#or don't let him keep big bad wolf as a pet
princelylove · 27 days
Risotto’s physique isn’t meant for running. He's too heavy, and big, it makes him slow- but he can work for extended periods of time without any fatigue.
He hates the idea of playing chase with you. Risotto understands that you have a lot of energy and need to get it out, but he'd rather not spend an entire morning trying to wrangle you. You can probably wiggle your way around him for a while, especially if you have any sort of prior training, but once Risotto has a proper hold on you, it's over.
Risotto's grip is firm, although loving. He doesn't intend to hurt his darling. Think of it like restraining a cat that needs their nails trimmed. You're not getting away, this is for your own good, but the intention isn't to hold so tightly that it hurts.
If Risotto is slow, how can he catch his darling if he finds himself interested in someone that does some kind of running sport or agility training? There's advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of running his darling is used to- he can tucker out a short distance runner, but can he close the gap between himself and a long distance runner?
Risotto may be slow, but he's steady; Risotto thrives in endurance and stamina. You can run, sure, but can you last? Long distance runners typically don't sprint for an entire marathon- it's about pacing yourself. Sure, you can sprint for some portions, but eventually your body is going to demand a break. Long distance running is quite literally all about stamina, but running (a minimum of) 3 km / 1.9 mi is different from being chased by a 203 cm / 6'8" man for however long it takes.
There's an easy way out of this, but he doesn't want to use his stand to catch you. Metallica is painful- why would you use a trap to catch a rabbit when you want it as a pet, not food? Risotto's gentle nature forbids him from directly harming his darling, but he has no issue with restraining them. Some animals instinctively submit when you touch them a certain way- will you calm down if his hand is on your throat? Around your wrists? No, no, he shouldn't, he doesn't want to frighten you off, the second you view him as a predator, he's done for. You'll never trust him.
So this game you keep playing- chase, he calls it- is majorly stressing him out. He doesn't want to follow behind you like a wolf would, but if his sweet, little doe insists on playing this game, he has no choice but to play along.
He won't discipline you. He spoils you in that sense- you get away with bad behavior because he can't bring himself to raise a hand against you, or really scold you, or even lightly tap your wrist. He gave Prosciutto the responsibility of disciplining the rest of the team because he wants nothing to do with that- but his darling isn't a team member, and he refuses to give your care to someone else, so it puts him in a difficult situation. How can he punish you when he understands that you're only behaving this way out of fear?
He guesses there's nothing he can do but humor you. He always catches you, and he'd find you if you were to slip away, so it's fine. That doesn't mean it's any less stressful for him, but he'll keep doing it and will take more precautions when he brings you back home.
Risotto's physique is good for a lot of things (namely the ability to haul heavy objects for long periods of time), but it isn't perfectly well-rounded. He has good mobility, endurance, strength, and coordination- but isn't very flexible. Perhaps it's a personal bias of mine, but when I imagine men with Risotto's physique, I typically don't think of flexibility as being their strongest point.
Flexibility isn't something Risotto thinks about often- he doesn't need to be flexible to protect you. You cannot push his legs back without him making that needy, initially uncomfortable expression- but he lets you anyway, as long as you’re happy. Truthfully, Risotto would prefer to service you, but he gets off on you using him freely. It makes him feel wanted. Not that he’d ever say that- he’s terribly shy.
After all, it’s a bit hard to tell someone “I want you to think of me as your sex toy sometimes.” It certainly isn’t romantic- and Risotto would prefer to keep things romantic. He’ll keep it to himself, for now.
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teaboot · 9 months
Community-building Tag Game
Tagged by: @anchored-trident
Name: Internet safety 101, kids. Keep 'em guessing. ('Tea' is fine.)
Pronouns: he/him
Where do you call home? Northwest Canada! Nice and grey.
Favorite animal: Honestly I love pretty much all of them but if I had to, like. Cohabitate with one? Cats. God's favourite bastards. Also partial to polyphemus moths, the common brown bat, june beetles, golden moles, the silky tree anteater, poison dart frogs, hawks, chimney swifts, and nautuluses, too.
Cereal of choice: I am. Not a cereal person. Fruit loops?
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Visual. 100%. Everything I do and use is organized by color. I will remember your birthmarks and tattoos and piercings and scars long before I remember your name or anything else about you. I forgot my own name once. It's bad
First pet: A big black cat.
Favorite scent: Oh, this is hard. I have a coconut shampoo that reminds me of my mom, and a white musk and oud perfume that makes me think of Cairo, and a plum/vanilla/white musk lotion that smells like the last week of school before summer vacation. A bottle of my dad's cologne he let me keep for my 16th birthday. Frankincense. Lilacs. Sunscreen. Cedarwood. Pine chips. Pumpkin. Clean laundry. I dont think I can pick just one.
Do you believe in astrology?  Not even a little bit. Sure is fun, tho!
How many playlists do you have on Spotify/Apple Music? Playlists in general? Too many. Couple dozen, probably. One for every occasion.
Sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies. Though I use highlighters more.
A song that makes you cry: Right now? "Dear Fellow Traveller" by Sea Wolf. Also "Cain" by Cousin Marnie.
A song that makes you happy: "Art Hoe" by Call Me Karizma, "Cannibal" by Naethan Apollo, "Wanted To" by Infected Mushroom, and "Daywalker!" By Machine Gun Kelly X CORPSE.
And finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself!
I love to draw and oaint and sculpt and sew, but spend a lot of time at work and have some issues with hypersomnia so it doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Wish I could promote myself better because I miss creating but... I don't know. Maybe I'll make something in the morning.
@anchored-trident thanks for the nom'! ♡ This one was fun :)
Nominations (either because we're mutuals or I find you interesting): @melancholysage @naamahdarling @sternenhimmel-mondnhimmel-mond @mist-the-wannabe-linguist @smlmsworld @mangotarot @genderfuckedpigeon @twofaced-gemini-withnobrush
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little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
Moonlight - part 1
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werewolf!Steve x vampire!Eddie
There are werewolves in Hawkins. Yeah right, and there are monsters under the bed. That's Eddie's reasoning. Vampires don't exist, neither do werewolves or monsters or the boogeyman or mermaids or any similar creature. The howling at full moon nights are probably some weirdo trying to scare kids - hell, he'd do it too - and the reason Dustin Henderson keeps buying an insane amount of raw meat on those nights is because...the Hendersons like beef? Look, Eddie doesn't know, he just knows he's not falling for some myth.
"Well, if you're so brave go stay the night in the woods tomorrow night during the full moon." Gareth tells him with arms crossed in front of him and poking Eddie pretty damn hard in the arm. "I just might." Eddie retorts, though he knows he'll probably book it out of there the second he hears a twig snap, but there are people around. He can't act like a scared little kid. So that's why he's lugging a tent and a bag of snacks into the woods because he's not gonna let his stomach rumbling give away where he is to any crazy murderers hiding in the woods or werewolves - not like they exist or anything.
He had to get Wayne to teach him how to set up a tent at least 5 times before he even stepped near the woods. His flashlight sweeps the ground, the fresh batteries making it brighter than ever. Is he paranoid? Pfft, no, he's just not dumb, he's seen horror movies. It's quiet for a few hours, and Eddie totally doesn't almost squeal like a scared middle schooler who hasnt hit puberty yet when he sees a silhouette stumbling next to his tent. He can hear their heavy breathing, they must've ran here. They say a choked sounding string of curse words and - wait, Harrington? That's clearly his voice, what is he doing here? And why is he running? Is he running from something!?
Eddie peeks his head just a little bit out of the tent to see Steve there, keeled over and breathing like he'd just run a marathon. He looks like he's in pain as he falls to his knees, digging his nails - no, claws into the ground. He didn't have claws yesterday, what the actual hell!?
So, Eddie does what Eddie does best, he runs. He runs and runs and runs until he falls over because even though he's good at running away from things he hasn't gotten proper exercise in at least a couple years. Luckily there's no beast chasing him, only a howling far in the woods. He sounds like he's in pain, and part of Eddie wants to go back - but the sensible part of him is telling him to keep running. How deep was he in the woods? He's pretty sure he wasn't even that far yet they seem never ending. He's starting to panic, he feels like he's in a horror movie with the thuds and snarls behind him and never ending forest. He knows you're not supposed to look back but he does and... he isn't getting chased? Harrington, now fully transformed, has just slowly walked away and curled up. Whimpering.
