#or at least ultra beast adjacent
friedunicornstudio · 2 years
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Legendary beasts from beyond the stars!
Cosmog and Cosmoem took less than two hours respectively, Solgaleo and Lunala both took a little over 3 hours each because it turns out that painting a bunch of sunflowers and moonflowers takes more time than I thought.
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
Scarlet and violent love having canon kill counts. I have a proposal for Dead Meat YouTube.
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ask-obt · 1 year
This is more for Woo but out of curiosity what is your lore for every Legendary/Mythical Pokemon so far? (Headcannon that because Mews have the DNA of every single Pokemon that should they have offspring with another species their babies will automatically be the species of said Mews mate. The only way to get a Mew is if one or more Mews have offspring.)
// considering there are quite literally 99 legendary (or legendary adjacent pokemon, like mythicals and ultra beasts), that's a lot of headcanons for one ask! but I can toss a few OBT legendary things out there - most mythicals can have multiple members of their species, they just have low breeding rates - some legendaries in OBT are implied to not exist at all outside of stories! or at the very least, they aren't as powerful as the stories would have you believe if they do exist (meloetta has a sort of "prince and the pauper" type of story surrounding it) - type: null doesn't exist in OBT's current time, instead using a helmet breaking ceremony as a sort of coming-of-age tradition for individuals - some minor legendaries, like mythicals, can populate the world of OBT casually. the legendary birds come to mind, as does heatran and the kubfu line. - I like to think the treasures of ruin are somewhere out there. maybe someday I'd make an original PMD story where they show up, the idea behind them is just so fun and I love chi-yu sososososo much - believe it or not, some legendaries have outlived their specific niche in world creation type stuff! even if xerneas exploded life would find a way to survive, and reshiram won't breathe down your neck if you're caught lying. who knows, maybe some legendaries are gone entirely...? ;3c - ultra beasts probably exist somewhere in the universe, but they don't populate OBT's world. - legendaries don't exist in a pantheon in OBT's world. some might know each other, but they don't hang out in a special legendary-only club. most probably prefer to keep to themselves
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browniefox · 2 years
I see. So Ingo got out of Ultra Space and into Hisui by crossing through the Distortion World. That makes sense-as does the "Distirtion Portal/wormhole" thing. (But how did he get to the Distortion World from Ultra Space?)
TBH idk how much of this is going to be explained in the fic itself, so I might as well write it down somewhere.
Ingo was in Ultra Space for a while, but he found a cosmog who was sort of supporting him/helping him get around the area, trying to find another wormhole that would hopefully lead him home - taking literal mental damage the entire time bc he's in Ultra Space without any protection. Then, a mysterious wormhole - not an Ultra Wormhole - opened up and sent both Ingo and Cosmog into the Distortion World. This wormhole was opened by Giratina whilst Volo was messing around with them.
(Timeline, it might be a little iffy. We don't know how long Volo was destabilizing things with Giratina; logically, five years is probably a long time to be doing that, but it's fanfiction. Same answer for 'wait, why could Giratina open a wormhole into Ultra Space?'. The reasoning is a) the fic demands it b) distortion world feels like the best place to accidentally punch through the fabric of the world and c) giratina panicking and doing crazy shit)
Again the logic and reasoning is, like, shaky at best, but it's what I've got lol. Cosmog registers at 'ultra beast-adjacent' to the legendaries, so they all (including Giratina) usually end up kind of attacking them when they seen them. Cosmog's existence within the Distortion World is also why the Ultra Beast have been an extra big problem; the UB's are drawn mostly to Fallers, and that was sort of what made them come to Hisui/Sinnoh in the first place while the legendaries were out for the count, but now they're stickign around and more coming because the more giratina wormholes that pop, the more things that 'feel' like cosmog aka ultra space.
Or at least that's my bullshit reasoning lol
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Chapter 8
“....fine. Just hang in there for a few more moments.” Wes flips through the various security feeds the cameras have been picking up, expertly splicing out video evidence of his little ‘helpers’ gathering the contents of those briefcases before putting them back where they found them. (Strange that the second one was moved into an adjacent room. Can’t seem to find footage of who did it. Not that it matters; they found both briefcases either way.), he thinks as he unplugs his personal Pokegear from the security terminal on the bridge. He looks toward the Captain, a thin, wiry man with unkempt facial hair. He has a pale white complexion and his cheekbones look like they’re on the verge of poking through his skin. He sports the standard captain garb; trench coat, hat and all. “I dunno why you’re so intent on doctoring the footage; no one’s gonna see it unless I give them permission.” Wes looks to the captain as he feeds the connection wire back into the pokegear itself. “....unless your terminal’s been bugged. Team Cypher consists of a lot of paranoid people; it’s part of the reason it’s still around. And I’m not about to take any unnecessary risks, especially considering what’s at stake.” The captain shrugs. “With how much you’re paying me to cooperate, I ain’t gonna fight you on the subject. You do whatever you please.” He says as he leans back in his chair and takes a long drag from his fancy cigar. He pays no heed to the chaos taking place on the upper deck of his ship. “So long as your Ultra Beast friend doesn’t render my ship inoperable, that is.” Wes takes a passing glance down at the surface deck, watching the Guzzlord take on the entire crew, who were woefully unprepared. Of course, this was to be expected. Wes picked the lowest-ranking and least experienced grunts to take with him on this mission, making the argument that a simple transport mission across waters that get little to no traffic didn’t require particularly skilled people to pull off. Luckily, the higher-ups didn’t fight him on the subject, despite the cargo being particularly crucial to their plans. Despite their obvious health and attitude issues, these Shadow Pokemon were the most successful generation yet, and Ein specifically requested that they be brought back to HQ for further analysis. Those test subjects aren’t going to arrive at the lab, but Ein and the other researchers won’t realize that until it’s too late. “Don’t worry. It was instructed to hold back.”, he says as he leaves the bridge room, taking the stairs down to the surface floor. He does not go straight to the big battle happening towards the front end of the ship, instead going down to the lower decks. His steps are deliberate. He goes down the metal stairs, taking a left down the adjacent hall. He walks into the room on his left, going straight to the far corner of the room, where a briefcase can be found tucked away between some rusted pipes. He quickly opens it, trying to be as fast as possible. He places five pokeballs into the briefcase, where the stolen ones should be. They all look identical to the original ones, right down to the faint pulse of red light coming from the front buttons. He looks around for the second one, immediately growing irritated once he realizes it’s not where it’s supposed to be. “I told them to put them both back where they found them!”, he mutters under his breath as he checks the adjacent room. Luckily, he finds the other briefcase nearby, wedged behind one of the shelves lined against the wall. He manages to dislodge it, placing it on a nearby crate before opening it up. He places another set of five pokeballs identical to the ones that were taken, making sure they’re all in the same orientation and everything. He grabs both briefcases, and heads out towards the upper decks once more. (What I wouldn’t give to see the look on Ein’s face when he plugs these into the computer.) Now that everything’s in place, Wes finally struts up to the battle taking place near the cargo crates. He watches as one of the pokemon, a  Magmar, gets knocked back by a particularly brutal Dragon Tail from the Guzzlord. The entire boat creaks as it shifts its weight towards the pokemon, sending it tumbling across the floor of the deck into one of the cargo crates. The thin metal of the crate crumples under the Magmar’s heft, softening the impact a tad bit. Regardless, the Magmar remains limp on the ground, completely unresponsive. Wes shakes his head as he reaches for two pokeballs, one on either side of his belt. He sighs as his right hand merely grasps in the empty space where his Espeon’s pokeball should be. (I’ll never get used to her not being there….), he thinks as he releases his Umbreon, who immediately surveys the battlefield with a focused gaze. “You know what to do.”, Wes says to the Umbreon, instead of issuing a direct command. The Umbreon springs into action, wasting no time in charging up a particularly powerful Dark Pulse. Its body becomes a pitch-black silhouette as it draws energy from the surrounding shadows. Once it gets within 10 feet or so it condenses all this energy into the Guzzlord, knocking it back a bit with the sheer force behind the attack. Wes makes a subtle gesture with his hands, which the Guzzlord sees. It reels back, pretending to be mortally wounded, as it lurches itself over the guard rails, retreating back into the ocean. The remaining grunts grab some life vests and throw them out to sea, trying to recover the unfortunate ones that were tossed overboard. “Why didn’t you come here sooner, Wes?!”, one of the grunts says as they aggressively approach him, clearly outraged. “THAT THING COULD HAVE KILLED US!”, he says, forcefully sinking a finger into the middle of his chest. He does not budge, not even a little bit. He stares at the grunt with an unblinking gaze, his expression unreadable. “Well?! Do you have anything to say for yourself?!”, the grunt