#or is it both - and ultimately a product of simple circumstance
sigmabateman · 2 years
i know we have a tendency to imagine people as their icons, and while it would be flattering to be imagined as the cat whose ass is NOT singing!!, i have a confession….. i’m actually allergic to cats. im living a lie. i hope you can still support me after this
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91vaults · 1 year
as much as I bitch and moan about AI I will be honest that the debate of who “created” with it is murky. to me
In a way is physically doing the thing the only expression is creativity? I don’t know, because there is a line i suppose. I’m not sure where it falls in digital art cause most of the productivity tools don’t cross it to me. If you take the route of murky art definitions you could possibly say it lacks a style unique to the person, even if it is bland and unremarkable, im ambivalent on that one.
I do believe there is a quality to “traditional” art and the process of creation that can’t really be described. That doesn’t translate to “prompting”
the fact is weather one considered a it “art or not” the ultimate discomfort is…it destroys a whole way of doing things on a way that has no precedent. It removes a whole way of doing things. It removes actors entirely. it reduces writers to clean up editors.
It is true that art has always been shaken up by changes both technical and societal. But these transitions flow into each other. A landscape artist can try their hand at photography, a sculpture or comic book artist can do 3d modeling and in the latter case use it for backgrounds. a visual artist can try their hand at highly styleised or abstract art
AI at its purest form reduces it to one thing . one way of doing it, perfect the prompt, refine back and fourth l.
the true discomfort lies in a simple fact “we are visual artists, we are not word smiths, we are not programmers” i can concede that the use of AI in a work can lie on a gradient. But boiled down it is akin more to programming. is it art? did the person create it? i don’t know and i don’t much care. These questions are arbitrary
I think the strongest argument against AI art is that it couldn’t exist without the existing work of all artists before it. Work which was aquiered under dubious circumstances, This has some legal standing and even if this legal battle is lost no one can argue it is a problem of ethics and a problem of something intangible that is lost.
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moibakadesu · 1 year
A little observations as to why I am convinced that Haruka will not die before Milgram's finale 
A document with a lot of realistic and reasonable coping, written by a Haruka lover:
(should be obvious, but of course cw for the topics of death, suicide and injury)
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So the community has been abuzz ever since Haruka went and made his suicide threat in his second VD, and while I did have my moments where I got scared and faltered (notably the two infamous TL posts of our boy), I am still convinced that he will not be successful in taking his life. Due to various reasons, and today we are going to look at them.
Starting with the most … say dry and detached one:
Financial/organisatory reasons
A very important point a lot of people tend to forget is that Milgram, despite being a passion project in many aspects, is still a medium that generates money for OTOIRO. And not only does it generate money for the company, no there are also a lot of things just generated from that.
But let's begin here, Haruka is a fairly popular character, esp in the Asian side of the fandom, so for one boy his video revenue and merch sales are something you wouldn't just drop out of.
The even bigger part is though, the organisatory point, which plays into the finances. We know that Deco starts writing songs as soon as the verdict of a prisoner is decided. So that already gives you a picture of just how early some productions behind the scenes start, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. So by the time Muu's verdict will be in there will already be a considerable amount of time and effort (and probably money) put into t3 Haruka and as a company it would just not make sense to do that.
And this is only taking the songwriting into account, we don't know how early in advance other things go into production.
So in general, songs, videos, merchandise, albums etc have to be produced, this has MONTHS of work beforehand. Voice actors and animators have to be paid.
You don't hinge all that on a decision that could go either way.
With which we will go to …
Possibilities for non-lethal injuries
There are many ways to let Haruka make attempts that ultimately lead to failure.
First, Haruka got voted guilty as well (yes, I was one of the people voting him that, and we will get to one of the reasons why in a second) and this means he will be restricted. 
Milgram is very unclear on how these restrictions for the guilty prisoners work, we can be pretty sure that they are not physical in the sense of their hands being bound or anything to really restrict movement (the longer straps being more of a aesthetic and somewhat symbolic nod to that), but nonetheless it is something that for example makes them unable to fight back from a physical attack against them, as the previous attack by Kotoko has shown.
So my idea is that it's possibly a sort of "barrier" like the one that protects Es from outside violence, but instead hinders the guilty prisoners from doing certain actions.
If we spin that idea further another possibility is that Milgram does not allow suicide. When Haruka asked Es in his VD if that's not allowed Es responded that they don't know. I think it's very likely that there are measures like this barrier preventing people from killing themselves, because it could basically be seen as a way to escape your judgment and that would go against Milgram, right? So there is plenty of room for him trying and not succeeding.
Another possibility is that he would get stopped by a second party. 
For that let's first look at the options that Haruka actually has to take his life. Because they are pretty limited.
For one we have to take to mind that Haruka did grow up pretty … "sheltered", due to his circumstances, so his knowledge about how to end a life are also pretty limited. His methods of killing show that pretty well, they are the most simple, smashing or squeezing something until it stops moving you could say.
Both are not things you can do easily to yourself. Choking yourself with your hands to the point of death is impossible, you lose strength or consciousness before that can happen. Any forms of strangulation by other tools (straps from the prison uniform etc) are out of the question because he would not know how to do it properly.
A thing that I see as most likely for him to attempt would be … slamming his head against the wall repeatedly. This could lead to serious injury, but most likely would also lead to him blacking out before it becomes fatal.
With what we get to the before mentioned part of a second party stopping him during an attempt.
This is not only an interesting way to not have him die, but also a very good option to bring the interactions between characters and character development into play. We know already who will not stop him, Muu clearly, she made her point very clear that she thinks "friends" let friends do whatever they want to do, even if that is taking their own life.
So who are the other options? It's easy actually, Fuuta. (And I am looking at this from a completely neutral and logical point of view, so hear me out.) A lot of people just very blatantly ignore that Haruka, Fuuta and Muu also had a connected dynamic since the early beginnings. Haruka is in the center of this dynamic, with both of the others either caring about him or finding him interesting. Balance in that dynamic began to change, due to how the t1 votes affected everything, Fuuta becoming more reclusive and eventually due to the attack way too occupied with everything he had to deal with for his own survival. While Muu meanwhile literally just went on and asserted her dominance you could say.
So with the t2 votes flipping that right on the head I think we might see that get turned over. Fuuta got time to heal, no more mental torment and he will be more "available" in a sense, to care about what happens around him. Fuuta is at his core way too much of a softie to let things go unnoticed, esp if it concerns someone he has shown care for. And I think the situation that will occur with Haruka might push some buttons for him, because I think Fuuta would be very pressed to not see another person commit suicide if he can prevent it. So as the person besides Muu who has the most ties to Haruka I think he will be the most likely to notice something and step in.
Another factor in this is Shidou. With his proclamation that he will not let anyone in the prison die if he gets forgiven we can say we have a sort of safety net in that regard, because if Haruka should get as far as to inflict any sort of injury on himself we have Shidou to provide first aid. 
Well, at least if Amane gets another guilty vote as to not obstruct Shidou in giving any medical care, but we have to see how that turns out.
Worst case, attempt during the VD
This is just a very big "what if", but the slight possibility that Haruka would attempt to take his life during his next voice drama could be there. Because it's such a big plot point, I doubt they would just let that happen off screen, if they really want to go through with it.
Of course this could tie in with some of the before mentioned options, him failing due to various reasons. I think that could be the most likely course for that route. Especially with the "head banging against wall", maybe to get stopped by that barrier.
People before brought up the idea of him biting off his tongue, but I don't think that will happen, because again, Haruka's knowledge about killing methods is very limited, he wouldn't have a clue that this can be fatal.
Another thing that got brought up was "what if you can extract songs from a (fresh) corpse?"
This is also something I do not see happening, because what use would it have to judge a dead person? It would pretty much defeat the purpose.
And with that we are through. My reasons to believe that Haruka (and everyone else for that matter) will make it to the finale of Milgram, whatever that may be at the end. I don't doubt some form of execution will await there for prisoners who get voted guilty in the last trial. But we will see.
