#oof this is a bit late
jingledbells · 4 months
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happy friday! heres a random fiddleford i drew a few weeks ago
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squuote · 8 months
rereading 17776 rn and noticing that Nine’s hesitance to accept their new reality is something I didn’t fully take in before. Like a majority of their concerns are all focused on the idea of purpose, which actually makes a lot of sense for them to solely be hooked on that specific concern. Nine was built with the intent of space exploration and to help humans achieve that goal. Being thrown into a reality where that purpose has essentially died and doesn’t really exist anymore would be very alarming for someone whose whole reason of existence is that specific thing. Nine’s arc of acceptance in existence so to speak. sorry I’m probably last to get to this but man it just hit me like a ton of bricks
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robo-dino-puppies · 5 months
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Merry Christmas, adventurers!
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enthusiastofshit · 1 year
Haley Sharpe be like “is she your favorite”?
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ueyyuey · 1 year
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Day 4: Flowers
And yes, sakura remind me of them V3V
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rosecoloredknight · 8 months
When you say becoming a father??? Are you saying like SOON?! 👀
okay so
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I've been looking into Single Father Surrogacy.
Now, I am still trying to understand the whole process of what it will initial, and different types of surrogacies because I honestly didn't know of these two above on the image, and that could only be it, but I'm trying to figure out or understand it better. I feel as though educating myself first is the right decision before I do anything else. I don't know what I'll have to do in terms of supporting said person carrying my baby, but I'm willing to fund everything and do anything required of me to make it happen.
I'll most likely start the application and inquiring process next year, but I am aiming for when I'm thirty-two or latest , thirty-five years old to make the single father surrogacy a reality.
I know it sounds pathetic or weird, etc but I've come to accept and be at peace at least that I might not find someone out there? You know, to love and create wholesome, small but meaningful memories with, etc.
I was also super okay in being with someone who already had children through prior relationship(s), heck I would have loved their kids as my own or at least treat them with so much love, care, and hopefully become someone they would be able to trust, etc. I was totally okay with that and all I would have asked said partner is one child from both of us or if not, them to be okay with me becoming a sperm donor.
However, I'm not going to go on dating apps ever again (although I might try eHarmony just to give these next two years a shot) and no one here where I live interests me so I know that I will most likely end up being single forever. And that's okay. I really am okay with that. 😊😊😊 Sometimes life is that way.
However, I am super lucky and grateful about the fact that I do still have an opportunity in becoming a parent without a partner through surrogate.
I know I said, I was okay with having a partner that didn't want kids, and I am, but only if they would be okay with me becoming a sperm donor so if ever, it would be used and I'll know that there's a little half me out there (if I'm not allowed to be involved in their life). I feel ready to be a parent. I want that responsibility. I believe in my ability to be a great father and so this will be the "taboo" measure that I'm willing and will take to become a dad. 😊😊
Sorry about rambling, but I'm passionate about this AND I just wanted to share a little more context to your ask.
Yes, I do have plans on becoming a father soon 😊😊😊
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giftedpoison · 7 months
yo pjo fans come get your author what the fuck was that post about palestine and israel. (i say this as if I'm not also a fan of the series)
(Like on one hand I'm glad he recognizes it is a genocide and that the palestinians deserve to be free. But this entire section is horrid:
"The only real solution is treating each other like equally worthy human beings, and negotiating a peace that allows all parties a chance to live in security and dignity, with hopes for a future that does not include bombs and rockets and gunfire. This means security and support for Israel, yes. It also means a secure Palestine which is allowed to get the international aid and recognition it needs to build a viable state.
Do I think that will happen? Unfortunately, no. Humans are simply too selfish, too ready to blame “the other” for all their problems, too ready to dehumanize, though I also believe, perhaps paradoxically, that most people just want to live their lives in peace and have a chance for their children to have a brighter future. The problem is when we don’t allow other people to have those same hopes and dreams — when it becomes a false choice of us versus them." )
^ yes that is the link to the post in question. I think you can already see a less than tasteful element to the post (which i actually just noticed)
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Alright, finally got the second part here for you guys. I hope you like them and that y'all have a good day! :) 💕
[Finale] They Protect a Transmasc!Reader from their Abusive Family ft. Deimos & 2BDamned
(TW: Transphobia, Verbal Abuse, Violence, ft. Transmasc!Reader)
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- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos honestly didn't know how to feel when you first told him about your familial situation. A combination of disbelief and outrage would be his first reaction, because why and how anyone could treat you that way is just nonsensical to him. You were so nice and kind, and really, it doesn't take a genius to understand your gender identity. Attacking you for that is just stupid, especially when they're revealing the fact that they're too dumb to understand that you're a man.
