#ch: E
heavyisthecrown-if · 6 months
Important Characters
Leopold Drachmann
The very man aiming to take down your family. You'd be lying if you said you knew anything about him beyond rumors, but there's no doubting how close he is- or, rather, was- to your father. Times have changed though, and what was once a close alliance is now chasmed due to his own actions.
Atticus Bracht
Derrick's father and a surprisingly mellow man in comparison. You've known him since you were a child, and he's almost always seen with a grin on his face. He's guilty his actions as a young man led to Derrick's ignominy when it should be him instead, but he's always seemed more than nervous to face the other nobles that disapprove of his son's illegitimacy.
Ewan/Elvira Chevalier
Your lord/lady-in-waiting and a close friend since they were appointed to you six years ago. They're quick to gossip and always come to you to spill the details, as their husband refuses to listen to their spiels. They care deeply for you and those they've grown close to, and are always there to assuage your worries.
Arina Falkner
An elderly woman who served as your parents' royal advisor. She's since stepped down, allowing you to take the role, but she's never been shy of voicing her opinions. Having been a close friend of your grandfather, she took care of you and your brother as children when your parents weren't able, and will always have your back should you need her.
Mundir Al-Maghrabi
He's Derrick's uncle, and was always the quickest to defend the boy's honor. You'd met him a few times and he always carried himself with an undeniable charm, but there was something sinister beneath the surface. Even though his death was unfortunate for not only the family, but his ministry as well, you can't deny the fact that it may have been timely.
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venillopewrites · 1 year
E. Vale, the Hunter.
In the heart of a clandestine facility, a human existence is severed from its own past. Memories, like delicate wisps of smoke, are mercilessly snuffed out, leaving behind a barren landscape within the depths of their mind.
Once a person of warmth and dreams, their essence is crushed, shattered, and remade in a grotesque image of what was before. With surgical precision, extensive machinations rewire their neural pathways, erasing the tapestry of a life that once bloomed with color. Like an artist scraping a canvas clean, their identity is reduced to a blank slate, a vessel now primed solely for obedience to those behind the mirrored glass.
In the recesses of their hollowed mind, shards of echoes linger, flickering like forgotten embers. Fleeting sensations of love, joy, and sorrow try to claw their way back to the surface but are held captive, imprisoned by the chains of artificial oblivion. Their heart, once brimming with emotions, beats now to the mechanical rhythm of obedience, a cadence set by the unseen puppeteers.
Immersed in the darkest arts of manipulation, they are reborn as a lethal instrument of destruction. The corporation, hailed as heroes but hungry for power, molds them into a merciless predator, a creature of instinct and precision. They become the embodiment of a weapon, honed to exterminate without remorse or hesitation.
Adorned in obsidian armor, their eyes mirror the void that consumes their memories—a chilling reflection of a soul teetering on the precipice of forgotten humanity. Infiltrating the world under the guise of normalcy, they prowl like a phantom, hunting down targets assigned by the corporation's merciless hand.
Yet, amid the bloodstained tapestry woven by their actions, fragments of their lost self whisper to them in moments of solitude. A flicker of doubt, an ember of longing, entwined with the shadows of their tormented soul. Buried beneath layers of manipulation, a dormant soul yearns to ignite, a beacon of hope awaiting its resurgence.
Vale is, for the lack of a better term, a corpse, a machine, and a ghost. The first and only successful venture towards mind control, a corrupted science veiled as a cure for disease, a promised respite from a painful decay of the brain.
Before they were the phantom they are today, Vale was but another poor soul born into a life of misery and pain. However, with a family to love and adore, Vale never complained, never strayed from their side, and in the end, gave up their life for them.
Anyone in the Pens could tell about the horrors they face; Polluted, deadly air, poverty, starvation, addictions borne from desperation; There are few stories that end happily in the endless mazes of the forgotten city. Forced to survive in an environment not suitable for human life, Vale learned to fight before they learned to walk. Gifted as a child, their name still lingers within the walls of the legal fight clubs dominating the unstable economy within the Pens. Relentless, fearsome, unstoppable; They were all that and more. 
One poor decision, a brash swing of a blade, was all it took to change the course of one life. With threats and repercussions looming, Vale had no choice but to yield and sign themselves into servitude until the debt was paid. But deception runs deep in the minds of madmen, and a believable lie would result in the loss of whoever Vale was before the merciless conditioning they were subjected to within those remote laboratories. Through unimaginable brutality, whatever made Vale an individual was chipped away until the primal instinct to survive was the only thing lingering. Reluctant acceptance was how it began, but through the years even that small shred of defiance was snuffed out, forgotten.
