#I made absolutely no connection between him- his boat- or anything he said as something that would bother Link
morimess · 6 months
I finally figured out what I want to do with the imposter wind waker for TBABS.
#So the only reason this character stands out to me so much recently is because I finally understand some of the WW lore#I have never physically played#or looked at any playthroughs of WW#The first couple of times I played PH I just thought the imposter WW was a random dude#I made absolutely no connection between him- his boat- or anything he said as something that would bother Link#BUT NOW?!#Now I can ONLY see how fucked up it is that Link has to see this grown man pretend to be him#Riding around on a fake KoRL#Taunting him in a way by pretending to be him#But never knowing the true extent of trauma and all the shit that Link had/has to go through#And in terms of TBABS#Linebeck already doesn't believe him AND this asshole is pretending to be him?#No#Link would absolutely not let that fly#I've wanted to add that beef for a while but now I finally know where to put it#I also believe that Link would take every opportunity he could to try to beat the shit out of this guy#Especially since the first couple of times you do it- the imposter makes you think he's super weak by only taking a few hits at a time#I think once he opened up to letting you strike him more often#Link would be all over that#Trying to get as high a score as possible- and definitely overexerting himself in the process#Making him more than a bit sore and winded- in other words- vulnerable to people who do not pull their punches#I can already tell that chapter will be very fun to write- especially since Linebeck will be having his own#Separate mental breakdown later in the chapter#And especially in the immediate chapter that follows
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lydiaas · 2 years
No why did they have to say the scene of the boat was weird I don't think they think it at all it's just being back in the OBX and what her parents said to him made him do this JJ no just kiss her
Oh god you've done it now, you've got me writing an essay about the word "weird". That whole scene is insanely good, maybe the best written jiara scene in the season imo, and I'm still processing it because there is so many layers there. I think I could analyse the jiara scenes in episode 4 until the next season comes out and not run out of material to talk about.
I totally get why JJ used the word weird and don't take it negatively at all. JJ does not know how to talk about his feelings so this is very on brand for him. I talk about how layered this entire scene is and there is so much alone in him choosing to say "it was weird". On one side, you've got the fact that he has had a crush on Kie for years but never considered she would return his feelings so he's somehow trying to process that they almost crossed over into something he never though possible before. Kie is throwing herself into his arms, looking at him like he hung the moon and almost kissing him? That is absolutely weird (and if you look at the fishing scene when he catches her checking him out you can see on his face how he's trying to process what the fuck he just saw) But then on the second side of it, he has that conversation with Pope hanging over his head which tells him that pursuing anything with Kiara is a bad idea and a betrayal to their friendship. You've also got the fact that he's been ripped out of what he thought was an island paradise and dumped back in the Cut where the differences between he and Kie's circumstances becomes blinding. So I think part of him uses the word weird here to put some distance between them again. He throws that out there BUT (and this is the best part of that moment for me) Kie doesn't just let it stand. She counters with "not bad weird" (so BOLD of her) and of course he agrees and falls back into that moment with her because it's not bad it was just new and scary (and the attraction and chemistry is constantly pulling them together).
AND THEN TO MAKE THIS SCENE EVEN BETTER it parallels directly with Kie calling her relationship with Pope weird (derogatory) in S2. So her saying "not bad weird" in this scene acknowledges that everything is different with JJ. In that scene where she breaks things off with pope she says "I just wanted things to go back to the way that they were" but she never wants that with JJ. She keeps trying to have the conversation because she knows the connection they had is something more that a fleeting crush and that it is worth the risk. Only when he turns her down and act out does she actually back off.
Anywhooo....those are just some very casual normal thoughts about a 30 seconds of dialogue.
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slothquisitor · 1 year
Full of Surprises
It's the confession! Also known as, what happens if I can't pick what version I like best so I smooshed them together. Astarion x Liv, hurt/comfort (It's me, it couldn't be fluff), 2.6K.
Also on AO3.
Moonrise Towers is exactly the sort of awful disaster Astarion wasn’t expecting. He had believed there was some sort of control device, some switch that might give them the power to control the tadpole. He hadn’t expected there to be an unkillable general and scores of loyal cultists committed to this Absolute. Their group wanders the place freely, the subterfuge of them claiming to be True Souls working so well they’re able to investigate the place and waste time staging heroic rescues for people they’ve already rescued once. At this rate, the tieflings will need yet another rescue before they even reach Baldur’s Gate. 
But he doesn’t complain for once. Even when the underbelly of Moonrise reminds him of the worst places in Szarr palace. Even when Liv’s bleeding heart might cost them their best chance of controlling these tadpoles. She wants to free everyone, and it’s just so utterly predictable of her, so completely naive. And he might be more upset about it, but his mind can’t seem to stop re-examining a conversation they had with a blood merchant who wanted him to bite her. “He’s his own person, he doesn’t belong to anyone,” Liv had said, words firm and unyielding. 
This is it, the edge he’s been looking for all this time, sharpened to a point, fury behind her teeth. Her words keep echoing, “He said no.” As if…as if it mattered. As if what he wanted, how he felt, as if those things were important. 
It would have been so easy to bury his disgust, and just do what he was being asked. They would have received a powerful potion that might help them. Power was on offer and he…he didn’t reach out to grab it, the cost be damned. He didn’t want to, and Liv didn’t ask. And now that he thinks about it, she’s never forced him into anything, not even being nice or playing the hero. Oh, he’s followed her anyway, but it has always been his choice. 
And he’s made a lot of choices these last few weeks, and he’s not sure how he feels about many of them. He knows now that Liv would have protected him even if he hadn’t slept with her; he probably knew that before too. There was no need to manipulate her feelings. There’s a depressing sort of futility to the realization that he never had to do any of this at all,but he had done it all anyway. He just can’t seem to understand why. 
This is a truth he’s too scared to examine, too scared to pick up and twist in his fingers lest the jagged edges draw more than just blood. On the bad days, he’s not sure if he could tell the difference between Cazador pulling the strings or him just obeying out of habit, out of fear of pain and punishment. Were there times when he could have resisted, but didn’t? When was his mind his own? He’s free now, but not free enough that he didn’t automatically fall into old habits. Not free enough to not keep carrying on as if Cazador’s orders are still echoing in his mind. The truth is, that after two centuries of being a puppet, he doesn’t know what else to be. He doesn’t know what actual connection means or what it would take to have something real with another person. He only knows how to manipulate, how to seduce, how to be as changeable as water to become whatever he needs to survive. His body and sex is all he’s good for. It’s all he has to offer anyone. Strip that away and what is he left with? What has he made of his life? 
The viciousness of this realization follows him all day long. It’s only on a cramped, tiny boat with those they rescued, drifting in the shadows of the coast, that he comes to the wretched realization of what he has to do. If he wants this thing with Liv to be real, he’s going to have to tell the truth. All of it. He’s going to have to take his body out of the equation, remove the only thing he has to offer. It’s a terrifying prospect because if she doesn’t want him after that, why would anyone else? 
He’s not sure of much these days, but he knows that if he goes on like this, with lies and manipulations and forcing himself to carry on, that it will forever taint whatever this could be. He is so sure that there is something salvageable here, that he has not managed to ruin everything, yet. And finally, finally, this feels like a real step toward unshackling himself from Cazador. He just…has to get up the courage to talk to Liv. A small thing really. They’ve talked plenty and this will be just another conversation, and yet the nerves follow him all day. 
Getting Liv’s undivided attention proves more difficult than expected. When they arrive at Last Light Inn, she spends her time making sure the tieflings and the gnomes are well looked after and reunited with their friends and families. And then she’s reporting to Jaheira about what they found at Moonrise, and making plans and contingencies. He finally retreats to their camp at Last Light, hoping to catch her when she returns. 
He tries to read, to distract himself, but it’s not really working. He’s barely taking in any information while he keeps one eye on the goings on of camp, waiting for Liv to return. The fire has burned down to embers, so he adds a log while the rest of their companions sleep or find other distractions, and finally Liv appears, looking tired but not quite as haunted as the last few weeks. He supposes that for her, today held victories. 
“I didn’t expect you to still be up,” she remarks as she approaches. She’s still dressed in her mage robes, and her long, brown hair is escaping the bun she’d put it in this morning. She smiles at him, like she’s glad to see him. He’s trying to make peace with whatever the outcome of this conversation might be, but Gods, he doesn’t want to lose this. 
“Do you have a moment? I…I think we need to talk.” He presses on anyway.
She freezes, eyes shuttering. He recognizes the look; he’s felt it many times. It’s the bracing for impact, steeling yourself before bad news. “Are you alright?” 
“Oh yes, I’m fine. It’s just that I feel…awful.” He surges forward with the speech he’s practiced in his head all evening. He wants to explain this, wants her to understand. He doesn’t know what else he wants, but he knows he does want that. “Look, I had a plan. A nice simple plan. Seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you’d never turn on me. It was easy. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. And all you had to do was fall for it…and all I had to do was not fall for you.”
She doesn’t look surprised by his admission, if anything she looks…resigned. Like she’d been expecting something like this. He’s not sure if he’s irrevocably broken this thing between them. He takes a shuddering breath. “Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart. You…you’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
Her brow furrows as he speaks, but she doesn’t yell or light him aflame with her magic. He sort of wishes she would. That would be a hells of a lot easier to parse than the silence. But he lets it stretch between them, resisting the urge to fill it, to make some joke or flirtation. He is as open and honest as he’s ever been with her, and he needs her to know it. 
Eventually, she speaks. “So what you’re saying is that…before, when we were together, it didn’t mean anything?” There’s a pain in her eyes he instantly regrets, but he’s committed now, to lay out all his sins. Let her judge him as she will. 
“Of course they did, that’s the problem! Or part of it. Being close to someone, any kind of intimacy was something I performed to lure people back to him.” He doesn’t say the name, that figure already looms so large in every aspect of his life, he doesn’t want him here in this moment more than he must be. “I realized today, whilst we were in front of that vile drow that I have never stopped thinking of myself as a slave, never stopped acting like I still belonged to him. You made me realize that when you stood up for me today, and I…I wanted to thank you for that.”
Her words are barely louder than a whisper, and she’s wrapped her arms around herself, the distance between them growing. “I would never make you do something you didn’t want to, Astarion.”
He steps closer to her, trying to get her to see, to understand. “I know that now; I know that things between us are different. But I spent two hundred years using my body to lure pretty things back for my Master. What I wanted, how I felt about what I was doing, it never mattered. Being with someone, any kind of intimacy, still feels tainted. Still brings up those feelings of guilt and loathing. I don’t know any other way to be with someone.” 
Her green eyes are still pained, but he wants her to know this last piece. “No matter how much I’d like to.”
She nods once, glancing away, arms folded even more tightly, as if she is trying to keep herself together. “Every time we were together…I. I felt like you were drifting further and further away. I’m sorry…I should have asked more questions. I thought…” her words trail off. Shit, of course he’d tell her that he was manipulating her and she’d apologize to him. 
“You thought?” he prompts, straining to breathe through the anxiety, unsure if he wants to know the truth or not, as unflattering as it may be.
She sighs, shaking her head. At him, at herself, the entire situation? He’s not sure. “I thought that you were bored. That all you wanted was what you said…fun…pleasure. I thought it was unfair for me to want something more out of the arrangement when you’d been so clear from the start.” 
Oh. Oh. So she had been aware of the manipulation, but she had just thought, what? That she was some place-filler, a body to be used, a means to a very different end. He’s not sure why the implication rankles so much. Perhaps it is because he knows how it is to be used in that way. He was using her for safety…for security. It’s not the same thing, but do his intentions matter when it’s clear his actions hurt her?
“I’m sorry.” He’s not sure if it’s enough. 
She nods, and meets his gaze. He recognizes the set of her face, her jaw, it’s the same look she has when she casts a particularly difficult spell. “I’m sorry too. I knew something was wrong, but I was too afraid to ask in case it meant the end of this. I..I know what I want, but what do you want?” Her eyes are big and green and bottomless. He thinks he could love her if for no other reason than she asks what he wants. 
And what does he want? He knows he does not want her to go, does not want her to stop looking at him with softness. He wants her gentleness, wants the steadiness he’s found with her. He wants to learn everything he’s not allowed himself to these last weeks. He wants this tremulous thing between them to be real. He knows he wants to try. 
“I…I don’t know. It’s been so long since I’ve had to decide what I wanted. I know that I want to keep exploring this, whatever we are, together, but I don’t know that I want you to think about me in terms of sex…I don’t know that I want anyone to.”
“I care about you, deeply, Astarion. I never want you to do anything you’er not comfortable with.”
His breath catches. She cares. Still. The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them, before he can think of something eloquent to say. “Really?”
“Really.” She says it like a vow. He knows her well enough to believe it. He can’t help the grin that spreads across his face. 
“I have no idea what we’re doing,” he admits. It’s such a light, shimmering feeling, this uncertainty, not knowing the next step. There is no plan, no steps to a dance he’s done thousands of times before. This is new, and it is uncharted. He has no idea what comes next, but he does know this: they’ll figure it out together. 
He wants to touch her, but he’s not sure how now. The physical aspect of their relationship so far has harmed them both, and he wants to be careful with both their fragile hearts. So he extends a hand, reaching across the space between them. She watches the gesture carefully, as observant as always, before placing her hand in his. It’s an intimate thing, all at once too much contact and not nearly enough. 
“But I know that this.” He covers her hand with his own, stepping closer and holding her gaze. He hopes she can see how important this is to him, this moment. She has looked at him, darkness and all and she is still here. It’s more than he dared to hope for. “This is nice.”
The moment suspends, the world moving around them, but right now there is only this, the here and now. There’s no more hurt in her eyes, but instead an emotion he can’t quite place. She gestures to him with her free hand, “May I?”
“Of course.”
He has no idea what she’s asking, but he trusts her. Trusts this. But he is still surprised when she steps close, arms enveloping him, her head pressed against his shoulder. She is anchoring him here, but he’s never felt so off-balance. His arms hang out wide for far too long before he realizes he should return this…hug. It is an offering of closeness and comfort he is far too unfamiliar with, but it’s…nice. He wasn’t aware that closeness was a thing that he could have, and he’s surprised by how much he wants it. He wraps his arms around Liv, burying his face in her hair, letting himself just be here in this moment. It’s difficult to swallow around the emotions that have risen in his throat, and his eyes burn suspiciously, so he shuts them, focusing on breathing in her warmth instead. 
She pulls away too soon; he almost tries to follow. He could have stayed like that for a very long time. But she smiles at him, and she just looks happy. He’s made her happy. 
He can’t seem to look away. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” 
That same emotion is back in her eyes from before as her smile grows somehow wider. The intensity is almost too much, it’s a feat to even meet the full force of it. Her words are soft, full of awe. “So are you.”  He can tell she means it, and that fills in the gaps between every broken shard of his soul. He doesn’t know what this is, what they’re doing, or what comes next. But it’s so nice to not know, to have the time and freedom to figure it out.
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f0point5 · 1 year
Hello from my vaycay (still ongoing)... I just needed to put in some rambling into your ask box again. 😄
I've read all the last parts and I've read so many asks and your answers to them and how the prevailing idea seems to be that it's y/n who needs a wake up call...
First off, I loved the birthday weekend content and all things entailed. And this whole weekend seemed to open different cans of worms.
I said after the first texts Elliot sent y/n on her "behavior" around Max that I didn't like her reaction. I also said I'd wait for the Monday part to see what she'll do with it after she's done celebrating Max. And it didn't change anything for me.
I get it that Elliot isn't necessarily the one making his friends do the stalking and watching and talking. I get it that he isn't the one initiating this or wanting it or whatever. I get that's it's hard to deal with her being "famous" or trending on Twitter with the things she does and says, that it makes him look bad in front of his friends and that it damages his reputation if you will. I understand that it's a bad look and that it's rough on him to have people message him about those things. BUT HONESTLY... he had it coming! If he hadn't talked as big as he did to everyone and their friends like she's his girlfriend already, he might have had an easier time. And telling her she should change her behavior? Who does he think he is? I don't like the guy. And I don't see what she likes about him either. Besides the fact that he doesn't watch F1 and that he isn't "famous" and isn't part of her world... what is there about him to make her like spending time with him? She doesn't have too much to tell about their dates, she always sounds so bored... I don't get it. 🤣 I'll celebrate the day when he's finally gone.
