#or just full blown service top
wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
Regulus would Pavlov James, end of question. I think James would do it back, but just a slip of Reg's collar exposing his shoulder, or craning his neck to the side to expose his neck? Jams is already at his beck and call, flipping his switch.
James would probably be certain phrases and holding Reg's chin. Reg being Pavloved into either melting or pushing full brat, depending on his mood.
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polarisjisung · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS | every college student has their struggles, but raising her younger brother has Y/N top of the list, struggling her way through college whilst balancing her academics and basketball captaincy is difficult no doubt and with Jaemin, her ex best friend and captain of the guys basketball team, and his growing one sided hatred towards her, it doesn't seem to be getting any easier
WARNINGS | swearing, sexual innuendos, kys/kms jokes, some more anti daegal agenda from haechan, jaemin is still a bitch but trust that will change shortly
NOTES | written cut ahead!! also just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's reading and interacting, I love reading all the comments 🫶🏼🫶🏼 +++ just a warning to be careful and stay safe for everyone in the uk with the ongoing violence :( please take care of yourselves!
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Jaemin sighs.
Luck hadn't been on his side today, not when he woke up 20 minutes after his alarm, with the worst bedhead of his life and his hungry kittens practically hissing at him to be fed, not when he was late to school and the first class of the day and certainly not now.
Now as campus feels suspiciously empty, almost too empty, considering practise had ended only 5 minutes ago, jaemin stares up at the sky, thunder clashing, grey clouds looming overhead.
It doesn't take much longer for the rain to come, not a light drizzle but a full blown storm, the wind making the rain splash in his face, his pink hair matted to his forehead. A frown lines his lips.
And as if luck hadn't fucked him over enough, the bus service was cancelled all week.
If it wasn't for your slow, cautious footsteps, jaemin would've found himself trudging through the rain for the next half an hour to get back home.
He sighs in relief, convincing himself he'll ask the student approaching for a ride home, and like most students, who he was pretty popular with, he'd get a positive answer.
Jaemin's relief is short lived when he realises, that student is in fact you making your way over.
The way the concern paints your features and you rush over in the rain, not too bothered about getting yourself wet but still offering an umbrella out to him, the way you feign selflessness, the way you seem so innocent, it all convinces jaemin that maybe walking back home in the rain isn't too bad. He's already turned around before you can say anything.
He doesn't know why he stops when he hears your voice call out for him
"Jaemin" he doesn't know even more why he turns around to face you, holding perhaps the most eye contact he has with you in years.
"Do you need a ride home?" you ask, smiling as you wait for him to take the umbrella from you. He only shoves it back into your hands
All jaemin can focus on is that one word, did he need a ride, need?
Jaemin had never and would never need anything from you. He'd like to make that clear, but it's a lot less validating when he knows you won't respond the way he'd like. His bitter remarks were always met with silence on your end.
"I don't need anything from you" he spits the words out anyways.
You nod, but you don't let up, and apparently neither does the rain, it's speed doubling by the second and the size of each falling droplet growing.
"Would you like a ride?" you try again, despite the fact that you could barely make out jaemin in front of you and all you can hope is that he'll say yes.
His facial expressions telling you otherwise.
"Fine" he says, walking past you and towards your car, you can't help but smile, even if you had gotten completely soaked in the process of convincing him.
For a moment, you're close enough to blowing your cover, forgetting to ask for directions, but jaemin seems a step ahead, taking the initiative to put his apartment address into your satnav. Now you couldn't pretend that being next to him was easy, even if you tried to, jaemins presence left you in a constant state of uneasiness, like you were hyper aware of every sound you made, every word you spoke, worried you were breathing too loud or something completely out of your control would tick him off. It wasn't that jaemin was a horrible guy, he wasn't— you knew that better than anyone else, you just never knew why he had decided to be so horrible to you.
You choose to sit in silence, phone connected to the aux but no music playing as you drove. For just a second, you remember how comforting the silence between you both had once been, how there was never an awkward moment or thoughts of self doubt in jaemin's presence. Now it felt heavy, unspoken words and underlying emotions lingering in the space between you.
"Don't think we're friends just because I accepted your ride" he says, his tone sour.
"I know we're not friends jaemin, just doesn't hurt to be cordial"
You're not sure if he even hears what you said, but if he had, jaemin chooses to ignore your words. You don't say anything of it either.
He turns to face you, concentrated on driving through the heavy rain with a heavy grip on the wheel. You seem stiff for some reason, though he can't figure out why.
This is the first time, jaemin realises, that he's let himself look at you completely.
Your hands grip the steering wheel, some fresh red scratches on them, he wonders where they came from but moves on from the thought quickly, supposing you were just as clumsy as you once were. It's the only similarity he can notice, everything else seems painfully different to the old you.
Your hair is tied back in a ponytail and seems longer than he'd last remembered, perhaps a couple shades darker too, your facial features seem more mature and your eyes seem more tired.
For some reason each change, large or small, still manages to suit you well.
"Good game out there" you say and jaemin notices the changes that came to your voice, you've developed some confidence but speak in a softer tone than before, the smile on your face seems permanent, a realisation that makes his eyes roll.
"Can't say the same for you"
You nod, this really hadn't been your best game and the lack of sleep last night really hadn't helped.
"I hope you're not going to continue the rest of the season with the weak shots and shitty playing" he clicks his tongue, "it's not exactly best player of the year material is it?"
Most days you'd let jaemin take these shots at you, the wordless ones, the bold ones, and the quite frankly unnecessary ones, but today something urges you to defend yourself just a little.
"We all have our moments jaemin" you sigh, and despite wanting to say more, you decide against it, besides you were almost home anyway.
"Too many of those moments and we're in the same situation we were last year, wouldn't want to let the team down more than you already do would you?"
You don't respond, the car coming to a stop outside the front entrance to your apartment complex. You're glad it does, tears pricking your eyes as a smug jaemin steps out of the car.
When the door shuts behind jaemin you can't help but let the tears roll down your face.
You wonder why you even make an effort.
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TAGLIST (open): @jenobubbles @nanawrlds @justalildumpling @222brainrot @sungookie @pepperedthot @jiawji @dinonuguaegi @haechansbbg @90s-belladonna @bath1lda @jeongintwt @daegalfangirl @ahnneyong @jammingjaem @paper-boats-rose @iraa567 @errrrrat @kyusqult @suzayaaa @jising-jisang-jisung @soonyoonswoo @nctrawberries @wonbin-truther @sunghoonsgfreal @lotties-readings @onlyhyunjin @swee7dream @girlz4jaem @beomgyusonlywife @nanaxwi @nosungluv @tommina @sinisxtea @20sdiary @otblous @p-d1ddy @lostinneocity @soobs-things @odxrilove @buns-inhiding @busy-daydreaming02 @starfilledgaze @papichulomacy @grassbutneo @iwilleatyourgod @jeeluv @soheendo @mystverse @meowtella
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
Bruce Wayne and some kind of fluff thing please?
Top-down in a convertible, sunshine, and a beautiful woman in a sundress next to him- it almost made him forget that he was older than you were.
Until he looked in the mirror and saw the grey at his temples when he glanced behind him.
Still. It was... Intoxicating. He couldn't help it as you sang the love songs on your play list at him. It didn't matter that earlier in the week when you were dressed down and taking the kids shopping a reporter mistook you FOR A NEW KID.
It wasn't exactly a May-December romance but... still. The constant implication he was a cradle robber was getting to him. You had a career before he married you and you had to quit. You'd been a model and an actress. But- now you were a housewife. An unconventional one, sure but-
He pulled off on to an over look and turned the radio down so you could admire the view and the sunset for a moment, "Sweetheart," he started, taking your hand to kiss it, "Are you happy?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" you ask him, turning his hand over to kiss his palm.
He smiled a little and tilted your chin up smoothing wind blown hair out of your face before he took off your sun glasses, "Is that a press-facing answer or how you really feel?"
"Bruce," you laugh, "the only thing I want more of is laid. But we have a house full of kids and you have a whole double life to deal with- I'll just have to cope."
"My poor neglected wife," he purred, nipping your lip before he kissed you. "I'd like to remind you we don't have kids tonight."
"We didn't have kids last night and you were brooding-"
Bruce smiled ruefully, "I was too busy feeling old and sorry for myself," he admitted.
"Is that all?"
"All?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"I could have spent the night reminding you it didn't bother me when we got married-"
"It might someday," he pointed out.
"Bruce," you snort, "My grandma married someone old enough to be her dad and they were happily married until he died and had like 6 kids. No one thinks you're my dad. People are just really concerned about what goes on in our bedroom."
"6 kids?"
"Listen Brucie," you pout, "This was before birth control. You keep bringing them home. The most you're getting out of me is one and then I'm getting a mommy makeover."
"Two would-"
"You're out all night," you remind him, "and if you're not sleeping all day you're-"
"Okay," he said holding his hands up in surrender as he stole another kiss, grinning. "Point taken."
"But back to my only complaint. We don't have kids tonight at all and I want-"
"And I want a happy wife," he promised, "pulling out his phone to cancel the reservations. Room service and champagne in the jacuzzi it is."
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
I've been waiting to respond since you made that post mocking us for wanting problematic characters banned from your polls because apparently you are not taking legitimate criticism of anime seriously. Because it is full of poor representation of minorities and lgbtq+ and you and all of your followers are laughing about it like it's nothing.
I will start with Yamato because everyone acts like one piece even though it's so full of misogyny. Having a trans character is amazing when I don't even think Yamato is actually trans. I'm pretty sure it's a translation error and everyone has latched on to it. So again that is not good representation if it's not confirmed representation and even if it was confirmed, it's not good representation. Yamato because of the one piece art style by default Yamato is full-blown a fetishization of trans people because all one piece characters if they are drawn, female presenting are drawn like sex dolls. So unless they go through an actual gender transition and not just a pronoun change. There cannot be good representation with Yamato because Yamato is a fetish, not a fully fleshed out character. I mean to boil it all down. I don't think the author is capable of having any good lgbtq+ representation one piece is just not a sophisticated enough story and the characters are just too shallow for that to be possible
Bleach did a similar thing with Yoruichi acting like it was so amazing to have a character of color and she is supposedly bisexual but she's just waifu bait and it reeks of misogyny and fetishization of BIPOC. She's a furry to top it all off. It doesn't help that the bunny chick from my hero is basically the new gen version of the same character, but at least she is disabled too. So at least they tried to do something with her character other than waifu bait
So I would like to know why every character I've seen promoted as great representation in anime for either the BIPOC or LGBTQ+ communities seem to only be horribly fetishized, useless, waifu bait. Not actually a good character.
And even when Japan is dealing with its own ethnic minorities and indigenous populations it still does a horrible job by playing into the Noble Savage stereotype Hollywood likes to play into. Have you not seen the anime Golden Kamuy? It's about Japan's own first Nations tribe and it's So disrespectful to that. I swear they could not have had a single person from Hokkaido, much less a member of the actual Ainu people involved in the creation of that anime or manga. And yet I've seen so many people brag about that anime and manga and how it's so good for diversity. When again, every single Ainu character acts like a bad native American stereotype from like a 1950s American Hollywood western. It's that bad and don't get me started on the fan service in that show. It's at a level that could be considered exploitative but it's okay. Some of the characters might be gay so it's representation. To top it all off it reinforces white colonial beauty standards because the main Ainu character is specially because she's half white and has blue eyes like her white dad and she talks about how she's going to be a new kind of better Ainu for the future because she's white passing. That show is a reductive racist dumpster fire and I can't believe anyone says otherwise.
But you said you won't ban characters unless the fandom becomes too toxic. But you really should consider looking out for the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities by not promoting toxic problematic characters and actually banning these toxic problematic characters and shows
Fandoms vs Illiteracy #1
Feel free to critique the essay but not the person nor the person's intelligence. Do not call names, degrade the person, or personally attack them in any way. The purpose of this series is to critique/analyze the arguments contained in the essays.
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For those unfamiliar with the characters mentioned, here are pictures. The names are in the alt text.
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And here's one of the promotional images for season 2 of Golden Kamuy
So now that everyone is a little bit more familiar with everything mentioned in the essay and knows the rules, feel free to do your own research and respond.
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alexblakeisgay · 3 months
At Your Service
Ship: Emily Prentiss/Reader
Summary: There's a nation-wide shortage of heat suppressants and you run out in the middle of a case in a small Alaskan town...
Word Count: 909
Author's Note: This fills the Alpha/Beta/Omega square on my @cmkinkbingo2024 card.
Emily knocked on your hotel room’s door. “Everything okay in there?” She sounded worried.
“Fine,” you said, your voice warbling just the slightest bit, betraying your attempt at confidence.
She tried the doorknob. “Let me in, Y/N... You’re scaring me.”
“I want to,” you said, just barely loud enough to be heard through the door. “But I can’t, Em. You’re just going to have to trust me. I can’t go to the precinct. Keep me in the loop and I’ll do what I can from here, but...”
