#ris could do that and still have energy left over
princelylove · 25 days
Risotto’s physique isn’t meant for running. He's too heavy, and big, it makes him slow- but he can work for extended periods of time without any fatigue.
He hates the idea of playing chase with you. Risotto understands that you have a lot of energy and need to get it out, but he'd rather not spend an entire morning trying to wrangle you. You can probably wiggle your way around him for a while, especially if you have any sort of prior training, but once Risotto has a proper hold on you, it's over.
Risotto's grip is firm, although loving. He doesn't intend to hurt his darling. Think of it like restraining a cat that needs their nails trimmed. You're not getting away, this is for your own good, but the intention isn't to hold so tightly that it hurts.
If Risotto is slow, how can he catch his darling if he finds himself interested in someone that does some kind of running sport or agility training? There's advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of running his darling is used to- he can tucker out a short distance runner, but can he close the gap between himself and a long distance runner?
Risotto may be slow, but he's steady; Risotto thrives in endurance and stamina. You can run, sure, but can you last? Long distance runners typically don't sprint for an entire marathon- it's about pacing yourself. Sure, you can sprint for some portions, but eventually your body is going to demand a break. Long distance running is quite literally all about stamina, but running (a minimum of) 3 km / 1.9 mi is different from being chased by a 203 cm / 6'8" man for however long it takes.
There's an easy way out of this, but he doesn't want to use his stand to catch you. Metallica is painful- why would you use a trap to catch a rabbit when you want it as a pet, not food? Risotto's gentle nature forbids him from directly harming his darling, but he has no issue with restraining them. Some animals instinctively submit when you touch them a certain way- will you calm down if his hand is on your throat? Around your wrists? No, no, he shouldn't, he doesn't want to frighten you off, the second you view him as a predator, he's done for. You'll never trust him.
So this game you keep playing- chase, he calls it- is majorly stressing him out. He doesn't want to follow behind you like a wolf would, but if his sweet, little doe insists on playing this game, he has no choice but to play along.
He won't discipline you. He spoils you in that sense- you get away with bad behavior because he can't bring himself to raise a hand against you, or really scold you, or even lightly tap your wrist. He gave Prosciutto the responsibility of disciplining the rest of the team because he wants nothing to do with that- but his darling isn't a team member, and he refuses to give your care to someone else, so it puts him in a difficult situation. How can he punish you when he understands that you're only behaving this way out of fear?
He guesses there's nothing he can do but humor you. He always catches you, and he'd find you if you were to slip away, so it's fine. That doesn't mean it's any less stressful for him, but he'll keep doing it and will take more precautions when he brings you back home.
Risotto's physique is good for a lot of things (namely the ability to haul heavy objects for long periods of time), but it isn't perfectly well-rounded. He has good mobility, endurance, strength, and coordination- but isn't very flexible. Perhaps it's a personal bias of mine, but when I imagine men with Risotto's physique, I typically don't think of flexibility as being their strongest point.
Flexibility isn't something Risotto thinks about often- he doesn't need to be flexible to protect you. You cannot push his legs back without him making that needy, initially uncomfortable expression- but he lets you anyway, as long as you’re happy. Truthfully, Risotto would prefer to service you, but he gets off on you using him freely. It makes him feel wanted. Not that he’d ever say that- he’s terribly shy.
After all, it’s a bit hard to tell someone “I want you to think of me as your sex toy sometimes.” It certainly isn’t romantic- and Risotto would prefer to keep things romantic. He’ll keep it to himself, for now.
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mizu-chin · 21 days
Yes My Lord "The Hidden Song"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was calm at the Phantomhive mansion. The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting golden rays through the tall windows, creating a spectacle of light and shadow in the elegant corridors. It was early, and the mansion was enveloped in an almost sacred silence. S/n, who had been awake for some time, was in the armory room, cleaning her daggers.
With meticulous movements, she slid the cloth over the blades, making them shine under the soft light. As she worked, she began to sing softly, almost without noticing. Her voice, clear and melodious, filled the room with the lyrics of the song.
"Cae la noche, me está buscando Hay luna llena y las loba' estamo' cazando Caí en el party, humo volando Di un par de paso' y vi que me estabas mirando..."
Sebastian, always attentive, was passing through the corridor near the armory. The sound of S/n's voice caught his attention, making him stop. He silently approached the slightly open door, curious and enchanted. He had never heard S/n sing before, and the softness of her voice combined with the intensity of the lyrics surprised him.
"Oh, te acercaste y me pediste Fuego pa' encenderte un blunt Ni lo pensé Te lo saqué de la boca, lo prendí y te dije que..."
She sang with a passion and rhythm that Sebastian did not expect. The words flowed naturally, and he could feel the emotion in each verse. There was something captivating in the way she moved, even while performing a simple task like cleaning her daggers. He stood there, immobile, almost hypnotized by the scene.
"Detrás del humo no se ve, no, no se ve Acerquémono' un poquito, que te quiero conocer Te lo muevo en HD, un perreo HP Una hora, dos botellas y directo pa'l hotel..."
Sebastian entered the room silently, his steps inaudible. He leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on S/n. She was so immersed in the music that she did not immediately notice his presence. He observed her every movement, from the way she cleaned the daggers to how her lips moved as she sang. There was a natural sensuality and strength in her performance that left him fascinated.
"Dá calor quando chega perto de mim Que vontade de sentar em você Faz aquele jeito do macentin' Mírame, y hágale Por trás da fumaça tu sarra em mim Tomamos três goles de prazer Olha nos olhos, olha nos ojos, ah..."
S/n finally noticed Sebastian's presence when she lifted her gaze and saw him watching her. She abruptly stopped singing, a look of surprise crossing her face.
"Sebastian," she said, putting the dagger aside. "I didn't know you were there."
He smiled softly, stepping out of the shadows. "Forgive me for interrupting, Miss S/n. Your voice is... enchanting. I didn't know you could sing."
She shrugged, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "It's just something I like to do to pass the time. It helps me relax."
"I must say, it was a pleasant surprise," he commented, approaching her. "The lyrics of the song are quite... intense."
S/n laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Yes, it's a song I like. It has an energy that makes me feel alive." Sebastian watched her for a moment, his gaze intense.
"You have many talents, S/n. Every day I discover something new about you." She looked at him, her eyes shining with a mixture of challenge and curiosity. "And you, Sebastian? Do you ever allow yourself to be surprised?"
He smiled enigmatically. "Rarely. But I must admit, you manage to do so more than most." There was a palpable tension between them, something that went beyond words. Sebastian, always controlled and calculating, felt something new and disconcerting.
S/n, for her part, perceived a vulnerability in him that she had never seen before. She stepped closer, her eyes fixed on his. "Perhaps you should allow yourself to be surprised more often. It can be... invigorating."
He tilted his head, the smile still present, but his eyes showing a depth of emotion he rarely revealed. "Perhaps you're right, S/n. Perhaps I should."
In that moment, the invisible barrier that existed between them began to dissolve. It wasn't just attraction or mutual respect, but something deeper. A recognition that, despite their differences, there was something that connected them in a way they were both still learning to understand. As the sun continued to rise in the sky, casting a golden glow over them, S/n and Sebastian stood in silence, a mutual understanding growing between them. It was the beginning of something new, something that promised to change not only the dynamics between them but also the very essence of the Phantomhive mansion.
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whump-town · 1 year
Drunk & Nosy
I don't like this very much and it's disgustingly sweet when I want to wreak havoc but this is what I have instead...
word count: 4k
Hotch/Morgan and Hotch and Emily are drunk, and Morgan's walking them home from the bar. Takes place right after Emily comes back from being dead
Derek didn’t want to be mad at them. Nothing about being mad at them was fun, he didn’t feel better holding this resentment so close to his chest, but there was no place else for a broken heart to be. Just wedged, propped up, beaten and sullen against his ribs. Emily had died. Derek had held her hand as she struggled to breathe, and he’d watched her heartbeat on the monitors in the back of the ambulance turn a flat green. His best friend had died right in front of him and then Hotch left. He hadn’t said a damn thing to a single one of them, left on a plane at midnight somewhere he wouldn’t know until he landed. And when they returned, two ghosts had come back. Two living members of the dead, sullen and ashy faced ghosts haunting themselves. 
He didn’t know how something like this could happen. Ian Doyle hadn’t existed, just a year ago things were healing. 
Derek thinks they don’t trust him and the confusion he holds for these two strangers in the bodies of his closest friends is only tripled when Emily calls him late Friday night from Hotch’s phone. He’s already in bed, craving the energy for a night out but unable to keep his eyes open. Derek groans already annoyed when he sees that it’s Hotch, but it’s Emily, babbling quickly, drunkenly, about a bar. He can hardly make out what he’s hearing over the sound of laughter, but he pieces it together – she’s trying to bargain her way into a ride home. 
Derek listens to her quick, slurred speech and for a moment, he forgets everything. It’s pleasantly familiar, Emily calling for a ride home. 
Her instructions are to a pop-up bar, a small back corner of a back street where businesses come and go. The nightlife is rampant, suits and ties shed for a night away. It carries with them, stress pinched into crow’s feet and nicotine-stained fingers that’ll poke out their car windows tomorrow morning as they sit in rush-hour traffic. Trailing wispy smoke and rubbing sore heads, sitting in stand-still traffic.
Derek sees Hotch first, stretched in the circular booth with his left leg on one-half of the booth. He’s in a sweater Derek’s seen a thousand times – discarded on his bedroom floor, in his laundry hamper, in Hotch’s go-bag – and it makes his aching heart kick up a fuss. The soft material worn to Hotch’s frame; no doubt, the frayed sleeves are pinched over Hotch’s cold hands. 
Emily’s propped up against his shoulder, Hotch slumped down in the booth to her equal height. She’s also in a sweater, hair pulled back out of her face, and no make-up in sight. 
Derek hadn’t known what he was coming here to do but he‘d forgotten Aaron would be here, that if Emily was calling from his phone then she was with him. He’d assumed he’d be coming to pick her up from somewhere more lively, with people swarming and music playing so loudly he could feel the beat in his chest. Somehow Derek had forgotten exactly what they meant to one another. 
He’s not sure how to interrupt this leisure, their complete comfort. “You guys ready?” 
They both glare at him for a moment, narrowing their eyes as they try to focus on his face. Emily breaks first, a big smile on her face as she sits up and starts scooting out of the booth towards him. “Derek!” She throws her arms up and around his neck, leaning into him through the hug. “I forgot you were coming!”
Derek is hesitant to release her but she doesn’t go very far. Emily leans into his side, her arm still around him. Derek nods at Hotch as he climbs out of the booth himself, slower, and comes to stand, leaning into the booth. Derek looks away, smiling at Emily, “you have fun?” 
Emily sighs, “oh yeah.” She points a finger at Hotch and he looks away, color already starting to rise to his face and neck. “That one…” Emily squints her eyes, shaking her finger a little, “he knows…” 
Hotch shakes his head and Derek laughs, reveling in the sudden look of panic on Hotch’s face. But Derek is laughing at Emily, who is still making a face at Hotch. “Come on princess,” he says, squeezing her shoulder, “let’s get you home.” 
Emily steps away suddenly for this part. She searches around the table, “Hotch, do you have your wallet and keys?” 
Hotch, who hadn’t been prepared to suddenly participate in the conversation, struggles to stand upright, shifting his weight unevenly on his legs for a moment. “Sorry?" he asks, nervously. Looking between Derek and Emily trying to piece together what he’s missed.
“Keys, sweetheart,” Emily says, softly, giving him a small sympathetic smile. “Your wallet? Do you have everything?”
The addition of sweetheart feels both endearing and mocking. Hotch feels his face get hot, “I have everything.” 
Hotch leads them out of the bar, walking alone, not sure how to insert himself into the natural duo Derek and Emily make. So instead he narrows his focus on walking. Watching and feeling his feet land on the ground, the weight and flexion of muscles. Trying to ground himself through the cloudy drunken haze. He’s working with new hardware, physical and mental. There wasn’t much out in Pakistan except soldiers and sand. Nightmares were often and silent, everyone would cut some slack for the occasional but the persistent warranted a talking to. The shift from home to there had been difficult, there was lot on Hotch's mind and his nightmares didn’t let him forget it.
Behind Hotch, Emily and Derek speak softly to each other. He can hear them as they walk closely behind, but Hotch keeps his attention on walking. 
Emily leans into Derek as they walk, his arm around her shoulders and hers around his back. She keeps an eye on Hotch, old reflexes die hard “I can’t believe that you both managed to hide this,” Emily says, tugging Derek. “You know I love breaking rules and this has lawsuit written all over it.” 
Derek smiles, “what’re you talking about?”
“I overestimated you; I thought you were smart enough to know better than to go after anybody we with work with– though I had some doubts but Garcia swore on her Wish Bear there was nothing so… .”
“What– Wish Bear?”
“It’s a Carebear. You don’t know Carebears?” 
Derek shrugs.
“That’s a crying shame,” Emily tsks, “everyone should know Carebaears. They’re a National Treasure.” 
“I don’t know them.”
Emily shakes her head, “that’s a shame, really a shame.” She pauses only a moment with a frown hiccups and rubs her chest, “he’s a very honest drunk, Derek. You ought to know that. Told me everything.” 
“Who is?”
“Hotch,” Emily says, pointing at him. “Terribly honest. Really did tell me everything.”
“Everything?” Derek asks, he feels completely lost. “About what?”
Emily grins, this knowing Cheshire stretch of her mouth that reflects the mischief gleaming in her glazy eyes. She reaches up and taps his nose, “fucking.”
“Huh?” Derek shakes his head. “Woman, what are you talking about?”
Emily sways as she sings, “Aaron and Derek sitting in a tree. F- U-C- K- I–”
“Alright,” Derek gets it pretty quickly, and nervously he pulls Emily closer to him. “Shh, shh.” 
“Why are you shushing me? He knows,” Emily points at Hotch, “he was there. And he’s the one that told me anyway.” Emily rolls her eyes, “he’s such a blabber mouth when he’s drunk.” 
Derek huffs.
“So don’t tell him any of your secrets,” Emily says, in her wisest voice. “Because I’ll just get him drunk and get him to tell me them.” 
“Okay,” Derek agrees, “I won’t.” Derek’s not sure that he has any secrets that they don’t know anyway. He’d gotten in the habit of confiding in them both. Unlike the both of them, Derek hadn’t lied to them. He trusted them both, not just with his life but with the details. Derek doesn’t want to be mad about it but he also can’t stop thinking about it. Why hadn’t Hotch trusted him? Because Derek knew he’d trust Hotch with information like that, so what was different?
Emily hiccups and pats her chest, “you love ‘im then?”
Rolling her eyes, Emily repeats slowly, “do you love him?”
Derek looks ahead, to Hotch. It felt like the answer wasn’t very clear. Some small part of Derek still felt like there would be an obvious sign, a banner maybe, or a burst of confetti that would mark the right decision. There had been no obvious signs, Derek didn’t think so at least. There were other things. Just standing at the table, waiting for Emily and Hotch to collect their things, Derek felt pulled to Hotch still. Seeing Hotch smile, seeing him squirm and flush under Emily’s attention had ignited some of those feelings raw once again. 
“If it’s taking you that damn long to answer,” Emily hiccups, “then the answer is probably yes, dummy.”
Derek huffs, “and what do you know about it?” He looks over at her, “since you seem to think you know everything.”
Emily smirks, “I know he loves you too.”
Derek hadn’t considered that. To him, everything that happened had seemed like a pretty clear severance. And now Emily is saying it wasn’t and Derek doesn’t know what any of it means anymore. 
Emily’s walking starts to take a bit of a turn and with a stumble, Emily curses, “mierda.” Derek doesn’t understand a bit of the Spanish that leaves her mouth after that. She fires the Spanish off too easily, too quickly. Having done this enough, Derek knew exactly what Spanich brain meant – puking. 
Intuition and experience have taught Derek all he needs to know about what comes next. “Alright, princess,” Derek starts guiding her toward the closest bench and garbage bin. 
She clicks her tongue at him, “ay, no, no es necesario.” She grumbles but sits down on the bench, right where Derek puts her. 
“Stay here for a second, I’m going to get Hotch before he walks off without us.”
“Necestitas ir a dile que lo amas, estupido.”
Derek shakes his head, “just stay here.”
Hotch hasn’t gotten that far but his advantage is enough to make Derek need to jog to catch up to him. “Aaron, hey!” Derek grabs his arm and Hotch turns. “Hold up, man. Emily’s in spanish mode, I left her on a bench, but I think she’s gonna hurl.”
Now that he’s standing close, the street lights catching that honey brown color that Derek had been away from for so long that being close now made his knees weak. Close enough now to see the glassy sheen over Hotch’s eyes too, smell the alcohol on his breath. 
Hotch looks at Derek and then away, to the ground. “Good call.” He glances up again, eyes moving along Derek’s face and he turns away, but he’s held there by the arm Derek catches. Easily, Hotch could turn away but he wants to be pulled closer, for Derek to hold him tighter until he’s certain he’ll leave bruises. But the touch is hesitant and light.
“Wait,” Derek says, and he doesn’t know why he has to say this now. On a dark street. In the middle of the night. “We missed– I missed you. And–” Hotch’s attention turns enraptured, all of him focused on Derek. It burns through Derek. The way Hotch’s eyes flicker the small distance over Derek’s face, to his lips, and back to his eyes. Like a shot of whiskey, heating up his chest and stomach. A comfortable buzz. Derek’s heart pounds in his chest, his breathing getting harder. “I missed you,” Derek stammers again, and he reaches, unabashed, for Hotch’s hand. “And I want us–”
Hotch’s mouth is warm. His lips right against Derek’s and gone so quickly, he leaves their heads spinning. All Derek can do is stare at him. His mouth open, lips tingling. 
“I shouldn’t have done that,” Hotch finally says. His head is buzzing with alcohol, cloudy judgment had lead him to believe this was his chance. And now he’s standing in the silence, having acted on a hasty, drunk thought. Realizing his mistake. Realizing he was wrong. “I’m so sorry, Derek. I… I’m sorr–”
Wine and Aaron, who had been away for so long that Derek had forgotten. He’d grown unfamiliar with the leisurely comfort of this. Of Aaron. Derek wishes he could just have him. Take him to bed and keep him there, away the things that make him cry, away from pain. Safe and here, always. 
Derek doesn’t hear Emily clear her throat but he feels Hotch jump and pull away from him. He can see the blush creeping up from around Hotch’s dark collar, the fingertips hovering over his lips. 
“Puked in a trashcan,” Emily says, rocking back on her toes. “S’all good now.” She smirks, “you guys talk?”
Derek smirks, “something like that.” He wraps his arm back around Emily and shoots a smirk at Hotch just to get another glance of his flushed, shocked face. “Come on, let’s get you home.” 
