#ophelia ... rex
isaut · 6 months
𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔, 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓— f!reader x captain rex. 11.1k. ao3
you meet rex on a friday night in a bar. it's the start of a whole lot of coincidences. next. masterlist.
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It’s a warm, spring night. The first warm night of the season. The sun still sets early, still leaves the evening blanketed, tucked in. In celebration of the weather’s grace, grace had been extended to the 501st. A night off. A night in their blacks, suits tucked away on their ship. 
Naboo’s streets are lined with lamps encased in glass and iron. Intricate designs, ones that were hammered out by grizzled, loving hands generations ago. The streets are cobblestone, not dirt nor concrete. They’re slightly uneven, mined from below the planet’s surface. The favorite of a queen generations ago. 
Taking the lead of the group are Fives and Hardcase. Their hands are all over each other: around each other’s necks, shoving each other, playing tag along the winding roads. They’re more like children on these streets, adulthood and responsibilities loosened by the shots taken back at the ship. Flavorless, bright green. From some hole-in-the-wall corner store in Coruscant. 
Hardcase darts up the road, ducking behind an intricate column. He’s not well hidden at all, shoulder peeking out from behind. Nonetheless, when Fives walks past and Hardcase jumps on him, the former stumbles, hands stuck between bracing himself from falling and grabbing his brother’s legs to keep him on the piggyback. Instead, they both tumble to the ground, laughing loudly in the night. 
The laughter sounds good. It sounds better than the screaming, than the shouting, than the panting, dying breaths that can be heard over the comms. 
Tup helps them both up, his hair down and flopping around his jaw. It’s a shaky business, alcohol and giddiness marring all of their veins. 
While Rex doesn’t like drinking, isn’t favorable to the warmth from a fresh shot, isn’t favorable to the inhibitions that comes with it, he is favorable to the comfort it brings his brothers. Twelve hours ago he’d been running through dry desert, frantically pulling helmets away from their suits, checking for pulses, holding his own face as the force left their eyes–
“You going to have fun tonight?” Comes a voice from beside Rex. He looks over— Kix. There’s a hair of worry in his eyes, a flash of concern. 
Rex clears his throat. Pushes back the thoughts. If he trusted himself more he’d drink. 
“I’ll stay out for a while,” Rex replies. 
Kix pats his shoulder. No more words are exchanged. No more words need to be exchanged between the two of them. 
The trio of stooges stop in their tracks, drawn to a bar. The door opens, and a few women tumble out of it, hair perfectly done and breathless. With them, music wafts out behind them, the acoustic tones shutting with the door. They giggle and wave at the group, one of them pulling a paper pack of cigarettes out of her purse. 
Fives waves back. He’s got a not-real grin on his face, one that he thinks is cooler than it is. 
“I think we should go here!” Hardcase says, louder than he needs to. Louder than is acceptable in the quiet streets. It earns them a look from some passerby, and a giggle from the tallest of the women. 
The name of the bar swings in the warm breeze on a wooden sign, seared into it. Comienzos. 
“When we get in, we can do another round of shots!” Hardcase continues. Rex doesn’t think they need another round of shots. But Hardcase’s hands are clapping down, hard, on Rex’s shoulders and shaking him around a bit. “And this time make sure our beloved captain joins in! 
“I’m really— I’m fine without one,” Rex insists, waving his brothers off. 
“It’s team building!” Hardcase presses. He loops around Rex to be in his face, tilting his head in a way that is probably supposed to be pleading but comes across as childish. “C’mon, you can’t say no to team building.” 
Unease churns in Rex’s stomach. Not from the shots, but from imagining Hardcase a little too risky. A little too forward pushing. A little too maniacal. Panting last breaths over the comms. 
“Fine. I’ll do one,” Rex bends. He’d regret it. He’d regret not seeing the joy immediately sprawl across his brothers’ faces.
Hardcase lets out a loud whoop! It draws more attention. From the women, from an older couple walking a fluffy, four legged animal. Rex gives a little wave and a nod to the couple, as if he could silently apologize for the disturbance they’ve caused. 
Once inside, Rex is bathed in warmth. Bodies are moving on a tightly packed dance floor. Humans, not droids, stand on a stage with an array of instruments. They play each one like it’s an extension of their body, like the instrument has been part of their skeleton since they were born. They’re wooden and brass, and the band shows no sign of stopping soon. 
Finding an open spot at the bar, Fives pushes to the front to flag down the bartender. She’s a pretty woman, with tan skin and black hair and a low cut shirt. Something that Fives is very appreciative of. 
“Brother’s night out?” She calls over the music. 
“Dad’s genes are strong,” Fives says. “We’re gonna do a round of shots.” 
The bartender doesn’t seem phased at the joke, which dims the expectation in Fives’ eyes. It’s worked on every girl in the past, after all. 
Rex pats Echo on the shoulder. “Gonna go sit down. Do not get crazy.” 
Echo clicks his tongue. “We’d never.” 
Rex isn’t a fan of liars, but he doesn’t push it. Instead, he turns away from the bar and heads towards an empty table in the corner. It’s miraculously empty and seems to have enough stools for all of them. 
When they’d been given their night off, General Skywalker had been flippant but also wished the force to be with them. Perhaps it was happening right now. Rex is slightly thankful as he slides into one of the stools, and watches his brothers from afar. The Stooges do what Rex only assumes is a secret shot. Clear liquid is tipped back from a small shot glass, and then quickly set back down on the table. 
Kix, already on his way over the table, points his thumb back at them as if to say get a load of this. Rex huffs a laugh through his nose and shakes his head in disbelief. He slides into the seat beside Rex, rolling his eyes. 
“As if we aren’t going to notice,” Kix says. 
“Whether or not we saw…” Rex tacks on. He watches them hoot and holler as Echo does a shot of something an amber color. Hardcase rubs the back of Echo’s head with that maniacal grin on his face. 
On surprisingly sturdy legs, little yellow shots with candied rims are brought over to the table. An expression of disgust forms across Rex’s face before he’s even tried them. The sweet treat must be Tup’s choosing. 
“What is this?” Kix asks, pulling two towards him and Rex. 
“Limoncello,” Tup says. “Maria recommended it.” 
Rex wants to be on the ship watching a nature documentary on his datapad maybe with a cold beer. 
“Maria?” He asks, bringing the shot to his nose to take a whiff. It’s citrus sweet. 
“Tup was a big boy and asked for her name,” Fives laughs. 
“Don’t marry her in your dreams,” Rex warns, a teasing smirk on his face. 
“Don’t marry her in your dreams,” Tup mocks under his breath, shaking his head from side to side. “I just asked her for her name. Don’t be weird.” 
The shots are for living another day, apparently. Rex doesn’t see that there’s anything better to cheer for. Not dead yet. The glasses hit the table, then are dumped back down their throats. 
It is sweet. A little sour, but mostly sweet. Rex isn’t a fan. 
Kix shares his distaste. He gathers the glasses into both his hands and stands. “I’m getting beers. You want?” 
“Yeah,” Rex replies. 
“Hey!” Fives calls after Kix. Kix turns, raising his eyebrow. “Nothing for us?” 
“You’re going to be drunk enough,” Kix replies. He turns, and heads off towards the bar. 
Hardcase hasn’t sat down yet. Instead, his hands are clapped on Echo’s shoulders. He’s speaking to Fives about his brother, making diabolical plans to get him laid that night above his head. He’s speaking too loud to be discreet, and loud enough that it makes Rex want to be swallowed by the floor. Fives gestures over to a group of women, a different group than the ones seen before, and adds to their conspiring. 
All four of them, the Stooges and Echo, head off towards the women. Rex takes a deep breath of the warm air. Glances over at Kix– The bartender, Maria, seems to actually be engaging him in conversation. She’s leaned over, giving him a look down her shirt, and is laughing at something he’s saying. 
Rex looks back at the dumpster fire that’s going on across the room. Fives seems to be making some sort of case for Echo, hand on his shoulder and speaking animatedly. Maybe it’s the same lie, the one about Echo being a virgin, they’re spinning. 
Kix returns with two beers and a triumphant look on his face. He slides one over to Rex, and is sure to clink the necks together in cheers before taking a sip. 
“What’re you so happy about?” Rex asks. 
“Maria said I was pretty,” Kix hums. 
“How nice of her to give us all a compliment,” Rex mumbles. 
“Hey, don’t be like that,” Kix says, furrowing his brow.
“Sorry.” Rex speaks into the beer’s mouth, taking a long pull.
A beat of quiet passes between the two of them. Rex watches the dancefloor. It’s more attractive than his brothers failing miserably at wingmanning each other. 
The dance floor has swelled as the night has progressed. A few of the girls walk away from the Stooges, joining the breathing floor. Rex’s attention isn’t on anyone or anything in particular. Instead, he’s watching the general shapes, the general flows of rhythm that extend through the physical body. 
“Maybe you should try getting laid tonight,” Kix suggests. 
“I’m not in the mood,” Rex replies, almost too quickly. He’s not. 
Kix lets it go. Rex returns to his watching. Maybe the beer will make him feel better. Maybe a walk will clear his head. Maybe he really should have stayed in with a nature documentary. Everyone on the dance floor moves with such ease, as if they are all of the same mind and body. One living organism.
“Hardcase straight up asked if they wanted to, and I quote, fuck,” Fives huffs, sounding more like a petulant child than a rejected adult. 
Rex’s attention snaps away from the floor. Fives sits down on a stool beside him, resting his head in his hands. 
“He let down Echo. What if he never gets his dick wet?” Fives bemoans. 
Hardcase rolls his eyes. He crosses his arms, and doesn’t sit down. “I think we should go to the next bar.” 
Rex looks beyond the bemoaners. It seems like Tup and Echo are doing just fine, now that Hardcase and Fives have walked away. 
“Don’t think a new bar is going to fix your problems,” Kix says, his gaze following Rex’s.
Rex stands. He claps both Hardcase and Fives on their shoulders. “I think the problem is you.” 
They look over. A pained expression paints their faces. 
“We have to go to another bar,” Fives insists. 
“I’m content right here,” Kix says, bringing his beer to his lips. “Maria gave me her freq– Hey, where are you going?” 
Rex turns, a few paces from the table. “Taking a leak. Want to hold my hand?” 
“Fuck off,” Kix sighs and turns back to the group. There, he has questions to answer about the bartender from his eager brothers. They sit around him, hanging on to each word that Kix reluctantly shares. 
“What I thought,” Rex mumbles to himself, and heads off in search of the restroom. 
It’s tucked back behind a wall, sitting behind a large oak door, common in Naboo. After trying the handle, Rex sighs. It’s occupied. 
Rex leans back against the wall while he waits, closing his eyes. The music reverberates through the wall, sending pleasant waves through his body. 
“Ugh, is it occupied?” 
Rex turns his head to face the voice. Immediately, he straightens off the wall. Words escape him for a moment, stuck somewhere in the blank spaces of his brain. You’re beautiful. Red lips, long lashes, curve-hugging dress. His lips part once, then he finds his words, though it’s not many. 
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, sorry.” What is he apologizing for? 
You sigh, crossing your arms. “Honestly, kind of insane this place only has one bathroom.”
Rex nods. Words filter back to his brain in a slow, gracious trickle. “You come here often?” 
A laugh stretches out past your red lips. “I’ve been known to spend an evening here, yes.” 
There’s a beat of silence. You glance towards the wall before back to the man in front of you. 
“What about you?” 
“Me?” Rex turns his head back to you. “Oh, I’m just visiting.” 
“Where from?” 
“Small planet, far away. Nowhere as nice as here.” 
“Oh, I’m sure it’s plenty nice. You’re just from there, so you don’t see the beauty in it.” 
Rex shrugs. He’s about to reply when the bathroom door opens and a patron exits. He gestures towards it. 
“Ladies first.” 
“Oh, thank you so much.” You deflate with graciousness. With a hand on the door, pushing it open, you look over your shoulder at Rex. Your lashes bat down as you take a long look up and down his body. He’s filled out quite nicely, but there’s something about him that draws you in. “When I’m done in here, I’m going to smoke a cigarette on the rooftop. If you want to join me.” 
“Oh, I don’t smoke,” Rex says. He makes a split-second decision. “But I’ll join you.” 
You smile wide at him again, then disappear into the bathroom. Rex resumes his slouch against the wall. A faint smile crosses his face as he thinks about your own smile. 
Rex doesn’t bother telling his brothers where he’s off too. Instead, he goes straight from the toilet to the rooftop. It takes a small staircase where the middle of the stairs are worn down, and a good push on the door that seems to be stuck on its hinges.
The rooftop is nice. Decorated with little lights and a few tables. It’s clear that it’s meant for patrons, but wasn’t being used tonight due to the live music below. The night sky stretches on above you, stars drowned out by the city lights of Theed.
The bar is across the street from the sea, so the lights are swallowed whole by the waters of Naboo. You stand by the wall, which is a white plaster that reaches your waist, curved at the top. The fairy lights illuminate you, working with the moonlight to encase you in an ethereal glow. There’s a shawl around your shoulders, and a pearlescent cigarette case glints in your hand. 
Your head turns at the sound of the door being opened. A lazy grin makes its way across your face as you recognize the handsome stranger from earlier. 
“I think you come here more than you’re letting on,” Rex says. 
“Sue me,” you hum. 
