#or like. billy kicking her out of the car when he got to tinas........... them tearing each others outfits to shreds
biillys · 1 year
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holy shit! you should've seen the looks on your faces! and you? who screams like that? you sound like a little girl. hey, you guys coming or not? oh! i heard we should hit up loch nora, that's where the rich people live, right?
max mayfield: in every scene — 2.02: trick or treat
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hogwartsandhawkins · 5 months
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 17: Winds of Change
If you need to catch up, here's the Masterlist
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Summary: Jess and the gang get kicked out
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: Fighting, mentions of blood, bruising, face injuries, of aged men hitting on under-aged girls 🤢, angst. As always let me know if I missed something!
AN: So I got a new laptop, and was super excited to write on it. And then when I uploaded my word doc, it crashed. 🤗 Long story short, after crying and being unmotivated to redo everything that I thought I lost, I fixed it.
The street was full of cars when Jess and Billy pulled up, causing them to park further down the street away from Tina’s. Billy pulled the parking brake and turned off the ignition, turning back to Jess. 
“So what the hell did he say?” Billy was staring at Jess, completely surprised that she had already admitted to Steve that they were a little more than just partners for an English project now.
“He suggested that we hold hands and skip through the football field.” Jess rolled her eyes as she heard the strong laugh leaving Billy’s body. 
“So is he pissed?”
“He’s not exactly thrilled…” 
“Yeah, well. Fuck it,” Billy shrugged unbuckling Jess’s seatbelt for her before taking the keys from the ignition, “Bout time he realized you’re your own person.” 
“He already does, Billy-“
“No he doesn’t. ‘’Cuz god forbid you decided to go to this party without him.” Before Jess could continue arguing, he opened his own door and stepped out, reminding her to “Stay right there,” as he left. When he opened the door for her, waiting for her to step out, he continued, “It’s like he wants you two attached to the hip…” He shook his head, looking as if he were annoying himself with the thought of Steve Harrington always around. 
Once Jess was out of the car, she began to take off the jacket, causing Billy to drop his current thought. “What’re you doin’, leave it on…” 
“I don’t wanna carry it all night when I have to take it off inside.” Before Jess had it all the way off, however, Billy quickly shed the one he was wearing, throwing it in the back and closing the passenger door. 
“There. Problem solved.”
“Geez, Jess, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” Billy teased, “When you don’t want it, I’ll take it alright? Just… keep it on. Least till we get in…”
“You just want it on me to piss off Steve.” They began walking away from the car, the sound of music becoming louder despite the already drowning sound of teenagers that littered her outdoor area. There were easily twice as many people at this party compared to the one Carol had, as Tina was never picky about who came, something Jess had always appreciated about her. 
“I didn’t even know we were seeing pretty boy tonight, alright. Can we lay off the subject now?” 
“Oooh, someone’s testy,” Jess’s smile was faint as she poked fun at him, but slowly faded when she looked up to realize he wasn’t smiling back. “Okay… sorry…”
“No, it’s just… You ever get tired of only thinking about Steve when you do something?” 
“I do not!” 
“Like two goddamn peas in a pod. You’re obsessed with him, he’s obsessed with you,” Billy sighed, slowing down their pace to further the conversation without anyone overhearing, ensuring this by looking around before he spoke again, “It just would be awesome if I could do shit for you without you thinking it’s all this weird thing to piss Harrington off.” 
“Right, because you weren’t trying to at the diner?”
“Jess,” Suddenly, Billy stopped walking entirely, turning his entire body to face her as he looked past her, focusing on his actions from earlier. “I wasn’t trying to piss him off. I was just… fuck…” His shoulders shrugged with frustration, tensing as they dropped again. He looked over toward the house, his jaw now as tense as his shoulders. “He needs to know that I’m not exactly going anywhere,” His head slowly inched back to her as he sucked in a final breath for courage before continuing, “That I’m here to stay.” His eyes flicked to another group walking past them, behind Jess, locking onto them until they were far enough for Billy’s liking.  “Look, I’m not asking for him to like me. I just want him to know that we at least got one thing in common.” 
“And what’s that?” Jess took a step in his direction as she watched him look around one last time. 
“That we both think you’re cool as shit,” He answered as if it were obvious, now walking toward the house at the same, slow pace they had previously. 
Jess followed closely, her arm only inches from his. “Oh yeah? I figured it would be something like how you’re both scarily obsessed with basketball or something.”
“No, Logan. See, thing is, there’s still a big difference between me and him when it comes to basketball. I’m actually good and your little boy toy sucks.”
“He does not suck.” 
“Oh, so that’s the part of the sentence you’re gonna correct?” 
“He does not suck.”
Billy let out an airy laugh as he shoved his hands in his pockets due to the cold, his breath visible when his chuckle dragged out. “Alright, so he’s not that bad.”
“He’s starting five.” 
“So am I.” 
“So there you go,” Jess countered, “You both don’t suck.” 
Billy shook his head in surrender as they reached the wide-open front door. They both looked past the entryway into the main living room, which was already packed, when Jess felt two hands on either side of her neck, patting her shoulders softly.  
“We goin’ in or what?” Jess turned around to see Steve, Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick standing behind her, the others that came with them squeezing past to get inside. Jess and Billy lead the rest of the group toward the kitchen, Steve staying close behind. The music was even louder than it usually was, possibly due to the fact that Tina’s party wasn’t the only social gathering happening on this street. There were never any noise complaints called in on New Year’s Eve, surprising in a small town like Hawkins, and even if there were, there was always a good chance that Hopper would ignore them for the holiday. 
As they made it to the crowded kitchen, Jess noticed a large group of boys she had never seen before stocking the fridge with an assortment of beers, liquor, and mixers. It wasn’t until Tina’s older brother, Christopher, joined them from the dining room that she realized why she’d never seen them before. 
“Hey, Chris.” Jess watched as Tina sauntered over with Nicole, Vickie, Katie, and Jane, who were all giggling, seemingly excited that Tina gave them automatic access to the only college boys at the party. Before Jess could continue listening in, one of Christopher’s friends took notice of her, giving her a look that quickly made her uncomfortable. She turned around to face Steve, causing him to stop. 
“You okay, kid?” 
“Yeah, yeah it’s just, the kitchen looks packed, you know…” Steve looked past her, shrugging his shoulders as he looked into what seemed to be the most open part of the house.
Billy, however, looked where Jess had earlier, taking notice of the older group by the fridge. “You want anything outta there, princess?” He asked without taking his eyes off the cluster of boys. The question made Steve’s eyes roll, but he didn’t interject, allowing Jess to place her request. When he walked past the kitchen island to retrieve a red cup, he caught the attention of Jane, who quickly left the now large group she was in to stride her way over to him. 
“Hey there, Hargrove.” Jane leaned into him slightly, eyeing the drink that he now had in his hand with amusement. “That for me? Because that’s definitely not for you.” 
Billy looked down at the cup as well before laughing coldly, the corners of his mouth pulling downwards. “And why not?” The sarcasm dripped from his question, causing Jane to lean away, not sure if this banter was the friendly kind. 
“Because I know what you actually want.” 
Billy picked up on her tone, clearly expressing she was no longer talking about beer. “Yeah, I doubt that,” He deadpanned, not breaking eye contact as he watched her expression change from confident to irritated in a matter of seconds. 
“Really? Because that’s not the impression I got before break.” She batted her lashes ironically, challenging him on his not-so-new attitude towards her. He finally broke the staring, walking himself to the fridge that was still being crowded around. He pushed past the boys, not troubling himself to ask them to move as he bumped shoulders with the one now chatting up Nicole. To his dismay, she had followed him. He turned around to see her crossing her arms over her chest, almost as if she was triumphantly looking at the can he now had. “What did I tell ya, knew exactly what you’d be going for.”
“Don’t you got some desperate college dude to bug?” He asked rather loudly, still unbothered by the fact that said college boys were gathered around behind him. Billy heard one of them mumble something behind his back but didn’t budge to look behind him, as he felt he’d made his point perfectly clear. 
Jane looked over at the group he came in with, scoffing when her eyes met the back of Steve’s head, watching who he was talking to. “I didn’t know you were friends with Steve Harrington now.” When Billy only rolled his eyes in response, about ready to walk away, she poked at him once more, successfully stopping him in his tracks. “So, what you’re saying is you’d rather hang with Harrington and his little prude all night than have some actual fun, Hargrove?”
Billy scrunched his nose in annoyance, his jaw clenching as he heard the nickname Jane spat out. He wanted to retaliate, possibly hurt her feelings to the point where it would have ruined the rest of her night. There were names that were already lined up in his mind that he could call her and could have probably justified even hours later after he possibly felt bad for his actions. But he stood there for a moment, chewing on his tongue behind his closed lips that were contorted into a sneer. He stared off into the crowd, not exactly fixating on one person, refusing to look back at her face which he was sure was now sporting a satisfied grin, knowing it would anger him further. Instead, he cleared his throat and relaxed his jaw before responding with a simple, “Just fuck off, Jane,” not even bothering to finish his sentence before he continued walking back to Jess and Steve. 
Jess listened to Steve talk about the upcoming tournament as she glanced over to Billy, who was now striding toward her with two drinks in hand. Behind him, Jane purposely caught her attention, waving with only her fingers as she eyed the outfit she was in. Jess watched as her eyes landed suddenly on Billy’s jacket, taking a moment before forcing herself to peel them away and walk back toward the rest of her friends. Jess broke into a small smile, causing Steve to stop mid-sentence. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing,” Jess quickly responded, her eyes finding their way back to Steve’s. 
“So, Harrington, you hangin’ with us all night?” Billy stood next to the both of them, taking a quick sip out of Jess’s drinking, ensuring it tasted right, before handing it over to her. Steve thought for a moment, looking over at the red cup Jess had in her hand and then to Billy, who was now taking a drink out of his own Beer. 
“You totally can, if you want. It’s no big deal really,” Jess interrupted his thoughts, not wanting him to think that he had to leave. 
“You know what,” He looked over his shoulder to look around the room, “I kinda owe Heather a dance.” He then straightened his neck back to look over Billy intently. He stood there for a moment longer, evidently recalling something from earlier as he stared at Jess’s cup once more, causing him to relax his shoulders slightly. “Don’t have too much fun without me…” He then gave Jess a friendly smile as he backed away, turning to disappear into the crowd. 
Jess continued to look in the direction that she last saw Steve. “Weird…” 
“What? Weird that pretty boy left?” He took another long drink out of his beer, pretending not to even notice his absence, though if he was being honest with himself, he also found it odd as well that Steve had just agreed to leave them alone. He had intended the question to be a joke, fully expecting Steve to follow Jess around all night, not allowing her a single moment alone with him. And again, if he were being honest, he couldn’t really blame him. 
“I mean, he did cancel Benny’s just to be here…”
“Eh, like he said. He owes some girl a dance.” He shrugged it off as he scanned the room, catching Hagen’s attention as he looked toward the back door. 
“Aye! B!” Jess surprisingly was able to hear Tommy shout over the speakers, watching him pull Carol by the hand through the crowd. 
“Jesus, Tommy, slow down…” Carol mumbled as they reached Billy and Jess, pulling her hand away once his grip loosened. “Hey, you two.” 
“Did I just see you with Harrington?” Tommy questioned, not yet greeting Jess. 
“Yeah, what was that all about…” Carol left Tommy’s side and joined Jess, looking back over at her before adding, “No offense,” to the end of her sentence. 
“Nothing important.” 
Carol looked over at Jess, giving her the same look Chrissy always did when it came to Billy. “Well, I think it’s cute that you’re getting along with him now… Anyways. Tommy’s wanting a rematch.”
“I can’t this time. Driving.” Billy then gestured with his can over to Jess, giving her a wink before further explaining. “Gotta take this one home.” 
“Dude, lame.” Tommy groaned, “Why don’t you both just crash here?” 
“Jess has a curfew, remember?” Carol poked fun at her, pinching her cheeks as if she was a child. “It’s fine, the girls will play a round. Does your goody-two-shoes friend drink, like, at all?”
“Chrissy, I mean… yeah… sometimes but-“
“Good, wave goodbye to the boys,” Carol then looped her arm with Jess’s, walking purposefully toward Jason, Chrissy, and Patrick. “Cunningham. Come on, you’re up at beer pong.” 
Chrissy quickly stood at Jess’s side as they made their way to the kitchen. “I’m not very good…” She said apologetically, causing Carol to giggle. 
“Good. You’re on Jess’s team then.”
“You’ll be fine, Chris. Carol’s not very good either.”
“Bite me.” Carol led them away from Jason and Patrick, who were now eyeing the three girls suspiciously, and began making her way to the kitchen, eyeing the group that was still by the fridge. 
“Please don’t ask Jane to play…” Jess groaned, now dragging her feet a bit. 
“Oh god no. She fucking hates you, you know that right? Why would I ask her to play?” 
“Yes, Carol. Thank you. I know.” 
“I wonder why…” Chrissy leaned in, laughing out loud as she watched the way Jane quickly snapped her head over her shoulder as she heard footsteps coming toward her. 
“Tina, let’s play.” Carol unlooped her arm from Jess’s and grabbed Tina’s hand, pulling rather aggressively, only allowing Tina to wave by to a couple of the girls before she was headed out of the kitchen. Jess and Chrissy followed closely behind them as they navigated their way around the maze of teenagers that crowded the living room. When they finally made it outside, Jess saw Tommy and Billy already waiting for them by the table, Billy quickly making his way to Jess to grab the cup out of her hand. 
“Hey! I’m not-“
“Yeah, you’re done with this.” Billy then downed the barely touched drink, crushing the cup when he was done, tossing it toward the opened black bag that was by the ping pong table. “Like I said, I’m not bringing you home completely sloshed.”
“Oh don’t worry, Billy, your girl’s gonna be plenty sloshed when we’re done with her.” Carol then high-fived Tina as they set up their side of the table. “Hurry up and get over here, Logan, I’m tryna win.” 
Billy shook his head, leaning in to whisper in Jess’s ear. “Don’t worry, Tina’s shot’s trash. Played against her on Halloween. Go kick their ass, princess.”
Jess walked over next to Chrissy, who was putting their cups together, occasionally looking up at Tina and Carol’s side to make sure she was doing it right. Out of the corner of her eye, Jess watched as Jason and Patrick joined them by the table, Chrissy giving her boyfriend a shy grin as she waved over to him.
Carol let Chrissy start the game, teasing them by stating how it didn’t matter, and how she and Tina were going to win anyway. Their game went on for what felt like forever, most of their shots bouncing out of cups or missing them completely. Eventually, Steve wandered into the backyard as well, stopping by the table to watch. Once a little over half of the cups were gone, Jess looked over at Chrissy, who was now continuously bumping into her, giggling uncontrollably as she apologized each time. 
“I think Chris might be done,” Jess mentioned, watching as her friend took her time to grasp the ball and aim. 
“No! I’m fine… I just don’t drink a lot,” she continued to giggle, looking over at Jason as he started walking over to her. 
“Don’t get too wasted now.” Jason was now over, counting the cups on her side of the table. “You still got boutta hour to midnight.” 
“Okay okay, fine.” She tossed the ball haphazardly to Jason, who quickly shot his hand up to catch it, not expecting the toss. “You play then.”
“Hey, that means we win.” Carol pointed out, counting how many cups each team had left. “Logan, if she quits, we win!”
“Okay, fine, Carol, you win.” Jess gave in, causing both Tina and Carol to cheer, once again high-fiving each other. 
“What happened to kicking their ass, Logan?” Billy teased, watching her walk back to the side of the table. 
“Yeah, well, Tina had a better shot than you said.”
“Hey!” Tina overheard, crossing her arms as she stared down Billy. 
Jason still held the small ball, bouncing it off the table and catching it with his opposite hand. “You wanna finish this out, Patrick?” 
When he agreed, Tommy jumped in as well, “I’ll take other side. C’mon, B, jump in. We only got like… six cups left.” 
Billy nodded his head slowly, counting the cups himself, convinced he’d only have to drink a couple of them before he and Hagen won. “I ain’t playin’ another one after.” He then threw his now empty beer can in the trash bag that lay on the grass, its contents spilled out around it. “Watch how it’s done, princess.” He walked to Tommy’s side, Steve now taking his place by Jess. 
“Watch how it’s done, princess,” Steve mocked quietly, earning him a punch in the arm. “Good thing you’re staying another three hours. Those guys are good.” He nodded his head to Jason and Patrick before continuing, “No way he’s not downing all three of his.”
“Yeah right… Jason and Patrick only have four left. No way.”
“Oh yeah, well so do Hargrove and Hagen now.” 
Jess shot her attention back to the game, realizing that both Jason and Patrick must have made it in one, Jason now aiming the ball again. When he sank his second shot in the cup nearest Billy, Tommy pounded on the table, watching his friend down his second beer already. “Shit, shit…” The game was over quickly, with Billy only making one shot before the other four cups on his side were gone. 
“What happened to showing me how it was done, Hargrove?” 
“How the hell could I have known that the lightweight’s boyfriend could actually pl- owww.”
“Don’t call her that!”
“You look over at her recently?” 
He nodded his head toward the ground where Chrissy was sitting, looking up at the stars. Jason walked over to her, helping her up as she finally fixed her eyes on him. “Did you win?” 
Jason only laughed at her, leading her back inside so she could sit on the couch. “This is why you don’t play beer pong, baby.” He sat her down on the right side of the living room couch, plopping down next to her as she leaned against the armrest. Billy and Jess followed, Steve close behind them as they entered the house, all three sitting on the loveseat opposite the couch. It was a slightly tight squeeze for the three of them, causing Jess to be partially on Billy’s lap, something he didn’t mind at all. The close proximity caused her to take off Billy’s jacket, which Billy quickly took from her, draping it over the leg she currently wasn’t sitting on. 
Tina, Tommy, and Carol soon entered through the backdoor as well, making Jason scoot closer to Chrissy as they too squeezed to sit on the couch, Carol sitting completely on top of Tommy. Unfortunately, with Tina now sitting with them, the rest of her friends came as well, the college boys following closely behind them. Jess quickly felt eyes on her, and this time, it wasn’t Jane’s stare that caused her to feel uncomfortable. 
Jess nodded back at Tina’s brother, who sat on the floor in front of his sister after wordlessly greeting her. That’s when Jess noticed the same boy from earlier in the kitchen, seemingly more confident now, whether it be from alcohol or from the fact that he realized his friend was acquaintances with Jess. He eyed her noticeably, going out of his way to sit on part of the floor closer to the loveseat, grinning at her once again before pretending to listen to a conversation that was taking place on the couch. On his third attempt of getting Jess’s attention, Billy noticed, causing him to grit his teeth before releasing his jaw again, not wanting his annoyance to be obvious. He then looked over at Jess, attempting to gauge her interest. When she looked as if she were about to crawl out of her skin, he threw his arm around the back of her shoulders, leaning back into the cushions as if trying to convince his body to relax. 
He squeezed her shoulder gently, reassuring her that he was there, to not worry about the creep that happened to be there. Billy didn’t care to know the dude, didn’t care to know his intentions. His longing looks at a high schooler were enough to profile him as a weirdo that he couldn’t wait to get Jess away from. Based on the amount of alcohol at this party, he assumed this man was at least legal drinking age, knowing his friend, Tina’s brother, was 21 as well. Billy leaned down to whisper in Jess’s ear, still not taking his eyes off the only non-teenagers there. 
“You want anything outta the kitchen, princess?”
“It’s okay…” Jess answered quietly, seemingly able to read his mind, “Don’t worry about it… I’m sure they’ll leave.” She traced Billy’s gaze to the same guy still looking over at her, making her quickly look away. It took every ounce of patience in Billy to not call it out, to not pull him up by his collar, hitting him continuously until he fell back down on the floor. But it was only a look, he kept telling himself. He couldn’t risk looking crazy in front of Jess, or worse, embarrassing her in front of their whole class due to just a look. After another ten minutes of attempting to be interested in conversation, however, he kept glancing down at the college boy, apparently named Dennis.
Stupid fucking name.
Dennis had also continued to do the same to both him and Jess, looking between the two of them before staring at Jess for an unwanted amount of time, his eyes appearing to forget that she, too, was a person. Against Billy’s better judgment, he looked over at Steve before looking back at Jess. 
“I need a drink,” He said before whispering in Jess’s ear, “Stay with Steve, I’ll be back in a bit with some water for you, yeah?” He then got up and left Jess’s side, making sure to leave his jacket by her, using it to claim his spot. Jess watched as he disappeared into the crowd, spotting the way he would turn his head back over in their direction occasionally, jaw clenching every time he did. When she could no longer see him, she scooted herself closer to Steve, hoping that would save her from Dennis wanting to socialize with her in any way. It seemed to work for a moment, but she began to grow nervous when Billy had yet to show back up after a few minutes away. Dennis obviously had taken notice as well, scrutinizing the leather jacket that was placed in his way. 
Jess stayed as small as she could, refusing to make eye contact with anyone, until someone within the crowd shouted, “TWO MINUTES TILL MIDNIGHT!” Everyone began cheering, most of the group that was sitting began to stand, awaiting the anticipated countdown. It looked as if Dennis was lost in the crowd, making Jess relax for a moment, only to become on edge again when she felt an unfamiliar hand grab her wrist. 
“Hey,” Jess turned around to see Dennis now standing in front of her, much too close for her liking. “So where you gonna be at midnight?” She could unmistakably smell vodka on his breath, which made her stomach churn, it smelling much less pleasant than the slight smell of hops Billy would have after he would drink. 
She tried pulling away softly, but when his grip didn’t loosen, she panicked, looking back at Steve for help. “Sorry, I’m just gonna hang out with some friends…” She responded, still looking over at Steve who quickly arrived next to her. 
“Hang out with me instead.” He retorted confidently, not caring who was currently next to her. 
“Uhm no I-“
“She’s not interested, bud,” Steve quickly butted in, now directing his attention toward Jess, pulling her arm away, “C’mon kid, let’s go.” 
Jess eagerly began following him away until she was again stopped by the same unfamiliar hand, Dennis’s other hand nudging Steve away. “How about she tell me she’s not interested.” Jess felt her blood run cold, looking at the difference in stature between her friend and the unwanted college boy, who stood taller and broader than Steve did. However, it didn’t deter Steve from pushing back, much harder than Dennis had pushed him. 
“Let go of her, or else.” Steve was now in Dennis’s face, causing Christopher to come over, trying to defuse the situation. 
“Come on, Den, let’s get outta here…” Tina’s brother attempted to whisper, trying to take his friend’s hand from around Jess’s wrist. Jess continued to watch the way the older boy’s eyes faded in and out, clearly intoxicated, and furious. She tried to free her arm once again, but was much weaker than the stocky brunette, when suddenly someone grabbed Christopher’s shirt, quickly pulling him away from Dennis, Billy now standing in his place. Jess then felt a slight pinch in her wrist, hurting only for a moment, realizing after that her hand was suddenly free from Dennis’s grasp and secured softly in Billy’s. He then let go slowly, pointing over to Steve without taking his eyes off Dennis. Jess did as she was wordlessly told, making her way back to Steve’s side. She had never seen him this inflamed, his eyes wide and wild, his jaw ticking with anger. Everyone else besides a select few had yet to notice what was going on around them, continuing to count down, which almost drowned out what Billy said next. 
“You wanna explain why you’re touching my girl?” 
She wasn’t sure if she had heard it correctly, or sure if she, or anyone besides Dennis, was meant to hear it, but she was sure she would have been blushing currently if it wasn’t for the situation they were in. 
She watched the way Billy was now shaking out his wrists, occasionally clenching and unclenching his hands into fists, stretching out his fingers when they were released. She’s seen this movement from him only once before, and it didn’t turn out so good for the other boy he was facing that night. 
Billy patiently waited for a response, Dennis coming up with one he wasn’t expecting. The older boy chuckled at him, looking back over at Jess before saying, “Didn’t seem like your girl when I was talkin’ to her.”
Billy’s expression slowly changed from enraged to feigned amusement, smiling maliciously before he chuckled back, scrunching up his nose as he did so. He continued to stare at him, nodding wordlessly before running his tongue along his top row of teeth. 
Steve seemed to recognize this look as well, taking a step forward to get ready to shield Jess if needed, but still not obstructing her view. She then watched as Billy took one last look over at her, the same smile still there, but his mouth now closed. However, his eyes had a different look, almost apologetic in a way, before he turned back his attention to the creep in front of him. 
“Yeah... Don’t worry though, I’ll make sure to show her a good ti-“
Dennis’s snide comment was quickly interrupted by a fist to the mouth, causing everyone in the vicinity to back away, some staring wide-eyed, others now cheering. Despite Dennis being slightly taller and wider than Billy, he didn’t seem to be able to stand up to the younger teen, who was relentlessly throwing punch after punch, not stopping until one of Dennis’s other friends jabbed Billy in the gut. Jess watched the way Billy winced in pain, now turning his attention to the other boy. When she saw Dennis standing up again, now squaring up to take an unfair punch, Jess almost screamed at Billy to turn around, but Steve stopped her as he pushed her back against the crowd softly. 
“Awe fuck,” Steve mumbled before quickly walking up to the other boy, grabbing his collar before shouting, “Hey!” He then swung his arm back, punching him so hard the boy’s cap flew off. Billy glanced over at Steve briefly, surprised at the sudden help. He then nodded at Steve before turning his attention back over to Dennis. Just when both Billy and Steve seemed to be holding their own, Steve taking on a few more punches than Billy, two other college boys stepped up, Christopher being one of them, who was now also swinging at Billy with Dennis. Jess could hardly keep track of the two boys she came with, watching helplessly as both of them disappeared in the middle of the four older ones. Jason and Patrick, however, emerged from the crowd, trying to pull the other boys off Steve and Billy. Jess watched as Jason grabbed for Christopher, who quickly turned and clocked Jason in the jaw, taking him aback only for a moment before he tackled Tina’s brother to the ground. The fighting went on for only moments more until Jess suddenly saw Billy grab for Dennis’s legs, swiftly lifting him and slamming him into Tina’s coffee table, the legs buckling and center cracking from the weight. 
“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” Tina’s voice could be heard over everyone’s cheering, which quickly stopped once she screamed. “MY PARENTS ARE GONNA FREAK!!” Billy slowly rose from the top of Dennis, dusting his legs off before straightening back up, grimacing in pain as he did. Jason and Patrick both helped Steve off the floor who was now sporting a bloody nose. Billy simply stared at Dennis as he pitifully rolled off the now broken table onto his hands and knees, having a hard time getting back on his feet. Chrissy was now at Jess’s side, holding her hand in anticipation as she looked over at her boyfriend, who was also holding onto his own nose, blood dripping from his hand. However, Jess overlooked Jason’s or Patrick’s injuries, her worried gaze leaving Steve and now focusing on Billy, who now had a bruise forming on his cheek, his bottom lip cut. He had yet to look over at her, his eyes still fixed on the boy on the floor almost as if he was challenging him to get back up. He didn’t even flinch or look over when Tina began to yell again next to him. 
“All of you!” She then pointed at all the boys but her brother, “OUT!” 
Jason began trying to speak up, “C’mon Tina, they-“
“I said GET OUT!” 
Jason ran his hand over his face, flicking blood off, walking toward Chrissy, grabbing her hand with his unbloodied one, then nodding at Jess. “Let’s get out of here.” He then looked at the older boys in disgust as he led the girls to the front door, Patrick already out in the front yard. Billy swiped his jacket from the couch, looking back unsatisfied at Dennis one last time before turning and leaving as well, gesturing at Steve to follow him. Billy quickly caught up to Jess, staying close behind her. She could hear how rapidly he was breathing, making her look back at him, causing him to lock eyes with her before he placed his hand on the small of her back, telling her to keep moving. When they finally reached the concrete step that separated the communal sidewalk from the path leading up to Tina’s doorway, all four boys plopped down to sit, looking exhausted. Jess was the first to speak. 
“I’m so sorry guys I-“ 
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ apologize.” Billy stopped her, shaking his head as he stared blankly across the street. 
“Yeah, it’s not your fault, Jess.” Steve agreed, flashing her a sympathetic smile. “You alright?”
Before Jess could answer, however, Billy snapped his head in Jess’s direction, his eyes coming back into focus. “Let me see it,” he demanded, his voice lower in register.
“What?” Jess looked back at him now, confused at what exactly he was requesting. 
“Your wrist. Let me see it.” He held out his hand, figuring she would automatically comply, placing her hand into his, allowing him to examine it carefully as he intended. When she didn’t make a move to do so, his eyes darkened. “Jess…” 
The wrist in question was tucked securely under her blue sleeve, her fingers grasping the fabric against her palm tightly. She had yet to look at it either, but she was sure there was at least a red mark, based on how tight the older boy had ahold of it and how promptly Billy removed his grip when he saw it. She had just watched Billy calm down a bit, and she wasn’t too keen on seeing his rage spike back up. 
“You alright, kid?” Steve now reached for it, the wrist being closer to him than it was to Billy, but she moved it out of easy reach. 
“You guys are freaking out over nothing, it’s fine.” 
“Then let me see it,” Billy spoke again, his voice attempting to hold steady, not wanting Jess to mistake his anger as being directed at her.
“I’ll let you see it when we get out of here…” Jess softly responded, causing Billy to rise from his concrete seat next to Steve, his leather jacket still in hand. “Billy…” He said nothing in response, draping the jacket over Jess’s shoulders before gently reaching for her left wrist, raising it close to his chest before pushing her sleeve out of the way. Jess was surprised to see bruised lines forming in the shape of fingers. They were light, but certainly there. She then looked up at Billy, who was contorting his mouth in an angered frown, looking over her shoulder and then back at her wrist, as if trying to adjust his eyesight to ensure he was seeing this right. 
“Ga’damn,” Patrick now stood next to her, peering over to see the bruises. “That’s fucked, Logan.”
Jess’s eyes moved in his direction in annoyance, indicating he wasn’t helping any, Patrick throwing up his hands in response. Billy still had yet to say a thing, still adjusting his eyesight away from her wrist, only to find himself looking at it again, becoming more unwound with every glance. When he couldn’t keep looking at it, he turned to face Tina’s front door, his chest now heaving. 
“Billy no,” Jess said suddenly, not knowing whether he was thinking about going back in to find Dennis again or not. 
Steve must have felt the tension as well, also rising from the step, looking down at Jess’s wrist once, cringing at the sight of it. “C’mon man, let’s just leave.”
“And go where? Our rides are still inside.” Jason finally spoke up, still sitting as Chrissy stood over him, her hands secured in his, him not wanting to let go of her just yet. 
“You guys didn’t drive here?” Jess asked, looking over at Steve who typically always took his car. 
“Not this time.” 
“Awe shit…” Patrick cursed, sitting himself back down next to Jason.
“I can’t go back home now, my mom’s gonna flip if she sees blood all over me, gotta at least get this shit off me,” Jason groaned, Patrick quickly agreeing with him. 
“We could always go back to Benny’s like we planned?” Chrissy suggested, now trying to rub some of the blood off his cheeks. 
“With what car, babe?”
Jess gave Billy an inquiring look, practically asking permission before she mentioned his car out loud. 
“Can’t drive yet, princess… thought we’d be here for another two hours.”
“Steve’s sober,” she quickly responded.
He glanced over at Steve, now standing awkwardly next to the two of them, before shaking his head. “Hell no.”
“C’mon, Billy. You wanna sit here the rest of the night? Let’s go to Benny’s, you guys wash up, let the rest of your buzz go ‘way in the next couple hours.” When he didn’t budge, she added, “He’s a really good driver…” causing Billy to roll his eyes. 
Jason and Patrick looked up hopefully at Billy, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible as other classmates were now starting to come outside to ‘mingle’, making sure to continue to stare at the banished group. “There’s not ‘nuff seats, and the back’s small as shit.”
“It’s cool, Chris will sit on my lap, Jess and Pat can sit in the back with us, you get front since it’s your car. No big deal.”
Billy stood there for a moment, considering everything he heard before wordlessly tossing his keys to Steve. He then walked ahead of them, a little peeved this was how his night was ending, with a busted lip, a bruised ego, a ruined buzz, Steve fucking Harrington now driving his prized possession, and worst of all, it was his first real night out with Jess.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” He mumbled under his breath, “Just great.”
When they finally reached his car, he stood by the passenger door, eyeing Steve with warning. “If you put a single scratch on her, you’re dead.” He then threw the seat in the upright position, moving out of the way so Jess could squeeze in the middle. Steve did the same, Jason moving into the back seat behind the driver’s side, positioning himself before outstretching his hand to help Chrissy onto his lap. When Patrick began to enter behind Jess, Billy suddenly stopped him, grabbing him by the shirt and tugging backward before mumbling, “You take front.” 
Jess smiled when she saw Billy enter, pushing herself over into Jason more to try and make room for him. When he was semi-comfortable, he adjusted the seat back to allow Patrick to sit, leaning back after to try and relax. However, the tight fit made that difficult, not having much room for his legs. He stretched his left arm behind Jess, shifting every two seconds. “Ah shit…”
“Here, you want me to…” Jess then tried scooting her leg out of the way to allow Billy’s leg more room in the middle. 
After a few more failed attempts to sit comfortably, Billy grumbled in irritation. “Fuck it. C’mere.” He then grabbed Jess by the hips and effortlessly positioned her on his right leg, her back now facing the small triangle window. He placed his right arm in between her and the door, providing her back with more support, shifting lower so her head wasn’t rubbing against the ceiling. Her legs dangled in between Billy’s, which were now comfortably spread. “This alright?” He whispered in her ear. 
She began to nod when Steve entered the car, looking behind him. “You guys okay back th- … ere.” His eyes fixed on Jess and Billy, giving them both a disapproving stare. However, it only lasted for a moment before he turned back around, turning the ignition. He then readjusted the rearview mirror so Jess was able to see his eyes clearly. “Ready to go then? You guys… situated?”
“Ready when you are, Harrington,” Jason grinned, squeezing Chrissy’s thigh as he winked at her playfully. 
“Jess?” Steve questioned, glancing back at her through the mirror. 
“Uh y-up! Ready!” 
Steve nodded, appearing to relax as he accepted her response, again adjusting the mirror so he could see the road behind him.
“Let’s get the hell outta here then.”
Taglist: @nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @defenslessheart-main @the-lost-are-ignored @ahoyyharrington @strawberrykittey
63 notes · View notes
whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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AN: It's been a difficult couple of weeks, so I wrote myself some fluff. Maybe you're in need of fluff too. If so, enjoy!
Written using the prompt: "Isn't that mine?"
@thatbanditqueen, @be-my-ally, @vintageshanny, @ellie-24, @from-memphis-with-love, @missmaywemeetagain
“I shouldn’t be here, I’ve got a History test tomorrow that I haven’t even started to study for.”
“Well, I didn’t put you in a headlock,” Shirley pointed out, pinching cotton candy between her fingers before she popped it into her mouth. “Anyway, so you fail a test, are you telling me you wouldn’t regret missing out on seeing Elvis more?”
“I’m just thinking about when my parents find out and they ban me from coming out.”
Shirley, whose parents who paid little attention to what she did, just shrugged and sucked in more cotton candy. “Then you’ll just sneak out, right? Plenty of the kids do it.”
Tina knew that a lot of the girls wrapped their pillows in blankets and shimmied out of the window to get into cars that idled at the kerb a safe distance from their houses, but she felt a pang in her stomach at the thought of becoming one of them. She liked her parents, respected them, and had always liked being the daughter they wanted her to be, but ever since she had found herself outside the gates of Graceland a few months before, that girl had been drifting further and further away from her.
“So, what d’you want to do now?” she asked Shirley. They had already rode the Pippin and the Rocket and the dodgems were off limits for the moment while Elvis and his friends tried their best to kill one another. She didn’t even like watching them for too long, it made her hair stand on end the chances they took. If nothing else, it proved how blessed Elvis really was that no one had ever been seriously injured.
