#chiaki digimon
ran-orimoto · 6 months
What if Chiaki turned into Calmaramon for the first time?
Don’t ask me why I’m always so slow at replying. I promise you I just forget somehow, sorry. And tbh, like I said on tw, my life is a pendulum between forgetting about Chiaki and wanting to write a lot for her and the Wuthering kids in general.
Personally , I hate how Calamaramon was treated as a joke in the show, as if Ranamon has got no feelings. They let her get insulted viciously about her appearance and it was such a sexist moment. Again, I don’t mind it was a matter of control VS lack of control: ignoring that scene was sexist af makes you sexist as well~; just saying~. “Eh, but In japanese-“ Eh but in japanese they still throw so much misogynistic rubbish over her head, which wasn’t necessary at all.
Still, let’s say I can play with this in my trash AU.
And let’s imagine Chiaki ends up finding her Beast spirit when she’s already coping with her emotions as Ranamon, because she has had an argument with Izumi during which she has risked to reveal the sick jelousy she has been cultivating towards the girl.
Izumi seems to have everything. She hasn’t only received her beast spirit before anyone else, but she also receives attention from everyone around her. Probably this nagging emotion of hers starts mounting before Izumi opens up to the group about her new life at school; about how being a foreigner attracted her classmates’ attention on her and they would never leave her alone until she started isolating herself. Chiaki is an egocentric girl, so she can only think about that tale focusing on its most shallow face: “Every classmate of hers gave her attention and she pushed them back!” She can’t notice Izumi’s pain making her eyes twitch and avert their irises from her interlocutors. Chiaki wants attention, but nobody gives her that, except when it comes to Teruo. Still, he can give her a kind of attention Chiaki doesn’t want most times. He can read through her like a mirror and even if she has got a crush on him, she can’t stand that side of his.
Thus, when she finds her Beast spirit, she can only think about the fact she is finally getting something Izumi has got, something that, -who knows-,might be and look better than Shutumon. And as soon as she transforms, all those bitter feelings entoxicating her from head to toe, all those poisonous feelings she has been keeping inside like a cloud that can’t burst into a pouring rain, turn into corroding ink she can finally spit out.
Needless to say who the first, privileged target will be and there’s also no need to specify who will take the reins of the situation in his own way, because even if he has got no Beast spirit yet, Junpei is ready to rumble at anyone who dares to harm Izumi. With tears in his eyes in front of an agitated sea from which Shutumon doesn’t seem to be about to resurface, he starts yelling as hard as he can towards Chiaki: she is a sea witch, she has got no hope to find anyone liking her, Izumi is the kindest, the most beautiful girl in the world and she’s so jelous she will never be like her.
Shutumon gets rescued by the Gomamon who manage to help her (finally the bbies are useful to something). As soon as she reaches Sunlight again, she is ready to restart her fight at high speed, but she freezes along with her winds as Chiaki starts receding in her human form, tears of guilt and regret staining her cheeks like if they still were ink.
The sea calms down.
Idk Anon, months have passed! You deserved something longish!
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beansismyreligion · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
ohh there's a fic similar to that concept actually , think it's called yang yin ? kinda similar but not quite what you're describing ! (ao3 , ff.net)
ok one those four would have better outfits . two of them are just wearing t shirts . which is funny compared to the main who all even have a hat but like one maybe two of them .
but id be soooo fun dude !! i think id get whiplash from the fallen warriors have normal voices tho . also especially funny on that line is imagining the risen warriors with funny speech things/accents of their own also ? oh my goodness .
but !!! aaaa imagine how much the story would differ with the different leads !!! whole new personalities and actions and motives and !!! id be so fun . and honestly they deserve it too those kids need some screen time and character development <3 .
okay i've realized i haven't answered it yet ah . well !!! i think they'd follow a much different path then the og's ? like say they're starting in steel town , teruo would probably get his spirit first due to theme ? (like . flame terminal → fire spirit . steel town → steel spirit) . the dynamics would be different since katsuhara n teppei already know each other . maybe a corrupted spirit of light ?
also envisioning the conflicting spirits a little more jus cause it's fun to think abt . also u think about how tbh the risen warriors' spirits just . generally sound more dangerous ? sans a couple . like ice apposed to wood or fire compared to water ? the risen warriors look less threatening but their elements are arguably more threatening .
