#oooh this is a really cool redesign!
cyberfairyblog · 5 months
Cyberweek Day 7: OC
To end cyberweek here's some tidbits about my self insert pix + selfship lore
Even though he only appeared literally THREE TIMES the whole 22 years, I still ship myself with him. I think he's cool and has a potential to be a recurring ally to the squad. Also I'm a sucker for normal laidback guy x powerful magic woman trope
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Technically Coop isn't an oc but there's so much we don't know about his life, I had to make one up. After his return, Coop starts working HQ as the repair guy/mission control. One potential redesign has him look older due to the magnetite. Since he had been infected for so long and so intensely, some of the damage is permanent. That won't keep him from staying off the rails!
Coop was a child prodigy in both inventing and extreme sports, but became a small time mechanic because he didn't care much for the spotlight.
He and Pix met she was assigned a mission in Radopolis where Coop and Hacker were working on an Top Secret project for Motherboard. She was disguised as a Radster, that coop quickly deduced that she was a poser.
Coop was a single father at the time. He had broken up woth a girlfriend from a previous relationship and had full custody of Slider. Pix absolutely fell in love with the boy, he was adorable and was just as passionate about life and skating as his father. She felt bad Coop had all this responsibility, so she often visited them to help around the shop or watch over Slider. Over time Pix grew to be a regular fixture at the shop. Eventually Coop started to enjoy her presence, and one night asked her out on a date.
Pix was nervous but was convinced by her friend to give it a shot. She loved it. Coop had this calming presence that made the night bearable. He wasn't judgemental, and even nervous himself. After a few more dates they made their relationship official but kept it on the down low.
Until Hacker found out...and Oooh. He was PISSED! He had wanted to ask Pix out FIRST!
After Coop's disappearance Pix took over his duties as store owner. She wanted to know the real reason behind his disappearance. She suspected Hacker to be the one behind it but wasn't for sure. She missed coop terribly, so much she lost her taste for skating and magic. It wasn't until meeting the kids she gradually regained her sense of peace. Pix began to play old rock songs Coop gifted her with, and always made sure to pay the bills. The shop was all she had.
Until Slider found the letter inside the picture frame. Pix read and and realized Coop left to protect them. Now he was in danger, time to return the favor.
They did find Coop, but their fight wasn't over as there was still Mecha Hacker to defeat. Luckily with leftover energy from the Transformatron and sheer love for Coop, her family and friends Pix evolved to a bigger form and took Hacker straight on!
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Hacker had a huge crush on Pix, in fact her choosing Coop over him was one factor into his turn to evil. But she hates him now. She used to see him as a friend, if a bit weird, so she was disappointed to discover his true nature as a selfish butthole.
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Even 22 years later, Hacker still thinks he has a chance XD
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Older Doodles of Pix + her and Coop as an elderly couple. They'd be the really chill grandparents XD
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mekdotkha · 2 months
i really like games that feel like they have their very own ecosystem!! rainworld is a really good showing of mobs interacting with each other and doing their own thing to live their lives, and i think that that would be really cool to add into minecraft!
not just with animals either, i think that villagers, illagers, and witches should all feel like they have their own lives and that they do things when youre not around. right now, all they really do is wander around. wolves chase skeletons and sheep eat grass, but we could have so much more than that!!
imagine if they all had their own schedules and preferences that were made clear by their behavior! ill start this example off with the chicken. what better way to start off with than...
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now, you may be looking at that and thinking "hey now, mek. not ALL chickens look like that" and you would be RIGHT! of course, there would be over variants of this chicken (different breeds, if you will) that you would find in other areas; each would have their own behavioral trends, but thats not what im referring to.
what i am getting at is them all having different little cosmetic differences that make them more easily distinguishable, for instance:
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9 different comb variations! (even bald rep!)
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9 different wattles!! (look at them, so majestic!!)
