#optimistic dualist
legallypumpkinn · 1 year
Genuine question, wtf happened w Optimistic Duelist?? I’m not on Twitter, so all that I’ve seen is that they posted this, disappeared for a while, a bunch of people started shitting on them on both Reddit and Tumblr (Reddit nothing new obvs, but it left r/EnglishPumpkinParty and r/AltHomestuck and began happening on regular old r/Homestuck)??
I saw the Dirk sui comic and their reply, but liek… is that really it?? Did they just see a comic they didn’t like?? And weren’t they literally a part of developing HS2??? I am so disengaged in the Homestuck community lore but this has been plaguing my teeny little mind so I must ask >:?
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arkiwii · 2 months
ARKNIGHTS Rhine Lab AU - Role Swap
A Role Swap AU is an Alternative Universe were the characters roles are swapped! It can be just swapping the roles around, or two characters roles with each other, while keeping their personalities. In the case of this AU, I did the second, finding it way more interesting in the context of Rhine Lab. So I'll present the characters swapped, and what they became!
Saria <--> Silence
Saria now takes the role of the new and basic researcher of the Structural Department. She is now Infected - which does not have much relevance outside of the fact that her Arts are much stronger -, and joined Rhine Lab with the goal to seek a cure for Oripathy. A born leader who seeks to help and protect the weaks, she is much more colder as she has spent the most of her life alone.
[Gameplay] Saria would be a 6* Dualist Defender, with a move pool moreso based on healing and buffing herself, as well as debuffing the enemies.
On her side, Silence became the co-funder of Rhine Lab, as well as the Director of the Structural Department. She is very appreciated by the company for her optimistic behavior and love of science, although she may appear naive. Uninfected, she is more lively, and possesses strong Arts that she uses with the mean of her drones.
[Gameplay] Silence would be a 5* Mech-Accord Caster, with the unique ability of being able to heal with the drones she unleashes during her skills.
Ifrit <--> Rosmontis
Ifrit has became the subject of Williams Loken's experiment, with the goal to recreate a Diablo with the shard of their remains. It caused the Loken Watertank incident, where Ifrit destroyed the laboratory and was found by the Maylander Foundation. Sent to Rhodes Island for treatment, she became an Elite Operator for her dangerous fire Arts, as well as a very close friend of Amiya and Blaze with her strong personality.
[Gameplay] Ifrit is now a 6* Phalanx Caster, with the talent to lower the resistance of all enemies in her range when off-skill, and to cause destructive Arts damage when using her skills.
Rosmontis is now the child of Parvis' experiment, with the goal to create a Chimera. The experiment gone horribly wrong, Rosmontis has destroyed the Haydn Laboratory, and was found by the Columbian Military, before being sent to Rhine Lab where she will be under the care of Saria and Silence. Amnesiac, Rosmontis's strong post traumatic stress disorder has caused her to lock her emotions and to show little to no emotional responses, unless when stressed, where her destructive powers show up.
[Gameplay] Rosmontis is now a 6* Arts Guard, her playstyle taking a lot of inspiration from Saria, her powers allows her to debuff and deal enormous amount of damage to enemies.
Magallan <--> Mayer
The member of the Engineering Section Magallan is a simple researcher with the dream to explore the world, but the unfortunate fate of being constantly busy. Her most prided creations are drones taking inspiration on the fauna from places she has dreamed to visit when she was younger, with quite some freedom in their appearence.
[Gameplay] A 5* Summoner Supporter, Magallan can summon drones that will debuff and give invisibility periodically to nearby units, making her a really good support.
Mayer is considered a mystery by most employees of Rhine Lab, and it's mostly due to her weird explorations to Iberia and its surroundings... Very praised explored, Mayer specializes in submarine explorations, and studies the Seaborns as well as their biology very closely, feeding particularly interesting data to Rhine Lab. She posseses robots, courtesy of Magallan, her close friend, who are more opted for battle and protecting her against the Seaborns.
[Gameplay] 6* Summoner Supporter, Mayer possesses melee summons who can deal significant damages, especially against Seaborns type of enemies, as well with their auto destruct when defeated.
Ho'olheyak <--> Muelsyse
The last member of the Kul'kuk'an has joined Rhine Lab with the hope to find the answers behind her race and achieve truth. Throughout the extensive knowledge of her ancestors, particularly on the subject of stars and constellations, she became a very close assistant of Kristen and a strong asset for her to achieve her dream. Director of the History of Sciences Section, she learns about the story of Terra as a whole to gain knowledge.
[Gameplay] Ho'olheyak became a 6* Mystic Caster, who can apply weightless and Levitation based on the amount of stored attacks, with skills that emplified these abilities.
Muelsyse was one, if maybe not the only friend Saria had during college. An Elf with a cheerful attitude, her search of her race as well as engagement for children's protection, herself an orphan, as led her to meet and be recruited for the Maylander Foundation. Her ability to sneak around, spy, create clones and harvest previous information make her an extremely good asset, and she has been able to help many cases, as well as discovering the projects Rhine Lab has been hiding.
[Gameplay] Muelsyse is now a 6* Ambusher, with the fun ability of being able to place a clone of herself on the battlefield, with skills tuned to this one.
Astesia <--> Astgenne
Opposite to her sister, Astesia decided to follow the paths of science to discover the truth behind the stars and most of all, behind the false sky. She is a calm, elegant woman who joined the Originium Arts section under Dorothy Franks, with who she became a close friend. However, her unprompted Infection after a failed experiment had caused Astesia to lose faith in her researches, and she had become more reserved, but thankful for her sister and her friend for supporting her no matter what. Astesia left her family after these ones rejected her views, and has found her new place at Rhine Lab.
[Gameplay] Astesia is a 5* Splash Caster, using her Arts to attack the enemies. Her attacks have a light chance on stunning the opponents, and her skills will cause great crowd control AOE damages.
Astgenne followed the path of her family's heritage by learning their traditional sword techniques with the usage of the astro globe. Energetic, full of promises, she has an optimistic faith and belief in the stars and astrology, as opposite to her sister with who she might often debate. But both cares a lot about each other, and after Astesia got infected, which infected Astgenne as well due to their nature of twins, Astgenne has gave a lot of support to her sister, and places her hopes in her, believing that the stars will save them. She currently manage an occult society around the stars, in collaboration with Rhine Lab.
[Gameplay] A 5* Lord Guard, Astgenne will use her Arts to launch ranged attacks at the opponents. Her melee attacks turn into Arts damage upon the activation of her skill, and will stun everyone in her range the moment her skill is activated, her damage emplified on stunned enemies.
Robin <--> Kafka
Desesperate after her dad's company, BlackCloud Trade, went bankrupt from a competition against Simon Co., Robin seeked for help everywhere to make money and pay the medical bills for her father. When the situation seemed lost and Robin was close to give up, she met with Saria, who were able to bring her back on the tracks and give her a reason to fight. When Saria found out about the involvement she had with Simon Co., she proposed a deal with Robin; to help her infiltrate Mansfield's Jail and save Anthony Simon, the man Robin despise the most, so Robin can see if he's a good person who deserves to be forgiven, or someone who should be guilty for his family's actions.
[Gameplay] Robin is a 5* Agent Vanguard, able to use ranged attacks with her throwing knives. One of her skills will boost her attack on deployment, while the second will place mines around her, dealing damages while generating a good amount of DP upon explosion.
An orphan from Columbia, Kafka always had lived in criminality and gang battles. While she is not entirely found of this life, she made herself a reputation in the grey zone of Columbia, despite her claims to be a simple gardener. When Anthony Simon's head was given a price, many criminals went to try and kill him, unsuccessful. Kafka would had not paid interest if Jesselton did not employed her to help him kill Anthony. Kafka accepted, the price of his request being a non neglectible one, but had no actual intentions on killing Anthony on her own, but rather try to pocket the promised money with no harm involved.
[Gameplay] After joining Rhodes Island, Kafka applied to become a 5* Dreadnought Guard, with the talent to become invisible when unblocking enemies for enough time. Her skill causes Arts damages, hitting everyone in range with her large shredders.
Unchanged roles
Kristen remains the founder of Rhine Lab, and still pursue her dream to carry on her parents' goal, with the strong support of Silence. Both have lost contact with their time at Rhine Lab, but they keep good terms... Until Silence finds out the horrifying projects she agreed on, that is.
Ptilopsis is still a subject of Dellareed's experiment, which has failed, but without any care from the Structural Department, she has been deeply conditioned to behave and act close to an artificial intelligence. While Silence deeply wishes to give her proper care, her busy schedule rarely allows her to, and it's as an assistant of Parvis that Ptilopsis found her role, under the trust of Silence. Thankfully for her, Saria disagreed deeply with the views Parvis had on his "assistant", and brought her to Rhodes Island for help. Silence feels deeply guilty for not having noticed it sooner.
