#or looked at any playthroughs of WW
morimess · 6 months
I finally figured out what I want to do with the imposter wind waker for TBABS.
#So the only reason this character stands out to me so much recently is because I finally understand some of the WW lore#I have never physically played#or looked at any playthroughs of WW#The first couple of times I played PH I just thought the imposter WW was a random dude#I made absolutely no connection between him- his boat- or anything he said as something that would bother Link#BUT NOW?!#Now I can ONLY see how fucked up it is that Link has to see this grown man pretend to be him#Riding around on a fake KoRL#Taunting him in a way by pretending to be him#But never knowing the true extent of trauma and all the shit that Link had/has to go through#And in terms of TBABS#Linebeck already doesn't believe him AND this asshole is pretending to be him?#No#Link would absolutely not let that fly#I've wanted to add that beef for a while but now I finally know where to put it#I also believe that Link would take every opportunity he could to try to beat the shit out of this guy#Especially since the first couple of times you do it- the imposter makes you think he's super weak by only taking a few hits at a time#I think once he opened up to letting you strike him more often#Link would be all over that#Trying to get as high a score as possible- and definitely overexerting himself in the process#Making him more than a bit sore and winded- in other words- vulnerable to people who do not pull their punches#I can already tell that chapter will be very fun to write- especially since Linebeck will be having his own#Separate mental breakdown later in the chapter#And especially in the immediate chapter that follows
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aamethyst000 · 1 day
feeling so blue right now, i feel kind of stupid about it lmao - july 2,24 - 7:12pm
Dude, my 3DS fricken broke a couple of days ago and ive been sad about it ever since lmao i was almost done with my master quest on OoT!! how abosultely frusturatingg is THAT?! i was at the last temple, getting to the very last sage before finding out who sheik's other identity is. i didnt even get to start over on majoras mask or kirby. Now im on the look out for a new DS, whether it be a 2DS or a 3DS again i'll decide that when i know i have enough money for it. which will take a long while because i still dont have a goddamn job EVEN THOUGH ive applied to 3!!!! other jobs this year but absolutley no one has answered me. i fucking hate it when they just ghost me like that. i'd rather have them telll me striaght up that im not "fit" for the position i apllied for, or simply just not hired. that's all i want! not this no answer IS an answer bullshit. anyway, hired or not, im still going to be without a handheld concol for a good couple of months. maybe. it depends. i Just started decorating my 3ds with pretty stickers :( i literally wanted to go cry about it, only to be slapped with reality, about how old my 3ds is, that just made me mad lmao because my older brother's dsi is lasting LONGER and it is F I V E years OLDER than my 3ds!!! like, fuck off xD oh well, nothing i can do about it now, considering i dont even have enough money for just the repairs alone. so, im just going to buy a new ds instead. i know that is not any cheaper, but i'm impatient and i really want to finish my file on the master quest!! dammit!!
9;25pm - i just found out i cant play any gamecube games on my laptop :( the emulator is slow and laggy which kind of sucks but i am able to play them on my phone! ive finished twilight princess three times now and im on my way to finish wind waker now, which is taking a bit but only because this is my firdt time finishing on my own with out my older brother lol its okie, im an adult (with a short temper but thats besides the point) i can do this just by looking up the quest part on either youtube or wikihow, ive done it for the heart collections on twilight. i can do it for the wind waker playthrough. which i have about 3 times so far. and i think i am doing pretty well! for my first play through by myself. i can see why i had little to no interest in it when my family actually owned the game. i only remember my older brother playing WW, the others played mario sunshine or smash bros (both are the best btw). so, i dont blame younger me for not having too much interest.
july 5,24 1:11am - SSOOOOOOO UUUUHHHHHH.......shit just got a bit chaotic today! we just found out that my brothers school isnt going to continue high school classes. so they will have to go sign up for another school, IN ANOTHER TOWN BY THE WAY. my mother and i have been mulling it over almost all day today, she says that she doesnt want my younger brother to be staying with any of our family members and i agree with her. lemme explain, one aunty of mine tends to be agressive, some times downright abusive, another aunty, emotions fly like a humming bird who drank nothing but espresso, on of my cousin has a child of her own to look after, same with my cousins sister and she has two kids, all of which my brother does not know very well and will be shy like me and not talk for a long while. make him feel like being comfortable but shy and quiet about it is bad. anyway, my mother is very iffy about sending him into town for his last year of school and i get it. the last time she did that with my older brother and shit hit the roof with him. he moved in with one of our aunty's place, stayed for a few months before finally moving out because said aunty was trying to take advantage of my brother temporarily looking after our spoilt ass nephew who looked and treated his cousins as literal maids. not only that, she tried to start a fight with him and our cousin fucking did nothing but make it worse. so yeah, i get why my mother doesn't want to send my little brother into town. why is my little brother's high school life so chaotic and none of it is even HIS fault?? like DAMN universe!! fucking take a goddamn chill pill when handling my litlle brother THANK YOU!! and for my older brother, FUCKING LEAVE HIM ALONE HE HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY OR I IWLL THROW HANDS
anyway, this year has been one fckn crazy year for us, thats for goddamn sure.
july 8,24 6:35pm - i keep trying to play on the family dsi, i cant seem to stay on it long like i did with my 3ds. and i really miss my 3ds, i cant believe i have to buy another one and fucking save up for that. im planning on getting a screen protector, case and a little game case for the handheld consol. be more prepared this time and all. im just so mad the dsi is lasting longer than my fckn 3ds!! lmao just fckn RUDE! anyway, what i have in my little cart on ali express says it costs up to 205 for those things all together, i was going to look on amazon but i have doubt with their electronics and such, and it is more expensive as hell. so no thanks. i think i can wait until i have enough to buy those things for my new 3ds. i just keep onn looking at my old 3ds all sad that i cant play on it for all hours of my day. oh well, i can save up money for myself, so i can save up to get a replacement and possibly other accescories for my new ds kekekeke
i forgot to mention that i went to go hang out with my friends the other day, we had shrooms and edibles for the night, it was fckn fun and kind of upsetting lmao there were certain situations where i was questioning a lot, and other situation i just straight up did not like. other than that it was quite fun tripping pretty hard like that, however sleeping was freaking difficult lmao i was literally arguing with myself in my own head about getting to bed and sleep, i just flopped around and fucking giggled at myselef like, what the hell lmao
11:23pm - good this i double checked the 3ds for anything else that i am missing and now that ive done that, it wont turn on at all, itll just lightly beep at me almost like a whisper and then itll just shut off without the screen turning on. im even more sad lmao i cant wait till i have enough for the 3ds and the cases, i really want to finish my master quest on ocorina of time. this itch wont go away until i do. i should clean my room and start on the towels soon. the house is starting to look like a tornado went into our house and i so can tell that none of us are liking it so i am hoping that one or all of us finall gather our energy to clean up the house again. we need it and the pets really need it too. i know that the messyness is affecting us all to the point we \re getting cranky. so, yeah, we need to clean up. this will help my brain get over the guiltiness of buying myself this new handheld consol and the fact that i am using a little bit of my savings. i already have cashed out a couple moolas from the band office but no more than that. i still do not trust my little brother around my savings still. so ill be keeping some in my bank while slowly cashing them out when he doesnt know that i am going there or why. to which i only go to the band office during school days. speaking of, i still dont think that he wont be able to go and graduate on time unless i move to rupert. and if i do that, that may mean that ill have to talk to my alchoholic "dad" about helping me move to an apartment and then sign my little brother up to the highschool but the thing is, the school education there is way different than the one he is used to and grew up in. which sucks cause i was excited for him to gradutate. he only has one more year to go too! it sucks so much i wish the school is starting to get their shit together during this summer cause MY GOD!! this is ridiculous. almost no teachers in highschool? i stilll cant get over that!!! any way this will be the last journal entry for a bit, good night/day readers!
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registered-bastard · 3 years
Queen Quests and How They Could Work
So the queens are coming back eventually (probably on the one year anniversary of open release would be my guess) and I have not stopped thinking about how they would be used. There's (hopefully) no way that WW will put these ladies in game and then make them useless, so what could be there use?
If you've ever seen my other post about things I want in Fer.al, I mentioned Queen Quests and now that it's been haunting me in my dreams, here are my suggestions.
Queen Quests would start soon after the queens are freed, they're weak and hold less power than they use to and since the mirror is broken they can't communicate with the kingdom like they use to. This is where you come in. You have the choice of choosing your queen and helping them with their duties. You may be sent out to deliver some mail, maybe your sent to check in on Mugmyre Marsh, maybe Aradia sends you to prank the shit out of her sister (at least I think they're sisters??), anyways, you get the point. You're sent out to do some engaging quests (nothing like the season pass quests because let's face it, those are just chores) and you come back to your chosen queen to gain reputation. You only get to choose 1 queen and your locked in until you reach the highest level for her, then if you choose to switch you will be set back to 0 reputation and start back again as the lowest rank.
What's reputation? Glad you asked. Reputation is a new system (kinda like leveling) that involve ranks. You start out with no reputation and maybe only have access to the courtyard of the castle, but you can work your way up. I'm going to give some examples of what the ranks could look like and their unlocked portions.
Page: Courtyard access
Squire: Same
Sergent: Access to outermost rooms of the castle
Knight: Access to your Queens bedrooms
Thane: Access to your Queens private studies
Probably some other impressive title: Complete castle access
With each part unlocked there would be bits of lore and things to find, maybe even exclusive features that can be found in these sections. There will need to be multiple quests necessary for each level and the higher you go the harder it gets. It would take someone a long time to climb the whole latter and once you reached the top you can gain "starred levels" where you can choose to start at "Page ⭐" and have a new set of prizes (or just randomly generated items that are appropriate for your level).
For example: Once you reach the level of Knight you gain your queen's knight armor. This is noncraftable and you will only get one on your playthrough. When you reach Knight ⭐ you may get a leveled up version of this armor or maybe you would even get a queen inspired outfit.
Other prizes can be unlocked with tiers, like more look slots, exclusive body parts, exclusive emotes, more decal slots, exclusive clothing/dye/furniture/enigmas. Maybe eventually an exclusive animal. I would love of at a certain level you could form a group and would be able to team up to complete queen quests. If WW doesn't want to deal with all that, then just have the queens give out 1-2 star fragments for each quest. That way players can grind their little hearts out to get what they want, leading to more players being online for longer which is what WW wants.
