#open heart fan fiction
storyofmychoices · 7 months
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter)
The interviewer sat down with Olivia, Merida, and Casey in the comfort of the diagnostic office, which the boys had since been required to vacate, despite one Ethan Ramsey grumpily insisting that it was his office and he would do no such thing. But today was not about him or any of the men. Today was about the girls! (As all days truly should be.)
Interviewer: Thank you all for joining me today. It's my pleasure to sit down with not one but three young, successful, and distinguished women of science in medicine. Olivia, you're a pediatrician, and Casey and Merida, you both work as diagnosticians. How did you find your passion for medicine?
Olivia: Well, for me, it started when I was a little girl. I loved diagnosing and caring for my bears and dolls. I took my toy stethoscope everywhere, set on saving the world. Now, it's about wanting to make a positive impact in children's lives. The joy of helping them grow up healthy and happy is truly a gift.
Casey: I've wanted to be a doctor as long as I can remember and was drawn to the diagnostic side of medicine early on. The challenge of solving complex medical cases and uncovering the root cause has been a driving force for me.
Merida: Likewise, the puzzle-solving aspect fascinated me. Being a diagnostician allows us to dive deeper into medical mysteries—be a detective of sorts—it's a constant learning experience.
Interviewer: In the fast-paced world of medicine, how do you manage work-life balance, and do you have any advice for others aspiring to do the same?
Olivia: Two words. Self-care! It's definitely about prioritizing self-care and making time for things that are important to me. I've particularly found yoga helpful and have a therapy yoga group once a week with the children at the hospital. I've been trying to convince these two—*tilts her head toward her two friends*—to join me in some cat and warrior poses, but let's just say, my enthusiasm hasn't quite rubbed off on them.
Merida: You know we love you, Liv, but—
Casey: —yoga gives me more stress.
Olivia: *laughs softly* I'll convert them one day. But seriously, it's important to make time to care for yourself. My advice is to remember that you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first.
Casey: The work-life balance is a perpetual juggling act, especially in diagnostics, where cases can be unexpectedly demanding and schedules become unpredictable. Time management and setting realistic expectations are key. It's also important to have a support system, both at work and home and don't be afraid to take a break for a few minutes when you need it. Even a short break can make a difference.  
Merida: In the diagnostic world, there's this constant pursuit of answers to solve the puzzle. To maintain balance, I've learned to compartmentalize. When I'm at work, I'm fully engaged, and when I'm off-duty, I prioritize personal time. My advice is to find what works for you and not feel guilty about taking breaks. Balance is subjective, and it's about finding harmony that aligns with your values and what you need.
Casey: It doesn't hurt to have great friends to fall back on either.
Merida: I can't argue with that!
Olivia: Group hug! *wraps her arms around her friends pulling them in*
The three laugh and tease each other before settling back into the interview!
Interviewer: Edenbrook Hospital is known for its collaborative and supportive environment. How does that dynamic play out in your day-to-day work?
Olivia: Pediatrics often involves collaboration with various specialists to provide comprehensive care. Having a hospital with a culture that encourages teamwork is crucial for our young patients. Sometimes, even the little ones end up with rare and difficult-to-diagnosis illnesses. When that's the case, I'm glad that I have Merida and Casey to reach out to for help. 
Merida: Absolutely. In diagnostics, collaboration is key as well. We consult with each other and different departments to ensure we're considering all angles when tackling a case. We need to make sure we keep an open relationship with all departments so we know they'll be there when we need them. 
Casey: Working in diagnostics, it's really a team effort. Nothing is done solo. We're in it together. It's like having a second, third, or even fourth set of eyes and brains. We share our thoughts and insights, debate until we reach an agreement, and ultimately work together to provide the best care for our patients.
Merida: *laughs* Debate! That's a good word for what occurs between Ramsey and Carrick. But, you're right, at the end of the day, all we do is for the best of our patients. 
Interviewer: Women in science are often underrepresented. How do you navigate this space and inspire the next generation of female medical professionals?
Olivia: Representation matters. By excelling in our respective fields, we hope to show aspiring female doctors that they belong and can thrive in the world of medicine. For me, I want all the little girls I work with to know they are capable of greatness even now when they're so young. 
Merida: It's about breaking stereotypes. We're not just doctors; we're diagnosticians and pediatricians—capable professionals contributing significantly to the medical field. We always look for ways to better ourselves and our field. We work together and support one another.
Casey: Exactly! Collaboration and support are absolutely essential, not just between ourselves and our teams but with younger medical students. Mentorship is crucial. Encouraging young women to pursue careers in science and medicine, providing guidance, and showing them that they can succeed are vital for creating lasting change.
Merida: We were honored to be invited to a local high school last week to speak with some science classes to try to encourage women in the sciences. 
Casey: We've also spoken as guest lecturers at Boston College. It was inspiring to see so many students at the start of their medical journeys.
Olivia: Speaking of starts, I don't think you can ever be too young to be inspired for a future in medicine. I was lucky enough to attend a career day at a local elementary school. It was really cute to see so many potential future doctors running around in their play lab coats! Seriously, I don't know how you two deal with adult patients all day when you could be spending time with little cuties!
Merida: It takes a special person to connect with kids the way you do, Liv. I've seen it firsthand. I think Casey and I are better suited for the medical mysteries of the adult world. Kids need someone with your warmth and patience. You've found your calling, and we've found ours. It's a good balance. The world needs both!
Olivia: Love you! Both of you! I think supporting each other is the best way we can help each other and foster a positive environment for future female doctors and scientists.
Casey: Too often women in the workplace are pitted against one another. Medicine is no exception.
Merida: Overcoming that and moving forward with a mindset of supporting and encouraging each other makes the workplace a better place for all and better for our patients.
Interviewer: Your support of each other is beautiful to witness. You three are not only inspirational doctors but also exemplars of enduring friendship, a bond I'm certain benefits all who walk in the doors of Edenbrook.
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zealouscanonindeer · 3 months
Uh I don't know how to start but here goes nothing... I've been away from the fandom and writing in general for a couple of months now(I wrote my last fanfic in jan)
I remember beginning to write a week into med school, navigating the uncertainty and nervousness of a new place. Writing, especially about OH made me feel like things would turn out well. Today I attempted the last exam of my year 1 I've officially cleared this year. And while I return back here, I smile with fondness at the person who entered into this world and the person I am now.