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8 different tail feathers!!! (do not pluck!!!)
do you know what that means?? that means there would be a whole... uh... one second
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648 different chickens!!!!!
you know how to any random joe schmoe, a pile of chickens is a pile of chickens, but to Farmer Dale, thats Chirp, Chooch, Chiki, Cha-Cha, and Char all ganging up on Cheery? now (if you care to) you can be the farmer who can tell all their chickens apart, even without a nametag!
"but mek," i hear you ask, "why do i care which chicken is which? theyre all the same!!" well, first off, they arent in my heart. you may jot that down if you please. secondly, NOT ANYMORE THEYRE NOT!!
my current plan is to give each mob 3 core stats that it can vary from other mobs of its variant in. of course, other variants of the same mob would probably have different base stats of course, but lets keep it simpler for now. some examples of base stats could be as follows:
cows could vary in hearts, protectiveness, and milkiness. sheep could vary in hearts, wooliness, and coziness. pigs could vary in hearts, comfy pose, and inquisitiveness.
and chickens? well, heres what im workin on so far:
EGGINESS - by default we can change it so that chickens generally pop an egg out every day as the average. we can even make it so that its about once every 10 minutes if you go to sleep on time every night. (oooh, interesting)
TIDINESS - increases the amount the chicken will set aside a little self-care time. the average can be around twice a day. why is this important? well, because when a chicken preens itself, it heals whatever damage its taken and drops a feather!! (finally, a reliable way to get them without hurting them!)
BROODINESS - broodiness is a new status a chicken can be in that has a chance of happening every full moon, lets say around a 5% chance. if the chicken does become broody, then itll hang around its nest more, produce more eggs, and become territorial. coming by to take a broody chickens eggs may get you a peck or two!! it might be best to be a little more careful until the new moon comes around and it calms down.
now, there were some things in that list that seem to hint to other mechanics. ill go more into their behavior now:
chickens generally spend most of their time either pecking around in the grass for seeds, nesting, perching, preening or interacting with other chickens. which action they will default to depends on the time of day. these can be generally split into time they are foraging, nesting, perching, and doing social things.
FORAGING - a wandering state. chickens will walk around and peck the ground every so often, eating seeds or bugs or whatever. there is a small chance of chickens leaving biome specific seeds (foreshadowing) around whenever they peck/scratch at the ground.
NESTING - most often done in the morning and evening, if the chicken has a nest claimed the chicken will go to its nest and relax. it will alternate every so often between sleeping, preening, maintaining their nest, and wandering around a small area around their nest. if the chicken does NOT have a nest claimed, it will choose a nearby one. if there is no nest nearby, it will either start making one or skip to the perching state. a chicken deciding to make a new nest will search for a suitable spot, prioritizing elevation, cover, and specific adjacent blocks. (i do also plan on making it so you can make nests for them/move them with silk touch)
PERCHING - while perching, chickens will seek a "comfy" spot to sit. "comfy" spots are dependent on the weather. if it's sunny, a comfy spot is an high up spot that is exposed to sunlight. if its cloudy, it is just a high up spot. if its rainy, the chick en prioritizes cover. if its snowy, it will prioritize cover near other chickens, foliage, or a light source for warmth.
SOCIALIZING - chickens will seek out other chickens, and sometimes other mobs or even players, and exhibit one of a few different behaviors; these include clucking at them, preening them, and following them around.
what do you think? this is all a work in progress, and i have more ideas for interactions chickens could possibly have with other mobs, but this is what ive got so far. i dont want to make anything TOO complicated, but i think this feels pretty nice and makes the chickens feel... well, like theyre actual chickens!!
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puppycheesecake · 1 year
i'm curious to know how would you have wanted mermaids to work (they were my favorites in ts3 😭 and they got NOTHING in ts4 😭) and also how would you want fairies to work if we ever get them 👀 like if you had the power to make the game ajdjakfk
Oooh good question!
I'd want mermaids and fairies to have a similar perk tree as vampires, werewolves, and spellcasters. (Ideally I'd want to have both the power/weakness dynamic vampires have and the dormant abilities werewolves have, but, I dream...!)
A specialization option similar to the one spellcasters have would be cool, too. (Although I think I'd prefer to have them locked into their specialization so they can't master every magic type.)