Rex crosses the distance to reach you. He’s handsome, face lit up by the fairy lights and backlit by the door he emerges from. There’s a nice chisel to his face that hints at the rations that fill his diet. In the darkness, his eyes are a glinting brown. 
Flicking open your cigarette case, you withdraw a cigarette and place the white butt between your lips. Immediately, red lipstick rings around it. Your lighter lands in your hand, with the same pearl sheen as your case. You illuminate the tip of the cigarette, casting your face in the glow of the handheld fire. 
The light shuts off abruptly. 
You exhale away from his face. 
“Oh, I never introduced myself, did I?” You pull your cigarette away from your face to examine the tip and make sure it’s burning smoothly. Then, you follow through on your words and let your name tumble from your lips. 
Rex does so in turn. It’s nice to meet you, as he tells you in turn, repeating your name on his tongue to try it out. The syllables flow nicely, more than he’s used to. There’s an antique ring that he’s a fan of. 
You take another drag of your cigarette. “It’s fitting. Your name.” 
Rex can’t help but chuckle at the truth behind your words. It does fit, doesn’t it? Almost as if it had been picked out for him. Still, it warms him that you like it. That you enjoy the one thing he’s picked out for himself. 
“I saw you staring earlier,” You say. “Do you dance?” 
“It’s not for me. I just like watching.” 
Your lashes skim down your cheeks again as you look him up and down. The sheer sparkle over your lids is becoming a treasure. When they return their gaze to his own eyes, your brow is raised in question. Lots of men like watching. 
“What kinds of things do you like watching?” 
Shit. What kinds of things does he like watching? His mind goes blank, and his lips supply the one thing he can think of right now, because an example is standing right before him: “Pretty women.”
“Oh?” You feel your face warm slightly. Flattery. You have to hold off from asking if you’re one of the pretty women he likes looking at. 
“Don’t get to very often. Always a nice, good thing when I do.” 
“What keeps you from it?” 
“The war.” There’s a lot of admittance coming from his lips. It feels strange on his chest. Like there’s a slurping on his soul he can’t tell if he should lean into or avoid. 
You hum. Another drag of the cigarette. “Scary times we live in, isn’t it?” 
Rex wishes he was better at asking questions. His tongue feels too big for his mouth. “Hopefully you don’t get too close to it.” 
“I suppose I don’t.” You pull the cigarette away from your face and place it before you, checking the burn on the tip before raising it back up again. Your arm crosses your chest to support your cigarette elbow, and it presses your chest together. Rex’s eyes dip for just a moment. “Closest I get is asking Gungans for art to hang in the museums.” 
“What puts you in that situation?” 
“I’m a curator for the National Art Museum. We’re actually celebrating tonight. You into art?” 
“I don’t get the chance for it very often.” Only art he had was the jaig eyes on his helmet. He had painted those on, long ago. Taped down the area around them and used an airbrush. Sometimes he’d find Tup drawing in the common area during downtime. Tup liked portraits– sketched anyone and everyone he saw in ballpoint pen. Rex wouldn’t deem his exposure ‘museum worthy.’
“That’s a shame. Don’t dance, don’t look at art, don’t even get to look at pretty women.” You shake your head. “I feel bad for you, Rex.” 
“Don’t,” Rex says. “‘S just part of the job.” 
“Still. Maybe this is why–” 
You’re cut off by the door to the rooftop jostling open. A large figure fills the space, calling out. 
“Rex? We’re going to another bar. You ready to go?” 
From the cadence, Rex can recognize the voice as Kix. “I’ll catch up later.” 
“Right.” Kix pauses, and then makes an exaggerated movement across his lips, as if he was zipping them shut and locking them. He even throws away the key. Rex’s eyes crinkle with a small smile and he waves him off. 
The door shuts firmly behind Kix. 
“You sure you don’t have to leave?” You ask, slipping your bag from your shoulder. 
“Nah. See them everyday.” 
Flashing him a smile, you reach inside your purse and produce a tin. You pop it open and place a mint on your tongue. Rex’s eyes follow your fingers intently. “Want one?” You offer. 
Rex almost denies. Why must he take more? Instead, he goes along with it, nodding. 
“Open your mouth.” 
Rex does so. You place the little white mint on his tongue, a small smile on your lips. The muscle flutters slightly. 
“Come dancing with me,” You whisper. “I don’t care that you can’t.” Your eyes flit down to his hands, which rest clasped together before you. They’re large, the nails wide. You glance up at him, and lean in slightly. You smell like cigarettes and mint, not something that Rex would ever think he’d like. “I want you to put your hands on my body.” 
The sharp breath Rex takes is invigorated by the mint. He almost swallows the small, white candy. 
“Yeah?” You ask, smiling widely at him. “Or do you want to stay up here and talk for a little longer?” 
Rex swallows. He bets his brothers are gone– Hardcase had probably been begging to leave since he was rejected. Rex glances down your dress again, then to your hips. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you hum, catching his lingering gaze. You slip your hand between his, separating them from their clasp. His fingers are calloused against yours, signs of hard work over every smooth surface. You slip your fingers between his. “Just follow me.” 
Rex does check to see if his brothers are still present. Luckily, the corner is empty. Free of them. He feels his shoulders loosen as he follows you over to where your friends are sitting. A giggle rises in your throat as you toss your bag beside one of your friends, flippantly telling her you were going dancing. Happily, the ones around the table titter upon seeing you with a man in tow. You reach over and take a sip of her drink, laughing when you’re whacked on the hip for your thievery. 
Dancing you do go. You lead Rex to the outskirts of the dance floor, somewhere where he can still breathe. Taking Rex’s hands within your own, you  place them on your body. The one that wraps around your hip practically engulfs the bone. His other does the same to your hand. 
“I promise, no one is watching,” you say, “And I won’t take it personally if you step on my toes.” 
“I’ll take it personally if I do,” Rex says. His eyes leave yours for a moment, and land on one of your friends, who is, in fact, busy watching. Quickly, he returns his gaze to you. You’re gazing up at him, a faint smile on your lips and a faint sway in your body. 
Rex looks at his feet once you start moving, genuinely worried he’d step on your toes. He fills the space as your feet leave them, and you gently turn him to make a small circle with your box steps.  
“Keep your eyes up here, on me,” you murmur over the music. Your hand slides to rest on his chest, and his on your shoulder. Rex’s eyes immediately flash back up from your feet. “Let’s go a little faster.” Your gazes are locked too close to each other. It’s all mint and smoke and a spice that Rex can’t place. Maybe it’s your perfume. 
Rex keeps up much better than you had thought. He keeps himself nearly pressed against you, with just enough room for the rise and fall of your chests to fill.
“You’re doing really good,” you whisper, the complement washing over Rex. “Want to spin me?” 
“I don’t know if I can,” Rex murmurs in reply. 
“It’s easy. Just pause and let me spin and we’ll pick right back up,” you instruct. “It’ll be easy.” 
It is. Your fingers glide against each other as you turn, Rex’s hand sliding across your waist as you spin. It electrifies when it crosses over your naked lower back. You settle back into the rhythm of the music, grinning up at Rex. 
And oh, suddenly he doesn’t care about your friends staring at the two of you. 
“You’re a natural.” 
The sweet words swell Rex’s chest with pride. After all, his body is good at doing what it’s told to do. And you’re much more attractive than any general who’s ever given him orders. 
Under your gentle and enticing guidance, Rex gets it, to some degree. Understands the rhythm to some degree, as long as your hands and encouraging words were nudging him along. Gotten to understand your body to some degree, smell your perfume and feel your chest press against his. 
“I want a drink,” you state. 
“Let me get you one,” Rex replies. 
“You misunderstand.” Your hand rests over Rex’s chest, right over his heart. It’s not beating as quickly as you would have expected it to after the cardio of dance he had just participated in. “I want a drink at home.” 
“It’s late out, let me walk you there.” The response is natural, easygoing. Second nature. 
“I hope you do. I hope you join me, too.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
You grace him with one of those near kisses he’d witnessed earlier when he was just watching. It feels completely different to be on the receiving end– To have your breath almost mingle with his. 
The walk to your apartment isn’t too far. It’s close enough that Rex can see why you’d frequent the bar so often– It was barely a walk and you seemed to enjoyed dancing. He wondered, just for a moment, if he was just another part of your normal Friday nights. Work, dance, bring someone home. 
Secretly, he hopes he’s an exception. 
The gate to the apartment’s courtyard squeaks as it opens. Rex reaches over you and pushes it the rest of the way. The movement has you engulfed in the scent of soap and the hint of sweat. You find yourself taking another breath. 
“What a gentleman.” You throw a smile over to him as you step in. 
Within the safety of your apartment, you discard your purse on the small table in the entryway. Flip on the lamp that reads there as well. It fills the small area with a warm, orange glow. 
“Take your shoes off,” you say, placing a hand on the table for balance as you lift a foot behind you to fiddle with the straps. 
“Here,” Rex says, voice soft and rolling in the small space. “Let me help you.” 
He drops down. His fingers are large against the soft leather straps and the small metal buckle. There’s half a thought to press a kiss to your knee, half covered by the asymmetrical hem of your dress, but he refrains. He stands and dutifully takes off his own shoes. 
With a heavy gaze, you look Rex up and down again. He’s a head tilt taller than you now, not in your heels anymore. He seems to take up more space now, too. Now that he’s somewhere so personal. 
You slide into your slippers and pad through the apartment, leading him towards the main living area. Each lamp is flicked on manually, which surprises Rex. Most buildings were designed to be easily controlled by one central data pad. 
The warm light is a stark contrast to the fluorescents he’s used to. So is the atmosphere of your living room. 
Tall, cream ceilings with windows to match. There’s a balcony, which is locked shut by a heavy brass contraption. The sofa and chair are thick with cushioning, and the coffee and end tables appear antique. 
Rex follows you into the kitchen. Another small space, where he finds himself closer than ever to you. The tile is cool through his socks, an intricate design in shades of cream. 
“Do you want wine or beer?” You ask, opening up the refrigerator. 
“Beer, please,” he replies. 
You produce two from the fridge. They clink together as you hold them by their necks in one hand. As you turn, you’re met with the view of Rex leaning against your counter. It’s a far cry from most of your… visitors, who make themselves at home on your couch the moment they enter. 
You like this change of pace. 
“Want to sit inside or outside?” 
“Where do you want to sit?” 
“Outside,” You admit. 
“Then outside.” 
You smile. Rex simultaneously wants to never stop watching the pull of your lips and break the smile with a kiss.
On the balcony, you flick on some more lights, illuminating the area until the darkness of the night consumes the rays. There’s a small table for eating, and a couch. Beside the couch is an elaborate glass hookah set up that you’re quick to move aside. 
Taking a seat on the couch, you pat the spot beside you for Rex. You hand him his beer as soon as he’s sat. 
Facing him fully, you rest your arm on the back of the couch. 
“You said you never danced before, but I have a hard time believing that,” You say. 
Rex takes a pull of beer for confidence. “What makes you say that?” 
“You were a lot better than I was expecting.” 
“Glad I could defy expectations.” There’s a glint in Rex’s eyes that the light accentuates. 
Humming, you pose your next question. “Is this your first time on Naboo?” 
Rex can’t help but chuckle. He’s by far no stranger to Naboo, but typically spends his days stationed within the capitol building. “No, but it’s the first time I’ve been truly off duty here.” 
“And? What are your thoughts?” 
“I have no complaints.” Rex flits his eyes down your body. “Have certainly had a change in expectations for the night.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head to the side. “What were your original expectations?” 
“I…” Rex’s voice gets lost as his eyes wander, watching your lips form to take a sip from the bottle. The way your fingers wrap around the glass. “Definitely not this.” 
You hum, and it makes a reverberating sound through the glass. “This?” 
“Something not so rowdy. I was expecting rowdiness.”
“Tell me more,” you urge, leaning into him. 
Rex’s heart flutters uncharacteristically in his chest. He swallows. Your perfume has a spice to it that he’s never smelt before. 
“My brothers and I have the night off, so we went out. They’re… A lot. Don’t always think things through.” They deserve not to, Rex thinks, at least when they’re off duty. 
You laugh. “I think I can tell. Two of them tried picking up my friends.” 
“I must apologize for them.” 
“Don’t. It was funny.” You reach over, into his space, and run your fingers over his buzz cut. “Are you a natural blonde?” 
Rex glances over at your bracelet, which dangles precariously on your wrist. 
“Yeah.” The touch of your fingers feels good. Soft and gentle. 
“I was blonde when I was a baby,” you comment. 
“I think the brown suits you.” 
“You’re sweet.” 
Rex hums. You withdraw your hand. “You don’t get out much, do you?” 
“Is it that obvious?” 
You smile. “Perhaps. What keeps you in?” 
Taking another pull of your beer, you tilt your head to the side. “You know I’m going to ask you what you do.” 
“Nothing fancy. I’m just a soldier.” Rex picks at lint that’s not there on his pants. “For the Republic,” he tacks on. 
“Oh.” You take another drink of beer. “Can I be honest with you?” 
“You’re going to be, anyways.” He gladly anticipates whatever truth you’re about to share with him.
“I’m a pacifist.” 
Rex muddles the words around for a moment. “I think I’d be one too.” 
“Yeah. Would have to think on it a little bit more but… Between you and me, I’m ready for it to be over.” 
