#anyway….Welcome to our hell pt 2
ran-orimoto · 1 year
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I’ve sketched this for my friend Joey. Since we are having so much fun with this crack shipping and she loves Chiaki very much, WE WILL GO DOWN WITH IT (along with Junzumi ofc). So, I don’t mind sharing it here as well. Chiapei🥹… Rain x lightining 🌧️ x ⚡️. Junpei is not amused by Chiaki’s *cough* Ranamon-like teasing personality, but, at least, she doesn’t call him pathetic over thunders. She just likes ✨making him flustered✨.
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bountydroid · 5 months
Darlin' pt 5
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt6
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (Slowburn romance)
Description: Cooper starts to soften up.
Notes: This one is a bit longer! I might be a little slower between parts from now on as it is finals season and I'll be graduating with my bachelor's degree (yay!) plus I work full time. As always, any critiques are welcome!
The air between us after the hug attempt was thick with tension. We walked in silence as we made our way into the wasteland, clear tracks in the sand making the target easy to follow. I was sure that the look on my face was pathetic, like a kicked puppy. I tried to hide my hurt at first, but it didn't seem like he cared much since he had hardly even glanced at me since we left Ma June's shop anyway. At least I had Whilzig's dog. I knew he was just there to help us track his master, but his presence felt comforting. Without him, I think the tension between Cooper and I would be too much to handle. 
I glanced over at the ghoul every so often. I was hoping I would catch him glancing back, a sign that he did in fact, give a damn about me. I felt deflated. Any hope I had about his feelings for me had vanished. 
I let a quiet sigh escape my lips as I looked down at my feet. 
This seemed to get his attention as he stopped in his tracks and whipped around to face me. "Stop it." He said sternly, a look of annoyance on his face.
I was sure that my face did little to hide the horror I felt at his reaction. "I am just tired." I tried to lie.
"Sure." He said back, crossing his arms. He clearly knew I was lying.
I felt anger prickle up inside me. "Why are you looking at me like I did something wrong? I didn't." I exclaimed. "I hugged my friend. At least I thought I did."
He didn't respond to this, instead opting to look out into the never-ending sand.
"Let's just keep going," I mumbled as I stomped past him.
Growing up I loved the sun. I loved to feel its warm rays on my skin as it shined through the window. Now? Now I hated it. We had barely been in the Wasteland that long, and I already felt like the heat was suffocating me. It didn't seem to bother Cooper though. He showed no sign of tiring or discomfort. "One of the perks of being a ghoul I guess." I thought to myself bitterly.
After what felt like ages, our furry companion barked and started running towards a large piece of metal. Cooper and I exchanged looks before picking up our pace to catch up to him. 
"What the hell?" I mumbled as I pinched my nose and looked away from the headless body.
Cooper crouched down next to Whilzig, a look of mild confusion on his face before looking out into the wasteland. One of his coughing fits started as he took his pack off of his shoulder and put it on the ground, rummaging through it. He found what he was looking for quickly, a metal tin with a couple of vials of Jet inside. Despite being angry with him, I looked down at him, concern evident on my face. Almost like he could sense it, he looked up at me as he put the vial into his inhaler. His eyes closed and a look of relief washed over his face as he breathed it in. He let out one more soft wheeze as he collected himself. 
"Cooper?" I asked softly. 
"Yeah, Darlin'?" He replied while getting up from the ground.
"I'm sorry." I started. "I am sorry for huggin' you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
His eyes bore into me while he contemplated his response. "You're okay Darlin'." He said quietly. "I am just an ill-tempered old man."
I let out a small giggle. "I would've said cranky, but ill-tempered is a nicer way to put it."
He let out a loud bark of a laugh in response. "Come on let's go find the rest of im'." He said as he patted my shoulder.
As we started to walk away from the body, Cooper let out a clicking noise, getting the dog's attention. The dog barked in response as he chased after us.
"How old are you anyway?" I ask curiously.
He hummed in response, "Old."
I decided not to press it further, his short response suggesting it wasn't something he wanted to discuss. This time, our silent march was much more pleasant. The tension from earlier was gone. I was exceeding grateful for this change. As the sun started to set, I felt relieved. The heat didn't feel quite as terrible as the sun started to fade behind the horizon.
"Good a spot as any," Cooper said as he peaked inside a half-crumbled building. 
I sighed in relief. "God my feet are killing me. I think I've done more walkin' with you than I have in my entire life."
He let out a breathy laugh, "And you are gonna do a lot more, sugar."
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in the sand curled up next to Whilzig's dog.
I slowly peeled my eyes open as I felt someone gently shaking me. My bleary eyes peered up to see the face of my traveling companion.
"Mornin' Darlin'." He smirked at my dazed and exhausted face. "Sleep well?"
I just grumbled in response. I slowly raised to my feet, wincing as the pressure on them began to build. I felt his eyes on me as he raised his bag to his shoulder. I sighed as I reached down to pick up my bag as well. 
"When we get this bounty, I am gonna sleep for a week." I say with a soft groan.
"Gimme that." He said as he ripped my bag from my hands and threw it over his empty shoulder. He chuckled at the surprised look on my face. "Can't have your pretty ass slowin' me down."
I stood there for a moment and replayed our exchange in my head before finally running after him. "He keeps calling me pretty." I think to myself while a blush creeps over my cheeks.
"You know," I started, feeling bold. "I think we are a great team."
He glanced over at me, an amused look on his face. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." I hummed happily. "I am really glad I met you." 
An unrecognizable look washed over his face. Hesitation? Confusion? Fear? It looked like all of those emotions, all at once.
I gave him a weary smile, "Even if you won't let me hug you." I admit.
He hesitated, almost looking like he was going to say something before he stopped himself. 
"Hey, Dog Meat!" He yelled up at the dog, "Don't go far."
"Dog Meat?" I mused, "Really?"
"That's what he is, ain't he?" he replied, smirking.
I knew he was trying to change the subject. He was uncomfortable again. So, I decided to let him as I let out a small giggle. "Sure, Cooper."
We continued along, getting closer and closer to the derelict city. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional bark from Dog Meat. We happened upon an oasis, the water inviting, almost trying to trick me into taking a dip. I knew better than that. We could hear a commotion in front of us as we started to slow down, quieting our footsteps. Cooper turned to me and put a finger to his lips, silently shushing me. Someone else was there. The bounty?
 No, it was the vaultie. I stayed behind as Cooper snuck up behind her. She only noticed his presence once she heard the cock of his gun.
"Hello again." She said, her eyes filled with fear.
He greeted her by hitting her over the head with the butt of his gun. I grimaced as she fell to the ground. 
"Where is it?" He snarled. "The head."
She whimpered on the ground quietly while Cooper picked up her bag and emptied the contents into the dirt.
Cooper got angry as he realized the head wasn't there. He cocked his gun again, ready to shoot her. 
"Okay, okay, I don't know where it is. Okay? I lost it." The vaultie begged. "I lost it."
Cooper let out a soft hum as he looked around, it seemed like he already knew what he was looking for when he put his boot in a pile of dung. I made a disgusted face.
"Did you seriously have to do that?" I mumbled. This brought the vaultie's attention to me. She was so caught up in her fear of Cooper she didn't even realize I was there.
"A gulper got it, huh?" He said as he turned back to the vaultie before grabbing her by the hair. 
She cried as she begged for mercy as he dragged her to the dock. Once there, he tied a rope with an anchor on the end around her body as well as bound her feet. I just watched from afar, feeling slightly bad for the girl. Dog Meat was barking so loudly I could hardly hear them.
"Stop! Please!" She begged as she wiggled, trying to break free. "My dad, he's an overseer. He got taken by Raiders and I need that head to get him back. If you help me find him, he'll do whatever you want!"
Instead of responding, Cooper just pushed her into the water. The rope she was bound with was connected to a piece of metal I did not recognize, but it kept her from sinking to the bottom. She splashed around as she panicked. 
"Stop! Stop! Torture is wrong!" She cried out when he brought her back up out of the water.
Cooper let out a scoff. "You know, they used to do these things called studies. Why, you couldn't open a newspaper without reading about one study or another. Anyways, one particular study came out and it said torturing a person, don't do shit." He replied as he dropped her back into the water briefly before bringing her up again. "It made sense. I mean a man hurts me? I wouldn't want to do him any favors. And yet the practice of torture failed to vanish from this earth. In fact, as time marches on, I've personally noticed a decided uptick in the amount of torture being doled out across the board." He continued as he picked off a small creature from her back and fed it to Dog Meat.
"Sir, please. I need the head. It's the only way I can get my father back." The vaultie begged again. I admired her spirit. I debated asking Cooper to stop, but I bit my tongue instead.
"My point is," Cooper replied, ignoring her pleas. "If you ask me, them studies, they were right. Torturing a person don't do shit."
"Then why are you doing this?" She asked, exasperated. 
"Well, I ain't torturing you, sweetheart. I'm using you as bait." He explained before dunking her in the water again. I hated to admit it, but I felt a tiny bit of jealousy in my chest at the nickname. I knew I shouldn't be jealous, he obviously held little love for her.
Cooper started to whistle as he got closer to the edge of the dock like he was beckoning something near. It was at this point that I realized I had been slowly inching closer to them this whole time as my feet finally met the dock.
"What is a gulper?" I asked Cooper curiously.
"A monster, darlin'. Careful." He said, realizing how close I was getting to the water. He grabbed his knife off the wooden box he put it on earlier and tied a rope around it. He clearly had a plan.
The vaultie started crying out in the water and flailing around even more than usual. This caused Cooper to try and lift her out of the water again, but the machine he was using was stuck. 
"Cooper!" I cried out, realizing she was going to drown.
He sprang into action as he grabbed a hook, moving the entire machine to pull her out. As she was pulled onto the dock, a giant pink creature followed her. He was right. That was a monster. I ran up to the vaultie and grabbed her shoulders as I tried to pull her away, but the anchor tied around her was stuck in the gulper's mouth. She kicked at the creature violently as Cooper stuck it with his knife. The gulper got ahold of her leg and swung her around, pushing me into the water. I thrashed around as I tried to find something to hold onto. 
"Cooper!" I yelled before I finally was able to grasp ahold of the dock. I could hear the tussle above me and the gulper finally cry out and fall back into the water. 
I could hear Cooper gasping for air as he crawled over to me. "Give me your hand, sugar."
I quickly did as I was told. He pulled me out of the water and onto the dock with ease. He got up and looked out into the water, wincing as he realized the head was gone once again.
"Cooper," I said softly. "Your bag."
He moved swiftly, going straight for his tin of Jet. At the realization that it was completely crushed he pointed his gun back at the vaultie.
"Motherfucker!" He shouted angrily.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've just let you use me as bait in a poison river!" The vaultie yelled back.
Cooper lowered his gun before turning back around to the water. "Fuck!" He screamed.
I finally stood up and waddled my way over to him. My clothes were soaked, uncomfortably sticking to my skin. This caught his attention, he put his hand on my cheek as he briefly scanned my body, looking for injuries. "I am fine." I hummed, my heart squeezing in my chest at his show of affection. It wasn't much, but it showed how much he cared.
"You can't treat people like this!" The vaultie interrupted.
"Yeah, why's that?" Cooper asked, his mind obviously elsewhere. 
"Because of the golden rule." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
I gave her an amused look as I let out a small laugh. "The golden rule, huh? I don't think he follows that."
"Those gulpers digest real slow. You got time." Cooper said to himself.
I put the hand on his shoulder reassuringly, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked at me for a second before hurrying over to pick up our bags. "We gotta go." He pulled out his lasso and made his way to the vaultie.
"No. no, no, no, no." She begged as he put it around her neck. "Where are we going? What about the head? I need the head to get my dad back."
"Yeah, well, the wasteland's got its own golden rule," Cooper replied, dragging her along.
"Yeah, what's that?" She asked.
"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." Cooper sighed.
"What about the dog?" I asked, scurrying after him.
"He ain't ours." He responded curtly.
I frowned at him. I had gotten attached to Dog Meat, but the determined expression on Cooper's face kept me quiet. Wherever we were going, it was important.
Tag list: @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @topiramateagreeable @whizbang-cap @sitkafay @lightan117 @eykismyfav @ajeff855 @madelinealexandra @justme12200 @sihlaryn @raviolisenpai @ellabellabunny123 @impossessedbyjeongyeon @leviathanleva @v3lv3tf0x @judgementdays-girl
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 6 months
Flames & Weapons pt. ii
OC!Fem!Reader x Garrick Tavis, OC!Fem!Reader x Bodhi Durran
Word count: 4k
Synopsis: What happens when you attend Basgiath war college as an infantry cadet with your lover, your ride or die best friend and your twin brother? Alot of fucking shit. Follow the story of our oc’s Allie Henrick and Katia Lalley as their bond of friendship remains strong as their dynamics of life change around them. What happens when they meet two fellow first year riders in their first year? Will their world change forever? Then again nothing can be as expected in war college. Stay tuned as our oc's become badass infantry cadets.
Warnings: drinking, swearing, fighting, mentions of blood, non canon shenanigans
A/n: welcome to part 2! This shall be a treat for @garricks4thwingqueen to wake up to bc she had no idea I was posting this today 🤭 I had a week from hell at work, and made up for it by sleeping for 17 hours 🤩 (I could honestly sleep longer). Anyway i love writing this series and can’t wait to get to the other parts Al has drafted! I hope you guys enjoy part 2!! Comments, likes, reblogs are always appreciated to us! 🩷
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Allie’s POV
I promised myself I wasn't going to cry over his ass," I grumbled, furiously wiping my cheeks.
"Look at it this way." He said with a smirk on his face. “We don’t have to act like his jokes are funny anymore.”
I looked up at him, puzzled. He still held on to me, but I couldn’t find the nerve or sensibility to pull away. “His jokes weren’t funny?”
He cringed, “you thought so?” He let one of his arms slip from my waist and rub the back of his neck. “I didn’t know where the punchline began or where it ended.” I pondered on what he said. A lot of Zach’s jokes were childish and it was more funny to watch him sputter an explanation to his jokes.
“They were…alright.” I decided. That had been one of the biggest reasons I liked Zach admittedly at first, he made me laugh like no other. Compared to Garrick’s humor, who had always been dry and sarcastic, that was one of the reasons I got along with the rider so well. The two were just a night and day difference in every aspect.
Garrick chuckled and gods that became one of my favorite sounds in the last several months. The feeling of his chest vibrating already calming me down. "Can you take off those rose colored glasses yet, Al?”
I sighed, finally pulling away from him. His warmth lingering on me, and the scent of his musk mixed with sandalwood and the hint of the bourbon he had been sipping still evading my senses.
“There off I swear, they’ve been off.” I frowned. I came to that realization three months ago, but there was a part that had hoped it could go back to the way it was.
“Why’d it take so long then?” He questioned. “You’re not alone in this, y’know?” He had that softened look in his hazel eyes again, the one that he reserved for a select few. How I was deemed worthy enough for it, still remained a mystery to me, but it was always appreciated. “You know I’ll always be here for you.” He said earnestly. “Drew, Kati, and Xade too.” He then added.
I was about to respond, but clattering of glasses, chairs skirting against the floor, and the prominent shouting of Katia made us pull our attention to the door.
“Gods what did she do now?” I groaned to myself.
Garrick chuckled again, putting his hand on the small of my back leading me into the commotion of the bar.
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Katia’s POV
“I should go check on her,” my leg bouncing up and down rapidly, picking at the corner of my thumb. I kept flitting my eyes towards the door.
Xaden smirked, casually resting his arm behind me on the booth. “I wouldn’t worry about it, she has the guard dog with her.”
I gave him an incredulous look. “What kind of best friend does that make me not to follow her?”
“A good one,” he said, like it was obvious. I blinked a couple times watching him crack a crooked grin. “Maybe it’ll help her open her eyes to the better suitor.” He leaned down so I’d only hear.
Scoffing, I took a sip of my drink. “I don’t condone that.”
I watched across the table, seeing Drew try to get into an arm wrestling match with Bodhi.
I thought Xaden was attractive, but his younger cousin was a sight to see. Shorter than the older cousin, but still towered over Drew and Sawyer, his dark hair curly flopping over his forehead, and a boyish smile never leaving his face since Allie and I walked in. Way more charismatic than Xaden too, it took a month for me to get a smile out of him. I almost thought the older rider had a permanent scowl on his face. While his cousin never seemed to take his smile off. How were they related?
“Why because he’s a rider?” He mused.
“No, because I don’t want to encourage her to hop into another relationship after ending one. One that she had been in since she was 19.” I tried to say in a hushed tone.
He nodded, “right, right. A relationship that only she was in apparently.”
“Riorson, be quiet please.” I went back to watching the arm wrestling match that Bodhi had started. He was now up against Imogen, who was doing a better job at keeping up than Drew. She was another anomaly to me, not speaking a word to us when we entered, seeming irritated that we had even joined the escapades tonight.
Apparently this night was just going to keep heading in the opposite direction than planned as a loud guffaw of laughter broke out. Causing all of us to turn to the new presence at our table.
“Sawyer?!” Zachariah said in disbelief, strolling up to our table. “No way you’re a rider?”
I glared at the sandy brunette as Xaden removed his arm behind me, straightening up.
“Yeah,” Sawyer grimaced, trying to be polite, his knuckles whitening around his glass. I sat up in my seat too, ready to attack—verbally or physically I hadn’t decided. Maybe both? It was hard enough to bite my tongue during classes, and I found myself having to sit on my hands more often than not. The gods testing how thin my patience could get, but now out in public off school grounds…Zach better pray to Malek.
“That’s so right on, just like your parents! I knew you’d get in!” He acted as if we were oblivious to everything that had happened the last forty eight hours. It made my blood boil, and there was no way I would bite my tongue.
“Zachariah, you’re not going to introduce us to your new girlfriend?” I interrupted his reunion with the freckled man that was sitting across from me. I could see Chiara a reasonable distance away from our table at the bar. I’m glad she can read a room at least.
“Hey Kati,” he greeted sheepishly, his cheeks reddening. By now our table quieted and went into predatory stances. Drew got up from his chair, any amusement drained from his face. “Drew.” He acknowledged, clearing his throat.
“Dude,” Drew said with an edge to his tone. “Why are you even over here right now?”
“It was a mutual breakup, we can still be friends right?” He held up his hands defensively. He was lying through his teeth, trying to play it cool.
“Are you kidding me?” I laughed dryly. “What delusion are you living in?”
“She said it herself, we’re better off not together.” He tried to justify.
I stood up putting my palms on the table, “I hope she’s worth it.” Glancing back over to the blond sat at the bar. She looked uncomfortable as we made eye contact, quickly averting her attention.
He chuckled nervously, “Allie did tell you it was mutual right? Right?” I shook my head, my heart hammering in my ears. The two glasses of lavender lemonade did not help the impending rage I felt.
“Drew you understand right?”
He shook his head as well, “I can’t defend you anymore. I told you from the start if you hurt her what would happen. The only reason I hadn’t was because of her.”
“You know how your sister can get. She can be crazy and a pathological liar!”
In a matter of seconds, Drew had Zach against the wall by the collar of his shirt. Glasses flying off the table, with people jumping out their chairs at the sudden commotion. I’m ready to launch myself at him, but Xaden has an arm around my waist holding me back.
“Stop projecting your flaws on my sister! Cheating isn’t fucking mutual.” Drew spat, before punching him square in the jaw. “I’ve had to watch for years as you treated her like shit!”
Sawyer had a weak hold on the back of his cousin’s shirt. He didn’t seem to care if Zach would be pummeled to a pulp or not and I didn’t blame him.
I still tried wiggled to get out of Xaden’s grasp shouting at Zach. “I will make your life a living hell! Do you understand?!”
Xaden’s grip loosened the slightest to adjust me, but I was already out of his clutch launching towards the beaten man. Just as I could get close enough to get my hands on him another set of arms grabbed my waist.
“I’m just assuming I shouldn’t let you do whatever you have planned.” Bodhi’s arms an iron grip around me.
“You’re assuming right!” Xaden shot over snappily, instead now trying to get Drew off of Zach. The pair now in a full blown fight.
