#ooc ( if i had a mic i’d drop it. )
mocnlighted · 1 year
i'm off work today so i'll probably be home all day catching up on chores. i'd really like to get some use of my new/underused muses so give this post a like and i'll reply to one (or two) of your starters?
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sanjisboyfie · 5 months
when you know, you know.
-> basketball player gojo satoru x male reader
requested!!! a rlly old req from an anon in my inbox <3 ty for the req and jm so sorry it took so long however the 6k+ word count hopefully makes up for that. + listen to margaret by lana del rey on repeat for the full affect
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warnings : satoru ooc (i do NOT agree w that warning but i GUESS I could see why someone would disagree 🙄🙄🙄), very fluffy to the point it seems angsty!!! talk about the homosexuals!!!! satoru mentions small familial conflict in the interview portion
diamond on your ring
cause when you know, you know
when you know, you know
“thank you so much for agreeing to a sit down interview, gojo-sama,” the interviewer politely bows to the tall man the second satoru walks into the room. immediately, he bows in response, finding the sudden formalities almost abnormal.
at this point, he was so used to other interviews he’d done be super quick, informal and just reporters looking for answers to their questions with little regard for things such as respect.
this was a breath of fresh air, but satoru couldn’t help but feel bad for the interviewer whose back must be hurting now with how long they’d been bowing.
“oh, please, no need for such strong formalities,” satoru chimed in, gently resting his hand on their shoulder to goad them into standing upright, “gojo is fine, too, no need for the honorifics. it’s not like i’m royalty,” he joked, hoping to lift the mood in the room.
it seemed to work as the interviewer finally cracked a smile and dropped their shoulders from being so stiffly held up to their ear.
“then, gojo-san, please take a seat and we can get you all mic’d up for the interview. it should take no longer than a half hour, longest running an hour and a half, but we really don’t want to take up too much of your time,” satoru shook his head, assuring them that it was fine and then taking his seat.
he noticed that the cameras were already filming, but didn’t think twice on it. technically, from the moment he stepped foot in the room, the interview already started. that’s what it said on paper, at least.
“erm, to just go over what we might be discussing in this interview,” the reporter said, clearing their throat as they looked over their list of questions, “since this is a very specific interview, the questions are going to mainly be centered around your romantic relationships and very personal questions,”
satoru nodded, moving in his seat to allow the staff better access in getting the microphone to stay hidden in his clothes, “yeah, my manager sent me the general idea of questions of stuff you’d be asking, it’s alright with me,” he said, taking off his sunglasses, “plus i think i’m pretty familiar with the publisher and the audience, so it’s alright. really, ask me anything, this would probably the only time i’d do something like this,” he encouraged with a friendly smile, trying to show his genuinity.
the interviewer nodded in understanding, clicking their pen and writing a note in their notepad.
satoru had done his research beforehand. the publisher that was interviewing him, or rather the person interviewing him in steed of the company, was a pretty vocal LGBTQ+ company. it was a rare occurance in japanese media, especially as a standalone party, but they proved successful. satoru knew why they were interviewing him, obviously because he was gay and very outwordly apart of the community. he also knew that they were always respectful individuals, which is why he didn’t hesitate in accepting the interview.
if he was going to be asked about his sexuality and his very much gay relationship, he’d rather it be done through a respectful, and most likely very understanding, person rather than those that would shout at him invasive questions.
“then, are you ready, gojo-san?” the interviewer snapped him out of his daydream, making him nod his head. “let’s test the mic really quick, then we can jump into it,”
“i am gojo satoru,” he recited, looking at the staff for a thumbs up on the feedback. when he got a positive thumbs up, the interviewer followed with their own test and then they were able to get into the interview.
“let’s start with introductions, i’m ishii haruto and i’ll be the one interviewing you today, gojo-san. lovely to meet you,” he bowed his head in greeting, making satoru follow suit.
a relaxed grin was on his face as he introduced himself again, “i haven’t said it before, but i’m gojo satoru,” it was a small joke that uplifted the mood of the room once more. haruto appreciated it, laughing to himself at satoru’s subtle charisma.
”well, to get right into the interview, let’s start with hard hitting questions,” satoru braced himself, clenching his fists in his pant’s pocket, “how are you?”
satoru smiled, shooting a fake warning look haruto’s way, “i’m wonderful, how are you ishii-san? i hope you’re doing well, too,”
“i’m doing very well. it’s an honor to interview you, thank you for giving us this opportunity,” haruto said, subtly bowing his head once more, “you truly don’t understand how inspiring it will be for the rest of japan to hear your story, you’re doing such a big thing for all of us in this room, and for those that will read this interview later. so, really, thank you, gojo-san,”
satoru pursed his lips at the sentimentality, realizing quickly that this interview was going to be really different than anything he’d ever experienced before. “sobering” up a little bit, he smiled at haruto and nodded his head, “i’m happy to be here, too. i hope whoever reads this learns something about themselves,”
“yes, that will be the end goal,” haruto agreed before looking down at his notepad, “well, i guess we can just start off with this one — when did you know you were gay?”
satoru hummed, “i don’t really know. for me, i guess it was always in the back of my mind? i mean, i never had a crush on a girl growing up. and i thought it was normal. my parents did as well, seeing how driven i was from a young age to be successful in basketball, i think they wrote it off as me just being determined to make my dreams come true. no time for distractions, or something like that. but deep down, i think i always knew.” he paused, crossing his legs as he decided to add one more tidbit, “and i never thought it was wrong, either. to me, having a crush on a boy wasn’t a big deal. i just thought, huh, this sucks i like someone, i might get distracted from basketball now,”
the two shared a laugh at his joking remark at the end, but until that point the interviewer was very immersed in the personal story. he was even humming in acknowledgement of everything he was saying, as if he related.
“so when you began pursuing your current boyfriend, it was not a big deal for you? even given your position as a famous basketball player?” then haruto looked at the camera men and held his hand up, a signal of some sort that satoru was cued in on, and leaned forward, “would it be alright if we refer to him with his name?”
satoru quickly nodded, understanding now that the hand gesture meant for their mics to be cut so that they wouldn’t receive any audio.
then they were back on and satoru answered the original question, “no, it wasn’t a huge deal. well, it was to everyone else, i guess. but to me and my close friends, it wasn’t. they already knew i was really into him and had a big crush on him before i did, so it really wasn’t a big shock when i made my efforts more obvious. well, as obvious as you can get with having everyone watching you. i tried to reel it in a little when my friend’s told me he may not be comfortable with all the attention, that was the only time i really was aware of it and began to calm down on my advances,”
“oh, so it wasn’t a big deal to you, but in consideration of his feelings, you kind of held back a little bit?”
“yeah, because if things ended up not working out, then all the neutral attention we were getting would have become negative. rumors could’ve started that would’ve hurt him, and i definitely didn’t want that, so yeah,” satoru said, reiterating his main point from earlier, “i just wanted him to be comfortable whenever we were in public,”
“that’s really considerate of you, gojo-san,” the interviewer complimented, making satoru laugh with a wave of his hand.
“he never asked for all the attention in the first place, i definitely didn’t want to make our already secretive position more hostile than it needed to be,” satoru explained, “so everything had to be toned down. fortunately, he was very understanding and could see where i was coming from.”
“what do you mean by that? did he ever say anything about it?”
“well, we’re just like any other couple. we just want privacy and respect, some people don’t want to give it to us. those people that just want to hurt our relationship just because we’re both guys. if i wasn't as famous as i am, i’d imagine it’d be easier to mange. not that it still wouldn’t be stressful — but at least, not the entire country would be breathing down our necks,” satoru explained, choosing his words carefully. “no matter what, though, if you’re in a relationship with someone of the same sex, it’s going to be hard.”
“that’s true, but you two have faced a lot of very hard obstacles. it’s sad how many times people have wished to see you two broken up,” haruto said, an angry look on his face, “how did you two manage to overcome those obstacles?”
“well, we had each other, loved ones, and close friends as support systems. they were really helpful and sweet, they were the most understanding. but i think, the most important one, was that we had each other. we were in it together. not to say that all the negative attention was good or even worth it, but it made our love for one another stronger,” satoru sighed, thinking about the early days when he was first officially dating [name], “i just wish they were nicer to him. he didn’t deserve any of it,”
there was a pause of respect from haruto before they continued on, “you said you had support of loved ones and close friends — were they supportive from the get-go or did it take “convincing” for them to understand?”
“most of them were really understanding and could see that my love for him was too strong to be denied, so that was nice. but there were definitely instances of family members not understanding or simply refusing to support,” satoru answered with a grim look on his face.
“how did you deal with that?”
“well, it was mainly family members, unfortunately, that rejected my lifestyle. so i had to do the best thing and cut them off. i couldn’t have them in my ear telling me that i wasn’t meant to be this way or that [name] and i’s relationship had to be put to a stop. so i cut them off completely and haven’t spoken to them since. i could afford to make that sacrifice since i had [name] and others as support. he really helped me through that and the realization that not everyone will understand or see it as we do…you just have to learn how to deal with it in each situation and circumstance,”
haruto hummed in intrigue and understanding, “was it hard? cutting them off and coming to that realization?”
“i would say it wasn’t as hard as one would think…not when i love [name] so much i’d sacrifice anything to be with him. i wasn’t going to settle for anything passive aggressive or half-assed when it came to support of my relationship with him. like i said, i wasn’t going to let anyone bad mouth him or our relationship, i wouldn’t settle for that in exchange of keeping blood relatives around. even if someone is family, if they hurt someone i love, it still counts for something. they’re still hurting him and in turn hurting me. that’s not family anymore,” satoru said definitively. he had a hard look on his face. almost the one that was only mirrored whenever he was on the court. it showed how serious of a topic it was to him.
“seeing you so be so openly protective and in love with your boyfriend has gotten you two a lot of attention over the years, most of it is praise from others since they do think it’s adorable. does affection that you show [name] come very naturally?”
“of course it does,” satoru grinned, happy to move onto more lighthearted topics. he had the widest grin on his face now, thinking of when he would go home and cuddle his boyfriend, “i’m a very affectionate person, anyway. ask suguru, he’ll tell you,” with the reference to his best friend, who plays on the same team as him, haruto grins, “but i made sure that [name] was comfortable with it first and then went on from what he was okay with, until we got to the point right now where we both don’t really care,
if i know i’m in love with my boyfriend, i want other people to know as well. there was a bad rep surrounding me, in my early days especially. everyone thought i was a playboy, for some reason,” he shyly scratched the back of his head, “so i thought that me showing that i was very loyal and very much in love with my boyfriend, people would stop thinking that of me. and it worked! so, it was a win-win situation,”
haruto nods, looking at his cue cards with a grin, “and you two have had a really long relationship-”
“almost coming on 5 years now,” satoru giggles, a blush evident on his pale cheeks, “it doesn’t feel that long, though,”
“yeah, it’s as if it was only yesterday the two of you made it public and sent everyone into a panic,” the two laugh at the memory. the headlines that day going hysterical over the basketball player’s very much gay personal life. “and since you’ve been in a relationship for so long, has it ever crossed your mind to tie the knot permanently? settle down with [name]?”
satoru paused, the smile on his face faltering ever so slightly as he repeated the question in his mind.
marriage with [name] always was the answer. but, the idea of when and where and how never crossed satoru’s mind. well, it did. in repeated passing thoughts. but, never long enough for him to commit to the idea. he’s thought of how he would do it, where, but never really when. and even then, the how and where were never set in stone. he wanted it to be romantic, definitely had to be something that the two would retell to their kids one day as the most romantic and loving gesture satoru has ever done.
but “when”…satoru never put a pin in the calendar on what date.
he hummed where he sat, resting his chin in his palms as he thought about how to answer.
“huh, well…i know i’m going to marry him someday,” satoru assures the interviewer, who was silently panicking that they had accidentally asked a question too invasive, “but, i think i’ll keep the details of that to myself, haha,” satoru played it off as a tease, but internally he was sweating bullets.
there was never going to be a right time. a right time insinuates a moment where satoru is so overwhelmed with love that a proposal would be the only verbal indicator of that feeling.
but, satoru has been so madly and deeply in love with [name] for so long already that the “right time” feels like every waking moment.
when the two moved in together, made that huge, empty house a home for themselves. when he took [name] on their first overseas trip and they learned even more about each other. when satoru takes him home for the holidays where he just so perfectly matches with his family members and comes even more out of his shell.
satoru’s been so in love with [name] for so long it feels like they’re already married. [name] knows him like the back of his hand and vice versa.
it was as if he always knew. he just knew in the back of his mind that they’d end up standing in perfectly tailored suits at the end of the aisle, saying heartfelt and cheesy vows to each other. satoru knows he’ll probably end up crying more than [name] and he knows that that day will be the happiest he’ll ever be.
the question made his head spin around as a flurry of questions of when he would propose filled his head, but it did solidify one thing. the fact that satoru just knows that one day he’ll end up being [name]’s husband and [name] his. and he wants that day to come sooner rather than later.
”well, i think the final question for our interview today that can wrap this up, will be: do you have any advice for young aspiring individuals that might read this and see this side of you?”
satoru gulped, suddenly feeling as if the temperature in the room had gone up twenty degrees. he tugged on the collar of his button up, swallowing as he spoke carefully, “just always be true to yourself and your dreams. it doesn’t matter what other people think because if you know what you want and you know that it’s your dreams on the line, there shouldn’t be anything standing between you and that goal. whether it be a person you want to pursue or if it’s your dream career, don’t give up.” he attempted a smile at haruto and it seemed to have done its work as the interviewer bowed his head deeply in gratitude.
the two finished the closing remarks of the interview with fluidity. he handed the mic back to the staff, who thanked him with their heads bowed. but before he could leave, he pulled haruto aside and lowered his voice, “uhm, could you hold off on publishing this for a while?”
haruto blinked rapidly, a nervous look coming onto his face, “well, the editing and transcription of the video will take some time, probably a little over a month…how long were you thinking of keeping it under wraps, gojo-san?”
it was a plead to not make him push the publication date back further. satoru hums, “a little over a month?”
“yes, that is what my advisor gave me as a “grace” period in editting everything,” haruto nods, the nervous look on his face not disappearing once.
“that should be alright then, sorry for worrying you. a little over a month is fine,” satoru grins, feeling his chest bloom with warmth. “thank you so much for the interview, have a lovely day,”
and with that parting farewell, satoru rushed out of the building with his mask and sunglasses on and practically jumped into his car.
in the safety confines of his car, satoru rested his head against the wheel. his breathing was rapid and his cheeks were ablaze. was he really going to do this? he looked at his phone that had the directions sent to the nearest luxury jewelry shop, his eyes flitting across the screen to take all the information in.
“seriously, satoru?” he panted to himself, leaning back to his seat and looking up at his car roof, “it took some guy interviewing you to grow the balls to do this? really?”
he cursed himself for waiting so long, setting his car into reverse and speeding his way to the shop. he had his sunglasses, hat, and mask on as he exited his car, careful to try and not attract too much attention. if the media caught light of this before he could properly do it, he would have someone’s head on a spike - he didn’t care.
no one was ruining this for him. for [name], too. satoru wasn’t going to let the stupid papparazzi tarnish this moment, as they had done for so many other intimate ones before this.
satoru grit his teeth, pushing the shop door open and breathing a sigh of relief to find that it was empty. he looked at the displays they had out, acting calm when on the inside he was sweating bullets.
“looking for anything in particular?” the attendent asked him, not at all acknowleding his appearance which meant that his disguise had worked.
he cleared his throat, still looking down as he shakily replied, “wedding rings, wedding rings for men, please,”
thank god the attendent wasn’t an asshole or else satoru might’ve really just slammed his head into the wall in frustration. because the attendent just guided him in the direction of where the men’s wedding rings were. he didn’t speak more either, just hovering around in case satoru needed help.
“fuck,” he cursed under his breath, trying his hardest to focus and think about which one [name] would like the most. “fuck, what if i get him one he doesn’t like? what the fuck does that mean for us? oh my god,” he panicked.
and it was almost funny. a 6’6 lean guy practically clutching his chest to stop his heart from jumping out of his ribs and flopping around on the floor. he was seriously getting heart palpitations, satoru swore this is the most nervous he’s ever been in his life.
what the fuck would he say when he actually proposes?
“i love you, marry me?”
fuck no. gojo satoru wasn’t going to settle for a shit proposal like that. and he certainly wasn’t going to settle for a shitting ring either, but it was so stressful thinking of whether or not his boyriend (manifest: soon to be fiance) would like the one he picked out.
satoru never was the one with good fashion or style sense in the relationship.
he was freaking out.
some of the rings on display were too loud and extravagant that he knew [name] wouldn’t enjoy it, but then going for someting super, duper plain was out of the question.
“do you have a particular agenda in mind?”
“i have nothing in my mind right now,” satoru snapped at the worker, apologizing seconds later, “i’m sorry, i’m just really stressed right now.”
“it’s alright, many are when they come in. they see the displayed rings and get self-conscious of the one that they choose. well, just go with your gut feeling on what you and your partner would like. that’s the best advice i can give you. you know them best, after all,”
this fucking attendent was right, satoru knows his own boyfriend (manifest: soon to be fiance) better than anyone. he just has to see something to spark an inspiration in him.
and he thinks he’s found it when he looks at a particular timeless piece that is cushioned on a small red velvet pillow.
“what can you tell me about that one?” satoru asked, although he’s almost completely set on just buying it right now. it was perfect. the coupled ring that pairs with it was also so effortlessly something he would love to wear as well.
”that one is in the style of an eternity ring, with the VVS diamonds cut into an emerald shape, obviously. the metal is platnium with 11 carats,” the attendent skillfully answers, “goes for about 9,871,750 yen ($70,000 USD). we offer installment plans, though-”
“no, i’ll just take it, thanks, though,” satoru said, easily sliding his card over. “i also want the paired one too,”
“that one is-”
“you don’t have to tell me about it or the price, just box them pretty for me and i’ll be on my way,” satoru grinned, looking at the bills he had in his wallet and pulling out a couple 10,000 yen notes, (adding up to about 200,000 yen - $1,417 USD). as the attendent very meticulously packaged the rings safely, satoru slid over the cash to him.
“thanks for helping,” satoru said, tapping his card and approving the transaction before walking out of the store. the hefty cash tip left on the counter for the attendent to gleam at.
and if he thought that the picking the ring part was hard, now he had to come up with how he was actually going to propose.
he always said that he wanted it to be romantic, but with [name] already waiting at home there was no way he could set something up at their own house. and, honestly, he wanted this to not be so public in fear of it leaking to the headlines. so he would have to settle with making it romantic in his home.
but, the more he thought about it, the more carefree he felt in the atmosphere. as long as [name] was just there exisisting, that was all he could ask for. satoru carefully pocketed the velvet box into his pant leg, keeping the pair safe as he drove back home completely undetected by papparazzi.
when he got home, he had to stop himself from automatically calling out to his boyfriend (manifest: soon to be fiance). the “honey, i’m home,” died in the back of his throat, thankfully, so his arrival home was still a secret. he took off his shoes and walked up the stairs to their shared bedroom where [name] was most likely resting.
it wasn’t too late, but by now his bedtime routine was probably done and he was getting comfortable in bed.
and satoru’s assumptions were right because when he gently pushed the bedroom door open, he saw [name] cuddled into a pillow and watching the TV that was set up against the wall. upon closer inspection, satoru saw that the pillow he was cuddling was actually from his side of the bed. he was cuddling his pillow as he waited for him to come home.
that, unfortunately, made satoru breakdown in tears almost right away. his eyes stung with the salty fluid breaking through his composure. [name] was too far to notice, though, simply lifting his head and waving him over with a loving smile, “you’re home! wow, you were so quiet i barely heard you come in,”
and when satoru just silently stood at the doorway, his hand covering his mouth, that made [name] get up out of bed in worry.
