#ooo maybe minecraft when i play again
proxx-com · 5 months
my standards for "compatible": wont crash the game if i have both of them on at the same time lmao, sounds like there's tons of opportunities for them to interact tho!
Is naturality mostly new mobs/will there be plants? More crops? Also taming mechanics - will possums work like foxes? Or do they actually follow you around/sit etc?
Its awesome to see a dino mod in the works tbh the last one i played was on 1.7.10 (fossils and archeology revival i think? its been a while) and that didnt have dinos spawning in naturally (tragic).
When/how did you get into minecraft & modmaking? I spent so much time on temporary servers playing hexxit w my friends lmao we only switched to a newer version with 1.16
these are some good questions!
paragraph 1: fair enough! i always love it when mods include cross-compat, makes it feel like an expanded universe lol there’ll be plenty of crossover points between all my mods
paragraph 2: naturality will be a mix of mobs and plants. i def want a mixture of the two, along with some real-world features (silkworms, ants maybe)! there’ll be a lot of crops- esp. “heirloom” real-world plants to explain why MC plants look so modern. as for taming and tamed animals- generally animals have two “tame” states in my mods—a “befriended” state where they won’t run away, are rendered neutral and allow you to breed them—and a “tamed” state which varies among the individual but generally allows for inventory access, carpet/chest/harness usage/placement, stay-follow-wander and riding. possums, in this case, are a 2-step tame process- 1. feed the mom, access inventory, 2. take babies and raise. most animals won’t be like foxes when fully tamed, though a few will
also tomatoes and corn’ll be in naturality lol
paragraph 3: i. love. fossils. and. archaeology. that was probably my first foray into all the crazy stuff MC modding could do, in probably 2017 or so. and don’t worry! prehistorian’s dinosaurs (for the most part) will spawn naturally, with fossils reserved for rare skins and some boss-summon material (ooo!)
paragraph 4: great question! i started playing MC in… maybe 2014-15 or so??? my memory’s pretty foggy, but i remember the new launcher and polar bears and thinking the new aquatic update was BIG NEWS. as for modding—i discovered that world maybe 2016-17-18 territory.
i had a big family server (that i’m trying to get running again) with one lonely mod- DrZhark’s MoCreatures! along with F&A Rev., MoC was another mod-codifier (modifier?) of sorts- it cemented the idea of “holy crap, these people are bending MC to their will!! HOLY CRAP!!!” that led me to learn Blockbench in… mid 2021?? granted, i had some art experience before then.
since i’d consider myself a relatively good writer, i came up with these huge master lists of creatures and features (which i’ll eventually publish as fully-fledged prox mod bibles). it’s been a real lesson in creativity, coding, and a whole bunch of other stuff! someday i might make a proper modeling tutorial for how to make a semi-decent animal model, since there’s literally nothing out there in proper Mojang style lmao
thanks for the ask! like i said before ask as much stuff as you want i love answering questions!
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aller-geez · 1 year
Bless You
By Levi’s Owner, not sure if she wants her name here ☺️
Please note! She doesn’t have the kink, but dabbles in a LOT of kink spaces that she doesn’t have, and she knows how much I love RemixLevi and wrote this amazing OneShot with permission to share 🥰 it got me GOING I cannot lie. A little sub/dom relationship, snz teasing, public sex in a bathroom, and definitely NSFW 18+ content.
BLESS her heart, she searched the internet for snz spellings too 🥹🥹
please enjoy~
The Thomas bus door swung open and inside climbed in a tall, overtly excited man who bounced the entire house as he danced and jumped about. "Babe!!" he cried out looking for his smaller counterpart, emerald orbs scanning quickly around the small space but not immediately seeing the love of his life.
"Im in here," Remi heard a soft muffled voice coming from inside the pile of stuffies on their bed, followed by the soft ambient music of a video game he knew too well, minecraft. The wolf smirked at the pile shaking his head and rolling his emerald green eyes.
"Enrichment time in your enclosure?" he asked casually before the leopard's mop of white and black hairs came popping out through the middle, cheesin.
"How could you guess?" he giggled sliding out of his stuffie cave, putting his game on pause and setting it aside. "Whats up? You look like someone set fireworks off in your pants," he teased, poking his index fingers up and down the man's fairly chiseled, but clothed, abs. Remi swatted at his partner's hands and laughed through his nose.
"Baaaaabe," he rolled his eyes and then grasped both of his lover's wrists in his hands, gently, but it only gave Levi an even more squirrely case of the zoomies.
"Ooo you gonna make me??" he giggled again, tugging and pulling on his hands as the wolf's grip tightened, he sneered at him with lust behind his eyes before pushing their foreheads together gently.
"Why would I reward such bratty behavior? Be still and let me share this good news, maybe Kitten will get some play," he brushed their lips just barely together, a whisper of what a kiss really was, his fiance's face turning bright red, eyes sinking and he nodded ever so slightly with a gentle swallow. "Good boy," Remi patted the side of Levi's face with a light slap, a bit harder than one normally would their partner, but the cat loved abuse. Tingles shot down the leopard's spine as he wiggled to attention.
Standing up straight this time now, fixing his beat up leather jacket and lifting his head held high, Remi spoke "WE, you and me, have a big opportunity tonight, we have dinner with this dude from Wallstreet, he can get me an in and even though I know nothing, and have zero experience he's willing to teach me everything so we can be rolling in the money!" absolutely excited for the chance to be able to pay back tenfold what Levi has done for him the past 5 years, was euphoric, but he immediately sunk in himself when he saw the look on his mate's face. "What's wrong?" he asked cautiously, almost timid. Levi looked down at his hands and twiddled his thumbs, he wasn't sure he had the right words.
He loved Remi, more than words could ever describe, they were soulmates and he hated the idea of him throwing his soul away to work in corporate, worse yet, WALLSTREET. "Honey....wallstreet is where dreams die and lives are ruined at the expense of paper," his artic colored eyes looked up now at Remi's completely crushed face.
"You're not...proud? or ...excited?" Immediately feeling like a pile of the 'worst fiance' ever quickly, the cat threw his hands out in waves.
"No baby, I AM proud of you, and Im so excited that people are willing to see your potential, and that theyre giving you such opportunities to be successful but, this isn't your dream, my love, and I just don't want you to fall back in your progress because you think you HAVE to make millions of dollars to take care of us," he had stood up to face Remi, well, face his chest he was still significantly smaller. Sliding his hands up and down the nervous man's front in a soothing motion to calm him back down, making eye contact again, "I apologize, my love, you know how I can be, I should have had a better pros and cons talk with you after the dinner, I should have just been excited for you," instantly feeling bad for his realism that often rained on Remi's parade.
Leaning down to kiss him in a soft peck, Remi brushed his hand against the younger's cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "I know you're just thinking about my mental health, I'll always be grateful for that because no one else ever has," their eyes met and they regrouped their emotions by sliding themselves into a deep but disciplined kiss. Before things got handsy, Remi pulled back and bopped the tip of Levi's nose with his long index finger. "Get ready, we can talk more after the dinner and consider the options," nodding his head in agreement, the skinny white haired male lept up and got into action. Remington wants to have a nice fancy dinner with a rich fancy wallstreet man? Fine. No problem. He will just have to create a little "devine intervention" tonight. The two of them immediately started scrounging and scouring to get ready for this opportunity they both had been suddenly blessed with; different motives, but opportunities none the less.
Remington had hopped himself in the shower, Levi had already cleaned himself this morning so he was ready to throw on his clothes, but which would he pick? If he was going to cause some ruckus he was going to need to pull up to all the stops. Out he snaked a pair of leather black tight pants, adorned in black rose lace down the sides of the legs "He looooves these on me," giggling in almost a demonic fashion, he slid whatever he was wearing off, and pulled on the pants, no underwear, cause that would absolutely ruin the aesthetic of exposed lacey flesh on the sides. Levi stood shirtless as he could hear Remi fumbling in the shower with the many bottles of product. Trying hard not to laugh to himself knowing the wolf was probably overly rushing himself, causing panicked chaos in the shower. He was right. The grumpier of the two was absolutely having a terrible time in there.
"ITS SO FUCKING SMALL IN HERE!" the leopard covered his mouth quickly to stifle the laughter threatening to explode from him as his lover shouted from their bathroom. Shaking his head now he went back to his mission of top, and accessories. Plucking it gently from his closet was a light blue silk shirt "Amazing," he kissed the air before sliding that onto his thin frame, looking himself up and down in the long mirror attached to the wall. "Hmmm," he contemplated as he looked himself all around, then tucking his shirt loosely into the pants, and unbuttoned 3 of the buttons to reveal a bit of chest flesh. "Thatll do him," sliding on some black loafers that had the image of a blue iris embroidered on the tops, he began scanning through his jewelry. Remington stepped out, towel over his head as he tried his best to dry out his hair, walking past Levi to the otherside of the bedroom cabin was his side. "Clothes....Clothes...." he started tearing into his closet nervously.
Looking back at his partner from the mirror while adjusting his one diamond earring in, "Honey, wear the beige trench coat with some black, you'll look perfect," the mate said honestly. Remi looked up in his cabinets and considered the suggestion, he pulled out his black straight leg dress pants, they just neatly clug to his legs in all the right places.
Back on the other side of the cabin, while Remi fished for his dress shirt, Levi was linking around his slender neck a sparkling, thin diamond chain and in the middle that sat against his freckled, exposed chest was a wolf's paw print, melded in sterling silver. Last but not least, a silver chain he link around his waist, a long piece connected that draped down his hip. Twirling around and admiring himself in the reflection, he fixed up his hair with some gel, and made his way out of the bedroom so Remi could have the mirror now. Still not paying full attention to what his partner was wearing or even doing, he scampered over to the mirror fixing any mistakes there may be. He had gone with a tucked in black long sleeve button up, shiny black tied dress shoes and ontop of it all was a very expensive looking, light brown long coat that toned in all the black he was wearing. Flicking the lapels of his jacket a few times and running his fingers through his hair, he made finger guns and clicked at his reflection. "Lookin good brother," he offhandedly said to himself before exiting the bedroom.
