revnah1406 · 4 months
Sparrow in Op Kingslayer!
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(click for Better quality!) Reference: Ghost Recon Breakpoint concept art
Finally I can bring Sparrow's look in OPK to you guys!! Not gonna lie, if I was a narco from Santa Blanca Cartel I would let her crush my head with those biceps. Guilty ✌🏻.
Old sketch:
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Hahahaha! Anyway I also want to bring some good news! I'll bring Op Kingslayer Chapter 4 soon! There's not gonna be as much action as chapter 3 (that doesn't mean that there won't be drama. There's always drama.) but I'll put all the stakes in chapter 5 (you'll get it when you read it).
Anyway! Hope you like it! I'm working on updating Sparrow's ref sheet, so you'll probably see more of this hahahaha!
I can't wait to see how my beautiful moots see their ocs in OPK! 👀👀🧡✨
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kaitaiga · 9 months
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G’day :)
Based on a scene early on in Operation Kingslayer Chapter 3 written by my pookie @revnah1406 ❤️ won’t spoil it (because you should totally read the series if you haven’t already!! It’s amazing!!) click for better quality!
Also based on an ask I got from @vasyandii a while back too! Thanks for asking dear!!! 🐻❤️❤️
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(🐑 OC in farmer wear)
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selfchiller · 2 months
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I scanned this in as well
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tillman · 9 months
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zatos ugly little pre missing link outfit what the fuck was he wearingggggggg
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stmmumblr · 4 months
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🤔 think I'm gonna ovulate soon... 😂
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procyo9 · 1 year
ok now im getting anxious lol GOTTA GO
as always Crystal belongs to @quaddmgd :3
"Rogue I beg you, please anyone but Palmer? You know I-" "Listen, kid. You come to me asking for help, and I'm giving you help. If you think you're in a position to cherrypick who you 'like' to work with then you either grow up and go talk with Panam or leave." Elegy clenched her fists and stormed out of the booth, bumping shoulders with some stranger on the way out. She was so angry she felt like burning something down; why does it always end up like that? At this point she'll never get her street cred anywhere. She leaned against a wall, not feeling like going home empty-handed. She needed a drink - something to soothe her nerves and give her fuel to think. Elegy raised her sights to look for Claire, who was occupied with-- oh, it's that pretty girl.
She's been coming to Afterlife a lot lately and quickly got recognized among other solos as someone who should not be messed with. Many wanted to work with her, but she prefered working alone; she was an ex-nomad, after all. She probably had to learn to rely only on herself to survive without her family. To be honest, Elegy was a little jealous - she tried really hard to become independent but her ties kept a tight knot on her. No matter how good her skills were, she still was forced to rely on others to help her with matters she couldn't resolve on her own. It can be exhausting sometimes, asking for help - however stupid that sounds.
"Eh, don't worry C, Nix has his days. Afterlife is full of gonks that would pay you just to have a chance of working with you." "I just wish... He didn't need to be so harsh about that." The girl with colorful hair sipped the last of her liquor, soft expression present on her face. At this point Elegy caught herself staring, and she hid her face under her bangs. But did she hear right? Crystal needed Nix's help? Why would she- "Also, you know I prefer working with people who know their stuff. Can't let another gonk die on me," she played with her glass, turning the melting ice cubes inside left and right, much like Elegy's stomach at this moment. She wanted to scream 'I KNOW MY STUFF,' at the top of her lungs, but obviously that wouldn't work. She needed to approach her somehow. She had to.
"Heard you need help with some netrunnin'?" Suddenly the seat beside Crystal wasn't empty anymore, and her eyes met with black orbs radiating with confidence. "Did you listen in on us?" She shifted from a relaxed pose to a more stiff, ready-to-act one. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but it worked! "Listen, Nix knows his shit and all, I get it. But to be honest? I can do anything he can - if not better - not counting the fact that I'm simply just a lot cooler to be around. You should ditch that old ex-corp, he and Rogue can go be pains in the ass together in that shitty booth of hers," Crystal's soft expression was long gone, replaced by way more annoyed and suspicious one. "Huh, you do gigs for Rogue?" "Sometimes. When she doesn't pair me up with assholes, that is." Elegy fiddled with her fingers, watching her hands; somehow her confidence began depleting, so she decided - it's now or never. "So, how about that - you help me, I help you." "Well, since you did listen in; what makes you think I'd just go and risk my life with a random gonk-" "You might wanna tune in and listen to the news then; rerun is about to start." Claire shouted from another end of the counter, serving drinks to a group of young mercs. Crystal's eyes shot back to the blue-haired gal, who just shrugged and turned her head to the TV.