With a safeguard surgically implanted deep within their brain, Vale became nothing but a machine. A miracle, the sole survivor left from a group of ten, the only remainder of a study deemed too time-consuming after the failed specimen were hauled away and set ablaze within a mass grave. The rancid smell of those carcasses still linger in Vale’s mind, infiltrating their dreams as a strange, forgotten memory.
Standing at an impressive 6'3" in height, Vale exudes a commanding presence that demands attention, whether they want it or not. Their light blonde hair is fashioned in a stylish undercut, with the longest tips falling just past their ears if left unstyled. On the job, they keep it meticulously slicked back or woven into a practical French braid, ensuring their hair stays out of the way during the tasks.
Piercing gray eyes, enhanced with implanted technology, shine with a white or pale blue luminescence, especially in the dark corners of the Pens where they patrol for the Host. If one manages to push past the fear of those cold, calculating eyes on oneself and dare take a closer look, it's apparent that their eyes are slightly down turned and framed by long, dark lashes that don't match the color of their hair. Nearly inconceivable freckles run over the expanse of their sharp cheekbones and pointed nose, but to witness such a detail would be impossible without greeting Death within the same moment.
Their skin, a weathered and bronze brown, tells tales of countless battles. This complexion, while marked by years of harsh conditions and tools of torture, softens under a soft light that reveals constellations of freckles still serving as a reminder that the body was once pure and untouched by violence.
An athletic physique, sculpted through physical prowess and a life of constant movement complements their formidable presence. Scars adorn their body haphazardly, but with uncanny similarity to one another. Among these marks, a jagged and pronounced scar stretches across their face, traversing from the bridge of their nose to just under the right ear. A similar scar, uneven and untreated in its severity, runs up from their left elbow and snakes towards their shoulder where it tapers off into smaller scars.
Their left forearm and hand, replaced entirely by prosthetics, work as a tool as much as an appendage. Crafted with precision and incorporating advanced technology, these cybernetic enhancements seamlessly integrate into their physique, functioning as an extension of their being. 
Whether on the job or in their downtime, Vale prefers tactical gear, and will never be caught wearing anything impractical. Even in civilian attire they favor muted colors that blend into the surroundings, opting for dark t-shirts and cargo pants, occasionally complemented by a leather or bomber jacket for a touch of rugged style.
Clad in a cold, emotionless mask, Vale exudes an air of hostility towards everyone, but especially the Host, as they’re driven by a singular purpose — to eliminate them. All their interactions are laced with a venomous yet detached disdain, words growled with robotic apathy. Their demeanor is unyielding, eyes devoid of warmth or compassion towards those daring to stand in their way, be they human or something else entirely.
However, beneath the armor of their erased emotional responses, cracks begin to form. Old memories, whispers from a forgotten past, they creep into the recesses of their mind, creating hairline fractures in their seemingly impenetrable mask. Fragments of their former self resurface, casting doubt upon the righteousness of their mission.
With each flicker of remembrance, their thoughts find momentary clarity. The weight of familiarity tugs at their heart, nudging Vale towards a gnawing realization that something isn't right. The carefully crafted shell of emotionlessness begins to crack, revealing glimpses of confusion before a switch is flicked and the anomalous thoughts are replaced by scorching pain, a flame to incinerate any seeds of disobedience.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil / Chaotic Good (Conditional)
LIKES: The moment before sunset, plain crackers, sitting on rooftops of skyscrapers
DISLIKES: Silk sheets, the texture of melted chocolate on their hands, visiting the Pens
COMFORT FOOD: Spanakopita
HOBBY: Forgotten [Was parkour]
PETS: A random house spider called Titan. Not a pet, just a creature sharing space.
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villains-promise · 2 years
The Childhood Friend
It shouldn’t be as surprising as it was to see Raz beside one of the beloved priests of Norocos, smiling at whatever was being said by the other sages. They had always been smart and charming, their place at such an important event should’ve been expected.