As always, thanks for listening to my rambles, and I hope that helped some of you to put your minds at ease a bit about our blue boy.
(Because man, even with that I worry about him every day, let me tell you.)
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fostersffff · 1 year
The Big Gundam Watch, Part 11: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
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In my experience, when it comes to recommendations for getting into Mobile Suit Gundam, there are three common answers. The most sober- but intimidating- answer is to start with the original 1979 anime or trilogy of compilation movies, and go from there in chronological order. The next best answer is telling the person asking the question to check out whatever they think looks interesting; after all, you're more likely to investigate a franchise further if you have a good first impression. The runner up to these two choices is to recommend The Good OVAs- The 08th MS Team and 0080: War in the Pocket.
The rationale behind recommending these two typically falls along the following lines: they're both relatively short- 12 and 6 episodes respectively, compared to the ~50 episode run of most TV anime- they both look terrific because they're OVAs not beholden to a TV production schedule, and they're more "realistic and grounded", which makes them an easier buy in for people not acquainted with the mecha genre. Personally, I'm not really a fan of this recommendation: for one thing, it makes it sound like they're the only things worth watching, and for another, both are side stories to original series, which I feel implies you should probably check out the original series anyway.
Having now watched War in the Pocket, I can at least understand why it's such a prominent recommendation, and while I still think it's not the best jumping on point, it's certainly one of the best Gundam things I've seen.
No contest, this is my absolute favorite ED of all the Gundam stories I've watched so far, and I don't think it'll be replaced. It's ultimately just a series of images, but the images are candid photos of everyday life against the backdrop of the One Year War, and the way they include shots that could be from real life, like the photo of the refugees sitting next to their luggage or the kid crying in the middle of the road while soldiers walk by, along with Gundam specific ones like the kid swimming around a scuttled Zaku or a kid looking out the window of a space shuttle to see an explosion is just fucking perfection.
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By my count, War in the Pocket only introduces three new mobile suit designs- which makes sense, considering when it takes place- but hot damn are all three of them home runs. The Hygogg is the first amphibious Zeon mobile suit that doesn't look like a joke, the Kampfer feels like the apex of what Zeon mobile suits should look like, and the Gundam Alex is literally the missing link between the RX-78 and the Zeta.
On a similar note: all the mecha fights in War in the Pocket are actually pretty simple, in a way that I think benefits the argument of this being easily recommendable to people as a starting point for Gundam. Like, even as someone who is into mecha, it can be difficult to remember all the different kinds of mechs that show up and what they come equipped with and relative power/threat levels. The Kampfer versus the Alex is a great example: Mischa is a better pilot than Chris, and the Kampfer has seems to have a weapon for basically any situation, but with just the arm-mounted gattling gun, the Alex shreds the Kampfer like tissue paper.
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(This is also of course reinforced by the actual story, because it's already obvious from the circumstances that this is a desperation measure, but its worth complimenting how well the mecha aspects are integrated).
Al is perfectly executed petulant shitkid. Not only is the scene of him intentionally destroying everything in his video game perfect foreshadowing, the way he’s just droning “yes mom, yes mom, yes mom” while doing it is such a real shitty kid thing.
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I also think his coming to grips with the reality of war is good because of how long it takes, and it takes so long because he’s just constantly in denial. The scene with the dead kid being extracted from the rubble is the most obvious one, but I also really love the scene where his friends are showing him the spoils they picked up from the school being bombed out, and he starts to cry, and the friends are like “hey man don’t feel bad you can come along next time” and he’s either trying to hide it or genuinely doesn’t understand why he’s crying. It’s so good!
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In general, all the characters are well-writen and executed, although I want to especially highlight the Cyclops Team. They're all grizzled veteran assholes, but they're not evil, which is my favorite part of Gundam. Or maybe it'd be better to say "not evil beyond what's necessary to do their job as soldiers", but that should be taken for granted.
Ordinarily I don't care about spoilers in these, because they're long form things that you probably wouldn't checking out unless you already saw it yourself, but I'll avoid talking about The Moment in the last episode, because even knowing how everything resolves, finding out why it resolves that way and how casually it's revealed was genuinely heart-wrenching.
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I thought the way the Federation was portrayed in this series was kind of at odds with what we've seen to date, or just weird that we don't see any high-ranking Federation officials. Chris is a white meat babyface, through and through, and that's fine- refreshing, even- but the scene where the cops are grilling her for information and she's trying to stonewall them with "I HAVE NO FURTHER COMMENT AT THIS TIME" doesn't sit right with me. We, the audience, know that she's a good person who's trying to wrestle with the guilt of people being killed as a result of the Federation's covert activities, but in the absence of a face to pin that decision to, it just comes across as a personal struggle for Chris and not institutionalized disregard for human life by the Federation.
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Maybe it's intentional, but it's very weird how casual Bernie is when he first meets Al. Like, if I were an inexperienced pilot who got shot down in neutral territory, I'd be scrambling out of my fucking mind to stay hidden, not posing on top of my mech for a cool shot.
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Also possibly intentional, but the fact that Bernie swung for the Alex's head in the final confrontation instead of the chest is bizarre. Arguably, Zeon didn't know how the Federation designed their mobile suits, but I don't know why he'd think the cockpit was in the head instead of the chest like his Zaku.
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If it's not clear, I'm struggling to put anything here. War in the Pocket is really solid.
I just want to be on record, as this is maybe the most applicable place to put it, that I think the people who turn up their nose at Gundam- or really any media- for having an anti-war message while also having cool spectacle based in war are just dumb.
To my knowledge, War in the Pocket was conceived of entirely as an OVA, so it's strange that it has eyecatches for commercial breaks. Maybe they were in case they ever planned to have them televised?
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I think the extent of referencing 0079 is that one of the mechanics working on the Alex says it's going to be shipped out to "someone on White Base", which is the exact level of reference that should be made. No hero worship for Amuro or the Gundam, just "yeah it's supposed to be going out there", which is in line what the general Federation attitude towards White Base at this time.
Circling back to that scene of Al playing the video game: it's just straight-up lifting sound effects from Super Mario Bros. 3. This is notable because SMB3 only came out like six months before the first episode of War in the Pocket, and I'm also not sure how they could have gotten such a clean sound effect at that time.
I swapped over to the dub after I found out Bernie was voiced by David Hayter (best known for Solid Snake), and in general I think this is a stellar of-its-era dub cast- Al is Brianne Siddall (personally best known as Jim Hawking from Outlaw Star), Chris is Wendee Lee, Colonel Killing is Richard Epcar- but special shout-out to Mona Marshall, pulling double duty by using both of her voices, Overbearing Mom and Young Boy Who’s Kind Of A Dick.
On the sub side: I think it’s incredible that Al’s voice actor, Daisuke Namikawa, has become a prolific voice actor to this very day, which makes the commercials he did for the DVD and Blu-ray releases of War in the Pocket where he voices a “grown-up” Al even more affecting:
I actually watched War in the Pocket back in March, and I kept putting this off because I was trying to figure out what I could say about this besides "it's good, it's good, it's really very good", but like... that's what it is! War in the Pocket deserves the status it has as one of/the best entries in the Gundam franchise, whether you've never seen a Gundam before or if you've watched everything else to date.
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Next up: Mobile Suit Gundam F91! I've actually watched this shortly after I finished watching War in the Pocket, which is another reason this has taken so long. Not to spoil it, but I think my post about F91 is going to be a little more even-handed than this was.
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oooo for the oc trauma ask game, 3, 8, 10, and 20?? >:3c
Helloooo! Time for another long Joshi dump! Things that I haven't published on Ao3 will be REDACTED.
3. Have they died before?
He's not quite sure. Divayth Fyr believes that he did, recording in his treatment notes that he had to restart Josh's heart several times. All Josh remembers is that he reached out for something, and then he woke up with half his body missing and a pervasive madness that threatened to destroy him. After REDACTED he notices a few alarming symptoms and undergoes this experimentation a second time, though this time with REDACTED who was present during the original experiment. His heart did not stop this time, but that's because it beats differently, slowly and in time with the earth. The flesh under his corprus scaring is dead though, it oozes a strange, dark substance when cut.
