#oop that's gonna show up in the tags about the show huh
bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 | Mistakes
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Jungkook knew from the first look at your eyes, that you'd be the biggest mistake he'll ever make.
Tags/Warnings: Aged up!Jungkook, Younger!Reader, Age Gap (9 years, JK is mentioned to be 34/35), Angst, Mature romance, Smut, car sex, protected sex, no strings attached, big dick!Jungkook, implied size kink, very mild Dom!Kook undertones, oral (m. receiving), sugar daddy!Jungkook vibes but only in a joking manner
Length: 7k words (oops)
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Jeon Jungkook doesn't really attend parties- typically.
But this time, for this occasion, he can't really pull himself out- he's got to at least show up for a moment, be there and present, before he can call it a night and go home. It's not like he hates his coworkers or employees most of all- he's just not that good at socializing, and never really was.
He's learned to be alone, and now he's too good at it.
A lot of the people in the hall, he doesn't know. That's probably because he's allowed people to bring a plus-one, so most of the people here are couples, which makes the whole situation just so much worse. "You could at least try and appear like you're having fun, you know?" Taehyung laughs, standing closer to his coworker now, a drink in hand. "It's not that bad." He tries to lighten the mood, but Jungkook just rolls his eyes.
"It's not even been an hour and I already want to go." He sighs.
"Why not leave then?" Tae wonders, sipping his non-alcoholic drink, since he's gonna have to drive home later, his wife currently conversing with other coworkers. "Oh, right, because Namjoon-"
"God don't remind me." Jungkook mumbles, shaking his head as he sips his whiskey. "I can't believe I lost that bet." He growls to himself, watching how someone seems to struggle with choosing the right food at the buffet, plate still empty even after several minutes. You look young, or maybe you're just short- he's not sure, but what he is sure about is that you do not work for him or his company- at least not in the same building. He would've noticed you, just like he does right now.
"I think she's Yoongi's plus-one? Or at least he drove here with her together.." Taehyung mumbles, having spotted his friend watching you.
"She looks young." Jungkook mumbles. "And I thought Yoongi was seeing the secretary we hired a few months ago?" He wonders, finally letting his eyes leave you alone, form-fitting dress very complimenting to your body, not too revealing, but still somewhat teasing.
Taunting him, almost.
"Oh, he does! Namjoon caught them making out in Yoongi's office last week." Taehyung laughs. "She's probably just a friend." He shrugs.
A friend, huh?
"Maybe something for you though?" Taehyung jokes. "I mean, I think I saw her drinking earlier, so she's at least of legal age." He laughs, making Jungkook cringe at him. He doesn't really find this whole joke funny- not at all, but Taehyung is right when it comes to Jungkook having a.. severe lack of company these past few years. Only occasionally does he have some sex without any strings attached- never brings anybody home however, refuses to cling to someone.
He's divorced anyways. Most women don't really find that very appealing.
Maybe he can have some simple company this time as well, nothing serious at all- it's been a while, after all, and everyone's an adult here, no matter the age difference. As long as he communicates it properly, there's no reason not to at least converse with you.
So he does indeed approach you, finding you still at the buffet, barely anything on your plate at all.
"Too much to choose from?" He wonders next to you, and he realizes the huge mistake he's made when approaching you the second you lift your head to look at him.
The lights reflect in your eyes like mirrors, minimal makeup perfectly enhancing your features, lips shiny with the most sinful shade of lipgloss this world probably has to offer. He's a goner, right away, lost in the sight of you, as if he's been thrown into the deep end of a pool so cold that it freezes his muscles, making him sink down to the bottom like a stone.
"Oh, no.." You answer, looking back at all the foods. "I have a shellfish allergy, so I'm not sure what I can eat.." You mumble, one hand having reached up to play with the sparkling pink gemstone hanging around your neck.
His mouth feels dry for a second, before he catches himself.
"Here." He mentions, pointing at some small numbers near the names of the foods on the small cards. "Those small numbers, the three right there is for shellfish." He offers, pointing towards a different card close by where the numbers are explained.
"Oh! Thank you so much, I hate contact lenses!" You laugh to yourself. "I usually wear glasses, but I wanted to look pretty.." You giggle, putting some food onto your plate now.
"I'm sure nothing can ruin a face like that." He flirts without truly thinking about it- making you visibly blush, trying to contain a smile.
"I appreciate the compliment…?" You wonder, and Jungkook knows, he's probably about to make another, grave mistake.
"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." He introduces himself, and you tell him your name in return, smiling oh-so devastatingly beautiful.
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His plan was absolutely not to explore what might be beneath that pretty dress of yours- and it seems like that might stay that way despite his length inside you.
You're moving your hips in ways that makes him dizzy, mind clouded with lust as you bounce up and down, hands on your back the only thing helping you avoid accidentally hitting the steering wheel. He's pushed the seat back as far as it goes, but you can never be too sure- he wouldn't want you to honk and draw attention to the surely shaking vehicle in the darkened parking lot.
The condom had been pure luck- he's not a fan of pulling out, so if it hadn't been there in the glove box of his car, he probably would've had to awkwardly call it quits before anything really happened at all. It's not like you both instantly were at each other's throats the moment you left the gathering- he simply offered to drive you home instead of Yoongi, who'd wanted to stay a little longer, while you complained about feeling tired. And in his car, you'd talked- casually so, something clicking, as he's now got you on his lap, bouncing on his dick like he's not experienced in quite some time now.
He feels a bit bad. Despite making sure that you know this is nothing but a casual fuck, it still feels a little odd to him. He doesn't like things like these- it feels like he's using you, and he's not a fan of such situations.
Though he can't deny that you feel absolutely divine.
The rain is heavy outside, pushing against the car's windows from all sides, drowning out the otherwise rather obscene sounds coming from between your bodies. Your hands are on his shoulders, fingers gripping his muscles beneath the fabric of his formal button-up. He refuses to kiss you, can't find it in him to do it, and you accept it, instead treating it as detached as you can, simply chasing your high as you fuck yourself on his twitching length.
He feels good. Thick, able to reach far inside you, but not enough to hurt.
The way he holds you is nice too- not too strong of a grip, only enough to guide you, keep you moving, keep you going. He's not big on dirty talk, isn't over the top with anything, and it almost feels like he's treating you like a woman, and not some chick he's met at a party. There's a certain sense of respect he's offering you that gives you confidence, makes you feel powerful for once even though he's clearly setting the pace.
This is something you don't usually get to have. Someone taking you seriously.
"You close?" He asks out of breath, avoiding your eyes, rather looking at your lips, though never moving into action. A limit he's set, and a limit he follows, he's clearly a man that doesn't wildly change his mind on the fly. Though, considering who he is, and where he is in life, he probably has had enough time to be untamed and wild already. You faintly wonder if he's ever been in a long-term relationship. Yoongi hasn't really talked about him much.
Neither have you asked. You've seen him, once or twice- but a man like that is out of range for you.
You nod when he grips your behind, reminding you quietly of his question, hips stuttering as he takes over, helping you move to chase his own orgasm right after yours. You're a bit overly sensitive, but you push through it just to see him clench his jaw, eyes closing as he groans out in relief, cum spurting into the condom inside you.
It's suddenly over, and not even your evening breaths can mask the slight awkwardness that's filling the car.
One of his hands keeps you close, though you have to lean against him a bit as to not move your hips too much as he reaches for something from the glovebox, plastic wrap of the small pack of tissues making a distinctive sound. "You okay?" He asks you, and you nod, now having switched places apparently as you avoid his face entirely.
You rather move a bit weirdly to accept the tissue offered, lifting your hips to awkwardly wipe yourself down, before pulling up your underwear and climbing back into the passenger seat, where you clean the inside of your thighs while he discards the condom from his length with a slight hiss of sensitivity.
You never really know what to say. You don't actually do this often- this is only the second time you've ever hooked up with anyone like this, and it's just as weird as the first time.
"Thank you, by the way." He offers, taking the challenge away from you as he puts the tied up condom in the tissue to discard it at home later. "Let me drive a bit closer to the building, just so you don't get too wet." He says, pulling his seat back into proper position before he starts the car.
Such a gentleman- You're a little disappointed. But only mildly so. Will you even stay in his mind?
Probably not.
You're way too young for a man like him, who most likely wants a proper woman in his life instead of a.. instead of you. You're not even sure where you are at in life- neither a woman nor a girl, somewhere in between, floating, unsure, neither and both. You know however for a fact that you'll remember him- probably for quite a while, before the memory will fade into nothing but a glimpse.
"There we go." Jungkook says, stopping the car very much in front of your apartment building, sideways so that you can run right into the main hall. "Please remember to text Yoongi, okay?" He reminds you. "He might be worried otherwise." He smiles kindly, and you nod, a bit forced, grabbing your light coat and your handbag. "And.. I enjoyed it. Very much so." He makes sure to tell you, making you nod a bit shy.
"I.. uhm, I'm glad." You nod, awkwardly, causing him to chuckle.
"Now go hurry inside before the rain starts again." He urges, making you nod dumbly once more before you open the car door, running inside the apartment building after closing the door.
And he drives off, back home, where nothing waits for him but the humming fridge and a cold, empty bed.
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Daehyun can be a little spoiled, but other than that, he's a well behaved kid for his age.
He loves staying at your place, though his questions on when you'll be getting another dog after your first passed away a year ago are sometimes a bit stinging to your heart. He's a child, obviously- he doesn't understand the hurt that can settle in your soul after losing such an important piece of your life, so you can't blame him for moving on a lot quicker than you.
He's too young to understand that yet.
"Uncle Yoongi has a cat now!" Daehyun tells you as he builds the lego set with you, his small hands having some difficulty here and there, but he's a quick learner, and a good improviser. "But he said I can't play with her, because she's a girl-cat, and girl-cats don't like playing." He explains, pouting a bit as he uses all his strength to pull two pieces apart again.
"Well, I think she's just be a little nervous still." You reassure the boy. "You know, she just moved into a new home. Things might be a little scary to her." You explain, and Daehyun nods.
"I only pet her a bit." Daehyun tells you. "Appa said we're gonna get a dog soon though!" He says with excitement, making you smile.
"That's nice." You agree, helping him pull some bricks apart. You like having the little boy over at your place- it makes you feel both like a grown person, and also like a child at the same time. Daehyun doesn't judge your vast collections of stuffed animals and lego sets- he only sees you as the nice aunt, a big sister, a friend of his dad where he stays over at often whenever work gets in the way and takes away most of Taehyung's attention. Just like this weekend- Taehyung having needed someone to look after the boy, Dae's mother constantly equally without any time. You're not sure how long that marriage is gonna last with her refusing to step back at least a little to properly take care of her own child, and with Taehyung's growing frustration over the situation.
You hope the poor boy won't get caught up in the crossfire. That would just be awful.
Hours later, all the toys put away, your doorbell rings, giving you the clue that someone must be now here to pick the young boy up. Probably either Jimin or Yoongi- but when you open the door, it's neither of them, but a casually dressed Jungkook, hands in his slacks as your gaze gets caught on the slightly unbuttered shirt that's tucked into the pants, LY-labeled belt buckle accentuating his rather slim waist.
What the fuck.
"Oh- uh, come inside." You offer, stepping aside to let him in, Daehyun quickly running up to Jungkook, who mirrors the excitement of the young boy as he squats down to hug him. You let them both have their moment, instead walking around to collect all of Dae's things, checking twice to make sure he didn't forget anything, as you text Taehyung to make sure the man is really supposed to take the boy with him.
He is, which makes you a bit upset. Taehyung could've told you before.
When you walk back inside the living room area, Dae is currently busy showing Jungkook a stuffed animal- a gift from Jimin a year ago, modeled after your dog as a keepsake. "He was suuuper big, and really nice!" Dae beams up at the man. "He always ate ice cubes, but-" the small boy inspects the stuffed animal a little, lips pouting. "-Noona said he was really old, so he went to sleep." He offers, and Jungkook seems to realize what the stuffed toy might actually be.
"Let's put him back on the table then, yeah?" He offers, a hand with faint ink taking the toy from the smaller hands of the boy to place it back next to the picture frame of your dog and the collar on the tiny table near the door where he used to sleep. "So he can sleep well." He explains, making Dae nod. When you make your presence finally known, Jungkook removes the hand, heavy watch on his wrist faintly hitting the edge of the table for a second, as he watches how you help the small boy into his jacket.
You're a little confusing.
"Alright." You say after successfully getting Daehyun to put on his shoes. "Theres- uhm, there's a, wait, I'll show you.." You say, moving to pull a little folder out of one of the bags packed. "This one, please make sure Taehyung sees this. It's Daehyun's homework, and he really needs to do them this time." You emphasize. "Just make sure he actually looks inside at least once.." You sigh, putting the bright red folder back into the bag.
"I'll make sure." Jungkook accepts, taking the bag from you. "Anything else?" he wonders, and you refuse any eye contact, instead shaking your head to hug Daehyun goodbye as you bring him and Jungkook to your front door.
"Noona, you gotta hug Jungkookie too!" Dae says, surprising you with his lack of formality when addressing his father's friend- but you don't question it.
And admittedly, Jungkook is fairly surprised when you do in fact reach out to hug him goodbye, though very formal. It's still.. oddly nice, you don't seem to wear perfume but rather rely on your scented bodywash, which smells very good to him. This is weird. Why is he getting such feelings of comfort for a simple hug with nothing attached to it?
And why is he kind of disappointed when it ends far too quickly?
But it gets worse in the car, because Daehyun has clearly gotten the wrong message entirely. "Noona doesn't have a boyfriend." He says from the backseat where Jungkook has placed the booster seat he's gotten from Taehyung in cases like these where he has to pick up the young boy. "And appa said you don't have a girlfriend." He says, making Jungkook nod and hum a reply. "Noona is really pretty." He giggles. Jungkook cant help but chuckle along.
"She is." He agrees, because he won't lie about that. You are very pretty in his opinion, though he can only really judge you mostly by looks alone. "Did you have fun? I heard you were there the whole weekend." He tries to steer the conversation away, but the young boy clearly doesn't get the message.
"Noona can cook really well!" He praises. "She always makes me my favorite, and then we watch tv in our 'jamas." He says, and Jungkook has to imagine you both probably bundled up in blankets on the small couch you have, watching kid's shows until the poor boy falls asleep.
Domestic. Do you like children? Want your own in the future, maybe?
"Jungkookie?" Dae asks, and Jungkook hums a reply, telling the kid he's listening. "Do you like Noona?" He wonders.
"I don't know her that much, dae. But she seems nice." He offers instead, trying to evade the interrogation of the small boy.
"Do you like drinking?" Dae wonders. "Like, the stuff appa says I can't have?" He asks, and Jungkook grows a bit weary. Why exactly would the young boy ask something like that?
"Sometimes. Why do you ask?" He asks the boy, who seems to deflate now.
"Then you can't be friends with Noona." He complains.
"Why not?" Jungkook wonders.
"Because, the guy noona liked for a while always got mean when he was drinking that stuff." Dae complains, looking out the window. "I was never allowed to play at noona's house when he was there. He really liked that stuff that smells bad, but it made noona upset." He says.
Jungkook tenses up a bit. "Was he ever-, how was he mean to you?" Jungkook wonders.
"He always told noona to do things for him, and never let her play with me." He huffs. "And Yogi didn't like him too, because he always had to stay in his bed." He complains. Jungkook assumes the boy is probably talking about the dog.
Jungkook doesn't know how to ask what he wants to ask. It doesn't concern him at all- after all, it seems like you're no longer together with that guy, so he shouldn't pry. But something makes him worry- deep down, he's awfully wary, since he now realizes you did indeed not even touch any alcohol at the party at all- the drink Taehyung had seen you hold non-alcoholic. How bad must the relationship have been? You might not have a fear of men, but you're clearly affected by the past, it seems like.
"Did.." no. He shouldn't be asking that. It's none of his business.
"Do you get mean too when you drink?" Dae wants to know. "Appa only gets really sleepy." He giggles. Jungkook laughs along. Taehyung truly does only get horribly tired whenever he drinks- and he knows for a fact that he never gets drunk when he has to take care of the boy alone, so he's not at all alarmed by those words.
"No, I don't get mean." Jungkook answers. "I don't really drink a lot of it, so it only makes me feel a bit silly." He offers as an explanation, and Dae nods.
"Then, maybe Noona won't mind." He says, causing Jungkook to chuckle, shaking his head.
"Why do you want Noona to like me so much?" He wonders, and at that, Taehyung's son becomes excited.
"Because, then my favorite people like each other!" He exclaims. "And that's really cool. Then we can have sleepovers together, and you can help me get a new dog for noona!" He says. "She's really sad that Yogi sleeps now. I think she's lonely." He whines.
"We can have sleepovers anyways, dae." He laughs.
"But, appa told eomma, that you need someone you like." He huffs. Jungkook reminds himself to scold his friend at a later date. "Because you're not happy now, and you're lonely. And noona's lonely too." He offers.
Luckily, Jungkook escapes any further questioning as he finally reaches Taehyung's apartment, ready to drop the young boy off.
The whole conversation not leaving him at all the entire rest of the day, as he realizes he forgot to show Taehyung the folder.
Crap. This is your fault.
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It's been weeks- and apart from rubbing one out to the remaining memories of you in his car, he's not really thought much about you at all.
He's seen you on occasion here and there at the grocery store or a coffee shop, which made him realize that you've always been right under his nose but he just never knew who you were, but you two don't really have had any actual conversations anymore.
There's no reason for it.
He now knows that you're actually the part-time nanny Taehyung used to have a few years back, when you apparently had just been fighting to find a new job to keep your apartment and not get kicked out for not being able to pay rent. Back then, Taehyung and his wife had been living separated for a bit after a pretty bad fight- so the father had needed someone to take some weight off his shoulders, and help with the small child who couldn't even talk yet. You helped raise Daehyun basically, more or less- and, according to Taehyung, it shows.
The young boy has a strong sense of justice, and shares everything he has happily- something that he's learned from you. It makes some odd things make sense now to Jungkook as well- how Dae has some habits that seem very unique, but also too specific to have been developing all on their own. The child holds the front of his shirt a lot- something Jungkook noticed you do in a similar way as well, whenever you think of something.
Today, it's Daehyun's birthday. And Jungkook is sure, that the young boy probably demanded that both jungkook and you had to be there.
And he's right.
