#circle jerkers
artcalledtheewhip · 2 months
All The Dunce Caps In My Head & Drinking OJ All the dunce caps in my head sprouting outwards What’s left for us? Thinking in Social Pondering Business Into the mind left Mental That leads into The lead pipes take from here On the street The lead was made into piping Not in water at all Until chemicals contaminated See in Appendix Flint Flint is not only for starting fires It’s the place for contamination in the water The parts per millionths Not safe enough to drink Or to grow upon At least by the Humans The green grass is resilient Stages in college degrees even in beginning All this stuff eaten up Collegiate Where have you been n Studies You missed a whole bunch of sectors still grounding you in good food music fashion apps sneakers and the class your sorting with it’s just easy as A E I O U Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Affecting Effecting Infecting Oh live You, U & you other in emotional atmosphere Where do we all belong Pounds or prisons Refugee in dollars And Leaders in stands Bombing Ukraine Stiking a Strip And his face causes turmoil Is all Trump The sand friends Didn’t do his killings Fore the love of rich Golf All precessions for MAGA Married with Communistic conspiracies Who couldn’t? It’s all dunced capped Smarter than most I knew where I began And the affiliates or opposite afflicted Speak on stand more Spoiled orange Don’t eat Can you get this done faster than OJ? Dear Trump Please get done faster than OJ Please get done Look for a picture Just get this done faster I’m fine you looking at something Just get it done faster than OJ J is vowel So is V Throbbing shacket never mind the retailers It’s what he wears Just not without and buttonlessness If it was up to him He would be horseback shirtless Trump would stopped bathing in the suns Had he one With Putin The Middle is all confusing from here Where do the both sides Land Is it bunker or walled A Cardinal flys over A Phoenix flys around Thinking of clubs in the apps I grab Albatross Where’s your hit posted PostTragicJan6 PostTraffickedSexDeny Well talk about Wife already Dear Donald
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haunted-jackal · 3 months
"I'm not a radical leftist I just believe in equal treatment"
can't relate, my politics are so radical even (some) Marxists hate my ass lmao
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lastpenaltytaker · 10 months
i'd genuinely forgotten how funny r/soccer can be during football season
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crippled-peeper · 10 months
“Being unable to post bare nuts on Twitter is the exact same thing as being institutionalized as an adult with and not being allowed to make your own meals or set your own bedtime” spoken like a true circle jerker who thinks the #1 problem facing disabled people is that we aren’t inclusive enough of you and not the fact we’re euthanized and rendered homeless and our lives aren’t valued . it’s all about you and your fucking blorbos . disgusting
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pastafossa · 1 year
Loving author Pasta, as much as a want Midland Circle to go all rainbows and butterflies. I also do enjoy having my heart broken into millions of pieces and ugly crying at night when I read TRT in bed.
Can we have more hints on how much hurt we will get?
*announcer voice* "As you can see, the Angst judges are reading over the outline now. If you'll remember, in our previous matchups, the Hound of Los Angeles arc has been our previous record holder up until this point when it comes to TRT angst. However, Pasta has informed the judges that that arc was nothing but a warmup, a taste of the brutal agony yet to come. But Jim, that's a hard arc to top angst-wise without completely gutting the audience with death and/or a true breakup. What do you think, Jim?" "Well, it's hard to say, Bill. It's true that the Hound of Los Angeles arc - a solid tear-jerker for sure, I was in the fetal position - was a good show of tears. But that also relied on surprise. Pasta's going a different route this time, an attempt to mimic the Greek tragedies of old in which we the audience are the only ones who can see the tragedy coming. She's slowly building the audience's feeling of dread - he's got that ring! Will Matt cinch the proposal? Will that building come down? Will he seem dead and Jane's left to grieve alone? Will he come back the second he can or will he succumb to the canonical crushing, brutal depression that leads him to push everyone away including Jane who as we know has a thing about being left behind? We're left to scream at the characters, begging them to stay away from that building, do anything! Please, dear god, anything, Pasta, don't do this, I've read the outline, you've got me here in your post, I'm here to tell you don't, you can't - you can't do this, this is cruel, how could you, Pasta i am begging you-"
"Right, ok, Jim's now collapsed into the fetal position again, which bodes well for our angst lovers! Let's take it over to the judges who've now seen the outline! Drumroll, please! Wait, they're... Ted, do you have the camera feed? Where'd they all go?" "Uh, I'm in the helicopter right now. It sure looks like they're, uh, outside Pasta's house right now. Let me transfer the sound-" "PASTA GET THE FUCK OUT HERE RIGHT NOW AND FUCKING FIX THIS"
"Well that seems like a solid 10 on the angst to me, Bill! Back to you in the office!"
