#ooh and i just now noticed it almost looks like his fancy silks got all ripped and stained to heck. nice(tm)
High Tea With The Family
Seeing as it's my birthday, I thought I'd throw myself a tea party. I've sent out the invitations in advance, I've got everything but the tea itself ready on the cart, once I get to the staff lounge I'll start brewing.
Hmm. Okay, lemon cakes... check. Miniature pecan pies... check. Rainbow candy cookies... check. Blueberry scones... check. And those weird little cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off Dr. Gears is so inexplicably fond of... check. Giant jar of jellybeans... check. Sweet rolls... check. That just leaves the teapots and teas. I hunt down the four biggest teapots I can find, load up my large company tea set, and get to setting up.
To my surprise, it's my favorite member of Site Command that turns up first. Dr. Gears greets me, then starts to set up the tower of lemon cakes. Before long, the buffet is set.
"So, a tea party, Bunny? Isn't 27 a bit old for that?"
"Not for a posh tea party. Come on, Big Boss... I even made the cucumber sandwiches, I'm in a proper tea dress, if I had lace gloves I'd be wearing them."
"You're not kidding."
"Somehow I even talked Alto into wearing a suit, so... yes. Not kidding. Plus, Cain said he'd drop by for a bit, since half the typing pool quit he's been backlogged, poor guy. And my granddad is coming with Iris and Evelyn. I even invited my other brothers in arms, Drs. Iceberg, Myriad, and Glass, plus Draven and Jim. It's my birthday, I'm hosting a family tea. My one regret is there's no way my dad can meet you all. Not being home sucks, but having all of you around makes it less horrible. Kinda think you and my dad would get along, you're both very similar in the best ways. I would have also invited Abel, but he hates Myriad, and I do not feel like breaking up a fight today."
"We're short on E Class, good call. What's the tea menu?"
"Jasmine, earl grey, oolong, and... ginger lemon with honey." Tea kettles are filled, set on the stove top, heated. While we wait, Drs. Glass and Myriad arrive.
"Happy Birthday, Rabbit!" I'm nearly bowled over by Myriad as they bear hug me. "Ooh, tea party! Fancy." This is when I notice the new body, in a blue dress. Gotta say, they look great. Simon then gives me a gentle hug once Myriad lets go. Clef saunters in, wearing his "Yet Another Pointless Ethics Committee Meeting I May Have Been the Direct Cause of" brown suit. The red Polynesian style silk tie is a nice touch. Eyebrows raise when he greets me with a kiss on the cheek.
Once that's over, Granddad arrives with my two special guests. Both my sister and my niece are in yellow dresses, Evie even has a miniature silk sunflower tucked behind her ear.
"I thought you were kidding, Sis. But... this is, indeed, a tea party. There's scones and everything."
Dr. Iceberg arrives last, bearing regrets from Draven and Jim. Oopsie, forgot it was their long-delayed honeymoon this week. But, while my MTF brothers aren't here, a massive tiramisu is. I'm flabbergasted, Dr. Iceberg remembered after all. Okay, now that almost everybody is here, time to get back to the kettles and brewing tea. Just in time, they were about to really whistle. Tea is brewed, lemonade is fetched from the fridge... time for tea.
We're all seated around the table, eating and drinking. Three cookies and two glasses of lemonade in, Evie starts singing "Happy Birthday". Once the song is done, I politely clink my teacup with a spoon.
"Aside from my birthday... I bet you're all wondering why you're here. Very simply, I consider all of you my family. I've never really had a normal family gathering, thought I'd give it a go. It's a small thing, but it matters to me. I love all of you, even if some of you create way too much paperwork for me sometimes." A laugh as I side eye Clef and Myriad, the biggest offenders there. "You guys have made all the weird stuff bearable. Thank you."
"Hey, we're just one big anomalous family here, right? Besides, couldn't ask for a better sister, Rabbit. That being said, I know you said no gifts, but... I went ahead and got you one." Myriad passes me a small box, I open it. It's just a mug, black with our logo. But... under it is my new title, and a phrase I'll treasure... "Little Sister".
"Myr... you know what this means, right? You and TJ are both getting those light up Mario Star lamps on your birthdays now. Thanks. I needed a new mug, Liam kinda knocked mine over a while back."
"I, uh... also have something for you, but it's going to have to wait until later." I roll my eyes at Clef. I can only imagine. I feel my face getting warmer, just as Cain pops his head in.
"Hello, Little Sister! I was on my way back from a break, and just wanted to say a fast 'happy birthday' on passing." He blinks. "I think I missed something. I am not sure if I want to know. As I said, happy birthday." Off he goes. On that note, the party breaks up. Iris, Evie and I pack up the leftovers. Everybody gets a sampler platter, with a few spares for delivery. Hey, if 682 is cool with Evie, he gets birthday goodies too. Plus... even if things didn't exactly work with 049, I'm still fond of him. There's a few others too, like Abel and Dimitriov. Once that's done, it's time for Rabbit's Delivery Service to drop off care packages.
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lu-undy · 3 years
Another Sniper/Spy fluffy “short”
Spy and Sniper are sent on a mission where Spy has to disguise himself as a woman. Sniper falls for him *even more* and when he catches Spy flirting with the bad guy, well, the Aussie takes it badly. But in the end, all is well ;) Follow this link!
"Hey, Miss Paulin'?" 
"Hey Scout, d'you know where I can find Spy and Sniper?"
"Ya got a job for'em?"
"Yes, I do." Miss Pauling had barely arrived at the base that the young man was all over her, like a bee on a flower. 
"I can do it. I'm sure I can do it on my own too, I'm pretty strong, see?" He flexed his arm and Miss Pauling rolled her eyes before looking away. 
"Scout, I need those two to do the job, not you." 
"I can do it with them, if that works better for you, eh?" 
The young woman sighed and pushed living-room's door.
"Hey everyone."
"Howdy, Miss?"
Most of the team was there but as Miss Pauling scanned the room, she didn't find Spy or Sniper. 
"Any idea where Sniper and Spy are?" 
"You'll find Slim in his van I guess, and for Spy? I'd say give a knock on his door." The Texan answered from the sofa, a beer in his hand. 
"Alright, thanks." The young woman spun on her heels and bumped on Scout. "Scout!"
"Yeah, I'm here." 
"You wanna do something for me?"
"Sure!" He excitedly answered. 
"Get Spy and Sniper in the meeting room in 2 minutes."
"I'm on it!" 
And a couple of minutes later, both mercenaries were in the meeting room with Miss Pauling. 
"Alright, guys, I have a job for you two. I know, it's quite unusual for both of you to team up with anyone but unless one of you can split himself into two, you'll need each other." 
Spy and Sniper were sitting face to face on one end of the long table, the closest to the screen. The Frenchman lit a cigarette and raised his hand. 
"Spy?" Miss Pauling was surprised that he should have a question so soon.
"Is this mission only to be heard by Sniper and my ears?" He asked. 
"Yeah, why?" The young woman raised an eyebrow. Spy stood up and went to the meeting room's door that he opened abruptly. Scout was trying to look and listen through the keyhole. "Ugh, Scout, if you don't leave right now, I swear I'm never giving you any jobs anymore!" 
"You never do anyway!"
Sniper pushed his chair back to stand up but Miss Pauling put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. 
"I did! I asked you to go and get Sniper and Spy and you did it brilliantly, now, please let me have this meeting with them." 
"Does that mean you… were impressed by how well I handled it?" Scout's eyes shone with enthusiasm. 
"Yeah, it does, now please…?" 
"Alright then, I won't be far though, just in case you need anythin' eh?"
Spy looked at Miss Pauling and she nodded, after that, the Frenchman pushed the door shut on the young man's face.
"Ooh, sorry about this, I know neither of you like to waste your time…" Pauling grabbed a remote and switched the big screen on. "Now, let's talk about the mission. The Admin's got you two tickets for a ball given by this guy. Apparently, he has a bar of pure unrefined Australium that the Admin wants. One of you will have to distract him while the other retrieves it." She pushed a button and the screen showed a mansion. "That's his house, where the ball will be. I'm told that the Australium is in his bedroom, upstairs, right there…" She pushed another button. "It's on that shelf. I talked to Engie and we'll have the CCTV system and the security rigged off so it's just a matter of picking it up."
"Do we know anything about this gentleman?" Spy asked. 
"Yup," Pauling pushed a button and the next image appeared. 
"Bloody hell, how many sheilas is that…?" Sniper straightened his back on the chair and started counting them. The picture showed the man surrounded by women of all colour and all tastes.
"Five." Spy answered. "Those ones are in a group of five, admirable women and very helpful in times of need." Sniper's eyebrows jumped and he looked at his colleague across the table. "So he enjoys the company of women?" Spy asked Pauling, unfazed.
"Yeah, so Spy, you'll have to go as one, keep him busy while Sniper goes upstairs and takes the prize. Any questions?” 
Spy raised his hand.
“Yes, Spy?”
“When is this mission due?”
“The party is tonight. Here’s the address.” Pauling took a piece of paper out of her pocket and showed it to Spy. The Frenchman took a second to look at it then nodded, and Miss Pauling showed it to Sniper.
“Y’know the area?” Sniper asked his colleague and Spy nodded, blowing the smoke of his cigarette between his thin lips. “Alright then.”
Miss Pauling took the paper and burnt it. “There, you guys have the address. Now, the Admin insists on doing the job cleanly, no corpses. Besides, there’s no respawn there, so try to not get killed, ok?”
Both Sniper and Spy nodded.
“Right, if you don’t have more questions, I’ll be on my way.” Miss Pauling went to the door, both mercenaries on her heels. Spy opened the door for her and both Sniper and her passed through before he went through last and shut the door.
The evening came and Sniper had spent his entire afternoon on his own. After the dinner that he shared with his colleagues, he retreated to his van again and prepared himself. Well, a fancy ball, huh? Good thing he had kept a suit in his stuff. It had been his father’s so it was old, out of any kind of recent fashion and a bit on the short side for the tall Aussie, but who cared. He was just going to steal something and he would be back before midnight no doubt. Sniper trusted Spy to offer whatever distraction was needed for him to take the Australium stick easily.
When the Aussie finished putting on his black, now dark greying, suit, he quickly combed his hair and looked at his reflection on his van's window. 
“Well, that’ll do.” He concluded and exited his van to go and get his colleague out. 
“Ooh, looks like Snipe’s goin’ on a date, eh?” Scout said and whistled at the older man. Sniper growled and bared his teeth on the side. “Who’s the lucky one, eh? There ain’t any lady kangaroos over here, eh?”
“Bugger off, Scout.”
“Pfff….!” The Bostonian snickered as Sniper disappeared in the corridor. 
There was a knock on the Frenchman's door.
“Go to your van, I shall join you.” The voice with the French accent answered from the other side of the door with the knife symbol.
Sniper rolled his eyes. 
“Alright.” He answered, and left. A minute later, he was in his van and the door on the passenger’s seat squeaked open. “Are you read-oh, wow…”
“I am indeed ready, now let us not waste time.” Spy answered matter-of-factly.
Sniper’s eyes lingered on his now very lady-like colleague. He couldn’t see much but the long hair and the shine on Spy’s lips was a change and a half. 
“Jesus, that’s one hell of a disguise… You really look like a sheila…!” He started the engine and off they went. 
“Thank you, I take it as a compliment on my make-up and disguise skills.”
“Yeah... How did you manage that…? I mean, I guess the long hair’s a wig, right?” Sniper cast a glance at his colleague. “No... Is it really your hair?”
“Non, you Bushman, of course not. It would never fit under my mask. This is indeed a wig.”
“And you put on make-up?”
“You know how to do that?”
“Wow… ‘M not gonna ask how or why.” Sniper said more to himself but of course Spy heard him.
“It is a skill, like shooting, you get it through learning.”
“And trainin’.” Sniper added. “You did that much?”
“Oui, not usually to make myself more feminine. Make-up can be used to hide your distinctive features, or create some that you do not originally possess.”
“Makes sense for a spook I guess.”
Spy raised a curious eyebrow to his colleague but of course Sniper was way too focused on the road to notice it. The Frenchman was surprised that his colleague did not mock him for his womanly disguise but instead chose to compliment him on his efforts. Hm, surprising coming from Sniper. Although anything that came from Sniper was a surprise. The man lived like a hermit in his van, he was almost as secretive as the Frenchman himself. Looking at him better, Spy noticed that Sniper had put on a suit. Well, something that vaguely resembled one. Even through the darkness of the night, the Frenchman could tell that this was no custom-tailored three-piece suit.
“And you have put on a suit?”
“Well, it’s an old thing, but yeah, I tried.”
“If you wanted something a bit more modern, I could have lent you something.”
“What? Seriously? You’d lend me one of your super expensive ones?”
“Well,” Spy answered. “I would have given it to you, no doubt you would have deformed the silk and cotton. But still.”
“You’re smaller than me though, so I don’t think anything would have been my size.”
“Hm, that is correct. Such a shame we had so little time to prepare or we could have gone to find you something a bit more appropriate.” Spy said.
“Well I certainly would not trust you to find something adequate on your own, no offense.”
Sniper smiled. 
“None taken, I think you’re actually right…”
They exchanged a glance and a smile.
“Still, it’s weird to hear you with your usual voice but see you with long hair, I mean… I can hardly see anythin’, it’s dark, but your silhouette’s like a sheila’s.” Sniper’s eyes went down to Spy’s chest and nodded to himself. The Frenchman definitely looked like a woman.
“And you have seen the gloss of the lipstick and the longer eyelashes because of the mascara. You have keen eyes.”
“Guess so.” The Aussie took the compliment with a smile.
“No doubt about it.”
“Alright, Spook, we’re in the city now so you’ll have to guide me. I remember the address but no clue where that bloke’s palace is.”
“Fair enough. Go straight until the natural history museum…” Spy started helping out his partner in crime. After a few turns and a few more minutes, both could see the palace. 
“That bloke’ house is as big as my parents’ entire farm.” The Aussie queued after the line of cars to enter the mansion’s parking lot.
“I take your word for it.” Spy answered. 
“I mean, seriously, why d’you need a house that big? Must cost ya a fortune to take care of… Plus you’re eatin’ out space for other people or animals, makes no sense.”
“Animals?” Spy asked.
“Yeah, imagine if he had a normal house, the rest could be a forest or something, you could have a bit of life there instead of marble and whatnot.”
Spy smiled. That was such a typical thought of Sniper, thinking of the wildlife almost before he thought of himself.
“The queue’s not movin’ that much…” Sniper said, drumming the steering wheel with his index and middle finger.
“Indeed it is not. Cigarette?” Spy took his cigarette case out of his purse and flicked it open between Sniper and him.
“Oh, uh, why not? Thanks, Spook.” The Aussie helped himself to one and Spy lit both of their cigarettes.
“Would you mind if I adjust your tie knot. It is not straight.”
“Oh? Uh, ok, thanks, mate.”
“No problem, it is inconveniencing me more than you, no doubt.”
“Well, I’m not seein’ it so yeah, I guess you're right.” Sniper stopped the van’s engine and turned towards Spy. 
“Is there any light in your van?”
“Oh, sure, here.” The Aussie flicked a switch and his eyes snapped wide. 
Spy raised gloved hands to his collar. But it wasn’t his usual dark, short pair, nah, those went up to his elbows, they shone shyly, in white satin. The Aussie realised that Spy was wearing a dark blue, bustier dress with thin sequins, revealing a shy, yet womanly chest. 
“You may breathe normally, Sniper. And I am only adjusting your knot, no need to be so anxious. I can hear your heart beat through your breath.” Spy chuckled, not understanding why his colleague was so nervous, but he soon finished and raised his eyes to meet Sniper's. And that's when he understood. Sniper’s face was flushed as red as a brick. “Sniper?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, thanks, ahem…” Sniper looked away and gulped down hard. That split second that Spy had looked into his eyes had been so intense. The Frenchman sure did know how to put on makeup! As Sniper shut his eyes to erase that image, those eyes so light, they look like angel’s, that eyeliner highlighting their mellow, curvy shape, the mascara making his eyelashes look like butterfly wings, and his thin, red lips… To no avail. The image of that face was burnt into the Aussie’s memory. 
“Are you alright?” Spy asked. “Is my cigarette too strong?”
“N-nah, nah, it’s fine, actually, they’re not strong at all.” Sniper started the engine again and followed the caterpillar motion of the line of cars.
“Indeed, if it were my cigarettes, I would have been surprised.” Spy answered. “I know that I smoke like a fireman as we say in French, so I keep to light, menthol ones. I do remember you smoke occasionally too, don’t you?”
“Yeah, sometimes. But mine are cheap and taste like crap next to yours.”
Spy chuckled and Sniper followed him. 
“I understand my appearance surprised you.” Spy said, blowing the smoke of his cigarette in a little cloud. 
“Yeah, I mean, you really look like a sheila.”
“I have to.” Spy answered. “By the way, thank you.”
“For what?”
“For appreciating my efforts. I imagine that had I gone to complete this mission with any other one of our colleagues, my feminine disguise would have been almost blackmail material for them.” 
“You mean they’d make fun of you for it?”
“Oui, I would imagine so.”
“Well, yeah, guess that’s true.”
“But you haven’t. Instead, you complimented my hard work. I appreciate it.”
“Hah, well, you’re welcome, Spook. And thanks for the tie. I never manage to get them right on my own.”
“An easy skill to learn, you just need more training.”
They eventually entered the property and found a parking spot. 
“From now on, you do not know me and I do not know you.” Spy said when Sniper stopped the engine. The Aussie nodded. "You do have your earpiece on, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do." 
"Good. Then we shall either communicate through that, or as we usually do." 
Sniper nodded again. Over the months working together, Sniper and Spy had developed a form of wordless communication. It was useful ok the battlefield, when one distracted the enemy and the other took his chance to take them down. 
"Anythin' I should or shouldn't do?" Sniper asked. "'M not exactly used to sneaking around and all." 
Spy got flattered that Sniper should ask him for advice. 
"Well, do not overdo it. The best way for you to go through people is to mingle with them. Those people are here to party? Well, you shall partake too, but reasonably so. Needless to say that a drunk partner in crime is a useless one."
"Yeah, o'course. How will I know when to go upstairs?" 
"Keep an eye on me, you will know when you can go."
"Alright, ok." Sniper tried to store all these words preciously in his memory. 
"Could you please switch the light back on for an instant?" 
"Oh, uh, sure, here." 
"Ah, I knew it. This isn't my usual brand of lipstick and part of it went away with the cigarette… I should have had some imported from France, I knew I was running low…" Spy looked through his white purse and took a tube of lipstick. The Aussie couldn't help but stare at his colleague fixing his make-up. "There…" Spy brushed his lips against each other to spread the red lipstick evenly. "This should do. How do I look?" 
Sniper was speechless. 
"Uh, I-I mean, great, I mean, for a sheila who isn't one, it's… I'd never guess you're a bloke, unless I hear your voice." 
"And what about now?" 
Sniper's jaw dropped, his colleague now sounded like a woman. 
"Alright… You're a sheila alright…" 
"Perfect, I shall exit the van first, you wait a few minutes and make your way inside."
"O-ok, yeah."
"See you, Sniper." 
"Yeah, see ya…" 
Sniper did as he was told and waited in his van, in the silence of his own mind. How the hell could Spy do that…? He looked like a sheila, sounded like one…! The bloke even had at least the upper body of a woman! 
"Bloody hell…" Sniper leaned his head back and dived in his own thoughts. He closed his eyes and saw it all again, the feline eyes, the thin lips, the long mane of wavy black hair… "Gosh." 
Spy looked attractive as a woman… too. 
Sniper took a deep breath and sighed. 
This was better than Christmas. He got to spend an evening with the ladykiller dressed and made-up like one himself. Even as a man, Spy was far from repulsive, Sniper thought even if his face was mostly hidden by his mask. His silhouette was exquisite, a bit shorter than Sniper, his shoulders slightly less broad, long, thin legs and he couldn't possibly dress more elegantly. The man was a candy bar for the eyes mounted on two skinny legs, and Sniper had nothing against skinny legs, far from it. 
He remembered that one day he had seen Spy without his jacket, just with his white shirt, his tie and his vest. The Aussie had seen him from behind and only then did he realise that the Frenchman's trousers moulded his waist and thighs deliciously. Well, especially his waist from behind… 
Sniper blinked and shook his head as if to land back on Earth. 
"Right, anyway, time to go." 
He exited his van and walked towards the house's entrance. Two massive bodyguards were standing there. He passed them without an issue and climbed the white stairs to the house itself. 
Gosh, that's a lot of people…
Immediately, Sniper found himself swimming amongst the dresses and the suits, some waiters were coming and going with trays of thin, fancy glasses on them. One of them stopped in front of Sniper. 
"Ah, thanks." He took one and walking through people to find Spy, Sniper kept close to the walls, melting with the wallpaper itself. 
C'mon, Spook, where are you…?
The Aussie's keen eyes darted left and right, scanning the crowd. 
Or I could find the bloke we're gettin' the Australium from, I'm sure Spy's not far from him. 
Sniper looked left and right, crossing different rooms, some wider than others. Finally, he made it to the most spacious one. Along one of the walls were tables filled with food and drinks and opposite that, a jazz band was playing. The Aussie recognised the tune. He leaned back against the wall and sipped on his champagne while his eyes looked at each and every face. Without realising it, his foot was drumming the rhythm of the tune. 
Ugh, there were so many people and they were dancing, swarming the place like bees around honey… 
"You like this song? Maybe you'd like to dance?"
Sniper's eyes darted down to whoever the woman was who was talking to him. He gasped when he recognised him. 
"I-I can't really dance, I mean…"
"Come on, it'll be fun and easy, follow me…" 
Of course it had to be Spy. Ah, it had been too good to be true! The Frenchman had been too nice with Sniper and the Aussie had started to wonder if the mischief in his colleague was just something he put on with his colleagues and decided to turn off with him…! But no! Of course he had to play games like these…!
Spy had taken the Aussie's hand with his white gloved one and he pulled him to the dancefloor. The song in the background suddenly sprang to Sniper’s ears. The Frenchman put his colleagues’ hands on him, one on his hip and the other against his palm. Spy started moving left and right, gently rocking the both of them. Sniper looked down and his eyes shot back up when he saw Spy’s chest. Even though he knew it was all an illusion, make-up and some hard work, his parents had nonetheless not raised him to look down womens’ cleavages…
“Mh, not bad.” Spy said with his female voice. “You lead now.” He stopped moving and Sniper, still looking up at the ceiling as if it would burn his eyes to look at his dance partner, started leading. Well, leading was a big word, he was moving, rocking left and right. “Just follow the rhythm…”
Sniper’s heart threatened to burst out of his ribcage. Spy was leaning his head against his chest.The Aussie gulped down hard and looked down. The fact that Spy wasn’t looking at him eased him somehow, he relaxed and moved in rhythm now. His hips swung with the double-bass, and soon, without realising it, his hand slid from Spy’s hip to his back. The Frenchman smiled, his eyes closed against his colleagues’ suit, and he pushed his hands to splay them both on his broad chest.
“What’re you makin’ me do, Spook…?” Sniper had managed to forget the people around him to only focus on the warmth of Spy’s body against his. He spoke with his eyes closed too.
“You took your time to join me here.” Spy answered. 
“Sorry… I just… Bah, whatever.”
“It is fine, as long as you are here now.”
Spy’s feminine voice just wrapped Sniper warmly in a fashion that only rivaled with his normal, male voice.
“S-Spook, we should be gettin’ to work…”
“Oh but we are.” Spy smirked before he raised his fair eyes to Sniper. “You see the man in the black and white suit over my shoulder? He is wearing a red satin scarf on his shoulders.”
Sniper looked in the direction indicated by Spy.
“Yeah, I see’im.”
“That is the man that I shall entertain. I tried getting his attention but I am afraid that the competition tonight is hard for me to match.”
“What’re you talkin’ about?” Sniper asked.
“Those women following him, he has eyes only for them. He is practically blind to the rest of the world. Arh, Miss Pauling should have told us earlier, I would have had time to dye my hair black….”
“What’re you talkin’ about? Your hair is already black.”
“It has some grey, too much of it. I couldn’t dye it so I had to use a wig with matching greying temples and front. It would have been odd to have long black hair but some grey roots.”
“I don't think your grey hair’s a problem. I mean, it’s beautiful as it is, I mean the wig, heh…”
Spy raised his eyes to Sniper again. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome… But uh, so what’s the plan, now?”
“Now, I need to attract his attention in a different way. If my looks in this attire are not enough, then I shall try something else. You, keep an eye on me and wait for my signal, d’accord?”
Spy freed himself from Sniper’s dancing embrace. 
“You… You be careful, ok?”
Spy gave him a smile, one that he had never seen before, it was a lopsided grin, his eyes were smiling too, his eyelashes bowing gently.
“You too.”
And just like that, Spy was out of Sniper’s arms. The Aussie’s eyes lingered on the Frenchman and that’s when he realised that the dress he was wearing had two long slits left and right, revealing his legs up to a half of his thighs. Spy was also somehow managing to walk with high heeled stilettos, black ones, that laced up his calves. The laces then dissolved into black stockings that hugged his leg in the most enticing way, up to his thigh.
“God, he’s somethin’...” Sniper said out loud, even though no one heard him. “Hold on, what is he - what the…?”
Spy walked to the jazz band and Sniper saw him talk to the leader. After a few seconds of Spy talking, the leader of the band nodded and the music died down. Sniper went to the table and grabbed a glass before he leaned on the wall next to him. 
The music started again and Sniper frowned. Why was Spy staying there? Why was he taking the microphone? Why was - oh…
{To the reader, the song is “Dream a little dream of me” by Pink Martini and the Von Trapps}
“Stars shining bright above you,
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you",
Birds singing in the sycamore tree,
Dream a little dream of me.”
Sniper’s jaw dropped. The song was so delicate, the dancing area filled quickly, and as Sniper cast a glance over to the wealthy man surrounded by his harem of lightly dressed ladies, he noticed that the performance had caught his eye. Good old Spook, has more tricks up his sleeve than we imagine, Sniper thought. His eyes went back to Spy. He sang with his shining, satin, white gloved hands left and right from the microphone stand, his hips swinging deliciously, revealing in rhythm his left and right thigh. A spotlight switched on, right on him, and Spy pushed a lock of his fake long hair behind his ear. Sniper could definitely not agree with Spy, his greying hair at the front and on his temples was absolutely an asset, not a setback at all. It shone in silver under the spotlight.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me...!”
A man shoved Sniper as he passed by and the Aussie was about to say something when he realised that it was the man in question, the man they were about to steal the Australium from. His face then radiated in triumph. Go, Spook, go! You got him! That's it! And you were doubtin’ yerself, look at you…! Who in their right mind wouldn’t take a second to look at you now? I mean now and anytime! You’re just… Sniper bit his lip. Thinking those words was too much. He shall not even think them but keep them in their raw form, as a thought, not mould them into letters and sounds, no, he shall keep that warmth inside him and leave it as a flame. 
“Stars fading but I linger on, dear,
Still craving your kiss,
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear,
Just saying this...”
Gosh, Sniper wished he could stay and listen to the whole song, listen to more of them even. How could Spy sing so well and with a feminine voice at that…? How…?
“Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you,
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you,
But in your dreams whatever they be,
Dream a little dream of me…!”
 The plump man and his flock of sheilas was at the very front now watching the show. Sniper saw him and his eyes quickly darted back up to Spy, he did not want to miss anything of his performance. It was certainly the first and the last time that he would hear the Frenchman perform this way.
But the song ended and the guests applauded loudly. 
“Thank you.” Spy said in the microphone. “I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
Sniper took it as his cue. Without hesitating, he spun on his heels and went to find the stairs. On his way, he heard Spy starting a new song. 
So I have about three minutes before the song ends… He thought to himself and climbed the stairs. Once he reached the first floor, he walked through the corridors until he found the right room. 
He gasped. A guard was coming! Quickly, Sniper stuck his back to the wall at thecorner. Arh! He needed something to distract the guy away from his path, but he had nothing on him but that short suit and - oh! 
The Aussie got an idea. He took one of his sleeves and tore a button of his cuffs off before throwing it on the hardwood floor. 
"Huh?" The guard heard the noise and went to inspect whatever caused it. Meanwhile, Sniper snuck past and slipped in the right room.
Alright, let's do this… 
He closed the door after him and looked around. The room might have been part of a museum. It contained all kinds of artefacts, statues, coins, paintings, knick-knacks of all sizes and shapes. 
Ah, there ye are…
A stick of Australium not longer than a pen but quite thicker was under one of the glass panes. Sniper looked left and right before he got his fingers closer to the glass. 
Please, Engie, tell me you disabled the alarms…!
The Aussie put his fingertips on the glass and taking a deep breath, he pulled the glass upwards very slowly, the sweat breaking on his brow. No alarm rang, there wasn’t a sound. 
Hah, piece o’piss!
Sniper put the object in his inside pocket and made his way out of the room. He luckily found his button back and picked it up from the floor to put it in his pocket. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he melted in the people, looking for Spy to tell him he had what they needed; that they could leave that posh party. 
Sniper stopped sharp. From where he was, people walking around him, swarming like ants, he stood tall, his head above the average crowd and what he saw had an unexpected effect on him. Spy had indeed caught the guy’s attention, no doubt about that. Sniper found the Frenchman off the stage, a bit further were laid a few sofas for the VIPs no doubt. Spy was on one of them, well, not directly on the sofa, the Frenchman was on the guy’s lap, a glass of champagne in his hand, one leg elegantly crossed over the other, his stockings showing entirely on one leg. The Aussie was fuming. He wanted to go there, cover Spy’s leg with his jacket, take the Frenchman’s hand and drag him out. He frowned, furious.
