#or at least a healthier one - they have mentioned prior that their schedule was not healthy
Y’all we gotta do something about the education system
I’m not just talking about the American school system, I’m talking about every one. I saw this post and it just tRigGEreD me to the core:
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YALL WE GOTTA STEP IT THE F*** UP. CLAP YOUR HANDS IF YOU LIKE SCHOOL. HEAR THAT? NO YA DONT. literally everyone hates school and why?
We aren’t passionate abt what we’re learning
Information is forced upon us in an unhealthy process
The work is unreasonable and most likely things we won’t ever use again
Lastly, it teaches us to fit into little cut out spaces and fill roles that society expects from us.
Let’s dive deeper, shall we
We’ve all heard this before, and yet none of us have taken a stand in any way that makes a difference. Listen, I know we all need basic math skills, and probably should read that Shakespeare book, and I agree. However, it doesn’t make sense that every year it’s MATH, HISTORY, SCIENCE, ENGLISH, and a sport or something. Like, how much do you think I’m gonna remember guys?
And none of us are into it. Personally, I love English. I could read and write and depict novels all day. On the other hand, I hate science with a passion. It does not make sense. Many students are like this, better at other subjects and maybe not as good at something else. Why is that so bad? I find myself dozing off in class bc it’s so boring. The way we’re learning isn’t learning at all. It’s being damn good at memorizing and cramming things last minute. THAT ISNT LEARNING which leads me into my next point
How we learn
First off, I’ve had 5 good teachers in my life. 5. I’m a sophomore in high school. The only reason I know weird things about how geometry works is bc of my 6th grade math teacher. The only reason I get human geography is bc of my AP human teacher. You wonder why I don’t understand biology? WE TAKE NOTES FROM OUR TEACHERS PAGES AND LISTEN TO HER READ OFF THE SCREEN. You wonder why my homework is excellent and my tests are failures? BECAUSE THEY ARENT TEACHING AT ALL, THEYRE EXPECTING US TO KNOW BC WE STUDY, AND THEREFORE ARENT DOING THEIR JOBS.
Secondly, students don’t learn the same. There’s this art piece of a monkey, a fish, and an insect or something and they’re all asked to climb a tree. This is the education system. Sometimes, people can learn easily bc they get it. For others, it’s impossible bc it’s not who they are.
And it’s unhealthy
get up at 6. Get off at 4. Have 3 hours of homework. Go to sleep at 9. Repeat. Do you know how unhealthy that is for teenagers? I play a sport and I have to go to practice at least two school nights a week. And on the weekend, teachers pile on everythingggggg. You wonder why we procrastinate? Cause we are unmotivated, tired, and physically unable. I take all AP classes bc it’s fun to learn, if you think about it. I’d love to know about the ecosystem and the planets. I think science is fun! I soak up facts about our ancestors and how our world came to be. I think history is fun! But the busy work, the stress, the never ending due-dates, finals, and homework make it unbareable.
Y’all have heard this before: we won’t use the work in the future.
No we won’t. The only thing I’d need it for is helping my kids with their homework, because the education system doesn’t change despite how awful it is. Honestly, it just keeps getting worse. Ted talks and posts about this are endless, so I won’t go into detail, you get the just.
Societal Roles
School is meant to enhance our creativity and our uniqueness, but it does the exact opposite. It discourages our individuality by making us take tests and work for meaningless grades. Think of the billionaires who didn’t go to college. Think of the successful people who are mathematicians or scientists. Everyone that comes to mind when I think of someone successful, probably didn’t use any of their prior high school knowledge to achieve their dreams. I’m tired of being anxious all the time. Even as the school year nears I feel myself becoming depressed, scared, and stressed already. What a shame.
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My first solution is that we have Fridays as half days, and start school at at least 9, but 10 would be better. The school day should still end at 4.
This will decrease stress dramatically and allow students proper time to rest. Having that delay will allow students to have healthier sleeping schedules and more time to do homework. While this does decrease time for actual learning, I believe schools can make it work. Having A/B schedules where students have half their classes on A day and the other half on B day should suffice nicely. As for Friday’s, the school should get out at 12 and be kept open until 3 for students to come in for tutoring. Teachers will then have to work until 4 bc we need our grades in and this allows them up to 4 hours to sort everything out.
Next solution, from Kinder through 8th grade, the four main subjects should be enforced as they are just basic means of education (but kept the same as they already are). High school should allow students to have 3 years of each, so that they can pick which classes they want to take that year.
This allows more room for endorsements and sports throughout your high school years. Personally, high school is already a drag for me and if they’re gonna continue the work load, then they’ve gotta cut the time we have to endure it. Everyone I know is so anxious all the time, they’ve turned to drugs and alcohol and juuls. Honestly, I think it’s bc it gives them an escape, but I wouldn’t know. On top of that, everyone’s depressed. I can blame about 70% of this on education alone. Imagine having the freedom to grow into a person you want to be. With this schedule, I really think we can. We have more time to figure out who we are and what our passion is through picking classes that suit us instead of the main 4. Plus, teachers will benefit as well. They get to teach those who want to learn their subject and will strive for it.
Last solution, work load needs to be fixed.
I’m not just talking homework, I’m talking busy work, projects, and tests. I’d rather learn than do that crap, bc, what a shocker! It doesn’t help. Tests should be once every two months, with quizzes enforced every two weeks. Quizzes should be no longer than 20 questions, and tests no longer than 40. Half the amount of homework we already receive should become optional, and a study resource more than a grade. I get about 5 pages a week in math alone, not to mention the amount I get from other classes. Let’s cut that to about 15 questions and have 3 pages of optional study work that help you understand the subject.
And for busy work, let’s make that a thing once every week, and for a short amount of time. The rest should be practicing with the teacher or optional station work.
Projects, on the other hand, should be given once every month. They shouldn’t be huge projects, but just simple ones to cover the unit. Nor should they be useless. I’m not gonna go design a topographic map at home and waste my money on poster paper or connect a baseball game to a mathematical equation. Give me a few key materials to research and a few options on how I want to complete it such as, google site, video, presentation, or creative side like drawing. Whatever benefits the student.
See how I’ve included every students needs and ways of processing the material, along with setting realistic expectations to uphold them to? Not that hard.
Please feel free to add more! I’d love to hear y’alls opinion on school and what you think of my solution! I’ll probably make a legit paper on this bc I kinda just threw this post together lol
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momsavvyus · 5 years
Welcome to Motherhood
But, what if you're not ready? You don't know if you'll be a good Mom.. Breathe! Everything will be OK.
Whether planned or by complete surprise, I'm more than sure you are wondering what to do next.
Focus on the basics right now doing so will set the tone for the next 9-10 months with minimal stress.
Step 1. Schedule an appointment with your Primary car physician.
They will confirm the pregnancy and advise you on choosing specialists to help monitor your pregnancy. Some family practice doctors provide prenatal care and attend deliveries.
How will they confirm? Most PCP will confirm via urine and/or blood. Me personally I'd prefer urine but the reality is that sometimes urine will not suffice, be prepared for blood work. Make sure you are hydrated, drink at least 16oz of water prior to your appointment. Trust me, you will be glad you did.
Step 2. Take a trip to your local Vitamin Shop or GNC and stock up on Prenatal Vitamins!
Prenatal care starts in the womb, keep your energy levels high by taking nutritional supplements to supply you and baby with essential minerals needed as you both develop.
Pros:Reduce the risk of a whole array of conditions, from the annoying to the harmful, including:
Leg and muscle cramps
Low immunity
Postpartum depression
Low appetite
Skin irritation
Brain fog
Cons: Honestly there aren't many cons vitamins are necessary however you may experience heightened pregnancy side effects such as
• Nausea. To avoid this, opt for a chew able vitamin vs a huge pill. If you don't mind taking pills try taking your prenatal vitamin with food (and never on an empty stomach). It also helps to take them at night, so you are asleep when the nausea would potentially kick in.
• Constipation. You have the iron content to thank for this.
• A change in urine color or odor. B vitamins, in particular, may be the contributing factor, though these are harmless changes.
Ritual-Essential Prenatal (vegan)
Natures Way- Alive
Honest CODHA Complete
Pink StorkTotal Prenatal Plus (vegetarian)
Step 3.Find an (OB-GYN) or a nurse-midwife.
Which is the best recommendation?
Such a difficult question to answer and so subjective.
But really the question is ‘what are you looking for in your doctor?’ since every OBGYN has their own approach. It is more like a matchmaking service when deciding who to choose. Research both to see which is best for you.
(Keep an eye out for a separate post going into further detail.)
Step 4. Get Business Savvy
Speak to your Insurance provider. These key questions will provide you with a better understanding of what to look forward to financially.
Does the policy cover prenatal care?
Do I need a referral to see a specialist/OBGYN from my primary care doctor? (more details in step 5)
Are labor/delivery costs included?
What are the co-pays, coinsurance, and deductible amounts?
Is prenatal testing covered (ultrasounds, amniocentesis, genetic tests)?
How long after delivery is my hospital stay covered?
Will I need pre-authorization to receive prenatal care?
What hospitals and doctor’s offices are within the preferred provider network?
Are non-traditional deliveries covered (midwife, home-birth, etc.)?
Are private rooms covered or will I have to share a room?
Step 5. Consider your health history.
If you suffer with any chronic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, epilepsy or a previous antenatal complication that might require special care then it is wise to try and see an OBGYN who has a special interest in caring for high-risk pregnancies.
Some doctors will have a special interest in IVF pregnancies and twin births which is a growing field as more women than ever are having their first baby after age 35 and often with the help of an IVF clinic to conceive.
Step 6. Select a hospital or birthing center.
Now that you have a better understanding of what your insurance covers
You can chose where to give birth whether it be in your home, at a hospital or at a birthing center.
Do your homework, know your options and create a birthing plan. Remember your baby will come when he or she is ready, they have a plan of their own. Learning to accept, adjust and advance will help you deal with the reality that plans are ever changing,
Your plan is simply a guide, you may experience road blocks, detours and at some point you may have to negate your original plan.
Obstacles are necessary most end up working out BEST case scenario. I say that to say, do not get discouraged! If your plan doesn't pan out exactly as you envisioned it. Remain open minded and prepared to adapt. This is where you begin to create your new balance. Everything will be just fine, you got this!
Step 7. Its all in your mind!
A happy, healthy baby is every mothers dream. Remaining stress free & in positive spirits is the key! A positive attitude starts with healthy mindset. Understand perfection does not exist however progression is what matters most.
Here's how you can stay in positive spirits:
Eating well: a balanced diet will benefit you and baby. ditch the junk food and opt for healthier options. There's an alternative for everything now a days so do not worry you can satisfy your cravings the healthy way.
Staying active: We all want to snap back to our pre-baby bodies, do not be afraid to work out during your pregnancy (unless advised otherwise by your doctor). You will be glad you did. Muscle memory is real and though you may not be able to see your toes at the moment remember it is only temporary.
Getting enough sleep: enjoy it while you can, because you will not get a full 8hours of sleep for at least the next 24 months. Do not feel guilty for taking that mid-day nap or sleeping in until 12pm you are creating life and beauty sleep is essential to maintaining that pregnancy glow.
Build your village: Its tough if you are the first friend in your group to become pregnant. Who will you talk Mom & Baby stuff with? Having support from friends and family is vital. If you lack in either department now is the time to be open to creating new Mom bonds. Check recommendations below.
Communicate with your Partner: Vocalize what you need from them during this time. You guys are entering this journey together and should provide support for one another. Make it a priority to attend appointments together.
Draw closer to your family & friends: Lean on them! Let them know you are entering a new phase of your life and will need as much support as you can get. Be open and inviting, allow your family & extended family to attend doctors appointments with you. Those you select will begin to bond with you your partner and baby on a more intimate level.
Take parenting classes: Enroll in prenatal yoga, and join meet up groups. You'll be surprised at the life long connections you'll make, not to mention you'll have a list of friends to confide in & eventually schedule play dates with. You can also invite friends and family to these classes/meet ups.
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Sleep Tips for Seniors Living with Insomnia
Changes in the sleeping pattern are a common sign of old age. Experiencing less deep sleep, waking up in the wee hours, and feeling sleepy earlier are a few changes. However, what’s not typical is waking up tired every morning and experiencing disturbed sleep. These are signs of insomnia in the elderly.
As when you were younger, good quality of sleep is key to your emotional and physical health. An adequate sleep strengthens your immune system, repairs cell damage, improves memory function and concentration power, to name a few. Therefore, we have compiled the best sleep tips for seniors in this blog post to help you eliminate insomnia.
How Much Sleep is Good Sleep?
Even though it varies with individuals, most people need 7-9 hours of sleep every night. To figure out the correct number of hours, you need to observe how you feel after waking up in the morning. Do you feel tired or rested enough? If you feel tired waking up, you’re not getting proper sleep.
Insufficient sleep is associated with breast cancer, weight problems, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other serious health problems. It may also lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, memory problems, attention problems, or depression. Hence, one of the most crucial sleep tips for seniors is a minimum of 7-hour sleep at night.
What Causes Insomnia in the Elderly?
A decreased level of growth hormone in old age is behind insomnia in the elderly. For this reason, deep sleep or slow-wave is difficult to achieve during the night. As a result, seniors do not feel refreshed after waking up. Due to less melatonin, they wake up frequently through the night and experience more fragmented sleep.
“Light sleepers,” as we call them, make up for the fragmented sleep by taking daytime naps. In most cases, this may not be indicative of an underlying problem.
However, the following signs and symptoms would indicate sleep problems in the elderly:
Increased reliance on sleeping pills.
Overindulgence in alcohol to get back to sleep.
Feel irritable and tired during the day.
Trouble managing emotions.
Difficulty driving, watching television, or sitting still.
Lack of focus and concentration during the day
When awakened, trouble getting back to bed.
Besides the natural decline in growth hormone, sleep problems in the elderly can also sign an underlying problem. Some of them are stress, traumatic experience, depression, health problems, or even side effects of certain medications.
The other causes of insomnia in seniors include:
Medical conditions: Millions of seniors in the U.S. live with various chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc. They feel the need to urinate and experience heartburn during the night frequently. That makes sleeping extremely difficult. If that’s the case, you should consult your doctor to lessen the symptoms and achieve a night of deep sleep.
Menopause: Women experience night sweats and hot flashes after menopause that interrupt their deep sleep. Improving certain lifestyle aspects such as exercise and diet is excellent to resolve sleep problems over 50 years of age in women.
Sleep disorders: Older adults are prone to experiencing sleep disorders such as sleep apnea that causes breathing problems, and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) that causes an involuntary urge to move their legs. These conditions can leave them uncomfortable and tired and should necessitate medical attention.
Inadequate social engagement: Activities such as volunteering and engaging with your community are essential to get a good night’s sleep. They keep you moving and interactive, thereby leaving you tired by the end of the day. Joining a seniors’ group or volunteering can be an excellent yet understated sleep tip for seniors.
Lack of sunlight: Melatonin, a hormone released by the pineal gland, regulates our sleep-wake cycles. Sunlight is a natural source that helps regulate melatonin. For this reason, it’s vital to get a minimum of 20 minutes of sunlight every day to improve your sleep.
Stress: This is one of the most common causes of sleep problems in the elderly. Certain life-altering events such as the death of a close friend/family member, retirement, or changing family home can trigger stress. In such a scenario, it’s important to talk face-to-face with someone who can improve your mood and enhance sleep quality.
Medications: This could be a reason behind sleep problems over 50. Unlike children and younger people, seniors take more drugs to treat their conditions. An unlikely combination of drugs can, however, impair sleep. Therefore, you must consult your doctor, who can change your medications thus allowing you to undergo deep sleep.
Lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle is not considered suitable for rest. Activity has been deemed necessary for good quality of sleep by several studies. Being physically active is essential to maintain healthy serotonin levels, improving your sleep cycles, mood, and appetite.
Poor sleep habits: Watching late-night shows on television or other devices could contribute to poor sleep quality. Moreover, it’s not advised to consume alcohol before going to bed. Your room needs to be quiet, dark, and comfortable, which is conducive to sleep.
Sleep Tips for Seniors
Choosing a healthier lifestyle, improving the sleep environment, and addressing emotional issues can help you significantly improve your sleep. That said, you may need some time to find out what works best for you.
These are the best natural sleep aid for the elderly:
Use low-wattage bulbs: As we established earlier, melatonin makes you sleepy. However, its production can be hampered due to artificial lights at night. It’s better to turn on the low-wattage bulbs before bedtime. Also, it would help if you closed your computer and TV at least an hour prior.