“Ferris Wheel?” Shirley shrugged, tossing the last of the cotton candy and wiping her fingers on her skirt. Tina nodded and sighed as they wandered over to the huge ride that loomed up into the night sky. She let her head tip back as she squinted up at the top where the carriages swung in the breeze and let out another sigh.
As they headed towards the booth that marked the entrance, something hit Tina hard between the shoulder blades and she stumbled forward, grabbing onto Shirley’s shoulder to stop herself from toppling onto the asphalt.
“Hey, dumbass, watch it!”
Both girls whirled round at the familiar voice just in time to see Elvis give his cousin Billy a swift kick in the pants that almost sent him sprawling. He turned back to the girls, eyes roaming all over as he asked if they were okay and apologising for his thoughtless cousin.
“No harm done!” Shirley chirped, even though she wasn’t the one that had been hit.
Tina had to crane her neck again as he stepped up to her, looking impossibly handsome with his gleaming black hair and white sports jacket. He was wearing some kind of hat that would have looked silly on anyone else, but whatever magic Elvis was encased in had swallowed up that hat too and it just added to his look. There was a smile glinting in his eyes even though he was affecting a concerned frown.
“Are you sure you’re okay, honey? I feel like I need to make it up to you.” He looked around, surveying the immediate area. “Let’s take us a ride on the Ferris wheel, I should keep an eye on you in case you got concussion or something.” She opened her mouth to explain that it was her back that got hit, but her brain managed to kick in before the words started to come out.
“You don’t mind, do you, darlin’, if I steal your friend for a while?” Shirley shook her head, her face glowing with her smile, but as soon as Elvis turned away, her expression became an Arctic glare at Tina.
In a daze, Tina let herself be led by the hand, perching onto the seat and clutching at the bar as it was pulled down. Elvis leant over and called over the ride operator, saying something to him before they were lifting up into the air.
Tina wasn’t sure what was more terrifying, being suspended at heights that would mean certain death or sitting alone next to Elvis Presley. It was probably a draw.
“So, you’re sure you’re okay?” Elvis said, lifting his arm over her head and laying it across the back of her seat. He shifted slightly towards her and the car swung wildly. Tina emitted a muted squeak and squeezed the bar tighter in her sweaty fingers. “Honey, you don’t have to be scared of me. I won’t hurt you.” Tina couldn’t even look at him, convinced that if she took her eyes off the ground that she was going to magically slip beneath the restraint and tumble out.
“It’s not you,” she managed through her clenched jaw.
“Aw hell, you scared of heights, honey?” He moved again, she presumed to try and meet her eye, and she whimpered, feeling the cold sweat prickling across her forehead. “Why didn’t you say nothing? You were heading this way, I thought-”
“I’m gonna beat it,” she replied, starting to nod but stopping because any movement felt like too much. “Every time I visit I make myself come up here and I- I’m gonna get used to it. And I won’t be afraid no more. I mean anymore.” Terror is no excuse for not speaking properly, she could hear her mother instructing her in that earnest way she did.
“I do the same thing,” Elvis answered, so softly that she forgot herself and glanced over in surprise. His eyes flicked from the ground to hers, filled with a tender glow that tricked her into smiling despite her unease. “You know, every time I walk out on a stage or onto a set over in Hollywood, I get so scared, my heart feels like it’s gonna pound right outta my chest and I get this energy in my arms and legs that I think is gonna fry all my circuits.” He laughed a little to himself. “But I keep on making myself do it, play the shows, say my lines, because it’s gonna get easier the more I do it. I mean, it has to, right?”
Tina took a deep breath, as much as she could with the tight band of fear around her chest, and fought against the pull to look back down at the ground, which she sensed was a dizzying distance away now.
“You’ve performed in so many shows now,” she said, her eyes fixed on those warm, gentle eyes, “has it gotten easier?”
“Sometimes I think it has,” he nodded. She heard what he was trying not to say and sighed again. “But- But facing an audience is something different than heights. Being up high, it’s gonna stay the same, right? No matter where you are, high is high. Every audience is different, just ‘cause you went over okay in one city don’t mean they’re gonna take to you the same in another. The changin’, that makes it hard to get used to. Heights though… You’ll crack it, honey, I know it.”
Tina’s smile was more genuine now, she could see how hard he was trying to comfort and distract her and she felt a little like that silly hat with the upturned brim, encased in Elvis’ aura where bad things could not happen and nothing couldn’t be fixed. She was just about to thank him for his kindness when the ride stopped with a sudden jolt and the car lurched precariously at the very top of the wheel. She screamed instead.
“Oh shit!” His eyes widened as realisation dawned on him. “Honey, I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t know and I told them-“ He leaned over the edge of the car, trying to get the ride operator’s attention. “Hey! Hey, start it back up! Hey!” He glanced back over his shoulder at her and gripped her shoulder with his large, warm hand, reassuring her.
“I think it’ll be okay if you just stop moving!” she said, trying to keep the panic from making her voice sound funny. It came out sharper than she wanted.
“Just stop moving,” he muttered, turning round again so that he was practically facing her, his arms bracketing her. “Might as well learn to fly at the same time. Ain’t exactly my strong suit, honey.”
With what felt like superhuman strength, she peeled her fingers on one hand away from the bar and lifted it slightly, clamping hold of his forearm. She could feel the muscle tense beneath her fingers through his jacket. He went to raise his arm, probably to wrap it around her, but she shook her head sharply and pushed down, forcing it to stay in place.
“You hold on,” she instructed. “And I’ll keep you still.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he murmured, eyes fixed on hers again, reading them like pages of a script. She exhaled shakily and swivelled slightly in her seat, freezing momentarily when the entire world seemed to slip off its axis for a second. The inside of her skirt clung to her sweaty legs, but she ignored the discomfort of it peeling away as she slotted her legs around Elvis’ jiggling thigh, clamping hold with her knees.
“Whoa, good grip, hot damn.” She watched him visibly swallow and she grinned, forgetting which one of them was supposed to be nervous. Her final act of bravery was to release the bar from her other clawed death grip and transfer it to the arm he had laid behind her, squeezing his bicep on this side.
They sat this way for a what felt like a lifetime, her frozen against even the suggestion of a breeze and him pinned down, studying her face like he had a test on it in the morning.
“Elvis, do you know my name?” she asked suddenly. His eyebrows twitched suddenly as he realised that he didn’t.
“Well, there hasn’t exactly been a good time to ask…” His slow smirk was so beautiful that she felt her face moving to match it.
“It’s Christina, but people call me Tina. You might not remember the name, but I guess I might stick in your mind a little bit after this, right?”
“I’m pretty sure you would’ve anyway, Tina honey,” he replied with his usual charm. “But yeah, I think you might be right. I gotta introduce you to my mother, she’ll wanna meet the girl that managed to keep me still for more than ten seconds.”
“You’re doing really well,” Tina observed, noting that he had matched the grip she had on his right thigh with his legs bookending hers.
“You too,” he replied, cheekbones brimming as he glanced to the side, looking down at the small crowd milling around the ride. “You know, it really is a beautiful night.” She winced and he smiled a little wider. “You can do, it, baby, just a little peek.”
Tina turned her head in a slow, stuttering swivel, squeezing him tighter the more the horizon seemed to bob up and down. He was right, the sky was clear and the stars seemed especially bright. The low moon was so big you could count the craters.
“It is,” she agreed, “You know- Oh no!”
 The ride suddenly cranked back into life and Tina shrieked again. Someone further back laughed like they thought she was playing. In the chaos, Elvis surged forward since the car was already swinging precariously, and wrapped his arms around her, hushing her in a low voice as she clung to his shirt.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you, I got you.” She had her face buried beneath his jacket somehow, taking in his scent. Her breathing evened out and she lost track of whether the ride was moving at all. She could feel his heartbeat against her cheek, surprisingly fast like a handful of coins thrown down a stairwell, jangling and clanging with only speed and little rhythm.
“You can let me loose now, honey, we’re back down on solid ground.” She withdrew from the folds of his shirt, meeting the smirk of the ride operator as he lifted the bar. She had daydreamed the myriad ways that she might catch the eye of Elvis one night at the fairground, roller rink or movie theatre. She would use the precious moment she had his attention to convince him that she, out of all the girls he dated, kissed, flirted with, was the one he was looking for. Well, the best laid plans…
Scrambling off the seat, she swayed slightly as she hurried through the exit, looking for Shirley’s familiar blonde ponytail.
“Tina, wait a minute!” Elvis’ voice was different compared to when they had been alone up there in the sky, deeper and more authoritative. She had no choice but to stop and wait for him to catch up. “Honey, I really am sorry. I fouled everything up something awful. I don’t blame ya for wanting to-“
For a second, she thought that he was going to topple over as she surged up onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his mouth, but he only staggered back a step before he caught himself and her. Well, she almost kissed his mouth, the corner of it at least. There had been little time to aim accurately. She stood in front of him anxiously, waiting for a response, but he just stood there too with a little smile on his face and his cheeks pink.
“Uh, that was- I mean, thank you, for being so nice when I was being a scaredy cat up there. You could’ve made fun of me, but you didn’t. That was real nice of you.”
“Nothing to make fun of,” he shrugged, shaking off his embarrassment and regaining his usual self-assured stance, hips thrust forward. “Everybody’s afraid of something, right? Only they keep it a secret.” He wiggled his eyebrows pointedly.
“Uh huh, yep, secret,” she nodded, miming turning the lock on her lips.
“Anyway, you weren’t heading off home, were you? The night’s young and I feel like I gotta make it up to you-” He waved his hand behind him at the Ferris wheel. She bit back pointing out that the wheel was supposed to make up for his cousin hitting her in the back, so he had struck out two times already.
“I guess I can stay a while,” she replied absently, scanning the crowd. “I just gotta find my friend because she’s my ride home.”
“Oh, that ain’t no problem, I’ll get you home, don’t worry about that.” He snatched up her hand and spun on his heels. “Okay, so where to next?” She opened her mouth to answer, but he had already decided and she was just along for the ride. He strode over to a row of games, rejoining some of his friends who were huddled around trying to win prizes for their dates.
“Okay, you clowns, step back and let me show you how it’s done!” he intoned in that deep voice again. Everyone smiled and laughed and did as they were told. Red, who had been in the middle of his go, handed his baseballs to Elvis without a word. Elvis thumped them onto the counter and wiped his palms on his pants, before reaching up to remove his hat.
“Here you go, honey,” he murmured, plopping it onto her head. “You look after this for me and be my little good luck charm.”
The boys were ribbing him, saying he couldn’t make the shot, that he had a better chance of hitting the broad side of a barn or the barn side of a broad.
“Just shut ya damn mouths for a minute,” he scoffed, making as if to lob a baseball at them. They scattered like a shoal of fish in a racket of cackling and guffaws, before regrouping as he stepped up to the counter. At the back of the stall, wooden figures were moving along a conveyor.
“Watch me now, honey,” he said, turning to Tina and tugging her forward slightly by the arm. “You think about which of these prizes you want me to win you.”
Instead, she watched as the crowd began to form behind them. She wondered if he got scared in these situations too, yet another audience he had to impress. This reverie halted the minute he started flinging the balls at the wooden figures and they collapsed on their hinges one by one. His aim was spot on, every single one a hit.
“That was amazing!” she marvelled as the last ball met its target with a thwack. He turned, a small proud smile on his face and went to say something, but one of the guys made a crack about beginner’s luck.
“Beginner’s luck, my ass!” Elvis shot back. “Give me some more fuckin’ balls. Pardon my French, ladies, but this fool’s got me all turned up.” Tina felt her smile fade and she leaned against the flimsy wooden overhand of the booth, watching him obliterate the figures yet again.
Next, another of his friends accused him of being in collusion with the game operator, saying that he had been paid to press a hidden button to make the figures collapsed on their hinges. So, Elvis had the greasy, skinny man stepped out from behind the counter while he continued his winning streak.
It was clear that his friends were only teasing him because they wanted his attention, wanted him in front of them trying to impress them. And now that they had what they wanted, they were not eager to let him go. She let her eyes drift towards the other rides, catching sight of a blonde ponytail. She peeled away from the crowd, it wasn’t difficult when Elvis had barely glanced at her since starting the game, and tried to catch up to Shirley.
“Hey, where you going?” She only managed to reach the concourse before he had her by the wrist. “C’mon, Tina honey, you gotta pick your prize.” He fixed her with a proud, boyish smile that made her feel like she was being sour and mean for getting fed up waiting for him to finish.
Tina chose a big panda wearing a pink ribbon around its neck that Elvis promptly christened ‘Tina Junior.’
“Let’s take Junior for a walk, baby,” he said softly, clapping a couple of his buddies on the back and kicking one in the seat of the pants as he led her away from the stalls. The further they moved from his audience, the quieter and more attentive he became, the softer his voice too.
Tina followed blindly, smiling faintly at his twinkling eyes and Hollywood smile, not realising until too late that he was leading her to a darkened area of the park, an area containing the kind of rides that Elvis and his buddies were not interested in riding and so they were not left operational when the park was rented out.
“I don’t think we’re going to find anything to do over here,” she said slightly nervously, glancing back at the lights, music and voices.
“You’d be surprised, honey.” He drew closer to her, swooping in for a kiss that was thwarted by Tina Junior pinned between them.
“Damn, burnt by a bear,” he observed, taking it from her arms and holding it down at his side as he leant in again. His aim, as he had proved copious times, was always true and his soft, full lips pressed against hers with a feather light touch.
“Elvis, I-”
“It’s okay, baby, let’s keep on trying it and soon you won’t be scared no more.” His hand cupped her jaw and he stole away her breath so that she couldn’t protest again. Not that she could remember that she wanted to. Softly, experimentally, his tongue flicked against her lip and she drew back sharply, unsure whether she had just been the victim of a prank.
Elvis’ eyes narrowed. “How old are you, Tina honey?” Her cheeks burnt with shame that she had obviously given her inexperience away.
“I’m nearly eighteen,” she answered. In eleven months.
“And you ain’t never been kissed before?” Tina couldn’t parse the expression on his face, nothing fit exactly, almost as if there was more than one feeling swirling away in there. “Ain’t let no other boy touch you…” He placed his finger on her peter pan collar and let it deliberately slide down her chest, slowing as it passed over her nipple, which was pebbling and aching beneath her clothes.
“My parents don’t want me to date until I graduate High School,” she replied in a daze. “They don’t want me to get distracted from my studies.”
“God bless, Mommy and Daddy,” he murmured, blue eyes fixed on her face and his pouty mouth hanging open slackly as his hands kneading her hip. “They’re right, you know, you shouldn’t date until graduation. No boys, no one but me.”
“I don’t understand,” she breathed, as he ran the back of his hand steadily down her chest and over her ribs and belly.
“I wanna see you again,” he whispered, pressing her against a ticket booth and stepping in to crowd her, hips pressed into her petticoats. His mouth caught hers and his tongue brushed against her lips again. This time she opened her mouth as she inhaled and he took it as an invitation.
It didn’t feel like a kiss, it felt more intimate, more secret and maybe slightly wrong. She tentatively put out her tongue to meet his, letting him graze against it as he worried at her bottom lip. The ticklish stimulation was matched by the pressure against her hips and lower down. It felt he was poking her, but both his hands was around her neck and face.
“Okay,” he gasped. “Okay, we gotta take an intermission, baby, before the show’s over completely.” He stepped away from her and she felt a surge of loss coupled with an draught of cool air that swept in to fill the void he had left. She shivered.
“Aw, you cold, baby?” He shrugged off his white sports jacket and helped her into it. She could feel his warmth clinging to the lining, not to mention his scent. “Let’s go back, huh, it’s about time we got you home anyway. It’s a school night, right?” She bristled, but it didn’t seem like he was teasing her, not as he beamed down, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
As they walked back into the light, Elvis threw his arm around her and drew her in close, his wrist hanging from her shoulder, fingertips brushing her chest. They looked, she reflected with awe, like they were dating. She looked like she was dating Elvis Presley.
Elvis and a few of his friends drove her home in his Lincoln. She was pressed up against him on the front seat, and he was back to talking in that loud, deep voice he only used in front of other people. She let her mind wander back to the Ferris wheel and the way that his eyes had held her, coddling her with warmth and tenderness even in her stupid fear. She focussed on the way that his hand, whenever it was not shifting or on the wheel, flopped down onto her skirt, cupping her knee hidden beneath the material.
“Here we are, honey,” he announced, pulling up at her parents’ neat one-storey home. The windows were dark, which was a good sign, she reflected. “Want me to walk you to the door?”
The guys in the back laughed and she couldn’t stop herself from glaring at them. Elvis turned slightly and gave the nearest one a swat with the back of his hand.
“Ignore them, honey, they’re fools.”
“I had a good time tonight,” she said softly, looking only at him and his heavy-lidded eyes. “Thank you for-“ She stopped, mindful of their audience. “Thank you.”
“Any time,” he replied with his famous half-grin. “And I mean that, really.” She climbed out of the car and onto the kerb. Suddenly, remembering Tina Junior still sitting on the front seat and leaning in through the window to grab her.
“Oh, and my hat too!” she gasped, snatching it up.
“Your hat? Isn’t that mine?” he asked with a laugh.
“Hmm, well consider it compensation for pushing Billy into me tonight,” she returned, playfully sticking out the tip of her tongue. He laughed sheepishly and rubbed at his forehead, before shrugging an admission. Busted.
“I’ll see ya, darlin’,” he said. “Give Tina Junior a kiss goodnight from me, okay?”
Tina watched him pull away from the kerb as she wrapped her arms around the teddy, finally noticing that she was still wearing his jacket. It was too late to call him back, the car tail lights were barely visible in the dark, and it would be an excellent reason to show up at the gates tomorrow if he didn’t call like he promised.
It was time to stop being afraid.
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i don’t think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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six. | i was made for lovin' you
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (ofc)
⇾ w.c. 4.9k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, f!oc, underage drinking, smut, blowjobs (m!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, cream pies
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
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By the end of the week, if anyone had missed the memo that Win was officially dating Billy Hargrove, they had to be blind.  Between their casual PDA in between classes, their not so clandestine lunch period makeout sessions, and the fact that he was now driving her to and from school, it had become painfully obvious.
“What’re you doing tonight?” Billy asked, leaning against the locker next to Win’s as she approached to stow her books from last period.
“Hmm, I dunno, probably finish some homework before going to bed early,” she teased, flashing him a cheeky grin.
“Very cute,” he snorted, not buying it, and Win laughed, shutting her locker door and stepping closer, lifting her chin to steal a kiss.
“Heather Holloway’s having a bonfire tonight.  Wanna make an appearance?” she suggested with a half shrug and Billy slung his arm around her shoulders as he fell into step with her.  “If it’s lame, we can bounce.  My dad works nights, so we’d have the place to ourselves,” she offered.
“Sounds like a plan,” Billy replied, nodding to Tommy as they passed.
“Ugh, why do you hang around with him?” Win muttered only for Billy to shoot her a wry look.
“Cause he does what I say,” he shrugged and Win let out a disgusted groan, rolling her eyes.  
“At least you’re honest.”
“Max better not be late, if she knows what’s good for her,” Billy said as they approached the Camaro.  “She knows I hate waiting.”
“At least you’ll have good company,” Win teased, dropping her bag in the passenger seat.  As she straightened, she happened to lock eyes with Tina as she passed, Vicki and Carol in tow.  The three practically turned their noses up at her, Vicki glaring daggers.  Win forced herself to hold their gaze, not wanting to appear weak, but it stung–not Vicki or Carol’s animosity–she really didn’t give a fuck about what they thought, but Tina, Tina stung.  Of course Win knew she was a bit of a stuck up bitch, but she’d been the first person in Hawkins to talk to her.
Billy’s gruff voice pulled her from her thoughts as Max skated up, hopping off her skateboard and flipping it smoothly up into her hand.
“Took ya long enough.  C’mon, we got shit to do.”
Max made a face at him as she pulled the back door open, jumping in before Billy could make another impatient remark.
“Don’t listen to him, we haven’t been waiting long,” Win assured her, climbing in as well.  
“I don’t know how you put up with him,” Max huffed, rolling her eyes as she turned to look out the window.
Billy glared at her through the rear view mirror before peeling out, kicking up stones as his tires spun.
“There’s a few things inside I wanna grab before we go,” Billy said, throwing the car in park in front of a modest little place on Cherry and kicking his door open.  Win followed him and Max, climbing the steps to the enclosed front porch.
“Mom, we’re home!” Max called flatly, instantly taking off toward her room as soon as they were inside and a woman stepped out of the kitchen to greet them.  She had the same fiery hair and blue eyes as her daughter, but that’s wear the similarities ended, and she offered Win a hesitant smile as her gaze fell on her.
“You must be Win,” she said, hastily wiping her hands on the kitchen towel before reaching out to take Win’s hand.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Win answered, glancing at Billy who quickly averted his eyes, a faint pink hue dusting his cheeks.  It seemed Max hadn’t been lying when she said he’d talked about her.
“Win, this is Susan,” Billy introduced, careful not to refer to her as his mother.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Win said, returning Susan’s smile.
“Susan, can you tell my dad I can’t watch Max tonight?  We’ve got plans,” Billy said, keeping his expression carefully neutral, but Mrs. Hargrove was quick to assure him that it was alright, that they’d be staying in tonight and that he and Win should have fun.
“Great, thanks,” Billy said brusquely, grabbing Win’s wrist to pull her down the hall.
“Nice room,” she mused, stepping just inside as Billy strode to his closet with purpose.
“Thanks,” Billy muttered, shrugging off his jean jacket and pulling his t-shirt over his head.
Win’s brows rose as she watched him, itching to smooth her hands across his muscular back and feel his warm tan skin.  Clearing her throat, she quickly tore her eyes away as he pulled a dark maroon shirt from its hanger and slung it on, buttoning the bottom few buttons and leaving the top half open.
As he finished getting ready, Win ambled around his room, taking in his sparse decor, letting her fingers run over the records stacked neatly by his stereo, and picking up the dog eared paperback on the table by his bed.
“You hungry?” Billy’s voice cut through her thoughts and Win looked up to find him adjusting the collar of his worn leather jacket.
“Yeah, I could eat,” she murmured, setting the book back down where she’d found it. 
“Cool, let’s grab a bite before the party.”
By the time Win and Billy arrived at Heather’s, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon and the party was already in full swing.  Heather had a decent sized fire blazing in her backyard and several of their classmates lingered around it, beers in hand as they talked and laughed, their voices melting into the music playing from a boombox on the nearby deck table.
“Hargrove, you came!” Tommy called, raising his beer can as he caught sight of Billy.  Carol stood at his side, arms crossed over her chest, against the chill in the autumn air.  When she noticed Win, she rolled her eyes.  
“Lewis, lookin’ good,” Tommy added with a grin and Win fought the urge to grimace in disgust.
“I want a drink,” she said, peeling away from Billy’s side to head toward the table, finding a couple large coolers stocked with ice cold beer.  She grabbed two cans before ambling back toward where Billy stood with Tommy.  Luckily, Tina and Vicki were nowhere to be seen.
“Thanks babe,” Billy murmured, accepting the beer before pulling her close to his side and cracking the can open one handed, his other hand slipping around her waist.
Win watched him take a long draw from the can, his adam’s apple bobbing with each swallow,  before she too brought her can to her lips.
“Hey Win!  Good to see you!” Heather exclaimed, joining them by the fire, the flickering light of the flames casting eerie shadows against her face.  
“Hey, you too,” Win replied.  She’d never really spoken much to Heather Holloway, they tended to run in different circles, but maybe that’s what she needed now—a different circle.
“Let’s play a party game, something to spice things up,” Tommy exclaimed loudly, crumpling the empty can in his hand and tossing it into the bonfire.
“Yeah, like Never Have I Ever,” Carol suggested, a wicked smirk gracing her pinched features.
“Oooh yeah, sounds like fun!” Heather exclaimed.  “Think we need something stronger for this though,” she laughed, running over to grab the bottle of vodka on the table.
Win downed the rest of her beer before accepting the plastic cup of booze.  
“Win, why don’t you go first?” Heather asked and Win grimaced.  
“Uh, alright,” she murmured, watching the fire for a moment as she thought.  “Never have I ever… gone cow tipping,” she said, wrinkling her nose at the most cliched country activity she could think of, wondering if anyone actually did that.
Billy let out a snort when Tommy chuckled, bringing his cup to his lips.
“Guess it’s my turn,” Tommy said, a grin spreading across his face.
“Never have I ever moved to a different state,” he said, raising his eyebrows at both Win and Billy.
“Very funny,” Win muttered, rolling her eyes, but taking a drink along with Billy.
“Hmm, never have I ever broken a law,” Heather said and once more both Win and Billy took a shot, Tommy joining them as well.
“You got that right, Hargrove!” he exclaimed, raising his hand for Billy to high five.
“My turn?” Carol asked and Win didn’t like the way she smirked as she deliberated.  “Never have I ever stolen my friend’s date,” she said finally, her eyes flicking purposefully to Win’s.
Setting her jaw, Win didn’t move, and everyone’s heads swung toward her.
“Well?” Carol prompted expectantly, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Can’t say I have,” Win replied with a shrug.  “She’d have had to been my friend for that to be true.”
For a moment Win thought Carol was gunna come at her, the tension nearly suffocating, when suddenly Billy hefted her up, throwing her over his shoulder.  “This party’s a major snorefest,” he announced loudly, tossing back the rest of the booze in his cup before striding toward the front yard.
Win could barely believe it, gaping back at the others as they retreated into the distance, bouncing against Billy’s shoulder with each step he took.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?” she said as they were back in the Camaro and on their way down Win’s quiet street.
“Do what?  That party was lame,” Billy insisted, glancing over at her.  
“I can take care of myself.”  Her muttered words sounded petulant and Win wished she could take them back.
“I know that,” Billy huffed, carefully not looking at her, his hands flexing on the wheel.  “Besides, I wanted to get you alone.  You’re way better company than those assholes,” he muttered.
Win smiled down at her hands, hoping he couldn’t see her expression in the dark as he pulled into her empty driveway.
“You hungry?” she asked,  pulling her house key from her pocket.
“Fucking starved,” Billy replied, following her to the front door.
“I don’t know what all we have in the fridge, but I’m sure there’s something,” Win said, pushing the door open and gesturing him in, flicking on the light switch.
Billy ambled after her, letting his gaze roam the room almost curiously, a stark contrast to the bored way he usually took in his surroundings.
“Uhh, there’s not a lot in here that’s easy to make,” Win mused, shutting the fridge door with a frown.  “I could probably make us some mac and cheese…”
At her words, Billy joined her in the kitchen, opening the fridge himself to have a look before checking the freezer.  “There’s some frozen ground beef, I can make us some burgers to go with it,” he offered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not hard,” Billy snorted, raising an eyebrow at her as he pulled the package from the freezer.  “Something tells me you’re not exactly at home in the kitchen,” he ventured, shrugging his leather jacket off, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, I’m a heinous cook, bite me,” Win replied, sticking her tongue out at him as she flipped on the radio on the counter before pulling out a skillet and a pot.
Billy chuckled, shaking his head ruefully, opening several cupboards in search of a microwave safe plate to defrost the meat on.  “You should probably work on that, unless you plan on living off frozen dinners the rest of your life,” he teased.
“Maybe I’m planning on marrying a guy that can cook, how about that?” Win countered, planting her hands on her hips jauntily and Billy couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Was that a proposal, Lewis?” he teased and Win felt her face flush, quickly turning away to turn the radio up when the song changed, the opening to Call Me by Blondie playing through the speakers.
“Oh, I love this song,” she exclaimed, moving her hips to the music, for a moment forgetting that Billy was standing there.  
“Please don’t tell me you listen to this shit,” he snorted, only for Win to gasp at him.
“Take that back!” she exclaimed, giving his arm a playful smack.  “Debbie Harry is my icon!”
“You’re kidding, right?” Billy scoffed, transferring the defrosted hamburger to the skillet.  “Here I thought you had better taste than that,” he said, fighting back a grin as he held his hands up, preparing for another attack.
Win’s mouth fell open.  “I like you, don’t I?” she countered, pinching his side.  Billy laughed, squirming away from her fingers, and Win’s expression turned mischievous.
“Ticklish, are we?” she asked, doubling down and attacking his sides without remorse until Billy managed to grasp her wrists, spinning her and pinning her back against the counter as he caught his breath.
“You little brat!” Billy exclaimed, leaning in imposingly, but Win raised her chin in defiance, her lips parting expectantly.
“What’re you gunna do about it, Hargrove?”  Before she could barely get the words out, Billy’s mouth was on hers, his tongue forcing its way between her teeth.
Win’s breath caught in her throat and she moaned, melting into him.
The loud sizzling from the stove broke the mood and Billy swore under his breath, reluctantly pulling away.  “To be continued,” he drawled, winking at her before turning back to the skillet, seasoning the burgers before flipping them and adjusting the heat.
“You wanna fill this up with water?” he asked, handing Win the empty pot before grabbing the milk and butter from the fridge.
Win obeyed, setting the water on the stove and turning on the burner.  “So, uhm, how’d you learn to do all this?” she asked, leaning against the counter to watch him, the music playing softly in the background.
“This ain’t nothing,” Billy snorted.  “This is pretty simple shit.”
“I guess,” Win said, rolling her eyes.  “But you know what I mean.  How’d you learn how to cook?”
Billy let out a soft huff, keeping his eyes on the stove.  “I kinda hadta learn how to take care of myself from a young age.”
“I’m sorry…” Win breathed.
You don’t have to apologize,” Billy said, cutting her off, finally looking up at her, a vulnerability in his blue eyes that she’d only caught a glimpse of once before.
Opening her mouth to say more, Billy once more interrupted her, clearing his throat.  “The water’s boiling, we should finish up the macaroni.”
It wasn’t long before the food was ready and Win plopped down on the couch with Billy to eat, turning the tv on for a distraction.
“You still sure this is more fun than getting wasted at the bonfire?” Win asked, still finding it hard to believe he’d really rather be there with her.
Billy set his empty plate on the coffee table before taking hers from her hands and setting it aside.  “I’m very sure,” he drawled, easing her to her back, his mouth finding hers as his hand slipped beneath her shirt, drawing a soft moan from her lips.
“Here,” she breathed, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor.
Billy smirked down at the sight of her, his hand reaching around behind her to unhook her bra.  “That’s better,” he murmured, enveloping her breast with his hand, his fingers pinching and rolling, coaxing her nipple to stiffen while his mouth descended on her exposed neck.
“You look so fuckin’ cute on your back,” he growled against her skin, nipping at her collarbone as he pressed his knee between her thighs.
Win’s sharp gasp at the sudden pressure against her throbbing cunt brought a husky chuckle to Billy’s throat, his cock stirring in response, pressing almost painfully against the confines of his tight jeans.
“You should stay, with me, tonight,” Win gasped between Billy’s hungry kisses, her back arching into his touch.  “It gets so lonely, and I have a hard time falling asleep in an empty house,” she murmured.
Billy pushed back to look down at her, blue eyes flashing in the darkness.  “I don’t sleep a lot either these days,” he admitted, caressing her cheek, his thumb catching her bottom lip.  “You know, I can think of some ways to wear you out,” he drawled.
“Oh really?” Win breathed, letting out a surprised yelp as he suddenly lifted her, one arm wrapping around her back while the other fit under her bent knees, carrying her easily to her bedroom.
“Really,” he answered, smirking as he dropped her atop her bed, kicking the door shut behind him.
Win gasped as she landed, bouncing slightly.  Before she could formulate a response, Billy was already unbuttoning his shirt and toeing his boots off.
“Enjoying the view, Princess?” he chuckled when he caught her staring and Win quickly ducked her head as her face flared hotter, focusing on working her jeans down while she peered at him through her dyed blonde bangs.  
“Didn’t think you flustered that easy,” Billy teased, dropping his jeans and hooking a finger under her chin, tilting her face up.
“I’m not flustered!” Win countered, her heart pounding in her ears as he eased his boxers down, letting his cock spring free, the weight of it making her mouth water.  “ –I’ve just not gotten a good look at your dick yet,” she murmured, wetting her lips distractedly.
A proud grin tugged at Billy’s mouth and he stepped closer to the edge of the bed.  “Well, what do you think?” he drawled.
Win crawled closer, taking a deep breath in through his nose as she wrapped her hand loosely around his length, her cunt aching as she caressed him.  Billy’s breath hitched, catching in his throat as she touched him and his cock twitched eagerly in her hand.
“So sensitive,” she breathed, grinning at his reaction.  Though he liked to play it cool, it was reassuring that deep down he might be as flustered as she was.  “You have such a pretty cock,” Win murmured, leaning in to lap up the glistening bead of precum gathered at his tip.  Slowly taking him into her mouth, her tongue traced the thick vein on the underside of his length as her eyes flicked up to his, looking incredibly sinful on all fours like that with his cock disappearing into her mouth.
“Oh fuck–” Billy grunted, bucking forward involuntarily, unable to stop himself.  “Fuck, that feels good.  Your mouth’s like heaven,” he growled as his tip hit the back of her throat and she gagged, his pubes tickling her nose.
Win merely moaned in response, gripping the base of his cock with one hand to hold him steady so he couldn’t take her by surprise again.
“Shit Win,” he gasped, tangling his fingers in her chin length hair, blunt fingernails scraping her scalp as she hollowed her cheeks to suck as she pulled back, her velvety tongue curling around him, caressing him with each bob of her head.
“If you keep that up–” Billy’s words cut off and he hastily pulled free of her mouth, his fist in her hair holding her still.  “As much as I would love to cum down your throat, sweetheart, I wanna make you scream,” he growled, releasing her hair to wipe the drool from her chin with his thumb, the tenderness of his actions at odds with the harsh way the words left his mouth.
A thrill ran through Win and she scooted backwards atop the bed, giving him room to join her.
“Get those panties off, or I’m gunna have to rip ‘em off you,” he said, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“That actually sounds kinda hot,” Win laughed, laying back against her pillows, her arms resting behind her head, her posture just daring him to do it.
Billy’s eyes flashed at the challenge and he grabbed her by the ankles, yanking her back toward him.  Win let out a shriek of laughter, but didn’t struggle, biting her lips as he clutched her underwear, his gaze boring into hers.
“You sure about that?” he drawled, hesitating, and Win nodded.  Billy’s grin turned predatory and he gave a sharp tug, easily ripping the thin cotton from her body.  
“Oh fuck–” Win breathed, heat rolling through her at the display.
“There, that’s better,” he purred, discarding the ruined garment and pulling her legs apart.  “I wanna look at this pretty pussy.”
Win’s breath hitched as he slid a finger between her folds.  “Sucking me off made you this wet?” he marveled, slipping a second finger in, stretching her around him.
“I told you you had a gorgeous cock,” Win teased, huffing a breathless laugh as his thick digits curled inside her, dragging against her spongy g-spot.
“Billy, stop teasing me,” she pouted, rolling her hips impatiently against the heel of his hand.
“You keep pouting like that and I’ll make you wait longer,” he taunted, pulling his fingers free with a wet squelch and taking a moment to study the silvery translucent strands that stretched between them.
“If you won’t get me off, I have other ways–” Win began, huffing indignantly until Billy pushed her back, crawling between her legs and grabbing her wrist as she reached toward her sex.
“Ah ah ah, you don’t get to touch yourself right now, that’s my job,” he growled, releasing her wrist and giving his cock a few strokes before teasing his swollen head between her folds.  “You ready, baby?” he asked, taking her aback that he’d asked.
“I’m ready,” Win breathed, moaning as he pushed into her.  He kept his head down, watching the spot where their bodies connected, her cunt sucking him in greedily, inch by slow inch, creaming rings around the base of his cock with each slow thrust.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Billy groaned, dropping his forehead against her shoulder, his necklace hovering over her chest, grazing her sternum lightly as it swung in time with his measured movements.