“Y/N,” she said seriously, “You have thirty seconds to open the door or I’m getting Derek and...”
Almost immediately, you flicked the lock and opened the door, already mortified that you were having to have this conversation with Emily of all people. She was your best friend in the whole world, your boss, and the star of each and every masturbatory fantasy you’d had for the last six months... So, things were complicated, to say the least.
You yanked her into the room and slammed the door shut behind her and, when you turned back around, poised to explain the situation, you knew she already knew...
Due to a country-wide heat suppressant shortage, the tiny Alaskan town you were currently based out of hadn’t been able to refill your prescription. You didn’t exactly advertise that you were an Omega and you didn’t relish the feeling of walking into a precinct full of Alpha males in full-blown heat.
You didn’t have to say that, knew all the thoughts that were crossing Emily’s mind in that moment.
“Understood,” was all she said. And just as quickly, she was gone again.
You didn’t know what Emily told the rest of the team, but no one else came to your room...until early evening when there was a knock on your door. You were reluctant to answer it, until you heard Emily call through the door, “It’s just me...” When you opened the door, she held up a bag of Chinese food. “I thought you might be hungry,” she said.
Since you were, in fact, starving, you decided to let her in.
You could tell that she was uncomfortable as she crossed the room to set the food on the table and, for a brief moment, you were unsure why... Then, visibly trembling, she paused, bracing herself on the table while she collected her composure.
You opened your mouth to ask what was wrong, but before you could get the words out, she practically growled. “You smell so fucking good...”
“Wh-what?” you stammered.
She whipped around to stare at you with an absolutely feral expression. She took a few steps towards you, then quickly seemed to regain self-control. Holding up her hands in self-defence, she said, “I need to leave.”
“What? No! Why?” you exclaimed in quick succession.
“Because if I stay, I won’t be able to control myself...”
You put two and two together then. For a brief moment, you weighed the pros and cons of the situation. Then, quietly, “Stay.”
She studied you, seemingly searching for something in your expression. Whether she found it or not, you couldn’t have said, but regardless, she lunged forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. When it quickly became clear that you didn’t object, she lifted you up and tossed you onto the bed, then climbed on top of you.
You could tell that she was barely clinging to her restraint and, quite honestly, you didn’t want her to... “Emily...” you whined, but that seemed to be the extent of your speech capabilities at that moment. Instead, you wriggled out of your pyjama shorts and hoped that was clear enough.
She seemed to get the message, though, because she proceeded to literally tear your panties off, push your legs apart, and dove into your cunt. Agonizingly slow, she trailed her tongue through your slit, catching every last drop of wetness on her tongue. She hummed a pleased note. “Fuck, you taste even better than you smell...”
Hooking your leg over her shoulder, you dug your heel into her back, forcing her to stay where she was, lavishing your pussy with attention. “Emily,” you said on a gasp, “Em, please...”
She chuckled. “You like that, huh?” she taunted, “You’re absolutely soaked for me.”
You whimpered, nodded, squirming as she lavished you with attention.
“Hey!” she scolded, “You wanted this, so stay still and take it.” She gripped your hips, holding you down as she sucked your clit into her mouth.
Crying you, you arched your back off the bed, your body absolutely thrumming with need under her expert ministrations. “Jesus, Em! You’re so fucking good at that!”
Pausing to catch her breath, she met your gaze with an absolutely predatory expression, your juices dripping down her chin. “You taste so good, Angel, I could eat your sweet pussy all day long...”
You had a strong feeling she wasn’t exaggerating... “Please, please, please,” you begged for more. “I need to cum...”
“You can, Angel,” she purred, “Cum all over my face like a good little girl.” She lapped at your cunt with renewed determination, single-minded in her focus to coax an orgasm from you. And, when you finally came, she didn’t stop, working you until you sobbed, begging her to stop. “Stop?” she said with a laugh, crawling up your body to kiss you (and you could taste your cum on her tongue), “I’m just getting started with you.”
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xmycxx · 9 months
Abby with a masc!reader
A/N: Whiel i love the trope of masc!abby x fem!reader, gotta say I'm more towards the masc side so I had to write this
sharing! CLOTHES
im sorry but can you imagine!! like you can borrow her clothes and shirts and she can borrow yours
personally i have a jacket that looks realy similar to her WLF one so most people can't tell who's clothes you're wearing at any time
depending on your style, you def end up slightly improving hers
she gives vibes that she wouldn't really care how she dressed as long as it was suitable and appropriate
if you dressed to the dark academia, prep for her stealing your sweaters, if you dress punk, yea you're never seeing that jacket again
i feel like she would be the type to go for femmes (or men if she wasn't gay yet) then you fucking showed up at this party, dressed to the nines in a black button up and trousers with chains and rings, charming as hell
and then you startt alking to her with that sweet smile, innocently putting your hand on her arm
she realized then and there that you are more charming and sweet than any man she could ever date
"Nice to meet you..." You trailed off, putting your hand forward for a handshake, lopsided smirk on your face as you waited for her to finish your sentence with her name.
"abby, my name is abby." She said in a lower tone of voice, clearing her throat. She winced immediately when she grabbed your hand with more strength than she thought, seeing your face change.
"Pleasure." You said, trying not to grin at the obvious effect you were having on her, the pain in your hand becoming dull as you watched her fumble.
you cannot tell me a masc doesn't care about their hair
if you had shorter hair, she woudl fuckin adore running her hands through it and seeing how short it was
if you ahd longer hair, she'd teach you how to braid it like hers
peak switch energy
ik most people say she's a top but have you seen this girl
a service top if i ever saw one
the rare time she bottoms is an absolute treat for you
i think she would secretely love the idea of being your housewife
like, imagine you came home from work to see her making dinner adn you make an innocent joke
"Damn," You said, grinning, dropping your bag to the ground before coming up behind her. "If i knew my housewife was waiting for me, would've come home sooner." It was meant to be a joke. You hid your smile by hiding your face in her back, not coming upto her full height. She took it more seriously, face breaking out into a blush as she ducked out of your eyesight. The nervous hitch in her breath was something she couldn't hide from you.
"Aww did that get you all flus-" "Shut up."
ik it's a drastic change but like dude, im a beanie girl and she would love the idea of using your beanies because she can still smell your shampoo on them
dates would be so funny bc she would wanna pay because she knows how to treat a girl
there are full blown arguments where the waiter is concerned y'all are gonna break up before even paying
eventually you settle that you'll just alternate it
I might write more for this if there are any prompts
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xnewtiebooty · 1 month
Newtmas headcanons, some NSFW (Post-Death Cure, AU in which Thomas time travels to save Newt/or WICKD found Newt and revived him.)
. They are extremely codependent and obsessive, mainly on Thomas' end. He can't stand being away from Newt, not being able to see him. If he doesn't know where Newt is, he spirals into panic. He feels like Newt could just slip between his fingers again at any moment.
. Newt has a love/hate relationship with Thomas's unfaltering attention. It used to be all he ever wanted, was for Thomas to look at him, but there are times at which he feels ready to explode. He's sick of feeling treated like an incapable child, or like he's something fragile. One day, he snaps, and they get into a huge fight over it. He storms off, and Thomas is shocked and hurt but realizes Newt is right. Thomas tells him he'll try to give him space, when he needs. Newt apologizes, acknowledges that it's partly on him, and that he'll try to communicate what he needs better from now on. That he understands the need to be together- really, of all people, he does- and how much of a comfort it is for Thomas, but that he needs space to just be "Newt" sometimes, not just "Newt & Thomas."
. They both have nightmares about that night. Newt dying.
. Because of this, they can't sleep without the other. They always need to be close and able to reach out and touch the other for reassurance.
. Newt avoids mirrors. Often, he'll see his reflection and see the version of himself afflicted by The Flare. Bordering on inhuman, pupils blown so wide they eclipse everything else, stark black veins trailing up his face and neck.
. Thomas knows this and always makes it very clear to Newt how he sees him. That he's the most incredible person he's ever known. That he's the glue that binds everyone together, the one they turn to when they need comfort and advice. That he's beautiful, and that Newt isn't a monster. That Thomas loves/loved even that version of him.
. Newt will often find himself slipping into the same patterns he experienced during The Flare. He'll grow short-tempered, feeling like he's ready to boil over and scald anyone who dares get too close. He'll ruminate and become obsessive. When this happens, he showers in ice cold water, the shock helping to bring him out of the dark haze and ground him in reality. After these episodes, he is completely drained, and simply collapses into bed. Thomas will find him and join him, softly carding a hand through his hair.
. Thomas makes sure to say "I love you" at every opportunity. He never wants to miss another chance, given that he wasn't able to say it to Newt before. When he died.
. Thomas is extremely touchy. He prefers to be holding Newt in some capacity, touching him at all times. Newt secretly very much enjoys this.
. Having sex helps to pull the both of them out of the haunted echoes in their heads, bringing them together as closely as humanly possible and being able to convey their love for each other when words fail them.
. Newt will sometimes ask to be restrained in some way. Sometimes Thomas will bind his arms behind him, others he'll just pin him down with his full strength. Newt needs the reassurace that he can't hurt Thomas even if he somehow were to lose control and Crank out. At first Thomas is hesitant to do this. The last thing he wants to is potentially hurt Newt. But he realizes it makes Newt feel secure, safe and comfortable. They both grow to enjoy it very much.
. Thomas is the most gentle, attentive service top. He is more than happy to sit back and let Newt take control, or to take charge when the other needs that feeling of security. He and Newt both know he secretly loves it when Newt dominates him however <3
. He felt shame in it for a long time, but Thomas finally forced Newt to admit he just wants to be taken care of. There's nothing quite like giving himself over to the other man and allowing his brain to shut off. He doesn't have to be the responsible one or the one providing for others for once.
. Newt will often gently talk Thomas through it and tell him how proud he is of him, how good he is, and how much he loves him. Thomas melts at the praise.
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eoieopda · 1 year
Congrats on 2k!!🥳💋✨
As for the request- for the love of God, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 do a Seokjin + fake dating au where he realises he is falling for reader😭
i gotchu, boo!
the one with seokjin and without complaints
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pairing: kim seokjin x gn!reader type: drabble | type: fluff | wc: 973 summary: you don’t want to arrive dateless to a wedding your ex is also attending. enter friend and local hero, kim seokjin. au: fake dating, drunken confession. cw: alcohol use & moderate tipsiness, blatant inspo. by “leonard cohen” — boygenius, not proofread tbh 🤪 rating: pg15 *regardless, my content is not for minors. minors or ageless blogs who interact with my content will be blocked.
When you pulled up outside Seokjin’s apartment building to find him waiting on the sidewalk, you were all smiles. He’d hopped in the passenger seat, did his best not to stare at you in all your satin-wrapped glory, and asked one last time if you were sure you didn’t want him to drive. You, despite your absolutely abysmal sense of direction, declined.
And then you were off, headed for the highway with only the faintest hint of anxiety vibrating through you. As you drove, you’d thanked him for his service — for the thousandth time — and he’d reminded you — for the thousandth time — that it wasn’t necessary. He’d meant it he said he’d do anything for you, up to and including spending too much money on a new suit just to make your shithead ex feel slightly worse.
After a few minutes of easy conversation, you reached the on-ramp and stopped at the red light. Noticing the song that shuffled to the top of the queue, he’d moved to change it to something that wasn’t garbage. With a flexed brow and all the emphasis in the world, you hit him with a challenge he couldn’t turn down:
“Seokjin-ah, if you love me, you will listen to this song.”
So, he’d let you enjoy your own questionable taste in music without complaint. Of course, he’d realized a long time ago that you were headed in the wrong direction, but Seokjin would’ve rather died than interrupt the full-blown performance you were giving within the confines of your seatbelt. 
He couldn’t tell what prompted the butterflies to appear en masse in his stomach: the way you’d blushed when the song ended and he clued you into your mistake, or the prospect of more time to swap embarrassing stories the other somehow hadn’t heard yet. The unintentional detour had added an hour to the drive, but Seokjin had no complaints about that, either.
Eventually, you’d reached your destination and whipped into the venue’s parking lot at a rate of speed Seokjin could only describe as criminal. Claiming the last remaining space before some other straggler could snag it, you’d turned and shot him a wink that made him go a little bit stupid.
It suddenly made sense why you’d never been hit with a moving violation. Nobody on the receiving end of that smile could have the strength of will to ticket you.
“Ready?” He’d asked once he joined you on the pavement, glancing at the entrance before his eyes flicked over to you.
You didn’t look it, but you’d swallowed hard and said, “Ready.”
Like it was the hundredth time and not the first, your hand slipped into his and squeezed tight. Distinctly not ready, you’d followed his lead as he headed towards the front doors. Seokjin caught sight of your joint reflection in the glass pane as he pulled the door open. Your ruse would’ve fooled him if he wasn’t in on it, he’d realized. It looked right, you holding onto him.