“hey, are you okay? what happened?” then he saw the way satoru’s broad shoulders shook, rushing over and holding him in his arms in an instant, “was it the interviewer? are you okay, satoru? talk to me,” satoru only broke down more, making [name] comfortingly rub up and down his back with “shh”s slipping from his mouth every now and then.
“satoru, are you okay?” [name] worriedly asked, gently pulling him towards the bed and urging him to sit. once the tall man was sat down, he immediately wrapped his arms around him again, hugging him as tight as he could to give him some sort of comfort, “you’re scaring me, satoru, what happened?”
satoru took a couple of seconds to collect himself, holding onto [name] in his arms as a means of grounding himself. but if anything, it made it worse. he was reminded that [name] was really real and not some figment of his imagination. he wasn’t just some “dream” guy, he was real and he was his.
[name] was sitting in their bed with him and comforting him lovingly. he was real and satoru never felt as lucky as he did than right now in this moment.
“nothing happened,” satoru breathed out, pulling [name] back from his torso so that he could properly speak to him. “i’m okay, really,”
“satoru, you’re crying. it’s okay, you can tell me,” [name] said softly, pushing his wet bangs aside and looking into his teary blue eyes, “it’s okay,”
satoru bit his lip, admiring the features of his boyfriend for a couple more seconds. how gentle his touch was, the hand caressing his face only having the lightest featherlike feeling against his skin. how concerned his e/c eyes were, staring into him and understanding him like no one else ever has.
he is so beautiful, satoru thought to himself. he squeezed [name]’s hand that was resting in his lap, making the man look down at their joined fingers.
“i just,” he took in a deep breath, “i love you so much, you know that right?”
he almost laughed at the suggestion, but [name] politely nodded instead, “of course i know that, you show me everyday. i love you, too,”
satoru nuzzled his cheek further into [name]’s touch, relishing in the way the man’s warmth fell onto his skin.
“i love you so much, i’d do anything for you,” satoru breathed out, looking past his wet white eyelashes and into [name]’s concern eyes, “i’d do anything, i mean it. i love you so, so, so much [name],”
“satoru, you’re really scaring me. what’s going on?”
“nothing bad, i promise. just, please, let me?” satoru begged, voice hoarse and tight as he pleaded with [name]. and with a patient nod coming from the man, he continued on, “you’ve made me so happy, happier than i’ve ever been, these past couple of years. you deal with me and my annoying bullshit everyday, you make sure i’m healthy and happy even when you’re so tired. you always take care of me, more than i give you credit for and i’m sorry that i’m so selfish sometimes. but, i promise i’ll do better. i’ll be better, for you. anything you want me to be, i’ll work so hard in becoming, for you. i want to make you as happy as you make me,” satoru gulps, feeling his throat closing up and his tears welling back up, “i love you so much, [name],”
taking in all of his words, [name]’s eyebrows furrowed in confliction. he still didn’t know if he should be concerned and worried or just let satoru go on. but then he felt his own eyes well up with tears when he felt how sincere satoru was being. how tight his large hand was holding his own, as if he were afraid that he’d slip away if his grip on him loosened even the slightest.
even when he tried lifting that hand up to wipe his tears away, satoru didn’t let him, keeping a steady grip on his hand. instead, his slender fingers came up to the side of his face and wiped the tears away with a calm smile on his face.
“you make me so happy, [name]. and i'm so happy to be here with you. you make everything worth it,” satoru said softly, “you love me so gently, so softly — unlike anyone else in my life has. you’re my entire world. i don’t know what i’d do without you here. i know i’m meant to stay by your side forever. i know my place in the world is wherever you are.”
there was a pause as now both of them were crying messes.
[name]’s eyes were shut as he tried to wipe his stream of tears away. so he didn’t see the way satoru dug through his pocket to take out the velvet box. and he didn’t see the way his hands shook as he propped the box to be open, didn’t see how nervous satoru looked in the moment of unveiling the ring.
what he did see though was the ring blaringly presenting itself to him and a grinning, crying satoru behind it. he heard the words leave his lips, “let’s stay together forever, okay? please, marry me, [name],”
and [name] didn't react.
not immediately. he was too shocked. his jaw had dropped and he looked between the ring and satoru, who was still happily crying. then, finally, he snapped out of it and enclosed his arms around his boyfriend’s (fiance’s?) neck and sobbed into his skin, “yes, yes, yes,” over and over.
satoru cried more, this time a smile on his face as he cried into the air. he felt the stream of wet tears go down his neck, but he didn’t pay them any mind. he only held [name] closer by his waist in a suffocating embrace.
he didn’t know if he believed in multiple universes theory, whatever that was, but he just wishes that if it were true: he’d find [name] in every single one. [name] was his one and only comfort in the hectic life that he lives, the one stable root that keeps him grounded.
the two seperated, smiling and laughing with each other as they messily kissed in celebration. when they pulled away, [name] and satoru watched as the latter shakily slipped the ring onto the former’s ring finger. and the h/c haired man had to cover his mouth once more at the sight. it was slightly loose, running on the bigger side, but it was perfect. he didn’t care. it could have been a paper ring and it would have been perfect.
“i love you satoru, so much, you don’t understand,”
“i love you more,” the other softly breathes out, staring at [name]’s ringed finger with pride, “more than you’d ever know.”
the two smiled and laughed at their confessions, joining in another hug as they were high off of their dopamine. wordlessly, satoru collapsed onto the bed with [name] laying on top of him. and as he took the other velvet box out, he tried slipping the ring onto his finger. but it didn’t even fit on his ring finger, so he had to work with it on his pinky.
“it’s kind of cute that way,” [name] says in amusement, comparing their hand size and laughing at the difference, “i like it,”
“if you like it that way, we can keep it this size, then,” satoru said simply, kissing the top of [name]’s head.
“wear it however you want to, satoru, it’s your ring,” [name] chides him, looking up to softly glare at him.
“the ring doesn’t mean anything by itself, you're the one that gives it meaning,” satoru says, squeezing [name]’s shoulders to bring him closer, “if you like it on the pinky, it stays on the pinky.”
rolling his eyes and deciding that nothing is going to get through his fiance’s head, [name] gave up on challenging satoru. instead, he cuddled closer into his side and breathed in his faint cologne and natural scent.
“i love you, satoru. my dear fiance,” he said into the fabric of his dress shirt, smiling against satoru’s ribs as he repeated the phrase in his head.
satoru didn’t bother biting back his smile as he tilted [name]’s head up to look up at him. he kissed him softly, gently moving their lips against each other in a passionate kiss. and when he pulled away, he made sure to keep eye contact as he said, “i love you more, [name], my dear fiance,”
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herofics · 1 month
Hii, idk if you take emergency requests, so I apologize in advance if you dont, but i was wondereing if you could please write a hurt/angst/confort oneshot in which Present mic or midnight (or both) walks into their niece room (Aizawa's daughter) and find her attempting suicide. And they they have to tell Aizawa about it?
Thanksss, love ya ✨️
A/N: There’s been a lot of Aizawa lately, but I don’t mind. I consider requests like this to be a priority, so I wrote it as soon as I could. I’m sorry if this is kinda OOC, I haven’t watched the anime in ages, but I tried to do it as well as I could. I still have two more Aizawa requests that are just WIPs at this point, but those are probably gonna take a while, because I wanna write other stuff too. I picked Midnight for this, since I don’t really ever write about her. If you want more of these kinds of things, check out the masterlist in the pinned post
You were sitting on your bed, a pile of pills in your hand, when there was a knock on your bedroom door. You scrambled to hide the pills under your pillow, but a few of them fell on the floor next to the bed.
“Hey sweetie, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine, Auntie Kayama. What are you doing here?” you said as nonchalantly as you could.
“Your dad sent me to check in on you, since he’s gonna be late again tonight” Kayama said.
“No offense but why does he suddenly think I need a babysitter?”
“He’s worried about you… we all are” Kayama said, as she sat down on the chair that was by your school desk.
“You really don’t need to be, I’m fine” you said, looking down at your feet, now noticing the fallen pills.
Kayama followed your gaze down to the floor, now also taking note of the few tablets that were laying on the floor.
“What’s this?” she asked, leaning down and picking up one of the pills.
“Oh, I must have dropped it while taking my meds earlier” you shrugged, evading direct eye contact with her.
“Honey, I know a lie when I hear one” Kayama looked at you compassionately.
You sighed in defeat and lifted the pillow to reveal the pile of pills. You weren’t even sure why you did that, maybe you just wanted her to talk you out of it.
Kayama had heard about what was going on with you from Aizawa. You’d been hurting yourself and acting in a self-destructive manner otherwise too, so your father had been worried about you. They’d agreed that you might have an easier time talking to Kayama, since you’d been so distant with your father lately. She never would have thought her timing would be this on point though.
“Oh sweetie” Kayama said, and moved to sit next to you on the edge of the bed. “Come here” she continued as she opened her arms to hug you.
You leaned against her and let her wrap her arms around you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked as she rubbed your upper arm.
“Honestly, I don’t really know. I just don’t want to bother anyone, I’m enough of a burden already”
“You’re not a burden honey, and you’re not bothering your dad, or me, by talking to us. You can call me anytime if you need someone to talk to, I’d much rather you call me at three in the morning than you hurt yourself” she smiled sympathetically.
Kayama talked with you for a while, and you cleaned the pills off the bed before turning in for the night. She sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea until Aizawa came back. She’d barely drunk any of it, she just sat there, thinking, with the warm cup in her hands. She’d known you since you were just a baby, and you were like family to her. How did it end up like this? She knew Aizawa was a wonderful father, even if a very busy one. Kayama snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the front door open and close.
“Hi” she greeted Aizawa quietly as he walked into the kitchen.
“So, how did it go?” Aizawa whispered as he sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, opposite of Kayama.
“We talked, they definitely need some help, and I don’t know if we’re enough. They were considering trying to kill themself and I’m pretty sure they would have attempted it if I didn’t happen to come by, but I think it’s safe for now. At least I really hope so”
“I knew they were having a really hard time lately, but I was hoping it hadn’t gone this far” Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
It’s not like he was angry with you, he was just extremely worried about you. No parent wants their child to be in pain. It was his job you keep you safe, but how could he when the danger was your own brain? He would just have to be patient, walk alongside you wherever you were going to go, and help you pick up the pieces when you were ready. There was nothing he wanted more than for you to be happy and healthy.
“What am I going to do Kayama? How do I talk to them about this?” Aizawa asked.
“I think it’s best to just be honest. Tell them you’re worried and that you love them. They were worried about being a burden, especially to you”
“I wish they didn’t think that, they’re not a burden, they’re my kid” Aizawa sighed.
This was his first time raising a kid, at least one of his own. He had seen all kinds of teenagers pass through his class, so knew it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. There was not a single parent on the planet that knew everything their kid was up to, but he just wished he had intervened earlier, maybe he could have stopped things from snowballing to this extent.
“It’s going to be okay, Aizawa. I know things are not going to change overnight, but with a dad like you, I’m sure they’re going to make it through this” Kayama said.
“Thank you, Kayama” Aizawa smiled tiredly.
“I need to head home now, just keep an eye on them and talk to them, but most importantly, listen” she emphasized the last word.
“Good night, get home safe” Aizawa said, hugging his friend goodbye.
“Take care” she waved as she walked out into the night.
Kayama was like family to Aizawa and to you as well, and he was just glad you’d been able to open up to her. He just hoped it would give you the motivation to start talking to him as well. It’s not that you didn’t talk, maybe he just didn’t know how to ask the right questions, but he certainly wanted to learn. For you, he was willing to do anything, for you, his only child he would go to hell and back, especially so you wouldn’t have to.
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 3 years
Female! Reader with a deep voice|| ‼️
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irl / in-game
Genre| fluff? maybe? I’d say fluff-
o n e-s h o t||
Y/N has never once hinted at they’re gender, and with not doing a face reveal, and having a rather deep voice makes her friends believe shes a guy. It wasn’t one day till they we’re goofing off on her stream that the internet learns the truth.
Photo Editor| me!! I edited them myself! Just supposed to be little photos to depict Tommy, Dream, George and Sapnap respectively. (Also would you guys like to see me edit more stuff for posts? I’d love to know!)
Requester: @m0on-blue!! Thank you for the request, this was a really fun idea!
Warnings: swearing!!
ft. Phil, Wilbur and Tubbo!
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It was another day, and another stream. Y/N was currently messing around with Tommy, Dream, George and Sapnap on the SMP. The joyful sound of laughter could be heard all throughout their headsets, spinning in they’re chairs, banging on desks, and many more antics we’re shared between the five.
Y/N was currently doing a Media Share stream, and her fanbase was not afraid to send her into a wheezing fit. Wether its the “cheeto” video or a funny moment SMP animatic, they truly had no mercy. The five we’re all having a good time, sharing laughs and passing back and forth witty, sarcastic banter.
“I- i dr- *wheeze* dropped kicked that child in self defeNSE-“ Dream wheezed out, banging on his desk as his microphone picked up his laughing fit. “Its not even that funny Dream, calm down big man.” Tommy laughed, looking to his camera then back to his monitor. His face was slowly turning red from the amount of laughing he was doing.
“Tommy i just think your jealous that Dream finds Techno funny and not you.” Y/N giggled, they’re in game avatar sprinting around in front of Tommy’s house where they all sat, laughing they’re asses off. “OI DICKHEAD- HEY DICKHEAD I HAVE YOU KN-“ The blonde brit started screeching, snaking his fingers through his fluffy blonde hair. He soon got cut off by Sapnap telling him to shut up, as George laughed in the background, jumping on the fence that surrounded the landscape. His facecam simply showing him in his grey hoodie, with his iconic ‘clout’ goggles.
Another video soon played on Y/N’s stream, it was a tiny animation with a very cute, round, soft aesthetic style. It was simply a all white character, no hair, clothes, the only features the person had was simply eyebrows and a mouth.
The little character sat in the bottom left of the screen, a coral background making the character pop out even more. The character seemed to be thinking, when text soon appeared on the video.
“is Y/N a boy or a girl? Why not... both?”
The screen then showed a female character doing a tiny dance, as she soon switched genders in the middle of the screen, Y/N then appeared on the other side as a boy, as he danced, flipped his bangs and grinned, the video soon cut off as Y/N’s chat flooded with messages.
katty_kat103: woman Y/N pog?? 👀
fangirlinnit: okay but male Y/N is low key hot ngl
asleepyfans_inc: headcannon that Y/N can switch genders whenever :]
The chat was clogged up with messages, dono messages much the same. Y/N simply laughed, hearing Wilburs text-to-speech message.
“Wait i thought Y/N’s gender was an enigma that only gender-cryptids like them can know”
Y/N giggled again, clicking keys on her keyboard as she sprinted around in-game, soon stopping to eat.
“Listen all I’ll say is the male gender bend looks pretty poggers.” Y/N said, adjusting they’re mic and fixing they’re headset.
“Wait what-“ George said, his eyes widening in shock ad he stared off to the side before looking back up to his camera.
“WOMAN POG???” Tommy yelled, looking away from his monitor to his other, as he soon became a mumbling, incoherent mess. “CAN WE GET SOME PRIMES IN CHAT BOYS?? CAN WE GET SOME PRIMES FOR THIS VERY SPECIAL OCCASION? LET THE PRIMES FLOOD I- YES!!” Tommy yelled, shifting in his seat, rolling around.
“Wait Y/N your female?” Dream asked, sprinting around her while eating. She simply snorted, “always have been, piss baby.” Dream and Sapnap laughed at her snarky remark as Sapnap suddenly said,
“Y/N gender reveal?? NOT CLICKBAIT!” Which got Y/N laughing harder, so bad to the point she almost fell out of her chair and onto the floor. All of them giggled, this whole situation came out of left field, yet left them more hysterical than any of the other moments in the stream.
It was only a few minutes that passed, them all calming down and going back to chatting, courtesy of George asking them to not bust his ear drums. It wasn’t even a second that passed until 3 other members entered the call.
“Y/N YOUR A WOMAN?!??” Tubbo yelled, as he logged into the Dream SMP, running towards where they all were. Wilbur started to yell “Y/N Gender Pog!!!” As he stretched his sentence out, as Phil simply laughed in the background, a huge grin on his face as he shook his head, fingers grasping his nose as he laughed harder at his action.
“Yes Tubbo, yes i am a woman.” Y/N laughed, as she went to go grab her drink from the side of her desk. Y/N sipped on her drink, but Wilbur soon perked up, a mischievous grin on his face.
“Wait is this canon? Like a canon event?” Wilbur talked, the mic practically picked up his smug smile as Y/N spit her drink over to the side, as she choked a little.
Tubbo and Phil were hysterical, Dream turned into a kettle, Tommy started yelling, his mic cutting in and out as Sapnap laughed and a drowned out “what” from George all happened at once. Y/N sat back in her seat, staring wide eyed at her ceiling as she thought,
“This SMP is filled with a literal bunch of adult-children AND LITERAL children.”
She wouldn’t have it any other way though.
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a/n: hello again!! This was my first ever requested fic!! Pog!! :D
Anyways, i hope i did this request justice. I wrote this at 3:28 AM so it might not be that good, as well as i got road blocked in multiple parts of the fic, so im sorry if it came out as OOC or bad!!
Anyways, i should probably go to bed, if not god knows what will happen to me lol my sleep shcedule is already all over the place. But i hope you all have a wonderful day/night wherever you are!! Make sure to hydrate and have a snack, stay happy and simp for Wilbur :]
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soberqueerinthewild · 4 years
She’s listening through the air shaft, to see how long our swan song can last 
Three Times Forrest Ignores Isobel When She Tries to Meddle, and Two Times He Doesn’t 
A post-season 2 finale Forrest POV fic. Features Isobel being a meddling asshole, Forrest being a good guy, Michael and Alex being obvious, but stubborn, with a cameo by Liz being a little OOC (oops!). Starts out Forlex (or ManeForrest, whatever your preference!) but transitions to Malex. This fic exists entirely because I wanted to write two lines, bonus points if you figure out which ones they are. I may have sort of plagiarized my own season 1 finale fix it fic accidentally, but if the RNM writers can have the finales mirror each other, then my fix it fics can too!