Allie and Garrick came in, both looking gobsmacked at the event before them. They hadn’t even been gone for 20 minutes, and we had created utter chaos within the hour of arriving at the tavern.
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Allie’s POV
“Less than 5 fucking minutes.” I mumbled under my breath that was just loud enough for Garrick to hear as he tightened his grip around my waist. “What in the actual fuck Zach?” I could practically feel steam coming out of my ears from how heated I was.
By then Sawyer and Xaden had pulled Drew off of him, Chiara entering the picture to make sure Zach was alright. I glowered at the sight of her touching his face making sure he wasn’t too hurt.
“Your cousin started it.” He insisted, spitting blood out on to the tiled floor.
“Sawyer, I highly doubt that.” I rolled my eyes as I felt Garrick stiffen at my side as a bartender who had to be an inch or two taller then Garrick came over.
“I’m going to have to ask you all to leave. I have zero tolerance for fighting in my establishment.” He huffed and walked away as Xaden started to protest, but Garrick lifted a hand to stop his friend.
“I’d rather be elsewhere anyway. “ I said, being the first turn from the now cluttered corner. The rest of my friends trailing behind.
“Welcome to hell!” Katia spat at the new couple, Bodhi still gripping on her arm gently leading her out.
The group was quiet as we walked down the path back to Basgiath. Though I was still slightly upset, had to crack a small smile.
“You know Kati, I’m shocked it wasn’t you who had him by the collar.” She was now walking by my side, her hand interlocked with mine.
“I damn well tried.” she muttered, side-eyeing Xaden the whole time.
“Oh she really did try.” Xaden snickered, who was walking in front of us with Bodhi. She tried to swat him in the back of the head, he quickly dodged her laughing at her lousy attempt.
“You should have let her get some shots in.” Imogen huffed to the taller man. “Maybe getting kicked out of the bar would have been worth it.” She kicked a pebble down the path, walking next to my brother.
“She’s already banned from Doyle’s, she does not need to be banned anywhere else.” To my left I saw Katia mimicking him then flipping him off secretly. I peered behind my shoulder, and saw a small smirk on Imogen’s face, but it quickly disappeared as we made eye contact.
“He tried saying it was a mutual break up.” Drew spat, ignoring the banter. “And all these nasty things about you.”
Garrick walked on the other side next to me as I felt him tense; gods help me if the two males were ever in the same vicinity again. “Bullshit, he deserved all he got tonight. I’ll add a few punches next time.” Garrick said.
“Let me join next time, I read up on some nifty torture methods last night.” Katia mumbled to herself.
I laughed, “sometimes I think you might be Malek reincarnated.”
She grinned wickedly in response, as Drew came in between us. “Don’t give her ideas, I’ll end up being her guinea pig.”
“I’m glad I’m all the way across a parapet from her evil genius ideas.” Sawyer bristled quietly. Drew elbowed him as warning.
“You guys act like I’m so mean?” Katia shot back defensively.
“You are!” Drew, Sawyer, and I said at the same time. The other riders found that amusing choking back chuckles.
“Out of love though.” She pouted.
“Bless whoever you get into a relationship with then, Lalley.” Sawyer rolled his eyes.
By the time we reached Basgiath it had started to storm. The smell of wet moss and cobblestone permeated the air when we got to the iron gate.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” Gare said to me quietly as we walked through the quiet tunnels and staircases.
“I’m fine plus the rider's quadrant is too far.” I started to protest, reaching the main tunnel that connects to all the quadrants.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Garrick told the other four. Xaden merely patted his best friend’s back and gave a subtle nod to me as they walked by. I waved to them, continuing to walk towards the dormitories with Garrick, Katia, and Drew in tow.
Drew held his lip, hissing to himself when we reached the second year hallway in the infantry quadrant.
“Are you going to be okay?” I asked, trying to examine his injuries. They weren’t nearly as bad as Zach’s, but his lip would take a few days to heal and for the stray bruises to disappear.
My best friend swatted me away, grabbing Drew’s hand. “He has nurse Katia to handle him.” She beamed at my twin brother. “Go, go you crazy kids!” She shooed Garrick and I away before dragging Drew to her room. I couldn’t help but laugh watching him turn and give us a ghostly face.
Katia was seldomly nice or nurturing, especially to Drew, I knew she was only doing it for my sake. Maybe she was actually going to take him to make him her guinea pig, she’s done it since we were children. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
I led Garrick to my room talking about everything. Debriefing the night, telling stories of our childhoods, no topic left unturned. He was sitting in the cushy leather chair in the corner of my quaint room, his feet propped on the matching ottoman.
“What’s Imogen’s deal, she wasn’t particularly talkative with us?” I asked, sitting at my desk, braiding my hair for bed.
“Oh Imogen, she’s harmless—for the most part. She'll warm up eventually.” Garrick chuckled as he twiddled his thumbs watching me as I pulled more hair over my shoulder. “Drew may want to give up though she’s more into girls.”
Now it was my turn to chuckle, facing him. “Leave it to my brother, finding the sexually unavailable ones.”
Garrick shook his head, something unreadable in his eyes. “Never say never, there still could be hope.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“She has her ‘I’m strictly dickly’ phase once a year as she says.” He looked anywhere, but me. A red flush creeped up his neck.
“You and her hooked up, haven't you?!” I laughed, watching him become flustered. Of course his type was the eccentric badass ones, unsure to why I felt the pit of my stomach drop at the thought. I brushed the thought away, forcing a grin on my face turning back to the small mirror at my desk.
“It was a one night stand back when we were 18. I think I was the one that caused her sexual awakening for women honestly.” He casually played it off, which caused me to genuinely laugh as he then changed the topic.
I eventually paused our storytelling to go to my bathroom to change into my pajamas and get ready for bed. Still talking from the bathroom, but I heard the rider grow quiet from the other room. I peered out the threshold while brushing my teeth to see Garrick had fallen asleep in the chair. The usually hard exterior man looked so peaceful and uncomfortable sleeping there. Crunched up in the small chair. Most furniture didn't seem to fit him properly, I’ve noticed.
Finishing with my night routine, I walked over to him. I shook his shoulder gently. “Gare, wake up.” I said softly. He wasn’t budging. “Gary c’mon.”
He grumbled, startling, “I hate being called that.”
I smiled slightly, ignoring him. “Do you want to sleep in my bed, and just leave in the morning?” I asked sheepishly. Garrick was my friend, why did this feel all so intimate? Almost awkward.
Garrick grumbled again this time more incoherently, assumingly to protest staying as he was trying to pull his jacket on, but ultimately gave up. “Move over.” He muttered, grabbing the throw blanket that was on the back of the chair.
I scooted under my covers, giving him more room to lay, while he laid on top next to me using the smaller blanket. The full size bed was a tight squeeze for both of us to comfortably have an appropriate amount of room.
“You know you can get under the covers, I’m not going to bite.” I poked his shoulder.
“Outside clothes,” he groggily mumbled, turning to face me. “From the tavern.”
“Didn’t clock you for someone who worried about that kind of stuff.” I raised an eyebrow, facing him as well.
He said something I couldn’t quite understand, falling asleep before my eyes. I guess it was time for bed, we had spent the last two hours talking.
For a man he had long eyelashes, I observed, and despite him being paler I couldn’t help to admire the light freckles that randomly sprinkled his face. I still attest to when I first saw him that Amari sculpted him herself, even when he was crunched into my smaller full size bed not easily fitting a six foot six inch man. His arm is covered in intricate patterns of the relic that was engraved five years ago tucked underneath his head, the patterns flexing against his bicep.
He and Xaden never mentioned what had happened that day, I only knew from reports, my friends remaining quiet about the topic when Katia, Drew, and I asked.
I eventually let sleep take over after being a creep for a couple more minutes. Thinking of the whirlwind of events that had happened in only three days.
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I woke to loud talking outside my door and the sound of pots and pans clanging. “Up and at ‘em cadets!”
I sat up from my bed, having to overlook the fact that Garrick’s arm slid off me. He was still over the covers, but was holding me. At what point of the night had that happened? More banging on my door panicked me slightly, pulling me out of my thoughts. What was going on? Was there trouble?
“Good Morning to you too.” He mumbled with a raspy breath as I jumped out of bed. While he stretched casually, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes
“Good Morning. You can’t be here.” I deadpanned. I walked around my room, finding my uniform, and rucksack.
“Ouch, thanks Allie, that makes me feel real good.” He feigned hurt, as I teasingly chucked a hair pin at him.
“I wouldn’t care usually—but what time is it?” I asked, peeking out the window. The sun was just starting to rise, invading the dark blue sky with hints of orange and pink.
“6:30” Garrick replied sleepy, not sensing my urgency as I scrambled to get ready.
“Shit.” This must be the RSC the third year infantry and Professor Lieutenant Stone has told us about. They’d choose random Saturdays to bring us second years out to the forest with our squads and test our survival skills. At least I hadn’t drank enough last night to be hungover for this moment right now.
“What’s going on?” Garrick asked as more banging on the doors, and caused him to finally jump out of bed.
“Up and at ‘em Squad leader Henrick, get your cadets ready. RSC starts now.” The gruff voice of Professor Lieutenant Stone rang from the other side of my door before hearing his stomping footsteps retreat.
I groaned, covering my face. “No weekends off?” Garrick shrugged on his jacket.
“Apparently not,” I made my way to my door, unlocking it, and peeking out. Cadets were still everywhere as I quickly closed the door, and locked it again. “We have to get you out without being seen.”
“You don’t want to be caught with a rider in your room?” Garrick grinned sarcasm dripping off his tongue.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m glad you find a sick pleasure in all this. But believe me you don’t want to mess with Professor Lieutenant Stone. Drew already learned the hard way last year.” I explained. A rapid knocking started at my door. “I’ll be right there!” I shouted, as I took off my pajamas. Not quite caring if Garrick was still watching me, as I slid on my uniform pants, and then the dark blue t-shirt. Another array of frivolous knocks sounded.
“Squad leader Henrick!” Katia’s curt tone never failed to make me want to laugh. I walked over, and unlocked the door again to let her in. I buttoned my pants, throwing my short sleeve uniform over top, looking at my best friend as she skirted in breathlessly. She then froze, noting it wasn’t just her and I.
Her brunette hair perfectly slicked back with her hat nestled on top of the crown of her head all ready to go in her navy summer uniform. Her green eyes looked amused as she took in my rushed appearance and Garrick in the corner.
“Squad leader Henrick!” She scoffed scandalously at the sight. I gave her a pointed look for her to cut her shit. I didn’t need Katia antics at the moment.
“Cover for me?” I begged. A flash of apprehension showed on her features as she studied the tall broad rider who was awkwardly standing there, before she fixed her lips with a smirk.
“Fine, but owe me a patrol shift this Wednesday.” She decided, walking to the door and escaping the room.
“What was that look?” Garrick scratched the back of his head.
I shrugged, sitting at my desk chair, tugging my boots on. “Not sure, Kati’s…Kati.” Was all I could chop it up to. I made sure I had everything in my rucksack. Compass. Canteen. Map. Plant guide. Provisions. Matches. First aid. All there.
I sighed, slinging the bag over my shoulder. “I would leave in thirty minutes. The halls should be cleared, and by then first and third years should have made their way to the mess hall.” I told him, as I walked to my door. I went to reach for the handle, but stopped turning to Garrick. He made himself at home sitting on the leather chair with one of my geography books. “Thanks, again for staying with me last night. I actually slept for once.”
He offered me a small smile. “Of course.” It seemed he was going to say more as he was cut off by Katia yelling on the other side of the door.
“And that's my final cue.” I waved, closing my door, meeting an annoyed Katia on the other side.
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bestmcrsongpolls · 6 months
How This Will Work (Pt.2)
link to the first time
All the songs are introduced in the first round, and the pairing are randomized. There are a total of 64 songs; mcr has 58 album songs (including CW) so i added 6 more for the sake of numbers. If you're curious why i choose the specific six and not others send me an ask.
Unlike last time i'll be adding the poll links directly to this post. The (#) is the number of polls that will be posted that week. (The dates are the intended postings if all goes well and for personal reference).
First (10) April 5
Planetary (GO!) vs. I never Told You What I Do For a Living  Sing vs. Vampire Money  Vampires Will Never Hurt You vs. Heaven Help Us  Give 'em Hell Kid vs. Welcome to the Black Parade  S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W vs. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville  NA NA NA vs. Desert Song  Sleep  vs. The Ghost of You House of Wolves vs. Hang 'em High  Party Poison  vs. The Sharpest Lives  The Only Hope For Me is You vs. To The End 
Second (10) April 12
Skylines and Turnstiles vs. Famous Last Words Disenchanted  vs. Our Lady of Sorrows Save Yourself I'll Hold Them Back  vs. Honey This Mirror isn't Big Enough For the Two of Us  Thank You for The Venom  vs. The World is Ugly  Teenagers vs. Helena AMBULANCE  vs. Drowning Lessons  Fake Your Death  vs. Cancer  Mama vs. Cemetery Drive  DESTROYA  vs. Make Room!!!
Third (12) April 19
The End vs. This is How I Disappear  I don’t Love You vs. Dead! Kill All Your Friends vs. This is the Best Day Ever You Know What They Do to Guys like Us In Prison vs. The Foundations of Decay  I'm not ok (I Promise) vs. Boy Division  Summertime vs. Surrender the Night  It's not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish vs. The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You Gun. vs. Blood  The Light Behind Your Eyes  vs. Burn Bright  Headfirst for Halos vs. Cubicles  Tomorrow Money vs. Demolition Lovers Kiss the Ring  vs. The Kids From Yesterday  Bulletproof Heart vs. My Way Home is Through You
Week Four (8) April 26
DESTROYA vs. Mama Early Sunsets Over Monroeville vs. Give 'em Hell Kid  Vampire Money vs. Thank You For The Venom Disenchanted vs. Helena I never Told You.. vs. House Of Wolves  Drowning Lessons  vs. The Sharpest Lives  ...Prison vs. Famous Last Words Cancer  vs. To The End 
Week five (8) May 3
Sleep  vs. This is How I Disappear NA NA NA  vs. The Light Behind Your Eyes Honey this Mirror... vs. The Kids From Yesterday Vampires Will Never Hurt You vs. Blood  Summertime  vs. Demolition Lovers Bulletproof Heart vs. Dead! Kill All Your Friends vs. Headfirst for Halos Boy division  vs. It's not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish
Week Six (8) May 10
Mama vs. Bulletproof Heart It's not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish vs. Vampires Will Never Hurt You This is How I Disappear  vs. Demolition Lovers Kill All Your Friends vs. Honey this Mirror… NA NA NA vs. Dead! I never Told You What I Do For a Living vs. To The End  Helena vs. The Sharpest Lives  Early Sunsets Over Monroeville vs. Thank You For The Venom
Week Seven (4) May 17
Kill All Your Friends vs. Helena Thank You For The Venom vs. Demolition Lovers I never Told You What I Do For a Living vs. Mama Dead! vs. Vampires Will Never Hurt You
Week Eight (2) May 24
Mama vs. Vampires Will Never Hurt You Thank You For the Venom vs. Helena
Week Nine (dif 2) May 31
We all know how this is gonna end but here anyways
Mama vs. Thank You For the Venom
Vampires Will Never Hurt You vs. Helena
(this is a second account btw, main mcr)
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
Never Again Pt. 3
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Some swear words, alluding to smexy time, violence, some fluff
Word Count: 3.9k-ish
Summary: Part 3 of 3. You’ve been staying with Brock for about 2 weeks since your ex tracked you down, and you’re trying to figure out what to do next because it’s only a matter of time before he finds you again.
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: I had such a good time writing this series, and I appreciate the 6 of you that have read it. 🤣 I’m kidding, I’m kidding 😆 It won’t deter me from writing for Brock again, he’s fun to write for, plus have you seen him? 🥵 I had a hell of a time figuring out how to end this, it was giving me some problems but I hope you like it! ♥️ Oh and I have an ask for Billy that should be out REAL soon! Ok I’ll stop.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The dream you were having wasn’t exactly exciting. The dripping candles in the middle of the table, the crisp white tablecloth, and the dim lights of the restaurant were all very romantic.
Brock looked very handsome in a suit, he wasn’t wearing a tie but it didn’t suit him anyway, the top buttons undone, and he was taking a sip of his whiskey.
“What’s so funny, doll?” He asked.
You continued to chuckle. “I don’t know why you brought me here, Rumlow. You look so uncomfortable right now.”
“Well I thought I’d take you somewhere nice for our first date. You don’t like it?” He asked.
You continued to smile. “Oh I like it fine, clearly you don’t though.” You said, taking a sip of your red wine.
“But it’s not for me, it’s for you.” He said.
You reached across the table to touch his hand. “Well it’s very sweet of you, Brock but I would have been happy with bar food and a cold beer.” You said.
He looked down at your hand as your fingers brushed against his knuckles and brought his gaze up to meet yours. “I’ll remember that for next time, sweetheart.”
This dream was a lot different than the nightmares you had been having. Seeing Danny’s fist coming straight for your face, you could almost feel his fingers squeezing your upper arms, and the pain in your side when he pushed you into the bookcase. Everything felt so real, like the tears streaming down your face as you begged him to stop.
From the violence to all of the apologies, they played on a loop in your mind. You remembered all of the flowers and gifts he brought you and when you thought about it now, you felt so stupid for taking him back all of those times.
Back then, you felt weak, defeated, and worthless but you had become strong enough to leave, not take it anymore and for the first time in your life, you felt strong and in control of how you wanted to live your life.
It had been a long couple of weeks. The tension between you and Brock finally coming to a head earlier tonight and letting go of that tension that sparring couldn’t get rid of. He fucked that tension right out of you and you couldn’t remember the last time you had been that calm or relaxed.
The man was absolutely crazy about you.
You tried to make tea after the shower but as soon as Brock saw your nightshirt creep up to reveal your panties reaching for the box of tea, he was all over you.
The loud sinful noises he continued to pull from you over and over again echoed inside his apartment, you were starting to feel bad for his neighbors for having to listen to it all.
You felt like your entire body was trembling from overstimulation coming down from your high but you managed to ask him, “I may have a hard time walkin’ tomorrow. How much tension were you holding onto, anyway?”
“I’ll admit, at first I didn’t wanna like you but I hated seeing those marks on you, that bruise around your eye made my blood boil and to see how determined you were to learn because you didn’t wanna be afraid anymore. You impressed me, sweetheart and that ain’t easy to do.” He had said.
You imagined that no one else really saw the sweet side of Brock that you had witnessed the past two weeks. The moment he came home with supplies for Peanut, you knew that he was soft but only a little.
You had even caught him petting the cat a couple of times.
“Were you just petting Peanut?” You asked, the corner of your mouth curled up revealing half a smile.
He turned to face you and even though he was caught, he denied it.
“No!” He said, emphatically.
“Because from here, it looked like you were scratching him behind his ears.” You had said, trying to control your laughter.
“Well I wasn’t.” He said.
“Ok, then why is he rubbing up against you and purring? He doesn’t do that unless you pet him first.”
“I dunno.” His gaze aimed at the floor.
You walked over to him slowly, he was facing away from you. Snaking your arms around his waist you pulled him flush to your chest, pushed yourself up on your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Whatever you say, Rumlow.”
Falling asleep in an unfamiliar location was difficult but being able to dream and remember that dream was against all odds but you had managed to do both sleeping next to Brock.
You hummed against his chest as he laced his fingers with yours, trying to keep your eyes open but your eyelids just became heavier and heavier.
“So I’m guessing I don’t have to sleep on the couch anymore?” You joked.
You felt him smile against the top of your head. “Not unless you want to, doll.”
“Well I don’t want to.” You said.
He rolled on top of you, his hips in between your legs, and gazed at you with his warm golden eyes. “I don’t want you to either. Go to sleep, sweetheart.” He said, his voice sounding extra raspy as he swept a stray hair away from your face and kissed your forehead.
As soon as he said that, your eyes closed and were too heavy to open again. It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you felt the hand clamp over your mouth. Your eyes shot open and struggled for a brief second when you heard Brock’s voice.