Now back to Max and y/n and the ideas on who needs the wake up call... for a really long time I was absolutely sure about the fact that it's indeed her. And I never once got the idea that it's him. I didn't change my mind in the way that I now think it's him.
No, I now got the notion that they're kinda in the same boat. I feel like both of them believe the other doesn't feel like more. And they both seem to have their way of dealing with that.
In one ask there was a theory that y/n had a thing for Max years back and that he put racing first. And I honestly doubt that would fit the narrative. I don't think Jos would support the connection between them as much as he does if it were true. And I don't think Max would be so sure about her feelings if he knew she once had a thing for him. I'd understand her feelings if it were true, but it wouldn't explain Max's.
Somehow I feel like there's something in their way that happened in the past. I don't know how to explain it or how far back we need to dig but it seems like something happened between them that made both of them believe the other's never gonna look at them any other way than as a best friend. To make it sound even crazier it feels like whatever happened might be something that made Max feel like she'd never be interested in that way and him reacting to that made her feel like he'd never be interested in that way. Like that something happening wasn't something that was talked about but something that just was. 😅 I'm not making any sense here. 🤣
Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next parts... I'm really curious who that Clara girl is and what kinda favor Max needs from her and why y/n doesn't seem too happy about her being there for the next race.
Max's reaction to her tweets came out kinda strong and her deleting them seemed equally as strong of a reaction. I wonder what you're cooking there... 😅
I get your reaction Y/N’s butbutbut I feel it’s in line with the reaction of someone who is only marginally concerned either way. She said it since Day 1 if he doesn’t get in like there’s another 4 billion men out there. She enjoys his company enough and she believes his drama will settle down enough to not be a problem. If it were me, man would be blocked, but I get her I won’t lie.
Max having no time for anything but racing as a teen has always been a canon event. I think there’s some unresolved feelings from the early teen years lol but weren’t we all young and dumb once. They are no the primary thing affecting Max and Y/N’s mindset now, I will say that much.
You’re making sense! We will dig more into how the friendship settled into what it is. We started to touch on it in the flashback part, how they slowly started to build something really strong. I plan to jump back before that and after to see how and why they became how they are. Max and Y/N both have reasons they think they aren’t together, they think they’re doing the right thing and maybe they are….
I am beginning to hint at some of Max’s reasoning very gently, I’m curious if anyones picked up on it. I’m trying to do justice to how little I think Max would reveal about all this to people, especially over text.
But yeah he was not amused by her Twitter exchanges. For a pretty sound and specific reason which I fully get but I think he was feeling particularly touchy after the whole birthday weekend. She deleted them because she felt bad she’d made him uncomfortable, and she knows him better than anyone. She picked up on a least a bit of what he meant.
I’m planning a very jam packed race weekend of revelations so… ;)
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jellyfish - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! I was wondering or you could do an outer banks imagine where like in season one the pogues leave kie, Sarah and reader on a boat, and the reader is the one getting stung by a jellyfish. The night goes on and she starts having an allergic reaction the jellyfish sting and her breathing starts to go bad and all dizzy. The girls have to call a mayday. And the sherif/ambulance boat? Comes and gets her or the pogues come back the next morning and she is not well at all. Then hospital. The pogues feel really badx Maybe reader x jj?  
A/N: I just started a rewatch of s1 tonight so I can finally watch s2...also I googled allergic reactions to a jellyfish sting for this. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Sarah stood beside you, practically holding you up, as you emptied the contents of your stomach into the marsh for the fifth time in so many minutes. The boys plan to strand Sarah and Kiara on the boat hadn’t been a very clever one and when you had protested JJ had jokingly pushed you over the edge of the HMS, claiming that now you too were stranded with them. 
It wasn’t exactly how you’d planned to spend your night, especially with everyone on each other’s nerves as severely as they were, you’d been looking forward to taking advantage of that and spending the night back at your house with JJ. Instead, you were stranded on Heyward’s boat with Kiara and Sarah bitching at each other. Not to mention the angry red mark blossoming over your stomach from the jellyfish that had stung you as you’d tread water earlier.  
“I thought you said you could fix this stupid piece of shit!” Sarah shouted to Kiara as she rubbed her hand along your back. The juxaposition of her kindness to you and her edgyness with Kiara wasn’t lost on you...even as you felt your head swimming.  
“I gotta lay down,” you urged, hands gripping the edge of the boat as you rested your chin against the cool side, staring into the murky water. It was starting to get darker outside but you weren’t paying attention to that anymore. You felt like you were going to throw up again though this time it felt prompted by the dizzy feeling when you moved your head and not the pain shooting through your abdomen.  
“Okay, let’s lay down...do you want a blanket or something?” Sarah asked, eyes darting around the boat to check for any spare blankets or sweatshirts.
You shook your head, immediately regretting the action as your vision blurred. “No...no, it’s so hot.” When you struggled to get JJ’s shirt over your head without moving too much, Sarah grabbed the hem of the shirt and eased it up.  
“She doesn’t need your help!” Kiara yelled from the hatch, looking out at you with concern. You’d been fine earlier, before you’d boarded the boat with them, before the jellyfish stung you, but now you were doing worse and worse. She was trying to fix the boat but it was obvious that JJ and John B’s genius plan had included purposely sabotaging any chance they had of getting the boat back to shore.  
“Obviously, she does!” Sarah shouted back, “she’s puking over the side of the fucking boat! What was in that shit you rolled anyway?”
Kiara looked incredulous at the suggestion that it was the weed they’d smoked that made you like this, “oh cause I poisoned my best friend with weed? Is that it?”  
“Maybe!” Sarah shrugged, “how should I know.”
“Not helping,” you groaned, rolling to the side and pressing your hand against your stomach. “Kie...my stomach is killing me.”  
“What can I do?” She asked, coming back over to you and Sarah.  
“Call for the coast guard or something?” Sarah suggested, looking out over the marsh as if someone would just happen to be driving through. It was pitch black now, the night falling completely. It wasn’t too late yet, close to 9:30p Sarah supposed, but she wasn’t confident that this could last until morning. Who knew when the boys would come back?
“With what phone Sarah? The tower is down.”  
“Swim to shore or something then!” She snapped.
“Sure, no problem...why didn’t I think of that? I’ll jump in the fucking marsh in the pitch black and swim toward what I think might be land!” Kiara shouted.
“Guys,” you snapped, pulling yourself up to the edge of the ship again. You felt like you were going to throw up again but there wasn’t anything left in your stomach, “shut the fuck up! You aren’t helping...I know they messed with the boat, is the radio working?”
“Let me check.” Kiara stood up from your side and headed back to the controls, checking the radio. “I’ve got a signal!”  
You weren’t sure how long it took between Kiara signaling a mayday and the police boat actually coming out on the marsh because you passed out soon after she’d gotten the signal, slumped against Sarah, the pain in your side and abdomen too much for you to bear. Neither of the girls wanted to leave you overnight in the hospital, worried something would happen the second they left your side, so Kiara scribbled a note and left it taped to the window of the boat.  
Gone to the hospital – was all it said. Not very descriptive but extremely alarming, the boys had arrived at the emergency room frantic.  
“What the fuck kind of scare tactic was that Kie!” JJ had shouted down the hallway when he saw his friend outside one of the rooms. A nurse down the same hall shushed him as he passed her and he turned around to flip her off.  
“Excuse me but you three deserve it after the shit you pulled! Leaving us stranded out there with no communication? You’re lucky the radio worked.” Sarah hissed, shoving JJ when he tried to get passed her into the room.  
The second he’d seen her it had been clear the person who was missing, the one who was undoubtedly in the hospital bed in the room he was standing outside of. You’d gotten hurt, seriously if you were here, if they’d had to mayday a police boat.
“What happened?” Pope asked, quieter than his best friend had been able to muster.
“She’s allergic to jellyfish.” Sarah replied, turning a glare on JJ, “when this moron pushed her in the water she got stung and had a reaction.”  
“Is she okay?”
“She’ll be alright...she’s dehydrated though, so she’s on fluids for the rest of the – JJ!” Kiara snapped when he pushed passed her to get into the room. He moved the curtain aside to see you there, still a little out of it from the exhaustion of the night before but you smiled when you saw him.  
“Hey,” he dropped his voice down to a whisper, a contrast to the sharp scrap of the chair that he dragged to your bedside, “I’m so sorry.”
“Guess I’m allergic to something after all.” You managed to tease, recalling the conversation you’d had a few weeks earlier when JJ had begrudgingly given up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he was trying to make at John B’s when you reminded him that he was highly allergic to peanuts.
He’d claimed that “maybe it went away”, a possibility you both knew to be impossible while you told him that you weren’t stabbing him with an epi-pen if he had an allergic reaction. “I would stab you, if you were allergic to anything,” JJ had replied, settling for jelly on toast instead. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” JJ said now, eyeing the bag of fluids that was connected to you via IV. “I would’ve been fine thinking you didn’t have any allergies.” 
“It’s not your fault JJ, it was an accident...I could’ve been stung a million times before this, we literally live on the coast.” You tried to laugh and coughed; throat still sore. JJ grabbed for the pitcher of water at your bedside and poured you a glass, leaning over to help you swallow.  
“Yeah but you didn't get stung a million times before this...you got stung after I pushed you in!”
“We should let you get some rest,” Pope’s voice sounded over JJ’s shoulder and you both looked over to where he was standing at the curtain. He smiled at you, a silent ‘glad you’re okay’ and ‘sorry’ rolled into one.  
You nodded, more than aware that you were on the verge of falling asleep again. Still, you reached for your boyfriend’s hand, settling for his wrist instead as he was still holding the plastic cup. “Will you stay?” you asked, eyes meeting JJ’s.  
“Yeah, of course.” He promised, sitting back down, “I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t mention the absolute panic that had racked through him when he saw Kiara’s note or realized you were the one that was injured and he definitely didn’t tell you how severely he blamed himself for you getting stung in the first place, instead he just sat there holding your hand and promising that he would stay there with you until you were discharged. “Everything’s okay, you’re okay.”  
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doflamingosstrings · 3 years
This is one of my more popular fics on Ao3 so I decided to post to here as well! I was extremely down bad when I wrote this so that’s why it’s so long, but enjoy!
-Luffy x F Reader
-WordCount: ~5,000
It began after a night of partying and drinking with the crew.
You had all come back from quite the adventure, and with your success, you all decided to celebrate.
You sat on the deck of the sunny, looking over your shoulder at the sea.
It seemed to sparkle against the moonlight as the water contoured and splashed throughout the sea, and against the ship.
The endless ocean seemed to keep you in a trance, as the waves rose and dipped in the decidedly everlasting distance.
Your hand gripped the cup that was on the ground and lifted it up to your lips.
A refreshing taste had hit your pallet and a sigh had left your lips.
You closed your eyes, and a moment later you felt a presence.
Your eyes didn’t open as you felt no violent intent, maybe the individual was just passing by.
You waited for a few moments, the same presence still upon you, but it had gotten closer as the moments passed.
You decided to open an eye, and you were instantly met with your captain’s face inches from yours.
Your eyes widened slightly, a smile starting to appear on your face, but you kept your feelings under control.
You don't know exactly when it started, but you had formed some kind of a crush on your captain.
There was just something about his endless energy and heartfelt smiles that had you wrapped around his finger.
You decided not to let these feelings show, Luffy never felt like the type to have romantic feelings anyways, but at this moment, hiding your feelings may be harder than you thought.
Your heart fluttered as you looked over his features, his face closer than you had expected. You noted the scar on his cheek, his soft eyelashes, and his jet black hair that had found itself in his face.
“Luffy?” you asked as he smiled blankly at you. “What’s up, you need something?” you asked as you set your drink down on the deck.
“Nah, Sanji noticed you weren't around so I went to look for you!” he said happily. Luffy was sitting in front of you now, sitting up tall with his legs crossed. No one was around on the part of the deck you were beside you and now Luffy.
“You sure you don’t wanna hang out with the others or anything, I'm not doing much over here.” You said, leaning back on the railing on the edge of the boat.
“Yup! I missed you Y/n!” Luffy said, leaning closer to you, ever so slightly. The smallest tinge of pink had appeared on your cheeks at his words. You should have expected this kind of forwardness from your captain, but you couldn't help but feel happy about his words.
“So, how are you feeling now? I know that last fight must have taken a lot out of you.” You asked, not being able to meet his gaze entirely.
Luffy moved to your left, now sitting right next to you.
“It did kinda tire me out, but I’m good now! Especially because of all the meat Sanji made for me!” he said. And looked up into the sky. You looked back at his face, his gaze seemed hopeful yet, timid in a way. Like he was unsure of something, which was unusual for your outgoing captain.
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off by Luffy’s words instead.
“I feel way better now that I’m around you though,” he said, and this time, you couldn't hide your blush. Luffy's eyes had met yours, and he noticed your face.
Luffy moved closer to you, his face now dangerously close to yours.
“You look cute like that y’now!” he said and put a hand on top of yours, only causing your blush to become more apparent.
You didn't know what to say, the unrequited crush that you had gained sometime along your journey, had it been noticed? Does he feel the same way, or was he just trying to tease you?
The questions swimming in your head were answered as a pair of lips met yours.
You felt your heart flutter, it was beating out of your chest. The object of your fantasies was right here, his lips connected to yours, and what fantasies they were.
You felt a heat swell between your legs as you moved to deepen the kiss between the two of you.
You felt a bite against your lip as you opened your mouth ever so slightly, Luffy taking this opportunity to invade the inside of your mouth. You felt a hand on your side as you were pulled closer to your captain, the kiss only deepening more.
You were now effectively sitting in your captain’s lap, one hand sliding under your shirt the other on your cheek.
Your lips parted from each other, but only for a moment, diving against each other a second later.
You couldn't deny the excitement you had felt imagining a scenario like this, and now, it was actually happening.
Your lips had left your captains again, a moan escaping your mouth as he decided to bite at your neck.
“Fuck Luffy..” you said in a whispery tone as your captain continued to lick down the side of your neck, nipping and biting at the soft flesh.
You felt him smile against your skin, he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
You had made it very clear to your crew that your neck was sort of a weak spot for you. After a multitude of hugs and playful touches, the sounds that would come from you every time a foreign pressure would find itself against your neck was nothing less than erotic.
You would often be teased for this, but this kind of touch was something else.
You didn't know if you could keep your voice down as Luffy brought his other hand up, caressing your nape. His touch soft, his hands calloused.
You felt another bite, then a kiss and you had stuttered out what had been words, might've been a moan. “Fuuck.” You said as you felt him suck against your skin, You hated how sensitive you were, it made you so easy to figure out.
You felt Luffy’s tongue lick down to your collarbone, continuing to bite and leave marks against your tender skin.
You felt a hand on your breast and you let out another breathy moan. In seconds, your shirt and bra had come off, leaving you in nothing, your skin feeling refreshed against the cool air.
“Straight forward aren't we captain?” You asked, playing it off as if your panties were not absolutely soaked at this point.
“I can't help it Y/n,” Your captain said, a smirk plastered on his face as he took your nipple into his mouth, biting it slightly. Another moan had left your lips as you pushed yourself against him, grinding your clothed wetness on his leg. “You're just so tasty.”
Luffy's other hand had come up to caress your other breast, kneading it slightly as his mouth left your nipple with a lewd popping sound.
“Luffy..” you whined as you placed your hands on his shoulders. You weren’t the patient type when it came to sex, you knew what you wanted and you wanted it now.
Luffy laughed slightly at the whine, clearly amused by your eagerness. He placed one more kiss against your breast as you were flipped over, your ass in the air, now facing Luffy, as you faced the wide-open deck of the sunny.
Your pants were off in an instant, thrown to the side along with your shirt and bra. You couldn't help but blush as you felt two fingers rub against your panties, and just as you thought, they were shamelessly soaked. “Fuck y/n..” you heard Luffy say as you felt pressure against the only piece of cloth you had left.
You had bit your lip to keep from moaning any louder as a tongue had found its way against your panties, licking the wetness that had seeped through your clothing.
Luffy licked and pressed his tongue against you, seemingly trying to taste as much of you as possible.