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
hi! i absolutely love your writing!! the post about the companions making sole a holotape literally made me tear up. that shit went hard /pos. are you planning to add gage to the post? (personally, i think there's never enough gage content) keep up your astounding fics!
Ahh thank you so much! And I'm glad you got some feels out of that holotape post, I really did mean for some of them to be tear-jerkers 😅
But yes, you're so right, there's definitely never enough Gage out there! I'm gonna go ahead and add him to the original and reblog that one, but here is his as a standalone post as well!
Thanks so much for the ask, and I hope you enjoy ❤
“Hiya there boss… It’s…”
*under his breath* “I hope this damn thing is even recording.”
 “But, it’s me. Jus’ wanted to say some stuff…"
“Look, it’s tough for me, I’m sure you know it more than most, but, it’s tough for me to reach out like this. I never… Well, you know this too Sole, but, I never done this sorta thing before. With the relationship and the… I don’t know, man, the arguments. Before, well, fights like this usually meant the end of things, but you said that ain’t how it’s supposed to be. We’re supposed to work through this shit, somehow, and so I… I guess I figured I’d start with this.” 
*deep breath*
“I’m sorry. Sole. There, okay? I’m sorry for bein’ an asshole, for not givin’ you enough credit, not remembering that yer new to this whole raider thing, this whole Overboss thing. And that… well, you’ve probably never been with someone like me before. I sure as hell’ve never been with somebody like you, but… What can I say? It’s hard to find folks like you out here anyhow. You’re your own breed, boss. And that’s far from a bad thing. Jus’... Well, you know me. If you’re your own breed, I’m a goddamn mutt. I’m rough around the edges, not used to tryin’ to make things work. I’ve solved a hell of a lot more problems with my knife than I have with my words, but… I wanna… Well, I wanna make things work this time ‘round, boss… Sole… I mean, you know how I feel about ya, and I… I ain’t never had anything like this, and I just don’t know how I got along so long without you, cuz… Well, Sole, cuz you just make everything better.”
“I mean… my life’s not worth a whole lot, that ain’t no mystery or nothin’, but when yer in it… It feels like somethin’ worth having. Not like the rest of my life, oh… stumblin’ around looking for scraps of quick fixes that could make me forget how little my life really means, but… having something worth holding onto, worth bein’ around for… that’s what it’s like with you.”
*dry chuckle*
“And to think, I was stupid enough to think that one little argument was worth losing all this over. Worth losing the only thing in my life that really makes it worthwhile. Cuz that’s what you are, baby. That’s what you are to me. Even though I don’t say it a whole lot… It don’t mean that I… That I don’t mean it, you know?”
“I can’t be the easiest to get along with, I’m sure. I’m so damn hard-headed most of the time, and I always act like I know what I’m talking about, which… Well, you know that usually ain’t the truth.”