Dorothy remains the Director of the Originium Arts section. Daughter of two pioneers who lost their lives in a Catastrophe, Dorothy strives to create an ideal world where everyone can live in equality, and where she can protect the pioneers. Helped by Astesia, she gives value to her assistance, and hope to help her as well with a dreamed world where infection would not exist anymore.
Parvis is now a simple assistant of Silence at the Structural Department, who acts more as an executive assistant than anything. Silence being horribly busy, she entrusts him for most cases, which turned being a horrible idea when Parvis saw this as an opportunity to carry his researches on the chimera project. He took on the role of Director when Silence left.
Jara, Nasti, Ferdinand, Justin Jr., Loken, Tin Man, Jesselton, Domma and Mountain have no noticeable change in their characters.
Summary of the timeline
At the young age of 10, Kristen Wright learned the horrible news of her parents' death in a flight incident, which led to the dishonor of her family to the scientific community. Helped by Jara, she continued her education and met the young Olivia Silence during high school. The two young women had originally nothing in common, but their love of science and search for the truth. It did not took long for the two of them to become best friends, and for Olivia to turn into an important person for Kristen; dreaming of achieving what her parents had failed to achieve back then, she found hope to continue to go forward with Olivia's optimistic nature and support.
After both graduated and finished their studies at Trimounts' Institute of Technology, they decided to found Rhine Lab together, a promising future for the two rising stars of the scientific community. While the first year was rough between the struggles against concurrence and the little financial help they had, they got nonetheless joined by bright minds like Ferdinand Clooney, Ho'olheyak and Dorothy Franks.
As time went on, Rhine Lab has became one, if not the biggest scientific company in the span of ten years. However, Silence, who became the Director of the Structural Department, and Kristen, as the CEO, both fell apart of each other with their busy schedule. It's until Silence got to hear about an incident happening at a nearby laboratory, and got the sole survivor transfered to Rhine Lab with the help of the DOD, that things got a turn. The young surviving girl, named Narcissa, has been deeply infected and bear heavy traumas, and with the help of Saria, a Rhine Lab researcher who agreed to help her, she gradually unpacked her locked memories. Silence, trying her hardest to be there for the girl, also insisted on investigating the truth behind the event, with the help of Ho'olheyak.
She soon disvovers the horrible reality, and how Narcissa happened to be the subject of a human experiment, and that Ho'olheyak was sent with her to make sure none of the secrets would be undiscovered. Silence fought her way out of it, with the help of the Maylander Foundation, and tried to warn Saria about it. However, she arrives too late, and Narcissa lost control in yet another treatment phase. Saria manages to calm her down, but blames Silence, herself having learned the truth and realizing that Silence has been part of it, maybe even hiding it from Saria to continue the experiment, and she leaves Rhine Lab with Narcissa.
Silence tried to face Kristen, and swear to stop her, leaving Rhine Lab. She finally joins Rhodes Island, to seek help from them, but soon meets with Saria and Narcissa, now codenamed Rosmontis. Saria, scared that Silence followed them, refuses to have her approach her or Rosmontis, firmly keeping her distances. Silence struggles to hide her fear, and is left alone to fix her own mistakes.
I couuulld say more but, hey, I am cooking! All the events that follow, so Mansfield's Break, Dorothy's Vision, Lone Trail, they will greatly change and I could give a quick summary, but hey, surprise!! (I'm lazy)
I will eventually make designs of the swapped versions, but I'd love to explore the characters' new dynamics. Like how Saria's hard nature ends up having a negative effect on Rosmontis, how Silence tries to help her and bring Saria to realize what she's doing, while also struggling with her own powerlessness. Or about Ptilopsis, how this one is struggling more deeply with her issues, but tries to help Saria and take care of Rosmontis a lot, both relating to each other. I could also talk about Ifrit, now an Elite Operator, with all the shenanigans she has with Blaze and how cool she is, but also how she will try to help Rosmontis later! Or even this absolutely cool Mayer who would be an amazing character for IS3, cause hell yea deep sea horrors!!
Anywayyy, it's a lot lot, I sometimes think about this new timeline and I think there can be something really cool to be done with it, maybe a series of fics, who knows! It's just a project for fun, simply playing around with the characters, there might be a lot of flaws and things missing, I'll try my best to make everything make sense.
So hum, yay! feel free to give me opinions, for fun :]
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disneymbti · 1 year
Could you do Tinkerbell, Fawn and Vidia?
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Tinkerbell's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon and Leo Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio Moons are known for their brooding nature that exudes passion. Once you win them over, they are loyal and unconditional in matters of love.
Leo Rising: Leo ascendants bask in the glow of sunlight, radiating positivity and charm. Performers through and through, those with this friendly, radiant, and outgoing placement exude confidence and strength.
Enneagram Type: 4w3 [The Enthusiast]
Basic Fear: Four wing threes’ deepest fear is that they have no significance in the world. They tend to express this by frequently distinguishing themselves from the rest of the world.
Basic Desire: They desire uniqueness and personal identity. They long to be authentically different, which may lead them to intense bouts of creativity and self-expression.
Enthusiasts may defend themselves by unconsciously adapting characteristics of others to seem more authentic.
Fawn's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFP [The Entertainer]
ESFPs are very outgoing and lively people. They thrive in groups and prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They are very observant, focusing closely on the details rather than the grand scheme. They think in terms of the present.
Entertainers tend to prioritize emotion when making decisions, concerning themselves more with how their decisions will affect others. They are empathetic and diplomatic.
They rely more on opportunity than rigid scheduling. They are spontaneous and playful people, with a passion for finding new adventures.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confident]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Vidia's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ISTJ [The Logistician]
Introverted ISTJ types process the world internally. They tend to feel drained after social events and need time alone to recharge.
Highly pragmatic, they tend to focus more on the details, rather than the bigger picture. They make decisions based on what they see and know right now.
Logisticians prioritize logical thinking and are more concerned with facts than emotion. They believe the truth is more important than people’s feelings.
They are very structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead and follow rules and processes. They are disciplined and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 3w4 [The Expert]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type threes with a four wing are afraid of failure. They tend to throw themselves into their careers and do anything it takes to succeed.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to succeed and feel valued. They may show this by seeking validation of their hard work and successes.
Experts defend themselves by adapting or changing their personalities to fit their environment. This makes them great communicators, but may also lead them to being misunderstood or feeling fraudulent.  
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sirquestingbeast · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts Character's (Homestuck) Classpect Pt.1: I'm Not a Liar.
Howsitgoinguys I'm back with that thing I promised. I never forgot about it, it was just that some characters were so hard to classpect that for the sake of my sanity I had to step back from the project. But I'm back on my manic bullshit so not only did I get it done, but I have classpected every single character originally from Kingdom Hearts. Before I announce the first batch, I just want to be clear about my Classpecting system.
💋 I treat Classpecting as self contained like a horoscope or MBTI type thingy. But not as a personality thing; more like incorporating the story as a whole into the healthiest state of being for the character.
💋Because of above, I don't believe any Classpect is doomed to fail; it depends on the actions and events of the story and clashing with other classpects that lead down that path. Death can very well be part of the journey for a character but it shouldn't be the end; Foretellers yes, Dark Road no.
💋 My point of reference is literally what I remember from Homestuck itself, some notes from the Classpecting for Assholes by Neurotypeline video and the wiki HOWEVER I have also seen Optimistic Dualist's and Ouroborista's videos on the subject so if their influence it's felt... I just can't help it man, I don't have original thoughts.
💋 I believe in aspect duality; Breath-Blood, Time-Space, Hope-Rage, Doom-Life, Void-Light, Heart-Mind
💋 Breath/Blood is forward progression, Time/Space is foundation, Hope/Rage is symbolism and themes, Doom/Life is narrative, Void/Life is lore, Heart-Mind is character development. HOWEVER these categories aren't isolated. Characters can dip into adjacent concepts to help progress the main; the closest two inconsequentially and the ones further out with the possibility of an issue occuring.
💋 Characters are also linked to their mirror; sometimes in symbolism or their inclination to lean into it. Depending on the class and the context it can either be a nifty tool or super detrimental. In general even the most flexible classpect will go down a bad path if they lean more heavily into their mirror than their true Classpect.
💋 This is not a statement on powers or personality. Being the same Classpect as a cannon character doesn't mean shit I'm just dumb like that. The way I see it, your aspect is a collection of keywords, your class is the origin of your power/journey to getting it, and what the results of that are purely up to your imagination.