While Deimos wasn't exactly lax on keeping you safe before by any means (especially given his reputation and wanted status), learning that your family was a threat to you just upped that by a hundred. While he won't keep you from them or argue too much if you have to go to their home, you can bet that he'll want to come with you. Deimos doesn't care how long you're going to be there, or how trivial the reason behind the visit is, he's going to be right at your side if you have to face them. (Even if he has to skip out on work and risk a lecture from Doc to do it, keeping you safe is worth it.)
He also notices that you seem very anxious on the way there too (for good reason), which just makes his protective instincts flair up even more. He'll wrap an arm around your shoulders and tug you into his side to keep you close, purring a bit as you ease at the physical contact. He'd try to distract you with jokes and comments, but he figures the situation is too serious for that (and that it'd be best to let you mentally prepare for having to see your family, cause he'd have to do that if he were in your shoes).
Before you reach the door, he stops, keeping you beside him for a brief moment. He turns to you with a look of concern, pulling his arm away so he can grasp both of your hands with his. Your fingers wrap around his and he squeezes back affectionately.
"Are you really okay with this?" He asks, searching your face for any sign of you wanting to change your mind. "I can just find what you need so we can go, it's no problem if you don't want to." Deimos doesn't know the first thing about the layout of your family's home or where your things are, or even about who's supposed to be in there at that moment, but he still wants to give you an out.
You sigh, but give him a minuscule smile nonetheless. The situation sucked, but your boyfriend being so concerned about you couldn't be anything but heartwarming. "I don't want to do this, don't get me wrong, but I kinda have to...it's just the quickest way to get out of here." He gives you another questioning look, a silent 'are you sure?', to which you steel your facial expression with a slow nod.
"Alright," he acquiesces, and he leans in to give you a quick kiss before letting go of one of your hands so you can ring the doorbell. You both tense up as the door opens, and he intertwines your fingers, coming to stand closer to you so that whoever came to the door sees him looming at your back.
It takes surprisingly little to piss him off during that visit. The snide look that person who opened the door had once they recognized you was enough to make him huff in annoyance, subsequently bringing your family member's attention to him instead. He's in the middle of habitually pulling out a cigarette when he notices their stare, and he grins at the way they shrink back from you a bit at the sight of him. (Oh, the perks of having "murderer" under your name on every wanted poster in the city.)
Deimos is following at your heels the entire time you're kept there, glaring at anyone who seems to come too close to you as you go about your business. He'll tighten his grip on your hand if he sees you starting to show signs of nervousness, giving you a slight grin that he hopes reassures you. (A large part of him wants to pull you into a tight hug and just take you away, but he didn't want you to have to come back.)
However, it seemed that holding hands with one of Nevada's most wanted, and getting dark glares from him, wasn't enough of a warning for your family members to shut up around you. (Because of course they'd be dumb enough to start something.)
The moment an insult leaves their lips, Deimos' brows furrow in genuine confusion and his teeth clench down on his cigarette. For a split second he can't believe what just came out of them, they wouldn't be so stupid as to aim an abusive remark at you now, right? Surely if they're so fucking selfish that they can't do something as small as respect your identity, they'd at least have a molecule of self-preservation.
But the moment he actually comprehends what they said and realizes yes, they are that stupid and blinded by their prejudice, a genuine growl leaves him, and he whips around to face them. It's only with you keeping your fingers wrapped around his in an iron-clad grip that his hand doesn't leave you entirely, a precaution on your part to stop him from beating them up (because he genuinely seems like he would, at least to you).