“But somehow you got the patience for all this. All my shit. And… I may not always be the sharpest knife in the drawer, or whatever the saying is, but I know what I got with you. I know what you’re worth, baby, and it’s more than I got, and I know you bein’ with me at all is a charity, but… Well dammit, I hope I got some worth to you too, cuz I just… I need you now, Sole. I wanna be worth the headache and the patience, and I wanna work through the fights and learn how to make it up to you. I never had this before… I never felt this way about no one. I don’t wanna lose it. I can’t… lose you. Things jus’, well, they just wouldn’t be the same…” 
*deep sigh*
“I know I’m going ‘round in circles a bit here, but you know apologies ain’t really my strong suit. An’ neither is all this mushy stuff, but I’m trying all right? I’m trying for you. And I’m gonna keep on doing that until you tell me you can’t stand it no more. It’s just the kinda reckless, hard-headed, stubborn fool I am, Sole. Gonna keep telling you how you changed it all for me, how you’re so damn incredible it makes my chest hurt, how I… Well dammit. Guess I’ve gotta say it now, huh? Look, there. You did it boss, you got it out of me. Damn near slipped out before I could even catch it too. Nasty little words, but… It’s never been truer. I love you Sole.”
*comical sigh*
“And while we’re at it, might as well say I’m sorry again, too. There. You got both outta me. Got it all. There’s nothing left for you to take, baby, all my cards just out on the table like that and I forgot how to fucking bluff.” 
“soft chuckle*
“Nah, but… I mean it, Sole. I ain’t nothin’ without you. Next time we fight, just pull this shit outta your pocket and I’ll shut right up, I promise. And… If I’m ever not sayin’ all that… All that I should, if I’m being an ass like I do sometimes, just listen to this while I’m off sulkin’ somewhere. Cuz it’s true. It’s all true, and no amount of me bein’ pissy or stubborn is gonna change that... Is gonna change the fact that… Well, dammit, I do, I love you, Sole.”
“Greedy bastard, you’ve gotten it outta me twice now, so you should be all caught up for awhile… Just don’t use it against me too often, okay? Don’t abuse this shit, or you definitely ain’t gonna hear it as much, I’ll tell ya that.”
 “Alright, don’t know when this thing is gonna run outta tape, but it’s bound to be close. I’ll, ah, I’ll see ya soon, baby.”
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fatalitysficbakery · 2 years
Nelson’s Sparrow (Gideon’s Song) Spencer Reid x Black Fem!Y/N
Genre: Angst/Fluff.
Warnings: singer!reader, morgan’s sister!reader, tear jerker, grief, learning to deal with grief
Synopsis: Reid takes Gideon’s death hard and it puts an obvious strain on your relationship - one you didn’t know how to fix. Until you did.
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↳ ❝Grief clouds the vision until you push away those that in your heart you know you need need now more than ever.❞⁣ -Unknown
He never could win a chess match against Jason Gideon. With those dark fatherly eyes and a heart all too big for his chest, the organ scarred and marred till it’d grown black and gnarly with the wounds of the things he’d seen.
It didn’t feel to Reid as if his death was real, all the way from the wake to the funeral Spencer drifted through it all as if watching a film. You had never seen your boyfriend so out of it.
He could never win a chess match with Jason Gideon, and even in his absence he still played the game against the ghost of the last father figure he’d ever known. You’d awaken to find him asleep at his desk in the home library; An unfinished chess match on the table.
Your heart clenched each time, a helpless exhausted smile on your face as you wake him up again only for a cold greeting and an even colder goodbye.
“Spencer, you fell asleep again. It’s 8:39. You have work soon”.
With sunken eyes and pale skin, he would wave you off and go to get ready for work during which you still made him breakfast and brewed him coffee. No matter what, you knew you needed to stick by him. You wanted to.
“Spence? You off”?
“Yeah, bye”.
No hugs or kisses had been shared between the two of you in 4 months and yet you never once blamed him. He’d been dragged through hell and back and he still stood tall. You admired your boyfriend more than anyone; His biggest supporter, through and through.
It was too bad Spencer couldn’t see it yet. He didn’t think he deserved the support. In that big ole brain of his, the doctors only idiocies lied in that of emotions.
He could be book smart all he liked. His brain still lacked the sense to know he deserved love. He deserved love and so, so much more.
You sit down with Garcia and JJ at a nearby cafe whilst Spencer got much needed rest at home on a rare day off.