Hell, you could even make it competitive by having a leaderboard. Most quests completely today, most recent rank shifts, most quests ever completed, highest ranking sparks, etc. Maybe you unlock a little plaque if you get into one of the leader boards.
Anyway, now that you've read all that and hand a million ideas swimming around in your brain that will ultimately lead to disappointment when they end up just sitting on their thrones forever without doing anything, anyone else got any ideas? Anyone agree, anyone think this is dumb, anyone been thinking anything different?
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shiyoneko · 3 years
[TL Summary] Kageyama Shien 100K Celebration Stream (4/10/2021)
ranslation Summary of Kageyama Shien’s 10 Hours Stream To Celebrate His 100K. Mostly covering his chit chat parts, scene that I myself find interesting, and marshmallow reading. Do remember since it’s a translation summary, there will be spoilers of game results and such! For those who haven’t watched the stream, I recommend watching it~
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[100K Celebration!] The Unexpected 10 Plans! I’ll Be Playing For 10 Hours Straight! [Kageyama Shien/Holostars]
Congrats on reaching 100K subscribers, Shien!
The long 10 hours stream started with opening chit-chat
・He first greets the chat with his usual Mission Start! He said he’s been waking up at a healthy time for this stream so despite being a bit sleepy, he said he had a good sleep.
・Mentioned how it’s been a while (about 4 days) since he did a stream on his own channel, since he had to cancel Toraware no Palma for health reason.
・Mentioned why he planned on doing 10 hours stream in the first place. Thinking about wanting to do something different for his 100K celebration stream, he thought doing 10 hours challenge would be fitting and at first thought of doing 2 hours for each game until it reached 10 hours. But after reviewing all the games he had played, he conclude that he could do 10 games for 10 hours.
・Already predicting how it’ll surely be difficult to achieve each game’s goal and named some games that’ll took up time like Monster Hunter, APEX, and Fall Guys.
・He said there might changes for the games’ goal or how to achieve it depends on his circumstances during the stream –for he is the rule breaker.  Also mentioned the time schedule on the stream description:
10:00 ~ 11:00 JST : OP Chit and Chat 11:00 ~ 12:00 JST : Viewer Participation: Mario Kart (Will get punishment if ranked 10th or below) 12:00 ~ 13:00 JST : Viewer Participation: Clubhouse Games 13:00 ~ 14:00 JST : APEX Legends (10 Kill within 1 hour) 14:00 ~ 15:00 JST : Fall Guys (Get a crown within 1 hour) 15:00 ~ 16:00 JST : Minecraft (Get 10 diamonds in 1 hour) 16:00 ~ 17:00 JST : Viewer Participation: Monster Hunter (Get a Purple Magna Orba within 1 hour) 17:00 ~ 18:00 JST : Uma Musume (Win URA Finals within 1 hour) 18:00 ~ 19:30 JST : Marshmallow reading 19:30 ~ 20:00 JST : Sing
・Hanayura Kanon came and congratulated him for 100K, and also cheered him for the upcoming 10 hours battle
・Mentioned he’ll very likely skip the dialogues in order to finish in time for URA Finals (Uma Musume)
・Chat asked for live stream tag, wondering if it’ll be enough just to tweet about it in his usual stream tag #エンエアー (En・ea~) or if the fans preferred a special tag for the stream. A chat recommended #テンエアー (Ten・ea~) which made him really hesitate, but he decided to use #エンエアー(En・ea~) in the end.
・Remembered that he hasn’t brought the goods he’ll use for punishment so he goes and took it. (made Nekoayama watching over the chat) Turns out it was a toy that you need to put your finger into one of the 6 holes available and spin the roulette, and at 1:6 chances you’ll randomly get electrocuted. Looks like it cost a lot of batteries so he goes to get another one. (made Nekoyama watch over the chat again and Nekoyama got red SCs). Shien came back and tested the toy, it lets out a scary sound.
・Eating Time! And he brought an unexpected item: Canned coffee! (Shien is weak to caffeine in general and a small amount of it could make him awoke for a whole day) But he said it’s okay to drink it in the morning.
・Greeted a new viewer and apologized for talking and eating during stream. He 20% regrets doing it
・Another new comer said they like his voice, Shien was eating so he couldn’t give fan services so he turned on the echo and keeps eating.
・ Mentioned how set meals usually have the drinks of either coffee or tea, but he can’t drink both or else he wouldn’t be able to sleep so he thought it’s a such a waste that he couldn’t drink it. Tho he had received many non-caffeine tea from his fans during his birthday so he’s grateful for it.
・One hour had passed so he prepared his switch for Mario Kart
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・After some technical difficulties with Switch, he finally able to open the game. He also mentioned about his PC’s condition lately which has been pretty good, but in case it happened he told us beforehand that it might died suddenly and pray it’ll never happened.
・ The first round starts and Shien praised those that came in while wearing purple suits. Also noticed a player that dressed their character similar to that of Silence Suzuka (Uma Musume). And the first game ends with him in 6th place, so electrocution avoided!
・Second round will start and he noticed a player dressing up their character as Haru Urara (Uma Musume), and… his Switch crashed. He’s able to get back. During the map selection, Haru Urara picked a theme park map and the game chose it in the end and Shien said it’s like a Go Out event with Urara. And he mentioned he had recently took her to URA Finals. …This his controller didn’t responded, and connection error happened. Looks like this is the first time he received such error. The match ended with him being the last. But since it’s an error out of his command, he didn’t count this one. A comment told him that Urara won first place in that race.
・Third round started with no particular error and he ranked 7th.
・Fourth round started with no particular error. He noticed a player dressed their character as Special Week (Uma Musume). Mid-game, he thought being 10th or lower for the punishment is too hard for him to get so he changed it to “If he’s unable to place 1st in 1 hour, he’ll do the punishment.” The round ended with him being 2nd and Switch died right after. He then determines to take it for repair and told us he won’t stream Switch games next week.
・He got into the room again and fifth round started. He noticed a player name theirself “50K Red SC” and said it’s interesting to race with a red SC. He won 1st place.
・Sixth round started and he noticed a player with character similar to Toukai Teio (Uma Musume). Mid-game, he said since he had took first place, he returned rule to it’s previous state; Get punishment if he can’t place 9th place or higher. He placed 8th.
・Seventh round started and he noticed a player with character similar to Biwa Hayahide (Uma Musume) and a player named “Holostars 4th Gens”. He placed 9th .
・Eight round started and he noticed a player with character similar to Gold Ship (Uma Musume). He placed 11th this time ^^
・Ninth round started and he noticed two players with each character similar to Twin Turbo and Mejiro Mcquuen (Both from Uma Musume) and Mejiro Mcqueen’s player name is “For The Honor of Mejiro Family”. He placed 8th.
・Mario Kart section is over and it’s punishment time! Enjoy his reaction
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・The next game is Clubhouse Games and he decided to get punishment every time he loses. Tho there aren’t much to translate here, there are many interesting scenes so I highly encourage you to watch the archive!
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・The next game is APEX and 1 hour 10 kill challenge.
・In the middle of the game, his party ended up with only 2 people. But even with such situation, his teammate didn’t quit the game and keep on fighting with him, which Shien said is very admirable since if he got two-people team, the other one will usually just leave the match and leave him alone.
・Unable to find any enemy, at one point Shien found a counter and start playing Receptionist, which his teammate catch up and both starts squatting together ww
・He scored a total of 4 kills and decided to take 6 times electrocution. He got electrocuted 2 times.
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・The next game should be Fall Guys, but due to technical difficulties, he can’t open the game. And his PC died… Since he’s also getting hungry, he decided to change it to lunch time. While he go grab his food of bread and hashed beef rice, Nekoyama took over watching the chat and again received lots of SCs giving him food.
・While eating, he mentioned the Hololive collab with Sanrio characters. Some times back, he had talked about how he want Holostars to collab with Sanrio characters and started to thought of characters for each members. He said at that time, he wasn’t trying to hint of Hololive’s Sanrio collab or anything and also as oblivious of it as other fans, and it was a surprising coincidence.
・Chat mentioned that tomorrow (4/11) there will be Oukashou horse race and Shien said there are so many horse racing going on this month. Thanks to that too, the mission in Uma Musume has been added more.
・Continuing the talk about Uma Musume, he asked the chat who should he raise for the Uma Musume part. He said he hasn’t brought Teio to URA Finals yet. And he doesn’t have Rice Shower yet. Chat suggested Silence Suzuka, Gold Ship, and Oguri Cap. Shien commented that he just recently got Oguri Cap but is able to tell that she’s really strong.
・He goes to clean up his dishes. Nekoyama once again received many SCs.
・When he came back, he mentioned how there’s someone who posted a photo of their own creation of Mafiayaki –The dish he made with Oga in Himashokudou collab the other day. The poster said their kids also like it and hearing that makes Shien happy.
・His drowsiness came and he’s worried about the next part, which is Minecraft. A chat suggested him to scream some lines during the playthrough and Shien tried it with a loud “NOOO MY DIAMOND…!!”
・Hearing Diamond lately has instead reminded him of the new support card Kitachan Black and Satono Diamond. A chat mentioned how Satono Diamond’s name could be abbreviated to SatoImo and it reminds Shien of how the title of light novels could also be abbreviated the same way.
・Chat told him some light novel title like Oregairu (Yahari Ore no Seishun LoveCome wa Machigatteiru) and Yorimoi (Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho). He told a story of how in Niconico there are times where a series title was abbreviated by fans and when the management lets out the official abbreviation of the series, it tends to cause confusion especially if the fans did it first.
・A chat mentioned the kanji for Sora in Sora Yori mo Tooi Basho (宇宙よりも遠い場所) uses the kanji for Uchuu (宇宙) but it should be read as Sora, and the same goes for Kara no Kyoukai (空の境界) where even tho the spelling uses Kara, the kanji they used is Sora(空) and it’s complicated and Shien agreed.
・Shien saw Astel that tweeted about his 10 hour stream by saying “10 hours?!! That’s crazy!!” and mentioned how for Astel, 10 hours stream is the norm for him, and he commented that Astel is indeed an alien with incredible physical endurance.
・A chat asked who else in Holostars that does long streams and mentioned Astel for a usual long time of streams. Mentioned Rikka for endurance stream, and mentioned Roberu for 24 hours talking stream. And despite not doing much of it, Temma and Miyabi also occasionally did long streams. Chat mentioned how Temma and Miyabi did Planet Zoo for a long time, and Shien mentioned how Temma named one of the animals with his name.
