#ooc ┊▸ re: ask
taniyamaibuki · 1 month
Rui escapes to the bathroom for the last handful of minutes of his final class. After taking a few minutes to make sure nobody else is in there with him, he dials a certain number.
...uhm- hello...?
- @junior-high-rui-official
Taniyama is pretty surprised to get a phone call pretty much as soon as he takes his phone out to check it after call. Usually he'd stick around and goof around with his buddies before going to Miyake's class to walk part of the way home with him and Hayashi. He gestures to his phone to excuse himself before slipping into an empty clubroom.
"Hey!~ Taniyama speaking," he answers.
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ask-garymiller · 8 months
So, where are you answering questions from- hell-? earth-? both at the same time??? Also, opinions on evil gods?
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I came back!
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ask-opsys · 4 months
Soooo, the thing that happens every April. Do we know what that is? What purpose does High Roller putting us into a gameshow serve? Why are they able to break the fundamental laws of time and space? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DUCKS IN MY HOUSE????
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ask-zerotrio · 11 months
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Clavell and cyrano angstttttt. My mind has conjured some messy idea of Clavell's complicated personal relations with everyone. From unresolved pining/mourning/anger for the profs, to broken friendships with Cyrano.
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forgottenroisin · 2 months
Edmund x Rosie + kid
a note on the bg here!
ok, so obv he could've been born after ~everything if edmund and rosie end up working things out, which is def possible, but for the drama, im saying smth else entirely! alksdjflksdjafdsf now, obv things will probs change etc esp if/when edmund tells her abt what really happened to her dad re: his own involvement etc, BUT! as things currently stand bc i can guess but not really ~know how she'll react till we get there, imma say mr fiachna (which ~also means raven btw so he's named after both his dad and his granddad <3) was conceived like...probs right abt now, actually, or maybe at or right before the ball, in the timeline, since i think its probs safe to say that would've been ~before the big reveal situation haha (also not sure abt surname bc if there was some sort of ~secret marriage -- which ~does feel ~v rosie ngl but idk if it feels edmund or not hahaha -- or whatever, he'd be varmont, but if not ig malconaire, or if there's a bastard name in this world...that hahaha not me like 'what if, if there are regional bastard names, 'macdara' aka 'son of oak' is the malconaire bastard name' oops ;DDD jk jk) anyway, since we've plotted the witch!reveal situation (that awk moment where in this au roderick unwittingly almost burned his unborn grandson oops), imma say he was born while rosie was on the run etc so!! that was doubtless suuuuch a fun time! lkjasdkfjlksdjf
Name: Fiachna Varmont Malconaire ????
Gender: Male
General Appearance: it is a strange thing that, although not particularly tall, fiachna's bearing gives the impression of height. born hunted and on the run, fiachna learned early the value of the appearance of strength and confidence at his mother's knee as she, herself, was learning these lessons. fiachna tends to wear a bit of a mask when with strangers, never quite trusting due to the lessons of his past, but when he does smile, it lights up the room. tho the shade of his eyes are his mother's, their shape, and indeed, that of his upper face is owing entirely to his father from his cheekbones to the top of his head and well as his aquiline nose. his jaw and chin are far more a reflection of his malconaire roots (hehe, see what i did there? ;D), however, echoing rosie's own, so that he can readily be said to take after both parents.
Personality: fiachna's early childhood was a serious and dangerous affair, a fact which forever marked his psyche much to his mother's great grief, who only ever wanted joy for her chilren. always intent upon being helpful, fiachna is a deeply deliberate person, carefully considering his moves before he makes them and thus somewhat balancing rosie's much more impulsive nature. still, amongst those he knows well, he is quick to joy and laughter, and even displays a streak of rashness all his own. for all the fear fiachna knew growing up, after all, he never wanted for love, and he knows how to give it in spades to those who earn it. still, there is an undeniable well of anger inside him, and fiachna harbors a secret deep-seated fear that some dark echo of his grandfather lingers deep inside his blood, unable to break free so long as he tamps stridently down upon it...
Special Talents: fiachna inherited his father's wits, and is nigh unbeatable in any games of strategy, but he also learned early on the extreme significance to mobility and speed in a life on the run, and is thus a well practiced runner and horserider, preferring swiftness and flexibility over strength.
Who they like better: rosie (i think he just...knows her better, frankly, and probs projects some of his varmont-related fears onto edmund probs, since he grew up being hunted by roderick and yeahh fun)
Who they take after more: edmund
Personal Head canon: (note: he's another calainon-malconaire kid so another seer candidate which is fun bc roderick's rolling in his grave at the thought of ~his grandson~ a witch!!!! lkajsdfkljlsjf but who knows!! anyway!!!) he loves, loves, loooooves bad jokes like...really really terrible puns and like utter stupidisms! which is weird bc generally he's v witty/snarky but!! then w ppl he cares abt he'll just throw down like theee worst not even dad joke but full on granddad joke you've ever heard, the ultimate in bad jokes and giggle like so stupidly hard till even tho it was NOT funny you're laughing too bc he's in tears and this whole situation is totally ridiculous. like...we're talking such a bad joke ~i wouldnt even find it funny, and we all know i love dumb puns. its the worst. and you love it. bc of the way he tells it! these are the moments you really see his mom in him, when he's just unleashing full dorky silliness
Face Claim: Harry Collett
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bonus image of a modern au involving some kind of time traveling shenanigans also since theyre like the same age here ;D (also if this aint a classic rosie expression <3):
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Papermint: Y-Yeah! In fact... I had to call out him multiple times, before he even noticed me. He seemed THAT engrossed in the posters. *Looks a little uncomfortable now.* Uhm... Now that I think about it, I was probably too quiet, he did say I need to work on self confidence.