“I bet. I think you’re too handsome to be a soldier, anyways.”
Rex feels his face warm. It feels like a compliment just for him. Not one to be shared. 
“You don’t think there should be soldiers.” There’s no heat to his words. Perhaps, in another life, he’d agree. 
“Please, I’m trying to call you handsome. Will you please accept my compliment?” 
“I’ll accept it.” Rex takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to your knuckles. 
This time, a warmth spreads across your cheeks. You take a final drink of your beer. The metal end table you’re aiming for is on Rex’s side. Instead of passing the bottle to him, you completely lean over him. He gets a good, long look down your back. His hand has half a mind to run down the expanse, to dip into the valley of your spine and run over the swell of your ass. 
You pause in front of him as you settle back. 
“Tell me, Rex,” his name slides off your tongue, “What would you do if I kissed you right now?” 
Rex’s eyes drop from yours to your lips. “I’d be very thankful.” 
You inch your face closer. “Would you kiss me back?” 
What a ridiculous question. Rex responds by setting his beer down and sliding his chilled hand through your hair, resting it at the nape of your neck. 
A shiver trickles down your spine. 
Rex’s lips are on yours. Warm, confident, slightly chapped. 
You rest your palm on his chest. His heart thrums away beneath. One of his hands comes to rest on your hip, thumb smoothing back and forth over the fabric. 
Your tongue slides across his bottom lip. His mouth opens, tongue sliding alongside yours in wet heat. Easing yourself against him, you twist your body to take a seat on his lap. It’s sideways, your dress won’t let you straddle him. Instead, your legs are tucked up next to him. 
His hand slides down the smoothness of your legs, down to your ankle before up again. He continues his journey upwards, to your waist and your open back, playing with the low dip of your dress. 
You allow your head to lull into the hand that supports you there. Rex presses into the kiss, nose pushed against your cheek. As your tongues pass each other again, you don’t know where yours ends and his starts. 
Rex kisses like he’s drinking water. Like the quench to his thirst rests in your lips, in the slick of your saliva. There’s a thrumming building in your core, right where your soul lies. 
Your heart aches for him as you pull away and he chases your lips. His eyes flutter open, blinking amber into the dim light. 
“Hey,” he says, voice rolling over roughness. There’s a faint hint of red from your lipstick over your lips. 
“Hi,” you reply, a little lilt and giggle to your voice. You wonder if your alleged kiss-proof lipstick had shifted.
There’s a lazy, pleased smile working its way across Rex’s mouth. 
“Want to follow me inside?” 
“Gods, yes I do.” 
You slip off of his lap and onto your own two feet. Leaning down, you take Rex’s hands in your own and pull him up to his full height. 
“Lead on, gorgeous,” Rex says, dipping back down to get another taste of your lips. 
The door to your bedroom is wide open. You fumble for some more lights, slipping around the room to turn most of them on. There isn’t much in your bedroom: only a bed with a large, wooden headboard, an armoire that’s as old as the building, and a vanity you found at a flea market. A few paintings of deities Rex doesn’t recognize hang on the walls in dark wood frames. With the lights dim and warm, you come back to stand before Rex, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands settle on your hips, then slip to your lower back. 
“You don’t need to be so polite,” you murmur, sliding your hands down his chest and further, fingers dancing along the hemline of his shirt. 
“Feel like I gotta. Not everyday…” he trails off, distracted by the feeling of your fingers, slightly cold, dancing up under his shirt. You don’t go far, just enough to feel over the v of his abdomen. 
“Not everyday…” you encourage. 
“‘S not important,” Rex decides on. It’s not. You don’t need to know he rarely does this. That his experience here isn’t to his normal standard. He ducks his head, pressing his lips back against yours, walking you towards the bed. 
Your teasing question dies in Rex’s mouth, swallowed by every slick pass of your lips opening and closing on each other. The backs of your knees hit the edge of your made bed, and you fall back on it. 
Unfortunately, Rex doesn’t come with you. Instead, he stands before you and between your legs, hesitation momentarily seeping across his face. You sit up and lean back on your hands, the way your shoulders move causing one of the dress straps to slip. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, tilting your head so it rests on your shoulder. 
“Nothing,” Rex says, pulling his shirt off over his head. 
He’s quick to lean back over you, doesn’t give you much time to admire the planes of his pectorals, or the almost-defined abdomen he has. Wants to drive your attention away from the scars that litter his skin. His knees dip in the duvet, and you spread your own to accommodate him. As your dress rides up, his gaze follows the fabric, which still leaves you modest. 
Rex is consuming above you, taking up every aspect of your vision. Your hands run over his shoulders, defined and firm, down his arms, defined and firm. His muscles are carved like the statues you select for showcases. It causes a giddy, girlish giggle to bubble up from your lungs. 
“What’s so funny?” Rex murmurs. 
You shake your head, hand moving back to cup his face. “Nothing. You’re just… You’re so muscle-y.” 
Rex blinks at you, once. Then he ducks his head, a smile forming. “Really?” 
“Yeah.” You think you might have dreamed him up once before. With your eyes shut, and a hand in between your thighs, the moon high in the sky. “Yeah.” 
Rex’s lips find the pulse point you apply your perfume to, licking over what remains of vanilla beans and spice. Your hand rests upon the back of his head, a sigh leaving your lips. He sucks and laves lavishly, never leaning his full body weight against you. A trail is formed, from jaw to shoulder, as he nips and kisses. 
Shrugging your shoulder again, the other strap of your dress is encouraged to slide off as well. The fabric of your dress continues to keep you modest, despite Rex’s kisses continuing over the plane of your exposed breast. 
He lifts his head, meeting your gaze. 
“May I?” He asks. 
And to think he’ll ship back off after tonight. You nod, sliding the straps down so your arms are freed from them. Your nipples, erect and wanting, stubbornly keep the garment up, coming between them and their desire. 
Delicately, Rex slides your dress down to your hips. A punched out whine mews from the back of his throat at the exposed skin. It’s equally unbecoming, for him, and attractive, for you. With his hands firmly on your waist, he lowers his head further and swipes a long line across your nipple. 
Your nails scratch along his shorn hair, a breathy sigh leaving your lips. You’ve missed the feeling of a mouth on you, and Rex’s is wet and eager. His tongue swirls around the fat of your nipple, slurping around it with obscenity. 
Rex wonders how your nails will feel digging into his back. 
You push against his forehead, and his lips detach with a pop! His cheeks are ruddy, his eyes wide, filled with worry he’d done something wrong. 
“Take off my dress,” You breathe, sitting up on your elbows. Glancing down, you take in your chest, and the array of splotches that decorate your chest and breasts. 
Rex swallows and nods. He slips back off the bed, and undresses you with careful, steady hands. An open mouthed sigh leaves his lips as he has you bare before him, only in your underwear. Mindlessly, he uses his hands to messily fold the dress before throwing it on top of a chair in the corner of your room. 
Rex’s back swells with the size of his breath. His eyes dart all over you, unable to find just one place to land. 
You tap the side of his thigh with your pointed toes. “You doing okay up there, handsome?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Rex breathes. He bends down to press a kiss to your stomach, nipping at the soft skin there. When he falls to his knees between your legs, you know it’s over. There’s never been someone through your door like this. 
Rex sucks deep kisses into the fat of your thighs, over all the sensitive bits. Your hands slide over his hair, nails scratching against the short hair without purchase. 
Mouth centimeters away from your clothed pussy, Rex glances up the mountains and valleys of your body. He speaks your name, calling your attention down towards him. 
He doesn’t even need to ask, before you’re breathing a “Yes, yes, yes.” 
Instead of sliding your panties to the side, or removing them completely, Rex swipes his tongue along the already wet fabric. You can feel the edges of his tongue over the areas of your labia that try their hardest to eat your underwear whenever you’re out. Rex seems insistent on tasting you through the silken fabric, his nose pressed up against your covered mound. 
Your hands leave the back of his head and hook under your panties, trying to push them down. As your hips rise off the bed, his hands wrap around your thighs and pull you closer. 
“Rex, let me, let you…” 
He pulls off with a sigh. His eyes are slightly glazed over, and you want nothing more than to pull him up for a kiss. 
“Is it okay?” He asks. 
“Give me your hands,” You urge. He offers them to you without second thought. 
Contorting your hand, you gain control of his right hand and dip his fingers past your panties, so they slip behind the flimsy fabric. Rex sucks in a breath, fingers sliding through nothing but warmth. 
“Right?” You release his hands and tuck your fingers under the waistband of your panties and slide them down until the top of your mound is visible. 
Rex slides them down and off you, and you reward him with a fair piece of praise: “Good boy.” 
Rex stills above you. His eyes trail up the line of your body and land on your face. Your brows furrow. “What is it?”
“Never heard that one before,” Rex replies. 
“Really?” You find that hard to believe. With a man like this? 
Rex nods. He slides his fingers through the silk of your cunt, collecting your wetness on his fingers and sliding it up over your clit. You gasp, hand coming up over your mouth. 
“Don’t do that,” Rex murmurs, reaching a hand up to wrap around your forearm, easing your hand away from your face. He replaces your hand with his thumb, swiping over the smearing red lipstick. 
There’s a brief moment where he doesn’t move from his gaze, where he just lingers over you. 
Then, without warning, his fingers are moving again. They’re slipping through your folds, and he’s lowering himself back down to the side of your bed again. His lips join his fingers, as if it was second nature. Breathing. 
His fingers part your folds for his tongue, which traces opening to clit, in a long pull. Rex’s eyes flutter shut, savoring the tang on his tongue. His lips close around your clit, laving attention over the sensitive bud. 
Little gasps pop from your lips, and Rex’s ears twitch to pick up each one. There’s a firmness in his pants that’s veering on uncomfortable, and his body shifts to apply underwhelming friction. 
There’s nothing but warmth and attention in your core. Waves of pleasure lap at your shore, tides pushed and pulled by Rex’s attention. 
Rex lifts his head. He wants to watch your facial expressions as his middle finger slides through your wetness. As it presses against your entrance, which all but sucks him in. A contented sigh slips through your lips, and Rex rises up your body to press his lips back against yours. His tongue slides against yours with the same pace as his finger, easing you deeper into the bedspread. 
Your legs bend so your knees brush against his sides. Leaning back, Rex’s hand rests on your knee, gently moving it to the side to give him a better view of how his finger moves in and out, of the whiteness that clings to his finger. 
He slides out completely, then wets his ring finger to join. At the welcome intrusion, you stretch your arms back above your head, pulling your stomach taunt. Rex’s fingers coax within you, searching for the perfect spot to press upon. 
You shift your hips slightly, and a sigh leaves your lips when he grazes upon the spongiest part within you. Rex curls his fingers, and a breathy moan leaves your lips. 
Satisfied, Rex ducks his head back down. His fingers find purchase on your mound, exposing the flushed wetness of your clit. His tongue works in unison with his fingers, flicking over the bud.  
The tides within you swell. Subconsciously, your legs close in around Rex’s head, swallowing him closed like an oyster. Your hips shift, rising and rolling in synchronization with his fingers. Up and down, up into the warmth, down into the pleasure. 
“Rex…” you breathe, fingers grazing against his head.  
He hums into you, eyes opening and watching as your hand slides along your stomach, nails creating little deltas along the flesh. 
Your thigh quivers beside him. Moans rise from your mouth, floating into the heady air. 
Temptation to speed up, to intensify swirl around in Rex’s mind. To elicit louder cries, to encourage the small of your back to lift off the bed. Instead, he keeps his course steady, eyes fluttering shut once more. 
There’s another weak call of his name, laced in between a moan. Rex groans, content to do nothing more than hear it again. He’s listening, he promises he’s listening. He can feel the tightness building, can hear nothing but the slick sounds emitting from where he’s dipped inside you. 
The final crest over is prolonged. Arched back, complete stillness, whimpering moan. Hands fisted in the bedsheets. Rex slows his movements, detaching his mouth first. 
He hovers above you, lazily moving his fingers. Your legs continue to quiver, your chest continues to suck in deep breaths. Your eyes crack open, a hand lazily rising to tug on his dog tags, pulling him down and closer to you. 
You slot your lips against his. There’s wetness and tang and a rapidly familiar warmth. You hold him close by the side of his face, feeling his jaw move with each swipe. 
“Thank you,” you whisper against his lips. 
“Don’t thank me,” Rex replies, pressing another kiss to your lips. His fingers withdraw with a slickness, and he’s careful to not set them on your bedsheets. 
You give a non committal hum. Reaching for his hand, you bring it to your lips, licking a stripe along the underside before taking them into your mouth. Your tongue laves over the digits, sucking every drop of your essence off of them. 
When Rex withdraws his hand, his eyes are wide. There’s a beat of your breaths, before his lips are on yours again. He plunders your mouth, chasing after the taste he was planning on enjoying himself. 
You slide up your bed, until your head is comfortably pillowed. A groan slips from you, when you see that Rex is still wearing pants. 
“That can’t be comfortable, can it be?” 
You watch with rapt attention as he slides his pants off and down along with his boxers. Your next breath hitches in your throat when you get a good look at his cock. 
Heavy. Seated among a thatch of thick, dark hair that trails up to his bellybutton. 
You swallow. Then, you reach over and fumble within your nightstand, pushing aside lube and vibrators for the box of condoms that was in there. 
