#or at least what i assume was being reffered to
stim-burrow · 9 months
Never sent a request to a stimboard, but I'm curious...
Stimboard for knitting and 1960s computers?
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Knitting and 1960's (I think?) Computers stimboard for anon! 🌱
I hope this is good! Sorry I took a while ^^,
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arolesbianism · 8 months
Upon further examination, I am leaning more and more into Otto being a nonbinary egg opposed to a nonbinary person who uses he/him pronouns. Thanks for the help Mi-ma <3
#rat rambles#oni posting#she reffers to them as 'that nice young man' in one of her journal entries which is what tipped the scale for me#like its obviously possible that granny assumed incorrectly but given how much otto likes her Im inclined to believe shed know if they#were openly nonbinary especially given how personal otto has been with her already#but rly its mostly that combined with the other big thing that makes me feel that they probably were an egg at the time#so I shallst continue to use they/them for otto unless I find a new log that explicitly confirms their preffered pronouns#nothing short of otto saying out loud yeah Im not a man but I still wanna go by the same stuff will fully convince me#bonus points if they talk abt it with dr.holland so that he can make his gender identity clear too#also to be clear there are no mi-ma transphobia allegations to be found here I just think she doesnt know#she has so fucking many nonbinary coworkers and at least one of them is also on the older end and has been at the company for a while#plus I doubt theyre putting transphobia in the colony survival game like imagine if dont starve characters called eachother slurs#so no mi-ma slander shall be tollerated also she is trans (2 Me)#shes literally named mi-ma you cannot convince me she is cis#she is such a silly billy I wish so bad that she showed up in more logs#maybe even given an official full name drop to clear up any doubts#given her whole character is being old and mi-ma's whole thing is being the old one its like 99%#but technically speaking we never do get a full name just last name and first initial#so very technically speaking she could be one of the other 3 available m named guys but its highly unlikely#as in the other options are meep max and marie and no way in hell it's any of them#theyre all young chaps and theres only one hashtag woman in their ranks along with a nonbinary person and a hashtag man#so basically yeah its mi-ma there's no way in hell its not mi-ma
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ikamigami · 4 months
I realized that Sun admitted that it was his fault that Old Moon died.. even if he told that Moon from yesterday's episode that he didn't cause Old Moon's death he added that it kind of was his fault..
If he truly was over Old Moon's death - or I mean at least to the point that he'd stop blaming himself for it - he would say that it was Eclipse's fault or something like that..
And yet.. he didn't. Because he still blames himself for this.. I wish that that Moon would be more willing to listen to Sun.. but it is what it is..
Another thing that I realized is that this dimension showed Sun that he technically didn't have to stay in the same body with Moon (and probably die) in order for things to be relatively calm and steady..
I wonder if it'll ease some of Sun's thoughts that it'd be better if he was dead.. and I wonder if he'll think that he's fine and everything is okay now so he won't open up about anything..
Even though Sun with all his mental issues and trauma and abuse he endured for years still shouldn't brush it off - but I'm pretty sure that Sun doesn't consider his issues to be a big deal and I think that when his psychotic episode ended he probably thought that he's fine now and that everything is okay..
Even though Sun is far from being fine.. and if he continue brushing off what happened in the past he's mental state may worsen and he may end up having another psychotic episode because he won't be even aware what triggered it..
Also his suicidal thoughts and ideations may return and then what? He'll continue saying that it's nothing? It's not how healing look like at all..
Sun needs to confront everything that is related to his mental state in order to get better.. all the abuse and trauma and depression and suicidal thoughts and ideations..
Sun probably isn't even aware that he was passively suicidal..
And what's worth pointing out is that Sun never talked about any of it with Earth - which I thought so - cause this is what we can get from "Sun has a child" episode when Earth asked if Sun wants to talk about it.. cause it didn't imply that they talked about something like that before - and if they did I think that Earth would probably get a hint to what Sun may be reffering when he said "sometimes I wonder if it'd be better if Moon and I never separated" but she didn't and also if they talked about it I think that Earth wouldn't dismiss Moon's concerns but just talked about it with Moon.. and yet nothing like that happened..
So I think that's fair to assume that Sun probably doesn't consider himself to be suicidal and that he doesn't think that suicidal thoughts and ideations he has are a big deal..
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Are you sure Christianity isn't the same as Judaism? In both religions, any entity that isn't celestial is evil, and foreign gods are reffered to as Shedim in Judaism, which are also a race of demonic beings with bird feet and vampyric qualities (similar to Lamashtu and Inanna, and Shedu is a bird like deity too from Mesopotamia that was ressurected in the Burney relief, it is also hinted that Lilith is a demonization of the first two) Shedim in English also translates to demon as well. Also, they both share the same scriptures anyway, and are still homophobic in teachings. Homophobic Jews exist just as much as homophobic Christians. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I just don't know much about the Abrahamic faiths to make a good conclusion here.
It's understandable that you would have this impression if your understanding of Judaism is shaped primarily by Christian perspectives, because Christianity generally tries to cultivate the impression that Judaism is functionally just Christianity without Jesus. The reason they do this is to make Judaism appear incomplete, thereby making supersessionism appear justified; or to make it seem as if Jews can just add Jesus to their beliefs without disrupting their current religion/culture too much. (This isn't true.)
So unlike Christianity, Judaism is more concerned with practice than belief. And where Christians tend to assume that there is one true interpretation of any given Biblical passage, and that knowing and believing in the one true interpretation is vitally important, this really isn't the case in Judaism. You can see what I mean by searching up Christian explanations of Bible passages, and then comparing them to Jewish explanations of the same passages. You'll notice that the Christians will typically try to convince you that what they're telling you is the true and correct way to interpret this passage, whereas the Jewish one will probably list a few notable opinions (some of which will probably contradict each other), without telling you which one you have to believe in.
You say that "foreign gods are referred to as Shedim in Judaism," and I have to ask you: referred to as shedim by which Jews? Judaism doesn't actually have a unified opinion on foreign gods. It's also worth noting that some of the most hostile opinions of them were formed during times when Jews were under foreign oppression. Also, I'm pretty sure that's not even what shedim are; or at least, not all of them. Like, I'm far from an expert here, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot more variety.
And yes, it's true that some Jews are homophobic - just as some atheists and some pagans are homophobic. Like, if you're going to damn an entire religion or non-religion based on some of its followers being homophobic, you're going to have to damn the entire human species. The idea that Judaism absolutely mandates homophobia is based in Christian perspectives of how scriptures are to be interpreted and followed.
But you don't have to take my (gentile) word for it! You can visit My Jewish Learning to begin learning more how Judaism works from a Jewish perspective.
Also, if any of my Jewish followers want to chime in, I'd appreciate it!
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bimboficationblues · 8 months
i haven't read that molly smith book but just from my knowledge of marx your analysis looks wrong to me. i'm aware of two places where marx claims that wage labor is forced labor: the 1844 manuscripts and capital volume 3. i'm going to assume you don't care about the former, so for the latter: "We saw also that capital -- and the capitalist is merely capital personified and functions in the process of production solely as the agent of capital -- in its corresponding social process of production, pumps a definite quantity of surplus-labour out of the direct producers, or labourers; capital obtains this surplus-labour without an equivalent, and in essence it always remains forced labour -- no matter how much it may seem to result from free contractual agreement."
by my count, you are actually succumbing to the appearance that wage labor is the "result of free contractual agreement". marx uses the word "seem" here, and when he does that it tends to mean that it is appearance and not reality. so he's explicitly saying that wage labor is not consensual ("the result of free contractual agreement") but forced labor. as far as i'm aware, we just refer to forced sexual labor as rape. you claimed in your post that this isn't the case so please elaborate
"it’s a framework that can’t distinguish between tricks that were okay or fine to deal with and times where you were physically assaulted or actively manipulated" i don't find this persuasive because, as a student of republican theory, you should know that it's perfectly possible to even have *literal slavery* where the master is benevolent and labor under him is fine compared to labor under a harsher slavemaster. yes, slavery and wage labor are different, but they share the trait of being forced labor, which i think is what matters here. when marx talks about the formal freedom of the wage laborer, that's clearly meant to show that bourgeois notions of freedom (which, it seems to me, is what's being alluded to in the previous quote to distinguish good and bad tricks) are impoverished, the "double freedom" is obviously supposed to be sarcastic/seething and implicitly contrasted to some sort of a real freedom to be realized in communism
obviously, marx didn't want to criminalize sex work, but i'm not seeing how the inference that sex work (or at least FSSW - stuff like pornography is something else i guess, whatever we would want to call forced picture taking/video taping) is rape isn't accurate under his analysis. he and engels regularly disparaginly reffered to prostitution as the "community of women" and they disparagingly compared marriage to it, in both cases making a point about how the normalization of it causes people to have instrumental views of women. marx calls prostitution just one instance of the "general prostitution of the wage laborer", which isn't meant to imply that prostitution is nonproblematic but rather make other wage labor look problematic
I don't really agree with a lot of the assumptions you're bringing to the table here (your interpretation of Marx or that quote, the necessity of being in agreement with Marx or Engels [lol] on all things, the relevance of these points to what I'm talking about, the presumption of my intellectual obligations to anonymous people) and I think maybe reading that Smith & Mac book (or even something more in-depth/less targeted for a popular audience) would be a worthwhile use of time.
again, it's not like it's impossible to use more effective and clear language on this - there's nothing that obligates us to talk in the terms you're defending. is it "violence" for me to have to go to work? did it transform into "sexual violence" when I was doing sex work (or did it lose the sexual because it was virtual, as your parenthetical implies)? maybe! (though probably not, imo.) but I think talking about the weight of money and the market on our reasoning using moral-juridical shorthand has significant costs analytically (clarity, precision), politically (the entire trajectory of this idea as applied in the history of prostitution law), and ethically (in terms of evaluating and taking stock of our actions and harms). in fact the whole reference to pornography sort of troubles this particular narrative (paid sexual labor is rape when it's in-person but not when it's virtual or filmed, despite being produced by the same incentives?), which I think relies on the same idea of sexual labor as unique/mystified compared to other labor that I was criticizing. I'm not pushing a "sex work as empowerment" line here and never have; most other current or former sex workers I know wouldn't. but this is a framework that doesn't clarify, it obscures by reinforcing criminalization and stigmatization, and makes it actively more difficult for sex workers to talk about the range and depth of their experiences in the context of their needs and demands as laborers, both in their own struggle and as part of a larger struggle. it is ethically and politically worthless as a line of thought.
anyway I think this is all quite condescending and in poor taste.