At your slight tug on his hand, he looks back at you, eyes glinting dangerously as a scowl darkens his face. But it softens slightly at seeing how you're clearly shaken by the remark, and he shifts closer to your form. But even if he can't launch himself at the abuser, he still has to do so something.
He shifts closer to you, pulling you into his side protectively and leaning over to try and get between you and the abuser. He’s glaring darkly as he addresses them.
“I know Nevada doesn’t have any education programs outside of the Nexus, but holy fucking shit, you’re stupid,” he spits almost dismissively, lips curling in a slight sneer. While Deimos definitely isn’t averse to violence, he’d generally prefer not to have to bloody himself in front of you; you’ve been through enough trauma as is with these people, lord forbid if he causes you more. Doing violent things in front of you was a no-no in his book, but believe him, it's really tempting for him right now.
Instead, he’ll insult them. They want to be verbally abusive? Fine, he can fight fire with fire. Anything they say to you after that is interrupted by his scathing words, from comments on their appearance to their personality, and he'll even bring up some of their past fuck-ups you mentioned before to really rub in how much of an awful, worthless waste of a person they are.
Of course, sometimes he has to “rebut” their unneeded comments on you as well. For example, making outright threats when he responds with “So when I cut off your dick, you won't be a man then? You wanna test that? Cause I got time.” or something similar. Ordinarily it’d be funny to hear him be so blatantly annoyed, but this goes beyond that for him, if anyone gives you shit for who you are, it's personal.
And his insults only get more threatening as time goes on. You only need to give him a few minutes in the spotlight for him to be promising physical harm to them if they try anything with you again. It all comes to a crescendo when you give him a small gesture to indicate you being ready to leave and he walks past them (quite insistent on keeping himself between you yet again).
He lets his fingers slip from yours for a moment to lean into the face of your abuser, blowing smoke in their face as they flinch back.
"You know my friend Sanford, right?" He asks, a sharp-toothed grin splitting his face. "Has "torturer" written on his poster? I've picked up a few things from him, and I've been waiting for an opportunity to try them out. Say that dumbass "not a real man" transphobic bullshit to my boyfriend again - fucking lie like that to him cause he is a real one - and there won't be enough of you left to identify the body. Got it?"
Whether they nod and/or agree doesn't matter, he doesn't care or notice, cause the second he's finished, he's out of the door and back at your side. (If they tried that shit again, he'd make do on his promise. He wasn't kidding, and if they were mistaken on this assumption, it'd be their loss.) "Sorry about that, had some stuff to take care of" is all he says when he returns, putting his cigarette out with his boot and giving you an innocent grin as you look at him in mock-suspicion.
"Sure," you respond, clearly not believing him at all, but you let it go. Deimos threatening your family wasn't that big of a deal compared to the other things he could've done. Besides, you really didn't have the energy to reprimand him on something so small. (And it was a little cathartic to see your family getting a bit of what they dished out, as you'd realize later after you both went home.) "...Thanks for that, though. You didn't have to go that far, I think, but it helped me a lot - more than you could know."
You turn to give him a small, if not a little tired smile, but your eyes widen when he nearly throws himself at you to give you a hug, immediately getting in your space and tugging you into his arms. "Awww, babe, it's no problem," he purrs as he nuzzles into your neck (as he'd been wanting to do the entire time you were in that building). You can feel his teeth brushing you as he smiles into your jaw, already starting to pepper your skin with quick kisses. "Really, I'd do anything for you, you know that. I love you."
You relax into your boyfriend's hold, letting out a content sigh as a warm feeling settles in your chest. He was always so sweet to you, even if a tad excitable at times. (Though this only endeared you to him further.) Dealing with your family was a pain, but having him there to help you made it infinitely easier. You always knew that he'd support you; there was no question in your mind that he'd be willing to fight for you, he was always so earnest and true in his affections that it'd be impossible to question that fact.
As he showers you in affection, whispering little praises about how proud of you he is and pecking you on every untouched space of skin to make you laugh, you can't help but think of how much you adore him. You murmur your own response softly, and he smiles, red tinting his cheeks as he purrs even louder. "I love you too, Dei."