At some point, Spy caught sight of him. He murmured something in the guy’s ear and Sniper couldn’t bear it anymore, he spun on his heels and made his way to his van. Well, Spy would understand that those parties weren’t really Sniper’s natural habitat and that he preferred to wait in his van. 
So Sniper left the mansion, hurtled down the white marble stairs, retreated to his van, and slammed the door shut as he slumped down on his seat. He sighed and taking the steering wheel in his hands, he started drumming his fingers impatiently. 
The fact that the patient hunter lost his ability to behave professionally and wait made him blind with rage, boiling on his seat. He shut his eyes and leaned his head back to take a nap. He tried, but the frown on his brow kept him up, he could not possibly relax. 
He opened his eyes. Spy had opened the passenger’s door. 
“Do you have it?”
“Perfect! Let us be on our way then.”
“Yeah.” Sniper waited for Spy to fasten his seatbelt before he started the engine, and off both of them went back to the base. 
The drive back was mostly silent, if one ignored the rumble of the van’s engine.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Spy frowned. 
“What is it?” He asked.
"What's what?”
“This attitude of yours.” Spy answered. “I left you after the dance and come to find you another different man altogether, and not in a good way, what happened? Did you get caught?”
“Did you have to kill someone?”
“Did you get hurt?”
“Spook, please.”
“What?” Spy asked.
“Get off my back.” Sniper coldly answered.
“I will not.” Spy replied, determined.
“For Christ’s sake…”
“What happened for you to turn so… furious?” Spy asked. “I demand to know!”
“Pfff, you demand nothin’, mate.”
“Yes, I do.” Spy answered and removed his wig. “I thought you were in a good mood up until I left you, what happened then?”
Sniper sighed.
“Was it something I did or said?” Spy asked.
“Leave me alone.”
“Non.” Spy started removing the padding on his chest and he sat back on his seat. 
The rest of the drive back to the base was utterly silent up until Sniper parked the van in front of the base. He waited for Spy to get out but the Frenchman remained marble-like. 
“We’re here, Spook, you can get off.” Sniper undid his seatbelt and hopped off. He went to the back of his van to get a change, but as he climbed up at the back, he noticed that Spy hadn’t moved, as the van hadn’t shaken on its tired suspensions. So the Aussie went back to his driver's seat and opened the door. As he did so, the lights came on inside the van. “Hey, you heard me? We’re back at the base.” Sniper wasn’t even looking at Spy.
“I know.”
“Well then get out, go to your room and do whatever your spooky arse does in the evenin’...!” Sniper said, looking at the base.
“Non.” Spy answered. “Not before I know what is driving you to speak to me in this manner. But If you do speak to me so, then surely I am responsible for your foul mood. So I demand you tell me what I did wrong.” 
“Arh, for fuck’s sake, Spy, you did nothin’ wrong! Now just go, will ya? I’ve got stuff to do!”
“Oh, that you have, Sniper.” Spy finally uncrossed his arms and turned to look Sniper in the eye, the Aussie raised his head and with the lights of the van on, he noticed that Spy had removed the make-up somehow and the wig had gone too. He was… He was Spy again... minus the mask! “And the first thing you will do is explain to me what I did for you to become aggressive!”
A light switched on in the base and it lit a window brightly. Sniper looked at Spy who was still in his dress and himself, still in his suit. 
“We can’t stay here.” Sniper said and hopped off, followed by Spy this time. Sniper opened the back door and hopped in, he turned and saw Spy extending a hand up to get some help. Sniper raised a curious eyebrow.
“Some of us are wearing high heels and a dress, Sniper.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Sniper took Spy’s satin, gloved hand and pulled him in, as he did so, Spy climbed the high step as best as he could but his balance was fragile, so Sniper pulled him by the waist before shutting the door after both of them. 
“Now, pray explain everything to me.” Spy said.
“There’s nothin’ to explain, I’m just… I’m just tired, is all.”
“Liar, and a very poor one at that.” Spy switched the light on inside the van and went to a jar containing some candy. He helped himself to one, which pushed Sniper deeper down in his anger. 
“Alright, it’s you! I mean, me!”
“What did you or I do?”
Sniper sighed and Spy knew he had won. 
“It’s just… It’s my fault, I got carried away…” Sniper sat on the bench and lowered his head, holding it in his hands. 
“Carried away?” Spy asked, taking a seat next to him. “What do you mean?”
“The… The whole thing… You as a sheila, the party, the dance, your singin’... I put funny ideas in my head, is all.” Sniper admitted and immediately regretted it. It was Spy he was talking to, the man who used blackmail as butter to spread on his morning toasts…! “Yeah, alright, you can go tell the others or laugh at me, or whatever it is you wanna do with it.”
“Sniper…” Spy put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Do you mean that… you thought there was more to my performance than mere acting?”
Sniper silently nodded, still not looking his colleague in the eye, his head lowered. 
“I enjoyed this evening too, you know.” Spy said. “And you surprised me with your dancing skills.”
“Spy, spare me your mockin’ and go straight to the point. You’re gonna ask me to pay you to not tell the others or somethin’? Well I don’t give a rat’s arse, you can tell’em, you can tell what happened and even more than what happened, I don’t care. I just…”
“I… I don’t follow you, Sniper.”
Sniper shook his head. 
“I surprised you with my dancin’? Yeah, well I told you I couldn’t dance but you insisted. That’s what you get.”
“Sniper, I did not mean it that way, on the contrary!”
“What?” Sniper’s head jerked back up and he looked at his friend with wide surprised eyes.
“I… You were hesitant at first but when you finally let go, it was… divine.”
Sniper raised an eyebrow, he expected to see irony in Spy’s eyes, but either he was playing too well or there was really none…
“I didn’t really dance, I just, I just moved a bit, that's all.”
“Yet you held me close and…” Spy chuckled, hearing himself. “Pardon my sentimentality, it must come as a surprise to you.”
“That, or you’re really actin’ a part.” Sniper answered. 
“I am not.” Spy shook his head. “Would I be sitting here with you, in a dress and face naked, to tell you lies?”
Sniper sighed. 
“I don’t know.” He answered.
“But all that does not answer my question, Sniper. Why were you so tense, angry even?” Spy gently brushed his hand on his friend’s arm and Sniper turned to look him in the eye before he realised that Spy’s eyes were a lot to take in, and he averted his gaze instead. 
“Well, I told you a bit, I might as well come clean with ya.” Sniper took a deep breath. “Look, I saw you today and uh… Well, I mean, usually… Uh… Arh, I’m sorry, I’m not the best when it comes to words.”
“Then, stand up.” Spy stood up and offered his still gloved hand.
“Stand up, come on.”
Sniper obeyed, although he had no idea where Spy was going.
“Alright, now what?”
“Now close your eyes. Can you hear it?”
“Hear what?” Sniper asked with his eyes closed.
“The music, the same mellow tunes that we heard and danced to, a few hours ago. How were we, again? Ah, yes, just like so.” Spy put Sniper’s hands back where they were. “Are your eyes still closed?”
“What do you see?”
“We’re back there and uh… I’m wonderin’ what you’re makin’ me do.” 
Spy smiled when he felt Sniper’s hand slide from his hip to his back, exactly as it had done earlier. The Frenchman leaned his head on Sniper’s chest.
“Now, tell me what bothers you.” Spy’s voice was velvet like.
“I just… I held you there and you, you looked amazin’, Spook, you were… beautiful. Heh, as a bloke you’re not too bad either, but I don’t know, seein’ you like that, it was just… Gosh…” Sniper was talking almost to himself, out loud, forgetting that Spy was against him, even though he felt the warmth of his body, the comfort of his sweet embrace. He was rocking him left and right, as he had when they danced.
“What happened that made you so angry?” Spy gently asked. 
“Seein’ you on that bloke’s lap.” Sniper admitted, his eyes closed. "I just… I don't know. I felt like… I saw you there, drinkin' and-and your dress…"
"What about it?" 
"It…" Sniper frowned. "It was wide open and… You might as well've been naked, it was wrong, it was so wrong, the way he… He groped you and touched you… I felt like…"
"What did you want to do?" Spy whispered, and he felt Sniper tighten his embrace around him. 
"Wanted to cover your legs with my jacket… Didn't want him or anyone else to see you like that." Sniper had now stopped dancing, he was only holding Spy dearly against himself. "I'm sorry, it's… patronisin' and pathetic, I saw you like a defenseless sheila even though I know you'd never let anyone play with you."
"It is not patronising, I appreciate the thought. Besides," Spy slid his hands on Sniper's chest and raised his head. "I thought I was clear."
"About what?"
"Do you remember what I said at the end of the song?"
"Somethin' about a hunter climbin' stairs and getting some gold, yeah, that was your signal, wasn't it?" Sniper was looking down at Spy. 
"Oh oui, it was a signal, it was a lot of signals. Do you remember my exact words?" 
"Nah, not exactly."
"I would like to dedicate this song to the one hunter brave enough to climb the stairs of my stone hard heart and steal the golden wand of love that he put there.”
"Yeah, poetic, eh?"
"It was a declaration, Sniper." Spy's tone of voice was serious. 
"A declaration of what?"
"Of love." Spy answered. "I sang that song, Dream a little dream of me, as a declaration of my love for you." 
Spy paused for a second, to let Sniper take the measure of what he had just said. He saw the shock in his wide open eyes and his cut breath. The Frenchman leaned against Sniper again. 
"I enjoyed dancing with you so much that for a second I dreamt that we weren't there for business, that we could take our time, that I could have a dance with you. While I was waiting for you, the hesitation of the choice gnawed me on the inside: should I go and dance with him? Should I not? Well, although the answer was 'I should not or we could get caught together', my heart decided to ask you to dance anyway." Spy basked in the warmth of Sniper's body against him. "I wished that we could make that music last forever, I wished that I could prolong that song and that dance until the end of time."
"W-what…?" Sniper's voice came out as a hoarse whisper. 
"But listening to what you felt now," Spy went on. "I have to ask you." He raised his head to Sniper. "Were you feeling… jealousy in your heart?"
Sniper closed his eyes and nodded. 
"It's stupid but… I felt like, because of that small dance with me, I felt like we were, y'know, something. And when I saw that guy touchin' you and treatin' you like one the other sheilas, I lost it. Because you're not a sheila, and even if you were, you wouldn't be one of those. You're different." 
"You know, in my long career and even longer life, it is not the first time that I have to disguise myself as a female. However, it is the first time that I felt natural doing so, all because of you, Sniper."
"What d'you mean?" Sniper looked down at Spy. 
"You looked at me as if you were looking at a woman, you did not see a shred of masculinity in me and your eyes devoured me, not the Spy me, the woman, me. The jealousy you felt, was all because I looked like a woman." Spy took a step back from Sniper. The loss of warmth between them made them realise that the van was quite cold in fact. "Thank you for helping in that wordless way, my performance was enhanced by your faith in my skills." Spy removed the long, white gloves. "I… I shall not bother you any longer, it is quite late already." 
As Sniper had been mostly silent all along, not once contradicting Spy, the Frenchman thought that the Aussie had only been attracted by the disguise, not the person under it. He sighed and walked out of the van, leaving Sniper alone. 
The Aussie 's knees gave up and he sat on the bench.
What? He thought. He sang… To me? What did the song say again? Uhm… C'mon, it's a classic, I know it… 
Sniper closed his eyes and pressed his brains. The lyircs came back to him.
“Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me,
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me,
While I'm alone and blue as can be,
Dream a little dream of me…"
Gosh. Sniper looked through the window. The lights were out in the base, at least the side of the building that he could see. 
"I need to talk to him. He thinks I just felt jealous of the sheila he played, fuck!"
Sniper leapt out of his van and ran to the base, he entered and ran again through the corridor, he took a flight of stairs down, hurtling down, and stopped in front of the door with the knife symbol. He gave a knock. No answer. He knocked again and waited, looking at the keyhole and the whole door, wondering how he could enter even if Spy didn't let him in. 
"Whoever is bothering me at this hour of the night, prepare your spine, my blades will kiss you goodnight!" A furious voice with a French accent roared from behind the door. Spy opened the door, in his pyjamas with a blade in his hand and a balaclava on his face. He stopped sharp and sighed, lowering his weapon. "What are you doing here?" 
"We need to talk." 
"I said all I had to." Spy answered and didn’t move from his door. "There is nothing for me to add."
“Spy, please…?”
The Frenchman sighed before he yielded and moved from the doorway, letting Sniper in. He shut the door after him and removed his balaclava and gloves, before he put his blade away.
“Can I…?” Sniper looked at the sofa. 
“Pray do.” Spy nodded and took a seat on the sofa too.
“You were wrong.” Sniper said without introduction and Spy scoffed.
“About what, if I may ask?”
“Pretty much everythin’.” Sniper answered.
“Ah, well, in that case, please enlighten me at this advanced hour of the night where my heart and mind have suffered long and through, please add to my misery.”
Sniper looked at Spy in a way that meant that he had not come to him for an exchange of witty remarks.
“I didn’t just feel jealous cause you looked like a sheila and I somehow forgot you were a bloke. ‘M not stupid.” Sniper said. “I felt jealous anyway. I just didn’t like the way the guy touched you, regardless of what you look like.”
“Ah, charming and very gallant.” Spy’s sarcasm was a way to let his frustration go but it contaminated Sniper. 
“Listen,” He answered and Spy could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I got jealous regardless, I got jealous because the guy had his dirty hands all over you, Spook, you.” Sniper pointed his finger at his colleague. “I didn’t care that you looked like a sheila, I didn’t care and I don’t care what you look like at all, cause before this evenin’ I had no idea what you looked like without the mask.”
Spy’s eyebrows jumped. He hadn’t thought of that.
“So… It wasn’t because of my disguise as a female?” He tilted his head.
“No, you idiot! I just… I loved the dance with you, it felt… normal. I’m not big on these things but it felt nice with you, even though I had no idea what I was doin’, it was almost like it didn’t matter. You were there and… And you were holdin’ on to me and… Me too. Felt nice, really nice.” Sniper crossed his arms on his chest. 
Spy scooted over to Sniper on the sofa. He slipped one arm around the Aussie and hugged it while leaning on him. 
“Hm?” Spy had closed his eyes.
“Did you sing that song… to me?”
“For you, oui.”
“Did you… mean the stuff you sang?”
“Every single word.”
“Oh.” Sniper relaxed his arms and looked down to his left. Spy was clinging, breathing slowly.
“And you, were you really jealous?” He asked with his eyes shut.
“Yeah… Yeah, I was, for real. I’m a bit dumb like that. You touched me and I just… I just imagined things. Felt like a dream though, really.”
“The best kind of dream, the one that you make with open eyes.” Spy answered in a sigh, his heart swelling in his chest.
“Hold on…” Sniper pulled himself out of Spy’s embrace and the frenchman failed to hide his disappointment at the lack of contact. “It’s gettin’ late and uh…”
“You want to return to your van, I suppose?”
“Yeah, I mean… As much as I'd like to stay with you, uh…"
"Who said you couldn't?" Spy asked. 
"No one, but… Even my bunk's more comfy than your couch."
“What about my bed?”
The surprise of the question made Sniper stop talking for a long moment. Spy smiled. He stood up and extended his hand to Sniper, the same way that he had done to invite him to dance. Sniper's eyes went from Spy's to his hand. He hesitated for a second, but raised his hand and put it on top of Spy's. 
"Come on." Spy led him to his bedroom and shut the door after them. "I can lend you something to sleep with, although it might be a bit short on your legs."
"It's fine… I mean, I usually don't sleep with much but uh… Spy, you sure about this?" 
Spy went to the other side of the bed. He satdown and gave his back to Sniper. 
"I would love you to join me, please."
"A-alright." Sniper took the opportunity of Spy not looking at him to shed his clothes only to stay in his tanktop and boxer shorts. "You can turn, Spook." 
"May I?" 
Spy turned and even in the low light of the night lamps Sniper saw his pupils blow wide. 
"Uhm… So, you take that side?" The Aussie asked. 
"The only side I take is yours." 
Both slipped under the blanket and Spy latched on his lover. He put a hand on Sniper's chest, slithered a leg between his and rested his head on his shoulder. 
"Woah…" Sniper said, overwhelmed by it all. 
"If you would rather I faced the other side,-"
"No." Sniper cut Spy. "Nah, it's… you're alright."
Spy raised his lips to be near the Aussie's ear. 
"I am yours." He whispered.
"Gosh… c’mere…” This time Sniper wrapped his arms around Spy and hugged him dearly. He kissed his brow and the Frenchman moaned in thanks. “Oh, sorry, too much?”
“Non, on the contrary, please?”
Sniper kissed Spy on his forehead again and he felt the Frenchman’s legs stretch against his. 
"Someone's happy, eh?”
“Delighted…” Spy purred and buried himself down Sniper’s neck, softly nuzzling there. He whispered words that the Aussie barely heard. 
“Ah, wow… Spook, we’re never gonna sleep…” Sniper heard the soft sound of kisses, he felt the Frenchman gently exploring his skin. “Also, what’re you sayin’? Can’t hear you…”
“I am saying things that you know already, so you don’t need to hear them.” Spy purred. 
“What? Nah, c'mon, tell me, I wanna know…” Sniper chuckled, Spy’s kisses were tickling him.
“I was saying…”
“Je t’aime.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I love you, Sniper.”
Sniper’s eyes snapped wide. 
“I uh, me too, Spook. I… I love you.” 
Spy pulled himself out of his hideout and looked down at Sniper, his cheeks red. He bent down until their foreheads touched, he gently brushed his hooked nose against Sniper’s. One of Spy’s hands was on Sniper’s cheek, the other was in his har, massaging his scalp.
“Gosh, Spook…” Sniper’s heartbeat filtered through his breath. 
“May I?”
“May you what?”
“Do something that I have yearned to.” Spy whispered. “Please, I beg of you, Sniper, let me kiss your lips…”
Sniper’s breath hitched. 
“I-yeah, pelase, Spook, I mean, yeah-mmmh…”
Spy did not wait for the end of the sentence and gently pushed his lips against Sniper’s, tightening the grip he had on his hair. Sniper rolled his eyes up in bliss and felt his entire body go limp. Only his heart burnt in his chest, and his lips too.
When Spy withdrew, they both took a deep breath and chuckled. 
“Sorry, I’m…” Sniper looked away. 
“Oh, please, don’t apologise you did nothing wrong.” Spy smiled and rested his forehead against Sniper’s again.
“Gosh, Spook, I can feel you breathin’ against me and… You’re layin’ on me… I love that, I mean, you’re warm and, I don’t know, it’s comfy.”
Spy chuckled. 
“Can we do it again, I mean, pelase?”
“As much as you want.” Spy bent down to meet Sniper’s lips and the Aussie rolled on the bed to be on top of the Frenchman. He frowned as he took the lead and decided to kiss him better, not just pushing his lips. He gently grabbed Spy’s upper lip between both of his. Spy moaned low, like a pur, he hooked his arms up around Sniper’s neck and pulled his body down.
The night was spent. Sleepless, but it was spent.
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orbitariums · 4 years
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝟏𝟒)
omg! this chapter is a bit shorter than most and it’s lowkey a filler kinda sorta i just wanted to show them hanging out together and show their lives 
next chapter is gonna be the same format but with a lil spice...
warnings: some smut, fluff an’ sweet domesticity :’)
word count: 6.1k
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
     You screamed so loud that Steve poked his head out from the bathroom where he was brushing his teeth to check on you in the living room, where you were cooped up on the couch with your iPad, your eyes glued to the screen. 
     “You okay?” Steve asked through a mouthful of toothpaste, eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
     He was pleasantly surprised when you turned to face him and you were positively beaming, baring your glistening teeth in a wide smile, your eyes glittering. 
      “I keep getting orders!” you exclaimed, referring to your all new clothing store brand that you had in the works earlier that summer. Recently, it had been taking off just how you wanted. 
     Steve discarded his toothbrush and bounded over to you, making you drop your iPad on the couch as he scooped you up effortlessly, hugging you tight. You squealed with happiness, wrapping your legs around Steve’s waist. He was such a serious guy, it was nice when he made such a grand, intimate gesture like this towards you. He smothered your face and cheeks with kisses, leaving the last smooch on your forehead. 
      “I’m so happy for you, doll,” he grinned, his eyes glimmering just like yours. 
The way Steve’s excitement matched yours just reminded you that he was rooting for you— he was on your side, which felt so rare for you. Steve was a rare treasure in your life, and you still couldn’t wrap your mind around how you’d found him. 
You giggled, giddy with excitement,
     “I’m so glad I have you to celebrate this with.”
     “Who would I be if I wasn’t your hype man?” Steve asked, looking directly into your eyes with a smile on his lips. 
     “Steve, you are literally my best friend,” you grinned, your heart swelling by how taken aback you were with how deeply he expressed his love. “Now time for me to call my other bestie.”
Steve grinned,
     “Does that mean I have to put you down?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully, 
     “I mean, if you wanna give it away…”
     “Noted,” Steve rescinded, setting you down on the floor before him where you returned to your favorite place— right under Steve, with him hovering over you and keeping you safe. 
He kissed you sweetly on the lips before leaving you to call Aaliyah on the couch. 
     “Hey best friend,” she answered the phone with a trill.
     “Hi girlie,” you grinned, absolutely shining.
     “Ooh, someone’s in a good mood! What happened?!” Aaliyah straightened herself up in her bed, all ears. 
     “Your girl keeps making sales,” you glanced away from the camera as if it were no big deal to you, only to return with a big grin on your face.
     “Okay work!” Aaliyah practically screeched, jumping out of her bed. “Girl, you need to come back soon so we can get drunk drunk. Like, drunk. Just for you.”
     “I’ll be back, try not to miss me too much.”
     “You seem to be having the time of your life, though, girl. I’m honestly kinda surprised. But like, pleasantly surprised,” Aaliyah commented— if only she knew. 
She still thought you were spending your time in New York with family, she didn’t have a clue about Steve. You didn’t want to have to lie to her, but you knew it was the smart decision for now. Besides, it wasn’t like you were ridden with guilt— if anything, Aaliyah would understand your reasoning. 
     “I know, New York really is where dreams come true,” you noted sarcastically, earning a quiet chuckle from Steve in the kitchen. 
     “Okay, city girl. Just don’t forget where you came from,” Aaliyah smirked playfully. “For real though, I’m so proud of you.”
     “Thank you, my love. I  miss you.”
     “Me too, girl.”
     “So what have you been up to?”
     For a few hours, you and Aaliyah caught up over Facetime. She filled you in on what you’d been missing at home, and how summer and school was going for her, since she was trying to get into med school now. In truth, it wasn’t like there was much to catch up on, since it had only been a week since you’d been apart, you just loved each other that much. You had to hang up when you saw the time, since you had a date with Steve at the museum. You were glad that he seemed to be getting more comfortable taking you to the more public places, even if it meant you both had to be discreet. But that wasn’t hard, you were so comfortable with each other that you didn’t bother much with other people, and others didn’t bother too much with you. You were too preoccupied with each other to even notice much of anything else.
    You still didn’t understand how it wasn’t obvious that Steve was Captain America even when he was in his trusty disguise of glasses and a cap, considering how massive he was. You’d even noticed people staring in a mix of wonderment and desire when you were out with him, because he was quite the specimen. You never really got jealous, but you always found yourself gripping his hand tighter when that happened. Of course, he never paid other people much mind. 
    “You ready?” Steve asked, his back facing you as he heard you come out of the bedroom. 
    “Think so,” you chimed happily. 
     Steve turned around at the sound of your voice and immediately felt his heart drop to his stomach. He paused, unsure of what to even say. You were wearing a cream colored silk mini-dress, a gold plated necklace with earrings to match, along with heels. You were positively dazzling, even beyond your outfit— Steve truly thought you looked good all the time, but when you dressed up, you dressed up. 
     “Wow,” he breathed, truly at a loss for words, his eyes raking up and down your body. He was truly amazed by your presence— just being here made him feel like he was in the presence of a goddess. If you thought you were confused by how you’d won someone like him, you’d be knocked out by Steve’s disbelief. 
     You felt your cheeks grow warm at the way Steve was silently worshipping you. He looked so innocent, standing there wide-eyed in awe. It was almost as if he hadn’t seen every single part of you, as if you didn’t realize that his eyes were on you almost all the time— well, the latter was true. He never got tired of your beauty. You were truly timeless. But eventually, you laughed, shaking your head and stepping forward and taking his hands in your own. 
     “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” you joked with him, reaching in to kiss his lips. 
     “You look incredible. When don’t you?” he smiled, looking you up and down once again. He gestured to your neck, furrowing his brows. “Where’d you get that necklace?”
     “This one?” you looked down, then back up, shrugging. “Think I made it.”
     “Of course you did,” Steve shook his head, chuckling under his breath. “Gorgeous and talented. How could I not guess that?”
     “You’re so corny, Steve,” you snorted, pressing your hand against his chest. “I love it.”
He smoothly maneuvered his arm around your waist so you were close to him, leading you out the door.
     “Shall we?” he pulled you close to him. 
      When you got to the museum, you both were glad to see that it wasn’t crowded, but not unnaturally empty. It almost felt like your circumstances were normal, and that felt nice and unique from your usual system. Steve never made it feel like the two of you had to be in hiding, but the illusion that the precautions weren’t so necessary here felt nice. Of course, it was only an illusion. 
       You were both always careful, but you were too enamoured by one another to let the issue of privacy stress you the way it did before. Steve’s previous anxiety surrounding keeping you both safe and secret had improved so much ever since you actually came around and lit up his life. He almost wished he had realized how much of a good thing this was sooner, then he would’ve had you right next to him ages ago. 
        The way Steve held your hand when you stepped out the car and all the way into the museum admittedly had you feeling incredibly special. He had you on his arm, but the way you were shining made it so clear that you were one of a kind, in a league of your own. You just happened to complement each other nicely, even perfectly. That was rare for even the closest of couples, so you were eternally grateful. You matched each other like chocolate and vanilla ice cream, explicitly sweet. You weren’t unaware of the eyes on the both of you as you strode through the museum— hell, together, the two of you looked like Greek gods, one beautiful inside and out, the other gracious, hulking, and strong. You might as well have been reincarnations of Aphrodite and Ares. 
     You had never been in this museum before, it was called MoMa, short for The Museum of Modern Art. Truthfully, you didn’t spend much time in museums back home. You were much more of an outdoors kind of gal, but you enjoyed being in this museum with Steve almost as much as you did day drinking at an outdoor cafe. The museum was undoubtedly fancy and sophisticated, making you feel right at home while you were all dressed up and always, always carrying yourself with poise. 
Steve felt lucky just to be standing beside you, and the two of you enjoyed your time together drifting through the museum, fixating on one work of art from the next, taking your time and staying close together. 
     “Isn’t that you?” Steve joked, pointing to a marble statue of a beautiful woman who actually did look a bit like you. 
     “You’re too charming,” you snickered, squeezing his side. 
He reached over and kissed your forehead, 
      “I know a work of art when I see it.”
You pushed your head up so you could reach his lips, pressing a kiss on his mouth, closing your eyes and shutting out the dim light of the museum for just a second, so you could get lost in him. When you opened your eyes, you and Steve made direct eye contact, gazing in each other’s eyes as if you were the only two in the room. Steve almost seemed to stand completely still, lost in the way your eyes glimmered like the water you spent so much time around back home. You knew you had him right where you wanted, and you gave his arm a squeeze as you bit down on your lip, hiding an impish smile. 
      “Come on,” you nodded towards the exit, gripping his hand and making your way towards the exit.
It was almost like you were lugging Steve behind you, the way he was following your lead like a helpless puppy. You had to fight the urge to cackle at how quickly he melted for you, just from a single kiss. Not only was he touch starved, but he was infatuated with you. That made matters even worse. Steve was a man with honorable impulse control, but when it came to you, looking so beautiful, kissing him so soft and sweet just how he liked, “control” was out of the picture. And now that you were leaving, it was clear what you were both getting yourselves into. 
You got into the car, eagerly settling into the backseat. Steve, on the other hand, rushed into the driver’s seat and was about to start the car when you asked,
      “What are you doing?”
Steve’s head nearly whipped back to look at you, and he furrowed his eyebrows. 
     “We’re gonna leave, right?” 
You just stared at him for a moment, judgment plastered on your face. You blinked,
     “It takes like thirty minutes to get home.”
Steve made a face, his eyebrow quirked up in confusion,
      “You don’t wanna go home?”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile that was tugging at your lips,
      “Can you just come to the back?”
He swiftly climbed into the back seat and you chuckled,
     “You’re so silly, old man.” 
     “‘S been a while,” he grunted. 
Your eyes flitted up and down his face, and then met his eyes. 
       “Need you. Now,” was all you said in a voice so quiet that it was like you were telling him a secret.
You made eye contact with Steve once more and he understood, Steve barely even had the chance to speak before you were scrambling on top of him, pressing your lips harshly against his and opening your mouth, Steve following your lead and doing the same, your tongues in each other’s mouths as you kissed. It was less like kissing and more like you were trying to compete to see how long you could hold your breaths, moaning repeatedly into each other’s mouths and only consuming oxygen through heavy pants. It was like you forgot you needed to operate normally, the way you were rubbing frantically against each other and abusing your limited backseat space. Your dress was jammed against your legs because you hadn’t pulled it up properly, and your knees were knocking against the inside of the car.
     “I wanna fuck,” you pulled away from his lips, only for him to pout at the lack of contact, resolving to kiss your neck instead, making your skin burn hot on the space where his lips were. You gasped from the unexpected feeling, Steve sucking at all the right spots on your body. He had you all figured out, from the first moment you got intimate with each other. But you didn’t get distracted from your main objective, pushing him away so you could focus, his chest heaving up and down below you. “Right now.”