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badelinee · 10 months
ok so I have reposted two drawings here so I'll make it clear: Im not the most keen on just reposting art, which is why I credit the artists and try to stick to only Celeste Steam Community because if someone has a twitter or tumblr account, i'll just reblog it or link the post. I myself am an artist and while I don't mind my work being reposted, i prefer to have it tagged and linked back to me, so I automatically assume that's the least of what someone wants I will always take down my post if they message me on here or somewhere else reffering to this account. My job is to simp about badeline, not try and launder likes when I am an artist myself. I just care a lot about sharing art and the prospect of having artists garner new followers through sharing it with friends and strangers alike. And as everyone who's played celeste likely has a steam account, I can push them in the right direction to new artists. TL;DR - any reposts i make will stick to celeste steam community only and I will always credit.
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cw // csa, pedophilia
Hey there hope you're doing great!
So,, there's this though/analysis I've had for a while that I wanted to share with someone in the fandom. Namely abt how it is, idk weird? How spooky month has so far introducted really sensitive themes in a indirect, but really obvious way of what's truly happening off screen.
Like, as far as we know, Roy despite being a bratty bully and so on; He's literally a canon csa victim; He says explicitly in ep 2 that his uncle took him more than once to the mansion and seeing his uncle acts like a complete pervert towards kids it's safe to assume what he did to Roy specifically, later on he says more or less "What do you mean that's wrong!?" to his friends, and on ep 3 when reminded of the night they saw Eyes (not Eyes itself, but what he was doing/talking before seeing him) he even cries a little. But that's not even the worse thing, the worse thing it's that this kid is so hurted that he though it was a good idea as a "joke" to send two SMALLER children alone right into the wolf's mouth knowing what risk they were running into simply because he doesn't like them. And as far as we've seen he doesn't know nor cares if something did happen to them.
Not only that, but in the episode it is left completely clear that the uncle had really horrible intentions with Skid and Pump when trapping them in the mansion. To the point that they're actually scared and fearfull when seeing him, and if it wasn't bc of Eyes christ knows what would've had happened to them.
Hell! A lot of people in the fandom migth not even know abt this bc they're too busy thristing for the non-ped* killers and monsters and characters that came after the 3rd ep(? (Not judging btw!)
Idk, just a though thing I wanted to share somewhere. My only wish it's that if Pelo says he wants to tackle more serious themes in the show's future, and he's reffering to this theme in particular, I really wish for the better that he does it as respectfully and appropiately as possible. Specially considering that in ep 2 and 3 this theme was played too lightly at best, or as a joke at worst (and sure, it could've have been completely at the expense of the ped* getting punished at the end, but still)
Anyway sorry for long rant and tried to be the less triggering possible. Gday!
Oooo, this is a sight to see in my inbox /pos
Honestly anon, I agree with you! Roy's uncle is honestly such a weird part of this series; he's there for like ten seconds, gives horrific implications, and then dies in the most anticlimactic way possible (and ironic if he was part of the cult)
Given how the uncle keeps being brought up in the background (he's one of the corpses in Unwanted Guest and is on the corkboard in Deadly Smiles), I think Pelo does want to tackle this at least somewhat in the future. With how he's treated Roy's uncle already, Pelo at least understands how this is a far more serious topic, so I have hope that if it does get addressed it's done respectfully.
Though this did remind me of something I've been thinking about recently regarding The Stars:
Roy doesn't know what his uncle is doing is wrong. This is something he says himself. And there's this one line from his uncle that I think is interesting with that in mind:
"Oh, kids, you just got tricked..."
This implies Roy's uncle knew Roy sent them there -- perhaps he even told Roy to do it, which uh. Just makes that whole scene even more uncomfortable imo
Sorry for the late response, I had Things to do. G'day to you as well!
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omiscurls · 4 years
omi doesn’t like flowers
sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader fluff
 cw: the reader has a little sibling, i hope nobody minds, there’s one line of very slightly implied nsfw, you won’t even notice
meant for kiyoomi’s birthday! happy b-day to my favorite boy <3 
one of the first things you’ve learnt about your boyfriend, even before your relationship started, is that he rarely shared personal information with anyone. he’d go as far as put up a fake birthday on his social media to avoid the awkward wishes and tons of yet another gifts from fans he so didn’t like going through. apart from that, there was a lot of weird things going on with birthdays, in his opinion: for instance people automatically thinking about zodiac sign or assuming other things, insisting to have a party, (a surprise one was his biggest nightmare) and a whole lot of other stuff he found appalling.
so it was just simply easier to say his birthday is “mid november” and get on with his life as if he didn’t just straight up lie. and truth be told, many times had you heard that “oh, in summer” or “right before christmas” before you got to know the truth. it wasn’t that easy on its own, but ever since his first little white lie, you knew he wasn’t true with you, and kept insisting, until he finally pulled you to the side and told you his real date of birth, the one only komori, atsumu, and, as he used to say, “unfortunately” his family knew.
march 20th was the date, and since you wanted to tease him, a grin appeared on your face before you mumbled “so a pisces, huh?” and earned a glare so cold and deadly, you visibly shivered before apologizing.
the next thing you learned about him and his birthday, was that he was picky about gifts. which went well with that “i’m an old fashioned gentleman” facade, because he could just say “oh, you don’t have to buy me anything. your company will be enough” with a slight smile he’d practice for years, and people thought he was just being humble and polite. spoiler alert: he wasn’t. he just didn’t want to deal with his own pickiness, and explaining to people what precisely would he like to get was too much trouble, and took away the magic of it even for someone as blunt as kiyoomi sakusa.
it’s not like birthdays were such a big deal for him, anyway, he didn’t need any gifts or parties to celebrate the fact that he just got one year older. what was so fun about that? but like the pain in the arse you were, you kept asking him what he wanted for the occassion way before he asked you out, and he hated it, but not more than he hated the way his heart jumped at the possibility of getting something you spent your time on. 
the first year of your friendship, you got to know the basic thing: omi doesn’t like gifts. gifts make him uncomfortable, he didn’t know what to say, how to act, what to do with it... does he open it right then and there, or wait, but why would he immediately thank someone if he doesn’t even open it? schroedinger’s cat: if he doesn’t open it, it might as well be thin air inside the box.
it was confusing, and weird. you also learnt that it was all caused by the fact that no one was in the house to celebrate young omi’s birthday back in his childhood days, since his parents were working and his siblings long away in college, so he just assumed it was a holiday to be overlooked and not dwelled too much on, and got so used to it, that now it bothered him to be in the center of attention for once. 
the third thing you learnt that year: it was almost impossible to find him a good enough gift, at least from your perspective. you spent literal hours at the store, looking at the different things he might’ve wanted, but nothing caught your eye. you called all his friends, yet he hadn’t mentioned the thing he’d like to anyone, not even komori. so you decided you’d go with instinct and remembered one cold morning when he showed up to practice grumpier than usual, and when he was asked what’s wrong, he answered:
“i woke up late and didn’t have time to make coffee”, half mumbling, half actually speaking, eyes too tired to be annoyed, legs slowly sweeping one before another as if he was forced to come here. And that’s where you got your idea. 
His first birthday with you, being his 21st, had started terribly, because it was wishes from his family. He’d told you multiple times he’d rather have them forget that send those copied off the internet lines that mean less than a “go fuck yourself” 
later on atsumu insisted or telling everyone and it took poor omi more than twenty minutes to convince him not to, and as both the setter and the spiker weren’t in their top moods nor form, MSBY lost a match they had that day. so all he wanted to do march 20th 2017 when he came home was to lay flat on his couch and play with his dog’s fur while watching a crappy TV show. he most definitely didn’t expect you sitting in front of his apartment’s door, tired, almost asleep. 
he sighed, approching you and slightly nudging your foot with his, making you shake your head and look up. 
“you’re back!” you said with a smile, and he raised an eyebrow. 
“and you look like a homeless person” he responded upsentmindedly, avoiding you to reach the door lock. only after you got up did he see a small package you held behind your back. “it’s not a right day to be celebrating me, y/n” he added, opening his apartment’s door and letting you in with a hand gesture. you went inside, not for the first time ever, but every time the feeling was the same, intimidating and cold. 
“why do you think that?” you said, taking off your shoes and putting them on a rack, and turning around to see him navigate you to the bathroom. you placed your bag and the gift on the floor before following his steps. 
“didn’t you see the match? i fucked up big time” he chuckled ironically, looking at himself in the mirror, and you could witness the disappointment and anger in his eyes. 
“so every time you guys win and you get the credit, you say that volleyball is a team sport, but if you loose, suddenly it’s your fault?” you smirked, but to your surprise he nodded. 
“well, regardless, it’s a minor set back. you’re still the best they make” you tried to cheer him up, but only received an eye roll in return. “aaaand, you’re a birthday boy today!”
“don’t remind me” he sighed, walking over to the kitchen to see what he can make for dinner for himself and his uninvited guest, meanwhile you grabbed your gift and walked up right behind him, tapping his shoulder lightly. 
“happy 21″ you whispered, a slight, soft smile on your lips, as you handed him the package. he looked at you with a tired look in his eyes. 