Each time his hips met hers with a soft smack of skin on skin, Win let out a soft moan, her hands sliding up his back, feeling every dip and swell of taut muscle stretched beneath his fevered skin.  “Oh fuck,” she gasped, whining sharply, her fingers biting into his shoulders as he hit her cervix, bottoming out.
“You make such pretty sounds for me.  Your daddy’s not home, you know.  So, you don’t have to hold back,” Billy growled, thrusting into her harder, enough to make the bed frame squeak, her tiny frame rocking beneath him.  “I meant it when I said I wanted to make you scream.”
Win’s lips twitched and she let her eyes flutter shut.  “Kiss me,” she breathed, the warmth pooling low in her gut spreading outward, driving her to the precipice.  Needing to feel all of him pressed against her, she tightened her hold on him and Billy obliged, a deep groan catching in his chest as his lips collided with hers, kissing her breathless as he pumped into her faster, a desperation in his movements that grew with each moment.
Something had changed–this wasn’t like the time they’d fucked in the back of his car, this felt different, and Win’s head swam as her pleasure crested, threatening to carry her away.
“Billy–!” she gasped, teetering on the edge.  “Want–want you to cum inside,” she managed to get out, rolling her hips to meet his, angling him deeper.
Billy nodded, breathing heavily, his thrusts growing jerky, sloppy.  “Fuck, I’m–” he cut off with a guttural growl, his cock swelling and spasming as he came, unable to hold back any longer, and it was only moments later that Win followed, crying out his name as he rode her through it, pumping her full.
When they finally stilled, Billy collapsed atop her, his chest heaving against hers and Win pressed her face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of his sweat and the lingering spicy smell of his cologne.
With a soft grunt, Billy rolled to his back, pulling out of her and Win whined at the loss, feeling his seed slowly rolling down her inner thigh.  
“You were right, you knew exactly what I needed to wear me out,” she sighed contentedly, turning toward him to rest her cheek against his shoulder, draping her arm over him.
Billy chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.  “I know how to take care of you,” he murmured proudly, reaching for Win’s pack of cigarettes on the nightstand nearby.
“Open the window and share that with me,” she said, scooting closer to his side and Billy did as she asked, lighting the cigarette pinched between his teeth and blowing the smoke toward the window above her headboard.
Taking another pull, he offered it to her, wrapping his other arm around her back to hold her against him, though he knew he should be doing the opposite–disentangling himself and getting dressed.  It was late, way past his curfew, but the feel of her warm body pressed against him was sweeter than the threat of his father’s wrath and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this relaxed.
“What was California like?” Win asked, her abrupt question taking him by surprise, and when Billy glanced down at her, he found her watching him.
“Warm,” he said, fighting a lump in his throat.  “The sun was almost always shining.  I used to spend a lot of time at the beach,” he continued, glancing away.  “Then… things changed, and–” Billy hesitated, plucking the cigarette from her fingers to bring to his lips.  “Well, let’s just say there was always plenty of shit to do to keep me outta the house,” he muttered, still feeling Win’s large doll-like eyes on him. 
He could sense she was gearing up to ask a follow up question and he quickly changed the subject, not really wanting to dredge up shit from the past.
“How late does your dad work?  He’s not gunna come home soon and catch me in bed with you, is he?” he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes as he remembered the look on her father’s face the first time they’d met.  If he found them like this, he’d probably really freak.
“Nah, he works nights, so he won't be back til about six or seven,” Win answered.
Billy chanced a peek at her while he ashed the cigarette in the glass ashtray on her bedside table.  “You don’t see him much,” he observed, a spike of jealousy pricking his stomach.
Win shook her head, reaching across him to steal the last few hits off the cigarette. 
“Ever since my mum died, it’s been like this.  Like he doesn’t wanna process shit, and he’d rather just throw himself into work or something, I dunno,” she muttered.
“I wish my dad was like that,” Billy murmured and Win’s brows drew down.
“Don’t say that.”
Billy huffed a humourless laugh, finally looking her in the eye.  “I mean it,” he insisted.  “If you knew my dad, you’d understand.  If he disappeared tomorrow and I never saw him again, I wouldn’t shed a fuckin’ tear.”
Win nodded, finally understanding. With everything he’d said about his home life, things were beginning to make a lot of sense.
“Shit,” she suddenly hissed, catching sight of the time.  “It’s way later than I thought–”
Billy cut her off, knowing she was about to ask if he needed to leave, and while he knew he probably should, he’d already made up his mind.
“It’s fine,” he said, a decisiveness to his voice that discouraged any argument.  “Besides, your bed’s way more comfortable and there’s a smokin’ hot naked girl in it,” he added, his lips twitching as he ducked his head to steal a kiss.
“Charmer,” Win murmured, once more melting, deciding not to press the issue.  It wasn’t like she wanted him to leave anyway.
Billy put out the spent cigarette and waved the smoke away before getting under the blankets and pulling Win closer, letting her meld against him, stifling a yawn behind her hand.
“Night Princess,” he murmured, but she was already drifting off.  
The sound of her dad’s car pulling into the gravel drive woke Win and she blinked blearily, vaguely noticing the weak sunlight streaming through her window, which was still cracked open from the night before, the November morning air chilling her room.
Whining softly at the chill, she pulled the comforter up higher and rolled over, seeking Billy’s warmth.  When her hand slid across the cold empty space next to her however, she bolted awake.  Billy was nowhere to be found, his blankets thrown back as if he’d gotten up.
Crawling to the edge of the bed, she found the spot on the floor he’d left his boots empty as well and her fear of her father catching him there shifted to empty disappointment, her heart sinking, though she knew she was being irrational.
Laying back down with a huff, she stared at the ceiling, not bothering to shut her window.  It almost felt like she’d only imagined falling asleep in Billy’s warm embrace, sleeping more soundly than she had since she’d moved to Hawkins.  Turning her head to glance at her clock, a slip of paper on her bedside table caught her eye and she sat up to get a better look.
Billy’s hasty scrawl covered the scrap paper and Win couldn’t help but smile, hearing his voice in her head as she read his words.
Morning beautiful,  Sorry I’m not there when you wake up.  Thought it would be safer to leave before your dad gets home.  Last night was fun.  Slept better than I have in a while.   I’ll call you later. —Billy P.S. you’re pretty cute when you’re sleeping, you actually look kind of innocent.
Suddenly feeling much lighter, Win flopped back into bed, holding Billy’s note to her chest as she fell back asleep, hoping his dad hadn’t noticed he’d been out all night.
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⇾ taglist. @b1tchywheeler @wherethewitchersare @super-unpredictable98 @santacarlahorrorshow @oliver-sykes @elliethesuperfruitlover
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marwritesgood · 2 years
Change the Ending | S. Harrington
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Pairing: Steve x Hopper!Reader
Timeframe: Season 3 - 4
Summary: [Based on Cardigan - Taylor Swift] Despite agreeing to remain friends, Steve and Y/n both felt a lingering suspicion that they'd find their way back to each other.
masterlist - PART ONE - PART TWO
A/N: I initially planned to morph this together with the Hopper storyline I'm planning, but then I rewatched ep 4 (Dear Billy) and felt too inspired to hold out. I think I might like to turn this into a series, but I'll see how it goes haha But there will definitely be at least one more part after this to wrap up the Hopper storyline! xx
May, 1985
Twenty minutes had passed since the ceremony ended and Y/n and Steve met up by his car in the now half-empty parking lot. He had been leaning back against the hood of BMW, only just standing up when he saw her approaching him, alone just as he suspected.
"Your dad?"
He felt the need to ask anyways. They only graduated from High School once. Maybe Jim Hopper had finally came to his senses. For his girlfriend's sake, Steve always hope that would be the case, however unlikely he still thought it was.
"Nope," Y/n answered plainly, shaking her head once. Even after the countless reminders and the note on fridge and on the counter, he still didn't come. She didn't mind too much, though.
At least El still came with her friends, as well as Nancy and Jonathan. And at least she still had Steve and the plans they made for the night. She had a life outside sitting in an empty house and wallowing now. A chosen family outside the one she was stuck with.
"What about your parents?"
Steve shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, a frown appearing for just a split second. Then he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer until the space between them no longer existed.
"Fuck 'em," he whispered to her, smirking as he leaned in closer.
"Yeah," she laughed, interlocking her fingers together behind his neck. She met his determined gaze with one of her own. "Fuck 'em."
Though they spent many nights shit-talking their parents, they came to an understanding that this night would be different. Steve drove them to the little diner over by the post office and got them burgers and shakes to eat by the lookout- something they only ever did on special occasions.
The sun had almost sunk into the horizon when they finished eating and opted to hold hands and watch the sky go dark and streetlights illuminate. It was only a matter of time before Tina's graduation party kicked off. However, Y/n slipped her hand away for a moment and pulled something out from her bag.
"I got you something," she grinned, handing him a folded artcle of clothing wrapped in silver ribbon. Steve undid the bow and held it up to reveal a sweater in his exact size and in almost the same shade of maroon as his car. Y/n added, "- to replace the one I lost."
"The one you stole and lost?"
He couldn't even pretend to be annoyed. Though he really liked that red sweater, he loved seeing her in it so much more, even if it was just for a day. Steve's tone was only ever teasing and playful when it came to her. Even so, she narrowed her eyes and scoffed, hitting his arm softly before slipping her hand back into his.
"The one I borrowed and then lost," she corrected. "C'mon, try it on."
Y/n smiled as she watched him, her eyes flickering in the spit moment his shirt rode up from changing sweaters. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice. She knew he would have teased her for it had he seen.
After fixing his collar, Steve stretched his arms out in front of him before holding his wrist up to his nose. Y/n couldn't quite make out his emotion as he scrunched his brows and smiled.
"What's wrong?"
Steve dropped his hand and shook his head. He reach out and pulled her close to him once more, wherein he realised his suspicions became confirmed. Y/n watched him closely, amused by his weird demeanour. He shook his head, his smile never faltering.
"Nothing," he assured her. "It just... It smells like you."
"Oh, sorry, I think I accidentally sprayed some of my perfume on it when I was getting ready this morning."
"I like it," Steve whispered, his hand pressed against her cheek, pulling her in for a long kiss. He drew in a long breath, only exhaling when they finally parted. He imagined his heaven probably smelling the same. "Vanilla?"
"It's from Avon," Y/n shrugged. "I can't remember the name."
He pecked her lips quickly before reaching into his pocket. The plan was to not do graduation gifts, but Steve knew his girlfriend too well to believe she would pass up the chance to get him something. Her expression made clear that the feeling was mutual.
"I got you something too."
Y/n's wide and excited grin morphed into bewilderment as Steve held up a velvet box and opened it to reveal a silver ring. She always imagined it would be happen, but always thought he was smart. enough not to do it when they were 18 and fresh out of high school. If her dad disapproved of him before, he was going to be livid now.
"Steve," Y/n croaked, her eyes wide open jumping back and fourth between the pretty ring and her even prettier boyfriend. "Baby, I say this with so much love, but are you fucking insane?"
He bursted into a fit of laughter. He contemplated a less misleading way of presenting his gift, but decided he wanted to see how she'd react knowing it would play out exactly as it did.
"Oh, don't get ahead of yourself," Steve teased. He had every intention of popping the question, but a little further down the line when he had a more stable job than scoops ahoy. "I'm not proposing... yet."
His gaze was intense and determined, as if to punctuate just how serious he was. There was no one else for him. He knew that. Even more-so after spending a drunken night in his car with someone else a month ago. There was no one like his Y/n.
"It's a promise ring," Steve clarified.
If any of the guys on the basketball team, particularly Billy Hargrove, caught wind of what he was doing, Steve knew he would get teased until the end of his days. But he could not think of a more perfect gift fir her, especially now that they weren't going to be just goofy high schoolers who enjoyed each others company.
"A promise ring?" Y/n repeated, narrowing her eyes as her smile grew wider. She never considered herself someone who bought into the cheesy couple stuff, but he was constantly challenging that. "Are you making a promise to me?"
"Yeah, here, let me do this properly," he spoke, taking the ring out from the box and holding her left hand up, trying to remember how they did it in that chick flick she made him watch with her. "Y/n Hopper, I promise to love and honour you. I promise to do everything I can to keep you safe and make you happy. And I promise to get you an even nicer ring when I get down on one knee."
After he slipped the ring on her middle finger, she wrapped his arms around him and kissed him gleefully. She was never the best at showing affection, but Steve... Steve was so good at it. She was always happiest when he was with her. Always felt safest when his arms were around her.
"I love you so much, baby," he murmured against her lips.
"I love you too," she responded, with such an ease that never failed to make Steve's heart soar. Everything she did seemed to have that effect on him.
As the sky grew darker, Steve began to dread having to go to Tina's party. Just about every senior was going to be there, drunk of their asses, and the only senior he wanted to spend his Friday night with was the one in his arms.
"Maybe we should just go to mine. Have a movie night instead," he suggested nonchalantly, hoping she would agree. The way she narrowed her eyes said otherwise.
"What, you still wanna go to the party?"
When they first started dating, back when they were sophomores, he was always the one trying to convince her to go to house parties and basketball games with him. Then, at the star of their Senior year, she suddenly decided she wanted to make the most of the high school experience, whilst Steve was just about sick of it all.
"Um, yes! C'mon it's our last high school party," she reasoned. "I wanna dance with you... and kiss you... and get very drunk so I have an excuse to sleep at your place tonight."
"You know you don't need an excuse."
His days at home were typically spent alone, so any opportunity to have company, especially his favourite girl, Steve welcomed eagerly.
"Oh, I don't?" Y/n grinned, her brow raised in amusement.
"You just gotta look me in the eyes and say please."
His tone was teasing. She rolled her eyes playfully, before pressing her temple against his and she could see the specks of green in his eyes. Steve felt his knees weaken.
"Pleaase," she sang.
"How do I say no to a face that pretty?"
Or a girl so perfect, he thought to himself. Though Steve had grown to resent the party scene, he knew he was going to follow her wherever she went, whether gleefully or begrudgingly.
"I need you to do one thing for me before we leave though," he added, turning around and getting into the car briefly. Y/n watched curiously as he put a new tape into the player and rolled both windows down completely before pressing play and stepping out. "Dance with me."
He wrapped one arm firm around her waist and held her right hand up with his left. They swayed silently for just a moment, when a realisation hit Y/n.
"I love this song," she gasped.
Steve chuckled and pulled her closer. It only took a month of dating her for him to realise she loved one specific Bee Gees song more than any other song in existence. Every inch of her lit up when it played.
"There's a light, a certain kind of light," Y/n sang, looking at Steve with the goofy grin she only ever had when she was around him. "... That never shone on me."
"I'm not singing with you," he warned, knowing how easy it was for her to get carried away when she was singing into her fist like it was a microphone. Y/n continued on, neither convinced nor fazed.
"You don't know what it's like," she belted, holding her fist in between them after noticing the smile he was stifling. Steve sighed and leaned in just before the next line played.
"Baby, you don't know what it's like!" They sang in unison, swaying slowly to the beat of the song. "To love somebody. To love somebody. The way I love you."
She couldn't remember when it started or why it was this way, but that one particular song always made her heart soar. For those short three minutes, she felt her worries fade and all the best parts of life only glow brighter.
As they continued to sway under the dimly lit lamppost by the lookout, Y/n realised Steve made her feel the exact same way.
March 21, 1986
“Say hi to her for me, ok?... Her and Joyce!”
Mike put Y/n letter to El in his backpack before turning around and heading for the door. It was the last errand he needed to run before his flight to California the next morning.
“I will,” he responded as he waved goodbye and left the video store.
Once he was gone, Y/n turned to the clock hanging above the doorway and sighed before joining Robin behind the counter.
“He’s late again,” Y/n complained.
“Guess which babe it was this time," Robin snickered, flicking through the box of returned films.
“Oh god, I don’t even wanna know," she groaned quietly while she rummaged through her bag. The second Steve showed up, she was going to head straight home and get some rest, hoping by time she wakes up her headache will finally be gone.
“What are you looking for?”
“My aspirin, I think I might’ve dropped the bottle somewhere,” Y/n explained, growing frustrated as she resorted to emptying her bag on the counter. Her head had been pounding for the last hour.
“Oh, I think I have some! I’ll go get it for you.”
“Thanks, Robin."
Y/n let out a grateful sigh and began putting her things back into her bag while Robin went to the back room. Just as she finished clearing the counter, the bell by the door rang and a disheveled Steve bursted in with an apologetic frown.
“Sorry I’m late,” he huffed.
“It’s fine,” Y/n said plainly, granting him only a moment’s glance before turning back to her bag and clocking out.
Steve attributed it to the fact that he was always late to his Saturday shifts. He tried not to take her indifferent demeanour too personally, but it was becoming increasingly hard. Things were so different between them. Maybe he was partly to blame, but how could he ever know if she barely spoke to him?
Robin came out from the back room, the bottle of aspirin in her hand. She resumed her spot next to Y/n behind the counter when the sight of Steve sidetracked her completely.
“Oh, you’re here! How was Kathy G?”
Steve had developed a habit of taking a girl out on Friday night and then showing up to his Saturday shift late. Y/n only knew because Robin kept her in the loop. Hearing about it sent her stomach into knots, but she couldn’t resist finding out more.
“Y-you went out with Kathy last night?”
Y/n hated how her voice trembled, though it gave Steve some semblance of hope. She was finally looking him in the eye.
“Uh, yeah,” he answered, visibly uncomfortable. “I would’ve told you about it… yknow, if I had gotten to see you any other time this week.”
Y/n was not oblivious to the hint of annoyance in his tone. It infuriated her in a way she had never experienced before, much less from him.
“I’m here right now, aren’t I?”
“You want me to tell you about it right now?” Steve asked, slightly intimidated.
“We are friends after all, aren’t we?”
Y/n gritted her teeth. She knew she was doing a terrible job at being friendly, but it was never her idea to begin with. Robin stepped forward in an attempt to mitigate the passive aggression and tension.
“So how’d it go?”
“It was… nice,” Steve answered, his eyes darting between Y/n and Robin. “We had burgers at the outlook.”
His stomach turned. He didn’t enjoy lying to them every Saturday, but it had become a force of habit. He especially hated this specific lie, knowing it was a special tradition he and Y/n had. Even so, Steve still hoped it would provoke some kind of reaction from her.
“I should go now, my bus should be arriving soon,” Y/n announced monotonously, looking only to Robin as she spoke.
“Are you doing something?”
“No I’m just heading home,” she answered as she turned around from the opposite side of the counter.
Steve watched her closely as she waved bye to Robin and then went to turn back around, only to stop halfway when she saw the television.
“Oh my god,” Y/n gasped.
Robin turned the volume up and the three of them witnessed in horror as the news reporter announced a suspicious death in the trailer park not far from where Y/n’s cabin was.
Her hand shook as she reached for the counter and leaned against it to steady her. It had been so long since anything suspicious happened, Y/n had naïvely assumed they were in the clear.
“I can take you home when Robin and I finish,” Steve offered, if not because he could tell how shaken up she was then because he was also scared of what this meant for her safety.
Y/n nodded gratefully, though her eyes remained glued to the screen. Not long after, the doorbell rang and the three of them jumped only to see Dustin and Max rushing in.
“Steve. Y/n,” the young boy huffed, speeding up to the counter with Max closely behind him.
“Did you guys see?” Steve asked, gesturing to the television. Neither of them were fazed, which only confirmed to the other three that they had.
“How many phones do you guys have?” Dustin asked panickedly.
“Uh, three if you count Keith’s at the back,” Y/n answered, glancing over to Robin who nodded.
By the time she turned back to Dustin, he had already tossed his bag of the counter and was jumping over it to get to the computer. Y/n and Max went around and came up on the other side of the computer.
“Woah, what are you doing?!” Steve shrieked, picking up the tapes Dustin had knocked over.
“Setting up base of operations.”
“Base of operations?”
Dustin rolled hiseyes and groaned at Steve’s questioning. He began typing on the computer and going through the rental system, too focused on the task at hand to give a proper explanation himself.
“Max, fill them in while I do this.”
“Fill us in on what?” Y/n asked nervously.
Max spent the next ten minutes giving the three of them a brief summary of everything she and Dustin had pieced together. Afterwards, Steve tended to the customers while Max and Robin grabbed the phones so they and Y/n could start ringing around for Eddie’s whereabouts.
Barely five minutes had passed and Y/n had to give herself a break. The rining in her ear was making it increasingly difficult to focus on who she was supposed to be contacting and the information she was supposed to get out of them.
“Um, Robin, do you have the-“
“Oh yeah, yeah! Here,” Robin held her hand out and gave Y/n the aspirin finally. She took it and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, making a mental note to ring it up and pay for it before they closed up shop. By the time she turn around and twisted both caps open, Steve appeared at her side.
“Are you ok?”
Y/n never liked taking pain medication, even over the counter stuff, unless of course she felt it absolutely necessary. It was one of many anxieties she developed after witnessing her dad fall off into the deep end. Steve knew this and worried if she’d be ok to spend the afternoon looking for Eddie with the rest of them.
“I’m fine,” Y/n answered flatly.
“Look about what I said ealier,” he began. It had only been twenty minutes or so since he lied about taking Kathy G out to the lookout, but the guilt was already eating away at him.
“Hey guys, I might have a lead," Max called out.
Y/n didn’t think twice before turning away from Steve and returning to the counter, leaving him out in the could yet again.
March 23, 1986
Y/n, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Dustin and Max sat at the secluded picnic table in the trailer park, trying to piece together the story behind Chrissy and now Fred’s mysterious deaths. Y/n rested her elbows on the table and leaned into her hands as she listened in on the discussion, too drained to contribute anything herself.
Max was in the middle of speaking when Steve foundnhis attention divided between what the young girl was saying and why Y/n had her head in her hands. Even in her worst hangovers, she never looked this bad. He knew something was wrong.
"If you saw a monster, you... you wouldn't go to the police,” Max explained. “They'd never believe you. You'd go to your-"
"Your shrink,” Robin chimed.
Everyone stood from the table to find the school counsellor and get what information they could from her. Y/n was the last to stand and leave. As she approached Steve’s car, he pulled her aside.
"Y/n, are you ok?”
His was sterner than it was the millions of times he asked her this question before. He always hated how stubborn she could get, especially when it came to admitting she was less than fine.
"I'm fine, Steve.”
Y/n attempted to push past him, but her grabbed her wrist and kept her from doing so. She spun around. To hell with the delicate approach, Steve though. If something was going on with her he wanted to know. He needed to know.
"You look terrible,” he argued, concerned by how tired she looked. “Did you get any sleep?”
“I’m fine!”
Y/n snatched her hand away and walked to the car, ready to take the backseat just as she did on the way there. While she knew Steve was coming from a place of genuine concern, she didn’t know what was going on with her and didn’t trust herself to vent to him about it without overstepping a boundary.
He groaned quietly as he watched Y/n walk away. Steve wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. She was acting so out of character and had been for a while, but the last few days were particularly noteworthy.
If asking her upfront wasn’t doing the trick, Steve wondered if agigtating Y/n would work. When he saw Nancy continue walking down the road, he saw his opportunity to do just that.
"Nance. Nance, where you going?"
Y/n furrowed her brows as she watched Steve follow after her. Not to mention, something about the way he called her Nance made Y/n feel like she was just punched in the stomach.
"There's just something I wanna check first," Nancy explained.
"Are you out of your mind? Flying solo with Vecna on the loose? It's too dangerous, you need someone to..."
Y/n felt queasy. Someone to protect you, was that what Steve was planning on saying? She needed to know but desperately wanted to remain in oblivion.
"Here, I'll stick with Nance,” he announced, turning back to the rest of them and tossing his keys towards Robin. “You guys take the car and check out the shrink."
"I don't have a license."
"Because I'm poor."
Steve sighed and glanced over to Y/n. Her brows shot up as her eyes widened.
She could tolerate watching him flirt with other girls. She’d witnessed it plenty of times at the video store. However, driving his car and going on a mission to break and enter into a school counselors house all so he could have alone time with Nancy Wheeler? That man had a death wish.
"You want me to drive?"
The offense in her tone was as clear as day, and Steve was at the very least glad to have gotten a reaction from her. Even if it resulted in her glaring right at him. He didn’t realise he missed that.
"Okay, this is stupid. Us ladies will stick together," Robin sighed, handing Steve his keys back and walking over to Nancy, Y/n following after her.
"Y/n, you too?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go with Robin and Nance,” she muttered, plastering a fake smile through her gritted teeth.
"Wh- Y/n!" Steve reach out for her, but she sped away. He had definitely agitated her, but it all seemed pointless now that he had no way of capitalising off it and getting to the bottom of what was going on.
“Nice going, Steve,” Dustin commented sarcastically, earning a middle finger from him as he begrudgingly unlocked the car.
After getting the key to the basement archives, Nancy, Robin and Y/n spent over an hour scouring through the files and papers for something and anything related to the house fire.
Y/n was shuffling through boxes in a secluded corner of the basement when Nancy came up and stood by her, going through the archives near by. They were silent for a while, until Nancy cleared her throat.
"Hey, I don't know why Steve was acting weird earlier," she began honestly.
"No one does,” Robin added as she passed through to get to the other side of the basement.
"And I know you two are technically not together, but I hope you know I would never make a move-"
“I know,” Y/n answered softly.
Thought they had only become friends through having to uncover and battle interdimensional monsters thrice, Y/n counted their friendship as one she would have for the long run. She knew Nancy would never do something like that.
“Just in case there’s any tension-“
"You didn't do anything wrong, Nancy,” Y/n assured her. “I just... Things are complicated with me and him right now."
Nancy frowned. She knew her and Steve were going through something, but had never seen them act so passive aggressive and distant with each other. Even so, that was the least of her worries.
"But... we're ok, right?"
After Barb, Y/n was probably the closest thing Nancy had to a best friend. Though a good chuck of their friendship could be attributed to trauma bonding, Nancy knew she could count on Y/n for just about anything. She hoped the feeling was mutual.
"Yeah, we are," Y/n smiled warmly, giving Nancy the assurance she needed to go back to flicking through newspaper archives.
Once Robin uncovered an article from the 50s about the house fire, the three of them raced to the high school to meet up with other three who claimed to have made a massive breakthrough.
The second Nancy parked her car outside the school, the three of them raced inside, bursting through the doors and running rapidly towards Miss Kelley’s office.
However, when they passed through a dead-emd corridor, the bottom of Y/n’s shoes squeaked as she stopped dead in her tracks. Though it may have been quite some time since she was last running through those corridors, Y/n was certain there was never a grandfather clock embedded diagonally onto the wall.
"Y/n, c'mon the office is this way," Robin said and she gently pulled on her arm. Y/n didn’t budge, prompting Nancy to backtrack as well and join Robin in trying to get her attention.
The grandfather clock was chiming, and Y/n couldn’t peel her eyes off of it. It looked so real. There was something about that was pulling her in, inviting her in, whether or not she wanted to go.
She felt someone shake her shoulders and finally blinked. When her eyes opened again, she looked to the end of the corridor and realised the clock had vanished.
"I’m sorry, I…”
She could’ve sworn it was there. It was right there. She saw it ticking and heard it chime.
“Are you ok?” Nancy asked, standing at Y/n’s other side and placing her hand on her shoulder. “You were staring at the wall for like five whole minutes.”
“Yeah, I’m ok… I just thought I saw something.”
Y/n stepped away from Robin and Nancy and continued down the corridor, her thoughts beginning to overwhelm her as she tried not to think about what that was and what it meant for her.
The other caught up to her just as she turned for Miss Kelley’s office, where Max, Steve Dustin were sitting and waiting.
Files were splattered across Miss Kelley’s desk and Max stood behind it all and explained everythin to the rest of them. The first thing she talked about was how both Fred and Chrissy died within 24 hours of their first vision.
Immediately, Y/n felt a growing suspicion her time was running out.
"Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. Both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. Cold sweats."
As Max continued to list of their symptoms, Y/n’s fears only grew. She'd had a headache for about 5 days. Trouble sleeping for the past few. Her cold sweats started yesterday. It was a textbook case of Vecna's curse.
"... And then they'd start seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts."
Y/n stood up from her chair and began pacing the room, tears forming in her eyes as she came to realise her fate. Max furrowed her brows, concerned and confused along with the rest of them.
"Y/n, are you ok?"
"It's me,” she whispered, her voice breaking. Her throat tightened as she looked between the rest of them. “…I'm next."
"What're you talking about, Y/n?" Steve asked, rising from his chair and instinctively standing at her side.
"I-I've been having it,” she explained to him and the rest of the group. “All of it. The headaches and the nightmares. I couldn't sleep at all last night. And... and I saw this clock.”
"And you think it was a vision?"
"I know it was," Y/n gulped. "It was... like sinking into the wall and it was ringing and I... I couldn't stop staring at it. Then the ringing got louder and louder and then it just... It just vanished. Like was never there to begin with."
Max exchanged an alarmed look with Dustin. She looked back to Y/n, terrified for her.
"When did you see it?"
Y/n glanced at Robin and Nancy who seemed to have already figured that part out. It was all piecing together now, only in the worst way she could have possibly imagined.
"... On our way in here,” she confessed quietly. She looked up at Steve and then glanced over to the rest of them. "Looks like I'm gonna be dying tomorrow."
March 24, 1986 - 2PM
Steve knocked three times on Y/n’s front door and tapped his foot repeatedly against the wodden porch as he waited impatiently, Dustin and and max standing with folded arms behin him.
He should have stayed with her. When Steve drove Y/n home the night before, he offered to stay with her in case anything happened overnight. She insisted that she was fine and Steve grew agitated with hearing those words, he just drove away.
Now, he had counted 53 seconds of waiting for her to get to the door, and with every passing second he felt his heart beat harder. Should’ve stayed with her, he repeated to himself.
When he got up to 70 seconds, Steve swore he was going to break down the door soon. His grudge against her didn't matter anymore. He just wanted to know she was ok. That he still had time. Thankfully, by the time he reached 87, he heard the chain on the door detach.
"You're here."
Y/n swung the door open and smiled, trying to conceal how out of breath she was.
Not only had she spent the last 13 hours going through everything in the cabin and then the last half an hour trying to pull herself together emotionally. If this was her last day of living, she didn't want to waste another hour crying.
Steve sighed in relief. She was still here.
"Yeah, well, we found out last night that you might get attacked by a demon monster-"
"Vecna," Dustin interrupted, only to get completely ignored by Steve.
"-today, so sue me for wanting to get here as early as I could."
"It's the middle of the day, Steve," Y/n commented playfully.
"I had to pick up these shitheads along the way."
"Well, I'm glad you're all here," Y/n chirped, before Dustin could fire a comeback. She held the door open and gestured them inside. "Come in."
While Dustin and Max were taken aback to see how different the cabin was set up, Steve felt nostalgic. He spent most of his free time in the fall helping her clean out the cabin. It looked similar to how he remembered it, only ever so slightly empty.
"Woah, cool lava lamp Y/n!"
Max darted towards the coffee table where Y/n had accumulated a small pile of some of her things from when she was still in middle school.
"You can have it, Max," she said nonchalantly.
Y/n nodded before pulling Steve aside and leading him into her room. He followed her and tried to study her expression closely, but her demeanour was practically unreadable.
"Did you wanna hang out here?" He asked her quietly, glancing at the door to Hopper's room on his way into hers. "Because I thought maybe we could go someplace that's not so..."
He didn't know how to explain it without potentially sounding like a jerk. Steve just knew how much the cabin reminded Y/n of her Dad and of El, even after rearranging things. Considering Vecna was known to zero in on its victim's traumas, he hardly considered this the best place to be while Y/n was being targeted.
"No that sounds good," Y/n agreed, as she kept her back turned and bent down in front of her closet to get something off the ground. "We can leave now, I just wanna give you something first."
When she turned back to face him, she held out a large box filled to the brim with all sorts of things. Steve's brows knitted together as he took it from her and placed it on her desk. He started to go through the box's contents and gasped when he held up his old red sweater.
"Oh my god, I knew you had it!"
Y/n fought back tears as she smiled and watched him continue to go through the box. There were so many things she came across that reminded her of him. She couldn't believe it was ending today. She had always thought they'd be together again someday.
Steve pulled out his old sweater and baseball cap and froze entirely when he saw a piece of silver glimmering from where it lay buried beneath old love notes. He slowly reached in and held it up.
The promise ring.
"I though um-... Didn't you say last year you lost it?"
She lost it only two weeks after being given it. She told Steve how she worried it was an omen, but he laughed it off and assured her they were going to be ok. The week after, she found the lacy bra in the backseat of his car.
"I found it when I cleaned out the cabin last year, after... you know."
Y/n found it beneath her bed and slipped it into her pocket before Steve saw. She knew it was silly to want to keep it, considering they weren't together anymore, but she didn't have it in her to give it up just yet. Not when there was still a chance things could turn around.
Steve put the ring back into the box and fished his hand through everything else that was in there.
The notes he used to pass to her in class. The camera he gifted her for her 17th birthday. Polaroids of them together in his car, in their favourite diner, at a high school party and at prom. Every teddy bear he got her for valentines day.
She had held onto so many remnants of their relationship this whole time. The fact that she was only now giving it up made his stomach drop. She may as well be saying goodbye to him then and there.
"Y/n, why are giving this to me?"
"I don't know," she shrugged and then, after a moment, sighed and met his gaze. Y/n had never seen him look at her like that. "Look, I don't have a will or any close family nearby, so I don't know what's gonna happen to the cabin or everything in here. I wanna at least make sure you get your stuff back."
"Nothing's gonna happen to you," he stated firmly, putting the box down and stepping away from it.
"I'm not letting anything happen to you.”
Y/n furrowed her brows as they stood in silence, their eyes never leaving each other's. She knew he was gonna do everything to keep her safe. That was the one part of his promise Steve never broke. However, Y/n also knew that there was a good enough chance it might not be enough.
When she finally looked away, it was to turn to her bed and the second box she had packed things into. Despite Steve's reaction and the way he was still looking at her, Y/n held out the box to him.
"This one is for El," Y/n explained. In that box, she packed some of her jewellery she though El might like, all of the photos she had of them together, all the letters she wrote to her from California and the keys to Hopper's truck that Y/n never quite gained the courage to start using herself. When Steve didn't take the box, she put it down on her desk, right beside his. "Will you make sure she gets it?"
"Y/n, stop," he shuddered.
Steve couldn't do it. He couldn't just accept that this was going to be his last day with her. He couldn't accept this ending. But then she looked at him the way she did, her eyes glazed over and lips a quivering mess.
"Steve, please," she whimpered.
He took one look at her and sighed.
"... Ok."
Steve stacked both boxes on top of each other before carrying them both out. He hadn't given up on her yet, not even close. But if taking the boxes was what she needed from him in that moment, that's exactly what Steve was going to do.
Y/n sighed in relief before following him out to his car with Dustin and Max following behind her.
As the three of them approached the BMW and Steve opened the back to put the boxes away, he noticed Y/n standing silently and staring back at her home. She wondered if she should even bother to lock it.
Steve strode up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. The night before, he had sworn off asking her if she was ok, having grown tired of getting the same answer. But today, he said to hell with it. He would ask her a million times over if it meant knowing for sure she was alright.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I think I just need a second."
Steve nodded and walked back to the car. She right where he could see her, and he tried to cast his worries away if only for a moment.
"What's that?" Dustin asked, pointing to the boxes Steve had put in the trunk of his car.
"Nothing,” he answered, slamming it shut before anyone else could go through it.
Dustin and Max spent the next few minutes talking to Steve about theories they had for dealing with Vecna. He listened as best he could but found himself looking over at Y/n every few seconds.