It's so surprising Eddie slows to a jog, Steve reminding him less of a ferocious beast and more of a big dog that's all bark and no bite. The sensible part of him is screaming for him to keep running, but he's tired of running, his ribs hurt, and he wants to pet the big scary wolf. So he goes to pet the big scary wolf, almost immediately regretting when Steve snarls at him, opening one eye that's surprisingly the same honey brown.
But even more surprisingly, Steve stops snarling, nudging his head under Eddie's hand and closing his eyes once more like a dog. He's calm, just lying there. "Uh...good boy?" Eddie says, not sure if he should call Steve that in case he's still kind of human. He's never going to let Steve live this down. Steve "Good Boy" Harrington.
Okay maybe he shouldn't use that one in front of his friends. Bad idea. Very bad. Yup. Icky. He leans his back against the tree, Steve's head on his lap. It's kind of nice, Eddie struggling to stay awake as he literally cuddles a big ferocious beast. He's pretty sure Steve falls asleep at some point too, so he doesn't mind leaning back against the tree trunk and closing his eyes.
He knows he has Steve to protect him if anything happens. And he does, even if a bunny gets too close to Eddie as he sleeps Steve will snarl until it runs away, making sure not to wake the sleeping beauty he's laying his head on.
This won't go anywhere, Steve will make sure of it, but it's nice. And it'll be nice until morning comes, until Steve has to run away to find that little log he stuffed his bag of clothes in because he doesn't want to explain how his clothes ripped when he transformed. So, Eddie wakes up to nothing except a weird looking bug on his hand and a memory of soft fur that he really hopes was a weird ass dream.
Let me know if you want a part 2 and if so if you want to be tagged as well!! Also cut me some slack, this is my first serious fic ._. (little picture up top by me, pictures taken from pinterest)
PART 2!!! :D
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superel · 16 days
would clark let his friends take krypto on walks. can they give him treats. i need krypto headcanons.
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krypto ! superman's devoted protector and companion since birth. you better steer clear of a body guard that meant to protect the man of steel himself. here are some answers and head canons for you !
would clark let his friends take krypto on walks ?
yes, absolutely ! but ONLY to trusted individuals who have the confidence to handle him and additionally know he is a super dog. this pooch is super, and above that he is a trained protection dog. so they should know what to expect. he has been trained to discern scenarios and if he sees fit, he will bite once certain boundaries are stepped over by belligerent strangers. but he is not a vicious dog, just a protector. if a friend knows the dog's behavior, he is safe in anyone's hands to go on a walk. oh, and of course clark will give the fair warnings of walking krypto... if he seems like he is going to chase something by god let go of that darn leash. he will drag you like santa's sleigh. but, by all means he is a well trained walker as long as you don't throw a frisbee for him to catch...
can they give him treats ?
of course ! krypto is a dog at heart. he loves treats. he is a big fan of peanut butter flavor or pumpkin biscuits, or freeze dried meat treats. he will sit straight up vertically on his rear hoping for a treat. if he smells anything he likes in your pocket he will do ANYTHING to please. coming from an excellent working dog line krypto has a high food drive and will do whatever it takes for a treat.
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wild card headcanons & facts !
krypto is actually more intelligent than your average dog. he seems to understand human sentences to a degree and commands that have a higher sentence structure than your average one worded command dogs are trained for. he is able to understand if you want him to do specific kinds from lasers from his eyes. on top of understanding complex commands, krypto also seems to understand how to adapt to scenarios and work out who is the bad guy by his own problem solving skills. or the fact that krypto knows to keep a secret identity as well. without the cape he is simply a white dog. with the cape he is krypto the super dog.
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krypto is one of the pets that founded, yes founded, the league of superpets. true to form of his superman companion he fights crime with an honorable group consisting of many other superhero pets ! team mates include: titus ( batman's and damien's great dane ), bat cow ( batman's cow) , flexi the plastic bird and more...
krypto can howl so loud the entire world could hear if it puts that much power into it.
this pooch is massive. similar to clark being very large due to krypton’s evolution being ahead of humans + the different in geography and gravity of krypton he is a big boy. hes about the size of grey wolf. but next to clark he seems like the size of an large dog.
he is about 50 years old give or take. older than clark actually.
like most dogs he enjoys a good pet, laying in your lap despite his large size, and snoozing in YOUR bed.
you wont believe it but just like superman's fortress of solitude, krypto has a dog house of solitude. which is a dog on an asteroid in space. thats it. he just goes there to chill and thats about it.
the alien canine wasn't always this intuitive and well trained. at one point krypto needed a whole new rigorous bootcamp of training. back on krypton he was well trained in his job to be a meaningful and stable protection dog. but on earth krypto was liable for all sorts of damage with powers he didnt know how or when to use. on top of that, at one point krypto did become quite aggressive becoming quite hair trigger bitey dog with his new life on earth. for a while the dog lived in the fortress of solitude before clark trained his dog a new set of skills.
after fending off the powerful villain atlas allowing superman to get back on his feet krypto was dubbed the dog of tomorrow !
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weavewolf · 7 hours
Get To Know My Tav!
Thank you to @sporeservant for making this tag game! Behold, my beloved blorbo:
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Senna Holimion ◦ Half Wood Elf ◦ Outlander ◦ Druid Ranger of Mielikki
What is your Tav’s…
Favourite Weapon: Dryad Shortbow.
Style of Combat: Entangling people in vines then filling them with arrows, or wild shaping into a wolf and tearing out throats with her teeth 🐺
Most Prized Possession: A pipe that used to belong to her dad.
Deepest Desire: To belong somewhere. To be loved by people who love her, all of her, without trying to cage or control or change her.
Guilty Pleasure: Eating way too much fine cheese. She would do just about anything for a wedge of Waterdhavian cheese.
Best Kept Secret: She's achingly lonely because she's been travelling on the road for years and hasn’t allowed herself to get close to anyone ever since losing her first love.
Greatest Strength: Loyalty. She would do literally anything for those she loves.
Fatal Flaw: A tendency to withdraw/close herself off when she's feeling upset.
Favourite Smell: Petrichor, fresh earth, pine trees, wolf fur, roses, old books.
Favourite Spell or Cantrip: Cantrip = primal savagery, spells = entangle, melf's acid arrow and erupting earth.
Pet Peeve: When people are indirect / don't say what they mean.
Bad Habit: Always pushes herself to the limit and doesn't know when to quit.
Hidden Talent: Writing and drawing. She carries a journal everywhere with her, and it's filled with thoughts and observations about her travels as well as intricate drawings, mostly of flora and fauna, but eventually lots of Gale as well.
Leisure Activity: Playing the flute, drawing, running free in wolf wildshape, baking with Gale, climbing into the treetops to relax and smoke her dad's old pipe.
Favourite Drink: Her favourite alcohol is strawberry wine, her favourite hot beverage is raspberry-infused tea.
Comfort Food: The hearty venison stew her dad used to make. Gale makes it for her sometimes, to remind her of home and cheer her up when she's had a bad day.
Favourite People: Her dad, who was gruff and reserved but a big softie deep down, and loved his daughter more than anything. Cariad, who was her first love; she misses the way he threw his head back when he laughed and the little animal carvings he used to whittle for her. Shadowheart, who is like a sister to her, someone she can confide her deepest secrets and desires to (as well as the shallowest ones lol). Jaheira, who is a mother-figure to her (she cried when Jaheira started calling her Cub because her dad used to call her that.) Astarion, because she loves letting loose and getting up to mischief with him. But most of all, she adores Gale; the way he truly sees and understands all of her and loves her exactly as she is, his kindness, his patience and dedication, his charm and wit, his sense of humour, his intelligence, thirst for knowledge and nerdy love of books and magic, his ambition, passion and attention to detail, his love for Tara, his love for his mother, the way he shows love, all his quirks, strengths, weaknesses, successes and follies; all of him.
Favoured Display of Affection (platonic and/or romantic): She loves kissing; lazy make out sessions by the flickering campfire, passionate, searing, desperate kisses where she and Gale can’t keep their hands off each other or get close enough; all of the kisses. She also loves a big warm bear hug and craves physical affection in general.
Fondest Childhood Memory: Picking berries with her father in the woods, with warm sunlight filtering gently through the trees.
Free response! Is there anything else about your Tav you’d like to share? She has a rose tattoo on her neck that represents the part of the Cloakwood where she grew up, as wild roses grew abundant in the area.
her pinterest board
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hlficlibrary · 2 years
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✤ Fantasy Fics ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ Collision by itjustkindahappened / @tequiladimples [E, 226k]
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
2️⃣ Purer Than The Water (like we were) by FeelsForBreakfast [E, 33k]
Louis is a merman and Harry is a boy. The lake is a good place to fall in love.