“you know i’m not the biggest fan of gifts” 
“just open it, grumpy face” you whined, and he gently took it from you, placing it on the counter and carefully unwraping it, to see a thermal mug. he sent you a questioning look, before you explained “you were complaining about not having enough time to drink coffee before leaving, right? well now you don’t have to drink it before leaving” 
there was silence for a long while before he looked up from the mug and gave you the softest smile you’ve ever seen. “that’s so thoughtful of you” he said, and laughed a tiny bit, probably to cover his emotion, which obviously didn’t work “thank you.”
omi likes thoughtful gestures. 
over the second year of your friendship, as he and his career gained more recognition from the public, he was “forced”, as he’d reffer to it, to share such a personal information that is his birthday date. the managers always claimed that it’s not a big deal, that it’s just gonna be added to the oficial page and his wikipedia, but judging from the amount of gifts atsumu, bokuto and hinata always received, he had his reason to doubt that. 
and as it turned out, he was right. 
because starting from march 10th, his personal mailbox as well as the oficial MSBY’s mailbox has been FLOODED with different things that he really had no energy to go over. and so, he invited one of his best friends to help. 
so it was late at night on march 19th, and you were both sitting on the floor of his apartment, a mess of ripped wrapping paper all around you, loads of different stuff laying on the table, as you still had a lot of things to open. 
“what even is the point in sending presents to someone you’ve never met? i mean less to them than their neigbour’s dog and yet i’m the one getting gifts? this is messed up” he kept on complaining, opening another package. 
“it’s called being famous, sakusa-kun. you mean very much to people you’ve never met, because your journey to where you are now inspires them to keep going on their path until they reach their dreams” you said with a smile, confident it’ll ease his worries, but it didn’t. 
“don’t know if i consider being in the Jackals my dream, though”
“you mean, you don’t think being a key player in a division one team is not a dream come true?” you asked, shocked. 
“no, no, of course i think it is, i’d never thought i’d reach this far, but, there’s more things to be done, it’s not like i’m an accomplished person just yet” 
that, you found interesting. 
“really? than what are your dreams, sakusa?” you asked in a low voice, eyes fixed on his face, as he focused on reading a letter in his hands. 
“national team” he murmured “MVP, a golden medal, a legacy that goes beyond just me” he opened up as if it was nothing, as if he was talking about his grocery list “but that all wouldn’t mean a thing if i were there alone, though. i’ve received plenty awards and mvp’s over the few years that i played, but i guess what would really matter, and make everything else worth remembering, would be... having someone be proud of me, i guess”
you felt your heart getting soft and fuzzy at the confession, wanting to respond, before he handed you the note he was silently reading. 
“this is a poem, y/n, a POEM! what the hell, i don’t even understand what’s going on there” he whined, throwing his head back to rest on the couch seat, as you giggled, reading the note. 
“it’s nice” you said in a high-pitched tone, pushing down a laugh. 
“it’s too... sophisticated” he uttered, looking at you, a tired look in his eyes. “that’s my mother’s thing, to be sophisticated, i like simpler wishes, they’re easier to believe” 
omi doesn’t like fancy words.
you nodded, but before you could say anything, your phone rang, and both of you looked at the screen. the hour on display marked midnight, and as the alarm ranged, the words “omi’s b-day!!!” appeared on the screen. he smiled subconsciously, noticing how you always address him as “sakusa” or “sakusa-kun” but the notif in your phone stated “omi”. 
“looks like it’s the 20th already, birthday boy” you grinned, turning off the alarm. 
“don’t call me that, what am i, six or something?” 
you decided to ignore the comment, and smiled at him warmly before speaking, almost under your own breath:
“happy 22, sakusa. i wish you only to be here to hear me say happy 23 next year. and say so with pride.”
his eyes appeared foggy and glossy, but it was probably fault of poor lighting and tiredness. 
“why stop at 23?” he asked, before standing up, and offering you his hand to pick you up, too. 
omi likes very real wishes. 
over the third year of your friendship you became very close. ever since that night on his living room floor, both of you couldn’t wrap your minds about anything other than each other. neither of you oblivious idiots found out what it was about, but day after day and month after month it was harder and harder to spend time apart. 
before he could notice, sakusa always tried to find you in the crowd before serving, and that’s how he always used up most of his time. once, he even heard ushijima complain “how much longer are you going to take? be a man and beat me without your good luck charm!” 
his good luck charm, huh?
you kinda liked the sound of that. 
you also found yourself texting him every random thought that came to your head, sending pictures of everything, becasue you wanted to share as much of your life as possible, meeting up whenever you could and facetiming whenever you couldn’t. 
it all started to go downhill when atsumu, bokuto and hinata started noticing. noticing the way he’d smile at his phone, the way he’d wink, smile, tease, joke, speak, even the way his eyes wondered when left unfocused, and a dreamy look covered his vision. 
and they started to tease, and joke, and make his life all more difficult, just because “omi has a crush!”
because he didn’t. right? he didn’t have a crush on you, for sure, and it only annoyed him, how childish they were about it, how insufferable. they got on his nerves so bad that he stopped responding to all the messages, stopped smiling, joking around, and all, just to prove his point, 
his point he knew was no longer standing. 
and so atsumu would ask, after one of their practices, “hey omi, is your lucky charm picking you up? some birthday dinner, maybe?” he’d nudge his side with an elbow, raising his eyebrows. 
“i don’t know” he mumbled “and stop calling them that”. the brunette kept looking for something in his bag, just to avoid atsumu’s tiring, curious glance. 
“fine then, how about your significant other?” he continued teasing. it’s not like sakusa would hate that scenario, of course he wouldn’t, yet his mind kept spiraling - what if you came in and heard that? what if you assumed he was calling you that behind your back?
what if you didn’t feel the same?
“stop butting in my relationships for once, miya! how many times am i supposed to tell you i’m not in any way romantically involved with them? i don’t even like them that much!” he lied, straight in his best friend’s face, fed up with all the jokes and smirks behind his back, and judging from atsumu’s shocked expression, and the color running away from his face, it worked. 
“what, don’t you have anything to say to me now?” he kept going, before atsumu shook his head, and pointed behind kiyoomi’s back wordlessly. the spiker raised an eyebrow, turning around to see you, in the flash, eyes wide open, a tiny little package in your hands, wrapped so neatly in colorful paper, with a little bow tie at the top. 
even from a distance he could already half see, half imagine tears prickling your eyes before you smiled sadly, dropped the box from your hand and let it fall to the floor, and began walking out of the gym room. 
“no, no no, y/n, wait!” he started shouting out, but your ears seemed deaf to his pleas, as he ran up to the door you just walked through, leaving atsumu alone, but with a condescending smile. 
“i don’t like them that much my ass, omi-kun” he whispered to himself before walking over to grab his things. 
meanwhile sakusa ran out to the reception room of the stadium, but as it turned out, it was filled with fans waiting for them all to come out, so they could wish him happy birthday, and it seemed impossible to get through the crowd and reached you, especially considering you were already at the exit door. 
he looked around himself and noticed all the people, how many of them were there, and how close to him, and got paralyzed in place, wanting to move, or disappear, that’d be for the best, and yet he couldn’t even move one foot. 
soon enough he felt a hand on his shoulder, guiding him back inside, his savior apologizing to the public.
“sorry guys, we have one more thing to go through! he’ll be out shortly” atsumu laughed off, before closing the door and handing omi the gift you left. 
the spiker mindlessly opened it, only to find out a spotify code inside, put in between a glass frame. he took out his phone from the bag and scanned it with his app, gasping audiably when the page loaded. 
lay back in the arms of someone by smokie showed up on his screen, and a smile crawled up his lips before he remembered how badly he fucked this up a second ago. 
he narrowed his eyebrows before looking up to find the blond setter’s eyes. 
“atsumu” his friend’s eyes widened in surprise upon hearing his first name, instead of surname “is there a back exit from here?” 
atsumu miya smirked. 
“bet ya there is, mr i-fucked-up-big-time” he answered, theatrically offering his hand, before taking the lead. 
you on the other hand, came home peacefully, although hot tears were streaming silently down your cold cheeks as you entered the apartment’s door and looked at the calendar, showing the date of march 20th. in a sudden wave of aggression you ripped it off, knowing that there’s nothing to be so pressed about: he had no duty of feeling the same way towards you, why would you even expect it?
you went on with your day, ordering takeout for dinner, snuggling up on your couch and rewatching a series, not granting your thoughts access to yourself, and it was really going well, until you heard the doorbell ring. 
“nobody’s home” you yelled, assuming it was either atsumu or bokuto on their way to cheer you up, and they’ll probably let themselves in as soon as they hear your voice, but that didn’t happen. instead, the doorbell kept on ringing. “ugh, just come in!” 
they didn’t come in, so you lifted yourself off the couch and walked over to the door, opening it and gasping a tiny bit when instead of your dumbass friends holding McDonald’s you saw a one hundred and ninety two centimeters tall figure of a man, struggling to catch his breath, leaning on your doorframe, his black coat unbuttoned, cheeks red, eyes puffy and hair in a mess, not even gelled into place as they always are. 
“can i help you?” you asked in a cold manner, voice sending daggers into his poor, confused heart, as he finally looked up to meet your glance, an apologetic look in his eyes when he tried to form a sentence. 
“i think i can... no, way, i think i might...” he kept struggling, to which you only rolled your eyes, waiting for the continuation of that sentence. 
“spit it out, sakusa” you stated, sending shivers down his spine with how annoyed you seemed. 
yeah, spit it out, sakusa, he thought to himself before taking a breath and finally speaking up correctly:
“i think i might be in love with you.” 
your eyes widened for a second as you tried to find evidence of honesty in his expression, tone, voice, because you definitely didn’t believe his words. 
his heart dropped when you scoffed. 
“i don’t need your pity” 
that’s when it hit him:
omi doesn’t like to spend his birthday without you. you make it not only bearable, but fun. 
in fact, he never wanted to spend it without you again. and as that realization made it’s way into his brain, he caught you closing your door. 
“i respect you too much to pity you” he spat out as he placed his hand in between the door and the frame, making you unable to close it, even if you wanted to. 
and there was the honesty you looked for. 