The reason I'm writing this is because through the course of the year, being as close to this world as I have been, seeing people around me and experiencing certain situations, I've been disillusioned to some extent. And while things are never so black and white, in my experience uptil now is, this system is not conducive to work place romance, especially with your boss. I've witnessed competition and the workload literally suck the life put of relationships. The workings of this place are so different to what I believed it to be.
Obviously I understand that one, OH is a fictional world and this is reality and two just a few examples do not make this a norm. This is simply what I have experienced and how it had made me feel.
Point of this rant is.. I don't suppose I shall continue writing OH anymore. I loved doing so and hold it all dear to me.. I just can't bring myself to believe in it anymore. I've been postponing writing this, thinking maybe id feel otherwise or I'll just continue my hiatus.
But the truth is I didn't wish to leave without a proper goodbye, I was embraced so lovingly by this fandom when I first joined and even though I won't be writing any more OH I'll always remain a part of this fandom, reading all the lovely works and supporting everyone here sharing with us.
So tagging you guys for the last time(hopefully tumblr tags are working)
@peonierose @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @jerzwriter @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @potionsprefect @kyra75 and anybody else who I have missed.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
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Hii 🥰
I saw this picture and thought it might inspire a fic or an edit (no pressure 🥰)
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heart cookies
characters: mc (klaw craig), sienna trinh, imelda tyler, ethan ramsey
word count: 943
category: fluff
a.n: she hates valentine’s day.
and also i know i’m veryyyyyyy lateeee to post this but thankfully i’ve finished my 2nd year of uni and hopefully i can get back on track in this fandom.
“i’m not going to repeat it again.” she pointed her finger to both. “i. won’t. do. anything.”
“it’s just cookies.” sienna pouted sadly.
“much worse. they’re valentine’s cookies.”
“why do you have to be so annoyed?” imelda asked.
“i’m not annoyed.” klaw explained. “i just don’t like it.”
“fine leave the cookies. what about a gift?”
“absolutely not.”
“klaw c’mon,” imelda pleaded. “it’s a symbolic day and you should celebrate it.”
“and you should do it especially for someone you love so much.”
“correction- you die.”
“and still you can’t change my mind. look,” klaw sighs. “i know you enjoy this day but i belong to that 1% of people that think valentine’s day is a stupid way to express your love to someone who means a lot to you. you have to show it everyday. even just a hug. even just a kiss. i mean these are the most beautiful and important little things that i want to live in my future. not red flowers. or cookies.” she pointed. “also he shares the same opinion and that’s fine for me.”
“you’re not a human.” sienna emphasised. “you’re an alien.”
“no, even aliens have heart. our girl doesn’t.” imelda added. “what are we going to do with you?”
“just spill me some tea on how your bed ceremonies will go.” she winked playfully and left the locker room.
“happy valentine’s day dr. grumpy.”
“that nickname is yours.” she grunted.
“still it suits you.”
“as long as i’m with you? yeah.”
he closed the file and took off his glasses. “what happened this time?”
“will you always read my face even when i don’t want to say a thing?”
“as long as i’m with you? yeah.” he repeated her words.
“sienna and imy are trying so hard to get me into valentine’s festivities but as usual i refuse.” she sat on the couch. “i simply hate it.”
“y’know… i’m starting to think that it’s not that bad as it sounds.”
“excuse moi monsieur [i’m sorry mister]?” klaw exclaimed. “did just a bryce, a baz, a simon or a dan came up from the sky and hit your head or what?”
“none of them have entered to my office today.” ethan assured. “no worries.”
“or maybe a naveen?”
“no. the thing is,” he walked slowly towards her. “sometimes it’s good to see couples trying to make this day as memorable as it is thought to be. there are lots of those who don’t have the time for each other because of work, kids or other reasons. the name is boring and i can totally agree with it. but if this is the only way to celebrate- i think it’s very beautiful.”
the more he talked the more her mouth stayed agape while trying to comprehend what in the hell was actually happening right now. no- that was definitely a dream.
“uhm… klaw?”
she blinked. “did you betray me?”
“do you have someone else?”
“of course not!” he exclaimed. “what the fuck?”
“but who has changed you? we both shared the same opinions about this day and now you’re telling me something entirely else.” she shook her head. “you’ve gone through a sclerosis. i can see it.”
ethan laughed heartedly and hugged her while klaw was side-eyeing with a frown. “ha ha ha. very funny.”
he kissed her temple and added shortly. “maybe this person who has changed me made my heart thunder since the first time i laid eyes on her. she didn’t do anything though. no flirting, no provocative comments like any other girl could’ve done just to get under my skin. this one showed me only ambition, fierceness, competition against someone who was thought to be the coldest person on earth. was she afraid? absolutely not. the way she was determined to prove this man wrong- god you have no idea how torturous was for the latter to accept the fact that this woman was definitely not a rookie. she was, is and will always be the half that completes him.”
i don’t deserve this man god.
it wasn’t the first time this thought came into her mind. she always doubted that someone could love her character and keep up with all the time without getting tired. it was a miracle at the most unexpected place and time in her life. klaw kept the tears so she couldn’t spoil the perfect moment that was facing right now.
“you know that i suck at this thing called: complementing back so i’ll say a simple line,” she caressed slowly every inch of his face and whispered. “i love you ethan jonah ramsey with everything that is good and bad in you.”
he did the same aback after sharing a kiss. “i love you too klaudia helena craig with everything that is good and bad in you.”
“i should’ve done the cookies for this occasion though.” they both laughed.
“do you want me to have diabetes?” ethan said shockingly. “i’ve already eaten chocolates today because Tanaka insisted and that is enough for today.”
“hmm. i don’t know but this photo looked so good for another kind of treat though.” klaw opened her phone to reveal an explicit content that truly made his heartbeats rising and his eyes widened. then in a flash it was closed and his face revealed disappointment. “but since you said it’s enough i think we’ll be fine.”
ethan struggled to find the right words and klaw let out a content smile while getting up from the seat. not until she heard a deep voice. “where do you think you’re going?”
“at home.” she said innocently. “i have a lot of work to do.”
“can i give you a hand?” he took off quickly his white coat while reaching for the keys and jacket not wiping out his smug smile. “it’s better if you work together they say.”