"Louis wants the boy to wade deeper, deep enough that Louis can go under and wrap his fingers around his ankles for just a moment. Pull him under. Just touch skin, for a second."
3️⃣ with your love we could breathe underwater by luminescents [M, 28k]
Harry’s brow furrows, a look of confusion spreading over his face. “But I am real. I exist, see,” he says, raising a hand out of the water and wiggling his fingers at Louis.
Louis finds himself relaxing a bit. Harry seems harmless really. And he’s quite cute, for something that’s not supposed to exist. If Louis is indeed having a hallucination right now, at least it’s a cute one.
AU where Harry is a mermaid, Louis is a human, and they both discover a lot more than they anticipated.
4️⃣ long hair don't care by ballsdeepinjesus [E, 20k]
He catches his breath and stands, brushing dirt off of his breeches when he hears a scared peep behind him. Louis spins around, startled, and is greeted by the sight of an extremely pale boy with extremely luscious dark brown curls. His hand starts to reach out involuntarily to try and pet his hair, but he stops it quickly and tries to smooth it into a bow. He glances up, fluttering his lashes, and levels the trembling boy with a charming smile.
“Hi,” he drawls. He doesn’t see the frying pan until it’s too late. Everything goes black.
[harry is sheltered and louis is a thief. or, a tangled au.]
5️⃣ Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics [G, 102k]
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
💎 forever is in your eyes by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed [M, 125k]
Harry looks fragile in the moonlight, and Louis stands there, pondering, not even sure what it is that he’s thinking of. It’s all just noise in his head, a mix of melancholy and desire, of longing for something that he doesn’t even have a name for.
He wants-
He wants love. He wants to be held and cherished and have a home. Not just a place to lay his head down at night. He wants to be loved the way that Louis had loved creating Harry. He wants his perfect man, but he wants him to be real. He wants Harry to be real-
His lips press against marble, against something cold and unforgiving, and it’s not until his hand comes up to rest against a sculpted neck that his eyes fly open and he stumbles backwards, nearly falling off the stepladder that he’d stood on.
“Jesus Christ.” He whispers, shaking his head and resisting the urge to brush the back of his hand against his lips, erase evidence that isn’t even visible to the naked eye. Harry stands there, as though nothing’s changed, and of course he does, because he’s a statue.
A statue that Louis has just kissed.
💎 Love Will Light The Way by @jessapeak [E, 26k]
Most people throughout Louis's life thought that dying brought you to one of two gates. Heaven or Hell. Really, it brought you to a dated diner, just outside of the suburbs, skirting the beginning of the city. Where, instead of God, you met Liam Payne and his post-it notes. Well, not for everyone, but for the select few whoever is in charge up there deemed fit to help guide the living into death. Unfortunate people like Louis. Who'd honestly rather just lie in bed and pretend it had all been a dream. A very bad, cliche dream. It wasn’t though and this was his new normal. As much as he hated it.
And Harry? He just wanted to know who the man was that kept killing his patients.
💎 The Blood of Love by @mugglemirror [E, 25k]
Harry is a nurse and Louis is a painting worth more than a thousand words. As desire and darkness encompasses him, Harry has to learn the secrets of Thorne Hills manor before he succumbs to the mystery that surrounds him.
💎 foothold by @turnyourankle [M, 18k]
Louis has crossed the galaxy with a ship full of crystals; they’re the only thing he has to offer in exchange for safe harbor. He thought getting to his destination would be the hardest part, hoping that once he got his family to safety everything would fall back into place; Louis struggles to adapt while his sisters thrive. Louis suspects Emperor Styles may have something to do with it.
💎 Sympathy For The Devil by @taggiecb [G, 5k]
Louis keeps stealing some of Harry’s mail, which would be annoying for anyone, but it’s especially troubling when you consider that Harry is Santa Claus. Harry will have to go through hell to get Louis to stop. Literally.
Or the one with Santa Harry and Satan Louis and a series of misspelled letters to Santa.
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relax-and-read-on · 1 year
(Mortarion asker) welp a good few of those are now in my pile of Write this Fic
Hehehe, I'm about to give you a few extra anon >:D
Mortarion, and how he could be shipped with everyone: Loyalist edition!
Sanguinius: while it might seem like a weird combo at first, there are ways to make it work awfully well! Sang is a kind soul, and favored by the Emperor. Mort was stuck over a decade on Terra. They could have become close then, with Sang wanting to "save" his brother. In a complete role reversal, maybe instead Sang approached him and his apothecary, to help cure his sons of their flaw? My favorite scenario, however, is much darker. I imagine Emp interest toward Sang becoming quite... Impure, and Mortarion discovering it. He know how awful fathers can be. So he try to protect and help him, as much as he can.
Ferrus: Ferrus is really not that complicated to pair up with Mort, as they both have friends in common. Konrad and Fulgrim are very close, so it make sense that, at some point, they might run into one another. And I think that Ferrus would HIGHLY respect Mort's wish to keep his planet a toxic hellscape. They seem opposite, but their philosophie are actually quite close! I think they could enjoy a few good spare together, and Ferrus would *never* be bothered by Mort's scars.
Leman: the wolf king does not get credit for how much he actually care and love about his siblings. He just... Adore them. It's quite easy to pair them together, really, you just have to have them meet when Mort is recovering on Terra. Leman might ping him as some kind of packmate who need help, and just... Aggressively become his friend. Mortarion does not get a say about this. And Mort, sweet Mort, he doesn't know how to cope with the kind of highly affectionate friendship that Leman provide, of course he would get a crush!
Corvus: That one is just so easy! Two broody nerds, who like science, hate slavers, hate big E and the Imperium at large, with those dark aesthetic? Oh, they were in *love*. I especially love the concept of transfem Corvus and intersex Morty together, as it give them a jumping point and they can then slowly discover each others. They would be so sweet together!
Jaghatai: Probably my third fav Mort ship, behind my OTP and Konrad. Jagh, in CANON, is fascinated by Mort. He find him so intriguing. Opposite attract, and he see the slow, powerful warrior and he is tickled pink. It's so fun, to think of someone being into Mortarion first, you know? Jaghatai, just wanting his affection and trying to impress him, and being fucking DELIGHTED when it turns out that Mort is a farmer.... He would gift him horses, don't @ me.
Rogal: This is the one pairing I can't seem to make work. I love Rogal, so very much, but his brand of neurodivergent just clash so horribly with Mort!! I think they could maybe learn to be friends, they could learn to respect one another, but they would need freaking manual, and in a shippy way... No. Especially if it comes down to sexuality. They are just too different.
Lion: Oh what a bad, BAD scenario that could be. I can actually imagine a few way this could happen, bit none of them would be happy, or even very consensual. Maybe Mort is "gisted" to Lion by emp. Maybe they have a joint compliance and Lion get weirdly obsessive for some reason. Maybe Mort discover the secrets of the Watchers and start a weird blackmail with him... In all case, it end up probably in tears and violence. They truly cannot be healthy. Why yes, my Lion Hating Agenda is showing.
Roboute: FARM. F A R M. everyone keep yelling about how Roboute should get his dram of a farm and tradwife Yvraine, when Mortarion, the CANONICAL FARMER, is RIGHT THERE. I have an entire au on how it would happen (check the tag "let roboute pet a cow 2k22"). Mort would just show up, criticize his crops skills, and take over that part of the farm. Together, they would actually slowly fall in love. Heck, you want a tradwife this badly? Make it so that Mort realise that she's a transwoman and slowly transition with the support of Rob!!
... and Vulkan: I am. So. SO. Normal about them. They definitely aren't my warhammer OTP, I absolutely didn't write a 20k+ soulmate au about them hahahaha.... But, more seriously, they are perfect for each others: Both are, at their core, simple people. Mort is a farmer, Vulkan is a smit. Both value resilience and independence. Both are fiercely loyal and come from an unique culture. Both have a strong hatred of Xenos. Both have theme of overcoming hardship and natures. Both actually really loved the humans population of their planets. And that is just the things they have in common! Because, imo, together they can bloom. Mortarion can finally allow himself to trust, to accept affection, he get to meet someone that is as resistant as him and that will *not* give up after a few of his grouchy blow up. Similarly, Vulkan get a strong partner. Someone that is not entirely dependant on him, that he can see as an equal, and yet can still use his dotting instinct over. Someone who might enjoy a more traditional, simple lifestyle. Who doesn't want to run an empire. They would get each others, and love one another in way that frankly make me stupidly emotional. I just.... I love them, ok? I love that they can *grow* together.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 years
God reader who is a wolfwalker (don’t know if you’ve seen it but if not it is so good I recommend watching it) let’s keep this at soft au for now
So they usually hide their body before setting off as a wolf and I like to think that they spend a lot of time with Razor and his pack. One day their body is found and taken back to a comfortable spot while they’re off probably causing chaos. I hc that Razor and his pack along with Andrius and rift hounds are giant puppies when they’re not doing anything so Reader just wants to be a giant puppy too.