Emily had been taking Hotch out for years. Sometimes he just needed a friend, someone other than Jessica to talk to. Emily had gotten Jessica’s number right after Foyet. They had instantly reciprocated a friendship. Similar enough to one another and with the same plan in mind, dragging Hotch out of this no matter how he kicked and fought. It was good having someone else on their team, someone that understood Hotch the same way they thought they did. And while Emily was a little hesitant when Jessica asked her to be Hotch’s friend, to take that label when Emily herself wasn’t very sure Hotch considered them friends, Jessica was right. 
And so Emily is his friend. And Jessica is the back-stabbing, secret-spilling mastermind. Sending them out on nights like this when they both think they other is mad at them. Tonight, was one of those nights. And those nights always end the same – at Emily’s. After five years of this, they have long since been banned from trying to sneak back into Hotch’s apartment. They had tried twice to sneak back into the house but drunk and navigating in dark, both times they had woken up not only Jess but Jack. There was no allowance for a third strike. 
“You wanna stay with us?” Emily asks. She hands Derek her keychain and leans back against Hotch, hiding from the wind picking up around them. 
The first key he tries fails, Derek tries another key and looks up as it slides in and turns the lock. “Why? You got something planned?”
Emily makes a disgusted face and shivers, “ew. With you? That’s disgusting.” She slips in the door past him and starts stripping down. Kicking her shoes off in a pile and tossing her coat on the table. “Just for that,” she says, rubbing her eyes and blindly walking towards her room, “you gotta sleep on the couch.”
Derek smirks back at Hotch, a look that doesn’t go unnoticed. Hotch smiles a little, looking down as he toes his shoes off beside Emily’s. He yawns and stumbles down the hall following Emily, “I don’t have to sleep on the couch.” 
“You’re gonna leave me out here alone?” Derek asks, feigning hurt. 
“Mmm,” Hotch hums and shrugs, “yes.” He’s drunk. Not stupidly so but enough to lack forethought, to let go of the reigns let somebody else handle it. Hotch doesn’t realize his mistake until he’s decided to leave his sweater on so he’s warm while he sleeps. Leaving him standing in his clothes while Emily and Derek strip down to something they can sleep in. 
He can’t do that. 
“You sleepin’ in your jeans?” Derek looks up from folding his pants, over to Hotch standing stiffly by the bed, frozen. “You go commando?” Derek asks, hands on his hips, on the waistband of his boxers as he teases. 
Bed ready to be slept in, Emily climbs in, pulling the blankets up around her and laying down. “You can get the light on the way out, Derek.” 
Derek looks at Hotch, feigning hurt. “Princess,” Derek says, “you’re really gonna do me like that? Kick me out to the cold couch?”
Emily hums back, eyes already closed, “oh yeah. There’s only room for two of us and if I have to pick between the two of you…” She doesn't hear anyone move so she adds, “lights please.”
Derek heaves a sigh and starts to go, sensing tension, Emily peaks an eye open to watch Derek softly bid Hotch goodnight. At the door he stops again, “take me to dinner.” Emily almost sits up to see the look Hotch’s face. Derek continues, “I meant what I said earlier.” The lights cut off and he shuts the door. 
It takes Hotch a moment to begin moving and Emily sits up, blinking as he eyes adjust to the low light. “Are you gonna take him to dinner?” Emily asks, scooting closer. 
Hotch sighs, and glancing at her, Emily following his eyes down as he hesitates to completely take his jeans off.
Emily gently reaches over and touches his arm. He’d needed a lot of liquid courage to get him to even tell her anything about what happened at all. Emily had spent a lot of time wondering what they had been up to while she was away, they were all she could think about. Strangers started looking exactly like them. Too many tall slender man with unruly light brown hair but no Reid. No stoic suit with dark hair was Hotch. No JJ. All she could was sit and hope that they were together. And so it breaks her to hear worse. 
“Hey,” Emily says, rolling her eyes and scoffing as she fights back tears, reaching up and brushing them away. “It’s just us, it’s fine. It’s nothing.” Emily waves her hand a little, “I can hardly see, it’s way too dark.” 
Hotch nods solemnly, eyes still on his jeans. Emily understands, somehow she always does. She’ll be angry but she’ll understand. Right now she’s too drunk to be angry, just softened, and concerned instead. Terribly nosy as well. And this won’t freak her out. She’s seen him crazy – panicking to the point he’s in the bathroom hurling into the toilet. She’s helped him change the bandages on his chest. And now they’ve traveled to the very edge together. She had nearly died for him and he had nearly died to keep her alive. 
Now, though, nothing really happens. 
Hotch had told her what had happened, he had told her and yet it is hard for her to believe, even as she sees it. “Does it hurt?” Emily asks as Hotch leans over trying to fish his leg out of his pants.
Hotch sits up and looks down. It had been months now and Hotch still wasn’t used to looking at what remained of his left leg and mostly because he still felt like it was there. His brain hadn’t fully comprehended it was no longer there. It takes Hotch a moment to really hear Emily, to get around to answering a question he doesn’t really know the answer to. “Not really,” Hotch shrugs, because that’s mostly the truth. It doesn’t hurt so much as it isn’t normal. It’s not what he’s used to, so it’s a pain but it’s not painful. 
Emily moves, allowing Hotch to lay back in the bed. “You know,” she says, glancing at him, “if you’d bother to ask, I could have told you that many fake I.D.s would cost an arm and a leg.”
Hotch smirks, huffing as he pulls the blankets up and lays down beside Emily. “It was all those passports,” Hotch huffs.
Emily laughs, "that government stamp comes with an expensive fee.”
“You’re telling me.”
Emily says nothing for a short moment but her mind is still on her first question. Hotch had confessed it all to her tonight. From what he had done in the beginning, trading guaranteed protection for her and in exchange going to Pakistan, to the explosion he couldn’t even remember. One minute he was out in the cool night air looking at the moon and the next he was waking up on a cot, falling onto the ground, and looking at the round, gauze-covered end of his thigh. That he’d spent months in a wheelchair, pushing himself around in the sand, because he still had a job to do. A contract to complete. And if Hotch could do all that, if he could give all that, such a noble idiot, he could still get the guy. 
“Are you gonna take him out for dinner?”
Hotch huffs, “you’re so nosy.” He stares up at the ceiling and sighs, “yeah... I–I kissed him.” The darkness feels like the same animosity of the bar, a safe enough hole to speak the truth in. “He kissed me back.”
“Really?” Emily turns over to look at him, and he glances over at her, smiling a little and nodding. 
“Yeah but… It’s complicated…”
Emily snorts and rolls her eyes, “because you got blown up? Be serious Hotch, he was there in New York. He’s seen you get into trouble, okay, and he’s not gonna care about that.” 
Hotch shrugs, looking away. “I don’t know.”
Emily shakes her head at him, stupid, stupid idiot man. “Why would he be mad?” Emily asks, she moves her right leg over to him, swishing her legs back in forth in the bed, “who would be mad about extra legroom?”
Hotch smiles, even though he’s trying hard not to. “Okay,” he relents. “I said I’d take him to dinner, I don’t even know if that’s what he wants.”
“Oh he definitely does,” Emily says, waving the notion off. “He was like a love sick puppy, you two were unbearable.”
Hotch huffs, he’s not sure that’s true. It was good, better than good, but love sick?
“It’s gonna work out,” Emily says and Hotch looks over at her but seeing nothing but darkness. He nods anyway, not certain but willing to be hopeful. Maybe but what was done, was done. Everyone is home, they survived, and they have another chance to keep going. 
He’d have dinner with Derek and they would have to talk about what happened but maybe things would work out. 
Maybe Derek will understand. 
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Riiju-Lei: *blinks awake looking around to see he’s back in Tel Mithryn* I- what?… what happened I-ohmnnn- *shifts uncomfortably as Kaidan suddenly wipes a wet cloth across his face cleaning him of the blood and ash*
Kaidan: shhh, it’s okay… you… You fainted I… *pulls the cloth away and frowns seeing how much blood leaked from his eye* I- y-you went on a rampage, it was like you were trying to fight someone who wasn’t really there…
Riiju-Lei: I?… what? No I… I killed Ildari and then-
Taliesin: you were yourself until you… absorbed the energy? From her heart stone I… your hands…
Riiju-Lei: *looks at his hands as mounting confusion and horror suddenly fills him* I?… *looks at the now dark and sharp nails contrasted by pinkish red finger tips* I? N-no I- I chose Voryns voice, I chose him wh-why am I changing what’s happening to me?
Kaidan: *genuinely unnerved seeing him so afraid, actually afraid* w-we don’t know I- y-you were using some strange ass magic. You were teleporting all around the cave throwing fireballs and shooting some type of energy out of your eye like you were attacking someone.
Inigo: we thought you were attacking us at first!
Lucien: and then you just… self destructed… your whole body just went up in flames and you nearly brought the entire cave down on top of us…
Riiju-Lei: I… I did?… I- *looks around at his friends as tears well up in his eyes and his lip quivers, an indescribable pain in his chest he didn’t even feel when his parents died now taking over him* I- I- *chokes back a sob as he starts to cry* o-oh, m-my friends, I- I *voice cracking as he covers his face* I’m s-so sorry! I’m so sorry!
Team Dragonborn: *all huddle around him hugging him gently, all of them very afraid for their friend*
Taliesin: *brushes his hair out of his face* shhh, it’s okay… we’ll figure this out, I promised we would…
Nerevar: *clad in his golden armour, readying to set off to find his voryn*
Captain Veleth: *kneels* lord nerevar allow some of my men to accompany you and your ordinators. Solstheim is a dangerous place right now. Between the ash spawn, the dragon attacks, and now people disappearing in their sleep and werebear attacks along the coast-
Nerevar: rise, captain.
Captain Veleth: *stands to attention*
Nerevar: I appreciate your offer, but it’d be best for your men to stay here and rest. After constant attacks to the bulwark I’m certain you especially need time to recuperate as well. *holds back his mowhawk and slides on his helmet* I assure you I will be fine…
*a few days later*
Miraak: *suddenly drops out of a portal from apocrypha landing in the snow of the Skaal village* ugh-
Riiju-Lei: *drops out of the portal landing on top of him* Ugh! *rolls off of him in pain having knocked the air out of himself* f-fuck. *gasps for breath as he grabs his sword and shakily grapples himself onto miraak again, holding his sword up over his head with one hand, and his throat with the other* Live. Or die. Your choice… swear loyalty to me- or… *looks down and the bloodied man beneath him, already submitted to him* … *looks back at his sword then down at him* oh god… what am I doing… *sets the blade down and climbs off of him* im a healer I’m… I… I lost control again…
Miraak: I could tell… I realised at points when I was talking to you… and when I was talking to the demon attempting to control you… but even still. *sits up, grunting in pain and clutching his side* you fought bravely… id be honoured to swear my loyalty to you dragonborn just… let me be on my feet if you do decide to kill me…
Riiju-Lei: I… I-I won’t kill you I saved you I’m not about to kill you… I just-
???: LEILEI!!!
Riiju-Lei: *looks up to see his friends running to them* my friends… *pauses feeling a sudden warmth in his chest, happiness, love…* My Friends!!! H-Heh-Haha! *staggers to his feet to greet them only to be left staring in confusion at them as they all stop just short of him, staring behind him at something or… someone*
???: Voryn?…
Riiju-Lei: … *turns around slowly and feels his heart skip a beat like it had never done before, as he stares at a figure clad in golden ordinator armour* I?… guess I am… who are?… you?…
Nerevar: *removes his helmet showing his pretty blue eyes and golden skin as he holds out his hand to him* Someone whose waited a long… long time to see you again. I’m-
Riiju-Lei: *not even realising he’s crying, whole body trembling as if hundreds of years worth of emotions are suddenly flooding through him and the voice of dagoth ur is drowned out in his head with memories of someone else’s… of his own… of his life before* … Someone… *takes his hand in his as his body slowly returns to his former handsome beauty, only his third eye remaining as any proof of his past life’s mistakes* …I… loved…
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gray-morality · 11 months
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Utsāha 2023.07.13
Fakhri had lived in Thavnair for eight decades, granted he left for a number of years before returning to this land he called home. While his roots were still way up in the mountains of the Skatay Range, remaining at one place for so long meant he could claim being of its people, as surely as one born on this island. And perhaps because he’d been an outsider once, he ended up developing a fierce protectiveness for this nation that had welcomed him. Thus when he met the Sahib Hikmat Shah upon the End of Days, subsequently joining Jijivisha and becoming its ‘man on the ground’, it cemented that idea that he was there to watch over the people of this land. Which is why their earlier encounter with a certain trio - one Au ri man and two Midlander women - at the docks of Yedlihmad left a sour taste in his mouth. They had been nothing of importance at first, just a bunch of stowaways, perhaps, freshly arrived in Thavnair and seemingly in search of work. The way this group had approached them, however, had been peculiar, to say the least. Claiming they had spied on them and had discovered Seda was in charge, while Fakhri was likely her hired muscle. This alone was laughable and made it clear their ‘research’ was nothing but empty words. A simple stroll to check on a recent shipment had turned into a farce as the group continued on, stating what they could do in exchange of coins, none of which appealed to Seda. Jijivisha was indeed not in need of enforcers, as it already had its own people proficient in combat, if ever needed. It was clear to both Fakhri and Seda that those three suspicious characters were trying to gain the upper hand by striking a deal on their own terms. And this wasn’t going to happen. Every inquisitive question was being turned around and, after over a bell of needless talking, it became obvious they’d never see eye to eye; Those people definitely were not here to help the citizens of Thavnair. And then the man of the group had the audacity… "Near as I can tell, they need to buck up. It's a pretty enough place and in a way reminds me of home..but the people are soft. Lucky they survived at all.”
Had Fakhri been the type to punch someone in the face on impulse, that Au ra would have lost a few teeth. This whole encounter would easily have been brushed away at the end of the day, had it not been for that one sentence. How dare he belittle the people of a land who had suffered, first in line, to the greatest ordeal this star had ever faced! The jungle had burned, villages were destroyed, the people had to face their loved ones as they were transformed into beasts! Yet, despite all of this… the citizens of Thavnair lived on. They endured, they persevered, showing a strength and resilience that humbled the man that Fakhri was. His mind went to those who had lost a mother or a father, a sister or a brother, a son or a daughter, or were the last one standing, having lost them all. And what of this woman, who had lost her children and grandchildren. She knew that, at the end of her life, so would her family line end with no one to carry her name into the future. Yet she decided to live, so she could help rebuild their nation. She was old, but still had her health, and so she could cook and mend clothes for those working from sunrise to sundown.
Thavnairians have a word for this resilience, this ‘energy’ and desire to live; Utsāha. It came from a place of spirituality, to rouse within oneself a sentiment of heroism, happiness and determination. Some would call it zeal or simply enthusiasm but that always felt overly reductive to this Viera. And perhaps the reason why this resonated so much with him was that Fakhri was, after all, a survivor. He never met any of his kin outside their jungle or mountain that had lived for as long as him. With a lifespan fivefold as most of the races on the star, it would be easy to imagine the pain and sadness one could accumulate over the years as friends and loved ones reached the end of their lives, leaving the Viera behind. And Fakhri had faced his fair share of hardships in his long life and lost many dear to him, enough to make anyone question why he was still standing. Maybe it was Utsāha, or something very similar, passed down from the beliefs of his tribe; to live, to pass on one’s knowledge and experience and to honor the spirits of nature and one’s ancestors.
When Fakhri would breathe his last it won’t be by his own hand, but merely because his time has come. Until then, he would live - and love - persevering in the face of adversity; Just like Thavnair and its people.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
aru sekai series is about time loops and saving the world? :0 oooooo so what happens in shuuen touhikou when they try to run for it? If its not too much to ask
asking about this series is never too much & im always happy to talk about it
shuuen touhikou is an escape idealization song as u might guess from the title being demise escape/flight from demise which ever u feel like using. important to note while it does have its ties to the fight or flight concept it kind of mixes both
the song itself builds on the "end" lyrics from aru sekai shoushitsu taking 『終・ヴァイラ 被覆は依然慰労「共生」/胸に青を基調と見えよ』"end: vira the coating is still in recognition of 'symbiosis'/ make the blue in the chest a keynote and watch it" and 『終・間 気流は塞ぐ音像裂開「共生」/胸に青を犠牲と捉えよ』 "end: space the airflow is the 'symbiosis' of closing the stereo audio fission/ sacrifice the blue in the chest and catch it" & just in case u didnt catch on to that from the title those lines are repeated at the end of the text in the opening of shuuen touhikou. aru sekai is more of an objective look at things where as shuuen touhikou is from a specific person's perspective from the middle of everything thats happening.
this person kind of complains throughout the song about the things theyre told, not believing them and thinking doing anything else would be better than sitting there waiting. quite literally 『祈って 只待って居ても/何も変わらない?其んな事は理解している!/依然 「償いは枷になる」と/然も、悔しそうに。』 "praying, and just staying here waiting/nothing's changing? well I can understand that!/ yet it was said 'recompense will become restraints'/ really, it's so frustrating." this person's had enough, devoted so many resources that they're running out of, and in the end no one's going to know if it worked until it's too late and the world starts to end again. its happened so many times in the past and they know this
so they weigh their options. they cant stand around waiting anymore. there has to be another way & they'll do anything, go anywhere to find it. their ideal manifests in the "city in the canyon" they talk about going to in the song but its pretty clear its less of an actual town and more of a fantasy safe place. nevertheless they take off running one night hoping to get there willing to go as far as they need to to find it (the song says 4 quintillion ri! which is way more than the circumference of the earth! apparently this is an actual journey that happened once but i lost the video hiiragima linked to without getting to watch it properly.) they've put all their effort into saving the world but now they're fighting with what energy they have left to escape it. they even relate it to a lottery, like they might get lucky by running away and really find a safe place.
in the end though it catches up with them, it wasn't enough, they never made it out & it starts raining (rain being the typical sign of the end in this series) & the song ends with them praying the whole thing could finally be over
it kind of seems like they expected that outcome anyway with the whole 「見切って逸そ、逃げてしまえたら。」 which is like "we'll never see the end of it if we could flee." the lines before talking about cause & effect of their actions so basically they know if they run they arent going to know what's been done that's worked or not and they're giving up their own chance at sharing that ending. & the running (ha) theme between the text & lyrics is the conflict between personal choice & what seems like an inescapable fate & if they'd been trying so hard time and time before, maybe breaking that chain would be enough to change fate but nothing worked so it doesn't really matter it's all just another repetition of the world
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thefandomdirtymind · 2 years
The nostalgia of the half-fox
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Part 1- part 2
ee Rang 
Tales of the Nine Tailed
A/N IMPORTANT: The story happen few years before the event of Tales of the Nine Tailed, Rang have rescued Yu-Ri but nothing from the show had happen yet. 
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.   
Fate is a bitch, a twisted, cruel, vengeful bitch and she likes to play dirty.
