becomes a duet. Pleasure much like that night in Urbosa’s guest room permeates her dream as the instrument satisfies the ache for touch and stretch. But rather than watch a mouth and hand play her like a fiddle, she conducts this symphony herself. Orchestrates the ebbs and flows of the song until the music crescendos to the final note.
  Before her musings can get too deep, Zelda falls back to reality. Surely sporting a scarlet flush, she hands her temptation back only to have the other device thrust before her. Trading it, she heaves a deep sigh and gives it a similar scrutinous lookdown. It’s weightier than the previous one, but not in a way that seems unmanageable. Thicker and lacking any extra extensions, but there’s something odd about the base of it.
  “Some of these are made to vibrate, like the rabbit’s foot,” Urbosa ruminates, holding down a small circular pattern thus activating the toy. Continuing to click the button, it cycles through a few different vibration patterns before being turned back off. “The one you’re holding now should be one of interest for a different reason though.”
  She’s ready to melt. Ready to die in more ways than one and unfortunately for her these damn toys are integrating into said ideas. Shaking the perverse thoughts away, she focuses her energy on Urbosa’s voice. Determined to listen rather than float off once again to the blissful land of daydreams.
  “Do you remember what I told you yesterday in the café?”
  Squinting in thought, Zelda worries her lip between her teeth for a moment. “About the… OH!” Her eyes grow wide with recognition. “About straps! …for… oh. Oh.” A moment of alarm shoots down her chest and she can’t help but hold the phallic object just a little further from her body. “Oh Goddess, Link bought this?”
  “More or less,” Urbosa hums, holding out a bundle of leather straps. “This is the fun part, though: if you secure this on your body properly that device can just click right in and-”
  Raw heat is erupting through Zelda’s head and screaming bloody murder in her ears. Threatening a nosebleed, her brain buzzes with images of Link’s intense, hungry gaze eyeing her down while she sports nothing but the strap on. Deaf and blind to the world around her, the images flashing grow more and more provocative until her knees grow weak enough to buckle.
  - - - - - - - - - - End of CW - - - - - - - - - -
  She slides to the ground with a heavy thump. Legs the weight of lead, her eyes pan up to Urbosa’s in a euphoric haze. “Nayru give me strength,” she mutters helplessly. “How are you so… casual about all this?”
  The smile she returns is gentle. Offering her hands to help Zelda stand, Urbosa explains, “To me a body is just a body. Nothing about it is inherently sexual, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know utilize it.” Warm amusement seeps into the corners of her lips. “You do know things like bondage can exist outside the presence of sex, right?”
  “Huh,” Zelda breathes. “I guess that should be obvious in hindsight but I never really considered it much.”
  “Understandable coming from a naïve brat,” she sings in jest. Her friend merely snorts in response and can’t help but laugh. “I’ll be honest with you, Little Bird… I won’t take on any other clients of this nature.”
  Green eyes widen in surprise. “So Link is the only…” she trails off, recalling her friend’s interactions on the subject carefully. “You said it makes good money?”
  The Gerudo quirks a brow and smirks, “It makes good money because my client and I operate with a high level of trust and respect.” She watches her friend’s response. Eagerness to understand wells within her irises so plain to see that she can’t help but nod and continue. “I’m sure some people think what we’re doing is a dream job or a fantasy, but neither of us see it that way. Just because he can feel attracted to many doesn’t mean he’s attracted to any, the same way I don’t care for attraction yet understand what people believe is attractive.”
  Puzzlement washes across Zelda’s face as she takes time to consider. Like the tides, her thoughts build and grow, weaving a web of memories and empathy to seek understanding. She’s still for a long moment.
  “Do you remember, Zelda,” Urbosa coos, “when you went with me to that drawing event a few years ago?”
  Like a fish dropped back into water, the Hylian gasps. “OH! Oh yes, the one where we sat in a circle with charcoal and paper around that bowl of fruit?” Her friend nods with a smile. She beams, “Yes, that was… fun but miserable?” Her breath is airy as she laughs.
  “Exactly!” Cackling lightly Urbosa exclaims, “It was humid and stuffy and we left absolutely filthy from the medium! Sometimes those sessions have live models instead of fruit. Sometimes those models wear interesting costumes and sometimes their nude.” Shrugging nonchalant, she watches the light bulb begin to brighten in her friend’s head. “A nude model may sound sexy, but in reality you’re still stuck in a stuffy room covered in charcoal and probably witnessing someone next to you having an emotional breakdown because they can’t get the shading and proportions quite right on a leg.”