Some fairy stuff I think would be fun:
Fairies could pick a court (Seelie vs. Unseelie) and have access to one of two spell branches with light or dark spells.
An elemental specialization/type that comes with appropriate buffs/weaknesses.
Wings! A dedicated wing slot!
A floating/flying walk type!
A "miniature" fairy world would just be stupid fun. Like I would lose my mind over a neighborhood full of comically oversized items with buildings made out of, like, tea tins and animal cracker boxes. A real A Bug's Life vibe. I know it isn't feasible because you'd get random human townies walking through breaking the immersion, but God, can you imagine the build/buy catalogue? Chairs made of thread spools, toadstool tables, acorn cap bowls. It would be so. Cute.
I would kill for an Amy Brown-esque CAS catalogue.
And of course I'd bring back auras, powers, and tricks from Sims 3.
Honestly, for mermaids, aside from getting a proper perk tree, I'd really just like to have more style options for them other than tropical. Of all the mermaid aesthetics tropical is my least favorite.
If I could personally redesign mermaids I'd give them their own dedicated pack, with a pirate/mermaid lagoon world in the style of David Delamare. (* Nudity warning.) Just a dreamy, fantasy-heavy coastal world. If part of it could be underwater with buildable underwater lots for mermaids that would be aces. (Again, not feasible, I'm sure, but like...it would just be so neat.)
Build/Buy and CAS would be golden-age-of-pirates era nautical mixed with Little Mermaid-style aquatic pieces; shipwreck furniture, giant clam shell beds, gold and pearl accents. Puffy shirts and some cool flowy, glittery mermaid clothes.
Also, I want leg scales back. (Some gills and finger webbing would be fabulous, too.) Occults are most fun when they look visibly occult, damn it.
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yjhgvf · 1 month
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Btw the Troublemakers redesign has finished, I just didn't really feel like posting (also I have this AU for the redesigns where Big Trouble is kinda serious and "tanky" and Little Trouble is a gremlin who loves chaos and I didn't post it sooner because I thought people wouldn't like it. And I forgot their glasses)
Oooh they look really cool! I love the way you drew their expressions!!!
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
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You really like AUBREY so I thought you might like to see my redesign/headcanons of her :D
OOOH!!! neat :D!!! she looks cool <33 i like the desaturated colors .. (and does she have the pan flag on her jacket? swag.)
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imsosocold · 1 year
A very (un)comprehensive review of Everywhere and Elsewhen:
This isn’t fun anymore if it ever was
Me: Not to be a lover but this is one of the few times time travel has been done well fantasy-wise.
Lomes: TOH actually thought about its magic system? Shock.
Sunniva: Would you time travel?
Me: No.Too many intricacies and uncertain probabilities .
Sunniva: You are scared of time loops.
Me: One of my worst fears.
Lomes: Plus you’re the type to think about what you  did wrong in the past and how you’d do it now.
Me: You don’t need to call me out like that.
Lomes: I know you’ll still put it in the post. 
Sunniva: Bur [ Noelle], what if you could save people by killing tyrants and such?
Me:  It could lead to more deaths and chaos though in the long run, with or without the butterfly effect being present.
Jorah: Chirstopher Colombus would be my pick.~
Me: Plus not one person alone is the sole reason for evil, someone else is likely to take their place-
Lomes : Kill whoever killed Che Guavera.
Lomes : Then try all the foods and activities and stuff I can’t do currently and take cool things back to our time to sell it for money.  
Jorah: If you stop people's parents from meeting, are you technically causing indirect abortions?
Sunniva: I don’t think there are any technicalities regarding time travel. 
Me, trying to put on a Monika voice: “Alright everyone.”  
Me: I'll admit I don’t like the look  of the episode’s environment or characters. It’d be cool if it had a Casa Misa look to the buildings.  Or maybe something more like the Hakone Outdoor Museum.
Sunniva: But look at how Orange Pip is wearing Caleb’s jacket! And he has a matching hair strand.
Me: I hate his beard and mustache . 