Steve raised his brows. His face, already a flushed shade of pink from the abundance of physical proximity, darkened to a deep red. 
     “You… you want me here? Right-right now?”
     Your jaw clenched. Just by looking into your eyes, which had darkened like a stormy, grey sky, Steve could see just how serious you were. You were determined you were to get what you wanted, and who was he to get in the way of your needs? Of course, he wasn’t quite thinking logically, but there wasn’t enough room for logic when you were smothering him like this in the car, no matter how spacious it was. 
You nodded almost solemnly. You were like a cat in heat right now. If a switch had turned on in Steve earlier, then right now, a big red button was being pressed inside of you, only it meant “go.” 
     “Yes. Please don’t make me wait, daddy,” you purred, putting on your best angel face, and something stirred deep inside of Steve when you called him that, when you looked at him like that. 
His voice went soft and he nearly cooed at you,
     “‘M not gonna make you wait… it’s just…”
     “No one’s gonna see us,” you leaned in to kiss him again, and pulled away before he could deepen the kiss the way he wanted to, leaving him to pull desperately at your waist. “We’re parked far away from everyone else, see? And it-it’s dark!”
Steve smirked at your frenzied reply, consisting of one excuse after the other,
      “You really need this right now, hmm?”
      “Don’t get cocky. You need this more than I do,” you bit back snarkily, grinding against his very apparent erection, which throbbed against your center. You bit down on your lip, failing to conceal a devious smirk. “See?”
      “Yeah, I-I see,” Steve groaned, glancing down at where your bodies met in the middle, wishing you would take your dress off now. He regained his composure to ask you this one question. “Why so sudden?”
You growled, eager to get past the niceties of fucking,
      “Because. Now shut up so I can do my job.”
      “Oh wow,” Steve chuckled, raising his brows like he was impressed. “You’re very dedicated to-”
You weren’t kidding.
       “Stop talking,” you said, putting your hand over his mouth. 
      He looked up at you, all the amusement drained from his eyes, replaced by desire and awe. He felt inclined to listen to you, amazed by the new side of you that was coming out all of the sudden. It wasn’t like he always dominated you, and it was obvious that you had Steve wrapped around your finger. But this… this was different.
You kissed him furiously, grinding against him with expertise, making him arch his hips up just to meet you halfway, but you weren’t letting him give in to the pleasure fully yet. You didn’t have time to waste, and yet you had all the time in the world.
You let the tip of your tongue slide against his, then your tongue trailed against his open lips, making him let out a low pitched groan, his eyes half lidded at the soft but prominent sensation. You wanted to make this quick, but every part of you was savoring the moment. It had been a while since you’d done anything so thrilling in public, even if you were sure no one could see you. 
      Steve’s hand snaked its way up your dress, wasting no time. It took him a minute to catch on in the beginning, but now that he had, he was right where you needed him to be. He went to push your underwear to the side and the look on his face was priceless when he realized you weren’t wearing any. He was pleased that you were even more accessible, but at the same time he was shocked. He hadn’t been expecting it. 
      “You aren’t wearing anything under that?” he asked breathlessly, his fingers circling your clit immediately, the pad of another finger dipping into your slit with ease because you were already soaking. “Fuck, you’re already wet.”
He started pumping a finger in and out of you, hitting a perfect spot and brushing up against your walls just right. You moaned and rode his fingers, hips thrusting up in the air as you threw your head back. 
     “Baby,” you panted after some time. “Take your pants off.”
You watched as he hurried to follow your commands, his pants and boxers pooling at his knees as he sat there with his dick erect against his stomach, both of you hot and restless. You practically lunged forward, grinding against him while he worked to unzip your dress, pulling it over your head. The whole event was a mess of clothes being flung everywhere, your bodies knocking into each other and the car seats. It was a blur, really, and you remember crying out when you first sunk onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and taking him smoothly, slowly, as he watched you with his mouth dropped in an o shape and his eyes glazed over. 
     “Fuck,” you whined, taking his length. It was one thing to be beneath him, it was another thing to be on top and be stretched out like never before. It was like a completely different feel and a completely different angle, and still perfect nonetheless. “You feel so good baby, look at me.”
     You forced Steve to look up at you, perking his chin up with your finger. He was shuddering, his thighs shaking each time you sunk down onto him. You were practically riding him into submission, and the thought made you smirk. 
      “You like this?” you cooed. “You like when I ride you?”
He nodded quickly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. 
     “Say it,” you demanded, inching your hand up his chest and settling your palm around his throat. 
His hips bucked up inadvertently, and he groaned,
     “Y-yes baby, I could fuck you like this forever.”
     “Yeah, I bet you could,” you crooned, letting your finger trail along his face, your nail tickling his cheek. 
     As you got used to taking him, you began to ride him like a pro, the movement of your hips syncing with his effortlessly, bouncing up and down and grinding on him all at once. No matter what you did, the feeling was unbeatable for the both of you, and you couldn’t get enough. On top of that, you had clearly taken charge tonight. Steve was enamoured by you, goddess that you were, and he wanted you on top a lot more now.
     Granted, it was the first time, but he only wished it could’ve happened sooner, because then he could cherish this feeling earlier. You took the lead with such ease, because you knew what you were doing and that was clear. Your sex appeal radiated off of you without you even having to try, and your confidence was just the cherry on top. Steve could tell you were enjoying yourself, shamelessly eating up his submission. You were being greedy, reckless. He wanted more and more. 
      Your movements were graceful and easy, your back arched to get that crucial spot for the two of you, arms wrapped lazily around his neck as you rode him like the perfect wave. He obeyed immediately when you told him to keep his previously wandering hands on your waist, watching in amazement as you led him, the captain. 
     You lowered your head down to his, pressing your forehead against his as you began to moan, and he could tell you were about to come by the way you squeezed around him. When you did, it was like an explosion. You nearly screamed into his ear, but instead bit down on his neck, leaving a bite that was sure to bruise. You kept riding him while you were coming, anyway, telling him to come with you and triggering his own orgasm, letting him fill you up with his cum. For a while, the two of you just sat there, Steve still inside of you, his head knocking against your chest, while you wrapped your arms around him. 
     “I’m putting a looot of trust into you right now, you know that?” you pulled your shirt off, stretching your arms up above your head. 
Steve laughed, shaking his head,
     “No pressure.”
     “I’m absolutely joking,” you leaned forward to give him a kiss while cupping his face, lingering at his lips for a few seconds with a soft smile before you pulled away. “I know it’ll turn out amazing. But I can’t stay still for too long.”
     “It won’t take more than an hour, I promise,” Steve put his pinky out in front of him and you rolled your eyes before interlacing your pinky with his. 
     “As long as I’m with you, I don’t mind.”
     “Okay. Your bra is real pretty, but that has to go, too,” Steve said, gesturing to your pink lace bra.
      “Can you take it off me, please?” you smiled innocently, but Steve just stared you down. 
     “If I do that, you’re gonna try to distract me,” he stood his ground, and you chortled, cupping his face in your hands as you leaned forward, 
     “Steve, I would never. I understand the importance of the artist’s process. Here, I’ll even turn around.”
You turned so your back was facing Steve, your shoulders relaxing when you felt his big hands brushing against your skin, undoing your bra. You felt his bare hands roam up the expanse of your back and rolled your shoulders back into the all encompassing touch. 
     “Just trying to understand my canvas,” Steve muttered, his broad hands cupping your shoulders like he was giving you a massage. 
You sighed, rolling back your neck until you could see a glimpse of him, a slight smile on your face. You crossed your arms over your chest to cover your breasts, making an X shape with your arms. 
     “I’m sure,” you replied, and he lurched forward to plant a kiss on your lips before leaning back, gesturing for you to lie down. 
     You lay down on your front side, your back fully exposed to Steve. Rays of light splashed against your back and shone in Steve’s softened face. You could hear him cleaning his paintbrushes in the mason jar of water that was balancing on the bed sheets, the brush clanking against the rim of the jar and the water sloshing around with the bristles. Your days with Steve were growing more and more intimate as the time passed on. 
     Steve had finally given in to your pleas that he draw more, but he took it a step further and decided he would paint instead, using you as a canvas. Steve caught on fast, and you loved that about him. Whatever you wanted to do, he was down, and he would go that extra mile because he wanted to, not because he didn’t feel like he had an option. 
     You tapped your feet against the bed sheets to the rhythm of the Jhene Aiko song playing in the background, and grinned to yourself when you heard Steve humming along. You put him onto so much that he didn’t even realize the things he was picking up from you along the way. 
     “Alright,” Steve grinned in satisfaction, dipping his brush into the selection of paints on his easel. “You ready?”
You gave him a thumbs up, giddy with excitement. Steve had to gently touch your ankles to remind you to stop shaking, and you uttered a giggly apology while he shook his head playfully. 
     “Never had such a difficult canvas,” Steve straddled the back of your legs as you lay still below him. 
     “Shut up,” you chuckled, cutting yourself off with a gasp when you felt the cool paint against your back. “Shit, that’s cold as fuck!”
     “Language,” Steve smirked, and you barked a bitter laugh. 
     “This is coming from the man who was describing the ways he wanted to deflower my body in obscene depth this morning,” you clapped back at him, and he opened his mouth to reply, only to recede with a resigning sigh. Noting his silence, you simpered. “I win.”
     “Just remember I am the one with total control over your body right now. One misstroke and this painting goes from Mona Lisa quality to absolute shit,” Steve reminded you, waving a finger in the air. 
      “Mona Lisa? Someone thinks real highly of themselves,” you poked fun at him as he continued to layer paint on your back to create a light blue base. “Besides, paint washes off.”
    �� “I’ll lock you out of the bathroom,” Steve sniggered, much too pleased with himself for your liking. You swatted at him with a reprimanding hand and he dodged it. “Alright, alright. I won’t mess it up on purpose, I promise.”
     “You better not,” you murmured, already sinking into sleep. You couldn’t help it. You were tired from being worn out this morning, because Steve did do everything to your body that he said he would do, namely fucking the daylights out of you. And, Steve painting on your back was oddly therapeutic in a way, and the brush against your back felt like feathers from a pillow, lulling you to sleep. So, you fell asleep as the sound of the music playing faded away. 
You woke up to the sound of Steve’s deep voice in your ear, telling you to wake up so he could take pictures of you. 
      Your eyes trickled open slowly and you looked up at Steve who was laying on his side next to you, positively beaming. You smiled sleepily, the fog from your sleep starting to clear from the light Steve was emanating. His face was so close up, you couldn’t help but brush your nose against his and give him a butterfly kiss before kissing his nose with your lips. 
     “I finished,” Steve grinned in celebration, and in that moment you were sure you’d never seen him look so happy, except for when you stepped off the private jet and into his life. 
     “Baby,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and got up gingerly, so as not to mess up the masterpiece that was still drying on your back. “Lemme see.”
      Steve got up quickly and dragged the full body mirror towards you, standing behind it and holding it up, a proud smile glued to his face. You couldn’t help but giggle at how satisfied he looked with the results, and your heart swelled to see him so happy and actually doing some personal hobbies outside of work. You were glad you were with him, and you were glad that meant he got a break from the hustle of his everyday life. This break wouldn’t last forever, but at least he was getting one. He didn’t often do things that he actually liked to do, he was so worked up. When he was with you, he was free to do whatever, and you actually pushed him to do the things he enjoyed. 
      You turned so your back faced the mirror, and craned your neck to see the work of art. It was a divine myriad of colors on your glowing skin, a light blue sky as the base, a painting of the sun and moon on top. The moon and sun each had eyes, a nose, and a mouth, and the moon was hugging the sun, covering its right eye. He had drawn swirly clouds and glinting stars all around to truly bedazzle the piece. You couldn’t stop smiling, it was truly beautiful and probably the most intimate thing you’d ever done with someone. 
      “Steve, you’re literally amazing at this. I’m serious,” you prodded him when he shook his head in embarrassment. “I mean look, you know it’s amazing, you’re so proud of yourself! And you should be.”
You scrambled over to him, tugging at the camera that was hanging by a strap around his neck,
     “C’mon. Take pictures of it!”
     “Yeah, just—” Steve cocked his head to the side, trailing off, and you realized immediately that he was distracted by your bare upper torso. 
You shook your head, laughing to yourself, and stood up on your knees to pose for him. 
      “You can take some just for yourself, too,” you winked. 
       You woke up to the feeling of Steve stroking your face with his thumb and kissing the top of your head ever so gently, the room dark except for the fuzzy light blue glare of the TV screen a few feet away. You snuggled into his chest, already laid up on top of him, both your bodies stretched out on the cozy couch. 
      You sighed sleepily and blinked up at him. He was fixated on the TV, halfway through the first Deathly Hallows movie. You’d fallen asleep somewhere towards the end of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, so you were quite pleasantly surprised that Steve let you lay on him for so long, and that he continued watching the movies. His blue eyes were unmoving, glued to the screen and thoroughly engaged in the story. You smiled below him and poked his chest, making him glance down at you with an unassuming “hmm?” sound. 
      “How long have I been asleep?”
      “A long time,” Steve smooched your forehead, then your nose, and then your lips, suffocating you with his kisses. “How are you feeling?”
     “Not as sleepy. We stayed up way too late last night,” you reminded him, and he shrugged. 
      “At least I’m almost finished,” he said, referring to the Harry Potter movies that you had stayed up late last night to continue. 
     “We gotta figure out your Hogwarts house,” you squinted up at him, making the calculations in your head. “I think you’re a Gryffindor. I am too.”
     “Gryffindor, Hufflepuff… it’s all the same, isn’t it?” Steve sighed, and you gasped, sitting up on his lap and looking at him, appalled,
      “Steve! Have you learned nothing from the past seven movies?”
He cackled, shaking his head,
      “I’m kidding. I think so too, doll.”
You pushed his chest with a dramatic pout, 
      “Nevermind, asshole, you’re definitely a Slytherin.”
      “Hey, I don’t wanna be a bad guy!”
      “Boo fucking hoo,” you droned. “You get to be a hero all the goddamn time, take your Slytherin house placement and go. Also, you clearly haven’t been paying attention! Not all Slytherins are bad.”
      “I’ll take being an Avenger over being a Slytherin any day,” Steve noted casually, and you couldn’t help but grin at the side note. You positioned yourself on his lap so you were straddling him and he put his hands around your waist almost reflexively. 
      “Of course,” Steve insisted. “My job is tough but, someone’s gotta do it.”
     “You ever wish you weren’t like this? I mean… if you’d known things would turn out the way they did…”
You bit your lip in anticipation as you waited for Steve’s answer, because he was taking a while to think about it. You hoped you weren’t pushing a boundary here by asking this question, but Steve knew you had good intentions, and you knew him long enough to know that he wouldn’t be afraid to answer you.
     He finally found it in him to give you a cohesive answer. He truly had to think, because it wasn’t a feeling he could quite put into words. People thought Steve was this stonelike, serious guy, but he was mainly just pensive. He was still the same Steve he’d always been, even before the serum, even before he became a figure of fame. Now, people just happened to take him a whole lot more seriously. People admired him. But all the while, he was still grieving, still trying to figure out his footing in this world. Now that he was with you, the process was going along much smoother. 
He clasped your hands, bringing your interlaced fingers to his lips,
     “I’ve been through a lot. And it’s hard for me to face things head on sometimes, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have to admit, though, it really has been nice just… being unseen. Just for a few days, being unknown by the world. Under the radar, I guess. I get to just be Steve, not Captain. And don’t get me wrong, I’d never complain about my responsibilities. I’m just a private person. I’m not in this for the fame and the attention. That’s the only thing I’d ever change. I just want to do what’s right. I don’t need the praise.”
     You nodded, completely understanding. Whenever you and Steve had these deep conversations, you were glad, because you really both listened to each other. You said exactly what was on your minds without fearing judgment. You had kind of expected that to be Steve’s answer, the way he cherished his privacy and didn’t seem to care much for the frills attached to his honorable job. 
     Notoriety wasn’t Steve’s goal, in fact he figured he’d be better off without it. He was grateful for his work, but he didn’t need the fans and worship that came with it. You could honestly never grow tired of Steve talking about himself— his past, his present, his job, his fears. He hardly talked about himself anyway, he was always engulfed in one thing or another. You liked pulling things out of him, not because you wanted to be intrusive, but because you knew it’d be good for him. Besides, how would you get along if you didn’t truly know each other?
As he spoke, you nodded, taking in each and every word. You let your fingernails lightly scratch his face, trailing along his perfect superhuman skin, lulling him without even realizing it. 
     “I get that. You could be Steve Rogers and just save lives, and live just how you want to.”
     “Yeah,” Steve smiled, gazing up into your eyes, the movie long forgotten in the background. He placed his hands on your hips as if to keep you in place where you were, locking you in like you belonged here and here only. “What about you? Would you change anything?”
      You cocked your head with a small smile. You hadn’t been expecting him to ask about you, and it honestly wasn’t something you thought of quite a lot. Maybe if you were still hurting, you’d say yes. But, because your whole life had brought you to this point, here with him and happy with yourself, you couldn’t. 
You shook your head, biting down on your lip, your smile expanding,
     “No. I wouldn’t. I’m actually kind of content now. Healing’s a long process, but it’s worth it. And I’m with you, so it’s all worth it.”
Steve’s eyes glimmered when you said that, and his fingers dung deeper into your hips.
        “Think this is probably the happiest I’ve ever been,” Steve said, and god, he didn’t know how much that meant to you.
tags later!
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wildewinged-fr · 7 years
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of course ahnvahr is doing well, why wouldn’t he be
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blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 34
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“Gimli!” Andy said making you smile and accept his hug on the way into the building for the table read, “Almost didn’t recognize you. Can’t wait to see you blonde.” He murmured with a wink your way sharing that he knew that you were going to be the lead for a while now having been working so close with Peter on this project already in just the research phase. “Peter should be along shortly to meet us early birds. Looks like we’re here first.”
“Oh that’s good, then we can pick our seats, shuffle others around and just cause mayhem.” Making him chuckle to himself and lead the way into the room he’d been in before for the earlier table read. Once inside the room closest to a banquet hall in your mind you eyed the cloth coated tables in the shape of a square set up with binders on them at each padded wooden seat appearing to be small wingback style dining chairs and name places for each actor around where Peter would be seated. Around the table you strolled reading off the names from the numbered gunners, pilots, crew members and various other speaking extras feeding into the actors from various sections of the film.
The executives from the start of the film interacting with Jack were grouped along with the police who would come to fetch them at the docks feeding to Adrien and Colin Hanks who would be beside Kyle Chandler playing the lead actor in the fake film inside this one. The few supporting actors acting as camera crew took up the final spots by them as you sat across from them in the middle of your side just past the actors from the theater Ann works in. On your right Andy sat with Jamie Bell leading off the other ship based crew members including Thomas Kretschmann, Evan Parke and Lobo Chan. The final spots on the cast for speaking extras on the film would be folded in on the set to keep them from waiting around all day for only a few lines, a spot you knew well from some of your roles.
Andy with a grin eased out your chair for you making you giggle and ease between the front of it to fit into the gap to sit as he scooted it in for you as all the chairs were close together and hard to squeeze between. “Thank you,” Into the back of your seat you settled your jacket you shrugged out of adjusting your black t shirt under the baggy grey cardigan Richard had left you that with a ruffle of your hair that had your curls settling at their own whims around your face and shoulders they barely reached.
Into his own chair he eased grinning to the woman entering with glasses in a tray she was settling at each seat while another entered with water bottles. The opening of your bag on your lap drew a glance your way from them and Andy in settling his chair into place watching you bring out a bottle of v8 you settled on the table then shifted your bag at your side. Flashing him a quick sheepish grin you said, “Lee bought two cases before he went to Canada and forgot he couldn’t take them with him and this is the last one. Have to drink them or they’ll go bad on me.”
“No judgments here,” out of his bag he pulled a bottle of pineapple juice making you giggle, “Lady Love has me on a juice cleanse, whatever that is. Read it somewhere and I don’t think we’re doing it right cuz we had a full English each morning since and bacon wrapped pork fillets and buttery salty boiled veggies for two days now and all we drink is pineapple juice.”
That had you giggle again, “I don’t think that’s how you do it either. I think it’s meant you only consume fruit juice and no food as a sort of fasting regimen.”
“Bugger that, don’t you tell her that,” making you pretend to lock your lips, “Think she just got swept up with the coupons.”
That had you pointing at the bottle in your hand, “Came home to split eight cases of this stuff because they were on sale for ten cents, not even a huge sale.” Making him chuckle, “Still can’t believe you ran off and got married on me.”
“No one knew, something about relatives and a scuffle with the mead would have had our clans clashing not to mention my mum would have wanted the big Catholic shindig and we were not for that so pop to the courthouse and back. Saves so much time and then I took her to Aruba, burned about most of my backside off in the sun but she loved the bits around my snake peeling self coming out of the shower in the mornings.”
“True love,” you teased making him chuckle and join you in taking sips of your drinks.
“How’s your fella?”
“Cold, got him up in Northern Canada for part of his role, so he’s cold and grumpy and can’t wait for me to be back. Only have a few weeks when I get there till he’s off to Europe for the rest of his role. But then we go to England for more cold to Spring scenes for North and South.”
“Ooh, do they like your hair color now?”
“Yes, they did mention they love the shade so this one will work and I have a friend who knows a good salon I can get my roots touched up when I need it, brows too. I do like it when I am in bits of sunlight when we can get it cuz it glows a bit golden.”
“If only we had more sun,” making you giggle again. “A shame to dull your glow.”
“Just wait till I go platinum the girls say I will be other worldy.”
“No doubt on that.” He said glancing over eyeing Thomas walking in with Evan Parke, both who paused seeing the new face at the table beside Andy. Turning his head Andy grinned saying, “Hey guys, you haven’t met Jaqi yet.”
“Hi,” you said with a wave in their walk around the room to their seats near your, stopping to shake your hand then move to take their seats.
Evan said, “I’ve seen you before.”
Andy said, “Beast of Bards.”
Thomas shrugged out of his jacket, “Yes, you changed your hair.”
“Ya, had to lighten it for my next projects. Should be easier to go blonde after them.” You looked to Thomas saying, “My friend said the Pianist was pretty good.” And to Evan you said, “You were on Alias too, right?”
Evan grinned nodding, “Yes, my brother and I have seen your film twice, must have taken some time to learn those dances.”
You smirked saying, “Not really. They gave me a couple weeks to memorize and tweak them to the Director’s fancy.”
Thomas said, “You said your friend has seen the film, you don’t like war films?”
“I do, haven’t gotten to seeing yet. By the time I was still long enough to watch it they’d dropped it to disc, and I don’t have a dvd player yet.” That made Andy chuckle and you rolled your eyes reaching for your bottle for another sip, “Lee is looking into one for his place in Canada, so I might be able to mooch off his while I’m there. His brother’s got a copy of it we could borrow.”
They both settled into their seats as you took a sip flashing a wave to Jed Brophy and Rick Baker coming in next who grinned waving back in recognizing you right away, Jed who you had worked with in the trilogy in your time as an orc and other extra roles. “Figured Peter had something up his sleeve,” Jed said easing off his jacket to take his seat.
The executives were next while Rick continued the conversation with Jed from the path in after his greeting you. Jim and Ric, both who found their seats engulfed in their own talks until Peter came in with a smile seeing you by Andy, pausing to give you a hug from the side on his way to his seat to ready his things still on the phone with Fran helping on a solution to a wardrobe issue with their little girl and boy. The Vaudeville theater actors came in next curiously glancing your way until they could shake hands and take their seats on your free side to Jamie Bell’s own entrance with a creeping smile noticing just who was in the formerly emptied spot. Leaving his coat on his seat he said, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long!” Softly you giggled at his gentle hug around your shoulders, “I am so glad you’re here! I can’t wait to see what sort of stage routine they give you.”
“Well I can’t wait to see what sort of fun you’ll get up to in this film while I��m off in my slip and silk robe being chased by dinos.”
Andy chuckled, “Dinos and me.”
“Yes, not to mention getting kidnapped, loads of fun.” Making Jamie chuckle and shift for his seat seeing Peter glancing your way in hanging up his call.
The in film ‘film crew’ came in next with the police actors as well with Colin, Jack and Adrien next. The first two who greeted the guys around the table and paused at your quick wave and anxious grin their way. Jack however broke the silence pointing at you post mutter, “Purple,” in a gasp he excitedly added, “Beast of Bards! You were kick ass!”
“Thank you,” you giggled out glancing to Adrien in his apparent locked stare of confusion.
He glanced to Peter as Colin said, “Well you’ll no doubt be able to out last us after a role like that. Dancers have amazing endurance.” Settling into his chair as you grinned a bit wider at Andy’s hushed chuckle.
Adrien asked Peter, “You picked a teenager? She’s got to be what, sixteen?”
Jamie said, “Jaqi’s older than me.”
Drawing the elder actor’s eye a moment only for them to shift back to Peter, “Rest my case.”
“I’m not a teenager, two more years I can legally rent a car,” the second half you said to Andy who chuckled again.
Thomas asked, “There is an age limit on car rentals here? I never knew that.”
Peter said with a grin, “Well you’re two years past being able to rent one in New Zealand. If we didn’t already drive you everywhere you could at least.”
Adrien looked to you, “The Bard film that’s a dance film, there’s next to no dancing in this film. You sure you’re up to it?”
“There’s no call for piano playing for you I could ask the same thing,” parting his lips to your comeback and grin adding, “Congrats on the Oscar nom by the way. Youngest guy to get one if you do win, haven’t seen it yet but I hear it was good.”
Peter jumped in, “Jaqi here was already signed on to be Naomi’s stunt and possibly scream double and is more than qualified for anything we toss her way.”
“Ooh, I’ve got juggling mostly on its knees, but my friend said she’d help with any other trick shots and whatnot as I hit them in rehearsing.”
Peter grinned, “I knew you could master it in no time.”
Jamie said, “I always wanted to learn to juggle, you can teach me later.”
Adrien huffed and took his seat and the binders were opened revealing a legal pad and pocket of pens and pencils that you pulled out to rest on your lap to be ready for notes on any and everything. Right up front once the introductions of the segment to the Depression era New York City you and the theater group testing out the sort of accent that Peter had helped you to find on your last lunch together at your place when he’d signed you to this new role. The naïve impression you gave was played to and through those sections you caught Colin and Jack smirking especially at how you were blending right into the script and even paused to note a few subtle changes you suggested on the lines to Peter who agreed to each as they flowed better.
Jack’s intro came next with his fingers raised to Andy’s standing in for the fruit stand owner you stole an apple from with hold of your wrist growling his lines to your pretend stunned self merely trying to squirm free. He offered a coin to the stand keep and you were free to join him for the meal at the diner where your open mouthed pause to his nipped lip grin your way post request of your dress size he stammered out that he was one of the men she could trust in the business, a Producer. Through focusing on you the still staring Adrien nearly missed his cue for his opening lines in Jack’s character trying to trap him into traveling with them. From his frustrations at being trapped Kyle flowed in between conversations of the crew including Jamie’s faked pocketing of his pen post scribble of his pen leading to Kyle producing his comb to fake some posed faces teetering you on the edge of giggling.
Peter said, “Now, alone in her cabin Ann Darrow has a rehearsal of her introduction to Jack Driscoll.” He winked your way, “Make it awkward. Make me squirm.”
That had you giggle and take a moment to ready your grin and flow into the failed tries to greet said playwright she was a huge fan of, Andy chuckled however as you smiled to Colin’s comment post intro of your flub in assuming Preston is Jack Driscoll. “Oh this is going to be so awful day of. I’m already antsy.”
Jack raised his fist with a nod, “Go hard, for all of us awkward butterflies.”
Giggling to yourself you brushed your curls back only to have them fall again around your face as you readied and smiled wider in a nervous blush to Colin who kept his face as still as possible holding back his laughter until your embarrassed retreat from the room for the guys to banter. On the ship you got some great notes for your scenes with Kyle, who you’d seemed to bond over the adoration of the history of film from the era to blend into your acting styles to be over the top. Noting each between glances to Adrien in your few scenes with him where he seemed to still be troubled in pulling out of is doubts on your being the right one for the job.
Post island arrival Peter said, “Now, to keep from spoiling your voices I say we skip the screams, plus I’d hate to startle the neighbors if you gave it a go Jaqi.”
“Party pooper,” you muttered making him smirk at your lifting your bottle to finish it off. The guys through their scenes to gather up a posse to search for Ann you popped out to the attached bath and back again in more than enough time for a scene with grunting Andy. The shouts for Ann were more half hearted giggle inducing readings of the name making you cover your mouth with both hands the longer their disastrous explorations went on until you gave Andy a hug at his death scene as Lumpy.
The scenes after the return to the city were mainly descriptive of what was occurring between the less verbal end of the film.
“How is your apartment shopping going up in Canada, ticking all the boxes?” Andy asked in the small break as the man to take the orders for lunch arrived. And the grin and wave you returned for his was not missed by the still staring Adrien across from you honed in on all you apparently did even in the break.
“We found some cute things for it. Nice couch, armchair and a bed, it’s on the floor but it’s a bed, no sign of a table yet.” Making you and Andy chuckle, “And we found this cute cabinet, well I say cute, I love it but it must have been in a fire or something the doors and drawers are all stuck. So Rich is determined to try and pry it open for me and clean it up a bit.”
“That’s good, give him something to distract him.”
“Honestly, aren’t there more pressing things to be focused on than conversations on furniture shopping?” Adrien muttered to himself but loud enough for the both of you to hear, though it didn’t pause your conversation.
Peter however said after getting off his phone, “Lunch is underway then our surprise for you is all lined up.”
Smirking at the excited Director you asked, “Is this a take a picture sort of surprise or more of a dangle you off a ledge sort of surprise?”