Your fist lifted in the air at only a few inches of the metal panel, you hesitated, asking yourself for the thousandth time, time you didn’t have, why, of all the safer places in Seoul you could’ve ended up, you did find yourself in front of that door.
It wasn't a good place for you, not a friendly space where you could lick your wounds in peace. But, as your blood was dripping on the floor, staining the gray carpet of the hall you knew you didn’t have much time left to decide and you had to make your move before fate decided to do it for you.
And like an asshole she outplayed you.
“ Will you bleed to death in front of my door or will you ask for my help ? “ A masculine voice demands.
“ I’m still undecided, dying here or inside, it’s the to be or not to be questioned all over again” You respond, your gaze still trying to stay focused as your vision slowly becomes a blur.
Lifting your gaze to meet him, you sigh at the realization that your legendary sharp senses were starting slowly to betray you one by one.
Standing casually in the frame of the door you didn’t hear open, Lee Rang was looking at you, his usual smirk playing on his lips.
“ How will you get out of this situation now ? Foxes aren’t like cat Y/N, don’t confuse your tails with your numbers of life. Choose, come in or stay outside”
But the darkness welcomed you first.
You knew it was a trap.
Bad luck spirits would never leave a crowded place where they can eat bad energy as much as they want, or use the protection of the public's eyes, to wander suddenly in a deserted construction site.
After three hundred years as an agent of the underworld, you should have trusted your guts and called some help, but like the big nine tailed fox you are, you didn't.
A group of spirits wasn’t so uncommon but,  as much as you had hated to admit to yourself, the varieties of spirits who had surrounded you were clearly at your disadvantage and they knew it.
Even armed with your underworld sword. The fight, for both sides, had been hard, making you use a fair amount of technique and expertise. Atlas, as you watched the last member of the gang run away, your wound already hurting like hell and the poison of the snake spirit rushing in your veins, you knew that battle didn't truly have a winner.
Because a winner didn't leave a battle with an enemy to knock on the door of another.
You didn't know what you were thinking when you ended up on his doorstep. Only that, as much fate is a bitch, nostalgia has also his part to play and you wanted, for your death, one last venomous exchange with the brunette, no more no less.
As the cold embrace of darkness hugged you, you had the thought that, for once, Fate was in a good mood as she agreed to those few last words. But, like the life guideline cosmos, you didn't think that is sister, Destiny, would like too, to play his part.
The sun was filtered by the hundred leaves above your head. The wind, delicate like a touch, was carrying the fresh scent of the waterfall and your favorite flowers. Behind you, you could hear the sound of his footsteps as he purchased you, making you scream and laugh as his arms finally reached your waist, promising you to never let you go.  
Your head was hurting, your body too warm to be comfortable and the light in the room way too bright.
The light ?
Opening your eyes, trying to acclimate your vision to the sunlight coming by the large windows, you slowly lift yourself, unsure of your exact location, neither of how you could have ended up in a room looking like a luxurious hotel room.
The last memory you had was delivering your last breath and the voice of Lee Rang close to your ear calling your name.
So where, since you were supposed to be dead, did you wake up ?
You were pretty sure too that Ms.Taluipa would never use her influence to change something as important as the date of your death. It wasn't that the old lady dislikes you in any form, more like she knows that her duty is more important than her employer and poor husband. Or at least, it is what you like to comfort you with when, after a hard mission, she simply gives you another task and screams at you about being hurt like a newbie.
" You're awake, wonderful."
Jumping in the bed, scared by the fact that you didn't hear any footsteps coming, you stare at the young woman who, with caution, approaches you with a steaming bowl of soup and chopstick in her hands.
" Who are you, no where am I, When did I…No why I didn't hear you coming ? " You couldn't help yourself to ask. Being scared wasn't in your nature, not anymore, but as the confusion was clouding your mind, the fear was also making you curious and clumsy.
" Oh, he told me that you might be confused, irritable,or even mean when you wake up. But that's okay, I had been there too. My name is Ki Yu-Ri. Nice to meet you. " She replied. " Mister Lee Rang said that your senses had been affected by the poison, you will recover them gradually."
So, it was where you are. You didn't enter on your own will but he had decided for you, and apparently succeed to keep you alive.  
" Lee Rang saved me… of his own initiative ?" You asked, unsure if you should trust her or should run as quickly as possible. If it was true that Lee Rang helped you, it was probably not by generosity.  
"Yes of my own initiative, I am still in debate with myself if I should make you pay the price of my ruined shirt or kill you myself after bringing you back from the dead. That snake spirit, apparently, couldn't die and let me take his antidote pouch without bleeding on my suit. I hope you had some emergency fund, it will cost you"
Lifting your gaze to meet his casual form standing against the doorframe. You forced yourself to stay still, all your functional senses in alert, taking small but deep breaths.
" I’m truly sorry if my survival ruins one of your suits, send me the bill and I will refund you with a thank you note" You reply sarcastically, pressing your hand again your forehead trying to calm the heavy headache " If you excuse me, the meal look delicious but I will go now "
Trying to exit the bed without questioning yourself about the large shirt you were wearing instead of your previous clothes, and without knocking down the bowl, the clearly mixed emotions Yu-ri had brought you. You sadly managed to make only a few steps before falling on your knees, your blurry vision focused on Lee Rang, clearly unimpressed.
" Here you are again, pushing yourself too hard. '' He said in a murmur, lifting you in his arms, returning you to the warm comfort of the bed. " I will not be nice forever, I want to have my bed back, so stop being stubborn, eat, sleep and heal fast"
Closing your eyes, ashamed of the weak state of your body you softly curse, unable to believe the situation you had put yourself into.
"You should have let me die" You finally said.
" I only do it because it seems like a good way to pay that old debt I owe you" Rang said, heading to the door, Yu-Ri on his heels.  
" I never ask you to repay that " You replied, your traitor heart now joining your head in a devilish hurt duo. " You were the one who insisted "
" I know. We were young and now I have to pay for it " He coldly answered, his hand resting on the door knob, a flaming fox promise ring burning on his finger. A promise he made to you long ago.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
If you feel up to this request!! This is one that's actually been sitting in my head for a bit revolving around the Ri's. I would LOVE to see your take on perhaps something several years before the quest in Ered Luin. I imagine Nori is in and out a lot what with his thievery, and Dori is taking care of Ori and such. What about a little reunion between the three and seeing what their little life together looks like while it's calm? :)
I love them so much, as well as your writing! Little Ori! Mothering Dori! And our favorite problem dwarf, Nori!
Hello my dear (thanks for this)
Here's my take on this (sorry, if it's sadder than expected)
Fandom: Hobbit
Words: 1,8k
Characters: the Ri-Brothers
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@laurfilijames here's a bit of fluff for you <3
Ori woke up early that day, rubbing his eyes vigorously in hopes to get some of those infuriating freckles to disappear as well.
He could hear Dori puttering around in the kitchen and the smell of freshly baked goods, intermingled with spiced tea, filled the house already. Every so often, an intermittent silence fell like a blanket, only to be interrupted by furious activity again.
Ori called them “Nori’s sighs” because he knew that Dori was looking out of the window, hoping and dreading to see that ludicrous hairdo appear just above the lower frame. If he was being completely honest, Ori had to admit that he missed Nori sorely, but he wouldn’t tell Dori about it to spare his feelings.
Sighing, he scrambled into the layers and layers of soft garments, dismayed at the sting of envy he felt every time he thought of Kíli and Fíli – who were his friends but also his princes – and of their promising physiques clothed in leather and linen. Ori knew that the chances of him ever being anything more than a scrawny, plain, unimpressive little squirrel – from the colour of his hair to his tendency to hide between and behind old tomes – were very slim indeed.
Dori was proud of him though; he would always praise the neat runes Ori painted in painstaking, meticulous handiwork and give him the choicest bits of meat and the moist middle of cakes as a reward. Now that he was a little older, Ori suspected that Dori would have done so anyway, but it felt good to be appreciated, nonetheless.
As he padded into the kitchen noiselessly, he caught his oldest brother staring wistfully out of the window, muttering to himself that the mutton chops he had been holding back would not keep forever.
“He’ll be here,” Ori promised, overcome with guilt when Dori whirled around as if caught doing something naughty.
“Who? I don’t know what you are talking about,” the older dwarrow said defensively, but Ori could see the pain in his eyes before it sunk back to the bottom of his soul like a stone thrown into a deep lake.
The autumn storms had left the trees naked and shivering in the cold; it was time for Nori to come home, laden with gifts that he might or might not have paid coin for and grinning ear to ear. Dori would huff a lot and complain even more, but Ori knew that he was happy to have all of them together at the same table.
Ori could tell because Dori would spend hours in the kitchen and he would not ration the firewood or the candles when Nori was home; yes, it was always a merry time when both his brothers were there.
He remembered that one time when Nori had spread mud all over the good doilies because he had stood on the living room table with his boots still on to hang decorations for Yule, and the time he had almost set the whole house aflame trying to roast candied apples over the open fire because they were Dori’s favourite.
Nori brought mischief and catastrophe with him wherever he went, but he also inhaled boundless, incandescent joy and life into their dreary humdrum existence with his ludicrous ideas and his resourceful energy. Everything was brighter and more colourful when Nori was around and – especially in the cold season – Ori could do with the fireflies of creativity dancing around Nori.
“Come, eat your breakfast, little one,” Dori smiled and ruffled a thick-fingered hand through the mop of wiry, rust-coloured hair affectionately before setting down a steaming bowl of porridge in front of Ori.
Sometimes, he wanted to tell his brother that he knew that they were “in reduced circumstances” and offer to share the best bits with him, but he knew that Dori would pretend not to understand him and refuse his offer, just because Dori would rather die than see him deprived of anything.
Often, Ori thought about telling him – and Nori – more often how much he loved them and how thankful he was for his sheltered childhood in the heart of the Blue Mountains; there were so many things he wanted to show himself grateful for – the ink, the pens, the paper, the books – but he was too shy to actually speak the words, so he drew perfect runes and followed Master Balin religiously.
One day, he’d be a great scribe and he would restore his family to their former glory, one day, he’d repay all his dues by being diligent, humble, and kind, just as Dori has taught him to be. One day.
The door flew open and there he was, the brother who was so troublesome that Ori did his best to be as perfect as possible to make up for it, the brother he loved with all the fierce, idealistic admiration of a child.
“NORI,” he cried out, leaping into the other dwarf’s arms, and letting himself be hugged a little too tightly.
“Little brother, how you have grown,” Nori laughed and – even though Ori knew this to be a bald-faced lie – he was happy to hear his brother’s warm voice again.
“So, you’re back. Just in time for breakfast,” Dori greeted calmly, standing in the doorframe of the kitchen and handing the bowl he had prepared for himself over graciously.
“I am, thank you, Dori. How have things been?” Nori started eating where he was, much to the annoyance of his older brother who cared much about etiquette and the proper way of doing things, and grinned between heaps of porridge shovelled into his mouth.
“We are getting by, Nori, as we always do,” Dori informed him – slightly piqued by the underlying insinuation that he did not take proper care of the young one – and steered both his brothers back to the kitchen.
There was pride in Dori’s eyes as he watched them eat, a quiet satisfaction warmed by the devoted love he felt for those two rascals, and even if that meant that he’d go hungry this morning, he could not imagine being happier than he was now.
“I have brought some things for you,” Nori said, holding up a hand to stay his brother, “and I’ve paid for most of them, I swear.”
He unpacked a few books for Ori, making the little one wipe his nose inconspicuously, and some cloth and other household items for Dori.
“Thank you so much,” Ori exclaimed, gathering his new trophies, and turning the beam of his pleading, luminous eyes on Dori.
“Yes, run along and read your books, I’ll call you for lunch,” Dori smiled and – like a flash – the boy was out the kitchen to hide in some cosy corner and disappear within a story.
“You seem displeased brother; I am trying hard to help providing for Ori, what more do you want from me?” Nori huffed, annoyed by the lack of reaction from his older sibling whose eyes bore mercilessly down on him.
“I need you to be here, Nori, don’t you understand? Ori misses you…I miss you,” Dori sighed.
“You just want to keep an eye on me,” Nori laughed, but the sound was shakier than he’d have liked it to be.
“Is that so wrong? You are my brother, of course I want to keep an eye on you,” Dori grunted while turning away – seemingly to wash the dishes – but Nori knew that he was trying to hide the tears of frustration and hurt pride that had welled up.
“I’ll be here the whole winter, Dori, I promise,” Nori murmured pleadingly; he was aware that he would never be up to the standards of a gentledwarrow such as Dori and he was deadly afraid that the wicked demon that churned within his soul and heart would end up costing Dori his sanity and Ori his future.
He had tried to be good for their sake, but the wide world and all its temptations called to him with their irresistible siren’s song again and again and so, he left to keep his brothers safe from the consequences of his stupid actions.
“We live in the constant fear that one day, you won’t come back,” Dori admitted in a low voice.
“I will always come back, Dori, you know that,” Nori replied, because there is no place like home, because there is nobody who matters more than you two, because I can only leave knowing that you’ll be my beacon when I lose my way.
Just like his younger brother, Nori kept a lot of things inside his heart that he did not dare speak out loud, but that didn’t mean that those things were any less true.
The mutton was excellent and – after dinner – Nori showed them a game he had learned in some tavern a world away.
Ori decided that he would write down the rules and fashion cards for the game himself; indeed, he would paint them with his own two hands and gift them to Nori for Yule so he could take them with him when he left again.
They played until his eyes were heavy and filled with sand and his head dropped onto his hands, folded jealously over the worn cards; at some point, he heard – as from very far away – Nori’s voice pleading: “Let me, please, Dori.”
A second later, Ori smelled the familiar scent of his brother’s clothes and felt his strong arms around his frail frame as he was lifted out of his chair and carried back to his room.
Struggling against the leaden veil of fatigue trying to drag him under, Ori mumbled hazily: “Nori? Will you stay this time?”
A low chuckle resounded, and a warm hand closed around his cold cheek. “Yes kid, for now, I’ll stay. Now sleep! When you wake up, I’ll be there, and we can go into the village and get some baked apples.”
“Can we get some for Dori too? He loves them!” Ori yawned, struggling to open his eyes.
“Yes, Ori, we’ll get the best ones for Dori, alright? Now sleep!” He petted his brother’s soft, warm hair a minute longer, unable to get up and take his eyes off the pale, freckled face of the miraculous creature that was Ori.
How two so absolutely different and – in their own way – terrible dwarrows like him and Dori had managed to raise such an excellent, gentle, smart, and genuine soul surpassed his understanding, but one thing was for sure, he would never really leave them.
“He’ll be a great dwarrow, one day,” Nori whispered, feeling Dori come in to check on the little one, making sure he had everything he needed.
“Yes…and where will you be, Nori?” Dori asked, leaning against the bedframe, waiting for a genuine answer.
“As long as you both are here, Dori, I will come back, and if you ever leave this place, I’ll be right behind you, like a gnat on your back,” he looked at the sleeping dwarrow, barely more than a pebble, a boulder maybe, never to become a rock most probably, “for him.”
“For him,” Dori nodded slowly and retreated to his own bed, leaving Nori to his thoughts.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ~
Part II
© sailorhyunjinz 2021; Rights Reserved
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All picture rights to their respective owners.
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥: Photographer!Hyunjin x fem!model!reader, model!bestfriend!Felix, barista!Seungmin, agedup!straykids, fluff, character driven story, stranger to lovers, summer!au, mentions of death/passing away, mentions of injury, slight angst, mentions of self doubt, mentions of bad economy. 
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4.6 k 
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: lmao if anyone is wondering why the cafe is open at night; it actually exists! most commonly found in korea but hey this fic doesnt have a set place so just imagine that it’s a cafe that works 24/7 ALRIGHTY? 
If you have any feedback I’m more than happy to receive it! <3
Taking pictures of you - MASTERLIST
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“What do you think this means? Why does he want to contact me?”
You anxiously paced around the living room, Felix sitting on the small grey sofa, his soft brown eyes going from left to right, following your distressed figure.
“Maybe he just wanted to talk to you directly, make it feel more personal you know?”
Felix sounded unsure of his own answer as he tilted his head questioningly, his gaze still glued on you.
“But why does he want to know me personally? Does he do this with every model?” You bit your lip as you thought, stopping hastly before running to the kitchen and grabbing the water bottle from the day of the photoshoot. 
“y/n! What are you even...” Felix abruptly halted his sentence before widening his eyes at your intentions.
“Surely you’re not actually gonna call him?” he asked in surprise.
“I should at least find out what his motive is! I can’t just ignore the poor boy can I?” you held the water bottle tightly in your hand, removing the plastic wrapper with the number scribbled on and observed his delicate handwriting.
“He seems...strange, to say the least. He rarely talks to people during events and is only ever interested in anything that involves his work.” 
Felix knew since he himself was a model. The two of you met during a casting in the earlier years of your career, both being youthful teenagers with dreams and slightly puffy cheeks, babyfat that eventually got away and revealed your hidden features. The day of the casting Felix injured his foot causing him to fall when walking in front of the hawk-eyed judges. Your heart ached when you saw his desperate figure on the cold floor, he was just like everyone else in that frigid casting room, just a youngster with a dream. You passed the audition, smiling as you accepted a blue clipboard with papers from the judges, feeling everyone’s eyes drilling into your back with jealousy. Moments later, after night had fallen over the big city, you found Felix hunched over a small step of stairs meant for the fire escape. 
“H-hey,,,uhm, are you fine?”
You hestitated speaking to the quivering boy, his hands covering his face as tears dripped of his chin. 
“W-what do you care?!” he spat towards you, his attitude making you want to leave but you felt to guilty to do that, after all he was simply upset and not actually mad. 
You inched closer to his cowered body and sat down next to him on the hard stone steps. You looked at him in guilt. You had passed the audition but how were you any better than him? Softly, you put your hand on his shoulder, patting it a couple of times and letting the dark haired boy cry out, his sobs echoing in the dark stairway. He leaned into your touch and you ended up hugging him in silence for what seemed like hours. 
Times change and here he is. Signed to a highly respectable agency and catching flights left to right. Nothing more made you prouder than knowing that he didn’t give up on his dream.
“Felix! He’s not strange... maybe he’s just shy?” you tried to defend Hyunjin but realised how defensive you got over somebody you barely knew.
“Shy? In this line of work?” he furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at the white wrapper in your hands. “I’m not sure...what if he’s interested in you in that way?”
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest upon hearing Felix’s words. 
“You mean r-romantically?” you cleared your throat, feeling butterflies in the depths of your stomach. 
“Well...that will never happen, don’t wanna ruin your career, right y/n?”
Your gaze fell onto the white wrapper in your hand as your heart started beating faster. 
“R-right y/n?” He coughed as you grabbed your phone and started typing in the digits, glancing over at the wrapper and pressing accordingly. 
“Y/n, are you crazy? What if he actually has romatic interests in you? That could ruin both of your careers especially since he’s a world famous photographer that has every girl wrapped around his finger because of his looks.” Felix spoke bitterly, looking at your phone screen and then back at you with heightened eyebrows. 
