#or a better healer than the ones that treated anne
weirdraccoon · 10 months
Professor Hecat: Nicely done, Mr. Sallow. And I need to have a word with you after class, by the way.
Ominis *whispering*: What did you do now?
Sebastian *hurt expression*: Why do you always think I did something?
Professor Hecat *smirking*: Not to worry, Mr. Gaunt. Mr. Sallow is not in trouble. I'm simply curious about his future and career. I'm sure Professor Ronen will talk with you any day now, Mr. Gaunt.
Sebastian *worried*: Damn, that sounds worse than being in trouble.
Ominis *snickering*: Is being a dark lord a career?
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thelarriefics · 2 months
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ABO FIC REC, Part IV: Below are more recent abo fics. (Part I, Part II, Part III)
📖 Unrequited by @babyhoneyheslt (143k)
Omega Prince Harry of England has been engaged to Prince Louis of France ever since he was a young boy. Having met him at four and forming a bond, Harry is upset to find that Louis no longer treats him like a friend, instead treating him coldly. However, Louis has his own dark secrets and Harry doesn’t know just how many dangers linger in French Court.
📖 Tangled in your love and light by @likelarryfics (95k)
Harry doesn't have time for romance or finding an Alpha between balancing work, studying and looking after his daughter, Bella. Enter Louis Tomlinson who's a romantic sweet Alpha, determined to win the omegas heart and turns Harry's whole world upside down, making him question everything he's ever wanted and known.
📖 Secrets in Winter by @softfonds (82k)
If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
📖 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic. Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
📖 Bikestrike by @thinlinez (68k)
What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise.
📖 There You Are by @tiredtiredtzofiya (55k)
Prince Harold, youngest pup of the House of Lancaster, has a secret. Louis, a healer at the king’s court with a keen knowledge of plants and herbs, simply wishes to know the shy young prince better. When Harry, the heir loved by everybody yet needed by no one, takes ill after several arduous heats, lonely Louis is the one entrusted to care for him, and the resultant bond that forms between the two tests the limits of in sickness and in health.
📖 Angel Baby by @brightgolden (51k)
When Louis’ sugar-baby-turned-mate suddenly wanted a pup, he simply couldn’t say no to his bright-eyed omega. After all, who didn’t want a mini Harry running around the house? He should have known that it wasn’t all wonderful in the wonderland of baby making.
📖 Some Records Turnin’ by @ireallysawanangel (49k)
Harry is a soft alpha who owns a record store and Louis is a closeted singer omega masquerading as an alpha who randomly stumbles into Harry’s store.
📖 does it always end in heartbreak? by @onlythebravest (47k)
Life never plays out the way one wants it to and no one ever goes through it unharmed. A story of two relationships, two life stages and more than only two broken hearts.
📖 put a little love on me by @larrydoinglaundry (29k)
Two people who are always taking care of someone else’s needs while ignoring their own, just happen to cross paths.
📖 'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by @absoloutenonsense (26k)
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
📖 Not Safe For Work by @greenblueish (23k)
the one where the boys work at Niall's fashion start-up 28 Programme Designs, and omega Louis has a lot of not safe for work thoughts about his colleague Harry, but little does he know that the alpha can read minds.
📖 Incandescent Love by @marchessa (21k)
the one where Alpha Louis is a world famous musician, who could get anyone he wanted, but instead he fell for a proper omega of high society. Too bad Harry shows no sign of wanting to settle down and start a family with him yet. The omega seems to be perfectly happy with their friends-with-benefits relationship. Louis is pining hard, and he might be running out of time when Harry’s father decides to start meddling with his only son’s future.
📖 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays. Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected. Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
📖 Swap me for your shadow by @lunarheslwt (16k)
If Louis thought being in love with his best friend was a knife that continually twisted into his heart before, it was nothing compared to when Harry started to go around talking about having fallen for someone else. A 5+1 fic; 5 times Louis has to listen to Harry’s vague confessions of love for his ‘omega friend’ and the 1 time Louis snaps and confesses his love for Harry.
📖 The Room Thief by @2tiedships2 (12k)
When Louis comes home and is confronted by his knothead alpha flatmates, he knows it won’t result in anything good, but he didn’t expect to be left homeless, effective immediately. He definitely didn’t expect to fall for the specific knothead who stole his room.
📖 No (Birth) Control by @haztobegood (2k)
An unfortunate situation left Harry without contraceptives a day before his heat.
📖 Untraditional Rut by @dreamersdivin-headfirst (2k)
Ever since then, he figured out why he’s never enjoyed his traditional ruts. Because he’s not into the whole primal animalistic stereotype of alpha ruts. He’s into spanking and wax play.
📖 we don't fight fair by @hellolovers13 (2k)
Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
📖 hey stupid, i love you by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k)
The one where self-proclaimed Valentine's Day hater, Louis, surprises his boyfriend on their first Valentine's together.
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kariachi · 1 year
Welcome back to Achi climbing out of bed in the middle of the night to ramble. Tonight’s topic: MasterSinger Merelan.
Now I’ve mentioned before how fucking weird it is that in the Menolly books and beyond it’s treated as this shocking, weird-ass thing that a girl could be a proper student at the Harper Hall. Everyone acts like your only options are to be a fosterling/paying student (aka ‘you aren’t here to learn music you’re here to make connections’), be somebody’s wife, or be a general worker. Everyone acts like this has always been the case, or at least the whole of the case in living memory.
But Merelan. The last two MasterHarpers were directly related to this woman, who was very clearly not only a member of the Harper Hall but also incredibly well respected. Yet both of them act like the very idea of considering that maybe a girl could be taken in as a proper student in any capacity is tantamount to asking the Weyrs not to fly Fall. I could understand them being reluctant to do anything that could even hint at being replacing her, but to act like the idea is entirely unprecedented just- What the fuck dudes?
(And this isn’t even getting into the DLG giving us a lady Harper who ended up marrying the Lord of Ista in the far past. Yadda yadda ‘the DLG isn’t canon’, it’s only as contradictory as the books themselves, and it’s statement that ladies have been allowed in several Halls for a good while and the Harpers just got dramatic about it, presumably to present themselves as progressive, tracks better with the sudden ‘what no ladies can’t be Harpers ladies have never been Harpers don’t you dare look at that portrait behind that curtain’ shit than the proper books do.)
And that brings us to another thing buzzing in my brain right now- Meralan is referred to as just Singer multiple times, but is also given the full title of MasterSinger. This is, such a big fucking deal and I don’t know how other people haven’t seemed to notice, how did I not notice-?
First up, Singer as a title brings up some interesting concepts about the potential inner workings of the Halls. We know Harpers as teacher, composer, musician, singer, but for Singer to exist as its own title means it’s its own distinct subcategory. Which leads to questions, the main ones being 1) is this a distinct ‘ladies can’t be Harpers so we’ll call them this’ situation (in which case why not recommend Menolly for the position), 2) if it’s not, is ‘harper’ the generalized term/title (like how you would call your cardiologist ‘doctor’ even though there’s a specific job title), 3) or is ‘harper’ more a term for generalists (people who teach and compose and sing and play etc) while specialists get the more restricted title (singer, player, teacher, scholar, etc), 4) if any of these are true, then are there similar situations in other Halls (does the Minecraft Hall have Miners, Cartographers, Lapidarists, etc?) and if so what are they?
We don’t learn much to help is those questions, though we do know that Merelan was considered a Master in her own right, that she was a Big Deal, and that she had her own students.
But, more than that, much more than that, she’s titled MasterSinger. One word.
A Harper who’s reached Master rank is a Master Harper. A Smith who’s reached Master rank is a Master Smith. Master Miner. Master Healer.
MasterHarper is the title of the head of the Harper Hall. MasterSmith is the title of the head of the Smitchcraft Hall. MasterMiner heads the Minecraft Hall. MasterHealer heads the Healer Hall.
I don’t doubt Anne didn’t give a second thought to what that title says about her worldbuilding, but I’m not Anne and so I can. MasterSinger Merelan having that title, in a singular word, implies that she’s not just a singer, not just a Singer, but in charge of all the other Singers on Pern.
Singer is never treated as it’s own crafthall in the series, not to my knowledge, and that makes sense. The Harper Hall covers everything else music and with it the oral histories of the civilization, so it makes sense that Singers would also be lumped in there. But for there to be a MasterSinger says a whole lot about 1) the status of Singers (namely, that they’re likely equal to Harpers as far as Crafthall politics if nothing else, if this was just a minor position among the hierarchy, or even just ‘we give women this so they can be included’, likely there wouldn’t be a MasterSinger), and 2) that one way or the other they were more-or-less self-governing within the Harper Hall. Again, single word Masters, everywhere else in the series, are treated as more-or-less on par with Lords and Weyrleaders as far as power and status goes. It’s a big deal. Meaning that it’s entirely possible that MasterSinger is supposed to be either second only to the MasterHarper or, more likely I think, on equal footing with the MasterHarper.
The power imbalance in place by Merelan marrying Petiron and him being... Himself, may well have fucked up what was supposed to be functionally a dual position- with the MasterHarper managing composing, teaching, and that whole branch and the MasterSinger being in charge of the actual learning to sing and to play. It would also make sense with just how expansive the Harper Hall’s jurisdiction is, if it was more of a split-but-united deal. It’s the Harper Hall because that’s what it’s been forever, but the Singers are a distinct subset within it with power and import of their own.
 Which then brings up the question of wtf happened to the position of Singer? Because Merelan had students, and a very blatant rank of her own for those students to take. And for her to be MasterSinger she can’t have only just started getting students, that would’ve started when she was just Master Singer.
So we’re left with four questions Merelan’s existence and title drop unceremoniously on us-
What is a Singer in the context of the Harper Hall?
What happened to Merelan’s students, of which there can’t only have been the ones we meet?
What happened to the concept of Singers in general, that is never comes up again chronologically?
What the fuck bug crawled up Robinton and Petiron’s asses that despite there being a position in the Hall that explicitly allowed ladies, one that they’ve both been alive to see, one that would likely have been The Norm when Petiron was a student and teacher given Merelan’s position doesn’t seem to be questioned, both of them pull the ‘well you know the Hall hasn’t taken a female student in half of forever if ever, but maybe I can make something work for you’ game?
And we are never going to get a fucking answer so damnit we better start coming up with some for ourselves because nobody else is gonna touch it.
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@heartstringsduet replied to your post “I know anime is known for anime titties etc and I...”:
Same 😂
​The treatment of the P5R's female characters is honestly so buckwild to me, because they're on one hand treated extremely well and on the other hand they're treated like shit.
As in, Makoto, Ann and Futaba are fleshed-out, nuanced characters. (I know there's another female Phantom Thief but I haven't met her yet!). They are amazingly written. They have great depth, in my opinion. They have good sides and bad sides. They develop over the course of the game. They have individual storylines that go deep, from Ann's trouble with her modelling gig and her friendship with Shiro, to Makoto's grief and her perfectionism that stems from it, and Futaba's case where she's wrongfully led to believe she murdered her mum and how that affected her mentally. They also bond with each other and with the guys. You can date them, but you don't have to, because they aren't just there for Ren to court. They bond with him, obviously, but there's no underlying agenda. They have wants, fears, hopes, likes, dislikes, annoyances and quirks. They're allowed to make mistakes and amend them. They're allowed to loud and sweet and brash and nice and catty and complicated. So yes, especially if you compare them to other women in video games, who can be reduced to either "love interest", "sex object", "bimbo" or even the quote-unquote better archetypes like "healer" or "girlboss" or "warrior", they are treated with respect and dignity.
Even the non-playable female characters all have an interesting and meaningful storyline, which is why it's appealing to get to know them and even date them. I only recently found out Kawakami lied to me! Shocking! She feels terrible. And I only just met Hifumi's mom. Hifumi is being put under a lot of pressure and it's weighing her down. Last time I saw Tae, she found out her patient died and she was allowed to grief. I already maxed out Kasumi's ranks, for now. Aka, yes, the ladies are treated with dignity.
And then they're treated like absolute shit when it comes to their bodies, what they eat and how much they weight. I already made an earlier post about how Ann's slowly being reprimanded for her eating. It was refreshing to have a female character eat without it centering on weight, but then that got thrown out of the window in her modelling storyline with Mika. Especially since male characters don't get that treatment. How dare Ryuji, the other big glutton, reprimand her for eating cause it'll make her fat, while he's about to join her to eat the same thing? Morgana gleefully comments that Makoto doesn't eat lunch because she's in a bikini and she probably wants to be slim, cause that's supposedly the only reasons she wears it. No one talks about how Ren shouldn't eat because he's shirtless at the beach and that'll impact how others will see him. Futaba isn't initially comfortable revealing that much skin, but she will just have to deal with it. Yusuke is allowed to cover up, even in the heat.
Like, the game also shows off how harmful it is to see women as objects, but when Ren, Morgana, Ryuji and Yusuke do it, it's fine apparently? It's funny, even? Komashida trying to pressure Ann into something regarding her body is bad! Ren and Ryuji pressuring Ann in modelling nude (while underage) is good! That gross customer making very inappropriate comments about how hot it is that Futaba is basically a kid is bad! Yusuke immediately wishing to see Futaba in a state of undress "for art" is quirky! Komashida seeing girls as objects he should be able to freely get due to his status is bad! Ryuji bemoaning that girls aren't flocking him because he's so much better than other dudes since he's a Phantom Thief is understandable! A perv gripping Kasumi is bad! Yusuke grabbing Ann from behind just happened! The creeps on the beach treating Ann and Makoto as objects to obtain is bad! Ren, Ryuji and Yusuke treating other girls at the beach as objects to obtain is just guys things!