“It’s just me, doll. It’s just me. I need you to be quiet, do exactly as I say and keep calm for me, can you do that?”
You nodded slowly as you tried to adjust your eyes to the darkness.
“Someone’s here.” He whispered in your ear.
Brock slowly moved his hand away from your mouth, reached under the bed and pulled out one of his guns. You started to get out of bed when he stopped you, whisper yelling at you to stay put even after you offered to help.
“Stay there, do NOT move!” He whispered again.
You nodded again.
Carefully, he moved over toward the bedroom door, you could see the faint warm glow of the kitchen night light and then he was gone.
Suddenly, you heard a crash, followed by a struggle and incoherent yelling before you clearly heard a voice yell, “RUMLOW!!! IT’S ME! IT’S JACK…ROLLINS!!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!! I could have shot you, asshole!” Brock yelled.
He called out to you from the other room. “It’s alright, y/n!”
Quickly, you threw on some sweats and walked out into the other room and saw a tall angry looking man standing next to Brock.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here, Jack?! And how did you get in here anyway?!” He asked and then glanced in your direction. “Oh, y/n…this is Jack Rollins. We work together…Jack, this is y/n…we, uh, sleep together.”
Warmth spread across your cheeks, you were flushed with embarrassment as you covered your eyes and reached out to shake Jack’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” You said.
“Likewise.” Said Jack before turning back to Brock. “Your phone was off and Fury needs us for something, he didn’t say what. And I still had your key from when you were away and you wanted me to water your plants.”
You started to chuckle and bit down on your thumb. “You don’t have any plants, Brock.”
“Not anymore, thanks to this guy!” He said with a raised voice.
You continued to laugh and finally took a good look around. “Well you two made a hell of a mess, didn’t ya?” You said.
“He’s lucky I didn’t fuckin’ shoot him. I should shoot him anyway just for scaring you.” Brock said in a disappointing tone, glaring at Jack. “Lemme just get my stuff, hang on. Will you help me, doll?”
“Sure.” You replied, following him to the bedroom. “Where’s the bag with all of your--?”
Brock turned, pulled you in flush to his chest as his lips crashed against yours. His lips parted and his tongue glided against yours making it difficult to catch your breath.
His touches sent tremors of pleasure down your spine. Your breath was caught in your throat and you could only let out a muffled gasp as he kissed up and down your neck and throat.
“Not that I mind but what is all this for?” You asked, gently tugging on his hair.
He pulled back to look at you. “Just sayin’ see ya later.”
“Oh, ok.” You said with a wink.
“I want you to keep this with you.” He said, placing the gun in your hand. “I’ll let you know how long I’ll be and when I’ll be back, hopefully it won’t take too long.”
Jack called out from the other room. “Come on Rumlow, we gotta go! Fury’s gonna be pissed!”
“I’ll clean up the mess you two made.” You said with a warm smile.
He smiled back. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but when Fury calls, I gotta answer.”
“Are you ever gonna tell me what you do?” You asked in a joking tone.
He kissed the tip of your nose and said, “Maybe.”
“I gotta find Peanut, you two probably scared the shit outta him…be safe, baby.” You said, gently pressing your lips to his.
Brock turned and walked out of the bedroom, leaving you alone for you weren’t sure how long. “I’ll see you soon, doll.”
Before they closed the door behind them, you heard Jack say, “Dude, she is super-hot, does she have any single friends?”
His comment caused a smile to stretch across your lips and you smiled even bigger when you heard Brock’s response. “No, let’s go…you wrecked my house. Get out, now!”
The door closed behind them and you were alone with a mess to clean up and a cat to find.
You decided to wait until the next day to clean up the mess Jack and Brock made. It was late so you stuck the gun under the bed next to you and tried to get some sleep.
You did end up finding Peanut and he slept in the chair Brock had in the bedroom, but it was a little lonely sleeping by yourself.
The next day was spent cleaning up and you even went further cleaning his entire place which wasn’t a complete disaster considering he lived alone.
Brock texted to say he would be back later that night so after you had finished cleaning, you spent the day cooking and even baked some cookies.
You did remember to bring the gun with you to every room you went into even while you were taking a shower.
As you sat on the couch watching a movie, your mind wandered and you were lost in a daze thinking about last night, thinking about Brock touching you, kissing you, and leaving a trail of love bites that only he could see. Goosebumps peppered your skin as you clenched your aching thighs together thinking about it all.
You wanted him home.
Three quick raps on the door snapped you out of your daydream. Without thinking, you walked over to the door and threw it open, as you said, “Did you forget your keys, baby?”
Standing in the doorway was Danny. You tried to slam the door shut but he pushed his way through.
“Hey beautiful. You shouldn’t open the door for strangers.”
You pulled the gun Brock gave you and aimed it between his eyes. “Get outta here, Danny and I won’t have to shoot you.”
Just then, Peanut jumped onto the counter and started meowing.
“Ah, there he is.” Said Danny, walking over toward him.
He leaned down to give him a pet and Peanut swiped at his face, scratching him above the eye. Danny cried out in pain and touched the cut the cat just gave him.
“I told you he never liked you.” You said with a slightly wicked smile, still pointing the gun at him. “Now, get out!”
“You just gonna shoot me, y/n? You don’t wanna try and put those fighting skills to the test? You got lucky last time, knocking me out with the freezer door. Put the gun down, lemme see what you can actually do.”
The day you met Brock, you remembered what he said to you before your first training session. “Leave those bruises uncovered. I want you to take one more look at them because after I’m done with you, those will be the last set of bruises he’ll ever give you.”
You switched the safety on and set the gun on the kitchen counter behind you.
Danny was never going to stop coming after you, he was never going to leave you alone, and you realized that this has to end. It has to end tonight, you didn’t want to have to look over your shoulder anymore when you walked down the street or wonder if he was going to show up at your door again.
You were tired of running and you were going to make him leave.
Brock said you were strong, one of the strongest people he’s ever trained and you didn’t want to let him down or more importantly, let yourself down.
He knew you were very capable of taking down someone larger than you, and that fierce look you had in your eyes when you kicked Brock’s legs out from underneath him.
It excited you and gave you the confidence you desperately needed and the confidence Brock was trying to give you every time you trained together. Rage burned throughout your body, it felt like white hot fire and something inside you just snapped.
You took two steps toward him, took a swing and landed a punch to the nose. Danny’s eyes began to water and his nose started to bleed. His only response was to laugh and when he was done laughing, he said, “Now that’s more like it.”
While Jack was driving back to the apartment, the feeling Brock had in the pit of his stomach was a feeling of uneasiness like there was something wrong back at home. He didn’t want to leave you even just for the day he was gone, not because he knew you couldn’t take care of yourself but because he…missed you.
He had grown to care for you in the past six months and even more so in the past two weeks since you had been staying with him.
“Drive faster, Jack.” Brock said sharply. He had a piercing dryness in his throat which made it difficult for him to swallow.
“I’m goin’ as fast as I can, I’m sure she’s fine.” Jack replied.
Softy and under his breath, Brock said, “I hope so.”
He remembered the day he met you, the pale greenish-yellow bruise on the top of your cheekbone, and the bruises around the tops of your arms…he remembered how angry it made him, how it caused his muscles to tighten and his face to flush with rage.
Brock could tell you were nervous to talk to him. He was hyper aware of how scared you were to even approach him, but also how it took a lot of guts to do that.
You didn’t even lie about why you wanted to learn from him, not that you could with the bruises that were visible.
He didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to relationships, or even friendships for that matter but he knew that he cared about you and couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong at home.
And he was hoping that he would get to you before it was too late.
Once you started landing punches, it was difficult to stop. Danny tried countering but he was predictable. You knew his patterns of how he would go about trying to hit you or grab you, trying to make it so you didn’t get up again but you weren’t going to let him.
Brock was right. There WAS a lot of blood in the face.
With every crack to his body, he would let out a loud groan and wince in pain, yet he would still try and come for you. You didn’t need the help of a freezer door to subdue him this time and you didn’t need to run either.
Using duct tape and rope, you tied him up so he couldn’t escape. A piece of tape also went over his mouth in case he came to and decided to try and call out for help.
“He said he was on his way.” You whispered to yourself. “Please don’t wake up yet.” You said, pointing the gun in Danny’s direction again. “Please don’t wake up.”
Even though the apartment was warm, you felt cold and your teeth chattering together sounded like tap shoes against a dance floor. Wiping the sweat off of your upper lip, the taste of salt and blood danced across your tongue although it wasn’t your blood you were tasting.
It was Danny’s.
Looking around, there was blood and broken glass everywhere and when you looked at Danny’s unconscious body, that’s when you finally let go. Your eyes welled up with tears and you broke down sobbing.
Everything you had been feeling up until that point, all of the anger, frustration, hurt and betrayal hit you all at once like a wave crashing against the shore.
He wasn’t going to do this to you or anyone else ever again.
Time seemed to stand still before you heard your name being called from the other side of the door followed by a few quick knocks.
“Y/n? Sweetheart, it’s me and Jack. I’m gonna open the door.” Said Brock.
They were stunned to see the state of the apartment and a man lying unconscious and tied up on the floor, his face slick with blood.
Their guns were drawn when they opened the door but quickly put them away when they saw Danny.
“Check him!” Brock said with a deep growl to Jack as he rushed to your side.
“He’s alive but he is OUT!” Rollins said.
He was a little difficult to make out because the tears in your eyes made him blurry but as soon as he got to you, Brock brushed the tears out of your eyes, told you to put the gun down, and pulled you close to his chest.
He pulled away to look you over. “Are you hurt?” He asked, gripping your face by the chin and turning it from side to side and looking at your neck.
Danny did get one hit in, he managed to cut your lip and your knuckles were badly bruised and sprinkled with tiny cuts but other than that, you were unharmed.
“Lemme see your hands.” He took your hands in his and saw how badly they were marked up. “You’re gonna need some ice or they’re gonna swell.”
You heard the faint moaning sounds of Danny waking up and watched him struggle to free himself but getting nowhere.
Brock’s face stiffened and suddenly his eyes glowed with a savage fire as he pulled his knife from its sheath, walked over to Danny, pulled him up by his hair, and held the knife to his throat.
“I oughta kill you right now, you piece of shit!” Brock shouted in Danny’s ear.
“Brock, don’t!” You pleaded.
He flicked his gaze over to you and you could see in his golden eyes that he wanted to. He wanted to open Danny’s throat and spill his blood all over the floor. Brock’s lip curled back to reveal gnashed teeth, trying so hard to reel in his anger.
“Please. Put the knife away, Brock. He forced his way in here, let’s just call the police.” You said softly. “I’m ok…really.”
After you hung up with the police, you watched Brock put his knife away and shove Danny’s head forward so hard that it made a “thud” noise against the floor.
Your mouth narrowed to a fine line. “Was that really necessary?” You said in a slightly sarcastic tone.
Brock pointed down at a bloody Danny and asked you, “Was THAT?! You beat the shit outta him, doll.”
“Yes I know I did.”
Brock pulled Danny by the hair again. “You are never gonna bother her again. I’ll kill ya myself if you come near her, tell me you understand, asshole. TELL ME!!”
Danny tried to nod but Brock was still holding on to his hair and he still had the tape over his mouth but he managed to let the both of you know that he understood.
“Mmmm hmmm…” He mumbled.
The police took Danny away and said they would be in touch. Watching him being led away in handcuffs gave you a sense of relief, like for the first time in a long time you could exhale and just…be happy.
Brock never took his eyes off of you. After the cops left, he gently touched your shaking hands. His hands felt warm against your cold skin as he pulled you in close to his chest.
You could hear his heart racing as it beat rapidly against your ear and the fabric of his t-shirt felt soft against his cheek.
“I swear the apartment was clean before all this.” You said, cracking a smile. “I’ll pay for everything I broke, just let me know—“
Brock interrupted and captured your lips in a soft kiss, his stubble scratched against your chin and cheeks, and his hand migrated to the back of your neck.
He held onto you tightly, like he never wanted to let you go.
“You know I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you’re safe, sweetheart.” Brock said, kissing your forehead.
Jack looked over at the two of you with a confused look on his face.
“Wait…so y/n can break a bunch of your shit and gets a pass but you’re still mad about me killing a few houseplants?!” He exclaimed.
Brock gave you a wink.
“She’s a LOT prettier than you are, Rollins! And since you brought it up again, how ‘bout you replace the plants that you killed…right now.”
Jack was trying to stop Brock from pushing him further down the hallway.
“Right now?! Ok well, if I get you new houseplants, will you ask her if she has any single friends?” Asked Jack.
A wide smile stretched across your face and you let out a slight chuckle.
“I’ll think about it, now get out of our house.” He said.
You felt your heart jump into your throat.
“Our house?” You asked.
Brock gave you a devilish smirk. “If you want it to be, I kinda like havin’ ya here.”
“Oh, just kinda huh?” You said with a laugh.
“Yeah, plus you’re a much better cook than I am, doll.” He said.
You raised your eyebrows in agreement. “Well, I can’t argue with you there Rumlow, I don’t know how you manage to mess up scrambled eggs but you do.”
He gave you his signature subtle smile and closed the distance between you. His presence was solid and reassuring as he tilted your chin up and tenderly pressed his lips to yours.
“So what do ya say, doll? Will you stay?”
You returned his kiss before telling him with a smile, “Yes Brock, of course I’ll stay.”
Others that might enjoy: @munsonownsmyass @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @qu1etwolf @redstarsandnightmares @gijos @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @randomlittleimp
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stainedglassandpigs · 5 months
Ruskaina pt 2
someone was calling
But my body felt like it had just been thrown into the sun then stomped on for good measure
the last thing I wanted was to have to be social so early in the day,
so in response I simply turned my body, the dem dem Mushi couldn’t bother me if I couldn’t hear it
so now I wasn’t facing the direction of the nose.
Peace please it shoudlnt be so hard to have a quiet moment.
No, I’m to tired I’m nawt getting up.
I refuse
Covering my ear with another pillow I try to get back to my rem sleep, my dream cable was real interesting before I was rudely awaken something about a boy and a beast but i couldn’t remember the rest anymore.
The ring was still there only now it sounded to be underwater, this I could easily work with so letting my mind ease its way back into sleepy mode was natural.
My breathing was slower and I started to forget why I was even awaken in one first place when it happened directly next to my head this time that little fu(ker had moved.
“FINE” I yell jumping up and taking the phone from Athena’s massively interrupting self.
“HELLO!” I was rubbing my eye buggers away annoyed as hell laying back down in bed stubbornly closing my eyes.
“Isabell that’s no way to greet your wonderful mom”
Well great I jsut yelled at my mother for no reason. Today as alr looking to something special.
Wait .
Why was mom calling so early
Opening my eyes I looked around trying to gauge what time of day it was.
There was no sunlight coming from the window, just a deep twilight.
“Mom why you up so late, everything okay?”
Getting up from bed I move the phone piece and grab Athena I decided I might as well get a snack while I talk
“Yeah I just was bored and everyone’s asleep, I figured you’re always up so late. I don’t wake you did I pretty ?” I could hear her concern clearly, I missed our daily call today I was so busy with-
With… what did I do today
My memory was so foggy.
“No mom you’re fine I was just straightening up a bit” lie.
“Oh okay that’s good, oh btw your monthly don’t die care package should be coming soon, so yk don’t die. “
“Ha thanks for the encouragement mom”
“You’re welcome” I could hear her laughing which brought a smile to my face. It was always nice to talk with mom being away was so lonely I missed my family and our daily calls kept me sane.
“How was your day mom ?” Opening my fridge looking around it, empty.
Didn’t… I…
Wasn’t I supposed to go out today, I thought I did.
“Your little brother started his first day of daycare today so we took loads of pictures, don’t worry we sent you some in the care package I know how you get about seeing pictures of everyone. Oh the gardens doing lovely that tip you gave about adding crushed bone is making the compost top shelf shit fr. And the Saffron plants have begun to pop above ground which your Stepdad is really excited for soon we’ll be able to send you some, we’ve been working womp womp Also the other- wompawa wa She said to me that- wa womp”
Mom just kept rambling as a searched the kitchen area for something to snack she was basically my podcast at this point.
The kitchen was so bare, I really should’ve gone out today but I was stuck with doing my… doing my ? Doing my what ?
What had I been doing all day
It was so hazy for some reason.
Never mind it I was to focused on my snack now, ig tea would be fine for now.
“And then Miss Jackson threw all the navy out the community garden it’s a shame to see how much they’ve changed from me and your father’s time. But anyways how was your day Isabell you’ve been real quite”
“My bad mom I was making tea my day was actually-“
Jumping up I fell-off the couch this time all my sections were on over drive.
It was a dream, which ment I still needed to call mom.
The sun was now pouring into the house and I was actually awake this time and the sound I heard was real.
Getting up I look in the direction of where the sound came from only to find a man standing in my kitchen making ???
Something ?
A mess ???
Both unfortunately for me the person who cleans this shoddy abode
“Your supposed to be recovering unable to move what the hell are you doing up ???”
The man turned to me and smiled
“I got hungry” he said it so matter of factly like it made so much sense.
“But your wound ??!!!?!? It’s gonna tear with all this movement” Rushing over to him, mouth running a mile a minute talking about everything that could go wrong and how we was supposed to be recovering
The kitchen was a mess for sure but that was the least of my worry’s now, this man with a straw hat was about to start bleeding out in my house AGAIN.
It was bad enough the first time my nose still burned with the smell of his blood I was not looking to relive that.
Reaching him quickly I look at the bandages. So far it wasn’t soaked through with his bodily fluids thankfully.
“May I ?” Gesturing to his wound.
“Will you make me something to eat if I say yes”
Rolling my eyes deeply, I didn’t even know his name and I was already catering to the strange man so much.
“Omg yes now can I please check the stitches”
“Okay hehe, since you promised”
“I didn’t promise” I said as I began to reach for the wrap when he stepped away just before I could do anything.
“Hey !”
I tried again and yet again he stepped out the way.
“WHAT NOW” I regret so much.
“Pinky promise me first” his features had the most serious look on them since I met him. Mind you we had almost died and he was laughing through all of it.
Sighing I raise my pinky to him which lite his face up instantly. Eagerly he took hold of mine
“Say it”
“I pinky promise” I tried to let go but he held my pinky firmly.
I shoulda just minded my own business yesterday.
“To make you breakfast if you let me see you wound and make sure you okay, good?” I look up at him growing more than slightly annoyed.
“Okay! It’s a promise you can’t break it!!” He let go of my smallest phalange.
Attempting once more I raised my hands to remove the wrap heisting just before glancing up at him to make sure he wouldn’t move another time.
Immediately I was met with his big brown eyes staring at me as he smiled lightly.
I guess he was just as curious as me about the conditions of his wound.
Looking back at my hand I carefully began unwrapping the white cloth.
As it unraveled the white seemed unchanged until the very last two layers that covered the gauze which had turned an ugly red color.
Bracing myself for what I would see I peeled the last of the bandages off.
Looking at the wound immediately one thing came to mind.
“Devil fruit ?” I said looking up at him again.
“I the Gum-Gum fruit! Hey how did you know that !!?”
“Educated guess” I shrugged
Looking back at the wound I examine the wound that remained there after a night of his devil fruit working its magic. There was some redness paired with a dark scab and a few stitches pocking out. A far cry from the deep gash it used to be.
“Stay here for a second okay”
“Sure, what are you going to do tho ?” He said watching me as I moved about the cave.
“Dressing your stitches again because they’ll get dirty if I don’t, I really wanna avoid an infection. Wait.”
I stop mid digging through my medicine bag that was still by the bed because exhaustion over took me before I could put everything up.
Standing to my full height again I looked at him. The only part of his body that was clean was the area that I cleaned.
This mf needed a shower.
“What ?!” He quirked his bushy eyebrows
“When’s the last time you took a shower ?”
“A week ago”
“Go taking a damn shower lord how are you alive still. You need to go clean your ass”
“But you promised!” He crossed his arms and stood planted.