💋 Similar classpects will probably feel some type of way about them. Certain classes function the same way in a typically replicable way so they might relate on their journey. Certain aspects usually have keywords that correlate to ideological beliefs. They might also hate each other and be polar opposites because they interpret those keywords differently or they don't embrace/understand the journey of their class.
With that out of the way, there are a collection of types where there isn't enough content for me to do anything but vibe type them or...I dunno. I just don't have a lot to say about them. If your fave is on here, I'm sorry bestie. If you press me for your fave individually I will be happy to explain the reasoning but off the top of my head, I have nothing to say about these motherfuckers.
Hermod: Seer of Space
Vor: Mage of Blood
Urd: Thief of Void
Hoder: Heir of Life
Vidar: Witch of Mind
Vala: Sylph of Breath
Heimdall: Page of Blood
Helgi:Knight of Rage
Sigurn: Sylph of Heart
Odin:Mage of Time
Skuld: Maid of Breath
Ira: Prince of Light
Invi: Bard of Void
Aced: Knight of Life
Gula: Thief of Hope
Ava: Witch of Rage
Pence: Heir of Light
Olette: Maid of Blood
Larxene/Elrena: Prospit, Maid of Rage
Demyx: Prospit, Rogue of Void
Luxord: Prospit, Maid of Light
Vexen:/Even Derse, Seer of Light
Xaldin/Dillan: Derse, Prince of Heart
Lexaeus/Aeleus: Prospit, Knight of Life
Zexion/Ienzo: Prospit, Page of Space
DiZ: Mage of light
Caio for nao homies~
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goldenlilium-ocs · 2 years
𝓙𝓾𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓫𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓹
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juliette bishop // witch, noble house of bishop, quarter veela, ravenclaw, prefect, chaser, dualist, dumbledore’s army, hogwarts choir, younger twin. // she/her/hers, bisexual. // located in surrey, england and the scottish highlands
allies // noble house of bishop, sirius black ( @house-of-archer ), regulus black ( @vxntxque ), alexis tonks ( @alexis-tonks ), kingston chance, owen bishop, dani price, fred and george weasley, roger davies, elinor barlow, sebastian fox, reggie jessop, willa barker ( @writingwhizzbees ), fleur delacour, julianna concia ( @kindxloyal ), jinx loset ( @character-rants ), theodore nott, anna diggory ( @oceans-forms ) loads more but I don’t have @‘s
enemies // cormac mclaggen, voldemort.
relationship status // dated cormac mclaggen, dating cedric diggory // mattheo riddle (portrayed by @mattheoriddleanonn on tumblr)
face claim // simay barlas
enjoys reading, sketching, quidditch, chocolate frogs, harmless pranks, potions
personality // loyal, committed, passionate, optimistic, bright, energetic, preppy, daydreamer, wise, empathetic, defensive, emotional, comes across as uptight occasionally, considerate, sensitive
she’s simple like quantum physics
Listening to: crooked teeth by HwaYoun
01:43 ━━━━●───── 04:21
⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
template by @house-of-archer
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fishnapple · 4 months
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CRYSTAL READING: How does a healthy love for you feel like ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
About me | Masterpost
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Agate
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Bear
This is the love that elevates your spirit.
There is no restriction or confusion. You will know this love for what it is, without any doubt of where you stand in the connection.
Something feels so sure yet so exhilarating and free.
You will feel brave and curious. Your inner child will be given freedom to roam and explore without restriction, similar to The Fool energy in Tarot. You may not notice it immediately, but your speech and actions will gradually show more joy. Others may notice that you are taking interest in more hobbies and creative pursuit, you are more open to the joy and silliness of life. Like a bear waking up to a verdant spring after a long winter hibernation.
You will feel expansive, this love encourages you to look for a deeper meaning in life, to imbue the road that you walk with more love and share your light with more people, you could even find yourself be more sociable and more willing to go to social events.
Oddly enough, even though this love feels exciting, changeable and passionate, not too much grounded and predictable, it will build a solid foundation for you, you will feel so safe and stable in yourself amidst life's changes so much that you can face hardships in the world with an open and optimistic attitude.
This love will be gentle but firm at the same time. You may feel triggered sometimes by it. It will make you look deeply into yourself and shed light on the fears that you have concerning relationships. You might even feel reluctant at first to accept this love, but with time, you will address those fears and ready to be transformed. Your demeanour and outward appearance will change. Some could be quite drastically, a more open posture, smiles appear more frequently, a certain quiet confident about your sexuality that creates charisma.
This will be the love that makes you feel like a child again but not small. Tomorrow will always feel brighter and worth looking forward to.
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2. Carnelian
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Gazelle
A love that can keep you on your toes, not in a hyper vigilant way because you feel insecure or worry, but more like the kind that keeps you from stagnation.
This will be the love that allows you to leave your mental restrictions behind and strive for something higher, with more meaning. This love gives you ambition. Your passion will be felt by everyone. People can clearly see that you are following your desire and ideals for something higher, more fulfilling, almost like you have found your own meaning of life.
I see two parallel lines of stones. You will be able to harmonise contradictory parts in yourself and make them walk side by side. Something feels dualistic, some parts of you may be more on the dominant and active, while some parts are more soft and submissive, gentle yet intense, connecting yet detached, overall your feminine and masculine energy will be quite balanced.
This love will give you the opportunity to explore your sexuality more. You can be both the student and the teacher, willing to learn and to try new experiences. Some of you may had some fear about submitting yourself to someone, to love in the past, because you were scared that you would lose yourself, boundaries would be breached, you couldn't ground the relationship. But not with this love, you will realise that when you're with someone, you don't have to loose your identity, you can just be your most authentic self, just like the child in The Sun Tarot card.
There is no shame and barriers, communication about intimacy will be open, you will feel comfortable talking about things that you considered taboo before, secrets will be easily shared without fear of ridicule and betrayal of trust.
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3. Flourite
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Phoenix
A healthy love for you will feel like good karma, a treasure found after a long arduous journey. The kind that no matter how many hardship you and your lover have to face, the love remains, it burns through all and rise again, not in the destructive way but in the purifying way, always burn bright even in the darkest hours. There may be a certain Plutonic influence in your relationship.
This will be the love that forces you to put down your egos to let the hearts do the talking. I used the word "force" because it would not be easy. You will come to understand that behind every stubborn remark, every rigid mental stance is a kind of vulnerability and insecurities lurking in the shadow, and you will learn to address that in a more calm, rational way. A healthy love for you is the one that bridges you and your lover's hearts and minds to see each other's strengths and weaknesses without judgement and resistance.
This love will also help you purify your social connections, to see clearly who is healthy for you, who is not and break out of the society's confinement of roles and images.
It's like a healthy love will help you build more healthy relationships with others. Sometimes, you will have to face your own loneliness and learn to be alone. A certain isolation is much needed sometimes to reevaluate your values and to rest and recharge. This love will allow you to have space without the worry of abandonment.
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4. Aventurine
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🎐Your energy when you are in a healthy relationship: Horse
Some of you may have a small social circle, or your life was uneventful, the energy feel reserved, introverted, and keep to oneself. Like some barrier was erected around you, maybe to keep you safe at first, but after some time, it could keep you from expanding your life more. I feel like this barrier could be from your family, your community's consensus, from people that older than you and want to take care of you, but they have lots of distrust and fears for the world, and that fears could affect you subconsciously, making you more fearful of life. The stone of mercury, mars, and soul are all on the edge of the circle, so ready to break out, but the circle is surrounded by the stone of saturn, fear, moon, and neptune.
A healthy love for you will be the one that somehow liberate you, make you feel more free, like the horse energy, you will want to ride on the horse's back to explore a world larger than your previous known one. As I was doing your reading, I felt the urge to just stand up and move around. Maybe you would also feel more active with this love.
You will want to stand in your own light and be an individual instead of just a part of a crowd. This love could even instil some rebellious spirit in you, making you question the social beliefs.
Before, you life may just revolved around a small space (figuratively and literally), with this love, you will learn to still stay firm and safe in yourself but be able to give out love to many more people. Others will also be able to sense this change in you. You will have a glow from inner contentment and open spirit. I see a gentle wind curving around on an open field.