The minute he enters Taehyung's penthouse, he spots you sitting on the floor with the child, who's currently trying to read his own birthday card to you, before he spots him in the doorway. You look pretty, yet again. No makeup it seems like, and he can't say that you need it. You obviously don't, eyes still sparkling dangerously, smile still as lethal as ever as you wave a little bit before getting up.
You're dressed comfortably. He likes the sight of it- the casual dress you wear not too short to be scandalous, but short enough to tease him with the skin of your legs, hidden beneath a sheer pantyhose. Or?
No. There's an upper hem of lace- those are just stockings.
"Jungkookie, appa said you'll drive noona home today?" Dae says, now held up on Jungkook's hip, as he looks at Taehyung who laughs.
"Dae, I said I'm gonna ask him if he can drive her home!" He scolds gently. "Hey- sorry, he just runs with whatever he hears." The father tells him, and Jungkook just smiles, shaking his head.
"I can drive her home, no worries." He simply affirms. "It's no problem."
"Taehyung I told you I can go home by myself!" You whine, and Jungkook is intrigued by this seemingly new side of you. He knows you as a little shy, soft spoken, polite. You always greet him when you see him, and you've talked a little bit in his car weeks back- but then again, you only know each other on a very surface level.
He wonders what you're really like.
"And I said you're not driving alone when you're sick." Taehyung threatens, dad-voice coming through as he attempts to push through your clearly stubborn behavior, and Jungkook can't help but watch intently as your eyes roll around, attitude clear as you don't take your friend seriously at all.
"Noona is gonna be a mommy!" Daehyun blurts out to Jungkook, and for a split second, his entire body freezes, blood cooling down to the negatives, bones filling with fear.
He wore a condom- but what if something happened? What if it leaked? Was that even possible? He's not against becoming a father, absolutely not- but he'd like to have a proper relationship for that, a stable one, not something like this.
"Daehyun!" You scold with red cheeks, and Taehyung runs a hand over his face. "Appa just asked me if I was, I'm not!" You whine embarrassed, sighing. "Oh god, guys, please! I'm an adult woman, I'm not sick, I can go home by myself." You complain, walking into the kitchen, presumably to escape the pressuring situation.
"She threw up earlier, that's why I asked her. Dae must've heard me." Taehyung says, after averting his son's attention back to the TV in the living room, where his favorite show plays. "She refuses to see a doctor for it. But you look like you've seen a ghost-" Taehyung teases, before his eyes sharpen. "…could it be that the mention of her becoming a mommy made you worry?" He pokes, and Jungkook furrows his brows, averts eye contact. "Holy shit, you two!?" He hisses, and Jungkook groans.
"Shut up, it was nothing." He simply says, while Taehyung's eyes widen in a scandalized manner.
"Nothing?! Jungkook, where is that nothing?" He argues, surprisingly sternly. "I'll drive her home."
"You're acting like I forced myself onto her-" Jungkook sighs, but Taehyung shakes his head. "Taehyung, you heard her. She's an adult woman, she can decide things herself." Jungkook defends you. "I'll drive her home, and I'll text you once she's dropped off." He says, before he walks into the kitchen where you're filling up a glass with water.
"Oh god that was embarrassing." You whine into your hands, before you shake your head. "He acts as if I'm dying any second whenever something's up." You mumble, drinking from your glass. He can see you're a bit less energetic- hand a bit shaky as you drink.
"He worries." Jungkook offers, leaning against the counter next to the fridge, across from you. "And you should go see a doctor if you don't feel well." He scolds, and yet again, you roll your eyes.
"And you should try and work on your facial expressions, mister." You huff. "I could see the panic a mile away when Dae said I'm pregnant." You bite, making him tilt his head a little "Either way, I'm fine. I can't afford to call in sick right now or my landlord will kick me out the minute my rent is late again." You laugh a little bitterly, finishing your water before you rinse the glass in the sink.
"Do you not get paid a regular salary each month?" He wonders. You shake your head.
"I do, but it's the monthly bonus that keeps me afloat." You explain. "And I only get that one if I'm not sick and bring appropriate numbers to the table." You sigh. "My landlord just searches for a reason to kick me out, I'm sure." You mumble as you dry your hands.
"How come?" Jungkook asks.
"I didn't want to go out with the guy." You shrug, not looking at him. "I like older men, but sixty? No thanks.." You huff, turning around to look at a smug looking Jungkook, his arms crossed.
"Would've never guessed." He tells you in a cocky manner, and you cross your arms to mirror his position in an exagerated manner.
"I would've probably let you screw me if you were younger too." You respond.
"Oh?" He raises his brows. This is oddly fun. "Were you that needy?" He teases, and suddenly, your eyes soften quite a bit, scaring him.
"No." You shake your head. "Guess you were just that charming." You shrug.
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"If your job pays that awful, why not change it?" Jungkook wonders as he maneuvers out the parking lot, leaving Taehyung's home behind after Daehyun had gone to bed.
You shrug.
"I'm lucky I got accepted in this one." You say. You're tired- it's obvious to him. "I dropped out of school too early. Now I'm facing the consequences- and honestly, it's not that bad either. I get by, and it's a quiet life I'm living, which is nice." You offer.
"Do you not have any ambitions?" He asks, relaxed now that he knows you're not one to be overly sensitive when it comes to more personal topics like that. You don't try to read between the lines where there's most of the time nothing at all to find.
"Its not like I don't have any ambitions." You respond, neither denying nor confirming. "It's more that I realized some of those ambitions were.. unrealistic. So I instead pursued what was." You shrug. "Nothing too deep. It's.. part of growing up, I guess." You explain.
Growing up. Talking to you, right now, truly does remind him of that. Almost two hands between you both in years, but you're awfully matured in the way you think at its core. You just have a softer shell around it, your opinions can still move, your mind still has some sort of wiggle room.
His doesn't. He makes decisions and sticks by them, most of the time. He doesn't like change, he enjoys his routine, keeps everything in order most of the time- until now.
Because you're definitely a decision he keeps bending around.
"How much is your rent?" Jungkook asks, and you look at him from where you're leaning against the car's window, an amused expression on your face.
"Why? You wanna be my sugar-daddy?" You joke, and he shrugs, much to your surprise.
"I don't care what you call it." He simply says. "But if it get's you to take some time and take care of your health, I can take care of a month's rent." He offers.
"I don't like that." You respond.
"I know." He laughs. "I've come to learn that you don't like accepting help. But it's something you can't avoid at times." He explains to you. "I'm just offering help. Whether or not you take it, is up to you." He shrugs.
"Why would you do that?" You wonder, suspicious.
"Because Taehyung worries about you. And Daehyun would be terribly upset if something was to happen to you." He admits. "I don't know you well enough to say that I'm doing this for you- so I'll be honest. I do this mostly for them." He says.
You nod. You like this- that he's actually telling the truth, instead of trying to woo you into something.
"Alright." You sigh, tired. "I'll.. text you?" You wonder, and he nods.
"I have your number from Taehyung already." He chuckles. "I just didn't have a reason to reach out yet." He admits.
You just nod, eyes falling shut for longer he notices.
You must be working hard if you're this exhausted. He really hopes you'll take care of yourself after he helps you sort everything out.
Hopefully his help is enough.
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
He's lost control over the situation. How can this happen a second time?
He's been texting you these past few days, especially after you've finally took some time off of work to sort out your doctor's visits, having received some medication to finally help you resolve your issues.
He's not sure why he keeps coming back to you. And he's especially not sure how the hell he managed to get himself caught up in a situation like this twice, especially after Taehyung had been clearly upset about the first time.
There's something about you he can't really pin-point. It's both scary, and exciting.
You're kneeling on a small heart-shaped pillow from your small couch, hands occupied and slicked up with your own spit as you caress his length, head of it warm inside your mouth as you lick and suck. You've offered, and he assumed it to be a joke- but the moment you got down between his legs, all of his usual control over things went out the window. He might appear to be the one in charge, right in this moment, but he's truly at your mercy.
It makes him anxious. This shouldn't be happening.
But he can't deny the appeal of you taking care of him so well- it feels scarily intimate to have you between his legs like this, eyes closed as you seem to enjoy yourself, mostly due to his own hand reaching out to run his fingers through your hair, brushing it out of your face and taking the chance to offer some form of affection before he collects your hair in his fist for a second, long sigh escaping him as he feels the tip of your tongue push against the head of his cock, dipping into the small point, before you adjust your legs, letting go of him for just a second to lick from the base to the very tip once more.
You're a succubus, hidden behind a pretty face and sinful body.
He's not sure what your motivation is, hasn't really figured it out for the first time either. There's this little devil on his shoulder constantly urging him to accept your advances and let himself go, but the angel is louder, and keeps on feeding him doubts about the whole thing. He's consumed by his work, he doesn't have time for you, he can't offer you what you might want from a relationship. He doesn't even know if he himself is ready for something like that- he knows he should be, considering how long ago his divorce had been finished, but it's still odd to think about it. He's scarred by what went down, and doesn't want to go through this again.
He can handle being hated by one person he used to love. He wouldn't be able to have two doing the same.
It made him wonder if he's even someone worthy of having a relationship. Does he have enough to offer you that's not physical or monetary? No. He doesn't have time, he's awkward as hell, he doesn't like parties and rather enjoys laid back vacations somewhere no one knows him- if he even takes one at all. He wants a quiet life-
A quiet life?
'it's a quiet life I'm living, which is nice.'
Maybe it's your hands on his cock, the back of your tongue over his tip, or the way your fingers suddenly move to massage his balls just right- but he's facing this horribly ironic moment of both pleasure and realization at the same time as his cum shoots into your mouth, lips sealed over the head to suck him for all he's got. His hand keeps pushing your head, fingers digging into your hair, and you moan quietly at the faint sting of it.
His head rests back on your couch. His hand loosens, letting you go, while his eyes stay closed, breath deep and uneven as he tries to calm himself. He doesn't even realize how you tuck him back into his underwear as he softens, though you leave the fly and belt untouched, instead moving to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
You wait. For what? You're not sure.
"I.." He starts, taking in a deep breath, a hand through his hair trying to sort him out again. "..you.."
"Was it good?" You wonder almost innocently, watching him amused.
He nods. "Very." He simply answers, brain dumb. He hates this.
"Nice." You smile, before you move to put the little pillow back on the couch. "Do you wanna.. leave right now? Or stay for coffee?" You wonder, treating this all way more casual than he is. He's not sure what to do. But he knows you need to talk about this.
"Can you come here for a second?" He asks, and you nod, putting down the mug you got out of the pantry, making your way over to him to sit on the couch next to him. "I hope you know this isn't.. needed. I honestly just wanted to help you out with rent." He urges, and you nod.
"I know." You say, making him feel a bit lighter. "Was that.. not something you wanted?" You worry, but he shakes his head.
"I'm.. I'll have to be honest here." He sighs, having closed his pants and adjusted himself prior already, not leaning forwards with his elbows on his knees. He can't look at you- not if he wants to be honest and straight forward. "I'm not sure." He offers. "I think it's clear that there's an attraction going on- but I don't know how far this can go."
"I'm not in love with you or anything." You defend yourself. "Neither do I have a crush. I just like you." You shrug.
"That's good." He nods to himself. "It's good that you know that. That you... can distinguish it."
"I think your problem might have something to do with.. my age?" You wonder, and Jungkook turns his head towards you, eyes staying on your knees however. "Yoongi mentioned something once. That he has a friend who has some sort of mid-life crisis right now and thinks he's too old for everything." You giggle.
"And how do you know that would be me?" He calls you out a little offended.
"Because it just fits." You laugh. "You play around with Dae all the time, but the second someone watches you, you become all awkward. It's kinda sad." You admit.
"How so?" He wants to know.
"Because it's dumb." You say, leaning back against your couch.
"Maybe for you. But when you're my age-" He starts, and you suddenly start to laugh, cutting him off.
"See! That's how I know you're the one with the crisis!" You joke, hand hitting his shoulder playfully, and without any intention to hurt. "I'm not a kid. I can make my decisions just fine." You say.
"And your decision is?" He wonders, now looking at you.
"That I want to get to know you." You tell him. "I want to.. see where it goes." You offer.
"What if it goes nowhere?" He argues. "I can't promise you some fairytale love-story." He denies. "I'm divorced, I want children at some point, I don't like parties, I work long hours-"
"But that's stuff that we can work out, no?" You wonder. "Time is what you're scared of, right? Then how about this-" You say, suddenly sitting on your knees, body facing his. "Every day you're not trying is a day you could be spending in a more productive way. For example, by getting to know me. Trying out if your idea of a relationship aligns with mine, if your work schedule is too packed, all of that." You offer. "Right now, we could already be talking about more interesting things than the 'what-if'. Or, in your big-man-terms:" You joke, leaning closer to him. "You're wasting time."
"Have you ever considered a career in communication-training?" He chuckles, shaking his head. "You're awfully great at this." He praises, making you giggle.
"Nah, I like my normal nine-to-five." You say. "Even if it barely pays enough."
"Well I heard someone's taking care of rent at the moment." he offers, reaching out to tuck some hair behind your ear.
"Well, only for a month, so that's a bummer." You shrug, leaning into his hand now holding your cheek.
"..I'm not used to being in a relationship." He sighs.
"We can start just being friends." You respond.
"I think we're a little past the general boundaries of friendship." He chuckles.
"Then friends who occasionally have sex." You roll your eyes.
"That's not very romantic." He argues.
"You can fuck me with music in the background?" You joke, and he shakes his head, laughing.
You're truly far more than he thought you are, and he's not sure if he's worth your time. But he wants to be. Looking at you, right now, he wants to be worth it. He wants to put the effort into it, even if it doesn't work out in the end. He wants to try- so that even if you don't fit, you at least had some good memories together that were worth the time spent.
He wants to try.
Even if it's a mistake.
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dilatorywriting · 19 days
I love Siren Vil!!! 😭😭😭💜💜💜 Could I please be tagged?
Also I think we all agree that MC just accidentally proposed to Vil OOPS lmao I’m sure that won’t cause any misunderstandings 👀😅😂
But also… am I the only one side-eyeing the octopus like
I'll see if I can try, but the tags are closed just because there were so many that tumblr would just like, snipe my posts and crash the page when I would try and put them up lol
But lolol that poor lil octopus is having the roughest time--trapped in a wade pool with a maniac feeding him shredded fish and talking to him like a therapist. he deserves to be Freed
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vinciwolf · 1 year
Loyalty Pt 2
(Recom)Na’vi!Miles Quaritch x (fem)Na’vi!Reader
Warnings: SLOW BURN, THIS IS AN EVENTUAL NSFT SERIES, ENEMIES TO LOVERS, capture, romance, reader is female
Warnings for this chapter: this is a shorter chapter but trust me these are gonna get loooong in the future, death, violence
Notes: Na’vi spoken is in italics, but inner thoughts are also in italics. Tags: @perseny​ @mechformers​ @ragingloser
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As you came to, your vision slightly blurry, you stared down the barrel of a rifle. You were only out for a few second after the collision to your head, but it was enough for your hostage and Z-dog to have you cornered on the ground, your knife kicked to the side out of your reach.
You tsked and pressed your fingers to your scalp. Blood dripped from the wound.
Your former hostage that you would learn his name was Prager yanked you to your feet by your arm and took hold of your braid with a vice grip, giving you the same treatment you had given him. Z-dog patted you down and took your rifle, throwing it to one of her buddies near where Miles stood, before roughly clipping your hands together with orange handcuffs.
Prager shoved you forward and towards the group, knocking you to your knees in front of the Colonel.
You looked over to Lo’ak and slanted your head at him, your eyes squeezed into daggers as a way of telling him I’ll kill you.
The young Na’vi pinched his shoulders inwards timidly as his way of saying oops before deflecting his eyes to the ground.
Lyle came forward and punched you in the mouth, causing you to bend forward onto your bound hands and spit up blood. He said something about how that was ‘for Prager’ but you couldn’t tell exactly what he said because your head was ringing from that nasty punch. You wiped your mouth with your knuckles before Prager seized your braid again and held you upright.
Taking a handful of your necklaces, Lyle snickered to the others, “She really did go full native, huh?” Then ripped the jewels harshly from your neck, popping the strings.
Your heart ached as you watched the beads fall and spread into the mud, but you couldn’t let them win.
With a bloody toothed smile, you laughed, “Heh, you were always such an asshole to the ladies, Lyle.”
He grinned, fangs showing, fancying his work, “Nice to see you again too, bitch.”
Eywa please kill this fucker.
Lo’ak hissed at the men handling you, cussing all different kinds of things in Na’vi they couldn’t understand, and half of you hoped they never would.
Your vision was still a little watery but you could make out the forms standing before you, even little Tuk who you prayed had somehow gotten away. But life was cruel even to the innocent.
The wound to your brow began to crust and harden from the humidity, blood drying along your face. The sting of your lip indicated that somewhere it had split form Lyle’s punch. Poking your tongue forward, the pain doubled and you felt now big the cut was.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Then you had to face the one man you thought you’d never see again.
Not in the flesh, you peered over to the rusty AMP. That was assured. But somehow, Miles in a Na’vi body.
“(Y/N)?” he squatted down to meet your gaze, bent index finger holding your face up as his thumb swiped your chin slowly.
“You’re dead,” you breathed, exhausted from being hit in the face twice.
“Yes,” Miles looked over his shoulder and nodded, “he’s dead. But me? I’m built with his memories and the strength of your people. A pretty potent mix.”
It was hard to look away from such a sight. His arms rippled with strength and had the same eagle tattoo sprawled across his chiseled bicep. The Colonel’s ears flattened while he inspected your Na’vi features, trying to figure out if he should like or hate your knew look. When he stood up, he was taller than you with a walk that screamed dominance and poise. And his eyes… you were completely transfixed on him.
“You’re just a cheap copy and paste of the original,” you spat.
Miles chuckled.
Hand resting on his holstered pistol, he used his other free hand to finger an upward motioned at your direction. You pinched your lips and grunted when Prager lifted you to your feet and stepped you closer to the Colonel.
Your head was almost level to his… almost. He was still intimidating but you noticed the soft swell of his lips, and the broadness to his shoulders. You felt so small near him as he stepped closer, Prager holding you head up to keep your eyes from looking away. He leaned in and you felt suffocated, engulfed by his sent, his stare, his fangs when he opened his mouth to speak.