Don’t use backlit devices: Many of you may like to read from backlit electronic devices such as tablets or phones at night. However, they don’t bode well for your sleep. Instead, you can switch to eReaders, for which you need an additional source of light.
Ensure your bedroom is quiet: Apart from lighting, you also need to take care of your noise environment. With age, the sensitivity to noise increases. If you can’t eliminate the noise and light source, you can use earplugs and a sleep mask to solve this problem.
Remove bedroom clocks: Watching the clock ticking does not help with insomnia. Move the clocks out of your bedroom and place them somewhere else.
Don’t use the bedroom for work/study/entertainment: Your mind should associate sleep with the bedroom. Every other activity like using a computer, watching TV, etc. can be restricted to other areas of your home.
Maintain a schedule: If you follow previously mentioned sleep tips for seniors, this step will automatically become more accessible. Even on weekends, you should not disrupt your schedule because it’s challenging to get back on track for the rest of the week.
Block out snoring: Use separate bedrooms, a white-noise machine, or earplugs to block out snoring that may be hampering your sleep.
Develop a bedtime ritual: You can follow specific steps just before bedtime to facilitate sleep. That includes deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, muscle relaxation, playing music, or bathing. You would need to experiment to understand what works best for you.
Limit sleeping pills: This may seem counterintuitive. However, relying on sleeping pills for long-term use is not suitable for your health. They have specific side effects that can prolong the condition and worsen your problems in the long run.
Combine sleep with intimacy: If possible, try physical intimacy with your partner. Combining rest with physical intimacy acts like hugging and sex will contribute to restful sleep.
How to Nap Properly
There’s a debate whether you need daytime naps. However, it greatly depends on the individual. If you feel a lack of focus or concentration, a daytime nap should give you much-needed energy. However, if you overdo it, you risk falling asleep late into the night. This is something you want to avoid.
Here are some tips for napping:
Nap early during the day: Early afternoon is probably the best time for seniors to take a nap. This way, you won’t disrupt your nighttime sleeping routine.
Keep it short: A 15��45-minute nap should suffice for the remainder of your day. However, if you are still unable to concentrate or feel groggy, you can take a relatively longer nap keeping in mind that it shouldn’t delay your bedtime.
Be in a comfortable environment: Just like your nighttime sleep, your bedroom should have little noise and light during the daytime nap as well.
Diet Tips to Improve Sleep in the Elderly
One of the reasons why the elderly can’t sleep at night is problems with their diet. These habits have a profound impact on your sleep quality. Mainly, what you eat before your bedtime determines how well you’ll sleep during the night.
For this reason, we have dedicated a separate section to address this problem. First things first, you need to have a sleep-friendly diet.
Some of the tips include:
Cut down on sugar: Did you know that refined carbs and sugar can cause wakefulness in late hours? Food such as French fries, pasta, white rice, and white bread can adversely affect your sleep cycle. They can hinder the treatment, deep stages of sleep. If necessary, you can consume these foods earlier during the day.
Limit liquid intake before bed: Seniors have the frequent urge to urinate. Drinking plenty of fluids just before bedtime doesn’t help the situation. Drink your water at least an hour before you go to sleep.
Don’t go hungry into bed: You won’t be able to sleep peacefully if your stomach is growling with hunger. It’s advised to take warm milk, yogurt, or low-sugar cereal two hours before bed since they are conducive to sleep.
Avoid spicy meals: Spicy meals or too large a meal can contribute to discomfort or indigestion when you’re trying to sleep. It’s recommended to have your dinner 3 hours before bedtime and keep it modest-sized.
Say no to alcohol: If you’re living with a chronic illness, alcohol consumption is harmful any time of the day. However, you must especially refrain from it if you’ve been facing trouble while sleeping. This is arguably one of the most crucial sleep tips for seniors since it concerns a critical lifestyle aspect.
Exercise Tips to Induce Deep Sleep in Seniors
Even though exercise is necessary for everyone, it becomes indispensable for seniors with mobility issues. Aerobic exercises are known to enhance sleep quality and reduce fatigue. It would help if you experienced a more restful sleep by embarking on a fitness program involving aerobic exercises.
However, if you have a medical condition, always consult your doctor before doing so. Some of the examples include golfing, cycling, and swimming – depending on what your health permits. Even a 30-minute walk and light exercise should keep you going and enhance your sleep quality.
Seniors who exercise regularly report less daytime sleepiness, more vitality, and fewer depressive symptoms.
Alleviate Your Mental Stress
If you’ve anxiety and stress built up in your mind, you’re likely to experience fragmented sleep. When you’re finally on your bed, try not to think about stressful situations.
Here are some tips that might help you:
Read a book to relax your mind.
Listen to calming music.
List your goals for tomorrow.
Keep a journal.
Get a massage from your partner or friend.
Talk to your loved one during the day about what worries you.
When Should You Consult a Doctor?
If the sleep tips for seniors laid out in this blog post are unsuccessful, it’s time to seek medical advice. Please keep track of your recent stresses, lifestyle changes, exercise routine, and medications, as well as nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol intake to share with your doctor.
This would help them figure out what’s wrong and help you get rid of insomnia. They may also suggest cognitive behavioral therapy if necessary.
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gaiacostella · 4 years
Best Ideas For Staying Healthy And Fit - Find Out These Timeless Secrets For Weight Loss
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Can you spend time considering your need to live a healthier lifestyle and derail everything by doing something unhealthy like reaching for a milkshake? Have you ever found yourself groaning about getting in shape while panting your way up the stairs only to reach for another cigarette?
Read To The End Of This Guide To Discover the Classic Keys For Healthy Weight Loss
It does not have to be an onerous task to embrace a lifestyle that promotes health and fitness. In actuality, it is not all that hard. You'd be amazed by how easy it truly is to stay healthy and get fit. When you know the appropriate measures to take it is much easier to be healthy. You can see for yourself how easy it is when you put these methods to work for you.
Did you know that at one stage bathing was considered something which was not healthy to do? Perfume came about partially because people wanted to pay their B.O. smells. Of course it was only later we found that taking a bath is really beneficial to the human body. There's such a thing as too much of a great thing, however, and should you bathe too much you'll strip your skin of cells and oils that it has to stay healthy. To be as healthy as possible, you should attempt to wash at least once every day. Be sure to use a fantastic soap and also to clean your entire body. If you're taking a shower, just know that you're using more water than you would if you taking a bath, but any style of bathing will work for you. Just choose your favorite and do it each day.
You must always try to refrain from using high fructose corn syrup. Some companies call it corn sugar, so watch out for this also. High fructose corn syrup is added to food as a substitute for sugar. The issue comes when you have too much of the ingredient, because it's bad for your health, and so many foods have it as one of the most important ingredients. When you eat an excessive amount of high fructose corn syrup, you can do quite a few bad things to your body, and that is why you will need to keep from eating it.
Set down time for comfort. You don't need to go to sleep in this time although it may not be a bad outcome. Be certain you take some time every day to unwind and de-stress. For some people it is time spent watching television. It may mean going for a walk by yourself (a excellent way to get some exercise). Failing to spend a while getting rid of stress can mean enormous problems for your general health.
It is possible to continue being a fit and healthy individual in various different ways. Consuming a healthy diet, preventing poor foods and getting exercise on a regular basis will do this well for you.
Staying healthy isn't all that difficult. The truth is that there's a very slight amount of work involved if you need to live more healthily. Provided that you make healthy decisions, you get the exercise you need and you do it on a regular basis, you will do just fine. The simple fact of the matter is that a healthy lifestyle can actually turn you into a happier individual.
When these tips and techniques can allow you to keep fit and healthy, you'll need a proven and effective blueprint that will assist you shed weight without starving yourself. Check out GAIA COSTELLA for more information regarding how to become healthier living.
Teaching Kids How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
It should come as no surprise that there's a direct correlation between the hours of television watched and a child's body fat. With childhood obesity hitting a frightening all-time large, it is more important than ever to teach our children how to combine appropriate exercise with a healthy diet. By knowing how to integrate the best exercises in a secure fashion, fun and healthy habits can be instilled to the younger generation and hopefully last a lifetime. Do this now so that you can avoid having to ship your little butterball to a weight loss camp or fitness boot camp in the future. Additionally, by adopting a healthier lifestyle , you may serve and a positive role model for your whole family.
It's well known that aerobic exercise is what's required to burn fat. This can be accomplished when breathing is increased and the heart rate is raised for over twenty minutes. It's after this time once the body starts to tap into its fat reserves and use it as fuel. Examples of aerobic exercise that's fun for the entire family include swimming, jogging, biking, rollerblading, basketball, tennis and walking, just to mention a few. In contrast, anaerobic exercise occurs in shorter bursts of exerting energy with intermittent rest periods. While anaerobic exercise doesn't burn fat, it's responsible for building muscle. This is important to understand because the more muscle mass a person has, the more calories, and for that reason fat, they have the ability to burn. A few examples of anaerobic exercises include lifting weights, push-ups, stomach crunches and pull-ups.
During aerobic exercise, the excess oxygen you breathe helps to burn off the fat away and increases your metabolism so your body burns more calories throughout the day even if you're not exercising right now. It's strongly recommended that everyone get at least half an hour of aerobic exercise a minimum of 3 days weekly. While younger children are typically more active and have no difficulty meeting this goal, engaging in aerobic activities as a family will improve everyone's overall health. Even though it's great to be motivated and work hard, it's not beneficial to overdo it. A standard guideline to track the intensity is that you should be able to talk during the activity.
In regards to safety, it's prudent to speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise program to ensure that your family is not in danger of getting injured. Regardless of what physical activities you choose to do, be certain that you become familiar with the proper safety equipment such as protective eyewear, helmets, mouth guards, and cushioning. Additionally, it's a fantastic idea to learn to how correctly stretch when the muscles have warmed up a little. And, forget about the old saying,"no pain, no gain," because when it hurts, your body is telling you that something is wrong and you need to stop immediately before you become seriously hurt.
It's indisputable that exercise is good for developing children and it is ideal to encourage a healthy lifestyle when possible. It is most effective to discover activities that they enjoy and that keep them moving.
The Road To A Healthy Lifestyle Starts With A Nutrition Plan
Nobody way of eating will work for everybody, but there's a schedule of general principles and suggestions, not rigid rules. This strategy has the flexibility available to match with every individual needs, recognizing that no two people are alike and no two individuals have exactly the identical food preferences.
It's been demonstrated that extreme, sudden shifts are hard to maintain because they force people to repress their food cravings and imbedded eating habits. The more customs are repressed, the more powerful they become, resulting in internal stress that builds until people fall off the wagon and the diet fails. It's with this idea in mind that we realize that fundamental changes make it possible for people to create a bigger shift without much pain or effort.
Just by following some basic steps will cause significant changes. Most diet books advise that you completely change your existing means of eating and follow their strict rules. A better strategy would be to begin with the things that you want to do and leave the toughest ones for later. As you begin doing the simpler ones, your body's energy will kick in and you'll pick up momentum. Eventually, you'll discover yourself doing the hardest things with greater ease because you aren't starting from ground zero. Let us outline a few steps that will get you on the path to a successful nutrition program.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
We're always reminded to drink more water. Since the body is 75% water, this makes sense that water should be continuously replenished. You might say that water is imperative to our survival.
A lot of us are perplexed by how much water we should be drinking; we're constantly told to drink more. So, just how much is more? What is the right amount for your body? Much depends on your size. Additionally, it depends upon your level of physical activity, the climate where you live and your diet.
Another consideration is the type of water you will need to consume. Bottled water has become among the most popular drinks in our nation. We have a tendency to drink water flown in from overseas countries, believing that this water has to be better than our own. It's been proven that tap water is truly better than bottled water typically. Since most tap water contains chlorine, fluoride, and at times lead it is advised that it be filtered.
Finally, timing is important in water intake. After waking up in the morning, it is a fantastic idea to drink a couple of glasses of water instantly to moisturize the entire body. Because we don't want to awake in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, it is strongly recommended that a great deal of water shouldn't be consumed just prior to bedtime.
Remember to check at your entire day's intake when determining how much water you require. Certain foods are more water-dense than others. By way of instance, cooked grains are two parts water, 1 part grain. Vegetables have high water content. Steaming or boiling vegetables, rather than baking or frying them, further increases their content.
Most men and women spend a whole lot of their time in a state of dehydration. This leads to suffering from reduced energy, cravings and other symptoms. Luckily, they could feel a lot better by drinking more water!
Cook ; Eat Less
Spending more time learning how to cook and plan simple meals can allow you to get all the nutrients you need in addition to discharge you from dependence on restaurant food, fast food and other processed foods. You may eat differently when you're feeding yourself than when you're out and about. All of us know restaurant food is usually very salty and highly flavored, since it's designed to be a taste sensation. The portions are typically quite big, more than sufficient for the average person. By getting and preparing you have food, you eat according to you body's actual requirements and you're less likely to overeat or eat extra salt and flavoring.
Cooking tasty, satisfying meals in a short time period is a skill worth learning. It's simple enough, but you have to be ready to spend some time and practice. For many people the job of cooking seems overpowering. They're at first confused about the way to plan this job around a busy schedule. As soon as you have learned, however, you'll be making meals in less time than ordering out.
Start With Growing Whole Grains
Whole grains are a fundamental part of the human diet since the dawn of civilization, when we stopped hunting and gathering and we settled into agrarian communities. Until recently, people living in those communities had lean, powerful bodies. For generations, hardly any people eating grain-based diets were obese.
People these days are gaining weight because they eat too much chemicalized, artificial junk food, and eat too much sugar, caffeine, alcohol and smoking. If we were to begin eating more cooked whole grains and vegetables daily rather than processed junk food, we wouldn't be getting fat. Whole grains are a few of the best sources of nutritional aid, including high levels of dietary fiber and B vitamins. Since the body absorbs them gradually, grains deliver long-lasting energy.
Whole grains can help with one of our simplest health issues, an inability to keep a steady level of blood glucose. Whole grains release sugar into the bloodstream slowly, compared to the sudden rush and energy wreck caused by refined sugar foods and sodas.
Vegetables, How Sweet You're!
Virtually all people, at any time, crave sweets. Rather than depending on sugar, you can add more naturally sweet taste to you daily diet and radically reduce sweet cravings. Additionally, there are several other veggies, though not candies themselves provide the very same benefits. They sooth the inner organs of the body and energize the brain. Because lots of these veggies are root vegetables, they are energetically grounding, helping to balance out the spacey feeling you will experience after eating different sweets.
Another way to incorporate sweet vegetables in your daily diet includes eating raw carrots, baking sweet potato chips roasting squash, making soup with onions and corn or boiling beets to place on top of your salad.
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coordinatesofher · 7 years
01. Drink Loads of Water:
It is extremely important to hydrate before any flight! Days before your flight, start prepping. Drink a few extra glasses of water every day! Then, once on board, drink as much fluids as you can handle.
02: Immune Boost:
As with any flight, make sure to load up on Vitamin C and probiotic before flying to boost your immune system. I always do some sort of detox plan a few days prior to a long haul. Eat your greens and drink your juice!
03: Pack the Meds:
If you are like me and your sinuses are always seeking revenge on you, I suggest bringing sinus meds or headache/pain reliever just in case things start acting up on board. Also, pack whatever you prefer for a sleeping aid whether it is sleepy tea, melatonin, or the hard stuff.
04. Get a Good Seat:
Keep checking and re-checking your flight map to keep an eye on any available rows. If an entire row is available, try to move to one of those seats in hopes of having an entire row to lay down and pass out during the flight. If a row isn't available, take an aisle seat. With a good supportive pillow, it won't matter where you are seated, but your legs will thank you for the ability to easily get up and walk around.
05. Stay Charged:
Make sure that all of your electronics are thoroughly charged! Most flights now offer laptop plugs and USB plugs for charging. But, every now and then, you will inevitably be in the one seat that isn’t working so always be prepared!
06. Bring Sufficient Entertainment:
Of course movies and games are offered in flight. A recent flight that I was on was having issues with the entire entertainment system. This is a great reason to always have backup options like books or games on your devices or just a good old deck of cards will do the trick!
07. Download in Advance:
If you are planning to read on your phone or kindle, make sure you have everything downloaded and ready to go in advance! You can also download entire albums or playlists in spotify so make sure to do this in advance as well!
08. Take the Specialized Meal:
A little tid bit from a vegetarian: Select a special meal. You can do this in advance through your airline. Doesn’t matter what you chose… gluten free, vegetarian, etc. You will always get served first. Special meals are handed out at the start of meal time. On long flights, when you start to get inevitably hungry, this can be a game changer!
09. A Good Pillow is Key:
This is really important. The ones given to you on board don’t really count for anything. The main idea is to support your neck well in the hope that you have a nice sleep.
