#or in memorandum metal
artcalledtheewhip · 5 months
All The Dunce Caps In My Head & Drinking OJ All the dunce caps in my head sprouting outwards What’s left for us? Thinking in Social Pondering Business Into the mind left Mental That leads into The lead pipes take from here On the street The lead was made into piping Not in water at all Until chemicals contaminated See in Appendix Flint Flint is not only for starting fires It’s the place for contamination in the water The parts per millionths Not safe enough to drink Or to grow upon At least by the Humans The green grass is resilient Stages in college degrees even in beginning All this stuff eaten up Collegiate Where have you been n Studies You missed a whole bunch of sectors still grounding you in good food music fashion apps sneakers and the class your sorting with it’s just easy as A E I O U Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Where do we all belong Pounds or prisons Refugee in dollars And Leaders in stands Bombing Ukraine Stiking a Strip And his face causes turmoil Is all Trump The sand friends Didn’t do his killings Fore the love of rich Golf All precessions for MAGA Married with Communistic conspiracies Who couldn’t? It’s all dunced capped Smarter than most I knew where I began And the affiliates or opposite afflicted Speak on stand more Spoiled orange Don’t eat Can you get this done faster than OJ? Dear Trump Please get done faster than OJ Please get done Look for a picture Just get this done faster I’m fine you looking at something Just get it done faster than OJ J is vowel So is V Throbbing shacket never mind the retailers It’s what he wears Just not without and buttonlessness If it was up to him He would be horseback shirtless Trump would stopped bathing in the suns Had he one With Putin The Middle is all confusing from here Where do the both sides Land Is it bunker or walled A Cardinal flys over A Phoenix flys around Thinking of clubs in the apps I grab Albatross Where’s your hit posted PostTragicJan6 PostTraffickedSexDeny Well talk about Wife already Dear Donald
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blueiscoool · 20 days
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MFA Boston Returns a 2,500-Year-Old Necklace to Turkey
When the museum bought the necklace in 1982, it did not receive any provenance records.
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has repatriated a necklace to Turkey after scholars told museum staff that elements of the artifact were likely looted from an ancient tomb illegally excavated in the 1970s.
Parts of the disassembled 2,500-year-old gold and carnelian necklace, which has been on display at the MFA for more than forty years after it was acquired, were believed by researchers to have been taken out of Turkey after an illicit excavation that took place in 1976.
The necklace is believed to have been strung together and sold privately to the museum by a London dealer in 1982.
Prior to its return, an outside researcher contacted the museum about the necklace’s suspect provenance record, comparing its similarities to other beads and metallic elements of ancient jewelry excavated from a site in the province of Manisa located in Western Turkey.
According to Victoria Reed, the MFA’s Sadler Curator for Provenance, some beads from the looted site that were used as visual references by scholars to link the MFA necklace to it never left the country. They were instead placed in the collection of a local archaeological museum.
The museum’s internal staff conducted its own review of the object’s ownership record to confirm the outside research.
In a statement announcing the artifact’s return, Reed said, “It’s our responsibility to ensure that we are not holding onto objects that were unlawfully acquired.”
Representatives from Turkey’s government attended a repatriation ceremony at the Turkish consulate in Boston to retrieve the necklace earlier this week, where they signed a memorandum marking the occasion.
By Angelica Villa.
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punkedsolar · 2 months
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The two individuals shown are representative members of the EBMs, of which there are two major families: the Bipae-leporae and the Quadrupedia-leporae.
Etymology The terminology selected by Coastal Sphynx is an approximation of 'two legged rabbit' and 'four legged rabbit'. EBM stands for Evidence Based Memorandum, though most New Petrans say 'Ebem' instead of using EBM as an acronym. EBMs themselves always use the acronym.
Taxonomy There is no current taxonomy accepted by all New Petran individuals because the EBMs refuse to update the central archive and have given no explanations as to why. This has lead to robust arguments over their status (generally assumed morphic) and their biology (unknown). EBMs who present as male are called 'bucks' and EBMs who present as female are called 'does' with the term 'coney' for all others.
A group of EBMs is known as a colony or swarm.
The EBM, is a fast-running terrestrial creature; it has a dome of glassy material set high its head, long ears and a flexible neck. Its teeth grow continuously, the first incisors being modified for gnawing while the second incisors are peg-like and non-functional. An EBM is capable of gnawing through metal over time.
The limb musculature of EBMS is adapted for high-speed endurance running in open country. While no internal dissections have been permitted, observation has shown a flexible spine and considerable limb rotation that may mean that even the four-leggers are capable of throwing or hurling objects.
The fur colour is smooth and single coloured, and adjusts to levels of solar radiation, ranging from black through smooth blues to white. High levels of radiation mean paler colours, low levels mean darker. An EBM in a cold environment in midwinter will be entirely black.
Bipedal EBMs wear clothing, and quadrupedal EBMs tend not to. There are numerous indeterminate forms of greater or lesser functionality with movement, weight carrying capacity, and agility. Bipeds usually weigh less and are smaller in body size than quadrupeds.
Behaviour and ecology
The EBM originates from New Petra, and travelling is rare, but does occassionally happen.
Detailed behaviour and ecology is ultimately unknown - putting in a repair request that is approved into the central archive will summon an EBM who will then attend to the area of concern. EBMs seem to attend to other issues that have not had alerts, but with less urgency. They are commonly seen during the day, and only rarely at night.
Reproduction, socialisation, and similar topics are unknown - EBMs generally retreat back to the central archive once their work is done, and do not appear to communicate with each other even when working together.
They are not considered anti-social, and rarely cause any issues for New Petran citizens. They do vote and engage in civic duties, as well as engage with commercial operations - thus they may purchase food, clothing and minor items using New Petran Scrip. Any negative interactions are in the form of large EBMs blocking traffic while engaged in repairs, and issues of that nature.
No juvenile EBMs have ever been recorded, but Coastal Sphynx note that rabbits as animals hide their young until they are fully able to defend themselves.
EBMs avoid fighting and conflict wherever possible. When injured, they retreat immediately. Their speed makes such encounters rare. An EBM will not even defend another EBM - they will leave.
Morphic ecology notes
The two main shapes of EBMs and their willingness to work together lead to an assumption that the species is morphic, but what triggers any change between types is unknown. There are a number of intermediate anthropomorphic shapes as well.
Social notes
One can certainly talk to EBMs, and they do respond in the common tongue, but their conversational abilities are more or less bland and limited. They generally do not express interest in much - but they do seem to like music. Outdoor events or clubs are known to attract them in small swarms, which can kill the vibe for other, less strange New Petrans.
They do have names - the two above are called D-Comp and D-Res.
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coeurdalene · 1 year
looking for some light
masterlist | ao3
summary: he tells raleigh, “i want to come back from this mission, ‘cause i quite like my life.” he means, there’s still so much i want to do, so much i have to do. (aka chuck wants to make it through this goddamn war so he can finally live a normal life, even if he doesn’t really know what that means.)
pairing: chuck hansen x reader
warning(s): character death (sorry), swearing, mentions of canon-typical violence.
word count: 3.86k
a/n: i meant to have this finished by the ten year anniversary of the movie but uh… anyways, here it is now! this is my love letter to chuck hansen and also a projection of my want for a beach house.