Your hips grinded against Luffy’s mouth as another moan escaped your lips. “Oh god-” you shuddered as you felt pressure against your clothed clit, you bit your arm to try and not bring attention to your situation.
The others were still awake, inside the sunny. You knew just how loud you could be when it came to sex. You then thought for a moment, your mouth releasing its pressure against your arm. You bit your lip slightly, the thought of being discovered was far too enticing. Thoughts of the muscular swordsman or the gorgeous navigator taking your moans as an invitation to fuck on another occasion were entirely distracting.
Your thoughts were cut short as you felt your panties tugged down your thighs and off your body. Your wetness was dripping down your thighs now, it was embarrassing being this turned on.
You felt Luffy lick a stripe up your thigh, licking the juices that had begun to drip down, leaving hickeys and bite marks on the way.
“Luffy you-AH!” You had begun to say as you felt your captain's mouth against your bare pussy. He was now licking and sucking more aggressively than before. You felt his tongue move between your lips, slurping up what was dripping out. The noises coming from your captain's mouth were incredibly lewd. You felt a hand on the cheek of your ass, spreading you more open as if you weren't begging to be eaten out.
His tongue slipped up and down, your juices collecting in his mouth only for him to swallow and do the same thing again. You felt his mouth suck against your clit, catching you off guard as another loud-ass moan left your mouth.
You wanted to say something, tell Luffy ‘more’ or ‘good’ but at the rate, he's going you weren't sure if you were going to be able to form an actual sentence. You wanted to tell him how good it felt but your trembling legs and your never-ending wetness were more than enough confirmation that Luffy was doing a damn good job.
You felt him flatted his tongue against you, once again licking at your dripping pussy, slurping up every drop of you.
You felt his tongue probe the entrance of your pussy, the wet appendage slipping inside not a moment later.
“GOd-'' was all you could manage as you were being tongue fucked by your captain. “Thank god for his devil fruit powers.” was all you could think as his tongue pressed against the sweet bundle of nerves deep inside of you. You squirmed at the feeling, you desperately grabbed at nothing as your eyes began to roll back, not expecting him to reach that deep inside you.
You felt his tongue touch every crevice of your insides, it was reaching so far back, moving so aggressively as if you tasted better than even the cooks' food.
Moans were constantly leaving your lips, your volume now unimportant as Luffy’s tongue slipped out of you to lick his lips, swallow, then dive back into your depths.
You weren't sure how much more of this you could take, it's as if he was eating you out for his own sake, not yours.
“Luffy, oh fuck.” you managed to groan out as your legs began to tremble slightly. You once again began to grab at nothing, clenching your fists together as you tightened against your captain's tongue.
“Luffy, I’m gonna come, fuck..” You said, your voice absolutely filled with lust, the only thing on your mind being your orgasm that was fast approaching.
“Mmhmm,” Luffy moaned out as he heard your words. His pace quickened after a moment, as of he wasn’t tongue fucking you aggressively enough. He slid his tongue deeper and quicker inside of you, his fingers now on your clit, rubbing it sweetly, the pace not at all matching the aggressive thrusts of his tongue.
“Fuck, Fuck!” You borderline yelled, as your orgasm approached you. Another few thrusts of Luffy’s tongue and you were gone. You clenched against the appendage, feeling it angle itself up and down, trying to collect every drop of cum that you had just released as you rode out your high.
“Luff-” you had begun to say as you felt his tongue leave your insides. He swallowed after a moment, licking his lips at the taste. He gave your pussy another lick, making sure all your wetness had made its way into his mouth.
Your pussy was dripping with spit and cum. You were shamelessly wet, your captain’s spit slipping out of you, and down your legs. You didn't know what to say, you had not been able to cum like that in far too long, and you refused to end it here.
You turned your head back, looking at your captain, his face now covered in your juices.
“How'd you learn to do that so well..” You asked weakly, you didn’t think you’d ever gotten head that good.
“What do ya mean?” Luffy asked, raising an eyebrow. “I just wanted to taste more of that pussy, you taste really good you know!” Luffy said entirely seriously.
Once again, a blush had found its way to your face. “Damn that’s so hot..” you mumbled to yourself, burying your face in your arms as you slowly lowered your backside now that you weren't being used like an ice cream machine. Luffy had different plans though.
You felt hands on your hips, pulling your ass back up into the air. You looked back at him, a lustful smile on his face.
“Tired already? I've only had a taste,” Luffy said, licking his lips. You were about to reply with a witty remark but were shut up by two fingers invading your entrance. “Mmm~” You moaned out as your eyes rolled back into your head, it seems your words would be limited as long as your captain kept surprising you like this.
“There's something I wanna check,” Luffy said, grabbing your thigh with one hand and fingering you with the other. “O..k.” you managed to get out as you felt Luffy’s fingers fuck you deep. His movements were, strange, their goal didn't seem to be teasing or getting you off, more like, he was looking for something.
Luffy's expression seemed determined and curious, seemingly trying to prove something. You were confused as to what at first before you felt him rub directly and aggressively against your g spot.
“OH, my fucking god-” You yelped as you felt his fingers press adamantly against that specific place. Luffy smiled at your reaction.
Luffy's fingers were no longer focused on thrusting in and out, but now they were circling your g spot adamantly.
Luffy took his hand off your thigh and moved it to your waist. He stretched his arm around your waist, holding you tightly and securely. He shifted his position, his other arm now having more room to do its thing. You weren't sure why he had suddenly changed your position, even if it was only slightly, but then your questions were once again swiftly answered.
Luffy thrust his fingers into you sharply and deeper than he had before, the tips of his fingers curled up specifically to touch the different feeling section of your pussy. You gasped extraordinarily loudly, trying your best to fuck yourself back on his fingers.
“Oh god Luffy, harder!” you said, your hips moving desperately against his fingers, Luffy still rubbing against that specific bundle of nerves deep inside you.
The sounds of squishing filled the deck beautifully. The incredibly lewd noise only made you wetter, making it easier for Luffy to slip another finger in, which he did.
Your thighs were dripping wet at this point, as you were desperate to cum once again as you begged and pleaded for Luffy to keep doing what he was doing.
“Please Luffy.” “don’t stop.” “Right there! Right there!” “fuck!” was all you could manage out as he fully obliged you.
His fingers furiously rubbing the spot inside you that made you go so crazy all of a sudden.
He rubbed fierce circles against that specific spot, making you plead and moan for him to continue, you were so close. “Cum..I’m gonna cum, Fuck-” you said impatiently, and not a moment later, you came all over Luffy’s fingers.
He continued to thrust his fingers inside, letting you ride out your high for the second time tonight.
You clenched against his fingers as you came harder than you had previously, your body giving out on itself as you did.
Luffy's arm held you safely up so you wouldn't fall onto the deck. He turned you around, giving you a smirk as he licked his fingers sloppily. “Fuck that’s hot..” you thought for the third time today as you pulled yourself closer to Luffy.
“I’ve never came that hard in my life, you knew exactly what to do huh?” you asked with a laugh and Luffy just raised an eyebrow at you, again.
“Not really I just wanted to know what that weird feeling spot inside you was,” he said and you stare blankly at him. “You gotta be kidding me..” you thought as you laughed.
“I was just wondering if it would make a difference if I rubbed against that spot real hard, it seems like I was right!.” he said with a snicker, proud of himself for giving you such a powerful orgasm.
You smiled slightly, you knew Luffy could do anything to you and you’d happily take it. You placed your hand on Luffy’s chest, your other hand sliding off his unbuttoned shirt.
“Why should you be fully clothed when I’m totally naked?” You asked, once again sliding your dripping heat on Luffy’s thigh, spit and cum making his leg glistened wetly.
This time, Luffy was the one with a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You grinned at your accomplishment as you took off your captain's shirt, throwing it similarly to how he did your clothes.
You smiled at your achievement, sliding down his body, a hand on his chest, another on the extremely noticeable bulge in your captain's pants. You slid your tongue down Luffy's chest, stopping once you got to his stomach, and seeing his muscular frame.
You placed a kiss right above the seam of his pants, a soft moan being heard from above.
You couldn't help but feel cocky at your newfound position, it was your turn now to make Luffy moan.
You slid down his pants slightly, both of your hands placed on the seam, pulling it down to reveal an erect cock. It bounced slightly as it was pulled out, and you couldn't help but start to salivate at the sight. You looked up at your captain, a hand on the base of his cock, you placed your cheek against the side of it, licking your lips as you gazed into Luffy’s lidded eyes. You smirked and gave his tip a lick, then a kiss.
Your hand starts to move up and down Luffy’s length slowly, keeping your eye contact with him. You felt the lust in his eyes, he was clearly holding back earlier, allowing you to cum twice before he had even paid attention to himself. You purred at the thought, now was the time to show him your thanks.
You took the tip of him into your mouth, sucking ever so slightly as you tasted the precum that was already dripping from him. You took him deeper, inch by inch, slowly bobbing your head up and down on his length.
You felt a hand in your hair after a moment, and as you looked up, you saw a different expression from the usual carefree pirate. He was lustful, entirely and desperately, and it was all your doing. You smiled slightly as you took him deeper, the tip of his dick touching the back of your throat.
Luffy was bigger than you expected, though you were sure he could make himself bigger if he really wanted to.
You were glad for your former experience with blowjobs, or you would have certainly have been gagging by now.
“Shit..” you heard Luffy moan out as the grip in your hair became tighter. You felt a wave of pleasure wash over you at the feeling of Luffy tugging your head down ever so slightly.
You moaned, the vibrations making Luffy’s dick twitch inside of your mouth.
You slid your tongue against him, licking and sucking the tip with every thrust, up and down.
Then suddenly, you lifted your head up, eyes meeting your captains. Luffy looked back at you, you felt his dick twitch under your grip.
“Fuck my mouth, captain,” you said, noticing the hesitance of your captain. “Don't worry, i can take it,” you said proudly, and not a second later, your mouth was back onto his dick.
“God, you are irresistible.” Luffy groaned out as the grip in your hair grew much together than before, the tinge of painful strain being drowned out by the sensation of your captain's dick constantly hitting the back of your throat.
He slammed your head against his cock, tears welling up in the side of your eyes as you weren't expecting him to be so rough with you so quickly, but you weren't complaining.
Luffy had clearly been close for a while now, judging by down desperately and erratically he was using your mouth.
Spit dribbled out of your mouth, the sloppy pounding making your spit fling and drip down your chin.
You felt yourself become wetter and wetter at the thought of Luffy pounding into you the same way he was using your mouth right now. You moaned at the thought, a long drawn out “Mhmm..” causing Luffy to quicken his pace.
“I'm gonna cum..y/n..” Luffy said, his pace even more erratic than it was. You moaned, as a way of telling him to continue and he obliged.
Your head was pushed and pulled, his dick rubbing inside you as your tongue dragged and licked what it could.
“Fuck, fuck.” you heard Luffy say as he held your head down onto his dick tightly, his dick far deeper inside your mouth than you had thought possible.
You felt a warm liquid start to invade your mouth and you swallowed around his dick as he thrust into you a few more times to ride out his high.
You felt his cum slide down your throat and you hummed slightly as he pulled his dick out, panting slightly as he let go of your head, the sweet tinge of pain being lost.
You caressed your neck, thinking you might be sore the next few days. You looked at Luffy, licking the cum that dripped onto your lip.
“Yum,” you said playfully as you stared at your captain.
You stared at him, still lustful and concerned that the night would be cut short, but you then noticed his cock was still hard, twitching in front of you.
“You think you can go for another round?” you asked as you crawled on Luffy’s lap. You were still dripping wet, your insides throbbing at the thought of being absolutely fucked. You slid your pussy against the tip of Luffy’s dick, teasing him ever so slightly before you felt yourself slam down onto him. Luffy’s hands were on your hips, fucking you as you sat on his lap.
The thoughts you had were gone, you're only concerned with the pleasure you felt inside of you.
Shit Luffy,” you yelped, bouncing on top of him as he helped you steady. Your hands were on his shoulders, your moans becoming louder than before, some moans being borderline screams after a few harder thrusts.
You took Luffy’s lips against your, kissing sloppily and deeply, your tongues dancing together lustfully.
You bit your lip, about to say something witty, but you were cut off by a voice in the distance.
You froze, looking over your shoulder, you didn't see anything but the voice seemed to be calling out to you.
“Y/n Dear! Where'd you go?” You heard the cook call out, and a blush instantly formed in your face. Though the thought of being caught in the act wasn't a turn-off at all, you weren't sure how Sanji would react to Luffy being balls deep inside you out in the open.
“I made a drink for you!” he called out and you could practically hear the hearts in his eyes.
“Oh and Luffy if you're out here you can have on too I guess,” Sanji said, his tone much less excited.
You couldn't quite see him from where you two were, luckily there were boxes of supplies you had yet to put back from your shopping spree in the way, blocking the view.
You looked back at Luffy, a blush covering your face and neck, but Luffy had a smirk on his face. Your eyes widened as you knew exactly what he was thinking.
“Luffy you-” you whispered but were shut up by Luffy’s movement.
In almost an instant, you were flipped over, ass in the air once again but this time, instead of fingers invading your insides, it was Luffy’s dick.
You instantly covered your mouth with your hands, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt the intense sensation of being fucked. It had been far too long since you’d had a good fuck which only make you that more sensitive.
“Damn your tight..” Luffy whispered as he tightened his grip on your hips and began to slam into you. The noises that were being made only made your blush grow deeper. All you could do was tighten against his cock and muffle your moans as best as you could.
One thrust after another, you were breaking apart. Saliva was dripping all over your hands as your attempts to quiet yourself began to break apart.
“So..deep..” you mumbled quietly as you bit your finger, almost causing yourself to bleed.
Your vision was blurry with tears, you hadn't had pleasure like this in a while.
“Y/n! Where are you, sweetie! Come back, I miss you!” you heard Sanji shout flirtily. You opened your mouth to say something, but Luffy decided to thrust into you incredibly deep and all that came out was a pathetic whimper.
You mouthed the words, ‘Oh. my. God.’ to no one in particular as the sloppy, wet noises only became more noticeable.
Luffy held your hips tight, pounding into you hard, almost like he wanted you to make sounds and be found out by the cook.
The only things that left your mouth were breathy moans and desperate whines as you felt your orgasm start to creep up for the third time tonight. Your legs were shaking and Luffy knew you were close.
You heard footsteps and bit your arm desperately. You heard the steps go up and down the deck, then silence.
“Tch, bet Luffy made her play some dumb game with her,” he said as you heard him turn around. Your heart was beating incredibly fast, but as his footsteps faded it became slightly more regular.
You turned around to see the man who was buried inside of you and all you could see over your tear-filled eyes was a smirk. You opened your mouth but were cut off for the eighth time this evening.
“When you're done, come back inside, or the food will go to waste,” Sanji shouted and all you could do was moan.
Seemed like Sanji knew you two were doing something out here, but not exactly what which was somewhat comforting. You weren't sure if the loud wet slapping sounds gave him an idea of what you two were up to but it didn't seem like he did.
You breathed out, not realizing you were holding your breath as you felt another deep thrust. Hard, deep, and fast. Your pussy couldn’t take this kind of loving abuse for much longer.
You clenched around him and finally let your voice out, moaning far louder than you intended.
“Oh fuck Luffy, you’re gonna make me cum again,” you said breathily, your pussy just about as wet as it could be as the deep thrusts of your captain egged on your release.
“Me too, Y/n,” he said breathily as his thrusts began to quicked. You tightened around him and bit your lip. “Yes, Yes, Right There!” you yelled as you came on his dick. His thrusts continued through your third orgasm and a few moments later, you felt the warm release of your captain as well.
He stayed inside of you for a few seconds after two, the more thrusts then he pulled out, cum dripping out of your pussy and onto the deck of the sunny.
You finally collapsed on the hardwood deck as you panted, feeling completely satisfied.
“You're ..so..” you started to say. “Good..” you managed to get out as you felt arms wrap around you. Luffy leaned you against him, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You cuddled up into him and all you could do was smile at what happened.
You laughed and kissed him back.
“Let's do this again huh..?” you asked and closed your eyes, your head leaning against his chest.
“Only if you say you love me,” Luffy said and your smile only grew wider.
“How could I not love you, captain?” you asked playfully as you two recovered from the night's events.
