#partnership in trifecta
artcalledtheewhip · 5 months
All The Dunce Caps In My Head & Drinking OJ All the dunce caps in my head sprouting outwards What’s left for us? Thinking in Social Pondering Business Into the mind left Mental That leads into The lead pipes take from here On the street The lead was made into piping Not in water at all Until chemicals contaminated See in Appendix Flint Flint is not only for starting fires It’s the place for contamination in the water The parts per millionths Not safe enough to drink Or to grow upon At least by the Humans The green grass is resilient Stages in college degrees even in beginning All this stuff eaten up Collegiate Where have you been n Studies You missed a whole bunch of sectors still grounding you in good food music fashion apps sneakers and the class your sorting with it’s just easy as A E I O U Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Where do we all belong Pounds or prisons Refugee in dollars And Leaders in stands Bombing Ukraine Stiking a Strip And his face causes turmoil Is all Trump The sand friends Didn’t do his killings Fore the love of rich Golf All precessions for MAGA Married with Communistic conspiracies Who couldn’t? It’s all dunced capped Smarter than most I knew where I began And the affiliates or opposite afflicted Speak on stand more Spoiled orange Don’t eat Can you get this done faster than OJ? Dear Trump Please get done faster than OJ Please get done Look for a picture Just get this done faster I’m fine you looking at something Just get it done faster than OJ J is vowel So is V Throbbing shacket never mind the retailers It’s what he wears Just not without and buttonlessness If it was up to him He would be horseback shirtless Trump would stopped bathing in the suns Had he one With Putin The Middle is all confusing from here Where do the both sides Land Is it bunker or walled A Cardinal flys over A Phoenix flys around Thinking of clubs in the apps I grab Albatross Where’s your hit posted PostTragicJan6 PostTraffickedSexDeny Well talk about Wife already Dear Donald
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raayllum · 2 years
Plot, Theme, and Pacing :: 4x02 Fallen Stars
As part two of my Establishing Theme series, I’m continuing with my thesis of “S4 writes to establish, set up, and build upon Theme first and foremost” now onto Chapter Two: Fallen Stars. 
Themes from the previous episode to keep in mind are stagnated grief, separation and reunion, partnership (or lack thereof), and life-death symbolism. If you are interested in the full 4x01 analysis, it is linked down below. Particular bonds, such as Callum’s lack of partnership in response to Claudia-Terry / Janai-Amaya, the Viren-Callum’s foil relationship, as well as building upon the Terry-Viren-Callum trifecta
Ch1: Re-Birthday
With that out of the way, let’s dive in. 
Episode largely introduces the theme of patience with one character placed within each subplot group. For Karim and Callum, they are defined by their impatience at seeming stagnation over their situation and that their resources are limited (both are, coincidentally, brother-mage-advisor to the current monarch of their peoples). 
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For Karim, this is an introductory character trait that he was initially going to keep to himself until Jana pushed him to admit his concerns. For Callum, this is a reaffirmation, and it’s no wonder the mirror specifically is what’s driving him crazy. He’s always wanted to know things (“So does it mean something, your binding?”) and consistently pushes at things until he gets an answer ( “Should we trust you? Have you told us the truth about everything? / “But I don’t see why I can’t make my own connection”). So to be completely stagnated is frustrating and not how previous pursuits, particularly secrets and magic, have panned out.
It’s also not like him for his temper to come out so strongly over something so comparatively low stakes, so it’s the strongest hint that magic and the mirror has largely been a distraction and a balm from the pain of Rayla’s absence and his worry about her. 
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Additionally, it’s interesting that Callum is seeking out the mirror rather than the cube. He should have more incentive to be inquiring into the cube in a lot of ways, but instead, Callum is both more dedicated and more hesitant in dealing with what he’s inherited from Viren, not from Harrow. But more on that later.
In contrast to Callum and Karim’s impatience, we have Terry, who is exceedingly patient even in the face of doubt. 
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Despite being the only one on a cognizant time limit (30 days to help Claudia permanently bring her father back to life), Terry is chipper about the climb, optimistic amid Viren’s dry attitude, and content to help plants grow just a bit faster, as it seems worthwhile to him. As the previously linked meta, this builds on the Terry-Callum parallels that the season consistently comes back to; the previous episode put emphasis on their relationship to names and titles.
And we know that patience VS impatience is one of the core themes of the season and in some ways, the series. Change, Sarai stated and Janai will later reaffirm, is something that takes time. Whether you get the time to change (or heal, or both) is what’s up in the air. 
Speaking of change and patterns, let’s turn our attention to
Viren and Callum both retread Viren’s steps in this episode directly, albeit at different points of Viren’s life. Viren is now climbing the Spire for a third time, with the prior two being at decisions that directly led to him falling in a few ways. The first time he climbed the Spire was with the intent of killing Zym, only for him to lie to Harrow and spirit away both the egg and the mirror in the first place (and taking Lain and Tiadrin captive in the coins). Stealing / ‘killing’ the egg is what led to his and Harrow’s friendship breaking down and the inciting incident for much of the first arc; this is where Viren, emotionally, started to ‘fall’.
The second time Viren climbs the Spire, he ices Rayla in the antechamber and is then tackled off the Pinnacle, seconds away from achieving his goal and at the cost of his life. We see he’s already regretting the toll his mistakes have taken on Claudia in this episode (we’ll get to his big speech in a minute) and the trauma that death has wrought on him. That was his second and more literal fall.
Then you have Callum getting closer to cracking the mirror. The Tome of Translation being literal “recognition of self through the other” in being a translated reflection of whatever you write on one side feels particularly apt given the way Aaravos has an identical mirror on his side of the prison. Getting closer and closer to that Fallen Star. 