So uhm, shall I tell him how to get to your office the next time he comes by?
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(OOC: Hi, itsa meeeee and I am doing funny shit. Also I swear I saw someone call him Papermint on AO3 but now he is also written Peppermint!? Im confused... It thought Paper cuz he is a secretary...)
Vox rolls his eyes, waving a hand dismissively. It seems he's calmed down about the Alastor incident enough for a clear headspace.
"No, no, let him figure it out himself. I can always supervise him on the cameras if he gets lost. Ooh, I hope he accidentally stumbles into Val's department! Fuck, that would be the scare of his prudish life!"
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(ooc: BABE YOU'RE HERE! RAHHHHH I finally got to ur ask lmao :3 The ask box is overflowing, not to mention all the tag games in my main :P I'm enjoying your Papermint roleplaying tho XD)
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darabeatha · 13 days
/ On my free day and I'm here sitting and thinking... Waow... I kinda miss writting
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brother i bring you some potato soops 🍲🍲🍲
Theres 3 portions so you cans save some for lazy meals
Thank you..
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fellsilver · 20 days
I'm still on this tangent. There's also the fact that Mys.tra's Chosen literally cannot be happy in a relationship unless she wills it. I understand the whole "relationships can't prosper unless god ordains it" etc etc, but that's not how things work in this setting. People CAN be happy without a god ordaining it. Not all things happen by a deity's will. This is another instance of Mys.tra claiming control of her Chosen's lives. I 100% understand why she does it, but it's still a difficult reality. One of the hundred sacrifices you make when you become a Chosen that no one can prepare you for and that you won't understand the burden of til it's too late.
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altschmerzes · 11 months
If Roy and Ted start sharing a bed when Roy stays over, is there an instance where Jamie ends up in the middle after like a bad dream or something? Or maybe that’s weird for like a 16 year old… idk now I’m just thinking out loud
first off i dont think that’s weird at all! we never really grow out of needing to be supported and comforted by the people who are important to us, and i know people who’ve done this sort of thing seeking comfort from their parents during times of extreme stress and trauma into their twenties. it’s one of the things that’s been interesting about writing this fic and characterizing jamie particularly once he’s gotten close to this new support system in his life - how to balance that he’s 15, 16, 17 years old and seeks independence and self sufficiency and also has a lot of reasons to be ashamed of a desire to seek comfort or a rejection of anything he sees as making him weak or childish and at the same time he’s a kid who’s been chronically starved of care and affection and that’s. a vital need for kids, even teenagers. sometimes especially teenagers. (i may or may not have spent quite a bit of time online reading psych and sociology and like. Parenting And Family Resources to get a handle on some stuff and verify if my hunches are accurate or not XD)
which is to say yes absolutely that’s on the horizon. not often, but sometimes, when things are bad and his need to be a kid taken care of and protected by his parents overrides his fear of being seen as a baby or bothering them. he remembers one of his friends getting broken up with via text while he was over for a sleepover and going and watching them leave the kidgang to go to their parents room bc they’re upset and want their parents. and if that’s okay, maybe this is okay for him to do too.
(ted and roy thoroughly encourage it any time jamie will admit to needing or wanting something. moments where he comes to them when he’s scared or upset, voluntarily seems out comfort are absolutely everything to both of them, especially given how hard it is for him to do)
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ask-dbd-adawong · 2 years
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[ Gonna head to bed after posting this but god these RE:Verse wallpapers look so good! ]
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cog-go-boom · 8 months
uh, who's your dad?
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so yep that's the story here! guess my previous great explanation has confused some of you fellas out there so this should make it clear as day i hope. this stuff didn't happen over night, but i guess realizing we wouldn't exist if he didn't give brian a distraction that one time made allan think.... LOL imagine a world without me in it, i'd be sad too, dude!!!
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strnza · 1 day
eliza  is  in  the  mood  2  bully  someone,  but  also  in  the  mood  to  objectify  someone.  in  a  fun,  consensual,  sexy  way.  sighs
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badlydrawnlilseb · 8 months
Do you want a robot carrot
Lil' Sebastian: Go On A Vegetable Adventure!
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Day 21:
You received a ROBO-CARROT! Wow, this really makes you want to go on some sort of VEGETABLE ADVENTURE! Or perhaps a VEGGIE VOYAGE? Maybe even a GRUB JOURNEY?
Any way you spin it, being a bunny with an edible weapon at your side really makes you want to engage in whacky hijinx on your way to taking down a mythological evil force that has spent eons repeatedly and failingly taken down by many other heroes.
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ahsterism · 1 month
would you guys kill me if i said i'm starting to think i'm just not built for the multi lifestyle
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