Thanks to @lambourngb and @seeaddywrite for help with ideas and editing (and listening to me whine, a very important part of my writing process)! 
*Title from Both Hands by Ani Difranco 
Forrest wasn’t sure what to expect dating Alex Manes. 
The 180 degree turnaround on PDA between their first date and open mic night felt too good to be true. He half expected regression on their second date, for Alex to pull his hand away when Forrest reached for him in public, or to scoot his chair farther away when one of his Air Force buddies approached them in the bar, but so far that fear has been unrealized. It’s like a switch flipped, probably due to a combination of his own internal work, the death of his father, and full support of his brother. Alex is lighter and happier than when they first met, and seems at ease being out in public with Forrest no matter where they go. Tonight, they’ve settled on a casual night out at the Pony, with the intention of Forrest getting a chance to know Maria better. 
Over the past few weeks of dating, Alex has met most of Forrest’s friends (they all love him, and if Forrest didn’t feel the same way, he’d be a little offended about how many of his friends have suggested that Forrest is punching above his weight class), but Forrest has yet to spend much time with any of Alex’s. Tonight’s supposed to change that, but Maria’s been slammed most of the night and when Forrest makes his way back from the bathroom, it’s not Maria he spots in the booth beside Alex, but someone much taller and blonder. As he approaches the table, he recognizes her as the woman he’d mistakenly identified as Alien Guy’s girlfriend one time when he and Alex chatted at the diner. He can’t place her name though,  since he had a difficult time focusing on anyone other than Alex that day. A problem which has persisted even now that they’re dating.  
As he slides into the booth across from them, she stops talking mid-sentence and glances him up and down appraisingly. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were here with emo smurf.” This is clearly addressed to Alex, though she doesn’t take her eyes off Forrest, a challenge in her gaze.
“Isobel,” Alex reprimands sternly, mouthing a sorry in his direction. Forrest waves him off. It takes more than a little snark to rattle him. 
“Sorry.” Isobel flutters her eyelashes with faux innocence. “I’m just so bad with names.”
“It’s Forrest, as I know you’re well aware. Forrest, this is Isobel Evans, but you don’t really need to know that, because she was just leaving.” Alex shoots daggers in Isobel’s direction, but Forrest can already tell it’s a losing battle. Forrest isn’t exactly sure why she decided to come out swinging, but if she’s a friend of Alex’s, he wants to win her over. Most people, women especially, find his self-deprecating charm hard to resist, and he’s never backed away from a challenge. 
Forrest tilts back in his chair, putting on an unbothered air. “No need to leave on my account. The purpose of tonight was to meet some of Alex’s friends, so I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet one more.” 
Isobel raises her eyebrows. “Oh, we’re at the meeting the friends stage, huh? Who are you waiting for, Valenti? Is he still dating Liz lite? All the snark, none of the charm?” 
Forrest doesn’t follow, but Alex clearly does, as he shoots back, “Jealous much?” 
“Oh please. Like I’d be jealous over Valenti.” 
“I don’t know Isobel, from what I hear you were all about him a few months ago.” 
Isobel tosses her hair. “Wow you guys are such gossips, but you’re behind the times. That’s old news. Besides, I ended up with a much better offer. But, you know who you should invite out?” Her eyes light up, and even though they’ve only just met Forrest has an inkling that look is a dangerous one.
Alex seems to recognize it too, as he asks warily, “Who?” 
“Your brother. I mean, you wanted him to meet your friends, why not have him meet the family too? And by brother, I mean the hot one. Well,” Isobel amends, “the hot, non-evil one.” 
Forrest knows a bit about Alex’s family. It’s still not Alex’s favorite topic of conversation, but he’s given Forrest the basic outline, and he’s gonna go out on a limb and say Isobel means Gregory. He’s gotta hand it to her, she may be kind of bitchy, but she’s got good taste. 
Alex, however, looks horrified. “Isobel, I beg of you, leave my poor brother alone.” 
“What?” The innocent mask returns. “I want to see your brother naked, you want to see my brother naked. I feel like it all evens out.  Or at least it will, once I actually make it happen.” 
“Isobel. Cut it out,” Alex hisses again, and drops his head in his hands. Alex looks like he wants to melt into the floor, while Isobel looks pleased with herself. 
By the way Isobel is looking at him, it seems like she thinks this statement will rattle him, but he doesn’t really know why. It dawns on him that she shares a last name with an ex-deputy-turned-bartender he may or may not have checked out on his way in. Is he supposed to be jealous that Alex apparently at some point expressed a desire to see Max Evans, naked? Forrest isn’t under the impression that a few weeks of dating means Alex isn’t permitted to find anyone else attractive. Plus,  from his few past interactions with Max, Forrest feels pretty certain Max is painfully straight, so he’s hardly a threat. 
Regardless, if her goal is to unsettle him, he’s determined to remain unaffected. “Max? I can see it. I know the tall, dark and handsome thing does it for some people. Hopefully lack of height isn’t a deal breaker for Alex.” Forrest shoots Alex a wink, but Alex hasn’t looked up. 
Isobel looks at him like he might be the dumbest person alive. Forrest has a feeling it’s a look she wears a lot. “Not Max, my other brother. Michael? Alex’s ex? You’ve met him. You asked if he was my boyfriend? It was horrifying. I should make you pay that therapy bill, thanks a lot.” 
Oh. Ok. It’s not exactly a shock. He had sensed some tension between Alex and Michael, a connection when he first saw them together on the farm. And later, in the diner, he’d seen Michael eyeing him a little territorially. Forrest had never been one to assume he was owed every detail of a boyfriend’s romantic past, so he’d never asked Alex about it.  Alex likes Forrest, he’s with him, Forrest doesn’t need to know more than that yet. Michael’s sister being dismissive of him, making a point to let him know about Alex and Michael’s history doesn’t change anything. It shouldn’t anyways. And  even if the confirmation of his suspicions does nag at him a bit, he’s determined not to let Isobel or Alex know about it. 
He smiles reassuringly at Alex, who no longer has his head in his hands, but is instead staring daggers at Isobel once again, while simultaneously texting on his phone. 
The reason for the texting becomes apparent as Maria makes a beeline to their table and without preamble announces. “Isobel, Max is asking for you, why don’t you go find out what he needs.” Maria is apparently less diplomatic than he or Alex, because she  pulls Isobel up from her seat, and steers her by the elbow across the bar, before Isobel even has a chance to object. 
“So…” Forrest ventures, breaking the silence. “Your friend seems nice.” 
Alex lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry about Isobel. I should’ve gotten rid of her faster, but she can be impossible when she gets on a roll like that. Maria’s the best at dealing with her. I’m sorry she was so rude to you. Sometimes I don’t know why I put up with her. It’s complicated, but she’s kind of like family...” 
He can tell Alex is giving him an opening. To ask about Isobel, and Michael even, but he’s not sure he wants to know. It’s Saturday night, he’s out with a hot guy, he’d rather make the most of it than talk about an ex. “No worries at all. She’s honestly much nicer than my family.” Which sadly is most definitely the truth. He rescues them both with a subject change. “You want to grab another drink, and play a round of pool?” 
Forrest senses Alex is relieved at the out, and the smile he flashes now is the most genuine he’s had all night. “Sounds good, let’s do it.” 
Forrest hears stories about Kyle long before he meets him. Since the first somewhat disastrous attempt to spend time with Alex’s friends, they’ve had successful hangouts with Maria a few times, and Forrest has met Liz over Facetime, but Kyle, the reformed high school bully turned doctor best friend, has remained elusive. Alex explains that Kyle works odd hours, and has been in a bit of a honeymoon cocoon with his girlfriend as she recovers from a serious illness, so it’s not until he and Alex have been dating about two months that Forrest gets a chance to meet him. When Alex finally nails down plans, Forrest is a bit surprised at the venue choice of Planet 7. Alex is comfortable enough with himself now to go there, but he usually prefers the quieter vibe of the Wild Pony. 
As they settle into a seat by the window to wait for Kyle, Forrest asks about the choice. “Is this some kind of test for Kyle? See if he’s really reformed by making him come to a gay bar?” 
Alex barks out a laugh. “Definitely not. He’s proven himself a hundred times over now. No, the venue was Kyle’s choice. He’s been coming here much longer than I have. He’s kind of a legend here apparently, cleans up on drag night.” 
Forrest laughs along with him and some of his nervousness at meeting someone so important to Alex, dissipates. He has a feeling he and Kyle will get along just fine. The same cannot be said, however, about the woman making a beeline towards them right now. Alex seems to notice her the same moment Forrest does and groans. 
“Oh, relax,” Isobel retorts, clearly having heard Alex’s sound of displeasure. “I come in peace.” It seems a little below her game as far as jokes go, but Alex and Isobel both seem to find it unreasonably amusing. Isobel does seem to be making a genuine effort to be kind, even using his name a few times and laying off the snark as she regales them with a few stories of Kyle’s Planet 7 antics. 
“So, you’re a Planet 7 regular too, Isobel? I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before.”
“It was only a few months ago that I realized my tastes were a little more, umm, expansive than I thought, after I came here one night and took the bartender home.” Isobel looks a little smug as she nods towards the woman behind the bar. 
Forrest knows Blair, everyone does really, but he hadn’t noticed until this moment just how similar she and Isobel are physically. He checks his initial instinct, a jab at her narcissism, feeling like he probably doesn’t want to start something he’s not sure he can finish. If she’s being nice, he doesn’t want to jinx it. He opts instead to say, “Nice. She’s very pretty. Are y’all dating?” 
“Nope, we had fun and all, but some relationships are only meant to be short-term, you know?” Forrest decides to be kind and assume that was genuine, and not a pointed remark, but by the way Isobel is trying to conceal her smirk, he’s being far too generous. 
Alex isn’t hissing at her though, so either he didn’t hear, or didn’t register the implication. 
“So, Isobel, are you waiting for someone? You got a date tonight?” Alex asks. Forrest feels a little bit bad that he’s hoping strongly the answer is yes, and that her date  is about to walk in the door. 
“Not yet,” Isobel remarks suggestively. Forrest has no doubt she could have her pick of most of the women in this bar tonight, and the way she tosses her hair as she looks around appraisingly says she knows it too. 
“Ok boys, what do you think? Does the woman in red in the corner look like she’d enjoy being tied up?” 
Forrest nearly spits out his drink, and Alex blushes darker than he’s ever seen. Forrest finds it pretty adorable. Though Alex isn’t exactly shy, he’s definitely not the ‘talk about your sex life in public’ type of person.  And, as far as he’s aware, Alex is relatively vanilla in his preferences, which suits Forrest just fine. 
“What? You’re a prude all of the sudden?” Isobel seems equal parts annoyed and amused by Alex’s reaction. “You’re down for a threesome with your ex and your best friend, but you draw the line at talk of a little kink?” 
Huh. Well that’s an unexpected revelation. Before Forrest has much of a chance to process the information, he’s distracted by a cold hard tone he’s never heard before in Alex’s voice. “Isobel, what the fuck. That is so far out of line.” 
What’s more surprising still is the way Isobel immediately backs down. She looks genuinely apologetic and her voice softens. “You’re right, I’m sorry. And just… he didn’t tell me about it.” She glances at Forrest before continuing, “You know how...well, you know it’s hard to keep things from me. It wasn’t even his...well never mind. I am sorry though. I’ll work on that filter.” 
Alex softens a little and shakes his head ruefully. “How you three ever managed to keep a secret with your big mouth, I’ll never know.” 
Forrest feels, like he often does, that there’s a subtext to this exchange he’s not privy to, and Alex doesn’t explain. Forrest isn’t exactly sure if it’s because he doesn’t want Forrest to know or because he’s forgotten Forrest is there.  Forrest knows it’s normal in new relationships to feel this way sometimes. He’s sure Alex has felt left out momentarily when Forrest is with his friends. It’s happened before to Forrest in conversations with Alex and Maria, but it’s never really bothered him. He knows that if things work out, he and Alex will develop their own shorthand and inside jokes. There will be times when they’ll be the ones annoying others by forgetting the rest of the world exists. 
He doesn’t know why being reminded of Alex’s long history with Isobel in particular bothers him. If he’s being honest, it’s probably because he knows that their connection only exists because of Michael. He’s never said it in so many words, but Forrest knows that Alex considers Isobel family because he considers Michael family. And Isobel seems hell bent on ensuring Forrest never forgets it. Alex might believe that Isobel’s comments are just a symptom of her big mouth, but to Forrest it’s clear that she wants to be sure Forrest and Alex are always thinking about Michael. He’s irrationally tempted now to reach out and pull Alex to him, distract him from the conversation at hand, and make sure Isobel and Alex both remember who Alex is with now. But he knows Isobel would see right through him. 
He’s distracted from this impulse by the jingle of the front door of the bar opening. He looks up to see a guy  he recognizes as Kyle from photos on Alex’s phone enter, followed by a woman Forrest assumes must be Steph. 
Alex sees him at the same time, and turns to Isobel. “If you’re actually sorry for being an asshole, you can make it up to me by being elsewhere. I’ve heard that you and Steph tend to get into it, so it’s probably for the best.” 
As Isobel flounces off without another word, Alex looks at him hesitantly, likely wondering if Forrest is going to say anything about Isobel’s comments. With Kyle and Steph approaching, it’s not the time, so Forrest tries to rid himself of thoughts of Alex and threesomes, and focus on the double date ahead. After the date, they’ll have time to talk honestly about things. About why, when Alex and Michael are currently friends, and things were over with them romantically a long time ago, Alex shuts down at the mention of their sexual past. About why Isobel constantly brings it up, and seems so sure Alex and Forrest are only a short term prospect. Later, Forrest decides, they’ll  talk openly about it, and Forrest will feel better, and their relationship will feel stronger, and these nagging feelings will go away. Probably. 
The thing is, Alex is by far the hottest, kindest, sweetest guy Forrest has ever dated, hands down, no contest, end of story. 
And that’s a good thing, it’s a great thing, except that it makes Forrest stupid. Forrest likes to think he’s pretty good at relationships by now. He is, after all, a serial monogamist. Forrest knows that open, honest communication is pretty much the key to making things work. But somehow with Alex, he gets himself all twisted up, and can’t do the thing he needs to do, which is just ask Alex to tell him about Michael Guerin. 
Forrest  knows he gets weird when Michael texts Alex at odd hours of the night, or when Alex takes his car in to Sanders’ to get fixed, because he doesn’t trust anyone other than Michael to touch it. He knows he tenses when Isobel, Kyle, or Maria mention Michael and Alex’s past. He knows Alex knows it too. Not talking about it hasn’t made it disappear, but Forrest still can’t make himself have the conversation. The one time Alex tried to bring it up, and started to haltingly explain that they had a complicated past, but were friends, or really family to each other, Forrest shut it down. Cheerfully told Alex he didn’t have to explain and changed the subject. 
So yeah, stupid. Or maybe willfully ignorant, is more accurate. He wants to keep Alex, and he has a sneaking suspicion that if they ever were to finish that conversation it would somehow lead to the end of this. And he doesn’t want it to end, so unhealthy avoidance it is. Most of the time it even works. They have a good time with each other. They make each other laugh. It’s been four pretty great months, and if Forrest feels sometimes that he’s just a little more invested than Alex is, well, he figures you can’t have everything in life. 
Today, they are having breakfast at the Crashdown, and Forrest is excited to get to meet Liz in person, as she’s back in town for a visit with her dad. Alex warns him that it might not be all fun and games, as Liz apparently broke up with the love of her life before leaving town four months ago, and hasn’t decided whether she’s going to try to see him on this visit. Forrest is intrigued, as he honestly loves any relationship drama that doesn’t include him, so would happily spend the entire breakfast getting to know Liz better and listing out pros and cons of seeing her ex. What Forrest failed to account for, even once he realized that Liz’s ex is none other than Max Evans, is that of course Isobel would show up at the diner to interfere in her brother’s love life. He supposes he should count himself lucky that she barely notices his presence, her focus purely on interrogating Liz. 
“So, are you gonna go see my idiot brother?” Her tone is as caustic as it often is when aimed at him, but surprisingly Liz doesn’t respond defensively. Instead, the tough front she’s been putting on for him and Alex seems to crumple a little, and she leans into Isobel, who wraps an arm around her shoulder. 
“He doesn’t want to see me,” she mumbles into Isobel’s chest. 
“Is, I tried calling and texting from California. You know I did. He barely wrote back. He used to tell me he’d follow me anywhere, but he didn’t come after me.” Liz looks crestfallen, and Forrest feels like this might be too intimate a moment for him to witness. 
“Yeah, because he was mad, not because he stopped loving you!” The exasperated look is one Forrest has become familiar with, even in their short period of acquaintance. 
“You think he still does? That he’ll want to work it out?” The hope in Liz’s voice really is heartbreaking, and Forrest finds he’s pretty invested in the outcome even though it involves people he barely knows. 
“Oh my god, you people really are impossible. Yes, Liz, Max loved you for ten years. Ten years during which you were never even together and never even stepped foot back in Roswell. He once said if he could’ve fallen in love with someone else, he would have. You really think he fell out of love with you in the four months you’ve been gone? Neither one of my stupid brothers’ hearts work like that. They fall in love at 17, and stay in love. It’s a thing, and it’s annoying. I know you guys have your problems, Liz, but Max not loving you is never gonna be one of them.” 
Forrest is so focused on Liz that he doesn’t quite get the other implications, until he feels Alex stiffen beside him. It’s weird seeing hope blossom on two faces at once, though as soon as Alex feels Forrest looking at him, he schools his expression into something neutral so quickly Forrest wonders if he imagined it. Liz however, seems to have made a decision, and she pushes Isobel out of the booth, and scrambles out behind her. 
“Uh, rain check?” Liz tosses at Alex over her shoulder, already halfway to the door. 
“Yeah, of course,” Alex replies, though Liz and Isobel are already gone. He turns his attention to Forrest. “So, that got derailed.” He tries for a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Forrest wonders if part of Alex wishes he was the one running across town right now to see if the boy that’s loved him since he was 17 still does. Forrest really should just ask. It would, he tells himself, be better to know. But once more he lets the stupid part of his heart win and he lets moment pass instead. 
It’s not really spying on your boyfriend if he’s in a public farmer’s market and he invited you to meet him, right? 
That’s the technicality Forrest is sticking to that makes it acceptable for him not to alert Alex to his presence. Instead, it's completely reasonable and not at all deliberate when he closely examines the jewelry display that blocks him from Alex’s view. It's just a mere convenience to use that cover while he can also overhear Alex's conversation with his ex.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Alex. It’s just, despite all the time he’s spent worrying about what Alex and Michael might mean to each other, spurred on by Isobel’s insinuations and that look on Alex’s face when Michael texts, he hasn’t actually seen them together much since he and Alex have been dating. 