Bent up against the front door, keys dangling from the tip of his finger he licked his teeth, canines more specifically, he had dazzled in gems. Remi stopped in his tracks, gazing vertically at his mate, feeling a wave of possessiveness boil through him. "No," he said immediately. "You can't wear that, it'll have me in heat all god damn night, No!" his face flushed as he tried to keep his eyes off, but could only keep them locked on.
"Remington, You know far too well this isn't a fight you'll win so grab the keys to Ethel and lets get going," he stuck his tongue out over at his man, who in turn rolled his eyes, squeezed the bridge of his nose and sighed in frustration.
"Its going to be a rough night for me I can tell," swiping the hunk of keys off the counter, Levi snorted.
"You never know~" his tone said, innocent, like 'oh trust the universe itll bring good things' but it had been far too long with his mate to know from that very instant, the man was up to no good, and Remi was already quaking in his shoes. They followed each other out, locked up Maybelle and got going in Ethel, which Remi had pretty much turned into his studio room with added storage space for his things. They were working up a way to create space for a bed somehow, for nights he has to be away from Levi for whatever reasons.
It wasnt a very long drive from the park they were currently staying at, out to the city, and eventually, restaurant. However, they did get very, very crusty side ways looks from the rich folks watching Remi drive into the lot with his van. "Bunch of prudes," Levi scoffed as he folded his arms against his chest. He hated rich white people, always so concerned with what everyone else has going on. Remi chuckled at his comment, he didn't give a shit. Look at him whichever way, however way you please, as far as he's concerned, with Levi by his side, his sister safe and the world back to being enjoyable, inbred rich people opinions couldnt touch him.
Parking the vehicle, both men got out of the van and walked up to the podium that said Reservations. "Remington for 3," the towering raven haired man said firmly, eyeing the employee down. Giggling softly, Levi grabbed onto Remi's hand and leaned himself against his partner's side, eyes judging the sweating employee infront of them. Clearly this establishment wasnt used to people like them whether that be gay, or just not visibly rich.
"Right this way gentlemen..." the usher said carrying them to a table with a much older, clean cut looking sir already seated, and scanning through the menu with a bottle of merlot sitting beside his half full glass. "Here is your table, please enjoy," the waiter bowed and left two more menus behind for them. Like the true knight in shining armor he was, Remington pulled one of the chairs out slightly for his fiance to sit at, Levi taking the gesture and letting his man push him in as well. "Good to meet you, I'm Remington, hope you don't mind me seating my partner first," extending a strong calloused hand out to the business man who smiled brightly and shook it enthusiastically. "No problem, at all, Good to meet ya! I'm Bill," he introduced himself cheerfully as they all were now seating themselves comfortably and glancing around the table. "This is my fiance, soulmate and partner in crime, Levi Anderson," the leopard extended a hand across the table as to shake Bill's already waiting hand.
"Pleasure," the shortest of the three said charmingly. The men began to discuss things as men do, but it was Levi's biggest shot now. Guards were down, ideas were flowing, plans were being made, if he didn't act fast, his lover was going to get smooth talked straight into hell through the promise of money and good benefits. The waiter came by silently, dropping off a charcuterie board for the table and leaving, Levi spotted his opportunity. As Remi continued to talk business with this plain old man, Levi was coveting some of the crackers to hide the fact he was also grabbing the pepper shaker. Looking around him to make sure he wasnt going to get caught doing such a childish thing in such a fancy establishment, but he dumped some on his cracker and brought it to his lips, without being noticed he silently, and secretly, snorted it up his nose. The second he did, it forced its way out from him like a volcanic eruption, no time to prepare, only react.
"HET-CHU!!~" He sniffled his nose, before another wave hit him. "cHU!~"
*Thadump* a sound Levi knew, so very intimately. Remi's heart beating loudly.
'No....No he wouldnt...' Remi flushed trying to swallow the sexual anguish he felt after hearing his partner break into sneeze, shifting ever so slightly in his seat to remain calm, to keep himself in check.
"Are you alright over there?" Bill asked concerned with the sudden series of sniffles, sliding an inch away, cautious of a virus.
"Oh..yes, I just have really bad allergies," he said sheepishly tucking a piece of loose hair behind his ear, his voice inflected to sound more stuffed up than he usually would be after two sneezes. The older man nodded turning back to Remi, who dead eyed his mate that only returned his gaze with a sly wink.
'That sadistic little shit....oh he's going to get it whe-' staring blankly at the man who was prattling on in front of him before his thought was shattered by the sound of yet another sneeze. 'Keep it together Rem...' his groin twitched.
"eh-TSH-eh!" Levi snuffled and rubbed his nose into the napkin in small circles, pulling it away, a bead of sweat started to slip down the side of Remi's face. Bill not noticing a single thing wrong as he boasted about his career and accomplishments, all the things he could do for Remi. All Remi could concentrate on was all he could do to Levi in this very moment. Would he go to jail if he just ravaged him here?
"TSHOO!" Levi tried to hold that one in halfway to give it a more dramatic effect. He knew it was sending waves of electricity down the wolf's spine, he wiggled in his seat. His baby blues blinking gently in the direction of his tortured lover.
"Hey, Remi arent you going to offer your fiance a hand or something?" Bill looking over between the two of them, Remi's soul completely out of his body due to the position he was currently in.
"I- Uh, yes I uhm....honey?" He held out his bare hand to Levi, brain completely not registering what he was even offering, Bill cocked an eyebrow, even the leopard looked slightly confused, but taking it anyway and then letting out another one, gentlier this time, nothing crazy flying out, just hot ridged breath in between his long shaking fingers. "ESHUH~" it came out almost high pitched in sound, too cute to the wolf's ears, his cock started to pump full of blood. The sensation of feeling such a gentle action, the sound, the absolute publicness of this display, it was so entirely naughty. They both clearly knew between the two of them, what was really going on. While Bill laughed out loudly and threw himself back with his hands on his stomach.
"I LIKE him! Funny guy you have yourself promised to here," he slapped Remi on the side of the arm who tensed up and snapped his gaze back to reality.
"Oh I- uh...Yeah, he sure is something isnt he?" joking along nervously, the dark haired man was lucky that this old rich idiot was far too concerned with his ego to notice how absolutely rock solid and flustered he was. Slamming his fist on the table he coughed "We should order right? Food? That would be good..." He muttered scanning the menu lazily trying with every last inch of his soul to distract himself.
"Oh yes I'd love a clam cho-OWCHUH!" the white haired adonis male was interupted again by yet another violent sternutate. "Terribly sorry, don't mind me I'll just have to excuse myself to the....restroom, I'd like a clam chowder bread bowl," ordering as he stood up, glared at his partner to follow him, and continued his journey to the back bathrooms. While Bill's attention was on Levi to remember the order, Remi quickly snagged the pepper shaker, shoveling it into his pocket before he too stood up. "Yeah, I gotta piss, steak, rare, thanks, I'll be right back, so sorry," he excused himself as Bill waved him off without a care in the world, or concern on his plate.
The second, the absolute milisecond Remi pushes past the doors of the restroom and locates his partner's shoes in the correct stall, he practically peels the door off its hinges. "You think you're clever dont you??" He shouts in a whispered fashion incase anyone comes in.
"What do you mean, my lover?" playing it completely innocent in high brat fashion, cornering himself against the wall of the handicapped stall. The wolf loomed closer, each step of his shoe echoed within the chambers of the bathroom itself. Diamond eyes traced every move up the masculine man's body, stopping at the slightly enraged, but completely passion stricken facial expression.
"Oh? Oh we want to act like I'm stupid?" Raising a thin black eyebrow as he walked himself an inch away from Levi's face, "You've been playing with fire all night, my naughty little kitten, and now you're going to be punished, severely," He gripped Levi by a fist full of hair, knuckles white, Levi's eyes forced open by the pressure, mouth cocked.
"Hng~" The leopard whimpered softly, legs buckling underneath the sheer dominance of his mate. "D-daddy please I didnt mean to upset you..." his lips quivered but it was too late, the black haired man ran his tongue up the smaller's thin, etched neck, nipping at the line of his jaw. A whisper of a moan came bursting from out of Levi's vocals, like music to Remi's ears, but that wasn't what he wanted to hear tonight in this bathroom with amazing acoustics. While Levi's head is pulled back he takes the shaker in his other hand and swiftly brings it up to the man's nostirls. "NNnNGh~ AHHH~~~ EHhHhHhCHTUUU~!" Levi sneezes loudly, aggressively, suddenly into the side of Remi's face, echoing inside his ear drum, unhinged, uninterupted, bouncing off the walls and giving him a second helping.
"Mmm you wanted to entertain, so you're going to entertain me.....unleash it," he referenced, grinding his painfully erect dick up against the younger through the painful fabric of his pants. Wasting no time while head cocked in position backward, he still expertly found his way to his partner's belt unclinking it. "Give Daddy another, come on, be good for him now," He said gripping tighter against Levi's thick hair, between the pepper, the position of his face against the ceiling lighting, he didnt stand a single chance.
"etSHU! ET-SHU! EHTSHU-EH!" it came out in a series, as they spilled into the air around them, Remi forced the afflicted one just under his ear at the crook of his neck by the nap of his hair, instead of pulled backward, he wanted to intake every last reverberation through his core. Levi's hand fumbled its way past his waist band, through every inch of fabric to touch hot, throbbing flesh in his palm.
"Oo-fu-fuck," Remi hissed beside Levi's ear, the leopard's own pants feeling relatively too tight, but as in true punishment fashion, knew he was not the focus of this particular event. He was in big, big trouble. "Now, now, don't be shy," whispering in a sultry dark tone. "Don't stop," huffing faster now as Levi slid the pad of his thumb through the wolf's tip. "Hnngg..." strained now as he forced the shaker back over into Levi's nostrils.
"EH-TSHU!" this one rocked his body forward, eyes watering and tears starting to streak down his face, the tip of his nose cherry red, and his hand stuttering in his strokes as they got faster but sloppier. "Please.....TsHO...."Another, smaller sneeze. Emerald orbs disappeared through the back of Remi's skull as the hand on his cock twitched under Levi's skilled but nonmetrical fingers that worked to squeeze and pump him.
"Little more, kitten," he gasped low, guttural, deep from within his throat, Levi's own eyes rolled back from heated pleasure. They were rutting and rubbing up against each other in an animalistic, heated fashion, complete desperation for the both of them in this moment, who knows or cares if Bill was even still out there waiting. They were lost in this moment. The cat glanced to the side up at the light shining from the ceiling and it triggered one last...