Peter chuckled with the few here who worked with you on the trilogy and replied playfully, “We are not in New Zealand yet, leave the ledge dangling to home turf.”
Curtly Adrien gave his order handing over the menu in his hands without a care watching you as those between you ordered in kinder tones while your turn to order from the young man had the actor huffing again as you said, “Hank, Shoppet still hanging in there?”
“Oh ya,” he chuckled out, “Figured out it was the wind chimes setting the feathered fiend off each night. Likes ‘em in the day time still so we just knot them in a sock.”
“Well that’s good news,” Adrien sighed and you smiled taking the hint he thought you were smiling too much and taking too long with the delivery guy granting Andy some more time to decide himself along with a few others behind him. “Oh don’t mind him,” you said after Hank’s glance and momentary gauge on the irritated man staring you down, “He’s not always a pretentious ass,” the words dropping jaws across the table, Jack and Colin’s especially who bit that back or covered their mouths with their hands like a few others to your right, “He’s just being method.” The words relaxing Hank who’d seen you picked on enough in school and was readying to say something.
Hank looked at him saying, “Nailed it,” only doubling the state from the now fuming actor.
Smiling still you handed over the menu saying, “He’s supposed to find me vapid and too naive to be taken seriously.”
Throatily he chuckled and added your menu to the others, “Good luck with that,” he aimed at Adrien then stepped behind you saying, “get you your usual.”
The rest of the table ordered as Peter tried not to smile as you had continued to talk to Andy again and then when Hank had left Adrien leaned forward on the table before him saying, “I’m still waiting.”
That turned your head and you smiled clenching his brows tighter, “Food shouldn’t take long, they have an excellent service record.”
“For an apology,” he grit out, “You told him I was a pretentious ass.” The other actors glanced between the pair of you like amused schoolyard children watching the beginnings of a fight.
“Everyone heard you,” he fired back.
“You told him you were being a pretentious ass, I told him you were being method.”
“The difference?” he retorted through smirks and restrained snickers.
“Everyone has ears,” you replied and his brows dropped in the vague answer. “This is a business of reputation, don’t limit your pool of possible job offers.”
“My agent is doing just fine getting me job offers no matter the troubles you have with yours.”
“I don’t have one.”
“How do you not have an agent?” He scoffed back.
“Old fashioned way, making friends and pounding pavement.”
“Well we certainly won’t be friends.”
“Famous last words,” Andy chuckled out lifting his bottle for a sip making him scoff again.
Adrien repeated, “We are not going to be friends. Naomi made a mistake dropping out.”
“I agree.” You said stunning him, “But she found a better project in her eyes. I suppose you’ll just have to make do with little me from New York.”
“I’m from New York, you are not from New York, clearly by the voice alone.” He said waving his hand your way, “I don’t care if you’ve lived here a few weeks to research, that doesn’t count. I was born here, raised here, my parents teach in college here. And just which corner below the Bible Belt did you saunter up from?”
That had your smile spreading and saying, “Oh bless your heart, is this your try to scare me off? Cuz it’s not going to work I’ve met sheep less cooperative than you. Name’s Jaqi by the way, I was born in Texas but I moved to New York when I was seventeen after a year in England for University.”
“So two days ago?”
“Whatever you say cupcake you big flatterer you though I’m not nearly old enough to vain about my age by a score at least.”
“I am not your cupcake,” he fired back to your chuckle inducing nickname causing others to continue watching this battle progress. “No flattery, no nicknames, you can call me Mr Brody.”
“This is going to be so much fun,” you said propping your chin on your fist leaning closer to Andy who was close to losing it. “I’ll break you down, ‘I defeat my enemies by making them my friends’.”
“Who fed you that line?” He retorted in a mumble lifting his water to drink from.
“Abraham Lincoln,” his brow inched up and you said, “Former President-,”
“I know who Lincoln is.”
“Don’t know, been so long since you got out of school, Mr Brody,” that made Colin sputter a bit in sipping his own drink at your playful pauses at each syllable of his name, “Might be getting a bit fuzzy around the edges.” That made Adrien scoff again and you said, “In fact let’s make a bet. When I break you down to being friends with me I get to take a picture of you in a platypus costume.”
“Epic,” Jack muttered behind his fist feigning confusion when Adrien looked his way.
The latter who looked to you asking, “One, why? And two, where the hell are you going to find a platypus costume of all things?”
“Just think in a few months when I wear you down I get to have a picture of possible Oscar award winning actor Adrien Brody in a platypus costume just for little me.” The smile on your face made others chuckle while you added, “Leave the logistics to me on the costume I got connections, cupcake.”
“Such as?”
“Never met a Drag Queen Pageant contestant have you?”
“You know Drag Queens,” he looked to Peter saying, “Who does she associate with?”
“Some fun people, you’ve obviously been missing out cupcake on some of the most extravagant affairs you couldn’t dream of.”
“Doubtful,” he replied and you turned your head at Jamie’s hand patting the table.
“Young and the Restless!” He exclaimed, “I knew I recognized that delivery guy from somewhere. Am I right?”
You nodded, “Yup, we traded tips, I overhead of an audition on the subway and he slipped me a note after a movie night out on one for a commercial a while back. Always wanted to be a floozy pool boy slash hopeful novelist working for some heiress.”
Colin asked, “You get the audition?”
“No, they wanted someone taller and less busty something about sliding a roll of tape off the woman’s chest.”
Adrien, “How do you even hear about a part on the subway?”
“Cell phone conversations. Someone screwed someone’s uncle and then knocked up another person’s ex and they got kicked off set and they needed to fill in a slot for the show. Everyone has ears. One of my best tips came from a hot dog vender back when I was in school. Helped his son study for midterms and he keeps an ear out when the big producers head out for lunch.”
Adrien, “Get an agent.”
“I borrow my Mate’s from time to time across the pond. He’s pretty awesome.”
Adrien sighed and Jack cut him off asking, “Did you do that dance scene on a wire? When you dropped back in the splits off those guys shoulders playing your violin?”
“No, I had two spotters crouched down, the wires would have impeded with the dance and the other dancers. Plus cranes weren’t really in the budget.”
Jack, “Must have taken months to get that right-,”
Adrien said, “Wait, you were playing the violin and were flipping off someone’s shoulders?”
Andy, “You should watch the film.”
Jamie nodded, “It’s so good!”
Peter asked, “When is that Daredevil film out again?”
“Couple weeks,” you answered, “And I have no clue how that’s going to be. They just quilted the whole thing.”
Thomas, “Daredevil, like the comics?”
“Yes,” you answered, “They’re doing that and an Electra film from Marvel.”
Colin, “And you’re in the first?”
“Stewardess and a few other slots in a coffee shop. Filmed it when I was doing the Beast film and they jostled my role around a bit to fit the changes they made.”
Andy cut off any possible comment to say, “Plus there’s that other film with the evil tooth fairy you’re in our soon.”
Kyle said, “How do I always miss out on good monster movies?”
“Darkness Falls.”
Craig, “That’s what that film was about, I just caught the back of the promo at the last film I watched.”
John said, “You seem to really be on a thriller kick.”
Lunch arrived and in the clearing of the table Peter smiled stepping into the hall at the conclusion of another phone call. Though in his return your lips parted eyeing Fay Wray walking through the door who smiled looking over all of you. For nearly an hour once she shared all about her own experience in the original 1933 King Kong film before each of you got a chance to talk with her about your own roles in the film. Hanging back listening carefully through the others her grin doubled as you wriggled free from your seat to take your turn with Adrien watching you both like a hawk and others watching him and his amusing expressions in doing so.
“Jaqi, I have been just aching to talk to you. Pearl spent years sharing all the tiny details on you with me, you come here now,” That had you giggling at her hands waving you over to claim a warm hug making Adrien’s brow twitch wondering how you knew one another. Once apart she said, “I want you to know how proud she was of you especially after those leeches of hers moved her away. And that performance at the Tony awards, flawless, we didn’t stop talking about that for months after. She’d have been so happy to have seen you on the big screen, after you took such good care of her. I bet she shared all about our adventures while we worked together on my sitcom.”
“She did,” you said with a smile, “Shared so much about all her adventures too, let me in on all the juicy gossip and tons of tips for my performances with orchestras too.”
“Well she would know all about that,” she said delving into the best tips she had for you and your role until when her daughter said it was time to head home again to beat traffic. From her bag however she pulled out a duo of picture frames she passed to you making you smile. The first Mrs Henderson when she was younger meeting the late King George beside the invitation she was given to perform for the Royal Family. The second her invitation to the Oscars at her nomination for the award she was up for composer for the score to a film. In catching her eyes again she pat your lower arms with a loving smile to your misty eyed fight not to cry, “She wanted you to have these. The rest of her memories have been tucked away somewhere safe from being sold off, keep those close, and one day you can trade up when you do better than the both of us did.”
“I highly doubt I could ever play for King George though,” you teased making her chuckle. “Can’t best her in that.”
“No you can’t,” she said adding a slip of paper to the frames, “You need me you know where to call, sweet girl.” You nodded and she claimed another hug and made her way out with her daughter who stole a hug of her own glad to have met the person behind the stories she’d heard for years since you’d taken charge of care for her best friend.
Colin, “You know her?”
Peter while stunned himself remained silent letting you answer the burning question held by all, “My old neighbor up until a few years back she had Alzheimer’s and I did her shopping and cleaned up around the place trading for stories of the films, shows and orchestras she’d worked on.” Looking at Peter and said, “The winter we met while I was gone her kids moved her to a retirement village and my landlord gave me her old place that was bigger than mine. They had a story she died few months back.” Glancing at Colin again you said, “So not knowing her exactly in person, more the era.”
Adrien, “They pay you to take care of her, the kids?”
You looked him over and said, “We have no lift in my building and the shops are blocks away, some of us were raised to keep an eye out. She was family, never met the kids.”
Peter clapped his hands, “So, I think we meet up tomorrow separately, the Vaudeville crew and those working in the mock stage play to get that work started. And for those of you still anxious to get to New Zealand as a tradition on the campground we have been filming the Tolkien Trilogy we are having a cookout to start off filming on the right foot.”
Pt 35
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen, @anastasialovers
X all Rich. A - @abiwim​, @deepestfirefun​, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf​
All –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455
11 notes · View notes
Painted Lady Chapter 3
Read on AO3 here
*four years later*
The apartment was a mess and Adrien loved it. He loved finding Nino’s headphones in the most random spots. He loved Alya’s ‘conspiracy wall,’ photos and articles pinned up everywhere with sticky notes of every color. She claimed there was a system, but no one except Alya had ever figured it out. He even – no, especially, loved finding Marinette’s stray needles everywhere. It reminded him of when he was younger, before his father became a supervillain and all-around jerk. It also made their apartment feel lived in, something his own home had never been like.
“Marinette!” Adrien dropped his keys in the bowl, kicking off his shoes at the door. “I got the fabric!” It was Nino’s turn to cook dinner if the scent of tajine was anything to go by. Adrien could already feel his mouth watering.
“Thanks!” Marinette called from the mezzanine. Her ‘nest’ as Alya had dubbed it. Marinette practically lived up there during finals or when she had big projects. Adrien had carried her down after finding her asleep at her desk more than a few times. She leaned over the edge, a tape measure draped around her neck and a few pencils stuck in her hair. “I’ll be down in second, I’ve just got to finish hemming this.”
Adrien nodded, turning his attention to Alya and her wall. “Anything interesting happen today?” He noticed a few new sticky notes.
“Miraculous wise? No. Journalism wise? Also no,” Alya sighed, pushing her glasses up. She was still wearing the white button down she’d put on in the morning, but she’d changed from her skirt into a pair of orange running shorts, her plaid blazer tossed over the back of her desk chair. “Any chance Chat Noir wants to graffiti the Eifel tower or something?”
“I think I’ll pass on that one, but I’ll let you know if I see anything on patrol later.”
“Fair enough,” Alya shrugged, returning to her board. “I’ve got a few leads to check again, but I doubt anything new will come up. Still nothing in any international news either.”
“Is bad I just want something happen?” Adrien set down the fabric bag on the couch. “We finally solved the thing with my father, but Lila’s still out there. I just wish we had a clearer target.”
“Me too, Sunshine,” Alya took a sticky note from her wall, eyebrows furrowing. “You’re on patrol later, right?”
“Mind if I tag along?” she folded the sticky note into her shorts pocket.
“Sure, you know you’re free to come whenever, right?”
Alya smirked, “Like I’d ever willingly tag along on a day that’s just you and Ladybug.” Adrien blushed, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. “There’s a reason we alternate patrol days.”
“Like you and Nino are any better.”
“Try you and Nino,” Alya snorted in laughter. “Last time you two patrolled together all the news stations were covering a brain freeze contest between Chat Noir and Carapace.”
“That I won!” Nino called from the kitchen.
“Did not!” Adrien protested. Alya only rolled her eyes, looking amused.
 “Case in point.”
Adrien was spared replying by Nino shouting, “Dinner in five!”
“I’ll get Marinette,” he said, picking up the fabric bag.
“Don’t get too distracted, lover boy,” Alya said with a wink.
Adrien ignored her, making his way up the ladder. Marinette had several pins in her mouth as she worked on the hem of her dress. It was plain black aside from the two tiny Ladybug stitched over the right shoulder and there weren’t any fancy folds or stiches because of the jacket she’d paired with it. Adrien hadn’t seen it finished, but he knew it was a pink silk bolero that she’d spent days hand embroidering with different flowers. It was the final piece in a collection of six.
“Marinette, Nino said dinner’s almost ready.”
“That’s five minutes of work I can squeeze in,” she said, taking the pins from her mouth.
Adrien sighed, resting his head in his arms as he waited. Then his eyes zeroed in on the basket of yarn in the corner. He had barely reached for it when Marinette said, “Absolutely not, remember what happened last time you got into my yarn?”
“It was one time!” he protested.
“And how many hours of rerolling the balls?” She shook her head, still focused on her work.
Adrien mumbled something about the softness of the yarn before reaching for it again. “Adrien Agreste, I will bring out the laser pointer.”
“Is that a promise?”
Marinette sighed, “Alright, alright, I’m coming.” She laid the pins and tape measure on her desk, shuffling a few papers before making her way down the ladder. “How was your day?”
“It was alright. Finally finished the equation set from the beginning of the week, with a little help from Plagg. Who knew he was so good at explaining Physics?”
“I’ve been around since before Physics was invented,” Plagg yawned. “Now cheese bread, there’s an innovation worth celebrating.”
“I’ll pick some up next time I’m at the bakery,” Marinette promised. “Just try not to eat through it in two days, Mama was worried last time since three out of the four of us are lactose intolerant and it was all gone in a day.”
“You poor, poor humans,” Plagg sighed. “Missing out on all the gooey goodness of cheese.”
“I’m so glad Wyazz just eats lettuce,” Nino said, placing a large dish in the center of the table. He was still wearing the apron Marinette had made him – a green hexagonal pattern embroidered with the words ‘turtle-ly awesome’ and a little smiling turtle underneath.
“Yeah, you and Marinette really lucked out in the kwami feeding department,” Alya said, taking her seat. “Remember when Trixx had me going to the store for frozen mice?”
“I’d rather not.” Adrien shuddered as he remembered opening the freezer and thinking they looked just a little too appetizing for comfort. Marinette might be fine eating flowers but if he ever found a rodent in his mouth, he and Plagg were going to have a serious talk. Especially since he and Marinette had talked about going to the pet store to pick out a hamster once the school year ended.
“I still remember Nino’s screams when he found one on his pillow,” Marinette giggled.
“That was not cool, dude,” Nino frowned at Trixx who merely shrugged.
“I was saving it for later.”
“And you wanted to see Nino’s face when he found it,” Tikki added. It had been her who told Alya that kwamis could eat almost anything, even if they did have their preferences. After that Trixx had been negotiated down to chicken and the occasional sugar mouse.
“Oh, of course,” Trixx smiled indulgently.
“Nino, do you have a gig tonight?” Adrien asked, changing the subject before he could think any more about the possible taste of frozen mice.
Nino shook his head, “Nope, finally got a break in my schedule. Next week’s packed though.”
“Up for some Mech Strike after dinner then? I convinced Marinette to take a break and join us.”
“Since when?” Marinette raised an eyebrow.
“Since just now,” Adrien said, pulling out his best kitten eyes.
The battle didn’t last long.
“As long as you’re prepared to lose,” Marinette said, getting herself more tajine.
“I’d expect nothing less, my lady.”
“Speak for yourself, bro,” Nino protested. They all gave him a look – Nino was notoriously bad at video games. Even though he’d been getting slightly better over the years, he was still no match for Marinette. “Can’t a man dream?”
They all laughed at that.
After dinner Marinette went to set up the game while Alya and Nino did the dishes. Adrien and Alya had been banned from doing dishes together ever since Alya had realized he hissed like a cat whenever the water splashed him, and she found it entirely too entertaining. The moment Marinette sat down Adrien sprawled himself across her lap. “I hope this isn’t some elaborate scheme to distract me,” she said, shifting to a more comfortable position as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Adrien gasped in mock hurt as he placed a hand on his chest, “How could you think so low of me? I simply missed my lady’s company.”
“We spent the entire day together yesterday,” Marinette said with a teasing glint in her eye.
“Exactly, yesterday, today is an entirely different day.”
"Hmm," Marinette tapped her chin. “Well, we could always meet up for some late-night ice cream after your patrol.”
“Ooh, that new place that just opened? With all the toppings?” Adrien’s ice cream usually ended up at least ninety percent toppings.
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try it out.”
"Let’s do it then,” Adrien said, practically purring with excitement.
Continue on AO3
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chuffyfan87 · 4 years
Priorities. Part 2a (NSFW)
Cowritten with @fairheads.
While Duffy was at work, Charlie set to making this an evening to remember. His mission: to remind her why she was with him and how much he loved her. He cleaned the house, went food shopping and began cooking. Before she arrived home, he showered and changed into a crisp shirt and jeans. He looked up as he heard her car pull up outside.
Checking his hair in the mirror, he grabbed the glass of wine he had just poured, and opened the door to welcome her home.
"Oh! Hi." She smiled as she looked up from digging around in her handbag. She'd not expected him to be at the door.
“Welcome home lovely,” He smiled broadly, passing her the glass of wine.
"Three times I was vomited on today. Three!" She grumbled as she took the glass and swallowed a large mouthful.
“That good hey!? I’ve run you a bath with bubbles, why not go and have a soak?”
"That is a very good idea."
Charlie watched her hang up her coat and drop her bag in the hallway, before climbing the stairs. He hoped she’d like what he’d done with the bathroom - he’d run a bubbly bath with rose petals and lit candles all around the tub. He’d left a fluffy towel ready for her afterwards on the heated rail.
Stepping into the bathroom she smiled at how inviting the bath looked. It had been a very long day.
Charlie continued prepping the dinner, sipping on his own glass of wine as he did and listening to some music.
About half an hour later Duffy arrived back downstairs wrapped in her dressing gown, her hair hanging in loose damp curls, an empty wine glass in her hand.
Charlie was at first oblivious to her return, he was dancing along to the song and wiggling his bum whilst stirring the food.
Duffy tried to hold it together as she watched him but couldn't stop the snort of laughter that escaped.
Charlie turned around and immediately went bright red, he was so embarrassed. “Oops! How was your bath?” He reached for the bottle and topped up her glass.
"Well I don't stink of stale vomit anymore." She chuckled.
“Well that’s something I guess!? Dinner won’t be long.”
"That's good. It smells delicious." She smiled as she sat down at the table. "Have you been having secret cooking lessons?"
He grinned, “It’s amazing what you can find online these days! It’s called a Morrocan Tagine or so the recipe said...”
"Very impressive."
“You haven’t tasted it yet!” He grinned, walking over to stand behind her and massage her shoulders.
"Mmm, that feels nice." She mumbled.
Charlie continued to massage her head, neck and shoulders. “So tense! Hope that’s not my fault...”
"Maybe a little..."
“Well hopefully I can help with that now.” Charlie smiled, adding just the right amount of pressure to ease the knots.
"Yes... Just there..."
“Just working my magic!” Charlie smiled, pleased that she was enjoying it and becoming more relaxed.
"So long as you don't get too distracted and burn the food." She teased.
“Oh yes... Focus Charlie!” He laughed.
She laughed as he dashed back over to the stove.
Serving the dinner, he carried the two bowls across to the table, which he had already laid. “Bon Appetite m’lady!” He laughed, placing it in front of her.
She giggled as he did a little bow. "This really does look amazing."
He settled in the chair opposite her and looked at her, smiling.
"I could get used to this."
“Well I’m hoping to make it a regular fixture.” He began tucking in, it actually tasted pretty good, he was pleased with himself.
"I like the sound of that." She smiled, taking a bite of the food. "Oh wow!" She grinned.
“Apart from the aforementioned, how was your shift? How was Connie..?”
"Her usual haughty self." Duffy replied, rolling her eyes.
“You stood up to her I hope,” He winked.
"Since when have I taken nonsense from snotty consultants?" She chuckled.
“Good!” He grinned.
"I learnt from the best." She smiled.
She knew just what to say to make his heart beat faster. “Well I have been very busy today,” He grinned.
"I noticed the bathroom, what else have you been up to?"
“There’s a few things in the lounge... I went shopping!” He smiled at her wholeheartedly.
Her eyes lit up at the idea of presents.
They finished their dinner and Charlie put everything in the dish washer.
"You can make that again."
“I’m glad you enjoyed it! Now do you fancy some dessert?”
"Ooh yes please!"
He stood up and took her hand, she stood up bemused. “It’s in the lounge,” He explained.
"Really?" She asked, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“Yup!” He answered, holding her hand as he lead her to the lounge.
"Do I need to close my eyes?" She giggled.
“Ooh good idea!!” He grinned, waiting for her to cover them with her free hand.
"Its a good job I trust you..!"
“So you should! Now no peeking!” He opened the door to the lounge.
"Just don't let me trip over!"
“I’ve got you,” He used the excuse of her almost stumbling, to put his arm around her.
"Can I open my eyes yet?" She asked as she felt him ease her down onto the sofa.
“Almost...” He moved a few things on the table.
"What are you doing?" She giggled.
“Nothing,” He replied, giggling.
"I feel like a right dork sat here with my eyes closed."
“You can open them now!”
Charlie had set up on the coffee table little bowls of her favourite sweets and fruit and some of her favourite movies were stacked in the middle.
"Well you have been busy..!" She gasped.
“I thought after your shift, you could do with a chill out? What’s better than a romantic film and your favourite snacks!?” He grinned.
"But you hate romantic films..."
“But you love them and they make you cry happy tears!” He smiled.
"You must be really sorry if you're prepared to sit through one of these movies." She remarked, looking through the stack.
“You could say that...” He smirked. “Just thought it would be nice to cuddle. I’ll try really hard to stay awake this time!”
"That'll make a change!" She chuckled.
“Which one do you want to watch?” He passed her a jelly snake.
"Hmm..." She considered her options. "This one!"
Charlie went to put in on, returning to her making herself comfy on the sofa.
"I've haven't watched this for ages." She smiled.
“Room for me?” He smiled, as she’d stretched out on the sofa.
"I suppose."
“Only suppose?” He joked.
"Well if you're going to fall asleep and start snoring midway through the film then you can go sit over there." She pointed to the armchair across the room.
“I’ll stay awake,” He pouted, running his hands over her legs which were now in his lap.
They started to watch the film, and already Duffy’s eyes began to water. Charlie reached for her hand.
She snuggled up to him under the blanket.
Charlie held her tight as her tears flowed at a sad bit in the film.
As the credits rolled she blew her nose before reaching for the snack bowl and discovering that it was empty.
Charlie looked sheepishly at her, but luckily had a bag of replacements next to the sofa.
"I should know by now not to trust you around sweets!" She teased.
“I needed the sugar, I was trying to stay awake!” He joked.
"So long as you're not hyper all night as a result." She chuckled.
“I can’t promise that!”
"So what now Romeo?"
Charlie snorted at her name for him. “Well Juliet, what do you fancy? Another film? Some more wine? An early night?”
"I'm not sure I'd make it through another film awake." She giggled.
“I’m so glad you said that!” He agreed.
"You got to go back to sleep this morning..!" She pouted playfully.
“Very true, are you sleepy then darling?”
"I will be in the next couple of hours."
“Do you want to snuggle in bed?”
"That sounds like a great idea. Do you need me to stay down here while you run off upstairs?" She smirked.
He laughed out loud, “I think we’re okay.”
"OK, well lead the way." She smiled.
“Up we go!” He smiled.
She giggled as he took her hand and led her upstairs.
When he got to their room, he stopped. “You go in first,” He smiled.
She raised an eyebrow but did as he suggested, pushing the bedroom door open slowly.
“Hope you like it...” He whispered.
She gasped as she looked around the room. She hadn't expected this at all.
Charlie had put up little fairy lights all over the room, put clean covers on the bed, with a new throw and scatter cushions. He’d bought her some new pyjamas which he left folded by her pillow and next to them lay a new velvet bag.
"You have been a busy boy!" She giggled.
“I’m exhausted!” He grinned.
"Aww, well its a good job it's bedtime then isn't it?"
“I bought you some new pyjamas, if you’d like to put them on..?” He smiled at her.
She wandered over to the bed and picked them up, feeling the fabric between her fingers. "Silk?" She asked, impressed.
Charlie nodded, “Super soft, I thought you’d like them.”
"I do." She smiled, untying her dressing gown belt and letting it fall to the floor, leaving her stood in just her knickers.
Charlie gulped hard, he hadn’t expected her to do that. He watched her intently.
Fully aware that she was being watched she slowly dressed in the pjs, letting out a sigh as the silken fabric slid over her skin.
Charlie was award he was transfixed. “They look great,” He mumbled.
She smiled as she turned around to face him. "I'm glad you think so."
“Beautiful!” He breathed.
A slight blush coloured her cheeks.
Both of them stood there, taking each other in, as if for the first time. “I’ve really missed you.” He sighed.
"Its been far too long."
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jungshookz · 6 years
Tumblr media
→ pairing: min yoongi x reader 
→ genre: ceo!au, clumsy!y/n because that’s always nice, jimin is ur best friend, floofy fluff, a touch of nsfw aka office sex
→ wordcount: 21k+ so u should probably read this using ur laptop and not ur phone
→ note: inspired by my love for an intimidating yoongi in suits 
(gif isn’t mine!) 
(((and the read more function iS there so if it doesn’t work for some reason i am sorry don’t attack me))) 
“shit, shit, shit, fuck- ow, shit- fUCK”
you scramble around your apartment shoving things into your purse while simultaneously dressing yourself
out of all the days to wake up late
why did todAY have to be one of them???
you have your house keys dangling from your mouth while you wiggle into a pair of jeans aNd your phone is sandwiched in between your shoulder and your ear
“the new boss is going to be here any minute now, where the hell are you??”
“obviously i slept through my goddamn alarm, jimin! i- yes, i’ll be there in like… five minutes. i’m on the bus already”
that was an obvious lie because you’re still trying to find a decent shirt to wear
you end up going with a polka-dotted button blouse
“you better hurry, i hear this guy’s a bit of a hard ass. apparently he fired someone who was only two minutes late to-“
“you’re freaking me out, jimin!!!! look, it’s fine he’s probably just going to introduce himself and then hole himself up in his office so he won’t even notice that i’m late”
your own words reassure you and you slow down to take your time in choosing a pair of shoes
“okay, yeah but you’re his secretary, y/n. i think he’ll notice if his own damn secretary isn’T THERE”
…..he has a fair point
“if you don’t get here in the next ten minutes dinner’s on you tonight” the call clicks off and all you hear is the dial tone
by the time you get to the office it’s 9:23 so you’re officially 23 minutes late BUT you made a stop by the starbucks across the street to grab a soy latte for the new boss
the old boss (mr lin - he was pretty chill but he was alSo pretty old so that explains why the company decided to let him go) would forgive you immediately when you presented a soy latte and a muffin to him
you were sure you’d be fine
“ooh, hold the lift, hold the lift!!!!!” you slip right into the lift right as the doors are about to shut and you let out a sigh of relief because you didN’t spill the coffee thank god
“hey, morning” you turn to give a nod of acknowledgement to the (handsome, very very handsome) stranger standing next to you
he’s dressed in a crisp suit and he’s currently scrolling through his phone but he looks up at you and kind of looks you over before humming in response
his raven black hair looks awfully soft and it’s perfectly styled
and whatever his cologne is…. you’re digging it because he smells goOd
you look up at the little screen telling you that you’re only on the eighteenth floor
the office is on the fifty-second floor and this lift is literally as slow as a snail
you then notice that the stranger is also going to the fifty-second floor
a new co-worker!!
so either you wait in awkward silence with this hot stranger or you try to stir up some conversation
“y’know, i hear the new boss is a bit of a prick.” you snort, glancing over at the stranger. he tenses and his eyes leave his phone but he doesn’t turn
“oh, really? interesting” he shifts and tightens his grip on the folders he’s holding
“mm. and i’m his new secretary so hopefully he doesn’t chew me out for being-“ you look down at your watch “28 minutes late”
“his name’s yoongi. min yoongi. even his name sounds snooty, am i right?” you snort, glancing over again and just tryIng to get some kind of a reaction out of this emotionless person “are you, uh, are you new here?”
usually you’re like super charming but it doesn’t seem to be working on this guy
you glance up at the screen again and let out a breath of relief because you’re approaching the fifty-second floor
“it’s not good to be late, but i admit i’m a little behind on schedule as well. and yes, i’m new.”
“we better hurry otherwise mr min’ll have both our heads on sticks!”