He’s pretty sure that’s by design. He knows Michael and Alex still spend time together, but it seems that any time Forrest enters a room, Michael finds a reason to leave it. He doesn’t feel like it’s spiteful exactly. Michael is always polite when they cross paths, he just never sticks around. Seeing them together now, Forrest thinks maybe it was a kindness, a weird sort of respect for their relationship, for Michael to make himself scarce. Because while he can ignore Isobel’s barbs and pointed comments, seeing Michael and Alex within ten feet of each other is a different story. They aren’t even saying anything important. Forrest can’t hear every word --he’s pretty sure they’re just chatting about the weather -- but the way they look at each other is anything but casual. There’s an energy that seems to crackle between them and when Alex makes a joke, Michael smiles like Alex is the best thing he’s ever seen. And it’s not like Forrest can exactly blame him, but it’s the way Alex smiles back that makes something twist in his gut. It’s the way Forrest has always wished Alex would look at him, but never quite does. 
For once in his life, Forrest feels something other than irritation seeing Isobel approach, as her presence seems to break some of the tension between Michael and Alex.  They take a step back from one another and focus on Isobel as she loops her arm through Michael’s. 
“So Isobel, how’d you manage to convince Guerin to show up a farmer’s market of all places?” Alex’s voice is light and teasing. It’s a contrast to the tone Forrest most often hears Alex use with Isobel, a combination of irritation and pleading, since usually she’s giving Forrest a hard time. 
“Oh, the usual, blackmail and the promise of waffles at the Crashdown. You want to join us?” 
Alex shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another and glances at Michael warily before responding, “I can’t. I’m ummm… meeting Forrest.” Forrest watches Michael stiffen immediately, looking down and then running his fingers through his hair and settling his cowboy hat atop his head before responding. 
“Great. Tell him I said hi.” Forrest is almost impressed with how close to sincere Michael sounds. By the way Isobel snorts, Forrest can tell she’s not convinced. 
Alex glances at his watch and looks around. “He should be here by now, actually. I left my phone in my car, so I should really go, see if he’s texted.” Forrest knows he should probably call out to him, let Alex know where he is, but something keeps him rooted to the spot, even as Alex heads in the opposite direction. 
As soon as Alex is out of earshot, Isobel rounds on Michael. “Seriously, when are you both gonna stop it with this?” 
“What?” Michael’s irritation with her is clear in just that one syllable. 
“Don’t play dumb with me, Michael. It’s getting old watching you and Alex keep up this dance.” 
“He’s moved on. I’m happy for him. I’ve moved on, too. I’ve got a date tonight.” 
“Bullshit, Michael. He has not moved on, and he wouldn’t even be trying to, if you would just tell him you still love him.” 
“It’s not as simple as all that,” Michael mumbles. Forrest notes that he doesn’t try to correct her assumption. 
“It seems to get simple real quick anytime your lives are in danger. It’s like you can’t be honest with each other or anyone else without the threat of mortal peril. Like he can shout that he doesn’t look away to save you from certain death, you’ll threaten to burn the world down to find him when he’s missing, but in between neither of you can suck up the courage to ask the other on a fucking date? And the rest of us are supposed to sit around and pretend you’re just friends and watch you try and fail to move on over and over again?” 
“He seems happy.” 
“Yeah, I think he’s trying to be. Just like you tried last year. But maybe he could be happier with you.  You both could be, except he doesn’t think you want to try. He wrote you a damn love song, and you walked away to wait for some mythical right time that may never exist!“
And suddenly Forrest doesn’t want to hear anymore. It’s not, he thinks as he walks numbly back to his car, like he didn’t know the song was about Michael. Of course it was. It’s just maybe he was hoping that Alex used a fair bit of artistic license, like the song was mostly nostalgia and puppy love embellished for effect, but hearing Isobel and Michael talk now, it’s clear that isn’t the case. He decides he’s buried his head in the sand about this for too long now and he can’t avoid the reality any longer. He has to talk to Alex. 
A hand on his shoulder breaks him out of his reverie. Normally, it’s now, looking up at Alex’s smiling face that he loses his nerve, but today he doesn’t give himself time to overthink, he just asks, “Why aren’t you and Michael together?” 
Alex drops his hand abruptly from Forrest’s shoulder and takes a step back, looking stricken. “What? Where is this coming from?” 
“I just want to know, what’s stopping you? I mean, apart from me. If I wasn’t in the equation?” 
Alex opens and closes his mouth a few times. Forrest can see him calculating, weighing between giving the response he thinks Forrest wants to hear and the truth. “He doesn’t want to be, for one thing… and you are in the equation.” 
Forrest closes his eyes and steels himself. “Neither of those things are true. Not anymore.” He forces himself to look at Alex, but he nearly has to look away again, the hurt on Alex’s face nearly too much to bear. “I like you. I care about you a lot, but I don’t think we’re it for each other. I think there’s a big part of you that’s still waiting for Michael.” 
He waits, not sure if he’s hoping Alex will convince him he’s wrong. Alex doesn’t speak, just lets out a hollow laugh. Forrest continues, “And he’s waiting for you too. I’m pretty certain of that. If I’m wrong, just tell me. Tell me that when you look into the future it’s me you want there with you.” Forrest’s voice breaks a little, he clears his throat to collect himself, feeling like this is dangerously close to begging Alex to lie to him, which is not what he wants. Alex looks down guiltily, and Forrest knows he’s been right all along. “You can’t tell me that, can you?” 
Alex slowly shakes his head, tears in his eyes. “Forrest, I’m...sorry. I don’t want you to think… I really do care about you.” 
Forrest tries for a smile. “I know. And I want you to know, I don’t regret it. Being with you. A relationship doesn’t have to be forever to be a successful one; to mean something. That’s why I think we should let it be now, so it doesn’t turn into something we’ll regret.” Forrest pulls Alex into a hug and is surprised when Alex grips him back just as hard. “I wouldn’t wait too long to tell him,” Forrest mumbles into Alex’s shoulder. “You deserve to be happy.” Forrest doesn’t think he imagines the feel of Alex’s nod against his hair, but he can’t be sure. 
The smart thing to do a few weeks after breaking up with your boyfriend is to avoid the bar his best friend owns. But even now that they’re over, apparently Alex Manes still makes Forrest stupid. 
It’s not that he wants to get back together, he knows the breakup was for the best. Still,  he can’t shake the morbid curiosity about whether Alex took his advice, and worked out his shit with Michael. Which is why he’s sitting alone at the bar, staring at his ex-boyfriend like a creeper, trying to analyze whether or not he and Michael are on a date or still pretending to be ‘just friends.’ 
The problem is, the fact that they’re staring into each other’s eyes like no one else exists tells him precisely nothing. This is the way they’ve looked at each other each and every time Forrest has ever seen them together, even when they  were in other relationships. He’s almost given up hope of figuring it out, when something Alex says prompts Michael to pull him in for a soft kiss. It’s so intimate that Forrest flushes and looks away, feeling like an intruder to a moment he was never supposed to witness. 
“It’s a little much, I know. Like I’m happy for them and all, it’s what I wanted, but they’re so disgustingly in love, it’s obnoxious sometimes.” 
Forrest groans. Like this night wasn’t depressing enough without Isobel Evans coming to gloat. “Not really in the mood for an I told you so, Isobel.” He expects a bitchy retort, but when he looks up, Isobel’s features are softer than he’s ever seen them. 
“I know I wasn’t the nicest to you all the time, but I really was trying to do you a favor. It was never going to last, so I thought driving you off quickly would really be a kindness.” 
Forrest looks at her incredulously. “You don’t think there were any ways you could have accomplished that goal without being an asshole?” 
Isobel seems to ponder that for a moment. “Hmm, bitchiness is really my go-to, but I suppose you’re right. Now, is crying into your beer while watching my brother and your ex canoodle in the corner really how you want to spend your night?” Forrest can’t help but steal a glance back at Michael and Alex’s table. They aren’t kissing anymore, but Alex is carding his fingers absentmindedly through Michael’s hair as they talk closely, and Forrest honestly thinks that might be worse. 
“No, not really. What else you got?” he asks. When mischief sparks in her eyes, he nearly regrets the decision to engage. 
“Well, why don’t you and I go to Planet 7, be each other’s wingmen, and see what kind of trouble we can get into?” She struts off, clearly used to people following in her wake without question. 
Forrest laughs, equal parts intrigued and terrified at the prospect. Fuck it, he thinks as he grabs his jacket and follows her out the door, proud of himself for resisting the urge to look back at Michael and Alex one last time. It’s time for him to find out what’s next, and a night out at Planet 7 with Isobel Evans seems like as good of a first step as any. 
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hunni-pen · 4 years
He may seem a little ooc, but in a lot of my Bakugou one shots, I really strive for soft!Bakugou. It’s my life’s purpose. Also I’m currently writing a Aizawa x Hizashi x Reader smut and I need someone to hep proofread if for me. If you’re interested my DMs are very much open. LMK.
He said, in his note, that it was for the best that we don’t see each other again. He said it just wasn’t fair to you. Why would he say that the night after you both told each other that you loved each other. In his note, he said if you didn’t associate with each other, then you would be safe.
You threw a fit, a full lost control of your quirk, bawled your eyes out in frustration fit. You were angry, did he not think you could protect yourself? You knew there were people trying to take him down, from the corrupt Hero Commission, and villains after him for locking their buddies up. But he really believed they would target you?
You called in sick for work for a whole week, cause you found yourself unable to get out of bed. Your boss text you concerned stating that it must be one hell of a flu. You agreed, lying that You didn’t think you’d feel better anytime soon.
He said in his letter that it was for the best. That he thought he should leave you for himself too. So he’s not always worrying if you’re okay. Then he tried to play it off as if you’re always getting into trouble. It was supposed to be a joke, and you kind of laughed.
You laughed till your sides hurt. You laughed till your giggles turned to pitiful whines and you couldn’t breath the sadness weighing on your back was so heavy. You laughed till you couldn’t feel anymore.
When you finally went back to work the next week, you tried everything in your power to pretend you were okay. To pretend that you felt normal. But you didn’t feel normal, you felt like you were never gonna feel again. Everything you saw was a constant reminder of him.
To the shops you’d passed on your way to work, and the big billboards with his stupid perfect fucking face on them. You couldn’t help but scowl and try to blink back the tears.
“Hey (Y/N), look they’re playing the Hero Billboard,” your coworker called. You finished serving the person their drink before turning to look at the TV. A nicely dressed lady was holding a microphone and stood in front of the camera.
“We’re back with the Hero top 5. These are some difficult contenders and ranks don’t change much in this category. You’ll see familiar faces today, these are our top heroes. In 5th place we have a friendly face Chargebolt!”
Surrounded by loud cheers and exciting music, a blonde hero with a strip of black hair in a lighting bolt walked up to the stage. He was all smiles and was handed the microphone to give a few words.
“Yo! Any villains listening don’t get any smart ideas, I’ll take you out in an instant,” he smiled and gave a thumbs up like it wasn’t a threat to people. But you guessed it was okay since he was a hero.
“In 4th place we have our lovely lady, rescue hero Uraravity!” A picture of the pink hero showed on the screen. “Sadly she couldn’t make it today, she’s currently helping up in the mountains! Here’s a short message from her.”
A video started to play, it was kind of staticy. “I hope everyone can hear me okay! Just know I’ll keep rescuing everyone who needs my help, no matter the cost or distance between us!”
Applause rang out and the video ended, “what a wonderful message!” The host exclaimed, “we’re now moving into top three, which contains one new face entirely. But first in third the rock hero Red Riot!”
Kirishima, who you’d met completely by accident jumped up from his seat and onto the stage. Bro hugging Chargebolt, then turning to face the camera. Cheers ripped through the building as his abs showed clearly on the camera.
He had to wait till they calmed down to speak. “I’m not good with words, but just know, I’d never be able to consider myself a man if I didn’t always do everything in my power to keep everyone safe! I’ll continue to do everything I can to keep up all my efforts to save everyone!”
Those deafening cheers rang out again as he smiled and showed off his sharp teeth. The hosting lady laughed nervously as she waited for them to calm down. Kirishima was clearly a fan favorite. It was hard to dislike him, even you found yourself smiling. Finding that he was so heartwarming.
“Okay, the awaited new face is with us. He went out of commission for a bit, disappearing off the charts but not from our minds. Explosion Hero: Ground Zero!”
You watched him stand from his seat, he wasn’t bouncing off the walls like Chargebolt or Red Riot. His face was serious. Going to the stage, the hosting lady nervously handed him the mic.
“I’m only here because my PR team forced me to be. But just know, I’m gonna work hard to do everything I can to keep you safe. If you don’t believe me now, just watch me. I’ll be number one.” He looked directly to the camera and you felt like he was staring at you.
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” you forced out as you felt your stomach convulse. You threw the towel down that you’d been using to clean the counter with and rushed to the bathroom.
Dropping to your knees and heaving over the toilet, nothing came out. You gasped out a breath and gagged again before you were able to calm yourself. You didn’t wanna be the crazy girlfriend, or ex girlfriend, but you needed answers. You felt like you couldn’t handle just leaving him and moving on without knowing why.
You knew he got off work sometime around 10. So you headed to his place. The closer you got to his apartment the more you felt like you couldn’t do it. You’d just text him. Yeah, you nodded to yourself, that would do.
With eyes full of tears, you turned shamefully away from the door. Right as you went to walk away, the door swung open. “I knew you weren’t gonna knock.”
“How did you-“
“Because I know you (Y/N). I know you’d come for answers eventually. I don’t have any for you.” He said looking down at me, he was dressed so casually, in a plain muscle tee and sweats.
You felt your eyes tear up. You weren’t normally such a crybaby. “I read your note and everything. I disagree with everything you said. Every word you wrote was a lie.” You were collapsing! Your words turning to whimpers and your breath heaving.
“Don’t start crying. It’s making me feel bad,” he said looking at his feet.
“Then talk to me. I don’t want excuses. I want to know what you were thinking, when you wrote-” You shakily pulled out the note and forced it into his hands, “-this shit!”
He grabbed your wrist and yanked me towards him. “Stop causing a scene, come inside.” You were pulled into his apartment. You looked down and saw there were more guests' shoes.
“You didn’t tell me you had guests,” You murmured, sliding your shoes off. You wiped your face with your hand so tear streaks wouldn’t show on your face.
“He doesn’t, we were just leaving,” a voice said. Chargebolt was rushing out of the living room.
“Yeah,” Kirishima said, quickly sliding his shoes on, the red haired hero was first out the door. His crocs going on nice and easy.
“Also,” Chargebolt stopped before closing the door. “I told you that the whole note thing wouldn’t work. Just from what you told me before she’s stubborn.” He smiled down at me, “good job (Y/N), keep him.”
“Dunce face, I’ll blast you into the sky,” small pops came from Katsukis hand and with a small squeal, Chargebolt closed the door.
“Do you want something to drink?” He asked nervously, leading you further inside. He picked up a file that sat open on the coffee table and closed it.
“I’m not here to drink tea. I want clear answers,” you said standing in the entrance to the living room.
“Okay, What wasn’t clear in the note?” He asked, dropping the note on the table.
“First of all, don’t use that stupid passive tone with me. I thought you were something! You told me you wouldn’t just leave me! But you did!”
“I had too! I know you don’t realize but I’m with some very dangerous shit. I don’t want you to be a target!” He argued back to you, not fully raising his voice.
“I can’t even believe that, because you kept me so out of the loop that this is my first time even meeting your friends! Not even meeting!”
“Well I’m sorry I can’t flaunt you around like some prize! Go date an idol if you want publicity!” Why was this leading to an argument?
“I don’t want publicity!” You shouted out, “I just wanted you!”
After these words the room that had suddenly grown so loud, got quiet. Katsuki looked at you surprised, your fists were clenched at your side and you were crying heavily. “(Y/N)...”
“No!” You sobbed out, “I just wanted you. I didn’t care if I couldn’t be shown off online or something like that. I just wanted you. I thought after you said that you loved me, that I was finally getting to that point, then you fucking left.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m just- there’s so much going on right now that you don’t even know about. That no one knows about outside of the team assigned. I didn’t want you to end up being a target.”
“I’m always a target. I’m in love with a stupid hero I don’t even have a chance with. I just wanted you to at least break up with me to my face. I can’t accept something so cowardly like a note.”
You hit the nail right on the head. He walked over to you and took your hands into his. They were surprisingly soft, you always liked that about his hands, they were comforting.
“I can’t stand seeing you cry. Whether it be from watching a movie, or something I did.” He sighed, looking down blinking rapidly. “I thought if I left you a note then I could excuse how cowardly the action was because I wouldn’t see you cry.”
His voice was thick with sadness, he took a shaky breath in, and you realized he was crying. Tears falling from his eyes so openly. How could he be so open around you?
“I really love you, and if something happened to you I’d never be able to forgive myself. I-“ he sucked a breath in and looked at you. You almost started crying again just seeing his pained expression. “I tried really hard to stay away from you, and even stop these feelings from coming, but you’re just so perfect to me and I need you. I’m so sorry.”
You brought your hands to his cheeks, “Katsuki I love you. I wanna be with you. I wanna help you when you feel down and celebrate your victories with you. I want everything that comes with you.”
He brought you closer to him and pressed his lips to yours. It lasted a second before he broke away in a frenzy of apologies. “I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You stood there in each other's embrace. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and his arms around your waist. His head was rested on your shoulder, nose caressing your neck occasionally planting a kiss on the sensitive skin.
“Stay with me for tonight,” he whispered. “I need you desperately.”
“Okay, I will,” You agreed and he pulled away to look at you. A small smile graced his lips and you brought him forward for another small kiss.
He gave you a sweater to change into, and then you both collapsed on his bed. Your foreheads pressed together and arms still holding each other like if you let go we’d die. In a blurry bout of exhaustion you remember small kisses on your lips. They’d only last a second, and with each one came a whisper of, “I love you.”
“Katsuki?” He hummed to show he was listening. “You’ll be here when I wake up right?
“Yes, I never wanna leave you again. I’ll be here from the moment you open your eyes, to the next time you close them. You’re everything I fight for. I love you.”
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
sincerely, yours
pairing: shouta aizawa x reader
playlist: places we wont walk - bruno major, coffee - beabadoobee, walk with me - taba chake, next to you - sam evian, goodnight - gia margaret, park music - scott james
summary: patching up shouta after a fight leds to more than you expected.
I hope shouta isn't too ooc in this but i really like how this turned out! feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
requests are open!
It's cold and it's late and Aizawa's suit is soaked from the rain. It's been too long of a shift, and honestly, if he had to go any longer, he wasn't sure if he would make it home. He fiddles with the doorknob, unable to fit his key into the lock for about a minute while clutching his side before stumbling in. He curses at himself quietly for being so loud while shutting the door. At this hour you were definitely asleep. He had come home a little bit later than usual, only texting you briefly not to worry too much. Well, it was more a jumble of words, but you got the point.
All of the lights are off except for the hallway one leading to the bedroom. He wishes he could sleep now. His eyes were so heavy and they burned. He hadn't kept them open for that long in quite some time. He stumbles through the hallway, quietly looking into the room to check on you. His eyes soften at the silhouette of your sleeping figure. He would hate to wake you, especially in this condition. You hated when he came home like this, torn up and battered, and you always made sure to give his an earful about safety. It's like he hasn't been a hero for at least a decade.
