#or the beating of my tell-tale heart. His focus may be admirable but his attention should be elsewhere. turnitonme” hot-dudes-reading-books
writtenvisionary · 3 years
Do It Again - fanfic
Read on Ao3
He sighs, stealing a long glance at the beautiful girl standing by her locker. Her friends surround her, listening eagerly to her story. She talks with her hands — her small hands with nails painted pink \ and the smile on her face is contagious as she becomes increasingly more immersed in her tale by the minute.
His heart skips a beat when she laughs. He can hear it all the way from down the school hall and he has to look away. If he didn't, who knows how long he'd last.
She's breathtakingly gorgeous and adorable all wrapped in one petite human. He doesn't think there could be anyone more perfect.
He wants to hold her. He's not so sure why. But he wants her friends to go away. He wants to ask — right now.
It's taking forever. Good heavens, he can't wait any longer. And god knows that girl can ramble.
A grin forms on his face at the thought (and he's sure he looks ridiculous, but he can't bring himself to care).
Man, he's whipped.
Her friends are finally gone, he realizes.
He must have been lost in his own thoughts (about her) for so long that he never noticed their absence.
She turns back to face her locker, opening it with ease.
Shit. Now's my chance.
Swallowing his nerves, he takes a step forward.
Progress. Progress.
Another step. Then he stops.
I can't.
He watches as she pulls out a textbook and expertly opens her backpack with her other hand. He's mesmerized by her abilities. He's mesmerized by her.
Ah, shit. Focus!
He manages another step towards her.
Then suddenly her backpack is zipped closed and her locker is secured once again. Her dark locks flow so elegantly through the air as she whips around.
They meet eyes. She smiles. He nearly trips.
Shit, shit, fuck.
Is she talking to me?
"Why aren't you moving?"
The melodious sound of her giggle blesses his ears once again. He tries not to smile like a complete idiot, but he fails.
Just his luck.
He forces himself out of his frozen state, pushing back his irrational fears (making their presence known only at this very moment) and takes those last. few. steps. to stand in front of the girl. The girl who will hopefully be his girl, very soon.
When he arrives to his mark, he exhales in relief.
He's pleasantly surprised that he didn't trip and fall on his way there.
"Hi," he mutters, nervously. Rolling his lips in, he waits.
"Hi," she giggles.
He takes a deep breath and just goes for it.
"Will you go out with me?"
Her eyes light up in pure excitement.
To say he's relieved at this immediate reaction would be an understatement.
But then her excited expression turns… playful?
Realistically, he shouldn't be worried.
For some reason, he is.
"That depends," she starts, with that beautiful voice which sounds very seductive and oh my god her hand is on my chest—
"What do you have planned?"
"I'll pick you up at eight…"
"Uh huh…"
"And we can drive around?" He suggests.
"Mm, sounds nice already."
He gains some confidence, "I'll take you to the beach and then we can head downtown?"
She seems to think about it for a moment.
"Hmm… can I hold your hand?"
He smiles.
"We'll walk around downtown while you hold my hand," he confirms.
Licking his lips, he takes a small step forward, pulling her closer to his chest.
"Then we'll park and lay down on the hood of my car…"
Her smile widens.
"…We can just listen to the airplanes while we count the stars."
This time, her heart picks up. She can nearly feel it beating out of her chest.
"Tonight," he finishes, "I'll be your man."
She wishes she could stop smiling.
"On one condition."
The innocence in his voice strikes her in the right place. Her smile is still unwavering.
"Tomorrow, we can do it again."
He wishes he had more to give her. Somehow, the beach and downtown and airplanes and stars just weren't enough. She was his everything; his world. And he wishes he could give her the world right back.
Because a girl that shines as bright as she does; a girl that is rich in everything but money and fame; a girl that pays attention to him even when he doesn't deserve it…
A girl like her is too good to be true.
Too good for him.
As he snuggles the stuffed dolphin she gifted him for their one-week-aversary, he sighs.
She deserves better than him.
He wishes he had the world to give. He would give it in a heartbeat, no questions asked.
Maybe then, he would feel good enough for her. Maybe then, he would feel like he was rich in something, like her.
Maybe then, he'd be rich with love.
And he knows for a fucking fact that he would give her everything he had.
Every. Single. Thing.
She had one condition.
And he didn't follow it.
Obviously, she didn't mean tomorrow, tomorrow… right? Because it's been a little over a week.
But he's not one to break his promises. Would that be considered a promise?
He thinks so.
His finger hovers over the little phone icon at the corner of her contact page. He wants to call her, he does. Her voice is the reason he wakes up in the morning. Hearing it would be amazing right now.
No, that's not the problem.
You see, he doesn't want to admit it, but he's nervous.
Will she be mad if I ask now?
The answer is no, for the record. He's pretty sure he knows that.
'I was kidding,' she'll reassure him.
Deep breaths. You got this.
"Hey, what's—"
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He face palms.
But her gorgeous laugh floats through the phone's speaker and into his ears. He pulls his hand away from his face.
"Silly goose, what are you talking about? We're already—"
"I promised you we'd do it again, so we're doing it again. It may not be tomorrow, like you said a week ago, but it can be tonight."
Her silence on the line gives him a moment to glance at the clock.
"Look, I'll be there in 10 minutes. I've got it all planned."
That laugh keeps him going. Her smile helps him sleep at night. The feeling of her warm, small hand in his is a gentle reminder that she's there. With him, in this moment of time.
It's all he could ever ask for.
Cars past them as they walk along the strip of stores open downtown. Colorful lights flash on around the couple as it starts to get dark, and their feet guide them around the town, coming full circle.
The lights that were once off are now on, leaving no corner of the little city dimmed.
She stops in her tracks, staring in awe at twinkling lights, which hang from a small gazebo near the park. Her eyes sparkle in amazement, mouth agape.
"Oh my goodness, you—"
"I just put the lights on it," he chuckles, "The gazebo was already there."
She shakes her head, "How come I never noticed it before?"
"You were probably laughing at a really bad joke you had just told."
"I don't tell bad jokes!"
"Uh huh."
A giggle erupts out of her throat, to her dismay.
"So… no car rooftop star-gazing tonight?"
He gives a very prominent shake of his head before pulling his hand out of hers'.
"Oh no, we're still doing that. But right now I want to just look at you."
She tilts her head in confusion.
He clarifies, "I don't want to look at the stars or listen to planes or anything. I want to admire you. And your beauty."
A reddish tint overcomes both her cheeks.
"And your intelligence. And your—"
"Shut up," she mutters.
"Okay. For now."
The new couple is silent for a minute as he starts making his way under the gazebo. She follows. He turns to stares at her.
It's not weird. She doesn't know why it's not weird. Like, he's literally just STARING at her and that should creep her out but it doesn't.
Is that a problem?
No. Because when she looks into his deep, brown eyes, she is reminded of the kind-hearted person who carried her books on the first day of classes. When she looks at his blonde locks, she has the urge to run her fingers through it for hours on end. When she looks to his lips, she finds herself wanting to feel them. On hers'.
Now that's definitely weird.
He takes a step closer.
But is it?
He starts leaning in.
If she does too, she doesn't notice.
Suddenly, their lips collide. Melding in perfect harmony; moving in sync. Her fingers live out their dream, running through his hair. His hands rest on her hips, gently pulling her closer.
Lost in their own world, they imagine what it's like to live their lives together. Kids, birthdays, a house, and so much more. It all flashes right before them.
It's over too quick, they think (and it might be awkward to go back for more).
But the night isn't over yet.
The stars are beautiful, but not as beautiful as her eyes, in his opinion. Not as beautiful as her laugh, or smile, or personality.
Nobody is really traveling tonight. One airplane so far.
He's ready to book his own flight.
To his honeymoon.
Realistically, he's in way over his head. It's been a week.
His parents will say he's not ready for marriage; that he doesn't know what love is.
Pfft. Yeah, right.
This girl is love. He knows it when he sees it.
He bites his lip. It's too early. He doesn't want to ruin what they have.
But, "I love you."
He must have gotten extra lucky, because—
"I love you, too."
Being by her side is one thing, but being welcomed to glide his hands over her body makes him feel alive.
Her lips are fruity. She is beautiful. He wants her.
This is way different than she anticipated. Holding his hand was level one, and now she feels like she's on top of the world.
His lips are soft. He is dashing. She wants him.
Awkward as it was, their bodies moved in perfect harmony.
He couldn't deny it.
She couldn't deny it.
They were made for each other in every way possible.
Soulmates. They were soulmates.
And they only had half an hour before her parents came home.
Neither wanted to rush it, but it was their time.
"Let's just take this moment," he had whispered in her ear just minutes earlier. "It's ours, okay?"
His eyes flicker down to her lips, "You don't want to waste it, do you?"
'I'm not sure," she matches his whisper. "It-it's only been a few months and I—"
He breathed, "I love you."
It tickled her face, his breath, and she used every ounce of will not to lean just a millimeter closer.
Their lips were about to connect.
"I'm not ready."
"You'll never be ready, minou…"
She hesitated.
"Babe, I…" she sighed and shook her head. "I can't."
"You don't want to miss out on this. On us. Please."
All she could come up with was, "We'll regret it, A—"
"There is nothing to regret."
"There is a lot to regret."
He was silent for a moment.
But then he smirked.
"Like what?"
"Like… do we have protection?"
A teasing look was sent her way.
"I always keep it in my bag," he offered.
She pondered, then—
"It's too early. We're too young."
"It's not too early," he licked his lips, "And I'd rather experience this when I'm young.
"Before I fade away."
She gulped, searching his brown eyes in the darkness.
"Regrets don't fade away," she stated firmly.
He nodded.
Her head tilted in confusion. He reiterated.
"If this… us… is something we regret, then we won't fade away."
On their one year anniversary, he couldn't think of anything more fitting.
"So," he smiles dopily. "I've got it planned."
He doesn't need to say anything else; this has become routine.
She scrunches up her nose cutely, giving him a smile.
"Perfect. Pick me up at eight?"
He gazes at the girl lying next to him.
The moonlight shines on her face. She's gorgeous.
"Oooh," she exclaims quietly, pointing up above them.
He follows her finger, his eyes landing on the moon.
"That's—" he giggles, "That's the moon, silly goose."
She turns her head to look at him and smiles.
"You're my moon. And my goose," she chuckles.
He mimics her chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She shrugs.
"If I could go anywhere…" she starts, in lieu of a response. "I wouldn't.
"I'm happy right here, with you right next to me, as we fall asleep under the stars just for our parents to call and wake us up."
He lets out a laugh at that, grabbing ahold of the small hand resting on her chest.
She continues, "You're mine. And I'm so glad that I can call you mine."
The blonde grins.
"Remember when I first asked you out?" He asks.
"How could I forget?"
His smile wavers as he turns serious, meeting her eyes.
"I said that I'll be your man."
"And you are."
"But I only said for that night."
She raises an eyebrow.
"Your point?"
He smiles again, "I'm really happy you agreed."
"Of course. You're amazing."
"And so are you," he pecks her nose.
They fall into a comfortable silence, watching the stars yet again.
And… just loud enough so she can hear, he speaks softly.
"I'll be your man tonight, and forever… and I'll give you everything I can. I promise."
She looks over at him again, admiring his side profile.
His skin shines in the moonlight so magnificently. It's almost royal.
She gulps.
The heaviness of the statement hit her hard.
Taking a deep breath, she responds.
"I promise, too."
- And tomorrow we can do it again -
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harlot-of-oblivion · 4 years
Tales of Miss Fortune
It’s been awhile since you’ve heard a certain red devil callin’ but you soon find yourself fighting alongside Dante when trouble comes a knockin’. 
Here’s the rootin’ tootin’ spooky treat I’ve been promising for weeks! Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain, y’all! 🌹🤠🌹
Rated Explicit for: Vampire and DT Smut, Blood Drinking, and the usual violent demonic fighting with the addition of vampiric dusting. 
Chapter 1: Fallin’ for a Gun Street Girl
Some people believe that there’s life after death while others say it’s just an underwhelming ending. You used to think the latter until experiencing the cold embrace of death for yourself. Now, you know that there’s a way to live a life after death…just not in the way that most folks tend to envision, such as spending an eternity in heavenly paradise or burning in hell.
Death truly is a cruel mistress to the living, but to vampires such as yourself…let’s just say that you and death have been bedfellows for well over a century now.
And you would think that someone would change after being dead for as long as you have, and yet here you are…still hanging out at rowdy bars, observing small groups of people gathered around various tables from your usual spot in the corner. It feels like any other normal night; the cackling of drunk patrons and clinking of numerous bottles is like music to your ears. But you feel like there’s something missing…and you finally figure out what it is after catching yourself looking up with every swing of the front entrance for the past hour.
Dante is a no show…again.
Your eyes glance down at the empty chair sitting right next to you, wondering if he’s been busy since the last time you saw him or just plain avoiding you altogether. Neither of you made any plans to hook up after that night in his shop, so you aren’t really surprised by the lack of interest. Afterall, the Legendary Devil Hunter has better things to do than to hang around a dead woman…at least, that’s what you tell yourself while pushing him out of your thoughts.
But you quickly find that it’s easier said than done as your eyes dart towards the pool tables, shivering at the memory of your own game of strip pool with him. It was one of the most fun nights of your undead life…hell, you can’t even remember a time where you were that happy when you were alive! But you know that getting attached to mortals usually invites trouble, and you don’t want to be a burden for an exceptional mortal like the Son of Sparda himself.
I’m bettin’ it was just a one-time thing anyway, you surmise, tearing your eyes away from the pool table while kicking your feet up on the table. He’s probably found someone alive and a lot prettier than-
The sudden screams of terror just outside the bar brings your thought to screeching halt. The few patrons who aren’t shit faced drunk immediately notice the commotion before bolting towards the exit. You tip your hat up and tilt your head with interest, listening to the inhuman shrieks that ring out like a hellish choir while everyone else starts panicking. It only takes a few more seconds and a couple more guttural growls before everybody gets wise enough in their drunken stupor to start rushing out.
Almost all of the drunkards are gone when the front windows explode in spray of glass. A horde of demons come barreling through and instantly set their malevolent sights on the stragglers, raising their jagged blades and claws high in the air before moving in for the kill. But you prove to be a lot quicker on the draw with your guns as you shoot each demon in speedy succession, distracting them long enough for the rest of the patrons to get away and live for another day.
“Hoo wee!” you yowl as the horde turns their attention towards you still sitting in the corner with your legs propped up on the table. “I’ve never got a good look at you demons before…y’all look like the hindquarters of bad luck!” you admit with a small shrug while the ugly sons of bitches start closing in on you. “But that’s alright…” You kick your feet off of the table before using some of your vampiric strength to fling it towards the center of the group, knocking a few demons down with a splintering crack.
“Cos yer about to meet Miss Fortune herself!” you boast, cocking both of your guns before raising them up in a challenge.
The demons hiss and spit like a herd of angry cats while spreading out through the bar, ignoring the obvious gap you’ve created with the table. You’ve never tangled with fiendish entities before, but this tells you that these demons aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. Your lips curl into a cocky grin as you aim your trusty guns towards the first casualties of this hellish brawl.
“C’mon now! It ain’t good manners to keep a lady waitin’!”
Your final taunt pushes them to pounce at once, giving you an opening to dash through the gap you made in a blink of an eye. You run past the broken remains of the table before turning around and taking aim, boosting your speed with blood while taking the first of many more shots. Misery and Woe were custom made to handle supernatural entities, and it seems they do just fine on demonic threats judging by the guttural screams of pain. All of them drop dead one after the other in a satisfying spray of blood within seconds, standing no chance against your heightened sense of accuracy and deadly aim.
“Huh…well, that was easy,” you quietly quip while reloading your guns.
Another round of demonic howls echo just outside the now thoroughly trashed and bullet ridden bar. Your keen sense of hearing detects the rustling of fighting and some gunshots among the ruckus. Something deep down in your gut knows who it is that’s letting loose on them demons…and you can’t help feeling a little excited at the thought of seeing him again.
You quickly make your way outside, breaking the front door off its hinges as you zoom out of the bar. The familiar scent of blood greets your nose as you scan the numerous bodies of dead demons on the street. Your eyes shift from side to side, scanning the area for any sign of who may be responsible for this onslaught of pure and utter chaos.
“Howdy, Darlin’.”
Your instincts kick in as you swing around and point your guns at the devil of your desire. His cheeky smirk widens as he casually approaches, bringing back memories of the pool game you’ve been trying to forget for both of your sakes. You slowly lower your arms while shaking your head in disbelief before flashing him with a confident grin.
“Well, well…look who finally decided to grace me with his devilish presence!” you exclaim with just a hint of sarcasm. “It only took a horde of demons and some gunfire to summon ya, but now that you’re here…” You pause when more demonic screeches echo in the distance, turning your head to glance over your shoulder at the oncoming wave of demons before looking back at him with a toothy grin.
“Wanna have some fun, Cowboy?”
Dante chuckles as he stands next to you. “With you…always,” he replies with a flirty wink before brandishing a huge sword from out of nowhere.
Your heart would be fluttering at his words if it were still beating, but there’s no time to dwell on these cumbersome emotions with imminent danger around the corner. You tip your hat to him before raising your guns just as more demons come running down the street. Both of you keep your ground to the very last second until springing into action.
Dante sprints towards the oncoming horde while you hang back and spray them with a hail of bullets. You admire the sheer power behind every stroke of his blade from afar, yearning to feel his robust arms around you again while shooting down more and more demons. C’mon now…this ain’t no time to be droolin’ like a waterfall, you mentally berate yourself before honing all of your focus on the task at hand. It only takes a few minutes for both of you to mow down the majority of demons before he brings up the obvious with his laid-back yet direct flair.
“So, I uh…haven’t seen ya since that night at my shop.”
Your face falls flat as you lower your guns. “Really, Dante? You wanna get into it right now?”
“Seems as good as any other time,” he retorts with a shrug before cutting down the last demon left standing with a broad sweep of his sword.
“And I suppose you’ve been avoiding my usual haunt since then for no particular reason either, hmm?” you ask while gesturing towards the bar with your head before raising a brow at him.
“I’ve been busy with a couple jobs lately,” he explains, resting his sword on his shoulder while walking up to you. “And besides, you know where I live,” he points out with a nod of his head as he stands right in front of you. “I even left ya an open invitation so that you can freely enter the shop whenever you want, Darlin’.”
His striking blue eyes glow in the moonlight as he scans your face, longing to see them spark with desire again. Your head starts spinning as the scent of gunpowder and leather mixed with a little blood wafts under your nose. You want to tell him that you miss his rousing company, his rowdy laughter, his searing hot kisses…but your keen ears pick up the rustle of fast approaching steps just behind him.
You quickly step to the side and take aim before firing at the pissed off demon. He whips around with Ebony and Ivory at the ready, but you beat him to punch as the demon falls dead on the ground. “Ooh! Better luck next time, Cowboy,” you crow with a playful smirk while holstering your guns.
Dante lets out a soft bark of laughter while shaking his head. “Next time, huh? I really like the sound of that.”
You chuckle and bite your lower lip as your hunger for him begins to stir. “Me too. It’s just…I got the impression that you didn’t wanna…what I mean to say is-”
“It’s not customary for our kind to engage in such barbaric relations with mortals.”
Both of you swing around towards the source of the phantom response, guns pointed down a dark alleyway. You glare at a pair of vampires walking out of the shadows before fanning out as eight more reveal themselves while swiftly surrounding you. One of them tilts his head as he inspects Dante with a critical eye. Your heightened senses tell you that he must be the leader since his blood is the most potent out of all of them.
“But I suppose a hybrid such as yourself would be an exception.”
Dante chuckles softly. “Looks like we got some party crashers,” he casually comments while turning so that both of your backs are pressed together.
All of the vampires quietly laugh as their daunting stares pin both of you down like a pack of ravenous wolves. You glance down at the bloody street, noting that this is the first time you’ve encountered your own kind around these parts…which is odd since that’s exactly why you hangout around here to begin with. But now you can’t swing a damn lasso without roping one on the very same night of a random demon attack!
The more you think about it…the more it reeks of something fishy.
“All this your handy work, I presume?” you inquire, motioning to the carnage all around you with a flick of your wrists.  
The lead vampire smiles and turns to you. “In a manner of speaking…we simply pointed out that an infamous devil hunter frequents this very lively bar.”
Your eyes narrow at the implication of his words. “An ambush, huh?” You turn your head and meet Dante’s befuddled gaze. “Who’d you piss off this time?”
“Hell if I know,” he mutters while shrugging his shoulders.
You chortle at his carefree attitude and ready yourself for the challenging fight ahead. Dante turns and addresses the lead vampire with his disarming smirk. “We’re kinda in the middle of something, so if you could just-”
The vampire closest to the leader interrupts by loudly humming in delight. “No wonder our mistress sent us to collect such a delectable prize.”
Dante ignores the obvious attempt at flirtatious intimidation. “Well, I’m real flattered and all, but-”
Your feral growl grabs everybody’s attention as you make a show of flashing your fangs, warning everyone to back off before things get messy. “Ooooh! Looks like this one’s already been claimed,” another vampire chimes in before letting out a baleful cackle.  
“And here I thought we could talk this out like civilized kin,” the leader laments with a shake of his head.  
The lustful vampire laughs before inflaming your possessive fury by sauntering up closer. “Such a shame that someone as old and infamous as you would be meeting her Final Death over-”
It only takes one explosive round from Misery aimed straight at their mouth to shut them the fuck up. The redolent air instantly becomes hostile as that vampire crumples down on the street, helplessly twitching while the remaining vampires snarl and hiss with outrage. Dante summons his sword and crouches down into a ready stance while you cock your other gun.
“I ain’t one to repeat myself but lemme make it very fuckin’ clear for y’all,” you begin, slowly raising Woe at the first vampiric casualty of this unfortunate encounter. “If any of you worthless ticks so much as touch a white hair on his head…” You aim and pull the trigger, reducing them to a pile of smoldering ashes with the force of your second shot.
“I’ll have ya begging for mercy before sprinkling yer ashes all over this goddamn street.”
And with that one final warning, the leader raises a hand and signals the rest of his cohorts to attack. Dante springs into action while you stand your ground, waiting until they get close enough until the very last second. You turn into mist just as one vampire raises a hand to swipe at you with their vicious claws, sifting through their bodies and reforming right behind them.
The barrels of Misery and Woe glisten in the pale moonlight as you let loose a barrage of bullets at inhuman speed. Two more vampires turn into dust while another clutches the back of their wounded head as they drop to the ground. You reload your guns as quick as a flash and take aim to finish the job, but the only survivor of your sly tactic zooms by and slashes your shoulder.
You snarl as sharp pain shoots down your arm, distracting you from weaker prey and focusing your attention on the asshole who ruined your favorite leather jacket. This vampire is almost as fast as you, swinging his clawed fists with precision towards the few vital points of your body. But you prove to be not only faster but wilier as well, dodging every single one of his blows while leading him towards some burning debris in the street.
You feint to left before shifting right as soon as they’re close to the flames, purposely letting him puncture your shoulder while using a large portion of blood to boost your strength. Your jaw clenches tight, holding back your yelp of pain as he growls victoriously at their measly accomplishment. But the joke’s really on him as you holster one of your guns before extending your nails into razor sharp claws.
Your lips curl into a devious grin. “You must be feeling pretty lucky right about now,” you note, making sure he meets your unwavering gaze. “But lemme fill ya in on a little secret…”
You swiftly jab your hand up straight towards his chest, long claws striking true with their target as they pierce his lifeless heart. His face contorts with agonizing shock as you twist your wrist, burrowing deeper until the tip of your claws stab through his back. You easily lift him up off the ground before turning around towards the blazing fire.
“No one’s lucky so long as Miss Fortune’s in town.”  