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Wonderful art of E done by Amanda Corona <3 If you haven't already, go check her out! She makes beautiful art :]
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vurelly · 4 months
smth smth fandom hierarchy needs to die
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fragmentedink · 3 months
if you're not a little gay for your own OCs then what's the Point
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apollos-boyfriend · 8 months
just wanna let you know that every time i need to find any mcyt mpreg post i always search your blog first
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dishonestlies-if · 9 months
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(Dis)honest Lies
Demo: TBA || About The Archivists Age Rating: 16+ CW: Violence, death, child endangerment, child death/descriptions of child death, classism, manipulation, forced isolation/confinement (technically?), parental neglect, mild homophobia RO-specific CWs (contains spoilers): here
The king is dead, cries the crowd of mourners that line the path towards the Royal Tombs. As you walk down behind your father's coffin, you note that there are no commoners among them. Not surprising, given they are not allowed to entire the palace grounds, though you wonder if anyone beyond these walls are mourning with you. Your father was a much-beloved king, but no one beyond the Court had ever met him - or you, for that matter, or any of your predecessors since the Curse took effect. You wonder briefly what the outside world is like - the Advisors describe it as a beautiful place of wonder and innovation, at least in the capital. Perhaps the people are holding their own ceremony out there, in honour of your father.
You turn your attention back to the procession. There will be time to ponder this later.
You have a speech to give, a coronation to attend, a kingdom to rule.
There is no place for such pointless thoughts. You were born in this palace, and in this palace will you die. You will never see the outside world.
Will you?
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Play as the newly crowned monarch of Batrinoa! Bring your kingdom to new heights, or send it plummeting into chaos - the choice is yours, and yours alone. After all, you are the monarch - who would dare defy your authority?
Customize the MC Veridas (27) (name changeable); gender, appearance, personality, etc!
Be swept off your feet by five potential love interests (gender selectable) - or don't! You can be swept off your feet by friends, too. And enemies. But that might be a bad idea.
Ally with your neighbours, or start a war - Batrinoa is powerful, why not utilize your military and expand your territory?
Solve problems that arise in your nation, or make them worse - where there's money to be had, who really cares if a few peasants die?
Face crushing moral dilemmas that make you question your reality!
Find the truth behind the web of lies that surround the Court - there are many hidden secrets, and if you look in the right places, you might find them. Assuming, of course, that they don't kill you first.
And why in the name of the Divine do you keep seeing the Archivist-in-training in your dreams?! You barely even know her!
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Love Interests
The Guard Caelum/Celestine/Calytrix Hildebrand (28) is the fourth child of the Hildebrand family, your best friend and confidant, and godparent of your daughter. As children, you were inseparable, and even when C was in the army you kept in touch. Now they serve as your loyal guard - wherever you go, they will follow. It is their duty, after all; what the monarch wants, the monarch will get, nevermind how they feel about it. So long as it makes you happy, there is little they won't do to achieve it.
The Silver-Tongued Minister Elias/Elora/Elwyn Alinac (29) is Head of the House of Alinac, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. They are, without a doubt, the Court's most charming noble. Intelligent and quick-witted, Batrinoa's Director of Foreign Affairs is well-versed in the art of communication, especially when it pertains to getting what they want. There are flocks of men and women alike who would kill to hold E's attention for even a fraction of a second. Fortunate, then, that they only seem to have eyes for you.
The Unapproachable Advisor Orpheus/Odette/Odilon Marchand (26) is Head of the House of Marchand, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. O is rather unpopular with the nobility and common folk alike; their blunt speech, cold demeanour, and prickly personality make for rather unpleasant company, though none can deny their skill as Batrinoa's newest Minister of Finance. They maintain a professional distance from everyone around them, but perhaps you can close that gap - surely it must be a lonely existence, to hold everyone at arm's length as they do.
The Revolutionary Mervyn/Maira/Maverick (27) is a commoner of Batrinoa, a tailor who lives with their mother and three siblings near the slums of the capital. Passionate and rebellious, they abhor the monarchy and how the nation is run, and everyone knows it; M is an outspoken critic of the throne, and far from the only one. As the new monarch, you are the very pinnacle of everything they despise - can you show them that you are willing to do what your predecessors would not, or will you just add fuel to the fire?
The Flirtatious Informant Legacy (29) is the best informant in your employ (and the best assassin). They once swore loyalty to your father; now, they serve you. They're a shameless flirt, and never serious - about anything, really, not even their own life. You've asked where they came from, but you've received 14 different back stories at this point and you're not sure they're even capable of telling the truth if it doesn't pertain to their job. You wonder how Legacy ended up in this employ; surely this is not a job most would willingly choose to pursue?