・Chat mentioned they want to see Babudon endurance stream. Shien also wants it but lately Roberu has been busy. Chat mentioned they also want to see MaFia endurance stream and Shien wondered if Guilty Gear will releases more stuff in the future.
・A chat asked about the TRPG collab, and Shien mentioned it’ll be on May 15th and 16th.
・Mentioned how Yurustars had been digging for a lot of diamonds in Minecraft a while back to make the star for giant Christmas tree, and wondered if there’s still diamond left for him to dig. He’s thinking of whether making a new world to dig.
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・It’s time for Minecraft and while opening the game, he told us something happened to the aforementioned giant Christmas tree. He showed us that something blew up at the tree’s terrace, destroying it and the leaves around it.
・He changed the BGM so he wouldn’t feel sleepy. He put a really funky BGM while saying “Alright, let us dig diamond with this calm BGM! This BGM will surely makes us sleepy! Now let’s grab our equipment! Let’s bring this pickaxe named “Pacifier” prepared by Astel for us! …This BGM is loud! Who turned this BGM on!” and he turned it off and changed it to one of his usual stream BGM.
・He instantly got 6 diamonds and will only need to search for the remaining 4.
・After some digging with no diamonds in sight, he said most of the game he was playing for that day requires a good amount of luck to complete. He mentioned how he always got weird luck.
・Miyabi came to congratulate him reaching 100K and said he’ll treat Shien parfait next time. Shien accepts the offer and said he would like parfaits from Ginza Parlour.
・Upon seeing two creeper separated by lava, he created a drama scenario of the two being separated twins and how the other one wanted to go to his place but the other one stopped them from going, dramatically.
・He found the remaining 4 diamonds, got swarmed by monsters on the way home, and with that Minecraft 10 diamonds challenge is finished!
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・The next one is Viewer Participation Monster Hunter. The target is to get one Purple Magna Orb from a monster named Magnamalo. His Switch died a lot here..
・In the end, he got the drop item at the very last battle! He said that it was his first time obtaining it and he never once got it when he was playing solo. There are those that didn’t get to play with him because of his switch error and he apologized, and when he decided to do viewer participation again he’ll be happy if they can participate again and play with him.
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・After a short toilet break, he set the Uma Musume game to stream and asking chat once again to choose who to raise. He showed all the Uma Musume he got.
・ A chat asked about his team formation and he showed it.
・Since Oukashou will be held the day after (4/11), he would like to raise a horse that has a history of running on the previous Oukashou horse race, and was wondering between choosing Daiwa Scarlet or Gold Ship. In the end, he choose Daiwa Scarlet.
・Borrowed Roberu’s Kitachan Black support card.
・And with that, the challenge to URA Finals had begun. He mentioned he’s been using a Support Card Dialog Checker, an app to see what effect will certain selection dialogue in each support card brought.
・During debut race, Shien mentioned about how every time a player train a horse, at first they will always only have 1 fans, and that’s the trainer. Shien liked the idea of having the trainer as the horses very first fans.
・In the end, despite late on leaving the gate, Daiwa Scarlet won marvelously in URA Finals.
・Time for Umapyoi! Umapyoi! ^o^)9 I strongly recommend watching his archive to see him hyping for Umapyoi Densetsu. Just do it, it’s gold.
・He realized it’s been 8 hours already. Chat asked about his throat condition. Shien answered his throat is getting tired, but he can still going.
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・The next is Marshmallow Reading~
・The first mallow wrote their message of congratulations and happiness of able to see Shien’s growth from his very early day up till 100K and conveyed their wishes of Shien’s future activity. The mallow question is: Since Jojo will get a part 6: Stone Ocean anime soon,  they wondered what Stand does Shien like?
Shien answered with Sticky Fingers. Aside from it’s cool appearance, Sticky Fingers Stand user is Bruno Bucciarati who is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai.
・The next mallow asked whether Shien doesn’t mind to be called Shien-kun. Everyone called Shien as Boss, but the sender wanted to call him Shien-kun but is worried and ended up calling him Shiepi.
Shien answered it’s okay to call him either Boss, Shien-kun, or Shiepi. It’s fine to either use シエンくん or シエン君 either.
・The next mallow’s sender has a hobby of taking care of their nails. Upon doing so, the mallow sender wondered about what does Shien’s nail looks like. The sender asked if it’s okay for fans to imagine what does his nail looks like and put in fanarts and such.
Shien answered with how when his Mamu (his illustrator, Namakawa) draw his New Year costume, they draw it with his gloves off and it showed his bare hand with the nail only a bit longer. He claimed when Mamu was designing the costume, he cut the nail off ww
He said it’s okay for fans to draw his nails much more longer than that.
・The next mallow asked what kind of clothes he wear when he sleeps.
Shien answered with the Jerapique robe that Oga gave to him for his birthday, and not a pajama.
・The next mallow asked Shien to explain his feeling upon reaching 100K subs in just three letters (words, for English convenience)
・The next mallow asked: Does he likes chocomint?
Shien answered that he’s neutral about it. He doesn’t hate it but he doesn’t eat it as much as those who likes it. He adds that whenever he goes to Baskin Robbins he’ll always order the Caramel Ribbon flavor.
・The next mallow asked whether he’s the type of streamer who remembers his fans or not.
Shien answered that there’s probably no fans he doesn’t remember, since he looks at live chat a lot. On the other hand, he would like if fans who realized they are recognized by him and start sending him annoying replies to stop that since its troubling him. He also remembers those that told their YT name when doing Oshafest, and also those that draw him fanarts, and those that always commented on his stream or throwed him SCs and the likes, he remembered them and tries to remembers them.
・The next mallow asked what does SSB stands for.
Shien answered with Shien Secret Base, and directs them to his Membership Opening stream archive.
・The next mallow asked him what is the memory that he can’t forget until now.
Shien answered with how when he was little, around middle school, he was going out to ski in one of the ski slope. For that, he needs to ride a lift and there he  had a chit-chat about Pokemon with a stranger that sit beside him. He still befriends that person and still in contact with them even until now. Other unforgettable memories are those that are accidental, like the time where he accidentally broke his chin (?!). There are other similar stories but he stopped with just that for now. Another unforgettable memories for him is the time where he and some of his friend was on a train, standing. Suddenly his friends started laughing at him for no particular reason. After they got off, Shien asked them why did they laugh back then and they told him that there was a man who starred and sniffed him from behind his back. Shien was surprised and yelled at them for not telling it to him sooner. In the end, the man didn’t do anything tho, otherwise he noticed by then too.
・The next mallow’s sender was having so much fun when Shien last time did a viewer participation Splatoon stream and asked him to do the same with Mario Kart
Shien answered that he just did it during this stream and will do it again in the future.
・The next mallow’s sender is a fans of voice actors and upon hearing Shien’s voice tweet that got RT-ed by his followers, they instantly thought it was a really great and praised Shien’s voice impression of Takahiro Sakurai by saying it really sounds like him and they ended up RT-ing the voice tweet as well. That’s all the sender has reported! They will continue to support Shien from now on too.
Shien: Thank you… Thank you… Im really hyappi. I wonder what voice impression they would like.
And he mentioned that he recently uploaded his voice impression of Yugi singing Umapyoi. While also feeling happy that he was being found, he also slightly embarrassed.
・The next mallow mentioned how in yesterday’s stream (Miyabi’s QnA marshmallow), Miyabi mentioned that Shien is fashionable and knows what clothes best fits him, so the sender is curious on what kind of plain clothes he usually wear, and whether he wear any accessories?
Shien answered that he likes Uniqlo brand and tends to wear simple clothes. For accessories, he sometimes wear necklace and wristwatch and tends to wear them on summer. Mentioned how Miyabi always glaring at his shoes when he goes out with him the other day and said that the shoe Miyabi  was looking at was the shoe gifted to him by subordinates on his birthday. It was white and purple and he likes it very much. He added that he usually wear PC glasses when streaming and gaming.
・His throat got tired so he read the next mallow in a low tone voice. The mallow asked, what will he do if he has infinite time and money.
Shien answered that he wants to do world travel and goes to lots of places  he doesn’t know, especially with him coming from a Beast world. If he can, he would like to go on a space trip too. After he finished that, he would like to continue his life doing nothing. He added that he would like to borrow a large dome and have Holostars-only event there.
・Realized that it’s easier to just talk normally so he read the next mallow with his usual voice. This mallow would like to see his no-archive Vocaloid only singing stream.
Shien said he always wanted to do one, and not only just Vocaloid songs, but also Disney songs too.
・The next mallow wrote their heartfelt congratulation for his accomplishment of reaching 100K. Shien had made their life happy and is grateful for him and asked whether he also felt happiness on doing his activity. They will always follow him from now on too. Btw they asked for the color of Shien’s pan peace (草)
Shien asked what the sender will do for him to make him say the color. For it,  they need a payment. If they couldn’t do that, he won’t answer it.
・The next mallow wondered about Nekoyama and the minions’ back, and specifically wondered whether Koyama has a tail or nor.
Shien answered that Koyama doesn’t have a tail and only a black fur on their back. Nakayama has one and Nekoyama has a tail too. He showed the three of them on screen and start describing Koyama as the one that wears a pacifier, Nakayama is the one who had the tail, and Nekoyama as the one who had a purple ribbon. Nekoyama’s tail is fairly small.
・The next mallow asked about books he likes.
He assumed it as novels and/or comics. He mentioned a book titled “Melancholy of Mickey Mouse”, a fiction novel that describes the “backstage” of a huge theme park. Also mentioned Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver.
・The next mallow’s sender conveyed how they liked the tweet where Shien points out his favorite part of his new year costume, like the waist part that showed his body line, and his glasses, and his bangs, and his forehead, and his ponytail, and others.
Shien responded by showing all the points above again. He showed his feet on a big scale and started stomping it while saying “That day, humanity received a grim reminder…” and congratulate Attack on Titan’s final chapter. Zoomed his face and starts eating the chat (mogumogu).
・The next mallow… is a congratulation message with e-mail format… www
・The next mallow conveyed how the sender at first looks at Shien as a cool person, but over time it changed more into cute and wondered if Shien doesn’t like it if people calls him cute. And asked for words that he doesn’t want fans to say, if there’s any.