You hurl him straight into the fire with one strong thrust, dislodging your claws from his chest before pulling your hat down in front of your eyes while turning away. The hot flash of flames lights up the night while tormented screams echo down the street, sending chills down your spine as you struggle to remain in control. Your feet move of their own accord away from the flaring threat, instinctually knowing that your quarry has met his Final Death.  
Your eyes zero in on your previous prey limping away from the fray. You dash right up them and stomp your foot on their back, keeping them still as you carefully aim for the killing shot. Your finger slowly squeezes the trigger, relishing in their pitiful plea for mercy before ending their miserable undead life. But you don’t have long to delight in the bloodbath as Dante’s harsh grunt meets your ears, bringing your attention back over to his side of the fight.
Multiple piles of ash now litter the street alongside demon corpses. Dante is engaged with the only vampire left, which happens to be the leader himself. You get ready for a real challenge by reloading your guns with explosive bullets, but all logical thought flies out the window when you witness this leech attempting to…bite…and feed…
Something in the darkest recesses of your mind snaps and you suddenly find yourself using more blood to boost your speed before hurtling towards the object of your ire. The leader senses your approach and tries to act accordingly, but Dante seizes the chance to turn around and swing his sword at him. The blade cuts a deep gash across the leader’s neck and a thick spray of blood spatters across Dante’s face as you close in on your target.  
“If a man is the sum of his misfortunes…” You stop just short of running into him and swiftly shove both barrels of Misery and Woe into his gaping mouth. “Then you’re one unlucky sonuvabitch,” you finish, enjoying the fear in his eyes as you pull both triggers.
You let out a satisfied growl as his undead brain gets blown to bits, smirking as his blood splatters across your face. He falls to his knees but the bastard refuses to meet his Final Death, still swiping his clawed hands around clumsily. But Dante swoops in and lops off his head with a single sweep of his sword before you can take aim with your guns.
The leader’s body crumbles to ash, leaving just the two of you in a sea of dusty carnage. You look at your devilish lover just as he turns his gaze towards you; both of you are covered in blood and still buzzing from the battle. Your keen hearing picks up his rapid breathing and heartbeat, which only stokes your flickering hunger into a blazing inferno.
“Dante,” you purr sensually while holstering your guns.
“Oh fuck,” he murmurs hoarsely before stalking over to you.  
You meet him halfway before both of you just pounce on each other. Dante wraps his arms around your waist while your hands encircle his neck before both of your lips crash down and meet in a desperately heady kiss. You moan as he slips his tongue past your fangs while the scent of leather and gunpowder drives you wild. Finally seeing him fight and absolutely covered in gore pushes you to indulge in what you’ve been secretly missing since that night at the shop.
And it seems Dante agrees since his hands grope your ass and urge you to jump into his embrace. You oblige and hop into arms, wrapping your legs around his waist while nibbling on his lower lip with your fangs. He groans softly and tears his mouth from your starving lips before turning his face away, baring his neck to you as he treks back towards the bar. Your predatory gaze hones in on the pulsating vein being kindly offered, swiftly leaning in and scraping your fangs against his skin before sinking in for a luscious feast.
Dante grunts at your bite but his hurried pace never slows as he arrives at the entrance of the bar. He steps over the broken door and heads to the closet surface that isn’t totally ripped to shreds: the fucking pool table. But you don’t even care to comment with wry quip with his deliciously smooth blood trickling down your throat…he could’ve fucked you right then and there on the street and you wouldn’t have cared so long as his crimson nectar was on your tongue.
You suck a few more greedy mouthfuls as he sets you down, taking note of his strategic position of facing the entrance before tearing away from his neck. He instantly captures your bloody red lips with his hungry mouth, swirling his tongue around your fangs as he clutches you tight against his body. You feel the pin prick of claws press against your hips before he tears your jeans along with your panties, shredding them off until you’re only wearing your cowboy boots below your waist.    
Your heightened sense of hearing catches the sound of approaching trouble a few meters outside of the bar. Dante notices too as he tears away from your lips and tilts his head towards the sound of approaching adversaries. His lips curl into a cheeky grin as he kneels down between your legs while reaching behind his back.
“Do me a favor and shoot down whatever comes our way while I take care of business down here,” he requests, brandishing both of his guns with a twirl before handing them over.
You take the guns just as a couple of demons come hurling through the shattered windows. “Sure thing, Cowboy,” you comply with a wicked grin.
Your hands swivel around and take aim while Dante dives in between in your legs, licking and sucking your wet cunt as you fire rapid shots at the encroaching demons. You gasp and moan between shots as he finds just the right spot, flicking and twirling his tongue while his nose rubs your clit in the most maddening way. This causes you to miss a few shots due to the delectable distraction down below, swearing up a storm with every errand bullet.
Dante silently chuckles at every curse word that flies from your mouth. “What’s the matter?” he pipes up between lavish licks, gazing up at you with a mischievous red gleam in his eyes. “I thought an infamous pistolero like yourself wouldn’t be so easily distracted!”
You hiss at his playful jeer while shooting down a demon that got really close to the pool table. “Less talkin’ and more lickin’, Cowboy,” you quip back, deciding that you would have better luck with your aim by switching positions. You clench your thighs around his head and swiftly turn your body around until you’re riding his face.
“Mmm, you’re gonna meet the devil at this rate, Darlin’,” he murmurs against your slit, nipping and sucking your folds before his tongue strokes even deeper inside you.
You feel like you’re floating away while shooting down the remainder of the demonic wave, twitching in pleasure until finally coming on his scruffy face with an ecstatic moan as you fully give into his devilish tongue. He greedily suckles every pulse of your cunt, slurping every drop of your pleasure as you fall against the soft green surface of the pool table. An intense heat emanates from his mouth as he slowly pulls away from in between your thighs, and you look over your shoulder to see a most wondrous and intimidating sight.  
A true devil with smoldering red scales and spikey plating is standing behind you, smirking with familiar lips while glowing red eyes roam your prone body. You’ve only heard rumors about his demonic form but to see it for yourself is truly astonishing…and incredibly arousing. You lift yourself up from the pool table with a soft grunt and shuck off your long leather jacket before leaning back down, making a show of spreading your legs nice and wide.
His gravelly growl sends pleasant tingles down your spine as you give him a good view of your ass and sopping wet cunt. You peek over your shoulder and flash him a naughty grin. “C’mon, Cowboy,” you purr while wiggling your hips provocatively. “Show me how a real devil rides in the rodeo.”
Dante chuckles huskily while grabbing your hips with his clawed hands. “Are ya ready, Darlin’?” he asks gruffly, wrapping one arm around your waist and pulling you up towards his crimson chest before pressing his lips close to your ear. “Cos I’m gonna have you screaming my name all night.”
You gasp as an unfamiliar length slides in between your slick thighs, surprising you with its unusual yet tantalizing texture. Your eyes glance down and catch a glimpse of his member as it glides against your slick slit, noting its reddish black color and thick ridges all around the shaft. You whimper at the thought of his devilish cock slipping inside you, stretching you out while filling you up to the brim…just the feel of it has your thighs clenching around him with anticipation.    
Sharp fangs nibbling on your ear breaks you out of your carnal daze. You thrust your hips back against him while reaching back to grab one of the long spikes protruding from his head. Another fiendish growl makes your body quiver as he turns your head to capture your lips with a searing hot kiss. He gently guides you to bend over the pool table, never breaking away from your wanton mouth while adjusting himself between your legs.
Dante slowly slides every inch of his ribbed cock inside you, pulling a pleased moan from your throat as his tongue licks one of your elongated fangs. You softly whine as he finally bottoms out, silently begging him to give you a taste before the imminent display of shameless debauchery. One corner of his mouth quirks into a smirk as he cuts the flat of tongue against your fang. You revel in the thick smokiness of his blood while his clawed hands rip your buttoned shirt open and slice your cotton bra between the cups before groping your breasts.
You ready yourself for one helluva ride…but both of you break away from each other’s lips as the clamor of more approaching demons meet your keen ears. Dante lets out an irritable growl while you reach for his guns still lying out on the pool table. You flip them around in a flashy fashion before presenting them with flourish above your head.                
“I believe it’s your turn to do the shootin’, Cowboy.”      
A sudden blast of blistering heat hits your back, almost blowing your gambler hat off as he gives your breasts one last squeeze before withdrawing with a teasing scrape across your nipples. He takes his trusty weapons from your grasp and points Ebony towards the entrance while resting Ivory just above your navel as he wraps his arm around your waist. You would be holding your breath if you still had the ability to breathe as he waits for trouble to come knocking, staying completely still until the very last moment…
Dante slowly pulls out, leaving only the tip inside you while the first wave of demons come crawling through the broken windows. Then, he slams his hips back against you with a sharp slap as he fires the first of many shots. You moan unabashedly as he sets a steady pace, pounding into you with brutal force while shooting down a stream of demons. It doesn’t take you long to reach your peak again, coming from the new sensation of his devilish cock while a barrage of bullets whiz through demonic skulls.
Your body falls limp against the pool table as Dante swings Ivory towards the back of the bar. He fires a rapid hail of bullets as more demons come through the back entrance while keeping his ruthless pace. The metallic ring of bullet casings bouncing off the hardwood floor keeps the insatiable flame of your desire burning as your hunger demands more blood and more pleasure.
You lift one of your legs up onto the pool table, resting your knee against the edge while propping yourself up on your arms. Then, you thrust your hips back to meet every hard pump of his cock, keening with every brush against your sweet spot as he buries himself even deeper inside you. Your ears pick up some faint cursing as some of his shots fly by a few encroaching targets.  
“What’s the matter?” you ask as he points Ebony towards the demons. “I thought an infamous devil hunter like yourself wouldn’t be so easily distracted,” you taunt, mirroring his exact words from earlier while looking over your shoulder and meeting his smoldering gaze.
Dante growls and quickly disposes of the remaining demons, wrapping both arms around you as soon as the last one disintegrates with a pitiful shriek. He pulls you up until your back meets his glowing red chest and picks up the pace, scaly hips slapping against your ass while his warm grunts puff against your cool skin. The slide of Ivory presses against your breast while the barrel of Ebony rests above the apex of your thighs, rubbing your clit with every hard thrust as he nuzzles the back of your head. You groan as intense pleasure starts to build up again, making you mumble incoherently while holding onto his arms with your bruising grip.                    
You tilt your head and bare your neck, hoping that he sees the invitation to partake of you. The exhilarating feel of sharp fangs nipping and grazing along the soft flesh you’ve exposed lets you know that he got the message. His guttural purr sends tiny tremors of delight throughout your body, making you ache for his bite as you rush towards rapturous release.
Dante drags his demonic tongue against your neck before sinking his fiendish fangs into your supple flesh. His name bursts from your lips as you tumble over the edge again, body shaking in his fervid embrace as he takes a couple swigs of your blood. “Mmm…fuck, I’ve missed the taste of you,” he groans against your neck, relentlessly thrusting through your orgasm and smacking his lips before going back for more.
The rustle of something unfurling knocks you out of the hazy aftershocks of your mind-numbing orgasm. You glance over your shoulder just as Dante spreads his demonic wings out wide. Their swirly red patterns hypnotizes you, pulsing with his heartbeat while gradually glowing brighter as he chases his own pleasure. You moan at the impressive display of power while leaning down against the pool table, silently encouraging him to fuck you with wild abandon by thrusting your ass back with enthusiastic fervor.
Dante drops both of his guns on the pool table and grips your hips with his wickedly sharp claws. His booming growl sends darts of pleasure straight down through your cunt as he pounds into you with renewed vigor. Your enraptured moans mingle with his gravelly growls as both of you come careening over the edge together among the blood and gore. You scream his name over and over while he cums in great spurts, slicking your cunt with his white-hot seed as the lewd squelching from his frenzied thrusts echo throughout the ruined bar.    
Both of you ride the pleasurable wave, gasping and writhing against each other to the very end. You collapse against the pool table while Dante leans over and rests atop your back, warming the crook of your neck with his panting breath. Your thighs twitch as his cum drips out from your sated sex, making you feel some carnal satisfaction deep within the primal recesses of your mind.
You let out a blissful sigh while leaning back to nuzzle his spiky head, softly purring as his warm lips press numerous kisses against your neck. You bask in this tender moment, giving into this feel of emotional closeness before the inevitable parting of your ways. But you don’t have time to dwell on that bittersweet notion as the familiar sense of dawn approaching washes over you.
Your entire being instantly reacts to the slow ascension of the sun, quaking in fear while wriggling out of the warm embrace of your devilish lover. “Whoa! Easy there,” he coos as you reach for your long leather jacket. “What’s the hurry, Darlin’?”
“The sun…I can feel it rising,” you explain, quickly slipping both of your arms through your jacket before buttoning it up. “I gotta go…but I dunno if I can make it to my sanctuary before…” you trail off, trembling at the thought of meeting your Final Death under the rays of the morning sun.
“You can stay at the shop if you want.”
His nonchalant offer gives you pause as your head snaps over your shoulder, noting that he’s reverted back to his human form. You think it over for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of taking him up on his gracious offer. “If you have a dark basement…or a way to block all sunlight from entering a vacant room,” you suggest, desperately hoping that he really means it since his place is a lot closer than the crypt that serves as your temporary home at the local cemetery.
Dante cups your face with both of his hands. “I won’t let anything happen to you during the day,” he swears while meeting your frantic gaze.
You stare into his striking blue eyes, searching for the slightest hint of deception among their depths…but the genuine gleam within his unwavering stare eases your worried mind. Your lips curve into a grateful smile while clasping his arm with one hand before tipping your hat in appreciation. “Then you better ride like the wind, Cowboy,” you murmur, swiftly bringing your face closer by raising yourself up on your tippy toes.
“Don’t wanna end up as a pile of ash before giving ya hell for ruining my one good pair of jeans,” you softly tease while nipping at his lips with your fangs.  
His breathy chuckle brushes against your face. “Didn’t hear ya complaining at the time…too busy having a drink on me,” he teases right back before capturing your lips with a scorching kiss, making you moan softly while both of your tongues gently glide across each other.
Your insatiable hunger starts to stir once more, but the nagging urge to seek shelter from the rising sun wrangles it back as you break away from his lips with a rueful sigh. Dante smirks knowingly as he reaches for his guns on the pool table, holstering them behind his back before leading you out of the destroyed bar. He summons Cavaliere while you hiss and turn away from the flashing light of false dawn.
“C’mon, Darlin’,” he murmurs, gently guiding you towards his fiendish ride.
You hop on and make yourself comfortable while he swings one leg over and sits down behind you. “Better hurry…I’m already…” you mumble, barely able to keep your eyes open while fighting off the familiar feel of falling into torpor.
“Don’t worry, I’ll carry ya into the shop and protect you during the day,” he whispers by your ear, wrapping one arm around your waist while his other hand revs the engine.    
“You have my word, Darlin’.”
Dante puts the pedal to metal with those final words of assurance, zooming down the street at breakneck speed towards the shop. Your lips curl into a fond smile as you do your best to hold on during the ride while fighting off the need to rest. But you know that’s a fool’s errand, so you close your eyes and leave yourself in the capable hands of your remarkable devil.
And as you finally succumb to the lull of torpor, you remind yourself that getting attached to Dante will only invite more trouble down the road…but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
I’d like to thank @bettybattaglia for her wonderful suggestion about missing gun shots! And I gotta give a shout out to @varen-neoraven for beta reading for me!
Tagging: @drusoona @exsultry @a-midsummer-nights-odyssey @leviathan-dee
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shaalk · 4 years
How we started
Type: Oneshot
Characters: Sehun X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, CEO AU
Warnings: None
Status: Completed
Summary: Sehun is that haughty yet handsome boss that everyone somehow falls for. I am not an exception. 
Words: 1900
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“Oppa, stop!” I giggle loudly as Jongin continues tickling me. Thankfully we are the only ones left in the cafeteria since lunch ended 10 minutes ago. I wouldn’t want to be swept up in rumours in this huge company, saying that I was fooling around with one of my bosses.
He finally stops after I start gasping for air. We begin talking about our personal lives and our families. It is weird how I am so close to a boss. I could talk to Jongin so comfortably unlike some of my other bosses. This then led to Mr Kim requesting me to call him by his name when we weren’t in work-related situations.
I am actually quite close to all my bosses, except for one.
Speaking of the devil, a cough is heard from behind me. Jongin stops mid-sentence as we turn to see the strictest boss of the company towering over us. He nods his head lightly in Jongin’s direction before his gaze fleets over to me, just staring into my eyes. I get up to greet him right away
“Good afternoon, Mr Oh.” I bow.
Jongin then invites the newcomer to sit with us.
Mr Oh sits opposite me, while Jongin and I are on the other side of the table. The two bosses indulge themselves in a conversation about one of their clients while I start zoning out.
After a while of daydreaming, I feel my eyelids growing heavier. It seems like the late nights for the past month are getting to me. I really can’t wait for the Samsung project to be over so that I can actually leave work on time and be on my bed by 11pm. Suddenly, I feel a cold touch on my cheek and I flinch in shock.
“Tired?” Jongin asks softly, watching my eyelids flutter. I pout and nod while rubbing my eyes.
I hear a sigh from beside me before I am lightly pulled to lean against his body.
“Rest for a while,” he says before gently pushing my head so that I am lying on his shoulder. My mind is telling me to protest but just too tired to listen. I end up drifting to sleep almost immediately.
My eyes shoot open when I hear someone murmuring on the phone beside me. I glance around to see that I am still in the cafeteria. I peep down at my watch to see that I have napped for a good 30 minutes and there was still 15 minutes of my break left.
Mr Oh is no longer in front of me too. Since he’s known to be a workaholic, I can only assume that he has gone back to his office to complete some documents.
I move away from the body beside me to stretch, especially my neck which is slightly sore from laying on one side for half an hour.
“Slept well?” I immediately freeze, my eyes wide.
That is not Jongin's voice!
I quickly turn to my left where the voice came from and sheepishly bow my head in embarrassment.
“Sorry Mr Oh!” I fluster an apology. 
He just waves his hand, dismissing my words, just as he does to most things I say.
He explains that Jongin had to rush off for a last minute meeting with one of the company’s suppliers but wanted me to continue sleeping comfortably. So he made Mr Oh sit beside me to ensure that I had something, or someone to lean on.
After packing his things, Mr Oh silently nods towards the elevators, signalling that we should head back up to our office. I scurry behind my boss, not wanting to bring his unusually non- angry mood down.
In the elevator, I paste myself to the back of the metal box while Mr Oh stands in the middle, scrolling through something on his handphone.
All of a sudden, his back is all I can focus on. His broad shoulders, his slender waist and his thick arms hidden under the grey plaid jacket. I have always thought my boss was super attractive and I might even have had a teensy crush on him at some point.
I don’t know what takes over me because within the next second, I step forward and wrap my arms around Mr Oh’s waist, snuggling my face into his strong back. His woody scent that I am fond of infiltrates my nostrils immediately.
I feel my boss tense up in my hold and he stops scrolling through his phone as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
The elevator bell rings all of a sudden, telling us that we have reached the top floor and that it is time for us to get off.
My eyes and mouth shoot open in shock. I wake up from my trance and immediately pull myself away from Mr Oh. I can feel my cheeks burning up already. 
With a clear of his throat, Mr Oh leaves the confines of the elevator and struts to his office like nothing out of the usual has happened, leaving me surrounded by his scent.
What have I done?
I hang my head low and slowly walk to my desk that is situated outside Mr Oh’s office, wondering how I am going to face him again after that embarrassing incident in the elevator.
Just as I am about to plop down on my seat and attempt to continue with my work, the intercom beeps, a tell-tale sign that Mr Oh needs me in his office.
I huff in frustration, totally not ready to face him yet. My face is heating up again and my heart is beating quickly.
Shit, am I going to get fired?
I pace outside Mr Oh’s office for a while, trying to calm myself down, but to no avail. The intercom beeps again and this time, for the first time ever, Mr Oh actually speaks.
Maybe because I usually respond to him immediately.
“I believe I have beeped you. Get into my office, now!” I hear his rough voice interrupt the silence of the office.
Not wanting to annoy him further, I quickly knock his door before entering. Mr Oh is still furiously typing away on his computer, not giving me attention at all.
“You called, Mr Oh?” He holds a finger up in my direction, wordlessly telling me that I should wait for a moment.
I bounce on my feet and play with my fingers not knowing what else to do. There are so many thoughts running through my mind but the only probable reason of why I was summoned into his office is definitely because of the damn hug I gave him in the lift. I internally scream at myself for being so stupid.
Isn’t that harassment?
As the countless scenarios of how i’m going to get fired run through my head, I hear the wheels of a chair moving, which means that Mr Oh is done with whatever he was doing, and is going to talk to me.
I dare peep up at my boss, only to see his facial expression as blank as it always is, giving me no clues on what he is going to converse with me about.
Just as he opens his mouth to say something, I immediately start apologising profusely with my head down. I can’t bring myself to look at him, worried that he will be glaring at me, or worse, would want to fire me. I get to the point where tears are about to roll down my cheeks.
I love my job. Yes it is stressful and yes my boss is always demanding and angry all the time, but he was great at what he did. I had always admired his work ethic and am proud to call him my boss.
My apology outburst ends. I don’t know what else to say anymore and yet, I still don’t hear a word from Mr Oh.
I hesitantly glance up to find Mr Oh staring at me with a light smirk playing on his lips. He tips his head towards the couch by the door, silently telling me to take a seat.
I shuffle across the room and drop down on the couch with my head still down. I hear Mr Oh sit on the couch opposite me.
“I would like to discuss our board meeting presentation next week,” he starts.
I snap my head to look up at him, wide eyed. He raises an eyebrow at my action but continues planning the presentation.
I am thankful that he doesn’t mention the situation in the elevator because after a while, I forget about the incident and start giving my inputs for the meeting.
About an hour later, we manage to finalise the decisions for the presentation. I take that as a cue for me to leave. I bow and make my way to exit the room.
Just as I am about to reach out to turn the door handle, Mr Oh calls out for me.
I turn to see that he has a ghost of a smile on his lips, which is a rare sight.
“About that hug in the elevator,” he starts and my body immediately starts to heat up, expecting the worst. “I would appreciate if next time, you were standing in front when you hug me and also gave me a chance to hug you back,” he continues teasingly. He even dares to wink after that.
Argh, god he is so attractive!
My mouth opens in shock. This is not what I expected at all. The situations in my mind were all going towards a whole different direction. I am so out of it that I don’t even notice him stalking towards me.
Mr Oh places a calloused palm on my cheek to tilt my head up, and lightly pecks my forehead. 
What the heck is going on?
“Close your mouth sweetheart. I don’t want you to get flies in there,” he whispers as he pushes my jaw back up.
Is it warm in this office or is it just me?
“You may go now,” I hear him say.
Still in a state of confusion, I head towards the door until I am stopped again when Mr Oh calls my name.
“Oh, and cancel our 6pm meeting with Mrs Jung. I’m taking you out for dinner.” 
“That was how mummy and daddy started dating,” I tell my daughter, all the while watching my husband play with our son.
As if he can feel the heat of my gaze on him, Sehun meets my eyes with a huge smile on his face.
How is he still so attractive after all these years?
”What’s wrong princess?” He questions with a frown on his beautiful face. I shake my head.
We play with our kids for a while longer before they fall asleep. We manage to silently tip toe out of their room and head back to ours.
We immediately change into our sleep wear, brush our teeth and jump under the covers. Almost instantly, Sehun’s arm finds its place around my waist while my face is buried into his chest.
“Sehun?” He hums in response. “I love you” I whisper. I can almost feel the smile forming across his face.