“are you late because you stopped to get a coffee and food?” he raises an eyebrow and looks down at the starbucks cup
“hm? oh, well, kinda. it’s more like an apology drink and a chocolate chip muffin for the boss.” you raise the cup and the paper bag slightly “everyone loves muffins”
the elevator dings and the two of you look up
the doors open and you’re surprised to see… what looks like every single employee just standing in front of the doors
the stranger takes a step out but turns around quickly to face you and you’re kind of like ??
“i’d suggest doing a little more research next time, secretary. i’m not a muffin person.” and then he’s walking out and everyone’s bowing respectfully to him as he introduces himself
it doesn’t hit you until the doors slowly begin to close again and the last thing you see is jimin looking at you with so much pity in his eyes
“you’ve got to be kidding me.”
you would be so happy if in this moment the elevator just broke down and sent you hurdling down fifty two floors to your DEATH
you freeze when the doors slide open again but thankfully it’s just jimin standing there
“hey buddy” he approaches you slowly as if you were a ticking time bomb 
“….so you met mr min i see”
“and i’m guessing u didn’t know that was mr min”
“and i’m guessing u tried to strike up a conversation abouT mr min tO mr min”
jimin has to drag you out of the elevator and you’re as still as a statue as he fixes the collar on your blouse and makes sure your employee lanyard is straightened up
“i wouldn’t have gone with this blouse but i suppose this is presentable enough” jimin gestures towards the long hallway leading to yoongi’s office doors (with your cute little station set up by the doors) before he’s giving you a pat on the shoulder and heading back to his cubicle
you know that scene from the shining
the shot where it’s like a long, long hallway and there are those two creepy twins at the end
this is like that except instead of twins you have your new terrifying new boss’ office
you set your bag down on your chair before turning to the doors
you clear your throat a couple times and look down at the latte and the muffin sitting on your desk
maybe he’ll like the latte
so you pick it back up and you give yourself until the count of three
and then you’re knocking on his door and you hear a muffled ’come in’
you take a second to think over what the hell you’re going to say to him
“mr min i am sO sorry i swear i wasn’t trying to offend you i was just trying to be funny because i thought you-“
and just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse
things get worse
because yoongi just so happened to be standing right by the door as you opened it and of COURSE you knock into him causing the lid to pop off the cup and now the two of you are covered in latte but it’s more you than him thanK god
your face is so red you’re sure you’re going to explode
you don’t even know what to say at this point
“i am……. so-“
“sorry? yeah, i’m seeing a main theme here with you.” yoongi scowls and shakes some coffee off his hand before looking down at his stained louis vuitton button up
this was new but it’s okay because he has 10 ten more in his closet
“i’ll pay for the dry cleaning?” is all you can squeak out because you are just so horrified
yoongi rolls his eyes discreetly while he’s patting himself down with his silk handkerchief
what the hell is wrong with you??? you’re not usually this clumsy and you’re sure you’re like 1 more sorry away from getting fired
“can you just send me my schedule for today?” he sighs as he heads back towards his desk “i’m sure it’s easy enough for you to handle” he mutters condescendingly and you know what you totally deserve that comment so you’re fine with it
“yessir” you don’t even bother asking if he actually wanted a coffee or not because you just want to get out of his fiery gaze
surprisingly the rest of the morning goes by pretty smoothly
he came out of the office wearing a new crisp shirt and you were like dAng this guy’s prepared for any situation
unlike you
because you’re sitting here with your cardigan buttoned all the way up to hide the stain
you keep a smile on your face whenever yoongi passes your desk to head back to his office but after you hear his door shut the smile drops and you always let out a breath of relief
he’s just so…. scary
and he’s your age too
if he was a co worker instead of your boss you were 100% sure the two of you wouldn’t get along at all
and you get along with almost EVERYONE
you’ve never been happier when your phone goes off and tells you it’s your lunch break because you just want to rant to jimin and
“turkey sandwich on whole wheat. lettuce, red onions, avocado, chipotle mayo. the place is called the sandwich station. it’s a block or two down. i’d like a green juice to go with it as well- hold the cucumber. they know my order. you can just tell them it’s for me.”
what the
yoongi literally just materialised out of nowhere
“….i’m sorry?”
yoongi clenches his jaw and you want to CRY
“it’s noon. meaning it’s lunch time. meaning i want my lunch.”
the old boss never made you go out to get a fancy sandwich for him
there’s a canteen here for a reason
they’re serving spinach and potato curry today!!!!!!!! which is your favourite!!!!!! and your lunch breaks are only an hour long and by the time you get back the curry will be gone but maybe you can ask jimin to save you a bite
“is there a problem?”
“no! no sir.” you shake your head quickly and get up from your seat “but, um, just to let you know we do have a canteen here if you ever- okay, yep, i’m going”
jimin’s standing by the lift when you get there and he’s like why did you press the down button the canteen is Up you dummy
and you’re like mr min wants a fancy sandwich and a green juice what kind of sane person likes green juice???
jimin promises he’ll save you a bite of the curry as long as you make it back in time aka fifteen minutes before he inhales it all
you say goodbye to each other in the form of air kisses as you walk into separate lifts
so now you’re sprinting down the sidewalk trying to find this damn sandwich place that isn’t one or two blocks away it’s like TWENTY minutes away according to google maps
you would’ve worn a sports bra today if you’d have known you’d be running
by the time you finally make it there you’re all sweaty and red and you can barely speak
“h..hi, a sandwich and a green juice thing for, um, mr min yoongi??” you look at the notes you scribbled down on your palm even though all the words are smudged from your hand sweat “it’s turkey on whole-“
“for yoongi??? coming right up!!!!” the girl at the counter seems a little too enthusiastic to be making a sandwich and a juice for him….. and she’s on a first name basis with him….
but whatever at least she’s being speedy about it
you check the time on your watch
jimin’s probably already eaten everything
your lunch break ends in half an hour and it’ll take you 20 minutes to head back so that leaves you with like ten minutes
maybe you can get a sandwich from here
you look up at the- oH NO way you are not paying tHAT much for a sandwich
this place is bougie
certainly not for someone with your budget
maybe there’s like a hot dog cart nearby
a hot dog sounds good
“here you go! tell him i said hi. i’m lisa, by the way.” she smiles and you give her a smile back as you take the bag from her
you kind of pause to think and you’re like hMm what do you meAn tell him i said hi,,,,,,
does yoongi have a secret sandwich lover
you don’t have time to think because you are reminded that you are running out of damn time
“thanks for being so fast, lisa. uh, here you go. this should cover it.” you throw the bills that yoongi gave you on the counter before you’re zipping out the door and beginning your little jog back
you feel your phone buzz in your pocket and you already know it’s yoongi wondering where the hell you are
you make it back in tEn minutes thank god but your feet are killing you and you’re sure your blouse is drenched in sweat by now
as you’re walking briskly down the hallway you pick up your pace when you see yoongi standing outside his office and leaning against the frame of the door
“what took you so long??”
“there’s no excuse” yoongi snatches the bag from you and shuts the door in your face
you can already hear the chatter of people returning from their lunch breaks
your stomach grumbles and it’s your body’s way of reminding you that HEY quit neglecting M E
maybe you should have splurged on a fancy sandwich
you huff and plop down on your seat
now you’re just hangry and the next person who talks to you will FEEL YOUR FIERY WRATH
“by the way- reschedule my meeting with mr kim to next wednesday. he couldn’t make it today.” yoongi opens his door again and takes a sip of his obnoxious green juice
you spin around in your chair
immediately your lips tug up in a bright smile
“yes sir. i’d love to do that for you.” yoongi looks at you weirdly before he disappears into his room again
where was that fiery wrath
that wrath could barely light up a birthday candle sis
about twenty minutes go by and you actually feel like you’re dying because you’re honestly starving so you decide to text jimin and tell him to sneak some food to you
you technically could just get up and go to the vending machine yourself but yoongi could pop out of his office at any minute and if he sees that you’re not at your desk he’ll definitely have your head
so it’s too risky
to: chimchim - be a pal and bring me a bag of chips or something from the vending machine
jimin jumps when his phone vibrates loudly against his desk and he apologises to his fellow cubicle mates before checking the notification
he can’t help but snort after he reads your message
to: y/n - i’m busy! get it yourself
he’s not surprised that you reply almost immediately
from: y/n - too risky!!!! plus you’re closer to the vending machine
from: y/n - just pretend like you need to print something you can come and use ~my~ personal printer
to: y/n - why would i walk across the floor to use your tiny ass printer
from: y/n - PLEASE i am so hungry i will take care of the laundry this week just get me something to eat before my body starts eating itself
jimin immediately gets up from his seat and heads right to the vending machine
he hates doing the laundry
you want to cry tears of joy when you see jimin’s blonde head bobbing down the hallway from where you’re sitting
“don’t accidentally turn all our white sheets pink agaIN” he teases and he tosses you the bag of chips that you open greedily
he’s munching on an apple himself
he’s always been the healthier one out of the two of you
“how’s the boss?”
you’re immediately triggered
“omg i had to go to this dumb fancy sandwich place and pick up an overpriced turkey club and a green juice for him and then one of the sandwich workers was like obViously wanting me to say hi to mr min for her and i was like ?? what do i look like a messenger pigeon or something” you snort and shove a handful of chips into your mouth unattractively 
“and ALSO he totally got mad at me when i got back because i took too long but it’s not my fault your dumb sandwich place is like a million miles away and another ALSO i’m walking in HEELS-”
“you should invest in a pair of flats, perhaps”
there’s something else to add to your already shitty first impression
you swallow thickly when you realise jimin didn’t say that
you turn around slowly in your chair and you’re met with the intimidating gaze of yoongi
why do bad things happen to good people???
yoongi tosses his trash into the bin sitting by your desk before he’s looking up at a terrified jimin
“is there a reason why you’re here, mr park?”
“…i needed to print something” he swallows his bite of apple and hides it behind his back
“do you not have a printer on your side?”
“it was jammed, sir.” 
“what are you printing?”
jimin blanks and all that comes out of his mouth is
“contra..ct. sir.”
“what contract?”
“this one!! this one” you grab a random sheet of paper of your desk and stand up and shove it into jimin’s chest
“yep, this one! i’ll be on my way, thanks for letting me use your printer y/n!” jimin practically rockets down the hallway to head back to his desk
he barely made it out of there alive
he’s never doing that again
there’s a silence between you and yoongi for a couple seconds as the two of you watch jimin bolt away
you turn around a little to face him with a sheepish smile and you wobble slightly on your heels
“can i trust you to be more responsible and do your work instead of complaining to your friend about your awful boss?”
you open your mouth to reply but you dip your head down in shame
you deserve that one
“sorry, sir” you murmur under your breath and you don’t want to look at yoongi because if you do you’ll definitely burst into tears
and your face is sO hot
you look up when you hear the click of yoongi’s door shutting and you let out a breath before sitting down
time to actually work
you’ll find a way to make it up to yoongi
the next morning you make sure to set your alarm like an hour earlier than you usually wake up because this day has to go PERFEctly otherwise you will literally stab your eyeball out with a letter opener
yesterday night you already set up yoongi’s schedule for today so that when he wakes up and checks his calendar he’ll know exactly what’s going on
you even memorised his schedule
he has 2 conference calls in the morning (one starts at 8:30 and the other at 10:15) and 2 meetings in the afternoon (one starts at 1:45 and the other at 4:30)
you just want to prove to him that you’re not a total disaster and you’re capable of handling this job
and you made sure to dress yourself up a little more ~professionally~ although it pained you to leave your skinny jeans aside and slip into a pencil skirt instead
you hATe pencil skirts
they’re so tight and after you eat lunch you always feel like your tummy is going to buSt out
so yes you’re wearing a nice white button up long sleeved shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt along with a pair of shiny black heels that you polished last night
you also spray on some perfume and put a little more effort into your makeup
because,,,,, it’s no secret that min yoongi is an attractive man
you just want to look more presentable!!!
you texted jimin last night and asked if he wanted to get to work early this morning and he was just like lmao who do u think i am
so you pass by his apartment door and stick a note on the front that just says ‘good morning - see you at work!!’
it’s about a twenty ish minute walk and you’re definitely regretting choosing a pair of stiLETTOs to wear
so you take them off and proceed to walk comfortably to starbucks to get yourself and yoongi a coffee
you’re about to ask for a muffin but then you remember that he doEsn’T liKE muFfInS so you stick with a black coffee for him and a caramel macchiato for yourself
of course you’re hungry so you get a bagel for yourself with extrA cinnamon cream cheese
after you get everything you head on over to the building and greet the security guards good morning and they’re all pretty surprised because you’re never here,, so early
your heels click clacking on the marble floor is the only thing that’s heard as you make your way down the hallway to your desk
you check the time on your watch and you’re satisfied with yourself because you still have about thirty minutes until work starts
and you lean back against your chair and you give yourself a mental high five because uMMM,,, you’re kiLLING it and it’s not even 8am yet
you look around and
wow it’s quiet
you can hear the bustling of the city from outside and it’s oddly very calming
you kind of want to fall asleep
plus that bagel really filled u up and you always get sleepy after a good meal
uh oh
maybe you can take like
a five minute nap
you deserve it!
you can re energize yourself and then you’ll be even more efficient today
you rest your head on your folded arms and shut your eyes
five minutes
“good morning, sir”
“morning, mr min!”
“good morning, sir!!”
your eyes open and your vision adjusts to youryou shoot up from your desk and wipe the drool off the side of your mouth and stand up from your chair immediately
and you glance down at your laptop and see that you didn't take a five minute snooze you took a FORTY minute snooze
thank god you're a light-ish sleeper otherwise yoongi's shoes echoing down the hallway would definitely not have woken you up and he would’ve caught you sleePING
you look up to see yoongi walking down the hallway looking at his phone
so you quickly fix your hair and straighten yourself up
“good morning sir” you clear your throat to get the raspy sleepiness out of your voice and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
he walks past you and goes straight into his office and you’re about to sit down but then you remember you have a coFfee for him
so you knock on his door clutching his now lukewarm coffee
“i have a coffee here for you, boss” you walk over to his desk and place the cup on his desk
“one cream one sugar?”
uh oh
this coffee is black
“….i will be… right back” and you pick up the coffee and walk out of his room calmly
once you shut the door behind you you’re immEDIATELy zipping down the hallway to the break room
this coffee isn’t even lukewarm anymore now it’s just cold sad coffee
daMN it
it was stupid to buy a coffee forty minutes beforehand
and you can just make coffee here!!!! you dingus!!!!!
so you dump out the coffee and you see namjoon about to pour himself a cup but you slip over and you’re like namjoon sweetie hi good morning can i take that i am sO sorry
and you take the pot from him and refill yoongi’s cup
he just blinks at you because you hand him back an empty coffee pot
“it’s for the big guy you know how it is” and you reach past him to get the cream and a sugar cube and you plop it in and give it a stir
and you pop the lid back on and you’re like thanks joon i owe you big time!! and honestly you were moving so fast namjoon's not even sure what just happened
so you’re practically sprinting down the hall in stilettos back to yoongi’s office and you spot jimin walking out of the lift as you past by and you manage to say goOD morning buddy!!! but all he sees is like a blur and he rubs his eyes
when you get back to the office you’re panting a little but you calm your breaths as you set the coffee down
“one cream one sugar, boss” and you straighten your blouse and clear your throat
yoongi types something out on his phone and blindly reaches for the coffee cup and you gently nudge it towards his hand
he takes a sip and then looks up from his phone and gets his first glance at you for the day and
yoongi chokES on his coffee and quickly sets it down
holy shit
you don’t even look like the same y/n as yesterday
“oh shoot- do you need a napkin?? i’ll get a napkin hold on” and you shuffle out of the room and yoongi isn’t usually like this but he can’t help but let his eyes flicker down because dAmn you look good in that skirt
he thought you looked cute yesterday with your polka dotted blouse and your jeans but today you look so
god damn
he needs to chill
you’re his secretary
he’s your boss
even more you’re his KLUtzY secretary who spilled coffee all over his shirt and talked smack about him
“…sir?” he snaps himself out of it and looks up and you’re standing over him holding a napkin
he thanks you quietly and takes it from you and dabs at his mouth
okay woO
keep it professional yoongi
“you've got a conference call in twenty minutes. i put everything in your calendar and it should alert you five minutes beforehand but in case it doesn't i'll come in and remind you. i filed the contracts you asked me to sort out yestreday everything's colour coded and also arrange alphabetically so it should be easier to find next time."
yoongi blinks up at you because... what happened to the y/n he met yesterday
“right. yes. good. okay." yoongi swallows thickly when he sees you suck your bottom lip in between your teeth which seems to be a nervous habit of yours "that's all i need from you then. you can go now."
you nod happily and see yourself out
this is a good start 
things are going to be greAT from here
it’s been about two weeks since yoongi took over the company
and all you have to say is
you want to jump out the window
you want to jump off the fifty second floor of this building because yoongi is working you like a dog
which is something that you obviously aren’t accustomed to because the most rigorous thing you had to do for your old boss was to walk across the floor and get him a snack from the vending machine
but yoongi doesn’t do vending machine snacks because it’s appArently all trans fats
he mentioned it to you when you were scarfing down a little packet of cookies because of course you didn’t have time to get lunch for yourself because you were getting his stupid fancy sandwich like a million miles away
and you were like :) and threw it away and he nodded satisfactorily and then went into his office
and you bent down and picked the packet back up and threw the rest of the mini cookies into your mouth
he’s your boss not your dad
he can’t control your diet!!
you’re so physically and mentally drained
you feel like a husk
your soul left your body the moment you met yoongi and it hasn’t returned ever since
you usually like being a secretary because you like organising things and colour coding things and going like ‘i’m so sorry- mr min will have to call you back’ and slamming the phone down because it makes you feel ~powerful~
but damn
you wish you had applied for an office job like jimin
he works in human resources
you would probably be really good in like finances or some other section like that
of course jimin isn’t paid as much as you’re paid so there’s that
you do want to continue having a roof over your head and food in your tummy so
you grin and bear it
to make a long story short
you strongly dislike yoongi and you’re pretty sure he hates you
here are some more things that have happened in the last two weeks
yoongi told you to photocopy 50 copies of a contract
of course you said yes and you went ahead to your little copying machine and made 50 copies
and when you went back and handed him the copies he looked at them and blinked and then looked at you and he was like this isn't the contract i asked you to copy
and you were like ?? you hANded me the contract
“this isn't the right contract”
“you were supposed to copy this one” and he hands you a DIFFERENT CONTRACT
so you end up shredding 50 sheets of paper and you make a brand new 50 copies and when you give the new ones to yoongi he’s like what took you so damn long??
and you were like
you wanted to SCREAM
and another time
yoongi was about to go into a meeting but before that he told you that as soon as mr kim calls for him you should tell yoongi immediately
and your concern was that mr kim would call during the meeting and you would have to interrupt the meeting which is noT what you want to do but before you can voice your concern yoongi's like okay peace out i'm leaving now
and of course because the universe is against you
mr kim called during the meeting
so you knocked on the door and opened it and there are like 15 businesspeople just staring at you blankly and yoongi's staring at you blankly at the front of the desk
“sir, um, mr kim called"
and he nods and waves you away so you shut the door
after the meeting ends yoongi literally goes like
you shouldn't interrupt another meeting like that again
and you said that you only did it because yOOngi said to tell him as SOON as mr kim called
“hm. i don't recall telling you that."
you had your hands balled into fists so tightly that your knuckles were starting to get white but of coURse all you say is
“you're right, sir. it was my bad. it won't happen again."
“it better not."
lisa the sandwich girl
it's like she's expecting you to hook her up with yoongi
everytime you go into the shop she hands you yoongi's lunch and is always like :) tell :) yoongi :) i :) said :) hi :) and you’re like :) let :) go :) of :) the :) bag :) i :) need :) to :) leave :)
and because lisa is the last thing you're concerned about you never tell yoongi she says hi but you don't need to because lately she's been writing notes on the paper bag like ‘i was going to write a pun about a sandwich but i was afraid you’d find it stALe’
when you read that you were like ?? what does that mean are you saying the bread you used in his sandwich today is stale
one time you decided you'd splurge so you treated yourself to a sandwich from there made by lisa herself
it was,,, the worst sandwich you've ever had in your entire life
the bread was barely toasted
there was like 3 pounds of mayo in there
she was skimpy on the turkey
she placed the tomatoes on the bottom making the bread all soggy
yoongi must really REALLY want to get into lisa's pants if he can continue eating this shit without gagging
the conclusion here is that you hate lisa’s sandwiches but not as much as you hate yoongi
:) and you’re allowed to say that because you’re only saying it to yourself and it doesn’t count if no one else knows about your feelings :)
“we’re going to have sO much fun tonight it’s literally been a century since we last got to go to a club and get wasted!!!!! i even bought a brand new shirt for the occasion.” jimin grins and takes a sip of his juice and you nod excitedly
“i’m so ready to get shit faced let me tell you mr min honestly wants to make me rip my-“
“miss y/l/n.” both you and jimin turn when you hear your name and you’re surprised to see yoongi standing there
why’s he in the canteen he’s never in the canteen
“mr min, what.. can i help you with?” you clear your throat and turn yourself around a little more to face him
“i need you to stay late tonight to reorganise some files that your old boss kept tucked away in the drawers. it’s frankly a mess in there.” you don’t even get a chance to respond before yoongi takes a bite of an apple and strolls away casually
wait what
he can’t just
okay technically he can do that because he’s your boss but
not tonight!!! 
“mr min i don’t-“ you stand up quickly to chase him and he whips around and raises an eyebrow
“is there something wrong?”
yes there’s something wrong
you have plans tonight!!!!!!!!!
you’re going dancing and you’re going to down shots like there’s no tomorrow and you’re going to wake up tomorrow morning with a hangover like never before so yEs there’s something wrong
“…i don’t know if you wanted me to colour code them or arrange them alphabetically.” you breathe out and you feel your soul leave your body
your first night out in weeks and now you have to stay late and arrange dusty old files
“of course, sir.”
“i’ll be here to keep you company you can get ‘shit-faced’ another time.”
you’re pretty sure you’re going to burst into tears when you see jimin and a couple other co-workers seemingly having a bLast at the new club downtown from his snapchat story
you let out a grunt as you get up from your knees
you’ve been organising these damn files for like two hours
yoongi was done with his phone call like half an hour ago and then he said he was going to get some food
your stomach grumbles at the thought of food
you h8 your boss with a burning passion
another twenty minutes pass and you’ve never been so relieved in your life when you finALLY are finished with the files
it only took like 30 years to dust things off and then colour code them and then re label them and then arrange them alphabetically
“good job, y/l/n” you give yourself a pat on the back and then plop down on yoongi’s cushy office chair
wow you feel powerful just sitting here
it only takes a second for you to start spinning the chair in circles because this is literally your only form of entertainment for the night
“if you break my chair it’s coming out of your paycheque.” you stop spinning immediately when yoongi seemingly appears out of nowhere
you’re about to apologise profusely and get up but from the way yoongi tilts his head and offers you the smallest of smirks you know you’re not in trouble
“i wasn’t going to break it.” you grumble and you’re about to get off his chair and let him sit but he sits across from you instead
you’re in the boss’ chair and he’s not
how the tables have turned,,,,,,,,
“here. eat. the only place open at this hour was mcdonald’s.”
“you bought dinner for me?”
yoongi plops a paper bag on the desk and your mouth waters when he pulls out a big mac and an order of large fries
“oh gosh, boss. you didn’t have to go all out for lil ol me” yoongi can’t help but smile before he shakes his head and pulls out a miLKSHAKE
“a vanilla milkshake? i thought you weren’t into sugar.”
“it’s for you. i know how much you love anything that rots your teeth.”
that’s like
oddly sweet
but also kind of insulting
but still sweet in his own way
“i also bought a couple beers if you’re interested you won’t get shit-faced like you wanted to but you’ll get a little buzzed.” he pulls a niNE pack of beers out of the bag and cracks one open for himself
at first the meal is kind of awkward
the two of you are kind of just sitting there in silence eating food and drinking
but yoongi breaks the silence when he sees you dip a french fry into your milkshake
what the fuk
u so nasty
“that’s disgusting.”
“don’t knock it til you try it!” when yoongi opens his mouth to give you another snarky comment you shove a milkshake dipped fry into his mouth
he chews thoughtfully and then swallows
“what do you think?”
it’s sweet
and it’s salty
at the same time
somehow this disgusting combination works
“it’s… it’s okay, but it’s still disgusting.” yoongi mutters and takes a swig of his beer “here, i can’t finish all of these on my own.” he hands you a can of beer and you crack it open
the two of you spend the next hour eating and drinking
halfway through eating your milkshake became yours and yoongi’s milkshake
yoongi’s really enjoying your french fry hack in case that wasn’t clear
you’re really enjoying this beer it’s surprisingly good quality coming from the corner store
“i’m serious! i turned all the white sheets pink because of one red sock and jimin didn’t talk to me for a whole week because the two of us had to come to work wearing matching pink button-ups.” yoongi throws his head back in laughter and you suppress your own laughter by taking another sip of beer
the alcohol coursing through your veins is making you become a little more talkative than usual
“i have a question for you, boss”
“why do you hate me?” you push your bottom lip out in a pout and yoongi looks up at you in surprise as he wipes his hands off on a napkin
“where did you get that idea?”
“because you-“ hiccup “because you’re always so mean to me! like i know i didn’t have a great first impression but you knOw i’ve already apologised like a triLLion times for what i said and you also know i only say things to be funny but you’Re such a meanie-bobeenie sometimes it makes me wonder what the hell i’m supposed to do to make you-“
“y/n, i don’t hate you. i’m just-“ yoongi pauses to think “i’m just like that.”
why was he so mean to you all the time? he didn’t have a particular reason
maybe it’s like that thing where when kids have crushes on each other they’re mean to their crush instead of
wa,,,,,,aaaaaait a second,,,,,
yoongi has to admit he’s taken an iNKLing of an interest in you since your first meeting but it’s not serious or anything
like yes you’re attractive and you’re his type but,.,.,.,.,. ya you’re just his secretary it’s not a big deal he doesn’t like you like that
“it’s, uh, it’s getting late - we should probably head home.” yoongi clears his throat and begins cleaning up the wrappers and napkins and ketchup packets
“thanks for treating me to an extravagant meal tonight, mr min. you really didn’t have to.” the two of you step onto the lift and you hit the ground floor level for yourself and the parking lot level for yoongi
“trust me, i did. i know how upset you were about not getting to go out with mr park and the others… and fast food makes everyone feel better. by the way - it’s after-hours. you can call me yoongi - mr min makes me feel like i’ve aged 50 years.” he nudges you playfully and you’re like i should get yoongi to drink more beers if he acts like this from it
and then ur like o wait that’s call alcoholism so maybe not
“touché.” the elevator dings and you look up “this is me! i’ll see you in the morning then, boss.”
before you get off the lift yoongi stops you
“sorry if i’ve been, um, a little hard on you since i started working here. you’re responsible and you’re hardworking i’m glad to have you as my secretary, y/n, even if i don’t show it sometimes. i promise i’ll try to be less of a… as you said, a meanie-bobeenie.”
that was,, unexpected
but aw!!!!
that’s nice of him to say
your lips tug up in a bright smile
“i’ll see you in the morning… yoongi.”you step out of the lift and you wave at yoongi as the doors shut
waking up in the morning for work feels a lot better now that you know yoongi doesn’t actually hate you
although your slight hangover doesn’t feel that great
you keep your sunglasses on when you walk into the office with yoongi’s coffee
and when you knock on his door and enter his office to see him also wearing his sunglasses you can’t help but laugh
“you’re having black coffee today, it’ll wake you up.”
“please tell me i don’t have any meetings today because i feel like death.” yoongi’s voice is all low and raspy and in ur head you’re like [h o ly shit that’s hot]
“i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have two. your first one is in ten minutes. and i suggest taking your sunglasses off before you head in there.”
yoongi groans and slams his head down on his desk
the next couple of weeks go by pretty smoothly
aside from like one or two-ish slip ups
“yes, sir?” you’re about to leave his office after giving him his morning coffee
you were almost late but after you took your heels off in the middle of the street and sprinted back to the office you made it right on time
the downside of getting there on timE is the fact that in your rush you literally forgot to pick up yoongi’s cup of coffee that was SITTING ON THE COUNTER neXT to youRS YOU IDIOT
luckily you picked up a little trick
in case something like this happened, you always bought two cups of the same coffee
like if you spill one cup it’s fine because you still have the other
but in this case you only have one cup
and this is your cup
and it says ‘call me sometime :-) -jungkook’
jungkook is the cute new barista that started working at your starbucks like three weeks ago?? he usually has the morning shift
and yeah you’ve been having fun like,,, flirting with him
because he’s an attractive guy
chestnut brown hair
cute round eyes
adorable smile
and he’s very very verY charming
so SUE you if you’re having a good time!!!! (although you’re like low key leading him on so you better cut it out soon)
but it seems that today was the day that jungkook decided he’d finally make a move
because when yoongi turns his coffee cup and points to the note
you’re like ….:) shit :)
“who is jungkook, and why does he want me to call him?”
“…business proposal?”
“and his form of communication is via paper coffee cups?”
“kids are getting super creative nowadays, boss”
“mm, okay.” yoongi takes a sip of his coffee and lets out a small sigh “you sure this wasn’t your cup?”
“nope. i need at least like five pounds of sugar and creamer in my coffee.” you laugh awkwardly and back up towards to the door “i wouldn’t get the same cup of coffee as you in case… something happened… oH is that my phone ringing pardon me!!” and you slam the door and plop down on your seat and let out a breath
yoongi smiles to himself and shakes his head
but he’s definitely going to need to call this jungkook and tell him to back off
yoongi’s definitely warming up to you
after one of his meetings he passed by your desk and placed a pack of those mini chocolate chip cookies from the vending machine in front of you and you were like gASP a GIFT
“what’s this for??”