“Damn, that was hot.” the swordsman said as he looked out of the crows nest and onto the deck, seeing the scene that had unfolded under him.
Zoro stroked his dick, his thumb pressing the tip of it as precum started to seep out.
“What I wouldn't do for a night with her..” he said to himself, a hand brushing through his green hair, another adamantly stroking his cock. He smirked at himself, thinking of what he was going to do to you as soon as he had you alone.
There’s a part 2 on my Ao3 if you’re interested lol- ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/30691979 )
Anyways- I do requests so feel free to suggest some fic ideas!
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gyusfavlibra · 3 years
This is a imagine I made on my Wattpad that hasn't been released yet so I posted it here. @ivnasfilm is my wattpad btw!
Warnings: Fluff? Smut? Sexual interactions, language, cockblocking, Ward Cameron mentions, grinding, mentions of sex
"Are your parents home?"
"No, they're at Thornton's for a couple hours."
"Sarah and Wheezie, too?"
"Yes," Rafe replied to his questioning girlfriend, Y/n. The duo have been dating for a year now. Y/n has been inside Rafe's house many times. She met him through her brother Kelce. He was pretty worried about it at first, but eventually Kelce would've had to get over it because Y/n is 18. She's a legal adult. She can do whatever the hell she wants.
They got closer by attending parties together, spending days at the country club, golf course. Sometimes even just sitting and talking at the beach. It was more than enough for both of them and they enjoyed it all. They made it official by attending Midsummers together. It was a pretty big deal to them since every single Kook would now know that Rafe Cameron officially had a girlfriend.
The first time she met Sarah, they hit it off pretty well. Did sleepovers, painted nails, read magazines about hot guys. Basically girly stuff. Even took fun trips on the Cameron's boat to get away from their boyfriends. They became best friends and truly loved each other's company.
Just like Rafe enjoyed Y/n's.
"Sooo, can I come inside?"
He leant his head back against the car seat. Staring at the girl who was sitting in the driver side of her vehicle. "Can you come inside?"
"Yeah, or- do you want me to?"
The mood in the car lightened as their talk became less questioning and more seductive. Y/n leaning over the center console, her breath hitting Rafe's face in all the ways he likes. Her hand reached over, brushing against his thigh.
"Do I even have to answer that?"
She shook her head at the Cameron before connecting their lips. Softly and gentle was how it was starting off, before Rafe placed his hand onto the zipper of her jeans.
"Not in here. Let's go inside."
The couple exited the car, Y/n making sure to lock it, and headed inside the house. Rafe using his own key to get indoors. They ran up the steps to Rafe's room, shutting the door behind them. Y/n removed her maroon crew neck, sitting herself on Rafe's bed as he removed his t-shirt.
He gently pushed her down sliding his heavier body between her legs. Leaving little kisses from her chest and up. He knew better than to give her hickeys on the neck because of Kelce so he avoided that.
His hand ran itself up and down her waist, giving it a small squeeze. They liked skin pressure. Tension. They began moving upwards, pushing under her cami top. A cropped tank that protected your breast if you didn't want to wear a bra. She tend to wear them often when around Rafe for these special purposes. And today, she just got lucky.
His thumb grazed the side of her breast. "Can I take this off?"
"Hey Rafe, I need a the U-"
Before he could continue, Wheezie came barging through the door. Covering her eyes. Rafe groaned at the fact that his sister didn't knock. Knowing whenever the door is closed, you knocked.
"Wheezie, we talked about this-"
"I know. I'm sorry. I keep forgetting," she sighed. "Hi, Y/n."
"Hi, Wheez."
"What do you need? Why aren't you at dinner with dad and Sarah?"
"Halfway through the dinner, Rose threw up because Topper's parents made snail and she didn't like it. She made an excuse saying she was probably coming down with the flu. So we came back early."
"What did the Thornton's say?" Y/n asked. Intrigued by this hilarious story as Rafe put back on his shirt.
"Nothing. Just that we should head home just incase they could catch whatever it was."
"That sounds awesome!"
"Yeah, I know. Hey, wanna see the video."
"Oh absolutely," Y/n exclaimed, getting up from Rafe's bed. He sighed as he watched the two girls laugh at the gross vomiting. Althought part of him was glad Y/n was getting along with his little sister. "That's freaking gross. Cool. Like really cool. But gross."
"Yeah, i'm gonna upload it to my Instagram."
"Tag me?"
"Awesome! Thanks."
Rafe stood. "So, what did you need?"
"I need the USB cord to connect my phone and laptop to upload the video in a file just in case dad and Rose make me take it down."
He huffed out his breath, walking over to his desk. He opened the top drawer, pulling out a mid-length white cord, handing it to his sister. She thanked him and tried to leave, but Rafe stopped her at the doorway. Death glaring her.
"I'm not gonna tell anyone. Chill out. Not like I wanna talk about it and picture it again."
"We weren't doing anything."
"I may be young, but I'm not stupid."
"She's got a point," Y/n agreed. Wheezie fist bumped her and left. Rafe shutting the door behind her. He turned to Y/n who just shrugged at the annoyed boyfriend of hers.
He smiled as he walked up to her, pushing his face close to hers. "Now, where were we?"
"You tell me."
He chuckled, the vibration against her lips sending chills down her whole body. He kissed her seductively like he did once before. This time Y/n pushed Rafe down onto the large bed, enough room for her to switch that position.
Her hands rested on his ribs as she grinded her clothed area against his member. A moan escaped her lips as a huff left his. The jeans in between them horrifying this exciting interaction.
She swayed her tongue and lips against his neck. His eyes rolling to the back of his head, letting out a grunt. She scooted down a few inches so she wasn't sitting directly on top of his belt.
"God, these pants got to go."
"So do yours."
She undid the strap of his waistline. Next thing was unbuckling his pants. She undid the button that lied above the zipper before grabbing the loose metal tab, pulling it down it's line.
"Rafe, dad needs you downsta- HOLY SHIT!"
"OH MY GOD," he groaned out loud. Y/n pushed herself off the dirty blonde, landing beside him. Sarah stood in the doorway, eyes covered, laughing.
"Stop laughing."
"You guys were totally about to do it," she sang as she pointed between them.
"Shut up, Sarah."
"Dad wants you. Said something about the golf course or country club. One of the two. I don't know," she shrugged as she sat beside Y/n. Rafe looked to his girlfriend.
"I'll be right back. You," he pointed to Sarah. "Be gone before i'm back."
"Will do, dickeroo."
Rafe left downstairs as Sarah turned to Y/n and smiled with eyebrows raised. "What are you staring at?"
"Uh...you. Were you guys about to have sex? Since when?"
"Well our first time together was months ago. Like 3 or 4."
"When we were first friends, you said you never planned on having it until you're married. Since when has that changed?"
She shrugged. "Since I met Rafe."
"You guys are too adorable. Well you, not him. Can't stand him."
"Yeah, I know. Sometimes I can't stand Kelce. I wanna kill him."
"Yeah, well let me get going before Rafe tries to kill me." (No pun intended)
She hugged Y/n before leaving the room, just as Rafe walked back in. This time locking the door before shutting it. "That is the last interruption for the night. I told everyone I was going to bed."
"Well, good cause I am trying to get my freak on," she laughed as he jumped back onto of her. Finishing what they've been trying to start.
Thanks for reading!!!
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goroufucker · 3 years
part two to the kazuha public sex ig 💪🤤 ft: beidou for lore ig
authors notes: i really don’t feel comfortable having beidou have like… sex with kazuha and the reader since beidou and kazuha have a mother son type relationship. so she’s here for lore.. BUTTT… i will be writing a beidou fic to make it up to y’all <3
the sound of the waves crashing against the wood of the boat was starting to become a familiar sound, leaning against the edge and staring out into what seemed like nothing. in your dozing, you had specific thoughts clinging onto your mind.
“was what i did with kazuha just a one time thing..? no, he said it himself that he didn’t want that to be the only time.. but he’s definitely not gonna come down with me to inazuma, especially not with his.. reputation…-“ you snap out of your thoughts with a sigh, leaning your head down while thinking of the difficult situation.
did you love him? there’s no way, you can’t fall in love with a man you just met, but you did fuck him- so perhaps anything is possible. your own feelings confused you, you just weren’t sure- trying to fit him into your future of adventuring, especially in this specific moment, was difficult.
“ah, there you are” a calm and familiar voice spoke out to you, instantly recognizing it, you quickly lift your head and straighten your posture. “ah-! kazuha, you startled me..” you grinned to him, attempting to hide your emotional distress with your signature kindness. though kazuha isn’t a fool.
he stared at you for a second, then looked off into the endless sea just as you did before. you hesitantly leaned back onto the boat again, just trying to relax. “you do know, if there’s something bothering you,, you can tell me-“ kazuha spoke, you stared at him while he cleared his throat. “i might not know the best words to respond.. but i can listen” he finished.
without another thought, you blurted your emotions out in one single sentence.
“kazuha, will you join me?”.
he was silent, not a single word escaped his mouth. kazuha refused to look at you, not because he was angry at what you had asked him, he just was thinking.
the air around you two was tense and heavy, so heavy it felt like you could barely breathe. you felt inclined to just run off, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“woahh, what’s with all the seriousness over here huh?!” beidou cheered, trying to soothe the tense mood. “ah, beidou-“ kazuha started, before being interrupted. “come, both of you- our journey to inazuma is nearly over, we should be celebrating” she ordered, winking at you.
it wasn’t until a few drinks in that you fully understood why she winked.
cheers from some of the crew, cups hitting the others in a toast to the journey. all seemed lively, it felt like you were having a big family reunion. you didn’t want to do much drinking, so you only had one cup and took your time with it.
“hey, y/n? i gotta ask-“ beidou sat down next to you, “you and kazuha, what was keeping the air so tense?” she asked. you gripped onto your cup, thinking hard, looking left and right to make sure that kazuha wasn’t nearby. “..i believe i might have feelings for kazuha, but i’m not sure” you spoke, earning a laugh from beidou.
“well, it’s pretty obvious you two are enamored with eachother, especially with how you two act on a daily basis” she sipped at her drink, her words made you think. you are often going to kazuha out of everyone else on the ship, you find comfort in his presence.
“what’s with that face? finally realizing it?” beidou smirked at you, “but.. on a serious note, if you think it’s love- why not give it a try? couldn’t hurt could it?” beidou patted at your shoulder before getting up again- giving you privacy with your thoughts.
you glanced over to where kazuha was, continuing to think but acting on impulse and instantly walking over. holding your breath, you counted each second.
love, perhaps you are feeling it. or it could be addiction to him.
with each step closer, you felt your body leaning towards an answer.
he smiled at you, of course you had to smile back.
laughing and smiling at each word that flutters out of his mouth, his sentences are pure poetry, as if he’s reading out one of the most gorgeous haiku’s you’ve ever heard.
idle touching, a look around the ship before your hand is grabbed and quickly dragged away from the crowd.
with your back hitting the wall of the half full storage room, your arms snaked around kazuha’s neck, one hand going straight to his hair. both of his hands were pinned against the wall, keeping you exactly where you were. your heart skipped a beat each time you heard him groan against your lips, greedily keeping them connected to yours.
you two had to be quick, before the rest of the crew noticed you two were gone. you knew beidou would try to play it off as much as she could to give you two some alone time, it can’t be helped. you were pulled out of your worried mind by a hand slipping under your top, you pulled away to gasp lightly, feeling kazuha’s bandaged fingers rub and lightly pinch at your nipple.
he leans in and kisses at your neck, gently suckling and licking. leaving visible marks wasn’t his goal, he wanted to make you feel it as much as possible, and you were definitely feeling it.
your impatience took over you, sliding your arms down to his sides and tugging him closer to you, wanting to feel every bit of him. your leg went between his, feeling at his hard dick hidden away in his baggy shorts.
he hummed against your neck, sliding his hand down to your hip and squeezed at it, detaching from your neck to smash his lips back onto yours. this was 10 times more sensual then the first time, his romantic personality truly shining through. you craved more of his touch, taking a step forward to press the entirety of your overheated body against his.
kazuha had a cheeky little smile plastered on his face the entire time, he was amused by your need for him. he brought down his other hand, luckily, not needing to take off his glove. his bare fingers slid down your stomach, unbuttoning your bottoms and continuing to slide his hand down your body and through your garments.
when his fingers grazed over your sex, you shivered, pulling away from the kiss and gripping onto his shoulders for support. kazuha simply continued to grin, watching your expression as he continued to tease the skin around your sex. your eyes stayed shut, face flushed from embarrassment at how he was staring at you.
“come now, won’t you look at me? ~” kazuha purred to you, continuing to tease your sex, using his other hand to cradle your face. he watched your eyes flutter open, staring at him with pupils dilated, he seemed pleased. “how mesmerizing, it makes me wonder.. how much would it take to change that adoring look on your face, hm.. ~” he teased you.
though you felt amazing right now, you had a want to touch him, to please him. you looked him in the eye, shakily breathing. “kazuha.. what about you..?“ you whimper out, reaching out your hand. his eyes went half lidded, solely chuckling at your want to please him. “this isn’t about me, this is about you. love ~” he spoke, “for i never even answered your question, quite rude of me, i must make it up to you..”.
without even a breath from you, two of his fingers inserted themselves into your sex. your breath hitched, the single hand left on his shoulder gripping at his clothes. it wasn’t the same feeling as his dick, but it was just as nice. kazuha’s fingers pumped in you, keeping an easy pace. he watched your expressions, learning what you like based off the sounds you made whenever he changed the position of his fingers.
you felt like cumming right then and there when he pushed his fingers as deep in as he could, moaning at him. that’s all you could do, moan and pant when the speed of his thrusts stayed at the perfect pace. it had felt like the two of you had been in that closet for hours, the air was so hot and heavy. little beads of sweat slipped down your face, your stomach starting to knot.
you couldn’t bring yourself to keep eye contact with kazuha, your eyes were squeezed shut. though kazuha didn’t mind, he smirked and leaned in close, quietly mimicking your pants and moans. embarrassment took over you, but the sound of his voice was so intoxicating that it only made you moan more.
when you felt yourself reaching the edge, you gripped onto him tighter. “oh? ~” kazuha moaned, letting you grind against his hand before you came hard onto his fingers, straining your cry of pleasure. he hummed, letting you full calm down and relax from your high. he pulled his fingers out of you, breathing a bit hard himself from all the tension in the room.
you opened your eyes again, leaning against the wall. your pupils met his, slowly looking down his neck, then his chest. you finally landed your eyes to his crotch, staring at his erection, standing as tall as it possibly could. you practically started drooling from the sight, though he might’ve said this moment was about you, how could you let him go back out there with all that, surely it must be painful.
ignoring your shaky legs, you stepped forward, quickly tugging and pulling him close. with your faces so close, kazuha was inclined to kiss you. he hummed against your lips, hugging his hands around your waist. the kiss wasn’t very long, your hands slid to his cheeks, cupping them before pulling away and dragging them down his body. you lowered to your knees, forcing kazuha to let you go.
“hey.. what did i tell you? this is about you-“ he tried to scold you, but he definitely wasn’t gonna stop you if you insisted. since you had absolutely no shame, you quickly shoved your face into his abdominal area, breathing in his scent before looking up at him. “are you really gonna go back out there, infront of all the crew, with your dick standing tall?” you asked, your hands going to his hips, ready to pull down his shorts and red tights.
kazuha stared at you for a quick second, then grinning. “well, if you insist ~” he purred, his hand meeting your hair. the second you got his approval, you felt antsy to let him be free. you quickly tugged until his shorts loosened and you could pull them down with his tights and underwear. he laughed at your quick movements, “relax, i’m definitely not going anywhere~” he teased, tracing your cheek with his thumb.
his words barely stayed in your brain, you lusted to the thought of tasting him. wasting no time, once his dick was out and right in your face you opened your mouth and rolled your tongue along the tip. you focused on it a bit, taking the tip in your mouth and continuing to roll your tongue all around it.
kazuha let out small groans at the beginning, as he did to you, you focused on the sounds he made and watched his expressions to see what felt good and what didn’t. he kept a single hand in your hair, not gripping or pushing you around, he gave you the freedom to do as you pleased. his other hand laid flat on the wall, helping him keep his posture as he watched you suck him off.
you looked absolutely beautiful, even with the intense pleasure he was feeling, he made sure to barely even blink. if he were to blink, he could miss another moment where you locked eyes with him. he nearly choked on his spit when you pulled away to get some of your own spit on your hand just to hop back on and pump your now lubed hand on the base of his cock while you continued to suck.