So Callum and Viren are both retracing Viren’s steps, inevitably heading towards the same end and same pattern, the same cycle over and over again - until they don’t. 
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Let Go (Claudia, Viren, and Rayla)
I want to write a whole separate meta about this theme and honestly, question, of “Can you let go?” and how it pertains to the series as a whole, particularly in S4, but I want to start laying my thematic / meta basis here first, and now is as good a time as any.
While this question encompasses more characters later on in the season (Aaravos, Karim, Callum) it starts primarily with Claudia, Viren, and Rayla, one of my favourite trifectas and foil relationships in the show precisely because of the interlocked tragedies they experience due to each other, their similarities in motifs / personalities, and most of all, their inability to let go. That is, mostly. 
Claudia, as we all know, flat out refuses. She cries, then steamrolls over her father’s wishes, asserting her own as more important, and that Viren can’t let go, not as long as she is there by his side. This reaffirms what he said to her in 3x09 as well, only on her end of things now. 
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Just as Viren said he had to stand by Harrow through death (or presumptive death) too to Claudia in 1x03, she has now actually stood by him through two long years of death to revive him. Of course she can’t let go - she’s already in far too deep.
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For additional thoughts on Claudia this episode, please refer to this meta regarding her “It’s a sign” line because what a doozy / why I think she makes Viren take the trek up the mountain the first place as a nice bit of consistent characterization.
This differing stance of Letting Go vs. Not Letting Go of course asserts Claudia (narrative of strength) and Callum (narrative of love) in oppositional roles to each other (even as S4 begins to complicate / muddle that dichotomy further), but to talk about that (and again, I think that’s for the meta deep dive of this theme that deserves its own big sectioned meta) we have to start talking about Rayla.
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I don’t think anyone would say Rayla was actively trying to move on in Through The Moon. Yes, she was doing her best to regulate her emotions. Yes, she wanted a life with Callum, and no, she didn’t want to feel stuck in grief and uneasiness. She didn’t event want to leave. But she was still unwilling to let go of the hope of seeing her parents again, her utter frustration that she couldn’t, or to even consider that Viren may be dead before she had any sort of real proof. Then, when she has what she considers proof, she chases right after it... until she, seemingly out of the blue (even in the few lines of dialogue we get about her choice to come back) returns to Katolis and to Callum.  
As reflected on in my Rayla’s Characterization in S4 breakdown, one of the biggest differences between her in S4 and prior seasons is that in S4, she doesn’t have a same sort of relentless purpose driving her. This is a parallel she shares with Viren as well in S4, both of them taken to a sort of passivity we’ve seen in other characters (namely Claudia and Ezran), but never them, before.
Season four is Rayla seeing and asking the question of “Can I let go?” just like Viren. 
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Can I let go of what I’ve been chasing the past two years, or my entire life? Can I come back to a sense of home and spend it with the person I love the most? Can I accept that I am who I am, and that I failed in my past goals, and can I be someone slightly new, or different, or better, or happier? Can I at least try?
V: I’ve spent my whole life striving to be someone different. Maybe it’s time to accept that I am who I am for the days I have remaining. And when I reach the end, I will be at peace. And it... It will just be my time to let go.
Viren wanted power and knowledge; he had a martyr complex because he believed he was special. Rayla wanted to be an assassin but could never commit, having a martyr complex because she believed she wasn’t special. We know Viren is having this epiphany because of both Rayla and Claudia’s actions, although we’re less clear on what caused Rayla’s, beyond her going after Viren in the first place two years prior to the start of S4. But in addition to the clear parallels to 1x02 when Callum and Rayla meet for the first time, I don’t think it’s coincidence that Rayla returns in the same episode Viren has this epiphany, especially given the way these specific arcs mirror each other in the season finale (but more on that when we reach 4x09). 
However, Rayla’s return also brings in one of the bigger themes of the season, which is
Reunification and Second Chances (Ezran, Viren, Janai, and Rayla)
So let’s talk about Ezran. This is a facet of S4′s thematic makeup we’ll talk a lot more about once the Dragon Queen / Zym are actually in Katolis next episode and Callum and Rayla actually get to have their reunion in full, but the layers absolutely start here and are built upon from 4x01 previously with the Dragon Queen. 
Ezran hopes to help reunify Xadia and the Pentarchy through the Dragon Queen’s visit, as we know from Ezran’s dialogue he has likely visited the Spire and sees Zym fairly often, stating, “It’s been four months since I’ve seen him,” as though that’s longer than usual. Alternatively, we have Janai and Karim with their opposing views on both her marriage to Amaya and humans’ place in the new Sunfire elf settlement.
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Just like in 4x01, we see Karim be more cautious (and more prejudiced) than Opeli, and we get out first hint at the “Two cakes” duality theme the season is going to run with. 
Corvus: Is it really about changing the world, or is it just an excuse to get Zym to come visit?
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Then, of course, you have the continuing thread of last episode beginning with Viren’s reunion with Claudia (after two long years for her and no time at all for him) and this episode ending with Callum’s initial reunion with Rayla, the shots even brokered similarly (Viren and Claudia’s taking place and being cut off the by end of S3 / S4 intro vs Callum and Rayla’s taking place and being cut off by the end of 4x02, opening back up in 4x03). Again, we’ll talk a lot more about it in the next analysis, but it’s fun to see that it’s a continuing theme, as well as Janaya vs Karim and Clauderry vs Viren highlighting the theme of skepticism amid close partnership. 