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The universe gifts Chuck an unwanted Christmas present in the form of a memorandum. He swears under his breath when you trudge into the Mission Control Center that morning with a dejected frown on your face and shove the crisp paper into his hands. His eyes fall on the letterhead, embossed with the familiar spread-winged eagle, and he already knows what it contains. He’d been expecting it for months. He resists the urge to scream, to crumple the paper into a ball and hurl it at the trash bin with every ounce of remaining strength in his body. He doesn’t envy you when you announce the bad news to everyone else, fulfilling your final duty as Sydney’s Chief LOCCENT Officer.
Days later, not even twenty-four hours after the Shatterdome decommissioning and right at the beginning of the new year, the universe offers him—and the rest of Sydney—another unwanted gift.
Mutavore is an ugly thing. Nearly ninety meters tall and weighing over two thousand tons, it’s hunched over as if struggling to support its own weight, blade-like plates protruding from its head and back.
“I don’t care how many eyes it has,” he says after you read out its classification and measurements, “I’m gonna kick its ass.”
(Six. It has six eyes. Just because he doesn’t care doesn’t mean he won’t pay attention.)
The category four Kaiju plows through the coastal wall like a knife cutting through warm butter and tramps into Sydney Harbour, stopping only to raise its head and let out a guttural screech, as if barging through a metal barrier hadn't been enough to announce its presence. He wonders how many millions of dollars have now been reduced to rubble at the bottom of the bay and how many weeks were spent welding together beams that took only a few seconds to destroy. 
Then, its beady eyes—all six of them—focus on Striker Eureka and her brass knuckles glinting in the sun. It screeches again before charging headfirst into Striker’s swinging fist.
Mutavore dies as quickly as it breached the wall, lying motionless in the bay, blood-soaked missiles lodged in its chest and Kaiju blue staining the water. 
“That’s Striker Eureka’s tenth kill to date. It’s a new record,” he boasts to the reporter in the aftermath. He ignores the questions about the decommissioning and brushes off the look his father gives him. Don’t get too cocky, he looks like he wants to say.
When they return to the Shatterdome, the J-Tech crew cleans Striker, polishing her knuckles and wiping Kaiju remains from the Conn-Pod. Chuck takes a long hot shower. Then, the move to Hong Kong begins.
The Anchorage Shatterdome—the cold and stalwart Icebox—had been the first to close. He remembers how you had stared blankly at the official PPDC statement for hours while he watched the newscaster on the television read it out loud. The Marshal had been on the broadcast, too, brought on for further questioning. When the anchor asked about the future of the Jaeger Program, he had assured her that, as long as the Kaiju kept coming, the Jaegers would keep fighting. Chuck had laughed dryly at that. The dwindling funding from the U.N. would say otherwise and whispers of better opportunities at the wall hung in the air, getting louder with every passing day.
The closure of the Icebox set off a string of shutdowns: Lima and Tokyo later that month, Panama City in November, Vladivostok and Los Angeles a few weeks after. The clock was ticking and it was only a matter of time before that damned memorandum arrived in Sydney, his fate dictated by its contents.
His beloved Sydney Shatterdome closes at the turn of the year, leaving behind its only remaining sibling in Hong Kong. What had once been a robust network of PPDC hubs was now reduced to one. 
And the clock continues to tick. 
“We don’t need a stupid wall,” Chuck declares on the flight to Hong Kong, glaring at the news broadcast replaying footage of the Sydney attack. “We need better pilots.”
He’d expressed the same sentiment to the reporter who interviewed him after Mutavore’s attack, too, blaming the fall of the Jaeger program on the mediocrity of those involved. He isn’t sure if it’s that simple—you had explained something to him about politics and funding and morale, government nonsense he didn’t understand—but he sure as hell knows that the Jaegers would be winning if pilots stopped letting the Kaiju kick their asses.
“Have some respect,” his father chides. “Every pilot has fought tooth and nail to protect the people they love.”
And perhaps that’s the truth—it sure is for him. His days consist of sore muscles from training, never getting enough sleep, and always anticipating another fight. He does it for his father, who has been a soldier for as long as he can remember. For his mother, whose untimely death lingers in the back of his mind every time he sets his eyes on a Kaiju. For you, who frequently pulls all-nighters and agonizes over details to make sure the Shatterdome stays running. And for Max, of course. (Silly little dog probably has no idea what a Kaiju is.)
So, yeah, perhaps it is the truth. But it doesn’t change the fact that they only have eight months left of funding, or that the U.N. thinks a wall will fare better than a Jaeger.
“We won’t be getting more pilots. All we can do is work with what we still have,” you chime in, pulling Chuck out of his thoughts. “But, on the bright side, our remaining pilots are some of the best in program history.”
“Including me?” he smirks. You laugh, cheerful and bright, punching his arm lightly. Max shifts in his sleep at the sudden noise. His father gives him that look again. Don’t get too cocky.
He spends the rest of the flight listening to you read briefing notes on “Operation Pitfall,” the Marshal’s shiny new plan to end the war by detonating a bomb at the throat of the Breach. Somehow, the PPDC had procured a thermonuclear warhead from the Russians, entrusting Striker Eureka to carry it while the remaining Jaegers played defense. 
Chuck is cynical about this plan. They had already tried (and failed) to drop things into the Breach. A bomb would only bounce back at them and kill anything in range.
He quips sarcastically if the Marshal had thought of that. You respond only by flipping through the file again for an explanation. He knows you won’t find one. 
As he steps off the plane and onto the landing pad, he’s met with a grinning Tendo Choi shouting over the patter of heavy rain, “Welcome to Hong Kong!”
The man, wearing a grey suit jacket too wide around the shoulders shakes their hands in greeting before ushering them out of the rain and into the Shatterdome. Chuck sidesteps some J-Techs as he enters, surveying his surroundings.
He had been much younger the last time he visited Hong Kong and much less invested in all the inner workings of the PPDC. He remembers mechanics and pilots shouting and running about, dirt and scuff marks on the floor, and his father reminding him to keep a tight grip on Max’s leash. It had felt unfamiliar then, but he realizes now that it isn’t too different from Sydney. Same high ceiling, same metal catwalks, and almost the same arsenal of Jaegers towering over him. It’s a little older, a little grittier, and a little more worn down, but no longer foreign. 
He spots Cherno Alpha in one of the bays, its stalwart form hunkering and heavy. The Kaidanovskys stand at its feet, engaged in conversation. Crimson Typhoon stands opposite it, brilliant red and regal. J-Techs gather around her three arms, inspecting and cleaning the rotating saw blades. 
“Striker arrived a few minutes before you did,” Tendo gestures to the shiny silver Jaeger standing in the far bay, metal glinting under the bright lights of the hangar. “The crew is getting her settled in.”
Then, Chuck’s eyes fall on the fourth and final Jaeger. That last he had heard of Gipsy Danger was that she had been decommissioned, damaged beyond repair from a mission gone wrong. But here she stands—untarnished metallic blue, left arm intact, and definitely not lying forgotten in Oblivion Bay.
“What’s that old rustbucket doing here?” he leers, very aware that there isn’t a single speck of rust on her.
“She looks brand new,” you remark. 
“She is, sorta,” Tendo replies, “We’ve been fixing her up: a new fluid synapse system, new engine blocks, and a new hull. She’ll be holding the defensive perimeter for you in Operation Pitfall, along with Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon.”
“Does she have pilots?” you inquire.
“Not yet,” Tendo grins. “But she will.”
Chuck hopes that these pilots won’t be incompetent idiots, whoever they might be.
The peaceful moments are rare, but cherished and so welcomed. In these instances, he lets his guard down, breathes deeply, and allows himself to think of anything other than training or fighting.