“for actually getting to work on time two weeks in a row. keep it up and i might just treat you to a chocolate bar, too.”
one day as you’re coming back from your lunch break you see yoongi at your desk huffing and grumbling to himself
“mr min?” he looks up at you and then looks back down “what are you-“
“i’m trying to photocopy this contract but your stupid printer won’t-“ he pauses to smack the side of it and you gasp in shock because he just whacked your bABY “won’t work!! i think we need to get you a new one.” he scowls and scratches the top of his head
you roll your eyes before gesturing for him to scoot and then bending down to check out how much damage he’s done (somehow he created a small paper jam)
“it’s my printer and it only responds to my magic touch.” you punch a couple buttons on the thing and it sputters for a second before a fresh photocopy comes out the slit “here you go, boss!” you hand yoongi the sheet and he’s like i could’ve done it myself ur printer is just weird and you’re like mMMmm
you sit down on your seat and yoongi’s about to head into his office before
“by the way - i’m going on a date tonight, with lisa. can you jot that down in my schedule? the dinner reservation is at 6.”
“date with lisa at 6” you reply almost immediately and begin typing it out onto his schedule
he’s going out on a date?
your heart immediately drops to your stomach
all you typed in was date with lis and you’re getting up and stumbling into his office
you wrap your fingers around the frame of the door and peek in
“mhm” he doesn’t look up at you and you swallow nervously
“what,,, what do u mean you’re going out on a date”
yoongi looks up at you and is like ?
“it’s pretty self explanatory… have you never been on one?”
your cheeks flame up and you’re like “of couRSE i’ve been on one i just-“ you stop yourself and press your lips together because what exactly are you going to say to yoongi
oH i just thought maybe i had a shot with you because we’ve been spending so much time together lately and we’ve gotten preTTy close and i think nO i'm pretty sure i have a teensy weensy crush on you sir but enjoy your date!!!!!
you scratch the back of your neck awkwardly and feel your cheeks flame up at the fact that you…. definitely have feelings for ur boss
but he has feelings for someone else
“i just… wanted to remind you that you have a skype conference at 10 tonight. i, um, i’ll be working late so if you need help during the conference you know where to find me and stuff. uh, yeah. that’s it.”
“okay. what time is it?”
you peer down at your watch
“5:20. you should probably get going in the next 20 minutes so you won’t lose your reservation”
there’s a moment of silence and you take that as a hint to leave
“y/n, wait.” yoongi lets out a breath and he stops sorting through the papers on his desk
you spin around on your heels and you’re like yes???
“if i’m not back by 9:30 give me a call to remind me about the meeting.”
“yes, sir.” you sigh and shut the door
yoongi frowns once you leave
it'll be fine
he's going to have a great time with lisa
your chair squeaks under you as you plop down on it and lean back and look up at the ceiling
you feel pathetic
what were you thinking?
of course he’s not interested in you
he thinks you’re just a klutzy idiot of a secretary
you thought something had changed between the two of you considering you’d been spending sO much damn time together and honestly speaking you had completely forgotten about lisa
were you really that crazy to think that mAybe there was ~something~ romantic going on between the two of you?
why did you have to be such a hopeless romantic
you definitely need to cut back on the romcom binge-watching sessions with jimin
and now your fukicgn eyes are starting to tear up
just gREAT
no crying at work!!!!!!!!!!! you are a grown woman!! get it together for the love of god
you squeeze your eyes shut and curse to yourself when you feel a hot tear rolling down the side of your face and you use the sleeve of your blouse to dab it away
if yoongi comes out and sees you crying that’d be humiliating
just cry at home like a normal person
you calm yourself and distract yourself by scrolling through and organising your emails
soon enough yoongi’s door opens and he steps out and woW
he looks so dreamy
he fixed his hair and you’re pretty sure he changed into another shirt because this one has no wrinkles
yoongi adjusts his cufflinks before patting himself down to check for his phone and wallet
and before you can help yourself
“you look handsome, mr min.” you immediately look away when yoongi turns to look at you and you’re like hMMm let me take a look at this sticky note that only has a smiley face doodled on it
a small smile tugs at yoongi’s lips when he sees your cheeks warm a little
god u r so ADOrable
no! he scolds himself and reminds himself that dating someone you work with never ends well
he has to get over this stupid little crush of his and lisa is the perfect distraction
maybe he’ll end up really reaLLy liking lisa and then he won’t have to worry about you anymore
that’s a good plan
“buy yourself some dinner. i’ll see you later.” yoongi tosses a couple crumpled up bills onto the counter and then he gestures to the hallway and then he’s off
you watch wistfully as he makes his way down the hallway
lisa’s one lucky girl
the next couple of hours really give you some alone time to reflect on what’s happening
let’s see
you like yoongi
a loT more than you thought you did
and he doesn’t feel the same way
nothing ever works out for you in the world of ~romance~
even in high school and college
no one was ever interested in u
and when you thought someone was interested they were actually just being nice to you
of course after you graduated things were a little different
you used tinder and ended up losing your virginity to this guy you’d texted for like a month
he came after like two strokes and then kicked you out of his place and that’s the most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you
you’re going to die alone
you groan and pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration
save the tears for home save the tears for home
you’re rarely at the office alone at night
usually there are other people on the level but tonight it’s just you
you would be creeped out but you’re too busy pitying yourself to be scared of any ghosts or demons potentially haunting the building
you finished work earlier than you thought you would and you were tempted to leave because you have nothing else to do but you told yoongi you’d be here
maybe he’ll give you a small raise for being such a loyal secretary
you just finished your dinner (fish tacos and french fries from the food truck across the street) and you’re just aimlessly scrolling through your facebook feed
it’s about 8:15 when you hear the faint ding of the elevator and you perk up
and then you hear yoongi
you recognise the sound of his walk
why did he come back so soon his meeting isn’t for like another hour and a bit
you get up from your chair and straighten yourself out and look up as yoongi approaches your desk
“back so soon?? it’s only- oh my goD” yoongi’s grumbling to himself while dabbing at his shirt that has a huge splatter of wine on it
no wonder he’s back
it’s fine you’ll get him another shirt and he’ll head back to the restaurant
how did he pour sO much wine on himself
“i’ll get you another shirt, boss”
you immediately go into his office and grab a crisp shirt for him from his little closet
you walk out and
oh sweet baby jesus
you squeak and instinctively cover your eyes as your cheeks flush because
yoongi is shirtless
“sorry, i just wanted to get as much of it out as possible” yoongi’s not looking at you but that’s good because now you’re basically gawking at him
he has his shirt on your desk and is rubbing pretty hard at the purple stain
he’s kind of bent over and you can see his bicep flex every time he wipes
and o hl o r d
his back muscles,,,,,,,,,,,
“are you, um, is lisa waiting for you at the restaurant? did you just come back to change?”
yoongi pauses
“she went home. the date didn’t work out. there was no spark. the meeting is more important anyways” he grumbles before getting up and looking down at the shirt
“what- you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to but what… happened on the date?”
yoongi sighs as he slips into his shirt and you’re about to apologise because it’s really none of your business but then he speaks up
“i don’t wanna get too into it, but the gist of it is that she kinda just wanted me for my money and then when i accused her of that she threw her wine all over me” he shrugs as if that’s the most casual thing to happen ever
oh dang
that’s rough
that sucks!!!! lisa sucks!!!!! what sane person would be perfectly fine taking advantage of someone like that??
(you hated lisa the moment you met her)
“oh… i’m sorry, that sucks” is all you can manage because you’ve never been good with comforting people “if it… makes you feel any better i think her sandwiches are put together pretty sloppily i mean i could probably make better sandwiches with my feet”
that gets a laugh out of yoongi and he shakes his head
“yeaH i’m definitely going to take a break from sandwiches for a while”
he buttons his shirt up and fixes the collar before he moves past you and into his office
meanwhile you fold up his stained shirt and tuck it into your purse so that you can drop it off at the dry cleaners tomorrow
you figure you’d give yoongi a little alone time
you want to comfort him but you don’t know how
so you distract yourself by making a cup of coffee since it’s already pretty late
“you want a cup of coffee? i made extra” you poke your head into yoongi’s office and raise your brow when you see he’s not sitting at his desk
“i could use some caffeine.” yoongi’s standing at his closet and is currently trying to tie his tie but his fingers are not cooperating with him and he’s clearly struggling
you’re about to go and get his coffee but then you hear him mumbling about how dumb ties are and you can’t help it you need to help him out
“here, let me,” you click over to yoongi and slip in between him and the mirror before reaching up to fix his tie
he stares down at you as you wrap the blade around the tail of the tie and a fond smile twitches at his lips
there’s something different about you but he can’t point out what it is
your brows are knitted together in intense concentration and
wow you’re cute
“once around…” you mumble to yourself and pause, tilting your head in confusion
that doesn’t look right
“oh, wait. twice! twice around, sorry” you adjust the tie slightly and make sure it’s not so tight so that’s it’s cutting off his breathing lol
“twice around…” yoongi breathes out and his head lowers a little when you yank on the tie gently to tighten it
your eyes flicker up and your cheeks immediately flush when you realise how close you are to yoongi right now
you’re basically pressed up against the mirror and you’d only have to take like half a step closer and your nose would be touching his
you don’t know what it is but you find yourself tugging on his tie and pulling him down so that you can press your lips against his
yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise but his lips are moving on their own accord
and for the first time evER
yoongi’s heart flutters in his chest
he’s never felt this way before
not even with lisa
your lips are so unbelievably soft
yoongi can taste the strawberry chapstick that he sees you apply all the time and he can’t help but suck your bottom lip in between his teeth
and when you let out a little moan of his name his hands itch to pull you closer because god daMn…
and then it hits you
you’re kissing yoongi
you’re kissing your boss
you’re not just kissing him you guys are fully making out
what the hELL R U DOING
you immediately pull away and you are just,,, mortified
just because u haven’t gotten laid in like idk 8 months doesn’t mean you can go around KISSING anyone you like
get your hormones in check girl!!!!!!
this is not the way to comfort someone!!!!!!!
“oh shit- that wasn’t- i’m so sorry, i, uh- i don’t know why i did that but-“ yoongi’s about to speak up to calm you down and tell you it’s okay but then the skype ringtone echoes from his desk and the two of you are reminded that he has a very important conference call “okay, i’ll be out there, um, have fun??” you bolt out of the room and shut the door behind you and uGHHHH
for about forty minutes you’re just stewing in your own humiliation as yoongi takes his call
meanwhile yoongi can barely focus on what he’s talking about because all he can think about are your lips and how sweet you taste
you realise you’ve spent the last ten minutes just staring at a blank word document because all you can think about it WHY DID I DO THAT
you hear yoongi saying goodbye to whoever he’s talking to and you slap your face gently a couple times to snap out of it
maybe you can just act casual about it
haha yeah bro we just kissed but it’s fine it’s totally normal i kiss jimiN all the time
okay that’s not a very good approach to the situation
you don’t get a chance to come up with another brilliant solution because yoongi’s office door opens and he steps out before switching the lights off and tucking his phone and wallet into his back pocket
“c’mon, i’ll drive you home”
wha,,,, you don’t think you can survive a car ride home with yoongi because you’re still mortified about what happened
and he’s not bringing it up either so maybe he just wants to forget about it too
“oh, no, it’s alright! i can take the bus home”
“it’s a little past midnight it’s not safe. don’t be stubborn.”
“i’m not being stubborn! seriously, it’s fine” you wave him off before pointing to your laptop “i have some work to do anyway”
yoongi bends down to look at your screen and raises an eyebrow
“this is an empty word document.” he stands back up and looks down at you before nodding his head over to the hallway “pack up your stuff that’s an order.” he switches your desk lamp off for you before he’s walking towards the elevators and well you don’t have a choice now so
you shove everything into your bag and grab your cardigan off the back of your chair before quickly jogging over to the lift
the two of you step in and you’re standing so close that your arms are pressed together
but neither of you seem to be moving away
the two of you stare up at the little screen showing the descending floor numbers
“i’m perfectly capable of taking myself home”
“i’m aware”
“so i’ll just take the bus then?”
“mr min “
“yoongi. it’s after hours. you can call me yoongi, y/n.”
((his name is cute to you for some reason))
“yoOngi. i don’t want to inconvenience you, sir. my place is like a twenty-minute drive away and your penthouse is like five minutes “
“it’s not an inconvenience. come.” you figure there’s no use trying to argue with yoongi
he pretty much always gets his way no matter what
maybe that’s why he’s so rich
you trail behind him and he unlocks his car (it’s a sleek black range rover!!!!!!!!!) and he gets into the driver’s seat while you slip into the passenger seat
“are you sure about this, yoongi? i feel bad because you’ve already had a bad night like don’t feel obligated to drive me home because i helped you tie your-“
“i’m literally not even listening to you right now” the engine purrs to life and yoongi pulls out of his spot
he has his sleeves rolled up and his tie is loosened and his hair is kind of messy probably from him running his hand through it (a nervous habit you’ve noticed he has)
…..god he looks sexy
it’s also pretty late and his voice has gotten slightly raspy and is like an octave lower
your mind wanders and you find yourself wondering what he’d sound like while
omg get urself together
you’re tempted to just not say anything for the entire duration of the ride and just let the radio do the talking but
“…so you really don’t know how to tie your own tie?” yoongi smiles at your question as he keeps his eyes on the road
“it’s too much effort, tying a tie. that’s why most of mine are those clip-on ones” he admits and your mouth drops because LoL you have this professional ceo who terrifies everyone and he uses lil clip-on ties like a little boy
“clip-on ties??? omG that’s so adorable you’re so cute” you blurt out as you laugh at him and yoongi glances over at you for a second before he shakes his head and laughs along
the rest of the ride to your place consists of you sharing funny stories and yoongi mostly listening and focusing on driving but he laughs a lot and you feel good because you think you’re making him feel better about the she who shall not be named situation
((lisa doesn’t deserve him anyways))
lisa is the last thing on yoongi’s mind because of you
he never really liked those sandwiches anywho
you feel kinda sad when he rolls up to the front of your building because you guys were having such a nice time
like you’ve literally never been so casual with yoongi before
you like spending time with him
…you like him.
that was probably pretty obvious considering you kissed him
he hasn’t brought it up,,,,,, which is kind of concerning but
knowing yoongi he’s acting professional about it
“thanks for the ride, yoongs.” the nickname slips out accidentally and you look up to make sure he’s not like disgUSted with the new nickname you’ve given him
“c’mon, i’ll walk you to the door”
he gets out of the car before you can protest
you hop out and shut the door behind you and he locks the car
“thanks for everything, by the way. i enjoyed your company tonight.” yoongi murmurs and in the dim streetlights you can see his cheeks go a little pink
“i know. i’m amazing company, what can i say?” you joke and yoongi rolls his eyes because of coUrse you would say something like that “i hope i made you feel a little better.”
“you did” the two of you stop in front of the entrance and you turn to face each other
“good! that’s good. well,,,,goodnight, boss” you’re about to zip right into the building but you’re stopped by yoongi tugging on your wrist causing you to spin around and all of a sudden you feel yoongi press the ~softest~ kiss to your cheek
“goodnight, y/n.” yoongi smiles kindly at you and you beam at him with pink cheeks before you nod and go inside
you can feel his gaze on you as you wait for the lift and you’re bouncing on your toes for some reason
you feel super jittery and you want to scream so loudly but it’s like 2am lol
the next morning you have a pep in your step and jimin’s like omg slow down i know you’re happy about the whole yoongi thing but i have short legs!!!!!!
your arm is linked with his and you’re basically dragging him down the street so you slow down and you’re like sorry i’m just,,,,, really happy,,,,,
jimin lets you get away with it because he knows you haven’t gotten some romantic action in a while
and suddenly your happiness is replaced by nervousness the moment you see yoongi
jimin yelps when you duck behind the corner and yank him with you
you listen for the ‘ding’ and you peek out from behind the corner to make sure the elevator doors have closed
“what was that????”
“i….,.,, i don’t know!!!” you snap and walk over to the lifts and push the up button quickly
“i thought you and yoongi had a greAT time yesterday so why’d you basically piss yourself when “
jimin takes that as a hint to stop and the elevator ride up is silent
you’re so flustered you forget to blow jimin an air kiss and he’s like okay now i look like boo boo the fOOL blowing a kiss to nobody
you plop down on your chair and put your purse under your desk and let out a breath
whatever that panic attack was
it can’t happen again
how are you supposed to act around yoongi now??
you kissed him
he kissed your cheek
you guys had a great time
should you act more casual around him???
maybe you should ask him if he wants to go out for lunch
or is that too much too soon
oh god
“good morning, miss y/l/n.” you jump when yoongi walks past you and into his office
“good- hi, good morning boss!!!” you say a little too enthusiastically and you clear your throat
you stand up and clutch your iPad to your chest and waddle into his office
you curse to yourself and lean down to adjust your heels
“you surprisingly don’t have any meetings today but you do have to look over the rewritten company policies after that- um, incident that happened on the 45th floor and the financial precinct”
“okay. what’s for lunch today?”
“what’s for-“ oh no you weren’t prepared for this what’S THE PLAN Y/N WHAT’S THE PLAN “lunch is… with me. you’re having lunch with me.” is what you blurt out and you press your lips together when yoongi looks up from his phone and gives you this…. look  
“unless you… unless you want a… sandwich or something i “
“where are we eating lunch?”
oh okay he wants to eat lunch with you that’s a good sign
“i’ll get some takeout for us? there’s a really good sushi place a couple blocks “
“okay. you can use my card. i like the spicy tuna rolls with those crunchy bits sprinkled on top.”
“okay! okay okay that’s- yes, those ones are nice. how does lunch at 12:30 sound?”
“mm.” yoongi scribbles something on a post-it note and you take that as a hint to get the heck out
you shut the door behind you
so is yesterday just going to be an unspoken thing
you can do that
keeping it casual
you can keep it casual
you’re as cool as a cucumber
you’re as cool as the sunglasses guy emoji
jimin pouts a little when you tell him you’re not joining him for lunch but when you say you have a lil sushi date with yoongi he’s like……. hmmmmmmm okay i’ll get over it :-))))))))
the sushi place is a couple blocks away
and to get there you have to pass by the sandwich place which isn’t a big deal
and when you get there you’re about to just keep walking because who cares about sandwiches anymore but
well you can’t help yourself
you walk in and lisa looks surprised to see you
“lisa.” you smile at her and then look down at the display case
“y/n! i, um, hi. hey. what can i get for you?” she scratches the back of her neck and can’t seem to keep eye contact with you
in fact she seems to be a little scared
now you know how yoongi feels
being powerful…… makes you feel niCe
“i’m in the mood for… a nice, hot cup of tea.” lisa nods quickly and punches a couple buttons on the cash register
“english breakfast or green?”
“english breakfast, please.” you hum and rummage through your purse for your wallet and hand her a couple of coins and then you go over and wait for it on the side
but you’re not just here to get a cup of tea
oh nonoOonononono
“y/n, here’s your tea!” lisa chirps happily and hands you your cup of tea with a smile
“thank you,” you take a tiny sip and then purse your lips and lisa’s like !!! what’s wrong??
“oof, i hate to do this.” you sigh and shake your head “but could you add a little more cream and a sprinkle of go fuck yourself?”
“sure i’ll just-wait w-what?” lisa looks up at you with wide eyes and you stare blankly at her
“…a little more cream and sugar?”
you hand her your cup and she nods quickly and adds in a splash of cream and even stirs it for you the polite little thing
“h-here you go, y/n”
“thanks lisa.” you begin walking away but you turn back to look over your shoulder “have a wonderful, gold-digging day!”
lisa grows pale
you dump the tea into the bin the moment you leave the sandwich place and head straight for the sushi place
you give yourself a high five for avenging yoongi in your own twisted way
“i’m bAck and i’m ready to eaT” you shut the door behind you as you enter yoongi’s office and frown when you see him typing an obviously angry email
now the past y/n would’ve immediately excused herself and then leave the room but for some reason you feel like,,,, you’re the one holding the power
maybe you’re still on a high from your encounter with lisa
so instead of being like oH i’ll just come back in a sec you stroll over and shut yoongi’s laptop and then hand him a pair of chopsticks
“i was in the middle of something.” his eyebrows knit together and he’s about to open up his laptop but you use the chopsticks to gently whack his hand and he flinches
“i’m aware” you wave the chopsticks in front of yoongi and he sighs and takes it “but the only thing you had today was half a cup of coffee. so we’re going to eat and then maYbe i’ll let you get back to work”
you take a seat and proceed to take the takeaway containers out of the flimsy plastic bag and yoongi’s just sitting there like since when did you become so,,,,, bold
“a spicy tuna roll with the crunchy tempura bits on top for you and a dragon roll for meEE” yoongi perks up when you pop open the lid of your styrofoam box
your roll looks rly good
he looks down at his own spicy tuna roll
sure he likes spicy tuna but he’s not in the mood for raw fish today
“what’s in your roll?” yoongi raises an eyebrow when he sees that you’ve already shoved a roll into your mouth
the way your cheeks are filled resembles a chipmunk and he waits patiently for you to chew and swallow
“nice to see that you’ve got the eating abilities of a three-year-old toddler”
you roll your eyes and ignore his comment
“it’s tempura shrimp and cucumber on the inside and then avocado on top with a drizzle of spicy mayo i think” you pick up a sliver of ginger and pop it into your mouth and chew thoughtfully
meanwhile yoongi takes half a bite of one of his rolls and decides he’s over it
it’s good but it’s not tempura shrimp and cucumber with avocado on top and a drizzle of spicy mayo
“you forgot to shut the door.” yoongi uses his chopsticks to point over your shoulder and you immediately turn around and get up
didn’t you shut the door when you came in??
once your back is turned yoongi reaches over and snags one of your rolls before shoving it into his mouth
holy shit
this is SO GOOD
when you walk over the door… is closed
“the door wasn’t open” you walk back over and take a seat
yoongi swallows his bite and shrugs “sorry, my bad.”
okay he was originally just going to eat one and be done with it but he wants another one
“is that your phone ringing outside?” yoongi stops eating and leans forward a little bit as if listening to something
you turn back again and look at the door and try to hear for your ringtone
“i don’t hear anything”
“you don’t??” yoongi grabs another roll from your box and shoves it into his mouth
“do you think i’m going deaf or something because i seriously can’t hear a thing” you turn back just in time to see yoongi shoving one of yOUR rolls into his mouth
“did you just-“ yoongi wipes a dot of mayo off from the corner of his mouth and then swallows
you look down at your roll and count in your head
you only ate 1
but 3 of them are missing
you look up at yoongi slowly and he takes a sip of water
“…yOU!!! you THIEF!!!! that’s not fair now you have to give me two of yours so we’re even” you reach over with your chopsticks and gawk at yoongi when he blocks your chopsticks with his own
“you don’t have any proof”
“i saw you with my own eyes yoONGI”
next thing you know the two of you are fighting with your chopsticks and using them like swords
it’s when a droplet of soy sauce almost stains yoongi’s dress shirt that he stops whacking his chopsticks with yours and holds a hand out to stop you
“tell you what-“ he leans forward as if negotiating some sort of business deal “you give me your dragon roll.” and then he doesn’t say anything else
“that’s it. you just give me your dragon roll.” the playful glint in yoongi’s eyes tells you he’s just kidding but you can’t help but scowl at him anyways
“you’re a lousy negotiator how the hell’d you become a ceo??” you end up sacrificing your dragon roll and yoongi gives you his spicy tuna roll which honestly is also pretty good
at the end it’s worth it to see yoongi humming happily as he chews thoughtfully
he’s so cute uWu
yoongi, to put it bluntly
is completely and utterly fucked 
he like
kind of wants to bring up what happened between you two
but he also doesn’t know how
because he’s never been in thiS kind of situation before
so the kiss is kind of just a thing that’s been hanging in the air but the two of you act like nothing happened
all this relationship drama makes him feel like he’s in high school again
he just!!!!!!! wants to do something!!!!!!!! but he doesn’t know what to do!!!!!!!!
so when yoongi gets an email about the yearly company gala
a lightbulb appears above his head
“y/n i need you in my office” yoongi walks past your desk and into his office and you quickly spoon the rest of your rice into your mouth before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and going in
“what’s up? um, i mean- what can i help you with?” you clear your throat and lick over your teeth in case there’s any food stuck in between your teeth
yoongi sits down and leans back against his chair while keeping his eyes on you
“you’re coming with me to the gala tomorrow night”
oh what
you squint your eyes slightly and wait for him to be like lolz just kidding get back to work
but he never does that
you’ve never been to a company gala before
your old boss had a wife so it’s not like he had to ask you to accompany him
“you- me? you want me to come with you to the “
“we’ll leave after work tomorrow, so make sure you bring something nice to change into.” yoongi’s flipping through some papers on his desk and he reaches up to lick his finger before swiping to the next page
“sir, you don’t think it’s a little bit-“ your phone rings outside and you turn to look at the door before looking back at yoongi “-it’s a little bit weird for you to be showing up with your secreta-“
“go and pick up the phone. might be an important call.”
okay well
apparently you’re going to a gala now
tomorrow comes a lot sooner than you thought it would because the next thing you know work is over and you’re changing in the disabled washroom with jimin as your lovely assistant
“c’mon, suck it in” jimin grits his teeth as he tugs at the zipper of your dress “i told you to go for that blue one”
it’s a little black dress
off the shoulder
sweetheart neckline
it ends a little above your knees
“but i’ve never worn this dress before and i wanted to take it out for a spin!!” you wiggle your hips to try and help jimin and he lets out a breath of relief when he finally gets the zipper to zip up in one smooth movement
now you know why you’ve never worn this dress before
it’s so damn tiGHt
well honestly it’s not that bad but it’s just,, tighter than things you usually wear
at least your boobs look perkier
“if you bend down, this thing is going to bust open” jimin snorts and bends down to help you into your heels and he scowls when you put your hand on top of his head to keep yourself from toppling over
“how does it look?”
“it looks good, you look sexy” and sure you’re just friends with jimin but that comment gets your cheeks to flush a little bit and you can’t help but bite back with a “keep it in your pants, park” and he raises his hands in defence
“alright, you go and enjoy yourself at a fancy ball while i go home and pig out in front of the TV” jimin sighs dramatically and you laugh but give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the washroom
you keep your eyes down as you click past the cubicles because you can feel everyone just staring at you and you hear jimin go like “i know her ass looks good but keep talking about her like that and i’ll knock u out” in the distance
you knock on the door to yoongi’s office and let yourself in and
you see yoongi wear suits everyday but for some reason tonight he looks ten times more expensive
his hair is styled to perfection
his lips look extra pouty and when he licks over his bottom lip and moistens it you audibly swallow
there isn’t even one wrinkle on his shirt
not only does he look sexy he also smELLS sexy
the entire room just smells like yoongi
he’s on the phone and is scribbling something down so he doesn’t notice you yet
“yes, i hope to hear from you soon.” he has his phone sandwiched in between his shoulder and his ear as he adjusts his cufflinks and woW you are totally heart eyes emoji right now “take care.” he hangs up and gets up from his seat while looking for his keys “ready to go?”
“yep! let’s get a move on because i don’t know how long my feet are going to last in these heels”
yoongi’s hand stops searching and his eyes flicker to your heels and then his eyes slowly trail up your legs and the rest of your body
“you clean up nicely” is all he can say because words cannot describe,,, how sexy you look to him right now
okay calm down yoongi find ur keys don’t gawk at ur secretary
he finds his keys and tucks them into his back pocket but then he’s like oH hold on before i forget come here
and he rummages through his bag and pulls out a velvet box from fuckign cartier
“this is for you. for tonight.” he opens it and your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets at the sight of this gorgeous diamond necklace and you don’t even get a chance to protest before yoongi’s taking it out and moving behind you to help you clasp it on
you reach up and pinch the diamond charm between your fingers and then you turn to look at him over your shoulder and you’re like yoongi i can’t just accept a diamond necklace from u
“fine i’ll take it out of your paycheque”
“i’m kidding i’m kidding c’mon let’s go”
the car ride there consists of you humming and bopping along to whatever song is playing on the radio
yoongi calls you out on not knowing the lyrics and you’re like u know whAt i could just leave you at this gala thing and go home
“then i’ll fire you”
“you’re mean”
“i’ve been called worse.”
“by who??”
“by yoU”
when you guys get to the gala
all you can say is woW because WOW
you’re parked across the street from this huGe mansion that literally looks like the white house
“a bug is going to fly into your mouth if you keep gawking like that” yoongi places a hand on the small of your back and walks you across the street and you feel all tingLy
“are you kidding me yoongi do you sEE this place it’s HUGE”
“there are like 1000 people here of course it’s huge”
that just adds to your anxiety
you clutch your purse tightly when you see some very veRy fancy looking people walk past you and into the building
you really don’t belong here
and it seems like yoongi can read your mind
“don’t worry, y/n. i’ll be glued to your side all night.”
“and why is that?”
“so i can make sure you don’t accidentally knock something expensive over.” the two of you make your way up the stairs and your feet are already beginning to throb from your stilettos
“you know what i’m not thAt clumsy” right as you finish saying that you stumble a little over your heels and yoongi’s grip around your waist immediately tightens
“…you were saying?”
you clear your throat and grab his arm and drag him into the building
this is…. this interior looks like it was ripped straight out of some kind of fairytale
huge glass chandeliers
marble columns
waiters and waitresses evErywhere
their uniforms look more expensive than your entire existence
and then you spot it
the f o o d table
“oh my god i see tiny baby sandwiches” you gasp and immediately head for the sandwiches and but yoongi grabs your wrist and tugs you backwards “whAt are you doing i’m so hungry i’m going to eat like 100 of those let me gO- “
“mr min! it’s so nice to see you!” you shut up immediately when the two of you are approached by an older looking couple and you put on your polite smile
“mr lee. it’s nice to see you again.” yoongi gives him a firm handshake and then turns to his wife “mrs lee- looking lovely, as per usual.”