He stalks into the bathroom, wobbling slightly while scouring for the first aid kit. He reaches up to the cabinet to grab the white container, grunting at the stretch. That villain really did a number on him. He stumbles, jabbing his bruised hip into the sink with a yelp, a stinging sensation being sent in jolts through his body and bones. Fuck. Aizawa leans his head against the wood, biting down on his lip when he hears the rustle of sheets and the soft pads of your feet. Great.
"Shouta, is that you?" You ask, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a partial yawn. Maybe if he stayed quiet you wouldn't see him. You stop at the doorway, blinking before really taking in his appearance. Your heart aches at the sight before you.
Aizawa is hunched over, gripping his side and now his hip. There's blood on his scarf and cuts on his face, a big bruise forming purple over his cheek. Your brows furrow, frowning before heaving a sigh. You gesture him to turn with your finger.
It's quiet except for the gentle hum of the heater and the crickets outside the window. You dig around a basket of hair ties, pulling out a stretched out black one and gathering up his hair. He hums in gratitude at the gentle way your nails scrap his scalp. The roots were greasy from the sweat, but that was the least of your worries when you see the handprint around the back of his neck. He could shower later, after all. You let your hands travel down to his shoulders, brushing your thumb against the red, irritated skin and he winces. You press a gentle kiss to the wound—being a firm believer that it'll heal faster that way—before nodding to the counter so he can sit.
Aizawa does so without protest, starting to strip his clothing while you gather the supplies to stitch him back together. It seems like a routine now, even when he tries to break it. He gets hurt and crawls back home, claiming it's not bad enough to go to the hospital, and you fix him up and love him harder each time. You've expressed how you feel about the situation—scares to lose him, scared that one day you won't be able to do enough but by then it'll be too late. He hears it from you each time.
Pursing your lips and taking a once-over of his body and the recent strain it has been through. There's a gash on his side and a bruise on his ribs that takes up half his abdomen. His chest is torn up and you wonder what kind of quirk this one had, but you know better than to ask right now. He doesn't want to talk—no, he just wants you close so he can bring himself back from whatever hell he's in. Always a man of so few words.
You make quick work of his wounds, grazing over them as gingerly as you can and retracting when he groans and hisses. He shudders at the warmth of your touch, it's such a harsh contrast from the cold. You finally break the silence by starting your lecture. You don't mean to but you can't help it
"You're always giving me heart attacks. At this rate, I'll go into cardiac arrest before we're married— ah, not that I'm in a rush or anything. Geez, you know what, that's not even the point. The point is, I don't want another incident like the one with that- that nomu and shigaraki-"
Aizawa isn't really listening to what you're ranting about after the point of marriage. He lets you continue, watching your lips before glancing down at your hand. He never really thought of settling down— at least not until he met you. Slowly you turned his world upside down, and then all at once. He didn't think a piece of paper really defined the relationship. In fact, he thought the whole thing was ridiculous: the ceremony, the vows, the superficialness of it all. But looking at you now, caring for him tenderly and putting up with the late nights. It was practically a marriage already, so why not make it official. Plus, seeing you all dressed up and walking down the aisle wouldn't be the worst thing. It could be a small get together or something at the courthouse.
A small smile twitches up his lip at the thought before he looks back at you, still talking about this and that.
"Then let's get married."
" Not to mention those kids and Mic, I- huh?" You pause, surprised at his suggestion. He gives you a deadpan look like you didn't hear what he just said.
"If you're afraid of having a heart attack or whatever before we're married, then let's do it."
You shake your head with a laugh, thinking he's joking, but he looks at you dead in the eye with a serious look.
"I don't think that's how you ask, Shouta. Besides, I know you don't really want to-"
Aizawa takes your hands with a soft sigh, taking the washrag and putting it to the side. He runs his thumbs over your knuckles, looking down at your ring finger. Since when was he so spontaneous?
" I want to. I don't really see the point of it all if I'm being honest. But, I'd really like to see a ring on your finger... I guess. So, y/n l/n, will you marry me? "
He purses his lips, eyes meeting yours in Aizawa fashion. He still looks dead tired and his eyes are irritated but there's still a small glint in them. They're softer, rounded in admiration. To the untrained eye, he just looks exhausted, but you've memorized every detail you can down to even the newest scars.
He looks innocent, maybe even bashful like there's a chance you'd still say no. It reminds you of high school and how the two of you were back then. He's not as timid now and he's much more forward and outspoken. You almost want to giggle at the memories of his red cheeks and stolen glances. To this day those looks made you swoon.
Dropping his hands from yours, you go to cup his face and lean in close, forehead to forehead and nose to nose. The most innocent, yet intimate position.
"Yes, a million times over, yes—I'll marry you Shouta Aizawa... I guess."
Shouta rolls his eyes with a scoff, but it doesn't stop a rare, kind-hearted smile from coming out. He turns away from you mockingly. These were the moments that made it worth it. When everything else was trying to bring him down, Aizawa knew there will always be someone to pull him back up. You giggle cheekily before turning his face gently to kiss him.
It feels right, with or without a document or ring. You feel right. And that's all he needs.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 7 years
Pathfinder Campaign weeks 3, 4, and 5! Partly as one post to keep one dungeon run in one place, partly because I’m lazy and kept putting it off. Once again we had:
@theta-thoughts​ The Benevolent GM (^^)
@actnonsense​ The Kitsune Magus, Yamato Nobuyuki/Akira Kuruso (++)
@babebot​ The Ratfolk Alchemist, Durn (–)
@tobiyond​ The Tengu Rogue, Cial (~~)
and me, The Kval Barbarian, Blink Tehnk (==)
(Those little bits in the parentheses are for when I’m typing out quotes, so y’all know who’s talking. 1 for in character, 2 for OOC. Also, to my gaymers, feel free to reblog with the stuff you remember, or you liked better, or stuff I missed. It’s our game and I like seeing your thoughts too. Since these are from my perspective they get a little Blink centric.)
Week 3
  ^^ “Okay, Tobi wasn’t here last week, anyone wanna give him the summary of everything you found out shopping?”   == “*quick and dirty rundown of everything I remembered, which I’m impressed with remembering as much as I did cause dissociation.* Plus the big stuff got added to the story tab in discord Theta left for us. I’m pretty sure I forgot something though.”   ~~ ”Alright, cool.”   ^^ ”No, yeah, you got it. Wanna go over it again in voice where we can all hear you or are we all good with what they wrote?”   == “Uhhhhhh…..”   ~~ ”Nah, we good.”
Waking up Act again, this time with the ps messenger app, feeling a little bad about it cause I’m well versed in the ways of the fucked up sleep schedule.
  ^^ ”Alright, so Lady Origena has summoned you four to talk about the kobold clan that’s becoming a threat to the city.”   == “THAT’S what I forgot. Tobi, the kobolds are restless.”   ~~ ”Thanks, Momo.”
Theta giving us the rundown on the whole situation as the NPC, asking us if we have any questions, and getting a solid 10 seconds of “Uuhhhhhhhhhhh.” 
Getting to the quarry where the kobolds made their home and immediately getting into a fight. Akira/Yamato using magic match #1 to set a kobold on fire, and watching them jump off the cliff and into the lake 30 feet down.
  = “Oh god durn it.” (After Durn walked out into the open, prompting that fight.)   ~~ “Goddammit Momo.”   == “I’m hilarious.”
Theta showing off the benefits of his newly acquired roll20 premium account and all the neato lighting effects that came with it.
  ++ “Okay, I cast color spray on these guys.”   ^^ “Blink is standing right there.”   ++ “What? He’s tiny, he should be able to duck under it. I’m casting.”   ^^ “Momo, roll a will save…. Okay, you took the blast, but shake the effects off easily.”   == “Oh good.”
Cial also getting a nat 20 on seeing through the “No I’m not a kitsune, we’re two different people” thing that Act has going for Yamato/Akira, but all of us agreeing to go with it anyway.
  ^^ “Guys, don’t split the party.”
Immediately splitting the party when Akira/Yamato takes off after a kobold that bolted but the rest of us stay to loot the ones we beat, then follow a different tunnel.
Nothing especially eventful for most of the route that Blink, Durn, and Cial took except avoiding a small pitfall trap.
Yamato/Akira’s route, on the other hand, had an ambush of like a dozen kobolds.
Switching between us and Act doing our things like some kind of action comedy sequence as we’re talking to a newly found NPC, Nighttail.
  ^ “Help me kill the Chief and let me take over, the rest of these guys will fall in line. You don’t need to kill everyone.” *Hard cut to Akira/Yamato literally setting fire to a group of kobolds with  magic match #2.*   ^ “I can get you around the traps in this area with almost no trouble.” *Cue failed stealth check as he walks into the line of fire for yet another group of kobolds* And so on and so forth.
Getting her out of the trash heap, giving her stuff back, then helping her get her pet velociraptor thing, Hack, back.
  ^^ “Roll knowledge nature.” *two nat 1s from Blink and Durn.*   - “The fuck is a lizard?”   = “Well, I think it has two legs.”
Everyone taking a moment to pet Hack.
  ^^ “Roll perception guys.”   ~~ “Uh oh.”   ^^ “You all notice you haven’t seen Akira in a while.”   ++ “You don’t say.”   = “Shit, we lost Fluffy.”
Hearing Act’s big fight down the tunnel fork we didn’t take before, which was a much shorter, easier trip than he had.
  ^ “Wait, your friend is in there? That’s the room we use to trick stupid adventurers into walking into a crossfire. It’s a complete dead end.”
The group snickering while we help wrap up the fight because the npc (and by extension, Theta) basically just called Akira/Yamato an idiot.
The repeated interaction:     - “I’m gonna throw a bomb!”   + “Try not to throw it at me again.”   - “That was one time! I panicked! I got shot!”   + “Yeah, you don’t see me with the friendly fire.”   = “No, because you tried to blind me with it.”   + “Listen, that is not the same.”   - “Maybe I’m still dazzled by color spray, but I don’t actually see much difference.”
Seriously, some variation of that argument was had at least 3 times each session between David, Act, and me.
  ^ “I’m sure you’re here to free the slaves my clan has taken as well.” Yes, we are absolutely here to do that. Definitely the main reason why we came.
Getting into a fight with the kobolds keeping the human slaves penned up and killing them all. (The kobolds, not the hostages, although we did have a brief scare with a missed shot.) Blink being deeply bothered by killing the one about to surrender because that’s what happens when you’re Good.
Durn and Akira/Yamato demolishing a group of rats that came up behind us as we were getting ready to lead the people back to town. Neither Cial or Blink even had a chance to react before they were all dead.
Week 4
Going deeper into the cave system and literally dropping in on a kobold while he’s fishing. Blink charging in and hitting him in the kneecap so hard he passes out. 
Cial touching things with his little crow feet. Standing on dead bodies and squishing his toes, dipping his feet into the water in the caves, at one point using his foot to save a teammate from falling into a pit, that sort of thing.
Foiling an ambush that would have dropped us into water traps with snapping turtles. Accidentally knocking one of the dead kobolds into the water and finding out that they were most definitely carnivorous snapping turtles.
Theta talking to himself to make NPCs interact. (That one is pretty much a given in every campaign.)
  = “I won’t argue with y’all about killing these guys since they were grabbing slaves, but since they’ll fall in line when we get Nighttail here put in charge, I’m sticking with nonlethal until we get to Chief Dicksplat.”   ^ “Hah! Yes, Chief Dicksplat!”
Blink is Tiny and can therefore occupy the same space as other creatures and it is in fact the only way he can land a melee attack. However, when using a sling, it is not recommended. For example, he might miss and accidentally almost break Durn’s kneecap. That is not hypothetical. He felt terrible.
  - “It’s okay, it’ll heal. (–) And I’d be a real jerk if I kept bringing it up.”   ++ “Listen.”
The party briefly splitting up again to check the room, thankfully not going very far this time.
Cial apparently being Blink’s lucky charm when it comes to finding sweet sweet loot. Or vice versa. Either way, they found the armory.
  ~ “The rest of you guys can take what you like, but I’m keeping the masterwork longsword and selling it.”   = “I could use it, but that’s cool. Dibs on the sling bullets though. All 120 of them. Plus a backup sling cause there’s 4.”
Cial dejectedly passing the sword off to Blink cause he can use it and it’s also better than his mace, plus Cold Iron is good against demons. Blink has a thing about demons.
Returning to Yamato/Akira and Durn to find an ancient kobold on his deathbed with long-term storyline info.
Theta playing the audio for said info, someone’s mic picking it up on discord, and creating an echo which made the foreboding exposition about 10000% more fuckin foreboding. Couldn’t have planned that shit. Unfortunately it made him basically impossible to understand, but Theta kindly transcribed it into the chat too.
Durn checking a closed but unlocked room ahead of us while stealthed and finding a dead-end room full of gigantic dire rats. Immediately needing them as pets.
  + “Does he see these rats at like… puppies or something?”   = “Probably more like how humans see monkeys.”   + “… How the hell do humans see monkeys? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a monkey. Pretty sure any monkey back home would have been made lunch immediately.”   = “Well I’ve gotten compared to little ones with mixed reactions. My guess is they usually think they’re cute judging by the fact they called me "freaky bald blue monkey thing.”   + “That… doesn’t seem like a sign of affection. But I can see your point, sorta.”   = “Well y'know, if they had to specify "freaky thing” they are not usually… blue and bald. With horns. And huge teeth. My impression is they’re supposed to be cute and funny. And before you get smart with me, I know that I’m very much not cute or funny.“   + "Did… did anyone else here an explosion?” (Durn was using some of his alchemy bombs.)
Half an hour later, Durn walking out with one drugged, slightly dazed, but loyal dire rat, now named Pickles. (Blink’s suggestion, made at random.)
Almost immediately walking into another crossfire booby trap.
  ^ “Did he just hit me with one of our bullets?”
  ~ “Lemme just straddle Blink here so I can line up my shot.”   == “Kinky. Or it would be, if there was anything to straddle.”
Having the party drag me along by my tail after that fight so I can set up macros for my new sword in roll20 and immediately coming up against a miniboss. Who summoned skeletons. That have high resistance to piercing and slashing damage. Like a sword would do. But are weak against bludgeoning damage. Like a mace would do. Like the mace that I had just unequipped and put in my bag.
  ^^ “Akira, you recognize the spell she just used as a protect spell that increases her AC against good-aligned characters.”   + “She cast protect good, not realizing that half of this party doesn’t give a shit and are just here for the money/adventure.”   - “Hah!”   ~ “Shit.”   = “Oh goddammit.”
“Nighttail” reminding us that since skeletons are undead, healing hurts them. Blink using one of his potions and finally damaging the skeleton he was up against.
  ^^ “The sorceress uses a spell and restores the hp of her minions.”   = “Well that just wasted my damn potion.”
Blink standing there basically just taking a beating so his skeleton doesn’t try and go after someone squishier.
  ++ “I’m gonna use my last match on her.”   ^^ “Alright. Aaand…. She made the save. She pats out the fire easily and gives you a dirty look.”   ++ “Well, fuck.”
The fight looking pretty grim until Nighttail and Hack charge in a second time (they missed the first time) and fucking skewer the sorceress beating our asses.
Blink basically immediately falling in love with her right there and being deeply confused and perturbed by this because this is a New Feeling he has no name for. When you spontaneously manifest fully formed and live for over a century and a half, you think you’ve got yourself figured out. New is nerve-wracking.
Cial getting dibs on her cloak of resistance, which Akira points out should have a big hole in it. GM rolls a d1 and says “nah dude, magic.”
  ^^ “Alright it’s late enough I’m not gonna add up all your experience for this run, but I know you all were really close to leveling so go ahead and start working on that and if you guys want we can roll for your next magic items.”
Blink got a Saddle of Transformation, which turns any creature you put it on into a horse, and the wearer can’t take it off by themself. Yes, it works on humanoids.
Durn got a Preservative Jar. “Anything placed in this jar enters stasis. Cannot hold anything bigger than a toad. Currently holds a toad.” 
Akira/Yamato got a Seed of Moon Ice. If dropped in a body of water, will “freeze” an area up to 20’ diameter. If swallowed, you die. If touched, save or die. Leaves awesomely frozen corpses that are not cold to the touch and never thaw.
Can’t remember for the life of me if Cial got one this run or what it was, but last time he got the Wand of Necromantic Cooking, which can enchant a corpse or cut of meat to cut, prepare, marinate, and cook itself. A slaughtered pig will seek out gravy to roll around in. Sausages will jump into the saucepan, and then seek out your plate when cooked. Which sounds awesome, I’d love that in real life.
Week 5
Late start by a few hours, partly due to scheduling, partly because I was the only good little cookie who actually did their dang leveling. (Admittedly I did that mostly because I didn’t wanna forget to do all the stuff I needed to switch over to the Titan Mauler archetype. When you’re Tiny, it pays to have bonuses against enemies bigger than you, because that’s pretty much everything we fight.)
While doing my changes, I double checked my weapon damage types. Apparently there were four slings for a reason. At least we know that for the next time we run into skeleleletons.
  == “I already did my character stuff, Theta, do I get a sticker?”   ^^ “Yes.”   == “Yaaayyyy, stickers!”
Akira/Yamato getting to level 3, meaning he gets his black blade, which is a sentient sword that’ll get more powerful and more full of itself as he levels. This took the form of a cane sword that he found in the base of the statue that the miniboss was praying at before she was so rudely impaled interrupted.
  ^^ “…And reflects the user’s personality.”   == “What? No, I’m a cane not a sword, that’s the other guy. Frankly I’m insulted you’d even insinuate such a thing.”   ++ “I… well shit. Yeah.”
Akira growing a second tail. The meaty crunching noise described was gross and disturbing.
  ~ “Should you be picking up the sword that came out of the statue that the evil sorceress was praying to?”   + “Pshh, it’ll be fine. It’s calling to me, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to have this.”   == “In pathfinder game, sword seduce you.”
Finding the Guards of the Future, which initially intrigued us because Durn failed his stealth check and they didn’t immediately attack us.
The literal squealing in delight from me, Tobi, and David when a kobold baby darted out from behind the guards and hugged Durn, making him very homesick for his own siblings. (Admittedly the squealing was mostly me, and I’m counting it all as “in character” especially cause babies are a novelty for Blink.)
The guards warning us about a nasty trap up ahead in return for us leaving the babies alone. Seriously, this trap would have shredded us in a ball of fiery death. Instead, Durn disarmed it and we each got 3 flasks of Alchemist’s Fire.
Promptly using that fire on a handful of guards between us and the dungeon boss and setting like 4 of them on fire. It was nice that we were the ones who got to make the dramatic entrance for once.
Another instance where Theta played dialog from a character and the echo made it super foreboding, but also almost completely unintelligible. Thankfully another transcription was provided.
  == “Alright, I’m gonna use my detect evil spell-like, cause I get bonuses against evil characters.”   ^^ “Every enemy in this room is Lawful Evil.”   == “Yessssss. I’m gonna rage too, these guys are fucked.