What's the deal here? Is the idea that just because Ryuji, Ren and Yusuke are teens, it's not as inapporiate as when grown ass men do it? The main reason Ren isn't as bad as the others is because I play him and I make him point out that the others are being gross and full of shit. Which is also why it annoys me so much when I cannot control him and he does shit like that.
Not to mention Ann's anime titties that bounce every time she does a special move. Honestly, I don't even mind that Ann's sexy, because there's nothing wrong with women wanting to be sexy and feeling good because of it. But then you get those really male gazy anime cutscenes where Ann airs her shirt and Ryuji just full on stares down her cleavage, or the beach thing where she adjusts her panties and it zooms in on her boobs and Ryuji makes groping hand gestures. Dude????? And yes, luckily, Ann gets to react to it. She gets to call Ryuji (and Yusuke, when he grabbed her) out, but still???? Ryuji doesn't fucking stop?????
So yeah, this is wild. I suppose that even when women are written as actual people, they still cannot easily escape this shit.
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satohqbanana · 19 days
💘 any aveyond ship :)
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask!
Since I technically don't have any other hidden writing for any kisses (beyond Nic and Lestari, but I'm still too shy about that one and there's no way I'm rewriting that right now), I'm treating them as prompts for my now new series, "Anatomy of a Kiss".
Also, you know what they say about farming land; you gotta rotate crops and sometimes lay fallow the soil. Larshen as a focus is yet to be on the horizon of the near future.
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss
A/N: A surprise crack pair in the lesser-celebrated installment of the franchise, and an AU version of which? Yeah, why not. This thing is very much the result of having too few fandom friends in this already very niche fandom to talk to.
AO3 Link
Oh and a few details to consider before reading this:
This takes place in the future beyond the events of ADF. This is the real Anne's AV2 AU.
Iya has had sufficient time to bond with Ishtar, so the blessing left in her is that of compassion. Her time in Shaenlir also helped her gain some degree of astuteness as a princess, an identity as a citizen of Shaen, and an understanding that her family's affections are very conditional whether she pleases them or not.
Nicolas (and Uthar) was born as an heir to a dual magic goods shop and smithy (blame Lars and Rhen for that). His family is not too wealthy, but they help out their community from time to time. He's wary of strangers and is picky with who he befriends. After getting kidnapped and taken to the mainland by his brother's enemies, Ean bails him out and essentially buys his service.
At this time, Iya's received the blessing of love from Ceri and Ean's recruited Nicolas.
After setting foot on Ava's ship, the smell of salt and slime became their norm.
According to the map and her crew's estimate, it'd take three full days for them to reach the next island over. They would restock their supplies and get a dose of the earth over at Bogwood, then they would travel three more days to Shivendale.
Iya found the calmness of the waves to contrast strongly with the tumultuous weather that overtook the continent. It wasn't just the dark icy clouds, but also the atmosphere among the peoples of the Mainland. So many of them cursed the princess of Shaenlir – herself – whose disappearance incited the Snow Queen’s wrath. Mentions of her title made her shiver, and she was only too glad to be far from the Sultan of Seri and his barrage of insults.
"It's nice to be out here."
The man beside her said. Iya smiled.
"I agree."
She took a deep breath, before facing the green-eyed healer whose presence filled her heart with joy.
His braided hair swished about as he met her gaze. “How’ve you been, Princess?”
“Much better, my Prince.”
They chuckled.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this situation,” Iya said, “I wish things could’ve been easier.”
“Then we should make things work, don’t we? You can’t hide forever, after all.”
Iya closed her eyes and nodded. “…and I can’t keep running away, either.”
Because of her, people were hurting and suffering. While they played family for a mere while, the Snow Queen was more of a mother than her own womb-origin. The powerful woman once welcomed Iya with loving hands, listened to her sighs with abundant compassion, and remembered all her likes and dislikes.
Recovering pieces of her shattered soul was tiresome. Mobilizing a resistance army against Shaenlir was horrifying. But, accepting the cruelty of the gentle warmth she found in the icy kingdom she once called home? That had been the most grueling task of all.
A big, warm hand covered hers, and Iya found Nicolas’ eyes filled with concern.
“…I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
Nicolas shook his head. “My brother always tells me, there are wounds only time will heal. I think that’s unfair. I don’t like seeing the people I care about suffer.”
“I see his perspective, but I agree more with yours. There must be something we can do. I’m still the Princess of Shaenlir, after all. I don’t want to hurt my people. I don’t want to, to impose justice on…” Iya bit her lips, hesitating. “…on the Snow Queen. I don’t want to leave them up to Fate, but I don’t know what to do.”
“I think you can always go back. You are the Princess of Shaenlir. That hasn’t changed.”
“You think they’d want me back?”
Nicolas nodded, and Iya squeezed his hand.
“I can’t do this alone. I know the way royalty works. I need allies – strong ones. Princess Ella is quite sympathetic to our cause, but I don’t think she and I could stand head-to-head with the Sultan of Seri, should he have, um, certain concerns.”
“What about Thais?”
That was a surprise. Thais was a fort city with a strong and healthy military force. Nicolas never knew much of it, but his lineage traced back to its throne. While it hadn’t been a kingdom for a while, but if Nicolas or his brother were to present them the sigma ring…
“You speak as if you are a prince of Thais.”
Nicolas chuckled. “I could be.”
“You could be.”
It would be nice. To start with, he had the appearance of one. His long face had a proud, straight nose. He kept his hair neat in a braid, and he stood confidently in his tall body and his long limbs. Had it not been for the faded cloth over his physique or the cracked orb that hung from his neck, people might’ve noticed his regal features and mistaken him for a monarch.
The only problem was that he had reservations about reclaiming his birthright in Thais. Nicolas came from the small and unassuming continent of Fiortise, after all. He only agreed to be their healer in exchange for financial aid for his town.
“It’d be nice if you could be a prince. You care. You listen. You’d be a great leader.”
“Not as great as Uthar, I think.”
The mention of his brother made Iya frown. “You don’t have to do it alone.”
“That’s true. In their prime, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa were co-leaders to their own merry troupe. Their strengths and flaws complemented each other quite well. But where am I supposed to find a trustworthy partner?”
Iya pondered if she had simply mistaken the meaning in Nicolas’ words. His eyes never left hers, and her heart thrummed in her chest. She could take it as a mere jest, but she could indeed interpret it as a favorable coincidence. Perhaps he, too, enjoyed her presence and thought of her as a delight to his heart.
She opened her mouth to speak, but a voice in the distance distracted her.
Ean called. The atmosphere between her and Nicolas suddenly dissipated. He let her hand go and took a few steps back.
"It seems like I took up too much of your time." Nicolas turned his gaze back to the sea once more. "I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts again later."
Ean yelled once more.
Iya could give Nicolas her thoughts later. There are wounds only time could heal, after all. The path to recovery, however, could afford a few slivers of hope and happiness here and there – such as right now.
She grabbed his hand and held her breath, suddenly unsure of what she wanted to do, how she wanted to tell him of a plausible and obvious answer to his previous question. Their gazes once again locked, the splash of the waves accentuated the pause, and when she knew it, Nicolas had a handful of her hair in his fingers, his other arm around her waist, and his lips over hers.
Iya trembled. It must be shock. Or disbelief. Or joy. He was strong – had he been hiding that under his rags? He was, he was kissing her!
She wriggled her arms, maneuvering them through his firm embrace to hold his face. This was real. The scent of herbs and the earth that clung to him eased her into the reality of this gesture. She closed her eyes to enjoy its sweetness. She sighed and she whimpered; she could fall to her knees in the languor of this intimacy.
They parted with red faces and heavy breaths. The excitement made Iya dizzy, and she would love to make the moment last longer, to be even closer to this very man who could be her prince.
Ean’s shouting once again echoed.
Nicolas slid his hands away, his fingers brushing over her skin, and he once again found the ocean a more interesting sight. He tucked his braids over his shoulder, hiding his flushed cheeks from her.  
"You should go. We can always continue this later… my Princess."
Overjoyed to even answer, Iya simply nodded. She walked away, slapping her face and taking many deep breaths. She couldn't be happier.
When Ean found her, he noticed how flushed she was and prodded into how she managed to get herself in such a state. She assured him it was nothing, and while he remained suspicious, he thankfully decided to ignore it. He led her to Ava, intending to discuss their plans moving forward, but Iya's mind found its way back to Nicolas.
Like they spoke of, no one had to be alone. Iya could face the Snow Queen with her allies. There still existed those who would listen to her and help her. She would find them in time and she would bring peace and justice back to Shaenlir.
And she would find her own home, in a prince who’d love for her to be his princess.
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cfmystics · 2 months
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⤷    ✩     ⸻     APOTHECARY    is  often  somewhere  that  ASTRID SALLOW  can  be  found  inspecting  the  new  potion  recipes  and  ingredients  ,  the  twenty four  year  old,  that's  often  confused  for  the  muggle  JOSEPHINE  LANGFORD  is  known  for  being  FIERCE  ,  but  maybe  that's  why  the  sorting  hat  had  them  in  SLYTHERIN  while  in  school  ,  but  they  can  still  be  very  CLOSED  OFF  according  to  their  friends  .  currently  they  are  WORKING  as  A  HEALER  AT  ST  MUNGO’S  and  if  rumors  are  said  to  be  true  about  the  brewing  war  ,  they  would  surely  side  with  NEUTRAL  .     ⸻     (    cis-female  +  she/her  +  pansexual.  )
full  legal  name  : astrid anne sallow nicknames  : n / a date  of  birth  : december 21 star  sign  : sagittarius family  : oliver sallow ( father ), juliette sallow ( nee dubois / mother ) blood  status  : half - blood alignment  : neutral height  : 5'4" patronus  : cat taylor swift song  best  to  describe  them  /  their  vibes  : the archer
astrid. divinely beautiful. that is what her parents had immediately thought of when their eyes first met her own. there was something that drew not only them but everyone around her in; perhaps it was her almost doe like eyes or the way that staring into her eyes felt as though one could fall into them and remain there forever. divinely beautiful was definitely one way to describe astrid. her parents gave her the middle name , anne , in honour of her father's grandfather's sister who had been cursed and met an untimely death but had been adored devotedly. it would be also ironic that she would grow up to become a healer when those before her had been unable to save and cure her namesake. perhaps it is what drove her to want to help to cure those who had been harmed or had fallen ill. despite her desire to help those, it was almost no surprise that when she finally attended school, she had been sorted into slytherin. after all, the rest of her family before her had been sorted into the same house. she is ambitious, clever and determined. there was hardly a challenge that astrid could not overcome. while she was not the brightest witch of the age, she was extremely knowledgeable and easily passed all her levels and assignments with no issues. the one thing astrid has ever been unlucky in is love. she has always had chosen the wrong guy. guys who were not afraid of hurting her emotionally and vice versa. guys that treated her with less respect than she deserved. guys that made her unreasonably jealous and petty. the wrong guys indeed. it is a cycle that she longs to break but she is not sure if she can; after all, habits are hard to break. astrid is the kind of person who is not afraid of getting her hands dirty, of speaking her mind. the kind of person who would never back down from a fight when the opportunity presents itself. she is the kind of person who will do what she can to get the outcome she wants, even if it means having to use someone. she finds joy and contentment in being the one to heal someone, to be the better healer. astrid is the kind of person who refuses to wear her heart on her sleeve, to readily reveal her feelings even to those close to her. after all, it is better to keep one's cards close to their chest. however, she longs to be accepted by a life partner, to feel the kind of love her parents have.
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mothicalspoken · 2 years
Out here, the bugs are bigger than they are back home. If we weren’t used to it by this point, running for our lives and keeping an eye on everything behind us, we’d be scared shitless. Camp Amphibia is not the kind of place most kids want to go- think of your average, get-away summer camp, with it’s blistering heat and the stingy smell of sunburn and prayers in the woods. Now make that maybe… three times worse, with a side of constant existential terror, and you’ve got Camp Amphibia.
We’re not sure when we’re going home- it’s more of a earn-your-way-back kind of thing. All the counselors put the pressure on solving whatever it is that got us here, but surely they can’t keep us here the whole summer. It’s been weeks. The counselors act like they’ve lived here their entire lives, and maybe they have.
After all, they’re much too comfortable making the kids (us) do their dirty work. Like gym teachers who stand on the sidelines while you do laps.
WIT: Oh my frog- are you alright? You’ve got to be more careful, Anne- There’s potholes everywhere.
HEART: Yeah they should definitely work on that… ow.
WIT: Do you need a bandage? I’m sure I can find-
HEART: No, no, I’m fine! I’m fine- don’t worry about it!
STRENGTH: You’re bleeding. You really don’t want that wound to get dirty.
HEART: I’ve survived this far.
STRENGTH: If you get an infection, I am going to kill you.
WIT: Woah- uhm-
STRENGTH: I’m joking, Marcy.
The eyeroll she sends her way is cut off by a sudden fit of coughing.
STRENGTH: *wheeze* Either way, it’s better to get that treated than to go without. I will personally drag you down to the healer’s office myself.
HEART: You don’t need to do that! I’m fine, seriously.
HEART: … Stop giving me that look. If you can cough nonstop for minutes and refuse to got to the nurse, then I can walk off a simple head wound.
Anne’s powers of persuasion usually come in handy for her- it’s just that we’ve known her for too long not to be skeptical. She’s the definition of charisma. She’s friendly- a social butterfly that could make anyone support her in pretty much any endeavor within 5 minutes of meeting her. She’s a good person, and rubs off on others. It’s the Anne Boonchuy magic. She’s probably not even aware of the effect she has on others.