“that would be great.”
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Open Heart FotW January 8 - 14, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
Bryce Lahela x F!MC
Chasing the Sundown ✒️- @chocopeppermintcake
Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
A Little Delay ✒️- @jerzwriter
Amazing ✒️- @utterlyinevitable
Breathe Through ✒️- @genevievemd
Complete ✒️- @coffeeheartaddict2
The Elf Affair ✒️- @liaromancewriter
Fast Break (Series) - @trappedinfanfiction Epilogue ✒️
Stating the Obvious ✒️- @liaromancewriter
What Happened in Vegas (Series) - @jerzwriter An Interlude ✒️ (Supplement)
Ethan Ramsey, F!MC
Parking Lot Problems ✒️- @inlocusmads
Sienna Trinh x M!OC
A Modern Romance ✒️Ⓜ️- @liaromancewriter
Tobias Carrick x F!MC
A Perfect Date ✒️- @jerzwriter
CFWC Fics of the Week Main List
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socalwriterbee · 1 year
Look at this 👀
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Pops up right when you open the app
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josiesopenheart · 2 years
The Way I Loved You- Chapter 3 Sneak Peek!
I know I’ve taken a lil while out of writing, but now I’m back and continuing my AU series The Way I Loved You
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Ethan sits in the cold Diagnostics Team office all alone. And to his surprise, he in unhappy reflecting on the drastic changes in the last year of his life. A year ago he would have been rather contempt sitting alone in his office, leading the Diagnostics Team. Though that is no longer the case and he knows precisely why.
His Josie.
Or rather, an other man’s Josie now.
He shouldn’t care, he knows that. He was the one to set the boundaries. He was the one to leave. He was the one to end it. And yet all he wants is to run to her and fight like hell for her.
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Thank you so much for reading!!❤️ I am super exciting to continue this series!
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@quixoticdreamer16 @crazy-loca-blog @clanlahela @peonierose @potionsprefect @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @lawyerlies @zahrachoices @barbean @custaroonie @a-crepusculo @anonymousrookie @rosebudde @wanderingamongthewildflowers @rookiemartin @youlookappropriate @mysticalgalaxysstuff
Open Heart
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Ethan x MC
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Love & Scotch: dx: Friendship & New Beginnings
Masterlists: [Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer] || [Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd] || [Love & Scotch Crossover]
Characters: Thomas Hunt (HWU), Ethan Ramsey (OpH) Pairings (mentioned only): Thomas x Alex ; Ethan x Ellie Book: HollywoodU + Open Heart Word Count: ~650 Synopsis: Hunt and Ethan share a drink before Hunt's wedding.
Series Background:This takes place in my Hollywood U AU. Alex and Thomas are engaged. Ethan is an old friend whom the couple reconnected with. Alex is the biggest shipper of Ethan and Ellie(MC), and is thrilled Ethan finally took  her advice to do something about his feelings. [Catch up on Love and Scotch]
Chapter Background: This takes place after dx: healing, as well as after Ellie has her PTSD better managed.
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The famed Hollywood director stared at the amber liquid in his tumbler, watching as the light enhanced the brilliant color in the glass, causing a beautiful glow. His attention shifted to the esteemed doctor beside him as he slowly sipped his drink. "Thank you for being here, Ramsey. I appreciate you flying out again. It means a lot to have a drink with you before tomorrow."
"It's the least I can do. Your friendship has meant a lot, even more so recently, with all that has happened," Ethan replied thoughtfully. "I'm not sure we would have gotten through the attack without you and Alex there." His voice trailed away as a shiver racked his spine, reminding him of that dreadful day. He tried to brush the thought away. "Plus, I could never turn down an opportunity to enjoy some of your top-shelf scotch." He lifted his glass of the 60-year-old Macallan toward Hunt. "To your last night as a bachelor."
Hunt reciprocated the gesture, lifting his glass toward his friend's before taking another sip. The corner of his lips pulled into a subtle smile. The creases around his eyes told of the joy he felt inside. It was a look he couldn't seem to shake recently, no matter how much he tried.
It wasn't that he hadn't seen his friend happy before, but Ethan knew this was different. This was something deeper, something true, and something that would last a lifetime. He felt his own heart quicken in his chest at the notion. He tried to shake it away; could he really be considering it? He turned his focus back toward his friend, hoping to focus on his upcoming wedding instead. "Can't believe you're getting married tomorrow, Hunt." He shook his head, still in mild disbelief. "I never thought I'd see the day."
Hunt stifled a soft chuckle, bliss filling his every feature. "Nor did I." He let the moment linger as he reflected before continuing. "Isn't it something, how one person can change the entire direction of your life in a way you never anticipated, and yet, somehow, it becomes the best thing for which you could hope."
"Yeah," the doctor nodded thoughtfully in consideration. "I suppose it happens when you aren't looking and when you least expect it."
"It appears to be as such," Hunt paused, offering his friend a knowing look. "I trust you feel the same."
His brow rose a moment as he pondered the question. It was a question that had been on his mind a lot lately. Not that it hadn't been a flicker in his mind earlier, but the attack changed everything. "I suppose I must," he relented. "But that's for another day. This weekend is about you!"
"Unless it could be more than that," Hunt suggested.
"And take away from your day?" Ethan shook his head, hoping to put the conversation to an end.
"Alex would find it as more adding to the merriment." He brought the honeyed liquid to his lips, savoring the taste. "In fact, she might consider it the best wedding present."
Ethan contemplated his words. It wasn't the first time he had considered it. It was something he had thought increasingly about, but was she ready? Was he? Was now the right time? She'd been through so much. His thoughts drifted to the velvet ring box buried in his suitcase. He had no plans when he packed it, yet he felt the need to bring it. But what if she said no? He couldn't ruin Hunt's special day. He shook away the thought. It wasn't the right time. This was about Thomas and Alex, not them.
The pair relaxed comfortably, sinking further into the lounge chair, savoring the top-shelf liquor. They sat in a comfortable silence, relishing the warmth in their chest—a warmth that went deeper than the drink in their hands.
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A/N: I wanted to write a longer fic but my brain is still working on getting over it's writer's block so this is all I've got, but I still am happy to have ANYTHING for this series since it's been on hiatus for so so long!