- [2BDAMNED] -
If there is anyone who’s immediately willing to get you out of anywhere having to do with your family after hearing about your situation, it’s 2BDamned. He has the resources to bring you wherever you want, and he’s more than happy to “pierce the corporate veil” and allocate some of the SQ’s resources towards himself if it’d help you out in the end.
(Seriously, he’s brought it up more than a few times, and it’s not like the consequences would be too bad. Not even his agents know the full financial details of their organization, and it’s not like he has to report to anyone about it.)
Unfortunately for him, you don't accept it (because it's really unnecessary to use the funds of a paramilitary organization to get you a better apartment, even if it's very generous of him). It still doesn't feel right for him to just leave you like that though, so he'll volunteer to move in with you if you'd like. (Someone has to be around to keep you safe in this wasteland if your family is too incompetent and mentally deficient to.)
Doc isn't exactly someone who gets out a lot, so you have an abundance of time together. This means more time to bond, and of course, more discussions about your family.
2B is a surprisingly easy person to vent to, all things considered. He never interrupts or gives you unnecessary advice about what you're going through, or pretends to know all the answers. He just listens without judgement, so you feel at ease enough to spill story after story about your family's treatment of you. He's happy you can talk to him about this, that you feel comfortable with discussing your past with your family and why things are so tense with them. However, that doesn't make him gloss over what they did.
A weight comes off your shoulders with each venting session, all the while Doc's making mental notes on every little thing you mention; every offense your family has made is carefully recorded, and it only furthers the rage he feels over their actions.
Doc typically wastes no time in dealing with threats to you, he's so efficient with it that you don't know the true depth of danger you've been in before he tells you. (AAHW Agents could be crafty with their infiltration methods, to make a long story short.) For their treatment of you, your family deserves the same method of punishment, as far as he's concerned. In fact, they should get worse since they've already damaged you with their disparaging comments.
He's brought this up to you before to get your opinion, but it seems you didn't want them to be hurt that badly (at least not physically). That's a shame, he'd actually been considering getting one of his more experienced agents to handle this. However, he respects your opinion here, and just because he can't have them beaten within an inch of their lives doesn't mean he can't use other more subtle measures.
2B has a vast network of agents and informants working for him, he's sure he could dig up some dirt on who's been abusing you. (Just in case he might end up needing it for later. And really, blackmail was merciful compared to how he'd rather handle them.) In fact, that's part of what he busies himself with before you eventually have to head back to their place (for a reason you can't avoid this time). You don't even have to ask him to come along, he's ready to go the moment you mention anything about taking a trip over there. (It's not like he'd ever allow you to go there alone without support, are you kidding?)
While you wouldn't go as far as to describe Doc as tense on the way there, he certainly isn't relaxed. He seems expectant in a way, like he has already foreseen what awful things your family will try to pull. He has, to some degree; it doesn't take a genius to know that your family will try something while you're there, his question is what. In any case, he carries himself calmly, even if you can tell he's, quite frankly, pissed off that you're forced to go see the people who've been ridiculing you for such a long time.
Once you enter the house, it's made clear that his expectation will become a reality (or at least, some people will try to make it so). The mocking looks and glares at you are evidence enough of this. In response to their silent acts of ridicule, Doc will approach you and tug you to his side, looping an arm around your waist to keep you close. It's an entirely casual thing to do as someone's partner, putting your hand on the other's hip like this, but it's more of a warning in this case. One that your family should've been able to recognize from many different factors.
In all honesty, if your family had any intelligence whatsoever, they'd have known better than to attempt any of their usual abusive behavior towards you when he’s around, most certainly wouldn’t. It’s not like his status in Nevada is really well known (something he made sure of for both of your safeties), but even being around 2BDamned would make someone feel on edge unless you knew him well. He can be very abrasive even without saying very much, and it feels like you're walking on eggshells if he has any reason to be even slightly annoyed at you. You're exempt from this, but others, not so much.
For you, it's honestly a little amusing to see your family act so awkward around him. You're entirely comfortable with Doc (he's your partner, so of course you'd be) but to see others flounder about while trying to remain at ease around him when you know for a fact he's acting obtuse on purpose is gratifying in some way. You're always tense around your family, so to watch them have a taste of their own medicine was nice for a change. But because your family is the way they are, the slight nicety of the moment can't last.