Shien answered that he’s doesn’t mind being called cute, since he actively acts cute consciously himself. He mentioned people has rights to say what they wanted. Tho as a man, he also wants to look cool too. As for the things he doesn’t want fans to say, for now there aren’t any. Usually, if he doesn’t like something being sad, he always says it at that moment too. As to why he could honestly say what he doesn’t like on stream, it’s because his subordinates always listen to him. He explained it’s not “he likes the subordinates for obeying his words” but rather “he likes subordinates for properly hearing him out”
・The next mallow asked about the parts of him that he likes himself, or parts he wants to improve in the future.
Shien quickly answered with Face・Voice. He also likes the part where he freely expressed what he likes. As for parts he wants to improve, it’s his singing. He mentioned Izuru suggested him to hear the recitations about song, and he’s using that as reference. The reference is filled with knowledge about intervals and how to properly let out voices and such. He also mentioned how he were amazed by Izuru’s Aishite Aishite cover.
・The next mallow asked about his favorite manga.
Shien answered with Yotsubato!, Gash Bell, YAIBA (written by Conan’s author, Aoyama Gosho), Black Jack, Hinotori, Otome Youkai Zakuro, Houseki no Kuni, Teichi no Kuni, Bleach, Kono Oto Tomare!, and others. He also likes reading doujin and mentioned the high-quality doujinshi made Holostars Mama and Papa (Illustrators) as well as his own Mamu’s creation. Despite knowing a wide variety of mangas, he mentioned that he hasn’t picked up HunterxHunter, Ueki no Housoku, and Rekka no Honoo yet. He stopped here since the talk will be infinite at this rate ww
・The next mallow sender is someone who just got into Holostars and asked who is currently the hottest (in terms of popularity) in Holostars so they can made them their oshi.
Shien answered with “KAGEYAMA SHIEN.” He mentioned how all Holostars members are also on their peak with Izuru reaching 100K, Astel’s Envy Baby reaching 100 thousand replays, and other accomplishments. He also said that Holostars in a whole is raising up in popularity as of now, so it’s a good idea to support them all now!
・The next mallow asked Shien to share a bit of his story from childhood.
Shien answered with how there’s a time where he got taken by his friend into a sunflower field. Shien then saluted the field before they enter, and when his friend asked why he do that, Shien answered “I’m on a patrol.” (Cute) Chat mentioned the Pokemon underwear and he starts re-telling his experience of wearing pokemon shorts while biking around town, unaware that it’s actually an underwear. He re-tells another story when he watched a Pingu episode where Pingu chew spinach and spit it into a toilet with a straw and thought “If Pingu can do that then so can I!” So he chewed the spinach in front of him and spit it out, and then his Mama got so mad at him and sent him outside the house as punishment. From then on, even if he doesn’t like spinach, he’s forced to eat all of it and now has able to overcome it somehow. Shien described his mom as quite a Sparta, not letting him waste a single food on the plate and ate it all. He still watched Pingu from then on.
・The next mallow asked whether he could revive the fallen Tsueso APEX archive he did on April Fools.
Shien answered that he initially would like to leave the archive stay an entire day of April Fools, just like how games did with April Fools event. But there are things that he couldn’t left it on the screen  as it is, so this time, he apologized that he can’t revive the archive anymore. Next year if he does another April Fool stream, he’ll let it live for a day and then erase it when clock hits April 2nd . Tho he don’t know if he’ll bring Tsueso again or not. He told subordinates to keep Tsueso close to their heart, and suddenly Tsueso hijacked the stream and said “Everyone, don’t forget me~ Lets meet again~!!”
・The next mallow asked him if he preferred pants or skirt (for girls to wear)
Shien answered that he would like skirt more, but he also likes hot pants. When asked long or mini skirt, he answered with the long one and would also prefer long skirt maid outfit than a mini skirt one. Chat asked about tight skirt and said he likes it too. But for Shieko, he insisted that she should wear mini skirt since she’s a gal.
・The next mallow’s sender is having difficulties on uploading their fanarts on Twitter, and wondered if he could still see it if they uploaded the art on pixiv
Shien answered that if they post a tweet with the pixiv link on it. Tho with that, the sender wouldn’t know if Shien had properly saw it or not, but if they’re fine with that Shien let them post their art however they want. He wondered if the sender doesn’t like getting RT-ed instead. Connecting the talk, he told about how he personally won’t RT fanarts that depicts him as the opposite gender. For such posts, even if it were tagged in his illustration tag and he saw them and liked them, he won’t RT them. It’s a matter of culture differences, and it’s only for him and there might be different opinions depends on the streamer.
・The next mallow came from an overseas fans and he tried looking up words to replied it, and then remembered that he didn’t asked it before (in his previous English learning stream). He praised overseas fans that went out of their way to translate their mallows themselves using DeepL and such.
・He mentioned that there are still many more mallows he wants to read so he extend the mallow reading time.
・The next mallow asking whether he’ll do a cooking stream.
Shien answered that he’s trying to find a way to do it. He needs a super long cable that connects his kitchen with his streaming room or else we won’t be able to hear him.
・The next mallow: HUG&RELEASE with LOVE&KISS for Shiepippi
Shien: *reads it with echo* …Okay, can I go on to the next one now?
・The next mallow asked about the name of the little cats he has on his shoulder.
Shien named Nekoyama, Koyama, and Nakayama by the order we see on the screen.
・The next mallow’s sender recommended him to sing Yuuki 100% during Shien’s singing stream back in February, and it happened to be a day just before the national pharmacist exam that the sender will be having, and Shien picked up their comment and sang it. It gave them courage for the exam and now reported that they had successfully passed the exam, and thanked Shien for giving them the strength they needed.
Shien congratulate them and said it was a really great feat. He’s so happy that he could boast this to others that one of his fans passed the national exam
・The next mallow is from a new fans, asking if he can play any musical instrument, and asked is there any special rule that fans need to keep when he streams.
Shien answered by ringing his New Type. For the serious answer, he couldn’t play any particular musical instrument and said he would like to learn how to play drums. Also mentioned that during his birthday, he got 3 kalimbas and don’t know what he should do with it. He thought it’ll also be cool to be able to play guitar and piano, he looked up to Sing and chat streams. He also mentioned Anpanman’s tambourine and castanet, but his castanet was missing. Chat mentioned triangle but he couldn’t play it on streams or else his mic will get weird again (because of the high frequency sound)
・The next mallow asked: Which do you like more, Roberu or your subordinates.
Shien: …………..BOTH.
He thought of it as a cruel mallow because no way he can pick just one of the two. Tho, he mentioned that the lines of his love to Roberu and to his subordinates are two different lines. He leaned more towards subordinates for they know him much more.
・The next mallow asked him about his favorite color.
Before Shien answered the mallow, a red SC came to bless him for his sneeze and Shien thought red SC sneeze is just an urban legend but he’s getting it right now. Continuing one, he answered with purple, black, white, blue, and green. He mentioned that he usually wear blue shirts for his usual wear.
・The next mallow’s sender had their previous mallow about not being able to draw manga good got answered by Shien, and thanks to his advices they can now draw something great. They conveyed their congratulations message and their hope for his future activities.
Shien congratulated them and said that everyone could get a slump sometimes, even him, and it’s okay to feel like that. Shien said he’s happy to receive report mallow like this that said they had cheered up or achieved something, and would like to see more of it.
・The next mallow asked what dog breed he likes.
Shien answered that he likes dogs with short feets like Corgi. And he really likes Shiba Inu. He mentioned that he saw a video that tells how hard it is to keep a clever dog. The cleverer the dogs are, the more they are more sensitive to changes. He also likes big dogs like Golden Retriever and Siberian Husky. When chat mentioned Chihuahua, he said he’s particularly neutral with small dogs, but he likes Pomeranian.
・The next mallow’s sender couldn’t get themselves to listen to Shien’s voice pack. Despite already buying them, they already imagined what kind of cool voice waiting for them there and will get embarrassed first. They asked how they could get some courage to listen to it.
Shien was surprised they haven’t heard it yet and asked them to listen to it. He worked so hard to write the scenario himself. Chat also agreed with the mallow, saying they all need to prepare their heart before they listen to it. Shien encouraged them that their heart won’t get throbbed all suddenly like what they had imagined, and it’s not he will kill them instantly. In the end, he said it’s okay to not force themselves to hear it but if they didn’t, it’ll be a waste.
・The next mallow asked from where did he starts liking Takahiro Sakurai.
Shien answered the he first know of Takahiro Sakurai from his role of Kururugi Suzaku in Code Geass, and then starts listening to his drama CD of “Teiden Shoujo to Hanemushi no Orchestra” and became a fans from there on. If he need to list his top three of Takahiro Sakurai’s role, it’ll be: Makishima Shougo (Psycho-Pass), Ray Lundgren (Gun x Sword), and Shimogamo Yasaburou (Uchouten Kazoku), but he added that he likes more roles other than what he mentioned and couldn’t just pick a few of it. He mentioned that he also likes Cloud and Merlin, but to him personally, judging from Sakurai’s voice and acting, he likes the top three more.
Connecting the talk about voice actors, he mentioned Yoshimaya Hosoya had a role in one of the new legend card in Shadowverse
・The next mallow came from an overseas fans and asked when will he have another English-only stream.
Shien answered that he’ll consider it. He previously played Fall Guys in EN only, but for next time he wants to try something different.
・The next mallow mentioned how this year, the price of cabbage has been pretty cheap so they wanted to buy it but doesn’t know what will they make with it, So they asked Shien who is good at cooking for dish ideas.
Shien answered with pot-au-feu, since he tends to put lots of cabbage in it. Cabbage roll is good too, but it only use a bit of cabbage. Another dish he recommended is shredded cabbage and salted kombu with sesame oil and salt, and make it as a side dish. Chat suggested coleslaw but Shien said he doesn’t like it that much. Chat also mentioned cabbage with eggs
・The next mallow said they became Shien’s fans because of his talk about Kamen Rider and would like to hear more about the form he likes, or his favorite character or lines)
Shien answered that it’s depends on the series. If it’s Kamen Rider W, he likes FangJoker. If it’s Kamen Rider OOO, it’s Shauta and Tajador. If it’s Kamen Rider Drive, its Mach and Chaser. If it’s Axe-Aid, it’s Parad. If it’s Kamen Rider Build, he likes the Hazard Forms and said all of it are cool. Added more that he likes Heart Roidmude too in Drive. Mentioned that the series he likes OOO the most for the character bonding and development.