“I’ll guess I’ll have to find out, Felix” 
“Ok but do that after I leave, I don’t want to hear you talk about him anymore and also be careful. You never know whats brewing on the inside in people like him” he said while rolling his eyes.
“What you wanna eat then bestie?” you laughed as you threw your phone onto the couch and made your way to the pantry. 
Hours later Felix was waveing at your from the other of the door, you waved back at the freckled boy, smiling at him. 
“Be careful with that dude!” he yelled as he walked down to the flight of stairs, his voice echoing in the old apartment complex. 
“I will, mom!” you laughed at his cute consideration before shutting the heavy door. 
Silence broke out once the door shut, leaving you alone in the apartment yet again. You dragged your feet on the light laminated floor, making your way to the couch where your phone was buried underneath a multitude of pillows. 
“Where did I put that number”. You searched for it, finding your phone and the wrapper wedged between two seat cushions. Sitting down, you landed with a thump on the soft couch, the blue light from your phone emitting onto your face as you typed in the number yet again. A big lump was situated in your throat, your hands shaking as you sent a message to the number. 
[y/n] Hi! It’s y/n, it was a pleasure working with you. 
You stared at the message you sent before cursing to yourself. 
“Why the fuck did I write that? He’s gonna think that I’m some sort of weirdo, can I ever do anything ri-”
A pling from your phone erupted in the living room, catching you off guard. It’s probably not him, why would he reply so fast?
You were wrong, it was him.
[Hyunjin] Hello! It’s Hyunjin, hope you weren’t too surprised at me leaving my number. I’m just happy that you decided to reply. 
You gulped as you typed. It didn’t seem like he’d ever done something like this before. 
[y/n] No, not at all! Did the pictures turn out well?
[Hyunjin] Oh, you haven’t seen them? 
[y/n] My manager usually shows them on the date of the release...
[Hyunjin] How about this, we meet up and I’ll show you the pictures beforehand. We’ll keep it a secret from your company. 
M-meet up? This soon? A million thoughts passed through your mind in an instant, your mind zoning out while your eyes were glued on the well-lit screen that displayed the messages. You were curious about the photos but also about him. Wanting to know more about the blond boy and his abrupt ways you replied back, fingers shaking while moving over the keyboard.
[y/n] Sure, when and where?
You didn’t have any work to do anyways so why not solve the mystery called Hwang Hyunjin?
[Hyunjin] 2 PM, tomorrow
An adress was attached to the message which led to cafe you used to work at, not to far from your place. You placed your phone beside you and looked up at the white ceiling, sighing heavily. Maybe Felix was right, it’s strange to meet someone you’ve only met once, especially since he’s met countless of models just like you if not even better. The thoughts consumed too much of your energy and you ended up falling asleep on the couch, chest heaving peacefully. 
The sudden vibration of your phone woke you up, the sun shining through the window as you grabbed your phone, light straining your eyes. 
[Felix] I’m 100% sure that you messaged that dude, right?
You laughed before typing through squinting eyes, laying down on your back.
[y/n] What if I did? 
[Felix] You’re insane 
[y/n] That’s my charm, Lixie~
Putting the phone away you slowly sat up, looking around the sunlit living room as if you’d never seen it before. Rubbing your weary eyes, you yawned before thinking ‘breakfast!’
Without even taking one step to the kitchen your phone vibrated once again. You lifted your eyebrow at the signal but ignored it for the time being, thinking that’s it’s Felix pestering you about your desicion to talk to Hyunjin. After you made a bowl of porridge and quickly washed up in the bathroom you grabbed the phone, wanting to scroll through your socials but what you saw on your home screen made the spoon of porridge that was on it’s way towards your mouth stop.
[Hyunjin] Slept well?
You’ve met him once and he’s already asking such a question? But something made you believe that this isn’t how he normally is. He’s hiding a type of shyness underneath those bold messages and actions. This Hyunjin isn’t the one that you’ve been described, this is a different Hyunjin. 
Your mind was blank. What do you even reply to that? In search for answers you texted Felix, knowing he wouldn’t give you a good answer but at least some emotional support. 
[y/n] Lixie, what does one reply to the question “Slept well?”
[Felix] You don’t, you pack up your things and you leave.
[y/n] You dickhead
[Felix] That’s my charm y/n~
If you could punch someone through the screen you would punch Felix. Returning back to the message that Hyunjin sent you, you quickly typed something down and sent it. 
[y/n] Yeah, fine! Everything well with you?
[Hyunjin] Yes, it’s fine. See you later then, y/n
The porridge infront of you had cooled down, now being a sloppy mess of oats with a spoon slowly sinking into the substance. You stared at the message before your gaze returned to the breakfast bowl. This wasn’t going to be an easy day. 
The clock ticked as your stomach was filling up with butterflies, one by one. 
“This is a casual meeting not a date, y/n” you mumbled as you tapped your foot, standing infront of the multiple racks of clothing in your slightly stuffy walk-in closet. You rarely wore even half of the clothes. Most of the pieces were sent by companies or given to you after photoshoots, this being both a blessing and a curse. 
Your hand gravitated towards a white blouse with puffy sleeves because it reminded you of him. You shook your head wanting to get the thought out of your head. You hated that you cared so much about him but at the same time you knew why. Because he ignited a feeling of longing. A feeling called love. 
Snatching the blouse from it’s hanger you digged through your drawers and fished up a pair of beige colored wide pants. You glanced at the brown watch on your wrist as you stepped into the pants, pulling off your pyjama top in one swift motion before putting on the flowy blouse. You looked in the mirror, combing through your hair with your fingers and reaching for a pair of pearl earrings that rested in a small tray infront of the mirror. Turning around, you observed the shelf that displayed the dozens of shoes in your possession, all while tilting your head and putting on the small pearls. Varnished heels would be good, right? Stretching out your arm to grab the heels, your gaze feel on your watch. As usual, you were going to be late and you hoped with every bit of your mind that Hyunjin wouldn’t find you rude. With the heels on you grabbed your purse, throwing in your keys that were decorated with keychains off all shapes and sizes as you staggered out the door. 
The breeze hit your face as you made your way down the street, the heels clicked against the broad stone sidewalk making both women and men turn their heads. Lucky for you, Hyunjin chose the cafe where you happened to know somebody working at. 
That somebody being your friend Seungmin. 
You see, when you were just starting your career money was an issue. Your family wasn’t well off and when you set out to find your calling in the big city without a stable job your family was worried to say the least. You moved into a small apartment that more looked like a mouse burrow than an apartment. Holding a bag of trash you went down to the lobby of the apartment complex, the trashcan reeking as you lifted the lid and quickly threw in the bag, bending your spine backwards with a disgusted look on your face. Walking back you accidentally knocked down a paper that was resting on a corkboard by just how fast you walked passed. The light yellow paper landed infront of your feet, halting your movements. You picked it up.
« Searching for barista assistent »
The pay wasn’t too bad and neither were the working hours and so you folded the paper and went back into the apartment, smiling as you thought that this was the moment when everything changed. 
And it did. Seungmin became one of your first friends in the city, right after Felix came into your life. You have very fond memories of that cafe. Working late nights with Seungmin, drinking coffee to stay awake through the late hours. 
“What’s your dream, y/n?” Seungmin asked on one of the first days, still not knowing who you were and what your goals in this big city was.
“I-i want to become a model” you muttered underneath your breath, scared that he was going to belittle you and crush your dreams into nothing but fine powder.
“I believe in you, y/n” he said in a low voice, wiping the counter, not making eye contact as you stood on the other side. 
Silence overtook the empty cafe, the low humming of cars on the road being the only noise that was heard before you cleared your throat, looking down at your shoes and leaning against the counter.
“Thank you Seungmin, that means a lot” you said before the silence took over again. 
You swore you could’ve cried right then and there. Hearing those words when being in such a vulnerable situation really did mean a lot to you. His words stuck with you and in every interview where the interviewer asked about what you want to tell to aspiring models you always said those words. “I believe in you.”
The neon pink open sign in the window was brightly lit, the silhouette of people sipping on their lattes and chatting could be seen from the outside of the reminiscent building that was covered in hops. You stepped in, your heels making a loud clicking noise on the dark walnut colored wood flooring.
“How can I hel- y/n!!” Seungmin looked up at you, standing infront of the espresso machine as steam was billowing out. The other co-workers gave you a glance before returning to their tasks. 
“y/n! I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?” he asked, you had contact on the phone but didn’t meet each other too much due to different schedules. 
“Minnie! I’ve missed you!” you squealed out as he walked through the low wooden gate that seperated the working area from the rest of the cafe. Seungmin pulled you into a hug, warmness emitting onto you as your bodies touched. 
“I’ve been good!” you continue, smiling as you pulled away from the hug seeing Seungmins waist defined by the strings of the apron wrapping around him, a kitchen towel hanging from his shoulder. 
“But I have to tell you something, Seungmin” you say quietly making the dark haired boy tilt his head in question. 
“I’m meeting Hwang Hyunjin here in about 5″ you say with a smirk, knowing Seungmin would be jealous.
“Wait,,, the Hwang Hyunjin?!” he said a bit too loudly, alerting the customers before he turned to them with a embarrassed smile, bowing his head in an apology. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“He was the one that suggested it, I couldn’t help it” you answered to which Seungmin’s eyes widened.
“H-he knows about this place?” He was stunned as he looked into your warm eyes.
“Yeah? Such a coincidence right? I was sur-” Your sentence was cut short as Seungmin’s breath hitched and a cold breeze hit your back. You turned back and there he was. 
His presence shined in the relativly small rustic cafe. A white t-shirt and black slacks decorated his well toned body, a long leather coat draping over his shoulders as his black boots shined perfectly. Multiple silver chains hanged around his neck and the rings from last time were boldly placed on his lanky fingers. The blonde boy is tightly gripping what looks to be brown leather computer clutch. 
He waved awkwardly and you smiled sweetly his way, playfully hitting Seungmin whose mouth was wide open, looking at the dashing boy. Hyunjin walked over to you, the other guests staring and some of them already picking up their phones to capture this moment. He looked oddly stiff, mannerisms totally different from how you saw him last. 
“Hi Hyunjin! uhm,,, this is my friend Seungmin, he works here.” you said, trying to initiate a conversation but only earning a wide eyed expression from Seungmin before Hyunjin spoke. 
“Nice to meet you!” he smiled, his eyes forming into half-moons.
Seungmin snapped back to reality before bowing slightly, his eyes twinkling and his ruffled hair landing infront of his deep brown eyes.
“It’s an honor to meet you, mr Hwang” 
Hyunjin chuckles slightly at his cute gesture.
“Your cafe seemed charming” was the only thing he could response before looking at you and blushing. 
“2 americanos, Minnie” you said, momentarily glancing at Hyunjin before staring down at your heels. 
“It’s on me” Seungmin leaned in to whisper in your ear to which you giggled and looked at Hyunjin’s confused expression. You pointed at a table in the corner of the cafe with your chin, signaling to sit down.
As you walked over to the cedar table you couldn’t help but to wonder about his duality. He seemed so comfortale last time, talking to you with no problem and being as bold as to leave his number but now he seemed like a young school boy that wanted to ask his crush out. You started to understand what Felix meant by “people like him”. 
You sat down on one of the wooden chairs with steel details, the only thing seperating you from Hyunjin being the light ash table. He pulls out his computer, clicking away as you observe his perfect features. His concentrated eyes were fierce but had a soft gaze, his plush pink lips being soft, perfect for kissing you thought as your eyes drifted to his adams apple that bobbed everytime he swallowed.
Before Hyunjin could show you his screen Seungmin came over, shyly placing the drinks on the table and striking his sweet smile your way to which you laughed inaudibly until he went back behind the counter, observing the action from afar. 
Hyunjin cleared his throath nervously as he turned his computer to show you the colorful photos, looking at your judging gaze in reassurance as he sipped on his americano. 
You were amazed. The photoshoot seemed simple when you modelled but no one could have ever guessed that by just looking at the photo. It had a touch of charisma. The angles, the lighting and the editing made this originally plain photo look dimentional while still having a youthful touch with the pastels.
“W-what do you think?” He said, looking at the screen as his ring finger flicked through the pictures, pressing on the right arrow key on the keyboard. 
“It’s amazing, no wonder you’re so famous” you said while grabbing your americano without lifting your gaze from the enticing photos. Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks upon hearing your words. Sure, he’d heard it before but not from you. Not in that cute, geniune voice that ringed through his ears like music. 
“Thank you y/n” he said, his gaze drifting over to you. He was stunned from how beautiful you looked in the cozy ambiance of the cafe. A wall plant descended down behind you as your eyes twinkled when you caught eye contact with the blond boy. Everything he wanted to do right now was to capture your beauty, make this moment last forever. 
“Earth to Hyunjin” you said, giggling as his gaze froze on you, feeling your heated cheeks get even hotter. 
“Uhm,,, s-sorry, wanna get some sneak peaks from other photoshoots?”
You nodded excitingly, feeling special but also questioning why he treated you so specially. He was shy, theres no doubt about that but it almost seems like he trusts you. You move your chair closer to him, wanting to see the screen properly before you notice Hyunjin shifting awkwardly in his seat, not used to being this close to you. 
“H-here are some I took last week, another one of mr Styliz many projects” he smiled timidly before taking another sip of his beverage. 
Once again you were amazed by his talent but what caught your attention even more was how undressed the female model was, her curvy body being covered by nothing more than a short glittery dress with a plunging neckline, displaying her cleavage. In her hands there was a delicate red bottle, decorated with art deco lines.
“What was the concept?” you asked, curious of this sensual vibe that emitted from this photo. 
“Something along the lines of elegancy. It’s for Aurora Perfumes”
He namedropped the famous brand in the most colloquial fashion, seemingly an everyday occurence for him. 
“Y-you worked for Aurora? That’s,,, wow” you were speechless as Hyunjin quietly giggled at your reacting, waveing his hand in the air in disagreement.
“I don’t like to b-brag about my career so hopefully I don’t come across that way” he said, almost worryingly. 
“No! Not all, it’s really impressive, your entire career is.”
Your sweet voice made his heart flutter, never before had he heard compliments sound this pleasant. 
“Why did you become a photographer?” you asked, your curiosity bubbling over as he looked at you with his penetrating brown eyes. The mood suddenly got cold. Hyunjin took a deep breath, exhaling loudly from his nose as you sipped on your coffee. 
“I’m an only child and therefore I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was younger.” 
You knew this was going to be a sad story, you bit the inside of your cheek, regretting asking that question as you thought that it might be too personal but judging from how Hyunjin’s words spilled from his mouth you believed that he felt comfort telling you.
“They had photoalbums stacked up in their attic which I flipped through for hours, observing their youth and innocence and seeing how time fled by. When I got my first camera I was overjoyed, taking pictures of everything around me and putting them up on my wall, acting as if my room was an art gallery.”
He smiled when talking, his voice turning mellow as he reminisced. 
“But when my grandparents passed away,,, I noticed that I didn’t have any photos of them nor of my friends or family which made me feel disappointed. I had spent so much of my time trying to capture beauty when beauty was infront me.”
Shivers ran down your spine as his sugared voice ran through the words. Hyunjin looked nervously down on the table and you did the same, not knowing what to say or how to comfort the blond boy. 
“I-I’m sorry for your loss” 
That was the only sentence you could muster to say but Hyunjin glanced at you, his dimples appearing as he smiled. 
“Why are you sorry? No one usually asks me that question so it feels nice to get it off my chest.”
You nodded shyly as silence erupted in between the two of you. 
“It really was a pleasure working with you y/n, I would like to have you modell for me again” he blurts out, trying to put an end to the painful silence.
“Y-you what? B-but my manager hasn’t told me anything ab-”
“No, just the two of us.”
You went quiet, not believing your ears. A photoshoot, the two of you? Isn’t that practically a confession? Your dazed mind seemed to wander off to places far off, imagining the tension that would be looming over the both of you. Felix sure as hell wasn’t going to like this but you didn’t care. Hyunjin seemed comfortable with you, talking as if he’d known you for years and now he was asking you to modell for him? Saying no to this opportunity would be a crime.
“S-sure, when were you thinking?”
“You free tomorrow?” Hyunjin says, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs comfortably, looking up at you through a curtain of blonde. 
“Yeah,,, sounds great!”
A smile crept up on your face as heat rose to your cheeks, feeling everything and nothing all at once. In this moment you didn’t care about the shutter coming from the guests phone cameras. You just cared about him. 
The next half an hour went by in a blur. In that short time you probably covered half of the conversational topics on this earth. Hyunjin laughed as you told him about your childhood.
“That’s so cute y/n”
“Well it wasn’t cute in the moment but now I can laugh at it” you laughed with him, stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“I think you’re cute y/n” 
“Of course I was cute when I was little” you roll your eyes at him, tears prickling in your eyes from laughter but when you glanced at Hyunjin he wasn’t laughing, he was simply observing you. 
“I think you’re cute now” 
You froze. All these things he’s saying made your heart beat faster than ever, a nervosity that couldn’t be described with words.
“You too” you exclaimed without thinking to which Hyunjin glanced at you with a grin. He coughed before streching his arms.
“Time to head home?” He said, packing up his computer. 
“Yeah, I have something to do” you said looking at your watch, knowing very well that you had absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the day except for anxiously thinking out every potential scenario that could occur tomorrow.
“Meet me at my studio tomorrow at 5 pm”
You nodded carefully, knowing exactly where his famous studio was.
“Don’t tell Bangchan I showed you the photos” he laughed mischievously, looking a bit like a ferret. 
“Alright, alright I won’t even though I really want to tell him how good of a photographer you are” you said cheekily as you stood up. The both of you headed towards the wooden door with glass panes, flashing a wink towards Seungmin that had his eyebrows heightened, amazed from how the little cafe lit up with two attractive people walking side by side. 
Outside the sun beamed, the bustling of the city and high skyscrapers stimulating your senses. 
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow Hyunjin”
You scratch the back of your neck nervously as you speak before remembering something.
“Oh! Do you have a concept in mind?”
“Wear whatever, I’ll think of a way around it” he said. 
“Mhm! See you tomorrow!”
“Text me when you’re home, ok?” 
That sentence made your heart flutter and before you could embarrass yourself by saying anything stupid he waved, his rings shining in the sunlight. Turning around, you promptly started walking back home.
Your heart thumping, your thoughs scattered, your mind dazed. 
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@vogueinnie @that-anxious-bisexual @putmetogetheragain13 @hyunsluvv @lawleighette @meow-minho @minaamhh @ohmysparkle @hwangi @rindomo​ @fleeingreality @nycol-ie​ @jisungsplatforms @p0t4t0don14ll
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194 notes · View notes
This is for my baby Robby Keene! 🥺😭💕
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I love LOVE seeing all the support for Robby Keene he’s my favorite character!