“then why—” you started to wonder, but he shook his head before interrupting, a helpless look across his face.
to lay back in the arms of someone
“i’m afraid of... of this, okay? i’m afraid of falling in love, if this is any explanation for you. it’s like... you make me feel as if i’m on the top of the world” he laughed nervously, making you raise your eyebrows, before continuing “and it’s fucking scary to imagine falling from that high” 
you give in to the charms of someone
his glance wondered all over your face to find crumbs of understanding, scared you’d laugh his confession off, a grimace of worry replacing the insecure smile painting his lips, and he was just one step away from shouting “i’m telling the truth!” at you, but you cut him off by opening your door fully, and welcoming him inside with a warm smile on your lips, and a reassuring sentence on your tongue.
happy 23rd, kiyoomi
“i think i might love you back”
omi likes feeling loved. 
the next year flew by on both of you pushing each other’s limits, challenging each other like the both of you always needed, being there for each other, finding out how nice it feels to have someone there. it was coming home with a sore throat after a night of yelling “one more point, omi-omi!”. it was carefully intertwining your pinkies together while shopping without even realizing. it was awkward dates, because the label “date” always changes the atmosphere. it was taking weird selfies, it was having to part for out-of-town games and facetiming from hotel rooms. it was butterflies in the stomach and a ball of fluff in mind. 
it was everything. 
the first year of your official relationship flew by in no time, kiyoomi finding new joy in his birthday since now it was really a day to be remembered, marking your anniversary. 
and just as you got home to his apartment after dinner, ready to unpack all the fanmail once again, the janitor of the building stopped you. 
“sakusa-san, there was a flower delievery for you” he sighed, going towards a locked shelf and coming back with a bouquet, at which kiyoomi stared for a whole five seconds before you decided to take it. 
“thank you for taking care of it” he muttered with a slight bow, you pushing him to go up the stairs. “who’s it from?” he’d ask you a minute later, halfway through the staircase. 
“don’t you wanna check yourself?” you asked, but he frantically shook his head. 
“check it for me, please”
omi doesn’t like flowers.
you nodded wordlessly before checking a card. 
“well if i’m not mistaken this is your surname” you furrowed, struggling to read the handwriting. in your defense, the kanji for “sakusa” are quite complicated. 
he looked over at the text before admitting “yeah, that’s from my aunt, she insists on sending those ever since i got into MSBY” he finally got to his door to unlock it “kinda sad how she didn’t even bother writing a text before” he chuckled, making you want to throw the flowers away. 
you knew he considered them worthless if that’s the story behind the nice gesture. 
the apartment door remained opened, but he didn’t enter, you almost stumbled over him, focusing on the note, and glanced over to see what caught him attention and prevented him from going inside. 
“this is your surname, for a change” he stated, showing you a buffy envelope over his shoulder, but didn’t let you take it when you tried. instead he opened it himself, a neatly wrapped package inside, with a note at the top:
i wore glowes making it! i swear!
there was a typo in gloves, and the writing style could use a little work on it, but that didn’t affect kiyoomi at all, as he was hypnotized with his package after noticing your surname on it. he carefully opened it, to find a keychain, made from cubes, as the ones used in different boardgames, on every one there was a letter or a number, together forming the writing “kiyoomi 15″ with a heart at the end. it was all on a black string, and almost shined with how many times it was wiped before sending. after holding it in his hand for a while, he noticed another card at the bottom of the package, taking it out and reading out loud:
“please take care of my sibling. happy 24th!” he uttered in sheer amazement, as he grazed his fingers over the delicate ornament, before wordlessly going inside the apartment. 
you followed him, closing the door behind you, worried about his reaction about your little sibling’s present, only to find him crouching before his couch, his training bag laying there as he tried to attach the keychain to the it’s zipper, smiling when he managed to do so. 
before he got to turn around to face you, you managed to take a photo of him smiling at the newest addition to his training gear, and send it to your family with a caption:
omi likes personalized stuff. 
over all the years of knowing kiyoomi, you’ve learnt so much about him, his life, his habits, everything. you knew him inside and out, and so he knew you. you’re laughing at your confusion and fear while you were buying his first birthday gift, as you sit on the floor in your shared apartment, plotting his 25th, biggest yet gift, as if he isn’t about to walk through the door, coming back from practice. 
it’s almost ridiculous, how you struggled, wondering if he’d even like a gift, when right now you have a whole list in mind:
although omi doesn’t like gifts, he likes little thougtful gestures. he doesn’t like fancy big words, but likes real, honest wishes he can really take to heart. he doesn’t like spending his birthday without you, he likes feeling love, doesn’t like flowers, but does like his gifts personalized and touching. 
you realize all the moments in your relationship made you know his every emotion and expression, but you’ve never seen your precious boyfriend cry, ever. 
and you decide to change that. 
you’re gonna make him something that’s gonna mask all the memories of his birthday being forgotten, walked pass by, pushed into the back, and not properly celebrated. that’s gonna outshine every single gift he’s ever got. that’s gonna make him so happy, he’ll cry.
an idea pops into your head as you get a pen and start writing. 
dear kiyoomi,
“dear kiyoomi” you get to hear him say a couple of nights later, he reads it out on your plea, with a smile across his lips, as you, atsumu, bokuto, meian and hinata, as well as omi’s older siblings and komori and osamu sit at the table, a cake and two traces of his favorite cupcakes are taking all the space possible.
omi’s voice is colored with a couple of glasses of wine, so it’s easier to him to relax and genuinely grin at the paper as he’s reading, all part of your plan. 
“when i first met you, the first thing i found out is that you’re a private person. not that i was freaked out or anything, but you did have, and probably you still do, a heavy aura around you that may have flustered me a tiny little— a tiny little bit? smiles, your hands literally shivered” he stopped to comment, making you roll your eyes at him.
“zip it and keep reading, birthday boy”
“... a tiny little bit, i agree. nevertheless, the first thing i actually felt, was that you striked my soul as someone weird. thanks, baby” he interrupted again, but you urged him to keep reading. “... weird in a way that made me feel like i’ve never felt before, the kind of safe and terrified at the same time. terrified of what, you might ask? well, kiyoomi, here i’d like to quote you. you once told me that me loving you is like i had the power to break you, and you loving me back was like giving me a map with all the points to strike at. well if that’s the definition of love we’re going for here, than i not only give you a map, i’ll grant you a whole GPS. the trust you put in me every day to not take advantage of what you’ve given me is inspiring, and hence, i surrender every single point of ressistance i’ve held against you, i’m yours to snap at a wish, and trusting you that you won’t do it is something i can spend my life believing in.” 
at this point kiyoomi had to stop and take a deep breath and a sip of his wine before continuing, clearing his throat a bit, chocking back his emotion. 
“... throughout my years by your side, i’ve memorized everything there is to memorize about you and gifts. you generally aren’t a fan, but you like them carrying a lot of thought, dedication, you like them meant exactly to you and to you only. you don’t want pointless blabbing and overused sentences, you enjoy sincerity. you need love radiating from them in order to truly acknowledge them as something special. now, the last thing i know is that you don’t like flowers, but i hope you won’t be too angry with me and with what i’ve prepared for you. enjoy, signed, your smiles” he finished, looking up at you, already moving towards the counter, grabbing a bouquet from behind it. 
he watched in amazement as you handed it to him, taking it in his hands, realizing that- 
it was a bouquet of origami flowers. 
“please, y/n, this is so—” he tried to find the right words, but once again, nothing came to mind as he watched your careful work from every side possible. 
“shh, there’s a special thing to them” you explained, sitting back in your seat, exactly in a straight line from him, watching every single change in his expression as he tried to find what you meant. 
he realized every flower had a little card sticking out from it’s center, and pulled the first one, the closest one to him. 
“the first reason i love you” he read in a weak voice, chuckling nervously again before he found the courage to read it out loud “you make me feel protected” 
he looked up at you with such a gentle and caring note in his eyes that you almost didn’t want to encourage him to keep reading it, but you did. 
“two. you don’t smile too much” after that he raised an eyebrow, but read the next one “three. ...but when you do, you outshine the sun itself. four. you memorized my coffee order within the first two times we’ve been to a caffee. five. you got supplies to redo my coffee order without going to the— hey i swear i didn’t mean anything bad by it!” 
“that’s literally the reason they love you for, idiot” atsumu laughed, urgining him to keep reading with a hand gesture. “come on, this is adorable”
“six. you have a playlist with songs that remind you of me. yes, i know this, omi, we share a spotify account. seven. you claim you don’t like interacting with people, but let a little girl propose to you with a cereal ring in the park.”
“this is too cute, omi is a softie” bokuto whined, hiding his face in his hands, but sakusa only slapped them off. 
“am not. eight. you keep a mental score of all the times you won over ushijima. nine. you take way too much pride in beating atsumu in service aces”
“true that!” atsumu shouted, hiding behind his glass. 
“ten” sakusa shook his head. “you don’t enjoy PDA, yet gave me the kiss of the century when i met your mother, just to annoy her. eleven. your childhood photos are too cute. twelve. you blasted hopelessly devoted to you the morning after we— i’m not reading that, idiot!” he half laughed half whined, in a high-pitched voice. 
“omi-san knows how it’s done, apparently” hinata wheezed, komori accompanying him. 
“did i ask?” he rolled his eyes and went back to picking lines from the flowers. “thirteen, you tug the corner of my sleeves when you’re stressed in public. fourteen, you have me saved in your phone as your good luck charm. fifteen. you put my head on your chest when i can’t sleep at night, to calm me down. sixteen. you make me laugh when i’m sad. seventeen. you almost never intent to make me laugh, yet always do. eighteen. you always make sure i’m carrying all the emergency items all me at all times. nineteen. you make me call you when i get home from a party, if you aren’t there to pick me up. twenty, you always insist on picking me up from wherever i am, because you’re worried about me. i mean yeah, what kind of a boyfriend would i be if i weren’t?” he genuinely asked, half of the guest shaking their heads. 
“come on, five more to go, you adorable, clueless idiot” motoya pat his back and looked over his shoulder to see your careful handwriting, before sakusa hid the message from him. 
“twenty one. you make me not worry about my future. twenty two, you try to do all your little morning rituals in advance when you leave, so i don’t miss you too much. i still do. twenty three, you’re never afraid to be bluntly honest with me. twenty four, you always ask if you can hug me when i’m low or crying. and twenty five—” he stopped more suddenly than anywhere before, eyes visibly watering before he dropped his head down and his it in his arms. 
“what’s on there?” several guys asked over themselves, as omi kept laughing slightly, hiding tears in the sleeves of his fitted shirt. 