One of his favorites is somewhere in between Striker’s fourth and fifth kills: a lazy afternoon in bed with your back against the headboard and his head in your lap, sunlight streaming in through the windows with your fingers carding lightly through his hair.
“After this war is over,” he declares, imagining a life without the chaos and destruction that comes with being a Jaeger pilot, “we’ll buy a nice house in the suburbs where we’ll live blissfully for the rest of our lives.”
“The suburbs are nice,” you contend, “but how about a beach house on the Gold Coast? Or Port Douglas?”
He chuckles at that, picturing what living by the ocean without the fear of a Kaiju attack would be like. He would spend his mornings engulfed in the soothing murmur of the sea, gazing out at the unbroken horizon. His afternoons basking in the warmth of the sun, feet buried in the soft sand. His evenings surrounded by music and your melodious laughter, trying not to step on your toes while you lead him through a dance in your living room.
Quiet, he thinks. Serene. The only unrest would be the waves at high tide or the gulls swooping down to steal his food.
“Wherever you want, as long as it’s you and me. And Max. Right, bud?” he grins at the bulldog lying at the foot of the bed. Max lets out a little grunt. Chuck takes that as a sign of agreement.
“Sounds lovely,” you reply, your hand moving to rest against his cheek. He turns his head to kiss your palm, heart soaring at the way you smile softly down at him.
All Chuck knows about Raleigh Becket is that he quit the Jaeger Program. That information alone is enough for him to dislike the guy. He doesn’t trust some washed-up pilot to run defense for him while he carries a 2400-pound bomb on the back of his Jaeger. Doesn’t care that his father fought alongside the guy in Manila or that he single-handedly piloted his Jaeger back to shore. Doesn’t bother to hold back a grimace when Raleigh tells him that he’d been working on the wall for the past five years.
“If you slow me down, I'm gonna drop you like a sack of Kaiju shit,” he hisses at him in the mess hall. He ignores the way his father watches him with disapproval as he stalks away.
His bad mood turns worse when Mako Mori is named Raleigh’s copilot. 
He has known Mako for years. They had grown up in Shatterdomes together, met a few times when the Marshal had brought her to Sydney, and briefly bonded over their love of dogs. He’s close enough to her to know that she can fight well and that she has one of the best simulator scores he’s ever seen. (Better than his, although he’d never admit that.) But, she has no experience in a Jaeger and no understanding of what a drift is actually like, which, in his eyes, makes her no better than Raleigh. He isn’t surprised when they’re both out of alignment during their test run, your concerned tone alerting the rest of LOCCENT of the deviation, or when Mako begins chasing the RABIT, raising apprehensive murmurs from the crowd of onlookers. Or when it ends in Tendo pulling the plug on Gipsy’s power.
“Worse mistakes have happened,” Tendo sighs as Gipsy’s plasma cannon goes offline. Chuck scowls. There is no space for even a single mistake in the plan to attack the Breach, especially amateur ones like chasing RABITs. He knows that the Marshal understands this, too.
Later, as he paces in the Marshal’s office, still brimming with anger from Raleigh and Mako’s failure of a test run, he snaps, “He's a has-been. She’s a rookie. I don’t want them protecting my bomb run. sir.”
His father stands across the room, arms crossed and mouth set tightly in a frown. In the corner, you and Tendo are huddled over a tablet, discussing the drift results in hushed voices. The Marshal warns him to watch his tone. Chuck rolls his eyes in response and thinks to himself, He knows I’m right.
He finds Raleigh and Mako standing silently in the hall outside after his father kicks him out of the room. He rounds on the former, seething and jabbing an accusatory finger into his chest, “I want to come back from this mission, ‘cause I quite like my life.”
He turns to Mako, sneering and spitting out some distasteful things, ignoring the feeling that he’ll regret it later. 
When Raleigh’s fist makes contact with his jaw, Chuck sees red.
On bad nights, he wakes up in a cold sweat, plagued by nightmares of being painfully ripped to shreds by sharp claws and teeth. Some nights he wakes up angry, frustrated with himself after overanalyzing his fights. Other nights, he relives the moment when he found out about his mother’s death, shaking with body-wracking sobs and shuddering with each intake of breath. But you hold him through it, your soothing hands on his back and comforting words in his ear. He focuses on your voice, steady and calm, and syncs his breathing with yours.
“You’re okay,” you murmur. “They’re just nightmares. You’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” he repeats.
On bad nights, you confess your fear that the war will never end, or that you’ll burn out before it does. Some nights, you feel that you’re not doing enough, that you need to get back to work even though it’s past midnight. Other nights, you worry that you’ll spend your entire life fighting, that you’ll never be able to rest. But he holds you through it, his calloused fingers on your cheeks wiping away your tears. You focus on his touch, firm and resolute, and rest your hands on top of his.
“It’s okay,” you contend, voice shaky but certain. “I have you. This is enough.”
“This is enough,” he repeats.
Yet, he can’t help but want more. He wants the beach house instead of the cold metal walls of the Shatterdome. Wants to wake up to the sun, your smile, and Max’s whining for food instead of doomsday alarms and Kaiju attacks. Wants you to be able to sleep in for once. Wants to spend his days sunbathing and learning to surf instead of training in combat drills and preparing for another attack. Wants to give you some peace, and to find some of his own.
He tells Raleigh, “I want to come back from this mission, ‘cause I quite like my life.”
He means, There’s still so much I want to do, so much I have to do.
Chuck has only felt true fear a few times in his life. Standing on top of his disabled Jaeger with only a flare gun in his hands is one of them. In the moment, he tells himself that he isn’t afraid, that a double event isn’t any different from any other Kaiju attack, and that Striker will come back online in just a second. The adrenaline coursing through his veins overpowers the feeling of impending doom anyway. But, later, as he reflects on the feeling of relief that had washed over when Gipsy’s fog lights enveloped him, he admits that he had been scared shitless. And, he admits (only to himself) that he’s thankful for Raleigh and Mako, even if they’re has-beens or rookies.
He holds you closer that night and knows that you’ve already picked up on all the details of his uneasy expression. Still, he musters up the strength to confess aloud, “I thought we were gonna die.”
You’re silent, responding only by rubbing your hand across his back and hugging him a little tighter. The heavy weight of his lingering fear sits in his chest as he continues, “Dad had injured his arm, our comms were out, Cherno and Crimson were gone, and there was a fucking Kaiju ready to swallow us whole. Shooting that flare at it made it even more pissed off.”
“Not your best idea,” you remark playfully. “You’d think all that training to prepare you for situations like this would help you keep calm and think of something rational to do.”
“It was Dad’s idea, not mine,” he shrugs.
“Well, I’m glad the flare managed to keep it occupied long enough for Gipsy to get there,” you reply, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “And I’m glad you’re not dead.”
“Me, too,” he sighs, the weight in his chest lightening slightly.
When he drifts off to sleep, he dreams of the war ending and a house overlooking the shore.
If, a year ago, you had told Chuck that he would be piloting a Jaeger with the Marshal Stacker Pentecost, he would have laughed in your face and asked why the Marshal wasn’t off doing better things (like convincing world leaders to keep funding the Jaeger Program or figuring out ways to increase pilot recruitment). And, if you had told him that he would hear the phrase “there’s a third signature emerging from the Breach,” he would have rolled his eyes and declared the situation impossible. (“I’d still kick its ass, though,” he would have probably said.)
