#open request to please please please send me more stories like Spider-Man: Fake Red
dabunnybuns · 11 months
Spider-Man: Fake Red fucking RULED
I really wish there were more comics about normal ass people trying to be a superhero like Spider-Man, I loved the message of the story!!
I know flash does it in the comics sometimes, but I want another like meaty story like this that’s not just one (1) issue
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hellishvu · 5 years
Fellas, is it Gay to Fall in Love with a Spider?
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—  this was so fun to write and let me tell you ! i’m in luv with this concept. also this one is WAYYY longer then my usual stories so grab your popcorn! i wanted to do it right and not force or push the relationship :) this is going to be my pride gift! since it’s so long and i’m sososo close to 200 followers so please enjoy <33
words: 4,783
☆彡 where a spiderkook comes flying through your window during a robbery chase.
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Jungkook loves his role as Spider-man, he loves saving things from the world to his local neighborhood. Sometimes he would save a cute guy here and there or a friendly cat. Flying through the air when all of his community knows him very well. Of course they hadn’t known his real identity wanting to keep that a secret. He could only imagine the reaction of all his friends that he’s known for years.
So when one night a chase turned extreme very quickly, Jungkook was on the case seeing the burglar steal a handful of the local bank’s money. Jungkook being there before any of the police force wanting to take things into his own hands. The sharp turns, the fast dodges so he doesn’t hit city buildings. This guy was an expert because he knew every pathway for Jungkook to almost lose him.
There was a sudden turn where he was face front in a bright advisement billboard causing Jungkook to turn his body to a nearby window so he wouldn’t smash right into the wall. Jungkook smashed through the window seeing a male sleeping soundly till he awoke rapidly.
“Holy shit!” You screamed out as you saw a male with a spider suit groaning in pain seeing the he literally went through your window. You heard the shattered glass when he stood up looking out the broken window seeing the robber got away.
“What? What are you doing? My window!” You whined when you got up turning on the light of your room, thank god you lived alone or explaining this to anyone would be a nightmare.
“Well, I shoot webs here and there you know.” The male says with a rather cocky attitude seeing you grab a broom near the door of your bedroom.
“Well you kinda shot a web into my house.” You pointed at the residue of a web on your very favorite poster of the band you’ve been obsessed with. You turned your head towards the clock to see the time was almost 12am.
“Don’t you sleep? It’s 12am. Why are you rolling through windows?” Jungkook heard the male say swiping the glass, you got near his foot pushing the broom to signal him to move his feet so you can get all the glas. Jungkook was literally so confused, did you pay no mind that he literally could fly through your window? Or did you not notice that he was Spider-man in the first place?
“Okay, I hope this doesn’t seem egotistical but you know i’m Spider-man right? Saved the planet?”
“Hi spider-man that saved the planet. I’m y/n now go fix my window!”
“Okay I will come back later but right now I have to go.” Jungkook tried to say when he moved even a muscle caused him to wince at the pain of some open cuts. You took his arm and gave him support so he could get to your bed.
“No. You’re bleeding, luckily no glass got stuck in your skin but it’s better to stay here.”
“But I have to go, plus I just can’t reveal my identity.”
“Well Spider-man you can keep your mask on, just let me help your wounds. Let the cops take care of whatever chase you’re in.” You covered your windows by the curtains you had hoping that the male could relax about his identity. The male requested he went to the bathroom to change, of course you providing clothes for him.
Jungkook walked in the bathroom and the first thing that came to mind was “I’m so fucked.” Why did he need to chase after that one robber, why did he jump through a window, or why is this (cute) guy helping him? Jungkook looked at his reflection of the so called cuts and wow there was a lot of them he was surprised that he hasn’t dropped dead yet. Jungkook took off his spider suit leaving just the mask which looked so ridiculous that he couldn’t help but giggle in the bathroom but it hurt like a bitch so that ended quickly.
“Are you okay in there?” Jungkook heard the muffled question by the door yelling back an ok before once again looking in the mirror once again.
Jungkook opened the restroom door to see you already with an air mattress near your bed. Jungkook raised an eyebrow seeing he never intended on staying the night at so called... just now realizing that he hasn’t learned your name or he just forgot.
“What’s your name?” The male asked when you set a pillow on his air mattress. You looked up to see a well fit male that was like eye candy but you quickly snapped out of it so you could answer his question.
“Y/N, I said it before but I was in a fit of rage so it’s nice to not want to kill you.” You smiled when the male sat down next to you. You grabbed the very home-made med kit that you had for god knows how long but you made sure it was sterile. You don’t want to be known for the person that literally killed spider-man. You started with the smaller cuts some needing band aids while others needed bandages.
“Question though.”
“Shoot it.”