asks, growing rather impatient. “........I thought the dozen or so of you would be able to handle the situation.”, Wes says in a smooth, level-headed voice as he turns and walks away, not paying the injured grunts or pokemon any mind. “....it appears I was mistaken.” His voice is cold and callous as he walks back to the bridge, his Umbreon following close by. “....never should’ve signed up for this…”, the grunt mumbles as he grabs a nearby first aid kit and begins tending to the injured pokemon. —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The four of them wait in relative silence, waiting for the sounds of battle to die down. For a while, it seems like the fighting is going to go on forever, and then the cacophony of battle ends in seconds. It is very abrupt, and the ship noticeably rocks to one side as the massive creature tumbles off the deck, making a loud splash that destabilizes the ship even further. The four of them have to lean against the inside of the crate to avoid being flung into something. “I think it’s gone. Sounds like the situation’s calmed down, too.”, Taral says, his ear pressed against the wall of the crate. “....nevermind, it sounds like they’re arguing with someone. Possibly each other.” “Hopefully they haven’t realized the pokeballs are missing from those briefcases.”, Wyatt says, looking down at the stolen pokeballs. “Wonder why Wes wanted us to steal them….” Cedrick shrugs. “Maybe he just wanted to get them out of the picture. He didn’t seem concerned with what happened to these pokemon once we got a hold of them.” “He also mentioned LINKING with the pokemon to purify them. LINKING is a sacred Ranseian ritual where a human connects their soul to a pokemon they’re partnered with. It’s something Ranseian citizens aren’t allowed to tell foreigners about, as mandated by the Emperor himself.” Wyatt raises an eyebrow. “Why aren’t you allowed to talk about it?” “It’s considered one of Ransei’s most valuable techniques, and the Emperor wants to ensure that knowledge cannot be used against him. There are other secrets he keeps locked away, but that’s the only one that’s common knowledge.” “How exactly do you LINK with a pokemon?”, Cedrick asks. “Well, the problem is that you have to open your mind and soul to them, and they have to accept that offering. Over time, the LINK will strengthen, and eventually you can share thoughts and senses with each other.” Cedrick grimaces at the thought. “That sounds really creepy. Not sure I’d want to be that close with anyone, especially a pokemon.” “Don’t worry. It takes decades to get to that level. It wouldn’t progress to that point unless you were deliberately trying for it.” Wyatt thinks about the consequences of such a connection. “Well, he said that the ‘door to their heart’ is locked. So why would they accept the connection in that state?” “That’s exactly what I’m wondering. Stella and I have been living in each other’s company for a few months now, and even though she’s totally on-board with the idea of LINKING, we’re not familiar enough to successfully do it.” Stella looks down at her feet, clearly embarrassed by this fact. “This leads me to believe that Wes doesn’t really understand how LINKING works, which makes sense. I seriously doubt he’s from Ransei. What he probably meant was to forcibly initiate such a connection with these Shadow Pokemon. I think what we’ll have to do is overpower whatever’s corrupting them and force it out, for lack of a better term.” “Hmm….. Sounds painful. For both us and the pokemon.”, Wyatt says. It’s better than leaving them in the state they’re in. I say it’s worth the risk.”, Taral says, picking up one of the pokeballs and holding it in his hand. “That still doesn’t explain how exactly we do it. You said we need to open our mind and soul, but what does that mean? Is it like meditating, or something?”, Cedrick asks. “Sort of. You have to focus on the pokemon you’re trying to LINK with, at the exclusion of everything else. It’s best to do it in a completely quiet environment, free of distractions. You need to maintain physical contact with them throughout the process.” “Won’t Ransei throw you in jail or something for telling us this?”, Cedrick asks. Taral frowns. “It doesn’t matter what they think. I’m never going back there. They shouldn’t be hoarding all this knowledge for themselves, anyway.” He gets up, trying to stretch his legs a bit. “Later tonight, once everything dies down a bit, I’ll teach you the specifics. Obviously, you’ll both need pokemon of your own. I wouldn’t advise trying it on these Shadow pokemon for your first time. It’s still something I’m new to, as I’ve never had a pokemon before Stella.” “In that case, I think I’ll take a nap. Wake me up if something bad happens, I guess.”, Cedrick says, laying down on the bare metal floor. Wyatt stares into his reflection in the polished glossy surface of one of the pokeballs. “We’ll have to LINK with them sooner or later. The faster we get the hang of it, the better.”
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lvsamine · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Lusamine Aether PRONUNCIATION: Loo-suh-meen Ay-ther MEANING: Derived from ‘balsamine’ plant REASONING: ?? NICKNAME(S): Lusa, Lusy, Madam Prez PREFERRED NAME(S): Lusamine BIRTH DATE: May 28th AGE: 44 ZODIAC: Gemini GENDER: Cis Female PRONOUNS: She/Her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual NATIONALITY: Kalosian ETHNICITY: White CURRENT LOCATION: Aether Paradise, Alola LIVING CONDITIONS: Great?? TITLE(S): Aether President
BIRTH PLACE: Lumiose City, Kalos HOMETOWN: Lumiose City, Kalos SOCIAL CLASS: She’s In The 1% Babey. EDUCATION LEVEL: Obtained GED. FATHER: Basile Aether MOTHER: Manette Aether (Deceased) SIBLING(S): Cynthia (half-sister) (@/hclloffcme) BIRTH ORDER: Lusamine > Cynthia CHILDREN: Gladion, Lillie PET(S): Clefable, Lilligant, Mismagius, Milotic, Bewear OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: N/A PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: Unnamed fiance, Mohn ARRESTS?: No, should have been though. PRISON TIME?: No.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Aether’s reservation center. SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Stock investments. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: N/A APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: You Know. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Supposedly PAST JOB(S): N/A SPENDING HABITS: Doesn’t spend much, but can be impulsive when she sees something she wants. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: Family photo of her, Mohn, and the kids.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Very weak. OFFENSE: Poor, unless she uses her heels or teeth. DEFENSE: Also poor! She’s fragile!! SPEED: Walks fast, that’s about it. INTELLIGENCE: Very knowledgeable about Pokemon and manipulation tactics :) ACCURACY: Pretty good, if she’s aiming for you, she’ll probably hit you. AGILITY: Good in small bursts STAMINA: Low in most situations... high in sexual situations TEAMWORK: Doesn’t like it, but can do it. TALENTS: ...Being mean? SHORTCOMINGS: VERY short tempered, quick to go on the offensive, prone to total meltdowns if things go badly. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, French DRIVE?: Nope! JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Absolutely not. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: She wouldn’t even try. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Also no. SWIM?: Yes! Doesn’t do it as often as she’d like. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Nnnnope. PLAY CHESS?: yes, she loves chess. BRAID HAIR?: yep! TIE A TIE?: Sure can. PICK A LOCK?: LOL NO.
FACE CLAIM: ...Lusamine. EYE COLOR: Green HAIR COLOR: Blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: A long, geometric nightmare with a pointless ponytail. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No, but she might need them sometime soon. DOMINANT HAND: Right handed. HEIGHT: 5′9 / 152cm WEIGHT: 120lbs / 54kg BUILD: Ruler-shaped, I guess? EXERCISE HABITS: Stretches in the morning, takes daily walks. SKIN TONE: Pale white. TATTOOS: Never, god. PEIRCINGS: Earrings, though she doesn’t wear them often. MARKS/SCARS: HUGE tendril scars from Nihilego all over her torso and back. NOTABLE FEATURES: The Scars Probably. USUAL EXPRESSION: Neutral positive or completely drained. CLOTHING STYLE: White and brown clothing, usually with leggings and long sleeves. JEWELRY: Earrings and necklaces sometimes, Big Fuckin Chest Gem. What is that. ALLERGIES: None. BODY TEMPERATURE: ...97 F? DIET: Coffee and protein bars, with the occasional salad. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: Permanent atrial fibrillation, fibromyalgia, functional dyspepsia.
JUNG TYPE: ESTJ JUNG SUBTYPE: ?? ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 3 (The Achiever) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Choleric ELEMENT: Fire PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Linguistic-Verbal APPROXIMATE IQ: bro iq is fake I’m not figuring it out LMAO. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Borderline Personality Disorder SOCIABILITY: Very sociable on most days. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Never Heard of Her OBSESSION(S): Love, perfection, the past... COMPULSION(S): Digs nails into hands? PHOBIA(S): Abandonment and jellyfish. ADDICTION(S): :) DRUG USE: :^) ALCOHOL USE: yes, frequent (against doctor’s orders) PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Not generally, but has been violent in the past.
SPEECH STYLE: Generally elegant and thought out. ACCENT: Alolan, slips into Kalosian when upset. QUIRKS: Drifts off in sentences when thinking? HOBBIES: Chess and various puzzle games. Not much free time. HABITS: Drinks, takes lots of baths, eats a protein bar and coffee every morning at least. NERVOUS TICKS: Avoids eye contact, gets defensive, raises voice. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Helping Pokemon and That’s It. FEARS: Isn’t this phobias again. Anyway. Abandonment and jellyfish. POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, caring to Pokemon, intelligent, good leader. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fucking everything else LMAO. Short tempered, impulsive, manipulative, has a horrible victim complex... SENSE OF HUMOR: Non-existent. What’s a joke. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: VERY rarely, only using ‘damn’ and ‘hell’ when angry. CATCHPHRASE(S): Does she have one? I don’t know.