8. Are they trusting or do they refuse to trust? Answered here. Simple answer is no, he does not trust easily.
10. How do their friends and family think of them? Mixed, very mixed.
Teldryn's burnt a lot of bridges in his time though much of his behavior was in retaliation to unfair treatment. His grandfather and uncle both despised him. Not because of anything he did, no. They hate Teldryn because he represents the family's loss of face. The circumstances of his birth were, before attitudes about the Ashlanders amongst the settled Dunmer changed in the face of the Nerevarine's return, traditionally seen as deeply shameful. He's visibly Velothi and was treated as such. His mother would say that what happened to him was her fault. That she had been so wrapped up in her grief over losing his father that she became increasingly more distant as he grew to resemble his father in both looks and personality. She used to react out of fear, and she was constantly fearful when she lived under the thumb of her own father. She allowed the abuse because she was afraid of losing their place to live. In turn Teldryn grew to resent her before ultimately disappearing for three years before turning up again in Cyrodiil. Only finding out about his whereabouts because he'd committed a serious crime in the heartland. She was told that if she helped the Legion find him, that he'd get a lighter sentence and a deportation to Morrowind. She was lied to.
Instead she fought for his release for a decade and a half before she was suddenly unable to locate where he'd been transferred. She was afraid that they'd finally executed him, though she continued to write to whomever would listen about it. She eventually runs into him as he's accosting a merchant in Suran's market. Maera see's Teldryn's behavior as a consequence of the shit that's happened to him. She's just there to try and help, even if its still complicated. His son, Adren would say that he's unpredictable and dangerously immature. There was a point where the two were on zero speaking terms, though they do repair things enough to have both of them be civil in a room together. From Adren's perspective, he's lived the first thirty-eight years of his life thinking the man his mother was married to was his father. Despite having nothing in common and not resembling him at all. He was confused but not bothered. Then, one day as you're visiting your grandparents this absolute drunken nutcase that looks just like you pops up blubbering something about the two of you being related. You ask your mother what the hell it was all about and she finally admits that you were the product of a summer fling between a noble girl and the bastard son (not technically but he received the same treatment) of a merchant's daughter. Your identity is crushed. You decide to write to the miserable sod, only to find your letter is ignored for close to a year. (It wasn't until later that he found out what Teldryn was actually doing.) Now he wont stop writing you back. You don't want contact. He stops writing you for six years. Suddenly he shows up to ferry you out of the province because the damn Volcano's about to blow. You're stuck actually talking to him face to face for the first time and you find out why you have a talent for numbers. Things sort of make sense. Then the man you've actually call your father finds you bio dad in bed with your mother and your whole family just fucking implodes. You don't see the guy again for almost a century and when you do, he's been thrown in gaol because he tried to save you. You return the favour and now you're in an uneasy truce in your mind. Adren has mixed emotions about Josh, but as it stands he wont see him treated unjustly. He knows why Josh is the way he is, he would just rather keep him at arms length. Geldis is in the same camp as Maera, his attitude is a product of his circumstances. The guy's been through more in one lifetime then most could reasonably be expected to handle and he knows part of Josh's self-destructive is due to his despair over knowing there's no natural end to it. He tries to give his best friend and REDACTED some space. Erra will tell you that Teldryn's constantly wearing a mask. He's kind, sensitive, intelligent and, in his opinion, incredibly brave. Erra believes he puts on this mask because he's scared to show vulnerability and he'd be right. Erra fully believes that Josh is the hero his people think him to be. He fought and died believing that. His heart breaks whenever his ghost gets the odd glimpse of his destructive behaviour. Juib will also tell you about the mask Teldryn puts on. He believes that what Teldryn needs is some time alone, away from the chaos he'd been drowning in for decades. If he was allowed to live a mundane life, away from everything that reminds him of his past, maybe Teldryn could heal. That's all he ever wanted. Sydari will tell you that Teldryn is complex but that he ultimately needs to take some responsibility for himself. Like her, he presents himself differently depending on who he's speaking with.
There's the Teldryn Sero that the public of Raven Rock know, a somewhat aloof mercenary who tends to blend into the background, never showing his face in public unless you catch him on one of his benders in the early hours of the morning. He's a fixture of the local corner club, seems close with Geldis Sadri and sometimes lends a hand if the Redoran Guard are having trouble. He's different around his inner circle, often bragging showing off or coming up with some sort of scheme to stave off boredom. That front he puts on to strangers, where he's aloof, if a bit arrogant is replaced by a mer who uses cockiness as a front instead. It takes a lot to get him to actually admit how he feels, and most of the time what Teldryn feels is a deep, all consuming sadness that bubbles to the surface as anger and aggression. It took years for her to chip away at that shell.
She'll tell you that Josh is so afraid of dealing with his emotions that he'll weave the world's most ridiculous tapestry of lies just to avoid being honest with himself, and those around him.
She wants him to know that it's okay to be scared and that he doesn't have to handle everything alone.
20. Will they recover from their trauma or will it consume them?
Sort answer, YES AND NO.
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riainceol · 2 years
Kemrit - Track by Track
Deeply concerned that the amount my Id runs my music is going to be unavoidable if i write in depth about it but let’s talk about my debut EP.
First off we’re gonna define an EP, what makes an EP different to an album? For me there’s generally two things. Length and cohesion. Kemrit is not a cohesive record, so it’s not really a representative of what I’m writing. It’s a collection of moods and vibes, basically. It’s also less than 7 tracks. 7 tracks is iffy but if it’s 8 or more, by my standards we’re veering into album territory. I know that traditionally an EP was made for a 6” or somewhere between rather than a 12” but honestly… it’s 2022.
The artwork is a photo of the inside of my jeans pocket that my phone took by accident, but I thought it would be funny to use it as artwork, I also thought it would be funny to name it Kemrit. “Hello, Kemrit thee forg here!”.
I’m giving away all my secrets.
The idea was basically, I’ve written this stuff and I need to get it out. So it was a very soft release. But I’m still happy with it.
In the Bleak Midwinter.
I wanted to write a song that was about the White Wall of Whale. I love Moby Dick, the idea that Melville tries to push in the book, that not only is Ahab’s revenge ultimately destructive, of himself and his crew, but is also pointless, as all creatures are equal and nature doesn’t care one way or the other because we’re part of it, had a big impact on me. The motive behind this track was, let’s write a song about dying in the snow. It interpolates Carol of The Bells and it’s just good riffage, but very simple.
I tend to want to do more. You don’t have to, it’s kinda better to be more quick, centred and simple with music but I have these stupid fucking standards for my own stuff. This song kills live though so my standards are clearly wrong.
Uisce (Water)
A lot of my inspiration is from nature. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but Ireland is a fucking beautiful place. I’ve grown up not far from the coast, and have always loved the sea. Uisce was inspired by the push and pull of the waves on the shore. I deliberately kept this simple, along with the other more atmospheric track on this EP. I was having an issue about trying to force it, lyrically. Thankfully that’s not as much of a problem, especially when I write heavier stuff. But I wanted to make a mood more than write songs.
The Hound
This is the weakest song on the record, I’ll hold my hands up and admit it. I got too in the weeds, I didn’t do a good enough job with the vocals and the production and I got too enamoured with the lead lines but this is a LEARNING exercise. We’re gonna fuck it, it’s okay to fuck it.
I wanted to write a one note riff like Lamb of God and ended up writing a fucking weird abnormal time sig Tool style riff instead. That should have been my first clue. I like wolves, I like the idea of wolves as both an animal and as a metaphor for dissidence. We used to have wolves in Ireland, we kept them as pets the same as dogs. In part of Cromwell’s efforts to “tame” Ireland he killed them all.
I don’t think I would play this one without some major rewriting.