“Come here,” you beckon, patting the space beside you. Rex crawls on the bed beside you, shoulders rippling in the lamplight. His thighs are decorated in thatches of hair that thicken as they near his groin. 
He settles between your thighs, hands moving over the smooth skin. 
“You’re beautiful,” Rex murmurs. His hands engulf your thighs, sliding upwards to where they crease into your core. 
Spellbound by the reverent tone of voice, you slide your legs apart for him, revealing the very place he had just been. His eyes dip down, then up to your chest. His brows furrow, seeing the little marks he had left in his wake. 
One of his hands rises, fingers gliding over a hickey on the side of your breast. “My apologies about this.”
“Oh, Rex,” you coo, covering your hand over his, “There is absolutely no need to apologize. In fact, you can even leave more.”
Rex’s eyes search yours, discovering nothing but lust. Pupils blown wide. 
Cupping his face in your hands, you pull him closer for another kiss. His hardness slides between your folds as he presses close, and he groans into your mouth. Long, drawn out. Pent up. 
“Feel good?” You widen your legs for him. His cock slides along your clit, rubbing against it deliciously. You hum in pleasure.
Another moan slides from his lips. You reach between the two of you, fingers carding through his happy trail as you follow it to his hardness. He’s heavy in your hand. Your fingers dance along the underside, cutting between his heat and your own. You thumb slides over the flushed tip of his cock, and another groan comes from Rex, this time directly in your ear. 
Your core squeezes. You feel a dribble of wetness slide from your hole. 
Removing your hand, you gently push him back and away from you. Rex goes easily, all too quickly. You tear a condom off and pass it to him. 
Rex dutifully takes it. There’s little fanfare as he wraps himself up, sliding the latex on. 
You push him back again, giving him a little nudge on the chest. Situated on his back, you climb over his hips, dragging his cock back through your folds. Rex’s eyes flutter shut before they snap back open. 
“Don’t want to keep you from watching,” You reply with a breathy laugh. 
“Wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.” Rex gives you a handsome half smile that makes your mind stutter. 
You return the smile, through slightly smeared lipstick, and rise up on your knees. Rex finds his cock for you, and your fingers pass over each other as you take it in your hand. The head presses against your entrance, which flutters at the pressure. 
Biting your bottom lip, you let gravity ease you down. One of Rex’s thighs rests propped up behind you, the other turned open. He offers you his hands for you to hold onto resting against so you don’t slip down his cock too quickly. 
Once fully sheathed, you give yourself a moment to adjust to the fullness within you. Your hips begin rolling slowly, warming yourself up even more. A punched out whine comes from behind your bitten lip. 
Rex’s brows are pinched together as he watches, mouth open and lips in a wide ‘o.’ He lets you grind against him, lets you start to shallowly bounce yourself up and down on him, lets you take your pleasure into your hands for a few minutes. It’s pleasurable, combined with the little moans that you’re letting out, but it’s not enough. 
His hands find your hips, and he braces his feet against the bed, knees up. With little effort, he lifts you up to the head of his cock before pulling you back down. For the next pass, he’s sure to thrust his hips up to meet you halfway. 
The look on your face is a mixture between pleasure and shock. It doesn’t take you long to get on board with the change of pace. Your hand presses over your stomach, so you can feel Rex as he slides in and out of you, and you make sure to hug his cock with every pass. From your vantage point you watch as all of his muscles move in harmony with each other. Your core squeezes. A ring of white begins to form on the base of Rex’s cock. 
With your hips as purchase, Rex pulls himself up into a seated position. Immediately, you lock your ankles behind his back. He chuckles as he leans in to kiss you, pressing you back against the pillows again. One of his hands supports your lower back, the other on your thigh. 
You look at him through your lashes. His own pupils are blown wide. 
“I’m not very good at sitting back,” Rex murmurs. 
“Thank goodness,” you hum, hands running over the planes of his shoulders. 
“Thank goodness?” Rex repeats, slowly sliding out before pushing in even slower. At this angle, you can feel every centimeter as it's fed into you. “Why’s that?” 
“Um…” You can’t exactly think through your comment. 
“Tell me,” Rex urges, continuing the slow thrusts. 
“I just… I don’t… I like…” How deep is he?
“What do you like?” 
“I like… I like working with… With gravity…” 
Rex slowly picks up the pace. He hikes your body up, giving your knees no place to notch but over his shoulders. 
“With gravity?” 
You whimper your affirmation. 
“Is this better?” Rex’s hands move from your hips to your thighs, holding them flush against his chest. When you nod, he moves to press your legs back, so they’re butterflied away from your cunt. “Or do you prefer this?” 
Your reply is a moan. One of your hands cover’s Rex’s splayed fingers, the other reaches above your head for your pillow. A breathless chuckle leaves Rex’s lips, and he continues to keep a steady pace. Each thrust you can feel in your throat with how deep he’s pressing– you didn’t know you could feel anything that deep within you. 
It’s full. Almost too full. Your cunt flutters around his cock, anticipating and rewarding every stroke. 
Your hand is on the way to cover your mouth, but Rex is faster. He slips his fingers through yours, pressing your hand into the plush of your pillows. Your other hand reaches up to cup behind his head, sprawling out over the nape of his neck. As your lips reattach to his, his thrusts fluster before speeding up, giving you no choice but to pull away to let out a moan. 
“Oh, fuck,” you breathe. One of Rex’s hands comes to knead the soft tissue of your breast. 
It leaves its work quickly, however, to spare attention towards your clit. As his thumb swipes over the bundle of nerves, an even louder moan climbs out through your throat. Your thighs shake, and your hands rise to press against your headboard. 
Rex almost feels bad. He’s going too fast, he’s going too hard, your headboard is millimeters away from knocking against the wall with each rhythmic push of his hips. But your face is contorted in pleasure, eyes screwed shut and head tilted back. 
Your eyes flash open as you feel your orgasm rapidly approaching. 
“Rex,” You gasp. 
“What is it, sweetheart?” Rex asks, leaning over you. “You gonna cum?” 
You whine. There’s another thrall of pleasure at the pet name. 
“Tell me,” Rex urges. His lips hover over yours. 
“Yeah,” You breathe, the vowels hitching with every thrust. “Don’t– Don’t stop.” 
“Wasn’t planning on it.” Rex gives you a grin before a grunt, trying his hardest to keep a steady pace. He’s throbbing, you can feel the twitch of his cock inside you. 
Your orgasm spills over and out, rippling from your moans down to your cum. As you peak, Rex’s thrusts speed up for a brief moment, then still, as he empties with a groan into the condom. Your legs feel gummy, weak and heavy as Rex eases out of you and rests your shaking legs on the bed. The sweat on his shoulders glazes in the light as he cleans up. 
You gesture to the bathroom, which is attached to your bedroom. Closing your eyes, you listen as Rex throws the condom away, then as cabinets open and close. 
“In the closet,” You call, voice lighter and higher than you’d ever heard it. 
Rex returns with a damp, warm washcloth as he removes the last traces of sex from between your legs. He presses a kiss to your knee, a little too soft for a hook up but makes your stomach flip regardless, before getting back off the bed. 
When you crack open your eyes, you see that he’s pulling on his pants. You sit up on your elbow. 
“What are you doing?” You ask. 
“I figured you’d want me out of your hair,” Rex replies. 
You pout. “Come lay with me for a moment, at least.” 
Rex hesitates. You rub the bedding beside you. “Just for a moment. And then I’m going to go take off my makeup.” 
Rex obliges. He slides into the spot and you rest your head on his chest. His arms wrap around you, thick and secure. You exhale, relaxing into him. Maybe you should have taken off your makeup first, then you could rope him into spending the night. Absentmindedly, you card your fingers through his chest hair. His hand begins to rub up and down your back. 
“Normally I insist people spend the night,” you murmur against his skin, eyes slipping shut. He hums to show he’s listening. “I like it.” 
“I gotta be gone real early in the morning,” Rex replies. His voice rumbles through his chest. 
“That’s a shame.” 
“Was going to make you breakfast. I have avocados that need using… eggs that need frying… coffee that needs drinking… I just got new coffee cups…” Your words begin to slur together from sleepiness. 
“Hey, gorgeous,” Rex says, jostling his shoulder slightly. 
You hum, raising your eyebrows. 
“Go take that makeup off.” He sits up, bringing you with him. His eyes glance down at your nipples, which are soft in the heady air. 
“Right,” you say, climbing over him and off the bed. “Don’t slip out.” 
“I’ll stay right here,” Rex promises. 
Rex doesn’t leave in the middle of the night. Instead, he’s under the softest sheets and the heaviest blanket he’s ever experienced, with the fan on high and a naked woman next to him, tucked up under his arm and sleeping soundly. He finds sleep doesn’t evade him as easily as it normally does. 
Morning comes too soon. Rex wakes to the birds chirping outside, to the early streaks of dawn as she streams through your window. He’s still on his back, arm thrown over his head. The pillows are too soft. Beside him, you’re still mercifully asleep. Back exposed, arms wrapped around your pillow. Nose tucked into your bicep. 
Shit. Rex has to leave. He glances over at your sleeping figure again, then slowly sits up. Despite trying his hardest not to disturb you, he’s unsuccessful. You stir beside him, shifting around and sitting up on your elbow, rubbing your eye. 
“Hey.” Rex’s voice is rough in the morning air. “I gotta get going.” 
You huff a sigh and flop onto your side. “Give me a second. I’ll make you coffee.” 
“I really can’t stay,” Rex says. He keeps his hands to himself– The lustful era of the evening had been left before the sunrise. It wouldn’t be to his morals if he laid a hand, no matter how soft, against your skin. 
You’re lifting yourself back up, duvet slipping down to your middle. “No, I– Let me.” 
Rex’s eyes dip down to your breasts before back to your face. He’s already out of the bed. “I have to get back.” 
“A cup of coffee isn’t going to kill you,” you insist, sliding out of the bed. You head over to your armoire, pulling an oversized sleep shirt out. 
“Really, I appreciate the hospitality,” Rex repeats, pulling on his pants. “But—”
Rex’s protests land him sitting at the kitchen table, gaze torn between watching you make coffee and the view out the window he’s beside. You have a really nice view, overlooking Theed. However, you are also a really nice view. 
With the fridge open, you pluck a carton out of it and set it on the table. 
“I only have plant milk,” you say, “Hope it’s okay.”
“Oh, I drink my coffee black,” Rex says. 
You blink at him. “You know, you look like you do.” 
Rex hums. He watches appreciatively as you pour two mugs of coffee. 
“Where do you have to be this morning?” You ask while handing him a mug and taking a seat beside him. You do not take your coffee black, and look like you don’t anyways. 
Rex murmurs his thanks as he accepts the mug. He takes a sip before responding. The real answer is that he needs to be back at the ship before General Kenobi notices General Skywalker’s absence, and Rex is included in the “You know, Anakin, it’s important to remain focused on our missions at hand” spiel. Instead, he gives you: “Work. Before that I have to make sure everyone’s made it back from their nights.” 
You desperately want to ask him if he’s one of those fabled clones that the Republic breeds. But it feels too personal. Too out of pocket. Instead, you settle on changing the topic entirely. 
“You know, you have very distinguished features.”
Rex raises an eyebrow at you. “Pardon me?”
“Like… your nose and your eyebrows and your jaw.” You trace the features on your own face. “You look kind of like…” You remember that Rex had mentioned he didn’t have time for art the night prior, “Well, there’s this painting of a philosopher named Diogenes. You resemble him, but without the beard and the hair.”
It’s the strangest, and most detailed, compliment Rex has ever received. “Thank you?” 
You hum, taking a sip of your coffee. “It is a compliment, by the way. He’s handsome in the painting.” 
Rex takes another drink of coffee. It’s stronger than he’s used to, for sure. The stuff on the ship must be watered down to accommodate so many drinkers, and after tasting this cup, he’s not sure the coffee he’s used to is actually coffee. “What about you? Are you doing anything today?” 
“No, I have the day off.” 
Must be nice. “What are you going to do with it?” 
You drum your fingers on the side of your mug. “Paint, probably. Maybe go for a walk. Practice my Gunganese.” 
What a life of leisure. First, there’s an ache of jealousy that stokes itself deep within Rex. By tonight, he’ll be in a debriefing meeting about a planet that’s fallen under Separatist control. Then, it’s washed away with the reminder that he’s designed to allow for people like you to have lives of leisure. That life isn’t for him. 
“I don’t know any humans who speak Gunganese,” Rex comments.
You sigh. “That’s the whole issue. The Gungans have been here long before humans and yet no one really speaks their language. I’ve been learning to try and at least smooth things over in a cultural sense. They have such a rich history with fascinating art pieces that I really want displayed in the museum, so people can learn more about them.” 
Rex raises his eyebrows. The only Gungan he knows is Senator Binks who is… If Rex will allow himself a moment of selfishness, not his favorite person to be assigned duty to. “That’s quite noble of you.” 
“It’s the least I can do.” You shrug. 
“You speak any other languages?” 
“My Rodian is really rusty. I took it in school, so I can write essays but my conversational isn’t very good. What about you?” 
Your brows raise. “Really? What does it sound like?” 
Rex chuckles, a little sheepish. “It’s nothing special. It’s not attractive or anything like that.” 
“Rex, I literally speak Gunganese. I promise it’s probably more attractive than that.” 