ACTIVITY: not to be nsfw on main but- ANIMAL: Nihilego Clefable or Bewear. BEVERAGE: Vodka. Bonus points if it’s a citrus drink. BOOK: Doesn’t have one, can’t remember the last time she read for pleasure. CELEBRITY: Well. She’s clearly interested in Lysandre. Otherwise she doesn’t care for celebrities.. COLOR: Mantis green. DESIGNER: Elesa...? She doesn’t have much interest in fashion. FOOD: Water chestnuts. FLOWER: Azaleas! GEM: Polished chrysoprase, maybe? HOLIDAY: no. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Being chauffeured is easiest. MOVIE: Probably something Notebook-adjacent. MUSICAL ARTIST: ...Bach? She likes classical music. QUOTE/SAYING: ““You’re beautiful,” Replied the fly, to the spider.” SCENERY: Green grass, lots of flowers in a garden, early morning sunrise. SCENT: Mohn’s old cologne. SPORT: Literally Who Cares. SPORTS TEAM: Certainly not Lusamine. TELEVISION SHOW: Nothing specific, but she likes dramas and crime shows. WEATHER: Sunny, around 70F. VACATION DESTINATION: She likes Johto.
GREATEST DREAM: ...Seeing Mohn again? Making a difference for Pokemon? GREATEST FEAR: Dying completely and totally alone. MOST AT EASE WHEN: Spending time with a partner. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: Discussing Mohn or Ultra Space. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Being abandoned by someone she trusts when she needs them most. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Creating the largest reservation center in the world. BIGGEST REGRET: Allowing research on Ultra Beasts in the first place. Maybe Mohn would still be here. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Being mocked for Ultra Space wasn’t exactly embarrassing but it was extremely shame-inducing and lowkey traumatizing. BIGGEST SECRET: To people that don’t know about it already, what she did in her past, and how deep that goes. TOP PRIORITIES: Helping and loving Pokemon.
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omnipokemonproducts · 3 years
The Ultra Beast Question
“She’s late.” Leigh was already at her patience’s end with Simmons. Vonnegut could not help but agree with her but just sighed. They were going to be meeting with Simmons, who had just happened to capture a UB, in particular, the one entitled Xurkitree. Plus considering her ‘specialty’ of interstellar pokemon, she was the best consultant.
The doors to the briefing room opened to an underwhelming sight. A middle aged woman with dark complexion, with a contained hairdo that still was messy all over. The most striking item was a pair of glasses that could not hide the dark spots under her eyes. Around her waist were four pokeballs all strapped to her not-fanny pack, one of which would be the talking point today. The woman who looked not out of place at all was Simmons Bērōnī.
“What kept you?” Leigh folded her arms and shot her a glare. “We have been waiting for fifteen minutes.”
The woman waved her hands as if to pacify her colleague’s concerns. “Take it easy. Jubjub just found a song they liked and wanted to dance to it.”
“Jubjub?” Vonnegut finally voiced his own concern and confusion.
The young woman reached into her not-fanny pack and clicked the ball open. To both his colleague’s shock the UB itself was as bizarre in person as the data they had been given showed...all quashed by one article of clothing on its neck(?). Closest to what could only be described as the bulb of the mon was a small bow tie. It was a clip on, but it seemed it was attached well enough to where it would not fall off.
“This is Jubjub. They can generate a lot of electricity and has been charging my phone the last few days.” To demonstrate Simmons took a phone charger from her pocket and stuck the plug end into the alien. The latter did not even react.Her phone emitted a small sound, to signify it was charging. Suddenly music began to play from the phone, followed by the electric alien to dance while making some small unknown noises. “I have noticed that is generates massive amounts of electricity when happy that are more stable and consistent than if it is agitated or in pain.”
“Great. Fantastic.” Vonnegut curtly replied. “We need to cut to the chase. Simmons, we need your expertise to develop a means of stopping any inter dimensional invasion.”
“Ah right. Well to be frank I don’t think these Ultra Beasts are merely an inter-dimensional threat. I think this could be the most recent encounter with pokemon from a potential far away planet and they have discovered transportation before we could.”
All four of the Think Tank member’s groaned. Simmons’ tried and true theory: anything new, even the god-like pokemon, always came down to aliens. “Do you have any basis to this?” David was often the one who had to do most of the leg work to prove she was wrong. During the few times she was right he had to confirm it, which only fueled her alien hunter tendencies more.
“Yes actually. In fact I have cross referenced a few reports from the Aether Incident, some other reported sightings, as well as my own testimony.” Reaching into her fanny pack, she pulled out a small tablet and pressed the screen to allow an image to appear projected via hologram. In there, stood a long, lanky humanoid pokemon. Its appearance looked feminine.
“This mon for instance is known as Pheromosa. These pokemon tend to operate in swarms, and are the strongest combat wise out of all the ultra beasts reported. Most tend to operate in a hive mind of a leader.” Pressing another button on her tablet it switched over to an image of the same Ultra Beast but most of its body was black. “Except these black ones are always independent agents, as they are able to operate independently of the swarm. They have also been seen giving some kind of orders to their white counterparts.”
David was at least impressed. Of course he would need his own combat data and his own tests, but this could yield fruit. “And these are the only two you have so far right?”
“I don’t have the pheromosa. Darren Ida was the one who caught most of those. Granted he had suffered some injuries related to said capture. One took a bite out of his arm, but his arm is still intact. Just in a cast now.” All four think tank members would need to interview Darren Ida, despite how difficult it could be to work with him due to his cold and hostile demeanor.
“So what is our new course?” Mercy chimed in, finally speaking up after being silent as to not have to talk to Simmons. “Do we reinstate project Quantum Leap?”
Vonnegut grumbled. It had been a long time since he mothballed that department since the last discovery of a variant of gothitelle that had crash landed in Sinnoh. The goal of operation Quantum Leap was research into pokemon with potential alien or dimensional origins. He had Simmons, but he had a lot on his plate now and out of everyone here, she was the most adept at leading it. For now.
“Yes. Simmons we will leave that department to you. You will be given a budget and a number of resources to do as you see fit on the Ultra Beasts and everything that can be verified adjacent. Do not spend any money on any frivolous side projects.” The malamar knew that giving her complete control of this department would be a bad idea, so he would need to have someone oversee her.
“I have a demand.” Mercy sounded stern and forceful, which was surprising to the other think tank members. “You are to not talk to any undead staff members on anything other than anything related to your project.”
“Oh shit.” Leigh muttered under her breath. She knew exactly why Mercy had said that.
“If it about my own research into echtoplasmic pokemon, I’m sorry if I offended you or anyone in the support group you run. I just don’t think it is healthy for any of them to cling onto false memories. Forcing memories of people who have died is amoral and not healthy. It will just lead to dissociative identity disorder for them. They need professional medical help.” Simmons did not sound mad, but she sounded just as stern.
As she said that Mercy’s eyes got wide and her fangs starting to become more pronounced, with a low snarl.
“Alright that’s enough.” Leigh felt inclined to cut this off before it got uncomfortable. “Simmons get yourself in order so David and I can establish the basis for you to work with.”
“Works for me. I’ll get started right away.” As quickly as she came in, the scientist put Jubjub back in their ball and left the room to somewhere not even she knew.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Who is the Biggest Bastard in Succession?
High drama about the ultra rich, Succession, is a truly wonderful show populated by truly terrible people – and that’s all part of the fun. Focusing on the Roy family, whose patriarch Logan Roy is the owner of a massive media conglomerate (he’s loosely based on Rupert Murdoch), it’s drenched in familial fighting, lies, corruption and political machinations. They’re all awful! We love them!
But who is the MOST awful? Now the third season is upon us, we’ve attempted to break down the contemptible behaviour and deep seated damage behind it, to work out exactly which Roy, and Roy-adjacent character is the actual worst. We’ve stuck to the main extended family here – anyone trying to argue that Gerri, Frank, Jamie or Rhea are as terrible as the Roys can, well, [insert Logan’s catch phrase here].
Logan Roy
Let’s get the big daddy out of the way first. In many ways, yes, Logan is the worst. Without him and his abhorrent morals none of his family would be the way they are. His business is responsible for covering up horrific behaviour on Waystar’s cruise ships involving sexual harassment and even death – Logan knows and doesn’t care even slightly. He’s rude, volatile, untrustworthy, occasionally cruel and psychopathically arrogant (see the episode where he kicks off because he thinks the president has snubbed him during a national security alert). He is absolutely a beast of a man. But just saying: boom, Logan, there you go, feels like a cop out.
Logan grew up poor in Scotland, with his older brother Ewan (James Cromwell) and their widowed mother, who sent them to live with their Uncle in Canada. Ewan signed up and fought in Vietnam, while Logan opted not to serve. He’s a self-made man, corrupted by money and power, yes, but arguably it’s money and power that he achieved on his own. He provides for all of his family very handsomely, though he is of course, responsible for messing them up monumentally too. So yes, Logan is at the top of the tree for terribleness, but for the purposes of this, the fact that he wasn’t born into money and privilege gets him some points. He might still be the biggest bastard, but let’s take a look at the other contenders…
Connor Roy
The eldest son of the Roy clan initially appears comparatively harmless, staying well away from Waystar business, preferring to hang around on his ranch in New Mexico, doing basically nothing. He’s the classic heir to a fortune – he thinks nothing of money and buys everything, including his ‘girlfriend’ Willa who is a paid escort, who Connor eventually bribes into exclusivity with him. Connor doesn’t understand money because he’s always had it. And he doesn’t understand lives other than his own, though he pretends to be interested in politics. While he claims to be generally peaceful and benevolent, we see he can be an absolute monster when he explodes at the staff at the charity event he manages.