Other Characters
Alix Morozov - your late spouse, the other biological parent of your daughter, and a relative of Drelix's King Vsevolod. They died three years ago, leaving you a single parent. Your marriage was for two reasons only - to end the war between your kingdoms, and to produce a precautionary heir for the Batrinoa line. Having succeeded in both, you considered them a good person and a dear friend, though there was never any love in your relationship.
Luminosa 'Lumi' Batrinoa (5) - your daughter from your marriage with Alix. Now that you are monarch, she is heir to the throne; a lofty title that may be, though it paints a massive target on her back. You can only hope you will not need to arrange a political marriage for her.
Beau Marchand (32) - the disgraced son of the Marchand family, his reputation for debauchery and excess is known far and wide throughout the capital. You remember him vaguely, having interacted with him as a child, though you haven't seen him since he was disowned thirteen years ago. O has since restored Beau to the family, but you have yet to see him return.
Dolion (53) - the Archivist, sometimes called the Secret-Keeper. One of the Blessed, his Miracle naturally makes people rather wary of him, and his sour demeanor does nothing to help his case. At the very least, none of the Advisors seem to like him, though you're fairly certain that's more because he was born a commoner rather than a child of the nobility.
Fialova Solanaceae (20) - Dolion's successor, the current Archivist-in-training. Timid and shy, she seems to dodge you at every opportunity, though you often catch her staring as if she has something she'd like to say. There's more to her than meets the eye, but are you brave enough to seek out the skeletons in her closet?
Helianthus Solanaceae (54) - Head of the House of Solanacaea, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. She is the supreme judge of Batrinoa's legal system and handles all legal affairs within the kingdom's borders. As your godmother, she cares greatly for your well-being. She would happily spoil Luminosa rotten if you didn't stop her in time.
Volker Hildebrand (61) - Head of the House of Hildebrand, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. Arrogant and conceited, he takes great pride in being the Minister of War. Objectively the most powerful member of the Council, he has the nation's military at his beck and call and takes great joy in lording over the other Advisors. The Court has no great love for him, though none can deny that it was thanks to him that the war with Drelix went as well as it did. Though he has little interest in anything besides battle and bloodshed, he has returned to the capital for your coronation and to assist you in acclimating to your new position.
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twilghts · 11 months
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. . . ↟    (  CHARACTERS. ) :           *    EDWARD CULLEN.
“don't be self-conscious, if i could dream at all, it would be about you. and I'm not ashamed of it.”
req. by anonymous.
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stankworth · 1 year
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I had a stressful week and my new coping mechanism is drawing moments from my fanfic that I haven't written yet... the theme for these doodles is Simon Experiences Bisexuality
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such-a-downer · 4 months
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galedekarios · 11 months
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majestativa · 12 days
Inside the open lions’ mouths [...] she had planted carnations.
— E. Ch. Gonatas, Surrealism in Greece: An Anthology, transl by Nikos Stabakis, (2008)
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venillopewrites · 2 years
How would E react if the MC saids to them
‘All right this is how it’s gonna happen if you don’t start to leaving the hell alone right now I will use my new awesome alien powers to make every cats in the universe to hate your guts and every time they see you they will all swarm around you while setting off your allergies’
In their head E would probably scoff and think of antihistamines, but duty first. They'd love to be swarmed by cats. What a way to go.
Thank you for the ask, even if this did take a bit of a different direction than you anticipated!
You know we can't do that, right?
Shut up.
"You can't do that." E states without hesitation, and the gun trained on you doesn't falter. They don't even blink, icy eyes void of emotion as they stand rigid, a stance ready to fight. So much for that.
They got you there. What now?
Why aren't you more worried about this? I don't think you can survive in a host without a head.
You'd be surprised.
The safety clicks and sweat beads on your forehead. The dead end has nowhere for you to run, much less fight back. A rusted pipe lays by your feet but it'd break like a stick on the hunter's armor.
It's a blink of an eye when the static charge releases from the barrel of the gun. The air crackles with energy, a flash blinding enough to burn your corneas and you flinch back. That's it. You're dead.
A sigh in your head is the last thing you'll hear.
You feel a rush of heat. Suddenly you're moving, but the control is not yours. Coaxing your eyes to open reveals a whole different world; purples and blacks swirl around with every jostle of your body and right in front of you stands a figure of bright yellow and orange.
Your limbs move on their own when a massive clawed hand grabs the orange-glowing gun and tears it away, metal cracking in a closed fist.
You hear words that sound like curses, but muted, as if you were underwater.