“I love you too, my baby.” I hear him proclaim before I slowly drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
A/N: Let me know what you think! Please drop a comment :)
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seekingseven · 4 years
The Most Sincere Kind of Lie (Ch4)
Chapter 4 of my Linked Universe fanfic! Also available to read here on AO3
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Legend woke up to the sound of humming and the disturbing sensation that the fabric of reality was being torn from underneath him. He sputtered and sat upright in the bed, promptly smacking his forehead into Sky's chin.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up," Sky said with a half-lidded smile. "It's just that the lady wanted to wash this bed sheet and I offered to help her out. Somehow Hyrule got cream all over it and she said it'll make the linen go bad." The bleary, confused look on Legend's face was met by a gentle chuckle from the other hero. "You can sleep on one of the other beds, though, if you'd like. We’re not going to be leaving for another half an hour or so.”  
It smelled like morning and clouds and screaming, weeping demons. Legend felt his muscles spasm and his eyes roll to the back of his head.
"Woah! Legend, Legend! It's alright. It's alright, look, it's just me. Look, hey! Look here. Look! Listen to me, Legend! Legend! It's me, it's Sky. You know me. It’s alright. It’s okay. Calm down, you’re safe. It’s just me."
The cool metal of the Lens of Truth and the Magic Mirror pressed up against the bones on the underside of Legend's fingers. The skin of his knuckles stretched tight over his bones, and the artifacts’ handles shook under his grip. Everything was blurry. Everything was red. Everything smelled like burning clouds and tears and crippling guilt.
That voice, though...
He knew that voice...
His femur crunched against the bone of his hip socket as his chest tipped forward. He was falling…
"Hey, I've got you,” Sky cooed. “It's alright. Whatever happened was just a dream, okay? You're okay. It's okay." Unfamiliar fingers ran through his hair. Legend squinted at the blurry form in front of him and, upon recognition, nearly crumpled in relief.
Sky. Oh, it was just Sky. Oh, thank Hylia. It was just Sky. Just the happy, lazy, vaguely irresponsible Sky, who had blue eyes, not orange ones, who had blond hair, not red. Legend’s temple rested against Sky's collarbone for just a moment longer before he pulled himself out of the embrace. His heart wasn't pounding anymore. Legend blinked quickly and got to his feet, trying to walk off the pins-and-needles in his legs, deaf to the words falling out of Sky’s mouth. So many words were said, words of the comforting, meaningless, cliche sort, words he didn't really hear. There was mention of breakfast and travel and laundry and red and green and a blue sword and a broken-hearted hero with a soul so wracked with grief it found no relief outside of self-flagellation. And then the world was black and grey and Legend was left with the sinking, sinking hopelessness that came with knowing you had no control. His breath became short. He blinked quickly. The world came back. Sky kept talking, a confused, sluggish smile creeping back on his face as he mistook the Legend's blank stare for attentiveness. Words, words, more words, and Legend found himself breaking the brief lull in their one-sided conversation.
"Hey, I can take those from you," the veteran heard himself say.
"The bedsheet?" Sky wondered aloud as Legend took the bundled linens out of his hand, "Oh! That's quite nice of you. Are you sure? You don't look too good."
"Mmmm, don't worry about it." The prickly, uncomfortable conviction that he should say more tugged at the hairs at the back of his neck. Sky, clearly baffled but not one to argue about having mundane household chores lifted off his back, shrugged and smiled. The veteran found himself walking downstairs and out to the backyard, where a small tin tub and block of soap stood waiting.
He didn't realize he'd taken the lens and mirror along with him until he dumped the sheet into the tub and heard the tell-tale clank of metal on wood. Oh no. Oh no. Every half-decent mage knew that magic and water rarely mixed: the artifacts’ enchantments were liable to dissolve if left in there for too long. Blood screamed in the small matrix of veins behind his ears, and his hands shot forward into the tub. He pulled both artifacts out of the water before his heart had taken another full beat and neurotically dried them on his tunic. A hot glob of air stuck itself in his throat. Legend coughed dryly. Praise Hylia, both artifacts looked fine.
A demonic, curious part of him hummed with relief.
"Mr. Legend!" a feminine voice cried out behind him, "please don't worry yourself about the linens! Sir, please. I can't have a guest do housework in good conscience." The Wise Man’s daughter crept up next to him and fiddled awkwardly with the corner of her apron. Her face was set in a tight, uncomfortable grimace.
"Ma'am," Legend began with a smile, "please believe me when I say these chores are more of a pleasure to do than anything else. I've been traveling for a long time. It's nice to something normal like this every now and then." His eyes lingered on the white, frothy suds drifting lazily on the top of the water. He turned to face the woman. "However, would you mind terribly if I did ask you a favor?"
"Oh, of course not!"
"Sky and Wind. You know them?"
The woman nodded slowly, a thoughtful look on her face. "Wind is the little one with the blue shirt, and Sky is the, uh..."
"The sleepy, lazy one, yeah." Legend smiled as the woman giggled into her hands. His focus drifted to the blue mountains in the distance. "May you please, if possible, give them something sweet to eat? A pastry, perhaps, or maybe something cold for the journey? I understand if it's not possible, I really do. But, well, don't let them know I told you this, but they've...been through a lot lately. Maybe this would cheer them up a little bit."
The woman's face brightened at the idea. She started to say something, but second-guessed herself and quickly hurried off towards the house. Legend's heart was warmed by her eagerness. It was a good thing to know that people didn't necessarily need the blood of the hero to be altruistic and compassionate. He turned his attention away from the woman and back to the laundry in front of him. The water swirled and burbled happily as Legend gently cleaned the bedsheets. There was something soothing in the repetitive, mindless movements. Scrub, press, check for stains. Repeat. Scrub, press, check for stains. Repeat. Repeat. Watch the cream stains fade and surrender, watch the cloth darken with water. Scrub, press check for stains. The mountains looked so pretty from where he was sitting. Repe--
The veteran turned around, not at the sound of his name, but at the loud, uneven footsteps he would recognize anywhere.
"....morning," Legend said, suspiciously eyeing the bottle Hyrule carried in his hands. Brownish, clumpy water sloshed around within, and the murky silhouette of what looked like a dead fish floated inside.
"Good morning," Hyrule cheerfully responded. "I got you breakfast!"
"Where is it?" Legend questioned, trying to distract himself from his growing dread.
"Right here!"
Of course.
The bottle.
Legend opened his mouth slowly, carefully picking his next words. "What is it?"
"Fesikh," Hyrule answered. "You've never seen it?"
"Can't say I have."
"It's something like, uh, pickled fish. It's really good, a delicacy, even! The Wise Man’s daughter and I made it just for you!" The excited grin on Hyrule's face started to slip when he saw how Legend shirked away from the bottle.
"Thanks, but I don't think I'll be able to eat that. I haven't -- uh -- I'm not really hungry. Maybe something lighter? Do you guys have any bread and cheese?" The skin of Legend's hands had started to wrinkle and bloat in the soapy water.
"Oh, uh, I think Wild made omelettes. He's in front of the house with the other guys -- Time went out to ask the townspeople if they needed help with anything and we're just waiting for him to come back before we head out."
"Sounds good. I'll be there in a few minutes."
Legend turned back to the soaked bed sheet, which looked mostly clean at this point. The sound of Hyrule's footsteps faded behind him as the veteran hung the sheet up on the laundry wire. He'd done a good job cleaning it; not even a memory of the whipped cream could be found. Legend knelt down in front of the tub and washed his face and neck with the leftover water, scooping the less-sudsy bits of water into his hands and combed it through his hair. It trickled down his neck and along the ridge of his spine, leaving wet spots behind on the back of his tunic. Oh, that felt so much better. He stood up and strung the lens and mirror to his belt. Now that the bedsheet was clean, he might as well go and get breakfast.
The smell of cooked eggs and steamed vegetables was almost too much for Legend's empty stomach to bear. He found himself sprinting around the house and over to Wild and barely refrained from tearing the proffered plate from the latter's hands. There was no doubt in anyone's minds that Legend would have eaten the whole thing with his hands if Four hadn't cautiously extended a set of utensils to him. A wet breeze skittered above the grass. Legend admired the small, careful clusters of horsetail grass that skirted the nearby river as he stuffed his face with breakfast. The other heros chatted quietly amongst themselves, drifting in and out of the house to collect and assemble their things. Warriors dropped off Legend's stuff on the step behind him, muttering something about only doing it because the veteran looked a little bit preoccupied.
A witty response was already building itself on the tip of his tongue but was cut off by the low, authoritative rumble of Time's voice. The Old Man had returned, and the tight look on his face betrayed the fact that he didn't come with good news.
"Alright, boys. From what I could gather, everyone in Saria Town is relatively happy and healthy. However, the River Man said something about a certain Darunia Town seeing a higher frequency of monster attacks than usual. From his description, they seem to be of the infected sort, and some of them have made their way to the city bounds."
Hyrule's eyes went wide at the news. Everyone turned to look at him, this was his Hyrule, after all, and he was the only one who could properly gauge how bad this situation was. And, if the ghostly pallor on his face meant anything, things weren't good.
"We'd better get going quickly, then," Hyrule began. "Darunia Town is in East Hyrule -- we'll have to cross the sea to get there and the closest dock is at least half a day's walk from here."
"Does the town have a militia to fend off the attackers until then?" Four wondered aloud as the group of heros began to pack up.
"Not exactly a militia, more like one knight. He's a very talented knight, of course, but I don't think he can protect the town by himself. The thing that worries me most is that Darunia has more children than any other town in West or East Hyrule."
"They need all the help they can get, then." Twilight asserted. The entire group nodded in agreement. Legend picked himself up off the step and tried not to heave -- this was exactly what happened when one ate too much too quickly -- slinging his bag over his shoulder as he hopped off the porch.
Just as they were all about to leave, the front door swung open and the Wise Man hobbled out.
"Gentlemen! A moment, please. I'm so sorry to disturb you all," the Wise Man apologized as he made slow, unsteady steps down the stairs. "I just need to speak to Mr. Legend about something. Is he still here?"
Legend, who was straggling behind the rest of the group, stuck his hand in the air. After a few seconds of deliberation, the group moved on without him, leaving the veteran with the warning to join them as quickly as the conversation was over. Slowly but surely, the Wise Man made his way over to where Legend stood. A yellow scroll, flaking at the edges, was bundled in his withered hand.
"I wrote the fusion spell down on this scroll, in case you wanted to attempt it once again," the Wise Man explained.
Legend took the scroll in his hand and casually unfurled the edges. He was half-inclined to give it back and explain that he couldn't read (he could, of course, just not anything written in Hyrule's Hylian) but the words died immediately in his throat.
Every word was written perfectly in his Hylian.
"It is a very ancient spell," the Wise Man continued, "so if you think you might have trouble reading it, I've got a dictionary right here that translates Modern Hylian to the Ancient variant."
"It's alright, sir. I can read this just fine."
"Of course, I should have expected no less from a young mage as talented and well-versed in magic as yourself."
Legend's throat burned. His stomach clenched. His fingers shook with adrenaline and his obsessive curiosity rejoiced with him.
"Thank you," Legend heard himself say, "but I don't think I'll have a chance to use it."
He cringed at his own blatant lie.
The beach's pink stand crunched loudly underneath the multitude of leather boots. Hyrule stood alone on a tiny dock -- not even a dock, really, more of a pathetic outcrop of rotted wood -- and stared at the crystal blue waters ahead.
"Is something wrong?" Sky questioned.
"Yes." Hyrule confessed. "I mean, uh, kind of. I realized just now that my raft probably won't be big enough for all of us." The thin, wiry brunet stepped aside from the doc to reveal a Hyrule-sized wooden raft bobbing in the water. "And the sea isn't safe to swim in...unless you're a River Zora with a, uh, magical force field or something, you won't be able to make it across."
For some reason, this earned a chuckle from Time.
"I mean, we could just make another raft," Wind suggested.
"I've got a few extra bundles of wood with me, as well as some rope. It’s pretty flimsy, though, so if anyone has got binding materials that are a little tougher it might be a good idea to use those instead," Wild said.
"Perhaps we should buy some rope," Warriors mused. The captain turned to Hyrule. "Do you know if there's any place nearby where we can find some?"
"They might sell some sort of fishing rope over in Mido Town," Hyrule said, pointing to the distant shadow in the vague shape of a town. "We can also get lunch from there, since Wild would be using most of his firewood to make the raft."
"Mido Town?" Time mumbled to Legend. "What an odd name."
"I dunno, 'The Water Town of Saria' was also pretty weird."
"I suppose you're right," Time conceded with a wistful smile.
Wild, with Twilight's help, had already laid out a rough raft scaffolding. Four suggested that they just head into the nearby woods to cut down a few trees and expedite the process, but Wind pointed out that the forest was too unfriendly for exploits of the kind.
"Ah, you remembered what I told you about the forest?" Hyrule sheepishly asked Wind.
"Of course. I listen to you when you talk, Hyrule."
This only made the traveler smile wider, but the sailor had already gotten himself knee-deep into a squabble with Warriors.
"Please, Wind, I think I can handle something as simple as overseeing the construction of a raft," Warriors asserted, chin pointed loftily over his shoulder.
"I'm an islander and a sailor!" Wind protested. "I know a thing or two about rafts. I can handle being in charge for three seconds, you know!"
Legend watched the entire exchange with a bitter taste in his throat.
“Wind, just go help Four untie that bundle over there,” Warriors sighed, waving away the indignant sailor glaring up at him. The captain turned his eyes to the rest of the group. “We’ll need two people to go into town to get rope and lunch. Wind, Sky, that will be you guys.”
Legend grinned. This was the perfect opening.  
“Hey, Wars, d’ya think I could swap out with Wind?” the veteran questioned off-handedly.
“What, scared of a little hard work? Wait, no, let me guess, you’re scared of rafts? Is that right?” Warriors teased, obviously a little more than irked at the constant questioning of his leadership.
The veteran chuffed at Warriors’ comment and shrugged, blinking slowly and lazily. “Nah, not quite. I haven’t been feeling too good lately, Sky can testify to that,” he said, jerking a thumb towards the smiling Skyloftian, “and I think a little walk would help clear my head. You know? And also, I think the sailor’ll do a much better job of overseeing this than you think. Don’t forget that this guy literally stuck the Master Sword in Ganondorf’s forehead.”
The Links were silent.
Legend smirked so hard that his cheeks hurt.
Wind looked like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to cry or crush Legend into a massive hug.
“So, what’ll it be, pretty boy?” Legend quipped.
Warriors rolled his eyes, but there was a resigned scarlet flush on the tip of his ears. Legend was sure it wasn’t from the heat.
“Okay, sure, whatever. Wind can supervise. I’ll supervise his supervising. Is that better?”
Everyone nodded in casual agreement, and Wind let out a wild whoop . His eyes met Legend’s for a brief moment, sparkling with gratitude.
For some reason, even this victory wasn’t comforting. It was too temporary of a fix. Legend broke eye contact and looked away.
“Uh, everyone? I-In regards to lunch, do you guys want to know what they sell in Mido Town? I spent a lot of time there during my journey -- they’ve got really good food. If you guys want to, uh, want to choose, I can tell Sky what they have, and he can write a list. Then you guys can choose what you like.”
Everyone was grateful for the diversion Hyrule supplied and crowded around the traveler without a second thought. It was only a matter of minutes before each hero had decided what they wanted, and more than one Link was watering at the mouth at the prospect of lunch.
“So,” Sky began, reading the finalized list out loud, “Time, Wars, and Wild want meat rice, Twi and I want salad, Wind and Four want shrimp, Legend wants, uh….bread?”
“Hey, I‘m not a picky person. Carbs are good for long term energy storage, anyway.” Legend explained. Four hummed in quiet agreement. Sky shrugged and continued on.
“And finally, Hyrule wants...oh dear, I can’t read my handwriting. Hyrule wants… H-A-L-V-A?” Sky said, the questioning inflection thick in his voice.
“Halva!” Hyrule replied cheerfully. “It’s like a really sweet paste. Don’t worry, there’s only one food vendor in the whole town, and he sells all of this stuff. You won’t be able to forget anything even if you tried.”
Sky and Legend looked at each other and shrugged, waving goodbye to the group as they veered off the path and made their way to Mido Town. The thwack of wood-on-wood and the high-pitched shout of Wind’s instructions faded as the two heroes walked on. The sun beat down relentlessly, glinting off the glassy sand and burning into the lacy hair on their heads.
Mido Town was even hotter and quieter than the path leading to it. A sun-baked wind blew through the shells of abandoned buildings, pushing around the crumbled remains of brick and mortar. Pink sand hovered in gritty clouds. It fluffed and plumed up to their waists every time the two heroes took a step. The faint imprints of their footsteps were swept away by a floor-length wind.
The villagers eyed them quietly. No one smiled. No one waved. Blinds closed. Doors shut. If it weren’t for the suspicious, life-weary eyes peering at them through darkened windows, Legend and Sky would have assumed the place to be abandoned.
Was this the kind of treatment Hyrule received during his journeys?  
“Are you alright?” Sky queried, only half-looking for the vendor Hyrule had mentioned.
“Mmmm. It’s a great thing to see that this is the world I left behind for Hyrule. Nice to see that this is the fruit of my labors.” Legend’s voice was deadpan and flat despite the obvious ire in his words.  
Sky said nothing. Grief flickered across his face.  
“This is the world I left behind for all of you,” Sky mumbled to himself. His voice was barely audible over the humming of sifting sand.
“Ugh, Sky, you aren’t to blame for any of this,” Legend said. “And anyway, there isn’t a point in looking for someone to blame. It’s, it’s not going to fix anything. Beating yourself up for something you can’t control isn’t...uh...it isn’t a very smart thing to do.” His voice and thoughts and confidence began to trail off, but Legend forced himself to continue. “Let me just say that you’re so much stronger than you think you are. I, uh, I think Hylia made a wise choice.”
Legend turned to his companion and rested a hand on Sky’s shoulder. He had no more words left to say, nothing left inside his brain but the overwhelming conviction that he should be doing more. Should he confess? Should he tell Sky that he knew -- that he knew so much more than he should? That he knew everything Sky was trying to hide?
His soul fragmented under the weight of his guilt.
Sky gently curled his fingers around Legend’s wrist. His thumb rested on a vein on the underside of the veteran’s arm, and his breathing slowed to keep time with the blood’s calm thrum. A tear dribbled off Sky’s face and landed in the hot dust below, darkening and clumping the fine grains together. Eyes, dark and dull and unbelieving and flashing with ghostly wisps of orange, glittered with tears. Legend squeezed Sky’s shoulder and pulled away, lost for words and lost in thought.
┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙
7 notes · View notes
batgirl-87 · 6 years
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Summary: The end of Fifth year approaches including the End of the Year Ball where the school says goodbye to the graduating students. While normally missed to catch up on much needed rest after Cursed-Vaults adventures, the entire gang is attending because it is Bill’s last year at Hogwarts. However, their original plan to go together as a group begins to fall apart as one by one members acquire dates to the ball. With Charlie’s recent realization of his feelings, maybe this is the best time to share them.
Word Count: ~14k
Genre: Fluff 
Warnings: A little angst, language? (Swearing but in French and Irish and British slang)
Note: I wrote this for my MC/OC and Charlie since I’ve had this idea for a while and it’s sort of a personal headcanon (I hope that doesn’t deter you from reading!). I know it’s not my best work but it has been quite a while since I’ve written something like this and I am excited to get back into creative writing. This also ended up much longer than anticipated – sorry! I tried to break it up for easier reading (I made scene transition images and a header, I’m proud of myself!). Also I unfortunately am not in Fifth year yet in the game so reference to new friends is limited.
*The reference made to Charlie realizing his feelings and falling asleep together while studying may be another fic I write and if so I will link it here! 
Needed information about My MC: Nereida Adelyn-Keira Black, goes by her middle names – most call her Keira but friends have a variety of nicknames for her, Charlie likes to call her Ady; born in Ireland but raised in Canada – duel citizen; demisexual
Soundtrack Suggestions: Perfect – Ed Sheeran, Under the Stars – John Legend, It Was Written in the Stars – Ella Fitzgerald, All of the Stars – Ed Sheeran
Preview: He knew it was cliché but he swore this is what it felt like. The moment he saw her walking towards him time seemed to slow, only a bit, enough for him to admire the way the bottom of her dress floated behind her as she descended the stairs and the hint of silver shimmer that glimmered much like the twinkling stars with her movements. The voices and sounds of everyone else around them faded into the background until her laughter that filled him with such warmth was the only thing he heard. And he knew it sounded cliché but he swore, for a moment, everyone else seemed to vanish and all he saw was her. And when her stormy sea eyes met his, his heart skipped a beat, he forgot how to breathe, and time seemed to stop, just for a brief a moment, as he stood there, frozen, completely captivated and mesmerized. It was cliché. But that’s how he felt.
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“What about this one,” Penny asked as she held up a black gown to her bewildered best friend. The popular Hufflepuff was quite giddy as their little curse-breaking group shopped in Hogsmeade for the upcoming end of the year ball, as if she hadn’t been asked to attend every year.
“Are we all wearing black because we’re mourning Bill leaving us,” Keira asked with a small smirk earning a look from the blonde as she pulled the dress away from the young woman’s frame and hung it back up.
“Come on. How often do we get the chance to go shopping, not for school supplies, and get to dress up and attend a ball where we can spend the whole night dancing and having fun? And after everything we have been through since attending Hogwarts we deserve at least one night of fun,” Penny insisted, and Keira had to admit the case she presented was difficult to argue against. When the dark haired girl failed to offer a rebuttal a smug look briefly appeared on the Hufflepuff’s face. The amateur curse-breaker spent most of her time researching and hunting down these cursed-vaults, determined to find her brother, while also managing to stay on top of her school work and somehow balance her new Prefect and Quidditch Captaincy responsibilities. Their group was pretty sure she never slept. They were always concerned for their friend who seemed to carry so much on her shoulders, yet rarely show the strain of it, and who was always the first to offer help to any of them no matter how small the task and never appeared too stressed with everything they were juggling. Hence Penny’s determination to not only have a fun day out shopping in Hogsmeade but a night of fun at the ball where they could relax and enjoy themselves and not be worried about exams or cursed-vaults or lost siblings – which, Penny herself now understood more than every after that year and losing her baby sister if even for a brief time compared to what her best friend was going through with her brother. But Keira helped her save her sister and Penny was more determined than ever to help Keira find her brother. But she was also just as determined to give Keira a break whenever she could and this ball was the perfect chance to have a whole night off!
Plus she knew how close Keira and Bill were, he quickly becoming a surrogate older brother for her, and him leaving was hard on her. Certainly they would write to each other all the time but it wasn’t the same as having him there. So this was also a good excuse to spend more time with him and have one last hoorah before he graduated.
“Therefore, your arms should be filled with dresses to try on in a classic montage style,” Penny informed before shoving aforementioned armful of dresses into the unsuspecting Slytherin’s arms. “And most importantly, we should be having fun!”
As her grey eyes studied the grinning blonde in front of her Keira swore the young potions master literally glowed and radiated light. “Okay, okay,” she easily conceded earning a squeal of excitement from her friend.
“We rarely get the chance to wear formal gowns and you two want to wear suits instead?” As Keira changed in one of the dressing rooms, after being pushed there by Penny, she overhead Penny scolding others in their shopping party and was relieved to no longer have the Hufflepuff’s focus set on her. Curiosity did get the better her of, as it normally did, and caused her to peek her head out from the privacy curtain to see Tonks and Tulip looking quite dapper as they posed in formal suits men normally wore to these types of events.
“Everyone expects women to dress up in big, poufy ball gowns,” Tulip retorted. And she of course, being her rebellious self, refused to abide by any set rules even social ones.
“Besides, we look good,” Tonks added proudly as she struck another pose.
Penny huffed and folded her arms before noticing Keira’s head poking out from her dressing room. “Keira,” she gasped excitedly, “Are you ready? Come out, come out, come out,” she urged practically jumping up and down. Keira took a deep breath before pulling back the curtain to her dressing room and stepping out in an emerald gown probably chosen for the color matching her Hogwarts house.