“Do you always jump through people’s windows?” The question has Jungkook snickering flicking your forehead in response, telling you the story from the beginning of how he ended up sitting next to you. Even if he did sleep over, he was spider-man! He’s dealt with the worst people so if you did try anything he doubts it will be tough situation. Maybe that was just an excuse to stay next to you while your warm hands touch his rather cold body. That made his face heat up but thank god you couldn’t see it or the way his ears are probably the most vibrate red in the entire world. Weakness: cute guys... truly the worst.
When the fix was done you sighed seeing the great job you did but you clicked your tongue when you saw one of them were already falling off. You went back to work while this probably will kill Jungkook, he was ticklish and throughout all of this he’s been dying to not laugh.
“Well you should be done. There’s your bed, don’t mind if it gets cold doesn’t usually get that cold in here.” Once again you hinted at the broken window, Jungkook couldn’t help but giggle a little. You laid back on your bed rolling your body away from spider-man.
“Wow he acts like I’m just a friend sleeping over.” Jungkook thought while turning his body towards you, seeing the back of your head. God this mask was suffocating though, he never realized that in battle but holy shit when you got nothing to think but about this mask.
“Do you think, you could just not turn around because I’m going to die from this mask before I die from bleeding.” Jungkook asked seeing you slowly turn to see him. You nodded having sleep in your mind rather then the superhero’s face. Jungkook took off the mask breathing in deep breaths ruffling his soft brown hair. He liked it longer, loved his natural curls.
“Hey I’m a cute boy you’re a cute boy. I have a great personality, you do too. Let’s be soulmates.” Jungkook thought once again before covering himself with more blankets feeling the chilling breeze. Jungkook yawned before resting his eyes.
You woke up rubbing your eyes, you felt something missing or someone. You looked down to see the spider kid not even there. You grumbled that he just left! You looked through the broken window trying to not get pricked by the sharp edges. Looking at the air mattress with a note on the pillow.
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“Well there goes him.” You mumble under your breath as you got to cleaning the sleepover if you could call it that.
Jungkook went home, seeing that the apartment was empty so he had the opportunity to quickly change out his spider suit and giving him the well needed shower. The water on his wounds stung for a bit but he felt clean and he can finally go out to eat.
“Jungkook where were you last night?” Jungkook heard his friend that he’s been living with for years. Jungkook quickly tried to come up with an excuse as the silence was more noticeable the longer he took.
“Just slept over at my.. boyfriends house.” Oh god the regret he witnessed when Namjoon gasped loudly. Jungkook did not indeed have a boyfriend neither a brain apparently. That excuse will have to do till Namjoon forgets about it but till then he’s gotta make up a fake person or he could use you but he literally doesn’t know anything besides your name.
Jungkook got out of the shower, seeing his well missed bedroom with posters and clothes that still need to be washed. Jungkook patched himself up but while doing it he couldn’t help but miss your warm hands.
The real question was how was he suppose to help you fix your window? I mean he can’t just walk in and be like “Hey i’m the guy that like broke your window but I’m not spider-man. I’m just a guy you know? That noticed your window was broken because I’m a nice-” Now he was just rambling to himself, he wanted to see you again somehow or someway. Maybe there was another way, maybe he had to take things in his own spider hands.
Jungkook put on his suit sneaking off in the back of his bedroom window webbing across the city trying to look for that particular billboard. Jungkook found it seeing the large women with cat food in her hand while the cat literally looks like they want to destroy her. Jungkook looked inside your window seeing that you weren’t home and no lights were on.
“This can’t be a good idea, crime is never a good idea but is it crime if it’s helping? Maybe he’ll tase me and reveal my identity and send me to become the next cat food model with a cat that wants to murder me, but I won’t be the model I’ll be the cat food they will call it spidermeow.”
You walked in from the longest day of your life, time moved like a snail and you rather spend your time in your cozy bed than anywhere else right now. Playing your favorite music through your earbuds before taking them off when you entered your room. You saw your window was finally repaired with a little note stuck on with tape.
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You took off the note seeing the window was actually repaired quite nicely. You knocked on the glass making sure it has the strength to stay in place. Seeing a large box of which probably where the glass was shipped in, you turned it around seeing a name and an address.
Order from: Jungkook Jeon
Ship to: Game Apartments Apt 304
Shipper’s Address: Seaside Apartments Apt 203
“Jeon Jungkook!” Jungkook heard a yell from Namjoon, groggy from taking a nap not so long ago. Jungkook opened the door wearing his slippers before seeing Namjoon in the door way. Jungkook ruffles his hair before taking the door.
“What can I help you wi-” Jungkook widens his eyes recognizing your face instantly. Jungkook cleared his throat trying to act back to normal. Not wanting to break his persona of just a normal guy.
“I think we should talk window breaker.” You grinned with the address and name sticker held up in the air.