The ceremony was exactly as boring as he’d expected it would be, but your head resting lightly against his shoulder was a sufficient distraction. Completely ignoring the vows being exchanged several meters ahead of him, Seokjin had spent a minimum of ten minutes trying to figure out what the scent of your shampoo was, and why it was giving him heart palpitations. When the newlyweds paraded past him on the way back down the aisle, he’d ignored that, too, and wiped the sentimental tear off your cheek with the side of his thumb.
Thankfully, the reception was proving to be infinitely more exciting than its predecessor.
Despite scanning the area several times, Seokjin still couldn’t spot your ex in the crowd of guests. You still danced as if that clown was watching, touched Seokjin’s arm whenever you laughed at one of his jokes with your whole chest. He was dizzy, kind of, but maybe that was the champagne.
No, he ultimately concluded. The champagne was currently working it’s magic on you, sloshing lightly in your flute as you set it back down on the table.
“I have a confession to make,” You whispered at full volume, smiling sheepishly. “Promise you won’t get mad?”
You reached across the table to take his hand and knocked over the aforementioned flute in the process. With reflexes shockingly quick for someone as tipsy as he was, Seokjin managed to steady the glass before it could empty onto the table cloth. Eyebrows raised, he smirked expectantly back at you.
“They aren’t here.”
Seokjin wasn’t following, and that was definitely the champagne. You squeezed your eyes shut and proceeded to spill your secret at a shocking pace.
“Chan told me a few weeks ago that their RSVP said no.” Your blush licked up your cheekbones like a wild fire. “I may have known that when I asked you to come with me. I just didn’t…”
Your voice petered out at the end of that sentence. You cracked one eye open to look at him in anticipation of a reaction.
“I didn’t know if you’d want to come with me if I asked you outright,” You sighed. “I just — I really wanted you here. You know, with me.”
Inside Seokjin’s head, there were no thoughts, only bells and sirens and whistles and fireworks exploding, sending sparks down to put themselves out on the smooth surface of his brain. He didn’t have words, but he did have hands; so, he cupped your face between them and kissed you with all the emphasis in the world.
You kissed him back with vigor until you eventually pulled back breathless. Shock evident in your whisper — and this time, it really was one — you asked, “You’re not mad?”
Like it was the hundredth time and not the second, Seokjin kissed you with a smile.
“No complaints.”
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beth--b · 1 year
I should have stayed home
Six months post Vecna’s defeat things were going pretty well for Steve.
He and Robin had both managed to get jobs at a bakery that had opened in town, Robin was taking a gap year after all the insanity that had been their lives before heading to college.
Eddie and Max had both recovered well from their injuries, Max would need glasses and Eddie had some pretty gnarly scars (as did Steve) but they were both doing well.
Steve had discovered that thinking of other boys as ‘pretty’ was not something that everyone did, and after a few long conversations with Robin, he had come to the conclusion that he was into both girls and guys.
The fact that he found Eddie very attractive certainly helped move things along for him.
The party had stayed close having regular catch ups by way of dinners or movie nights. The Byers and El had moved back to Hawkins with Hopper, Hopper had wasted no time in popping the question to Joyce and they had tied the knot a few months ago. They both said they’d waited long enough and who knew what the future would bring so why wait.
This brought Steve to the present day.
Read it here on ao3
He had been planning on asking Eddie out for weeks now and was planning on meeting him at the bakery when his shift ended.
The problem was Steve had woken up with a headache that was quickly becoming a migraine.
To try and make things easier on himself he decided to forego his contacts (who knew that so much head trauma could cause permanent damage?) and wore his glasses instead.
Not the way he’d wanted to look when he officially asked Eddie out. They’d been dancing around each other for weeks, months really, flirting and getting far too close for friendship but neither of them had actually asked the other out.
Nothing he could do about it though, so with glasses in place he popped a few painkillers and left for work.
The day was dragging.
Robin wasn’t working with him today, he had needed to deal with multiple rude customers and his headache was only getting worse.
The painkillers had hardly touched the sides of the headache when it had first begun and now that it was a full blown migraine, he was a hair's breadth from laying down on the floor and calling it a day.
He only had another hour before Eddie would be there and they could go somewhere and Steve could ask him out. Officially. He was not going to let a headache stop him. It had taken him so long to get to this point and now he didn’t want to wait anymore.
So that meant he would grin and bear it.
Turning on his best customer service smile, that may or may not have looked more like a grimace at this point, he greeted the next customer that came into the store.
He bent down to get the cake out of the cabinet that the lady had chosen only to be hit with a wave of dizziness as he straightened back up. He managed not to drop the cake, blindly placing it on the counter, only to stumble back himself. Next thing he knew he was looking at the ceiling.
The customer, a middle aged woman who Steve vaguely recognised as working at Hawkins Middle hurried around to him and checked him over.
“Are you alright dear?” she asked, supporting him as he slowly sat up. The world was still spinning and he closed his eyes as he helped guide his head between his knees. “Easy does it. Is there someone else here I can call?”
Steve just shook his head, taking a few deep breaths until he felt he could sit up.
“Sorry ma’am just stood up too fast and got a bit dizzy. I’m so sorry about that! Is your cake alright?”
The woman helped him up and shushed him, telling him everything was fine and to take care of himself. She paid for her cake and once she was sure he was steady on her feet she left the store, but only after Steve reassured her he was fine and someone would be there soon to take over for him.
Thankfully it was quiet the rest of his shift, only half an hour left.
He wanted nothing more than to see Eddie, but his head was killing him and now on top of the migraine he had an egg on the back of his head from where he had hit the floor.
He was determined not to give in though.
Moments later the metal head himself came through the door.
“Stevie! Fancy finding you here?”
Steve couldn’t help but wince at the volume of Eddie’s voice, ducking his head to try and hide it as he came around the counter to greet the older man.
“Hey Eds! Just waiting on my replacement and we can get out of here,” Steve said, giving Eddie a quick hug. If he leaned in a little longer that he meant to, well nobody else was there to see.
Steve went back behind the counter, bagging up a couple of pastries for Eddie and himself to have later and gave them to Eddie.
“Mind taking those out to your van?” Steve asked, passing the bags over.
“Of course! What’s the plan? Are we taking our own cars and meeting somewhere or what?”
Not feeling fit to drive, but not wanting to tell Eddie either, Steve just shrugged and tried to act like he was deciding on the spot. “Maybe we take your van and come back for my car later?”
Not seeming too worried Eddie just smiled and nodded, turning to walk back outside to wait for Steve. “Alright, I’ll be waiting.”
With Eddie out of sight Steve lay his head on the counter and tried to breathe through the pain.
He didn’t even hear his replacement come in until they tapped him on the shoulder.
“You good Steve? You look kinda pale,” the kid asked. Tom, or Tim…Steve couldn’t remember just then.
“Mm fine. Here you go,” Steve took his apron off and almost threw it at the kid before making his way back around the counter and outside.
He made it to Eddie’s van just as another wave of dizziness took hold. Grabbing the door handle to keep himself upright he leaned heavily into the van door as he almost tipped over.
Just as he was about to give in and slide down onto the pavement Eddie was there, holding him up and guiding him into the car.
“Holy fuck Steve what’s wrong? You gonna pass out?”
Shaking and feeling sick Steve just shook his head as much as he could without making the pain in his head worse.
“No-no don’t think so. Sorry. Migraine. This isn’t how things were meant to go today. Maybe I should have stayed home. Just wanted things to be perfect for you,” Steve muttered as Eddie rubbed his back.
“Why didn’t you? If you’re not feeling well you could have just told me.”
Steve was almost in tears at this point. Everything was going so wrong.
“Wanted it t’be spec’al. Wan’ed to ask you out. Fucked it up now,” Steve slurred, too far gone from the pain to filter what he was even saying.
Eddie just wrapped his arms around Steve as much as their position in the van allowed and gently massaged Steve’s neck and head. The younger boys closed his eyes and felt some of the tension he was carrying begin to release.
“Oh sweetheart, you didn’t fuck anything up. Life happens. We can have a do-over another day. For now how about I take you home and we can go lay down and get you feeling better?”
“Ok,” Steve whispered, pressing into Eddie’s side.
“Good, let’s get you home and then when you’re feeling up to it, we can go on a proper date, sound good?”
“So good Eds. So good.”
“That’s settled then, let’s get you home.” Eddie pulled away and buckled Steve’s seatbelt for him. Before he started the engine though he pressed a quick kiss to Steve’s forehead.
“Wha’ was tha’ for?” Steve asked, opening his eyes
“Kissing it better for you,” Eddie replied, face turning bright red as he did.
“Oh! Thank you,” Steve felt his own face heat up in response but smiled nonetheless.
Maybe things hadn’t gone quite as he had planned but somehow it seemed they had worked out anyway.
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anjelicawrites · 2 years
Burning Needs
Paring: pleasure dom!Osferth x reader, service top!Aemond Targaryen x reader, Aemond Targaryen x reader x Osferth.
Synopsis: pure smut. I have no redeeming excuse for this. Thank you my instigator #1 and love of my life for inspiring this!
Warnings: overstimulation, multiple orgasms, toys, cunnilingus, p in v sex, cumplay, subspace sex, the boys kissing because why not.
There are those days where you need Osferth, you need him to take the reins so that you can be out of your head for a little while. Today you don't have a special reason, you are simply itching, starting ten things at the same time and not finishing one: your student's homework lay half marked on the table, you haven't written a single page of the project you want to propose for the PhD in Classics you've been courting for a while and the pile of clothes to fold lays untouched near the washing machine. You seem unable to find rest, your own skin a nuisance.
Aemond is working from home today and has been neck deep in calls, managing to emerge from his study only for a quick sandwich and a peck on your cheek. Osferth has been plowing the garden for hours and had just hit the shower, filthy to the bone and happy, cheeks and shoulders reddened by the sun. 
It's a quiet day and yet you feel like you want to jump out of your body as you rearrange some knick-knacks and check if the plants need water. 
You jump when Osferth's hand touches your shoulder and you swat his chest reflexively, your heart beating a crazy tattoo inside your chest; Osferth knows you all too well, he just needs a glance to see how wired up you are as you hug him
"Os?" you ask burrowing your face against his chest
"What is it?" he already knows, but he wants you to spell it out. 
You rub your face against his chest, inhaling deeply the mix of body wash and natural scent. You don't want to say it out loud, shy all of a sudden. 
"My lady love?" 
His touch is soft on your chin, fingers tight to make you stare into his eyes; you avert your gaze, teeth worrying your lower lip
"You know" you say petulantly
"What do I know, if you don't tell me?" there's mirth in his voice and his lips are soft against your forehead
"I need you" you rush as you hide your embarrassed face against the curve of his neck
"Was it so hard to confess?". 
Now, you have more of a submissive bone in your body than him. When you need him, most of the time you brat out until he has to teach you a lesson. Rarely, but it has been happening more frequently since Aemond came around, it's not the pain that you need, it's pleasure until you forget you have a body. 
In all his past experiences, Osferth didn't really have the chance to explore this side of being a dom, which he's liking more than he'd ever thought he would, and he has Aemond's hard limits to thank. If your lives hadn't crossed and entwined together, you two would have probably missed the chance to have fun this way. 
"My love?" 
His fingers find your chin again, needing to know if he’s reading you right.
Your eyes are already glazed over and your pupils blown: you two are absolutely on the same page here. 
"Give me fifteen minutes and then come upstairs - his hands cup your face, warm, the skin rough and familiar - bring the closed orange juice carton, the big one in the pantry
"I will, sir". 
Your big, beautiful brain is already halfway gone, without him doing nothing but talk to you. 
"Drink something sugary and eat some chocolate. You are going to need all the energy you can muster". 
A full body shudder thunders through your body, stealing a smile from his lips: he doesn't really need fifteen minutes to organize all he needs, but why miss the chance to use your own imagination against you? Fucking with your brain is half the work: once you are in the right mindset, it's so much easier to play with you, to bring you right where he wants you to be. 
On autopilot you drink freshly pressed orange juice, leaving half pitcher in the fridge and eat some of Aemond's dark chocolate, the one he craves when coming down from subspace. On muscle memory only, you grab a marker to write on the board attached to the fridge that more needs to be bought and grab what Osferth asked you to bring, while your mind is already upstairs, creating scenarios upon scenarios, sweat running down your spine, cunt wet and ready for the taking.
The moment the clock strikes the fifteen minute mark, you walk upstairs, your heart in your chest, excited and scared at the same time. 
When you cross the threshold, you feel like a shy virgin, which is hilarious. You've never been afraid or shy whenever sex is involved, but when your brain is in this special kind of gutter, it's like your first time all over again. You feel the warmth of desire spread everywhere in your body when Osferth softly smiles, grabs the items you bought and takes your hands in his. His hands gently help you remove your clothes, fingertips teasingly caressing your skin as it's revealed; goosebumps spread everywhere, your nipples stiffen and Osferth delicately kisses each with love and devotion until a soft moan leaves your lips
"Are you still with me?"
When has he kneeled? And where are your panties?