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alohaastro · 4 months
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Moon transiting Libra, Monday, May 20th, activates contention which can erupt into aggression justified as necessary to initiate change or fix a problem, but peace is an alternate path, which can also result in improvement or change, as the moon in a relationship minded, strategizing air sign, forms a T-square aspect pattern opposing a line-up of the North Node, Mars, Chiron, all in Aries, with Mercury in an early degree of Taurus, and squaring Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, while also creating a Yod - aka "Finger of God" aspect pattern with Neptune in Pisces, and a line-up of Venus, Uranus, the sun, Jupiter, all in Taurus, with the sun - just beginning its annual journey through Gemini. You may notice the dualistic nature of the both the Gemini sun and the Libra moon today, as you swing back and forth between attraction and repulsion, or find that whatever you know is not good for you, is most desirable. People might be more noticeably divided on issues, with both the optimists and the pessimists holding stubbornly to their viewpoint, while those who prefer to remain neutral and detached will have less agitation, but also less companionship. The best case scenario would be that the T-square brings something to a head which has been festering for too long, and the Yod is at hand to offer healing, forgiveness, and peace. When possible, choose peace over war, and love over fear. If you are on the receiving end of a fall-out, a breakup, or a job termination, the sooner you decide to move on and choose peace for yourself, the better.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
In the fickle world of cryptocurrency, every moment is a potential pivot towards fortune or fallacy. As we cross the timestamp of 3:08 am UTC on 10th October 2023, ETC Coin, with a current position at $15.072, subtly beckons scenarios pointing towards an aspiring $16.01 and a conservative fallback to $14.028. Such projections dwell upon a multitude of factors, wherein each decimal oscillation symbolizes a confluence of economic currents and speculative winds. ETC Price Target Today Navigating through the financial waters necessitates a keen observance of not only present fluctuations but also a historical reflection upon the forces that once shaped previous peaks and troughs. Presently, with ETC marginally above its pivot price, speculations for imminent upward mobility are ripe, albeit carefully shrouded within speculative forethought, not revealing explicit numerical thresholds. However, a prudent strategist must also contend with potential downswings, aligning predictions with planes where previous trading engagements have solidified semblances of supportive grounding. Consequently, while one eye peers optimistically upwards, the other casts a cautious glance downward, ensuring balance within analytical paradigms. This chart is generated from Tradingview.com: https://in.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=BINANCE%3AETCUSDT.P ETC Price Prediction Today Two narratives simultaneously unfold, each striding along the pathways of bullish and bearish unfoldments. The current positioning, while tempting projections towards lofty heights, also coexists with an alternate reality where retracement might seek solace within established lower echelons. ETC/USDT Daily Chart for Yesterday Reflecting upon yesterday’s financial tapestry, we observed ETC spiralling between a high of $15.504 and a low of $14.513. Intriguingly, the aforementioned high tantalizingly transcends our conventional third resistance, inadvertently positioning itself as today’s potential fourth bullish target. While the lower boundary from yesterday does not tread upon today’s bearish thresholds, it serves as a poignant reminder of vulnerability amidst the veils of upward mobility. ETC Price Prediction 10th Oct 2023 A more granular forecast reveals the bullish narrative enveloping ETC, wherein, following yesterday’s performance, a new potential peak subtly reveals itself, providing seasoned traders with a novel focal point for speculative pursuits. Conversely, the undercurrents of bearish possibilities permeate beneath the surface, everpresent, ever-watchful, ensuring strategic foresight encapsulates both upward ambitions and downward practicalities. Steering towards the culmination of our analysis, the dualistic nature of ETC’s potential futures unfolds. Within each fractional rise and fall, traders and analysts seek to decipher the hidden omens pointing towards opulence or austerity. As we pivot upon the axis of ETC's present value, the horizons extending towards $16.01 and receding to $14.028 manifest as tangible potentials within today's speculative scope. In the ephemeral world of crypto trading, each digit and decimal signifies more than mere numerical value. It represents a confluence of technological evolution, speculative optimism, and economic forces far beyond the control of singular entities. ETC Coin, thus, becomes more than a mere asset; it embodies a spectrum of possibilities, each fluctuation a step towards distinct financial futures. Disclaimer: The price predictions above are the result of analytical extrapolation and should not be considered financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risk and should be done carefully and with thorough research.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 years
ship bingo opinions with davekat, you asked me about my ultimate ship and now I ask you lol
Lol ok
I have SO many opinions about davekat you have no idea. Or, well, you specifically do, but no one else does •<•
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Smh when your otp isn’t a bingo 😔
I’m a big fan of the “we both have trauma and emotional + physical scars from it but we grow closer together as friends enough to actually hug and that’s so important to our character arcs and also The Mayor ships us” trope. It exists. I’m sure
Boxes I wasn’t so sure about circling were “They’re absolutely terrible in every way. They’re perfect for each other”, “Concept is more appealing than execution”, and “Better in fanon than in canon”
The reason I circled the first one is cause honestly yeah they’re both disasters and they both love each other and I love that for them. I’m only hesitant cause they’re not actually terrible (at least not by the time they meet in person). Ngl I associate that box specifically with Cronkri actually. Those two ARE terrible and are TOTALLY meant for each other XD
For the last two boxes I was off about, it mostly has to do with how I don’t like how canon handles them I guess. I mean, it’s not bad, but there is a whole lot of trauma there that the two of them work out together that we only ever get to see bits of through the Vriskagram scene. I wanna see how my boys fell in love gosh darn it! Also, 75% of all the fanfics I’ve ever read were Davekat ones (it’s not a lot, I don’t read much fanfic) and let me tell you even the bad fics handled that part better than canon
But canon does something that fanon could never do and that’s keep the characters in-character while still displaying their relationship. Neither of them go soft or shy, not even in the epilogues or hs^2, they just… exist… as they are, and for each other now… and I love that. Never change boys, never change
Anyway I cherish those two with my whole heart and soul, they were my first otp, and will never cease to amaze me. I physically cannot ship either of them with any other character that’s just how perfect they are to me
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venusiastro · 4 years
Sun in 1st house- Self is expressed with vitality and charisma. The aura is a halo effect and seems to create semblance to the natives essence. Every characteristic is at the forefront and seen quite visibily. One has a great affinity toward authority and steadily gains respect through their authentic self. Naturally pulls others in. Integrity is at their top priority and they are all about dignity for the self and autonomy. Willpower is greatly streamlined with their sense of purpose.
Sun in 2nd house- See’s their value and is always comparing worth in self and others. Self worth is at the forefront of their essence and they hold themselves to a level they have deemed acceptable. They’re very picky with their tastes and what they choose to invest their energy and time into. They withhold their attention from things they deem unsuited or not aligned. They’re very selective of what they enjoy and their tastes err on the side of comfort and luxury. They have an elegance and natural grace. Tend to be quite solitary and keep very few valued and treasured relationships. Very charming and seems to draw curious and more scattered individuals toward their seemingly secure and curated aura.
Sun in 3rd house- Scintillating and curious vitality. Always has their hands in many pots. They enjoy challenging themselves mentally and creatively. Tends to seek inspiration and stimulation in everyday life. Dexterous and active life force, is always seeking modes of expression and facets to explore their many layers and interests. Mind is agile, inquisitive and very logical. Doesn’t enjoy monotonous routine, but seeks stability in structure. Needs a reliable and healthy source of solace or they can easily overwork and burn out their bodies. 
Sun in 4th house- Introspective nature, needs to constantly recharge and replenish themselves. Extremely receptive and watery auric field. Has a potent and vivid inner world. Their innately attuned to patterns around them and can create a sense of wonder and intrigue in others through their seemingly flawless ability to “fill” in the spaces. Needs emotional validation often to feel understood and appreciated. Reflective and changeable moods. Optimistic and tends to see the best in others. Ability to become a home to themselves when well balanced. Can make a home wherever they go and bring out the best and vulnerable sides in others. 
Sun in 5th house- Warm and passionate energy. Enveloping and creative life force. Tends to create a sense of lightness and playfulness wherever they go. Sees everyday as a day to enjoy and celebrate a new part of themselves. Does have a very delicate ego and needs to feel accepted by those they love most. Effortless and charismatic. Has many talents that they display freely and with great ease. Children, and authority tend to favor these individuals seeing them as a source of pride. Can be pretentious and elitist, must seek joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits. 
Sun in 6th house- Purposeful, driven and extremely dexterous. Has a deep need to feel useful and progressive in their journey. Daily routine and working with personal organization, health, exercise, small animals or research can greatly make these individuals feel satisfied and fulfilled. Integrating a sort of structure can create the best route of a satisfactory life. These individuals can be very generous with their energy and misplace it easily because they so readily help others or causes that are minuscule or not beneficial to them. Focusing their energy on things that are productive for them is key here. Challenging themselves is something they seek in everyday instances. Self improvement is their mantra and they can become some of the most inspiring and motivating people out there.
