#or even ibis paint for that matter
snickeringdragon · 1 year
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post this beetle when they least expect it (transparent/no accessories photo beneath cut + ramblings in tags !)
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kyrplushe · 5 months
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chubby lesbian gamer girl who goes to 7/11 for the, 'atmosphere'. ( ≚ᄌ≚ )>⌐■-■
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noskav · 1 year
made some doodles in ibis paint pc!
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i despise 1 hour trial a day trial thing >:[
this was queued, forgot abt it
!! explanation for chains: theyre chained up together because they must to continue the parable in any way, no matter what. they cannot force an ending, it must have a story, and they cant leave it, even if its ruined, theyre stuck in it forever. [just a funky headcanon ig :-) ]
[i have found a pattern in my art and its kind of miserable/dissapointing, so yeah, might draw something happy of the two next time probably. key word: probably, since i have zero funny ideas.]
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baskeigh-ball · 6 months
Ignoring the fact that ibis had the ai paint feature a couple years before this whole ai fiasco, after seeing your post, I decided to try it out to see if it really held up. I already knew what you said made no sense, as even stuff like ai painting requires heavy human input that isn't just someone typing a prompt in a thing and looking through thousands of images and somehow still calling it 'art'. Really, it's just some weird advanced bucket.
The ibis ai paint... really sucks. I'm pretty sure it hasn't even been touched since it was added. No matter what I did, I got random colours and whatever colours I had put there looked like it were from a filter, not to mention how my lineart bled everywhere like it was blurred out.
Ibis isn't problematic for adding that feature as not only was it added ages ago, but it was also just a gimmick only added because a few more popular paid programs added them, like Clip Studio Paint. I highly doubt even the company took it seriously considering how poorly built it is. This is actually the one time I'm glad some feature in an app sucks so much.
Another reason why ibis isn't problematic by the mere feature alone is that, when you look at the artists making content during the time of that update, it was received with humour. It was something fun to try, but ultimately dismissed for actual artwork, as nobody would use it to fully paint their works. Nowadays we see something slapped with the words 'ai' and think that it's instantly bad due to the latest issues with it and big corperations/ certain production companies but it isn't. It's just a lot of people abusing what was previously some fun gimmick, which it can still be, and for certain apps, still is. Nobody throws pitchforks at character ai, after all.
You can tell just by the size of this that I'm procrastinating on something. Ima go and let this rot away in your askbox now lol
You really thought this would fade away in my ask box, mwahahaha /j
I wanna start off by saying thank you for holding me accountable, I will admit that I got buzzworded pretty hard in this situation lmao
This information came as a surprise to me-- I was seeing posts pop up within the past week complaining about the ai feature on ibis, so I assumed it was recent. As it turns out, after reading your ask, I discovered that I got a few wires crossed! Because yes, the auto paint feature I referred to in my post has been around for years now, and was never taken seriously anyways
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So that was my bad (and yea ur right it's completely unusable, lmao)
But as it turns out, the feature that people have been complaining about DID come out recently. It was called the AI Example feature, I think the idea was that you make a simple drawing and the AI adds 99% of the detail and color, which I've seen a bunch of other programs do.
...and then it was immediately removed due to some pretty major backlash, which, duh
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^ This is the only evidence I can find of the 11.2.0 update that included the AI feature on the actual site; their update history stops at 11.1.0. But there's also the news page about the removal of the update, so it's not like they're trying to pretend it never happened.
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So tl;dr, I jumped on the hate train a little too quickly and never did enough research to figure out what the actual update was, and that it's been removed by now anyway (which I couldn't have known until today, ofc, but i did kinda post that thing about ibis today so it's still a pretty major oopsie)
I think I can say with confidence now that I agree, ibis paint isn't problematic to use-- they made a mistake with this update, but they actually listened to their users and removed it LITERALLY the next day. So, thanks for letting me know! I'll also edit my last post to prevent any misinformation, just in case people make the same mistake I did :]
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princess-glassred · 29 days
Reddie Corpse Bride AU
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It's 1989 and young adults Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are arranged to be wed to one another, Eddie's mother has seemingly been able to put her homophobia aside for her sons sake, but still hold the outdated opinion it has to be an arranged marriage so she can make sure it's "the right person". However, what she really means by the right person is just wealthy since they're almost destitute, but of course Sonia would never admit that. That might make her sound like a bad mother who extorts her son, and she would NEVER do that. Never ever.
Richie, despite being overly confident and outspoken most of the time, is nervous as all hell to make a good impression on Eddie and feels like no matter what he does he'll mess up. Miraculously though, they do seem to hit it off when Richie tries to teach Eddie piano since his mom never let him learn it since she thought it'd give him arthritis. Slowly but surely, they start to bond, and even start calling each other by their nicknames instead of edward and richard. But alas, that comes crashing down when their families have a big victorian themed costume ball/rehersal dinner that's so chaotic it ends with Richie accidentally lighting Sonia on fire, and he's so embarrassed he flees to the town's abandoned arcade to hide away. Confused and dejected, he picks up a random token he finds laying around and pretends it's an engagement ring, practicing his vows and even slipping it inside one of the machines to imitated putting it on Eddie's finger. The vows are perfect and he's satisfied, but suddenly the arcade machine starts to rumble and crack, until a lone figure bursts out from inside and destroys the whole thing in a heavenly glow.