i don't know quite how it would go bc i don't know the kids' personalities well enough to know exactly how they'd react to situations or what their reasonings for actions would be . but !! as i've said i do think they'd follow a way different path for sure for sure . a forest based episode where they find the wood spirit would be soo fun actually . i don't think theres a ton of forest located episodes ? and a win for everyone ! early beach episode ! *everyone cheers* .
it's fun to think abt bc it's very up to interpretation as the kids (unfortunately) aren't very expanded on !!! it's a little sandbox !!! a fun adventure you can mold a bit !!!
and. bc i am the funniest person to ever be,
kids: so do you have cool elemental spirits for us ?
ophanimon: i dunno best i can do is the ingredients you need for building a garden does that work .
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gracekraft · 1 year
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While I am no longer open for requests, if you enjoy my sketches I have commission slots available, which you can find on my ko-fi here!
I’m also open for Danganronpa character painting sponsorships which you can find further details on there as well.
I’m currently looking for my next full-time gig and I’m waiting on some bigger payments that haven’t come through, so any support would be greatly appreciated <3
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cheridraws · 2 years
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getting addicted to this au
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loopyarts · 1 year
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Digimon digital monsters, Digimon are the champions, here’s a illustration of all the dr2 cast with digimon partners. Also would like them as stickers? because I love do stickers with this art, so let me know if their any interest for that. :) 
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bigboobshaunt · 4 months
The way Ruki's character arc accidentally feels like a commentary on the "hypercompetent badass female character with no personality" stereotype that formed largely years after her is very interesting to me, and that perception meant that her journey as a character seems to be accepted a lot better now than it ever was a few years after the show ended and all the way to the 2010's (at least that I saw, and I saw a lot of people saying it was a "downgrade" back then.)
It's not just because the way she was at the start already displayed a lot more interiority than a lot of characters with her archetype ever did (especially when talking about female characters around her time and even more so in a franchise that vied primarily an audience of young boys... you got why she was the way she was and the walls she erected around herself) but also because the way she develops is both natural and in some ways surprisingly subtle, which I guess fits Tamers quite well - her empathy for Impmon and how she sees him after his fuckups is pretty clearly meant to parallel how she was at the start of the show and displays how far she's come that she's able to demonstrate acts of kindness towards others at no personal gain.
This all coincides with her shift to being someone who deeply cares about her friends, and not coincidentally her Mega form when fused with her partner Digimon is focused on supporting her allies instead of the offense-based build she favored at the start... this is all to say that yes, even though the shirt with the whole heart is significantly less iconic than her broken heart shirt, the scene in which she gets it to match the one her mom bought always made me tear up... my baby is all grown up and ready to be vulnerable (but she's still snarky as is her right and we love her for it.)
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kideternity · 3 months
I don’t necessarily Need a tamers continuation or anything but it’d be nice to happen. To see the characters as teenagers or even young adults reuniting with their digi partners and going on new adventures together, getting to maybe see how the digital world itself has changed and evolved over the years, especially with the advent of new technology.
Unfortunately idk how likely it is to happen due to not only Chiaki becoming an insane nationalist cunt but also using the tamers world and characters iirc for an actual unlicensed radio drama that spread wild right wing nonsense borderline propaganda. Like that’s the main thing that I’d imagine is probably stopping any sort of return to the tamers universe because like, good god man how do you recover from That
You know what else deserves a continuation or return to the universe though where I can’t think of any good reasons WHY they couldn’t revisit it- SAVERS/DATA SQUAD!!!!!! Maybe I DO want to see what happened with Masaru and Agumon in the like five years they spent in the digital world together!!!!!! Maybe I DO want to see all the characters reunite and to have them actually navigate the idea of properly introducing and integrating Digimon in the human world and exploring human digimon interactions!!!!! Like what the entire ending was about!!!!! And again unlike Tamers I cant think of any reason WHY they couldn’t do it. GIVE SAVERS THE RECOGNITION IT DESERVES!!!
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket III - Round 4
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Chiaki Nanami propaganda:
She's an AI made for this weird VR therapy world, based on a real person I guess, but this is specifically about game-Chiaki and not anime-Chaki so she is 100% virtual. She's also the Ultimate Gamer, #dies but like since she's a program she's still in there somewhere and is able to influence the protagonist still. i love her
She's a virtual peer to peer therapy observer, she's a Big Reveal, she's got narcolepsy (in as much as a virtual guy can have narcolepsy), she's a Gamer who forgets to breathe when she's in the zone, she has terrible handwriting, she illustrates her therapy progress report in crayon, she's blunt to a fault, she'll defend people she cares about even when she doesn't understand them, she dies for your sins, and she's even autistic. I'd do anything for her.