True. Rex clears his throat. Takes another sip of coffee. Thinks about what to say. When he sets his mug back down, he gives you a sentence. It rolls off his tongue, second nature. 
It is attractive. All vowels and consonants that slide together. You cross your legs under the table. 
“So, what did you say? 
“That you make your coffee really strong.” 
A blush rises on your cheeks. “There’s milk and sugar if you want it.” 
“No, no, it’s not a bad thing,” Rex says quickly, “I like it. Really. It’s leagues better than what I normally get.” 
“You’ll have to let me know the next time you’re in town,” You hum, finger tracing the mouth of your mug, “I’ll make you another cup.” 
Rex’s heart tugs uncomfortably. That would be nice, wouldn’t it be? 
“I don’t know when I’ll be back on Naboo,” Rex says, “But you've definitely made my visit worth more than I could have imagined.” 
You hum at that, then stand from the table. You open a drawer and pull out a pad of paper, shaped in a heart, and find a pen. You scribble onto it, then tear it away. 
“Here,” you say, passing the paper to him. “This is my frequency.” 
There’s an x next to your name like a little kiss. Rex accepts the paper, and doesn’t bring up that there’s no way he’ll be able to contact you, not when all of his communication is heavily monitored. Instead, he tucks it into his pocket, where it feels warm against his thigh. 
Rex leaves your apartment with a day-old croissant in his hand and the taste of berries and coffee lingering on his tongue. The sun seems brighter. The sky seems bluer. The birds seem to chirp in a melodic harmony. The walk back to the ship is pleasant. One that he doesn’t mind taking the long way for. After all, there are things for him to appreciate. 
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asgoodeasgold · 6 months
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Rex being all charming and living his best Bohemian life before things take a turn for the worse.
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Matthew must have relished the opportunity to wear a fedora.
📷 The Poison tree (2012) my edits + ITV on set still (bottom right)
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outofthiisworld · 7 months
. ✦ ݁ ˖ @pzfr and super silly shenanigans !!!
[💜] “EEE HEHEE—!!!” Oh, how Ophelia clapped and cheered!! But, just as she giggled and applauded with such excitement, she then stood to attention! Body stiff and straight, feet together and arms folded behind her back with stern, furrowed brows.
“Thank you, Shenanigan Sgt. Rex— I knew I could count on you.”
Her cheeks puffed to hold back a puttered laugh, but it failed, so the act was momentarily dropped in favor of the usual lackadaisical 'tude. A swiped invitation was whipped out from inside her coat.
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“I heard from a lil’ birdy that a few bigshot supers are throwing a lil’ shindig… would be a shaaame if the party got crashed by unknown hooligans, don’t you think?”
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
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All of the Champions from the Greece story of MagiMonsters in their human forms (and in proportions most minimal!)
Below the readmore, short introductory paragraphs for each of them!
Olympia Komninou, Griffon MagiMonster! Champion of Athena. Student in archaeology at the University of Athens. Passionate and cheerful, she seeks to learn more about herself through the many challenges she'll have to face. She loves hanging out and eating out. She has the ability to store an unlimited amount of weapons in her amulet.
Iris Griva, Cyclops MagiMonster! Champion of Hephaestus. Works full time as a disciple of Hephaestus in his workshop. Takes metalworking seriously. She doesn't really understand jokes or innuendo and tends to take expressions too literally. She is a good fighter despite being a support type of MagiMonster. She has the ability to create weapons from any material and can analyze power levels of any being or object with her single eye.
Eurydice Diamantopoulou, Siren MagiMonster! Champion of Apollo. She used to be a famous singer until she lost her voice in an accident. After an encounter with Apollo, she recovered the use of her voice but can only sing, not talk. In spite of her speech mutism, her prima donna attitude makes her hard to tolerate. She has the ability to charm and entrance any being with her appearance and voice and can predict the near or distant future with no distinction as to when the events will occur.
Iphigenia Elaphiaia, Ceryneian Hind MagiMonster! Champion of Artemis. A nymph, leader of Artemis' huntress. Formerly human, she allegedly used to be a veterinarian until she was turned into a nymph by Artemis' wrath. She lost all hopes of returning to a normal life. She has endless stamina and can travel long distances without ever being caught, but cannot fight unless she is touched by moonlight.
Myrto Dimopoulou, Satyr MagiMonster! Champion of Dionysus. An artist who performs a very complicated series of stories through theatre plays, bathroom graffitis, hidden mixtapes, etc. She loves the arts and thinks of art as the most fundamental aspect of life. Her positive outlook on life and zany attitude is often mocked and shunned, but under that goofy vibe, she is a force not to be messed with. She has the ability to create wine that can produce various effects, can entrance beings with "drunken illusions" that makes them believe they're part of a theatre play's story. She can also increase the effect of a ritual and provoke madness through it.
Ophelia Papadopoulou, Harpy MagiMonster! Champion of Hermes. A teenage runaway girl who serves the messenger god Hermes, her caretaker, with whom she agreed on a pact granting her a iota of his incredible speed for the sake of doing cool tricks, but he cursed her to have no sense of directions. Oops! She's a cheerful hothead who often acts impulsively. She has the ability of flight and can generate whirlwinds and storm winds. She also can snatch one item from someone without being noticed at all.
Myrina Çelik, Erymanthian Boar MagiMonster! Champion of Aphrodite. A martial artist and fitness model, managed by Aphrodite. She's quiet and always focused on the tasks she has to perform, and in fighting she acts on pure instinct. In spite of her intimidating gaze and her reputation as a quick-tempered warrior, she is surprisingly chill, friendly and supportive. She has the ability to resist the first 100 hits in a battle, can deal a devastating blow on her fifth consecutive strike and can destroy anything on her way when she charges with her shield.
Hesione Marinou, Cetus MagiMonster! Champion of Poseidon. A priestess of Poseidon who was raised as a sacrifice to the Cetus, but was spared after she proved her worth to the sea god. Motherly, devoted and of pacifist nature, she will always aid people facing the dangers of the tumultuous sea. If Poseidon asks her to do something, she will do as he asks without any hesitation out of sheer devotion. Despite claiming that she is satisfied with this puzzling situation, she secretly wishes of a human life. In addition to aquatic powers and super-strength, she has the ability to grow in size. Her powers strengthen considerably if she is in a body of water.
Vera Aggelatou, Pegasus MagiMonster! Despite not being a Champion, Poseidon took her under his wing, as her strength easily equals a champion. She is methodical and serious, focused entirely on whatever objective she needs to accomplish and on bettering herself. Originally fated to become the Griffon MagiMonster, her life turned upside down when Olympia unknowingly and unwillingly took her place. If Olympia can use any type of weapons possible, Vera chose to only use a single weapon type to fight with: the katana sword. She has the ability of flight, can infuse her weapon with lightning and can reflect attacks with a special type of parry.
Hyakinthi Kehaya, Scylla MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Disgraced heir of a fashion empire, she became a warrior for Hera after a series of strange events where she proved her worth. She has a good sense of initiatives and a charismatic personality, but comes across as rather self-centered when she insists on taking the lead. She and Nia are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster on land. She has the ability to create land on water bodies and alter water currents at will.
Nia, Charybdis MagiMonster! One of the two Champions of Hera. Her real name is Ourania Dellaporta and she was the heiress of a wealthy family, but her hatred for materialism led her to commit transgressions and leave civilization to become a witch on a strange island. Anti-social and careless, she can be cruel if pushed to the extremes. Her creative use of hydromancy makes her a powerful ally. She and Hyakinthi are a couple with an amazing synergy, blessed by Hera. She can only become a MagiMonster underwater. She has the ability to create whirlpools and to alter water currents at will.
Alcmene Alexaki, Nemean Lion MagiMonster! Champion of Zeus. Current titleholder of the Divine Victory. An olympic wrestler who always seeks to push the limits of her physical performances, no matter what. This causes her to perform incredible athletic feats, at the cost of her own health. She barely cares if she hurts herself. She's a woman of few words and it's almost impossible to be friends with her. But she cares. She cares a lot. She has an indestructible skin and the ability to cut through any armor.
Chrysantha Alpha, Mu, and Omega, Cerberus MagiMonster! Champion of Hades and Persephone. A shade whose soul split in three halves (nicknamed "heads") upon her mysterious death. Each head guards one of the domains of the Underworld: Alpha, kind but plain, guards Asphodel Meadows, Mu, serious and stricts, guards Tartarus and Omega, boisterous and reckless, guards Elysium Fields. She has the ability to be impassible when guarding a given place and to analyze where a soul will end up in the Underworld. Each head has a unique ability: Alpha can summon shades to fight, Mu can bind and inflict punishments when she witnesses a "crime" and Omega can summon the strength of heroic shades.
Chrysaorus the Knight of Seasons, Kykhreides MagiMonster! Champion of Demeter. A seemingly immortal dragon knight in charge of enforcing the Sacred Law. Never talks. Obeys Demeter no matter what. Her power set changes depending on the season. She has the ability to change an area's season for the duration of a battle. She also has the ability to give special properties to fruits and vegetables.
Pandora, Titan MagiMonster! Champion of Hestia. Crafted by the gods, she is nicknamed the original woman. For her wrongdoings, she has been unfairly punished: she has been made immortan and she carries the powers of the Titans. Locked in the basement of a Neko Maid Cafe in Athens, she slumbers for a century when she uses her powers beyond a certain limit. She possesses tremendous destructive powers capable of causing catastrophes and natural disasters. The only things that holds her back from completely destroying the world is her humanity.
Aínigma, Chimera MagiMonster! Not a Champion, but her strength equals one. She claims not being affiliated to any goddess and simply does as she wishes. Due to the very nature of her powers, no one knows who she really is. She has the ability to shapeshift into any animal she wants and to be an amalgamation of three different animals. She also has the ability to conceal her true identity.
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Days 859-860
Codex Chaldeas: Family reunion
Rex carried an unconscious Quetzalcoatl into the shadow border, with Mash following closely behind. Quetz had clear some burns and bruised on her, her outfit also had some scorch marks as well. She also didn't have her headdress on her head, but it was being carried by Mash, with Rex wearing her cape, which also had burns.
Nota was the first to greet them "Primo! Mash! So good to see you two okay! And you summoned Quetzalcoatl again!" She said.
"Si! I'm so happy to have her again! Tho we almost lost her again when she expended so much energy to destroy the tree." Rex answered back to her, while taking Quetz somewhere to lay.
After that, Goredolf spoke up from the front seat of the shadow border, as the vehicle started its journey. "It's good that you two managed to survive your first lostbelt. However you seemed to have failed to capture the traitorous magus, Kadoc." He had pointed out.
Rex did feel a lil guilty. "Yeah, sorry about that. After the tree and his servant were destroyed, suddenly that Koyanskaya or whatever took him away. Quetzalcoatl was out and Mash wasn't near enough to do anything." He tried to explain.
"Well if it was out of your power, there isn't much that can be done." Holmes responded. "We're happy you're both fine at least."
Mash spoke up next. "Oh Nota senpai! Who's your new servant?" She asked, while looking at Tezcatlipoca, who had been keeping quiet for the most part.
Nota got awkwardly silent, while Tez gave a bit of a side-eye to her. "Th-this is Tezcatlipoca…" she said. "I summoned him during the blizzard."
Immediately Rex backed up. "Really?! Him???" He asked.
"Oh how welcoming." Tez said. "Then again, if you're already close to birdy there, then you probably don't have an unbiased view of me."
And almost as if him saying that was a trigger, Quetzalcoatl immediately woke back up, filled with rage. "YOU!!!" She exclaims while getting back up. "PINCHE PENDEJO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!"
"There she is! Great to see you so full of energy again!" Tez said snarkily towards his sister.
Both cousins were holding back their respective servant. "Amor! You're in no shape to fight!" Rex told Quetz.
"Tezcatlipoca! Don't instigate a fight! You two will destroy the shadow border!" Nota insisted.
In a panic, Goredolf demanded Mash to prepare to protect the vehicle. "Demi-servant! Please be sure to do something if those two can't control their servants!"
"I will try my best!" Mash stated.
"Amor?" Tez asked. "You telling me you finally nabbed a partner? Took you long enough!"
"Pinche perro! Cállate tu boca!" She yelled. "That's none of your business!"
Simultaneously both cousins yelled "Enough! By my command seal! STAND DOWN!" The commands were issued, and both siblings were physically restrained by the spell.
"You two can't just fight like this! We're literally the last bastion of humanity! If you fight carelessly like this, humanity is over!" Nota tells the two of them.
The two of them didn't like it, but it was true they couldn't find it out. Not like this. "Fine! I won't attack this bastard… for now." Quetz said.
"Guess I'll work with birdy for now." Tez stated.
"Thank you" Rex says.
After the two were pacified, Mash stood down, both her and Goredolf relieved they were able to calm their servants down.
Rex grabbed Quetzalcoatl again, and started to guide her elsewhere. "C'mon, amor. I'll show you to my room."
"That sounds much more pleasant." She said, going with him, but not before giving her brother the stink eye.
Nota helped Tezca back up. "I'm not exactly surprised that you like to mess with her, but please chill out with that? You're a lot cooler then I was expecting, so please don't ruin it." She tells him.
"Heh. Least someone's opening their eyes." He states.
"Well, I'm not as close to Quetzalcoatl as my cousin is (obviously), and I always figured I'd wanna get your side of things along with hers. And so far you've been noticeably nicer then how she described, but you still have time to ruin that." She tells him.