The figure reveals itself to be a zombie groom named Connor and he claims Richie and him are now married despite his terror and adamant denial. He takes him away to Derry's underworld and explains his tragic life story to him and why he was in an arcade machine. Appearently he died sometime in the 1970's after he fell in love with a guy but his homophobic cousin Henry disaproved of it. Enraged, Henry sent a fake letter pretending to be Connor's lover, asking for him to the abandoned arcade they met at so they could elope and run away together.
Niave little Connor did as he was asked, but when he showed up to the theatre Henry and his friend jumped him, and when they were done they stuffed his body inside the arcade machine where nobody would ever find it. His cousin went to an asylum after that and his friend went on the run, so even in death Connor never got closure over what happened. So, instead of moving on, Connor vowed that he would wait for his one true love to find him in that machine, marry him, and set him free, and unfortunately for Richie he did just that.
When Eddie inevitably finds out about this and tries to get help nobody believes him, his mother outright demands they take him to juniper hills for psychiatric evaluation IMMEDIATELY, but something quickly changes her mind. Suddenly she finds a new rich guy for Eddie to marry, Patrick Hockstetter, who she takes a liking to because he's quiet and good at manipulating her. Underneath his handsome looks and quiet demeaner though, he's really just a gold digging psychopath that ACTS like a gentleman. So how the hell are Richie and Eddie gonna get outta this one???
This took, i'm not kidding, 30 hours in ibis paint on my phone. 30. Hours.
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tamaruaart · 6 months
Hi :)
About me:
I mostly go by Rua or Tam but I also go by a lot of other nicknames! (Tamarua, Tamari, Tama, Tamachi, Ruma, Tammy, etc.) I'm a digital & traditional artist and I mostly draw my OCs or characters I like. I'm in A LOT of fandoms (LMK, JTTW, JJK, Greek Myth, Hamilton...). This blog respects and supports the LGBTQ+ community :> (WHERE ALL MY ACE BUDDIES AT??). My preferred pronouns are She/her but I don't mind if you refer to me as a they/them or he/him. I'd say I don't usually get mad, and my humor is very... Uh, what's the word? Questionable? Yea, very questionable- I speak English and Croatian!
What art program do I use?:
I use Clip Studio Paint and Ibis Paint, in Ibis I mostly use the default brushes and in Clip studio I use the defaults as well as Artemus pencil pack and Artemus chalk pack (both of the packs are free btw)
Where else can you find me?:
I'm on Twitter (@TamaRuaArt), Pixiv (@Tamachi), Reddit (@TamaRuaArt "Tam & Rua✩") and tiktok! (@tamaruaart "Tam✩") (but I don't post anywhere else soo)
What are the rules for my blog?:
-No offensive/hurtful comments on certain groups of people or a certain person
-No nsfw topics
-No politics
-Please keep your comments relative to the post
-Please no heavy-religion based topics
-No racism
-No sexism (idc if towards men, women or ANY gender for that matter)
-No homophobia or transphobia (nor hate to any other sexuality)
What do I mostly use this blog for?:
Well, I mostly use it to talk about my jttw/lmk OC Zhaoyan (or just Zhao). Zhao is an enchantress who was brought along the journey as a healer for Tripitaka. Basically, she has the power to heal any wound, illness, disease etc.
Where can I find out more about your oc?:
For now my tumblr blog is the only place. I do 100% plan to write an AO3 fanfic regards her one day (because she honestly has so much lore that isn't even jttw/lmk related). But not any time soon, I'm very busy with school and I still have to work her whole character out before I start writing. When I do publish the story I'll announce it here :D
What sort of art do I do?:
I mostly do character art of my OCs or fandoms I'm in. Sometimes I do creature designs and plants too! (I suck ass at animals though >:'( )
Is this blog R18?:
Not really, I do swear quite a bit and I do bring up a bit more serious topics from time to time. But besides that I don't deal with any nsfw things and I don't really talk about any drama going on in the world rn. At the end of the day this is just a silly little blog for me to talk about my interests :)
Do I do suggestions/requests?:
Yeah? Just don't expect a masterpiece. I'll probably draw your suggestion as long as it's a character, also just a heads up but if I don't feel like it I can always decline. (you can suggest someone threw my in-box)
Do I do coms?:
My Playlists:
Zhaoyan but as a ✨Playlist✨:
Fandoms I'm interested in and generally some things I enjoy:
Greek Mythology, Lego Monkie Kid, Renaissance Art, Art Nouveau, Hades/Hades II, The Art of John Williams Waterhouse, The Odyssey and The Iliad, The Prince of Egypt, Wolfwalkers, Disney's Mulan, Hamilton, Paris: The Musical, Epic: The Musical...
If any of these things sound right up your alley, feel free to stay!