"ACHOOO~" Levi's hand clasped tightly around his lover's leaking member, between the pressure of that and the sound of his mate's last big sneeze, he came, hard into's Levi's hand and down his shiny black leather pants, which would be a crime if Levi had the concentration to care. As he was still absolutely wasted off lust from being completely used in this fancy restroom. Remi, coming down from the high of his orgasm slumped lazily against the wall and his partner, catching his breath and trying to find the capacity to have logical thought once again.
Both of the men took a minute to cool off, to breathe. However, once Remi was recouped he had Levi tugging at his coat. "You're just going to use me, mess me up and leave me like this?" whining gently followed by a pouty lip as he pointed down to his own throbbing issue, and the spooge on his pants.
"Oh...Baby," Remi pouted back in a gentle tone that immediately changed into a devilish grin. "Yes I am," sticking his tongue out like the evil revenge master he was. "That'll teach you to rile me up like that in PUBLIC during important meetings,"
"I-...Bu--t....I-...Yo-..." He stuttered standing there flabbergasted as he fluttered back and forth.
"Bless you," he kissed the dumbfounded man on the sweaty forehead, before fixing his pants, buckle, and stepping out confidently. Leaving his partner behind to clean himself up and to maybe reconsider messing with a wolf.
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sylvianotfound · 1 year
Number one supporter
(this has been in the drafts forever so I jst decided to post it warning its goofy asf)
Y/n rolled her eyes at the sound of her brother screaming at a video game. Her brother is Dream, and Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer. As she tied her hair up into a  high ponytail she wondered what it would be like if her brother's fans knew about her.
There was a knock on her door. 
“You almost ready to go?” Her other brother’s best friend Sapnap asked as she tied pre-wrap around her hairline. He was a year older than her, him being 21 her 20. 
 “Almost, is Clay coming to my game?” She questioned as she grabbed her water bottle and soccer back pack.  
“Yea, He’ll be bout 10 minutes late though,” He answered and she nodded. “Meet you in the car,” He said smiling, and left her room. 
Minutes later Y/n walked out her bedroom door and walked down stairs. She looked out the window to see Sapnp already in the car like he said he would be. She exited the house and walked to Sapnaps car. She tried to open it. Its locked. 
And she tried again. Still locked. Y/n tried tapping the window of Sapnaps tesla in hopes of getting his attention. He didn’t even spare her a glance. ‘This bit-’ 
“Unlock the door asshole,” She said knowing he knew she was there. He turned his head and it looked like he said “What is the magic word” but Y/n couldn’t tell. 
“Please?” She asked. He unlocked the door and she climbed into the passenger seat. “Thank you!” Y/n continued. 
“Yep,” He replied. Y/n was going to her third soccer game of the spring season. She plays for her college soccer team, has a full ride scholarship and everything. D-1 soccer is hard well just D-1 everything is hard, and stressful. But right now all she felt was nervous. Or as her best friend called it “before game butterflies” (pretty sure she’s the only person who calls it that) she pulled at her nails as she worried about the game. Her team was very good, but she knew that they weren’t going to win every game. 
And her coach wasn’t the nicest when they lost. Not that she abused them or something, but her coach was a sweet, but competitive woman. When her daughter quit soccer she freaked out but kept chill supporting her daughter. Y/n loves her coach but she's just scary sometimes. 
“Dude I can practically hear your thoughts, you’ll win I believe in you,” Sapnap interrupted her thoughts looking into his rearview mirror where she was unfortunately looking, as he saw her blush when they made eye contact. 
“Thanks Sap, but I don’t know we’re playing against a good team,” Y/n replied, still pulling at her finger nails. He put his hand on her thigh and kept the other on the steering wheel. 
“Yeah maybe but you're a great defender, you’ve proven that several times, I swear on my mother you’ll do great!” He said giggling at his ‘joke’.  I looked at the rearview mirror and placed my hand on his. He immediately glanced up, looked in the rearview mirror, and blushed. 
“We’re here,” I said as we pulled up to the field. I opened the car door, and right as I was about to close it he started talking. 
“You’ll do great, I know that for a fact! Remember I'm your biggest supporter,” I smiled at him and closed the door, him driving off to find a parking space, leaving me blushing. 
He was right, after an intense game we had one 3-1. I was very proud of my team, and it seemed like my coach was too. I talked to my teammates in the locker room and smiled as they all played around. 
“Ooo Y/n someone is here for you!” A girl named Leila said. 
“If it's that guy that comes to all the games Y/n go outside we’ll wait for you here,” Coach spoke loudly. I blushed and nodded. Doing my best to escape the locker room fast.
“Hey,” A voice I immediately recongised as Sapnaps said. 
“HI!” I replied. 
“Sorry Dream couldn’t make it he said it was something about George,” He said his brown chocolatey eyes looking into my emerald green. 
“It’s cool! I’m just glad you came,’ I replied blushing. I sighed I’m way to obvious at this point I should just tell him. 
“Y/n I really like yo-” I cut him off by pushing my lips on to his. He kissed back. Four seconds later I pulled way. 
“Sorry that was uncalled for I should’ve ask-” This time he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back. Two seconds later he pulled away. 
“I’m in love with you, I have been since the moment I met you, It’s okay if you don’t like me back but lowkey I’m doubting that because we just kissed twice,” He rambled. I smiled as he talked. When he quieted down I knew I had to say something. 
“I’m in love with you aswell,” I replied giggling. I kissed him on the cheek. “Will you be my boyfriend?” I asked. 
“Yes! 100% yes,” Sapnap answered a huge grin on his face. 
“Aw, but like what,” I looked behind Sapnap to see my older brother, Dream as some call him standing there, with a mixed look of confusion and happiness.
“Uhm..” I said as we all just kinda stared at each other. 
“Sapnap I swear to god if you hurt her i’ll hurt you 10x worse,” Clay violently whispered to Sapnap. “And same goes to you Y/n if you even think about hurting hi-” 
“Bro trust, I wouldn’t hurt her and she wouldn’t hurt me, I’m her number one supporter let's be real,” Sapnap cut him off rolling his eyes.  Y/n smiled.
(This one shot is actually ass but at least I tried??)
not proof-read sorry for any mistakes
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trollblivion-ooc · 4 months
Ooo get asked. How about you gives us a fun fact about each of your characters that you haven’t charted yet? Maybe something silly like what their favorite Minecraft block would be - the woofer, bark bark
helwo again woofer
fun facts my characters? i have under the cut. ramble of lore and facts
Cherie act all tough and cool but he is mega cringe on the inside. also he plays his game CAPTIVES hoping he will find a good ending for the Mutant MC (all playable MCs are mutants or cusps or chimeras), he doesnt know that the game is against mutants and thats why MC always dies, theres no “good” ending
Coleop is devoted to the empire and grovels to upper-bloods specifically fuscias. he may be dating cherie (mutant with rampant growing horns) but he still is a follower of the higherbloods because he himself is an olive. i dunno he has empire brain
Akrine used to hate noraxi. Not in a literal sense, he despised his feelings for her because that was before he knew he wasnt cis, its nuanced. he evbtually got over it and fell deeply in love with her and her with him.
Noraxi loved akrine from the very beginning, she had a feeling that akrine wasnt a pure violet blood simply because of his duo set of horns (obvious) she berself has mutant traits (noncullable, like her white hair and both of them have tails- but the tails in my beforus is normal.)
Cosmos is terrified that he will see Coralls walking corpse coming up the steps, drenching the staircase in fuschia, yelling at him that it was his fault (he has nightmares)
Endur doesnt realize whats happening isnt ‘normal’ per say, but he gets by. his favorite thing to do is collect shells. frequently he finds giant statues of trolls in faraway areas of the shore, algae eating at the bases
Cosmos and Cherie are very similar, being dancestors. both had loved ones who became covered in blood either because of them or they think its because of them. also they both switch their moods very fast. cherie goes from fine to raging within a second (high energy) and cosmos goes from happy to weepy in an instant (low energy)
Endur was meant to be on Alternia with cherie and coleop and chiani (noraxi dancestor) but something in the timeline went wrong and he woke up on a destorg Beforus with no memories and Atica (noraxi lusus)
Coleop has no current last name because Mun is out of ideas
Cogito is a parasitic beetle. he did not know anything until he latched to coleop, in which he gained sentience and ideas and became attactched metaphorically to Coleop. cogito began believing he was a troll even when separated from coleop.
Cogito has no name in canon, mun calls cogito “cogito” because kf the phrase Cogito Ergo Sum (i think therefore i am) in canon, cogito is called Bug, Parasite, and self-dubbed Coleop (also named Green-text coleop)
Corall is dead permanently, mun thinks she fell down the steps
Cosmos has not left his tower in 2 years. also Corall was an almost-B culler to him. it was a difficult relationship. think Ray and Rika from Mystic Messenger almost
ok thats all for now
0 notes
k3rm1e · 3 years
I just had this idea, what if Ranboo and reader are besties. However, since Tommy is jealous jelousinnit of Ranboo for “stealing” Tubbo, he “steals” reader in turn and they too become platonically married.
Maybe after Ranboo and Tubbo learn of the Tommy and reader’s marriage, Ranboo and Tommy are now “competing” for time with Tubbo and reader. Meanwhile reader and Tubbo are just laughing watching this play out? <3
I just had this idea, what if Ranboo and reader are besties. However, since Tommy is jealous jelousinnit of Ranboo for “stealing” Tubbo, he “steals” reader in turn and they too become platonically married.
Maybe after Ranboo and Tubbo learn of the Tommy and reader’s marriage, Ranboo and Tommy are now “competing” for time with Tubbo and reader. Meanwhile reader and Tubbo are just laughing watching this play out? <3
dvwefnowef i love this idea! i hope i did it justice <3
tommy vs ranboo:
  “hello tubbo! tubbo. tubzo.”  tommy yelled again and again, trying to get tubbo’s attention.
  tommy continued continued yelling his name for a response. pitying the poor boy, you responded “hi tommy.”
  “oh. hello.” tommy made his minecraft character walk over to you. “what is tubbo doing?”