Sunniva: I’m surprised they went with a Santa style but look, he seems to have a sprain. 
Me: Oooh. Still not enough. He should be way more banged up.   
Lomes: I’m genuinely not a fan of fashion choices of the cast.    
Me: Redesign?
Lomes: None of us can draw.  
Jorah: I’m trying to figure out how the autism creature isn’t Orange Pip’s Palisman? 
Me: We need more Palisman with patterns.
Me: This is the most white women bullying to ever exist. Where are the human specific insults?
Sunniva: What bullying would you have him go through then?  
Me: Have them tie a leash around his neck and make him crawl around, choking him if he doesn’t move fast enough.  
Sunniva: That’s fucking vile.   
Lomes: Him being British is vile.
Me: He isn’t British, he just was raised around British people. ( I am not in denial).
Lomes: Whatever, he’s not flamboyant enough. Where’s the flair? The dramatics?  
Jorah: Belos is a beach person who has never been to the beach.   
 Me: Well Lilith, I’d be over complementary too, if an entire Isles wanted me abused or dead.  >:(
Lomes: I wanted to be upset at this episode's content and its lack of consistency and  quality but I’m upset cause this episode was really boring. 
Me: Thinking about how Dahlia Hawthorne went to Valerie and went “My teacher is trying to date me” and she went “ Oh boy, I can make money off of this”.
Lomes: Odd thought to get from this episode but okay.
Me: Most of my inspiration comes from associations I get from online images and such.
Lomes: We could be doing AA smash or pass instead.
Me: “Perhaps you will have fast forgotten this handful of words, the first stars of light in the shade of the world, they still hold worth.”
Lomes: You really do get odd associations. 
Jorah: Oooh, where did you get that quote from?
Me: Don’t remember, I even added that last part on.
Sunniva: Probably fanfic.
Me: Honestly, let’s just put the Caretaker on, it’d have the same effect this episode is having on me.
* Silently watching Belos trying to sacrifice the duo.* 
Jorah: Peebis. 
I shamefully admit we laughed hard at that.
Lomes: Dude went down easy and quick.   How did he survive this long? 
Sunniva: He’s probably used to it.
 Lomes: Oh.             
Me: Imagine Lilith being so mad at Philip and his actions that she turns into the Owl Beast. Imagine his scar coming from her swiping at Belos' nose. Imagine him recognizing the curse when Eda gets it. 
Jorah: Just punched a white guy, feeling good.
Me: What did you get from the episode, if anything at all? For me the episode’s theme was the inevitability of fate and being disappointed by change.
Lomes: That Lilith is a girlboss.
Me: God, I hate the term of girlboss, I hate people calling Lilith that-
Lomes: The actual message is that TOH wasn’t ever very good.
Me: People are gonna screenshot my posts and post them on Twitter to blast us. 
Sunniva: This is a real thing, be careful everyone.
Lomes: Well, they can suck [ Noelle’s] nonexistent cock.
Me: Why mine??!!
Me: You can’t see it but we have Belos in the jar. 
Sunniva: An ecosystem jar. 
Me: Don’t worry, it's large with a diverse environment. 
Lomes: If we don’t get enough reblogs, we’re gonna shake it 
Me: No.
Jorah: The Picasso bug is my favorite bug. 
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
The temptation to make Links and Zeldas and other major characters in Rune Factory vibe outfits is so so so high. I only have my own Wild and Hyrule but like... idk its more interesting than redesigning just on their designs. Just gotta work out what they all do...