When Connor decides to run for President with a political plan which will abolish all taxes we see just how awful he is and what a dangerous human being someone with that little clue and that much money can be. It’s Logan who eventually forces him (with more money) to abandon his presidential campaign – another point in Logan’s favour: at least he’s not an idiot like his eldest. But Connor has disadvantages in his life too. He’s not that smart. We don’t know who or where his mother is but we know he spent a certain amount of his childhood living with Logan and his half-siblings. And he’s just not as ingrained in the Roy family as Kendall, Roman and Shiv. 
Kendall Roy
The most openly business-minded of his generation of Roys, the conflict between Kendall and Logan is the overarching narrative of the show. Will Kendall take over from his father, and if so, when? Season one includes Kendall’s move to secure a vote of no confidence against his father from the board of Waystar – a bold move which is ultimately unsuccessful essentially due to the force of Logan’s will. Logan refuses to leave the room for the vote, convincing certain board members to vote with him or abstain, including Roman. Kendall is ostracized and makes moves to wrestle Waystar from Logan in other ways, until something terrible happens, putting Kendall firmly back under his father’s command. Theirs is a love/hate relationship. Kendall is desperate for his father’s approval and when he can’t achieve that, feels compelled to burn their relationship to the ground. Logan rejects Kendall’s quest for approval and is betrayed by his son and yet in the final shot of season two, where Kendall gives a press conference absolutely throwing Logan under the bus for the cruise line cover up, Logan’s smile seems to indicate the tiniest level of pride in the ruthlessness Ken has finally shown. Kendall is a relapsed addict who is separated from his wife and children. He is clearly a very damaged man and it’s easy to have a level of sympathy for him – he does have a conscience, though he frequently compromises it.
But then there’s the aforementioned ‘terrible thing’. Kendall killed someone. At Tom and Shiv’s wedding, seeking narcotics, Kendall asks a member of the waiting staff (who had been fired by Logan) if he can sort him out. The young man, Andrew Dobbs, gets them ketamine, which they both take. Pushing Andrew to take them to another deal, an accident occurs and the car runs off the road into a lake. Kendall escapes but Andrew does not. Kendall leaves the scene of the crime. Unfortunately he accidentally drops his room key. Logan covers his son’s tracks, but now Kendall is completely under his dad’s control (until he’s not). So Kendall may be the only Roy who is directly responsible for someone’s death but other family members have been indirectly complicit. Kendall does, however, feel guilt. He may have been cowardly and fled the scene of Andrew’s death but he is eaten up by it. Which is more than can be said for Roman…
Roman Roy
At a baseball game Roman offers a kid a million dollars if he can hit a home run. The kid tries and fails so he doesn’t get his money. This is Roman being a little shit, rubbing his privilege in the face of people who have less than him. It’s a move bordering on psychopathy. Roman is immature, he has a streak of cruelty to him and he’s the most crass of the Roy children. Lest we forget he also put absolutely loads of people’s lives in danger by ignoring safety concerns in relation to the Japanese space launch, moving it forward so that it would occur on the day of Shiv’s wedding. When the spaceship explodes he turns his phone off and ignores attempts to contact him. Roman is incredibly lucky – no one died as a result (although someone lost an arm and two people lost thumbs). Roman is overjoyed and feels no remorse. 
Roman is awful. Irresponsible, spineless, amoral, yes, but he’s probably not evil. Also as the youngest male Roy, Roman was bullied as a child. He recalls being locked in a dog cage and forced to eat dog food which resulted in him wetting the bed. His brothers recall it differently – they say he loved the game and the food was chocolate cake. Even though Roman is overlooked constantly for the top spot at Waystar he does have some affection for his family. When Ken has truly fallen off the wagon after the failed vote of no confidence it’s Roman who goes to rescue him. Roman is clearly damaged, and this manifests in his dysfunctional relationships with his girlfriends. Later he forms a relationship with Gerri that has a dominant/submissive element that seems to work better for him and appears to be based on genuine affection. Roman also isn’t as dumb as he looks. After the hostage situation in Turkey where Jamie Laird thinks they negotiated a great deal, Roman is able to tell that the whole thing wasn’t real. Although he does buy his Dad the wrong football team… 
Shiv Roy
On paper Shiv is the smallest bastard (of the Roys at least). She’s the most moderate, the least overtly cruel, she’s intelligent, and has a moral compass (of sorts). But look again. The youngest of the Roy kids and Logan’s only daughter is clearly her father’s favourite. She doesn’t get told to “Fuck Off!” as much as the others, although Logan does still screw her over after telling her that she would be his replacement at Waystar. Clever, beautiful, privileged, Shiv can afford to appear benevolent. But she should know better. Shiv is an absolute monster to her fiance and later husband, Tom Wambsgans. She casually cheats on him before they are married and tells him on their wedding night that she wants an open relationship. She teases him mercilessly at the double date that she and Tom have with Roman and Tabitha and it’s clear in their relationship she has all the power. She even forces Tom to tell her about the cruise ship scandal so she can use it as ammo against her father while she is working for Gil Eavis – her father’s political nemesis. Though Shiv does make various moves to protect Tom professionally, it’s very clear that she’s the boss in that relationship – not in itself a dick move but it’s hard not to pity Tom.
Shiv may claim to be more liberal than the family, but it is her who talks the witness out of going to trial about the cruise ship scandal, and she does this in an insidious way that would not be possible without her mild manner and were she a male. Shiv’s worst trait is that she knows better. She doesn’t have to be a bastard but sometimes she just is. 
Tom Wambsgans
Tom is a tricky one. It would be very easy to conclude that, yep, it’s Tom. Tom is gross. He’s slimy and obsequious, he’s pathetic but he’s also a massive bully. The way he treats Greg from episode one is with the most objectionable intimidation tactics. He’s not related to Greg. Greg is nervous and young. While the other Roys generally ignore or exploit Greg, Tom’s behaviour is aggressively nasty even though Greg seems to have some kind of loyalty to him. When Greg resolves to tell Tom what he saw at the pre-wedding dinner – Shiv having an intimate conversation with Nate – Tom hits him and pushes him over. Tom punches down, hard. He has been told by the Roys to cover up the cruise liner scandal, he in turn recruits Greg to shred incriminating documents, putting him in the firing line.
Greg and Tom are both outsiders, they will never be in the true Roy inner circle. But either could walk away and both choose not to, drawn as they are to the money, glamour and power the family wields. 
A key episode focusing on the two is when Tom takes Greg for a night out. They eat deep fried, whole, rare songbird under the cover of a napkin, they go to a nightclub and get bottle service so they are essentially in the club, but not in the club. Tom teaches Greg how to be filthy rich. It’s a step towards Greg’s undoing (more on that in a minute).
Tom humiliates and bullies Greg but needs him nonetheless. Meanwhile he sucks up to the Roys even as they repeatedly humiliate him. He may love Shiv but he also puts his own career ahead of hers – even when it looks like she might be in the frame to take over, he wants to talk about what is in it for him. 
Tom is awful, and he’s possibly the easiest of the clan to hate – there’s something about his utter lack of dignity which is uncomfortable to watch. But then in the season two finale Tom delivers a line to Shiv, which is, for the show, unusually honest. Confronting her about the open-marriage that has been thrust upon him he tells her,  “I wonder if the sad I’d be without you, would be less than the sad I get from being with you.” And in that moment, he probably isn’t the absolute worst afterall.
Greg Hirsh
Greg is us. He’s the gangly relative who has no idea what he’s getting into, a man who arrives at his great Uncle Logan’s birthday party only to find that Logan thinks his name is ‘Craig’. He was a waster who worked as a costumed mascot at one of Logan’s theme parks until he got stoned and vomited out of his character’s eye hole. His grandfather is Logan’s estranged brother, Ewan, who Logan taunts and fights with and has a complex love/hate relationship with. At the start Greg ‘the egg’ is an innocent chancer. 
But by the close of season 2 he is not. He’s got involved in the cover up of the cruise line scandal. He’s blackmailed Tom. He’s established which champagne is his favourite. He has sided with Logan over his own Grandfather. And by the end he has sided with Kendall over Logan. Greg is not the biggest bastard in Succession… yet. But he has potential. The first two seasons have been something of a descent into hell for The Egg. He’s been seduced by the money and power and is gradually learning what he needs to do to make sure he comes out on top. And he can see it isn’t via loyalty and a strong moral compass. Season three may see Greg come into his own even more. We can’t wait to see him sore to new abominable heights.
It’s a toughy then. But here is our “Succession Bastard Ranking” as it stands:
Logan Roy
Shiv Roy
Tom Wambsgans
Connor Roy
Roman Roy
Kendall Roy
Greg Hirsh
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Who do you think is Succession’s biggest bastard? Make your case in the comments!
The post Who is the Biggest Bastard in Succession? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3jv8YEX
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pokemohn · 7 years
Ultra Space.