Jungkook quickly let you inside pushing you towards his room before Namjoon could ask what was going on. Jungkook slammed the door looking back at you resting on his bed.
“So you’re spider-man?” You got up seeing his face up close and personal. Jungkook gulped stepping away from you to hide his anxious behavior.
“Me? Spider-man psh! That’s- absurd!” jungkook could feel the sweat roll down his forehead to his cheeks.
“Jungkook you don’t have to lie. Plus you wanted to meet!” You cross your hands almost like trapping Jungkook from any possibility of breaking free from this one.
“Yeah but not revealed.” Jungkook ran his hand through his hair, sighing that Mr. Park was going to kill him later about someone finding out his identity.
“I won’t share it. Call it a solid for fixing my window.” You smiled seeing Jungkook blush from seeing your cute smile.
“You also look a lot better then I imagined.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“So is that all? I know your identity and the world seems to not be exploding.” You looked out his window trying to prove the point that the world will keep spinning if you knew his name or not.
“Well once you start sharing it I’m sure the world will explode pretty soon.”
“Well I’ll just hang out with you till I gain your trust. So if I start sharing you can catch me anytime.” You declared a deal with him seeing his reaction of being uncertain that this plan will go as smoothly as you want.
“I wish I was cat food instead.” Jungkook mumbled under his breath, having to deal with this and try to explain this to Mr. Park was going to be the death of him.
“You want to get some coffee? Catch breakfast?” You asked trying to give Jungkook a chance to let loose and not think about his spider side every two seconds.
“It’s 2pm.”
“Well, what about brunch then?” You shrug your shoulders trying to meet in the middle with Jungkook.
“Fine. Let’s go.” Jungkook gestures you to leave his room, following you right behind.
“We will be back Namjoon.” Jungkook waves at Namjoon closing the door leading you to go down the stairs the thick air of awkward silence. You expected him to be louder and more out going like when he was in his spider suit.
“So.” You said in between your sips of your beverage, Jungkook holding his banana smoothie in his hand. Jungkook turns his head towards you away from the window he was just staring out of.
“So?” Jungkook raises his eyebrow, wondering when you were just gonna leave him alone so he could just handle the issue of his identity.
“You get mean when you’re Jungkook.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well when your spider-man, you’re kind and you fix windows. When you’re Jungkook you seem annoyed to be with me. I feel like you’re not even giving me a chance.” You sigh sinking in your seat, deciding if there was a way to remove your memory from that night you would take it in an instant at this point the chances of you becoming Jungkook’s friend is as equal as the planet exploding due to an alien invasion.
“It’s just- My friends don’t know, Namjoon doesn’t. I’ve been friends with them for years and they still don’t know. I wasn’t ready for someone to know.”
“And I was hoping that somehow we could meet again but as Jungkook and somehow we could be friends since you’re really sweet. If we are friends and people know who I am. You could get in so much trouble and risk to your own life just because I didn’t remember to take off the stupid sticker with my name in big bold letters.” Jungkook takes a deep breath trying to calm himself down seeing your reaction of silence. It wasn’t that you didn’t know what to say, you were figuring out when you should say things.
“Sorry I know I talk a lot.”
“No! It’s okay. I thought going to your house it would be all fun and games but now I know it’s more than that. I was ignorant for thinking it wasn’t a big deal.” You said drinking your last sip of your beverage. Setting it down leaning on the table wanting to show compassion towards Jungkook by body language.
“Thanks. I’m glad we had this talk and I could give you another chance.” Jungkook smiles showing his bunny teeth, you couldn’t help but smile back it was addicting.
“Well it’s fairly early but do you want to have a sleepover? This time I won’t be smashing into anyone’s windows.” Jungkook suggests seeing it was a Friday afternoon. You two being in the large city where snacks and arcades were less then a mile away.
“Yeah I would like that.” You both got up from the booth, setting down a 5 dollar bill in tips. Jungkook basically dragged you out of there.
Jungkook breathes in the city air of the very polluted atmosphere. You trying to guess where Jungkook could possibly take you. Jungkook standing proudly holding his backpack around his arm.
“So our first stop is...”
“Donut shop?”
“Gas station?”
“We are in the city Y/N.”
“Okay, note taken you're not good at guessing games- Our first stop is the bookstore.”
“Oh and you call my options ridiculous!” You shoving Jungkook playfully when he laughs, Jungkook pulled his wallet from his backpack showing that he just got paid.
“Come on! Read one comic with me!” Jungkook teases you, watching you grumble under your breath.
“Just one?”
The bookstore was filled with the smell of new books. The pleasant scent with the look of smiling Jungkook. He wore a nicely light pink open button up shirt with a white undershirt. The fluffly brown hair that you remembered from the night he slept over, when in the middle of the night you heard his little snores turning to see his hair in the moonlight.