In Darkness (Light and Darkness motif)
I want to do a proper meta about Callum and the mirror and its motifs / parallels with his season four arc, but for now, I’m going to appreciate the way we see it highlight his frustration, anger, obsession, love of magic, and begins to bring the light and darkness motif that had been more quietly in the background of the series until this point.
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As we see even in the examples above, it’s not as simple as the Light always being a good thing and Dark always being a bad thing. After all, even something called Dark Magic can do good things and renders the user’s hair more white, not black, through continued usage. 
However, as stated, the show has taken this undercurrent and brought it to the forefront, beginning most notably this season. We see Callum gazing into the mirror of Aaravos, stating “In darkness, gaze upon a fallen star,” and we have Karim’s statement that the Sunfire elves are losing themselves; “the rising sun has now become a fallen star.” This associates the cosmic concepts of sun and star as linked, with Callum likewise turning away from the mirror to face a moon - or rather, his moon. 
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Cue set up for Aaravos being his darkness, Rayla being his light to lead him out of the brainwashing (even if he can’t perhaps fully disavow Aaravos’ plans and manipulations, since the Startouch elf has to get out). The fact that Rayla has the cube on her shoulder glowing the Star arcanum (thanks to Stella) when the cube didn’t need to be in this shot at all and Stella could’ve been revealed to be connected to the Star arcanum in another manner, and Callum has the cube in his hand during his 4x04 Aaravos pawn intro... But again, more on that later, particularly when we get to 4x07.
All I’ll say for now was that this shot in the trailer made me scream because I didn’t think they were going to take Rayla and Callum’s background “light to darkness” motif and bring it like, textually to the forefront, and I don’t think I’ll ever be over it.
The Cycle (1x01-4x01, 1x02-4x02)
One of my favourite things about S4 is how much it harkens back to the previous seasons in terms of callbacks, framing, and theme, but the most overt is by far how much S4 borrows structurally from S1. It is for this reason that just as 1x01 kicked things off with a king and high mage on the king’s balcony discussing Moonshadow elf assassins, 4x01 ends with another king and high mage discussing a Moonshadow elf on the king’s balcony (and given Viren and Harrow’s note of speculation, ironically enough you could make the case they are also outright discussing Rayla as well, at least a little). 
The biggest parallel between 1x02 and 4x02 probably is the Rayla-Callum first meeting / reunion parallel, which is all I could’ve asked for and more.
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But beyond that, we see Karim and Janai splintering in a similar manner to Viren and Harrow. Viren and Karim are pushing their respective monarch sibling to make a particular choice or realize a particular danger, with their brother / sister (respectively) shutting them down on the basis of disagreement and wanting to move forward rather than perpetuate the cycle. The rest of the season continues this inversion pretty, although not exactly well, of characters diverging from S1 origin points or certain ones being reconstructed, so this will be an additional thematic aspect we keep a pin in from episode to episode.
Closing Notes: 
I don’t have too much else to say about this episode except 1) being tickled pink I correctly guessed that Lux Aurea may be the other fallen star referenced back when the episode titles were released a week or so early and 2) I wanted to include this screencap because it’s the scene I resonate the most in with Karim possible:
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It’s about the Symbolism.
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youngeditor1999 · 7 months
Ship bingo: Josh and Stefon
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So because this is an NFL RPF ship...!!
Some explanations though:
--"Aesthetically it's GREAT" because they are polar opposites of each other personality wise, but they still manage to be phenomenal together!! To further give you a more illustrative idea of what exactly I mean, in the gfl Discord, we like to compare Josh to a golden retriever and Stef to a black cat. 🖤��🐈‍⬛🐶
Also in terms of aesthetics, I love seeing Stef be super into clothes/fashion and then Josh is usually out there in hella casual team apparel most of the time 😅
So even though their aesthetics don't match, they don't have to, as they perfectly complement each other as they are!!!
In fact, them not matching while also perfectly complimenting each other is the aesthetic!!!!!!
--"I want to kiss them" simply because they are both cuties ☺️💓 Just a little peck is all I want!! They very much deserve to be majorly loved on, but they can hopefully do that for each other 🤩😉💞
--"They make me unwell", "relationship goals"...I always think about how they talk about each other to the press, especially when the other one isn't there!! They are always hyping each other up and aren't afraid to defend the other while also being so positive in general when speaking about each another!!
Also, Stef was quoted as saying that he wants to get Christmas pictures with Josh 🥺🥹🤧💚🎄📸
And another thing he said is that he can see himself growing old with Josh!!!
Both of these things are big reasons why these two squares apply to how I feel about them. 💙🩵
Meanwhile, here is what red ones mean:
1). "I really need this to be canon"--as "canon" as RPF can get, which to me means that they would actually come out together (and maybe even kiss!!), but of course I know that they don't owe us anything and that their own, private business is just that!!
At the same time, I do think that it would be cool and valid if they did ever decide to formally/officially announce their romantic partnership 🥰
2). "I like it in theory", "I'm open to it"--A lot of RPF is simply ✨theories✨ and ✨vibes✨ so even though Josh and Stef are super obvious all of the time with what they say about each other and also in regards to how they act when around one another, they are still just a theoretical ship overall.
That being said, most ships are theoretical, even the fictional ones that end up being canon fr FR, so yeah--I am (super!!) open to them and am definitely willing to continue to watch their relationship play out!!!
3). "I'd die for them"--because of the things that they say to one another and how they always act!!!!!!! They are so in love with each other that I'm like YEAH, but at the same time, my trifecta of Tom, Rob, and Julian will always be the ultimate "I will go DOWN with this ship" to me.