“We regrouped in hell, given a second chance,” he said. “With my skills and knowledge of Jake Sully, I’ll find him. Oh, I’ll find him…” he bobbed his head, lips pursing briefly,” …even if I have to cut it out of each and every one of you tree huggin’ bastards.”
With that, he turned to face his men and instructed them to keep the ‘valuable hostages’ bound and close. He then cuffed his fingers around his neck and communicated with his base for evac.
You were worried about Spider. Having to meet his ‘father’ in another body, a much deadlier body, must’ve been terrifying.
“He’s not your father, Spider,” you reassured Spider.
“I know,” he pressed his lips.
Soon, eclipse fell and the night began to glow, allowing a different kind of life to take over the forest. Nocturnal creatures screeched and chirped. A drop fell atop of your head and you cussed that this couldn’t get any worse, then rain fell from the heavens and you cussed some more.
After a while, you started to tire from being away from your pills for so long. You tried to hold your head up but being punched twice and not having your daily intake of drugs fogged your brain, causing another massive headache to occur. Miles circled the group, assault rifle in hand. As you took note of his lean waste and massive arms, in your haze, you wondered what it felt like to touch those biceps.
Prager tugged your head back when you slacked forward.
Then a sound woke you up.
It was an echo. Your ears peaked from the message. There was another quick ‘whoop’ in the distance.
Mother was coming for her cubs.
Looking around you saw the same reaction from Spider and Lo’ak. Kiri started mumbling her prayers and Tuk scanned her eyes around the best she could while being retrained.
One of the soldiers told Kiri to shut up, moving him just right into position.
An arrow shot through his skull and he fell to the ground hard. Prager looked around as everyone scrambled to retaliate. Tuk bit hard into her captor’s arm, while Spider and Lo’ak pulled the pins to some smoke grenades attached to the soldiers’ vests. You bounced upwards and hit Prager’s chin hard with the back of your head causing him to lose balance, giving you a chance to topple him with a roundhouse kick before running away with the kids.
Through the forest, pumped with adrenaline, you were fast, stopping momentarily to by a sharp rock to cut your handcuffs off.
Everything seemed too good to be true. You prayed to Eywa to keep up the luck.
But Eywa could be funny sometimes.
An explosion hit you from behind, causing the trunk you were running on to shake violently, making you fall onto your stomach, hands latching onto whatever to keep you from falling. You looked down and saw that Spider fall into the undergrowth below. You scrambled to your feet and regrouped your thoughts, while looking down helplessly to find the unconscious kid.
Kiri screamed but Neytiri grabbed her by the arm and pushed her forward. She did the same for you and yanked your hand to keep moving with her, but you were a stone.
She turned and looked at you, eyes wide questioning why you weren’t coming with. Were you mad?
“(Y/N), come! Come!” she yelled at you, voice squeaking, as she tugged your hand again.
“Be well, sister. I must save Spider. Go! Run!” you pleaded, letting go of her hand, and pushing her shoulder to get her moving.
This pained the Na’vi woman deeply because this was the exact thing her father did during the assault on Hometree. He told her to run, only for her to find him later with bark sticking through his abdomen. Reluctantly, Neytiri let you go, heartbreak etching her features as she slipped way with Kiri and disappeared into the forest, bush and leaves snapping and clicking from their haste.
You surrendered to the brief moment of realization that you’d never see them again, that you were going to die saving Spider. And you were ok with that. You wanted to die. It was better than being addicted and having your brain eat you alive with this pounding blood pressure racing through your temple.
Bouncing onto the forest floor, you raced to find Spider. His small body in the thicket looked like a Na’vi babe. He was so innocent.
Shaking him violently, he began to wake up causing your shoulders to slack. The kid was alright and you were happy. He sat up, and with your help, you placed him on his feet, but there was no time.
“Get up! Come! We need to get away from—” you were interrupted by the Na’vi soldiers surrounding the both of you, guns clacking and pointed directly at you.
You stood in front of Spider and, placing a hand behind you, braced him against your backside, ears slanted far back with teeth bared. You hissed at the Colonel’s men.
From the shadows of the woods, Miles approached you and Spider.
“Come with us, and you won’t get hurt,” he bargained with arms outstretch and hands empty.
“Leave us alone!” You yelled, your tail twitching in rage.
His arms fell, one hand finding his hip, as he sighed. “I’m afraid we can’t do that.”
Your hand flew to block your eyes when a sudden, blinding white light from above pierced the night. The violent winds from the airship flattened the plants around you, muting any sound perception as you and Spider were caught in the middle of the loud whirl from the ship’s rudders.
Even the Colonel was caught off guard from the impeccable timing.
Your head was already spinning from the withdrawals and this loud noise caused even more disorientation. Legs caved and you fell onto hands and knees, holding your head. Spider leaned down and tried to help. You held you head and balanced on your legs the best you could.
Miles didn’t know what was up with you, when five minutes ago you were all teeth and snarls, so he took this opportunity to run full speed and tackle you to the ground and snatch Spider.
You saw him coming but yielded to his blow, took weak to fight back.
When he hit, the force hammered your body into the cold mud, your head striking the ground.
Your mind shut off. A full blackout.
Miles hoisted Spider over his shoulder with him kicking and screaming. He attached his harness to the airships suspension cord while peering at you momentarily.
You looked so peaceful lying in the mud, your body sprawled out unconscious.
A tinge of guilt flooded the Colonel’s gut. Did he really hit you that hard?
Miles then screamed to Lyle to pick you up.
“C’mon baby, we goin’ for a ride,” the corporal chuckled as he slung you over his shoulder.
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Hi! I would fling myself off the roof for:
Number 3: "I want to taste you so badly."
Number 8: “Kiss me, I can't wait any longer."
Please! 🙏🏻
P.S. You’re one of my favorite writers and you do horny so damn well. So uhhh…thank you and please never stop! 😊
"I want to taste you so badly." additional tags: lovey dovey shit, petnames, drunk horny ian, public sex, they're tucked away in a hedge maze but the risk is still there, this got long somehow oops you can find a fill for #8 here :)
It’s Debbie’s wedding day. And as Mickey stands in this restored historical property that she and her bride somehow managed to score, he’s gotta give props where props are due.
This shit is fully realized. Fairytale but classy. Dreamy lights strung over stone facade. Fresh, color-coordinated bouquets in the middle of every linen-draped table. 
He apologizes - he was not familiar with her game.
Now that the ceremony and dinner are over, he’s got a lot of time to sniff everything out and appreciate it. Lots more elbow room, what with his husband off on the dance floor with his family, celebrating their first wedding that’s finally gone off without a hitch. A historical moment.
“We really gotta show up for her, Mick,” Ian had started saying at the mere whisper of a wedding date. “Make moves. After everything she did for ours.”
And even after his tease, “Alright, you put on the dress - I’ll start bawlin’ my fuckin’ eyes out,” Mickey had agreed. Of course.
And now they’re here. Everything’s come together with a lot of elbow grease and a little light florist-threatening where it may or may not have been needed. (It was. Debbie was more than fine with it.) Everything’s going according to plan, and that includes his husband’s drunk little shimmy over to him, Mickey clearly in his sights even before the music transitions into something slow and romantic.
The song change has something flashing in Ian’s posture, like he’s delighted by the fate of it all as he reaches his hand out for him, still a few good feet away.
Mickey has no choice but to give in, endeared as all fuck as he helps close the distance and is immediately wrapped up in drunk husband. Flushed skin… Nice cologne… Those big hands slip under his suit jacket and fully wrap around him. Pull him in close. “Hey there, handsy…” 
“I love you,” Ian murmurs into his neck, in a way of greeting. Sappy motherfucker. “Love the fuck outta you, Mick…”
Mickey allows it. Fuck anyone who’s got something to say - it’s not his fault they’re like this. He is gonna make fun of him a little, though. “Uh huh. Love you too, ya lightweight.” 
His own drink sloshes up the side of his glass - high enough to envision the table’s bouquet getting a whiskey bath. 
Yeah, he’ll just set this down real quick.
“Havin’ fun, huh…” He’s seen it with his own eyes. Has been enjoying it, actually, watching Ian tear up the dance floor and be stupid with the rest of the Gallaghers. “Gettin’ all sweaty…”
Ian hums, unbothered by this as he leans down to rest their foreheads together. “Could get sweatier…”
“That right?”
“Saw a room in the back…” He nudges his nose along Mickey’s. Brushes their lips together in suggestion as they fall into the slow, swaying rhythm of the love song playing overhead. “Getchya outta this suit…”
It’s a good idea, obviously. Mickey fucking loves this idea. But, “Told me to keep ya on a tight leash tonight,” he teases. “No funny business ‘til we’re back at the hotel. Remember any of that?” To further his point, he reaches behind himself, dragging those wandering hands back up as they start to drift downward under his jacket.
His response goes about as well as he imagined it would when Ian had proposed it this morning. “Who said that.”
“You, darlin’.”
“Mm. Mm-mm…” he denies, his hands beginning to creep back down the small of his back in spite of it all. “Not me…”
Mickey huffs out a laugh. Allows the touch just a little longer, but then corrects him again, before too much of this very good idea becomes a possibility. “Hang onto that, stud.” For later. Much later. When the song isn’t changing to something uptempo and just screaming for Ian to participate. “Go help Lip - poor bastard just pulled somethin’, looks like.”
With a great big inhale, Ian makes his displeasure known. “Come with.”
But, “Will in a bit,” Mickey counters. “Wanna check out back.”
“Out back…”
“Heard they got a statue of some naked dude out there.”
He can feel the smirk of suggestion that’s starting to creep across those lips. “Oh…?”
Gotta stop him before he starts up again. Distract him - ease back so he can look right into those heavy-lidded eyes while he sets the plan. “I’ll check it out - let ya know… Meet ya for another slow one soon…”
This seems to strike a chord in Ian’s wine-soaked brain. The deal of the century. And as if fate is reaching out its hand again, the music switches over to a song that’s got the inner circle shouting for Ian on the dancefloor.
“Go,” Mickey insists, kisses him back when Ian plants a quick one on his lips. 
Another kiss. “Okay bye.”
“Love you.” 
“Love ya.” One more. 
And then he’s high-tailing it back into the crowd, leaving Mickey to watch after him with a fond shake of his head. 
He picks his drink back up. Takes a sip, indulging in just a few more moments.
Damn, he loves that motherfucker.
_ _ _
It’s not that Mickey wants to deny his man - especially not when he’s all drunk and horny and love-struck like this - he’s only doing it because Ian asked him to. You know, before getting sloppy off pinot noir.
He’s in good hands in the dance circle, though. His opportunities to act up drop astronomically without his better half being there to touch up on. 
And all marble dick jokes aside, Mickey does actually wanna snoop around outside. So that’s how he finds himself here, a good unknown amount of time later, posted up at the edge of the garden’s miniature hedge maze.
He hears someone call it a labyrinth in passing, but it’s a fucking hedge maze. Labyrinths are supposed to have monsters and shit in them, aren’t they? Debbie probably woulda had to pay extra for that.
Mickey pushes it from his mind and takes another drag of his cigarette, watching the smoke drift up into the stars. It’s a clear night. Perfect weather. Real quiet out here too, most of the celebration locked away in the estate. 
It’s why he can hear the steps coming up behind him so easily, the stride and weight of them already getting his chest to swell with pleasant, familiar anticipation. 
It only grows when he turns around - when he’s met with Ian’s playful little grin as he stops in front of Mickey not to kiss him like he expects, but to pluck the cigarette from his lips, without a word, before making his way to the labyrinth’s entrance a few feet away.
Mickey watches after him. Feels that pleasant anticipation curl into something curious as Ian takes a drag, flicks playful arch of his eyebrow Mickey’s way, and then slips through the opening in the hedgeline.
An invitation to play.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Mickey pushes forward, eager to not let Ian get too much of a lead on him. As soon as he steps into the maze, though, it becomes clear that won’t matter at all.
Because right away, he’s forced to make a decision between left and right, with no signs of which way Ian just chose. 
Alright then, left it is.
“Ay,” he calls out, just on the off chance he’ll get a response. Shit’s twisty-turny in here. Tall, perfectly trimmed hedges that have gone dark green in the shadows stretch out before him. “Red…”
Of course Ian doesn’t answer.
He turns again. More choices. Right this time. “Gonna make me call a search party for your drunk ass…” he calls, only half kidding. 
Another choice - straight, left, or right. 
The stomped out cigarette keeps him on track - straight ahead - pulse beginning to quicken with his steps. 
Because this is fun, but he doesn’t know how long it’s gonna stay fun. Doesn’t know exactly how many more blind turns he’s got in him before things start to get a little too real. 
“Ian…” One more choice - he’s decided. One more turn and then if he’s not right in front of his husband he’s gonna make it everyone else’s problem. “Ian, if you don’t-...”
The rest evaporates into thin air as Mickey’s steps gradually fall off, all his determination leading him through the corridor and into a hidden resting place tucked in the middle of the labyrinth. It’s small - moonlit and flanked on all sides by the tall hedges. And in the middle…
Holy shit, there it is.
Mickey takes a careful step forward. Takes in the statue erected in the middle of the clearing - all the dips and curves of the pose - how he lounges back on one hand, the other raised to the crown of leaves around his head. 
It’s weirdly profound.
Strangely breath-taking.
Gets Mickey so caught up in the moment of it all that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until it’s too late - until he feels the hand wrap around his arm and tug, gently pulling him around until he’s come face to face with the man he’s been searching for.
His mouth falls open and Ian helps himself without a word, pinot noir and hunger on his tongue. Mickey laps it up. Lets himself be eaten alive, heat rushing into his chest and his face and his-
Ian lets out a tasty little breath as Mickey shoves him away, light and playful with it, but still hard enough to get a few steps between them - room to breathe and size each other up.
And fuck, he looks like something out a movie. 
The shrubbery walls are tall, but the two of them are out of shadow’s reach, silver moonlight settling over Ian’s flushed face…his kissed, parted lips…how a couple bangs have fallen over his forehead…
Somewhere between the dance floor and here, he’s gotten his tie undone completely - has left it hanging and the first few buttons of his dress shirt undone, his suit jacket just begging to get pushed off his shoulders right where he stands.
Holy fuck.
If this is what labyrinth monsters look like, Mickey might not mind getting lost.
“You lookin’ for me…?” Ian smirks, and it’s crazy how something so normal can sound so slutty when he’s panting like that.
Now is the time for Mickey to stop this. Now is the time for Mickey to remind him that they’re supposed to be behaving until the wedding is over.
“C’mere,” he says instead, already rushing forward - already wetting his lips and parting them so Ian can lick right into his mouth again.
It’s sloppy. Handsy. Ian is drunk and horny and love-struck and it’s too hot to deny anymore. It was never gonna happen anyway. 
Dewy grass gets trampled under their dress shoes as Ian walks them backward without breaking off. Mickey can’t see but he trusts him - even like this - anticipates the sturdy marble before his lower back even slots against it. And then he’s trapped, blissfully, between the infamous naked statue and his husband’s crowding warmth.
“Fuck, Mick…” Ian breathes out. His fingers work at the knot in Mickey’s tie so he can loosen it - pop open the first two buttons of his shirt - tuck his fingers into the edge of his collar and then pull, burying his face into the newly exposed side of his neck.
It’s got Mickey lighting up, all the way from the tips of his toes. Of course he goes right for his weak spots. “Jesus Christ…” This statue better be good at keeping secrets.
Because Ian’s mouth is running, words and lips pouring over Mickey’s skin, “Need you, baby…” up and up and brushing over his ear, “Wanna taste you so bad…”
A shudder works up Mickey’s spine, even as he hears himself say it. “What, here?”
“Now.” His warm palm cups Mickey’s cock over his pants and starts rubbing just to prove it. “Right now. In here. Lemme taste you - I don’t wanna wait anymore…”
And Christ, he’s supposed to say no to that?
No fucking way.
Mickey reaches down for his belt, undeniably hard where Ian continues to give him attention. “Quick,” he insists, though. “People been goin’ in and out all night.”
That doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be a problem for Ian. He’s already getting on his knees - fucking up his slacks with wet grass stains - helping Mickey get his belt open and pants down just enough and fuck…
Fuck…Ian’s licking him up and swallowing him down right away, getting him good and sloppy like it’s the only thing he wants to concentrate on right now. His drunk ass really has been craving this.
Mickey lets his head tip back into the moonlight. Lets out a bitten groan from the tight, wet heat working up and down his cock. Feels his breath quicken as those fingers slip through the spit that’s dripped down to his balls, and then slide further back to start circling over his hole.
“Oh fuck,” he huffs out, his laugh breathy and surprised. “Fuckin’-...Jesus, Ian…you horny bitch…”
It’s affectionate, of course. They both know it. If anything, it just makes Ian lean into it harder, something low rumbling in his chest before he draws his hand back to spit in it - loudly - and then goes back to playing with his hole.
Yeah, he’s definitely a monster.
But he is quick, Mickey will give him that. They’re moving fast, the combination of time and Ian’s drunk, hungry mouth making things sloppy in a way they haven’t really been since they were teenagers. 
This is so much better though. Obviously. This is fucking perfect, nasty in that shameless way. That ‘you’re my husband and I think you’re so fucking hot and I’m gonna do whatever I fucking want to you because I know you’re just as into it’ way. Jesus, if his teenage self could see them now-
The sudden redirection has Mickey spinning - literally - gets him facing the statue, his arms coming to hold himself up in its lap as Ian tugs him backwards ass-first and-
“Jeeeesus…” Mickey’s eyes roll shut in pure, utter pleasure, reaching to hold himself up by the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian’s tongue starts lapping over his hole like he’s got no time to lose.
They don’t, really. 
Realistically. No matter how time is going in and out in this fucked up little maze.
Anyone could make a turn at any of the four hedge breaks and walk right into this - Mickey, bent over in some naked statue’s lap, his ass completely out and being absolutely devoured by his husband while three fingers deep.
Another shudder runs down his spine, his toes curling in his shoes. 
Wait a minute, is that hot?
Fuck, he’s getting close.
It takes a bit of maneuvering, but Mickey finally gets his hand squeezed into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, freeing the things he’s hidden there just for this.
He gets the corner of the gold packaging between his teeth and then tears, carefully, only spitting the extra bit onto the ground once he’s turned over his shoulder and held the rubber within reaching distance.
It’s got Ian coming back to Earth a little bit.