Jungkook showed you many collections naming all of the main characters and the plot line trying to get you to chose one. Of course the describing was filled with body expressions and his sound affects.
“Oh what is this?” You teased pulling up a comic of SpiderMan, Jungkook getting shy asking you to put it back.
“It’s not even right! First they have me date a women, I’m gay!” Jungkook realized what he just said always having the habit of saying things that are personal too quick.
“You’re gay?” You asked, Jungkook rubbing the back of his head seeing you put the comic back to the original place.
“..Yeah.” Jungkook quietly said hoping that you wouldn’t stomp on his poor heart. You pulled him into a hug messing with his hair.
“Me too.” You released the hug, Jungkook had asked if you had something to write with and something to write on. You pulled a napkin from the cafe you two were at earlier.
“Do you think I could come out? As spider-man?”
“Are you ready? I don’t want to force it on you.” You asked while Jungkook took the napkin signing it, you hiding him as best as you could from the cameras so his identity is hidden.
“Spider-man is Gay #pride2019 — spider man himself”
You two walked out of the bookstore giggling like kids. Jungkook holding the comics he bought with the one you chose to read with him. You could feel the bond get tighter every moment with him. You didn’t want to lose him and you’ve only had this day with him, he looked at the world with glowing eyes rather then seeing all the negative even if he sees it all while he’s spider-man.
“I wonder if falling in love with a spider is gay?” You mumbled under your breath while Jungkook spun around wondering what you said.
“I wonder if facing my fear of... heights. Was a possibility?” You could be lying or you couldn’t, you never really went to the higher buildings of the city due to not being the most famous or successful person. Jungkook held your hands jumping up and down.
“Do you want me to get you up on the buildings?!” Jungkook cheered still holding your hands. They were soft. Jungkook always wanted to take someone to the buildings with him, it was like the picture perfect romantic setting. The starry night, the good-looking guy, and Jungkook getting his first kiss with yo- It was the starry night that was romantic! Not the possibility that you two might kiss, he wants it though. Good god does he want it.
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded, Jungkook realizing how long he’s been holding your hands letting them go shyly.
Jungkook walked with you till he found a secured place to change into his spidersuit. Jungkook changed in front of you really not realizing you were there. You tried to stare everywhere but Jungkook’s toned body. Jungkook finally changed into his suit, asking if you could carry his backpack just in case anyone would recognize it.
Wow you haven’t seen him in his spidersuit in so long but now that he’s stretching in it, testing his webs, and making sure he can climb up the building. You couldn’t look in his eyes which is saddening, you love his brown eyes. Jungkook was way more louder and out-going as spider-man though.
“Okay are you ready?” Jungkook was jumping in place waiting for your okay. You pulled the backpack handles around your shoulders tightening it.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You nod, Jungkook pulling you close to his chest wrapping his hand around you. Jungkook could feel his heart race a little quicker not because of the adrenaline of going up this building, it was your head was like not even a feet away from his face. Kissing distance was there and just thinking about it made Jungkook blush.
Jungkook shot his webs pulling you two up the building. You probably shouldn’t look down and even Jungkook warned you about it but curiosity kills you, looking down you widen your eyes. Jungkook noticed it holding you tighter to his chest. Holy shit were you high! It only been like 5 minutes and wow you could see people as ants.
“You okay?” Jungkook said underneath his mask looking up trying to find a faster way up. You laughed like a manic seeing the adrenaline of being so free.
“Yeah! Keep going!” You yelled holding a camera while you told Jungkook to pose, he stopped his web shooting for a minute smiling.
Jungkook two hours ago would never do this with you, never let you take a selfie with him, and would never climb this building with you around him. He’s falling in love which is a unknown subject to him, but he’s going to really fall if he doesn’t stop staring at your eyes.
You two reached the top of the building feeling the strong breeze. You saw Jungkook a bit cold, when he’s on roof tops he’s fighting or chasing after villains but just being on here not moving a muscle the cold got to him. You pulled off your coat wrapping it around him. Jungkook was about to take it off to give it back to you but you stopped him.
“What? You deserve it.”
You two sat down, seeing the starry night of the city. You looked at the billboards seeing many advertisements of water that is way too expensive and clothes that just say one word on it and it suddenly costs 500 dollars. You looked back at Jungkook seeing him enjoy the jacket you let him borrow since it was way bigger than him and you enjoy your coats bigger because for some reason it makes sense to you that they would warm you up more.
Soon enough you saw the twitter trends billboard change instantly seeing #PrideSpiderman and #SpidermanisGay and #Spidergay. You couldn’t help but laugh a little bit, you pointed it for Jungkook to see. Jungkook laughing loudly leaning on you so he doesn’t fall on the concrete.