In conclusion, I truly love Josh and Stefon so much 🥺🥹🤧💗
They were meant to meet and be on the same team together and I have a strong feeling that they are gonna be together for long time, even after they retire and become Hall of Famers!!! ❤️❣️♥️
Thanks for asking about them, anon!!! 😊🌟💯🔥💞
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birlwrites · 1 year
I reread your post about people thinking Barty and Regulus are dating and this line stood out to me: "they are in lock step. honestly they’re not all that dissimilar from orion and walburga in that regard" and it's making me feral.
Because Regulus is regularly compared to his father, in fact he tries to emulate Orion as much as he can and there's always been this strong subtext that the corollary to Regulus taking after his father, Sirius takes after his mother, they're both charismatic, forceful personalities who will do what they want.
And then Barty and Sirius' are also very similar (something that has been well discussed before) which leads to the idea of Barty and Walburga having an overlap which I had never even considered. It's more tenuous than either of their overlaps with Sirius but it comes out in their dynamic with their partner! (Barty is absolutely Regulus' partner in crime).
This trifecta of mirror characters and how they all relate to Regulus is driving me insane, holy shit
the non-obviousness of the overlap between barty and walburga largely comes from their positions in any given room. walburga is lady black and there's a standard of decorum that she sets. barty is... not. afjlskhgskldfjds
but they're both the primary aggressors in their partnerships, albeit in very different ways, and they like to actively be in control of situations and not rely on inaction as a power play (hello regulus and orion), and in general they *are* the outward-facing partner. walburga more so than barty, but like, regulus orchestrates the fights (or just creates conflicts afjslghjskfd) and barty wins them. whereas, like, orion is building/maintaining a castle while walburga is standing on the battlements shooting at their enemies. the main difference is honestly that regulus's version of 'building the castle' involves a whole lot of taunting their opponents
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atcostmag · 3 days
Willaris K., Chloe Kae, CRUSH3D - I Miss You Now
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Reposted from original posted dated: July 22, 2024
A trifecta of three upcoming Melbourne/Naarm, Australia electronic music producers, Willaris K. invites Chloe Kae (Kaul) of Kllo fame and CRUSH3D to participate on collaboration “I Miss You Now”. Echoing a sentiment of blissful being; and with the dusky melancholy of Kaul’s vocals overlaying single, the track is not entirely disparate from the charisma of Chloe’s more recognizable works as Kllo. On the track breezy synths saturate over Chloe’s longing nostalgia, as the dark, ambient tones of its looming synth both bridge and contrast break-beat melodies and warm undertones from Kaul’s accented emotion. Speaking about the partnership and the syngergies that created this track ,Willaris K. had this to say:
"‘I Miss You Now’ came from friendships made with Sam and Chloe around the same time of the start of making my album. I’d just heard Chloe’s song ‘Recluse’ (prod. By CRUSH3d and GXNXVS) and immediately wanted to connect with them both, they became close friends of mine and people I talk to a lot about music and life. ‘I Miss You Now’ came together from a lot of experiments and the many conversations we had.” 
You can check out the track below and its scenic video below shot in the across the Yangtze River basin across Shanghai and Hangzhou offering a fragmentary memory from Willaris K.’s recent travels in China:
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kl-foodie · 3 months
HSBC Malaysia Launches New Live+ Credit Card - Enjoy 15% OFF Dining Deals At Over 200 Restaurants Across Asia
HSBC Malaysia launched a brand new lifestyle credit card, the HSBC Live+ Credit Card in partnership with Visa today. The credit card is designed to elevate the lifestyle experience of internationally minded customers, tailored with cashbacks to benefit them from their lifestyle spending which includes dining, shopping and entertainment. This trifecta benefit underscores HSBC’s commitment to…
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fairfield-research · 4 months
Oncology Drugs Market Growth, Trends, Size, Share, Demand And Top Growing Companies 2031
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In a landscape where the battle against cancer rages on, advancements in healthcare systems, public health measures, and novel pharmaceutical therapies have ushered in a new era of hope. According to the National Cancer Institute, the United States saw an estimated 1,806,590 new cancer cases and approximately 606,520 deaths due to the disease in 2020. However, over the past five decades, cancer survival rates have soared from 50% in 1970 to an impressive 70%, thanks to a trifecta of progress.
For more information: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/oncology-drugs-market
Unprecedented Growth Trajectory: The global oncology therapy sales are forecasted to surpass US$ 300 billion by 2026, with oncology contributing 21.7% to total pharmaceutical sales. Fueling this growth are the top 10 pharmaceutical companies, which have declared oncology as their key focus area, driving multibillion-dollar M&A deals and strategic collaborations. Pfizer's acquisition of Array BioPharma for US$11 billion in 2019 and AbbVie's strategic partnership with Genmab for a bispecific antibody development deal worth US$3 billion are testament to this focus.
Diverse Indications Drive Demand: While oncology represents over 20 different indications, a significant portion of revenue stems from just five of them: breast cancer, multiple myeloma, non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), prostate cancer, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), which collectively accounted for approximately 65% of the market in 2020. Moreover, with breast, lung, and colorectal cancers expected to collectively account for ~50% of all new cancer diagnoses by 2026, the demand for innovative therapies continues to surge.
Disruptive Trends Reshape Landscape: Innovation in oncology is accelerating, with disruptive technologies such as cell therapy, RNA therapy, viral vectors, and stem cell therapy gaining traction. Recent approvals of CAR-T cell therapies like Kymriah and Yescarta for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) respectively signal a new frontier in cancer treatment. Precision medicine is also driving progress, with over 160 oncology biomarkers approved by 2019, paving the way for more targeted and effective therapies.