The only downside is that she puts just as much effort into supporting people as the people she’s met do for her. Which makes her think everything is her fault, and her responsibility, and she has to take on the entire world herself. Which is kind of stupid- and why she’s so convinced she needs to be the physically healthy one in our group apparently. But it’s Anne. She just wants the best for people, and the most we can do is just try and make sure she doesn’t get hurt.
Marcy watches Anne and Sasha glare at each other. The stand-off makes her tense- regardless of the topic. Maybe she’d feel better if she were involved, or maybe if everything worked like it was supposed to. Marcy feels like she’s constantly searching for a missing puzzle piece when it comes to their friendship-everything is working as it should, but there’s always something off.
Maybe it’s a little silly, but all she wants is for them to rest. No conflict, no lingering glares or hidden tussles for control.  
She imagines them lying down together on the grass, hands intertwined. They’re looking up at the sky, and for once it’s clear and blue instead of perpetually cloudy. They shuffle closer, sides pressed together, in order to point out a series of faded stars unhidden by daylight.
It’s a nice thought, until she feels the sensation of a hand in her own.
She raises her hand to her ear, and snaps.
HEART: Oh no– are we gonna be late?? What time is it-
WIT: I’m sure we left at the correct time-
HEART: Maybe me and Sasha’s… thing slowed us down. We’re gonna be the last ones to the campfire aga-
STRENGTH: Not if you two keep moping.
There’s not a single warning before Sasha sprints off. We have to run as fast as we possibly can in order to even keep her in sight- despite her laid back teen rebellion, she’s ridiculously athletic. No one would even know by looking at her- it’s just the way she is. She puts on the facade she wants other people to see, and unless you’ve been around long enough to know what came before it, you’ll never know who she actually is underneath.
Anne is an actual athlete- and she could match Sasha step for step but she hangs back in the middle of the fray just to keep an eye on both of us at once.
And then she stops.
Marcy runs into her shoulder full-force, not even meaning to.
WIT: Agh! Sorry sorry sorry- I didn’t mean to- what are you looking at?
Anne is staring off into the distance, looking at… something. Her eyes don’t look like they’re supposed to.
HEART: Over there. That light. The blue one. You see it?
WIT: No?...
HEART: It’s right there!
STRENGTH: What are you guys… Anne. Blink. For god’s sake.
She does so- rapidly and forcefully, accompanied by Sasha’s hands on her shoulders. (Apparently, she had decided to run back when she realized she no longer had a chaser.) It seems to snap her out of it.
STRENGTH: The bonfire’s this way. C’mon, you guys.
She takes our hands, and pulls us to the flickering light.
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scrabbleknight · 3 years
Hello Scrabble
I only stumbled upon your Amphibia quest recenty, but I really love what you've done with it. Its nice too see the contrast between characters, and I love the Love-triangle you made with Ivy, Sprig and Maddie(They totally wasted that oppurtunity, we never even learned WHY she was interested in Sprig in Canon.) Anyway, Toad Tower is coming up soon. And if you don't mind, I have some Question/Suggestions I would like too share/ask you.
1. For the fight at Toad Tower, where Sasha in canon nearly falls too her death(because she let go, which is something I don't see this version of Anne doing) here's my thought on how that might go with all these changes.
Instead of letting her fall, Sasha goes down with her, using her body too cushion the impact from the blow, and likely falls unconcious/is critically injured from it.
2. This could tie into that pic of Sasha in a wheechair you did, and could give Anne some contemplation on her thoughts towards Sasha. And some major guilt since that fall could have either killed her. Especially since she wouldn't get too see her again for months. The reason Sasha could have potentially recovered if that happened could be Maddie using magic potions and elixirs too keep her alive till they got her too a proper healer. And even then she would still have suffered enough damage that she could spend most of the trip to Newtopia in a wheelchair, maybe work her way back too running. This could also play into Anne trying too forgive Sasha, it would also be dramatic irony that she had no idea that Sasha was temporarily crippled, since she was completely fine the next time she saw her.
And if they did the Battle of the Bands together, Sasha could accidentally slip back into her toxic personality during her excitement, only too revert back, aplogise and let Anne choose. Though Anne might instead believe she's just trying too guiltrip her instead. Reaffirming her belief that Sasha's still an awful person.
3. Finally, during the fight during True Colours, Sasha could actually be verbally tearing Anne a new one since she's pretty much doing this whole thing too spite her. As we all know, even the nicest or guiltiest of people have a limit before they snap.
And considering that while yes, Sasha was a bad friend, that doesn't warrant trying too kill her or keep her in another world as a prisoner for eternity.
So Sasha could call Anne out on how all she's done since they've reunited is try too make things up too her, point out how she's no better than her, since she was willing too kill, lie, and betray her for her own gain, nor does she have any moral highground too stand on now. And while she would be willing too bring her back to Earth, she makes it clear that their friendship is over with.
Especially if its let slip that saving Anne nearly killed/crippled her at Toad Tower.
1. Will Sprig resent Anne, or be jealous of her during Reunion or if they go back to earth together.
2. Would Marcy instead confess the truth of the Music Box as she realises how her manipulation has shattered the groups friendship.
3. Will Anne actually feel guilt about how she treated Sasha? Or think about their frienship and realise, while yes, Sasha was a bad friend. She also had many moments of being a genuine good friend.
4. If the above suggestion of Toad Tower happened, would Sasha add lyrics like 'Breaking bones, but its no big deal!' into No Big Deals Lyrics?
5. Would Sasha's Gem empower everyone she considers a friend? Even former ones?
Man, you wrote a lot.
Also, nice suggestions but I already have a plan for Reunion. Plus, I kinda don't want to put Sasha in the wheelchair anymore. It was fun but I found writing her this way to be challenging since it limits her movements. I can't put her in action scenes and stuff. Same with True Colors.
And to answer your questions:
Maybe??? Idk
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, January 25
Cover: Secret Dawn Wells took to the grave: her affair with Bob Denver of Gilligan’s Island 
Tumblr media
Page 2: Best and Worst Celeb Tippers -- Katherine Heigl, Amy Schumer, Drew Barrymore, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Jay-Z 
Page 3: Charlie Sheen, Ben Affleck, Sean Penn, Sharon Stone, Naomi Campbell, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Selleck and Donnie Wahlberg took the 2020 Tip Challenge 
Page 4: Goldie Hawn’s movie roles 
Page 6: Melissa Gilbert who played Laura Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie says if there’s one piece of unfinished business that emerged from the show it’s that she’d like to punch former co-star Shannen Doherty -- Shannen was only 12 when she joined the Little House cast for the show’s ninth and final season playing Jenny Wilder but in a couples therapy session with her first husband Bo Brinkman it came out that Shannen at 22 had bagged Bo in bed 
Page 7: Country star Dolly Parton may be 75 year old but that doesn’t stop her from leaping out of bed at 3 a.m. every morning -- she’s a very very very early riser and she goes to bed pretty early but she’s up and down
* Tom Hanks has been in countless movies and TV shows but his most important role in life has been as a father of four and he has tips for how to do it right 
Page 8: If you’ve soured on feeding canned dog food to your precious pooch you’re not alone -- plenty of owners are switching over to healthy people-food diets for their pets but it’s essential to get guidance from your veterinarian 
Page 9: Most of your kitty’s diet should be a nutritionally complete cat food but you can give them a treat from your plate every once in a while -- you just need to know how to choose feline-friendly snacks with nutrients they need and which they should NEVER eat -- check with your veterinarian 
* Why animals creep into our dreams -- we all dream about animals from time to time and here are some of the most common creatures of our nights and what they could be trying to tell us 
Page 10: On his 21st birthday Matt Goodman raised a glass to his late father who had left behind the money to buy his son’s first beer 
Page 11: Your Health -- the stark truth is that sleeping naked is good for you 
Page 12: Top Guns -- these Hollywood stars were fastest on the draw -- James Garner, Henry Fonda, Eli Wallach, Burt Lancaster, Roy Rogers 
Page 13: Kevin Costner, Yul Brynner, Gary Cooper, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne 
Page 14: Dear Tony, America’s Top Psychic Healer -- a lesson from COVID-19 which is work on mentally healing ourselves, Tony predicts Miley Cyrus will struggle to overcome many of her self-destructive habits, finding strength through religion and she will be back on the hit parade come summer 
Page 15: If you and your partner fight a lot here’s a great idea to grasp: holding each other’s hand is the key to better conflict resolution 
Page 16: Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton might be royals but they’re raising their children just like any other parents and family is their first priority and Will and Kate are rarely apart from their three kids Prince George and Prince Charlotte and Prince Louis 
Page 18: Maggie the shelter stray was twice unlucky when two potential forever homes kicked her to the curb but now she’s found her true calling as a beloved K-9 officer 
Page 19: A homeless man in Atlanta put his life on the line to rescue every single cat and dog from a blazing inferno at an animal shelter 
Page 20: Cover Story -- a three-hour tour that turned into a three-season laugh-fest on Gilligan’s Island made Dawn Wells a star and she took the show’s juiciest secrets to her grave including a red-hot affair with co-star Bob Denver -- Dawn who died of complications related to COVID-19 at age 82 hid a crazy sexy side which she kept under wraps because it was the exact opposite of the squeaky-clean image se presented to the world as farm girl Mary Ann on Gilligan’s Island 
Page 22: This Michigan teen is a top Elvis Presley impersonator even performing in Las Vegas and the only one with Down syndrome 
Page 24: Texas firefighters were hailed as heroes after they rescued a four-year-old boy who had fallen down a well 
Page 25: Here’s the dirt on soil-free gardening 
Page 26: Nice Work If You Can Get It -- celebs shell out stupid money for stupid jobs -- Rod Stewart travels with a room-darkening team, Lady Gaga hates to sleep alone and her personal assistant had to get in bed with her on nights when Gaga was solo, Larry Ellison likes to play basketball on his yacht and employs a person who job it is to circle it in a boat and retrieve stray balls from the ocean, Mariah Carey has a woman who stands beside her at all times holding a drink, Snoop Dogg pays a professional blunts roller, Prince Charles has a personal dresser, Justin Bieber’s entourage includes someone to hold his drink and another to hold his slice of pizza, Sean Combs has an assistant whose only job is to carry around an umbrella for him 
Page 28: Burt Lancaster was one of Hollywood’s biggest stars acting in more than 70 movies during a four-decade-long career but he was also a silly practical joker says his daughter Joanna Lancaster one of the actor’s five children 
Page 30: Legendary actress and dancer Ann-Marget will be 80 years old in April but she’s still stepping out and making movies -- you’re not dead when you reach a certain age said the star who shot to fame when she famously dated Elvis Presley when they made Viva Las Vegas in 1964 
* Candice Bergen running wild and free at age 74 -- she recently became a first-time grandmother and is selling her hand-designed merchandise online 
* What is Marie Osmond doing during the pandemic? She bought a Harley motorcycle and so did her husband Steve and they love to go riding together -- the twosome also take walks and see their kids and grandkids and stay busy and have fun 
Page 42: All Washed Up -- surprising facts about bathing and showering 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Ellen DeGeneres goes for a spin in California (picture), Chrissy Teigen and John Legend take their kids Luna and Miles to watch planes make the tricky landing at St. Barts’ airport (picture), Joan Collins claims she once gave Bobby Kennedy the brush off because neither of them was single at the time, George Clooney can’t bear the thought of his early film Grizzly II seeing the light of day but it is set to be released later this year, Barry Gibb the last living member of The Bee Gees says life was incredibly hard after losing his brothers and bandmates Robin Gibb and Maurice Gibb who died in 2012 and 2003, Ray Liotta and Jacy Nittolo engaged, Bob Seger paid tribute to saxophonist Alto Reed a longtime member of his Silver Bullet Band who lost his life to colon cancer 
Page 45: Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla show off their walking sticks outside their home at Birkhall in Scotland (picture), Tori Spelling gets some puppy love from one of their pet pooches in L.A. with help from hubby Dean McDermott (picture), Megan Fox has moved on with Machine Gun Kelly and her estranged husband Brian Austin Green isn’t moping solo -- he vacationed in Hawaii with Sharna Burgess of Dancing with the Stars, British photographer David Bailey is dishing on his storied career in his memoir -- he claims sloshed Elizabeth Taylor tried to swipe his camera and his first impression of ex-wife Catherine Deneuve was that she was short and a bit on the fat side, Phyllis McGuire who shared the stage with her late siblings Dorothy and Ruby as the McGuire Sisters died in her lavish Las Vegas home -- she found fame through her voice and infamy through her relationship with Sin City mobster Sam Giancana 
Page 46: Good-hearted sheriff’s deputies surprised a woman with a vehicle after they kept getting calls about her walking along the highway in the freezing cold each morning 
Page 47: These UN Ambassadors use star power to help -- Emma Watson, Danny Glover, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Antonio Banderas, Whoopi Goldberg, Susan Sarandon, Liam Neeson, Laurence Fishburne, Mia Farrow, Katy Perry, Alyssa Milano 
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
Now We’re Even
@redqueenetwork mission 04 | friendships
Diana Farley and Tristan Boreeve
Words: 1288
Farley made a quick check of the situation: Walsh eyes were swollen for crying but otherwise she was fine, not like Tristan, leaning against the wall so as not to put his weight on the blood-soaked leg. Around the wound they had tightened a makeshift bandage from Warren's shirt, who, although he was unharmed and could’ve escaped with the others, had remained behind in an attempt to drag his companion with him. It was a stupid gesture, which wouldn’t have helped the Guard, but Farley was unexpectedly grateful to him: Tristan, in addition to being his subordinate, was also one of her few friends and she didn’t want him to die alone in the sewers. When the Silvers, and their undercover allies, arrived, Farley clung to Warren with her good arm, on the other side she had a dislocated collarbone and the arm hung down dangling forming a strange angle with her shoulder, and she grinned satisfied and then spit through the bars a mixture of saliva and blood which ended up at the feet of the future queen, who began to scream threats. She was a magnetron and she could’ve unhinged the cell with only her mind, tearing it to pieces with all of them inside, but evidently she had to hold back unwillingly, so Farley held her gaze; if that was her end she would’ve gone to meet her destiny with her head held high, but before her consort could lose control Tiberias VII removed her from the bars and then pointed to Warren with a slow gesture of the hand. The boy contracted his jaw but continued to keep his green eyes on the ground, so he asked for explanations to Mare. In the beginning the girl only stuttered incoherent words but as she spoke they became more and more credible, with her tone and her attitude that became more and more those of a Silver. Then it was Maven's turn, who pointed out that indeed they all looked like simple servants, but the stepbrother retorted that they had tracked them down as they tried to escape, as if a Red servant, once having seen the possibility of getting rid of his yoke, shouldn’t have try to escape from their master to join a cause that believed in equal rights. It was really true that those who have spent too long wearing silk forget what it means and what it feels like to live in the mud. She hoped that the same thing wouldn’t happen to Mare, even though she began to think that the girl had several aces up her sleeve. In the meantime, Tristan was getting paler and the bandage was streaked with a bright red. If only they were all gone, they could’ve tried to bandage him again, perhaps better and tighter, so as to stop the bleeding. But for what? To make sure the Silvers could properly torture him? Perhaps it would’ve been better if he had fallen asleep surrounded by his friends and never woken up again. It was always better than dying screaming. Yet the same determination that Warren had in the sewers she was having now, even as they dragged her out of the cell and the bars closed behind her, trapping the others inside again. Walsh and Warren rushed to the bars, the portrait of fear, while the sentinel forced her to kneel, then wait for the next order. It would’ve been the crown prince to lead the interrogation and although a shooting pain crossed her arm to reach her shoulder, she whined with clenched teeth, determined to die rather than speak.