Sun in 7th house- Balance, Beauty and Semblance are the most prominent themes for these people. Having their sun sitting in this house can create a sort of detachment from their ego and make their journey difficult when not properly taken into consideration. Sinking their heels into self care,m and self discovery can be of great fortune for these people. Much like people with 6th house sun, they can readily give much of their energy without a thought to their own needs. Keeping this in mind is important. Reflecting for themselves and creating a place to explore their needs and wants will help them become more balanced than giving endlessly without boundary. Creativity, romance, relationships, connection and beauty are bestowed to these natives. But keeping in mind the balance of relation and autonomy is key to fulfillment.
Sun in 8th house- Willpower, Passion and Personal power are at the forefront of gifts for these natives. These egos can be quite snippy and delicate much like the 5th house natives. Though they can be quite internalized, they can easily be bothered by how they’re perceived and misunderstood. The world around them is a place they can explore and uncover new depths of experience for themselves. Often testing their own abilities and resilience. They like to take risk in a sense that it rejuvenates them greatly. They never want to have too much peace as long as they can be the ones to stir themselves up! Intuitive and pattern seeking they can see the underbelly of most issues before they arise. They can be quite self destructive when they don’t have healthy means of coping. Only to rise again stronger and renewed.
Sun in 9th house- Expansive in their aura and shining with inner knowing. They have a great ability to explore themselves and their personal journeys. Creating every experience and spinning into richness of spirit. Optimism endows these people though they can be quite waivering in their dispositions and ever changing, they are still kissed with hopes of newness and promises of “more” in some way. Whether it be more love, more money, more opportunities or more life in general to experience. They truly sink into the immersion of living and want to dig deeply into what it means to BE. Their essence is beaming and extremely infectious. Their energy is evergiving and they seem to always have something new to ponder and question.
Sun in 10th house- There is wisdom clad on these natives energy, a time and space traveler who has seen, done and lived. From a young age, they may want to and know how to do things that are far ahead of their time. These individuals are introspective, resilient and driven with passion and tenacity. They overcome life everyday as if it’s their last and they simply know how to make the most of everything given to them. Resourceful and extremely aware of the interconnectedness in life. They know that everything has its time, it’s place and it’s end. Only to be made anew and to improve. These people have an elegance and smokiness to them that is captivating and entrancing. Holding stories in their bones and knowing in their eyes they command respect with no words spoken.
Sun in the 11th house- Life is to be tested and experimented with these people. A place to try on every shade of yourself and make your story completely yours, with all of its backwards and forwards and ups and downs. Innovation, intellect, grace and self respect are these natives essence. There is a great playfulness in the way they live life. It has no bounds or foreseeable limits and can always be spun in a new way. They see the perspectives that are often unseen. They surround themselves with variety and appreciate every difference for what it is. Accepting that each flower has its own perfect formulation to make it that one single flower. This is how they live, being themselves and never questioning it. They do have a rather stubborn nature and see their own subjective experience and can be clouded with this. Yet they will always honor that it’s not like anyone else’s.
Sun in the 12th house- A cloud of mystique and detachment are here. The self is in the bottom of an ocean and they swim deeply to see it. Often times these natives can be very hard on themselves and want to escape their realities often. Behind this confusion of who they are, is a great knowing and a powerful self. Intuitive, compassionate, dualistic and polarizing. They see the flip side of everyone and everything and can easily navigate through the most tumultuous and uncertain. They are in tune with everything and can be incredibly insightful on a broad spectrum of subjects. They pick up things easily and can feel them deeply. Learning to face reality as it is along with both dualities at hand is their challenge but once overcome and mastered can create an incredible healer.
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Planets 101: Venus
History of Venus & Its Symbolic Meaning
Venus is the second planet from the sun and makes its orbit in 225 days. Most easily seen in the sky before the stars come out, it is called the morning and evening star. Being inside the orbit of the Earth, from our point of view it always appears to be within 48 degrees of the sun and therefore cannot be more than two signs away from the sun sign.
The glyph for Venus is the well known circle of spirit over the cross of matter that has become the female symbol. Venus represents the feminine, affections and refined emotions, personal love, beauty, and the arts.
This archetype and planet was well known to the ancients as Inanna to the Sumerians, Ishtar to the Babylonians, Aphrodite to the Greeks, and Venus to the Romans.
Among the physiological systems of the body, Venus represents the sensitive endocrine system which is closely related to emotions with estrogen being doubly emphasized by Venus as the female hormone.
As love and beauty Venus also symbolizes the principles of attraction, harmony, and balance. Venus is referred to as the “minor benefic,” second in value only to the king of the gods, Jupiter. Venus represents that lovely phase of life after the youth of Mercury when one is still fairly young but gaining some maturity and independence, the phase of young love, courtship, and marriage.
Venus is associated with the blue, which is the favorite color of most people, though Venus rules earthy Taurus as well as airy Libra. In the chart Venus tells us about the love, affections, and what a person likes. The opposite polarity to Venus is of course the masculine Mars, and the signs ruled by Venus are opposite the signs ruled by Mars so that when Venus is in a Mars-ruled sign or Mars is in a Venus-ruled sign, they are considered in detriment.
Venus in the Signs
Venus in Aries is in detriment making the affections ardent, demonstrative, passionate, easily aroused, warm, impetuous, straightforward, headstrong, idealistic, and zealous. One is fond of love and admiration, likes to start new things, pioneer, and pursue adventures. In love one tends to be impulsive and be inclined toward a hasty marriage.
Venus in Taurus is dignified making the affections strong, steadfast, physical, slow to develop, stable, reliable, conservative, and placid. One has a love of beauty, pleasure, comfort, nature, wealth, possessions, eating, music, art, and sculpture. One is often beautiful, attractive, kind, and well-liked.
Venus in Gemini makes the affections changeable, quick, open, alert, spontaneous, and dualistic or sometimes split. One loves to learn, think, and communicate, whether in conversation or writing or artistic expression. One may have a close sibling or sister. One may find friends or lovers through education or mental pursuits.
Venus in Cancer makes the affections sensitive, emotional, sympathetic, tender, maternal, protective, loyal, and faithful. One likes family or roots and can be quite patriotic. Love of one's mother can be very important. Imagination may be beautiful and emotions strong and persistent.
Venus in Leo makes the affections kind-hearted, generous, warm, ardent, playful, childlike, proud, magnanimous, dramatic, and possibly self-aggrandizing. One likes games, sports, leading, theatre and movies, children, romantic affairs, gambling, and risk-taking ventures. One's disposition tends to be sunny, optimistic, noble, and dignified.
Venus in Virgo is fallen making the affections discriminating, controlled, pure, disciplined, and prudent. One loves to learn, analyze, experiment, and improve. One may be attracted to health professions, science, technology, or positions of service. One is often attracted to those who are younger, girls, employees, and those who are both mental and practical.
Venus in Libra is dignified making the affections harmonious, balanced, fair, beautiful, sensitive, graceful, cooperative, expressive, tender, and kind. One loves beauty, harmony, balance, justice, partnership and marriage, the arts, and literature. Esthetic appreciation can be well developed, and one usually likes to compromise and cooperate rather than have conflict.
Venus in Scorpio is detriment making the affections passionate, strong, intense, sensual, and even angry, possessive, jealous, and sometimes cruel. One loves sexuality and the mysteries of life and death, the psychic, occult, and mystical. One likes to penetrate by probing motivations, diagnosing causes, detecting clues, and doing research.
Venus in Sagittarius makes the affections cheerful, adventurous, free, straightforward, roaming, jovial, humorous, generous, and thoughtful. One often loves philosophy, religion, world travel and politics, outdoor activities, sports, teaching, and higher education. One is often imaginative, visionary, spiritual, and possibly prophetic.
Venus in Capricorn makes the affections careful, ambitious, mature, detached, lasting, paternal, and limited. One often likes tradition, authority, responsibility, organizing, managing, and planning. Love of the father may be very important. One is attracted to honors, reputation, fame, and high position in career.
Venus in Aquarius makes the affections friendly, detached, cool, idealistic, humanitarian, eccentric, humorous, and intellectual. One likes to have many acquaintances, unusual or progressive relationships, and can be quite dedicated to social reform and scientific advances.
Venus in Pisces is exalted making the affections kind, sympathetic, gentle, sensitive, self-sacrificing, devoted, helpful, changeable, yielding, impressionable, charitable, and compassionate. One often loves the unfortunate, peace, and can be attracted to the arts, poetry, and spiritual things.
Venus in the Houses
Venus in the first house is in detriment, making the personality affectionate, pleasant, feminine, sociable, kind, artistic, refined, fair, attractive, emotional, and appreciative. One often loves oneself and may tend toward narcissism.