  “uh, he’s arguing with ranboo? about something somewhat important, i presume.”
  “lore married, those two are. strange, innit?” tommy turned his character to look more directly at yours. the eyebrows on the character made him look intimidating, especially with the way he stared at you.
  “yeah. yes. strange. lore married.” the conversation had ended from there, with an awkward silence. after a while tubbo and ranboo had finally stopped fighting.
  it had been a few days since your interaction with tommy. everything had been pretty normal, just hanging out with ranboo and tubbo. helping oversee the building of the mansion. that was, until tommy came and talked to you.
  “uh, hello tommy.”
  “hey. i’m live right now. what are you doing?”
  “uh, nothing really. mainly have been overseeing the build of ranboo and tubbo’s mansion.”
  “close, the two of you are?”
  “yep. i know him irl so i would say, yeah, we’re pretty close.” this was where you started to get a bit questioning.  sure, you had spoken to tommy before, but you two weren’t necessarily close.
  “hey, y’know what i think.” he turned his character to stare at you.
  “no, what do you think tommy?”
  “let’s be friends.”
  tommy proceeded to drag you around the server, getting to know you better. you two had run around quite a bit, and ended up near the badlands. tommy, of course, decided to bring you into his mischief.
  “ok, when bad joins vc, after i say hello you have to say ‘say FUCK badboyhalo’ to him.”
  “doesn’t bad always yell language at everyone? shouldn’t i probably not do that?” you had just recently gotten added to the server and even doing certain things for bits made you nervous.
  “you’ll be fine. now get ready.” once bad joined the vc, tommy yelled “HELLO BADBOYHALO.”
  “well, hello to the two of you. how are you both doing?”
  without taking the time to answer you yelled, “BADBOYHALO SAY FUCK!”
  tommy immediately began laughing. bad’s character was running around and you could hear him stuttering until finally shouting “LANGUAGE!”
  “oh come on, bbh. it just adds more impacts to what you’re saying. imagine you were saying ‘i hate that muffinhead skeppy so much’. isn’t it much more impactful when you say ‘i hate that BITCH skeppy so FUCKING much!’?” even though you couldn’t see his facecam, you could tell how much he was smirking.
  “LANGUAGE TOMMY!” bad was screaming and from his voice he seemed to be fuming.
  catching onto what tommy was planning, you started for him, “seriously bad,  what do you have against saying a few curse words? FUCK, SHIT, BITCH, ASS, PUSSY.” you and tommy both began screaming curse words at bad until you heard him scream and leave the vc.
  and for the next few weeks, that was how it went. you two caused chaos all across the server, getting on everyone’s nerves. phil had quickly deemed you ‘chaos gremlins sent to drive him even further into his old age’. at least kristen appreciated the two of you.
  “phil, what are taxes?” tommy had asked phil.
  after hearing him mutter a quick “jesus christ…”, he gave tommy an answer, “pretty much shit you have to pay because the government said to.”
  “and is there any way to pay less taxes? y’know, cheat the system?” tommy was quickly driving phil to old age.
  “well, marriage gives you tax benefits.”
  “ooo!” tommy turned his minecraft character towards you, “marry me! for tax benefits!”
  and so there was a new platonically married couple on the server.
  ranboo had noticed your lack of presence. instead of showing up in his streams, you were usually doing something with tommy. the two of you had even gotten married, the same way he and tubbo had. jealousy, even when irrational, was still a very real and present thing.
  which is what led him to be standing outside your minecraft house, waiting for you to stop talking to tommy for a second and answer his in chat messages. for five whole minutes, he had to deal with chat clowning on him. “chat, i have never been replaced. they simply cannot replace me. there is no way to get rid of me.”
  “you’re like mold!” tubbo had joined ranboo’s vc. his energy heavily contrasted the other’s.
  “...tubbo, how am i like mold?”
  “you’re just constantly growing on people! holding on for dear life until an exterminator is called! do i need to call an exterminator on you?”
  “...no thank you, tubbo.”
  finally, you and tommy had joined vc. “hello ranboo!”
  “hello! what took so long?” the agitation in his voice was barely detectable.
  “oh, tommy here was being pissy. didn’t want to leave vc2.”
  “so tommy was stopping you from talking to your friends?” ranboo clicked his tongue and jokingly said, “seems a bit, uh well, toxic, to me.”
  tommy quickly erupted into screams. “HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A TOXIC FRIEND?”
  “I WASN’T ACCUSING YOU OF ANYTHING, WAS JUST STATING MY OPINION!” ranboo had started screaming back.
  “IF YOU WANNA SEE TOXIC, I’LL SHOW YOU TOXIC RANBOO.” you could distantly hear an 8 bit version of toxic by britney spears playing from tubbos mic.
  and from there, the screaming continued. In-game chat, you could see tubbo telling you to join vc6.
  “crazy, that lot is.”
thank you for waiting! i’m sorry this took so long, i’ve been visiting family for easter and haven’t really been able to write. i hope you enjoyed this, though! <3
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sleepysnk · 4 years
here is the sequel to jaegerbomb is streaming! i hope you all enjoy ♡!
Jaegerbomb Has a Guest
Pairings: Streamer!Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cursing, small nsfw mention if you squint
part one.
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"Fuck! Oh my god bro,"
Eren leaned back in his chair seeing that he just died again in the game he was playing. He had lost for the third time and he was getting extremely annoyed, a few people in the chat were telling him he was okay and he didn't need to get mad; but it was Eren.. he always got mad.
He grabbed his controller before looking at the chat. "What are you guys up to right now?" he asked. 
Eren put his attention back onto the screen, entering another round of the game he was playing. 
He pressed a few buttons on the controller and scanned his eyes over the targets he had to kill, it was a zombie game everyone was suggesting and he couldn't get past this certain round. It was pissing him off.
He started to press the buttons at a quicker pace but unfortunately, he died again. 
Eren slammed the controller onto his desk. "Bro what the fuck! This shit makes no sense, I'm done. Wack ass game," he said, rubbing his temples. 
He looked over at the chat to see people messaging him.
jaegerist3452: eren just lay off for a bit
iloveeren_: eren is mad again guys
erensimp43: damn it ain't that hard
jaegerbombfan20: better luck next time eren!
He sighed, "It is hard what do you mean? Man.. you don't even know," he said before shaking his head. 
A knock came from the door, Eren averted his attention to where his bedroom door was; he heard it open a bit and saw his girlfriend standing in the doorway. 
"Is everything okay?" she asked in a whisper. 
Eren removed one of the earmuffs to hear her better. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine baby." 
She rocked on her heels. "You were yelling really loud and I thought you were mad," she giggled. 
He smiled a bit, "Nah don't worry.." he replied before looking back over at the chat. 
jaegerist45: who was that eren?
iloveeren1010: who were u calling baby?
erensbiggestfan1083: you guys heard that too?
jaegerist3452: omg do u have a gf?
jaegerbombfan20: wait.. weren't u dating that y/n girl? or weren't u talking?
Eren chuckled a bit, "Yeah I have a girlfriend guys.. but I don't think I want to make it known just yet who she is because I don't know if she's comfortable with that," he replied.
He looked over to see (Y/N)'s head cocked to the side. "Do they know?" she asked in a whisper. 
He shook his head, "She's pretty amazing though," he added with a grin. 
erensimp34: wait then what happened to y/n?
jaegerist45: why should it matter? maybe they stopped talking
jaegerbombfan20: idk it's just weird.. she was always in his streams and now she isn't.
iloveeren1010: they probably just faded maybe i dunno
Eren was getting amusement from the chat, it was true that (Y/N) had stopped coming to streams; it was because she lived with Eren now and she was his girlfriend. 
"I dunno what happened to (Y/N).. she and I don't talk very much," he replied, running his fingers through his hair. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, Eren was such a sick bastard for that. 
jaegerist45: oh shit 
erensimp43: well damn, i guess shit happens 
jaegerbombfan20: awe :(( omg 
"Yeah I dunno.. but don't worry guys, I bet she's doing well," he smirked, his eyes flickering up at her. 
Eren streamed for another 30 minutes before he decided to get off and chill with (Y/N), he didn't stream as long as before because he wanted to spend time with her. 
"Babe!" Eren yelled as he exited his bedroom. 
He found (Y/N) sitting at the kitchen table, she was on her phone. Her attention averted towards Eren, "Hi baby," she said.
He came over and kissed her head. "Hi princess.. what are you up to?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She sighed, "Not much, I'm just on Instagram. Did you finish your stream?" she asked. 
Eren went towards the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. "Yeah I did.. I wanted to spend some time with you," he replied, taking a sip of the cold drink.
She smiled a bit, "You don't have to babe, really. But I meant to ask," she said. "Are you ever going to tell your fans about me?"
Eren twisted the cap back onto his water bottle. "Yeah.. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. I remember you told me that you wanted things to be private, so I respected that."
(Y/N) remembers at the beginning of their relationship when she told Eren about the privacy thing. She was still in college and she didn't want a huge amount of people rushing to her and asking about Eren, it made her feel shy and a little anxious. 
"I mean.. maybe we can be a little more public, you know?" she said, chewing her lip. 
Eren nodded, "Don't worry about it baby, I'll make it known that we're dating." he replied. 
Eren was up streaming at the moment, he was playing Minecraft and his fans were enjoying the way Eren kept yelling if there was a creeper or a zombie nearby.
"Fuck y'all who decided that hardcore was a good idea, I am gonna have a heart attack," he said, his eyes narrowing a few times while staring at the screen. 
He looked at the chat then back at the screen, his mind was too occupied with the thought of dying in the game than answering questions. 
He didn't even notice (Y/N) walk in. 
She was leaning against the wall, she was surprised seeing her boyfriend so focused on a game. It was different than seeing it on a stream, it was kind of cute.
His eyes flickered up, he jumped a bit seeing her there. "Shit.. babe, what are you doing here? I didn't even hear you," he asked, putting his hand on his chest. 
She walked over quietly, "Are you busy?" she asked. 
He looked at her, "Uh not really, I'm just streaming and playing some Minecraft. Why? Is something wrong beautiful?" 