“You look beautiful, Keira,” Rowan complimented from her seat as she watched her friends try on possible outfits for the ball. Rowan had plans to wear a beautiful embellish saree from her mother so while she waited for her outfit to be sent to her she accompanied her friends in their journey to find the perfect outfit for the occasion and offer her advice and encouragement.
“Thank you, Rowan,” Keira replied with a small smile, thankful her friend and roommate was there. She knew Rowan would provide her honest opinion and genuine praise. “And you look beautiful as well, Penny. That dress brings out your eyes,” she complimented, smoothly turning the attention away from her and onto the blonde in a blue ball gown which did make her blue eyes pop.
“Thanks but I feel too much like Cinderella,” Penny replied earning some quizzical looks from the purebloods in the group who were unknowledgeable about muggle life. After a very brief re-telling of the age old fairy tale so the others could be brought into the loop the dress up montage continued and the friendly bickering easily turned into laughter.
The windy March weather sent a chill through the group of girls as they left the store after making their purchases. Although the end of the year ball would not be held until June, to ensure there would be enough time for alterations they went out to get them early. This recommendation was brought by Andre who also offered his services to make any further alterations to the gowns they chose, after the seamstresses as the store were finished with them, to “take them up a level.” None of them were exactly sure what that meant but Andre obviously had an eye for fashion and designed most of his own clothes which always looked nice so they felt they could trust him. He also offered, well more like demanded, to accompany the girls on their shopping trip to approve of their choices but they somehow managed to convince him it was a girl’s only trip to have some girl bonding time, alone, without any men around.
Tonks and Tulip clearly had decided on formal suits which, once tailored to fit them perfectly, Keira had to admit they would probably be the best dressed at the ball. Penny had found a laced white and golden yellow dress which suited her very well, at least the group thought so. For herself, Keira had decided on an ethereal ice blue dress with a lace bodice adorned with some silver sparkle and sleeve chain detail dangling across her shoulders, the lace and hint of silver shine gradually cascading down to the flowy skirt. Something about the layers of blue, grey, and ivory of the skirt, the sheen of silver, the airy yet graceful movement of the skirt reminded her of the sea which made her feel this connection to the garment. When her other friends agreed it seemed perfect for her she bought it without any hesitation. And she had to admit, now that she found a dress she actually felt beautiful in she was looking forward to the ball and any reluctance or insecurities she had about attending washed away with the wave like movements of the dress.
“I don’t understand how you can stand being out here without a jacket,” Penny remarked as she hugged her jacket to herself to shield her from the wind chill on that cloudy day.
“I was raised in Canada, you get used to the cold,” Keira replied, adjusting the sleeves of her shirt down over her hands. However the cold from the snow and cold from the wind were different. The still cold from a winter’s day was actually peaceful and calm while the chill from the wind seemed to sting right to the bone. And she hated the wind.
“I think it’s impressive,” Tonks said, throwing her newly discovered cousin a smile, earning one back. As the group of girls made their way through Hogsmeade to return to their school they ran into the rest of their gang leaving the Three Broomsticks.
“So, how did the shopping venture go,” Andre asked, studying the group of girls closely. Andre continued to question the ladies on their way back to Hogwarts about their shopping choices while Keira wisely fell a few steps back to avoid the conversation. The windy weather drowned out the conversation of those in front of her causing the young Slytherin to shiver. Okay, next time she would bring a jacket even if it did go against her cool, tough reputation she tried to uphold. Ugh, she hated the wind.
After another gust of wind sent another icy chill through her slender frame, Keira was surprised to suddenly feel a weight on her shoulders and a warmth spreading through her. She glanced briefly at the large jacket now draped over her shoulders before looking up at the smiling, dragon obsessed Weasley.
“You were cold,” Charlie answered her unspoken question.
“But… what about you,” Keira asked, motioning to the sweater clad Gryffindor who assured her he would be fine – he was always warm, which was true. He seemed to radiate heat which the always cold to the touch Slytherin appreciated. Besides, they were almost back to Hogwarts.
His assuredness convinced Keira to drop it instead of arguing with him and just graciously accept his jacket, which she truly was thankful for, more than he might know. She was so used to doing things for herself, struggling to let others help her with anything. Her friends were already putting themselves in danger by helping her find the cursed-vaults and her brother, she didn’t need to bother them with other, trivial things. She could take care of herself. But she had to admit it was nice having someone do something for her, take care of her, even if it was something little like offering her their jacket. Although it was a little weird to think someone had also been paying that much attention to her to notice her shiver a little bit at a gust of wind. Shouldn’t he be participating in the conversation instead of watching her? Weirdo…
“Thank you,” Keira said as she slipped her arms through the sleeves of his jacket. His kindness and thoughtfulness spread a warmth throughout her chest. He really did make her want to be a better person. “Hmm,” she murmured as she snuggled up in his oversized jacket, keeping her thoughts to herself.
“What? Is something wrong,” Charlie asked with some concern.
“No,” Keira quickly replied to reassure him, but as he continued to stare at her she knew that answer wasn’t enough to satisfy him. “It smells like you,” she explained, which should be obvious considering it was his jacket.
“It…. What,” Charlie asked, clearly not expecting that answer.
“It smells like you,” Keira repeated with a smile as a small blush began to spread across the Gryffindor’s face.
“Oh, well…I’m sorry, probably smells bad then,” he replied somewhat awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. With all his adventures roaming the Forbidden Forest plus sweaty Quidditch practices and games, he worried it might not smell the best.
“No, it doesn’t,” Keira replied with a small laugh causing the Gryffindor to blush more. “It smells good,” she assured him, throwing him another smile. “Kind of earthy, but sweet.”
Charlie stared at her a moment silently. Her description of his scent only made him redder in the face. Unaware to the amateur curse-breaker, the future dragonologist had recently, very recently, burst out of his oblivious bubble and realized that he may actually have feelings for her that were more than one felt for a close friend, primarily with the help of his older brother.
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It had hit him harder than any bludger had but practically knocked the wind out of him all the same. The weird thing was there was nothing particularly special about that day or how it happened. The gang was studying in the library, well in the Study Area to avoid Pince, or avoid an intense standoff between Tonks and Pince, like they normally did, and also as they normally did, they distracted themselves with idle chit-chat and random discussions to avoid actually doing their homework. And because Charlie was there, of course the conversation somehow got turned onto dragons.
���A Hungarian Horntail can breathe fire to fifty feet. Their breath alone can reach extremely high temperatures,” Charlie argue.
“But a Ukrainian Ironbelly’s scales are hard as steel and they’re huge,” Barnaby retorted. “One could probably just sit on a Hungarian Horntail and squash it.”
“Not to sound like Pince but could you two keep it down? You’re distracting me.” Tulip interrupted their dragon debate while hunched over a piece of parchment she was scribbling on vigorously, however it did not look like any homework they had but more like some sort of blue prints, probably for her next grand prank.
The two boys mumbled their apologies. “Do you think I could turn into a dragon,” Tonks asked from next to Tulip. “Never tried it before.”
“Which dragon would you turn into,” Barnaby asked curiously, and a bit excitedly. How cool would it be if she did?
“I don’t know, whichever,” Tonks responded with a shrug.
“Not everyone has a favorite dragon like you two,” Tulip informed the two magical creature obsessed boys sitting across the table from them. That was a harsh reality Charlie had learned at a young age. He used to assume everyone had a favorite dragon, asking everyone he came across what theirs was. He soon learned the sad truth that not everyone had one or even knew that much about dragons, cared as much about them as he did. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from asking people because some people did have a favorite and he felt that said a lot about them. Of course most seemed to say the Hungarian Horntail, possibly because it was the most infamous of the breeds. He actually got kind of annoyed that being most people’s answer. Maybe that’s why he liked discussing it so much with Barnaby because he didn’t share the same favorite breed of dragon.
“Well that’s dumb, they should,” Barnaby said with frown. Charlie chuckled and had to agree before turning his attention to the Slytherin sitting across from him who had been quiet this entire time, focused on reading their Alchemy book.
“What about you, Ady? What’s your favorite dragon,” Charlie asked, for some reason unable to recall if he’s asked her that before. He must have since that was normally his go-to ice breaker but conversation always seemed to flow so easily with her and typically the conversation revolved around the Cursed-Vaults if not school and Quidditch. Maybe he never got the chance to ask her? Or he did but… how could he forget her answer? He did ask everyone he came across practically. Maybe that’s why he couldn’t remember her answer? They all got jumbled together. But how could he forget her answer?
“A Hebridean Black, right,” Barnaby answered with a proud grin before Keira got the chance. The dark haired girl glanced up at him from her book giving him a smirk and a wink to indicate he was correct causing Barnaby to grin more and sit up straighter, proudly, in his chair. Charlie looked between the two Slytherins, well aware of how close they were but part of him couldn’t help be a little envious. But more prominent than that was the fact that she had in fact told them her favorite dragon – and she actually had one that was not a Hungarian Horntail! – and he had forgotten! How could he have forgotten?!
But yet even more impactful was the fact that after Keira agreed to help him buy an alleged dragon egg, which of course turned out to be scam, putting herself in danger for it, for him – something he was clearly still dealing with – they were gifted a dragon scale. A Hebridean Black dragon scale. Which Keira told him, urged him, to keep.
“Why would you give me the scale if it’s your favorite dragon,” Charlie asked, watching her closely. In case he didn’t feel selfish enough making her go on that wild and dangerous goose chase to get himself a dragon egg now he took the one good thing that came out of it from her.
“Because you love dragons,” Keira replied with a shrug, as if it was obvious, before looking up at him from her book with a small smile. It was a simple statement that everyone knew, even those who didn’t even know him, but for some reason when she said it just then it stirred something inside of him. She was selfless, thoughtful; she put him first.
When her eyes, which he liked to describe as the color of the ocean after a storm – that’s when Bill claimed he knew Charlie was completely smitten – met his they pierced right through him shattering the naïve and oblivious bubble he had subconsciously placed himself in and realization washed over him like an ice-cold tidal wave.
He loved dragons, but he also –
“I got to go.” And with that Charlie quickly gathered up his books, swung his bag over his shoulder, and hurried out of the library. He raced straight back to the Gryffindor Dorm and to his older brother and best friend where he then proceeded to pace back and forth in Bill’s room rambling on and on for about an hour about everything he had realized, had been thinking and feeling, trying to make better sense of it all. He was thankful his brother was so patient and understanding during it all. He went to bed that night unable to sleep and just kept staring at the dragon scale on his nightstand, thinking about her. And then the next day when they fell asleep studying didn’t help him either. Fortunately, she hadn’t behaved differently around him after that. Oh, but he was sure his behavior had changed around her.
Since this jarring realization had occurred he had come to gain more self-awareness – why when she looked at him his heart skipped a beat, why when she laughed, particularly when he was the cause of it, it warmed him inside, why his thoughts always turned to her, why he always sought her out to talk to or spend time with when he had free time, why he disliked it so much when she appeared to be getting too close and friendly with others, or why he had been caught a few times staring at her. He had also gotten much more annoyed by others being close with her, trying to get closer to her (okay guess some might call it jealousy), and particularly annoyed at blatant flirty primarily done by Diego (he sometimes really wanted to punch that guy). Despite this realization the heart skipping a beat, the breath getting caught in his throat, the dragons in his stomach, none of it stopped.
But the bad thing was Charlie had caught himself doing these weird things like starting to drape an arm around her or wanting to reach up to move a strand of hair out of her face, shifting so their legs or arms touched while sitting next to each other, staring at her hand swaying next to her as they walked. He even caught himself reaching out to hold it on occasion but thankfully stopped himself before that happened. He had no idea how he would explain that.
He looked for any excuse to talk to her, spend time with her, be near her, touch her… he had no idea what to do in this situation, it was all new to him! Bill suggested telling her how he felt but Charlie was worried about possibly losing a close and dear friend. So Bill suggested to flirt with her and see how she responded, maybe she was interested too but afraid to say anything, but Charlie didn’t know how to do that! Like he told his brother, this was an entirely new situation for him and he was trying his best to navigate it!
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Keira silently watched the rain fall as she leaned against the cool stone wall of Hogwarts. She was currently perched upon a covered balcony on the fourth floor of the school, one of the few places she liked to go to be alone and enjoy the weather, particularly a rainy day without having to be out in it or a window dividing her from it. Unlike most who found rainy days like this grey, cold, and depressing, Keira always found them serene and relaxing. And right now she needed a peaceful place to think.
It had been a little over a month since their shopping excursions in Hogsmeade for the ball and since then their plans to go together as a group had sort of fallen apart. It had started with Penny who, while sitting in the Great Hall one day for a meal, informed the girls that she had been asked to the ball. That announcement came as no surprise since Penny got asked out pretty much on a daily basis since she arrived at Hogwarts. However, the fact she was announcing it was odd.
“…And you accepted,” Keira asked, or more like stated, suspecting that was the reason for Penny informing them and the weird way she was acting, like she was worried she would get in trouble.
“W-well, yeah, kind of…” Penny admitted sheepishly. “But that doesn’t mean we still can’t all go together! There’ll just be one more of us.” Honestly the group was just surprised to hear she had actually accepted one of the many romantic invitations she received. But she wouldn’t have just accepted anyone’s invitation so clearly they had to be deserving, right? One more person couldn’t hurt.
From there it sort of snowballed.
Tonks and Tulips had derived so many plans for that night at the ball to mess with basically everyone in attendance with a grand finale to end the night, they informed the rest of their friends they would probably be pretty busy during the actual festivities. They invited Keira to join them if she wanted but, to be honest, she wasn’t that into pranks. Not like the ones those two did at least.
Andre of course had his choice of dates to take to the ball which he was in the process of narrowing down.
Bill of course would be busy with his class of graduates.
And Ben…well Keira gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was being controlled to attack her and she still was there for Ben whenever he needed a friend but she had been keeping her distance since the attack.
But Keira thought she would at least have Rowan to go with and spend an evening dancing and having fun with her best friend and roommate.
“You’re what?!” Keira’s exclamation echoed throughout the Slytherin Common Room.
“I’m going to the dance with Diego,” Rowan said again quietly, avoiding eye contact with her best friend.
“What? How? When?” Keira had so many questions! Sure, they chatted in Defense Against the Dark Arts sometimes but she had no idea they had grown this close! And sure, she admitted while in class she encouraged the light flirtation between the two and she did believe Rowan had a small crush on him but she was not prepared for this.
But she wanted her friend to be happy and assured her of that and to go to the ball with him, once the shock wore off that is. She would have a lot of fun and a night full of dancing.
And she still had Barnaby! Next to Rowan, Penny, and Charlie, Barnaby was one of the people Keira felt closest to. She loved Barnaby like a best friend or brother or second cousin. So imagine her surprise when Barnaby said he too had a date to the ball.
“I think I have a date,” Barnaby awkwardly explained when Keira asked him about going to the ball.
“You think?” How did one not know? Well, it was Barnaby.
“Well, I was talking to this girl in Care of Magical Creatures and she brought up the ball and I guess she sort of asked me and I said yes? I didn’t realize she was asking me to go with her, like as a date, until she told me the color of her dress yesterday to make sure we matched… because apparently we are going together…” Keira’s face fell as she listened to Barnaby explain his situation. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to disappoint her. I mean, I did sort of agree to go. Would be rude to back out now.”
“No, of course. You’re right. You should go with her. I’m sure you’ll have fun,” Keira assured him although it was hard to hide the disappointment in her voice. But she couldn’t ask any of her friends to ditch their dates for her.
“I’m sorry,” Barnaby apologized again. “But we’ll still see each other there! And I promise to save a dance with you.”
“Thanks, Barnaby,” Keira replied with a small smile.
Her friends deserved a night of fun just like her and if going with a date added to that then they should go with a date of their choice. Even if that meant her night might be less enjoyable… The girls still agreed to all get ready together which would be fun and Penny kept insisting they would just all go together as one large group but Keira knew even if they arrived all together in one large group the couples would pair off to have their night to themselves. As they should! She didn’t want to ruin any of her friends’ night. But she still couldn’t help being disappointed and feeling left out. She even considered not going but she couldn’t do that to Bill.
So now here she sat, watching the exposed half of the balcony ledge she was sitting on get struck by rain drops, trying not to feel sorry for herself. How could she when she had all these wonderful friends? Friends who she never thought she would have given her family’s history. She was very thankful and appreciative for them. But it was hard not to feel like… like she was being left behind.
Rowan and Penny had been their every encouraging selves throughout this little situation. Besides still getting ready and going to the ball together they were certain Keira would get asked. They were surprised honestly that she didn’t get asked out more often. Surely many people at the school fancied her? She was not only a great Quidditch player but Captain, and as Penny liked to point out, Quidditch players were very popular. Plus she was smart, funny, charming, attractive, and brave according to Rowan. Who wouldn’t want to be with a Curse-Breaker? That was one of, if not the, coolest things to be. And Keira was basically the definition of cool – Rowan always laid on a lot of compliments. Which Keira appreciated and it did help her feel better about herself but she kept the truth from them and replied with a simple thanks.
Truth was it didn’t matter how good she was at Quidditch or how smart she was or how good her grades were, how many witty remarks she made, how many adventures she went on, or how physically attractive she may apparently be – something that was supposed to run in the Black family according to rumors she heard – no one would ever be interested in her more than the interesting, and possibly, cautionary tale she was. Sure, her ‘alleged’ curse-breaking adventures around the school fueled rumors and were cause for most of the excitement around the school but she was basically some glorified article in the Daily Prophet – provided some captivating entertainment but the stories were most likely riddled with false and over dramatic information.
Truth was, she was cursed.
Not cursed like ‘I’ll never get a date because something’s wrong with me and I’m cursed’ and not cursed like ‘if I get kissed I’ll turn into a frog.’ It had nothing to do with dating or romance really.
Cursed like if you get close to her you may end up dead. Or at the very least seriously injured and used as a puppet for some dark witch or wizard.
She was cursed from the first moment she walked into Hogwarts and she still would be when she left.
While the students loved to talk about her and her ‘alleged’ adventures none of them wanted to actually talk to her, get to know her for her. They were all afraid of her. And not afraid of her because she was a tough badass who would knock all your teeth out which she would be fine with. But afraid because she put those who were close to her in danger.
How she still had friends she had no idea. She never thought she would have them and once she did she never thought they would stick around. Not after everything she put them through. And she never wanted to put them through such traumatizing and deadly conditions but those seemed impossible to avoid when dealing with these Vaults. But they continued to stick around and offer to partake in these adventures still, why she had no idea, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
“Hey! There you are!”
The cheery greeting snapped Keira out of her thoughts and she turned her head to see the grinning Gryffindor Seeker who appeared to have gotten caught in the rain with his wet hair and clothes dripping to the floor to create a small puddle around his feet.
“Out dancing in the rain,” Keira asked with a small smirk.
“Oh, no,” Charlie laughed as he reached up with his free hand to push back his bangs which kept falling into his eyes by the weight of the water. “Got caught in the rain on the way back from Hogsmeade. I like to reward the team after a good game or practice with a trip to Honeydukes,” he explained. “Uh, here. I got you something.” Charlie tossed the small package he was holding in his hand to her.
Keira caught the package and took a moment to study it. “Pink Coconut Ice. Thanks,” she read before smiling at the now blushing redhead. He always brought her something from Honeydukes after he went there with his team and she always appreciated the sweet gesture, especially knowing the Weasley’s were not the wealthiest family. Normally it was Toffees or Chocolate Cauldrons, or anything chocolate. She was sure he brought the rest of the group something to, although she hadn’t seen him hand any out to them, but he never handed out hers in front of them either. She assumed it was to keep them from fighting over the candy.
“Yeah. You’re like the only person I know who likes coconut so I thought you probably like those,” Charlie explained, his blush just growing more with his explanation.
Keira smiled more as she watched him nervously rub the back of his neck. “Yeah, I do. Thanks. It’s very thoughtful.”
There was a slight lull in the conversation which did not help Charlie’s nerves. So he had to say something to end it. Anything! Just say something!
“You know, I should give you my jacket to wear again.” Keira looked over at him quizzically. “…Be-because it doesn’t smell much like you anymore.”
Oh merlin. What did he just say? Why would he say that? She was going to think he was a complete git! He thought things were awkward before, well they certainly were now!
While this panic ensued inside the second eldest Weasley, Keira was still trying to make sense of it. “…Why would you want it to smell like me?”
Okay, maybe this was his chance for redemption!
“Well, because… you smell better than me,” Charlie answered with a shrug before mentally kicking himself. He should have just given her the candy and left!
Keira watched him a moment before laughing which visibly relaxed the Gryffindor. “You don’t smell bad, Charlie, stop worrying that you do. You smell nice.” While thankful she did not get offended or weirded out by his comments, her compliments meant to reassure him only caused a slight blush to appear on his freckled face. Fortunately, he managed to stop himself this time before saying more inappropriate comments about how nice she smelled.
“So, what are you doing up here,” Charlie asked after a moment, stepping closer to her.
“Just enjoying the rain. And thinking,” Keira replied, looking back out at the grey, cloudy sky. There was a slight pause in the conversation as, unaware to her, Charlie took a moment to admire her in that setting.
“Thinking about what,” he finally asked.
Keira took a deep breath before replying. She informed him how their group’s original plan to go together to the ball to send Bill off in style was no longer the plan. Everyone had dates, whether with another person or a date with chaos as it was for Tulip and Tonks. Which, she was happy for them, don’t get her wrong, they deserved to have a night of fun but…
“…But,” Charlie gently pried when Keira fell silent, stepping closer and leaning against the castle wall next to where her feet were perched to face her.
Keira took another deep breath as she watched the rain drops hit the ledge of the balcony. “But… It kind of feels like they’re moving on,” she answered quietly. “I know it’s dumb,” she added quickly, glancing up at him. “But that’s how it feels. Like they’re moving on and leaving me behind.”
“Just because they have dates to the ball or start dating doesn’t mean your friendship with them has to end.” Charlie was always ever the reassuring one. “Or are you really just upset because you don’t have a date,” he teased, earning a small glare from her. He was probably just trying to lighten the mood. “I’m surprised you haven’t been asked yet since I’m sure you have plenty of admirers around the school…”
Keira continued to glare at him, trying not to smile but it was proving to be very difficult. “Oh, but Charlie, haven’t you heard? I’m cursed.” The words stung him more than they did her. “Don’t think anyone is going to be asking me out any time soon,” she added, looking out again at the view. Before he had a chance to speak, to point out how wrong she was and passionately make his case that she was not cursed, Keira continued.
“It’s not just about them potentially dating, it’s about them connecting with new people who they will prefer spending their time with. People who aren’t going to put their lives in danger every year,” Keira tried to explain. She couldn’t help always having this anxiety and fear that her friends weren’t really her friends or would move on from her and make new friends who, like she said, wouldn’t be putting their lives in danger. She never thought she would have friends and now she was constantly afraid of losing them somehow.
“They’re not going to stop being your friend.” Charlie’s voice once again pulled her out of her negative thoughts. “Sure, searching for these vaults and breaking their curses is dangerous but it’s much more exciting than just sitting around gossiping about who’s dating who and studying for exams. If they didn’t want to help you they wouldn’t be. And they want to help you because they care about you. You have to give your friends more credit.”
Keira smiled back at the kind Gryffindor. “See? I told you it was dumb,” she laughed sheepishly.
“It’s not dumb,” Charlie tried to reassure. “Maybe silly and ridiculous, but not dumb,” he teased earning a small laugh from the Slytherin.