You looked worn and tired beyond your years. You nearly wanted to break down when Garcia pointed out how sad you looked.
You voice cracks when you speak.
“I love him. More than the world itself but I, I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t deserve this”.
The cold crisp air hits your sickly pale caramel skin, exposing your cracked lips and dark under eye circles to both JJ and Garcia. They looked on in pity.
You’d always been the bubbly social type, everytime they’d ever seen you at an event? You were the life of the party. The most lively there.
Now you seemed…dull. As if you only saw in hues of grey and off white.
“Have you been taking care of yourself? That’s the first thing you need to do, darlin’. You can’t help Spencer if you haven’t helped yourself”.
JJ squeezes your hand from across the table; Your eyes glaze over tearfully.
“I-I hadn’t thought about it, Jaje. I’ve been so worried about him, I just… haven’t”.
You look down at the now stale bagel on your plate that had been left relatively untouched. You hadn’t much of an appetite lately let alone much worry in your own self care or appearance.
“Tell ya what, Hun. Come to mine for the day! We’ll do a spa day. Ooh! and I’ll make vegan lasagna”!
You laugh through your tears at Penelope’s natural gift of whimsy, her ability to make everything feel okay for a moment.
You smile.
“I’m in”.
Your day with JJ and Penelope ended with invitations being texted to the entire team. Keep it lowkey, don’t tell Spencer.
You gripped your purse handle tightly; A home that used to comfort turned into one that brought dread, you felt…lighter when spending the day with Penelope and Jennifer, now you’d have to walk back into a home where love had been paused. A sanctuary that turned into an asylum for the mentally insane. You and Spencer barely speak, both depressed and not nearly in a state to converse with each other let alone the world.
The only comfort you got was that Spencer would most likely be tucked away in his office, playing chess with a ghost or working himself to the bone with little regard for his physical and mental health. Except, that’s not how you found Spencer.
You were sure it was your boyfriend, with the dirty blonde locks and tired eyes, thin from a lack of caring for himself and remembering to eat but…His eyes are sorrowful and they cry. His shoulders bounced with the weight of the wet sobs he let out. You hadn’t seen him cry since the day he’d come back after catching Gideon’s killer, collapsing in your arms and crying himself to sleep. You were his safe space, a home within a home but Spencer knew loss all too well- He hid. Disgusted with himself for pulling you into a dangerous lifestyle, but now… He needed you. You weren’t to abandon a love so beautiful.
“Spencer”? You called out, sighing and dropping your purse down to the couch, kicking your shoes off and walking over to him with the caution of an animal rescuer to a wounded dog. When your hand touched his shoulder, as expected, he flinched away from your touch, you sucked air through your teeth and shook your head, you knew pride wasn’t something either of you needed to fight against right now; sitting in your boys' lap, you wrap your around him and rest his head on your chest, allowing him to let everything out.
“Just let me comfort you, Spence. We’re both tired, don’t fight me”.
He’d been hiding his emotions for so long that his tears drenched the fabric of your sweater, turning the grey colour black.
“Just let me comfort you…”
That’s how the two of you fell asleep, within one another’s arms for the first time in a long time and you wouldn’t lie and say you didn’t miss it. That the feel of his arms around you made your heartbeat in your chest when he’d finally stopped crying; his arms wrapping and tightening around you, exhausted from crying for so long. Not a word was spoken between the two of you but you could tell the air felt lighter, if only for just a moment.
The next day when you woke up you were in bed under the duvet and Spencer was gone. The residue of the feeling of his arms saddened you, you missed him.
“Why are you up so late”? Spencer asked when he came home later that night, his voice, gruff in your ear startled you from your present task, you put down your pen and smile awkwardly, hiding the words under your arm, “No reason, just couldn’t sleep”.
“What’s that”? He asked, pointing to the journal underneath your arm, a grimace settles on your face as you think of an excuse, hoping he doesn’t ask anymore questions.
“Grocery l-list”?