I hope you enjoyed this fun little look at Ethan and Hunt's friendship!
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deb-1106 · 1 year
Part 3
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Written for @choicesflashfics - Week 33
Prompt 3  — “Say that again … I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
Pairings: Drake Walker x Ava Matheson, Bryce Lahela x Charlie Hawkins
Word count: 2500
Rating: M
TW: Profanity, Suggestive language
A/N: This is a collaboration between myself and @walkerismychoice using the weekly prompts provided by @choicesflashfics As always if you want on or off the tag list, just let me know.
“So you’re laying out clothes for me now?”  Drake eyed the crisp, white button down shirt and freshly pressed tan pants that had magically appeared on the bed while he was in the shower.
Ava gave him a dazzling smile.  “Just a suggestion.  But if you’d rather wear a pair of your ratty old jeans and one of those sad, threadbare flannel shirts you love so much…I can’t stop you.”
“My clothes have been good enough for dinner with the fucking King and Queen…” He muttered under his breath, “but I guess they don’t quite cut it for dinner with Ken and Barbie.” 
He picked up the shirt and inspected the tag. 
Fucking Armani. She wasn’t messing around tonight.
Ava poked her head out of the bathroom, eyeliner pencil still in hand, “Did you say something?” 
“Just wondering why we have to get so dressed up for a casual dinner date with your new bestie and her boy toy.” 
Ava rolled her eyes.  “First…he’s not some boy toy.  He’s a very accomplished surgeon who just saved your life.” She chided gently, “So maybe keep that in mind before mocking him. Second, it’s just a new shirt and a pair of pants for goodness sake.” She flashed him a cheeky smile, “I’m saving the tuxedo I bought you for our second dinner date with them.
“Assuming there IS one, you better be kidding.”
Ava shrugged before ducking back into the bathroom.
“I still think this is fucking weird.”  He shouted to her retreating back, “Who the hell makes friends with their doctor for fuck sake?  Isn’t that some kind of HIPAA violation?”
Silence from the bathroom.  Ava either didn’t hear him, or she was pretending she didn’t.
“Swear to God…” Drake grumbled, “if he mentions how good-looking he is even once tonight, I’ll show him my surgical skills…with a fucking butter knife.”  
Drake grabbed a pair of boxer briefs out of his top drawer and slid them on before getting dressed.
He glanced into the mirror and nodded. He hated to admit it, but he looked pretty damn good in designer duds, if he did say so himself.  
Leaning in closer, he raked his damp hair back and fleetingly wished he’d gotten it cut this afternoon.
Just then, Ava emerged through the bathroom door.
Their eyes met in the mirror and she smiled.  Drake felt his stomach do a little flip as he watched her cross the room toward him, her pale yellow sundress floating around her legs, her ponytail brushing the tops of her tanned shoulders and the alluring scent of fresh Gardenia perfuming the air with every step she took.
She’s a goddamn Goddess.  How did I get so lucky? 
Ava sidled up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist.
“See.” She cooed, as her admiring gaze traveled over him from head to toe. She pressed into him, the heat of her breath on his ear making the hairs on the back of Drake’s neck stand to attention as the sensation of her breasts rubbing against his back made other parts of his body do the same. 
“You look hot.” She whispered in his ear.
“You think so?” He turned around and pulled her into his arms, making sure she could feel what she’d just done to him.  “Am I as hot as pretty boy?”
Ava bit back a smile as she reached out to smooth the fabric of Drake's shirt over his broad shoulders, and down his tightly muscled arms, being mindful not to jostle his injured arm too much.
“Not gonna lie… Bryce is reeaaally attractive.”
Drake’s brow furrowed. “Say that again … I don’t think I heard you right the first time.”
Ava smirked. “Oh, I think you heard me…I mean, did you see that smile…” 
“Yeah.  I’m pretty sure NASA classified it as a new constellation.” Drake unwrapped her arms from his waist. “Actually, if this whole surgeon thing doesn’t work out, he could always get a job as a lighthouse.”
Ava laughed and grabbed his wrists, pulling him back to her.  She leaned into his chest, savoring the heat of his skin through the light fabric. She let out a soft sigh as she tilted her head up to meet his eyes. 
“You’re no pretty boy, Drake Walker. ” She murmured, as she ran her hands over his chest, biting her lip seductively. “You're my rugged, sexy, gorgeous, hunk of a man that I love with every fiber of my being.” She looped one arm around his neck, pulling him down for a lingering kiss laced with promise. “And if you behave yourself … when we get home tonight, I’ll show you just how irresistible I find you.”
“Yeah?” One corner of Drake’s mouth curled upward.  “Out of curiosity, just how well-behaved are we talking here? Like, for instance…if I were to casually mention you’re in the market for a stripper for your bachelorette party and ask if he’d consider dusting off his banana hammock for one last grind against the pole…would you consider that bad behavior, or simply a friendly exchange of lighthearted banter between friends?”
“You wouldn’t DARE.”
 Drake gave her a slow, panty-dropping grin. “New plan.  How about you ensure my good behavior at dinner, by skipping straight to the ‘not being able to resist me’ portion of the night?”
Ava smiled up at him, momentarily losing herself in the burning intensity of his gaze before getting a hold of herself and gently pushing him away.
“No can do, Loverboy. We’re running late as it is.  They’re probably already at the restaurant waiting for us.”
Drake sighed and grabbed his keys off the dresser. “Come on, then.   The sooner we get there, the sooner we can get home and finish what you started.”
Bryce rushed through his and Charlie’s apartment door, unsurprisingly late after a complicated surgery. The best thing about being with another hospital physician was that they just got it. He knew Charlie wouldn't be upset that he didn’t get home when expected, although he did get five text requests for a status update in the last hour or so. 
Bryce could hear the shower running in the master bath as he approached. As tempting as it was to hop in and join Charlie, he'd already taken a shower after changing out of his surgical scrubs. He slowly and quietly pushed open the bathroom door, leaning against the frame to watch and thinking he should be thankful the landlords chose glass shower doors over a curtain. Bryce knew Charlie could be self-conscious about her body, what with growing up surrounded by people who could afford to buy the body they desired if they couldn’t attain it naturally, but to him, she was perfection. Her well-proportioned curves were in all the right places, and what Charlie described as an average body was anything but. He tried to keep his arousal at bay as her soapy hands skimmed over her ample breasts and then down and around to her flawless backside. Soft and round, yet firm at the same time, Charlie’s ass was Bryce’s favorite part, but before he could dwell on it, she turned to grab her conditioner.
