#opioids tw ::
The Biden administration on Friday proposed tighter limits on the online prescription of some medications, including the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug Adderall and highly addictive opioids such as oxycodone, a partial reversal of policy changes made during the coronavirus pandemic.
The new regulations, which would require health care providers to have at least one in-person visit with patients before prescribing or refilling certain drugs, would take effect after the public health emergency for Covid ends on May 11, the Drug Enforcement Administration said in a statement.
The proposal will undergo a 30-day period of public comment, after which the D.E.A. will issue a final rule, the agency said.
Heads up: If you started testosterone (a schedule III controlled substance) via telehealth during the pandemic and you've never seen your provider in person, the Biden administration is probably going to fuck you over later this year.
Go to the link below for more info:
There is a link at the bottom you can follow to submit a comment on the proposal (but at this time the link doesn't appear to be working, for me at least).
Edit to update:
It has been pointed out to me that the MSN article above misrepresents the DEA proposal on telehealth regulations; the proposal is NOT a ban.
Please check out the most recent reblog of this post and the link below for clarification on the proposal:
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neuroticboyfriend · 6 months
i do not have healthy thoughts about the possibility of doing heroin someday. kinda worried i'm not gonna be done until i start using it.
also realizing i never used so i could accomplish anything. i never had a time where it made me functional. i only used substances to feel good and do nothing, or i used them to feel nothing and do nothing. i literally only ever wanted to simply exist high/drunk out of my mind. oblivion, which, i've been told is the sickest reason to use of all.
like i hear people talk about how they "reached a point" where they couldn't function without substances anymore and i just. i was never functioning to begin with. i couldn't exist without substances. i just can't get over how fast i deteriorated; it's probably because substances never made me functional.
so. that's one thing about me, i guess. blessing and a curse, huh.
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fentanyl-rabbits · 2 years
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"A judge granted an interim injunction to a Calgary woman Thursday that allows her to continue taking a potent opioid three times a day.
Ophelia Black, 22, was diagnosed with severe opioid use disorder after she became dependent on the drug as a teen.
She had asked for an exemption until her lawsuit against the Alberta government over new standards that require service providers to refrain from prescribing opioids for at-home use unless approved by a medical director.
“Ophelia Black is addicted to opioids. Her addiction has nearly killed her several times. I am satisfied that this is an appropriate case in which to grant an interim injunction,” said Justice Colin Feasby in his ruling.
“The evidence at this stage of the litigation shows that Miss Black has a strong position that her constitutional rights have been infringed, that she would suffer irreparable harm and it is clear that the balance of convenience weighs in her favour.”"
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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intersexfairy · 9 months
at least i know its having some effect bc my pupils are constricted and im not in searing pain
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ataviisms · 1 year
my mom got a rental car the other day and the rental center gave her two free opioid overdose kits with naloxone spray, and i think that's great.
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demonsinmysoul5000 · 9 months
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vyctorianbyron · 6 months
Covid is still killing more Americans than all opioids combined, each week (2024). We are supposed to "go back to normal" and "don't worry about Covid", despite it having a higher death toll on average. Unlike opioid drugs, Covid can effect literally anyone.
Even the vaccinated are still at some risk of infection, though the new updated shots are much better at preventing breakthrough infections. Why so many in government and the media are willing to ignore the reality of Covid when it's still worse than the opioid crisis is beyond me.
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brokenxheart · 5 months
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pure bliss
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neuroticboyfriend · 9 months
As someone who's never taken anything harder than weed, on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad of an idea would it be to cope with being out of weed by taking the vicodin I got from the dentist instead
Emotionally coping? Awful idea, 10/10 do not recommend.
Going from weed to an opioid is a huge jump as far as the strength and risks of substances go. The euphoria from opioids is different than that of weed - it's a warm, lovey feeling that makes everything feel blissful. Which sounds nice, because it is, but that's the thing that hooks people in. And after you truly experience opioid euphoria - or even just the anxiolysis - nothing else feels the same after. In a bad way.
That said, if you can manage to take it medicinally for pain...even though it's still a risky idea, that I could understand. Not sure how I'd rate the idea outta 10, but if you were to do that, you'd need to do research on how to dose it for pain, how often you can take it, etc. Still, you would have to monitor yourself.
But at the end of the day it 100% is your choice. It is important to say though, IMO, anyone with opioids in their vicinity should have Narcan (naloxone) around as well (for the safety of everyone who may come in contact with the substance) - even if you don't think it'll need to be used, better safe than sorry.
Disclaimer that I've never managed to get significant opioid euphoria because my body has a stupidly high natural tolerance, but I have experienced the mild euphoria and anxiolysis, and I know how awful it feels once it wears off. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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LETHBRIDGE - Alberta set an unfortunate record with 179 opioid deaths in April 2023 -- the most recorded in a single month. The numbers come from newly released data courtesy of the Alberta Substance Use Surveillance System.