Oíche Maith (Good Night)
This was the first full piece of original music I’d written in 8 years. I wrote this piece of music looking out the window at nature and the sunset, and decided I was going to just do my own music again.
So here’s the thing, I WAS recording covers. Here’s one of them.
I had been playing covers in 2019 acoustically and I wanted to have some recordings I could point to and say “hey this is how I am, these are the kinds of versions I do” but then the pandemic happened. And it was like, “you can make music, it doesn’t have to be songs, it could be a mood, something as simple as this.”
And so I did.
I’ve never played this out but it’s only because I haven’t got the right setup for it. I love this piece.
I never got to learn Irish in school. Due to circumstance and stuff like that. I grew up in the north, then the nature of my schooling kept me from having lessons (there are plenty of people in the North who learned Irish in school). I have always been bitter about that. You might have noticed that I’ve been working on that somewhat. But this song is about my anger and my impotence about my native language.
My native language is an unfamiliar tongue. As it is for anyone who doesn’t come from a native family or was raised and schooled in Irish. That shit fucks you up so bad.
I could never write verses so I ended up butchering the Our Father as Gailege, and drowning it in effects to represent the distance to the language I felt. That might change in the future, both the way the song is written and my relationship to my language. But this was a big cathartic song for me and it’s the one I’m most proud of on the EP. Even if it’s not where I’d want it to be now.
That’s a track by track on my first EP. It’s been fun looking back at these with a bit of distance, thanks for coming along with me for the ride.
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pestoutservices01 · 5 days
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Thorough examination and evaluation
We thoroughly inspect your property as the first step in our termite control procedure. We control make sure that all possible trouble spots are taken care of, we evaluate both visible and hidden locations.
Customized Treatment Solutions
We at Pest Out Services are aware that every termite infestation is different. For this reason, we provide tailored treatment plans based on your unique circumstances. Our therapies employ cutting-edge techniques like:
Treatment of Soil: Using termiticides to the soil nearby your home's substance will form a barrier that keeps termites out.
Baiting systems: These methods successfully control and reduce influxes by using termite baits that both attract and kill termites.
Liquid Treatments: To exclude termites and safeguard your home, apply liquid termiticides directly to the distressed areas.
Eco-Friendly and Safe Practices
We arrange the safety of our clients and the environment. Pest Out Services uses eco-friendly products and methods that are effective yet gentle on the environment. Our treatments are designed to be safe for your family and pets while effectively managing termite problems.
Timely and Reliable Service
Time is of the core when it comes to termite control. Pest Out Services is dedicated to offering trustworthy and well-timed service. Termite invasions are urgent, and we work hard to resolve your problems as soon as we can. Our team works quickly to ensure that you receive thorough treatment with the least amount of inconvenience to your regular routine.
Clear Pricing and Promises
Strong communication and straight pricing are values that Pest Out Services upholds. We offer thorough quotes and a breakdown of the prices associated with our termite treatment services. We also offer guarantees on our treatments so you can feel secure knowing that your termite issues will be handled correctly.
Common Signs of a Termite Infestation
Early detection of a termite infestation can prevent major damage and expensive repairs. The following are typical indicators that you may have a termite infestation:
Winged termites, sometimes known as swarmers, are frequently observed during their mating season. These insects are a surefire sign of an infestation if you find them near your house.
Termites construct mud tubes as a means of transportation between their nests and food supplies. These tubes are frequently seen on external foundations or walls.
Wood Damage: Termite activity may be indicated by hollow-sounding wood or damaged wooden structures. Look for indications of decaying, damaged, or tiny holes in the wood. Wings That Have Been Discarded: Termites are also present if you find discarded wings all throughout your house. When swarmers start a new colony, they shed their wings. The Best Way to Avoid Termite Infestations The secret to avoiding termite issues is prevention. The following are some practical steps you may take to keep termites away from your property: Frequent Inspections: To find any possible problems early on, schedule routine termite inspections with Pest Out Services.
Maintain Appropriate Drainage: To avoid humidity build up, which can draw termites, make sure water flows away from your foundation.
Seal Points of Entry: To keep termites out of your house, seal up any dumps and fissures in the walls, foundation, and other areas where they could enter.
Prevent Wood-to-Soil Contact: To lower the likelihood of termite infestation, keep wooden structures—such as decks and fences—away from soil contact.
Eliminate Sources of Moist: To get free of the environments that draw termites into your home, fix any leaks or moisture issues.
Contact Pest Out Services for Expert Termite Control in Chennai
Pest Out Services can care you if you're looking for best termite control services in Chennai. Our expert team is dedicated to offering cost-effective, secure, and on-going solutions for all of your termite control requirements. We have the information and assets to take care of your issues, whether you're trying to eliminate an infestation before want to avoid having one in the future.
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Pest Out Services is the perfect champ when it comes to termite control in Chennai. Our all-encompassing strategy, expert staff, and loyalty to client fulfillment place us as the leading supplier for people looking for "termite control Chennai" or "termite pest control Chennai." Put your trust in us to protect your house and belongings with our tried-and-true termite control methods.
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noisycowboyglitter · 12 days
Free Auntie Hugs: A Fun and Easy Way to Brighten Someone's Day
Free Auntie Hugs is a heartwarming initiative designed to spread love, kindness, and emotional support within communities. This concept is often personified by a welcoming "auntie" figure, representing warmth and comfort. The idea is simple yet impactful: offering free hugs to anyone in need of connection or reassurance.
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In a world where people can feel isolated or stressed, Free Auntie Hugs serves as a reminder of the power of human connection. Participants aim to create safe spaces where individuals can feel accepted, valued, and understood. The initiative often takes place at community events, festivals, and local gatherings, inviting people of all ages to engage in this simple act of kindness.
The initiative not only promotes mental well-being but also fosters a sense of belonging. By encouraging open-heartedness and compassion, Free Auntie Hugs helps break down barriers and build community ties. It embodies the idea that everyone deserves love and support, regardless of their background or circumstances. Ultimately, this movement highlights the importance of human connection in enhancing emotional health, making the world a warmer and more welcoming place for everyone.
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Coming Out is a significant and empowering process for many individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, particularly those who identify as gay. This journey involves openly sharing one’s sexual orientation with friends, family, and society, often leading to a sense of liberation and authenticity.
Gay Pride celebrations provide a supportive environment for this process, fostering acceptance and solidarity. During Pride events, individuals are encouraged to embrace their identities, share their stories, and connect with others in the community.
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Coming out can be both challenging and rewarding, as it often involves navigating personal fears and societal expectations. Ultimately, it promotes understanding and acceptance, reinforcing the idea that love and identity should be celebrated openly and without fear.
LGBT Stuff refers to a wide range of products, resources, and materials that celebrate LGBTQ+ identities and promote awareness. Being a Proud Ally means actively supporting and advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Allies play a crucial role in fostering acceptance and equality by standing against discrimination and promoting inclusivity.
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From wearing pride-themed apparel to participating in events and educating oneself about LGBTQ+ issues, allies help create a more accepting environment. By showing solidarity, proud allies contribute to a culture where everyone can express their true selves without fear, celebrating love and diversity in all its forms.
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rohankumar1276 · 3 months
Unemployability vs. Being Unemployable: Key Contrasts and Real-World Impact
In today's competitive job market, distinguishing between employability and being employable is crucial for both job seekers and employers. These terms are often used interchangeably but hold distinct meanings that can significantly influence career paths and organizational success. Let's delve into these concepts in simple terms to shed light on their importance.
Understanding Employability
Employability refers to the skills, qualifications, and personal attributes that make individuals attractive to potential employers. It encompasses technical competencies as well as soft skills such as:
Communication: Effectively conveying ideas and information.
Teamwork: Collaborating with others to achieve common goals.
Problem-solving: Analyzing issues and finding effective solutions.
Adaptability: Adjusting to new situations and environments.
Time Management: Organizing and prioritizing tasks efficiently.
Enhancing employability involves continuous learning and development to meet evolving job market demands.