A few people in the chat began to send in messages. 
jaegerist3452: ooo eren's girl is here
jaegerbombfan20: we should meet her eren!
iloveeren1010: can we meet her Eren? 
erensimp43: did u guys see how soft his face got when she showed up? THAT WAS SO CUTE.
iloveeren_: that's so cute, can we see her eren? PLEASEEEE
He looked towards the screen. "I would love to introduce her guys, but I dunno if she's ready. She's a little shy," he replied, smiling at (Y/N).
She giggled a bit, "I'm not that shy! I'm just a little awkward.." she whispered. 
Eren chuckled, "I mean.. they somewhat know you," he whispered.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Maybe it is time Eren.." she mumbled, looking away from him. 
He shook his head, "Do you guys really want to meet my girl? No gross shit! I'll block you," he said, looking at the camera. 
jaegerist3452: YESSSS
erensimp43: i'd love to see her
jaegerbombfan20: of course eren!
jaegerist45: i'm down i guess
bigerensimp292: sure!!!
Eren muted his mic before walking over to (Y/N). "Are you sure you want to baby? You don't have to," he asked, cupping her cheek. 
She fidgeted with her fingers. "I do but.. what if they make fun of me? I don't even think they know what I look like.." she mumbled. 
Eren tilted her chin upwards. "Princess.. you are stunning, okay? If anyone is rude to you I will whoop their ass," he said. "Okay? You'll only be there for a few seconds."
(Y/N) took a deep breath. "Okay.." she whispered. 
He leaned down to kiss her cheek. "I'll go turn off my camera and then I'll have you sitting on my lap, okay?" he said before making his way towards his setup.
"Okay!" she replied. 
Eren sat down in his chair. "Hold on a sec you guys.. I gotta get the special lady ready," he said, turning off the camera. 
iloveeren1010: this is exciting OMG
erensbiggestfan1083: why do i feel like he's gonna bring an animal in or something
jaegerbombfan20: she's lucky 
jaegerist3452: eren hurry ur ass up i wanna see her
(Y/N) stood in front of Eren, her heart thumped in her chest. "I'm really nervous.." she said, chewing her bottom lip.
Eren held her hand, "Come here.. just take a seat." he said, patting his lap. 
She positioned herself onto his lap, Eren adjusted her legs and kissed her head. "Here we go.." she whispered. 
Eren fixed his mic, "Alright.. no rude shit, okay? If I catch any of you horny fuckers saying something I'll block you," he said. 
(Y/N) watched Eren turn the camera on, she could see herself on his other monitor. "Hi.." she said, waving a little bit. 
Eren kissed her cheek lovingly. "This is my girlfriend.. (Y/N)." 
The chat suddenly began blowing up with messages. 
jaegerbombfan20: OMG OMG IT'S Y/N!!!!
iloveeren1010: she's so pretty Eren!!!
jaegerist45: well would u look at that, you got a winner Eren
erenswife4938: i had a feeling it was her but u guys are so adorable 🥺🥺
(Y/N) giggled as she read the messages. "Thank you guys," she said, a smile forming onto her face. 
Eren drew circles into her thigh. "Yeah she's amazing.. I'm so glad I found her," he said, leaning his head by the crook of her neck. "Be nice okay guys? She's a little shy," he added. 
jaegerist3452: i love this so much 
erensbiggestfan1083: what a simp
iloveeren1010: i shipped it so much from the beginning! i'm so happy for you Eren!!
jaegerist45: GO ERENNN
jaegerbombfan20: eren she's so pretty
Eren looked at his girlfriend. "They think you're pretty babe," he said, smiling. 
She felt her cheeks growing warm. "Thank you guys, really." she replied. 
Eren snuggled her body closer to his, the warmth radiated onto her skin. "She is really pretty.. she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he said. 
A smile formed onto her features from his words. Eren was always a sweet guy, he always had ways of making her feel like a princess. 
jaegerist3452: how do u feel about y/n?
"Babe you got a question," she said, nudging his arm.
Eren leaned up a bit to read the question, his eyes narrowing a bit. 
"How do I feel about (Y/N)? Shit.. do you wanna know?" he asked, his eyes averting up towards his girlfriend. 
A bunch of people began spamming yes. Eren decided to answer the question.
"Well being honest.. she's the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I usually don't go after fans but she was different, I couldn't ask for a better person in my life, I love (Y/N) so much, she doesn't even know how much she means to me. I'm convinced she's my soulmate.." he said, his heart hammering in his chest. 
(Y/N) smiled, she felt like she could cry from what he said. 
jaegerbombfan20: that is so cute 🥺
jaegerist3452: AWWWW
erensimp43: that's so adorable OMG <3
"I love you.." Eren said, looking up at (Y/N).
She put her arms around his neck. "I love you more baby.." she replied, pecking his lips. 
He smiled, his eyes were full of love and happiness. "You make me so happy.. I'm convinced you're my soulmate," he said. 
She cupped his cheek, "You're definitely the one for me Eren.." she whispered. 
He peppered her face with kisses, laughter began to escape her mouth when his lips touched the skin of her face. 
"But yeah guys.. this is my girlfriend," Eren said, a smile on his face. 
erenfan3281: do u dick her down good?
"Okay that's where I end the stream! Goodnight guys!" Eren said before clicking the button to end the stream. 
(Y/N) giggled a bit, "Was that necessary?" she asked. 
He looked at her, "Duh! That's weird to ask.." he mumbled. 
She leaned her head onto his shoulder. "It is weird.. but you do dick me down good," she said, a smirk forming onto her features. 
Eren raised a brow, "Oh? Is that so? I knew I always did." 
She hit his arm playfully. "Shush! But since your stream is over.. Can we cuddle up? I missed you.." she asked, a pout obvious on her lips. 
Eren took off his headset. "Of course we can princess," he replied, kissing her head. He tapped her thigh, "Go lay down and I'll join you in a sec," he added. 
(Y/N) stood up and stretched a bit, she heard a few of her joints cracking as she moved her body around. She made her way to the bed and lied down on the sheets.
Eren turned off his computer and walked to the bed where she was, he smiled seeing the way her body was spread on his bed; the sight made his heart swell. He lied down next to her, opening his arms which she gladly leaned into. 
"Eren..?" she said, her voice in a whisper. 
He looked down, "What's up?" he asked.
"I love you.." 
"I love you more beautiful.."
tagging: @levithestripper
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lazychickensoup · 3 years
𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖
A Kenma Kozume Fic
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
a/n: Since this is the first chapter it's kind of short. More like an introduction to the plot and such. It will be kinda quick and cheesy but I promise it'll get better lol. Enjoy~
warnings: mild language and mentions of toxic relationship
word count: 1513
"Damn you never listen do you Y/n! I told you that I had reserved us tickets to a game and you're not even ready. We have to leave in 10 minutes, get off the stupid game. Now."  I sighed looking up at my boyfriend. Turning my head back to my monitor and focused back on my game.  "Hello, do you hear me? Or are you talking to your other boyfriend that weird Japanese kid? You know-"
"His name is Kenma. You know that. Also, I'm not ready because I'm not going." I stated not looking away from the screen. "We always go out to where you wanna go. I do the things you like but the one time I ask to go somewhere you immediately deny it because you're not interested in it. Therefore, Dillion, I'm not going."  He stared at you in confusion. It took him a moment to process but then the light went off in his head.
"Are you talking about that Comic Market thing? Babe, one, that's in Japan-" I pause my game and mute my discord because little did he know Kenma was on with me building away at his cottage in Minecraft while listening to us two bicker.
"My mother already said it was okay she wanted to go as well so she could see the sights. It's summer so we it's not like I have to be back in time for school. This is the only big thing that I have ever asked from you and you dont even have to pay for it. I've saved up enough. I've planed where we can stay, where we can eat, everything. So, I'm going to tell you this. You're either in or out because I'm going whether you like it or not." I was now face to face with him standing my ground. I had been planning this for months, worked an exhausting amount of hours, done tons of research for this trip. I planned to stay for about a week and meet my best friend Kenma Kozume by surprising him at his volleyball practice then, taking him to the comic market. To be honest I didn't want Dillion to come anyway. For some unknown reason, he hates Kenmas guts, maybe just because it's another guy. I have to admit we do talk a lot but I've never put Kenma before him. I try to be the best girlfriend and be present in our relationship but I've had enough. Dillion grabs my torso and pulls me in.
"Look I'll go to the lame ComicCon thing with you when it's in America where we live. I don't see why we have to spend so much to go to this we are only 16 we need to be saving up for our futures. I'm out Y/n." I sighed into his chest knowing this was coming.
"Of course you are... Usually, by now I would give in and agree with you but not this time. I'm going."
"Fine whatever. Then I'll be waiting for you when you get back." he pats my head. I was honestly surprised that he didn't fight back. I kiss him and run to put on an outfit. "What are you doing?"
"We still have five minutes, I'm getting ready!" I yell from my bathroom. I grabbed some sweats and a t-shirt and threw them on, groomed my h/l h/c hair, and walked back out.
"Hey, Kenma I have to go. Date night."
"Okay let me know when you get back I need to talk to you about something." his voice sounded tired which would make sense we had been playing for 3 hours non-stop. I turn off my computer and walk out with Dillion.
Kenma's POV
~Y/U has disconnected from the server~
I stayed on the game a couple more hours decorating the outside of the cottages me and y/n had built. She saw it on TikTok and thought it was cute but didn't know that it would take this long. His voice lingered in my head "Do you even listen to me y/n!". Of course, she does idiot she loves you. When they started arguing I knew it was gonna end up a mess again. It's like this every couple of weeks. They fight and argue and she always ends up leaving our game. Seems like it's only when she's on with me... Doesn't matter what matters is that she doesn't deserve to be treated like a possession. She does whatever he wants without much fight. It breaks my heart when she comes back on the server. She always sounds tired and down but she still talks to me even if it's for a short time.
"Hey, Kenma wanna come practice with me?" Kuroo's voice brought me out of my thoughts I hadn't noticed I was smiling while thinking about her until my black-haired friend started teasing me about it. "Ooo you're smiling. What's going on?"
"Nothing just playing games."
"With your girlfriend I presume. HEY Y/N!!" he yelled into my mic which was right next to my ear.
"She's not on right now. Also, I told you she's not my girlfriend she has someone." I look down at my phone screen that read '1:30 pm' she should be home by now and getting ready for bed. "Sorry Kuroo I'll come out later I need to talk to Y/n," I say getting into my bed patiently waiting for her call.