“ah..! Mm..~” kazuha hissed, gently pushing your head farther down, but not enough to choke. you obliged with his need and took more of his dick in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head on his cock. kazuha hunched over, even with such a short amount of time of you pleasuring him, he’d be so turned on from finger fuckinh you he already felt himself reaching the edge.
you could feel him trying to hold back from the way he tensed up, you grinned against his cock, keeping the eye contact and starting to pick up the pace. his moans went from small and quiet to much louder, kazuha’s face scrunching up and having more trouble keeping eye contact. “fuck.. fuck y/n!” he cried, his hips starting to hump his dick in your mouth, unable to control himself. though you didn’t mind, letting him ride out his high.
you had barely done much to him in comparison, but he was more then happy with the pleasure he was feeling right now. he came within seconds, not even trying to strain back any moans. kazuha’s voice was gorgeous, making you not wanna waste even a tiny amount of his cum that splattered into your mouth. gulping it down, you finally pulled away from his dick, wiping a string of spit that was still connecting your lips to it.
kazuha finally closed his eyes, breathing gently. you pulled up his bottoms as best as you could in this position, standing up to fix it up more. his posture fixed, looking at you for a bit, then smiling and just hugging you. you grinned and put a hand on the back of his head, holding him close. kazuha kissed your cheek, then leaned into your ear.
“to answer your question.. i’m not sure if i’m fully ready, but for you, i’ll follow you there” he whispered. a blush tool over your face, it was so hard not to just squirm in excitement. you hugged him even tighter, “i love you so much, kazuha!” you blurted without thinking. he simply laughed, letting go of the hug to start to leave the two of you out of your hiding space. “i love you too, dear”.
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jang hayoung or, no one cares what a child thinks
this afternoon, on the way to work, i managed to think so hard about jang hayoung that i was trapped behind the steering wheel just absolutely bursting with love and disappointment for her narrative role, and then the moment i got out of the car i forgot absolutely everything (thanks capitalism). i remember now though! jang hayoung, here i come! so this is all mostly thanks to some changes in the ebook during a specific kim dokja and jang hayoung scene that, while not actually revealing anything that the webnovel didn't already implicitly say, made more explicit something very important about jang hayoung's entire existence: to be someone who would actually care what he, kim dokja, a lonely and isolated 15 year old boy, has to say. and i think that's kind of neat! frustating, also, but neat. so like i said, this is not strictly speaking new information. in chapter 217, we have kim dokja prickle with guilt at the thought of his own needs bringing this person into a cruel world: his need for someone who: 1. likes to talk and tell stories (cute)
2. unlike his idol and fantasy boyfriend yoo joonghyuk has tasted the bitterness of reality (lmao)
3. and again, unlike joonghyukie, actually listens to what other people have to say! (LMAO!)
so we already have an understanding of what kim dokja was thinking when he first asked tls123 for a new character. but what the ebook adds to this is more illuminating.
“I think there is a huge wall (between people).”
ebook kim dokja, the moment he says this, immediately cringes from saying what he calls “the voice of a 15 year old kim dokja”. knowing what we know about that time in kim dokja’s life… this moment of vulnerability is especially revealing, and it’s only made more so when he goes on to realize that jang hayoung was “someone who would listen to and accept a 15 year old”. this, of course, draws a connection to jang hayoung’s easy communication with the abyssal black flames dragon, a constellation who’d frozen his mental age at 15 as well. and isn’t it something that kim dokja would be so bewildered by this choice? to willingly trap yourself in what kim dokja could probably call some of the worst years of his life? his most obsessive, most lonely, most disconnected years… and jang hayoung was made to bridge that disconnect. not only that, she apparently enjoys it! she is a symbol of his guilt for contributing to her creation, and beyond that, she is the uncomfortable proof of a young kim dokja who once thought things like “people have walls between them that i find impenetrable. i want to connect to others, but i can’t. i want others to connect to me, but they won’t.” and now she’s here, in front of him, hearing him share this mortifying thought and saying “how interesting! i want to hear more. tell me more.”
(also, lmao at ebook kim dokja sighing and deciding to channel his inner abfd before he goes on to explain his chuuni little ideas about ~the infinitely wide gulfs between us, each man an island, woe~ like whatever makes you feel better, dude.)
alas, due to the nature of orv, it’s difficult to separate discussions of jang hayoung from kim dokja, but it doesn’t diminish how interesting she is. her belief that these insurmountable walls can still be crossed as long as a person tries hard enough, long enough, acts outrageous enough… it’s both advice that kim dokja needs and advice that he doesn’t really believe. but jang hayoung believes it, and damn, it seems to be working just fine for her! maybe he’ll catch on eventually.
anyway, my disappointment is mostly just the criminally underutilized potential of her ability to bridge these gaps between lonely people (EXPAND HER ROLE IN EPILOGUE SING SHONG LEMME SEE THOSE SIDE STORIES PACKED WITH CONTENT YOU PROMISED) and to a lesser extent the nature of her existence as a Lesson To Learn for kim dokja. the second part is really not so bad seeing as how yoo joonghyuk is in the same boat, lmao, but You Know. Women.
alright enough about this clown kim dokja. some jang hayoung musing.
1. wait i lied. little bit more kdj time. so this is something that i am absolutely just making things up about it is for ME and not something i believe is authorial intent but. jang hayoung being trans, if perceived through the lens of “borne from the cri de couer of a lonely teen”, could be read as a brash and open example of a person liberating herself from a societal expectation of gender. her off handed “people on earth judge by the cover” does have its ties to kim dokja commenting on how the eyes of strangers kept enforcing unwanted identities on him all his life: son of a murderer, strange lonely man, somehow Other in some subtle way… ahem, perhaps a little indulgently, even the notion of Being A Man could be another thing kim dokja has had imposed in him and perhaps… even unconsciously… chafes at…. MAN I JUST DON’T THINK THE WAY KIM DOKJA TREATED HER WILL EVER BE SOMETHING I GET OVER, I’M COPING HERE ALRIGHT.
2. an author’s note about characters and food mentioned that she drinks like a fish, eats like a bird, and is a picky eater. plus she likes tofu. beloved premature grandma of my heart.
3. i think, as a fandom, we are obligated to investigate her complete lack of respect for han sooyoung (affectionate). why does han sooyoung let her get away with giving her a noogie. why does jang hayoung so boldly ignore her brusque refusals to answer her questions. (sidenote: WHAT did she see yoo joonghyuk do with a computer that led her to declare him technologically incompetent, babygirl please i wanna know so bad). WHO will write them going on day trips to go see their mutual bestie abfd perform in concert. i am reaching out a hand to you all. don’t you all want to see jang hayoung drink han sooyoung under a table. i do.
4. i also think her friendship with aileen is so good! what the fuck! they’re family! (for the life of me, i can’t remember, but does their shared last name indicate that jang hayoung reincarnated in the body of aileen’s family member (sad???) or that it’s just a New Body and aileen took her in and shared her last name (aw) like if anyone can clarify do let me know. i don’t want to go searching lmao i’m too lazy) jang hayoung being her assistant in the shop… helping her out… beating up rude customers… family…..
5. super special ebook changes: her messages to the constellations now go [15 year old schoolgirl, looking for a texting friend~] and [15 year old schoolgirl, looking for a texting friend, any gender….] because she is the Queen of the Catfish and knows specificity is key. which matches very nicely with my previous mention of the scene where kdj tells her to send swk the “grow hair grow” meme being switched so that she 1. performs a cutting analysis of swk to diagnose him with Old Man Disease and 2. crafting the perfect message to pull his aggro instantly and 3. proving to all the monkey man fans that the only valid and sing shong approved face claim for swk is kim kwang-kyu. you’re welcome. all in a day’s work for master communicator jang hayoung.
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Dingo's Diner, a WIP
So back in 2020, I made a post about a fic idea based on the at-the-time unreleased Crash Bandicoot 4. I even got a few requests to complete the fic, so that's what I decided to do.
Almost 2 years later, thanks to writer's block, work and burnout, said fic is still not remotely finished.
But in honour of the encouragement I received from @redbicuits and @shadowhero93, I wanted to post something, you know?
So here's the first 3ish parts? idk, the parts that I wrote with an actual flow before things stuttered to a crawl.
Chapter 1: Cry of the Dingo
If you’ve never heard of Cullawabi, you can’t really be blamed; it’s a small town, hidden deep in the swampiest part of the Queensland rainforest, somewhere between Kirrama and Annan Gorge. On paper, it’s not that far from Cairns, but good luck getting from one to the other in less than three hours.
It’s a place where you’re equally as likely to see a five-metre saltie or a family of cassowaries as a human being. It’s a place where the speed limit is 50km/h, but you’ll be going less than 5 if you’re driving anything but a 4WD or a literal boat. It’s a place where bug-spray is absolutely useless, and some of the plants sting more than the bugs do. It’s a place without the comforts of the city, no air-cons or central heating (not that you’d ever need the latter), no pavement or asphalt, and very little in terms of entertainment.
Except for the restaurant that just opened on the outskirts of town. Not a big or extravagant place, but still a surprise development for a small town like this.
It’s a quiet, independent, hole-in-the-wall kind of place called “Dingo’s”.
Jules DeCini is the local copper. Technically, their station is in the next town several kilometres away, but they prefer to stay among their charges; not much help in an emergency if they’re a thirty-minute drive away. Besides, they prefer the small-town atmosphere.
Their latest assignment from the higher-ups is to keep an eye on the newest of said charges. “Dingo” isn’t as uncommon a name as you might expect, and they weren’t making any assumptions about the surname “Dile” either. But they can’t claim not to have done a double-take when they actually meet the owner of that name.
“G’day,” is the first word out of a mouth lined with numerous pointed teeth.  Yellow reptilian eyes look down from at least 15cm above Jules’ head, and above that sits a pair of pointy mobile ears. Beneath a cargo vest and a battered pair of jeans is a varied assortment of fur and scales, and… is that an actual crocodile tail back there?
Jules doesn’t know what to make of all this. Maybe in five hours’ time it’ll occur to them to akin the situation to Europeans first seeing a platypus, but they’re a little too stunned to make that connection as of right now.
Dingo doesn’t appear the least bit fazed by Jules’ shock, nor does he seem surprised that he’s been put under police surveillance. If anything, he seems almost grateful for it, which has Jules concerned already. There may be more to the potential threat of this charge than just his frightening appearance.
Aside from his appearance, though, Dingo doesn’t really seem very threatening. Sure, he’s a bit weird, and basic logic seems to escape him sometimes, but that’s probably more to do with the culture of… whatever species he is.
“Says it on the paperwork, don’t it?” Dingo says when they ask. “Dingo,” he points up to his ears, then down to his tail, “Dile. Pretty easy to remember, right?”
“So… sorry, your name is just your species? Nothing else? What if two of you were in the same room?”
For as animalistic as Dingo looks, he’s remarkably easy to read. He pauses, hands (paws?) stilling, and Jules knows what they’re about to hear before anything is spoken.
“Not a problem,” he says with a smile they can tell is forced, “Only one o’ me, mate.”
That statement begs many, many questions, none of which Jules gets an answer to that day, and yet something in those amber eyes tells them that it wasn’t a lie.
They don’t get many answers the following day, or the day after, or for quite some time after that. Where this dingo-crocodile-person came from to begin with, why he’s so intent on staying in Cullawabi when there’s no real estate going, where he learnt that… particular vernacular of English, where the hell he got the same taste in cringey 80s music they have, or how on earth he came to be in the first place; none of these Jules has any answers to. And the higher-ups are really starting to put the pressure on to get answers in any way possible.
But Jules is a chronic Good Cop, and Dingo is their charge now. They’ll get their answers, but first they need to earn the level of trust that those answers require.
If the question of his species was any indication, that level of trust is a high bar. And, to be completely honest, Jules is more worried about Dingo’s wellbeing than what threat he poses.
Because if Dingo considers singlehandedly building, owning and running the only restaurant in a back-of-beyond, swampy, eccentric little town “retiring”, one has to wonder what he retired from.
Lucinda Dawkins is 87, and has lived in Cullawabi since she was a 19-year-old newlywed.
Her husband Herbert passed away over a decade ago, and her kids have all moved to big smokes around the country, so for the most part, she’s on her own. That’s perfectly alright with her; it beats being sequestered in a home with two dozen strangers and nurses who expect you to function to their schedule. She is a woman of freedom and fierce independence, thank you kindly.
Every town has a local gossip, and some may call her one, but anyone who knows her knows she has an eerie talent for already knowing the gossip before it starts; a reputation she upholds practically the minute the patched-steel caravan shows up a few kilometres out of town.
As she manoeuvres her stick over the roots, fallen branches and planigale nests, she can hear several bangs and clatters coming from inside. A voice as well, though she can’t make out the words. Male, very ocker, no response so possibly just talking to himself, or on the phone despite how horrid phone reception is out here (or at least that’s the term her daughter Jazmin had used).
Just as she’s about to knock, the door swings out to meet her, and she’s left blinking dazedly as it narrowly misses her face.
“Oh, crikey!” the voice yelps, as its owner stumbles down the steps of the caravan in an attempt to not further collide with her, “Y’alright, miss? Er, ma’am?”
Once she’s able to process her vision again, she looks up at the figure now in front of her. Or at least what she can make out behind the numerous boxes he’s carrying. He’s certainly a big bloke.
“I’m alright, dear. No harm done. Just thought I’d stop by to welcome the new neighbour!”
“Oh! Uh, ehe. You sure were quick, huh?” he replies, going to put the boxes down on the far side of the door.
And, well. Big bloke alright.
But he’s a sweet bloke too, it turns out, as he invites her in for a cuppa that isn’t great quality but is a nice gesture regardless. The inside of the caravan is predictably a mess of boxes and clutter that look as thrown together as the caravan itself, and she can’t work out whether he’s sleeping on the floor or the two-inch thick mess of fabric, foam and springs that was possibly once a mattress in the corner.
“Uh, yeah,” Dingo admits sheepishly, “I’m kinda working with what I can get, really. Not exactly a handy-man, m’self.”
Within a week, he has a new mattress and sheets, courtesy of a neighbour who no longer houses the children who used to sleep on them. Within a month, he also has someone to teach him basic housekeeping, and he turns out to be a quick study when she teaches him to sew up some tablecloths and curtains, as well as patch up his own jeans.
She in turn has someone to talk to, someone to have a cuppa and chat with (once he gets some decent tea, that is), and, it turns out, someone who’ll actually play croquet with her. He’s not too bad at it either.
And when Dingo’s Diner opens up a couple hundred metres away from the caravan, within minutes, it has its first regular.
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helion-ism · 3 years
on manorian
as some of you might know, I’m a sucker for the mate trope and throne of glass is a little more subtle here than acotar. we got rowaelin, obviously carrying that trope on their back. and then there’s lorcan in that illusion telling fake-elide he thinks she might be his mate. this proves to me, like in acotar, mates are not just a fae-thing, but that while lorcan is demi-fae and elide is human, they still have this pull between them that proves they’re more than “just” lovers. now, let me show you why in my little head, manon and dorian are mates as well. not sure if this has ever been confirmed by anyone, but it is real in my head, so here we go
mates are a thing for the witches, too
“The Crochans [...] had adopted the Fae habit of selecting mates — if not a true mating bond, then in spirit.”
manon’s parents were mates and her father refused an arranged marriage to be with his true mate; and I think it‘s really interesting how the mating bond is literally defined by musical terms in the sjm universe, as has been pointed out several times by awesome people in the fandom already, and this is just another example
“A young witch was chosen for him specifically. But he did not love her — not with your mother as his true mate, the song of his soul.”
queen of shadows
while dorian was wearing the collar, manon was the first one to manage to get him out and fight the valg prince inside of him — which is interesting because they had absolutely no emotional connection whatsoever, and so it makes you think, why her?