Yet, here he is, strapped into Striker with the Marshal as his copilot, only three hundred meters from the Breach, watching a category five Kaiju materialize in front of him. He feels his stomach drop as he lays eyes on Slattern’s angular head and the sharp spike protruding from its chest. When it roars, the water around them ripples, and the ground beneath shakes. He barely has any time to think before the massive beast rears its head and charges, swinging its heavy leathery tail directly at them. 
The hit knocks Striker off her feet and sends her crashing into a nearby hydrothermal vent. He winces and swears, body aching and head beginning to throb as streams of water push and jostle the Jaeger. Slattern prepares to charge again just as Striker regains her footing and he easily falls into a fighting stance along with the Marshal, fists clenched and ready to strike. This time, when it attacks, they’re ready—dealing out swift punches that send the Kaiju reeling.
He isn’t sure how much of it is the Marshal and how much of it is himself, but the exhilaration that rushes through him as one of Striker’s sting blades slices across Slattern’s throat reinvigorates him. The other blade cuts into its arms, blue blood spilling from deep gashes. It screeches, and he expects it to rush at them again, but it swims away, blood trailing eerily in the water.
He takes the moment of respite to breathe, and to survey the damage. The harsh red light of the many, many warning messages flashes across his vision. He fiddles with some controls, watches as the Marshal does the same, and sighs heavily when neither of their attempts fixes anything. He resigns himself to hoping that Striker can hold on a little longer. She had gotten him this far, surely she could see him through to the end of this war—and to the beginning of his life at peace.
“The attack jammed the bomb release,” he notices. “We’ll have to manually override–”
A yell from LOCCENT cuts him off. Chuck’s stomach drops even further when he hears someone say, “Striker, you have two Kaiju converging on you fast!”
He curses loudly and immediately knows, There’s no time for a manual override.
The Marshal is on the intercom before Chuck can even begin to formulate a plan, shouting to Raleigh and Mako. 
“You know exactly what you have to do,” he declares. “Gipsy is nuclear, take her to the Breach.”
“What can we do, sir?” Chuck asks, bracing for the hit.
“We can clear a path,” the Marshal answers firmly, a slight smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, “for the lady.”
Even without the drift connecting their thoughts, Chuck understands.
“Well, my father always said, ‘If you have a shot, you take it,’” he remarks, knowing that, on the other end, his father is listening with pride. Chuck can admit that he was an arrogant dickhead with no respect for any of the pilots around him and that he never bothered to hide his resentment for his old man, never gave him a reason to like the man his son had become. Yet, he knows—and has always known—that his father is proud of him. (He is proud of his father, too, for what it’s worth.)
In the final moments, his thoughts drift to you: swathed in blankets and gathered in his arms on cold winter nights, perched on the seat of a stationary bike and reading reports while keeping him company in the gym, wrapped in his brown leather jacket with Max’s leash in your hand while accompanying him for walks around the Shatterdome. He recalls your bright laughter when he’d crack stupid jokes, your serious voice you’d use only over the intercom, and the mischievous glint in your eyes when you’d pretend you hadn’t given Max extra treats.
“I love you,” he had said before entering the Conn-Pod, so quietly that only you could hear him, holding you tightly and kissing away your concerned frown. The warmth of your hands against his cheeks had lingered as he had stepped away.
“I love you,” he says now, loud enough for you to hear him over all the noise, swallowing the lump in his throat and blinking away the tears threatening to spill from the corners of his eyes. “I’m sorry we’ll never get that beach house.”
“But, I had you,” he says. “It was enough.”
When the bomb detonates, he’s surrounded by blinding light and a deafening boom. And, finally, peace.
In his dreams, he can’t tell where he is, only that Max is sitting at his feet, his father is somewhere in the distance, and you’re next to him with your hand in his, fingers intertwined.
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shootybangbang · 8 months
The Nature of Hounds [Part 1/?]
[Ao3 link]
[Pairing]: Arthur Morgan/Reader
[Rating]: Mature
Tinkering around with low honor Arthur Morgan. Unedited, feel free to point out errors and give criticism.
When you shake the pocket watch, it rattles with the jingle of loose parts. You frown and set it back down on the table. “This is broken. Best I can do is three dollars.”
“Get outta here with that shit.” Arthur taps the metal casing. “This is real gold. You can do at least ten.”
You weigh the watch against your palm.
“Gold plated.”
“You’re kiddin’ me.”
“You know I don’t kid when there’s money on the line.”
“Lowest I’ll go on this is nine.”
He gives you a look.
“You think that yokel over in Emerald Ranch’ll give you a better deal?” you ask.
Seamus would buy this fucking watch for no less than fifteen fucking dollars. He’d give the thing a once over, offer a timid “I can give you five”, then buckle at a glare and go triple. And yet here he is. Following the whim of his cock and his own misplaced affections, like a bull with a lead strung through its nose.
“I’ll tell you what. Mr Kuang downstairs used to be a watchmaker. This thing doesn’t sound that busted, and he owes me a favor anyhow. I’ll do you four fifty.”
He raises his eyes up to high heaven and sighs. “Fine.”
“So adding up the rings, the pendant, the cameo, and the, uh… the teeth… I’ve got you totalling seventeen.” You slide a neatly penciled memorandum across the table. “Check my sums if you don’t believe me.”
“I ain’t botherin’ with that.”
“You’re the only one who doesn’t.” You sweep the little pile of stolen goods into a drawer. “Is it because you’re stupid or you’re sweet, I wonder?”
“Prob’ly the first.” He dips his head down to steal a kiss, but you press a stern palm against his shoulder and hold him at arm’s length.
“Not when I’m behind the counter.”
“Take care of this shit later.”
“I said down.”
So he steps back with his heart sunk one notch lower. Posts himself near the front door, arms crossed, hat brim tipped low, cleaning the dirt beneath his fingernails with a pocket knife as the rectangle of light spilled from the window begins to tick across the floorboards in a dimming dial. He presides over the thin trickle of customers and peddlers alike with a baleful eye, and it’s not until the bell tower in the square tolls five and you swing open the side gate in a flurry of swirling skirts that he can pull you in by the waist and sink into the frantic kiss that you press him with.
Locked door, shuttered windows. Hurriedly, you flip the sign posted against the glass from OPEN to CLOSED as he flattens your back against the wall and pulls the ribbon at your throat loose with a yank of his teeth. You sift your fingers through his hair, then grip hard, yanking his head back. “Three weeks without a letter, you bastard,” you snarl. “Thought they’d hanged you someplace out west."
“Aw, don’t tell me you was worried.”
“‘Course I was worried. You’re my best earner.”
The smile you flash along the slight is sweet and quick as a fleeting slip of riverlight, and he forces himself to smile back, but the truth remains that he has never come here empty handed. Still fearful of the risk that you might cut him with the same expectant look Dutch has at the end of deals gone wrong and scores lost.
Your eyes shut slow as you kiss him again. He runs his palm up your back as he finds and unclips the clasp of your blouse and the tension in your hand loosens like weakening resolve. It surprises him still, that gentling spread that flows arterial at the simple touch of his hand.
The room tucked behind the storefront is cramped and cluttered with belongings that you have only recently begun letting him examine. When you lead him in, it’s with your hands clutching his neckerchief like reins, tripping over the hazard of table corners and your lone, bystanding chair. You walk backwards into your unmade bed, and he lets you pull him atop you with an obedience he scarcely understands. You fumble to pull down his belt and he yanks down your skirt in a confusion of hands as you work to lay each other bare. “Did you miss me,” you murmur, and he answers not with words but with a violent jerk of his hips, relaying with friction what he does not know how to otherwise.