Shit. You were a bad liar, it was your downfall in childhood and adulthood it seemed. You could never lie with a straight face and as Spencer examined you with curiosity you could feel yourself stop breathing, waiting for him to go all profiler on you. A trait you heavily disliked in your boyfriend. Spencer, however, takes note of how desperate you were to avoid this and nods his head, eyes sweeping over your figure once more, the grip on his coffee mug strong, he clears his throat and turns around toward the door, taking one last long look at you, “Get some sleep, Petal”.
The word he left in his wake left you stunned.
Your lean back into your chair, your head was thrown back with, silence and a grin. Petal. He once compared you to the vibrance of a petal just come into bloom, he then pronounced you Petal and it’d been your nickname ever since then. A reminder that in his eyes? You bloom. You were his Petal. You were still his Petal.
“Hey, Spence. Um, there’s this thing with the team tonight, just a little dinner…If you wanted to go”.
He looked up and now the good doctor was stunned. You adorn a backless black dress with a jewel chain just over the dip of your back, resting just above your crack, with a black pair of red bottoms on your feet. He notes your full face of glam, your hair which was in its natural dark midnight afro - His favorite hairstyle on you. He wanted to say no, but he recognized something; he recognized your willingness to try, your persistence to save your relationship lest grief draw the two of you apart.
And the one person Spencer Reid loved most was you.
You exhale in relief when he speaks.
“Let me get dressed. I’m a little underdressed, aren’t I? You look…beautiful”.
Your heart swells, smiling softly, “I’ll go start the car, yeah”?
At the party, comfortably situated in one of David Rossi’s summer homes was the start of a break-through for you and the doctor, who noted a stage when he came in. The party was for him. He looked over to you with the raise of his brow, you smile guiltily.
“You have people who love you, Doctor. Unconditionally so, and now we’re going to show you that you’re not alone. Hold this for me”?
With a second of handing him your purse, you disappear to the stage and sit in front of a piano; your chosen instrument since you were 16.
“Spencer Reid, Gideon’s Song. Sparrow in a treetop, eyes dark as night, he sings and it don’t stop, he’s got to send a letter…”
When the song starts, Spencer is enthralled, he immediately realizes why you acted so weird that night when he saw your alleged “grocery list”, his eyes are trapped on you with eyes closed and lips just barely touching the microphone; The song sings a story of a Sparrow atop a tree who sings to send a message, a letter to a boy it once mentored in its human life, a boy it thought of as a son; a boy it respected dearly. At the end of the song, it finally reaches the Sparrows boy. The Sparrow's chosen son.
“What’s that”? He asked, pointing to the journal underneath your arm, a grimace settles on your face as you think of an excuse, hoping he doesn’t ask anymore questions.
“Grocery list?
Shit. You were a bad liar, it was your downfall in childhood and adulthood it seemed. You could never lie with a straight face and as Spencer examined you with curiosity you could feel yourself stop breathing, waiting for him to go all profiler on you. A trait you heavily disliked in your boyfriend. Spencer, however, takes note of how desperate you were to avoid this and nods his head, eyes sweeping over your figure once more, the grip on his coffee mug strong, he clears his throat and turns around toward the door, taking one last long look at you, “Get some sleep, Petal”.
“It reaches his ears, it quiets his fears…The Sparrow’s song…For the Sparrow’s son”. The note is drawn out and high, angelic to the doctors ears as a tear falls from his eyes. He’s surrounded by the people that love him and at the end of the song - His mom is brought in, in a wheelchair, she sits listening to Y/n’s song with her eyes closed, content and adoring the music being brought to her ears. She brought him his mama. God, he didn’t think it was possible to love you more than he did in that moment.
Later that night when it was just he and Morgan talking outside, Morgan smiles at his little brother, patting the younger male on the back.
“You chose a good one, kid. My sister loves you and I know you love her, and you know what”?
“What”? Spencer quirked his eyebrows in curiosity, his hands both in the pockets of his slacks.