"Well I do hope I don't ruin it for you. I still find you more then worthy to be a good master." He tells her.
Nota had a slight blush from that statement. "It is an honor to hear that from you." She says. "Ahem, anyways. Holmes, where are we going to next?"
"We're actually getting a signal from out in the Atlantic Ocean." He tells her. "We're planning to investigate it, as it's possibly more people."
"The Scandinavian Lostbelt is on the way aswell." Goredolf states. "So we'll be handling that on the way."
"Sounds like a good plan." Nota responds. "Guess we can use the time to get to know each other." She tells Tez.
Meanwhile, Koyanskaya took Kadoc to Kirschtaria's lostbelt, after his was destroyed.
"Wow! Way to screw things up, Kadoc." Beryl laughed.
"How was Chaldea able to destroy your lostbelt if they were so limited?" Ophelia questioned him.
"Now I'm sure he has good reason, don't you, Kadoc?" Kirschtaria questioned.
"Listen, I don't know how, but everything was going fine until the last second somehow that 2nd rate magus managed to summon a fucking divine spirit!" Kadoc said with frustration.
"Did he now?" Daybit asked.
"What kind of Divine spirit could he have possibly summoned?" Akuta asked him.
"Quetzalcoatl." Kadoc said. "Suddenly he showed up at the tree with her, and destroyed both my servant and It with her."
"Quetzalcoatl?!" Said a voice behind Daybit. "They have Quetzalcoatl with them?"
"Control yourself." Daybit told the figure.
"Oh? Your servant seems very interested to hear that name, Daybit." Pepe noticed.
"Well if the servant is from Latin America like his lostbelt, they're probably familiar with her." Kirschtaria comments.
A while after the meeting, Daybit talked to his servant. "You need to control yourself when I'm in a meeting with them."
"Sorry master, but them having Birdy with them changes things." The servant says.
"What are you planning?" Daybit questions.
"Something very fun!" The figure says, as he takes off his orange sunglasses, his blonde hair shining in the light. "Can you get me into contact with that Fox girl? Her assistance will be invaluable in this."
"So long as you still stay focused on our plan, then I don't mind it. Tezcatlipoca." Daybit finishes.
A/N: Next fic!!! Bit of a family reunion between Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca! Which obviously didn't end well. But that's to be expected. Meanwhile, it seems someone has plans in the Latin American lostbelt!!! Wonder what they could be!
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@madillhethen @sofiaebby @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @haskiaradoneanythingwrong @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @hikikomuridesuuu @the8thsphynx @pastellepastary
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||An Officer's Corruption part Thirteen||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but It's time to add another part to this mini series but it's to add a part to the OVA my wonderful friend Demon-mun is writing.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
Part Eight ((Slight NSFW warning))
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven ( Slight NSFW Warning )
Part Twelve
((Your reading part Thirteen))
||OVA Chapters||
OVA part one
OVA part two
OVA part three
OVA part four
OVA part five
OVA part Six
OVA part Seven
~No bad warnings in this
~Possessive behavior is maybe present in this.
||Drabble Summary||
Everything has finally calmed down after the prison break in. However, others were finding this out while wondering if that might happen to other prisons. In the meantime, Sukuna was giving his requests to Kinie. What will they be? And how are the female officers after that night even Melinda? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, and Ophelia Alexandria belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Rex oxford mills, Melinda brooks, and Arnold Wayne Hexford are my oc's that belong to me and the same for Sukuna Ryomen comes from Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to having him as a muse.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
The afternoon has still come and yet, it was drawing to later on. Most of the prisoners that was not under the damage from today's break out incident, they were moved to new cells till further notice. The ones that was not as bad is to remain there. Right now, a few were being escorted back to their prison cells from the medic ward while some were resting up.
Here, Ophelia was checking a officer who was feeling a lot better now thanks to her. She didn't mind doing this to help even when it came to helping a innocent helping hand. "And all done. You should be good to go tomorrow. Just rest up a little more okay?" she said.
"Of course, Doctor Alexandria. Thank you so much." he said bowing to her as she smiled not minding it. Though, she also had Ink here due to her catching a cold. Well, she was taking a nap right now so it was fine.
While checking on some other notes, Ophelia looks noticing the other doctor helping another while checking something. He has gotten more used to working with Opheila more even when their first meeting was......a bit silent. Dr. Arnold Wayne Hexford or Dr. Hex for short was a doctor that as asked to come help with Kinie Ger's prison incident. Though, theirs been word he's also the doctor to help with the prisoners back at Warden Joshua's prison even with one prisoner that was under his care.
".....Ummmm Dr. Hexford?" He blinks to hear his name but only looks to see Ophelia was speaking to him.
"..Yes, Dr. Alexandria?"
".....You know you can just call me Ophelia. You don't have to be so formal.." she said but he only looks quiet then at the notepad.
"Sorry, It's something I'm still getting used to. Though, was their something wrong?" he asked.
"No, I was going to ask if you were able to check on the other patents here? I already checked on Ink but she's sleeping right now and it seems she has a guest with her. The Prisoner Denji Hayakawa is with her right now."
"...Is he now? Hmmm, seems the warden is allowing prisoners to see the officers now. How....new." he mutters.
"......True. I wasn't expecting that but this is her prison after all.." Opheila said but she lowers the clipboard before looking to Hex going quiet again. Goodness, he really was not used to working with others was he?
"...Hey Hex-"
"If your going to ask if I'm alright I am. It's still new that I'm helping others even when I was just reformed to be good after working for Miss. Butterfly. Honestly, I am still unsure on how to feel about this." he said. True, he was a black market doctor way back before he got arrested. Same for him being on the Shallow Butterflies gang with the head leader Ashley Butterfly still being arrested. He got word she was going on patrol soon but nothing came of that yet.
"....Is that so? Then it's true about her brother-"
"If you mean Rex then yes. He's here in the prison but his team was split up to avoid a massive riot happening. I heard something close to that happened at Warden Fin's prison but it got resolved by someone named Officer Jaron I think?" he said.
"Ah, that's right I heard of that! But still....does this mean you were the doctor with Ashley or for her team?" Opheila asked.
"Both. I already give a update to Rex about his baby sister and tell him she's well. However, she's been....quiet ever since she got arrested. Won't speak to any of the other inmates or most are scared of her. Even if she's sweet...she's.....different in a scary way." He says this like it was nothing new but Ophelia was worried hearing this.
"But enough of that, we do still have others to check on..so we better get back to work." he said before going to do that. Ophelia said nothing but she held the clipboard and follows to do that. Maybe in the future she can get Hex to be more open to her but this was a start.
~~~~~~~Meanwhile in the warden's office~~~~~~~~~
Kinie was looking at the small list or something that Sukuna was going to offer to help with rebuilding and other things. Even more, he was willing to do this for free. The letter said the following:
~Building materials will be paid by Sukuna to help with repairs
~Updates will be seen through the prison
~More officers will be hired with back up
~Vacation time and Over time will be given as soon as the agreement is completed
~Everything is free of charge and warden won't be charged during the rebuilding process.
She looks to he small list a few moments but lowers it to sigh. "Alright, I think I get it. Though, their has to be a catch towards this. I mean....come on. This really can't be free.." Kinie looks to Sukuna but he smiled.
"Yes, I'm willing to do this for you all free of charge. I'll pay for everything so you don't have to." He simply said and yet, Kinie said nothing to wonder what is going on.
"Hmmmm..I think so. But again, what is the catch or what do you want in return?" she asked. Sukuna said nothing but he thinks a little before looking to her.
"Well......it's something just simple. Just some requests.." he said.
"Requests?" she said.
"Yes. My first request..is that I would like to pay for Rex's patrol and his teammates. He will have his payment paid for but I ask if the officer that spoke to him to be by his side. I already have a request for his baby sister to be released." He held up another finger.
"Second one, Is I would have two more to be released and on patrol for the moment. The Six claws are to be released as well but under Officer Vanguard's watch during their patrol. I know my brother may have a request even so..he will make his choice when getting out." he said.
"......" Kinie said nothing but she was listening.
"Three, I request that you don't have to worry about anything else. I know some of the gangs are still locked up but..I'm sure that can be fixed." he said.
"......Anything else?" she asked.
"One more thing..I still want to have that offer of you spending time with me. I want to know more about you so I request that you spend time with me.." he said simply.
"Just a little date back at my place. I think you'll like it." he smirked but Kinie said nothing. She sighed to look at him but then at the list.
"..So those are the agreements but your requests right?" she asked.
"Yes. If I need to find another thing to add I'll do that..but they won't be too extreme..I assure you.." he said. "So my dear...is it a deal?" he asked holding his hand out to her.
"So your alright?" Kali asked looking to Rex who still remains in his cell. However, the flying Imp was hovering around Kali more that it carefully lands near by while Rex pets it's head. Seems a light trill was heard from it. Kali said nothing but she will admit it was cute.
"Yes, I said I was fine but you shouldn't worry about me, sweetheart."
"Don't call me sweetheart." she grumbled but Rex smiled finds her cute.
"Fine fine..I won't." he said simply but the imp flies off and lands on Kali's shoulder now nuzzling against her cheek. She didn't move only to remain still.
"Though, I hope you still are agreeing to my terms in helping you right?" he asked.
"I said I was....so don't worry." she said.
"Heh, good. I am happy that we agree with something....." he said smiling to her even if she looks away but her cheeks were not pink as much.
"Oh shut up.." she said.
"....Oh fine fine. I'll be a good dog and be quiet just for you." he winks.
"Ughhhh stop that!" she points at him. Though, Rex finds it adorable.
~~~~With Jinx~~~~~~
"I know, I know, I'm fine Echo. You don't have to sound so angry about it." Jinx said showing a video call seeing her teammates. Officer Brooks, Officer Fuse, Officer Thomson, Officer Santos, Officer Hurricane, and Officer Parker. The women and the younger one was worried hearing what happened to Jinx.
"YOU IDIOT! WHAT DID YOU DO!? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU WENT THROUGH HELL AND BACK!" Echo shouted mad gripping the laptop she got since she's doing bomb squad training with Officer Enclave shouting at some rookies trying to defuse training bombs.
"True. I thought you said the small incident was not that dangerous but it seems that's not the case." She said but Ping was worried with Breezy worried.
"Believe me, we was not expecting this to happen but it did. Though, it was not too bad. I mean, fighting a giant snake was pretty cool-"
"A GIANT SNAKE!?" the women said but Jinx sweatdrops to laugh nervously.
"....Seriously?" Echo said with her eye twitching and a vein popping.
"Well, that's something....though, that explains the news Fosh and Mouse said.
"True...though, that's scary you did that.." Breezy said.
"Yeah but I'm fine even so. But I hope you girls are alright. "Jinx said. "Were good. Don't worry." Vivi said to her.
"Yeah, were good!" Breezy said.
"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine." Echo said hearing another explosion in the background. "CHARLES, DON'T DEFUSE THE BOMB IN REVERSE!" she shouted.
"Sorrie Echo!" A male voice said nervous. She sighed annoyed but looks back at the screen.
"....." Ping signs she was doing alright with a smile. Though, three others were in the background showing Taz, Gerald, and Timmy in the junior police academy.
"I'm fine.." Mouse said.
"........." Melinda said nothing but she was lost in thought before Jinx bilnks.
"Hey You alright Melinda?"
"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm alright sorry about that." she said gently.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I guess I'm a bit distracted but nothing bad I assure you."she said.
"Well, if something was wrong you can tell us you know." Breezy said and Jinx agreed.
"Yeah true. We are all sisters after all. We always are there for one another." Vivi said.
"I know, I know....though I am alright but if something is wrong I'll tell you." she said softly but Jinx knew it was fine. However, the others saw it was time to go so Jinx can rest.
"We better go but take care of yourself Jinx. And be sure you take care of yourself." Breezy said as she smiled to nod. Seeing the girls go offline while she closes the laptop to sigh. Even if she was fine, she was stuck in bed for a while before later on. However, she leans back to check something after some time.
~~~~With Melinda~~~~~
She was off duty after what happened even if she was alright. Right now, she was in her room given while staying here in Fin's prison. She heard the females were alright and recovered from the drug given to them, even her. However, they were off duty as well for a while. Right now, she knew the guys even Jaron was on patrol right now and yet she hopes he was alright.
".....Maybe I'm over thinking this again. Oh well....even now I'm fine it was still weird. I don't remember much except hearing voices..maybe I am.." she whispered to look at the floor but her silver eyes remained closed before sighing. Maybe resting up was better for her right now.
While for the others, Fin was speaking with Ahemd about something but they were unsure on what to do. Given that blackout could have been bad it was something. And with Summer and Winter that was worse.
"So what do we do? Should we split them further part?" Ahemd said.
"..No, their going to end up finding out even so. Those two as the others are always relying on one another so it's never safe to say that much. Even now...they are tricky." Fin said.
"Then, is everyone else alright then after that night?" he asked Fin but heard him sigh.
"Yeah, the women are alright. I had to give them the week off to recover even if some wanted to still work. I'm making sure they get paid for that and for overtime and yet I figure they would wanna rest. Even Melinda too. I heard Jaron was still a bit angry that the prisoners got out even Bradley too. Though, I heard he's still patrolling right now with the inmates in the halls doing cleaning duty." he said.