The dark, thriving, and sometimes mechanical existence beyond the boundaries of regulated dimensional space-time. The ‘space between’ matter. In his years (was it years?) canvassing these lonely depths, Mohn had at least established a couple paradigms behind it’s unique atmosphere.
First, Ultra Space functioned a lot like a living Rubik’s Cube. Particular locations changed. There were no points on a graph, no destination. If you attempted knowingly to reach a destination, as you may conventionally do through wormhole string theory, you would never turn up where you intended. Particular locations could even change while you still existed within half of the previous plane. A pattern does exist in the dichotomy though, and it can be applied to reach desired locations. It requires a lot of forward thinking to where these locations fit together though- like the Rubik’s Cube- and a lot of attention to detail.
Secondly, Ultra Space is a complex autopoiesic ecosphere, or in laymen’s terms, it’s alive and it adapts in far-reaching ways to the living organisms housed within. For instance, Ultra Beast nesting ground locations move adjacently on the plane with other Ultra Beast species’ own nesting grounds. This was a clear effort to prevent interspecific competition at critical developmental stages. The Professor was only able to set up a safe grotto to rest in by building it painstakingly in the Xurkitree nesting location.
And, lastly, what Mohn was most certain of?
Other humans never came here of their own volition.
Rare was it to see another human at all. Even then they were usually Fallers, lost and scared, just fighting to stay alive.
                    –So what was this serene looking woman doing                                      here amongst the Nihilego swarm?
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If she’s in danger, she certainly doesn’t act like it. He wants to get closer and warn her about the toxin but his mouth goes dry watching her ivory skin glow against the backdrop of caliginous crystals. Mohn’s so entranced by her beauty for the moment, he isn’t aware that his feet were already taking him to her.
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thomasroach · 6 years
Death End Re;Quest Chapter 2 Guide
The post Death End Re;Quest Chapter 2 Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
In this Death End Re;Quest Prologue & Chapter 1 Guide, I’ll be going over the path to clear the tutorial area and the first area of the game. Death End Re;Quest is a unique RPG game that merges the typical JRPG and allows players to convert it into a fighting game, shooter, or even a slot game. There are other subtle quirks that the game possesses that will be simple to execute but difficult to master.
Death End Re;Quest Chapter 2 Guide
Chapter 2 of Death End Re;Quest takes players back to the Northen Heartis Wilds, continuing onward to the The Royal Shipyard of Sturfil. There will be some side-quests to complete and access to some new shop wares. Finally players will face the powerful Muga, the boss for this chapter.
Chapter 2
Northern Heartis Wilds
Players will start the chapter in the Northern Heartis Wild desert area. Head towards the tent to heal up your party. Then head North to obtain the Beast Clan Scarf if players missed this in the tutorial area and chapter 1. Move South to obtain the 1 Enolef’s Ether in the chest before continuing heading South to reach the next desert area. Continue on the lone path to find another tent on the right-hand side and a chest continuing toward the same direction, and further South will contain 3 Patch 3.0. Exit the map with the Next symbol to reach the shipyard.
Monsters in Northern Heartis Wilds
Biarant 1028 hp 25 sp stars
Buggler 3824 20 stars
Treyos 163 10 sun
Gyupo 224 20 sun
The Royal Shipyard of Sturfil
Obtain the single Patch 2.0 located in the nearby chest, continue through the left door to enter the next area. The right room can be opened by using Lily’s special power, Melissa Poison, and contains 1 Guard Bracelet Level 1. The room on the left contains a tent, enter the tent’s room to find the Crane Key in the left corner. The Pathway key will be found in the second room which is left of the main hallway. Head across the way, where it appears you advance the story however players will find they will be pushed back. It’s time to enter the real world and use Arata to advance the story.
Monsters in The Royal Shipyard of Sturfil
Apalauge 952 HP 10 SP Moon Type
Kakopnena 2400 HP 10 SP Moon Type
Chamos 460 HP 10 SP Moon Type
Kakotenas 1000 HP 10 SP Moon Type
Paranojia 1250 Hp 10 SP Sun Type
Shintas 292 HP 15 SP Sun Type
Alfoch 761 HP 15 SP Sun Type
Omilia 3400 HP 15 SP Moon Type
Ibirum 6870 HP 50 SP Sun Type
Bugnus Obje 10 HP 15 SP Sun Type
Shop wares
Patch 1.o
Costs 200 Eni
Heals 100 HP
Elf Tonic
Costs 600 Eni
Heals 100 SP
Enolef’s Ether
Costs 12,000 Eni
Heals 999 SP
Ogre Cold Brew
Costs 420 Eni
Fully revives all units within range
Costs 100 Eni
Removes all debuffs and status effects
Spinal Sword
Costs 7600 Eni
87 ATK
Costs 600 Eni
9 ATK, 40 MAT
Green Fang Drive
Costs 6200 Eni
70 HP, 33 ATK, 50 MAT
Bulti Bow
Costs 1000 Eni
150 HP, 22 ATK
Sakuhon Spear
Costs 6200 Eni
50 HP 20 ATK, 60 DEF
Magic Bracelet Lv 2
Costs 5,300 Eni
20 DEF, 40 MDF
Magic Bracelet Lv 1
Costs 1,750 Eni
10 DEF, 25 MDF
Guard Bracelet Lv 2
Costs 7,000 Eni
40 DEF, 20 MDF
Guard Bracelet Lv 1
Costs 3,000 Eni
25 DEF, 10 MDF
Brawn Ring
Costs 40,000 Eni
300 HP
Attack Ring
Costs 35,000 Eni
100 ATK
Will Ring
Costs 25,000 Eni
50 MAT
Defense Ring
Costs 25,000 Eni
50 DEF
Mindful Ring
Costs 7,500 Eni
50 MDF
Rapid Ring
Costs 3,000 Eni
50 AGI
Shop Sidequests
Tale of Triumph II
Subjugate/destroy 2 Kakotenas
Reward is 1 Guard Bracelet Level 2
Harvest 1 Spiderweb
Reward is 1 Guard Bracelet Level 1
After returning to World Odyssey, there will be a dark red room if players are brave enough they can tackle it if they are curious…Instead the intended path is the hallway that was blocked before we headed to the real world. Follow that path until players reach the ! to trigger a cutscene and obtain the Newpaper Article.
Sumika Tokiwa
Take control of Arata once more to initiate a conversation with Sumika Tokiwa. Once all the conversations are done, take control of Shina.
Exit the room, make a right to head to the next area. Activate the Crane to open a new path to the right. Move towards the right to find 1 Spiderweb in the chest. Turn around, climb the inclined plank, and get on the ship. Head towards the center Next symbol to find 1 High-Elf Tonic in a chest. Go back on the ship to arrive at the other Next symbol located at the bottom right of the map. In this area there will be the Storage Key in the first room on the left and a Rapid Ring in the adjacent room.
Return towards the ship and take the center exit door. In the right room obtain the Chrono Sword in the chest tucked behind a cannon. Equip this sword on best girl Shina to improve her stats for the upcoming boss fight. Exit the room, then go into the room across the way and continue on your path until you run into the T-shaped intersection. If players choose to travel down the right path, there will be a chest containing 1,200 Eni in a secluded room guarded by a strong enemy. Exercise caution if players decide to fight them, this would be a good place to farm. Go back to the T-shaped intersection and enter the rooms with the !. Continue following the only path to re-enter the Shipyard but further down the map. To the left will be a chest containing 1 Thief’s Lance, be sure to equip it on Al to bolster her stats. In the upper right corner will be a door that leads to another area, but players will be pushed back. Its time again to head back to the real world!
Travel to Summer Life by selecting the Map icon under Menu. After experiencing the events of the cutscenes that will ensue, lets take control of Shina once more.
Travel towards the northern ship to obtain the Red Fang Drive from the chest. Equip it on Lily to boost her stats further. On the left side of the ship will be a golden key shaped item that will fall or raise the waters. Entering the center exit will lead to another area with another ship. There will be a chest on the ship containing 1 Magic Bracelet Level 1. Travel on the path to the left side of the map to find another golden key to get rid of all the water in the area. Exit the room, make a left, and obtain the 2,000 Eni in the chest. Enter the room to nearby, descend the stairs to find 50,000 Eni in a chest.
Now its time to head back to the door that was barred by near the save point to obtain the Magic Bracelet Level 5 tucked in the chest. Move back to the door in the North East section to reach the final stretch before the Chapter 2 boss. Enter the right room to pick up the 1 Guard Bracelet Level 2 in the chest. Afterwards, enter the opposite room to obtain the Beast Clan Scarf found in the chest. Finally, head towards the ! to fight the Chapter 2 boss, Muga.
Boss: Muga
Muga will be a powerful opponent on Hard Mode, with its large HP pool and AOE attacks. It’s best to have Shina be the DPS source as her Stars skills hold the key to Muga’s weakness. Lily should provide heals for Shina when needed and Lily should attack with her default triple attack since its infused with Stars type. Al is pretty much the least valuable team member in this fight as most of her attacks are Sun type which are weak against Muga. Al should triple attack to get knockbacks into Shina if health their health is still high, or into the walls to get rid of the bug tiles. When most of the bug tiles have been eliminated, players may Summon Skala from Chapter 1 to help out with the fight. Alternatively, if needed, players should bug out Shina since Muga may seek her out as his primary target.27,500 HP, 50 SP, Moon Type
Defeating Muga grants 12,000 Exp, 4,200 Eni, and 1 Ultra Ogre Brew.