Has him pulling away, his mouth and chin glistening in the moonlight as he blinks owlishly at the condom, then looks up at Mickey, then back down to the condom again, processing with heavy breath and stilled fingers.
Mickey can already hear the shit he’s gonna get for this later. All sorts of mess about how he said he’d keep Ian at bay but then brought condoms and lube anyway - in his fucking jacket no less. 
“Okay, but I was right to. Was I fuckin’ not?” he defends himself.
And Ian has absolutely nothing to say to that right now - he couldn’t possibly - instead he focuses on the task of wiping his face while standing and getting his pants open and grabbing the condom Mickey undid for him, unrolling it on himself as quickly as possible.
It’s all while Mickey gets the packet of lube torn open and put to work. Because suddenly time is very real to him. It’s slamming forward, the crickets seeming louder than ever but holy fuck, is he turned on. He might want this shit even more than the one who’s been slobbering after it all night.
So he hangs on, literally, going back to grabbing at the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian slicks up the condom and then presses forward, sinking inside him perfectly.
Fuck yes…
“Oh god, baby…” he breathes out, and it’s shaky and right in Mickey’s ear - right where it sends tingles down his whole body.
Mickey bites down over his bottom lip, his nostrils flaring as Ian starts to fuck him against the statue. It’s just like everything else tonight. Good and greedy and sloppy, wine slurring the usual rhythm of his hips, but it doesn’t matter one fucking bit when they’re both this turned on.
It also means it’s gonna boil over quickly, both of them just a little too desperate to hold anything off. And that’s okay too. Mickey’s here for the ride no matter how it goes - how quick and fumbly and messy it is. Sometimes it’s more fun that way anyway. 
This is one of those times. This is Mickey falling forward into the statue’s lap again, reaching blindly above him for Ian, who swoops in to press his lips to the side of his neck, words slurring and heated and sexy. 
Mickey gets his hand in the top of his hair and he knows he’s fucking it all up - the gel is getting all over his fingers - but that doesn’t matter right now because the new angle’s got Ian’s cock rubbing up just right inside him, pleasure pooling and curling in his belly and drawing everything to a steamy, delicious boil.
“...m'gonna cum,” Ian moans and it’s one of the most romantic things they’ve ever done, Mickey thinks - fucking in this garden labyrinth - coming together under the stars and the watchful eye of some beautiful, fucked up little statue.
It’s definitely up there, at least. And Mickey’s not gonna factor in that he’s got marble cock and balls in his face as he starts to catch his post-orgasm breath.
From where he’s slumped on top of him, Ian buries his face right back into Mickey’s neck, his declaration winded and endearing. “Fuck… Love you so fuckin’ much Mick, oh my god…”
It’s enough to have Mickey buzzing - aftershocks and true, sometimes disgustingly obvious adoration.
“Love ya too,” he breathes out. Then, “Kinda wanna put my ass away though…”
A giggle tickles at his neck, Ian clearly entertained by his request. “Gonna come dance with me…?”
God… “Uh huh…”
It’s all he needs to say for the great weight atop his upper half to release, Ian finally granting them both enough room to pull up their pants.
They straighten themselves up with coy little grins at each other. While Ian re-ties his tie for him, Mickey tries to slick all that red hair back into something not obviously post-fuck. 
And this might actually be the most romantic thing they’ve ever done, he decides instead. Even when they both finally declare each other ready for the dance floor, but find themselves lingering at the different openings in the hedges.
Because wait…
“Fuck…” Mickey realizes. “How the hell do we get outta here?” 
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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sempsimps · 4 months
lucifer x (fem)overlord reader
uhm so I've never posted anything like this before and tbh idk how its gonna go but the brain rot is too real and i need this out also i should stop writing in class oop- punctuation? never heard of her (sorry if my writing sucks :] )
eating out / fingering
bites / small cuts
sexual tension obviously
just a small amount of bondage but its mild
edging if you squint
possessive if you squint (well its pretty clear)
Alastor is kinda a cock block sorry not sorry
it was the week after the extermination and i had been called to a meeting by carmilla and when she sets it we all know that its serious so i had to go and no doubt it was about the most recent events
"i don't want you to go"
ah the authority in his voice would be threatening if he wasn't my husband being the 'the big boss of hell' or whatever silly thing he likes to say but i just smiled and absentmindedly passed him off putting my purse into my skirt pocket if i was looking at him i would of seen the look of mischief in his eyes
"i don't want you to go my love, l-love?"
"uh huh..."
i wasn't paying attention to him as he did the same thing every meeting and so next thing i know i felt his claws on my shirt pulling me down to be face to face
"are you even listing!?"
i smile as i calmly raised my self back up and fixed my shirt
"yes I'm listing to you but we both know i have a reputation to uphold and Carmilla herself asked me to this so its obviously quite important"
i calmly say lucifer wasn't allowed at the meetings as he was the king and had little business in the overlord affairs and i always told him what happens anyway but he was being over protective since he learned Alastor was at these meeting but the devil looked quite disheartened at my comment which made me hurt inside but his smug smile appeared right after it
"I'm coming with you"
"luci you can-"
"they wont even know I'm there"
i looked at him sceptically but shrugged it off as he would do as he pleased oh what a showy dick he was i sighed but i walked out of the mansion before teleporting in front of the elevator up to the meeting i immediately seen Rosie and curtly bowed to her which she responded to in the same manner we both smiled and walked in together i sat to her right at the end of the table my chest right at the table as i preferred to have my arms on the surface soon i seen Alastor walk in and we waved at each other in respect and soon the meeting had started i looked around Carmilla at the head of the table talking of the recent extermination Zestial next her as well as her daughters i didn't know the overlords across of me but they seemed.... nice Velvet at the other head to my right she must be here instead of Vox because of the media fight that happened ha classic Vox always a sore loser and Rosie to my left and Alastor to hers i always admired their bond the meeting droned on for a while becoming background noise my mind wandered to my angel and thinking about what he meant no longer did i have to think as i felt a claw end gently tap my knee i leaned back slightly to see my daring husbands hand at my knee i raised my eyebrow at it face not showing much emotion 'the fuck....so that's what he meant be being here with me and not being seen too ooohh i get it aw cute'
"--- are you okay?"
"mh yeah I'm fine sorry Carmilla continue sorry"
i moved myself back to where i was feeling rather embarrassed now but not because i got called out like that even though that was awful but its the fact i now feel lucifer's hands tease me from under my skirt it was long enough as it reached my shins but it also made pretty good cover for lucifer to roam and tease with his hands i thought his intention was quite cute 'cant go one hour without me I'm flattered but seriously now? here!?' his claws lightly brush against my skin the edge grazing across my thigh leaving a feeling like a paper cut i felt his feather light touches moving closer to my core i reached down with my hand under the table to lightly move his hand away in response i had a light nip at my leg my eyes widen in slight shock at this i knew the king was quite risky when it came to this but this was a little far...... but I'm not completely complaining too much i felt his head push between my legs and i just did the same thing reaching to his face and pushing him away lightly to stop him but i felt his smile as a light kiss was placed to my skin i thought nothing of it and placed both my hands in my lap but that was a mistake i felt a light pressure on my wrists i looked down to see a golden glint around both of my wrists 'that handsome prick' i couldn't believe he would abuse his magic in this way but oh well i guess im in too deep now i felt his sly smile on me and he teased me with his tongue now licking some parts and lapping at others i could only bawl my hands trying to act normal in the meeting 'of fuck has anyone noticed this' i glanced around no one cared at all all to busy doing there own thing or listening to Carmilla, lucifer continued the secrete attack and i let him opening my thighs over so slightly and i held in a squeak of surprise when i felt the end of his claw gently move the fabric of my underwear to the side so he could move his fingers inside of me my breathing got quite heavy and my pupils dilatating as i zone out of my vision and focusing on not making a sound in front of my collages or "friends" lucifer's fingers teased my entrance only lightly slipping in to test me his other hand rubbing circle's on my skin while his head rested comfortably on my thigh enjoying the torment i was in i was so out of trying not to make a noise that when his movements twitched and halted i was back into reality and i quickly knew why as i moved my eyes over to Alastor his gaze lingered down for a split second before he spoke in that stupid radio sound
"--- my dear you all there? you seem distracted"
his voice carried a sinister lint to it sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine
"uh y yeah im alright"
carmilla looked at me and i bowed my head in apology
'fuck did he notice what was going on shit fuck fuck-' i was brought out of my panic nearly jumping out of my skin when i felt a particular harsh bite to my upper thigh clenching fists from the pain my eyes going blurry as i try not making any noise lucifer's possessiveness was showing through and i could feel the slow trickle of blood form from the bite lucifer eagerly lapping it up as an apology 'prick there was no cause' i understood the rivalry but my thoughts were directed to another 180 as i felt his fingers penetrate me slowly before ramping up the speed of them being cautious of the sharp ends but as i was starting to feel pleasure they left but soon replaced with his hot breath and forked tongue doing wonders the small licks driving me insane my legs slightly shaking at the contact he was relentless in eating me for all that i had i finally slipped up letting out a small quite strained sigh i felt lucifer's smile from between my legs 'that sweet sly smug fucker aaaa!' the slightest touch he gave to my clit made my thighs close around his face in shock but he just softly opened them again at this rate i wouldn't last i gave another glance around the room and seen Alastors eyes snap away from me his ear hair thingy twitching 'oh fuck he knows' i didn't have time to think as lucifer's relentless tongue kept at my body i was getting closer and closer to the edge his skilful hands tracing patterns along the bites he placed on my skin edging closer to my core coaxing my body to release my nails digging into my palms i was so close to finishing but everything stopped i freeze at Carmilla's voice
"this meeting is over thank you all for coming to listen to this matter we will meet again next week to discuse the same topic hope to see you all there"
my saviour i really didn't want to cum here of all places 'thank fuck holy shit too many close calls' just as i was about to stand up i felt how shaky my legs were all of the other overlords had already left leaving me behind with-
"my dear are you alright? let me assist you it seems your having trouble"
oh that stupid voice again filled with smugness Alastor wrapped his hand around my arm assisting me with walking out of the room
"oh Alastor you don't have to im fine really-"
"oh nonsense and i insist"
his voice got sinister quickly as he led me out of the room i held in a groan i was so close to finishing that it hurt to move so i excepted my fate as he walked us to an elevator but then my stomach dropped lucifer always waited outside for me and his not so friendly rival was basically hand in hand with me 'oh shit' the elevator moved down and i seen my husband waiting i attempted to loosen Alstors grasp but he held firm and the see through door opened to look at a more than pissed of king looking at Alastor with a death glare
"hello my love how was the meeting"
lucifer was acting as if he wasn't there he was talking through his clenched teeth still looking at Alastor as he asked the radio man let go of my arm and i awkwardly walked over to my husband and as i did i could hear him snarl lowly his hand wrapping around my waist
"cant keep your hands to yourself deer?"
"cant keep your nose out of someone's business? wouldn't want your own trick to backfire"
and with that i grabbed a hold of lucifer teleporting us back to our room before he started somthing on the street...again
i didn't really know how to end that but i hope it was okay this is my first ever fanfic that I've properly written so sorry if it sucks idfk
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stevenose · 1 year
Okay, okay. Last one and then I’ll stop :P
But picture this. King Steve getting possessive and pissing on you to mark his territory. Oops… I really just went there, hehe. 🙈
contains: piss. watersports if you will. gender unspecified reader. college aged reader and steve. if you wish to avoid these posts entirely, please block the tag ‘cw bodily fluids’
okay. okay. okay. i’ll take this a step further.
“are you fucking stupid?”
you gasp as he pummels you. clinging desperately onto your dorm bedsheets while ncaa basketball star steve harrington drills himself into you. you can hardly breathe with his weight smashing you into the mattress, his hot breath right against your cheek.
“guess so,” you shoot back, sounding a little pathetic with the moan that follows it.
he slaps your ass hard. it makes you cry and keen, pushing your hips back for his fat cock to sink in at a new angle.
“think i wouldn’t find out? shoulda known you were such a whore considering how you like being fucked.”
he hates how condescending you sound, makes him see red. how it seems nothing he does ever just tames you. how you never say sorry, how you take him until he’s exhausted and you’ve cum more times than him. how you always win.
he wraps an arm around your throat, your chin resting on the junction of his elbow and forearm. you squeeze around him and he scoffs at how you like it. but you’re effectively pinned down, crushed, no where to squirm or hide.
“gonna show you,” he groans thickly. “gonna show you who you fuckin’ belong to.”
he knows you think he’ll cum inside of you. he can feel your cheeks tightening as you smile with satisfaction. he smiles, too, wicked. he cums before you, groaning low and deep, making your back shake with it. fills you up til your stomach feels warm and full - and then he keeps going.
“jesus,” you moan, “fuckin’ backed up or somethin’?”
but even though he’s buried in deep, to the hilt, you suddenly notice the change. it’s not warm and thick - it’s hot and thin and -
“steve!” you shriek, fingernails digging into his arm. “steve, steve, oh -!”
he clamps a hand over your mouth and groans a final time as he finishes, completely spent. you didn’t even get to cum. good.
“no one’s gonna want to fuck a hole that’s been pissed in, huh?” he pants, kisses the shell of your ear. he pulls out slightly and pushes back in, both of you shivering at the squelch. “i fucking own you.”
you force his hand off of your mouth and he’s shocked to hear you laugh. it’s bright and loud and knocks a bit of sense into him.
“finally,” you sigh, nuzzling into the arm still wrapped around your neck. “thought i’d have to fuckin’ ask you.”
he’s shocked. floored. “you…? wanted that?”
you sigh happily again with a nod and squeeze his aching cock with your walls, making him hiss. “about time.”
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savventeen · 2 years
Hey :)) I love that promt list.Can I request things you said at wedding with coups
our ending is made for each other
"Choi Seungcheol,” you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, “you had better not be proposing to me right now, at our best friend's wedding."
pairing: choi seungcheol x gn!reader rating: T wc: 1.1k warnings: alcohol (reader gets drunk), lots of cussing (reader has a potty mouth oops) tags: fluff, just pure ooey-gooey fluff, humor, established relationship, talks about proposing/marriage, reader is an angry drunk and it's adorable summary: while at their best friend's wedding, seungcheol brings up the fact that he wants to marry reader someday. reader proceeds to have a little bit of a breakdown (the mostly good kind) a/n: hihi thank you so much for the request! i'm not 100% satisfied with this, but i still had a blast writing it and i hope you enjoy reading it :) title from svt's 'happy ending' || prompt from this list
You don't process what he says at first.
The wedding reception is well underway, cheesy romantic pop music blasting through the speakers as different groups of people let loose on the dance floor. You've also had a little more to drink than usual, already tipsy and steadily heading towards drunk, so when Seungcheol murmurs something from where he's next to you, it's no surprise that it takes your brain a while to catch up.
And then you think you must have heard him wrong. You turn in your seat and ask, "What?"
Ethereal is the first word that comes to mind when you look at him. His suit jacket hangs abandoned on the back of his chair, and he's rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, showing off his strong forearms. His long hair is pulled into the half-up style that you love, and the colored lights dancing across his face remind you of the stained glass windows you grew up around — like he's something almost holy.
You're brought out of your momentary reverie when he turns to look at you, surprised, like he didn't realize he'd spoken aloud. "Huh?"
You elaborate, "What'd you just say?"
"Oh." He looks back over to where he'd been staring before, and you follow his gaze to where the bride and groom are seated, falling into each other as they laugh about something. When you turn back to Seungcheol, he's already looking at you, a soft smile on his face. "I said, 'That's gonna be us someday.'"
Quite suddenly, you don't think you're sober enough for this, for the way an earnest kind of yearning bleeds out of his big doe eyes — especially when he pulls your hand off of the table to hold it gently between his own and promises, "I'm gonna marry the hell out of you someday, y/n."
You think your heart might have migrated into your throat, and it feels like the rest of your organs have decided to play a spontaneous round of musical chairs.
Of course you've thought about what your future together looks like, of course you have, especially after years of being together. You've spent more time than you'd like to admit daydreaming about what it would be like to go from calling Seungcheol your boyfriend to calling him your fiance and then your husband. And more than once, the two of you have talked about and reaffirmed that you're both in it for the long haul, but…
"Choi Seungcheol," you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, "you had better not be proposing to me right now at our best friend's wedding."
His eyes blow impossibly wide in shock, and you would laugh at his expression if your heart wasn't trying its damndest to suddenly become an Olympic gymnast.
"No, oh my god, no," he assures, squeezing your hand. "He would actually murder me if I did."
You raise your eyebrows, confirming, "No?"
He smiles, sheepish. "No." His expression smooths into something soft and contemplative, and he doesn't let go of your hand as he scoots closer to you, knees touching.
"No, I was just..." he trails off as he searches for words, and you get distracted by the way he starts playing with your hand. It's an endearing habit he has whenever you're together — using whatever part of you he can reach as a fidget toy while he's thinking.
Finally, he asks, "You know how sometimes something doesn't feel real until you say it out loud?"
He trails a callused fingertip down your fourth finger, stopping where it meets your palm. "I realized I wanted it to be real." You look into his eyes, and he's looking back at you with a hopeful kind of longing, one that steals the breath right out of your lungs. "That I want it — a future of forever, with you — to be real."
For a moment, you feel suspended in time. The lights continue to paint Seungcheol in a kaleidoscopic chiaroscuro, the music and laughter a faint mumble in the background. You know you love him — have loved him for a long time now — but in this moment, you feel so full of that love that you think your chest might explode like an overinflated balloon.
And since you can't actually explode, your inebriated body does the next best thing. Angry tears start burning in the corner of your eyes, and you feel one of them drip down your cheek as you say, "Fuck you, Cheolie. I'm so mad at you right now."
Seungcheol's jaw drops. "What?"
You use the hand not currently being held to angrily scrub at the tears continuing to fall. "I bet Seungkwan that I wouldn't cry at the wedding, and now I'm about to be out fifty bucks, and it's all your fault."
He laughs, incredulous and confused, and he uses one hand to start gently wiping your cheeks with a napkin. "I— I'm sorry?"
"You should be! You can't spring something so disgustingly romantic on me when I'm drunk and already in a state of heightened emotions!" You send him a particularly scathing glare over the hand he leaves pressed against your cheek. "Especially when I'm realizing how utterly and irrevocably in love with you I am! Fuck you!"
He starts giggling, and it's one of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard, and it only serves to make you even angrier. With the tone of a man who's absolutely besotted, he says, "I always forget you're such a belligerent drunk."