"Yeah - you murmur - all green". 
You know there's a stupid smile on your face, because it's mirroring Osferth's, who delicately parts your folds and kisses your clit, his tongue licking it slowly, until you buck your hips against his face. His hands curl around your hips to steady you
"Come for me whenever you want". 
You want to agree, your words deserting you the moment his thumbs open your folds again, obscenely wet, to make space for his tongue.
He takes it easy, he knows your first orgasm is always hard to reach and you need time to get there, to get in the right mood. His tongue licks your clit, slowly inching to your hole with every passing, until it catches there and he sneaks in to french kiss you there, while his nose plays with your clit. Your hands grab his hair to move his face to your leisure and he lets you, this is not about control, it’s about your pleasure and the moans spilling from your mouth as he fucks you with his tongue, your juices escaping to wet his chin. The moment his nose pushes the right angle against your clit you feel your nerves light up violently and you ride his face brutally, until you come and he tries to drink down all you are giving him. 
His hands on your hips keep you steady and upright, his lips kiss the meat of your tights, leaving marks on the delicate skin, his tongue licking all his lips have missed; he is so addicted to your taste, he’d die if you’d ever deny him this. 
His name falls from your lips, letting him know that you need to lie down; he gives your clit a quick peck and then he lifts your body on his shoulder, not trusting your shaking legs to carry you to bed. You laugh and he slaps your ass jokingly, eliciting another peal of laughter from you, the sound music to his ears. 
With as much care as the position allows him, he lies you down on the bed, making sure your eyes are on him when he removes his t-shirt; he knows you love it when he peels it off grabbing the cotton from the back. 
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah - the world slurred leaves your lips - My head feels like it's full of cotton candy"
"Good. We need that gorgeous brain of yours to shut down for a while, don't we?". 
You nod, your eyes now focused on the growing bulge in his pants. 
"Do you think you'll need to be restrained?". 
He loves the dumb way you look at him. He doesn't truly need to ask you, you've given him the reins, it's too fun to torment you though, to keep your brain awake enough for ideas to form and work to his advantage. You want to shake your head, but you know you have to use your words like a big girl; your reward is three fingers in your cunt, curling to push against your G-spot, making your squeal and arching your back in surprise and pleasure. 
Osferth's rough fingertips keep rubbing inside of you, your muscle trying to curl around them, he just scissors his strong fingers and keeps going, pushing against the rough patch there, the other hand on your lower belly to keep you in place and you try to kick until the pressure is too much and you come again with a shout. 
Through half lidded eyes you see Osferth licking his fingers, a low hum of pleasure escapes his lips and the bulge in his pants is completely outlined. That looks uncomfortable and you want to ask him if he wants a hand with it, your brain is too stupid already to form a coherent thought. 
A small slap lands on your left breast, not hard enough to hurt but enough to focus your attention on your lover and you moan, watching him cupping himself as he lies on the bed, his lips kissing the inside of your tights, open mouthed and hungry, until his hot breath is on your cunt, two fingers opening your lips and you shiver; you are already so sensitive and it's only been two orgasms. You know he's not going to stop until you can't take it anymore. You want him to keep going until you cannot possibly function, yet, you are scared of the depths of the pleasure you have to face.
A moan like a cry for help leaves you lips when your clit is enveloped again by Osferth’s mouth, your hands go to his hair, this time he’s not letting you control his movements, his hands grab your hips to plaster his face better against you and his tongue licks your clit fast, his lips curl around it to suck at the same time and you explode.
You lose count of the number of orgasms he gives you, barely aware of the flurry of mouth, tongue and lips against your cunt, too lost in the pleasure, throat raw and legs clenching around Osferth’s head. He gives you respite when he feels that he is going to come, your pleasure the only primer his cock needs. He stares at you while he cups himself, his cock raw by the friction against the cotton of his bottoms: you have already lost the use of your legs, when he caresses you calf, he can only see your muscles twitch reflexively, your hands lie by your sides and you are covered in perspiration. His mouth tastes like you to the point he knows he will be able to taste you in the back of his throat, no matter how many times he brushes his teeth. His tongue sneaks out to lick whatever drops of your essence are left on his lips, hungry.
This is not enough, it will never be enough, the need to devour you, to carry you within himself will never be seated, no matter how many times he has you; his love for you opened a wound on his soul no amount of lovemaking will ever heal. He needs you now and he will need you always, you make him feral and desperate for you, the higher functions of his brain hanging by one thread: keeping you safe.
His hands grab your ankles and he pulls your unresponsive body closer to his, your eyes can barely open, your brain too fuzzy to truly care about what he’s going to do to you. Your ears pick up a whirring sound, your brain needs a second more to recognize it, as if it mattered, as if you are in any shape to run. As if you don’t want this.
With extreme caution, Osferth places the clit sucker on your engorged clitoris; the thing is on the lower setting and still you yelp, your hips pathetically trying to move, the muscles non responding. 
A chain of pleas and noes fall from your lips: you are well aware that he will torture you with it until you come with each setting and there’s ten of them. You want to reason with him, to bargain, the pressure on your clit is minimal, enough to light the nerves there and to muddle your thoughts. You cannot possibly come, not like this, it's not enough
"You will" he says, eyes trained on your face. 
You want to shake your head, to beg, to make him go faster, for him to use his fingers, please, anything to help you, Gods please! The sudden change of the angle makes you squeal and come, the breath cut from your lungs. 
You know your chest is heaving and your heart is beating like crazy, you cannot feel anything but the ringing in your ears and the toy sliding against your lower lips to grant your clit a modicum of mercy. You are crying, fat tears sliding down your cheeks; Osferth knows he'd make you a disservice if he's stopping now. You are desperate, yes, but you are still in yourself and you didn't come to him for this; it's strange how seeing you in the throes of brutal pleasure is harder for him to manage, than the times you two play with pain. His first instinct, the wrong one to follow, is to stop and start the aftercare immediately and that's not what you need right now. He elects to ignore your desperation, kisses your forehead though and ranks up the toy, moving it back to your clit. Your head jerks from side to side, the pleasure a painful shock on your clit; with a desperate effort your hips try to move and Osferth needs a hand to keep you pinned where he wants you, subjugating you again to the toy. Each higher setting is a tortuous journey towards pleasure, your body sending thwarted signals your brain cannot analyze, your muscles twitching as you scream again and again for him. He's barely giving you respite between bouts of pleasure now, the sucker on your clit after every orgasm makes your hip jut up in overstimulation, his voice softly encouraging you as his eyes switch between your beautiful face and your drenched cunt. You are coming so much, he cannot wait to lick you clean again. Osferth's cock hurts and pulsates with every small movement he makes, he feels his control slipping with each of your orgasms. He doesn't want to come just yet, his brain is screaming at him until he removes his pants hastily before he uses the highest setting on you and you come immediately. The animalistic part of him takes control and he plunges inside your loose cunt and he just needs the enveloping warmth to come, his hot seed making you shiver.  
He stays rooted inside of you, the small movements of your cunt's muscles massage his spent cock until he starts moving again, feeling his erection mounting. You've been so good, making him come almost untouched, you reserve a reward. He is in no hurry though, your cunt is so perfect he wants to savor it, how wet it is, how his cock fits perfectly in there, your muscles valiantly trying to curl around him to offer him more friction even in your fucked stupid state. He tells you everything, praising you as his small cross dangles in front of your face, right above your parted lips and you snatch it with your lips, your lizard brain knowing this would make him happy and it wins you deeper thrusts and rhythmic slaps on your breasts, until you come, taking Osferth with you.  
He knows he is too heavy and he should roll off you, he can feel how ragged your breath is, his cock doesn't want to lose your warmth though, until one idea pops into his mind. 
He kneels between your splayed legs, not wanting to miss the slow sliding of his come from your overused hole. He has to fight the need to push it back and to plug you, he has other ideas as he pushes on your lower tummy to make sure everything is out and you groan, eyes rolling back. He knows your nerves are afire, any touch and you would receive a shock wave of pleasure; it's so fun to play with you like this. 
You are a ragdoll in his embrace, making all too easy to sit you between his splayed legs, your head abandoned against his shoulder, his spent cock nestled again in your warmth as he helps you drink the juice in greedy gulps: you must feel so thirsty after screaming that much, your throat raw. You've been such a good girl for him, bringing straws even if he's forgotten to tell you, he has to reward you again. 
His fingers find your clit the moment you stop drinking and he pinches it tight until your back arches and he releases it, thumb and forefinger sliding easily around the overused nub, until a smaller orgasm hits you and you wail. 
He needs his phone for the second part of his reward, stretching his arm to the bedside table without removing his cock from inside of you. His timing is perfect, he thinks, while he sends a quick message to Aemond. 
After what it feels like a century of calls, Aemond emerges from his home office to the quiet of the living room. He can see the dogs and cats splayed outside in the sun and you are not there, nor Osferth; where are you two? His phone chimes to the sound of a text incoming, thankfully it’s not his work phone, it’s either his mum or Helaena; he’s surprised it’s Osferth, who curtly asks him to come upstairs. What the hell is going on?
He gets his answer the moment he opens the door and sees you completely and utterly abandoned against Osferth. Both your bodies covered in perspiration and his cock inside of you, the room reeks of sex, his own cock stirs immediately, the scene presented to his eyes debauched and full of love at the same time. He doesn’t even need to be told to undress, his hands working on autopilot on the buttons of his crisp shirt and trousers. 
You are so out of it you don’t even react when he crawls up to you, his lips soft on your sweaty forehead are what makes you open your eyes and call his name, maybe you don’t need to use your safeword with him, he’ll have pity on you.
“She are still verbal” he notices
“That’s why I need your help”.
You want to add something, to have a say in the discussion regarding you, your bratty side trying to crawl out of the shadows and it’s immediately subdued by Osferth’s two fingers sliding inside your pussy again. You vaguely hear them say something about playing a game, too late your brain works out it’s “How many fingers can this pussy get”, before your legs are splayed again and cold lube is poured on your cunt. Your abs tight when Osferth slides his other two fingers in, you want to beg, to say that you can’t play this game and only a moan escapes your lips when Aemond index breaches you in, sliding delicately next to Osferth’s, trying to open you up for him. You don’t think you can take anymore and yet your pussy accepts his other three fingers, the pressure inside your belly unbearable, still your cunt tries to curl around the intrusion. They are barely moving, just staring at your stuffed hole with incredulous eyes as their fingers wriggle delicately, the same idea forming in their heads, their hands pushing on your lower abdomen as your breath catches. Too much, it’s too much, your brain is screaming, you can't, it's too tight, you want to say, please stop and yet the time to use your safeword hasn’t come yet. Your hips try to wriggle as they delicately move in and out, your abs pulling and clenching until your back arches and you squirt all over their fingers.
Your ears are ringing so much, you can barely hear their praises, Aemond’s left hand on your cheek sends a zing of pleasure to your brain. You don’t even notice he’s drying your tears, his eye full of love for you, nor feel Osferth sliding out from behind you to let you lie on the bed, legs obscenely spread, your lower lips red and wet for them.
Osferth’s slightly chapped lips are on your forehead, leaving gentle kisses while you try to catch your breath, his calloused hand sliding softly up and down your side, his eyes ready to check for signs of discomfort and all he can see is you drunk on pleasure, your breath slowly going back to normal. 
Even though your pussy feels sore, you still hunger for more, you need your lovers again; the intrusion of the small bullet vibrator in your hole has you moaning, the vibration low against your G-spot. Aemond’s long body covers yours, his lips chaste on your mouth, just leaving small pecks that make you relax in his warmth, make you want to scoot closer to him and just lie there in his embrace. The vibrator against your clit steals a scream from your rough throat, your eyes widening the moment you see it’s Aemond who is torturing you, his face close to your pussy to observe your clit being played with. Your body is too heavy for you to even try to move, your hips incapable of sliding away; and where would you want to go? Chapped lips envelope your stiff nipple as a callous hand pinches the other, a long sob escapes your lips the moment someone pushes on your lower belly again, your clit firing off against the vibrations as you wail pitifully. 
Someone is growling in the distance, you’ve squirted again, this time all over Aemond’s face and hair, unlocking something primal inside of him, the animalistic instinct of tasting you takes over and his face is buried in your pussy, his teeth delicately biting your clit and you sob, incapable of doing anything else but feel him, his hunger for you, his hands on your tights to keep you spread open for him, the small vibrator inside of you going faster and you come again and again, your brain finally shutting down and accepting defeat, your body following the pleasure burning your nerves. You squirt again and don’t hear your boys high fiving, nor their praises, your eyes are too heavy to open and you miss them kissing passionately, your taste on their lips driving them insane with need.
Their big hands are on your body again, the bullet removed from your overused cunt, Aemond helping you to sit up and drink some more. You are so pliant for him now, all soft moans and goosebump erupting wherever his hand lands on your skin, he almost feels bad for having used your body the way he did and for what he and Osferth are about to do. His cock is so hard, though and you have given him permission a long time ago to fuck you even when you are deep into subspace. His lips are on your temple, murmuring sweet nothings and encouragements, telling you what a good girl you have been for the two of them, you just hum in pleasure, soaking into his warmth.