Arthur cups his hand to your cunt, trails his middle finger along the wet seam like tracing the crest of a wave. In red fantasy, he takes the time to prime you for him, spreads and sucks the soft furl of flesh with his mouth, but you have never had the patience for foreplay. It's as if the unselfish act of pleasuring you were a step too intimate; even in this, a necessary expectation of quid pro quo that you have not the inclination to entertain.
“Come on then, gunslinger,” you growl. Another kiss, fierce and carrying the admonishment of teeth. You jerk the fabric of his shirt up to reveal his chest, then stiffen and splay your hand over the filthy bandage wrapped there. “Christ.”
“It’s nothin’.”
The cloth is stained with old blood that has seeped from the locus of his wound like a rust colored bloom, and is grimy from sweat and travel. You stare at it with revulsion. “Morgan, this is disgusting.”
The prickle of shame that stretches up his spine has transitioned to sullen indignation by the time it reaches his head. “Didn’t figure someone in your line of work to be so goddamned squeamish.” He tries to pull his shirt back down. You grab his wrist.
“Keep this off,” you say. “I’m running you a bath.”
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tsukishiro-himari · 4 months
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「Memorandum a few years ago」
With love and gratitude.
Together this year. STAY METAL.
In fact,
the reason why I was able to overcome
my fear of heights is that
I want to deliver wonderful things
to everyone who is my beloved.
I've been thinking
about this year's aspirations
for a long time.
And on the morning of the New Year,
I came up with it.
Last year, I made music that would be
my loved ones and my own "ally".
This year, I want "myself" to be
on your side and on my side.
I lived on stage with my whole body & soul.
Voice, smile, tears, light -
everything reached me.
I thank the Moonbow Society family
from the bottom of my heart.
You said "It all started with Himari" -
thank you for celebrating
our important day.
I'll make this a year of happiness.
2024.0106 Germany
The Xmas tree
that was at the venue yesterday
was brought by Isiliel fan.
I was surprised and so happy
when I heard that.
Please let me give you
thanks and applause from here too!
Last year's last live performance
and the best New Year's opening
was made.
Thank you for receiving Isiliel's song.
I will continue to sing songs
that will be on your side at any time.
I love you.
Don't forget our Pinky promise.
I feel that a person
who can wish for happiness
and be kind to someone important to them
is beautiful.
We have a lot of pain,
but we don't forget to cherish the smile of
the loved one in front of us now.
"Black and white" and "Colorful"
are beautiful.
I'm happy to be able to embody
this expression
because I want to cherish relative things.
After meeting and talking with old friends,
sometimes I feel like I'm the only one
who is not moving forward.
But I live hard every day.
I hope I can have tomorrow
without denying myself.
2023 was a year
where so much was created.
"Isiliel's songs sublimate painful events
into beautiful expressions.
I want to save someone by sharing them."
I am so grateful that I can sing them.
I could do it because you were with me.
Let’s make this a fun year too.
For my beloved.
No matter how unreasonable it is,
I don't want to lose sight of myself.
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five-rivers · 1 year
*Banging pots and pans together* GEN REX FANS COME GET YOUR FOOD.
Skwydd woke suddenly.  
After years living on the street, he'd become a light sleeper.  Being able to spring into action at a moment's notice was a life skill.  Or, you know, trauma.  But it was easier to think of it as a cool trick.
That being said, he didn't always know what it was that woke him.  Which was… not great for his nerves.  
This time, though…
He sat up slowly and turned his head scanning the apartment.  People didn’t usually realize it, but one of his EVO adaptations was low-light vision, It was why he was usually the lookout.  Not that he needed it this time.  The light was on in the ‘kitchenette,’ which wasn’t really a kitchenette at all, but the doorless cubby they’d stuffed their microwave and hot plates into.  It was big enough for two people to squeeze in at a time, if they weren’t particularly big on personal space.
It wasn’t really the kind of place an intruder would be hanging out in, so Skwydd got up to look without making all that much of an effort to be sneaky.  Inside, bent double over the shelf they used as a counter, was Tuck.  
“What are you doing?” asked Skwydd.  
Tuck startled, hitting his head on the shelf above, and jostling several metal scraps to the floor.  “Ow!”
Skwydd ignored him, staring at the scraps.  “Is that Rex’s journal?” he asked.    
“Yeah,” said Tuck, picking up the scattered pieces.  “So what?”
“So, what are you doing with it?”
“I’m trying to fix it.”
Skwydd crossed his arms and leaned against the corner where the cubby let out into the rest of the room.  “Why?”  
Tuck turned and frowned at it, the inhuman lines of his face making the expression difficult to read, even for him.  “You know, before Quarry pulled this thing out, I never would have thought Rex would have sold us out.”
“Just let it rest.”  Skwydd and Cricket certainly wanted to, if for different reasons.  “It’s like he said, he’s basically a different person now.”
“That’s not what I meant.  I mean, why did we believe it after?”
“What d’you mean?”
“We’re not wearing tattoos for the fashion statement,” said Tuck.  “And, think about it.  Rex gives up his journal to Quarry, and Quarry just… keeps it handy?  For three years?  When he didn’t think Rex was ever going to come back?”
“Yeah, so he could play mind games with us.”
“Mind games he waited three years for?  Come on, like, we knew Rex.  And we know him now, sort of.  And then there’s this.  One of these things doesn’t fit.”
“We thought we knew him.”
“How many kids did he cure when he was with us?  He didn’t double cross any of them, far as I know.  And he freaking cried when he couldn’t cure someone.”
“Okay, and what’s your theory?  John Scarecrow?  Some kind of deepfake?  It sounded just like Rex.”
“Yeah,” said Tuck, picking up a screwdriver and playing with it.  “Just like him.  Hey, d’you remember what Rex sounded like back then?  Before he disappeared?  Or do you just know what he sounds like now?  ‘Cause, I can’t be sure I do.”
“Yeah, yeah, and what’s your theory?”  There was some movement behind him, and Skwydd was aware he was being maybe a little loud.  Cricket had still been sleeping.  "Remember, Rex said he had a- a memory flash or whatever of taking Quarry's offer."
“I don't know.  But Rex, he could be a jerk sometimes, but our Rex– the only way I can think of that our Rex would have willingly given this up – and freaking unlocked it for Quarry to snoop – is if he got his memory back or if he had no idea what it was."
"Holy crap," whispered Cricket behind Skwydd.  "Do you really think that's what happened?  Rex lost his memory and Quarry scammed him into leaving?"
"Honest?"  Tuck laughed humorlessly.  "I dunno that this's even Rex's journal."  He dropped the screwdriver on the shelf.  "I thought maybe if I get this put back together, it'd be blank except the one video or something, or if it was the real one, then there’d be something about Quarry one way or the other, but I'm not Rex.  I can't talk to machines, and even he didn't think he could get anything out of this one." 
"But if it isn't," said Cricket, "then where's the real one?"
"Who freaking knows.”  It wasn’t a question, more an exclamation of defeat.  “It’s been years.”
“Do you think we should talk to Rex about this?” asked Crickey, audibly trying to keep herself calm.  “Like, if we really think it wasn’t him in the recording…”
“But we don’t know,” said Tuck.  “We don’t know.  And even if we did know, we still believed…”  He covered his mouth with his hand, elbow firmly set on the shelf.  Almost like he was grinding it in, trying to make it hurt.  
He was going to break that if he wasn’t careful.  The shelf wasn’t that stable.  