"Though now..I feel like I owe Jaron an apology for what happened to her."
"I'm sure he will understand Fin. I mean, inmates are dangerous but.......I assure it's fine after. Everything has calmed down.." he said to assure him it's fine.
"Yeah...you are right.." he said with a sigh. "For now, I'm still offering them to take a break for now....even Melinda. I just hope Jaron is alright.." he said.
As for Jaron, he was with the other male officers seeing the inmates cleaning up in the hallways. Even if most was quiet too nervous to talk. However, he said nothing watching them. However, his thoughts were going to thinking of Melinda. She has been quiet since that night even after the medic told her and the woman what happened. He never saw her that silent before but nervous now not expecting this to happen. Even now, he remains quiet. However, deep down the dark feeling remains that he didn't show it from his facial expressions.
Even now, he wouldn't let it happen again. Or let another try to take her away. He'll make sure of that. For now, the day goes on.
However within the halls...
"So it's true. My fallen maiden sister..you were here all this time.." Winter was shocked but a smile shows on her face seeing another but two officers were escorting Summer but they forgot they were not to be seen. 'Seems you were here all this time. What fun..hehehe..' she thought to smile.
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 7 months
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Blind Boy 🥀
(An Ominis Gaunt friends-to-lovers playlist)
A/N: Please listen in order. There's a method to my madness.
Ominis Gaunt fell in love slowly...
It began, he thinks, when he started hanging out with her. Without Sebastian that is.
Young folks - Peter Biorn and John
Lake Shore Drive - Skip Haynes
She makes him rather happy. It's odd...
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine
Sunshine Lollypops and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
She understands him like no one else. And even if she doesn't, she never pretends to. Just listens.
Wow, I'm Not Crazy - AJR
He really likes his time spent with her. He thinks about her when she's not around. She occupies his thoughts rather a lot. Her time feels like a currency and he fears running out. He's never had to be afraid of any sort of lack before.
putting a spin on Ophelia - Egg
What is this warm feeling? A dream - a wish, certainly. His parents would hurt him if they found out... Besides, he's just the blind boy. Who's he kidding?
One Last Wish - Casper
If I Could Ride A Bike - Park Bird, Chevy
Creep - Radiohead
It's impossible... but what's the point of it all if he doesn't at least try? It could be so beautiful. He doesn't have to be brave about it.
Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane - Gang of Youths
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
He starts to try.
Passing Papers - Egg
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows
Please Notice - Christian Leave
Feelings Are Fatal - Mxmtoon
These feelings are deeper than he thought. He can't help but indulge them.
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis
Amazing - Rex Orange Country
Golden Hour - JVKE
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Can I Call You Tonight? - Dayglow
I Couldn't Be More In Love - The 1975
It's so wonderful. It's beyond good. And she's always so kind to him. So perfect.
Infinitely Ordinary - The Wrecks
Remember When - Wallows
Ratisim - The Suicide Squad
One night in the Undercroft, he plucks up a little courage. And then... then he asks that girl to dance.
Not About Angels - Birdy
Once Upon A December - Anastasia
The Princess Diaries Waltz
And oh... oh he's fallen so far. He's hopeless.
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Line Without A Hook - Rick Montgomery
First Kiss.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
And things just get better from there...
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
I Feel Good About This - The Mowgli's
Darling - Christian Leave
Love - Lana Del Rey
the world could end with you - Llunar
After graduation, he proposes. The ring doesn't come from a distant ancestor - it's not plucked off his family tree. It's just for her. For that lovely muggle-born girl and nobody else.
Until I Found You - Steven Sanchez
His first night with her is better than he ever could have dreamed.
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
He elopes with her two months later. And married life with her is perfect. Utterly and completely perfect. Away from his family and his high-society upbringing... it's lazy and soft and simple.
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Waltz for Sweatpants - Cody Fry
Would That I - Hozier
You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
Photograph - Cody Fry
Love theme:
Hearing - Sleeping At Last
Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Lonely Poll II Round 1
Omori vs. the Grokke
Yaldabaoth vs. Weeping Angels
Anthy Himemiya vs. Sayaka Miki
Judge Frollo vs. Mr. Bill
The Beast vs. Rex Dangervest
Jay Gatsby vs. King Haggard
The Roy Family vs. Bojack Horseman
Baron from the Baronies vs. Friday Rescher
Anti-Aqua vs. Wallflower Blush
The Fates vs. the Shade
Dr. Alexander Hilbert vs. Lapis Lazuli
Ms. Acedia vs. Ophelia
Miss Havisham vs. Griffin
Lucretia vs. Rodion Raskolnikov
Mr. Freeze vs. Elsa
Slugpelt vs. Spectra
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fionajames · 7 months
ethereal pt. II
A/N: Hey, guys! This part two of ethereal pt. I!!! So sorry for not posting as much, tests are running me over like a train rn. Enjoy!!! Send requests!!!!
(divider by @saradika-graphics)
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Previously on ‘Ethereal’..... “Can we please go now?” Rex asked, itching to get out of the garden. He glanced back at the house, staring at the candle’s flickering in the windows. He was holding Ahsoka close to his chest, worry evident on his face as she nodded eagerly.
“I suppose we should,” Obi-Wan agreed, brow furrowed. “But I am confused. How and why are the statues of us in this garden?” They all murmured their agreement, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but to no avail.
“Because,” a gentle, silky voice called from behind them and the five turned to see a young woman - around Anakin’s age - with stormy grey eyes, long wavy golden hair and tan skin, dressed in a strange white toga. “We’ve been awaiting your arrival.”
Now on ‘Ethereal’.....
Anakin had his lightsaber in his hand instantly, the blue glow scattering over his body like water. He grit his teeth and stretched his other arm out to protect the others. Ahsoka had her two lightsabers in his hands as she stood in front of Rex and Cody, all three of them covered in the green glow. Obi-Wan stood by Anakin’s side, hilt in hand but unactivated. Yet, he was covered in the glow of Anakin’s lightsaber.
“Pardon me, who are you?” Obi-Wan asked, stepping slightly ahead of Anakin, sending a wave of calm through their bond. The young woman smiled lightly, taking a step closer.
All three Jedi thought of Mortis. Although Ahsoka and Anakin couldn’t remember the times when they were under the influence of the Son, they all remembered the planet. This planet had a sickening familiarity to it.
“My name is Kamari,” she replied, and her name floated through the air like a hypnotising song. It was mesmerising, and so was the girl. She looked, frankly, like some kind of Goddess. Now, as Ahsoka looked closer, she could see that the girl’s eyes weren’t grey. In fact, they were silver. A whitish silver, like full moons were trapped in her eyes. 
“Alright, Kamari,” Obi-Wan responded, his brow furrowing. “Where are we, what’s going on, and what do you mean by ‘we’ve been awaiting your arrival’?” Kamari smiled, as though he were an oblivious child who didn’t know anything.
“That,” Kamari began, her smile as eerie as the house. But it was also warm, just like the house. “Is something you must discover.”
Ahsoka opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted when a roar split through the air. It was loud, deep and fierce, and so was the creature. The creature burst through the forest and Cody cried out upon seeing it.
The creature was at least three metres tall, with a muscular body, four paws, a long tail with a bushy tip, and white fur with long gold stripes. It had six ears that were short and curved, and it had six eyes that were a magnificent glowing blue. The creature had three heads, each identical with two eyes, two ears, a muzzle with a pink nose and gold antlers.
It leaped to stand next to Kamari, the middle head bumping against her gently. The five soldiers gasped and shuffled closer to each other, Ahsoka shuffling forward. She’d had her fair share with animals and creatures as such. 
“Mahnoor,” Kamari breathed out, reaching up to stroke the nose bridge of the creature. The huge animal let out a content purr, all six eyes closing. “Have no fear, my friends, this is Mahnoor. She is an Ophelia.”
“An Ophelia?” Ahsoka asked, taking a step forward, curiosity grasping her. She was reminded of the creatures of her home world.
“Yes, they are unfortunately on the verge of extinction, Mahnoor is one of the last of her kind,” the young woman murmured, a sad smile on her face as she scratched behind one of Mahnoor’s ears. She played with the tufts of white fur. “Just like us.”
“‘Us’?” Anakin called, glancing at his Padawan worriedly. He didn’t like how she was now in line with him, too close to the stranger. “As in my friends and I, or you and others?” 
Kamari looked up to the sky, a wistful expression adorning her features. “All of us.” The words fell from her lips in a murmur, mystical and floating in the air. 
The group exchanged glances before Rex spoke up. “Who lives in the house?” He asked, unnerved by what she had said. Everything about Kamari was freaking him out. The smile previously lit on Kamari’s face faded and the usual warmth seeping from her turned sharply cold. “No one has lived there for many years,” she replied, gritting her teeth. 
Ahsoka shivered at the sudden iciness of the previously calm woman, her eyes darting to Mahnoor instead. She flinched slightly when she noticed the Ophelia’s six bright blue eyes already on her. Studying her.
Instead of fear, curiosity sparked in her stomach. It flowed through her veins like blood and she crept forward, reaching her hand up. 
Rex placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her back, but she shrugged him off effortlessly. She took a step forward and gazed up at the Ophelia. Now, she couldn’t be more than a few centimetres from touching its neck.
To her surprise, Mahnoor bent down and brushed its centre head’s nose bridge against Ahsoka’s palm. She let out a sigh as she scratched the creature with a content smile, a sense of bliss settling over her.
A gasp interrupted her solace and she opened her eyes, taking in the shocked expressions of her friends. That’s when Ahsoka noticed it herself.
Safe green sparks flitted around her form, bathing her in a beautiful light green glow. They looked like tiny snowflakes or fireflies as they circled her. Instinctively, Ahsoka reached a hand up to touch one of the little wisps. It floated around her fingers, hundreds swirling around her hand.
“What?” Cody breathed out.
Anakin dashed forwards, swatting at the wisps with confusion. They darted from his grasp like he was poison, avoiding him and wrapping themselves around Ahsoka.
“What is this?” Anakin snarled, turning to Kamari. Ahsoka continued to pet Mahnoor, a content smile adorning her features. Kamari smiled sympathetically at Anakin, but the sympathy looked more like passive aggressive pity to the brunette.
“They are Ahsoka,” Kamari told him, giving Ahsoka a relaxed grin.
Rex murmured, “We never told you our names.” He said it so quietly no one else noticed. 
Kamari reached over to Ahsoka and lightly touched her shoulder. Instantly, the same wisps - but golden instead of sage green - floated around her. The girl smiled as she moved hands to create what looked like a twig made of the wisps.
“Rex,” she spoke up and he flinched. She beckoned him over and he hesitated, but then glanced at Ahsoka and moved to Kamari. If Ahsoka was in danger, he needed to know. 
Kamari placed her hand on his shoulder and blue wisps danced around Rex. He gazed in awe at them.
Kamari then did the same to Cody - who’s wisps were yellow - and Obi-Wan - who’s wisps were cyan. But as she moved to rest her hand on Anakin’s shoulder, he jerked away.
“What have you done to them?” He growled. A light, melodic laugh spilled from Kamari’s lips like cotton candy; featherlight and sweet.
“I am helping you,” she whispered. “I am explaining.”
Before Anakin could protect, she brushed his shoulder and his own beautiful red wisps danced around him. 
Anakin tried desperately to brush them away, but they always returned. They never touched him, but were always close.
As the group were mesmerised with the wisps, the bushes to their left shuffled. Even caught up in wonder, they noticed the movement and turned. 
That’s when a figure emerged from the bushes.
“Hello, brother,” Kamari called to him.
“Hello, sister.”
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send requests!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @transmascanakin, @techs-goggles9902)
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🍊🖤ophelia, 19, she/her🖤🍊
special interest :D -
mycology, please talk to me about it I love it so much
will wood(and the tapeworms)
lemon demon
tally hall
miracle musical
siouxie and the banshees
against me!
bad religion
the cramps
system of a down
the smiths
ethel cain
tv girl
rage against the machine
cage the elephant
depeche mode
rod bernard
dream nails
the front bottoms
thesaurus rex
murder on the orient express
death on the nile
a haunting in venice
into and across the spiderverse
big top burger
top gun 1+2
all studio ghibli movies
rocky horror picture show
bee and puppycat
ruby gloom
the amazing world of gumball
lisa frankenstein
phineas and ferb
but im a cheerleader
delicious in dungeon
the metamorphosis
the trial
letters to milena
grief is the thing with feathers
house of leaves
the yellow wallpaper
the stranger
the diaries of franz kafka
i have no mouth and i must scream
stardew valley
portal 1+2
good pizza great pizza
potion craft alchemist
animal crossing
harvest moon
fallout(almost all games)
little kitty big city
cult of the lamb
hollow knight
slime rancher
linocut printmaking
jewelry making
collecting things(bottles, rocks, beetle/cicada related items, mushroom related items, shells, soda tabs, bread tabs, clown things, fruit stickers, playing cards, buttons, antique spoons, etc.)
book binding
zine making
bird watching
basket weaving
paper making
my friends
psychological horror
mardi gras
strawberry shortcake
my sweet piano
mary oliver
tagging system-
🍱- original posts
🎠- reblogs
🍂- art
📜- literature
☕️- things I wanna buy
💌- positive anecdotes about my life
🪽- asks
🍊- positive posts
🍜- my recipes
🃏- tag games
🪶- queued or scheduled posts
🎟️ - word of the day
🍄‍🟫 - mycology
🖤🖤🖤- saves n favs
‼️‼️‼️- important stuff
I love you all make sure to eat and drink water today <3
everything is ok to rb unless explicitly stated otherwise !