Impact of COVID-19: Despite remarkable progress, oncology has been among the worst-hit therapeutic areas amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Decreased demand for physician-administered products, disruptions in cancer screenings, and a decline in new clinical trials have posed significant challenges. However, the industry remains resilient, adapting to the evolving landscape and ensuring continued innovation.
Immuno-Oncology Leads the Way: Immuno-oncology sales are expected to soar to ~US$ 95 billion by 2026, with agents and protein kinase inhibitors comprising ~65% of sales. With over 550 active cell- and gene-therapy agents under clinical development, the future of cancer treatment looks promising. Investments in combination studies and the exploration of new mechanisms underscore the industry's commitment to advancing immuno-oncology therapies.Roche and Keytruda: Leading the Charge: In a highly concentrated market where the top 10 companies capture over 75% of the market value, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (Roche) and Merck & Co. stand out as leaders. While Roche maintains its global leadership position, Merck's Keytruda is poised to become the world's top-selling oncology
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deadlinecom · 6 months
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nicheracing · 6 months
What to Know Before Betting on Horse Racing?
With its blend of athleticism, strategy, and tradition, horse racing has long captivated enthusiasts and punters alike. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or a newcomer to the horse racing world, understanding this sport's intricacies is essential for making informed betting decisions. In this blog post, we'll explore critical factors before placing your bets on horse racing.
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1. Know the Basics:
Before diving into horse racing betting, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals. Understand the various types of bets, such as win, place, show, exacta, trifecta, and more. Each bet type offers different odds and payout potentials, so knowing how they work is essential for crafting your betting strategy.
2. Research the Horses:
One of the most critical factors in horse racing betting is thorough research. Take the time to study the horses competing in each race, including their past performances, racing records, pedigrees, and current form. Pay attention to factors like recent race results, jockey-trainer partnerships, and any changes in equipment or medication.
3. Analyze Track Conditions:
Track conditions can significantly impact race outcomes, so it's essential to analyze them before placing your bets. Factors such as track surface (dirt, turf), weather conditions (dry, wet, muddy), and track configuration (oval, straight) can all affect how horses perform. Some horses excel on certain types of tracks or in specific weather conditions, so consider these factors when handicapping races.
4. Study Trainer and Jockey Trends:
Trainers and jockeys play a crucial role in a horse's performance, so it's essential to research their track records and trends. Look for trainers and jockeys with high win percentages, particularly in specific race types or at particular tracks. Additionally, pay attention to trainer and jockey changes, which can sometimes indicate a horse's potential for improvement or decline.
5. Understand Class and Form:
In horse racing, each race is assigned a class level based on the quality of the competition and the purse size. Understanding class levels and their relation to a horse's form is essential for evaluating its chances in a race. Look for horses competing successfully at or above the current class level and those showing consistent form and improvement.
6. Set a Budget and Stick to It:
As with any form of gambling, it's crucial to set a budget for horse racing betting and stick to it. Determine how much you're willing to wager per race or day, and avoid chasing losses or increasing your bets beyond your means. Responsible bankroll management is critical to enjoying horse racing betting without risking financial harm.
7. Watch Races and Learn from Experience:
One of the best ways to improve your horse racing betting skills is to watch races regularly and learn from experience. Pay attention to race replays, post-race analyses, and expert commentary to gain insights into race dynamics, horse behaviour, and betting strategies. The more you immerse yourself in horse racing, the better equipped you'll be to make informed betting decisions.
Betting on horse racing can be exhilarating and potentially lucrative, but it requires careful consideration and informed decision-making. By knowing the basics of horse racing betting, researching the horses, analyzing track conditions, studying trainer and jockey trends, understanding class and form, setting a budget, and learning from experience, you can increase your chances of success and enjoy the thrill of the track to the fullest. So, saddle up, do your homework, and may the odds be ever in your favour!
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logistiservices · 7 months
Navigating Logistics Excellence: Unveiling the Trifecta of 3PL Command Centre, Track and Trace Shipment, and Logistics Business Process Outsourcing
In the dynamic realm of logistics, businesses are increasingly turning to advanced solutions for enhanced visibility, streamlined operations, and cost-effective strategies. This blog delves into the crucial role played by the 3PL Command Centre, the efficiency of Track and Trace Shipment systems, and the transformative benefits of Logistics Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).
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1. Mastering Logistics Control: The 3PL Command Centre Advantage
Centralized Oversight:
The3PL Command Center stands as the linchpin for orchestrating logistics excellence. Offering centralized oversight, it empowers businesses with real-time monitoring and control over various logistics functions, including order fulfilment, transportation management, and inventory tracking.
Proactive Decision-Making:
One of the key advantages is the ability to make proactive decisions. With a comprehensive view of the entire logistics network, the command centre enables quick responses to challenges, minimizing delays, and optimizing the supply chain for peak performance.
2. Trailblazing Transparency: Track and Trace Shipment Systems
Real-Time Visibility:
Track and Trace Shipment systems bring unprecedented transparency to logistics operations. Businesses can monitor the movement of goods in real-time, providing accurate and up-to-date information to stakeholders. This transparency contributes to improved decision-making and customer satisfaction.
Predictive Analytics:
These systems often incorporate predictive analytics, allowing businesses to anticipate potential disruptions and proactively mitigate issues. By providing insights into shipment routes and delivery times, businesses can optimize their logistics strategies for efficiency.
3. Logistics Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Unlocking Operational Efficiency
Operational Streamlining:
Logistics business process outsourcing services play a pivotal role in operational efficiency. By outsourcing non-core functions, businesses can streamline processes and allocate resources strategically. This results in cost savings and enables in-house teams to focus on core competencies.
Scalability and Flexibility:
Logistics BPO services offer scalability and flexibility. As business needs evolve, BPO providers can adapt quickly, ensuring that logistics operations remain agile and responsive to market demands.