“still charming, i see!” and you’re tempted to be like lol yooNgi??? charming??? wheRE
“and who’s this lovely lady?” the man smiles at you and you’re like whoops time to introduce myself
“oh, i’m y/n! i’m mr min’s secreta-“
“date. she’s my date.” yoongi wraps an arm around your waist and draws you in nice and close and you’re like ! ? ! ?
y/n.exe has stopped working
okay okay coolcoolcool keep it casual nice and casual
anyways you shake the guy's hand and you shake his wife’s hand too and offer her a smile
“gorgeous necklace! who gave it to you?”
time to keep it casual
“yoongi did!” you pat his chest gently “he knows i have expensive taste even though i’m only worth like 50 cents and a pack of instant ramen.” everyone laughs and yoongi laughs along too but he’s not really focused because he’s just so,,, entranced by you
you’re so unbelievably charming and witty
and god you look good tonight
you look like a million bucks even though you told him you got your dress for 70% off the original price
“could you excuse us for a second? i need some alcohol in my system otherwise i don’t know if i’ll be able to survive tonight.” you excuse yourself and yoongi from the couple and link your arm with his and now he’s like ! ? ! ?
“buddy system, yoongi. you can’t lose me in this crowd otherwise you’ll have to find a new secretary.”
“i don’t see the problem with that.” he earns a slap on the arm for that comment and he can’t help but smile at the way you scowl at him
you hand yoongi a flute of champagne and pick one up for yourself and the two of you clink glasses before taking a sip
this shit tastes frickin expensive
it’s like liquid gold
you’d drink the whole bottle if alcohol poisoning wasn’t a thing
“you should take me to more of these things” you hum and take another sip before wiping off a bit of your lip gloss staining the rim of the glass
“and why is that?”
“not only am i greAt at charming people i also happen to really really like champagne” you tsk and yoongi laughs lightly
“charming people? ah, yes. as proven by what you said when we first met.” 
“okay but if you weren’T min yoongi and you were some other person you totally would’ve thought what i said was charming”
the two of you spend the next half an hour just talking to each other
you’re having such a good time
yoongi’s a great person to talk to and with every passing minute you find your fondness of him growing and growing
and with alcohol running through your veins you feel,,, a tad more confident
the buzz makes you feel giDDY
so you reach over and fix a strand of yoongi’s hair “i didn’t know this was a date, by the way.”
yoongi’s not surprised that you’re touchy when you’re tipsy
“what are you talking about?”
“i thought i was here as your secretary!!!!”
“you’ve never been on a date before and i’m a good samaritan who loves giving to charities”
“wha- i’VE BEEN on a dATE BEFore!!!” you scowl and yoongi rolls his eyes playfully “okay well it was more like a hangout with a bunch of friends but i really liked the guy and i think he liked me back and you know what he sat next to me when we were watching a movie so-“
“you don’t have to come up with a crazy story to try and convince me that you’ve gone on a date - this is your first date, and it’s with me.” he shrugs and downs the rest of his champagne “i have to go and talk to someone, will you be alright alone?”
“why can’t i come with you?” you whine and lean against yoongi a little and you’re a little too tipsy to notice his cheeks flare up
“because they’re all going to look at you like a piece of meat and i’d rather that didn’t happen.” you look over your shoulder and see a round table with a bunch of older men
your heart feels a lil fuzzy at the realisation that yoongi is,,, being very very protective of u
yoongi hands you another flute of champagne and sets your empty glass down “you’ll be fine in the VIP section just enjoy the drinks and don’T move from this spot”
“but i don’t wanna stand here-“
“i’ll only be like 10 minutes, you whiney baby. here-” when you open your mouth to speak he pops an olive puff into your mouth and then pats your cheek and slips past you
you want to pout but it’s hard doing that when there’s foOd in your mouth so you just watch yoongi as he walks away
of course he turns back to glance at you and gives you a warning look that says if you move from ur spot i’ll shank you
you hate being alone at parties and now you’re alone at this fancy gala
so you resort to your usual solution
scrolling through your phone while standing by the food and drinks
about five minutes pass and you’re already getting bored of the tetris game you’re playing
and then you hear two voices belonging to two girls and they’re standing a little distance behind you
“you think she fucked mr min so she could come here? i bet i could’ve fucked him better.”
oh hELL no
you would nEVER do something like that to get a job you’ve always believed in earning a position through hard work and determination
you want to turn your head and look at the two girls and confront them but you also want to hear what else they have to say
“oh, definitely. what a slut! fucked her way to the goddamn top. that’s how this business works when you’re desperate, i guess.”
you’re clutching your flute of champagne so tightly that your knuckles are starting to get white and you’re surprised the glass hasn’t cracked from the pressure
you can feel your entire face burning up with humiliation and you try to calm yourself by taking a sip of champagne but even good ol bubbly can’t help you
this was a mistake
you should have turned down yoongi
“the point is that she doesn’t belong here. especially in the VIP section with us??”
they’re right!!!! u don’t belong here!!!!!!! you are noWhere as rich and successful as these people,,,, you’re tempted to just ditch yoongi and go home
“that dress was a choice. this isn’t a strip club, honey.”
“god, look at her necklace. there’s no way a fucking secretary could afford that shit. how many times did she suck him off for him to give it to her?” the blonde snorts to herself - and raises an eyebrow in your direction
the introduction of a third voice makes you perk up
because that voice belongs to yoongi
he stands in front of them with his hands clasped behind his back
“zero times, actually. i suggest keeping your assumptions - which are all wrong, by the way - to yourselves.” yoongi smiles and tilts his head and the two of them go pale and exchange glances before looking down at the ground
it’s almost eery how calm and composed he is when he goes “miss cho, miss pak -  i can destroy your pathetic little cupcake company with one phone call. have a good night, ladies.”
he walks over to you and you’re like >:-) when you see the security guards guiding the two girls out
“thanks for doing that”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about” yoongi downs the rest of his drink and sets it down on the table before taking your champagne and putting it down as well
“you didn’t have to be so mean about it, though”
“i still don’t know what you’re talking about.” he pauses “and yes, i did have to be mean about it. i never really enjoyed these gatherings, anyway. let’s get some ice cream.”
“don’t you still have business to tend to?” you gesture back to the table of men
yoongi shrugs “they’ll call me if they need anything”
you nod slowly and look around one last time “i thought you didn’t like sweet things though”
yoongi is very tempted to say even tho he doesn’t like sweet things he certainly likes you but
the cheesiness of it all makes his entire soul criNGE
“i can make an exception”
he google maps if there are any ice cream places near the event and luckily there’s one about a six-minute walk away
and so the two of you begin the mini trek
you should have brought your cardigan with you
you underestimated how breezy it gets late at night
yoongi obviously notices this and proceeds to take his suit jacket off before wrapping it around you
you turn and give yoongi a smile even though he’s looking straight ahead
“don’t look at me like that”
“like what?” you hum and link your arm with his and yoongi freezes for a millisecond at the contact
he grumbles something under his breath and you don’t bother asking him to repeat it
“sorry for forcing you to go to this dumb thing with me”
“it’s okay, i had fun! plus you’re treating me to an ice cream in four minutes time so that makes everything worth it”
a comfortable silence falls between the two of you
and it’s just the sound of your heels clicking against the pavement mixed in with the occasional car driving by
goD his suit jacket smells like him and it’s making you feel all woozy
when you get to the cute ice cream parlour yoongi opens the door for you like a true gentleman would and when you give him a little curtsey in thanks he can’t help but roll his eyes playfully while the tiniest of smiles tugs at the corners of his mouth
you’re adorable
and if it’s even possible you become even more adorable at the sight of the large selection of flavours of ice cream there is
“oH MY god red velvet cake ice cream??” your nose is practically pressed up against the glass and your eyes are big and sparkly
there are only like one or two other people in the parlour at this hour and yoongi’s glad because that gives the two of you at least a lil bit of privacy
he looks around a little and turns his attention back to the ice creams
“CINNAMON BUN FLAVOURED- you shouldn’t have taken me here boss the sun is going to come up before i make a decision” you shake your head and tsk and yoongi laughs at that “what flavour are you thinking of getting?”
“i was just going to get the low-fat low sugar vanilla frozen yogurt.”
“oh bOO c’mon live a little grandpa” you snort and shuffle a little to scan over the other flavours
“it’s not my fault-“ yoongi pauses and squints his eyes “-apple pie ice cream sounds like the nastiest thing in the world”
“how about you go and get us some seats and i’ll choose your flavour”
“if you don’t like it then i’ll let you get your low-fat low-sugar low-fun stupid vanilla frozen yogurt” you negotiate and yoongi’s like okay finE i guess
he’s about to reach into his wallet but you stop him and you’re like nope it’s mY treat go and find us a booth
of course before he goes and finds the two of you a seat he makes sure to slip the cashier a couple of bills and is like i’m covering for whatever she picks out
yoongi decides to go with a lil booth in the back
just for a little more ~privacy~
and now that he has a moment to himself
oh my god what the fucK is happening to him
he doesn’t do ice cream??
he doesn’t do arm linking??
giving his jacket to someone because they’re cold??? not his thing!!!! he ALWAYS puts himself first!!!!!!
but most importantly
he doesn’t do the whole
romAnce thing
like after the whole fiasco with lisa he was like lol i’m not going to put myself through thaT again and then you came along and RUINED everything by kissing him and making his heart go boom boom because he’s finally realising that you’re just so terribly sweet and nice and kind to him even tho he’s a grade A asshole most of the time
he literally can’t get you off his mind
he thinks of you before he goes to bed ( ;-) )
he thinks of you when he wakes up
and then he sees you most hours of the day and you’re always there with a bright smile and you’re like good morning boss! and he wants to EXPLODE because gosh darn it!!!! you are so cute!!!!!!
and now he’s having a crisis because right now in this stupid ice cream parlour at 1 in the morning he is realising that he 110% has feelings for you and wants to kiss the heck out of you
“i told you it was mY treat!!!!” yoongi snaps himself out of it when you slide into the booth to sit next to him and usually yoongi would be like um,,,,, why are you sitting next to me it makes sense for u to sit across from me u idiot
he’ll.,,,,,… he can make an exception for u
you slide his cup over to him and yoongi blinks down at it
this…. multicoloured monstrosity with tiny baby marshmallows and sprinkles and chocolate syrup on top
“what flavour is this?? diabetes??” yoongi frowns and twists the cup around a couple times to look at it from all angles
“haha, very funny” you stick a spoonful of your ice cream into your mouth (u went with blueberry cheesecake flavoured ice cream) “it’s birthday cake flavoured! it’s wild but it’s not toO wild”
“you call this not too wild??” yoongi takes a small scoop “i can tell u right now i’m not going to like this because birthday cake is a cake it doesn’t belong in an ice cream” he puts it into his mouth
and you watch him as he processes the many flavours swirling around in his mouth
o shit
dis shit is gud
“…eh” he shrugs “it’s passable”
you reach out to take his cup “i can always eat it for you and get you your froyo if you “ yoongi slaps your hand away from his cup and glares at you
and in your head you’re like lolz i toLd you so
“you wanna try some of mine?” you offer him a spoonful and yoongi takes it almost immediately
“i like mine better” he shrugs and holds a spoonful up for you “try some.”
as you’re leaning in to take the spoon into your mouth yoongi’s pulling the spoon farther and farther away from you and he feels his heart go boom boom again when you pout and go yOOooOngi pls
you hum when he finally feeds you the spoonful and you don’t even realise your hand is on his thigh and you’re practically pressed up against him
there’s a moment of silence where the two of you kind of just stare at each other
you’re about to pull away when suddenly
a cartoon exclamation mark appears at the top of your head when yoongi leans in and presses his lips against yours
you want to whine when he pulls away like a second later but you compose yourself quickly
“you had some ice cream there” yoongi clears his throat and focuses his attention back on his ice cream
you’re tempted to smother ice cream all over your face if it means yoongi will kiss you again
yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise when you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek
“you’re cute, you know that?” you murmur and yoongi grumbles that he’S not cute but his cheeks heat up anyway
the point is
you two are now realising
that you like each other
: )))
[screams into the void]
the car ride home is spent letting the radio fill the silence
your tummies are filled with ice cream
both your hearts feel warm and fuzzy (although that’s probably from the insane amount of sugar you guys consumed earlier)
yoongi parks in front of your driveway and is like c’mon i’ll walk u over
you kind of want to invite him in?? to talk about things?? like if he kissed u that must mean he likes you back but what if he’s only doing it because he still hung up over lisa and blah bLah
but for some reason u can’t find the courage because what if it’s true,,, that he’s only using you to get over lisa…. and you’re really enjoying this little bubble that the both of you are floating in right now…..
“i, uh, i’m just going to come out and say it” the two of you are standing by the entrance
you nod slowly and wait for him to continue
oh god
here it comes
he’s going to tell u he’s not looking for anything serious and then you’re going to have to deal with your romantic feelings for him for the rest of your life
“i had a lot of fun tonight, and i… i think i like you.”
you don’t even realise you’re holding your breath but all you can say is
“you like me or you like-like me????”
okay he’s going to ignore that question
yoongi literally feels like he’s in high school again he’s far too mature for this shit
“i liked you the day we met in the elevator and you unknowingly told me how much of an asshole i am, i liked you when you whined about getting my shitty sandwiches for me, i liked you when you made fun of me for not knowing how to tie my own tie the point is i like you and i like-like you. don’t… don’t make a big deal out of this i don’t have a lot of experience with confessions like this but i just need to know if you like me back or not”
yoongi feels his body beginning to cave in on itself when you stare at him like :0
he can’t even look you straight in the eye he’s just staring at the space behind you
“this is the part where you kiss me, yoongi”
he looks at you and he swallows thickly when you take a small step forward
usually he’s the one in power but right now you definitely hold the power over him
and then it happens
he leans down in one swift movement and presses his lips against yours
this is your third kiss with yoongi and it’s your seCOnd one with him toNIGHT
at first it’s a relatively innocent kiss
nice and slow
makes your heart flutter
but of course
the two of you know exactly where this is going
you feel your tummy doing summersaults when he grabs your hips and pulls you in closer
you wrap your arms around his neck loosely and grin when you feel his tongue prodding at your bottom lip and yoongi groans in his throat when you tangle your fingers in his hair and give him a little tug
“you wanna come in for some coffee or something?” you smooth down his collar and he presses a kiss to your mouth smartly
“…one cream one sugar?” you giggle and pull him in and the two of you stumble to the elevator
yoongi’s hands are aLL over you the moment you unlock your front door
your purse and your keys end up on the floor somewhere because you’re too preoccupied making out with yoongi while he presses you up against the wall
“i’ve wanted to rip this dress off of you the moment i saw you in it” your back arches so that he can unzip the back of your dress while he’s planting kisses to your neck and your shoulders
he lets out a throaty groan when he sees the lingerie you’ve got on underneath
you felt like tonight was an appropriate night to go full bougie so you treated yourself to some ~lingerie~
thank god you did
you gasp when you feel yoongi tug at your panties and you hear a couple threads snap so you slap his hand away
“yoongi!!! this wasn’t cheap!”
“i’ll buy you a new pair, fuck, i’ll buy you ten new pairs” yoongi groans against your neck and pushes his crotch into yours and you automatically forgive him
meanwhile you’re blindly unbuttoning his shirt
articles of clothing are tossed on the floor leading a trail to your bedroom
“you gonna be a good girl for me?” the bed bounces underneath your weight as yoongi gently pushes you onto the mattress
and goD he looks like sin standing above you and loosening his tie while looking down at you with dark eyes and swollen lips
“yes, daddy”
oh,,,,,,,, o oh my god
he wants to wreck you
“naughty little thing” he purrs then leans down to kiss you while slotting himself in between your legs
and the moan you let out when he rolls his hips against yours is something he’d want to listen to for the rest of his life it was possible
and then he’s leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck and your chest and your stomach until his head is in between your legs
the coffee can definitely wait
; )
when he wakes up the next morning he’s surprised to see your chin propped up on his chest and you have the brightest smile on your face
“you like-like me”
yoongi groans and smacks you with a pillow to shut you up but he can still hear your muffled you like likE Me biTCH
the two of you get to work an hour late because yoongi decided he wanted to strip you out of your pencil skirt the second you changed into it
and everyone’s kind of like ?? what…… the..,.,.,.,fuuuuuu when the elevator doors open and they all catch a glimpse of you adjusting yoongi’s tie and yoongi leaning down to give you a kiss
you’re not sure if yoongi wants the entire office knowing about the two of you so you move to the side to let him walk out first but he grabs you and wraps an arm around your waist and walks the two of you out
and you’re like okay i guess this is a thing now
“good… morning, boss….”
“morning, sir…!”
yoongi pauses and turns back
“good morning, everyone. i hope you’ll all work hard today.”
and then he pushes you gently and the two of you continue walking down the hallway together
oh shit
yoongi just
yoongi just said good morning back
and now everyone’s even more confused because literally whose mans is this
you push his hand back up to your hip when you feel it sliding down a little and you retaliate by pinching his bicep
yoongi smiles and pinches your hip
you turn and look over your shoulder and it looks like the entire office is staring at the two of you like they’re just crowded around the beginning of the hallway
and jimin’s in the front like THAT’S. MY. BEST. FRIEND. Y’ALL. and he blows a silent air kiss to you and you blow one right back
you love life
min yoongi and y/n y/l/n
b i g  d i c k  e n e r g y
yoongi joins you on one of your morning coffee runs because you spent the night at his place so he was like i might as well get coffee with u instead of u walking over here twenty minutes after we get to work
and ah
thIS is jungkook
handsome guy
he can see the appeal
“morning, kook” jungkook perks up when he sees you
you turned jungkook down one morning when he plucked up the courage to ask you if you wanted to grab dinner and see a movie sometime
he was heartbroken for like one minute but when you said goodbye and gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek and told him if yoongi was out of the picture u definitely would’ve ended up with him and he was like :-)))))
the two of you are good friends and he gives you discounts sometimes
“morning, y/n! i’m guessing you’re here for the usua……l…..” and then his eyes very slowly,,, trail over to yoongi who’s standing next to you
he can feel his fiery gaze through his sunglasses
“throw in a cake pop. kook.” yoongi coughs and gestures to the cake pops in the display case
jungkook almost shits himself at how intimidating yoongi is
“y-yessir. right on it… sir.”
after you pay for everything and go over to wait you turn to yoongi and you’re like stop staring at jungkook you’re scaring him
and yoongi’s just like >:-) on the inside because he loves scaring people
when jungkook hands the coffee over to you his grip around the cups are so tight you’re surprised the lids haven’t popped off them
“thanks kookie” you take the paper bag from him and shove your elbow into yoongi’s side because jungkook isn’t staring at you he’s basically staring at the counter
“yeah. thanks, kookie.” yoongi offers a smirk and jungkook’s just in a state of [E N DM YS U F F E R I N G]
you give jungkook an extra large tip to make up for yoongi’s presence
even though you and yoongi are officially together that doesn’t mean you can slack off during work
and you learn this the hard way
sometimes you and jimin are too lazy to text each other so you end up calling him
he moved to a bigger cubicle thanks to you and it’s in a more ~secluded~ area because you know he works best in privacy
“oh my god jimin the other night he fucked me so hard he nearly broke my bed like i woke up this morning and i found a crack in the headboard but honestly i don’t even care because he made me cum like three times and i am so sorry but mr min’s schedule is booked up for the next week i’m afraid i can’t slot you in until next month! yes, goodbye!” you clear your throat and hang up and look up at yoongi who is currently looking down at you with a very amused smile on his face
“…hi boss” your voice cracks and you clear your throat quickly
“miss y/l/n. who was that?”
“oh,,, just some… guy… calling about a meeting… did you…. need anything?”
yoongi shrugs and shakes his head “i’ll be in my office”
but of course
because he’s yoongi
he can’t help himself and he stops before going into his office
“i made you cum four times. if you’re going to gossip at least get the details right. tell jimin to get back to work. and i’m still waiting for the revised copy of the contract that you said you’d type up an hour ago.”
maybe u and jimin should go back to texting
“i have parts of it revised but i-“
“got distracted?” yoongi’s eyes flicker towards the phone “don’t let it happen again.”
“buT jimin was the one who-“
“don’t blame other people for your own crippling procrastination.” your cheeks burn up and you let out a huff because yoongi’s turned into an asshole boss again
“pizza at my place tonight? we’ll leave at 5.” yoongi swoops down and steals a kiss from you and you’re like hoW do you go from asshole boss yoongi to boyfriend yoongi so quickly “you’re sleeping over again, by the way.”
you cup his cheeks and keep him awkwardly bent over so you can give him another soft kiss and he hums
“you owe me a new headboard, mister” you boop his nose and he swats your hands away before standing up and adjusting his tie “the main reason why i’m sleeping over is because i’m scared that if i lie down on my bed it’ll snap in half”
“you know, you could always just move into my place, baby. i want the contract in the next ten minutes or you’re working overtime.” yoongi leaves you with that comment and goD HE’S SUCH A..,.,.,., he’S SUCH a yOONGI
even before you and yoongi got together he always stressed the importance of not disrupting any of his meetings
there are a couple exceptions like that time he told you ‘you hAve to tell me when mr kim calls’ and when you did you got in trouble for it (he apologised about that and admitted - he only did it because he liked watching you get all riled up)
yoongi cut your lunch break short because he wanted you to re organize your desk (which was something that you were going to get to aFter lunch) so yA you were feeling a little salty because you were really enjoying your noodles
and yoongi’s in the middle of a meeting right now but you just came up with another exception
yoongi’s leaning back against his chair and keeping his eyes trained on the gentlemen currently talking about the stock market and recent increases and decreases
thank god he has resting bitch face all the time otherwise it’d be obvious that yoongi was boRed out of his fuckign mind
his phone buzzes on the table and the guy falters for a second but continues to speak when yoongi waves his hand
it’s a text from you that just says : )
but something that’s more interesting
there’s a picture attached to the text
it’s probably just a meme you found off your Facebook feed
he should text you and tell you to get back to work
plus the guy isn’t even paying attention to yoongi he’s too busy explaining his pie charts
so yoongi technically isn’t being thAt rude
he unlocks his phone and opens the message app and
oh god
definitely not a meme
it’s a picture of u with your top unbuttoned exposing a sexy little bralette that definitely is not appropriate work wear
he didn’t see you put that on this morning whEn did youyou must’ve changed during work no wonder you took longer than usual to come back with his coffee
yoongi swallows thickly and lowers the brightness on his screen but looks back up at the presentation
he’s looking at pie charts but all he can think about is how badly he wants you over his desk
you’re slightly concerned when you see that yoongi’s left your message on read
maybe this was a bad idea
maybe you pushed it too far this time
you were probably going to get in a lot of trouble
you’re chewing on your nails nervously but you’re like noPe i’m not going to overthink it and you set your phone down
it feels like a million years have passed when the meeting finally ends
you peek out from behind your desk when you hear yoongi walking down the hallway
and you feel a twinge of disappointment and humiliation when he walks past you and straight into his office
and then
it happens
“miss y/l/n. i’d like to see you in my office for a second.” and he has thAt look in his eye so you know you’re in a different kind of trouble
instead of complying ur like oOf you know what i’m kind of in the middle of something i’m sorting out your-
“that was very clearly an order and not a question” and he disappears into the office and you’re just having the time of your LIFE
yoongi ends up fucking you on his desk with your skirt bunched up to your hips and your shirt completely unbuttoned so he can see this barely there bralette for himself
and you’re pretty sure he has a thing for your heels because he makes you keep them on
he has his hands pressed flat on the desk next to your head while your legs wrap themselves around his waist
“naughty baby, sending me a picture like that in the middle of a meeting…” yoongi growls and pushes your legs down and you let out a mewl at the pure pleasure coursing through your veins “say you’re sorry and i might let you cum”
“i’m- oh, god - i-i’m not sorry, though” even when you’re getting fuCked out of your mind you’re cocky and yoongi wants to fuck that smirk off your face
he delivers a particularly hard thrust that hits you right there and makes your back arch and your eyes roll to the back of your head
“i’m sorry - what was that? didn’t hear you, princess” and then he’s hitting that spot over and over and over and ovEr again and you’re gripping onto the edge of the table so hard you’re worried you’re going to snap a chunk off
“yoOngaaH! i’m s- i’m sorry i’msorryi’msorryplease i’m s so sorry” yoongi lets his head drop and he bites down on your shoulder as you claw down his back over his shirt
“good girl.”
this is like a 200 pound mahogany desk but he’s fucking you with such fervour that it begins to tremble underneath the two of you
after your mind blowing orgasm the last thing you expect is for him to turn you around and bend you over so your chest is pressed against the desk
yoongi bends down over you and you shiver when you feel his mouth against your ear
“you’re not getting away that easily” you whimper and the next thing you know yoongi is shoving his tie into your mouth to shut you up because he knoWs how loud you get when you’re overstimulated
he doesn’t bother teasing and pushes himself all the way in and lets his head drop to your back and just lets out this gutteral grOan
when you leave his office you’re all flushed and your shirt is wrinkled and buttoned wrong but yoongi isn’t any better
his hair is a mess and his shirt is mostly unbuttoned revealing the milky expanse of his chest that’s littered with splotches of your lipstick
he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in to plant a kiss on your cheek and then pats your bum and tells you to get back to work
one time you were going down on him and you freeze when you hear someone knock on the door so he makes you hide under his desk
it's jimin and he's like u..uh hey boss have u seen y/n?? i have to ask her to file this document for me but i haven't seen her anywhere
yoongi jolts when he feels you take him into your mouth again and he tangles his fingers in your hair when you start bobbing your head slowly
“sorry jimin, haven't seen her. come back in like... 20 minutes."
and jimin’s like okay yes sir and he shuts the door
after it’s all over jimin sEES YOU leaving yoongi’s office and he’s like oh y/n i was just looking for-
but yoongi said he didn’t see you and
you were in his office and
your lipstick is smudg,,,,ed,,,,….., your hair.,,.,.., is kind of tousled,,, more tousled than usual…..
you and jimin are kind of having a stare off and you’re waiting for it to happen
and five seconds later it hits him
when he opens his mouth you slap a hand over it and you’re like i’ll buY YOUR LUNCH FOR THE NEXT WEEK just don’T SAY ANYTHING
jimin’s like no i don’t give a shit about you going down on him at work what i’M freaked out about is the fact that he seemed so calm and composed while you were sucking him off
min yoongi is a man of many talents and one of them is being able to hold a poker face for eternity
you unfortunately are not as talented at keeping it cool as your boyfriend
which is something he both loves and hates about you
tonight yoongi’s working late again which means that you have to stay late too
you don’t hAve to but,,,, you like to keep yoongi company and also being completely alone while he’s working forces you to actually do your damn job
“who are you calling?” yoongi steps out of his office and tugs his tie loose before rolling up his sleeves
“mr jung’s secretary- if he’s ever going to pick up the damn phone. i’m trying to reschedule your meeting with mr jung because it overlaps with your meeting with mr kim this coming thursday.” you don’t even look at yoongi when you speak and scribble something down on a post it note before sticking it on your wall calendar
“which mr kim?”
“the…” you pause to think “the one with the hair” you gesture to the top of your head
“…they both have hair”
“i know i know i’m saying this one is the one with the blonde- hi! hi, i’m miss y/l/n, secretary of mr min yoongi. i’m so sorry for calling so late into the night but i just needed to…”
he loves watching you work so hard
his little busy bee
yoongi grabs the arm of your chair and swivels you around so you’re facing him and you give him a look that says what do u want i’m busy
your eyes almost pop out of their sockets when yoongi drops to his knees and settles in between your legs
“of course, i can wait for a minute-“ the second the secretary puts you on hold you put a hand over the receiver (just in case he can still hear you) “yoongi, no!!”
“yoongi, yes.” your body automatically listens to him as he taps the side of your thigh for you to sit up a little so he can push your skirt up
“i’m on the phone, yoongi. you can’t do this right now just give me like three minutes” you hiss but your legs naturally spread for him and he just smirks up at you and is like mmmmm your body is telling me otherwise
you reach over and push the speaker button and then hang up the phone and thank god the secretary still has you on hold because you are using a range of very colourful words to scold your boyfriend
“i’ve called mr jung’s office before- his secretary puts you on hold for like ten minutes you’ll be fine” you don’t know how he does it but the next thing you know your panties are gone and your boss/boyfriend’s head is buried in between your legs
“oh goD yoongi please don’t stop” you whimper
his fingers dig into the meat of your thigh so he can keep your legs spread because you keep twiTCHINg
“hello?” you want to scream when the holding music turns off and the secretary comes back on
“yoongi stoP you have to stop” you gasp and arch your back against the chair and yoongi’s hand snakes up to push against your tummy
“pick up the phone and do your job” yoongi presses a kiss on your inner thigh before giving you a small nip and you thank the lords above he’s going to let you take this call first
yoongi leans back a little and fixes his hair
“hi, yes, hello” you’re a little breathless as you unmute yourself and you clear the throat
“i’m having a little trouble with the scheduling here. mr jung can only do thursday next week, otherwise i’ll have to pencil you in for next month.”
“he can’t do friday or anything?”
you give yoongi a warning look when he begins pressing a trail of warm kisses from the inside of your knee to your inner thigh
“i don’t think so.”
“when does his- oH” you nearly bite your tongue off when yoongi suddenly attaches his mouth to your clit and your fingers immediately tangle themselves in his hair
“sorry, what was that? didn’t catch you.”