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But I still see so many hate comments for Robby about he’s a jerk and aggressive and temperamental and awful during season 3 but like HE DIDNT GET THERE BY HIMSELF! IT TOOK WORK TO TURN HIM THAT WAY! And sure he made choices and I don’t think he’s a saintly Angel, he’s made mistakes and he hasn’t made it easy to get close to him (Gee I wonder why) but he’s not bad and there’s a reason why he’s like this.
Robby feels alone and abandoned, mostly because has been and currently is!
The hardest part about all this is that they are SOOOO close ALL the time! It would be so easy! Just love him! Care about him! Support him! Don’t treat him like he’s an inconvenience and don’t just care or support or love him when it’s convenient for you Daniel and Johnny! I mean EVEN SAM AND MOST DEFINITELY HIS MOTHER! Like I love all three of them to bits but ROBBY DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS! He put in the work, the time, the energy, and he was an amazing student and son and boyfriend! But they don’t give him the time of day and they’re only there for him when it’s convenient for them and they do everything that’s “the best for him” but like was it ever?
Daniel could’ve taken five seconds to sit down and walk Robby through a plan but NO he decided that Robby turning himself in was best for Robby and he didn’t get a say in it AT ALL HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON! And Daniel time and time again has tossed him out for being “no good” and then brought him back just to do the same thing AGAIN!
Johnny gave up on Robby and started fresh with Miguel because it was easier then working things out with his son! Johnny decided that it was a lost cause before he even tried! He only got involved when Miguel or Daniel was involved and I know he’s trying but he needs to just DO IT! He has to commit if he wants to have a relationship it’s not just whenever Johnny feels like it!
I mean even Sam! Robby and Sam weren’t even broken up when he went to jail and she was NEVER over Miguel when she was with Robby and she tried but he had no hope and she should’ve just talked it out with Miguel! Robby backed off the second he realized she had a boyfriend! He was honestly amazing in the relationship every step of the way through and Sam and Robby had their good moments but she was still not over Miguel and maybe even subconsciously just using Robby to get over Miguel just to move back to Miguel in a blink of an eye when he’s IN JAIL! He was willing to hear Sam out when he found her with Miguel! Maybe he was coming on a little strong I can see why Miguel got involved BUT HELL ID BE ANGRY TOO!
NOT ONE OF THEM CAME TO SEE HIM AT HIS LOWEST MOMENT IN JAIL! The Larusso’s called and messaged, did any of them visit? NO! Johnny planned on going, let Robby down AGAIN, and tried to make things right, then basically told Robby it was his fault that Miguel fell off the balcony and that he picked Miguel AGAIN! His mother didn’t try to visit, his father failed to visit, his teacher didn’t visit, his girlfriend didn’t visit. He had NO ONE! He was terrified and lost! He didn’t have anyone on his side who he could trust and feel safe with! No one came to visit him, no one stood up for him, no one asked what he wanted or felt, no one was on his side, no one welcomed him back or tried to prove to him that they were there for him (except when he was let out and even then Daniel and Johnny treated it like a competition and let Robby walk away and didn’t try after again after that!) There was NO ONE!
Kreese showed up and he went to Kreese afterwards because he had no where left to go! He tried to get along with everyone in Cobra Kai while he was there. He didn’t pick fights, he bantered, he helped with the snake (he put his bare hand in a cage with a snake and pulled that mf right out like a champ comin in clutch!) and he even was willing to leave and not over stay his welcome or give into his anger. He was guided the wrong way but he wanted to get on a better path and wanted to work on himself! He just didn’t know how, didn’t know where to go, and didn’t have any proper guidance except for Kreese who was the ONLY one to visits him and gave him helpful advice instead of patronizing him like Daniel or scolding and insulting him like Johnny.
Daniel didn’t try to bring him back to Miyagi Do he gave up after one failed conversation! Johnny didn’t try to comfort his son and guide him after a traumatic experience he gave up after one run in with Larusso!
And let’s not forget the fight that started Robby going to jail! Miguel could not have picked a WORSE TIME to be merciful!! I applaud him for being merciful but THERES A TIME AND A PLACE! Miguel and Sam kissed while her and Robby were still dating, Miguel told him that Sam loved him and not Robby and basically never did, and told him all his moves he learned from ROBBY’S DAD! They were in a physical fight and the aggression and testosterone was high! MIGUEL YOU COULDVE PICKED A BETTER TIME TO HAVE MERCY BEFORE VERBALLY SPITTING IN HIS FACE! Besides it wasn’t on purpose! Robby didn’t purposefully push him over the balcony! In fact he seemed just as surprised as everyone else was! He acted on instinct and impulse to get away an attacker. He ran away because he was afraid and didn’t know what to do! Watching the scene when he was talking to Daniel he genuinely felt TERRIBLE and was beating himself up over it! He didn’t do it on purpose and he was drowning in grief and guilt.
Im not saying that Robby had it the hardest because he should take responsibility for his actions and was completely in the wrong on attacking Miguel and causing him to fall off the railing. I don’t think Robby should’ve run and I think he should’ve approached it all differently but HE DIDNT ACTIVELY TRY AND SHOVE MIGUEL OVER THE BALCONY! ITS NOT COMPLETELY HIS FAULT and the fact that Tory started the fight and she got let off easier is not fair!
He tried to stop it! In the beginning Robby actively tells everyone to settle down and tries to defuse the situation but it naturally continues to scale out of control! But Robby never actively wanted to kill or put Miguel in the hospital! He didn’t throw him off the balcony or pull a Mufasa and Scar “long live the king” moment! He didn’t realize that Miguel was even showing mercy, he just saw this as a chance to get away and get even in a dangerous place! Miguel could’ve easily broken Robby’s arm and Robby knew that and after the tournament of course he isn’t going to trust Miguel! Especially all of the actions and words Miguel used during the fight. How could Robby have known that Miguel was going to stop fighting or show mercy!
I want Miguel and Robby to talk it out and come to a good place! I want Sam to explain things to Robby so they can also be in a good place! I plead that Johnny and Daniel will please PLEASE give Robby the care and support that he NEEDS! I just want them to realize the position Robby is in and realize the hand they had in it! AND FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY FIX WHAT THEY BROKE INSTEAD OF MOVING ON OR PRETENDING ITS NOT THERE!
I’m not saying Miguel or Sam or Johnny or Daniel are bad or villains. I love them all to the moon and back! but I am saying that if people are going to hate on Robby then they should also consider the not so chivalrous and good nature of the other characters and also consider why he’s like that. I’m not saying no one can hate him and there’s not only one way to think about it. I’m just sharing my opinion, it’s not right or wrong it’s just there.
I know that Terry Silver is going to do EXACTLY what he did to Daniel if not worse! And it’s going to be DEVASTATING to watch! I just hope and pray and wish and dream that someone ANYONE is there to catch him when it all comes crashing down the Terry Silver and John Kreese way! Because Robby doesn’t have a Mr Miyagi and he needs a Mr Miyagi right about now!
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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"I don't think anyone can grow unless he's loved exactly as he is now, appreciated for what he is rather than what he will be."
— Fred Rogers
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riversofmars · 3 years
Prompt: 13 and River babysit Anthony Williams (Amy and Rory’s adopted son)
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This is such a cute prompt! I combined it with a similar one and hope this works for you, enjoy! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1800
Read on AO3 or below
All in the Family
“And you’re sure you’re up for this?“ Amy turned to River one more time, halfway out of the door of their flat in 1940s New York.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?“ River crossed her arms in front of her chest challengingly.
“You’re not exactly the most responsible adult.“ Rory couldn’t help pointing out and glanced to his wife to find out whether they were going to change their minds at the last minute.
“I'll take that as a compliment.“ River smirked. “Remember this was your idea.“
“Yes but only because we don’t know many people here yet!“ Rory admitted.
“And having your baby stolen once, you don’t want to trust strangers, I get it.“ River gave her parents a kind smile. She was very happy for them. They deserved to have the calm family life that they had missed out on with her. Adopting baby Anthony had been a wonderful idea.
“It’s just been such a long time since we’ve been able to go out.“ Amy explained. “I just didn’t understand how hard raising a child would be!“ She sighed, running her hand through her hair. She was more exhausted than she ever had been while travelling with the Doctor. “We just really need to have an evening just for us.“
“Say no more and get yourself going before I change my mind.“ River ushered them out the door.
“You are a godsend, River.“ Amy kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Don’t get up to anything stupid.“ She wagged her finger at her.
“What, me? Stupid? Perish the thought.“ River feigned hurt but laughed.
“Just make sure Anthony is okay.“ Amy implored her and gave a little wave to the toddler that was just coming up behind River and wrapping his arms around her leg.
“You can count on me. We’ll have a brilliant time, won’t we, brother dearest?“ River smiled down at the child and patted his head.
“Ri-ver.“ The toddler nuzzled into her thigh.
“See, fast friends already.“ River chuckled and lifted him up.
“Does she… do you know anything about toddlers?“ Rory asked, insecure for a moment.
“I am married to the Doctor, does that count?“ River countered and the Ponds laughed:
“Fair point…“
“Relax, we will be fine, it’s just for a few hours.“ River kissed the forehead of her adoptive brother who was giving her a koala bear hug. “Tea, books, bed. I got this.“
“See you both later, look after each other.“ Amy smiled and kissed Anthony’s head, as did Rory.
“This is a bad idea…“ Rory hummed to his wife as they waved their goodbyes and made their way down the corridor.
“It’s a brilliant idea.“ Amy waved off his concerns.
“Right Anthony, there is someone I would like you to meet.“ River smiled at her little brother as she closed the door.
“Meet?“ Anthony echoed as River carried him back into the living room.
“Someone very special: Your brother-in-law. Well, I say brother… sister-in-law? Alien-in-law?“ River grinned,and as if on cue the TARDIS became visible in the lounge.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me see them!“ The Doctor stuck her head out, having waited patiently for the Ponds to depart.
“Because they never would have left and they could do with a break.“ River explained with a chuckle as her wife skipped out of the TARDIS and towards them.
“Hello Anthony Pond!“ She grinned, ruffling the toddler’s curls who just giggled in response. He appeared fascinated by the sudden appearance of the blue box and pulled away from River, seemingly wanting to be set down.
“Williams…“ River corrected the Doctor as she sat her brother down who rushed to the TARDIS, circling around it in wonder.
“What shall we play with, Anthony?“ The Doctor ignored her wife and dropped to her knees in the middle of a pile of toys. “See, we’re gonna have the best time!“ She pulled her screwdriver from her coat and sonic-ed the toys. All of a sudden, cars and toy robots started moving on their own accord. Anthony giggled in delight and rushed over to the Doctor, the TARDIS no longer the most interesting thing around here.
“Guess that means I’m making tea?“ River chuckled as Anthony threw himself at the Doctor.
“Would you want either one of us close to a hob?“ The Doctor retorted, hugging the child tightly.
“Fair point.“ River chuckled.
“I don’t know why I asked you here, it’s like babysitting two toddlers.“ River was cleaning up the kitchen after tea had turned into a food fight.
“'Cause this is the closest thing you and I have to a family.“ The Doctor answered with surprising candour. Anthony was jawing, leaning against her.
“As much as I try to, I don’t really feel like part of them…“ River answered thoughtfully.
“Our lives are more complicated than that…“ The Doctor couldn’t help but agree. Neither one of them was suited to regular family dynamics.
“Would it be so bad though? Settling down for a time?“ River mused, looking from Anthony to her wife.
“Maybe at some point.“ The Doctor gave her a soft smile. This River hadn’t done Darillium yet. She had all of that to come and the Doctor missed their time there more than she would care to admit.
“Bed time?“ She asked, seeing as Anthony was virtually falling asleep next to her.
“I think so.“ River agreed with a smile and walked over to them. “Come here Anthony…“ She scooped him up. “Let’s get you into your PJs…“
Both the Doctor and River had presumed bedtime would be easy, considering how tired Anthony was, but they had thought wrong.
“Stop turning the light on and off!“ River pleaded, picking him up again to finally put him in his bed. Anthony appeared to have saved up his energy just for this.
“Still want kids?“ The Doctor tried her best to keep a straight face as she watched her wife struggle with the toddler.
“You know all of a sudden, being a big sister seems perfectly adequate.“ River retorted.
“I’ll get him a bottle of milk.“ The Doctor suggested, just as Anthony got up again and raced past River to the light switch.
“Stop it with the light switch!“ River groaned and scooped him up again. “Please, will you just stay in bed now?“ She tugged him in.
“Well well well, isn’t this a lovely sight.“ A voice sounded from the doorway that made River’s blood run cold. She whipped around, standing protectively in front of the bed.
“Madame Kovarian, how did you…“ She stared at the woman in the doorway.
“I knew I would find you eventually.“ Madame Kovarian smirked, walking further into the room. “And who is this little man? Tell me, am I a grandmother?“
“How dare you show your face here!“ River growled, regretting immediately that she left her gun in the TARDIS. She hadn’t anticipated needing it for babysitting duties.
“I believe you and I have some unfinished business.“ Kovarian retorted. “How is motherhood treating you, Melody? Where is the husband? Leaving you to do all the child care?“
“Right behind you!“ The Doctor called from the doorway, armed with nothing but a bottle of milk. She quickly accessed the situation in front of her, glaring at the unwelcome guest.
“Oh well, not your child then, is it?“ Kovarian retorted with a cruel smirk. “Now then, I think it’s time for some good old fashioned revenge…“ She pulled a gun on them.
Suddenly the light flicked off! Anthony had snuck out from behind River and gone for his favourite game again. River jumped at the opportunity. She flung herself at Kovarian and disarmed her quickly. The moment the light came back on, Kovarian was on the floor and River held her gun to her head.
“Never underestimate a Pond!“ The Doctor grinned and scooped up the child into a tight hug.
“You little monster!“ Kovarian spat.
“If anyone is a monster here, Madame Kovarian, it’s you.“ River retorted icily.
“Surprisingly quiet in here… maybe River managed to get him to sleep alright after all…“ Rory mused as he opened the door to the flat and they walked inside. It had been a lovely evening, just what they needed.
“What the…“ Amy stopped dead in her tracks as they stepped into the living room.
“Amelia Pond! And Rory the Roman!“ The Doctor exclaimed and ran towards them, pulling them into bone crushing hugs.
“River?!“ Amy exclaimed, needing an explanation. Who was this woman? What was she doing in their flat? Why did she know who they were? And why was Madame Kovarian tied to a chair in the middle of their lounge?!
“What can I say… Mum, Dad… when my husband regenerated into a hot blonde I started batting for the other team, hope that’s alright with you.“ River answered, gesturing to the Doctor who grinned widely, barely able to contain her excitement.
“What?!“ Amy and Rory exclaimed in unison.
“She didn’t want to tell you I was here cause she thought you’d be worried we’d set the place on fire…“ River explained a little bit more apologetically.
“Instead you have a tied up Madame Kovarian in our living room?!“ Amy gestured to the unwelcome guest.
“Ouch!“ Kovarian groaned when Anthony chucked a building block at her.
“Good shot, mate!“ The Doctor grinned and gave him a high five. Of course, Anthony had refused to go to bed after the excitement.
“Sorry, just got to finish building this transdimensional teleport. Teaching Anthony the basics of temporal engineering as we go. One way trip to Stormcage.“ River explained, gesturing to a circle of electrical components that had been erected around Kovarian. Long cables connected it to the TARDIS. “Unless I get the coordinates wrong… might end up in a sun instead…“ She mused.
“Melody, don’t do it, I…“ Kovarian pleaded.
“You have threatened my family for the last time. This is goodbye, Madame Kovarian, for the last time.“ River finished attaching the cables.
“Good riddance!“ Rory mumbled in agreement.
“Anthony!“ Amy called when the toddler skipped forward and hit a big red button on the contraption. Something no child would be able to resist. Kovarian disappeared in a flash of light!
“Was the teleport even calibrated?!“ The Doctor looked to River who gave a little shrug.
“I’ll check up on her when I’m in Stormcage next… she may have ended up in the cantina rather than an actual cell… but never mind.“ She looked to her parents. “So, how was your date?“
“Certainly less eventful than this.“ Amy shook her head in disbelief.
“Come on, mate, let’s get you to bed.“ The Doctor scooped Anthony up who nuzzled into her neck.
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dinner-djarin · 3 years
Next To You (Bucky x reader)
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Just a little one shot I wrote after watching FATWS on repeat. (I tried to make it gender neutral but I may have missed something so I'm sorry if it's not!)
Rating: Mature
No use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Bucky is having nightmares, and you're there to comfort him. Based on the Julia Michaels song If You Need Me. (so if the ending sounds dumb go listen to the song you'll understand why lol)
Warnings: Fluff & angst I guess idk, kinda dark themes, because well it's Bucky. Just two people who have definitely been through some shit. Oh ya that reminds me swearing. Suggested that intercourse has happened but nothing descriptive. A little (a lot) about trauma but mostly about nightmares. If I missed something pls lemme know, I don't want anyone to feel triggered reading. But if you can watch the show and be fine, you'll probably be okay with this.
Also just letting you know if I put ~ its cause I switch the focus from Bucky to reader, but I'm not switching POV completely its all written in reader POV.
Every night brought pieces of the past. He never knew which memory would be dragged to the surface once he let his subconscious take over - clawing and scrapping against the walls he put up, begging to be let out; to be confronted.
Some nights were worse than others of course.
He wasn’t sure how he was ever going to out run the monsters of his past. For a while he just stopped sleeping. It may not have been a permanent fix, but he thought some relief was better than none at all. He used to go days, even weeks, without sleep during the war, so he figured it might be the best way to silence the past.
Dr. Raynor, however, caught on quick.
A lot of her methods seemed like bullshit to Bucky. He could tell she was genuinely trying to help him, but he doubted anything she had anything to offer him that would prove to be effective.
But at the end of the day she was definitely no fool. He had a tough time lying to her. She didn’t take anyone's crap, and that might have been the only reason he trusted her, even a little. It may have been the only reason he actually gave it a sincere try (besides the fact he’d be arrested if he didn’t).
So he probably shouldn’t have been surprised when she caught on to his sleep strike. In fact she called him out on it only three days in. He thought he’d get longer than that. Even so, he was almost relieved. After only 72 hours he already felt the nightmares slowly creeping into the day. Every time a door slammed or a car horn blared his body tensed. Every time he turned a corner he’d reach for a knife he no longer carried. So maybe it was better to let his past haunt his nightmares. That way he’d be alone when the memories took over. That way he wouldn’t hurt anyone else.
But he made a mistake. He did what he told himself he could never do. He let you get too close.
Falling asleep in your arms felt better than any therapy session he could ever imagine. It was the first time in forever he could remember what it was like to be his younger self. The version of him that marvelled at the idea of flying cars; who thought he could save the world by enlisting. The dreamy eyed boy who was hopeful for the future, who thought he had a future.