Conclusion: The Future of Logistics Unveiled
In conclusion, the trifecta of the 3PL Command Centre, Track and Trace Shipment systems, and Logistics Business Process Outsourcing unveils a new era of logistics excellence. Businesses that embrace these advanced solutions position themselves for heightened control, transparency, and operational efficiency. As the logistics landscape continues to evolve, integrating these technologies becomes not just a strategic choice but a necessity for staying ahead in a competitive market. Navigate the future of logistics with confidence, leveraging the power of the 3PL command centre, real-time shipment tracking, and strategic BPO partnerships.
For Original Post Content: - https://froodl.com/navigating-logistics-excellence-unveiling-the-trifecta-of-3pl-command-centre-track-and-trace-shipment-and-logistics-business-process-outsourcing
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akarslot3 · 7 months
In the dynamic world of online gaming, few platforms manage to stand out from the crowd with such resounding success as AKARSLOT. Since its inception, AKARSLOT has captivated players worldwide, emerging as the unrivaled leader in the realm of virtual entertainment. With an impressive array of games and a commitment to excellence, AKARSLOT has secured its position as the premier destination for both seasoned gamers and novices alike.
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Unrivaled Variety
One of the key factors driving AKARSLOT's meteoric rise is its unparalleled variety of games. Whether you're a fan of classic casino favorites or crave the thrill of cutting-edge slots, AKARSLOT has something to suit every taste. From the timeless appeal of blackjack and roulette to the adrenaline-pumping excitement of high-stakes poker tournaments, the platform offers an extensive selection of games to keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end.
Pragmatic Play, PG Soft, MicroGaming: A Trifecta of Excellence
At the heart of AKARSLOT's success lies its partnership with industry-leading game developers such as Pragmatic Play, PG Soft, and MicroGaming. Renowned for their innovative approach to game design and unwavering commitment to quality, these developers have helped AKARSLOT maintain its position at the forefront of the online gaming industry. With a diverse range of titles that showcase stunning graphics, immersive soundscapes, and seamless gameplay, each collaboration brings something unique to the table, ensuring that players always have access to the latest and greatest gaming experiences.
Uncompromising Quality
In an industry where quality is paramount, AKARSLOT spares no expense in delivering an unparalleled gaming experience to its users. From state-of-the-art graphics and animations to intuitive user interfaces and seamless gameplay mechanics, every aspect of the platform is designed to exceed the expectations of even the most discerning players. With rigorous quality assurance processes in place, AKARSLOT ensures that every game meets the highest standards of excellence, guaranteeing a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all.
A Commitment to Excellence
Beyond its impressive array of games and commitment to quality, what truly sets AKARSLOT apart is its unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. From responsive customer support services to a user-friendly interface that prioritizes ease of use and accessibility, AKARSLOT goes above and beyond to ensure that every player's needs are met with the utmost care and attention. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer to the world of online gaming, AKARSLOT welcomes you with open arms, providing a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can experience the thrill of victory firsthand.
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Join the AKARSLOT Revolution Today
In a world where entertainment options abound, AKARSLOT stands out as a shining beacon of excellence in the online gaming industry. With its unrivaled variety of games, prestigious partnerships with top-tier developers, uncompromising commitment to quality, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, AKARSLOT continues to set the standard for excellence in virtual entertainment. So why wait? Join the AKARSLOT revolution today and experience the thrill of gaming like never before.
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propertytocharity · 7 months
Exploring The Impact: A Deep Dive Into Nonprofit Property Ownership And Management
Welcome to a world where nonprofits hold the keys to impactful change through their ownership and management of properties. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey into the realm of nonprofit property ownership, exploring the benefits it brings and the challenges faced along the way. Join us as we delve deep into how these organizations navigate the unique landscape of property management in pursuit of their noble missions.
Benefits of Nonprofit Property Ownership
Nonprofit property ownership comes with many benefits that can significantly impact the mission and sustainability of an organization. One key advantage is its stability, offering nonprofits a sense of security regarding their physical space. By owning property, organizations can avoid fluctuations in rental prices or the risk of losing their lease.
Moreover, owning property allows nonprofits to build equity over time, potentially increasing their financial assets and providing leverage for future endeavors. This equity can also be used as collateral for loans or other forms of financing, enabling nonprofits to expand their programs or invest in new initiatives without solely relying on donations.
Additionally, nonprofit-owned properties often serve as valuable community assets. They can be utilized for organizational activities and as spaces for community gatherings, events, or even rental income streams. This dual-purpose use maximizes the impact and value of the property beyond just serving the nonprofit’s internal needs.
Furthermore, owning property gives nonprofits greater control over their physical environment. They can customize and adapt spaces according to their specific requirements without being subject to landlord restrictions or limitations. This flexibility fosters creativity and innovation in how they utilize their facilities.
In essence, nonprofit property ownership offers long-term stability, financial opportunities through equity building and asset leverage, community value creation by providing shared spaces, and increased autonomy over facility management—a trifecta that empowers organizations towards achieving sustainable growth and impact.
Challenges Faced by Nonprofits in Property Ownership and Management
Navigating the realm of nonprofit property ownership and management comes with challenges. From limited funding for maintenance to regulatory compliance issues, nonprofits often need help to manage their properties effectively. Nonprofits must strategize and seek innovative solutions to overcome these challenges.
By staying informed about best practices in property management, leveraging technology to streamline processes, and fostering strong partnerships within the community, nonprofits can enhance their capacity to own and manage properties successfully. Despite the hurdles they may encounter along the way, nonprofits play a vital role in providing essential services and support to communities across the globe through strategic property ownership and management initiatives.