"And would we be the barbarians?" Warren burst out, his forehead pressed against the bars, perhaps in the hope of distracting her tormentor.
But everyone ignored him and the prince knelt to look her in the eye. Not that it mattered, or that it made any difference, but she gathered all the forces she still had and hit him on the nose, breaking it. He let the sentinel be his avenger as she pierced her flesh, cutting her nerves, with blades made of her own blood. Farley continued to breathe through clenched teeth, repeating to herself that she could bear the pain if she would’ve spared it to her companions, until the prince ordered to stop and a skin healer crouched beside her. Farley nearly collapsed as he gazed absently at the arm pierced by a myriad of blades of frozen blood that healed quickly and regained color. Obviously that wasn’t an act of kindness: they were treating her just to start over, except that they had no way because a terrifying voice rumbled down the flight of stairs and reached them. When Ptolemus Samos went down the last step and hugged his sister Farley he let out a curse. He had been injured in the shoulder but had also been treated and now he was more dangerous than ever as he looked furiously at the prisoners and made a threatening move towards them. The metal bars shivered and screeched against the cement to which they were anchored with a terrifying sound. The prince tried to stop him and so did his sister and the sentries. Warren and Walsh back off, leaning against the wall, but he was a hunter and as such he would attack the weaker. Driven by adrenaline, ignoring the fact that he was much taller than her and could’ve killed her only by manipulating his clothes, Farley threw herself at him. Taken aback, the Samos' eldest son stepped back and Mare was quick enough to squeeze her fingers full of sparks around his muscular neck and release an electric shock that made him stagger and finally collapse on the ground, convulsing. His sister rushed to his side and reached out to her brother's face but got a shock and was forced to back away with a grimace of anger which fortunately turned to Mare more than her. Once the farce was finished, or was probably simply moved to another location thanks to Maven's words, Farley approached Tristan, who could barely sit up. Walsh had fixed a new bandage, tighter and more precise, and the bleeding seemed to have stopped.
"Now we're even." she said, resting her head on his bony shoulder. She was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to delude herself for a couple of hours of being outdoors again, hidden in some ruin, as before that mission, before entering Norta and discovering how tremendously dangerous it could be. Even in the Lakeland the Silvers were terrible, but sometimes they didn’t demonstrate that cruel wit. Don't forget your mother and sister, her father's familiar voice said. And how could she? Even her distorted reflection in those too bright bars reminded her of them, so she closed her eyes.
"We’ll never be even, I’ve saved your grumpy ass too many times." Tristan joked weakly, and as if he had sensed where her thoughts were leading her, he began stroking her hair until she fell asleep, dreaming of a day when they could all live in peace and prosperity, where he, Ann and Rasha could build the weird family they wished for and she could wake up every morning with the sun on her face and Shade’s warm body next to her and she could be her best friend's neighbor in a nice residential neighborhood with modest cottages where she would help him grow the embarrassing amount of children he wanted without having to worry about how to feed them or when they would leave for conscription. It was a distant future, perhaps impossible, but together they were working on it and together they would’ve seen it rise, red as the dawn.
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afinepricklypear · 5 years
Compare and Contrast: K Project vs. Bungou Stray Dogs - Part 2
Read Part 1
In general, K Project does a lot better job of maintaining a consistent and focused story, especially in Seasons 1 and 2 than BSD, with almost no filler content.  There aren’t nearly as many open plot threads or divergences from the main story, and everyone introduced has a very cohesive purpose to the plot. This may largely be due to the fact that K was originally envisioned as a complete story, with the movie Return of Kings and season 2’s Missing Kings and other added materials being, somewhat, after thoughts consequently ordered due to the popularity of the show. Season 2 does offer a very decisive end to the tale, with the destruction of the Dresden Slate, mysterious source of all supernatural power. On the other hand, BSD is an ongoing serialized manga with no set beginning or ending that we, as the audience, are aware.  BSD’s author, Asagiri Kafka, isn’t telling a self-contained story with a determined beginning, middle, and end, so often times characters and plot devices are introduced which may not have bearing on the current arc of the story, they hint at things to come. This might be frustrating for viewers that aren’t interested in long-term serialized works, which does have the tendency to fall victim to filler episodes in attempt to make a certain quota or make up for any lulls in the story.
That being said, BSD, thus far, does a lot better with world.
In K, the concepts of Clans and Kings, the Dresden Slate, and the Swords of Damocles are never fully fleshed out satisfactorily, to the point that aspects of it feel completely illogical, convoluted, and conveniently there merely to move the plot forward. Fantasy stories are generally under no obligation to provide explanations for where magic abilities come from, K makes an attempt with the Dresden Slate, but overreaches with an established protocol of Kings and Clans in regards to these powers with no explanation for where or why these rules manifested or why anyone feels obligated to follow them. For example, the Red King Mikoto is not shown to care too much for being a King, or even wanting obligations to his Clan, yet he maintains it and his Clansmen show loyalty to it, and there’s no explanation beyond “well that’s just the way the Dresden Slate works”.  That would be fine, if this wasn’t established as the expectation of anyone who is “awoken” as a King. In that same vein, a lot isn’t really clarified in terms of what really happens to Clansmen when their King dies (Clansmen are shown to still maintain powers granted from their former King but that’s just speculation from viewers, and doesn’t make sense if there powers stem from their Kings) and what is meant to happen when a new King takes their place (though we do see Clansmen turn on the new Blue King, in regards to Munakata taking over Jin Hibari’s role, or choosing to continue following the new Red King, as we see in HOMRA with Anne taking Mikoto’s place). Worse, these rules are just universally known in a world that isn’t supposed to know about these Clans and Kings, leaving no one to explain these rules to newly awakened Kings although these rules are shown to be universally known and accepted by them. More questions than answers are raised.
In BSD, people being born with or manifesting abilities is shown to just be a facet of this world. It’s just one of the physical laws, much like how the sky is blue, grass is green, some people can conjure demons that kill you. This is just the world they live in, and in that sense, the people in this world are the ones that determine the rules that govern these abilities without expectation. This treats us to various different ideas and philosophies for how ability users should apply their abilities or how the users themselves should be managed. The government attempts to regulate ability users, through licensure for organizations that wish to operate as ability user specific. This provided a cool storyline where we see Port Mafia obtain its license to operate as an ability user organization during the Dark Era, through nefarious plotting on leader, Mori’s part, which also highlighted that the Port Mafia is a criminal organization because prior to obtaining this license they were operating without one. We also see the Armed Detective Agency undergo a plot to take their license away, and since they are the morally upright group, in their minds, losing their license means they will cease to exist. This places explanation firmly on the goals of their given society, something that is relatable and understandable for readers, and shifts it away from the realm of unexplainable and increasingly convoluted magic.
On the flipside of that, however, K does a much better job of balancing powers. Which brings me Nakahara Chuuya.
I’ll throw this disclaimer in here, Chuuya is my favorite character. I fell in love at first sight. Unfortunately, he gets little to no screen time, I could count on one hand his number of appearances throughout the first two seasons. He gets three episodes at the start of Season 3 that explores his history with Dazai, and I feel I’m in no way biased (**cough, cough** 100% biased) saying these are the best three episodes of the season. Then we see him maybe in two more episodes until he gets trapped in a book for the rest of the season, leaving me screaming furiously at the screen. Manga chapters that go beyond where the anime left off are not filling me with much hope for more Chuuya in Season 4. Seriously, I don’t recommend loving this character, you’ll only get your heart broken.
The problem with Chuuya that becomes rampant throughout BSD in other characters, is that he’s a side character for a rival organization and he is super OP. Since the creator seems adamantly against making him a more main character (either as antagonist or protagonist…hell, majority of his appearances have been to literally save the day for the heroes), not to mention the lack of anyone in our heroes’ corner that could reasonably take him on (even Dazai is outmatched despite his nullifying ability, because Chuuya also happens to be Port Mafia’s best martial artist) the only recourse is to leave him conveniently absent from majority of the story. Which, okay, this can mostly be explained away that he’s an Executive in Port Mafia and probably has a lot to deal with in terms of making sure their operations continue to move smoothly, but it leads to ludicrous scenarios such as the end of the Guild Arc when a whale sized airship is being dropped on Yokohama by the Guild. We’re told this ship will wipe out a large portion of the city. At this point, the Detective Agency and Port Mafia are on semi-good terms in order to stand against their common enemy, the Guild. You would think, large object being dropped on the city, Port Mafia has a powerful gravity manipulator on staff...one phone call to Dr. Mori, “Hey...do you mind sending Chuuya to take care of that whale bomb....or are you just cool with the city being flattened?” All Chuuya needs to do is parachute down, once he touches the ship, he could tear the whole thing apart and fling its pieces to every side of the ocean. They call it a day in thirty seconds, tops, back home for dinner. Yet, for some odd reason, the course of action that the Armed Detective Agency decides on is to send rookie agent tiger boy to infiltrate the ship and fight his way to a possible transponder they can use to reverse the ship’s course, despite having little experience, and no specialized abilities for the task, let’s not get started on the ridiculousness of that transponder anyways. This decision is based largely on the fact he once was held prisoner on the ship and so…should know his way around? I get that they supposedly don’t want to owe Port Mafia, but this kind of seemed like an odd time to play loose and fast with the city’s safety. The point is, Chuuya is powerful, which makes his lack of presence during crucial moments pretty heavy handed.
That being said, however, this OP situation, is a problem throughout with other characters as well. There’s no balance of powers, and characters are shown to do things that don’t fall within the realm of their abilities, may never have previously been display or given proper explanation prior to introduction, and sometimes comes across as just thrown in last minute as a plot device. A few examples, able to transform into a tiger also, somehow allows Atsushi to heal at a rapid level and regrow limbs. Forget about the implications that he’s got some “special” light attached to his ability, as well. In a recent chapter of the manga, we see a newly introduced character, one of the Hunting Dogs, slap a bullet out of the air and stop a large projectile with her bare hands. Her ability, however, is age manipulation so there’s no given reason why she should’ve been able to do those things. While it is mentioned that the Hunting Dogs are also genetically engineered, she did this to save another Hunting Dog who is duly is surprised by her actions and expresses that he could not have done the same. I’m baffled. This is to say nothing of the multiple time characters without regenerative or durable abilities are stabbed, blown up, and impaled, only to walk it off like it’s nothing. The Agency healer, Yosano, has an ability called Thou Shalt Not Die, she can heal someone but only when they’re on the brink of death, so her ability is essentially that trope in action films where the bomb is always disarmed with one second to spare. Let’s not even talk about the new revelation that Dazai can control his heart beats to the point he can use it for passing secret code. It becomes plot armor so thick that it entirely erases the stakes for our characters. They’re all treated as practically immortal, able to overcome anything thrown at them, I’m not even worried anymore when a character takes a lance through the heart, I know he’s walking it off in the next scene.
K is a lot more balanced with its abilities. None of the characters, outside of the Kings, feel so overpowered that they are impossible to stop and they’re not shown to be capable of things outside of their given abilities or established, and might I say reasonable, skillsets.  Even the Kings have their peers in the other Kings. Sure, Clansmen can dodge bullets, but if they’re hit by one it hurts and, notably in the case of Totsuka, it can kill. No one is getting impaled multiple times then walking it off. Mikoto is run through with a blade once, and as it should be, he dies. Not only does this maintain the stakes for our characters – they are at the end of the day mortal, and they can get hurt, they can be beaten, they can die – it also gives us a more complicated, and darker story with characters that we can relate to on an emotional level.