She holds the title of "Ultimate Gamer" and is also soooo autistic coded. Normally I'm not a big fan of that in characters that are secretly AI because of the unfortunate implications, but the plot goes out of its way to say that just because she's an AI doesn't make her any less real, and she's never denied of her personhood, which balances it out in my opinion. Also, she has THE most heartbreaking moment in her home game, which says a lot for a piece of media about teenagers who are forced to kill each other.
Gabumon propaganda:
Secondary mascot Digital Monster
Blame @theoreticallymoss for the image. :p
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geejaysmith · 1 year
my sister, messaging me at 3 AM when I am asleep: y'know that guy who made character designs off of his kids' drawings. He was the art setting designer for Symphogear Me, waking up and seeing the Discord notifications: oh cute, kind of like what one of Code Lyoko's co-creators did with his kid Me, messaging her back frantically after looking at the image she sent more closely and realizing that yes, It Is The Same Guy: Kay-Kay. Caylee. Caylee holy shit. You know who this guy is, right?
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magicaldogtoto · 1 year
Once you learn that Chiaki Konaka was the main writer of Ultraman Gaia, it’s hard not to notice how the Radical Destruction Bringer is basically a prototype for the D-Reaper in Digimon Tamers.
Aside from the fact that the Destruction Bringer is also an entity that wants to wipe out humanity by sending waves of monsters, the explanation the Shinigami gives—that humans have over-evolved—is basically a precedent for the D-Reaper’s reasoning.
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leori-the-unlearned · 2 years
How do you think Digimon Frontier might have gone if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
first off thanks for the ask!!
I put a lot of thought into this, because i can’t just half-bake an answer for something digimon frontier-related >w<
however, I’ll mainly just talk about their group dynamics and interpersonal relations, rather than trying to piece out the whole puzzle of where in the digital world they arrive, where they go to collect their spirits and who they fight along the way, what their digimon forms exactly are (I can’t see Sephirothmon being very useful in a fight purely because of its massive size and weird gimmick, not to mention it’s the least humanoid of all the Spirits- imagine what being THAT thing feels like..), or how a Spirit of Light could be corrupted with darkness if Kouji ends up following Koichi’s arc and being some sort of Light Duskmon. Mostly because if I tried to define all of that, I’d basically be writing the series over again, and I don’t have that much dedication.
also, I’m leaving a read more, because this gets long (as my discussion posts tend to do)
First I’ll talk about the new team of Warriors, because I just refreshed myself on Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, and Teruo (and I was able to watch the original Japanese for it, rather than the censored/altered dub! hooray!).
Katsuharu would fill the leadership role, as he does in canon already - he’s decisive and makes up his mind quickly, and has a pragmatic mind for risks. This can lead him to hesitate in the face of a huge risk - such as, him freezing and failing to risk himself to try to save Teppei when the Centarumon were chasing them both (ep40). Some of that can be attributed to none of those four personally being in a battle before, since they all had Angemon fighting for them, but given Takuya followed Tomoki out onto the freefloating tracks in ep1 to bring him back instead of shouting like everyone else, before being able to Digivolve, it’s safe to say Katsuharu doesn’t have that much guts, and isn’t particularly courageous. Katsuharu is also the main one asking questions and trying to figure out what happened in Beanstalk Village (ep41), and though he starts out as a bully who enjoys belitting others, he grows a lot in the Digital World. When Teppei starts messing with Tomoki again, Katsuharu stops him, saying ‘they came here so they didn’t have to do stupid things like that anymore’ (to paraphrase). I think, given the opportunity to Digivolve and become a Digimon, and be on equal footing with other Digimon they face, Katsuharu would do incredibly well as a leader, especially since he already knows one of the kids in his group, unlike the canon group who didn’t know any of the others.