An introduction to my characters and some extras:
Free chibi OC commission (closed):
And that's basically all you need to know about me
ba-bye 👋
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bbbexe · 1 year
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I can't draw digital to save my life, so I made my monster!Poppet oc Kalix, traditional. (I have been diagnosed with Vinnel brainrot, there sadly is no cure. Also I didn’t make this species, its heavily based off of a creature from game I used to play called a Kivarok)  Their main fur color is black, with the shaded in parts being a really really dark purple. Their horns and claws are orange with a yellow gradient at the top/end. Similarly, their diamond patterns are orange, and get more yellow that further they are away from their torso. They have 7 white eyes on each side (on the front view i forgot to add one pair you did not see that, nothing is wrong :'))) ) that they can close individually. Will usually close all but their two main ones to not look 'weird' or have people feel like they're staring at them. Kalix's eyes also don't usually have pupils, but they consciously make pupils so that, along with their exaggerated body language/movement, speech, and gesticulation, their emotions can be read more easily while masking in public. Pupils are orange. The first three diamond patterns on Sir are eyes, one being a light yellow color, and the others becoming white. Their eyes / horns / patterns / claws have a slight glow. Has four arms in total. (maybe one day i'll have the urge to try and draw on ibis paint) Kalix's blood is orange :). They also have a mouth on their main head, but really really don't want to scare people they want to be friends with, and keeps it closed and hidden for the most part. They are 6'0 because I wish I was tall :').
I've been completely obsessed with @eldritch-spouse's universe for the past few days and just had to make this. I love love love her writing and really suggest you check out her blog if you like yanderes and monsters >:D Under the cut is some of my oc's info if anyone is interested :D (it's a lot of rambling lol)
Tw mentions of cannibalism and other illegal stuff.
“Nothing can last forever. There isn't any memory, no matter how intense, that doesn't fade out at last.” ― Juan Rulfo This is Kalix! (Named them this purely because the word makes my brain happy) They are a young adult monster, who suffers from loneliness brain damage! With symptoms that are very similar to ADHD. They forget what day of the week it is often, forget words mid conversation, and have a shit short term memory. Often forgets to eat and has a habit of not eating until their tail-head starts to nip/chew (omnomnom) at them. Will constantly loose things, even if they are currently holding said thing in their paw. Brings noise cancelling earbuds around and wears gloves because they are touch averse. Usually has one part of their body moving, leg bopping, playing with their fingers, etc. (heavily projecting here lol, they just like me fr) Are a residual hermaphrodite who flip flops between sex depending on temperature/season (has a slit covered by their fluff) and goes by all pronouns. Demi ace/aro (hahaha slowburn + oblivious to their own feelings, have fun with that Vinnel). Has a hard time understanding sarcasm and understanding their own feelings.
Kalix's tail has been named "Sir" as they thought the word was cool. They usually eat / drink using their head-tail. Sir is Kalix's subconscious/lizard brain, though they don't seem to realize that themself, thinking the tail-head as more of a sibling/pet. (and example for the subconcious/lizard brain thing being, Kalix stubbing their toe, wincing and making a joke, Sir whimpering and getting teary like the crybaby they secretly are) They can consciously control Sir for about 30 minutes before a headache starts cracking open their skull (usually their species would be able to do this all the time, but shhh don't tell the poor child, they'll cry). While talking through Sir, Kalix can mimic many many sounds / voices. It would honestly be easier to list what they can't mimic than what they can. They do have a tell though, as when they speak through Sir, they have a slight whisper echo. Also sadly because of brain injury, they can't cut off Sir's senses from their own. Wagging their tail super fast like a dog when excited / to stim will leave make them super dizzy. Sir also has a taste for human/monster flesh :))) Has some other abilities, like being able to store stuff in their shadow (they do this more often and don't get nauseous from it unless they try to fit a bigger object inside. Kalix usually makes it look like they're pulling stuff out from their chest fluff becuse i thought that would be silly), make shadow apparitions for a limited amount of time, wrap themselves in shadows to hide or stalk their 'prey', and if they really push themself, they can teleport through shadows (within a certain range etc.) at most two times a week. They feel nauseous and get headaches after this, and using their power too often/long or trying to store large objects will make them violently ill. (won't stop the dumbass from overusing their abilities to pull pranks on The Clergymen though) Has little physical strength (for a monster at least), although they can jump pretty high when spooked (hehe get it? halloween pun :> also foreshadowing~) Speaking of Halloween, it's one of Kalix's main hyperfixations. Their hyperfixations include: Halloween, (and by extension) candy making, horror book reading, driving (although ironically if Kalix is a passenger they get extremely car sick), juggling (picks this up after they see Vinnel do it and realize 1. its a fun way to stim and 2. they have four arms. they are terrible at first), baking (which is kinda funny cuz they cannot cook for shit), insect related stuff, (piss poor) sewing, and drawing (they usually like to draw stuff with the combination of gore and plants).
Always has candy corn on them (or it seems that way, it’s just in their shadow. Kalix likes how it looks like they can just summon candy corn out of nowhere).
Also do not let them drive. They will turn it into a car chase. Somehow. (They just like slamming into the cars chasing them and showing off their drifts and sharp turns) They work as a party planner / decorator and will practically beg on their knees to Admin to help decorate for the holidays, especially Halloween. (Admin will have to wrangle them during other holidays to make sure Kalix doesn’t start making them Halloween themed as well...