Doc is equally bewildered and disgusted when someone from your family tries to lean closer to him and make a "joke" about your "lack of masculinity" and how it's "funny" that "you think you're a man". He honestly can't tell what's more idiotic; the fact that your family can't understand that you're a man when the concept is so simple to grasp, or that their idea of trying to "break the ice" with a stranger is to insult their partner to their face, and in front of the person they're commenting on.
(Then again, after hearing about their history of making comments like that, it’s not like 2B thought they were that smart to begin with. He briefly notes that you must've gotten your intelligence from elsewhere.)
As stated before, Doc is very efficient in how he deals with problems. Your family is a problem, so they must be dealt with as well, simple as that.
He lets the silence stew in the air as your family member realizes that he's not going to "play along" with this little act they're doing. "...I can't think of any logical reason why you'd find spouting falsehoods about my boyfriend funny. Or are you so entertained by bigotry that you fail to recognize how stupid you sound?" Doc responds flatly, leaning back and further into you as you wring your hands. He shoots you a concerned look from behind his mask. You're anxious and uncomfortable and he hates that. He leans his head on yours and you shift closer to his comfortable warmth.
(You can feel yourself spiraling from the comment and the sharp sting that permeates through you at the hurt that they just cause, but focusing on Doc an that moment helps. He's safe, and that's all you can think about as you nudge closer to him.)
All the while, the perpetrator is sputtering and trying to get an adequate response to 2B's question. In typical moronic fashion, they appear as though they're about to result to more insults instead, from how their eyes appear to pause on you. But Doc is tired of you being the victim in these situations, so he won't let them get another word out.
The moment he sees their pathetic expression switch to a smirk and they make a move to comment about you again is it for him, and you can only watch with a derisive look as your partner sighs and leaves your space a bit before reaching out to grab your family member's collar. He yanks them towards him harshly, paying no mind to how they flail and try to wrench his hand away. They choke on their loud protests when he raises his hand and they're forced to crane their neck uncomfortably to look into the red lenses of his mask.
"I'm only going to say this once. I'm sick of your mindless jabs and insults towards him," he speaks lowly, tilting his head in your direction as you avert your eyes from the pair. "Whether or not you can comprehend that he is a man is inconsequential; you being a brainless idiot who cannot understand reality has nothing to do with who he is." He lets the abuser go, slowly heading back to your side where he can comfort you and help you get ready to leave this wretched place. "I don't want to hear another syllable from you in his direction; if you ever say anything like that to him again, I will find out about it, and once I'm through with you, you will wish that I were merciful enough to end your life here and now instead of letting you have a second chance."
(It's too serious to be a threat, no, instead this is a promise. If your family member lacks the common sense to leave you alone, then he'll get rid of them like everyone else who dared to threaten your health. The only difference here is that the blood they happened to share with the person he loves would give them another opportunity to avoid this outcome. They should consider themselves lucky that you had him wrapped around your finger so well, or else he wouldn't have thought twice about it.)
Once you're finally away from your family's home, he'll stop you so he can look you over. It's less to check for physical injuries and more of an excuse to survey your body language, and you're endeared by how worried he seems as he runs his hands over your arms and shoulders as he examines you. You doubt he's as gentle with anyone else he's had to play medic for before (and you'd be right).
Although, it doesn't matter how nervous you appear, he's still pulling you into a tender embrace, hand coming up to shift his mask to the side so he can give you a quick kiss on your temple. "I'm sorry about that back there, I hadn't expected to lose my temper so quickly," he apologizes, feeling guilty about exposing you to more threats and making the atmosphere more tense. (Because even if the thought of threatening your abusers was incredibly tantalizing, he'd never want to damage you as they've done so often.)
You look at him with slight confusion before pulling back a bit. "Oh no, no, you're fine. I wasn't expecting it but it was kinda...nice? It feels good to be protected."
It was true; Doc wasn't someone who got directly involved in matters very often, so to have him go out of his way to defend you like this personally was a little new - but more than welcomed by you. It shows how deeply he cares for you, and a part of you melts at how soft he is with you (though that's not new for your relationship).