Every step closer made her unbound hair shimmer like moonlight on water. But the demon began scrambling away as the sun lit up her eyes. Not too close, it said. Do not let the witchling too close. The eyes of the Valg kings —
“Hello, princeling,” she said, her voice bedroom-soft and full of glorious death. “Hello, witchling,” he said. And the words were his own. For a moment he was so stunned that he blinked. He blinked. The demon inside of him recoiled, clawing at the walls of his mind.
manon is so intrigued by dorian that she visits him in the end to check on him — something is pulling her to him and she feels already like something has changed; and he remembers her name — he can‘t remember anything from that time, but she sticks out
He could barely remember what had happened while he’d worn that collar. He’d turned twenty — and had no recollection of it. [...] There was a massive shadow perched atop it. Dorian froze. Not a shadow, but a giant beast, its claws gripping the wall, its wings tucked into its body, shimmering faintly in the glow of the full moon. Shimmering like the white hair of the rider atop it. Even from the distance, he knew she was staring right at him [...]. And through the darkness of his memories, through the pain and despair and terror he’d tried to forget, a name echoed in his head.
She didn’t know why she’d bothered to go; why she’d been curious. But there had been the prince, no collar to be seen around his neck. [...] Changing winds — a changing world. Perhaps a changing Thirteen, too. And herself.
empire of storms
when manon and dorian meet again, instead of killing him, she tells him to flee and something ancient inside of her awakes
Face-to-face, Dorian panted as he stared down at her and breathed, “Hello, witchling.” Some ancient, predatory part of her awoke at the half smile. It sat up, cocking its ears toward him. Not a whiff of fear. Interesting. Manon purred back, “Hello, princeling.”
dorian returns the favor later, saving her impulsively + instinctively and without giving it a special thought
Dorian didn’t feel like mentioning he’d been the one who’d jumped into the water. He’d just ... acted, as Manon had acted when she’d saved him in his tower.
manon tells abraxos to find somewhere safe, and so the wyvern does
His magic felt it before he did. A sense of awareness, of warning and awakening. [...] The wyvern completed its circle, sweeping lower this time, readying to land as near the boat as possible. Not to attack ... but for help.
kingdom of ash
manon and dorian have a deep understanding for each other and can see the other like nobody else can or dares to
“If you find so little value in your existence that it compels you to trust this thing, then by all means, bring her along.” A challenge to look not toward Morath or the spider, but inward. She saw exactly what gnawed on his empty chest, if only because a similar beast gnawed on her own.
He wondered if the Thirteen could ever see it — that hint of self-loathing that sometimes flickered across her face.
Only with her did he not need to explain. Only with her did he not need to be a king, or anything but what he was. Only with her would there be no judgment for what he’d done, who he’d failed, what he might still have to do.
hear me out: as we saw in empire of storms, abraxos has a sense of awareness that tells him what is right and what isn’t when it’s about manon, he brought her to dorian because he knew she’d be safe there. so when he returns from his little mission into the northern fang, and manon is restless, this happens:
It didn’t stop her breath from escaping when Abraxos stiffened, scanning the sky. As if he heard something they couldn’t. And it was the joy that sparked in her mount’s eyes that told her.
mates are equals and dorian hints at wanting to shout it out into the world, to let everybody know they belong together 🥺🥺🥺
She would be his wife, his queen. She was already his equal, his match, his mirror in so many ways. And with their union, the world would know.
in conclusion: manon and dorian are mates and are destined to be together. now, where is the novella?
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jayankles · 3 years
Something to Consider
Pairing: Diana Prince x Reader/ Wonder Woman x Reader
Summary: Diana walks in at the end of a meeting between Lex and Y/N, she warns her that he is nothing but bad news. Based on the request from lovely anon: hi !! can I request Wonder Woman x fem!reader smut please? 💞 Lex Luthor flirts with the reader and Diana gets jealous af.. Maybe the reader could be related to Batman (while Diana's like Superman) so it's like a spin on the BvS scene 🥰🥰
Word Count: 1659
Warnings: smut, angst?
Written for: @anyfandomgoesbingo​
Square Filled: Angst
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“Thanks for the drink, Lex.” You smirked, sipping at the whiskey, never breaking eye contact with the man. Your eyes dance over his face, trying to gage his usual stoic expression. But this time his face was one of the smallest of smiles that you had ever seen on that man’s face that wasn’t a sinister one.
“It’s just a drink, Miss Y/L/N,” Lex says, nonchalantly. Because for him, it is just a drink, it means nothing to him yet the small gesture has meant something because you had taken it from him as if it were a silent peace offering. 
“The glass I have, costs what... thirty five grand?” You shook your head at him but still took another sip. That amount of money meant nothing to Lex, it hadn’t even made a dent in his bank account.
“Unfortunately Miss Y/L/N,” Lex looked at the time on his watch. “I do have another appointment. It was a pleasure talking with you. Just think about my offer, Y/N. My door is always open, especially for a woman like you.” Lex purrs at you, his hand covering yours before he winks and walks away. You turn to watch him walk away and spot Diana in your sight. Your smile widens as you see the woman that plagues your dreams. 
Narrowing her eyes at you, she looks between you and the door Lex just walked through. “What was that all about? ‘Just think about my offer.’ What did he offer you?”
Your smile drops at the seriousness in her question. “What are you talking about? Why are you so concerned, baby? It’s just Lex Luthor, you know I can handle myself around men. It’s the women that make my legs a little shaky.”
“Do you know how dangerous he is?”
“Honey, I know dangerous. He… he is not it.” You reach out but Diana steps away, shaking her head at your actions.
“You don’t know him like I do, whatever his offer is please… don’t even consider thinking about it. He is capable of so many things that you don’t understand.” Her eyes silently plea with you, compelling you to not take Lex Luthor up on whatever it was that he had offered you. Diana didn’t want you to fall into a false sense of security to trust the man that had played a continuous game with her and the people in her team.
Your eyes hovered between both of hers and you knew she just wanted to protect you from something that you didn’t know anything about, there was something deeper going on between the two of them. 
“Okay,” you said, holding your hands out once more waiting for her to take them this time. “I’ll take care of him. I won’t accept his offer.”
“What did he offer you? Was it sexual favors?” Diana mumbles, trying to figure out what it was that Lex wanted from you to offer you something.
“Oh, Diana, are you jealous? Of a man?” you ask, your hands dropping to her hips to pull her close before you cupped her face in your hands, pressing your lips softly to hers. “I’m all yours, Diana. I promise. Let’s go home.”
You could feel Diana’s eyes burning into the back of your head as you turned the key into your home. She was on you as soon as she had slammed the door closed. Lips attacking yours as soon as she could reach you, your eyes widened before you start to kiss her back, tugging at any piece of clothing that you find so you can be closer to her.
With no struggle at all, she lifts you into her waiting arms, legs instinctively wrapping around her delicate hips as she harshly palms at your ass. She takes in your face, you’re perfect. The way your eyes never break from hers, the way your mouth falls open just after you bite it, but what tips Diana over the edge is the way she can hear your heart pounding in your chest. Like it is beating so hard just to reach out to her, to tangle with hers as if you couldn’t live without her hearing it.
“I love you.” It’s a hushed whisper and if you hadn’t been looking at her, you would have missed it but you heard the three most important words that meant the entire world to you. It was the three words that you had never heard before nor had you said them to anyone before.
Your lips connected once more. A fire burning low in your stomach, you ached for her. “I love you, too.”
Diana didn’t need to think twice about leading you to your bedroom. She gently set you down on your bed, not breaking the contact between the two of you until she kissed her way down your body, over your clothes, stopping just above the waistband of your pants. Diana looks up from her lashes and you see the desire in her eyes and you can’t distinguish whether it’s love or lust. You determine that it’s lust for now, you could be wrong after all. 
Easily, she removes your shoes and moves up your legs to unbutton your pants, seductively dragging them down your legs. You can feel your wetness seeping through your panties. Diana tilts her head to the side, a sneaky smirk on her face as she ripped your panties in half, tossing them across the room, leaving your cunt bare and in all its soaking wet glory.
“Diana…” you whispered, wriggling your body underneath her gaze. You didn’t know whether you were pleading for. Her lips on yours or on your pussy? You were happy for either event to occur. Diana, however, picked the latter, her body lowering so that she was lying flat on her stomach. Her eyes flickered from yours to your dripping pussy. She softly swept one of her fingers through your folds, licking off your arousal, humming at the sweet nectar she had collected. “Absolutely perfect.”
You whimpered at her praise, your hips rolling up, trying to find any friction to release the ache between your legs. The Amazon Warrior takes her time, pressing soft kisses from your knee and slowly travelling across your thigh, so close yet so far from the spot you needed her to be. Finally, she licked her tongue through your folds to your clit. You hiss as Diana continues to work over your pussy, her tongue flicking over your clit before she suctions it between her lips, sucking it until you are clawing at the bed sheets beneath your body, trying to grab hold of anything that could ground you as Diana drove you to new heights. Your mouth falls open, you squeak out a noise as Diana continues to lick your cunt and swallow down your arousal. She pushes your legs open, bringing her fingers up to swipe through your folds before two of them sink into your weeping cunt, opening yourself up to her, giving her everything you have to offer.
You feel your stomach tighten under her fingers and tongue, her ministrations sending sharp pains through your body, you shoot up, trying to close your legs around Diana’s head but her strength prevents you from moving even an inch away from her. “Keep going. Please… don’t stop.”
Diana obeyed, picking up speed in her movements, her tongue and fingers moving faster to push you to your orgasm. With a final pump of her fingers inside of your pussy, her fingers curl up into your inner walls and you’re putty in her hands, exploding around her digits as she rides out the waves of your high.
“Jesus, maybe I’ll have to make you jealous more often if that is what is going to happen.” You breathed out, trying to find an equilibrium. “I’m sorry that I made you feel inferior. To Lex Luthor of all people.”
Diana rolls her eyes, kissing her way back up your body. “Shut up, Y/N. Next time won’t be as pleasurable for you.”
“So, there is a next time.” You hummed, bringing her face to yours, silencing her with a kiss before she spoke again. “I’ll tell Lex no. I don’t want to upset you when you were just trying to protect me. I get it.”
Diana pulled you close, pressing her lips to the crown of your head, tucking you into her warm embrace. You felt so safe and secure in her arms. That was the point where you knew exactly what you were going to do.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t you again, Miss Y/L/N.”
You peered over your shoulder to see the same man from a few weeks ago. “What is it this time, Lex? You bought me a house? A boat? An entire Island?”
“Oh, dear, no,” the man scoffed out a laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous. I concocted a serum. For you, I should add.”
“Lex, I told you, I don’t want any part of this and the game that we were playing. I didn’t sign up for it, please. As much as I would love to live a long and healthy life,” you breathe out, shaking your hands in front of you. “I would be forever in your debt. I appreciate your offer Mr Luthor, but I’ll have to decline. I have to live the rest of my life - whatever is left of it - as best I can, especially with the people I love. But thank you, the trouble you went through to help me means a lot.”
With your last words to him, you nod your head at the powerful man and press a kiss to his cheek. You were going to leave this earth whenever someone up there decided that it was your time to go but until then, you were going to love Diana Prince with all your heart. Nothing less.
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i-donot-forget · 3 years
Eldarya Ep 7 (opinion)
Episode 7!!!! They gave us a nice ball, a nice dress and a nice moment with our LI (Discounting some details in the illustrations that I already mentioned before) the episode was very good, it is a clear transition, that little respite before everything goes wrong again.
Eldarya has always been a different otome, because the story does not revolve around the protagonist and her love story, it is about the protagonist saving the fucking world, the moments with our route have always been scarce and interrupted, remember that in TO until episode 17 we have the first date, from then on things go too fast and finally it cannot be said that we really got to know any of our romantic interests, an exception for Valkyon but I think it's obvious why. New Era has a great advantage, we already know these guys (except Mathieu but we have that connection of "hey we are both from earth"), we already know who they are, we already know this world, now falling in love will be "faster" than in a way it's good because we already saw that when Erika realizes that she feels something for someone, she goes after him (I love her for that, I couldn't ahahaha) and so we come to this episode, after the beautiful moment on the boat where we realize that we feel something for that special boy.
But this is Eldarya so...
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the damn world is going to end again and Nevra is ready for war, I know it sounds ugly but I find it absolutely correct, if the earth is going to absorb Eldarya... They are lost, I cannot imagine any scenario in which the humans of the earth welcome all of Eldarya with open arms, that is, let's face it, how many countries are there where immigrants are a plague for a certain portion of the population? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying it's like that and with the Eldaryans it will be worse. People like Huang Hua, Huang Chu, might go unnoticed, but Koori??? Lance???? What will humans think when Chrome is in trouble and can't control himself with Earth's Moon, how are Nevra and Karenn going to live with Earth's Sun that is lethal to them??? I can only think it's going to be a disaster, besides, how does this "absorption" work? Will the portals get bigger and bigger until eldarya disappears? Will everything fall from the sky? because clearly earth will not be the most affected... Humans are dangerous, our history of clash between cultures is always to exterminate the unknown and in this case it will be fatal for both factions but if you ask me, humans are not going to become extinct...
With all of that in mind, I'm not surprised that Lance had his head elsewhere and forgot about his clothes... but hey, it was a funny moment that made me think that we still don't know the real Lance and that attitude is just the same one that Valkyon adopted after Lance's "death"...
The moment of meditation with Leiftan was painful… now I understand many things, and I believe that all his sufferings and the loss of his powers is something mental. All the confidence that Leiftan had in himself resided in his powers, in TO he was at the top, he was the most powerful being in Eldarya and he handled everyone like simple puppets, he was confident, capable of everything, the first time we saw him desperate was after losing half his life (for us), now in NE ufff he tells us, he feels vulnerable, helpless, incomplete, without identity, If everything you were was based on your strength and power, who are you without it? Despite everything, I think it started very well, Leiftan tells us the truth, for the first time he trusts something of the utmost importance in us, the fact that he is now defenseless implies many things, Lance remains on the guard because of his power and abilities which is very useful, the same could apply to Leiftan but without his powers he could believe that the HQ would not want him (although in TO nobody knew he was a daemon). He confides in us a secret that is vital to him, reveals his vulnerability and I must say that I love him too much, when he tells us that he feels exactly the same as we do when we talk to him about our powers, he finally opens up to us and then the hug melted my heart. Now that he no longer has (and cannot) protect us, our relationship will be different.
The ball, I am not surprised that Princess Koori organized a ball, Huang Hua's speech was extremely touching, my heart clenched when she mentioned those who had left, I couldn't help but think of Valkyon... Now is the time to dance and I am fascinated by how Erika takes the reins and invites her LI, here we part.
Mathieu: adorable nothing to say, I love them, his route is pure laughter and games and fun, I really like Mathieu, I did not trust him but their moments together are sooo sweet, we see him as the center of attention, something very about him but naturally, it does not attract attention forcibly, they really are standing out for what they are, everything is very nice, a great dance, I think that at the point where they left the scene, I would believe in a kiss, not passionate or anything but a first kiss all cute, nervous and natural.
Nevra: I love that he's waiting for us, I think they already act like boyfriend and girlfriend without wanting to say it hahahaha and I love him, Nevra want us and loves us, he doesn't say it but he shows it only with his actions, I still feel like he's going to scare at the key moment, I feel that he keeps many things that explode in that uncompromising anger, I wait for a very intimate moment between them that makes me cry I want to see him cry, I know he needs it, I know he needs Erika to hug him and tell him that everything it will be fine, he needs someone to be the strong one.
Lance: the moment is very nice I cannot deny it, it is beautiful, Lance's reaction to Erika's invitation is great and again I love her determination, it struck me that Lance does know how to dance, but an old-fashioned dance, that just means that In his previous time in the guard of eel he did dance, I always imagined him as the popular cool boy that everyone follows, I'm still waiting to see that, I already want to break that shell and get the real Lance out.
Leiftan: Ahhhh my beautiful baby I leave him at the end because it is my route and I love him and I can't help but fangirl very hard for him. Erika dragging him to the dance floor imitating Karenn, I loved it, Erika helping Leiftan with his confidence and security, I super loved it, the inevitable attraction between them that is so strong that the moment screams that they will kiss, I cannot express my emotion, I love him I can't stop loving him and I just want they to be alone to see the damn connection in all its glory 7u7
So I wait for the catastrophe in the next episode, I still don't know if it will be a portal opening in the middle of the crystal room or if it will be the crystal itself that does something idk, surprise me beemoov
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resident-leevil-old · 3 years
RCW: Biohazard
in the re7 continuity of Raccoon City Winters i feel like Mia was more sympathetic towards Eveline considering her and Ethan had strikingly similar upbringings; minimal socializing, constant tests ran on them, the needles.