Now, the Alberta NDP is calling on the UCP to take action.
"That means six Albertans died a day in April," said Lori Sigurdson, the NDP critic for mental health and addictions.
The UCP says significant strides are being made to develop more recovery infrastructure. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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intersexfairy · 10 months
i'm in so much emotional and physical pain and nothing i have takes it away. i need oxy. i need it to do that thing where it makes me feel normal and like everything is okay and just fine. i need such a high dose of kratom, i don't wanna pay $15 for 3-6 hours of high. idk what else to do though. this hurts too much to let it happen. fuck healing.
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kevindelreyy · 4 months
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a kiss to everyone before I die💞
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aduckwithears · 1 year
Let's Talk Laudanum - a GO meta
Hey all - I'm gonna preface this one with a tw/cw for opioids, death, suicide, and substance abuse ok? It shouldn't be too heavy (just canon typical), but I don't want anyone surprised.
Ok! I've been watching some of the Good Omens s2 behind the scenes specials, and in the "Grave Danger" clip it mentions that Laudanum is "...a very intense kind of alcohol, or like ethanol, that would kill somebody…" which is not actually true. In the show itself we see the bottle:
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Which confirms that laudanum is a combo of Opium (45 and 1/2 grains per ounce) and Alcohol (40%).
It also says Poison and CMOT Dibbler... The poison angle (is it poison? well yes... if you take enough) has been covered in another post by @queerfables who talked about the make up of laudanum as well. CMOT Dibbler is a great nod to Sir Terry of course :)
What do I want to add? That yes, laudanum is in fact an opioid, and was actually an incredibly popular and over-used drug in the 18th and 19th centuries, both in real life and maybe more importantly in novels of the time. Proceed under the cut!
In my non-duck life I work in a field with some familiarity with opioids, so I also want to add that while yes, opioids can make you loopy, they are ultimately a soporific (meaning a sleep aid, a downer, a relaxant), a pain reducer, cough suppressant, and a respiratory depressant. That last bit is why they can be deadly in the case of an overdose.
So let's get back to laudanum. Yes, it was used post-surgically, but quite often would also be prescribed to (predominantly) women with various aches or pains that their doctors couldn't (or wouldn't bother) investigating. Subsequently women would become addicted to the opioid, needing more and more to achieve the desired effect, leading to eventual death or any of the other mental, emotional, or socioeconomic ills of addition.
Given the above and the era's fascination with the "sexiness" of wasting diseases such as consumption (hmmm, cough plus pain, perfect for treatment with laudanum!) laudanum was also a little bit of a romantic drug. It was also popular in novels of the era such as those in the Gothic Romance genre. (A quick peek at Wikipedia turns up lots of examples... though I'm sure a literature expert of the era would have lots more to add.)
All of which to say! The Resurrectionists as a minisode is channeling some pure Gothic Romance (think Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - pub 1818, etc) so laudanum is the PERFECT poison for Elspeth to pick. It dulls pain and at sufficient doses suppresses the respiratory system to the point of death. Without the modern miracle of Narcan or naloxone, death is all but assured. Of course, then, enter Crowley.
You know what laudanum doesn't do? Give you an Alice in Wonderland experience and make you specifically shouty about people not killing themselves. Now, this could be how opioids affect demons (it's possible), or the more entertaining option is that Crowley has no clue what laudanum is or isn't supposed to do, saw the poison and alcohol label, and decided to have a bit of fun while doing some deniable (the laudanum made me do it! honest!) good. It's also handy that he doesn't need to do mundane human things like breathing. So he gets to sing about Scotland, save the human, and get hugged by Aziraphale - pretty good day... until he gets Lightning Sanded to Hell.
I'll just add here that the laudanum plot line works well if we are taking the minisodes at face value... OR if we are reading them as Aziraphale's version of events of the past, especially with the literary aspect.
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Bonus: If you've made it this far, maybe you'll come along with me on a little cross-fandom jaunt.
I'm also a massive fan of the Aubrey/Maturin series - Patrick O'Brian's books set in the early 1800s and starring Captain Jack Aubrey and Doctor Stephen Maturin. If you've read the series or even watched the Master and Commander movie you may know... those two characters have their own odd couple thing going on and quite a collection on AO3 :) . Anyhow. In the books Stephen is hooked on laudanum for a good while, mostly to dull the pain of a love that cannot be acted on. That's actually what got me started thinking about this post since there are certainly some parallels there.
Thanks for sticking with me on this ramble!
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heroinangelz · 1 year
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(CW: drug mention)
Dissociation culture is not needing drugs because you already feel like you're high all the time. And not even in a fun way :/
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