・The clock indicated that he had passed the 10 hours mark!
・Hanayura Kanon came again to congratulate him for reaching 10 years (eh? ww) stream. Shien played along and said that the 10 years felt so fleeting and he will work his best to continue his activity for 100 more years.
・He received many SCs and decided to sing for the last part. He’ll try his best to sing songs that doesn’t restrain his throat too much.
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-Started with his usual Devilman no Uta (Keizo Toda) -Mamoritai ~White Wishes~ (BoA) -READYMADE (Ado) -Gira Gira (Ado) -Sayonara Elegy (Masaki Suda)
・Connecting from the lyrics of Sayonara Elegy, he said it depicted his feelings of being happy with just us being beside him.
・He is really happy to have became one of Holostars and able to meet with so many subordinates. He then thanked us for spending 10 hours today with him, and also keep following him for almost a year.
・He also thanked the senpai of Holostars and Hololive that had helped him able to stand where he is right now.
・Mentioned TriNero, and recollecting the past 100K countdown stream where he said he would like to bring along the feelings of the members that couldn’t continue their journey together as Holostars, but he also told us that he doesn’t see it as a responsibility that binds him. Despite all the things happened, he wanted to be here because it’s fun. It’s thanks to all the people behind the screen, the members, and the subordinates that keep on supporting him that he’s able to be here, and he would like to always remember that.
・He wants to continue being in Holostars so that they could be seen in many more places, so many people can find and reach out to them more. He knows it’ll be very difficult to do.
・Just like how when he got an event offer from Argonavis and became a guest star there, he received words of thanks for participating. He participated because he like the series, but from there, he received new connections and many people found him and start becoming fans, and it made him very happy.
・He would like to keep showing his figure of having fun to his subordinates, just like how he showed his other side when playing Uma Musume earlier. He would like to show us more of his various sides. Tho, he’s aware that maybe amongst all the people there, some might find it weird and decided to take some distance away, and it’s okay for them to do so, it’s their choice. But he will work his best to entertain the subordinates who decided to stay. He also would like to show his cool sides. He’ll do activities in a way that won’t leave him with regrets, and will keep existing here as one of Holostars.
・He thanked us again for always following him, even to this 10 hours stream. Who knows that 10 hours will be his normal streaming time in the future, he’ll trust us to keep following him by then.
・He also thanked subordinates from overseas, from Japan, both girls and boys, those who watch his streams live and those who watch his streams from archive, he loves them all. His love is strong and heavy and told us to prepare for it. He said he won’t let go of his subordinates ever.
・He thanked us all again and said it was a really fun 10 hours stream, both for watching and/or sending SCs. He decided to read the remaining SCs that he hasn’t read in another chat stream.
・Please take care of Kageyama Shien and also Holostars from now on too.
・Reminded us to buy the White Day voice pack, the sale will last until 4/12.
・Also mentioned the Holostars “In Silence” collab in 4/11.
・Lastly, he thanked everyone again- From Shinove to Yagoo to other Holostars members, and also to his beloved subordinates.
 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆★ ★ ★
Thank you for reading and sticking with him for 10 hours! Good luck! 
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ffvii and/or zelda
Send me a Fandom
I'll do both for this bc hey! Why not.
The first character I first fell in love with:
Sephiroth ghdfkjgdf. The catboy got me in an iron-like grip despite his backstory having more character than him (he’s still really cool tho wah ;;) 🙄
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Cloud and Aerith! Especially the former as the remake gave me a MUCH better look at what his character is like and the growth he goes through in the game.
The same also applies to Aerith! Since my only exposure to their characters was Kingdom Hearts and oh man........ their characters and voice acting is so bad in that game ghjkghf (the latter especially is very wooden, which is VERY jarring compared to people like Sora, Riku, Donald and Goofy).
Also, Nanaki! His story is my favourite in the game when the team makes it to Cosmo Canyon and it’s also been the only backstory to make me cry so far on my playthrough of the OG game ghdfg. It’s very sweet :>
If anything happens to Cloud, Aerith and Nanaki I will kill everyone in the room and then myself.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Genesis from Crisis Core, admittedly. He is the bad kind of Mary Sue who gets away with everything and despite killing people and convincing others to kill for him, he still gets sympathy?? (it’s basically the same attitude the fandom have with Sephiroth LMAO)
No dude you need to be attacked by a feral wolf lmao. You can tell very easily he’s a creator’s pet .
The character I love that everyone else hates:
idk tbh!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Again, idk tbh lmao.
The character I would totally smooch:
Sephiroth, to the surprise of no one LMAO. He’s still my computer’s background after all~
Although I would make a point of biting him for being Like That gdhkjgd.
The character I’d want to be like:
Aerith! She’s really kind but still has a strong personality that makes her formidable. Plus she says to Sephiroth’s face “Everything about you is wrong/So what? Screw him“ and I call that a Girlboss moment <3
The character I’d slap:
A pairing that I love:
MalachitexSephiroth, naturally ghjkgdf. I like to think about them :>
A pairing that I despise:
CloudxSephiroth god DAMN. These people really act like Nibelheim never happened despite it being SO important to the plot of the game lord have mercy I’m gonna start blasting.
Shipping the abused with the abuser is not a sick power move, it’s idiocy of the highest degree.
Zelda Franchise
The first character I first fell in love with:
Midna :> I always loved her personality and character growth! She was always so well written and my highest praise for Twilight Princess. Also pretty lady~
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Vaati and Fi tbh! I used to not think much about them way back when, but now I adore them both sm! Vaati is basically a young man trying to act like he's much older, and Fi helped me so much when I played SS! She pushed me on the right path when I would get stuck in dungeons :>
I’m also very fond of Ganondorf, especially TP Ganon since I grew up with that incarnation. I do feel he does fall into the box of wasted potential sometimes though, and that Nintendo just Do Not explore other aspects of him. WW Ganon breaks that mold slightly, but he deserves more variety in how he’s written! I still love seeing him on screen, he just needs to be handled with better care.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
ZANT he is the very embodiment of mischaracterization to the point it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I can't stand him. The same can be said for Demise as well, but his woobiefication isn't as vast as Zant's from what I've seen.
(woobify/woobiefication means to make a character more pathetic/sad for sympathy points)
(I’m also talking specifically about how is character is handled by the fandom. He’s OK in TP, just nothing spectacular.)
The character I love that everyone else hates:
Fi! You people just don't know how to utilise her properly (eg. ask her for help in the dungeons). /gives her a kiss on her little blue head
I will agree with Chuggaaconroy however, "I like Fi the character, I don't like Fi the helper". Which I blame on the fact she NEVER got any character development, she just existed and the developers thought that was good enough and to have her talk at unnecessary times, calling that 'bonding with Fi' when it just makes her irritating to the average player :((
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
BOTW Link and Zelda unfortunately. The fault is their writing, me not liking BOTW for many many reasons, and how the fandom treats BOTW like it’s the BEST GAME EVER and created the open world genre, when it is only an example of it. How can it create a genre that has already existed long before BOTW existed lmao???
The character I would totally smooch:
Garyed Hams 😳👉👈
The character I’d want to be like:
Honestly I have no idea gdfgdf but maybe Ghirahim again, just because I’ve always adored his confidence and I’d love some that, thank you king.
The character I’d slap:
Zant and Demise. I just do not care about them at all lmao.
A pairing that I love:
CharliexGhirahim huehuehue >;3c /rubs my terrible little selfshipping mitts all over them both
A pairing that I despise:
Literally any ship with Ghirahim because he’s either with his boss (ew), children (EW), or Zant. This is one of the reasons no one is allowed near Ghirahim unless they’re on a leash.
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only-by-the-stars · 4 years
the annotated Tome of the Wild
I don’t know how many people are interested in this sort of thing, but let’s go for it anyway! There are a lot, and I mean a LOT, of series references and cameos in this story, as well as tons of foreshadowing of various plot points, that may or not have gotten noticed, so I’ve been thinking about making a series of posts talking about it all for anyone curious. So here is part one, covering Chapter One: The Old Grist Mill.
(spoilers for the whole thing, obviously!)
- First up is the attire Link and Aryll are wearing. In the show, the protagonist, Wirt, is wearing a Halloween costume, though this isn’t immediately apparent that that’s the case. For Link’s costume, the choice was obvious: his Wind Waker clothing that you can get via amiibo in Breath of the Wild. Aryll, of course, is wearing the alternate pirate dress that you see her in when doing a second playthrough of WW.
- Then there’s the lengthy list of possible names Aryll tosses out for her frog. This is something that Greg, Wirt’s little brother, does at the beginning of the show, so I thought it’d be a fun way to sneak in a bunch of names that I wasn’t going to use otherwise.
Rauru: The Sage of Light in Ocarina of Time
Zauz: The blacksmith who forges the Phantom Sword in Phantom Hourglass
Snowpeak: For the Snowpeak Ruins, one of the best dungeons in Twilight Princess (and the series IMO)
Lorule: The “Dark World” of A Link Between Worlds
Vaati: The villain of Minish Cap (UNDERRATED GEM)
Swamp: Self-explanatory, there are multiple swamps in the series, like Misery Mire in Link to the Past and Goponga Swamp in Link’s Awakening
Lynel: The infamous, terrifying enemies we all know so well I hunt them for fun sometimes
Poe: Ghostly enemies that recur through the series (perhaps most memorably in TP)
Zonai: The mysterious long-lost race that built some very cool structures in BOTW
Ancient Columns: An area in BOTW where you find a memory and the Tena Ko’Sah shrine
Stealthfin: For the Stealthfin Trout in BOTW
Orca: The old swordsman on Outset Island
Ankle, Knuckle, David Jr.: Tingle’s brothers from WW
Guru-Guru: The Terminan version of the guy in the Windmill who teaches you the Song of Storms
Astor: The villain of Age of Calamity
Molduga: The sand-dwelling bosses in BOTW
Ook: A very hilarious and memorable mini-boss from TP
Tingle: The infamous Tingle, who of course Aryll thinks would be the worst name for her frog. Greg is cut off from saying what he thinks is the worst name, but I had to let Aryll speak for this little gag.
Phew, that was long. Moving on!