You are on your back again, legs kept open and up on Aemond’s arms; he shivers when just his head breaches you and Osferth’s hand starts jacking him, stopping his advance, his lips on the column of his neck. You are so warm and loose, Osferth’s palm rough on his skin as he moves faster and faster, one goal in mind and Aemond’s hips just follow his movements, his orgasm curling and curling at the base of his spine, until he comes inside of you, his cock milked until he has no more to give. He has to let go of your legs, hands planted at the sides of your body, breath ragged after keeping his orgasm under wraps for so long. He has to clean you up, though, your pretty pussy is kept plugged by the head of his cock, the moment he leaves, everything is going to come out and he doesn’t want to miss a single drop. He needs a moment to coordinate his movements, he manages to be fast enough  to plug you with his fingers the moment his head leaves you heath.
You barely keen the moment his hot lips meet your cunt again, his tongue delicately licking you clean and leaving your overused clit alone; you will need the respite, because they are not done with you.
Once you are clean of his spunk, he grabs Osferth’s short locks and kisses him passionately, his own come, still in his mouth, being passed to the other man, who hungrily sucks everything in. With a greedy eye he stares as Osferth’s fingers make your pretty cunt gape and then spit the come back inside of you, his fingers plugging you close again and curling to seek you G-spot. You tremble at the intrusion and come immediately, twice, his thumb against your clit. 
Osferth’s own erection is agony, every small movement fires pleasure and pain up and down his spine. You’ve been so good, coming all these times and you are still ready to give them more, to sheath them inside of you. He can’t control himself anymore and slides inside of you, your muscles still try to curl around him and he wants to cry at how good you make him feel, at how much your body recognizes his on instinct only. He tries to reign his orgasm in, tries to go slow and savor you and God it’s so hard, your body enchants his, steals control from him, the pleasure robs him of whatever control he has left and he comes, fingers on your abused clit, because you deserve a reward for being so good for the two of them.
You are floating somewhere your brain is not needed, somewhere safe, where your body is loose and weightless. You can feel big hands on your skin, moving you in a different position, but everything is muffled and you don’t really care, knowing that you are safe. The warmth enveloping you is nice, the skin against yours so soft and nice smelling, the words in your ear soothing, you just rub your face against the body keeping yours up and someone hums happily. Slowly you get a hold of your body, your muscles feel overused and your pussy sore, you feel so happy and safe where you are, enveloped in warmth and Aemond’s masculine scent.
“Are you back, issa dōna jorrāelagon? - my sweet love, softly murmured against the crown of your head, you just burrow your face against his neck and he laughs - oh, I see, you are still non verbal. Shall we go take a bath? I think it’s ready”.
An unhappy sound leaves your lips and you pout up at him; you are so cute he hums happily at you.
“What’s wrong, dōna hāedar, sweet girl? Gaomagon ao jaelagon nykeā vūjigon, do you want a kiss?”.
You just nod sleeply against the curve of his neck and he gives you a small peck on your lips, which is absolutely not enough. You let him know of your displeasure with a pathetic sound at the back of your throat, which wins you a serious kiss, his tongue entering your pliant mouth with ease. You can taste him and yourself; if you weren't so tired you'd be ready to go again, to welcome him in the depths of your body and you wish he'd lie you down on the destroyed sheets to sheath his cock inside of you. Both him and Osferth have given you so much pleasure you don't care that you can't physically come again or that your cunt is sore, you'd do anything to thank your lovers. 
Aemond seems to pick up on your rambling thoughts, his soft lips on your sweaty forehead
"I will make love to you, Issa gevie dāria, my beautiful queen, when you are fully responsive to my touch. I want to drink every moan, every scream you will give me". 
You hum happily at him, noticing just now that both the eyepatch and the sapphire are gone: he is as naked and vulnerable as you are, the biggest gift he could honor you with. You want to thank him for his trust, for believing in your love for him, but words fail you, forcing you to kiss his shoulder with reverence, trying to pour all your feelings into your actions. He seems to understand, his hand cups the back of your neck to keep you where you are, enveloping your spent body with his. 
Slowly he puts one arm under your knees to anchor you safely against his body and stands up; carrying you around is so easy, you are weightless in his arms, his precious love who needs all his care after gifting him with the honor of her body. On the way to the master bathroom Aemond sees Osferth emerge from the big room, cell phone in hand, loose bottoms hanging on his hips. He looks so young and nothing like the sex demon who has fucked you into subspace, his smile so open and soft: the duality of the man he loves. Osferth beams at him and you, his lips find the crown of your head to place a delicate kiss there, his empty hand stroking your cheek tenderly; you are so pliant when you are coming down to yourself, the only thing he wants to do is curl around you and keep you safe, even if he feels the tendrils of his own need for cuddles start to emerge. 
The water is the perfect temperature for your tired body, the body wash squirted in there is your favorite; you don't want to leave for the rest of your life, your body bracketed by Aemond's as he starts washing your hair and his own, his fingers undoing the knots your trashing has formed and massaging your scalp. He tells you about his day and what he wants to do during the weekend, about Helaena's new project being greenlighted by her boss. He could tell you about the stock market and you'd listen, the softness of his voice the thread you need to slowly re-emerge from subspace. You can hear Osferth calling the only pizza place that delivers in this neck of the woods and you know you are in for a treat, the submissive in you reveling in the care your two lovers are pouring on you. 
It doesn't take long for Osferth to come back and join the two of you in the water, his body nestling against yours, his face hiding in the curve of your neck as Aemond washes his back with long strokes. You two are so soft and needy he thanks the Gods again that the delivery guy knows where to leave the pizzas while you three are in the bath. He knows you two will not drown, it's just that his protectiveness is at its maximum now, he needs to tend to the two of you, make sure that you come on the other side of your lovemaking, safe and happy. 
You are not truly sleeping, your head lolled back on Aemond’s shoulder, your eyes half lidded stare at his beautiful, relaxed face. You can feel Osferth moving to Aemond’s other side, putting his head on his free shoulder with a content sigh, his hand sneaking to grab yours, fingers entwining on Aemond’s abs. You truly feel that the itch which had tormented you for half of the day, is gone, your brain back in gear. Osferth is sleepy and hungry, patting himself on the back mentally for having changed the sheets while on the phone with the pizzeria, he only wishes not to have to leave the hot water to eat; if only teleportation were a thing, he thinks the moment your tummy rumbles. He shares a quick stare with Aemond, before taking your tired body from him to help you out of the tub. His drop of endorphins is not as stark as the one he has to deal with when he dominates you with pain, which means he can be a functional human being and help you dry your hair and wear one of his old T-shirts. He doesn’t bother with panties after applying soothing cream on your abused lips, he knows you are far too sensitive to have anything chafe there at the moment. Behind you, Aemond has gathered his long hair in a quick bun and he’s now braiding yours to help them dry faster; he’s quite happy that you can stand on your own, albeit on shaky legs, he doesn’t need your words to know he’s doing right, picking up from the happy sounds escaping your mouth. He kneels and helps you wear your skid proof socks, today it’s the elephant ones and he steals a kiss on the side of your knee, making you giggle like a schoolgirl; no one sees this side of you, or of him, but Osferth and he wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Osferth carries you bridal style downstairs, your face pressed against his shoulder, your lips leaving kisses on the reddened skin; he quickly wraps you in your favorite fleece blanket, only your skid proof socks, your head and your hands emerging, your head on his shoulder, waiting for the food to come. Your boys sit by your sides, taking turns into feeding you and peppering kisses on your forehead, while something mindless plays on the telly. You don’t finish your food, too tired and still coming down from subspace to truly care and fall asleep with your head on Osferth’s shoulder and your feet on Aemond’s lap. 
The three of you wake up in the morning all entwined on the sofa, the mark of a good day to come.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi love! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering, can I request Chuuya boyfriend headcanons please?
Thank you! Have a nice day/night!! 💞💞
Hiiii I'm alright, just kind of stressed recently because of life :') but I'm surviving! How about you?
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: Mentions of death, violence, slight suggestiveness. Gender neutral reader
Chuuya boyfriend headcanons
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-Let's see... to win Chuuya's love and trust is no easy feat. To start off with, he's a Port Mafia executive, which means that he barely has any time for friendships, let alone love. And to top it all off, he himself has lost too many people in his life, something which made him put up all those walls around himself in fear of losing someone else again
-Be prepared for a lot of denial and internal conflict once he realises his feelings for you. Chuuya is not one that is entirely in tune with his emotions, and to express what he is feeling proves to be an even harder feat for him. He might give shorter and more curt answers back to you, and might even distance himself from you if he's overwhelmed with this foreign feeling called 'love'
-But once you do get into a relationship with him, it is one full of passion and sacrifices. Chuuya's loyalty knows no bounds, and trust me when I say that he will commit everything to you. He holds onto you like you were something that could be blown away from him by a mere breeze, yet he holds you as if you were a fragile treasure, one so hardly acquired and easily lost
-He is quite protective. Desperate to not lose you, he will take extra measures to ensure that you are safe whenever he is not around you. Whether you were another Mafia executive or just a normal civilian, Chuuya will always make sure that another Mafia member was around your area should you run into trouble when he was not there
-It will take Chuuya a while to get used to being in a relationship with you. He's still learning, so he would really appreciate it if you told him what he could improve on or what your opinion on some of his actions in the relationship was. He wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you, and he will try his absolute hardest to learn and make himself someone deserving of your love and attention. Please assure him that he is enough already
-Affection isn't something he is used to as well. Even his friends in the Mafia only did as far as to give him a pat on his shoulder, or even a hug in the rarest of instances. So if you suddenly give him a kiss out of nowhere, or brush your fingers against his lovingly, he will freeze a little bit before slowly reciprocating it. But over time, he does become more comfortable with affection, as long as you don't overdo it
-Now his love language would either be acts of service or quality time. Chuuya isn't the best at words or affection, and he does get you gifts every now and then, but since this relationship is so foreign for him it would take a while for him to use other ways to show his love for you. He would be more than happy to learn how to tell you 'I love you' through actions and thoughts
-Chuuya would definitely be a lot more gentle and vulnerable in a relationship. He trusts you completely, and he isn't one to hide secrets from you as he values honesty. While he may be brash and temperamental, he is also perfectly capable of showing that soft side he locks away in himself, and he shows it to you and you only
-Further on into the relationship, be prepared for Chuuya to tell you everything. His past, his insecurities, his trauma, everything. He doesn't expect you to comfort him or help him, he just wants someone whom he can talk to and not worry about being betrayed or judged. So when you hugged him and assure him of how strong he was and how lucky you were to have him, it's from there on that Chuuya appreciates you the most he has ever appreciated you before
-Chuuya has a few hobbies that he likes to do in his free time, but he is interested in your hobbies as well, and often does them with you as he gets to spend more time with his beloved. His favourite things to do with you include taking you on motorcycle rides, have friendly sparring matches with you, wine-tasting, and even just shopping for exquisite and high-end clothes. He'd involuntarily spoil you since he has a lot of money, but he doesn't mind it if you spoil him too
-Kissing was a whole new experience. He will start off a bit rough and awkward at first, so it is mostly up to you to guide him with small movements of your lips and fleeting touches with your fingertips. Chuuya is surprised at how much he likes to kiss you, and you do note that his kisses do eventually get a bit softer as time goes on
-But if you wanted to make out with him? He's down for it and will mostly take the lead. His hands will grip you firmly but gently on your waist as he dominates the kiss. Spice it up a little by fighting back or by teasingly running your fingers along some more of his sensitive spots on his neck. However, he will get you back for it
-Love him, and he will love you back infinite times more than your love for him. Chuuya Nakahara is but a man; a man who has had everyone leave him; a man who doesn't let his past define who he is. His love for you will forever burn brighter than the flames of passion that consume his very being
So I feel like this was more deeper and serious than all my other posts. Chuuya to me is such a complex and deep character and it gives me a rare sense of thrill to write for him, especially when I get to analyse the other parts of his character that is not explicitly shown or told.
@circinuus @nekokinax @xxsigmakinniexx @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @ashthemadwriter @lakeside-paradise @catzlivedforbsd @sariel626 @yukitomybeloved @irethepotato @voyagewiththesatan @arisu-chan4646 @chuuyas-beloved
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missedmilemarkers · 26 days
When Opportunity Calls… A Musician’s Tale of a Potential Scam and How to Protect Yourself
My Background: From Internet Security to Photography
Before I became a full-time photographer, I spent years working in internet security for some of the biggest names in the industry. I’ve seen firsthand the types of schemes people fall for, and while it might seem shocking to me, it’s important to understand that anyone can be caught off guard. There’s no shame in it, and you should never feel embarrassed if it happens to you. That’s why I’m offering a free service to anyone who wants it—if someone is asking you for money in any form, consult with me first. I’ll help you determine if the offer is legitimate or a potential scam.