Venus in the second house is dignified, giving a love of beautiful things, wealth, music and the arts. One likes to have and spend money and is usually secure and prosperous. One may have exceptional talents in the arts.
Venus in the third house makes the mind more artistic, pleasant, bright, hopeful, harmonious, tasteful, and creative. One usually loves to learn, read, study, go to school, communicate, and compete whether with siblings or fellow students. One likes change, travel, and variety.
Venus in the fourth house gives a love of one's parents and family, home, and the environment. Feelings run deep, and loyalties are strong. One likes an environment that is harmonious and esthetically pleasing and is attracted to beautiful surroundings.
Venus in the fifth house gives a love of creativity, children, play, games, drama, entertainment, gambling, speculation, and romance. One often loves to perform or lead a group. One's children are more likely to be girls or artistic.
Venus in the sixth house is fallen giving a love of health, self-improvement, work, service, and employment. One often likes to cook, sew, and keeps things clean and neat. The esthetic quality of one's working conditions is usually important, and one is attracted to work one likes.
Venus in the seventh house is dignified giving a love of relationship, partnership and marriage. One likes to be in harmony and balance with one's partner and finds one's affections enhanced by the partner. Concerned with fairness one tends to cooperate and compromise.
Venus in the eighth house is in detriment giving a love of energy, sexual relations, the fruits of partnership, and working with others. One may have an easy or peaceful death and be attracted to psychic and mystical experiences.
Venus in the ninth house gives a love of philosophy, religion, world travel and cultures, higher education, and teaching. One likes inspiration, high ideals, principles, expansion of consciousness, and the diversity found in many cultures and arts.
Venus in the tenth house gives a love of career, fame, honor, reputation, and influence. One likes to work hard and achieve long-term goals, possibly even marrying for career. One tends to get along well with people in one's profession and may be attracted to working with women or in the arts.
Venus in the eleventh house gives a love of friendship, social organizations, reform movements, women, artists, and musicians. One likes to know many people and belong to groups, especially progressive ones. Most of one's friends are likely to be female.
Venus in the twelfth house is exalted giving a love of peace, quiet, seclusion, animals, spiritual endeavor, and caring for the unfortunate. One may have a secret romance or troubles in love relationships. Forgiveness and the release of emotions can be very important.
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anxbook · 3 years
day #8
Do what you wanna do
Go out and seek your truth
When I'm down and blue
Rather be me than you
I know, this quote isn’t the most popular part of the song I’d like to write about. But to my mind, it contains the essence of the reflection introduced in “Heaven Beside You”.
I’m not sure if it’s a 100% correct interpretation, but I love to look at this song as a manifestation of dualistic human nature which always contains happiness and despair. In every happiness we experience there is suffering, sometimes hidden too deeply to be seen at first sight. And the most inspiring thought of “Heaven Beside You” is the conclusion that we should be ready for negative experiences and emotions - taking them with consciousness, being yourselves despite of them and also cope with them as we are.
I find this song quite optimistic in its lyrical sense. Actually, it’s the melodic line and amazing Layne Staley’s vocal that makes the song more melancholic and even tragical someplace.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
" Papa- why is our clan emblem a scorpion? "
-| @hazazhi | [i like letting papa hanzo explain things,,,]
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || @hazazhi || always accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || There is a perpetual chaotic war raging in his head; should Hanzo Hasashi ever embrace these feelings as the Shirai Ryu continues to be threatened by other prominent and formidable clans of Earthrealm or leave them for dead? Essentially, they were precarious allies for the shared goal of protecting and securing Earthrealm’s sustenance. Yet, the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster has to admit that things are as complicated as ever, the possibility of an ‘us’ swinging between ‘definitely,’ and ‘never.’ It is like a never-ending novel, filled with rich descriptions of a love, passion, dedication, and discipline that never will come short as ‘flawed.’ Hanzo finds himself tampering with the plot, trying to change the outcome, but maybe he is not quite ready, maybe the equilibrium is as of yet still unsteady, or maybe he is wasting his life chasing after concept that can never be realized. 
Hanzo has never been a pessimist, for he remains strangely optimistic despite the stakes involved as the thought of losing the proverbiality of his nature plunges his mind into the abysmal depth of inescapable contemplation. The mantle of his title, Sasori, was originated because of his predatory, intimidating and assertive nature in kombat. Having achieved the unthinkable of gaining the mantle of Grandmaster at the tender age of early thirties, for more than a decade, did Grandmaster Hasashi continue to motivate himself to change the whole world he has known as Shirai Ryu, manifesting the mighty clan to be the place where dreams will be fulfilled, goals to be achieved, with healing every soul by filling them with abundance and love. 
Also being sophisticated and unforgiving to the extent that Hanzo could effortlessly determine the precise distance and direction of his opponent in his dualistic nature, as he both encompassed tenderness and tenacity. Once the opponent has been detected, he would turn, stalk to his adversary, and seize his advantage through offensive tactics. Not to mention that its indomitable willpower against any threats, even as accumulating blemishes dilapidating the steeled, soldered resolve of his exterior. 
There is certain pride and proudness etched upon the erect composure of the warrior’s stance, as Hanzo lovingly gazes down at his beloved son, with his legs squatted down in order to meet Satoshi’s gaze. It is better that they witness a scorpion engaged in battle with thousands of army ants, as he carefully observes the mighty claws sweep through the conglomerating black dots, slaughtering them with strength, speed, and efficiency. “See the Scorpion? No matter how many enemies, it continues on. It is strong, yes. It is fast. But do you know why the Scorpion is feared?” Hanzo pauses, as the dwelling fire in his dark amber surges onward and outward, becoming onslaught of his own exemplified strength in turmoil and strife. 
“Its will. Willpower is what makes your destiny your own, for Shirai Ryu sculpt one’s own destiny with the strength of one’s mind. Learn to be strong, in your heart and mind. Promise me you'll remember that." Even in most difficult trials and tribulations, the indomitable will will never conquer one’s body, mind, and soul; as long as the triad of willpower, unflappable courage, and determination combined with strength and polished skills remained in a warrior, one shall never relinquish to any danger and will be the master of any situation. As a father, Hanzo Hasashi wished to Gods he does not believe that Satoshi won’t ever face such peril alone, but knowing that he will also grow to be the Shirai Ryu warrior in time, he would hope that he could demonstrate such in moment’s time, when Satoshi would be old enough to join him in missions. “Remember that, and you will achieve and conquer through every struggle and strife.” ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || 
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disneymbti · 2 years
Hey Sarah, can you tell me about Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham? What's their MBTI, enneagram and big three?
Hi there, Alex! I really hope you like this a lot!
Eddie Munson's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conserving with people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact.
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules and strict rules.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Leo Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Leo Moon: Possessing a wellspring of inner warmth, Leo Moons are beyond generous. As an act of love, they'll shine their light onto those they care about.
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius rising are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others' negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Chrissy Cunningham's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFJ [The Consul]
As extroverts, Consuls are talkative, energetic, and thrive around people. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
Highly observant, their focus lies more on the details than on how everything connects together. They trust facts over theories-and they make decisions based on what they can see right now.
ESFJs are feelers who prioritize emotion rather than logic in their decision-making. Empathetic and diplomatic, they do what feels right rather than what makes sense.
They're structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead so they know what's going to happen. They like rules, processes and schedules.
Big Three: Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising
Pisces Sun: The planetary ruler for Pisces is Jupiter and Neptune, which gives Pisces Suns a sentimental, intuitive, imaginative and a dreamy nature.
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity of matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Cancer Rising: Cancer ascendants tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and take care of those they love.
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
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I saw your request for hc prompts to avoid your Descartes work and my first thought was watt kids opinions on Cartesian Dualsism. -Patroc
oh you think I won’t?? you test me sir?? i will do this. what else am i going to do with my vast knowledge of watt and philosophy
Obviously Annleigh is a dualist. This really goes without saying. There’s no way this girl doesn’t quote the bible during mind and body theory debates.
Clark is probably also a dualist, but like. He’s more open to hearing about other views. He’s just there trying to stop Annleigh and Kate from killing each other every debate period.
Kate doesn’t know what to think specifically, but she is going to contradict whatever Annleigh thinks at literally any point in time. So if Annleigh thinks there’s a seperate and distinct soul, Kate will die on the hill that there are not just because she can.
Cairo could literally not care less. She is not interested. I do not blame her, and she’s also the only one I respect probably.