”Decorate your own apartment Easterween themed, Kalix...” cue Admin’s signature tired eye roll as Kalix gives the smaller human puppy dog eyes) After they learn The Clergy has rent able rooms, they'll definitely start living there. Kalix's room will be completely Halloween themed all year long. They'll also ask Admin if they can help out around the Clergy / help them (Kalix feels bad for Admin and all their responsibilities, but also thinks they're amazing for being so focused and hard working)
Kalix is a complete virgin, having not even touched themself because again, they see Sir as a ‘pet’ or sibling sort of, only that Sir is attached to them. Kalix always chalks up Sir’s similar reactions to them as both them and Sir having grown up together.(if this sentence makes sense? basically they chalk up Sir having similar reactions to how they feel inside to just them growing up being attached to each other) Also them denying full heartedly that they are a crybaby and that they like the taste of human/monster flesh. To be honest, after a few months of being around Kalix, The Clergymen will probably pick up on Sir being more connected to Kalix than the oblivious lizard (idk why but my nickname for them is lizard despite them looking like some lizard/cat/owl/spider mix. it just fits. also all the picures of cute dumb little geckos connect with Kalix in my mind) realizes. Although Kalix sure as hell won’t realize themself, and won’t have any kind of sexual interaction with anyone while under the impression that Sir is a pet. Someone’s gonna have the explain the them eventually or Vinnel might somehow go even more insane.  (is a sadist masochist switch with a gore kink, though it'll take alot for them to admit it (or it would have if not for Kalix's first meeting with Grimbly and realizing they did not want to be a daddy/mommy/partner to the little dude, just a friend) Oh, and before i forget. Kalix unironically eats the most burned, charred, barely edible, can-barely-be-considered-food stuff. Completely unscathed. And they like it. They will eat coal (burning or not) in front of people occasionally to see their confused/grossed out/horrified reactions / to assert dominance. They're Vinnel's poppet for a reason :))))
They lived most of their life alone and when they were gracefully given a year long vacation by their warden, Kalix decided to try and make friends by integrating themself into human society. (Most others where they live avoid them/are afraid of them or occasionally someone will pity them but Kalix really dislikes that and would rather be ignored.) They stumbled upon The Clergy's Eye while stuck in a daydream / thought loop of how they were going to make friends. Going over the persona they had crafted (aka how they were going to mask the anxious, lonely, self conscious, and quiet crybaby they really are) and generally practicing conversations in their head. They were trying to go to the town's most popular bar, but ended up walking into The Clergy's Main floor / bar area (if im not mistaken). Kalix is just about able to handle being around Santi’s / and others pheromones due to years of exposure therapy (not a demon of my sort, will make sense in next post i prommy). (Ima make another post about how they met the TCE staff for the first time because this is hella long, thank you so much for reading if you made it this far. I hope you enjoyed my super self indulgent skrunkly child. I also left some stuff out that I really want to show via my writing later on :D)
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yuriko-mukami · 11 months
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Part 4
Dear Diary,
this has been such a nice vacation. Right now, I'm resting after dinner, leaning against Ruki's chest on the terrace's couch. Ruki is like a natural cooler on these heated summer days which is more than perfect for me — I always feel way too hot but not with him. Okay... that wasn't completely true but let's not delve into that matter now...
Hmm... anyway... Our day was full of activities. I tried beach volleyball with everyone but it turned out that I'm terrible at it, haha. I still had fun, so it's okay. Swimming is still more my thing but, of course, no one can beat Kazemi at it.
Eri was kind and took this photo for Ruki and me. Now, I have my own memento of this trip too. ♡
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The water felt so, so good. I really love swimming and it's the best when I can do that with Ruki. We talked about going again during the night when there aren't other people around and we can enjoy our alone time together... perhaps like we did on our honeymoon.
RUKI! Don't peek when I'm writing! It's so embarrassing! Gosh!
Now, he is just chuckling! See, I wrote that down. Now I'm never forgetting this moment! And Ruki says I'm a handful.
Hehe, just kidding. I don't mind.
But I think I'm going to take a nap before our evening fun. Here, in Ruki's arms, is the best place to sleep after all. ♡♡♡
Character bases are purchased from nukababe/Etsy. The background is from Ibis Paint materials. Do not repost. Reblogs are welcomed.
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destroyusall · 9 months
wait you used to use ibis?? for your current art style?? how.. ???
I use ibis frequently and I struggle to get my art to look anything other than cartoony and flat
TL;DR – sheer willpower.
Longer answer? I largely tried to copy tutorials and things I knew already and transferred them to Ibis. If you want this story to get even crazier, I was a finger artist on my phone, doing this;
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While I didn’t use them, I noticed Pinterest has a gold vein of people doing tutorials in Ibis Paint specifically, so I highly recommend you check there!
But to reiterate it really IS a matter of willpower. Brushes make the going a lot easier but if you’re intent on making the art program your bitch if it’s the last thing you do, so long as you get the basics under control, you’ll find yourself consistently making art you’re happy with no matter the program.
Happy drawing!
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hollowsart · 8 months
My reviews of free art apps I'm testing on my phone:
NOTE: These are based on my preferences and opinions. I don't use a lot of apps and tend to stick to just 1. Please do not use this as a basis for whether or not you yourself should get the apps, it is best if you test them out yourself as they may be beneficial or even different for you and your set up.
Medibang Paint: 8/10 (not uninstalling, keeping for the files)
it was a 10/10 but then they updated and now it's not as great. lost another point when it started bugging out. Otherwise the app is extremely good. zooming, the image is still crisp, the strokes may be pixels, but I don't mind it. the UI is very clean and clear. you can see and understand the icons for each button and tool, easy access to everything you need + you are able to customize the brush settings and get some fun and unique textures out of it. it's super user and beginner friendly without the need for a "tutorial" to hold your hand in figuring out what things do and what they are.
I would gladly accept suggestions for free drawing apps similar to Medibang. or any cheap app that may cost money, because if Medibang refuses to behave, I may need to make a decision that I really would rather not make.