When he noticed the sky starting to turn orange, he glanced down at his wristwatch and decided it was time. Steve paced over to Y/n and tapped her shoulder once more.
"Y/n, I think we should leave now. Nancy and Robin are meeting us at the store,” he explained, before getting a good look at her and realising she was unresponsive. He shook her shoulders and panicked as her eyes turned grey. "Y/n!"
Dustin and Max darted over the instant they heard Steve’s shriek. The two of them quickly joined the older boy in shouting Y/n’s name and trying to get her back.
"Y/n, c'mon, don't do this," Steve pleaded as he paced his hands on both her shoulders and shook her profusely. "Y/n! Y/n!"
When the shouting and shaking didn’t make a difference, Dustin ran to the car and grabbed his handheld to call Nancy and Robin for help. Max and Steve continued on with the shouting and shaking and did so for a few minutes until Dustin told the to stop.
The younger boy raced towards them, the phone still gripped in his hand.
"Steve, you need to play her favourite song."
"What? W-Why?"
"There's no time to explain, just play her favourite song!”
Steve’s breathing wuickened as he tried to think straight. What was that song she really liked? How was he going to play it? He glanced between her and his car and saw the answer clear as day.
“Oh! Oh, I know!”
Steve sprinted to his car and rummaged through glove box before he found the right casette. Then, after leaning over to turn his car on, he pressed play then skipped to track three, ‘To Love Somebody’ by the Bee Gees, and finally turned the volume dial until it couldn’t turn any further.
Dustin and Max caught on to his plan and rolled down the windows. By the time the song was playing, they got out of the to return to Y/n, and she began levitating off the ground.
“It’s time, Y/n.”
Vecna had her tangled up in vines and inched close as she struggled against it. The figure lifted its hand up and reached forwards. Y/n closed her eyes tightly, bracing herself for her doom. Then, she heard the music.
She opened her eyes and saw the figure step back. This wasn’t part of his torture, she realised. Y/n turned her head as far right as she could and saw a portal opening. She could barely just make out the cabin, her floating mid-air and Steve, Max and Dustin below her.
“They can’t save you, Y/n.”
Vecna held its hand out once more and reach closer and closer to Y/n’s temple. She closed her eyes again, but this time so she muster the energy to break free and run.
As the music picked up and the chorus echoed in her head, she started to remember the better moments off her life. The parts that made her heart soar everytime she recounted it.
She thought of last Christmas in California with El and the Byers. She rembered her and El eating ice cream on her bed and laughing about how stupid boys were. Painting each other’s nails. Eating eggos on the the nights it was just them two. She remembered the first girls night Nancy insisted she and Y/n have, when they dipped into her mom’s good wine.
She remembered her and Steve dancing on the outlook the night of their graduation. Kissing in his car. Dancing under almost every streetlight in Hawkins, despite his initial protests. All the times he made her feel like the most special person in the world, even when she had been convinced she was the opposite.
Her thoughts trailed further back to the days she and Sara played hide and seek in the park. To the night the two of them snuck out of bed and saw their parents slow dancing in the living room. She remembered the way her dad laught when she stood on his feet when they danced while Sara did so with their mother.
Vecna had it all wrong.
Y/n’s eyes shot open as she broke free from Vecna’s grasp. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she was sprinting for dear life, her eyes fixated on the opening. On Steve. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but running towards Steve was always her safest bet. Wherever he was, was always the safest place she could be.
“Y/n!” The three of them screamed.
She landed roughly on the ground, knocking Steve down with her, as she immediately began to shake. Without giving it a second thought, he shuffled forward and hugged Y/n tightly from behind. Only then did her shaking begin to settle.
“Oh my god,” she cried as she looked around, grateful to be back but so incredibly horrified by the bullet she narrowly dodged.
The four of their cries filled the air as Steve held Y/n while Dustin and Max sat on opposite sides and huffed, relieved that they were able to save her.
"I thought you were gone, baby,” Steve whispered shakily.
Tears streamed down his cheecks as he tried to steady his breath, his grip on Y/n remaining as tight as possible. He wasn’t gonna let her again. Not like he did last summer and not like her did in the fall.
"I'm here,” Y/n cried as she reach her hands up and felt his skin against her fingertips. “I’m here.”
She leaned further back into his chest and wept, her brain not yet convinced she was back home. Y/n squeezed her eyes shut and just focused on Steve’s touch and embrace.
She was in his arms. She was ok. Safe, she told herself, in an attempt to slow the rapid beating of her heart. Safe, she repeated. As Steve's embrace around her frame grew tighter, it became easier to believe.
She was safe now.
March 24, 1986 - 9PM
Steve carried Y/n’s duffel bag up the stairs and into his bedroom, placing it on the ground in front of his closet doors once he was inside. He turned back to her and huffed, his small smile remaining persistent, grateful she agreed to staying at his place for the night. Y/n did not need much convincing after the close call with Vecna.
“I’d let you have the guest room, but you know how weird my mom is about it-“
“It’s ok.”
Y/n smiled as she sat down cautiously on the edge of his bed. She knew his mom liked to keep the guest room immaculate, which was fine by her. She preferred Steve’s bedroom, anyways.
“Ok, well, I'll call you when the pizza gets here.”
He folded up his comforter and and stacked his pillow on top. Y/n watched him closely, her expression faltered.
“You’re not staying here?”
She assumed he would stay with her for the night. In fact, she hoped he would. Steve’s face softened when he glanced up at her, sensing how nervous she felt. He put his comforter down and sat down beside her.
“I’ll just be on the couch downstairs, don’t worry.”
Y/n held his gaze and felt her heart pound. She wanted to ask him to stay. After everything that happened earlier, she was terrified of going to sleep. But her fear of getting turned down again kept her silent.
She nodded, prompting Steve to stand back up and resume taking his things down.
Y/n turned away and found herself looking around his room. It had been so long since she last spent the night there, but itfelt like she never left. Her eyes scanned nightstand and landed on a small bottle that seemed familiar.
As Steve went to leave, he stopped in his track when he saw her pick it up, her eyes widened and lips perked when she read the label.
“Steve, is this… the same perfume I use?”
Y/n held the nozzle up to her nose and knew immediately she was right. She looked back to Steve who had already placed his bedding back down for a second time.
“I don’t know, is it?” He laughed nervously.
Y/n’s tone was gentle. She narrowed her eyes and resisted the urge to smile, completely unconvinced that he just happened to have a bottle of her perfume lying around for no reason. She already began to have her suspicions as to why.
Steve sighed, then cleared his throat as he nervously averted his eyes from hers.
“I might’ve bought one last year so my sweaters could always smell a little bit like you,” he confessed sheepishly.
He had spent days trying to find the right one, and when he did he didn’t think twice before ordering a bottle of his own.
“… Is that weird?”
“No, it’s… it’s not,” Y/n smiled, shaking her head as she put the perfume back on the nightstand.
Silently, Steve took slow steps and sat down beside her again. Tension filled the space between them. She watched intently as he moved, wet his lips and then finally meet her gaze.
Nervously, he spoke, “Can I ask you something?”
Y/n nodded hesistantly. Judging from his demeanour and the way his hands were restless, she had an idea of what his question was.
“Why didn’t you tell me? About what you were going through with Vecna’s curse?”
He didn’t speak with passive aggression. Only concern. They had known each other for so long and in ways no one else did. He wasn’t used to being left out of the loop when it came to her.
“I don’t know,” Y/n whispered.
Steve sighed, clearly discontented with her answer. She didn’t know what else to say. In ordinary circumstances, Steve would have been the first person she told. But things were different between them. Y/n couldn’t make any sense of it, then and even now.
“C’mon, Y/n, you do know. Because you’ve been lying to me all week about it.”
“I haven’t been lying to you, Steve,” she argued. “I just didn’t know of it was something we could talk about as friends.”
He scoffed and turned his head away, too annoyed by it all to keep biting his tongue. Y/n furrowed her brows, frustrated by how dismissive he was being.
She muttered something quietly beneath her breath. Steve whipped his head back, not quite catching what it was.
“What was that?”
“I said maybe if you hadn’t been so busy hitting on every 'babe' in Hawkins-“
“That's not fair, Y/n,” he retorted. “You’re saying I've been busy?”
Y/n laughed dryly. If the shoe fits, she thought to herself.
“You go on dates with new girls every Friday night,” she said pointedly. “And the only reason I know is because you always show up late to your Saturday shifts and I have to wait and cover for you.”
Her voice grew louder as did her anger. She didn’t know which part she was more annoyed with- the fact that Steve was dating other girls so frequently, or the fact that she had to bear witness every Saturday like she was an insignificant afterthought.
“So, what, you’re pissed I show up a couple minutes late? That’s why you’ve stopped talking to me for months?”
“First of all,” Y/n scoffed, “you showed up half an hour late last Friday and second of all, I haven’t stopped talking to you…We’ve just stopped having anything to talk about.”
"C’mon, Y/n,” Steve fired back bitterly. “Don’t act like you haven't been avoiding me for... what, the past three months?!"
Y/n kissed her teeth and shook her head. Steve wondered if she was denying it on purpose or if she seriously hadn’t realised how much she had been pushing him away.
"You changed your shifts around so I only ever see you on my way in or my way out, and you've all of a sudden insisted on taking the bus everywhere because I guess my car just isn't good enough for you, and anytime I try and talk to you, about this or about anything, you just brush me off like I'm a stranger."
Steve hated that part more than anything. He hated chasing after her attention and getting nothing but the cold shoulder in return.
"You don't think I noticed, but I have,” his voice quieted. “And it sucks, because... I thought we were friends."
And because I miss you.
"That’s just it, Steve!” Y/n cried, her frustration at an all-time high. “Did you ever think that maybe the reason I've been avoiding you is because... I don't know how to be your friend."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I don't know how to be ok when you talk about going on dates or when girls slip you their number when they come to the store with no intention of even renting a movie."
It was the very reason she changed her shifts.
"So, what... you're jealous?" Steve asked timidly.
“Of course, I’m jealous!”
Anyone who got to spend Friday night, holding his hand and making out with him at the lookout was someone Y/n envied greatly.
"Do you realise how fucking hard it is being around you?”
She felt her chest tighten and eyes sting as she started to choke up. She had been harbouring these feeling for far too long. She drew in a deep breath and then let it go.
“Especially when all I wanna do is hold your hand and ride shotgun in your car again and just be your stupid girlfriend... but I can't, because you wanted to stay friends."
Steve’s heart sank. He finally understood. He only wished he had known sooner. Sheepishly, Steve stared at his hands and then, after a moment, he glanced back up at the girl he still loved like crazy.
"I didn't know you felt this way."
But he wished he had. He wished he could have the last few months back. He wished he could have her back. Steve sighed defeatedly. Y/n shook her head and briefly ran her hands over wet cheeks.
“Would it have even made a difference?”
"Of course it would’ve, Y/n.”
How could she think otherwise, Steve wondered.
"Well then, why did you want to stay friends first place?" Y/n sniffled. "Why… why didn’t you say just yes when I said we should get back together?"
She asked him if he wanted to get back together near the end of September. By the time October rolled by, she was confused and heartbroken but pulled a brave face so he wouldn't know- fearful of losing him entirely if he ever did.
Steve's mouth set in a hard line as his brows rose and then drew together sorrowfully.
"You had just lost your dad, Y/n," he reasoned gently, not wanting to tread too abruptly with such a sore subject. "Not to mention, El had just moved away. It didn't feel right, and I didn't want to take advantage of the situation."
That was not the reason he stood outside her porch light. Steve did not help and comfort Y/n with the expectation of getting back together. He knew she was vulnerable and hurting and only ever wanted to be there for her and make sure she was alright.
“And what I did… cheating on you last summer," he gulped. "I know you said you forgave me, but I didn’t feel like I deserved it yet. I didn’t feel like I deserved you.”
Y/n was quiet for a moment as a short-lived sense of relief washed over her.
"I... I thought you just didn't... you know."
Want to be with me, she thought. In the many sleepless nights Y/n spent recounting that conversation, all she could think of was how he must’ve have fallen out of love. He must have had a change of heart. And it must’ve been because of something she did.
Steve shook his head profusely and shifted closer to her, kicking himself for not being upfront and honest with her from the start. Perhaps it would have saved them both a great deal of heartache.
"I’ve been lying for the last few months,” he confessed, relieved to finally get this off his chest. “Truth is, every date I've been on has been a shitshow. I'm usually home by 9 and then I just… spend the rest of the night thinking about all the ways they weren't you."
They were always nice, always laughed at his stupid jokes and always complimented his hair and his car. However, none of them knew him the way Y/n did. None of them forced him into singing along to the Bee Gees. None of them made his whole world glow bright and glisten the way Y/n did every time she so much as smiled, laughed or moaned his name against his lips.
The corners of Y/n lips quirked as she felt her cheeks grow warmer and warmer. He always did have that effect on her. She cleared her throat and shifted her body to face him, her knees brushing against his as she did so.
"That's... not something a friend would say to another friend."
Steve leaned closer until his forehead was only just pressed against her. When she escaped Vecna and fell back into his arms, he swore to himself he was not going to let her go again. Having her back in his room, mere inches away from him, only made Steve more determined to follow through.
"I really don't want be friends anymore,” he whispered, his eyes never leaving hers. Y/n leaned in further until their noses met. Steve's breath hitched as he watched her move in anticipation. She smiled softly, letting out the quietest laugh beneath her breath.
"Me neither."
Steve lifted his hand and held the side of her face, basking in the feeling of her skin beneath his fingertips. Slowly, they inched closer until their lips closed what was left of the space between them. Y/n closed her eyes and kissed him softly, unable to help herself when she felt the urge to grin. Steve lifted his other hand and held both sides of her face tenderly, wanting the moment to last for as long as it possibly could.
When they finally pulled apart, Y/n laughed breathlessly as she reach out and swiped remnants of her chapstick off the corners of Steve's lips. In that moment, he could have sworn the room was glowing.
i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, translated, or reposted onto another site.
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withoneheadlight · 2 years
(lipstick) stain | part 3/? |
| harringrove | n s f w | breakup + emotional trauma + angst +  enemies to lovers + happy ending |  | part 1 | part 2 |
the one where steve finds the lipstick stain on billy's denim jacket, and his whole world comes crashing down.
big thanks to @wholeshebangs and @dragonflylady77 for beta-ing this ❤❤❤❤
It goes by fast. Pastel-blue so pale it’s almost white. The sky indistinguishable from the clouds. It goes by along with the skin-caressing breeze blowing through the town and that kind of melancholy that carves out its nest into the hollows of your hands when it’s been too long, since they’ve really gotten to touch somebody. It goes by with Steve thinking about how the sun’s always gonna, be able to touch Billy the way he’d want to. No doubts. No fears. Not worrying about how this could be the last time.
Goes by with Billy crowning himself King one more night in the last of the summer parties and taking Steve by the hand in front of absolutely everyone. The prettiest smile Steve’s ever seen while dragging him out of the room and towards the shed in the backyard.
And it goes by fast. Everything. Not only July. And Steve’s got to clench his jaw real, real tight, when Billy kicks the door close, fingers wrapping on his wrists, and guides his hands around his waist until Steve’s crossing them tightly behind the curve of his back. He allows himself to rest a little, right there, to let his forearms fall like lead against the solid shape of Billy’s hip bones. Tries not to think about how perfectly they fit like this, the two of them together. Tries not to think about how this is Tina's house and how well Billy knew his way to the shed in her backyard and―
July goes by and Steve’s got to clench his jaw real damn tight because not long after they arrived to the party Billy realized he’d left his cigarettes on his car and Steve did what any guy who loves to deepthroat another guy’s dick but doesn’t have the balls to ask him if you two are something more than nothing would do: he offered to go, acted like a good whateverweare, told Billy “I’ll get them” and. Now―
Now, he knows there are five tear-opened letters stuffed down the Camaro’s glove box. Five. Each one from miles and miles apart from where Steve’s gonna spend stuck the rest of his life.
Yale. Columbia. Harvard. Berkeley. Stanford.
But it doesn’t really matter because it really isn’t enough for Steve but it has to. Because Billy’s got goals and aspirations and dreams. Billy’s got that something Steve's father keeps going on about that takes to fulfill them. Billy will surely have already made his choice and maybe this, this little incursion into Tina’s shed it’s really going to be the last time, so Steve―
Closes his eyes when Billy takes his face between his hands and kisses him soft and sweet and pretty and like they’ve made already a million promises to each other instead of having never said a thing. Lets Billy trap him between his body and the edge of the wooden table. Wraps his arms around Billy’s neck and that stupid denim jacket he keeps on wearing and Steve swallows and tries not to look down towards that kiss that ain’t his when Billy leaves a freshly made one, still hot, into his ear, whispers “Ehh. I missed being alone with you, pretty thing” making Steve’s heart into an open wound at the same time he gets his hands on his ass, lifts him up the table, pries his legs apart.
And Steve― traps him. In between them. Searches his lips. Kisses him open-hearted and moans from the hollow space between his ribs when Billy yanks his pants dawn and spits on his palm to make it slippery, his hand stroking Steve’s cock and slicing him open here too, forty-seven inches down below his heart: sticks three spit-slicked fingers up his ass and makes a plea sweat down the arching curve of Steve’s back. Makes Steve’s voice break same as everything else “Inside. Billy, please. I want you inside” and Billy breaks apart, just enough, millimeters, not really that much. Stares into his eyes. And he looks split open, too. Two wounds bleeding, one against the other. Billy nods. Asks,
“Hold me tight?”
And Steve chokes back a laugh, voice broken beyond repair. He doesn't want to cry so.
He clenches his teeth so damn fucking tight. Already knows how much it's gonna hurt. Already knows it's too late already for it not to.
Holds Billy. Tight. Wants to heal against his body. Wants their skin to become scar tissue, that soft, tender, newborn thing that grows afterwards. Can’t tell him everything he’s thinking but, he tells him this―
“I don’t want to ever have to let you go”
And Billy slides in. Hard and throbbing and dripping with heat and desire and Steve crosses his ankles over his ass and squeezes to get him deeper, deeper inside.
He doesn’t wanna cry but. Does. Hides his tears on Billy’s curls, when Billy speaks into his pulse, voice drawing a shiver down his spine.
“Then don’t ”
It’s the saddest thing to hold on to. Feels like a white lie:
Never let me go/This is the last time. 
Steve takes it anyhow.
That same Saturday night, Steve runs the palm of his hand all along the three meters fifty centimeters of expensive wallpaper and vast emptiness separating his room from his parents’ down the hall.
He keeps the lights off, tries not to make a sound, barely allows himself to breathe while he carefully turns the handle, and slips inside.
His parents are not here, they’re at some expensive hotel down in Florida, toasting with champagne and weary spite, but in the empty bed their ghosts always dwell. They sway, pristine white, on the sharp-pink curtains and make twisted shadows against the mirrored new closet, freefall from rose-shaped shades of the ceiling lamp.
Steve only turns on the row of tiny lights on the vanity. He quickly grabs what he's come for.
Chooses the one that comes in a gold container, a thin ring of rhinestones separating the two cylindrical halves. The label on the bottom reads 'Heartbreak-Red', like it’s a fucking joke, and Steve bites down his lips and can’t keep his eyes off the way they flood with that same red, the way they split around that thing he feels for Billy Hargrove when he just can’t say it but draws it into his mouth, right in front of his absent mother’s mirror in the dim golden light.
He’s lacking the courage so, doesn’t try it.
Instead, he slides it into the thin pocket of his pajama pants. Turns off the lights. Holds on his breath all along the abyss back.
Doesn’t think her mother will miss it much.
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 years
This whole Mob AU has it's hooks in me ya'll so here you go.
Criminal King Steve courting his Queen.
- It happens like this. Steve has always been spoiled. Has the whole "I want it, I got it" mentality. And that's applied to lovers to. He lost his virginity at the age of fifteen to Amanda Grady behind the hardware store. But Anthony Mueller was his first kiss at eleven years old. You see the WHOLE TOWN knows not too fuck with Steve Harrington. It's not that he'll kick your ass, cuz he won't. Has never laid a hand on another soul. But Kings usually don't. They have grunts for that. And since the age of seven Tommy has been laying kids out for King Steve AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Cuz of course Mr. Harrington appreciated someone taking care of Steve. Meant he didn't have to. So Tommy never gets detention EVER. And while he doesn't go parading his boyfriends around (he's not stupid), no one ever gives him shit for it when he has a "friend" sleep over on a Wednesday night at the age of seventeen and comes to school covered in hickies the following Thursday morning.
- So when Billy beats Steve's keg stand record at Tina's Halloween party and comes vaulting his drunk ass over that damn couch to stare Steve down, Steve is fucking living. This boy is a hurricane trapped inside the most gorgeous body he's ever scene and he wants. And King Steve always gets what he wants. Gives a lazy smile and gets up really close to Billy. "I'm impressed Heartbreaker. Must not have much of a gag reflex huh?"
- And Billy is not ready for this sober let alone post keg stand. Cuz his dad moved them cross country to scare the "queer" out of him and this boy is so so pretty. He should take a step back. Regroup. Push him away. But he doesn't.
- King Steve takes him back to his lonely castle and ruins him. Spreads him out on silk sheets in a four poster bed like he's something precious. Something adored. Something worth the trouble and the time. Goes home in the morning sore enough that he's walkin a little funny but in all the best ways.
- After that though? Billy notices things get a little strange. Because when he first got here all the girls lined up just to stare as he got out of his car. Now? Now they wave at him. Like they've been friends for years. And what the hell? He's blatantly late for class and doesn't get a tardy slip. At lunch after all of the chocolate muffins are gone the lunch lady somehow procures one with frosting on it for Billy free of charge. It has him on edge. He knows good things are never free and it seems he's running quite the tab. Makes him antsy, waiting for the catch. But when Steve waves him over to eat lunch with his advisors and generals he relaxes a little. Cuz maybe that's just what it means to have friends in high places.
- Not only that but his dad isn't even suspicious. Has absolutely nothing to say about the new boy he's been hanging with. Doesn't even know he exists which. Weird. Because his dad has always been the type to ask around about his son. Makes sure Billy and his sick twisted desires don't come back to embarrass Neil. But he's not gunna look a gift horse in the mouth.
- And Steve keeps giving him things. The new Metallica album a week before it's out (how in the fuck...?), a black leather jacket that's buttery soft to the touch, even gives him a new earing. A dangling cross with a diamond in the center. And Billy knows he looks good okay? Is confident in his skills in bed. So initially he's sure that's why Steve treats him like this. Cuz they've fallen into bed together almost every other day since Tina's party and it's good. Fucking fantastic sex alright? Billy's never had anyone as good as Steve Harrington. So if the king wants to throw pretty baubles at him then so be it. It's not like it's a struggle or anything.
-But then Billy gets sick. Like he's not dying (he would very much argue this) but it's a bad flu bug. High fever, aches and pains the whole bit. Billy doesn't get out of bed for two days. It's so bad even his dad lays off to an extent. So when the doorbell rings Max has to get it even though technically Billy is babysitting while Susan and Neil are out for date night. And there stands Steve Harrington with an easy smile and a plastic bag full of cold medicine and homemade soup.
- And Max is low key freaking the FUCK out because her friends at school told her all about king Steve. Mike's sister is his best friend so he actually sees the kids quite often. And while Mike isn't his biggest fan he still concedes he's a pretty nice guy whenever it comes to them. Brings them the GOOD sugary snacks and a pizza whenever he stops by during their DnD campaigns. But she also knows he's probably the most powerful person in town. Has got Will's older brother on his payroll. Has somehow heard about Billy being sick when she hasn't told anyone. So she's wary when he asks to come in and see Billy. Cuz even if he's an asshole he's her brother and if this guy is here to fuck with him then she's gunna stage a coupe.
- But Steve just smiles big and sheepish. Tells her he was worried when Billy didn't show up to school. Wanted to know if he was okay. Made soup and everything. So she lets him in and directs him to the door down the hall on the left where Billy is working through a fever of 101.2. Tells him she loves her brother very much. That she'll be in the next room over. Then turns around and runs to her room, her red hair a battle flag in the wind. Steve likes her instantly.
- Billy was super out of it the whole time but he's pretty sure Steve Harrington stopped by and fed him soup. Gave him expensive cold medicine that knocked him the fuck out and read to him when he wavered in and out of consciousness. And that.. That's dangerous. Because Billy knows that's not something you do for just anyone no matter how good of a fuck they are. That's something you do for someone you have feelings for. And Billy can't have that. That's not how his life works. He doesn't get to keep someone like Steve. But when Billy goes back to school Steve is there waiting by his locker with a smile and a coffee made just the way Billy likes it. Feels his heart flutter like the traitorous little mother fucker it is. And falls in love with Steve Harrington right there five minutes before English on a Monday morning.
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billysahoe · 3 years
(I feel I’m) In The Mood Also on AO3
Steve goes into a corn maze to find Billy, they get high, they hook up. 
Steve felt like shit. Nancy had called him bullshit and broke up with him, out of nowhere. Steve didn’t get what he had done wrong. They were supposed to go to Tina’s halloween party together tomorrow, but now he didn’t want to go anymore. He couldn’t show up without a date, right? No, he couldn’t. He needed to clear his head. Going for a drive would help.
Steve got into his car, pushed his Foreigner tape into the player and turned up the volume. I Want to Know What Love is started playing. Steve turned it up even more. He drove with the windows open, not really knowing where he was going. He kept pushing the pedal, singing along to the music. he was probably going too fast, but he didn’t care. it was late and the roads were basically empty. Suddenly Steve noticed a car parked further ahead, nearly in the corn. He slowed down when he got closer to the car. It had Californian plates. Inside there was a red headed girl sitting in the passenger seat, looking upset. Steve had never seen the car or this girl before. Tourists maybe? Steve parked his car behind the Californian car and got out. He softly knocked on the passenger side window. “Are you okay?” he asked the girl. She didn’t hear him, obviously. She opened the window a bit and gave him a mean stare, not saying anything. “I said are you okay?” Steve repeated. The girl rolled her eyes. “I’m waiting for my step brother. Leave me alone.” Steve could see she was shivering. “Is your brother in the maze? How long have you been sitting here?” Steve asked. The girl shrugged. “A while. My step brother is an asshole, he won’t be back before he thinks I’ve learned my lesson or something dumb like that.” Steve felt sorry for the girl. “Do you want me to go look for him?” he offered. The girl looked away. “Don’t bother.” she mumbled. Steve decided to do it anyway. He went back to his car and grabbed his flashlight. He then noticed his bat. Should he take it? Maybe the girls brother was still out there because he was being chased by some upside down shit. Maybe the guy was just an asshole like the girl had said. Steve grabbed the bat. Before going into the maze he walked up to the girl one more time. “What’s your brother’s name?” He asked her. “Billy.”
Steve turned on the flashlight and stepped into the maze. It really was dark in there, how could that guy -Billy- see anything? “Billy? are you here?” he called out. No reply. Also no creepy rustling in the corn. Steve took it as a win. He got to the first split and decided to go left. How big was this maze even? Steve took a right turn the next. He called out for Billy again but no reply. Maybe the guy could hear him but just decided to not respond. It was probably kinda creepy to be in a maze and then hear a stranger shout out your name. Stupid. “Billy, your sister sent me!” Steve tried. Still no response. He kept walking through the maze for what felt like hours. The maze seemed really big. Or maybe he had just passed the same spots multiple times already, but everything looked the same so Steve had no idea. What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze? What if he couldn’t find his way out of the maze and there was a demogorgon in the maze? Steve shivered. He came to a dead end with a pile of corn in the middle. Someone was laying in the pile. “Billy?” Steve tried. The guy sat up. “Who the fuck are you and why do you keep calling for me?” He groaned. Steve pointed the flashlight at him. Billy was tan, blonde curls and bright eyes. He was dressed in a leather jacket and tight jeans. Steve had to admit, the boy looked good. “Don’t fucking shine that at me.” Billy growled. He got up from the corn pile and slapped the flashlight out of Steve’s hands. it turned off when it hit the ground. “Dude, I needed that! And your sister is waiting for you. She seems kinda cold. You should head back.” Billy snickered. “The little bitch couldn’t even come out and get me herself, huh? And she isn’t my sister.” Billy pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. He looked at the bat in Steve’s hand. “So, you’re saying my sister asked you to look for me and you decided to bring that creepy ass bat? Wow, she must have said some really nasty shit about me.” Steve scratched the back of his head. “Not really, just eh, precaution.” He picked up the flashlight and tried to turn it on, but it was dead. Neither of them said anything for a while, the only sound being the wind softly blowing through the corn.
“Well, you found me, you can now leave me alone and tell that shitbird that I’m not coming until I feel like it.” Billy said to Steve. Steve shook his head. “I didn’t go in here for that. At least give me your keys so your sister can turn on the heat.” Billy cackled loudly. “I’m not giving you my keys. And my STEP sister is not getting them either. She will just drive off. Hell, maybe you will kick her out and drive off in my car. I don’t even know who the hell you are.” Steve figured that was fair. Billy didn’t know him after all. “I’m Steve Harrington.” he said. Billy didn’t reply, just sat down in the pile of corn again. “I’m not going anywhere, Harrington. And you’re going back to wherever the hell you came from. Leave me alone.” Steve shook his head and sat down next to Billy in the pile. “What are you doing out here anyway?” he asked him. “None of your business.” Steve nodded. “Alright. Well I’m out here because I went for a drive. To clear my head, you know? I got dumped.” He could hear billy huff. “That sucks.” he said. Steve hummed. They sat in silence for a bit again. “I had to clear my head too. Maxine, my step sister, is driving me crazy. She keeps blaming moving to this shit town on me.” Billy softly said. it was now Steve’s turn to say that sucks, and Billy’s to hum. “So Harrington, do you smoke?” Steve nodded. “Yea but I left my cigs in my car.” Billy laughed at him. “Not what I meant. I got the good shit, from California.” Oh, Billy had meant weed. “How good is it?” Steve asked with a grin.
Billy had rolled the joint while Steve had held up a lighter so he could see what he was doing. The joint didn’t look so bad and it smelled great when Billy lit it. Steve hadn’t smoked in a while, and the last time he did the quality wasn’t even that great. he was excited to try Billy’s Californian weed. Steve coughed after the first drag. Billy laughed at him. Steve took another drag, and it felt less irritating on his throat this time. He passed the joint back to Billy, who took a drag like it was nothing. Billy was going to have a tough time finding weed this good here in Hawkins. “I appreciate you sharing the good weed with me. You’re not gonna find anything this good around here.” Steve said. Billy passed him the joint. “Well, guess you owe me then.” “Owe you what? good weed? Because I just said we don’t have that around here. He passed the joint back to Billy again. “You just owe me, Steve. I don’t care what.”
They finished the joint in what felt like minutes. Steve’s toes were getting a bit cold though. How long had they been sitting here? “Maybe we should head back? Maxine is waiting.” Steve tried. Billy groaned. “Don’t ruin it now, pretty boy.” he said. Pretty boy? Steve sighed. “It’s cold out here, you know.” A chuckle from Billy. “Yea, it fucking is. California was better.” Steve stood up and held his hand out for Billy. “Come on then, let’s go.” Billy grabbed Steve’s hand but then pulled him down. Steve planted his hand above Billy’s shoulder just in time, before crushing him. “You should plant your feet.” He grinned. Steve huffed. “I’m high as fuck, let me be.” Billy licked his lips and stared up at Steve, not letting go of his hand yet. “Me too. And I have a good idea.” He let go of Steve’s hand and Steve rolled sideways to lay next to Billy. “Is it actually a good idea?” Steve asked. Billy nodded and rolled on his side to look at Steve again. “I know a way that will get you warm, AND get you over your ex. Two bird, one stone!” Steve raised a brow at Billy. Was Billy going to summon Nancy and set her on fire to keep them warm or something? Steve laughed at his own thought. “What’s funny?” Billy asked, seeming slightly offended. Steve shook his head. “I just imagined you setting my ex on fire.” Billy started laughing too, what triggered Steve and made him laugh even louder. They laughed so hard they actually had to catch their breath after they quieted down. 
“So what’s the plan?” Steve asked. Billy moved his lips close to Steve’s ear. “We could fuck.” He whispered. He softly bit Steve’s earlobe after. Steve nervously giggled. Billy had to be fucking with him, right? “You’re playing a dangerous game, Billy.” Steve warned him. Billy looked him in the eye. “Why?” he asked. Steve couldn’t read his expression. “Because Hawkins is a small town with close minded people.” Billy swallowed. “Are you close minded, Steve?” Steve shook his head. “I’m not, but you can’t just ask boys if they want to have sex with you, Billy!” Billy nibbled Steve’s earlobe again, and Steve had to admit he quite liked that feeling. He liked Billy being close to him. “I didn’t just ask any boy tho, I’m asking you, pretty boy. Do you want to fuck me?” Steve needed a second to think about it. “Please, Steve.” Billy moaned in his ear. Steve’s dick kicked with interest. “You might have to convince me.” Steve said. If Billy was joking -which Steve didn’t think he was anymore- this was the moment he could admit it. But Billy didn’t laugh or make fun of him. Billy didn’t say he was just fucking around. Billy sat down on top of Steve and bent down to kiss him. 
The kiss felt like fire. Billy was immediately all tongue and teeth and he even moaned. Steve had never been kissed that dirty before. Billy softly bit Steve’s lip and pulled at it before letting go. “Have you done this with a guy before?” he asked Steve. Steve shook his head. “I’ve been with plenty of girls though, I will figure it out.” He then winked at Billy. Billy pressed his hips against Steve’s and rolled them, pulling a moan out of both of them. “Have you?” Steve asked while putting his hands on Billy’s hips and grinding up against him. Billy bent over to whisper in Steve’s ear again. “Yea, I have. I just love having a cock up my ass, Steve. So get on with it and unbuckle your belt.” Billy stood up and Steve let out a little whine. He watched Billy pulling down his own jeans. The boy had a fine ass. Steve grabbed Billy’s sleeve and pulled him down to his knees. “Are you a bit kinky, Harrington?” Billy asked while laying his head on his arms and pushing his ass up in the air. Steve swallowed. “I- I don’t know.” He started unbuckling his belt. Billy had his dick out, it was only fair if Steve undressed right now too, right? “I want you to pull your belt out completely, and then fold it in half.” Billy told him. “And then you’re gonna spank me, alright Stevie?” Steve’s cock felt impossibly hard. God, he wanted to spank Billy. He pulled his Belt out of the loops and then pulled his jeans down so he could free his own cock. He stroked it a few times before folding his belt. “Say please, Billy.” He said. Billy moaned loudly at that. “Yea, just like that baby. Please hit me!” Steve did as Billy asked and let the cool leather hit Billy’s warm skin. The sound of it was loud. Billy’s moan was too. “Please, Steve, again.” Billy begged. He sounded so needy. How could Steve say no to him? He swung the belt again, and he could see Billy’s ass jiggle a bit after impact. It was too dark to see if his ass was getting red though. Steve didn’t know why, but he hoped so. “Again, please.” Billy sounded like he was crying. Steve hit him one more time, as hard as he could. Billy cried out. Steve got on his knees behind Billy and bent over him. “Do you like that?” he whispered in Billy’s ear. Billy sniffed. Steve was sure the boy was crying now. Shit, did he go too far? “Yes. please give me more. I want your cock.” Billy whined. Steve felt a bit confused. Did Billy get off on pain? Steve didn’t just want to hurt the boy. He put his hands on Billy’s asscheeks and Billy hissed at that. “Sorry, I know my fingers are cold.” Steve sheepishly said. “It’s okay.” Billy mumbled. Steve spread Billy’s cheeks and licked a stripe between them without warning. Billy jolted, crying out again. “Fuck Steve! Fuck fuck fuck!” Steve went back in and messily licked Billy’s hole again. Billy pressed his ass back against Steve’s face. Seemed like pain wasn’t the only thing that got Billy off, luckily. “My god Steve you’re so good at this. Don’t stop, please!” Billy babbled. Steve did as requested and kept eating Billy’s ass. He had done it once before with a girl because she asked him too, Steve had figured boys would like it too, and he had been right. Billy’s thighs started shaking and his moans got higher and breathier. “Fuck fuck fuck, Steve I’m gonna-“ Billy didn’t finish his sentence and let out an obscene moan instead while pressing his ass even harder against Steve’s face. Billy was coming. Steve hadn’t even touched his dick. And speaking of dick touching, Steve was in desperate need of touch too. He sat up and wiped his mouth. “I’m close too.” he said while gripping the base of his dick tightly. Billy rolled over so he could look at Steve. “Fuck, just cum on my face.” he said while trying to pull Steve closer. Steve moaned. “Are you serious?” he asked. Billy nodded. “Please please please, Stevie please.” And Steve couldn’t say no to that. He moved closer to billy and started rubbing his dick. “You’re so fucking huge.” Billy said. “Let me have a taste, please?” Steve nodded. He carefully slid his dick between Billy’s lips and moaned at the warmth. it felt really nice. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick and started bobbing his head. Steve was so close already. “Fuck Billy you’re so hot you know that?” he told the boy. He grabbed him by the hair and started guiding him. Billy followed Steve’s rhythm. Steve carefully tried going deeper and Billy didn’t resist. He just seemed to open his mouth even wider. Steve could see drool sliding down Billy’s chin. It should be gross, but instead it turned Steve on. “You like choking on my dick, don’t you?” Steve hummed. Billy moaned around Steve’s dick in response. Steve took it as a yes. Steve thrusted into Billy’s mouth a few times and then pulled out. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He grunted. Billy opened his mouth wide and closed his eyes, ready to receive. Steve stroked himself two more times before shooting his load all over Billy’s face. Some got into his mouth, some stuck to his lashes and some dripped down his chin onto his chest and jacket. Steve moaned at the sight. he flopped down next to Billy and rubbed his face. “Fuck, that was amazing.” he smiled. He heard Billy snicker next to him. “It sure was, pretty boy. But my step sister is waiting for me in my car and I have nothing to wipe my face with.” Billy replied. Fuck, Steve had totally forgotten about that. How long had they been here?