Mattie and Reese are probably also dualists, if only because like. It’s a generally more optimistic outlook on life. I assume they just kinda say yeah people probably have souls and move on, you know? Why think too hard about it.
Riley has read every book there is about this topic and still cannot make up her mind on where she is. I’m gonna say she probably leans away from substance dualism, but I could not tell you why I think that.
I think Eva is not a dualist but would respect people’s belief in it. She just isn’t putting up a fight, you know? She will probably step in to stop Kate from killing Annleigh—
Chess doesn’t know where she stands either, and the concept of the whole thing freaks her out. She doesn’t really like to think about big, philosophical questions and I cannot say I blame her. She likes to think about things that can be solved, and questions with no actual answer make her really stressed out.
There’s literally no way Farrah read whatever book they were assigned to discuss this. She probably also skipped the class.
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
LfM Ch 16
When Marinette came back, she had a start when a green kwami let her in. The little being offered her an awkward but optimistic smile before it zipped away, leaving her at the door. She knew that, as a kwami healer, he had a kwami, but seeing another one similar to Tikki was wild and odd. 
There were more kwamis out there; like, clearly, there were, but just seeing another… she wondered how many more kwamis were there. 
She jumped when Tikki darted out of the purse, giggling as she pursued the green kwami, looking like she was happy to be home. Marinette followed her slowly, pausing when she saw a black box sitting on a table, awaiting her, one far bigger than the one Tikki came in. 
“Just in time.” 
She looked over, seeing the old man leaning into the room, smiling brightly. “Water’s ready. Any favorite flavor of tea?”
“Um, you have oolong?” she asked. 
“I do. Just a moment.” 
The green kwami was back at her side, smiling at her brightly and bowing. “Welcome, I am Wayzz the Turtle. Please, sit, make yourself at home.” Tikki darted past him, starting to circle the table, and Wayzz followed, the two becoming a blur of color as Marinette sat down. She turned to the old man as he approached, setting her cup before her as he sat down. 
“Hello, Marinette,” he started off, “I am Master Fu Wang, the Guardian of Miraculouses, and I am the one who chose you to be Ladybug.” 
Marinette narrowed her eyes at him. “So that’s why you said intentionally walked into the street. Risking yourself testing me.”
His smile became a little strained. “Not the most ideal,” he agreed, “but it answered what I needed to know. Your took in your situation, reacted to it, was quick on your feet, and had the heart to care, even for a stranger, you risked yourself as well. And you sought no thanks for it. It made you promising and ideal as a hero, I was very impressed.”
Marinette looked away, cheeks going a little pink, a smile on her lips. “I just did what anyone else would do.”
He hummed, not quite agreeing, but not deterring her reply. He nodded to the black box on the table. “This is called a Miracle Box. Where I came from, the Order of the Guardians, there were many of these. They were built to contain a number of miraculouses, and individual boxes could be combined to join two sets together. That way, if there was a critical situation somewhere, they could be taken there to be used and to assist.” 
“Did they send you here because of Hawk Moth?” Marinette asked. 
Fu shifted uncomfortably. “In truth, me being here is more coincidental. I was already residing in Paris, awaiting an old friend who had yet to arrive when Hawk Moth arose. In truth, I am the last of the Order of Guardians.” At her startled blink, Fu bowed his head, revealing, “Thanks to a mistake we… I made, long ago, the temple fell to ruin. Many miraculouses were lost, though I saved what I could. It is quite a number, but not so big in comparison to what it was before.” 
He reached out, touching the side of the box, and Marinette watched as the lid opened on its own, revealing to her two miraculouses set on a colorful flower themed container. “This, is the Balance Set. When my temple was the last of the Order standing, they fashioned this set of seven to Taoism, hence the yin yang symbol and the surrounding five.” 
“Based on Wu Xing,” Marinette provided, earning a delighted smile from Fu. He continued, “In truth, while they fit, they aren’t strictly tied to Taoism alone. This set was very universal, tied to a variety of cultures and had a variety of symbolism. They tied to other elements, not just Wu Xing but also Classical and the Japanese Five. And Ladybug and Cat covered all aspect of opposites that balanced each other. They were also tied to other concepts, some associated them with Seven Virtues, and some with the Seven Chakras. 
“That’s why there’s such a diversity of animals in this set, even though ladybugs were more European, and peacocks are more favored with India than they are in China. This set was very wide spread.” 
“And there are at least two missing,” Marinette noted allowed. 
Fu nodded sadly. “I thought the Butterfly and Peacock were long lost, but Butterfly at least has arisen. Though it is unfortunate circumstances, I am hopeful in its retrieval and rejoining it to its set.” 
“We’ll get it back soon,” Marinette promised. 
“Soon is a pleasant thought, but I am afraid this will be a matter of patience. Hawk Moth hides himself away, making this a stalemate between you; one only he can break.” 
She frowned. “There has to be a way to tempt him, to draw him out.” She leaned closer to the Miracle Box, tentatively reaching to it. “You said this can hold a lot. Are there more? Is there one that can maybe find him—” She touched it, and drew away with a squeak when drawers started to slide out, showing her more miraculouses.
Fu blinked in surprise while Tikki and Wayzz gaped. With a little wiggle of excitement, Tikki drew near the old master, urging, “I highly recommend her! She’s trustworthy! Has a great judge of character! And, as you said, a true hero!” 
“R-recommend?” Marinette repeated, looking between the two. 
“The Miracle Box responds and answers to those who are Guardians, and Guardians are decided by those who are very balanced. It seems you, Marinette, have a very dualistic nature that the box recognized.”
“And I’m recommending you to be trained to be a Guardian!” Tikki said. “You’d get to choose heroes! Anyone that could help you if you need it!” 
“M-me? More heroes?” 
“Yes! And if I may, Master Fu, you are old.” 
“Tikki!” Wayzz sharply called out. 
Fu cast the kwami a slight look. “You pointed out I was old not too long ago…” 
“She isn’t a kwami in your service though.” 
“But you are both right,” he said. “It might be time…” 
Marinette squirmed where she sat. “Um, isn’t that risky though? You kept yourself hidden from us, and Tikki didn’t reveal you till she had to. It’s bad enough that I know all this.” She waved to the Miracle Box. “And I now know that there are a lot more miraculouses in Paris than I originally thought. I get needing an apprentice, but maybe you need someone outside of this? Someone not involved and someone Hawk Moth isn’t looking for. But, that is also risky cause who else can you trust with this…” She trailed off, frowning as she mulled it over. 
Fu beamed, however, looking very pleased. “This is what makes you very promising as an apprentice.” When she turned to him in surprise, he said, “This tells me you are aware of the severity of this situation; tThat you will be cautious and care greatly for things to work out. Alongside already being a capable hero, yes, you would make a good Guardian. Would you consider being my apprentice, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“Um, well…” She looked away, rubbing her arm, unsure. 
“Think it over,” he offered. “If you need help or have any questions, feel free to ask. My door is always open.” 
“Yes, thank you, Master Fu.” 
“Thank you, Marinette, for your help and service.” 
Languidly, Ladybug played with her yo-yo, contemplative. While she thought about it, Tikki made it clear that she not reveal Fu to Chat under any circumstances. Fu kept himself hidden for safety reasons, allowing to be known only if they were ready. Tikki deemed Marinette to be ready, but Chat though… 
Tikki said that is entirely up to his kwami, Plagg, and Plagg alone. 
Till then, not a word to Chat. 
Another secret to keep. Ladybug lips pursed, letting her yo-yo go far. Was she up to the task of learning to be Guardian? There was an appeal of learning, if Tikki got sick again, perhaps she could help her. And there were other miraculouses, if they needed help, she could receive it. But, that was also risky, did they truly want to reveal to Hawk Moth that there are more miraculouses in Paris? And who does she turn to? Like, there are her friends and she has faith in them, but did she want to risk them joining this game? Did she— 
Her yo-yo was grabbed and Ladybug had a start when she felt it lightly pulled. She looked up to see Chat holding it, his smile tight and strained. “Hey, LB, something up? Usually you’re patrolling at this point.” 
He let the yo-yo go, letting her reel it back. “I have a lot on my mind,” she confirmed, going back to smaller rolls with her yo-yo. 
“Maybe I can help,” he offered, coming to sit beside her. 
“Sorry, no, you can’t.” 
He huffed. “Lately it doesn’t feel like we’re real partners, Ladybug.” 
She sighed, “You know what, I agree.” She got up, starting to pace around on the roof. “Our partnership has been strained, dealing with akumas hasn’t been smooth in a long time and they take longer than they should. I’m… what do you think, if we had a third teammate?” 
Chat perked. “A what?” 