Jungkook got himself together getting back up from his laughing fit, the first thing he saw your face so close to his. Jungkook took off his mask so you could see him. The blush that is generating, the raw feelings for you, and the tears that are about to come out some from the laughing and others from wanting to kiss you so bad it’s annoying.
“Would it really kill you if we kissed?” Jungkook whispered pressing his forehead to yours. The breath hitches you both exchange realizing there was no way to back out now, you were going to be in his life and in his memories if he decides to not to date you. The city would always remember him of you, that bookstore would always remind him of you, and running and chasing after villains on the rooftop he’ll always blush remembering this day.
“Jungkook you’re going to kill me.” You embrace his face pulling him even closer. Pressing your lips to his, Jungkook felt the most adrenaline in his life with you kissing him. Jungkook closed his eyes letting the strong feelings of love run through his body. You released the kissing session seeing Jungkook still closing his eyes, you flick his forehead just like how he did that faithful night.
“Can we do it again?” Jungkook asks putting himself on your lap. You chuckled pulling him in once more, Jungkook being less nervous about kissing you. It was the prefect sweet harmony and one to always remember.
“I’ve always loved your hands.” Jungkook said while you embraced him, not even minutes later Jungkook realizes just how awkward that sounded.
“Oh god that sounds a lot creepy than I meant it to be.” Jungkook looked down to hide his embarrassment. You lifted his chin making the eye contact once again.
Don’t worry you dork.” You press a kiss on his forehead. 
“How are you going to explain to Namjoon when I come over?”
“Oh I said you were my boyfriend.” Jungkook realizing he did his very own foreshadowing.
“Oh really now?”
“Well, I needed an excuse of why I was gone when I came home at like 7am. Plus I kinda wanted to be your boyfriend at the time and you were kinda running through my head all the time but at the same time I didn’t know if I had feelings for you because like could I even have feelings for you if you knew I was spider-man-“
“Oh I’m doing that thing again.” Jungkook buries his head in your neck whining that he does talk a lot out of no where.
“If you find it annoying, I’ll stop.” Jungkook mumbles wondering when he should get off your lap. You gave him silence but Jungkook took that as “plz get off my lap you weirdo.” Jungkook lifted one leg off of you but before he could get off your lap you pressed him closer to you.
“You’re precious, I love your rambles don’t ever change.” Oh god butterflies flew everywhere in his stomach. Jungkook lifting his head, kissing you softly again.
You two arrived at the apparments sharing jokes and stories along the way till Jungkook opened the door, seeing Namjoon sitting on the couch in his pajamas, snacking on carrots. Namjoon waved at Jungkook before noticing you were there.
“Is this your boyfriend Jungkook?” Namjoon asked giving a rather playful face seeing Jungkook frown from the teasing. You held his hand raising it up for Namjoon to see.
“Yup! I’m Y/N, Jungkook’s boyfriend.” You announced offering to shake hands with Namjoon. Namjoon shook hands with you feeling the ferm grip. Jungkook felt the weight off his shoulders not having to worry about that.
“Wait did he just call me his boyfriend? Is that official? Or did he just say that to protect me? Is it okay to marry someone you just started dating?” Jungkook thought while you and Namjoon converse getting to know eachother.
Jungkook decided that it was time to have alone time with you, you exchanging goodnights with Namjoon. You felt Jungkook’s hand lead you to his bedroom. Not as strangers anymore, but as lovers. You couldn’t help but have a giant grin on your face.
“Guys did you hear spider man is gay!? This is a win for the gays!” You two heard from the other side of the door. Namjoon cheering, you looking at Jungkook looking like he was on top of the moon, you pulled him in so you both were laying down on his bed. Sleeping peacefully in eachothers arms not a care in the world wether bad guys existed or good guys, all you needed in your world was Jungkook. It didn’t matter if he was the global superhero spider-man or just a regular nerd that enjoys comics a little too much. You knew he was special.
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A Secret for None (Peter Parker x Reader)
Notes: Okay, I’m back with a new fic! And it’s my usual reader insert fic, yay! I’m excited to be back in the groove of writing. I might be on hiatus after a couple of days again because I have finals, but once summer starts I will be able to write a lot more! And, as always, my asks/DMs/submit box/tag list is always open so feel free to drop in anytime :)
Summary: You learn about your boyfriend’s secret, making your entire world crumble.
A Secret
Peter Parker x Reader
Requested?: Yes, by anon: "I really thought you loved me but if you dont think I'm worthy of knowing you big secret then clearly I was wrong." *walks away into darkness and angst dun dun duuunnnn*😂 this one could work VERY well with peter or Remus for sure but since your the one with the urge abd need to write angry you and you alone decide well you and your creativity/inspiration 😅”
Word Count: 1,501
Warnings: Just a ton of angst and a little bit of fluff at the beginning?