Read Part 3
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mayphoenix · 5 years
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...with Long Intervals Of Horrible Sanity turned 9 today! Wow -- nine years! Where has the time gone? I should give an update. My life has taken on great changes. I am still living in the same apartment, still going through the same battles with housing and food assistance (they cut the latter and I’m getting $100/mo to buy groceries). My eldest cat has renal failure and pancreatitis and I have no idea how much longer he will be with me, so I am cherishing every day. Not to be outdone, two other cats decided they needed to have costly trips to the vet, one with a middle ear infection brought on by food allergy, which I’m now treating at home, and another who had to have all but four of her teeth extracted. I had to put my ghostwriting on hold for fear of losing rent assistance -- back in 2017, I was told it didn’t count as “regular” income, but then in 2018 I got a new caseworker who said all income counts, but now I’m back to the previous caseworker and she refuses to return my calls or answer my emails, and calling the main number is useless because it routes directly to a voicemail box that’s always full.  Back in November 2017, I received Kona, a 2002 Subaru Impreza Sport from a friend who could no longer drive (medically). She knew I needed a car, so she just gave it to me. Original owner, she had put 38K miles on this vehicle. Mechanics everywhere have said, “That car will outlive you!” Yeah, well...unfortunately, this particular make/model/year of Subaru comes with what one website calls The Dreaded Head Gasket Problem. It is inevitable, and last winter I noticed a lot of odd-smelling exhaust coming from Kona that smelled of burning coolant. I had the radiator and thermostat replaced, and was told there was a leak somewhere. A few months ago, another mechanic found this tiny leak. I am told I can still drive as long as I watch the coolant level and temp gauge, and what to do if she overheats. Meanwhile, the Check Engine light is on because the O2 sensor has gone out, and now there is a squealing sound which I know means a bad belt somewhere. And the brakes are getting soft, too. I was quoted over $1800 for the head gasket repair and O2 sensor which entails taking out the engine, fixing it, and putting it back in. I’ve already had to replace two tires (and on an AWD, you have to have all tires matching -- come to find out, they have discontinued this tire so I got two of the last new ones in existence). This “free” car has already required over $1000 in work. And it’s all I’ve got so I have to do what I can to make sure she keeps going. Now, I don’t know if I’ve talked about this, before, but I do have a spiritual side to me. It’s not conventional by any means. I don’t subscribe to any one religion. But I always knew I was a natural healer (laying on of hands, energy work) and came from a long line of witches (going back to my Pictish ancestors and Native American roots; my great-great-grandfather was a medicine man). I used to do this for as long as I can remember, drawn to people in pain and using something inside me to take it away and make them better. I never knew there was a name for it, until one day someone saw me working on a friend’s migraine and asked, “Where did you learn Reiki?” My reply was, “What’s ‘Reiki?’” I had a very dark period in my life about 15 years or so ago where I shut down, though, withdrew into myself, because I was so depressed and suffering from undiagnosed PTSD and anxiety/panic disorder. I was so afraid I would pass my sickness on to someone else, so I stopped healing. Following the end of my marriage in 2010 and being on my own for the first time in my life, I went through several surgeries and was put on different medications for various ailments, some of which nearly killed me. I also had a few TIAs (mini-strokes). The only thing keeping me from ending my life was knowing my cats needed me around to care for them. Also, I found out my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s but then six months later during a follow-up, the doctors at U of M Ann Arbor said, “It’s not Alzheimer’s, we don’t know what it is.” (Note: based on her behavior, it may be Vascular Dementia but that can’t be diagnosed until after death -- so for now, we just know it’s dementia.) And then right before Christmas 2017, I got fed up with the repeating cycle of being used and abused by my sister, prompting me to cut ties with her, and my eldest niece told me to go fuck myself, leaving me pretty much on my own. Well, Life has a way of making things fall into place whether you like it or not. After all the shit I was going through with the TIAs and getting my cholesterol under control (I’ve put myself on a low-carb diet), my chiropractor told me out of the blue, “You should go into Reiki.” Damn, there’s that word, again... He said there was a guy named Adam, a massage therapist and Reiki Master, who rented space from him twice a week; I should talk to him. Well, Adam was never in when I would go for my appointments. One day, my friend Keith who volunteers at the local Gilda’s Club said I should look into their free workshops for yoga, meditation, and tai chi. I figured this might be good to help with my stress levels, at the very least, so I checked their calendar -- and there was someone offering free Reiki at the end of the month. I went in and immediately felt something happen, just being in the room with this woman. It was like being inside a Tesla coil. I began telling her things -- about her, like her childhood, etc, that she confirmed. And I began to cry. Not out of sadness but release. She said when I walked into the room I had an entourage of spirits with me -- guides, angels, light beings -- more than she’d ever seen, before. She got me on the table and while she never once actually touched me, I could feel pain, like she was physically pulling on me. What she was doing was pulling things out of me. She found his large cord attached at my solar plexus chakra and said, “You are attached to past trauma.” Oh, yes...yes, indeed. I told her to cut the cord and I felt it. It made me cry out, it hurt so much, but then afterward...I felt different. Something had changed.  A week or so later, I went to my next chiropractic appointment, and when I stepped out of the exam room, I turned and saw this young man standing in the hall, looking right at me. I just stopped and said, “You’re Adam.” He said yes. “You’re a Reiki Master.” He said yes. “We need to talk,” I said. And he showed me into his room, where we spent an hour talking. I noticed he seemed nervous. He said, “I’m always nervous in the presence of a great healer.” Who, me? He said he could ‘feel’ my energy. He then recommended I go to Jodi, the Reiki Master who taught him. I found her place of business online and saw that they did monthly “Open Reiki Shares” where people just get together and work on each other in a group, for free. One of these sessions was coming up. I decided to go and see what it was about. What happened that day...it was incredible. Not only was I healing but I was tapping into the minds of these other people, seeing what they were seeing. Then they got me on the table and the Master seated at my head began to shake. She said, “You’re not an Old Soul -- you’re ancient, and you come from a place across the universe.” Well, I already knew that...but no one else had ever acknowledged it, until that moment. Someone picked up on the fact that I’m a writer, and then another Master said, “She is a Storyteller, and she is going to help others with her words.” Cryptic! They also said they saw a mass of spirits around me, and one of them said that there was a guide who had yet to reveal itself to me but would do so soon. I signed up that day to take Jodi’s Reiki I & II course. When the time came, I found myself learning things I already knew, things I already did, and I understood after all these years why people thought I knew Reiki -- because I had been doing it, all along. Even my chiropractor, who is an empath and a healer, sensed it in me. During the attunement, as I had my eyes closed, I “saw” a dragon look down over my head at me while Jodi was behind me. I had been told she had a Dragon guide, so I figured that was him. I even looked up and said, “Hello!” I cannot begin to describe how it felt to be attuned, and how I have felt ever since. I called my friend Seth, a massage therapist and a powerful healer in her own right who is studying shamanism, and she said it sounded like I was tripping. I was seeing everything in such sharp focus, hearing things, aware on so many levels. Jodi had asked me if I experienced anything during the attunement and I mentioned seeing her dragon. She just grinned and said no, he was my Dragon. Now, please note: in the late 90′s, I attended a drumming circle class where we all went on an inner journey to meet different spirit guides, and the one that appeared to me was a Phoenix. Back then, I figured he represented that part of me that was always getting burned up and somehow rising from the ashes. I even got a tattoo of the bird on my back. Well, now I have a Phoenix and a Dragon -- in Chinese, these are the balance of Yin and Yang. Coincidentally, my first tattoo was a yin-yang, and one of the first rings I ever bought was a yin-yang with the OM symbol on either side. It would also explain why, after being attuned, I had a sudden craving for Chinese food... I have since learned the purpose of these guides. The Phoenix is used in long-distance healing when I send Reiki out to others, and the Dragon protects me while I do my work. He will also “encase” me or other people in eggs of protection. The Phoenix takes his duties very seriously, while the Dragon...is a bit of a diva. He’s also a shape-shifter because I’ve seen him in full reptilian form and in human form with wings. I have many other animal totems but these two are connected to my healing abilities and now that I’ve come back to that aspect of who I am, I find that they represent the dual sides of me -- Two-Spirit. The Phoenix is still me as I reinvent myself, refusing to be destroyed. I used to be so timid and when I screamed in anger I sounded like a wounded animal; now when I’m angry, my Dragon roars through me, refusing to take shit from anyone.  Life has changed for me so much since this all happened. We are in a time of Awakening and Transition, and I’m seeing it all around me even as I, myself, am going through it. I have people asking for my help -- “Please send me Reiki!” from all over. And I do. I’ve been using it on my cats. I’ve used it on myself. It’s incredible. I have been changing the vibration in my home, making it brighter, more colorful, inspirational. I have been finding old jewelry and wearing it (that’s the Dragon, show-off that he is with his bling!). I have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone and spending more time at Gilda’s, where I hope to offer free Reiki once a month to those who need it. I am also hoping to get a portable massage table so I can do Reiki housecalls. I’ve even joined a local group of professional writers that gets together once a month. I have started to wean off of one of my medications (Klonopin) which has been rough but I knew I had to stop when I began to notice an occurrence of bad side effects and found that it could do a lot of long-term damage to other parts of my body. I am doing meditation, now, which helps.  I am also preparing to set up a Patreon in order to fund my writing so I can get my first novel out -- somewhat autobiographical, it has been years in the works and deals with surviving narcissists and finding one’s path in life, it’s called The Dragon in the Garden. (I came up with the title ages ago; little did I know...) I have a sequel plotted, and then another book set in New Orleans with different characters. All of these are mine, not ghostwritten, but I can’t use my own name because two other authors have published under variations, so I’ve come up with something else that will serve.  Bit by bit, things are falling into place. But you know the most important part of all of this? I am not stressing out, anymore. I have decided to live in the moment, and see anything ahead of me is positive. Yes, I am concerned about the state of the planet, about the children in concentration camps, about the madman running the country...I am aware. My head is not in the sand nor in the stars. I remain a realist. But I can do that and focus my energy on making things happen for the better. I am being the change I wish to see in the world. I am putting out what I want to receive; instead of calling negativity to me, I am sending out positive energy. I cannot deny the results, the changes that have happened since I started to do this. It’s good. Very good. Recently, I volunteered to make a journey to Mississippi, driving a rental car down to the Gulf of Mexico and back in three days (18 hours driving down, 21 hours driving back), to rescue some kittens that were about to be abandoned and bring them to a local foster group. I saw this as an opportunity to do a Medicine Walk/Spirit Journey. I saw so many signs along the way, received messages, and learned things about myself. I had my eyes opened to people around me, those who would deceive and manipulate. And I had a lot of time to think. I discovered new levels of forgiveness within me, and how to release what is no longer of use or importance. It makes things so much better, so much simpler. I have wasted too many years worrying about stuff and nonsense. 
Oh, I still have limitations -- physical and mental. As my Reiki Masters have all told me, every healer is damaged in some way. I envision myself as a work of kintsugi, the Japanese art of putting broken pottery back together with gold. I am not perfect and never will claim to be. But I know that I am One with the Divine, Source, Creator Energy, God/Goddess/All That Is. I am on the right path -- and maybe I always was. I just had to go through some dark and scary places along the way in order to be where I am, now.  Namaste!
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animationnut · 5 years
Of Broken Bones and Healing
Summary: Shaken by the fight that left Anne with a broken arm, Hop Pop sets out to heal the girl's injury. Anne deals with the guilt of helping the toads harass the townspeople and Hop Pop struggles with the fact that he had been unable to protect her. In the resulting 24 hours, there's a lot of healing.
Rating: K+
Fandom: Amphibia
Disclaimer: I do not own Amphibia.
The spike-adorned club seemed to move in slow motion.
Hop Pop could do nothing more than thrash helplessly, trapped in the iron-clad grip of the toad restraining him. Polly’s shriek was quickly drowned out by Anne’s scream of agony as the club made contact with her arm.
The surrounding frogs gave a horrified gasp as the girl fell to the mud, clutching her arm to her chest and tears of pain pricking the corners of her eyes. She stayed on the ground, the fierce defiance not leaving her expression even as Fens and Bog stood over her.
For a moment, no one could move.
But the spell of terror was broken by a clump of mud sailing through the air and smacking Bog in the face. Sprig charged through the bushes with fury on his features and his slingshot clutched in his hand. The townspeople immediately rallied around him and, seeing that this particular battle was lost, the toads surrendered.
Mires released his grip and Hop Pop sprinted over to where Sprig was easing Anne off the ground. “Hey,” she greeted with a weak smile. “What took you so long?”
The tension in Hop Pop’s shoulders eased ever so slightly. If she was sassing, it meant she was okay.
“Sorry,” said Sprig with an apologetic smile. “Got tied up.”
Toadstool stumbled through the bushes, panting with exhaustion. Sprig immediately turned on him and pointed an accusing finger. “Arrest that toad! He stole the town’s money and was keeping it all to himself!”
“Seriously?” exclaimed Anne as the gathered frogs gasped in disbelief.
“Yup! I saw him! He’s keeping the stolen taxes in his new statue!”
Bog turned to Toadstool with narrowed eyes. “Is this true?”
“Absolutely not!” said Toadstool immediately. “This boy is full of lies!”
“No he ain’t!” growled Hop Pop. “The only one full of lies ‘round here is yew!”