“And you’re not cursed,” Charlie added suddenly, much more sternly than the previous lighthearted tone. “And anyone who says you are is just intimidated by how brave and resilient you are while handling the situation you’re in.” Keira stared in shock at his short, passionate speech and his rarely seen intensely serious demeanor. Even while playing the fiercest game of Quidditch he was still all smiles and jokes. She fell silent as she let his words sink in, glancing away from his intense gaze.
“And, hey, we can always go together,” Charlie reminded her after a moment. He was part of this group too and he didn’t have a date. Well not yet…
“You’re sweet but I don’t want a pity date,” Keira replied. “I mean, you should go with who you want to go with, who you’ll have fun with. Like your Quidditch team,” she suggested, unsure what that strange look on the Seeker’s face was.
Honestly Charlie wasn’t sure how to feel either. Somewhat offended that she thought he would only ask her out of pity, hurt that she rejected him, but also dumbfounded that she really thought he wouldn’t want to go with her when she was the one person he would want to go with the most, the one he knew he would have the best time with. Before he could say anything more she spoke up again.
“Hey, is Percy free,” she joked.
Charlie’s hand flung up to his heart as he feigned heartbreak. “You would rather go with Percy than me?” The betrayal!
Keira laughed and shook her head. “No, of course not,” she assured. “But I can’t ask you to go with me out of some sort of obligation.” She held up a hand to stop him before he started to dispute with her.
“Well guess I better go get into some dry clothes,” Charlie said as he looked down at his still damp sweater. He knew better than to try and argue with her when her mind was already set.
“Yeah, you’re starting to smell like mildew,” Keira teased with a smirk.
“I thought you said I smelled good!” The two laughed before Charlie motioned for them to get going.
“What? You need me to pick out your clothes like your mum does for you?” Charlie tried to narrow his eyes at her but was unable to keep from smiling. He knew her teasing was a weird way of showing her affection.
“No. I just thought we talked, hopefully you’re feeling better because of it, so we can go now.” Keira studied him closely a moment before a devilish smirk slowly spread across her face.
“Charlie… Are you uncomfortable with me sitting on the ledge?”
“What? No,” Charlie scoffed, although it wasn’t very convincing.
“Is the big, brave, courageous Gryffindor scared,” Keira continued to mock.
“No,” Charlie claimed, stubbornly folding his arms.
Keira only smirked more before shifting to lean out the opening. “Oh no, I’m going to fall! Help me Charlie!”
“Very funny. This doesn’t affect me. I don’t care.” Charlie continued to act unfazed as Keira continued to pretend to be falling off the balcony. “I know you think this is getting to me but it’s not. This doesn’t freak me out. At all. I’m fine. I don’t – Okay, will you stop that!” He had finally had enough when she was hanging half out into the air and reached out to grab her arm before yanking her back inside. She was going to give him a heart attack!
Keira just laughed as she regained her footing. “Aw, I knew you cared.”
“I should have let you fall,” Charlie muttered, although as usual he was unable to keep from smiling.
“You would never let me fall.” And with that she turned to leave, opening up her bag of candy he brought her before popping one in her mouth. “And thanks again for the candy,” she called with a wave as she headed down the hallway leaving Charlie staring after her.
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‘Addison, will you go to the ball with me?’
The fireworks request lit up the sky in the courtyard. Yep, it was that time of year again with grand proposals to the dance. Normally this was only done by the older students but now most people in Keira’s year were participating as well – guess they were getting older.
Besides the fireworks there had been singing telegrams, poorly written poems read out loud in the Great Hall, end of presentation surprise asks, time-outs used in Quidditch to ask someone in the stands, a scavenger hunt – which Keira had to admit was a good one, probably the best one she’s seen yet – and notes hidden in text books or even just a note passed in class. There were many more elaborate, extravagant gestures asking people to the ball but she couldn’t keep up with all of them.
On one hand they were a bit obnoxious and could put people on the spot, putting the pressure on them to accept. On the other hand, if done correctly such as it being personal and meaningful to the person being asked, like that scavenger hunt, and by the right person, it could make someone feel very special. Fortunately, the Professors were more lenient with the students’ and their ball proposal shenanigans during this time.
“Keira, you forgot your telescope!” She had been so focused on getting the students organized in an orderly fashion to head up to the Astronomy Tower she had completely blanked!
“Merde! Thanks, Rowan. Can you start leading everyone up there? I’ll catch up. Barnaby will help.” Before Rowan even had a chance to respond Keira was already running back to the Slytherin Common Room. She knew Rowan would handle it.
Rowan watched her friend run off before instructing everyone to follow her and starting to lead the way to class. “Yeah, you heard her, get going,” Barnaby commanded, doing his best to help. However, his eagerness to help earned him getting hit in the head by a balled up piece of parchment. “Okay, who threw that? You’re going to get it in Dueling Club, Reyes!”
Keira hurried back to her Dorm and located her telescope in her room before hurrying back to catch up to the rest who were already making their way up the long winding staircase of the Astronomy Tower. “J’en ai ras le cul with stairs,” she swore under her breath as she climbed the seemingly never ending staircase. She tended to prefer swearing in French believing she could get away with it more than if she did so in English.
Professor Sinistra greeted the group of Slytherin students as they reached the top of the Tower. “Where is your Prefect, Miss Black?” Rowan and Barnaby shared a look.
“Was that a shooting star,” Rowan suddenly exclaimed, pointing behind Professor Sinistra causing her to quickly turn around just in time to miss Keira sliding to a halt next to Barnaby.
“What? Where,” the Professor questioned before Rowan sheepishly admitted she was mistaken, probably just saw something, a lightning bug perhaps. Professor Sinistra frowned at her before looking over at Keira curiously. “How nice of you to join us.”
“What? I’ve been here the whole time,” claimed Keira as Barnaby nodded his head to confirm. The Professor gave her a look but fortunately told them to go set up their telescopes instead of punishing her for being late – allegedly being late.
Keira set up her telescope next to Rowan before taking out a quill and some parchment from her bag, thanking her friends for helping her out. Despite the rush to get to class, the class itself seemed to move very slowly. At least they were able to enjoy the fresh air and a beautiful scenery instead of being stuck sitting in a stuffy classroom.
“Why is there a constellation named after a dragon but not a kneazle,” Barnaby questioned as he stared up at the night sky through is telescope as the class drew close to being over.
Keira laughed slightly and glanced over at her fellow Beater from marking the constellation of Draco on her parchment. “You ask such thought provoking questions, Barnaby.”
“Really?” Barnaby moved away from his telescope to grin at her. “Normally I’m told I ask dumb questions and to shut up.”
Keira frowned slightly as she glanced down before looking back up at him with a smile. “Well I think you ask very interesting questions that no one else would think to ask. And that’s important, to have a different way of thinking, a different perspective.”
“You’re always so nice to me,” Barnaby replied causing Keira’s heart to ache slightly instead of relishing in the compliment. She knew he meant well and she was glad to always see him so happy when she did compliment and encourage him but it was also so depressing to hear how he had been treated so poorly by most people in his life.
“I just treat you how you deserve to be treated,” Keira told him. “And you’re my best friend.” She gave him another reassuring smile before looking through her telescope and frowning. “Hey, wait. Were those there before?” She looked back and forth between the mapped out constellation she drew and the starry night sky through her telescope which were no longer matching up. Now there appeared to be more stars appearing in the sky. She wasn’t sure how that was possible exactly but it was ruining everything she just worked on all class!
“Uh, Keira, I think you’re notes are safe,” Rowan told her as Keira scrambled to fix her constellation drawing. She paused in her frantic scribbling and looked at her other best friend quizzically who was smirking smugly at her. Why was she not panicking to fix her notes? Rowan of all people should be hurrying to do that!
“Look,” Rowan gently instructed, motioning up to the sky. “I think the stars have a message for you.”
Keira stared at her friend in confusion. What the hell did that even mean? That was oddly cryptic, especially coming from Rowan.
“What,” Keira asked but after another encouraging motion from Rowan to look up she dropped her questioning and turned her head to look up at the starry night sky.
She didn’t need her telescope to read the twinkling star-like words written in the clear midnight sky.
‘Adelyn-Keira Black, Will You Go To The Ball With Me?’
Keira stared at the message in shock, unaware of the rest of her class’ reaction. She had to read it a few times over to make sure she was reading it correctly and then had to look over at Rowan for confirmation that she wasn’t hallucinating and it really was up there written in the sky.
Once Rowan confirmed that it was, in fact, real Keira returned to staring at her starry message in disbelief. What? Why? Who?
Her eyes drifted to below the message where, as if this entire thing had been orchestrated to perfection meticulously, the dragon constellation they were just studying lay.
“Really,” Keira muttered to herself, incredulously as a small grin crept onto her face.  
As if on cue a familiar redhead with a Cheshire grin appeared before her, flying gracefully on his broom.
“Eejit. Have you gone daft?”
“So, is that a yes or…” Charlie questioned with a sly smirk.
“Charlie, why,” was all Keira could muster up with a small, embarrassed laugh.
“Because, you deserve to be asked out to the ball properly,” Charlie answered. “And maybe if I did so properly you’d realize I’m serious and this isn’t a pity ask.”
Keira studied him a moment, trying to keep a neutral poker face but the smile she fought against tugged at the corners of her mouth. “I had no idea you were such a romantic.”
“Is this where I make a comment about moving the stars for you or about it being written in the stars? There’s something there, hold on, I’ll figure it out.” Keira laughed as she watched Charlie struggle to come up with whatever line he was trying to create.
“Didn’t come very prepared, eh? Maybe you should have had Bill write you some notes on what to say,” Keira teased.
“I am much more charming than Bill,” Charlie informed her before noting the look from Professor Sinistra to wrap it up. He was lucky she was allowing him to interrupt her class, even if it was the end of it. She was just glad there were not loud fireworks or anything of the sort or else she might have punished him despite the leniency the faculty showed to the students while they made their dance proposals.
That look from the stern teacher almost knocked Charlie off his broom (and his game). “Uh, so, you still haven’t given me an answer.”
Keira glanced back up at the message asking her to the ball one more moment before it would inevitably fade away – she wished Penny was there to snap a picture so she could have a keepsake to remember this moment more vividly – before turning back to the nervously waiting Weasley.
“I would love to go to the ball with you, Charlie.”
Charlie grinned from ear to ear. Not like he expected her to cruelly reject him, they were close, but part of him was still nervous she would say no with some lame excuse. He was extremely relieved, and overjoyed, that she accepted.
“Is this where I whisk you away,” Charlie asked with another sly smirk as he held his hand out to her.
“No! Absolutely not! There will be no flying off the Astronomy Tower in the middle of the night during my class,” Professor Sinistra finally interjected.
“But class is over,” Rowan gently pointed out. She was clearly happy for her best friend and didn’t want anyone, even the Professor, to ruin it! Unfortunately, Rowan’s attempt to politely disagree with the Professor only earned her a stern look before Professor Sinistra turned that stern look to the Gryffindor.
Charlie’s eyes widened slightly as he quickly withdrew his hand upon being scolded and glared at by the strict Professor. “You can whisk me off some other time,” Keira assured him. “I think right now it’s probably best if you just go.” Charlie had to agree with that statement.
He nodded his head as he timidly watched Professor Sinistra before throwing Keira one last smile. “I’ll talk to you later.” And with that, the Gryffindor Seeker flew quickly away from the Astronomy Tower just as her ask to the ball faded away.
“You better go straight back to your dorm, Mr. Weasley,” Professor Sinistra called after him before telling her class to finish up their star charts and pack up their things to head back to their own dorm as well.
It was the first time Keira didn’t complain about all the stairs as they made their way down the winding staircase. Rowan claimed she was practically skipping down the halls and could not stop smiling the rest of the night.
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“Tulip, you better not let off that dungbomb,” Penny scolded sternly.
As planned, the girls were all getting ready for the End of the Year Ball together, gathered in the Ravenclaw Tower. By now, after years of inter-house friendships and Penny’s popularity that taught her how to get into any house’s Common Room, particularly when there were house parties, the gang managed to figure out to hang out together in the different house dorms. They were originally going to get ready together in the Hufflepuff Dorm but Andre insisted they get ready in the Ravenclaw Tower so he could inspect their looks and make sure they were perfect and something about the stairs helping to create a more dramatic entrance. So the girls gathered up their things and headed up to the windy Tower. However, preparing for the ball differed among them.
While most girls were doing their hair and makeup as prep for the ball, Tulip and Tonks were determining how to best sneak all their pranking supplies into the ball without it being noticed. Fortunately, their perfectly tailored tuxes had plenty of pockets! And, as Keira predicted, they looked very dashing and would probably be best dressed at the ball, which would be well deserved.
Penny sat down next to Keira with a huff once she had ensured Tulip would not accidentally let off one of her many dungbombs as they got ready. She did not want to stink all night! Her frustrated attitude soon disappeared as she watched her friend get ready for the ball. “So I heard Charlie actually moved the stars for you to ask you to the ball.”
“No, he didn’t move any stars,” Keira corrected, unable to keep from rolling her eyes at these rumors that spread around. “He said he had been working with Flitwick for weeks after class on perfecting the charm so it would appear like he wrote it in the stars.”
“And he signed it with a dragon,” Penny asked, making a small face. This dragon obsessed boy – she did not get it. Although, people may not understand her passion for potions.
“He didn’t sign it with a dragon, it was written over the constellation Draco, which Charlie claims he did not intend but I don’t know if I believe him,” Keira explained.
“Mhmm… And you’re excited to be going,” Penny asked with a slight mischievous glint in her eye.
“Sure, but I was always going regardless if I got asked to go with someone or not. I’m going to Bill,” Keira replied.
“I mean, you’re excited to be going with Charlie,” Penny specified.
“Oh. Well, sure. We’re close friends and we always have a good time together,” Keira replied with a shrug. Penny watched her friend closely with a knowing smirk. Keira glanced over at the blonde, squirming slightly under her intense gaze. “What?”
“I’m just very happy you’re going with Charlie. That this is finally happening,” Penny answered as she turned her attention back to her hair possibly as an excuse to avoid the Slytherin’s stare.
Keira frowned slightly as she watched the Hufflepuff curiously. “What does that mean?”
Penny paused a moment as she thought of how to explain this. Their group was aware there was something there between the two and admittedly, often, their conversations would turn to the topic and how oblivious the two were. However, now it seemed one of them had at least realized it while the other was still reluctant to.
“You two just seem to have this close connection. A connection you two don’t have with anyone else. Never even seemed interested in trying to create with someone else. I don’t really know how to explain it exactly but… I’m just happy for you. I think this is good for you,” Penny told her with a small smile.
“Because I won’t be sitting all alone at the ball, moping in a corner somewhere,” Keira teased earning a small laugh from the Hufflepuff.
“No, well… sort of. I think it is good you’re going with Charlie to the ball so you’ll have a fun time, which you deserve,” she pointed out as the Slytherin appeared to almost argue with her. “But I also think it’s good for you to be…exploring this connection you have with Charlie and taking it to another level. I know you put on a brave, cool and collected front but I know everything you’ve been going through all these years is really hard on you. When I lost Beatrice, for a short time compared to what you’ve been through with Jacob, I was an emotional wreck. Crying all the time, always in a panic, frantic, literally pulling my hair out. I don’t know how you cope with it with death threats on top of it.”
“I have you guys,” Keira answered, giving Penny a small smile. “I don’t know what I would do without all of you,” she admitted quietly.
Penny smiled back at the Slytherin and reached over to place a hand on hers. “We’re always going to be here for you, Keira.” The two shared a quiet moment together before Penny continued with her original point.
“Even with the support of our great group of friends, you still keep a lot inside. And you need someone you can talk to, like really talk to. Be open and vulnerable with who you trust and can rely on. And someone who makes you happy. Because you deserve to be happy too. And I think Charlie is that person.” Keira sat there silently as she let Penny’s words sink in. She didn’t realize Penny or any of her friends thought about her this much, or her and Charlie. What did they talk about exactly when she wasn’t around?
“Here,” Penny said as she pulled something out of her bag she brought with her to help her get ready for the ball. She slid the item over to Keira who stared at it in disbelief.
“What? How?” Laying before her on the table was a picture of that night where Charlie asked her to the ball, the starry message in the sky, Charlie appearing in front of her on his broom with that cheeky grin.
“I have eyes and ears everywhere. Everywhere,” Penny informed. “I know everything going on in this place. Everything.” Keira stared at her friend a bit fearfully. Everywhere? Everything? Why did that sound more like a warning? Penny was more powerful than most people knew or wanted to admit. But that was one of the many reasons Keira loved her.
“My hair is being positively unruly. Can you guys help me, please,” Rowan pleaded as she sat down with a huff between the two girls. She was never one to do her hair or wear makeup and all of this was confusing to her. Which was hard on her because she was so smart and excelled in all her classes but she couldn’t figure out how to do her hair?
“Of course we can help,” Penny assured her with a beaming smile, moving behind Rowan to fix the tangled, frizzy mess she somehow made.
“Here, I’ll help you with your makeup,” Keira offered, moving to do just that.
“Thanks. I know it’s kind of stupid to be fretting so much over all this stuff but, Penny is right. We never get to dress up in fancy gowns and get all done up for a glamorous evening and I think we should take advantage of it. Go all out,” Rowan said, clearly relieved to be getting help.
“I don’t think it’s stupid, I completely agree,” Keira assured her with a small smile. “It’s not every day we get to do this – do up our hair, play with makeup, dress up – it should be fun, not stressful, because we deserve to have some fun.” Penny beamed from behind Rowan, glad these girls were finally coming around.
Penny and Keira helped Rowan with her hair and makeup and honestly that little makeover was probably the most fun they had all night, talking, joking, laughing, especially when Tonks and Tulip got involved, dancing and singing loudly, and obnoxiously, to the music Penny played, and overall bonding.
“Let’s go, ladies. The guys are waiting and the feast is about to start.” At Andre’s call the girls wrapped up their final preparations before heading down to meet the rest of their party. Penny made sure to grab her camera and informed them all to be prepared for many, many pictures. In case any of them thought she was kidding Penny hurried down the stairs, much to Andre’s exasperation, to take pictures of the girls coming down the stairs and the boy’s reactions because she felt this entire night had to be documented. Doubtful they would go to next year’s ball and at their own graduation they may be too wrapped up in everything, although she would still probably make sure every was documented then as well. And Merlin forbid something happened to their group before graduation. People did grow up and grow apart, friendships could end, these vaults were dangerous… She just felt it was important to document as many happy moments together as possible so they could all look back on these days fondly and remember each other, no matter where they were in the world, no matter where life took them, no matter what happens in the next couple years left at Hogwarts, that part of them would always be friends.
He knew it was cliché. This wasn’t one of those romantic comedy talking and extended moving picture things that Penny brought from the muggle world and made them watch, what were those things called again? Movies, that’s right. It wasn’t a movie, a rom-com as they were apparently called if he remembered correctly. This wasn’t a scene in one of those movies where one of the main characters has a sudden epiphany upon seeing the other in a different light and realizes they have feelings for them. Of course it wasn’t one of those moments because Charlie already had that epiphany months ago.
He knew it was cliché but he swore this is what it felt like. The moment he saw her walking towards him time seemed to slow, only a bit, enough for him to admire the way the bottom of her dress floated behind her as she descended the stairs and the hint of silver shimmer that glimmered much like the twinkling stars with her movements. The voices and sounds of everyone else around them faded into the background until her laughter that filled him with such warmth was the only thing he heard. And he knew it sounded cliché but he swore, for a moment, everyone else seemed to vanish and all he saw was her. And when her stormy sea eyes met his, his heart skipped a beat, he forgot how to breathe, and time seemed to stop, just for a brief a moment, as he stood there, frozen, completely captivated and mesmerized. It was cliché. But that’s how he felt.
Gradually all the voices and sounds that had faded into the distance returned and he was jarred back into reality with a firm hand on his back.
“Well I must say I did wonders on your atrocious dress robes,” Andre praised himself as he studied his fine work on Charlie’s once embarrassing and fashion disaster of dress robes that were sent to him from his family. His and Bill’s looks for the ball were the ones Andre had to do the most work on. But he did an amazing job on fixing them up, tailoring them to perfection, and even adding personalized details for the two gentlemen such as some dragon embroidery for Charlie, if he did say so himself.
“Yeah, thanks,” Charlie chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment of possibly being caught gawking at Keira.
“Hey. You clean up nice.” Charlie whipped his head around and stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. Keira smiled charmingly at the Gryffindor as she admired his fixed robes. She did have to commend Andre on his great job. When Bill and Charlie received their packages of dress robes they group had their fun of teasing the two. But now Charlie, and she was also sure Bill, looked quite dashing in them.
“Th-thank you,” Charlie replied, clearing his throat, before mentally kicking himself. Oh, Merlin, did he just stutter like a nervous tosser?
“Compliment her,” Andre whispered in his ear. Did he have to do everything for them?
“Oh uh…” Charlie stared at the ethereal dark haired girl in front of him as he tried to come up with a good compliment to give her. All he had to tell her, without stammering or sounding like a complete tosser, that she looked beautiful. Radiant even. Breathtaking? No, maybe that was too much even if it was true.
“You look beautiful.”
Keira smiled at him before glancing down and, he may have been mistaken but he thought he saw a slight blush spread across her face. “Thank y-“
“Like an Antipodean Opaleye.” He should have stopped at she looked beautiful. Andre groaned and smacked his forehead with his palm, muttering about how Charlie was hopeless before walking away from the couple.
Keira whipped her head up at his interruption and stared at him a moment as she processed what he just said before she started laughing. Charlie visibly relaxed when he heard her laugh and was relieved she didn’t think he was weird or a freak like most did in regards to his obsession with dragons. But that was never really a concern of his from her. She was always willing to listen to him ramble on and on about dragons, even asked him about his interest – the uses of dragon’s blood, interesting facts about the creatures, etc. – found and brought him dragon related books from the library or bookstore. And never once did her eyes gloss over as she spaced out during his ramblings nor did she ever roll her eyes or seemed annoyed or bored. She always listened intently, asked questions, and sure joked around with him sometimes about it but she never discouraged his passion.
“You’re such a dork,” Keira teased him, playfully hitting his arm and snapping him out of his thoughts. “But thank you. That’s quite the compliment coming from you.”
Perhaps just in time to save him from making a fool of himself again, Penny called everyone over to take some pictures before they headed off to the feast and ball. And when Penny said pictures, she meant photo shoot.
There were group shots of everyone, all the girls, all the guys, those who played Quidditch, Prefects, the members of each Hogwarts house; there were couple shots of dates and basically everyone in their group paired off together and other random combinations they could come up with. Some were serious, some were ridiculously posed, but the best pictures of the whole night were the candid ones Penny took of them.
Finally, after their extensive impromptu photoshoot which could have gone on longer if they hadn’t convinced Penny they were going to miss the ball entirely at this rate, the group was free to go to the Great Hall together which had been transformed. Round tables had been set up along a perimeter surrounding a dance floor. The gang was fortunate to find a table for all of them, possibly having to convince others to move to a different table so they all could sit together, and enjoyed the feast which was accompanied by speeches by the faculty wishing the graduates well. It was hard not to get emotional thinking of Bill no longer being there with them. Of course Keira and certainly Charlie would write to him almost every day but not having him there to help them would be hard. He had become the group’s surrogate older brother. It would be hard without him there.
Once the feast and speeches had concluded and the music started they were free to mingle and dance. But before any dancing was done Keira wanted to see Bill – get the emotional stuff done and over with so they could enjoy the rest of their evening.
She hugged the eldest Weasley tightly, refusing to let go but Bill didn’t seem to have any problems with that. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I know, I’ll miss you too. But I’ll write to you all the time,” Bill promised. “And you’re going to write to me too, right? I need to be kept up to date on all your Cursed Vaults adventures.”
“As long as you keep me informed about all your Curse-Breaking adventures too,” Keira negotiated before demanding him to stay safe.