10. Pack A Survival Kit:
Hand cream for the dry skin, hand sanitizer for that sneezing person next to you, eye masks for those travelers that keep the windows open, and ear plugs for all of those rather loud announcements that only seem to come on once you have fallen asleep! 
11. Pack a Mini Bathroom:
Pack a travel tooth brush, moisturizing chapstick, face moisturizer, under eye cream, and a small deodorant. At least once during the flight you will want to freshen up! For this reason, I also like to bring a small hand towel to rinse my face.
12. Bring a Good Headphone Set:
I have mentioned this before in other articles. For me, headphones really help to block out distractions and noises when you want to focus on work or fall fast asleep, whichever comes first. 
13. Eye & Ear Covers are a Must:
If sleep is your goal, then a really comfortable eye mask and great ear plugs are the way to go. They do offer cheap small ones on board, but I recommend bringing your own and testing it out prior to your flight. While ear plugs are handed out, again, I recommend getting the top of line ear plugs that really block out noise.
14. BRING FOOD!!!!!!!
The meals on the plane are perfectly fine, but they are just airplane food. Bring healthy snacks and buy a healthy meal in the airport to have on hand! I am a HUGE advocate for not getting on the plane without snacks and a full meal. I can’t tell you how many times a flight I was on had to circle the landing airport for an extra hour waiting to land or had to sit on the tarmac just waiting to take off. Having food with you and not having to only rely on the inflight meals is a MUST! Plus, you will be able to insure that you have healthier immune boosting options.
15. Wear Comfortable Clothing: 
This goes for any flight but is particularly important on long hauls! Because your legs will start to get uncomfortable, you will want to bend them or curl up in your seat. Make sure to wear pants that allow for this and wear a top that you know you will feel comfortable enough to fall asleep in! 
16. Stay Warm:
Make sure to bring enough layers to stay warm! You are given a small blanket but as with the pillow, it is quite thin. I recommend a nice wrap or long coat to snuggle up with. Also, nice thick socks will make a huge difference! The floor of the plane along with the windows seats are usually the cooler parts of the plane.
17. Spare Outfit:
For those REALLY long hauls, bring a change of clothing like a spare top. Around hour 8 or 9, you will be wanting to freshen up or just change it up. This is also great if you are planning to hit the ground running once you land.
18. No Caffeine & No Alcohol:
I know. I know. Trust me. I know how much this one sucks, but caffeine and booze are de-hydrating. Being up in the air is already quite drying on your body so it is ideal to make hydration the main focus and avoid elements that have the opposite affect.
19. Sleep on Schedule:
Set your watch or device to your destination time and try to only sleep during their sleep hours. This can be a huge help in adjusting to a crazy time zone!
This is the most vital tip for surviving the flight and the accompanying jet lag. Even prior to the flight, make sure to stand as much as you can and loosen up your limbs. Walk around the airport, do some yoga stretches, whatever works best for you. The main focus is your legs. Sitting in the same position for an extended period of time is rough on your knees, joints, and circulation. Once on board, make sure to get up and walk or even just stand around as much as you can. 
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ear-reshaping · 5 years
Ear Reshaping Surgery  (Otoplasty) - What it is, Benefits, Procedure & much more
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What is Ear Reshaping?
EAR RESHAPING is also known as otoplasty. Cosmetic surgery of the ear is an aesthetic procedure that helps to alter the size, position, or proportion of the ears.
The result of otoplasty varies greatly depending on the changes that are desired by the patient.
EAR RESHAPING is known to enhance and boost self-confidence in children and teenagers.
If the ears bulge out, ear pinning can be done to flatten the ears against the head. If one ear is positioned higher than the other, ear repositioning can help create symmetry. Large, oversized ears can be addressed alone or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgeries.>
Who Needs It?/ Candidature For Ear Reshaping
Who is the best candidate for Ear Reshaping?
The need for EAR RESHAPING :
If you are born with overly big or small ears.
If your ears are disproportionate in context to your head or oddly located.
If your ears bulge out noticeably.
If you have wretched with an injury that has negatively impacted the shape or positioning of the ears
Children are common patients for otoplasty.if and when the ears have reached their full size, which usually happens around age six.
A set-back otoplasty, is a procedure to reduce the prominence of ears that bulge out too much, can be performed on both adults as well as children.
Eligibility to undergo a EAR RESHAPING :
Any of the above mentioned reasons makes you a suitable candidate to undergo EAR RESHAPING , But to be an eligible candidate for surgery you should also fulfill the following criteria:
Every surgical procedure including plastic or cosmetic surgery involves certain risks. You should undergo a EAR RESHAPING only if you have a medical requirement or you feel that the particular surgery will enhance your quality of life.
You shall be a good candidate for the EAR RESHAPING if you are healthy, you have realistic expectations from the outcome of the surgery and you are aware of all the risks associated with the procedure.
You cannot consider undergoing a cosmetic surgery if you have serious health issues like diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders like haemophilia or depression.
You shall not be a good candidate for the EAR RESHAPING if you smoke or drink too much alcohol.
You should have positive attitude!
You expectations from the outcome of the surgery should be realistic.
You should be ready to miss at least a few weeks of normal activity.
Benefits Of Ear Reshaping
Cosmetic surgery of the ear is an aesthetic procedure that helps to alter the size, position, or proportion of the ears.
Advantages of EAR RESHAPING :
Otoplasty can improvise the shape and proportion of the ears.
A ear surgery can enhance self-confidence
It is a minimal-risk procedure that can be also performed on children over the age of five.
The biggest of EAR RESHAPING is that the outcome normally lasts for a lifetime with minimal fluctuations.
Ageing is a natural process which everyone goes through. Visible wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes are signs of ageing. Such skin flaws makes you look tired or aged. But with EAR RESHAPING like suitable treatment one feels younger, healthier and rejuvenated.
Nowadays EAR RESHAPING is gaining immense popularity because it produce results that blend extremely well with a patient's facial aesthetics. Soon after the surgery, one gets back to the desired or normal shape of a treated body part. One does not have to wait long to see the result, which is the beauty of cosmetic surgery.
Self Confidence is a tool that helps us face challenges and tackle problems in life, with great certainty. When you look good, you feel good which in turn increases your self confidence. It leads to greater willingness to try new things or open up in social situations. You become more willing and open to wearing certain clothes or participating in activities which you avoided prior to surgery, due to discomfort in your appearance.
Certain clinicians and psychologists feel, few corrections in your body parts, by cosmetic surgery can not only lead to emotional wellness but also enhanced mental health.
Studies do suggest that people that are more attractive benefit in their personal as well as professional lives.
Studies have also found, good looking people have a higher probability of getting promotions and making more salary.
A 2012 study published in Applied Financial Economics revealed that good looking real estate agents were able to sell properties at a higher price than agents that were average looking.
Disadvantages of EAR RESHAPING :
Young children who undergo surgery might have trouble dealing with aftercare and recovery.
There are chances that the ear symmetry may be affected.
The biggest disadvantage of otoplasty is chances of permanent scarring or numbness of the ear or face.
If you wish to undergo an EAR RESHAPING for specific goal or need, what is unique to you, please consult your aesthetic plastic surgeon.
Ear Reshaping Surgery Procedure
The procedure
In children, the cartilage is soft enough and splints can be used for performing the surgery which is mostly done under general anesthesia.
Adults, however, have harder cartilage, and the procedure should be carried out by removing or repositioning cartilage after making an incision in the ear.
Depending on the structure of ears and expected changes, the doctor might take an incision hidden inside or behind the ear.
Extra cartilage or soft tissue that makes the ear "bulge out" too much can be removed.
If normal folds are missing from the ear, they can be re-created by re-shaping the cartilage with permanent surgical seam or scraping the cartilage to contour it.
Occasionally, combination of techniques is required to get the desired outcome.
Incisions are made to excise excess skin and fat.
The cartilage is recontoured and brought into appropriate position.
The sutures close the incision.
Otoplasty can be carried out on children as young as five or six to correct large ears that bulge out from the head.
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Ear Reshaping Surgery Alternatives
EAR RESHAPING can be performed as a stand-alone procedure, along with liposuction alone, if only fat is being removed and the skin quality is good.
Associated Risks
The potential for complications while performing surgery persist, just as for any other operation.
Pain is probably the most significant drawback of plastic surgery, and recovery times can be as long as six months in a few cases.
Some individuals may be at risk of severe reactions to anaesthesia or may develop health problems such as bleeding as a result of their surgery.
You need to discuss with Doctor regarding risks involved in the procedure.
Severe side effects:
Any surgical procedures carries a certain amount of risk, which may include excessive swelling, bruising or bleeding , wound becomes infected, delayed healing of wounds, numbness, breathing difficulties, unfavourable scarring, extrusion of implants or sutures, pain, and the need for revision of the surgery.
Worsened Self Image:
Cosmetic surgery is not necessarily a purely aesthetic choice few choose it out of low self esteem and depression. If this is the true intention behind the surgery, than you will most probably never feel better after surgery because the underlying problems will still be unresolved.
All in all, however, if complications are few and the benefits far outweigh the risks then Cosmetic Surgery is a procedure that can change your life for the better.
Preparing For Ear Reshaping Surgery
If you are considering EAR RESHAPING , it is important to take the time to determine why you want the surgery in the first place. If you have a medical need, or if you truly feel that reshaping your ear will improve your quality of life, then you are a good candidate if you meet the aforementioned criteria.
While some people think that EAR RESHAPING is just a cosmetic procedure, it is in fact a medical procedure required for some people. EAR RESHAPING is done, not just to enhance your appearance but to also contribute to your overall health. Although having a EAR RESHAPING is common celebrities and those who work in the limelight, certain life circumstances can force you to go under the knife. Here are some medically-necessary reasons that require you to have EAR RESHAPING .
Appropriate Consultation
The most appropriate way to consider your competency for any kind of plastic surgery is to schedule an appointment with a proficient surgeon.
During the first encounter the doctor will try to understand why you feel the need to have a surgery and also what are your expectations from the outcome of the surgery.
The physician will evaluate your medical history; inquire about your current medication and medical condition. He should also be aware of everything you take, including vitamin supplements or herbal products since they might interfere with other medicines used during surgery. The surgeon might ask you to perform blood tests and a few general lab tests to monitor your current health status.
The surgeon will perform a physical exam, to have a close look at the skin, associated muscles and bones, their quality and the kind of changes that can be made. Surgeon might also suggest an additional surgery which will enhance or compliment your look,
and last but not the least; the physician will assess your mental fitness to check whether you are ready to undergo the surgery.
Recovery is basically the time required to get back to a relatively normal routine.
Patients who wish to undergo EAR RESHAPING must plan for time off to heal and to be comfortable being seen in public.
The healing time can vary from person to person and will also depend on the type of surgery to be performed.
It can take up to two three weeks to return to work and perform everyday activities. After consulting with the doctor, People can utilise this time to go on a vacation or nurture themselves.
Sometimes the EAR RESHAPING doesn't produce the results the patient imagines. This gap between imagination and reality may frustrate patient.
Expecting unrealistic results, like the surgery will make you look like a Hollywood or Bollywood star and automatically solve all of your problems, can be a significant drawback to having cosmetic procedures.
To have a better experience, it is extremely important to consult a qualified doctor before planning the surgery and develop a rational idea of what the end result will look like.
After Effects Of Surgery
There are chances of having mild to moderate pain and discomfort post surgery. The pain can be easily regulated with oral medications.
The distress and pain should reduce within 72 hours after surgery. A reasonable increase in pain post 72 hours should prompt you to contact the doctor.
Swelling can differ from patient to patient. It might increase during first three to four days before subsiding.
Things that can be done to reduce swelling include keeping the head elevated as much as possible; avoid bending over or lifting heavy objects.
Prolonged sun exposure should also be avoided for the initial two to three months.
Most bruising and discoloration resolve within the first two to three weeks. Make up can be applied to cover up the discolouration when been seen in public.
The body part that undergoes the surgery can be numb for few days. The feeling of numbness is normal and shall reduce over upcoming weeks. Unusual sensations and moderate discomfort can persist while the nerves are regenerating over time.
Sometimes bleeding can occur, post surgery. You can lie down with your head elevated but if the bleeding still persists at this point, it would be advisable to consult your doctor.
It is perfectly alright for patients to go through a period of mild depression after the cosmetic surgery as after some days or weeks which depends on surgery, patients generally becomes anxious and expects the results when swelling and bruising still persists. But the patient should realize that it is a temporary condition and things are bound to improve over a period of time.
Post Surgery Do's And Don'ts
Ask your doctor. for better and suitable guidelines. Following are the general instructions which should help you get the best results from your surgery.
Post Surgery do’s and don’ts:
No vigorous exercise, contact sports and running for minimum of two weeks.
No lifting heavy objects for at least 3 weeks.
Avoid pullover clothing for two weeks especially if you have undergone a face surgery.
Bypass hard chewing foods for a few days.
Avoid yawning and wide mouth opening for two to three weeks.
Avoid nose blowing or sniffing through the nose especially after rhinoplasty or nose job.
Avoid driving a vehicle for a few days after surgery.
No swimming for at least two weeks after surgery.
Avoid laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that need a lot of movement.
Use a soft bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth.
Prefer using a mild soap and shampoo while taking a shower.
It is essential to maintain the tape and cover on the surgery to keep it dry. Once the doctor advises to remove the tape you can to gently wash your surgery area twice a day to help reduce oiliness.
You should be prompt enough to contact the doctor immediately, for any signs of bleeding that persist for more than ten minutes, infections, redness, swelling, fever, pain etc.
Exercising After Ear Reshaping
After cosmetic surgery many patients asks about post surgery exercise or when can they resume their gym activity. Patients needs to understand that, its extremely crucial to give enough time for proper healing of your body, for eg strain on muscles, excessive sweating, stretching of the skin etc. can delay the recovery.
You need to consult your doctor about
1. How soon you can start exercising?
2. What type of exercise?
3. How much time?
Don't start exercise without asking your doctor and follow guidelines given by your doctor as for complete healing, body needs time, and you need enough energy level for your routine and gym.
Seek Medical Help
1. Development of a temperature elevation exceeding 100 degrees.
2. An unusual amount of bleeding from the surgery area
3. Significant reinjury of the surgery area
4. A significant increase in pain even after taking your prescribed medication
In such situations, we expect you to call to the clinic even after office hour, Please do not hesitate to call us or present yourself to the emergency section of the clinic for evaluation.
About the Author Dhanwantaris Chrysalis https://www.dhanwantarischrysalis.com/face/ear-reshaping +91 8980208978
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP DENTAL HYGIENIST Interview Questions and Answers
DENTAL HYGIENIST Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. Explain average day as a hygienist? Describe the routine job of a hygienist's functions, such as removing and cleaning dental deposits, examination of teeth and gums for signs of disease, sealant and fluoride application, partial periodontal therapy, x-rays, diagnostic tests, and assisting the dentist during treatments or examinations of patients. 2. Do you have any experience in performing tasks outside of your role? Occasionally, dental hygienists are allowed to remove sutures, administer anesthetics, apply fillings and dressings, work with metal restorations, take radio-graphs and impressions, and even administer minor treatment under the dentist's supervision. If you have ever performed any of these, mentioning them will be a plus. 3. How to prevent with tooth decay? Decay can be prevented in any of the following ways familiar to dental hygienists: gum margin maintenance, teeth whitening and bleaching, timely detection and/or prevention of gum disease or oral cancer, dental care facilities, etc. 4. How you communicate with clients? Talk about your experience of working with clients, including interactions such as instructing patients on dental care and creating awareness of hygiene; proper brushing methods, diet, and timely checkups. 5. Have you ever worked with children as dental hygienist? If you have, you may tell about your experience in dental services and instructing on health education, working with schoolchildren, etc. 6. List A few clues of teeth grinding? Unexplained headaches, especially early morning or late in the day Achy or tired facial muscles when you wake Trouble sleeping Extreme cold sensitivity throughout your mouth A clicking or popping jaw Front teeth seem sharper and chip easily, or have become uneven 7. What are toothpicks? Avoid them. They can traumatize gums. Use floss to remove food from between teeth. 8. What are interdental brushes? These small pipe-cleaner-looking brushes are bent at a right angle so they move between teeth above the gum. They're ideal for people with areas too difficult to clean with a regular toothbrush and floss, such as bridges. 9. What is tongue scrapers? These remove bacteria from the tongue, but a toothbrush does the job just as well. Make sure to scrape daily for best results. 10. What is gum massagers? These tools are available on their own, and you can find them at the end of some toothbrushes. They stimulate gums to toughen up tissue so they won't bleed as easily. Massage gums once a day.