“his- whendoeshislastmeetingonthursdayend??”
“uh.. hold on, let me check here…”
you bite down on the inside of your cheek and your head flops back against your chair as you focus on the ceiling and try your hardest not to moan
yoongi can’t help but smirk when the smallest of whimpers slips past your lips
it’s when hE lets out a low moan against you that you gasp loudly and your toes curl in your heels
“his last meeting ends at 6:30 that day how about mr min?”
“five forty fiVE” yoongi throws one of your legs over his shoulder and oh my goD you want to die this feels amazing and you can’t make any sounds and your body is currently telling you that hEY i’M ABOUT TO HAVE AN ORGASM
so that puts you in a panic because there’s no way you’re going to cum and have a normal conversation with a stranger so “you know what give me five minutes to reorganise mr min’s schedule and i’ll call you right back”
you hang up the call and the next thing you know you’re seeing stars and yoongi’s name keeps slipping past your lips in the form of whimpers and moans and yoongi is just soaking it aLL up
“that was a close call, no?” yoongi looks up at you from in between your legs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand
“i hate you.”
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a-gay-bloodmage · 6 years
Pairing: Sera x Female Trevelyan
Pairing Type: F/F
Words: 2,227
Warnings: Okay This Was Cute, Orlesian Parties Call For Princess-y Dresses Okay, Vivienne is a Very Good Friend, and has a Great Eye For Good Ball Dresses
Sure, Kiora had a fancy-pants last name, but Sera didn't think of her as a nob. She was magic, first of all, and she was a little dopey and dumb and sweet and nothing like the shrewd bastards with razor-sharp gazes she allegedly came from.
Kiora always wore robes that fit just right—fabric was stretched to accommodate her big bust, falling gracefully to cover but still show her pudgy tummy, and pulled tight again over wide hips and a perfect butt, the ends of the fabric pooling just a little at her toes. She liked silver jewelry, her dangly silver earrings and pretty silver necklace both decorated with beautiful violet gemstones the same colour as her strange violet eyes. But, for all the beauty that she had, she didn't look noble. She looked like she could stand alongside people like Vivienne, all dolled up for fancy-pants nobles but stuck in robes and gossiped about behind their pretty, magical backs.
Sera honestly never thought she'd see Kiora in anything but her usual clothing.
Halamshiral was one thing, and seeing Kiora in anything but a black or dark purple robe was jarring. She looked horribly uncomfortable in the pants Josephine had forced her into, unable to walk properly for hours. Her usual dark purple eye shadow and lip colour didn't really go with the blue, yellow, and red, but Sera knew she needed something to tie the horrible outfit to her typical getup. The poor little mage was not supposed to be in pants. That was probably Mage Rule Number One. No pants, ever.
After Coryphe-whatsit was dead, and the Mage-Templar war was, for the most part, ended, a lot of nobles were aching to meet the chubby little mage that had closed the Breach and saved their asses. Which meant attending parties, and a lot of them. Sera was always on Kiora's arm, her constant companion in the fight against boredom.
And with Sera and Kiora was Vivienne. She loved attending parties with the Inquisitor, and was getting better at tolerating Sera's lack of social graces. Kiora was actually a wonderful student when it came to learning the art of the ballroom, and Vivienne was delighted by the fact. It could've been her thirteen years of nobility before the Circle that made her such a quick learner, but Sera doubted it. Kiora was just naturally a passive people-pleaser—something nobles loved powerful mages to be.
"Alright, my dear," Vivienne said, clasping her hands together. "Duke Délavé will expect our darling Inquisitor to be in only the finest of dresses!"
Kiora audibly groaned, making Sera laugh. The two of them were bored out of their minds—especially Sera. She didn't want to go to some fancy ball thrown by some fancy Orlesian nob.
Vivienne sighed, shaking her head. Her smile was still present under her exasperation. She liked Kiora a lot despite the younger mage's soft indifference to most of her lessons. Kiora liked spending time with Vivienne, not nobles. "Well, my dear, remember that appearance is as powerful as any magic," Vivienne said, her hands on Kiora's shoulders. She directed Kiora's gaze into the mirrors in front of them. Her soft, dark brown hands contrasted sharply with Kiora's pale, waxen skin, holding her like she was a chubby little porcelain doll.
Sera was currently lounging on one of the excessively decorated fainting couches in Duke What's-his-Name's guest bedroom, Kiora's cat Miss Match napping on her stomach. Kiora's cats were great for keeping Sera's hands busy with petting while she was forced to sit through boring little talks. Well, she wasn't actually forced to be here, she just wanted to see what nonsense Vivienne would put Kiora in.
"Aren't my robes nice enough?" Kiora asked, looking down at her chest. They were beautiful, really, their dark colour and flowy fabric. Sera couldn't help but say something in her lady's defense.
"Yeah, Viv," she said, making the cat on her stomach wake up with a little murp sound. "She's already friggin' beautiful. Why stuff her in some fancy-pants dress?"
Vivienne raised a perfect eyebrow. "Everything in a court is about appearance, dear Sera," she said. "Have you never paid a second of attention?" Her light eyes quickly flickered over Sera's body. "It's obvious you've never applied my advice."
Sera rolled her eyes. Who cares what some nob-ish mage thinks? She thought, sticking her tongue out. "Whatever. It's not like she has to climb some dumb social ladder. She's the Inquisitor."
Kiora nodded in agreement.
Vivienne sighed, leaning a little more of her weight onto the shorter mage. "Well, it could be fun, then," she said, her full, pretty lips quirking up in a smile. "I won't stuff you into heels, dear."
"Well..." Kiora looked back and smiled at Vivienne. "You haven't led me astray yet, Vivienne..." Vivienne's smile was genuine. "But I will need a cigar first."
• • ♡ • •
Vivienne was mad. Utterly mad.
Sera had come along with her into the massive closet that had been stocked for the noblewomen visiting the Orlesian Duke's court, apparently kept so that those coming from other nations would fit into the Orlesian ballroom. Sera thought it was a whole lot of wasteful nonsense, and Kiora's shock at the mass of dresses seemed to indicate she, too, thought it was absurd. Nobles obviously did everything they could to spend their gold.
"Now," Vivienne said, almost gliding as she pushed Sera and Kiora down deeper into the closet. "Obviously, we'll be sticking to the violets and blacks." Vivienne smiled a little as she shook her head. "What is it you find so fascinating about a funeral's colour scheme?"
Kiora laughed in her adorable, whispery laugh, shrugging. Smoke from her elfroot cigar curled from her pretty purple-painted lips, and made the room smell less like slightly aged fabric and more like incense. "It's comfortable... And it works with my... complexion?"
It was adorable seeing her try to speak Vivienne's language.
"The purple does match your undereyes," Vivienne said, amused. Kiora didn't bother getting offended. "And Sera, dear, do tell me if you see anything that catches your eye."
Sera looked at the light dresses they passed, and figured she'd drown in all the fabric. Her thin frame would hardly fill out all the space nobles left for hips and tits. But they were pretty.
"Oh, Vivienne," Kiora said, halting Sera and Vivienne in their tracks. She had her cigar between her teeth, hands wandering over a lovely bit of purple fabric. Violet silk was mixed with black velvet, pinching it were the waist would be and flaring out, its neckline low and back exposed. As much as Kiora distanced herself from the nobility she came from, it was obvious she was in love.
"That is quite the design," Vivienne remarked, taking the dress from its place among the others and holding it in her hands. Sera was impressed. Someone must have spent forever on the damn thing. She held it up against Kiora's body. "And it does look like it may fit if I pull it right..." She nodded. "Should we look for some secondary options?" The dress was enveloped in a film of white magic, left hovering just behind the Knight Enchanter.
They ended up with two more dresses for Kiora to try on, both of them—of course—violet and black.
As they were walking back to the chambers from the depths of the tulle-filled hell, Sera couldn't help but get her eye caught on something yellow and covered in lace.
Kiora noticed her stall, and stopped to follow Sera's eyes. "Ooh," she cooed, touching the yellow fabric. "Wouldn't she look nice in yellow, Vivienne?"
"She would," Vivienne said, eyes narrowed in thought, staring at Sera as opposed to the dress. She pulled the dress from its placement, letting it hover with the others. There was no way she was finishing this day off without getting stuffed in it.
Kiora wrapped her chubby arms around Sera's slender frame, cigar making the air warm in addition to her body heat. Maker, Kiora was like a human heat pad.
• • ♡ • •
Vivienne kicked Sera out of the room as soon as she made Kiora start trying on her dresses.
Is this what grooms feel like before weddings? She thought, sighing as she laid down on a crevice, holding her dress. Ugh, I just wanna see tadwinks in that dress... After a second, she felt herself blush. Here she was, thinking about wedding stuff. Slow down, Sera.
She felt a sharp little paw on her arm, and looked down to see a chubby little black cat, one green and one blue eye staring at her.
"You got booted out, too?" She asked, laughing a little as she gave the little cat a pat on the head. Miss' sad little meow was an obvious yes. "Viv's so serious about all this nob shite..." She rolled her eyes. Over the years, Sera had gotten along with Vivienne better. Kiora really liked the Knight Enchanter, so Sera sort of got swept along in the liking. Vivienne wasn't that bad. She was just serious about really boring things, and thought Templars were necessary. Kiora had made it obvious they weren't, but they kept their disagreements civil and quiet.
She felt like she was in that hallway for hours before Vivienne finally pulled her into an adjacent room, setting her in front of an equally opulent and ugly Orlesian mirror.
"It's nice to see that perhaps this boyish style of yours can mature, Sera, dear," she said, smiling to either Sera or herself. Probably herself.
"Hey, dresses are cool, just, you know, not for kicking butt," she shrugged. She doubted she would be a good Jenny if she was always tripping over fancy fabric. "So I don't wear 'em."
"Well, I doubt any ass-kicking will happen tonight," Vivienne laughed in her low, rich, courtly laugh. "And if need be, you are accompanied by two very talented mages."
Sera rolled her eyes. She could be as damsel-in-distress-y she wanted with Vivienne and Kiora around.
"Alright, off with the clothes." Vivienne had a talent for making a command sound like a polite inquiry you were compelled to follow. Like Josephine.
"Hey, I'm a committed lady," Sera laughed, easily pulling off her top, then toeing off her boots, then pulling off her leggings. "No wandering eyes, Viv."
"Wouldn't dream of it." She held the yellow dress in her hands, observing it closely and with the eye of a true veteran of the court. "Well built, very slimming and simple," she said to herself, nodding. "Yes, this will do quite well for you." She looked up to Sera and gave a soft smile. "Excellent choice."
Sera hated that Vivienne's praise made her face heat up.
It was a bit of a process to get on the seemingly simple dress, the straps and lace and under layers and all sorts incredibly hard to keep track of. Especially to someone as inexperienced as Sera. Vivienne had to force her to sit to brush her messy blonde hair, apply neat charcoal around her eyes, and oil to her lips. It was hardly a touch of makeup, but when Sera looked in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. She looked almost wealthy, like a dressed-up doll.
She really wanted to see what Kiora looked like, but Vivienne said she'd have to wait until the ball.
What utter bullshit.
• • ♡ • •
Sera rushed into the ballroom as fast as she could, not caring about how many offended nobles she nearly bumped into. She had to find her tadwinks.
A bob of unusually smooth black hair caught her eye, and she bolted over.
Kiora turned around, and smiled open-mouthed when she saw Sera.
"You... look like a princess!" They both said at the same time, standing dead still.
"Sera! Your dress!" Kiora was in awe, her hands on Sera after a second, feeling the soft fabric and lace. "It's beautiful! You're beautiful!" Her voice was still that sleepy whisper, but it was obvious she was excited.
"Speak for yourself!" Sera laughed, grabbing Kiora's soft, round face. Vivienne had made an attempt to fix Kiora's messy eyebrows, and her makeup was incredible. Smoky purple eye shadow, slightly powered face, blushing cheeks, and dark violet lips. Her silver earrings dangled amongst her brushed hair.
Her long silver necklace laid against her large chest, falling just above her generous cleavage. The dress' neckline showed off said cleavage wonderfully, and her shoulders were on display in all their wonderful softness. Her waist curved in a little more than usual, and the dress flared out in violet silk until it pooled on the floor.
She really did look like a princess. A beautiful, beautiful princess.
They spent the rest of the night ignoring nobles and convincing Vivienne to dance with them, no matter how bad they were. When Kiora spun, her dress flared out. And Sera really liked to spin her.
She was winded and covered in dark purple lipstick by the time the party winded down, her mask-less face showing off the princess's kisses to the most jealous Orlesians she'd ever seen. Sera's princess was hers and hers alone, and she was quite planning on keeping it that way forever.
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OQ Fix It Week Day 4: Page 23 (Part 1)
For @oqfixitweek Day 4: The events after 4A never happened day
Uses this suggested prompt: Regina and Robin discover that they met and fell in love in the EF until Cora found them, separated them and put a memory curse on them
I do plan on writing more for this, but I just wanted to get this part up so I can get one step closer to the button and continue working on the other days. 
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           Regina pushed Isaac into a chair and used magic to bind his hands to the armrests, just in case. He struggled against the bindings, pulling his arms up a few times before he settled back down. Isaac rolled his eyes at her. “Is this necessary?”
           “Since you have a tendency to run,” she said, leaning against a table and crossing her arms. “Yes.”
           He rolled his eyes. “Okay, what do you want? Your happy ending too? I know you’ve certainly have had your share of hard knocks. Out of all my characters, you seem to get screwed over the most.”
           She let a wry laugh, believing that to be the biggest understatement she had ever heard. But Regina shook her head. “I have my happy ending. I feel I finally belong somewhere. I belong here, in Storybrooke, with my family and my friends.”
           “Someone’s sounding a bit like Snow White,” Isaac taunted her. He then pulled against the bindings again. “So why do you want me here?”
           “We want to talk,” she replied.
           He frowned. “We?”
           “Yes.” Robin emerged from the shadows of her vault, leaning against a spot on the table next to her and crossing his arms as well. He smirked at Isaac. “We.”
           Isaac’s cocky demeanor melted away and his eyes widened. “I heard you two were together here. I figured this day would come.”
           They glanced at each other, both frowning in confusion. Regina let her arms fall as she stood up straighter. “What day?”
           “You mean you haven’t figured it out?” he asked, narrowing his eyes as he studied him. “You haven’t guessed the truth?”
           “The truth?” Robin echoed, his own arms falling to his side as he stared at Isaac.
           Regina reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a folded-up piece of paper. She opened it up, revealing the image of her younger self kissing Robin in the tavern where Tinkerbell had first shown her the Man with the Lion Tattoo. Holding it up, she showed it to Isaac. “Are you talking about this?”
           His mouth fell open and he looked up at her, surprise in his eyes. “Where did you get that?”
           “It appeared one day while I was in the library,” Robin said. “Was it your doing? Were you trying to give us a message from the book?”
           Isaac shook his head and Regina frowned. “What is it then? Is it an alternate version? A cruel joke? A sign that we can change our stories? What is it?”
           “It’s not supposed to exist,” he snapped. “Your mother destroyed it decades ago.”
           Regina’s heart nearly stopped when she heard her mother was involved. Her hands shook as she pulled the paper close to her chest and Robin wrapped his arm around her. “What does my mother have to do with this?”
           Isaac sighed. “That is the real page twenty-three from the book. She destroyed your real story so that everyone’s memories changed to hide the truth—you went into the tavern that night, Regina, and met the man with the lion tattoo.”
           “Whiskey?” Robin asked, holding out a glass filled with the amber liquid to her.
           It was late at night and the house was quiet. Henry and Roland were both sound asleep in their rooms upstairs and almost all the lights were off except for the ones in Regina’s kitchen. She sat in her pajamas and robe at the table as Robin had filled up glasses at her bar, barefoot and wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants.
           Regina took the glass and gulped down a large amount of whiskey. The amber liquid burnt as it slid down her throat and she coughed a bit. “Ooh, it’s the strong stuff.”
           “I think we deserve that,” he said, taking a large sip of his own whiskey. He set the glass down and stared at the page spread out on the table between them. “So…that’s our real story.”
           “Apparently. I’m not entirely sure why I’m even surprised that my mother was involved. I bet Rumple was too. He probably got her back from Wonderland just so she could track me down and drag me home like a runaway child,” Regina said, crossing her arms as she leaned back.
           Robin leaned against his hands with his elbows on the table, still staring at the picture. His eyes were distant. “This changes everything. What memories are real? What are fake? Are my memories of Marian real?”
           “I’m sure they are,” Regina assured him, reaching out for him. “Given everything you’ve told me and Roland’s age, you most likely met her after my mother interfered. So yes, that’s all real.”
           He nodded, taking her hand. His thumb brushed the back of it gently. “Do you…Do you think we were happy?”
           She glanced down at the picture of the two of them kissing and smiled. “I think we were.”
           “Are those memories lost to us now?” he asked, looking pained. “Will we never know what happened to us during the time we were together?”
           Regina picked up Page 23. “I think I know something that might work. Isaac may have written the stories away but maybe this page showed up to tell us that the memories survived. We just have to unlock them.”
           He slid over, kissing her fingers. “I trust you, lovely. Do whatever you have to do.”
           “I’ll get started in the morning,” she said, cupping the back of his neck as she leaned closer. “For now, why don’t we finish our whiskey and head to bed?”
           Robin smirked, brushing his nose against hers. “That sounds like the perfect plan.”
           Tinkerbell squeezed Regina’s hands. “Your soulmate is waiting on the other side of this door. All you have to do is open it and step inside.”
           “What if he doesn’t like me?” she asked, glancing at the door. “What if he doesn’t want me?”
           “He’s your soulmate, Regina. That’s a powerful bond that ties you two together. Of course you’re going to like each other. And over time, you’ll come to love each other. This is your second chance, Regina. Take it,” the fairy encouraged her.
           Regina nodded, taking a deep breath to try to calm her nerves. Her stomach churned and her heart sped up as her breathing grew shallow despite her attempts. Wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt before reaching for the handle. She gave it a good pull before her nerves could get the best of her, revealing the crowd inside. People milled about, laughing and drinking. Some danced in the back where a band of musicians performed.
           Her eyes, though, were focused on one man sitting by the bar bathed in a green glow. She watched as he drank from his tankard, laughing with some of the men who sat around him. Did she just walk up to him? What would she say to him?
           The music died down as did the conversations and laughter. She realized that everyone was staring at her. Glancing down, she realized her dress was too fine for a place such as this and she stuck out like a sore thumb. People eyed her silk gown and the jewels sewn into the bodice. She should’ve asked Tinkerbell to give her a more appropriate dress, something like the drab linens she saw on the barmaids circulating throughout the room.
           “What’s going on?” the man with the lion tattoo asked. His voice sounded a bit hoarse and he had an alluring accent she hadn’t heard before. She held her breath, waiting for him to speak again.
           The barkeep, an older man with gray hair and a lined face, motioned toward her with a rag in his hand. “A beautiful woman in a very fancy dress is staring at you, Rob.”
           “Very funny,” the man, Rob, said. “I’m gonna turn around and it’s gonna be Little John or something, right?”
           “Take a look,” the barkeep challenged him.
           Regina’s knees started to knock together as Rob turned around on his stool, his eyes widening as he spotted her. He stood, approaching her with wonder and awe, his lips twitching into a smile. “Hello,” he greeted her, a warmth in his voice she hadn’t heard in a long time.
           “Hi,” she replied softly. She studied her supposed soulmate—who stood a good head taller than her and was broad shouldered. Though he wore a loose linen shirt, she could tell that he was on the lean side and noticed how big his arm muscles were. He was someone who either performed manual labor or did some other work that kept him fit. She then noticed his soft and thick blond hair, cut close to his head though a few locks fell against his forehead. The color matched the scruff on his face, covering his cheeks and square jawline.
           But her favorite feature so far were his blue eyes. They gazed on her not with the lust of the king or the wide-eyed adoration of Snow White. Instead, they held a warmth to rival his voice and an openness. For the first time since Daniel, she believed he saw her—and not what he wanted her to be.
           He held out his hand to her. “May I buy you a drink, milady?”
           “Yes,” she said, taking it and relishing his strong but gentle grip as his fingers closed around her hand. “I would love to have a drink with you.”
To be continued...
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nighttimekpop · 7 years
Royal Love (Prince! Jimin x Maid!Reader) Chapter 3
BTS Prince/Royal AU
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Your relationship with Jimin is at risk when the King and Queen make a concerning announcement.
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"What do you mean a ball to find me a princess? I don't need a princess, I have Y/N!" "But your brothers Taehyung and Jungkook said they don't see any improvement in your demeanor around the palace and frankly we have to agree with them. You can keep the maid but you'll have to find someone of royal descent on the night of the ball. It will be a masquerade. That way you'll be able to choose a girl and it will be a surprise as to whom she is until we reveal her at the end of the night. And just for fun, your brothers can choose brides if they want as well. That way we won't have to hassle with finding them brides either." The king and queen were too busy to really understand Jimins feelings about anything, and this situation was no different. Their decisions were final and Jimin didn't have any way to escape. He felt suffocated by his responsibility. It was understandable that he would eventually need a partner as an upcoming heir to the throne when the time came. But it made no sense to force him this early, let alone on such short notice. Most of this was actually Taehyung and Jungkooks fault, however Jimin had to accept the fact that it was his distant nature towards the rest of the family that got him in this whole mess in the first place. The worst part was that he now had to break the news to you.
"Y/N, there's this masquerade ball that my parents have set up-" "Ooh a masquerade ball? That sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a great time!" "Y/N... it's a ball to find me a fiancée." You felt your stomach drop the way the cups of tea you were holding did as they dropped to the floor. The sound of porcelain shattering echoed across the room. You looked down and didn't move. Jimin could feel your sadness at his words, he felt the same. You knew this was a situation you would have to face someday, you just hoped it wouldn't come so soon. "Well I hope you find someone, I'm sure she'll be wonderful..." you said as you turned away so Jimin wouldn't see the tears building up in your eyes. "Y/N I'm so sorry, I'll try to fix this I promise!" Jimin tried to comfort you with the optimism he always managed to pull out of nowhere whenever things were bad. You loved that about him. "Jimin we both knew this day was going to come." you said with a sigh. "Y/N I made a promise to you and I'm not about to break it. How about you come to the ball? No one will recognize you anyway, they think you're working all the time so you don't have to worry", he suggested. "Are you sure? Are you really that sure we could get away with it? Where will I even get a dress worthy of going to a ball full of princesses? And you'll have to pick a fiancée at the end of the night too!" "I'll buy you one. The shoes, the jewelry, everything. As for my fiancée, we'll worry about that when we get there." You trusted Jimin enough to know he really cared about you to do this much. You figured you might as well spend your last night with him at a ball than a sad goodbye out the back door of the dreary looking maid quarters.
It was the night of the ball. You had to mentally prepare yourself since this might be the last time you would ever be able to be happy with Jimin. Unfortunately he couldn't walk you to the ballroom because he had to participate in the opening ceremony of the ball. You were alone until you were joined by the crowds of girls coming out of their fancy rides, covered in their most expensive and astounding attire from head to toe. It wasn't until you walked down the red carpeted stairs that you became aware of how intricate and royal looking the dress Jimin picked out for you was. People gasped in awe as they watched you, draped in a silk silver dress that trailed behind you as you walked. Jimin bought it knowing it would match his navy blue uniform with silver lining and details on the sides. It also matched his silver hair. Trumpets sounded to announce the entrance of the king and queen followed by the seven princes. But you didn't expected to see all seven of them dressed exactly alike. They all had similar hats so you couldn't see their hair, masks to cover their faces and their uniforms had only subtle differences between each other. It was later announced by the king and queen that this was so no one held any bias towards any of the princes and chose them based on personality, which was a disaster for you considering you had a bias, and it was Jimin. It would be hard for him to find you now as well, since the masks covered most of everyone's faces and you weren't that tall compared to everyone else either. This was going to be a nightmare.
Once the opening ceremony was over, you went looking for Jimin. It was impossible. You either got trampled on by hyper princesses or couldn't reach any of the princes fast enough before someone else danced with them. Jimin wanted to look for you as well but he was busy trying to politely shake off the girls who tried to dance with him. As the first song began to play, princesses began fighting over who could dance with a prince while you watched quietly. You soon noticed that one of the princes was walking straight towards you. You looked up to see two eyes peering through the dark blue mask, but you couldn't tell who they belonged to. "May I have the pleasure of dancing with a gorgeous lady such as yourself? You look stunning this evening my dear", said the deep voice behind the mask. Something about it didn't feel right and you didn't know why but a chill ran down your spine as he began to dance with you. Maybe it was the grip he used or the way his voice had drips of bad intention pouring through, but you could feel that this prince was definitely one that you didn't want to spend any longer with. As you two swayed back and forth, the music didn't seem to be going by fast enough. Your partners' hands held you tight, almost as though he knew you wanted to run away. Every alarm went off in your head the moment you felt him breathing in the scent of your perfume followed by a long but terrifying exhale of satisfaction at how delicious you smelled. "Mmm...we've met before haven't we?" He whispered as he proceeded to nibble your ear which was already red and hot from anxiety and embarrassment. "Miss Y/N do you like the little parting gift Jungkookie and I put together for you and Jimin? We thought that just letting the secret out would be too boring, so mummy and daddy agreed to our suggestion to throw him a ball. Don't worry, no need to thank us." he said with a smirk. His arm slowly wrapped around your waist to try and hold you tighter. The way he was trying to restrain himself from touching you anymore than he already was, was a dead giveaway. It was Prince Taehyung. You refrained from being too obvious about your escape from his grasp and tore yourself away just as he twirled you around.
Finding refuge at the refreshment table, you stayed a while to recollect yourself. A slightly shorter prince approached you, but it wasn't Jimin, his voice was still too deep. However he didn't give you the same eerie feeling Prince Taehyung had. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, noticing your short breaths and wide eyes. "You look like you're about to pass out. Maybe you should sit down or something." He was definitely not Jungkook either. You decided he was safe enough to be with for now and accepted his help. There weren't any chairs indoors so the prince suggested you both go out to the balcony where there were plenty of empty seats. "Are you enjoying yourself tonight otherwise?" "I mean, the ball looks wonderful and so do all the guests including yourself and your brothers, but something seems too forced about it all." "You think so? Yeah me too. I mean I don't mind finding a princess right now, but I'm not obligated to, Jimin is. The poor kid is still younger than us four older princes, but he's being forced to decide so soon. How do you decide something like that at his age? I never would have been able to. It's nice to know someone understands him like you. Most people don't." You could feel the loneliness and frustration in his voice. This is something that bothered him and Jimin a lot. No wonder the princes never seemed happy. Their status came with the cost of having to obey their parents every rule in order to prepare for eventual inheritance of the throne. You were glad you still had enough freedom to be more independent than the princes would ever get to have until they became kings. You and the anonymous prince remained on the balcony for the majority of the night. You were so lost in conversation that you didn't notice how physically close the prince had gotten to you, his face specifically. He seemed more friendly than flirty, not dangerous. His proximity to you just made him seem extremely interested in whatever you were talking about. You kept dismissing all of the signs because you still saw him as a friend, but he had other things in mind. "You know, I've never met a girl like you. You're so much more interesting and sound so much smarter than all those other girls at this party. All they care about is status and money and appearances. But you care about people. I love that..." Your heart began to beat faster and faster before he quickly leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. Your cheeks grew hot as you felt his warm lips pressing against yours.
Suddenly, the balcony doors swung open. It was a de-masked and disheveled Jimin. "Y/N! I can't believe I've finally found y-" The way his smile suddenly dropped stung your chest. He ripped his brothers mask off. You had been kissing Prince Yoongi. "Yoongi what do you think you're doing kissing her?" "Jimin what the hell is your problem she's just one of the guests!" "No she's not you idiot! She's Y/N! She's my maid!" Yoongi realized what he had just done and was completely in shock. He hadn't recognized you with your mask on either. "Jimin look, I'm sorry, we were just talking and she looked worn out so I suggested we go outside to and we ended up here. I thought she was a princess and I found her sweet, so I kissed her...". But the prince knew that it was too late to reverse what Jimin had just seen. Jimin then turned back to you, his eyes filled with a sickly red hue of rage and disappointment. "And you! You willingly went outside not knowing which of my idiot brothers you were with and allowed him to have a make out session with you at moonlight?!" Your heart felt like it was being stepped on. The one person who trusted you so much that he would take a bullet for you, thought you had just cheated on him. He grew more and more furious with each word. "Jimin it's not like that! I-" "You what?" he cut you off. "You thought that I had forgotten about you? That because this was our last night it wouldn't matter if you tried flirting with a more eligible prince? Do you trust me so little that you think I threw our relationship away because of some stupid rule my parents came up with!?" Tears began streaming down his face. "I was coming back for you! I had it all planned out! I was going to choose you as my fiancée tonight to show my parents that I want you and no one else! But then I walk out to find that you've moved on from me so quickly?!" Every word that came out of his mouth made you want to curl up into a ball and disappear. This was not how the night was supposed to go.
The clock tower finally struck midnight. It was time for Jimin to announce whom he had chosen to marry. A spotlight shone onto the balcony. Before they could announce anything, he took one last long sorrowful look at your face and marched back to the castle. There were no announcements of upcoming marriages that night. The guests left one by one and the castle lights were shut off. You returned to the maids quarters. This would be the first night in months that you weren't sharing a bed with Jimin. Your sheets felt cold as you grasped them to try and feel someone who wasn't there. Neither you nor Jimin slept. All he could think about was whether the ball had ruined your feelings for him forever. All you could think about was the pained look on his face and his red eyes staring through his messy, silver hair as he walked away from you by the light of the moon. You wondered if he was walking away from your relationship too.
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