“I am doing exactly that, see” walking over to my back pack I grabbed it and began spreading all that I foraged out onto my table.
“I first need to clean everything I didn’t get to yesterday, well, because of you. Respectfully you changed my plans drastically” As I took every thing out it was like Christmas a bit I thought .
All the commotion from yesterday rattled my brain so much I completed forgot everything I collected.
He was still standing in the kitchen as I unpacked my bag I gave him a questioning look.
“I don’t know where the bathroom is.”
“Righhht” was all I managed out,
I was so ready for my morning calm I didn’t even bother telling him I just grabbed his hand and walked him to the bathroom.
Quickly I turned on the shower, taking out a towel and rag, and dumping it into his hand.
“Do you need some clothes?” Looking him up and down I accessed his attire.
Said atire being dirty blood stained jorts and a straw hat, the t shirt he once had on long discarded
“No need to answer actual, I’ll find you some. Take a shower I’ll leave the clothes right here” I pointed at a storage unit near the door.
“And you’ll be making breakfast right” He was looking straight into my eyes again, direct eye contact really was his thing huh
“Yes yes yes, now go clean yourself. And please be careful I don’t want you to pass out in the shower. You may heal quick but who knows what’s really going on inside there.”
Walking out the bathroom I closed the door and began looking for some clothes for the straw hat man.
Which reminded me I needed to ask him for his name.
Finding some close was easy enough, although I live on the island alone my brothers some times would visit and they always left clothes and crap here.
Setting the close on the storage unit I began tidying up even tho I was still pretty tired doing nothing would only make me over think about yesterday .
And besides the cave really was a mess, blood soaked rags and stuff thrown everywhere while I was in a panic, she desperately needed some tlc
Waking Thena and giving her a treat I request I track while I clean she graciously obliged me. Cleaning for the most part goes by fast only real hassle was cleaning and sanitizing everywhere with blood.
Once I had picked everything up to an alright level I put my medical back next to the just in case my guest indeed did need something else done.
I didn’t know what that man eats so I decided on something relatively simple.
Eggs, potatoes, with some random veggies. I was a little limited since I needed to prep all the new ingredients I got yesterday before I could use any of it. And I was certain he wouldn’t want to wait for food.
Turning the stove on I added some butter to a pan and let it heat up a bit while I chopped some onions and ramps since I used the last of the garlic and the new batch was still uncleaned and processed like I liked.
Throwing those in I went to the spice cabinet and took out all that I thought I would need for the meal, adding a bit of sea salt to begin with to help caramelize the ramps and onion together.
Moving onto the potatoes I thought of what I could do with them.
Would he like hash browns more ? Baked potatoes ? Fries ???? Potato stew on the side ?
Fuck it seasoned chopped potatoes would have to do.
Going to the sack of potatoes I kept in the pantry I took out 4 medium Rosara potatoes a favorite of mine personally.
Not even bothering to peal them I roughly chop em up and call it a day
Adding a ton of seasoning just like my mom taught me I throw them in the pan with the butter and onions.
As I cleaned my area up a bit as everything continued to cook I thought about the fight.
This random boy appearing from the sky laughing going toe to toe with one of the islands most formidable beast without flinching.
For a brief second there was this moment I remembered
When the light shone on him like a hug
And his stretched fists and kicks where coming down on the beast like something akin to hell fire that he…
Almost look sort of…
Like… a god.
A small laugh leaves my lips as I think about it all.
Refocusing on what I was doing I transition now to preparing some lions mane with carrots as the the main veggies, tossing them in some oil then seasoning and finally into the oven.
With the veggies in the oven all that was left were the eggs.
But I didn’t wanna use another pan and the potatoes needed a bit longer so I just but everything away that was not in use and took out some plates and such for us to eat on while I waited for a pan to clear up.
Using a fork I poked the potatoes through.
They still needed a bit more time, but I wanted to start the eggs so everything was done when he came out. Using an oven mitt I grab the veggies out and move em over a tad then dump the potatoes onto the tray and put in all back in to finish off nicely.
Using a bit more butter to coat the pan I add 3 eggs in on low heat mixing them into the pan so they would scramble. The process was a quick moving one because the eggs cooked so fast, I graded a bit of milk and splashed it into the end mixing the whole time. The eggs had basically formed by now so I added salt pepper and garlic to it.
And with that I was pretty much done, using my shoddly made oven mitts I took out the veggies and begin plating the food.
Should I put his plate next to mine ?
In front ?
Far away ?
Looking in the direction of the bathroom I wondered how much longer he would be.
In front, I decided
That way I can see his face when we eat.
For manners and stuff..
Placing all the plates and utensils I go to grab us something to drink.
In the cabinet I look at the tea options, Dandelion, Rose, Oolong, Lemon, Matcha, ginger all these options.
I usually had a cup of matcha in the morning but my brothers always said it tasted like grass cum.
So perhaps some Oolong, my family’s favorite.
Taking it out I eyeball enough for two cups and but a kettle to boil.
Bringing the sugar n cups to the table I just sat n waited.
Either the tea would be done or he would either way all I had to do was wait.
Athena was playing a jazz inspired tune now and focusing on that was what occupied my time as a waited.
Circling my thumbs together trying to focus on the music my thoughts unfortunately begin to drift back to last night.
Exactly what I had been trying to avoid.
I could vividly see it again.
The way he looked was just so haunting his chest barely able to rise and fall skin pale as a cloud on a rainy day.
It was like sun that once lit his body had been sucked out all because he tried to save me.
He was on deaths door because I was too busy digging for truffles to noticed a 5 ton beast rampaging towards me.
It was all my fault
As I knew alr being left alone with my thoughts was indeed taking a turn for the worst
Even tho I knew it helped no one for me to think like this the cogs in my brain still churned to push out every single thought that’s while purpose was to make me feel like a royal fuck up
Closing my eyes I make myself take deep breaths and think 2 positive things I did.
1. I got more us to one cave without dying
2. I made sure he didn’t die
The again he would even-
Before I could finish my thought the bathroom door swung open and the energetic young man can out…
He was running to the table
“ thankyoufortheclothes!!! FOOD FOOD FOOD “
And just like that the room and my mind was quickly filled with his bright presence.
I smiled
As I watched him almost collide with the chair I thought to myself something I had been pushing back since I began my research on the island by myself.
Maybe I did want company.
Authors rambling time 🤩
I honestly couldn’t even tell you why I’m writing this story but it’s definitely fun to try and characterize Luffy. Using this as a learning experience bc I do wanna get into writing more. I know only 2 ppl and mice see this but I would love to hear the feedback for those who do !
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venus-is-thinking · 1 month
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 18 - Venus)
Welcome back! @accirax and I are mixing it up this week, because it's the losers' motel episode! And that means that there's no boot! Which means it's hard to rank people's power.
So, what we decided to do is try to predict whose bench each person will be sitting on! It won't count towards our point score, but we'll be fighting for bragging rights within this post alone. We also recognize that we probably won't actually get the answers to who's on which bench in this episode, but we might get information that sways our answers, so it's our advanced prediction. It's one point per person on a correct bench!
But, before I get into it, I still have to do the recap.
Recap: Connor's Elimination (3/4 pts)
(Total: 23/38 points acquired)
I can't believe it's not Riya. That's wild.
I'm actually pretty okay with Riya making the finale, just because she is the main villain of the season at this point. It's Disventure Camp rights that the main villain gets their downfall in the finale, so, like, sure. Plus, I'm pretty confident Jake and Ally will take her down at final 3 rather than final 2 (spoilers for next week, I guess), so it'll still be new-ish ground.
At least I successfully called Connor if not Riya! This is why I go blind on the votes; no one was gonna vote out Connor, but narratively, he made sense to me.
I do wish they'd had a bit better execution of the Jake/Ally fight. I felt like this pushed Jake too far back in the wrong direction in a way that honestly felt somewhat out of character at this point. I do think there were good ways to do it; Ally could've zapped Jake "for destroying her game" at the end of the challenge as a final brag and Jake could've retaliated without thinking, or Jake could've been in contention to win himself when Riya snuck up on him and zapped him afterwards, sniping the win.
Because Riya had to win such a team-able challenge and Connor had to fail, the writers were in the difficult situation of needing either Ally OR Jake to be winning at the time Riya scoops them. They also probably wanted to re-heighten the Jake/Ally feud before the finale to increase tension. It's hard to accomplish all of those things without making someone fuck up towards the collective goal of "get Riya out at all costs."
Still, I think there were better ways to go about it, like mentioned above. Or, hell, Accirax even pointed out that we could've gotten a Jake confessional before the challenge of feeling like he was being replaced in Connor's eyes like he was with Ashley (leading into the "Ally gets Ashley in the challenge" thing) so that there was a more specifically outlined reason for Jake to be feeling so out of it, rather than him just kinda suddenly reverting for plot convenience.
On the whole, though, I actually really did like the episode! I think I was able to forgive a lot of the Jake characterization once I saw how the episode ended. It gives Connor a more concrete way to push Jake and Ally forward in the finale, allowing him to contribute heavily towards the eventual winner's victory, while also giving Jake one step backwards before he (in my opinion) takes home the crown.
Anyways, ramble over! Onto the bench predictions! I'm gonna put them in order of which people I'm most confident will sit on which bench.
(Also I know Ally is magenta team but that girl is wearing blue. Jake is still pink and Riya is still yellow.)
1: Hunter (Ally)
as well as
2: Tess (Ally)
I'm gonna be real, every single person in the top 5 is interchangeable. I don't understand why any of them would possibly even entertain sitting on a different bench. But, I decided to put Hunter, followed by Tess, at the top, for one very specific reason.
Hunter's entire point all season has been that, no matter what the audience and everyone else thinks of Ally, he always thinks she's awesome. He will always support her. Tess seconds this in the returnee episode.
I literally cannot comprehend how the point of Hunter and Tess' characters this season can be "we'll support you no matter what!" and then have either of them NOT literally support her on her bench to go support other people who they've pretty much never actually talked to.
Hunter also gets bonus points for being my pick for who Ally picks to help her in the challenge. (I still think it's possible they'll get two. If so, Tess is probably also getting picked. Accirax also pointed out the possibility of each contestant needing to pick someone from each season, though, in which case, she'll have to pick someone else who shows up later.)
3: Miriam (Jake)
I mean, come on. That's, like, literally her grandson. Who else is she gonna support?
I'm also fairly certain she's never talked to Ally and only talked to Riya in highly antagonistic conversations, sooo. #JakeSweep
4: Aiden (Jake)
A large part of the season was dedicated to Aiden and Jake going from worsties to besties. Aiden's GOTTA be on Jake's bench to show how far the two of them have come. Besides, it's NOT gonna be Riya, and he and Ally were never really particularly close. Hell, he LITERALLY said under the truth helmets that he prefers Jake to Ally.
Notably, if each contestant needs to pick a S1 and S2 supporter, Aiden is my pick for Jake's S2.
5: Tom (Jake)
The only reason I can think of for Tom to not sit on Jake's bench is if we're doing more "TomJake is still dancing around actually having a productive conversation," but like... I feel like they've GOTTA resolve stuff this time around. Even if they don't talk, like, during the challenge, Tom still should at least be on Jake's bench supporting him.
I do think Tom's probably likely to be Jake's supporter, though, even if he only gets one. If he gets two without regard to season, I definitely think he'll pick Tom. I just think they'd want them to talk during the challenge or something.
6: Grett (Ally)
Okay, now we're getting into the territory where I had to think, even a little bit. 1-5 are guaranteed on their benches, in my opinion. Grett is the first one I could see switching.
It's true that Riya helped Grett out against Yul back on yellow, but Riya also voted with Yul and Grett swore revenge, so I'm fairly confident it won't be Riya.
Grett and Jake have certainly interacted vaguely together a number of times across their two seasons, culminating in Grett telling Connor to idol to protect Jake and Jake subsequently booting her out as a threat. That... COULD amount to a bench placement, but, eh.
Grett and Ally were allies in the very endgame, and I think Grett would respect Ally's move to take Grett out more than Jake's. I just think Grett would stan Ally. Besides, after they sort of talked about both seeking support/approval from those around them, I feel like Grett would want to extend support to Ally.
Notably, if Ally has to pick a S1 contestant to help her, I guess I think it's Grett??? I think she'd be willing to help, and we know she's pretty good at challenges this season. So, that's a fringe pick that I don't really expect to see the light of day.
7: Lake (Jake)
Okay, so this one feels a little random, but I'm actually decently solid on it. It's definitely possible Lake would sit on Ally's bench because she's close to Tess, and Tess is closer to Ally, but, y'know. Lake is also very close to Aiden, who is going to be on Jake's bench.
Plus, on top of Lake possibly just sitting with Aiden for vibes, Lake also told Aiden to give Jake a chance and show him some understanding if he's going through a tough time in the returnee challenge. That kind of sentiment feels like it could push Lake to sit on Jake's bench.
(Once again. 0% chance of Riya bench.)
8: Ashley (Jake)
Ashley is only so far down because she COULD easily go for Ally as well (obviously not gonna pick Riya). However, I think that Jake's paranoia actually means, narratively, that Ashley's more likely to pick Jake.
Sort of like Hunter and Tess, Ashley was pretty clear with Jake that she'd stick with him through thick and thin. She told him not to worry that she and Ally were becoming friends. If Ashley sits on Ally's bench, it's... sort of proving Jake's paranoia right? I don't think that's what they're gonna want to go with. Besides, I do think Ashley would be proud of Jake for how far he's come.
If Jake gets two S1 people, he's definitely picking Ashley as one of them. If he only gets one S1, either because he's picking up Aiden or because he only gets one, I'm not 100% sure if he'd pick Tom or Ashley. Tom feels more correct to me on vibes, but Ashley makes more sense with logic. Both feel possible.
(Accirax also speculated that if/when Jake wins, he'll give some of the money to Tom to fund schools and some to Ashley to fix her barn. Feels likely, and especially makes sense with one or both of them helping him win.)
9: Connor (Riya)
Okay, this one sounds a little weird, but Accirax had an idea that I like a lot. That being, Connor is, like, the only one on Riya's bench, so she HAS to pick him. The fact that she crippled him comes back to bite her as he doesn't help her/slows her down. It even plays back into the episode 1 moment where Riya said that picking Connor as her supporter was what doomed her last season.
Connor was kinda hard to place given that he's had relevant relationships with everyone in the final 3. I do like that we don't have to do the same "will Ashley pick Jake or Ally" thing again with Connor this way, and it once again gives Connor a more active part in defeating Riya.
So, I could see Connor going any of 3 ways, but I think him being the sole person on Riya's bench makes the most sense.
10: Fiore (Jake)
Fiore has kinda vague relationships with all of the finalists.
Fiore and Riya were nominally in the villains' alliance together, but Riya repeatedly screwed Fiore over for tribe immunities to get rewards, resulting in Fiore eventually being eliminated. Because of that, I don't think Fiore would sit on Riya's bench. Feels like the right kind of petty.
So, that leaves Jake and Ally, both of whom were on Fiore's original team. Both of them eventually voted her out of the game, though, so she wouldn't love either of them. The reason I chose Jake is honestly less because I think Fiore has a personal interest in Jake and more because Fiore has had a more defined relationship with him over the course of both Season 1 and All Stars. In a tiebreaker scenario, I opt for the finalist the character has spent the most time with, narratively, because it just makes sense that they'd line up together. Fiore has ONLY interacted with Ally in All Stars, so she goes on Jake's bench.
11: Alec (Jake)
Alec is basically here for the exact same reason as Fiore, but a little less certain. I think Alec wouldn't actually support Riya at this point, so I lean away from her bench, especially if Connor is supposed to be the only one on her bench. So, between Jake and Ally, Alec has had more of a defined relationship with Jake, so I put him there.
However, Alec is below Fiore because I do think there's a possibility that Alec would be on Riya's bench-- that being, if each person needs two helpers (across both seasons or not). If true, I think Alec would be Riya's second, possibly working with Connor to thwart her, possibly not. More details to come in the losers' motel, I would assume.
So, basically, if the finalists get one helper, Alec's on Jake for me, but if they get two, he's on Riya's.
12: Yul (Ally)
For the record, Yul hates all of these guys.
He specifically beefed with Riya really hard, but she did vote with him for a while.
He didn't interact with Jake, like, pretty much at all, honestly. When he did, it was pretty antagonistic.
Ally and Yul didn't really fight much to my memory, and relevantly, they were allied in Season 2 (no matter how much I forget that fact). I think that Yul could be on Ally's bench because he has the least against her. You could really put Yul on any bench, though; he hates everyone.
13: James (Ally)
This one was hard. It's not Riya, obviously, but I really didn't know where to put James between Jake and Ally. James obviously had a lot of beef with Jake at the time of his elimination, so that points towards Ally. The big question mark with James is just how he feels about Jake now that Jake and Aiden are friends.
I THINK it makes more sense to me for James to be on Ally's bench, but that could easily be flipped over to Jake's, idk. I remember Accirax said she thought there was a James video message to someone where he said he was rooting for Ally or something, so that might be factoring into my decision...?
14: Ellie (Ally)
This is really just a vibe check. I think Ellie would respect Ally's vibe the most. Riya is probably too actually evil for Ellie, even in pursuit of the money-- or at least given that, as a famous movie star, Riya doesn't need the money. She's just being cruel because she wants to preserve her image, and to win.
It's not Jake. End of story.
15: Gabby (Ally)
Truly I do not know!!!
I doubt it's Riya. They did work together in the villains' alliance, but I can't imagine Gabby condoning Riya's behavior. The best reasoning for Riya would just be Gabby saying she loved Riya's work or whatever in the first episode, but I'm plenty willing to believe that was just to prove that Riya was famous or something.
Gabby and Jake both have and haven't talked all that much. They're both season 1, but beyond that, I don't really know why they'd be matched together?
Ally and Gabby haven't really talked, either, but I could see Gabby liking Ally via Grett. Additionally, if I'm right that both Grett and Elile are on Ally's bench, I don't think Gabby has any attachments relevant enough to push her in a different direction. Plus, there's a little extra reason why I lean towards Ally for her.
So, in the end, my benches are:
Jake: Miriam, Aiden, Tom, Lake, Ashley, Fiore, Alec Ally: Hunter, Tess, Grett, Yul, James, Ellie, Gabby Riya: Connor
Part of the reason I slanted so hard towards Ally on the people who I cared less about was because I think it'd be nice if Jake and Ally's benches are completely even. As it stands, the benches are 7-7-1. If I'm right that Riya goes down at final 3, I think Riya joins Ally's bench while Connor joins Jake's, making them an even 8-8 as we head into the final 1v1.
It'll be fun to see how these predictions hold up! Hopefully the fact that it seems like they might be doing a challenge next episode doesn't ruin my entire base concept and prove me wrong immediately!
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narcolini · 1 year
in his shadow - pt. 2
ez reyes x oc: ava gomez, angst, 2592 words
warnings for mentions of grief
for day 16 of whumpril: guilt & ‘i’m so sorry.’
tagging: @drabbles-mc @cositapreciosa​ 
part one here 
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Ava hadn’t had guests in a long time. Outside of her family, anyway. Sebastian was the one that liked to host, to stuff the house full of friends and music, to collect people the same way he collected things. Sneakers, baseball cards, vintage jackets he was too precious to wear—that’s part of the reason she doesn’t invite people round now, really. She still hasn’t gotten rid of it all. Hell, she hasn’t even moved the majority of it, only shifting the things she absolutely had to. Just to live. To grow. She couldn’t buy any new clothes for herself, until she boxed the last of his jackets up.
It wasn’t entirely that, though, that stopped her from having people over.
People forgive sentimentality toward belongings. They nod, smile, see the value in holding onto things still. There isn’t a time limit to it. She could keep his sneakers until she dies herself, and no-one would blame her for it. But they’re less understanding of sentiment that you can’t see.
How does she explain that to people? That she can’t host a party, because that was his job. His joy. Can’t have people occupying her couch, because their voices will fill the silence she’s grown used to, and she worries that when they leave they’ll take Sebastian with them. It doesn’t make sense. She knows it doesn’t. He’s in the quiet of it somehow, their home. Theirs. If she opens her doors again, he’ll pour out of the seams, drain away until it’s just her left. Her house, her parties. Her door to stand on the threshold of.