Lying next to you made him feel in control, like his problems didn’t matter. He was there to keep you safe, and warm, and comfortable. He never thought he’d feel like that with anyone. He didn’t think he was allowed.
You didn’t question his metal arm for starters. When Bucky took off his jacket, after the hundredth time you insisted - “It’s like 100 degrees in here Bucky, please take it off, you’re gonna melt” - he thought he’d instantly regret it. But you simply looked at it with wonder for only a moment, before returning your eyes up to his own. Staring back at you, he saw the wheels in your brain click into place. He could almost hear your thoughts as you decided what your next move would be.
In the blink of his eyes you tore your shirt off and stood completely still in front of him. For a moment his emotions were mixed, and he worried where your sudden advancement came from, but then he saw it. A thick white mark slashed across your torso.
You took only one step forward before speaking. “It’s not exactly… I know it’s not the same thing at all. But the scars - the marks we carry - they’ll be with us forever, whether we like it or not. Even if they remind us of the worst pieces of ourselves, or the worst moments of our lives, it reminds us that we can move forward. And it reminds me that there’s something to move forward to. I don’t know…it doesn’t really make any sense but somehow it’s almost comforting.  To know that something will always be with us, till the end”
His mouth was on yours in an instant.
He had been hesitant to let anyone in. After coming back - after going through everything he’d been through - he felt like damaged goods. He worried that the minute he let himself be happy, everything would come crashing down again, and he had good reason to believe it. It just kept happening over and over. It seemed like every time he found even a small amount of peace, the battle made its way back to him.
But when he found you, when he felt you, he felt peace. The softness of your skin, the gentle wave of your hair, the light scrape of your fingernails against his back and chest, your quiet moans muffled by his own mouth on yours. Being with you made the horrors of his past melt away. Even when you clamped down around him and bit into his shoulder muscle, even when he knew you’d left marks all over his skin. Knowing they came from you made all the difference. They didn’t remind him of the wars he fought, or lives he took, or the atrocities he committed. The sting of your nails and teeth weren’t pains from his past, they were reminders of his present, of the possibility of a life he could have. With you.
But in the end he knew that it was all wishful thinking. He knew he wasn’t cut out for that type of future. He knew you deserved better.
So he decided to let you off easy, to disappear from your life, leaving your shared experience to the confines of your bedroom. A memory, nothing more. He knew he’d have to sneak away once you fell asleep, because that way it might not feel real. Everything that happened between you might disappear with him.
But then he fucked up.
He was waiting for your breath to even out, a sign he would take to mean you had fallen asleep, but after listening to the air rush out of your body, and watching your bare chest rise and fall, your hypnotic essence overpowered his will, and he fell asleep alongside you.
Only he wasn’t asleep for long.
Eventually the past caught up, as it always had a way of doing. Images, and sounds, and smells all came flooding back to his uninhibited brain - sleep made him an easy target. He was vulnerable to every torment he caused, and every mission he was forced to carry out. Tonight was no exception. His brain managed to sift through every wall he thought he had up, and trudge yet another painful memory to the surface. The image of himself taking life after life, cruelly and viciously. There was no remorse, no stopping him. He saw every crime lord and politician he was made to terminate. Until his brain moved away to a new idea. The image of a young woman. Innocent and pure. But in the way of his mission. The Winter Soldier spared none.
He woke up in a blind panic. His surroundings were unfamiliar. Something was wrong. Was he being held captive or-
“Hey,” you made yourself known to him, and he twisted his head back to see you sit up beside him. You were quiet, and a worried expression blanketed your face.
Is he angry, you thought for a moment? No. Your brain was tired, and it was slow to process. Not angry, scared.
You knew from the minute you saw his arm that there was more going on. You already had some suspicions, nevertheless you expected there to be something like this.
For a moment, the two of you stared at each other in silence. You watched him regain his breath, and you carefully shifted your legs to sit crossed underneath you.
His steel blue eyes cut through the darkness, pinning you down. You wondered what was going on in his mind, what he might be doing to regain his grip on reality. You knew this moment too well. The quiet. The darkness. The fear. Not sure of how to move forward.
You were scared too, but not of him - more like you were scared for him. You knew he must be going through something, and you wanted to be there to help, but you also knew that was easier said than done. “Being there to help” was a nice concept, but in reality - well things were generally more complicated. You didn’t know if it’d be alright to approach him, mainly because you were unsure of your role in all this. Were you really someone he wanted around when he was so obviously vulnerable? You’d never seen him so raw and exposed, like a wound you wished you could tend to, while also fearing that your interference could make things worse.
You knew he wasn’t going to ask for your help, you could see he wasn’t that kind of man, but maybe if you made the first step, and let him choose - maybe he’d let you in. So, you held out your hand and waited. After a moment, you saw him move, only slightly though. His eyes darted down towards your hand and he subtly lifted his fingers off the bed. But it only lasted a second. He froze again, hand hovering near yours, and that’s when you realized he had been reaching for you with his left hand. You had been wary to touch it before, you thought it was probably a sensitive subject. Something about the idea of touching his metal arm seemed more personal, if that was possible. Like only the most trusted people in his life might be allowed to… and maybe not even then.
You felt your own eyes drop to your lap, an almost nervous energy now emanating in the space between you. But just before you could drop your hand too, his fingers hesitantly entwine with yours.
You shot your eyes up to see his right hand grazing the palm of your left. As your gaze slowly elevated, you found your way to meet his own eyes, only to notice the very sudden change in them. Whatever fear or darkness hid their before had now melted away. You couldn’t place it, but whatever emotion he now held sent a chill from your core to your fingertips. A lump in your throat formed and for a moment, you thought you might never be able to breath again. The look in his eyes was almost soft, but with a hint of yearning. Fire was blazing through every nerve in your body, while a chill kissed your skin, making every hair stand on edge.
Feeling outrageously brave, you took your free hand up to his jaw and held him there, gently swiping your thumb over his cheek, and allowing your fingers to reach slightly past his hairline and to the back of his neck. You wondered if he could feel the raging storm of your emotions through your touch.
“You okay?” you managed to whisper to him.
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before” his answer pierced your ears with a hard tone, refusing to let any vulnerability resonate in his voice.
You shake your head at him, wishing he wouldn’t play pretend. “Okay then,” you mumble, letting your hand drop from his face. But as it fell, Bucky was quick to grab it, and hold it with a gentle squeeze. When you looked at him again, you knew he meant it as a reassurance, trying to tell you that he was okay.
He couldn’t handle the way you looked at him. Like you could see every thought in his head. A knowing gleam in your eyes told him that you didn’t believe him, and you’d be right not to. He wasn’t okay. He never really was. There was so much darkness surrounding him, poisoning every inch of his life. But you. Your touch was gentle and your voice was kind, and even though he had just seen your scar, he couldn’t help but think your world must have been so much brighter than his own. Looking in your eyes, he almost wished he’d never met you. He was so afraid that his pain might infect you too, the only good thing he had left. He wouldn’t ever be able to forgive himself if he let that happen; if he let his past ruin your future.
He wanted to leave, he needed to get out, before any of that could happen.
He slid off the bed quickly, and made his way to grab his clothes, but before he could you grabbed his hand - his left hand.
“Please Bucky don’t.” was all you could say. But the way your voice broke, on the verge of tears, fear of being rejected, of being left alone in the dark by the only man you ever wanted to let in - it was enough to stop his heart. He stood there, frozen from your touch. You kept his hand in yours, and for a second you worried it was too much. You worried you betrayed whatever trust you had built with him. Just holding his bare metal hand felt more violating and revealing than the fact that both of you remained completely naked. But you didn’t want to pull away. You didn’t want him to think you were afraid of him, afraid of the fact his hand could pulverize yours in a second - because you weren’t. You’d felt his touch. You knew how gentle and caring he could be. And you wanted him to see it too. That he wasn’t defined by his worst fears.
You pulled your body towards him, kneeling at the edge and facing him, “You don’t have to leave.” you spoke softly, as if he might be spooked and run off if you were any louder. “You don’t have to push everyone away. Please don’t push me away… I-”
Before you could finish, he was crashing into you. His tongue invading your mouth, like he was trying to soak up your unsaid words. His hands held your waist in place against his, steady and strong, but there was still resistance in his fingers; a hesitance to use too much force with you. You could feel how he feared he might hurt you.
Slowly you leaned back, feathering your fingers over his shoulders to guide him with you, and when he hovered over you, you let them slide into his hair, grabbing what you could and leading his head down…
You lay there in the dark with your head on his chest, listening to his steady heart, feeling the crisp sting of metal graze your back. And even though you knew it was ridiculous, all you could think about was how you wanted to keep him safe. The man was stronger than any other human being, and probably thought you were fragile and helpless, and needed his protection more than anything. But still, you wanted him to be okay. You wanted him to know he could be safe.
“I’ll fight them for you.” you whimper quietly, suddenly worried that Bucky may have already fallen back to sleep.
“Huh? Who- what do you mean?” his words stuttered and tripped over his tongue. His half sleeping brain was suddenly running a mile a minute trying to decipher your statement. Who were you fighting? Why would you need to fight them for him? Surely he was more capable of fighting anyone off. He should be protecting you-
“The monsters” you said a little louder. The words feel childish and awkward in your mouth, and once you said them, you wished to take them back. But you decided to push forward, “if you want me to… if you need me… I’m here”
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
pw [2] | the cars that go boom
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perfectly wrong | drabble [2]: when your boyfriend likes to play with the cars, but you like to play in the cars.
word count: 2.0k
warnings: unprotected car sex, road head / oral (m. receiving), cussing, mature language, reader catches an attitude and tae knows just how to test you
notes: i’m sorry, i’m filthy lmao i’ll make a softer drabble next 😂 but uh, if you want something messier, acquainted is up. if you want something a little softer, big red is up. 😬 hehe ily, y’all are always so sweet and supportive!!
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Your boyfriend was a certified dork, but you couldn't ask for anyone better. He wanted to drag you to the mall to visit the closest LEGO store for a special edition car set, or whatever the hell he said it was, being he stumbled on his own words over the phone due to his excitement. You had never heard his deep, nerdy laugh so much until today. But, you agreed to go because you wanted to go wherever Taehyung went, even if that meant running to the nearest convenience store for toilet paper.
"Baby, let's go! Hurry that ass up! The mall doesn't wait for anyone!" The mall was going to close in the next hour, hence the sense of urgency from Taehyung.
"You better keep your tone down or else the mall is gonna have no choice but to wait." You yelled from his room as you lazily slipped into some biker shorts and his hoodie. You threw the hood over your head and slipped on your crocs before meeting him in his living room. He showed off his boxy smile and danced in place before engulfing you in his arms and showering you with kisses.
"You are such a dork. You're never this excited when you come to see me."
"I'm always excited, love. It's just—"
"Mhm, yeah yeah, special edition. Limited time. Yes, I'm aware. Let's go, you little baby." You walk out his door only to see him standing there with this look on his face. "Babe." You whined. "For real? You rushed me out of the bed! What are you doing?"
"Mm-mm, not until you give me a kiss." His hands are tucked into his pocket while his head remained tilted to the side.
You stood on your tippy toes to plant a good one on his plump lips. "There."
"Okay." He shrugs and happily walks off to the elevator. You shake your head at him, because sometimes, Taehyung was definitely more dramatic than you were.
The drive to the mall isn't far, and your boyfriend is damn near hopping out of the car before putting it in park. Too bad his parking spot was on the opposite end of the LEGO store.
"Because I love you, I'll walk at a normal pace." He slows his speed.
"Yeah, thank you Daddy Long Legs."
"Which leg are we talking about, sweetheart?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making you playfully shove him aside.
"Ew, don't do that." You laughed.
"Hey Tae!" You and Tae were pulled out of your moment when a familiar face from school had passed in the oncoming crowd.
"What's up, Sabrina?" She stops in her tracks and twirls her hair, causing Taehyung to stop in his own tracks. You chuckle to yourself because for one thing, you know the boy is dying to get to his LEGOs. And two, all of a sudden he's a nice guy saying hi to people? Boy, bye. Where was that energy when he was the campus fuckboy?
Anyways, Miss Sabrina doesn't even take one look at you or acknowledge your presence, which makes you stand there with your hand on your hip as you eye her.
"It's been awhile." She bit onto her bottom lip. "Call me sometime so we can catch up." She quickly brushes her hand down his chest before walking off.
"Uh?" You pop your head out from the side, raising your eyebrow at Taehyung who is literally just standing there looking at you.
"Babe, don't even start."
"Don't even start?!" You crossed your arms and began to walk away from him. You can hear him catching up to you with those damn long legs of his, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back to him.
"Don't be like that." He kisses you on the forehead, but you push him off and continue walking towards the LEGO store.
"Go and get your thing, Taehyung. I'll just wait out here." You pout. He clicks his teeth before pouting and making his way inside to grab whatever he needed to grab. It only takes him about 5 minutes before he's happily walking back out, even though you're standing there completely unamused.
"You want anything to eat, you little brat?" You rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine."
"Fine, starve, since you wanna have an attitude." He says, walking next to you, arms crossed. You knew he was testing the fuck out of you - you could sense that smirk from a mile away, and it wasn't funny. He always knew how to push your buttons, but you could never stay mad at him for long. That's the part that wasn't funny.
"Fine." You say. At this point, you both are walking to the car in silence, even though you can see Taehyung from your peripherals, eyeing you with his lips doing that thing where it folds inwards every time he wants to hold in his laugh. You plop into your seat, slamming the door shut to buckle your seatbelt and immediately look out the window. A couple of minutes have passed and you realize you still haven't left the parking spot. "Tae." You shift in your seat to look over at him in the driver's seat.
"We're not leaving until you communicate and tell me why you have an attitude all of a sudden."
"All of a sudden? She got all flirty with you when she walked off and you didn't even say anything."
"First of all, just listen to what you said. She walked off before I could even say anything. And what was I supposed to do, push her in public?"
"I mean--"
"Y/N." He looks at you. "Think for a minute, yeah? Don't let your feelings do the talking for you. I know it wasn't the greatest thing to see, but I'm obviously not planning on calling her or interested in catching up."
"She didn't even acknowledge me."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend."
"You are, and everyone is aware. I can go put up fliers if you want me to."
"But that's not my point, you didn't even try to introduce me."
"Why? She doesn't matter to me." You stay silent as you sink back into your seat. Now, it was pretty obvious you were picking a fight for no reason and Taehyung was well aware of your ways. Although it was frustrating, he always tried to be patient and talk you through this. He knew that sometimes, you just needed to be reassured and he had no problem doing that for you.
"She just wanted to get to you, and quite frankly, you're letting her for no reason." He looks at you, but you break eye contact and fiddle with your fingers. You feel his hand lift your chin so that you could be at eye level with him once again. One thing he was also very well aware of was the fact that you broke eye contact every time you started to realize you were wrong. "Baby." He chuckles. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yes." You say lowly.
"I know you're upset, but trust me when I tell you that I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. Even down to entertaining another woman at the mall. Are you with me?" His thumb is drawing soft lines down your chin.
"I am."
"Then you know we're in this together. Don't shut me out." You whine.
"Why do you have to be so good looking?" He laughs.
"I don't know, but I'm all yours, you know this." He smiles. "Now please stop with the attitude and give me a kiss so we can go home." You plant a kiss on his lips before retreating quietly into your seat. He begins to drive off, getting onto the freeway that would take you back to his place. You smirk, a nasty idea popping into your head as he leans back, one hand on the steering wheel, while the other rested on the center storage console of the car. And you were going to do it for the way Taehyung teased you and tried pushing your buttons earlier. You flip the seatbelt strap over your head so that you have a little more room to move. You start palming at his member on top of his grey sweats, causing him to shoot you a look.
"What do you think you're you doing?" He asks, but doesn't even stop you as you continue, feeling his member quickly harden in his sweat pants, the bulge becoming bigger by the minute. You reach into his sweats and deep into this boxers, pulling out his member to toy with. "Y/N, what are you doing?"
"Since you wanted to test me earlier, thinking you were funny." He bites onto his bottom lip, his knuckles turning white as his hand grips tighter onto the steering wheel. You lower your mouth onto his cock, tongue teasing the red, angry tip as you lick the pre-cum pooling at the top.
"Are you really doing this right now?" You say nothing, but allow the sounds of your slurping do the talking. "God." He groans, quickly taking his eyes off of the road to watch your head move up and down on his cock. "You're going to make me take an exit so I can fuck you proper."
"All talk and no action, Kim Taehyung." Suddenly, the car abruptly swerves, causing you to squeal right before you were planning to lower yourself back down onto his member. You can sense the switch in Tae's body language, causing you to silently chuckle to yourself as you lick swipes down his tip and suck on it gently. Everything suddenly gets darker, and you quickly raise your head to see the car coming to a stop near the curb on a dim, quiet street. Tae shifts the gear into parking and turns off his headlights before raising your chin up to his face.
"Get the fuck on top right now." You bite onto your bottom lip, gladly releasing your seatbelt and getting out of your biker shorts to ride him properly. He shoves your panties to the side, allowing you to instantly sink down on his member, your walls wet from how turned on you are at this moment. He lets out a breathy moan as his hands are gripping your hips, watching you sink further and further down until you feel his entire member filling you up, ready to re-arrange your guts like there's no tomorrow. You could careless about this public indecency and if any cars passed by, catching you fuck your boyfriend in the driver's seat. All that mattered right now was how good it felt and how his tip constantly touched your spot every time you rocked your hips back and forth. Your head tilted back in pleasure, Taehyung's fingers digging deep into your hips while he hisses and groans. "Faster, baby. Show me that this cock is yours." So you do what you're told. Your hip movements get messier, completely disregarding the fact that the car is slightly shaking from how hard you're riding your man.
"Fuck, babe! Ughhhhmygod." Your words mesh together as you feel your climax approaching, ready to take over your entire body.
"Oh, shiiiiit." He gasps, feeling your walls tightly constrict and hug his hardened member, causing him to cum a lot quicker than expected. "Fuuuck!" He groans into your chest, his fingers ready to pierce through your hips. Your lips lightly graze his forehead as you catch your breath, pressing your lips against them once you've gotten yourself together. You look down at him smiling from beneath you, his teeth almost piercing his bottom lip. "You're nasty."
"Don't ever try and test me like that again." You smirk.
"That's fucking hot." He tucks his sweats up while you fix yourself back into the passenger's seat, slipping into your biker shorts. "I hope you're ready for when we get home."
"Please, as soon as you pull out your LEGO set, I won't be hearing from you for the rest of the night."
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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S i e b e n  S i n n e (Seven Senses) III
⋆ pairing: catking!san x reader (x human!woo young)
⋆ genre: yandere au, fantasy au, suggestive
⋆ trigger warnings ⚠️ strong language, yanderish behaviour, possessiveness, violence
⋆ words: 3,500
a/n: last part of this journey, don’t forget San is more like a soft yandere... I know some of you won’t be happy with the ending but it was too much fun haha
part I  part II  part III
⋆ „But I won’t ever be able to turn into a human again.“ 
You definitely felt more energy while being in the body of a real cat but also the castle seemed to be much more distant now. You didn’t even know how to turn back into the other form so you just ran until the walls came into your view that shielded the gardens of the castle from outside.