Your boyfriend is your entire world. Sure, you have friends besides him and you’re still in high school, but without him, you would crumble. He’s your rock, your everything, and your comforter. Your boyfriend is the sweetest guy on earth, Peter Parker.
“Pete!” You smile and hug him from behind as he gets a book out of his locker. You hear him chuckle and turn around in the hug so he can hug you back.
“Hey, (Y/n).” Peter kisses your forehead, effectively putting a large grin on your face.
“You ready to hang out tonight? It’s our big movie date we’ve been planning for a while.” You smirk, locking your arms around his neck. You watch his gaze turn sheepish as he looks away. This concerns you.
“I- uh...I can’t tonight, actually. Can we do...next week or something?” He mutters, looking anywhere but your eyes.
“We’ve been planning this for weeks, Peter.” You huff, undoing your arms from his neck and letting them fall loosely to your sides.
“I know, I know. I just...family issues, okay? I swear I won’t bail next time.” He gives you his signature puppy dog eyes. You sigh.
“That’s what you’ve said the past three times.” You look down and scuff the tip of your shoe on the ground.
“It’s different this time. Next week, I swear I will give you my undivided attention and we will have our movie date.” He gives you his charming smile that you can’t say no to.
“Fine. Next week it is.” You give him a small smile and peck his cheek.
“Perfect. Now, we’ve got to get to class.” He smiles and grabs your hand in his, walking to class with your fingers intertwined.
Yes, you love your boyfriend, but sometimes you wonder how much he loves you.
“Mom, I’m going to go to the bank to put some more money into my savings account.” You call out to your mom through the apartment.
“Okay, honey, be safe!” She calls back. You step out into the cold wind and pull your jacket closer around your form, starting to walk to the bank. Since you had a job to help support your family, you would put small amounts of money into savings every month to help save up for your college fund. So far, you had a decent amount ready.
Once you’ve been standing in line at the bank for a good fifteen minutes, three men with black ski masks walk in.
Just your luck.
“Everyone on the ground!” One man holds up a high-tech gun and fires it at the ceiling, sending a burst of electricity out.
Definitely not a normal gun.
“Did you guys really think you could just stroll in here without me finding out? I mean, come on, guys.” A red and blue clad Spider-Man slowly swoops in.
“You again?” A robber distastefully asks.
“Me again.” Spider-Man gives a small bow before the fight breaks out. Screams are heard as the captives all hurry to get against the wall. You start to take charge, ushering everyone out that you can while the robbers are distracted. You get mostly everyone out, only a few bank clerks are left when the entrance is blocked.
Spider-Man gets thrown against the wall next to you and you gasp as he shakes it off. He gets up, groaning.
“Spider-Man, are you okay?” You ask, hesitant to engage in conversation out of fear that the robbers will hurt you.
“I’m fine--” He looks at you and the eyes on his mask go wide.
“What is it?” You ask as concern makes its way onto your features.
“N-Nothing. You need to get out of here, miss.” His voice goes up an octave and you immediately recognize that voice.
Peter freaking Parker.
As the fight goes on, you find a way to escape and run all the way back to your apartment. Not a fun night out, especially since your boyfriend bailed on your movie night to do hero stuff.
Especially since you didn’t know that your boyfriend was a hero.
So you do what any sensible person would do. You wait until the early hours of the morning and call Peter.
“Hey, what’s up?” He immediately answers the phone, sounding out of breath.
“Have you been...running?” You try to seem clueless as to why he’s out of breath.
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. I went for a jog around the block just now. Why are you calling? Is something wrong?” He asks, also playing dumb.
“Yeah uh...can you come over? I, uh, I was at that bank that almost got robbed earlier and I could use some emotional support.” You fake a voice crack as if you were crying. Peter immediately assures you he’ll be over in a minute.
“(Y/n), are you okay?” Peter rushes to you, cradling your face in his hands.
“Yeah, there were these guys with huge, and I mean huge weird guns.” You frown, straining to lean into his touch instead of pulling away. All you want to do is confront him, tell him you know his secret, ask him why he kept it from you.
Ask him if he really loves you.
Ask him if he trusts you like he says he does.
“I-I’m so sorry. Those guys with the guns were terrible, but you were so brave, babe. Ushering others out? I couldn’t believe it.” Peter hugs you. You go still. He outed himself.
“How did you know I ushered others out?” You murmur, pulling away from his arms. You immediately miss him, but this conversation needs to be done.
“It...was on the news.” 
“Bull. I watched the news story, it didn’t say anything about me.” You narrow your eyes and stand up, crossing to the other side of the room.
“I was there.” He whispers.
“Yeah, I know, Spider-Man.” You growl. His eyes go wide as he realizes you know.
Oh god, you know.
“(Y/n)...” He trails off.