If she explained that to anyone, they’d think she was crazy, probably. But it’s never been a problem before now.
EZ’s coming over, to pick up some of the boxes she’d never bothered to touch. Not because they were Sebastian’s, but because they were the club’s, el secretario’s, and she assumed someone would come for them eventually.
Well, eventually finally came, and now she’s loitering behind the front door, waiting for the bell to ring.  
It’ll be fine. It’s just one person, it’s just EZ. He won’t comment on the museum she’s living in—that she’s sure of—and he’s gentle enough, careful enough, that maybe he won’t make the house feel any different just by being in it. He’ll come in, get what he needs, and go again. Then the house will be quiet, exactly as it always is. And Sebastian won’t slip through the cracks, anymore than he already has.
The doorbell goes; her hand is on the lock before it’s even finished trilling.
EZ flinches slightly when she swings the door open, still in the process of stepping back himself, suddenly brought face to face with her. ‘Hey,’ he recovers quickly, flashing a short smile, ‘I’m here to pick up something for the club?’
He doesn’t need to pose it as a question. Bishop had given her a full explanation already, secretary stuff. Files and files of decade-old documents.
‘Yeah,’ she nods. ‘Come in.’ Put on a smile, seem welcoming. Act like this is normal, and it’ll start to feel normal, right?
She steps aside, letting him enter, eyes on his back as he does so. That’s the first kutte in the house since they’d had the wake. First leathers she’s welcomed in by choice, not obligation, and it sours. Digs up a sharp nostalgia she wasn’t ready for, then an ache of guilt that she doesn’t deserve. She isn’t replacing him. One Mayan for another, she isn’t, she couldn’t.
The door slams behind them both—unintentional on her part, but loud enough to make the pair of them flinch. EZ throws a look over his shoulder, frowning already.
‘Sorry,’ she explains, before he can ask her least favourite question, ‘I’m just. This is a bit weird for me still. First time having someone new in our—what was our space, y’know?’
The correction stings, because it’s for his sake, not hers. A desperate attempt to make her seem better adjusted than she really is.
He doesn’t notice it, or if he does, he doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he nods, smiles, loosens his shoulders like he’s at ease here. ‘Course, yeah, I get it.’
She believes him. He still doesn’t look at her like the rest of them do.
‘Well, I would’ve brought it over myself,’ she says, unable to relax the way he seemingly has. The sooner they get back to it, the sooner he can leave. She walks past him, down the hall, hoping that he knows to follow. ‘You really didn’t have to go to the trouble of coming yourself.’
‘Ah, it’s cool.’ He’s behind her, hands in his pockets. ‘You know how it is, prospects getting all the shitty jobs.’
She scoffs. ‘Ouch.’
‘No, shit, I didn’t mean—’
‘I’m joking, EZ.’ May as well make jokes now she’s committed to the event. Head first in the deep-end. They reach the living room: couch, armchair, sound system that she still can’t work. She turns to him. ‘I was about when Seb was prospecting. Let me guess, lots of polishing bike parts and taking out trash?’
He nods. ‘Yep. You got it.’
It’s worth it, she was about to say, in the end, it’s worth it. But is it? Was it? She swallows. This is harder than she expected. A week ago, in EZ’s trailer, they were talking about Sebastian freely. Laughing like he’d just stepped out of the room, like he hadn’t died at all. Now, she regrets even saying his name, even pouring him back into her thoughts after allowing him to stray.
She nods once, though neither of them have said anything for a breath, and turns back to the boxes she’d pre-emptively dragged out for EZ. If he wasn’t so patient, this would be all the more painful. He’s just letting her do it, letting conversations die and change direction without fighting it, letting her take back words before she’s even said them.
‘I don’t know why they’ve suddenly decided they need it,’ she says, forcing her voice through the lump in her throat, ‘half the stuff in here must be out of date by now.’
Half of it must relate to people that haven’t been in the club for years.
‘Honestly,’ EZ starts, joining her to peer into the opening of one box, ‘I think they’re just finding things for me to do.’ He smiles, flicking it sideways to her. ‘I get the impression I’m more of a nuisance than anything else right now.’
‘Probably.’ Sebastian spent his first few weeks digging fence posts into the club’s perimeter line. Out of sight, out of mind. ‘It’s gonna take Angel days to sort through all this shit.’
EZ laughs, head shaking.
‘Yeah,’ she takes his meaning well enough, ‘yeah, you’re right. He’s not going anywhere near it, is he?’
‘No, that would be my job,’ he agrees, sighing afterwards. ‘Can’t wait.’
‘If you want, I can tell Bishop I couldn’t find them,’ she throws her thumb over her shoulder, ‘and we can burn it out back?’
He scoffs, then smiles anyway. ‘As tempting as that is, I think I’m gonna have to just suck it up.’
‘Good man.’ She wasn’t even joking. If he’d had said yes, she probably would’ve done it. It could have been their little secret, a sacrifice for all the prospects before him. ‘Speaking of,’ she points at the boxes denting the couch, catching up again, ‘there’s meant to be three of these. One sec.’
EZ nods, and she leaves him to hover in the living room, hands in his pockets again, like he’s afraid to touch anything. To occupy more space than he’s been allowed. She should’ve offered him a seat. She didn’t want to, if she was really being honest, but she should have. It feels like a gift in itself that he didn’t take one anyway.
When she’s back with the third box, thankfully lighter than the rest, he’s moved. Not far, but strayed from the rug in the centre to the corner, where Sebastian’s work-out equipment sits. He’s got one of the smaller dumbbells from the stand, bouncing it in his palm.
‘These are nice,’ he comments, glancing over at her, not long enough to register that she’s frozen in place, but long enough to say, ‘I didn’t know you were this serious about…’
Then it clicks. She watches the realisation settle in his jaw, in the line of his shoulders. Watches him debate, for a heartbeat, whether he should put it down again, drop it like it’s been sat in a fire, or put it into both hands, gentle, like it’s some lost treasure he’s stumbled upon.
‘Shit.’ He looks over again, holds her gaze across the room. ‘They’re his, aren’t they?’
‘Yeah, they were.’ That look, he’s learning how to do it. The weirder she acts about this, the closer it gets to settling on his features. Sympathy. Pity. ‘It’s okay,’ she tells him.
His head shakes. ‘I’m so sorry, Ava.’
He puts it down, alongside its twin, scratching his head afterwards. A nervous twitch, she thinks. Something to stop him from messing up again—not that he has, really. It was a surprise, something she hadn’t expected to see, but it hasn’t upset her.
It hasn’t upset her.
She smiles.
‘I shouldn’t have even been touching your things like that,’ he continues, oblivious to her realisation. ‘I wasn’t thinking.’
‘It’s really okay,’ she says, light with it, because it is. They’re just weights. ‘Honestly, you can have them if you like. They’re only collecting dust here.’
‘No,’ he answers, too quick to be anything but a knee-jerk reaction, ‘I can’t.’ He pauses to look at her again. And she knows what he’s seeing. Her, standing there with a smile, nodding, with the boxes that used to belong to Sebastian, ready to leave her too. It looks balanced, doesn’t it? She looks like she’s adjusting. ‘You sure?’ he asks.
She nods a final yes.
‘Thank-you.’ He allows himself a breath. ‘Sorry, again, I shouldn’t have.’
‘Don’t get weird on me now, EZ,’ she jokes. ‘I still have boxes and boxes of his shit that I’ll never get rid of, so, you’re doing me a favour really.’
It isn’t a lie. Without the opportunity of it, the door he flung open by putting himself directly in it, hands on the things she’d never even moved, it wouldn’t have crossed her mind to donate them. To give them to someone who’ll use them, and someone close enough to feel in reach still. It’s better than giving them to a Goodwill, after all.
‘I’ll take that,’ EZ offers, stepping to have the box from her. ‘Should probably get out of your hair.’
It’s true. He’s already been here longer than she envisioned. His laugh, his voice. The smell of his aftershave. Much longer, and all of it might stick, might overlay what’s already clinging to the edges—what she imagines to be lingering still.
But it doesn’t stop her from talking, somehow, the words falling out as she looks over the clutter of secretarial work. ‘Angel was supposed to come pick all this up when he took the badge,’ she tells him, though he must know it already. ‘I stopped reminding him after a while. Figured maybe he felt, I don’t know. He didn’t want it at first, Seb’s job, I didn’t want to overwhelm him.’
EZ’s brows tug together above his nose. ‘He didn’t?’
She shakes her head. ‘No. Must’ve felt guilty, or something. Got the impression he didn’t wanna be near any of this stuff, or me, so I just left it. Kept it.’
Let it rot in the basement until someone else remembered that it existed.
‘You do that a lot, don’t you?’ he asks, still carrying the box across his chest. It looks empty in his arms. Light like there’s not a single piece of paper inside. ‘Hold onto shit so other people don’t have to.’
Ava laughs, more from surprise than anything else. She never expected him to play therapist with her.
‘I’m serious,’ he continues, with a sturdy expression. Unreadable almost. ‘If you don’t want it, tell them.’
She frowns. ‘But this is the last of it…?’
‘Ava, I don’t just mean—like, the looks, the way they talk to you. The egg shells they walk on.’ He’s picking up momentum as he goes, his words forming hard edges, becoming more direct. It’s like he’s annoyed with her. Frustrated. ‘Why don’t you tell them to stop?’
‘I can’t help how they think of me, EZ.’
‘No, but you can stop putting their grief above your own.’ He scoffs, looking away from her briefly. ‘You think they sit around, coddling each other when they talk about Sebastian? No, they only do that shit to you because you let them.’
‘Alright,’ she stops him, feeling her heartbeat in her eardrums now, ‘that’s too far.’
‘Is it?’ He isn’t relenting, isn’t slowing, because he means it. ‘You’re the only person they get to be fucking sad around, Ava, so that’s what they use you for. You’ve gotta have it on your terms, or you’ll end up hating them for it.’
She’s staring at the floor now. At the rug over the hardwood, the thread pulling free from the outer-seam. He could be right. Maybe he is, maybe she could’ve said something to them, and avoided all the awkwardness. Maybe three years, is three years too long.
‘Look, I’m not trying to be a dick, but—’
‘I think you should go,’ she says, flicking her gaze back to him. She tries a smile but it comes out as a grimace. ‘I’ve got shit to do.’
He sighs through his nose, clenching his back teeth. ‘I just mean,’ he says afterwards, ‘you can make it their problem again. How to act around you. It should be on them to act better, not on you to put up with it.’
He’s been here too long, disrupting the quiet.
She deflates. ‘Please just go, EZ.’ Take the boxes and shut the door on your way out. ‘I really don’t want to talk about this.’
After a long moment, eyes boring into hers, he nods—swallowing whatever arguments he had left, whatever unwarranted life advice he felt fitting to give. She watches him leave with the first box, then come back for the second, and leave again, without saying anything more.
On the final trip, she stops him, hovering by the open front door.
‘It’s not that I think you’re wrong,’ she says, quiet like she’s scared to admit it. ‘It’s that I can’t do it. I can’t throw it back in their faces like that, not with everything they do for me.’
EZ stays quiet, eyes flitting over her face. When she thinks he’s finally about to say something, he just nods instead, leaving with a cold, ‘Catch you later, Ava,’ and nothing else.
Had he accepted it then? That she couldn’t just make people forget about it all, or act like they had? That she couldn’t take his advice, even if she wanted to.
Or did he think she was just too stubborn, and too spineless, to do anything about it?
When she closes the door behind him, it’s exactly as she feared it would be. No home, no her and Sebastian, no ours. Just herself, on her own, in an empty house that doesn’t remember what it lost.
>>> part 3
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seokiloquy · 2 years
Pearlescent Pt 5 - Iwaizumi Hajime
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Au: Merpeople
Requested (kind of)
Tags/Warnings: GN!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5
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Waking up delirious with a blinding light shining directly into your eyes wasn’t the most welcoming experience. Even worse was squinting to see through the flash and finding yourself in the arms of a strange man. And, to make matters even more horrendous, trying to kick away only to find that your legs were restrained, squirming out of his hold, and nearly choking on salt water as though you weren’t able to breathe it.
You twisted in the water before gathering yourself together, blinking, bubbles washed past you, and the man ducked below the surface to join you. Luckily, your legs weren’t restrained, but having a tail in their place meant you wouldn’t be running anywhere. You couldn’t swim very fast anyways.
“Who the hell?” your voice cracked and came out muffled before falling into a cough.
“You need some practice with that. It’s like speaking another language.” His voice, on the other hand, was like a symphony of instruments, cutting through the water and right into your ear with masterful skill.
You stared, watching his hair float around his head in seaweed-like clumps. You could tell he’d been in the water for a while. His ability to stay floating in one position, upright as if rolling waves weren’t pushing him over made you feel like a toddler staring at their father walking around without falling over.
You kicked your tail to try and swim straight.
You gasped, nearly choking on the water again. “Guppy? I… who?”
Tongue right on the word, but too afraid to say it, you kicked forward, studying the features of the man before you. It was frightening just how familiar he looked, each new piece of information you gathered while circling him dug right into your chest and pulled you closer.
“I forgot about that name. Mom never calls me it.” You stopped in front of him, taking an extra look at the extra pieces on his skin. There were fins coming off his arms, webbing between his fingers, and large gills on his sides. He looked the same, but also so different from you.
“There’s a lot I need to explain.”
“Start then. Where are we?”
The water was completely dark around you, not letting you see more than shadows past a few meters and the sunlight above you.
“A few hundred metres off the coast. We can’t be too close until we get back.”
“Your grandmothers.”
“But she…”
“I know,” he said, looking at his pruney fingers.
“What happened?” You asked, calling him back into the conversation.
“You got dehydrated when you went back to the city. It’s not the greatest place to be, though I guess it’s worse now. So we decided we have to get you back home.”
“Home?” He didn’t respond. “Okay, then what happened to you?”
“To me?” His eyes widened, allowing you to see his enlarged pupils.
“To you. You disappeared.”
He sighed before holding his hand out to you, nodding his head in a silent, ‘let’s go’ motion.
You took it swimming with him.
“Kira and I started our relationship in our home town, and when she got a better job, we moved to the city. At the time, the pollution and less water was manageable. But I could still tell it was taking a toll on me.”
When you were two, we went back home for a trip and I decided to take a dip, but when I tried to get back onto the beach, I couldn’t transform.”
“Mom thought you ran away.”
“I’m not surprised. I was always a bit more aloof at that age.”
“I don’t think she hates you. Maybe mad, upset; but she loves you still.”
He took in a deep breath. “I’m glad. There’s nothing more I could ask for.”
“Not even my forgiveness?”
“Do you even remember me, Kid?”
“Fair enough,” you chuckled. “Why couldn’t you transform back?”
The water rushed by your cheeks as he pulled you in a different direction.
“After so long without good water, my body just couldn’t stay away from it. And then, when I followed you back to the city and lived in the polluted waters, it just got worse.”
“Would you be able to transform now?”
“Maybe. Truthfully, I’ve been too afraid to try.”
Popping out of the water, you could see the familiar sand of your family’s home town beach. 
“I’ll pull you if I have to.” You huffed and pulled on your father's arm, using all your strength to drag him to the empty beach.
“Gupp— (Y/N)! Slow down!”
What kind of rebellious teenager would you be if you listened? 
Washing up on the beach, you dragged the man’s weight with all the muscles in your back until you were fully out of the water and on land, tails kicking to dry off.
“This was a stupid move, you know. We’re out in public. I don’t even think I’ll be able to walk if my legs return.”
“If all else fails,” you grunted, sitting up to wipe off the sand that was beginning to stick and scratch your tail. It was almost dry enough to shift back, “we’ll build you an aquarium.”
“That’s just ridiculous.”
“So is getting stuck in the water and away from your family for… how long?”
He sighed, pouting slightly as he looked at the water. “Sixteen years.”
Chuckling, you shook off the last few water droplets and climbed to your feet. “Well, at least you kept count.”
Slowly, his tail followed, bending and shifting to reveal two legs. Everything else faded as well, leaving a strong but tired-looking man behind. 
“I missed your eighteenth birthday,” he wailed. “I missed all your birthdays! I wanted to teach you how to drive!”
“You still can. I don’t know how.”
“Not with these legs, I can’t.”
“Well.” You walked over, placing your feet on either side of his knees before gripping his web-free hands.
“Guppy, you should be resting, soaking even.”
“Not– now!”
You managed to get the man onto his feet, nearly stumbling over, and you slid into the sand. He couldn’t balance, though, immediately grabbing onto your shoulders. 
“You have gotten tall.” He didn’t let you get another word in before grabbing you by the sleeves of your damp pyjama shirt and pulling you into his chest.
Being tackled into the scratchy sand just as you’ve gotten it all off, was not a pleasant feeling. Having your father's weight crunching into your arm wasn’t any better. But you were by no means going to say anything as your mother shouted and cried above you while shaking the shoulders of your father.
Iwaizumi arrived, making your brow pinch together.
“I am missing some information.”
He grabbed your free arm, tugging you from beneath your parents and back onto your legs. You watched as your father sat up and tightly wrapped his arms around your mother's quivering shoulders.
“I’ve never seen her like this.”
“She jumped into the murky city water when he showed up.”
Iwazumi tried to stifle a laugh at the look of horror you gave him, eye twitching at the thought of your mother doing something she had vehemently avoided previously.
“You’re joking.”
“I’m not. Come on, let's give them some space.”
You sat between Iwaizumi and Hanni, with Oikawa at his best friend's side, watching the sunset in the distance, and your parents who remained on the sand.
Setting your head on Iwaizumi’s shoulder, you yawned.
“Need to take a dip?” he asked.
“Nah, I just want to sleep. We’ll have to get my… dad home, though. He can’t walk right now.”
“Will he be able to?” Hanni asked.
“He’s got muscle tone. So maybe. But we’ve still got my grandmother’s old wheelchair just got to dust it off.”
“Well,” Oikawa got to his feet, “I don’t know about you losers, but I fancy myself a splash. Be right back!”
Hanni sighed, looking at you and Iwaizumi before getting up herself. “Might as well follow,” she shrugged before taking off after Oikawa to the shore.
“I guess I should thank you.”
“What for?” Iwaizumi asked, turning his head to meet your eyes. You smiled gently up at him.
“If we never met, this never would have happened. You led me to this, and I’m glad you did.”
Iwaizumi hummed, patting a hand on your knee. “If you think about it,” he stood, making your head fall from his shoulder before offering you his hand, “It was really you that caused this to happen. You came to me first.”
You took his hand and let him lead you to the shimmering water.
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“Hajime, I love you and all, But, I think your confidence in being able to teach me to swim might be a bit overconfident.” You winced, slowly walking through the waist-high pool water of your high school.
“They’re not kidding, I’ve seen it. (Y/N) looks like a drenched cat trying to get out of a slippery bathtub,” Hanni said, kicking her legs in the water to splash Oikawa, who was trying to goad her in and join him.
Iwaizumi held our forearms firmly, pulling you deeper until you were on your tiptoes. “What kind of merman would I be if I didn’t try?”
“Well,” you dragged. “You did try to teach me how to swim with a tail.”
“And I did a good job.”
“I still get swept away by the current, and can’t keep my balance.”
“Come on, just try. Lean forward and kick your legs back, I’ll hold you up.”
Following the instructions, you tipped until your chin hit the water and let your legs float up behind you. Iwazumi gave you a toothy grin and began to walk backwards around the shallow end of the pool. Dipping your nose below the water, you hoped that it would disguise any visible flustering he caused.
“Good, now start kicking, start the movement in your hip, not your knees.” 
Again, you followed, fully submerging your face before lifting it again to breath.
“Hanni, come on!” Oikawa tugged Hanni’s arm, with his leg propped on the side of the pool for leverage.
“No way!”
“Get in!”
With another shove against the tiled wall, Oikawa launched back, taking Hanni with him, and crashed into Iwaizumi’s back. Which, sent the boy into you and shoved your head below water.