I feel she was torn between taking Eveline away and staying with the Connections in order to help Ethan and it made her feel like shit the entire time. Especially when she had been lying to Ethan about working with the Connections.
She justifies it in her head, saying it would hurt Ethan more if she told him she had been working in a similar place his father had been working in, for a reason almost the same. She knows it's a shit thing, to lie to him like this, but she really wouldn't be able to stomach the look he would give her, and maybe that's selfish but she hates to see him hurt.
And then Eveline, who was young and only wanted a family ("like Ethan did," her brain yelled at her) to grow up with. Eveline, who smiled up at her even after going through the worst tests imaginable and finds comfort in her presence, like Ethan did, every time. Eveline who cries because she knows she's too dangerous to have a real family, but wants to try- hopes she could anyway, like Ethan did.
Mia considers it, running away with Eveline, back home to Ethan and Kyde and stay as far away from California as they could. She planned it out, the whole situation, down from the moment she got Eveline out of that basically a cell for a room to buying a house under a different name in god-damned Romania if she had to.
She accepts her plan as half-baked but the overwhelming guilt and sympathy in her heart allows her to forget about that.
Then the ship, sprung on her that they would be moving Eveline somewhere. The hurricane, Eveline's freakout, Mia's promises of taking Eveline with her and being her mother, the mold.
That night, before the two of them were knocked out of that ship, Eveline cried in Mia's arms for the destruction she caused, and Mia held her and cried for the feeling of failure weighing on her soul.
And when Mia hits the water, when she starts to fall unconscious, she only thinks of how Eveline said she hated storms before, just like Ethan does.
And Mia wakes up at the Baker's, and they tell her they rescued her, she deliriously asked if they also found a young girl, if they found Eveline. They tell her not yet, tell her to rest and they promise they'll help find her little girl. She rests, but wakes up again later, unable to keep her eyes closed. She writes on a paper she found just about everything she knew about Eveline and herself, trying to recollect her thoughts when she noticed them fading.
She falls unconscious again before finishing the paper, and she's unable to defuse Eveline's fear and anger before the Baker's are under her control.
The years that pass, Mia spends trying to convince Eveline that they can leave the Baker's and start anew. Eveline refuses, too scared that the Connections will come for them if they leave this house. She compromised with the shots that slowed her aging, why couldn't Mommy compromise with her? Did she hate her? Did she secretly want to abandon her? Whenever Eveline asked the answers were always, "No, no Evie I don't want to abandon you but we can't stay here forever, eventually we'll run out of resources for your shots, I don't want you to die, and you'll die after too long without them."
Eveline is content with it, with dying, if she gets to stay with Mommy the whole time. When she told her that, Mommy cried and apologized to her. Eveline never knew why she kept saying sorry, but she stopped saying she would be okay with dying because Mommy crying made her cry.
As the Baker's become cannibalistic and murderous under Eveline's control, she becomes more prideful of herself. Mia doesn't know what to do, how to stop these people from dying, falls under a state of depression. She tries to talk to Eveline, tries to tell her to stop, though Eveline only tells her that she wants to find her Mom someone to be with since she was so sad all the time. Mia knows its a part of Eveline's powers, but the look of innocence in her eyes breaks her down and she stops opposing.
Eventually, Mia tells Eveline about Ethan. Talks about how Ethan loved her more than anything in the world, laments that she shouldn't have lied to him when she only wanted to help him, tells Eveline she only wanted to leave this house so they could be with him. Eveline listens, asks her if she misses Ethan a lot, latches on to the reason she gave for wanting to leave.
Mia tells Eveline she did, that she missed Ethan more than anything in the world, and before she knew it she was unconscious again.
Ethan's arrival sparked something in Eveline's soul. She felt angry, at first that this man was the reason Mom would be willing to risk herself and her freedom to be with. She makes Mom fight him a few times, so angry at him for being the reason her family almost broke apart.
Then she watches him cry. She watches this man sit next to his wife each time they fought and cry, even holding her at the risk of her waking up again and hurting him. Eveline sees a man who loved her Mommy so much he would risk dying to mourn her hurt.
And, the final time Mom falls because of Ethan, he didn't move at all, crying on his knees as he held her in his arms. He hardly looks away from Mom when Jack attacks him and even when he kills him.
Eveline realized, when he woke again, his thoughts now shared with hers due to their new connection through the mold, that he loved Mom just as much as she did. She tests him, makes him fight with Grandmother and Grandfather, watching over him as he stumbled through Lucas' puzzles.
Eveline starts to like this man, who loves her Mom so much he'd died and came back to life with her as the only thing on his mind.
They nearly escaped, in that stupid little boat. Eveline cried when they both fell in the water. She hadn't mean to do that, hadn't meant to hit the boat directly. She panicked, pulled them both out of the water. She may be angry at Mom and Dad for nearly leaving her but she didn't want them to die.
She helps Mom remember things she forgot, everything that lead up to this. Mom cried again, and Eveline cries for her too.
She talks to Dad, in his head, and she scared him but he doesn't let that get in the way of talking to her. He shows her kindness, sympathy, tells her he doesn't want her to hurt.
Eveline cries to herself, as Mia frees Ethan and pushes him away, afraid she would hurt him. Eveline doesn't make Mom do anything except sleep, lets her rest for all that these years and this day has troubled her.
She talks to Ethan in person again, cried because he was so much more than nicer than he had to be. Cried because she understood now, why Mom wanted to be with him again, cried because she kept them away from each other for so long. Ethan convinces her to let her control of the house go, and she collapsed into the hug he gave her, so so tired.
Ethan held Eveline protectively in his arms when he met Redfield, not letting this child who has been through so, so much out of his sight. He doesn't trust these people, but they're helping Mia despite what she'd done so he held back his hostility.
He refused to let them take Eveline from his arms, she was tired and none of them looked like they knew how to carry a tired child.
They have to do check-ups every month during the first year, but they're allowed to stay together. They have to move to Europe, "Romania, huh?" Mia thinks to herself when she heard it, realizing that she'd gotten her wish- just differently than she expected, and no one could know where they lived but otherwise they would be fine. They keep in contact with Zoe, and Kyde (who doesn't wait to say "I told you so," to Ethan but still shows he's happy Mia was found and well,) throughout the years.
Eveline gets a final shot that was able to stabilize her aging process, and she's able to go with no more needles unless absolutely necessary. Mia tells Ethan everything she had been there for, promising to never keep another secret from him again, and he forgives her (he would do it either way). The three of them live happily in Romania, for all of three years.
And Eveline doesn't tell anyone that Ethan isn't Ethan like he used to be, waits for everyone to notice by themselves. They never do. And Re8 begins.
And that, my friends, is the RE7 Continuity of Raccoon City Winters; Raccoon City Winters: Biohazard!
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24 Hours
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: You get buried alive and uhm... I think a curse word or two?
A/N: So, before you notice, yes this is largely based on season two episode nine of Bones, Aliens in the Spaceship. Also, yes this is a criminal minds imagine and yes I’ve hopelessly and irrevocably fallen in love with Matthew Gray Gubler. Please like, comment, reblog, and send me asks, I love that shit. Also, if you’ve never seen criminal minds, you should watch it. Even if only for Dr. Spencer Reid aka Matthew Gray Gubler. You’re welcome in advance.
“Hey Spenny, I’m going out to get some coffee. Do you want anything?” Your voice echoed around in Spencer’s head, the image of you waving at him from the door as you walked away imprinted into his mind. Would it be the last time he would ever see you?
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) has been buried alive,” Hotchner stood in the front of the room with Spencer’s phone on speaker. The whole team sat around the table with varying degrees of horror displayed on their faces as the realization dawned on them, “Wire transfer five million dollars to the following Grand Cayman account.” Spencer buried his head in his hands, his fingers tangling into his hair.
Your eyes were on him as you waved over your shoulder, stepping through the door with just a glance and a smile. He kept playing it through his mind in slow motion. Now you were underground, running out of air and running out of time.
“Upon receipt of the wire transfer, I will provide you with Agent (Y/L/N)’s GPS coordinates. You have 24 hours. This will be my last communication.” The BAU jumped into action, people pulling the files from the previous abductions and swapping theories.
“Where in the hell are we going to get five million dollars? The FBI has a strict policy about not paying ransoms.” Morgan slammed a fist on the table, gritting his teeth as his mind raced.
“Her parents.” Spencer looked up, pulling himself out of his head. He needed to be actively helping. They had twenty four hours and sitting at the table with his head in his hands wouldn’t help anything.
Pushing away from the table, the young doctor stood up to look at Agent Hotchner.
“When her parents died they left everything to her. She’s never touched it, said it felt too much like blood money.” Hotchner nodded, looking across the room to Garcia who looked as shell shocked as Spencer felt. Not only had her dear friend been abducted and buried alive, but she had been telling secrets about her parents to Reid and not her?!
“Garcia I need you to find out who she banks with, JJ get them on the phone and see what you can do. If we can pay the ransom we will. If not, we’ll have to figure where she is.” Both women nodded, rushing back to Garcia’s office. The remaining agents started to map the location of every burial site.
“Well, at least we know she’s in Virginia.”
When you woke up, rolling into the leather backseat in you car, your brain felt like it was exploding. Your entire body ached, and for a minute, too focused on the pain, you didn’t realize where you were.
It hurt to sit up, to breathe, to look around, and when your brain connected every dot it hurt to think.
“I’ve been buried alive.” You said it aloud, staring at the rocks and dirt that pressed against every window. Thinking felt like walking through sludge, but why?
You’d been working on a case. Four victims in four months, all buried alive, all coming from wealthy backgrounds. Every victim varied in age, race, and sex. It appeared you were number five. There would be a call, maybe two hours after you’d been buried. It would be the only means of communication, there would be a high ransom.
None of this information could help you though. You were underground, what is around you, (Y/N)?
In your glove compartment was a small digital camera, a pen, and some napkins. In your center console was a bottle of water, a small tube of sunscreen, and some loose change. Your phone was on the floor but the battery had been taken out, and sitting in the backseat was a box with a book delicately placed inside.
A first edition copy of Sonnets from the Portuguese, the pages yellowed with age. To just anyone, it was an old book with some poems inside, but you knew that Spencer would understand the moment he opened the box. Elizabeth Barrett Browning had written the series of sonnets to her husband as they were courting. Inside was a poem you had confessed to Spencer was your absolute favorite.
“I’m kind of a cliche hopeless romantic,” you laughed, afraid to look at him for the fear that he would think you were just a silly girl. “But my favorite poem is How Do I Love Thee?”
“By Elizabeth Barrett Browning?” When you looked at him, his expression hadn’t changed from that of a simple curiosity. You relaxed a little, glad to reveal the intimate detail about yourself without backlash.
You had spent such a long time trying to bury the persona of a teenage hopeless romantic underneath the facade that you were only concerned for logic, knowledge, and psychology. You’d never understood why wanting to love and be loved made you any less intelligent.
“I’ve dedicated that poem to the man I hope to marry one day.” A small smile twitched at the edges of his lips as you looked down at your nails, picking at the dirt underneath them. Your face felt like it was on fire. Why had you told him that?
In an uncharacteristic display of affection, Spencer reached across the divide between your desks and put his hand over yours. He squeezed, his expression gentle when you met his gaze.
“He will be a lucky man.”
Tears pricked at the back of your eyes at the thought of Spencer. Would you ever see him again? Would you even be alive in twenty-four hours?
Panic seemed to take control, propelling forward. You screamed, crying hysterically as you pounded against the windows.
“Help me! I’m in here! Please!” You didn’t stop until your hands were bruised, not caring about the amount of oxygen it had taken from your already limited supply. After the panic came a numbness that spread through your body and mind. You weren’t sure how long you stayed staring into your hands, sitting cross-legged in the front seat, but when you finally came back to yourself you knew you had to truly fight.
Gathering everything you’d found in your car, you started to think of what you could do. A camera, a phone, a pen, a napkin, some change, a book, sunscreen, a bottle of water.
Think, (Y/N), think. What is around you?
“Dirt.” Then you gasped, scrambling back to the front of the car. Using the window crank, you let bits of the dirt fall inside before rolling the window back up and grabbing a handful.
Just by looking you could tell there was ash, a couple of sniffs told you there was nitrogen and sulfur. You spit into the dirt. Coal rich soil. But that was all of Virginia, that didn’t tell you anything.
Think, (Y/N), think.
A camera, a phone, a pen, a napkin, some change, a book, sunscreen, a bottle of water. A camera, a phone, a pen, a napkin, some change, a book, sunscreen, a bottle of water.
“That’s it!” Carefully, you shifted the dirt to the top of the center console. Mixing a dab of sunscreen into the dirt, you powered on the camera and grabbed the pen which, conveniently, had a laser on the end.
Just like that you knew where you were. You just had to find a way to tell the others.
“We can’t get the money from the bank, she has it completely closed off from anyone touching any of that money. They won’t even tell us how much she has.” JJ ran her fingers through her hair, turned in her chair to face the team that had gathered into Garcia’s office.
“It was a long shot anyways, you typically have to have your name on the bank account to be able to withdraw any money.” Hotchner looks to the rest of the agents clustered next to him, hoping that one of them would have something.
“Did we get anything from the geographic profile?” He made direct eye contact with Reid, watching as he stepped forward and nodded for Garcia to pull up a map. Red lines popped up at each of the four crime scenes, connecting to the location the victim lived. Salem to Lovingston. Stuart to Winchester. Boydton to Marion. Louisa to Yorktown.
“Each of the burial sites is two to four hours away from where the victims lived which would put (Y/N) in this general vicinity.” Using his finger, Reid circles an area on the map around Quantico. No one mentions the shaking of his hand.
“There’s nothing else to narrow down the search.” His voice cracks at the end and no one can meet his eyes. JJ flinches at the sound, tightening her hand around the edge of the desk. It isn’t until Hotch goes to send the team back to work that a chime breaks the silence in the room.
Reid scrambles for his phone, fishing it out of his pocket and flipping it open.
“Who is it from? The Gravedigger? What did he say?” Everyone crowds around him, trying to get a peak at the message.
“It’s from (Y/N).”
6 7 16 M1.4
“What the hell does that mean?” Penelope says.
You’re not sure how long its been, but you can feel the oxygen getting low. Your eyes feel heavy, like you’re tired, and if you move just a little too fast the world shifts and sways like you’re on a boat.
After hot wiring the phone to the car, you’d leaned against the horn and typed the shortest message you could as fast as possible. When the phone sparked and died, you weren’t even sure if the messsge had gone through. You could only hope.
For now, you’ve crawled into the back, opening the book to read through it. If you’re going to die, at least you can read your favorite poems one more time. With every sonnet comes a memory of Spencer.
“Actually,” Spencer begins, stepping forward to point out something no one had even thought of, gesturing between pictures and referencing something only he could see in his mind. You’d worked a couple of cases with the team at this point, getting to know each individual who sat at this table with you.
Spencer turned back to the group and there it was, for just a fraction of a second he looked at all the older people at the table like a little boy looking for acceptance and recognition. Looking for approval. Your heart flipped over itself and your crossed your arms, hoping this wasn’t the start of a silly crush.
You flip to the next sonnet, reading it in a whisper as another memory hits you.
“I’m scared, Spencer.” You met his eyes, heart hammering in your chest as JJ strapped a mic to your bra strap. You were going undercover in an attempt to lure out the unsub, and although you knew every single one of your team members would be ready to have your back at a moments notice, you couldn’t shake the fear.
“Why?” It wasn’t harsh the way he said it, looking at you from the desk he was sitting on as JJ stepped away and out of the room to give the two of you some privacy. You started to button up your shirt, trying to breathe away the shaking of your hands.
“I’m afraid something is going to go wrong. That I’ll say or do something that will tip him off and he’ll kill me.” Spencer stepped forward, not touching you but looking into your eyes as you smoothed your hands down your sides.