Ibis Paint X: 1/10
confusing UI. doesn't matter the DPI, you zoom in and every brush stroke is extremely blurry for some reason and that really messes with my eyes. extremely tedious to figure out, you would need to spend an extensive amount of time trying to find everything to understand the app. this app is like the opposite of Medibang. Even with the tutorial holding your hand to figure out what is what and where, it is still extremely confusing and unclear.
Autodesk Sketchbook: 2/10 (used to use you on kindle)
nothing like how it was on my kindle. on an older phone of mine it lagged so bad and had a different type of overall UI setup going for it, but I was able to at least draw something on that one despite the ungodly lag. this one? just as bad and unclear as Ibis Paint X, except the tools and settings are not scattered on the screen. you have to click an unclear button to find the brushes to change them and then another unclear button to customize them. the quality of the strokes are just about the same as Ibis Paint X in that they are extremely blurry.
Infinite Painter: 3/10
the UI is still sparse. a tutorial is shown telling you what is what and overall less tools visible than the previous 2 apps, this is unfortunate. However, the brushes are not blurry, but are pixelated like Medibang. a slight odd latency when making a stroke, not something I'm fond of, personally, but the selection of brushes aren't too bad, I suppose. Not for me tho. got distracted playing with the brushes and textures, but I don't think I'll be drawing anything. I would say if you're not put off by things here, you could probably get used to this and enjoy it. definitely better than the others listed besides Medibang.
the brush collage:
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Clip Studio Paint: 1/10
first time trying this one out. took the longest to install. it takes a weirdly long time to start up?? definitely not a great first impression here. too clicky and sticky with the rotation, tedious to navigate to do anything. wow this app is not great. it looks horrible with the UI, too. clean screens are not good. it's off-putting. also it is by default recording me draw??? the heck? seems to be only 1 brush option, little to no actual customization of the brush. no clue where the layers were if there were any at all. overall?
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Sketchbook Lite: 0/10
immediate ads. forces you into an ad that says 'start free trial then pay $14.99 a month uwu' instant hate. stroke quality is blurred, UI is WAY too empty. I like the dark mode, but YIKES. you exit out of the app for a sec and then back in and you are smacked in the face with the same invasive ads as you started out with. you are NOT getting my money that I do not even have to begin with. instant uninstall.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
I nearly forgot
*sobs* I don't deserve him.......
*coughs* Anyways! So.......Stan's SO celebrating his birthday?
Thank you :)
Stan's s/o celebrating his birthday 🥰💖💖🎂🎂🎉
Happy birthday marshmallow boy <3💙💙💙
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🧊
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You literally stayed up all night planning for Stan's birthday party in the morning.
You always wanted to make his birthday parties special to show how much you love him, Even if he told you that you didn't always have to spoil him down to the maximum.
But how could you resist? That boy means a lot to you and you mean a lot to him <3
You asked everyone to help you with setting up the games, presents, decorations, and finally....the cake!
Randy nearly almost spoiled the whole thing- but good thing Stan didn't notice.
As a matter of fact, Stan is wondering why everyone including you is acting all secretive and weird.
The min he wakes up and goes downstairs to see his parents gossiping about something and he asked them what was going on, but they didn't answer him.
Little does Stan know, that he is in for a big surprise.
He came home from school to find all the lights turned off (I don't know If this sounds like a cheesy way to surprise someone on their birthday-)
"What the? why are all the lights-" He flicked the switch.
You and everyone else shouted "Birthday Stan Marsh" and it startled him.
You took off his poof hat and replaced it with a birthday hat instead before giving him a big present box.
"Y/n? Everyone?" Stan took a moment to gather himself.
He was surprised, but also happy that he wasn't being ignored at all. Especially you.
You gave him a walkthrough to all the games you set up and he had a lot of fun with them.
The cake you got him was big so there would be enough cake slices for everyone to enjoy.
Most of the presents are by you by the way-
"Oh Y/n...you didn't have to do all of this for me you know...." You just giggled which made him blush even more while giving you a smile back.
He suddenly pulled you a little closer to him and gave you a kiss on the cheek before moving to your lips.
Stan never felt more happy in his life💙💙💙💙
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I also made an art edit of Stan with his birthday cake!
(Art by me) Template used: https://pin.it/1Wlywyh
Time taken: 3 hours
Apps used: Ibis Paint X
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geryuthespacesquid · 5 months
Hi I'm a nobody asked digital artist, here's my thoughts on all the digital art programs I've tried. These are based entirely off my own memory, and I'm not picking up any of these programs again to test them. Just going off vibes.
Autodesk Sketchbook - Mobile:
This is more or less the definitive Draw You In To Art program. No exaggeration, I think if you asked maybe 50 digital artists in the modern day, most of them would've tried this one at least once. It projects an illusion of polish to distract you from a number of critical missing features, but overall, it's not even remotely bad to start out with. I think if my mobile tablet had a halfway decent degree of pressure sensitivity I could make something okay with it.
A more detailed explanation of my thoughts is hard, but to sum it up, this program bombards you with a million brushes for free, something rarely done by digital art programs, but, it also has extremely limited layer behaviors, you can't change canvas size anymore, and the stablizer is pits. I won't say it's bad. It's not. It's just not good. 5.8 out of 10.