The news lady began going on about the latest case of a corporation being targeted by a cyberterrorist known as The Plague; after their last attack, more than 2000 Biotechnica employees were stalled in their work. All employees on-site were found unconscious and poisoned, with no damage other than their security being compromised - there were traces of some top secret documents being stolen, which seemed more like a nasty joke left by the attacker rather than a slip-up. “The nasty joke being a dick. Drew it myself,” Elegy commented on the news, her hands intertwined behind the back of her head like some laid back anime character. All she got in response was a ‘I am still not convinced’ smirk, as Crystal went back to playing with her - now completely empty - glass. “They’re still clonin’ humans. Got all the evidence backed up on a shard, but got nobody I trust with it yet,” her expression was serious now, and she meant it. “They clone them, force them to think and feel, and then they experiment on them. Playing fucking god… No matter how helpful they were during the energy crisis and food industry, this is beyond fucked up.” "Holy shit,” a small chuckle escaped from Crystal, who seemed rather surprised by the sudden change of tone. “That really does sound fucked up. And you really pulled off something like that all by yourself?” “Well, can’t doubt Claire.” Elegy beamed a smile at the barkeep, who winked back while still working her beverage magic. ”They used to call me The Omen at first, it’s all silly really but still, that’s what I get for having a ‘signature move’ or whatever…” She began to ramble a bit, feeling the heat in her gut rising with every positive reaction she got out of her soon-to-be partner. “Hm. Okay. Tell me what’s up with that gig. I think we might work together quite well.” “...You mean it?” “Yep. So? Gimme something to work with!” “!! Okay, so there’s this new smart link prototype-”
“So if I help you steal that prototype for your Ashura, you’re gonna help me with cracking the security? That building is tight as shit you know-” “Yup! You won’t even have to lift a finger. In and out.” “And you need me because… You can’t drive a car?” “Yeah!” Her innocent smile was devastating in a way. Crystal couldn’t believe it at first, but it seemed that this girl was serious. “What the hell. Let’s do it. I’m Crystal, by the way.” She reached to the bubbly one next to her, with the intention of shaking her hand. Elegy returned the gesture with a little bit of hesitation, but quickly pushed all those feelings of doubt away - this was a time for celebration. “Elegy! You know, this calls for a toast. You ever tried David Martinez?”
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heirscrchd · 4 months
something something, azula's mind molded to be a part in the war machine ozai continued and her body sacrificed and burned like coal, a resource to be used as fuel and discarded when he didn't need her anymore, something something azula unable to actually cope and understand this
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vyragosa · 10 months
"just talk about the pair vyra"
i can't, i have to explain the context of hallucinogenic experimentations and the fact that it's all a study of human behavior and the meta-narration mise en abyme in the context of each gacha costumes or i'm gonna g
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elladastinkardiamou · 11 months
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This week's newsletter from AthensLive is out:
* You’ll be taxed as a tax evader. It doesn’t matter if you are not
* Being “large” with the TV channels
* Something is terribly wrong with the Greek Police
Assuming that all half a million self-employed professionals in Greece are tax evaders, the government decided to tax them accordingly. Only it won’t work. This happened at a time when the Greeks had drastically cut consumption of essential goods due to economic hardship. 
There is no money for welfare policies, but there is always money for the TV channels. The government would now pay all their debt to the insurance fund -some 6.8 million- on the basis they were affected by… the war in Ukraine.
A 16-year-old girl was found unconscious with serious head injuries after an anti-fascist concert when clashes with the police erupted. The coroner’s report severely doubted the Greek police’s version of events. Later in the week, neofascists attempted to set people on fire in the Metro. When the police finally intervened, they threw tear gas.  
Read and share this week's updates on the events and developments in Greece here: https://steadyhq.com/en/athenslivegr/posts/d8a70182-849d-44ba-a8b2-460eebc45e12
For anyone with a wish or need to follow and to gain an insight into recent events in Greece and to read and support independent and investigative journalism in English, the weekly newsletter from AthensLive should be a core element in the reading flow.
If you want the best overview of the events and developments in Greece right now, this is the place to go. Not the mainstream Greek news, but independent journalism with sharp analysis and links to interesting and important topics from a variety of sources.
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impermanent-art · 1 year
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Ice Cube portrait by Dirty Six in West Adams Heights.
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lordgolden · 2 years
I just can't believe that Kelsier's religion turned conservative when kelsier himself would've made one of the ten commandments "experiment with the same gender"
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semperreformanda · 2 years
it’s crazy how as a teenager it’s drilled into your brain that getting pregnant is so easy. but then we grow up and it’s not like that for most 🤠 
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artemis-moon101 · 1 year
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roooooiiiill · 2 years
iopoipio图, ,,头没头脑入门级nfioli,mp['p'
▲人权组织保护卫士(Safeguard Defenders)在报告中声称,中国在“猎狐”和“天网”行动启动后,通过各种手段强迫一些海外华人回国接受审判,并将他们关入监狱。该组织还说,中国这一“长臂监管”的关键工具旨在确保对逐渐庞大的海外华人群体进行控制。
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procyo9 · 2 years
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"Nova job Trace, gotta admit I didn't really think you got the guts. Guess the rumors are true- Anyway, eddies're on their way to you; I know it's not as much as you'd get for one of your fancy fixer jobs but- shit, I'm ramblin' again. Hope to see you sometime, maybe? Like the old times?"
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I don't think it was a successful ovulation but that top strip was the darkest one I'd ever seen. The bottom one is usually what I saw.
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