"Fuck you! I hate you!" He brings his other hand up so that he's gently cradling your face, and his expression is so full of love and adoration that you can't help but pout petulantly at him. "I hate your stupid handsome face and your stupid big heart and your stupid big muscly body full of affection and love and wonderfulness and, like, rainbows or some shit. Space dust. Stardust? Magical star shit. You're full of metaphorical magical star shit, and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I hate how much I fucking love everything about you, fuck you so much, Choi Seungcheol, god—"
Your tirade cuts off when Seungcheol presses his mouth to yours in what's supposed to be a kiss, but he's smiling too hard for it to really count. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, too, y/n."
"Good." You press a kiss of your own — a real one — into his smile. "Still pissed at you, though."
"Fair enough."
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babycharmander · 8 months
I'm curious, you, as an aromantic fanfiction writer, are probably very familiar with shipping culture. You've probably encountered many a fan analysis where people had insisted a platonic bond is actually romantic, arguing that genuine moments of care and connection between two friendly characters as proof of that interpretation. What's your stance on this?
I hhhAAAAAATE it. I hate it when people insist that two characters caring about one another means that they're romantically involved. 
It's one thing to simply use those instances as fuel for shipping and merely keep it within fanfiction or fanart. I can dislike ships all I want but ultimately someone shipping two characters I just don't see being romantically together is generally not really some Awful Thing, so I'll just block that shipping tag so I don't have to see it if it bothers me enough. I have plenty of headcanons others disagree with, after all, and I'd be annoyed if someone was like "well ur headcanon that this character (who shows no canon evidence of any particular orientation) is aro is WRONG" so I'm not gonna go up to someone and be like "uhm this fanart you drew of these two characters kissing and posted to your own blog is Wrong because I personally headcanon them as aro." I might grumble about ships I dislike in private, but I'm not gonna go after someone who simply has different tastes from me.
(Granted, I do occasionally make and reblog general posts urging people to consider exploring things outside of just shipping characters, but I can't really make folks go one way or the other in that aspect. I think it's probably healthier to do stuff in fanworks other than just shipping, but ultimately it's not the worst thing in the world if they don't.)
But when that sort of thing is taken into actual analysis of canon--that's when it bothers me the most. When, instead of being like "oh these two care for each other a lot, I like to ship them" people instead go, "oh these two care for each other a lot, so they're clearly canonically romantic partners."
That is a form of amatonormativity, plain and simple. If you cannot look at two characters who care about each other without thinking "they HAVE to canonically be romantic partners" then there is a problem, and you need to consider why you might think that. Why does one character strongly caring about another have to indicate romance? Why do you think these two characters cannot possibly share a platonic relationship? 
Ultimately everyone's biases are going to be different there, but I do think it's a general thing of society placing a huuuuge emphasis on romantic relationships and playing them up as the be-all-end-all of life, and it's very easy to fall into the trap of believing that, as we're surrounded by that every day. I can't entirely blame people for falling into that trap as I had fallen into the same beliefs years and years ago before breaking out of them.
Rather than getting defensive about this sort of thing, I wish folks really would take a moment to step back and think "huh, why DO I think that what canon presents indicates that two characters who care about each other HAVE to be romantic partners?" Because it's not just something that affects the way you view fiction--it's a way of thinking that can affect your whole life, and can have a detrimental impact on yourself and others.
... uhhh oops. I dunno if you were expecting a ramble about amatonormativity, anon, but there you go. I hope that helps answer your question? \o/;;
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chidoroki · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers S2EP1
aka: the boys are back in town ♫
Oh thank god we're picking up right where season one left off with no recap in sight. Exactly what I wanna see!
 Who the hell was quick enough to beat Kisaki up and save Takemichi when the lights went out huh?
This place at the side of the river where Takemichi is now.. I vaguely recognize it from some of the season’s previews.
BAJI???? I.. what? WHAT? Sir you died in this timeline didn’t you? They were just talking about you and how Kisaki apologized for it!
Wait, did they ever mention last episode that Baji was actually dead..? Okay yeah, looking back they did mention he died on Halloween. So.. I’m still confused on how he’s here now apparently? Unless that ain’t even him and I’m rambling for nothing. I dunno, I screamed and paused when this guy showed up.
Real talk though, I know how the series ends. There was a lot of chatter when the last couple chapters were being released, so naturally, I got curious and read the last three and yeah.. kinda disappointing how fucking quick everything was resolved and ended (I feel your pain, TPN did the same), but at least we’re all happy? I guess? Anyway I’ll shut up now. I know little to nothing of everything that happened in between last season and the very end.
Ohhh shit, it was Kazutora who saved him! I wished I would’ve recognized his voice more.. that would’ve helped. I love that he still has that little bell earring.
Okay well never the fuck mind then, now he’s beating up Takemichi.
Hold up, he wanted to save Chifuyu? Mmhhm okay, good. Good. I wish you did save my boy. I’m starting to warm up to you now.
Aww but he was there to pick Kazutora up when he was released from prison! Best boy!
Yeah Toman has really got batshit crazy. Y’all gotta fix that.
Ah cmon, Pah and Peh were murdered last night too? I’m trying to think who else at that table was part of the old Toman since they’re getting targeted apparently.. the dude that always smiles and the guy with the blue hair with the swirl I think (it’s been a long while, I’ll remember names eventually). And Hanma too, but he wasn’t originally Toman.
Oh, speak of the devil, there’s the blue haired guy. And these other two guys from Black Dragon I remember from last season and recognize from previews. Three of ‘em working close under Kisaki? Oh dear..
Good, so Naoto is alive, just who knows where.
Ah, there he is.. and he’s handcuffing Takemichi. Alrighty. So much for a touching reunion.
Oh even Kazutora was blindsided by this, oops.
Every time the episode fades to black I’m expecting to see the new OP and every time I get nothing! Ah! Stop teasing me.
Damn dude, Takemichi really changes when he moves between timelines huh? That video of him was totally unlike our crybaby.
Ah fuck, so he’s the one who gave Akkun the order to kill Hinata?
Okay so he didn’t know that it was her who was gonna be killed, the second video proved that, but still. How do ya go back in time to fix that when you’re sorta the problem? I mean, can’t we all just agree to kill Kisaki? Yeah? No? Okay.
“I can only go back to today 12 years ago! There’s no way I can save him [Baji]!” If I didn’t know how it all ended, I would’ve been far more upset with this.
“Tetta Kisaki clearly has some obsession with you and my sister.” I think I know the reason via my many random glances at the manga but not completely sure..? But if it’s for the reason I think, then he’s so dramatic.
Oooh back to the past and we’re on a bowling date with our lady. Not only that but he got three strikes? Nice going lad!
Oh my god, the way she tossed the ball was adorable.
Ah great, the blue haired guy got a strike in the lane right next to us. Hakkai is his name right? Pretty sure he’s already part of Toman at this point. I know I’ve seen him in previous fights.
And that was his sister off to the side too right? Only know that ‘cause I had tagged her in stuff already.
Aahh Chifuyu! So happy to see you even if only in the ending! (for now).
So many names I gotta go back and remember, oh boy.
There’s our tall guy Hanma! Ngl I’m kinda excited to see more of him? I dunno what changed in me since season one but yeah, went back and watched a few of his scenes again and I like him.
Those white jackets I thought were from Valhalla but these ones got “Tokyo Kai” on ‘em, so are we switching? Because honestly I loved that style of bomber jacket more than the black Toman ones. Not really sure though, since a bunch of other scenes have the originals.
Ending sequence and the song were nice though.
Well now, lot to take in from the first ep but so glad to see everyone again!
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damnslippyplanet · 1 year
oop, @saturnskyline tagged me!
Three Ships
For the sake of keeping it lively I'll pick three different ones from last time I did this. Let's say... 1. Lee Dongsik/Han Joowon, my newest blorbos, I can't believe I didn't know about them yet nine days ago when I last did this meme and now they have taken over my brain. 2. Yuri Plisetsky/Otabek Altin, my only pure and unproblematic ship where no one's a murderer except that a) Yuri will absolutely murder someone someday and b) there was that time Tumblr decided it was a problematic ship because teenagers don't fuck, or whatever that was about, IDK, it was very funny 3. Mei Changsu / Whatever The Fuck He Wants, which usually means Jingyan, but honestly I also ship Changsu with Lin Chen, Nihuang, Problematic Acts of Political Power, A Hug, and/or A Nap.
First Ever Ship
The previous answer still holds true but I thought more about other early ships and they definitely also included Jareth/Sarah from Labyrinth. I got on my bullshit very early and stayed that way permanently.
Last Song
Fine, just gonna embarrass myself here: I haven't listened to any music yet today but my history suggests the last thing I listened to last night was Jeff Satur covering "How Far I'll Go." Although I did have BTS and "Permission to Dance" in my head for a while last night, and I can't remember if that was before or after I listened to the Satur song.
Last Movie
I don't think I've watched any new movies since last time, so still All About Eve.
Currently Reading
I'm partway into the second translated volume of 2ha and screaming forever about it. Deep, DEEP into my feelings about dumplings. I'm currently in the Xia Sini arc and just rolling around in agony.
Currently Watching
As usual, too many things:
With Mr. Slippy: Burn Notice and Poker Face, I'm so delighted to have Natasha Lyonne back on my screen.
With @thehoyden: The Director Who Buys Me Dinner. We burned through the first five or six episodes last night and it was extremely good for me. (We finished Lovely Writer, and that uh...sure was an ending, huh?)
On my own: I temporarily set aside Blood of Youth to tear through Beyond Evil, but I'll get back to it soon once I finish BE in the next couple of days. I think today will be the last episode of Between Us, so I'm going to need a new Thai show soon. I'm thinking about picking up 180 Degrees Longitude next since I've heard it will destroy me and I love suffering - come talk me into or out of whatever you think my next show should be in the comments, friends.
Currently Consuming
Too much caffeine. Mr. Slippy got a new coffee machine and also I have my perpetual Diet Coke problem, and also the store was out of my chocolate protein smoothies this week so they sent me coffee smoothies. It's FINE I'm FINE, I can taste colors now and hear time, I am vibrating on another plane, it's FINE.
Currently Craving
News about whether Hidden Blade will be available for international streaming. (I DID hear it's going to get a US theatrical release, which is very exciting, but my household has enough chronic disabilities already and we're staying very covid-cautious so I'm not going to the movie theater even for my emotional support idol. Although I HAVE considered the very funny idea of renting out a theater for myself and like three local friends.)
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 2
Not gonna lie, this has been kinda a boring read. It actually might of been better if I waited awhile to read it and the first Digimon season wasn't so fresh in my mind. Can't help but compare the two and see this as a downgrade. Ah well, least it's short.
Ch. 8
-This jumped from Infinity Mountain and fighting Leomon/Ogremon to the haunted mansion bit so quickly. It's a pretty common issue with these anime adaptations that they just want to hit the major story beats and they don't let the characters breathe. I'm not saying the characters were super well rounded in the show either, but if I didn't have that background knowledge I probably wouldn't be able to tell you a thing about these kids.
-To this day Ogremon's design really bugs me. Just destined to have his mouth hanging open forever...
Ch. 9
-I had conflated the haunted mansion and haunted church episodes in my mind. Very similar plot lines. I think it was more noticeable here because they smooshed them back-to-back.
-Apparently Bakemon can combine to form "Lord Bakemon," but it's not a digivolution, it's just like a technique that requires multiple digimon I guess. (Hey, I wonder if the use that concept in the video games...?)
-Impressed that they didn't try to localize the Buddhist sutras. I thought Bakemon's "that sounds vaguely anti-evil" and Sora's "what if he's not Buddhist?" lines were funny
Ch. 10
-I feel like the art was really good in this chapter for some reason. Maybe the artist is just particularly good at drawing Izzy/Mimi?
-Pretty sure no one in real life has exclaimed "prodigious" ever. (Does it count as 90s slang if it was only used in fiction?)
-Patamon suggests TK sing to the crying baby digimon and he immediately jumps to NSYNC lol (well, it does have the word "baby" in it...). Wonder what he sang in the Chinese version...
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Ch. 11
-Huh, they stuffed a lot into this one. We got the Elecmon chapter in Primary Village, but then we got the battle with Leomon which transitioned into the whole digi-destined backstory thing. Again, no info is really lost with this pacing, it just feels rushed.
-Never noticed how frog-like Elecmon is until now, especially with how his eyes are drawn.
-Very confused by Leomon in this chapter. They note that he grew huge, which makes me think that he digivolved (maybe into Panjamon?) but they just keep on calling him Leomon. Digimon have never been shown to canonically grow in size outside of digivolving (except for weight in the video games) so yeah...-shrug-
Ch. 12
-The end of the Devimon arc and the introduction of Angemon. I really wish the kids had a breather between Devimon's defeat and Gennai showing up and telling them about the tags and crests. It really makes for an anti-climax when they're like "Devimon was nothing compared to the next guy!" immediately after the battle.
-Why isn't Angemon resurrected in Primary Village again...? I guess it's different when there's a tamer around.
Ch. 13
-Lol I'm now remembering how lame a plot point the tags were. The crests are all meaningful and allow for great single-character focused episodes, but the tags are just like "oop, found em." Also, I guess they're all the same? Pretty pointless. They honestly coulda found the crests already inside the tags and it wouldn't have made a difference.
Ch. 14
-Okay, so I said that the crests were better than the tags, but Taichi's crest moment is actually also pretty lame. I guess he was ~courageous~ for saving Tokomon, but he does stuff like that every episode and it didn't feel particularly special/memorable.
-I wouldn't go as far to say that Etemon's grown on me, but I don't really hate him anymore. I tolerate him lol. At least he's got more of a personality than most of the other villains.
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ok bad batch finale time! here's my thoughts!
The Summit
ok I'm so scared rn, the opening credits haven't even finished and I'm terrified for my babies
please please go save him
yes tech!!! family comes first
ok I didn't like Phee at first but her interacting with Megs 🥹
oop tech and Phee moment
lmao tech can't do emotions (yk what, same tho)
(cue tiktok sound "walk him like a dog sis, walk him like a dog")
poor tech he's so fucking confused 😂
that fucker is back 😒
I hate this doctor so much
his voice annoys me
also fuck tarkin, what an ass
low-key so mad at hunter but it is what it is
bad enough that he left cross on the platform but trying to argue that they shouldn't go rescue cross makes me so mad
(believe it or not, at one point I was a hunter girlie and not a cross girlie)
which planet is raxus again??? tbh they're all blending together at this point
lol omega is joining wreckers scared of height club
gd tech is doing something to me today
don't get caught guys, please don't get caught
I did not have hunter willingly killing multiple troopers on my tbb bingo card
*brief intermission in my tbb commentary to inform you that my cats are wrestling and the older one (spock) refuses to just deck Hex when he's annoying him*
again, this dr pisses me off
"test subjects" well that is definitely not ethical
again, fuck tarkin
wtf is project star dust
techs little leggings 🤣 I love them so much
mouse droids!!!!!
stay focused on the mission guys ffs
run omega run
ok prediction: they're not the only ones breaking into the summit
called it lol
tbh saw gerrera really pisses me off, idk why tho
and covers blown lmao
stormtroopers wearing Corrie red hurts my soul so much
let me guess, saw gerreras team is going to grab the one shuttle they aren't supposed to grab
nope they just blew up the ship instead
I don't think they're gonna save crosshair
are we gonna get a season 3????
Plan 99
please I want them to save my boy
please Filoni I'm begging you
I already know something is gonna happen to tech (I opened up tumblr to block all the spoilers tags and unfortunately there was a whole bunch of spoilers on my dash 🙁)
tarkin just really doesn't care about his own troops huh
run tech run
tech is gonna die
wrecker is too heavy, he'll make it worse hunter
omg I'm literally sobbing
tbh this was not how I wanted to start my day 😭
tech's dead honey, he won't hear you mega
wreckers little neck brace 😂
don't fucking tell me, that after tech sacrificed himself, that you aren't going to go try and save crosshair
you've already lost one brother, you don't need to lose another
omg they're gonna have to tell Phee 😭
cid sold them out
wait maybe they'll get taken to the same place as cross!!!
ah for fuck sake
it's doctor asshole again
yk they were kinda stupid to go back to ord mantell
cid told them this was gonna happen if they showed face again
and omega is playing right into their hands
doctor asshole brought up tech and wreckers reaction was my reaction
Hemlock is such a fucking dick, like giving hunter his brother's cracked goggles and saying that's all he could salvage?!?!!
I hate him more than krell
"she's long gone" except she's literally venting lmao
god I hate him
at least he found echo
"why did they bring me here?" because they needed Nala Se to cooperate
wait are we gonna find out how the emperor did the thing he did in the sequel trilogy???
don't tell me she's gonna see cross barely alive
for fuck sake the empire is traumatizing this child so fucking much
omg the assistant or something is her template I'm calling it right now
ok I mean I was close, they're sisters so I'm not far off
omega don't look so surprised, it's kinda obvious
so anyways I think that's practically confirmation of a season 3
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Get ready! For Boost! AND Magnum.
September 4th, Geats Day! I've been itching to get into this, you've got no idea. What sort of desires would be reflected in our Riders' eyes this season?
My tag for this will be... "the world's next round: trick shot of desire for the grand victory". Mute that in your tags for your convenience.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Those waves were from the trailers!
-Ah yep, the loot boxes!
-There he is, the Geats Man.
-God, I can't wait to hear the theme song.
-That is a... very nicely animated inverted CGI pyramid, but
-Sakurai Keiwa!
-My man just wants a job, give it to him.
-Oh shoot, he's a mad man.
-"I want world peace!"
-We are strong! No one can tell us we're wrong! Searching our hearts for so long! Both us knowing love is a battlefield!
-Oh shit, series over already?
-Wow, not even two minutes in and we already have aspirations of godhood?
-Who will change the world?
-"Noooooooo, my jooooooob!"
-"Bro you'd just donate all that money to charity lmao"
-"...yeah </3"
-Jesus, Sara. We don't need these kinds of scenarios so soon.
-Tanuki soba~!
-I'm personally more of a kitsune udon guy myself.
-"I am Neon Kurama! And I just fucking murdered by the housing market!"
-Oh fuck.
-Those guys definitely aren't from around here.
-Let's gooooo, soba time!
-Feelin' boxed in, huh?