Ibis Paint X - Mobile:
Comedically simple, this is the program you pick up when you're doing digital art a little better, and want to actually have fun. Bread and butter of the mobile digital artist. It has literally everything you need, it's just not fancy in any way. Getting every brush isn't worth paying for, but you'll live. They recently tried to step into AI and got punched in the gut so hard they stopped, which I like.
In general, this program doesn't do anything in particular extremely well, but it also doesn't do anything poorly. It's well rounded. I'd say if you're gonna do digital art on mobile, you'll always find yourself coming back around to this. It's just too solid. 7.8 out of 10.
Medibang Paint - Mobile:
I am biased against this program. I just don't like it. Maybe I was using it wrong, or maybe the mobile version is just worse, but it felt like drawing with mashed potatoes and gravy. Also it seems to be no longer available on my tablet, so fuck it.
In truth, my memory on this program is hazy despite me using it probably the second most out of all of these. No clipping mask, limited layer styles, an extremely limited number of brushes, no way to get more on mobile, anti aliasing made everything pixelated, and I don't think it can change canvas sizes, or if it can, I never figured out how. I just don't like anything about how the program feels. 3 out of 10.
Clip Studio Paint - Desktop:
Goddamn. I wanna recommend it. I really do. But. You have to know things.
First and foremost, the new subscription model for CSP essentially means that after a year, whatever version you have is obsolete, and won't even get updates while you have it. You have to pay a yearly subscription to get the updates for your current version. if you pay for the 3.0 version when it drops in march, it will be 10 dollars extra to get any of the updates to the 3.x version until 4.0 drops, when you can pay 25 dollars to upgrade to that and get all the 3.x updates, plus whatever came in 4.0. On top of that, it can cost anywhere from 25 to 200 dollars depending on which version you get, and if it's on sale.
But goddamn. It's pretty worth it. The brush engine is fluid, works great for making your own, I've never seen the program fail to do something. It has limits, but I've never hit them. 8 out of 10.
Rebelle 5 - Desktop:
Listen to me carefully. This one is extremely specific. You have to WANT a digital art program that replicates IRL media PRECISELY. If you don't care about that, this program is not worth it. I got it on sale for 10 dollars. Can I reccomend it at that price? Heartily. But at the near 200 dollar price point it usually goes for? FUCK NO. Rebelle caters to a specific demographic. Nothing else matters.
That said. When it works, it works well. I do like how rebelle feels and works. But not enough for me to ever tell someone to get it for full price. 4 out of 10, but if you really want to replicate traditional media, 9 out of 10.
Corel Painter - Desktop:
Never before has a program sent me on such an emotional rollercoaster as this one. It's just so much. It's a midpoint between Rebelle and Clip Studio, but for the worst. It's expensive beyond comprehension, you can't make your own brushes, only pay for new ones, it's a yearly format meaning a new, barely distinguishable version goes on sale every year for another 300+ dollars, and I only got it as part of a Humble Bundle for 25 dollars, and I still feel like I wasted my money.
And you know what? I didn't just dick around in this program. No, I made a full drawing in it. Nothing spectactular. Just a simple drawing. And I felt accomplished. and I went to export it, to share. Only to find out you can only email images to the email associated with your account to get a regular image version. Now. This made me irrationally angry, but, I calmed down, and tried it.
It only works with microsoft emails, and I have a gmail account associated with my Corel account.
This program is 300 dollars, and lacks the functionality to simply export a png to your computer. 2 out of 10.
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meganwasbored · 11 months
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 4 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-he’s really pretending to read a black page in a book just to not look at her
-you’re telling me callum was really able to fall asleep after all that?
-so you had this in your back pocket but instead you went with “hey”
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-with her bare hand?? that love right there
-she’s gonna be gone when he wakes up AGAIN??? girl where are you even going
-soren being soren
-i hope we get to hear zym talk someday because i’m thinking about all the possibilities for what his voice might sound like and all of them are hilarious
-if the passageway is opened by a dragon sized button why are there human sized stairs leading down into it
-ibis’s timing is always impeccable
-i love how bait is there for literally everything like he even had his own seat at the council table i wonder if it was like this when bait was harrow’s pet
-ok everything else that went wrong today was an accident but the painting was definitely sabotaged something strange is going on here
-claudia pulling a jafar
-an eleven year old just gave that speech
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Episode 4
-oh you can already tell that ezran is gonna be their marriage counselor from this point on
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-zym hiding like 8 year old me getting picked up from my friend’s house
-viren contributing absolutely nothing like dude they could’ve done that while you were still dead
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-i love opeli so much but why is she so insistent that ezran leaves?? like i’ve never seen her smile so much in any other scene?? she just found out the world is once again in danger and she’s happy??
-stop it megan now you’re just grasping at straws
-why is ezran so chill about literally everything like rayla randomly shows up after two years of nothing and he’s just like “of course you’re coming hop on”
-also rayla apologized to ezran the second she saw him but she hasn’t bothered to apologize to callum??? as in the one she actually wronged??? and she’s expecting him to be cool with that???
-girl you could’ve just asked him if he can go start the flame a safe distance away from camp?? like can you at least try to come to a compromise?? this is why y’all were thrown out in the first place
-this is foreshadowing if i’ve ever seen it and i DO NOT LIKE IT
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-Luna Tenebris is such a cool name like that alone tells me how awesome she was
-“a young human girl uncovered a great secret of history” and yet she’s not important enough to remember her name?