“Oikawa, you idiot!”
You choked, water spraying out of your nose and mouth as Hanni lifted your head above water.
“I think I’ll stick to salt water. Oh god, it burns.”
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…now what do I write? …. Wine and Movie!! - Bacon 
YES write wine and movie – Kiwi 
Posted: 12/02/2023
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myththefangirl · 1 year
Run away with Me (Pt. 2)
Crowley always had to be so complicated, didn't he? So stubborn, so magnificent- Anyway, the angel wasn't going to run away with him. No matter what. He had a duty here on earth, and if Crowley didn't want to help him and would rather leave him, that was just fine. Fine. Atleast, that was what he kept telling himself. Truth was, that the angel was not at all prepared for three words that came from Crowley, and the conversation that would ensure. Who could have thought that three words would let all Hell run loose between a friendship of 6000 years? (2/2)
Here it is on Ao3!
Yep! I'm now on Ao3- so be sure to go and say hello over there folks!
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Welcome to Nowhere: Betrayal- pt. 2
You startle awake, leaping up off the floor only to immediately trip over your own feet. 
“Careful there,” Mr. Rotary’s sardonic voice says. “You don’t want to hurt yourself even more, now do you?”
Slowly, you rise back to your feet, using Mr. Rotary’s desk as a prop to help you up. What the hell happened? Why are you here?
“Now then,” Mr. Rotary says, a hint of anger lacing his voice. “Care to explain what it is you were doing in,” he pauses, thinking for a moment while he swishes the wine in his glass back and forth. “... restricted areas?”
You stay silent, trying to piece together what happened. 
“Just tell me!” Mr. Rotary snaps, slamming his glass against the desk, causing three blood-red droplets to spill out onto the many pieces of paper scattered on its surface. 
You flinch, shocked by the sudden outburst. He expects an answer now- and you certainly can’t tell him the truth. 
“I… got lost,” you mutter weakly. It isn’t entirely a lie, and you feel it’s a reasonable explanation, given your location at the time. 
“You got lost?” Mr. Rotary says skeptically, picking his glass of wine back up off the desk. “Really? You got lost while delivering a package that had detailed instructions telling you exactly where you needed to go. And you expect me to believe this?”
“Well, Sir,” you say, trying to look and sound as meek as possible. “In my defense, your elevator system is very confusing.”
He scoffs, looking at you in disbelief. “Okay, fine,” he says. “You just so happened to get lost. Sure, why not? If that’s the case, then why don’t you explain to me why you were found in an area only accessible if you go through…” he trails off, not wanting to give away any important information. 
He’s talking about the room where he keeps his contracts, of course. 
“I’m sorry, Sir,” you say, trying to come up with a good lie on the spot. It’s harder than it looks. “One of my co-workers and I were delivering our packages together, since we had nearly the exact same instructions. We both got a little turned around and we ended up in this room filled with paperwork. She suggested we split up and had me go down the empty elevator shaft. I’m terribly sorry, I lost my package during the fall.” 
You really shouldn’t be throwing Felicity under the bus like this. It puts her in a lot of danger. Even if she did push you, you don’t know all the facts of the situation. You don’t actually know if she’s a traitor or not.
“Hmmmn,” Mr. Rotary muses. “And who is this co-worker?”
But right now you need to save your own skin.
“Felicity, Sir,” you say, feeling an immense wave of guilt wash over you. 
Mr. Rotary goes silent, looking shocked. “A-are you sure,” he stutters uncharacteristically. 
You’d be lying if you were to say that seeing him so caught off guard doesn’t bring you some sense of joy. 
“Yes?” You say, trying to look as innocent and naive as possible. “Is something wrong, sir?”
“No, nothings wrong,” he says, taking a drink from his wine. 
You grimace. Mr. Rotary drinking looks… incredibly strange to you. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that he doesn’t actually have a mouth… or even a proper face. 
“You know,” Mr. Rotary says, the anger returning to his voice. “I have given you dozens of chances, and yet you somehow manage to mess each and every one of them up.”
You blink at him, trying to look surprised. “Sorry? I- I didn’t realize,” you say. “I can’t seem to recall…”
“Of course you don’t,” he says, waving his hand dismissively at you. “Of course you don’t…” he trails off again, looking at you intensely. “Anyway,” he says, snapping back to reality. “As I was saying, I should have you fired for your incompetence at this point. You know,” he says, a devilish tone of glee creeping into his voice. “That’s who you heard on the phone, earlier. Those who have been fired.”
… Well shit. 
“But I’m not going to fire you,” he says with a sigh. “You’re one of my most productive employees, here at Dispassion Offices.”
Really? That comes as a surprise. Given how slow and methodical everything you did was, you would have assumed that you’re one of the worst performing employees. 
“Still,” he continues. “I cannot allow you to continue to work outside your cubicle- for obvious reasons.  It seems that you’re meant for paperwork.”
“Thank you so much Sir,” you say,  “Thank you for giving me another chance.” Thank you for believing my bullshit. You pause, trying to decide if you should amp up the act even more. “Really, thank you.”
“Uh-huh,” he says, not even looking at you. “Now get to work.”
Without anything else to do, you head back to your cubicle to get some work done. As per usual, all the writing is gibberish. Your legs are twitching, and you keep clenching and unclenching your fists over and over as you work. You feel itchy. You want to get up, to find the others and tell them what happened. But you can’t do anything- not right now. Just leaving your cubicle would raise suspicion, and you can’t risk that at the moment. 
Instead, you’ll leave your cubicle later, when you’re sure no one has their eyes on you. You’ll print off some paperwork, and head to the elevator. You’ll pretend that you need something from someone in another department. You’ve done just that plenty of times in the past, so you doubt anyone will question you. Then, you’d use what you know of the elevator system to get to the gas station, where Emerson, Aderyn, and presumably the rest of the others will be waiting. 
Until then though, you work, letting the familiar state of misery and drowsiness take control.
Time passes somehow both quickly and slowly at once as you work, and soon, (or not) you’re leaving your desk, carrying a small stack of paperwork with you to the elevator. You were right, no one stops to question you when you enter. In fact, no one seems to even notice you. Everyone else is walking in circles, tired and mindless, while your own melancholy is rapidly dissipating to make way for adrenaline. What’s going to happen next?
When you finally arrive at the gas station, it’s still night there. You wonder if the sun ever shines here. 
… Poor Aderyn.
Much to your surprise, the moment you enter the building, the first thing you see is Emerson’s tear-stricken face. 
“R-rue?” They sniffle, looking at you in shock the moment you pass through the door. 
Aderyn snaps her head up, looking directly at you. She too, has tears streaking down her face. 
“Holy shit,” she whispers.
Without another word, Emerson runs toward you, locking you in a tight, slimy embrace.
“Uuuuh… hi,” you say, a little caught off guard by everyone’s strange behavior. 
Lucas, Ollie, Ava, Jenny, Caitlyn, and Bianca are all staring at you in shock, while Aderyn is hovering just behind Emerson, waiting her turn to hug you. 
Felicity isn’t here. 
“So, uhm,” you stutter, gently pushing Emerson away. “What’s this all about?”
Jenny sniffles, rising to her feet. “Well,” she says, “E-earlier, when Ava and I met up with Felicity again, she told us what happened. And- oh, I’m just so glad you’re alive!”
You hesitate, looking at everyone’s faces. 
“Why… wouldn’t I be?” You ask, speaking slowly. 
“What do you mean?” Ava asks, her roses turning a sort of gold color. You think it signifies some sort of relief. 
“What exactly did Felicity tell you?” You ask, regarding everyone with a sense of concern. 
“Well,” Jenny says, regaining some of her composure. “Earlier, we met up and she told us that you had been exploring some restricted areas together, and then… security showed up. Felicity told us that she was able to hide before they noticed her, but they dragged you away… and- well, may have killed you. Ava and I, we uh- made the announcement since Felicity isn’t here yet.”
A small chuckle escapes you. “Is that so?”
Jenny and Ava share a concerned look, while everyone else just looks shocked or perturbed. 
“...Yes?” Ava says at last, looking extremely confused. 
“Well,” you say, starting to feel a little angry. “That’s certainly not what happened.” You reach into your pocket, pulling out the tiny slip of paper. To your surprise, that’s not the only thing that comes out of your pocket. There’s a small roll of interconnected, faded tickets. Where did these come from? 
That isn’t important right now. You throw the tiny scrap of paper on the floor, so that everyone can see it. 
“Rue,” Aderyn says slowly. “What is this?”
“When you showed us the burnt remains of everyone’s old journals, this scrap of paper was among everything else. I hid it because I didn’t think it would be a good idea for everyone to be at each other's throats, especially when we didn’t have any context for why it was written.”
“Right,” Lucas says slowly. “That makes sense. We still don’t have any context though, so why are you telling us now?” 
Ollie nods along next to him. 
“Because,” you say, “I think it might provide some context as to what I’m about to tell you next. Felicity and I found where Mr. Rotary keeps his contracts.”
Ava looks up at you, shocked. “Sh- she didn’t tell us that…” she stutters. 
“I don’t think she wants you guys to know- and I say this because right after we found it she pushed me down an elevator shaft, and left me for dead.”
Everyone stares at you, saying nothing.
“No… '' Ava mutters after a moment. “No, she wouldn’t do that.”
You shake your head. “But she did. Now, it looks super suspicious, but we don’t really have any-”
“Of course!” Bianca shouts, the static on her TV screen briefly glitching. “Of course there was a rat! Of course! That’s why our plans must have always failed before! That’s why we kept being reset! That’s why-”
The gas station door jingles as none other than Felicity herself walks through the door. She takes one look at the room- and at you, and mutters something under her breath. “Fuck.”
No one says anything, not at first. All eyes are locked on Felicity, and Felicity’s eyes are locked on yours. 
“Rue!” She says cheerfully. “I’m so glad you're okay!”
“Don’t,” Adeyrn growls, glowering at her. “Don’t lie, just explain.”
Felicity steps back. “Look,” she says. “I don’t know what they’ve told you- but they’re lying, okay?”
Bianca scoffs. “What possible reason would they have to lie?”
“You hardly even know them!” Felicity cries out incredulously.  “They could have a million reasons to lie for all we know!”
Ollie shoots you a doubtful look, shakes their eye-head, and turns back to Felicity. “Do they though?” They ask, starting to sound irritated. “Think about it, what could they possibly have to gain for making up some story about a traitor? They have absolutely nothing to gain from working with Mr. Rotary. They want to leave with their friends- and Mr. Rotary would never allow that to happen.”
“You don’t know that,” Felicity says, taking a deep breath. She’s trying to remain calm, you think.  “Besides, if they have nothing to gain, than what could I possibly want from some kind of fucked-up bargain with Bianca’s dad.”
“You…” Caitlyn hesitates, looking at Felicity with worry etched across her rabbit-features. “You have everything to gain.”
“C’mon,” she scoffs. “No I don’t.”
“Actually,” Lucas says, chiming in. “I think you do. We’ve known you pretty much our whole lives, even if we weren’t always friends. You’ve always spent so much energy on licking our employer’s boots. You want power- and you want respect. On top of that, if Mr. Rotary has a special use for you, you can get away with a lot more without being fired. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you slacking off in the office.”
“We all slack off in the office though,” Ava says, her voice cracking. “She wouldn’t do this.”
Lucas shakes his head. “We slack off in the office- she never has. So why would she start all of a sudden?”
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Ava protests, sounding almost like she’s begging. “She wouldn’t do that,” she repeats. “She wouldn’t do anything to hurt us.”
Felicity’s gaze softens when her eyes land on Ava. “You’re right,” she whispers. “I would never do anything to hurt you.”
She turns, glowering at you. She glances around, trying to gauge everyone’s emotions. It becomes very clear that Ava is the only one on her side. 
“Fine,” she says, relenting. “I may have pushed Rue, but-”
“So, you admit it,” Adeyn says, glaring at her. “You tried to kill my friend.” 
“I did not try to kill Rue!” Felicity protests. “I just tried to… get them out of the way.”
“Get them out of the way for what?” Caitlyn says, her voice trembling with rage.  “What were they in the way of?” 
“Her backstabbing plans,” Jenny says with a scoff. 
“What?” No-” Felicity stops, raking her paws through her fur. “Look,” she says, taking a step forward. “I’m sorry I pushed you but Jerrell-”
“Oh, Jerrell?” Ollie says, rolling their eye. “You mean the guy who Mr. Rotary’s always calling? The guy Mr. Rotary is having a fucking affair with?”
Bianca glowers angrily. “Fucking Jerrell. Really? I can’t believe we even allowed him to come anywhere near us- he and my dad clearly have some kind of deal between them. And so do you, apparently.”
“I don’t!” Felicity cries out in protest, throwing her paws into the air. “If you would just-”
“Enough with the bullshit!” Jenny shouts, cutting her off. 
“Guys…” Ava mutters, sounding miserable. “Please, just… stop.”
No one seems to hear her. 
Felicity steps toward you again. “Look,” she says, reaching out one of her paws toward you. “I’m sorry I pushed you, but you know I’m not some kind of traitor, don’t you? You-”
Emerson steps in front of you placing their hand against your chest. “Don’t you come near them,” they growl, sounding angrier than he ever has in all the time you’ve known him. “Get out.”
“But I-”
“No,” Bianca says, her static sounding a lot less soothing than you’re familiar with. “Get out. Stay away from us.”
“Guys,” Ava whimpers. “Please…”
Felicity stares at you all for a moment, completely flabbergasted. She glances around the room, seeing that the only emotion on everyone’s face is rage. 
“Fine then,” she says, her voice breaking a little. Her eyes are wet. She turns sound, leaving the gas station and heading back toward the elevator. 
Jenny, Bianca, and Lucas start speaking to each other in hushed, angry whispers while Caitlyn watches Felicity leave. Aderyn paces back and forth, muttering to herself. Ollie looks down at their own hands, and Emerson places a gooey hand on your shoulder. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. 
Ava lets out a quiet sob in the corner of the room, curling herself up into a ball. 
And you do absolutely nothing.
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
The Dark Beginnings ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 0 Pt. 18 (2/2) ~
"At San Francisco..."
[The Base - Tomoya Ohtani]
Sonic : Uh-oh. Shoot! We dozed off at City hall.
Soul Evans : Not sh*t! Sherlock!
Sonic : I never agree that I had found that reaper knocked us out cold! But it's good that he's giving us the creeps for whatever those robots put sleeping gas on us.
Soul Evans : Great! And now even worse, Maka Albarn is gone! If it wasn't for that stupid demon none of this would happen!
Sonic : So what? Why do you even trust that girl she has no connection for you or those robots at once. But all we know is that she dropped this weird mysterious "Key" on the ground.
Soul Evans : I don't remember a key on the ground.
Sonic : By any means chance, where would they have a key that dropped? If this might be her key, then who's this belong to? (Unknown to them is Phanto behind them)
Phanto : Hahahaha! That there key belongs to the daughter of the Great Lord Phanto, and it is a sacred treasure that non shall open the doors! Hand over that key right now and I will let you proceed to see his daughter! Hahahahaha!
Sonic : (looks at each other) ...Uhhh, un-second thought...we should probably run for our lives now. (Cuts to them running from the Phantos)
[True Last Boss - Sota Fujimori]
Sonic : We gotta loose these guys! They're playing to much cat and mouse!
Soul Evans : We're gonna be turned into shreds if we don't find a way to make those things to get lost for their selves! Getting chased by a bunch of masks is too much for you too ask!
Phanto : Get them! Do not loose the sacred treasure from us!
Soul Evans : *panting* So Maka Albarn's a relative to those guys!? What in the sweet hell was I thinking!? Maka Albarn, a Phanto? Does her and those floating mask thingies are some how connected?
Sonic : Ask Mario! He'll know what to do!? Let's keep running like the road runners!
Soul Evans : Good Idea! (the two speeds up)
Sonic : There's no end to the guys, is there!?
Soul Evans : So much for you two ask! Quick! Through that Giant Ring! (the two entering through the ring)
Sonic : YEAH! We finally made it!
Soul Evans : We ditched them mask guys! Never thought that we had the chance. Hey, what area did we loose them anyway?
(It is revealed that the two are shown at Sky Rail with the sign that says "WELCOME TO SKY RAIL AKA PUMPKIN HILL AT DAY!")
*Hawk screeching*
Soul Evans : AH, COME ON!
Shadow : Hey! I'm right here you know! I bet you can easily grind on the rails with some Soap Shoes if you know what I mean! It has the ability to grind on rails!
Soul Evans : Just give me a pair of Soap Shoes, please!
"One venture through Sky Rail Zone later..."
Sonic : Drats! Maka Albarn isn't here in Sky Rail Zone or Pumpkin Hill. I wonder could she be? I know just one place where we could find the girl that you met in San Francisco. That's why I have the map for Real World Au/Slash Mobius.
Soul Evans : This is the map between Real World AU and Mobius. Where did they take Maka Albarn at? So what place did your ancestor took her to be secured by the Eggman Robots? Hmm? What's this? I found Maka Albarn's location she was meant to be imprisoned...Hang Castle Zone.
Knuckles : (via radio) Sonic! This is Knuckles! Your relative would like to have a word with you! Eggman's planning an army to conquer but before that! We would like to have a word with the reaper and he knows about Maka Albarn from the phantom guy named Makoto! Head to the Hang Castle Zone and meet with the reaper!
Sonic : Yeah, that's great, Knuckles! But how do we get to Hang Castle?
Soul Evans : [thinking] Hmmm...
"Stage 11 : Hang Castle Zone"
[Stage 11 : Hang Castle (OST) - Tomoya Ohtani]
Tails : Sonic. You sure this is where the reaper lives here?
Sonic : I heard that he took the girl by mistake and was imprisoned for the crimes that she did not commit! This has got to be the right place.
Knuckles : Maybe if it wasn't for Shadow's death, he would've come here and spooked for all us!
Tails : (gets spooked) Uwaah!? Stop it, Knuckles!
Soul Evans : Wow! This entire castle's really enourmous! The reaper lives here?
Sonic : You mean "This place is really huge"!
Tails : Yeah, but this place is crawling with Eggman Robots. Are you sure they are really guards of the castle?
Knuckles : Never thought that Grim made a deal with Eggman! He knows that he took that robot's body of his and became the reaper that he existed before. Now we're just play a little visit. And meet the reaper and let's just do it as we please it!
Soul Evans : Technically I always wanted to feel Maka Albarn that way, and I would hope that I should give myself a second chance. So why does Grim wanted Maka anyway in the first place. It doesn't get weirder and weirder than this if we all know that the whole Soul Eater thing that the author got it from PSO is a classic pain in the ass.
Tails : Woah! Do you guys feel that? That sounded it's Chaos in his perfect form again!
[Cutscene : Tense - Seirou Okamoto]
Knuckles : Hey, you're right, tails! Station Square was destroyed in Chaos's attack on Mobius, why is SEGA is still reusing the sound for the roars of the Biolizard!?
Grim (on P.A) : This Mobian Death God Grim, reporting to you all. The Meister that Soul Eaters Evans met isn't what he expected. The Planet was vibrating because of the girl's that is triggering her heart with Rage and sadness! She is one the rare and deadly warriors that has the power to destroy people's hearts and bring destruction all over the world! And is determine to keep the planet shaking before the collision course!
Sonic : Hold on, we'll be right!
(Scene flips to Mysyic Mansion)
Sonic : Okay! We're here! We brought someone along with us!
Soul Evans : Yo!
Butler Pawn : Ahh, visitors. Welcome to the Mystic Mansion. I am the butler of this here castle and I serve the Reaper's aid. We decided that female mobians are allowed to enter the castle. But female humans aren't. So that's why decided to take their shoes (Shows Maka's Iconic boots)
Soul Evans : Hey, are those...
Sonic : There's maka's boots! So Maka Albarn kept barefooted in this giant, spooky, haunted place where Grim resides?
Butler Pawn : Indeed. We feared that using footwear in the palace requries alot of messes in the place, so we had to take these off her feet. She can have these back if she proves her innocence by shedding her identity!