"Fine dude but remember I'm actually here. You've never even met her yet you're obsessed," he smirks and walks out of my room. Almost as if on cue my phone rings I pick it up and hear Y/ns sleepy voice.
"Hey Kenma how is your morning?" Of course, she asks that first, she's so sweet.
"It's been good. I added some flowers around the cottage and made a farm for us. How was your date?" she took a few seconds to respond.
"It was fine. We went to a basketball game which I'm not completely into and it was really loud. I had to sit in the bathroom because I had a panic attack. Other than that it was fine."
"You know you can text me when that happens right? You shouldn't be alone during that kind of stuff." I fidget with my blanket as I wait for a response.
"Ya, I know. I didn't want to bother you though. Hey, what did you need to talk to me about earlier?" I get up off my bed to grab a notebook. I've been planing on asking her this for a couple of weeks I just needed a good way to ask so that way it didn't sound like I was trying to "hit on her"? I dont know.
"Oh um yeah okay so..." I read over my note and finally compose myself. "...I was wondering if you wanted to come to Japan to watch my team play in our tournaments and possibly go to nationals?" I mumble out. As I said that out loud I realized it sounded like I was asking her to move here. She's on summer break right now though so just maybe.
Your POV
I muted myself and squealed. This is perfect. Other than when school starts this fall perfectly with me meeting him AND I'll get to stay in japan longer to watch him play. I unmute myself and quickly responded.
"Duh I would love too but you know we would have to a very detailed plan that out then get our parents on board and I would have to do something about school. Plus, I don't know how Dillion would react to me moving to another continent to watch another boy play a sport would go." I hear Kenma dramatically sigh.
"He's such an ass to you though. You guys fight all the time and you always give in to what he wants. I'm saying this because I'm your best friend. Break. Up. With. Him." I fall back on my pillows and look at the picture of me and Dillion on my nightstand.
"I know we fight a lot but he always makes up for it. I love him Kenma. I do admit that I come crying to you a lot about him and I'm sorry I shouldn't annoy you with that. He's a good guy I promise." there was a long silence and let out a yawn. "Well I should be going to bed now its like midnight here and I have to work in the morning. Bye Kenma have a good day."
"Goodnight y/n sleep well." the line cuts out, I plug in my phone and snuggle back into my sheets.
Oh just you wait Kenma I'll be in Japan sooner than you think.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Eret 11 MAY 21
Cat and DSMP Part 1/1
Cat! Goose!
Goose my beloved.
Eret’s streaming very late for me again. So I’m not staying the whole time.
Hello Elaina. Enjoy Goose.
Fundy! Kinda...
Fundy hearing the donations. LOL.
Fundy enters a stream and it starts to scuffed. Scuffed just follows Fundy wherever he goes.
A wild my beloved on the cube.
The Drista stairs.
Wait what. Why is the tower gone?
I have missed some lore.
Ah... it’s part of the nightmare thing.
Eret offering Fundy housing like a good almost adoptive parent.
Sounds like Fundy about lost a lung. Good gracious.
The bargaining between these two.
Cat, Handsome, said cube was massive
You know what that works.
It’s hard to keep the audio right for Eret’s stream for my headphones. It’s either too quiet or the loudest my headphones can go and my family can hear it.
On stream explosions. Noice.
Wow youtooz. Not super cool. Permission is usually a good thing.
Eret keeps on sizzling.
Getting dirt for scaffolding. Going old fashioned Minecraft for this.
“Why is the Cube kinda hot” cue Eret losing faith in her chats sanity.
Cube go poof.
Oh. Red stone. That’s dangerous.
I like this song. Oh klahoma. Gorgeous song.
Love joy is such a fun band. I want to make a plushy of the cat.
It’s kinda sad that Eret can’t see themselves the way chat and their little fandom sees them. Most all of us think they look fabulous.
Not Arson. Just bombing. A bit of anarchy by the king.
Demolition. Now there’s the word.
Controlled ish demolition.
Ah I’ve almost saved enough channel points for water. Nice. I’m not going to redeem it I’m just going to keep hoarding the points.
Flame Arrow. Nice.
Eret cleaning up the SMP eye sours.
Watch me attempt to sleep to Eret here in an hour or so, but keep getting distracted.
Explosion time.
Someone get ready to clip it.
Bye Bye Cube. Let’s go.
Gotta get a song that fits the vibe.
Hayloft. Time to go poof.
Turning up my brightness just to watch this explosion in the best way possible.
Still wearing the red dress I see.
I hope the music isn’t too loud to get this part muted.
Drum roll...
Drum roll continues...
Drum roll still going...
That was so smooth and good looking!
Overall a very good explosion.
Just a little bit of a hole in the other building.
Twitch Pr-
Poor being’s so confused with his hair. Someone help them.
Twitch bleep.
Everyone attempting to give hair styling advice. Everyone’s trying to help the being.
That bird is majestic. I remember seeing that tiktok.
Animals just decided Eret was the animal whisperer.
Yes! Disney Princess Eret fanart! Someone make it, I shall reblog all of it.
Likes to hug cute animals and cute animals like being hugged by her. Nice.
It’s alright. Names are difficult. I have to like put name tags on people to learn who they are. That or name tags on their space (like on campers bunks and door decs on dorms)
It does feel very February. But I’m very ready for summer because that means I get to do my favorite job.
Hooray. I hit 15k points.
Eret trying to prove to us a ponytail won’t work. Like we aren’t going to hype them up no matter what.
Gotta heart in the chat. All Eret’s chat does is hearts and encourage. It’s a lovely place.
Oh Eret forgot his cat ear sub goal. It’s alright I know I forgot.
Pride is next month. Nice.
Oh. We’re almost halfway already. Why does the world spin so quickly?
We forgot a dirt tower. Whoops.
I would wear Eret merch. I like it when people release merch around Christmas. Then I can ask for it as a gift.
Oh it wasn’t a dirt tower.
Just looking at Elaina’s stream in the stream selection screen it like very cozy.
All the way up the Drista stairs.
Look it’s the museum!
Eret’s got most of the builds around there. The museum. The fortress. Nice.
Some things are too historical to remove. Somethings are historical because they are being removed.
Oh no. L’sandburg.
It’s taking over the summer home.
Ah the lore is coming. It just seemed to be too early.
Hello unofficial ranboo Raiders.
Foolish making the awesome tall thingy!
Foolish’s builds are so neat. I want to watch Foolish’s streams more. Maybe just in the background but I start wanting to delayed liveblog and that requires attention.
Oh the giant portal turned out well. Sorry that was the lady’s foolish stream I watched.
Shulkers. The forbidden mob.
Eret with just a pit in the desert filled with llamas. Bones. And discus.
The mansion has been finished?
Alright is better than bad. It’s alright to be alright.
Lucky being not getting tired. I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and I was so so tired. I also had just no appetite.
Eret doing an smp tour. And looking at foolish’s builds.
Flickering the switch on the rainbow beacons.
Eret just knowing where everything is.
Kinoko is super pretty. Just for the aesthetic value of the kingdom I appreciate it.
Yeet. Just defenestrated himself out the window.
Oh? Spectator fly over the smp?
That would be really neat to like. Watch in VR. I think I’ve only used VR maybe twice.
Pretty Rainbow beacons.
The nurse who gave me my vaccine hid the needle from me because I mentioned to her that I was afraid of needles. It wasn’t a big deal at all.
30 minutes till I attempt sleep. Woo.
Goose my beloved. Someone make the gif because I’m not quite sure how to make it.
Oh yeah. Goose in Marvel. I hear MCU and think Minecraft cinematic universe. Not marvel.
Ghibli is so nice. It really romanticize small moments of life.
Yeah the characters are all really supportive in Ghibli movies.
Someone subbed for nine months “that’s enough to make a child” -Eret
That mansion is like a maze. I’m so lost already.
Everyone encouraging Eret and telling her she looks pretty. Good.
Eret needs all the hype and encouragement.
Antarctic empties flag. Yeah it does have a similar color pallet.
Michelle! Hello!
Fortress work. Nice.
Do it. I’ll listen the Eret play other games.
I don’t usually watch game play for non Minecraft games. But I’ll listen to it all.
Hbomb and Eret living in the same city feels like two worlds that shouldn’t meet. But it’s awesome that they have.
TOS means against twitches terms of service. Nice. Glad to finally have an explanation of what that means.
Look at our handsome and pretty streamer. All the hype.
I keep turning down the stream to hear the show my mama has on because I’m curious about what happens.
Yeah. Backseat gaming can be annoying. That’s part of why I share my thoughts here just in case I do start backseat gaming.
Almost to the sub goal. Hooray!
Ooo food.
No no. I see where they are coming from. Eret does give a bit of cat bus vibes. I can’t explain it but the vibes are there.
Creeper causing issues at the fortress.
Ed Sheepran my beloved.
I should draw more ferrets. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe I’ll draw us doing stuffs.
Actually I kinda want to make a little animatic of some heels walking across the screen followed by a hoard of ferrets. I think it’ll look cool. But I need the artistic ability and the ability to not scream making that.
Woop. Ad time. Off to the void of where ever the ads game me.
Bread. Flowers. Ted. Crown. And of course Eret.
We V O I D and get our streamer bits.
Hush the chat is V O I D and the occasional emoji or emote.
The void being centered looks good. Maybe that’s just the symmetry speaking but it’s good.
Oh. We hear the being. The being in void mode. And spooky mode.
Chat just starts yelling corpse.
Hydration. I try to stay hydrated. But I fail often if I’m not doing something active.
Casually makes and snags tree.
Eret does read chat often. It’s strange. And it is weird how often it ends up being you.
You can tell I’m a tumblr peep. I may say stuff in chat but I’m fully not expecting or wanting to be noticed by the streamer.
Others hitting darkness o’clock and saying goodnight.
It’s sleep to the stream hours y’all. Whoop.
I need to visit the parks out west. I’ve only really seen the eastern US ones. But I have been to the Great Smokey Mountain park which is gorgeous.
Eret thinking of his friends triggers when naming his cat.
Eret’s builds are so casually pretty. Not like Foolish’s which are intricately pretty. Not like Phil’s or Sam’s which are complicated pretty. All pretty. Just different breeds of pretty.