Unfortunately, Katsuharu is the only member of the group given so many lines and so much character. Teppei is shown to lash out when he feels threatened and hates being seen as weak or useless (when the Warriors appear and tell him to get lost because he can’t do anything to help, he refuses to believe anything they’ve said, even when they mention the loss of land he’s witnessed recently to back their story up), even though he’s still somewhat young and doesn’t have too much real confidence or conviction of his own. He cheers on Angemon for being such a cool hero, but isn’t that cool hero himself (and he seems to warm up to Tomoki specifically after Tomoki saved him from the Centarumon and Digivolved into Blizzarmon, being awed at both), and would definitely benefit from having enough power to defend himself, so long as he learns to wield it responsibly.
Chiaki is pretty simple; though she does laugh at Teppei’s jabs towards the Warriors when they first met, she seems friendly enough towards them when she, Teruo, Junpei, and Izumi are out harvesting. She mentions her observations on Katsuharu and Teppei when they first met, saying they ‘had some repressed anger’, which also implies they mellowed after a while, and also showing that despite that anger, it didn’t fracture the group or cause any grudges. She also mentions the fact that all of them decided to stay in the Digital World because they preferred it to the real one, and that what appeals to her in the Digital World is everything is fantastical. From that, I think she’s the thoughtful one out of the bunch, and most likely to look at people and try to pick apart what makes them tick. She also clearly has her own motivations and desires, even if they aren’t stated or shown.
Then there’s Teruo, who’s least talkative out of the bunch. He’s not averse to talking, but doesn’t have many comments during his appearances. He says he prefers the Digital World because it’s interesting to be with Digimon, unlike doing schoolwork or taking tests (though, he’s only seen a small portion of the Digital World, and was protected by Angemon that entire time, so who’s to say if he’d have the same attitude if he went through as much trouble as the Warriors, or if he’d want to turn tail). One tidbit is that when Teppei makes fun of the Warriors for saying they’re here to save the Digital World, Teruo points out they can’t do much, being humans with no strong Digimon at their side to defend them, and it doesn’t seem to be entirely a jeer, he’s trying to reason with them too.
Looking at their personalities is a big part of measuring them as protagonists, because they’re always given the choice to just leave, if they find a way out of the Digital World. If they’re the sort of person to give up halfway through and leave the Digital World, that changes things, and could possibly lead to the rest of the group failing. I mean, unless you instead look at it as ‘what if Katsuharu and his group were written as the protagonists’ rather than ‘what if they, as they are, were the protagonists’ as I did, in which case we’d just have Takuya with some Kouji in him, actual Kouji and Koichi, and three different extras, and they’d be written to save the Digital World anyway. I find it more interesting to see if the versions of them we see in canon could stick with it and save the world if given the same abilities.
I think they absolutely could, though! Whether they end up finding Angemon to be their mentor and encourage them to continue fighting themselves and grow in strength, or instead find Bokomon and Neemon and have to fend for themselves in battles, as long as they have the power to fight as a Digimon, I don’t see any of them dipping out. Teppei follows Katsuharu, and Katsuharu might waver, but Kouji wouldn’t (once he’s on their side), and neither would Koichi, who’s dedicated to find his brother (while not knowing he HAS found him when corrupted!Kouji shows up), so Katsuharu wouldn’t leave them to fend for themselves, he’s too compassionate. Rather than a Takuya to inspire them along, they continue together because Koichi isn’t stopping and someone needs to make sure he doesn’t die.
Primary friendships in the group would be; Katsuharu and Teppei, with Teppei trailing behind Katsuharu and only really confident if he has someone to follow or give him direction, but incredibly confident if he does have that; Chiaki and Teruo, both being curious about the Digital World and being exploring buddies to see more of it, and acting somewhat like siblings with Chiaki being the ‘older sister’; and Koichi gets along with everyone but is pretty shy about joining conversations or integrating, and too worried while Kouji is corrupted to properly let loose and have fun with the others. I think eventually Katsuharu or Chiaki would notice that and try to get his mind off Kouji, with Katsuharu enforcing breaks when they reach a new town to meet the locals, rest up, and have fun at local attractions, and Chiaki asking Koichi to join her and Teruo on ventures to he doesn’t sit at camp and feels like he’s looking for Kouji when there are no signs of him elsewhere.