Sonic : But why is that to shed her identity? Doesn't that mean hiding the identity by no point?
Soul Evans : Oh man! I am gonna give that reaper a piece of my mind for what she did to Maka! (tries to turn into a scythe, but Grim L-cancels by grabbing his arm)
Grim : Oh no you don't! (does a judo flip) I told you about doing that! You were going to turn into a tool to Shinra Kusakabe! You're a human with a shark face and you have no ability to turn into weapons. So that's why we reapers of the planet decided to cease the power system that existed from Soul World! Which is human only!
Soul Evans : Come on, Reaper! What gives! Why did you cease the ability to let me turn into a weapon?!
Grim : Because I revealed the dark secret of the Mabuki or those so-called Demon Weapons coined by the witches! Here's the truth! The Mabuki weren't the witches creations, it was humans who committed a sin for using alchemy! The Charlatan that brought the Demon Weapons to life is a Dokeshi named Shotaro, also known as the so-called God of Death, who was the profounding body of Shinra's man-made son, Death!
Soul Evans : WAIT A SEC!? ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT WE, DEMON WEAPONS, ARE CREATED FROM PEOPLE WHO COMMITTED THEIR SINS FOR USING ALCHEMY!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT BEFORE!?! So that's why we youths have been turning into weapons! It was that kid named Shotaro was it!?
Sonic : So you and the other reapers made a wish to cease Demon Weapon power system! Why Alchemy!? Are the individuals were idiots too!? So that's why characters have the ability to turn everyone into weapons, because the mabuki aren't humans at all, they were originally...
Tails : Bones! The Demon Weapons are originally bones from Shotaro, who is actually the human form of a Yokai named Crazy Bones!
Knuckles : That stupid author! I knew he was playing god with everyone in Real World the entire time! But, you made that wish but how did the witches knew that Alchemy was responsible for the demon weapon power system!
Sonic : And it's all because of Edward Elric! He pulled the ultimate taboo for using alchemy and Truth costs him an arm leg, except for his brother who transferred his soul to an armor that can't sleep.
Knuckles : And to think that there's no such thing is madness in the real world. Maybe the Greeks had something to do with it.
Tails : You're absolutely right about that, there was Madness in greece. But what's with the Planet vibrating and Perfect Chaos's cries. Is it the Meister?
Grim : You think the meister name Maka would have that courgae to defeat gods like me that is doing to this planet. She's no ordinary meister, the vibration, Perfect Chaos' cries, that was her powers that is doing it. Because she's a Shattered Meister and an heir to an alien race called the Phantonians!
Soul Evans : Okay! Do I hear five and what is exactly a Shattered Meister.
Grim : I'll tell you.
[Luigi's Mansion Theme plays]
Grim : Long story short and this is what I'm talking you about this. Didn't you realize that Shattered Meister is the name of a warrior that is filled with Anger and sadness?
Knuckles : A Shattered Meister, you say? That's sounds kinda creepy. So I bet it was the girl that was causing Perfect Chaos's cries and the planet vibrating. This hadn't been so much to the planet since we stopped the Space Colony Ark two years ago.
Tails : That explains why Maka Albarn was both so Angry and sad, it's because people on earth mistreated her or young children that teased her. In fact, teasing is the definition for bullying. Count me in on that one. So, Sonic do you know what would cause the power of this Shattered Meister. What might be the cause of Maka Albarn's powers that's vibrating the planet and mimic Perfect Chaos's cries? What could be the result of that?
Sonic : Anger and Sadness. That's what Tikal said when she told me about Chaos destroying Station Square during the attack in 1998.s
(flashes to an image that shows Sonic and Tikal during Perfect' Chaos's Attack on Station Square)
Tikal : My heart has always been in the Master Emerald, along with Chaos'. Now he's filled with anger and sadness.
*flashback ends*
[The Past - Kenichi Tokoi]
Sonic : Anger and Sadness...that's it! Someone combined the Anger and Sadness in the heart has created a deadly force that will destroy everything!
Grim : Yes and I know who created it. A witch from the Ohkuboverse that created a deadly power system that affiliated with Blood Magic to make human beings into powerful warriors that are rare and yet deadly. We call it the Shattered Meister. A very rare unique warrior that has the power to shatter people's hearts and bring destruction. The are very equivalent to the Shattered Soldiers, other warriors that were gifted from the unknown despair that was originated from an event called the Great Tragedy. Despair was still the key to open darkness from it's doors. The witch's name was Inca Kasugatani, the true mother of witchkind and relative to another Shattered Meister, the one that works in a force goes by the name Kimial Diehl.
Soul Evans : No...It can't be! How can you expose me with Truth? Why does Truth always happen to me like this!
Soul Evans : Ngh! Curse the truth! It pains me to spread truth to everything that the Ohkuboverse is a fraud! And I'm a fraud! I'm nothing more than a backstabbing Mob-flipping cockroach! (grunting) *THUD!*
Sonic : Hey, buddy! What's wrong! You okay!?
Knuckles : Oh no! It's starting happen! When a person's heart is being filled with Anger and Sadness, this power of their's will destroy everything on the planet, including people's hearts!
Soul Evans : It hurts! The Truth hurts! Why did I become a stubborn loser! (holds head in pain) So much PAAAAAAIIIN!!! THE PAIN! THE PAIN! TRUTH HURTS! TRUTH IS HURTING IS MEEEEEEEEE!!!
Sonic : Now I remember where Perfect Chaos's cries coming from, it's these guys! That's the power when Anger and Sadness combines! Does this make this dude, a Shattered Soldier?
Grim : Yes! And it's thanks to the Kasugatani! How on earth would hold that power that will destroy everything including people's hearts! So it is my suggestion that the Ohkuboverse has been nothing more than playing it's tricks on the Real World. So get the truth spreaded to the Real World, i better make an opinion if the DWMA is exactly a facade to another organization that the Kusakabe was hiding something. I'll go get Maka to wake up. She's still in the dream world, regaining her courage to stop the forces of true evil itself! Heartless their moral enemies. Justice to Grim will be served!
~ Prologue 18.5 : Might of the Shattered Soldier ~
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
Dark Horse ;; pt. 2.
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↳ Summary. This is just a second part of this because my lovely Gin Anon asked me for it. I hope the fluff don’t overshadow the bickering and “funny” stuff. Luv ya.
↳ Pairing. Tenjiku! Ran Haitani.
↳ Warnings. None.
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Now let me tell you something.
Did Ran got the girl? He did, yeah but it wasn’t easy. He couldn’t quite pinpoint where they were at all; it wasn’t enemies, but they weren’t friends either, she didn’t hate him, but she didn’t love him either. They were just… gang members, yeah, that.
And the way they got closer was actually in an odd way. Ran was in Shibuya looking for her, as usual, and ended up being intercepted by at least 15 guys who knew who he was and wanted to beat him to pulp since he was alone. Now, he was strong and he can fight very well, but all the guys were his height, if not taller. At some point he would start losing and he knows that.
Till she comes into the scene, getting in front of Ran, so close that her back was pressed against him.
“Uh, what are you guys doing with my date?” She asks them, feigning confusion. Ran lets his head fall back to smile.
“Y-Your date? He’s a Haitani.” One of them says in a cold tone.
“And you’re weak, are we done here?” She says in the same bored tone she used the day she fought Ran.
“Careful, be—,”
“Listen, if you want to fight, say it and I might take the time to let you past recovery,” She rolls her eyes. “I’m going to remind you that I’m the only person that’s not in the fifth unit but is still allowed to infight. Also, that’s gonna be a good story to tell our leader when he comes to my house later.”
They start blabbering a bunch of apologies while going on their way, Ran chuckles, walking till he’s in front of her.
“So, you weren’t acting the day of the fight, uh? You truly sound like death itself.” She doesn’t hide the small smile that breaks on her face.
“Your welcome, Haitani.”
“It was cute, and hot as hell, watching you protect me like that, but you know that I’m a whole foot taller than you, right?” She rolls her eyes, turning around to go back to the cafe she was spending her afternoon. He grabs her arm, stopping. “atta atta girl, I was joking. I’m sorry.”
“Can you let me go?” She says, motioning to his hand. He shakes his head.
“You said I was your date, so let’s have it.”
“Have this date with me and if I make you uncomfortable I’ll leave you alone,” She looks at him deadpan. “I've been after you for five months now. Give me this chance.”
She nods and that’s all he needs.
The date went nice and he managed to make her laugh a lot, which in Ran Haitani language means they were closer already, and so he would go everyday to the cafe where she works. He would sit on a corner in where he knows she would have to take his order, but he doesn’t bother her to the point where she can’t do her job.
“What are you doing here today, Haitani?” She says in a bored tone.
“I came to see you, as usual.” He smiles, resting his chin on his hands.
“We already had a date.” She says while writing what he wants. He always lets her choose for him.
“And I want more, you know that.” He says and she hums.
After finishing writing his order she looks at him for a couple seconds. She lifts her hand and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. He is frozen, in shock, while she doesn’t have an expression.
“Take me home after my shift.” It’s all she says before going back to work.
He’s delighted at this, so he waits. He waits patiently for half an hour till she looks at him and motions him to the door.
When outside they start walking in a comfortable silence, in all these months he understood that with her he can’t play silly games, she doesn’t give a fuck if he’s powerful or not. She can beat his ass anyway.
“Ah, this is good.” He says to himself when they walk to a park. They sit on a bench. “I’m getting closer with my girl, on this—,”
“I’m not your girl.”
“You are literally my girl.”
“I don’t even like you.”
“You love me.”
“I’m about to whoop your ass again.”
“And I’m going to enjoy it.” She sighs and he smiles. “I like you.”
“All of this because of me beating your ass? Damn, Haitani.” She laughs and he does too.
“Yes, very much,” She hums and he gets a little more serious. “I thought it was because of the shock of getting knocked the fuck out on a fight by a person that wasn’t calculated to be a fighter, but then I started coming to your territory frequently and found out about your soft side. I liked the way you treated customers and how relaxed you looked when your members were customers. I want that, but I also found out that the way to get to you is to let you set your own pace.”
She hums.
“So you figured it out.” He looks at her and she gives him a small smile. “You being the older Haitani, one of the heavenly four, one of the kings of Roppongi doesn’t mean nothing to me.”
“I know.” He nods.
“But you kept going after me,” She frowns with a confused smile.
“Cause I like you,” He whispers without shame. “And I want to be your man.”
She hums and rests her head on his shoulder, he knows she’s smiling and she knows he’s trying to contain his happiness.
“See? You’re literally my girl.” He whispers and she groans.
“Don’t be annoying.”
“Say it then.”
“I’m your girl.”
“Now it’s official so I can say it whenever I want.” She groans again.
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🔖: @saturnmitsuya @melaninnntae @izvana @milliumizoomi @haitanigigi @ccxiia @keimisan @welkinmoongrab @yunho-leeknow @dai-tsukki-desu @manjiroarchiviste
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Twisting Time (Pt. 2)
(Part 1)
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Everything is blinding white. Your head is buzzing, your entire body numb and floating. Yet somehow you remember this sort of feeling. After it clears out and you come to your senses you see Diavolo, standing before you with welcoming arms.
Diavolo: Welcome to Devildom, MC! You've been chosen to be an exchange student from the Human Realm in R.A.D. I'm Diavolo, the crown Prince of Hell. Pleased to have you here.
Back to the very start. Look out demons, it's time for the bad route.
You watch as the all the brothers line up, introducing themselves. You chuckle, trying to hide a knowing smile. You know them already, and you know them so well. They've gone from acquaintances to friends to crushes to bystanders of your demise.
MC: Hi I'm MC. Nice to meet you! Hope we have a good year together!
Lucifer: You're taking this rather well for a human.
MC: You all don't look too different from humans.
Asmo: Oh now I wonder how you would react to our demon forms, cutie.
Satan: Asmo please they just got here. We're here to show you around if you need us.
Levi: Whatever normies. I'm going back to my room.
Mammon: And I'm a very busy guy so try not to bother me too much!
You look for Barbatos and find him smiling at you pleasantly. Was he this quiet the first time around?
Barbatos: Let me show you to your room, MC. Come with me.
MC: Thank you, Barbatos. Really appreciate your help.
Barbatos: *chuckles* Indeed you must really be grateful to already know my name when I didn't even introduce myself.
MC: I-
Barbatos: *comes closer and whispers* It's okay. I know.
MC: Are you the same one who helped me get here?
Barbatos: No that's a different version of me in a different time line. But my powers transcend time so I knew that you were coming.
MC: I understood very little.
Barbatos: *laughs* You'll understand in due time. Now which brother will go for first?
MC: The one who brags about it most of course. Dear old Mammon.
MC: *fidgeting in the freezer* Beelzebub? Can you help me with something?
Beel: You need something from the freezer MC?
MC: Yes there seems to be something frozen in that big chunk of ice can you help me get it?
Beel: Oh I see it. *breaks into ice and brings it out* Eh? This doesn't look edible. Anyways I'm late for my work out see you later. *leaves*
MC: It looks like a credit card. It's a pretty color too, so shiny and-
MC: Oh is this yours Mammon? It was in the freezer.
Mammon: Yes yes gimme it! I can't believe Lucifer would freeze it of all things!
MC: Will you make a pact with me in return?
Mammon: What? How do ya even know what a pact is?
MC: A pact is a bond of loyalty isn't it? That means we'll help each other out whenever we need? *sweet smile*
Mammon: *blushes* Oh if that's what ya know then.. sure we have a pact! But I won't pay ya Grimm!
MC: That's okay I don't want it! However...
Mammon: H-hey what are ya doing coming this close?
MC: *whispers* Don't tell anyone about this pact.
Mammon: *blushes* O-okay I won't. Noone will know.
MC: Such a good demon you are! Thank you!
One down. Six more to go.
This time around there will be no unpleasantries and unwanted attacks. Not even from Lucifer and Belphegor himself. This time you all will truly OBEY ME.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
Ep. Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse and manipulation, slice of life(ish), manga spoilers!!
A/N: Ok so this is just what I daydream about, and since ima tv addict, I’m involving some “Avatar: The Last Airbender” related things, but a little different. This is more of an introduction to our character but I hope you enjoy!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Summary: It’s Y/N’s first day at UA.....as a “former” villain
“Y/N L/N. She’s a new transfer student. Treat her with your respect and do your best to take care of her.” The tired teacher spoke.
“.......Hey. Please treat me well.” The intimidating girl said as she bowed in respect.
Now if you were to see Y/N on the streets as a stranger, you wouldn’t even think she would have this threatening aura. The class agreed. She’s gorgeous. From a far, you would think she’s a sweetheart, But the girl had a cold, calm stare in her E/C eyes. There was actually no way to describe it. It was just chilling to the bone.
Not only that, but it was clear you were a little rebel. Mainly because of the way you decided to change up your uniform. Your sleeves were torn off to make your button up top some sort of tight fitted turtle neck with a tie that was complimenting your busty figure. Especially since it was tightly tucked into your skirt, pressing against your torso instead of loosely sitting in there like the other girls. You also added a small dark brown belt to cover where your skirt and top meet. Your waist gave the perfect show of how curvaceous you truly were. Your thighs were deliciously thick and your ass must’ve been a perfect peach, considering it caused your skirt to seem a little too small for you. Instead of the typical shoes and knee high socks, you opted for thigh high dark brown leather boots that folded at the top to match your belt. No heel though, of course. Gotta keep it casual. You finished off your rebellious look with a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. Do you look like trouble? Yup. Do you look hot as hell though? You bet.
“You may be seated next to Katsuki Bakugou.” Your new teacher spoke. Before anybody else could give an indication of who this “Bakugou” boy was, an electric blonde spoke up.
“Be careful with that one pretty lady, he’s our resident hot head.” The boy spoke while the entire class giggled.
“Shut it dunce face.” Your eyes shifted from one blonde to another. This time with a spiky head of ash blonde hair and piercing red eyes. As you walk towards your new seat, you made eye contact with the spiky blonde, you saw the look on his face. Just like everyone else, a face of fear and shock, except this time the person didn’t know who you were.
Bakugou could definitely say upon first glance, you were definitely something fierce. It threw him off just how powerful your presence was. He quickly turned away as you took your seat.
As class began, everyone had their eyes on Y/N. Some admiring her beauty, others wary of her aura, and some too nervous to mention their newfound fear of her. In the middle of Mr. Aizawa’s boring lecture, a scratch at the door could be heard.
‘A scratch?’ Everyone thought. But Y/N knew exactly who it was.
When Mr. Aizawa went to open the door, in came what appears to be a wolf-dog. Mr. Aizawa seemed to casually accept it and just expected you to explain. He was too tired to deal with this crazy shit.
“Oh..there you are Rumor. Took you long enough to find this place.” The creature, also somehow intimidating, simply just huffed at the girl and layed down next to her seat in between her and Bakugou.
“L/N, please explain to the class why Rumor is here. They clearly seem to be confused.” Y/N looked around the room to see her new classmates staring at her and her furry friend.
“*sigh* he’s my animal companion.” You simply stated. Apparently it didn’t satisfy your peers because a freckled, green haired boy spoke up.
“Animal companion? Like a service dog?” The timid boy asked. You secretly rolled your eyes at the fact you’ll have to answer this question again. That is until Bakugou spoke.
“You damn nerd, if he was a service dog, she woulda said that now, don’t ‘cha think?” ‘Dunce face and a damn nerd huh? Wonder what new nickname this hedgehog will give me.’ Your little quip made you give the smallest smile with a quiet laugh to yourself
What you didnt realize was that during your little moment, Bakugou was watching you the entire time. He fought the blush that was threatening to rise and successfully won. ‘The hell?’ Bakugou thought. Since when did he blush?
“He’s right. Rumor isn’t my service dog, he’s my animal companion. And no, not my pet. He’s more like a close friend. My best friend if anything. He’s also not a dog either, he’s a changeling.” You explained hoping someone else knew what a changeling was. Thankfully, the “damn nerd” did.
“Changeling? I thought they were just a myth.” He said. “What the heck is a changeling, Deku?” You turned and saw it was a girl with a round face and pink cheeks. ‘Deku? How rude’ you thought to yourself.
“Changelings were rumored to be magical like beasts who could take the form of any animal they chose. Those forms could be as real as eagles and bears or as mythical as dragons and unicorns. They could also change the size of their form too. Am I right, L/N?” Deku asked you.
“You’re completely right, Deku.” The green haired boy blushed at his nickname on your tongue. “Rumor can be any creature I command. His wolf-dog form is his casual form though. It’s the form he took at birth I guess.”
“You guess?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes, I guess. I didn’t have Rumor since he was born. I found him while I was on a walk in the forest. We just clicked, and he followed me home. That’s when I discovered his powers and what he was, and seeing that changelings were only rumored to have existed, I thought it would’ve been a fitting name. We’ve been together ever since, and not only does he work as a friend, he’s a fighter too. He’s like a partner to me which is exactly why principle Nezu allowed him to attend UA with me. I guess you could say he’s part of my...uhm..quirk” You thoroughly explained. You couldn’t help it. You loved talking about Rumor. He was your best friend and definitely one of a kind.
Rumor looked up at you and barked. You turned to pet him on the head and gave him a little smile. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident hot head, which once again caused him to fight back a blush. ‘The fuck is going on with me today?’ The blonde thought to himself. Finally satisfied with the answers, the class picked up where they left off and continued to learn about quirks which didn’t seem all that useful to you since....you don’t have one.
“Remember, we will all be meeting at gym gamma tomorrow morning, so don’t bother coming to the classroom. Just meet up there with any comfortable gym wear.” Mr. Aizawa said at the end of the day.
“Yes sir!” The class all said. “L/N stay behind, I need to speak to you and Rumor.” The tired teacher said with a yawn.
“Yes sir.” You calmly replied.
As the class gathered their things to leave, some came up to speak to you. First it was Deku and the round faced girl.
“Welcome to UA L/N. My name is Izuku Midoriya!” Deku said.
“Oh my apologies. I thought I heard that your name was Deku.” You said so nonchalantly with your sweet voice.
“Well it’s just a nickname that started up with Kacchan.” The boy was now blushing in slight embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.