“I’ll be there before he has the chance. I’ll take that shot. But I don’t believe I’ll have to do that because I know you have the ability to do this without a hitch. You’ve got this.” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to be okay. He wouldn’t let them send you in if you didn’t give him the okay. You could see that in the way he positioned himself between you and the door, ready to take the brunt of any frustration in order for you to feel safe.
“Okay. I trust you.”
And you did trust him. That’s why you were saving your last trick, waiting for him to put together the last of the puzzle piece he needed in order to save you. Spencer was going to find you, you had no doubt.
You just weren’t sure if you would survive the trick or not.
“Six, seven, sixteen, M, one point four.” Spencer stood staring at the board where they had copied the text, going over every possible meaning he could think of.
A book? No.
A math problem? No.
Coordinates? No.
Theories were being thrown across the room at rapid fire, everyone trying to think of the meaning to the cryptic message. They were all still huddled into Garcia’s office, so the voices echoed and bounced around the room.
“She’s been down there for fourteen hours, we’ve got nothing! She’s already running out of oxygen, I’m honestly starting to doubt it means anything.” Derek passed a hand over his face, patting at his cheeks as his eyes grew heavy.
“No. She’s highly intelligent and extremely resourceful, the message means something but wh-” Reid froze. In his mind he could see the periodic table.
“What is it, Reid?” Gideon looked at him, watching as his brain started to fly.
“Garcia pull up a map of Virginia.” She did as she was told, pulling up the map with one point in Quantico.
“Six on the periodic table is carbon, seven is nitrogen, sulfur is sixteen. She’s telling us the dirt she’s in.” Quick to catch on, Garcia zoomed the map onto coal rich soil in Virginia. It wasn’t enough.
“Coal can’t be distinguished by mineral composition, it’s all the same. However, macerals are unique in that they flouresce at different levels. In this case, 1.4, which is rare. It only occurs when there are high concentrations of inertinite.” The map zoomed, Penelope’s fingers flying across the keys as Spencer spoke.
“Got her.”
Settling your napkin letter atop the book, you nestled the lid to the gift box back on top. You tied the bow tight before tucking the whole thing into the waistband of your jeans. There was no guarantee it would make it, there was no guarantee you would make it, but you had waited long enough.
Grabbing both ends of the wires you’d stripped, you climbed into the back, hands shaking at the thought of what you were about to do.
“I’m scared.” You said. You heard Spencer, saw him leaning against a window seal in your mind. He looked at you from behind those glasses that always reminded you of a 60’s NASA engineer. His hair was pushed back, the ends curling around his ears in a way that made you itch to loop them around a finger.
“What if I never see you again?” Tears you hadn’t even known were in your eyes spilled over onto your cheeks, dripping onto the thighs of your pants. He changed now, taking on various Spencer’s from your past.
Spencer looking up from paperwork to listen to a question, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. His lips parted ever so slightly while a piece of his hair dangled out of place on his forehead.
Spencer leaned against the bar, waving down the bartender mid laugh. His tie is loose and his shirt is untucked, his hair is adorably disheveled and his eyes are crinkled around the edges.
Spencer asleep on the jet home, his cheek cradled in one hand, his elbow propped on the armrest. His long legs are stretched out, his other hand splayed on top of his chest which rose and fell with each breath.
Spencer standing in the elevator, the surprise of someone calling his name turning into a small smile when he recognizes you racing to the doors. He reaches out to press a button before using both hands to grab onto the strap of his bag. He looks down at you as you enter with a look in his eyes you’ve never been able to identify.
And the Spencer you’ve only ever dreamed about.
His eyes fluttering open after a long night spent proving his love, the sun filtering through the window and reflecting on him in such a way that it makes you wish you could paint. The sheets are bunched around his waist, his chest is bare, and his smile is so sleepy that it swells your heart to ten times it’s normal size.
We’ll see each other soon. You’ve got this.
“Okay,” you say it with conviction, forcing your hands to stop shaking, “I trust you.” And then without a moments hesitation, tears still running down your face, you touch the wires together.
The world explodes.
“There!” Spencer races for the place he saw the puff of dirt, nearly tripping over himself as he runs faster than he’s ever run before. Everyone follows, dropping to there knees with Spencer as he starts to push at the stone and sand at his feet.
“Please be here. Please be here.” He keeps saying, his heart climbing into his throat with every passing second he doesn’t find you. That is, until his fingers brush across an arm. He shoves down into the dirt, ignoring every instinct that tells him to stay clean. It’s you, it’s your arm. Then it’s your head, your shoulders and chest, your stomach, your legs, and then it’s you.
He pulls you on top of him, laying in the dirt with you pulled so close that you could meld into one person. You groan into his ear, pushing up just a little to get a better look at the man under you.
“I forgot your coffee.” He laughs, tears spilling onto the sides of his face as he wraps his arms back around you.
It’s late by the time you’ve been seen by what feels like every doctor and psychologist in the state. There’s bruises on your wrists and ankles you hadn’t noticed during your time underground and a cut on the back of your head where you’d been hit in order to be knocked unconscious. Not to mention the tiny cuts all over your arms and face from crawling through a shattered windshield and up through rocks and dirt.
You stood in the conference room, arms crossed as you leaned against the table and stared. Staring back at you was your own face, tacked to the evidence board with four other victims.
“I tried going to your apartment, but nobody answered the door.” Spencer is standing in the doorway of the conference room, holding a box in his hands. You look down at it before looking back at him. Try as you might, you can’t tell if he’s opened it or not, either you aren’t a good profiler or you were just really tired.
“You left this at the hospital. I figured it was important if you brought it up with you from the car.” Moving into the room, he holds the box out for you to take from him. The ribbon you tied around it is still tightly knotted, the ends shredded from being dragged above ground. There’s specks of dirt that you reach out to brush to the floor before looking back at Spencer.
“It’s yours.” You reply, scooting back to sit on the table, watching curiously as he looks back down. Pulling the box back to his chest, he slips the ribbon off in one fluid motion. The lid is next and you watch as he reaches in to pull out what you had believed to be your last words.
It isn’t much, and there’s a possibility you don’t feel the same way, but I’ve realized that I’m hopelessly and irrevocably in love with you. I trust you with my life and my heart. I’m only scared now of losing you. -(Y/I)
He doesn’t look up at you and he doesn’t set the napkin aside, only moves his hand so the note is out of his line of sight as he sees the book inside.
“‘I love thee with all the breath, smiles, tears of all my life.’” He says it almost in a whisper before setting the note back in the box, and the box on the table.
“How long have you been waiting to give this to me?” When he looks at you, finally, there is wonder in his eyes, amazement.
“I bought the book last month, but I’ve known how I felt about you for six months.” You pick at the edge of the table, swinging your legs ever so slightly. Spencer moves in front of you, blocking your view of the evidence board.
“I don’t believe in love at first sight. Robert Sternberg developed the theory that love is made of three components; intimacy, passion, and commitment. None of which can be present during a first meeting. But I think I knew that I would love you. I knew from the very first time you walked in those doors and you bumped into me.” He reaches his hand out, only hesitating for just a moment before he takes you cheek in his hand.
“Can I kiss you?” He leaned so close that if he were just a hair closer, you lips would brush together as he spoke. You’ve already closed your eyes, every nerve lit up like the Fourth of July in anticipation.
“Yes.” You barely get it out before his lips collide with yours, you can feel every emotion from the last twenty four hours being poured into this kiss; fear, anxiety, sadness, confusion, anger, relief, love, safety.
You reach out to loop your arms around his neck, the kiss deepening as he grabs your hips to slide you closer. When he finally breaks the kiss, his chest heaving and his cheeks flushed, it takes him a minute to open his eyes.
“Why aren’t you at home?”
“I’m scared.”
“Why?” You loop the hair that curls against his neck around your index finger, licking your lips before responding.
“Because I’m afraid this will all be a dream and I’ll wake up back in that car.” Your breath hitches in your throat, the panic grabbing at your heart and lungs and barely leaving you anytime to process the plethora of things that have happened to you in the last thirty minutes.
“Come sleep at my place, that way you wake up with me by your side.” He steps away from the table, reaching out a hand for you to take. It takes you no time at all to make your decision, grabbing his hand and sliding off the table.
“Okay, I trust you.”
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willowbird · 3 years
3! 4! 7! (for the prompts yo) .... oh. and. kandreil. (duh)
Be GAY do CRIME, on a violently orange yacht. Oh, and they kiss for the FIRST TIME 😘 For Kandreil!
This is my first Intentional Kandreil y'all (as opposed to like.. the three Accidental Kandreil I've done so far), I hope I don't fuck it up for you XD
"Kevin I swear if you peak I am going to go leak those photos of you from last Halloween."
Kevin snorted at Neil's empty threat, though he dutifully kept his eyes closed, letting Andrew tug him out of the car and lead him down what felt like a wooden walkway. A deck, maybe. Or a pier, Kevin thought as he registered the smell and sound of water, the squawking of gulls above and around them.
"Even if you did, no one would believe they were real."
"I'd leak them right to the Trojans." The laughter in Neil's voice warmed something right in the center of Kevin's chest. It wasn't so long ago that Neil was so... terrifyingly cold. He'd joined them as a rebellion against his father, the bogeyman of the east coast and loyal lapdog to the Ravens - who were the direct rivals to Kevin's much smaller, much wilder group of Foxes. But whereas the Ravens were a legit syndicate that dealt with such things like human trafficking and heavy drugs, the Foxes were a group of barely-organized criminals that mostly just liked to say 'fuck you' to the laws they didn't agree with.
The problem? The laws the Foxes didn't agree with tended to be the ones that directly benefitted the Ravens' front businesses. After all, the Ravens controlled several of the biggest corporations in the country, and they were regularly stepping all over average folks, ruining their lives.
Every member of the Foxes had, in some way, been hurt by the Ravens. They were all determined to get back at them in whatever ways possible. Sometimes that meant framing their executives for fraud. Sometimes that meant blowing up a few buildings. They were a multi-talented group.
The Trojans were a similar group of not-quite-but-still-criminals based on the west coast, and they'd combined forces a few times by now. They also were pros at anything that had to do with the internet. If Neil wanted to make something go viral, the Trojans were definitely the place to go to.
"Jeremy would never help you soil my good name."
"Jeremy would think it is hilarious, do not fool yourself, Day." Andrew's tone was dry and deceptively uninterested, but Kevin knew him well enough by now to hear the amusement hidden between the carefully articulated syllables.
Kevin rolled his eyes while still keeping them dutifully closed. He didn't bother to hide his smile though, knowing the other two would see it and not really caring that they would. It was kind of strange to think of, honestly - that he was here, comfortable being led around with his eyes closed, smiling without care. It was because of these two men, and that... that warmed something inside him. Made it glow. Made it blossom. Made it live.
"Okay, alright. Kevin, you may open your eyes." Neil's grin was audible in his voice, and it was the first thing that Kevin saw when he opened his eyes.
The second thing he saw, though, was the absolutely impossible-to-ignore explosion of orange directly behind him.
"What the actual fuck?" Kevin half-spluttered, but he was grinning, too. He could feel it. One did not look at a violently orange yacht and not grin. He laughed. "This is my surprise? You saw an orange yacht in the marina and had to show... me..." His voice drifted off, distracted and confused as he saw the name of the boat in sharp white script along the side.
The Brightest Day
"Neil?" Kevin blinked, and something giddy bubbled up right below his throat, catching and fizzing. He had to swallow it down, and it took effort to do so, especially as he saw the warm, pleased look on Neil's face, then turned to see a similar expression on Andrew's.
To see a similar expression on Andrew's face.
Kevin stared, because Andrew... Andrew wasn't one to emote. Even when it was just two of them, or the three of them. Even after all they'd been through. Kevin and Neil had learned to find the truths hidden behind his sturdy walls, to accept what Andrew was willing to give them when and however that may be.
And here was Andrew, in the open, looking at him with an almost-smile on his face and an expression in those natures-gold eyes that was unmistakably fond.
Kevin had to take a breath, and he wasn't at all surprised to feel it shake. Rough, strong fingers slipped between his own and Kevin looked over to see Neil's expression had shifted to understanding. If anyone would ever know what Kevin was feeling, how he was feeling it, at any given time, it was Neil. They were so similar in the way they processed the world, and how they appreciated the small gifts they were granted in a life that had been too dark and too unforgiving for far too long.
Andrew's smile was one of those gifts. Arguably, it was the grandest of all.
"Come on you idiots," Andrew sighed as he turned to walk up the short ramp already positioned to bring them onto the boat.
Without further word, and without unlacing their fingers from each other, Kevin and Neil followed Andrew up the ramp and onto the yacht. Something struck Kevin as inexplicably right about that. After all - no matter where any one of them went, the other two were sure to follow, hand in hand.
And when they needed to face a challenge they would face it hand in hand in hand.
"I don't understand," Kevin finally said as Andrew lead them across the deck. "The Foxes don't have the resource to --"
"It did not come out of the Foxes' coffers," Andrew cut him off. He nodded to the menace still holding Kevin's hand. "It came out of Neil's."
Kevin turned to Neil, staring at him in open shock. "You bought the Foxes a boat?"
Neil snorted. "No. I bought you a boat." He paused, then looked from Kevin to Andrew and something passed between them. Some kind of understanding, or agreement. Andrew stepped away from where he'd been about to lead them to the interior of the boat, instead joining the two of them. Once he had, Neil looked back at Kevin and said, "I bought us a boat."
It took a moment. Kevin wasn't stupid, but he also had never expected... This thing, this connection or relationship or whatever that was between the three of them - Kevin wasn't sure it would ever be defined and he had come to terms with that months ago. If they went on forever just being Kevin and Andrew and Neil, just as they were right now with no changes - he would be okay with that. As long as he always had these two men in his life, everything else, he decided, would work itself out.
"Us," Kevin said slowly, testing the word, making sure it really meant what he thought it meant.
"Yes," Andrew said. "Us."
And that... that was really all that needed to be said, wasn't it? At least he thought so, up until Neil tugged on his hand, bringing him a bit closer to the both of them, and said, "Kevin, can I kiss you?"
"Yes!" The word burst out before Kevin really made the decision to answer or even necessarily registered the question. A soft huff came from Andrew that might have been a laugh, but Kevin wasn't able to fully catch it when Neil was already pulling him down.
Neil smiled into the kiss. He kissed him slowly, with a graze of teeth and a hum of adventure. He kissed him like it was just the beginning. He kissed him like he knew it was a first kissed but by far would not be the last. Confident, pleased, satisfied.
Blood was pounding in Kevin's ears so hard he could taste the tremble of his own heart on the tip of his tongue, and when the kiss broke he gasped, already leaning in for more. This time, Neil was not the only one smiling.
By the time the kiss ended, they were no longer holding hands. Instead, Kevin had an arm wrapped around Neil's shoulders, keeping him tugged as close as possible, the other hand resting on the side of his neck. Neil was similarly wrapped around his waist and he was still smiling. Kevin rested his forehead against Neil's, then turned to look at Andrew to find the other man was watching them with heat and affection burning in his eyes.
"Andrew," Kevin said, and his voice rasped. He didn't say the words, but only because he was too high on Neil's fire to put the syllables together right now.
Andrew answered anyway, because he knew Kevin well enough to know exactly what question he was trying to ask.
"Yes," he said. And if Neil's kiss was fire and satisfaction, Andrew's was the ocean and determination. Andrew kissed him like he was going to carve his intentions on his bones. He kissed like he was going to take Kevin apart one sigh and tough at a time and Kevin melted into it, more than happy to yield to the power of that kiss. Anyone who lives near the sea would tell you the same - you don't fight the waves, you let them carry you - and that was exactly what Kevin did.
Neil's hand was stroking up and down his spine. Andrew's was cupped around the back of his neck. When the kiss broke, that hand squeezed firmly, then pulled him just a bit further down so Andrew could place one more kiss on his forehead before he turned to Neil.
Something perfect and delicate and yet, at the same time, positively indestructible filled Kevin up to the brim as he watched the way Andrew cupped Neil's face, the way Neil leaning into that touch, the way fire and ocean wave met in a promise while still in the circle of Kevin's arms. And finally, finally, Kevin had a word for it - for the feeling he got when he was with these two beautiful, thrilling, amazing men.
And it was, quite simply, home.
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