Once they find Kouji and figure out he’s the crazy powerful Corrupted Warrior hounding them, Koichi does his best to convince Kouji of his story. It doesn’t end up working for a while, until Koichi manages to give details on their shared dad and a very specific family ritual both twins grew up with, and that begins to awaken Kouji’s memories. It goes about the same as with Duskmon, except Kouji wasn’t aware of his twin beforehand. After he’s purified, he’s ashamed of the actions he took while corrupted, and uses that shame as motivation to push himself way too far to protect and defend the group instead, and he has to learn to let the others support him too. He starts out cold and only really warming up to Koichi, learning what his secret twin is like, but will slowly begin to give his input in group discussions, and then in regular conversation.
And now their powersets! Most of the Spirits (Earth, Wood, Water, and of course Darkness) follow a similar design standard as the canon human-used Spirits, having a consistent Human Spirit. Steel is the obvious exception, and the only way I can see a human using that Beast Spirit is if it’s in a different form (although Sephirothmon could still be useful for its mirroring ability). Friendly fire is also at a minimum, with the possible exception of Earth, but since Junpei’s lightning never strikes out at his friends, I’ll say Earth isn’t that likely to either. They are lacking in fliers, since I don’t think any of the corrupted Digimon could fly in Human Spirit form, and only Calamaramon, Velgrmon, and Sephirothmon can, which does put them at a disadvantage against the new set of Corrupted Warriors unless they can learn to control the terrain.
And speaking of those guys… time to cover them!!! This is the fun part because I get to make stuff up.
Corrupted Agnimon/Vritramon reads as a hothead - he’s prideful in his own abilities and charges into a fight without asking if he can win it. He’ll accept help, rather than reject it to probe his strength, but prefers to be considered the MVP/‘star player’. As Agnimon, he shows a lot of personality through taunts and banter, but once he gets his Beast Spirit, Vritramon is a berserker; jarringly silent except to roar and call out attacks, going on full offensive, and impossible to scare off. Vritramon won’t turn back into Agnimon unless he exhausts himself.
Corrupted Chackmon/Blizzarmon is stoic and stern-faced, unlike his cutesy, playful appearance. He’ll follow orders to the letter, which also means the group can sometimes take advantage of his adherence to the letter of the law and convince him to leave or lighten up on technicalities, and that he won’t take action if a situation isn’t covered in his orders. In contrast, Blizzarmon is quite ambitious and passionate, even though he has the same strategic mind, and both consider themselves an elite warrior - not as a point of pride, but considering it a fact, and disregarding anyone’s attempts to discredit that.
Corrupted Blitzmon/Bolgmon is a big troll. …That’s what it says in Blitzmon’s description, at least. I can see him accidentally sounding sarcastic when he doesn’t mean to, or sounding genuine when he means to be sarcastic, so you can never tell which he means except by his actions. Interestingly, his fighting style differs greatly between Human and Beast form, with Blitzmon having an ability to lower gravity for himself and move with great agility and power, whereas Bolgmon is incredibly slow, trading mobility for defense.
Corrupted Fairimon/Shutumon reads as an innocent face with a hidden thirst for mischief. Fairimon is stated to be a ‘gossipy, talkative troublemaker’ but ‘because it has no ill will for the person’ she isn’t hated and still considered innocent. Rather than having insecurities about her beauty like Ranamon, Fairimon is sure of her own merit and worth, and isn’t outright bothered if someone else tries to insult her, but she’ll still fire back by trying to embarrass them, or get their friends to turn on them. Becoming Shutumon only encourages this behavior, and she’ll even start to indirectly cause fights among the other Corrupted Warriors just because it’s fun.
Corrupted Kouji (Digimon names unknown), if it is possible for him to be corrupted with darkness, would likely change animal inspiration from wolves to something more associated with decay and death - akin to the vulture motifs in Velgrmon, I can see Corrupted Kouji taking inspiration from a quadrupedal scavenger, the hyena. Since the same process is applied to Kouji as was to Koichi, Corrupted Kouji would have the same personality as Duskmon, being vicious and merciless, without compassion for his allies. So, almost the same as canon Kouji! /j
Since Vritramon is based on a fire dragon that’s the nemesis of a thunder dragon, it’d be fun if Agnimon and Blitzmon had a rivalry, where they keep misinterpreting what the other says and assuming it’s an insult. Even mid-battle, they’ll stop to bicker with each other, or confusedly reiterate what they meant, only to make the other even angrier. Fairimon/Shutumon is awful about this, because Agnimon or Blitzmon will approach her for advice in interpreting what the other said because she’s in tune with people, and she will intentionally tell them it meant something worse than it did.