The figure retreats but the clawed hand grabs them with ease and hurls them through the air. A crack echoes from the wall they hit, and you see the damage the impact leaves behind. You - No, the parasite trudges towards them with heavy steps that reverberate in you bones.
It stands right over the prone body, and you feel it's maw stretch into a menacing grin that forces you to grin as well. The sound it makes is deep and rattling, and it thrums in your brain.
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villains-promise · 2 years
E looks cute!!! Y's still my love, but I'm definitely giving E a kiss on the cheek
FJGJDKG I feel that </3 of course you can always do more than one playthrough, but friendly affection exists!
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loving rivendell twins in the year 2024 is so hard like yeah i’m obsessed with this series from a while ago but i’m also obsessed with knockoff elsa and his edgy twink demon npc. yeah he’s scott with a voicechanger for most of it. yeah he has less than a minute of voicelines. yeah
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acescorazon · 6 months
Title: Changes
Chapter: 13
Rating: M
Word count: 3614
Warnings: Crocodile and Mihawk are being dicks, ANOTHER damn flashback, language, minor violence.
Chapter Excerpt:
It's been blatantly obvious from the start that Mihawk and Crocodile want nothing to do with him. He doesn't know why he even tried fixing their relationship, they were never going to be three people who got along.
This isn't the Oro Jackson and he's not dealing with someone like Shanks, nor is he dealing with a random stranger or even a member of his own crew. He should have realized all his efforts would go in vain and that Crocodile and Mihawk came to the island with a deep-seated hatred and lack of respect for him embedded in them already. Whatever, it's fine. Buggy's not mad or upset or even disappointed. He's completely fine.
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At this point, Buggy is unsure of what he can do to improve his relationship with Mihawk and Crocodile. He's tried throwing them a dinner, but that didn't work. He's also tried giving them gifts, but that was another failure and it turns out they're a lot more difficult to please than Buggy thought they'd be. He's at a loss and is unsure what to do at this point to make his two new 'subordinates' like him.
Perhaps his best option is to just be direct and try to talk to them, even though every time Buggy tries to speak to them or do something nice for them, they just push him away or reject him. He can't just leave his relationship with Crocodile and Mihawk as it is though, that'd never work and surely it'd grow tiresome sooner or later.
Buggy decides to make his move the next time Cross Guild has a meeting. He waits patiently for Crocodile to finish going over all his plans as well as announce any progress the newly formed group has already made, remaining silent the entire time so he doesn't annoy Crocodile any. After Crocodile wraps everything up, Buggy quickly clears his throat and speaks up before Mihawk or Crocodile can leave, "Uh," he mutters, his voice trembling slightly, "Can I talk to you guys about something?"
At the sound of his request, Mihawk and Crocodile turn towards Buggy and narrow their eyes at him, giving him a judgmental look. Neither of the two say anything but the look they have on their faces says it all: 'What now, clown?'
Buggy chuckles and finds himself growing uneasy by the other two's hardened glares. He shifts in his spot slightly before continuing,  "So, uh... look, guys. I'm just going to come out and say it. I know you're probably thinking I'm being so annoying by constantly trying to be you guy's friend but I want you to know I'm really trying my best here!" He states and afterwards he tries to read Mihawk and Crocodile’s expressions, but there's not much he can decipher about their mood.
They look as irritated as usual.
"I don't want to fight with you guys all the time or have you guys hate me or anything like that!" Buggy explains, "Look, everything has pretty much been out of my control. I don't know why everyone thinks I'm the boss or whatever, but I never wanted that spotlight and I still don't. What I really want is for us all to get along and for Cross Guild to be successful!"
Mihawk and Crocodile continue to stare Buggy down, but they're silent. No bitter insults, no rejections, no fighting. Just silence. The two don't even leave the room immediately or tell Buggy to go away. Perhaps this is them willing to finally give Buggy a chance?  "I'll just go ahead and say I'm sorry if I've made you two mad or offended you in the past. I promise I can change and that I can be someone useful to you, so... Uh, can we maybe give being friends a chance?" He asks, giving them both a sheepish grin.
There's a long pause after Buggy finishes speaking, and with every passing second, he can feel his anxiety growing in his body.  This is the first time that he's actually been listened to by either men, and this really feels like his one and only chance to make things right.
The three of them don't even have to be best friends, Buggy just doesn't want to be constantly threatened or beaten up, but if they could develop a close relationship that would be perfect because Buggy realizes with his newfound status as emperor of the sea he needs all the allies he can get. "Uh, what do you guys think?" Buggy asks when Mihawk and Crocodile fail to answer him.