- “Rule one of the researcher's code is to never give up! That's what my teacher says, anyway.” Yes. Robbie is Aryll’s teacher, that is a line he says during the cutscene just before the “Relentless as a Waterfall” battle in Age of Calamity. As you might expect, Aryll finds him very amusing.
- Aryll stuck a piece of candy on a tiny black turtle that dripped an oily substance onto the forest floor as it crawled along. Dekuwood oil sighting! This is the very same turtle that gets swallowed by the dog that accosts them later, and the oil is what caused its transformation, just as it did in the show.
- “Why are we in the woods? How did we even get here? I don't... the last thing I remember is...” He screwed up his face in concentration. “Gah, why can't I remember? We were—” So Link goes into water and wakes up in a place he doesn’t know, with no memory of how he got there? Sound familiar?
- A shudder went through him and he resolved to ignore it, even as the sounds of ghostly laughter seemed to reach his ears from far off. And did the mists seem to be growing thicker? A reference to the Lost Woods from BOTW. Quite appropriate, given they’re lost in the forest.
- The mysterious woodsman is, of course, Rhoam. Who was also the first person that Link met in BOTW on the Great Plateau. He has a lantern there too, and carries around an ax, and is separated from his daughter. Just. Too easy.
- I’ll talk about this more in later posts, but, Midna in Beatrice’s role was one of the first and easiest choices I made when casting this thing. Also, notice how she takes off as soon as Rhoam shows up? This is a thing that happens in the series with the Woodsman and Beatrice, who have no prior connection, but Midna definitely knows this guy, and that reveal was held back for later via keeping that bit from the show.
- Also, in the show, the wood is called edelwood; here I chose dekuwood not just because of deku trees and whatnot in the series, but. well. Also to invoke the memory of the Deku Butler’s son in Majora’s Mask who became a victim of the Skull Kid and thus Link’s first mask.
- Link saying “Hey, listen” to Aryll is a callback to Navi’s infamous phrase from OOT.
- “Not in any way that would be beneficial to you.” Link will remember this later when the Beast is trying to get him and Midna to choose whose soul will be in the lantern.
- She leaned up on her toes and retrieved what looked like a compass. Compasses are, of course, a dungeon item in most of the games.
- The owl statue Aryll plays with, and subsequently breaks the beak of, is a reference to the owl statues in Link’s Awakening. Their eyes do indeed glow when you talk to them in the Switch remake, and in the dungeons you have to retrieve their broken-off beaks to converse with them.
- In the show, you don’t find about Wirt’s crush until much later, but I wanted to establish the plotline of Link’s love for Mipha and what he’s been doing about it right here at the beginning. His avoidance of her and what Aryll tells him about how its caused her so much pain is the beginning of his descent into despair near the end of the story. Not to mention that I hinted at the tape’s existence with Aryll’s reference to him making “that thing” for her.
- Aryll decides to call her frog “Blupee” after the glowing, rabbit-like spirit creatures in BOTW.
- “Sheikah smoke! Poof!”  A reference, of course, to how the Sheikah can appear or disappear in a puff of smoke.
- “He is the death of hope, a cunning calamity... he steals life, steals children... he, he...” A calamity, eh? Now where have we heard that phrase before? And Rhoam is, of course, alluding to his belief that the Beast is responsible for the disappearance of his daughter, Zelda.
- “Leave me now, young man... take your sister and go east.” In the show, the Woodsman tells Wirt to go north. But here, it’s east, because their next destination is Ikana, which is located in the eastern portion of Termina in MM.
- A half-moon the color of yellowed pages had risen in the sky by now, and by its light Link guided Aryll onto a path that he was reasonably sure led east. This bit of description is not just there to be pretty. I established a specific phase of the moon here so that I could go back and use the exact same description in later chapters, when more time had passed and it wouldn’t make any sense for there to actually be the same moon phase going on. This is a hint to the fact that everything in the Wild, takes place during the same night in Link’s world. This is something that you see visually in the show, but must be described in a fic.
and that’s it for chapter one! stay tuned for chapter two!
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soulwounds-a · 6 years
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was  that   hayley  kiyoko  ?       oh  no  no ,  that  was  just   tetra ,  a  canon  character   from   the legend  of  zelda :  wind  waker .       they  are   seventeen  years  old  and   are   aware  that  they  are  not  actually  from  washington  d.c.
YAR  HAR  FIDDELY  DEE  BEING  A  PIRATE  IS  ALRIGHT  WITH  ME .       ——       so  confession  time !   i’ve  never  actually  played  either  wind  waker  or  phantom  hourglass  which  are  the  only  games  tetra  is  in .   but  i  have  watched  playthroughs ,  cutscene  movies ,   &   have  the  phantom  hourglass  manga  not  to  mention  my  books  on  legend  of  zelda  history   &   lore .    so  the  good  news  is  i  should  have  a  handle  on  tetra  as  a  character  despite  my  lack  of  actually  playing  her  game .    she’s  lovely ,  she’s  snarky ,   &   best  of  all  she’s  a  pirate   &   i  just  fucking  love  pirates .
how long has your character been here ?
going  on  a  month  now .   enough  that  she  gets  this  place  somewhat ,  or  has  kind  of  gotten  the  hang  of  it ,   &   knows  it’s  not  home  but  there  are  still  things  she’s  lost  on .   she’s  absolutely  pissed  she’s  not  home ,  without  her  ship ,   &   without  her  crew .
what is your character’s job ?
well  before  being  here  she  was  a  rowdy ,  stealing ,  treasuring  hunting ,  fearsome  pirate  captain .    she’s  not  exactly  looking  to  change  much   &   settle  down  around  here ,  even  if  she  knows  she  one  day  will  have  to  lay  down  the  pirate  act .    being  land  locked   &   without  a  crew  though  has  her  take  on  more  the  role  of  thieving  teenage  delinquent  here .
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom ?
she’s  taken  from  four  years  after  the  end  of  wind  waker ,  three  years  after  phantom  hourglass .    she’s  seventeen  now   &   has  only  gotten  more  hardy   &   daring .    her ,  her  crew ,   &   link  were  still  sailing  the  great  sea  with  the  intent  of  finding  somewhere  to  establish  new  hyrule .    while  she  loves  her  life  as  a  pirate ,  she  does  know  that  when  they  find  it   &   bring  about  the  new  kingdom  she  will  have  to  leave  her  incriminating  lifestyle  behind   &   go  on  to  become  queen  zelda  i .
in  getting  here  she  had  fallen  into  the  water  in  an  incident  of  sneaking  back  onto  the  ship  with  some  loot .   upon  emerging ,  she  found  herself  instead  coming  up  in  a  pond  in  a  d.c.  park  rather  than  the  sea .
has any magic affected your character ?
nope !   she  still  even  has  slightly  pointed  ears .
other information
so  tetra  is  one  of  the  descendants  of  the  royal  hyrule  bloodline   &   she  is ,  technically ,  supposed  to  be  the  next  princess  zelda .
why  is  she  not ?    why  is  she  a  pirate  named  tetra ?
well  hyrule  no  longer  exists  where  she’s  from .
hyrule  was  flooded   &   where  it  was  now  sits  the  expansive  great  sea .   the  kingdom  fell  into  legend  but  the  royal  bloodline  did  technically  survive .   there  was  just  no  kingdom  now .
the  triforce  of  wisdom  continued  to  be  passed  down  through  the  bloodline  but  the  name  ‘zelda’  no  longer  did   &   eventually  somewhere  down  the  line  the  descendants  fell  into  piracy  of  all  things ,  completely  unaware  of  their  blue  blooded  past .
tetra  is  technically  princess  zelda  by  blood .    but  she  was  born  as  tetra .
after  she   &   link  learned  of  hyrule   &   what  it  was   &   who  she  was ,  they  set  off  to  find  land  to  establish  a  new  hyrule  where  tetra  will  take  on  her  role  as  queen  zelda  i .
in  the  meantime  buckle  up  boys  bc  she’s  zelda  but  she’s  got  no  fucks ,  is  a  literal  teenager ,   &   has  a  fucking  gun .
tetra  inherited  the  title  of  captain  of  the  ship  from  her  mother ,  who  was  captain  before  her .
her  mother  died  when  she  was  young  though  so  tetra  took  on  the  role  of  captain  at  the  mere  age  of  twelve .
by  age  thirteen  she  was  a  feared  pirate  captain   &   ran  a  tight  ship  with  respect  from  the  crew .   this  is  when  she  ran  into  link .
(   yes ,  link  is  supposed  to  be  10  in  ww ,  i  guess   . . .   but  who’s  to  say  the  legends  didn’t  change  a  little ?   i  say  he  was  12/13 .  )
she  knows  how  to  handle  a  sword  extremely  well ,  was  even  a  match  for  link   &   is  probably  the  only  person  with  a  chance  of  winning  a  sword  battle  against  him .
is  typically  sort  of  rough  around  the  edges   &   somewhat  unsympathetic .   bossy .   all  work  no  play .    usually  only  interested  in  helping  someone  if  there’s  a  reward  involved  or  if  you  somehow  manage  guilt  her  into  it .
kinda  likes  pranks  though .
can  i  mention  again  how  she’s  been  the  captain  of  an  entire  ship   &   a  feared  pirate  since  age  thirteen ?    how  fucking  badass  holy  shit  oh  my  god .    she’s  only  seventeen  but  she  could  mess  your  whole  shit  up .
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askthegreenguys · 7 years
//So, now that the con is out of the way and I don’t have any more pressing matters to deal with (other than the usual applying for jobs stuff), I wanted to do something fun with you all. 
I know I still have a pile of drafts to get to, and an even bigger pile of asks. I swear, I’m trying to work on them but my muse is just, ugh. So not cooperating.
BUT I refuse to give up! So while I attempt to wrangle those into submission (I make no promises, just know I’m trying) I wanted to introduce you to another idea I had. This kinda came up with Eclair during the Zeldathon, and I wanted to try it with the rest of you. Basically, we watch a playthrough of a Zelda game (obviously, this would take several sessions) as if we’re watching a movie, and you all would be free to comment (either in or out of character, it doesn’t matter) on the events playing out, and the boys will reply. 