So one time they decided to run around Mondstadt while barking like crazy just because and giving everyone a big scare. That’s how they found out that the creator was in Teyvat.
Wherever Reader goes they have a huge pack of wolves and people can sometimes tell where Reader is or where they were seen last because at night you can hear wolves howling, which is reader and their pack.
I’m also gonna say that Reader developed a puppy crush on Diluc thanks to his lone wolf behavior so the fist time Diluc saw their wolf form it just ran up to him (giving him a heart attack) tackled him and started sniffing and licking him and following him around like a puppy. Readers body was actually close by the time they wanted to wake up and be human again so they did just that while Diluc watched this big wolf become like a spirit and fly into his god’s body. They get a little blushy around him too
They also appeared to Bennet with their pack. Benny was hurt so they healed him and he thought it was the coolest thing ever, even though he was scared of the wolves for a bit. So then Reader picked him up and took him back to their den
They stalked Albedo all the way to his lab in Dragonspine (in human form and the pack basically follows them) and when asked why the big puppers start barking and losing it so they say “because the wolves want belly rubs and they like you…I also want belly rubs please 🥺”
Once readers pack were all scattered about in Liyue. They were being bad and breaking stuff, usually the fatui camps. They even chewed up some of the equipment and weapons so when Childe complained about it, not knowing those are Reader’s wolves raising hell, they go “ooooo 😬 I’m sorry let me get those” and then he’s confused so they howl really loud into the air and then dozens of wolves come from every direction. So he’s shocked and Reader’s counting them all so none are missing and then they scold them like “what did I tell you about messing with humans I know you wanted snacks and pets but stop chewing on things you’re all not pups anymore go home and go to sleep”
Jesus this is so long I’m so sorry
I like this idea! I mean, it's pretty close to the all-shape-shifting thingy that I've mentioned a few times (and yes, I love that stuff), so I don't think it's that far out of possibility.
Anyway, I noticed that you haven't mentioned my baby Razor! That boy, and, of course, Andrius, will notice that that strange creature is different. It looks like a wolf, but acts in a strange manner, and its aura is different! The great wolf will immediately recognize them and welcome them into their pack, not to mention that they will bond with Razor because they are now Lupical!
By the way, I like the possibility of Reader being just a person that likes to have fun but still has a little control over their power, so there's going to be someone that comes and makes them stop.
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sharpen-jadescythe · 9 months
Sharpen goes home
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Sharpen's mom: Why are you shirtless at the kitchen table? Are you shirtless all the time in that shiny dessert-themed guild of yours?
Sharpen: Yes, Mom. *chops vegetables*
Mom: And covered in glitter! You'd better wash up properly before supper.
Sharpen: Yes, Mom.
Sharpen's dad: How's your pet wolf Cuda doing, son? You feeding him properly?
Sharpen: Yes, Dad.
Dad: No doubt he gets enough exercise, following you and Matthias Shaw around on those secret SI-7 missions.
Mom: We're not supposed to talk about those!
Dad: Anything gruesome happen on your last mission, Sharpen?
Sharpen: Yes, Dad.
Dad: You wrestled a shark the last time! Any bad guys die on this one?
Sharpen: Yes, Dad.
Mom: Now boys! I don't like talk about killing while we're making dinner. This is family time. Dad makes the meal, Sharpen makes the salad, I set the table. We do not talk about death and craziness.
Sharpen: And what do all five of my sisters do? Nothing!
Mom: Nevermind them. You're my favorite little bean sprout. You do nice things around the house for Mom. *she pats his green hair* By the way Sharpen, have you met anyone nice, lately?
Sharpen: On my last mission. I guess.
Dad: Oh??
Mom: Finally!
Sharpen: ...
Dad: Hold on. Is that the guy you killed.
Sharpen: Well, we were sort of together first.
Mom: That's horrible! Wait, what do you mean 'sort of together?'
Dad: Don't ask those kinds of things...
Sharpen: It's not a big deal, Mom. We just ya know, hooked up. But then he turned on me and I had to harpoon him at the last minute.
Mom: Harpoon! What kind of nice man do you need to harpoon--
Dad: I wouldn't ask him anymore questions.
Mom: Where was this? What the heck was going on! What have you been getting into, Sharpen Raorin Jadescythe?!
Sharpen: Mom, please don't worry yourself like that. It was alright, Clayton was just a... well, a Drogbar. It's a lot to take down someone that big.
Dad: Don't ask him any more. Please, let the boy have some privacy.
Mom: Drogbar. What's a drogbar? What were you doing with a drogbar??
Sharpen: ... ...
Sharpen: They are a large race, they live underground. They have rock pets, snack on the occasional crystal. They aren't the monsters people say they are. Drogbar are strong, some are very noble, and surprisingly sensitive. Clayton happened to be a lying arsehole, that's all.
Dad: What the...
Mom: Monsters? My son is a monster-f***er??!! *traumatized*
Sharpen: Aaah! Don't call it that! I can't believe my own mother knows that word! *double traumatized*
Dad: That's a thing???? *triple traumatized*
Mom: Who or what do I pray to? To get my son saved from this depravity?
Dad: Well don't pray to Elune. Who knows what Sharpen'll do to her if she swings by the house.
Sharpen: DAD! Oh my goddess!!
Mom: *full panic* Sharpen, you keep Elune's name out of your filthy mouth!
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im bored. headcanon time for these slutty q!bitos.
transmasc, post-top surgery but not bottom
the man is a slut, he likes things in his mouth, in his ass, in his pussy, just likes things
also has a really big oral fixation. generally just REALLY likes things in his mouth, even as an SFW thing.
he's a big masochist, likes being hurt and crying because of it. he wants to bleed and likes feeling like a rabbit in the jaws of an angry wolf who hasn't eaten for a week
he's not normally loud for if he's having "normal" sex, if anything he's just more focussed on his partner and making sure both of them are having a good time. the noise all comes off for show
he hates dresses and makeup, triggers bad dysphoria, BUT. he loves wearing cutesy skirts with fishnets or thigh-highs
he's a bottom, but he's down to dom.
also he's got a psychic link with Mike, which can cause some awkward situations
He's on the ace spectrum, HOWEVER. not sex-repulsed, if anything pro-sex, especially for his partners. plus, sex does feel alright, it just isn't something he would do with any random person. think demi or gray for him.
the cannibalism is still a big thing for him, though he needs to be fully sure he can keep himself under control for his own comfort. doesn't mean he won't slip occasionally, but he's doing his best
he's a catboy, you can't stop me from adding some of those to him. he really likes to have his ears pet and hates having his tail touched at all. his tongue is also sandpaper texture, so being eaten out sure is an experience
put that man in a collar and on a leash and he is just. god, he loves it and cant stop purring. he'll relinquish that control (mainly to Roier)
generally he tops, but his husband gives him the strap of his life and when it comes to being a dom/sub, he's a switch
honestly he enjoys being a service top a lot, likes being able to make his partner see stars
Dom-top*, but he's really sweet and checks in regularly. can't do a scene for the life of him without breaking character to make sure everything is okay.
*He does like being tied up and that tends to make him more submissive, but he also tends to have a time limit. like, two rounds at most and he can only have his arms tied up, nowhere else. learned that the hard way.
Did I hear someone say robo-dick? Listen, he has a prosthetic arm that is fully functional and he got it in Florida2b2t. Someone definitely also gave him a robo-dick.
He likes carrying his partners, in general but especially during sex. a little proof of his strength plus he just enjoys how comfortable it feels
Somehow I got angel imagery in for him and man, can't stop thinking about it. He's got six angel wings, very soft, and he only lets the people he trusts the most touch them. he'll use them as a blanket and also often uses them to hide his partners from the world if he's in a mood or if they're in a mood. usually it's him.
Also on the ace spectrum! And very aromantic, just don't pull him into anything romantic and he's fine.