“you’re gonna be the death of me” he murmured into the material, making everyone laugh, including you, who decided to walk over to him and hug him, resting your head on his, taking advantage of the fact that he was sitting and you could reach it. 
after a moment of weakness, he showed his red and slightly puffy face, two trails of tears fitting his smiling expression as he struggled to say 
“twenty five. you make me prouder and prouder every day.” he kept laughing through his tears, really trying to hide his emotion and failing miserably. “you really did try to make me cry on my birthday, didn’t you?” he looked up to you still embracing him. 
“i suppose i did”
“well then, i’m gonna outshine you” he said, shifting in his seat in order to get up, wiping the last remains of tears from his face. 
“what do you mean?” you asked, met with his confident smirk. 
“you’re gonna see in a bit, trust me” he huffed, dusting off his pants’ material on the knee level, and reaching over to his pocket, in his hand a tiny, little box. 
with a little more than an origami flower. 
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milktoast-femboy · 2 years
ford x reader wip preview
a little peek at a stanford pines x demon!reader thing i’m working on. feel free to tell me what you think. warning that the reader, while they haven’t been brought in yet, will be reffered to with he/they pronouns. also warning for some violence. :)
He should have been more careful.
He really, *really* should have been more careful.
Maybe the years of dodging danger from dimension to dimension had gotten to him. Made him lose his edge.
It was at a marketplace sort of dimension. A red planet full of crowds and merchants, the perfect place for him to refuel. It's there, bartering with a multiarmed merchant where he feels the piercing stares that scream DANGER to him. He turns to look around but comes up empty, probably looking silly as he does so. He tries to keep his wits about him, scanning the scenery, but all he sees is other market goers.
There's no other incidents and eventually, with his business dealt with and another portal to find, the feeling is pushed out of his mind. And it's then when he's given a harsh lesson about never letting your guard down.
The quiet peace of the crimson sand dunes was broken when a demonic looking being jumps him. But unfortunately for them, plenty of experience getting into fights throughout the years made Ford no pushover. His attacker comes out swinging and manages to get in some hits, but he gives as good as he gets, blocking where he can and giving a few good left hooks that would've made a certain someone proud.
It was looking like Stanford was going to come out on top.
He has his attacker reeling with a solid punch, and is about to demand who they were when a burst of white hot agony comes from behind, sending him to the ground himself.
He hears the telltale sounds of electricity, and looks up to see a second demon holding an electric sort of device. Cheater.
"You couldn't have just made this easy, could you?" Stanford barely can rise to his knees before he's winded by a sharp kick in the ribs. Followed by another. And another. And Ford is left struggling to breathe in shaky wheezes. He can barely feel himself being up, the cacophony of pain starting to fade as the darkness of unconsciousness pulls him in and just before he's swallowed up into it he can hear his attackers laugh.
"I think Cipher's going to be paying a lot of money for this one."
The first thing Stanford Pines becomes aware of when he comes to is that he has no idea where he is.
Actually, that's a lie. In reality the first thing he becomes aware of when he comes to is the pain radiating from his everywhere, although if he had to pick one place that hurt the most, it'd be his ribs. The piercing pain that hit him every time he breathed in too deeply told him there was probably something broken. Fun.
When the worst of the aches seems to subside somewhat, he slowly lifts himself up to take in his surroundings.
Dark violet, almost black stone surrounds him at all angles, only broken up by a rectangle that he assumes is the door, windows barred up. He can guess as much but gives the door a try anyway... and locked. He half-mindedly reaches for his dimensional locator only to come to a chilling realization:
All his equipment and weapons were gone. Taken by his kidnappers, he assumes. Just as concerning was the fact that his usual dark assemble had been swapped with a off-white, long-sleeved shirt along with some pants that look similar.
Between the missing equipment and thin material, Ford feels uncomfortably exposed. He does note, at least, that his kidnappers had the decency to leave him his underwear. Small mercies.
Outside the cell door, all he can see is a long hallway patterned with more and more doors, and it's silent aside from the occasional sounds of banging and growls that he can't see the cause of. He gives the walls a testing wack to find that, unsurprisingly, the black, obsidian looking material feels thick as concrete and doesn't even budge.
All he can do, he thinks, is wait until someone comes. Maybe they'll open his cell to give him food, and he can try to make a break for it.
(Assuming that they're going to feed you.)
Surely they wouldn't go to the trouble of capturing him just to leave him to die.
(And what makes you think this dungeon hall even leads to the outside? What if there's another locked door? Or more demons? Or a trap? Or...)
It's then that Ford roughly silences his paranoid thoughts with a shake of his head. Getting himself into a panic won't do any good. All he can do now is wait. Sitting down on the dirt floor, the dimension jumper made himself comfortable... well as comfortable as he could be here... and tried to calm his speeding thoughts and ignore his aching body.
With no clock nor anything in the way of real windows, (assuming that wherever his attackers had taken him would even have a normal day night cycle) it's next to impossible for Stanford to tell how much time had passed.
And so it both feels like weeks had passed and also only a few hours until his pain fueled dissociation into memories is interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
Who was it, and were they there for him?
His questions are quickly answered when his own cell door swings open and more horned individuals are there, albeit not the same ones that had attacked him in the first place.
"It's showtime, mortal, now why don't you come with us, nice and easy?" One of the two growls to him. Ford chooses not to answer, instead channeling all his energy into trying to dart out of his cell around the two demons. Of course, in the shape he's in they apprehend him almost immediately and he's locked into a pair of cold, medieval looking handcuffs for his trouble.
"A fighter, aren't we? Audience will just eat him up." The demon hisses. 'Eat him up'? Stanford couldn't say he liked the sound of that.
The demons begin to not too gently push him along the hallway it slowly begins to truly dawn on Ford just how utterly screwed he is. He had none of his weapons, he's outnumbered with his current injuries he was less than fighting fit. A sense of helplessness fills him, reminding him painfully of his earlier days when he first found himself thrown into the multiverse.
It almost feels like the universe is playing a joke when he sees a light at the end of the tunnel-like hallway: a sight that was anything but reassuring in this context. He also thinks he can hear... a crowd?
When the door is opened, he's thrown down once again to the floor and looks up to find dozens of eyes focused in on him. The silver haired kidnappee wasn't much for being the center of attention on a good day, (that was always Sta- someone else's thing.) but now it served to make him feel like a piece of prime rib on display.
"Welcome, one and all, to our annual auction for the amazing and the rare! For years we've strived to bring you all unique and never before seen creatures from around the corners of the multiverse, but today we've brought you the most sought after creature yet! Behold, the multiverse's most wanted; Stanford Pines!"
The crowd begins to whisper amongst each other, but all Stanford can see are hungry eyes boring into him, and it makes him feel sick.
"For this rare specimen, I think it's fair to start the bidding at... oh, let's say twenty thousand iridium pieces!"
One audience member shouts thirty thousand, another shouts out forty, then fifty... Stanford feels his head spin. Things couldn't get worse, could they?
It's almost as if the universe were playing some sick joke on him at this point, because almost on cue that's when he hears a familiar voice ring out above the rest.
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starfallskitter · 3 years
The Guardian Alya Theory
Hi! Didn't expect to be writing Miraculous theory again so quickly, but I have an idea in my head that I needed to get out there. So hear me out.
Warning: major spoilers for Season 4 all throughout this theory. Specifically Gang of Secrets, Optigami, Truth, Furious Fu, Mr Pigeon 72... just, most of them.
In short, the theory is this: Marinette will discover that she can't be both Ladybug and the Guardian at the same time, and will make Alya the Guardian. Marinette's memory will be wiped and she will spend a few episodes re-learning how to be Ladybug, and re-learning Chat Noir, which will obviously change their relationship.
This means Alya will know who Chat Noir is. And I think, for a brief time before her memory is wiped, Marinette will know as well. Meaning: temporary one-sided reveal!
Now, here's all the evidence, below the cut.
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There's a fundamental problem with Ladybug and the Guardian being the same person. There's the stress it places on Marinette, sure, and the Guardian certainly can have a Miraculous and use it, but the problem is right here:
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Someone has to be the link between civilian identities, and right now Plagg and Tikki are the only ones who know- and that's useless when both heros are transformed. The Guardian needs to know the identity of both Ladybug and Chat Noir. And if there's one thing that the show has absolutely beaten into us by now...
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It's that they can't know each others.
So, there's a fundamental tension here. Marinette is currently putting all of her focus on being the Guardian, on working with the kwamis and figuring things out about the Miracle Box; and as her plans increasingly involve her role as Guardian, using kwamis or the fact that Alya knows her civilian identity, she's not quite being Ladybug properly. She's not doing right by Chat Noir, because now, as her plans are increasingly involving things she as Marinette and/or she as the Guardian have access to, and Chat Noir is not knowingly included in either of those, he is being ousted. It turns out she still needs him (or Plagg, in Mr Pigeon 72) for her plans, but her relationship with him is suffering.
He says in Truth that he doesn't mind her being the Guardian as long as it doesn't change things between them:
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Except it is changing, and it has been bothering him. Just look at his face when he realises (or more accurately, assumes) the akuma has been defeated without him in Optigami:
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He is not happy.
I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone at this point that Ladybug is ousting Chat Noir and he's upset by it. At this point in the series he's doing okay about it, still managing to keep up a front and hoping this is temporary. Which, according to this theory, it is. Honestly, no matter how this goes, it's not going to make Chat happy, because in this theory, the ending won't please him. We'll get to that.
So Marinette can't be Guardian and Ladybug at the same time. So, she has to give one up.
She may try to give up being Ladybug, but I'm not convinced this will happen. She may try to give over guardianship to Su Han, but I'm also not convinced by this- it's not narratively interesting and seems to contradict the conclusion of Furious Fu. So, what might she do?
Well, there's a clear answer. Someone who's already helping figure out important features of the Miraculouses, who was able to figure out a whole new power of the Ladybug Miraculous:
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And who has good investigative powers to reveal more secrets? Who is already heavily invested in the superheros? Who already knows that Marinette is Ladybug and is already helping her?
And who has Marinette possibly already said she's training up to be Guardian?
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Now, whether she's reffering to being Ladybug or being the Guardian here is unclear. I've seen most interpretations suggesting she means Ladybug, and from the wording in this case it honestly seems like both; but it could definitely be either. And in the context of this theory, if we assume she means Guardian, then it's clear that Marinette is already noticing that Alya would make a good Guardian.