It’s important for the Corrupted Warriors to be a little bit dysfunctional so the regular Warriors can get a leg up and actually beat them. It’s also incredibly funny.
Anyways, I’m not sure if this is exactly what you were asking about, anon, but this is what I made of your question! If you want to clarify your question and get my thoughts on something else, you can send that in, too.
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ran-orimoto · 3 months
The last chapters of the thundestorm fic were so good. I like it’s Jpzoe but it starts very platonic and becomes that from J.p too. I can’t stop thinking about it and i hope you will update soon because i want to see where it will go with the J.P x Chiaki. You made my favourite chara from Digimon a main character!
AND IF YOU ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THEM, MAY YOU GET A BIT OF THEM. Tbh this one is pretty old. Might be from the last week of January. But ehyyyy, it’s still 🌊Chiapei⚡️, my ever favourite Frontier crack ship of water and thunder⚡️🌊.
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Thank you, Anon! It’s fine if you write asks with typos. I won’t ignore them, don’t worry. So next time, if you want to send me sweet asks, don’t worry about sending them twice to correct those. I am the first one writing tweets written in alien language. Moumantai💕💕. Thank you again for giving love to my trash fics. You make me want to plunge in this silly adventure even more, UFF💕.
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swisssadge · 2 years
What if the Spirits of Steel, Wood, and Earth had been bequeathed to Ophanimon, the Spirits of Darkness and Water had been bequeathed to Seraphimon, the Spirits of Flame, Light, Ice, Wind, and Thunder had been bequeathed to Cherubimon, and the protagonists had been Katsuharu, Teppei, Chiaki, Teruo, and Koichi (with Kouji joining later)?
Hm. Seen that those four guys are shown as bullies (especially the boys, I think we never see Chiaki bully anyone), I am not the biggest fan of this idea. But I see two possible scenarios.
Scenario 1: Cherubimon's spirits were just given to randos and do evil stuff, like we see it in the actual series. And with Koji of course having a corrupted version of his Spirit of Light, with Kouichi / Löwemon freeing him. Maybe it's Koji and Koichi instead of Koji and Takuya who receive the Hyper Spirit Evolution. (What would I give to see a Hyper Spirit Evolution for Koichi! :D ) In fact, rather than any of the others, I would have Koichi take over Takuya's role as leader here. He might be shy, but he is also very nice, no bully, calm and rather thinks before acting. In the course of the journey he could very well grow into that role too. And if he with Koji was the two heavy hitters of the team, it would make for such a beautiful yin/yang. Speaking of Koji: He's the only original Digidestined to make the train, Takuya and the rest miss theirs. But because he was alone and his Spirit in possession of Cherubimon, with Koji no way of obtaining it and defending himself, he quickly fell into Cherubimon's grasp and got corrupted by him.
Scenario 2: Instead of randos, the original Digidestined still were brought to the Digital World and received corrupted versions of their spirits. The others have to rescue and purify them. So that in the end, we have the full team of 10 Digidestined and 10 Legendary Warriors taking on first Cherubimon and then Lucemon. I would have loved to see that in the original series. Koichi and Koji might still be the two primary heavy hitters, but Takuya might be like a secondary leader to Zoe, JP and Tommy. That would make for a great chance to have the Digidestined receive a ask where they do need to split up into two groups. And so that both have a Hyper Spirit Evolution, Koji might still join Takuya's team like in the original series.
If Cherubimon and Lucemon both dish out the right minions, meaning strong enough ones, it could also happen in both scenarios that all Digidestined receive a Hybrid Spirit Evolution, not just the leads.
Also in both scenarios, it would be inherently important that Katsuharu, Teppei and Teruo shed their bully personas, if they are really the same as they are in the original. I could very well see something dire happening in the course of their journey that opens their eyes in that regard. Like, when they selfishly don't help some Digimon and afterwards have to deal with the consequences. Or maybe one of them almost dying. Or maybe their Spirits refusing to activate when they need to digivolve after doing something selfish/stupid/awful, only letting the kids do so after they see the error of their ways. And Koichi might also be there to hammer some decency into their heads.
What's not so easy to answer is: Would those four have new forms of their spirits? Because we never learn wether the other Spirits were corrupted in the same way as Duskmon was. But since Spirits do adapt to those that wield them, there might be slight changes. At the very least, Calmaramon would be a lot prettier, fitting Chiaki's nicer personality compared to whatever evil mon wields Ranamon's Spirit in the original.