Psychic link with Pac. Someone please help him, he is stuck with all the cannibalism thoughts and the weird romance that he has with Fit.
The psychic link does mean that he knows how to make Pac feel the absolute best, and he also knows when to stop when he's edging him
Mike, the tinkering little fucker he is, makes the craziest sex toys and contraptions ever and usually gets Pac to test them out.
He just likes watching things, mainly. he's fine taking a step back, but he's also rather go-with-the-flow. If you ask, he might say yes, if the stars say so.
Switch through and through.
Transmasc as well, on T but doesn't plan any surgeries, he's fully fine with his body
Dressing in drag because he knows he's hot and knows other people think so as well.
He's a spider, which mean he has: venom (something to cause either minor and temporary paralysis or to just knock you out. beware getting bit by him), a bunch of eyes (the extra ones are small and easy to hide, they're all around his main two), and extra legs (proper spider legs that stick out from his shoulders)
He WILL tie up his partners and just watch them squirm and whimper as they're unsure what to do. and he WILL ride them to death or strap them until they can't think.
He loves leaving marks, whether they're bites or from his nails, he loves making sure the whole server knows it was probably him who fucked you up <3
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totally-not-my-drama · 5 months
Ever after high AU info dump
Well with 39,1% the Ever after high au won the poll. It shouldn't surprise me as much as it did honestly.
While it's already a bit further than it's last concept it's not even close to being done, mainly due to me concentrating on other AUs. But to fill enough space and give you alot knowledge I give you an entire run down of what me and my friend, @ccaramel-candy have so far! I'm not exactly good with explaining what I want to say/ what ideas I have but I try my best.
Warning stuff:
One thing I want to get out of the bat is that the fairytales changed to make it more comfortable and less confusing. And so that everyone gets it and I don't get any complains: This is purely a Noco story. If you don't like the ship pls carry on!
Now with that out of the way let's get started:
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This Au plays like ever after high in a school for fairy tale children. But instead of following Snow whites daughter, we follow this Aus Sleeping beauty's child Noelle (Noah in this AU is Trans ftm and is refereed at the beginning as Noelle (She/ her) and later into the Story as Noah (He/ Him). Just so you don't get confused) and how she handles school in general. Sounds easy but it isn't when everytime someone annoys you with something, be it your potential future prince charming, your roommate who has yet another problem or the school erupts into chaos because someone is making a problem. And all Noelle wants is being left alone to read. And the school year has just started!!!
General Info:
-The main character here is Noah and Cody as sleeping beauty and their prince charming (So it's a Noco focused story)
-Pretty much everyone is from Total drama or has a connection to Total drama (like OCs) Tho there are still some thoughts and planning to be made
-While everyone has their own rooms and roommates in their dorms the rules that are binded to it are a bit.... well they aren't clear to anyone in school.
-the school has somewhat a mind of it's own. It's not clear however if someone used magic on it or if it was always "alive".
-while the conflict between royals and rebels was clearer in the original ever after high, it only starts to get a real story point later on in this AU. But the conflict does start at the beginning already but more of a sub plot!
-Fairytales are definetly rewritten from their original source material for various reasons, but there are also changes due to other characters actions!
Character Roles:
There aren't many yet which might be because I don't think of this AU as much as I should to give everyone a proper fairytale role but this is who I have so far:
Sleeping Beauty = Noelle/Noah
Prince charming = Cody
Belle = Edith (<- my OC)
Beast = Ezekiel
Cinderella = Mimi (<- @ccaramel-candy OC)
Red Riding Hood = Mike + his System
Evil Queen = Heather
Mad Hatter = Izzy
Littl Mermaid = Birdgette
Big bad wolf = Scott
The relationships with each other hopefully will be a big plotpoint how I intend to have it. This could also be confusing in some areas which either cause lack of context/ not much context or because I try to over explain this but I try my best!
While Noelle is the main protagonist, there aren't currently many relationships other than a few people. Not because I have no idea but because she wants to be left alone and read her books. However there are definetly 2 main people that are consistent:
-Cody the more overconfident prince charming, already setting his eyes on noelle as his destiny. He tries to get her to know her more so that later on their destiny doesn't come off as weird when cody has to kiss her awake.
-and Edith who is her current roommate, who brings a few problems pests pets to the table. Not exactly a thing allowed in school or the dorms but Noelle keeps quiet for her mainly cause it doesn't concern her (and a few petting sessions from time to time are actually nice).
Then there are also some minor ones, like Izzy who just wants her to join the crazy tea party's. Mike or rather specific Svetlana who drops by every 2 weeks to ask for a lipgloss both her and Edith share (Noelle is still confused why). Mimi also hangsout sometimes but more when Edith is with her. Then there is Owen. Defiantly somewhat friends but interact more in cooking class than exactly outside.
(I don't want to make this post all too long so I keep the relationship mainly to Noelle for now! I might make a seperate post for the rest I have)
Well that is all I have so far for this AU. I might plan a few things now that it is on my mind again but I hope you liked my ramble. See ya!
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jadedsnowtiger · 1 year
They were all wrecked, Rachel couldn't even lift her head to look around, by the book of boots, Tim was sitting across her, with Conner and Bart. Two bodies on each of her sides, she knew one was Gar, as she looked over to Cassie, attempting to nap on her shoulder.
"So, that was an earthquake rescue gone wrong." Gar sighed with a gentle laugh, everyone was angry around him.
They had been looking through a building that had fallen for three hours, before being told the person who was supposed to be inside was out shooting up heroin. He was found passed out by a citizen five blocks over and passed out in the garbage.
"I am honestly pissed." Tim kicked Rachel's boot.
"Don't kick me." She kicked back, in the same anger he shared. 
"Please guys." Conner placed his hand between them. "We all agree that was bullshit."
"Why don't you have X-ray eyes!" Cassie growled, crossing their arms.
"I am only half Superman!" Conner growled back.
"The wrong half-"
Conner jumped to his feet.
"Stop." Gar spoke up, with a voice full of anger, as his body shook, beside Rachel. "Look, we are all angry, I am shaking, let's get home. I need a gym or one of you is getting your ass kicked."
Gar turned to Conner.
"Okay, okay."  Conner held his hand up.
"Can we afford the Beast or Raven right now?" Gar reminded them, as they looked around the plane. "So please, keep quiet, I need to concentrate, so he doesn't come out.
Rachel, hand."
Rachel passed him her hand, lacing her fingers in her.
"I am going to lose it." Gar all but cried into her shoulder. "He's pissed, I can't."
Rachel moved to pet his face, as Gar kept his eyes closed.
"I don't think little big girls should
Go walkin' in these spooky ol' woods alone
Awooh!" She sang to him softly, Gar chuckled, as she sang the song.
"What big eyes you have
The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad
So just to see that you don't get chased."
"Am I your wolf?" Gar asked in a deeper voice.
Rachel looked up, Gars eyes lost as his Beast took over.
"Yes." She nodded, as she kissed him softly. "Please don't take over, it's small back here."
"Now?" He asked softly, rubbing her face.
"As soon as we touch the ground." Rachel nodded. "Please, I'll take care of you."
"You always do." Gar nodded, as his eyes return. "You're going to end up with Beast in your shower."
Rachel laughed gently. "Better in the large showers, than in the tiny plane."
"Keep him away from Conner, okay?" Gar turned to her.
Rachel nodded, the Beast knew Conner was worthy for a fight.
"Bart, you stink." Conner groned.
They all did, sweat and uniforms never mixed well, they had all been drenched in sweat.
"You all fucking stink." Cassie tossed a peddle at him.
"Don't you hit my boyfriend!" Tim started to get up.
Beast growled, as everyone sat back down.
"We all stink." Gar growed, as he tightens his hold on Rachel.
"Gar, Iam covered in-"
"Don't care." He spoke, sliding her onto his lap.
"Okay, children, quiet game." Rachel turned to the younger team members. "Gar will lose control, he's fighting it."
Bart curled up on Conner's lap, as Tim did the same. Conner leaned back, closing his eyes.
"You got this Rachel." Cassie told her. "I am going to sleep on Bart."
Cassie was giving them privacy, as much as they could.
Rachel turned to Gar, petting his face gently.
"I can't." He shook his head.
"I got you." Rachel swore, placing her forehead on his.
Beast looked back to her, before looking around the room.
"You're stressed." Rachel told him softly, as he held her close. "We are on a jet, we need to sit still."
Beast nodded, with a growl, as he took over, his size taking over the small room, as the rest goaned, but adjusted.
"Smell." He pointed around.