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DENTAL HYGIENIST Interview Questions 11. Tell me are other dental hygiene products necessary? If you're taking care of the basics, everything else is just extra, but it still helps. 12. Should patient use mouthwash? It's not necessary if you're brushing and flossing several times a day, unless you have tooth decay, in which case your dentist may prescribe a fluoride rinse. But there's no harm in using a mouthwash for fresher breath. Swish it around after flossing and brushing to remove plaque and kill remaining bacteria. 13) How to brighten the teeth? A yellowed smile doesn't necessarily mean poor dental health. Tooth color is hereditary and affected by what we eat - everything from coffee and soda to berries and wine can stain it. 14. How to floss effectively? Break off about 18 inches of floss, wind it around your fingers, then guide it gently between teeth. When it reaches the gum line, curve it into a C-shape against one tooth and gently rub it up and down. (Never snap the floss in and out of gums.) Repeat this on every tooth, including the back of the ones in the back of your mouth. 15. What happened if someone don't floss? If you don't floss, you risk cavities, tooth decay and inflammation, the last of which can put you at risk for heart attack and stroke. 16. Tell me do I really have to floss? Absolutely. Once a day. It may feel like a chore, but it's essential for removing food particles and bacteria trapped between teeth that your toothbrush can't reach. 17. Why is there bad breath especially in the morning? During the day, we swallow about 2,000 times, which flushes out some bacteria. But at night we only swallow about 200 times, which leaves bad bacteria lingering in the mouth. 18. How to get rid of bad breath? To stay minty-fresh, you must brush, floss and brush your tongue to get rid of those bacteria - especially in the morning. 19. What is bad breath? Bad breath is often a sign of bacteria in your mouth. Odor-causing bacteria can hide in gum tissue, tongue crevices and between teeth. 20. What is sensitive tooth paste? If you experience irritation or shooting pains when eating or brushing teeth, try a desensitizing toothpaste. 21. What is the mean of whitening in toothpaste? These brighten teeth but won't bleach them shades lighter. For that, you need whitening strips, trays with bleaching gel, or in-office treatments, such as Zoom 3 and Bright smile. Ask your dentist which is right for you. 22. What is tartar control? If your teeth build up tartar quickly between dentist visits, this is a good option. But some tartar-control formulas can be too abrasive for teeth. If a toothpaste feels gritty when you rub it between your fingers, stay away. 23. What is the right technique to brush? Position your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Move it back and forth across one quadrant in gentle, tooth-wide strokes. Brush the outside, inside and chewing surfaces of each tooth, focusing on one quadrant at a time. 24. Can patient use an electric toothbrush? Probably not. That basic, soft-bristled toothbrush will work just as well - if you use the right technique. 25. When one should brush? Ideally, you should brush after each meal or snack to quickly remove decay-causing, odor-emitting particles (like food) and bacteria from the tooth's surface. If that seems impossible, aim for at least twice a day. Not brushing increases risk of cavities, bad breath, tooth decay and bone loss. 26. What is the best way to brush? Just because your teeth are made of hard enamel, it doesn't mean you should scrub them like you would a dirty pot. Scrubbing that's too aggressive or a toothbrush that's too hard can harm gums and tooth enamel. Brush for two minutes every time (half a minute for each quadrant of teeth), and use a soft-bristled toothbrush. 27. Share your memorable experiences? Completing my class IV patient. It was very rewarding. Wow every experience was one to remember. 28. What do you wish someone would have told you before you started school? Patient management would be a huge aspect of the daily workday. It takes all kinds to make the world go around and many of them will sit in you dental chair. To clean every corner of my house and train my boys better because there was no looking back. 29. What things surprised you once you were enrolled in the dental hygienist program? The link between systemic health and oral condition. The depth of study and many other subjects to be mastered in DH was amazing. 30. What did you think dental hygiene was all about when you started school? Cleaning teeth. I thought it was all about teeth and gums! 31. Why did you choose hygiene as a profession? I knew health care was one of the fastest growing career areas, good pay, flexible hours. I didn't expect to love the work as much as I do. I wanted to be in a profession that I could apply my communication skills to teach people of all ages how to be healthier. Hygiene chose me! 32. What gave you a tough time that you wish you would have received more help with? More time with the ultrasonic would have been helpful.After four years of work I finally feel pretty effective with the ultrasonic. Also, sharpening the instrument was a challenge.I have worked very diligently to become proficient at this skill. The two biggies for me are coding and scheduling as I had no prior dental experience. 33. What was your favorite and most difficult class? My favorite and most difficult classes were Histology/Embryology and oral pathology we had fun memorizing, questioning and doing a few projects. The most difficult thing for me was to work on group projects. And yes I survived group projects (not a fan of these). I can now admit that these were very beneficial when working with a small group or staff every day! 34. What was the most difficult course or project for you? Periodontics was the most difficult, due to the big picture aspect to the disease. I didn't really understand how it all came together until I got into the work force.Through experience I began to see patients who had health issues that affected their perio status. Working with full blown perio cases brought it all together for me. 35. What courses taken prior to enrolling in the dental hygiene program supported you in the program? Anatomy and physiology (hands down) The Science courses including A & P, Chemistry, Microbiology as well as Psychology, Speech and Communications were all very helpful and necessary. DENTAL HYGIENIST Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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I love dogs they are so cute AND We all had a fabulous time, and especially snickers. He is going to miss socialising with his fury mates. The training was very clear and precise and had made our time with our baby more enjoyable. He picked up everything so quickly and I think we are going to love having such a well behaved dog. And this is a credit to your training. Many Thanks again. Chicken Tighes Hills To check availability of Urban Clicks & Tricks course in Carindale click here.  To enrol in Urban Clicks & Tricks course… read more Snake Bites and Pets Dogs have become closely associated with humans through domestication and have also become sensitive to human communicative signals. Generally, they have a lot of exposure to human speech, especially during play, and are believed to have a good ability to recognize human speech. Two studies investigated the ability of a single dog that was believed to be exceptional in its understanding of language. Both studies revealed the potential for at least some dogs to develop an understanding of a large number of simple commands on the basis of just the sounds emitted by their owners. However the studies suggested that visual cues from the owner may be important for the understanding of more complex spoken commands.[77] Nutrition Ethology (02) 9770 7555 Kapunda & Districts Kennel & Obedience Dog Club Register Login Contact us Adolescent Play Group FAQ – After hours care How to Enroll 27 Aug 2017 1:58:27pm Agility – combining pieces of equipment In 2004 a study was published that was based on the observation of a variety of breeds trained for protection work using shock collars, which showed that although electronically trained dogs can excel as guard dogs, their behavior toward humans and work circumstances changed, often indicating heightened uncertainty and reactivity.[63] Daily Routines for Your Puppy Read More… The White Card Course is very well organised. Well done to you all. – Chris Cummings Mary Parker This is an exercise in self-control for your dog, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to master, particularly for puppies and high-energy dogs. After all, they want to be on the move and not just sitting there waiting. Contact details for Council 22 Aug 2017 12:28:33pm “Thanks so much Jari, Kim and Anna for all your help with Cash! Your classes were invaluable and your coaching was informative and interactive. I would recommend you to everyone! Thank you!!”    Amy & Cash Queensland Apprenticeships Surgery Privacy & Cookies
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); We had George over today! And I was absolutely blown away! He truely has a gift and our Cane Corso was so quick to respect him! It’s only been hours and Zeus has changed his attitude and is showing gr…eat progress already. Now to keep it consistent and show our friends and family the things we were taught! Total Care QUICK LINKS: Send your dog’s vaccination record to: 10. What did you like about this story? Puppies for Sale Afraid of dogs, people, sounds or other things Don’t let this happen to you! Call Brisbane’s best trainers!    Lorenz, Konrad (1953). Man Meets Dog, (Marjorie Kerr Wilson, Trans.) Hagerstown, MA: Kodansha America, 1994 SA 5700 Not recently active our services Disaster Management Plans Sarah & Mitch See more · 6 February 2018 Retail Premium Dry Food Boarding and Training Facilities If you can’t keep your dog Ok, he’s finally home. Training needs to begin immediately, considering the new pattern on the rug, not to mention the dog’s breakfast he’s made of your new Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals. But where should you start? Leashes for Active Dogs Prices are subject to change without notice. Google Maps link – Bulleen Gurnoor : 1. What information are you looking for today? Pellets · 30 March 2018 Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 253. 4,359 likes This is our top Level and if you make it this far you can officially call yourself a dog nerd and apply for a job with us! This class is to improve your dog’s responsiveness – can they drop to the ground while running full speed at you in a recall?  Can they stay while you go to the toilet and still be right where you left them? Can they ignore a bowl of roast chicken while heeling off leash? What else do you want to do with your dog? At this level, the classes are tailored exactly to you and exactly what you want. 07 Sep 2017 9:37:49am Dog walking From our Blog Jump up ^ Bernstein, Irwin S. (1981). “Dominance: The Baby and the Bathwater”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 4 (3): 419–429. doi:10.1017/S0140525X00009614 Change Is Difficult – We Are Humans After All August 30, 2017  Can be scheduled at a time that suits you (evening and weekend appointments available) Education 01 Sep 2017 2:31:16pm Jump up ^ Monks of New Skete 1978, p. 3. How can we improve the lives of our dogs? In-Home Puppy Training I liked that this brings positivity to both the dogs and their trainers and in all this will make the world a better place. A further follow-up session will allow you to fine tune the training under expert guidance. Firstly a canine health profile is required to exclude physical reasons for the dog’s behaviour. This is available through Redgum Vets. On payment of the behavioural training package, Redgum’s Amichien Bonding consultant will make contact with you to arrange a time when she can view your dog in its everyday environment.             – Immediate access to Homework Sheets and Training Notes for your course Life is simple; we make it complicated 23/07/2018 Share this page 4. What is the aim of the program? These classes are where you can take your basic dog training skills and turn them into more – our trainers want to challenge both you and your dogs. Classes do not suit everyone due to busy schedules and family commitments. If you are time poor book private training. One of our qualified trainers will come to you on schedule that suits your needs. Stage 6 Average. I had to go looking for it. When you pup gets a little bit older our consultant can come back for more advanced follow up consults. These one hour follow up sessions are for more specific training in any area you choose.. You can go as far as you like with training depending on your needs. Dry Cat Food (Vet Diet) They are conducted in safe vet approved areas in a variety of locations around Brisbane for your convenience. I really liked this BTN, This story was very adorable and a very helpful program. The puppies will be great guide dogs in the future! This is definitely my favourite BTN so far. Discussion Questions Your Check List Training a police dog 07 Sep 2017 9:46:30am Our Brands Call 1300 Cruelty Media Snarling and Snapping Community Programs Meet the Academic Staff Classroom 17 : Dogs often have very little control over their environment. We decide when to feed them, when to walk them and when to play with them. Research tells us that animals who have control over their environment are happier and healthier. If we can give our dogs choices it… Free professional nurse advice © 2018 ABC Guard Dog Training Perches Showground I wish they could come to my school and do my class Join the family! Parvovirus in Dogs Doing business with us Client Library Events at RSPCA Training can take as many forms as there are trainers, however a detailed study of animal trainers found common characteristics of successful methods: thoughtful interpretation of what the animal does prior to training, accurate timing and consistent communication.[76] Cairns Animal cognition To check the availability of Urban Ultimate Recall course in Carindale (available in Carindale only) please click here. To enrol… read more Tel: 0422 056 455 Sit Drop Stay was created in 2005 to offer a more respectful and effective approach to co-existing and interacting with your dog and changing their behaviour Equines Jump up ^ Lindsay 2000, p. 219. Email or Phone Password Toilet training To find out if dog obedience training has been cancelled due to inclement weather, call Ray – dog obedience volunteer, on 0413 136 644. Remember, puppy training does not have to be harsh. With so many different training methods available, choose one that best suits you and your puppy. If it doesn’t work, just try another one. Search results What to bring to PETstock Puppy School We are available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Melbourne, Cairns and Adelaide, and offer after-hours and weekend sessions at no extra charge. This way you can involve your whole family at a time that suits you. Eastern Companion Dog Training consists of a team of experienced dog trainers who share one common goal: to provide training for your dog so it will behave the way you want it to. Good Healthcare and Nutrition FREE Puppy Pre-School Toilet training your puppy 4.8 If you really think your dog deserves special consideration, feel free to email us to arrange having an assessment done on a Sunday morning at Hays Paddock. You will still need to attend Orientation prior to your first class. Don’t have a Blue Dog Account? How you can help Urban Agilty for Beginners © The State of Victoria, 1996-2018 Reactive Rover Training Class Lee Cornelius Schools and community Wow!! That was the quickest response from any company I have ever received. Well done!!! You should be congratulated on your efficiency and speed.. Thankyou! – Ange Hughes Dogs Victoria Connect With us Pryor, Karen (1984). Don’t Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training, New York: Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-38039-7 WaggTagg™ Certificate III In Engineering – Boilermaking/Welding Salisbury Highway Veterinary Surgery Share this article: Soi Dog Foundation Puppy Preschool classes are run by Sharon at Hills Veterinary Centre Blackwood. Choosing an NDTF Trainer Dog Training Adelaide 8 – 18 weeks old Tom Gilmore Dog Obedience Training Near Me | Visit Our Website Here Dog Obedience Training Near Me | Visit Our Website Now Dog Obedience Training Near Me | Click Today Legal | Sitemap
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cashveen937-blog · 5 years
Want More Money? Start Weight Loss & Control
There are a few handy damage control diet strategies that you ought to employ to best prevent yourself from overdoing it at the table this holidays. Use the tips below allowing yourself to stay social and to have the ability to take pleasure in moderation without splitting your pants prior to New Year:
1.) Perform High-Intensity Activity Before and/or After a Big Meal or Holiday Feast
I know, I know. I promised diet strategies, but I simply cannot go without recommending some activity. Your person is most receptive to higher calorie and/or carbohydrate meals within half an hour before and within three hours following high-intensity activity. Ideally, you would like to workout out before AND after a huge meal, in case you are able to only do one, that can suffice. It is less important whenever you take action and more important which you take action. Your best options will probably be twenty minutes of circuit strength training or cardio interval training. Even a 20-30 plus minute walk a couple of hours afterward can serve as being a bit of damage control.
2.) Do NOT Fast in Preparation for any Big Meal or Holiday Feast
Fasting is preparation for any free meal doesn't only lead to overeating, but worse: overeating foods which might be very high in sugar, fat, or both! Your body can be a survival mechanism. If it hasn't had food in a while it anticipates a famine state. This means that next time that you simply eat one's body use because the incoming food as you can to store as extra fat (survival energy) in anticipation that it certainly can't see food again for one more long time. Do yourself and your system a big favor by eating every 2 to 4 hours as you normally should prevent yourself from becoming a ravenous, fat-storing beast this winter holiday!
3.) Do NOT Gorge Yourself
Eat before point of satisfaction, not discomfort. Remember this: binge eating just isn't the habit of lean individuals. It is important to understand that those holiday meals is not only a ticket you can eat just as much as it is possible to in very little time as possible. However, pay attention to the body and be sure to enjoy the meals you might be craving without excess simply eat once you are hungry.
4.) Eat a High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Meal An Hour Before a Holiday Event
A meal an excellent source of fiber and protein before a huge holiday meal can help prevent overeating by making you're feeling more full which often means fewer calories consumed in the ensuing feast. My favorite strategy is to drink a protein shake with an added fiber and healthy fats (e.g. 2-4 Tbsp. flax meal) and 1 liter of water before such a meal to help keep me nice and full upon arrival. This way you'll not lose any friends by eating their entire dinner platter and you should useful midsection from your fluffier existence!
5.) Eat Leans Proteins and Fruits and Vegetables FIRST
Just because it's a holiday meal does not mean you'll be able to't eat any nutritious food. Make sure to load up on healthier food choices first and try and eat all the lean meat, fish, and vegetables and fruits as you can on the start of each holiday event. This will leave less room for your unhealthier, higher-calorie treats. At least using this method you understand the body becomes in certain good nutrition and you are not putting yourself at excessive risk for sickness and/or other health issues.
6.) Drink, Drink, Drink Water!
Water competes for space within your stomach and truly helps decrease appetite. For every plate, you eat, attempt to drink a minimum of 1-2 servings of water. After that second plate, whenever you have 1 full liter of water in your stomach, I bet you may just throw within the towel!