“Gideon’s proud of you. We all are, especially Y/n”.
Squeezing his shoulder, Morgan leaves Spencer with something to think about; you come in after him grinning brightly at your boyfriend, “You ready to go”?
Spencer is tall, lanky, within like two steps of a stride he’s in front of you, his lips passionately mingling with yours to your shock but delight. You smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and nearly melting into a puddle in his arms.
With your legs to your chest, your body drowned in Spencer’s t-shirt, you look at your boyfriend with love and gratitude in your eyes, “Did you like it”?
“Like it would be a bit of an understatement”.
You nod contently, choosing your next words very carefully. You’d lost your sister to lukemia in 2014, she was the one who raised you her entire life, you took care of her up until her eventual death so you knew something of the grief Reid was feeling. You knew it was hard to move forward when losing someone so special to you.
“Do you wanna talk about it”?
“Yeah, yeah I would like that” His adams apple bobs with the knot that appears in his throat thinking of all the emotions he felt. You touch his hand and smile reassuringly, allowing him to speak at his own pace.
“He was the only father figure I knew, he and Hotch trained me, t-taught me”.
“I know, Darlin” You whisper, squeezing his hand.
“It feels suffocating. I’m used to facts and science. Emotions are something I know nothing about and I’ve read book after book on them, articles… This is n-not what I d-”
You move so you’re hugging him, cutting him off as he speaks. He gasps but invites you into his arms without hesitation, the air feels lighter, breathable.
He knows what it means without you speaking. He sighs. One of relief, a weight lifted from his shoulder.
“Thank you. I love you too”.
A/N: why couldn’t they just let my mans live off screen in his lil cabin bro? 😀
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kodachromism · 1 year
10 songs from shuffle vs 5 you actually listen to
I was tagged by @chiomaus for this—thank you! These come from my 7,000 song playlist on Youtube where I save all most of the songs I find online. (P.S. click the song titles to listen to them!)
10 songs from shuffle:
Café Du Monde—Tank & The Bangas: I recently heard this on the radio's funk hour and had to write it down! Beautiful melodies and harmonies, captivating horn section, what's not to love?
All Touch—Rough Trade: A Canadian Classic! Carole Pope was one of the first openly Lesbian musicians to gain a hit song in with gay themes in Canada with "High School Confidential" a few years earlier
Fools Rush In—Jo Stafford: I was trying to find a different version of this song when I found this one—although I prefer Lesley Gore's and Bow Wow Wow's versions more, its hard to be harsh on Jo Stafford and her piercingly brilliant vocals
I'll be Alone—Barbara Redd: A hidden gem from the Northern Soul scene! My favourite moment is when she sings the lyrics "home to stay" and the record quality can't quite contain her passion
Hot in Here—Jenny Owen Youngs: The first one on this list I'm a little embarrassed by. All I can say is I thought this was a clever cover back in high school.
Amen—Sarah Slean: Another Canadian gem! This whole album is great, but this is a standout track!
All the Black (Acoustic)—Cat Clyde: I forgot about this song! A good ol' tear-jerker, to be used sparingly on rainy days and lonely nights
Bachelorette—Bjork: It's a classic for a reason—one of the first songs to finally get me into Bjork
What a Day—Carl Fenton Orchestra: Another one I don't really remember saving to this playlist, but it's a good melody
Prologue: Disasterpeace: Ending on a bit of an odd note—I want to get more into chiptune but usually it's just a background thing. This one's alright, not much to say
5 i actually listen to:
These are just a few songs that have been on rotation the past few days
Billy Toppy—Men I Trust: Another Radio find—gosh that bassline! It reminds me of Joy division and Lebanon Hanover
Chapel of Love—Holly and the Italians: I love the Dixie Cups' original dearly, but there's nothing wrong and everything right with a power-pop reinterpretation!
Odds and Ends—Dionne Warwick:—A lesser known Burt Bacharach tune, but I think one of his best—again, a real tear-jerker for me if I'm feeling melancholic
Don't Take your Time—Roger Nichols & The Small Circle of Friends: Can you tell I've been in a sunshine/bubblegum/baroque pop mood lately? What can I say, I love my orchestration lush and melodies soaring!