Killing the guards that were on fire before the fire actually had a chance to do any damage.
Cial squishing his toes in burnt corpse.
Chief Roaghaz making illusion clones of himself, and me having the idea to ask if my detect evil would still show him or if all of them counted. Didn’t work, but it was a solid plan.
Blink yelling his permission to Durn to throw another flask of Alchemist’s Fire at the swarm of boss. That Blink was standing directly under.
  - “You sure?”   = “Do it!”   ^^ “Roll a reflex save, Momo… You dodge it and take no damage.”   = “Fuck yeah!”   ^^ “And three of the illusions disappear.”
Blink having the time of his damn life because of the rage, killing evil, and dodging friendly fire entirely unscathed for the second time that day. Less pleased about missing all his attacks of opportunity. (And I didn’t make any jokes about missed opportunities. Which feels like exactly that.)
  ^^ “Roaghaz’s teeth grow to immense size and he tries to take a bite out of Nighttail. He really seems to have it in for her.”   - “He’s a vampire!”   ^^ “No, it was all his teeth that grew, not just the two.”   – “Oh.”
Continuing to beat on Chief Dicksplat and wondering more than once how many hit points does this asshole have?
Theta talking to himself some more to make Nighttail and Roaghaz argue with each other while they fought.
Act (Akira/Yamato) using up his hero points to finally just fucking kill the bastard.
Finally just fucking killing the bastard.
The Guards of the Future coming in after the fight, relieved to find Chief Dicksplat dead and satisfied to put Nighttail in charge. Babby kobold happy to see Durn again.
  = “Well I was gonna butcher this guy here to add to my rations, but there’s guards and a kid here, so I don’t think I’m comfortable with that anymore.”   ^^ “The guards usher the child back to her room and Nighttail follows them to go and get things sorted out.”   == “Thank you.”   ~ “I can use my wand if you want, he’ll butcher himself.”   = “Nah, I’m good. This is my favorite part.” (Kval can eat pretty much anything and Evil is especially tasty.)
Getting like two rations’ worth of meat off of him while the others search his stuff, and finding dragon’s scales among his things. Definitely not foreshadowing.
Divvying up the Chief’s stuff between us, but Blink not really paying attention besides the cash because he didn’t really have anything he wanted. Akira/Yamato got a scroll to add to his permanent spellbook though, so that was cool. Basically an upgraded version of color spray, less thrilled about that.
Getting back to Lady Origena to explain the whole situation and ending up kinda babbling over each other. She’s not convinced until Cial steps in and explains in a concise manner that none of the rest of us were able to.
Akira/Yamato going back to talk with Bassy, the gnome woman from week 2 to regale her with the story, and the rest of us stocking up for our next adventure.
And that session wrapped up Chapter 1 of the long-term campaign. We did more for Week 5, but I’m gonna make that the beginning of next week’s post for the sake of keeping the next dungeon together.
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thclcstgirl · 7 years
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And holy crap what a year it’s been!
Fox’s One Year Anniversary, July 14th
Many of you don’t know this, but I actually did not think about Fox at all when I first watched The 100. Didn’t even think about her except as the girl that hugged Bellamy. Didn’t even realize it was the same girl that later died ( super pointlessly and without any explanation but that’s a rant for another day ;) ) to be perfectly honest. She was some random background character to me just like she was to everyone.
And then I started playing her (thanks to my preference for playing half or barely developed characters so I can make them my own) and started really thinking about this sadly underdeveloped character and HOLY CRAP GUYS. My sweet lil Fox has become so fucking important to me as both a character that helps my get through writing lulls with my career and as someone who has led me to so many important people in my life, writing partners and friends and best friends and people that laugh and cry with me over these silly fictional characters that mean so much to all of us.
I’m so thrilled to have lasted a year ( my first time on any character lasting this long! ) and so honored to say that it’s thanks to my partners on here, old and new alike, that my love and my ability to write my beautiful mistreated daughter that I’ve lasted as long as I have.
NOW ONTO THE FLUFF. Because I think we all need it after some of those gifs ;)
My best friend;
@headstrongblake: Ashley like. What do I even say. Like do I wax poetic about how amazing our girls are? Or how Fox admires Octavia only slightly less than I admire you? Or maybe mention that you’re one of the main reasons I came back after my two month disappearing act? Or maybe about how much I value that we can talk every day and never get tired of each other or how we understand that sometimes a day is just bad and we need to hide from the world and that’s cool because we know the other will be there when we’re ready to rejoin the world? Do I mention how you’ve become more like a sister to me than a friend?
My most valued advisors and all time favs;;
@faultedleader - Fuck, Heather, like, we’ve been together since the very beginning. I was so intimidated by you because you and Ashley had these beautiful things going on and you were so wonderful and so eloquent and I’m sitting here with my smol daughter like ‘I wonder if she’ll like the connection between Fox and Bellamy or be annoyed and think I’m expecting too much because of it’. LOOK HOW FAR WE’VE COME. From admiring you with lil fox eyes hiding in my den to yelling at each other over vast amounts of heartbreak ( and every now and then some fluff. to worsen the heartbreak bwa ha ha ) that we cause each other. I never thought I could love someone who made me cry as often as you do, but here we are and I wouldn’t change a thing. *lifts glass* Here’s to another wonderful year together!
@crimiinalchemiist - MY FIRST BABE. My only true Jasper, my main babe and major love. You ( and I don’t know how tf because I’m trash and you’re wonderful ) have been with me even before the beginning of my journey here. Without you, I wouldn’t even BE here. You’re the one that started the group that introduced my to my girl, the one that introduced me to indie at all, the one that suffered 1001 questions as I tried to navigate this weird and wonderful and dramatic world of indie roleplaying. Fox LITERALLY wouldn’t exist in the sense that she does for me and my partners *winks winks nudges nudges at you* if it wasn’t for you, and I can never repay you for that. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you.
@trueheda - Do you ever have a person that just immediately triggers that “QualityTM” reaction in you whenever their name or their blogs come up? Kai had been that for me since I very first started reading his writing tbh, and I’ve never stopped thinking it. Kai is that person that I’m still semi-intimidated by even though we’re friends and we’ve got darling plots going on ( we’re not gonna talk about Fox’s strange infatuation with your murder son oops ) because he’s just so. fucking. quality. Like how can you now just be constant awe of someone with Kai’s skill?? ( the answer is you cannot, btw ) But I am so happy that Kai apparently deems me friend enough and quality enough to play against his amazing babes, and this thrills me to no end tbh.
@nctyourplaything - MY SWEET GIRL. Fuck I don’t even know what I’d do without your level headedness to calm me down from my occasionally high salt levels, Em. We met through Harper and I knew by the time we were a few replies in that I’d fallen for your writing and your voice and I’d literally follow you to the ends of the earth. And now you have Mandy and just FUCK like who would have guessed that I’d fall so hard for Mandy Milkovich ( I did, actually. I loved her in the show and paired with your phenomenal writing and taste for development how could I not fall just as head over heels for her? ). Fox and Mandy are such a crack lil pair from their different fandoms but they work SO WELL together and I’m so glad I didn’t lose you when the show tried to ruin your 100 girl because honestly, Emily, I mean it when I say I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you babe.
@icebuilt - LOR LIKE WHAT EVEN HAPPENED WITH US. We went from “oh wow another Roan and she’s so well written and Lenee loves her but like she’s sooooooo well written I couldn’t possibly approach her ok now we’re in a gv together maybe this can be my in” to literal all-nighters to satisfy my and my kids’ urges for you and yours because WE LITERALLY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF YOU and I know I’m using the word literally a lot and I mean it like literally and not like figuratively because meeting you and becoming friends with you was literally ( lol ) one of the best things that’s happened to me on this weird blue website and in this wonderful but now awful show that borned our babies. I know I’m really bad at the ooc thing sometimes and I just hope you know that I adore you so very much and I think so highly of you as a person and a writer and I hope I’ve been doing better at displaying that for you because that’s what you deserve.
@kiingbuilt - My love, my Roan, my lil Fox’s king like, I don’t know if you realize ( again because I kinda suck at the ooc thing and I’m so sorry I’m trying to work on it I swear ) to the extent that Fox cares about her azgeda-turned-floukru king. She would do anything under the sun for him if he asked her to, follow him to the ends of the Earth and back again if he wanted her to. I know I don’t ask for a whole lot and that’s so on me like, but I’m working on that too and eventually you’ll probably regret telling me I can pester you with multiple threads and asks and bugger-ness haha But I’m kind of really eager for it is that weird? ( it is, oopsie ) <33
@survivorbuiilt / @silcntmuscle -  SAMMIE MY SAMMIE MY MURPHY MY MBEGE MY BOYSSSSSSSS. Well, Fox’s boys. Ok let me paint you a picture Sammie; here we have a sad panda britt who’s always imagined that Murphy and Fox were friends prior to the ground, who’s poor lil Fox has always had a lowkey thing for Mbege and who’s, sadly, never been brave enough or found someone to play this out with. Enters Sammie! Who’s loves me down with beautiful headcanons and seems to feel the same way I do about our poor mistreated babies and who loves the angst and the sweet and literally gives me everything I’ve every dreamed of when it comes to the Johns and their little fox. Sammie who lures me into new and exciting places with beautiful things THAT SHE IMMEDIATELY RIPS AWAY WITH HEARTWRENCHING ANGST because we all know that’s the fastest way to my heart and like; you just get me Sammie, and I love you and your boys and this incredible dynamic we’ve created with our children.
@leaderbuilt - Wrynnnnnnnn ok so I don’t have like, A Moment with a whole lot of people ( honestly no one else at all even comes to mind right now) where I had that “this person understands me and we’re going to do great things together” BUT I HAVE THAT WITH YOU and it was that ask, that “I wanna go, get out of here” ask WHERE YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL BY PARALLELING JASPER’S PROMISE TO FOX WITH BELLAMY. Like, I’d waited so fucking long for someone to give me Bellamy reacting to Fox’s death, for Bellamy’s thoughts when he had her and left her in that goddamn mountain and you gave me that. I’ve literally been waiting since I created Fox for something like that and I will never be able to thank you enough for giving me that from Bellamy. I love what we’ve got with our lil rare pair and I love you for always being patient with me and always chatting me up because ( for like the third time this post ) I do suck at initiating ooc chatter but I’m trying man! I’m trying. You’re amazing and I hope you always remember that. I’ll hardcore fight anyone who tries to say differently <3<3
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens (these are a few of my favorite things people );;
@imnobodysson, @atonedhero, @greaseveined, @pariahbuilt, @wildmoored, @stellarstolen, @braverstars, @braverybuilt, @speedforcechosen, @mystiicanatomy, @trikrulinkon, @indiebryan, @gedanes, @gatcrguy, @chaosthxory, @atlasendured, @bigbrotherbellamy, @valleywatcher, @noukru, @makeitakillshct, @saviorbuilt, @noulaikkwelnes, @rcdteeth, @portectorisms, @amongthcwreck, @onyafevayuj, @bxmbsxaway 
23 notes · View notes
ooc: follow up: “Give Me...”
So... this post kinda blew up on me way more than I thought or hoped it would. 
Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever had that many notes on any post I’ve ever made on this site, let alone a non-rp post. And since most of the comments on it were along the lines of “Yes!”, “This!”, and “More!” or some variation/combination thereof...
What can I say, you inspired me. So, for your (further) enjoyment, here is the fic-ified (currently untitled) version of that post.
“Back to you, Sue.”
“Thank you Paul. And thank you, Supergirl, for-” *click*
The remote was barely out of Lena’s hand when she heard the familiar whoosh of air, her girlfriend of four and a half months –wonderful months– pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she appeared out of her bedroom a half second later,
“So how’d it go?”
Kara gave the remote by Lena’s plate a knowing look as she settled back into her seat on the other side of the island in her kitchen. Her lips curled into a smile as she looked back up into Lena’s pale green eyes. “Like you don’t already know.”
“True. But I like to hear your versi-”
Lena curled her lips over her teeth while trying to affect an innocent smile. “Hmm?”
“Don’t ‘hmm’ me. You know darn well what I’m talking about.” Kara picked up her fork and began transferring the insidious green objects from her plate and back to Lena’s with as little physical contact as possible.
Lena rolled her eyes. “It’s broccoli, Kara, not kryptonite. It’s not going to kill you.”
“Says you.”
“You’ve seen me eat it.”
“And I get to see you eat it again.” Kara looked up from her task and gave Lena an exaggerated grin as she waved her fork in the air. “Yay me.”
“Yay us.” Lena replied as she took advantage of Kara’s break to slip some of the divisive vegetable back onto Kara’s plate.”
“You eat ten thousand calories a day, Kara. There’s no reason a hundred of them can’t come from something that’s actually healthy.”
“A, it’s not ten thousand,” Kara countered, trying to hold off Lena’s broccoli laden fork with her own as she spoke, “its six thousand. Eight tops.”
Lena gave a short, derisive huff.
“And B,” Kara continued, ignoring her girlfriend’s wordless commentary, “do you have any idea how much broccoli I’d need to eat to fill that?”
“Eighteen point one eight kilograms.” Lena replied, followed by a small cheer when Kara, thrown of by the answer, allowed Lena past her defences.
“Or forty pounds.” Lena added, slipping another green floret onto Kara’s plate.
“You actually looked it up?”
“Of course not. I divided the calories per hundred grams by the total calories, six thousand in this case, and multiplied the result by one hundred to get the total serving size. Then multiplied that number by two point two to get the serving size in pounds.”
Three florets now.
“I… You… Hey!” Kara noticed Lena trying to add a fourth to her plate and fended it off. “You know this is why I eat so much junk-food right? Because there’s no way I’m eating forty pounds of vegetables a day when I can eat a large fries instead.”
“A, you’d need to eat one point nine two kilograms of fries or just under four and a quarter pounds to reach six thousand calories, not one order of 'large fries’,” Lena scowled as Kara managed to return one of the three florets on her plate to Lena’s, then smiled as she managed to replace it with almost immediately with the no longer barricaded fourth on her fork. “And B, given that I’ve personally seen you fit no less than five potstickers into your mouth at the same time, I hardly think a few pieces of broccoli should be much of a challenge.”
Kara opened her mouth to counter Lena’s argument, closed it, opened it again a few seconds later, then sighed.
“But french fries taste better.” She mumbled under her breath as she pierced her fork through one of the florets and, face scrunched in distaste, brought it to her mouth.
“Thank you.” Lena smiled.
Kara smiled back.
“I believe this belongs to you.”
“What doe- Ew. Kara. What the hell?”
“What?” Kara looked quizzically at the tangled of wet hair dangling from her pinched fingers. “You don’t like it?” She turned back to Lena. “Then that makes two of us. But since it’s your hair, maybe you could do us both a favour and clean out the shower drain once in a while?”
Lena, nose wrinkled in disgust, looked from the hair to Kara and, with a shake of her head, changed her expression to one of mild offence. “What makes you so sure that’s my hair? I’m not the only one using your shower as clearly evidenced by your current attire.” Lena uncrossed her arms long enough to wave a hand in Kara’s general direction to highlight the towel wrapped around her girlfriend’s body. Her expression slipped slightly, lip caught between her teeth as she watched a drop of water slide into the hint of Kara’s cleavage that peeked out above the towel.
Kara licked her lips then gave her head a quick shake as she forced her eyes away Lena’s mouth. “For one, I’m blonde and these hairs are clearly from a brunette and you’re the only brunette I share my shower with-”
Lena cocked an eyebrow.
“The only person of any hair colour.” Kara amended. “And two, it takes an industrial laser to cut my hair.”
Lena looked back over at the hair still dangling from Kara’s fingers. “Alright fine. I promise I will keep your shower drain clean from now on. Now can you please get rid of that.”
“Sure. But for the record, I think we’ve discovered your Kryptonite. Wet Hair.”
“Ha. Ha. You’re hilarious.” Lena said dryly before her lips cracked into a grin. “And we both know that you’re my Kryptonite. Now get that stuff away from me.”
–The Next Day–
“Umm… Lena. Could you come in here for a second?”
“What is it?” Lena asked as she popped her head into the bathroom to find her girlfriend staring at the floor of the shower, once again covered in only a towel.
“That’s what I’m wondering.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.” Kara pointed at the small, silver ring 'floating’ a half inch above the drain on three metal legs. “What is that.”
“That, Kara, is me keeping my promise.”
Kara looked at Lena, head tilted to the side. “You what now?”
“My promise to keep your drains clean. From yesterday. That’s what that is. An automatic drain cleaner.”
Kara shook her head as she looked back at the device. “I’m dating the worlds biggest nerd.”
“Says the woman who’s idea of a perfect date is marathoning the original trilogy.”
“You liked those movies.” Kara said, defending both herself and their first date. “You’re the one that insisted we stayed up until two in the morning to finish watching Jedi.”
“That’s beside the point.” Lena turned on the shower and top of the silver ring began to glow a light blue. “When it detects water it goes into standby mode and-�� Lena turned off the shower, “-30 seconds after the water stops it activates.” She slipped her hand into Kara’s and the two of them watched the device, the blue glow fading to red with each passing second before blinking bright red three times followed by a flash of blue-white light and the faint scent of ozone.
“What the hell was that?”
“The laser.” Lena replied calmly, leaning forward to peer down at the drain.
“You put a laser in my shower?”
“Only a little one. Just strong enough to vaporize any hair instantly.” Lena explained with a hint of pride in her voice. “And as an added bonus, it removes any potential rust problems as well.”
“Lena-” Kara turned her head.
“Kara.” Lena looked back at her.
“…” Kara sighed, the took Lena’s other hand in hers. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Lena leaned in to give Kara a quick kiss, then a second, longer kiss.
“Lena?” Kara pulled her head back and nipped at her bottom lip.
Lena arched an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“You know, since it’s only your hair that gets in the drain… you want to maybe help me test this thing out?”
Lena smiled as she reached out to remove Kara's towel. “I thought you’d never ask.”
“Hey, sorry I’m late.” A slightly flushed, almost glowing, Kara apologized. “There was a… thing.”
“Mmhmm.” Alex’s hum made it clear she knew exactly what, or rather who this 'thing’ responsible for Kara’s late arrival at the DEO was. The same thing responsible for the brown paper bag Kara put down on the edge of the multimillion dollar, holograph capable, supercomputer that sat in the middle of the DEO’s command centre.
J'onn winced.
“So,” Kara said, eager to change the topic, “what I miss?”
“Not much.” Alex shook her head. “There are rumours of another alien fight club but we don’t have any solid leads yet. I’ve got a team looking into it and Maggie’s going to ask around, see if any of her contacts have heard anything.”
“Okay.” Kara nodded.
“And there have been reports of some seismic disturbances about three hundred miles north of the city.” J'onn tapped a few buttons on the console and a map of the area in question appeared in the air above it, several blinking dots marking the points of concern. “Nothing too severe yet but we’re not sure what’s causing them either.”
“Want me to go take a look?” Kara asked as she bounced lightly on her toes. “Break out the X-ray vision?”
Alex looked over at J'onn who nodded his head, adding, “Stay on comms, just in case.”