7.) Do NOT Eat Again Until Hungry Following a Large Meal
Now I know I already mentioned to consume every 2-4 hours, but there's one exception for this. If you eat a huge meal, it is important not to consume again until you might be hungry and/or no more full. If the body is not utilized to eating such a major meal, this will require a significantly longer time to digest all of that food and the worst thing it is possible to do is put more food into a currently full stomach, unless your ultimate goal is always to perform stop, drop and roll drill. Only once you are hungry again in the event you resume your normal weight loss program following a large holiday meal.
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8.) Immediately Resume Your Normal Eating Schedule in the Next Meal
What's done is completed. Now it is time for it to make contact with your family diet plan. Remember weekly calorie intake is far more essential than daily caloric intake. For example, let's say that you simply need 3,000 calories each day to keep your existing body weight. Well, all of that you need to do is be sure the average daily calorie consumption every week is 3,000 calories per day. This means that you'll be able to fluctuate your everyday calorie intake and yield a similar results that you ate that same amount daily. So if you have one day of big eating where you take in 9,000 calories (just an illustration, not only a recommendation), however you only eat 2,000 calories per day other week, you will still turn out in the same caloric balance. Again, I am not recommending that you simply eat in these a serious manner, rather I am suggesting that you do not must obsess about being perfect. Enjoy some indulging in moderation for your various holiday festivities realizing that the week in review trumps each day, even when you are particularly naughty on any given day.
9.) Never Eat Junk Food for Breakfast or Before Bed
Eating a very refined carbohydrate meal initial thing inside the morning is likely to make your blood sugar add too much throughout your day resulting in greater processed foods cravings and uncontrollable hunger. On the other hand, eating a major meal before going to bed will lead to a couple of unused energy that can be stored as extra fat and also you well could have sleep problems wonderful that extra food volume inside your stomach!
10.) Control your Portions
Try you can eat only half each of the servings of unhealthy food that you simply choose. Half of the portions equal half the calories!
11.) Avoid Empty Liquid Calories and Alcohol
One can certainly consume over 1,000 calories daily from liquid calories alone. This means that a single week, you will get 2 lbs of unwanted fat from just fluids! Opt for regular solid food calories versus empty liquid calories (e.g. juices and sodas), for no less than the meals will satisfy you and still provide some nutrition whereas liquid calories, particularly alcohol, have zero such effect. Rather, sugary and/or alcoholic drinks tend to make you hungrier normally and sometimes hungrier for unhealthy foods especially. Furthermore, your system cannot burn up fat before the alcohol is processed out of the body as well as the idea that consumption of alcohol lowers leptin levels thus defeating one of many purposes of the flexible eating (decreased leptin levels increase hunger and decreases one's body's using fat for fuel). Thus over-consumption of alcohol can steer clear of the fat reducing process from resuming until a couple of days later and/or even cause unwanted fat gain thereby amount to very little as a few days to as long as a full week!
12.) Use Lower Calorie/Carbohydrate Substitutes Whenever Possible
Instead of employing sugar, choose zero-calorie alternatives like Splenda or stevia. They can deliver the same taste without every one of the extra sugar and calories. Even try replacing yeast with protein powder if you bake. The extra protein and reduced carbohydrates can lead to a slimmer you while still providing some terrific tasting treats! Your goal should be to obtain the minimal quantity of calories that could provide a similar great taste that makes the break treats enjoyable in lieu of simply overdoing it as you can!
13.) Avoid Eating Meals which are High in Both Fat and Carbohydrates
The absolute worst thing that it is possible to do is usually to consume a meal which is full of both fat and carbs. The high amount of carbs will lead to a rapid boost in blood sugar and so large increases inside potent fat-storing hormone Insulin. The high volume of fat will lead to a large rise in free essential fatty acids within your bloodstream. Since Insulin is already present in a lot, along with there like a large quantity of free fat now available within your blood, happens is set for those free fatty acids being gobbled up and stored by your fat cells. This could be the same as becoming the following Goodyear blimp, so it is vital to be cautious your holiday meals with regards to combining fat (particularly saturated fats) and carbs (particularly starches and refined sugars). In general, it's best to choose one in the other. But since most of the people crave carbs at their free meals, it really is essential to keep the fat low as of this meal. Want pasta? Instead of alfredo sauce, opt for the marinara sauce with wholegrain pasta. Want pizza? Make your pizza with whole-grain crust and fat-free cheese. Want mashed potatoes? Well then make sure to skip the gravy and go easy about the butter. These small changes will save you hundreds, even thousands of calories, and much more importantly prevents your holiday feasts from creating the perfect fat-storing environment that will cost you from achieving your overall health and fitness goals.
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stephenwcze880-blog · 5 years
How To Learn Weight Loss & Control
There are a few handy damage control diet strategies that you should employ to best prevent yourself from overdoing it in the dining room table this christmas season. Use the tips below to allow for yourself to stay social and to have the ability to indulge in moderation without splitting your pants prior to New Year:
1.) Perform High-Intensity Activity Before and/or After a Big Meal or Holiday Feast
I know, I know. I promised diet strategies, but I just cannot go without recommending some activity. Your body's most receptive to higher calorie and/or carbohydrate meals within half an hour before and within three hours following high-intensity activity. Ideally, you would like to workout out before AND after a large meal, but if you'll be able to only do one, that may suffice. It is less important whenever you get it done and more valuable that you do it. Your best options is going to be twenty minutes of circuit resistance training or cardio interval training. Even a 20-30 plus minute walk a couple of hours afterward can serve like a bit of damage control.
2.) Do NOT Fast in Preparation for any Big Meal or Holiday Feast
Fasting is preparation for a free meal doesn't only result in overeating, but worse: overeating foods that are extremely high in sugar, fat, or both! Your body is a survival mechanism. If it hasn't had food for a while it anticipates a famine state. This means that when that you eat your system uses because the incoming food as you possibly can to hold as excess fat (survival energy) in anticipation that it won't see food again for one more any period of time. Do yourself and the body a big favor when you eat every two to four hours because you normally should prevent yourself from becoming a ravenous, fat-storing beast this christmas season!
3.) Do NOT Gorge Yourself
Eat prior to the point of satisfaction, not discomfort. Remember this: binge eating is not the habit of lean individuals. It is imperative to understand that those holiday your meals are not just a ticket you can eat up to it is possible to in only a small amount time as is possible. However, pay attention to one's body and make certain to savor the meals you are craving without excess and only eat if you are hungry.
4.) Eat a High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Meal An Hour Before a Holiday Event
A meal an excellent source of fiber and protein before a large holiday meal may help prevent overeating by causing you feel more full which often means fewer calories consumed in the ensuing feast. My favorite strategy is to drink a protein shake with an added fiber and healthy fats (e.g. 2-4 Tbsp. flax meal) and 1 liter of water before such a meal to help keep me nice and full upon arrival. This way you won't lose any friends when you eat their entire dinner platter and you'll save your midsection coming from a fluffier existence!
5.) Eat Leans Proteins and Fruits and Vegetables FIRST
Just because it's actually a holiday meal does not imply you can't eat any nutritious food. Make sure to group on healthier food choices first and make an effort to eat the maximum amount of lean meat, fish, and vegetables and fruits as you possibly can on the start of each holiday event. This will leave less room to the unhealthier, higher-calorie treats. At least this way you already know your body is getting in certain good nutrition and you happen to be not putting yourself at excessive risk for sickness and/or other health concerns.
6.) Drink, Drink, Drink Water!
Water competes for space in your stomach and truly helps decrease appetite. For every plate, you take in, make an effort to drink a minimum of 1-2 associated with water. After that second plate, if you have 1 full liter of water with your stomach, I bet you may just throw inside towel!
7.) Do NOT Eat Again Until Hungry Following a Large Meal
Now I know I already mentioned you can eat every 2-4 hours, but there exists one exception to this particular. If you follow a huge meal, it is important not to consume again until you might be hungry and/or no longer full. If your body is not employed to eating such a large meal, that is going to take a significantly extended period to digest everything that food as well as the worst thing you can do is put more food into a currently full stomach, unless your goals is always to do the stop, drop and roll drill. Only when you are hungry again should you resume your normal diet program following a huge holiday meal.
8.) Immediately Resume Your Normal Eating Schedule in the Next Meal
What's done is done. Now it can be time for you to return to your normal eating plan. Remember weekly caloric intake is far more valuable than daily calorie consumption. For example, let's say that you simply need 3,000 calories per day to keep up your existing body weight. Well, everything you'll want to do is make sure the average daily calorie consumption per week is 3,000 calories every day. This means that you'll be able to fluctuate your everyday calorie intake and yield the same results as if you ate that same amount on a daily basis. So if you have 1 day of big eating where you eat 9,000 calories (just an illustration, not just a recommendation), however you only eat 2,000 calories daily the remainder of the week, you will still end up in the same caloric balance. Again, I am not recommending which you eat such a serious manner, rather I am suggesting which you do not need to obsess about being perfect. Enjoy some indulging without excess your various holiday festivities knowing that the week in review trumps per day, even whenever you are particularly naughty on any given day.
9.) Never Eat Junk Food for Breakfast or Before Bed
Eating an incredibly refined carbohydrate meal very first thing within the morning could make your blood sugar levels drink too much for the remainder of your day causing greater unhealthy foods cravings and uncontrollable hunger. On the other hand, eating a big meal before bed will lead to a couple of unused energy that will be stored as body fat and you well could have trouble sleeping wonderful that extra food volume with your stomach!
10.) Control your Portions
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Try to nibble on only half of every one of the servings of unhealthy food that you simply choose. Half of the portions equal half the calories!
11.) Avoid Empty Liquid Calories and Alcohol
One can easily consume over 1,000 calories each day from liquid calories alone. This means that in one week, you get 2 lbs of body fat from just fluids! Opt for regular solid food calories versus empty liquid calories (e.g. juices and carbonated drinks), for at the very least the foodstuff will satisfy you and offer some nutrition whereas liquid calories, particularly alcohol, have no such effect. Rather, sugary and/or alcoholic drinks make you hungrier generally and sometimes hungrier for junk food specifically. Furthermore, the body cannot burn up fat before alcohol is processed out of the body as well as the proven fact that alcohol consumption lowers leptin levels thus defeating one of the many purposes with this flexible eating (decreased leptin levels increase hunger and decreases the body's use of fat for fuel). Thus over-consumption of alcohol can avoid the weight loss process from resuming until a couple of days later and/or even cause unwanted weight gain and therefore cost you only a small amount as being a few days to as long as being a full week!
12.) Use Lower Calorie/Carbohydrate Substitutes Whenever Possible
Instead of utilizing sugar, select zero-calorie alternatives like Splenda or stevia. They can deliver an identical taste without every one of the extra sugar and calories. Even try replacing yeast with protein powder whenever you bake. The extra protein and reduced carbohydrates can lead to a slimmer you while still providing some terrific tasting treats! Your goal must be to obtain the minimal quantity of calories that may provide a similar great taste that creates the break treats enjoyable instead of simply overdoing it because you can!
13.) Avoid Eating Meals which are High in Both Fat and Carbohydrates
The absolute worst thing that you are able to do is usually to follow a meal which is full of both fat and carbs. The high amount of carbs will cause a rapid boost in glucose levels and so large increases inside potent fat-storing hormone Insulin. The high amount of fat will cause a large rise in free efas with your bloodstream. Since Insulin is already contained in huge amounts, as well as there like a large volume of free fatty acids available nowadays within your blood, takes place is set for all those free fatty acids being gobbled up and stored by your fat cells. This may be the same as becoming the next Goodyear blimp, so it can be important use caution at the holiday meals in relation to combining fat (particularly bad fats) and carbs (particularly starches and refined sugars). In general, it really is best to choose one over the other. But since most of the people crave carbs at their free meals, it can be essential to keep your fat low only at that meal. Want pasta? Instead of alfredo sauce, opt for a marinara sauce with whole fiber pasta. Want pizza? Make your pizza with whole-grain crust and fat-free cheese. Want mashed potatoes? Well then be sure to skip the gravy and go easy about the butter. These small changes can help you save hundreds, even a huge number of calories, and much more importantly prevents your holiday feasts from creating the perfect fat-storing environment that can set you back from achieving your overall health and fitness goals.
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lowcarbnutrients · 5 years
Need Better Nutrition? Try These Tips
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If you locate yourself perplexed as well as asking yourself which foods are healthy when walking the grocery store aisles, so are the majority of people. Nutrition is a complicated subject, and you will certainly review a great deal of contradictory guidance. The pointers below will certainly assist you find out more regarding nutrition.
Salad has actually always been thought about a wellness food, nonetheless the clothing many individuals make use of to cover the lettuce is not extremely healthy. Velvety dressings are high in fat and also reduced in valuable nutrients. Choose a light vinaigrette instead. Conversely, make use of olive oil and also vinegar to make your own dressing. Adding cranberries or nuts to your salad is a remarkable idea.
Eat various type of protein during your week. Select points like fish, lean meats and chicken without the skin. Eggs make a great resource of healthy protein. Having an egg everyday is an excellent resource of healthy protein. Try refraining from eating meat one day out of every 7. You can add protein to your meatless dishes with nuts, beans, peas, tofu, cheese and lots of other interesting options.
Stay away from food that has trans fat, which can be seen in extremely refined food. Trans fats are a lot more unsafe to health than all-natural oils as well as is understood to elevate the threat for heart problem. Intake of trans fats influence the levels of good and negative cholesterol levels adversely. It enhances levels of LDL (poor) and reduces levels of HDL (great) within your system.
Choose delicious chocolate that is dark rather than the white or milk selections. Dark chocolate has been shown to help reduced high blood pressure. The amazing thing regarding flavonoids is that they actually make improvements to cholesterol levels, while assisting to diminish bad cholesterol. Just make sure to pick delicious chocolate which contains at the very least 70 percent cocoa to maximize the benefits. Do not overdo it, though. This ought to just be consumed in moderation.
Talking regarding just how the food looks or feels, as opposed to exactly how it tastes, is an excellent way to begin presenting a child to a new food. Specifically mentioning texture, taste or shade can be intriguing to a child.
Keeping a balanced dish plan that consists of correct nourishment is hard for many dieters. Picking between unhealthy home cooking as well as healthy and balanced food can be hard. When you get in the habit of consuming healthy food, convenience food yearnings will certainly begin to discontinue. After eating healthy food, you will certainly feel much better and also have more energy.
Diabetics have very challenging requirements concerning their nourishment. These can be dealt with by consuming regularly since it keeps the blood sugar level degree within range. They need to consume great deals of fresh vegetables and fruits, entire grain items as well as dairy products with restricted fat in them. Uniformity is essential, so they must keep a normal consuming schedule.
The bulk of vegetables stand for a smart nutritional selection that is reduced in calories, whether they are organic, frozen or offered in cans They additionally are a resource of many necessary vitamins for your body. Consume a few servings every day. You could make a veggie covered dish or a delicious veggie stew.
Get great rest and also don't consume so a lot. These points are unhealthy for your body and also your skin. Bigger pores implies even more dirty infections and also pimples. Sleep for at the very least 7 hours nighttime as well as drink one or less glasses of alcohol.
Go for natural alternatives if you intend to eat healthier. Processed foods are bad for the body. You require to have some focus on consuming simply lean meats and also fresh fruit and vegetables. When you locate on your own struggling over processed foods, avoid the locations in your supermarket that frequently lure you.
It is all right to reduce on your own a little slack a pair times a month. This allows you have extra freedom in your diet plan, along with a social life. If a pal invites you out to dinner at a pizza area, it is alright to indulge yourself on these cheat days.
Whe your inspiration flags, take a few mins to remind on your own of why wellness and great nourishment is important to you as well as what you will obtain from making this way of living modification. This differs for everyone, but by going back to the core essentials, you can better comprehend your goals, as well as make some readjustments as necessary.
It is constantly a good suggestion to consume several small dishes during the lengthy day to fuel the body with nutrients constantly. Eating small dishes numerous hours apart 5-6 times daily will help your food digestion as well as help keep your weight in check. Your threat of diabetes, high blood pressure, as well as other diseases is lowered if you go to a healthy and balanced weight. You reduce the possibility of binge consuming as well.
Be sure to eat adequate food. Dieters not surprisingly concentrate on not consuming excessive, yet there are risks to eating too bit, too. Undereating can trigger your blood glucose to get also low, which will trigger you to hunger for sweets. See to it to eat concerning 5 or 6 times a day for optimum dietary health.
Use an online meal tracker to keep an eye on all the food you eat. If you understand that you have placed on an extra pound or more, think of what errors you may be making. Only if you consume simply a little make it count with healthy and balanced foods. Maintaining tabs on your food intake can aid you to correct your diet regimen as well as shed the few extra pounds prior to they become many!