“Ahhh!” Charlie screamed as the bottle slipped and crashed to the shower floor. “You scared me! Why didn’t you say you were here instead of just gawking at me like an idiot?”
Bryce shrugged. “It’s a better show when you don’t know I’m watching.”
“Well, show’s over, pal. If you want a chance to see any more of this…” Charlie waved a hand over her body, “you better get ready so we’re not late for dinner.”
Bryce chuckled as he headed to his walk-in closet. Charlie was by no means high-maintenance, but she also wasn’t the jump out of the shower and go type either. He’d be dressed and ready to go long before she had her hair and makeup done. He threw on a nicer pair of dark jeans and a lightweight gray pullover he thought would be fitting for the venue. Although Ava and Drake associated with royals, they, or more specifically Drake, didn't seem like the type to be impressed by fancy dinners and material things. Not that he cared much about impressing Drake anyway with as unpleasant as he'd been in the hospital. However, Charlie really liked Ava, and judging someone solely based on their disposition after a traumatic gunshot wound wasn't completely fair. Plus Bryce had been somewhat of a cocky asshole in defense, so he probably owed Drake another chance.
Inspecting his defined jawline in the mirror, Bryce determined his five o’clock stubble to be more sexy-casual than unkempt mess and didn’t bother shaving. He ran a little pomade through his hair with his fingers and it magically fell into place like it always seemed to do. In the span of no more than five minutes, he was ready, and Charlie was just barely out of the shower.
The hum of the hair dryer told Bryce he still had plenty of time, so he powered-up his playstation to relax for a bit. Engrossed in his game, he had no idea how much time had passed when Charlie emerged from the bedroom.
“Hurry up!” She snapped. “We need to leave now!”
“Just let me save this.” Bryce powered down the machine and glanced up at Charlie which rendered him momentarily speechless. Yes, they’d been dating close to two years, but it seemed most of that time was in hospital scrubs. Seeing her dressed up always felt like the first time, and today, with her loose curls, flowy white floral mini dress, and strappy heels, was no exception.
"Come here." Bryce stood and pulled Charlie in by the waist. "Are you sure you don't want to cancel on them and order in?" He lightly trailed a finger up her inner thigh.
She pushed him away and laughed. "Stop trying to seduce me. You're too damn good at it. You're even wearing that cologne that reminds me of…you know. You really aren't playing fair, but I shall resist. She plucked the keys off the hook by the door and tossed them to Bryce. "Let's go!"
Thanks to Drake’s lead foot and aptitude for navigating the serpentine back roads of Cordonia, they arrived at the restaurant right on time.  Drake was surprised - pleasantly surprised by the choice.  Rather than a pretentious fine-dining establishment, which Drake presumed would appeal to the young successful doctors, they had instead chosen a quaint, unassuming tavern.  
As Ava predicted, Charlie and Bryce were seated at a table, waiting for them.  Ava squeezed Drake’s hand.  “Remember. Play nice.” 
“I know the stakes.” He gave her his most disarming smile. “Now let's go break bread with our new best friends.”  
As they approached the table, Bryce rose from his seat.  As Charlie and Ava embraced and began gushing over each other's outfits, Bryce turned to Drake with that big, goofy grin of his and offered his hand.
His handshake was surprisingly firm, Drake noted with satisfaction. Nothing he hated more than a limp handshake.  
So at least there was that.
Once the girls broke apart, Charlie smiled warmly at Drake and he smiled back. “Nice to see you again, Charlie.” 
He extended his hand toward her, with every intention of giving her a friendly handshake, but as he watched  Dr. Touchy McFeely pull Ava into a tight hug,  his and Charlie��s handshake somehow morphed into a half shake, half hug that was fully awkward as fuck.
Drake sighed and sat down, only to feel like even more of an ass as Bryce pulled out Ava’s chair for her.
Shit.  I guess bailing on those stupid ‘comportment’ lessons all those years ago is finally biting me in the ass.
He met Ava’s eyes across the table and she gave him a sweet smile before turning her full attention to Charlie.
Drake scanned the room, trying to catch the eye of a server.  He needed a drink STAT.
 “So Drake.” Bryce’s cheerful voice momentarily pulled Drake's attention from his search.  “How’s the shoulder?”
“Huh?” Drake just caught sight of a waiter passing by with a tray full of drinks.
“The shoulder.” Bryce repeated, tapping a long slender finger against his own scapula, “How’s it feeling?  Any residual pain?”
“No.” Drake shook his head slowly, “Nope. No pain.  All good.” 
“Good.” Bryce nodded. “Yeah, well … glad to hear it.”
The two men sat in an awkward silence as the girls chatted away, oblivious to the tension on the other side of the table.
“So …uh…” Drake cleared his throat, “You like being a doctor?”
Even as the question left his lips, he recognized how idiotic it was.  Thankfully their server chose that moment to materialize, saving Bryce from having to answer.
“Good Evening, I’m Brian and I'll be your server tonight.”
Drake opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word, Brian placed a tumbler of amber liquid in front of him, and another in front of Bryce.
“Now ladies, can I get you started with a beverage?”
“Charlie said you were a whiskey man.” Bryce explained, “So I took the liberty…I hope you don’t mind.”
Mind? Drake thought to himself, Hell, right now I want to kiss you right on that pretty little mouth of yours.
But what he actually said was… “Thanks man.  Appreciate it.”
Drake took a deep swallow, savoring the deep oaky flavor and subtle heat as it hit the back of his throat.
Suddenly, his brow shot up in surprise. “Wait.  Is this…” “Macallan 15." Bryce supplied helpfully, “I wasn’t sure what you drank, but this has always been one of my favorites.” He paused, “Actually, I prefer the 18 year, but this was what they had so…”
“No. This is great.” Drake said quickly, giving Bryce his first true smile of the evening, “You can’t ever go wrong with Macallan.”
Bryce grinned back at him.  “Cheers to that!”
They both raised their glasses.
“So Bryce.” Drake leaned back in his chair, having decided that this night might not be a total bust afterall, “Ava tells me you play a bit of Basketball."