"Oh trust me,  we all are bad. I was in the fucking plumbing when they found him." Rachel shook her head. "That's why I didn't want to be on your lap."
"Dirty girl." Beast gave her a smile, as she looked up with wide eyes. "Poor. Dirty girl."
Rachel blushed, as he took her chin, preventing her from hiding. 
"My girl. Perfect." Beast nodded, tapping his nose on hers. A simple kiss.
"I'm too tired to argue." Rachel told him.
Gar growled at Conner, as Rachel shook her head. There was some underlying jealousy between Beast and Conner, she didn't understand it. 
"Stop that." Rachel warned him, wishing Beast could get over his issue with Conner. "Conner is my brother."
"I stronger, than him!" Beast growled.
"You have no reason to fight for domination." 
Rachel told him softly. "You are not fighting Conner." 
"Wanna." Beast nodded, Rachel smiled gently, if she wasn't so tired, she would be laughing.
"No." Rachel reached up and petted his face. "You need to cuddle me, can you do that?" 
Beast nodded. "Tried baby." 
"I am." She nodded, "So tired."
Beast pulled her head close to his chest.
"No fighting." Rachel looked up, as he nodded.
"Good boy." He nodded, curling up around her. "Good girl."
Rachel curled up, as he wrapped his arms around her, licking her cheek as they cuddled together.
"Mate." She told him, squeezing his hand.
"Mate." He held her close as she closed her eyes.
"Beast ass is in the way." 
Rachel opened her eyes, as Beast pulled her close.
"Gar, can you roll over?" Tim asked softly.
"Or get up, I'll help." Conner told them, trying to be helpful, ignorant of Beast jealous of Conner.
"No." Rachel sat up, Beast didn't want to let her go. "Let me get Beast out, Conner, you stay back okay?" 
Rachel turned to Beast.  
"My bedroom." She told him, as he nodded. "We go to my bedroom." 
Beast nodded, as he helped her to stand, as Rachel turned around to take his hand once he was up.
"With me, okay?" Rachel spoke a little nervously, Beast wasn't the best at following directions.
Beast led her through the building as he looked around wild, as if going to attack. Rachel slightly prayed as they walked down the hallways that none would find them, but they were cleaned as they made it to her bedroom. 
"Ravens." He pointed to her door, carrying his symbol and hers. 
"Ours." Rachel blushed, as she typed in the code. "Our Den."
He turned to her, picking her up as they walked through the doorway.
"Shower." She pointed to her bathroom.
Beast nodded, as he walked her inside, barely fitting in the main area. Rachel turned around noticing he had followed her.
"Do you need to pee?" She asked, as she turned the water on.
Beast shook his head, as she started to undo her uniform.
"Let me get out, then I'll get you out." She asked, as he nodded. "No ripping, this is expensive."
Beast nodded, waiting for her to help him.
Once she was in her bra and underwear she turned to him, helping him out of his clothing.
"This is the worst." She whispered. "How will we ever get these smell outs?"
Beast shrugged, as she stripped him.
"I know, you can't speak the words." Rachel nodded, petting his face. "Let's get clean and cuddle."
Beast nodded, rubbing his nose to her cheek.
"Okay, behave yourself." Rachel warned him, as she took off her underwear. "I'll take off yours now."
Beast stood still, lifting his legs as she freed him, before he pet her hair softly helping her to stand. 
Rachel just blushed, she never could get used to seeing Gar naked, and Beast being bigger didn't help.
"Water." She blushed, pointing to the shower, as Beast walked into the larger size shower area.
Beast laughed, as he walked under the shower head, impressed by the magic water.
Rachel didn't realize she was watching him, as he washed his face, before looking back to her.
"Mate." He called to her, raising his hand for her.
Blushing, she climbed into the shower, taking his hand as he wrapped it around her waist, pulling her into the water.
Rachel just smiled, as Beast gently pulled her into the water, this was the first time they where having a shower together, Beast typical would sit beside her in the bathtub.
Rachel blushed as she looked up, Beast just content in watching her back.
"I believe we need soap." She blushed, as he looked to the wall holding their soaps.
Beast handed her the bar soap, a material soap which he prefers, as it held no scent.
Blushing, she turned around and washed herself, as he laughed softly, but respected her space.
"Now, you wash up? You remember how?" Rachel asked, passing him the soap as he placed her hand on his chest.
Blushing Rachel looked away shyly.
"Your good." He promised her, as he turned around.
Rachel just blushed, as she turned to look at the wall, to the  crayon drawing, Gar graffitied there. It was a red moon, to watch over her. Fertility moon, she blushed harder, it was too much.
"Done." Beast broke her from her thoughts, as he pawed at the water, turning it off as she laughed.
"Okay, hopefully we smell better." Rachel nodded, as she reached up for the towel over the door.
"Where did you put your- don't you fucking dare!" Rachel broke into laughter, as he shook himself dry. "Why!"
Breast turned to her laughing, as he licked her cheek, walking out of the shower.
"Don't go to the bed wet!" She called after him, as she turned on the heat lamp. "Look, hot light, you can stand under here."
Breast looked amused, as he walked over to the lamp.
"Let me put on a nightgown, and I will sit with you." She asked softly, as he nodded, sitting down on the floor, looking up to her like a proud puppy.
"I am evil, Beast, no cuteness." She shook her finger, teasing him softly. 
The bastard stuck out his tongue and waved his tail.
"So much for the big bad wolf." She walked into the bedroom and quickly threw on a nightgown, before walking back with his shorts.
"Noo!" Beast shook his head.
Rachel wanted to laugh, as she tossed a towel over his lap.
"Gone!" He teased, looking under the towel..
"All gone." Rachel sat down, blushing, it was easier now that he was covered. 
Breast pointed to the red moon drawing.
"Yes, you are proud of yourself." Rachel blushed, holding her face in her hand. 
He poked her in the shoulder, he was proud of her too.
"I know." She whispered gently. 
"Rae, I can't sleep, can I cuddle?" Bart poked his head into the bedroom, his hair almost dried, dressed in a onesie, looking tired.
"Put your shorts on." Rachel turned to Beast. "One of the boys needs us."
She got off the floor, as she kissed his forehead, Beast patted her ass, before pushing her gently out the door.
Rachel looked back shaking her head, before looking at Bart, over exhausted, his mind not willing to shut down, as he looked around her room.
"Come to bed, little Speedy." She asked him gently, as she pushed him towards the bed. "Beast is still active, so you're the baby." 
"Baby can't sleep." He whispered back, wiping his eyes, he was so tired, he couldn't even cry.
"I got you." Rachel promised, wrapping her arm around him, as he pulled him into her bed. 
Beast came into the room, walking straight to the bed, petting Bart's hair.
"We got you." Rachel interpreted for Beast, who nodded.
"I just can't sleep." Bart cried. 
Rachel pulled him into her arm, laying his head on her chest.
"Listen for the heart beat." Rachel told him gently, petting his hair. "I am right here, it's all alright."
Beast wrapped his arms around the two, pressing his nose to Barts.
"Look at the lights, the gentleness of them, watching us like light bugs." She kissed his head.
Bart shook slightly, as he nodded.
"Puppy." Beast nodded, rubbing Bart's back.
Rachel nodded, catching Beast's eyes.
"Our puppy." Rachel blushed, kissing Barts head. "Ours to protect."
"I do." Beast nodded, looking around the room.
"You protect all of us." Rachel nodded.
"Can I join?" Cassie's voice came from the doorway.
"Come in." Rachel nodded. "Just leave the door open this time."
"Conner and Tim are behind me." Cassie told them, as they climbed into bed.
"No fighting with Conner." Rachel warned sternly to Beast.
Beast pulled Cassie close to his chest, kissing their curls with his nose. As Tim crawled in behind her, and the weight of Conner joined.
"Now, you know why I got the largest bed available." Rachel laughed softly, as Tim clung to her.
"No, you're just spoiled." Conner spoke up from behind her. 
"I am sorry, I kicked you." Tim spoke gently.
"I know, baby." She pushed her head back and kissed his cheek. "None meant anything after we heard. It was just rage and anger, none physically hurt, we stopped before it got bad, just as practice." 
"Beast wants to fight me." Conner laughed, with nerves.
"He wants you to know, he's the leader." Rachel rolled her eyes, too tired to start that conversation.
"Does he know, it's actually Tim?" Conner asked gently.
Rachel shook her head. "He hasn't figured that out yet, he only works with you and me. You're stronger, male, his mind is telling you to fight him, so I can be taken as a prize."