“Don’t (Y/n) me. Don’t give me those stupid puppy dog eyes, don’t give me your charming smile that I can’t resist. I’m angry. All of these months you’ve been playing hero while leaving me in the dark. I can get why you didn’t tell me immediately, but after months and months of leaving me on dates, canceling plans, and completely brushing me off? I should have known. No, better yet, you should have told me. I had started to question whether you really loved me, but now I’m questioning so much more. Do you trust me at all?”
“Of course I do--”
“I’m not finished. I really thought you loved me. I really thought you loved me but if you don't think I'm worthy of knowing your big secret then clearly I was wrong. And don’t give me some crap like you wanted to protect me because you know I can take care of myself. You saw me at the bank. I’m fine.” You scoff, glaring deep into his soul.
“I know, but...I’m sorry.” A tear slips down his cheek. You clench your jaw, determined not to let his tears affect you. 
“You know that I have trust issues. Yet, you continued to keep this huge secret from me. Peter, I build my relationships off of trust and love. If we don’t have the key component of trust, then I can’t be with you.” Your lip starts to wobble and you bite it to keep from crying. You will not cry over this.
“I do trust you, (Y/n), I do. Please, don’t end this. Don’t end us. I’ll do better, I swear. I trust you and I’ll prove it to you.” Peter promises, crossing the room in two long strides to grab your hands in his. You pull away immediately this time, the large smile no longer coming to your face when his hands envelop yours.
“The problem is no longer whether you trust me or not because I don’t trust you anymore.” You whisper.
You can see the heartbreak on Peter’s face but you can’t take back what you said. You don’t want to take back what you said. Trust is important to you and if you can’t trust your boyfriend, then what is the relationship built off of.
“Please…” He mutters, tears spilling down his cheeks.
“You should go.” You push him to the side and open your window, gesturing for him to leave.
“I can’t leave us like this-- please, (Y/n).” He pleads, reaching for your hand one last time. This time, you pull it away before he can even reach it.
“I’m sorry, Peter, but it has to be this way. I hope someday in the future we can return to being friends.” You close your eyes and sigh, letting a single tear slip out. Before you know it, he’s out the window and gone. You shut it softly.
Finally, the tears flow as you force your Peter, your everything out of your life.
You loved Peter Parker, and now it’s your time to crumble.
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marvelousheroes · 7 years
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader 
Request: can you do a peter x reader were reader is toy's daughter and goes to a fancy private school and one day surprises peter with lunch because she likes him and gets kinda akward cause she's not a genius like he is so when he and ned talk science she's kinda lost and tries to impress him with comic book knowledge and gets stuff wrong then goes home thinking he thinks she's stupid, and i don't really know the rest but fluff please. so much fluff  (by anonymous)
Word count: 1300 (oops)
A/N: I did it! I finally did it. I finished an imagine after my four week writer’s block *excited squealing*. I hope that you’ll enjoy this!
PS: You can send me asks, stupid questions, messages anything! And please do :D send your asks here
You stood behind Peter’s front door with two pizzas. You were lonely and bored so you decided to surprise him with lunch. You knocked on the door waiting impatiently for it to open. “Surprise!” you screamed as Peter finally opened the door. “Y/N? What are you doing here?” Peter laughed in confusion. “I was bored so I decided to surprise you with pizzas. I got you your favorite,” you answered wiggling your eyebrows and walked into his apartment. “That’s great, Ned is here too though hope you don’t mind,” he said and couldn’t help but feel disappointed. You had wanted to spend alone time with him. You always felt really awkward and stupid when you hung out with Peter and Ned. They were both so smart and always made some stupid science or comic book jokes that you didn’t understand. But this time you came prepared. Last night you had been reading Peter’s favorite comics and researching his favorite superheroes. Yes, you were so badly in love with him that you spent a whole day reading and googling just to impress him. “Yeah that’s great, the more the merrier,” you smiled and opened the pizza boxes.
You hung out in Peter’s room joking around but you couldn’t concentrate on what the boys were saying. You spent the whole time overthinking about when you are going to bring up the new knowledge you had gathered the day before and what could you say so it wouldn’t be too obvious that you were trying to impress Peter. “So, Peter do you have any new interesting Spider-Man stories?” Ned asked as he made himself comfortable. He loved hearing about Peter’s stories. You loved those stories too but right now all you could think about was, how you could slip a comic book reference in there somewhere. “Yeah, you are like Superman keeping Gotham City safe. Only y-you keep Queens safe,” you said and cringed at your own words. Oh my God, that sounded so forced, you thought while mentally facepalming. Hopefully they didn’t notice how forced it was. “Oh Y/N that’s so wrong,” Ned laughed while Peter kicked him trying to shut him up. You gave Ned a confused look while trying to think what you got wrong. “Y/N Batman is in Gotham City, Superman is in Metropolis,” Ned said trying to hold back the laughter. “Oh,” was all you could say. You looked at Peter to see if he was laughing at you too. But it was much worse. He looked like he felt sorry for you. You let out a fake laugh trying to ease the awkward tension. Why did you have to fail that badly, you thought as you held back the tears. “Oh, oopsie, I got a text, oh look it’s my dad I have to go,” you lied and ran out.