Alrighty. It’s sleepy hours for me. As much as I love Eret I want to read some fanfiction and daydream a bit before I head to sleep.
Have a good rest everyone and may all your coming meals be delicious.
Wait no is it our turn with goose?
Eret honey that’s the ceiling.
Cat stream. Cat stream.
Sleepy kitty. A cat cam would be good.
Yeah. That happens with cats. Especially strays.
Goose captured the computer mouse.
Goose straight up chose Eret and Elaina.
Goose really just chose not to leave.
Oh my stream connection is acting sad. But I want Goose content.
I want to draw Goose now.
Maybe I’ll do water color for Goose. I know I tried to do that with Boots (Fundy’s cat)
Hopefully there will be some Goose face screenshots I can see. Maybe I can see him well in the Tiktok.
Artists just violently refusing payment. Sounds about right. The MCYT artists just kinda go “yeah give credit and we cool”
Cowboy cat. Nice.
I want to paint Goose in the cowboy hat.
Hype train! That we are zooming.
Bucket sponge?
WATER BUCKET FROM WET SPONGE! Tiktok people giving all the cool info.
Go Goose. Catch the computer mouse and the screen mouse.
Just sitting here at 11:30 at night getting screen shots of Goose for painting purposes.
Goose please. Look at the camera babe.
My phone is dying. And I can’t charge it and type.
Alright the camera is off the cat. The cat is also blocking the screen.
But no cat on camera means I’m getting some sleep. If I do any of the projects I’ve mentioned I’ll let y’all know.
Have a good rest everyone.
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monkey-network · 5 years
World Building w/ Monkey
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There can be many series in general where the world it takes place in struggles to leave a lasting impact on you (pic above unrelated). That perfect balance between immersion and comprehension.
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Ideally, you want to land right in the middle, next to Donkey Kong, where you’re given a world to think about but you aren’t loaded with questions the product purposefully won’t answer. But where this can get muddled up is with the addition of consistency, memorability, logic, whether it all mattered. It no doubt gets messy when you start examining what made sense, what didn’t add up, why were certain things in certain places, what importance does the world have. There can be so many variables, and it’s largely subjective to each viewer’s critical and investment levels that I don’t even know where to begin with this rant. How about...
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Steven Universe. I of course didn’t go into this series expecting a lot of exploration, but at the same time I visibly cannot give a rat’s ass about the settings for this show. Beach City is a white noise backdrop that can leave you begging for a change in scenery. I can see the personal influence that came with this, it can look beautiful, but it doesn’t help that very little actually happens in Beach City to where things would’ve probably been a whole lot cooler if the show took place in a metropolis or somewhere busier. You can casually remember certain locations, sure, but there is little to no overall memorable history and it makes the beach location feel mostly interchangeable rather than a place Steven genuinely calls his home. This is a problem for a lot of shows, ones I love included. You can have locations that in the back of your mind go, “Hey I know that place,” but unless it’s a location that actually has some weight on your mind, you’ll remember it but you won’t probably care as much.
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I hardly believe Beach City is for Steven what literal Hell is for Doomguy
And one might say, “Monkey, SU is mostly character focused, the world is supposed to be secondary.” To this, I gotta ask, what makes the town important to Steven? Exploring Steven’s character crisis among everything else is fine, but where SU staggers internally is that it could’ve given us better insight as to why Steven bothers to stay in this one place when he has the option to freely explore the world beyond having the dangers come to him at supposedly inconvenient times but doesn’t. It's like Beach City is this isolated trouble magnet that never shares why problems only happen in this one place or random, equally isolated and forgettable locations. This is where I gotta bring Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
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Diamond is Unbreakable’s Morioh-cho is more than just Josuke’s hometown, it’s a place where impromptu phenomena happen and gives the town that adventurous livelihood while giving us a simple explanation as to why we’re staying here instead of traveling the globe like its predecessors. Every place, from Tonio’s restaurant, the docks, the ghost alley, to the transmission tower Superfly, adds to both the town’s history and the overall Jojo universe, even when this story is isolated in it of itself. Additionally, even when you could change the location to a metropolis or whatever, the anime especially gives Morioh that memorable style to where it can be difficult imagining the story taking place anywhere else. The biggest factor is the main villain Yoshikage Kira, a man whose entire existence is to live among the small town citizens as a stand wielding serial killer. He is that looming threat, killing and evading exposure, and adds to the value of Josuke and his squad being the protectors of the place they call home. Diamond is Unbreakable is a character focused story like Steven Universe, but JOJO does a better job making its fixed location matter in the long run. Good world building shouldn’t just be about what a place looks like, but what do the characters make in them.
This isn’t to say Beach City is a terrible world, it’s far better than what games like Destiny, Anthem, World of Warcraft, and such have to where you honestly have to read a bunch of wikis and in game logs to understand why you should give a fuck. This is where lore comes in and lore does not and should not equal world building. A golden rule for me when it comes to media is that the best media is easily accessible media, and lore complicates that accessibility; lore should be complimentary and not obligatory or important to understanding things. It’s like seeing a desk covered with school supplies, if world building is expressing the details of said supplies like whether the owner has a habit of biting his pencils or folding his books a certain way, lore is unnecessarily explaining why the pencils and books were made. That isn’t to say that the rules of what exists shouldn’t matter, but lore is that extra step that you shouldn’t try to worry about when it comes to expressing/understanding your rules organically. 
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Take Beastars, a definitive series where the rules of society are highly beneficial to the story. It never feels like Paru skimmed through how the animal characters function, and any questions that come up either are or can be fairly explainable. Like, why aren’t insects considered citizens when even fish get privileges? You can look at the series and go, “Maybe since insects are tiny and can live on their own, Itagaki considers them the wild animals of this society,” without feeling like you’re pretentiously speaking for the author. The universe of carnivores and herbivores not only are what pushes our protagonists to essentially break the known expectations and limits of their birth right, but you can have an entire chapter where Legosi or the others are barely in it, & the story details with the character you’re reading about, say Sebun, Yafya, or Legom, are so captivating that it feels just as organic when we see the MCs again. The city itself is much a character in this story and like the titular Abyss from Made in Abyss, Far Far Away from Shrek 2, or the Land of Ooo from Adventure Time, you can probably imagine wanting to be in that world yourself or seeing yourself comfortably in that world without even thinking about it. Good rules adds depth to a world that can keep your focus but makes you think. Too little trivializes your investment because there’s no stakes, too many feels like a college course and fuck that. 
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Like Minecraft, the main character isn’t really Steve or whoever you control, but the world that you’re able to create and warp to your hearts’ content. You are grounded to the aesthetic and format of the game, but what you do in the game adds unique character to the experience each and every time. Once you jump on, sometimes it all just clicks to you and that can be the best feeling. To close this rant out, I wanted to express my two favorite worlds that to this day stuck with me.
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These places are generally opposites, but they do an amazing job in showing you everything without hardly telling you anything. Treasure Town is this busy and complex theme park looking place and you’re essentially with the characters as we roam the notable sites filled with details that can clue you in on what’s what. Does it all at a good, brisk pace and the colorful environment plays a major part in the story where the city is a symbolic extension of our main duo Black & White and the main struggle they go through in the film.
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Yokohama does this but in a more subdued way. The whole story is centered around living in what you could imagine a generally realistic post apocalyptic earth. Not a whole deserted wasteland like what you’ve seen from Mad Max and the like, but one where it’s says civilization has begun anew; a vast landscape that means the world to our lead. And as life reset, we take things easy as relationships grow and seemingly one off moments can reappear as significant turns later on. The mangaka of Y2K leaves you mysteries, but you never feel lost as the main character Alpha is a compelling protagonist to journey with and it kinda makes you wish you were in her shoes, enjoying life in a world pretty barren but full of tranquil hope and easy adventuring.
In the end, I find these to be the best because they 110% commit to the main idea that makes world building such a meaningful concept to think about and invest in:
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lalucy2-boo-blog · 6 years
This is me, My Mind...