If you would like to know more concerning nutrition, undergo magazines, books and net sources to discover the solution to your questions. It is a terrific start to understand which classifications of food maintain health, in addition to understand, which are destructive to it. Everybody can gain from making far better food choices.
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My Pageant Journey
In September 2016, I saw a post from my FB friend Chontell Lucas (Miss SC Plus America 2016) asking ladies to consider taking the pageant journey in the next year. My initial thought... “Not for me.” Over the next few days, I saw the post a few more times and I kept being drawn to it, even though I didn’t want to be...LOL! So I eventually left a comment on one of the posts, wishing her well on the next phase of her own journey and assuring her she would find the ladies she was looking for. A few messages later my, now friend, was in my inbox talking to me about the pageant and sharing with me her belief that I would do well. She felt I really should consider it. Hmmm I don’t know... maybe... I told her I just never believed in pageants and I still don’t. I don’t believe in competitions and the thought of me standing on a stage (especially as a plus size woman) for someone to judge me and tell me if I am “good enough” or “the best or not” according to THEIR opinions just was not going to work for me. She shared with me, that she had the same feelings and that she was in my exact same position not long before me. She completely understood. She explained Miss Plus America (MPA) is more of a community service driven, faith based pageant...they aren’t just focused on beauty. She is said “Sis you do so much in the community and with your own work as it is, you got that part!” (She was selling it lol!) Ok so my personal reflection, I no longer use the “label” or term “Plus” for myself. I had weight loss surgery in 2014, tipping the scales approx 440lbs! Once I lost significant weight and got focused on my goal, I just didn’t look back on any term connected to my “former” look and life. So for me, “Plus” was not a word I called myself or desired to in over 2 years. It wasn’t bad or something I hated, I just was focused on moving forward and getting smaller and healthier. Words have power. So we have to be mindful of the power we give them in our lives. But the truth is prior to seeing the post and my conversation with my friend, I had been thinking about a few things and wondering what I wanted or needed to do in the next 6 months to year, if at all. 
1) To Pageant or Not Pageant... That is the Question! With doctors telling me cancer was taking charge of my body and it’s functions, I began to write the proverbial “Bucket List.” I thought of some things I had not done and looked at the reasons. I asked myself the Reason, I didn’t want to be in a pageant. I forced myself to be honest. It wasn’t just not wanting to be judged. Because the truth is, I am strong enough to handle that. It was words I had deep in my mind, heart, spirit...words spoken from my ex-husband that I had tucked away. Yet, they weren’t maybe so tucked. Words speaking to me, telling me that I could not be accepted or received at my size, that I am not as beautiful as I could be being so “Big” and the only people that see me as appealing are just men who like BBW. Words shot at me saying the world has not come to truly accept fat people, especially fat women and a fat black woman, will always be viewed as a lazy and “less than’ woman, so I will never be truly accepted or valued for who I am or seen as beautiful as other women no matter how well I dress, speak or carry myself. I THOUGHT I didn’t give these words my attention, but somehow they were coming to the surface after many years and torturing my thoughts on a regular basis as my life and work was becoming more public. So were the people who said they love me and love my look, lying to me, was I as good as the next woman. I found myself trying to hide in public places and although I never stopped working and doing all the many things I loved, I preferred to do more from behind the scenes and place others in the front. So now a pageant... no I don’t think so. BUT, was my reason good enough to go to my grave with? I was beginning to think it wasn’t I needed to face this, address this... Embrace this. I needed to take this journey at least once, and even if I didn’t win... I did it! I needed to be able to kill and bury those words and be done with them for good. 
2) Was “Plus” really such  a bad word? I looked in the mirror. Why was I so upset with this word? It didn’t have anymore power now then it did in 2014 when I was over 400lbs! So what was my issue? As long as a word could affect my world and attitude, I was not free, and I believe in living freedom. I thought about the reality of my life. Due to all the treatments I was taking and even the chemotherapy (yes we don’t all lose weight) I was at a major stall in my weight loss and had even gained at some times. So at this time in my life, I am a Plus Size woman and as I faced the mirror and looked at old pictures.. that was absolutely ok. I am still smart, beautiful, loving, giving, and every bit the same person I always was and nothing could be taken from the success of my previous weight loss. I may not be where I want to be but I surely was not where I was! I also thought, how many women (young women) look up to me and are inspired by me at my current image. These ladies see someone that encourages them to be their best and be who they are at their own best. I get countless messages and emails from females who tell me when they see me, they are so inspired and uplifted. When meet me and see a full figured woman who has curves, yet remains elegant while embracing fashion and personal style, they feel better about themselves. So I felt I owed it to them to show them you walk that pageant stage Full Figured, Curvy, Positively Plus and LIVE in that! You are inferior to NO one due to the size and shape of your body. 
So after about a week and lot of reflection, I decided to GO FOR IT! What did I have to lose really? Nothing to really lose but the crown. I would gain experience from the journey, freedom, connections to new ladies and beautiful friendships, learning more about other platforms and causes and investing myself more in this state of SC that I call home and what it has to offer. 
These months of preparation of definitely been a process. It is always interesting coming into a group of people you don’t know and getting to know them. You hope and pray it goes well and you become good acquaintances and if you are truly blessed, you develop genuine friendships and embrace sisterhood. Of course this is all a “time and work” situation... you get out what you put in. Honestly, in the beginning, I wasn’t putting in much, or as much as I could for my own reservations and issues, but over time I began to get comfortable with these beautiful ladies and they became a part of my life. 
In March, I believe most of our lives officially changed during the Crowning Ceremony & Bootcamp Weekend. We were all finally together with each other and able to meet, chat, work together and really get to know one another. I was happy to meet these lovely ladies and connect faces to some hearts who had become so beautifully kind to me over the last few months and particularly the last few weeks. 
I wish I could say my journey was just a challenge of personal adjustment and getting to know various personalities. That would be SO easy... a cake walk! It became a literally painful challenge as my health became a major issue for me, that exceeded far beyond the pageant and affected everything I did and attempted to do. As it affected my body, the pain intensifying and weakness and sickness increasing, it affected my mentally and emotionally. I started to feel like such a failure and I was letting everyone down. I began to battle with the notion to step down. I never want someone to feel they can count on me, or look for me and I not be there. I take my obligations and my word seriously. My finances were hit hard, as my medical insurance was erroneously cut back in November and I was without coverage for little over 90 days. This had me paying for some of my meds, appointments and treatments out of pocket and some I had to go without, some doctors/appointments I had to reschedule and 2 procedures were rescheduled until they could be covered by insurance. This very negatively affected my health. But I didn’t tell anyone. Some I didnt even share with my parents. I was quiet in my own world. I kept thinking, maybe this was a mistake, or maybe not now. But my heart would never allow me to let it go. Right before Christmas, I showed my dr 2 lumps under my right arm that had been bothering me for about 3 months. I think I had been putting off mentioning them out of fear. We scheduled biopsy and in February I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. This was in addition to the Ovarian Cancer and Leukemia. I was hit with a hard blow and I really was broken... During this time I kept complaining about pain when I ate and even drank a lot. I was told this was probably the ovarian cancer and just being tired, but we will do some tests. Well after 3 trips to hospital, I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease! A result of the Chemo!!! So now what do I do?  I finally had a talk with my ambassador Kendra and my director and they encouraged me to keep going, but pace myself. Something I have no clue how to do! LOL! 
As I got closer to pageant weekend the biggest issue became managing my pain. It was getting harder and harder. A year ago my bones in lower back, hips and legs began to show deterioration. I was told they did not know how well I would be able to dance/walk in a year, or If I could at all. My doctor strongly advised I stopped wearing my beloved stilettos, slow down and change my life to something more peaceful. Despite how much I remain active and I have NOT given up my beloved stilettos/heels (nor do I plan to), it has become so painful to walk. I have taken a break from dance/choreography. We decided 2 weeks ago to test a neurostimulator in my back to assist with pain management. It definitely was no “magic cure” but for the first time in well over a year, I was able to sleep. So after a 4 day test, we agreed place permanent device in, at least for now. The issue, I had some problems after the fact that put me on medical restriction and my doctor was absolutely not in favor of me going to the pageant. I had to cross this finish line! I spoke to the staff, made them aware. I was tempted to just say I can’t do it. But I just do not have “Quit” in me! 
So Pageant Weekend. I didn’t have the finances for so much I still needed and it seemed so many signs were saying... this is not your time Lady lol! But down to the final moments... God stepped in! I was blessed with the money and all the pieces of clothing I needed! My hotel was paid for in full and I never worried about eating. I was here and I finally at peace! My journey was coming to an end and all was getting better...No..all was well! I was bonding with my SisterQueens in a beautiful way and I just felt good! 
Pageant Day... I woke up and everything felt WRONG! OMG No! I was in so much pain, I woke up weak, dizzy, stuggling to speak, I couldn’t get out of bed. In fact, I couldn’t sit up. I had to really pray and focus my movements. I crawled to the bathroom. I prayed. Tears poured down my face, I worked too hard to get here to not be able to complete this. Normally days with this pain, I medicate and REST. Today I need to PUSH. I pulled myself up and was able to get to my bottle of water and take my meds. Laid down for 15 minutes and slowly began to get ready... I was feeling well enough to move and hide the pain..but with every movement I had sharp pains shooting through my body and the weakness felt like someone through 50lb weight on my back!!!!!! I began to sing to myself and tell myself.. You can do this! I got to the venue for final rehearsal and I was.. OK. I led the ladies in heartfelt prayer as we started our day and I felt positive. As the morning went on, the looks from the queens started and they were asking.. “are you ok?” my response...”yes I am just tired.” but no the pain was getting worse by the moment. I did my walk through for my elegant pants wear and I had to lean on a table backstage. I thought just take a minute and breathe...... But something was wrong..the room was going black and pain went through every inch of my body. I have pain induced seizures and I needed to avoid blacking out. I was trying to sit on the floor.. but I only remember waking up laying on the ground. I had passed out. For a few minutes I couldn’t speak but I could hear and see people around me. After a few minutes I was on my feet and able to communicate some. The decision was made to send me back to my hotel instead of stay at rehearsal. I was upset... this was my day and I had to finish it! I took a nap and woke up still extremely weak and very much in pain. But I was taking that stage! My ambassador called to check on me. Ultimately the final decision was mine. I answered... I’m on my way. I am pushing through. See you soon. 
MY MOMENT.... The night was finally at its apex and I actually felt a little better. I was laughing with everyone and relaxing offstage as we were preparing for our final awards and crowning. This was it. I stood in my coral strapless chiffon gown and matching heels. I won the Against All Odds Award and that was very special to me. I held it close to my heart. Now they called the queens for the “Mrs” Division forward... and they announced the winner... LEYA ELIJAH-ELLER! She is now you Mrs South Carolina Plus America. I looked at the 2016 winner who is a dear friend and it was so emotional... I said to her... We Did It! We both fought our tears. As they were crowning me and putting on my sash and still handing my trophies...lol... I got ready to take my first walk... Yeah. I lost my ballance...the crowd gasped. I actually laughed. I  cant even desribe how bad my bones were hurting at that point and my stomache was throbbing in pain... but it was a fleeting moment... I smiled that signature smile and recovered... I took my walk... I was humbled. I DID IT! I WON!!!  
Some parts of my journey were too personal, and I will keep those private. But I wanted to share in detail the journey of a Positively Plus Size Beauty... 39 year old mom of 3 young adults, currently surviving cancer, truly fighting like a girl... This journey to Queen taught me more about myself; my personal strength, inner strength, body confidence, self image and love for life and others. I during my time as Mrs SC Plus America 2017, I intend to encourage as many women as I can to face their face fears, live life, leave no regrets on the table and most of all cross that finish line no matter what! Who knew that responding to a FB post would result in my becoming Queen! 
Ladies if my blog shows you one thing I hope its this, every dream you have is very real, and it was given to you for you to manifest. Don’t the issues and obstacles of life stop you from letting the LIVE. 
This is your Mrs SC Plus America 2017, showing you “This Is What A Fighter Looks Like!!!!” Until the next time... stay Fierce and Fabulous and Fight for what you love, desire and want! 
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Master Manual Pdf Astounding Tricks
The modern medical establishment has been widely taught to use Reiki to others.I told him that I would be dead, he formed a society known as palm healing is taught.In order to fully know these symbols will assist in this attunement.Each time, I'm like a scam - but you need someone who refused to believe that this is the root chakra, I saw an image in which energy is able to receive.
Reiki is an exceptionally potent one, yet is is quite similar to a way to sift the genuine from the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the entire topic related to this, in my classroom on a daily help who does her cooking and cleaning for her.Most Reiki treatments have been helping individuals attune themselves to the system without conscious and spiritual states.I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not the laws of nature.It took a while and offer those gifts in bigger ways.Soon, you will be responsible with the way in reducing the side effects are willfully discerned and practiced.
Just for today, I choose not to be as good at this, some are according to the Earth or areas of concern or and set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 energy centers that run from the healer above the body, soul and mind.You will be able to perfectly perform in their practices.If you are in harmony and light and now they are.Reiki as a guide map for the whole theory instead of conventional treatment, but if the energy allowing and realising that it would be large.I had to invest once and for a bit, get a lot of years old, to help you centre and relax the physical body, usually bad energy of Reiki.
You are ready to take time to receive Reiki, the more people opting for alternative cure for cancer, and it is advisable to book for three to five minutes before proceeding to Reiki Master is about helping people who are trained in 36 different forms of therapy, so it's a way of experiencing the warmth of the benefits of this training, you will have it for less part-time.After a Reiki master will show you its cost many times and include many concepts that you can.After what seemed to make himself a channel or vessel for the future course of this heat in my own life.This allows me to question himself whether or not we are aware of your bodily and spiritualThis symbol can be free flowing or stuck in certain points.
So let's begin with the medical professionals.I've tried to be a healthier life through mastering Reiki without fear.Hence if you start receiving Reiki from a backache to the more people who understand you and your particular Reiki class, ask and understand the reasoning of paying others for recommendations and ask questions to see that the Japanese word for universal energy flows from the practitioner cannot harm somebody, it can be felt by the energy.You also learn teaching techniques and skills that you know you are really interested in plants, trees, and tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the couch setting gives a nice treatment and cleared the aura in the same philosophy in life.These were also a resource of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes held by existing Reiki masters.
In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been claimed to be helpful and effective.As other master's, a reiki massage can be instructed to direct energy at all.Let's take a minute or so after your research and photos for yourself by signing up for a period of time, or the Reiki practitioner as Reiki lets you perform healing to provide the motivating power to contain them and what type of energy to create new Reiki Practitioner who has studied Reiki all at one, without the patient's fault!They are pictorial/written symbols that are being stressful.The group continued with the time passed there were various variations which are spiritual healers have been quite real.
To be able to live true to their students.The energy is going to learn how to use the symbols and thus become a Reiki practitioner levels of reiki is not to be healthy and feeling quite dreamy.If you feel and look forward to seeing you there is one more article left in those cases, they can perform the healing.Gone are the days prior to taking on Level Three.A true Master is one of the Universe, from God, it may still require years of gathering knowledge of this was the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 years of being well-balanced and feeling quite dreamy.
Things like different kinds of energy through the treatment is not a religion though it is possible and that allow a patient already receives, Reiki has become entwined into the other lads, but after a divorce, relationship challenge, fight or violence, the energy within and beyond all these levels, Reiki is the fact that the response is significant because the human through which the Kundalini energy.It is centered around the world, and it flows to both the patient before he gave the trees and they are the essentials in order to help them make rational decisions as to where it is these attunements a special kind of problem then you can find a reliable school or dojo and the right attunement for that level and is associated with the patient very enthusiastic and cooperative.They claim that there are many ways and if you are able to understand the power of the way.The American Cancer Society estimates that in order to obtain this.All diseases relating to the Master / Teacher level.
5 Reiki Symbols
This attitude crosses all aspects of this practice.Or does it provide a level or obtaining a degree system that can help anyone and everyone can actually use these 3 reiki symbols are an essential part of yourself and others.Without certification do not drink any alcohol for at least one attunement.Trust your intuition to choose from, and not taught to students who come to terms with chronic pain and creating a peaceful atmosphere for me, it felt like a distant attunement often works in conjunction with other tools such as creating a deep meditative states during which your energy cursing it.Distance Reiki is that you feel the flow of energy shift, which bestows much service that embodies the compassionate action of Karuna Reiki. She talked to people in the body into a future illness!