“After all these years of hunting down and break these Cursed Vaults, I am prepared to handle anything, thanks to you,” Bill assured her before smiling warmly down at her. “I’ll be safe, I promise. And you two be safe too,” he added quickly in that classic older brother tone. Cursed-Vaults, death threats, and trying to find a dragon in the Forbidden Forest amongst all the dangerous creatures lurking in there – they were in more danger than he was!
Keira reluctantly let him go as Bill began to address Charlie and lecturing him on being the eldest brother at the school now. With Bill gone, Charlie had to watch out for his little brothers. Percy shouldn’t be any trouble but next year the twins would be arriving and Charlie had to look out for them.
“Funny how you’re leaving just in time before Fred and George arrive,” Charlie noted.
“Yeah, almost like mum and dad planned it that way,” Bill retorted with a smirk.
The two brothers continued their bickering for a bit before Bill suggested they should be enjoying the evening instead of standing around him all night. Keira groaned slightly before flinging her arms around the towering Weasley once again.
“I’m not dying,” Bill reminded them. “You’re going to see me again.
“If you don’t get mauled to death by a Sphinx,” Charlie muttered. He tried not to show it but he was really going to miss his brother too. Bill was his best friend, well besides Keira now, but they grew up together, shared the same bedroom. He couldn’t even go to sleep without talking to Bill before going to bed, what was he supposed to do now? He talked to Bill about everything, always turning to his older brother for advice! Sure, he would write his brother letters but some things were time sensitive and needed to be said in person in the moment. And now being the eldest Weasley at the school, leaving him to watch over his younger siblings and be the role model was nerve-racking. He loved them dearly, and while Percy shouldn’t prove to be too difficult, his siblings had been known to cause some trouble and be a handful, particularly the twins.
“I’m not going to get mauled to death by a Sphinx,” Bill spoke sternly as Keira gasped and tightened her grip around him at Charlie’s comment. “I am not going to die. I’m going to be fine. And I have you guys to thank for that. Preparing me for curses and dangerous creatures. I’m going to be alright and so are you guys.” Keira’s grip loosened around the eldest Weasley as she slowly let him go, trying to hold back her emotions. She was not going to start crying at the ball. What a mood killer.
Bill gave them another brief pep talk, reassuring them they would be fine without him, he would be safe, they would write to each other all the time and if they ever really needed him he would find a way to be there. And he’d see them for holidays!
“And hey, in a couple years you’ll probably be joining me. Right, Keira?” Keira paused and mulled over Bill’s question. Honestly, she hadn’t thought much about a future outside of Hogwarts. Her whole focus while going to school was finding these Vaults in hopes of finding her brother. And of course to learn magic and all that. Especially when that was necessary to break the curses on these Vaults!
“I don’t know, maybe,” was all Keira could muster up at the moment. If she was completely honest, which she wouldn’t be at the moment because that would be a serious mood killer, but she wasn’t even sure if she would live to see graduation some times. She had made that dark, it’s-funny-because-it’s-true joke to Bill before when she suggested him to be Madam Rakepick’s apprentice instead of herself. Bill didn’t find it funny.
“They’d be lucky to have you,” Bill told her in an attempt to put any doubts or insecurities she may have to rest. “Heck, you could probably stroll right in there and be Head Curse-Breaker on your first day once they learn you broke your first curse at the age of like twelve.” Keira couldn’t help but smile at his compliment. She was really going to miss him and was going to drown him in letters, needing his wisdom and reassurance. He had easily become one of her dearest and closest best friend. And after all this was over, if she survived it, working alongside her brotherly best friend would be nice. Could be fun. Almost ideal even! Could be worse…
“Okay, you two are depressing me now. Go have fun,” Bill instructed, shooing them away.
“No buts! You can’t spend all night crying over me, literally. Go have fun,” Bill demanded. “And I’ll see you on the dance floor or by the punch bowl. This isn’t goodbye just yet. This is about celebrating all the great times and adventures we had here together. Tomorrow we can have our tear-filled goodbyes.” Well, he did have a point. Tonight was supposed to be fun, a party. Tomorrow, on their official last day they could all cry and hug Bill and never let him go.
Despite this being Bill’s last hoorah with them, at least for now, the gang had a really fun night. They ate, drank, talked, laughed, and danced together. Rowan, albeit a somewhat awkward dancer and therefore a bit shy at first, was swung around the dance floor by Diego who seemed to really help her let loose and not be so self-conscious about her dancing. Tonks and Tulips darted all around the ball, setting off their pranks and then hurrying back over to their friends to dance with them, like they’ve been there the entire time, hide behind them, or sometimes even under the table to escape from Filch and his wrath. Tonks tried to get herself, Ben, and Talbott when he was suddenly located, “just checking things out” after claiming to not want to attend this “stupid event,” to be crowd surfed, only to have her efforts thwarted each time, unfortunately. Barnaby kept his promise and saved a dance for Keira which also provided him with the opportunity to surprise the group with his waltz and general ballroom dance skills. Didn’t all pureblood families, at least those wealthy pureblood families, learn classic, perhaps even archaic, proper etiquette such as ballroom dance or playing a classical musical instrument? (No guitars here!) Anything to show off to their other rich friends like all that somehow made their children better than others.
Overall it was a night of fun and laughter and happy memories. Memories they could look back on fondly especially with Penny capturing them all on her camera. While laughing and dancing with her friends was a lot of fun, after a while, being surrounded by so many people with so many conflicting, competing noises reverberating throughout the space, it all became a little overwhelming so Keira excused herself and headed out onto the balcony that surrounded the Great Hall.
The fresh air and cool breeze that blew her loosely curled hair was refreshing and welcoming as she stepped out onto the mostly empty balcony. She had to wander a bit to find a space for herself, away from couples who had escaped out there for their own private snogging session. She reached up to adjust the antique looking silver decorative hair pin Penny convinced her to buy for the ball that held back part of her hair before resting against the balustrade of the balcony. The quiet and stillness of the night air was peaceful and invigorating. Keira sighed contently as she enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere the calming night and faint music from inside created.
“There you are.”
Keira turned around when she heard a familiar voice behind her and smiled at her date.
“You’ve been gone for a while, just wanted to make sure everything was okay,” Charlie explained as he walked closer to her.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. Just needed to get away from all the crowds and noise for a moment,” Keira informed him as Charlie leaned on the balustrade next to her, gazing up at the clear night sky.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Charlie replied. Keira watched him a moment, admiring how the moon light highlighted his handsome face before turning to rest against the balustrade again and sunk into the comfortable silence that fell between them.
After some time Keira felt someone staring at her and turned to head to meet Charlie’s adoring gaze. There had been other times where she felt someone’s eyes on her such as during class, and she had assumed it possibly was Charlie since it seemed to always come from his direction and her friends always claimed Charlie stared at her and gave him a hard time about it, but any time she looked over he looked away and she never caught him actually doing it. But this time his gaze held strong. He didn’t appear to be embarrassed at being caught or even fazed at all.
Keira shifted nervously under his intense gaze, feeling her face heat up causing her to avert her eyes from his. “What? Why are you looking at me like that,” she asked self-consciously.
“You’re just really beautiful,” Charlie answered softly, genuinely, not trying to be funny and charming, which just caused her face to grow redder.
“I think you’ve had too much punch,” Keira replied jokingly, obviously unsure of how to handle a compliment like that delivered so honestly. And she fully admitted she may have some intimacy fears and issues.
Fortunately her comment didn’t seem to offend Charlie or ruin the mood, earning a small chuckle from him which filled her with warmth, although she didn’t really need it when her face already felt like it was on fire. She glanced over at him to catch his usual caring smile which always caused whatever winged creatures that were in her stomach to flutter.
Charlie only broke his fixed gaze on her to glance behind them, back towards where to roaring party was still raging on, as a slow melody began to flow out from the Great Hall and fill the air.
“Come on,” he said, holding his hand out towards her.
Keira looked down at his hand curiously. “What?”
“Let’s dance. They’re playing our song,” he added with a charming smile.
“We have a song,” Keira asked with a small laugh as she shyly placed her hand in his.
“We do now,” Charlie answered before taking her hand firmly in his. He spun her around once, causing Keira to laugh more, before pulling her close to him. He slid his free arm around her waist to hold her securely to him. They swayed along to the dreamy melody, gliding along the terrace as one, the romantic lyrics seeming to narrate the moment between them perfectly.
It was funny. Before he had asked her to the dance, Charlie had always been the nervous, self-conscious one around her. They still spent a lot of time together, talked, laughed, even at his lighthearted attempts at flirting and cheeky charming comments, but sometimes the nervousness would hit him. Then he would be the one with the red face, nervous laughter, and stammering; pretty sure he made quite the fool of himself. But now, ever since she accepted his proposal to the ball he had this new found confidence. Sure, she still caused fluttering in his stomach and his heart to skip a beat, still made him nervous (he did call her an Antipodean Opaleye dragon), but seeing her reaction when he asked her to the ball, getting this chance to act on his newly understood feelings and make this something real somehow ignited this determination and confidence within him.
And on the other hand, normally cool, calm, and comfortable being herself, Keira now found herself being the nervous, self-conscious one. Perhaps it was because before this she was in blissful ignorance of any deeper feelings Charlie may have for her. Sure, she had heard her friends joke about it but she never thought it was real. Charlie wasn’t one to be lusting after others, show any interest in dating or romance, something she and him had talked about before and bonded over since she felt similar, so why would he feel those feelings towards her? And yeah, maybe she did have certain feelings for him but she was too afraid to admit that to herself, let alone anyone else. Although she was pretty sure most of her friends, especially Penny and Rowan had already figured it out based on their comments and questions to her about it.
But as long as she believed there was no way he felt the same way, there was no chance of something more, she was free to be herself, no matter how ridiculous or embarrassing, and still got a very close and reliable friend who she cherished. Now suspecting he may actually have deeper feelings than friendship for her, which was just speculation still since he hadn’t ever actually said anything on the subject, Keira found herself suddenly hyperaware of her behavior, things she said, how she looked, his behavior, things he said, how he responded to things she said, how he looked at her – everything. And it was making her more self-conscious than she had ever been before, especially around him since he was the most accepting, understanding, and least judgmental person she knew. She just didn’t want to do or say anything to mess this up and lose someone so important to her.
They floated across the terrace floor slowly, gracefully, Keira quite impressed and surprised by Charlie’s dancing abilities. The entire time Charlie looked down at her warmly, unable to stop himself from smiling, and while Keira may have needed to occasionally coyly avert her gaze from his, she could not stop smiling either.
The waning moon cast its spotlight upon the dancing couple who moved together harmoniously under the velvet night sky with only the twinkling stars as their audience. The more they danced the more comfortable this felt, the more right it felt.
As the song neared its end, Keira peered up to meet Charlie’s steadfast gaze. Their eyes remained locked as they gradually slowed to a stop but neither made a move to part from the other. Instead, Charlie leaned down to close the small distance between them, his eyes falling half shut as he hesitantly brushed his lips against hers causing a spark to jolt through them both leaving a tingling sensation, a rush of anticipation as their hearts pounded in their chests.
When his lips met hers the first thought in Keira’s mind was how surprised she was by how soft they were. That thought was quickly followed by her utter disbelief and shock that Charlie Weasley had leaned down to kiss her – that he wanted to kiss anyone but especially her! Maybe she should have checked to make sure no one had drank a polyjuice potion and was parading around as him.
His hesitancy, though, spoke volumes.
This was new territory for both of them and until now he had appeared so confident in what he was doing. But now this – there was no turning back from this. Was he sure about his feelings? Was he sure about her feelings? Is this what they both wanted? Did she want this? What if him doing this ruined everything? He was unsure and nervous about making a mistake, which was valid. Neither of them wanted to lose their close friend. But his uncertainty only made her more certain that this was right, confirmed for her how much this meant to both of them. Suddenly she wasn’t afraid any longer of all the what-ifs. This is what they both wanted. This was right. And they would be fine.
Keira smirked slightly against his lips before leaning up to meet him in a silent effort to put his insecurities to rest, her eyes falling shut as she allowed herself to give into the moment. Her gesture provided Charlie with the reassurance he needed. Once he felt the enticing sensation of her lips on his, his eyes fell shut as he felt free to give into his emotions. He kissed her gently at first, both taking their time to slowly enjoy this moment and the awakening and intensity of new feelings and sensations with each other before his arm around her waist tightened and his hand grasping hers moved to hold the side of her face as their kiss grew deeper and more passionate.
Under the night sky they remained wrapped in each other’s embrace, taking a chance on expressing their long hidden feelings for one another. Once again time seemed to still and everything around them faded away until all that existed to the couple were each other and the moon and stars that shone down upon them, preserving this intimate and pivotal moment they designed.
The night sky was suddenly illuminated by countless fireworks set off from the opposite end of the balcony surrounding the Great Hall. Tonks and Tulip promised a grand finale. But neither Charlie nor Keira seemed to even notice them, lost in each other.
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Keira lay on the couch in the Slytherin Common Room, staring up at the ceiling with a dreamy look and blissful grin on her face. She knew it was there and probably made her look insane or worse, love-struck, but she couldn’t stop smiling.
“Come on, Keira!” She suddenly felt herself being pulled up off the couch by Rowan who apparently had her inner dancing spirit awakened. The two girls laughed and danced around the Common Room, twirling in their dresses they refused to take off even though the ball had ended hours ago.
“Woo, dance party,” Barnaby cried before literally jumping in to join them. The Slytherin trio laughed as they danced around before Barnaby seemed to suddenly remember something. “Oh yeah, I’m supposed to give you this.”
Barnaby handed Keira an envelope and while she stepped aside to open it, Barnaby and Rowan continued their lively dancing. She studied the plain envelope curiously before opening it and pulling out its contents.
She stared at what she held in her hand in shock.
The picture the envelope bestowed showed her and Charlie on the balcony in the midst of their first kiss under the waning gibbous moon, twinkling stars, and fireworks that shot up in a spectacular explosion in the sky around them. She turned the picture over to see the date written on the back along with a message which caused an eerie chill to creep throughout her body as she nervously looked around the room.
‘I know everything that happens at Hogwarts’ ♥ Penny
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Merde – Shit
J’en ai ras le cul – I have fucking had it (with stairs)
Eejit – Idiot
I think it’s safe to say we all know, or can at least figure out, the British slang words (I hope I used them correctly or else how embarrassing!)
A/N: Could I have ended it with them kissing under the night sky on the balcony? Sure. But then this idea popped into my head and I thought it was funny. You can pretend it ends with the romantic scene.(I’m still not perfectly happening with the ending scene of them kissing but I can’t keep obsessing over it and tweaking little things here and there throughout the story, I need to just post it and be done! Also still kind of wish it had a better title but whatever - ugh the perfectionist in me!)
I didn’t write this all in one sitting so hopefully it flows, and again it has been so long since I’ve written something like this but I enjoyed doing it. I know I can tend to ramble and be over detailed and I do love my commas but that’s just me being excited to write this kind of stuff again. Sorry it ended up so much longer than anticipated! I also know I could have just focused on the relationship with Charlie but I love the relationship with the whole gang and wanted to highlight that as well. Oh, and the Rowan and Diego thing – I see one screenshot of them talking/close to each other in DADA and now I kind of ship it? I don’t know…Barnaby could have possibly gone with Liz, I don’t really know her but they both love magical creatures and she is rather socially awkward so I could see her asking him to the dance without him realizing =p Or it was some other girl. Shout out to all the Addison’s out there! I kept seeing this name in reference to the game and thought ‘well this is a popular name I should use it.’
As mentioned before the reference to Charlie realizing his feelings and falling asleep together while studying may be another fic I write as well as a sort of aftermath of the ball where they make it official. I also have some other one shot ideas or headcanons I’ve mentioned in others posts I may actually write out as well (e.g. Keira getting a concussion during a Quidditch match and being caught by Charlie, Keira and Barnaby accidentally knocking a ball into the Potions classroom). I don’t know if anyone would be interested but might be something I do. I am really happy to be getting back into creative writing.
Let me know if you are interested; I noticed some people tag others to keep them updated on their fics and if you’d like that let me know! And if you have any prompt ideas or collab ideas or anything let me know too! I would just really like to connect to others, maybe even make friendships - how crazy would that be =p
~ Hope you enjoyed =)
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writinginstardust · 6 years
After The War | Chapter 2
Pairing: Dorian Havilliard x reader
Warnings: The word bastard literally once
A/N: Part 2 is finally ready and it’s even longer than I anticipated. Also it;s from Dorian’s POV and the chapters are probably gonna alternate between these 2 POV’s every chapter because I like getting inside both their heads. We have flirting guys! Actual flirting! Hope you guys like it!
Word Count: 3401
Dinner was a quiet affair, as Dorian had preferred to keep it since returning home last spring, just him, Chaol, Yrene, Hollin, and their visitors from Terrasen. They were more like family than visiting dignitaries and he wanted to treat them as such. He knew many of his advisors and the other Lords would have liked to join them, that it was more proper that way, but he’d decided a while ago that he didn’t much care for a lot of what was considered ‘proper’ anymore. Including falling for a member of another court apparently. One who thought he was ‘pretty’ even if she didn’t remember telling him that.
Gods, she’d only been here a day. A day! And he was already in deeper than he should be. It was hard not to be infatuated though, he was pretty sure half the younger Lords were as well and they’d known her for even less time than he had. Honestly he was beginning to wonder what was going on in the Terrasen bloodlines, it seemed like everyone he knew from the kingdom was stronger, smarter, and more loyal than anyone else he’d met and (Y/N) was no exception. She’d proved that in their meeting today just as she’d proved it defending her home against the might of Morath. She was just as smart, just as brave, just as determined, just as committed to her people as Aelin, as quick-witted too but had a much more calm and sweet disposition than her Queen. Less likely to set you on fire too, though from what he’d heard from the others she might very well try if you pushed her too far.
Currently she was giggling beside him at something Evangeline had just said and Dorian didn’t think he’d ever heard a more beautiful sound. He really needed not to think about her like that. This needed to be professional...well...friendly at least. They could be friends. In fact he thought he’d be more than happy with that, the feelings he thought he had may not even be that serious and he wouldn’t want to risk ruining anything between himself and all his friends in Terrasen by hurting her. But that would have to involve her feeling something for him too he supposed. He doubted that was the case. In any case, no flirting.
“So you really did threaten to kick Darrow’s ass if he didn’t let you fight?” Dorian was broken out of his thoughts at the question Chaol asked her, surprise etched on his face. He’d met the old Lord and he didn’t seem like the kind of person who’d take kindly to that sort of thing.
“Certainly did, I would have done it too. He seemed to be under the impression that me being a noble girl meant my place wasn’t on the battlefield. Clearly he forgot who I grew up around and where I spent the last ten years.” (Y/N) grinned and it was clear she’d have taken great pleasure in showing up the old Lord. Dorian thought he’d probably enjoy watching that almost as much.
“I think I’d have liked to see that,” Nox voiced his own thoughts, murmurs of agreement coming from around the table.
“I think a lot of people would have,” Ren agreed, an amused smile on his face, “he’s not so bad anymore though so I don’t think we can come up with a good excuse for it. Shame.” He shrugged and turned back to his dinner.
“If you want to fight a backwards bastard of a Lord, you’re more than welcome to take a shot at my father while you’re here,” Chaol offered, and wasn’t that a delightful thought?
“As tempting as that sounds from what I know of him, I think that would be a bit counter-productive to why I’m here. Maybe after all our business is done I’ll take you up on that.”
“I hope you do,” Dorian finally rejoined the conversation. “If you want to get in a bit of practice first though, you’re welcome to test your skills on someone who’s a bit of a challenge.” He punctuated the offer with a wink. So much for no flirting.
“If you’ve got someone who will be then I’d be happy to.” She looked him dead in the eyes, an eyebrow cocked, as she replied, the teasing clear.
“We’ll have to see about that but I’m sure I’ll suffice for now.” She looked him over as if assessing and his skin was set aflame wherever her eyes roamed. He decided that when his time to die came he’d happily be burned alive by that gaze.
“We’ll see.” She smirked and turned her attention back to the others. Dorian let his eyes linger on her for a while, only half paying attention to the conversation around him. He’d told himself he wouldn’t pursue anything with her but that didn’t mean he couldn’t admire her. He’d never been one to deny himself life’s simpler pleasures and he wasn’t going to deny himself this.
It was late by the time they vacated the dining room, their conversations stretching on as they all got to know each other better and entertained each other with stories of the mutual friends in the years before they’d met. (Y/N) in particular had some rather amusing tales to tell about Aelin which Dorian was definitely going to have to ask the Queen about when he finally saw her again. Still smiling about one such story, he and Chaol headed to his office, their work not quite over for the day though neither wanted to do anything but sleep.
“You and (Y/N) really seem to have hit it off, I see.” There was an edge of something teasing in Chaol’s voice as he slid a sidelong glance at Dorian.
“I suppose so,” he shrugged in an attempt to seem indifferent, he was not going to admit how much he already liked her to anyone, not even his best friend. There seemed no need anyway, nothing would come of it and they needed to focus on getting through all their negotiations. “She seems to have made a good impression on just about everyone.” He felt more than saw Chaol rolling his eyes in response.
“I think she’s made more than just a good impression on you.”
“Well I definitely like her already if that’s what you’re getting at. She’s smart and brave and kind and I’d like to get to know her better.” He realised he was probably getting a bit too close to making his feelings known. “Besides,” he added in an attempt to dispel that line of thinking from Chaol, “we’ve got to work together for a while and she’s a friend of Aelin’s, it’s only right that I make her feel welcome here.” The excuse wasn’t likely to work for long and Chaol’s face told him that when he looked over, but it was enough to get the subject dropped for the time being.
Dropped for almost a week it turned out. Dorian was surprised it took that long for it to be brought up again though, considering how obvious he felt he was being. He really had tried not to show it but it got harder every day as he spent countless hours in her company, both during meetings and in their spare time. He couldn’t help it really, he was falling further and further with every new thing he uncovered about her and jumping at every opportunity to spend more time together, unbothered by the knowing glances thrown at him by everyone each time he did.
She was truly a wonder to him and the feelings he'd thought could be nothing were growing stronger with each passing moment, blossoming into something beautiful and deadly that he was starting to believe had the power to end him. Her laugh made his heart stutter, her smile made it stop, the light kiss she pressed to his cheek that one time made it beat a thousand times a minute. And gods...the way she practically glowed in the early evening light, as she was then, took his breath away.
They were strolling through the gardens after a particularly arduous meeting with the Lords and advisors about restitutions for all the previous King had done to Terresan and it's people. It was to be the first of many and it hadn't gotten off to the best of starts even with Dorian and (Y/N) already in agreement. Many of them were less than pleased with the amount suggested for the Kingdom to give especially with the state Adarlan was still in. In all honesty Dorian felt they should do far more to make up for everything but Aelin refused to let him pay for the sins of his father any more than necessary.
“They'll come around I'm sure. They're reasonable people...for the most part, they'll see this deal is more than fair.”
“I hope so.” She sighed, stopping in her tracks and gazing off into the distance at the setting sun. “Sooner rather than later would be good, they're exhausting.”
Dorian chuckled at her honesty but had to agree, he almost missed the days when they were all too busy with war to do this kind of stuff. Almost.
“That, they are. You get used to it after a while though.” He smiled down at her. “A tip from someone who's been doing this half their life; stop listening after about a minute, they just repeat everything in new ways after that. Use the rest of your time to figure out what will make them compromise and stop whining. You don't have to actually go through with it but they need to feel like they've won something.” A small smile lit up her features and Dorian couldn't bring himself to look away even with what he knew was a beautiful sunset before them.
“I'll keep that in mind for next time...Gods there's going to be a next time.”
“Unfortunately yes. You did well today though, Lord Westfall didn't complain nearly as much as I expected. I think what you said actually got through to him somehow.”