Bryce took a sip of whiskey and nodded, “Yeah, I played some in college, but now I play just for fun.  Do you play?”
“Yeah, I mean, not in college.  Soccer was my game back then.  But we have an indoor court at the palace and that's what we do to unwind between shifts.” 
“Between shifts?  You work at the palace?  I thought you just lived there.”
“Yeah. I uh…” Drake hesitated, not sure how much he really wanted to divulge.  Talking about his job didn’t usually make for light-hearted dinner conversation.
But Bryce asked…
“I’m not actually living there at the moment.” Drake confessed, “Things with Liam are a little…uh…strained right now.” without thinking, he sent a cautious look in Ava’s direction, “But I do still work there.  I’m Kingsguard.”
“Kingsguard.” Bryce repeated before letting out a low whistle and leaning back in his chair.  “So throwing yourself in front of bullets is all in a day's work for you.” 
“Hardly.” Drake chuckled as he finished off his glass.  Bryce immediately signaled for two more. “But if it meant saving her…” Drake glanced over at Ava, and as if sensing his eyes on her, she looked up and smiled. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect her.”
"Aww!" Charlie interjected, although Drake wondered how she managed to overhear when neither woman even paused to take a breath in their own conversation. "I think this one's a keeper, Ava."
Ava reached her left hand across the table to squeeze Drake’s. "He is." 
Charlie's eyes went wide. "Ava!" She grasped Ava's hand and pulled it closer to inspect. "Is this ring what I think it is?"
Ava beamed and glanced at Drake before turning back to Charlie. "We wanted to tell you and Bryce together in person, but yes it is. We're engaged!"
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eadanga · 4 months
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Cassie stands in the bathroom of the hospital hunched over the sink she takes a couple of deep breaths before the door swings open and Jackie walks in
“You’ve been in here a while what’s wrong?”
“Just been sick for a while been so nauseous I can’t eat anything”
“That time of the month?”
“No in fact I haven’t gotten it in a while”
Jackie walks closer to her “Um well you might be”
Cassie’s eyes go wide “Pregnant? No”
“You should take a test there’s some in the closet I’ll get 2 for you”
Jackie rushes out the bathroom and returns with 2 pregnancy tests “Now take it”
Cassie nods and takes the test she paces around as she waits
“How are you feeling”
“I’m good just want this to happen after marriage you know”
“I know and if you are who’s the dad?”
Cassie sighs “Bryce”
“Bryce? Our resident scalpel jockey”
“Yeah I have feelings for him”
Jackie laughs “I knew you did with the way you always looked at him”
“Oh you noticed that too”
“All our friends noticed girl oh the 2 minutes are up”
They looked at the test and see the result
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Cassie gasps “I’m pregnant”
Jackie smirks “So is the baby living at our apartment or?”
Cassie playfully shoves her “Oh stop now to tell Bryce I hope he won’t”
“Get that thought out your head Bryce despite being a goofball he’s a good guy he won’t do anything to hurt you”
Cassie nods then takes a deep breath “Ok where is he?”
“I’ll tell him to meet you in the breakroom”
Cassie smiles then heads to the breakroom as she paces around she wonders about how Bryce will react I really hope he’s ok with this
She feels a pair of hands wrap around her “Hi beautiful”
She smiles and turns in his arms “Hi”
“Well if you wanted me alone all you had to do was ask you didn’t have to send Jackie” He pulls her closer and trails kisses down her neck “God you’re so hot”
She sighs from his touch “Bryce…”
“Yes gorgeous?”
“We should stop”
“Why don’t you love it?”
“Of course I do but I have something important to tell you”
“Aww but I’m enjoying this can’t it wait till after?”
Cassie giggles “You’re gonna make me forget what I’m gonna say if it’s after”
“Oh ok” He takes her hand and sits her on one of the cots “I’m all ears”
“Well I’ve been feeling under the weather lately”
Bryce looks at her with concern “Are you ok?”
“Yes I’m fine Jackie suspected something and gave me a test to take”
Sha hands him the tests and Bryce’s eyes go wide “You’re?” “Pregnant? Yes now Bryce I know this came early and if you”
She’s interrupted by Bryce kissing her deeply he pulls away grinning “I’m so happy Cas”
“You are? I thought”
Bryce cups her cheek “Hey I won’t abandon you or our child I know it happened early but this is our baby we can do it you and me I love you Cas”
Cassie feels her eyes well with tears “I love you too Bryce”
He pulls her closer “You know I’ve been dreaming about that us getting married and having a family but now I have to revise it we’re having a family then getting married long as I’m with you I’m happy I love you so much”
“I love you too I can’t wait for this journey with you”
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @ta-sayeed @choicesgodfanatic
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hisaacswrites · 1 year
Bake Room in Your Heart for Me? UPDATE & What’s Next?
I know it’s been a Hot Minute TM since the last Bake Room in Your Heart for Me chapter, but I swear one is coming up! I’ve actually gone ahead and outlined the entire fic, which is what caused the delay. Chapter count is increasing to a nice baker’s dozen (13) and somehow the word count is exploding.
Me: This’ll be a short and sweet crack fic with low expectations, perfect to dip my toes back into writing
Also Me: Okay but like angst and fluff and oh hey, we’re somehow 20k words in
sO wrapping up chapter 4 and hoping to have that out by the end of the week. Gonna try and write some other chapters in advance as well, that way this fic can have a somewhat normal posting schedule??
But also holy hell, thank you everyone for the follows, likes, reblogs, and comments. I’m an awkward and shy bean so it really means a lot to me to see so many people actually enjoying my ramblings.
ALSO with BRiYHfM well underway, I’m starting to think about my next fic! If ya’ll have any requests or preferences, please don’t hesitate to lmk. I’m considering:
The Angel Shot brainworm - Would be hurt/comfort and fluff centric, but also delve into aspects of abuse? Would probably be a mid to long fic.
The Soap Selkie au - Would be high key crack and focus on the shenanigans between Soap and Ghost as they battle for Beach Rights Supremacy. Would probably be set up as a series of interconnected one shots?
The Body Image brainworm - Angst, hurt/comfort. Would be four or so chapters.