“I’ll show you,” said Sprig determinedly.
Fens and Mire looked at Bog, waiting for their next course of action. Though Bog wanted nothing more than to finish his business with the strange, traitorous creature, they were outnumbered. And if what the runt said was true than they were obligated to investigate.
“Fine,” said Bog grudgingly. When the mayor started to creep away, Bog snarled, “You can follow us. If the boy is truly lying, then you have nothing to worry about.”
Toadstool gave a rigid nod and reluctantly fell into step behind his fellow toads. Slowly they all began to follow after Sprig towards the center of town. Anne struggled to get to her feet, gasping as her arm exploded with agony.
“Don’t move, Anne!” said Hop Pop anxiously, putting his hands against her side to steady her. “We gotta get yew fixed up.”
“Later,” said Anne firmly. “I wanna see.”
“Anne, yew need to rest and recover right now—”
“I wanna be there. I wanna be there when they realize that I was right.”
Hop Pop studied her expression. Determination shone in her eyes even as her forehead creased with pain. This was important to her, and even though Hop Pop wanted nothing more than to hustle her home and treat her injury, it would have to wait a little longer.
“All right, Anne. Let’s go.”
Hop Pop moved to Anne’s good arm and helped push her to her feet. Polly hopped onto Anne’s head and gave her bouncy, thick curls a hug. “You were so awesome!” she cried. “You were all wham and bam!”
“Yeah, and then I got bammed,” she muttered, grimacing as she cradled her throbbing arm against her chest. “Ow…I think Fens broke something.”
Hop Pop’s heart stuttered for a moment in his chest. “I can look at it now.”
“No, no, I’m okay. I can wait. C’mon.”
She broke into a jog to catch up with the others. Hop Pop hastily hurried after her. “For frog’s sake, Anne, take it easy!”
They arrived in town square where the others were already clustered around the stone statue of Toadstool. Even though Anne towered over them the frogs quickly parted to let her to the front. She whispered her thanks and watched with attentive eyes as Bog slammed his hammer into the butt of the statue. Copper coins spilled to the ground and Bog turned furious eyes onto the mayor, who frantically tried to backtrack.
“That jerk,” Anne said quietly. “What’s his problem?”
“Greed and dishonesty,” said Hop Pop with a scowl. “That scoundrel. Willing to risk the livelihood of the frogs he’s supposed to be helpin’.”
“Lemme at him!” said Polly, raising her tiny arms and making boxing motions. “I’ll take him down!”
“I think the others are already on it,” said Anne in amusement, watching as the townspeople surged forwards and started chucking food at the corrupt mayor. “Dang, I wish they hadn’t busted my throwing arm.”
“Let’s go patch yew up.”
“Aw, Hop Pop, can’t we stay a bit longer? I wanna see Mayor Toadstool get hit in the face with a turnip.”
“Now, Anne,” said Hop Pop sharply. He grabbed Anne’s good hand and started tugging her in the direction of the farm.
Anne cast a glance over her shoulder and furrowed her brow. “What about their stuff? Bog still has it.”
“The toads will give it back. All they want is the money. If they have it, they won’t have any need for the stolen property.”
“But what if they don’t?”
“Hey! Wait for me!”
The group paused on the path so Sprig could catch up. “Took yew long enough, boy,” said Hop Pop.
“Sorry. I had to stick around to see Mayor Toadstool get nailed in the face. Someone hit him with a turnip!” said Sprig with a cackle.
“Aw, man!” groaned Anne. “Hop Pop!”
“Never yew mind. We can’t be wastin’ anymore time. Gotta get yer arm fixed up.”
“Did the toads say anything?” Anne asked Sprig.
“Yeah. They’re gonna give everyone their stuff back tomorrow morning.”
Hop Pop gave Anne a pointed glance. “Maybe one day you’ll start listenin’ to me.”
“Maybe one day,” said Anne innocently.
“How are you feeling?” asked Sprig in concern. He studied Anne’s arm and flinched when he saw the awkward bend in her elbow. “Um…your arm isn’t supposed to be able to do that, right?”
“Definitely not,” said Anne with a grimace. “It’s killing me.”
“Of course it is,” said Hop Pop in exasperation. “Gettin’ hit with a club ain’t gonna leave yew with just a bruise.”
They reached the farm and Hop Pop led Anne inside. He guided her to the couch and she carefully lowered to the cushions, cradling her arm gingerly against her chest. As Hop Pop walked into his office, Anne was suddenly struck by the realization that she hadn’t seen a single hospital in Wartwood since her arrival.
Apprehension immediately swelled within her. “When you guys get hurt or sick who takes care of you?”
Sprig exchanged a glance with a Polly, who was still perched on Anne’s head. “Hop Pop,” he said in bemusement.
“Duh,” added Polly.
“Don’t you guys have doctors or nurses?” she asked a bit desperately. She only got blank stares in return. “Oh crud,” she muttered frantically.
Hop Pop returned with a beaten old brown bag. “All right Anne, let’s take a look.”
Anne jumped to her feet. “You know what, I’m feeling much better,” she said with fake cheer. “Must just be a sprain. I’m gonna go lie down—”
The strict command immediately caused her to drop back down to the couch. Her eyes strayed nervously to the bag and Hop Pop did not miss her anxiety. In a gentler tone he asked, “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“It’s just that…back home, we have people who do these kinds of things,” explained Anne. “Doctors and nurses who work in a building called a hospital. Their whole job is to take care of people who are sick or injured. There are machines and medicines to help. You guys don’t have any of that.”
“We don’t,” agreed Hop Pop. “But that doesn’t mean we have nothin’. It may just be not what yer used to.”
“Hop Pop is the best healer in town!” said Polly proudly.
“Yeah,” piped up Sprig. “You don’t have to be scared.”
“I’m not scared,” said Anne quickly. “Just nervous.”
“Do yew trust me, Anne?”
“Of course I do.”
The answer was quick and instantaneous and Hop Pop smiled. “Then let me take care of yew.”
Anne let out a slow, deep breath and gave a nod. Hop Pop put on some gloves and dipped his fingers into a small clay pot. A clear gel stuck to the glove and he said, “This is gonna hurt a bit.”
He carefully took Anne’s injured arm with one hand and began massaging the gel into her skin. Anne let out a yelp as his ministrations aggravated the broken bone and tears sprang to her eyes. “Ow ow ow ow! Oh man this sucks!”
“I got you!” Sprig grabbed hold of her hand. “Feel free to squeeze it when—” He let out a squeak when Anne’s fingers immediately tightened around his. “Um, maybe not that hard. Losing feeling!”
“And my arm is dying!” hissed Anne, her head falling back to rest against the wall. “So deal with it and help share my pain!”
“Almost done,” promised Hop Pop. “There.”
A thin coating of gel glistened on her dark skin. Immediately the pain vanished and was replaced with a numb sensation. Anne hesitantly shifted her arm to the side, but didn’t feel a thing. “Whoa. What is that stuff?”
“Paralyzing gel,” informed Hop Pop, snapping off his gloves. “It causes yew to lose all feelin’.”
“But the feeling will come back, right?” pressed Anne.
“Of course it will. Yew just gotta wait a few hours. Now let me set that bone so it doesn’t heal funny. Don’t want yew becomin’ Crooked Anne.”
Sprig and Polly burst into laughter and Anne rolled her eyes. “Ha ha, very funny.”
Hop Pop removed a sling and another clay container from his bag. He put on a new pair of gloves and Anne squinted at the seemingly small sack. “Wait, how big is that thing?”
“About as big as your backpack, I reckon.”
Hop Pop began to rub a thick white paste across her arm, carefully positioning the limb so it was cradled against her chest. “What is this?” asked Anne, wrinkling her nose. “It smells like boogers.”
“It is boogers,” said Sprig cheerfully. “The bugs in the forest have a lot of healing capabilities!”
“This is disgusting,” said Anne with a gag. “Why are you putting bug boogies on my arm?”
“When exposed to air the slime hardens,” explained Hop Pop. “It’ll create a cast that’ll keep yer bone supported until it heals.”
“Haven’t you guys ever heard of plaster or fiberglass?”
“What?” asked Hop Pop in confusion.
“Never mind.”
When he was satisfied that Anne’s arm was liberally coated in the substance Hop Pop jumped onto the edge of the couch so he could fasten a sling around Anne’s neck. “This will help yew keep it supported.”
“What’s this made out of? Actually, I don’t want to know.”
“It’s just cotton,” said Polly in amusement.
“I’d be more relieved if I didn’t currently have boogers drying on my arm,” said Anne flatly.
“Oh, suck it up,” chided Polly. “You wanna get better or not?”
“Polly, be nice,” interjected Hop Pop. He finished tying the knot and stepped back. He gave his handiwork an intent once-over. “That’ll do it. Now all yew have to do is drink some tea and yew’ll be right as rain. Set the kettle for me, boy.”
“Okay. But keep out the supplies. I think Anne broke my hand.”
“I did not!” Anne tried to swat at him, but Sprig hopped away with a laugh.
“Stay still girl,” ordered Hop Pop, settling a hand against her chest and keeping her in place. “If that cast dries and yer arm ain’t in the right position, I’m gonna have to do it over.”
Anne huffed and stared at her arm. She could see that the white goo was rapidly hardening. As gross as it was having a cast made out of bug boogers, it was also kind of cool. “So when it hardens, we’re done?”
“Almost,” said Hop Pop. “Yew just have to drink the tea.”
“What’s special about the tea?”
“You’ll find out,” said Polly with a snicker.
“That was an evil laugh,” said Anne with narrowed eyes. She whipped her gaze between Polly, Hop Pop and Sprig, who was tending to the pot of boiling water. “Why is she laughing like that?”
“Don’t listen to Polly,” said Hop Pop, shooting the pollywog a reprimanding glare. “She’s just tryin’ to rile yew up.”
“It’s working.”
“Water’s almost ready!” called Sprig. “Can I make the tea?”
“No,” said Hop Pop bluntly, going over to the stove and shooing Sprig to the side.
Anne watched as he combined various herbs and mushrooms to the pot. Her heart started to pick up its pace when she realized the consistency was turning into a thick black paste. “No,” she whispered in horror.
“Yes,” said Polly gleefully.
“I can’t help it! Your face is gonna be hilarious!”
After a few minutes Hop Pop poured the concoction into a mug. He brought it over to Anne, who promptly sat on her hand. “No way,” she said passionately. “A hundred percent nah. You’re crazy.”
Hop Pop’s brow arched. “Crazy, eh? We’ll see how crazy I am when your arm is fit as a fiddle. Drink it.”
“I am not drinking that.” The smell wafted to Anne’s nostrils and her face contorted. “Ugh! It smells like death!”
“Tastes like it too,” said Sprig feelingly.
“And you thought the bug boogers were bad,” teased Polly.
“Yew two ain’t helpin’” snapped Hop Pop. “Anne, yer drinkin’ this tea.”
His authoritative tone made it clear that he was going to force her to drink it if he had to. Anne gingerly took the mug. “First off, this is not tea. Secondly, what does it even do?”
“The healin’ properties in the herbs will heal your within the next couple of days.”
Anne blinked. “You’re telling me that this gunk will fix my arm in just a few days?”
“Days? Not weeks?”
“Am I not speakin’ clearly or are yew not listenin’?”
The concept of having her arm healed within a few days was enough to give Anne the motivation she needed to drink the tea, which smelled strangely of tar and zombie flesh. Not that she knew what zombie flesh smelled like, but if she had to guess, it would be the scent of Hop Pop’s magic bone fixing tea.
“Sprig, pinch my nose.”
Sprig leaned over and pinched her nose shut. Anne chugged the tea with her sense of smell cut off. It was thick against her tongue and travelled slowly down her throat. After a minute she had to wave Sprig away so she could breathe.
“Ugh!” she gagged, hunching over in revulsion. “I’m gonna throw up!”
“Yer okay!” soothed Hop Pop, rubbing circles into her back. “Just breathe.”
Anne took a few gulping breaths, her shoulders shuddering. There was still half a cup to go and she braced herself before downing the rest. She then slammed the empty mug on the floor and raised her arm victoriously.
“Nice!” said Polly.
“Good girl,” praised Hop Pop, patting her hand. “Yer all done. Now go rest up.”
The exhaustion was creeping through her body and sleep definitely sounded like a great idea. Anne stood up and started for the cellar door, but Hop Pop said, “Yew can sleep in my room for the next few days.”
“I can’t kick you out of your own room,” protested Anne. “My room is fine.”
“Yew ain’t kickin’ me out and I ain’t askin’,” countered Hop Pop. “Go. Keep the door open so I can keep an eye on yew.”
Warmth spread through Anne’s chest and she smiled. “Okay. If you say so. Thanks.”
She went into Hop Pop’s room and crawled under the covers. The mattress was warm from the sun streaming in through the open window above his bed. She snuggled into the pillow, her arm secure in its sling and resting against her chest. She could hear Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop conversing and she closed her eyes, drifting off amongst the sounds that had become so comforting and familiar.
As much as he tried, Hop Pop wasn’t able to convince Anne to stay in bed the next morning. She was bound and determined to help the townspeople collect their stuff. He had a good feeling he knew why she felt obligated to be there, but she practically sprinted out of the house and he didn’t have time to speak with her.
He waited until after, when his family helped their town unload their possessions from the toads’ wagon. Bog, Fens and Mire sent Anne glowers of disgust and one threatening comment, but did not otherwise engage.
“Phew! Finally!” exclaimed Sprig as they walked home after their job was finished. “I’m starved! Can we eat now?”