“Would it do any good, either way?” Skwydd found himself asking out loud.  “Would it do more harm than good?  Since we don’t know…  Maybe he did do it.  We can’t tell.”
“Yeah, exactly.”  Tuck’s voice was muffled by his hand, barely understandable.
“What,” said Cricket, looking back and forth between them.  “You can’t be serious.  You just had this whole big thing about how it wouldn’t make sense for him to do it.  Like, it’s completely out of character, right?  That’s what you said.”
“Yeah, well, the world doesn’t make sense, did you ever think of that?”  Tuck got up and roughly pushed past Skwydd, the ribbons that made up his body briefly unknotting and brushing by him.  
“Hey!” said Cricket.  “Hey!  Why are you so mad?  You’re the one that brought it up!
Tuck spared Cricket a withering glare and otherwise only stopped long enough on the way out of the apartment to grab his hoodie and throw it over his head, so he wouldn’t be instantly pegged as an EVO.  
“What gives!?”  she started to go after him, but Skwydd caught her arm.  
“He needs time to cool off,” he said.  “Just let him be.”
Cricket glared at him and shook him off, but went back to her cot.  
“I don’t get it,” said Cricket.  “If we don’t think he actually sold us out, isn’t letting him think he did kind of a crappy thing to do?”
“Maybe, if we had proof one way or another,” said Skwydd.  “But we don’t.”  He stepped into the kitchenette and picked up a piece of the PDA, examining the sharp edge where Rex had cut it with his giant sword.
“Just, he’s our friend, isn’t he?  He helped us.”
Skwydd shrugged, trying not to show how much this was affecting him.  “It’s like he said.  He’s a different person now.”  He let the piece fall back to the table with a clatter.  “In the end, he didn’t want to know about the past, either.”
He turned off the kitchenette light and went back to bed.  He pretended not to hear Cricket when she asked, “Isn’t that just because he thought we were more important?”
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By Emily Thompson
Serbians are furious over a government plan to develop a lithium mine despite warnings that it could be detrimental to public health as it could pollute nearby agricultural land and water.
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Serbian capital to protest against the rebooting of a controversial lithium mine set to serve as a vital power source in Europe’s green energy transition.
Protesters in Serbia had set a deadline for the government to cancel the mining project, which expired on Saturday, prompting their mobilization.
Lithium is a strategically valuable metal needed for electric vehicle batteries, making it key for helping the car industry shift to greener production.
The vast project involving British-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has European Union support and aims to fill Europe’s lack of local sources for the mineral. Lithium is crucial for making things like electric car and smartphone batteries.
Protesters waved Serbian flags and chanted slogans like, “You will not dig” and “Rio Tinto leave Serbia!”
Serbia has vast lithium deposits near the western city of Loznica, where a mining project being developed by the Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has been a perennial political fault line in the Balkan country over its potential environmental impacts.
The deposits were discovered in 2004, but weeks of mass protests forced the government to halt the project in 2022.
But the government recently made a U-turn on the issue following a court decision last month that said the order to revoke the permits awarded to Rio Tinto was “not in line with the constitution and the law”.
Shortly after, the Serbian government greenlit the project’s restart and signed a memorandum of understanding with the EU that is seen as the first step in developing Serbia’s lithium resources.
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Egypt and Brazil look to enter the ship recycling sector
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New final destinations for ships are opening up with both Egypt and Brazil looking to get into the ship recycling sector. 
Egypt’s transport ministry has signed a memorandum of understanding with El Wehda Industrial Company to develop a shipbreaking yard at Damietta Port as part of the government’s bid to be less reliant on imported scrap metal.
The Egyptian site will cover some 155,000 sq m and will be capable of handling ships of up to 230 m in length. Other Egyptian ship recycling sites are also being discussed.
Meanwhile, last month in Brazil a memorandum of understanding was signed between local authorities and Modern American Recycling Services to explore the feasibility of establishing a ship recycling and decommissioning yard in Porto Central.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On February 12th, 1935, Scotsman Robert Watson-Watt published a report entitled The Detection of Aircraft by Radio Methods.
In the full memorandum, sometimes called ”the birth certificate of radar” Watson-Watt put forward his proposals in impressive detail. He estimated the strength of the radio signal reflected from an aircraft and discussed the optimum wavelength. He outlined how the range of the target could be measured by the use of short pulses and the plan position by the use of three range measurements; furthermore he suggested that a cathode-ray direction-finder might be developed to measure the bearing and elevation.
The Committee promptly asked for a demonstration and appointed A. P. Rowe as their sole observer. It was arranged that a Heyford bomber should fly at a height of 2000 m to and fro in the main beam of the BBC Empire short-wave transmitter at Daventry which radiated 10 kW at 498 m. A simple but sensitive arrangement was used to look for reflections from the aircraft. At a distance of 10 km from the transmitter two horizontal half-wave dipoles were mounted on poles; the dipoles faced the transmitter and were spaced 5 m apart in that direction. By means of a phase changer and two receivers the signals from the two dipoles were applied in phase opposition to a cathode-ray tube so that signals arriving directly from the transmitter produced no deflection; signals reflected from an aircraft, arriving at a different angle, were not cancelled and produced a vertical deflection on the tube. The demonstration took place on the 26th February 1935 and was viewed only by Watson-Watt, Wilkins and Rowe. They saw signals reflected from the aircraft for about 4 minutes on three occasions as the aircraft passed overhead. Watson-Watt must have been rather disappointed that Rowe didn't jump up and down with his account of the show he notes that Rowe showed 'no detectable signs of excitement or elation'. However he needn't have worried, Rowe gave him a green light in his report he wrote':'It was demonstrated beyond doubt that electromagnetic energy is reflected from the metal components of an aircraft's structure and that it can be detected. Whether aircraft can be accurately located remains to be shown.”
No one seeing the demonstration could fail to be hopeful of detecting the existence and approximate bearing of aircraft approaching the coast at ranges far in excess of those given by the 200 ft (sound) mirrors.' 
As we all know the experiment, and another a fortnight later meant the equipment could go into production, on 2nd April 1935, Watson-Watt received a patent on a radio device for detecting and locating an aircraft.
The system provided the vital advance information that helped the RAF win the Battle of Britain.
There’s a great wee anectdote I always like to add to posts about Watson-Watt,  he moved to Canada as a consulting engineer. As an irony in history it is reported that he was pulled over for speeding in Canada by a radar gun-toting policeman. His remark was, “Had I known what you were going to do with it I would never have invented it!” Watson-Watt’s other contributions include a cathode-ray-tube direction finder used to study atmospheric phenomena, research in electromagnetic radiation, and other inventions used for flight safety.Robert Alexander Watson-Watt died in 1973, aged 81, in Inverness.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 1 month
Sustainable (Recycled and Green) Steel Market Future Trends to Look Out | Bis Research
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The Steel Industry is one of the most Energy-Intensive Industries across the globe and accounts for around 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions. However, steel is a critical material in economic development, and thereby, it is time to look for sustainable steel options to incorporate into regular use. 
The Global Sustainable (Recycled and Green) Steel Market was valued at $329.83 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.52%, reaching $820.14 billion by 2034
Sustainable (Recycled and Green) Steel Overview
Sustainable Steel refers to steel that is produced and used in ways that minimize environmental impact, support social equity, and foster economic viability.
Recycled Steel is a critical component of sustainable steel production. Steel is inherently recyclable, meaning it can be reused repeatedly without losing its properties. Recycling steel reduces the need for raw material extraction, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Green Steel is steel produced using environmentally friendly processes that aim to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions. This includes innovations such as the use of hydrogen instead of coal in the reduction process, renewable energy sources for powering steel plants, and carbon capture and storage technologies.