-Ooooooh, he killed that poor man!
-Jyamato, huh?
-Desire Driver!
-Quite the body count, even for this early.
-"No dreaming for you, normie!"
-There he is. The Polar Bear Man.
-And the Buffalo Zombie Man!
-Ooooooh, love that Poison Charge.
-Gamers rise up.
-All these points.
-Oh shoot, we're going
-Where's Mr. Fox?
-Still has his Ace!
-Esu Ukiyo... what kind of man are you, I wonder?
-Awesome bike, awesome bike.
-Where we droppin', boys?
-Ooooh, a fireman type!
-Love this kinda drama. Shirowe(?) and Buffa are definitely gonna impress me a lot.
-The world's coming to an end!
-Oop. Guess poor Shirowe wasn't enough of an epic gamer.
-Ohhhh, there goes Miss Neon! ...I fear this may be foreshadowing.
-Mr. Fox with the save!
-Not gonna show us the full transformations yet, huh?
-Ooooooh, gonna build me up.
-I love how he instantly assumes he's her boyfriend.
-"Soooooo, you're saying I have a shot."
-...I have noticed that he didn't specify whether or not he had a chance with Keiwa or Neon.
-Definitely get a lot of Kagami/Tendo vibes off of Sakurai/Ukiyo.
-Hitting that there jackpot.
-The world's ending, just like that?
-Thank you for reminding me that the dinosaurs are all gone. Just like my friends Ikki and Vice :(
-Ah yes. "Let's end the world and start over."
-That's a very appropriate response.
-Ready, Fight!
-Oooooooh! Love this music.
-"Get ready for the highlight of the game!"
-Oooooh, man can shoot!
-God, he's so cool...
-Magnum Shooter 40X!
-Ah yep, the classic circling strategy!
-Hot damn, fox man!
-Oh, he got shooties on his arms too!
-Oh, here comes the fortress.
-Oooooh, he snipe!
-Oh my god he kissed it.
-Ready, Fight!
-"It fucking ate him"
-Geats about to bring down the house.
-Get Ready! For Boost. And. Magnum.
-Oh my god, he's upside down.
-Let's do this thang!
-Revolve On!
-EHHHHH indeed, Keiwa.
-Magnum Boost Grand Victory
-Mission Clear.
-Ukiyo Ace.
-Our new God of Desire!
-"Who the fuck, man?"
-Kamen Rider Geats.
-"Oh, hold on!"
-His baby done left him.
-"A game is happening."
-Oh, the new world is happening!
-Holy shit.
-Imagine going through all that on this frequent a basis.
-Tanuki soba guy's okay!
-"Hooray, you're a Kamen Rider now!"
-"I'm a what now"
-Holy shit, there're so many of them.
-Holy shit that's like 50 cats.
-No going back now, Keiwa-kun.
-"That's... not a dream?"
-Is that the theme song?
-I want to hear it, I demand to hear it, I neeeeeeed to hear it.
-Desire Grand Prix. A game of survival only for those truly worthy to change the world.
-Gotta say, this has me hooked. Takahashi's really good at grabbing my attention.
-Let's play again sometime, hmm?
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 6 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 14
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Carlos -
I wake up alone, the place beside me empty and cold.
For a moment, I wonder if this is how it will be, if John will pretend like nothing happened and play off our night of passion as a momentary lapse in judgement, something to bury like a shameful secret and never speak of again.
I haven't had much time to dwell on this when he appears in the doorway, a pair of coffee mugs in his hands.
With just a trace of awkwardness, he crosses the space between us and holds one out to me.
"Didn't know how you like it," he says as I accept the offering. "So I took a guess."
I take a sip of the tan, aromatic liquid and find it pleasantly sweet, not overwhelming but just enough to tame the bitterness of a strong brew.
"It's good."
"Brown sugar and cream," he says.
I look at him over the rim of the cup.
"You sure that's not the way you like it?"
A faint flush darkens his cheeks and I take another sip to hide a smile.
"Nah. Strong and black, for me."
"Unsentimental, no complications," I say, testing the water.
He comes and sits on the edge of the bed, looking me over with a searching expression.
"How you feeling?"
I shrug.
"A little sore but I'll live."
He brushes a finger over the band-aid on my shoulder.
"I dunno if we're good for each other," he says. "You bring out the beast in me."
"Don't worry about it," I say, peeling off the band-aid to inspect the skin beneath. "See? It's already healed. You barely broke the skin."
The only trace of injury that remains is two small marks, matching the position of his canine teeth, like a pair of fresh scars.
John frowns at the mark and rubs the back of his neck.
"I shouldn't have done that. At least not... the way I did."
"Hey, I can handle a kink or two," I say. "I mean... You're not into some weird cannibal shit, are you?"
"Huh?" he blinks, finally looking up from the marks to meet my eyes. "No, nothing like that. It's more like..."
He trails off at the sound of scrabbling paws and jingling dog tags, approaching rapidly.
He snatches the coffee cup from my hand and holds it high, just as Rick and Morty come flying into the room, leaping on the bed and showering me in morning doggy kisses.
I fall back beneath the assault with a laugh, giving them each some snuggles in return.
They quickly settle down, one on each side, leaning against me like affectionate guardians.
"Looks like you guys approve, huh?" John says, eyeing the pair.
They wag their tails enthusiastically and I laugh.
"It's almost like they understand you."
"Almost," John agrees, scratching Rick between the ears. "So, uh... you up for that trip to the P-A-R-K?"
I squint at him.
"Why are you spelling 'park?'"
The two Shepherds are instantly alert, eyes trained on John, shivers of excitement making their ears tremble.
I cover my mouth and laugh.
"I guess they do understand."
"They're favorite words, anyway. Alright," he says, addressing the dogs. "Go get ready for the park."
In a flash, the dogs are gone, racing back downstairs with a patter and scrabble of paws and clinking tags.
He sits down again and hands my coffee back to me before pulling something from his shirt pocket.
"I had someone check your mail. This was in there."
It's a small white envelope.
The return address tells me it came from Purly & Sons Mortuary and Funeral Home.
Tearing it open, I find a plain white sheet of paper, folded in half.
On the inside is a simple, straightforward invitation to Kyle's service, which is scheduled for this afternoon.
"Shit. It says to RSVP."
"So? Plenty of people don't and they still show up."
"I don't have a suit."
"You can buy one."
"With what money?"
"You can claim it as a work expense. You really need to read that contract."
I groan.
"Do I have to?"
John shrugs and takes the invitation.
"I'm not gonna cuff you and drag you there. But don't you think it's a good idea? What if Kyle shows up?"
"At his own funeral?"
"Why not? Wouldn't you wanna watch yours?"
An image pops into my head, a sad little gathering, a cheap casket and a few rows of mostly empty chairs.
In my imagined scenario, I can't even tell if Aunt Toni bothered to attend.
"No, not really."
John hands the invitation back to me.
"You're the ghost expert, but it seems like a good opportunity to me, to observe the living, if not the dead."
"Will you come with me?" I whine.
His eyes warm, almost seeming to literally shift as the brown and green gives way to gold and orange, like leaves changing color but he shakes his head.
"Nah. I got other business to see to. This isn't my only case, you know. A cop's work is never done."
I flop back against the pillows and sigh.
He rests a hand on my arm.
"Don't worry, a plainclothes officer will accompany you. Whoever tried to kill you is still out there and until we catch the bastard, you don't go anywhere alone."
"Hey, the sooner we solve this thing, the sooner you can get out of here and get back to your life."
I sit up and turn away from him, reaching for my clothes before he sees the paroxysm of uncertainty on my face.
I hear him take a breath and brace myself for a blow, for something that starts with the words... So, about last night...
Instead, he gets to his feet.
"Come on. We better get moving before those monsters bust out a window and head to the park on their own. They've done that before."
He heads for the door and I speak involuntarily.
He pauses.
My throat constricts.
Part of me wants... 'needs'... to know where we stand, if what happened meant something or if it was just the result of two guys with too many hormones stuck together for too long.
Another part of me is scared to hear the answer to that question.
"Thanks for checking my mail," I say, deciding that, for the moment, ignorance is bliss.
"Sure thing," he grunts and continues on downstairs.
I finish dressing and follow him, leaving the unsaid words behind.
In the river park, John lets the dogs off their leads in a designated dog area and allows them to play for a while.
When they've run off some steam but before they've exhausted themselves, he calls them back and clips them to their leashes, handing Morty's to me.
Then we walk along the trail until we near the old bridge where Kyle's body was found.
It looks different at this time of day, with bright sunlight sparkling off the rippling water and little minnows darting among the rocks.
Even the bridge looks more picturesque than ominous and it's hard to believe a scene of brutal horror took place here just a week and a half ago.
Or that there would be anything left at this point that even a pair of trained dogs could find.
"You'd be surprised," John says, when I voice this thought. "Rick and Morty mighta flunked K-9 academy but they were top of their class as far as noses go. Substance detection probably woulda taken them if Becky hadn't."
As he speaks, he takes a plastic baggy from his pocket, in which are two items.
One is a piece of cloth and the other is the butt of a cigarette.
"You found a lot of those, right?" I say, as he slips on a glove and removes the cigarette. "Can't you get fingerprints off it, or DNA, or something?"
John shakes his head.
"The killer musta worn gloves, and there was no DNA on the butts. We tested all of them."
"That's weird, isn't it?"
John shrugs.
"Maybe. DNA's a crapshoot. Sometimes you find it, sometimes you don't."
He holds the butt out to Morty, who sniffs it solemnly.
Next he extracts the bit of cloth and holds it out to Rick, who does the same.
"Is that from..." I swallow. "Is that Kyle's?"
"Nope. Well, we don't think so, anyway. It was a little ways off, along the shore. Look's like the front pocket of a shirt. We think Kyle might've torn it off his assailant . There were... a few signs he'd put up a fight, at least at first."
He nods at Rick.
"He's got the scent. I'll give them the signal, then we just follow where they lead. They're well-trained, like I said but if he gets distracted, the command is 'find it.'"
Both dogs perk up at this, wagging their tails in expectation.
John sighs but smiles.
"And that's why they failed their training. Working dogs know they're working, these dorks still think it's a game. Alright, you two, ready?"
"Okay, find it."
My arm is just about yanked from its socket as Morty takes off, nose to the ground.
John handles Rick, the bigger of the pair, with more control.
Eventually, I get the hang of it and let Morty guide me even while keeping her close.
She drags me up and down the bank, through the stream (a hazard John failed to warn me about) and both over and under the bridge.
Finally, I hear John's sharp whistle and Morty tries to dislocate my shoulder again.
As we rejoined John and Rick, Morty finally breaks free of my hold and I fall to my knees, dirty, wet, sweaty and exhausted.
Morty, meanwhile, runs circles around Rick and John, the latter of whom holds something up in a gloved hand.
"Bingo," he says.
Forcing myself to my feet again, I approach.
"What did you find?"
He holds out his hand.
Nestled in his nitrile-clad palm is a tiny bit of metal, shaped almost like a bow.
The back of an earring.
"Fuck. Rick found that?"
John nods.
"You ever stick your finger in your belly button and smell it?"
I make a face at him.
"The fuck would I do that?"
"Dead cells build up in places like that. Belly buttons, piercing holes. You don't change your earrings for a week, they start to smell. If a human can smell it, a dog can smell it at least ten thousand times stronger. Strong enough to find that," he indicates the tiny bit of metal.
"Among that."
He gestures at the wilderness of rocks and grass lining the river bank.
I look at Rick with renewed respect.
"You think it's the killer's?"
"Not for sure. But I think it belongs to the same person this bit of cloth came from and that makes whoever it came from a person of interest."
"What can you do with it?"
"Dunno yet. Maybe something, maybe nothing. That's the forensic lab's job. In the meantime... we better go shopping. You can't show up to a funeral looking like something that crawled from the grave."
I glare at him, then look down at myself.
He's got a point.
After purchasing a respectable, if cheap, set of clothing from a budget department store, John takes me back to the station, where he introduces me to Sergeant Michael Nguyen.
"All good?" Michael's voice crackles in my ear.
He'd dropped me off and parked where he had a good view.
"Yeah," I mutter under my breath. "We're good."
"Okay. I can hear everything. Your extract word is 'help.' Got that?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Okay. Going dark."
The crackling in my ear stops, which I guess is what that means.
There's a wide gravel path but I walk on the grass, my footsteps silent as I approach the group gathered around Kyle's permanent resting place, in the hopes of not disturbing the proceedings.
No one seems to notice as I join the little group listening to the non-denominational preacher drop on about an afterlife he's only read about in books.
I tune him out and study the crowd.
Kyle's aunt sits in a foldable camp chair, accompanied by a nurse I didn't know she had when we last visited her.
A few other youngish people make up the rest of the crowd, one of whom I recognize as Kyle's ex, a girl with a half mohawk and a few tattoos.
I join the group, edging in at the side and hoping it seems as if I've always been there and fold my hands in front of me as I bow my head.
A tug at my waist makes me start and I turn to find myself almost nose to nose with a familiar face.
"Ay, pendejo," Alejo says, laughing under his breath. "You buy these on the way? You still got the tags on."
I groan internally.
Of all the people I never imagined Kyle and I would both know, Alejo is top of the list.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 136
Meet the New Boss
“Meet the New Boss”
Plot Description: Assuming his new role as god, Castiel sets out to right some of the wrongs in the world. Dean decides to bind Death in order to stop him
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died. Sure
My baby’s all grown up and playing god now
Oh we are picking up RIGHT where season six left off. It is…when I say uncomfortable to watch, I don’t mean in the regular way like gory when I’m trying to eat lunch. Godstiel is something else. I really thought for a second that he was backtracking on making the boys and Bobby bow to him when they actually started doing it. No. He could just see they didn’t really mean it. That it was out of fear, not love and respect. BABES. Come on
This must have been so fun to play. FUCK. After playing Cas as so in love with humanity (Dean) and so sympathetic to their plight and a bit of an underdog, to just turn and be cold and ruthless and SO. POWERFUL.
I recant my statement about no one dying. No HUMANS died, so maybe I’m still okay. But a fuckton of angels did
That’s so uncharacteristically healthy of you, Dean. I know you’re gonna kinda fuck it up probably later just based on the summary, but for now just fixing up Baby and then helping to fix up Sam when he wakes up is good.
Huh…what’s going on with Sam NOW??
YES, Godstiel!! I know this is Cas’s literally villain era but telling bigoted pastors that god is “utterly indifferent to sexual orientation” should never be counted among his crimes this season.
Oop. It’s already going wrong for him…
OMG this woman the news is interviewing about the 200 religious leaders Castiel’s killed today. “He had no beard, no robe. He was young…and sexy” STOPPP 💀
Love that Dean can’t argue with some of the things he’s doing though. But I mean, if your actions forced the klan to completely disband, I’d be handing you the Nobel peace prize
Oof, Dean is not taking this break up well. Or too well? He’s in a very cut all contact, don’t even think about contacting him mood. Dean doesn’t have a choice but to hear about Cas’s countrywide rampage, but there’s nothing he can really do about it…yet
Okay, it’s not all death and destruction. He has healed everyone with leprosy
Oh, Crowley…this is so unlike you. An RV? And Cas got to you anyway
Jeeeeeeeeesus, Cas. You are making it really hard to love you right now. You still need hell to serve as a threat to your enemies??
I had been wondering what had happened to the Cage since Crowley’s remodeling. It’s still there SOMEWHERE. But we’re just gonna gloss over that
Poor Sam. Like…I know Dean had this deep, dark emptiness when he came back from hell, but he didn’t get these visceral flashbacks that seep into his every day.
Dean in his little mechanic’s jumpsuit is working for me. Anyway, Sam overheard Dean and Bobby talking about how Dean just wants this to be the one time they’ve caught a break (re: Sam SEEMING mostly okay), and I’m so afraid he’s gonna try to cover it up to not be a burden
The SASS between Bobby and Crowley!!!
I KNOW it’s just because the stomach is the squishiest part of the torso overall…like, in terms of showing that something is trying to get out of the human form, but why was my first thought to seeing the purgatory souls trying to get out of Cas “oh, this was not tagged mpreg”
I know we’re in desperate times but did you have to tie up the owners of the house you just broke into to get to this crystal thingy??
Dean tried to bribe Death with fried pickle chips…Death, you are missing out. I’d take that bribe in a HEARTBEAT. (Especially since sheetz switched from chips to pickle fries……..)
THESE POOR HOMEOWNERS. Just sitting tied up in their living room while three men wearing flannel, a mutated angel, and the physical embodiment of death have a standoff. No one is ever going to believe them if they live through this
I know it’s ridiculously self-destructive but I do love when we get Leviathan Cas
OOOOOOOOOO THAT IS JUICY. Dean commanding Death to kill Cas and, before that can happen, Cas breaks Death’s binding.
Castiel, what did you doooo? You killed everyone on that senator’s election staff
Oh Sam…I’m glad you have your soul back and that you know all this stuff now, but…fuck. It’s so hard to watch you put yourself on the back burner so as not to burden Dean while you two figure this Cas stuff out
Sam reaching out to Cas is really wholesome
Oh no. Please don’t believe this, Sam. He (Lucifer) IS just a hallucination…………..right? Still. It’s a very good torture
Uuuuuggggggghhhhhhh the break in Dean’s voice when Cas wakes up from putting the souls back in purgatory.
Do I like how much I love Leviathan Cas?? We’re just not going to answer that question…
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August 21, 2022
in the armory with Sam and Mary check these out mom opening up the secret door to a lot of the old secret stash of weapons from the men of letters
sitting at the table with some of the other girls
The Men of Letters had an extensive collection of just about everything you can think of. No reason weapons should be any different.
talking over cases with Charlie and Patience hey did you guys see this one. Maybe a zombie... oops wait never mind. Just tide pods again. Smh
sitting at the table with my laptop not a lot of anything right now… bath salts… stupid kids and pranks
looks at the weapons this is quite a collection
Then there's this one. One of the most badass pieces I’ve found so far pulling a gun off the rack but we haven’t figured it out yet or found anything on it
It looks like something your grandpa used
Time pods AGAIN
It's old for sure, but so far still a mystery
Walk in with Henry hey guys guess what
There might be something in his journal
Pretty sure its older than grandpa. We've been through his journal alot
Probably. But it looks like something he had
sighs anything in that newspaper??