For example, this is from watching WW during Zeldathon
Eclair: Art: "Wind when are you going to get out of your pajamas?" Nasa: Wind has this big ol shitfaced grin Nasa: “I’m not wearing just my pajamas! Also those are normal clothes not pajamas.” Eclair: Art: "You woke up in those" (Didn't you wake up in your work clothes?) Art: "That was different!" Nasa: “I’m wearing the Hero’s New Clothes. Only the honest can see them. Looks like someone’s a liar >:D Nasa: “Also I was playing hide and seek with Aryll and fell asleep. She woke me up early.” Eclair: Art: "I am not!" (... Wind should be in jail with Twilight) Art: "The wha...?" (Yeah, for public indecency. If Wind is wearing clothes that turn invisible to people who lie, doesn't that make him a streaker?) Art: "...." (Wind is a streaker~ Wind is a streaker) Art: "AHAHAHAHAHA!" Nasa: “I PUT THEM ON OVER MY BLUE SHIRT WOMAN.” Nasa: “If you wanna get on someone’s case for streaking go talk to the new guy!" Eclair: Art: "No I think you're right, Wind. I can't see any clothes on you. I lied too much about my sleep schedule to the boss." Nasa: (pffft) Nasa: //Wind I think your blue shirt is the bomb. I want one like it! “Aww thanks! See someone here is nice!” Nasa: //Besides, if you were to go to jail for something I can think of several things much worse than public indecency Eclair: Art: "Yeah like for being so illegally adorable with that baby face! Geez Wind you took a 180 over the years." Nasa: //Pfft how about impersonating a nobleman to seduce some stuffy old lord’s daughter, stealing the keys to their vault and locking her in a random storage closet, then impersonating the daughter to open said vault and rob them blind. “Hey, you saw how they treated their vassals! They deserved it!” //Yeah, but you didn’t donate all the rupees. You kept a rather sizeable sum for yourself
Eclair: Art: "WAIT HANG ON I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING! Time you... You BROKE the triforce of courage!? How!? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?" Nasa: Time: “IT WASN’T ME! When Zelda sent me back in time I lost my piece! …and… then somehow… got it back. You know I’m still not sure how that happened.” Twilight: “Maybe Miyamoto and all them didn’t think…” //Ey! No fourth wall breaking around heroes with a pulse! Wind: “What do you call this you dingbat?” -flicks sassy pirate son’s ear- Eclair: Art: "... So which one of you is gonna explain how wind is controlling a seagull?" Nasa: Vio and Brown just both stare at Wind with an ‘aha!’ expression. Wind: “What?” Vio: “So Art, you know how you asked about possession a while back?” Wind: “Oh come on that’s not how the song works! I just sorta think about what I want… the other… oh shit that’s totally how possession works isn’t it.” Brown: “Hey do you two wanna try this? :D” Vio: “For science, of course. It’s vital knowledge.” Eclair: Art: "I er... I guess? Do I just stand next to Wind or something?"
It’s more laid back than an RP, and the subject is something easy for me to comment on in character, so this should be easier to do than RPs or asks. 
Now, I’d love to eventually do all the games, but let’s be real, there’s sixteen of them I’d have to do to cover all the boy’s adventures, and each game would take multiple livestreaming sessions. So instead, if you all are interested, how about you vote on which game you’d like me to stream first, and once I get enough replies I’ll go hunt down a useable walkthrough and we’ll see how this goes. If it’s fun and everyone wants to do more in the future, we’ll pick another game.
So what do you all think, does it sound fun? Vote for what game you want to see first in the replies! Or just PM me or send an ask, whatever works. 
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bandicoot88 · 7 years
Maybe I was wrong about Breath of the Wild’s timeline?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5WYgDGYlZoI made a post with reasons why I thought it was of the Adult Timeline. However, I am seeing evidence/hints actually pointing towards the Child Timeline, and an explanation on how my reasons can be debunked. I’ll go through each topic in the same order as my other post, so it’s tidy and you can compare the reasons, if you wish. Let’s go!
So I said that because the Koroks were exclusive to WW and their evolution being because of the Great Sea, well... BOTW has sea too. It’s not island surrounded by an entire ocean, but there is sea in BOTW. We just don’t get to explore it that much. My point being is that the Kokiri could have still evolved into Koroks in another timeline, if the climate is correct. Or maybe they just evolve with time anyway, but at a different pace.
I say this because no matter what timeline you think it belongs in, we’re all agreed that it takes place a hell of a long time after the last game of a timeline, right? We had the backstory of the Guardians, Divine Beasts and Calamity Ganon, which exist in no other game! And that backstory happened 10,000 years before BOTW, so who knows how long we’re talking here.
Because of this too, Koroks weren’t present in TP, as for any Kokoris (some believe the TP monkeys might have been Kokoris, but by that logic we’re to believe it was a Kokiri>Monkey>Korok, which I find a bit unbelievable), so I am to believe they came about much later, if it is of this timeline. Still doesn’t explain the absence of Kokoris and the Deku Tree though, which bothers me (though the Forest Temple was a giant tree, but there’s no signs of it being ‘alive’). Maybe they just weren’t present.
Deku Tree
A minor mention to tie in with the above, but I guess there’s no reason why he shouldn’t return in the Child Timeline. He just hasn’t (unless BOTW is the one), because in the events of the Child Timeline, he dies, but is reborn as a sprout, but not until Link is an adult and after the whole Forest Temple curse, but since in the Child Timeline this doesn’t technically happen, the Deku Tree should have become a sprout much earlier.
As with the Koroks, it’s possible they could have just evolved from Zoras, but not with every Zora. This certainly would explain why there’s no Zoras in the Adult Timeline (except for one I heard, and he’s green too), and as to why the Ritos look a bit different to WW’s Ritos. Though I did hate this argument for a reason for them to be completely different Ritos, because if people can believe they evolved from fish people, then they can believe they changed in appearance somewhat with their beaks, wings, etc. But now I am to believe that BOTW may indeed be of the Child Timeline instead, I can kinda get behind this, but not as a singular reason, because that’s dumb.
Sage references (Nabooru, Ruto, and Darunia)
While they didn’t awaken as Sages (I think) because they weren’t needed, they were still rulers to their people. This is my only justification as to why the Divine Beasts were named after them, rather than recognizing them as Sages, which was my argument. I guess with Vah Medor though (named after Medli) is just a coincidence, and more of just a throwback to WW.
Place names
As mentioned above, some things may just be there as a throwback. When I spoke about Linebeck Island, I said it was a good indication of it being in the Adult Timeline. However, the island is unimportant, since there’s literally nothing there. It’s just an island with a name. But what about an actual places that existed in OoT and TP? If you don’t want minor spoilers, look away now (though there’s nothing really left of these places anymore).
Ranch Ruins... it’s Lon Lon Ranch, because of the layout. You can just tell. Here’s a video (not mine) of the place (and prepare for feels):
TP’s Arbiter's Grounds is also in the game, but there’s not much left to show. Still, it was a real place. Another place, or thing I should say rather, is the Mirror of Twilight replica. I think this is what it’s meant to be anyway. It’s not the real thing though, because (TP spoilers) that thing got scattered to bits, not unless somehow it got put back together again, got tampered with, and moved from Gerudo Desert. I like to think of it as in honor of the real one. Or, it might just be it’s own thing, and fans are going nuts over it, which is possible. Here’s said video (not mine):
Lake Hylia is also pretty close to Gerudo Desert in both TP and BOTW, according to their maps. Remember, you actually get shot out of a cannon in TP from Hylia Lake to reach Gerudo Desert, because it’s otherwise inaccessible.
And Snowpeak reminds me of the Tabantha region (also in the north west), because they’re both consist of snowy mountains.
My only issue I have when comparing OoT’s, TP’s, and BOTW’s maps, is the locations of Death Mountain and Zora’s Domain. In OoT and BOTW, both locations are pretty spot on, but in TP, they literally swapped, with Death Mountain being closer to the Faron Province, whereas in OoT and BOTW, Zora’s domain is closer to their Faron areas. This makes no sense to me, as not only did it swap once, but twice. A volcano became a place of water, and then reverted back. Nintendo wtf? XD
Last random thing I want to mention is this:
I didn’t clog it in my own playthrough, but after watching another video classing this scene as “proof” of being in the Child Timeline, I was very non-agreeable on the subject. The events of SS and OoT happened regardless of any timeline you pick, though the outcome of OoT is different in each, the game’s events fitting to that timeline are acknowledged (Link dies, Link goes back as a child, or Link disappears). The mention of a bit twilight though, because for me, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s TP. It could just be a time of day. However, thinking about it, mentioning 2 games and then throwing something random in there doesn’t make sense, so yeah, I think Zelda is talking about TP.
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Well, hello!
I’m back from both GenCon and then a week off on family vacation, and big thanks to the amazing Dixie for filling in with this blog last week!
I’m full of energy and rarin’ to go. Doing that thing where you bounce on your toes a bit – which is kind of hard to do typing away as I have been all day!
If my emails were physical mail, the letters would fill my office, so I’m taking a bit of time to get through all of them. Plus, this week’s Monday Meeting was a fair bit of catch-up for all of our crew (besides Eddy, who is still on his vacay visiting wrestling events), with a few reports from us on GenCon, and the meetings that came out of it.
Which I’ll share with you now:
First, the message we relayed at our various panels was that we’re continuing to change/evolve as we need to as a company. So if you think our Kickstarters are only about Deluxe books and we run them like we did in 2013, please check again, because we’re far more likely to run a KS in order to do a print run of books to get into retail stores.
Which is another continuing evolution as we continue to add projects that will mean books that get into distribution and stores via our sales partners at Studio2 and IPR– all while maintaining our availability on DriveThruRPG and our other venues.
Distant Worlds illustration by Sam Denmark
The big change at GenCon was our choice to not appear there with an Onyx Path booth in the Exhibitor Hall, so that was something brought up a fair bit at the convention.
So far, from talking things through today, we’re still thinking it was a good decision. Both Mighty Matt McElroy and I had much more time to talk with creators like Travis Legge, our friends in the business (either existing or prospective), translators, and I even made a walk-through of artist alley and got to chat with some of our favorites.
Meanwhile, as we anticipated, our panels were a great place to field questions from our regular attendees. Thanks to all of you who attended and put us through our paces with your questions! We’ll be getting a report on how our demo games went later from The Wrecking Crew, but I, at least, only heard good things about those.
If you were there, or had friends there, and heard anything otherwise about our presence at Gen Con, please let me know – either here in the comments or directly to [email protected]. We really do appreciate knowing how others saw things.