Mama (Martyn Young Mix)—Wolfgang Press: From the Party Girl (1995) soundtrack, a great and groovy dance track to see us out!
I tag @earnedmagic , @judelaws-hairline, @uncle-girl , and @joanofarc —I can't wait to hear whats on your playlists!
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heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
I hate to say this, but as much as we all want Austin to win (as do I), I think Brendan Fraser's more likely to get the Oscar, mainly because he's had a major comeback with that film.
(I've seen The Whale; it's really good but also very depressing, which is what the Academy loves.)
oh, i absolutely agree it seems unlikely austin’s taking it home ! i'm just thrilled he was even nominated even, given the movie scene this year 💛 this is actually the first year ive really given a rat's ass about awards season - my best friend is a raging cinemaphile, and i usually get her to fill me in via osmosis, bc i typically loathe the vast majority of noms... and of course nothing i do enjoy ever wins dfjsg.
anyway i think the academy is a perfect example of how critics have become incredibly pretentious circle jerkers no longer in touch w the voice of the people, but im conflicted about the whale - while i adore brendan and think he absolutely deserves a spectacular comeback (and this win WOULD be spectacular✨), i thought the movie was two hours of fatphobic trauma porn that i, as a fat bitch myself, hated Immensely 😅 he acted fantastically with the role he got, despite what i think of as a debilitating lack of empathy from the director.. but i do also think austin's campaigning has had a Huge impact (especially in the last few weeks) so we'll see how it goes ig🤞
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ladyfly · 2 years
I'll Be Seeing You pt6
The scene you are looking at is the most heartwarming thing you have ever looked at. It tugs at your heartstrings and brings tears of joy to your eyes. Nebula is adamantly talking to Moon about the different celestial bodies. In turn, he's telling her more about each one. She hangs on his every word.
Aster is telling Sun about a movie he likes. Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Sun agrees to watch it with him later. Seeing your boys getting along with your kids is. Well, it's a real tear-jerker. No matter how hard you try to fight it. You start to cry. All those emotions you bottled up every birthday and holiday surface.
Every time you had to pretend to be happy for your kids. Every milestone Sun and Moon missed. And every single one they get to be here for now. It's enough that for the first time in seven years you ugly cry. Your fork drops to your plate and you curl in on yourself.
Nebula pats your arm "Nebi?" Aster rounds the table and wraps his arms around you "Nebi, don't be sad." You can hear the warble in the voices of your kids "I..." You are plucked out of your chair and pulled into Moon's lap "How long have you been keeping these big feelings to yourself starlight?"
You cling to Moon, your mind brought back to your days at the plex. You don't even fight the howel that bubbles to the surface. Aster copies you followed by Nebula. Moon rubs circles into your back. Eyes locked with Sun. The transformation happens quickly. Triggered by the strong mix of emotions.
Everything just hit you at once and you couldn't handle it. Moon pulls your pants down enough to let your tail out. Nebula scratches you behind the ear. You lean forward and nuzzle into her face.
She giggles "NEBI! THAT TICKLES!"
You lick the side of her face. She kisses your nose. You let out a low growl and turn to Aster.
He lets out a giggly gasp "OH NO! The beast has taken Nebi!"
You 'pounce' on him and growl in his face. He lets out a playful scream. You run your fingers along his sides and he erupts in laughter. You let him go. Don't want him to pee himself or something.
Aster touches his nose to yours "Can I go take Nebula into the living room to draw and watch cartoons?"
You nod unable to give any true answer.
Aster gives you a big hug "I love you Nebi."
You let out a whine. Tail wagging happily behind you. Softly thumping against the floor.
Sun kisses the top of your head "Let Moon and I clean up."
You huff and stand up determined to help. Sun chuckles and lets you bring dishes to the kitchen. When everything is clean you head to the living room. Aster and Nebula are coloring a big sheet of construction paper together. Your tail starts to wag again.