Hey Alex! What are yall up to?
looking at Alex what s up
puts my bags on the table along with a flyer there's this new dance club I even grab the flyer too
No I know which one your talking about and that one wasn’t to this capacity
I smile as Alex and Henry come in what?
There is a new dance club we should go there
Slaps Dean on the shoulder As you can see, Dean is in his element right here
passes the flyer over I grabbed the flyer
I agree
laughing at the mention of a new night club really
I shoot glance at Patience ooh really?
I pick up the flyer and look around at the others what do you say? Not much else happening?
Yep Smiles giggle
looks at Sam yeah what dont I know? Just wish we could figure this bad boy out
I'm game
Maybe I can dance some of this fat away
Yeah. Sure. I’m bringing my gun. grabs my sig saur and tucks it in my jeans
Lets head back to the map room i think the others are trying to find something to do heads back to the map room seeing everyone hey guys! What's up?
I think we could use a night off…. I’m gonna go get ready! heads off to my room to change
A night off?
I'm going to wear my new jeans
Henry found a club pausing on my way to my room everything is quiet… so why not?
What about a night off?
Some new Club Henry found
Cool why not.  Let’s go get ready head to my room using my DNA to open the door
You might be able to persuade me to tag along, because I enjoy spending time with you guys… but there’s no way I’m going to go dancing. Just isn’t my thing.
I don't know what to wear though. I had never been to a club before  fiddles with my sleeves
in the kitchen pouring myself a whiskey club huh. I say to myself this will be great for the youngins
run upstairs searching through my closet for the perfect outfit. I can join ya sam I doubt I will be doing any dancing either but it still sounds fun!
heading to my room to shower and change
find my outfit grabbing a shower and spraying some cologne I head back out to the group
looks in my room but doesn't have any nice dresses
decides to just wear my normal clothes
I sit in a random office sipping Craig and glancing over at Lucifer Things seem to be going very well Lucifer. perhaps sharing wasn't an awful idea.
Told you it wouldn't. Things look pretty great actually. I kick my feet up onto the table
Pushing myself up with my hands, wincing at the bandaged left one, I grab a file and take it over to Crowley and Lucifer, tossing it on the table between  them. It's folded open to show the latest figures.
goes back to the group after my shower
I arch a brow and shove the feet off to annoy him What did you do to your arm Ruby? I open the file and whistle in surprise These numbers are better than I've ever seen them, even after becoming King. The Karen initiative has really been helping.
I scowl at Crowley, tempted to lash out for a second. But I reign in my temper and just snatch the paper right out of his hands Of course it has- I told you it would. I smirk Oh boy... do I have a lot to teach you. Besides, I've got a lot of lost time to make up for. Ruby? Be a doll and uh... Go do some more advertising for us huh? We've got some business to attend to.
Thinking to myself it's a very good thing neither of them can read my mind, I thankfully take my leave of them.
I scoff and snatch the paper back so I can keep reading You are a menace
Menace to you, or society? You know what. I'll take both.
Being a menace to society is useful to us. Now, what do you have for us?
Oh you're gonna love this one... So.. picture this....
I change into a clean pair of jeans and a shirt that’s actually a shirt-shirt, not just my usual worn flannel. This one has buttons even! Coming out of my room, it’s funny to me to see all the dressing up that’s gone on. Wow, you guys all clean up really good.
walks out in a dress I found
walking back to where everyone is at showing off my new jeans
heading back to the main room I’ve put on a short black skirt and green top I could say the same for you Sammy!
Finishing get ready and red dress and went downstairs and meet the team in main room
But if we’re going dancing I need some food first…
coming out of the kitchen with my whiskey to the others
I didn't know what to wear I don't even own anything nice looking  fiddle with my hoodie sleeves so I’m just going to wear my everyday clothed
What, this old thing? said with my best Southern Accent and a chuckle
wearing a button down with the top 3 buttons undone and a nice pair of jeans. Willing to do the shirt but sure as hell not the dress pants if I dont have to we ready? Everyone looks good
Thank you Dean
You driving tonight?
Where do you wanna eat Charlie?
We can take my car too! And I think maybe just something quick at the drive thru Ellen I haven’t had a night out in forever!
Of course but this isn’t how we normally do things so this is gonna make for an interesting night I think
We can take my car too, I’ll be happy to drive.
walks into the room
As long as I can get a salad
I can’t wait I am excited Walking to Charlie
Sounds good.
Where we going?
So who’s with me? holding up my keys
I can go with Sam  gets up and hands dean the flyer here's the address
Who’s riding with me?
I'll just follow after you
I'll go with you Dean
Sure Henry, come on... anyone else?
I'll ride with Charlie
Ok anyone else riding with me?
Shotgun is yours grins
I with you Smiles
smiles back great
Get in Charlie car back seat
Can I ride to Charlie
Ok guess just me and mom
heading out to the car I start it and wait for Dean to lead the way sure pay! Still got one more seat for you!
Out at the Charger, I climb in and start it up.
goes to the car with Dean
I dont know where yall wanna eat
gets in the front seat of Sam car
heading out to the impala
getting in the back of Charlie's car thank you
I smile over at Henry Always glad to have you as my copilot Henry
follows Dean that was your dad's car. Wasn't it?
start the impala waiting for Mary to get in you already knew that mom
I can’t wait to partyyyyyy!
It's more funer riding with you. You have better taste in music  buckles up and switches the music on
gets in I just was asking
But you already knew we had dads car
the car running, I put it in gear and follow Dean and Sam to the club
head to the address of the club on the flyer
I agree with the music part I pull out and follow behind Dean, not really sure I know exactly where this club is.
I find the club looking at the building as I pull into the parking lot and park
What don't I know since I was just brought back
I park beside the Impala and chuckle Well, this is it. Hope you have fun out there tonight. When I get out of the car, I’m surprised to see Ruby across the street. Ruby?
parking beside Sam I get out and look around while finishing my chicken nuggets
I hang up one more sign and hearing my name called, I look over and see Sam! Shit! I leave quickly so he can't ask me anything!
I’m even more surprised when she looks over at me startled and then runs the other way. Ruby, wait! I follow after her wondering what the hell is going on.
get out of the car as I see Sam go after ruby
getting out of Charlie’s car. Patience and I go up to see the flyer Ruby was posting and noticed it's the safe flyer that Henry and Alex brought back to the bunker for the club were going to. wonder what this about huh Patience? looking at Patience
looking up at Ellen with a puzzled look on my face what the hell
gets out of the car who is that he's going after
watching Sam take off I turn to the group am I the only one that noticed the bandages on her hand?
I watched Ruby turn at the corner, but when I made it there myself, she was nowhere to be seen. I looked up and down both streets, still not understanding what was going on or why she felt she had to run from me. This was just really out of character for her. I walk back to join the others. I wasn’t able to find Ruby. Something just really feels wrong to me about this.
Nope I saw it wonder what the hell happened? Um that was Ruby you’ve met her too
Oh. She looked like she's hurt
Well that seems strange… I’ve never known her to avoid you, Sam…
Ruby the demon working a real job?  looks at the flyer can monsters have normal jobs?
Yeah, me either. Gives Henry a stern look, but doesn't comment
What the hell is really going on…
looks at the flyer maybe this is why Points at the flyer
I think we need to find out….
No idea Dean
I agree
Ruby good but she won’t hurt them
Yeah, I’m for going back to the Bunker. Wasn’t interested in the club scene anyway.
thinking a vision sure would come in handy about now
How we gonna find anything out that way?
What was that look you just gave me? I just want one night to be normal  sighs and heads back to the car
putting my arm around Henry I promise we'll give you a normal night kid. kinda happy we're not "clubbing" tonight
pulls the flyer and follows
Gets back in the car next to Henry You know Ruby's not a monster, right?
a little disappointed we arent clubbing tonight was hoping for a drink but get back in the car
We won’t have any fun worrying about ruby… let’s go girls. getting back in the car
getting back in the car with the other girls
Aren't demons monsters though?  buckles and closes my eyes for a nap
I'll get some beers out like a bartender at the bunker Dean.
once everyone is in, I start the car and head back
getting back in the car
Sighs Yeah, I suppose most of them are... drives back to the Bunker
gets in the car
Inside the bar I sit at a table of swanky business men watching them sight a contract while glancing surprised over at the piano. I'm honestly caught off guard by the Devil playing one. A Fiddle maybe, but not a piano.
My fingers fly over the piano keys, the sound of the music nearly magical. For a moment relaxing and enjoying myself-- it looks like plenty of the 'guests' are enjoying it too. I even hum along now and then. Ignoring Crowley doing what Crowley does best-- running his mouth
Quickly heading inside to get lost in the crowd, I look around at the people getting drunk and high, having no idea what's in store for them. This isn't a bar, it's a soul collection pit! Heading over to Lucifer, I raise my voice and tell him Team Freewill is outside.
I almost can't believe my ears, and strike a horribly off key chord Damn it... What the hell?!
I stand and walk over, holding the finished contact What do you mean those denim wrapped nightmares are on their way here?
I try warning Lucifer about how smart the team is, but I see it falls on deaf ears and I pay the price.
I quickly strike out at Ruby, furious that they're coming to crash my party You completely underestimated who you teamed up with! Willingly or not-- unbelievable. Now I've got to clean up the mess... I need a moment to think... I storm off still seething
I hold my hand out to help her up looking on edge He still underestimates them. If you want, I can try and help you find a way out of this whole mess.
pull up to the bunker and head inside and grab a beer before going to the map table and sitting kicking my feet up waiting for Sam so we can look for info on the club
I pull into the bunker behind the boys and head inside- unable to take my mind off of ruby. What kind of trouble was she in that she couldn’t ask us for help… or wasn’t willing to risk us
goes inside and grabs a beer
I park just a few minutes behind the others.
slumps into the couch disappointed. Pulls out my daggers and flips them Can we have one night where it's not work
Back at the Bunker I’m feeling a little guilty about making a big deal about Ruby running off and ruining everyone’s fun night out. Maybe it really was nothing. After changing into a more comfortable set of old clothes, I sit down at the map table and open my laptop. It was time to do a little research into the new club in town.
Walk in and sit next to dean sigh
heading inside I go straight to my laptop to research this new club
walks inside having a seat at the table
Yep but this is life what we all sign up for
trying to reassure the 2 its ok guys. I promise you both that we'll have  non-working day soon.
Anything interesting Sammy? as I take a drink of my beer
Not so far
having found the club website I point to the screen and read “a nightlife experience like none before”
It will be okay. We may have found work instead of fun. But we can have a fun day every now and then
Yeah bullshit! What could be so thrilling?
Pulling up the same page that Charlie was talking about, I read further into it. Guys, listen to this part of the ad here… “you’ll come out more successful, more wealthy or with whatever it is you desire most.” Sound familiar? It certainly did to me Damn it.
Uh oh…. You don’t think….???
Sounds like their making deals
We shouldn't go in  overhearing from my spot
Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I try again to reach Ruby. The call goes to voice mail. Ruby.. call me back when you get this… please I end the call and sit back in the chair thinking a minute. Anyone else interested in going back with me to check that club out for ourselves?
I'm in
Yeah we should.
I’m so in let’s go bust these bitches out and find out who’s making the deals
I'm in
Kind of our duty now, isn’t it? Let me go put on some jeans…. heading to my room I change quickly and meet them back at the table
I am in Srand up and went go change and came back
This time before leaving I grab my go bag.
grabbing my go bag and my keys let’s go
grabs my bag and gets into same car again Sams
grab my duffle and go outside and throw it in the car
gets my bag and follows
follows the others to the cars
following the rest to the cars
goes to the Impala
Hopeful music will help calm me back down, I'm back at the piano soon enough playing again. The music gradually gets a little more upbeat, and I'm flashing charming grins left and right. Flirting comes pretty easily, and occasionally there's an interruption in the piano playing.
At one point, a tall brunette joins me on the piano bench, giggling and playing a few notes. I share a few notes and a few chuckles and send her back off giggling again. I sing alongside another, snagging her from her date with a smug expression and have a brief sing along. Keeping myself and the others occupied with drink and song
I glance around the room and check that Lucifer is distracted before snagging Ruby to a backroom Well, this is Cozy.
Following behind Crowley, I discreetly go to the storeroom behind the bar, hoping Lucifer is preoccupied enough.
Alright, we need to get you out of this. Any ideas for escape?
"We have to get out of here! How do you hide from the devil? We can't just walk out, he'd be on us in a minute!"
Well at least you aren't stupid. I roll my eyes glancing back at the door. I wasn't actually hating this but did need to avoid being seen by the Winchesters.
"Wait! There is a spell I learned long ago that would allow me to make a clone of myself, making someone else look like me! What if I did that for both of us? We could use a couple in the bar!"
I smirk impressed My My. You're much smarter than you look.
Giving him a scathing look, I start a list
Parked at the club once again, I get out of the car and lean against the car watching from across the street. Dean, notice anything odd about the line of people waiting to get inside?
gets out and looks around everyone seems desperate
park and get out yeah poor desperate junkies
Yeah, they don’t look like the usual club crowd.
standing outside the club looking for a way in
walking up beside the boys I point out a young woman who looks like she is on her last legs they kind of seem…. Desperate…. Don’t you think?
getting out of the car
Maybe we should go talk to these losers and find out what they are getting themselves into
I’m going to see if I can help find a way in…. heading behind the bar
looks at some of the people they look like people who have nothing left in a sense
I agree  Crossing the street, I walk down the line as if I’m there to take a spot at the back.
talking with one girl but getting nowhere with this I move on to another
I will come and help you  follows Charlie  maybe there's a back door?
Good idea back door
Usually is in these places… let’s hope we can find one unlocked….
walk with you
I stop a couple of times to try and start up a conversation with those waiting in line, with general questions like Have you been in line long? and Have you been here before? Without fail no one seemed interested in speaking to me at all, they just seemed uncomfortable and a couple actually turn or seemed to shy away from me.
talks to some people but gets nothing from any of them
trying one of the windows first I find it’s barred and no way to remove them
Henry check that window over there will you? The one to the basement
with Charlie Henry and Alex trying to find a way in
heading to some people to start asking questions not getting anywhere with anyone I look down at Sam who doesn't seem to be having any luck either I shake my head at him.
I can see Dean and Ellen also trying to engage with a few of the people in line. When Dean looks over at me, I just shake my head ‘no’ to let him know I’d gotten a whole lotta nothing.
Ok  breaks off the wood on the window. Trying to open it but it's lock it's locked
Try to open door lock
try to talk to a few who seem resilient to talk to us i ask. Few questions not getting anything but they can’t wait to get inside. I look at Sam who shakes his head
frustrated sigh  if only I had brought a tool kit!!
walking up to Sam I see Dean coming as well maybe head to the back see if we see anything there?
Following along around the back of the building.
Fuck! heading back to Sam
remembers the flyer and looks at the back of it Sam, there's a clue who is the "host" on the flyer
still checking windows with no luck
Let’s go heading around the back
getting to back of the building we see the rest of the team
Found the door unlocked that was too easy Look over Charlie! Guys!
I see Alex find an unlocked door and reach over and touch Dean's arm. Doesn’t that seem too easy? When do we ever have that kind of luck?
gearing up I head to backup with the others after Dean
goes with the rest
seems a little hinky I think to myself
looks at Alex someone must have forgotten to lock the door or their waiting for someone to get back
Well that’s a risk I’m willing to take opening the door i rush inside
Dean! As usual my brother just goes off half-cocked and without any kind of plan. I look at the others and just sort of throw my hands up in the air. Nothing we can do about it now, guess we’re going in. I check to make sure that my gun and demon blade a securely in my pockets, and then follow Rambo into the building.
Dean! Wait!! deep sigh grabbing my gear  ready or not….
heads inside after him
Dammit Dean! we go in after him
Walk inside follow
follows after everyone can dean ever think with his head for once?  sighs and hopes dean doesn't get us in a trap
curious as to what we're getting into here following the rest of the team
I slip back into the store room holding a bag containing the last of what Ruby needs This better work. He WILL kill us.
"Remember, they will only look like us. No powers, memories or anything, so we're going to have to move quickly before Lucifer notices we've left!" I let Crowley put the ingredients in as I call them off. "Sage, purselane, camomile, vervain, black pepper..."
Well then you better hurry up I snark and pour in a little too much vervain.
Once everything is ready, I light a match and toss it in, lighting everything up.
all of the patrons in the club now look like Crowley and Ruby
I'm trying to enjoy myself, vibing to the music with a nice buzz going. Plenty of attention, plenty of women and even a few men flirting with me. My mood is sky-high as I grab a pretty blonde who'd been flirting with me by the waist. I lean in real close to kiss her on the cheek.... and all of a sudden I'm holding a doppleganger of Crowley?!?!
Immediately I shove the guest off of me and ignore the thud when she (?) hits the ground. Doesn't take a genius to see what's happening as the club is now full of Crowleys and Ruby’s, and I see red. Are you kidding m-- Worthless.. fucking.. DEMONS!!! I start snarling and shouting, enraged by the betrayal, and begin exploding clones and splattering the place with blood and viscera
making my way through a dark hallway lined with doors, I let out the breath I was holding and whisper we have no idea what we are facing… but let’s check some doors…
Once inside I wasn’t expecting such a long dark hallway to nowhere. Both sides of the hall are lined with doors. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I walk up to a door on the right and open it slowly, only to find what looked like a janitors closet full of supplies. Nothing… I whisper to the others and keep going.
I head through the dark hall trying to find my way to the club as I open one door finding old gambling machines and casino stuff, I close it and open another door finding old stage equipment and close it and continue down the hall
going down the dark corridor there's doors everywhere. I pull one open to check inside but there was is chained up vampire named Edward  Apparently Luci and crowley have made plans I think to myself nothing here. I tell the team
opening a door in this long dark hallway full of nothing but doors. I open one door after another not finding anything useful I'm not finding anything here what about the rest of you?
checking the third one on the right I open it and find what looks like a brothel—slamming the door shut I hope no one noticed
Nothing here!
looks around the hall finding a door. Opens it to find a broom nothing
Open door there kitchen and close door no
I walk farther ahead of the team finding a room full of torture devices and other things yeah NOPE Although some could be fun.....
finally nearing the end of the hall I take one door and ask Henry to try the other
keeps walking till my gut feels the right door. Walks up to a door this feels right. Opens the door and finds ruby and everyone else guys
Double checking the burned herbs, I see there was too much vervain! "Crowley you idiot! Do you know what you've done?!"  I hear Lucifer in the club!
close the door and continue further down
opening my door I find a group of flying monkeys
Rushing back over to Henry, I’m really glad to see Ruby, but also not thrilled at the company she’s with.
hearing ruby I turn around and run to the room
I can see what looks like fear in Ruby’s eyes, and that actually stops me cold for a second. Things have got to be pretty damn bad for a 700 year old demon to be afraid. Noticing the bandage on her hand, my shock turns to anger. What’s going on here Ruby? I turn my unhappiness towards Crowley hand and yell Someone better start talking pretty quickly here.
hears Henry did you find anything
I shoot a side glance at Ruby. Were going to die and this is all her fault. Just had to bring Lucifer back and then double cross him.