They walked back in silence. Steve had offered Billy his sweater to wipe his face. He still looked like a mess after. Steve almost said something about it a few times but then decided not to. Billy had been whiny and needy, but as soon as it was over he was back to the guy that told Steve to fuck off and leave him alone. Steve didn’t want to risk getting punched in the face or something. 
When they exited the maze Billy went straight to his car, not saying anything to Steve. Steve gave him a little wave even though the other boy wasn’t looking at him anymore. Steve got into his car too and drove home.
“Jesus christ, Billy, what took you so long!?” Max shouted when Billy got into the car. “Does it matter?” Billy asked. Max studied him closer, from the way his lashes clumped together to the stains on his knees. “You’re a whore.” She said, face scrunched up in disgust. “First day here and you already fucked the first guy you came across.” Billy turned towards her. “You shut the fuck up, Maxine.” He hissed. Max pulled back. “Don’t get so close to me with your fucking dick breath!” She screamed. Billy groaned and started the car. “Shitbird.” “Slut.”
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superw3nch · 4 years
weak and weary | Billy Hargrove
The one where Billy realizes these cold nights in Hawkins aren’t so bad now that he isn’t alone. 
Billy’s been going over to Sinclair's house every Sunday for the past month now and for the first time in a long time, Billy has been happy. Like really fucking happy.
He didn’t prance in a prairie happy but he was playing his music a little louder on the way to school happy. Not complain as much when Max asked for a ride somewhere happy, but still, complain a bit because that’s just what he does. He did not give Harrington so much shit at basketball practice happy.
Because for the past month he had something to look forward to every day. And that was Sundays at the Sinclair’s in Charles’ garage fixing up that piece of shit car, even though it was getting better now.
It also meant Charlie.
Seeing her more dinners have become less awkward now and she wasn’t glaring at him the entire time, so he thinks things are going good. Erica was still Erica and gave him shit every time she saw him come through the door. He didn’t really mind, she was a good kid. When she felt like being one.
Lucas was almost as hard to crack as Charlie. He wouldn’t really speak to him at first and Billy was too scared to initiate a conversation, yes scared. He, Billy Hargrove, was scared of the scrawny little 12-year-old boy. Per se.
More like he was scared of the fact that if he did say something and it’ll be the wrong thing then Charlie and her parents would hate him all over again. He couldn’t do that, couldn’t go back to that. Not to Neil and his closed fists, that cold home where his only company was his record player and sometimes Max.
He needed those Sunday nights in that garage to make him feel sane. So one day after school he caught Charlie just as she was about to make her way to Steve’s car. Because she was always with Steve now since Jonathon was always with Nancy. She briefly mentioned that at dinner once and it’s the only reason he even knows it.
“Hey, Charlie.”
She turned towards him and for a second Billy forgot how to breathe. Because now Charlie doesn’t look at him like he’s the devil, but she looks at him like he’s Billy. And sometimes.
“Hey California,” She smiled and Billy really thought he was going to die. Like how does she just do that? How does she just smile at him like that and look at him with those eyes and just give him nicknames like they’ve known each other forever? “Wassup.”
Billy blinked. “I actually need your help with something.” His hands went into the pockets of his pants. “Or like advice really.”
She raised a brow but didn’t say anything which kind of made him nervous, but Charlie always makes him nervous, so. “It’s about Lucas as you know I’m not really the best at talking things out.” She laughed and normally Billy would've been irritated, annoyed even but it’s Charlie. “I just-- how do I get Lucas to not hate me?”
Charlie stared at him for a moment, and he got scared because shit did he say the wrong thing? Did a month's worth or work just go down the drain in a fucking second because he didn’t know how to talk to a goddamn girl?
“I don’t think he hates you,” She finally answered, adjusting the backpack on her shoulders and Billy sent her a spectacle look, she caught it. “Honestly I don't. I just think it’s more of a grudge at this point.”
“A grudge?”
“Yeah you know like when someone beats your score on your favorite game.”
“I have no idea what that means.”
She sighed deeply through her nose. “Walk with me, California.” and he did walk with her from the school to the parking lot. Walked so close their arms brushed and he couldn’t concentrate on anything but that.
“Lucas is a lot like me.” She Continued some of her hair catching in the wind exposing more of her face. “He may forgive but he doesn’t forget and honestly I never thought you would make it this far so that’s saying a lot.” She turned to him and smiled at the last part and he tried not to stare. “Just keep doing what you’re doing I’m sure he’ll come around.”
“It worked on me though,” Charlie pointed out just a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she looked over at him. “That’s gotta count for something.”
“Counts for a lot, Sinclair.”
Charlie smiled like he said the right thing, and he pauses for just a second. Cause no one ever looks at Billy that way. No one ever has a smile, a genuine fucking smile, just for him. It’s always those looks, or sneers, and even snickers. But no one ever fucking smiles at him. But Charlie. And it’s a lot.
They were at his car now and it made Billy frown because that meant Charlie would be leaving. This conversation would be over and he wouldn’t have an excuse to talk to her again until Sunday dinners. And he didn’t know if he could make it all the way till Sunday dinner.
Because those small smiles in the hall weren’t enough anymore. Holding her stupid hand during that prayer wasn’t enough anymore. He needed more. More of her smiles. More of her looks. Just more of her. So.
“Hey what are you doing right now?”
“I-I was going to hang out with Steve,” At the mention of Harrington he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Because yes of course she would be with fucking Steve. “But I don’t have any plans Friday. If you’re free.”
He was supposed to hang out with Tiffany or Tina, he honestly couldn’t tell them apart. But. “Yeah no, I’m free.” And Billy had to take a chance to process that information, cause really this was a lot. Charlie Sinclair, who rightfully hated him a month ago, had just agreed to hang out with him.
And he wanted to play it off and be the cool guy, like always. But. Billy thinks maybe she would’ve never agreed but for some reason she did. And it meant a lot. A smile was beginning to grow on his face as he looked at the brown girl.
But as quickly as it came it was gone because one loud, alarming honking horn echoed across the parking lot. And Charlie jumped surprised, they both turned to find the source and. Yeah of course it was King Steve sitting in the driver's seat of his car.
“Let’s go, Charlie!” He hollered from his car. “The kids are waiting!”
And Charlie she, gave him this annoyed look. But like the thing is Billy he’s seen that look before. At least he thinks he has maybe once or twice directed at him. Which it shouldn’t even bother him really, but it does. A lot.
“I have to go before he blows a fuse,” Steve honked again, this time longer. Which now was beginning to annoy Billy. For more than one reason. “But can we discuss the finer details later?”
Billy sent a glare at Steve, which he gladly returned. Cause yeah even though Charlie was kinda nice to him now the same feelings didn’t resonate between the boys. Which makes sense cause it’s not like Billy didn’t break a plate over his head.
“Yeah but I don’t have your--”
“I know your number,” Billy gave her a look. “My brother is literally dating your sister.”
And what ?
Yeah, Billy knew that Max was close with that little ragtag team of prepubescent dorks, but dating one of them? It had never come up at any dinners, or maybe it has and he’s just been that checked out at the dinner table. But he feels like that is something he should be at least vaguely aware of.
“Oh god, you didn’t know?” Charlie was laughing now and Billy could not find out what was funny. And Steve wouldn’t stop honking that fucking horn so he couldn’t even think. “Look I will call you tonight, California.”
And that wasn’t fair. She had called him that stupid nickname that makes it hard to breathe and was walking away before he could even get anything out. But Steve was still giving him this smug look. And he was still pissed off about the honking and the look . So.
“I’ll be waiting on your call, Sinclair.” He shouted across the parking lot making sure everyone, mostly Steve, could hear it. And based on the look King Steve was giving him he heard him loud and clear.
Billy smiled. Steve glared. Charlie rolled her eyes.
Billy realizes now that Charlie never told him when she would call him. Just that she would. So because of that Billy has been sitting next to the phone for the past 2 hours waiting on a call from the Sinclair household.
And it's just. How did he fucking get here? How did he turn into the guy who waits by the phone? He was never that guy. But now he’s waiting by the stupid fucking phone, for the stupid girl to call him. To call him. Which is so fucking stupid now that he thinks about it.
And he would’ve just gone into his room and blasted his music like always. But it’s Charlie. So he sat in the living room watching, but not really, tv until he heard the stupid thing ring. And since he's been home it’s only rung twice.
Once for had been a telemarketer which he told to fuck off. And the other had been a friend of Susan’s who had called for the recipe of her broccoli casserole. Which he doesn’t know fucking why compared to anything Mrs. Sincalir cooked she didn’t hold a candle. But Whatever.
Billy sat on the end of the couch, the one closest to the phone, almost asleep really. This was one of the rare few days where Neil wouldn’t be home till around dinner time so the house didn’t feel as oppressive as normal. Meaning Billy didn’t actually have to hide in his room till dinner. He could roam the house without being terrified he’d upset him.
It was nice and Susan wasn’t the worst company. Coming in every once in a while asking him if he wanted any snacks. He’d say no of course but it was a nice gesture he could acknowledge that.
Just then Max came through the front door kicking off her shoes and greeting her mother. The red-haired girl stopped as she saw the sight of Billy on the couch, probably surprised. And Normally Billy wouldn’t even say anything to her, but then he remembered what Charlie had said to him in the parking lot. So when the girl had sat on the other end of the couch. He kinda just blurted it out.
“So you're dating Lucas Sinclair?”
And Billy had to stop himself from laughing, cause Max looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel from how red she was turning. “Who told you?” She hissed sending a look at her Mom who was preparing dinner.
Billy shouldn’t be enjoying this, but he can’t remember that last time he’s seen Max so worked up. “So it’s true then?” He laughed resulting in her throwing a seat cushion at him, he caught it with ease.
“I can’t believe you,” She huffed, arms crossed tight. “How did you even find out?”
Billy shrugged, not really seeing a point in lying. “Charlie told me.”
Max blinked, confused. “Why the hell would Charlie tell you anything?” There was no real malice in her voice, just genuine confusion. He wasn’t offended.
“Don’t worry about it,” Billy Chided. “So you and Lucas. How long have you two been, uh, a thing?”
Now Max was looking at him like he had grown a second head, and Billy couldn’t blame her. He was never the best brother, honestly, he was probably the worst. But he felt like he didn't know, they didn’t have to be total strangers while he was here. He wasn’t expecting Max to answer him; she had no reason to really, but she did.
“Since the Snow Ball,” The small girl confesses never turning to meet Billy’s eyes. “We’ve been dating since then.”
That’s been what a month, little less than that maybe. Billy doesn’t really know. He can’t even remember the last time him and Max had even sat down and talked. It probably was way before that night. Long before they even moved to Hawkins. Billy has never been an active factor in Max’s life, just her chauffeur and not by choice.
They didn’t act the way the Sinclair kids did with one another. They probably never would if he was being honest, but he didn’t like it. He didn’t like feeling like a stranger in his own home.
“Lucas, told me you’ve been coming over for Sunday dinners,” Max spoke after a beat of silence. “He said his Dad really likes you too.”
Billy couldn’t help but smile at that because it was nice to know that everyone could see it too. See how well he and Charles got along and thankfully it all just wasn’t in his head.
“I’m helping him fix up this old car,” Billy shrugged. “Nothing really.”
“Yeah, but why did you go?” Billy turns to look at the girl to find her staring right back at him. And he forgot just how intense this kid could be sometimes. “I mean after what happened with Steve.”
And that was the million-dollar question wasn’t it? Why had Billy Hargrove done the right thing for once in his life? He doesn’t regret it not at all because he loves working on that piece of shit car in the garage. Love those Sunday dinners. Loves not being treated like a burden.
But why?
He could argue that it was the drugs they gave him. Messed him up so bad it made him right. Or he could argue it was being hit in the head with a shotgun so maybe it knocked something back into place because Neil knocked it out of. But the truth. The truth was it was Charlie Sinclair.
The girl had managed to crawl under his skin and press every button he had, and ones he didn’t even know about. In the following weeks of that night, she would look at him. That old look that he has almost forgotten about, but it broke something in him. He doesn’t know what couldn’t even put it into words. But it drove him to her porch that night.
It made him apologize. It made him work.
Now he couldn’t tell Max that because they weren’t there. He wasn’t the best with his words and opening up to his 12-year-old step sister? No, not today. So.
“I was a piece of shit,” Billy explained. “So I apologized.”
That wasn’t enough for the redhead though. But Billy really didn’t feel like having a heart to heart right now so when that phone finally did ring he jumped from the couch. Managing to beat Susan there which she sent him a look cause like, why would he run to the phone? And he didn’t need to look behind him to know what Max was thinking. But the phone was ringing.
Billy ran a hand through his hair and picked it up on the third ring.
“Hargrove residence.”
“Hi I’m calling looking for Billy,” Charlie chorused and Billy could almost picture her smile. “He’s about yeah high. Mullet. Rarely ever in a shirt unless it's about freezing.”
“Very funny, asshole.” She was laughing now and he had to stop himself from smiling cause Max was now openly staring at him from the couch now.
“I know you laughed.” He didn’t but he wanted to. “Also did Max make it home ok?”
Billy turned to look at the said red-headed child, who turned a second too late back to the tv. “Yeah, Max is ok.” He smiled at the back of her head before turning his back. “Why?”
“Nothing just checking,” She hummed. “So Friday what were you thinking?”
And yeah Billy had been thinking but it was nothing he wished to divulge over this phone call. Truthfully he had no idea what to do with a girl like Charlie. He knew what to do with Tina's and Carol’s because everyone just wanted the same thing. He had no idea how to be alone with a girl and just be alone with her.
“Why don’t you pick.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.” She mused and something in her tone made him worry. “How do you feel about the outside?”
“It’s cold and I hate it.” He answered honestly cause yeah not only did the people in Hawkins suck but so did the fucking weather. Yes, he is aware that it’s January, almost February, but did it really have to be so fucking cold?
“Sounds perfect.” She chorused. “Bring a jacket, a heavy one and you’ll be fine.”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“Well, you’re not saying no either.”
And yeah he was definitely worried now.
“I’ll take your silence as a yes then,” She continued. “Come pick me up at 6 from work ok?”
“I don’t even know where you work.” Billy started and he could feel a headache coming. “And do I get to know where we are going since I’m driving?”
“No,” She sang and if it was anybody else he would’ve been annoyed. “It’s a surprise, California. And I work at the arcade. You know the one you constantly take your sister to?”
“I’ve never seen you there before.”
“That’s because the second Max closes the door you speed off like a bat out of hell, Hargrove.”
Which yeah ok that was true.
“Yeah ok I can do that then.”
And Billy knew the conversation would be coming to an end soon. But he just wasn’t quite ready for that yet. He just wanted to stay on the phone with her for a little bit longer. So.
“Uh, how was your evening?”
What was he fucking Dracula all of the sudden? How’s your evening come the fuck on really. He wanted to punch himself in his stupid face.
“Uh, fine it was fine. Just watched a movie with Steve and the kids.”
He didn’t like the way she said that. Steve and the kids. Like they were an old married couple. He didn’t like it and he was mad at himself because he shouldn’t care.
“What movie?” Why can’t he just hang up the damn phone?
“Night of the living dead.” She answered. “So if Max has a nightmare feel free to yell at me.”
Billy doubted that would ever happen. He probably gets them more than her. He’s never even seen her cry let alone be scared of anything.
“Will do.” And he needed to hang up this phone before he said something stupid. But he really just couldn’t. But then.
“Lucas, what are you--”
“You’ve been on the phone for 30 minutes!” There was a struggle and had it been that long already? “Tell Steve you will call him back later!”
“This isn’t Steve you little asswhipe.”
“Who cares I need to call Max!”
“You literally just saw her for fucks sake!”
“Steve, Charlie will call you back later ok?” It was Lucas yelling into the phone now and Billy wanted to laugh cause yeah this was funny. “I just really need to talk to my girlfriend before she breaks up with me again ok?”
“This isn’t Steve,” Billy finally spoke turning over his shoulder to sneak a glance at Max. “It’s Billy.”
“You were on the phone with Charlie?”
“Yeah,” Billy chided. “Can you give the phone back for a quick sec then I’ll put Max on?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Lucas stuttered.
“Hello?” Charlie’s voice came through.
“I think we better get off the phone,” Billy mused. “Seems like we’re getting in between something.”
She laughed. “Yeah, I guess so. See you at school tomorrow.”
“Bye, Charlie.”
“Bye, Billy.”
He pulled the phone away from his ear motioning it to Max. And again she gave him a confused look, “It's for you, Maxine.” And begrudgingly she got up to get the phone but Billy was already retreating back into his room to hide for the rest of the night.
Neil had gotten to him that Thursday night.
It had been a stupid fight really and at this point, Billy doesn’t even know why he tried to fight back. Neil always wins.
He’s lucky now he supposes because Hawkins is such a small town and people talk Neils learned not to go for the face. But now his body was a map of black and blue. And like it shouldn’t bother him anymore he should be used to this. Friday was around the corner and so was Sunday he had something to look forward to.
But that night.
That Thursday night before he would see Charlie he couldn’t sleep. He stayed up all night crying in his rooms wishing he was dead.
He didn’t say anything in the car on the way to school with Max. He never did after nights like this. She knew why no doubt she heard why.
And Max would send him these looks from the passenger seat, that he pretended not to notice. She looked like she wanted to say something, anything but maybe she was too scared to. Maybe she was like Billy where he always thought he would say the wrong thing.
But when they got to the school parking lot she gave him a soft ‘ Thank you ’ but her eyes said ‘ I’m sorry .’ ‘ I hate him too .’ and ‘ not even you deserve this. ’
And yeah at that point Billy could barely keep it together. He couldn’t go into the school and pretend for 8 hours that everything was ok. He didn’t want Charlie to see him like this. Even though it’s Friday and he should be happy.
So after he watched Max go into the front doors of school he left.
It was hard to find something to do all day in Hawkins because this town really didn’t have shit.
Small corner stores, even smaller, shops, a shitty diner that could at least make a good burger. But he wasn’t particularly hungry today, honestly, the thought of eating was too much. So he went to the only spot he knew in this fucking town that made him somewhat happy.
He went to the border.
Stared at the sign that said ‘ Now Leaving Hawkins ' for hours. Cause yeah maybe hopefully one day he would be gone. Back home in California where it was never cold. Where the sun was always out and beaches were always open. Where there was no Neil.
And yeah it sucked cause he was stuck here till graduation. So Billy sat in his car. Staring at the sign. And he cried.
He did go back to pick up Max from school.
He didn’t want Neil on his case again about her finding her own way home and like Max shouldn’t have to find her own way home if he was there anyway. And he felt better now, maybe. He got as much of it out as he could and he felt fine. Ok. Normal. His normal.
So as he sat out there in the parking lot waiting for Max to come through the school doors he wasn’t really paying attention to anything else. His music was blasting and he was smoking those cigarettes he liked so much.
So when someone knocked on his window, he almost jumped. It pissed him off and he was just on edge enough as is so he turned to tell whoever this was to fuck off. But when he turned he saw those stupid brown eyes he's been thinking about all day.
“Hey, Hargrove.”
And Billy he wanted to pretend that seeing Charlie wasn’t a breath of fresh fucking air. But Charlie was everything he needed right now and more. Just what the doctor ordered.
So he turned his music off his music and rolled his window down, cause he wanted to hear everything she had to say. “Missed ya at school today,” She quipped brown eyes scanning over him trying to see what was wrong, but she wouldn’t be able to. “Everything ok?”
No. It was not fucking ok. But.
“Yeah just had to deal with some shit,” He shrugged. Some shit he’s been dealing with his whole life but like, that’s not important.
Charlie leaned forward forearms pressed against the side of his car. Invading his space and it just wasn’t fucking fair. “We don’t have to hang out tonight,” She offered. “If you're not feeling ok.”
And Billy he just kind of froze. Cause she was so close. He could smell whatever perfume she had on and it was making his head swim. “No, I’m fine.” He reassured her, but the look on her face told him Charlie wasn’t buying it. “I’m better. Looking forward to tonight even if you're dragging my ass out in the cold.”
Charlie smiled then so bright like the California sun and Billy had to remember how to breathe.
“Ok then. I’ll see you after work.”
“You will.”
“6 Oclock sharp.”
“Not a minute late.”
Billy had shown up early.
15 minutes early to be exact. He had run Max around in between, got some spare parts that he and Charles might use to stretch out the time. Picked up another pack of cigarettes cause he blew through half of them today. Got a few beers and he kinda wished he knew what was Charlie’s favorite brand. But whatever.
So now he’s sitting outside this stupid arcade, in the parking lot going on his second cigarette because yes he was nervous. He doesn’t know why. He just is and it pisses him off. And like he’s sitting out here waiting for her to come out counting in this head the 1,001 ways he could fuck this up.
He’s made it this far albeit not entirely unscathed. But he’s fucking made it.
Charlie wouldn’t have even agreed to hang out with him unless she wanted to. She doesn’t do anything unless she wants to, he remembers. And she’s willing to spend her Friday night with him. Billy Hargrove. Not King Steve, or weird little Byers, not even that Priss Nancy. But him. So yeah. That has to mean something.
He let his cigarette dangle between his lips as he looked in his side mirror yet again, brushing back curls that he felt were too unruly. Making sure he didn’t look as bad as he felt. And even though it is barely 6 o'clock it's already dark out.
Charlie came out at exactly 6:02.
He managed to give himself one last look in his rearview mirror, ‘ Don’t fuck this up ’ before she got into the car. Charlie turned to him, brown eyes twinkling and a smile still just as bright.
“Are you ready for the best night of your life?”
Billy took one last huff of his cigarette before flicking it out the window. “Lead the way, Sinclair.”
Somehow her smile grew and his stomach churned. He started the engine and peeled out the parking lot like hell on wheels.
“When you said the best night of my life I imagined something completely different.”
“Oh come on this isn’t that bad,” Charlie hummed from the hood of his car beer in hand. “This is literally one of the best spots in Hawkins.”
Billy stared out ahead of him looking at the murky depth of the quarry, unphased. He took a swig of his beer.
“Then how come I never heard of it?” He quipped digging his free hand deeper in his pocket because the cold was nipping at his skin now. And yes he did wear a thick jacket as requested.
Charlie laughed and it sounded like bells. “Cause you hang out with uneducated trolls like Tommy.”
She wasn’t wrong about that. The only thing they did together was drink till they couldn’t remember the night and make stupid decisions. And that was just a Tuesday for them. Fridays were even worse because usually, Billy was conscious of the stupid decision he was making.
“What, is this your spot?” He remarked, tone light. “Is this where you bring all the guys or am I just that special?”
Charlie smiled, taking another sip of her beer. “I don’t think I ever brought anyone here besides, Jonathan.” She admitted honestly followed by a light shrug.
“Wait, you and Byers?” Billy wasn’t prying honestly; he was just genuinely curious about her. Because outside of family dinners they don’t speak. He doesn’t know much about her besides the fact that Tommy and Coral can’t stand her.
She raised an eyebrow. “ What ?”
“You and Byers,” He reiterated. “Were you two--”
“Oh my god , no.”
“Never,” She repeated sternly, hands going to her face. “We are quite literally Best Friends.”
Billy made a face. “But you two were always together,” He added, and literally everyone just assumed they were something cause he followed her around like a lost puppy. Never could find one without the other. Attached like glue.
“Yes, because we are best friends,” She continued. “And Jonathon was never good with talking with people. And I never liked talking to people so. We just clicked.”
He mulled over what she said, looking forward. Took another sip of beer before he spoke again. “Did you ever think about it?”
Charlie turned to look at him. Hand rubbing the back of her neck and the other swirling her beer.
“Once. I thought about it once.” She answered honestly, taking him by surprise. “Think he did too at one point, but we never did anything about it.”
“How come?”
“I don’t know, scared?” She offered. “Afraid it’ll go wrong probably. We’ve known each other since grade school so if we did it and it went wrong,” She exhaled deeply, her breath becoming a cloud in the cold. “It could ruin everything.”
Billy concluded that Jonathon Byers was a fucking moron and took a large gulp of his beer.
“It worked out for the best anyway,” She said. “He’s happy. I’m happy. What more could I ask for?”
He didn’t say anything after that looking at the quarry waters that were just as black as night. Seems to reflect the stars in the sky like a mirror. It was nice he’d give her that.
“My turn, California.”
Billy’s stomach churned but he put on a brave face. “I’m an open book, Sinclair.”
“You’re many things, Billy, but open is not one of them.” He laughed at that, something small but it was enough to draw her attention. “So what’s California like?”
“Fucking warm for starters,” He sniffed trying his best to hide from the cold in his jacket. Charlie smiled at him. “The sun seems like it’s always out. You can smell the salt from the sea in the air. I don’t know, it just seems like anything is possible there.”
“You miss it.”
It wasn’t a question. Billy finished off the last of his beer before grabbing another one from where the case sat in between them.
“Yeah, more than I care to admit.” He divulged opening a new can. “I miss the ocean. Could stay on the beach for hours just looking at it.”
“What’s it like?”
“Uh, ya know it’s a shit ton of water.” He wished he was better with words. “It can be scary. Currents could take you under if you’re not careful. But it's beautiful.”
He remembers the days his mom used to take him out surfing. He'd always convince her to let him stay out there a few extra minutes. He rolled his eyes at the memory taking a sip of his can.
“Why do Tommy and Coral hate to see you coming?” He asks, suddenly catching her off guard he didn’t mean to. Just didn’t want to think about her.
“I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you,” She laughed. “It’s because I used to kick his ass every day when we were kids.”
And Billy blinked. Cause there’s just no way. Charlie caught his look and laughed even harder. “No seriously when we were younger he loved picking on Jonathon, so I--” She snorted. “I would beat his ass.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No, no ask anyone.” She takes the last sip of her beer. Not going for a new one quite yet. “I remember distinctly putting his little ass in a headlock on the playground cause he fucked up Jonathon’s art project and tried to pretend it was an accident.” She was laughing again, this time hard. “The teacher had to pry me off him.”
Billy was joining her in laughing too now. Cause just the image of a small Charlie giving Tommy absolute hell was enough for him. But Charlie had this type of laugh that made you want to join in too.
“Ah, fuck,” He chuckled as Charlie wiped the corner of her eyes. “Ok, so Carol what’s the story there?”
“Do not judge me,” She reached in between them for another beer. They were down to three now. “Coral hates me because Tommy was my first kiss.”
Billy choked mid-sip at that. “No fucking way.”
“It was a moment of weakness.”
“You just said you used to beat the shit out of him,” Billy chuckled, wiping droplets of beer off his chin. “How did it even happen?”
“Uh, 7th-grade spring dance,” She offered brown eyes shining even in this dark night. “It was behind the bleachers. Carol, of course, had a crush on him so she was livid.” Charlie shrugged. “Hated me ever since.”
“She makes it seem like you tried to kill her puppy.”
“Yeah, well that's cause she’s a bitch.”
Billy laughed, taking another sip of his beer.
“Who was your first kiss?”
Billy raised his eyebrows. “If you repeat a word of this to anyone I’ll kill you,” She crossed an X over her chest and Billy’s eyes lingered at the action. “Stacy Holloway. I was 12, dumb, and in love.”
“ The Billy Hargrove was smitten?” She teased and he couldn’t help but chuckle before murmuring a shut up, continuing with his story.
“This is so stupid but I asked her to  go for a walk with me on the pier one day, for whatever reason she agreed.” Billy fiddled with the ring on his finger. “I held her hand on the walk there and,” He sighed harshly through his nose. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this, fuck it. I timed it so we would get to the end of the pier at sunset and that’s when I kissed her.”
“That is the cutest shit I ever heard.”
“Charlie, I swear to--”
“No, honestly!” She laughed. “Who knew you could be such a sweetheart?”
Billy scratched at his temple. Stomach churning but he ignored it and took a long swing of his beer, knowing it was half gone at this point.
“You’re next.”
“How do you expect me to follow that?”
“You just gave romance authors a run for their money,” She insisted between sips. “I got nothing to beat that. The closest thing you get to romance in Hawkins is guys trying to put their hands down your pants at the movies.”
“Ok fine,” Billy laughed. “No romance. What’s your favorite band?”
“Blondie.” She admitted without missing a beat. “Jonathon is actually the one that introduced me to them. May his taste in music never waver.”
Charlie took a large gulp of her beer at that. Billy smiled as he watched her do it.
“So I’m gonna say something while I have the liquor running through me as an excuse,” She admitted turning to him. He could only make out half her face, it was so dark out. “I don’t know what made you apologize that night but I’m glad you did.”
Billy’s stomach churned again but this time he couldn’t ignore it.
“I can admit in the beginning I gave you a hard time but you kept coming back.” Those stupid brown eyes were holding him in place and he couldn’t turn away if he wanted to. “My parents love you, Erica tolerates you,” Billy had laughed at that. “And Lucas I think is finally warming up to you.”
“What qualifies as warming up?” He asked with a raised brow because the kid still won’t say a word to him.
“When you’re brought up in conversations he actually engages now instead of pretending you don’t exist.” She admitted smiling like this was a grand improvement.
“You bring me up in conversations?”
“That’s not the point I was trying to make, California.” Turning her face away so he can’t see it. He won’t push it but he’ll be saving that one for later. Hopefully another time.
He took a small sip. “So what is the point then?”
She stared out into the quarry this time.
“I like having you around.” She admitted so quietly he almost didn’t catch it.
It was a small admission. But it was enough to make his world stop spinning. Charlie Sinclair liked having him around. Liked having him around as much as he liked being around. It made the bruises on his body not ache so much. Made his ears ring. Because maybe, just maybe. It could be more.
Suddenly it wasn’t so cold in Hawkins anymore.
He cleared his throat and his mouth was dry. “I like uh, coming around.” He grimaced at the sound of his voice and decided to just finish his beer cause maybe that’ll help.
“Good, hoping you’ll stick around for a while.” She tucking a strand of hair behind her ear now. “My Dad would be really sad if you didn’t.”
Maybe it was the cheap beer that was making him a little braver than usual. It made him not second guess himself so much. So he kinda just.
“Just your Dad?”
She paused for a beat. Looking up at him through her lashes. Billy wasn’t even aware he was leaning forward slightly, maybe to get a better look. Maybe to inch his hand closer to hers on the hood of his car. Maybe.
Her lips parted to answer him and he couldn’t pry his eyes away from them.
But then there was a flash of blue and red. A Police siren and they jumped away from one another.
“Shit,” He cursed, quickly throwing his beer can into the woods. He grabbed Charlie’s and the girl let him take it. For a brief moment their hands touched but Billy didn't even have a chance to process it because a cop was making his way towards them.
“Wait, Billy, I think--”
The sheriff got out of his car shining that obnoxious flashlight in hand and Billy had to cover his eyes. “What are you kids-- Charlie?”
Charlie grimaced. “H-hey, Hopper. How’s your night going?”
Hopper looked between Billy and Charlie then to the beers scattered on the ground before he answered. “You know, same ol same old. And you?”
“Ah, you know.” She laughed. “Just catching up with my buddy, Billy.” She clapped a hand on his back and Billy stumbled forward at the action. He sent her a look and she just nodded her head towards Hopper.
“Hello, Sir.”
“Hargrove,” He regarded him with an overall unimpressed look.
He turned back to the smaller girl and Billy was relieved. “Charlie, are your parents aware that you are here. Alone. With a boy. Drinking, what I’m hoping is canned sodas.”
Charlie rocked back on her feet. “Yeah, they know all about, Billy.” She elbowed him in the side. “Don’t they, Billy?”
He knew when to take a hint.
“Yeah, The Sinclairs know,” He offered his best smile to the gruff-looking cop. “They know we are here.”
“Right so here’s what we are going to do,” Hopper mumbled clicking off his flashlight. “I am going to get in my car and drive away. Then you, Hargrove, are going to take Charlie straight home. Do I make myself clear?”
“Cyrstal sir.”
“And drive the speed limit with her in the car.”
“Thank you, Hopper!” Charlie called from next to him and the old man just waved a hand over his shoulder in acknowledgment before getting in his car and leaving the clearing.
Billy turned to Charlie. “What the fuck was that?”
“What was what?”
“The sheriff,” He clarified. “He just let us go.”
Charlie shrugged, grabbing the leftover beers off the hood of his car. “Well me and Hopper are pretty cool so yeah.”
“You’re cool with the cops?”
“Cop, singular.” She corrected him as if that made a difference. “Honestly we got lucky it was him and not dumb and dumber. Those two would’ve definitely given us tickets.”
Billy patted his jacket down for his keys but did not find them. He heard a jingle and looked up just in time to catch them as Charlie tossed them his way.
“Now come on, California.” She ushered already making her way to the passenger seat. “We got about 15 minutes before Hopper is driving down my street making sure I actually made it home.”
Billy made it back to her house in 10.
Could’ve been five but he regarded Hopper’s warning about going the speed limit. He only had 3 beers and was only the slightest bit buzzed but he rather not risk it. It was about 9:40 when they pulled up to the Sinclair household didn’t even seem like they were out there that long.
But Charlie wasn’t rushing to get out of the car and he wasn’t forcing her to go.
“This was fun,” She admitted with a laugh. “Before Hopper showed up I mean.”
“Yeah, it was,” Billy’s finger drummed along his steering wheel. Nervous. “We should do this again.”
Her eyes were on him again. “I’d like that.”
“Cool,” He bit the inside of his cheek. “But next time I pick the place if that’s okay.”
“I’m sure I’ll live, California.” She reached for her backpack. “Well see you Sunday?”
“Yeah, Sunday.” He hoped it didn’t sound as awkward as he felt. “Goodnight, Charlie.”