It was very easy to just jump up and use your claws to get steady on the surface. Being a cat was indeed fun but you wouldn’t want to get used to it.
Emerging the building you were confused on how to enter it because all the doors seemed to be locked. After a little while of not knowing what to do you decide to descend some balconies and stop in front of a large room where a big desk was set.
Was this San‘s workspace?
A meow escapes you without knowing when you see a chair turning and San looks outside only to see you leaning against one of the big windows with your paws.
He frowns and stands up to open the window to sniff the air. „(y/n)?“ You try to shy away from him but he’s quicker to take you into his arms and press you against his chest while closing the window again. He sits down on his chair and places you on his lap to look at you with heartily eyes.
„I should be angry that Hong Joong came back here without you but I see you seem to have a little problem there...“ You purr at the feeling of him caressing your (y/h/c) colored fur with pleasurable motions.
„You can still talk you know?“
You lick your paws out of instinct and shriek a little bit when you feel something itching in San‘s lap. Jumping on to his desk you sit down in front of him muttering. „It happened when I wanted to go into the shop and now... I don’t know how to turn back.“
This makes the cat king laugh out loud and he bops your little cat nose. „It’s ok. I was afraid something happened to you...“ His eyes are full with worry but it vanishes as quickly when he stands up to take you into his arms again. He kneels down and with a small push he rolls you over and you feel yourself changing back.
You lay on the ground your tail swinging quickly while you examine your body. „Oh, thanks!“ You smile at him and he hums at you.
„I hope you had a nice day anyway. After this the next time you get out of this castle I will be the one on your side.“ Worry takes over your features and you are afraid he would do something to Hong Joong for not being careful enough.
„Don’t worry. Hong Joong is one of my dearest friends. If something happened however...“
There was nothing you could do now then wait. And you did until the day you woke up and knew soon you would be free again. Hopefully everything would go smoothly today.
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Woo Young didn’t know how long he layed in the grass of the wide meadow he woke up but he was sure there wasn’t much time left when he saw the hectic pace of the towns people and the carriages that passed him.
Disoriented he literally lived the past days like a stray tomcat looking for you in all places. It was only when he emerged an older woman with gray cat ears that he decided to ask what the ruckus was about.
„Oh boy where do you even live? Today’s the wedding of our king choi and his beloved (y/n)!“ She smiles and gives him a flower after leaving the boy standing there dumbfounded.
„Oh my god...“ You were in the palace.
He demonized the mask seller for not telling him this important information and started to follow the way of the carriages like a maniac.
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Standing in front of the big gate guards were quick to push him back when he tried to casually walk inside the royal grounds.
„No trespassing for uninvited!“
He waited a second after another cat bowed down in front of the guards to tell them he was late for the kitchen help. It was pretty obvious when he imitated this action to them earning him a questioning look by the guard.
„I am here for the kitchen help!“
„Sir Min Gi! The chef is asking where all the servants are!“ Min Gi debates with himself for a second when he utters something and points for Woo Young to enter.
„Today everything has to be perfect. Men, get back to work and you, tell the chef there’s help coming.“
Everywhere he can hear cheering and laughter while the castle is in full festival mood. He wanders around trying to find a tip for your location and comes to a halt when two equally rich clothed people pass him in a hallway. He quickly looks to the ground bowing but not misses the gaze of the man with the black ears and tail.
Woo Young mirrors the glare with a bad feeling not knowing who this person was or why he could swear he smirked after he saw the boy.
He continues his way through the corridors and just when he swears he saw a white fabric a servant stops him. „You! We have to get ready and why do still not wear your clothes?“
„I ehm ...“ He stutters and the man rolls with his eyes annoyed. He turns Woo Young around and pushes him into another direction ranting about how everything is messed up now and that they should better hurry up.
With all the guards and servants around having an eye on everything he gives up to look for you. He has to get you when the ceremony starts.
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You find yourself in front of a mirror all dolled up the necklace on your neck feeling like it’s suffocating you. A sigh escapes your shaking lips when Ye Ri comes in to announce that it’s time for you. Joy is busy picking on your gown and hair to make sure everything looks perfect while you are praying every second your plan works.
Soon you would be back to your own world. Living with your mom and going back to school. Seeing Jang Mi ranting about you and having Woo Young to annoy you every chance he gets. You stick to the memories like they could vanish out of your head any moment.
And then the door opens and you’re getting outside into the big gardens where the ceremony is being held. Music starts to play and you can see all the guests turning their heads to your direction where you try to not faint.
Everything is decorated like you would want it to at your imagination of a perfect wedding. The guests look mostly rich and their ears twitch in excitement at the arrival of the bride. Turning your attention back to the end of the path where he is standing.
San looks devilishly handsome. He gasps when he sees you and you also forget to move for a moment. So much beauty wasted on a man like him.
Cat. He’s a cat. Don’t forget that.
Making your way to the podest where he’s standing you hear the little remarks some of the guest make and start to feel insecure.
„She’s so beautiful! Look at her ears and tail I bet she has the prettiest fur...“
„And to be this lucky! King Choi looks breathtaking like always!“
San takes your hand in his when you shyly look up to him. His tail is swinging agitated from side to side tingling with yours occasionally.
From the outside you two probably had to look like the perfect match but you knew how cruel the king could be. The pastor finally starts his speech while San doesn’t take his eyes off you any second.
You on the other hand focus your gaze on his tie mind really blank the whole time. Only when you’re asked to answer you look up to him seeing his shining orbs and suddenly the man announces you to cats in marriage with the guest awaitening the magic kiss.
San carefully takes your hands in his and looks at you promising. Then he leans down and his lips collide with yours in a sensual way leaving you no option to kiss him back. He feels soft and his tongue provokes to claim your mouth with a longing force. He embraces your waist and kisses you for god knows how long leaving you with a bubbly feeling in the stomach that doesn’t feel as bad as you would’ve guessed. Everyone‘s clapping and San smiles and waves at the guests feeling the happiest he ever did.
The party is in full swing when suddenly the big doors to the hall open and servants bring in the wedding cake with spray fountains on the top. You gasp at the size but freeze in your spot next to the king when you see a face you nearly forgot.
You’re trembling and about to stand up when you feel San‘s eyes locked on your form. „Are you ok, my queen?“
Slowly you turn to him and put on a fake smile to not gain any more attention. He smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear. „I am as much nervous because of the wedding night as you are. I have a surprise for you by the way...“
You frown at him and quickly lock your eyes back on your friend. Woo Young‘s ears twitch still not used to the loud noises and he nearly doubles over when seeing you next to the king.
Anger is building up inside of him but you mouth him to wait. You don’t know why and how he managed to get to you but the love you had for him just sparked again and left you with a warm feeling.
He came here. To rescue you!
Woo Young is quickly out of your eyes knowing you have to get to the kitchen to meet him while San leads you to the cake and of course his hand is over yours when he feeds you a piece of it.
Guest after guest scurries to you and the king to make conversation and congratulate you. The people were nice and you didn’t have a problem to talk feely with them much to San‘s goodwill.
Music starts to play and you and San dance to the first song. It would probably feel very romantic if your thoughts wouldn’t be with Woo Young every second and you fear that San recognizes your change in behavior.
After that the party really starts and cats are storming the dance floor.
You realize the time has come to get out of here. You dismiss yourself with a lie to use the restroom and go straight to the cabin in the bathroom where you hid other clothes.
You put on the uniform of the servants and look from left to right before you leave into the hallway. Walking to the kitchen with quick steps you’re trying to look busy while finding Woo Young. Tears are flowing down your cheeks when you see the boy looking out of the window his tail in between his fingers playing with it.
You stand next to him poking him on the side to gain his attention and quickly usher him to stop when he whisper-yells your name and tries to hug you.
„Listen, I have a plan to get out of here but we have to go now.“
„Alright.“ He takes your hand in his and holds it so desperately fearing he would lose you again if he let go. „I just missed you so much. I was so afraid, (y/n).“
„I missed you, too. I cannot put into words how thankful I am that you came here to save me.“ You both smile at eachother and you hurry to make him follow you out of the castle.
You both run like wolves chased you and so often turned around to see if someone followed you. Much to your disbelief no one seemed to recognize your absense meaning you really could have a chance.
The place where you met the mask seller moves closer any second and your heartbeat doesn’t seem to slow down. Sweat is forming on yours and Woo Young‘s forehead when you stop in your tracks to look around desperately.
„Are you awaitening someone?“ He talks between taking deep breaths.
„Yes. Someone who helped me and someone who will get us out of here.“
After a minute you suddenly hear foot steps in the distance and because it already got pretty dark outside you only recognize him when he’s embracing you.
„Yeo Sang!“
„We have to hurry up! I’ve seen San and some guards searching up the castle for you (y/n)! And who’s this?“
„This is my friend, Woo Young.“ You smile shyly and Yeo Sang nods understanding your relationship when the boy takes your hand in his.
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The three of your run as fast as you can again into the direction of the portal passing the town, villages and forests until you can hear a slight buzzing.
„Here!“ Your gaze drifts not only to Woo Young but Yeo Sang, too, seeing the relief in their eyes being so close to be free and out of this world.
For Woo Young it is only important to have you on his side again so he takes your hand and motions for Yeo Sang to get the fuck out of here.
„Yeo Sang, you first!“ Yeo Sang nods at you and a tear rolls down his cheek.
„Thank you for everything, (y/n).“ He gets through the portal and your heart skips a beat.
He’s finally free...
You watch Woo Young in awe and with desperation in both your eyes you make confident steps to the portal. Just when you walk into the light something seems to pull you back and you realize it’s Woo Young who doesn’t seem to be able to walk through the portal.
You tumble back and frown becoming nervous. „What is going on? Why aren’t we able to go?“ You ask in desperation watching the boy shake his head while the moon illuminates the scene in a mysterious light.
„I didn’t know what it meant... but I guess that’s the price.“
„What the hell are you talking about?“
„This guy. He told me I had to pay later for it.“
„Woo Young. How were you able to come here?“
The glare he gives you tells you more than he could explain now. You had a problem. A big problem.
„We have to find this motherfucker and - “
„Ouch, your choice of words is hurting me.“ Suddenly Seong Hwa steps out of the dark of the trees and sends the two of you an intriguing smirk.
„You knew he was here! You knew it all along! Why didn’t you tell me?“
You’re angered and Woo Young tries to hold you back ashamed he got tricked so easily.
„You didn’t ask, little cat.“ A few seconds pass by with you letting out a hiss ready to attack if needed.
„Okay, you promised me you would help us. Now do whatever so he can leave this place.“
Seong Hwa chuckles lowly and raises his eyebrows at your words. „I can do that. But there’s a price for it.“
„Wh- what?! Are you nuts?“
„Listen, I am a merchant. I serve the one who pays the most... so tell me can you give me something that is more precious than what the other bidder gives me?“
„What other bidder?“ You grit your teeth at his words and don’t notice your hands turn into little fists.
„Your journey finally ends here, my wife.“
A dozen guards step out of the shadow all lead by the one you were running from - King Choi San himself.
You take a step back letting go of Woo Young‘s hand out of pure shock. „How? That’s not possible!“
San sends you the angriest look he had and grimaces at your reaction. „This is my kingdom after all. Nothing happens without my consent.“
He just states impassively and motions for his guards to get you.
„Stop! Seong Hwa, whatever he gives you I will double it! I will give you everything!“
He shakes his head and sighs. „I am afraid you won’t be able to give me more because... I already got everything I wanted thanks to the king and you, too.“
You’re feeling dizzy because of the situation and start to cry when Woo Young turns to you looking as lost as yourself.
„You loose. Your plan was actually a good one but you didn’t have a chance in the beginning, (y/n).“
„(y/n), he won’t have you. Go through the portal and leave me here.“
The guards and San get into position at Woo Young‘s words being prepared to stop you any second from leaving this world and becoming a human again.
„If you go I will torture and kill him in the cruelest way.“ San‘s orbs turn darker than you ever saw it and his words shake your bones. He doesn’t play around you know that. And in this moment you know exactly what to do.
Not what you want to do but... what is the right decision.
„I won’t go. I want to talk to the mask seller for a second.“
San and Seong Hwa share a quick look and the cat king smiles at you nodding afterwards.
Woo Young takes a few steps to the portal searching your face for answer his question what you’re planning. You dismiss him with an assuring smile and wait until Seong Hwa is in front of you.
„Did you already take his soul?“
„Not yet. I still have his human mask with me.“
You debate for a moment not knowing if he would agree with it. „If he stays here San is going to kill him. If I stay here I will still be the queen and his wife.“
„That’s right.“
„But I won’t ever be able to turn into a human again.“
„Yep.“ He grins at you from ear to ear already knowing what you’re up to.
„Mask seller, please give him back his human mask. I will stay here and you... you can have my human soul.“ He raises one eyebrow searching your face.
„You know you will never see him again right? He might never give you up...“
You’re crying again at the thoughts and bite your lips. „I want him to be happy. Can you make him forget about his feelings for me and everything that happened here?“
„I can do that.“ With a swift move of his index you can feel the mask appearing in your hand.
You nod at him and turn around to get to Woo Young Seong Hwa quickly in your tracks to make sure you don’t do anything funny.
„What’s going on, (y/n)?“ You surprise him with a desperate kiss. San only huffs in the background not forgetting about the wedding night he still has with you and where he would let out all the anger he has in himself right now.
He reluctantly pulls away still in the bliss of the kiss when you mouth to him ,I love you‘. He frowns and yells out when you crash the mask on his face and push him into the portal.
The last thing Woo Young sees is your smile and then his world turns dark.
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San‘s eyes were focused on you the whole time. It felt like if he looked away for only a mere second you would vanish. He could never allow that. No one could take you from him. You were his.
„S-san, please, I need you to touch me.“
A breathles chuckle leaves the king at your neediness. The bliss of the still lingering marks on your skin ignite a fire in him he didn’t know before. A feeling of passion and desire; but also something darker… possession.
He had you on his mercy. His fingers slowly leaving trails down your spine until they landed on the curve of your waist. Your eyes were closed so you felt the tingle of the king‘s finger tips only more.
„Sleep my little kitten. You’ll always be safe with me…“
If you weren’t so lulled in his words and touches you would’ve known that his innocent smile hides something you should more than fear.
But you gave yourself to him and there was no turning back.
↺ back to navi
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Shower Friends (Miya Atsumu x F!reader)
The dorm you live in has co-ed bathrooms. Why that’s remotely a good idea is beyond you; and recently, your precious shower time is being interrupted by a certain blonde haired setter for the volleyball team. When he lies to his teammates that he has a girlfriend, somehow you get roped into his scheme.
genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut  words: 2.2k
a/n: and here we are at the end, tbh im a little sad this fic is over, it was so fun to write and i am DEFINITELY more in love with Atsumu than i was before
one | two | three | four | five |
Four years have passed since you and Atsumu finally got together, and this is the third year in a row he has an away game scheduled on your anniversary. It’s hard for you to actually be mad, he can’t control his schedule. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be disappointed.
And Atsumu hates that he’s let you down again. Wanting more than anything to finally spend your actual anniversary together instead of substituting for an early or late celebration. You’re a good sport, and he loves you for that, supporting him and his volleyball career without complaint despite his long absences and track record of missing important events.
Though the night before he’s set to leave, you’re sitting beside him on the couch, tucked under his arm while the two of you watch something on the TV. For the past few minutes, you’ve been fiddling with his shirt between your fingers and he knows you’re gathering the courage to say something. He’s pretty certain he can guess what it’ll be about too. And all he can do is brace himself when he hears you huff.
“What if you mysteriously came down with something?” You finally say.
He has to laugh at that. “That’s pretty diabolical of you.”
You shrug, already feeling silly you brought it up at all. It’s not really a big deal, but it’s been three years since either of you were even in the same country on the day you swallowed your pride and stormed into his dorm room to confess to him. Sue you for being a bit put out by it.
“Did you poison my dinner or something?” His heart lifts at the small chuckle he gets out of you from that.
“No, but don’t give me any ideas.”
He rests his cheek on the top of your head, eyes still on the TV as he jokes, “Besides, ya think they have any chance of winning without me?”
He feels your smile against his chest, then jolts at the jab you give him in the side. But still you say, “They’d be nothing without you.”
Pulling you into his lap, he cradles your face in his hands and looks at you seriously. And even after four years, you’ve never gotten tired of the way he looks at you—still like you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on.
“I’m sorry,” he says sincerely. “I know it sucks.”
“It does,” you pout.
Pressing his forehead to yours he murmurs, “I’d be with you if I could.”
You love these intimate moments with him, when you both let your teasing natures fall away and all that’s left is how much you love each other. Even after four years, it’s still abundant, and somehow still growing every day. So, you sink into his embrace and reply, “I know.” And you do. That’s what makes it bearable. Knowing that even though he’s off in some exciting country, playing the game he loves—there isn’t a minute that goes by that he doesn’t think about you.
“You gunna watch the game?”
It so happens that this year, his game landed on the exact date of your anniversary. When he’d found out, he’d vowed to make you proud; to make him being away so often worth it to you. And it makes his heart swell when you say without hesitation, “Of course.”
So, a couple days later as he’s about to leave for the airport, he tugs you to him, lowers his lips to yours and kisses you as if he’s going off to war or something. He knows it’s a bit overkill, but he doesn’t really care. He wants to do everything he can to make it up to you. And damn, is he slapped in the face with how much he loves you when you finally separate and you tease him, “Sheesh, you’ll be back in a couple days.”
His response is to kiss you again and again muttering between kisses, “Gotta get my fill now to tide me over.”
He only leaves when you’re practically shoving him out the door. “You’re going to be late!” He reluctantly let’s go of you, hefts his duffel over his shoulder, takes his suitcase in hand and heads down the hallway towards the elevator. On his way there, you shout, “Say hi to the boys for me!”
He smiles smugly, winking over his shoulder at you. “Will do.” Knowing full well his teammates are extremely jealous of him because of you. And why yes—he absolutely does love rubbing you in their faces.
Once he’s out of sight, your smile falters as you shut the door and turn to your now empty apartment. A sadness falls over your heart that’s familiar but unwelcome. You have to find something to distract yourself, otherwise you’ll just let yourself wallow, which you know Atsumu wouldn’t want.
On the night of your anniversary, you eat dinner at Osamu’s restaurant as you normally do on the nights of Atsumu’s away games. You sit at the bar alone, watching the game on the many TV’s around that Osamu always has on the sports channel when Atsumu is playing. Tonight, you notice Osamu chats with you more than he normally does, and you’re certain he’s picked up on your somber vibes.