Minish and Between are apprentices under Grandpa Smith. Obviously. Minish does weapons, Between does jewellery. Ravio runs the magical tat shop. Can’t decide if Legend is the wandering merchant or a witch, but either way he has Pia’s problem of if his feet get wet he becomes mermaid. I kinda hate making Hyrule the doctor but... Ray from RF2? That’s just like Hyrule with long hair so I guess he’s the doctor now. Maybe training under Flora who is more pleasantly eccentric scientist vibes. Aurora is turned into a monster and a dungeon boss RF4 style ofc. Time is the weird forest child who lives on the outskirts of the wood and nobody’s sure what he does (see: Daria), but probably not an elf and probably a kid because idk I want him young??? Wind guards the pier with his life. Spirits... oooh it’d be kinda cool if we have japanese take on european fantasy but a bit steampunk trains to access some later dungeons tbh. So he can have a train station. Warriors is the local member of the guard. He’s pulling many duties. But mostly collecting trash people leave lying about and dropping it in lost and found. Four is... God knows what the Fours are up to. Run the local store? Someone needs to run the grocery store. Wild runs the restaurant. I’m sorry dude, but you do. Twilight helps out on the MC’s farm and teaches about animal care and stuff. Sky... tricky. I guess he’s running the inn as there’s no innkeep yet which with sleepy vibes sure.
You notice only two Zeldas. I’ll work them out. But it may well be they’re a set of cousins, sisters, and half-sisters from the palace. A few have escaped to the town, but with the recent invasion they rest are in various flavours of trouble. And you, the MC who may very well be Malon because frankly I’m not sure who else it could be, was on a quest to rescue them when a magic force caused her to loose her memory, then the cute forest boy helped her out and bought her to town then was all shy and disappeared again. Or maybe Malon is actually just about because little Malon and Time is honestly very good content. In which case god only knows who the MC is maybe its all the Links applying themselves to different areas IDK I didn’t think plot *too* hard yet. For some Zelda vibes each Zelda has a fragment of the triforce of wisdom which must be reclaimed yada yada yada. Their ranking of seniority is done by which game is most recent (but will have some gaps). Flora being really low ranked was sent to the village years ago to keep an eye on its paperwork and just... Fucked off to do science experiments. 
Not... that I’ve designed any of them yet.
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paperbagsandwich · 3 months
omgosh thats more than fair!!
!! Gotta love a couple of dorks, i know i do also awww bless thats so sweet and cute!! Please tell me about them (if you want to of course!!)
Im glad you think so!! It really shows in cartoon redesigns ive done and a few cute lil creatures (strawberry shortcake, moon dreamers, carebears, a love bug and some other stuff)
same!! My fav ghibli film is kiki's delivery service. If i were to rank my top 5 it would be kiki, arriety, howl, nausicaä and ponyo. Do you have any fav games? Mine are stardew valley, skyrim and sonic adventure 2.
it really is!! Thinking of a character for ages and finally managing to draw them how you imagine them is such an amazing feeling!! I make a bunch of random designs as well and just putting together the inspiration and the aesthetics of the character to make something new ane beautiful is just so fun!!
Thats so cool and awsome im so happy you managed to do it !! I love campaign stuff (ive played 4 campaigns of dnd with different characters and I've been so happy with each of them!!)
id happily ramble about any of my oc ideas if youd like!! If there's any in particular that you want to hear more about please tell me!
also please don't worry about replying late! I don't mind, take as much time as you need! You, your life and your mental health come first!!!
Well, the main constant thing about them is that Ros is mostly an anime nerd and she's been trying to get Darnell into too but alas...
Ros loves trying new things while Darnell is kinda complacent with things being the same but is also down to support her just to keep her happy. He doesn't want to drag her down and he loves seeing her excited for something.
I don't really have a whole about there son, but he's a very sweet 3 year old that loves to help like a big boy.
He also has a bit of a raspy voice despite being a toddler, but he's perfectly fine.
Yeah, I can definitely see that!!!
OOOH, I don't think I've ever heard of Nausicaä before?? Maybe it's a film I've missed or I've must've heard of it by a different name?
I don't really play a whole lot of games but I do enjoy playing Animal Crossing and Miitopia. They're just so fun and simple.
And YYYYEEEEAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAAA, just finally having the set design that perfectly matches what you have in mind, I LOVE THAT FEELING!!!! And yes, I love putting together character by using different designs together. I have one that I'm very proud of but it's a character for the campaign and one of the players actually do follow this blog... but I'm pretty sure they'll know who when they see them... 😏
OOOH, I wanna hear more about the Werewolf and the baker, actually!! 😭😭
And also, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, you're too sweet!!!! 😭🥺😭🥺
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Slime Rancher
1. Do you consider it a comfort game?
Yep! It's relaxing and nice.