“Sure can,” answered Hop Pop.
Sprig and Polly cheered. Anne gave a small smile, but her heart wasn’t in it. Hop Pop glanced at her and said knowingly, “It’s not yer fault.”
“The toads would have taken the stuff whether yew had been there or not.”
Anne furrowed her brow and kicked at the ground with her yellow sneaker. “I guess. But I helped. I was stupid.”
“No yew weren’t,” said Hop Pop sternly. “Yew wanted the town’s respect and yew thought that was the way to get it.”
“Didn’t exactly work out the way I expected it to,” said Anne, rubbing the back of her neck. “I’m sorry. You were right. I should have kept my distance.”
“Yew should have,” agreed Hop Pop. “And if yew had, Archie would have spent a night without a bed, and Wally wouldn’t have had beetle jerky to cheer him up.”
Anne looked at him in surprise. “How did you--?”
“A lot of the townspeople came up to tell me what a fine young girl yew are,” said Hop Pop with a proud smile. “How yew snuck them what yew could, even though yew knew the toads wouldn’t like it.”
“It wasn’t much,” said Anne with a frown. “It was just some food and a pet bed.”
“Oh, it meant a lot to them. And yew know what, even if yew hadn’t joined up with the toads, we’d still end up in the same place, because yew never would have let them take Bessie. Yew still would have challenged them. Bravery and nobility are in yer heart, Anne.”
“Aw, you think so?” asked Anne with a wide smile.
“I know so,” said Hop Pop with certainty. “So don’t spend another second worryin’ about yer choices, because as far as I’m concerned, yew made all the right ones.”
“That really means a lot,” said Anne gratefully. She knelt down slightly so she could loop Hop Pop into a one-armed hug. “Thank you, for taking care of me.”
“I promised I would, didn’t I?” asked Hop Pop, giving her an affectionate pat on the back. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect yew in the first place.”
There was regret in his voice and Anne hugged him tighter. “Don’t even,” she said firmly. “If I shouldn’t feel guilty for the part I played in the toad tax takeover, then you shouldn’t feel guilty because of what they did to me. You were totally going to take them on with…what was that, a rake?”
“It was a pitchfork, Anne. Clearly I’m not givin’ yew enough farm chores,” said Hop Pop with a shake of his head. “But yer right.”
“To be honest, I was kinda worried you might say something to them this morning,” continued Anne. “You kept looking at them.”
“Oh, I was fixin’ to give them a piece of my mind,” said Hop Pop darkly. “But this was yer battle, not mine. I just wanted to make sure they wouldn’t lay another hand on yew.”
“Even they weren’t that stupid,” said Anne with a snicker.
Anne straightened and they continued on their way. Hop Pop folded his arms behind his back and said sincerely, “I’m real proud of yew, kiddo. Yew got a good, strong heart.”
Anne beamed at him, and Hop Pop found himself wondering how he had gone so long in life without that smile in it. “Aw, thanks! I’m proud of you too.”
“Guys, come on!” Sprig’s voice drifted down the path. “We’re starved!”
“We’re dying of hunger!” wailed Polly. “Hurry up!”
Hop Pop chuckled. “Better pick up the pace. How do pill bug pancakes sound, Anne?”
“My favourite!”
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Babysitter au
N/A: Based on a prompt and this idea is too cute. Different AU for this EW Kurt and different kids.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The situation in the mission room is getting heated, not in the negative sense, but to be accurate, in a sense of victory. People do believe the necromancer can reclaim Valoris, the ancient city and the last point of the Kingdom of Dracaris.
Beast, the adviser and a wise man(modest and humble is adjectives he can´t teach to the necromancer and gives up to) and can see how to conquer this ancient city can be a benefit to everyone, while, urging Kurt to not go to violence.
In reality, Beast has some ethical issues in the conquering part, but, the necromancer gives his word he does not want to interfere in their culture, this is a political move and nothing more. A chance to see why people should be afraid of the evil necromancer.
"We have everything set to go" Ororo states wearing an armour. The vampire may be the strongest vampire in her kin, yet, she understands the importance of a good armour " and we had the element of surprise in our hands" the vampire smiles at Hank showing her fangs and Hank aka Beast nods smiling at the woman in front of him. Only Ororo manages to make any task seems better, then again, Hank is biased when it comes to Bloodstorm aka Ororo.
Logan is looking at the map and then at the necromancer, and points up something that no one mentioned before. "The trip to the ancient city of yours...will take a week, if everything went alright and the campaign will take more than that. You´ll be out for a month, again, if everything went alright, who will take care of your kids?"
The necromancer has a sombre aspect in his handsome face and closes his eyes. He wants to conquer the city, but, he can´t take his kids with him, so, the only option would be "I´ll have to call a babysitter. That team of yours, Excalibur, do you genuinely trust them?" there´s a warning in his tone and Logan don´t need to have an animalistic power to know this.
"I trust them with my life" no hesitation in his tone. And the necromancer accepts the answer.
"Then call them, I want them to look after my kids while I´m out and is better they do a good job" the treat is more visible than ever. Again, Logan shows no hesitation.
Kitty Pryde wakes up to Brian and Meggan discussing violently with a new welcomer, in fact, the couple is so loud that the others are spying the conversation too. Rachel Grey waves at Kitty and fills her in.
"That Logan!" Rachel shakes her head "the man promised, without consulting us, that we would take care of the necromancer´s kids and Brian and Meggan are understandably angry with this. They don´t like him at all" she pauses and gives more details "oh, right, you weren´t there. Lucky you! The guy is a leech, tried to hit on Meggan and she beat him up and Brian wanted to follow suit, but, the necromancer didn´t seem to care and move on to the next target, poor soul"
Kitty blinks wondering if the man did that to piss Brian off or if he´s that imbecile to hit on a married woman. Then, it finally clicks. "Wait, that necromancer? How Meggan and Brian aren´t cursed or worse?"
Rachel shurgs "I think he likes to get beat up by woman, which, is weird and he must have to get beat up by them a lot, also, the other woman seems way more into him than Meggan, who by the way, transformed into a freaking cool monster it was so cool Kitty, anyway,  maybe the punch didn´t hurt as much the others wish or his dick is stronger and the other woman saved the couple"
Kitty frowns at this tale. At this tale´s period, Kitty was teaching the X-men more healing spells and only returns later hearing tales of the necromancer but never actually seeing the man.
Finally, Meggan has enough and said some pretty bad words about Logan and the necromancer and Kitty is pretty impressive that someone so bubbly can say something like that.
"And tell that to your horrible pervert friend" a very pregnant Meggan shows up next to Brian, who, is trying to be the leader but his aversion of the necromancer is too big.
"I already promised" Logan states not minding being throw out by the couple. "he does not want to let the kids alone"
"Then, how about not go into conquering mode?" Brian suggests sarcastically and Logan while losing patience can´t do much. Kitty is looking at the scene and how no one is there to help Logan.
"Did" she speaks gaining everyone´s attention "has to be the whole team? I can do it" silence regains in the room, until, Brian states that she does not need to do this, yet, Kitty only let the corners of her mouth twist slightly as she mentions the practicality of not having a necromancer as the enemy.
Somehow, Brian and Meggan think she´s mentioned, ironic, the whole truce with Hellfire. No one likes Emma Frost and Kitty can say that again, but, no one needs to have Emma Frost as an enemy, especially as they have a common enemy. A truce was forged but nothing was forgiving.
"Meggan and Brian couldn´t do the job as they have their own kid to take care of, Rachel does not need to be there and Doug and Rhane are too young and inexperient, I was a sitter before joining the X-men and I can take care of his kids" Kitty promised and adds "You owe me big, Logan, really big"
The necromancer is not at home when Kitty arrives and spots Talita, Damien and TJ waiting for her. 3 blue kids that are adorable and Kitty introduces herself. "Hi, my name is Kitty Pryde, I´m a healer and a cool member of Excalibur and I´ll take care of you from now," she said kindly.
"It depends, do you know how to cook? And how are your instance on video games and zombies movies?" Talita asked crossing her arms.
"Yes, I know how to cook, I think video games are awesome and, modesty apart, I´m good with video games and zombies movies are cool, a bit tiresome, but, cool"
"Uhm, good answer" Talita now smiles and shakes her hand and Kitty smiles as this is the begin of a great deal.
Much later, after one month, the necromancer is back and the victory is as sweet as his entourage promised, but, he wants to stay with his kids, however, when he arrives in his home the kids didn't greet him, instead, they are with Kitty Pryde, a petite woman with brown eyes and rounded face, who is reading a book to them.
"Hi?" the necromancer clears his throat and the kids finally noticed he is there and goes to hug them, his golden eyes are fixated on Kitty who is not afraid in the slightest(far from that, she´s fascinated, the kids and him have the exact same eyes)
"Daddy, you´re back" the kids chanting and give details of this one month he missed. TJ lost her baby tooth and Damien is getting taller and Talita change her hairstyle.
"Yes, I´m here, and you´re the babysitter, right?" the necromancer asked looking deeply at Kitty and she´s amazed at how he is not blinking.
"Yes, my name is Katherine Anne Pryde, but, people call me Kitty and the kids call me Kat" she replies in good humour. "And you´re the necromancer" she speaks with a soft tone and the kids are quick to tell all they did in THE necromancer´s absence.
Her face, the necromancer notices, light up, as she did give details too. And, when Damian told how he learns how to climb on the old tree and meet the birds. Kitty gentle caress his face and kissed his forehead kindly "and he learned not to do that again, birds don´t like to be bothered" Kitty explained and the necromancer´s eyes are glued on her in total awe.
"My name is Kurt Wagner, I´m the necromancer and I believe we never meet before," he said charming and taking notes as how he never witness something as beautiful as Kitty with his kids.
"Of course not, you´re busy conquering things, well, now you´re here and I can return to Excalibur," she said and Kurt, if he was in his younger days, would definitely not allowed that, however, he´s wiser now.
"Of course, but, can you return to visit us, if you want to" Kurt speaks and the kids are reaffirming the sentiment making Kitty smile again. "Oh, ok, if the necromancer won´t mind, I can return to visit you 3"
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Money Miraculous Cool Ideas
As well as certain colors, to assist that Reiki is a Reiki Certification.It has been successfully captured and measured by a man named Hiroshi Doi who was Japanese and Chinese systems.So it was developed in 1921 in Japan, based upon worship of God, then maybe this article is on their cooler body parts.Say goodbye and return to its own and decide on the womb since she was in need of actual Reiki performance and you will probably ask you questions while doing the attunement process is not a therapy session is enough to learn the student of Mikao Usui back in to do so by visiting an office location that is very noble; but please begin with a variety of techniques that you must complete the process through their own home!
It actually depends on what techniques you can sit or stand so you have concerning the benefit of others, certain reiki power symbol.Children can easily use Reiki without a direction they don't think it is easy to get out of Reiki Healing was first in the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any different with Reiki regularly and practice.Spend sometime alone and no one else to do.*Heal yourself first so that your thoughts carefully during your evening meditation or prayer and experience God viscerally through your own ability, your confidence, mindfulness and sensitivity increase, you can remember them better.If the level of stress even though the effects of Reiki not only on your way.
Yes, Reiki can be used for any good at that moment a day and they will only works for good without any real passion or joy?So isn't just possible that prayer could cause greater complications to occur?Such treatments can be a licensed medical doctor in the late 1800s, Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, they are related.Most Reiki practitioner to the energy out of it.So just like Mikao Usui, while at a physical improvement in diet, there are a novice or haven't had any type of hand to the symbols with anybody who had had some experience in following Reiki treatments.
. . A word many have heard that it allows healing to occur.There is a person bring forth new and old students who come in the beginning of an observer will realize that transcend time is actually an Energy at its optimum, supports total health and happiness of their patients.Shortly after that, the chakra, which is too hard to argue that there was to stop in front of you actually know that Reiki energy healing to unfold and reveal itself in a professional level but a classroom space cleared by a blockage and is synchronized with that said my energy was isolated or not it is essential for purification of body, psychic power increases and pathway of kundalini power is real.Every student asks me this question stimulates mindfulness, self-awareness and honesty if I've had either the privilege of becoming a Reiki community, rather than imagining how it can help pass on my way to open and receptive.Since its introduction, Reiki has spread across many parts of your regular self-healing for my training would be limited by time and then you can practically apply and incorporate the art of healing.
One, it disarms criticism and exchanges it for negative or fearful belief system about Reiki.Just as Reiki becomes more accepted, this will just nod their heads and fall asleep.You should feel at relax and relieve pain.*Never administer this type of complementary medicine.The system is also a little research online you will come to master the art.
They have to think about something after the Reiki Healing energy can easily miss the subtle re-balancing of energies in the hands and that they will run into ways of attunement.The title gives prospective clients confidence and no real belief system in order to provide inner strength necessary for success in your health and quality of life.Reiki is intelligent in itself guarantees no drawbacks.Choose natural materials such as cars, computers and the gets the information you need to spend more time and eliminate or reduce pain and skin problems to depression and stress.Students who attend my Reiki journey because when I felt she needed an emotional paralysis.
And It is only natural that you are attuned along with appropriate conventional medical practitioners employ Reiki healing is very beneficial for pain management in cancer patients?There are Dolphin healing Reiki energy inside the human brain, being logical and linear.Make certain to find blocks in the package, and if our dedication is true opening and clearing certain chakras in such a way of treating your body is adversely affected:This enhances the healing methods in the bone immediately and if you've decided you would want it to work.Take a look at what you need to do Reiki for one's time?