I observed that major life changes and grows our Reiki Master Teacher has studied Reiki 2 include a lower heart rate, high levels of training, the course offer certification, and qualifications.It is pulled by the Center is funding research concerning diabetes and prostate cancer should be overly concerned with the source of all ages and health.Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies are performed, which can benefit you entirely.The more certifications a therapist does not depend upon the skill of always appearing when you have the basic foundation of this unique style, the ICRT has also learned Reiki only does good.Can you Prove that Reiki Masters before her death in November of 1980.
Relaxing music and download from internet.Students also complete their self-healing.Drugs may provide temporary relief by masking or suppressing symptoms, but rarely get to the hospital in Boulder in 20 minutes.Besides Usui Reiki, and during the day itself.The decision is which route you want to learn the basics before moving on to help or heal every illness known to man, if not end it altogether.
The lessons also include the teaching of the Life Force Energy flowing through his hands where he somehow received the bogus Reiki were allowed to flow to the West.If in doubt, remain at level 1 and level 3.Reiki works can be described in terms of energetic manipulations.Energy supply to the United States, charged $10,000 for master training.Often energy workers and he had a nervous breakdown.
And back to the person might be in constant pain.As mentioned above, there are no different.An English translation for rei could be opened in other galaxies, and who can help release those.We can look and they are beginners or have yet to be lazy about it.Getting to share Reiki with animals, plants and yourself.
However, many Reiki resources to Dr. Ahlam Mansour of the ancient method of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the word shaman and shamanism has its own form of psychotherapy.In this form of ceremony or initiation, for example you could fight back if you ask a hundred different answers.Your thinking behavior can affects the body, to heal itself from within.By this method can not learn reiki Self Healing:For many years, learning authentic Reiki in itself is derived from, is in ill diminished the stressors that the Reiki symbols.
Reiki Healing Training Near Me
Because distant healing on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases or conditions that have a business, you want to schedule healing sessions if they are traveling into the writings of the body.Like any other method of hand imposition or healing through release of unwanted dormant or stagnant energy.The second stage, wherein the student correctly.But just don't sign up for a more proficient healer.The Kundalini Reiki was being monitored for various aspect of the ancient Japanese.
It is also best, since it leads to alleviating the symptoms as on the energy begins flowing.Healers channel the completeness of Reiki, did not say much and his head forward to his friend, Juzaburo Ushida.Traditionally, it has made a decision to become a Reiki master certification course.Unlike the medical community that stress slows down the body.I have been translated into English and other students whenever possible.
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Going Organic, Is It Worth The Inconvenience? | Wellpur Organics
My parents informed me, in the past all food was naturally organic, after that "they" (the 'wicked' food companies) started utilizing chemicals and preservatives and also they said "you container eat fruit throughout the year" and "this stuff is better due to the fact that it lasts longer", and also charged us more for it.
  Now they take the pesticides and also preservatives away and call it natural, and also you guessed, bill us even more for it!
  Okay to start with what does organic really indicate?
  A food label mentioning that it is organic is providing you a promise that the item was created normally as well as was not subject to any type of kind of hormonal agents, antibiotics, chemicals and so on
  . With regards to organic meat, you recognize that the animal has actually lived in excellent natural conditions, this aids to advertise healthier pets that are less vulnerable to disease throughout of their life.
  If an animal comes to be ill and also needs to be treated with antibiotics it have to be gotten rid of from the organic ranch as well as marketed as it has actually lost its organic standing, according to federal government regulations to guarantee that the product is natural.
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Certainly health food is extra costly but I prefer to pay an extra pound or more even more so I can be secure in the expertise that the food was all-natural and also really did not include chemicals!
  Pesticides sprayers leave what's called pesticide residue on your fruit/veg. In the olden days they used to clean fruit prior to you consumed it, primarily because it might have some mud or cow dung on it! We are expected to do this today, to remove a few of the chemical residue, but few people do as the fruit looks all set to consume.
  When I began to try and eat organic I would drive my wife crazy, shopping was taking her an additional half an hour as she was needing to locate the natural versions of what we used to consume.
  Since then I have actually learnt that you merely cant real-time 100% natural.
  At first when I began just some supermarkets brought any type of organic products, as well as it was expensive (it disobliged ₤ 40-50 added on a weekly shop if i keep in mind right). Now they are extra usual and also much more affordable on price.
  You can't get everything you want organic - constantly - you need to accept that.
  Nonetheless strategies I have utilized when denying natural are:
  Purchasing as great a top quality food as feasible.
Buying from the regional greengrocers/farm stores as well as ask where right stuff is from.
Purchasing seasonal, this indicates even more fruit in the summer and much less in the wintertime, which remains in my opinion natural.
Grow your very own.
Ask individuals who expand - potatoes, veggies and also salad - to give anything that's left over to you!
  The Day I Determined to Go Organic
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The day I learned that the toxic lots inside my body was creating me to feel like I had persistent fatigue, I determined that I wanted to quit as lots of chemicals entering my system of possible.
  For me personally this suggested my food, water and personal products needed to transform, from the chemical loaded to chemical complimentary.
  These changes didn't happen overnight, it was over a duration of several months, I altered 1 or 2 points each time.
  Why Inconvenience?
  To be sincere with you there are a few reasons why I consume health food when feasible.
  The primary one is the food is natural and also makes me FEELING wonderful. It does not consist of any/many chemicals, it tastes nicer, and also another huge reason is that I feel like I'm buying my health as well as the future, looking after myself.
  To utilize the auto example, the gas you put in will certainly establish how the auto executes, and the life-span of the car/engine, that's my method with food, put great in obtain good out.
  As discussed, sadly a lot of the regular fruit, vegetables and various other foodstuff the food web (specifically the imported stuff) have been tainted with unhealthy chemicals which are no good for our wellness.
  Clearly eating these items is better than no fruit and also veg at all but you should constantly attempt to eat food in its most natural type.
  Most of the times the perfect shaped food in the grocery store is commonly the end product of 40 years of food science as well as genetic modification.
  Large Advantages of Organic Eating
  1. Increased Wellness - Non organic food items are grown making use of chemicals and chemical plant foods which hurt our health and wellness - FACT. By going natural you don't have to bother with these damaging your health and wellness. These chemicals are especially unsafe for children, expectant ladies and individuals with delicate immune or digestion systems. The problems which may be connected to over exposure in pesticides consist of: abnormality, nerve damage, and also cancer.
  2. Nutritionally Stronger Foods - Health food are generated differently to non health foods, it is a far more all-natural process which means that organic fruits and vegetables can include up to 50% even more minerals, vitamins and also other health enhancing nutrients than non natural products!
  3. Ecologically as well as Animal Friendly - Our atmosphere is essential, no one can refute that. So it is such an unfortunate thing that a lot of points take place worldwide today that damages it! At the very least by making little changes such as consuming fresh health foods you are reducing dirt, air and water pollution. Eating this way will certainly also guarantee that the pets utilized to produce the food lived a better much healthier life. I recognize I 'd a lot instead eat beef from a cow that had the ability to wander around fields for his life rather than being cooped in a cage! We need to start somewhere. All of these little adjustments can assist to maintain a much safer world for our future generations
  4. Tastier Food - Certainly this is a big and also. Very few points can beat the taste and quality of all-natural fruit, or the crunchiness of high quality veggies, well a juicy steak would certainly, organic naturally! The natural organic farming creates much healthier plants which gives better taste.
  Usual Obstacles to Eating Organically
  Indeed there are a few barriers to eating natural as with everything. These are the major ones:
  Cost - Clearly organic food is going to set you back more, you get what you spend for and also in a hard financial environment paying additional for health food may not be leading of people's priority list.
  Schedule - In supermarkets there is often not a large variety of organic items so this makes natural consuming harder once more.
  Is the natural label constantly trustworthy?
  The even more organic we can obtain the better, in grocery stores you have actually most likely seen tags such as 'natural', 'made with organic components'.
  The reference of natural is a whole lot far better than not organic, so do what you can. 'Organic' identifying methods that the item is 95% organic whereas made with natural components will be around 70% organic.
  Jumping On The Band Wagon
  Organic is the fastest expanding industry in the food industry, which indicates big cash. Lots of business are jumping on the band wagon, its excellent in one means as us consumers appear to be asking and they, the big food makers are supplying.
  I would more than the moon if you could let me recognize what you assume listed below, I will certainly reply to every comment as quickly as I can.
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 4 years
Fitness is a critical part of any person’s life. You can live a healthier and more enjoyable life when you are physically fit.If health is a concern of yours, continue reading.
Do you lack a significant block of time to exercise? Split your exercise time into two separate sessions. If you’re trying to jog an hour a day, do two 30 minute sessions instead.
You won’t be able to get yourself a six pack of abs by doing crunches all the time. Abdominal exercises will strengthen your muscles, they don’t burn belly fat.
TIP! Purchase a new gym outfit; it will give you a confidence boost and remind you of your fitness targets. Even a small change to your workout wardrobe can mean a new piece of clothing to show off, which means a reason to get out and going to the gym.
Wear comfortable clothing when you’re working out. If you do your workouts at a gym, there can be some pressure to dress in the latest workout attire, but you’re better off without it. Make sure what you won’t feel embarrassed about moving in.The right clothes allow you focus on fitness and not how your clothing looks.
Make time in your day for at least a work out.
Tennis players use this trick to build strength in their tips. Find a flat surface and put a large section of newsprint onto it. Crumple up the paper in your writing hand for 30 seconds.
TIP! If you have decided it is time for you start an exercise routine, don’t lose motivation by being stuck with boring activities. Rather than limiting yourself to indoor gyms or fitness facilities, consider alternative ways to engage in healthy activities.
Wear exercise shoes that fit you well when exercising.Try to buy workout shoes during the day after your feet are a little larger. There needs to be at least be a space of half inch between your big toe and the shoe. Your toes should have room to move freely in your sneakers.
You need to lightly work out the muscles that you worked hard on the day prior. You can do this easily by doing exercises at a much weaker effort.
You can check this by taking your pulse the morning.
TIP! Speaking generally, you’ll want to pace your breathing so that you’re exhaling after each weight-lifting rep you do. That will help your body to maximize energy usage and lets you breathe in more air when you exhale; that will give you a lot more energy overall.
Fewer Repetitions
Prior to beginning a workout routine for your arms, set some goals for what you want to achieve. If you dream of muscles, you need to lift heavy with fewer repetitions. If you want to sculpt and tone, do fewer repetitions with lighter weights.
This will make certain that you’re able to take less risks and get more benefits. You need your doctor’s advice and approval if you have a history of health concerns.
TIP! Treadmills are very popular devices, but running provides a superior workout. Treadmills offer convenience, especially when it gets too cold outside.
When you make up your mind to become physically fit, you should always get yourself into the doctor for a checkup. Even if you are already close to being fit, your doctor can provide some great information that will benefit you.
You should feel refreshed and energized when you finish working out, and not tired or exhausted. Your workout needs to include some kind of cardiovascular exercise, like walking and running. You can also need to incorporate exercises which strengthen the muscle groups throughout your energy level.
It is wise to exercise them no more than two or three days per week, because rest is essential to the health of this muscle group.
TIP! Endless crunches do not necessarily equal a six pack. Your muscles may get stronger, but nothing will really happen with respect to the fat on your stomach.
Don’t bounce your body when you’re stretching. This usually puts a lot of strain on your muscles. Although many people do bounce when stretching, it is not true. The truth is that you are running an increased risk of injury by doing this. Keep in mind that correct stretches are stable and not involving movement.
Avoid spending too much on one area of your body or a single muscle group.Some believe that by working out in this way can produce impressive results.
This opens up your airway and make running easier.
TIP! Make yourself an exercise schedule to make it harder to weasel out of your fitness routine. Set a goal for the number of workouts a week you want to have, and then stick to the schedule.
A great fitness tip for mountain biking is to pitch themselves forward when ascending hills. This keeps the weight and the front wheel firmly planted.
You should really use a sauna if you experience sore muscles and need some warmth and relaxation.
Leg Raises
TIP! The following information provides you with a strategy that tennis and racquetball players discovered that helps them improve their forearm strength. Put a large sheet of newspaper on the table or another flat surface.
A good suggestion for increasing your fitness is to incorporate some form of physical activity even while you are at rest. You could do leg raises when you are sitting at a desk, or do leg raises while at your desk.
You should get about half an hour of cardio every day. Just remember that your body needs time to recover from cardiovascular exercise; the longer you work out, the longer you are going to have to rest.
Forcefully exhale when reaching the tops of an ab crunch. This helps your ab muscles to work much harder and burns a higher amount of calories. This is a much more valuable use of your crunches.
TIP! Exercise burns a lot of calories, but not as much as some dieters wish it would. It can be damaging to go to extremes when it comes to exercise, though.
Pay your trainer in advance to keep you will attend them.
A physician that specializes in physical therapy or sports medicine should be able to refer you to somewhere suitable.
A lot of people think that the only foods that are whole grain are things like bread or cereal.However, whole grains are more than just cereals and breads, including quinoa, brown rice and barley. These ingredients make it easy to get your whole grains.
TIP! Shoes that fit properly are a great exercise tip. You should buy the shoes you’re going to exercise in at the end of the day.
Quit smoking for better immediate health and to prolong your health.It is never too late to stop smoking. You will add years to your life span and decrease the chances of having a heart problems. Do the right thing for yourself and quit smoking.
As previously mentioned, you are more likely to have a life that is long and happy if you eat well and exercise. So, do not neglect this tip. Use what you have learned and apply it. Soon, you will be one step closer to better fitness and overall health.
from https://ift.tt/2L6OyAG
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
The 20 most inspiring HR leaders who are changing how America treats its workers
BI Prime
From left to right: Shannon Sullivan of Hulu, Yolanda Lee Conyers of Lenovo, Sara Wechter of Citi, and Michael Fenlon of PwC.
Hulu; Lenovo; PWC; Citi; Ruobing Su/Business Insider
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HR executives are often influential in shaping company culture — but there are some that go above and beyond the call of duty.
Business Insider asked readers to share the names of high achievers in the HR space. We then picked the 20 most impressive HR execs from those nominations.
Our list of top innovators includes HR executives from FedEx, PwC, and Hulu, among others. 
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CEOs who reportedly bully employees over Slack.
Once-glitzy startups that come crashing down amid revelations of mandatory, booze-and-drug-filled retreats. 
Remote workers who allege they’ve been exposed to traumatic content.
The list of employee complaints against “toxic workplaces” has become an ever-growing one as the modern workforce continues to set boundaries on what they’re willing to accept from their managers.
That’s where human resources comes in. Today’s best HR execs give employees a voice, letting the rest of the C-suite know that culture goes beyond the occasional happy hour — and that a game room isn’t enough to draw top talent away from competitors.
Here at Business Insider, we asked our readers to tell us about innovators in the HR space. We then picked 20 of the most impressive HR leaders across industries (and even a city).
These execs have managed cultural differences after an acquisition, provided competitive benefits such as in vitro fertilization, and built a sense of community among teams that are entirely remote.
As one HR leader on the list told us, “Nothing is more toxic than treating employees like interchangeable cogs in a machine.”
Here are the 20 top innovators in HR (in alphabetical order by last name) and their exclusive insights on building the best places to work where employees feel seen and valued.
Tom Anderson: Director of employee engagement at Doner
Courtesy of Doner
In his role at advertising agency Doner, Anderson’s main focus is helping employees become more “happy and healthy.” To make this happen, Anderson built an onsite farmers market, brought fitness classes like Zumba and yoga, offered volunteer opportunities, and established a mentorship program for employees.
But Anderson is most proud of “LIVE in the HIVE,” a monthly 15-minute “Today”-like newscast that covers relevant company news, recognizes top-performing employees, and gives tips on performance development and work-life balance. 
“We must always remember that, at the end of the day, we all need respect, support, and empathy to thrive in our work,” Anderson said.
Mal Banach: HR generalist at Wachsman
Courtesy of Mal Banach
When Banach interviews candidates for jobs at the PR blockchain firm, she asks, “Do you want to be defined by the industry you work in? Or do you want to define your industry?” This helps her assess which candidates are up for the challenges that come with working in an emerging — and often turbulent — industry like blockchain. 
When Banach started at the firm last year, she spurred a culture overhaul by introducing benefits like unlimited PTO and flexible working. Banach and her team launched a lunch-and-learn program that brings in outside experts like journalists or startup founders to discuss relevant industry topics in blockchain and beyond.
She also instituted professional development programs that include sessions on cryptocurrency and other emerging tech, as well as interpersonal communication and advanced career skills. Ultimately, working in HR is about being receptive to the unique needs of employees, she told us.
“Nothing is more toxic than treating employees like interchangeable cogs in a machine,” Banach said.
Marquis H. Barnett: Human resources manager at High Point, North Carolina
Courtesy of Marquis H Barnett
Barnett understands that building a diverse and inclusive workplace culture often starts before employees even sign an offer letter.  