  Humor creases the lines of Zelda’s face. “Does this mean you’re going to stick me in the corner of the room with some paper and pencils until I cry?”
  “No, but that would be hilarious.”
  The two women burst into laughter. Singing a song of pure delight, they collect themselves slowly as Urbosa hauls Zelda back onto her feet. Dropping her hands from her grasp, she straightens her back and breathes a deep sigh. “I will only do these shoots with Link because we both see this as an opportunity for art. For him, it’s a means to livelihood, and to me… it’s a safe way to explore expression through photography. We respect boundaries and that is what I want you to take away from today.”
  Zelda nods. The furrow of her golden brow loosens as the words weigh upon her. “Thank you,” she breathes. “I think I understand. I never really reacted to things like this before meeting Link and I think… I think it all came on so strong I kind of forgot the bliss of a strictly studious desire.” Her eyes track to the dark bin full of props. “I’m not… changing too much am I?” Her voice strikes a somber chord as she looks back up to her friend. Once again, a motherly grin meets her gaze.
  “Change isn’t always bad, Little Bird.” The Gerudo’s voice is soft and warm like the summer wind. “And I would never encourage anything that would hurt you. Speaking of… did you want me to show you how to put this on properly or-?”
  “YES PLEASE,” Zelda practically spits.
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I'm really honored OnlyFandom just passed 10,000 hits! Yall have been really sweet reading my work and I honestly never anticipated my writing getting much attention at all so from the bottom of my heart: thank you! ❤️🎉
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This was a really sweet thing to see after a long day. I wish I could do a fun thing to celebrate but I'm actually away from my tablet and laptop for a while. I'm really tied for time the next few weeks but I'll come back like a sledgehammer as soon as I can 😘❤️ Thank you to everyone who has read my story to any capacity. I really appreciate all the comments and support over the last year.
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WIP Wednesday
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My goldfish brain is making my progress slow as molasses. I’m not very fast at writing or drawing anyway, but whew I feel like I’m moving at a snail’s pace. But here’s a preview from the OnlyFandom sketch dump! This is drawing 1 of like... 16 so there’s a lot haha
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if onlyfandom bans porn then how is link gonna pay off his college tuition?? 😳😳😳 i think your fic just got a whole lot longer and angstier my friend
Oh my goodness I've been seeing the news and FUMING!! 😭🔥
Onlyf*ns should be ashamed of themselves for being overtly exploitative. Their site and popularity was built on the backs of sex workers and to just throw them under the bus!!??!?!? I'm screaming-
My impending rant aside... ho boi... yeah. I've been trying to figure out what I need to do about the fic now. I had a timeline of events I wanted to get through and was even questioning whether I should keep it going chapter wise or break it up into a new fic and have it listed as a series... but FFFFFF this really threw a wrench at my head. I really don't want people to see my fic going forward and think I condone the company's hypocritical actions. I'd love to address this with nuance and dignity. But holy shit... yeah this is gunna get angsty again. So much for making life better for Link 😂😂😭
I think it'll be a good idea to address this dilemma in the story, though. My alternative would be to either rebrand the whole thing (which is hard to do when it's clearly based around that platform) or remove it entirely. I'm not really sure how quickly I can segue it in with the story beats of chapters 18-20 being what they are, let alone the full reasoning for Link's self-sufficiency that I wanted to touch more on (hurray sad family details!), honestly makes this new roadblock feel like a baseball bat to the face. I promise to give this all a lot of thought and consideration so the end result doesn't come out flat and insesntive, but ouch ur all gunna have to bear with me on things getting sad again in a way I hadn't originally anticipated. 😬
Which, in turn, doesn't bode well for the fic's already long hiatus 😔 I'm so sorry.
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Oh god I've gotten into a habit of making my fic chapters really long. I remember when they were like 5-7 pages and now akfbalxblazbalamldhakz AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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I may have slept for almost 20 hours yesterday, but now I have a full page sketch dump of OnlyFandom doodles. I have no idea how much I'll actually clean these up, but I promise there's been progress :)
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“Pretty Pretty Goddess”
I snickered writing them play this stupid board game too much not to draw it. Totally meant to post this like two weeks ago... I’m still alive, I swear.
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