Also in both scenarios I see some conflict for Koichi, where he has to learn to be comfortable with wielding the Spirits of Darkness. That he has to learn what Patamon told him on the train: That darkness isn't inherently evil. Maybe in the course of his clashes with Koji, Cherubimon does try to corrupt him (singling out Koichi exactly because his element is Darkness), also conjuring memories of Koichi's painful past (like in the original). But when Koichi realises that Darkness can be good, he overcomes that attempt, maybe even climaxing into him finally freeing Koji. And since the twins would have much more screentime together than in the original, they would grow a really close bond over the course of their adventure.
Oh, and I almost forgot: In both scenarios, Koichi would not trip on the stairs, make it in time but instead of the same train with Koji, he ends up on the train with the other four, barely making it onto it. That's how I see him getting to the Digital World.
That said, thanks a lot for the ask, dear anon! n.n
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gracekraft · 6 months
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Shop is officially on holiday!
But here’s a teaser of some new items coming in the new year :3c
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flashfuckingflesh · 2 years
The EVIL Anti-Abortion Film You Never Knew You Wanted. "Evil Dead Trap 2" reviewed! (Unearthed Films / Blu-ray)
The EVIL Anti-Abortion Film You Never Knew You Wanted. “Evil Dead Trap 2” reviewed! (Unearthed Films / Blu-ray)
Aki is a self-solitude movie theater projectionist who avoids talking to men and to pretty much everyone in general.  Her high school friend, Emi, is the complete opposite, a socialite of sorts, with a previous celebrity career as a singer and a high profile television news reporter.  While Emi thrusts her unusual interests upon encouraging her married boyfriend, who is more than game, to sleep…
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
The Orphan Without Friends (or: one of my absolute writing pet peeves)
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I talked about this before. Without a doubt the strongest influence on my writing has been Digimon Tamers and apart from that the general writing from Chiaki J. Konaka. And there was something I learned from Digimon Tamers that I ever since internalized a lot into my own writing.
See, if you write a story it is very easy to just slide into the trope of making your main character like an orphan without family or friends. It simplifies so many things, especially if you want to send your character onto this epic adventure. This goes doubly so, if you have a character, who is still a minor and would usually be somewhat accountable towards their parents in regards to where they are supposed to be. Also, any friendships the characters form within the story seem so much more meaningful, if your character just does not have other friends.
Meanwhile I am sitting there like: "Thanks, I hate it."
Don't get me wrong. I did the same thing too, when I was a young writer. Heck, even as I was learning from a lot of what Konaka was doing and was able to realize how this kind of writing tended to hurt stories, I still did that. Like all my original stories I wrote before the age of like... 22... followed this kind of writing. Main characters who either were orphans or had abusive parents and no friends.
But here is the thing: It kinda makes stories worse. Especially in terms of character writing.
There is two main aspects to this:
Characters without friends, who like them, are inherently less likeable. (Yes, there literally are studies on this topic.)
Characters without friends and a social environment also tend to come across as less... deep.
Let me explain. See, we humans are still very social animals and as such we tend to subconsciously orient us through other people. As such we are more likely to actually like a character, who is liked by people. Even though those people are not real, our subconscious will still orient itself at it.
You know this kind of YA protagonist, right? The "I am bullied and alone, because people do not get me, because I am not like the other girls!" Which tends to be relatable to a certain subset of readers - but basically everyone past a certain age is probably gonna roll their eyes. And this gets partly back to that. It really gets to the core there. Lonely characters feel like "oh, so special" quickly.
And yes, obviously this can be prevented if you actually work with this. Either turn it into a character weakness of some sort - or at least reflect within the story.
The other aspect is, that through giving character a social group, you actually will develop the character a bit more through those people that surround them. Because we humans have this thing called social cognition. Basically our mental processes will change depending on how we interact with social groups.
And as such... You actually will develop a character through giving them a social group. And it will show. Because who the character is friends with and how the character interacts with their family actually shows a lot about who the character is. It helps. It really helps. It allows you, too, to define the character without going into weird mologues or the likes.
I really am kinda frustrated with how often media really just does not allow characters to have friends outside the group of main characters. It's okay that they have other friends. That is fine.
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