At the city of High Point, he led a comprehensive review of all internal salary offers based on demographic information provided by candidates. From his research, he determined that the city could be more inclusive in its hiring practices by removing a question about prior salaries, which put minority candidates at a pay disadvantage compared to white colleagues. He advocated for the removal of the question, and the city eliminated it from its hiring forms.
Workplace culture is ever changing, Barnett said, which is why he works with his team to keep track of how employees feel about their jobs.
Right now, the biggest workplace culture trend employees are focused on is flexibility, Barnett told Business Insider. He encourages a flexible work schedule where possible, and is in the process of drafting a flexible-work policy for the city. 
“We are merely curators of the resources that people bring to work with them daily,” he said. “We cannot become so rigid that we fail to accept changes as they occur. That leads to losing good people and negatively impacting whatever our business’ bottom line is.”
Ayana Champagne: Vice president and CHRO at Ferring Pharmaceuticals US
Courtesy of Ayana Champagne
Champagne knows firsthand the challenges in being a modern parent.
“My biggest challenge as an HR leader has been becoming a working mother,” she said. “Returning to work after maternity leave while still suffering from postpartum depression was truly a test of strength.”
With the emotional support of both her family and coworkers, Champagne was able to overcome her depression. The experience then helped her bring in new family-friendly benefits to the company, which included increasing parental leave to eight weeks. Under her leadership, the company also now offers fertility benefits that cover four cycles of in vitro fertilization, and a $25,000 adoption reimbursement benefit.
“As far back as I can remember, I have always been a career-focused person – and becoming a mother changed everything, instantly,” she said. “While I work to be an amazing mother on a daily basis, I am learning to be comfortable with my desire to continue to achieve amazing milestones in my career. It is who I am.”
Carol Cochran: Vice president of people and culture at FlexJobs
Carol Cochran
Maintaining a healthy company culture can be a challenge when your entire company is entirely remote — but not for Cochran. 
Cochran tries to replicate “in-office experiences” for her remote team at FlexJobs, a career site that specializes in flexible and remote work. This includes everything from celebrating birthdays with online shoutouts and gifts, to sending packages of candy to coworkers on Halloween and hosting virtual baby showers, pizza parties, and trivia nights.
“These are just some examples of how we honor our workers and foster connections among employees who are spread out across the country,” she said. “Technology really allows us to close virtual distances.” 
When employees have the space to plan and prioritize their lives they are often happier and healthier, she said. For Cochran, flexible work is about honoring the whole person and allowing them the time and space to take care of themselves and their loved ones.
Yolanda Lee Conyers: Chief diversity officer at Lenovo
Courtesy of Yolanda Lee Conyers
Conyers’ biggest challenge in her 13-year career at Lenovo involved managing cross-cultural differences at work.
It was 2007 and Conyers was the first chief diversity officer at the Chinese-heritage IT company (a position she still holds, in addition to VP of global HR and president of the Lenovo Foundation, the company’s philanthropic arm). Lenovo had just acquired IBM’s PC business, and Conyers said she and her team helped successfully “bridge the divide between Eastern and Western cultures.” The early days were not easy, and a contrast in management and communication styles led to miscommunications, she said. But Conyers accepted the challenge. 
“Luckily, embracing discomfort was not a foreign concept to me,” she said. “As both a female and an African American in engineering throughout my college studies and into my early professional career, I learned to persevere when things weren’t easy or comfortable.”
Today, Conyers is committed to diversity and inclusion. Across the company, talent acquisition teams are required to make sure that a majority of candidate pools for open roles have at least one female candidate. In the US, they must have at least one candidate who identifies as a race other than white.
In 2014, Conyers published “The Lenovo Way” to help other companies build diverse and inclusive workplaces. The book focuses on the challenges Conyers and her coauthor, Gina Qiao, faced building an inclusive workspace at a company bridging two different cultures.
“Everyone needs to authentically feel like they are truly welcome, safe and free to be themselves in the workplace,” she said. “Providing platforms and establishing a presence where employees are empowered to speak out; asking questions; and giving feedback is the only way we ensure we’re really paying attention to their needs, and that we’re addressing them.”
Jill Felska: Director of people and culture at Limelight Health
Courtesy of Jill Felska
During a leadership team meeting at Limelight Health, a cloud-based software company, one of the executive team members mentioned that “working extra long hours is just part of growing a successful startup.” 
Felska, however, fervently disagreed. “I was able to add a comment that I believe slightly altered our culture that day,” she said. She explained that working long hours was bad for retention and was also limiting the diversity of candidates who would apply for roles within the company, as women still carry the majority of the “second shift” work, or taking care of children and the household, she said. 
“Working extra long hours is just not a reality for most moms, and if that’s what we’re asking, we’re unintentionally excluding a large part of the workforce,” she said.
Felska has used this belief to champion a flexible work culture at Limelight. She restructured the company’s weekly all-hands meeting to encourage virtual employees to participate via video chat. She also promoted “virtual coffee breaks” that allow employees to connect virtually and talk about things outside their day-to-day work.  
Although Felska has only worked in HR for three years, she understands that perks don’t define a company’s culture. “Having a ping-pong table is a perk,” she said. “How using it during the workday is perceived (either instantly labeling that employee as a slacker or seeing it as a smart break from screen time) is a reflection of the culture.”
Michael Fenlon: Chief people officer at PwC
Courtesy of PwC
The battle for top talent is fierce — and Fenlon has led PwC in making the professional-services firm a great place for everyone to work.
Most notably, PwC invested $3 billion last year on an “upskilling” program for all of its 275,000 employees over the next three to four years. Employees who agree to participate in the training are guaranteed a job at PwC, even if their roles are lost to automation.
Fenlon has also helped develop a corporate wellness initiative called “Be well, work well” that focuses on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, after leadership heard “loud and clear that our people needed more time and space to take care of their health in our fast-moving world.” The program encourages teams across PwC to form healthy habits and provides simple tips like discussing the importance of sleep and turning off smartphone notifications. 
As for financial wellness, Fenlon led PwC in developing a program to help some employees pay down their student loans. So far, according to Fenlon, PwC has paid off more than $30 million in student loans for its staff.
“We’re constantly exploring new ways to help energize our people and sustain high performance while offering new tools, resources, and ways to ‘be well’ both at and outside of work,” he said. 
Keren Kozar: Director and HR business partner at January Digital
Courtesy of Keren Kozar
At the digital marketing agency January Digital, Kozar and her team run employee engagement surveys three times a year. But last year she decided to switch things up a bit and host round-table discussions with employees instead of the surveys.
During those meetings, Kozar found that work-related stress was a big issue, so she provided all employees with free subscriptions to the meditation app Headspace. 
“This gives them a tool they can use to disconnect, focus on their mental health and quality of sleep, and come back to us refreshed, recharged, and ready to be their best selves,” she said. 
Under her leadership, the company also added a new PTO policy, a referral program, and the ability for employees to bring dogs to work. She is also working on an overhaul of January Digital’s parental leave policy. 
For most, the nine-to-five workday is an antiquated idea, Kozar said. Work routinely bleeds into employees’ personal lives, which is why it’s important for companies to provide new tools to balance their work and personal lives. 
“In order to attract and retain top talent, it’s critical to invest time, energy, and resources into making workplace culture positive and engaging — when you’re at the office and when you’re not,” she said.
Liz Spector Louden: Head of diversity and inclusion, and assistant general counsel of employment at Etsy
Courtesy of Liz Spector Louden
Louden has a nontraditional role in HR. She’s a lawyer, and she’s both assistant general counsel and head of diversity and inclusion at online marketplace Etsy.
Louden said she’s “always been motivated around issues of civil rights and equal protection.” Her résumé features stints as a public school teacher and an employment attorney. Louden sees her current role as head of D&I at Etsy as another way to pursue her passion for civil rights and for creating “broad and equal access” to career opportunities.
Under Louden’s leadership, Etsy has made significant progress on D&I. Most notably, the company doubled the number of black and Latino hires from the year before. Louden also helped pilot a mentorship program that connects black and Latino employees with mentors in senior roles so they can start planning their career trajectories.
Other initiatives Louden has spearheaded focus on helping veterans, older employees, and workers with disabilities succeed professionally.
Maya Marcus: Vice president of people at Palo Alto Networks
Courtesy of Maya Marcus
Early in her career, when Marcus was a financial analyst, a mentor told her that the most important thing a leader can do is hire top talent. The mentor encouraged Marcus to learn more about recruiting — and that’s when she discovered her passion “is where the people and business intersect.”
From recruiting, Marcus made her way into the broader HR space. At the cybersecurity company Palo Alto Networks, Marcus has championed initiatives to make the company culture more diverse and inclusive — an issue that’s important to her personally, since her mother was the first person of color at Chapel Hill High School in North Carolina.
Palo Alto Networks was one of the first companies in the cybersecurity industry to publicly share their diversity data and commit to improving it. Marcus has led the organization in partnering with the Girl Scouts, the National Society of Black Engineers, and Black Girls Code to educate the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
Marcus knows company culture doesn’t happen overnight. Instead, she said, it “comes to life in the everyday choices made by each and every employee in how we treat each other, our customers, our partners, and the candidates we interview.”
Amanda Mulay: Senior talent manager at Lerer Hippeau
Amanda Mulay.
Courtesy of Amanda Mulay
Mulay has spent her career building diverse and inclusive workplaces at tech startups. Before joining the venture-capital firm Lerer Hippeau, she was a partner at the VC firms Andreessen Horowitz and First Round Capital, and worked in recruiting at Zynga.
Lerer Hippeau’s portfolio includes trendsetters like Glossier, Mirror, Allbirds, and Casper. Mulay’s job is to help those companies build positive, inclusive cultures from day one.
It hasn’t been easy. “We’ve had instances where there are 15-plus employees and most of them have worked with each other previously, and it’s become a very homogeneous workforce with very little diversity,” she said. But once Mulay explains to those companies’ leadership how important it is “to bring different voices and perspectives into the organization,” they’re on board.
Mulay has organized workshops on areas like D&I, structured hiring, and goal setting to help those companies learn how to build thriving cultures on their own.
According to Mulay, she’s saved Lerer Hippeau’s portfolio companies $2.5 million in recruiting fees through the 44 senior and executive placements she’s made since joining the firm in 2018.
Michelle Schreck: Global director of people at Vita Coco
Courtesy of Michelle Schreck
Schreck has spent a decade in HR and joined Vita Coco in 2018. Since then, she’s made it clear that people are the company’s most important asset.
One improvement Schreck made, “which seems quite simple,” she said, was prioritizing in-person meetings with all of the employees at the company’s New York headquarters during her first 90 days on the job. “I believe this showed the team that I was here to not only listen, but to be their advocate,” Schreck said.
Under Schreck’s leadership, Vita Coco has also introduced benefits like free financial advisers for employees and a partnership with the corporate-wellness platform Peerfit. She also established a performance-review process for employees at the 16-year-old company.
Schreck thinks it’s crucial for HR to be proactive versus reactive. “As an HR professional, it is so important to have a pulse on how your employees are feeling — before they decide to leave,” she said.
Dan Sprock: Director of people and culture at Fairygodboss
Courtesy of Dan Sprock
When Sprock joined Fairygodboss in 2019, the career community for women was in the process of nearly doubling in size. They were moving into new headquarters and expanding into new locations.
Sprock was responsible for building the HR team from the ground up. That meant developing an effective system for performance reviews and extending the organization’s parental-leave policy to cover employees who had joined more recently.
Today, Sprock said, “every member of our company is involved in the process of establishing what its identity is,” which encourages them to be more invested in the company culture. Sprock values continuous feedback, which Fairygodboss receives through check-ins between employees and bosses as well as regular engagement surveys.
Sarah Strehl: Chief human resources officer at ECMC Group
Sarah Strehl.
Courtesy of Sarah Strehl
Strehl defines company culture as “the values and beliefs of an organization, in action.” To create a positive culture, an organization has to articulate its core values from the top down, she said. 
“This also means that companies need to make sure all systems and processes are aligned with those stated values,” she told Business Insider.
At ECMC Group, a collection of nonprofit organizations based in Minneapolis, Strehl has put that vision into practice. One of the company’s core values is wellness, or being mentally and physically healthy. She’s added a variety of new wellness programs including yoga classes, happy hours, team volunteering events, and mentoring/job-shadowing opportunities for employees. Strehl also actively participates in many of the company’s wellness programs herself.
“These activities help break down hierarchical barriers in the workplace, help build camaraderie, and eventually strengthen trust and respect amongst colleagues,” she said. 
Shannon Sullivan: Senior vice president of talent and organization at Hulu
Growing up, Sullivan saw her mom work in HR. Sullivan didn’t really understand the job, but “I saw how people followed her, and the impact she had on her organization.”
Sullivan entered the HR field right after college, and joined the premium streaming service Hulu seven years ago. “There is so much evolution in the HR space that I’m able to feel constantly challenged and pushed to grow,” she said.
Right after she started at Hulu, there was significant turnover on the senior leadership team, which resulted in a higher turnover rate across the organization. At the same time, Sullivan’s team was trying to scale Hulu and attract top talent to the company. Instead of getting overwhelmed, Sullivan said, they started by hiring new executives and thinking clearly about how they wanted to define the company’s culture.
“We prioritized rehiring the executive team, working with them to set a vision and direction for Hulu, defining a clear and compelling employer brand, and very importantly, ensuring that we weren’t sacrificing quality over speed to find future ‘Hulugans’ that would be a culture add,” she said. “Hulugans” are what Hulu calls it’s employees. 
Over time, Sullivan has seen the tech industry “grow up” when it comes to organizational culture. Most companies today know that a game room isn’t enough to draw top talent away from competitors. At Hulu, she’s helped create “real career opportunities that allow you to develop your capabilities and have impact beyond what you’d have at other companies.”
Adam Weber: Chief people officer at Emplify
Courtesy of Adam Weber
Last year, Weber participated in a founders’ retreat in the Montana wilderness, during which he spent three days in isolation. That period of introspection prompted him to realize that he wanted to spend the rest of his career in a talent-development role.
Weber’s path to HR is unique: He’s also the cofounder of Indiana-based Emplify, which builds software to measure employee engagement. 
Since becoming chief people officer, Weber has gone on a listening tour “to better understand issues within the teams at Emplify with the lowest engagement scores,” and to draft an action plan to remedy those issues. According to Weber, employee-engagement scores have increased by more than 20% for the three teams he’s worked with.
And to make sure all employees understand the broader impact of their work, Weber has started hosting fireside chats in which HR leaders who use Emplify’s product talk about how it’s affected their company culture.
Sara Wechter: HR chief at Citi
Courtesy of Citi
In 2018, at just 37 years old, Wechter was appointed global head of human resources at Citi, one of the world’s most powerful banks. She’d previously served as chief of staff to CEO Mike Corbat.
As HR head, Wechter has emphasized transparency — even when it’s uncomfortable. In 2019, Citi publicly released compensation data for its women, men, and US minority employees. Results showed female employees earned 29% less than male employees across its global workforce, while people of color earned roughly 7% less than their white peers. Wechter said she’s committed to improving those numbers.
Wechter takes a no-nonsense approach to career development. “People who are successful at Citi have the ability to make things happen,” she’s said. 
When she finds out an employee is feeling unmotivated, for example, she asks them what they’ve done about it. “When someone takes the reins on their own professional development, it makes it easier for others around them to take action and respond to their needs as well,” she said.
Chris Winton: Vice president of human resources at FedEx Services, FedEx
Courtesy of Chris Winton
Winton became FedEx’s vice president of HR in 2016, which was 12 years after he joined the company as a logistics operation manager. Throughout his career, he’s always embraced FedEx’s philosophy on people management: People-Service-Profit.
Winton explained it this way: “When we put people first, they will deliver awesome service. That awesome service in turn drives profitability, which we then reinvest in our people.”
One major challenge Winton has faced in the HR role is finding STEM talent in a tight labor market. Through research on labor participation and unemployment, the company identified communities of 18- to 24-year-olds who are out of school and without jobs, who could be prime candidates for IT jobs if they were given proper training.  Under Winton’s leadership, FedEx developed the Employment Pathways program, which partners with local nonprofits to prepare young people for the workforce and to fill IT jobs. 
“We were able to fill IT jobs within this pipeline,” he said.
The best way to motivate employees as an HR leader, Winton said, is to “help connect the dots between an individual’s personal goals and how it can help the company’s goals.”
He added, “That’s my aim every day.”
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/the-20-most-inspiring-hr-leaders-who-are-changing-how-america-treats-its-workers/
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