“Night, Billy,”
And she turned to leave one foot on the sidewalk but she turned back towards him at the last second. “Right ok I forgot to tell you this,” She stammered. “But I’ll be sad too.”
Billy blinked so very confused.
“Ok wow really have to spell it out for you.” Charlie bit her lip and normally he would’ve felt insulted. “When you asked if just my Dad would be sad.” She clarified. “I wanted to tell you if you ever stopped coming around I’d be sad too.”
Fuck. His stomach was churning again cause now he didn’t have the beer to calm him down. He was just his stupid self in front of her and he’d never thought, never dreamed of what to do in a situation like this.
And Charlie was looking at him with those stupid brown eyes waiting for him to say something, anything. But he couldn’t for the life of him get his mouth to form words in this singular moment. It was like he was physically glitching.
Billy tried his best to smile and hoping this awkward pause wasn’t as long as he actually thought it was. “Thank you, Charlie.”
That must’ve been the right thing to say because now she’s smiling at him and he can’t breathe.
“Ok I’m gonna head inside then,” And just like that she was gone, making her way across the dimly lit yard to her front door. Turning around to send him one last wave before heading inside and like the dumbass, he is he waved back.
When she went inside Billy sped off.
His chest felt light, he couldn’t stop smiling, he was just so fucking happy. He had this Friday and hopefully the next. He had those Sunday’s in the garage with Charles.
Now he had Charlie.
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Live Wire Part 2 (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Disclamer: okay so this is part 2 and I’m actually considering to continue this story a bit more. let me know what you think.
Warnings: swearing, 18+, smut, underage drinking, cheating
tagged: @winter-captain-01
Billy’s POV
„Hello? Is anybody home?“
Actually Billy would have prefered to stay in the car and not have another meet-the-parents-experience but since Vicki didn’t come outside at 8 like she said she would, he had had no other choice than to go looking for her. She was propably busy doing her hair again.
He was already heading towards Vicki’s room as he heard loud banging noises coming from the basement. He followed the sound, quickly making his way down the wodden stairs. What he then saw was more than he could have ever excpected.
Y/n was sitting behind a drumset playing along to Mötley Crüe’s „Live Wire“. She was brutally hitting the drums, making it hard to hear the actual record which was playing over the speakers, while mouthing the words or maybe even singing along. Her y/h/c hair was falling in her face. Billy stood in silence, watching her for a while until she finally moved her head towards the stairs, meeting his gaze, which caused her to stop playing immediately.
„Wrong floor, thought you’d knew that by now.“, were the words she greeted him with as she got up and turned down the stereo behind her, barely bothering to look at him. „Vicki isn’t here.“
„Where is she then?“ „I don’t know and I don’t care.“ „She told me to pick her up at 8.“ „Well sorry bout that. But I hope you can understand that my compassion is limited to a minimum in this case. It was you who chose to voluntary spend time with her after all.“, y/n scoffed as she walked over to a trunk in the back of the room and bent over to grab a can of beer out of it. She was wearing a pair of red gym shorts that barely covered her ass, making it very hard for Billy not to stare at her. „So you’re not going to Tina’s party, huh?“, he changed the topic while leaning over the banister he was firmly grabbing onto with both of his hands, licking over his lips. „I never do.“, still no eye-contact. „And why’s that?“ „I don’t get invited and other than that I have better things to do.“
„Yeah I can see that.“ Billy noted with a smirk as he precisely watched y/n take a seat behind the drumset again, running her fingers through the messy hair that was sticking to her face. Cheeks flustered. One could only imagine how she would look like in other sweat-inducing activties, “Hey, how abou-?“
„Billy! What are you doing down here?“, Vicki’s voice suddenly interrupted him, „I’ve been waiting for you in my room! Hurry up! We’re going to be late for the party!“.
Billy rolled his eyes before walking up the stairs, pushing past her to make his way to the car. Vicki stopped him by grabbing his arm and basically throwing herself at the curly haired boy. „I missed you so much. Such a shame that you didn’t come upstairs right away.“
„Get a room! And please not this one. I haven’t got that many left to choose from.“, y/n groaned from downstairs.
Reader POV:
Before finally leaving the basement Vicki turned her attention towards you with an annoyed look on her face, „Also, calm down with the the drumming, freak! You’re not Nikki Lee.“
„It’s Tommy.“, you corrected her with a sigh. „Whatever. You’re neither of them. Just a sad loser that spends her friday nights in her parents basement.“, Vicki snapped at you before turning on her heels and walking away with a satisfied smirk.
Wow, what a burn. Wonder how long it took her to come up with that one. „Better than some dumb bitch who’s highlight of the week it is to show off her new boytoy to a bunch of boring Highschool kids.“ you muttered under your breath while picking up your sticks again, quickly spinning one of them between your fingers.
„What was that?“ „Nothing. Have fun at the party!“, you chirped sarcastically before turning towards Billy once again, “Do me a favor and try not to fuck out whatever is left of her brains.“
Vicki opened her mouth to protest but you had already turned the stereo back up, while smashing the snare and stomping your foot on the base-drum to the rhythm of „Take Me To The Top“, while sticking your tongue out at her.
From of the corner of your eye you could see Billy laughing to himself which earned him a deadly stare from Vicki before she grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.
I want you, I need you I want you to be mine tonight You need me, you tease me Use you up, throw you away
You’re fire, taking me higher Don’t burn me, don’t let me down You need me now, I’ll teach you how Come on, let’s go all the way
You were lying on the couch in your parents basement, spinning your drumstick between your fingers while listening to the stereo. Okay maybe you had to admit that playing the same Mötley Crüe record over and over again while drinking by yourself wasn’t the best friday night you ever had. But at least you had finally been able to play the drums again without any of your family members complaining. Your parents were out of town, visiting some friends and you weren’t sure when Vicki and Billy would return from the party. Maybe they already did.
"Y/n?”,the husky voice coming from the top of the stairs made you jump a little,causing you to drop the drumstick to the ground, before you quickly sat up.
“Did I scare you?”
“Nothing scares me.”
„What are you still doing down here?“
„Well I live here, what’s your excuse?.“ you greeted Billy who was slowly making his way down the stairs, “Did Vicki kick you out?“
„No, she’s just completely shitfaced and fell asleep right away.“ „Well damn, all that stupid partying for nothing.“ you scoffed.
“Are you always this-?”
Your last comment caused Billy to laugh and shake his head as he sat down on the couch next to you, „So y/n what are you doing down here? I thought you had a room.“ „I do but the walls are thin as paper and let’s just say… Vicki and I have an agreement about that.“ „An agreement?“ „Yeah. I stay down here whenever she’s busy faking orgasms or she’ll tell our parents that I went to a Mötley Crüe gig in Chicago last summer without them knowing, hide booze down here and get send to detention a lot more often than they think I do.“
„That’s pretty harsh.“ Billy muttered. It was only now that you realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath his leather jacket and caught yourself staring at his chest a little bit too long. Luckily Billy hadn’t realized that, or at least pretended not to, as he simply continued the conversation by adding,“If the stuff she does really is faking it I wouldn’t wanna know how boring the real deal is to be honest.“, under his breath.
Wow did he really just? Okay somebody clearly wasn’t sober. But if Billy’s drunk-persona consistet of him talking shit about Vicki you might actually could stand his presence just a bit longer.
“Well you know, Vicki always gets what she wants. And as long as it makes our little princess happy it will be my pleasure to give her the illsuion that I don’t exist from time to time.”, you explained sarcastically while making a dramatic gesture with your hand, ”Especially if this adds a little sense of purpose to her dull life.”
Billy chuckled as he ran his hand across his face, moving his messy curls to the side, “Well she should be happy to have a sister that’s got the balls to sneak out of the house to go see Mötley Crüe. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me.”
“That wasn’t even the most impressive thing I did that night to be honest.”, you chuckled.
“It that so?”, Billy replied with a smirk.
“It is.”
“Well guess I chose the wrong sister to hang out with.”
“Oh don’t worry everybody does.”, you replied dry causing Billy to laugh again.
You had to admit that he wasn’t as much of a jerk as you had thought at first. However, this assumption had been strongly influenced by the fact that he was with Vicki the first time you met him. You had never seen him laugh with her and therefore just assumed that he was some sort of a buzzkill.
Still, you just couldn’t seem to get a certain thought out of your mind. It had been sitting in the back of your head for quite a while now and basically shifted into this big question mark burning in your brain within the last few days.
„Can I ask you something?“, you finally brought it up. Lowering your voice as if there were people watching you. „Sure. Go ahead.“, the curly haired boy replied in his low, husky voice while resting his left arm right next to you on the back of the couch, moving a bit closer towards you. His icy blue eyes almost seemed to be glued to your face with anticipation.
„So don’t get me wrong it’s pretty obvious that a guy like you would go for the hot cheerleader type of girl. But Vicki is just…Vicki is one of the most boring and shallow people I know, all of her friends are idiots and she isn’t even particulary nice to you. She just likes to show you off.“
You raised your eyes to check if you had somehow rubbed Billy the wrong way. It was his girlfriend you were talking about after all. But he didn’t seem to care too much about your words and more about what else you’d might have to say.
„You however,“ you continued,“You actually seem kinda cool. At least from what I can tell. And most definitely compared to the jocks she usually brings home.“
„So you’re trying to tell me I’m too badass for your sister?“ „No. Well yes. But what I’m actually trying to say is… you guys have absolutely nothing in common and yes she’s hot and popular but you could have also screwed and never called her again. Yet you chose to date her. Why?“
„What why?“ „Why do you like my sister?“, your voice was barely a whisper.
„I never said I liked her.“ Billy hummed, eyes still fixed to yours with a piercing stare. „Then why do you still come here every other day?“ „Maybe I do because I wanna see somebody else. Someone who actually is badass and nice-“
There was barely an inch left between your faces and before your brain could fully comprehend what he’d just said, Billy had already pressed his lips onto yours, brushing his fingers across your cheek and burying them in your hair. The kiss was soft at first but quickly grew more passionate as you leaned in aswell.
A soft gasp escaped your lips as he quickly grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap, making sure not to break the kiss.
„You think I never realized the way you parade around the house whenever I was here?“ Billy muttered in a low tone while trailing kisses down your neck, “How good your ass looks in those shorts and the way your nipples always peek through your shirt? I couldn’t keep my eyes off you since I first saw you y/n.“ He buried his teeth into your skin right above your collar bone as he grabbed your ass with both hands and slapped it quickly afterwards, causing you to hiss with pleasure, „Whenever I got home I always couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I’d like to do to you.“
He placed another sharp slap on your ass.
„You like that?“
„Yes.“ you hummed before cupping his face and kissing him again while running your fingers through his messy curls. Billy immediately responded by playfully biting your lower lip.
You quickly moved back for a split second only to remove your shirt and throw it to the corner of the room. Billy licked across his lips as he ran his hands over your bare chest before finally getting rid of his leather jacket and pulling you closer again. Your kisses grew messier with each second, both of you wanting more. The curly haired boy hissed as you buried your teeth into his lip until you could taste blood.
With one of his hands still grabbing your ass he quickly moved your shorts to the side with the other, a dirty grin flashing across his face at the realization that you weren’t wearing any panties. He moved his thumb across your clit before pushing one of his fingers inside you, curling it almost painfully slow. His actions caused you to whimper into his mouth. “Jesus, y/n who got you this wet?”
Billy quickly unbuckled his belt and slid down his jeans just enough for his errection to spring free, before pushing you off his lap and onto the couch. „Good that I didn’t get to use this earlier, right?“ he muttered with a cocky grin on his face as he took a condom from the pocket of his jeans before taking them off completely. You quickly folowed his example, stripping out of your shorts while Billy was putting the condom over his throbbing cock.
Within a heartbeat he was on top of you again, his tongue playfully teasing yours as he forcfully grabbed your hip with one hand and softly choked you with the other.
You gasped with excitement as he finally pushed inside of you, almost immediately slamming his hips into yours at an unforgiving pace, making it almost impossible for you to keep quiet.
„Come on y/n, don’t hold back. Show me how much you enjoy this.“, his hot breath brushed against your ear, making you shiver.
„Fuck, you feel so good.“,you moaned loudly, very thankful for the fact that the stereo was still blasting music.
„You’re such a dirty girl. Fucking your sisters boyfriend while she’s sleeping upstairs.“ The curly haired boy growled.
„Fuck yes! Tell me I’m better than her.“ you managed to gasp in between moaning and whimpering. Your whole body was shaking and you had the feeling that Billy was making you see stars.
„She’s got nothing on you. Don’t act like you don’t know that.“,he hummed while making eye contact with you. The dirty blonde curls were sticking to his face and his pupils almost completely swallowed the blue of his eyes. Billy moved his head back down to kiss you, his tongue teasing you painfully slow while he pulled out of you, only to thrust back into you seconds later. He sped up his pace once again, chocking you as you buried your fingernails into his back.
„Fuck. Don’t stop! I’m gonna-“, you couldn’t even finish your sentence before your orgasm rushed over you, your whole body twitching and tightening underneath Billy’s weight. The curly haired boy hissed at the sensation quickly reaching his high aswell, his back muscles tightening as he buried his teeth in your neck one final time.
„That was fun, drummer girl.“, he gasped with a grin, breathing heavily, before slowly getting up and grabbing his jeans from the floor.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 4 years
Origin of Love
I heard it’s someone’s birthday, so I wrote a thing for @yikesharringrove. I remember seeing that you really liked Origin of Love from Hedwig, and considering it’s one of my favorite songs too I thought this would be a cool take. I hope you like it!!! 
Read it below or on ao3 here.
Steve had always been clumsy. No one could figure out why, but it was like he was missing half of his body somehow. He fumbled footballs so much they kicked him off the team and had perpetually bruised knees from falling over nothing. At first it was cute, how clumsy little Stevie was, but after the age of 9 his parents started to be concerned. They went to the doctors, but there wasn’t anything physically wrong with him, he was just clumsy. He was supposed to grow out of it.
Middle school was rough to say the least, kids calling him Spaz Steve and purposely tripping him at the worst moments. Now, not only were his knees bruised but his elbows, back, shins, and chest from falling or being bashed into lockers.
He finally got away from it freshman year of high school, when he proved to be amazing at keg stands, adopted the new title of King Steve proudly, and found he was able to focus enough to not do anything too clumsy during school hours. It did mean his grades suffered a little, but once he scored a place on the basketball team and started rising in popularity, his father forgot all about the mediocre grades. He eventually forgot about his son altogether. But who needed parents when instead he could have parties and booze and any high school chic he wanted? He was living it up as King Steve, and life was good.
And then Billy came to town.
Billy Hargrove was cocky and arrogant beyond belief, but it wasn’t his attitude that stopped Steve dead in his tracks during basketball practice two days after Billy’s arrival to Hawkins. They were playing shirts and skins, and without a care in the world, Billy ripped off his shirt. Along with revealing miles of tanned skin and firm muscles, Steve saw a faded red mark right above Billy’s navel that seemed to resemble the sun. While it wouldn’t seem unusual to anyone else, Steve couldn’t take his eyes away from the little red splotch. That is, until he heard Tommy’s hyena cackle in his ear and felt someone slam into him from behind.
He fell onto his knees, holding out his palms to stop the fall, before looking back behind him to see Tommy winking at Billy.
When the hell had they become friends?
Steve waited for Tommy to walk away and then stood up, brushed his hands off on his gym shorts, and headed to the opposite side of the gymnasium. The rest of practice passed without another incident, and Steve was able to duck into the locker room before any of the other guys in his class. He was on his way out of the shower when he caught sight of Billy’s mark again. It was just a glimpse, but it was enough for him to confirm that it looked exactly like his own mark right above his navel.
He didn’t have time, or really the brain capacity, to fully think about what their shared sun mark could mean at that moment though. He had a girlfriend to calm down after what had been a truly disastrous dinner with Barb’s parents. Steve still wasn’t really sure what had set Nancy off, but he knew she had left even more distraught about Barb’s death than she had been before visiting. She hadn’t said a word the entire ride home, hadn’t even looked at him. She was distant and cold all day, but during lunch he had gotten her to agree to a study date at the library.
It seemed to help, he got her to agree to the halloween party at least. One night of being a normal teenager.
The halloween party had been nothing less than a disaster . Not only would he never be able to unhear Nancy say he was bullshit, and that everything about them was bullshit, but he had to deal with Billy fucking Hargrove again.
He had successfully avoided thinking about their shared sun mark right up until he couldn’t possibly ignore it anymore. Until Billy Fucking Hargrove was standing above where he sat on the curb outside Tina's house, no shirt and opened jacket, absolutely reeking of cheap beer and expensive cologne.
“King Steve!” He was slurring his words, not to the point Nancy had been at but enough to let Steve know this was not sober Billy talking. “How’d you fall so far, Pretty Boy?”
“Fuck off Hargrove. I don’t need your machismo act tonight, I’ve had enough bullshit thrown my way already.” The word felt like chalk in his mouth, practically choking him as he spit it out. Billy just chuckled and plopped down next to Steve on the curb. “Don’t act like that, Stevie Baby. I’ve seen you eyeing me up, just wanted to see if you were interested in more than just undressing me with your eyes.”
“You’re delusional. I have a girlfriend.”
Billy rolled his eyes and leaned back on his palms. “Pretty sure I saw your girlfriend walking out of the party and into the car of another man. Tough break though.”
Steve saw red, stood up and glared down at the drunk blond below. “I don’t need this shit, especially from you. You look like a drowned rat, buddy.” He threw over his shoulder a quick and snarky, “Have fun with that hangover tomorrow,” and walked to his car.
Sleep was difficult that night. Not only did it take forever to actually fall asleep, but once he was unconscious he had the weirdest dreams.
What started as possibly jumps through time, all centered around the same brunette and blond who both looked startlingly familiar, ended with a truly bizarre scene.
Steve was standing in an empty rock land, mountain peaks in the distance and the sky lit aflame from the brilliant sunset. He felt oddly at peace, felt as if some empty part of him was filled finally. It wasn’t until he went to go exploring the empty world he was in that he noticed he was larger, with two more arms and legs. Again though, looking at the extra legs and arms felt natural and whole.
“Where we going, Pretty Boy?” came a voice from behind him, but it also seemed to come from within him. Without consciously deciding to speak, he responded.
“Anywhere we want Billy Babe.”
As they were roaming the land, Steve wondered at the peace he was feeling, and the beauty of the sunset above him. But just as he felt the calm settle into his bones, a great sense of panic overwhelmed him, and a giant flash of light shattered the sunset.
And then all Steve knew was agony as the lightning split him right down the middle, leaving him panting and staring down at his two hands and feet. The peace, the calm, the whole feeling he had gotten to expect had been ripped away from him, left him groaning and gripping at his stomach where the pain seemed to center. He looked down to see a sun shaped scar, pink and raised and fresh.
His head shot up and he frantically searched the area around him. There, sprawled about five feet away from him, was a prone figure staring up at the sky. Some deep part of him, right behind the new scar, reached out and out towards the figure, pulled Steve towards the man. It was his other half, the half that had been so crudely ripped from him, now separated and too distant. Once Steve arrived next to the man, he fell to his knees and began to weep. Through his tears he could only make out the curls of blond hair and bright blue eyes stare at him, hands moving closer before tugging Steve into a firm chest where he curled up and wept until his tears dried out. Once his sobs quieted down, he could hear the soft voice whispering comforting words into his hair. Steve looked up from where he had buried his face, and saw Billy look down at him with the most tragic expression clouding his face.
Just as they bent together to share a tear stained kiss, rain began to pour from the heavens and wind whipped around them. Steve was blown from Billy’s lap almost instantly, and as the rain grew thicker he couldn’t see his lover anymore, could barely see his own hand.
He lost him. His lover, his other half, his soulmate. Gone, lost to the storm.
Steve shot up in his bed, sheets pooling around his waist and skin clammy. He was panting harsh, and his hand flew up to grip at his sun mark so tight it almost hurt, just as it did when we were ripped apart.  
But it was just a dream.
Steve didn’t get anymore sleep that night, plagued with a sense of restlessness and the carnal need to see Billy again. The hours between when he had jerked awake to when he would head to school seemed to pass rapidly and achingly slow. By the time his BMW pulled into the school parking lot, he was a mess fueled only by anxiety and a crushed granola bar he forced himself to eat.
But the blue Camaro was glaringly absent amongst the plain sea of beige and silver beater cars. Billy wasn’t there.
The school day passed in a blur, and practice was sure to be the same. Steve headed onto the court in a daze, head foggy until he looked up to see Billy dribbling a ball and wagging his tongue at the girls in the bleachers. It was as if the storm had passed, and that strange sense of wholeness and peace that Steve had felt in the dream washed over him again at the sight of the California Rat King.
And then he was promptly reminded of Billy’s attitude problem.
He was a monster on the court, managing to knock people over without getting fouled and snatch balls from even the best offensive players. Despite posing a threat, Steve couldn’t help but being a subtle tease. For some reason, he felt sturdy and more centered around Billy, and he used the focus he would have had to dedicate to staying balanced and applied it to some simple tricks he had seen from NBA games. He was headed straight for the basket when Billy met him straight on. Steve felt the press of a sweaty, sculpted torso press against him and hot breathe blow into his ear.
“Hey Pretty Boy. Harrington right? Used to run this school before turning bitch for an ice princess?”
Steve couldn’t believe he was getting this shit again.
“Why don’t you just shut up and play the game?” He panted. Instead of a verbal response, Billy snached the ball and drove through to score another basket for his team. He turned around to wag his tongue at Steve this time, but before they could go at it again, there came a quiet “Steve?” from the corner of the gym, and he had to go deal with the other headache in his life.
He skipped the rest of practice. After finding out Nancy remembered nothing of last night, he couldn’t stand the thought of facing Billy and his wagging tongue anymore. He needed sleep.
Apparently the coach had the same idea of ending practice early though, because halfway through his shower, the other guys on the team funneled into the locker room, with Billy leading the pack. He was standing at his locker, fiddling with the lock, when Steve walked over to get dressed.
“Awe, leaving already Pretty Boy?” He leered, eyes slowly rolling down Steve’s body, leaving a tingling hot path in their wake, all the way down to the red mark right above Steve’s navel. He could pinpoint the exact moment blue eyes met red lines by their widening size, and Billy’s jaw beginning to work overtime, like he was chewing on some leather. He clearly recognized it as an exact match to the one adorning his own body, and he knew exactly what it meant, probably knew more than Steve from the face he was making.
Steve barely opened his mouth to comment, ask a question, anything to prove it wasn’t all in his head, before Billy abruptly slammed his locker door and slung his bag over his shoulder, leaving the locker room still dressed in his workout clothes and sweat leaving his hair matted and sticking to his neck.
Steve almost fell over in his rush to get dressed and follow after Billy. He practically sprinted out to the parking lot just in time to see Billy pull open the door of his Camaro. In a last ditch effort, Steve jumped in front of the Camaro as Billy turned the key and made the engine roar.
“Out of my way Harrington,” he yelled out of the driver side window, where he had popped his head out.
Steve shook his head and shouted back, “I just want answers Billy. What is this?”  He angrily raised his shirt just enough to make Billy bear witness to the mark again. Sighing, he pulled his head back inside the car and rubbed his eyebrows for a moment. Steve took the opportunity for what it was and walked around to the side of the car.
“Fine. Quarry, 6 o’clock. Don’t be late Pretty Boy,” and with that Billy pressed his foot on the gas and zoomed out of the parking lot.
Steve was going to go to the quarry, but he had to make one stop beforehand. He needed to break up with Nancy, felt the urge deep in his bones that it had been headed south for a long time and last night was just the breaking point. But stopping in front of the Wheeler’s somehow ended up with him and Dustin searching for a lizard, and then a whirlwind of Oh Shit, the Upside Down is back.
It all led to him, camped out at the Byers’ house with a pack of angry little brats trying to convince him to do some more dangerous shit, as if almost becoming alien chow at the junkyard wasn’t enough. He was going toe to toe with Nancy’s little brother when the random red head jumped away from the front window to say that her brother was headed down the driveway, and he was gonna kill them. Her claim was backed by a   familiar engine revving in the driveway.
Billy Hargrove was here.
Steve calmed the brats down and then slowly walked out the front door, closing it quickly behind him.
“Am I dreaming, or is that you Harrington?”
“Yeah it's me, don’t cream your pants.” Billy huffed out a laugh and dropped his half-smoked cigarette to take off his leather jacket.
“Something doesn’t sit right Pretty Boy,” he said as he stalked across the yard towards the house, “You miss our date, my sister goes missing, and you all wind up here? Gives me the heebie jeebies man.”
“Sorry Bil, don’t know what to tell you. Shit happens.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, trying to play off how annoyed at himself he was for missing the chance to get his questions answered. Like hell he was getting answers now. Billy was right in front of him now, silver necklace glinting in the full moonlight. He swore he could even hear Billy growl before he replied.
“That’s not good enough. What’s my shitbird sister doing here with you? What’s going on Harrington, and don’t make me ask again.”
“Well, I’m babysitting the Byers kid and your sister isn’t here. Just me and a little kid, none of your concern.”
Billy pulled out his Marlboro pack and stuck one between his lips before looking up and locking eyes with Steve.
“Then who,” he said, pausing to light the cigarette, “is that.” He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and used it to gesture at the front window where a flash of red hair was disappearing behind the curtains.
Fucking hell.  
Left grasping for straws, Steve wasn’t prepared for the fist that came sailing towards his face. He fell to the ground in a heap, and by the time he was able to untangle, Billy was already in the house and yelling at the kids.
Fuck their connection. No one threatened Steve’s kids.
He ran back into the house to witness Billy push Lucas up against the wall of the living room. Just before he could punch the frightened kid, Steve tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around, Steve socked him in the jaw and sent him tumbling into the kitchen. He recovered quickly though, and they were quickly locked in a wrestling match that only stopped when Billy reached out for stability and flung open the fridge door.
Out tumbled a dead demi-whatever, right on top of Billy’s chest. He didn’t scream, but it was a close call. Steve rushed over and pushed the dead thing off of him. He reached out a hand to help Billy up, and once they were both upright, Billy actually did growl.
“Answers. Now.” Steve nodded along before ducking closer to Billy and whispering his response.
“Okay, sure. But first, we make a deal. I’ll tell you what’s going on here if you tell me what this,” he gestured to Billy's mark, which was on display under his opened shirt, ''means and why we both have one. Got it?”
“Fine.” Billy nodded and then moved to sit on the couch. “Explain it to me.”
After a full crash course in what was going on, including what they had all been arguing about prior to Billy’s arrival, his only response was to stand up and head toward the front door. When he got to the door though, he looked over his shoulder.
“Well, are we going or not?”
They did it. They fucking did it. The Gate was closed and the Upside Down banished for good.
The tunnels had been pure nightmare fuel, but somehow Steve knew it would have been worse if Billy hadn’t gone with. Whether it was because of their strange connection, or it was simply because he had another grown human with him, Steve was nothing short of grateful for the support.
After returning to the Byers’ house, Steve and Billy and the kids waited anxiously to hear from the others. Slowly, everyone mixed up in the Upside Down mess returned back to the Byers’ home, and once everyone was confirmed safe and the sun was beginning to rise, they dispersed. Steve dropped off Lucas and Dustin, and then went to the quarry. It felt like the better option, than going home to a cold and empty house.
He had parked the BMW and gotten out to sit on the hood of his car not very long before the rumble of another engine grew closer. A blue camaro pulled up right next to his car and parked, the absence of the engine and music that had been screaming from the windows was deafening in its silence, and Steve watched with a mix of nerves and anticipation as Billy climbed out of the driver’s seat. He walked up to the hood of the Camaro and fiddled with his lighter for a few moments.
“I think I, uh, I made you a deal Pretty Boy. Answers for answers and all that shit.” He sighed and finally lit his cigarette. Steve let him get in a puff before responding.
“Yeah, I just thought you might know more about the,” he had to cough before finishing his sentence, the awkwardness of the encounter starting to get to him, “the mark thingie,” he finished lamely.
“What do you know?”
“Not much. I guess. He started listing on his fingers, “I know that we both have identical marks in the same place somehow, I’ve had mine since birth so I figure you had yours forever too?” He waited for Billy to nod before continuing. “I also had this, um, this dream? About, uh, us?”
“Oh, yeah? Dreaming about me already, Bambi? Was it fun? What were you wearing?” Steve instantly flushed and started sputtering, trying to form a reply. Billy’s smirk grew bigger the more Steve fumbled for a response.
“Not that kind of dream Hargrove.” Steve finally answered. He paused and then added, quieter, “Not exactly I mean.”
“I’m sure it was, Pretty Boy. What was the dream about?”
“It was us, kind of? Like they looked like us, and it was like we were mashed together until we weren’t and then I lost you in a storm.” Steve was expecting teasing or maybe another punch to the face, but instead Billy let out a sharp bark of laughter before doubling over and pushing the heel of his palms into his eyes, the cherry of the cigarette shockingly close to his golden mane.
“You okay there Hargrove? You look a little…” Steve trailed off, unsure how exactly to describe Billy’s appearance.
“A little freaked? A little fucking scared? What is it Harrington? I look a little what over the fact that my fucking soulmate is a dude and my dad is the biggest fuckhead? This is fucking bullshit man.” Billy’s voice slowly rose until he was screaming the last sentence.
Where did Steve even begin processing what had just happened? It was full of landmines, from being fucking soulmates to Billy having serious daddy problems. He decided to focus on their joint issues.
“What do you mean, soulmates?” Billy’s head shot up and he pushed off the Camaro hood to come stand directly in front of where Steve was sitting crossed leg on the hood, hands on either side of his lap and face close enough for Steve to count the light freckles spattered across Billy’s nose.
“I think you know exactly what I mean Pretty Boy. Soulmates, destined to be together, forever entwined, that kind of shit.”
“And you know so much about this because…”
“It ran in my mom’s family. It's like a genetic thing or some shit. Listen, all she told me is that I would meet someone one day who had the same mark as me and would share my dreams.” Billy took an aggressive drag of the cigarette before continuing. “Take a wild guess of what I dreamed about Princess.”
“Me?” Steve squeaked out.
“Bingo amigo. Spot on.”
“So, so what? We’re soulmates or whatever. What does that mean? ” Steve pushed. Why did he feel pulled towards Billy, why did he feel so settled?
“It means jackshit, Harrington. Just forget about it okay?” Billy started to pull away, and something inside Steve flinched at the thought. Before he knew what he was doing, his hand shot out and fisted in the other boy’s shirt, yanking him back into place.
“Not a chance, Hargrove,” Steve whispered before continuing to follow his instincts. He flicked one last glance at blue eyes before focusing on plush lips and leaning in.
Their first kiss was a firestorm, filled with heat and rage and passion. Billy ran his tongue over Steve’s bottom lip and Steve tangled his hands in golden curls to hold Billy that much closer. They only broke apart because Billy tugged at Steve’s beltloops and accidentely pulled him off the fucking car.
They both landed in a heap in between the two cars, Steve on top of Billy and giggling up a storm. He was high on endorphins, and for some reason found himself working a hand down Billy’s body to find the sun mark that started this all.
As soon as his fingers grazed the edge of the sun, he felt a rush of heat and love and want shoot through him and Billy let out a broken moan. The heat was starting to overtake everything, the overwhelming need to be as close to Billy as possible, but once again Billy proved to be stronger than this soul bond thing they had. He ripped himself away from Steve, not very far but just enough for the haze of need to dissipate a little. The absence left both boys panting, breath intermingling and foreheads touching.
“Holy fuck,” was the most eloquent thing Steve could think of to surmize the feelings he had just experienced. Billy hummed in agreeance, leaning in to nip once more at Steve’s swollen lips before pulling away fully and standing up. He pulled Steve up and into his space again. They looked at each other for a minute, just taking in the moment as Billy held onto Steve’s biceps and Steve wrapped his arms around Billy’s torso.
“I am never forgetting this.” Steve whispered finally, and Billy chuckled before shaking his head.
“No, Bambi, I don’t think I will either.”
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the-weeping-author · 4 years
Secrets are forbidden Ch. 3
A/N: so before I start this authors note let me say some of y’all will not like how I wrote hopper so please don’t @ me lol. But finally done with chapter 3 I’m so happy.
Tag list: @ahoy-stevieboy @thehair-ington @linkispink1995 @harringtown @violet-dahlia @gardeniasandwhiskey @lxvesickreality @bluebellbrooke @thenameishayley248 @pappydaddy @simplesammyx @didyouputyournameinthegob @lenassaviorsblog @wolphielautz
Warnings: cussing, parent issues.
Wordcount: 2,592
Parings: Oc hopper x Steve Harrington.
Please enjoy 🙂
I woke up to the sound of the A/C kicking on, I threw my covers off of me. I rubbed the sleep from my face, I got undressed walking into my bathroom. I turned on the cold water, went to find clothes to wear for the first day back at school. I grabbed a pair of my black overalls, I grabbed a white t-shirt walking over to my dresser and I grabbed a bra, underwear. I walked back into the bathroom, turned the hot water all the way up, turned the cold down about halfway.
After my shower I put my clothes on, I grabbed my car keys walking out into the kitchen. I saw my father, I walked to the cabinet, grabbed a coffee mug. I poured myself a cup of coffee, I sat at the kitchen table drinking it while my father sat across from me. It was awkward, I didn’t know what to say. I knew my father didn’t hate me, but he didn’t care to talk to me either. I never knew my father’s issue with me, but I think it had to do with the fact that Sara and I didn’t share the same mother.
I wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but I didn’t have time to sit and ponder on the thought. If I were to bring it up it might make matters worse between us, I didn’t want it to get worse. That’s why I was getting a job, it was sad. Not because I had to work, but because I’d rather have all my time taken up by work, school than spend more than an hour with my father. It was too late to try and get to know me. It was 17 years too late, I didn’t care if he wanted me in his life or not anymore.
After I finished my coffee I put my mug into the sink, I walked out the front door. I got into my car, drove to school. When I got there I got out of my car, walked into the school. Eyes were on me as soon as I opened the main doors, as soon as I entered the building I left the stress of my home life at the front doors. My grades weren’t going to be affected by my crush on Steve, my father, but definitely not by the upside down. I walked to my locker, I twisted my combination perfectly because as soon as I finished the last number it popped off.
Now my lock has a love hate relationship with me, it can wait in line just like the rest of the lovely people who love but hate me. I grabbed a few textbooks out of my locker, out the corner of my eye I saw a dude. Now I knew everyone, but I didn’t know this dude. I could tell just from looking at him he was troubled from the brown boots on his feet to his curly blond hair. I knew just from looking at him once I Wasn’t going to like him, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to get to know the guy.
All it took was for us to lock eyes, he was on his way over to me. I quickly shut my locker, nearly ran into the guy. When he got closer the more I could smell his aftershave, just the aroma made me nauseous. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as he approached, I leaned up against my lockers as he halted to a stop right in front of me.
“So you’re the queen of Hawkins huh?”
I looked up at him, confidently nodded my head at him.
“Yep that’s me, and how may I help you?”
He smirked slightly, ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair.
“Names Billy Hargrove, you’re going to give me a tour of Hawkins high.”
I let out a slight amused laugh, I looked right into his eyes.
“In your dreams Blondie.”
I smiled, walked away from him. There was one thing on my mind, that was to find Steve. I mean I was sure since Billy approached me he would approach harrington. If he hadn’t already done it. He’s intentions were clear, that was to put everyone on guard here. Everyone had a target on Steve's back, but I had a feeling Billy was going to knock a few of those guys out of his way. I mean after all this was high school, guys cared about their reputation. Girls were Way different, we didn’t care who was popular. It's why I loved Robin.