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myrtles664 · 7 months
Transforming Your Brand Story: How Content Agencies in Singapore Drive Success
In the vibrant digital ecosystem of Singapore, the convergence of content creation and influencer marketing has become a cornerstone for businesses striving to amplify their online presence and connect with audiences in meaningful ways. Both content agencies and influencer marketing agencies in Singapore play pivotal roles in crafting and executing digital marketing strategies that are not only innovative but also resonate deeply with the target demographic. This article explores the unique roles and synergies between content agencies, influencer marketing agencies, and influencer agencies in Singapore, shedding light on how they are shaping the future of digital marketing in the region.
 Content Agency Singapore: Masters of Digital Storytelling
Content agencies in Singapore are specialized entities focused on creating compelling, high-quality content tailored to the needs of businesses across various platforms. These agencies are adept at understanding the nuances of the local market and leveraging this insight to produce content that engages, informs, and persuades. From blog posts and articles to videos and social media posts, content agencies provide a spectrum of services designed to enhance a brand's narrative and visibility online.
Their expertise in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), content strategy development, and multimedia production ensures that the content not only aligns with the brand's identity and goals but is also discoverable by the target audience. This strategic approach to content creation is instrumental in building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, and driving conversion rates.
 Influencer Marketing Agency Singapore: Connecting Brands with Voices
Influencer marketing agencies in Singapore serve as the bridge between brands and influencers, facilitating partnerships that can effectively reach and engage audiences on social media platforms. These agencies have their finger on the pulse of the influencer ecosystem, identifying influencers whose followers align with the brand's target market and values. By leveraging these influencers' credibility and reach, businesses can tap into existing communities, fostering trust and driving engagement in a way that feels authentic and organic.
These agencies specialize in campaign strategy, influencer vetting, negotiation, and performance analysis, ensuring that influencer collaborations deliver maximum impact. They understand the importance of authenticity and alignment in influencer marketing, crafting campaigns that resonate with the audience and reflect positively on the brand.
 Influencer Agency Singapore: Nurturing Influencer Talent
While influencer marketing agencies focus on creating brand-influencer partnerships, influencer agencies in Singapore often represent the influencers themselves, helping them grow their brand, negotiate deals, and manage collaborations. These agencies work closely with influencers to refine their content strategy, ensuring consistency in quality and messaging across their platforms. By supporting influencers in maximizing their potential, these agencies contribute to the overall ecosystem, ensuring a pool of professional and reliable influencers for brands to collaborate with.
 Synergy for Success
The collaboration between content agencies, influencer marketing agencies, and influencer agencies in Singapore represents a powerful trifecta in the digital marketing landscape. Content agencies provide the foundation with compelling storytelling and content creation, influencer marketing agencies build bridges between brands and influencers to amplify this content, and influencer agencies nurture the talent that carries these messages to the audience.
This synergistic approach allows businesses in Singapore to craft cohesive, engaging, and effective digital marketing strategies that leverage the strengths of content and influencer marketing. By combining the art of storytelling with the influence of key personalities, brands can create a more dynamic and interactive online presence, driving engagement, and fostering deeper connections with their audience.
In conclusion, the integration of content creation and influencer marketing, facilitated by specialized agencies in Singapore, is redefining how brands communicate and connect with their consumers. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the strategic collaboration between these entities will undoubtedly remain a crucial element for success in digital marketing campaigns.
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lisanindia · 9 months
Bridging Borders: Unraveling the Tapestry of Translation Services in India with Lisan India
In an era of global connectivity, where communication knows no boundaries, the role of translation services becomes paramount. This blog explores the dynamic landscape of translation agencies in India, with a spotlight on the industry leader, Lisan India. Embark on a linguistic journey that transcends borders and connects cultures through the unparalleled services of a distinguished translation company.
The Melting Pot of Languages: India's Translation Mosaic
Diversity of Languages in India: India, with its rich cultural tapestry, boasts a linguistic diversity that is unparalleled. From Hindi and Bengali to Tamil and Gujarati, the multitude of languages spoken across the subcontinent presents both a challenge and an opportunity for top-notch translation services.
Translation Agencies: Gatekeepers of Communication: As global interactions become more frequent, the demand for professional translation services has skyrocketed. This section elucidates the pivotal role of translation agencies as gatekeepers of effective communication, ensuring that ideas, messages, and information traverse linguistic boundaries seamlessly.
Translation Companies Based in India: A Global Perspective: The blog sheds light on the emergence of India as a hub for translation services on the global stage. With a growing number of translation companies based in India, the nation has positioned itself as a reliable partner for businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking linguistic expertise.
Lisan India: Pioneering Excellence in Translation: Enter Lisan India, a trailblazer among translation service providers in the country. This section delves into the ethos of Lisan India, emphasizing its commitment to linguistic accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and timely delivery—a trifecta that sets it apart in the competitive landscape of translation agencies.
Services Beyond Words: The Lisan India Advantage: Beyond the literal translation of words, Lisan India offers a spectrum of services, including interpretation, localization, and cultural consulting. The blog explores how Lisan India goes beyond linguistic boundaries to provide comprehensive language solutions tailored to diverse needs.
Client-Centric Approach: Navigating the Translation Company in India: A testament to Lisan India's success lies in its client-centric approach. By understanding the unique requirements of each client, Lisan India ensures that its services not only meet but exceed expectations, fostering long-term partnerships built on trust and excellence.
Technological Integration in Translation: The blog also touches upon the role of technology in modern translation services. Lisan India embraces cutting-edge tools and AI-driven solutions to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and speed in delivering top-notch language services.