Defining Unemployability
Unemployability arises when external factors prevent individuals from securing suitable employment opportunities. These factors may include economic downturns, shifts in industry demand, geographical limitations, or mismatches between job seeker skills and employer requirements. Even highly skilled individuals can face challenges in finding employment due to these external circumstances.
Exploring Being Unemployable
Being unemployable refers to an individual's lack of essential skills, qualifications, or attitudes necessary to obtain and retain employment. Common reasons for being unemployable include:
Skill Deficiencies: Not possessing required technical or soft skills for available job roles.
Limited Experience: Insufficient practical exposure in a desired field.
Poor Work Ethics: Demonstrating unreliability, lack of punctuality, or ineffective work habits.
Resistance to Change: Being unwilling or unable to adapt to new work environments or job requirements.
Individuals deemed unemployable may benefit from acquiring additional skills, gaining relevant work experience, or addressing behavioral aspects to improve their employability.
Implications for Individuals and Employers
Understanding the distinctions between employability and being employable is crucial for navigating today's dynamic job market. For job seekers, it underscores the importance of acquiring relevant skills, embracing lifelong learning, and demonstrating flexibility to enhance career prospects. Employers, meanwhile, benefit from recognizing these distinctions by prioritizing candidates who possess both technical proficiency and strong interpersonal skills, fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.
In conclusion, grasping the concepts of employability and being employable is essential in today's competitive job landscape. By understanding these terms and their implications, individuals can take proactive steps to enhance their marketability, while employers can make informed hiring decisions that contribute to organizational success. Ultimately, nurturing employability benefits both individuals and businesses, fostering a skilled and adaptable workforce poised for success in an ever-evolving economy.
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Top Pest Control Services in Indore Madhya Pradesh - Ideal ASR
Pest Control Service in Indore
Have you ever been concerned about unsanitary circumstances, half-eaten grains, or uneven loudness at night? 
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Then you’ll require pest control services. Pest control refers to managing and eliminating pests and organisms that negatively impact human health, the environment, or the economy. Pests can include insects, rodents, birds, and other animals that cause damage or carry diseases. 
Pest control services are critical for maintaining a healthy and clean environment in both the home and the workplace. These services aid in the eradication and control of pests that can cause property damage, disease transmission, and nuisance to humans. 
Types of pest control services 
Residential Pest Control: This service addresses pest issues in private homes and residential properties. 
Commercial Pest Control: Commercial pest control services cater to businesses, including offices, restaurants, hotels, warehouses, retail stores, and other commercial establishments. These services focus on preventing and controlling pests that can impact the smooth operation of businesses, such as rodents, flies, cockroaches, and stored product pests. 
Industrial Pest Control: Industrial pest control services are tailored to industries like manufacturing facilities, food processing plants, pharmaceutical companies, and warehouses.
Agricultural Pest Control: Agricultural pest control services are dedicated to protecting crops and livestock from pests. This includes the management of insects, rodents, birds, and other pests that can cause damage to crops, stored grains, and livestock. 
Green Pest Control: Green or environmentally friendly pest control services use sustainable and eco-friendly methods to control pests. These services prioritize non-toxic and low-impact solutions to minimize environmental harm, human health, and non-target organisms. They may involve integrated pest management (IPM), biological control, exclusion methods, and organic products. 
Emergency Pest Control: Emergency pest control services are available for situations that require immediate attention, such as severe infestations, dangerous pests, or pest-related health emergencies. 
Call for inquiry 
Reasons to Book Pest Control Services 
Pest control services are necessary for several reasons. Here are some advantages to hiring Ideal ASR Corporation pest control services:. 
Health and safety. 
Long-Term Prevention. 
Eco-Friendly solutions. 
Elimination of pests.
Prevention of future infestations.
Property protection. 
Saves money and time. 
Services supported by a warranty
Pest control services in business settings may be obliged to follow local health and safety requirements. Ultimately, hiring pest control services is crucial to keeping your home healthy, safe, and pest-free. 
Pest Control Solutions You Need in Just Three Simple Steps
If you want pest control services, there are three simple actions to take to obtain the best pest control solutions for your needs: 
Identify the pest: The first step is determining which pest is causing the issue. Various pests necessitate different treatments. Therefore, it’s critical to understand which pest you’re dealing with. Check for droppings, property damage, or sightings of the pests themselves. 
Choose a Pest Control Solution: After identifying the pest, research and select a pest control solution that is effective against that specific type of pest. Several pest control options are available, including chemical treatments, traps, baits, and eco-friendly methods. 
Call a professional pest control service. Hiring a professional pest control service is critical to ensuring successful and safe treatment. Choose a reliable pest control company in your region and call them to set up a consultation. The pest control specialist will examine the problem and offer the best course of action during the consultation. 
Identify the insect, select a pest management solution, and call a professional pest control provider. Use a safe and effective remedy and a professional service for the best results.
About the Best Pest Control Company
“Say goodbye to pests; hello to peace of mind.” 
Ideal ASR Corporation Pest Control Company is India’s largest pest control and home cleanliness service provider. Since its inception in 2019, Ideal ASR Company’s pest management firm has become one of the country’s largest pest control companies, with over 100 locations. 
Ideal ASR is a dependable pest control company that provides the following:
Eco-friendly and safe technologies.
Personalized solutions. 
Outstanding customer service and communication. 
They strive to make the pest control process as easy and stress-free as possible, earning them a reputation as one of the best pest control companies. Their dedication to quality has earned them a reputation as being one of the best pest control companies. 
Director: Ideal ASR Corporation 
Ideal ASR Corporation is an organization that has a team of skilled and experienced specialists who employ advanced equipment and procedures for effective pest control under the supervision of Director ANIL SINGH RATHORE. 
Director Anil Singh Rathore is a well-known pest control service provider in India. He completed his Pest Control and Fumigation Course at IGMRI Hapur, Delhi (a government institution). With 11 years of experience in this industry, we deliver unique and innovative pest control solutions. 
Ideal ASR Company is dedicated to providing high-quality services and has received multiple awards for customer service and innovation excellence.
Whatsapp Now 
The best pest control company in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation Pest Control Company in Indore is one of the best companies that provides effective and safe treatments, outstanding customer service, and a dedication to sustainability. 
Our organization has a team of certified and qualified specialists that utilize cutting-edge technology and methods to manage pests while minimizing environmental impact. 
Our ideal ASR Corporation pest control provider in Indore provides inspection, identification, treatment, and continuous maintenance to avoid new infestations. Where feasible, they utilize eco-friendly and ethical practices and are open about their pricing and the items they use.
Our company also prioritizes client happiness, with timely replies to inquiries, clear communication throughout the process, and a guarantee of their services. They have a track record of effective achievements and great consumer feedback. 
Ultimately, the greatest pest control service, according to the Ideal ASR Company, is one that delivers efficient and safe solutions while emphasizing customer service and sustainability. 
How does the ideal ASR team work? 
The Ideal ASR Corporation team follows a systematic approach to pest control, starting with a thorough inspection to identify the type of pests and the extent of the infestation. They develop a customized treatment plan, use eco-friendly and safe methods, and provide regular monitoring and maintenance services to ensure the premises remain pest-free. 
The Ideal ASR Corporation team also provides preventative measures to ensure that the pests do not return. 
The team is highly trained and uses the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that the pest control process is efficient and effective. The Ideal ASR team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, and they prioritize keeping their customers informed every step of the way.
Pest Control Service Prices 
Many factors determine Ideal ASR Corporation pest control service pricing in Indore, including the type of pests, the level of the infestation, the size of the facilities, and the type of treatment required.
We can provide the following information on specific pest control services: 
Ideal ASR Corporation pest control provides personalized treatment programs for unique pest problems, with pricing based on the treatment plan’s expertise.  
Ideal ASR Corporation provides pest control services. 
Ideal ASR Corporation provides a full variety of pest control services to both residential and commercial customers in India. Among their offerings are the following:
Ideal ASR Corporation also provides 24×7 customer support and a servicing guarantee.