"You're serious about this, aren't you?" Crocodile asks and then afterwards he begins to laugh. His loud, mocking laughter booms throughout the meeting room and Buggy's ears, "I already told you this, but I guess you forgot. I don't need no friends, especially useless ones like you." He tells Buggy, and it's like a stab to the chest. "How would being friends with you benefit me? You're penniless and weak, and you can't do even the simplest task. The only thing that you have going for you is your status as an emperor, but to tell you the truth, I don't care about that."  
Buggy's face begins to heat up and he wants to argue. He wants to tell Crocodile that he definitely isn't a useless clown like he's always saying he is. Buggy has done so much in his lifetime and yet everyone always underestimates and belittles him. Buggy isn't weak and useless, there are people out there who actually fear and or admire him. 
"Your title really is just for show," Crocodile chuckles, "You're nothing compared to Red-Haired Shanks or Blackbeard. Hell, you're not even on the same level as that brat with the straw hat."
Being compared to the other emperors of the sea makes Buggy want to scream. Okay, but... He's at a loss for words. His pride is telling him to fight back and not let Crocodile put him down like this, but another part of him is saying that Crocodile’s right.
No, no, that's not right. Buggy's accomplished too. He traveled the Grandline as a child, he studied under dark king Rayleigh... He took over Orange Town... he... he almost executed Monkey D. Luffy, the same Monkey D. Luffy Crocodile is comparing him to, in Loguetown... He.... He was in the war...(not that he fought in it.)... He started Buggy's delivery service... He...
Maybe he didn't defeat a previous emperor for their spot and maybe he's not always causing a stir like the other three are, but... Buggy’s done things too, and it's not fair to compare him to the other three...even if his status does seem more or less like a fluke sometimes.
Buggy bites his bottom lip, "You haven't given me a chance to prove myself," he says, but for some reason, he doesn't deny Crocodile’s previous statements...maybe he is right. "I've purposely been lying low and doing my own thing. I-"
Crocodile cuts him off, "Bullshit. You haven't been lying low, you just can't do anything. You're useless both as a leader and as a potential friend. In fact, the only reason why I haven't snapped your neck is because Hawkeye here thinks you're a good little distraction." He snorts, "But the government hasn't tried to attack us yet, so who knows? Maybe you can't even keep a few measly Marines distracted."
Buggy takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. He should have realized trying to be Crocodile's friend was pointless. He’s such a cruel, foul mouthed man who cares about nobody but himself. He doesn't want a loving supportive friend, he wants someone he can boss around and use for his schemes. If you don't prove your worth to him, you're useless...
Crocodile’s thought process goes against everything Gol D. Roger taught Buggy to believe in. Buggy’s former captain always told him that a friend is someone you should love, appreciate, and support unconditionally. Our friends may not be related to us by blood, but they’re just as important as family and should be cherished as such because life is so short. A friend is someone who you can depend on and won’t judge you or leave you behind during your toughest battles. It doesn’t matter how rich, smart, or powerful your friends are, what’s important is their heart and character.
Eh… Now that he thinks about it, his beloved former captain was always a bit cheesy and sentimental, but that’s besides the point. Buggy wouldn’t treat Crocodile as if he were just some pawn in a scheme or some glorified bodyguard. He doesn’t need Crocodile to prove his worth (but it certainly isn’t bad that he’s a well-known and very powerful pirate), and Crocodile shouldn’t need Buggy to prove his worth either, that’s not how a genuine friendship works. Whatever, though. Buggy’s over trying to be friends with that self centered prick.
Buggy forces himself to look away from Crocodile and turns to Mihawk. He swallows hard, "...Hawkeye," he calls out in a small voice, and, oh, how he hates how vulnerable he sounds right now. "You don't feel the same way, do you?" He asks, clinging onto hope that Mihawk really is the lesser of two evils.
Mihawk remains quiet for another painfully long moment before finally speaking up for the first time since their meeting ended, "More or less." He says in a cold, blunt voice. Oh, of course he feels the same way as Crocodile, Buggy thinks bitterly. "I won't waste my breath belittling you, but I don't need any friends either." Ah, that's Dracule Mihawk for you, he's always so cruel and direct.
"Okay, we don't have to be friends." Buggy states, looking between both of his fellow members of Cross Guild, "But could we at least treat each other with respect?!" He begs, more than willing to settle at this point.