Robin didn’t care that I was popular, but she didn’t like crowds so that’s why she only hung out with me at lunch. I always sat with her, only because my “friends” bothered her the whole time. So I decided that we’d only hang out at lunch and after school. It was a regular lunch day, I was sitting in my usual spot. Next thing I knew that Billy guy was sitting next to me, Robin immediately stopped talking. I turned my head a little bit to look at him, smiled.
“Hey There Bobby how can I help you this time?”
He looked at me, the corner of his mouth twitched.
“My name is Billy, But I didn’t have anyone to sit with so I thought I’d sit with you.”
I looked behind Billy, then looked back at him.
“Well according to the group of people looking over here you found somewhere to sit.”
“Huh? I don’t know what your-.”
I put my hand up, he stopped talking immediately.
“Look Benny, why don’t you just save yourself the time. I wasn’t Interested earlier and I’m not now. So save yourself the embarrassment.”
He stood up, grabbed his lunch. I could tell he was seething but It didn’t phase me, I didn’t care he definitely needed to back off. He turned his head as he walked away, stopping not too far from us.
“The name is Billy by the way.”
I turned to Robin, she smirked slightly at the conversation that just happened. She drank some of her milk, the bell rang. I walked to my locker to get some of the things that I needed for the rest of the day.
I grabbed my last book when I turned, numbed right into Steve Harrington.
“Hey Steve.”
He smiled at me, nudged me with his shoulder.
“Hey hopper how are you?”
I shut my locker, looked at him.
“Well besides some guy named Baxter Hargrove coming up to me today I’m good. How about you?”
Steve's eyebrows furrowed, he cracked a smile at me.
“You mean Billy?”
I gasped dramatically, I put my finger on my Chin.
“Oh is that his name I was wondering why he kept popping up every time I turned around?”
Steve let out a laugh, shook his head at me then he looked down at me his smile dropping some at my last statement.
“He came up to you? What did he say?”
I shook my head, let out a laugh.
“He was basically trying to get me to give him a tour of Hawkins, but it definitely wasn’t happening. He probably just wanted to get alone with me so he could lie about some false sexual encounter.”
I barely saw steves faces drop, but I could tell just by mentioning Billy probably lying about something stupid made him upset. Which was weird cause we weren’t a thing, but I guess he was just being protective. For some odd reason, trust me it wasn’t like Steve to be protective Steve and I never had the best anything really. I mean we were always making fun of each other even in elementary school.
I shrugged it off though, I continued with the rest of my day. The last period of school went by like a blink of an eye, it was time for me to return to my Castle in the woods. I walked to my car, I saw Steve standing near my car. I guess Nancy was somewhere else at the time because they were always together, I walked to my car opening my door.
“What’s up Harrington?”
Steve smiled, moved off the side of my car.
“Nothing just wanted to come see if the queen of Hawkins high was going to Tina’s party.”
I let out a laugh, looked at him.
“Steve you know just as well as anyone else I’m going.”
He smiled then looked at me, nodded his head. I looked through my purse for my keys, When I finally found them he responded.
“Alright cool I guess I’ll see you then?”
I threw my purse in my car, looked at him.
“Okay Harrington what’s your damage?”
He cocked a brow at me, shrugged.
“What do you mean?”
I shook my head at him, let out a sarcastic laugh.
“You know exactly what I mean Steve. We totally aren’t friends, now all of a sudden you’re being nice to me and making sure I’m going to a party so like what’s your damage?”
Steve looked at me, put his hands up in defense.
“Jenna I was just trying to be nice, maybe I want us to actually have a friendship instead of being at each other's throats.”
I nodded my head, looked at him.
“Okay Steve but we need to hang out more if I’m going to consider you a friend.. so here’s my number. You can call when you want to hang out. I have to go.”
I smiled at him while I grabbed a bubble gum wrapper along with a pen, I jot down my number. I handed him the wrapper, got into my car, buckled up then drove away from the parking lot.
After I pulled into my driveway I stepped out of my car, over the fishing line that was totally invisible. I sighed when I finally got inside the house, called out.
“El I’m home.”
She came out of her room with a smile on her face, she looked at me.
“How was school?”
I laughed at her, ruffled her hair.
“Well we have some new guy at school named Billy but he’s a dick, but don’t tell Hopper I said that.”
She smiled, crossed her heart then held out her pinky which I gladly accepted. I wrapped my pinky around hers, She told me about her day at the house and I told her about my day. I started dinner, after it was done my dad finally came home. I sat his plate in front of him, I sat Eli’s in front of her then I sat down.
“Hey dad, how was work?”
He poked his food with his fork, then shrugged.
I looked at him then smiled.
“Anything exciting happen today?”
He shrugged again, took a bite.
I looked at him, smiled.
“School was good, we got a new guy but he’s totally bogus.”
This time he didn’t reply. I knew he just got in from work, but he could at least indulge in the conversation. I sighed, quickly ate my food then stood up from the table.
“Alright El come see me before you go to bed I have something for you.”
She nodded, continued to eat. After I washed my plate, fork off I walked into my room. I sat on my bed, stared doing homework. About thirty minutes later the phone rang, I heard my dad pick it up, a few minutes later he knocked on my door.
“Jenna telephone.”
I cocked my eyebrow, I closed my folder, and got off my bed. I walked to the phone, I put it up to my ear.
“Jenna it’s me Steve.”
I smiled slightly, I walked into a more secluded area of the cabin.
“Hey Steve what’s up?”
I heard him take in a breath then exhale.
“Nothing just wanted to hang out so I thought I’d call and see if you wanted to hang out.”
I furrowed my brows together, looked at my clock.
“Steve it’s ten thirty. There’s no way my dad’s going to let me go out.”
Steve went silent for a minute then he decided to speak again.
“You can’t sneak out?”
I sighed, put my palm against my forehead.
“Yeah I’ll get my shoes on, where should I go?”
“Come to my house duh.”
“Okay Steve see you in about fifteen minutes bye.”
After hanging up with Steve I slid on my shoes, grabbed my car keys. I walked out into the living room, my dad was watching tv so I decided to ask him just to let him know where I would be.
“Dad Steve wants me to go over to his house is that okay?”
He didn’t even look away from the tv, I barely heard him answer me.
“Mhm yeah have fun.”
I sighed, shook my head. Most kids my age would kill to have a parent who let them do whatever, but honestly it wasn’t everything expected it to be. He didn’t just let me do whatever I wanted, but he didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
After I got to my car safely I put the key in the ignition, turned it. After it started up I pulled out of the woods, headed to the Harrington house hold. The sky was beautifully lit, the moon was full. It was a beautiful night to be out, but I assume Steve wasn’t one for stargazing. I mean come on he could barely hold a conversation.
The drive to Steve's house was quick, when I got there his porch light was on. I knocked on the door, he opened it smiling at me.
“I’m glad you could make it.”
I nodded my head at him, he opened the door.
“Did you think I wasn’t coming?”
He looked at me, rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well uh I honestly didn’t know.”
I smiled, looked at him.
“Are your parents home?”
He quickly shook his head no, let out a scoff.
“No they aren’t, they’re never here.”
I looked at him, looked around.
“Yeah I can definitely relate to that.”
His brows furrowed, he looked at me walking over to the couch sitting on it.
“What do you mean, isn’t your dad home like all the time?”
I let out a soft sigh, then sat beside him pushing my hair behind my ear.
“He is but he doesn’t really pay me any kind it’s a total drag.”
He pressed his lips together for a quick moment, then he rubbed his hands on his jeans. Since when did Steve Harrington get nervous?
“I’m sorry to hear that Jenna, would you like a beer?”
I probably should have said no, but I decided against that thought.
“Sure Steve I’d love one.”
He stood off the couch, walked towards the kitchen.
“Okay I’ll be right back, oh and Jenna.”
I looked up at him, arched my eyebrow at him.
“Yes Steve?”
“You can always talk to me if you need to.”
I smiled at him, nodded my head at him.
“Same here harrington.”
The rest of the evening was spent laughing, talking about everything really. School, parents, his relationship, and we even went for a swim which quickly escalated into a playful splash fight. I don’t know what changed between Steve and I but something did, I saw myself developing a crush on Steve, but I didn’t know how or when it happened.
A/N: thank you guys and gals so much for reading chapter 3 I hope y’all liked it. Sorry hopper fans but his attitude isn’t gonna change for a few chapters.
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allfandomxreader · 5 years
A Eulogy for Billy Hargrove
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Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Words: 2.9k
Summary: It’s one week after Billy’s death and Max asked you to speak at his funeral.
Warnings: Definitely cussing but I think that’s it
A/N: Hi I’m back from the dead and have been thinking about Billy a lot lately and thought of this :) let me know what you think! Not my gif!
In the first flashback you were the one talking to Billy, not El whenever he died. 
Billy’s weight presses against you. His hands no longer feel soft and gentle, the way they felt in the months prior. His body no longer belongs to him. His eyes see right through you, almost as if you aren’t beneath him. You still see him as the man you loved --love.
Your body aches. Your head reels from the impact it made against the tile. Your limbs sore from running, your throat still burning from where Billy grabbed you. But none of this matters. You want to reach Billy, you want him to come back to you, for everything to be over and life to carry on.
“Seven feet,” You blurt. His eyes lock with yours for the first time, his body jolting at your words. “You told her the wave was seven feet.” His breathing deepens, his grip relaxes. “You ran to her on the beach. There were seagulls,” Tears escape your eyes as Billy begins to slowly come back. “She wore a hat with a blue ribbon. A long dress with a blue and red flower.”
Billy looks away, his eyes scanning something you can’t see. Something he always does when he’s concentrating. “Yellow sandals, covered in sand.” You choke, “She was pretty,” Billy’s lips curl into something like a smile, the closest he could get in a time like this. “She was really pretty.” You nod and he follows your actions, curls bouncing beside him. “And you, you were happy.”
Tears cascade down his cheeks. You reach for him, slowly, as if asking permission to touch. “Do you remember telling me this?” He nods again, eyes fluttering closed. “Do you know who I am?” Another nod. “I love you,” You sob, “I love you so much.” You want to hold him, to feel his skin against yours.
The sound of the Mind Flayer’s screeches pull Billy away. Just when you finally had him back, he was taken once more. He stands slowly, squaring his shoulders like he does to seem threatening.
The Mind Flayer screams but Billy doesn’t flinch. From where you lie, you can see the terror spreading through Billy’s eyes. You already know what’s coming, the monster will reach for you. There will be pain. You don’t want to die, you’re not ready. But Billy came back, and right now, to you, that’s all that matters.
Instinctively, you kick yourself back. Using the last bit of your strength to scoot away from the Mind Flayer, but there’s no use. You can already see the hand shooting from his mouth. You raise your arms to block your sight, accepting pain, accepting death.
And then nothing.
When your eyes open you only see Billy. His hands push against the Mind Flayer, running at it, trying to save you. He’s screaming, you can almost feel his agony through his cries.
You see the other hands too late. It’s too late to scream, too late to warn Billy. The Mind Flayer tears into Billy’s side. Billy doesn’t stop screaming. Another hand into his body. Billy’s grip weakens, his limbs fall back to his sides but the hands don’t stop coming.
With one final scream from the Mind Flayer. Dark liquid leaks from Billy’s mouth, you can’t tell if it’s blood or whatever’s left from the Mind Flayer’s possession, maybe both. He hasn’t stopped screaming.
The Mind Flayer shoots one last hand, this time into Billy’s chest. Billy falls silent, his body limp in the monster’s many hands. The monster retracts, Billy’s body dropping to the floor.
It was your turn to scream, a sudden burst of strength pulsing through your body, just enough for you to reach him. He’s gasping, choking on the darkness that’s pooling in his mouth. “Billy?” You sob, hovering over him. Your hands brace his shoulders that are slick with sweat. “Billy, Billy please.” You shake him, trying your best to keep him awake, to keep him alive.
“I love--” Another choke, “You too.” His voice is hoarse, but nevertheless, it’s him. You can tell by the twitches in his lips that he wants to smile, he wants to speak, to say how everything will be okay like he normally does when life gets shitty. You reach for his hand, squeezing it gently, careful to not add to the pain he’s already in. He squeezes back.
The blue in his eyes fade, his lips in a line, his body perfectly still. Just like that, in a span of a few agonizing moments, the Mind Flayer took everything from you.
Billy Hargrove died six days ago.
You stare at your reflection in the mirror, the young woman staring back is almost unrecognizable. Your eyes swollen, the circles beneath them so dark even makeup couldn’t hide them.
You should be getting ready for college, packing up last minute things for your dorm, bidding goodbye to your parents, eager to get the hell out of Hawkins. Instead, you’re preparing to say goodbye to a man that was taken too soon.
You clutch the crinkled eulogy in your hands, folding it gently and tucking it into your pocket. With a final deep breath, you carry yourself through the house and out the door and into your car.
The four doors and cushioned seats used to be comforting, but now it just reminds you of Billy. Even his scent still lingers, or maybe you’re just imagining it.
“I hate when you drive, you know? You always take turns too fast and hit every single pot hole on the road.” Billy scoffs, dipping some fries into ketchup that’s smeared onto a napkin.
“Oh, so suddenly I’m the bad driver?” You laugh, “That’s rich coming from you Mr. 60 miles per hour in a 35” as if on cue, your tires glide over broken pavement jolting you and the complaining passenger.
“You just proved my point!” Billy laughs, flailing his hands dramatically. His outburst sends the napkin from the console and onto the seat and his jeans. “Shit.” He grumbles, peeling back the flimsy paper and rubbing it with clean napkins.
“Don’t rub it, shithead! That’ll make it worse!” You screech, trying to stay focused on the winding stretch of road ahead of you.
“How else am I supposed to clean this shit off then?” He only rubs the condiment into the seat’s fabric further.
“You blot it... I think?” You chuckle, watching your boyfriend struggle beside you with ketchup covering his fingers. “I swear to god if that stains my seat you’re never going to hear the end of it, Hargrove.”
You stare at the dark, lopsided stain that still adorns the passenger seat. You can faintly make out his sincere apologies through his laughter. You almost laugh at the amount of chemicals the two of you scrubbed the seat with. You’ll never wash it off, or even try to. Not now.
Billy’s burial is tucked away near the edge of the cemetery. Knowing Neil, it was probably the cheapest plot of land he could find. Even in death, he couldn’t honor his son. It makes you sick.
Today, the air is warm, the sky is clear, not a single cloud in sight. The sun beats down on your black clothes, you feel as if you’re being burned alive. As if you haven’t endured enough pain to last you a lifetime.
You walk leisurely along the path not ready to face the closed casket. You weren’t ready to face a lot of things that this day will bring. The looks of solemn faces, the look of concern. Your mother has worn that look every single day. People will ask the inevitable: “Are you okay?” and of course, you’d have to say yes.
You aren’t okay. You don’t know if you ever will be. Billy left a gaping hole that will never be filled. He was your other half. Everyone will tell you “It’ll get better with time.” but it won’t. You could live seven lifetimes and the pain of Billy’s death will never get any easier.
You hear voices behind you. The annoying shrill of Carol and Tommy’s voice linger behind you. “Should we say something?” Carol says in an attempt to whisper, she’s never been very good at it.
“Be my guest.” Tommy hisses. They fall silent as they approach, their footsteps even slow. Carol doesn’t say a word, neither does Tommy, and soon they pass. You meet Carol’s eye, the look of sympathy written across her features. You can’t tell if she’s faking it or not, either way it disgusts you.
Carol’s claws for nails drag along Billy’s bicep, he doesn’t bat it away. “Billy,” She sings, bringing the red cup to her lips, staining the plastic with expensive lipstick. “Come on, just this once. Forget about the little bitch for just tonight. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” She purrs.
Billy rolls his eyes but looks at her nevertheless. He opens his mouth to say something but is cut short when locking eyes with you.
Your hands shake, rage pulsing through your veins more than the alcohol. You throw the half empty cup against the wall, trudging out of Tina’s grand house and into the cold autumn air.
“Y/N!” He calls after you, pushing through the crowd of teenagers. “Hey! Would you just stop walking for two fucking seconds?”
“Fuck off, Hargrove.” Your feet don’t stop moving. You don’t know where you’re going or even where the sidewalk leads, but anywhere is better than that house.
“I didn’t even do anything.” He jogs to catch up.
“Exactly. You didn’t do anything. You could’ve told her to piss off or push her hand away but you did nothing!” Billy watches your arms move in wild motions as your anger got the best of you. “For fucks sake, is everything you said a lie? Everything that we’ve done and talked about, was it all just some sick game to you?”
“What? No! I--”
“Because it looks like you’re still the same power hungry horn dog that you were when you first stepped into town. Fuck, I should’ve listened to Nancy or Steve, or literally anybody with a working brain to not get involved with you.”
“What are you talking about? Carol means nothing to me.” He’s frantic, you can tell he’s being truthful. You almost feel bad for making a scene. You stand silent for a moment, crossing your arms over your chest to keep warm.
“Then why didn’t you defend me?” Your voice is almost lost in the wind but Billy catches every word.
“You stormed out before I could even say anything.” He sighs, taking slow steps towards you. “I’ve never lied to you, everything has been nothing but the truth. I’m sorry I was a piece of shit when we met but I promise I’m not that guy anymore.” He folds you into his chest, the scent of tobacco and alcohol invades your senses.
“You promise?” You whisper. He pulls away, taking his warmth with him.
“Fuck Carol, or any other girl. I want you, I love you. I’ll love you until my heart stops. I’m going to be yours forever.”
“Jesus Christ,” You chuckle, “Are you proposing to me right now?”
“No, but one day, I’d like to.”
There was a lot of truth in what Billy said that night at Tina’s party. He loved you until the very last second of his life. But you didn’t think forever would just be memories and old ketchup stains. You thought forever would entail a marriage, maybe kids, if not at least a dog. Forever should’ve ended sixty years from now, not six days ago.
A sea of black greets you when you finally make it to the burial. People are milling around, some talking to one another, other’s munching on refreshments you’re surprised Neil even arranged. People stop talking as you pass them.
You see Max, her tear stained cheeks, tissue balled in her hand. Lucas holds her free one, El rubs soothing circles along her shoulders. The rest of the teenagers are beside her, nobody says anything, each of them staring at the closed mahogany casket just a few feet in front of them.
The funeral begins, a minister takes the podium and rambles about the afterlife. Neil even talks, he says bullshit about being a proud father and how Billy meant the world to him. You can’t help but roll your eyes. Susan blots her tears and gives Max a soothing pat on the leg as her daughter emerges, brushing past Neil as she messes with the microphone.
“Billy--” She begins, words caught in her throat. “Billy was my brother,” She opens her mouth to say more but her voice fails. Her sobs are amplified from being so close to the mic. Through blurry vision, her eyes meet yours, a silent plea to help her.
You stand, gaining attention and murmurs from the audience. When you reach Max, you pull her into a hug, stroking her hair as she cries into your shoulder. “It’s okay, I got you.” You rock her back and forth, ignoring the uncomfortable shifts from people in their chairs.
Max finally stands, still sniffling. She squeezes your hand before taking her seat between Lucas and El.
You lean close to the microphone, shifting it slightly so you could stand straight. “Um, a few days ago, Max asked me to speak today,” You start to pull the wrinkled paper from your pocket, ignoring the smeared ink and tear stains before balling it up and tossing it to the side. He didn’t deserve something rehearsed, that’s not how either of you did things. You refuse to start today.
“Billy Hargrove was a lot of things. He was a student, an athlete, a brother,” You pause, giving a weak smile towards Max that she attempts to return, “A friend, and probably the love of my life. I know a lot about Billy, I know him better than anyone sitting here today. So, I thought I’d share with you who the real Billy Hargove is.” You breathe, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“If Billy ever told you that his favorite color was red, you shouldn’t have believed him. It’s actually blue. More specifically, he told me it was the color of the sky on a clear day.” You look towards the sky, the sun blinding you only for a moment. “Billy would’ve loved today. He’d look up at the sky, he’d close his eyes, and stand in silence. After a few moments he’d beckon for me, and I too would face the sky with my eyes closed. He’d ask if I could hear it, the waves, the seagulls. Truthbetold, I’d never be able to. I’ve never heard the ocean. But I’d always say yes.” You smile fondly at the numerous occasions where that exact scenario occurred.
“Billy was smart, he was one A away from a 4.0. He always took pride in having a higher GPA than me. Billy was also strong, and not just because he worked out everyday. No, Billy was strong because he had to be.” You glare at Neil for a brief moment, making him move awkwardly in his seat.
“Billy deserved so much more than what was given to him. I wish he could’ve seen California one last time. I wish he had the chance to leave this town, to start over, to never look back. He deserved that more than anyone else I know.” You take another breath, mind racing for something else to say, something to make people know Billy wasn’t the monster they believed him to be.
“California was his happy place. He told me many times that wherever I was, he was happy. But I always knew his happy was in California. Billy would tell me all kinds of stories about him and his mom. There was this one story where he caught a wave that was seven feet. He ran and told his mom who was on the shore. He never forgot to emphasize how pretty she was. How happy she was, how happy he was.” Tears prick your eyes, threatening to spill as you retell the story for the second time this week. This time, Billy wasn’t your audience. “He always talked about how one day he’d see her again. I wish he got that chance.”
“Billy died a hero, in many ways most of you could never understand. He died a hero to me,” Your eyes travel to find Nancy, Steve, and Johnathon. Each of them give a knowing, proud smile. You look at the young teens in the front row, the boys stare at their shoes, kicking their toe into the earth below. El wipes away tears, Max grins at you through hers, clinging to every word you speak. “To all of us. Even if you don’t know it.” With a final deep breath, you open your mouth one last time to finish your speech.
“Billy didn’t know peace for most of his life. I hope that he does now. And I hope wherever he is, the sky is forever clear, that he can see the ocean waves and hear the seagulls.”
Most people have left by now. Nancy and Johnathon made sure to give you hugs, Nancy reminded never hesitate to call. You said you would, but both of you know you’d probably never pick up the phone.
You sit alone staring ahead at the grey tombstone. “In loving memory of William Hargove. A loved brother and son.” You trace the words with your eyes over and over, unable to look away.
“I’m sorry,” You say quietly, “I know you would’ve wanted it this way. But it should’ve been me.” You stand, taking a final look at the empty cemetery. “I’ll love you until my heart stops, Billy Hargrove. I’m going to be yours forever, I promise.”
Forever Tags: @superfrankie111 // @rueinn // @lemonadeorange73 // @simplechicwithacrazedheart // @youshutthefuckupville // @captainpeggy40​ 
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writing-essence · 5 years
It Ate My Cat
Chapter One: Sheet Faced
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader
Warnings: language, underage drinking, sexual harassment (billy being an ass)
Summary: You’ve known Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington since your first days moving to Hawkins. What happens when you get wrapped up in his interdimensional babysitting adventure with your younger brother?
Author’s Note: I started writing this a year ago and it’s all I've been thinking about. Another friends to lovers slow burn you’re welcome! -Milla
Word Count: 1,756
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"Hey, Y/N! Tina from my chemistry class handed me a flyer to go to her Halloween Bash. I heard it's gonna be totally bitchin!" Amber, your friend, approached you holding a bright orange paper waving in her hand.
"Well,” you sighed, “I hope you have fun but I promised my mom I'd hand out the candy this year." You shut your locker turning on your heel down the hall.
"Oh c'mon I'm sure your mom won't mind and we don't have to show up 'til 8," she started to plead. "We haven't been to a party in forever and you need to talk to someone other than me, your brother or your cat."
You rolled your eyes and groaned. "Okay fine, I'll ask if I can go out. Happy?" She nodded her head with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. Amber was definitely more of the partier, it's not that you didn't like parties it's just too much of a gamble. Either you dance away into the night or you end up with your friends vomit on your shoes and your white t-shirt soaked by two idiots in the pool. And in your experience, it’s usually the ladder. You were unlocking your bike when Amber nudged your arm.
"So I'll meet you at your house around 7 tomorrow to get ready okay?"
"Is it a costume thing?" You asked and she nodded her blonde head. "So what are we even going to be? I don't have time to put together a costume. I still have to finish my brother's.”
"Don't worry about it, I got this. It'll be good, trust me," she winked waltzing off to the upper parking lot. She was a persuasive one.
The house was empty by the time you got home. Mom was at work and Dustin was most likely at the arcade with the party as they called themselves. "Well Mews, it looks like it's just you and me again," you said scratching under her chin. After grabbing an apple you headed to your room and pulled Dustin's costume out of the closet. After two hours of pricking your finger and pulling loose threads, you were finally finished. Dustin had gotten home about a half-hour ago from, you guessed it, the arcade.
"Dustin! I finished your costume!" You called. You heard the door next to yours open and a haphazard shuffle down the hall. He burst into your room zooming to where you sat at your desk.
"Thanks, Y/N, this is awesome!" His eyes were wide as he examined your handy work.
"Yeah sure and like we agreed you're doing dishes this month." His smile faltered but begrudgingly muttered out a confirmation and left the room still immersed in the costume.
You were helping your mom with dinner and decided now was as good a time as ever to ask about skipping candy duty tomorrow. "So mom, I finished Dusty's costume today. He loves it!" She nodded and mumbled an approving response. You cleared your throat, "ya know Amber invited me to her friends Halloween party and I know I said I'd help with candy duty but she really wants me to go," you continued nonchalantly chopping the vegetables until she replied.
"Oh sweetie, of course, you can go to a party! I didn't want you to feel left out tomorrow with Dusty going with his friends tomorrow since you’re usually the one to watch them, but now that you have plans, of course, you can go out!" She enthused.
You were taken aback as you thanked her. Maybe Amber was right, you did need to get out more. The kids were getting older and didn't need you to tag along on with them anymore. As fond, as you were of the rambunctious group, Johnathan had it covered. It was time for you to let loose for a night.
The next day flew by quick. Mom couldn't get over the costume you made for Dustin, absolutely gushing when taking pictures, the history test wasn't nearly as hard as you thought it'd be, and apparently, John and Becky were back together, at least according to Amber. Dustin had gone over to Mike’s so for the time being you were on candy duty. It was nearing 7 o'clock when there was a knock on the door revealing Amber and not a group of trick-or-treat-ers. She grabbed your arm and dragged you to your room with a bag in hand.
"Okay, I have the costumes!” She flung the paper bag across your bed. “You'll be Spock and I'll be Captain Kirk because I'm cooler." She pulled out a blue dress and tossed it to you. She had forced you to watch Star Trek a few times before and recalling what you had seen there was only a small issue.
"Woah, woah, woah does that mean I have to have weird eyebrows?" You asked. Amber simply sighed defeated.
"Okay fine you don't have to do the eyebrows!” she reasoned slowly inching towards you. “But in my heart, I know who you really are," she landed her pointer finger on your forehead. Looking up cross-eyed you pushed her hand away.
"You really are the weirdest person I know," you took the dress and changed.
You two rolled up to the party before 9 after getting ready and narrowly escaping your mother’s camera. The party was in full swing, a group of boys were in a huddle shouting what vaguely sounded like "Keg King" the boy in the middle was the new guy at school. The second you stepped in the door Amber headed straight for the punch which could only be spiked with god knows what. She handed you a cup and you swirled it around taking in your surroundings. She dragged you to the dance floor. While nursing your drink amidst the sweaty teenage bodies you started to let go. Nobody had a care in the world until Steve and Nancy made a scene by the punch bowl. As quick as the party stopped and all eyes were on them they shifted back to the music. You were finishing up your first cup while Amber was on her third.
"I hope we get arrested for underage drinking," she slung an arm over your shoulder.
"Why's that?" You asked knowing she's a lightweight, at this point in the night she was a goner.
"Because have you seen the sheriff? That ass in those pants wooo!" She lifted her cup to the air and spun around stumbling spilling some of her drink. 
"Okay, that's enough for you," You snorted taking the cup from her hand and placing it down on the counter. "Let's go sit down alright?" She nodded, giggling, continuing her inappropriate comments about the chief. Pushing through the crowded hallway you managed to find an empty room. You propped her up on the couch and handed her a cup of water. After much wrangling trying to get her to sober up, you went to refill the water. As you were walking down the hall the new guy caught up to you. You kept your head down breaking any eye contact and yet there he was still blocking your path.
"I don't think we've met, you know my name?" He asked leaning against the wall too close for comfort.
"Keg King?" You quipped at the denim-clad teen.
"Damn right it is!" He shouted and started chanting the nickname towards the group of boys behind him. The gaggle of goons continued their chant to the living room, leaving their king behind.  "Name’s Billy. And you?" He asked turning back to you putting his hand on your arm. You shook it off and reluctantly answered. "Well, Y/N what do you say we find an empty room?" His hand traveled to your waist. You flinched away from his grasp.
"In your dreams," you tried to push forward toward the kitchen but he closed you in against the wall.
"Let's try that again," his grip tightened to the point of hoping you wouldn't end up with a bruise tomorrow. You struggled to try to free yourself from between him and the wall. You started to panic when someone shouted from up the hall.
"Hey, asshole leave her alone!" 
You turned and saw Steve Harrington making his way towards the scene. He shoved Billy off of you and body checked him into a painting opposite you. Billy steadied himself to fight back but Steve had already stormed off through the crowd.
"Hey!" You ran after him weaving through the mess of drunken teens. "Steve!" He ignored your calls rushing outside towards his car. "Hey, Harrington!" You heaved catching your breath as he stood next to his car his back turned to you.
"What?" He snapped.
"I- just wanted to say-" you hesitated at his outburst, stepping closer. Your gratitude was interrupted by sniffling, “-are you okay?"
His keys jiggled as they hit the pavement. Before you could do anything arms were thrown around you and tears hit your shoulder. Unsure of the etiquette of the position you were in you patted his back and murmured words of comfort. Quickly he pulled away running his hands through his hair mumbling an "I'm sorry"
"You know Harrington we really have to stop meeting like this," you laughed trying to make light of the situation. He just shook his head staring at the ground. "Do you wanna tell me what happened?"
"She dumped me."
"What Nancy? I mean I know you guys had a punch incident but don't you think-" he cut you off.
"She said it was bullshit, everything." There was a flicker in his eye and he turned to his car. "Bullshit!" He kicked the front tire, aggression masking the tears. Your instincts jumped in from all of Dustin’s sporadic incidents over the years.
"Hey, hey, hey,” you jumped forward. “Look I get that it sucks but breaking your foot won't be much help,” you grabbed his shoulders leading him away from the scuffed tire. "Are you sure you’re okay to drive?" 
He looked up at me and nodded slowly letting out a deep breath. He unlocked his car door and looked back at you apologetically. "Uh thanks for- for that," he shrugged unsure what to call the exchange, you gave him a small smile in return.
"Stay safe Harrington," you said starting to walk backward towards the party.
"You too Henderson."
With that, he started up his car while you tracked down your very drunk friend.
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Giving In (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Soooooo, I know I have been stalled on my other projects for a super long time but I have recently followed down a rabbit hole that involves Billy from Stranger Things. This popped into my head and for the first time in a while, I have had the inspiration to write and thus, this was born. So please let me know what you think and I promise to try and update my other works soon. I think I might finally be back in the swing of things!
“My girl is looking fucking hot today.”
You let out an annoyed sigh when you heard the deep voice behind you. You shut your locker and spun around.
“How many times do I have to tell you, Hargrove? I’m not your girl.”
If there was one person in Hawkins you could not stand, it was Billy Hargrove. He was just way too cocky for his own good. He hadn’t even been in Hawkins for a few months before he started sleeping with almost every female in your grade. Every day as you walked down the hall, you would hear a new girl giggling and laughing as she told her friends something Billy did or said to her. 
You never could stand guys like that, especially since your own father turned out to be the same way. So you made the choice to actively avoid Billy and it worked too until about a month ago. You had been walking out of the locker room after cheer practice. You hadn’t been watching where you were walking and you had accidentally walked right into a hard chest. 
“Oh my god, I am so…” You trailed off as you looked up, coming face to face with Billy Hargrove. 
“Nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart,” he said, finishing your sentence for you. You watched as his eyes trailed up and down your body, a smirk planted firmly on his face as he locked eyes with you. “Not everyday a pretty thing like you just walks right into me.”  You barely refrained from rolling your eyes as you pulled your books closer to your chest.
“Yeah well, sorry,” you mumbled as you went to walk by. You stopped however when an arm blocked your path. 
“Whoa not so fast, princess. I didn’t even get your name.” You let out a silent sigh as you looked up at him. He still had a smirk on his face and his eyes stayed locked on yours. You had to admit he was handsome but he reminded you too much of your father. You tried to walk the other way but he just laughed and put his other arm out.
“Come on now, don’t be rude, babe. I’m just trying to be friendly.”
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You dug your nails into the palm of your hand. Maybe if you just gave him your name, he’d leave you alone.  “[Y/N]”
Billy raised an eyebrow as he gave you a toothy grin. 
“[Y/N],” he repeated. “Pretty name for a pretty lady.”
You felt another eye roll coming on and just gave a tight smile. “Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse me.” You went to walk by again but Billy blocked you again.
“Aren’t you gonna ask me my name, [Y/N]?”
She could feel her patience slipping. She had a long day and practice took a lot out of her. The last thing she wanted was to play whatever game Billy thought of.
“I know who you are. You’re the new guy who has slept with half the girls in the school. You’re the guy that beat up Steve Harrington and the guy who holds the keg record.”
Billy’s grin grew as he leaned against the wall, still blocking your path.
“So you’ve heard of me. Names Billy. Billy Hargrove.” He reached out and took your hand. He went to raise it to his lips but you pulled it away at the last second, something that surprised him. 
“Like I said, I know who you are. Now if you excuse me, I have homework to do.” You walked around him before he could stop you. 
Billy furrowed his eyebrows and turned around to watch you walk out to the parking lot. 
It was a reaction Billy hadn’t expected. Usually, girls were reduced to puddles right in front of him but not you. You just acted you couldn’t have cared less. You thought by being short with Billy, he’d just move on to try to get in another girl’s pants. What you didn’t know though, was that you had captured his attention. It was after your first meeting that you started seeing Billy more and more. 
“Are you stalking me?” You raised an eyebrow as Billy just so happen to walk by the girl’s locker room right as you walked out. It had been happening all week and she couldn’t stop the question that left her lips. 
Billy raised an eyebrow and put his hands up in a surrender gesture.  “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, [Y/N]. I’m just heading to my car.”
You wanted to smack that stupid smirk he had on his face off but just shook your head and walked off, hearing him let out a quiet laugh. 
The following week, he had come up to you in the library and asked if you wanted to accompany him to Carol’s party she was throwing since her parents were out of town. 
“I can’t. Have to wash my hair that night.”
Billy rolled his eyes as you went back to studying.
“Come on, babe. It will be fun. I’m sure I could show you a good fucking time.” He trailed his fingers down your arm. You clench your jaw as you stood up and put your books back in your bag. Billy raised an eyebrow as you turned to look at him. 
“Look, Billy, I’m not interested. I’m not interested in being just another notch on your bedpost. Why don’t you go ask one of your many followers, I’m sure they’d love it.”
Once again, you walked away leaving Billy without anything to say. He watched your retreating form and clenched his jaw.  He wasn’t used to this. He was used to the girls falling at his feet. Normally he’d just say fuck it and move on to the next girl but there was something about you he couldn’t get over. So instead, he just shrugged and walked out of the library, trying to think of new ways to get to you.
For the last month, he’d pop up everywhere and always made it a point to make some comment. Whether it be about how you looked that day, your hair, your perfume. Anything he could think of, he’d say. On top of that, he also started referring to you as either ‘baby,’ ‘princess,’ or ‘my girl.’
Your cheeks burned slightly but said nothing, deciding on just walking away. Billy smirked as you started walking down the hall to English, he followed wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Well, you could be my girl if you stopped being so stubborn. What are you afraid of huh? Afraid you’ll actually fall for me?”