Book of Oblivion illustration by Drew Tucker
Another big set of questions were about White Wolf/Paradox and how Vampire, V5, WoD, 20th Anniversaries, CofD, and Exalted are going to be created, published, handled.
Part of the confusion was within that “not happening like it used to” theme we talked about. WW/Paradox is signing lots of licensees for all sorts of projects; mostly for V5, but also for other WoD projects. Seeing boardgames come out from four or five different companies, several card games from different companies including the rebirth of Vampire: the Eternal Struggle, and also several computer games is a lot happening that we should be thrilled about as fans.
What seems the most confusing for folks, though, is when they see different companies producing V5 TTRPGs, maybe because they’re concerned about V5 game books being created by multiple companies and that’s just not how it has been done, or they’re are concerned about rules and setting coherence, or overall quality. Or maybe because it’s not clear how the rest of the WoD game lines will be handled.
We at Onyx Path can only reply as we did at the con – with our understanding of the situation. Which is that it is not easy to reconfigure a business as WW/Paradox has been reconfigured and that currently their team is juggling a lot of existing licensed projects as the folks responsible for overseeing the V5 brand. That means, in answer to the concerns of coherence and quality, that WW/Paradox reviews and approves all the projects and follows through their creation with further approvals to maintain everything V5 the way they want it.
Which is another good reason they are working with the fine folks at Modiphius to get more V5 TTRPG material published, as Modiphius can take the biggest portion of the nuts and bolts of publishing and working with other licensees like Onyx Path off of WW/Paradox‘s busy hands and let them focus on brand management.
As for us, well, the wonderful accolades for V5 Chicago By Night‘s Backer PDF, the strong interest in the follow-up material for CbyN that came out of the Kickstarter Stretch goals, and the recent happy excitement over the V5 Cults of the Blood Gods press release, are all music to our ears and are great data-points when we discuss further projects.
(And hey, I know that sometimes it seems like we say stuff over and over on all our social media, including this MMN blog, about our upcoming projects, but we heard from so many surprised folks after that Cults press release who had no idea it was coming that you just gotta let us keep getting the word out in as many ways – and as often we have to in order to reach our far-flung fantastic fans!)
Beyond V5, and figuring that the time will come that other game lines get attention, it’s always going to start with what WW/Paradox wants to do, so they’re the folks you want to politely let know your thoughts and feelings about those WW game lines. We can, and do, submit pitches as a licensee, but they’re the owners and decide which things get the green light to move ahead.
Aeon Aexpansion illustration by Gong Studios
Back to overall Onyx Path changes, we noted at Gen Con that there was no new brochure debuted at Gen Con, as we want to do a full year one – Jan through Dec. So expect 2020 one to debut a month early at PAX Unplugged this year and then throughout 2020’s cons starting with MidWinter in Jan.
That also means that we didn’t spring any new projects at the con, as we usually build them into the brochure. Part of that is the brochure timing thing, and part of it is that we’re looking at announcements that roll out through the year rather than happening at a single event- unless tying it to the event makes the most sense.
You can expect some of those about new projects unannounced that are already in the works, as well as those we worked out in meetings at Gen Con, throughout the rest of this year and through 2020, as we keep on making:
Many Worlds, One Path!
Keep an eye out in this space as well as on our social media for the Deviant: The Renegades Kickstarter that will be launching after August wraps up!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features an interview the team conducted with Travis Legge, the man behind our Twitch endeavors and creative genius for the Scarred Lands!
The Onyx Path News was live today and can be found on our YouTube channel right here, along with Matthew’s Wraith: The Oblivion actual play, uploads from Twitch, and a request for you to submit Deviant questions:  https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath
And mentioning Twitch, Travis has continued with our streams of actual plays, interviews, and more, and would love to have you join us live! Please tune in and subscribe to get notifications of upcoming content: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath/ There’s Pugmire: Paws and Claws, Scion: Athens, Ohio, Pirates of Bloodwater, and more!
In other news, the Story Told Podcast just interviewed part of the team behind the Changeling: The Dreaming Player’s Guide! Please check out their show here: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/episode-33-c20-players-guide-round-table-interview
Do you love Exalted? Please please please check out Beamduck‘s show right here, as it’s excellent: https://www.twitch.tv/beanduck
Occultists Anonymous are hammering out new episodes of their Mage: The Awakening chronicle, and we’d love for you to check them out. Here are the details:
Episode 34: Broken Things – Mammon works with the Mysterium to determine what is going on with his memories of Beck. Elsewhere, Atratus searches for the reason behind her trouble with spells. Wyrd searches the city for her own answers. https://youtu.be/1mS2Cz8ymtQ
Episode 35: Watching Eyes – Mammon and Hiza flee a Grigori as they search for the reason for Mr. Graves’ intrusion on Mammon’s memories. Atratus travels into her own soul with Songbird and Wyrd on the advice of the Apeiron they named Hephaestus. https://youtu.be/b3RLfdK9vZM
Do you listen to Twin Cities by Night? If not, why not? This show puts out a whole host of different actual play content, and if you want a gritty Chronicles of Darkness game, they’re one of the best places to go: https://twincitiebynight.podbean.com/
Our good friends over at Caffeinated Conquests are continuing to run The Sacrifice from Chicago by Night using V20 rules! There are very few playthroughs of that story that involve a Gargoyle and a True Brujah, but theirs certainly does: https://www.youtube.com/user/CafConIsOn/videos
Devil’s Luck Gaming is always a fantastic place to go for your Scarred Lands hookup, too. One of the best actual play channels going today: https://www.twitch.tv/DevilsLuckGaming
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
As always, you can find most of Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re putting the PDF and physical book PoD versions of Book of Oblivion for Wraith20th on sale!
The Book of Oblivion Includes:
New Shadow Archetypes, Thorns, and an array of horrifying new antagonists.
Chapters devoted to Spectres, their terrible cults, and the rare process of Spectre redemption.
Deep explorations of the Tempest; the Labyrinth; the Dark Kingdoms of Flint, Gold, Ivory, Obsidian, and Swar; the Mirrorlands; and several other bizarre and fascinating Necropoli.
Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd PAX Unplugged: December 6th – 8th
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Post-Approval Development
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
V5 Chicago Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Post-Editing Development
Memento Mori (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e Companion)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
VtR Spilled Blood – All the art that is in is approved. Felipe is working on stuff.
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds – Waiting for Gregor and Darko to wrap up.
Trinity Continuum Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came from Beneath the Sea! – Contracted. Sketches already coming in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – Contracted. LeBlanc doing the splats.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
DR:E Jumpstart – Sam Denmark is doing this.
Deviant for KS – Contracted.
In Layout
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams
V5: Chicago – Backer PDF out, errata lock down Friday.
Geist 2e – XX’s and then Indexing.
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting errata.
M20 Book of the Fallen
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – At Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipped to Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Book of Oblivion – PDF/PoD versions ON SALE WEDNEDAY.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Printing.
Trinity Aeon – Printing.
DR: E – Backer PDF out to backers.
Shunned By the Moon – PoD files uploaded.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
On this date in 1990, Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found to date, is discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota. Y’know, I sure love dinosaurs. As a kid, I corrected Miss Larmen, my Kindergarten teacher, when she misidentified and mispronounced their names. Lest you think I was just a little know-it-all, she encouraged me to do so, thus unknowingly setting me on a life-long path as a smart-ass.
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch)
A Short Hike has quickly climbed its way near the top of my favorite indie titles list. Even though it’s aptly named – I beat it in 90 minutes – I couldn’t wait to start playing it again. It’s that enjoyable.
The most eye-catching of all the titles shown during the August Indie World Showcase, A Short Hike, piqued my interest with its Animal Crossing: Wild World-style visuals. The allusions to that classic are also evident in the various animal hikers. Indeed, there are multiple little WW nods, too numerous to list, but no less appreciated as a fan. The entire game looks the way rose-colored DS visuals live in my mind. You can even choose between “big and crunchy” or “small and tasty” pixel sizes.
Taking the role of Claire (visiting her aunt), you aim to reach the mountain summit, Hawk Peak, the only locale with cell reception for her expected phone call. The hike isn’t easy, and Claire will need to collect golden feathers to aid in her ascent as she climbs, flys, and jumps. These can be acquired by interacting with other hikers, finding coins to purchase some, or purely exploring beyond the marked trails of the provincial park.
Even though I beat the game in under two hours, this is not a fast-paced title. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing. Even when Claire isn’t soaring through the air, this is still a breezy little adventure. Exploring the beautiful beaches, forests, island clusters, and more, you can’t help but be charmed from the fully-realized environments.
Lest you think you’ll just be taking in the various sites, Claire’s inventory quickly fills up. Some of it is merely fun fluff, like different hats for her to wear. But it’s entertaining examining the other items and figuring out where you can use them. Everything has a definite purpose.
On my second playthrough, I was surprised to discover how much I had missed initially. I thought I had been playing at a pretty casual, exploratory pace, but I found many brilliant new things. My one wish would be for some manner of in-game achievement list to keep track of them all. Have I found every last coin? Every feather? For the more striking achievements, maybe a cryptic clue (like the treasure maps) to avoid spoilers. Perhaps in an update.
A considerable element that made me so quick to jump into a replay is the music. Mark Sparling (who’s worked on games like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) has composed tracks that I’d describe as “A day full of promise.” The tunes fittingly change by locale, but it’s a harmonious mixture, much like how AC tracks change hourly but still blend nicely. I almost hate to hear a track end, but another will soon follow, along with welcome ambient sounds. Thoughtful options let you adjust various volume levels to your liking. 
I can’t overstate the significance of this airy soundtrack and how it wonderfully complements the visuals. Any game where I want to stand still and simply listen to the tunes (and one that allows me to) is doing something very right. I was hoping I might unlock an in-game music player, but these tracks must be relished during gameplay.
The ending is unanticipated, but for my part, it was the trek to it, or should I say treks. There’s still hidden treasure I need to find, fish I need to catch, and a few other things that I don’t wish to spoil. A Short Hike will be a game I return to time and again, I’m sure of it.
A Short Hike is a game the whole family can love. It’s an homage to classics while still very much it’s own release. There is much to explore, fun characters to interact with, and the entirety of the title just had me smiling. Carve out a couple of hours in your day, curl up with some ‘Strawberries and Toast,’ and give A Short Hike a play. You won’t regret it.
The post Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: A Short Hike (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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