He seems incredulous at your response. "Well you should; I love you and I won't allow you to be attacked in such ways. Besides, you're my partner, and I wouldn't be a very good one to you if I just let you be disrespected like that."
You give him a warm look that he returns, even if he's unsure of why his words struck you so deeply. To him, it was simply the right thing to adhere to, but to you, it meant so much more. 2BDamned isn't someone who most would describe as loving or affectionate, but to you he was without second thought or question. It came naturally to him, to love you as much as he did and show you gestures that demonstrated his care for you. In some ways, he could even be described as doting, with how protective and concerned for your well-being he was at all times.
2BDamned's fondness for you knows no bounds, and he accepts that fact with open arms. You've never had someone love you as much as he did, and while he could only hope that at least a fraction of the true depth of his affections came through with his actions, you hoped just as desperately that he realizes how much you love him too. Although, as your eyes glimmer with warmth and a small smile spreads across your face, and Doc wordlessly shifts his mask to kiss you again (because he can never help himself), you think he knows this just as well.
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majickth · 2 years
Future-Tense Ghosts • [1] [2] [3]
Jimmy is the canary in the coal mine.
No matter the game, no matter the circumstances, he is fated to be the first to die.
He only wishes that, even for a moment, he gets a chance to live.
Death never comes easy.
Sometimes it’s quick, there and gone before he can even notice; most of the time, if he’s unlucky — which he often is — it’s slow, grueling, painful. Regardless of how it goes, Jimmy can no longer bring himself to be surprised.
He’s the cloud on the horizon, the albatross hanging from the mast, the domino pushed by a knife.
Jimmy Solidarity is the canary in the coal mine, and he will always be the first to die.
He finds no exception when the enderman takes off after him in a flurry of purple sparks, claws digging into his back and sending him crashing into a tree. A part of him is resigned to his fate (no food, no armor, no shield), but he still fights. He fights.
Because this time he’s not alone. This time, he actually has someone to come back to, to keep safe, to hold onto. He has an actual chance —
Until the enderman’s claws find purchase, and Jimmy is falling, falling, falling once more.
“You know, bar our arsonist neighbors and the constant threat of death, I could get used to this.”
A light rain covers the ranch in petrichor and mist. From the furnace, a tea kettle, bruised and battered from being bartered around, whistles until Tango plucks it up from the stovetop. For the first time in a long time, it’s calm. No threats of their house burning down, no stolen animals, no fights.
The view is nice from where Jimmy sits by the window, and Tango is quick to join him with two mugs of piping hot dandelion tea. It’s not much, more so hot water with hastily gathered flowers from the nearby woods and bits of leaves still floating on the top, but it’s warm and it’s pleasant and it’s a reminder that he’s being taken care of.
It’s nice.
“I wish I could stay here forever,” Jimmy murmurs. He catches Tango’s expression and quickly adds, “I mean, the ranch. The view. This…whatever this is between us. Not this, y’know…death game.”
“Don’t worry. I know exactly what you mean.” Tango matches Jimmy’s smile with his own toothy grin. “It’s nice having a buddy around for once. It makes all this less lonely.”
“Mate, you’re just being too nice.” Jimmy shakes his head and lifts the mug. It’s too hot to drink, but he enjoys the warmth regardless. “I just wish I could be a better soulmate.”
It’s a quiet remark, meant more for himself than for his partner. But he doesn’t need to lower the mug to notice Tango’s expression. Worry, concern, a strange veil of determination. Those red eyes burn into Jimmy’s chest, and he keeps the mug up a little while longer.
“You,” Tango speaks softly, “are the best soulmate I could’ve asked for. And I wouldn’t ask for anyone else.”
And Jimmy’s chest clenches. Tango slips his hand into Jimmy’s, squeezing ever so gently. He’s warm. Warm like the tea, like the fire in the hearth, like the twin heartbeats beating in Jimmy’s chest. Jimmy squeezes back.
“I’m glad that I have you,” Tango says, and he means it. “And I know that, no matter what happens, we’re gonna make it out of this together. Alright?”