So, let's put the pieces together.
Premise: Ladybug and Chat Noir cannot know each other's identity until this Hawkmoth is defeated. Premise: The Guardian must know both Ladybug and Chat Noir's identity. Conclusion: Ladybug and the Guardian cannot be the same person at this point in time. (Chat Noir can't be either).
Premise: Ladybug and the Guardian cannot be the same person at this point in time. Premise: Alya would be a good Guardian. Premise: Marinette either will not, or should not, give up being Ladybug. Conclusion: Marinette will make Alya the Guardian.
There are two complications with this plan. One is in Alya being the Guardian, and one is in Marinette giving it up.
The complication with Alya being the guardian is that Hawkmoth knows her identity. He knows she's Rena Rouge, and as of Optigami knows that Rena Rouge is special as opposed to the other holders. This appears to not be stopping Marinette giving her the Miraculous, but obviously, based on the events of late season 3, it's more of a complication in her being the Guardian. She has, like, parents, and can't hide like Master Fu could.
A possible solution is some kind of trickery, in which they make it look like Alya has lost her miraculous, and make it seem like Ladybug's still the Guardian. I mean, Alya's miraculous is illusion-based, and this could be interesting if it's post one-sided reveal discussed below. I'm sure there are other solutions as well, but off the top of my head I'd assume that would be the plan. Perhaps the Box is camoflaged such that finding out what of Alya's is the Miracle Box at all would be a challenge. There's a lot of possibility.
The other complication: Marinette would lose all memory of the Miraculouses.
Now, it's presumed here that the way the memory loss works is that it happens every time (and it's not like the appearance of the box, or kwamis being in/out of it, in that it's a factor of what the owner believes), and that the memory loss only applies to the Miraculouses and the kwamis and all of that, and doesn't affect other memories- which seems to be Fu's experience of it, after all. He doesn't remember Marinette because he only ever knew her as Ladybug, but he seemed to remember the unrelated Marianne fine.
This means that if Marinette loses guardianship, she'll remember Alya, Adrien, her family, etc... but nothing about Ladybug, Chat Noir, Hawkmoth, Tikki, any of that.
Which means:
-She'll have to spend some amount of time re-learning how to be Ladybug, who Chat Noir is, etc. all of that. Chat Noir will probably be able to fill her in on all of this, and so will Alya and Tikki, so it won't take so long.
-She gets a total reset on her relationship with Chat Noir. Which I highly doubt he'll be happy with- but it might change her view of him. I say it might change her view of him because mainly, while their relationship has been pretty consistent, she definitely is starting to like him more in this season, seeing him differently- and I largely think that that's due to a change in circumstance, as Marinette can only trust so many people in her life:
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But I think an important part of Adrien's character recently is that we've seen less dichotomy between Adrien and Chat Noir. His true personality is a little of both, but he puts both on to play various roles; but honestly, I've noticed some more of Adrien in Chat Noir, and some more of Chat Noir in Adrien. He's being more honest with himself around some people, the self we only really see him being with Plagg, which he was trying to be with Kagami and is increasingly being with Marinette. It's hard to provide specific examples, though.
But if Marinette's first impressions of Chat Noir are just a touch more Adrien-like than they were, perhaps her feelings towards him will change- without losing that aspect of trust. I know I'm being very vague here, but there's a lot of potential and it'll take a lot more episodes of this season than we've seen to predict how this might go.
It's also possible that Marinette will remember Chat Noir when she met him as Marinette. Then we might get some great Marichat, or her only having knowledge of him as that boy who came to her ledge or she fake-dated. Which would be interesting. It's not totally clear how this will work if it occurs, so it's up to the writers really.
So that situation provides a lot of angst: Ladybug forgetting Chat Noir. But what comes before her forgetting Chat Noir could be something really interesting. After all, if the Guardian must know Chat Noir's identity, perhaps Marinette will try that first. Adrien will, of course, trust her completely.
Cue at least one episode where Marinette knows that Chat Noir and Adrien are the same person (while Adrien not knowing the reverse). Cue Ladrien. And, right after that, an episode that revolves around Ladybug erasing those memories. While Alya knows everything that just happened. And that Chat Noir is Adrien. And she can't tell Marinette this as she has to re-teach her how to be Ladybug. Honestly, if any character knows what we as the audience know about the Love Square, it makes perfect sense that it's Alya.
In conclusion: angsty season finale that ends with Alya knowing everything, Chat Noir Very Upset, Ladybug getting a memory reset, and just generally everything changing? It's more likely than you think.
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gronjon44 · 3 years
Ok so I just finished Jurrasic Park: Camp Cretacious and honestly? So freaking rad.
Some mini highlights (without spoilers)
Yaz and Sammy are the best (I kept seeing stuff about the LGBT community in the CC fandom and like... idk what that'd about but if I had to genuinely ship anyone in this despite their being children it'd be Yaz and Sammy THEYRE SO CUTE
Kenji had an ACTUAL ARC (my boy got to do so much more this time around THANK YOU FOR LETTING HIM BE IN CHARGE)
Ben is STILL ANNOYING but for genuinely heartfelt reasons (also I was REALLY EXPECTING a big battle between Bumpy and the S-Rex)
Brooklynn and Darius are both awesome as always and the way the finally brought back his dad's love of the Gallimimus was really cute and IT MADE ME KINDA SAD
Now, bumping into spoiler territory here so you've been spoiler warned;
Wu making an actual appearance in S3 was something i genuinely wasn't expecting and seeing more interactions with him snd Brooklynn was really fun actually (Hawke and the mercenaries were generic mercenaries so there they've been honorably mentioned)
I'm not gonna lie S3 did what I wanted Fallen Kingdom to do with the horror element (the way it actually had MORE DEATH felt more like Jurrasic Park, the constant worry about the S-Rex and the utter chaos of the Islands shift in balance was super rad)
There's more but I don't wanna make this unbearably long so click the read more
Every new dinosaur inclusion was rad, both in refference to other media and just Dinosaurs in general, but I wanna dedicate a moment to talk about the Scorpius Rex (oh look I remembered the name)
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Scorpius Rex is everything I wanted the Indoraptor to be. Whereas the Indoraptor felt like a B-Grade version of the I-Rex whereas the Scorpius Rex felt more like an actual character.
Scorpius felt like a genuine threat that no one knew about and then the reveal that *SPOILER* there are 2 S-Rexs *insert Ian Malcolm quote here* was actually a really awesome twist (also the constant threat of Sammy almost dying was a nice touch cause THANK YOU JURRASIC PARK UNIVERSE FOR NOT BEING AFRAID TO ALMOST KILL KIDS)
But there's one thing about the Scorpius I wanna talk about that just sticks with me.
The Scorpius is stated to be the first hybrid before the Indoninous Rex but was kept hidden due to it being unstable, though we're never shown why outside of it being much more aggressive.
Wu goes on record stating it's unstable behavior and appearance are part of why it was kept hidden and like, you can't blame him with the appearance of it at least the I-Rex LOOKS like a semi plausible Dinosaur.
But then I got thinking, what about tbis hybrid could make it so unstable? What DNA was used to make it that could've turned it into a Savage monster?
Well if its a predecessor to the I-Rex we can assume they're mostly similar in DNA Makeup (the official Indominus Rex DNA Makeup consists of Abelisaurus, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Giganotosaurus, and Velociraptor DNA)
We also know the I-Rex has other DNA in it such as Cuttlefish , Tree frog, Pit Viper, and Chameleon DNA.
The Scorpius Rex likely had all the same base DNA as the I-Rex (T-Rex, Carnotaurus, Giganotosaurus, and Velociraptor, as well as some unnamed ones we might not be aware of Wu states that it gets its name and poisonous nature from the Scorpion Fish)
And we can see it has some similar traits to the I-Rex such as the Pit Viper and Tree Frog DNA.
But something about just doesn't seem... right. Something about it it seems more unnatural, almost more like a different animal entirely...
I'm almost 100% sure that the Scorpius Rex has Human DNA mixed within that melting pot of a monstrosity.
There's actually a bit of evidence that points to this I think (bare with me)
Look at how it stands and acts.
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It doesn't quite stand like a natural dinosaur. You can argue that it stands like hunched over Tyrannosaurus or even a really fucked up Therizinosauria (which is stated to the JP Wiki to be mixed in with the Indominus Rex's DNA)
But even then it still doesn't stand naturally, and if you watch it run/walk it runs almost like a person when they try to run on all fours, it's forearms stretching out further then what most natural Dinosaurs do.
Now consider its intelligence.
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This thing is MUCH more intelligent then most of the other Dinosaurs (bordering close to human as is) but that could be excused as the Raptor DNA like with the I-Rex, but it borders closer to human then you'd think it would (I don't have much to say for this one as it can be excused as Raptor DNA)
It's physical appearance
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Now it's appearance can be attriebuted to mutplie factors (the shorter face could be a feature inherited from the Giganotosaurus or even the Carnotaurus since they have shorter faces); it's arms could be attributes inherited from anything (Raptor arms, T-Rex arms etc) but what gets me is the fact that it borders on having actual hands (its claws are much longer then any of the species it shares DNA with) and its arms are much longer then a T-Rex or a Velociraptor)n
Now this is a big one for me, but the scream
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Alot of animals tend to have borderline human screams/howls and when you hear it in the wild and just think "Who tf is getting murdered rn?" Yeah the Scorpius is like that but worse; every dinosaur in the franchise has been shown to have either a natural sounding roar or even just some really loud growls and or howls. None of them have been shown to really scream or howl. Then the Scorpius just shows up and makes the Deer scream sound weak in comparison; Hell even Kenji makes a comment about it and th3 visible discomfort everyone feels when it screams shows that none of them would have even come close to being prepared for something of that scale.
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Anyone who's anyone remembers this concept art, and the idea that accompanied this where they did at one point consider human/dinosaur hybrids. And look me dead in the eye and try telling me there isn't SOME similarity between the S-Rex and this old art.