As soon as you got home you collapsed on your bed crying. “He probably thinks that I’m so stupid. They are probably laughing at how stupid you are,” you thought and started crying even more. You had never felt so embarrassed. I mean, you were a Stark for crying out loud, everyone always expected you to be as smart as your dad and his dad and probably even his dad. It really took a toll to live in the shadow of the most brilliant man in the world.
After crying in self-pity for a few hours you heard a knock on your door. You quickly wiped away the tears and fixed your makeup. “What is it?” you yelled thinking it was your father. “It’s Peter. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed a bit upset when you left,” Peter responded behind the door. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, you thought. Your face was deep red and eyes all puffy, you did not want Peter to see you like this. You didn’t want him to know you were crying. “Just a second!” you yelled trying to figure out how to cover up your puffy eyes. After spinning around for a few seconds, you gave in and opened the door. “Hey Peter!” you fake smiled, pretending that it wasn’t obvious that you had just been crying your eyes out. “Y/N --” Peter stopped when he noticed your puffy eyes. “Are you okay?” he continued as he pulled you in a hug.  “Yeah of course. I’m fine,” you lied and pulled away from him. “Come on Y/N you know you can tell me anything,” he said as he grabbed your hand. “It’s nothing,” you lied again. “So anyway, what are you doing here?” you continued and sat on your bed. “You left so quickly that I wanted to make sure that you were okay. I called you like ten times but you didn’t answer,” he said. You grabbed your phone and saw 15 unread texts and 9 missed calls. “Sorry, I didn’t hear that,” you apologized. “It’s fine, can you just tell me what’s wrong. I’m getting worried. I hate seeing you sad Y/N,” he said and forced you to turn to face him. “It’s just… I just feel so stupid around you and Ned and I spent last night researching your favorite comics just to impress you and then I messed up and I just felt so embarrassed because I love you so much and I don’t want you to think that I’m stupid,” you blabbered.  Peter looked at you with wide eyes and you didn’t know what you said wrong. “Y/N,” Peter started. “I have never thought that you are stupid. Don’t you ever think that! You don’t have to go through all that trouble to impress me. I’m already impressed by you almost every day! By your confidence, by your wit and so many other things. And I love you too Y/N, so much!” Peter finished and now it was your turn to stare at him with wide eyes. You were almost paralyzed. You didn’t know what to do, you didn’t know what to say. He loved you? 
Peter looked into your eyes, trying to find a reaction on your face. He didn’t find any. He took a deep breath and decided to take a chance. He put his hand on your cheek and pulled you closer. He gave you a small kiss on the lips and then pulled away. He caressed your cheek with his thumb and your face turned deep red. After a few seconds it finally hit you. He just kissed you. That just happened. A wide grin appeared on your face and you saw the relief in Peter’s eyes. You grabbed his face and kissed him so hard that he fell on your bed you on top of him. “Y/N?!” you heard your dad scream and you finally realized the position you and Peter were in. “D-d-dad, this is not what it—” you tried to explain when he stopped you. “PETER??” Tony yelled as his eyes widened even more. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER?” Your dad yelled again and you could see the fear in Peter’s eyes. “Mr—Mr. Stark I know this looks bad but I promise you we were doing nothing wrong. It was just a kiss!” Peter tried to explain but Tony wasn’t having it. “Get out kid!” Tony said and gave you a disappointed look “I’m sorry Pete, I’ll call you later,” you said to Peter as he stood up. “Like hell you will!” Tony said and started ushering Peter out. “I’m sorry!” you mouthed to him as he left the room. 
Why does your dad have to ruin everything, you thought as you fell on your bed. In all honestly, right now you couldn’t care less about your dad yelling. You just kissed your crush! You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face as you thought about the kiss. But those thoughts were cut short when you heard your dad yelling again, “Y/N get your ass in here!”. You took a deep breath, stood up and spent the next hour listening to your dad telling you why you shouldn’t be dating anyone, let alone Peter. Like that was going to change your mind...
Tags: If you want to be tagged in my imagines, send me a message here and tell me what kind of posts you want to be tagged in (which characters).
@every-heart-has-scars,  @valerinaalove, @germolig02, @eponine-xx, @pillow223, @sadlittlestick, @lifelillysandmagicwands, @superwholockian5ever, @disteenager, @bonza-bear, @chelykat451-blog, @deanwinchesterisnotonfire, @tomholllaand, @kampfzwergwiesel, @mychemicaltessa, @wizardinthewrongplace
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