2. If you had to describe it in 3 words, how would you describe it?
Cute, bubbly, mysterious
3. Is it a game with a strict play style or is it more open ended?
It doesn't have an ending, you can play after the credits. So I'd say open ended. But the sequel is planning to be even more than the original.
Well that would make sense, the sequel would be bigger than the original... But, figured I would mention it.
4. What's the game graphics like?
I'd say it looks great. Very colorful and the mechanics work amazing.
I am not an graphics master, I have seen people complain online, idk
5. If you could choose one type of slime to exist irl and be yours, which kind would you choose?
Honey Slime. No questions. No danger when their around, and they don't have a complicated diet. It's just fruit they like. And they cute.
6. Does the game have a sound track? If so, what's it like?
Yep. I like the music, it gives you the feeling to relax. And the credits song is nice, but more extra compared to the other themes in the game.
7. Do you feel that the character design gets across character traits well?
Umm. Not too sure. I am not smart on how design related to character. But the one that was obvious; was Ogden with his confident, yet sweet personality fitting with his bubble like design.
But, the part I can focus on is their clothes fit the best with their occupation. Ogden and Viktor are the most clear as a farmer and scientist. But Mochi doesn't have a specific irl job, yet her clothers just scream rich. Which is accuate.
8. If you were to redesign one character, who would it be and why.
Ogden. He looks very different to the other human characters. He does look nice though, it just doesn't fit with other human characters in my mine.
9. Do you prefer with or without the dlc?
I haven't bought the dlc, but I would really like to get it though.
I love relaxing names!
Oooh bubbly!! That's actually a really cool describing word!
Ooh I love games like that!!
Colorful games are awesome, and good mechanics are always nice!
Awww! They sound really cute!
Oh cool! Relaxing sound tracks are really cool!
Oh cool! So it seems like they get across a persons everyday life well, which is always good!
That makes sense
Oooh ok. For some reason i thought you had
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arda-ancalima · 3 years
Not only are there new Jedi Apprentice covers but there are a few for Jedi Quest and Last of the Jedi as well! Again, these are from Scholastic Asia and the rights are  “Disney Lucasfilm: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.” Still haven’t found a date or artist name, but let’s take a look at these!
(Press ‘J’ to skip this long post)
(when I say original covers, I mean the books in every language but Japanese. those covers are super rad though.)
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Book one, drawing of Anakin from the original cover but without Darra and Tru, but nice blue theme with these books!
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This makes Anakin look even younger, he’s just a baby!!
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The number of times I’ve seen the original cover is greater than the number of times I realized these are podracers.
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Oooh this is cool. :D Now I LOVE the original edits of Anakin, making him between Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen, but this Anakin has EXPRESSION the edit doesn’t. And the face in the background (Granta Omega I assume?) looks cool here with the stars.
I didn’t see book 5 (The School of Fear)
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Again, while I like the originals with edits of the actors, this is just so cool and dynamic!
That’s all there was of Jedi Quest I could find, so on to Last of the Jedi, where the first book is missing.
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Interesting how the drawings for LotJ imitate the change in style between the covers, so we’re going for this unique style to start with, centering Obi-Wan in his original pose, booting Ferus and Vader.
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Yeah and here we are switching to the ‘photo’ style of the original but redrawn. Look at my son Trever!! He and Ferus look really good. Dex is bigger and a bit scary. Love the colors though! And just. Kudos for the attention to the original covers, I’ve never picked up on this much detail but maybe it was just because the library books were worn out.
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YES YES YES!! This seems to be based on the Japanese cover this time, but giving Ferus a fancy cape and mostly redesigning Malorum. 
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Creepyyy but very cool. Definitely inspired by the original but a different vision, and it looks really good with the black book and silver text. Really, great job to this artist for taking the stories and old art into consideration when making these, they’re so cool and have such a nice style.