The Supernatural 141 au - oKAY I KNOW EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SUPERNATURAL 141 THOUGHTS BUT I CAN’T HELP MYSELF. Featuring hellhound Soap, grim Ghost, and all the motley crew. No firm idea on plot- may just be a series of one shots?
Let me know what ya’ll would prefer, or, feel free to suggest a fic prompt through my ask box!
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twilightarcade · 9 months
man looking for books makes me feel like an absolute idiot. Yeah I like everything but the stuff I don't like. Hope that helps
#wordstag#it's so freaking. Particular also. Be normal freak#huge fan of fiction but also had a moment where i decided i hated fantasy and never got out of that moment#i like fantasy probably i think but me in that moment decided i was sick of world building and we never got out of that#and i don't like raw fiction it needs to be like. Something that could reasonably happen in real life while still being mildly unreasonable#yk?#nothing i could go out on the street and see or whatever . But it would be funny if I did#i think i need to go read some good fantasy books though fantasy is such a goated genre#the . The potential.......#also needs 2 be a story about people but if the people are completely uninteresting and flat Well#but beyond that it needs to have those themes and motifs shit and they need to be Not In Your Face#i think mystery is pretty fun like in concept but i haven't read very much . Good mystery as of late#ROMANCE would be so baller if it wasn't so about romance yk. Which is just a me problem#i think romance has insane potentials to explore a person's psych and whatever but it just. Never hits for me.#and sometimes it's not even a romance book and like they jsut start going at it like come on now. Not in public eye roll emoji#i would like romance more if it was less about smashing faces and more about the inherent intimacy of romance yk#imagine opening up your heart to someone that shit is fucked up . I could talk for hours about romance but it would never be about romanceT#it's like the romantic movement from hit century like 18th maybe. Those are my Guys#anyway love romance as a concept but i think there's a bit too much hype around it. We should chill a bit. Look at the stars and shit#ok where was i going with this actually
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storyofmychoices · 4 months
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Otterly in Love 🦦 ❤️
[Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd Masterlist]
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd (F!MC) Book: Open Heart (Book Two) Word Count: text fic 📱 Rating/Warnings: General, fluff
A/N: I have not written Ethan and Ellie in probably two years? But when I saw @jerzwriter's post about World Otter Day, I had to put something quick together.
Background: Ellie's canon journey stops after the attack in book two. She has severe PTSD. One of the things that helped her get through it was just holding Ethan's hand through the nightmares. She decided in "No Longer Adrift" that Ethan was her sea otter because he helped keep her from getting lost in the darkness. So otters are a symbol for them.
Ethan also got this little plant + otter pot for her desk:
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zealouscanonindeer · 1 year
Synopsis: The aftermath of the attack comes with a waterfall of feelings.But is it enough to stop pretending?
Ethan's POV
Category: Angsty fluff. I can never resist a happy ending
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Sunlight peeked through the blinds at the blissful couple nestled in sleeps abode. I was the first to stir, stretching as consciousness returned, slowly opening one eye, then another before opening both to stare at the back of the woman who occupied every inch of my soul.
Her body moved rhythmically, even breaths for which I was grateful, ever since the attack seeing her felt like mercy on my heart. I would have died inside had she not made it. I loved her, with every fiber of my being, I did. And I would show her just how much I did, every single moment that we spent together.
I smiled, closing my eyes and sleep lulled me back into its abode.
"Ethan? Hey. " A gentle nudge against my shoulder followed by a kiss on my forehead roused me. I pulled her hand in mine.
"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's almost noon. "
" Perfect time to come back to bed. " I turned to my side, pulling her hand with me, her body following.
"Who are you and what have you done to my Ethan? "
"It's you Rookie, what are you doing to me? "
She giggled, sitting by my side, bending over me. Suddenly water slapped against my face, making me jerk back, my eyes flying open.
"Oh, sorry. "
Aspen moved her wet hair back over her right shoulder. I looked up to see her smile sheepishly at me, leaning down to peck my lips lightly. I held her against me, her bathrobe soft against my skin, not allowing the kiss to end. Her lips moved in a perfectly synchronized manner, tasting of honey. Needing air, we broke away.
I laid back, staring at her as she brushed my hair back, her fingers running through them, instantly relaxing me.
"Why are you looking at me like that? "
"Like what? "
"With that wierd look in your eyes. " I couldn't in that moment fathom how I had ended up finding her, how I would treasure her forever.
"I was just thinking"
"About? "
I wasn't gonna tell her just yet but she meant everything to me, how I would never hurt her again. I flipped us over so that she was under me. I hovered over her, kissing her once more.
She smirked at me.
"As much as I would like to, you have a shift. At a hospital you work at, as a doctor. " She teased.
Reluctantly, I picked up my belongings and car keys, giving Penny a lingering kiss, hugging her tightly.
"Someone's all lovey dovey today. " She pecked my clothed shoulder. Ignoring her astute observation, I quickly steered the conversation in a different direction
"When are you coming in again? "
"At around 7. I have a night shift today."
Noticing my slightly deflated look, she chuckled. I bade her goodbye, walking out to another day at Edenbrook.
The day continued like always, annoying interns, diagnostic cases and a couple of hours at the clinic. It was time for my shift to end, packing up my stuff I headed out, popping into the resident quaters to greet Aspen where I was informed she wasn't in yet.
I called her but she didn't answer, which was usual, and utterly annoying. I walked out to get into my car, winding through Boston traffic when the car bluetooth pinged with Penny's name.
"Hey. Where..." Her hoarse gasp shut me up.
"Ethan. Where are you? " Her laboured breath hitched as she gasped into the receiver.
My heart clenched with fear, breaking into a cold sweat I calmed my rising anxiety.
"Darling? What's wrong? "
"I need you to come quick. "
"Hold on, I'm almost there. Just hold on. " I prayed and begged her.
"Rookie "
"ROOKIE" Jenner barked frantically, running towards me.
"Here." A whisper called out to me from the kitchen floor.
I knelt down by Aspen's weak form, helping her into a sitting position, supporting her weight. She had a pretty bad bruise on the side of her shoulder, already turning black and blue. Jenner stood by my side, worried at the scene before him. She looked up at me and smiled weakly, trying to put on a brave face so I wouldn't worry.
" Don't worry, I just felt dizzy and blacked out. I hit the counter on my fall." She moved her arm, wincing.