Thats about the gist of it so I'd like to end this off by saying this:
The Indoraptor is a bitch and the Scorpius Rex is the villain we deserved for Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom.
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loopsinloop · 3 years
Honestly I'd be down to reading said rant of yours 👀
I assume you’re reffering to that old post (—> h) i wrote.. oh dear two months ago, sorry for not answering any sooner. 
At the time i wrote it due to frustration of how dominating the specific interpertation of angels being in a hierarchy is. Tho it shouldn’t surprise me, since xtian theology is unbearably everywhere. And it’s not just how dominitaing that interpretation is, but also what annoyed me was it was somehow an argument against that “biblically accurate angel” trend, when in reality it’s just repeating the same problem of treating the (not really well thought out imo) xtian opinion as the correct one. Maybe that’s a bit reductive to say, but seeing the same wikipedia image thrown around for a while did drive me a bit crazy
While I’m at it, might as well elaborate on what i said in the brackets (edit: warning: it got very long so read it if you have any patience for it lol)
Where to start...
1. It’s already quite heavily debated whether angels have their own will, so I won’t really go into that, but more about how a hierarchy deals with that. The specific xtian hierarchy has the angels that are closer to G-d be treated in a more important sense. By that I mean, since this hierarchy is heavily based by the works of pseudo-Dionysius, the angels at the top are supposedly more “holy” since they’re the closest to Him, and get to fully know his wonders and secrets, at least according to pseudo-Dionysius. And with the lower the rank, the less knowledgeable they are of His, like, truth.  
I feel like that weirdly implies that the lower the rank, the more undeserving that angel is of proximity of G-d? I just find it odd on why the lower ranks would not be let on understanding holy knowledge the same way the higher ranks get to, and why exactly should an angel be limited to a specific role.
That’s the key part I think, role. In the original texts, I’d argue angels don’t necessarily have a strict role. Sure some are described to do a job, but most of the time they act more like a tool? A tool that does things through G-d, they warn, they kill, they teach, they carry messages, etc. Angels usually aren’t strictly person-like in behavior, that doesn’t mean they lack a personality though, but one can still have a personality when lacking their own agency. (You could take into consideration the apocryphal books, but who and what considers those apocrypha canonical is already a nightmare to begin with that I rather not deal with rn)
So going back to the hierarchy, it sticks an angel to a specific job, as if they are that tool, expected to do what is expected of their rank. But that hierarchy still treats angels as if they had some sort of agency. Some of the ranks (dominions specifically) look over the lower ranked angels, to essentially make sure that they do a good job, which means that technically they could fail, and on purpose as well.  Though for the highest ranking, cherubs, seraphs, and thrones, in this hierarchy I feel are more accurate to that of being a “tool”. But still, how does that exactly negate the whole... deservedness? Why do the higher ranking angels get to be more essentially “pure”, why do they get to understand more of what He knows, if this hierarchy just relates to the job of an angel and not their inherit existence? Because if it was just about being set in a job, that shouldn’t make one angel less of what He gives. What I am saying is that it feels like an unnecessary caste system? And if I’m not wrong to assume so, angels having some free will to an extent feels rather cruel when forced to live and be in such a hierarchy.
2. This hierarchy I feel like is a little too reminiscent of what xtian people want for themselves, when it might not apply to angels. That aspect of one rank being more pure because it’s closer to G-d screams the desire of xtians to be with Him and pure, lacking of sin etc. It’s not really a new thing for people to project their own desires on what they consider as deities or holy, so I’m not entirely surprised at this, but at what certain point is that hierarchy a separate thing and not an idealized hierarchy of human roles? Sure, such religions are often very human-centric, and sure! a lot of the angels in this hierarchy don’t really concern themselves with material matters, especially the higher ranking ones, but in the last sphere with lowest of the ranks, the ones that are more highly placed are still the ones on what humans would consider more important jobs, the authorities and principalities. Although I do understand why they would be ranked higher, since they are described to overlook the many (nations, groups, etc), I do think there is something odd about how they are meant to represent rulers in their depictions.
And I think that goes similarly for the second sphere with the dominions, why does there need to be a rank that overlooks over the other angels when G-d Himself should be able to do so easily without a strain? And in general actually, it feels silly that there would be such a system when G-d should be able to do a lot of these things Himself, especially when it’s relating to the two first spheres. To divide so many roles to one rank feels inflexible and weirdly stiff for the Big Guy, and not only limiting for the angels but also Himself, when he should be able to enact through them any time he wants to. I mean I guess He still could, but why divide it into many parts? Again it seems a little... too human? To divide, to make it into a hierarchical system.
3. What generally distastes me to the concept of an angel hierarchy and honestly in religion in general, is that it implies that some will not be then inherently equal to each other, because one thing supposedly makes one more important than the other, which in this case would be proximity to G-d. When I think that shouldn’t be a thing at all, especially when under the big guy, you know, we’re kinda meant to be equal? regardless of rank? So why do angels in such interpretations do not get to have that? If angels are of no will I guess that wouldn’t be much of a problem, since like mentioned before they would be just essentially a tool, but when interpreted as full of agency as us, it feels needlessly cruel and rather reflecting of the people who are advocating for such interpretations.
Also related to the second-to-last paragraph, I feel like such hierarchies too easily veer into polytheism after a certain point, especially with the concept of principalities/dominions, but for now I won’t go into it much further. And another thing- from what I noticed, I haven’t seen many people discuss the actual purpose of this hierarchy interpretation that was made by pseudo-Dionysus, people just kind of throw around what the roles and ranks for that angels would be but not the intricacies, so that’s another thing that kind of should’ve bothered me at the time when making that post.
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wavebiders · 4 years
Operation: "Ignore the Shitty Live Action Winx Show and Just Rewatch the Cartoon for the First Time in Almost a Decade" part 43:
How About Them Character Flaws
Ooooh they're gonna make witches and fairies play nice with each other. This should be good
Mirta my girl! Congrats on finally getting a speaking part again
That was a Wizard of Oz refference right? That line's gotta be "and your little Piff too" in English
Oh hey theyre actually showing long term effects from that one episode! Im glad. That was horrible for Musa she deserves to be upset about it
I love that they're bragging about their creepy tower as if the Winx didn't break into it on multiple occasions while they were first-years
Griffin: no teamwork
The Winx: no- NO TEAMWORK!?
pls that's their whole thing😂😭 They're down to try dark magic but only if they can do it in groups
Lucy and Mirta just seem like they went through a bad break-up
Stella did that on purpose lmao
"Normally fairies have a hard time calling on negative emotions like that" "I had a rough week" typing it out makes it seem like a funny line but that was the saddest little voice I Am Concerned
1. Maybe someone check on her mental health? Same for all the girls for that matter they've been pretty vocal about feeling too much pressure now that I'm thinking about it
2. This is absolutely foreshadowing the part where she gets turned evil for a bit and hey I always appreciate foreshadowing
What is up with Lucy's VOICE Girl have a cough drop
Lucy: Rumor has it Bloom just gave them what they wanted
Stella: how dare you say that!
Tecna: Technically it's true
Stella: who's side are you on?
Jfc Tecna I mean I assume this is about the ring thing. Tecna was the most vocally against Bloom's choice there and I do like long term consequences but but
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But she looks so sad😭 so good on Stella for being ready to cut a bitch
Flora being the first to support Mirta! I'll take whatever crumbs I can get over here
The way they're all more afraid of upsetting their teachers than the Trix... fucking nerds
Lucy and Mirta are so cute🥺
Call them out Mirta!!!
Nonono don't wait for them at their destination you'll lea- oh wow one of them actually thought of that. Guess there's perks to having an earthling who's genre savy on the team
The girls are fightingggg
Well if I didn't know Tecna wasn't the smart one before...
God damn it Bloom! You're the one with fire powers you should be thawing Tecna out and really how well has facing the Trix by your lonesome worked out for you in the past?
Meanwhile, Musa and Aisha are just picking fights with witches because that's productive🙄 and Stella just ducked out for a drink
Normally at least one of them is holding the idiot ball but they're playing fucking tug of war with it this episode, while Flora hangs on to their one braincell for dear life
Oh no I've reached the cliffhanger part of the season again😭
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream ) submitted:
Jealous Greyson
There are a multitude of mistakes he could run over that were made. Leaving her alone outside as he went in. Assuming no one was going to bother her. The list could go on if he focused on it. Naturally a man was talking to her. How could he not when her odd colored hair stood out against the scenery of orange and browns of dying autumn? Faced with such large doe eyes, shining with awe over each new decoration set up for the coming Christmas season, any man would have stopped to chat her up.
Plastic cups are carefully held as he slipped out the door of the busy café. His strides calm despite the urge to rush over. His curiosity too strong. What was he telling her? Was he inviting her out? – Ah but it wasn’t any of his business. In the end, she was only here to visit her brother. Or at least that is what he seemed to gather from the unexpected encounter with the younger man and his girlfriend.
Who was he to stop her from finding someone else to show her around? After all, he still had work to do. Practices to attend to. Rehearsals to complete before their upcoming show. Heck, this stranger might just be doing him a favor –
‘He might be a creep though.’
Greyson knows it is another excuse. A reason to justify his interruption as he stepped close. A hand carefully reaching to set the warm cup into her grasp as a smile graced his complexion. “Sorry about that. Looks like we’re not the only ones with the same idea here.”
Honestly, he must be one of the worst around. The stranger might be getting the wrong idea here. Greyson might even be ruining a good opportunity for Selestiana to meet someone that might catch her interest.
‘Let him assume.’
“Hey, did you still want to go see the art museum? I think it’s about two blocks away.” For now, he wasn’t entirely willing to give up his ‘responsibility’ of giving her a tour of the city just yet.
Jealous Muses
When you come from a place that had complete control over the weather that was experienced, even a slight chill was enough to throw one off. Though her sweater was thick, it wasn’t enough to fight off the chill of winter settling in the air as delicate hands slowly brushed against her sleeves in an attempt to warm her a bit. Once they began walking things would definitely feel warmer, that much she knew at least.