He snickered as you rolled your eyes again. You shrugged out of his hold as you opened the door to your class. “Trust me, Hargrove, that ain’t it.”
You would never admit this to anyone, especially Billy, but you were afraid. If things were different, you probably would have agreed to go out with Billy when he first asked. Your body responded well to him. You felt a shiver run down your spine every time he wrapped his arms around you. Felt your heartbeat pick up slightly whenever he complimented you.
 But you wouldn’t put yourself in the same shoes your mom found herself in with your dad. You saw what it did to her and you never wanted to go through that. So you kept pushing Billy away, convinced one of these days he would just give up. 
“Then what is it?”
You bit back a smirk as you looked over at Billy, who had taken the desk next to yours. You could see specks of irritation in his eyes.
“What’s the matter? Is the big, bad, Billy Hargrove mad that he isn’t getting what he wants?”
Billy clicked his tongue and lent forward until your faces were inches apart. You swallowed a lump that had formed in your throat as you felt his breath hit your lips.
“Oh princess, I’ll get what I want sooner or later. Always do.”
Your hand tightened on your pencil slightly as he pulled back. 
“Come on, [Y/N]! You got to come with us! Tina’s parties are always the best and you haven’t been to a party yet this year.”
You sighed as your friends from cheerleading tried to convince you to go to Tina’s party on Friday night. You weren’t much of a partier, only went to maybe two or three a school year.
“I don’t know guys.”
“What if we said Billy would be there?” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at Haley, the girl who had made the comment. 
“Then I would say it’s a definite no.”
Some of the girls laughed as Haley rolled her eyes. “Oh come on [Y/N], we see how you guys flirt.”
“Okay, I do not flirt with him.”
“Maybe not but he definitely flirts with you.”
You shrugged as you tie your sneakers. “I’ve tried to tell him it won’t work but he won’t listen. Let him waste his breath, he’ll get over it eventually.”
“I doubt it. Linda tried to talk to him the other day after Chemistry and he just ignored her and kept walking until he got to your locker.”
“I think he really likes you,” another girl, Kathy, said. You felt your heart speed up slightly and mentally kicked yourself. Instead, you just let out a small huff.
“Billy doesn’t like anyone. He just doesn’t like to be told no. Can we drop this and go practice now.”
As you walked into the gym, the girl's words played over in your head no matter how much you tried to ignore them. There was no way Billy actually liked you. He only entertained a girl for two days, maybe three before he got bored and moved on. 
“There’s no way,” you mumbled to yourself.
The girls didn’t take no for an answer and dragged you to Tina’s on Friday. You had come up with every excuse in the book as to why you couldn’t go but they bought none of them. Haley had insisted on picking out your outfit. It consisted of high waisted denim shorts, a pink, short-sleeved crop top, and a denim jacket. 
You let a sigh as your group walked into the party. You had already told yourself you would only stay at the party for two hours tops before walking home since you lived on the next street over. 
When you walked in, you saw a few people stop and turn to look at you. Not your friends, you. You passed by a group of girls who were talking and you just so happen to catch some of the conversations.
“That’s the girl Billy is obsessed with. I overheard Tommy telling Carol that he hasn’t even looked at another girl in like a month.”
“I hear she’s playing hard to get. I’m surprised Billy is still wasting his time.”
Your heart fluttered then dropped at the same time.
“Let's go get drinks,” Kathy yelled over the loud music. You guys walked into the kitchen and you heard people chanting outside but couldn’t hear what they were saying or who they were surrounding. You just shrugged and accepted a drink from Haley. 
You had been at the party for about an hour and luckily saw no sign of Billy. Your group had disbanded, some going outside, others going to dance. You stood by the opening of the kitchen, sipping your drink as you watched your friends.
“Hey.” You heard next to you. You turned your head to the left and saw Joseph Atkins standing next to you. Joseph was a popular football player and very easy on the eyes. He was tall with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He did well in school and sports and was a good guy.
You gave a small smile.
“Hey, Joey. What’s up?”
He shrugged as he stood next to you.
“Not much. I didn’t expect to see you here. Thought parties weren’t your thing.”
You gave a little laugh. “They’re not but Haley and the girls dragged me out. I’m sure after this I’ll have enough human interaction to last me till graduation.”
Joey laughed and you both took sips of your drinks. You saw him check you out from the corner of your eye.
“You uh, you look really pretty.” He raised his voice slightly so you could hear him over the music that had been turned up. 
You felt your cheeks burn slightly but before you could respond, two strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back until you collided with a hard chest. 
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here.” You recognized the deep voice that was in your ear instantly.
You let out a groan before turning your head and seeing Billy. He wasn’t looking at you though. His eyes were planted firmly on Joey, giving the football player a glare.
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“Hitting on my girl, Atkins?”
Your eyes widen but before you could say anything, Joey shook his head.
“Sorry, Billy. I didn’t know you guys were together.” 
“We’re n-.” Billy cut you off before you could finish.
“Well, we are so beat it.” Joey just gave a nod before walking away. Your eyes widened even more as you heard Billy laugh. You pushed his hands off of you before spinning around.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Shouldn’t you be over a keg right now instead of worrying about who I’m talking to?”
Your eyes briefly flashed to his bare chest that was on display thanks to him wearing no shirt.
“I already beat my record for the night.” “Yea well good for you. Doesn’t mean you get to come in here and decide who can talk to me.”
Billy just smirked and once again grabbed your waist and pulled you to him. You put your hands on his bare chest, trying to ignore the way he felt as you tried to put distance between you.
“Come on, [Y/N]. He was looking at you like a piece of meat. I mean can’t say as I blame him. You look fucking hot, baby.”
You rolled your eyes.
“And how is that any different from what you do? Least he probably doesn’t just want in my pants.”
At your words, something in Billy changed. The smirk dropped from his face as he leaned forward to whisper in your ear.
“How do you know that’s all I want?”
You felt your stomach drop and your heart start to race at his words. When he pulled back the look he gave you was too much. You shook your head and pushed his hands off of you before walking away without another word. You made your way upstairs and to the bathroom. You shut the door and leaned against it, taking a few deep breaths.
You closed your eyes and thought of what he said before thinking about your conversation with the girls the other day.
“I think he really likes you.” You recall Kathy saying. 
Then you remembered hearing the random girls earlier tonight. “That’s the girl Billy is obsessed with. I overheard Tommy telling Carol that he hasn’t even looked at another girl in like a month.”
“No, no, no, no, no. He doesn’t actually like me.” You pushed off the door and walked over to the sink. You ran the tap and cupped some water in your hands before splashing it on your face. You closed your eyes and let out a slow breath. Someone pounding their first on the door made you pick your head up. 
“Just a minute,” you called. You grabbed a towel and dry your face. You took one last look in the mirror before going over and unlocking the door before opening. Before you could say anything, you felt yourself being pushed back. Your eyes widened when you saw Billy closing the door and locking it.
“What the hell, Billy?” He turned around and you noticed he still had the look in his eye. “You can’t just come barging-.”
You were suddenly cut off when Billy charged forward and slammed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened and you at first tried to push him off but his hands held your face. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut and you kissed back, placing your hands in his curly locks. His lips were soft against your own and you barely held in a moan. He pushed you up against the wall and started trailing soft kisses down your face to your neck. 
“B-Billy I can’t.” You put your hands on his chest and slightly pushed him back. He let out a sigh and stared at you as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
“Why do you hate me?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the fact that you let Joseph fucking Atkins talk to you and look at you like a piece of meat but if I do it, all I want is to fuck you?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and you shook your head. 
“I don’t hate you, Billy. I don’t know if you know this, but you have quite a reputation around school. Everyone knows that you sleep with one girl and then move on to the next. You stay with one for maybe a week but never longer.” Billy kept his eyes on you as you spoke. “My mom went through the same thing with my dad and it destroyed her. I told myself I would never go through anything like that. No matter how hot the guy is.” Your cheeks burned at the confession and you couldn’t believe you had just said it out loud but it also felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Billy noticed how your voice wavered when you mentioned your father. You refused to meet his eyes, instead focusing your attention on the floor. You heard Billy sigh before he spoke.
“Look, I know that I’m known for fucking and moving on but come on, [Y/N]. Do you really think I would go on for this long if all I wanted to do was fuck?”
You shrugged. “Boys do stupid things when they’re horny.”
Billy rolled his eyes. “And what about me waiting at your locker every day? Or here’s a question, do you ever remember seeing me in English until a month ago?” You furrowed your eyebrows at his question. Now that he said something, you actually couldn’t remember ever seeing Billy in English until after you bumped into him for the first time. 
“Now I’ll admit, at first I was just trying to see if I could wear you down any but things fucking changed, okay? The day you told me off in the library, I knew you were different. And I liked that.”
You felt your heart once again start to speed up as Billy continued. “I’m not fucking good with this feeling bullshit but trust me when I tell you, if all I wanted was to fuck you, I would have stopped after the day in the library.”
You looked up into his eyes and saw the way he was looking at you. There was no smirk, no playfulness in his voice. He stared hard at you, wanting you to know he wasn’t lying. 
“I guess what I’m trying to say is, I like you [Y/N]. I like that you’re different. I like that you call me on my shit and don’t just throw yourself at me like everyone else. I like you.”
You let out a shaky breath. You never imagined that Billy Hargrove would be standing in front of you, expressing his feelings in his own way. 
“Wow I um, I don’t know what to say, Billy.”
Billy gave a slight nod. “I know this is probably a lot but all I’m asking for is a chance, [Y/N]. This would be new for both of us, but I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”
You thought about it for a minute. There was just something about the way he was talking that made you believe him. You could tell this was something new for him just by the way he kept shifting on his feet and clenching his jaw. And to be honest, you were getting tired of fighting your feelings for him. You took a deep breath and looked at him.
“Okay, Billy. We can try this out.” A grin slowly started to form on Billy’s face as you continued. “But I swear to god, one little slip-up and it’s done and my mom is friends with chief Hopper. He taught me to shoot at a young age.”
Billy laughed and walked towards you. He grabbed your hips and pulled you towards him. 
“I’ll keep that in mind, princess. You won’t regret this. Scouts honor.” 
“You don’t seem like the boy scout type.” 
“You’ll find out soon, babe, that I know quite a few rope tying techniques.” 
You blushed wildly and punched him in the stomach. Billy, however, didn’t even move, instead, he lent down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. You placed your hands on his chest and returned the kiss, both of you allowing yourselves to finally give in to your true feelings.
A/N: Let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more!
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zodiyack · 5 years
Billy Hargrove VS The World
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x reader Scott Pilgrim Vs The World AU (See note!)
Warnings: 7 exes that would love to kill Billy, violence, swearing, soft!Billy, I guess two sexual references since it’s Billy we’re talking about, smut mention but no smut, making out, SPOLIERS!, and cheesy pirate Patel
Words: 4947
Note: This is a Scott Pilgrim Vs The World AU because I love that movie and it would be interesting to write an AU involving that. Also this is a multiple part story due to all 7 exes and the battles. One ex per post! (maybe) I’m sorry for the unoriginal title lmao
By the way, yes. There is dialogue from the movie. That is in and going to be in this miniseries. As I said, I love this movie and I think most of the dialogue was funny, plus it is semi important to the story. And the exes are the same people from the movie. Sorry if you don’t like that.
o/o/y/f/c = One of Your Favorite Color(s)
Bold = Words From The Movie (that appear on the screen, if you’ve watched it, then you know what I’m talking about)
Italics with apostrophes = Billy’s thoughts (and Matthew’s thoughts but only once)
Italic = Used for a few different things, mainly enthusiasm/emphasis on words
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Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
link to the soundtrack on youtube ‘cause why not (a few will be in here I guess)
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5 and 6. Part 7.
Tommy pointed to the new girl. Finally, some fresh meat for Billy. Or Tommy, whichever one thought of her first. Billy finally grew bored of the girls at school, he waited for one that was newer. Fresher. Cuter.
There she was. Her unnatural o/o/y/f/c hair sat on her shoulders. Roller-blades on her feet, her torso clothed in a shirt covered with a hoodie and another jacket. Her bag hung by her side, headphone strings leaving it and connecting to the headphones on her head. She didn’t look like most girls. Billy had seen most of them, and none had looked as breathtaking nor interesting as her. Before either teens could walk over to her, a boy around their age walked in front of them. She was gone when he moved.
“I hear she’ll be at Tina’s party tonight.” Carol noticed the boy’s fascination with the new kid, sharing it. “We should go, it’ll give you the chance to learn more about her, Billy.”
“We’ll see.” He brushed off his thoughts about the odd girl, her choice of hair color and clothing, and her headphones that caused her mental absence from the world. Billy turned and walked away, continuing with the rest of his day.
. . .
Billy was stopped by Tina. She asked him how the party was going and if he needed anything.
“Hey Tina, you know everyone, right?”
“Yeah. Pretty much.” She let out a small laugh. Billy didn’t know whether it was fake or genuine.
“Do you know this one girl with hair...” He grabbed a pen the same color as the new girl’s hair color, quickly drawing a horrible doodle of the girl’s hair. “Like this?”
“Yes, that’s Y/n L/n.” Tina took a sip of her drink, “Someone said she was gonna be here tonight actually.”
Billy’s hand that held the drawing went down quickly, his head snapping to the side and his eyes searching for Y/n. “What?”
“Oh Billy, you got the hots for her or something? I’ve gotta tell you though, I hear she’s a little hardcore-” Tina had looked down mid-sentence and when she looked back up Billy was gone. She turned her head with confusion.
Meanwhile, Billy was now walking through the crowd in search of his unique looking crush. His eyes and head shifted when he couldn’t see her, switching from left and right with each step he took. He didn’t blink, afraid that he’d miss her if he did. After many turns of his head and movements of his eyes, he finally spotted her. His hand clenched the red solo cup, squeezing it until it was crumpled and disfigured.
He slid along the wall, stopping when his body was right next to hers. He faced her, his body turned slightly so that she knew she had his full attention.
“Hey, what’s up?”
She turned her head to him for a second, facing forwards again and replying with, “Nothing.” before taking a sip from her cup.
“Hey you know swimming?”
“I know of it.” She took another sip, still not facing him.
He rambled on about the breast stroke and how he could teach her. Billy took notice of her silence, looking up to see that she was facing him with no emotion visible. 
“That’s amazing.” Her reply was just as her face was; emotionless and dull.
“Uhm...” He looked down. No girl could make Billy nervous. By now, he’d have them a blushing mess, begging for him to do whatever he’d like. So now that the new girl, on the first day she’d ever met him, just somehow managed to make him regret every word he said, he thought he’d gone soft. “Am I dreaming?” Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion and another emotion Billy couldn’t quite think of. However, it was enough to make him regret speaking once more. “I’ll leave you alone forever now...”
And Then
He Stalked Her
Until She
The Party
He grabbed Tommy’s shoulder, spinning him around.
“She’s totally real!”
“Y/n L/n.” His gaze went elsewhere. Billy then speeded off to find Tina. “Dude!” She made a face at Billy’s sudden approach, but let him speak. “What do you know about Y/n L/n?”
“All I know is that she’s (ethnicity).”
His sudden dramatic and demanding of knowledge persona swapped to dreamy, just as it had when he said her name to Tommy. “(ethnicity)...”
“Why don’t you go talk to Sandra and Monique, they know more about her.” Tina’s head nodded to two blond women laughing in a doorway. Billy rushed to them.
“Lady-dudes. What do you know about Y/n L/n?”
Sandra spoke up first, “I heard she has a boyfriend.” Monique confirmed her knowledge, “Mhm, yes. Left him back in New York.”
Billy felt a bit annoyed, but still wanted to know more. “Yeah yeah yeah...What else?”
He asked other people, earning all kinds of different responses.
“I heard she kicks all kinds of ass.”
“She’s on...another level!”
“She has men dying at her feet!”
“She’s got some battle scars dude.”
“What about Y/n L/n?!” Robin asked, semi full of annoyance for her old friend.
“You know her? Tell me now.”
“She just moved here, got a job at the mall, comes into my work.”
“Does she really?” His tone was dreamy again.
A girl put her arm around Robin, “didn’t you say she just broke up with someone?”
“Did she really?”
“They had uh...huge fight or whatever?”
“Did they really?”
Robin slapped the other girl’s arm off of her. “Yes! But I didn’t want Billy to know that, Kate!”
“Yeah...I don’t know what it is about that girl-”
“Billy, I forbid you from hitting on Y/n! Even if you haven’t had a real girlfriend in over a year or whatever.”
Billy’s daydreaming halted to a stop. He let out a scoff and turned away.
“Hey, woah woah woah, my man Billy’s got all kinds of girls...he’s totally getting with an older girl sometime, right?” Tommy couldn’t keep his big mouth shut, as usual.
“Getting with an older girl or multiple girls is not having a real girlfriend.”
“She’s got a point.” Kate wrapped her arm around Robin again.
“I thought you guys weren’t friends anymore?”
Robin slapped away Kate again. “I don’t want you scaring off one of my old friends now that she’s in town, Billy. We all know you’re a lady-killer-wannabe-jerky-jerk.”
“That’s completely untrue.”
“That time with Lisa?”
“That was a misunderstanding.”
“That time with Holly?”
“That wasn’t what it looked like.”
“That time you dumped Faith for-”
“Okay me and Faith are all good now, right?” He turned to where the girl Robin had mentioned stood. Her cup was in her hands and her face was blank with wide eyes. She looked traumatized. Billy turned back to Robin.
“Whatever! Y/n’s just out of your league, let’s just leave it at that. Besides, I’m not even sure she had a big break up. She keeps mentioning some guy named Gideon.”
“Yeah, I don’t know what it is about that girl-”
. . .
“What’s this?”
“I don’t know, it’s a letter for you dumbass. Read it.”
Billy grunted and took the letter from his father, tearing it open and allowing his eyes to scan the page slowly. He mumbled the words as he read them. It was only Max and him in the room, so it couldn’t do much harm. “Dear Mr. Hargrove, it has come to my attention that we will be fighting soon. My name is Matthew Patel and blah blah blah blah...fair warning, mono e mono, 7 evil blah blah... This is... This is... This is-”
Max grew annoyed with her older brother. “What?!?”
“This is borrrinnnggg. Get rid of thisss.” He threw the letter into the recycling and walked up the stairs to his room. “Hey Max?” For once, he didn’t care about being an ass to the redheaded girl. He had a plan, and he needed her as an excuse to leave the house.
“What is it?”
“Wanna go to the mall?”
“For real?” Of course, he couldn’t tell her. “Let me get my wallet and I’ll meet you in the car!”
. . .
“Hello. Robin tells me you ordered this ice cream but left before she could give it to you, so here.” The ice cream that she handed him was indeed abandoned when he heard Steve say that Y/n was in the mall and would be hanging around Scoops soon. “You gonna take it? Ooor-”
“Hi, I was thinking about asking you out but then I realized how stupid that would be...so do you wanna go out sometime?”
“Um no, that’s okay. You can just pay for this, alright?”
“You don’t remember me, do you? We met at the party the other day.”
“Were you the swim guy?”
“Nooooooooo, not even. That was some total ass...I was the...other guy.”
“You know you need to take this and pay for it?”
“But if I do, you’ll leave.”
“Yeah. It’s how it works.”
“Okay well maybe, do you wanna hang out sometime? Get to know each other? You’re the new kid on the block...right, I’ve lived here...for a while so there are reasons...for you to hang out with me.”
A short pause was shared between the two. Y/n’s eyes glanced up to Billy’s with an eyebrow raised. He didn’t know why he felt desperate, but this girl was making him feel different.
“You want me to hang out with you?”
“Um...” He looked down shyly, but quickly looked back up to her face. “Yeah, if that’s cool...” His tough demeanor seemed to flee whenever she was present.
“If I say yes, will you take and pay for your damn ice cream?”
He snatched the ice cream from her and tossed it over his shoulder and into the garbage can behind him effortlessly, taking out the money needed and handing it to her. “So yeah, eight o’clock?”
So Yeah ( . . . )
“Why’re you just standing there?”
“Dude, I’m totally waiting on you.” Y/n turned to Billy, her hands tucked into the pockets of her hoodie. Billy didn’t know whether she looked offended or confused.
“Oh...I’m sorry, I just assumed you were too cool to be here on time...” In other words, he assumed she was like him. If you were at Tina’s party, then you were bound to be somewhat of a “cool kid” or a rebel or anything remotely relating to popularity. Then again, Tina loved handing out invites.
“Well. You assumed wrong.”
They walked in the chilly weather. Small talk slowly formed and they tried their best to get to know each other just as Billy had suggested. His nervousness didn’t leave him around her, and he was glad that no one else from school was there to see him make a fool of himself. ‘You’re just gonna get lucky and then leave her like the rest of them.’ No matter how many times he told himself that, he was too interested in Y/n. His felt something he wasn’t sure he had ever actually felt.
“So, how’d you end up in Hawkins?” Crap. He wasn’t even sure he could get to like him. Let alone be his snack of the week.
“Just needed to escape I guess...”
“Oh yeah.” He knew exactly how she felt. Or at least what he thought she meant by it.
“I got this job here and Gideon always said Hawkins was one of the cool places, so.”
Now Billy felt the need to ask the question that had been bugging him since Robin brought it up. “Is Gideon...your boyfriend?” It had been bothering him and filling him with a small amount of disappointment and worry.
“He’s...a friend.” Her gaze strayed away.
“Was he your boyfriend?”
She looked hurt. Hurt and uncomfortable. “Do you mind if I don’t get into that right now?” Y/n turned and walked to the swing set in front of them.
“Uh- it’s so not interesting to me...” 
Y/n kept walking, Billy joining her and attempting to not bother her any more than he had already done. She took notice and initiated conversation so that he wouldn’t feel as awkward and guilty, “What about you, what do you do?”
“Oh, I’m in between jobs at the moment.”
“Between what and what?” She moved in front of the swing and sat down as Billy started talking. He did the same but his movements were still shy and cautious.
“Well my last job was...a long story, filled with sighs.”
“I know plenty of those.” Billy took the opportunity to check on Y/n. His face slowly looked over to hers, which was looking up and admiring the sky.
“Is that why you left New York?” 
She looked in front of her, furrowing her eyebrows and nodding, “Pretty much. Just time to head somewhere a little more chilled.”
A cold breeze swept past the two. It was incredible timing.
“Well it’s certainly chilled here!” The wind gave Billy the perfect opportunity to try and lift the mood. A smile rested on his face, his joke seemed like one of the funniest things in the world seeing as Y/n had that same smile.
“It’s chilled as in cold...” Oh no. ‘Why the fuck am I so awkward?”
“Yeah.” ‘Oh dear god she noticed.’
The two decided to swing a bit more. With the conversation at a pause, that was honestly probably needed, Y/n and Billy swung their legs back and forth. competition started. They both tried to see who could go higher, Y/n won and smiled slightly while Billy smiled and chuckled with accepting defeat.
After they finished their fun, Billy and Y/n hopped off the swings for a finale. They continued their conversation afterwards, light droplets of rain mixed with small snowflakes falling over their heads.
“It’s ridiculous. Isn’t it like September?”
“No...but it doesn’t snow much in Indiana...ya know, I can barely see you?” His leather jacket was suddenly not projecting as much warmth as he normally would have anticipated. “This whole thing is an unmitigated disaster.”
“I think ‘Act Of God’ is a pretty decent excuse for a lousy date.”
Billy stopped in his tracks. A sneaky signature smirk crept onto his face and his usual attitude made an appearance. “So this a date, eh?”
She stopped as well and turned. “Did I say date?” He nodded. “Slip of the tongue.”
“Anyway, nights not over yet...” She turned back to where they were originally facing, “and there’s a thingy over here somewhere.”
Once again, she turned her head towards him. “A door.” She turned it back, yet again, but this time there was a door in front of them. Odd. She nodded her head over to it in a beckoning way. “Come on.”
Billy took her hand and was dragged by her over to the mysterious door.
Y/n Come Closer ( . . . )
Y/n took off her shoes and looked up at Billy. He sat at her dining room table, staring at her with awe and adoration. Y/n broke the silence and walked over to her cupboard. “What kind of tea do you want?”
He didn’t know why he took his jacket off. His arms were cradling themselves as one would when they were cold. And he was cold. “There’s more than one kind?”
She opened the cupboard. “We have,” she inhaled. “Blueberry, raspberry, ginseng, sleepytime, green tea, green tea with lemon, green tea with lemon and honey, liver disaster, ginger with honey, ginger without honey, vanilla almond, white truffle, blueberry caramel, vanilla walnut, constant comment annnnnd...earl gray.”
When her sentence was finished, Y/n turned to face a wide eyed Billy. “Did you make some of those up?”
She reached into the cupboard and pulled out a box, “I think I’ll have sleepytime.”
“That sounds good to me...”
She made the tea and set it on the table. Billy’s position didn’t go unnoticed by her, “Want me to get you a blanket?” Her eyebrows were raised with amusement.
“That would actually be...awesome.”
Y/n walked away into her room. A few minutes passed. More minutes. Billy was almost done with his tea. He wondered where she went. He wondered why she was taking so long. Billy decided to go into her room and check on her, making a grunt-like wheeze.
Facing her closet, she was taking off her shirt. Upon hearing him, she turned and raised her arms. “Dude I’m changing.” She didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he just walked in on her while he bra was the only thing covering her chest. 
Billy let out a small, “Ah, sorry!” and covered his eyes. “I’m just cold...”
“Here. That help?”
“Yeah...that’s very warm...What is that?” His hands slowly left his face. “Oh- kaaay...” Y/n was standing right in front of him with a cheeky grin on her lips. He leaned in and kissed her. It was finally happening. Their lips danced together, it felt like they had rehearsed the dance for so long yet in reality they were very new to each other.
The make out session with Y/n was all it took to break Billy. He was in love and he couldn’t deny it. As their passion turned rough and intense, he thought of how happy he felt and how he wouldn’t normally feel that with a girl.
They finally pulled away. Billy’s arms were around Y/n and one of her hands was on his shoulder, her arms laying loosely, and her other was clutching his side under his arm.
“Were you just gonna...bring the blanket from your bed?”
“I guess...” Her voice was soft, unlike her previous dead tone. Billy managed to shatter her “hardcore” exterior with a simple make out session. Or so he thought, if you asked anyone what they thought, they’d say Y/n managed to break him within their first conversation and then decided to let him in after touching her lips to his.
“Maybe we should...both get under it...since we’re both so cold...”
“What about our tea?”
Of course. The tea. Billy didn’t give a fuck about the tea. “I can...not have tea.”
The night went on with passion and...lust. They stripped down to their underwear and continued making out on Y/n’s bed. At some point they got under the blankets and Y/n leaned over Billy to continue their rough kissing. When it was “just about to get good”, Y/n pulled away from Billy.
“I changed my mind.”
“...changed it from what?”
“I don’t want to have sex with you Hargrove.” She moved over beside Billy, laying on his arm and snuggling into his side. “Not right now.”
Another, “Oooh- kay?” escaped Billy’s mouth. As usual, he didn’t know if he should feel hurt, angered or just plain okay with it. He longed for Y/n. She was his addiction, better than any drug. In his mind, he made the exception; feel bad about it later, stay with her for now.
“It’s not like I’m gonna send you home in this weather or anything, you can sleep in my bed. And I reserve the right to change my mind about the sex later.” At least he had a chance.
“This is...nice. Just this...” He was referencing their semi-cuddling forms. “It’s been like, a really long time so I think I needed this...whatever it is so...thank you.”
Y/n leaned over and kissed his cheek, “You’re welcome.” He wrapped his arms around her when she wrapped one of her arms around his neck.
. . .
Billy and his basketball team were just having some harmless fun. It was a game, and school was out for the day. No one could do anything bad, right? Wrong.
Read to show off, Billy brought the new girl to the gym. Max was dragged along since Billy was her ride home. He and his team were horribly distracted by the pretty girl now known as Billy’s first official girlfriend. Scowls and mean looks were given to Y/n by the other girls at school, purely out of jealousy. This morning, Y/n was walked down the hall of Hawkins’ high under Billy’s arm, wolf whistles and more sounded around them.
A weird looking guy stormed into the room, “MR. HARGROVE. IT IS I, MATTHEW PATEL. CONSIDER OUR FIGHT,” Y/n looked horrified. She was pale and breathing unsteadily. The guy who had announced himself to be Matthew moved his head slightly, nodding his hair out of his face. “BEGUN!”
He ran at Billy. ‘What is this kid on?’ Time felt like it was moving in slow motion. “What did I do...?” His voice was slow. He really was moving in slow motion. “What do I do...” Matthew launched himself into the air with his fist raised. He aimed himself to punch at Billy.
Tommy gripped the shoulders of the boys next to him, leaning forward and yelling with entertainment. “Fight!”
Billy’s eyebrows furrowed. His fists clenched. He threw the basket ball to the side and shifted to a fighting stance. He blocked Matthew’s punch with his arm and reversed their roles. He swung his fist at Matthew’s face, somehow knocking him to the side of the room. Tommy, Max and Y/n’s eyes widened, as well as everyone else’s in the room.
Matthew still refused to give up. He jumped in front of Billy, “Alright! Alright...”
Max yelled from the bleachers. “Watch out!” They all turned to her. “It’s that one guy.”
“Ha!” Matthew smiled mischievously and ran at Billy again. Sadly, some people just don’t learn from their mistakes. Billy threw an uppercut to Matthews chin, sending him flying to the back of the room. Billy got in some extra punches while Matthew was still down. The two landed in front of each other, most of the people in the gym now gathered around them.
Matthew blew dust off his shoulders and turned to Billy before laughing a laugh that could’ve been mistaken for a villain’s. They started to circle each other, Mathew taking a step to the left and Billy taking a step to the right, “Well well well...you’re quite the opponent.” His neck moved left and then moved back to the right after each syllable when he said, “Hargrove.”
“Who the hell are you anyway?”
“My name,” he swung his right arm up into the air, his left clenched in a fist that met his collar bone. “is Matthew Patel! And I’m Y/n’s FIRST,” Matthew lifted his pointer finger on his left hand and moved his arm to the side. He moved his fingers so that his pinky, ring and middle fingers were out, his thumb and pointer finger touching so that the tips were smooshed together. He turned back to Billy, “evil ex boyfriend.” His shoulders moved up and down one at a time when he said boyfriend. When his hand went down, he let out a growl.
“Her what?” Everyone’s heads turned to Y/n.
She turned to Max and the other people on the right of her. Y/n nervously smiled, “Anyone need a drink?”
A fight initiated between the two boys, fists and feet being used. The grunts coming from both males were loud. Surely, at least one of them would have bruises after this.
Max made a face of massive confusion, looking around for any clues of the situation. Her older brother kept fighting the abnormal kid. After a few more swings, Billy, again, realized how confusing this really was. He wanted to ask beforehand, but this Matthew guy was really determined to teach Billy a lesson.
“Wait!” He held out his hand in a stopping motion. “We’re fighting over Y/n?” He personally had no problem with it, but the “Evil Ex” thing was getting to his head.
Matthew lowered his fist slightly, “didn’t you get my letter explaining the situation?”
“I skimmed it...”
Max squeezed her eyes shut and clicked her tongue. “Mm mm.” She shook her head with her disconfirming noise.
Matthew only seemed to grow madder. “You will pay for your INSOLENCE!” He threw kick after kick after kick, all of which were blocked by Billy. The anger fueled him to the point where Billy could only do few attacks with little time. Just as Billy was gaining the upper hand, Matthew socked him square in the face with both fists, then his right foot with a jump spinning kick.
The people in the crowd behind Billy caught him when he fell backwards from the attack, pushing him forwards and urging him to continue with the fight. Matthew backed up one foot at a time and did weird dance, finishing it off with pulling his coat forward a bit so the dust came off of it and tilting his left foot upwards.
“Hey.” Max leaned forward, gaining the attention of two boys as well as everyone else in the gym. “What’s up with his outfit?”
“Yeah. Is he a pirate?” Laughter flooded the room at Tommy’s observation.
Billy was also curious. “Are you a pirate?” He asked Matthew in a simple and genuinely asking way. Unfortunately, Matthew looked caught off guard and offended.
“Pirates are in this year!” He wasn’t shouting, but he said it with a sassy and upset tone. “Gah!” This time he did shout. His fist was aimed at Billy, and his feet were already moving forward.
More attacks were made. Billy finally did have the upper hand. After Matthew tried to hit Billy’s face again, Billy caught his arms and held them to his chest. His eyes and head turned to Y/n. He was pissed off now. “You really went out with this guy?”
Everyone faced Y/n now. “Yeah.” She stood up and leaned forward, “In the 5th grade.”
Silence. Billy looked around, waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t, he spoke up again, “And?”
She sighed. “It was football season and for some reason, all the little jocks wanted me. Matthew was the only nonwhite nonjock boy in town, so the two of us joined forces and we took 'em all down. We brawled and scrapped, fought for hours. Nothing could beat Matthew’s mystical powers. We only kissed once. After a week and a half, I told him to hit the showers.”
Matthew was full of rage. His furrowed eyebrows and reddened skin could do nothing but confirm that statement.
“Dude wait- mystical powers?” Billy was confused. Unluckily for him, Matthew took advantage of his distracted state and broke free from his grip. Music started playing in the background. Matthew pushed Billy and turned to Y/n, holding out his pointer finger and pointing at her. The veins on his forehead were bulging.
“You’ll pay for this,” He paused for a second. Y/n was visibly afraid. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was was ajar. Matthew finished his sentence with a slight raspy sound to his voice, “L/n.” He swiftly turned to Billy and started dancing and singing. It’s a cringey dance and song to say the least.
“If you want to fight me,”
Max made the same confused face as she had previously. “What!?” She knew it was dumb to pick a fight with Billy, but to sing and dance while doing so? And to get her exes together so they could fight Billy? Were they that dumb?
“Hah! You’re not the brightest.
You won’t know what hit you,
in the sligh-igh-ightest.”
He made sounds with his mouth, floating into the air. Black and white colored girls, kind of like those old animations on tv, were summoned around him. They looked like someone wanted to make demon girls but was a perverted guy who loves hipsters.
“This guy’s good-” One of the basketball team members spoke. He too was wide eyed and confused as fuck.
“Me and my fireballs,
my demon hipster chicks!”
Looks like he was right about hipsters.
“Tell ‘em Matty.” They had a seductive-like voice. With a closer look, Billy could see that their eyes were like snakes. Their teeth were sharp too.
“I’m talking thee talk,
‘Cause I know I’m slick!” He winked before his weird demons spoke again.
“Fireball-balls!” He threw the fireball at Billy, who thankfully dodged it in time. Gasps were heard around the room. At least it wasn’t just Billy seeing this shit. “Take this sucker out!” More flames erupted from his hands, shooting at Billy again.
“We’ll show him
What we’re all about!”
“That doesn’t even rhyme!” Billy finished off his sentence by throwing the now broken ring from the hoop at Matthew like a frizzbe. It hit him in the head and caused him to flip backwards a bit. His demons disappeared and it was his turn for his eyes to widen.
‘This is impossible. How can this be?’
Somehow, Billy heard and responded to Matthew’s thoughts with his own, ‘Open your eyes. Maybe you’ll see.’ He jumped at Matthew and returned the punch that had formerly knocked him back into the crowd.
Though, something strange happened this time. When Billy’s fist made contact with Matthew’s skin, he slowly fell a bit, but when he hit the ground, his body turned into 9 quarters. Everyone except for Tommy, Max, Carol, Billy and Y/n continued acting normal. The difference with them and the 5 others were that they had no memory of this “Matthew Patel” or of any fight. The damage in the gym was restored, but still. The 5 of them knew what happened and didn’t know quite yet that no one else did.
“Sweet! Coins!”
“Coins that’re mine, shortstack.” Billy took the remains of Matthew from the poor kid holding them. He walked outside, following the other 4 to discuss what just happened.
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