Jimmy wants to warn him. To pull away, to whisper prepared apologies, to bury himself because he knows. He knows, he knows, he knows.
Instead, he leans into Tango, enjoying the presence of someone at his side even if it’s for a moment, ignoring the death knolls ringing in the back of his head.
It’s not fair.
Nothing is fair.
He was so close. He had friends. He had Tango. He was happy.
Is it crueler if he wasn’t?
He doesn’t care. It’s fate, destiny, the universe. Its very strings are of the same kind that stitch hearts together, that weave in hues of green and yellow and red. It binds him, chokes him, drags him down into the depths of evermore.
He is inevitable. This was always meant to happen, regardless of what he wanted. It was always going to end up this way.
It only hurts more knowing that he took someone else down with him. Not just someone — Tango. His friend. His soulmate.
A necessary sacrifice. He had his own role to fill. Two birds, one stone.
He didn’t even have the chance to say sorry. He didn’t even get to say goodbye.
Better off that he didn’t. It’s temporary. All of this wasn’t meant to last. Just another rule in a game that always changed.
He can still feel the string winding itself into his very being. Bits of his soul pulled apart, threading the universe’s needle, and seamlessly wrap around another. It’s a stitch held together by pressure, but at the slightest tug—
He feels it unraveling. He feels the threads pulling, unwinding, gently guided back into place by a steady hand. The secondary heartbeat, so intertwined with his own, grows so faint.
It’s not fair.
Jimmy wants to scream it. The universe thrums with gentle sympathy, but it’s not enough.
It’s not fair.
The threads keep pulling, pulling, pulling—
Until Jimmy grips the thread and pulls back.
”This isn’t fair.”
The thrumming, once gentle like a mother’s embrace, immediately stops, and all too suddenly he is far too aware of how cold this inbetween place it. Not physically, but metaphysically, seeping into his very being. Pins prick into his soul.
“I just want to be happy.”
Jimmy holds fast and pulls and the thread grows taut.
“I don’t want to be weak.”
The string will not break. Jimmy knows that fate, destiny, the universe — whatever — wouldn’t allow it. So he keeps pulling. Until the needles pierce his soul, until his spirit is frayed, until he is finally happy. Jimmy pulls—
“I don’t want to die!”
And for the first time, the universe gives.
In some ways, it’s like falling backwards. Only you’ve started from the ground, and the only way now is to go up, up, up—
—and crash into noise with the velocity of a falling star.
”Do something!”
”Do what? I don’t know what to do!”
”Get them! Don’t let them get away!”
He’s running.
Why is he running? Why is he yelling, cheering, roaring with a sourceless bloodlust?
Why is he—
Warm. He’s warm. And his heart beats in unison with something very present and real and alive.
Jimmy is alive.
It’s not like waking up from a dream, so much as it’s like being forcibly grabbed and _yanked_ through a window. Sudden and loud and there’s a rush—
“—my, are you there, man? Jimmy?”
And there’s people. And he’s standing still. And he’s not yelling or cheering, but just standing at the precipice of a crevice, eyes blankly staring at what essentially amounts to a pit trap. He barely even registers the sounds of a hundred mobs, let alone Ren nudging his side.
“I—Huh?” Jimmy blinked hard, his awareness trickling in bit by minute bit. “Uh, sorry, I’m just…I’m great! I’m doing perfect fine!”
“Fine? You should be feeling more than fine!” Joel isn’t as gentle as Ren, the shorter man practically scrambling to join them at the crevice. His laughter, high and mocking and sharp with malicious delight, grows only as he slaps Jimmy on the back and peers down at the mobs below. “Grian and Scar are gone, which means no greenies left. It’s easy pickings from here, boys!”
A cheer raises up from the gathered band of red-named hellions, but Jimmy stays quiet.
He stares down at the hole, at the monsters lurking below, at the scattered items left behind by their formerly green victims, and…and he knows this part. Knows the adrenaline rush, the pride before the fall. He knows his inventory lacks food, his shield is barely held together with duct tape and hope, that his soulmate is elsewhere completely oblivious. He knows precisely what’s going to happen next with startling vividness because he’s lived this, and the deja vu is enough to nearly knock him off his feet.