If you enjoyed our guide be sure to find out what we thought of the game in our Death End Re;Quest Review. You can also check out further guides with our Death End Re;Quest Starter Guide & Tips as well as our Death End Re;Quest Trophy Guide to learn how to platinum this game! Be sure to lookout for more Death End Re;Quest content!
The post Death End Re;Quest Chapter 2 Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
Death End Re;Quest Chapter 2 Guide published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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jesusvasser · 7 years
20 Unique Rides From the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise
It’s billed as “the world’s largest one-day automotive event,” and each year for at least the last 10 or so it has drawn between 1.0 and 1.5 million attendees and 40,000 or so vintage and, ahem, “special interest” vehicles. The cost of admission? Zip. OK, property owners along the Avenue typically charge owners a few Jacksons to back in, pop the hood, and whip out their folding chairs, but compared with the cost of any single admission ticket on California’s snooty Monterey Peninsula during the same weekend, Woodward is virtually free. Completely removing cost as a barrier to entry encourages diversity the likes of which won’t be seen at Pebble Beach any time soon, spanning from upside-down vans to bizarre oversized Ram/Cummins-powered Hudsons, rat rods, and every big- and small-block muscle machine imaginable.
Motor Trend’s Detroit office garage is situated just 3,718 feet away from Woodward, but your humble technical director’s garage is a mere 518 feet off the historic Avenue. So an editorial team of four scribes and one shooter set up operations there and cruised all week, enlisting chauffeurs from FCA, GM, and Ford, covering Tuesday’s GM Design on Woodward event, and many more. Here are the highlights of the main event.
Upside-Down-&-Backwards GMC Rally Wagon
How ya gonna get people to look at your nice, physically shiny but culturally dull van? By turning it upside down and somehow suspending it from a smaller car’s rolling chassis. Other modifications of note include a sliding side door converted to a top-hinged hatch and a second live axle with differential to spin the van’s skyward-facing front wheels along with the rear ones at something a bit slower than apparent road speed. Visibility is provided by a second set of holes cut into the rear doors above original glass ones.
Lingenfelter 1970 Oldsmobile “442” Vista Cruiser Wagon
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering does most of its business building Corvette and Camaro engines, but for Woodward, why not give a classic Vista Cruiser wagon the full 442 treatment and then some? The “then some” includes a Lingenfelter LS3 Performance Engine topped with an Edelbrock supercharger good for 650 horsepower mated to a Tremec six-speed transmission spinning through a 3.73:1 Eaton posi axle. Ridetech air-ride suspension and Weld wheels round out the package. Yum.
1937 Hudson Terraplane XXXL
This crazy project actually started with a normal-sized Hudson Terraplane but was stretched, widened, tallened (if that were a word) and plopped on a Dodge Ram 2500 diesel truck chassis converted to air suspension. It towers over traffic, perhaps heightening the “plane” aspect (har-har, see what we did there?) of its original nomenclature—though heaven knows what it would take to get this beast off the ground.
Cushman 7-Passenger Skiff
Safety first! Life jackets were being worn as this precious little wooden skiff scurried up the Avenue powered and suspended by the wee 22-hp engine and three-wheel chassis from a Cushman model 898457 Haulster refuse collector. Hopefully they didn’t drive this street-legal beauty all the way from Florida, where its motorcycle license plate hails from.
Snapper’s Buggy & Machine Co. Caterpillar Buggy
Here’s another “car” (pictured at left) where, without any vehicular traffic around it for scale, might almost look “normal.” Might. Actually the big Alcoa semi-tractor front wheels hint at the scale pretty well. Instead of burnouts, this one did “rolling coal” demos on demand #WeDontNeedNoStinkingParticleTraps.
Tommy’s Rod Shop Chopped School Bus
Folks come to Woodward from far and wide. Case in point: this too-cool-for-school bus from Guthrie, Kentucky. It’s an easy low step up from the road, but the basketball team had better watch their heads while climbing aboard.
1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Donk Cabrio
Most of the really big-wheel cars came out to cruise after dark, perhaps to show off their underbody and wheel-well lighting, but this one was bold enough to show off its pristine bodywork in the bright afternoon sunlight. Hot rods were admitted to Pebble Beach a few years ago—can the Donks be far behind? Yes. Very far indeed.
Circa 1970 Chevrolet Nova “Silver Bullet” Superbird
The front license plate identifies the owner/driver as a “fortunate son,” and indeed this is some machine he has been blessed with. The mind fairly boggles as to what must be under that hood, sucking great lungfuls of air through that elaborate hood, and just imagine the rear-end stick that wing must endow this baby with when turning into Michigan International Speedway’s turn three at 200-plus mph …
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Fastback
Patina is the new black. Many cars observed had faux patina painted or stenciled onto their bodywork, but we’re rather more convinced by this one’s, erm, “finish.” Equal parts factory sheetmetal, rebar, and heavy-duty chain comprise the exterior surface with lovely details such as metal spiders on the grille. We’re not sure what the engine is, but it must be valuable—there’s a hefty padlock securing the hood.
Char’s Poultry Grooming 1966 Chevrolet C10 Custom Stepside
Trucks and riffs thereon were popular at Woodward this year. This 1966 Chevy is owned by retired air force serviceman Mario Guarnaccia of Mars, Pennsylvania. It’s named after his wife Charlene (Char) who is a Finn (which explains the “Finlandia” and flag inside). They have chickens, so Char decided to have the “poultry grooming” mural painted on the door. Naturally chickens don’t get dolled up, but apparently lots of folks enquire as to how the Guarnaccias groom chickens. The couple bought the truck six years ago for $600, and Mario did all the work himself, which included chopping the rearmost 2.5 feet off the 8-foot bed.
Troy Police Burnout Enforcement Unit?
Many jurisdictions pitch in to help secure the Woodward Dream Cruise, but the Troy, Michigan, boundaries do not include any stretch of Woodward Avenue. This “officer” must have been a tourist.
Jurassic Park Motor Pool 1992 Jeep Wranglers
Extreme fans will go to great lengths to express their love for movie franchises. The first two Jeeps in this lineup have completed their transition to Jurassic world tour vehicles, probably following the build instructions from www.jpmotorpool.com. The third Jeep in line has only gotten about as far as the license plate.
1956 Mercury Custom
That’s our best stab at what this long, low, lovely custom started its life as before getting its Cadillac taillamps and luggage-loading-inhibitor wing. The level of body and paintwork is stunning. There are a lot of folks in the Detroit area who are exceptionally gifted in these arts …
Rat Rods ‘R Us
Having missed several of the last Woodward Dream Cruises, your 500-foot adjacent editor was surprised at the number of full-on ultra-slammed, heavily patinated rat rods were prowling the avenue. They’re definitely a thing—and a good thing at that.
1964 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Roadster
It’s probably safe to say that during the Woodward Dream Cruise, cars originally intended to fulfill a performance mission slightly outnumber those designed for more quotidian pursuits. The Corvette Grand Sport was certainly a benchmark performer in its day. It’s a fair bet that this one’s a clone or tribute car, but we didn’t take down the seller’s number to find out for sure.
1937 Ford Model 78 Cabriolet
The Woodward Dream Cruise is all about having fun, and that often involves props—such as Kermit The Frog in a coordinating shade of green. This car probably has had an interesting history—note the right-hand drive.
1968-’73 Datsun 510
Woodward welcomes all makes and models, and although domestic fare predominates, there are plenty of imported gems such as this five-and-dime Datsun wearing minor battle scars and doffing its bumpers and radio antenna.
2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Art Car
Art cars are a perennial feature of the Woodward Cruise, and this Marine has clearly festooned Bryan Nesbitt’s original design with about a thousand skulls, crossbones, and skeletal hands, plus more than a few handgun images thrown in for good measure.
Boss Hoss 572 Bike
So you think you’re a big man controlling 707 or 808 horses in a big heavy four-wheeler, eh? Well real men rock a 625-hp 572-cubic-inch Bow Tie Big Block between their legs with one-wheel drive. And the
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2vjR8ZA via IFTTT
from Performance Junk WP Feed 4 http://ift.tt/2fZXlrV via IFTTT
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robertkstone · 7 years
20 Unique Rides From the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise
It’s billed as “the world’s largest one-day automotive event,” and each year for at least the last 10 or so it has drawn between 1.0 and 1.5 million attendees and 40,000 or so vintage and, ahem, “special interest” vehicles. The cost of admission? Zip. OK, property owners along the Avenue typically charge owners a few Jacksons to back in, pop the hood, and whip out their folding chairs, but compared with the cost of any single admission ticket on California’s snooty Monterey Peninsula during the same weekend, Woodward is virtually free. Completely removing cost as a barrier to entry encourages diversity the likes of which won’t be seen at Pebble Beach any time soon, spanning from upside-down vans to bizarre oversized Ram/Cummins-powered Hudsons, rat rods, and every big- and small-block muscle machine imaginable.