Sectors We Serve: ASR Corporation offers pest control services to a wide range of industries, including 
Ideal ASR Corporation provides pest management solutions for houses, apartments, and condominiums to protect families and property from pests like ants, termites, rodents, bed bugs, and others. 
Ideal ASR Corporation provides pest control services to businesses, offices, and commercial buildings to eliminate pests that harm property, products, and reputation. They also provide solutions to help food handling, storage, and processing facilities meet regulatory standards. 
Ideal ASR Corporation offers pest control services to hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments to maintain a pest-free environment that fulfills high health and safety regulations.
Ideal ASR Corporation provides pest management solutions to hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare institutions to protect patients, staff, and visitors from pests that can spread disease and pose health risks.
Ideal ASR Corporation works with industrial and manufacturing companies to eliminate pests that harm machinery and products, taint raw materials, and endanger worker safety. 
Overall, Ideal ASR Corporation offers pest management services to various industries, guaranteeing that their consumers live in a safe, healthy, and pest-free environment. 
How do I schedule a pest control service in your area? 
Search for pest control companies online or through a local directory to book a pest control service near you. Choose a company, like Ideal ASR Company, and check their availability and pricing. Then schedule an appointment and prepare your home according to their instructions. Ensure that you provide accurate information to the pest control service provider to avoid inconvenience. 
When Should You Hire a Pest Control Professional?
You should contact a pest control service when you notice signs of a pest infestation. Pest infestation symptoms include: 
Pests have been observed.
There has been property damage. 
Strange noises or odors 
Pest droppings or other evidence of pest activity.
In general, scheduling regular pest control services is a good idea to avoid infestations in the first place. Most pest control companies offer regular maintenance plans to keep your property pest-free. 
Pest Control Services in Popular Cities
Ideal ASR Corporation is a pest control service provider in Indore, with services offered in places such as Indore. They provide residential and commercial clients with termite control in Indore, bed bug control in Indore, cockroach control in Indore, rodent control in Indore, and mosquito control in Indore. 
Ideal ASR Corporation eliminates pests using safe and environmentally friendly methods and offers annual maintenance plans to prevent new infestations. They offer a staff of skilled and experienced specialists who use cutting-edge pest control equipment and techniques. Ideal ASR Corporation also provides 24×7 customer support and a servicing guarantee.
Our Product
Please choose your city or area and contact us. 
Office Address: 104, Ganga Paradise Shiv Dham, Khandwa Road, Indore 
Contact No.: +91 98263 99289, +91 90744 69899 Whatsapp number: 919826399289 
Please email us at [email protected]
Establishing a strong reputation as a trusted and reliable pest control company dedicated to customer satisfaction.
Top Pest Control Company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh: Ideal ASR
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
Hire the best pest control company in Indore.
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best pest control company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Residential Pest Control Company in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best residential pest control company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
The best pest control company near me 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best pest control company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Company for Logistic Hubs in Indore, India
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best pest control company for Logistic Hub in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Company for Factories in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best pest control company for factories in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
Residential Pest Control Company in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the best residential pest control company in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers the best pest treatment services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Service for Termite Treatment in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for termites in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers termite control services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Service for Mosquito Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for mosquitoes in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and offers mosquito control services in Indore and nearby cities.
Top Pest Control Service for Cockroach Control in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for cockroaches in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and offers cockroach control services in Indore and nearby cities.
A Trusted Pest Control Service for Ant Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for ants in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers ant control services in Indore and nearby cities.
Professional Pest Control Service for Flies Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for flies in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers fly control services in Indore and nearby cities.
Pest Control Service for Bed Bug Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for bed bugs in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers bed bug control services in Indore and nearby cities.
Top Pest Control Service for Rodents Control in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for rodents in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers rodent control services in Indore and nearby cities.
No. 1 Pest Control Service for Lizards Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for lizards in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and offers lizard control services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Service for Wood Borer Control in Indore 
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for woodborers in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, that offers woodborer control services in Indore and nearby cities.
The Best Pest Control Service for Silverfish Control in Indore
Ideal ASR Corporation is the top pest control company for silverfish in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and offers silverfish control services in Indore and nearby cities.
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digital288 · 6 months
Understanding Financial Consultants and the Importance of Financial Literacy
Financial literacy is a fundamental aspect of managing personal finances effectively. However, many individuals lack the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. This is where financial consultants play a crucial role in educating and guiding individuals towards financial security and success.
Financial consultants are professionals who provide expert advice and assistance in various areas of finance, including budgeting, saving, investing, retirement planning, and more. Their primary objective is to help clients understand complex financial concepts and develop strategies tailored to their specific needs and goals.
One of the key reasons why financial literacy is essential is because it empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures. By understanding basic financial principles, such as budgeting, saving, and investing, individuals can make informed decisions that can positively impact their financial well-being over the long term.
For example, a person who is financially literate will be better equipped to create and stick to a budget, which can help them manage their expenses, avoid debt, and save for future goals such as buying a home or retiring comfortably. Similarly, someone who understands the basics of investing will be able to make smarter investment choices and build wealth over time.
Financial literacy also plays a crucial role in helping individuals protect themselves from financial pitfalls and scams. With a basic understanding of concepts like interest rates, credit scores, and insurance, individuals can recognize potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. This can include things like avoiding high-interest debt, protecting against identity theft, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage.
Furthermore, financial literacy is essential for promoting economic stability and growth. When individuals are financially literate, they are more likely to make responsible financial decisions that contribute to the overall health of the economy. This can lead to increased consumer confidence, higher levels of saving and investment, and ultimately, greater economic prosperity for society as a whole.
Unfortunately, financial literacy rates are alarmingly low in many parts of the world. According to a recent survey, only a small percentage of adults possess the knowledge and skills needed to make sound financial decisions. This lack of financial literacy can have serious consequences, both at the individual level and for society as a whole.
This is where financial consultants come in. By working with a financial consultant, individuals can gain the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions. Whether it's creating a budget, planning for retirement, or investing in the stock market, a financial consultant can provide personalized guidance and advice tailored to each client's unique circumstances and goals.
Financial consultants can also help individuals navigate complex financial products and services. From insurance policies to investment vehicles, the world of finance can be daunting for those without specialized knowledge. A financial consultant can help demystify these products and services, explaining them in simple terms and helping clients make informed choices that align with their financial goals.
In addition to providing advice and guidance, financial consultants also play a role in promoting financial literacy more broadly. Many consultants offer educational workshops, seminars, and resources designed to improve financial literacy among the general public. By spreading awareness and providing accessible information, financial consultants can help empower individuals to take control of their financial futures.
In conclusion, financial literacy is essential for navigating today's complex financial landscape. From managing day-to-day expenses to planning for long-term goals, understanding basic financial concepts is critical for achieving financial security and success. Financial consultants play a vital role in promoting financial literacy by providing personalized advice and guidance to help individuals make informed decisions. By working with a financial consultant, individuals can gain the knowledge and skills they need to take control of their finances and build a brighter financial future for themselves and their families.
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barknblush · 8 months
The Ultimate Essential Buy for Your Furry Friend and You: Revealing the Greatest Pet Accessory
First of all,
A pet's arrival into your home is a happy event that is brimming with affection. Choosing the ideal accessories to improve the quality of life for your pet and you may be a fulfilling experience as a pet owner. The greatest pet accessory product will be discussed in this article. It has been shown to be invaluable for many pet owners, strengthening the link between them and guaranteeing their pets' wellbeing.
A robust and fashionable pet carrier is the ideal pet accessory.
The pet carrier is one item of equipment for pets that constantly proves to be revolutionary. Pet owners can utilise a high-quality pet carrier for more than just carrying their animals; it can be used for many purposes and serves both functional and decorative purposes.
Reliability in Motion:
Pet owners can enjoy the convenience of securely transporting their animals when they invest in a durable and well-ventilated pet carrier. A trustworthy pet carrier guarantees your pet's safety and comfort whether it's for a quick walk around the neighbourhood, a weekend getaway, or a trip to the clinic.