“A third teammate, someone to help us out.” 
He hummed. “On the one hand, three’s a crowd, but on the other, it’d be nice to have someone to have fun with.” 
“Chat! This isn’t about having fun! This is about having help! Getting serious! This is work.” He made a face and she groaned, starting to pace about sporadically. “Like, not to say this can never be fun. But our duty should be priority over fun. And with a third teammate, perhaps that would help, and that could open up for some levity on the team. But work should come first.” 
He got up, arms crossed as he nodded, frowning slightly. “Ok, yeah, I get it. Though, how would we get a third teammate?” He cracked a grin and pointed to her, “Going to give up one of your earrings? If there are going to be two Ladybugs, my only qualifications are that they’re a girl and she’s cute.”
And he swears he loves me, Ladybug thought, rolling her eyes. “It’s not going to be another Ladybug.” 
He had a start at that, frowning. “Then how is there going to be a third teammate? Wait, do you have another miraculous?” 
“Uuuuuh,  not exactly,” she answered awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Then how are we going to have a third teammate?” 
“We might have a third teammate.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question!” 
“Look, Chat, just—just trust me, ok? When it's time, I can tell you, but not right now. Just—” She took a breath, relaxing a little. “—I just wanted to give a little heads up that there might be a third teammate.” 
“You know something,” he noted aloud, his tone a little accusing. 
She made a face at that. “Look, I-I gotta go. Homework, a lot.” Before Chat could stop her, she darted away. He watched her go, making a face, before he turned and headed out too. Dropping into his room and detransforming, he turned to watch Plagg drift away, unbothered with what they learned. 
“What do you think she knows?” he asked. 
“Hard to say,” Plagg answered, vaguely. 
Adrien paused, narrowing his eyes at his kwami. “You’re not very bothered by this.” 
“Why should I be? Didn’t she say trust her? She hasn’t failed us yet.” 
“But she’s keeping a secret from us!” 
“You need to calm down, kid.” Plagg waved him off. “Have some cheese. It always calms me down.” 
Adrien narrowed his eyes. “You do know something.” 
“What do you know? What does she know?” Adrien went near him, swiping Plagg’s cheese and making the kwami mew in alarm. He held the cheese over his head and bribed him with, “You can have it back when you tell me.”
Plagg looked strained, eyes locked on the cheese. He shook his head, urging, “You need that cheese more than me, kid. I got enough. And I suggest having it fast; I left it out so it’s extra melty.”
No sooner had Plagg said so, a small chunk of cheese dripped down, and Adrien threw it away with a loud, “Ew!”
Plagg dove at the tossed away cheese, swallowing it one big gulp. His leverage gone, Adrien did the best next thing. 
“Ok, how about, one secret for the biggest wheel of Camembert ever made,” Adrien offered, bringing out his phone, searching through sales with the biggest wheels of cheese. He watched Plagg go stiff, turning to eye Adrien, his pupils small. Then, he shook his head and darted away. Adrien followed, listing off a variety of cheeses, from the biggest to most expensive.
He was going to wear his kwami down, sooner or later… 
Giggles filled the air between them. Ondine smiled brightly, a light blush on her cheeks as Kim towered over her, boasting about his latest success in PE and making it very clear that M D’Argencourt didn’t know what he was talking about, unable to see the true talent before him. 
“To be fair,” she voiced, amusement lacing her tone, “you don’t exactly follow directions.” 
Kim huffed, “Well, he needs to learn to let loose! I’m like... a rolling stone! I go where I want forever.” 
“They do come to a stop eventually,” she pointed out. 
“Not this stone!” 
They stopped outside the pool, Ondine working on getting all her hair into her swim cap as Kim pulled out their bracelet capsule. He waved it about, grinning as he asked, “Ready for the game?” 
Ondine beamed, plucking the bracelet from his fingers. “I call first dive.” 
“And I—”
“Will be coming with me.” 
They both whipped around, seeing Chloe approach with Sabrina behind her, making a slight face as she eyed the public pool behind them. Meeting their baffled stares, she stated, “I’m in need of a big strong man to help lift something. And that Ivan is too much of a brute to be of use.” More specifically, Ivan didn’t humor Chloe at all. It usually didn’t end Chloe’s favor. 
“You think I’m strong?” Kim asked, rubbing the back of his neck with cheeks a little pink. Ondine frowned beside him. 
“Yes. That’s why I’m here,” Chloe said, rolling her eyes. “Now come on, I can’t hang around here for too long. People will think I go here!” 
“We’re about to go swimming though,” Ondine pointed out. 
“Well, I need his help now.”
“But we made plans to swim right now.” 
“Ugh, don’t you guys already swim like, once a week already? You can see each other next week! Now come on!”
Sabrina leaned over, sweetening the deal. “I’m sure Chloe will allow you to swim in her pool!” Chloe shot her a sharp look that had the redhead flinching away. 
“Woah! I’ve never swam on a roof before! Ondine, we could swim on a roof!”
“You only,” Chloe corrected, “and that’s only if you do a good job.” 
“Oh, uuuum,” Kim drawled out, shifting on his feet, unsure. Ondine watched as Chloe glared at him, tapping her foot angrily. 
“Y-you know,” Ondine murmured quietly, “how about... how about you go ahead.”
“Really?” Kim asked, turning to her. 
“Ye-yeah, we’ll—we’ll swim together again later. I mean, how often is Chloe going to offer up the chance to swim in her pool?”
“You’re the best, Ondine!” Kim cried out, giving her a quick hug before dashing to the two girls. As Sabrina lead Kim back to the limo, looking very put off by her classmate’s enthusiasm, Chloe lingered behind, giving Ondine one smug smirk and boasting with a sneer, “We’ll see if he’ll ever want to swim with you again in this dirty old pool, if he even earns the right to swim in mine.” She followed the two with a cackle, leaving a frowning Ondine behind her. 
She tightened her grip on the bracelet, ugly feelings festering inside of her. Caught up in it, she didn’t notice the butterfly coming her way… 
The flood waters came out of nowhere, filling the Parisian streets faster than anyone was ready for. Ladybug scrambled about on the roofs, fishing up anyone unlucky enough to get caught in the sudden rapids. Thankfully, the flood was starting to calm down and just leisurely roll around Paris, but it was still very alarming. 
Ladybug leaned close to the edge, frowning as she peered into the depths. She didn’t like this and didn’t know where the akuma could even be. With the situation being water-related as well… she knew their tools could help them breath, but they’d be limited movement-wise. Maybe she should— 
“Careful! You might see a catfish!” 
“That was really forced,” she said, turning to Chat, seeing him looking tense above her and seated on a chimney. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of water, Kitty.”
“I love it, actually,” he said, “but I am nervous about what could be within.” 
“Me too,” she agreed. “I’m… you wait here. I’ll be back in a bit.” 
He dropped down near her, narrowing his eyes. “Is it someone you know?”
“Just wait,” she pleaded, racing away before he could press her for more answers. He grimaced after her, crossing his arms. A large part of him was tempted to just follow her… actually, the thought appealed to him enough that he started to, but as soon as he got onto that first roof to follow her, she was gone and out of sight. 
“Great,” he muttered, dropping down onto one of the lower roofs, water sloshing about at his feet as he balanced on the long spine. Out of sight and no one around, he decided for one more try to get answers. It wasn’t fair that she got to know stuff and he didn’t; they were meant to be partners, equals. He should know, so it’s fair. 
Fingers on the ring, he called, “Claws in.” 
The transformation fell away, and Plagg wasn’t facing him at first. Instead the kwami was making a displeased noise. “All this water… I hope it didn’t ruin my Camembert back at home.” 
Plagg turned, his eyes locked onto the ring Adrien had his fingers on threateningly as he glared down at the kwami. “You tell me what she knows or I’m quitting.” 
Before Plagg could respond, or Adrien could add more, there was a bubbly laugh filling the air. Plagg darted out of sight as Adrien looked back to see a pink blur with a ruby pink dorsal fin coming straight for him in the water. Before he could move to get out of the way, a pink and black mermaid jumped out, coming to soar over him. Surprised, red eyes met wide green, and as the mermaid headed down, her tail hit Adrien right in the face, tipping him over into the water.
The silver ring went flying into the flood.
Adrien popped out of the water with a gasp, swimming to the low roof and grasping at it as he coughed. He looked back to see the akuma lingering for just a moment before she turned and dove back down. 
He looked up, seeing Plagg stare down at him stiffly, his pupils small and thin. “Where’s the ring?” 
Adrien stiffened, feeling very cold all of the sudden. He looked down at his fingers, finding them to be bare.
The ring was gone. 
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