“Will do.” Kara tossed off a salute before heading off to get one of the DEO’s in-ear mics from communications.
“I see Lena’s Kryptonian is getting better.” J'onn said as Alex picked up the bag Kara left behind.
Alex nodded, running her finger over the alien text for 'I Love You’ that was bookended by inhumanely symmetrical, hand drawn hearts; one of several pairings that surrounded Kara’s name on the bag. “Kara says she’s a natural at it. She’s learned more in three months than I did in a year.”
Not that she was jealous or anything.
Alex unrolled the top of the bag and peered inside. Her brow furrowed slightly and she looked around for Kara before pulling out the folded piece of paper with her name on it.
“Seriously?” She shook her head, then stuffed Lena’s note warning her not to partake of the baked goods inside back into the bag next to the slip of paper marked 'Winn’.
“They’re so cute it’s almost enough to make your teeth hurt.”
J'onn wiped an imaginary crumb off the console before walking off. “And you can’t read their mind. Imagine how I feel.”
“Hey you,” Kara ignored her sister's eye roll as she answered her phone with a so-wide-it-should-hurt grin on her face, “I was just about to call you. Supergirl had a thing and I'm going to be a little late for dinner, sorry.”
“That's actually why I was calling you.” Lena's voice answered from the other end of the call, the sheepish tone enough to reduce Kara's smile to a borderline pout. “There was an incident in one of our labs and I'll be here for hours dealing with the paperwork. Sorry.”
“Don't be sorry. Was anyone hurt?”
“No, thankfully. It wasn't anything serious, just...”
“Yeah. Sorry. Raincheck?”
“Stop apologizing. You go do what you need to. I'll see you later.”
“You sure? I did mention the hours of paperwork part, right.”
“Yeah, you did. So get to it.”
“Kara Danvers, you are, without a doubt, the best girlfriend anyone could ask for.”
“Yes, yes I am.”
Lena's laugh, brief though it was, was enough to bring the smile back to Kara's face. “Love you.”
“Love you too. Now go CEO.”
“I'm going. Bye.”
Kara ended the call, taking a few more seconds to admire her lock screen --a picture of Lena with her head barely peeking out from the cocoon of stolen blankets she'd wrapped around herself during the night-- before the screen faded to black.
“Alex,” She looked up. “You don't need me fo-”
“Go.” Alex ordered without looking up from her own paperwork.
“Love you.” Alex wheezed as Kara pulled her in for a quick hug before Kara disappeared in a blur of wind.
“Hey you.”
Lena looked up from the array of eye witness testimonies and after accident reports --both internal and external-- spread across her desk. Her eyes went wide as she took in her girlfriend walking into her office from the balcony, returning to only slightly wider than normal after a quick look around to make sure no-one else had caught Kara's arrival.
“What are you doing here?”
“You didn't think the best girlfriend anyone could as for would let her girlfriend skip dinner, did you?” Kara asked, hoisting the wicker picnic basket that Lena belatedly noticed. level with her chest.
“Kara. I-” A smile broke Lena's lips as she shook her head. “I love you and that's so sweet of you but I really don't have the time or the space for-”
Lena was cut off by Kara pointedly clearing her throat as she put the basket down on Lena's coffee table. Kara, never breaking eye contact, folded her arms over her chest.
“Broccoli...” Kara left the word to hang in the air.
Lena looked from Kara's face to her desk to the waiting basket, then back to Kara. She shook her head as she let out a sigh that almost crossed into a laugh.
“Does that mean you included an actual vegetable?” She asked as she made her way around her desk to join Kara by her couch.
“Fries count, right?”
“I'm kidding.” Kara slipped her arms around Lena's waist and pulled her closer, Lena's wrists resting on Kara's shoulders without thought. “I brought you a salad complete with-” Kara shuddered, “-Kale.”
Lena laughed. “You're ridiculous. You know that?”
“Yeah, but I'm your ridiculous.” Kara dipped her head down for a kiss.
Lena's fingers slipped into Kara's hair.
Several minutes later the two sucked in deep breaths as they pulled their heads back.
“Yes.” Lena smiled. “Yes you are.”
Okay, she wasn't imagining it. And it wasn't that she really minded, even. There was a reason Kara kept most of her clothes on her salvaged clothing racks. As spacious as her apartment was --especially for the rent she paid, the ability to fly across town in less time than it took to walk to the nearest bus stop had made her morning commute a non-issue when she'd been house hunting-- her closet was tiny.
Which was probably why she hadn't noticed it at first. The only thing she really kept in there was her Supergirl uniform and the few bits of her red kryptonite inspired wardrobe that she'd held onto and when she needed to break out either, she was usually too distracted to pay much attention to anything else.
But she had noticed... eventually. And, at first, she thought it was cute. Lena keeping a few outfits at her apartment for those times she stayed over night --long before she'd 'stayed' over-- was just a sign of how close they were.
And then that night happened and Lena was staying over a lot more so, of course it made sense that Lena might keep a few more outfits at Kara's and it was still cute but for a whole different reason. And Kara still didn't mind because, well, because she was in love with Lena and Lena was in love with her and they were both in that giggly honeymoon phase.
Still were if Kara was being honest. And honestly, she hoped they never left it. A giggly Lena was beyond cute.
But over the last few months, especially the last few weeks, Kara had noticed more and more of Lena's clothes next to hers on the clothing racks and, still, she didn't mind.
She didn't.
Only... She'd spent ten minutes this morning trying to find her favourite top amidst the sea of Lena's clothes, any one of which cost more than Kara's paycheck --not that she was jealous or anything but it did make her a little more careful digging through them-- and if this kept up then by next week Lena would have more clothes at Kara's apartment than Kara did.
Assuming she didn't already.
“Hmm?” Lena looked up from her tablet, frowning slightly as she saw the apprehension on Kara's face. “Kara? What's wrong?”
“Nothing. I mean, no, really it's nothing. I just...”
“I need some space!” Kara blurted out, immediately dropping onto the couch next to Lena when she saw the flash of hurt on her girlfriends face. “No. Not like that. I didn't mean that. I love us and I like the space we have already, In fact I wouldn't mind less space that way because I love you and you know that right?”
Lena looked into Kara's hopeful, anxious eyes. “Yes, Kara. And I love you too. But maybe you could tell me what you did mean instead of confessing your love for me?”
“Right.” Kara looked down at her hands holding Lena, then back up. “I need space for my clothes... You're kinda taking up all of mine. Which is cool and all, really but...”
Lena shook her head. “Is that what this is about? I have a few outfits-”
“A few? Lena, have you looked at my closest lately? I don't have to worry about anyone finding my Supergirl uniform anymore because they'd never see it hidden in all your stuff.”
“I still don't understand why you don't keep it somewhere more secure.”
“Because Secure and Emergency don't go well together.”
Lena shook her head again. “Fine. I'll move some of my things back to my place.” She cocked her head to the side.
“We could move some of your things to my place.” Lena bite down on her lips as she watched Kara's reaction.
“Umm... Uh, yeah. I guess that could work. I mean we spend most of our time here but I could move some of my stuff over there. How much were you thinking?”
“Why... not all of it?”
“Are you-” Kara turned her head to the side. “Are you asking me to... move in with you?”
“... Yes. If you want to, that is. I mean we do spend most of our time here and-”
Lena swallowed.
Lena got to her feet, half pulling Kara to her feet before she slipped her hands from her girlfriend's grip.
“Lena?” Kara asked as she watched Lena pull an armful of clothes off the nearest clothes racks, both her own and Kara's. “What are you doing?”
“Packing.” Lena laid her armful next to Kara before heading back for another.
“Did you not want m-” A rush of wind cut Lena off and she turned around in time for a second gust to ruffle her hair.
Kara, assembling cardboard boxes, smiled back at her. “Did you say something?”
Lena, smiling back, shook her head. “No.”
–A Few Hours Later–
“See, I told you it would fit.”
“I still don't think putting my super-suit in your safe is necessary? And what happens if someone breaks in and finds it? The whole world is going to think you're Supergirl.”
“One, between my security and the real Supergirl living here, I think the chances of anyone breaking into my safe are next to nil and Two, no one is going to confuse me with Supergirl, even I was in your super-suit.”
Lena turned to face Kara, catching her girlfriend looking off into the distance with a dopey grin on her face. “You picturing me in your suit, aren't you?”
“Well you put it in my head.” Kara defended, trying to keep her indignant expression in place as Lena pulled her into a hug and utterly failing once Lena placed a quick kiss against her lips.
“But tomorrow night. Even with your help, I'm exhausted.”
Kara pouted. “Fine.” Her lips pulled back in a renewed grin. “But I reserve the right to dream about you in it tonight.”
“I wouldn't have it any othe-”
Both women turned their heads at the sound of an incoming text on Kara's phone. Both recognizing Alex as the sender from the ring tone.
“I should-”
“Go on.” Lena gave Kara a gentle push towards her phone. “I'll get ready for bed.”
Another pout found its way to Kara's mouth as she watched Lena head for her bedroom.
Their bedroom.
The smile that Kara had by the time she reached her phone faded as she read her sister's text.
(Alex: Kara? Where are you? Are you okay?)
(Kara: I'm fine. Why?)
(Alex: Fine? Then what the hell happened to your apartment?)
Oh... right. Kara bashfully glanced over her shoulder before turning back to her phone.
(Kara: Um, yeah. About that...)
“I still can't believe you moved house and forgot to tell me.”
“Yeah, well,” Kara shrugged, looking down at the floor as she fussed with her glasses, “I got distracted.”
Alex glanced over at Lena saying goodbye to Winn and his girlfriend, then back at her Kara in time to see her sister peeking back. “I bet you did.”
“It wasn't like that-”
“It wasn't.” Kara whispered back, lowering her voice as she leaned in. “She was tired.”
“Is this a Danvers thing or can I interrupt.”
“Always.” Alex slipped her arm over Maggie's shoulder as Maggie slipped an arm around Alex's waist. “Kara here was just explaining why I had to find out about the move by walking into an empty apartment.”
“I see.” Maggie nodded, giving Kara a knowing look. “And what was the answer?”
“She was distracted.”
“I bet she was.”
“Hey!” Both Danvers sisters said, one in embarrassment, the other in mock offence.
“Lena” Kara looked over at her girlfriend, then at her Alex and Maggie, giving the pair a quick glare before she turned back to Lena. “It's fine. Nothing to see here. Alex and Maggie were just saying goodnight.”
“We were?” Maggie asked, earning a chocked short snort of laughter from Alex and an angry huff from Kara.
“Well in that case,” Lena slipped herself neatly between Kara and the other couple, “Thank you again for coming over on such short notice. Kara and I both appreciate your support and I know we wouldn't be here, together, if it weren't for the both of you.”
Alex and Maggie exchanged a glance then turned back to a sweetly smiling Lena. “Um... You're welcome.” a subdued Maggie replied. A contrite Alex adding, “Yeah. And we'll always be there for you. Both of you.”
“Thank you.” Lena's smile grew a little sweeter and a smirking Kara peeked around her girlfriend.
“Thank you. And good night.”
“Good night.” Lena completed the round, flashing the pair another smile when Alex and Maggie waved her off from walking them to the door.
“I don't know how you do that but I love you so much for it.” Kara said the second they were alone.
“I'm sure I don't know what you mean.” Lena replied innocently.
“Sure you don't.”
“Are you imply-” Lena turned, her smile turning to a frown at the sight that met her eyes. “Kara.”
“What?” Kara looked up at her, a used dinner plates in each hand.
“You don't have to clean up right now.”
“Yeah, but-”
“No buts. This is your home now, Kara. If you really want to clean up, you can, but don't do it because you think I need you to.”
“I wasn't-”
“Besides, I have something I need you to do much more than straighten up the place.”
“Oh?” Kara looked around the room then back at Lena. “What?”
“Distract me.”
Lena shook her head, a sigh slipping past her smiling lips as she took the plates from Kara's unresisting hands and put them aside before taking Kara's hands and placing them on her hips.
“Officially break in our bed.”
“... Oh.”
“Yes, oh.”
A rush of wind stirred several discarded napkins, the sound of laughter echoing down the hallway from the bedroom.
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mocnlighted · 3 months
i woke up the other day and felt the need for a ‘reinvention’ lmao so i guess it’s time to move blogs - going on a lil hiatus until the end of the week to sort out my new blog, then i’ll move my threads and continue them over there…until then, brb. 💗
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ncomiis · 7 years
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( key = italics is the guy (micheal wilde) she’s interviewing speaking. bold is naomi talking. regular are actions. links are bolded too but there’s only two. )
“so today’s q and a... blah blah blah i got tongue tied... stop looking at me like that!” *cut* “so you’re not related to micheal myers... at all? but the name...” “my name is micheal wilde not myers.” “oh.” *cut* “this is the fourth time we’ve had to re-do this.” “oh my god i’m sorry okay, it’s not my fault the camera wasn’t recording!” *cut* “hey guys! today we are here with our special guest, micheal wilde and he’s going to be telling us his experience with silverwood!”
i. june 6th, 2017.
“this is useless! i’m never going to find any cool person to interview.” naomi groaned, mentally cursing daniel out for assigning them this project. she knew it wasn’t going to be that hard go find someone. the entire town was crawling with potential candidates but they all seemed too sketchy for naomi’s liking. poor girl was too picky for her own good. with another annoyed sigh, she continued to walk through town, looking around to see if she’d find anyone worth talking to. “i’m a lost cause. i’m going to get voted off the team.” not that that would ever happen, but she was overreacting. just as naomi was about to give up, her eyes landed on a very small store at the corner of the street. the sign read ‘marblemount/silverwood souvenir shop’ in faded out letters. it was like god purposely had her eyes skim that specific area of the town. with a delighted giggle, naomi wasted no time in walking across the street and into the small shop. “dios mio please keep working your magic” she said to herself, opening the old door and hearing the bell ding as she said.
the shop was quiet, a faint buzz being heard throughout the room. it was dim, her eyes taking some time to adjust to how dark it was in there. “hello... is anyone here?” naomi called out, beginning to mess with some of the items that were on the shelves. she noticed that the shop had a lot of tourist-y things of silverwood. posters, small snow globes, bumperstickers and many other things that she could probably find at a hot topic. “hel—— ah!” she screamed out, clutching her chest as she jumped back. “sorry, i didn’t mean to startle you.” the man spoke, taking a step back from her so she wouldn’t feel alarmed. “no it’s fine, i-uh, a heads up would have been nice!” she teased, sticking her hand out for him to shake. “i’m naomi castillo, journalist college student from seattle and i’m here with a group of friends investigating silverwood. i’d inform you on that but...” she gestured to the shop around her “seems like you already know what i’m talking about.” he just let out a small chuckle and reached in to shake her hand. “yeah i know a little bit too much. micheal wilde, you can call me mike. it’s like every year that place keeps attracting more and more people. hasn’t put me out of business so i guess that’s good. what can i help you with?”
naomi smiled at him before pulling her hand back. “uh we’re kind of interviewing people right now. trying to gather as much information as we can before we actually head off so i was wondering if you had some time to answer a few questions.” she hoped he would say yes since right now he was her only hope of getting this assignment done. naomi could tell by the look on the man’s face that he was conflicted between completely blowing her off and agreeing to do it. “sure but i’ll be out for a couple of days. how ‘bout we meet on thursday?” she quickly nodded, trying her best to hide her enthusiasm. “yes thursday totally works, my goodness thank you so much! wow okay i have to make sure all my equipment is ready, maybe borrow a few...” she trailed off, not realizing she had been rambling which only got an amused look from the male in front of her. “well i’ll leave you to it. it was nice meeting you, naomi.” abruptly stopping, naomi blushed lightly in embarrassment at her gibberish rambling and she quietly apologized. “same here, see you thursday!”
ii. june 9th, 2017.
naomi made sure the room was tidy and that the set up she had for the video was perfectly in place before her interviewee arrived. she hadn’t told anyone about her interview until today when she kind of kicked verena out of the room to prepare for the afternoon. after making sure everything was working and in the right place, naomi heard a knock at the door. “coming!” she yelled, checking herself in the dingy mirror before opening the door. “hey mr. wilde...” the man gave her a look and naomi sighed “mike. yeah sorry i keep forgetting. come on in.” she stepped aside to let him and and closed the door as he did. “this looks pretty professional.” he mused, walking around the small space of the room. “yeah well this has to look real if we’re gonna put it in the film. sit on chair to right so we can begin.” naomi ordered, turning to the camera and cutting it on. she grabbed the sheets of paper with different questions written down on them and two small mics to put on herself and micheal. “okay so right there are the monitors just in case you want to see what you look like and i need to put this on you so you can be heard” she walked over to him and adjusted the mic on him before putting it on herself. “you ready?” naomi asked, taking the seat next to him. “ready as i’ll ever be.” 
after what seemed like forever, naomi was finally able to record her intro. “okay guys so today i have mr. micheal wilde here with me, and he’s ready to spill some major tea about silverwood.” her last few words got her a confused stare from the older man and she laughed loudly, shuffling through the papers until she found the sheet that had the general questions written on it. “alright cool, we’re just going to start off with some pretty basic questions and yeah...”
“what are some pretty basic things to know about you?” “i’m forty-six, born and raised in marblemount. uh let’s see... been married once, not for me. the shop was actually my father’s until he passed away and i’ve been holding the fort down ever since.”
“oh i’m sorry to hear about your dad. how’d he die? actually don’t answer that okay, um... ah yeah how old were you when silverwood was first established?” “that would have been pretty awkward. let’s see that was back in ninety two so about... twenty-two years old when it was established. me and my old buddies used to try to sneak in through the back woods to see what was actually going on but the hike was too long so we gave up before we even got there.”
“back woods?” naomi asked curiously, not knowing what he was talking about. “yeah if you pass the old house from the hill, the woods back there will take you to silverwood. it’s a longer way since you’re going around instead of straight to it like the highway takes you.” naomi stayed quiet, contemplating on weather or not to tell the group about it. (ooc: BUTTERFLY EFFECT)
“okay then, good to know. next question: what were your initial thoughts about having a town filled with criminals being so close to home? i imagine it wouldn’t be something to be thrilled about. lord knows i would have moved out the second i heard about it.” “marblemount was already a small town but, as soon as everyone got word of what was happening, a lot of people did end up up moving and leaving. i thought it was fascinating what they were doing. trying to get real criminals to transition over to a suburban life style. granted, it was nerve-racking for the first couple of days but it actually never bothered me.”
“so how did your dad come up with the idea of setting a shop?” “well it was initially just a gift store with a bunch of knick knacks for marblemount. you know like post cards and things of that nature. as soon as silverwood started getting more and more tourists, my father thought it’d be a genius idea to start selling things relating to the town. t-shirts, bumper stickers, the whole nine yards. at first the mayors of both towns were hesitant on the idea but eventually gave in since all this attraction was bringing in some serious money. that’s when i started working there and meeting a lot of different people.”