Additionally, a lot of contemporary pet carriers have multiple access ports.
enabling simple access and relaxed pet-owner interactions. This capability comes in very handy while navigating through busy locations or on veterinary visits.
Comfort of Your Partner:
Your pet will feel more comfortable and secure in a pet carrier. The enclosed area can provide a comfortable and familiar setting, especially in strange or even stressful circumstances. A lot of carriers include soft, fluffy interiors that make it easy for your pet to unwind and feel comfortable.
Chic and Individualised:
Pet owners value the chance to showcase their personal style with stylish pet carriers, which goes beyond simple usefulness. Along with
Pet carriers have developed into fashionable accessories that match both the owner's taste and the character of the pet thanks to the wide range of designs, colours, and materials that are now available.
Versatile Super Heroes:
Certain pet carriers can also be used as adaptable accessories, such as comfortable beds or secure havens for pets inside the house. The pet carrier's multifunctionality contributes a substantial amount of value, making it a well-rounded investment that goes beyond transportation.
In summary:
Pet carriers are the unsung heroes of the pet accessory market, offering convenience, comfort, and style to both pet and owner. Its adaptability
makes it an indispensable tool that deftly meets the many requirements of pet ownership. When you start your journey as a pet parent, think about making an investment in a high-quality pet carrier. This is an option that will surely strengthen your relationship with your animal friend and take your experiences together to new heights.
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wizardsjournal · 9 months
Funny jokes 😂🤣 on YouTube to tell friends funny jokes jokes that are fun...
Often, laughter is proclaimed as the supreme remedy, and this assertion applies for valid reasons. Its remarkable ability to raise our spirits, ease stress, and boost our basic state of being can not be denied. The world of laughter therapy, a burgeoning location of research, explores the numerous advantages of laughing. It provides a simple and pleasant technique to enhance both our mental and physical wellness. When we experience laughter, our brain produces endorphins, which are natural chemicals that make us feel excellent. These endorphins prompt positive emotions and add to a sense of relaxation and joy. Laughing also reduces the presence of stress hormones like cortisol in our body, leading to a feeling of peace and stability. Furthermore, laughter treatment has the capability to enhance our immune system by improving antibody production and triggering immune cells, consequently offering us with defense against health problems. Not just does laughter have physical benefits, however it can likewise enhance our social connections. When we laugh with others, it reinforces bonds and produces a sense of belonging. It assists start a conversation in social circumstances and can even enhance team effort and partnership. Sharing an excellent laugh with buddies, household, or coworkers can produce long lasting memories and deepen relationships. Discovering Humor in Everyday Life: Lighten Up! In our hectic and often demanding world, it is essential to take a moment and discover humor in the daily incidents that surround us. Laughter is not just infectious but also has various health advantages. So, kick back, unwind, and permit yourself to be boosted by some hilarious jokes! The Science of Comedy: How Jokes Impact Mood Laughter is typically promoted as the very best medicine, and for good factor. A great joke can instantly raise our spirits, make us forget our problems, and improve our overall mood. But exactly what happens in our brains when we hear an amusing joke? When we stumble upon something entertaining, our brain's chemistry modifications, releasing a rise of chemicals that make us feel excellent, such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. These chemicals are essential for managing our feelings and making us feel better. They not just improve our state of mind but also lower tension and increase our capability to endure pain. Additionally, the act of chuckling sets off the release of nitric oxide, a naturally happening substance that enhances blood flow and promotes cardiovascular health. This enhanced blood flow helps to relax our muscles, reduce tension, and even provides a natural boost to our immune system. So, the basic act of indulging in an excellent joke can have extensive effects on our physical well-being too. Moreover, sharing a great laugh with others can reinforce social bonds and foster connection. When we laugh together, it produces a favorable and satisfying shared experience, ultimately promoting a sense of unity and sociability. Laughing with friends, household, and even complete strangers assists to construct relationships and enhance overall social interactions, resulting in a more fulfilling and better life.
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lifewellbalanced · 11 months
Boosting Employee Productivity and Well-Being with Corporate Employee Wellness Programs
In the fast-paced world of corporate life, it's easy for employees to get caught up in the daily grind, often at the expense of their well-being. Long working hours, high stress levels, and a lack of work-life balance can take a toll on employees' physical and mental health. However, many forward-thinking companies are recognizing the importance of prioritizing corporate employee wellness in Dubai,not only as a way to support their staff but also to boost overall productivity.
One such company that has taken a proactive approach to promoting corporate employee wellness in UAE is Yabi by Souqalmal. Yabi is a financial education platform that offers a unique blend of tools and resources to help individuals achieve their financial goals. Their holistic approach extends beyond financial education, acknowledging the intricate relationship between financial well-being and overall employee wellness.
Corporate Employee Wellness: A Growing Trend
Corporate employee wellness in UAE has gained significant momentum in recent years as employers realize its potential to enhance the health and productivity of their workforce. These programs typically encompass a wide range of initiatives, including physical fitness, mental health support, stress management, and financial wellness.
Yabi's holistic approach aligns with this growing trend, understanding that financial stress can be a significant source of anxiety for employees. Money worries can impact both physical and mental health, affecting job performance and overall well-being. By providing access to financial education and resources, Yabi aims to alleviate this burden and contribute to the holistic wellness of employees.
Financial Wellness: The Missing Puzzle Piece
In the realm of corporate employee wellness in Dubai, financial wellness is sometimes the overlooked puzzle piece. Yabi by Souqalmal recognizes this gap and steps in to fill it. Their platform offers a comprehensive set of tools and resources that empower employees to take control of their financial well-being.
The platform provides a wealth of information and guidance on managing finances, setting and achieving financial goals, and understanding the importance of savings and investments. Yabi is not just about making money; it's about making money work for you, so employees can enjoy financial security and peace of mind.
One of the standout features of Yabi is its financial health score. Employees can calculate their financial health score, a metric that measures their current financial status and highlights areas that may need improvement. This simple yet effective tool can motivate employees to take action and make positive changes in their financial lives.
Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips
Yabi's offerings are not just limited to generic financial advice. They connect employees with some of the UAE's best financial experts, who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations. This one-on-one interaction ensures that employees receive tailored advice that suits their unique financial circumstances.
By combining digital tools and expert guidance, Yabi makes financial education accessible and engaging. Employees can learn at their own pace, ensuring that financial literacy becomes a natural part of their lives, ultimately leading to improved financial well-being.
Enhancing Employee Productivity
The benefits of corporate employee wellness programs like Yabi extend beyond individual well-being. When employees feel financially secure and less stressed about their money, they are more likely to be productive and engaged at work. Financial worries can lead to distractions and decreased job performance, which is a concern for both employees and employers.
By prioritizing corporate employee wellness, companies can create a healthier, more productive work environment. When employees know that their employer cares about their overall well-being, it fosters a sense of loyalty and motivation to perform at their best.
In conclusion, Yabi by Souqalmal is an exemplary model of a corporate employee wellness program that recognizes the importance of financial well-being in the overall health and productivity of employees. Their platform offers a holistic approach to financial education, empowering employees to take control of their financial lives. With Yabi, employees can calculate their financial health score, access expert guidance, and develop the financial skills needed to thrive in their personal and professional lives.
As corporate employee wellness programs continue to gain traction, it's essential for companies to consider the holistic well-being of their workforce, including their financial health. Initiatives like Yabi not only contribute to employees' overall happiness and productivity but also reflect positively on the employer, creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.
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braininventoryusa · 1 year
Essential Hybrid Work Tools: A Guide for Small Businesses
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Quick Summary: The number of companies around the world that support hybrid work arrangements is growing like wildfire. And for good reason — that is, if you’re a fan of flexibility in your workplace. What this means exactly is that companies are allowing their employees to have a certain number of days and hours each week where they can work remotely from home. The benefits of this type of arrangement are clear: it allows for better work-life balance while also giving the employer insight into which employees are productive when under stress and which ones need social interaction at the office to be properly motivated.