The approach of someone new had her head tilting as she listened, pink brows furrowing a bit in confusion. “Did you report it to the police?” Certainly they could help if something were stolen from him, right? But, what could he be reffering to when he said heart? Surely he couldn’t have meant his actual heart. He wouldn’t be alive right now if that were true. What an odd way to say something, so unfamiliar with the ways of humans that she couldn’t recognize a pickup line when one was used on her. Likely for the better though. 
Luckily for her, she didn’t have to stand there for too long attempting figure out what he was trying to say as purple irises meet his, fingers gently wrapping around the cup as a soft sigh slipped from her lips. A sip is taken from the drink, glee lighting up fair features as the taste hit her tongue. “This is wonderful!” 
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She turned towards the man that had been standing there, a quick yet a bit awkward smile tossed in his direction. “This is really delicious, you should give it a try some time. But please excuse us, I am sorry for not being able to help you... I simply do not understand what you were speaking of.” A slight bow of her head is given before her attention is turned back towards Greyson. 
Then, the thought finally struck her. “Oh, perhaps you can help him. He said that his heart was stolen and that he would like to have another, but... other than the literal organ, I do not know what heart he could be speaking of. Surely it’s not that one, is this some sort of name for another object? Do you have one he can borrow?”
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darrowsrising · 4 years
Diomedes related ask:
Two quotes that have been bothering me.
First the scene were Lysander and Cassius watch Diomedes kill Romulus supporters.
"I thought he was the greatest *Gold* swordsman left. By the look on his face, I know now that presumption has been shared and mutually shattered the moment Diomedes moves"
I wonder if Cassius included Darrow in this assumption or if the "gold" in Lysanders POV marks that it is not the case. (If I remeber correctly Pierce told us Darrow is equal to Aja by now)
And then at dinner when Diomedes tells them he was a Stormson of Arcos saying
"Lorn taught me how to fish with Alexandar and Drusilla. His last student misused his gifts. He had no desire to make better warriors, only better men"
Lysander assumes Diomedes means Darrow with "his last student" but something tells me Diomedes might actually be talking about Aja. I'm just curious if I'm the only one wondering this.
Hi! Thank you for the ask!
Yes, when Lysander says 'Gold', he actually means it, as in 'Gold razor-fighters' exclusively. In my humble opinion, to separate razor-wielders by Color is, in the years of Reaper 743-754, bloodydamn dumb. Yeah, sure, most razor users are Gold, so what? This 'Gold exclusive' quality looks to me as if Golds are butthurt a Red is the last Willow Way razor master, last student of Lorn au Arcos and over all Apex Killer of the Solar System. Funny thing is, Darrow will always admit that Aja and Lorn were better than him. He is too busy trying to survive than worrying about a score, anyway.
At the same time, we have to admit that there aren't that many non-Gold razor users. From what we've seen of the Obsidians, some hold their own using razors, but it's not a primary type of fighting. Same with Grays. Either way, 'best Gold fighter' is still ridiculous!
It's easier to say 'I am the best Gold fighter' than to say 'I am second best to Reaper', that's for sure. By this, I mean no insult to Cassius, I mean total insult to Lysander, because he is the one who came up with this term.
He got Darrow in a bind using his own skills and field advantage in Morning Star. Cassius can do a lot of damage, but never actually win against the caliber of Aja and Darrow, according to Pierce Brown in the AMA for Dark Age.
Frankly, I don't think Cassius is the type that relies on 'exclusivities' to get in front of the line. He is the best out of the Olympic Knights and they are elite razor users. Maybe Ajax and Diomedes, Olympic Knights in their own rights, can give him a hellish run for his money, but I doubt that when Diomedes was reaping through Romulus' enemies, Cassius thought 'I thought I was the best Gold fighter!'. You know what I mean? Lysander is unreliable as fuck too, so...I don't believe Cassius of all people would be like that. He is the type of guy who would say he is the most handsome, regardless of gender, Color or whatever, so he sure as fuck won't 'well, I am the best Gold duelist'.
As for the 'the last student part', it sounded to me as if Diomedes was actually talking about Darrow, but he was being a judgemental prick without having all the facts, just like Romulus did. Diomedes simply picked up his father's opinions, quite a natural occurance, as Di fought alongside his dad.
In Iron Gold, everyone and their mama tells us Darrow is some war obssessed monster, but he is not (idk what some people smoked while reading, but...he really isn't). This remark about Darrow coming right after Diomedes says that Lorn raised him with Alexandar and Drusilla...honey, Darrow raises Alexandar himself to be a better man than even his grandfather was. We even see Darrow worrying that Alex cares too much about glory and reputation or about impressing him (i.e:Darrow), instead of what matters, what is right.
But, on the other hand, if he was talking about Aja...Lorn did consider training Aja a mistake, because Octavia got herself a killing machine and he did not want to repeat that. Did she misuse his gifts? Yep! But why not reffer to Darrow? After all, Diomedes knows what happened with the Dock and, although he doesn't voice it much, he is critical of Darrow.
If I understood your ask right, you wanted to highlight that Darrow gets pushed away from important conversations about skills. And you are right! Golds tend to leave Darrow out, although he is arguably the best (the best alive he surely is) in a quite a lot of fields where Golds are supposed to excell at.
Pierce Brown says in a series of Iron Gold interviews, that 'Iron Gold' is eponymous to Darrow and thing is - he is exactly what an Iron Gold is respected for - but he fights against the system the original Iron Golds made. Golds will rarely admit he is even a Peerless - Atalantia is the only one I know that admits he is exactly how a Peerless should be. Darrow's own allies are way too quick to paint him as bad as the Conquerors.
Darrow simply redefines the term, at least in my interpretation. Both simbolically (Iron - his Red side - Gold - the Carving) and through his actions - he inspires hope in people, he actually cares about his soldiers, his family and a better world.
Long story short: The Golds are bitter, butthurt and envious that the big, bad Reaper is better than them at mostly everything, so they try to exclude him from the converrsations linked to 'the best at *insert Gold traditional activity*'.
Either way, Reaper stays winning!
Howl on!💖🐺
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adowbaldwin · 3 years
Rome x ADOW Crack x i might not be on crack, but my imagination is
(if you havent seen the HBO series Rome, it should still make sense) (but if you havent read the Book of Life, it wont make sense)
(Me, pretending anyone will read this)
Baldwin slumped into his chair, a heavy sigh leaving his lips "Fucking cunt" he hissed rolling his shoulder blade. It made a loud crack as the bone set back into place
"Well" Pullo resisted the urge to die from utter laughter "It could have been worse" he handed Baldwin the bottle of Beaudoux "could of had your ass handed to you by your sister... again" a small chuckle left his lips
Baldwin snarled "I cant stop a fucking Witch you prissy twat. Matthew is a different kettle of spastic fish"
"Oooh careful. Spastic is no longer politically correct" he mocked. That was by far the least offensive thing either of them said or joked about
Heavy, wet and demanding footsteps echoed through the room "are you still pretending as though you cannot best Matthew in combat, Vorenus?" Anthony sounded a mix between displeased and absolutely fuming. He did not see the humour in it, especially not from an esteemed Roman soldier. Despite it being 2000 years since he had commanded the man, he still saw him as a Legate that should have no qualms cutting his disrespectful brother in half.
"You know i cannot. Philippe may be dead but he still gave me orders" he turned his attention to Anthony "And why are you naked, why are you always naked?" he grimmanced
He shrugged "I am a God, why should i not bestow my large gift unto the world?"
Pollo and Baldwin groaned, he often slipped to old habbits reffering to himself as Dionysius. Both wished he would just get over himself already.
He gestured his hands over himself "What? I am but a prime cut of meat"
"Though we are not interested, and i do not want your oily sopping wet ass on my sofa. So dry off and put some fucking clothes on" Baldwin hissed rubbing his sore shoulder.
It was one thing to fight with Matthew and allow him to get the upper hand, but in a Church full of people? Matthew had really pushed the envelope this time. If it were not for Phillippe ordering Baldwin not to retaliate when he is in a rage, he would have chocked him so hard his head fell off. Even at his childrens Christening.
Anthony padded off to his quaters and Pollo laugged as he followed orders like an obedient puppy "Such a good boy" he shouted in a cooing voice "Following daddies orders"
Anthony cursed his soul to damnation as he retreated. Perhaps he would put bird shit in his shoes for good measure
"Behave Pollo, you cant refuse me either" Baldwin smirked. It may have been irresponsible to turn them both but he has ever been greatful he did. Despite the beating Philippe gave him for it, and the life time ban of making anymore sons
"You need my assistance brother you ask it" Pollo gently reminded him, returning to the earlier topic of Benjamin
Baldwin wavered his hands dissmissively "You know you are not allowed to involve yourself in De Clermont business or else Ysabeau will snap you two in half" Another restriction set by Philippe after Baldwin had turned the two soldiers against his orders; they are not to be included in the family, its affairs or family tree.
"How is my grandmother fairing these days" Anthony returned, towel drapped around his waist and perched himself on the chaise lounge "still a fine bit of cunny i assume" he smirked
"thats disgusting" Baldwin grumbled, face contorting at the thought of vagina and Ysabeau in the same sentance
Pollo snorted "Oh what would you do with her anyway? Cry into her bosom Oh how i miss my dear sweet Cleo" his voice changed an octave, impersonating Anthony as he was in Egypt; a whiny, broken man. "Her bald head and massive nose oh how i loved thee"
Baldwins shoulders rocked as he erupted into laughter. No better remedy to family drama then verbally attacking his former commander, tribune, king and all the rest of the titles he assmued so many years ago.
"You jest me though Lucius cannot even step foot in Rome in fear of bumping into Niobe" Anthony had a shit eating grin on his face as he spoke of her, the one nerve Baldwin had
He shuddered, horror flashing over his face at the thought of his estranged wife of two millennia "i have had enough trauma this past week thankyou very much. No need to speak of her"
"I did hear she had taken up with that Venician shit" he smirked, knowing full well that was a lie. He loved stirring the pot, more so to take the attention from speaking of his Cleopatra
Baldwin snarled, pointing a finger in his direction "If i were not nursing an injury id of battered you, son" he squared his eyes though his lips tipped up into a laugh.
He did however put veet into Anthonys lotion that night, and he was the living embodiment of 'human dolphin' for weeks after.
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