-my question is what does aaravos get out of all this? why did he start doing this in the first place?
-Terry buddy if anyone can help claudia at this point it’s you i’m sorry you even got dragged into this
-“I have always been willing to do anything to protect my family, however dangerous, however vile” oh so that why you told soren that it doesn’t matter if he died and tried to use him as your guinea pig for the weird demon-hulk-soldier spell?
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-my question is why would they write “in darkness, gaze upon a fallen star” on the mirror like that just makes aaravos sound like a savior or something
-you’re really scared of a little spell? why don’t you take your own advice and get a grip?
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venillopewrites · 1 year
Hi this project looks really interesting!! I was wondering if you could give some physical descriptions of the characters? Thank you!
Hi! Thank you, I think so too toot toot goes the horn of my very own clown car
Here are some physical descriptions, handpicked from the draft, and a quick summary afterwards. I do so wish to spoil you, you see.
CW: mentions of scars and prosthetics.
‘ From the lineup of white coats, Dr. Hanover stands out. While no taller than the rest, they exude a cold sort of power no lesser scientist would wield with such pride. ’
‘ “So was a sharp jawline on your daddy’s list of genetic must-haves?” ‘
‘ Whoever said brown eyes were warm and comforting clearly never met someone like N. Whatever sympathy you try to find in their scrutinizing gaze through the glass wall brings another wave of unease. ’
‘ They run a hand through their hair (MASC.N ->) and let it rest against the nape of [their] neck where the hair more prominently waves up. (FEM.N ->) and combs it over [their] shoulder where [they] pick at the waved ends absentmindedly. ‘
Summary: 5′8, dark brown hair that’s graying by the temples, and eyes that could be classified as russet brown. Masc. N’s hair reaches the nape of their neck while Fem. N grows it to just between the shoulder blades. Wavy texture. Their skin is a pale beige. Toned body. Masc.N is clean shaven for the first arc, but lets a bit of a 5 o’clock shadow grow for the rest. Fem. N goes to great lengths to hide her dark under-eyes in the first arc, but not so much for the rest.
They always dress professionally, both GoC favoring suits plus the IBIS* lab coat that’s a staple in their wardrobe. In very casual settings they wear mostly turtlenecks, dress shirts, or neutral sweaters. Never sweatpants though.
‘ They look rigid and tense, which only adds to their height over the crowd you push through. The sea of people part when they lunge your way, while you struggle to shove through them. ’
‘ An almost imperceptible light circles the gray of their iris, and you curse the space around you when the light centers in their pupil; They found you. ’
‘ You stare at the ID card, dumbfounded. The face that stares back at you is no less intimidating than the real deal, but what you note first is that, huh, Vale is blonde. ’
‘ (Cont.) ... They look like her, the girl who works at the ReBar. The same gaunt cheeks, the narrow nose and pouty lips. If she got an undercut and a nasty scar cutting through her face, they would be twins. ’
Summary: 6′3, light blonde hair in an undercut, the longest tips touching just past their ear, no matter the GoC. Always keeps it slicked back or in a french braid on the job. Gray eyes with implanted tech that shines white/pale blue. Their skin is bronze brown and weathered. Athletic body with many scars, one jagged ugly one right across the face from the bridge of their nose to right under the right ear. Sunken cheeks, narrow nose, and pouty lips. Entire left forearm and hand replaced by prosthetics**.
Always seen waring tactical gear, black on black, kevlar on kevlar, straps and heavy gear. Civilian clothes are also muted colors, and then they prefer t-shirts and cargo pants, with an occasional leather or bomber jacket.
‘ They trudge from their bedroom lair, eyes still half closed and hair sticking at odd angles. The afternoon sun shines on it just so, painting the light brown nest almost blonde. ’
‘ You stare at your own reflection in those infernal sunglasses. You must be one of the few lucky ones who have ever seen the mismatched brown and blue beyond the reflective lenses. ‘
‘ They flinch from you, the usual tan of their skin bleeding into a deathly pale. [The Parasite] rattles in amusement. ’
‘ The bravado serves to make a point even if the heckler stands a good head taller than Shiloh. compact strength is what they’re banking on, and it works; The heckler sneers down at them before turning on their heel and dashing out the door. ’
Summary: 5′6, light brown hair grown just shy of the shoulders, straight coarse texture, often worn in a loose bun. Left eye brown, right eye blue, but they’re rarely seen as they use reflective  aviator sunglasses everywhere but home. Warm tan skin, damaged by the pollution and dry air. Average body, on the toned side but not quite. Arms completely tattooed with abstract shapes and binary code here and there. Has MMCMLX tattooed above right eyebrow.
Leather is what they prefer in their everyday jackets and boots, jackets preferably with a fur trim. Otherwise they’re a haphazard dresser, preferring tones of muted orange or yellow in shirts, especially when going out. Their mask*** they use when traversing The Pens is solid black with orange neon accents that jump every time they speak. At home, they’re always in sweatpants and hoodies.
Amorphous blob of oobleck by day, whatever it wants to be by night.
Summary: That’s it. It can be anything it desires, as long as it can prod the hosts brain for ideas. In the first arc it doesn’t manifest as anything, but later arcs it will both exist outside the hosts body as a whole (tethered) or as a clothing or tattoo article on the hosts body.
*IBIS is the department dedicated to everything interstellar from technology to travel to bioscience.