Grab a look at our report page click here! 
Market Drivers 
Construction Industry’s shift towards sustainable materials 
Government Regulations and net zero targets 
Use of Renewable Energy Sources in steel productions 
Market Segmentation
By End User Applications 
Building and Construction Segment to Dominate the Sustainable Steel Market (by End-User Application)
By Product Type 
Recycled Steel to Dominate the Sustainable Steel Market (by Product Type)
By Technology 
Electric Arc Furnace to be Dominant in the Sustainable Steel Market (by Technology)
Grab a look at our sample page click here! 
Key Companies 
Commercial Metals Company (CMC)
Gerdau S/A
Nucor Corporation
Steel Dynamics
The sustainable steel market's industrial impact extends across steel manufacturing, technological innovation, and environmental sustainability. Advances in green steel technologies, such as hydrogen-based reduction and electric arc furnaces, drive the development of low-carbon steel production methods.
The focus on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy efficiency aligns with global climate goals, influencing industrial practices and promoting the adoption of eco-friendly steel solutions.
Visit our Construction Material Vertical Page ! 
Recent Developments 
 In May 2024, Gerdau S/A announced plans to build a new special steel mill in Mexico. The proposed facility, with a production capacity of up to 600,000 metric tonnes per year, is part of the company's strategy to expand its presence in the country. This decision is driven by a positive outlook for Mexico’s automotive industry and increased nearshoring activities.
In April 2024, Nippon Steel Corporation, Nippon Steel Trading Corporation, and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy K.K. signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly promote NSCarbolex Neutral, a green steel produced by Nippon Steel using a mass balance approach, for wind farm turbine towers in Japan.
In January 2024, Vestas introduced ArcelorMittal’s low carbon-emissions steel offering for wind turbines. This collaboration delivers XCarb recycled and renewable produced heavy plate steel to the baltic power offshore wind farm in Poland.
Future of Sustainable (Recycled and Green) Steel Market 
Several Key Trends and Factors shaping the future of the market includes
Growing demand for sustainable materials 
Technological Advancements 
Circular Economy Initiatives 
Investment in Green Infrastructure 
The Sustainable, Recycled, and Green Steel Market is poised to play a critical role in the global transition towards a low-carbon economy. As industries and governments worldwide increasingly prioritize sustainability, the demand for eco-friendly steel solutions is expected to grow significantly. 
In conclusion, the growth of the sustainable, recycled, and green steel market is not just a trend but a necessary evolution for the industry, aligning economic growth with environmental preservation.
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xnewsinfo · 3 months
The corporate has known as on Unite to withdraw its strike motion and be a part of the Group and GMB unions in contemplating the corporate's proposed Memorandum of Understanding, which units out a wide-ranging proposal, together with beneficiant worker assist, coaching and growth packages. of abilities. Archive | Photograph credit score: AFP Tata Metal Ltd. stated on Friday it could go for early closure of blast furnaces at Port Talbot as a result of impending Unite union strike. “Following the announcement by the Unite union to unilaterally name a strike from July 8, Tata Metal is regrettably compelled to take authorized motion to problem the validity of the Unite vote,” an organization spokesperson stated in a press release. “Within the coming days, if we can't be assured that we will proceed to function our property safely and stably through the strike interval, we may have no possibility however to pause or cease excessive stress operations (together with each blast furnaces) on the Port Talbot web site,” the spokesperson stated.“It isn't a choice we'd make flippantly and we acknowledge that it could be extraordinarily pricey and disruptive all through the availability chain, however the security of individuals in or round our services will at all times take precedence over the whole lot else,” the assertion added. . "The corporate is once more calling on Unite to withdraw its strike motion and be a part of with the Group and GMB unions in contemplating the corporate's proposed Memorandum of Understanding, which units out a wide-ranging proposal together with beneficiant worker assist packages, coaching and abilities growth," it stated. “We perceive the impression our restructuring may have on many workers and contractors however stay dedicated to a simply transition and, pending a government-backed funding settlement, to investing £1.25 billion in low-carbon steelmaking, which is able to guarantee Tata Metal has an extended and sustainable future within the UK,” Tata Metal stated.
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The strong relationship between Australian Border Force (ABF) and its coast guard and customs partners in Japan was further enhanced this week with the opening of a new ABF office in Tokyo by ABF Commissioner Michael Outram APM.
The Tokyo office opening coincides with the appointment of a new ABF Counsellor for Japan, Superintendent Julie Pettrey, reflecting the rapidly growing relationships between ABF, Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Japan Customs and Customs and Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance (Japan Customs).
Commissioner Outram said the new ABF office will seek to advance cooperation with the JCG and Japan Customs and serve as the regional hub for engagement with partners, including the Border Five and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD).
“Japan is an important partner of Australia, and we share a mutual interest in a free, prosperous and resilient Indo Pacific,” Commissioner Outram said.
“The opening of a new office within the Australian Embassy in Tokyo reflects the rapidly growing relationship between our two nations as strategic partners on border security, customs matters and civil maritime security.”
During his visit, Commissioner Outram signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Maritime Domain Awareness with JCG Commandant ISHII Shohei, which is based on shared values and operational priorities.
“This will open up important opportunities for increased information exchange and cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard,” Commissioner Outram said.
“Equally, the JCG have a proud history of international leadership in coast guarding, including as the Secretariat for the Heads of Asian Coast Guard Meeting and Coast Guard Global Summit, and we welcome the opportunity for collaboration in this respect.”
Additionally, a Memorandum of Cooperation on Customs Detector Dog Arrangements was updated with Director General of Customs and Tariff Bureau, SUWAZONO Kenji. Since its creation in 2013, dozens of dogs from ABF’s Detector Dog breeding program have provided an outstanding capability for Japan Customs.
The update will enable the ABF to continue the current arrangements to supply candidate detector dogs.
“Japan Customs have shown for generations their willingness to support the global customs community, be that through the World Customs Organisation, mini-laterally or bilaterally. We are excited for the opportunities the opening of the ABF office presents to extend our partnership and the detector dogs program is one example of this,” Commissioner Outram said.
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tsukishiro-himari · 5 months
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「Memorandum a few years ago」
I was crying involuntarily.
But I've opened up the future
by pushing forward.
That's why I won't run away.
Repaint despair with a new color.
Last night I waited for hours to rent a car,
but there was a problem with the rental.
So I walked to the motel under the
cold sky and finally got there at 1:00 am.
When I found out dinner was cold rice,
my tears welled up.
Having warm rice to eat every night is
so wonderful…
Singing from "my living heart” in
all black while surrounded
by sparkling idols makes me
so nervous but when my song resonates
with your heart I cry with happiness.
I will continue to fight as the one and
only Isiliel.
sometimes m&m's inside
American chocolate bars…
chocolate in chocolate aaaaa(*o*)
I've been receiving messages
from Mexico fans for a long time
asking me to liveperformance here as well.
And I'm contacting the eventer and
working so that I can go to the near future.
I will sing to the whole world with
Mexico's "Day of the Dead" livestream.
Your words are our future!
It's difficult to continue.
But I want to continue to love.
I'm overwhelmed by life’s difficulties
and can get lost in myself.
Alone in a place where the ground was
shifting and a cold strong wind blowed,
I really felt that.
But I will always keep standing.
That’s Isiliel.