The Call That Almost Hooked Me
It started with a phone call—one that seemed like just another cold sales pitch. You know the type—someone claiming to have stumbled across my music and expressing an almost over-the-top level of admiration. They had a proposition, one that sounded too good to pass up. But as the conversation progressed, red flags began to pop up. Here’s a dramatized version of how it went down:
The Fictional Conversation: "An Offer You Can’t Refuse?"
Scammer: “Hello! I recently came across your music and was absolutely blown away by your talent. We’re launching a new platform for emerging musicians and would love to feature your work. We’re even willing to pay you upfront—$500 just to start!”
Musician (Me): “That sounds interesting! Could you tell me more about your platform? What’s it called?”
Scammer: “Of course! We’re called ‘HyperCompuGlobalMegaTech,’ a new but rapidly growing platform. Our goal is to showcase the best emerging talents. We’re so impressed with your music that we’re willing to cover all your costs, including studio time, to produce exclusive tracks for us.”
Musician (Me): “That’s quite generous. I’d love to learn more about your business. Could you provide some references or connect me with other artists you’ve worked with?”
Scammer: “Oh, we’re still building our roster, so most of our artists are new and haven’t been featured widely yet. But trust me, the exposure you’ll get is invaluable! We’re also offering a bonus—an additional $1,000 if you can produce new music for us within the next month. And guess what? We’ll even give you access to a top-tier recording studio!”
Musician (Me): “This sounds almost too good to be true. I’ll need to verify your business name and do some research first.”
Scammer: “There’s no time for that! Opportunities like this don’t come around often. We’re offering you a once-in-a-lifetime chance! If you wait, we might have to move on to another artist. Let’s move this conversation to WhatsApp so we can finalize the details more quickly.”
Musician (Me): “I understand, but I’ll need to be cautious. Could you provide some form of verification outside of our communication?”
Scammer: “Look, we believe in you and your talent, and we’re just trying to help you grow. Don’t overthink it! You’re missing out on a huge opportunity here.”
Breaking Down the Warning Signs:
Verification of Business: Always verify the business name and check for congruence in their information. Legitimate businesses will be happy to provide proof of their operations and connect you with others in their network.
Escalating Offers: If the offer keeps getting sweeter without you even asking, this is a major red flag. Real opportunities are often competitive, and businesses rarely need to persuade someone this aggressively.
Pressure Tactics: Scammers thrive on creating urgency. If you feel rushed to make a decision, take a step back. Legitimate opportunities don’t disappear overnight.
Transfer of Communication: Shifting the conversation to a different platform, especially one that’s less secure, can be a tactic to avoid tracking and accountability.
Too Good to Be True: Ask yourself—am I hoping for something too perfect? If the opportunity seems like it could solve all your problems at just the right time, it’s worth scrutinizing.
A Cautionary Tip:
If you find yourself in a situation like this, one of the best ways to buy yourself time is to use a polite excuse. Say something like, “I’m sorry, my significant other just walked in,” or “I just got in the car and I cannot speak right now” This will give you the time you need to step back and evaluate the situation—and reach out to someone like me for help.
My Photography Business:
It’s not unusual for me to be approached about selling my artwork. I’ve sold many pictures to a wide variety of clients, and all of my work is presented on a very unique metal canvas. Whenever a buyer is interested in my work, I dictate the terms. If I have a metal print on hand of the item, it’s yours. If I don’t, I will get it produced and delivered directly to you—guaranteed. Every genuine buyer has always agreed to my terms, and I know the value of what I’m offering. My snapshots are unique moments in time that can only be from me and no one else.
P.S. For those who might have missed it, “HyperCompuGlobalMegaTech” is a little nod to The Simpsons—because even when discussing something serious, it’s okay to have a laugh.
A Free Offer to Help You Stay Safe:
If you’ve ever received a similar offer or if you’re currently in the middle of one, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m offering free consultations to help you determine if what you’re dealing with is legitimate or a potential scam. With my background in internet security, I can provide you with the tools and knowledge to protect yourself.
Remember, not every incredible opportunity is a scam, but if something feels off, trust your instincts. A little caution can go a long way in protecting your hard-earned work and reputation. And if you ever need a second opinion, I’m here to help. Together, we can ensure that when opportunity knocks, it’s the real deal.
Get Involved:
Have you ever encountered a situation like this? Share your story in the comments, and let’s start a conversation about staying safe in the digital world!
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wxnheart · 1 year
Primarch hair styling by you? After all... they all need to look their best!
(Yes even feral Curze)
Horus Lupercal - A nice shave and shine. Complete with a head massage. You really like doing Abaddon's hair, though, even though he'll be looking sour the entire time you're doing it. lmao.
Leman Russ - Whatever style you do, there will almost always be braids and a man-bun of some kind involved. You also do your best to keep his scalp and strands moisturized with oils because his hair gets dry REALLY quick.
Ferrus Manus - Wash and cut; likes his close-cropped hair to be a certain length.
Fulgrim - Wash, trim, a protein treatment, a facial, and eyebrow shaping. All done in one sitting. Is the primarch whose hairstyles would change the most because he likes to experiment. You stay booked and busy because of him and his sons.
Vulkan - Head massage fanatic. You don't really need to do anything; you just enjoy his company
Rogal Dorn - Same as Ferrus Manus: wash and cut; his hair is much softer than it looks and at this point, it's almost trained to sit the way it does on his head. Believe it or not, you also like to clean his eyebrows up some because their shape really hones in his stoic visage.
Roboute Guilliman - Wash and cut complete with a facial and massage because the poor guy needs it (his scowl has gotten deeper in the time you've known him). You two have made a running joke of naming his gray strands after certain individuals who've pissed him off.
Magnus the Red - Wash, protein treatment, and trim. Magnus has some pretty fucking thick hair so there's no one style you can't do. Well, you can't do pigtails. Don't do pigtails. You cut layers in his hair once. Tiring but good work nonetheless.
Sanguinius - Wash and go; sometimes a trim, sometimes a full-blown cut. Sanguinius has a pretty sensitive scalp so you do your best to make the experience as easy and quick as possible. You love his curls/waves so you don't really style it. You just let it be. You also like to do Azkaellon's hair, too. He tends to get split ends easily. He was very offended when you told him you liked his headband lmao.
Lion El'Jonson - Wash, trim, and shape his beard up. That's it. Sometimes rocks a half-do, sometimes not. His hair tends to get oily really quickly, though, so you suggest he comes to you more often. Not that he listens lmao.
Perturabo - *Bombastic side-eye.*
Mortarion - *Criminal Offensive side-eye.*
Lorgar - You're in awe of the writing decorating his head and face so you spend more time reading it and listening to him interpret it than you actually do his hair (what hair?). He likes to be cleanshaven, though, so that's where your services go. You love to shape his brows, too.
Jaghatai Khan - When you can actually catch him, you wash his hair, oil it, and back into the top knot it goes. He credits you with its healthiness and length.
Konrad Curze - LMAO. The water was pitch fucking black when you got done washing it. He refused to let you trim it (it actually needed to be cut). You don't have an issue with Sevatar, though. The hair care actually helps more than you think it does.
Angron - Uh... well... he needs the facial massages much more than he does the haircare and to your surprise (and everyone else's), he's quite receptive to it. He's never felt anything other than blood and steel against his skin so a caring touch is... nice. Angron will never admit it, though.
Corvus Corax - Wash and trim. You especially love his bangs. He has fine hair but he has a lot of it, too.
Alpharius Omegon - Uh...
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blueink01 · 6 months
Ch. 2: Immediate Murder Professionals
The Next Day at the Imp City-
The Chapter starts at the I.M.P building that recides in the Imp city in Pride ring. The sound of the busy streets can be heard in the background.
The scene transitions to a closed door labeled "IMP Headquarters", with a crude sign made from a sheet of notebook paper that reads, "Meeting in progress" with a smiley face drawn next to it. Inside, Blitzo is walking in front a whiteboard on the wall as he lectures his employees
"Alright. Now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here.." He looks at Moxxie.
"Moxxie." Moxxie gives him an incredulous look in response.
"Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?" Millie leans over the table with her eyes sparkling. "What about a car wash?"
"We're in hell, Mills, no one gives a fuck about clean cars." Yn replies to her idea. Blitzo thinks for a second.
"Wh- Ooh! What about a billboard?" Blitzo waves his hands with an enthusiastic flair as sparkles fly out. Moxxie rolls his eyes.
"We can't afford a billboard, sir." Blitzo wraps his arm over Moxxie's shoulder.
"Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now." He pushes Moxxie away.
"Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?" Blitzo turns on a TV that shows the I.M.P. crew brutally murdering people from the overworld as they are paid to do. Blitzo whacks a man in the face with a mallet, Moxxie is blown away firing a shotgun through the mouth of a man tied to a chair, Loona swings a man back and forth in her mouth, Yn snaps a persons neck so that is spins around a few times before falling off, and Millie decapitates someone with a harpoon and laughs. Everyone is watching the TV, with Loona, Yn, Millie, and Blitzo eating popcorn.
"Ahh, those were the good times." Blitzo smiled.
"I don't need any reminding, sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel... nobody watches." Moxxie said.
"Uh, hey. Excuse me? What's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, alright? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement's spittin' bullshit!" Blitzo explained.
"People love musicals, sir." Millie added.
"That's true." Yn agreed.
"Exactly, Millie! And we're basically doin' a musical." He does jazz hands.
"Are you gonna crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?"
"Cause, right now? All I see is just my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside."
"Are you tryin' to crush his dreams, Moxxie?"
"Wow, Mox. That's fucked up, I thought you were a classy man." Yn said in a flirty tone.
"I-- What?" Mille leans closer to Moxxie in a flity way.
"I thought I knew you." She playfully sticks her tongue out at Moxxie as she blushes and rolls her eyes affectionately.
"I can't believe you, Moxxie!," She tearfully holds up an employee of the month plaque with Moxxie's picture on it. "After I made you employee of the month!" Yn chuckles while looking at the photo of Moxxie.
"Okay, sir! I'm sorry; a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre. Nobody actually likes the jingles!" Moxxie said.
"I liked it." Millie supporting Blitzo.
"Me too. It was good." Yn added.
"Do not--" He points at Yn and Millie. "Do not agree with him in front of me!"
In the I.M.P. commercial-
"Hi, there! I'm Blitz! The "o" is silent, and I'm the founder of I.M.P.!" He gestures to the logo as it appears on screen, then disappears. Two pictures of Blitzo in different scenarios show while he speaks. The first shows he wearing two top hats through her horns, a monocle, and twiddling a fake mustache, while standing outside of a burning building with a sign that reads "Orphanage for Elderly Blind Newborn Dogs" appears. The second shows Blitzo wearing an angel costume at a coffeehouse happily throwing an empty coffee cup in a trash can, instead of the recycling bin right next to it.
"Are you a piece of shit that got yourself sent to Hell, or are you an innocent soul who got F**KED over by someone else?!" The commercial cuts to a demon guy wearing an Ohio sports jersey, giving a testimonial, while Blitzo holds a cardboard sign in frame that reads "Some guy who hired us!!".
"After lovingly killing my wife for f**king the delivery man, you can imagine my surprise when I wound up here, after the state of Ohio killed me! I really wish I could stick it to that yappy jogger who saw me hiding the body!" The Demon Guy Shares.
Blitzo is speaking to the camera and holding a grimoire, while Moxxie and Millie are arranging lit candles on the floor in a pentagram while Yn is putting guns and drugs into bags. While Blitzo speaks, his eyes narrow as he does a magical gesture with his hand and a flaming portal appears on the floor. Moxxie and Millie run off in surprise. She tosses the grimoire aways as she walks up to the portal.
"Well, luckily for you. Thanks to our company's special access to the living world, we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!" He falls backwards into the portal. The scene transitions to a person with their arms crossed and a thought bubble appears depicting another person being crossed out as the commercial jingle vlavs in the background.
"~When you want somebody gone,~" A dead body falls near the person as they notice and look up.
"~and you don't want to wait too long~" Yn, Moxxie, Blitzo, and Millie are shown in a circle logo. Blitzo holds her arms out as Moxxie holds up her rifle, Yn holds a cane sword in a slashing motion while smiling and Millie holds up her spear. A letter "I" appears to the left of them, while a letter "P" appears on the right of them. The four together form a letter "M", thus spelling the initials I.M.P.
"~call the Immediate Murder Professionals!~" Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are inside of their building and Moxxie throws a grenade out the window. The four cover where their ears would be as an explosion goes off. A severed arm goes flying.
"~Hand grenade or cyanide,~" Blitzo is shown hanging someone with a rope as Millie finishes writing a suicide note and Yn is throwing bags of drugs around the room.
"~We'll make it look like suicide~" Blitzo is shown electrocuting someone, Millie is shown hitting someone on the head with a mace, Yn is cutting someone's limbs off and Moxxie is shown strangling someone.