The laugh that Crocodile lets out when Buggy asks him to do something as simple as give him a little respect is disheartening to say the least. "You actually think I'd respect a gutless coward like you?" He mocks.
"Get fucking real!"
"I...I…" is all Buggy manages to stammer out because he feels more embarrassed than before. Crocodile treats him like he's nothing but a tacky, piece of gum here for him to chew up and spit out when he's ready. 
Somehow Mihawk's reaction is the same as Crocodile’s but different. He raises an eyebrow at Buggy, and if Buggy had to guess he'd say Mihawk's probably thinking something along the lines of: 'ME? Respect you? Respect is something you earn, and you definitely haven't earned my respect.'
"Forget it." Buggy mutters, "I'm just going to get back to work." He tells the other two men before lowering his head and rushing out of the meeting room. As he leaves he can hear Crocodile continue to mock him: "Did you hear that shit, Hawkeye?!"
Okay, Fuck them. Fuck Cross Guild. Fuck Buggy too for being so stupid and for even trying to be on good terms with Mihawk and Crocodile. It's been blatantly obvious from the start that Mihawk and Crocodile want nothing to do with him. He doesn't know why he even tried fixing their relationship, they were never going to be three people who got along.
This isn't the Oro Jackson and he's not dealing with someone like Shanks, nor is he dealing with a random stranger or even a member of his own crew. He should have realized all his efforts would go in vain and that Crocodile and Mihawk came to the island with a deep-seated hatred and lack of respect for Buggy embedded in them already. Whatever, it's fine. Buggy's not mad or upset or even disappointed. He's completely fine.
Why would the great and mighty Captain Buggy The Clown let two assholes like Mihawk and Crocodile determine his worth? Why would he let them get to him? He hasn't, he's fine. He's totally fine and he doesn't care what happens moving on. He'll just try his best to coexist with Mihawk and Crocodile and try not to get on their bad sides or whatever.
He says that he wants to live peacefully among Crocodile and Mihawk, and yet he does the one thing he probably shouldn't. He finds someone to angrily vent to, Cabaji and Mohji always listen to him without judging him and they always offer up the upmost support and advice, but Buggy doesn't need advice. He just needs to rant, and so maybe that's why as soon as he sees his two most trusted crew-mates, he disregards his current location and begins to air all of his grievances about both Mihawk and Crocodile.  
Buggy's mouth runs a mile a minute as insults, complaints, and anything you can think of come flying from between his painted lips. He tells the two other men how frustrated he is that Crocodile and Mihawk just can't play nice, and how they think they're the boss of him and can push him around. He tells them that they're both so stuck up and rude that it's unbelievable and that he's never met two people as insufferable as Mihawk and Crocodile. "I really tried!" He complains, throwing his hands up.
At this point his face is beet red and he's more furious than he'd like to be. "But nothing I do makes them happy!" He tells Mohji and Cabaji for what has to be the hundredth time. The two try and calm Buggy down but at this point he's a lost cause. "Can you believe they're acting this way? And for what reason? Because the world government made me an emperor and not them? Because they're stuck in some shitty organization with me? I didn't ask for any of this!" He tells them as his voice continues to steadily rise.
"But whatever. I don't care." Buggy laughs bitterly.
"No, seriously I don't give a fuck anymore! I'm done trying to be nice to those two assholes. They said they don’t do friends, but is that the real truth? Do they not have friends because they don’t trust anyone and they’re too stuck up, or is it because they're both two insufferable assholes who no one wants to be friends with in the first place? I mean, really, who’d want to be their fucking friend? They’re two extremely bitter old men who can’t hold a conversation let al-"
"Captain Buggy..." Mohji calls out in a shaky voice, but Buggy continues to rant and rave about how much he hates the situation he's in. He hates that the world government takes him seriously and considers him to be a big enough threat to be an emperor of the sea, but that Mihawk and Crocodile think he's some weak, small time pirate. He was fine being just an errand boy before but now he's genuinely frustrated that Mihawk and Crocodile see him as beneath them and won’t treat him as an equal. "What gives those assholes the right?!"
"C..Captain..." Cabaji and Mohji stammer out at the same time. There's an intense look of fear on both of their faces that Buggy failed to realize before. He stops his rant long enough to give them both a confused look, "...What?" He asks, and when his two crew-mates gesture to something behind him with their heads, Buggy realizes just how badly he fucked up in an instant.