To everyone I’ve met on this path,
the greatest love and gratitude.
From today, I will head to the east coast
for the end of the tour.
I still don't know the meaning of
"it's risky to travel by car",
but the 14 hours x 3 days death relay
will start.
But anyway, I'll do my best positively
so that I can proceed while
enjoying various things!
I think.
" Wonderful memories become
treasures and strength in our heart."
Many of my expressions were influenced
by Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Yesterday Evangelion was broadcast in
my background, and I became
a part of the story and roared
with "散華一体" for the first time.
As a personal impression,
if "Myrkur" is a music
that reminds me of the texture of
dead trees in the deep forest,
"Nightwish" is
a profound velvet-like music,
and I really like both of them so much.
I could cry…
I finally arrived at Chicago, the final place
of Isiliel's 1st WORLD TOUR!!
There have been various changes
in the environment,
but I will calm my mind and
do my best to send my song. GANBARU!!
Sometimes, I get attacked
by anxiety before going on stage.
But yesterday, I said to myself,
"First of all, having fun
is the most important thing.
And to work hard.
That's enough, it's definitely okay."
What I was able to say to myself
was a big growth for me.
I did it. my first time Jollibee is so good……
It was a so hard schedule,
but a lot of new things were born
among them.
Thank you for spreading Isiliel together!
I'm a metal baby now,
but I want to grow more and send music
that will keep you alive in the future.
Don't forget our treasure. See you again!
Pinky promise♡
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customsbrokerperth · 8 months
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The strong relationship between Australian Border Force (ABF) and its coast guard and customs partners in Japan was further enhanced this week with the opening of a new ABF office in Tokyo by ABF Commissioner Michael Outram APM.
The Tokyo office opening coincides with the appointment of a new ABF Counsellor for Japan, Superintendent Julie Pettrey, reflecting the rapidly growing relationships between ABF, Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Japan Customs and Customs and Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance (Japan Customs).
Commissioner Outram said the new ABF office will seek to advance cooperation with the JCG and Japan Customs and serve as the regional hub for engagement with partners, including the Border Five and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD).
“Japan is an important partner of Australia, and we share a mutual interest in a free, prosperous and resilient Indo Pacific,” Commissioner Outram said.
“The opening of a new office within the Australian Embassy in Tokyo reflects the rapidly growing relationship between our two nations as strategic partners on border security, customs matters and civil maritime security.”
During his visit, Commissioner Outram signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Maritime Domain Awareness with JCG Commandant ISHII Shohei, which is based on shared values and operational priorities.
“This will open up important opportunities for increased information exchange and cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard,” Commissioner Outram said.
“Equally, the JCG have a proud history of international leadership in coast guarding, including as the Secretariat for the Heads of Asian Coast Guard Meeting and Coast Guard Global Summit, and we welcome the opportunity for collaboration in this respect.”
Additionally, a Memorandum of Cooperation on Customs Detector Dog Arrangements was updated with Director General of Customs and Tariff Bureau, SUWAZONO Kenji. Since its creation in 2013, dozens of dogs from ABF’s Detector Dog breeding program have provided an outstanding capability for Japan Customs.
The update will enable the ABF to continue the current arrangements to supply candidate detector dogs.
“Japan Customs have shown for generations their willingness to support the global customs community, be that through the World Customs Organisation, mini-laterally or bilaterally. We are excited for the opportunities the opening of the ABF office presents to extend our partnership and the detector dogs program is one example of this,” Commissioner Outram said.
Customs services offered by 365 Freight & Customs Brokers include:
Customs and Quarantine Clearance Quarantine procedures
laws & legislation
Export Declaration
Tobacco Imports
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Gold & Precious Metal Imports
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Port Congestion
Seizure of Goods
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Finally, your success is our success. We keep on updating all the Government policies related to Import & Export, which allow us to provide you excellent strategy for your export & import needs. Visit our website https://365freight.com.au/ for more details You can find our Sydney Office at : https://g.page/r/CY4zO_LUa8LgEAE Melbourne Office at : https://g.page/r/CXwYLKzkRCJVEAE Brisbane Office at : https://g.page/r/CZaFaaBMIpvaEAE Perth Office at : https://g.page/r/CfTwRl9wGL33EAE Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/customs.broker.sydney.nsw/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/customs_sydney
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customsbrokerbrisbane · 8 months
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The strong relationship between Australian Border Force (ABF) and its coast guard and customs partners in Japan was further enhanced this week with the opening of a new ABF office in Tokyo by ABF Commissioner Michael Outram APM.
The Tokyo office opening coincides with the appointment of a new ABF Counsellor for Japan, Superintendent Julie Pettrey, reflecting the rapidly growing relationships between ABF, Japan Coast Guard (JCG) and Japan Customs and Customs and Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance (Japan Customs).
Commissioner Outram said the new ABF office will seek to advance cooperation with the JCG and Japan Customs and serve as the regional hub for engagement with partners, including the Border Five and Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD).
“Japan is an important partner of Australia, and we share a mutual interest in a free, prosperous and resilient Indo Pacific,” Commissioner Outram said.
“The opening of a new office within the Australian Embassy in Tokyo reflects the rapidly growing relationship between our two nations as strategic partners on border security, customs matters and civil maritime security.”
During his visit, Commissioner Outram signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Maritime Domain Awareness with JCG Commandant ISHII Shohei, which is based on shared values and operational priorities.
“This will open up important opportunities for increased information exchange and cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard,” Commissioner Outram said.
“Equally, the JCG have a proud history of international leadership in coast guarding, including as the Secretariat for the Heads of Asian Coast Guard Meeting and Coast Guard Global Summit, and we welcome the opportunity for collaboration in this respect.”
Additionally, a Memorandum of Cooperation on Customs Detector Dog Arrangements was updated with Director General of Customs and Tariff Bureau, SUWAZONO Kenji. Since its creation in 2013, dozens of dogs from ABF’s Detector Dog breeding program have provided an outstanding capability for Japan Customs.
The update will enable the ABF to continue the current arrangements to supply candidate detector dogs.
“Japan Customs have shown for generations their willingness to support the global customs community, be that through the World Customs Organisation, mini-laterally or bilaterally. We are excited for the opportunities the opening of the ABF office presents to extend our partnership and the detector dogs program is one example of this,” Commissioner Outram said.
Customs services offered by 365 Freight & Customs Brokers include:
Customs and Quarantine Clearance Quarantine procedures
laws & legislation
Export Declaration
Tobacco Imports
Alcohol Imports
Gold & Precious Metal Imports
Gems * Jewellery Imports
Vehicle Imports
Port Congestion
Seizure of Goods
Destruction of Goods
Dumping Duty
Landed Costing Tariff Advices and Concessions
Duty Drawbacks & Refunds
Tariff Consultancy & Audits Tariff Concession Order System Customs Tariff Classification
Free Trade Agreements
TRADEX Anti-Dumping and Countervailing duties
Import Restrictions and Prohibitions
Temporary Imports
Finally, your success is our success. We keep on updating all the Government policies related to Import & Export, which allow us to provide you excellent strategy for your export & import needs. Visit our website https://365freight.com.au/ for more details You can find our Sydney Office at : https://g.page/r/CY4zO_LUa8LgEAE Melbourne Office at : https://g.page/r/CXwYLKzkRCJVEAE Brisbane Office at : https://g.page/r/CZaFaaBMIpvaEAE Perth Office at : https://g.page/r/CfTwRl9wGL33EAE Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/customs.broker.sydney.nsw/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/customs_sydney
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