Motor Trend’s Detroit office garage is situated just 3,718 feet away from Woodward, but your humble technical director’s garage is a mere 518 feet off the historic Avenue. So an editorial team of four scribes and one shooter set up operations there and cruised all week, enlisting chauffeurs from FCA, GM, and Ford, covering Tuesday’s GM Design on Woodward event, and many more. Here are the highlights of the main event.
Upside-Down-&-Backwards GMC Rally Wagon
How ya gonna get people to look at your nice, physically shiny but culturally dull van? By turning it upside down and somehow suspending it from a smaller car’s rolling chassis. Other modifications of note include a sliding side door converted to a top-hinged hatch and a second live axle with differential to spin the van’s skyward-facing front wheels along with the rear ones at something a bit slower than apparent road speed. Visibility is provided by a second set of holes cut into the rear doors above original glass ones.
Lingenfelter 1970 Oldsmobile “442” Vista Cruiser Wagon
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering does most of its business building Corvette and Camaro engines, but for Woodward, why not give a classic Vista Cruiser wagon the full 442 treatment and then some? The “then some” includes a Lingenfelter LS3 Performance Engine topped with an Edelbrock supercharger good for 650 horsepower mated to a Tremec six-speed transmission spinning through a 3.73:1 Eaton posi axle. Ridetech air-ride suspension and Weld wheels round out the package. Yum.
1937 Hudson Terraplane XXXL
This crazy project actually started with a normal-sized Hudson Terraplane but was stretched, widened, tallened (if that were a word) and plopped on a Dodge Ram 2500 diesel truck chassis converted to air suspension. It towers over traffic, perhaps heightening the “plane” aspect (har-har, see what we did there?) of its original nomenclature—though heaven knows what it would take to get this beast off the ground.
Cushman 7-Passenger Skiff
Safety first! Life jackets were being worn as this precious little wooden skiff scurried up the Avenue powered and suspended by the wee 22-hp engine and three-wheel chassis from a Cushman model 898457 Haulster refuse collector. Hopefully they didn’t drive this street-legal beauty all the way from Florida, where its motorcycle license plate hails from.
Snapper’s Buggy & Machine Co. Caterpillar Buggy
Here’s another “car” (pictured at left) where, without any vehicular traffic around it for scale, might almost look “normal.” Might. Actually the big Alcoa semi-tractor front wheels hint at the scale pretty well. Instead of burnouts, this one did “rolling coal” demos on demand #WeDontNeedNoStinkingParticleTraps.
Tommy’s Rod Shop Chopped School Bus
Folks come to Woodward from far and wide. Case in point: this too-cool-for-school bus from Guthrie, Kentucky. It’s an easy low step up from the road, but the basketball team had better watch their heads while climbing aboard.
1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Donk Cabrio
Most of the really big-wheel cars came out to cruise after dark, perhaps to show off their underbody and wheel-well lighting, but this one was bold enough to show off its pristine bodywork in the bright afternoon sunlight. Hot rods were admitted to Pebble Beach a few years ago—can the Donks be far behind? Yes. Very far indeed.
Circa 1970 Chevrolet Nova “Silver Bullet” Superbird
The front license plate identifies the owner/driver as a “fortunate son,” and indeed this is some machine he has been blessed with. The mind fairly boggles as to what must be under that hood, sucking great lungfuls of air through that elaborate hood, and just imagine the rear-end stick that wing must endow this baby with when turning into Michigan International Speedway’s turn three at 200-plus mph …
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Fastback
Patina is the new black. Many cars observed had faux patina painted or stenciled onto their bodywork, but we’re rather more convinced by this one’s, erm, “finish.” Equal parts factory sheetmetal, rebar, and heavy-duty chain comprise the exterior surface with lovely details such as metal spiders on the grille. We’re not sure what the engine is, but it must be valuable—there’s a hefty padlock securing the hood.
Char’s Poultry Grooming 1966 Chevrolet C10 Custom Stepside
Trucks and riffs thereon were popular at Woodward this year. This 1966 Chevy is owned by retired air force serviceman Mario Guarnaccia of Mars, Pennsylvania. It’s named after his wife Charlene (Char) who is a Finn (which explains the “Finlandia” and flag inside). They have chickens, so Char decided to have the “poultry grooming” mural painted on the door. Naturally chickens don’t get dolled up, but apparently lots of folks enquire as to how the Guarnaccias groom chickens. The couple bought the truck six years ago for $600, and Mario did all the work himself, which included chopping the rearmost 2.5 feet off the 8-foot bed.
Troy Police Burnout Enforcement Unit?
Many jurisdictions pitch in to help secure the Woodward Dream Cruise, but the Troy, Michigan, boundaries do not include any stretch of Woodward Avenue. This “officer” must have been a tourist.
Jurassic Park Motor Pool 1992 Jeep Wranglers
Extreme fans will go to great lengths to express their love for movie franchises. The first two Jeeps in this lineup have completed their transition to Jurassic world tour vehicles, probably following the build instructions from www.jpmotorpool.com. The third Jeep in line has only gotten about as far as the license plate.
1956 Mercury Custom
That’s our best stab at what this long, low, lovely custom started its life as before getting its Cadillac taillamps and luggage-loading-inhibitor wing. The level of body and paintwork is stunning. There are a lot of folks in the Detroit area who are exceptionally gifted in these arts …
Rat Rods ‘R Us
Having missed several of the last Woodward Dream Cruises, your 500-foot adjacent editor was surprised at the number of full-on ultra-slammed, heavily patinated rat rods were prowling the avenue. They’re definitely a thing—and a good thing at that.
1964 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Roadster
It’s probably safe to say that during the Woodward Dream Cruise, cars originally intended to fulfill a performance mission slightly outnumber those designed for more quotidian pursuits. The Corvette Grand Sport was certainly a benchmark performer in its day. It’s a fair bet that this one’s a clone or tribute car, but we didn’t take down the seller’s number to find out for sure.
1937 Ford Model 78 Cabriolet
The Woodward Dream Cruise is all about having fun, and that often involves props—such as Kermit The Frog in a coordinating shade of green. This car probably has had an interesting history—note the right-hand drive.
1968-’73 Datsun 510
Woodward welcomes all makes and models, and although domestic fare predominates, there are plenty of imported gems such as this five-and-dime Datsun wearing minor battle scars and doffing its bumpers and radio antenna.
2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Art Car
Art cars are a perennial feature of the Woodward Cruise, and this Marine has clearly festooned Bryan Nesbitt’s original design with about a thousand skulls, crossbones, and skeletal hands, plus more than a few handgun images thrown in for good measure.
Boss Hoss 572 Bike
So you think you’re a big man controlling 707 or 808 horses in a big heavy four-wheeler, eh? Well real men rock a 625-hp 572-cubic-inch Bow Tie Big Block between their legs with one-wheel drive. And the
from PerformanceJunk Feed http://ift.tt/2vjR8ZA via IFTTT
from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2fZXlrV via IFTTT
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - UB-02 Absorption - Buzzwole
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794: Buzzwole
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You're KIDDING? A mosquito had been an animal on my Pokemon wishlist for longer than I even remember at this point. Somehow 7 generations in, after 793 Pokemon, we finally, FINALLY, get a mosquito Pokemon. As something that's only one step below Legendary status, no less! And it somehow came out in a way that no one expected. Who on earth looked at the spindly, pathetically skinny-looking mosquito and decided “y'know how I'm drawing this animal? As a huge, HULK of a Bug/Fighting monster that is absolutely RIPPED. And then I’m going to put SWOLE in its name.”
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I'm sure one of the barriers that was keeping a mosquito monster from getting in was the want to keep it PG, ergo no “blood.” So Buzzwole has a rather generic ability to drain “energy” from its victims. Through its proboscis. And then you can see a red blood-adjacent fluid flowing through the “windows” in its body. Yeah, you're not slick, Gamefreak. But at least we can admire the bravery of going full-on red with Buzzwole's color scheme, making it look like its blood-sack pecks are indeed full of blood.
The design itself is absolutely killer. Even back when I was a little less keen on Buzzwole, I loved the way its head looked. The dome-like shape to its head and eyes and everything. You could stick that head on just about any mosquito creature and it’d be awesome looking. The rest of its body is great too, again, masterfully managing to have a pretty detailed design without going so overboard that said details get muddied together.
I do love that its design is rather top-heavy too. Obvious that it’s meant to put emphasis on its arm and chest muscles, but you could’ve easily just skimped out on the legs. But they didn’t. Well, they did, but in a cool way where it gets four insectoid, slightly spindlier legs that it walks around on. You could get away with calling this thing a mosquitaur!
And then there's its personality.
Not just in this little scene of the anime, but even ingame almost all of its animations feature it flexing to show off. The Pokedex even specifying that it uses flexing as a form of communication with other Buzzwole. It even flexes when it takes damage and as it's falling over when it gets knocked out. Who the hell came up with this?! It's hilarious. I love you.