Buggy inhales a deep, shaky breath. Please tell me they aren't standing behind me. He thinks, about ten seconds away from pleading with the universe to just cut him some slack for once in his miserable life. Of course, though, Buggy has nothing but worst luck. In fact if he didn't have the most vile, atrocious luck imaginable, he probably wouldn't have any luck at all.
Buggy slowly looks over his shoulder and his stomach drops. He really has no luck at all, but perhaps this has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with the fact that Buggy foolishly trash talked Mihawk and Crocodile as soon as he got the chance to and in public.
Mihawk is the first to speak, "No, don't let us interrupt you. We want to hear more of what you have to say, Buggy The Clown." He tells him in an eerily calm voice, "By all means. Please elaborate why you think that we're insufferable and stuck up some more."
Buggy doesn't even know what he should say at this point. He laughs nervously, "Hawkeye....Crocodile...when did you two get here?" He asks, feeling like he's seconds away from hurling. Actually now that he thinks about it, maybe it's better if he doesn't know when Crocodile and Mihawk came and how much they heard.
Buggy realizes he's in deep shit, but he still takes a step back and raises his arms up in the air, "Oh, you know I didn't mean any of that stuff, you guys. I'm a clown, remember?" He laughs but no one laughs with him, "I like to joke around! I didn't really mean all those things, I was just joking..." he lies, feeling trapped.
"I for one didn't find your little joke amusing." Mihawk says and Buggy can notice the subtle shift in his expression and how irate he looks with him right now. "Did you, Crocodile?" He asks.
Crocodile's expression isn't any better, in fact it's ten times worse because Crocodile never hides his emotions, especially not ones like anger. "Of course i didn't." He replies with another mocking laugh, and it's at this point that Buggy realizes that he probably shouldn't try to talk to them anymore and that he should instead just run away.
So that's what he does, he takes off in a sprint, trying to put as much distance between him and Mihawk and Crocodile as possible even though he knows that it's pointless. He can't outrun Mihawk, the world’s strongest swordsman is too fast, but even if he could, he still has another man after him. Crocodile may not be as fast as Hawkeye, but he’s good at cornering Buggy and trapping him in a cloud of sand, and Buggy knows that he’s no match for either of them no matter how much he runs, ducks, and hides.
They catch Buggy with ease and once they do, they unleash all their anger, frustration, and pure hatred on Buggy. Their assault isn't just physical, it's verbal as well, of course it is. Crocodile and Mihawk’s cold, cruel words hurt a lot more than their fists do sometimes, depending on what’s being said, and Buggy finds himself quickly feeling overwhelmed as tears pour from his eyes.
"I knew you were just spouting a bunch of bullshit in the meeting room."  Crocodile hisses as he punches him for what has to be the tenth time, and Buggy wishes he were exaggerating when he says that. Crocodile’s wrong, though, Buggy was being one hundred percent genuine when he said he wanted them all to get along and treat each other with respect, it's just that he grew frustrated with Mihawk and Crocodile’s constant rejection and coldness towards him.
What else was he supposed to do? How else was he supposed to feel? He’s hurt and frustrated, can’t they see that? Buggy tries several times to explain himself, but it’s no use, Mihawk and Crocodile just continue to beat his face in and mock his every cry and scream until they finally get tired and storm away, leaving Buggy to lie on the ground a clobbered mess. 
Buggy’s entire soul feels shattered into pieces as he lie there, crying his eyes out. Mohji and Cabaji rush over to his side just as soon as Crocodile and Mihawk leave (He never expected them to intervene and if they did, it’d only cause more pain for him.) “Oh my god, captain, are you okay?” Cabaji asks.
Buggy doesn’t have the heart to respond to the question and the moment he realizes that Cabaji and Mohji are be his side, he tries to hold back all his pain and suffering. They sit him up gently and tell him that they’re going to get him all patched up and softly mutter how much they hate Crocodile and Mihawk just as much as Buggy does, and how Buggy is so brave and strong for putting up with them.
…Is he, though?
Buggy doesn’t feel very brave and strong, he feels like a loser who has no control over his life, but he doesn’t tell Cabaji and Mohji that, how the hell could he?
Things become more hostile between Buggy and Crocodile and Mihawk after that. It seems that his one little slip-up was enough to make Mihawk and Crocodile’s disdain for him grow ten times worse, but then again, maybe it doesn’t matter what Buggy said or did. Maybe things would have always ended up like this, after all Mihawk and Crocodile have absolutely no respect or sympathy for Buggy.
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