“I suppose it must have, no idea why though.”
“Maybe he's just finally succumbing to your charm. A pretty face can convince most men to do things they otherwise wouldn't, especially when there's a sharp mind wielding it.” He winked and was most pleased to see a light blush spreading across her cheeks at the compliment.
“Somehow I doubt that but I've got no better ideas...” She continued to stare into the distance, clearly deep in thought, and Dorian simply stood beside her, enjoying the silence and unwilling to interrupt whatever was going on in her head.
“Dorian!” Said man whipped his head around at the sound of his name and spotted Chaol walking towards them, an apologetic, yet still somehow smug, smile on his face. The yell also snapped (Y/N) back to reality and she turned around in surprise.
“Hi Chaol!” She called over and waved as he made his way closer. He nodded and briefly turned his smile to her before addressing Dorian once more.
“There's a...situation with some of the Lords that requires your attention. It shouldn't take long but I think you need to deal with this now.” He was admittedly confused at how vague Chaol was being but shrugged it off. He groaned and looked skywards as if praying for something to save him from what awaited. Dragging a hand down his face, he brought his gaze back down, hoping his exasperation was clear. A badly suppressed laugh sounded beside him and it was the first time he'd heard it and not wanted to join in.
“Alright,” he sighed. “Sorry (Y/N), duty calls. I'll see you at dinner.” He looked over regretfully and found her smirking, clearly amused at his predicament.
“I guess I'll see you later then. Have fun.”
He turned away and followed Chaol back inside, missing the longing gaze trained on him until he was out of sight.
“What's this about then?” Dorian asked as the two men entered the castle.
“Nothing serious,” Chaol quickly reassured. “It's about (Y/N) though so I thought you might want to personally handle it.” The explanation did little to clear things up, in fact it left Dorian with even more questions than before.
“What about her? I thought they were all getting along? Please don't tell me they've decided to act like children because they're not happy about the restitutions?” He would absolutely not hesitate to treat them as such if they were acting that way. He prayed he wouldn't have to though.
“On the contrary, they seem to be getting on a little too well.” That stopped Dorian in his tracks. It was definitely not what he had expected.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, some of them are thinking about her as more than just a foreign emissary...they're thinking about courting her and right now arguing over who gets to try first.”
Dorian felt all the colour drain from his face, his world being turned upside down at Chaol's revelation. Admittedly it came as no great surprise to him, he'd noticed the way some of them had acted around her since they met, had overheard them talking about her more than a few times, he understood why they might feel something for her given he himself did. The thought of (Y/N) with any of them didn't sit right with him but there was no way he was going to admit that. He had no right to decide that for her anyway.
“Why do you think I need to deal with it? Their love lives are none of my business. As long as it doesn't affect our relationship with Terrasen, they can do whatever they like.” He didn't mean a single word, didn’t want to deal with the pain seeing her with one of his Lords, but he’d decided it was a bad idea to pursue her himself so really had no good reason to stop it. Besides, he’d be a terrible friend if he stood in the way of her potential happiness.
“I think you need to deal with it because I know you’ve fallen for her.” It was obvious Chaol was growing tired of his refusal to acknowledge his feelings as an undercurrent of anger crept into his voice. Dorian fixed him with a stern look which his friend had unfortunately grown impervious to and ignored. “Did you really think I was going to believe that line about making her feel welcome for Aelin? Really? Dorian, we’ve been best friends for years, I know you and I know when you’re hiding something. How could you think I wouldn’t notice?”
“Chaol…” there was a slight warning in his tone which again went ignored by his friend. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Chaol to know, but saying it out loud made it real and he didn’t really feel like dealing with that. Not when it would only lead to more pain.
“And you’re not exactly being subtle about it. I don’t think there’s a soul who knows you that can’t tell...except (Y/N), somehow she’s completely oblivious to how you feel.” He sighed and Dorian wasn’t entirely sure if it was directed at him or at the girl in question. “Just...why haven’t you done anything about it yet? You’ve always gone out and got what you wanted, why is this any different? I know she’s what you want so what’s stopping you?”
Dorian snapped.
“I’ve known her a week Chaol! A week! Fine, I’ll admit I’ve developed feelings for her but this is way too soon to start anything serious and I’m not going to risk anything casual and temporary that might mean one of us gets hurt! I can’t do that to her and I can’t do that to myself. Not again.” He deflated slightly, calming himself before continuing. “There’s too much to consider and too many risks with us getting involved. I refuse to let my own feelings become a problem when we already have so much to deal with.”
“Dorian…” Chaol’s voice was noticeably softer but still stern, demanding he pay attention. “Your happiness doesn’t come second to everything. Yes, you have responsibilities to your people and allies as King but you’re allowed to take a chance at your own happiness, it won’t destroy everything if it goes wrong and it won’t affect our relationship with Terrasen.”
“It’s still only been a week Chaol.”
“Maybe so but you already know you feel something so why not take a chance?”
Dorian didn’t have a good answer ready, at least not one he wanted to voice, so he elected to remain silent at Chaol’s question. His friend could read him like no one else could though and saw just what he wanted to keep hidden.
“You need to figure out what’s going to be harder to live with; taking a chance and things not going well, or maybe missing out on something amazing. I’ll tell the Lords it’s inappropriate to pursue anything while we’re in negotiations, it will give you some time to figure it out, but you can’t have forever. She won’t wait forever. Decide. Are you going to let your fear rule you or are you going to rule your fear?”
With that strangely poignant question, Chaol clapped him on the shoulder and walked away, leaving him alone with his thoughts. In the end it all came down to one question: How much was he willing to risk for a shot at happiness?
Dear Aelin,
Everything is going incredibly well. We’ve hit a small snag with the restitutions but Dorian seems to think the Lords will agree sooner or later, we just have to give them some time. Honestly these Lords can be almost as temperamental as ours sometimes, I still can’t decide if I’d rather deal with Darrow or Chaol’s father, it’s a tough call.
Ren is going to head back with Evangeline in about a week and a half, apparently he has total faith in me not to mess everything up without him. We’ll see. (I promise I won’t) They were going to leave sooner but we’ve had word from Nesryn and Sartaq that they’ll be here in a weeks time and Evangeline was dying to stay and see them. I’m looking forward to it. It’s been too long since I saw them and honestly it will be nice having someone else in those meetings. They’re not the worst thing I suppose, Dorian agreeing with just about everything is making them much easier, but they’re endless and exhausting and I cannot wait until they're over.
Speaking of Dorian...I’m still surprised you passed up that opportunity back when he liked you. He’s so kind and thoughtful and honestly so much more attractive than I’d ever imagined turning into such a great friend. I have to thank you for sending we to do all this if only because of the friends I’ve made here. (the trust and faith in me is an honour too!)
Anyway, we’re all doing well, Nox, Ren, and Evangeline are enjoying it all for the most part and they’re happy with all that’s been agreed, I hope you will be too. Dorian, Chaol, and Yrene are all hoping to see you soon as well but you may want to put that off, I may have told them a few stories from when we were younger that they want to tease you about but I’ve got stories about them too which should make up for it.
Let me know if anything interesting happens up there, I’m sure with our Court there must be plenty to tell me about and I need to know it all. I’ll keep you updated with everything that’s going on and send word if we need your input. It doesn’t look likely with how smoothly everything has been going but you never know.
Hope you’re all having a rotten time without me, I know I’m the life and soul of our little group so you must be missing me desperately. Give my love to the others if you think they deserve it and I can’t wait to see you again soon.
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funkzpiel · 7 years
A Chance of Change | Ch 1
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[read it on AO3]
It was during his daily morning ride that Newt found him — a man, unconscious in the mud, with his horse stomping nervously around his body. Between the gray of the day and the rain in his lashes, Newt almost missed him. If not for the loyalty of his horse, he might not have seen him at all. The moment he dismounted and his boots sunk into the mud, he had a feeling of what had happened. Mud like this tended to suck the shoes right off of horses, and he wouldn’t be surprised if he lifted that tall stallion’s hoof to find it bare. The loss of the shoe might have spooked it or even hurt, and if the blood dribbling slowly from the stranger’s brow was anything to go by, it likely had resulted in one thing - a tossed rider.
“Sir?” Newt said, the length of his own mount’s lead in one hand as he slowly made his way toward the figure. “Sir, can you hear me?”
But honestly, Newt could barely hear himself against the roar of the storm he had accidentally found himself caught in. With a soft sigh, he gently calmed the foreign horse, murmuring assurances into its snout so it would still and cease the risk of accidentally losing another shoe in the mud or losing its balance and crushing its owner. He gathered it’s lead in his hand and quickly bound the horse to his own, knowing his mount wouldn’t stray, before kneeling into the soft give of the mud below to check on the unconscious man.
“Sir?” He asked again, but it was quickly apparent that his voice had fallen upon deaf ears - the man was out cold, lips somewhat blue in the chill of the morning rain and slightly parted. In the hush of the onslaught, Newt found his mind filled with a droning call. Rain filled his nose, muddied his mind, until all he could focus on was the man’s lips - blue but beautiful. He was just about to reach for them when a nip to his shoulder brought him back to the present. His filly stomped her foot once, patience waning in the rain, as though to say stop staring and let’s go already.
But Newt couldn’t leave the pair out here…
So with a sigh and grunt of effort, he went about tossing the broader man onto his mount, eager to get home.
Theseus had not yet come home from his chores at the market by the time Newt finally got the man inside and the horses sorted. The chickens went unfed as he stripped the stranger of his sopping wet clothing - his cheeks a blazing scarlet all the while, steadily growing with each inch of creamy skin his hands reveals. The man was chill as death, and as lovely as a glacier. His face formed by hard lines and a strong jaw. Skin so pale it might have been shaped from snow itself. Hair spun by the night itself, plastered wetly to his forehead. He was gorgeous, but something felt remiss. Beyond the chill and the danger, something niggled in the back of Newt’s mind. A simple bell, chiming blindly. But he did not know what for.
He cast the thought aside, hoping distracting himself might loosen the thought, and went about hauling the man toward the tub where hot water lay waiting.
The heat from the bath seemed to stir some visage of life back into the man, because the moment Newt began to lower him into the water, a sigh passed his lips - content and grateful. Hard work done, Newt took a moment to lean back onto his haunches, wipe the sweat from his brow, and really take in the situation he had landed himself in.
He was alone with a stranger that he had plucked from the mud, and not just any stranger if the view beneath the water was anything to go by. Born to a family of Omegas - his Alpha father having abandoned them shortly after his own birth - Newt had never seen another Alpha in his life. He knew only the gentle touches of his Omega family. Of the movement of their slight, lithe frames and the shape of his own body. He had never seen a man as broad as this in his life, nor so well, Newt swallowed - endowed.
Between the strangers legs hung a cock at least four times the size of Newt’s own, although to be bigger than Newt was hardly a difficult task. Theseus had commented more than once that, even for an Omega, Newt shyly toed the line of abnormally small.
“But don’t worry,” Theseus would always say, “Alphas don’t like competition any way.” And there was a sourness in his voice that Theseus would never explain.
He knew Alpha’s were large, but this… He knew well enough how children came to be, but he couldn't fathom how any Omega could take that cock and live to tell the tale, let alone enjoy it. But even as the thought passed through his mind, another rose behind it - chasing its coattails.
It was a rather fine cock.
As though sculpted rather than bred, laying gently against the stranger’s thigh. Suddenly, he wanted to touch it. To weigh it in his palm. His knack for all things living prompting him curiously to investigate. His finger tips itched, his palm ached, and suddenly his mouth felt dry. Eyes locked upon the organ as though seeing a new creature for the first time. He even considered — very briefly — on if he could sketch it before a hand locked around his wrist, wet and large and calloused, making him jump.
“It won’t bite, you know,” the stranger said, and Newt felt something shiver all the way down his spine at the confidence that weighed down every word, wrapped in velvet and whiskey and a dozen other lovely parallels. Something odd fluttered in his lower belly, something foreign, and for a moment he worried he was sick. But the stranger continued before he could dwell on it. “Although I am quite flattered by your attentions.”
“I’m sorry!” Newt suddenly stammered, a fire rising in his cheeks fit to match his russet hair. “That was rather unbecoming of me, taking advantage of you while you were hurt and sleeping. Forgive me.”
“Forgive you? Did you kidnap me?” The man asked, and Newt leapt forward to deny it, noticing too late the open playfulness on his face. This stranger was not worried at all.
“No! I found you in the mud on my morning ride and I couldn’t just leave you there, I—“
The hand on his wrist moved to clasp his fingers where they curled around the lip of the tub, and the stranger smiled.
“Then there is nothing to forgive. If anything I should be thanking you it seems. For rescuing me. You’re rather daring for an Omega, aren’t you?”
Newt felt his hard pump a thick and heady beat beneath his ribcage. No one had ever called him brave. Awkward, ungainly, foolish - but never brave. He licked his lips, unable to meet his patient’s gaze. Eyes caught on the cut on his forehead instead, red and livid, but no longer bleeding.
“You’d be the first to think it, I’m afraid,” Newt said softly, but oh how he yearned to hear it again.
Percival frowned, as though confused, and said, “I can barely tick off the fingers of one hand the number of Omegas that come to mind that would do what you did. Pull an Alpha from the mud — a stranger, at that — and heave him home alone. Where he lived alone.”
“I don’t live alone,” Newt rushed in. “My brother is the head of the house.”
“Where is your brother, then?”
Newt swallowed.
“He’ll be here soon.”
“I’m sure.”
Silence fell between them, but it did not seem to bother the stranger at all. Instead, the man seemed more than content to size him up. A dangerous light in his brown eyes that Newt had seen before, but could not quite peg. Confident and lazy, like a—
“Percival,” the man said.
“E-excuse me?”
“My name. It’s Percival. You didn’t seem to know, so I figured I’d introduce myself.”
Newt’s brow furrowed. Odd way to phrase that…
“Should I know you?” Newt asked and Percival shrugged, sliding deeper into the steamy embrace of the bath Newt had drawn him.
“I’d honestly be more surprised if you did know, rather than didn’t. My name doesn’t tend to reach this far out.”
Newt moved his words this way and that. Like a puzzle piece he couldn’t quite fit into the larger picture. This far out… from what? The capital? The market? What a strange man.
“I fear maybe you hit your head a little harder than I thought,” Newt blurted out. The man gave him a strange look, and for a moment Newt wondered if he had stepped on the toes of polite conversation yet again, despite Theseus’ many attempts to teach him how to “socialize” properly. But Percival just chuckled and shook his head, a soft huff of something akin to interest on his breath.
“Are you not going to introduce yourself, mister…?”
“Newt. Newt Scamander. You may not have heard of me as far out as wherever you hail from,” Newt teased, eyes immediately falling after his brave little jibe — all his courage waning the second the words passed his lips.
His heart stuttered happily, however, when the Alpha merely belted out a merry laugh, eyes twinkling, his gaze never once having left Newt.
“I like you, Newt. You’re unlike any Omega I’ve ever met.”
“My brother would agree with you there. He’s tried to raise me right, but—“
“He raised you perfectly, Newt. You’re far more interesting than the bland little birds that chirp around the capital, vying for attention. You’re… capable. I like that.”
Newt flushed, unsure of what to say. To be capable was to be independent. Something Omega’s weren’t supposed to be. But it was hard not to be capable when you had to fend for yourself. Theseus had grown up to be capable out of necessity, and while he had tried to instill Omega qualities into Newt — hoping to at least preserve his chances for proper mating — it was hard not to learn by example.
And Theseus was one of the most capable people Newt knew.
Percival didn’t say it like a negative though. From his lips, it was something admirable. Something Newt never though he’d hear an Alpha say. The strange feeling in his belly was back, making him uncomfortable and confused. His brows furrowed and his cheeks pinkened, and he quickly rose to dry his hands and give the man his privacy.
“Wait,” Percival said, “I hope I didn’t offend?”
“No, I—“ Newt looked this way and that, his words faltering the moment his standing brought him head on with an even fuller gaze of the Alpha’s assets. He swallowed and tried to ignore the amusement on Percival’s face. “I think I hear my brother calling. I’ll leave you to your bath now that you’re feeling better.”
“Thank you, Newt.”
Newt nodded jarringly and positively sped out of the bathroom, the Alpha’s chuckles following him out. And even after he had left the house to catch some fresh air, the sound of his laughter followed him — rich like honey and dangerous like whiskey, warming him from the inside and making him want more.
“Oh what have I done,” he whispered in a shudder of lost breath, eyes out on the horizon in the direction Theseus would surely come from sooner or later, “Thes is going to be livid.”
[a/n] so this is the beginning of a commission for an anon! I’m posting in bits to keep motivated - and depending on how well the process goes, I may open up commissions in a broader sense in the future. In the mean time, have some top!graves.
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Ravens and One-Eyed Cats, Oh My!
The unseen Ghost Host acts as a sort of ambassador, a go-between, someone equally able to speak to us in the mortal realm as well as to his fellow spirits (presumably).  Other than a few directives from the Cast Member Butlers and Maids, telling us to get to the center of the stretching gallery, the GH is our only narrator and guide.  He never really tells us what his motivation is in taking us on this little tour.  Right up until the end of the ride, you don't know if he's good or evil. We're so used to this arrangement by now that we forget that doing it this way was a choice.  As it turns out, it was a choice made only a few months before the Haunted Mansion opened.  Some of the rejected alternatives would have made for a very different ride experience if they had been implemented.  One of these is fairly well known and has left traces behind in the ride.  There is another one, far less well-known, which has left nothing behind.  One thing they have in common is that both of them add an additional character who interacts with both the Ghost Host and with you, the rider. Very different chemistry.  This was not a trivial decision, as we'll see. The Raven Died in the wool Mansionites know a lot about this character, so if you're one of those, and you're impatient, you might scroll down to the Cat section, which includes stuff you've never seen, I promise. Riders can hardly help noticing that there is a raven which accompanies them throughout the ride, starting with the Conservatory scene and ending at the entrance to the crypt at the end of the graveyard scene.  There are five all together, but they are all supposed to be the same character.  All it does is caw at us.  Especially at DL, particular attention is drawn to it as we descend into the graveyard.  Despite having our focus obviously directed at it at that point, we're gettin' bird noises and that's it.
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Originally, the WDW raven sat on the branch right above you too, as you tilted back, but due to "guest abuse" it was moved back and put on a branch well off to the side.  Ketchup packets, I imagine. Caw-caw.  At least the bird sounds real.  According to Stacia Martin (The Sounds of Disneyland [Disney, 2005] 31), he was voiced by "Candy" Candido, best known as the go-to guy for basso profundo in cases where even Thurl Ravenscroft couldn't get low enough.  (Candy must have had freakin' bridge cables for vocal cords.)  What is less well-known is that Candy was extraordinarily versatile and could do very high voices as well.  The same source says that Candy did the raven in Sleeping Beauty and simply hauled out his raven cry again ten years later for the Mansion. Be that as it may, originally there were going to be several more ravens, including one in the stretching room and one in the foyer.  (You can read about the latter one HERE).  This was still going to be the case going into the spring of 1969.  The raven was going to talk to you, along with the unseen Ghost Host.  The 1968 show script which provided the basis for the "Story and Song from the Haunted Mansion" album preserves a lot of the raven's dialogue.  The bird criticizes the stretchroom advice given by the GH ("He chose the coward's way! Caw-caw").  I guess the GH is a little miffed, because shortly afterwards he responds by warning you that the raven is a possessed creature, and its "restless spirit" may be looking for an opportunity to "better itself."  This bickering leaves you wondering which (if either) of these voices from regions beyond should be trusted.  But the raven is also the one who warns you about the ghostly hitchhikers at the end, so by that point you have probably come to trust the little guy.  He even calls you "my friends," so you see?  He cares.  I guess there was no caws for concern.  (Oh shut up; it's my blog.) The eerie raven first appears in a Ken Anderson concept sketch.  Marc Davis liked it and kept it, and it seems that there was never a time when it wasn't going to be part of the show.
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Is the talking raven taken from the famous Edgar Allan Poe poem?  If we're speaking of an indirect influence, the answer is an easy yes.  Poe is indeed responsible for adding the raven to the short list of recognized Halloween critters (bats, spiders, black cats, owls).  But even in a direct sense, the answer is yes.  In an early script, the raven warns us about itself (huh?) and the hitchhikers, with "nevermore's" and "evermore's" sprinkled everywhere.  The lines were recorded at one point by the incomparable Eleanor Audley (Lady Tremaine, Maleficent, Madame Leota).  Warning!  If you're an admirer of Ms. Audley's work (yes, yes, I see those hands), this excerpt is painful to listen to.  But we historians cannot afford the luxury of pity. Beware of Eleanor's Raven, Forevermore [Audio Link]
Oh geesh, that was bad.  Anyway, it proves that X. Atencio was directly influenced by "The Raven" when he tried to script the character.  One problem with the raven—besides being annoying—was that it was too small to command your attention in some of the larger scenes.  Maybe a bigger animal would work.  Let's see...no, you can't have an elephant in a haunted house.  How about a black cat?  More specifically, how about an Edgar Allan Poe-inspired black cat? The One-Eyed Black Cat "The Black Cat" is one of Poe's better known tales, often anthologized, and read in many a high school English class.  If you've forgotten how it goes, here's a severely abbreviated summary: The narrator had a beloved black cat for a pet, but one day in a fit of alcoholic rage he gouges out its eye with a knife.  Later on, guilt at the sight of the one-eyed black cat turns to resentment and he kills the animal.  Later he finds (or is found by) another one-eyed black cat and takes it as a pet.  In yet another one of his fits of rage he murders his wife and walls her up in the cellar.  When the police investigate, however, the narrator is betrayed by the howling of the cat inside the wall, where it had been walled up with the corpse. A much creepier Poe animal than the raven, certainly.  Most Mansion fans know about the existence of the one-eyed black cat only from a couple of Paul Frees outtakes, in which he tries out his note-perfect Bela Legosi and Peter Lorre voices while using a revised HM script.  Dude, when Count Dracula sees fit to warn you about a kitty, it must be one bad motorscooter. Ghost Host Bela warns you about a nasty cat [Audio Link]
Ghost Host Peter warns you about it too [Audio Link]
As you can gather from those, X's cat was much scarier and more demonic than his raven.  None of the cat's dialogue has survived, but X did a series of concept sketches.  The notion that the cat would be co-narrator may even predate the notion of putting the earlier raven character into that specific role.  It looks as if the black cat might first manifest itself at first as nothing more than an eye:
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Apparently, the eye would morph into a shiny point of laser-like light, and a cat face would appear with only one eye.  The first eye you saw turns out to be the missing one.  From the looks of it, this loud and angry feline is looking for more than just a Little Friskies num-num.
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The morphing continues, and the face rots into a more human form.  Not surprisingly, this does nothing to improve its mood.
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Good Lord.  And how was this thing going to be presented?  A projection?  That isn't clear.  It's possible that the "cat" was going to just pop out unexpectedly along the way in its various stages of demonic materialization.  The face above looks a lot like a blast-up head in another X concept sketch.  A quick look at some actual blast-up heads (inset) confirms that this is what the artwork is about.
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So maybe our creepy "cat" was going to jump out and surprise us here and there throughout the ride.  Good Lord. When neither the demonic one-eyed black cat nor the "nevermore"-squawking raven ended up being used, the HM lost its only clear Edgar Allan Poe allusions (although you could make a case for a Tell-Tale Heart allusion in the bride's beating heart).  It would have been nice if someone had told the composer of this WDW pre-opening publicity poster that the Haunted Mansion could no longer be accurately described as "Edgar Allan Poe-styled."