I found the demons who is always the cause of trouble
What’s going on here? giving Crowley a look
goes to him
stop when I hear the commotion behind me but at the same time still wanting to find the damn club
You son of a bitch, and you know who your mother is!
What's going on?!!
Son of a witch actually. But I'm not getting killed because you want to play both sides. The words are a hiss and I push pass her.
Crowley and Lucifer have been using the club for soul collecting!
Figures hell needs more souls anyways
looks for a bathroom because the fucking yes I about to go right through me
Still madder than hell, I suddenly sense team free will nearby and I start cursing under my breath. Fine.. apparently if I want something done right I'll have to do it myself. I pace back over to my piano and smooth out my button up to wait for them to show up.
Are we gonna stand here all damn night or are we gonna fix this damn problem?
I agree with Dean
I'm a demon. I never claimed to be anything else. But now we're going to die.
THIS time we need an actual plan Dean!
We need arch angel cuffs.
I’m with Sam… this could have been very bad….
I can do a sneak attack!
I can go get them if you'd like.
That’s fine get a damn plan then so we can do this!
Every time we've ever gone up against Lucifer, when has it NOT been Bad?
It’s going to take all of us to pull anything off with lucifer….
Like hell you will! Your ass isn’t going out of my damn sight! This is low even for you and you pulled ruby into it!
Rock music starts blaring over speakers out of nowhere
nodding in agreement with Sam but a demon would be faster…
Setting the mood. A little ambience if you will
Looks at the coward Crowley. "I'll do it!"
Agreeing totally with Dean on keeping Crowley in eye sight, I turn to Ruby. Yeah, Ruby. That’s a good idea… you go
sneaking in behind the stage with Henry and Alex
Queen starts playing we will rock you- followed up by bohemian rhapsody
Shit you better not fail us either
I hold my hands up in defeat Fine, Fine.
Well… looking in my bag I’ve got some fire crackers and light snares in here…. I can set off some distractions?
Follow patience went behind stages
I'll help, we're going to need to divide his attention
flares not snares
We can set off some distractions as well
Hand me some Charlie. You can be on one side ill go on the other and we can throw them.
passing out some firecrackers, flashlights and LEDs and flares  let’s do this
I can find a way to distract Luci so somebody can get the cuffs on him maybe?
Let’s hope Ruby is quick… where is the main room of the bar Crowley?
I think I found a door down there
Starts blaring ACDC 'are you ready' over the speakers
Then we should stay low, until we’re ready to be seen. I’m sure Ruby will let us know when she’s made the handoff to Henry….
Popping back, I toss the cuffs to Henry. I get caught up on the plan, and proceed to create more illusions in the club. I make several monkeys to run all over.
hearing all the music he sounds like he's in a great mood.
Just before we get started with the plan, I grab Ruby by the arm and hold her back a second You just keep as far away from Lucifer as you can, alright?
Get confused sort of angry at the monkeys
helps try to distract Luci
I make my way to a corner and set off the first flare
Mom come with me?
catches the cuffs while watches Lucifer from afar knowing I can use my telekinesis to my advantage  he seems fun to hang out with. Maybe I can befriended him. No no, I need to focus on capturing him. But still, I can give him a cookie I hope he likes cookies thinks to myself
I light up some fire crackers and throw them to the middle of the room
I go the other and start setting off the fire crackers
Start dancing, waiting for the show to start
I nod and let her go Let’s do this… I head into the main club, bent on chaos and needing to burn off some anger. At the first table with just woman, I step close and without a word, wipe all of their drinks and personal items on top of the table, off onto the floor. Then just keep on walking.
I enter through a door and slide into the room where Luci is hey prick! You having fucking fun yet?
goes with Dean to help distract Luci
Right with you!
I set off the rainbow LEDs like strobe lights to make it harder to see who is who or where we are
I light the flare Charlie gave me
Lighting a flare, I shoot sparks across several tables and the throw it towards the stage.
Mary SPN
Oh so we're doing this the fun way? Roll my eyes as I notice more than one I’m having a blast dean- how about you? Send a blast of power his way to knock him in the wall- immediately distracted by sparks What the..
lighting another flare I toss it, catching Luci’s hair on fire
throw a flare at your head as I hit a wall and get back up a bit sore fuck off bitch! lighting a firecracker throwing it your way
tries to distract Luci
I slip into the main room and am torn about if I should help Team Free Will, or try and regain my good standing with Lucifer. If I should succumb to my nature.
Why are there... Rainbow strobe lights? Why didn’t I think of that.. I snarl and whirl around, trying to pat my hair and take out the fire I know I'm hot headed but damn! Get enraged and send out a powerful shockwave to try and knock everyone back
knocked back for a moment I signal to all to go big—-time was now before he was too angry
I stumble back then  regain my footing and light another flare
get knocked back but then run towards Luci while he’s distracted and light another firecracker and throw it as I watch it fall in your shirt bullseye bitch!
lighting another flare and a string of firecrackers hey Luciiii I’m hooommmeee!!!
gets knocked back and tries to help
getting knocked back start to throw more fire crackers his way
I swallow my pride and grab a vodka bottle and stuff a towel in it Hey Luci, catch this!  I light it with a fire ball and throw it into Lucifers hands
watching all the fireworks
Mom take the other side and distract him with flares
does as asked
setting off more LEDs and firecrackers
Who knew you were all a psycho group of pyros?! I immediately disappear from my spot, leaving the flares to go off where I was. I spot Mary and smirk. This should make a good point. I reappear behind her- one hand on her neck and the other poised to snap my fingers HEY DEANO- wanna say goodbye to mommy?
pours myself a whiskey then throws the glass that way
Seeing Lucifer MOM!
run at Luci as he grabs Luci MOM NOOOO I kick you hard in your gut ninja style
hearing dean scream like a scared girl I put the cuffs on Lucifer with telekinesis  hey big meanie you're going to the time-out room. But do you want a cookie I can share
tries to regain my breath
no way I can get close enough to stop him from this far away
I barely flinch, and toss Dean off me, but suddenly when I got to smite, there’s cuffs on me. What the fu... Did YOU do that?! What did- take these off me now!!
seeing the cuffs go on Lucifer I take a breath of relief
proceeds to have toddler sized tantrum
tries regaining my breath
whew, takes another shot of whiskey
Makes it to her side You okay?
Stands back near the exit watching it all, knowing somehow Lucifer will get free and there will be hell to pay, with me at the head if the line.
I have telekinesis and I'm the perfect of the lord . You can ask dad that but dad is too busy so the time out room it is
I will be once I catch my breath again
I fly back but seeing the cuffs on you I run up to you super fish flying hitting you in the face that’s for my mom BITCH! kick you knocking you to your knees
Time out room?! What is this- I'm not a child, you can't just throw me in 'time out'!!
I walk up to Lucifer and dust off his shoulders Don't worry. The dungeon in the Bunker is cozy. You get plenty of alone time.
Well not yet… first we need you to turn this place back to normal
Hit the ground with a bloody nose Wow, okay. Rude. Growl at Crowley and glare daggers
Acting like a little bitch with your temper tantrum time out in the dungeon sounds great!
You should be used to getting locked away by now
I’m sure Gabe will be happy to deal with you when he gets home….
Okay first of all, out of bounds Bunk- buddy.
Dungeon with a trap that you can’t escape. But you aren’t behaving so no cookie for you
punch you in the face again shut the fuck up!
I just wanted to have a little fun, but no... Fine. Snaps the place back to normal and sneers
tries to get my breath back still
Hey, I think.. I deserve cookies at the very LEAST. After you PSYCHOS tried to blow me up with discount fireworks.
Thank you… now dean…can you get him back to bunker without trying to kill him?
You're sending me back with the temperamental Ken doll? Seriously?
I shoot a look at Lucifer and smile sheepishly
goes to help Mary get up and out to the cars
Oh you better watch your step. I'm already counting how many pigs I can get for you.
No guarantees come on bitch grabbing you by the seat of your pants and throw you over my shoulders like a ragdoll and carry you to the impala throwing you in the trunk and slamming the door hitting your head
tries to breathe
I'm going to tell my dad about this goes to get inside Sam’s car
Ladies? Shall we? holding up my keys  I’m ready for a drink
HEY! EASY ON THE GOODS! curses from the trunk of the Impala
Yup! I yell back to Charlie. Holding onto Mary
What was that? open the trunk slamming it down on your head again
looks to Charlie yes ma'am
WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE-- shut off my the trunk slamming my head and cursing louder
Taking advantage of the melee, I pop out needing to get out of here.
Looking around for Ruby, I don't see her anywhere. Damn it Following Dean and Lucifer out, I get ready to escort the Impala back to the Bunker
I hear the starting price is 3
getting in my car I start it up homeward bound
weakly breathing Thanks
I jump in the car and once Mary is in I head back to the bunker
looks out the window
Of course honey. Exciting night huh? helps her sit in the front seat of Charlie's car
Let’s get you home to rest
hops in the front seat of deans car
Still banging on the trunk because still tantruming
once back to the bunker I get out and open the trunk grabbing. Lucifer and drag him out of the trunk slamming you to the ground then pick you up leading you inside
I pat the trunk sympathetically
climbing in the car with Charlie
Oops sorry about that Luci
HONESTLY. Did no one ever tell you to be gentle?
back at the bunker with Dean, watching him handle Luci like a rag doll
pulling into the bunker let’s get Mary inside to rest, and then I think I need a beer.
No, they really don't. Sorry
Is nobody gonna step in? Really? Okay this is just... honestly I was just having a good time and I'm feeling so attacked right now.
Nope why the hell would I be to the devil? dragging you into the bunker and down the steps making sure you bounce hard on every step
I follow squirrel down invisibly
watches while trying to catch my breath
at the bottom i grab you by your feet dragging you through the halls bouncing your head off the walls on the way. To the dungeon and throw you into the wall before chaining you
cursing in every language known and not known to man
I watch Lucifer and Dean contemplating what would benefit me most
sensing Crowley nearby and death glaring in his general direction even if it looks like thin air
Have fun I can’t wait till Gabe gets ahold of your ass!
goes to the kitchen
Riiiiight gaining innocent souls.... Turning ruby evil again....well trying to but it backfired
roll my eyes and crouch taking out a knife and makes the tinniest scratch in the paint
I was just playing club owner for a little bit and enjoying the fine delights humanity supposedly offers-- so what if a few people were willing to sell their souls. Grown adults. Making their own decisions.
Dude he has archangel cuffs on but I will let Gabe known your helping his ass too
Also YOU GUYS came and crashed my party and attacked ME. Just defended myself.
Protecting people is what we do dumbass! Family business
Mhmm, and how many people did you protect storming in there tossing fireworks left and right setting the place ablaze. Just saying...
Considering you already killed innocent people cloned as ruby and CROWLEY With your little temper tantrum rage
And you guys lit the place up trying to get me. So.. bye to anybody left in there I guess.
Fireworks and flares didn’t kill anyone dumbass
All I'm saying is. If you guys left well enough alone, nobody would have died. I shrug nobody was forcing anyone to sign contracts before you guys showed up. Actually half of the deals probably would have left them better off than they were before.
Yeah and it’s a dangerous game and they would all die in 10 years we know how the game works
goes down to get dean. dean let's go! Time to eat!
Oh you especially right?
You could be right
hearing enough from you I real back and punch you hard slamming your head off the wall
Course I'm right. I shout with a bloody nose and smile, but I'm still conscious at least oooh, did I hit a nerve dean? Imagine someone stopped you making your deal. Yeah no hell, but I wonder where Sammy would be...
1. Sam and Dean are in the armory showing Mary the collection left behind by the men of letters specifically an odd looking gun that they hadn’t found the origin of yet.  Ellen, Charlie and patience are at the table talking while researching cases.  Henry and Alex come in from shopping and mention a new dance club that has opened in town, and maybe the team should take a night off to check it out.  They start talking about it at the table and soon are joined by Sam, Dean and Mary who join in and they all agree to get ready and go dancing.
2. Crowley, lucifer and Ruby are sitting in an office talking about how good business has been in collecting souls. Ruby is nursing an injured hand, but walks up and places a file on the desk showing their recent numbers. Crowley whistles and comments on how in all his years as king it’s never been this good.  Lucifer smiles and says he has much to teach them. All those years in the cage he had missed out on the fun. He had to make up for lost time. He sends ruby on a mission to go do some more advertising, while the men tended to business. Ruby scowls but says nothing as she does what she’s told.
3. The team has gotten dressed and are making plans for a fun night out. Sam and Dean comment about how this was not how they normally did things. Mary says some downtime is just as important as the hunts. Everyone else agrees. They decide who is going in what car (Sam, Dean and Charlie will all drive) and head out to the garage and drive to town. Once they find parking, Sam sees ruby hanging up signs and calls out to her. Ruby gasps and runs. Sam gives chase, while patience and Ellen go check out the signs. (It’s an advertisement for the dance club)  Henry wonders why Ruby is working a real job, Alex says ruby is good and wouldn’t hurt them. Charlie comments on her bandaged hand as Sam comes back saying he couldn’t find her. They decide they need to look into it a bit further and Henry sighs, after the prophet ordeal he was hoping to be normal for just a day. Ellen promises a Henry night as soon as this is over. They all agree and head home.
4. Inside the bar, Crowley is chatting up guests and signing deals left and right with a foolish grin on his face, while lucifer is playing the piano.  Ruby appears amongst the crowd, disgusted at what this place was, a soul collection pit. She thinks of all these poor people, drunk and drugged with no idea of what they’re getting into, and heads over to the piano to tell lucifer she saw team free will outside. Lucifer swears and Crowley overhears him and rushes to find out what is happening. Ruby warns of their intelligence and lucifer strikes her, and says she is underestimating who she has partnered up with, Willingly or not. Lucifer storms off to come up with a plan, and Crowley helps ruby up. He’s also a bit nervous knowing what the team is capable of and offers to help ruby come up with a plan to get out.
5. Back at the bunker Henry comes in and slumps on the couch, disappointed that a fun night turned into work.  Alex agrees with him, but reminds him this is the life they’d signed up for. Mary and Ellen try to comfort the two while Sam, Dean and Charlie are trying to research some information on the new club.  After a few minutes Charlie finds a website without a lot of information, but the ads promise an experience like never before which Dean scoffs at.  Sam reads a bit further as the ad says you’ll come out more successful, more wealthy or with whatever it is you desire most…. Dean pays attention then saying it sounds like a soul deal. Henry has overheard this and comments that maybe it’s best they didn’t go in after all. Sam tries to reach out to ruby but she ignores his calls, so they head out to investigate the club again.
6. Inside the club, lucifer is back on the piano and charming all of his guests. He flirts with a few random ladies and while he is distracted Crowley and Ruby sneak off to the store room behind the bar. (Lucifer you can free run yourself with guests or sing—whatever comes to mind) once they’re out of earshot Crowley and Ruby start planning a way to get out without lucifer noticing. They come up with several ideas and Crowley shoots them all down, saying luci is too smart for that. Then ruby remembers a spell she learned long ago that would allow her to turn a couple patrons into their clones. Crowley grins saying she was much smarter than she looked and asked what she needed from him.
7. The team is back outside the club, they’re watching the line up and realize that many of the patrons are either desperate or destitute. (Free run trying to talk to some guests here) dean, Sam and Ellen head to the lineup to question some guests while Henry, Patience, Alex , and Charlie start looking for a way inside. Not getting much useful information from the patrons Sam, Dean and Ellen go around the back and find the others just as Alex finds an unlocked door.  Sam warns that it seems too easy, and Dean says that’s a chance they’ll have to take. And he rushes inside, Charlie tries to stop him and Sam swears saying they have no choice now. Everyone gears up and heads in after dean.
8. Crowley comes back into the store room with the last of the ingredients Ruby needs for the spell. Ruby reminds Crowley that the clones won’t have their powers or their knowledge so they’d have to move quickly. Crowley snarks at ruby telling her to hurry before lucifer noticed they were gone. Ruby begins the spell and Crowley gets impatient and dumps in too much vervain, Ruby doesn’t notice and completes the spell and suddenly the club is full of Crowley and ruby’s! Lucifer looks around and sees it and he gets angry and begins to smite them one by one as he curses the “worthless demons” that betrayed him.
9. The team is walking through a dark hallway with several doors, they keep trying them as they look for a way inside the club (each person should open the door and see something that isn’t useful) until finally Henry opens a door and finds ruby and Crowley. Ruby has realized the mistake of her spell at this time and lucifer can be heard bellowing all through the club. Sam sees the fear in rubys eyes and the bandaged hand and yells at her saying now is the time to come clean. Crowley tries to place all the blame on ruby who immediately shuts him down and fills the team in on what Crowley and lucifer have built here. Lucifer, sensing the team nearby, goes back to his piano and waits for their appearance.
10. The team makes a plan to trap lucifer. Ellen says they’ll need the archangel cuffs and Crowley offers to get them. Dean gives him a look and says that he’s not getting out of their sights today. Crowley backs down and ruby offers to help. Sam says that’s a good idea and sends her on her way. Patience, Alex and Henry will sneak in from behind the stage, while Charlie, Ellen, Mary , Sam and Dean make plans to cause havoc all over the room. Ruby will use magic to cause some additional illusions as well.  Ruby pops back and they set their plan into motion. (Don’t move too fast, give Luci some time to respond and cause his own chaos too) lucifer is just about to smite Mary and dean screams out—just then henry uses his telekinesis and gets the cuffs on Luci. Luci curses and knows his plan is done. They take him back to the bunker after making him return the club to normal, threatening him with Gabe if he doesn’t comply.  Lucifer does as he’s told and they take him back to bunker and put him in the dungeon for safekeeping until Gabe came back.
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