"It's probably due to the anemia. You'd warned me it was a common after effect of the toxins I was exposed to. "
" You're right. I'll drive you to the hospital and get you set up. " She nodded as I picked her up.
I pulled the car into the parking space, getting my seatbelt off and ready to open the door when she stopped me.
"Wait! "
"What? " I scanned her, noticing the alarmed look in her eyes.
"You can't take me inside and somebody might see me get off from your car. Drop me at the back entrance and then go home. Your shift's done, it will be suspicious if you return five minutes after I'm here. "
"Have you lost it! I'm going nowhere. "
"But, Ethan everyone will know.. about Us. " My insides fluttered at her words.. Or one word in particular. Us. I didn't care anymore.
"Then let them. " I looked at her earnestly. The way her eyes lit up at my decision had me wishing I had done it long ago.
"Let's go in, together. " I offered.
"Okay." She pushed the seatbelt off as I opened the door for her and helped her out. I steadied her, walking her in through the hospital doors.
"Dr Ramsey! Um.. You're gonna..? " Marlene startled seeing me walk into Penny's room.
"Yes Marlene, I'm gonna sit by my sick girlfriend for the entire night. "
"Of course. " Marlene smiled a genuinely happy smile, leaving as she completed her last call, ready to hand over the floor to the next nurse on duty and head home.
The hospital was in quite a stir now. Hushed whispers and shocked indiscreet looks, everyone trying their best to hide their surprise and failing. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, we weren't exactly parading being together, we just weren't hiding it anymore. I was tired of it.
Knowing how precious time was, knowing how much of it was already gone, not knowing how much was left, a chill ran down my spine just thinking about having regrets. This... Us it wasn't something to be kept like dirty secret. I wanted people to know I loved this woman and she deserved nothing less than that.
I sat lost in my thoughts when a small voice called out to me.
"Rookie, hey, what's wrong? "
"Nothing.Could you just get the bed into a sitting position. " I turned the lever, pushing her slightly up.
"Thank you. For tonight. "
"What do you mean? "
Her eyes turned warm and glazed, she had beautiful eyes, the chocolate orbs stared at me with so much understanding, I couldn't help but fall in love all over again. Man, I had it bad.
"For showing how much this means to you. Us"
I simply kissed her forehead, words leaving me. I was done living safe. This was definitely a risk but when it came to her...She was worth every risk in the world.
@liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @jerzwriter @cariantha @peonierose @rookiemartin @kyra75 @queencarb @genevievemd @tessa-liam @coffeeheartaddict2 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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First time texting
A.N: i have no idea when exactly this happens but it happens in a way. i’ll figure it out as soon as my train of thoughts come back.
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Perma tag: @starrystarrytrouble/ @schnitzelbutterfingers/ @shewillreadyou/ @maurine07/ @miss-smrxtiee/ @hopelessromantics4life/ @nikki-2406/
OH AU tag list: @iemcpbchoices/ @drariellevalentine/ @zeniamiii/ @shanzay44  /  @jooous/  @udishaman/  @takemyopenheart
if anyone wants to be added or removed from the tags let me know!
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lovealexhunt · 2 years
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2022: ☆ January ☆ February ☆ March ☆ April ☆ May ☆ June  ☆
☆July☆ August ☆ September ☆ October ☆ November/December
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer 
[HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
Bogart's 12 Days of Christmas: a series of 12 Pictagram edits featuring the adorable Bogart (based on @jamespotterthefirst's 12 days of Christmas prompts)
Bogart's Cute Halloween Costume: a quick dialogue drabble based on an image prompt (unofficial fic?)
Between the Snowflakes: Thomas and Alex head to Lake Tahoe to celebrate their engagement.
All I Want Is You: Thomas and Alex are ready for their holiday trip (or are they?).
Reindeer Games: The Hunt family has some holiday fun.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
Soon (It's a relative term): Bryce and Olivia finally have a morning off together.
Midnight:  Bryce and Olivia share a midnight kiss.
All I Want: Bryce has a little surprise for Olivia.
Commissions, edits, + more below the cut
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Halex Commissions
Thomas & Alex relaxing on the couch by irdeinfierno (Instagram)
Thomas & Alex heated kiss by angki.s_ (Instagram)
Thomas & Alex mistletoe kiss by @rosefuckinggenius
Thomas & Alex with Cocoa (gift) by shinkxart (Instagram)
Thomas & Alex with Coffee (prize) by @hydn-jpg
Thomas & Alex minimalist chibi by @bayleedrawsx
Hunt Family Christmas by Artbyainna (Instagram)
Bryce & Olivia kissing on the couch by Artbyainna (instagram)
Alex with a Christmas sweater (gift) by georgetarts (Instagram)
Brylivia Commissions
Bryce & Olivia fall portraits (2) by Seirachannn(Instagram)
Bryce & Olivia "Beautiful" comic by CikiLemon
Bryce & Olivia Sunflower Field Kiss by irdeinfierno
Bryce & Olivia Christmas Kiss by irdeinfierno
Tyril + Mal Sketch by Seirachannn
Bryce & Olivia New Year's kiss by irdeinfierno
Blades of Light & Shadow Commissions
Tyril + Mal Colored Art by Seirachannn
Short King (Mal + Tyril) by @rosefuckinggenius
Mal & Daenarya kiss (gift) by @weetlebeetle
2022 Summary Commission Posts
All Halex Commissions [Part One] [Part Two]
All Brylivia Commissions
Assorted Commissions (Mal, Ethan, Troy, Levi, etc)
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How would Olivia, Ellie, Bryce, and Ethan react to a nurse making tiktoks about a patient?
Halex + Brylivia OTP asks
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? (all pairings)
Brylivia OTP Asks/Headcanons
Blonde Ellie
What couple reminds you of one of yours?
How would Bryce describe Olivia in 3 words? 💖
three things your MC is grateful for this year? What about their LI? (Brylivia + Halex)
Thomas + Alex winter/snow photo edit
This or That Winter Edition (Halex)
This or That Winter Edition (Brylivia, Ramshepherd, Levi x Laura, Malarya)
Christmas Bingo + Headcanons for Halex and Brylivia
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socalwriterbee · 2 years
Friday Writing Motivation
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HC intro to the OH world…
Paging Dr. Ramsey… be on the lookout, keep your loved one close.
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