"~The Immediate Murder Professionals!~" The I.M.P. logo spins around quickly as the scene transitions to Blitzo creating a portal to the living world in a wall, then jumping through it. He is followed by Yn, Millie and then Moxxie, who trips over the grimoire and falls into the portal.
"~We do our job so well,~" The four come up through the other end of the portal and adjust themselves.
"~Because, we come straight out from Hell!~" The I.M.P. trio suddenly look shocked as it appears they have accidentally teleported to a church in the middle of a service. A female preacher and the congregation look back at the demons in confusion/fear.
One bearded man, however, has his head laid back as he sleeps with earbuds in. Millie is shown struggling to remove a knife from a naked couple who are in 69 position, while Yn is covering Moxxie's eyes, and Blitzo examines a pair of panties.
"~We'll kill your husband or your wife~" Blitzo stabs someone tied to a chair repeatedly in the head while sporting a goofy expression.
"~We'll even let you keep the knife~" A quick sequence then shows the four assassinating their targets in numerous horrific ways, such as with a medieval torture chamber, riding a shark, burning someone alive, suffocating someone with a pillow, playing on a grand piano after it crushed someone, and using an electric chair. In the final scene, the four are hiding in a bush in a park and Moxxie is about to shoot a blonde woman looking at her phone from behind.
"~We're the Immediaaaaate... Murderrrrrr... Profession--~" Moxxie accidentally shoots a boy passing by, eating an ice cream cone.
"AUUUGH!" The boy collapses as Moxie looks on in shock. Yn, Blitzo and Millie turn their eyes to Moxxie in surprise.
"Wow, Mox."
-Time Skip in Hospital-
The boy is wheeled into a hospital operating room on a hospital bed by a doctor, a pink-haired nurse, and a blue-haired nurse
Pink-haired Nurse: "Doctor, he's not responding!"
Blue-haired Nurse: "Cool water, stat!" The pink-haired nurse whacks the boy in the face with a bucket of water, doing nothing but leave a large welt on his face.
Blue-haired Nurse: "It didn't do anything!" The boys tongue flops down from his mouth.
Doctor: "Dammit! I'm not losing another one." Everyone has their defibrillator paddles over the boy.
Doctor: "CLEAR!" They all zap the boy and he wakes up with a gasp.
Doctor: "Holy shit! It actually worked." Yn, Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie are waiting outside the boy's hospital room. Blitzo is reading a magazine, while Yn and Millie comfort Moxxie, who looks devastated. The doctor comes out of the room with a clipboard.
Doctor: "He appears to be in stable condition, but he'll need surgery." He looks up from clipboard.
Doctor: "Now, what insurance provider do you freaks have?"
"The fuck is insurance?" Yn quickly stands up and punches the doctor through a wall. Outside of the hospital a window breaks and the boy's hospital bed flies out. The boy is unconscious in the bed, while Millie, Moxxie, Yn, and Blitzo are holding on for dear life as they plummet screaming to the ground. The bed is stopped by a rope that has become tangled around Blitzo's foot. Blitzo slams his face into the bed, the rope snaps, and they all continue to fall.
"~Kids die for freeeeeee!~"
Back at I.M.P.-
The scene cuts back to the boardroom. Yn, Millie and Moxxie are sitting across from Loona, who has her feet up and is watching a video on her phone of Moxie getting hurt
"I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It's very simple." Moxxie jesters to Loona.
"Oh, sit on a d*ck, Moxxie." Loona replied still on her phone.
"YOU sit! Sit on... a... and the... d-- DO YOUR JOB!!" Moxxie yells.
"Hey, now. We don't blame our screwups on Loona, okay?! She didn't do anything wrooooong~" Blitzo hugs and nuzzles Loona, who snarls at him in response.
"...Are you kidding me, sir? She's awful!" Moxxie insulted.
"She's not that bad." Yn said defending Loona.
"What?!" Moxxie yells, looking at Yn shocked while Loona smiles.
Flashback with Loona-
Loona sits at her desk, reading a magazine called "Monthly", Her desk phone rings with the sound of a cute puppy barking as the ringtone.
"Hello, I.M.P." Loona answers without even looking up from her magazine.
<Loona, I got stabbed! Call Yn or Mox-> Loona suddenly hangs up, disinterested in the conversation. Next, she is in Blitzo's office.
"Happy Adoption Anniversary, Loonie! I got you a little somethin'." he presents her with a gift.
"Is it a cure for syphilis?" Loona interrupted Blitzo figuring out what was in the present.
"I... Oh..."
"THEN, I DON'T WANT IT!" Loona snatches the present and angrily slams it on the floor.
"UGHHH!" A large swarm of spiders suddenly emerge from the present box and swarm Loona up to her neck.
"I'm sorry! It was spiders!" Blitzo is suddenly hiding outside of the office window.
"Goddammit." Yn walks over to Loona with a small box.
"If it's not the cure for syphilis, then don't bother."
"It is the cure." Yn said. She looks at the spiders, her eyes glowed yellow than red scaring the spiders away.
"It is?"
"Yeah." Yn hands her the box and she opens it seeing the cure. She hugs Yn while her tails is waving around.
"Now we can have some fun later~" Yn blushed heavy red at the thought.
Loona is then shown at her desk, watching an online video of Charlie performing "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow".
"Um, c- excuse me. Did you just fax me an ad for weight loss.?" Moxxie approaches her with a flyer for "Chub B Gone".
"Wha-- Why- Why would anyone send me this?"
"C'mon.." She looks up at Moxxie. "You know why."
The next scene shows Loona rummaging through the break room fridge.
"Whoever left the fucking... avocado salad in the fridge, I'm taking it, because I have the worst hangover right now!" Loona turns around to face Millie with a red box in hand as she shuts the fridge door with her foot. She rips off the lid and drinks the salad.
"Why would you drink on a work night?" Millie questioned.
"I'm hungover from this morning, dumbass!" Loona angrily responded back finishing up the salad. Yn and Moxxie enter the room and notices Loona with her box.
"Isn't that my lunch?" Loona drops the box on the floor.
"Y'know what?! I can't take this assault right now! I need to blow off some-" She kicks the box at Moxxie, knocking her out of the room and surprising Yn and Millie.
"-f**king steam!" She picks up Yn and moves her to the side. Loona runs out of the break room and out into the street.
"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Loona runs up to a succubus lady passing by on the other side of the street, pushing her baby in a stroller.
Loona kicks the stroller high into the air and storms off, while the demon lady stands there in disbelief. The scene transitions to Loona at her desk, telling Yn and Blitza about a caller.
"Blitz! Yn! That clingy, rich asshole is on the phone! Says it's urgent and wants to talk to you! He sounds a little DTF-y." Yn, Blitzo and Moxxie are standing by a water cooler. Blitzo throws his cup of water on the floor.
"Oh, GOD, it was one time! If we hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, none of us would have access to the living world." Moxxie stares in stunned silence.
"..You what?"
Flashback in a Bedroom-
Stolas is sleeping naked in bed. He is hooting like an owl and there are feathers everywhere. Blitzo, who is partially nude, walks away quietly with the grimoire in hand. Yn puts on her clothes and she cracks her back.
"How can a bird be that thirsty and kinky?" Yn question, she can feel her lower half of the body is sore.
"Got the booook, got the booook! Got this fuckin' heavy book!" Blitzo keep repeating himself.
Blitzo reaches Stolas's balcony and lays the grimoire on the ledge. Grunting, he attempts to step up on the ledge using the grimoire. Instead, the combined weight sends both his and the grimoire falling forward off of the balcony. Yn runs towards him and grabs his tail but she too falls off the balcony.
"Fuck!" "Oh- Oh, SHIT!!" Yn and Blitzo lans on the cake that Stolas's wife and her friends are having, splattering pieces of it all over them.
"Oof! Sorry, we fucked your husband."
"Sorry for the cake." Blitzo picks up Yn and runs off.
End of Flashback-
"Yeah! Yeah!" Yn yelled back as she pinches the bridge of her nose and a hand on her hip.
"WE HEARD YOU ALREA-!" Yn and Blitzo are in his office, talking with Stolas, and playing with a bobblehead of Moxxie while Yn is sitting as far away from Blitzo as possible knowing that she's gonna hear some fucked up stuff.
"Sooooo, what can we do you for this time, Stolas?" Stolas is shown talking on his phone from a fancy mansion.
"There's a political candidate causing trouble up on Earth for a few of my associates. He's trying to convince people global warming exists."
"Doesn't it?!" Yn asked.
"Well... yes. But, more people die if nothing is done about it. And it gets lonely here~"
"Okay, well. Yeah, that makes sense." Blitzo replied.
"You know what happens when I'm lonely, Nn and Blitzy?"
"Oh boy... Here it comes..." Yn said as she is leaning back.
"God-f**kin'-dammit." Blitzo pulls his phone away and talks to himself.
"When I'm lonely, I become hungry. And when I become hungry, I want to choke on that huge **** of yours, ****** Nn's ****** and lick all of your ****, before taking out You're ******, and ***** with more teeth until we're screaming ****** like two FUCKING babies--!" Yn is looking blankly at a wall while clawing her ears out. Blitzo, who's visibly disturbed, on his phone Stolas name is listed as "creepy mouth (aka one night stand bird d*ck)" with a call total of 48 seconds. as he hangs up, a knock out noise plays.
He snaps his cellphone in half, smashes it with his desk phone, tosses said desk phone away, pulls out a blender, puts the cellphone pieces in it, and blends them. Blitzo turns and hands the blender to Loona, who was standing nearby.
"Eat this!" Loona drinks the blended cellphone mixture.
"And then y'know that bridge over the freeway?"
"Yeah?" Loona raises her eyebrow as she says.
"Take my car and sh*t off it.." Yn said intensely.
In the Meeting Room-
"Look, the point is, Loona is a valued member of our family, and we don't get rid of family." Loona looks up from her phone and briefly smiles, touched by Blitzo's words.
"We aren't a family, sir! You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat her like she's some troubled teenager! She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!" As Moxxie rants, Loona continues looking at her phone, slowly flipping Moxxie off.
"That is offensive! Without homeless people.." He walks over to window and raises blinds, "I wouldn't have HALF the joy and laughter I do in this life!" Blitzo puts his face up against the window, cracking the glass, and sees a homeless demon, looking sad and holding up a sign that reads "Money helps. Satan bless." A succubus is on her cellphone and turns away from the hobo. Blitzo smugly waves at him, before lowering the window blinds.
"While we're on the subject of "family", can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?" Moxxie looks at Blitza annoyed.
"Come on, sweetie! It's not that big a deal!" Millie said with hand jesters.
"Overreacting much." Glass shattering noise plays as Moxxie makes a stocked face.
"Excuse me... WHAT?!" He looks at them both.
Moxxie and Millie are preparing dinner in their kitchen
"Honey, can you get me the butter?"
"Sure, sweetie." Millie opens the fridge door and finds Blitzo inside as he hands her the gross, viscous butter.
"Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled!" Millie giggles. Moxxie throws the diced carrots into the soup.
"What's funny, honey?"
"Really impressive wordplay."
Later that evening, shows a building, Inside their Moxxie and Millie are asleep in bed. The former is tossing and turning as the sound of a cat purring can be heard. Moxxie opens his eyes and sees Blitzo standing on him, looking him right in the eyes.
"Whatcha dreamin' about?"
"I was dreaming my parents were being murdered while Yn is destroying my and Millie's a**es, but now... I'd like to go back to that."
In the next scene, Moxxie is singing the end of "Oh, Millie", as Millie joins in on some parts. "~Of all the imps in Hell,~"
"~it's for her that I fell~"
"~It's for him that I fell~"
"~Oh, Millie~" They close their eyes to kiss, but Moxxie notices Blitza outside the window holding a camcorder.
"Are you fucking filming us right now?!"
Flashback Ended-
"Just... stop... doing that!" Moxxie scratch the table.
"I don't see what the issue is! There somethin' you don't want me seein'?" Blitzo shrugs.
"No!" Moxxie's eye twitches in anger.
"You a baby-wenner-hammer?" Yn and Loona snicker at the same time as Blitzo talks.
"Sir, what you say and how you act is totally INAPPROPRIATE!" Millie lays her hand on Moxxie's shoulder.
"Calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!"
"I AM CALM!" Moxxie starts whimpering in anger while looking back at Blitzo.
"Shh-shh-shh. There, there." Millie pats his head.
"Look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff.." He motions his hands to imply sexual activity, "...you do outside work hours. So, don't... judge me!"
"Oh, I do judge you, ma'am! Quite a lot, actually!"
"Mox, he's our boss!"
"No-no-no, it's fine Mills, your husband is just... how do I say this without being offensive? retarded" Blitzo smudged.
"Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?" Blitzo leans towards Moxxie.
"It actually does." Loona then jumps in on the confrontation.
"The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage!" She looks away from her phone to glare at Moxxie. Millie slams her hands against the table, looking at Loona with anger.