"You're his mate?" Conner asked, very confused.
"And your competition." Rachel shook her head. 
"You're my sister." Conner spoke up.
"Animals don't see the world, as we do." Rachel turned to him. "It's complicated."
Conner nodded, "I'll keep my hands on Tim, just to be safe."
Bart snored, as he drooled down Rachel's chest.
"Oh god, he's drooling." Rachel closed her eyes.
"Just sleep." Conner spoke gently to her, "Close your eyes, hold your baby close."
Rachel nodded, as she rolled into her ball, holding Bart, as she closed her eyes to Tim rubbing her back.
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doodlesbf · 1 year
Blind child lores list
Blind child master sword have six different weapons transformed
They have the best hearing distance than their family*chain* yet can feel the magic traps too so they'll be the one to stop their papa or big brothers from walking into it
Blind child likes to hear their family even when they do something crazy as long it's not too loud
They enjoy their family warmth since they live all their short life in a bad environment ans been raised as not a human by their fake biological father even when they were sold off but are glad to be taken in by the chain in the end
Blind child love to explore the tall grass since it have items all the time or find animals they never felt in their hands and show off their discovery to their family tho they sometimes bring in dangerous animals but blind proud of it ( chain get a shocker face every time child comes out of the tall grass with animals even dangerous one)
Blind likes to sing with or without music but it's more to a quiet type of singing since they sometimes remember their fake biological father would punish them if their too loud
Blind love wild cooking, they don't care what kind it is. They'll choose wild cooking over anything (wild pride sky rocket to hear or seen child go to him over his zelda cooking)
Child secretly like to *borrow* twilight wolf pelt, warrior scarf and sky's sailcloth to be bundle up and use as a comfort bubble if they have bad nightmares/ memories and try to clam down without the chain knowing but if the chain find out, each will check in on child in order not to trigger whatever it is that set the child to this situation
Blind child is the one to stop their big brothers from loudly arguments by taken each their hands and won't let go and blindly look to them with teary eyes "please don't fight big brothers. I'm sorry-" those big brothers will stop their argument to not let blind cry cause if they do then time will have their heads
Blind child must always hold one of the chain hands when traveling for their safety but really the chain like to keep playing the *I'm their favorite game* time isn't amused by this since he's obviously the favorite cause he's their father
Blind loves wolfie, he's fluffy and he's a very good doggie and they give him extra pets "wolfie" do some tricks for the blind child without the chain seeing but sometime the chain see and twilight "wolfie" would be modified
Blind like to train with blue and color big brothers even vio allow only blind to cuddle, green nap with blind to spend time with them as Red make flower crowns for blind and help them make one for their family but red is emotional one so one of the colors have to pull him away so they can merch back into four again before the chain comes
Blind child will secretly have sweet conversations with shadow and call him big brother too which shadow try to not melt from happiness lose his bad boy personae but blind can *see* right through it
Blind child play with wind but wind would hide behind blind when he pull pranks on the chain so blind will try take the fall for wind but chain know its not their fault but wind will still be in trouble sometimes
Blind child would randomly have a pink rabbit in their arms when it's legend turn to watch them but it's legend way to get more of the favorite vibes tho twilight and sky are glaring at him
Time and blind whenever are in town together, time would spend time with his child and of course women would aww to seen a single father with his child some try flirting with him tho time politely excuse himself and his child since he only wants to enjoy his time with his child like nothing happened
Warrior and blind would hang out together and women try to get Warrior attention by asking him of he's the father to that adorable child making Warrior blush but blind women correct the women politely and depending on the women reaction *if bad, then blind would use magic to send the women home* "if good, blind would hand the women flower that made of a crystal then hang with Warrior
Blind go to sky for naps and doesn't care were their nap spots are as long they both don't get into trouble so sky have a nap buddy
Hyrule is almost a magic teacher to blind but only on basic knowledge of magic but blind like to listen to Hyrule talk about his fairy sisters and momma the great fairy
Blind is naive but is mature to something the same time
Blind with the Fierce deity is the most adorable thing anyone can see. Since the Fierce was trapped in the mask for so long he have a hard time understanding some part morden like feelings and the understanding of those feelings so blind is like his teacher on that only privately but with the chain he's the same but can catch on to some situations or most of it. He allow only blind to call him grandpa if wind and hyrule try he call them fairy boy and boy
Blind child lore list prt.1
Hope ya enjoy ^^
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
Muse questions - I'm gonna direct these at whichever of your LOTRO hobbits seems best suited to answer each!
What is in your pockets/bag/etc. right now? (I mean. How could we not ask this of a hobbit? :-D)
What scares you the most? And if it really happened… how would you deal with it?
Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? What are they like personality-wise? Can we see them?
Do you have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? Do you go out of your way to always wear it when you can? Why is it your favorite?
What is in your pockets/bag/etc. right now?
Rhianlin: In my bag? *after some rummaging* Let's see.... treats for Rilli(raven comp) and Constance(badger pet), string for my braid.... *more rummaging, interrupted by a whoop of pleased surprise* THAT'S WHERE THAT WENT- a sketch I wanted to give Meneldir but couldn't find last night, some hard tack he gave me in case I get hungry, half an apple, sketchbook and charcoal, jerky.... couple changes of clothes, cornhusk d- figure Tegwyn gave me- it has a stick sword! Isn't that neat?
What scares you the most? And if it really happened… how would you deal with it?
Ziinia: Y'know, I hadn't really thought about that? *laughs* I guess either something happening that keeps me apart from my animals, or something bad happening to my family--there's a lot of us and we're all really close. I like to think I'd keep it together and think of a solution if either actually occurred, but I dunno. I love my family and my animals, so I'm not sure I wouldn't completely fall apart if one of those came to pass.
Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names? What are they like personality-wise? Can we see them?
Siltera: I've picked up a few in my travels. There's Rushes, she's a hound dog, very good for sniffing out mushrooms and following a scent, also loves to sleep. Looks at me with big sad eyes if I wake her early. Puddle is a black cat, doesn't much care what I do as long as I remember to feed her and will spend enough time sitting still she can use me as a seat part of the day. Squall is a crow I found out near Clegur; an avanc had knocked him into some reeds and his wing got caught. I wasn't expecting him to follow me around after I freed him, but he did. He's very good, if a touch mischievous. Likes to let out one ridiculous caw in the wee hours of the morning, just for the fun of it. Sometimes he brings me trinkets, I think in thanks for not shooing him off.
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(have wiki pictures of the pets bc I don't have screenies of them myself)
Do you have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? Do you go out of your way to always wear it when you can? Why is it your favorite?
Rhianlin: My blouse. My ma made it for me, an' put lots of pretty embroidery on the collar and sleeves, an' around the buttons. It's very soft and reminds me of home, so, yeah, I wear it a lot. [River Hobbit cosmetic blouse]
Ziinia: My gloves. I picked up these very sturdy fingerless gloves... awhile ago, and they've come in handy for so many things. I wear them just about all the time. [I thought they were anniversary cosmetic, but I don't see them listed]
Siltera: *sheepish smile* Mine's actually a somewhat recent addition that was given to me while I was traveling through Tharbad. *tugs out a sturdy cord necklace with a wolf's tooth hanging from it* It was given to me by a... fellow traveler--all the way from Gondor!--after I helped him retrieve some stolen property. *tucks it away, bites her lip* He was very kind, very courteous, and spun a wonderful story. He called this a lucky charm, and it's certainly proven so for me. [Lucky Wolf's Tooth pocket item from Boromir]
Muse Asks
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hydok · 2 years
a couple different starting paragraphs for a werewolf!Yukio fic i need to get back to one of these days..... (the last one is the one i think i'm going to go with for the actual starter)
"What are you nervous about?" Rin asks, as he throws a blanket into the cage. "You've done this like, a thousand times."
Yukio shoots him a look, the kind of thing that means Rin's missed something his little brother thinks is obvious, but really isn't. "Because Shura's here."
Rin glances around the room, just in case Shura somehow teleported in when he wasn't looking (who knows what exorcists are capable of), but it's definitely just the two of them in here.
"No, nii-san." Yukio sounds mildly exhausted, probably because he's at least three steps ahead of Rin, which is his own fault. "They have her sleeping in the dorm, she's on the next floor up."
"Okay, so what?"
"She doesn't know."
That pulls Rin up short, and he stares at his brother, confused. "What do you mean, she doesn't know? Isn't it in your file or something?"
"Shura doesn't have access to my medical records," says Yukio, sounding a little bit offended at the idea. "And even if she did, it isn't in there."