“Kacchan? I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.” You said.
“Oh right! My bad, Kacchan is Bakugou. It’s a name I gave him during our childhood.” He stated.
“Seems a little mean.” You chuckled
“Yeah but he’s always been like that.” The boy smiled with a small laugh.
“I think I can tell. He must be really nice to Deku and Dunce face.”
You both shared a laugh at your little sarcastic poke at the explosive blonde that the girl was feeling a little left out.
“Anyways, I’m Ochako Uraraka! I was really hoping I could talk to you more but Deku over here can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.” the girl slightly teased.
“Meh. No worries. We’re gonna be stuck together for the next few years. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.” You so kindly spoke as you gathered your stuff.
“Totally! We can-“ Uraraka was cut off by a very handsome two toned boy with a scar. He definitely reminded you of some you knew. You watched as he came up to speak to Midoriya.
“Hey, Midoriya. Did you want to...” you tuned out his conversation. You simply just stared at him in awe. No doubt about it. He was definitely Dabi’s brother. But he was a whole lot more handsome.
The boy caught onto your staring and introduced himself.
“Hello L/N, my name is Shoto Todoroki. You may know me from my father, Endeavor, but I assure you, I’m nothing like him. In fact it’s safe to say I hate him.” He stated ever so calmly. ‘Wow. So blunt. And I guess hating Endeavor runs in the family’
“Hey it’s fine. I get it, daddy issues.” You nervously laughed but this seemed to strike an interest in Todoroki as he seem to have wanted to continue bashing both of your fathers until he was interrupted by Bakugou.
“You’re in my way Icy-hot.” ‘Jeez, another nickname?’ You thought.
“Then move to another side.” Todoroki quickly came back with.
This caused you to now openly give a quiet laugh, you could already tell what kind of relationship those two have. During your small laugh, Bakugou once again caught himself staring, except this time, he was caught. And it was by you.
You both made eye contact once again. As he stared into your E/C colored eyes, and you stared into his rubied gems, you both grew a slight blush on your cheeks and the 3 standing next to you both took notice.
“Hey..” you sweetly said.
“..........hey.” He replied and quickly looked away embarrassed. That peaceful little moment made your heart stir. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. If felt calming, loving, happy...and weird and confusing. Thankfully, Dunce face came up to flip the switch.
“Wow Kacchaaannn,” the electric blonde said wiggling his brows. “Never seen you blush like that. You got a little crush on the new gir-“
“SHUT UP SPARK PLUG!” Bakugou exclaimed as he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“Hey why you gotta be so mean all the time man!” Dunce face cried out.
“I SAID SHUT UP” Bakugou screamed from down the hall. ‘Well he certainly is interesting.....and cute’
“Ah jeez, whatever,” the blonde sighed before you seemed to have caught his attention.
“Well hey there pretty lady,” he started “I’m Denki Kaminari and you are one gorgeous girl. And you definitely got a rockin’ bod-“ he was cut off by our scary teacher.
“That’s enough Kaminari, I need to speak to L/N. Now all of you, out.” He commanded.
They all took their leave thinking about how cool and kind you were. Oh how wrong they were. The little act you put up sure was convincible. Hell, the only thing you genuinely meant was that Todoroki and Bakugou were cute and the blush that came up whenever Bakugou stared at you. You still couldn’t explain it but you brushed it off.
When all were gone, you mentally took notes of their names and possible quirks.
Izuku Midoriya. Alias: Damn Nerd and Deku. Quirk: unknown.
Ochako Uraraka. Alias: unknown. Quirk: unknown.
Shoto Todoroki. Alias: Icy-hot. Quirk: possibly related to cold and heat
Denki Kaminari. Alias: Dunce Face and Spark Plug. Quirk: possibly related to electricity
Katsuki Bakugou. Alias: Kacchan. Quirk: unknown
“L/N.” Your teacher snapped you out of your quick thought and got you focused.
“You seemed to be very comfortable with telling them about Rumor.” Mr. Aizawa said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well he is my best friend. I could go on and on about Rumor for hours if people didn’t stop me. And you can’t lie, he is pretty interesting. Especially his fighting style. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you....Eraser Head?” You said with a sinister smile.
You were well aware that Aizawa knew Rumor’s capabilities very well. You were also aware he knew much about yours too. I mean, you both have fought each other before. And one of you almost didn’t make it out alive. Hint hint, it wasn’t you.
“You are to address me as Aizawa Sensei or Mr. Aizawa, Titania.” He sternly said.
“Ouch, the villain name? I thought the past was the past. There’s a good inside me, dont you remember? You were the one who said it after all. You were even the one who recommended an S-Class villain like me should join UA.” You snidely replied.
As you fought against the skilled pro, you could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. You used your air bending to push him back, crushing him into the wall, and keep him far away. Before you could send Rumor in to finish the job, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Kurogiri? What are you doing here?” You stopped fighting and quickly turned to your superior in a fearful and shaky manner. Although you were much stronger than him and could easily take him down, you knew better. Your mind had already been so manipulated into thinking you were the weakest villain in the league, when it reality, you were strong enough to take down Shigaraki in a snap...but you didn’t need to know that.
Eraser Head, too tired and beaten to even pick himself up off the ground watched the interaction from the distance.
“You were told to collect intel, not fight a pro.” The black fog stated.
“Well yes, but he tried to stop me an-“ he silenced you with a smack to the face. Kurogiri was a respectful man...in ways...but he was just following orders on how to treat Y/N.
“If he tried to stop you, you run away.” He said, matter of factly.
“But he-“ once again, he cut you off but this time with a louder voice.
“But nothing! You were to gather intel and report back to base. Not fight. If you got into trouble, you are to run away, and use your bending and Rumor as assistance.” He stated.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” You said with your head bowed down in dishonor.
Aizawa could already tell from afar how controlled you were. In past fights, he’s noticed how you were so quick to succumb to any villain in the league, and you were always so willing to go back to them no matter how many times you could’ve ran away on your own. It was like they had something you needed, or more so it was them that you needed. For survival, perhaps?
“Did you even gather the information we needed?” Kurogiri asked.
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. With a disappointing glare he reached for you, when you flinched at just the slighted movement, Aizawa knew something was wrong. Yes you were a villain, but it was clear you were also a manipulated child. So he acted quick, and attacked Kurogiri, knocking him out, and grabbed you. Before you both took off, you threw one of your earrings at kurorgiri’s unconscious body, knowing he’ll know what to do once he sees it. As he ran with you, he took notice of the animal behind him that followed you. When he finally landed on a cliff hanging over the city, he placed you down to sit on the grass and looked at you before speaking.
“I can see it. All of it. They’re controlling you aren’t they?” The pro-hero spoke.
“Excuse me? Nobody is controlling anybody! I choose to follow orders!” You yelled as Rumor came up to you.
“What is that thing?” Aizawa asked.
“He’s my friend and you won’t harm him!” You said while grabbing onto Rumor.
The pro took note of that word you used. Friend. Villains don’t have friends, they don’t have anybody but goons and partners in crime. Literally. You were definitely different compared to these other villains.
“I have no intentions on harming you or your friend.” The pro spoke.
“So what do you want with me.”
“....Simple. I want you to go to school, live in the dorm rooms, eat good food, train more to become better as a person and fighter, and make more friends. I see a good in you Titania, you deserve a good life. Not one controlled by villains where you do their bidding for what? Survival?” Aizawa said as he crossed his arms while looking at you.
You were in shock. He was able to figure you out. Well, he figured out why you were with the league. Survival. But it doesn’t matter, you were so brainwashed that you were convinced anyone outside the league wanted to kill you...at least that’s what the LOV told you.
“I don’t want to go to school, I want to go back home to the league.” You said while looking down and holding onto your furry friend.
“Home? UA could give you a better home.”
You looked up in shocked at his words. He wanted you to attend school at UA? You know that place. That’s the one place where the league has been so invested in ever since All Might joined the staff there. Suddenly, an idea came into thought. You knew exactly how you were gonna get into the league’s good graces and out of the cold shadow.
“UA?....That’s where you want me to go? How the hell am I supposed to get in there? I’m a known villain genius.” You sarcastically said.
“A villain hidden behind a full face mask. People don’t know your true identity, and did you ever think that maybe the league wants it that way?” He said
“Are you saying you know who I truly am?” You questioned him.
“No, but that doesn’t matter right now. If you want to go to UA, I can help you. I’m a teacher there and I can put in a good word for you. Sure it will take a lot of convincing but I’m willing to do it. Using UA as a reformatory program for you could be benefitting you in more ways than one. So if going to UA is what you really want, I’m more than happy to help you Titania.”
You couldn’t believe it. Your heart was so excited. You were finally going to get away from this horrible life of crime and killing. Away from the abuse and blood. Away from the league. But your brain was telling you to deny it all. You were safer with the league, everyone is out to get you, and you will die without the villains help. But a bark broke you out of thought.
You turned to your side to see what seems to be a smile on Rumor’s face. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out while giving you puppy dog eyes. It appears he knew what was going on and he seemed excited. For your best friend, the world. So you gave in...happily.
“Y/N.” You said while getting up off the ground.
“Huh?” The pro spoke.
“My name is Y/N L/N, and I’d be happy to join UA.” You said with a smile and tears of joy filling you eyes. Rumor happily barked at the pro as well.
“Well alright then,” the pro said sticking out his hand for you to shake, “Y/N L/N, welcome to UA.”
As you shook his hand your smile held a thousand words. Happiness, excitement, villainy, and sin. Sure you were going to benefit yourself, but you were also going to benefit the league.
*Present Time*
“I was hoping I’d get more respect from you considering I was the one who got you into UA,” Aizawa tiredly said while turning his head towards the ceiling and crossing his arms. “But I guess that mischief and attitude just comes with the deal.”
“Correct.” You simply said.
“So are you willing to tell them what your “quirk” is? You seemed so open about Rumor, I thought your powers would be the same.” Aizawa pressed on.
“Not sure yet. I only just met the students. They seem nice.” You said while looking at your now very interesting shoes.
“They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re incredible friends. They could be great friends to you too Y/N.” You looked back up at him with hope, but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place.
The teacher took noticed of this and continued. “Either way, they’ll have to see what you got tomorrow. In gym gamma we’ll be doing some sparring including our quirks, so you’ll have to show them all that you can do.” He said.
He saw how that made you nervous. Not because you were scared to speak about or show your abilities, but because you knew you would be hit with thousands of questions. Oh how annoyed you must be.
“Understood.” You said to him as if you were a soldier. He won’t get used to that. He’ll have to make sure you know it’s ok to speak to people as..well people, and not like everyone is your superior.
“Good,” he began to walk to his yellow sleeping bag to pick it up, “now head to the front of the school. I left an escort for you to help guide you to your dorm room. That person will also be a guide in all things UA for you so be nice. You’ll be stuck with them for awhile. That is all, you can go now.”
As you and Rumor made your way to the front, you had so many questions going on in your mind. Should you make new friends or keep them at a distance? Should you completely drop the league and join UA? Should you blow your cover and expose why your truly there? What to do, what to do.
When you made it to the front, you finally saw your escort, and you couldn’t help but give a little smirk.
A/N: If y’all wanna see the clothes that inspired Y/N’s uniform, check this out!!!
A/N: Damn guys, I know I’ve only just started writing but this is kinda the story I imagine in my mind at night. So I thought it would be fun to give it to reality. So here’s my first FanFic😅 hopefully it doesn’t turn out too terrible, but I promise to work on my skills and improve. Also, if you need a reference to what Y/N’s uniform looks like, search up “Akame from Akame Ga Kill.” That’s the look that heavily inspired Y/N’s new uniform. And if you’re confused on what the boots look like, search up “Lucy Heartfilia thigh high boots,” bc those are the EXACT boots I imagine on Y/N except in a darker brunette color to match the belt. Once again, NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed pt. 1! And if this goes well, tell me if you’d like a pt. 2! I love to hear feedback! Thx <3
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lvnatiq · 3 years
Modern!au Felix Escellun x tattoo artist!gn!reader | Headcanons
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a/n: Hey!!! I’m back at it again with my beautifully fucked up request fill. I’m still working on three other things, while I make you wait I took it upon myself to not starve this fandom. So here you have it. Please reblog or comment so that I have a crumb of motivation to keep up.
Should I do a smutty pt. 2 ? Who knows lmao.
Your hand slipped through the pile of designs that your colleague (and your close friend) had sent you to choose and pick apart from.
Unfortunately you were spending the night at the beautiful library of your uni, trying to balance off your school work with your actual work.
You didn’t mind spending your time under the faint scent of books and the mere sound of wood beneath you feet, but what you ‘do’ mind is the fact that the library is way colder than you thought it would be after the midnight.
Good thing that the yearning for finishing your work and leaving as soon as possible made it easier to concentrate on the task at hand.
It also made it easier for you to not notice the presence of an unexpected company.
That was until you felt the warm floral yet musky scent invade your senses as you felt the weight of cotton drape around your shoulders.
You slowly turn your head towards the owner of the coat who’s already making their way out. Desperately trying to find a way to make them stop but failing to raise your voice because of the circumstances.
The last picture of the person buried in your head was their hair caressed by the wind and their quick steps.
Fast forward to a week later, going completely out of luck with finding a place to stay you decide to ask help from your friend whom interestingly has a lot to offer.
With things going a lot smoother than you expected you stopped by the tattoo shop to finish your appointments with couple of customers before you left to meet up with your possible candidate.
“Don’t bother I’ll just call him here so you could talk comfortably.”
Your work seemed to take a lot longer than usual. So you kindly accepted your friends offer as you wrapped up the leftover stuff, finishing up the last customer.
“Hey, oh-“
The sight of your guest tickled your memories as you kept glaring at the glorious figure in front of you.
Felix, completely avoiding eye contact, placed the fallen hair strand behind his ear as he kept his eyes on the table of the tattoo equipments.
You quickly got up as you grabbed his coat from the hanger and walked back where you left him.
“Thank you for the coat, you really saved me back there.”
“Oh- no problem.”
That day you two chatted and melted the ice in between. Deciding to rent the close by apartment and start your roommate era.
Your friend smiled to themselves knowing all too well that felix was completely crazy about you.
Your encounter at the library wasn’t a coincidence either, well don’t think of him as a stalker now, he just dumped a couple of coins in the fountain wishing that you would be there that night. That’s all.
As you two moved in together you realized that there were a lot of things to be ‘caught off guard’ about him but you were most baffled by the tremendous amount of books felix owned.
“Hey Lover boy ! Would you mind recommending me some of them ?”
Felix blushes terribly and you love it so much that you constantly bother him in order to catch a glimpse of his flustered state.
Unbeknownst to you, the pile that felix left on the doorstep of your room was consisted of the books that he thought of you as he read.
Felix, abandoning his night owl habit, decided to fix his sleeping schedule for the better. Definitely not because he wanted to see you at morning before you got off to the work.
Insisting on offering you a ride on your way back home with his nice car.
Nearly every single day.
He knows that it may annoy you but he knows how much you are devoted to your responsibilities so he at least wants for you to save a bit of energy before you dive into the work.
Speaking of his nice car, it tickled your curiosity so you decided to check the price tag on the web and... well...
“Felix... you don’t so some sketchy illegal shit for a living right ?”
“It’s nearly impossible for me to work at the moment because of my studies. Why did you ask ?”
“Your car costs more than the apartment we are living in right now.”
With that, you discover that Felix’s father owns one of the most prominent chains of pharmaceutical companies and that he basically flee from his fathers mansion because he was pressuring Felix to take over his position in the future.
Being his puppet was not a thing to be tolerated in Felix’s book.
That being said, your domestic life with felix was pretty soft to say the least.
Cleaning together, cooking while talking about how your day went or getting to enjoy his expressions while he spilled his frustration against authors that didn’t affect him well.
Occasionally noticing the new cooking books appearing out of nowhere
and the delicious smell of food welcoming you after work, quite often than you expect.
Finally, more skinship.
One day whilst you two got through the gates of your apartment block you noticed the open doors of the elevator so instinctively you held Felix by the hand and ran into the mirrored box.
What you didn’t notice was the fact that you didn’t let go of his hand as you two went up.
From that day on Felix used every single opportunity to sneak his hand into yours.
Don’t blame him, it’s just that your hands are warm and the feeling of security that radiates from your fingertips is his medicine.
You absolutely avoided to tease or point it out to him because you knew that he would never do it again so you went with the flow.
You really enjoyed it though.
Snaking your arms around his waist while he is organizing the bookshelf. Feeling him shutter into your arms.
Nights became more and more enjoyable once he started to accompany you.
Everytime you caught him slacking on the sofa, you used his lap as a pillow.
Felix is extremely easy to figure out, mainly because he can’t hide anything.
Also, well
He is ticklish and you use his weakness against him, a lot.
Diving your fingers down to the sides of his tummy you started to tickle every possible sensitive spot you could catch on.
“Spit it out.”
“I-I wan’t you to- give me my first tattoo.”
Telling his words apart from his adorable giggles, needless to say you were ecstatic.
“Alright. What do I get in return ?”
“Name your price.”
You thoughtfully stared at the ceiling, humming as you blurted out your very obviously well thought out response.
“I want you to show me what keeps you up all night.”
You can’t be serious.
If you asked for an organ, he would’ve been more compliant.
You didn’t know what you got yourself into.
You basically asked for him to show you his ‘masterpieces’ that he showcases on AO3. Something that you were already well aware of.
“Deal ?”
“No !”
“Good ! Let’s see what you got.”
Felix anonymously contributed to the community by writing some of the most famous slow-burn stories on the web.
Just so you know, his author persona blew up thanks to the mind blowing, earth shattering smuts he wrote.
Yeah you heard that right
Well he is fucking panicking now.
Nonetheless days kept on going as felix prayed each night to every single deity that you forgot your ‘deal’.
The days go on even if his worries don’t.
Did I say that Felix is a whimpering, whiny mess ? he struggles to stay in one position as the needle drags upon his skin.
“If you plan to keep on moving, I might as well strap you down felix. 5 more minutes and then we are done. Please behave.”
When you put it like that how can he refuse I mean you made things worse he is internally screaming at what you just said but he is not going to refuse a command when it’s given by you.
In exchange for giving him a tattoo you decide to let him give you one even though he’s inexperienced.
He’s terrified because he thinks that something would go wrong, his hand would slip or something and he would scratch that pretty skin of yours with a horrendous tattoo.
But you assured him nevertheless and offered him to draw something very minimal and easy. He accepted eventually.
As it turns out Felix is a natural. His hand is extremely steady and the tattoo turns out great.
Throughout the process he’s constantly asking if you’re hurt because he thinks that he’s doing something wrong but in fact he’s very delicate and gentle with the strokes and his touch.
You decide to be evil and use it against him. After you touch up your tattoo you lean in very closely and turn your cheek towards him.
“What are you doing ?” He stutters.
“I can’t possibly ask you to kiss my freshly made tattoo, so won’t you give me a kiss so that it heals faster.”
If his hands were steady before they weren’t now.
As soon as his lips left your cheek you held him by his wrist and pull him back close again so that you can lean in onto his ear.
“Don’t think that I’ve forgotten our deal. I am excited to see what you have in store for me tonight.” You winked.
Then the worst thing happened
The “tonight” came.
Felix was running in circles around the living room with one hand on his forehead wondering what could get worse after this.
Maybe you’ll be disgusted or scared hell if he knows.
He wanted to do nothing to harm your relationship in anyway because you and what you two have is all he ever wanted.
...and he believes that he has a tendency to ruin things.
But what happened was beyond his expectations.
Your eyes followed every single sentence throughout the screen, the white light traced your expressions as your eyebrows raised up and down and the corners of your lips inched closer to your ears. Your lower lip became a victim of your teeth’s assault.
He was so confused. Still waiting for you to lash out or make fun of him, at least.
“I used to think ‘what am I gonna do with you’ when it comes to you. Mostly out of frustration.”
Yet here you were with the laptop closed shut and your arms behind your head as you closed your eyes and groaned.
Slowly the smile plastered on your face grew.
”Now I know what to with you.”
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