Slowly you start to turn back pulling your pants the rest of the way up "Sorry kids. Got the big emotions."
Nebula looks up from her drawing "You better?"
You nod "Much better."
Nebula nods and returns to the picture "Good!"
You look up at the TV. Adventure Time is playing. Sun sits down on your right and Moon on your left.
You glance between the two "So, I have work tomorrow. Aster goes to school, and Nebula has daycare."
Moon takes your hand "What do you do for a living?"
You squeeze his hand "Forest ranger."
Sun takes your other hand "We could watch Nebula if you want."
You shake your head "She needs the socialization. Plus she has a lot of friends. Besides, y'all can relax tomorrow. If you super want something to do you can look for jobs."
Moon hums "Jobs... well I did like working in that bakery."
Sun nods "I could get back into clothing repair."
You perk up "Clothing repair? I know a job then!" You leave the room for your phone. On the way back you make a call.
The person on the other end answers "Hello! Good to hear from you."
You hum "Henry! I have someone looking for a job."
"A job?" Henry muses.
You smile "Yes! He already knows how to sew and is great at getting stains out!"
You can hear the mirth in his voice "He? Finally settling down?"
You proceed to tell him the night's events.
Henry chuckles "Sounds like true love to me. Don't rush things though! Take yer time. Get to know each other again. You aren't the same people you were eight years ago." He clicks his tongue "Bring your lad in Tuesday. I'll give him a chance."
You sigh "Thank you, Henry. I'll be sure to take things slow." Henry hangs up and you turn to Sun "Tuesday you go in for a chance. Henry is very nice! He helped me out when I first moved here."
Sun nods "What was that about taking things slow?"
You wave a hand "Henry was just reminding me that we need to take the time to get to know each other again. We aren't the same people we were eight years ago."
Moon nods "Like we're dating all over again."
You nod "Exactly!"
Sun squeezes your hand "Sounds good to me."
I like Morrowind. So you look like the Morrowind werewolf.
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csmeaner · 2 years
Make your own Scarfox at this point. The group is dead. There's no coming back from this. It would take YEARS of perfect behavior from the entire Scarfox staff to save the group. All that's left are the circle-jerkers nobody cares about. Congrats, Darci. You took a money machine, lit it on fire, pissed the fire out, then somehow set it on fire again. Have you considered a career in politics?
post related
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crippled-peeper · 6 months
“that adhd mood when” circle jerkers would pathologize breathing if it got them clicks and ad space
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9 People I'd like to know better
Tagged by; @ffxplayer thank you lovely!!! (Also are you geeking over how we only have less than 2 weeks for the new season!!!!)
Last song;
A Symptom of Being Human by Shinedown.
"I've always been slightly awkward kinda weird,
upside down and not all here,
what's wrong with me and you is so crystal clear.
Sometimes I'm in a room where I don't belong,
and the house is on fire and there's no alarm,
and the walls are melting too, how bout you?
I've never been the favorite, thought I'd seen it all,
till I got my invitation to the lunatic ball"
Very Hellcheer coded in that first bit, but fuck if this song isn't awesome.
Currently watching; This is 40, like looking in a scary looking glass.
Currently reading; I just finished Maggie Moves On by Lucy Score, been into her writing lately. The book was so good, and a big tear jerker at the end.
I've got several fanfics for gallavich I need to catch up on.
Current obsession; Reopening the Good Omens vault in my mind because season 2 is about to come out and that's what got me on tumblr in the first place.
And Gallavich as always.
Eddie Munson and Hellcheer are circling again too.
Tagging; anyone who would like to join!
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buttercupbuck · 3 years
if being a mealy little fuckhead is wrong i don't wanna be right
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aclosetfan · 3 years
O my god I just had a big brain moment the rrb would get vaccinated because the last time they didn’t get a shot to prevent something they literally blew up
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Y'all really out here updating your hellsite apps?
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