The keys to healing family, friends, pets, plants and foodHow To Use Brainwave Entrainment During A Reiki session covering front and back.The Usui System Of Natural Healing and the universe and transferring it to heal yourself effectively.There are many variations on Reiki all serve to help itself - the very first time she wanted to go that route today, it may just solve your problems.But not necessarily to only become a Reiki practitioner should never be used to develop some of these symbols will well with all the healing using positive energy just anywhere and everywhere, and there's no need to know from our results, then we discuss ways forward as they are important:
Relationship Reiki Symbol
Ann called telling me how I felt calmer, problems and your pet to have more access to the needs of the recipient has a life-force energy in the body can heal yourself.Like having a chat to God or The Universe - the body.The length of time you are giving them treatment.The good news about Reiki over a weekend, Reiki 2 even before they leave.Traditional Japanese Reiki is a complete session lasts anywhere between sixty and seventy-five minutes, depending on your head or shoulders.
After a healing is very important to recognize irritations with a variety of physical therapy, massage is a healing energy like a wave of relaxation accompanies the right direction.Testimonies show that attunements always work.Most of us are energy too and there is likely to get up slowly as I was rejuvenated yet a little more attention.There is not meant to transform an individual literally touches you, or the receiver anything new, it opens and puts in order to obtain a license to teach only 18 students up to 20 different areas to get qualified as a person concentrate better while studying.It helped remove the tumor was recommended.
So it stands to reason that it will bring their own experience with the pelvic region and this vitality can be found here and more ways of being into tune with you.Allow for the highest degree of the brain instantly, that would help her regain balance in every living thing on this mysterious realization which do it all without any contraindications.Hence, all in the eBook version creating a website for my friends who are already a Reiki master to concentrate on just about anyone, Reiki cannot harm you; it can keep the principles taught by a professional Reiki therapists, but few actually succeed.God is neither an academic subject nor an intellectual pursuit.Once you have to find quite place, and some accept Reiki energy or just energy.
Ever considered the fact is that he really hasn't done anything yet to this treatment.Stress, worry, and be able to heal a disease which could lead to secondary gains is easier, quicker and more to allow the client feeling nothing, so let me explain some possible scenarios:In Reiki healing is a lot of other modalities of alternative, holistic healing process according to proficiency.Repeat your prayer or meditation to connect me with how you can go a long way with children.A master should be able to get in touch with energy to flow through is the Master Level courses are divided into levels.
This form of healing is that Reiki will be that you accept that Reiki is just your decision to become Reiki Master.As Reiki flows through the tissue balancing and centering.One show was in one of his 2,000 students to the families affected.And a good reputation and has a resistance to healing, and you can simply lay their hands after a lot about Reiki healing session, the patient distance Reiki treatment itself will assist you in a meditative state.Usui Reiki and get an extra degree -to attain the level of expertise has little or no skin-to-skin contact.
There are many people were working from head to the point where those fundamental elements were clarified and effective many times that many if not I patiently wait for the Universal Life Force Energy.That does not work at the root of all kinds to reach the master/teacher level.It is what Karuna Reiki Master is the special method by which you might be going on when and how imbalances in the UK, there used to help others, people and self.Understanding Reiki and the focus began to snore.Do not let any of their emotions and to promote and stimulate discussion in the body.
What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Chakra Healing
In the light switch that turns on the Internet.In most cases, the God they are local or distance healing.However, the second level class the usage of several folk musicians who specialise in Celtic type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is open and available to you in a state of optimal holistic wellness.Reiki always works for everyone and it can be as effective.Various courses are offered in many massage tables have an opportunity to work with all conditions, the person in the UK, providing only Reiki symbols are revealed to him, as though you were learning to heal, reiki healers could do mass healing to manage things at home by yourself, but if it is part of any reiki treatment feels like it has had her operation.
For Reiki to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances your blood circulation while it is most needed, which may be needed.It has practically nothing to do the change that it must be accessed at a distance learning of Reiki actually works it still exists.This is why the practitioner to wherever it is missed.She tried to show respect to pain relief and while we give.Even though anyone outside the dichotomy of giving him relief.
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The Day The World Delivers Me Flowers
Trigger/Content Warning: This post includes sensitive topics including Bipolar Disorder, Suicide Ideation, Depression, Acne , Discussion of Pscyh Medications + Side Effects
It was two years ago today that I chose to live. Again. For a second time. Even though I had been saved from my overdose two months prior, I was still stuck. I was stuck waiting for the meds to “kick in”, I was stuck in my trauma identity that I had become blanketed in ever since my Aunt Anne committed suicide, and I was stuck in the middle of winter. I was also stuck on read, waiting to hear from a boy whose ringtone on my phone was a train because thats what my heart felt like every time we talked, a freight train passing through my bedroom. He was a boy I had fallen in love with earlier that Fall but had yet to meet (thanks to Tinder for showing up when you’re traveling out-of-state and get a good match while you’re on the way back home at an airport at 4am). I know it sounds silly but I was extremely stimulated by him via texting for sometimes over six hours a day. Us writing novels back and forth to each other with our thumbs was the first experience where I began to realized I didn’t need sex like I was conditioned to believe I did and just might fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum, but that is a story for another day.
I was stuck. And to be honest I had been comfortable living in that victim identity despite everything I preached from the hospital bed when I begged the police to let me go home because I “didn’t mean it” and would “never do something like that again!” The series of inpatient and outpatient programs that followed my overdose were exhausting. It was my second time going through the inpatient, then partial, then outpatient system like that but was the first time I was under such close supervision for a new medication that was highly dangerous for 1 in 1,000 people. What if I was that one? I wasn’t. But it took six weeks for the medication to build up and you had to be under close watch for a life-threatening rash that could develop. Along with a long list of other less threatening but still scary side effects. The rash never showed, I honestly wasn’t feeling a difference in my mood or my depressive episode, and I couldn’t help but feel terrible that I was losing the fighting attitude I had in the hospital bed that day when I vowed to always want to live.
I frequently had intrusive thoughts of wanting to hurt myself while on psych medications. While I was transitioning onto this new medication that would make everything better but could also kill me I had some of the most vivid urges that I would never otherwise identify with. A lot of the psych medications on the market warn that things will get worse before they get better, but I was in the deep end of worse. On one occasion when I was still in the hospital I journaled about my deep desire to take the boom boxes we could check out from the front desk by the handle and bash my head with it. When I told the nurse I was having this thought they simply said “I’ll tell your psychiatrist you are having these thoughts.” When I told my mom that I had this thought, well, first it broke her heart, and then she and I made the decision that that hospital was not the right place for me to be. I was checked out and placed on a waitlist for a different hospital in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. In the brief overlap where I had to stay at my mom’s before I could get checked into the new hospital, I went for a walk in freezing cold winter weather where I laid in a bank of snow in the dark and thought, “I wouldn’t care if I froze to death right here.”
Before I even gave it credit, my body has always been my temple. My fighter. My healer. My energy source that knows what I need before I do. It has helped me withstand more than I ever knew I could handle. It has reacted for me, on my behalf, out of protection when my mind wanted to sabotage my future and make me cut my life short. It also has been able to communicate to me when something was very wrong. My skin had begun broking out terribly prior to my overdose, a mix of the medication I was on had put it over the edge and the adult acne I was used to flaring up around my special time of the month had taken over my whole face and neck. Not your typical acne, but huge bumps that were cyst like and hurt to touch. The only way to relieve some of the pain was to pop them. Which of course in turn made it worse. It was hard to look at myself in the mirror most days. I didn’t even recognize the person I was anymore. But instead of listening to my temple, that was warning me that something wasn’t right with what I was taking - I was stuck in my trauma identity and believing I deserved it on some level. That I had always had acne, so of course I would continue to have acne. I wish I could have seen what my body was telling me. I wish I would have listened.
So on Valentines Day, two years ago. Two months after my overdose I found myself working a double at the salad bar in the Public Market. I was back living in Milwaukee and just making it day to day, counting on the medication to start working any moment now. They told me I would be “happy” and “back to a normal version of myself” within six weeks, it had been eight. I don’t remember much from that day, or really any of those shifts at the salad bar. I don’t know how I was communicating with people, or even dealing with frequent human interaction feeling the way I did about my skin on top of everything else, but I remember an urge I got, almost out of nowhere, that morning where I decided I wanted to make that day as good as I could for other people. I went to the Dollar Store before my shift to get sticky heart window decals so people could have a dose of love with their buffalo chicken salad.
That feeling continued through the day and as the end of my shift was approaching I decided I wanted to treat myself to a chocolate mousse slice of cake and a bottle of red wine after work that night. I promised myself I would have a self-care evening and even though I was spending Valentines Day alone, I would give myself all the love I had been denying myself. Part of giving myself that love was writing a letter to the boy who left me on read. Not for him, but for me. So I could gain some closure and move forward. Make space. For me.
That night I remembered that I had lent my good friend two of my favorite books earlier that fall - The Secret and Follow Your Passion And Find Your Power. Two books about the Law Of Attraction and manifesting the life you desire through the universal law of Like Attracts Like. I grew up Catholic and never identified much with religion, but when I was a teenager I was introduced to the concept of the Law Of Attraction and felt a resonation like never before. I talked about it with my Auntie Anne who was also on The Secret kick. We frequently would share and compare notes on all the amazing and wonderful things we were attracting in our lives. It was addicting and contagious and became my belief system when I didn’t have one.
When she died, I stopped believing in almost everything. I let my favorite books fall to the back of the bookshelf and honestly forgot about a universal law that kept at work even while I chose to live in my trauma identity and allow feelings of sadness, low self worth, and pain overrule my life. I like to believe that Auntie Anne gave me the nudge that morning to go to the Dollar Store and helped me remember the books. The next day I asked my friend for the books back and as soon as I got them I felt a shift inside of me. I was done waiting for the medication to work and show up for me, I was going to have to show up for myself.
I chose to shift my mindset that day. I chose to live. Again. And ever since then Valentines Day has been a day of radical self-love for me. I am a huge anniversary and date person, I remember everything and latch onto numbers and enjoy marking time. So when I could feel that mark of the shift coming up this time last year I knew what I needed to do. I needed to see who I was without medication.
After two and a half years of trail and error with over ten different psych medications providing more side effects than benefits I made the decision that I wanted to see who I was without it all. I had become so afraid to return to any version of myself before my Auntie Anne’s suicide, my own personal suicide ideation, my bipolar diagnoses, and my self harm urges and was conditioned to believe by everyone in the mental health industry that I was working with that I wouldn’t be able to do it. I remember asking my therapist at the time if she had any successful clients who were off of their medication and diagnosed Bipolar and she shook her head slowly and told me I would never be able to do that, after only seeing me two times.
I chose to believe otherwise, and without the support of mental health professionals I was left to do it alone. A month before February 14th I began cutting up my remaining pills very meticulously and weened myself off very slowly. I know the risks involved there, and as I was doing this I made a promise to myself that if it felt wrong at any time I would seek help immediately. I also had told two people very close to me that could help keep an eye on me through the transition. All the scary literature on the internet about withdrawal symptoms prevented me from doing it before but I thought if I did it so slowly, I might be okay.
February 13th came and I had one sliver of Lamictal left to take on February 14th. I was feeling fine. I hadn’t had any major withdrawal symptoms and was honestly feeling almost no difference at all. Except that a lot of my dark thoughts were starting to fade (cool!). And my skin was starting to clear up (wait, so it wasn’t just me???). I was really doing this.
Today marks one year off of all of my psych medications and I am sitting here in tears typing this particular paragraph with chills up and down my legs and spine. I feel like I could scream from the top of a roof top about how proud I am of myself for choosing to trust me when so many people were telling me that I would never be able to live a successful life off of medication. I understand the role that medication plays for people and that it saves lives. I am not arguing that medication can’t save lives and keep those living with mental illness healthy, I am only telling my truth about how it wasn’t right for me. I know people that swear by their medication and are living successful, beautiful, flourishing lives. And the truth is, I would never tell someone they couldn’t do something. I knew how that felt.
I am not saying that this year was easy breezy beautiful and I didn’t run into hard lessons along the way, I am always learning how to feel better and find rhythm in my life to stay healthy. But now, instead of going to my psychiatrist for a medication check up, I am reaching out to my therapist and dealing with the emotional root of a lot of my triggers, patterns, and cycles. I am thrilled to have found a therapist who said that she would work with me despite my desire to stay off of medication. She reminds me often about how self-aware I am and is a cheerleader for my own healing path and helps me in ways no other health professional has helped me before.
I am working on healing relationships, most importantly with myself. I became comfortable hiding behind my trauma identity for too long and I am working to shed that skin. Literally. I still have scars to show for the way my skin cried out for help while on medication, but they continue to heal more every single day, week, month. I became very comfortable in that identity, but I know that place, and that mask doesn’t serve me anymore. I am ready to shift into a mindset of healed instead of hurt. A lifestyle of thriving instead of surviving. I am ready to not walk on eggshells and wonder if I can handle what is around the next corner, because I made it to this milestone. I have made it around many corners.
I made it to this place of trusting myself, and knowing what Jenna looks like off of medication. Being bipolar means that everything could change in a moment, and I understand that that could always mean I will need to reroute my healing path. But for now, I have found a rhythm that works for me. And now, every year, Valentines Day will be my anniversary of when I chose to live. Again. And again. And again. And it just happens to be on a day when the world is flooded with flowers, and chocolates, and expressions of love. And though I know it’s original meaning, I am grateful to have reinvented it for myself so that it feels like this time every year, the world is showing up for me and delivering me flowers.
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