here's kid me: "GAMES!!!" "OOO!! a new friend! YAY!" then there's teenage me: "God i want to be with him" " "he knows my triggers...." "he knows my weakness" then Anxiety me: "SOMEONE TALKED TO ME!!!" "oh no someone almost touched me!" "AAAA! are they talking to me?? i'll just not talk" then there's Depression me: "no one cares about me..." "i wonder if everyone would be happy if i died?" "i'm worthless..." "why keep trying? why live?" then there's OCD me: "ITS NOT EVEN!!!!" "it bothers me" "FIX IT!!! before i die!!!!" "oh god why can't people get this even!" then there's trust issue me: "they're our friend? YEAH RIGHT!" "their just gonna hurt me" "oh waw they think its that easy to befriend me? HA!" "they'll betray me...." "don't trust them..." then there's artsy me: "Oh~~~ pretty!" "i want to draw something" "oh this dress is pretty" "i look good in this" then there's love puppy sick me: "I LOVE HIM!!!" "Oh he's such a tease!" "oh i love it when he flirts with me" "i want to hug him" then there's jealous me: "OH DID SHE JUST TALK TO HIM?!?!" "that girl is gonna get her hair ripped off her head" "if she touches him she gonna get bitch slapped" then there's gamer me: "oh cool a game" "UGH MOTHERFUCKER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE SO I CAN KICK IT!" "oh did he just...." "ugggggh i'll keep dying! damit these fuckers!" motherly girly me: "he better not get hurt" "is he sleepy?" "i know its late there, but is he sleepy?" "IS HE OKAY?!" "i hope he isn't sick..." "i want to treat him so he feels better" "i don't care for morning sickness... i'll just be happy i have a living life inside me" then there's morning me: "Ughhh i don't wanna get up..." "can i sleep longer?" *only if you wake me up wrong, but if you wake me up right...* "okie dokie... i'm up" "morning...." "i'm awake i'll get food now" then there's pissed me: "FUCKER! IMA KICK HIS ASS!" "Oh is he targeting me only?!?! that BITCH!" "Oh no she didn't...." "I SWEAR TO GOD IF HE ATTACKS ME AGAIN HE'S GETTING HIS ASS KICKED!" "BITCH I SWEAR IMA PULL ALL YOUR HAIR OUT IF YOU KEEP TARGETING ME!" Then there's nerd me: "i want to read" "ooooo~ a anime i haven't seen, looks cool" "I SHIP IT!" "YASSSS MY SHIP!" "ooooo a game i haven't tried, why not?" then there's singer me: (which just starts singing or dancing while i listen to a song...) then there's music me: "i want to play music" "EWWW NOT THAT SONG!" then there's judge me: "ew gross did you see her outfit? nasty" "why is she showing so much skin?!!?" "GIRL GET SOME REAL CLOTHES ON!" "is he yelling at a girl for liking the same gender?!! HOW DARE HE!" then there's shy me: "um... maybe i shouldn't talk..? or i'll just stay in the corner..." "should i make friends...? no..." then there's asking me: "who is this?" "why did i agree to this?" "who am i?" "why do i act like this?" "does anyone hate me?" "should i watch a movie or anime or youtube?" "ehhhhh what did they say?" then there's creepy me: "this is sooo a horror movie" "oh waw classic horror" "hehehe...." "the neck and stomach are weak points if a knife cuts the skin on the neck then blood will go into your throat and you wont be able to breath and will choke on your own blood" "then there's the stomach its weak because there's no bones protecting it just skin, so if anything comes in contact with it all your organs will spill over the floor or ground" then there's smart me: "8+8=16, 4+4=8, 2+2=4, 1+1=2, 3+3=6" then there's needy me: "i NEED this" "OH! i need this!" then there's ask to much me: "but i reallyyyyy want it" "I WANT IT PLEASE!" then there's buggy me: "hey" "hello?" "ELLO?!?!" "wanna play minecraft?" then there's panic me: *talking really fast* "oh,i,know,what,about,we,play,minecraft,and,have,fun,itd,begreat!" then there's many more but rather not talk about those ones, so how can i be myself when i'm not in control of my own body and have a fight with myself just to speak my mind? i'm not even sure i'm writing this. it can be anyone else in my head... and no one would know because of actor me.... HOW CAN I BE MYSELF WHEN OTHERS ARE IN CONTROL OF ME?! i'm not even sure if their me too... or just voices in my head telling me to do this do that... and taking the wheel over my body, my mood changes faster then any normal human. from pissed to overly-joyed.... to crying..... to laughing my ass off, so who is in control writing this? is this even my own body? or someone else's who should be in control instead of me....no one will ever know, until i find out who i am really...
0 notes
365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-Three: Mining ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s fast becoming an after school tradition. As soon as he gets home from classes, Sasuke makes his way up to his room and powers up his PC, saving his homework for as late in the evening as he dares. Even his mother has noticed his change in behavior, staring with a puzzled expression up the stairs whenever he goes flying by.
A few months ago, Sasuke wouldn’t be caught dead playing a game as old and ‘childish’ as Minecraft. But the game’s resurgence in popularity means it’s no longer that niche piece of nostalgia that only some people refused to stop playing. Now, it’s once again something acceptable in social spaces. And Sasuke has joined a server put on by someone at his school.
So far, no one is aware of who he is. Well...except one person. While beginning his base back when the server first launched, he found himself approached by another player, who left a simple sign saying, “Hinata was here”. He found out the next day that Hinata was a friend of a friend of a friend, hence the name ringing a distant bell. A few questions later while logged on, and they’d both pretty much figured out who the other was.
But otherwise? Sasuke acts none the wiser regarding the game at school. Naruto is still adamant it’s a kid game. Sakura isn’t one to play games in the first place. But any time he and Hinata cross paths, there’s a brief exchanged look with a smile.
She ended up building a base not far from his own, promising to teach him - as a diehard fan who carried on during the dry spell - everything he’d missed during his years off from the game.
“What even is the point of this stuff?” he complains over Discord one evening, nose wrinkling as he has to mine through yet another vein of diorite. “It looks like bird poop.”
In their voice chat, Hinata can’t help a soft laugh. “Honestly, I don’t know. Most people don’t really like the new stones. I guess they were going for variety…? But...I think they’re all pretty ugly…”
“They’re obnoxious. Keep taking slots in my inventory! I’m trying to go mining for diamonds, not...this crap.”
“Just t-toss it in some lava next time you find some.”
Sasuke grumbles into his mic, carrying on silently for a while before asking, “...what’s the level for diamonds?”
“...eleven, I think? That’s where I go, anyway. It might be a block up or down, but that works pretty well. Going strip mining?”
“I found a pretty good cave, but...ugh, I might as well. I need some better gear!”
“At least we’re far out enough it should be untouched. I bet spawn is already completely dug up.”
“Well, I’ll report back if I find anything,” he sighs. “...what about you? Up to anything interesting?”
“I found a jungle temple!”
“Oh yeah? I...think those were a thing last time I played. Anything cool in it?”
“I’m trying to do the puzzle by hand rather than just...mining into it.”
“I’m not patient enough for that stuff.”
“Remind me to never have you play a puzzle map with me,” she laughs.
“If I want to have to think about stuff, I’d rather just do my homework.”
Hinata bursts into more giggles, and Sasuke can’t help but grin to himself.
There’s some radio silence for a time, and then Hinata gasps.
“Huh? What?”
“I found pandas!”
“Whoa, really?”
“Yeah! Aww, one’s rolling around on its back, that’s so cute!”
“Man, I wanna see!”
“I’ll try to bring one home! It’s actually not too far, I think I can get one in a boat...I’ll have to make a pen…”
“You can just...have a pet panda?”
“Well sure! I mean...you don’t tame it or anything, but you can have them around.”
“Oh...so like a cow or something.”
“Well, you get that panda, and I’ll get us some diamonds.”
“You’re gonna…? You’re gonna split your diamonds with me?”
“Well sure, why not?”
“...are we teaming up?”
“...I guess so. Is that bad?”
“No, that’s fine! I just...w-wasn’t expecting it.”
“Why not? We’re neighbors, aren’t we?”
“...I guess so.”
“What’s with the hesitation?”
“Nothing! Nevermind. I’ll go help you mine next time. For now, I’m panda wrangling.”
For a moment he considers asking her again, but...well, she’s avoiding it for a reason. Did he...do something wrong? Well, there’s no real way to know unless she fesses up, so...in the meantime, he goes back to his mining.
By the time it’s late evening, he’s actually found a few veins of the gems, coming back up triumphantly to the surface. “I got thirteen!”
“Nice! Look, I got the panda in a pen!”
Not far from his jungle treehouse is indeed a junglewood pen, complete with a little house with leaves for the roof. A panda sits upright munching on bamboo.
“...I think that’s my new favorite mob.”
“Right? They’re so cute! This is just a normal one, but they come in different personalities! I’ll try to get more to spawn tomorrow. For now I need to get my homework done…”
“Yeah, me too. Here, before you go though…” He gives her six of his diamonds. “You can make a pick and a sword!”
“...do you not want them?”
“No! No, I appreciate it. I just didn’t think you’d, um...want to give them to me.”
“I mean, yeah...we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“...I dunno...are we?”
Sasuke blinks at his screen. “...we’ve been playing this after school almost every day for a week. Does that not make us friends?”
“Well...on here, sure. But…”
...but what, he has to wonder.
“...I mean...we haven’t really t-talked outside of here...have we?”
“I’m talking to you right now.”
“I mean in p-person! At school! When we’re there, it’s like we’re strangers…”
So that’s what this is about? “I...wasn’t sure if you wanted me to!”
“Well...neither did I!”
“I’d be cool with it!”
“...you would?”
“Yeah! Why not?”
“Well, because I...I’m not…”
“Not what?”
After a pregnant pause, Sasuke can’t help a laugh. “And, what? You think I am? Or that I’m like, the...the cool police?”
“Well...Naruto thinks I’m...weird.”
“Yeah, well...Naruto’s an idiot.”
“...I had a really big c-crush on him when we were little, and...I think he’s still kinda...w-weirded out by me. I didn’t...w-want to make things awkward. I mean, you guys are best friends, and -”
“My friends don’t dictate who else I can be friends with. You’re not weird, Hinata. You have interests that are maybe a little atypical, but that’s not weird, that’s just...being a person. If you wanna talk at school and hang out or whatever, just...do it! Like I said, we’re friends. Doesn’t matter if we really met through a game, we still talk and communicate and, like...know each other. It doesn’t have to be different in person if you don’t want it to be. I just...since the server started as anonymous, I wasn’t sure if I should say anything.”
For a long moment, Hinata is quiet...but Sasuke waits patiently, knowing she likes to think over her words.
“Yeah, I...I’m okay. Um...I’ll...talk to you tomorrow. I need to...do my homework.”
“...all right. If you don’t come talk to me tomorrow, I’ll go find you instead.”
She manages a small laugh at that. “...okay.”
“Good. Good luck with your work.”
“Yeah, you too. Goodnight.”
“...night.” He watches Discord as she leaves the channel, and then heaves a small sigh, mic muted. He had no idea she wanted to bridge things from in the game into stuff at school...he figured most would want to keep that separate. And how could he know unless she said something?
He’s really enjoyed getting to know her over the course of the past week. She’s easy to talk to, really charming in her own way, and has proved to be really interesting. It makes him sad he never really talked to her before.
...they’re definitely friends. At least, in his eyes. Still...he can’t help but wonder about her history with Naruto. He has called her strange whenever Sasuke brings her up. Is he really so hung up over that? That was forever ago! And if anything, he’s constant pining over Sakura is just as weird, right? Like he has any room to talk.
Powering off his PC, Sasuke leans back in his chair, thoughts a bit jumbled. Well...for now, nothing left to do but finish his coursework. Tomorrow, he can hang out with Hinata.
And if Naruto says anything stupid (and, let’s face it...of course he will), then Sasuke will just tell him to piss off. Simple as that. Of course...he’s a bit more blunt than Hinata with her soft-spoken manners.
...she’d be wasted on someone like Naruto.
...where’d that thought come from?
Shoving it aside, Sasuke pulls out his calculus textbook, willing himself to think about something else for a while.
     (This is a sequel to day 253!)      More very random Minecraft stuff xD Not, uh...much more to say than that? I'm not feelin' too well, and had a v long day, I'm exhausted lol - so uh...think I'll call it there~ Thanks for reading!
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