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The black cat was a short-lived idea, with good reason.  By having the Ghost Host warn you about a clearly malicious and dangerous creature like this one, he cast himself into the role of protector.  He was there to help you.  Similarly, in the 1968 script, the GH graciously informs you at the outset that you will not be harmed.  That's very decent of him. Too decent.  Who wants Santa Claus for a Ghost Host?  A haunted house is an allegory of life itself.  You enter here and you exit there, and in between is a dark twisted corridor filled with frightening sights.  You may get advice along the way, but you never have quite enough evidence to be sure that those voices have your best interest at heart.  Do you really want to go into that haunted house that the neighbor kid put up in his garage for Halloween—the one who's a minor league juvenile delinquent the rest of the year? Enter if you dare. The Haunted Mansion is no different than any thirteen-year-old's spook house, and it's no different from life.  Once you're in, you don't know if the Host is benign or malicious, so you have no choice but to go ahead, even with insufficient data.  When you're stuck in a haunted house, the secret is to not panic and to keep your wits about you and to just keep going.  If you do that, you're likely to make it. Kinda like life. So the trouble with the villainous black cat is that it made the Ghost Host much too unambiguously a good guy.  It's important that he make you a little nervous, a little unsure. What was the trouble with the raven, then, aside from being a tad too small?  With the cat, we had a bad guy co-narrator and a good guy main narrator.  With the talking raven, we had a morally ambiguous co-narrator along with a morally ambiguous Ghost Host.  At first, you don't really know if either of them can be trusted.  But in that case, why do you need two narrators?  The real problem with the raven was that it was redundant.  Turn off its dialogue and give its few substantive comments to the GH, and ta da, nothing is changed.  Just make sure the GH never really tells you what he's up to. .
Originally Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Original Link: [x]
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Bayek x Reader: The Hero of Siwa
A/N: I might’ve jumped on this train a little too fast with not much information but I couldn’t help myself. I already think he is such a great character and if I had the talent to draw him I would be drawing him and Senu nonstop. But here’s my little contribution.
The laughter of children brought a smile to your face as you watched them delight in the simple joys their games brought them; their excited footfalls caused the water to dance along with them as they circled around each other and played. It was a pleasant distraction from the heat whose heaviness burdened you and the other women around you who worked tirelessly on the same task of cleansing the clothing of their families. Well, perhaps not entirely the same task... There was not a single person in the oasis of Siwa, or beyond for that matter, that you could identify as family; not in what was thought to be the traditional sense. Life had chosen a very difficult road for you to travel on; a road that heavily relied on the kindness of others for the simple things every child should be guaranteed. Things like shelter and even happiness. It was the kindness that lived in the heart of a simple merchant and his wife that persuaded them to raise you as their own and from that moment on, as you aged, you learned that there was more involved in being in a family than blood relation. Besides, there was something almost magical about being invited into someone's heart, about being accepted and being loved in a community that had turned you from being a stranger in an unknown land to becoming one of their own. You lifted a hand to shield your eyes from the wrath of the sun's rays and allowed the other to place the last article of clothing you had washed in the basket along with the others. Sparkling brightly and languidly flowing along, the river brought refreshment from dry air with it gentleness. You dipped a small cloth into the river and wrung it, bringing it up to your face to erase the perspiration. The new found coolness allowed for the breeze to bring you some comfort as the playful wind touched your skin. You were not aware of the hidden giggles shared between the other women just a small distance apart from you nor had you noticed the way they hid their sly smiles under the palms of their hands as a figure was slowly shortening the distance between you. It had been the children who alerted you, when their excitement shifted from their momentary source of amusement to the sudden presence of the last Medjay. They shouted his name with great joy, all of them making sure that they wasted no time in greeting and flocking the beloved hero of Siwa. A smile graced his lips as well as he temporarily strayed from his path towards you and knelt down to share a moment with the enthusiastic children who all wanted to gain his attention. Your gaze drifted in his direction as he lowered the hood off his head and patiently listened to their animated voices each picking up where the other left off as they explained a number of things all at once. It was endearing when his laughter joined their own. The handsome man spoke when he was gifted the turn to and he leaned closer to the children, as if telling them a secret, before lifting his head above their little huddle to look at you. The sparkle in his eyes and the grin on his lips seemed to grow when he caught you looking in his direction. You immediately look away and feel a heat warm your face that was not a product of the sun. You attempted to hide your blush by quickly looking in the other direction, towards the women, who were now openly smiling towards you; aged and married hearts being warmed at the prospect of young love. You quickly busied yourself with the task of collecting all the supplies you had brought with you, already feeling nervous knowing that all the hero of Siwa had to do was walk a short way and he'd be standing right in front of you. You could not deny the fact that you were overjoyed at his arrival. His proximity meant that he was safe, unharmed, and back in his home. You could not deny the fact that your heart began to beat just a little faster when you knew well that his happiness had been directed towards you. That you were in his thoughts and that, perhaps, he longed to be at your side just as much as you longed to be at his; that he might miss your conversations and walks through the market as much as you did. You could not deny that you would often stare at the starry heaven above you and wonder if he had been staring at that same moon. Your hands had begun to tremble, if only slightly, as you collected the small cup you used to pour water from the ground. The sun, who had relentlessly showered you with its warm glow, had suddenly disappeared. You were left kneeling in a soft shadow that guarded you from that which ailed you. You looked up to see what had caused the eclipse and the small cup fell from your hands. "Bayek." You said, almost breathlessly, as with soft eyes you admired what you truly thought to be the most perfect man in all the land. He lowered himself to the cushioned ground of the riverside and reached for the object that had slipped from your grasp before his hazel orbs met your own. "(Y/N)." He soft your name just as gently as you said his. Once more you could feel the presence of your blush. You truly hoped he would not notice. Though he did. He was astutely observant, especially when it came to you. He sometimes wondered if you knew how amazing you were in his eyes; if you knew exactly how beautiful you were to him and how much he treasured every one of your moments together. You were the first person he came to when he returned from his missions. He entered Siwa and every one around knew the one question he was going to ask as he always inquired about your whereabouts. He placed you in priority, always, knowing that you had worried about him for the time of his absence. Before even his desire to rest there was his desire to see and be around you. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the basket that you were going to carry back to your home. "Oh, no! I've-I can-you don't have to worry-" The sound of his charming chuckle cuts you off and you look away as you feel the blush on your face redden. You could feel his eyes on you; intently watching you, giving you all of his attention and focus. It was completely your fault, Bayek reasoned. Had you not been so captivating, had your smile not been so beautiful, then perhaps he would not be the source of your bashfulness. Being honest, he did not like the idea of another causing you to react as he did, for losing you would be losing the world's finest treasure. "You do not have to worry about me, yet you do. You must allow me the same courtesy." His words were always sincere, perfectly enunciated by his deep voice. Every part of him was completely beautiful to you. He had been your friend when you had most needed him. He was patient and compassionate. Kindhearted to a gorgeous degree with everyone yet a fierce warrior whose skill was extraordinary. His calloused rough hands could be the most gentle around you. The same man that has taken lives is the same man that fiercely protects others. How blessed did you feel knowing you held a spot within Bayek's heart. He carried the basket with ease as he walked by your side. The sun was no longer a bother as you trekked along the busy market path where merchants of all kinds attracted customers. There was always various smells in attendance as well as many sounds of both animals, locals, and the occasional foreigners. It all blended into background noise because all of your attention was now given to the man who was sharing tales of his journeys with you. You had always wanted to explore the world and there was no better source of information than Bayek, who took his time to describe even the smallest detail.   "That is truly incredible, Bayek." The admiration palpable in your voice as you looked up to the handsome man that blinded you with his smile. "I cannot imagine how grand it must be always walking towards the horizon." You had romanticized the idea of his travels without knowing the exact truth of why he spend extended lengths of time away from the home that loved him and that he loved in return. He could not blame you as he did many of the things that he did in the pursuit of ridding the world of such evilness, hoping it would never extend and reach you. There was a larger world that you were not aware of. A world that, honestly, many people did not know existed. There were certain groups of people who did not have kindness living in their hearts, instead they had wicked intents that lacked compassion for people; whether it be their own or others. You were innocent to it and Bayek felt, as some others that also shared his sentiment, that it was his duty to protect people like you from the harm that can be unleashed upon you. He wanted to protect those who could not protect themselves. "Trust me, (Y/N), there is no greater feeling than the joy of returning home." He responded genuinely, shifting his gaze from you towards the small home that you called your own. It was not much though it was perfect for you. It was in a strategic location meaning that anything you would ever need was very close but the reason you truly loved it was because you were treated to the most amazing of sunsets and sunrises from the roof of your home. You would see the market place dwindle in the dark and blossom when the light was nearing. You welcomed Bayek; shared what you had with him, insisting he was not to go anywhere without a meal first and the man simply could not deny you. He enjoyed the fish and bread you had given him and he watched how you carefully stored what the both of you no longer wanted. He knew how giving you were. It was a part of your character that came naturally. Nothing that you ever made ever went to waste and there were many beggars that waited for whatever mercy they could acquire at the end of each day. You were well known for your boundless generosity. You had been a recipient of that mercy as a child and since then you implemented and lived by that same benevolence; wishing to show it to everyone you met. It made you extraordinary. It astonished Bayek every time that he witnessed it. For there were not many times that you now received anything for your generosity but that did not stop you from giving. That reminded him... His hand reached out to grasp yours, surprising you. You once again noticed how his hand dwarfed yours; encompassing it almost completely. "I have a gift for you." "For me?" His nod answered your question as he produced a small leather bound book, clearly worn by the weather and travel, that held various sheets of papyrus closed together by a thin strand of the same leather. He handed it to you, enjoying the curiosity that swirled in your eyes and watched as you gently took it from him. You opened it and your eyes widened. "You did this?" You asked as your hand carefully touched the sheets that held the art of far off places that you love to get the chance to one day see. You flipped each page. Your awe only increased. Everything was absolutely beautiful; elaborately detailed from how the people dressed to the impressive backgrounds. Every page was filled and every page held a different wonder until you reached the end. A pleased smirk appeared on his lips as you remained silent trying to find the right words as you gazed onto the pictures. "Bayek," you said as you once again turned the pages of the book and smiled widely as your heart filled with happiness. "This is amazing! You did this yourself? It is spectacular." He had separated a time during his travels, when the sun was leaving the sight of the world to rest, to quickly sketch whatever was around him. The busy Nile, the impressive shadow the pyramid could cast, the Greek ships, the architecture of that particular area. Anything he deemed worthy enough to take back to you. "You enjoy it." "I will always treasure it. Thank you." It was you who reached out to touch his hand this time and he felt the same pleasant surprise and the instinct to intertwine his fingers around yours; just as you had felt. The world never existed when you were with him. When the two of you were together. Bayek missed these moments more than anything when he was away but he always kept you in his thoughts so that you were never too far out of reach. In the shade of your home, with your affections beating loudly with your heart, you gathered your bravery to lean in a place a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." You repeated, this time at a very short distance from him, using the bravery you had somehow gathered to do that. "You are welcome." He answered, slowly nearing your face to repeat your same action as he gently raised a hand to your face and closed the distance between you so his lips kissed your forehead. The moment between the both of you was incredibly soft. You felt almost lightheaded having Bayek so close and you wondered if he felt the same. You took him in. The fullness of his lips, the arc of his nose, the light hidden in his eyes that were so focused on you. He was utter perfection. You raised your hand to softly caressed his cheek. His eyes closed for a moment as he slightly leaned onto your hand letting you know he appreciated your touch before opening those beautiful eyes to stare back into yours. You both moved closer; your heart beating wildly when he lifted a hand to hold onto yours as your lips meant. A kiss shared by two shy lovers who would give up the world to be with one another but a pair that knew that the time for them to be together would be soon. Bayek couldn't ever place you in harm's way and you knew that your dream of being at his side was soon to come true. He couldn't ever let anything hurt you and he would protect you from all threats including himself. But for this moment you both allowed yourselves to feel the love that was so obvious and so strong through a kiss.
He was indeed glad that you had liked his gift and that a moment as pure as that one had been shared. It was moments like those that made it really difficult for him to leave your side. When all he desired was to be near your presence and to give you everything that you truly deserved. He too wished for a marriage. He too wished to share a home with you and never have to be far from your embrace but the stakes were high and there was still much danger lurking silently but that would not keep him away from you. Not forever. He was going to have all those things with you. He promised it.
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pixelgrotto · 7 years
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RIP Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic (1992-2017)  After 25 years and nearly 300 issues, Archie’s long-running Sonic the Hedgehog comic was officially cancelled earlier this week. The writing’s been on the wall for a while now, since the comic went on a forced hiatus several months ago and none of the creators were allowed to publicly discuss it due to ongoing negotiations between Archie and Sega. But this Thursday, the book’s final fate was declared, and it looks like the Freedom Fighters - who once announced that they could handle anything - couldn’t quite beat the threat of cancellation. A lot of people dunk on the Archie Sonic comic for being overly convoluted, going through some pretty low points or appealing primarily to furries, and all of these things are kinda true, except for maybe the furry one. But warts and all, Archie Sonic is a glorious beast of monstrously complex proportions. First of all, let the fact that Sonic holds the record for having the longest-running North American comic for a licensed character sink in. Seriously, this series ran from 1992 to 2017 and nearly reached 300 freaking issues. In a time when most comics from Marvel and DC can barely reach double digits before either being renumbered to generate a temporary boost in sales or flat-out cancelled, Sonic the Hedgehog kept chugging along, stealthily reinventing itself from its original status as a slapdash funny book to an ongoing saga that manifested lore so deep that it warranted the release of an entire encyclopedia to help people keep everything straight. 
What’s even more interesting is that Archie Sonic became the one place where you could still see characters carried over from the DiC Saturday morning Sonic cartoon show, which was produced in 1993. The show, affectionately dubbed SatAM by everyone who watched it back in the day, frankly doesn’t hold up that well and is a good example of nostalgia goggles at work. It had an incredible theme song, though (SONIC! HE CAN REALLY MOVE! SONIC! HE’S GOT AN ATTITUDE! SONIC! HE’S THE FAAAASTEST THING ALIVE), and the show did do an admirable job of developing a backstory for a mascot who, at the time, had no characterization other than the fact that he was fast and collected rings. SatAM fixed this by putting Sonic in the surprisingly dark world of Mobius, a place ruled by Dr. Robotnik, a dictator who had “roboticized” the population by turning them into droids. It also gave the hedgepig a variety of characters to play off of, like Princess Sally, Antoine the cowardly French fox, Bunnie the half-roboticized rabbit and Rotor the walrus. Along with Tails, this lot was collectively referred to as the Knothole Freedom Fighters.  Archie Sonic got its start telling stories with the Freedom Fighters while they were still on air, and even after the show was cancelled, the comic continued using them, essentially turning itself into season three of the cartoon. As the decades passed, the SatAM characters and story threads evolved and changed in wondrously unexpected ways - Sonic and Sally fell in love, the original Dr. Robotnik was killed and replaced with a robotic version of himself from an alternate dimension, Bunnie and Antoine got married and Mobius was revealed to be a future version of Earth that was attacked by the Xorda, aliens who had unleashed gene bombs on the planet, mutating the wildlife into anthropomorphic animals. (This was my goddamn favorite batshit crazy bit of Sonic comic lore ever.) Furthermore, the comic increasingly began introducing more elements from the actual Sonic video games, which had finally developed deeper stories of their own thanks to the advancement of technology. So you had stuff like Sonic and the Freedom Fighters teaming up to fight Perfect Chaos and meeting Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat. It was an unusual, unique combination of Western and Eastern concepts melding together in one pictorial arena, and it made Archie Sonic feel special. 
Speaking of the games, the book was also special because it damn well carried Sonic’s presence in North America during the years when the blue guy wasn’t starring in many video games (the Sega Saturn era) and couldn’t star in any decent video games (the Sonic ‘06 era). Even when Sega was releasing shovelware that damaged the brand, Archie Sonic kept pumping out issues, and its sheer determination to keep going won it legions of dedicated fans. Many of these people, including myself, got stuck on the comic at a young age and stayed long-term. I personally started picking up issues in 1994 or 1995, so basically only three or so years after the book was out. I think I was seven years old. A few years later, I got a subscription and had the comic delivered to my mailbox every month. (I still remember my first issue - it was number 41, when Sonic, Sally and that douchebag skunk Geoffrey St. John went to the Zone of Silence to rescue King Acorn.) The subscription continued until I was in college, and only ended around my junior year, when I forgot to renew it because I was too busy applying to go abroad after graduation. 
In short, I subscribed to a periodical about a damn blue hedgehog for a large majority of my life. Even when I stopped regularly reading around issue 180, I always kept abreast of the book’s developments (like that crossover with MEGAMAN!) and told myself that I’d eventually catch up on the stories I missed, likely in the excellent Sonic Select and Sonic Archives trade paperbacks that Archie was publishing. And there were tons of others like me. The Archie Sonic community is such a vibrant one, filled with 90s kids who grew up on this book and even older folks like the crazy Dan Drazen, a 60-something librarian who wrote the most detailed (and overly picky) online reviews of every issue. Many of these fans went on to work for the comic at one point or another, like the incredible Dawn Best and fan favorite Ian Flynn, who swooped in as a writer in the late 2000s and saved the book when it was suffering from a spell of plodding stories. For a lot of us, Archie Sonic was the preferred Sonic canon, and we got pissed when Sega pulled awful jump the shark moments outta their butts - like having Sonic hook up with human princesses in his broken 2006 game - when there was a wealth of solid lore in this weird little comic coming out in America that they always seemed content to ignore.
In fact, the only time Sega really paid close attention to the book was when Ken Penders launched a lawsuit against it, which may have been a contributor to its eventual cancellation. People better than me have already scripted lengthy writeups about Mr. Penders, and I encourage you to read this extremely in-depth take on the whole fiasco, which is a bizarre tale of copyright arguments and delusions of grandeur worthy of any John Grisham novel. But in a nutshell, Ken was a former writer who helped guide Archie Sonic away from simple gag strips and into the realm of full-on adventure tales. His control over the book was major until he was fired, and a few years later, he went on a vehement quest to prove that he owned all characters he had created while working for Archie, including series mainstays like Julie-Su, Knuckles the Echidna’s girlfriend. He ended up suing Archie multiple times and won on legal loopholes, which prompted him to start attacking the book’s current team while declaring that a buttload of barely-related story concepts were his. He also tried suing Sega when Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood came out, claiming that the enemies in the game were too similar to ones he had whipped up. Archie eventually had to come up with a plot device to kill off (trap in another dimension, really) all of the characters he had created during his tenure, and eventually they instituted a full reboot to wipe continuity clean and remove all traces of the lawsuit from history. Unfortunately, the legal issues did some pretty heavy damage to Archie’s relationship with Sega, who were reportedly pissed that the American comic company had let things get so screwed up. And I don’t blame them. To the Sonic fan community, Ken Penders is largely loathed as a megalomaniac who sabotaged a long-running comic for personal gain. But he doesn’t deserve all of the blame, and he did put out some good stories in the day before going bonkers. Archie’s also at fault, both due to their not-so-great freelancer deals as well as their incompetence at handling lawsuits. (At one point the company even fired their entire legal team and hired new attorneys, yeesh.) In recent years, Archie also seems to be terrible at handling their finances, even though they’re currently spearheading Riverdale, a successful show on the CW that’s made all of their high school characters into hot, emo Millennials. (I call it the “Archie Sex Show” in my head.) I’ve heard rumors that company management wants to streamline their output to ONLY focus on Riverdale-related stuff, and seeing as how the Ken Penders business was a tremendous waste of time that ripped some large holes in their relationship with Sega, it only makes sense that both companies would decide to part ways.  So where do we go from here? Well, it was suddenly announced today that IDW Publishing would be the ones picking up the Sonic license for a relaunch of the book in 2018. IDW’s a fit place for Sonic, since they currently publish the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…which Archie once owned the license for. (Funny how these things go in circles, eh?) Unfortunately, I have a feeling that the current arc that was going on in the Archie books - a charming retelling of the Sonic CD story - is going to go unfinished, and I’m also fearful that we’ll be saying goodbye to the DiC Freedom Fighters. I’d LOVE to be proven wrong, and it would warm my heart to see Princess Sally, Bunnie Rabbot, Antoine, Rotor and Nicole survive a change in publishers. But since Sega’s never “officially” acknowledged those characters in a game (except for Sonic Spinball, which was made by an American studio and doesn’t really count) they’re likely going to be classified as expendable cannon fodder that are no longer relevant. There is some hope, though. Perhaps a miracle will occur and IDW will have the good sense to re-hire guys like Ian Flynn or maintain some semblance of the continuity that an entire generation knows and loves. Until the day we know for sure arrives, I’ll just have to re-read my old issues, revel in the glory of covers drawn by SPAZ, laugh at insane crossovers like the time Sonic met Spawn, and remember an era when a hedgehog with attitude and his Knothole friends kicked Dr. Robotnik’s butt and brought me twenty plus years of wonderful adventures.  For Mobius! For freedom!
The header image of the Archie Sonic cast was drawn by darkspeeds and found on Deviantart. The cover images are just a few of my favorites from the days when I was subscribed to the book, and were taken from Comic Vine and Cover Browser.
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‘Hot Dudes Reading’ Books On Trains Is The Hottest Instagram Right Now
‘Hot Dudes Reading’ Books On Trains Is The Hottest Instagram Right Now
Capitalizing on the fact that hot dudes look way hotter when they read, the “Hot Dudes Reading” Instagram is prowling the streets and subways of New York in search of hunks unwittingly showing off their more intellectual and tender sides. I mean, you know when a fella’s got the looks, but are you sure he’s got the books?
The Instagram has more than 110,000 followers but only 13 posts as of this…
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#000 followers but only 13 posts as of this publication#and he still looks flawless. Can’t wait to see his record collection. stacked” L#‘Hot Dudes Reading’ Books On Trains Is The Hottest Instagram Right Now#but are you sure he’s got the books? The Instagram has more than 110#but I already have. Hard. theicemancometh” hot-dudes-reading-books-instagram-2 “Check out this Brooklyn-bound boss’ material. Maybe he’s an#but I can tell he’s a nice guy on account of the black loafers and blue socks. He’s probably listening to Taylor Swift in those headphones.#but really thinking of how he made love to his French girlfriend this morning and the gluten free toast they shared after. marryme” hot-dud#but this white whale has me hooked. reelmein” hot-dudes-reading-books-instagram-5 “The book may be obscure but I’m sure this crisp cutie is#Capitalizing on the fact that hot dudes look way hotter when they read#dark and handsome with a thick beard AND a thick…book? This man must be straight out of the fiction section because he’s too good to be true#he looks like a man with goals. I bet his mother is so proud. In fact#he’s probably on his way to see her now. futureinlaws” hot-dudes-reading-books-instagram-11 “Look at this Casual Casanova. He doesn’t know#hiking and chopping wood with those big hands. He could trek to Middle Earth and I’d still follow. illtakethatring” hot-dudes-reading-books#I love a man getting in touch with his feminine side. When will he get in touch with mine? Just kidding. notthatkindofgirl” hot-dudes-readi#no hobbit. He probably weekends in the Berkshires with his golden retriever#only with way better hair. voluntarydetention” hot-dudes-reading-books-instagram-13 “Spotted this scruffy prince on his morning commute. Pr#or maybe he’s just casually teaching himself to code. Either way#or the beating of my tell-tale heart. His focus may be admirable but his attention should be elsewhere. turnitonme” hot-dudes-reading-books#single bachelor. Nothing gives me more hope than a banker without a band. Almost has that dangerous Patrick Bateman vibe#so if you spot a hot dude reading a book#submit your pic to them! More info: Instagram (h/t: designtaxi) hot-dudes-reading-books-instagram-8 “Dapper Dude Alert! Damn. Whatever prose#the “Hot Dudes Reading” Instagram is prowling the streets and subways of New York in search of hunks unwittingly showing off their more inte#you know when a fella’s got the looks
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