That’s all I could find, let me know if you see any more around!
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oc-factoids · 3 years
so i have like three main ones rn but i gotta rant about halcyon a bit. so i’ve had her since 2019 and now i’ve redesigned her to be all cool n stuff!! i’ll add a pic below :))
so halcyon is an antihero sort of thing. she has a few close friends and anger issues. her way of coping is wrecking things with a bat and she basically lives and breaths da streets. she looks out of her people and that’s p much it. they have no family they keep in contact with, their family is their two friends, sebastian and leona. halcy uses she/they pronouns, they’re like 17, and they live in a small apartment.
halcyon does not share her personal life with anyone, but a little known fact about them is that they have two cats. they love their cats dearly. no one knows about said cats.
here’s halcy:
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Oooh very cool!!! I absolutely love the whole "they're really tough except for her cats that she absolutely adores" thing that is so good!
Also I really love their design!!!
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friendofbats · 3 years
For your breakdown of characters, I'm going to go a little out there and pick the Harvest Goddess (one of my favs)!
Oooh, haha, this should be a fun one. Thanks for indulging me!
How I feel about her -- I really enjoy the Harvest Goddess as a character, because it's kind of cool that the deity in this game is a seemingly tangible, real-life being. Not to mention, I'm fond of her sassy attitude. Her dialogue in the game ("That's all. You get nothing. Bye.") frequently makes me giggle, and I think her personality very much stands out from the rest of the cast in FoMT. She's great.
All the people I ship romantically with her -- It's hard for me to ship any human being with her, given she's a goddess. I guess I could say Kappa, being that he's also a mythical sprite... but tbh, I don't see the two in that way. I could also say Carter, but even there, his feelings for her seems more like straight-up worship than a genuine love for her, and I can't imagine she would actually return the sentiment, haha. Now the Witch Princess... I think I kinda like that one. :)
My non-romantic OTP for her -- Gotz. This sweet, lonely man in the woods who lost his wife and daughter to a tragic accident doesn't really seem to interact with anyone else, aside from Harris (and Brandon in SoS:FoMT). I can easily see them being good friends somehow: Gotz has a gruff and sorta standoffish personality when you first interact with him, but a heart of pure gold underneath it all and I can see Her being a source of comfort for him. My headcanon is that, aside from Jack/Claire, Gotz is one of the only people in the village who can actually see Her.
My unpopular opinion about her -- I honestly LOVE her new redesign way more than the old design. I don't know how unpopular this opinion is, but considering I know there were a lot of complaints about the character redesigns in general, I'm assuming my stance on this is at least SOMEWHAT unpopular. First of all, her outfit to me is cute AF, and her new hair is GORGEOUS, bangs and all (I'm kind of glad they got rid of the braid). And while I dislike the faces on a lot of the redesigns, I think hers looks beautiful. To me, she looks much more ethereal and goddess-like now.
One thing I wish happened with her in canon -- Hmmm... that's hard to say. I guess I kinda I wish there was more of a storyline tied to her in FoMT, like there was in HM64! In 64, she helps you save the vineyard, and she plays an integral part in doing so. But it's not a huge deal to me either way, tbh. :)
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miniyrds · 3 years
oooh yes I’d love to see what you could do to the book covers now!
ahhhh okay i mentally cannot take on this task rn but i LOVE remaking covers of books and i really wanna create a aftg series that i am fully in love with one day
in the meantime i leave you with this:
the most recent aftg covers i did which are just me writing the titles in a more subdued color scheme
the cover redesign i did for just tfc when quarantine started and i still had creative energy (i actually really like the style that i chose for this but then i got too bored to do the rest)
here’s the og redesign i did just incase someone is curious
as a bonus you can have this too:
a cover redesign i did for the selection series that is poorly mocked up but has a cool concept behind it
but anyway maybe one day i will sit down and conceptualize the covers for this series in a whole new way :)
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bluebeetle · 4 years
3, 4 + 8 for the superhero asks?