"No, he's not, you BITCH!" She flips Loona off. Loona growls at Millie.
"This is priceless." Yn leans back in her chair while eating popcorn, enjoying the show.
"Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive!"
"Yes, I am!"
"You guys are all f**king a**holes." Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona's eyes all widen in surprise. They look at Eddie, the boy Moxxie accidentally shot earlier. Eddie is lying on a table with three wires from a heart monitor attached to his stomach.
"Oh, shut up, kid! You're lucky to witness this!"
"Ugh, this company is such a mess!" Moxxie pinches bridge of his nose.
"Alright, let's get back to talking about my outfit."
"Nobody was talking about that, Blitz."
"Which is why I'm tryin' to get that ball rolling. So, how does it look? It's good, right?"
"Sure... Let's go with that.." Yn said.
"It's been a literal hell.." He detaches the tubes of the heart monitor, "having to pretend to be paralyzed so you f**ksh*ts wouldn't kill me! But, now I want that. I want death!" He points at Blitzo.
"You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I'm a kid! We're supposed to like clowns! Even the creepy ones!"
"Hey, now! That's not very-" Eddie interrupts Moxxie, intimidating him, "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jacka**, I'd rip out your spine and ask you some sh*t." Millie slams her hand on the table, the other gesturing at Moxxie.
"That's my husband you're talkin' to!"
"That's your husband?!" Moxxie and Millie snarl at Eddie, "I figured you for a sl*t. But, I didn't know you needed d*ck that bad!"
"And You!" He points at Loona.
"What? What about me?"
"Nothing. I don't talk to dogs. I'm a cat person." Loona gives a wide-eyed glare, whines at Eddie with anger, and goes back to looking at her phone.
"Wow. Y'know, kid, you are a huge piece of sh*t." Yn said.
"Yeah. He's kind of a piece of sh*t." Everyone in Union agreed.
Eddie looks at Yn, "Don't do it..." he points at him.
"You-" Loona's eyes widen as she receives a text message.
"Oh, f**k! Guys, I just got a text from our client! Guess he was the right target after all."
Him." Loona points at Eddie.
"Him?" Yn looks At Eddie.
"Yup." Loona responds smugly, without looking up.
"They wanted us to kill an actual child?"
"That's what they're sayin'."
"Well, Christ on a stick. I guess there is a God."
"АHHАННННН!" Before he can shoot Eddie, Yn makes fire slowly climb up Eddie's body, he screams as he's skin is slowly being turned into ash.
Yn lifts her hand making Eddie crashe into the wall, all of his skin gone from his body, he lands on the table while his eyes turn to Xs.
"Damn it, Lovely! I wanted to do that!" He throws his pistol onto the floor.
-Time Skip-
Then blood covers the screen, then reveals Yn, Blitza and Moxxie kicking Eddie's corpse, Millie stabbing him, and Loona recording everything on her phone.
"Y'know, folks? With this company, I really wanted to prove that we're capable of doing the same things anyone else can. Like killing people!" Blitzo and Moxxie are shown wearing full hazard gear, dismembering Eddie's body with a hacksaw and chainsaw respectively. Blood splats on the screen again, then shows the group by a dumpster putting Eddie's body parts in a garbage bag.
"So, from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money... is gone and you're never getting it back, and you can write us a bad review but we'll play dumb to it, because it's Hell and no one f**kin' cares." Blitzo hugs Yn, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona, the latter's phone flying out of his hands.
"Y'know, even though this kid was a target... he's still a child. And it's important that we handle this going forward respectfully." He wraps his tail lovingly around the group. The group all smile as the scene cuts to a newscast, showing Eddie's mother tearfully holding up a bad drawing of her son. A male news reporter holds a microphone up to her, looking disinterested. The headline on screen says, "Mom sucks at drawing own kid", while the ticker bar constantly reads "There is a missing boy! Yet another missing kid!"
"Please! If anyone has seen my little Eddie, please contact us at-" Eddie mother is interested by a bag full of Eddie's bloody body bag suddenly falls into her arms.
"OHHH!" Eddie's mother and the news reporter look up in shock as the camera follows their gaze. Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are shown looking down on them through a portal. Blitzo smiles and waves.
"You're welcome!"
"You're a sh*t mom, ya wh*re!" The four disappear in the portal as it closes.
~Ending with a Cut To Moxxie singing to Millie~
Previous Page: Ch. 1: The Hazbin Hotel
Next Page: Ch. 3: The Murder Family
Beginning: Front Cover
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Slow dance with ~
Reiner Braun ❤
If this song doesn't sum up Reiner, his situation and his feelings for you, I'll eat my hat & shoes.
My actual heart, though.
"I'll be there as soon as I can, But I'm busy mending broken, pieces of the life I had before... Before you..."
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"You could be my unintended choice, to live my life extended, you, could be the one i'll always love..."
Reiner didn't know which was worse; the fact he betrayed you all those years ago, or that he was still desperately in love with you. Not once did you leave his thoughts for longer than a day at a time, no matter what he had going on. Still plagued with haunting nightmares of you trying to kill him in Shiganshina, he didn't think he'd ever have the honour of speaking with you again. But with everything that's happened and the world now at peace... maybe now he can bring his retribution to an end - because the last four years have been nothing but torment.
The burden of guilt weighed heavy on his back and more than once has he wanted to just end his suffering by his own hand.
He's seen a lot over the years. Pain. Suffering. Death. Betrayal.
But nothing scares him more than the idea you had no love left for him, that you still couldn't forgive him for what he did. He wouldn't blame you, of course. But nothing terrifies an atheist more than the concept of death, and without you, there was nothing after it all. It was all for nothing. Without you, it's just a desolate void.
He remembers falling for you so hard back in cadets. What started as a little crush catching fire and smouldering into full blown love, the inferno like a whirlwind out of control as he tried to calm his racing thoughts about you, knowing all too well it wasn't going to end well. But when he started to forget; when everything mushed together into one reality or the other, was when he had totally gotten lost within himself. And there you were, always there to hold him up when the weight was too much. So of course he was going to call out to your out-reached hand of unconditional admiration and adoration.
The celebrations at the palace were bitter-sweet. Yes, the war was over. Yes, an age of peace had finally begun.
But to the loss of so many lives.
One including many of your friends.
The cruel irony that you could now experience true freedom, by the death of your best friend, of whom, you'd promised you'd both traverse the world together. The innocent childhood glint behind your eyes forever extinguished - replaced by grief.
Eren was dead.
Mikasa. Gone.
No one knew where she'd went. But all that was left now was the gratitude from the people you'd saved. A pointless goal of nothing awaited you. No more fighting, no more dreaming.
You'd all been granted your medals of outstanding service at a ceremony and now as the party begins to extinguish of voices and laughter, Reiner was alone on the terrace. The floor-to-ceiling grand windows illuminating his back as he leans upon the stone balustrade, the cold nip in the air not deterring the exhausted veteran.
His heart skips a beat.
He recognised that voice, and would for the rest of his days.
The voice he was terrified of forgetting the sound of. The sweet song of praise that were your vocals.
He turns to see you in your beautiful dress standing at the grand over-the-top door to the ballroom.
"Sorry, I didn't think anyone was out here. It's so bright in there I couldn't see outside." You explain as you go to join him for some fresh air.
"It's alright." Is all he can manage to vocalise over his now trembling body.
He was a fine sight in his suit although the night had taken its toll, his blazer gone and tie loosened, white sleeves pushed up his large forearms. He gazed ahead into the inky blackness of the evening, the dark void where all traumas and nightmares lay in wait.
"I guess a congratulation is in order." You hum. "The fighting is finally over. And you're no longer a titan, right?"
"Right." He affirms with a nod, nervously twiddling his fingers over the balustrade.
"It's strange. We should feel happy, right? So, why don't I feel happy?"
He glances at your pleading eyes, pleading for some wisdom he didn't have. He didn't have it because he was in the same boat.
"I don't know." He swallows, returning his head to face ahead of him. "I guess the loss was too great."
His heart was breaking all over again.
He could feel your pain seeping from your being. That empty pain behind your eyes much like the pair he sees in the mirror everyday. You had always been too precious for this world. And now it was finally all said and done, you couldn't even enjoy it. He knew how much Eren and Mikasa meant to you.
And Sasha.
And Marco.
"y/n, i'm sorry." He mutters. "I'm not the best person to be talking to about this."
"You promised me, right?" Her tone quivers as the song inside changes to a slow-paced tune to begin to draw a close to the evening. "Five years ago. That you'll always be there for me?"
His lips part and he turns to face you, his equally pained orbs searching yours for any hint of a cruel joke.
But there wasn't any.
All he could see were the burning cinders of innocence cruelly pillaged by events that were not by your own doing.
"And you're back now, aren't you?" You continue, filling in his silence as he is lost for words. "Aren't you?"
A tear streams down your cheek, the lachrymose proving to be too much.
Without a word, he pulls you into his chest, his arms that have longed and ached for you for so long, now finally holding you once more as he holds your head against his solid chest, holding you up as you crumble.
"The world is cruel. But it's also beautiful..." You whisper in memory of your friend, your eyes clasping shut as the pain in your chest becomes more intense.
He inhales you before resting his cheek on top of your head, his eyes pleading as he slowly cradles you from side to side. Your skin. Your heart. Your scent. God he'd missed it all.
You had always been the one to hold his chin high when all was lost. And now, he can finally do the same for you.
With a sniffle, you slide your hands up and over his shoulders as he continues to rock slowly, his hands instinctively resting upon your waist as you both begin to dance slowly to the low tune bellowing from within the palace.
His warmth radiates over you; he may no longer hold the power of the nine titans, but you could still feel his great strength and iron will beneath his flesh, as he holds you as if you would be snatched away if he let go for a second.
"I still love you, y/n." He whispers with a dry mouth.
What did he really have to lose?
"I know." She breathes. "I still love you too."
The indescribable amount of pain that has stripped you bare over the years did not show any signs of relenting anytime soon. But now at least... you have Reiner back. Maybe you could begin new dreams. Together.
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Heyyy babe 😘 for the Choose Violence ask game: 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 17
Link to original Star Wars Violence Questions linked below!
1.) Give me a compelling argument for why your fav would never top or bottom.
Luminara Unduli would never be a bottom because she definitely that bitch who is ALWAYS in charge. With all the bullshit she has to put up with in both the canon and in the fanon, that woman would have all the pent up feeling to go on all night or go full blown domantrix on whoever that lucky bottom would be (I would personally volunteer my services). No matter where she is and what she’s doing, Luminara gets shit done and that is that. Via osmosis, Barriss Offee is most likely a top too since her mother has taught her how to be a bad bitch like her 💙💚
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2.) What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Grogu. Like he’s literally just a baby but my God judging from all the mass excessive merchandising you would think that at one point in time Grogu was the only Star Wars character that existed and that’s not necessarily his fault by the annoying group of people who literally only watched Mando just for Grogu and Grogu only. There are so many people out there who will never watch a Star Wars movie or anything else that isn’t Mando just because Grogu isn’t in it and again it’s insane because again he’s just a literal baby. If the show was exclusively about him, it would have been a boring show. If I wanted to look at something cute, I can just go look at puppies or some shit. I don’t need to watch a show for that.
9.) You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I honestly don’t have an answer for this sorry 🤣
15.) Opinion of Anakin’s characterization (I.e the broification of Anakin Skywalker).
This is a very loaded question because I don’t really swing either way with this topic (as in I don’t love or hate it). Like on the one hand, I like how in the CW show they made Anakin more with it and mature when the situation calls for it which makes sense considering he has Ahsoka to consider and he has to be a good role model for her. I also appreciate how in the show Anakin isn’t just bitching about Obi-Wan or obsessing over Padme all the time or being pissy with his other Jedi colleagues. I love seeing Anakin actually being a model Jedi and actually showing that he truly does love and respect Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc. However Anakin is seen as more sensitive in the movies and doesn’t always respond with such rage all the time like he does in CW show. Like bro Anakin’s anger goes from 0-1,000 in seconds to the point where he’s just destroying gadgets, kicking Clovis ass, etc. So in short, in some ways I personally think they did a good job expanding on Anakin’s character in the CW however there is no denying there is a huge distinction between Matt Lanter Anakin and Hayden Anakin. They most likely went the bro route because toxic masculinity is in.
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16.) Best written female character in Star Wars.
Leia hands down. Her character is one of the very few Star Wars characters that is consistent and true in every single project we see with her in it. And like I’ve never met a Leia hater in my whole life and if I did I would question that person’s character because Leia is a badass that holds everything together when no one else will or when people leave her. She honestly deserves her own show.
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17.) What event is Anakin’s point of no return in his fall to the Dark Side?
Shmi’s death. Had that never happened Anakin probably would not have taken those visions of Padme dying in childbirth or Palpatine’s bullshit stories seriously. It was only because Anakin lost his mother that he was insistent on keeping his wife and children safe at all costs because he did not want to endure that kind of pain ever again.
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Original Ask Game Questions
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