**Sounds impractical for an agent but it works exactly like a real arm and hand would, even has heat regulation. Yay science in 2974!
***It's almost impossible to traverse The Pens without a mask so everyone who can afford it has one. The air itself would literally choke a normal human within thirty minutes.
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All characters included are made and designed by pey-no-attention-to-me on tumblr
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drawing also by pey on ibis paint x :) (click for better quality)
Oamar is a 21 year old Latino man, born in Saarland, Germany(1982). No specific birth date yet. No parent info. Has a sister that goes by the name Jackie.
Oamar and his sister flee from Germany to France(1988) due to rabid animals(animalistics). His sister takes care of him until she decides to join a man(no name) and his movement of stopping all animalistics, growing distant from Oamar. He follows in her foot steps and joins the boycott in attempts to grow closer to his only know relative, but no matter, he ends up only growing closer to his old friends anxiety and insanity.
After many years, until he is 21, he is still in this group, it growing bigger, stronger and violent over time. Oamar feels conflicted and that he can’t control himself after leading a young man to his death. Our main character, Junko Hirohiko teaches him a lesson on the realistic view of life, saving him from the bad group and helping him with recovery. Sadly, Oamar will never be able to get his nice sister back, her staying with the group and never speaking to him again.
Oamar is a very anxiety driven person, and can’t help himself. He needs other people to be his guide to life. Some of the things he enjoys in life are gardens, relish, and clothes shopping, he is a very fashionable person when he can afford it.
A bat named Hands, in possession of Oamar Wood.
Can play the piano professionally, even with their small teensy weenie hands.
Their animalistic is where they bite someone, and blood comes out of their fangs into somebody’s blood steam. Kind of like a snake with venom but it puts blood in your bloodstream instead of venom. Can save people from dying of blood loss. Not very helpful because that rarely occurs..
Eventually gets turned into a human by Lizzu Sonny(17, 2010), but they still keep their animalistic.
Kind of an awkward little guy, but is very kind and sticks with the people he knows needs help.
Soul(I don’t really know what it is yet):
Named Laplaces Angel, after the WW song.
Reflects Oamar’s insanity and confusion. The bad part of his soul.
Stands in people’s room in the dead of night, or appears in darkness, other than that it doesn’t do much but follow Oamar around.
All of these characters were inspired by the songwriter, artist, and human being Will Wood. I appreciate his work and will forever appreciate him even if he never returns to music career. He made many people lives better and we all thank him for it all.
Oamar & LA’s inspo.
Hands inspo.
(At 1:10)
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Hello everyone. I do not know how to start blogging normally at all, so let's start like this. I'm just carrying a bunch of ideas, thoughts, feelings that I really want to share with someone, and damn it, why not? Even if no one needs it and no one'll read it. It's just important for me to speak out, I just want to. Maybe I'll get lucky and find an audience. It doesn't really matter right now, because I'm not really hopeful. Tumblr is too huge for people to suddenly choose me. But okay that's not the point, I wouldn't write if I didn't have to throw out a huge bunch of meaningless thoughts. Imagine, I even once wanted (and still want) to have some kind of YouTube channel to just sit, chat, draw, share thoughts, and so on. Yes, I'm so bad!
Aaaaaaaaand Im (like many now) obsessed with Welcome Home and damn, just imagine Barnaby and Wally ✨️✨️ . Barnaby is so huge, isn't it scary for Wally when Barnaby hugs him? Like he's twice his size. And does he also give himself a hug to everyone in a row or only to specific "people"? Don't worry, I remember that picture where Poppy hugs him. But still! By the way, there she can be even 3 times higher than him! And Barnaby is taller than her... Does Wally even like to cuddle at all? Can I hug him? Please. And don't be surprised if after the next site update you suddenly see a comment in the guestbook with similar questions. That's me. I'm just going crazy about it! I can't get it out of my head!
In general, I'm a little scared to be in the fandom right now. No, God forbid, don't think that I was trying to find personal information about a clown or somehow perverted his universe. It's just that I'm new to the fandom. Every time I go into the comments, I see that people have been following the fandom for a year or more, and I just came, and it may feel like I'm coming and going with a wave of popularity, and all my love, all my comments are not from the heart. Of course, time'll tell, but it still makes me very uncomfortable.
And I've been playing genshin for a year and a half (59 rank hello). Honestly, by the time Layla came out, I was already going to quit, but she melted my heart. She is one of the most comfortable characters for me, I honestly like her style of play, I like the way she moves, I like her voice, I'M IN LOVE WITH HER MEETING. She is my sunshine, I so want to spend sleepless nights with her in the library. In silence. I love her caramel-colored eyes, I love the most beautiful color scheme, I love her story. I want to hug her :_(
And also, I was thinking, we're going back to Welcome Home. Does anyone know why everyone shippers Eddie and Frank? I don't mind, I just don't remember a single case that they were together at least somewhere. Well, okay, one picture where Eddie holding his face, and Frank blushes. But that's it! Did I miss something?..
I just looked at the volume of the post I wrote, I'm terrified. And how do you shut me up now? Ehh, it's hard. I don't think anyone will be interested in reading my "notes of a madman". But in any case, I'm not regret it)
PS here are a couple of my drawings with Julie. It goes from my very first one ( which I drew in ibis paint :_) )to the one I drew a couple of minutes ago. Guess who is my favorite character in WH?)
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