3. Favorite superhero film
its thor ragnarok for suuuure tho winter soldier and birds of prey are also rly good but thor 3 was the only one that i finished and then went “yknow i could really watch that again rn”
4. Favorite costume
oooh this is hard. here’s a bunch off the top of my head but im probably missing so many:
discowing (aka 80s nightwing): its so dumb i cant help but love it 
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most of black canary’s im very fond of but her rebirth design is neat! i am a sucker for: fishnets and leather jackets. and first thing you need to know about me: while i def complain about overly sexualized costumes, i am 100% for the occasional sexy costume and 10000% for impractical costumes. i am very much style > practicality 
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rebirth artemis: mostly bc her earlier designs werent the best and also shes my wife.
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if it isnt obvious by now i think a lot of the rebirth redesigns for DC were rly good (wally west’s (both of them) also had good ones). anyways damians is cute def my fave robin costume
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look. we all knew 90s superboy was gonna be on here. but also its another rebirth costume now too lmao. but again. LEATHER JACKETS ARE THE WAY TO MY HEART
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squirrel irl: again, jacket but also shes soooo cute..... it also looks very soft
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wanda has had her fair share of bad costumes but her current-ish one is rly nice!!!
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i rly like loki’s current costume as well... very nicely designed i think,,,,wanna cosplay it
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donna troy’s old costume was Pwetty. Simple but Pwetty
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i gotta say the best influence any superhero move has had on comics is wonder womans current costume. it keeps the spirit of her classic costume while looking cool and slightly more greek/practical. absolutely love it
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mera’s costume also similarly was influenced by the movies to an extent and i really like it! it again keeps the classic look while making it (at least in mera’s case) a lil less boring
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and like 99% of the bombshells designs:
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theyre just fun 
8. Favorite team up 
ok my dream team is Duke/Signal + Steph (either as batgirl or spoiler) + Damian i think theyd be rly fun.... but i rly love when Dami and Dick team up bc,,, family,,, Artemis and Jay bc im gay and of course i rly love gotham city sirens (catwoman, ivy, harley)
also. Dc. Let me have Hartley/Pied Piper and Wally West/Flash interact again IM BEGGING YOU 
on the marvel side of stuff, of course anything with loki and thor is fun, i really love the young avengers as well. 
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lesbiandaisy · 5 years
Ravenclaw, Loinstrike, Hollywing (i almost redesigned the 3's names xD)
love the redesigned names! :- D
most underrated name?
OOOH by far Fidgetflake!! its so cute, i dont know why people dislike it so much! :( also think Brambleberry is such a good name... i dont know if anyone dislikes it, but i’ve also never heard anyone talk about either!
most annoying clan?
while im sure the other clans are sooo done with thunderclan being up in everyones business all the time, i still think specifically Onestar’s windclan is so much more annoying! atleast to me hahah, but man always so aggressive, and ungrateful when they got help and so on! cool for the plot for sure, but man!
share a headcanon for a death!
i don’t have any big ones in particular, but i really imagine sandstorm and graystripe growing closer after firestars death! they weren’t necessarily the two that got the most along, they relished the friendship they shared, with firestar (and ravenpaw) back in the day! i can see them talking day and night to cope, telling Millie dumb things the lot of them did as apprentices and so on ❤️❤️
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pigeons-svtfoe-au · 6 years
Who is your favourite of your ocs?
oooh boi, hard question, i mean
I love Brunilda, she’s the first oc i made, and her character development from there to here is i think huge??, and she is the character that has i think participated more in the backstory of my au
I also love Lily, her character is sweet and innocent, party girl also something is happening to her and she doesn’t know????,  and she tries to get along with her brother because she thinks he’s great
i also love taurus(a character that i haven’t presented but i kinda did in a comic tho i redesign a while ago) he’s based on a character i really love, and he finds dark humor funny (i mean kinda bad but cool??)
also Félix, ooo Félix, he’s a character out of the fandom that i really find cute and funny, he’s just too happy to be angry or be serious
 and the list goes on, t’s a hard decision really i love every of my oc
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