“what kind of people did you meet? weirdos i bet.” she laughed, getting a laugh out of him too. “yeah i guess you could say. lot of young people and movie people too. many were those people who are obsessed with uh, serial killers. i’m telling you, a lot of people were fascinated by the concept of the town.”
“yeah. the united states is the only country that has such an interest on serial killers. the more you know.” naomi shuffled through her papers, finding the next sheet with more questions. “some more intense questions. what can you recall from the day that everyone in the town just.... dropped dead?” she looked up at him, waiting to hear his reply. a few seconds of silence passed before he spoke up. “it was crazy. there were dozens of police cars, ambulances, news vans. and even helicopters. marblemount went on lock down, in fear that whatever happened there was going to happen here too. then there were the escaped convicts they never found. it was crazy. i’ve never seen anything like it, not even in movies.”
“i would also imagine it was scary, no? a town of criminals dead over night with no logical explanation. then to top it all off, five convicts that escaped. i just can’t picture myself staying in marblemount after that. what made you stay?” “my family. both my parents were sick and i couldn’t just leave. so i stayed. it was terrifying after that. the whole town on edge about the escapees and all but after a while, things just settled down and everything went back to the way it used to be. so i kept running shop, i think we got more tourists after the incident than before. it was crazy.”
“and that’s where we come in! honestly how do you feel about having paranormal investigators coming in and doing projects in the town? do you believe that it’s haunted?” “well i can’t really say i hate having these people come in because they’re the reason why i still have a job, but it’s nothing new anymore. they’re all investigating the same thing, it gets boring. you, however, are the only one to actually interview me so i like your group best.” naomi laughed “you’ve only met me and you’re speaking too soon. everyone else is pretty out there.” “i like you the best then.” she had no idea how to reply but she blushed, clearing her throat. “you didn’t answer the haunted question! do you really think it’s haunted?” “yes. a place like that, with that kind of history has to have something going on. but every team before yours has just encountered some pretty basic things. like doors slamming shut and all that.”
“yeah i figured things wouldn’t get too crazy but you never know. have you ever been to silverwood after everything? you know to maybe conduct some research of your own or to mess around? if so, how did things go?” “i went twice. once with my then-wife and the other with a group of friends. the first time it was pretty weird. things were moving around, i could hear people whispering, shadows would appear in doorways and at windows— it was a lot so we left earlier than planned. the second time, however, we were more prepared. we got a really good picture that freaked us all out.” he dug through his back pocket until he pulled out a tattered photograph, handing it over to naomi. she took it from him and unfolded it, gasping as she saw it. “holy shit that’s scary. wow oh my god that totally would have sent me in the opposite direction. what happened after you took this?” “about half of our group disbanded after that. they left and some of us stayed. we actually went into that building— i think it was the church, and pulled out an ouija board. when we started using it, it moved but everyone thought it was just one of our friends pulling a joke on us. we quickly realized it wasn’t a joke and actually a spirit we were talking to when it spelled out ‘leave’. and the small magnifying piece flew right out of our hands all the way across the room. it spooked us out but we continued. we were headed towards the school when suddenly this big branch just falls right in front of us. maybe two feet from where we were. it was clear that whatever was in that town wanted us out. but hey, don’t let that discourage you or your group from going.” he said, leaning over to rest his hand on naomi’s knee.
“jesus...” she muttered, not even noticing the gesture. “so do you think the five escapees are still out there? i think they are. it’s a good chance they’ve been hiding out somewhere.” there was some silence before he answered. “yeah. many people have claimed to see them and like you said, it’s possible that they’ve been hiding out somewhere nearby.” naomi swallowed the lump in her throat. the way he answered just seemed really tense and awkward.
“well this is the final question and then i’ll get out of your hair!” naomi exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood after that awkward moment. “is there anything you’d like to say to our group before we take off? any advice or warnings.” she said the last one in a playful matter. “just be careful. even if there’s nothing at silverwood, there’s nutcases all around who might want to scare or even hurt you and your friends. be prepared and knock ‘em dead.” by the end of that answer, he flashed her a smile that completely made her forget about the sketchy way he had answered the last two questions.
“right! and that is all the time that we had. thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help me film this.” naomi reached her hand out for him to shake “no problem, it was quite fun actually.” he said, shaking her hand. “that’s what i am. nothing but fun! as for you guys, make sure to like and subscribe— ooh and leave me comments so i can shout you out on twitter. ‘till next time!” she waved at the camera before getting off the chair and turning it off. “well that was entertaining. do you want any water?” naomi asked, walking over to the mini fridge to get one for herself. when he didn’t reply, she turned around only to find him standing right behind her. “oh shi— my bad.” apologizing, she handed him a bottle, not even remembering if he had asked for it or not. he took it from her and placed it on the dresser next to them, looking down at naomi. she had no idea what had gotten into her but the way they had been acting towards each other since they met had her feeling some type of way. was it because she craved attention? maybe so. but she didn’t care which is why she made the first move and kissed him.
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nightspsyche · 7 years
Interview Meme (Long Post Warning)
- Pick one of your muses.
- Fill in the questions as if you are being interviewed for an article and you were your muse.
- Tag some friends to do this meme!
Tagged by: @xzimaxsoldatx
Tagging: Uh whomever really.
1. What is your name? "Elana Monica Baron Davos.. You know, if you want to get real technical about it.”
2. What is your real name? "Really? You’re.. You’re asking me that? WOW! No one has asked me that before. My name is secretly Sally Smackwhacker. I feel so much better now.”
3. Do you know why you’re called that? "Why I’m called Sally Smackwhacker or Elana? Cause honestly the first name is just a joke. My real name though, I think it was the name my Aunt would have had.”
4. Are you single or taken? "I’m a complicated mess with trust issues, daddy issues, a deceased mother, a grandmother who is like Betty White mixed with Paula Deen.  You tell me.” [ooc: Okay so mun here.. I’m saying single in all verses/ships things lmao]
5. What are your powers and abilities? “I’ve the ability to roll out of bed looking like I went ten rounds with a leaf blower. That doesn’t count? Well shit.. Actually I’m pretty good with a bow, sword, knives and my sarcastic charm.”
6. What color are your eyes? "The kind that says if you get too close to find out I’m gonna break your nose, hazel.”
7. Have you ever dyed your hair? "You can see me right?” flicks about red streaks. “Dur.”
8. Do you have any family members? "Can you go back a few questions when I mentioned my daddy issues and grandmother who is like Betty White and Paula Deen? Question answered.”
9. Do you have any pets? "Not at the moment no, but I’d like one at some point.”
10. Tell me about something you don’t like. "Oh I don’t know.. Nosy individuals who ask me pointless questions? My father. The League. Burnt coffee and bad pizza.”
11. Do you have any hobbies or activities you do in your spare time? "I don’t really have a lot of spare time honestly. If I do get it, it’s typically gaming, reading, attempting sleep or I dunno sketching some.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone before? Breaking into a Nine Inch Nails song. “I.. Hurt myself today.. To see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real.” a pause. “Yes I’m dodging your question. Next please.”
13. Have you ever… Killed anyone? “Do I need to sing more of that song?”
14. What kind of animal are you? “Probably a horse, so I can mule kick idiots.”
15. Name your worst habits. "Sarcasm counts right? Also liking men who are wholly unavailable, too good for me, or are completely uninterested. It’s kind of like a Lifetime movie minus my turning into a ragey, psycho stalker killer.”
16. Do you look up to anyone?  "Not typically, I’m pretty average height. But something tells me that’s not what you mean. But yeah, I looked up to my mother my entire life, still do.”
17. Gay, straight, or bisexual? "Straight, and demisexual. Which means that I take a hellishly long time to feel emotional connections, romantically, to people.”
18. Do you go to school? "Not really no.”
19. Do you ever want to marry and have kids someday? "I don’t think it’s in the cards for me but.. Maybe there’s someone out there who can change my mind.”
20. Do you have any fans? "I have this huge one in my loft, it’s so frickin’ great. You know those fans you see in movies with the big blades that woosh around slowly? One of those.” she’s aware that’s not what the question means but she’s choosing to avoid.
21. What are you most afraid of? "Pickles from hell. Seriously have you swallowed pickle juice wrong? Fuck me sideways man..” like she’s going to admit to her fears. Pft. Right. Ha!
22. What do you usually wear? "Uh.. Clothes probably. God I’m not some weirdo who spends her time streaking.” shady eyes. “Usually comfortable things, baggy sweaters, jeans, and I’ve been known to steal the shirts and hoodies of my male roommates. Sorry @xzimaxsoldatx !”
23. Do you love someone? "I love most people, doesn’t mean I want to drag them to bed for wild monkey sex.”
24. What class are you? "A class of my own.” finger guns and a wink.
25. How many friends do you have? “Not many and it’s likely better that way.”
26. What are your thoughts on pie? Sorry her eyes have glassed over and she now has a dreamy look on her face at the mention of pie. “I’m sorry what were we talking about?”
27. Favorite drink? "The liquid kind mostly. But if you want a real answer? Juice, coffee and some times alcohol.”
29. What is your favorite place? "Verdant in Star City is pretty great. Also my grandmother’s house in Central City. One of these days I need to be a total nerd and site see STAR Labs.”
30. Are you interested in someone? “Uh probably, maybe, not that I’d admit it?” [ooc: This is a tough one to answer. She’s had interactions but nothing that has seriously gone to the route of ‘oh em gee can we ship?’.... That I know of?]
31. What’s your bra size? “How about ask me that again and I reserve the right to shoot you in the ass with a bb gun?”
32. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? “Lakes are nice, quiet and less chance of being shark bait.”
33. What’s your ‘type’? "Uh.. People have types?” she blushes and laughs. “Okay okay! Yes I have one too. God.. The adorable, boy next door, nerdy type. I swear if I ever met Ray Palmer I’d probably be a complete idiot and either ramble at him or pass out at his feet. So smooth.”
34. Any fetishes? "Do I look like I practice voodoo? Gosh..” she laughs, and waves a hand. “Not really no.”
35. Top or bottom? Dominant or submissive? "Don’t really care but I tend to be a bit of a switch. Either or is fine with me, I’m flexible when it comes to.. My partner’s needs.. That.. Really sounded so much better in my head.”
36. Camping, or indoors? “Camping can be fun but indoors with a giant blanket fort can be just as nice.”
37. Are you waiting for this interview to be over? “It’s not done yet? Ugh.. Nope, no more questions.” pulls off tiny little mic and drops it. “Peace bitches!”
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CHAOS 95 - Beyond the Belle
OOC: This segment was co written by amazing write Mia. Thank you for this opportunity!!
"Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol performed by Sershen & Zaritskaya plays and the Carnage Legion cheers as Belle Silva makes her appearance at the top of the ramp, all smiles and sparkles. She heads down to the ring and climbs in through the ropes, taking her seat as “In the Meantime” by Spacehog takes the place of “Rebel Yell.” The Carnage Legion isn’t as receptive to Adrienne Levi, who comes out on stage and waves awkwardly at everyone looking in her direction as she heads to the ring. Belle gives her a welcoming smile as Adrienne sits across from her and the music dies down. Belle Silva: Thanks for joining me Adrienne on this episode! Now, before we begin, how are you feeling after your run in with the Lab Rat King on last Chaos? Perhaps subconsciously, Adrienne touches her neck as she considers Belle’s first question. Adrienne Levi: Sore’s the obvious answer. But well, you saw him. He caused a lot of pain but I wouldn’t have it any different. It was a whirlwind of emotions but I’ve never felt more alive than I do when I compete in this ring. Even if it happens to be against someone like him. Belle nods, her face showing concern, but smiling as she continues. Belle Silva: Well, I for one applaud your tenacity and dedication to getting better. Now moving on, we’ve seen so many new faces lately in Carnage, with your name being on that list. You’ve had a less than stellar start truth be told, what do you believe you need to do to get back on track? Adrienne Levi: I don’t know, Belle. That’s why I’m trying to better myself. There are a lot of great veterans here. Some have reached out to me privately so I’d like to keep that as such. Some more public like Matt Knox who has been an excellent source of knowledge. Belle Silva: I’ve definitely noticed improvements since you first joined us. I’m happy you seem to be finding your own path. Now, I know you’ve mentioned Matt Knox and since he was my first guest on my show since it’s relaunch I have to ask. Are you training with Matt or are you just getting advice from him outside the ring? Adrienne Levi: Training. I guess it would be a fair assessment to say that I’m a little green. Seeking another perspective has been beneficial. As for advice? A little. No offense to Matt, he won’t ever face the same adversity that myself - or any woman in this industry, would. These are … troubled waters no matter who is on top. I’ve seen that whether it was well intended or not. My ears are open for someone who may just understand what this journey is. Belle nods in agreement, again giving Adrienne an encouraging smile. Belle Silva: So Adrienne, you’ve proven to be quite tenacious in your short time here in Carnage, what else makes you stand out from the crowd of talent in the back? Adrienne smiles, shuffling her feet a little. The small crowd swells as they show a bit of appreciation. Something has clicked possibly with these people. Adrienne Levi: I don’t think I stand out much. I’ve worked hard, sure. I’ve been in this business for most of my adult life and so maybe the rookie label might be a little dishonest. I don’t want to seem like I’m just spouting off platitudes here but win or lose, I’d like to make people proud. Make no mistake, I am doing this for me. And I’d expect anyone out there, anyone who is listening to my voice… Silently, she takes a little more of the camera’s view to look directly at the viewers. Adrienne Levi: ...anyone who is looking in my eyes, if I am anything like you - you ought to take what is owed to you. It won’t be easy, but I promise it will be worth it. Belle’s smile turns encouraging and she gives Adrienne her own round of applause before moving on. Belle Silva: In preparation for our little powwow, I’ve done some research and it looks like you and Danny Levi, a once prominent star on the indies, were once married? Does he have any plans to come to Carnage as well, or do you have any connection to him still? Adrienne looks suddenly uncomfortable, but before she can get a chance to respond she is interrupted by “Apex Predator” by Otep as Mia Rayne shows up on stage. Assuming the interview is over, Adrienne takes that as her cue to leave as Belle stays seated, wide eyed in fear. Mia doesn’t have the Mitaxia mask on, instead replaced by a look of pure derangement. She twitches toward Adrienne as she tries to slide by unnoticed and Mia snarls, instead pushing Adrienne out of her way, as hard as she can, right into the barrier! Mia’s eyes return to her target, Belle Silva. As she reaches the ring, Mia reaches a hand out, being handed a mic almost immediately. Mia Rayne: He contacted you instead of me! Belle stammers and gets up out of her chair, backing slowly up to the opposite side of the ring as Mia enters. Mia Rayne: He went to YOU first, instead of coming to ME, the person who is SUPPOSED to be his girlfriend if he ever grew the BALLS to face me! He was AT YOUR HOME! WHERE THE FUCK IS ATAXIA YOU STUPID... Mia cuts herself off as she launches herself at Belle! Grabbing the interviewer by the scruff of the neck, Mia pulls her to within an inch of her face and growls. Mia Rayne: Tell me where the fuck he is and why you’re so important that he would contact YOU before ME. Why are you so important Belle, hmm? Are you just out to ruin my life by stealing my sister AND any hope I had at reuniting Ataxia? She doesn’t get an answer though as Zephyr Quinn rolls out from under the ring and sneaks in behind Mia, grabbing her by the back of the head and pulling her down into a modified inverted DDT! Zephyr bounces back up and kicks at Mia who is trying to recover. Zephyr Quinn: Stay OUT of my life! I’m tired of you interfering in EVERYTHING I do! Zephyr kneels down to try and club Mia with the forgotten mic, but is stopped by a gentle hand on her shoulder. Belle pulls Zephyr off of Mia and into a massive hug. Zephyr’s body relaxes as the two go to get out of the ring. They both are stopped as Mia roars as she gets back to her feet. Zephyr quickly steps between her sister and Belle the two staring daggers at each other before launching at each other! Zephyr is first to strike with a superman punch, dazing Mia and forcing the bigger sister back. “The Crazy Angel” is about to follow up, but stops herself as she spots Adrienne getting cautiously and uncertainly back into the ring. Zephyr gives her a quick nod in encouragement and notes her getting up onto the top turnbuckle, albeit unsteady. Seizing the opportunity, Zephyr steps in front of Mia, so that she still hasn’t spotted Adrienne. Zephyr Quinn: You, me. Chaos 96. Ultraviolence match. One way of the other Mia, this thing where you go to war against me? It’s over. Come back when you have control of yourself. With that Zephyr delivers a stiff boot to the chest, doubling over Mia, before dropping to her knees, and springing up, driving the top of her head right under Mia’s chin! Mia pops up and stumbles, finally turning toward Adrienne as Levi leaps off and hits Mia with her closest attempt at a tornado DDT! Zephyr leaps up in the air, but sees Mia still won’t stay down. She grabs Adrienne and pushes her toward Belle as the three of them leave a beaten Mia, sobbing to herself in the middle of the ring.
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mocnlighted · 9 months
PSA: It’s nearly September which means pretty soon I’ll be back in classes and my time on here is gradually going to become limited as I won't have as much freetime to
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Discord: I will be archiving all servers that have been inactive for 2+ months. If we share a server that falls into this category, this doesn’t mean that we can’t ever write together again, there’s no hard feelings at all - I would just much rather focus on my more active servers. I would also be open to bringing our threads to tumblr, if that’s something you would want too! Tumblr: I won’t be dropping any threads and I’m currently working on my drafts to get through all owed replies to existing threads and starters that i've been tagged in. Please let me know if you want to drop a thread and/or start a new one, even if it's with different muses entirely. The queue on my writing blog is currently set to post 3 replies a day but if you would like our thread posted sooner then please do let me know and, if it’s queued, I’ll post it. I do use the RPThreadTracker and you can find all my owed replies here. If you don't see our thread there, it's because I haven't replied to it yet and the tracking system only works once I reply to it so it will be updated when my reply has been posted.
Going forward, I will be selective when accepting new partners or starting new threads, especially since I'm quite content with the people I'm writing with atm (both current and inactive), but if we are mutuals please don't feel hesitant to reach out! I have updated my rules (the goal was to make it shorter/easier to read but ofc I ended doing with the opposite dfgdkf) just so that people have a better understanding of what to expect when writing with me.
As a courtesty to the people that I'm writing with, I will always post updates if there's any major change to my activity and reach out to my partners if I need to drop any of our threads. It is a shitty feeling to be ghosted or left hanging and the last thing I'd want to do is inflict that on to anyone so whether it's a reply, tagging our pairings in musings, badgering you with headcanons or showing you the 100th pinterest board i've made - you will know i'm still around💗
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mocnlighted · 4 months
i’d really like more m/m, f/f (and pairings with non-binary muses), poly ships, older muses and more (x3000) muses of colour. i’m making more of a conscious effort to diversify my threads so pls pls pls take a look at my open starters, or feel free to reach out to me for plotting - even if we have quite a few threads together already, i have loads of muses who haven’t had much love so the more the merrier!! against my better judgment, i will also be doing a deep clean of my muse page bc there’s plenty that are just…sitting there? lmao but i will be reviving old muses that i love, cherish and miss writing.
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