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What Does Hybrid Work Look Like?
The concept of “hybrid” workspaces is simple: to provide employees with a mix of flexible work options, depending on where they best organize their daily lives. It is also simple for employers: it allows them to have workers come in for in-person meetings. It’s beneficial for employees because it offers flexibility. For some, spending time with peers in an office is not only comforting but liberating. Others prefer the convenience that comes with working from home.
A company may decide to allow employees to work a hybrid work schedule based on specific circumstances. This could be one day each week or a few days each month, for example. Which days and how many will vary with the company and each employee.
Conversely, numerous companies choose a hybrid approach, dividing their employees’ work time between remote and in-office settings, typically with team members working from home for two or three days a week and spending the remaining days at the office.
Hybrid strategies are well-suited for a wide range of companies, including startups and small businesses as well as large corporate enterprises. Here’s how to create your own hybrid cloud strategy.
Increased flexibility: Constant connectivity, flexible schedules, and job autonomy are the cornerstones of a successful hybrid operation. Hybrid arrangements can bring big benefits to employers and employees alike: Access to new talent, an opportunity to get more work done under one roof, and growth potential without the need to move.
Reduced expenses: In today’s employment market, companies are scrambling for ways to save more money. Moving into a virtual office is a growing trend in the workplace. And for good reason: it often saves companies significant amounts of cash. Everything from rent, utilities, refreshments, and other amenities can be saved with a virtual office solution.
Better work-life balance: Working from home is the ideal solution for many modern workers who want to spend more time with their families or need to work around a physical condition like chronic fatigue or irritable bowel syndrome. It’s no secret how beneficial this kind of work arrangement can be to an employee’s happiness and productivity.
Enhanced employee satisfaction and loyalty: Work-life balance is a big buzzword in the world of human resources and employee relations. It has been widely debated and discussed that achieving a healthy balance can be beneficial to both an employee and an employer. Ultimately, emotional health in the workplace helps to assure retention as well as quality work from employees who actually enjoy showing up at their place of employment.
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5 Hybrid Work Tools for a Productive Team
Desk Management Software
With the advancement of technology over the past decade, it’s almost impossible to increase your productivity without some kind of software managing your office space. While you may have been able to keep up with the old-fashioned method of space management in an office with a higher volume of employees — space management can only go as far as your abilities allow. You’ll need digital support from common spaces, employee files, and productivity software to help you out at work in your smaller business.
Office management software is essential if you’re running a business. These tools go above and beyond traditional HR needs and integrate to improve your overall workflow. Depending on your specific needs, these office management tools can help you with team management, employee scheduling, room booking, and more.
After selecting the tool or suite of tools, the next step is to ensure accessibility for your workforce. To enable bookings, incorporate a link into your company’s website. If you don’t already have a website, don’t forget to secure a domain name first!
Video Conferencing Platforms
In the past, collaboration between remote workers was limited to phone calls and email. While email can still be a great conduit for initial discussions, teams that use video conferencing tend to make more effective use of it. Video conferencing enables workers to share visual cues that enable them to better connect with each other and improve communication. Communication issues are among the most common challenges for hybrid businesses, which is why I decided to offer you the following guide on how to improve collaboration among your team members.
File Management and Sharing Tools
Workplace technology has evolved over the years, and currently, more and more businesses are adopting cloud-based solutions. Cloud-based office productivity suites allow employees to quickly and easily share files and collaborate on projects from virtually any device. However, not all file-sharing services are created equally. Not only can you save yourself time and frustration in how your team shares files, but you can also improve your security by selecting a better file-sharing platform.
Collaboration and Communication Solutions
It’s essential that remote teams collaborate effectively and communicate often. When employees feel disconnected or disengaged, they’ll be less productive and lack motivation. To overcome this challenge, make sure you provide your hybrid staff with the right tools for effective team collaboration. The key to achieving this is setting standards for virtual meetings and remote communication in general.
Productivity Apps
As companies, we are all striving to get more done with less, and time tracking is an efficient way to get that done. Time tracking is the recording of the time that staff members spend working on particular tasks, and is a valuable tool for managers looking to increase productivity and ensure they’re getting the most out of their employees.
Hybrid work policies allow employees to customize their workdays and schedules more than a traditional, set 9-to-5 job. Certainly, there are numerous benefits to offering this type of flexibility—especially in today’s workforce where employees increasingly want to have control over when they work and how they work. Hybrid jobs also allow organizations to fill positions for which a 9-to-5 job might not be ideal. Someone who likes to travel on the weekends may prefer part-time hours; someone with young children may need to work from home multiple days a week; and so on. Brain Inventory is a professional software development company and we have a dedicated team of developers who are experts in their respective domains. We have done technical assignments for a range of projects that include web and mobile app development services, e-commerce development, CMS development, etc. Our mission is to develop high-quality products to increase the productivity of our clients.
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govindhtech · 1 year
Liquid Cooler Maintenance: Tips and Tricks
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Liquid Cooler Maintenance Tips
The MAG CORELIQUID E Series is the most recent addition to MSI’s lineup of liquid coolers. This innovative liquid cooler is a unique device that combines cutting-edge cooling technology with a striking visual appeal to create a product that is really revolutionary. The passing of time and the shape of the solar eclipse were the sources of inspiration for it.
Because of the continuous increase in the number of computing operations that need to be carried out by computers, there has been a direct proportional growth in the need for increased heat dissipation efficiency as well as enhanced computer performance. The MSI CORELIQUID E Series has been meticulously built to do just that, expertly maximizing heat dissipation performance while simultaneously increasing the level of the overall user experience.
This action was taken in response to a need that was brought to MSI’s notice in an unambiguous manner. Users are given unrivaled control over their systems as a consequence of MSI CENTER’s capability to interact with motherboards in a smooth manner and use the power of MSI’s one-of-a-kind MSI CENTER software. Users are granted complete control over their own systems as a result of this.
This particular liquid cooler is more efficient at eliminating the heat that is produced by your central processing unit (CPU) than others due to the fact that it expands the contact surface between the water channel and the copper base of the water block. To accomplish this, a bigger design that contains an enhanced micro-channel height is used. This allows the desired result to be achieved. This micro-channel structure contributes to the creation of an effective water cooling system, which further enhances the cooling process for your central processing unit (CPU).
The design of the pump has been improved so that it can more effectively cool by separating the hot and cold coolant in order to maintain the temperature difference, which in turn results in the pump working more quickly. In addition to this, the performance of the cooling system is further improved by the fact that the pump is driven by a three-phase motor that is both durable and long-lasting.
The new structural design not only has the effect of increasing the capacity for heat dissipation, but it also ensures that the device will continue to be reliable even after lengthy use. Even while working under strong loads, the product exhibits good temperature management, which ultimately leads to an extension of its lifespan. This is one of the factors that contributes to the product’s extended lifetime.
The rotating function of 270 degrees that is found on the water block cap is preserved on the liquid cooler that is part of the E Series. This is in addition to the enhanced performance that it offers. The whole process of assembly is simplified as a result of this factor.
The MSI CENTER program allows users to combine the MSI CORELIQUID E series with an MSI motherboard and modify the speed of the cooling fan and pump. Users may also integrate the MSI CORELIQUID E series with an MSI graphics card.
In addition, users have the ability to make tweaks and updates to pertinent parameters depending on a variety of use situations and circumstances. Users will be able to take advantage of more flexibility as a result of this. Users who make use of the MSI CENTER are given access to simple settings that may be adjusted to optimize the performance of their computer hardware and achieve the highest level of functionality that is feasible.
It makes no difference whether your interests lie in gaming, creative work, or the pleasure of multimedia; the MSI CORELIQUID E Series is going to be the perfect choice for you since it provides an exceptional user experience.
The MAG CORELIQUID E Series is offered in two different sizes, 240mm and 360mm, and both black and white are the color choices that are available for this series.
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