"What do you mean, it isn't in there? 'Don't try to send Yukio on a mission during the full moon, he'll bite you' should be like, in big red letters somewhere."
"It's not, because lycanthropy isn't demonic in nature."
"What do you mean it's not demonic?" Everything Rin thought he knew about the universe has shifted, for the second time in less than a month. "You turn into a giant grumpy wolf on the full moon. You get burned by silver all the time. There's no way it's a human thing."
"It is," Yukio says, and adjusts his glasses slightly, slipping into teacher mode. Rin's seen that face enough recently to know what it means. "There's absolutely no indication of any type of demonic influence or possession, werewolves can't cause a mashou in normal humans, and werewolves are unable to see demons without receiving a mashou themselves. Based on all available research, it appears to be genetic, with possible transfer via organ donation. But there's not much information on lycanthropy, and even less on the intersection of lycanthropy and demonic inheritance, so--"
"Is it okay if Shura finds out?" Rin interrupts, because Yukio is starting to do that thing he does sometimes, where he starts explaining in too much detail, and if Rin doesn't cut him off he's going to get a long lecture about DNA or something.
"Try and keep her from finding out." Yukio says, like he's expecting that to be a thing Rin can do. Rin looks around at the nearly empty dorm room and the total lack of soundproofing on the walls, and decides that it would be a bad idea to tell Yukio that there's no way Shura won't hear the wolf.
Rin had really hoped the wolf would be quiet this time, but as it blinks open glittering green eyes and the grey fur on its back starts to raise, he knows they're screwed.
"No," he says, trying to sound stern. Tell it off, the old man had said, it'll listen. "No yelling."
The wolf tilts up its head and howls, louder than anything Rin's ever heard before, so loud that he's pretty sure the walls are shaking. And it doesn't stop. It just keeps going, filling the room until Rin's ears are ringing and he has to take a step away from the cage.
He looks back in time for Shura's hand to land on his shoulder, and yeah she looks pissed, frowning at the wolf as she tugs him backwards towards the door. "What the hell--"
The wolf snarls, throwing itself at the bars of its cage. Rin's never seen it like this, it's usually better behaved, it usually grumbles and huffs as it settles down in the cage, sometimes it lets him pet it through the bars. It's never like this, it doesn't try and break out unless something's--
"Shura, let go of me," Rin says, because the wolf isn't a demon, he can't understand it like he can understand them, but he knows it anyway. And it knows him. And it doesn't know Shura.
"What the hell is going on? Where's Yukio?" She doesn't look away from the wolf, but she does let go of him. The wolf doesn't calm down right away, but after a few seconds it stops trying to eat its way through the bars, so Rin's calling that a win. The wolf's calming down, Shura isn't trying to kill anybody, Rin can do this.
"That's Yukio." ---
The morning after a full moon isn't ever easy, but Yukio oversleeps by a lot more than usual, comes limping down the stairs dressed in his most comfortable sweatpants and sweatshirt, his hair still wet from a shower, and flops into a seat at the table they always use. There's a muffled sort of thunk as his head hits his arms, crossed on the table, and he mutters something absolutely incoherent into his sweatshirt.
Rin laughs, a little bit, and puts Yukio's mug and breakfast next to him.
"You look like shit, Yukio."
"Feel like shit." Yukio mutters, reaching a hand out for his mug, and pulling the tea closer. It's something weird and herbal that he only drinks right after the full moon, not because it's medicinal but because apparently it's the only thing that tastes good while his body's still trying to put itself back together (Rin thinks it's bitter and gross). "Is it Sunday?"
Oh, he's definitely out of it.
"Yeah, it's Sunday, no school today. I made okayu, sit up so you can eat it."
Yukio sort of sits up, propping his head on one hand as he fumbles with his spoon. He pokes at the rice, like he's forgotten how a spoon works. He's tired enough he's turned back into a picky little kid, which is kind of adorable.
"There's egg in it," Rin says, while Yukio tries to decide if rice porridge is something he wants to eat. He pushes two little dishes over. "And salted salmon, and nori."
Yukio nods, and doesn't do anything else.
"Do you want salmon?"
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koolkat9 · 1 year
AU Ask Game
GerEng Werewolf AU
Because I love me some werewolf!Arthur.
Basically, Ludwig used to be a vet, but after a really bad experience or perhaps a chain of bad experiences he decides that maybe being a vet isn't for him. A little lost, he moves into a little cottage just outside of town, right next to the forest. He starts living his best cottage core life with his dog.
He's settled into his new life, but then something comes crashing in to disrupt all that. On the night of a full moon, a huge wolf comes wandering into Ludwig's backyard. The poor thing is injured, looking near death so Ludwig tries to help it. Though he primarily worked with pets, he learned to treat an array of animals, including wildlife. He wraps the now collapsed wolf in a blanket and tends to the wolf's wounds
When done, he gives it shelter in his shed (probably not safe and should not be done, but for plot suspend your disbelief). When he comes to check on the wolf in the morning, he instead finds a naked man who has the exact same injuries as the wolf did. Ludwig is freaking, wondering what he should do, what this means. But the man wakes up, cutting that freak out short.
"Where am I?" the man asks, dazed.
"My shed."
"Are you a werewolf?" Ludwig blurts out.
"How absurd."
"Funny considering I left a wolf here last night in that exact blanket and attended to those exact wounds."
The man concedes that yes he's a werewolf, but Ludwig has to keep it secret. He intoduces himself as Arthur.
Though Ludwig is wary of how much he can trust Arthur he offers to give him breakfast and some clothes. The clothes are bit big, but they'll work. And Arthur is very thankful for the food.
But over breakfast Ludwig tries to squeeze more information out of Arthur, about who Arthur is and about werewolves in general, but Arthur is very secretive and quickly gets annoyed.
"Maybe I should take you to a proper doctor," Ludwig tries to offer, but Arthur shuts him down.
"What do you mean no?" Ludwig asks, "You're hurt and I'm no doctor."
"You did just fine. I can't have them possible picking up on the whole...you know...People finding out is what got me into this mess." Arthur quickly realizes he said a bit too much. But luckily Ludwig let's it go (for now).
"What do you plan on doing now?" Ludwig questions instead.
Arthur is quiet for a moment. "I'm not sure...Maybe look for more of my kind? We're wolves, we like being with others I guess."
"You guess."
"You ask too many questions."
Ludwig decides to drop all the questioning finally and tells Arthur he should stay here until his wounds heal. Arthur reluctantly agrees.
Arthur tries to cook breakfast the next morning to thank Ludwig for his kindness and almost burns the kitchen down. From that day on, Arthur is banned from the kitchen (until Ludwig learns that Arthur can bake then Arthur is only allowed in the kitchen to bake)
Some time goes by, the two settle into a life together, Arthur is getting stronger every day, but neither wants to admit that soon Arthur can set out on his own again.
Originally I had this next part taking place a few days after Arthur and Ludwig met but it didn't fit for how injured I made Arthur and I felt it was a bit rushed. So it's happening more like a month or two later.
Anyway, someone makes a comment about how much meat Ludwig is buying (werewolves need extra meet in their diet) and Ludwig covers by saying he got another dog. And Arthur gets a little offended by this and is pouty for the rest of the day leaving Ludwig confused.
Eventually Ludwig asks what's wrong.
"Don't know why you're asking a dog," Arthur barks.
"So that's what this is all about? It was a cover." Writing this out I just thought of something. What if Ludwig used the cover a few times or Ludwig has said things that compare Arthur to other canines and Arthur gets annoyed each time but Ludwig doesn't really pick up on the signals. So Ludwig goes onto say "Why are you so antsy about that?"
"Shut up. I don't want to talk about it?"
"Don't start getting pissy with me. You can leave any time you want. You're practically good as new."
"Then why haven't you kicked me out?"
"Because I'd miss you." Ludwig immediately regrets letting that slip and both are stunned into silence.
"Miss me?"
Ludwig admits from day one he thought Arthur was beautiful and over the month or two they've lived together, Ludwig loves Arthur deeply and fears losing him and being alone again.
Arthur admits he's grown attached to Ludwig as well and would like to stay if he's allowed.
And it's just two lonely men finding comfort in each other. Arthur learning to accept himself as a werewolf (because he's kind of resentful about that fact) and Ludwig deciding what he wants to do with his life (go back to being a vet or trying something else) (can't decide if I want him to go back to being a vet or try a different path)
And...yeah. That's what I've got for that au so far.
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