He even sits at the bar next to you, talking with you about the game and doing an excellent job of distracting you from the hole Atsumu always leaves whenever he’s gone. Tonight, that hole feels even bigger than it usually does.
“He’s playing good tonight,” Osamu notes, his trained eyes fixated on the TV. No matter how many games you watch, or how often Atsumu talks about volleyball, you’ll never have the same understanding of the game that Osamu does.
Chin resting on your palm, you glance at him from the corner of your eye. “Is he?” To you, it always looks like Atsumu is playing well.
But you like listening to Osamu’s technical breakdown of his gameplay and aren’t opposed to helping his endeavor of distracting you. “He’s tuned in,” is all he says by way of explanation.
You watch the TV with newfound interest, noticing that Osamu seems to be right. Atsumu is normally pretty focused, but tonight whenever the camera shows a closeup of him, the look in his eyes is razor sharp. And yet, he’s still making those insane plays that catch his opponents completely off guard. You can feel your pride bubbling up in your chest like it does every time you watch him play, quirking your lips upward into a small smile.
You love how much Atsumu loves volleyball, and whenever you can you go to his games here in Japan because watching him on TV is nothing compared to in person. Plus, it’s way more fun getting swept up into his arms in the heat of the moment after a win than several days later when the excitement has died a little.
You watch Atsumu the rest of the game, noting how the closer they get to match point, the more tenacious he becomes. But unlike other times, when he gets too excited and starts making insane plays that might not work, he seems to be dialing in even further, pulling the best out of all of his hitters even when they’re at the end of their rope. You at least know enough about volleyball to appreciate just how amazing that is.
To your delight, the Black Jackals win, and as usual several of the players get interviewed afterwards. Somehow, Hinata and Bokuto are still full of energy despite playing a full match, speaking excitedly to the interviewer. The coverage switches to Atsumu’s interview, and you can’t help ogling him a little bit. He somehow manages to look good, his hair damp from sweat but eyes gleaming from the adrenaline of the match.
And as you suspect, like Hinata and Bokuto, he’s pretty amped after the game. Amped enough that he completely ignores the interviewer’s questions and looks right at the camera. Immediately, you’re struck by the feeling that he’s looking directly at you. “I’ve only got one thing to say and that’s happy anniversary to the lovely lady I got waiting for me at home.”
The interviewer flusters, changing gears quickly and trying to get Atsumu to comment more on his relationship, but all he does is give the camera his signature smile and a wink before turning his back to the screen and rejoining his celebrating teammates. You don’t hear what the interviewer says next. You’re pinned to your seat, stunned, until your natural reaction is to burst out laughing at his proclamation.
Osamu just eyes you curiously, a small smile splaying across his lips as you say, “Only Atsumu—I swear.”
He shrugs. “Hey, you picked him.”
“Yes,” you laugh. “Yes, I did.” And you really wouldn’t have it any other way, no matter how long or how many times he’s apart from you.  
You leave shortly after the coverage of the game has ended, bidding Osamu goodnight and thanking him for his company and hospitality. He waves you out, and once you’re on your way home, you’re suddenly overwhelmed by the loneliness you’ve successfully kept at bay until now. The thought of climbing into a cold bed that feels too big when Atsumu’s not there settles into the front of your mind and it’s hard not to spiral into the sadness that’s been looming over you all day.
You sigh, wrapping your coat tighter around you, trudging towards your apartment that you know is going to suffocate you with its silence. You know it’s pretty pathetic missing him so much, feeling sorry for yourself that you’re alone once again on this day, but you can’t help it. The hope that next year will be different is nearly gone by now, your determination to refuse to accept it finally broken.
Entering the dark apartment, you toss your keys onto the counter and make your way to the living room, fully intending on spending the rest of the night mindlessly watching some TV show until you fall asleep. Subconsciously, your thoughts wander to what Atsumu is doing right now. The team usually goes out after games, especially ones they win. And it’ll be a day or two until they leave wherever they’re at, so they have plenty of time.
Part of you aches at the thought of him out, having a good time with his team, while you’re here—alone, watching some lame TV show and feeling sorry for yourself.
What you don’t know, is that Atsumu has forgone the celebration tonight. In fact, he’s rushing to the airport to catch his late flight back to Japan. He booked this flight the day after he found out he was going to be gone again. He might not make it back in time to be there on the actual date, but he hopes the gesture is enough.
On the flight, he thinks about your reaction, imagining your laugh and beaming smile at the sight of him. Daydreaming about sweeping you up into his arms and kissing you until you’re both breathless and dizzy keeps him awake, though he doubts you’ll be when he arrives. That’s alright, he perfectly happy surprising you in the morning too.
He gets back to Japan in the early hours of the morning, and when he enters the apartment, he finds you fast asleep under a blanket on the couch, the TV casting a faint glow into the room. He smiles softly to himself, allowing himself a minute to appreciate how adorable you look. Leaning down, he finagles his arms beneath your shoulders and legs and hefts you into his arms to carry you to the bedroom. To his surprise, you don’t wake up. Instead, you mumble quietly, and his heart nearly bursts at how even in your sleep you press closer to him.
Tucking you in, he kisses you lightly on the forehead before climbing under the covers beside you. Pulling you into his arms, you fit nicely in his embrace, and he falls into an easy sleep.
In the morning, your eyes flutter open, blearily looking around and realizing you’re now in the bedroom. When did you move in here? Did you put yourself to bed last night without realizing it? It’s then that your eyes snap open at the realization that the apartment smells like breakfast. Heart thundering against your chest, you throw the covers off you and head towards the kitchen so fast you almost trip in the hallway.
Upon seeing Atsumu standing at the stove, his back to you, it’s hard to keep your feet under you. And without your permission, tears well up in your eyes so fast that a few drops are already sliding down your cheeks. You sniff to try and get a hold of yourself, which gets Atsumu’s attention.
He whips around to find you standing at the entryway of the hallway with tears streaking down your face and immediately his heart softens. “Happy anniversary, love,” he says by way of greeting.
You can’t stop yourself; your feet move before your brain can catch up with them, throwing yourself into his open arms. He squeezes you tight, and then your lips are on his, your fingers tangling into his hair pulling him closer as you slot your body against his. He can’t help chuckling at you, despite thoroughly enjoying this reaction to his surprise.
“I’m trying to cook breakfast,” he says between kisses.
You don’t think he’ll be very hard to convince to abandon the eggs on the stove. With one hand, you turn the burner off. “Don’t care,” you say, pushing him back towards the bedroom.
He happily obliges.
taglist:  @apollochjld @kurosarium @vicassa @carbs-need-more-love @underratedmage @idek-at-thispoint @wtfeverbrandi @food8me @yikes-buddy @ntimacy @nyxiie @oikawasbooty @chocolate3010 @sugawarabby @greenyiplier @kritiiiii @tokyosdawn @youstydiaa @h3llok1ttygirl @honeyapplepi @iminlovewhaikyuu @moonlightaangel @tetrapot-melon-tea @putmeinyourdeathnote @fireworkemoji102 @angrylittleriri @anime-simp @hxked @silverwhare @grandfestivalalienlight @waitforitillwritemywayout @tendo-sxtori @plxstic-rose @hqissodelicate @unknownloving @cielhidalgo @mattsunsoswag @yoitsseulgi @whenyouscream @cereal-kileeeeer @jackadlersstuff @oopsliales @sssjuico10 
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bebepac · 3 years
Ri-Liamo de Bergerac (Happy birthday Zoehanji )
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Happy birthday @zoehanji​ !!!!!
Original Post date: 04/27/21 at 9:52PM EST  (4/28 where you are celebrating your birthday!!!) 
I have no idea when we started talking but we did, somewhere in the beginning of my writing journey on this site.  Even though I still consider myself to be a beginner here. Thank you for being my friend and being a fellow long distance cousin, as our relative in common would be Drama Whore!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha   🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I hope you enjoy this.  I know that Fast Forward has always been one of your favorites.  
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  /  Maxwell x Taylor  (Maxwell x F!OC)
Warnings:  Sexual Innuendo  and fluff. 
Word Count:  1889
Summary:  Maxwell and Taylor go on their first date.  Both are nervous and ask Liam and Riley for an assist.  
A/N:  This is a little similar version of Cyrano de Bergerac, not in the take that someone has a big nose, no one does, but the aspect of someone getting help in a conversation by using someone else’s words.  I did ask around to see if anyone had done something similar to this.  No one recalled of a similar story, so any similarities to anything currently on the fandom is completely unintentional.  
I also used @theworldofprompts  prompt: "All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you." which will appear in bold.  
Song inspiration for this.  I heard this song while i was desperately needing to calm down while i was listening to the calm station on my pandora and I came across this song and enjoyed it so, so here it is for you all to enjoy too. I feel like it has a little sweet nervous energy, but then the music builds like you’re getting used to being with someone. it’s truly a beautiful piece.  
First Love by Yiruma 
I don’t own rights to the music. But i’m quickly becoming a Yiruma fan.  Every song was amazing that i heard today and it had such a unique feel.  I could pick them when they started playing on pandora.  
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Riley raised her eyebrow at Maxwell. She saw him pacing nervously as he kept glancing in Taylor's direction. Taylor was completely oblivious as she had her nose buried in a book she'd gotten from the estate library.
Finally Maxwell had psyched himself up. He walked over to Taylor sitting in the lawn chair next to her.
"Hey Softie."
Taylor put down her book, as did Ellie as she was sharing the oversized lounge chair in the sun with Taylor. Both lifted their sunglasses to their hair.  
"Lord Playlist?"
"So I was wondering if you want to have dinner tonight."
"Silly Uncle Maxwell, we eat dinner every night."  Ellie confirmed matter of factly.
"What Riley Jr. said."  Both Taylor and Ellie picked up their books again, sliding their glasses back to cover their eyes.
Riley laughed to herself.  Oh my God Taylor she thought. She is absolutely adorably clueless. 
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Liam laughed softly.  He gently rubbed Riley's stomach.
"Aren't you glad we're married? We don't  have to do that."
"You were never like that."
Liam blushed.  "I felt like that when I talked to you the first time. I don't even remember what I said on the street to you. I was so dumbfounded by your beauty."
"You don't remember me being so awkward, Liam?"  
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Liam shook his head. "You… were perfect, is all I remember, My Love."
A light blush hit Max's cheeks.  
"What I meant Softie, was you and me alone, away from the estate."
Taylor slowly lowered the book again, her eyes slowly meeting Maxwell’s.
"So like a date?"
"I mean date is a strong word, but it could be an accurate one. Two people dressed nicely eating food together at the same table. I mean I'm not opposed to the idea if you are."
"Auntie Taylor likes food, and to dress nicely. You should see Auntie Taylor's dress for the ball. I picked it!!!!!"
"Excuse me Miss Crown Princess read your book."
"So… whaddya say Softie? Dinner tonight?"
"Sure. Riley Jr. nailed it pretty much."  
"Great! I'll meet you out front at seven."
"I swear this baby likes to just sit in there and poke my bladder for fun." Riley tried to roll out of the lounge chair she was on. “A little help Liam?”
Liam immediately jumped up to assist Riley to her feet.  
"You just went thirty minutes ago."
"You tell your daughter that."
Liam affectionately rubbed her stomach, kneeling to plant a soft kiss on it.
"Little One be nice to Mommy. She has kept you safe all this time and we still have a few weeks to go. Let Mommy relax.."
Riley had stepped out of the lavatory only a few steps when Taylor descended on her like a ninja.
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"Jesus Christ! Taylor you almost scared the crap out of me, and the way this baby has my bodily functions out of whack it could have legit happened!!!"
“Ew. Riley. Gross.  Another reason I won’t procreate.  Did you see, Maxwell asked me out!!!! On a date!!!!"
Riley laughed.  "Because he likes you, and you like him."
"What are we going to talk about alone?!?!"
"You guys talk, and you are texting back and forth all the time."
"We talk in a group Riley. All Me and Maxwell do via text is meme war each other."
"Our whole texting conversation… nothing but memes!!!"
She swiped on Maxwell's conversation in her phone it was nothing but pictures.
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"It's okay, I'll get an ear piece set  from Nico, and help you.”
“You’d do that for me?”  
“Of course I would.  Can’t have your first date with the guy you like nothing but uncomfortable dead air.”  
“Thanks Ri.  Can you keep this between us?”
“Sure! Do you need help picking an outfit for tonight?"
"Nope, with the outfit, you kind of already did when you gave me my new wardrobe. If I can’t pick from there, I’m truly an idiot."
Little did Riley and Taylor know Maxwell and Liam were having a similar conversation.
“Liam I didn’t think she would really say yes!!!  She said yes!!!! She said yes…..” 
Then it looked like the gravity of the situation crashed into him.  Maxwell looked like he was about to hyperventilate.  
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“Calm down Maxwell.  Taylor likes you.  It’s easy to tell from the trained eye.  She lets down her guard around you.”  
“What are we going to talk about?  I can’t talk about peacocks all night.  Or Memes. She’ll think I'm a complete buffoon.   I don’t even have reservations anywhere.  I asked her on a nice date and I don’t even have reservations ANYWHERE!!!! What am i going to do?!?!?!
Liam grabbed Maxwell by the shoulders.  “Get a hold of yourself man!!!!  And take a breath, your face is turning blue.”  
Maxwell took a few cleansing breaths.  
“Don’t worry about the reservations, I can handle that.  It’s good you are friends with the King and Queen.  And for conversation I can got it.  I’ll get an earpiece from Bastien, and you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t tell Riley.  She still hasn’t let go about the fact of my baby hippo tattoo.”
“Nor will I thank you for reminding me of it.”  Liam laughed loudly.  
Maxwell and Taylor left on their date.   Both Liam and Riley made excuses to not be in the other’s company for the evening.  
Both Liam and Riley were pleasantly surprised being a whisper in someone’s ear how well the night was going.  Both couldn’t stop thinking about how natural the moments between the two of them felt, and how perfect they were for each other.  
“I can’t tell you enough Taylor how beautiful you look to me tonight.  And I know you’ve had trouble seeing yourself that way when it comes to that word. But you are Taylor.”  
She heard her sister softly gasp.   Tears filled Riley’s eyes.    
Tell him Thank you, and that you wanted to look nice…. For him.”
Taylor parroted her words.
Taylor starred at the menu. None of it was in English and she had no idea what any of it meant.
I wish I had your eyes right now Riley. Taylor thought.  
The conversation was sweet and romantic. It was the perfect date.   Maxwell reached across the table taking Taylor’s hand.  
“Would you like to dance?”
As they danced,  Taylor started relaxing in Maxwell’s arms.  
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“You know I have a hard time sharing my emotions sometimes. All the time..”  
“I know. And that’s okay.  We can take this slow.  There’s no rush Softie.”  
This felt familiar to Liam..  Too familiar.  He knew those words…..her words.
Riley felt the same way but she couldn’t be sure.  
Both had gotten up from their desks to investigate to see what the other was up to.  
Taylor had never felt like a moment was so perfect and what Riley said, she really felt in her heart.
"All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
“Riley?”  But she had the feeling, it wasn’t Maxwell’s question.
Taylor pulled away from Maxwell.
Liam and Riley stared at each other in the hallway.  
He touched her ear feeling her ear piece and she touched his, feeling the same. 
“I knew it was you.” They both said in unison.
“I could feel your heart Riley, through the words even though it wasn’t you saying them.”  
“I could feel you too.”  
From the earpieces they could hear Liam and Riley kissing and the sounds of commotion.
“Bedroom, now?”  Liam's voice deep, rumbling with desire and need.
“YES LIAM!" Riley cried out.
"OH GOD!" Taylor shrieked.
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Both Maxwell and Taylor ripped out their earpieces.  
“Well that escalated quickly.”  Max cleared his throat looking at their earpieces that were laying on the table.  “Won’t be using those for the rest of the evening.” 
“Why did you think you needed help on the date Maxwell?”
“Because I’m awkward, when I’m around you.”  
“No you’re not.  You’re funny, and really nice.  I’m the awkward one. I don’t know how to do this normally.  I’ve never had a healthy romantic relationship before.”  
“That’s okay.  I haven’t been in many relationships before either.  We can learn together.”  
“So can I be honest with you?  I have no clue what the hell I ordered.  This place is nice but it’s too much for me.  I’m guessing it was Liam’s idea?  Can we go somewhere else?”
“I know just the place.”  
Maxwell and Taylor left that restaurant, and when they got to the second place, Taylor’s smile widened.  
“Now stop me Softie if you’ve ever heard this one,  a dashing noble wearing a squid tie with an affinity for peacocks, and a Queen of Cordonia lookalike walk into a bar…….”
Date one for Maxwell and Taylor part two was them dressed up like they were going to the ball, eating burgers and drinking cheap Cordonian Beer, playing pool.  And it was perfect.. For them.
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No. Dead. Air.  Conversation flowed easily between the pair.
“Wow.  I can’t believe the earpiece stayed in.”  
“You don’t think they heard anything did they?”  
“I’m sure they probably took them out.”  
"Can I ask you something?"
He could hear the slight sadness in Riley's voice. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
"Do you think I'm cool?"
Liam laughed out loud but abruptly stopped when he saw the look on Riley's face.
"Of course you are Riley."
"Then why is Ellie my sister's shadow right now?  Why do I feel like she wants nothing to do with me?"
"Riley… it's not that. This pregnancy has been rough on you.  You know how active our children are, and how active you were with them. Even while you were pregnant.  Well….Taylor fills that spot  for what you aren't physically able to do right now. Before it was me. I think you notice it more now because it is her.. But yes, it is clear Ellie adores Taylor. They have bonded and really love each other. “
"It was just so hard when I came back from California  Liam. She hated me."
"She didn't. She loved you, and it was my doing that put a wedge between you and her. She was hurting Riley. I did that to her. Not you. I’m sorry for that."
“It’s okay Liam.”  
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*^*^*^*^*^*  Breakfast next day *^*^*^*^*^*^*
“How was dinner last night Taylor?”  Riley asked.
“It was great.  We went for Burgers and beers.”  
“That’s nice.”  
Liam lightly cleared his throat.
“We didn’t hear anything.  We both ripped our ear pieces out when we heard where things were heading.”  
“Riley you’re about to pop, how is that even aerodynamically possible right now?!?!?!”  
“Oh it’s possible!”  Liam chuckled.  “God yes it’s possible.”
“Taylor it’s like when the amusement park is about to close and you want to get on your favorite ride one last time.  Even if you’ve had too much food and you’re full and you might throw up.  You got to get on that ride one more time.”
“You went to a carnival Mommy?”  
“No, she just went on a royal scepter ride. God did I say that out loud?”  Taylor slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Oh my God!!! Can we change the subject now please?”  Liam inquired, beads of sweat were forming on his face.    
“Yes please because this conversation went incredibly awkward!”
Riley laughed looking around the table.  The adults looked like they wanted to climb out of their skins and her children looked either confused or unaware of what was happening.
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