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isaut · 3 months
𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕— f!reader x captain rex. 1.5k
whatever, this is just angst LOL, canon compliant. tw: implied torture, memory problems
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The birds are chirping. You watch them, on the little data pad in front of you. There isn’t a single thought going through your mind. But then again, there’s rarely a coherent thought; you haven’t been right since the questioning. 
You have a nice room on Pabu. You could look out the window at real birds, but you like the ones on your data pad. You know these birds. You like to watch the birds on your screen in the plush chair by the window, in an oversized black shirt that you don’t know how you own. 
It doesn’t register with you as the door to your room opens.
Nice people come and eat meals with you. They bring you to a big table sometimes, and make sure that you eat everything on your plate before anything chocolatey touches your lips. Then, you go back to watching the birds. 
You watch the birds on the data pad, ignoring your visitor. Sometimes you go to watch the sky, when you’re led out by a nice man you’re pretty sure you love. But that man hasn’t been around in a while. The nice people who eat meals with you are almost him, but they aren’t. 
“How are the birds?” 
You hum, not pulling your attention away from the data pad. You’ve watched this same show more times than Rex can count. It’s the only thing you want to watch. He assumes the familiarity of it is comforting. The first time you’d shown it to him had been in your apartment, cuddled up in your bed when he’d been young and selfish. Back then, you had pointed out every species before the narrator could even speak.
At least you’re sitting up and not laying in bed.  
Rex pulls over a chair. There’s a plate of food in his hands. 
“Busy.” You wait for the red-tailed bird to leave the screen before looking over at him. “Pretty.” 
You nod. “I like them.” 
Rex’s swallow is thick. “Which one is your favorite?” He’s been gone a long time. He tries to not take it personally that you don’t seem to recognize him. Still, it stings. 
You rewind the video to show Rex the bird that had just left. 
“The humming peeper?” Rex asks for clarification. 
“You know it?” 
Rex is quiet for a moment. In your apartment, you had a stained glass wind chime hanging in the corner of your room. When the light hit it just right, it would stream through the pink and white glass of a humming peeper had cast your room in a rosy glow. Rumor has it that it brought in good dreams. He never had a nightmare in your bed. 
It had been shattered upon your bedroom floor when Rex had come to visit you and you weren’t there. When your carefully curated apartment had been ransacked.
“I know it,” Rex says, voice soft. “Do you?” 
You watch the screen, brow furrowing. Your eyes seem sharp for just one moment. “Maybe.” Then, you’re distant again. “It’s pretty.” 
Rex sighs. He addresses you by your name. “I brought you dinner.” 
“I’m not hungry,” you say, focused on the video. You don’t want to eat. 
“There’s some chocolate,” Rex says. 
Humming, you look from the screen to Rex. His eyes are a familiar amber. “Are you going to eat with me?” 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll eat with you.” Rex says.
He sets the plate on the table beside you, but takes it upon himself to cut up your food. If he had never stopped to talk to you, stopped and let himself become bewitched by you, you wouldn’t have been in this situation. He’s sure of it, you’d still be on Naboo and thinking for yourself.
Rex feeds you, and feels a sense of pride wash over him that you focus on him instead of the data pad. You chew thoroughly, brow furrowed as you watch Rex. He hopes you’re trying to place him. 
“Something bad happened,” you murmur. “What happened?” 
Taking a breath, Rex swallows. You take the last bite of food without complaint. You must recognize him, as you complain with everyone else about eating. 
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” Rex says softly. “Want some chocolate?” 
You nod. Rex busies himself with breaking the chocolate into pieces. “What have you been up to?” 
“Watching the birds,” you say. “The humming peepers.” 
Rex glances up at you. The short term memory recall is a good thing. “What else?” 
“I saw photos. It was me and Rex,” you say, looking out the window. “He’s busy helping people. And that's why he can’t come visit.” 
Rex looks up from where he’s breaking the chocolate square into bits for you to have, small enough so they’ll dissolve in your mouth. He debates for a moment if he should tell you that you’re talking about him, or if that would only make things worse. That you’d then become confused as to why he was here and then left. 
Selfishness got you here. 
Rex holds out a little piece of chocolate. 
You open your mouth. Rex places the little piece on your tongue. Your lips accidentally kiss against his fingers. 
Rex watches as your eyes focus in on him. As the chocolate dissolves and your eyes widen. 
“We know each other,” you say, definitively. “How do we know each other?” 
Swallowing, Rex leans forwards. Takes your hand in his. “I’m Rex.” 
“He’s busy,” you whisper. 
Rex takes off his dog tags and places them in your hands. “I’m here.” 
You hesitate to take your eyes away from his own. They flit down to look at the tags in your hands, thumb smoothing over the raised lettering. Glancing up at Rex, you swallow thickly. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Rex says gently. “There you are.” 
“You look different. From your message.” 
The little hologram that you watch sometimes, when you’re a little more lucid. Of Rex telling you that he loves you. Of how you met, in a salsa bar he stumbled upon. That he misses you. 
Rex chuckles, running a hand over his scruff. His not all blonde, specs of white peeing through. “I’m sorry.” 
Your eyes go a little distant again. Your fingers trail over his palm, as if you were going to read his lines. Instead, you set the dog tags back into his hands. 
“I love him a lot,” you say. “And he loves me too.” 
“Yeah,” Rex agrees with you. “He does. Have you been on a walk recently?” 
“I went… Swimming.” 
“Would you like to go on a walk with me? With Rex?” He asks. “The sun’s going to set soon.” 
“The sun is setting?” 
“The sun is setting.” 
“I would like to see it,” you say. 
Guilt claws at Rex’s throat as he helps you up, as he helps you get into your shoes. Gone are the high heels, now you have slippers. The two of you walk slowly, as you need time to process all the little bits and pieces of the journey. The cobblestone and the wood, the flora and fauna. You climb upwards, through the swirling paths. 
It’ll tire you out, but he’ll carry you back if he needs to. You hold onto his bicep for stability. It used to be that you’d hold onto him for any and every reason, giggling the entire way. 
At the little look out, the two of you sit on a wooden bench. Your thighs touch. There are a few other people here, ready to watch the sun’s descent as well. 
“Rex hasn’t been back in a while,” you murmur, playing with the hem of your sweater while looking up at the sky. The sun is setting, stretching ochre across the skies, touching the horizon. 
“I’m back right now,” Rex says, reaching to take your nervous hand in his. “I’m here right now.” 
You look over at him. Nodding a few times, you rest your head on his shoulder. “You’re here right now.” 
Rex’s breath is shaky. He presses a kiss to the top of your head. 
You don’t watch the sun set. Instead, your eyes droop shut, comforted by the body next to you. When you drift off, it’s peaceful. Rex smells like home. 
Rex knows he should make you walk home. The ambulation is good for you. But you look so content, so like your old, healthy self that he can’t bear to wake you. Doesn’t want to risk confusing you upon waking you up. 
So once the sun has set completely, Rex scoops you up. He carries you back to the place you call home now, and tucks you into bed. 
He places a risky kiss to your forehead. In your sleep, you smile softly. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Rex whispers. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. 
You don’t stir. Rex exhales. 
He doubts you’ll remember this come morning. So he sits at your bedside, hand in yours, and watches over you. Like he should have been, all those years ago when you were snatched from your bed in the cloak of night.
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cookinary · 4 months
Hey guys, if you want some music
I've been putting together a playlist of what my AUs' themes would be
I'll be making a list under the cut of which song matches which AU (so don't check it out if you wanna figure it out for yourself!)
Da OG boi: Banana Man - Tally Hall
Android: Robot Rock - Daft Punk
Backrooms: H A L L S - CG5
Basically Villain: Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Beyblade: Beyblade Metal Fusion French opening
Brothers in Arms: Turn the Lights Off - Tally Hall
Cartoon: Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
Clone: I think I'm a clone now - Weird Al
Cyberpunk: Organic Self - Noisecream
Demon Banana: Demons - Imagine Dragons / Phoenix - ft.Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza
Dragon Pilot: Dragon Pilot Hisone to Masotan outro
Escaped Experiment: Monster - dodie
Explosive Personality: MINECRAFT CREEPER RAP - Dan Bull
Ghost: Ghost - Confetti
Godhunter: Godhunter - Aviators
Honey I shrunk the kid: So What - Three Days Grace
It's just a game: Losing My Mind - Mystery Skulls
Mad Guy Dead: MAD RAT HEART from the Mad Rat Dead OST
Mad Switch: Fuck You - Lily Allen
Magic: Dementia - Owl City ft. Mark Hoppus / ROACHES - Luluyam (I picked these songs because Mage is psychotic because of everything he went through)
Mountains: Les bronzés font du ski
Murder Drones: Disassembly Required - Liam Vickers
Mutant: Captive Normal from the Hi-Fi Rush OST (PLEASE CHECK THIS GAME OUT) / I'm My Own Master Now (Platinum Mix) from the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST
Nyankees: meow - lvusm
Pacific Rim: Pacific Rim main theme
Phoenix: Phoenix - Netrum & Halvorsen
Pokemon: The Journey Starts Today - Walk off the Earth
Portal: Who I am - CG5
Post-Apocalypse: Survive - SOARA / Wasteland Outlaw - MAJESTY
Radioactive: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Reaper: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash
Sailing Seas: The Seven Seas - F-777
Sea Monster: Ocean Man - Ween
Simulation Collapsing: ECHO [Cover] - Alfakyun
Space: Starman - David Bowie
Spare: I Can't Decide - Scissors Sisters
Supers: Speed of Light - Joe Satriani
Swap: Sweet About Me - Gabrielle Cilmi
Tanuki: Heisei era Tanuki War (Spirited Season) from the Pompoko OST
Therianthropy: Wild Slide - Jules Gaia / T-Rex - K.Flay
Time Agent: This Time - PXL
Time God: Temporal Tower from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky OST
Time Loop: Stuck in a Timeloop - Animadrop
Totally Spies: Here We Go - Totally Spies season 1 opening
Turning Red: Pandas Unite/Nobody Like U from the Turning Red OST
Unaware Eldritch God: God - Jake Daniels
Untitled Friend Game: Goose Goose Revolution - TheLivingTombstone
Werewolf: Animal In Me - Solence
Witch Vampire: Happy Halloween Rap ver. - nqrse
Zombie: Macabre Rotting Girl - Kathy-Chan / Stay Alive - FFM ft. Felix Bushe / INFECTED - STARSET
Junkyard King: Junkyard King - Navie D
Rookie Mistake (AU where my sona is present): Idontgivea***k - Rabbit Junk
And EMPIRES by Electric Swing Circus isn't for an AU but I thought it was a good fit for vanilla Ophelia
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Since I was inspired by @negative-speedforce's post...
Meet the Pets!
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Species: Wolfdog (50% grey wolf, 25% husky, 25% Bernese mountain dog)
Sex: Male
Owner: Madison Douglas
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Species: Domestic Cat (Cornish Rex)
Sex: Male
Owner: Robin Cassidy
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Species: Domestic Cat (Abyssinian)
Sex: Female
Owner: Jasper Wilson
Ruff N' Tumble
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Species: Dog (Dachshund)
Sex: Male
Owner: Jasper Wilson
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Species: Dog (Golden Retriever)
Sex: Male
Owner: Jasper Wilson
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Species: Budgerigar/Parakeet
Sex: Unknown (Assumed male)
Owner: Gia Pantazis
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Species: Domestic Cat (black Sphynx)
Sex: Male
Owner: Ophelia Octavius
Tango, Waltz, Skip, and Jazz
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Species: Sun Conures
Sex: Unknown
Owner: Katherine Johnson
Baron Samedi (Baron)
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Species: Domestic Cat (breed unclear)
Sex: Male
Owner: Nikoletta Bordeaux
Barbershop Quartet (Barbie)
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Species: Domestic Cat (American Shorthair)
Sex: Female
Owner: Nikoletta Bordeaux
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
. ✦ ݁ ˖ @asurastro friendly fire !!!
[💜] HEEHEE—! GOT ‘EM! Ophelia giggled and hopped and clapped: yippee!!! yay!!! yippee!!!
The victory dance would have to wait, though— as she squeaked and phased like a phantom in the nick of time! …
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“Oopsie!” Ophelia gasped … but as soon as she saw her old man charge up his own blast from that robotic arm of his— she poofed into thin air! Only to pop up and hide behind Rex. “Um! He did it!”
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turbobyakuren · 1 year
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Ceryneian Hind! Satyr! Harpy!
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asurastro · 3 months
💜Ophelia is here to give some unwanted advice!
“Mm … if you hear weird noises in the night: make weirder noises back.” Huh. Not the worst thing to ever come out of her mouth. (I guess) “Out-freak their freak.♡”
Give my muse unwanted advice!
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"Get weird with it? Yeah, yeah, I hear ya."
Rex took a deep breath... and then he started to bash his chest like a gorilla, while roaring like an overgrown lizard. Just a combination of the fiercest beasts he could think of, and that which gave them the claim to being kings among monsters.
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