The only difference now is that he’s not going to die.
“Oi, idiot.” Joel’s snide remark doesn’t even bother him, not this time, as he’s nudged on the shoulder. “You alright? You’ve got this funny look in your eye. You’re not pulling a Pearl, are you?”
Jimmy is slow to smile, and when he does it’s as fractured as the earth below him. “Didn’t you hear me, Joel? I’m fantastic. In fact…I’ve never felt more alive.”
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goat-shoe · 2 months
on my hands and knees for uuu.... can u do some mariquita hcs she's my bias
she and duggy are roomies as civvies, and know each others identities (again disclaimer that i am NOT AN UNMASKER!!!) they pretend to date because thats easier to explain to friends, but-
girls <3 lesbian mariquita has my heart <3
bikes around the city. girl is busy AF !
mexicana (ik im projecting) <3<3
based on her public appearances and etcetera, the miraculous thing wasnt her choice, and more than anything she wants to have a normal life! biking around the city and so on. but simultaneously, being a mirac holder is her duty... and its not a position just anyone finds themself in... i think the rest of the team feels the same to a certain extent, but i think mariquita is younger than the rest- both in age and as a superhero- thats just one thing that separates her from the rest of the team..... of course dugout is new similarly, but... as much as she loves him (as a friend! x3) theres a distance between them- like the distance between her and everyone she knows- which she doesnt know how to close. maybe its just that dugout is better at this than she is. reserved, too! but just.. more of a hero, in the way the rest of the team is. it isnt even that she hates being a hero. no, she's just... incongruent.
she LOVES old shows like gilmore girls and friends ^^
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raksh-writes · 6 months
Really didn’t expect this would be the year I get into Sabaton but welp, here I am, headbanging to recordings of live concerts, who would've thought
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
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For some reason it was SO hard to get this picture 😖🙄
I went with a choppy short Bob this time which is…. Very different from what I set out to do?? But I had been doing REALLY short hair for a long time now when I’d cut my hair and I kinda wanted to change it up.
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hypokeimena · 2 years
have decided im just not gonna read books that don't have girls in them anymore
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8bitvejigante · 1 year
This is a JKR-hate account. None of her views, books or games are tolerated here.
This includes Harry Potter. Not to be confused with the absolute gem that is Harriet Porber by Chuck Tingle.
Trans Lives + respect for Jewish folks > silly little terf/antisemitic game made by nahzi devs
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cxpperhead · 8 months
💜 friendship, 🕴 partners in illegal activities, maybe even 💗 slow burn if that would work @question-marked
RELATIONSHIP TYPES! (Send one or more emojis + descriptions for the kind of ship/dynamic you’d like to write with my muse!)
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Agreed with all of these! They're both criminals so working together as partners in illegal activities is not only welcome but full of potential? Like we've discussed before, there's a lot of possibility between these two - Edward lacks the unpredictability of the Joker and his ideas are more sound, focused on achieving actual goals and results over spreading mayhem and lawlessness. Copperhead would also appreciate Edward's keen intellect and penchant for riddles; he's a loner that struggles to get along with people due to his appearance but it doesn't mean he's not lonely, and I think he'd genuinely come to like Edward, quirks and all? So yeah, there's definitely a ton of potential between Copperhead and Edward, not only working together as efficient partners for whatever schemes Edward has in the works! Copperhead can provide the muscle, content on doing while Eddie does the thinking. As for a slow burn, there is absolutely room for that too! These two have issues - from your side, Edward wants desperately to be loved and Copperhead wants to be useful, so whether those feelings turns out to be genuine or these two are subconsciously using one another to fill some sort of void within themselves, it's a match made in Hell and Gotham would have all sorts of problems in the event that these two team up. :') Love it, accept it and would very much like to explore these ideas with you! 👌
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
What other reason could their possibly be?????? To have hands done but not arms????????? #slutty (affectionate)
😍😵‍💫😍 ahhhhhhhhhh plz yes god plz but also look—
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more than hand tat 🆘 fucking look at hiiiiiiiiiiim oh my god, I’m sorry but I’m not that I’m still on this man. I’m probably gonna be on this daddy man for a while ://///
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