Choosing the Right Translation Partner: A Strategic Imperative: As businesses and individuals navigate the global landscape, choosing the right translation partner becomes a strategic imperative. The blog concludes by guiding readers on the key considerations for selecting a translation agency and how Lisan India emerges as the natural choice.
In the intricate web of global communication, translation agencies in India, spearheaded by industry leaders like Lisan India, play a pivotal role. This blog serves as a compass, guiding readers through the diverse landscape of translation services and showcasing how Lisan India stands as a beacon of linguistic excellence, connecting the world one word at a time.
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vaishnorack · 10 months
Vaishno Rack: Navigating Efficiency with Cutting-Edge Material Handling Equipment in Delhi
In the heart of Delhi's industrial and commercial hub, Vaishno Rack has established itself as a prominent player in the Material Handling Equipment Manufacturers in Delhi. Renowned for its commitment to quality, innovation, and providing tailored solutions, Vaishno Rack stands out as a go-to partner for businesses seeking top-notch material handling solutions.
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Vaishno Rack's range of material handling equipment is designed to streamline operations and enhance efficiency across diverse industries. From pallet jacks and conveyors to stackers and trolleys, the company's comprehensive catalog reflects a commitment to meeting the nuanced requirements of its clients in Delhi. The equipment is engineered with precision, using robust materials to withstand the rigors of industrial environments and ensure longevity.
The company's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Delhi is equipped with cutting-edge technology and operated by a skilled workforce. This synergy enables Vaishno Rack to produce material handling equipment that adheres to stringent quality standards, providing businesses with reliable tools to optimize their processes. The company's dedication to continuous improvement ensures that its equipment remains at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements.
Customization is a cornerstone of Vaishno Rack's approach to material handling solutions. The company collaborates closely with clients to understand their unique operational challenges and tailors equipment to specific requirements. This personalized touch sets Vaishno Rack apart, allowing businesses in Delhi to invest in equipment that seamlessly integrates with their workflow and boosts productivity.
Vaishno Rack's commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the manufacturing process. The company's team of experts provides comprehensive support, from the initial consultation to post-installation assistance. This holistic approach has earned Vaishno Rack a reputation for reliability and has fostered long-term partnerships with businesses across various sectors in Delhi.
In conclusion, Vaishno Rack emerges as a key player amongMaterial Handling Equipment Manufacturers in Delhi, offering a trifecta of quality, innovation, and customer-centricity. As businesses in the bustling capital seek efficient and reliable solutions to navigate their material handling challenges, Vaishno Rack stands ready to provide cutting-edge equipment that propels them toward operational excellence.
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nickyysharmi · 10 months
AI's Resonance In Revolutionizing Music Experience
In a world where technology constantly unveils new horizons, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is striking the right chords in transforming our music experience. Picture this: an era where your music app doesn't just play songs but learns your preferences, predicts your mood, and curates playlists tailored to your taste. Welcome to the symphony of AI-integrated music platforms, where Amazon Music takes center stage.
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Unleashing The Power Of AI In Music
Gone are the days when playlists were a mere collection of songs; now, they are personalized soundtracks reflecting your emotions. AI algorithms analyze your listening habits, discern patterns, and predict what tracks might resonate with you. This dynamic adaptation ensures a seamless transition between genres, creating an immersive experience tailored to your taste buds.
Also Read: Make Your Commute Fun with These Music Apps
Indian Melodies: Beyond the Horizon
In the Indian music landscape, several homegrown apps similar to Spotify are harmonizing technology with melodies, bringing forth a unique symphony for the listeners. Let's explore a few noteworthy Indian platforms that are orchestrating a new era of musical delight.
Gaana, with its vast collection of Hindi, regional, and international tracks, is making waves in the Indian music scene. The app employs AI to understand user preferences, creating playlists that seamlessly blend the latest Bollywood hits with regional classics. It's a celebration of diversity in musical taste, all orchestrated by AI precision.
Wynk Music
Wynk Music, backed by telecom giant Airtel, has incorporated AI to enhance user experience. The app not only suggests personalized playlists but also adapts to the user's changing preferences. Its intuitive interface ensures that users are never out of tune with the latest releases and trending tracks.
Hungama Music
Hungama Music, another jewel in India's music streaming crown, employs AI to recommend tracks based on user behavior. Its deep learning algorithms understand the nuances of user taste, delivering a tailored musical journey that evolves with each interaction. It's not just an app; it's a musical companion that evolves with you.
Amazon Music
Navigating the music streaming landscape, Amazon Music strikes a chord with its extensive catalog, exclusive content, offline downloads, and ad-free, unlimited skipping. Seamlessly integrated with Echo devices and boasting features like Car Mode and Alexa voice commands, it orchestrates a hands-free musical experience. As part of the Amazon Prime bundle, it doesn't just rival but is one of the better apps than Spotify, offering not only music but also unlocking Prime Video and Amazon Shopping—a comprehensive investment for a trifecta of entertainment and convenience.
Also Read: Find Your Next Favorite Podcasts With These Apps
Future Possibilities
As AI continues to evolve, the future of music holds exciting possibilities. From enhanced voice-controlled interactions to AI-generated music compositions, the symphony of technology is bound to reach new crescendos. The integration of AI in music platforms not only transforms the way we listen but also opens doors to a world where our devices become intuitive musical companions.
Also Read: Discover Fresh Music Daily With These Apps
The marriage of AI and music is not a mere collaboration; it's a harmonious partnership that enriches our listening experience. As we embrace the evolution of music platforms, let's revel in the personalized symphony orchestrated by algorithms, making every note resonate with our unique preferences. The future of music is here, and it's playing to the beat of AI innovation.
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