I can understand where people come from when they say Buzzwole is rather off-putting; I was one of those people when Buzzwole was first revealed. Heck, for a while I was constantly bouncing back and forth on whether I liked it or not. Tending to agree with the criticism that it only just barely fits in with the Pokemon art style. But one day it just kinda occurred to me, in a piece of fiction where its animals and crazy-looking wildlife is the focus, does that matter? Do kittens and gulper eels look like they “belong in the same universe”?
Besides, that seems to be the point of Ultra Beasts from a creature design perspective. With the setup that they’re alien creatures from alternate realities, it’s the perfect excuse to push the creative boundaries of what counts as a Pokemon. A bunch of the UB designs get weird and even abstract looking even by Pokemon standards. The weirder they look, the better!
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I also don’t think the promotion for the UBs really worked in Buzzwole’s favor. I get trying to portray the Ultra Beasts as a serious threat to hype up your game, but that only works so far when Buzzwole looks so goddamn goofy. So goofy yet they tried their hardest to play it straight. I warmed up to in considerably better when the game came out and Buzzwole was permitted to bask in how silly it looked.
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Buzzwole comes from a dimension, rather curiously, full of cartoonishly muscular trees set in something resembling a Jurassic period. Which is equally hilarious. Though these Ultra Space dimensions are so specifically themed to the Ultra Beast that hails from them, you'd wonder what the heck else could possibly live here. Is this a dimension of body builders?! If we got to explore the actual jungle, could we find a Swolesaurus Flex? A Biceptitops? A Spinesnappo-saurus?
Just, congrats. You got me to give a flexing, muscly Fighting type a 10/10 score. That has to be illegal or something.
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Personal Score: 10/10
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robertkstone · 7 years
20 Unique Rides From the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise
It’s billed as “the world’s largest one-day automotive event,” and each year for at least the last 10 or so it has drawn between 1.0 and 1.5 million attendees and 40,000 or so vintage and, ahem, “special interest” vehicles. The cost of admission? Zip. OK, property owners along the Avenue typically charge owners a few Jacksons to back in, pop the hood, and whip out their folding chairs, but compared with the cost of any single admission ticket on California’s snooty Monterey Peninsula during the same weekend, Woodward is virtually free. Completely removing cost as a barrier to entry encourages diversity the likes of which won’t be seen at Pebble Beach any time soon, spanning from upside-down vans to bizarre oversized Ram/Cummins-powered Hudsons, rat rods, and every big- and small-block muscle machine imaginable.
Motor Trend’s Detroit office garage is situated just 3,718 feet away from Woodward, but your humble technical director’s garage is a mere 518 feet off the historic Avenue. So an editorial team of four scribes and one shooter set up operations there and cruised all week, enlisting chauffeurs from FCA, GM, and Ford, covering Tuesday’s GM Design on Woodward event, and many more. Here are the highlights of the main event.
Upside-Down-&-Backwards GMC Rally Wagon
How ya gonna get people to look at your nice, physically shiny but culturally dull van? By turning it upside down and somehow suspending it from a smaller car’s rolling chassis. Other modifications of note include a sliding side door converted to a top-hinged hatch and a second live axle with differential to spin the van’s skyward-facing front wheels along with the rear ones at something a bit slower than apparent road speed. Visibility is provided by a second set of holes cut into the rear doors above original glass ones.
Lingenfelter 1970 Oldsmobile “442” Vista Cruiser Wagon
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering does most of its business building Corvette and Camaro engines, but for Woodward, why not give a classic Vista Cruiser wagon the full 442 treatment and then some? The “then some” includes a Lingenfelter LS3 Performance Engine topped with an Edelbrock supercharger good for 650 horsepower mated to a Tremec six-speed transmission spinning through a 3.73:1 Eaton posi axle. Ridetech air-ride suspension and Weld wheels round out the package. Yum.
1937 Hudson Terraplane XXXL
This crazy project actually started with a normal-sized Hudson Terraplane but was stretched, widened, tallened (if that were a word) and plopped on a Dodge Ram 2500 diesel truck chassis converted to air suspension. It towers over traffic, perhaps heightening the “plane” aspect (har-har, see what we did there?) of its original nomenclature—though heaven knows what it would take to get this beast off the ground.
Cushman 7-Passenger Skiff
Safety first! Life jackets were being worn as this precious little wooden skiff scurried up the Avenue powered and suspended by the wee 22-hp engine and three-wheel chassis from a Cushman model 898457 Haulster refuse collector. Hopefully they didn’t drive this street-legal beauty all the way from Florida, where its motorcycle license plate hails from.
Snapper’s Buggy & Machine Co. Caterpillar Buggy
Here’s another “car” (pictured at left) where, without any vehicular traffic around it for scale, might almost look “normal.” Might. Actually the big Alcoa semi-tractor front wheels hint at the scale pretty well. Instead of burnouts, this one did “rolling coal” demos on demand #WeDontNeedNoStinkingParticleTraps.
Tommy’s Rod Shop Chopped School Bus
Folks come to Woodward from far and wide. Case in point: this too-cool-for-school bus from Guthrie, Kentucky. It’s an easy low step up from the road, but the basketball team had better watch their heads while climbing aboard.
1971 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Donk Cabrio
Most of the really big-wheel cars came out to cruise after dark, perhaps to show off their underbody and wheel-well lighting, but this one was bold enough to show off its pristine bodywork in the bright afternoon sunlight. Hot rods were admitted to Pebble Beach a few years ago—can the Donks be far behind? Yes. Very far indeed.
Circa 1970 Chevrolet Nova “Silver Bullet” Superbird
The front license plate identifies the owner/driver as a “fortunate son,” and indeed this is some machine he has been blessed with. The mind fairly boggles as to what must be under that hood, sucking great lungfuls of air through that elaborate hood, and just imagine the rear-end stick that wing must endow this baby with when turning into Michigan International Speedway’s turn three at 200-plus mph …
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Fastback
Patina is the new black. Many cars observed had faux patina painted or stenciled onto their bodywork, but we’re rather more convinced by this one’s, erm, “finish.” Equal parts factory sheetmetal, rebar, and heavy-duty chain comprise the exterior surface with lovely details such as metal spiders on the grille. We’re not sure what the engine is, but it must be valuable—there’s a hefty padlock securing the hood.
Char’s Poultry Grooming 1966 Chevrolet C10 Custom Stepside
Trucks and riffs thereon were popular at Woodward this year. This 1966 Chevy is owned by retired air force serviceman Mario Guarnaccia of Mars, Pennsylvania. It’s named after his wife Charlene (Char) who is a Finn (which explains the “Finlandia” and flag inside). They have chickens, so Char decided to have the “poultry grooming” mural painted on the door. Naturally chickens don’t get dolled up, but apparently lots of folks enquire as to how the Guarnaccias groom chickens. The couple bought the truck six years ago for $600, and Mario did all the work himself, which included chopping the rearmost 2.5 feet off the 8-foot bed.
Troy Police Burnout Enforcement Unit?
Many jurisdictions pitch in to help secure the Woodward Dream Cruise, but the Troy, Michigan, boundaries do not include any stretch of Woodward Avenue. This “officer” must have been a tourist.
Jurassic Park Motor Pool 1992 Jeep Wranglers
Extreme fans will go to great lengths to express their love for movie franchises. The first two Jeeps in this lineup have completed their transition to Jurassic world tour vehicles, probably following the build instructions from www.jpmotorpool.com. The third Jeep in line has only gotten about as far as the license plate.
1956 Mercury Custom
That’s our best stab at what this long, low, lovely custom started its life as before getting its Cadillac taillamps and luggage-loading-inhibitor wing. The level of body and paintwork is stunning. There are a lot of folks in the Detroit area who are exceptionally gifted in these arts …
Rat Rods ‘R Us
Having missed several of the last Woodward Dream Cruises, your 500-foot adjacent editor was surprised at the number of full-on ultra-slammed, heavily patinated rat rods were prowling the avenue. They’re definitely a thing—and a good thing at that.
1964 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport Roadster
It’s probably safe to say that during the Woodward Dream Cruise, cars originally intended to fulfill a performance mission slightly outnumber those designed for more quotidian pursuits. The Corvette Grand Sport was certainly a benchmark performer in its day. It’s a fair bet that this one’s a clone or tribute car, but we didn’t take down the seller’s number to find out for sure.
1937 Ford Model 78 Cabriolet
The Woodward Dream Cruise is all about having fun, and that often involves props—such as Kermit The Frog in a coordinating shade of green. This car probably has had an interesting history—note the right-hand drive.
1968-’73 Datsun 510
Woodward welcomes all makes and models, and although domestic fare predominates, there are plenty of imported gems such as this five-and-dime Datsun wearing minor battle scars and doffing its bumpers and radio antenna.
2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser GT Art Car
Art cars are a perennial feature of the Woodward Cruise, and this Marine has clearly festooned Bryan Nesbitt’s original design with about a thousand skulls, crossbones, and skeletal hands, plus more than a few handgun images thrown in for good measure.
Boss Hoss 572 Bike
So you think you’re a big man controlling 707 or 808 horses in a big heavy four-wheeler, eh? Well real men rock a 625-hp 572-cubic-inch Bow Tie Big Block between their legs with one-wheel drive. And the from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2vjR8ZA via IFTTT
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